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HomeMy WebLinkAbout109-05 - Ord. Amending Mason County Comprehensive Plan and Development Areas Map 1 ORDINANCE NUMBER 109 - 05 AMENDMENTS TO THE MASON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT AREAS MAP 1 : VIEW OF REQUESTS FOR REZONE IN MASON COUNTY AN ORDINANCE , which sets forth the review and the decisions of nine requests for rezone of properties in the Rural Area of Mason County, amending the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and implementing regulations , under the authority of Chapters 36 . 70 and 36 . 70A RCW . WHEREAS , the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through public process before the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Mason County Board of Commissioners . WHEREAS , at the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented staff reports on each requested rezone . Presiding in their quasi judicial capacity, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and applicants and heard public comment on each proposal . The concerns brought up in the discussion were impacts of the proposed uses in the new zone , location of the proposed new zone , and the health, safety, and impacts to the public from the proposed land uses . WHEREAS , based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings to recommend the approval of each rezone request. WHEREAS , at the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented staff reports on each requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and applicants and welcomed public comments on each requested rezone . WHEREAS , based upon the staff reports and public testimony on each of the requested rezones, the Mason County Board of Commissioners has approved the findings of fact to support its decisions on Request 05 -01 to Request 05 -09 , as ATTACHMENT A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED , that the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the nine requests for rezone of properties in the Rural Area of Mason County, as follows : Request 05 -01 Ken and Peggy Van Buskirk Rezone parcels 12329 - 12 -00020 , 12329 - 12 -00030 , 12329 - 12 -000405 12329 - 12 -00050 , and 12329 - 12-00060 from Belfair UGA Long Term Agriculture zone to Rural Residential 5 zone . Ordinance No . 109- 05 (continued) Request 05 -02 Everett Jay Rezone parcels 42212 - 51 - 10013 from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone ; and 4221144-00250 from Rural Industrial zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone (Hoodsport Rural Activity Center) . Request 05 -03 Peggy & Edwin Patterson and Ben Fabig Rezone parcels 4221441 -00110 and 4221441 - 00020 from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone (Hoodsport Rural Activity Center) . Request 05 -04 Alfred Jones Rezone parcels 22129 -34-90020 (south half) and 22129 - 34-90040 from Residential 5 zone to Rural Commercial 2 zone (Spencer Lake Hamlet) . Request 05 -05 Donald Huson Rezone parcel 32335 -33 -00000 from Rural Residential 20 zone to Rural Residential 10 zone . Request 05 -06 William Knannlein Rezone parcel 31906-50 -00017 from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone (Taylor Town Rural Activity Center) . Request 05 -07 Gary Gribble Map Error Rezone parcels 42212 -33 -00010 from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone (Hoodsport Rural Activity Center) . Request 05 -08 Larry and Vickie King Map Error Rezone parcels 42036- 11 -00020 from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone . Request 05 -09 Aaron and Barbara Shumaker Map Error Rezone parcels 12308 -22-00010 from Long Term Commercial Forest to Rural Residential 20 zone . DATED this 29h day of November 2005 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST : \/ V \ Jayni�L . kamin, Chairperson L�/d 4eetll � I J Y Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM * Ly Ring Erickso ommissioner Prosecuting Attorney Tim Sheldon, Commissioner AT ACHMENT A ORDINANCES 108 - 05 Ft 109 - 05 AN ORDINANCEENDING THE MASON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND MAP FOR 2005 AND MAKING CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS TO THE MASON COUNTY ZONING CODE AND MAP SON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 9 , 2005 Findings act for the " Growth Update " - isliv i a it Under RCW . 1 ( 1 ) Under consideration is a 2005 update to the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and development regulations . The changes are proposed in response to Chapter 36 . 70A . RCW, the State Growth Management Act ( GMA ) . Mason County ' s Comprehensive Plan includes provisions for continuing evaluation and review of the Comprehensive Plan and implementing regulations , and that it shall only be amended through established procedures (Mason County Comprehensive Plan : Chapter I Introduction ; 1 - 2 - The Growth Management Act Planning Process , Comprehensive Plan Amendments , p . k 2 . 3 ) . 2 ) The GMA, RCW 36 . 70A . 130 (4 ) , establishes a schedule whereby each city and county in Washington must take action to review and , if needed , revise its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations to ensure consistency with the Act , in accordance with RCW 36 . 70A . 1 30 ( l ) . Mason County ' s deadline for this "compliance review " is December 1 , 2005 . 3 ) The county performed a substantial public participation process and the record provides background information on the proposal . Public participation includes public workshops and public hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners . In addition , public participation was provided through the SEPA review process and other written public comment . 4 ) The county responded to Chapter 36 . 70A . RCW of the State Growth Management Act as summarized below . a ) Public Participation Program : Local governments must establish a public participation program for their GMA update process under RCW 36 . 70A . 130(2) . The final legislative action for a jurisdiction 's GMA update should include findings that a public participation program was established and followed . ATTACHMENT A - ORDINANUS 10& 05 Et 109 = 05 On February 15 , 2005 , Mason County approved a public participation program in accordance with RCW 36 . 70A . 130 ( 2 ) that identified procedures and schedules for reviewing and , if needed , revising the comprehensive plan and development regulations . Mason County has followed its adopted public participation program , including . i ) Adoption of a 2005 - 2006 Work Program developed to outline what changes to the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations were determined to be necessary to ensure the County ' s continued compliance with GMA . ii ) Production of a schedule for the 2005 GMA Evaluation and Update Project consisting of four basic phases . ( 1 ) Establish the Public Participation Plan - In this Phase the County is developed the Public Participation Plan , which was adopted as policy by the Board of Mason County Commissioners ( Board ) on February 15 , 2005 . ( 2 ) Preliminary GMA Compliance Review - In this phase , the County collected and analyzed data on growth trends , forecasts , and other information in support of the update . The County also conducted a preliminary evaluation of the comprehensive plan and development regulations for update requirements based on changes to state law and the extension of the comprehensive plan to 2025 . The County also held two regional community open houses in April of 2005 to present Phase II results and gather general public comments on the County ' s comprehensive plan and development regulations . The County presented its preliminary findings and comments received at the open houses in a joint workshop meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission ( PAC ) and the Board . ( 3 ) Final GMA Compliance Review - The PAC worked together with the County staff to review the comprehensive plan and development regulations for GMA compliance . The PAC forwarded their recommendations and findings to the Board and they held a public hearing on the results of the GMA review and analysis on August 2 , 2005 . The results were presented in the form of a Resolution and Work Program . The public comment was invited on any proposed revisions to the comprehensive plan or development regulations . (4 ) Amendments and updates (if needed ) - Proposed revisions to the comprehensive plan and / or development regulations were prepared as needed based on the work program established under Phase III . Additional public meetings and hearings were held before the PAC , as needed , to make recommendations to the Board regarding specific updates . iii ) Opportunities for public involvement were provided throughout the 2005 GMA review and update process to encourage early and continuous public participation . ( 1 ) As part of Phase III , there were at least twelve ( 12 ) meetings of the Mason County PAC , including a joint meeting with the Board , from June 2 ATTACHMENT A - ORDINANCLS 108 = 05 Et 109 - 05 through November 2005 to evaluate the comprehensive plan and development regulations for compliance with the GMA . These meetings were open to the public , and a general public comment period was provided during and after those meetings . (2) The County held two community open houses April 2005 in Shelton and North Mason County as part of Phase II . Comment cards were distributed at these open houses to allow written public comment to be received via U . S . Mail or electronic mail . Comments were accepts until May 2 , 2005 . (3 ) The Board of Mason County Commissioners held a public hearing to consider public input on the PAC recommendation and the GMA Compliance Resolution and Work Program to complete Phase III . This hearing was held on August 2 , 2005 . (4 ) The County also worked with the local communities . Staff met and continues to meet at least monthly with the Allyn Community Association planning committee . In addition , staff met with stakeholders to get their assistance in the preparation of the new county Economic Development Element for inclusion in the county plan . ( 5 ) Written comments were welcome throughout the GMA Evaluation and Update process . A table summarizing written comments received and the County ' s response to those comments was prepared . iv ) Mason County used a variety of methods to inform the public about upcoming public meetings , availability of relevant planning documents and reports and important milestones related to the GMA Evaluation and Update Project . ( 1 ) Mason County kept current information for the project on the county web site (www . co . mason . wa . us ) . The web site will also include links to the Mason County comprehensive plan and development regulations , and providing an "EMAIL US " link for sending comments to the Department of Community Development . (2) The County maintained a list of interested persons and organizations to receive notices of scheduled public meetings . (3 ) The County will issue news releases announcing public meetings , hearings , and comment periods to the following : KMAS , KRXY, Shelton - Mason County Journal , The Olympian , Shelton Chamber Of Commerce , North Mason Chamber Of Commerce, City Of Shelton , Economic Development Council , The Sun . (4) Public notice of all public hearings and any decisions regarding the review and update of the comprehensive plan development regulations were be published under "Legals " in the Shelton -Mason County Journal classified section . Public notification of all hearings was provided at least 10 days before the date of the hearing . Public notification on County adoption of this Public Participation Plan , the GMA Compliance Resolution , and any specific revisions to the comprehensive plan or development regulations was published in the Shelton - Mason County Journal following adoption . ( 5 ) In addition to the public participation procedures described above , the County utilized the following means to increase public involvement and 3 ATTACHMENT A - ORDINANCES 108 - 05 & 109 - 05 to disseminate information : additional meetings , mailings , and presentations at local community groups , stakeholder groups , and professional organizations . v ) An official project file was available for public inspection during regular business Mason County Department of Community Development . All public meetings , except for the Open Houses , were audio recorded . Minutes and / or meeting summaries of all public meetings related to the GMA Evaluation and Update were prepared and available upon request . b ) Review of the Best Available Science . If the city or county GMA update includes revisions to its critical areas program to include the best available science as required by RCW 36 . 70A . 172 , the final legislative action should document in its findings the sources of scientific information that were used, and hoar it was incorporated into the critical areas program . Mason County be reviewing and updating , if needed , regulations with respect to wetland critical areas and critical aquifer recharge areas in 2006 . c ) State Agency Notice . RCW 36 . 70A . 106 requires local governments to provide notice to state agencies of their intent to adopt any amendments to GMA comprehensive plans or development regulations . This notice must be provided to CTED at least 60 days before the planned adoption of each amendment . For GMA updates , this notice should be provided before each amendment that is part of the update, and before the planned adoption of the final legislative action . Notice of all amendments to the comprehensive plan and development regulations adopted to fulfill the requirements of RCW 36 . 70A . 130 was sent to the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development at least sixty days before the amendments were adopted , in accordance with RCW 36 . 70A . 106 . d ) Review and Revision of Comprehensive Plans and Development Regulations Required (Jurisdictions Planning Under RCW 36 . 70A . 040 ) . Counties and cities required to plan under RCW 36a70Aa040 must review, and revise if necessary, their entire comprehensive plan and development regulations . These cities and counties should affirm this status in their findings . Mason County is required to plan under RCW 36 . 70A . 040 . Every seven years , RCW 36 . 70A . 130 ( 1 ) requires Mason County to take legislative action to review and , if needed , revise its comprehensive plan and development regulations , including its policies and regulations designating and conserving natural resource lands and designating and protecting critical areas to comply with the requirements in Chapter 36 . 70A RCW . Under the schedule established in RCW 36 . 70A . 130 (4 ) , the deadline for Mason County to comply with the update required by RCW 36 . 70A . 130 ( 1 ) is December 1 , 2005 . 4 ATTACHMENT" A ORDINANCtS 10& 05 & 109 - 05 On July 18 , 2005 Mason County Planning Staff ( Staff) prepared an analysis and proposed Work Program of the comprehensive plan and development regulations currently in effect in Mason County for consistency with the requirements of Chapter 36 . 70A RCW. The Mason County Board of County Commissioners on August 2 , 2005 adopted this Work Program . Based on this analysis , Staff prepared proposed revisions it concluded are needed to comply with Chapter 36 . 70A RCW . Staff forwarded its analysis and proposed revisions to the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission . The Mason County Planning Advisory Commission reviewed the analysis and proposed revisions prepared by Staff and public hearings on October 10 , November 1 , November 7 , and November 14, 2005 to receive public comments on the analysis and proposed revisions . Based on its review of the requirements of Chapter 36 . 70A RCW, the analysis and proposed revisions prepared by Staff, and the public comments received , the Planning Advisory Commission accepted the analysis and proposed revisions and forwarded recommended findings on review and proposed revisions to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners on November 14, 2005 . The Mason County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on November 29 , 2005 to receive public comments on the recommended findings on review and proposed revisions . Based on its review of the requirements of Chapter 36 . 70A RCW, the analysis and proposed revisions prepared by Staff, the recommended findings on review and proposed revisions forwarded by the Planning Commission , and the public comments received , the Board of County Commissioners finds and declares that the review and needed revisions have been prepared in conformance with applicable law , including Chapter 36 . 70A RCW and Chapter 43 . 21 C RCW . Based on its review of the requirements of Chapter 36 . 70A RCW , the analysis and proposed revisions prepared by Staff, the recommended findings on review and proposed revisions forwarded by the Planning Commission , and the public comments received , the Board of County Commissioners accepted the analysis and proposed revisions and hereby finds and declares that Mason County ' s comprehensive plan and development regulations as revised by this ordinance comply with the requirements of Chapter 36 . 70A RCW. From the preceding findings , it is concluded amendments to the Mason County Comprehensive Plan , November 29 , 2005 , should be adopted as proposed and moved by the Board . Chair, Mason Coda ty Board of ount Commissioners Date 5 REQUEST 05®01 KEN VAN BUSKIRK PARCEL, NUMBERS 1232942- 00020 (1 . 11 ae.) , 1232942-00030 (5 . 44 ac . ) , 1232942 - 00040 (2 . 60 ac.) , 1232942 -00050 (0 . 45 ae.), and 12329- 12- 00060 (0 . 60 ae.) REZONE FROM EL, AI URBAN GROWTH A TO RURALRESIDENTIAL 5 ZONE . SON COUNT' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the request to rezone parcel numbers 12329 - 12 - 00020 ( 1 . 11 ac . ) , 12329 - 12 -00030 (5 . 44 ac . ) , 1232942 - 00040 (2 . 60 ac . ) , 1232942- 00050 (0 . 45 ac . ) , and 12329 - 12 - 00060 (0 . 60 ac . ) ( 10 ac . total) from Belfair Urban Growth Area Long Term Agriculture zone to Rural Residential 5 zone . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10, 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of these five properties, and made a recommendation to deny this request. In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (5 to 0) to recommend the approval of the rezone request from Belfair Urban Growth Area Long Term Agriculture zone to Rural Residential 5 zone . 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Residential 5 zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the applicant ' s reasons for the request : to reduce pressure to divide the properties and to maintain agricultural uses in the vicinity. 4 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcels meet the Rural Residential 5 zone designation criteria, are adjacent to rural agricultural resource lands , have direct access to a county road, and are nearby to other residential land uses . J :\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Van Buskirk request 05 -01 BCC. doc 5 . Comprehensive Plan policy RU 521 states that areas that have single family platted lots of 5 acres or smaller and generally built out, and are adjacent to urban and intensively developed areas with available infrastructure are appropriately zoned Rural Residential 5 . The proposed rezone would be in a rural setting location, would not cause a marked increase of demand for services , or lead to pressure for subsequent rezones of nearby properties . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Residential 5 zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1005 , 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the requested parcel numbers 1232942 - 00020 ( 1 . 11 ac . ) , 1232942 - 00030 (5 . 44 ac . ) , 1232942 - 00040 (2 . 60 ac . ) , 12329 - 12 - 00050 (0 . 45 ac . ) , and 12329 - 12 - 00060 ( 0 . 60 ac . ) ( 10 ac . total) are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon testimony that the Rural Residential 5 designation is the most consistent designation and the Belfair UGA boundary should not include these parcels . Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low-density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met ; based upon testimony and Commission discussion that an easement for services of the urban growth area can be provided. Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met; based upon testimony and Commission discussion that no precedent is created in regard to a change in zoning of long-term agriculture land is applicable to other UGA areas . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings , the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone for parcel numbers 1232942 - 00020 ( 1 . 11 ac . ) , 1232942 - 00030 (5 . 44 ac . ) , 1232942 -00040 (2 . 60 ac . ) , 1232942 -00050 (0 . 45 ac . ) , and 1232942 - 00060 (0 . 60 ac . ) ( 10 ac . total) from Belfair Urban Growth Area Long-Term Agriculture zone to Rural Residential 5 zone outside of the UGA boundary. r Chair, Mason County B and of Commissioners Date JAGMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Van Buskirk request 05 -01 BCC .doc REQUEST 05 -02 - EVERETT JAY PARCEL NUMBER 42212-5140013 (0 . 17 ac.) REZONE FROM U L RESIDENTIAL 2 . 5 TO RURAL COMMERCIAL 3 ZONE AND PARCEL NO . 4221144A0250 (0 . 75 AC . ) REZONE FROM RURAL INDUSTRIAL TO RURAL COMMERCIAL 3 ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29, 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the request to rezone Parcel No . 42212 - 51 - 10013 (0 . 17 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone and Parcel No . 42211 - 44- 00250 (0 . 75 ac . ) from Rural Industrial zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of these two properties, and made a recommendation to approve this request . In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (5 to 0) to recommend the approval of the rezone request of one parcel from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone and a second parcel from Rural Industrial zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Commercial 3 zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the past use of these properties and the commercial land use prospects . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan . The subject parcels meet the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation criteria, are adjacent to other commercial and residential zoned properties , and have direct access to a county road . J : \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Jay request 05 -02 BCC. doc 6 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 140 to 146 state that mixed residential and commercial areas and redeveloped commercial locations are encouraged in Rural Activity Centers . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed land use location and would not cause a marked increase of demand for services , and additional rezones to non- residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcels is appropriate for the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request to rezone Parcel No . 42212 - 51 - 10013 (0 . 17 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone and Parcel No . 4221144- 00250 (0 . 75 ac . ) from Rural Industrial zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Commercial 3 zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low- density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation that additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated. Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above , the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone Parcel No . 42212 - 51 - 10013 (0 . 17 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone and Parcel No . 4221144 - 00250 (0 . 75 ac . ) from Rural Industrial zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone . %(OW Chair, Mason County oard of Commissioners Date J:\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Jay request 05 -02 BCC. doc REQUEST 05A3 ® EDWIN & PEGGY PATTERSON / BEN FABIG ZONE PARCEL NO . 4221441 -00110 (0 . 78 AC .) AND PARCEL, NO . 4221441 -00020 (0 . 50 AC ) FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL 2 . 5 ZONE TO RURALCOMMERCIAL 3 ZONE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the request to rezone Parcel No . 4221441 - 00110 (0 . 78 ac . ) and Parcel No . 42214-41 - 00020 (0 . 50 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of these two properties, and made a recommendation to approve this request. In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (4 to 1 ) to recommend the approval of the rezone request of the two parcels from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Commercial 3 zone . The Commission' s questions focused on potential impacts to an eight-party well on one of the properties , the existing traffic hazards and accident history in the vicinity, and the amount of traffic generated by new commercial uses resulting from the rezone approval . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcels meet the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation criteria, are adjacent to other commercial and residential zoned properties, and have direct access to a county road and state highway. J :\GMSHARE\DEV-REDS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Fabig Patterson request 05 -03 BCC .doc 6 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 140 to 146 state that mixed residential and commercial areas and redeveloped commercial locations are encouraged in Rural Activity Centers . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed land use location, additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcels is appropriate for the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation . Based upon the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request to rezone Parcel No . 4221441 - 00110 (0 . 78 ac . ) and Parcel No . 42214-41 - 00020 (0 . 50 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Commercial 3 zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low- density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation that additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated. Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above , the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone Parcel No . 4221441 - 00110 (0 . 78 ac . ) and Parcel No . 4221441 - 00020 (0 . 50 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center . W)ITVV�� I Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date J :\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Fabig Patterson request 05 -03 BCC. doc REQUEST 05 -04 - ALFRED REZONE PARCEL NO . 22129-34-90020 (SOUTH AL ) (3 . 50 AC .) AN PARCEL NO . 22129-34-90040 (L70 AC .) FROM U L RESIDENTIAL 5 ZONE T U L COMMERCIAL 2 ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT i . Under consideration is the request to rezone Parcel No . 22129 - 34-90020 (south half) (3 . 50 ac . ) and Parcel No . 22129 -34- 90040 ( 1 . 70 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Commercial 2 zone within the Spencer Lake Hamlet . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10, 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of these two properties , and made a recommendation to approve this request. In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (5 to 0) to recommend the approval of the rezone request of two parcels from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Commercial 2 zone within the Spencer Lake Hamlet . 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Commercial 2 zone . Public comment focused on the spread of commercial development on Pickering Road and Spencer Lake Road, possible contamination of the lake, the addition of lighting from new buildings in the area, and the amount of traffic generated by new commercial uses resulting from the rezone approval . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcels meet the Rural Commercial 2 zone designation criteria, are adjacent to other commercial and residential zoned properties, and have direct access to two county roads . J: \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Jones request 05 -04 BCC .doc 6 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 202 to 207 state that mixed residential and commercial areas and redeveloped commercial locations are encouraged in Hamlets . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed land use location, additional rezones to non- residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcels is appropriate for the Rural Commercial 2 zone designation. Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request to rezone Parcel No . 22129 - 34 - 90020 ( south half) (3 . 50 ac . ) and Parcel No . 22129 - 34- 90040 ( 1 . 70 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Commercial 2 zone within the Spencer Lake Hamlet are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Commercial 2 zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low-density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone Parcel No . 22129- 34- 90020 (south half) (3 . 50 ac . ) and Parcel No . 22129 - 34- 90040 ( 1 . 70 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Commercial 2 zone within the Spencer Lake Hamlet . .a I Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date \\CLUSTERI HOME_SERVER\HOME\DCCOMMON\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Jones request 05 -04 BCC .doc REQUEST5 - 5 DONALD HUSON REZONE PARCEL NO . 32335-33 -00000 ( 0 AC .) FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL 20 ZONE TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL 10 ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the request to rezone Parcel No . 32335 -33 -00000 (40 ac . ) from Rural Residential 20 zone to Rural Residential 10 zone . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of this property, and made a recommendation to approve this request . In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (6 to 0) to recommend the approval of the rezone request of one 40 -acre parcel from Rural Residential 20 zone to Rural Residential 10 zone . 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Residential 10 zone . Public comment focused on issues on development review (roads , stormwater, grading, available services , and traffic) being addressed during the subdivision process . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcel meet the Rural Residential 10 zone designation criteria, is adjacent to other similar sized residential zoned properties , and has dedicated access to a county road. J : \GMSHARE\DEV-KEGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Huson request 05 -05 BCC. doc 5 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 500a, 501 to 503 , and 521 state that rural residential development maintain rural character, that adequate levels of service match rural densities , and that rural densities meet the proper characteristics of the area in which the properties are located . The proposed rezone would result in a mixed residential density area, no additional rezones to denser residential densities of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Residential 10 zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request to rezone Parcel No . 32335 - 33 - 00000 (40 ac . ) from Rural Residential 20 zone to Rural Residential 10 zone are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Residential 10 zone is the most consistent designation. Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low-density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation that no additional rezones to denser residential densities of nearby properties is anticipated . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone Parcel No . 32335 -33 - 00000 (40 ac . ) from Rural Residential 20 zone to Rural Residential 10 zone . 1 (.tea '0 Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date J :\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Huson request 05 -05 BCC . doc REQUEST 05 -06 WILLIAMANNLE N REZONE PARCEL NO . 31906-50- 00017 (439 AC .) FROM RURALSI EN I 2 . 5 ZONE TO RURAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the request to rezone Parcel no . 31906 - 50 - 00017 (4 . 59 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Taylor Town Rural Activity Center. 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of this property, and made a recommendation to approve this request . In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (6 to 0) to recommend the approval of the rezone request of one parcel from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Taylor Town Rural Activity Center. 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Industrial zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the past use of this property, stormwater issues , and the industrial land use prospects . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan . The subject parcel meet the Rural Industrial zone designation criteria, is adjacent to other industrial, commercial , and residential zoned properties, and has direct access to two county roads . J: \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Knannlein request 05 -06 PAC . doe 5 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 142 145 to 149 , and 150 state that mixed residential , industrial, and commercial locations are encouraged in Rural Activity Centers . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed industrial-commercial land use location, additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Industrial zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request to rezone Parcel no . 31906 - 50 - 00017 (4 . 59 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Taylor Town Rural Activity Center are : Criterion 1 (no damage to public health, safety and welfare) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Industrial zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 3 (no increase of sprawling low-density rural development or uses incompatible to resource-based land uses) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 4 (no increase of demand for urban services in rural areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 5 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage development in urban areas) is met ; based upon staff evaluation . Criterion 6 (does not interfere with GMA goal to encourage open space retention, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, and protect air and water quality) is met ; based upon staff evaluation. Criterion 7 (no pressure to change land use designations of other lands or to cause greater than projected population increases in rural areas) is met; based upon staff evaluation that additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is not applicable to this request . From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request to rezone Parcel no . 31906 - 50 - 00017 (4 . 59 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Taylor Town Rural Activity Center. Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date JAGMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Knannlein request 05 -06 PAC . doc REQUEST - 7 - A Y GRIBBLE CORRECTIVE REZONE PARCEL 42212 -33 = 00030 (0 . 71 ace) FROM U L RESIDENTIAL 2 . 5 ZONET U COMMERCIAL 3 ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42212 -33 - 00030 (0 . 71 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10, 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested corrective rezone of this property, and made a recommendation to approve this request . In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the two relevant rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (6 to 0) to recommend the approval of the corrective rezone request of one parcel from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Commercial 3 zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the past use of this property and the commercial land use prospects . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and their approval would correct a past map error. The subject parcel meets the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation criteria, is adjacent to other commercial and residential zoned properties , and has direct access to the state highway. J: \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Gribble request 05 -07 BCC. doc 5 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 140 to 146 , and 1510 state that mixed residential and commercial locations are encouraged in Rural Activity Centers . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed residential- commercial land use location, additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Commercial 3 zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42212- 33 - 00030 (0 . 71 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center are : Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Commercial 3 zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is applicable to this request, as a mapping error was made in 2002 when zoning was approved in Hoodsport Rural Activity Center . From the preceding findings that the request meets these rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42212 - 33 - 00030 (0 . 71 ac . ) from Rural Residential 2 . 5 zone to Rural Commercial 3 zone within the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center. Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date JAGMSHARE\DEV-BEGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Gribble request 05 -07 BCC. doc REQUEST5 - 8 - LARRY AND VICKIE KING CORRECTIVE REZONE PARCEL 4203641 - 00020 (1 . 82 ac.) FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL 5 ZONE T U INDUSTRIAL ZONE . MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FININGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42036 - 11 - 00020 ( 1 . 82 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Rural Area . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested corrective rezone of this property, and made a recommendation to approve this request . In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the two relevant rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (6 to 0) to recommend the approval of the corrective rezone request of one parcel from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Rural Area. 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant and heard public comments on the request for Rural Industrial zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the past and present use of this property. 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and their approval would correct a past map error. The subject parcel meets the Rural Industrial zone designation criteria, is adjacent to residential zoned properties , and has direct access to a county road . 6 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 210 to 211 a state that mixed commercial and I ndustrial locations are allowed in Rural Areas . The proposed rezone would be in a mixed J : \GMSHARE\DEV-BEGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\ICing request 05 -08 BCC . doc residential and existing industrial land use location, additional rezones to non-residential land uses of nearby properties is not anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of activities and demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies , the corrective rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Industrial zone designation . Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42036 - 11 - 00020 ( 1 . 82 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Rural Area are : Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Industrial zone is the most consistent designation. Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is applicable to this request, as a mapping error was made in 2002 when zoning was approved for isolated commercial and I ndustrial locations within the Rural Area. From the preceding findings that the request meets all rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 42036 - 11 - 00020 ( 1 . 82 ac . ) from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Industrial zone within the Rural Area. r Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date J: \GMSHARE\DEV-BEGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\King request 05 -08 BCC . doc REQUEST 05 - 09 - AARON AND BARBARAU A ZONE PARCEL NO . 12305-22-00010 (1148 ACm) FROM LONG-TERM COMMERCIAL FOREST LANDS TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL 20 ZONEe MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 29 , 2005 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the corrective rezone of Parcel No . 12308 -22 - 00010 ( 13 . 48 ac . ) from Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands to Rural Residential 20 zone . 2 . The Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 provides criteria and characteristics for consideration in rezoning parcels from an existing land use zone to another zone . A rezone request is reviewed through a public process in front of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . At the October 10 , 2005 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meeting, the Department of Community Development presented a staff report on the requested rezone of this property, and made a recommendation to approve this request. In their review, the Planning Advisory Commission members asked questions of staff and the applicant and then heard public comment on the proposal . Based upon the evaluation of the two relevant rezone criteria, the Planning Advisory Commission adopted a motion with findings (6 to 0) to recommend the approval of the corrective rezone request of one parcel from Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands to Rural Residential 20 zone . 4 . At the November 8 , 2005 Mason County Board of Commissioners public hearing, the Department of Community Development presented the staff report on the requested rezone and the recommendations by the Planning Advisory Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners asked questions of staff and heard public comments on the request for Rural Residential 20 zone . The Commission ' s questions focused on the present use of this property and Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands . 5 . As provided in Mason County Development Regulations Section 1 . 05 . 079 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners does find that the proposal is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan . The subject parcel was incorrectly mapped in 2000 and does meet the Rural Residential 20 zone designation criteria, is adjacent to other similar sized residential zoned properties, and has dedicated access to a county road. J :\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Shumaker request 05 -09 BCC. doc 5 . Comprehensive Plan policies RU 500a, 501 to 503 , and 521 state that rural residential development maintain rural character, that adequate levels of service match rural densities , and that rural densities meet the proper characteristics of the area in which the properties are located. The proposed rezone would result in a proper residential density area, no additional rezones to denser residential densities of nearby properties is anticipated, and the rezone would not cause a marked increase of demand for services . Using these Comprehensive Plan policies, the rezone of the subject parcel is appropriate for the Rural Residential 20 zone designation. Based upon the evaluation of the Mason County Development Regulations Sec . 1 . 05 . 080 Rezone Criteria, the Mason County Board of Commissioners findings for the request of corrective rezone of Parcel No . 12308 -22- 00010 ( 13 . 48 ac . ) from Long- Term Commercial Forest Lands to Rural Residential 20 zone are : Criterion 2 (consistent Comprehensive Plan designation) is met ; based upon staff evaluation that the Rural Residential 20 zone is the most consistent designation . Criterion 8 (corrective rezone of lands) is applicable to this request, as a mapping error was made in 2000 when zoning was approved for residential development densities within the Rural Area. From the preceding findings that the request meets these rezone criteria above, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the request of corrective rezone of Parcel No . 12308 -22 -00010 ( 13 . 48 ac . ) from Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands to Rural Residential 20 zone . b Chair, Mason County Planning Advisory Commission Date J : \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\comp plan amendments\2005 regulation review\Shumaker request 05 -09 BCC. doc