HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022/10/10 - Budget Workshop PacketMASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BUDGET WORKSHOP FOR 2023 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above budget workshop. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft budget workshop agenda for schedule. Briefing Agendas are subject to change, please contact the Commissioners’ office for the most recent version. Last printed 10/10/22 at 1:49 PM If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office at Shelton (360) 427 -9670 ext. 419 Revised October 10, 2022 Board of Mason County Commissioners Draft 2023 Budget Workshop Schedule Commission Chambers via Zoom Zoom link posted on the Mason County website https://www.masoncountywa.gov 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 *Schedule subject to change – please contact the Commissioner’s Office* Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:00 A.M. Sheriff’s Department – Undersheriff Adams 2:00 P.M. Overview of 2023 Budget – Jennifer Beierle 2:30 P.M. Support Services – Jennifer Beierle 3:30 P.M. Coroner’s Office – Jaime Taylor 3:45 P.M. Court Clerk – Sharon Fogo Tuesday, October 18, 2022 9:00 A.M. WSU Extension – Dan Teuteberg 9:10 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen 9:30 A.M. Auditor – Paddy McGuire 9:50 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson 10:20 A.M. Follow-Up on Outstanding 2023 Budget Issues – Jennifer Beierle Wednesday, October 19, 2022 2:15 P.M. Public Defense – Peter Jones 2:30 P.M. Public Health – Dave Windom 3:00 P.M. District Court – Judge Steele/Patsy Robinson 4:00 P.M. Superior Court – Judge Goodell/Jim Madsen → Commissioner’s 2023 Preliminary Budget due to the public November 21, 2022 → Public Hearing to certify levies must occur prior to November 30, 2022. → 2023 Budget Hearing is set for Monday, December 5, 2022. Printed Commissioner Preliminary Budget is due to the public two weeks prior to the Public Hearing. Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒ Action Agenda: ☐ Public Hearing: ☐ Special Meeting: ☐ Briefing Date(s): October 10, 17, & 18, 2022 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ☒ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only: Item Number: __________ Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________ Item: Overview of the 2023 Proposed Budget – 1st Draft Background/Executive Summary: The summary budget includes the maintenance level budget as of October 10, 2022 and the Policy Level Requests (PLRs) for Commissioner review. Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): See attached Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Request the Board review the draft of the 2023 Mason County Budget for the General Fund by Department and all other County funds at the fund level. Attachments: 2023 Mason County Summary Budget – General Fund by Department & All County Funds at Fund Level Summary of 2023 Policy Level Requests (PLRs) by Department and Fund Mason County General Fund 2023 Summary Proposed Budget as of October 10, 2022 Dept. General Fund Department 2022 Adopted Budget 2023 Revenues Salaries Maintenance Benefits & Level Operating Budget at Expenditures 10/10/2022 Budgeted FTE's Revenues 1,500,000 Difference: (228,100) 282,374 110,795 189,667 2,489,354 (50,500) 63,435 (15,842) 11,631 38,370 (35,119) 89,068 (72,000) (8,000) (2,000) (5,556) (4,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 Salaries Benefits 287,287 338,581 47,288 (22,312) (23,286) 32,912 63,115 15,503 (31,266) 23,957 28,395 117,294 92,115 128,490 (17,613) (39,589) Maint. 62,583 10,506 25,665 6,429 6,323 5,686 3,103 & - - - - - - - Level Operating Budget 491,487 (378,516) 18,947 (11,477) 16,044 (10,000) 28,952 12,762 (16,938) 45,466 85,608 (22,822) (50,000) (11,240) (7,969) (5,180) (5,800) 17,150 26,449 1,307 3,404 2,600 8,553 (643) 5,545 3,000 5,050 vs. - - - 2022 Expenditures 2,940,672 316,239 130,056 100,668 424,189 154,939 494,590 (378,516) Adopted 39,319 (28,466) 21,435 79,159 (41,266) 27,361 30,995 17,150 45,645 51,789 (40,435) (50,000) (50,829) (3,365) 9,703 7,736 5,545 30,715 9,863 8,686 - - - Budget Budgeted FTE's 0.25 0.16 0.50 0.50 1.17 (0.50) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - Variance Revenues Salaries Benefits & Operating Expenditures Budgeted FTE's Rev 2023 2022 1(D) vs S&B 2023 2022 I(D) vs Oper 2023 2022 1(D) vs. Exp 2023 2022 1(D) vs. 001-000 Beginning Fund Balance 23,000,000 1,092,250 29,472,950 4,709,045 2,666,374 1,366,600 1,143,172 139,347 378,377 852,300 216,249 171,310 240,767 108,020 776,228 14,000 7,000 86,522 20,000 44,000 35,000 2,500 - - - - 11,933,157 - - - - 1,227,465 1,468,845 264,626 282,158 585,724 487,929 1,016,065 348,978 1,005,332 1,342,779 2,582,653 566,670 1,982,813 1,946,042 145,499 231,557 873,192 1,050,733 344,078 760,879 505,000 98,400 - - - - - - 3,404,382 5,305,719 109,415 222,877 403,914 941,583 209,084 402,841 432,149 85,385 164,628 605,729 41,150 202,093 140,628 179,753 172,146 309,300 209,816 148,075 69,420 16,462 27,952 25,811 87,766 1,600 2,500 - - - 15,337,539 1,450,342 1,872,759 1,527,307 1,033,284 21,569,259 374,041 351,578 100,000 1,101,450 365,440 1,507,407 3,188,382 768,763 2,123,441 2,125,795 403,703 1,276,033 1,260,549 5,810,719 697,013 41,150 171,310 309,300 776,227 908,954 87,766 2,500 - - - 13.00 14.50 13.00 2.50 2.50 6.00 5.00 3.00 8.65 12.20 23.00 5.50 19.00 15.00 2.40 99.50 8.00 8.58 4.22 - - 1.00 - - - 8.00 - - - 21,500,000 1,142,750 26,983,596 4,619,977 378,377 1,080,400 2,384,000 1,255,805 22,000 75,912 92,078 24,000 44,000 232,091 159,679 35,000 953,505 240,767 69,650 811,347 72,000 9,000 2,500 - - - - - - - - 11,594,576 1,249,777 1,492,131 1,047,331 1,314,384 2,295,366 1,890,698 1,883,459 217,338 249,246 522,609 472,426 98,400 342,549 981,375 449,376 134,993 225,234 867,506 922,243 361,691 735,214 501,897 39,589 - - - - 3,318,774 4,814,232 117,384 203,930 409,094 925,539 214,884 576,777 454,971 466,282 80,897 95,385 162,028 189,331 132,075 196,691 126,680 303,755 399,841 183,367 50,000 143,025 1,600 15,155 24,548 24,000 26,454 2,500 11,240 14,913,350 18,628,587 1,453,707 1,901,225 1,448,148 1,142,716 1,005,923 1,476,412 2,872,143 2,022,773 2,080,150 1,267,347 1,105,610 5,316,129 334,722 330,143 687,310 100,000 357,704 24,000 638,707 161,447 351,914 303,755 816,662 50,000 878,239 50,829 466,282 2,500 - 13.00 14.50 22.50 2.25 2.34 5.50 5.00 13.00 3.00 8.65 12.20 4.33 19.00 15.00 1.00 2.40 98.50 8.00 7.58 4.22 8.00 0.50 - - - - - - - -57.14% -28.57% 45.52% -26.76% 10.59% -20.00% -4.62% -6.42% -7.33% 16.59% 35.52% -4.52% 6.52% 0.00% 0.00% 8.11% 6.79% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.45% 1.89% 6.54% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17.87% 11.66% 10.78% -1.82% -1.59% -3.08% 11.12% 20.70% 12.23% -5.12% 3.18% 0.00% 1.84% 2.38% 2.11% 4.65% 3.22% 7.22% 2.73% 2.84% 0.65% 3.37% 0.61% 3.74% 0% 0% -16.53% -11.71% 41.68% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%-431.28% 0% -7.28% -1.28% -2.77% 12.18% -9.42% -2.49% 26.41% 12.61% -5.28% 8.50% 1.70% 0.00% 7.94% 1.58% 4.78% 6.31% 6.08% 2.51% 1.79% 0.74% 0.00% 3.41% 9.26% 1.81% 0% 10.51% 41.68% 0% 0% -431.28% 0% -0.23% -1.52% 6.10% 5.18% 1.39% 0.00% -3.75% 9.92% 16.92% 4.74% 5.76% 12.83% 12.29% -5.21% 13.63% 2.12% 2.65% 2.06% 2.15% 2.77% 1.79% 0.68% 0.00% 3.38% 8.51% 6.54% 0% 0% 0% 001-010 WSU 001-020 Assessor 001-030 Auditor 001-050 Emergency Management 001-055 Facilities & Grounds 001-057 Human Resources/ Risk Mgmt 001-058 LEOFF 001-070 Clerk 001-080 Commissioners 001-090 Support Services 001-100 District Court 001-125 Community Development 001-126 Historical Preservation 001-146 Parks & Trails 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 001-180 Prosecutor 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 001-190 Coroner 001-205 Sheriff 001-208 Courthouse Security 001-240 Office of Public Defense 001-250 Superior Court 001-255 Family Court 001-256 Therapeutic Court 001-258 Murder Expenditures 001-260 Treasurer 001-300 Non Departmental 001-305 Motor Pool 001-310 Transfers Out 001-320 Ending Fund Balance Total General Fund Including BFB & EFB 62,188,434 29,889,408 13,670,439 62,188,434 270.47 66,542,011 31,050,574 13,922,178 66,542,011 274.55 4,353,577 1,161,166 251,739 4,353,577 4.08 Total General Fund Removing BFB & EFB 40,688,434 29,889,408 13,670,439 43,559,847 270.47 43,542,011 31,050,574 13,922,178 44,972,752 274.55 2,853,577 1,161,166 251,739 1,412,905 4.08 6.55% 3.74% 1.81% 3.14% Mason County All Funds 2022 Summary Proposed Budget as of October 10, 2022 Salaries Revenues Benefits 2022 Adopted & Operating Budget Expenditures Budgeted FTE's 2023 Revenues Salaries Maintenance Benefits Level & Operating Budget as of Expenditures 10.10.22 Budgeted FTE's Revenues Difference: 2023 Salaries Benefits Maint. & Level Operating Total Budget vs. 2022 Expenditures Adopted Budget Budgeted FTE's Rev 2021 2020 I (D) vs S&B 2021 2020 I Variance (D) vs. (D) vs Oper 2021 2020 I Exp 2021 2020 I (D) vs Fund Fund Name 103 Sales Use Tax 32,637,495 1,866,000 3,648,028 12,584,450 10,114,412 4,305,000 11,821,474 540,250 297,889 283,752 170,000 240,178 100,589 116,544 158,322 190,000 3,382,359 1,200,500 2,816,804 430,686 998,900 2,462,000 6,859,451 3,809,073 920,499 444,700 1,142,819 5,924,828 234,420 70,000 31,457 96,245 74,900 241,340 107,900 30,000 134,375 275,696 674,517 219,243 179,242 22,017 6,392,341 2,482,470 189,462 111,772 102,022 1,017,094 218,635 268,994 592,125 781,757 232,443 78,363 53,985 628,096 1,190 19,415 16,765 5,867 81,497 75,597 95,072 - - 26,245,154 - - - - 12,584,450 - - - 10,114,412 - - - - - - - - - 1,866,000 3,458,566 4,229,403 11,552,480 540,250 297,889 283,752 240,178 116,544 141,557 190,000 899,889 1,200,500 2,705,032 328,664 241,340 998,900 2,380,503 5,842,357 3,180,977 455,882 825,427 444,700 550,694 5,143,071 91,637 16,015 99,399 12,042 96,245 107,900 134,375 275,696 219,243 179,242 69,033 22,017 30,000 1,977 32,637,495 12,584,450 1,866,000 3,648,028 10,114,412 11,821,474 3,382,359 1,200,500 2,816,804 2,462,000 4,305,000 6,859,451 3,809,073 1,142,819 5,924,828 540,250 297,889 283,752 170,000 70,000 240,178 100,589 116,544 158,322 96,245 190,000 74,900 430,686 241,340 107,900 998,900 134,375 275,696 674,517 920,499 444,700 219,243 179,242 234,420 31,457 22,017 30,000 60.70 22.50 12.35 1.00 2.00 4.68 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.06 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - 6.03 2.11 0.91 2.56 - - - 7.65 31,042,515 2,673,000 3,1301028 3,616,641 10,022,500 7,007,203 4,192,183 638,942 306,230 283,752 200,000 278,400 110,750 138,604 102,674 280,000 1,730,750 2,808,472 3,866,000 5,813,000 8,542,073 7,202,265 1,305,233 5,783,764 160,846 354,062 352,000 129,990 995,025 130,082 274,731 714,560 964,079 440,323 233,997 178,749 276,204 64,000 36,500 62,988 20,201 35,100 6,576,292 2,657,689 1,051,445 82,357 51,240 187,690 19,544 16,765 112,333 103,463 651,525 226,755 278,878 517,755 797,176 274,112 1,198 6,069 82,843 76,911 98,577 - - - - - - - 22,274,599 10,022,500 2,673,000 2,942,338 1,730,750 2,696,139 7,007,203 3,783,157 5,736,089 3,152,561 4,341,588 638,942 306,230 283,752 117,643 278,400 109,552 138,604 144,081 102,674 280,000 958,952 250,599 352,000 995,025 6,787,303 469,952 6,900,026 440,323 12,760 16,956 56,919 129,990 130,082 274,731 857,734 233,997 178,749 787,478 20,201 35,100 2,092 28,850,891 10,022,500 2,673,000 3,130,028 3,616,641 1,730,750 2,808,472 7,007,203 3,866,000 5,813,000 7,838,748 3,804,086 7,178,904 1,305,233 5,138,764 638,942 306,230 283,752 200,000 64,000 278,400 110,750 36,500 138,604 160,846 102,674 280,000 354,062 352,000 129,990 995,025 130,082 274,731 696,707 956,311 440,323 233,997 178,749 276,204 62,988 20,201 35,100 60.80 25.75 1.00 2.00 0.06 12.35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - 6.03 2.10 0.91 2.56 - - - 4.35 7.55 (1,594,980) (2,561,950) (3,107,209) (4,619,209) 807,000 (518,000) 234,282 530,250 110,660 1,404,000 1,508,000 1,682,622 383,110 (141,064) 98,692 30,000 38,222 22,060 90,000 (11,912) (76,624) 162,414 8,341 (6,000) 10,161 5,043 2,524 (8,332) 22,090 (1,816) (3,875) (4,293) 40,043 43,580 (4,377) 14,754 41,784 6,429 5,100 (965) (493) - 30.19% 15.45% 15.00% -16.55% 13.73% 13.82% 15.92% 32.14% -25.56% -18.91% 30.64% -21.64% 31.44% -44.34% -64.14% -5.14% 2.72% 0.00% -9.38% 9.17% 1.57% 6.26% 6.48% -0.30% 16.99% -8.99% 14.53% -0.39% -3.30% -0.35% 36.32% 25.94% 19.70% 9.14% 5.60% 4.52% -0.99% -0.28% 12.44% -2.44% 15.13% 6.31% -14.36% 15.20% 2.80% 4.85% -5.36% -0.94% 0.67% 0.66% 0.00% 6.59% 3.33% 0.50% 1.39% 1.62% 1.71% 3.27% 3.60% 3.58% 3.56% 3.54% 1.93% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 30.19% -17.83% -25.51% -17.54% -25.56% -21.28% -31.15% -44.34% -67.43% -18.46% 15.45% 2.72% 0.00% 22.11% 13.73% 9.27% 28.98% 15.92% 1.75% 6.26% 32.14% 30.64% -0.33% 31.44% 16.99% -8.99% 14.53% -0.39% -3.30% -0.35% 37.08% 26.27% 13.92% -0.90% -0.99% -0.28% 30.07% 5.50% 6.16% 2.99% 3.77% 6.31% 30.19% 15.45% -13.12% 15.00% -16.55% 13.73% 13.82% 15.92% 32.14% -25.56% -18.91% 30.64% -21.64% -44.34% -64.67% -15.30% 2.72% 0.00% -9.38% 9.17% -0.30% 31.44% 16.99% -8.99% 14.53% -0.39% -3.30% -0.35% 36.32% 25.94% 12.49% -0.13% -0.99% -0.28% 12.44% 15.13% 1.57% 6.26% 6.48% 3.18% 3.74% 6.31% 183,951 175,219 34,351 23,429 (74,370) 15,419 41,669 3,994 (2,745) (1,772) 129 202 561 1,441 1,346 1,314 8,120 3,505 9,884 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (3,970,555) (2,561,950) (3,107,209) 1,402,654 1,506,686 (4,652,454) 807,000 (516,228) 530,250 110,660 944,946 236,784 (801,483) 98,692 26,006 38,222 10,153 22,060 90,000 59,063 (12,114) (78,065) (28,416) 8,341 (3,255) 4,914 2,524 6,429 (8,893) 22,090 (1,816) 5,100 (3,875) (4,293) 14,070 32,307 (4,377) 14,754 (965) (493) 115 - (3,786,604) (2,561,950) (3,107,209) (4,642,570) 807,000 (518,000) 234,282 530,250 110,660 1,404,000 1,508,000 979,297 (786,064) 98,692 30,000 (11,912) (76,624) 162,414 8,341 (6,000) 38,222 10,161 5,043 22,060 2,524 6,429 90,000 (8,332) 22,090 (1,816) 5,100 (3,875) (4,293) (4,987) 22,190 35,812 (4,377) 14,754 41,784 (965) (493) - 0.10 3.25 (0.01) (0.33) (0.10) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 104 Auditor's O&M 105 County Road 106 Paths & Trails 109 Election Equipment 110 Crime Victims 114 Victim Witness Activity 117 Community Support Services 118 Abatement 120 REET Property Tax 134 National Forest Safety 135 Trial Court Improvement 141 Sheriffs Boating Program 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 145 Clean Water District 150 Community Services Health 155 American Rescue Plan Act 160 Law Library 163 Lodging Tax 164 Mental Health Tax 180 Treasurer's O&M 190 Veterans Assistance 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 194 Mason Lake Management 195 Spencer Lake Management 199 Island Lake Management 205 Public Works Facility Bond 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 350 REET 1 351 REET 2 402 Mason County Landfill 403 NBC Sewer Utility 411 Rustlewood Sewer & Water 412 Beards Cove Water 413 Belfair WW & W Reclamation 428 Landfill Reserve 429 Beards Cove Reserve 480 Storm Drain System Dev 500 Information Technology 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 502 Unemployment Fund Total Special Funds 111,858,354 174,046,788 62,188,434 13,444,962 29,889,408 43,334,370 130,712,418 98,413,392 32,299,026 111,858,354 174,046,788 62,188,434 124.55 395.02 270.47 106,498,416 173,040,427 66,542,011 13,870,617 31,050,574 44,921,191 124,142,208 88,650,771 35,491,437 102,521,388 169,063,399 66,542,011 127.46 274.55 402.01 (5,359,938) 4,353,577 (1,006,361) 425,655 1,161,166 1,586,821 (9,762,621) 3,192,411 (6,570,210) (9,336,966) 4,353,577 (4,983,389) 2.91 6.99 -5.03% -0.58% 6.54% 3.07% 3.74% 3.53% -11.01% -5.29% 8.99% -9.11% 6.54% -2.95% Total General Fund Grand Total All Funds Mason County General Fund 2023 Summary Proposed Budget as of October 10, 2022 2023 Maintenance Level Budget at 10/10/2022 Dept. General Fund Department Revenues Salaries Benefits & Operating Expenditures Budgeted FTE's Policy Requests Level Policy Level Request (PLR) Descriptions 001-000 Beginning Fund Balance 23,000,000 1,092,250 2,666,374 29,472,950 1,366,600 1,143,172 4,709,045 139,347 378,377 852,300 216,249 171,310 240,767 108,020 776,228 14,000 44,000 86,522 20,000 35,000 7,000 2,500 - - - - - - - - 1,227,465 1,468,845 1,016,065 2,582,653 11,933,157 1,005,332 1,342,779 1,982,813 1,946,042 1,050,733 264,626 282,158 585,724 487,929 348,978 566,670 145,499 231,557 873,192 344,078 760,879 505,000 98,400 - - - - - - 109,415 222,877 403,914 941,583 209,084 164,628 605,729 202,093 3,404,382 309,300 402,841 5,305,719 140,628 179,753 172,146 209,816 432,149 148,075 69,420 85,385 16,462 27,952 41,150 25,811 87,766 1,600 2,500 - - - 15,337,539 1,450,342 1,872,759 21,569,259 1,527,307 1,101,450 1,033,284 1,507,407 3,188,382 2,123,441 2,125,795 1,276,033 1,260,549 5,810,719 374,041 351,578 697,013 100,000 365,440 768,763 171,310 403,703 309,300 776,227 908,954 41,150 87,766 2,500 - - - 13.00 14.50 13.00 12.20 23.00 19.00 15.00 99.50 2.50 2.50 6.00 5.00 3.00 8.65 5.50 1.00 2.40 8.00 8.58 4.22 8.00 - - - - - - - - 75,175 165,957 123,915 241,476 870,692 194,129 1,021 6,365 3,000 4,542 5,100 001-010 WSU Inc. travel costs, support increased programing in North and West county areas 001-020 Assessor 001-030 Auditor 1 FTE $74,035 Public Records Position; Extra help for elections $1,140 increase 001-050 Emergency Management North Mason Office costs $4,950; Additional Travel & Training $1,415 001-055 Facilities & Grounds 001-057 Human Resources/ Risk Mgmt 1 $20k; FTE $91,003 Training HR $4k Analyst; Cabot $20,954; Neo Gov 2 yr contract $30k; Centralize Recruitment 001-058 LEOFF 001-070 Clerk Barcode printers & scanners 001-080 Commissioners 001-090 Support Services Additional training for Finance staff including Mark's CPE credits to maintain CPA license 001-100 District Court 1 FTE $115,915 Deputy Administrator; Interpreter Inc $8,000 001-125 Community Development 001-126 Historical Preservation 001-146 Parks & Trails Trackable Tools $5,000 & Travel $100 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 001-180 Prosecutor 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 001-190 Coroner 1 FTE Deputy Coroner $74,476; Extra Help Inc $8k; & Forensic Pathology Inc $159,000 001-205 Sheriff 4 $169,900; FTEs Sheriff BHO Deputies Contract 97,698 $80k ea; w/offsetting Overtime revenue; $165,000; Trackables Contract $65k for Animal Shelter Program 001-208 Courthouse Security 001-240 Office of Public Defense Contract $13,132 Increases: Adult Felony 167,904, Adult Misdemeanor $13,092, Juvenile Offender 001-250 Superior Court 001-255 Family Court 001-256 Therapeutic Court 001-258 Murder Expenditures 001-260 Treasurer 001-300 Non Departmental 001-305 Motor Pool 001-310 Transfers Out 001-320 Ending Fund Balance Total General Fund Including BFB & EFB 66,542,011 31,050,574 13,922,178 66,542,011 274.55 1,691,372 Total General Fund Removing BFB & EFB 43,542,011 31,050,574 13,922,178 44,972,752 274.55 1,691,372 Total from Ending Fund Balance 1,430,741 3,122,113 Mason County All Funds 2022 Summary Proposed Budget as of October 10, 2022 Fund Fund Name 103 Sales Use Tax 104 Auditor's O&M 105 County Road 106 Paths & Trails 109 Election Equipment 110 Crime Victims 114 Victim Witness Activity 117 Community Support Services 118 Abatement 120 REET Property Tax 134 National Forest Safety 135 Trial Court Improvement 141 Sheriff's Boating Program 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 145 Clean Water District 150 Community Services Health 155 American Rescue Plan Act 160 Law Library 163 Lodging Tax 164 Mental Health Tax 180 Treasurer's O&M 190 Veterans Assistance 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 194 Mason Lake Management 195 Spencer Lake Management 199 Island Lake Management 205 Public Works Facility Bond 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 350 REET 1 351 REET 2 402 Mason County Landfill 403 NBCI Sewer Utility 411 Rustlewood Sewer & Water 412 Beards Cove Water 413 Belfair WW & W Reclamation 428 Landfill Reserve 429 Beards Cove Reserve 480 Storm Drain System Dev 500 Information Technology 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 502 Unemployment Fund Total Special Funds Total General Fund Grand Total All Funds PLRs not included in Fund Balances: Total Budget Requests including PLRs: 2023 Maintenance Level Budget as of 10.10.22 Revenues 2,673,000 638,942 31,042,515 306,230 283,752 200,000 64,000 3,130,028 278,400 110,750 36,500 138,604 160,846 102,674 280,000 3,616,641 10,022,500 62,988 1,730,750 2,808,472 354,062 352,000 7,007,203 129,990 20,201 35,100 995,025 130,082 274,731 3,866,000 5,813,000 8,542,073 4,192,183 714,560 964,079 71202,265 440,323 233,997 178,749 1,305,233 5,783,764 276,204 106,498,416 66,542,011 173,040,427 456.255 173,496,682 Salaries & Benefits 6,576,292 IMP 82,357 51,240 187,690 1,198 19,544 16,765 2,657,689 6,069 112,333 103,463 82,843 76,911 1,051,445 651,525 226,755 98,577 278,878 517,755 797,176 274,112 Operating Expenditures 2,673,000 638,942 22,274,599 306,230 283,752 117,643 12,760 2,942,338 278,400 109,552 16,956 138,604 144,081 102,674 280,000 958,952 10,022,500 56,919 1,730,750 2,696,139 250,599 352,000 7,007,203 129,990 20,201 35,100 995,025 130,082 274,731 3,783,157 5,736,089 6,787,303 3,152,561 469,952 857,734 6,900,026 440,323 233,997 178,749 787,478 4,341,588 2,092 2,673,000 638,942 28,850,891 306,230 283,752 200,000 64,000 3,130,028 278,400 110,750 36,500 138,604 160,846 102,674 280,000 3,616,641 10,022,500 62,988 1,730,750 2,808,472 354,062 352,000 7,007,203 129,990 20,201 35,100 995,025 130,082 274,731 3,866,000 5,813,000 7,838,748 3,804,086 696,707 956,311 7,178,904 440,323 233,997 178,749 1,305,233 5,138,764 276,204 13,870,617 88,650,771 102,521,388 31,050,574 35,491,437 66,542,011 44, 921,191 124,142, 208 169, 063, 3 99 4,433,283 173,496,682 Budgeted FTE's 60.80 1.00 2.00 25.75 0.06 1.00 1.00 12.35 6.03 2.10 0.91 2.56 4.35 7.55 127.46 274.55 402.01 Policy Level Requests 2,191,624 376,255 703,325 388,097 17,853 7,768 23,361 645,000 4,353,283 1,691,372 6,044,655 Policy Level Request (PLR) Descriptions ER&R Rates $1,453,218; Travel/Training $6,130; Trackable Tools $26,500; Building & Land Improvements $705,776 Transfer in: CE for grant match $367,255; includes 1 Temp FTE requested to be made permanent $76,614 ER&R Rates $99,325; Training $4k; Facility Improvements $100k, Capital Machinery/Equipment $500k ER&R Rates $57,097; Training $2k; Facility Improvements $329,000 ER&R Rates $17,653; Training $200 ER&R Rates $7,268; Training $500 ER&R Rates $21,801; Training $1,560 Capital Machinery & Equipment $595,000 & Capital Software $50,000