HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2022-00377 - SWG Application / Design - 6/28/2022s
DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Num r: 3 2 1 0 4 — 5 4 — 0 0 1 1 4
A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are.submitted:
"Completed design form that has been signed and dated.• `'Scaled layout sketch,including a applicable items on checklist
''Scaled plot plan.including all applicable items on checklist. s'Cross-section sketch.including all applicable items on checklist.
This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 1 i• .V 17'•
Permit Number: SWG 71:14") 00 31'1 Designer's Name: Arrow Septic Designs, Inc
Applicant's Name: AB Fine Homes Designer's PhoneNumber: (360)898-2255
Mailing Address: 871 E Beach Dr Designer's Address: 171 E Vuecrest Dr
Union, WA 98592 . Union, WA 98592
City State Zip City State Zip
Treatment Device
❑Glendon Biofilter 0 Sand Filter ❑ Mound ❑Sand Lined Drainfield 0 Recirculating Filter.Type:
❑Aerobic Unit Make/Model 0 Disintcction Unit Make/Model Other:
Drainfield Type
0 Gravity WSPressure 'Trench 0 Bed 0 Sub Surface Drip
Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals
Number of Bedrooms 3 Schedule/Class 40
Daily Flow: Operating Capacity 270 gpd Length 40 avg ft
Daily Flow:Design Flow 360 gpd Diameter 1.25 in
Septic Tank Capacity(working) 1,200 gal Number 5
Receiving Soil Type t l-6) 4 Separation 9 ft
Receiving Soil Appl. Rate 0.6 gpditt'- Orifices
Required Primary Area 600 ft2 Total Number of Orifices 40
Designed Primary Area 600 ft2 Diameter 3/16 in
Designed Reserve Area 600 fr Spacing 60 in
Trench/Bed Width 3 ft Manifold
Trench/Bed Length 200 tt Schedule/Class 40
Elevation Meas• urements Length header ft
Original Drainfield Area Slope 3-8 % Diameter 1.25
New Slope. if Altered 3-8 Preferred manifold configuration used? Yes 0 No
Depth of Excavation up-8lore Transport Pipe
from Original Grade Down-stage
• Schedule/Class 40
Designed Vertical Separation 24+ in Length 20 ft
Gravelless Chambers Required? 0 Yes 0 No 6'Optional Diameter 2 in
Pump Required? le Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber
Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day 4
Diff. in Elevation Between Pump& Uppermost Orifice 15 ft Dose quantity 90
Draintield Squirt Height`Selected Residual(head) 2 ft Chamber Capacity (flood) 1,000 gal
Uppermost Orifice'Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls: Please check those required.
Capacity c�,'�r Total Pressure Head 23.60 gpm 1t 'Timer lf�Elapse Meter fi7'Event Counter
Calculated Total Pressure Head 18.19 ft • If Timer: Pump on 2 min .Pump off 6 hr
1 20CL
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