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130-08 - Res. Submitting Proposition Authorizing Annexation of the City into the Timberland Regional Library
A RESOLUTION SUBMI I I ING TO PROPOSITION AUTJ-f ORIZING THE AN u M ?`C -`C © L3OOCfi � HE QUAl_I FIED ELECTORS OF -"H NEXA BON OF THE CITY INTO II L:BRARY Dii STP C1 E CITY OF S H E L TO N Tilly ERLAN D REGI WHJER1/4EAS, RCW 27012.360 es.tabloshes the process for the City of Shelto' (City) to initiate t the City into the Timberland Regiona ibrary District (" ibrary District"), Inc AL usion of WHEREAS, Mason County has received Ordinance No. 1737-1208 from the City requesting the Board of Iviaso v County Commissioners adopt a resolution, per RCW 270120370, co call and conduct a special e lection for the purpose or submitting to the oualified electors of the City for their approval or rejection a proposition asking if the City shall be annexed i to the Library District; WHEREAS, r 'e City of She ton/William Gn Reed Library B annexatioit of the City i to the =ibrary District; 1rd has submitted a letter of support of the WHEREAS, the Timberland Regional Lbrary 3t ,ard or Trustees adopted Resolution Non 08-06 supporting the annexation of the City into the Library District; NOW THEREFORE 3E IT RESOLVED that tie Vason Co,,my Commissioners hereby autholze the Mason County Auditor to call and conduct an election that will be held in the City in the manner provided by law o n February 3, 2009, during he ours provided oy law, for the purpose of suoitWing to the qualified e lectors of the City for cneir aop/oval or re;ectiona proposition substantially tine following form: Propositioi Non 1 City Annexatin into the Timberland Regional Library District "Shall the City of Shelton be asexed to and be a part of the Timberland Regional Library District?" Yes No If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause of phrase of this resolution is declared u nconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of effectiveness of the remaining portions of this resolution. Effective this 12th day of December, 2008. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Cier </.� Tim Sheldon, Chair Rebec S. Rogers, Clerk of the Rbard Co Auditor City of Shelton Co\DOCUMiEl \nnontyc\LOCALSN4 \Temp\XPgrpwise\TRL Election to include City of Sheltonadoc