HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014/09/23 - Board of HealthMASON COUNTY :r0D OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS
September 23, 2014
Attendance: Randy Neatherlin, County Commissioner; Tim Sheldon, County Commissioner; Terri Jeffieys. County
Commissioner; Terry Megiveron, Hospital District #1; Peggy VanBuskirk, Hospital District #2; Frank Phillips, Fire
Commissioner; Mike Olsen, City of Shelton Commissioner. Guest: Debbie Riley
1. The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions
3. Sheldon/Olsen moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Van Buskirk/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of July 22, 2014 as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Health Officer Report- Dr. Diana Yu
5.1 Cluster Investigation: There are certain diseases that come in clusters so they are noticed. When
a cluster is noticed, the State Board of Health needs to be contacted. They will need* who, what,
where and when.
Cmmr Sheldon commented it seems similar to clusters of dangerous roads and assessing more
dangerous areas.
Dr. Yu explained that Cancer in not one disease. She added that cancer is defined as abnonnal
cells that grow.
When people see clusters they assume it's the water. Although it could be, it isn't necessarily true.
Cancer is not acceptable but there is an acceptable risk. People choose to do things even knowing
of risks. Smoking is a risk.
Some known causes of cancer are- Smoking, obesity, growing older, sunlight, carcinogens, and
early or unprotected sexual contact.
Statistics in Mason County: The number cause of death in Mason County is heart disease. The
largest type of cancer in Mason County is lung cancer
5.2 Cancer Rates - Dr. Yu spoke about cancer rates in Mason County. The earlier cancer is detected
the lower the mortality late. Most cancers are screened for except lung cancer, which is hard to
screen It is hard to compare Mason County cancer rates with other counties because Mason
County's numbers are so small.
Washington State compared to the Nation is middle of the road.
Vicki asked if there is data to show early screening vs. later screening
Dr. Yu said she does not know.
Mike Olsen asked if someone dies of cancer at age 85 or 90, would that be considered old age
rather than a cancer statistic. He commented that Mason County has a significant number of
elderly people.
Peggy Van Buskirk mentioned that people come to Mason County for retirement and so very
well could have been exposed in a different county or state.
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Water is a contributor to kidney and liver cancer due to chemicals as apposed to lung cancer. Dr. Yu also
mentioned wood smoke in the air is more prevalent in Mason County.
Example Goose Lake: The unknown is a big concern. Dr. Yu said that there are standards that have been
followed although people dont want to take the risk. She said as a public health entity, they look at what
the risks are based on the information that is available now. It is a challenge. She left some information
from the National Cancer institute.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked if there are any cancer clusters around the dump in Shelton.
Dr. Yu answered no.
Frank commented that he noticed population differences in the comparison data.
Terry Megiveron stated that this data is based on people diagnosing and reporting.
Cmmr Jeffreys thanked Dr. Yu for the presentation.
Dr. Yu added that Enterovirus has been confirmed in Seattle but not in Mason County. She said it is a
strain they haven t seen. She stated that Mason General Hospital does have a way to screen if there is
suspected exposure. She also mentioned ebola and said that there are systems in place should an outbreak
Dr Yu stated that ebola is not a casual contact disease. It would be transmitted by significant contact. She
stated it is a greater concern when traveling to and from West Afiica. The CDC (Center for Disease
Control) website is a good resource for additional information about ebola.
6. Community Health Improvement Partnership update: Lydia Buchheit
Community Health Assessment:
They have narrowed down to focus on three priorities for tracking purposes:
1. Access and appropriate use of healthcare service
2. Train and prepare workforce with living wage jobs.
3. Functional Families (housing, eating for health, substance use)
Their next meeting will be October 23. There are a couple of examples other entities using Insight Vision.
The examples she has looked at are Weld County and Snohomish County
Teary said aligning resources and staying focused is beneficial.
Lydia said this is huge and there are many great organizations to pull in
Vicki stated they are looking into engaging BOH into more things. She thinks it would be valuable and the
BOH would have knowledge of things happening in the community and giving input and making
recommendations to the County Commissioners. Vicki stated she would like to build collective impact and
alignment from the ground up.
Cimnr. Jeffreys said her hopes are that would be that as policy makers they are targeting with a baseline
and tracking She added there are a limited number of funds with many priorities.
Terry said when you focus down there is alot of alignment. He added that we are fortunate that we have
these relationships.
Cnuni- Jeffreys asked what this next step is going to be.
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Lydia said they are going to try to build aligmnents with the three The goal is to have a clear picture for
the community The group with decide what to measure and start with a baseline.
Terry Megiveron stated it's similar to measuring access to primary care and starting with a baseline.
Lydia announced they have hired Allie Perline Allie is relocating from Vermont and has a Master's
Degree in Public Health. She will be replacing Heidi Iyall.
City Cmmr Mike Olsen left the meeting.
Terry Megiveron reiterated that as a new member, he would like extra explanation as to what the role of the
Board of Health entails.
Vicki is wondering if a Board of Health orientation would be helpful. She also mentioned possibly
informing the Board on all the upcommg changes and the current budget.
Cmnn-. Sheldon asked about clinical care, primary care, dental and mental health. He said it is stark.
Teary Megiveron agrees that this is a challenge and we need to get some funding.
Vicki agrees it is stark and there is definitely a shortage of providers.
7. Drug Take Back Boxes in the North End —
The Mason County Sheriff's office would like to add a second take back box to be located at the North
Precinct. From June 2013-June 2014 they have collected 1000 pounds of drugs. The two hospital districts
purchased the boxes initially. Peggy and Vicki will follow up.
8. November 2014 Suggested Agenda Items Ideas — 2015 budget.
9. Board Discussion— There was no additional Board discussion.
10. Public Comment - There was no public comment.
Frank Phillips informed everyone that Fire Safety Week will take place the second week in October. There
will be open houses at every fire district in Mason County. Mason County Fire Safety week will be
advertised in the newspaper next week.
Next Meeting: November 25, 2014
11. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m.
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Jerk of the Board
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Randyeatherlin, Commissioner
Peggy an Buskirk, Hospital District #2
Ike Olsen, City of Shelton Commissioner
Teary Megiveron, Hospital District #1