HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP Repair Existing Structures - SHX Letters / Memos - 5/17/2019 c + 3628 South 35"'Street " Tacoma,Washington 98409-3192 TACOMA POWER TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES TACOMA PUBLIC UTILfTIEE May 17, 2019 VIA EMAIL and USPS Janet and Richard Anderson PO Box 1358 Hoodsport, WA 98548-1358 SUBJECT: Tacoma Power Shoreline Use Permit Application Review Lot 3, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 11 (Tax Parcel No. 42332-50-0003) REFERENCE: Project No. Not applicable at this time Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Thank you for applying for a Shoreline Use Permit(SUP) for phased repair and modification of your existing shoreline structures and uses associated with Lot 3, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 11. As you know, Tacoma Power's Cushman Hydroelectric Project area (Project) includes all lands located waterward of the 742-foot elevation Project boundary. Tacoma Power also retains a 10- foot lateral strip on your leased development lot adjacent to the Project boundary(see enclosure). All structures and uses located waterward of 742 feet elevation, and all structures and fill placed within the 10-foot lateral strip require authorization from Tacoma Power. The initial site inspection was conducted on July 9, 2018 and a second site visit was conducted, per your authorized agent's request, with contractor, Rod Elmlund, on April 18, 2019. Your SUP application and drawings were received April 29, 2019. Tacoma Power has reviewed your SUP application package for conformance with Tacoma Power's Shoreline Use Specifications and Permitting Guidelines (SUSPG). Comments from our review are provided below. Items Reviewed: • SUP application, incomplete, unsigned and undated (received 4/29/19); • Drawings (2 pages, undated, received 4/29/19); • Written list of work to be completed for each phase (undated, received 4/29/19); • Photos of existing structures (4 pages, undated, received 4/29/19); • Photos of proposed new float(1 page, undated, received 4/29/19); • Copy of 3 page enclosure sent with Tacoma Power's updated pre-application summary letter on 8/10/2018; • Tacoma Power Records Complete SUP application The SUP application submitted by the authorized agent is missing the following information: 1. Applicant Information section- please complete this section with complete contact information. 2. Requested Permit Action section - please check"new permit" and "cultural resources survey" boxes. As stated in the referenced pre-application summary letter, you qualify for a one-time SUP fee waiver in the amount of$600.00, but you must submit the Cultural Resources Survey deposit in the amount of$900.00. 3. Special Conditions section- Please check"yes" in boxes 1 &2. Though you are not proposing any new ground disturbance at this time, the question asks if ground disturbance has occurred. As stated in the above referenced pre-application summary letter, your authorized agent conducted unpermitted work on Tacoma Power property which included ground disturbance and placement of fill (concrete) and posts. 4. Other Requirements section- Please check"yes"to SEPA, HPA and Shorelines permit. As stated in the above referenced pre-application summary letter, regulatory permits will be required for the work you have completed, and that which you propose. 5. Right-of-Entry Statement section -This statement must be initialed by the lessee of record, the Anderson's. 6. How to Apply section -The application must be signed and dated by the lessees of record, Janet and/or Richard Anderson. The SUP application must be completed as specified above and the cultural resources survey deposit submitted before Tacoma Power can authorize seeking regulatory permitting. Phase 1 review of proposed work: Replace existing stairs. Allowed. Stairs to access the shoreline area are an allowed use per Appendix B Section 10 of the SUSPG. As shown in the above referenced drawings, you have requested to remove the existing wood stairs and replace them with a new set of stairs, railings and spindles in the same location using existing recently replaced posts with concrete footings. This plan is acceptable to Tacoma Power. Repair float corner. Allowed. As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to repair minor damage to the existing float. This plan is acceptable to Tacoma Power. Secure ramp. Allowed.As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to secure the existing ramp to the existing float. This plan is acceptable to Tacoma Power. Reconstruct built-in bench. Allowed. As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to reconstruct the remnant built-in bench located along the existing retaining wall. This plan is acceptable to Tacoma Power. Remove unpermitted structures and uses. Allowed. The proposed removal of the following structures is allowed and is necessary to comply with Section 5 of the SUSPG: • Overhanging portion of the raised deck-As shown in the above referenced plans, all raised decking located waterward of 742 feet elevation will be removed to the support beam and railings will be replaced. • Small roofed structure-As shown in the above referenced plans, the small roofed structure will be removed in its entirety. • Decking overhanging the bulkhead/lakebed-As shown in the above referenced plans, all decking overhanging the lakebed (waterward of the bulkhead) will be removed to the edge of the bulkhead. This plan is acceptable to Tacoma Power. • Shed -As shown in the above referenced plans, the shed will be removed in its entirety. • Slide-As shown in the above referenced plans, the slide will be removed in its entirety. 2 Retain decking behind bulkhead. Allowed, with conditions. As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to retain the existing decking located behind the existing bulkhead. Conditions: The existing decking located behind the bulkhead will be allowed as a Prior Existing Use per Section 4.4 of the SUSPG and subject to the conditions therein. Retain retaining wall. Allowed, with conditions. Not mentioned in your application, but existing on-site is a wood retaining wall that extends along the landward side of the bulkhead. Conditions: The existing retaining wall located behind the bulkhead will be allowed as a Prior Existing Use per Section 4.4 of the SUSPG and subject to the conditions therein. Remove the remnant framing attached to the top of the retaining wall. Please refer to pre-application summary letter dated August 10, 2018 for additional information. Retain bulkhead. Allowed. As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to retain the existing wood bulkhead. The existing bulkhead was permitted to Richard Anderson, by Tacoma Power, in 1988. Phase 2 review of proposed work: Reconfigure fixed pier and boat slip. Allowed, with conditions. As shown in the above referenced plans, you propose to reconfigure and reconstruct the existing fixed pier and boat slip to meet Tacoma Power's 300 square foot maximum overwater coverage limit and use the existing pilings. Conditions: The current and proposed configuration of your ramp and float does not meet Tacoma Power's requirement to be located perpendicular to shore. However, since the work you propose will bring the overwater coverage into compliance and limit disturbance of the lakebed by using existing pilings, Tacoma Power will allow the configuration as a Prior Existing Use per Section 4.4 of the SUSPG and subject to the conditions therein. Other required work not identified in the submitted application: Remove unpermitted structures and uses. Required. The removal of the following items is not identified in the submitted application, but is necessary to comply with Section 5 of the SUSPG. The removal of these items must be performed during phase 1 work described above. • Utilities- Removal of all utility lines and fixtures located on Tacoma Power property. Please refer to pre-application summary letter dated August 10, 2018 for additional information. • Debris— Removal of all remnant building materials, abandoned structures, or other non- native material located waterward of 742 feet elevation, fronting your development lot and on the adjacent lakebed. Regulatory permitting requirements: Regulatory permits. Required.You must apply for the required regulatory permits from Mason County and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for both phases of your proposed 3 reconfigurations and repairs, as well as after-the-fact permitting for the replacement of the raised deck and stair support posts set in concrete footings that were replaced without regulatory or Tacoma Power authorization. Once received, you will need to provide copies of obtained permits to Tacoma Power to satisfy this requirement. Next steps for applicant: Complete SUP application. Please provide Tacoma Power with a complete SUP application, including the required'cultural resources survey deposit, as noted above. Next steps for Tacoma Power: Approval to seek regulatory permits. Upon receipt of your complete SUP application and deposit, Tacoma Power will issue you a letter allowing you to move forward with the required regulatory permitting for the work, as described above. Cultural resources survey. Upon receipt of your deposit, the cultural resources survey will be scheduled as the lake level, weather and archaeologist availability allows. Please see section 6.2 of the SUSPG for additional details. Short-term license. Tacoma Power will issue a short-term license to allow for each phase of your proposed work following the completion of the cultural resources survey and Tacoma Power's receipt of copies of the required regulatory permits,as described above. If you have questions regarding this review of your application, please contact me at(253)502- 8782 or via email at b_forrest(a).ci.tacoma.wa.us. Sincerely, Bret Forrester Wildlife and Lands Manager Enclosures: 10-foot lateral diagram Submitted drawings c: Dori Bishop, Sr.Rear Estate Specialist Rod Elmlund, Contractor Darrin Masters, Area Habitat Biologist, WDFW Kell Rowen, Senior Planner, Mason County Eric Volkert, Authorized agent Kyrra Wilson, Wildlife and Recreation Lands Officer 4 .. _. 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Ln 0 4- Q 4� 0 o O O � N (' *' = > L L > 1_ \O N C C Q a p O a g- co E p O o U �41 � L }J 3628 South 351"Street Tacoma,Washington 98409-3192 T :-z-=Tft �141, POWER 7A{OMA rustic uriur4e5 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES July 29, 2019 VIA USPS AND EMAIL Janet and Richard Anderson 6471 Holland Rd NW Bremerton,WA 98311 SUBJECT: Anderson Removals and Proposed Repairs of Shoreline Structures on Tacoma Power Property Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson: The City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division (Tacoma Power)has received a complete application from you and your authorized agent, Eric Volkert, for the removal of some shoreline structures and for the repair of existing shoreline structures on Tacoma Power property fronting and adjacent to your development lot at 40 N. Lakefront Loop, Lake Cushman. Reviewed were the enclosed undated and unsigned drawings and phased description of work. Tacoma Power has no objection to the proposed activities on Tacoma Power's property and authorizes you to move forward with your regulatory permit applications. Once the required regulatory permits are obtained, then Tacoma Power will issue you a short-term license. Please note that no work may occur on Tacoma Power property,waterward of 742-feet elevation, until the short-term license is in place. Please provide a copy of this letter to the regulatory agencies when you submit your permit applications and plans to them. Feel free to contact me at 253-502-8782 or bforrest ct Dci.tacoma.wa.us if you have any questions. Sincerely, , 1 Bret Forrester Wildlife and Lands Manager c: Dori Bishop, Tacoma Power Rod Elmlund, Contractor Eric Volkert, Authorized agent ----------- Li i • h t'.d. ..... ........, .. ._ ... ,._ _...m T._..__. ut f, ✓ OL } jc 37 i ' 7 QA ti Y c CL co CL rt� Cry. n t J 1 -Q 07- PY c° 7 Stage 1: 1. Remove existing stairs and replace with new.Replace mussing spindles. 2, Remove overhanging portion of the deck not associated with the stairs back to the support beam. 3. Remove small roofed structure. 4. Cut 56'of decking overhanging bulkhead back to bulkhead. 5. Remove shed. 6. Remove slide. 7. Repair corner of dock and replace bumper around edge of dock. 8. Secure ramp. Stage 2: Reconfigure dock and ramp to meet 300' over water, i