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HomeMy WebLinkAbout53-05 - Res. Amending Res. 136-99 Revising Mason County Bomb Threat Procedures to Emergency Evacuation Proce RESOLUTION NO . 5 3 - 0 5 AMENDING RESOLUTION 13 &99, REVISING MASON COUNTY BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES TO EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES WHEREAS, Mason County desires to update the Bomb Threat Procedures to include evacuation procedures in the event of other emergency situations including fire, earthquake, hazardous material spills/ leaks, bomb threats, etc . WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the Emergency Evacuation Procedures with the Mason County Sheriff, City of Shelton Chief of Police and the E911 Coordinator . WHEREAS, persons and property may be damaged unless standard procedures for response to an emergency are established ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners to adopt the Mason County Emergency Evacuation Procedures as outlined in Exhibit A . Adopted this 21 s t day of June , 2005 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST. IZZZZ 67 "r'Gl,; • _ { :7� Jay, i L . Kamin , airperson Rebecca S . Rogers, Clerk of the Board i APPROVED AS TO FORM : Lynda Ring Erickson, Commissioner `A; Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Sheldon , Commissioner C : All Departments City of Shelton J : \RESOLUTIONS\2005\Emergency Evacuation Procedures . doc EXHIBIT A MASON COUNTY EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES The purpose of these procedures is to provide information necessary for the emergency notification and evacuation of Mason County employees during an emergency. From time to time, it is necessary that we evacuate government buildings for any number of emergency reasons : fire, earthquake, hazardous material spills/leaks , bomb threats , etc . In recent years , bomb threats have become the method of choice by many factions to harass or disturb both private industry and government agencies . No bomb threat should be overlooked or simply dismissed as a crank call . All departments are responsible for planning/coordinating orderly evacuation of their respective building/facility. This effort should preferably be accomplished under the auspices of the Safety Committee in order that assembly areas be coordinated among other departments . ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN WHEN A BOMB THREAT IS RECEIVED ! 1 . REMAIN CALM 2 . If possible, keep the caller talking . Use the attached "Bomb Threat" document (Enclosure III) . Fill-in as much information as possible while receiving the call . Add relevant information later as you remember it . Give the document to a City of Shelton Police Department or Sheriff' s Department representative and remain available for debriefing . 3 . Call or direct someone to call SHELCOM (Dispatch) at 911 to notify them of the threat . 4 . SHELCOM (Dispatch) will notify the City of Shelton Police Department, Mason County Sheriff' s Office, and the respective city and county Departments of Emergency Management (DEM) . 5 . Following coordination with the Board of Commissioners and law enforcement authorities , Mason County DEM will activate a telephone pyramid alert to all separate County buildings/departments regarding any decision to evacuate and/or close offices (See Enclosure I & II) . Each elected official/department head is responsible for the orderly evacuation of their respective areas . 6 . When requested by law enforcement, the City of Shelton Public Works Department will provide sufficient barricades and barrier ribbon to prevent motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic from entering the effected area(s) . 7 . The Mason County telephone receptionist will notify the following County Offices within the Building I complex . Commissioners 419 Auditor 471 Treasurer 484 Assessor 490 DCD 263 Human Resources 424 Budget 423 Maintenance 225 Each will see that their floor/area is evacuated in an orderly manner. Other buildings/departments will develop similar internal notification procedures as necessary. EVACUATION A. Upon receipt of decision to evacuate : 1 . All personnel and visitors will evacuate the effected building (s) . 2 . Time permitting : a. Turn off all power machines , typewriters , calculators , etc . b . Open doors to lessen damage in the event of a blast . Close doors in the event of a fire . c . Take your outer garments and personal belongings (Plan to not re-enter the building) . d . Do not touch or examine any unusual or suspicious containers or devices . Immediately, report anything strange to your supervisor . 3 . Employees are to walk to the stair exits . Do not use the elevators . Elevators are to be reserved for persons in wheel chairs or others having difficulty with the stairs 4 . Leave the building and proceed to your department ' s designated assembly area (see map at Enclosure IV) , avoid flying glass and debris . 2 \\CLUSTERI HOME_SERVER\HOME\CBCOMMON\RESOLUTIONS\2005\EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES ATTACHMENT. doc 5 . During evacuation, DO NOT attempt to move your car if it is parked in a government complex parking lot unless instructed to do so . 6 . The Sheriff' s Department will evacuate the County Jail if it is determined necessary. 7 . After the building(s) has been searched, the employees will be advised as to when they may re- enter or to retrieve their vehicles to depart the area. 8 . In the event barricades are up and streets have been blocked off, do not enter barricade area. Either contact the County switchboard at 427 -9670 or report to Memorial Hall located at 210 Franklin, Shelton for further instructions . RESPONSE A. Responsible Agencies 1 . The Shelton Police Department and the Mason County Sheriff' s Department are responsible for coordinating bomb identification/removal with the Washington State Patrol or other EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) teams . 2 . The City of Shelton Fire Department is responsible for conducting fire suppression and rescue operations . 3 . Each department will designate one individual to assist the search team in answering questions and supplying other relevant information regarding immediate work area. The designee will remain outside the building until contacted by a search person. 4 . The Department of Emergency Management will prepare for activation of the Mason County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and possible reconstitution of essential government functions/services . 5 . Should the EOC be activated, the designated department point of contact (primary and alternate) should report to the Emergency Operations Center to represent their respective department and field public queries that are called in. 6 . All media inquiries will be handled through City of Shelton Law Enforcement, Chief of Police @ 432-5145 . 3 \\CLUSTERI HOME SERVER\HOME\CBCOMMON\RESOLUTIONS\2005\EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES ATTACHMENT. doc ENCLOSURE I NOTIFICATION MATRIX CEIVER GETS CALL * SWITCHBOARD GETS CALL (FILL OUT FORM AND CALL 911 ) (FILL OUT FORM AND CALL 911 ) SHEL OM (911 ) POLICE CHIEF SHERIFF SHELTON DEM COUNTY DEM COUNTY DEM (ACTIVATE ALERT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM) NOTIFY ALL OTHER OFFICES/BUILDINGS * THIS MAY BE ANY COUNTY EMPLOYEE 4 ENCLOSURE II DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONTACT LIST MASON COUNTY FACILITIES /GROUNDS (PAGER) 540 MASON COUNTY SWITCHBOARD (BLDG . I) 419 MASON COUNTY CORONER (BLDG VI) 752 MASON COUNTY COURT HOUSE (MCSO) 313 MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 348 MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CLERK 346 MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 278 MASON COUNTY PROBATION DEPT. (BLDG. VIII) 739 MASON COUNTY PERMIT ASST . CENTER (BLDG . III) 352 MASON COUNTY HEALTH DEPT . (BLDG . IV) 400 MASON COUNTY UTILITIES (BLDG . II) 566 MASON COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE (BLDG. VII) 417 PUBLIC WORKS (BLDG .VIII) 450 AUDITOR-ACCOUNTING (BLDG . IX) 472 BELFAIR ANNEX (360) 2754232 MASON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 390 MASON COUNTY COOP 396 COUNTY SHOP 386 MCRA 535 MODULAR COURTROOM 597 5 ENCLOSURE III ;x CALLS - S VOICE _ Calm _ Nasal MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ® Angry ® Stutter ® Excited Lisp ® Slow Raspy BOMB THREAT DATA ® pi _ Deep ---------------------------------------------------- ® Soft Ragged PLACE THIS CARD UNDER YOUR PHONE ® Loud _ Clearing throat Laughter _ Deep breathing ESTINS TO ASK: ® Crying ® Cracking voice _ Normal _ Disguised 1. When is bomb going to explode ? _ Slurred _ Accent 2. Where_ is it right now? ® Whispered _ Familiar 3. What does it look like ? 4. What kind of bomb is it? If voice is familiar, who did it sound like? 5. What will cause it to explode? 6. Did you place the bomb ? '• Why' SO UNDS g. What is your address ? _ Street noises _ Factory 9. What is your name? ® Crockery machinery _ Voices _ Animal noises EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT , PA System Clear _ Music _ Static _ House noises _ Local Motor _ Long distance _ Office _ Booth equipment _ Other THREAT LANGUAGE Well spoken _ Incoherent _ Foul _ Taped — Irrational _ Message read by threat maker Remarks Sex of caller Race Report call immediately to : Age Length of call Phone Date Number at which call was received : Name Position Time Date Phone number 6 ENCLOSURE ITS Evacuation red for each building/facili showing route to designated assembly area . 7 \\CLUSTERI HOME_SERVER\HOME\CBCOMMON\RESOLUTIONS\2005\EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES ATTACHMENT.doc