HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-08 - Res. 2008 Budget Supplemental Appropriation/Transfer Notice of HearingRESOLUTION NO. n " So 2008 BUDGE Supplemental Appropriation/Budget Transfer Notice of Hearing WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2008, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and a budget transfer to the 2008 Budget as authorized by RCW 36.40.100 and RCW 36.40.195 for the following: Supplemental Appropriations to the Community Development Department in the Current Expense Fund for grants from the WA State Dept of Ecology for Watershed 16 planning. Supplemental Appropriations to the Capital Improvement Real Estate Excise Tax (REET 1) Fund for bond proceeds to purchase property, a grant from the State of Washington to remodel the exterior of the old courthouse, a Recreation & Conservation Grant to purchase property for the Latimer's Landing Parks Project, and unanticipated cash carryover that will be used for required match for the grants and to complete other capital improvements in existing county buildings. A Budget Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense Fund to the Indigent Defense Programs for Superior Court and District Court for costs associated with those programs (the funding was received from the State of Washington in late December 2007). A Budget Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense Fund to Nondepartmental to budget county membership in the Columbia -Pacific Resource Conservation and Economic Development District (Columbia Pacific RC & EDD). THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commissioners: That the 19th of February 2008 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of supplemental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2008 Budget as follows: Supplemental Appropriations: Community Development Department/Current Expense Fund in the estimated amount of $44,250;and Capital Improvement Real Estate Excise Tax I (REET 1) Fund in the estimated amount of $5,535,871. Budget Transfer: From Ending Fund Balance/Current Expense Fund to the Indigent Defense Department in the estimated amount of $61,118; and to Nondepartmental in the estimated amount of $1,000. Dated this 5 day February of Februa 2008. ATTEST: LAC ecia 0241,z6 Rebec • a S. Rogers, Clerk of tho7Board APPROVED AS TO F • FM: putyProsecuting Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 5L12,12,- Tim Sheldon, Chair L , . do Ring Erickson, C s Gallagher, Commiss':' er C: Accounting (2), Treasurer, Budget & Finance, Community Dev Dept, Facilities & Grounds, Parks, Superior Court, District Court, Diane Zoren Journal Pub12t: 2/07,2/14 Bill: Planning, REET 1 Fund, Superior Ct, Dist Ct, Nondepartmental ]PASSJED fin open session this Ol\11L 1i E R 2006 BDGIEY I I N 131 I`4IA i _R OF SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPIL `ltTCD N S = -RUTDCDIE L'" SO M AUTION D 16=08 DATED AN D 1 k SS1 D: J ebrruarry 59 2008 Sllk'1R = '‘Drf Ci OF ILEATR H OR S JJPJPLEM1 N TAL AJIP R*PRAPRAT ..DNS: Col -nuttily Dever opineroll/CC cirent Kxpernse 1�� Dime $44925© CapftaL-improvement Rea. Estate 1xcfse 'Da ('Z'k U JL 11) FOR B JFOR B GET 1I . " It SFE l iv LIDCDK STD i k and 55,535,871. ]Irndfi en Defense)2CC'ncent Expense iKmatd $61 418 (N o:rdepa t e tal): C , rren : Expense nand :,000 WHERE 4 S9 a notice was published and a public hearing was he d in accordance with RCW 36 0 -00 and RCW 36. 00195 and with Resolution No. I6-08 (see Attaci-anent which is incorporated as part of this order). ALE I OAl CDD' COUNTY COIViRnSSIO NERS OIE MASON COIN- -Y now hereby approves Supplemental appropriations to the Current Expense Fund in the amount of $44,250 and the Capital Improvement REE1 Fund in the amount of $5,535,871; and Budget Transfers from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense and to Indigent Defense in the amount of $61,118 an d Nondepartrnental in the amount of $1,000. -RE 1 IVUK HER RESOLVED that these Suppemental Appropriations and these Budget transfers will be expended and :ecorded in the 2008 3udget as listed in Attachment A which is also incorporated as part of this order. T ES Rebecca S . Rogers, Clerk of the Board APP OVER AS 10 FORM: Chief Civp Monty Qob 1 elf>. day of February 2008. -1OARD OF SCOUT MASON COUN omey Y COMM S SI0NTERS Y, W ASHI TGT0 im Sheldon, Chairperson iihri /1 tied ?hr.> Lynda Ring Encks, Commissioner 7 Ross Gallagher, Comxfiissioner C: Budget Director, Accounting (2), Treasurer, Community Development, Superior Court, District Court, Facilities & Grounds. Sheet I - 3500'0M40 0 Ca(3Ka rforum ffli V<Z&:HT L L FA n ,d. ttachn =l nett A Budge final Aevosed . 02©` 9-03 Am 9[a d—in3[112 , Resourcozs 35 o =0 0 0cO LT o CapEczaL ruvir *yams _rIu , i. ' Aeg0nnangg $ `,30' 308. O 0 urd os e ZZudgsced `am` 282`7 ` "o0000 l C ` t t r Percent $ (1339773) 3 / 4. O O. 0 C 0 0 R D = Hrst s4 u Nl . V ll �q 36' ` ` OC 0000 D rr 0 nt& est $ 4,067 . . I ves ent Corsw wva Gran LaU Landing* $ 363,750 Reorea ilon % on mer°s 334.02.76.0200 - ` ICI u ^III a0ta ��' ��� 7 535, 8 U 3 6O a;ray,uoi DO Casp teaaU IDuopU-c7111crfute Hui RF,P== C 1 C. ar I PE, L ofia Genera Colligation Bond D 5$ 3,400,00n 382.'0.00.0000 tceeds* Cala irrnp[ t R H ` /Counchoa e 350m300®2OO overrte _ -DPeservatfon 900,000 WA St ArchaooOogy Hist Grant $ 334.006.90.030` L To = _ Resources : 595359 ,L '$ 35O400= 00 Ca K rr pro ` rn ' M U IJ L `- 11 --, _ $ =st bba O (189/29) 5O8.00.00.0000 or0ungg fund arce Property: $ 5207000 594.`/6.61.0200 Purchase .andong =afime's Improvement R;= :: 1!- 3rd & Pone 350-300-100 Capital 3rd & Pope Property: $ 2, 153,9' 1 594.19.62.2100 Purchase Proper $ 946,089 Omprovements 3rd at Pone 594.19.62.2100 y* 350-300-200 Capital improvement R E E 1/Courthouse / $ 594.19.62.0001 Remodel Exterior Court 1 , Ouse:: ,870,000 350-900-000 Debt Out 2008 GO zonds $ 235,000 597.00.00.0250 ransfer o c10 U e 5,53 ,8'n L # New BARS Revenue/zxpendlure New Department/Program 0 84 DescrflpiH®n 4:41 uY 0 if CI I 2/20/2008 excel/2008 Budget/350-000-000 Cap Impry REET 1 - 2-19-08 Budget Amendment 1 Sheet 2 final 02-19-08 Attachment A revised @ Budget Transfer From. 001-320-000 Current Expense/Other Reserves 508.00 00.00000 Ending Fund Balance $ (62,118) TO: 001-240-100 Indigent Def/District Court 512.83 41.0010 Professional Services $ 27,959 Small Tools & Minor Equipment $ 2,600 512.83.35.0010 Total $ 30,559 001-240-210 OPD/Indigent Defense 512.81.41.0010 OPD Training $ 6,559 OPD Miscellaneous $ 24,000 512.81.41.0011 Total $ 30,559 001-300-000 Nondepartmental 550.00 49.0062 Columbia -Pacific RC & EDD $ 1,000 Total $ 62,118 2/20/2008 excel/2-19-08 budget amendment 2 Sheet 3 Attachment A Final Revised @ 02-19-08 Supplemental Budget Amendment 001-125-145 Community Development/Planning Resources $ 23,000 Dept. Ecology Watershed 16 Planning Grant 334.04.10.0017 of Dept. Ecology Watershed 16 Planning Grant $ 21,250 334.04.10.0018 of Total Resources $ 44,250 Uses 558.60.41.1617 Professional Services $ 23,000 558.60.41.1618 Professional Services $ 21,250 Total Uses $ 44,250 2/20/2008 excel/2-19-08 budget amendment 3 Attachrnent B Su; p RESOs, JJl kON Nta 1 ` 0 2 308 BUDGET ernental Apprropnatlon/Budget Tv Era seer Notice of Heating WIIEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2008, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and a budget transfer to the 2008 Budget as authorized by RCW 36.40.100 and R.CW 36.4 O.195 or the following: Supplemental Appropriations to the Community eveIopxnent Department in the Current Expense Fund for grants from the WA State Dept of Ecology for Watershed 16 panning. Supplemental Appropriations to the Capital Improvement Real Estate Excise Tax (REET 1) Fund for bond proceeds to purchase property, a grant From the State of Washington to remodel the exterior of the old courthouse, a ecreation & Conservation Grant to purchase property for the La.timer's Landing Parks Project, and unanticipated cash carryover that will be used Lot required match for the grants and to complete other capital improvements in existing county buildings. udget 'Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance i r the Current Expense Fund to the indigent Defense Programs for Superior Court and District Court for costs associated with those pro ams (the Ending was received from the State of Washington in late December 2007) udget Transfer from the Ending and Balance in the Current Expense Fund to Nondepartmental to budget county membership in the Coin :nbia-Pacific Resource Conservation and Economic )evelopment District (Columbia Pacific RC & EDD)o THEREFORE, RESO VET) BY HE Board of Mason County Co nissioners: That the "9h of February 2008 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and pace for a public hearing upon the matter of supplemental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2008 Budget as follows: Supplemental Apprroprfiadonso Community Development Department/Current Expense Fund in the estimated amount of $44,250;and Capita_ -improvement Real Estate Excise Taxi (REE'^ 1) Fund f►rL the estimated amount of $5,535,871. Budget Tra sren From Ending Fund Balance/Current Expense Fund to the Indigent De- ense Department in the estimated amount of $61,118; and to Nondepartmental in the estimated amount of $1,000. Dated this `4>°-� dayof February 2008. rY ATTESra a S. Rogers, Clerk of th0Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: rosecutmg Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASTING ON 5(r) Tim Sheldon, Chair 9 t L.0 .,yid Ring Erickson, ' o mmissioner o s Gallagher, Cornnnss er C: Accounting (2), Treasurer, ':' udget & Finance, Community Dev Dept, Facilities & Grounds, Parks, Superior Court, District Court, Diane Zoren Journal Publ 2t 2/07,2/ 11 4 Bill: Planning, REFIT 1 Fund, Superior Ct, ist Ct, Nondepartmental