Meeting Minutes
411 North Sr* Stmeet, Shelton, WA 98584
Thursday October 30, 2014 9:00 a.m.
Members in Attendance: Chair Terri Jeffreys, Bonnie Knight, Duane Wilson, Stephanie Rowland,
Angela Rabe|os, Kelly Bergh, Shaun Tucker, Darin Barry via telephone and Diane ZonenAbsent:
Shaun Tucker, Julie Gray
1. Chair Jeffreys called the meeting tV order at9:U7a.m. Bergh/WiXsonmmoved and
seconded to approve the agenda.
2. Approval nfMinutes: Approval of the September 11, 2014, minutes
WiKson/Berghmmoved and seconded to approve the September 11, 2014
minutes. Motion carried.
Discussion —Compliance with the Open GovernmentTnainings Act: Cmnnr. Jeffreys
explained the Open Government TnsiningsAct and the required online training.
3. Review ofSmall Festival Applications:
Duane asked what the total budget is to work with.
Darin asked if the objective is to spend money or grow tourism in Mason County.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said that 896iy $30,OU0.00 which will leave $4900 for the reserve
Stephanie said we are looking to grow tourism but they do need to know how much
money there is to award.
Cnnmr. Jeffreys recommended sticking to the $30,0OO.UU. She reiterated Darin's
question about the objective.
The committee agreed that the objective is to increase tourism and put heads in
9:15A.K4. A1KymDays/Geoduck Festival —Ina Cu|berson
Tourism Related Yes
Date ofEvent 1
Number of Days of event - 4 (3 day event)
Number of participants - 4 (estimated 3500)
Out of County visitors - 4
Marketing budget- 1
Marketing Campaign — 2
Total Points: 16
Barry Bettsingerrepresented Ina Cu|berson.
Bonnie asked if they will be responsible for big scale advertising.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said marketing has not been determined but most of the advertising
will be done via social media.
Mr. Bettsinger said this is a 3 day event. He estimates approximately 3500
attendees. He commented that this is not a new event. lt will be the 33njannual
Allyn days. This will be the Geoduck Festival's 5"'year. He estimates they will have
115 overnight guests over 3 days. He said they will also utilize camp grounds. He
assumed they stay inBe|foir and Allyn.
Bonnie said a lot stay at bed and breakfast.
Mr. BeUsingeradded that they are trying to be included on the Seattle Seafairevent
9:30A.M. Hood Canal Celtic FestivaD —TonnMcDona|d
Date ofEvent— 1 (Septcmber4-6)
Number of days of Event—4 (] day)
Number of participants— 4 (estimated 64U8)
Out of county visitors—4 (570 documented atgate)
Marketing budget— 2 ($ZO,O0O)
Marketing Campaign - 3
Total Points: 18
Tom McDonald said he started this in 2011. He is getting ready to hand it over to his
son Bill McDonald. He brought some newspaper articles. They do advertising inWA,
OR, MT and ID. They pass out flyers, buttons and business cards. He commented
that 7S96of the attendees are from out uf the area. Be|tair Motel is full every year.
He said this event is getting bigger and better every year.
Angela commented that last year there were 41Z overnight guests and asked him
why he anticipates anincrease.
Mr. McDonald said he anticipates an increase because it'sa good event.
Chair Jeffreys asked if there isa way they can document attendees.
Mr. McDonald said he has had people at the gates asking for zip codes and he visits
hotels, motels and state parks.
Cmmr. Jeffreys asked if he has a long range plan for being completely self-sufficient
or will they always need Ll7\Cfunds.
Mr. McDonald said his long range goal is to be self sufficient. He said that the
amount asked for this year is less than last year. He is setting up committee(s) to
put his event on correctly.
Stephanie Rowland asked how many ce|tic events are inWashington.
Tbnn said they are held in Prosser, Spokane, Enumclaw, Bellingham and Mt. Vernon
and a couple nnona. He added that they are also held in Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and Alaska.
Darin reiterated this is three day event and total participants of approximately 64O0
not including vendors/entertainers and it was documented via the gate and the total
number out of County overnight stays is estimated at 570 for 2015.
9:45A.M. Bluegrass from the Fomest—DuaneVVi|son
Tourismve|ated —Yes
Date of event- 4 (May 15-17)
Number nf days of event—4 (3 day event)
Numberofparticipants— 3 /1,000-3,000\
Out of County Visitors—4
Marketing budget— 2 (12,800 all LTACfunds)
Marketing Campaign — 3
Total Points: ZO
Duane Wilson said they bring in two national and three regional music groups. Mr.
Wilson said he surveys hotels/motels in Shelton and they also have contest forms
that provide documentation. They fill out a contest card entering where they stay.
Duane commented that 60% stay in Shelton and 40 percent stay in other areas in
the County.
10:22A.M. Mason County Forest FestivaD — MiokSpmouffske
TourismPe|ahcd —Yes
Date of event- 4
Number of days of event—4 (3 day event)
Number of participants— 4
Out of County Visitors 4
Marketing budget— 1
Marketing campaign — 3
Total Points: 20
Susan Johnson is representing Forest Festival. She said Forest Festival appeals to
many different groups. She commented that there isa heavy campaign. This event
has been going on for 70years.
She estimates 70 percent of attendees stay within Shelton.
Darin confirmed they are asking for $3,800 more than last year.
Susan acknowledged that they are asking for more in order toimprove their
marketing. They also have SUh| logging competition and people come from out of
town. SUM recommends advertising inC|aUamn and Jefferson Counties totarget
larger areas and promote logging events.
10:15A.M. Taste of Hood CanaK — Debra Jacobs
TuurismRelated —Yes
Date of Event— 1 (August)
Number of Days ufevent I
Number nfparticipants 4
Out of county visitors - 4
Marketing budget 1
Marketing Campaign 3
Total Points: 14
Stephanie Rowland spoke on behalf of Taste of Hood Canal. She said this event
does bring people in overnight and people bring their families. This is o community
effort and is slowly growing each year.
Duane asked why it isn't a multiple day event.
Stephanie said it's not a venue and they do close the streets. 41 one point they did
try making it two day event but it didn't work.
10:30A.M. Fine Art Workshmps— RobertKamin
The Board was concerned about if this workshop is considered tourism. They asked
Robert Kannintn explain his event.
Angela said it seems more educational in nature.
Mr. Kannin said a lot ofpeople come from outside the County including students. He
said that all of his students come and stay overnight at Harmony Hill orA|derbrook.
He said they are working on becoming a nonprofit agency and mentioned this is their
first year. He stated his attendance numbers are from his workshop. He said this is
very small at this point but he is trying to grow.
Kelly Bergh asked about his budget. She would like to know what his total marketing
budget isnow.
Mr. Konnin answered that$3O.U0 per every attendee goes to marketing.
Robert said that marketing is Facebook, digital media and print. He said he would
also like regional magazine adspace.
Stephanie asked if his vision is to have these workshops weekly at Harmony Hill.
Robert answered yes.
Duane asked if some of the art is displayed atA|derbvookas vve||.
Robert said yes and he hopes to work with A|derbnoukat some point in order to
promote the events.
Cmmr. 3effreys asked the committee to come to consensus as to whether this is a
tourism event.
It was agreed by the LTACommittee that this is not a tourism event and therefore
11:00A.M. Traveler Days Arts Celebration — NancyJohnson
Touhsmve|ated —Yes (Bonnie and Duane commented some areas are questionable)
Date of event—4 (April — May)
Number of days —4 (3 day event)
Number of participants - 3
Out of County Visitors —3 (Some documented and some not documented)
Marketing budget- 1
Marketing campaign - 4
Total Points: 19
Nancy said that Traveler Days starts with Hanna Hama Oyster Rama and
approximately 600 attendees prepaid admission and they were documented to from
Seattle. At Garden Days they did a survey and there were approximately 200
attendees and she doesn't know where they were from. A1P|ein Air event at
A|derbnnVk there were approximately 48attendees.
Duane confirmed this is e four weekend event for the entire month.
Nancy Johnson said this is not just e local event. They will have a mobile visitor
center at every event. She said her events go hand in hand.
Bonnie asked about the appetizers on the Lady A|derbrook.
Angela said for that event the boat is provided bvA|derbnookand UTA pays for the
Bonnie Knight asked about the sale ofT-shihs.
Nancy said that the T-shirts are primarily out nf pocket costs.
Nancy said next time they will promote the event lot more.
Angela said the Union Tourism Association objective is not to earn money for
themselves but to promote Union businesses so they can earn money.
Duane Wilson commented that last year they requested $3,000 and this year they
have requested over $19,835 for Traveler Day and Pumpkin FesL. He commented
that is a big jump.
Nancy said the expense is primarily the cost of their new Union vvebsite.
Chair Jeffreys said it is unclear how much they would spend on the Marketing
budget. She asked what would happen if they don't get $18,000 from LTAC.
Angela said they have already spent over $4,0OD for their newm/ebsihe "visit
union.com." Next year they shouldn't have to ask for asmuch.
Chair Jeffreys said this seems like marketing the whole area and Union tourism and
not just the events.
Bonnie said she is having a hard time with defining this asaUTA"event" She
added the event needs[obe related hn other events.
Stephanie said she thinks each event should apply for their own funds so they can
compare apples to apples. It's difficult to look atthe entire month soto get grant
money it might be better to promote each separately.
Nancy said the objective is to bring tourism in during the off season. They want to
promote the whole time period.
Bonnie said this is more of marketing plan. She said these are events and this is
event money.
10:45A.M. PummpkinFeat— NancyJohnson
TourismRa|ated -Yes
Date of Event—4 (October)
Number of Days of Event - 4points
Number of participants 4 (over 3000)
Out of County Visitors 4
Marketing budget- 1
Marketing Campaign - 3
Total Points: 20
Nancy said she feels the Kitsap Peninsula is a key target for marketing.
Cnnmr. Jeffreys asked how they would get people from the Kitsap Peninsula to spend
the night.
Nancy said that they took surveys and offered free accommodations in order to
promote the area.
Stephanie Rowland said Alderbrook should be able to provide information regarding
the heads in beds.
11:15A.M. Mason County Rodeo Association—]u|ieGraywasnotpresent
TourismRe|ated - Yes
DeteofEvant - 1
Number of Days of Event- 3
Number of participants - 3
Out of County Visitors - 4 (1848 attendees over a two day event)
Marketing budget- 1
Marketing Campaign - 2
Total Points- 15
There was not representation from the Mason County Rodeo Association.
The committee discussed that possibly the rodeo may bemoved.
Chair Jeffreys said it's an assumption and nobody knows. She added that this
community supports this rodeo wholeheartedly.
Bonnie said if this rodeo doesn't happen then LTAC can get the money back.
Darin stated that some events are strong but he feels that he is not so sure about
the Celtic festival isnt
Bonnie said she is very supportive of Celtic Festival and added it is a huge event.
Kelly said that people ready dn come from far away to attend this event.
Angela agrees with Bonnie.
Angela said maybe they should look at overnight stays that are generated by each
Kelly questioned if they can really rely on something like that.
Duane said you have to look atthe big picture and said they should all be funded.
Stephanie Rowland/Angela RabeKosmnoved and seconded to consider
funding for all applicants expect for Fine Arts Workshops. Motion Carried
$30,OU0 divided by8 equals $375O and would be equal funding for each Vrogood
starting number although some requests were less than that.
Bonnie said an even split would be too easy. She said it should be discussed as a
committee tn decide how much to fund each event.
Angela agrees with Bonnie.
Kelly pointed out that it appears we actually have more money for funding this year
than last year.
Angela suggested each committee member suggest an amount for funding for each
event. She added it will show how far apart they are.
The LTAC committee agreed.
Darin stated ho chooses to give each applicant an equal share uf$375O.
Allyn Days/Geoduck Festival — Requsted-$7U0O
Ange|a $40O0
Kelly $500O
Duane $5O0O
Stephanie $6800
Bonnie $6000
Darin $3750 (he is promoting and equal share toall)
/YVERAGE $4958
Hood Canal Celtic Festival — Requested-$8000
Angela $5000
Kelly $4000
Duane $5000
Stephanie $7000
Bonnie $8000
Darin $3750
Bluegrass from the Forest— Requested-$5000
Angela $5000
Kelly $5000
Duane abstain
Stephanie $5000
Bonnie $5000
Darin $3750
Mason County Forest Festival — Requested-$8000
Angela $3000
Kelly $5000
Duane $6000
Stephanie $5000
Bonnie $5000
Darin $3750
Taste of Hoodanal — Requested-$2500
Angela $2500
Kelly $2500
Duane $2500
Stephanie $2500
Bonnie $2500
Darin $3750
Pu ki Fest— requested $9835
Angela abstain
Duane $2000
Stephanie $1500
Bonnie $1500
Darin $3750
Traveler Days Arts Celebration — Requested $10,000
Angela abstain
Kelly $1500
Duane $2000
Stephanie $1500
Bonnie $1500
Darin $3750
Mason County Rodeo Association — Requested $5UOQ
Angela 3000
Kelly $5000
Duane $5000
Stephanie $SUOO
Bonnie $5000
Dorin $375U
Grand Totals: $31,207
The group discussed award amounts. They rounded up and rounded down and
shared opinions to come toaconsensus.
Round down Pumpkin Feot and Travelers Days.
Forest Festival and Bluegrass should be rounded to $5000.
Bonnie said if more money comes in she would like to recommend more to Celtic.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said they cannot dothat because the LTACconnmittee needs to
recommend the amounts to the Board ofCommissioners.
Bonnie asked if anyone would like anything changed.
Angela said a large portion ofLTAC dollars come from Union so she would like more
than ¢4,O00 dollars to invest.
Stephanie said it would be beneficial for Union to separate each event.
Angela said that is not how they market their events.
Angela reiterated the funding amounts sofar. The committee isin agreement at
Stephanie Rowland/Duane Wilson moves to accept the current
recommendations to approve funding levels totaling $31,500. Motion
carried. 5 yay- 1 nay
Bonnie said it's about the ability to generate funds and heads in beds. She also
mentioned that Celtic festival deserves more money because the dogenerate [TAC
Angela said some uf these small festivals do not promote heads in beds. She said
some are more worthy of investing in than others.
Duane said its overall tourism.
Kelly said we should change the survey so there can be more points.
Stephanie said the Celtic Festival isatremendous boom for Mason County and it
brings people from all over the world to attend the Celtic Festival.
Bonnie wants to help strengthen the Celtic Festival to help them become self-
Bonnie Knight/Stephanie Rowland moved and seconded to increase Celtic
Festival to $6500 on the basis that this event is in danger of going away.
Motion carried. 5 yay ® I nay.
The LTAC committee has come to consensus to award the following:
Celtic Festival $6500
Bluegrass in the Forest$5000
Forest Festival $5000
Taste of Hood $2500
Traveller days$2000
Rodeo $4500
32®5 total amount for recommendation to the County Commissioners.
11:30 A.M. Mason County Staff Support— Frank Pinter
Bonnie Knight/Duane Wilson moved and seconded to approve up to
$18,600 in overhead cost of County administration to this fund. Motion
carried unanimously.
Kelly said she would like to see the calculations after they are complete.
Darin confirmed this is for 2015.
4. Recommendation to County Commissioners:
Chair Jeffreys passed out a Scope of Work regarding Blue Collar. She is
recommending a two Contract process as follows: 1. Discovery period. 2.
Development of the actual marketing campaign.
There was a complaint filed regarding using an out of area vendor so the Board of
Commissioners had decided that they would be ok if there was a local liaison and
purchases would be done locally. The local liaison would be paid out of their
contract. This would be a sub contract with Blue Collar.
Angela asked for the LTAC committee to be invited to the Briefing and/or
Commission meeting so they can attend.
Diane Zoren agreed to make sure they are notified.
Darin asked if Blue Collar is fine with the two phases.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said yes. She commented that Blue Collar is eager to get started
and would like to start the discovery phase by end of year. The Chambers will be
Darin asked about the updates on lodging establishments not paying lodging tax.
Chair Jeffreys said she will update at the next meeting.
Darin asked if the LTAC committee will discuss the future RFP process for 2016.
Stephanie said she would like to see the marketing plan first.
Bonnie asked about their discovery phase and providing rooms.
Chair Jeffreys recommends Alderbrook for one night and then open to
Bonnie suggested that possibly the Blue Collar representatives all stay at different
5. Other Business: There was no other business.
6. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
7. Next meeting date: January TBD
Next meeting items to include: Discussion of lodging establishments paying lodging
tax and a presentation from Union Tourism Association on virtual visitor information
8. Adjourn 12:34 p.m.
L AC Clerk Cmmr. Terri J r s, lair