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HomeMy WebLinkAbout50-05 - Res. Adopting Mason County Master Trails Plan Resolution No . S 0 _ 0 S A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, ADOPTING THE MASON COUNTY MASTER TRAILS PLAN. WHEREAS , Mason County is responsible for the development, maintenance, and improvement of park facilities throughout the County; and WHEREAS , trails are a critical element of park facilities that provide access to community amenities , natural resources , and enhance the mobility of County residents and visitors; and WHEREAS , trails are also an integral component in the economic development and quality of life in Mason County; and WHEREAS , the Board of County Commissioners believe that it is necessary to plan for the development of trails to ensure continuity, address future demands , and maximize the use of public resources ; and WHEREAS , the Mason County Master Trails Plan has been developed under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, with the aide and advice of interested citizens appointed to the Trails Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS , a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners is the appropriate mechanism to formalize this plan for implementation; NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners does hereby resolve as follows : SECTION 1 : The Mason County Master Trails Plan (Exhibit A) as transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners by the Trails Advisory Committee on April 12 , 2005 , is hereby adopted . SECTION 2 : Mason County Parks Department is directed to implement the Master Trails Plan consistent with available funding and Commission priorities . ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, this 7 t h day of j, n F, , 2005 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON_ COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Ja L. k amin, Chairperson Rebecca Rogers, Clerk of the Board IIlk /�t �4 APP OV D AS TO FORM : a Ring Erickso , Commissioner fA Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Sheldon, Commissioner EXHIBIT A Mason County Master Trails Plan A Framework for Countywide Trail Development Recommended by Mason County Trails Committee Qlq?" Prepared by Mason County Department of Community Development Mason County Department of Parks and Waste Management March 2005 Mason Countv Commissioners Jayni L . Kamin , Chair Tim Sheldon Lynda Ring Erickson Mason County Trails Committee Members Dave O ' Connell , Chairman Jeff Carey , Vice Chairman Frank Benavente Maureen MacCracken Joetta Anderson Jean Bonzer Janet Shonk Carleen Coker Walt Hitchcock Paul Eveleth Bob Barnes Cheryl Weston Dana Tilton Steven Anderson Brad Carey John Johnson Tom Moran Mason County Planning Support Staff Robert Fink , AICP , Planning Manager, Dept of Community Development Allan Borden , Long Range Planner, Dept of Community Development Barbara A . Adkins , AICP , Planner III , Dept of Community Development Doug Micheau , Director, Dept of Parks and Waste Management Bill Bullock , Transportation Planning Engineer, Dept of Public Works 2 .11,T ABLE OF CONTENTS Page VisionStatement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 . I ntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 . 1 General Policy Statements . 0 a soasswo 0 a 9 9 0 a a a a R a a a a 0 a 0 a a a a N a a a a 0 a 9 a a a 0 a a 0 a a a a a 0 0 5 2 . Plan Development Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 . Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 . 1 Destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 . 2 Population Center Linkages/Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 7 3 . 3 Local Circulation . . a a a a D 0 a a 0 & a 0 U a a 0 4 a 0 a 0 0 4 9 a a a 0 0 0 0 a a a a 0 P a 5 0 a a Dam a ft a a a a V a a a 0 a 0 0 6 9 a 2 a a a a 7 3AOpportunities . a boom ago am mass a a 0 a Or a a a a a V a a a am a 6 a U a a a 0 a a a a q a a a a a a 0 0 a a a 0 0 a 0 0 a 8 3 . 6 Off- Road Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 . 6 Water Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 . Future Trail Plan Development . . . . . . . . . ammomwaso 9 5 . Implementation and Interim Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . K * ms9 & a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 9 0 a a I a I a a 0 0 a a 9 5 . 1 Policy Guidelines . . 0 0 a 0 a a a 0 0 a 6 0 5 0 a a R P a 9 a a 0 a a 0 a a a a 0 a a 0 9 0 0 a a 6 P R a a a a a 0 a a a 0 0 a a a A 0 8 a a a a 0 a 0 9 5 . 2 Early Action Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 . 3 Public Involvement . . . . No 10 6 . Other Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendices A . Resolution No . 72 -04 B . Notices of Public Meeting C . Trails Committee Interest Survey & Survey Responses D . Trails Committee Visioning Exercise E . Agendas and Meeting Notes 3 VISION. Our vision for Mason County is to cultivate a public and systematic approach to developing a trail system in Mason County through the development of a master trail plan . This plan shall provide for a countywide trail system that will connect communities , parks , and public facilities throughout Mason County , and provide a link with regional trail systems . Our proposal is a countywide trail system that would greatly enhance recreational opportunities and offer a direct economic benefit to the local community through the promotion of additional tourism activities , increased property values , and an increased quality of life for county residents . The Plan envisions a county wide network of interconnected destinations and safe routes for alternative modes of non motorized transportation ; it envisions providing both environmental as well as socioeconomic benefits on a local and regional level — developing both a sense of community and a sense of regionalism ; and it envisions improving the experience for those who visit Mason County, and improving the quality of life for those who live in Mason County . 4 INTRODUCTION What is a Trails Ian ? A Trails Plan provides the parameters and guidelines for establishing a trail system within Mason County by defining local values , needs , and expectations . It provides a common vision for the community , and a framework for the actions of individuals , businesses and institutions ; while fostering an ongoing planning process within the community. Through the planning process , the issues confronting the development of trails must be transformed into a mission and a set of goals that reflect the desires of the community and provide the impetus for action . The plan must provide a consistent and justifiable continuum of ideas , beliefs , and values that define the mission and vision of the trails system . It is the blueprint for decision - making that addresses both long term and short term needs . It is by nature interactive , involving internal and external stakeholders , including those responsible for implementation , Why is a Trails Plan Important to Mason County? A Trails Plan in Mason County will allow for a comprehensive and well thought out trail design and development which will improve non - motorized transportation opportunities , protect environmental quality, preserve and enhance visual quality and character, provide for outdoor recreation , and explore potential economic impacts . 1 . 1 . General Policy Statements The following policy statements provide generalized answers to the why' s and how' s of trail planning in Mason County. These policies represent the context for an overall trail planning effort important to the community, its residents and its visitors . 1 . 1 A . Mason County should consider trails as an essential element for quality of life . 1 . 1 . 2 . Mason County should promote environmental protection and education in its trail design and development . 1 . 1 . 3 . Mason County shall consider public safety in trail design and development. 1 . 1 . 4 . Trails should be used as a means to promoting economic development and tourism . 1 . 1 . 5 . Trails should be designated and constructed as multipurpose when and where appropriate . 1 . 1 . 6 . Trails should be integrated with the county transportation system to provide or facilitate alternative modes of transportation ( multi - modal ) . 1 . 1 . 7 . Trails should be integrated with the designation of open space corridors during Comprehensive Plan updates . 101 . 8 . Mason County should consider any potential impacts on adjacent properties when determining trail location and use . 1 . 1 . 9 . Mason County should consider and develop long range trail planning with a view to 2055 . 5 ENT �iPLAN i/ DEVELOP i j ICESS r In September of 2004 , the Mason County Board of Commissioners signed a Resolution that would establish the Mason County Trails Committee (Appendix A) . The Committee was charged with creating a draft Master Trails Plan for a countywide trail system that would connect communities parks and public facilities throughout Mason County and provides a link with regional trail systems . The Board of Commissioners appointed a committee representing a cross section of citizen affiliations including Mason Transit, Washington Trails Association , Hoodsport Community Events Association , Port of Hoodsport , Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization , Mason Matters Youth Committee , 4- H , Washington State University, Port of Shelton , Black Hills Audubon Society, Washington State Parks , Future Generations Hospital Guild , Backcounty Horsemen of Washington , Mason County Rodeo , Washington State Department of Transportation , Allyn Community Association , Goldsborough Creek Runs , City of Shelton Planning Advisory Committee , Mason County Planning Advisory Commission , Port of Tahuya Advisory Board , Shelton Schools , Residents for the Preservation of the Quality of Life on the Hood Canal , and the Grapeview Community Group . The Board of Commissioners selected the Committee members in October of 2004 to serve for a term that shall conclude on March 31 , 2005 . The first meeting of the Trails Committee was held on November 22 , 2004 allowing approximately four months to complete the Trails Plan . Taking into consideration the Committee 's time constraints for developing a plan , this Framework for Countywide Trail Development was developed as a foundation document to be incorporated into future Mason County planning efforts . The Trails Committee met once a month from November 2004 through March of 2005 . Each of these meetings was publicly noticed and held open to the public ( Notices of Public Meeting attached as Appendix B ) . During the early stages of the planning process the Committee was asked to participate in several exercises to help understand each members interests in trail types , trail designs , trail amenities , and trail locations . Each member completed an Interest Survey and results were distributed to the Committee as a whole to bring out interest commonalities . (Survey and results attached as Appendix C) . The Committee also identified potential trail user groups not represented during the planning process . In addition , the Committee was also asked to participate in a visioning exercise that prompted them to envision a trail system twenty years into Mason County Is future (Visioning Exercise attached as Appendix D ) . Broken into groups , the Committee illustrated their vision for trails on large county maps and more themes and commonalities were discovered . The Committee continued to meet each month and by using their common interests and vision for the future they forged the following document as a framework of policies and action items to be incorporated into future plans and plan updates (Agendas and Meeting Notes attached as Appendix E ) . Upon completion , the Committee provided this document to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners for consideration . As part of the adoption process , the Board of County Commissioners is likely to hold a public hearing on this Plan . 6 RPJE The following are policies as developed by the Committee in an effort to help guide future trail planning in Mason County. Each of the following policies has been separated into specific categories to include the category name , a brief definition , the policy statement , and examples as necessary . . 1 . Destinations — Trails that lead to or between specific points of interest or attractions. Policy Statement : Mason County shall encourage the development and maintenance of trails that provide access to historic, natural, recreational, cultural, and tourist-oriented points of interest and attractions, as well as other local and regional trail systems. Destinations for trail systems include: a ) Historic (e . g . Historical road grades ; themes — logging , historic buildings ) b ) Natural (e . g . Lowlands to highlands -saltwater to mountains ; Green Mountain State Forest ; binding trails linked with Thurston and Grays Harbor; Theler Wetlands Center; 4H panhandle ) c) Recreational (e . g . Linkage to Kitsap and Thurston for "around the sound " bikeways ; link to national , state , county and city parks ) d ) Tourism (e . g . Links that facilitate access to attractions or other tourist amenities ; or trails that serve as destinations ) e) Cultural (e . g . Pioneer Cemetery ; Squaxin Island Tribal Center and Visitors Museum ) 3 .2 . Population Center Linkages/Mobility — Trails that provide access and mobility to, from, or between population centers. Policy Statement : Mason County shall consider establishing non-motorized trail linkages between population centers, to other popular destinations within and outside the county, and to regional trail systems. Examples of population center linkages include : linking urban areas of North Mason to Shelton ; Kamilche connection ; Tahuya/Dewatto connection ; link Alderbrook, Allyn , Belfair, Union , Lake Cushman , Bremerton , Hoodsport, Olympia and all counties adjacent to Mason County . 3 . 3 . Local Circulation — Trails to facilitate access and transportation within urban areas or areas of intense rural development (Rural Activity Centers — e. g. Hoodsport) . Policy Statement : Mason County shall consider providing alternative routes of circulation within local communities. Mason County shall further consider developing trails that allow users non-motorized access to various urban destinations (e. g. schools, ball fields, downtown areas, and commercial and residential districts), circulation within the local area, and access and integration with public transportation systems. Examples include : 7 f) Mobility (e . g . Marina Yacht Club to downtown Shelton ; link to Sanderson field ) g ) Access (e . g . Backbone system with spurs and offshoots to provide connections between local neighborhood ) h ) Schools (e . g . School connections — Sandhill , N . Mason ; safe schools pedestrian program ) . . Opportunities — Trails that are designed orlocated to take advantage of existing or future opportunities. Policy Statement : Mason County shall consider potential and existing opportunities for trail system design and development. The County shall consider potential and existing county and other rights-of-way as potential trail sites, when feasible; take advantage of public lands and facilities; consider requiring trails and open space in commercial and residential development projects; and seek to form partnerships that foster trail development and expansion. Opportunities for trail creation include: a ) Right-of-Ways and abandoned Right-of-Ways b ) Railroad corridors c) Roads (e . g . 101 corridor connection to Jefferson County) d ) Logging Roads (e . g . Decommissioned logging roads ) e ) Utility corridors (e . g . Tacoma City Light right-of-way corridor; Bonneville Power Administration utility corridor) f) Existing parks g ) Public lands and facilities h ) Development — new and redevelopment — commercial and residential (ex: expanding shoulders on improved roadways ; separate trails from roadways where exceptional hazards exist; subarea plans around specific uses ; dedicated trail rights of way for subdivision and commercial centers ) i ) Partnerships j ) Intergovernmental (e . g . greenways program — Shelton and other urban areas ; incorporate GMA compliance ) k) Private organizations 1 ) Land trusts m ) Other trail systems (e . g . connecting to state trails programs) n ) Missing links to connect existing trails (e . g . Identifying and filling in gaps in existing systems to provide for an expansion of the overall system ) Me Off-Road Vehicle Trails — Trails that either leads to parks or sites that allow ORVs; or trails that allow ORVs as an acceptable use . Policy Statement , Mason County shall evaluate the need for development, and maintenance of, specific trails for use by Off-Road Vehicles. 3 . 6 . A Water Resources — Trails that utilize, promote, and provide access to fresh and saltwater activities. olicy Statement . Mason County shall consider water resources as vital for the county and should utilize and promote these resources in its system of trails. Access to lakes and rivers, and fresh and saltwater activities shall be encouraged. Examples of water resource activities include: a ) Scenic birding b ) Shellfish harvesting c) Fishing d ) Educational/interpretive e ) Watertrails (e . g . kayaking , canoeing ) f) Shoreline nature walks g ) Boat Launches h ) Swimming VILAN DEVELOPMENT The following items are those identified by the Committee as " next steps" in the refinement and development of the Master Trails Plan . . 1 . Develop and/or identify specific trail projects . 4 . . Provide for a system of prioritizing and ranking of projects . 3 . Develop financial strategy for plan implementation and incorporate into annual Capital Improvements Program process and annual Operation and Maintenance Budgets . . . Incorporate Plan into updated Comprehensive Plan and updated Parks Plan . 4 . 5 . Provide for periodic reviews and updates of the Plan and its implementation progress . 1 LE E ATION AND INTERIM P ICIES The following policy statements should provide guidelines for Mason County for moving forward with projects and priorities , and to screen and develop projects as they arrive before the Master Trails plan is complete . 5 . 1 . Policy Guidelines 5 . 1 . 1 . Trails shall be integrated with the county transportation system to provide or facilitate alternative modes of transportation and capitalize on opportunities for joint projects for trail development . 5 . 1 . 2 . Planned transportation projects shall be reviewed for potential trail development opportunities . 5 . 1 . 3 . Designated open space corridors shall be evaluated for trail development . 5 . 1 . 4 . Prior to property vacations and acquisitions , or actions to surplus county property rights , opportunities for trail development shall be evaluated . 5 . 1 . 5 . Development of existing park properties should consider potential opportunities for trail development. 5 . 1 . 6 . Other agency projects within Mason County should be reviewed for opportunities for trails and consistency with these policies and the Master Trails Plan . 9 5Z EarlyAction Efforts 5 . 2 . 1 . Inventory : all existing trails ; adjacent county public lands ; possible destinations ; all state , federal and local public lands 5 . 2 . 2 . Publicize Plan and Guidelines to inform large landowners and other agencies re : right-of-ways , etc. 5 . 2 . 3 . Integrate trails policies with transportation planning policies during updates of the Regional Transportation Plan . . . Public Involvement Community involvement is an integral part of the trail planning process and continued citizen support will be crucial to ensuring full development and implementation of the Master Trails Plan and future trail systems : 5 . 3 . 1 . Mason County shall encourage and maximize active public involvement in all phases of trails establishment and support public efforts directed at implementation of the Trails Plan . 5 . 3 . 2 . Mason County shall encourage partnerships with public volunteer groups interested in assisting in trail development and maintenance . 5 . 3 . 3 . Mason County shall establish a standing Committee to advise and work with County staff in the planning , implementation , maintenance , promotion , and up-dating of the Master Trails Plan . 5 . 3 . 4 . Mason County shall encourage private sector involvement in the trails program through the provision of facilities and support services such as boarding and rental stables , maintenance and repair shops , trail tours , bicycle rentals , etc. 5 . 3 . 5 . Mason County shall promote a "sense of community" by encouraging public participation in all phases of establishing community trails . COORDINATION WITH OTHER PLANS The County wishes to acknowledge plans already in place and those in the process of being created and/or updated as being of potential value in the promotion and implementation of this Framework as well as the Master Trails Plan . These may include : The Washington Coastal Corridor — U . S . 101 Corridor Master Plan Washington State Trails Plan Olympic Discovery Trail Plan Mason County Comprehensive Plan Mason County Parks and Recreation Plan Shelton Comprehensive Plan All other local comprehensive plans 10 Resolution 70 - n4 RESOLUTION NO , 22 - o � RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MASON COUNTY TRAILS COMMITTEE WHEREAS, trails promote tourism and are a great community recreational asset, 'and WHEREAS, a Master Trail Plan is needed to develop a systematic approach to developing a trail system in Mason County, and WHEREAS, citizen input is critical to formulating a Master Trail Plan , and WHEREAS, the Future Search Conference Tourism Action Team, in June 2004, identified the formation of a county master trail system as a long -term goal ; NOW; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioner that a Mason County Trails Committee shall be established and that the members and chairperson shall be appointed by the County Commissioners; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Committee shall be charged With the task of creating a draft Master Trails Plan for Mason County; the Committee shall terminate on March 31, 2005 unless extended by the County Commissioners; the Planning Advisory Commission and TIP-CAP shall be asked to appoint a liaison to the Committee; and the Planning Department and Public Works Department shall provide staff assistance to the Committee . Signed this 7t�' day of September, 2004 . BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONO Wesley EJJohns , ChaiFperson ATTEST: Herb aze , Co missioner Ro cca S . Rogers , Cleft of the Board Jai i L . ami , Co'mr is over V D .j 0RM : Michael Clift, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney C: Planning Public Works Parks Department Je \RESOLU TE\2004\Trails Com ittee. doc Notices of Public Meeting NOTICE OF PUBLICMEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its sixth meeting at the Mason County Public Works Building , Building 8 , 615 W . Alder Street , Shelton , Washington on Monday Marchstarting at 5000 ® m * Questions on this public meeting may be directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427 - 9670 , ext . 286 . Publish : March 17 , 2005 ( 1t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to . Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton WA 98584 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its fifth meeting at the Mason County Public Works Building , Building 8 , 615 W . Alder Street , Shelton , Washington on Monday Marchstarting peme Questions on this public meeting may be directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427 - 9670 , ext . 286 . Publish : February 24 , 2005 ( 1t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to ® Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton WA 98584 NOTICE � -PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its fourth meeting at the Port of Shelton Commissioners' Chambers , 450 W . Business Park Road , Shelton , Washington on Wednesday February 7 , 2005 starting at 5 ` 00 pome Questions on this public meeting may be directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427- 9670 , ext . 286 . Publish . February 3 , 2005 ( 1 t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to . Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton WA 98584 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its second meeting at the Port of Shelton Commissioners' Chambers , 450 W . Business Park Road , Shelton , Washington on Wednesday January 19 , 2005 starting at 5oOO Questions on this public meeting may be directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427 = 9670 , ext . 286 . Publish : January 6 , 2005 ( 1t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to : Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton WA 98584 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its second meeting at the Port of Shelton Commissioners' Chambers , 450 Wo Business Park Road , Shelton , Washington on Monday December 20 ,, 2004 starting a Questions on this public meeting maybe directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427= 9670 , ext . 286 , Publish : December 9 , 2004 ( 1 t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to . Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton WA 9858 HATrails Committee\public notice .doc s NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Trails Committee will hold its initial meeting in the County Commissioners' Chambers in County Building I , 411 o . Fifth St . , Shelton , Washington on Monday November 22 , 2004 starting a 5 : 00 p . m . Questions on this public meeting may be directed to the Mason County Department of Community Development , Building 1 , 411 N . Fifth Street , Shelton , Washington or call ( 360 ) 427w9670 , ext . 286 . Publish : November 1 , 2004 ( 1t ) Shelton Mason County Journal Bill to ® Mason County Planning Department P . O . Box 279 , Shelton W4 9584 HATrails Committee\public notice .doc enaix Trails Committee Interest Survey and Responses Trails Committee Interest Survrey Name . Which , if any , trails do you currently use ? If you are a trail user, what trail activities to you participate in ? ( e . g . . hiking , bicycling , jogging , etc . ) Do you currently belong to any outdoor recreation club or organization ? If yes , which one ( s ) . What types of trail uses are you most interested in ? Please list trails in order of importance to you . What items are of importance to you ? Restroom Availability Bench Availability Interpretive Signs Trail Markers Drinking Water Environmental Education Closing/ Rehabilitating Trails Weed Control/ Habitat Restoration Trail Maintenance Tralls Committee i Interest, Survey RESPONSES Which , if any , trails do you currently use ? Hiking , local walking , biking . I currently use separate paths in greater Shelton area . All back country trails - Olympics , Cascades , Burke Gilman Horse Trails - statewide ♦ Whatever I can find - National Park , National Forest, Theler, private trails , logging roads Centralia Western , Burke - Gilman , Root River Trail ( MN ) , Cedar Valley Trail ( IA) Burke Gilman , Chahlis Western , Sequim ( ? ) , Port Angeles , Port Townsend , all trails in Bellingham , Vancouver, B . C . trails . Huff- n Puff, Cushman area , Olympia Capitol area ♦ Woodland Trail , Capitol Lake Interpretive Trail , Capitol Trail - nature trails ♦ Utility easements ♦ City of Shelton trails ♦ Skokomish , Simpson property , Lake Cushman , Hurricane Ridge Pedestrian only pathways ♦ Wetlands - Belfair ♦ Staircase , Lake Ozette boardwalk, kayak trails , walking trails If you are a trail user, what trail activities to you participate in ? ( e . g . , hiking , bicycling , jogging , etc . ) ♦ low land walking/ hiking and biking ♦ Horseback riding ♦ Walking , running ♦ Hiking , Bicycling ♦ Hiking , bicycling , running ♦ Walking , nature ♦ Hiking , bird watching , native plant viewing Hiking ♦ Biking , hiking Horseback riding , hiking , bicycling , cross - country skiing , canoeing , kayaking ( M . MacCracken ) Walking , rollerblading ♦ Walking , hiking , biking ♦ Running , biking , mountain climbing , walking , kayaking FMINK A Do you currently belong to any outdoor recreation club or organization ? If yes , which one ( s ) . ♦ Washington Trails Association Backcountry Horsemen of Washington II Pacific Crest Trail Association Team VooDoo Bicycle Club Cascade Bicycle Club Thurston County Native Plant Salvage Project What types of trail uses are you most interested in ? Please list trails in order of importance to you . 1 ) Biking IIIIIII 2 ) Hiking IIIII 3 ) Walking IIII 4 ) Horseback riding III Water III 5 ) Running II Nature II 6 ) Paved I Historic I Scenic I Multi - Purpose I Educational I Rollerblade I Low Impact I ♦ Access to natural areas , connections to stores/ restaurants ♦ Connectivity between parks and other public areas ; safety for children , keeping people and vehicles separate What items are of importance to you ? Trail Markers IIIIIIIIIIIII Interpretive Signs IIIIIIIII Weed Control/ Habitat Restoration IIIIIIII Trail Maintenance IIIIIIII Restroom Availability IIIIII Bench Availability IIIIII Drinking Water IIIIII Environmental Education IIIIII Closing / Rehabilitating Trails II Public Safety II • .ppend x... D Trails Committee Visioning Exercise Trails Visioning Imagine you are now in the year 2025 . The area in Belfair has a population of approximately five to six thousand people , and the Shelton UGA has developed as the primary metropolitan area . Thousands of new residences have been constructed on the uplands around Oakland Bay and the lower Canal . Many work in the urban areas , but around half of these residents now travel to adjacent counties to the north and west for their jobs . Tourists numbering nearly a million travel to and through the county each summer as they take advantage of parks , hiking trails , and wilderness experiences . Expansions of major highways to four lanes in some areas , and heavier traffic , present real challenges for pedestrian crossings , Before the next meeting, consider the above scenario think about how you envision trails in Masont eveli over the next 20 ears® Think about priority areas where you think trails should be created , rehabilitated , or perhaps even removed . Think about areas of interest that should be linked ( i . e . parks , community centers , urban areas , adjacent trail systems , other transportation systems , scenic vistas , historic sites , neighboring cities or counties , the ocean , etc . ) A What major natural resource areas will the trails connect to ? Who will be using them ? Will the trails connect Belfair to Allyn ? To Shelton ? To Hoodsport? 5, What function will the trails provide in the urban areas , or along the water? Is there a useful purpose for trails to connect historical landmarks or other significant places ? Be prepared to illustrate your thoughts on county maps . p �ndix..� Agendas and Meeting Notes AGENDA Mason County Trails Committee Meeting March 28 , , 2005 5 * 00 - 7 ° 00 p . m . Mason County Public Works , Building #8 Call To Order Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Agenda Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Meeting Notes Chairman Dave O ' Connell o . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 minutes Review Revised Draft of Mason County Trails Plan CountyStaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 minutes Determine Transmission to BOCC CountyStaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 minutes Set Next Meeting, if required - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Adjourn - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Mason County Trails Committee Meeting March 7, 2005 5e00 - 7 * 00 p . m . Mason County Public Works , Building # Call To Order - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Agenda - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Meeting Notes an Chairman Dave 0 ' Connell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 minutes Review and Discuss Draft Mason County Trails Plan - County Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 minutes Planning Process Conclusion - County Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 minutes Set Next Meeting - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Adjourn - Chairman Dave O ' Connell AUENDA Mason County Trails Committee Meeting February 7, 2005 5 : 00 - 7 * 00 p . m . Port of Shelton - Commission Chambers Call To Order Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Agenda Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Meeting Notes an Chairman Dave O ' Connell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 minutes Review its to Planning and Policy Outline - County Staff . . . . 6004 15 minutes Discuss Draft Plan Outline and Vision Statement CountyStaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 minutes Discuss Suggestions for Early Action Items - County Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 minutes Planning Process Conclusion (public review; transmission to Commission ; PAC review; timeline ) an County Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eta . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 minutes Set Next Meeting - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Adjourn - Chairman Dave O ' Connell AGENDA Mason County Trails i Meeting December 20 , 2004 5 * 00 - 7 : 00 p . m . Port of Shetton - Commission Chambers Call To Order - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Agenda - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Approval of Meeting Notes ON Chairman Dave O ' Connell Elect Vice Chairman - Chairman Dave O ' Connell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . 0900900 20 minutes Review and Discuss Survey Responses GO Barbara Adkins with Bob Fink and Doug Micheau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 minutes Visioning Exercise Facilitated by Barbara Adkins Break- Out Groups . . . . . . . . . 66004GOODOG OGOOO GOOD@ 00 * 000OUGO 30 minutes Group Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOOD * * * 15 minutes Discussion of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 minutes Set Next Meeting - Chairman Dave O ' Connell Adjourn - Chairman Dave O ' Connell F AGENDA Mason County Traits Committee Meeting # 1 November 22 , 2004 5 : 00 - 7 * 00 p . m . Commission Chambers 1 . Welcome Commissioner Jayni Kamin . Introductions . Committee ' s Charge Formulate a master trail plan for a countywide trail system that will connect communities, parks and public facilities throughout Mason County and provide a link with regional trails systems . 4 . What is a Master Trail Plan ? . The Purpose of Trails 6 . Location , Location , Location 7 . Discussion of Trail Plan Components 8 . Visioning Project 9 . Set Next Meeting Date 10 . Interest Survey 11 . Adjourn Meeting EMU lw ft am • r Committee Members Joetta Anderson , Frank Benavente, Jean Bonzer, Brad Carey, Jeff Carey, Paul Eveleth , Walt Hitchcock, Terri Jeffreys , John Johnson , Dave O'Connell (Chair), and Janet Shonk, County Staff Barbara Adkins (Planning), Bob Fink (Planning), Allan Borden (Planning), Bill Bullock (Public Works), and Doug Micheau (Parks/Utilities) CalledMeeting to Order by Brad Carey ( in place of Dave WCorinell and Jeff Carey, V n) at 5:15 pm. Approval of Agenda Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the meeting's Agenda as stated . Approval of Minutes Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the Meeting Notes with corrections as noted by Brad Carey. Review and Discuss Draft Mason County Trails Plan Comments were received via e-mail from Steve Clayton who could not attend this meeting . These comments were read aloud by Barbara Adkins for Committee discussion and approval . A copy of this e-mail is attached and incorporated by reference as Attachment "A". Further discussion was held as the Committee went through the proposed Trails Plan page by page with County Staff. Edits were noted at the meeting and subsequently incorporated into the Plan by County Staff. See revised Mason County Master Trails Plan , Compared Version , to see changes as made. County staff proposed to Committee that they meet again in March to conclude the Plan writing process and determine a proper mode of transmittal to the Board of County c Commissioners . The Committee agreed to scheduling their last official meeting as the Trails Plan Committee for the end of March . to 1 Next Mee 7777 The next meeting is set for March 28 , 2005, from 5:00 to 7 :00 p. m . at the Mason County Public Works Building , Building 8 , 615 W . Alder Street, Shelton , Washington . Meeting Adjoumed by Chalinnan &Connell 2 IVWOUn ly ium s February 2005 Meeting Notes Adopted March 7, 2005 with suggested revisions ; Revised March 22 , 2005 d Committee Frank Benavente, Brad Carey, Jeff Carey, Steve Clayton , Carleen Coker, Paul Eveleth , Walt Hitchcock, John Johnson , Dave O'Connell (Chair), Janet Shonk, and Cheryl Weston , County Staff Barbara Adkins (Planning), Bob Fink (Planning), Allan Borden (Planning), Bill Bullock (Public Works), and Doug Micheau (Parks/Utilities) CalledMeednq r O'Connell at 5:10 . Approval of Agenda Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the meeting's Agenda as stated . Approval of Minutes Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the Meeting Notes without correction . OutlineReview of Edits to Planning and Policy A great deal of discussion was had over "fine-tuning" of the Policy Outline. Several revisions were suggested , including : ✓ Removing the word "private" from Overarching Policy number # 8 . ✓ In Policy # 3, add Lake Cushman , Bremerton , Hoodsport and Olympia to linkage examples . ✓ In Policy # 4, the second sentence should be revised to read , ". . . advantage of public lands and facilities; considerreauirin_g trails and open space in commercial and residential . . . " ✓ Under ( 1 )d — Tourism — revision example to read , "Links that facilitate access to attractions or other tourism amenities; or trails that serve as destinations." The committee was furnished with a copy of the Draft Plan Outline at the January meeting and asked to review it for discussion at this meeting . The Vision Statement was not mailed to committee in advance, but distributed at the beginning of this meeting . Comments received for both are as follows : Plan Outline , ✓ Revise Policy 5 . 1 .3 to read , "Mason County should consider any potential impacts on adjacent properties and communities when determining trail location and use." ✓ Add Policy 2 . 1 .3 to include a discussion of the public involvement process . Vision Statement: ✓ Add the word "public" to vision statement to reflect a public involvement component of the plan . Discuss Suggestions for Early Action Items The committee reviewed suggested Early Action Items as prepared by staff prior the meeting . Suggested revisions include : ✓ Adding existing trails, adjacent county public lands, and possible destinations as items to be inventoried . ✓ Add "other agencies" to initiate discussions with . ✓ In the third Action Item , add "surplus public lands" as land to be considered in any vacation proceeding . There was also discussion to completely revise the working of this Item to include language such as , "When considering transferring easements to private holdings . . ." and "Consider trails in the future creation of easements". Staff will discuss suggestions and make proposed draft changes . There was also a great deal of discussion conceming the labeling of Early Action Items and Long Range Items and Implementation Policies as shown in the Draft Plan Outline. The Committee asked staff to considering restructuring these sections to reflect which items are actually early action items, which are on going items and which are implementation more accurately. A time line showing when each item is targeted for completion was also suggested . Planning Process Conclusion Staff proposed to the Committee that a route of transmission of the Plan to the Board of County Commissioners needed to be determined . Due to time limitations of the meeting, it was decided that the Committee would consider this for discussion at a future meeting . Next Meeting The meeting is set for March 7, 2005, from 5:00 to 7 :00 p . m . at the Mason County Public Works Building , Building 8 , 615 W . Alder Street, Shelton , Washingtonff Meeting Adjoumed by Chainnan11 at 700 pm. Barbara Adkins - trails committee Pa e 1 a From , "ks-clayton1 " <ks-clayton1@msn . com > To : <barbara@co . mason . wa . us> ate : 3 . 6 . 2005 9 :42 : 52 PM Subject : trails committee Barbara I will not be able to make it to the trails committee meeting on Monday, I have a conflicting meeting with the Belfair SR-3 Implementation Committee . The alternate representative from the Planning Commission (Teri Jeffreys) should be there though . I have forwarded to her the 'Framework' document you sent out last week . Some comments I have on that 'framework' document: Pg 2 - could you include Terri and I in either category as 'Committee member or planning support'? Pg 5 - Clarify or consolidate 1 . 1 . 1 . & 1 . 1 .4 . Pg 6 - Sec 1 . 1 .8 . - delete the word any Clarify or consolidate 1 . 1 . 9 . & 1 . 1 . 100 In sec '2 . Plan Develop . . . . ' 7th line down - define PRTPO 12th line down - change 'City of Shelton Planning Advisory Committee' to 'Mason County Planning Advisory Commission '. Pg 7 - Sec 3. 1 b) - change 'Green Mountain State Park' to 'Green Mountain State Forest' and 'Thelar Wetlands' to 'Theler Wetlands'. Pg 9 - 'Policy Statement - 5th line down - change '. . . non-motorized circulation with the local area, . . .' to 'non- motorized circulation within the local area , . . . ' Sec 5 . 1 . 1 - 3rd line down - add the words for & opportunities . 'Planned transportation projects should be reviewed for potential trail development opportunities'. Pg 10 - Sec 5 .2 . 3 - Define RTPO . Sec 5 .3 .2 - Delete this section . This should be the counties job ! Thanks, Steve Clayton CC : "Terri Jeffreys" <tmjeffreys@aol .com >, "Bob Fink" <rdf@co. mason .wa . us> "Alan Borden" <ahb@co . mason .wa .us > ' r .y i i i r i AdWEIlk ■ ■ MembersCommittee Terra Norris (for Joetta Anderson ), Bob Barnes , Brad Carey, Jeff Carey, Steve Clayton , Carleen Coker, Paul Eveleth , John Johnson , Dave O'Connell (Chair), Janet Shonk, Dana Tilton , and Cheryl Weston . County Staff Barbara Adkins (Planning), Bob Fink (Planning), Allan Borden (Planning), and Doug Micheau (Parks/Utilities) CalledMeeting rO'Connell at 5:05 . Approval of Agenda Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the meeting's Agenda as stated . Approval of Minutes Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the Meeting Notes without correction . Election of Vice Chair Chairman O'Connell again opened the floor for Vice Chairman nominations or volunteers . Jeff Carey was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman for the Trails Committee . Outline' Review and Discuss Planning and Policy The committee and staff reviewed the Planning and Policy Outline furnished to members in the meeting„ mail out. Each of the six (6) policy categories was discussed in detail and suggestions were provided by both committee members and staff to address any concerns . Suggested revisions for the Policy Outline included : • Policy #1 — Destinations — important to go somewhere "cool" . Destinations may include links to other regional trails systems . • Policy #2 — Off-Road Vehicle Trails - consider revising policy statement to read : "Mason County should evaluate the development and maintenance of specific trails for use by ORV's . B ® Policy #3 — Population Center Linkages/Mobility — revise policy statement to read : "Mason County should establish non-motorized trail linkages between population centers , to other popular destinations , and to regional trail systems . Add Bremerton , Olympia . ® Policy #4 — Opportunities — add the words "potential and" in front of "existing". Add county rights of way as recreational trails . ® Policy #6 — Local Circulation — should be integrated with public transportation system . ® Incorporate language linking the other government entities to the regional plan . ® Need another policy regarding "multi-use" as appropriate . • Should address impacts to private properties adjacent to proposed trails — in the overarching policies . ® Need vision statement that serves to tie the policies to it. Incorporate the committee's charge. ® Should address long-range perspective in an overarching policy — 50-year view. Draft Plan Outline The committee briefly reviewed the Draft Plan Outline, but due to time constraints agreed to take the document home for review and comment at the next meeting . Next Meeting The next two meetings are set for February 7 and March 7, 2005, from 5 :00 to 7 :00 p .m . at the Port of Shelton Commission chambers . Meetingdj y ChalirmanO'Connell . Meeting Uecember M8. 9 an • ■ Committee Joetta Anderson , Steven Anderson, Frank Benavente , Brad Carey, Jeff Carey, Steve Clayton , Carleen Coker, Paul Eveleth , Wait Hitchcock, John Johnson , Dave O'Connell (Chair), Janet Shonk , and Cheryl Weston . County Staff Barbara Adkins (Planning), Bob Fink (Planning ) , Allan Borden (Planning), and Doug Micheau (Parks/Utilities) CalledMeeting r O'Connell at 505 . Approval of Agenda Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the meeting's Agenda as stated . Approval of Minutes Chairman O'Connell asked for and received approval of the Meeting Notes without correction . Election of Vice Chair Chairman O'Connell asked for nominations for a Committee Vice-Chairman . Hearing none, Chairman O'Connell asked committee members to volunteer as Vice Chairman . Having none, Chairman O'Connell tabled the election of a Vice-Chairman until the next meeting of the Committee . During the interim , the Chairman will contact members to seek interested potential Vice Chairs . Discussion of Survey Reponses The committee was asked who was not represented in their committee upon review of the results of the survey taken at the last meeting . The following are interests identified by the group : Large private landowners and other stakeholders need to be involved and incorporated into this plan Off-Road Vehicles have not been addressed and the inclusion should be considered � t Consideration of trails that include dog parks Consideration of Nature Trails Consideration of Mountain Bike Trails Consideration of access of emergency vehicles to trails Trails that provide access to saltwater, lakes, rivers , cliffs (climbing) Consider interjurisdictional stakeholders in the planning process . Intermodel linkages (bikes to buses to bikes , etc. ) Visioning Exercise After a brief recap of the visioning exercise instructions and goals by Doug Micheau , the committee broke into three small groups . Each group was given a set of different colored markers and asked to characterize - though colors - how they envision a trail system in the future for Mason County. Upon completing this task, each group elected one person to describe what the colors and depictions represented on their respective map . After each group had presented their map and ideas, Doug Micheau led an interactive discussion on the potential trail locations , trail linkages , trail destinations of interest, trail features , trail purposes , and other trail issues . The following is a list of items brought up during that discussion : Tacoma/City light Right of Way corridor (Cushman to E Co. . . . ) Decommissioned logging roads for potential trail use Lowlands to highlands - (saltwater to mountains) 101 corridor connection to Jefferson County Use of railroad corridors Historical road grades Green Mountain State Park Marina Yacht Club to downtown Shelton - walking path through pear orchard Marina link to Sanderson field Linking urban areas of North Mason County to Shelton Kamilche connection School connections - Sandhill , N . Mason Tahuya/Dewatto Connection Linkages to specific events - marathons , festivals Birding trail coordinated with Thurston and Grays Harbor Linkage to Kitsap and Thurston for around the sound bikeways Link national , state, county, and city parks Points of Connection : 1 . Alderbrook, Allyn , Belfair, Union 2 . Theler Wetland Center 3 . , Vance Creek Tressel 4 . 4H Panhandle 5 . BPA utility corridor Link inland to coastal regions Links to and through city and urban areas Connecting to state trails programs Expanded shoulders on improved roadways Separate trails from roadways where exceptional hazards Subarea plans around specific uses Greenways program -Shelton and other urban areas Preserve existing Rights of way for future potential trails Incorporate GMA compliance Lakes/Rivers - fishing , swimming Fisheries/Shorelines - boat launches , claming , shrimping Visitor information centers and kiosks Themes — logging , historic buildings Backbone system with spurs/offshoots The next meeting set for January 19, 2005 , from 5 :00 to 7 :00 p . m . at the Port of Shelton Commission chambers . Meeting Adjounlied by ChainnanII . 3 � . r - • Committee Members Joetta Anderson , Steven Anderson , Bob Barnes, Frank Benavente, Jean Bonzer, Brad Carey, Jeff Carey, Carleen Coker, Paul Eveleth , Walt Hitchcock, Terri Jeffreys (alternate), John Johnson , Maureen MacCracken , Dave O'Connell (Chair) , and Dana Tilton County Staff Barbara Adkins (Planning ), Bob Fink (Planning ), Allan Borden (Planning), Bill Bullock (Transportation ), and Doug Micheau (Parks/Utilities ) Meeting Called er by C ai O'Connell at 5:05 pm. WelcomeCommissioner® a i Kamin Commissioner Kamin expressed her excitement at the response of people wanting to be involved in the trails plan . She then shared some of her trail experiences as a youth growing up in the Skokomish Valley. She went on to emphasize the relationship between the trail systems and tourism , and their importance to our local economy. During an economic development summit held earlier this year, trail systems emerged as one of the visions for enhancing the economic health of communities in Mason County. She also emphasized the need to connect existing parks and resource lands; and to even consider "driving" trails to historic sites like the old logging camps along with future regional linkages such as the Olympic Discovery Trail in Clallam and Jefferson Counties , Committee Introductions Committee members each introduced themselves and gave brief statements about their background and their interests in serving on the committee. They also made short statements concerning what they would Pike to see included in a Master Trails Plan , ' Trails Plan Presentation Barbara Adkins provided a PowerPoint presentation on the basic elements of a trails plan . At one point, the committee was asked to participate in a brainstorming exercise to identify the "purposes" that the trails will need to fulfill . The committee compiled the following list: Trail Purposes and/or Needs : ® Connection of trails for exercise (ones that are available) Cardio/exercise , walking ■ Bike/trail for non-motorized commuting routes ■ Water trails ■ Nature trails/scenic trails ■ Historical aspects ■ Motorized trails/ORV ■ Educational trails ® Multi-purpose trails ■ Rollerblade trails ■ Horse trails ■ Skateboard trails Once the presentation concluded , committee members offered the following additions to the list of basic trail plan elements that should be included : ■ Inventory of public lands ■ Public safety — trail security ■ Trail capacities The question was raised regarding the potential for funding trail improvements in the County with the concern being whether or not new trails would need to generate sufficient revenue to cover their costs . Doug Micheau stated that he had never heard anyone express the need for the trails to be self-sufficient from a revenue perspective, but rather that the trails would most likely be the result of partnerships with organizations , interested user groups , or private companies that can help implement and maintain projects . Timeline: Discussion then took place regarding the timeline for completing a plan and what level of detail was expected given the need to produce a product by the end of 2005 . Staff perspective was that the committee did not have time to plan specific projects , we will need to look at a comprehensive planning approach with points of connection and corridors fairly well defined . Staff also offered the perspective that the plan should provide some level of policy guidance that will assist elected officials in making future decisions on property acquisitions or capital improvement planning . Visioning Exercise Doug Micheau explained a visioning exercise for the next meeting that includes a hands-on project for committee members . Each member was given a sheet with a brief description of the possible future of Mason County and statements to stimulate ideas . At the next meeting , the committee will work in small groups to illustrate on county maps their collective vision for the future of trails in Mason County. Next Meetinq There was discussion over the meeting time and the committee decided to continue meeting at 5 :00 p . m . for the time being . The next meeting is set for December 20 , 2004, from 5 :00 to 7 : 00 p . m . at the Port of Shelton Commission chambers . AdjournedMeeting i O'Connell 2