HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/01/17 - Regular Board of Mason County Commissioners
' Draft Meeting Agenda
Commission Chambers
411 N 5" St, Shelton, WA 98584
January 17, 2023
9:00 a.m.
Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/
Effective May 10,2022,regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom.
Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized
by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in-person,and you can
also e-mail msmith(&masoncoLmt a.gov;mail in to the Commissioners' Office at 411 N 5'St, Shelton,WA 98584;or call
(360)427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone
number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Please see above options to provide public comment;3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda after "Item 10.Public Hearings"may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m.
7. Approval of Minutes—December 20,2022 and January 3,2023 Regular Minutes; December 27,2022 and
December 28,2022 Special Minutes; and week of January 2,2023 and January 9,2023 Briefing Minutes
8. Approval of Action Agenda
Items listed under `Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be
removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item.
8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8093111-8093392 $ 5,607,295.02
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#93215-93613 $ 829,698.94
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7007111-7007144 $ 1,114,252.47
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $7,606,780.47
8.2 Approval for the Chair to sign the 2023 Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)Appendix A between Mason
County and Washington State University(WSU)Extension for funding in the amount of$90,072.
8.3 Approval of the Resolution for the sole-source purchase of the R556I Integral Suppressed Upper from Federal
Eastern International to upgrade the current upper rifle system.
8.4 Approval of the revised Interlocal Agreement for the use of Jail Facilities with the City of Shelton to change
the flat rate fee to a daily per diem rate of$130 per day.
8.5 Approval of the 2023 Indigent Defense contracts with Taschner Law,PLLC to provide legal representation for
both District Court and Superior Court.
8.6 Approval of the Resolution amending the Mason County Veteran's Advisory Board Operating Policy and
Procedures to reflect changes to Section II—Financial Policy increasing the annual cap from$1,200 to$1,800
and the one-time catastrophic payment from$1,000 to$2,000 and Section V—Referral to Other Services
increasing burial or cremation costs from$1,000 to$1,600.
8.7 Approval to sign the letter of support for the Port of Allyn's request for grant money from the Legislature for
planning and design to replace the Allyn Pier.
8.8 Approval to reappoint Jeanne Robinson to the Parks Advisory Board for a second term expiring December 31,
8.9 Approval to sign the letters of support to the Washington State Committee on Geographic Names regarding the
proposals of the new geographical names Nathaniel Sargent Lake and Rodney White Slough.
8.10 Approval to advertise and fill a full-time Foundational Public Health Service(FPHS)funded Epidemiologist
8.11 Approval for the Chair and County Administrator to sign the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)with
Lennar Homes,LLC regarding two fire conditions and approval for the Chair to sign a Finding of Fact and
grant the final approval for the plat of Olympic Ridge.
8.12 Approval for the Chair to sign the Local Agency Haul Road/Detour Agreement with Washington State
Department of Transportation(WSDOT)allowing WSDOT to detour traffic on to County roads Old Olympic
Highway and Kamilche Lane during the improvement of sections of US 101 and State Route 108.
8.13 Approval to authorize Public Works to select and enter into agreements for right-of-way appraisal services
from the County MRSC Consultant Roster with a maximum payout for the agreement not to exceed$200,000.
8.14 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the contract with Mott MacDonald,LLC for the completion of
data for the Squaxin Island Tribe and Mason County Memorandum of Agreement(MOA).
9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials)
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony.
10.1 Public Hearing to consider the request from NW Green Construction Inc. to rezone two parcels no.
12217-24-50030 and 12217-24-50040 from Rural Residential 10 to Rural Residential 5. Staff: Marissa
11. Board's Calendar and Reports
12. Adjournment