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04-08 - Res. Amending Chapter 5.3 of the Mason County Personnel Policy - Paydays
Resolution No. gm's PS A resolution amending Chapter 5.3 of the Mason County Personnel © Paydays WHEREAS, Vason Co L nby ras implemented semi=rr ontnly payro e' 'active i a n u a ny 2008; W S EAS tne new paydays wil be the 10th and 75ti, of each and pay th with t of 1] direct deposit e exception of January 2008 which will nave only one payday on JanJa �y 25, 2008 due to the necessary lag time to i �iplement the new payroll; WN=[EREAS because of the necessary Dag time the County has aLtnorized a one-time optional draw check to be issyied of January 15, 2008 that can include the cash -in or up to three days or vacation hours or 2008 personal holiday hours (any co-thination not to exceed three days); NOW, THERE ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board o F. Chapter 5.2 Paydays of the vason Cou lty Personnel Vason County Commissioners to amend olicies as rollows: County employees are paid semi -month y on the 10th and 25th or lac{ month and the payroll wi be a direct deposit i Ito the bank or the employee's choice. IF a regularly scheot led payday 'tills on SatL rday or S i nd ay, payroll will oe a direct deposit o 1 Friday. If a regularly scheduled payday fal s on a holiday, payroll will be a direct deposit on the as regu ar wort( day prior to the holiday. This is of Dated -ective January 2008. his 8th day of January, 2008. ATTEST: eize-kei Rebecca So Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED - S TO FORM: Deputy rosecuting Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY CC$11MISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tim Sheldon, Chair eh° Ly • : Ring Erickson, Commi'sioner Nib ss Gallagher, CommissieR er :\New Resolutions\Payday changeodoc