HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2022-00543 - SWG Application / Design - 10/25/2022 rn, ‘: 584 MASON COUNTY 415 N 6TH STREET,SHELT967 ,E 98400 SH STREET, ,S 42 TON, ,EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-275-4467,EXT 400 --f Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360-482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:360-427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2022-00543 APPLICANT LAIRD HARRISON M & MARGARET V Phone: Address: 1322 S SUNSET DR TACOMA, WA 98465 OWNER LAIRD HARRISON M & MARGARET V Phone: Address: 1322 S SUNSET DR TACOMA, WA 98465 SEPTIC DESIGNER Bob Paysse -Pioneer Digging Inc Phone: 360-426-1803 Address: 3083 E Mason Benson Road GRAPEVIEW, WA 98546 Site Address: 931 E Mason Lake Dr E Primary Parcel Number: 221055000034 Permit Description: New SFR -3BR BioBarrier MBR + DRIP Permit Submitted Date: 10/25/2022 Permit Issued Date: 12/07/2022 Issued By: Jeff Wilmoth Current Permit Fees Paid: $500.00 (additional fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 10/25/2025 (based on date of inspection) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drain field installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmentallonsiteloss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: ( O' S, MASON COUNTY ZDZ co COMMUNITYSERVICES AMOUNT RECENED. WV OORECEIVED BY W m Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Heal0 th) I��I 7(q 427 9670,ezc 400 or n,WA 9-d467,ezt.400 5` . G d - ,.ZD 5t� co (/� Q 47 5 N.6M Street Shelton,WA 98584 W 4//!/1 5 Z di ON- -11 SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 m 0 APPLICANT PHONE m r. HARRISON LAIRD zC MAILING ADDRESS-STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE 3 1322 S SUNSET DRIVE TACOMA WA 98465 m E DRESS-STREET,CITY,E MASONZ IP CODE 931LAKE DRIVE EAST GRAPEVIEW WA 98546 I N.) NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE I lV ROBERT H. PAYSSE 360-426-1803 NAME OF INSTALLER PHONE 0 I TBD < ( 1 o PERMIT TYPE(select one) DRINKING WATER SOURCE O IT RESIDENTIAL OSS COMMUNITY OSS E COMMERCIAL OSS lnl PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL L PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL Z I Cr TYPE OF WORK(select one) a PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM t ii NEW CONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES 6 REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHER DETAILS(select all that apply) ❑ TABLE IX REPAIR SUBMITTALS ❑ SURFACING SEWAGE 0 EXISTING FAILURE ❑SHORELINE DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOT SIZE W O ffrWAIVER(S)(IF APPLICABLE) FOUR 0.40 C o DIRECTIONS TO SITE AND SITE CONDITIONS'(ex.locked gate) NORTH HWY 3. LEFT ON MASON LAKE ROAD. FOLLOW TO MASON LAKE AND I o TURN LEFT ON MASON LAKE DRIVE EAST (PARADISE ENTR o 0 SITE ADDRESS 931 ON LEFT (LAKE SIDE). WALK DOWN TO W �T:�•1 -IHOLE AREA. coOCT 2 5 2022 I SITE MUST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIN ROAD AND TEST HOLES MUST BE FLAGGED WITH TEST HOLE NUMBERS. "J OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE B1 UPGRADE/FAILURE SOURCE(for reporting purposes) 0 VOLUNTARY ❑MAINTENANCE/PUMPING 0 BUILDING PERMIT 0 HOME SALE ['COMPLAINT 0 OTHER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTS/CONDITIONS o _ CS ( 6)`i `'t) RECORD DRAWING AND INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CODES: V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM Si=SILT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVAL, INSP CT *NATUREDATE APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE AP TION APPROVED/ISSUED BYN. DATE I .� ij W 0— 32 (LI A, 1V1 TH FO SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVISED 12/7/2015 lommai. , DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 1 0 5 — 5 0 — 0 0 0 3 4 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. ''Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 11"X 17" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG Zo ZZ 5OY413 Designer's Name: ROBERT H.PAYSSE HARRISON LAIRD Designer's Phone Number: 360-426-1803 Applicant's Name: Mailing Address: 1322 S SUNSET DRIVE Designer's Address: 3083 E MASON BENSON ROAD TACOMA WA 98465 GRAPEVIEW WA 98546 CityState Zip City State Zip mimiiii answx mitairmts Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofilter 0 Sand Filter 0 Mound 0 Sand Lined Drainfield 0 Recirculating Filter,Type: 'Aerobic Unit Make/Model BIO-BARRIER 0.5 0 Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfield Type ❑Gravity 0 Pressure 0 Trench ❑Bed lif Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms FOUR Schedule/Class NETAFIM Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 360 gpd Length 120 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 480 gpd Diameter 0.5 in Septic Tank Capacity 2633 gal Number 5 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 Separation 1.5 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.8 gpd/ft2 Orifices Required Primary Area 600 ft2 Total Number of Orifices 600 Designed Primary Area 900 ft2 Diameter .42 GPH in Designed Reserve Area 900 ft2 Spacing 12 in Trench/Bed Width NA ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length NA ft Schedule/Class SCH.40 Elevation Measurements Length 30 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 2 % Diameter 1 in New Slope,If Altered 2 % Preferred manifold configuration used? I 'Yes 0 No Depth of Excavation Up-slope 6 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Down-slope 6 in Schedule/Class 3034 Designed Vertical Separation 24+ in Length 30 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? 0 Yes El No 0 Optional Diameter 1 in Pump Required? 0 Yes 56 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day 12 Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity 40 gal Orifice "o ft Chamber Capacity 1500 gal Uppermost Orifice lif Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump ntr s: e c k s e' ' -'. Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 12.2 gpm Tir r pt GiEvent Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 93.3 ft If T Pump on TO MIN off 1.8 HR Comments DEC 0 7 2022 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 1 0 5 — 5 0 -- 0 0 0 3 4 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch 10 Test hole locations l21 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: lid Soil logs g Trench/bed dimensions and g Septic tank li?i Property lines critical distances within layout l' Drainfield cover g Existing and proposed wells g D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property g Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: g Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations 0 Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas g Observation port location bottom Iii Location and orientation of g Clean-out location 0 Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption lit Manifold placement 0 Sand augmentation components g Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: Pi Location and dimension of Lateral placement with distance gObservation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Other Information Bj Buildings g Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No Direction of slope indicator it Scale of drawing shown on scale d 0 Design staked out liti Waterlines 0 g Recorded Notices attached p p R 0 V E g Roads,easements,driveways, g 0 Waiver(s)attached parking l' ❑ Pump curve attached g North arrow and scale drawing DEC 0 7 2022 ❑ I1 Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Non-residential justification J B W ❑ g Waste strength 0 g Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be notifie by installer at time of installation It Yes 0 No Signature o Design Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local o regulations: �l ,rJl 12,-1 Env.ron Health Speci ist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APP' 1 VAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. // -/l 7 j _�5 ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 IiIMMIEW • /• __L-- / \ ram__ ►/k4 O \ '� // / —,,�' s N \ _'/ / ,, ' k / / ram; FpR `\ / / //EXIST. / I ' / WELL / I \ ?... ( / / 1 . \ 1, I / R100' j // ! ' I /I EXIST. GARAGE / \\ j / I EXIST./ / / PARKING �TQO, \\ I \ / I \\ // WELL I ---\ r . / \ II / I /// �� 1 1/ I / 1/ i\ R100' I <.�// / EXIST. / /i I / \ \ WELL /,/ I \ // \ • // \\ /// 1 ,y �• / \ v / EXISTING DRAINFIELD �..\ \\ �/ / AREA PER COUNTY RECORDS. / PUMP TANK AND ABANDON // —�/\� // // AT TIME OF INSTALLATION •� // // / \ '• .� / / / \ . / 9CZESSF PRIMARY \ // >/ // \%'�--__ __-- / / // N /,------ 1— � 90 'F RESERVE / — // k / / / / // EXISTING HOME // ::. (TO BE REBUILT) / // — i \�4it'i\t.'::::.:.::'::::.::::.:-::..• 111gv....:.f //i / FOU,NDATION ,'`' 4\\\\\\"1\,\,‘.1'%\l' SE/BACK (PROPOSED) — / / -- / // // //:IL / // $,1 R ® vED $ . . / APPR� / • DF""s% 14. -——---Z BULK ; ,( ' g / DEC 0 7 2022 .'' �.� YS SE ; MASON LAKE \��/ MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EXPIRES JBW AN ASBUILTI INSTALL SIGNOFF FEE WILL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION CUSTOMER: HARK ISON LAIRD I ES I HOLE I: TEST HOLE 2 TEST HOLE 3: PIONEER DIGGING, INC. PARCEL# 22105 50-00034 o-3 liii. 30+TI0-30 L 19+Tilt 1 L GLS 30+111.E 30+Tll.l. 19+lll.l. SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRFCS: 931 E MASON LK DR E DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE PATSORDISCLAIMER.THIS IS NOTELA SURVEY.RELENTS REFERENCES INCLUDE APPDESIGN INTENDED PROVIDED 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546FLITS OR SURVEYS TFSIS SURVEY. REF AND COUNTY GIE DESIGN INTENDEDFORP SEPTIC P;,RPOSES ONLY PROPOSED DEVELOPUENT MAY BE SUR.IECT TO OTHER OFFICE 360 4261803 FAX 360 427 2353 SHEET: SITE PLAN SCALE I"=40' DEPARTMENTIAGENCY REVIEW DESIGNER NOT RESPONSIB-E FOR SETBACKS UNRELATED TO SEPTIC COMPONENTS \, / • EXISTING DRAINFIELD / //\\\ (TO BE ABANDONED/REMOVED) / / .\ \ / \\ / \ \ / ((,, PROPOSED TANK(S) / \\ // • / \ / / \\ \ / / / \\ / . / \\ / .. / 0 \ / / / \\ / / / PROPOSED // 0 / %\> NO FOUNDATION DRAINT -. DRAIN FIELD O / / 30' DOWN GRADIENT • O / / PR�MARY/RESERVE DRAINF LD / // / . O / / I' // \ \ / / / / j / PROPOSED BUILDING SEBTACK / j / / _ t / / / 1"......).:....1::.,.............. .........:.::..i...:// ... \ / ,1:, . '�.J is? • $1p�• >eceear N vAYsse C / \\ EXPIRES \ / \ AN ASBUILTI INSTALL SIGNOFF FEE WILL / BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION PIONEER DIGGING, INC. CUSTOMER: HARRISON LAIRD PARCEL# 22105 50-00034 TEST HOLE I: TEST HOLE L• TEST HOLE 3: 3 „ 30+m 9+STILL SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRFSS: 931E MASON LK DR E PLATS MER:THIS IS NOT A SURVEY.REFERENCES INCLUDE APPLICANT/COUNTY PROVIDED 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE PUTS OR SURVEYS.FIELD SURVEY. AND COUNTY DIE.DESIGN INTENDED FOR SEPTIC PURPOSES ONLY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT MAY BE SUBJECT TO OTHER OFFICE 360 4261803 FAX 360 427 2353 SHEET: WAI PLAN SCALE 1"=10' DEPARTMENT/AGENCY REVIEW DESIGNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SETBACKS UNRELATED TO` SEPTIC COMPONENTS. OH D Fowler Company Continuous Flush Headwor Quality Performance,Long-Lffa and Reliable Onsite Effluent Control INSTALL ALL COMPONENTS PER Applicativma: • Onset set eserhster a+p a.na.el*Went MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS • Rene ssecas�«4° ''< \11> tee son.ecro and non-dnerhoctire enter • In a tf•.LTKt System WH1 Men ` _ , •tt,mire i rend*ear or rnpn a sown • rta•.•ar rw.'eeMptAMne ` 1)=11=11=11'—II�11i11�11=11— • "semi ekct.ert+ror•orOebn4 F,p .9. =11=11=11-11=11-11=11=11=11 s..ta.e r.weo sunCan«uon ; 11=11=11=11=11=11-11— ...p.p., • Te.*,MUM ierandp.avnt wrn,ne.np.on 11-11=II=11=II=11= eot•Nwnenoed eels mete erarnt ORENCO PF 2005 ) ✓—I=�1=u-11=11�1 �>^a....�a....... . Rut Frw tarwt _IIC( tr+.eu,•it.w.plow a..r OM ,n.et•reAowoels.CO•». � •1•W.e n.r..e>.« Noun.,era.,.pr.pp•rl.•r 100 1N.hpe &d••,•M4•Adapter I I�fIr1rMR Y•tl y{ rtSp50.AArtto15MA) yq I -- rvc souo situ(rerun }}reel utaof li _r wpph a rvc two s.sn,« • _ (loon...run IOW - ._- a aowo WA are ripMR. i..._ • r�,.r.n W era• as r WNW{ ._._._ � - ------ ettruwie < ( .` S..Sp 0 E 7D5 hp,*10• . End s..,, —__ }roc rtltN4 ISOI I-..4. ♦t1 y Neuron tl•w�n. uOFrnst,5 s IIIIM C -..�\,v. M�NeMINIE 100 Ap ,id,.rAa.Adaper _ FiatFheld, d ROS tOMNIlO)5NA1 MCI WHIMS Layout M S«D.o . T1 (1 { SCNep NC CeoPhry 1'r•'wAsrep SO a } I 0 5 10 15 a a a 55 40 n.Fr') ereSUMP ®xwo PVC snn*« Flow is pelloes Psrnteew lapel PVC Noel Figure 7-Typical AirNacwm Relief Valve Detail System Data Input Calculation Outputs Gallons Pet Day Total System Information Application Area Required(square feet) 900 Maximum Emitter D.soharge Rate Per Day A.1111111111t.. Taal Amount of Biokne Rebutted(feet) 600 Total Number of Emitters in the Dripfielc} 600 Select Emitter Flow Rate(GPH} : Zone Information Select Emitter Spacing(inches} 12 Number of Zones' 1 Amount of Bioline Per Zone(feet] 600 Flush Velocity(fps) 2 Number of Emitters Per Zone 600 Minimum Number of Laterals Per Zone 3 I Maximum Number of Laterals Per Zone 5 MIMMilliEstimated P'mPFlov.Rating(GPM 12.1 Number ofLaterals That Will be Used- 5 Maximus Length of Elioltnet Laterals Based on Inlet Pressure 269 Wet Pressure(psi) 35 Flow Rate Per Zone(GPM]. 4.2 Holding Capacity of Drfpperhne Pet Zone(Galonsl 8.0 Wet Pressure(Feet of Head} 80.9 Additional Flow Requirement to Accommodate Flushing Velocity 8.0 Row Spacing Between 0ripines(feet) 1.5 Holding Capacity of Piping • Floldnc Capacity(Gallons)of Supply Line 1.Supply B.Flush Marrfdds' 'L3 Number of Zone; 1 Holding Capacity(Gallons per Zone(of Bio1bra 8.0 Holding Capacity(Gallons)of Supply Line.Manifolds and Dripperlini 9.3 HDrs Per Day to Use for Dosing 24 Head Loss Data-Dosing&Flushing Cycle Elevation Change from Pump to Dose Tank Outlet(feet(' 5 Friotfon Loss per 100(psi)in Supply Lire&Manifolds 3.5 Velocity Ups} 4.5 Elevation Change from Dose Tank to Drip Field(feed 5 Friotson Loss in Supply Line&Manifolds(psi? 1.0 Friction Loss in Supply Lne&Manif olds(Feet of Head]. 2.4 Length of Supply Line&Supply&Flush Manifolds(feet} 30 Additional Pressure Required for Return Manifold and Piping to Tank(pill'. 5.0 i� Additional Pressure Requited for Return Manifold and Piping to Tank(Feet of Head} 11.6 ';p Type of Pipe-Supply Line&Manifolds PVC Soh40 Tpi(Total Dynamic Head)as Feet of Heac} 93.3 Size of Supply&Manifold Pipe(inches? 1 1 Control Settings Information Total System Runtime Per Day(Minutes} 114 Pipe Roughness Constant' 150 Total Runtime Per Zone Per Day(MMutes)i 114 Total System Dosing Ewes Per Day 12 inside Diameter of Pipe(inches) 1.049 Runtime For Each Dose(Minutes} 10 Off Time Between Doses in the Same Zone(Hours to nearest 0.1} 2 Number of Daily Dosing Events Per Zorle� • ® � Miscellaneous Information Dosing Volume Pet Emitter Per Dose(gallons]. 0.07 ti Inches Pet Meek of Dosing 5.99 at'. r it Voko eofaSingleDose(galonsr 42.0 Save to File .._ ((`` O 7 Zo2L t Pump Selection L: DEC F HEAI-T Pump Flow Rating(GPM} 12.2 • NVIR0�1f�1ENSAl 11•Yi TDHf it •' Headin Feet ofHead} 93.3 • I lb\ V E $ 4. Pump Manufactu er c CO ''VV 11 1 JBW ,,L�' \ Pump Mode} F .sh, <'\ PIONEER DIGGING, INC. PARCEL# 22105 50 03`�1R0 4� �,� �=�y�\ SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 931 E MASON LK DR E 1c?co Eo•°r ys '�; DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE r, I l,F a . ' 3083E MASON BINSON RD. GRAI EVIEW,WA 98546 ==zY iiiii,,iiiiiii OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 SHEET: CALCS SCALE NA EXPIRES l 24"RIBBED RISERS W/BOLT ON WATER-TIGHT LIDS BLOWER CLEANOUT USE RISER LID ADAPTERS WITH NO GASKET LIDS i a FINISHED GRADE a —u I a r— / ♦ (� ��J �} . 1 . r. . 4. • • WATER-TIGHT — : JOINTS 2655 GALLONS TOTAL I � O BARRIER • 4'05 • TANKS MUST BE 7 EFFLUENT ' ON STATE DOH °' FILTER APPROVED LIST • ' • j . OF SEWAGE a' FLOOD CAP. FLOOD CAPI II TANKS FLOOD CAP 1092GAL r 558GAL 1006GAL • PUMP TANKS ,�'' .•,, g • OVER 1000 GAL. 'T = \ REQUIRES TWO Ttli . 1 : "4" .:ACCESS RISERS ELECTRICAL WORK DONE ..'6 q i.9; -•••;•iry'''. `' ' BV LICEN5ED ELECTRICIAN 24"RIBBED RISERS `s•'1.o.m2rd'Nbil'O /%V.ir-.-. TO GRADE W/WATER TIGHT LIDS EXPIRES 1 a s A a FINISHED GRADE CONTROL PANEL - LELE TRiCALCONDviT T TRANSPORT LINE W/TIMER,EVENT COUNTER &HOUR METER - _ f.• y . .:. t UNION& ai ..... BALL VALVE 1500 GALLONS . CHECK VALVE WATER-TIGHT 4 (28 GAL./IN.) JOINTS • '• ON/OFF FLOATS USE RUBBER USE TANKS FITTED GROMETS FOR W/CAST IN WATER & HIGH WATER ALARM TRANSPORT LINE TIGHT FITTINGS FOR . •. AND ELECTRICAL WLET/OUTLESAND • PUMP VAULT OR r;,_ ROU E L ,.a CAST IN RISER • FLOW INDUCER "r ARE WaT '- ADAPTERS TO G .'::�~� ENSURE WATER - 0 7 2022 TIGHTNESS p • ' 41ASON COU iT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW T CUSTOMER: HARRISON LAIRD SCALE NA PIONEER DIGGING, 11 N C. PARCEL# 22105-50-00034 INSTALL TANKS ON ORIGINAL OR SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 931E MASON LK DR E COMPACTED LEVEL SOILS. RUN CROSS CONNECTIONS INTO ORIGINAL SOILS TO 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE AVOID SE I I LING. OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360'427-2353 SHEET: TANKS SCALE NA s ' Orenco Technical Data Sheet SYSTEMS Universal Flow Inducer Applications General Orenco's Universal Flow Inducer houses any Orenco high-head efflu- To specify this product, require the following: ent pump in applications where filtration is not necessary.The base • Class 125 4-in.(nominal)PVC pipe body rests on the bottom of the tank,and the mounting flange is epoxied • Injection molded ABS mounting flange to a PVC riser.The flow inducer can be lengthened or shortened to fit any tank.The tee,which holds the mounting flange and float assembly • Injection-molded holster for float tree bracket,slides to any position along the flow inducer.A float assembly • Ability to accommodate flows as great as 65 gpm(4.1 Usec) (ordered separately)snaps into the bracket.Applications include: • Pump tanks Standard Model • Disinfection systems UFI-4 • Effluent reuse systems • Cisterns Materials of Construction Flow inducer Class 125 PVC Mounting flange Injection-molded ABS Base Fiberglass-reinforced polyester 4 Specifications Sliding tee Dimensions • Mounting flange • I Float assembly Flow inducer diameter 4"nominal (fits 3-in.pipe) I ' bracket Height 72" (1828 mm) (can be leng:hened or shortened) Shipping weight 13 lb(5.9 kg) Float assembly(ordered separately) • Mounting bracket epoxied 1111,. 1,1 Discharge assembly to PVC riser ;I���f�,r --• 4-in.flow inducer r PPROVE1 Float assembly ..• DEC 0 7 2022 )0 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL H High head 1 3/8-in.(35/ trilv inlet holes pump l-1 Fiberglass base 'Typical installation in concrete pump tank.Use screws to secure mounting bracket to riser while epoxy cures. Orenco Systems°Inc.,814 Airway Ave.,Sutherlin,OR 97479 USA•800-348-9843•541-459-4449•www.orenco.com NTD-UFI-1 Rev.2.0,0 03/17 Page 1 of 1 11.1 C • ^N O O 3 '^ U O J�/� Q a C N m p� U C o in fil `1..-�O0E C• Cin 0� 0 YEN— Q 0 " a) 0 N V 3 OOODU O�pO p0 _0 42a)OLN - D0 2 � C - W °EDc0 p)'}"~ N 'C OCCCO .t_ 0) vU 00 0 2 �} o vi !o! L o a) 3d NOO 7 C O a� V i m v? _ E3Nla°72,0 °X p� •0 ail--, 0a0 il) 0 -',":-00 N "-C ••�0 X it O�°, o o2CDo Zom 0)a `5 oc� mC D•° E� m f CD 0 Ox QO ^ •0E 70 E 0OC NO NQ.- N0 0` O t N�pN 0 0)U O • 0° U 4 yN.. 'Oi1 - C O U U p ]O ,� O o O lim M < w 0O0 D LoN 9,»0)jmOoV Ot�� O OODpON Eo Qo W o 0C � 0 .0L pzA O0® tnoC0 m00).00E v) N� a) 0 Q p 0 2 a� N 3 o Qiv� -Doc O C N O > C�0- 0 aL.� �0 00� •- Q_ QoECm cr.- a) (1) � a,Q O E��} h p �0O0 0�°CYUO0� E°° •_L 3 0.-aaam ( 0.000 �^ J ( H o n < E 0 C O)0 U 0)0] U C C 0 0- rnC > 0 ,,;> Om °O p .- >..0 Q La'^=Wv4 U o ^ rn� N� C oC�- OooUUQ�c.` �+- � p0 _oC ° U OZUCIU? _ a C—^^ a) j 0 C g v'� C U�N C ��N> 0 -0.c Q0� E N O U 1- z(z_ z U U t . Q o U U �.0`� S o t N EON 0 0 a" U O U L G C C C a' Q N i-cm Z 0 z U A 'QO 0 E C E C Qo a) Q> > cp U Ew N p� p j C N �0 N a) Q 0 0 Z WwzZW�� z Z o N O D 0 O U ]QE QOn•c 0'0 0 QU 0 0'-•E t >o- Ln Jgce06 O x 3 u a)'-•- O'nE > 0 'n Q mOQnEL� •'^a) •Np-0Q.0N `NN S D0<-1-o+I 2 ixX E� °'c > 0 --oa-rp 0� »[CNY� QmEmQ NU 3 OU Lo m^.LLm o EtY U N N.0Q 0 01--L1-1- U O QtQQI- ,..CC Q'm�-- C LCV M Lei3O 1: cd OZ N U m O oc X x _O 2 � � E O 2 a) W LU —I <2u• Qa)'--. Z F 0 Zz co` : . O` 3 "o>c5 0 C -- ZWO no0 u�{= O�M m` Ity'• U4. • =" OQ� .. ( le i: O 2'2U _ Dor wZs IJ ''.. !•O W ZWQ QZ1 i 0 ZZO 0 <0 Q UZ< 3` I Cc I E > N Q pt_1z 0 0 ° r2 a) UoW m2 ai v -ofo. E �- • Z goo w �SI 0C ir 'n U LLO=O_ Lo �m .7. a_0„, . ..) t...) 2z< aNr ,..„., ,15D , .... gLid z�A �Zf Z 00U i. 1 a) _1> 0 C- Nar �w< • N O` OWZ APüOVE 7 'Fr 0O W • Z'- Qq DEC 0 7 2022 p Pn Q= Z ott MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH z3Z JBW Installation & System Notes 1. Installer must contact designer for final inspection of the installation prior to cover. All components, including tanks, lids, transport line, drainfield, and water lines must be open for inspection. A$300.00 fee will be charged for time involved with the inspection of the installation and creation of the record drawing. The designer reserves the right to charge additional fees if multiple visits are needed due to installation errors or inaccessible components. 2.This septic design must be installed by a certified installer with the local health department. All components shall be installed according to state,county,and manufacturer requirements. For Homeowner Installs,the owner must get approval from the designer and local health department prior to attempting installation. 3. Designer is not a surveyor. Installer must familiarize themselves with property line locations prior to installation. Any confusion or conflicts with line locations should be reported to the property owner. A licensed surveyor may be necessary prior to installation to confirm all line locations. Any discrepancies found must be reported to the designer immediately. 4. Drainfield area may only be cleared by a licensed installer familiar with sensitive drainfield area preservation. The builder, lot developer, or property owner shall not clear the drainfield area. Any clearing required for drainfield installation shall not remove or disturb any top soil in Primary and Reserve areas. Removal or disturbance to drainfield soils could render design void. 5.The property owner and installer are responsible for locating all underground utilities (ex. water,gas, electric) prior to installation. Any utility locations shown within design drawings are likely approximate and may not be exact. 6. All proposed tanks must be installed on original soils or compacted gravels. Extend all tank connection lines out onto original soil to avoid settling issues. Risers and lids must be brought to finished grade and left accessible for future operations and maintenance. Component manufacturers (ex. ATU, Glendons,) may have other requirements not listed within this design. 7.All electrical wiring shall be done by a licensed electrician or homeowner(if allowed)and must be permitted through Labor and Industries. 8.The proposed septic system should be installed in dry weather conditions. Any failed attempts at installation during wet weather conditions may render this design void. 9. Maintain 10ft to waterlines with all septic components. If less than 10ft is required,sleeving in sch.40 pvc is required. If sewage transport lines and waterlines must cross,waterline must be 18" above sewage line with one of the lines sleeved in sch. 40 pvc 10ft in each direction of crossing. 10.This design may include waiver applications with specific mitigation measures pertaining to installation,operation and maintenance of the proposed components. 11. Stormwater runoff,footing drains, roof drains must be diverted away from any septic system components. No curtain, foundation, perimeter drains shall be installed 30ft downslope and 10ft upslope of drainfield areas. 12.This design is site specific and intended to meet state and county requirements that are related to the system components being proposed. Any placement of proposed buildings, proposed wells or other non-related items on these drawings may or may not meet other requirements. 13.All onsite septic systems require regular maintenance to verify satisfactory operation. The system owner/operator is responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance of the system per WAC 246-272A. For operation and maintenance information, refer to Mason County Public Health Homeowner's Manual,which should be received after installation approval. 14. System owner should be cautious of landscaping around `•ti o n t intrusion can cause premature failure of the drainfield area. In addi bushes am s :EL • +t c away from lids and other septic maintenance points. ,. 1DEC 0 7 2022 1 •ti1A80NCOUNTY :r. $4,„ENVIR NE 4,.T. .9.ONIL1ENTALTH 11! o waa.i .�Bw �1.,...".,,.yam: PIONEER DIG�IN� INC. CUSTOMER: HARRISON LAIRD 0/ . PARCEL# 22105 50-00034 00 p4YSSE '�i SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 931 E MASON LK DR E �iiiw ill - 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE EXPIRES OFFICE-360-426-I803 FAX-360-427-2353 SHEET: NOTES SCALE NA