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160-02 - Res. Amending Res. 144-01 Implementing Salary Increase for Certain Non-Union Employees
RESOLUTION NO . 160 - 02 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO . 144=01 TO IMPLEMENT A A SALARY INCREASE FOR CERTAIN NON - UNION EMPLOYEES WHEREAS , RCW 36 , 40 . 080 states that " . . . the Board of county Commissioners shall fix and determine each item of the budget separately and shall by resolution adopt the budget . . . WHEREAS , RCW 36 . 16 . 070 states that " . . . the Board shall fix the compensation of all employees . . . WHEREAS , the Board has determined that the compensation of certain regular Non - Union employees should be adjusted : NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby amend the Non - Union Salary Range Table by increasing salaries by approximately 2 % as specified in (Attachment A) effective January 1 , 2003 . Dated this 10th day of December , 2002 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST : � f Wesley E . , ohnsbn , Chairperson Rebecca S . Rogers Clerk of the Board - - !--� �-- Herb Baze , Commissioner p roved as to Form : / ;' ,�f Jayn L . amin , Commissioner Michael Clift Chief Deputy Prosecutor Attachment A NonmUnnon Salary Range Table January 1 , 2003 Entry Rate 1 Year After 1 Year After 1 Year After 1 Year after 1 Year After Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F 22 $ 51633 $ 53915 $ 61211 $ 61366 $ 61525 $ 61688 21 $ 57365 $ 51633 $ 51915 $ 61063 $ 67211 $ 61366 20 $ 51110 $ 57365 $ 57633 $ 51774 $ 57915 $ 61063 19 $ 41866 $ 57110 $ 57365 $ 51500 $ 51633 $ 51774 18 $ 41635 $ 47866 $ 57110 $ 51238 $ 57365 $ 57500 17 $ 47415 $ 47635 $ 41866 $ 41988 $ 51110 $ 51238 16 $ 41204 $ 41415 $ 47635 $ 41751 $ 41866 $ 41988 15 $ 41005 $ 47204 $ 41415 $ 47525 $ 41635 $ 41751 14 $ 31814 $ 41005 $ 41204 $ 47310 $ 41415 $ 41525 13 $ 3 , 632 $ 31814 $ 41005 $ 47104 $ 41204 $ 47310 12 $ 31459 $ 31632 $ 3 , 814 $ 31909 $ 41005 $ 47104 11 $ 37295 $ 37459 $ 31632 $ 31723 $ 3 , 814 $ 31909 10 $ 31138 $ 31295 $ 31459 $ 31546 $ 31632 $ 31723 9 $ 21989 $ 31138 $ 37295 $ 31377 $ 37459 $ 31546 8 $ 27846 $ 21989 $ 37138 $ 31216 $ 31295 $ 31377 7 $ 27710 $ 21846 $ 27989 $ 31063 $ 37138 $ 37216 6 $ 21581 $ 21710 $ 21846 $ 21917 $ 21989 $ 31063 5 $ 21458 $ 22581 $ 21710 $ 27777 $ 21846 $ 21917 4 $ 21341 $ 22458 $ 21581 $ 27645 $ 21710 $ 2 , 777 3 $ 21230 $ 27341 $ 21458 $ 27519 $ 21581 $ 27645 2 $ 27124 $ 27230 $ 21,341 $ 27399 $ 21458 $ 27519 1 1 $ 27023 1 $ 27124 1 $ 27230 1 $ 2 , 286 1 $ 21341 1 $ 27399 Page 1