HomeMy WebLinkAbout38-05 - Res. Adopting Sand Hill Park Development Plan Resolution No. 3 8 - 0 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, ADOPTING THE SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN. WHEREAS , Mason County is responsible for the maintenance, operation, and improvement of park facilities throughout the County; and WHEREAS , Sand Hill Park is one of the facilities under the care and guidance of the County; and WHEREAS , the Board of County Commissioners believe that it is necessary to plan for the development of park facilities to ensure continuity, address future demands , and maximize the use of public resources ; and WHEREAS , such a plan has been developed for Sand Hill Park which included the input and advice of interested community user groups ; and WHEREAS , a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners is the appropriate mechanism to formalize this plan for implementation; NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners does hereby resolve as follows : SECTION 1 : The Sand Hill Park Development Plan (Exhibit A) as prepared by MacLeod Record Landscape Architects is hereby adopted, and this Plan shall supercede all previous documents pertaining to the improvements and development of Sand Hill Park . SECTION 2 : Mason County Parks Department is directed to implement the Sand Hill Park Development Plan consistent with available funding and Commission priorities . ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, this 2 6 t h day of April , 2005 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST : / � J Z Jayni, ,. gamin, bh auperson ;Rebecca S . Rogers, Clerk of e Board APPAQV I TO FORM : LyndaRing Erickson, Commissioner YI Michael Clift, Tim Sheldon, Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney \\CLUSTERl HOME SERVER\HOME\CBCOMMON\RESOLUTIONS\2005\Sand Hill Park Plan . doc . MA 0 f . �. s Fit r V �■ per' sIF - v FrI 46 IF p ` � r r F}'SI II of' ,I1: q 4, <,_ R 1 x 1 , y ,� • � k 1 IF 51 Am IF IF. LL r TWc S fit- p ARMIF AIV ITS" • i Or . " — , ►"�( ' . Alanr� — ` S11 4• a �/ D • - a FAA I Ir { : . i Wilk 4 ti )I Ay ■• ` ~ ., i eRr4rn r ter , A, . j0FAA 3 t$drT l Jl� 1yARM- UP AREA "Ar BALL11 • s � _ WFIr T � = IF - - ' • 11 • • . . . . , Proposed Plat of Allyn Right of WayMap April 28 , 2005 _t- T " mama Awam OMP P0WER ' G . . . Q w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TP f qVIC :Qi" _ �, Q PLAT �, • v , . . . : : : : : - - - = . . . . BORDER z : -:. - ::am am !gOF .ST .: ::. : . Wa wa0a0almal mama mama Rama e ` mama :FeERygRT .-IF alms - wammw _ - - IF a .:: W :DM -- - mQ � ( -� mom IF Gl , I LAKF1-A I iV - STa a a a a a i �� . / . ^�\ , �Z / . / . . , 1 \ wall Qpawao a . Case H:4NSON ST. - A . o = a Inlet o / ! N MARINE �� TZF . ST W E �. � MASTERSON ST. - " ' o - . . - - - • S 3 - . . Q mama m9w9om. mamma ::0a •� . . . . � � G . . all9 0 150 300 600 mama MO & MAstir ST F�!? mama mama mama a mom _ FAWCETT ST. ft . 04 — County Commissioners Ordinance Number Date Lynda Ring Erickson , 1st District Date mammal Tim Sheldon , 2nd District Date dayni L. Kamin , 3rd District Date LRebecca S . Rogers , Clerk of the Board Date i LEGEND 1 — Existing Right Of Ways 0 FEET R. 0. W 60 FEET R. 0. W County Disclaimer ® 15 FEET R. 0. W 80 FEET R. 0. W. =1 I 30 FEET R. 0. W �__� 30 FEET Agreed R. O. W. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mason County Board of County Commissioners J yni Kamin , Chairperson Lynda RingErickson , Commissioner Tim Sheldon , Commissioner Mason County Department of Parks , Utilities , and Wasten e ent Doug iche u , Director Mason County Youth Sports Clubs North son Girls Softball Association North Mason Little League e Wees Consultant MacLeod ecor Ed MacLeod , Principal - in - Charge SAND MILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONTENTSTABLE OF Page Introduction 1 Existing Conditions 2 Programming 5 Alternative Concepts Concept Study Concept Study Concept Study C User Group Response County Commissioner's Response Master Plan 1 Preferred Plan Phasing and Cost Estimates Appendices 1 . User Group Questionnaires 24 List of Potential Program Elements . Concept Study Cost Estimates 4 . Master Plan Cost Estimates 5 . Briefing Minutes : County Board of Commissioners , February 28 , 2005 6 . Meeting Notes : User Group Meeting , arch 11 , 200 SAND FALL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION Mason County recognizes their need for improved athletic field facilities particularly in the north half of the county . Participation in youth club sports has grown quickly in recent years with demand for game and practice venues outstripping available recreation fields . In response to these growing needs the firm of MacLeod ReckordLandscape Architects was hired in February of 2005 to assist the Parks , Utilities and Waste Management Department to formulate a development plan for Sand Full Park in Belfair. Mason County owns and operates Sand Hill Park , which currently consists of six baseball/softball fields that accommodate a variety of club users and levels of play . The existing facilities have evolved over many years through a combination of County work force improvements and the labor and materials donated by club users . The existing fields occupy about two-thirds of the 30 acre site and are separated by two roadways , Only three of the six fields meet recommended minimum size requirements for fast-pitch softball and Little League play . The Parks , Utilities and Waste Management Department identified the need for a more comprehensive look at park planning be6 fore committing additional renovation or development funds to the facility . The purpose of this re® port is to summarize the planning process and provide recommendations for phased improve® ments to Sand Hill Park , which can then be adopted by Mason County` s Board of County Commis® sinners to provide continuity and direction for development of the park over the longterm . SAID HILL PARK V L P NT PLAN � EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing facility is comprised of seven distinct areas defined by roadways , topography and vegetation . Sand Hill Road is a north/south connector and runs through the eastern half of the park separating approximately 9 acres on the east side of the road from 21 acres on the west. The east 9 acres is further divided by Fern Way, a neighborhood access road , which runs from Sand Hill Road east to the edge of park property where it becomes a private road . A crosswalk on Fern Way and a crosswalk with pedestrian crossing signs on Sand Hill Road provide the only pedes- trian connections between the segmented park . The southeast 2 . 75 acres is occupied by Field *3 , a small baseball/softball field with a 200-230' outfield . The field is benched into a slope about 8' below Sand Hill Road . A steep slope defines the edge of the outfield which falls another 10- 12 ' down to a mixed growth woodland which forms an effective buffer to single-family properties to the east. 4 CAR6t�K A - L i -_ - -i :=� iL4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 The field has covered dugouts and concrete bleacher steps behind a wood pole supported chain link backstop . The County has recently installed irrigation , however, the grass is clumpy , typical of a non-irrigated turf. The infield edge is uneven and there is evidence of standing water, indicating drainage problems . Access to the field is via a paved ramp which does not meet ADA require- ments . : - 4t.. iTf IV OFmr Ole V. IV IV : 1 The northeast 6 . 25 acres contains Fields * 1 and *2 , both substandard sized baseball/softball fields . Backstops are located next to Sand Hill Road with only 70 ' between the road and backstop of the southerly field . A 6' chain link fence forms the common outfield boundary 155' from home plate . The backstop and fences are formed of galvanized pipe and chain link. The chain link fabric on Field * 1 ' s backstop has just been replaced by the County . The infields appear to have ade- quate drainage , and the edge of the infields are uneven and the outfield grass is clumpy . Timber stairs provide access from backstop g1 to a small level area , 12- 14' above the field , which is used as an informal parking lot. A set of concrete stairs behind backstop * 1 lead down to the entrance of a culvert tunnel under Sand Hill Road . The culvert was constructed by the County to provide a safe means of crossing the road . It is long , dark and narrow however, and is now fenced off at both ends . North of the gravel parking lot is a small residence that is occupied year-round by the County' s park caretaker. North of the residence is a well house which provides irrigation water to Fields # 1 , *2 , and *3 . Nine acres of the 21 acres west of Sand Hill Road is undeveloped mixed growth woodland . It oc- cupies the north end of the park and is on average 151&&20' above the elevation of the rest of the park area west of Sand Hill Road . The soils appear to be the gravelly well-drained material found elsewhere in the park and grading could create another flat bench to develop more fields . In the southeast corner of the 2F acre parcel west of and adjacent to Sand Hill Road is a 1 . 5-acre "chip seal"/gravel parking lot. The south end of the lot is adjacent to parking lots at Sand Hill Be- mentary School , which shares the south property line with the park. At the north end of the parking lot is another well house that may be used for irrigation west of Sand Hill Road . Wei,It Irm f� lmmV VON a SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3 M1 , _ p t f G l. PROGRAMMING The County identified the three primary user groups of Sand Hill Park as follows : North Mason Girls Softball Association ( SA) North Mason Little League ( LL ) Pee Wees The County provided MacLeod Reckordwith a list of the attendees at the Mason County Parks Athletic Facility Allocation Planning Meeting held February 6 , 2005 in Belfair . The club leaders from each of the organizations listed above were invited to attend an interview with MacLeod Reckord to discuss existing conditions , current and projected levels of use , unmet needs , and their vision of an improved Sand Hill Park . Summaries of these interviews are provided in the appendix . Beds Analysis Based on current levels of participation and unmet needs the total number of game events per season is 50 . This number is expected to increase slowly in the near terra . Once the season starts , practice sessions for Pee Wees and Little League are rare due to a lack of field space . The MG SA have fewer games per week and more practices . Allowing 10 game events/week , 5 un ® lighted regulation fields can provide 5 x 10 x 12 weeks ® 600 games . This allows for 60 practices . The practice needs per season are now largely unmet. This deficiency could be made up by add . ing fields and /or field lighting to the complex . The interview results yielded the following answers to the question , "What is your highest priority improvement? " : ® Restrooms ® Make Field 04 per Little League recommended standards except for left field which could be fenced , and make Field conform to recommended Little League standards . ® Additional fields Other frequently requested improvements include : ® Storage ® Concessions ® Warm up areas ® Sand Full Road crossing improvements ® Gathering space ® Elimination of parking on east side of Sand Hill Road ® Chilren ' s play area Drinking fountains ® Flag pole SAID HALL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAID 5 ® Trails and picnic facilities ® Power to all fields 2 Warning tracks ® More parking east of Sand Full Road Program Deyelopment The results of the user group interviews were reviewed with park staff and the consultant was pro- vided guidance as follows : ® Address safety concerns in proposed concepts ; ® Follow as closely as possible to accepted ballpark design standards ; Maximize baseball fields ; ® Show all appropriate amenities normally found with ballpark facilities . The following program elements were identified for alternative park design concept studies as a re- sult of guidance from park staff and input from the user groups . Program Elements for Concept Studies A . Improvements to Existing Fields : 1 , Strip existing outfield sod , add topsoil , finish grade and seed . 1 Add regulation Little League warning tracks to all fields . 3 . Raise height of outfield fence when distance to home plate is less than 200 feet . 4 . Add outfield fence to Fields #4 and #5 . 5 . Complete dugouts Field #4 . . Improve infield drainage on Field 45 . 7 . Rerade infields to promote surface drainage and eliminate irregularities . . Improve dugouts , backstops , pedestrian access and spectator seating at Fields # 1 , # , and #3 . . Use a portion of Sand Full Road ROW to reconstruct retaining wall on east side of road and provide a walkway to connect parking to Fields 41 , #2 , and #3 . B . Relocation of Existing Fields : 1 . Shift location of Fields 44 and #5 to allow for a regulation 200400t outfield on both fields . Shift would require significant clearing , cut and regrading of existing slopes . 2 . Shift location of backstop on Field 43 , +!- 40 feet to the south to make room for restrooml concessions south of Fern Way . 30 Shift location of Field 45 backstop 30 feet east to gain a 200400t outfield . The distance between Fields #5 and 46 would be reduced to 60 feet. 4 . Relocate Fields # 1 and *2 to the north half of the west side of the park and convert area to o permanent "T"-ball backstops and two portable "T"®ball backstops and one minimum FIFA regulation soccer field or warm-up area . 6 C . New Fields : 1 , Add Field "7 (20 feet) west of Sand Mill Road , north of parking area . 2 . Add a minimum of 2 fields on the north half of the west side of Sand Full Park . . Add a multipurpose warm - up area with one permanent 7% ball backstop west of Sand Hill Road , west of the parking area . I0 . New Support Facilities : 1 . Improve safety of pedestrian crossing at Sand Hill Road . 2v Restroorn/concession /storage buildings west of Sand Hill Road could be one or multiple structures . 30 Include a meeting room to the restroom /concession structure . 4 . Cildren ' s play area west of Sand Hill Road . 5 . Restroorn/concession /store e building east of Sand Hill Road in area created by su es- tion of B , 2 , above . 6 . Install a wire cable guardrail along both sides of Sand Full Road to prevent on �street park® in . Add sidewalks on both sides of Sand Full Road 7 . Add a bullpen to the outfield side of each dugout on Fields 44 , *5 , and 46 and all new fields . 3 . Light Fields 4 , " , and *6 and all new fields . . Provide drinking fountains at each field or at a minimum at each restroom . 10 . Provide foul poles on all fields ; except designated 7% all areas . 11 . Create a commons area with flagpole for ceremonies and gathering space . 1 . Expand existing parking west of Sand Hill Road by filling in northwest corner and adding stall striping and wheel stops . SAND 'HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 7 ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS Three alternative concept studies were presented to park staff, County Commissioners and user groups for discussion and comment . The alternatives illustrate different levels of development and programming priorities for the park . Alternative Concept Study A is the most ambitious plan while Alternative Concept Study C is the least ambitious . All of the concepts meet the current and near future needs of the user groups . Common to all three plans are : the formalization of the parking area west of Sand Hill Road ; the addition of a vehicular guardrail along the east side of Sand Hill Road to restrict parking ; a flashing signal crossing light on Sand Hill Road ; and a new 200 ' outfield baseball/softball field in the open area north of the large parking lot . CONCEPT STUDY A This plan takes a "let' s start over ' approach and is the most ambitious plan . Two new, 200' out. field , baseball/softball fields are located east of Sand Hill Road . Fern Way is relocated to the pe- rimeter of the park to lessen the potential for pedestrian and vehicular conflicts . By eliminating one undersized practice field and providing additional fill room is created for a 28-car parking lot ac- cessed from Fern Way and a small plaza area with a restroom/concession building , storage , picnic tables and a flagpole . New backstops and spectator seating , dugouts , bull pens and two batting cages are also shown . The existing caretaker residence is relocated to allow for a 24-car parking lot north of the two fields . A sidewalk is proposed along the east side of Sand Hill Road . Two new fields and a 50-car parking lot are proposed for the northwest area of the park. The area can ac- commodate one 200 ' outfield and one 300 ' outfield baseball/softball fields . The layouts include covered dugouts , bull pens and spectator seating . Benched into the hillside south of the fields a plaza is shown containing handicap ramps , picnic tables , a restroom/concession building and a meeting room/shelter building . This plaza is on access with a plaza proposed at the backstop be- tween three new fields in the southwest corner of the park . Two of the fields have 200' outfields and one has a 300' outfield . All three have covered dugouts , bull pens and spectator seating . An- other restroom/concession is also located here and all of the backstops are connected with acces- sible paving and maintenance vehicle access routes . The construction cost for Concept Study A is $2 , 585 , 000 . 00 (see Appendix 3 for detail) with an es- timated total project cost of $3 , 231 , 250 . 00 . \ / r1 1dqqqJ c r I % ry . . _. . .. . .,! iR4'lIC E CONCEPT STUDY A SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 9 CONCEPT STUDY B This plan is a paired down version of Concept Study A . Fern Hill Road is left in its existing location . Field *3 is relocated to the south to make room for a 14-car parking lot and an accessible ramp down to the field . Clearing and regrading make room for a single new 200' baseball/softball field , a plaza with restroom/concession building and a new 28-car parking lot. The caretaker' s house is re- located and a new 28-car parking lot is shown north of the new field . Development of the north- west corner of the site is similar to Concept A except that both fields have 200' outfields , parking is provided for 75 cars , and the restrooms , concessions and meeting room are combined in one building with a separate storage building . The plaza area is smaller and is connected to the fields below with a paved path and a loop path is shown around the two fields . Three fields continue to be shown in the southwest corner of the site , however, Field *6 remains in its existing location and Fields *4 and *5 slide north and east to allow for 2 regulation 200' outfields . This configuration leaves room for a multi- purpose/warm-up area south of Field *6 with a "T" ball backstop in the southeast comer. The construction cost for Concept Study B is $2 , 331 , 000000 with a total project cost of $21 913 , 750 . 00 . � -/ ��,/ . . , � rw wan �� •Alf ~� if I � if i- � , I I • \ � �' - _ L � , l i r ' 7 j -_-�- _,.—Per.:, CONCEPT STUDY B 10 CONCEPT STUDY C This plan is the least ambitious of the three alternatives . The configuration of the field south of Fern Way is the same as in Concept Study B including the 14- car parking lot . North of Fern Way two undersized fields are located very close to the existing footprints of existing Fields * 1 and *2 . No additional clearing or grading is required . New backstops , covered dugouts , spectator seating , handicapped access and two small storage buildings are proposed . A 10 ' high fence would be in- stalled between outfields . The caretaker residence remains in its existing location and a smaller 20-car parking area is proposed north of the fields . The development proposed for the northwest area is the same as in Concept Study B . The development proposed for the southwest area is very similar to Concept Study B except that the northern most 200' field is undersized with the possibility of future long-term expansion (clearing and grading) . The construction cost for Concept Study C is $2 , 201 , 000 . 00 with a total project cost of $217512250000 , 0 0 NY . �Joe` \A' ; IN \Ff U i I 1 li 1 I, 1 , �— \ 1�JJ +Hill � lr4 Joe, on dyJoe o. of feel 1ao JZJo I - IrA hIf, JJJJ,,fJAA I.Of JJ now TJ fee j ! f F r 1 \ ! lie u lif t J Joe NNY ,-P. CO , NCEPT STUDY C SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 USER GROUP RESPONSE A user group meeting was held on March 10 , 2005 in Belfair to review the Alternative Concept Plans and discuss issues . Representatives from NMGSA , NMLL and Pee Wees were present . All were very pleased that improvements were being planned for the park . There were some minor disagreements between user groups regarding configuration and priorities , but in general the groups were in favor of maximizing the useful life of existing facilities and adding to them to create a recreation park capable of accommodating their needs while providing a viable venue for reve- nue generating tournaments and adult softball use . Following is a list of the primary items of discussion and user group preferences : 1 . Preserve previous investments in filed improvements and avoid as much demolition and re® construction as possible . 2 . Pursue the potential for joint use with the School District which could provide : a . Expansion of Field ##4 outfield onto school property b . Allow park user access to the existing children ' s play area c . Share park parking with the school d . Allow use of the existing and /or proposed 300 ' fields by the high school . 3 . The master plan should provide the following : a . If field 44 cannot be extended onto school property then shift fields 44 and 45 to the north and east to allow room for two 200 ' fields . Keep field #6 in its present location . (Concept Study B ) b . Construct one 200 ' field and one 300 ' field in the wooded area on the north side of the site along with parking and related improvements . (Modified Concept Study A) c . Improve the existing west side parking and pedestrian access as shown on all three concepts . d . Continue to pursue certification of the existing well for irrigation . e . Little League and Pee !/Nees favor three fields on the east side of Sand Hill Road . They would like to : Leave field #3 in its present location and configuration , with improvements for access and infield drainage ; and would like us to study the possibility of moving field # 1 to the north and west to create two useable fields (# 1 and #3 ) and one practice field (#2 ) . Field # 1 would have built-in bleacher seating similar to field #3 . f. Girls Softball favors the two-field alternative on the east side as shown on Concept Study B . go estrooms , concessions and storage should be included . h . Field lighting should be included . i . County should improve pedestrian crossing of Sand Hill Road . j . Arrange new parking in NE corner to align access drive with new parking drive across Sand Hill Road . (Concept Study A) 12 4 . Phasing . The first priority should be the construction of field 7 and related access and perking improvements b . Complete the construction of new fields before any substantial work on existing fields in done . The groups are concerned about field renovation or relocation that would remove the fields from use during the playing season . c . Include restroom/concession building in project that constructs fields 43 and 49 . d . Construct restroo /concession building at fields 44 , 45 , and 46 as soon as possible after field 47 is constructed . COUNTYCOMMISSIONER ' S The Commissioners were briefed on the Sand Hill Park Concept Study on February 2 , 2005 by Doug icheau , Director of Parks , Utilities and Waste Management , and by Ed MacLeod , consult® ant from MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects . Commissioners Kamin , Sheldon and Ring Erickson were present . Please see a copy of the briefing minutes in Appendix 5 . The Commissioners were in agreement with park staff and user groups that a plan which re- serves the investment in existing facilities , particularly Field 0 , was an appropriate approach to take . The expense to improve Fields * 1 and 4 (clearing and filling to achieve regulation size fields ) was not felt to be a wise investment given the lack of room for parking on the east side of Sand Hill Road and the conflict inherent in crossing Sand Hill Road from the large parking lot . Field meets minimum standards for Little League and softball and with minor improvements could con - tinue to serve . Existing and future needs of user groups should be met y : making minor improve- ments to Field 46 ; constructing a new 20 ' Field 47 ; reconstructing Fields #4 and 45 to achieve mini- mum 20 ' outfields ; and construction of two new fields with appropriate parking in the northwest corner of the site . Fields 41 and 42 should be relegated to younger team games and practice only . Consideration should be given to eliminating the outfield fence to create a multipurpose field area for use by other sports . Appropriate restrooms , storage , children ' s play areas , gathering spaces , maintenance facilities , planting , walkways , and irrigation should be provided with any new devek o ment . The Commissioners also embraced the idea of a loop path around the fields in the north - west corner of the site and liked the idea of providing park elements other than recreation fields . SAT DILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 13 14 MASTER PLAN PREFERRED FLAN Park staff and MacLeod Reckord met to review input from user groups and County Commissioners and agree upon a final program for the Sand Hill Park Development Plan . The Preferred Plan uses ideas from all three Concept Studies while placing greater emphasis on new development on the west side of the park to avoid the need for more pedestrian travel across Sand Hill Road . East of Sand FullRoad : Remove the outfield fence separating Fields 41 and 42 and use therm as multi-purpose/ practice fields . Leave Field 43 as- is . Relocate the caretaker' s residence and construct a 16-car parking lot with an entrance aligned with a 48=car parking lot entrance across Sand Hill Road . Northwest Corner (existin -q wooded area west of Sand Full Boad ® One 20 ' and one ' outfield , lighted , irrigated and fenced baseball/softball fields with backstops , covered dugouts , bull pens , bleachers , foul poles , skinned infields , and warning tracks . ® A 111 restroom/concession /storage building located in a paved plaza behind the backstops . ® A 46 car parking lot with access from Sand Hill Road . ® A trail loop around the two fields . ® A irrigated multipurpose/warm - up area north of the two fields . Southwest Area (west of Sand HillRoad ) : ® Improve existing gravel parking area to accommodate 110 cars ; lighting , planting , irrigation and wheel stops . ® Add Field "7 , a ' outfield , lighted , fenced , irrigated baseball/softball field with backstop , covered dugouts , bull pens , bleachers , foul poles , skinned infield , and warning track . ® Improvements to Field *6 to include field lighting , refurbished infield and outfield , bull pens and foul poles . Relocated Fields 44 and *5 to provide room for two lighted irrigated and fenced 200' out field baseball/softball fields with backstops , covered dugouts , bull pens , bleachers , foul poles , skinned infields , and warning tracks . ® A paved plaza between backstops * , 45 , and *6 which contains : 300 SF restroorm/concession ® 300 SF storage building 1 , 00 SF children ' s play area SAND FALL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 15 ® Benches , flagpole , ornamental planting ® An irrigated multi-purpose/warm -up area south of Field ##6 with a "T" ball backstop in the southeast corner. ® A 700 SF maintenance building at the east end of the multipurpose area with two garage bays and a small storage area , and exterior soil bins . General : ® Irrigation and seeding of open areas adjacent to development . ® Tree planting in and around parking areas , plazas and streets . Reforestation of new and existing steep slope areas on site through a combination of ur® chased seedlings and volunteer labor. 16 - V � a U 5) = i LLJ I ¢ co �\ V [tLL LL w U) Ill to LU 1 - I Nw � _ _ W LL '; 1 -- -- -- 1100000,100, LIM oaoa �� - fH 4NVSw ` 3 A S Ik .2At i' Z . T It .: 60 to IL < � LL I,�B P,•, o ( q •gl ,.. m I E (/ Z z E w . xa 1 0 CC W W ,t'rlw� •` O l a �3 al 3 " Z`• 1 •` u wIF tz li , . � nor lit Q SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 17 PHASING AND COST ESTIMATES The Master Plan provided in this report will provide guidance for the Iong4erm development of Sand Hill Park and provide a tool to assist with grant writing and budgeting . Improvements will need to be spread over several years . Development funds are antincipated as follows : 2005 � $9007000 . 2006 — $ 1007000 , 2007 — Currently undetermined , potential funding $ 300 , 0004500 , 000 . 2008 and after®undetermined . The following proposed phasing for the project is based on the available budgets stated above and the priority of meeting the user groups primary need for five regulation fields and two practice fields , and their long -range goal of adding two more regulation fields . Please see Appendix 4 for detailed cost estimates . Phase 1 : ® Parking improvements to 110-car lot . ® Move caretaker residence and construct 16-car parking lot east of Sand Hill Road . ® Improvements to Fields 41 , 42 , and 46 , including the removal of the outfield fence between Fields * 1 and *2 . ® Construct Fields 44 , *5 , and *7 . ® Partial plaza and restroom concession building behind backstops of Fields 44 , 115 , and 116 . ® Connecting walkways , Handicap ramp and service drives . ® Guardrail on east side of Sand Hill Road . Pedestrian crossing signal on Sand Hill Road . ® Minimal tree planting . Total Project Cost Estimate — Phase 1 : $ 883 , 085 . 00 Proposed Phase 1 Additive Alternate Sid : Irrigate and seed multipurpose/warm-up areas . Additive Alternate Cost Estimate : $ 50 , 858 . 00 18 �� ♦ y It At. At L4 AAA '' It A If I " � � I A m , . i� Ndl 1 iLLr , I a all pFJ10V FIF Dm .; -. IF A Y. MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 AREA OF WORK Phase 2 : ■ Concrete stairs and handrail at 110-car parking lot. ■ Plant 50 additional trees , 2 , 000 SF of shrubs , groundcover and mulch . ■ Seedlings for reforestation . Total Project Cost Estimate — Phase 2 : $977189000 Proposed Phase 2 Additive Alternate Bid : ■ 300 SF storage building at fields . Additive Alternate Cost Estimate : $27 , 194 , 00 I Ait - - At ^ \ it \\� C . r4 AAA P / �✓ �� EIE o PPO At At _r `\ I , J / "'1 FICL - PpnLIICe I AA, till A r VCR r � _ '� - {� FIELC� NO\'w J w AMA x" G min PMI:Tn MASTER PLAN PHASE 2 AREA OF WORK SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN i9 Future Phased Development: Without a fixed budget for 2007 and beyond , the following scope and estimate reflects the effort required to complete the Master Plan as shown : ■ 48-car parking lot in northwest area to serve Fields *8 and #9 . ■ Fields *8 and *9 and "T" ball backstop . ■ Plaza and 1 , 100 SF restroom/concession/storage building . ■ 700 SF maintenance building . ■ Planting 54 additional trees and 1 , 500 SF of shrubs , groundcover and mulch . ■ Field and parking lot lighting . Total Future Phase Development Cost Estimate : $ 1 , 429 , 425 . 00 IFF IF to IF ;\ X l FEiA 9 � FIEI�I}C IF ill 1 F ISIUN �aacn e ;I ', W. I ` 1 F' - FERN 'AY h' � I FI LD as I ❑ � ` J _ IF STINL , c IEIO FIFF 111 i 1 FI D Q ® RENOVAT DiIE D :98 .� I u IF B BALL mow- h JF MASTER PLAN _ PHASE 3 AREA OF WORK _ 20 Potential Lonq-Term Expansion : Pee- If future user group needs exceed facility capacity after the t Master Plan as described above is implemented , including field lighting , then the following long-term expansion options should be considered : :- \ ep ■ Add 42 car parking lot shown on Concept Study B . lee ■ Add field modifications shown in Concept Study B re- sulting in the addition of another regulation field .. F FI \\�1 ■ Add restroom/concession building and storage building f shown in Concept Study B . t ■ Add plaza and circulation improvements shown in Con- cept Study B with related planting and irrigation . No project costs have been developed for long-term expan- — x ` Sion . Pie /. POTENTIAL LONG-TERM EXPANSION Volunteer Help : User groups have expressed an interest in continuing the partnership spirit with the County that has existed over the years . There is a community interest in providing donated labor and materials as well as assisting with some aspects of field maintenance . Reforestation efforts and the con- struction of small structures (benches , picnic tables , scoreboards , etc. ) are good candidates for donated materials and labor. Volunteer help could supplement Phase 2 improvements or be ap- plied to future phases . SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 21 APPENDICES Appendix User Group i it SAND MILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN User Group Interview : February 16 , 2005 Interviewer : Ed MacLeod , MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects Organization : North Mason Girls Softball Association ( N GSA) Representatives : Paul Newman , President ; ( 360 ) 275 -7933 Diane Newman ; ( 360) 275-7933 Michael Johnson , Vice President ; ( 360 ) 275- 5790 Ron Patterson , Equipment Manager; ( 360 ) 275-2927 Michele Johnson , Secretary ; ( 360 ) 275 - 5790 Qj INC Lu L IND c s CO Q Z O I � � rZ � O o W f g"Madpq Z �INC y CM0 w ONIC _N � � �NJ O1; 0) cu � a ® . � cv �} � ® co QZOm2Z O O LA O �j Z �( 1 Z U)go 70 N 110 c� IN QZOm :EZ U � ?� � O o c� FE Own ® MN �' Z � . 0{ / ` � � WINNER Meftwuld WW co sounds = e � ms � 0 MINN INC > ? ¢ ZOm2 uggggN= WINNOW � MNr\ o < Q a�Z pC N W a � - ca vi 70 SAMMMM N �- No ® ® can a) O LL O � L SIMJl UV +J cn ami Y (6 No M O O a) NOMMOVO Cn O 'a "_ 7 N (� U E c6 (6 O a) v= ® "O U CJ) :5 43 N �- O = i O O O E dj O ND t6 .}. f8 O {— = O 6 O O Oen O ? U O }U— `N N n- (n � � M � UM � � � � r : � a, o oO � C� � oC� C� � � Om cZ c E L= M IN C3 C) INO W cu 0 1� f o zzzz Alaa � ® ® g� CIS LEMMA® � w '' '' a)w U 3- —mm) L A. � awdomma m w mmomma AAAAAA Q = 10 z z z - o AA � e o cc C/) t/3 CO CO U) � C) AID ® � w � ww w w Uz ?d ec > NWT °—' w U AID o c`AO c c a �, cc C O 'er U) U Y m ca ca o 0. m > 'A.. � a CU >amommw a) ca FARMo � a) = O ,T aca U . � O c U a) ca ® O O j a) a) � U a) a) - � C ® al a) c A Q U 4. . O E z O Q (a U � a) O a) co 0 U U C co .am.e fn > �y--. QD LAAMQ3 ® a) � C C O t6 ® U MAMMA 0 _O , O O E � AID �-. o ® U) . E U O ® U) 4� GSA Additional Comments : W There should be enough parking to accommodate 24 cars per game . 6 fields ® 144 cars . ® Restrooms would be a welcome addition , but the need for more fields is greater . ® A commons area for gathering would be nice . a NMGSA has two storage sheds on site . Permanent storage would be nice , but is not a priority . ® Concessions not a priority . ® Warm - up area is important , but formal bull pens and batting cages are not a high priority . ® Currently each team has two events per week. It is desirable to increase this to three events per week . No need for another large ( 300 ' ) field . ® Portable mound on #6 would be good . ® Field # 1 accommodates 3- 10 year old age groups . ® Two fields for exclusive use of softball would be great . ® Three more fields (200 ' ) would probably take care of everyone ' s needs . ® Future field #7 west of Sand Hill Road ( backstop only) has had a sinkhole in the outfield area in the past . ® Abandon tunnel and create storage area at either end . Infield lip on fields # 1 and #2 is uneven and dangerous . ® Fields #5 and #6 now have disturbed areas from irrigation installation . ® Field #5 infield is low and holds water especially at 3 `d base dugout . County should pursue a joint-use agreement with School District to allow expansion of field #4 outfield and create room for soccer field . ® The addition of 6 ' outfield fences on #4 and #5 would be nice . Can fields # 1 and #2 utilize slope for bleacher seating ? ® Fields should have warning tracks . ® Vandalism is an issue . SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN User Group Interview : February 16 , 2005 Interviewer: Ed MacLeod , MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects Organization : North Mason Little League ( LL) Representatives : Doug Crummey , President ; ( 360) 2754396 � N r � C3 � _ a ram -? Lo ai a� : c cn E LOU O ® � Z%aaaS � I" ta< � W � coN w L alo a) a) E o cin . � QZO m22 � a 0 0 ►� v 0 O � � N Diaz �' -. z (DOs � � o 7C3 70 am o OOT a) (1' Foo) mNJ ca o a� a� 0000 N O cn a) �. � as IT � W mao � CD 0 IL wommom ajE22u � J 9 cn 0) 0r (u , . o cu }— Q Z O m = Z T- Laws 0 m a� c Ana m W g _ Manama d O E LL L mo a >+ 0 ci en Ca, wwwwwo Lama ca � � N U m O � a NL 4— O "O (� O O S— O � i O uj O e . O E a) N O 0 Elf Gamma ® ca o > E � cEmUE � - ® E � � N � N 4 N mumm U c� � � e� M 0) O ai to � C� � � C� � � (D � CD � ccO � � Z ® E E o o E Law a) � � �- Uz cn u N l O a N O d L J �nn � V U � ZZZ ZZZ V, _ fl m cn U) ra co w w w 0 Z: Z 0 � Ln CU = 000000000 zzzzzz Iles � � ?w � � � � CL � ® o ID l o CO = w Zm �: aQ i ]� O c � ) " ' O Y a CO U _ R3 V O � e > (6 > N C a) m Q Ca N C Oftn O O re` O "= CNO jO� 'O L >+ a) Ua) O Vi m O Oa) a) L O L. 'O � O CQ Q 00 � LCQ LLLL3i cr i O OQ. U coa) a)O ( ® O) U U O0 O ' ® O L C. I O M o ® Li� � (nU � moOCn N ® � � � U in E O =3 O E O O (� UO ® > N LL Additional Comments . After opening day very few practices are held . ® Sand Hill Park is both home and away for most teams . No NMLL t- ball played at Sand Hill Park . ® NIVILL has two year contract with County for concessions . ® Field #5 good as-is ; add outfield fence . Fields should have warning tracks . Mounds are needed for LL except t- ball and coach pitch . ® Orientation should be considered , but not at the expense of the number of fields or convenient organization of fields . ® Include a flag pole and second story announcer booth and meeting room above restroom/storage/concession , but not if ADA requirements make the cost prohibitive . ® 185 ' outfields are ok , but not desirable . ® Moving field #5 north to make room for 200 ' outfield in #4 seems like a low priority for use of meager improvement funds . Personally Doug Crummey would like to see the north half of Sand Hill Park remain passive ; i . e . trails , vegetation , picnic , play area , etc. These activities also support the athletic field . ® NMLL is working to gain practice fields at two other locations ; ( Hawkin Middle School and Centrex) . ® A grass infield on #5 and #6 would be ideal . ® Parking rarely a problem . When it occurs the overflow goes to the school lot . Parking along Sand Hill Road is a problem unrelated to available space in parking lot . ® Lighting of fields would not make a big difference to NMLL , but it could provide field time for adult softball . ® Bull pens would be great for #5 and #6 . Room for one pitcher at a time is ok . ® There is a big celebration opening_ day ; some gathering space for that event would be nice . ® Need power outlets at #5 and #6 . Need play area on west side of street . 12 NMLL is willing to contribute time , materials and money to improvements . Many parents have contracting experience . ® Drainage has not been a significant problem . Drainage at #2 is good . ® Temporary outfield fencing is ok . ® Long term NMLL would like to have two dedicated 200 ' fields and one 300 ' field . Portable mounds are undesirable ( not as safe and difficult to manage) . The addition of scoreboards with advertising and advertising signs on the outfield fences should be resolved with the County . SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN User Group Interview : February 16 , 2005 Interviewer: Ed MacLeod , MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects Organization : Pee Wees Representatives : Randy etherlin ; ( 360 ) 275 -4035 Tyler Schiman ; ( 360 ) 860-5647 John Hicks L�! , CL LL LO cEa :3 cu o '4) :D n llj Z O m r �! ®LLJ Z CO _ ur) LU 1� cs rj \ (11 x I z D wo Mac M � I I co a E cn . CM _ Jl > , U � zom ® O • ® ® J O z (6 ca �U _ N W 2 7 J W n- U) (� e < ® N L T � ® CL a o � LM E o >, ca o 4� a w t a � am � O mo (n (�1 � o � � � � � ® cum � � � � o 00 cu E E a) o c cu �, o 0' cn r� U C ) z LO M ^ � o < cu c� CL V) !� cu = 0000000 � � zzzzzz ca � wCOcn U) o M I n — 0000000 Cl) 2 ' _ � � U � LA = zzzzzzz J 4>1 v ) WW w ww �' ® � g CL cu w Cl- O' O 7 o �� t � c0. � p wm�e cou � Ecu O Q o a) � v cu L > m M WE en i a)(D V a) cu O O O (if j C O O O -or O O O � p O CQ ..0 Q Cl) v - . O OO 'Woom (� O 4' � ® = a � O O O) N _ 0) a) . c O � MacU � (6 ® a) :U O C6 �- U O � p li9 0 WNW,,m >, T O cn m� ® E O u >N > w i z Pee Wee Additional Commentsw ® Lack of restrooms is a problem . ® Crossing Sand Hill Road is a safety problem . Tyler Shiffman remembers a plan for an overpass developed around 1986 . ® The Pee Wees are assigned field #2 for their exclusive use . It' s nice to have your own field . ® In the future the Pee Wee baseball program may change to a Babe Ruth League format more like NIVILL . ® Field #3 should have an irrigation system . One may have just been installed . Sani-cans are now used and the addition of restrooms is a high priority . ® There should be soccer and Pee Wee football fields provided . ® There should be more cooperation between the County and School District for development and maintenance of fields . ® Lighting the fields would allow for more Pee Wee games and practice for the older kids . ® Pee Wees are in favor of portable mound use , rather than permanent mounds , for added field scheduling flexibility . Randy Netherlin suggested the addition of soccer/football fields and a gymnasium on the upper north half of Sand Hill Park . ® An example of a nice complex is MCRRA in Shelton . ® Short term priorities include : ® Add restroom and one field on west side . ® Irrigate all fields . Add drinking fountains at all fields . ® Long Term : ® Two designated Pee Wee fields . ® Two more total fields . ® Four t- ball backstops . List of Potential Program Elements SAND HILL PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN List of Potential Program Elements A . Improvements to Existing Fields : 1 . Strip existing outfield sod, add topsoil, finish grade and seed. 2 . Add regulation little league warning tracks to all fields. 3 . Raise height of outfield fence when distance to home plate is less than 200 feet. 4 . Add outfield fence to fields #4 and #5 . 5 . Complete dugouts field 44 . 6 . Improve infield drainage on field 95 . 7 . Regrade infields to promote surface drainage and eliminate irregularities . 8 . Improve dugouts, backstops, pedestrian access and spectator seating at fields # 1 , #2 , and #3 . 9 . Use a portion of Sand Hill Road ROW to reconstruct retaining wall on east side of road and provide a walkway to connect parking to fields # 1 , #2, and #3 . B . Relocation of Existing Fields : 1 . Shift location of fields 94 and #5 to allow for a regulation 200 foot outfield on both fields . Shift would require significant clearing, cut and regrading of existing slopes . 2 . Shift location of backstop on field #3 , +/- 40 feet to the south to make room for restroom/concessions south of Fern Way . 3 . Shift location of field #5 backstop +/- 30 feet east to gain a 200 foot outfield . The distance between fields #5 and 46 would be reduced to 60 feet. 4 . Relocate fields # 1 and #2 to the north half of the west side of the park and convert area to two permanent t-ball backstops and two portable t-ball backstops and one minimum FIFA regulation soccer field or warm-up area . C . New Fields : 1 . Add field #7 (200 feet) west of Sand Hill Road, north of parking area . 2 . Add a minimum of 2 (200 feet) fields to the north half of the west side of Sand Hill Park . These fields could be dedicated softball fields with their own support facilities . 3 . Add a non-regulation soccer field/warm-up area with two permanent t-ball backstops west of Sand Hill Road, west of the parking area. D . New Support Facilities 1 . Improve safety of pedestrian crossing at Sand Hill Road. 2 . Restroom/concession/storage buildings west of Sand Hill Road could be one or multiple structures . 3 . Add a meeting room to the structure in # 1 above . 4 . Children' s play area west of Sand Hill Road . 5 . Restroom/concession/storage building east of Sand Hill Road in area created by suggestion of B . 2 . above . 6 . Install a wire cable guardrail along both sides of Sand Hill Road to prevent on- street parking . Add sidewalks on both sides of Sand Hill Road 7 . Add a bullpen to the outfield side of each dugout on fields #4, # 5 , and 46 and all new fields . Page 1 of 2 S . Add a minimum of two batting cages on the west side of Sand Hill Road and one per two new fields constructed . 9 . Provide scoreboards (can be electronic or handaoperated) . 10 . Light fields #4, # 5 , and 46 and all new fields . 11 . Provide drinking fountains at each field or at a minimum at each restroom . 12 . Provide foul poles on all fields ; except designated t-ball areas . 13 . Create a commons area with flagpole for ceremonies and gathering space . 14 . Expand existing parking west of Sand Hill Road by filling in northwest corner and striping existing and expanding lot. E . Potential Joint Use with School District L Agree to joint use of Sand Hill Elementary School parking and Sand Hill Park parking. 2 . Agree to allow Mason County Parks to extend field #4 outfield onto park property . 3 . Agree to allow a portion of a regulation soccer field and t-ball area to extend onto School District property. Mason County builds and maintains facilities and School District has priority use during school hours . 4 . Reroute Fern Way around the outfield of field #3 , utilizing a portion of School District property on the south end to complete the connection to Sand Hill Road . This would eliminate the pedestrian conflict crossing Fern Way, avoid blocking access to homes east of Sand Hill Park, and allow for larger outfields on fields # 1 and 42 by utilizing portions of existing Fern Way . The option discussed in E .2 . may be eliminated depending on the amount of property the School District would allow Parks to utilize . Page 2 of 2 Appendix Sand Hill Park Development Plan Cost Estimate 2/28/05 SCHEME I . Three Field Complex in SW Corner 200 ' Field 100 , 000 . 00 200 ' Field 1001000 , 00 300 ' Field 150 , 000 . 00 3501000 , 00 Restroom / Concession 160 , 000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 1201000 , 00 Field Lighting ( 11 poles , panel ) 160 , 000 . 00 79O9OOOmOO 2 . Single 200' Field SW of 117 Car Parking 200 ' Field 1001000 , 00 1001000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 30 , 000 . 00 Field Lighting (6 poles) 601000 , 00 190 , 00 . 0 3 . Two Field Complex in N . W. Corner Clearing / Grading 501000 , 00 200' Field 100 , 000 . 00 300 ' Field 1501000 , 00 300 , 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession 1603000 . 00 Meeting RM / Shelter 753000 , 00 Parking (50 cars ) 353000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 1203000 . 00 Lighting ( 9 poles , panel ) 1401000 , 00 830 , 000 . 00 4 . 117 Car Parking Paving / Wheelstops 401000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 203000 , 00 60 , 000 . 00 5 . 2 Field Complex East of Sand Hill Clearing / Grading 20 , 000 , 00 200 ' Field 100 , 000 . 00 200 ' Field 1001000 , 00 220 , 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession 160 , 000 , 00 Storage 20 , 000 , 00 Parking (52 Cars) 351000 , 00 Relocate Fern Way 60 ) 000 , 00 Relocate Caretaker 107000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 401000 , 00 Field Lighting ( 12 poles , panel ) 170 , 000 , 00 7159000 , 0 TOTAL 295859000000 Sand Hill Park Development Plan Cost Estimate 2/28/05 SCHEME 1 . Three Field Complex in SW Corner 200' Field 100 , 000 , 00 Earthwork / Clearing 51000 , 00 200 ' Field 100 , 000 , 00 Rehab 300' Field #6 50 , 000 , 00 2551 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession 1607000 . 00 Field Lighting ( 11 poles , panel ) 1607000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 1007000 . 00 T-Ball 5 , 000 . 00 80 , 000 . 0 2 . Single 200 ' Field SW of 117 Car Parking 1907000 , 00 190 , 000 . 0 3 . 2 Field Complex in N . W . Corner Clearing / Grading 401000 , 00 200' Field 1001000 , 00 200' Field 1001000 , 00 240 , 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession / Mtg Room 1703000 , 00 Storage 207000 , 00 Parking ( 75 cars ) 511000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 701000400 Field Lighting (9 poles , panel ) 1807000 , 00 731 , 000 . 00 4 . 117 Car Parking 607000 , 00 60 , 000 .00 5 , 2 Field Complex East of Sand Hill Clearing / Grading 202000 , 00 200' Field 100 , 000 . 00 200' Field 1001000 , 00 2207 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession 160 , 000 . 00 Storage 201000 , 00 Parking (70 Cars) 50 , 000 , 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 407000 , 00 Relocate Caretaker 10 , 000 . 00 Field Lighting ( 12 poles , panel) 1701000 , 00 670 , 000 .0 TOTAL 73190 . Sand Hill Park Development Plan Cost Estimate 2/28/05 SCHEME 1 , Three Field Complex in SW Corner 200 ' Field 1001000 , 00 150 ' Practice Field 75 , 000 . 00 Rehab 300 ' Field #6 50 , 000 . 00 225 , 000 , 00 Restroom / Concession 1607000 . 00 Addt' I Paving / Planting / Irrigation 1001000 , 00 Field Lighting ( 11 poles , panel ) 160 , 000 , 00 T-Ball 51000 , 00 501000 2 . Single 200' Field SW of 117 Car Parking 200' Field 190 , 000 , 00 190 , 000 . 00 3 . 2 Field Complex in N . W . Corner 731 , 000 . 00 731 , 000M 4 . 117 Car Parking 601000 , 00 60 , 000M 5 . 3 Field Complex East of Sand Hill Road 200 ' Field 1001000 , 00 150 ' Practice 502000 , 00 150 ' Practice 501000 , 00 200 , 000 . 00 Restroom / Concession ( small ) 100 , 000 . 00 Storage 151000 , 00 Storage 151000 , 00 Parking 201000 , 00 Addt' l, Paving / Planting / Irrigation 401000 , 00 Field Lighting ( 13 poles , panel) 180 , 000 , 00 570 , 000M TOTAL $ 252017000M Appendix EstimatesMaster Plan Cost MacLeod r t Estimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 18-05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION CIUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Phase 1 Mobilization (6 % ) ALLOW LS 361539 361539 Site Preparation : Clearing and Grubbbing (Field 5) 0 . 7 AC 61000 , 00 47200 Strip Sod (2" deep , was on site) 613 CY 12 . 00 77356 Demolition and Salvage Backstop and Debris (Field #7) ALLOW LS 500 Remove Outfield Fence (Fields #1 & #2) ALLOW LS 300 Salvage Fabric ALLOW LS 200 Backstop and Debris (Fields #4 & #5) ) ALLOW LS 27000 Salvage Fabric ALLOW LS 500 Saw Cut BST Parking Island 880 LF 5 . 00 41400 Parking Island BST 103 CY 13 . 00 13339 AC Walkway 10 CY 13 . 00 130 20 , 925 Earthwork & Grading : Cut , Place and Compact On Site (Field 5) 87500 CY 5 . 00 42 , 500 Rough Grading Fields #4 , #5 , & #7 131066 SY 0 . 30 31920 Pavement and Building Sites 51120 SY 0 . 35 17792 Imported Soils Infield Soil Field #4 (5 ") 166 CY 33 . 00 57478 Field #5 (5 ") 166 CY 33 . 00 57478 Field #6 (topdress) 73 CY 33 . 00 21409 Field #7 (5 ") 166 CY 33 . 00 51478 Bull Pens #4 , #57 #61 & #7 (5 ") 102 CY 33 . 00 31366 Sand Organic (outfields) Field #4 (5") 405 CY 25 . 00 107125 Field #5 (5 ") 405 CY 25 . 00 10 , 125 Field #6 (topdress) 174 CY 25 . 00 41350 Field #7 (5") 405 CY 25 . 00 10 , 125 Warning Track Surfacing Field #4 (4") 60 CY 26 . 00 17560 Field #5 (4") 60 CY 26 . 00 17560 Field #6 (4") 74 CY 26 . 00 11924 Field #7 (4") 60 CY 26 . 00 11560 Topsoil 1117750 Utilities : Water Service (by others) - Septic System ALLOW LS 251000 Storm Drain (infiltration) ALLOW LS 207000 451000 Irrigation : Field #4 26 , 250 SF 0 . 30 71875 Field #5 26 , 250 SF 0 . 30 71875 Field #6 (improvements) ALLOW LS 2 , 000 Phase 1 ® Page 1 of 3 MacLeod Reckord Cost Estimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 18-05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Field #7 263250 SF 0430 77875 Sleeving (for future irrigation) ALLOW LS 500 Mainline Assembly ALLOW LS 51000 317125 Pavement & Wheel Stops : Concrete at Backstops (Fields #4 , #51 & #6) 11631 SY 30 , 00 481930 Concrete at Field #7 347 SY 30400 10 , 410 HC Ramp 127 SY 30 , 00 37810 AC Walkway 14 , 545 SF 1475 25 , 454 BST (large parking lot) (4") 403000 SF 0 , 45 187000 BST (16 car parking lot) (4") 12 , 600 SF OA5 57670 Crushed Rock Access Road 51400 SF 0 , 40 27160 Precast Concrete Wheel Stops 128 EA 80 , 00 107240 124 , 674 Rock Wall : At HC Ramp (average 4' height) 150 LF 30 , 00 41500 41500 Structures : Relocate Caretaker Residence ALLOW LS 107000 Restroom Concession 800 SF 130600 1047000 Backstops Field #4 (partial use of salvage) 1 EA 43500 . 00 41500 Field #5 (partial use of salvage) 1 EA 47500 , 00 41500 Field #6 (as is) - Field #7 (all new including planks) 1 EA 5 ; 500 . 00 51500 Fencing Field #4 10' height 100 LF 25 , 00 21500 6 ' height (partial use of salvage) 864 LF 16 , 00 131824 Field #5 10 ' height 100 LF 25 . 00 21500 6 ' height (partial use of salvage) 864 LF 16400 132824 Field #6 (add bull pen fencing , 6 ' height) 184 LF 16400 21944 Field #7 10 ' height 100 LF 25400 21500 6 ' height (including bull pens) 864 LF 18400 157552 Chain Link Gates Fields #4 , #5 , & #7 pedestrian gates 18 EA 250 . 00 41500 Fields #4 , #51 & #7 vehicular gates 3 EA 11500 , 00 41500 Bull Pens #4 , #5 , #61 & #7 pedestrian gates 8 EA 250000 21000 193 , 144 Benches (for dugouts) : Fields #4 , #53 & #7 (8 ' long aluminum) 18 EA 250 . 00 42500 41500 Bleachers Fields #7 (4 row aluminum) 2 EA 27000400 47000 41000 Handrailing : HC Ramp (galvanized pipe) 310 LF 30 , 00 97300 91300 Foul Poles : 4 SET 21500 , 00 101000 101000 Phase 1 ® Page 2 of 3 MacLeod Reckord Cost Estimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 18-05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Flag Pole (30' height aluminum) 1 EA 27200 . 00 21200 21200 Sand Hill Road Crossing Improvements : 1 EA 183000 . 00 181000 18 , 000 HC Signs: 4 EA 200 , 00 800 800 Planting : Trees in Parking Lot (2 " caliber) 11 EA 250 . 00 27750 Trees at Backstops (2" caliber) 10 EA 250 . 00 27500 Outfield Seeding Fields #4 , #57 & #7 (new) 787750 SF 0 . 15 11 , 813 Field #6 (aeration and overseeding) 56 , 250 SF 0420 11 , 250 Parking Island Seeding 71500 SF 0 . 10 750 297063 Subtotal Phase 1 Construction Costs : 6451519 Sales Tax (8 . 6 %) : 551515 Contingency (5 %) 351052 Total Phase 1 Construction Costs : 7367085 Other Project Costs : Water Service ALLOW LS 507000 Design ALLOW LS 727000 Survey , Geotech , Testing (includes NW corner) ALLOW LS 207000 Permitting ALLOW LS 53000 147 , 000 Total Phase 1 Project Cost Estimate : $ 883 , 085 Additive Alternate #1 Multi -Purpose Seeded Areas Site Preparation : Weed Kill Proposed Turf 63 , 500 SF 0 . 03 11905 Scarify Proposed Turf Areas 77055 SY 0 . 20 11411 31316 Earthwork & Grading : Rough Grading 71055 SY 0035 27469 Import 3 " Topsoil 512 CY 20000 10 , 240 12 , 709 Irrigation : New Turf Areas 631500 SF 0 . 35 22 , 225 22 , 225 Planting : New Turf Areas (hydroseeded) 631500 SF 0010 61350 61350 Subtotal Alternate #1 : 447600 Sales Tax (8 . 6 %) : 31836 Contengency (5 %) 23422 Total Additive Alternate #1 Construction Costs : 503858 Phase 1 - Page 3 of 3 MacLeod e rEstimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 18-05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Phase 2 Mobilization (6 %) ALLOW LS 21814 21814 Structures : Concrete Stairs 240 RISER 50 . 00 127000 Handrailing 50 LF 30 . 00 17500 Benches (plaza fields #4 , #51 & #6) 6 EA 850 . 00 52100 187600 Planting : Trees 2" caliber 50 EA 250 . 00 12 , 500 Shrubs & Groundcover 27000 SF 5 . 00 10 , 000 Seedlings (materials only) ALLOW LS 57000 , 00 51000 Mulch (shredding from phase 1 clearing) 400 CY 2 . 00 800 287300 Subtotal : 491714 Sales Tax (8 . 6 %) : 43275 Contingency (5 %) 21699 Total Phase 2 Construction Costs : 561689 Other Project Costs : Design Phase 2 ALLOW LS 101000 (including Phase 2 Alternate #1 storage building) Phase 3 ALLOW LS 27 , 000 (assumes $300 , 000 Phase 3 project budget) Permitting 21000 Testing ALLOW LS 11500 407500 Total Phase 2 Project Cost Estimate : $ 97 , 189 Additive Alternate #1 ( 15 ' x 20 ' Storage Building ) Mobilization (6 %) ALLOW LS 11350 17350 Structure : 15 ' x 20' , 4 Bay Storage Building 300 SF 75 . 00 223500 22 , 500 Subtotal : 231850 Sales Tax (8 . 6 %) : 21051 Contingency (5 %) 11295 Total Alternate # 1 Phase 2 Construction Costs : 27 , 196 Phase 2 ® Page 1 of 1 MacLeode rEstimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 18- 05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Future Phased Development Mobilization (6 % ) ALLOW LS 631873 631873 Site Preparation : TESC ALLOW LS 33000 Clearing and Grubbing 6 AC 97333 , 00 55 , 998 581998 Earthwork & Grading : Cut , Place and Compact On Site 207000 CY 4 , 00 807000 Rough Grading 317000 SY 0 , 30 92300 Imported Soils Infield Soil Field #8 (5 ") 166 CY 33 , 00 51478 Field #9 (5 ") 360 CY 33 . 00 11 , 880 Bull Pens #8 & #9 (5 ") 54 CY 33 , 00 17782 Sand Organic (outfields) Field #8 (5 ") 405 CY 25 , 00 101125 Field #9 (5 ") 854 CY 25 . 00 217350 Warning Track Surfacing Field #8 (4") 60 CY 26 . 00 11560 Field #9 (4") 81 CY 26 , 00 21106 Topsoil MultkUse Grass & Parking Island (3") 894 CY 20400 177880 161 , 461 Utilities : Water Service (restroom) ALLOW LS 33600 Septic System ALLOW LS 25 , 000 Storm Drain (infiltration) ALLOW LS 107000 Electrical (to restroom and field lights) ALLOW LS 102000 48 , 600 Irrigation : Field #8 267250 SF 0 , 30 77875 Field #9 56 , 250 SF 0 . 30 167875 Sleeving (for future irrigation) ALLOW LS 500 Multi- Use Grass Areas 727500 SF 0 . 35 251375 507625 Pavement & Wheel Stops : Concrete at Backstops (Fields #8 & #9) 945 SY 30400 287350 AC Walkway 37630 SF 1675 61353 Precast Concrete Wheel Stops 48 EA 80400 31840 BST Parking (4") 23 , 425 SF 0 , 45 101541 BST Maintenance Yard and Access 21030 SF OA5 914 491997 Structures : Restroom/Concession/Storage 11100 SF 125400 137 , 500 Maintenance Building 700 SF 75 , 00 52 , 500 Backstops (Fields #8 & 9) 2 EA 57500 , 00 111000 "T" Ball Backstop 1 EA 22500 , 00 21500 Future Phased Construction - Page 1 of 2 MacLeodr t Estimate Landscape Architects Project : Sand Hill Park Phase : Development Plan Date : 4- 1 &05 By : EM ITEM & DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SUBTOTAL Fencing Field #8 10 ' height 100 LF 25 . 00 21500 6 ' height (including bull pens) 864 LF 18 . 00 151552 Field #9 10' height 160 LF 25 . 00 47000 6 ' height (including bull pens) 11219 LF 18 . 00 21 , 942 "T" Ball (6 ' height) 100 LF 18 . 00 11800 2491294 Benches (for dugouts) : Fields #8 & #9 12 EA 250 . 00 37000 "T" Ball 4 EA 250 . 00 17000 41000 Foul Poles : 2 SET 27500 . 00 51000 53000 HC Signs : 2 EA 200 . 00 400 400 Planting : Outfield Seeding Field #8 261250 SF 0 . 15 31938 Field #9 56 , 250 SF 0 . 15 81438 Multi- Purpose Grass 72 , 500 SF 0 . 10 71250 Parking Island Seeding 47075 SF 0 . 10 408 Trees (2 " caliber) Sand Hill Road Street Trees 40 EA 250 . 00 107000 Parking Lot (NW) 8 EA 250 . 00 27000 Backstop Area 6 EA 250 . 00 11500 Shrubs & Groundcover 11500 SF 5 . 00 71500 411033 Field Lighting : (including conduit , conductors , and panel) Field #4 ALLOW LS 53 , 200 Field #5 ALLOW LS 53 , 200 Field #6 ALLOW LS 89 , 775 Field #7 ALLOW LS 567000 Field #8 ALLOW LS 537200 Field #9 ALLOW LS 89 , 775 395 , 150 Subtotal Future Phased Construction Costs : 17128 , 431 Sales Tax (8 . 6 %) : 97 , 045 Contingency (5 %) 61 , 274 Total Future Phased Construction Costs : 11286 , 750 _Other Proiect Costs: Design ALLOW LS 1282675 Geotechnical ALLOW LS 37000 Permitting ALLOW LS 91000 Testing ALLOW LS 21000 1427675 Total Future Phased Project Costs . 11429 ,425 Future Phased Construction m Page 2 of 2 Appendix Briefingi County Board of Commissioners Briefing Minutes : Sandhill Park Development Plan February 28 , 2005 Present : Commissioners Kamin, Sheldon, and Ring Erickson Doug Micheau, Director of Parks, Utilities , and Waste Management Ed MacLeod, consultant for MacLeod Reckord Mr. Micheau provided background for the Board on the Sandhill Park Plan effort relative to scope and timing . He indicated the consultant had met with representatives from the user groups and solicited information on their current and future needs . Mr. MacLeod then went over some potential development concepts with the Board, to obtain their guidance in developing a final draft plan for their review. The Board indicated their concurrence with a development plan that preserves the investment in existing field number six (300 ' field) and provides : ® appropriate restroom, concession, gathering, play areas , and storage for the site ; ® regulation 200 ' fields for existing fields numbered 3 , 4 , & 5 ; two additional fields (one 200 ' and one 300 ' ) and sufficient parking in the upper undeveloped area; and practice fields with parking on the east side of Sandhill Road . Mr. Macleod will be incorporating their guidance in a final draft development plan, along with phasing plans and cost estimates . This will be presented to the user groups for comment and presented to the Board for consideration and potential adoption in the latter part of March. Mr . Micheau will be proceeding with any necessary improvements , consistent with the Board ' s direction, that will enhance the suitability of the fields for the start of games in April . Design of improvements for the first phase of development will begin following adoption of the, with construction to follow later this year . Appendix Meeting IN I IN Edel, , MacLe11%od From : Ed MacLeod [edm@macleodreckord . com ] Sent : Friday , March 11 , 2005 12 : 31 PM To : ' Doug Micheau ' Subject : Sand Hill Park User Group Meeting Doug : The meeting went well last night. All three groups were represented and all were enthusiastic about the possibilities for improvement. Following is a list of the primary items of discussion and user group preferences : 1 . Preserve previous investments in filed improvements and avoid as much demolition and reconstruction as possible . 2 . Pursue the potential for joint use with the School District which could provide : a . Expansion of Field #4 outfield onto school property b . Allow park user access tot he existing children ' s play area c . Share park parking with the school d . Allow use of the existing and /or proposed 300 ' fields by the high school . 3 . The master plan should provide the following : a . If field #4 cannot be extended onto school property then shift fields 4 and 5 to the north and east to allow room for two 200 ' fields . Keep field #6 in its present location . ( Concept Study B ) b . Construct one 200 ' field and one 300 ' field in the wooded area on the north side of the site along with parking and related improvements . ( Modified Concept Study A) c . Improve the existing west side parking and pedestrian access as shown on all three concepts . d . Continue to pursue certification of the existing well for irrigation . e . Little League and Pee Wees favor three fields on the east side of Sand Hill Road . They would like to : Leave field #3 . in its present location and configuration , with improvements for access and infield drainage ; and would like us to study the possibility of moving field #1 to the north and west to create two useable fields (# 1 and #3 ) and one practice field (#2 ) . Field # 1 would have built-in bleacher seating similar to field #3 . f. Girls Softball favors the two field alternative on the east side as shown on Concept Study B . g . Restrooms , concessions and storage should be included . h . Field lighting should be included . i . County should improve pedestrian crossing of Sand Hill Road . j . Arrange new parking in NE corner to align access drive with new parking drive across Sand Hill Road . ( Concept Study A) 4 . Phasing a . The first priority should be the construction of field #7 and related access and parking improvements b . Complete the construction of new fields before any substantial work on existing fields in done . The groups are concerned about field renovation or relocation that would remove the fields from use during the playing season . c . Include restroom/concession building in project that constructs fields #8 and #9 . d . Construct restroom/co n cession building at fields #4 , #5 , and #6 as soon as possible after field #7 is constructed . I will study the possibility of moving field # 1 to the NW prior to competing the Master Plan . I ' ll give you a call Monday to discuss final master plan decisions . Ed