HomeMy WebLinkAbout64-08 - Ord. Amending Ord. 146-07 Establishing Fees for Mason County Building and Planning0 N A\CIE NO. tatie ° TO Afl D ORD NA NCCIE N CD. 14647, 0 ' r l \ ANC k NO. 2=079 OR 03 k D 0RD ANCCE NO. 142=04 ESTA3 1ISA 'LNG G l TES FOR L BN 1V "ULILIED_NG AND FI A \NNG Dl-CPARTTWE \LS WHERE. S9 RCW 36 32 12O stales the board of con, \CCIE NO. 1- 5= ASOI\ C IPIUNTY my commissioners.. have the care of the county property and the management of the county 'Inds and business." WH 1,RLAS, to rnaimtain the financial stability of Mason County, is prudent that the Building and Planning departments are operated as an enterprise; and that adequate revenue is generated by the Bui di_ag and Planning Departments to cover their costs of services° NOW 'THEREFORE, ET IS EST ABLISLMLD T! !AT Mason County Buildiner and P annifig Department fees for and modification permits will be increased per Table 1-D, and effective :une 10, 20080 Tab e 1 and Fable i o) are hereby incorporated as hart of this ordinance. See attached fee sclhedtfe with a'iles as ised above. AT''ES APPROVED this j chy of 6 O the OARD OF COUN 1 ,,. im , heldon, Chair 9 20080 Y COMMISSIONERS Lnda Ring Erickson, Commissioner R:•ss Gallagher, Commi sinner Rebecca S o Rogers, Clerk o Board APPROVED AS v . Deputy Prosecu ing attorney C: Budget & Finance, Barbara Robinson, Kathy Nelson, Accounting, Treasurer, Diane Zoren MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 186/426 W. Cedar Shelton, WA 98584 Phone (360)427-9670 Fax:(360)427-7798 www.co.mason.wa.us RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE INFORMATION EFFECTIVE January 1, 2008 Please use this guide to determine the approximate cost of your residential building permit. On the back of this page you will find a valuation table. This table shows the permit fee and plan review fee based on the valuation of your proposed building. The Building Permit Fee is based on Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code and the Plan Review Fee is 65% of the Building Permit Fee. The plan check fee will be collected when the building plans and applications are submitted. In addition to the plan check fee, there is a Planning Department Review Fee ($190.00 — residential/$310.00 — commercial) due upon submittal. The building and other permit fees will be collected when the permit is issued. Once you have calculated the square footage of your building, use the following categories to determine the project valuation. Multiply the square footage by the cost per square foot (listed to the right of each category). Type of Construction Cost per Square Foot Residential / Basement $ 76 65 Basement (semi-finished/unfinished) $ 37.70 Garage / Storage Building $ 27.66 Carport / Covered Deck $ 19.05 Deck (uncovered) $ 13.40 Manufactured/Modular Homes are a flat fee of $494.00. There is a 50% application fees when the fee of permit $247.00 is issued. due upon submittal, which is applied to the total Here is an example: The proposed building is 1200 square feet with a second story of 400 square feet, a garage of 500 square feet, and a 160 square foot deck. (Using 10% increase) Valuation Calculation Residence Garage Deck (uncovered) Cost per Sq. Ft. 1600x$76.65 500 x $ 27.66 160 x $ 13.40 PIERO Total Valuation Valuation $ 122,640.00 $ 13,830.00 $ 2,144.00 $ 138,614.00 Refer to the valuation table. For the range $138,001.00 to $139,000.00, the permit fee is $1212 15 and the plan review fee is $787.90. For projects with valuations that exceed $229,000.00 please refer to the 1997 UBC Code Table 1-A. For plumbing and mechanical fees, please refer to the attached tables. For additional fee information on projects not listed above, please contact the Mason County Department of Community Development at (360) 427-9670 ext. 352. TABLE 1 Mason County Building Permit Fees And Valuation Criteria EFFECTIVE DATE: June 3, 2008 RESIDENTIAL PERMITS * New construction, Additions, Basements: * Remodels greater than 50%: * Remodels less than 50%• * Basement (Semi-finished/Unfinished) MANUFACTURED HOUSING * Manufactured Homes: * MH Title Elimination: * MH Runners/Tiedowns: * Modular Home. MISCELLANEOUS * Garages. *Storage- Buildings: *Green Houses: *Agricultural Buildings: *Covered Decks/Carport: * Fences. *Tanks/Tank Removal (Res.only): SHORELINE RELATED PERMITS * Bulkheads: * Boat ramps. * Docks, Piers, Floats: *Stairs and Landings: * Pilings: MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT FEES (Plan * Foundation Only: * Retaining Walls: * Re -inspect Fee: * Decks. * Demolition Fee: * Site Inspection/Investigation *Addressing Fee: * Final Inspection/Expired permit: * Site plan Revisions: * Roofing Only (Residential): * Roofing Only (Res. Accessory): * Bldg. Inspections/Adj. Counties: *Appeals of Administrative Decisions * Large scale copies (plans) * Land Use Prosecutor/Deputy Prosecutor Research FEE $ 76.65 $ 76.65 $ 37.70 $ 37.70 $494.00 $ 31.50 $141.50 $635.00 $ 27.66 sq. ft. $ 27.66 sq. ft. $ 27.66 sq. ft. $ 27.66 sq. ft. $ 19.05 sq. ft. $ 10.50 sq. ft. $110.00 Flat Fee $ $ $1,622.75 Per Piling 21.00 sq. ft. 13.40 sq. ft. 13.40 sq. ft. 13.40 sq. ft. Review fees may apply where applicable) $141.50 Flat Fee $ 20.20 sq. ft. $ 68.00 $ 13.40 sq. ft. $ 110.00 $ 68.00 $ 162.00 $ 68.00 $ 68.00 $ 110.00 $ 68.00 $ 134.00 + Mileage $ 530.00 $ 4.20 Per Page and/or Consultation fee: $ 90.00/hour * Structures or work requiring permits for which no fee is specifically indicated: signs, pools, window replacement, equipment, etc., will be valued and assessed utilizing submitted written contractor or engineer cost bid information, or closest related item for which a fee is determined. A minimum fee of $132.00 will be assessed for projects valued under $1700.00 or at the discretion of the Building Official and/or Community Development Director. 1 STOCK PLAN FEES *A full plan review fee based upon square footage, occupancy, and use of the building, will be collected when the initial stock plan is submitted The plan review fee for subsequent submittals will be equal to 20% of the building permit fee, but not less than $132.00. The reduced plan check fee will cover review of site specific conditions and is intended to cover processing costs If additional reviews are needed because of a geo technical report or similar issue hourly fees will be assessed based upon the current adopted fee schedule in effect at the time the building permit application was received. Stock plan use and limitations will be per current Mason County stock plan policy at time of submittal. PERMIT FEES/PLAN REVIEW * Permit fees shall be as set forth in Table 1-A, and dated January 1, 2007. A minimum fee of $132.00 will be assessed for projects valued under $1700.00 or at the discretion of the Building Official and Fire Marshal. Plan review fees, where * ot otherwise provided for or indicated, shall be established at the rate of $68.0 per hour with a one -hour minimum charge. * Plan review fees for compliance to the Non -Residential Energy Code shall be established at the rate of $68.00 per hour, with a 1/2 hour minimum and shall be paid at the time the permit is issued. VIOLATION/STOP WORK ORDER PENALTIES AND FINES * Shall be assessed pursuant to Title 14, Title 15, and codes adopted at time of submittal. COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS 1.) Building Valuation Data, published by the International Code Council (ICC). 2.)__Contractor/Engineer Estimate if not specified in the published Building Valuation Data. 3.) Misc. Tank installation/removal permit fees will be based upon the above criteria or wilt be a minimum fee base of $157.50, whichever is greater. Additionally IFC and IBC plan check fees may apply. 4.) Re -roof permit fees for commercial structures will be based upon the above criteria or will be a minimum fee base of $157.50 whichever is greater. Additionally IFC and IBC plan review fees may apply. 5.) Tenant Review Applications $132.00 Additionally IFC and IBC plan review fees may apply 6.) Commercial Coach $494 00, plus written contractor bid if Coach or Modular is altered. A separate plan review fee and building permit fee will be charged for additional structures, such as landings, etc. 7.) Modular office placed on permanent foundation systems $635.00. * PLUMBING FEES *MECHANICAL FEES Base and fixture fees, Table 1-B Base and unit fees, Table 1-C * Plan review fees may be assessed at discretion of Building Official. LAND MODIFICATION * Fees assessed pursuant to Table 1 D. Additional fees may apply for review. UNIFORM FIRE CODE/ASSOCIATED FEES * Plan review fees for fire code compliance of building plan reviews, shall be established at 50% of the IBC plan review fee *Automatic Fire Alarms: Fees to be assessed based upon submitted contractor bid and the adopted fee schedule as depicted in Table 1. Exception: The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of $157.50. Plan review fees will be calculated at 65% of permit fee. * Fixed Fire Suppression: Fees to be assessed based upon submitted contractor bid and the adopted fee schedule as depicted in Table 1. Exception: The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of $157.50 Plan review fees will be calculated at 65% of permit fee. *Automatic Sprinkler: Fees to be assessed per Building Standards valuation data or upon submitted contractor bid at the discretion of the Fire Marshal. Exception: The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of $157.50. Plan review fees will be calculated at 65% of permit fee Fire Apparatus Road Review: $68 00 per site Burn Permit: $150 00 per site Fireworks related fees -Local permit and license fee limits 2 *Retail Fireworks Stand Permit: $100.00 for one retail sales permit for one selling season in a year. Cost includes processing, permit, and inspections *Public Fireworks Display Permit: $250 00 minimum permit fee and min. 1/2 hr plan review fee or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved and include administrative costs. In no case shall the costs total more than five thousand dollars for any one display permit pursuant to RCW70.77.555. 3 TABLE 1-B Plumbing Permit Fees EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1, 2008 Permit Issuance 1. For issuing each permit 2. For issuing each supplemental permit Unit Fee Schedule (In addition to items 1 and 2 above). 1. For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap (including water, Drainage piping and backflow protection therefor) 2. For each building sewer and each trailer pack sewer 3. Rainwater systems - per drain (inside building) 4. For each cesspool (where permitted) 5. For each private sewage disposal system 6. For each water heater and or vent 7. For each gas -piping system of one to five outlets 8. For each additional gas piping system outlet, per outlet 9. For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, Except kitchen -type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps 10. For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating Equipment, each 11. For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture 12. For each lawn spnnkler system on any one meter including backflow protection Devices therefor 13. For atmospheric -type vacuum breakers not included in item 12: 1to5 over 5, each 14. For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers. 2 inch (51 mm) diameter and smaller over 2 inch (51 mm) diameter 15. For each gray water system 16. For initial installation and testing fora reclaimed water system 17. For each annual cross -connection testing of a reclaimed water system (including Initial test) 18. For each medical gas piping system serving one to five inlets(s)/outlet(s) for a Specific gas 19. For each additional medical gas inlets)/outlet(s) Other Inspections and Fees 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours... 2. Reinspection fee 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved Plans (minimum charge - one half hour) *Per hour for each hour worked or the total hourly cost to the junsdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of all the employees involved FEE $ 23.10 $11.60 $ 8.10 $17.30 $ 8.10 $ 28.85 $46.20 $ 8.10 $ 5.75 $ 1.15 $ 8.10 8.10 $ 8.10 $ 8.10 $ 5.75 $ 1.15 $ 8.10 $17.30 $46.20 $68,00 $68.00 $57.75 $ 5.75 $102.00 $68.00 $68.00* $68.00* TABLE 1-C Mechanical Permit Fees EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1, 2008 Permit Issuance and Heaters 1. For the issuance of each mechanical permit 2. For issuing each supplemental permit for which the original permit has not expired, been canceled or finaled Unit Fee Schedule 1. Furnaces For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or gravity -type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to and including 100 Btu/h (29.3 kW) For the installation or relocation of each floor fumace, including vent For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor -mounted unit heater For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or gravity -type fumace or burner, including ducts and Vents attached to such appliance Appliance Vents For the installation, relocation or replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included in an Appliance permit 2. Repairs or Additions For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, Absorption unit or each heating, cooling absorption or evaporative cooling system, including installation of Controls regulation by the Mechanical Code 3. Boilers, Compressors and Absorption Systems (Ind. Heat Pump) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower (10.6 kW), Or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h(29.3kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor. over three horsepower (10.6kW) to And including 15 horsepower (52.7kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW) to And including 500,000 Btu/h (146.6kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower (52.7 kW) to and Including 30 horsepower (105.5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h (146.6 kW) to and Including 1,000,000 Btu/h (293.1 kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower (105.5 kW) to and Including 50 horsepower (176 kW), or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293.1 kW) to And including 1,750,000 Btu/h (512.9 kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 50 horsepower (176 kW) or each Absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h (512.9 kW). 4. Air Handlers For each air -handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic fee per minute (cfm) (4719L/s), including Ducts attached thereto Note: This fee doe not apply to an air -handling unit which is a portion of a factory -assembled appliance, Cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in the Mechanical Code. For each air -handling unit over 10,000 cfm(4719L/s) Miscellaneous 6. Ventilation and Exhaust For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air-conditioning system Authorized by a permit For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for Eachhood 7. Incinerator For the installation or relocation of each domestic -type incinerator For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial -type incinerator 8. Miscellaneous For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Mechanical Code but not classed in other Appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in the table Other Inspections and Fee: Inspections outside of normal business hours, per hour (minimum charge two hours) Re -inspection Fee Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated, per hour (minimum charge one-half hour) Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans or to plans for which an Initial review has been completed (minimum charge -one-half hour)............ ........ Liquid propane tank, above ground tank, below ground fuel storage tank Solid Fuel Burning Equipment: Wood, Pellett, LP and fireplace, barbeque appliances FEE $26.60 $8.40 $17.10 $17.10 $17.10 $21.00 $ 8.40 $15.75 $17.00 $31.35 $43.00 $64.00 $107.10 $12.35 $20.90 $12.35 $ 8.40 $12.35 $12.35 $21.00 $16.80 $12.35 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 Minimum; Grading Fee's PLAN REVIEW PERMIT FEES INSPECTION FEE MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mason County Bldg. III, 426 West Cedar Street PO Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427 9670 Belfair (360)275-4467 Elma (360)482 5269 $ 34.08 $ 34.08 $ 68.00 per hour Table ''1-D Prior to each inspection, active grading permits greater than two (2) years of age from www.co.mason.wa.us issuance date will be charged $68 per inspection or at current inspection rate GRAD NG: PLAN FEES -REVI;EW ; .. 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yards 101 to 1 000 cubic yards 1 001 to 10 000 cubic yards NO -FEE $ 34.08 $ 53.65 $ 71.41 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. $ 35.53 $ 71.41 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $ 19.21 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. $ 391.14 200,001 cubic yards or more for the first 200,000 cubic yards, $ 583.26 plus $ 10.51 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. Other Fees Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charge --one hour) Inspecton fee per trip $68 D0 per hour $6800 per trip • :GRADING PERMIT FEES 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yards $ 34.08 $ 53.65 101 to 1,000 cubic yards for the first 100 cubic yards, $ 53.65 plus $ 25.38 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 1 001 to 10,000 cubic yards for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $ 282.03 $ 21.03 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards for the first 10,000 cubic yards, $ 471.25 plus $ 95.70 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubic yards or more for the first 100,000 cubic yards, $1,332.55 plus for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. $ 52.93 Building Valuation Data (continued) accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the ex- isting building • For purposes of establishing the Permit Fee Multiplier, the es- timated total annual construction value for a given time period (1 year) is the sum of each building s value (Gross Area x Square Foot Construction Cost) for that time period (e.g., 1 year). • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from site and foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costsa, b, `, a Group (2006 International Building Code) Type of Construction IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 196.11 189.78 185.37 177.60 167.20 162.27 171.92 152.56 146.94 Assembly, theaters, without stage 177.62 171.29 166.88 159.10 148.75 143.82 153.43 134.10 128.49 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 149.94 145.74 142.04 136.49 128.53 124.91 131.71 116.50 112.58 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 148.94 144.74 140.04 135.49 126.53 123.91 130.71 114.50 111.58 A-3 Assembly, churches 180.72 174.39 169.98 162.21 151.82 146.89 156.54 137.18 131.57 A-3 Assembly, general, libraries, museums community halls, 152.81 146.48 141.07 134.30 122.33 118.97 128.63 108.26 103.65 A-4 Assembly, arenas 176.62 170.29 164.88 158.10 146.75 142.82 152.43 132.10 127.49 B Business 154.16 148.70 144.00 137.27 125.07 120.41 131.97 109.81 105.37 E Educational 166.52 160.91 156.34 149.52 140.14 132.98 144.59 123.34 118.69 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 92.68 88.42 83.70 80.93 72.45 69.29 77.68 59.67 56.50 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 91.68 87.42 83.70 79.93 72.45 68.29 76.68 59.67 55.50 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 86.84 82.58 78.86 75.09 67.79 63.63 71.84 55.02 N.P. H234 High 86.84 82.58 78.86 75.09 67.79 63.63 71.84 55.02 50.85 Hazard H-5 HPM 154.16 148.70 144.00 137.27 125.07 120.41 131.97 109.81 105.37 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 152.30 147.08 143.14 137.34 128.24 124.73 138.61 116.09 111.54 1-2 Institutional, hospitals 256.26 250.80 246.11 239.38 226.55 N.P. 234.08 211.31 N.P. 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 179.18 173.72 169.02 162.30 150.51 N.P. 157.00 135.27 N.P. 1-3 Institutional, restrained 174.99 169.52 164.83 158.10 147.16 141.52 152.80 131.92 125.48 1-4 Institutional, day care facilities 152.30 147.08 143.14 137.34 128.24 124.73 138.61 116.09 111.54 M Mercantile 111.44 107.24 102.53 97.99 89.62 87.00 93.21 77.59 74.67 R-1 Residential, hotels 154.24 149.02 145.08 139.28 129.95 126.44 140.32 117.80 113.25 R-2 Residential, multiple family 129.33 124.11 120.17 114.37 105.16 101.65 115.53 93.01 88.46 R-3 Residential, one- and two-family 122,11 118.76 115.86 112.68 108.62 105.77 110.77 101.74 95.91 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 152.30 147.08 143.14 137.34 128.24 124.73 138.61 116.09 111.54 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 85.84 81.58 76.86 74.09 65.79 62.63 70.84 53.02 49.85 S-2 Storage, low hazard 84.84 80.58 76.86 73.09 65.79 61.63 69.84 53.02 48.85 U Utility, miscellaneous 65.15 61.60 57.92 55.03 49.70 46.33 51.94 39.23 37.34 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15.00 per sq. ft. c. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent. d. N.P. = not permitted Electronic files of the latest Building Valuation Data can be downloaded from the Code Council website at www.iccsafe.org/cs/techservices 52 building safety journal January -February 2008 S ection 1.10.020 Mason County Development Fee Ordinance EFFECTIVE Janury 1, 2008 P LANNING PROGRAM PERMITS FEES TYPE OF PERMIT S HORELINE PERMITS: S ubstantial Development Permit: $10 000 or Less $10,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $200,000 O ver $200,000 Conditional Use and/or Variance/SDP: $10,000 or Less $10,001 to $50 000 $50,001 to $200,000 O ver $200,000 S horeline Exemption: Single Family* O ther S horeline Permit Revision S horeline Appeals of Admin. Decision LAND SEGREGATIONS: Boundary Line Adjustments Easement Removal Declaration of Parcel Combination S hort Subdivisions Large Lot Subdivisions (Administrative) Large LotSubdivisions(Hearing) P reliminary Plat Subdivision Final Plat — Subdivision ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW/SEPA: S EPA — Checklist S ingle Family* N on -Single Family 0 to 9.99 Acres 10 to 20 Acres Over 20 Acres S EPA - EIS (DS) EXISTING $670 $900 $1,350 $1,685 $785 $1,010 $1,685 $2,245 $225 $450 $335 $505 $250 + $30 Per Line $190 $65 $1,575 + $55 Per Lot $1,680.+ $55 Per Lot $2,245 + $55 Per Lot $2,245 + $55 Per Lot $1,120 + $55 Per Lot $340 $560 $670 $840 $2,245 + $62 Per Hr PROPOSED $705 $945 $1,420 $1,770 $825 $1,060 $1,770 $2,360. $240 $475 $355 $530 $265 + 35 per line $200 $120 $1,655 + 60 Per Lot $1,765 + 60 Per Lot $2,360 + 60 Per Lot $2,360 + 60 Per Lot $1,180 + 60 Per Lot $360 $590 $705 $885 $2,360 + 65 Per hr H:\Permit Fees 2008\PLANNING 2008 FEES REVISED.doc Page 1 TYPE OF PERMIT (Cont.) MOBILE HOME PARK AND RV PARK Small Mobile Home Park Mobile Home Park Recreational Vehicle Park CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE • Critical Areas Ordinance — Variance CAO — Reasonable Use Mason Environmental Permit Mason Conditional Environmental Permit Mason Environmental Permit Processed with another permit Geotechnical Assessment/Report Reviews Wetland Delineation Reviews Habitat Management Plan Reviews G.eotechnical Assessment/Report (per hr.) Wetland Delineation (per hour) Restoration Plan Review OTHER PERMITS OR ACTIONS: Comprehensive Plan Amendment orre- zone of property Dev. Regs. — Special Use Permit Dev. Regs. — Variance Dev. Regs — Administrative Vanance Pre -Consultation Appeals of Administrative Decisions Hazardous Waste Siting Permit Administrative determination letter Technical Assistance Fee (per hour) Site Inspection Stormwater, road, other engineering reviews Legal assistance fee Water System Reviews Forest Practice Reviews (with no SEPA) Forest Practice Reviews (SEPA additional) TYPE OF PERMIT (Cont.) FEE $785 + $55 Per Space $825 + 60 Per Space $1,575 +$55 Per Space. $1,655 + 60 Per Space $1,575 + $55 Per Space $1,655 + 60 Per Space $1,350 $1,350 $560 $1,350 $335 $195 $120 $395 $62 $395 $1,700 $1,010 $1,010 $100 $170 + $62/Hr $505 $2,245 $170 $62 $225 $75 $115 $330 $220 $1,420 $1,420 $590 $1,420 $355 $130 $415 $65 $415 $1,785 $1,060 $1,060 $105 $180 + 65/Hr FEE $530 $2,360 $180 $65 $240 $80/hr $125 $350 $240 H:\Permit Fees 2008\PLANNING 2008 FEES REVISED.doc Page 2 Pre- application Residential Building Permit Review Commercial Building Permit Review (Excluding sign permit review) Building Permit Revision Review Moratorium Waiver Moratorium Removal Hearing Examiner Fees: Examiner Hearings (permits and appeals) Examiner Hearings (easement removals) Examiner Hearings (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Examiner Hearings (enforcement cases) $225 $170 $280 $55 $1,120 $2,245 $1,875 $275 $625 COST NOTES: *Not including subdivisions # Per hour rate as charged by the Mason County Public Works Department or for the Professional Engineer retained by the Department of Community Development All fees are due on application for a complete application or on request for the service, except that hourly fees, shall be due within 30 days of billing or prior to issuance of a permit, whichever is earlier. $240 $190 $310 $60 $1,180 $2,360 $1,875 $275 $625 COST H:\Permit Fees 2008\PLANNING 2008 FEES REVISED.doc Page 3 Name MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEE. CALCULATION,WORKSHEET VALUATION DETERMINATION Occupancy Square Footage Valuation Amount (sq. ft. Valuation x valuation) Type Total /Addition /Basement $76.65 $ Residence Garage /Storage Building $27.66 $ (semi -finished /unfinished) $37.70 $ Basement $13.40 $ Deck Carport /Covered Deck $19.05 $ Other $ $ Valuation$ Total Estimated Plan Review Fee, due when the permit is submitted: Planning Dept. Review Fee ($190/$310), due when permit is submitted: Addressing Fee ($162.00) due upon submittal: Fire Warden Review Fee ($68.00) due upon permit submittal: TOTAL DUE WHEN PERMIT IS SUBMITTED* $ $ The estimated plan review fee is based upon information provided at the time of application and is subject to change. Planning Department fee is a flat fee which is due when permit is submitted Building mechanical, and plumbing permit fees will be calculated during plan review. Environmental Health, and other fees will be collected when the permit is issued. Building Permit Fee (see table attached to Building Permit Fee list U.B.C., table 1-A) Estimated Mechanical Fees (u.m.C. , Table 1-A) $ Estimated Plumbing Fees (u.P.c. ,Table 1-1) Estimated Environmental Health Fees: Estimated Fire Marshal Fees (commercial projects -50% plan review) State Fee $ 4.50 Estimated Fees due when permit is approved: Total Cost: I.1BUILDINGIESTIMATED FEES —revised 8-25-2004 Building Plan Building Plan Building Plan Valuation Permit Review Valuation Permit Review Valuation Permit Review $1.00 to $500.00 $23.50 $15.28 $67,001.00 to $68,000.00 $769.75. $500.34 $148,001.00 to $149,000.00 $1,268.15 $824.30 $501.00 to $600.00 $26.55 $17.26 $68,001.00 to $69,000.00 $776.75 $504.89 $149,001.00 to $150,000.00 $1,273.75 $827.94 $601.00 to $700.00 $29.60 $19.24 $69,001.00 to $70,000.00 $783.75 $509.44 $150,001.00 to $151,000.00 $1,279.35 $831.58 $701.00 to $800.00 $32.65 $21.22 $70,001.00 to $71,000.00 $790.75 $513.99 $151,001.00 to $152,000.00 $1,28495 $835 22 $801 00 to $900.00 $35.70 $23.21 $71,001.00 to $72,000.00 $797.75 $518.54 $152,001.00 to $153,000.00 $1 290 55 $838.86 $901.00 to $1000.00 $38.75 $25.19 $72,001.00 to $73,000.00 $804.75 $523.09 $153,001.00 to $154,000.00 $1,296.15 $842.50 $1 001.00 to $1,100.00 $41.80 $27.17 $73,001.00 to $74,000.00 $811:75 $527.64 $154,001.00 to $155,000.00 $1,301.75 $846.14 $1,101.00 to $1,20000 $44.85 $29.15 $74,001.00 to $75,000.00 $818.75 $532.19 $155,001.09 to $156,000.00 $1,307.35 $849.78 $1,201 00 to $1,300.00 $47.90 $31.14 $75,001.00 to $76000.00 $825.75 $536.74 $156,00100 to $157,000.00 $1,312.95 $853.42 $1,301.00 to $1,400.00 $50.95 $33.12 $76,001.00 to $77,000.00 $832.75 $541.29 $157,001.00 to $158,000.00 $1,318.55 $857.06 $1,401.00 to $1,500.00 $54.00 $35.10 $77,001.00 to $78,000.00 $839.75 $545.84 $158,001.00 to $159,000.00 $1,324.15 $860.70 $1,501.00 to $1,600.00 $57.05 $37.08 $78,001.00 to $79,000.00 $846.75 $550.39 $159,001.00 to $160;000.00 $1,329.75 $864.34 $1,601.00 to $1,700.00 $60.10 $39.07 $79,001.00 to $80,000 00 $853.75 $554.94 $160,001.00 to $161,000.00 $1,335.35 $867.98 $1,701.00 to $1,800.00 $63.15 $41.05 $80,001.00 to $81,000.00 $860.75 $559.49 $161001.00 to $162,000.00 $1,340.95 $871.62 $1,801.00 to $1,900.00 $66.20 $43.03 $81,001.00 to $82,000.00 $867.75 $564.04 $162,00100 to $163,000.00 $1,346.55 $875.26 $1,901.00 to $2,000.00 $69.25 $45.01 $82,001.00 to $83,000.00 $874.75 $568.59 - $163,001.00 to $164,000.00 $1,352.15 $878.90 $2,001.00 to $3,000.00 $83.25 $54.11 $83,001.00 to $84,000.00 $881.75 $573.14 $164,001.00 to $165,000.00 $1,357.75 $882.54 $3,001.00 to $4,000.00 $97.25 $63.21 ' $84,001.00 to $85,000.00 $888.75 $577.69 $165,001.00 to $166,000.00 $1,363.35 $886.18 $4,001.00 to $5,000.00 $111.25 $72.31 $85,001.00 to $86,000.00 $895.75 $582.24 $166,001.00 to $167,000.00 $1,368.95 $889.82 $5,001.00 to $6,000.00 $125.25 $81.41 $86,001.00 to . $87,000.00 $902.75 $586.79 $167,001.00 to $168,000.00 $1,374.55 $893.46 $6,001.00 to $7,000.00 $139.25 $90.51 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$15,000.00 $251.25 $163.31 $95,001.00 to $96,000.00 $965.75 $627.74 $176,001.00 to $177 000.00 $1,424.95 $926.22 $15,001.00 to $16,000.00 $265.25 $172.41 $96,001.00 to $97,000.00 $972.75 $632.29 $177,001.00 to $178,000.00 $1,430.55 $929.86 --=-$16,001..00 to-- ---- $17,000.00 ---$279.25--$-181.51---- $97,001.00 to-------$98,000,00 ----$979.75 $636.84 --"$178,001.00 -to---$179,000.00--$1,436.15 ----$933.50- $17,001.00 to $18,000.00 $293.25 $190.61 $98,001.00 to $99,000.00 $986.75 $641.39 $179,001.09 to $180,000.00 $1,441.75 $937.14 $18,001.00 to $19,000.00 $307 25 $199 71 $99,001.00 to $100,000.00 $993 75 $645.94 $180,001.00 to $181,000.00 $1,447.35 $940.78 $19,001.00 to $20,000.00 $321.25 $208.81 $100,001.00 to $101,000.06 $999.35 $649.58 $181,001.00 to $182,000.00 $1,452.95 $944.42 $20,001.00 to --$21,000.00 $335.25 ' $217.91 - '-$101,001.00 to -$102,000.00 --$1,004.95 $653.22 $1821001.00 to- _ $183,000.00 --$1,458.55 1948.06 $21,001.00 to $22,000.00 $349.25 $227.01 $102,00100 to 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