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SWG2022-00346 - SWG Application / Design - 6/16/2022
MASON COUNTY 415 N 6TH SHE TON 3 0-427-9670,EXT 400 � , � COMMUNITY SERVICES BELFAIR:360-275-4467,EXT 400 ELMA:360-482-5269,EXT 400 Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health FAX:360-427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2022-00346 APPLICANT TOTEM GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL CIO Phone: 800-841-9852 GIRL SCOUTS OF WESTERN WA Address: 5601 6TH AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 150 SEATTLE, WA 98108 OWNER TOTEM GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL C/O Phone: 800-841-9852 GIRL SCOUTS OF WESTERN WA Address: 5601 6TH AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 150 SEATTLE, WA 98108 SEPTIC DESIGNER Bob Paysse -Pioneer Digging Inc Phone: 360-426-1803 Address: 3083 E Mason Benson Road GRAPEVIEW, WA 98546 Site Address: 800 NE Twin Lakes Rd Primary Parcel Number: 223201060000 Permit Description: New 840 GPD commercial -Pressure Distribution Permit Submitted Date: 06/16/2022 Permit Issued Date: 07/12/2022 Issued By: Jeff Wilmoth Current Permit Fees Paid: $1,160.00 (additional fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 06/16/2025 (based on date of inspection) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drain field installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: www.co.mason.wa.us/health/environmental/onsite/oss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. .I.r.11l Co ome r y I OFFICIAL USE ONLY MASON COUNTY DATE RECEIVED: / // /�O ^^ cn D 07 COMMUNITY SERVICES E/ uAl�S(^/1` C m AMOUNT R�CEIVED: � RECEIVED BY: V W (n s 1 v U) Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) C (/) 415 N.6th Street et-400lt n,WA 8584,ext.400 S W G /� D, — _ ^ I � On ~ 415 N.6th Street-Shelton,WA 98564 C^N�^\J ///�/,��\y�l!\ '/C/-J ~ Z di ON—SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION a X m C)APPLICANT PHONE m r GIRL SCOUTS OF WESTERN WA. ATTN: RUSSELL EBEL c MAILING ADDRESS-STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE E 5601 6TH AVE - SUITE 150 SEATTLE WA 98108 al SITE ADDRESS-STREET,CITY,ZIP CODE f.-"800 NE TWIN LAKES ROAD TAHUYA I N NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE I IV ROBERT H. PAYSSE 360-426-1803 NAME OF INSTALLER PHONE o I CO TBD N N PERMIT TYPE(select one) DRINKING WATER SOURCE O 6RESIDENTIAL OSS ff COMMUNITY OSS KCOMMERCIAL OSS "PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL ff PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL Z c) TYPE OF WORK(select one) 7 PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM GIRL SCOUTS CAMP? I r NEW CONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES Pr REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHER DETAILS(select all that app(y) 0 TABLE IX REPAIR I SUBMITTALS ❑ SURFACING SEWAGE 0 EXISTING FAILURE 0 SHORELINE W O DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOT SIZE 5WAIVER(S)(IF APPLICABLE) NA 128 ACRES o DIRECTIONS TO SITE AND SITE CONDITIONS:(ex.locked gate) CONTACT RUSSELL EBEL FOR SITE VISIT: 425-971-5824 I CD OUT NORTH SHORE ROAD FROM BELFAIR. RIGHT ON BELFAIR TAHUYA ROAD. RIGHT 0 I o ON HAVEN WAY. RIGHT ON BENNETTSON LAKE ROAD. DOWN 2.2 MILES TO RIGHT @ I o TEE ON TWIN LAKES ROAD. TRAVEL 1/2 MILE TO A RIGHT TURN INTO CAMP AND GATE. SITE MUST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIN ROAD AND TEST HOLES MUST BE FLAGGED WITH TEST HOLE NUMBERS. I C) OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE/FAILURE SOURCE(for reporting purposes) ❑VOLUNTARY 0 MAINTENANCE/PUMPING ❑BUILDING PERMIT ['HOME SALE ['COMPLAINT ❑OTHER: INSPECT OIL ` COMMENTS/CONDITIONS ,/„..' L 2 �� 5 I � 5 RECORD DRAWING AND INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CODES: V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM Si=SILT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVAL. CTOR SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE 1- A LI ATION APP OVED/ISSUED BY DATE T IS MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVISED 1217/2015 % t ' DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 3 2 0 — 1 0 — 6 0 0 0 0 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. '1 Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 11"X 17" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG 1,,c) —0<3 LI g Designer's Name: ROBERT H. PAYSSE Applicant's Name: GIRL SCOUTS OF WEST.WA Designer's Phone Number: 360-426-1803 Mailing Address: 5601 6TH AVE.SUITE 150 Designer's Address: 3083 E MASON BENSON ROAD SEATTLE WA 98108 GRAPEVIEW WA 98546 City State Zip City State Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofilter 0 Sand Filter 0 Mound 0 Sand Lined Drainfield 0 Recirculating Filter,Type: ❑Aerobic Unit Make/Model 0 Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfield Type ❑Gravity FifPressure lifTrench 0 Bed 0 Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms COMMERCIAL Schedule/Class SCH.40 Daily Flow: Operating Capacity 630 gpd Length 70 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 840 gpd Diameter 1.25 in Septic Tank Capacity 2250+ gal Number 5 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 Separation 8+ ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.8 gpd/ft2 Orifices Required Primary Area 1050 ft2 Total Number of Orifices 70 Designed Primary Area 1050 ft2 Diameter 3/16 in Designed Reserve Area NA ft2 Spacing 60 in Trench/Bed Width 3 ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length 350 ft Schedule/Class SCH. 40 Elevation Measurements Length 50 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 14 % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope,If Altered 14 % Preferred manifold configuration used? giYes 0 No Depth of Excavation Up-slope 13 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Down-slope 6-8 in Schedule/Class 3034 Designed Vertical Separation 24+ in Length 160 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? 0 Yes It No 0 Optional Diameter 2 in Pump Required? lif Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day 6 Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity 120 gal Orifice 32 ft Chamber Capacity 2700 gal Uppermost Orifice FS Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls: Please check those required. Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 41.3 gpm t 'Timer I Elapse Meter ['Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 48.6 ft If Timer: Pump 2 MIN. ,pump off 4 HRS Comments p p R ® V JUL t� Mn�av '�l 2022 . ' CUUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:2 2 3 2 0 -- 1 0 -- 6 0 0 0 0 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch O Test hole locations g Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: g Soil logs i1 Trench/bed dimensions and g Septic tank F1 Property lines critical distances within layout if Drainfield cover It Existingand proposed wells g D-Box/Valve box locations P p Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property Q( Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: g Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations g Laterals,trench bed,top and surface water and critical areas g Observation port location bottom 671 Location and orientation of Ci'! Clean-out location 0 Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption It Manifold placement 0 Sand augmentation components Gd Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: Location and dimension of It Lateral placement with distance g Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed g Other Information I1 Buildings g Audi. e/visual alarm referenced Yes No fiLi Direction of slope indicator It Sca ply wn on scale It ❑ Design staked out It Waterlines ba 1 ❑ i I Recorded Notices attached t Roads, easements,driveways, `': O VE Waiver(s)attached parking JUL 1 2 0 Pump curve attached 1 North arrow and scale drawing MA LQ(/NTI,FNVI ?022 ❑ Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar Jew MENTAL Non-residentialHFq�r� ❑ justification Waste strength 13f ❑ Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be notified by i st r at time of installation &S Yes 0 No i re o esigner Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local - 'te regulations: a Alf 1— - �> En ro �,4 al Health Specia ist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPR VAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: 7- 7 25 ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 PIONEER DIGGING INC. Robert H. Paysse 3083 E Mason Benson Road Grapeview WA 98546 5/18/2022 Mason Co. Health Dept. Re: Twin Lakes Girl Scout Camp - 22320-10-60000 This design is for the Hacienda building at the Girl Scouts of Western Washington facility located on Twin Lakes Rd in Mason County. The current structure has an existing, permitted OSS from 1974. County records show an existing 1000 gal septic tank and pump tank that pumps up to a 320 sf gravity drainfield. The system appears to be functioning satisfactory. However, they would like to be proactive and have acquired some grant funding to help replace the 50-year-old system. We have spent some time with the applicants, including Art Whitman whom has worked with this facility for 40 years, discussing trends and their design needs. Waste Strength: The Hacienda building is primarily sleeping quarters and includes 4 toilets and 2 showers. Most of the cooking is done in the dining hall which has its own OSS, completely separate from this proposal. Based on the fixtures and description provided by the applicants, high waste strength is not expected. The waste strength is estimated to be within typical residential levels, so no additional treatment is being proposed. Flows: The system will likely see long resting periods during off-season months. However water use can fluctuate during camping seasons, so we have based design flow on a maximum use period. Utilizing the EPA manual with a best matched facility type (pg. 3-9 "Camps"), it estimates a typical rate of 45 gal/day/person. The guests will spend quite a bit of time away from the Hacienda, utilizing other facilities and wastewater systems on site. The applicants have kept water records for the entire camp, which are attached. Mr. Whitman estimates only 10-15% of the camps water use is from the Hacienda. There are some very high water use periods which have been explained to align with flushing of their water storage tank. Combining these discussions, water records and the EPA estimated values we are proposing a 30 gal/day/person rate. The Hacienda building is limited to a capacity of 28 people. Tanks are being calculated with a 2.5+rate of daily flow. Therefore: Designed Flow: 28 people x 30 gal/day = 840 gpd Drainfield Sizing: 840 gpd / 0.8 = 1050 sf. Tank(s)Volume: 840 gpd x 2.5 = 2,100 gallons (2250 and 2700 proposed) If further justification is necessary for this design review, please let us kn, We have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the applicants needs and would be happy j .c fjrher. Robert H. Paysse has ::` Onsite Wastewater System Designer 1'��: dP0 7% C'0UN U( / 4,7 .d/.,' of WsAtt k ryF ?Q `Owe 3t7 �7�!ry!'�•- RT H PAYSSE /yz, EXPIRES ., k 2700'+ - - - - - - - - - - - i_ ..._-_-i--,3_,-„ ...:.,.....--,_=--.7..---="'.--zr-7--'-=1-7_.- I TWIN LAKES ROAD WATER GATE L __ CJ TOWER Irk ''\ I 7:13 % 1 APPROX. WELL LOCATION \\\ LAKE I 4 I NOTE: DRAWING FOR BENNETTSEN L %' I 1 REFERENCE ONLY. I LOCATIONS ARE HACIENDA LOCATION o APPROXIMATE SEE SITE PLAN 2 I 0 I I 1 \•••J1 _____ 1 I N I 22320-10-60000 128 ACRE TRACT I I A. ea n JUL 1 2 •l 1022 Y%��!J fte �,BAYSSE : MASON'COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH J IR ExwRES Vii DESIGN NOTES: INSTALLATION DESIGNER SIGNOFF/ASBUILT FEE WILL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. ANY PROPOSED STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO 1THER.DEPARTMENT REVIEWS,DESIGNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SETBACKS UNRELATED TO SEPTIC COMPONENTS. j� CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... sCALE:1:400' 1 PIONEER DIGGING, NC.V C. PARCEL#:22320-10-60000 TEST HOLE I: TEST HOLE 2: TEST HOLE 3: SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE R o 37 cl 0 37 CLS o 37 GLs D 37+TILL 37+TILL 37+TILL 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE SITE PLAN 1 . \ (A ) PROPOSED \ \'[ WATERLINE W/IN REPLACEMENT \ ROADWAY DRAINFIELD \ EXISTING \ ACCESS ROAD \ \ \ \ \ \ O ��E \\ \ \\ \\ '// / — 100 � ``! \\ \ '/ // \ \ \ \ \ // / // \ \ \ / / / DRAINFIELD TO \\\ \ `\ \ \ \\ \ ,' // // MAINTAIN 10OFT+ \ 1 \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ / // 1 \ \ \ / FROM LAKE \ 1 /0`; v vv A \ i 1 \ \ \ \ `♦ \ \ APPROX. \I11 \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \ EXISTING PUMP OUT EXISTING TANKS I \1 \\ \\ \\ \ \\ DRAINFIELD AND ABANDON AT TIME OF I 1 \ \ \ s ED \ TO BE INSTALLATION. CONNECT j 1\ \\ \\ \ /�� \\ ABANDONED EXISTING CABIN OUTLET TO I \ \ \ i�' \ NEW TANKS, INSTALL NEW \ \ %�� \ 1 \ / \ 1 LEANOUT. I 1 ,' ,-- \ �0 APPROVE , ,V \,°4 . ;, 14 pF WA$y. JUL 12 2022 i �i ' ' • I. `j SON"COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH I / r' � '' qY., VeSE JBW I / / EXACT WATERLINE E�PIR S \ HACIENDA EXISTING / / rr LOCATION UNKNOWN \` \ r (WITHIN DRIVEWAY AREA PER APPLICANT) CABIN 6 A !J INSTALL NEW 2" SCH. 40 TRANSPORT LINE. t DOUBLE SLEEVE FROM TANKS TO MANIFOLD DUE <♦ ♦V--\\ I TO CULVERT AND WATERLINE LOCATION/CROSSING ♦ ♦v ) \ EXISTING ♦ ♦ ♦V � i TANKS \ __ f EXISTING CULVERT FOR SEASONAL DRAINAGE -- NEW SEPTIC AND PUMP TANK. LOCATE 50'+ FROM (�‘ , ' LAKE AND IN LOCATION THAT ALIGNS WITH EXISTING `� ELEVATIONS. MAXIMIZE DISTANCE TO CULVERT. DESIGN NOTES: INSTALLATION DESIGNER SIGNOFF/ASBUILT FEE WILL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. ANY PROPOSED STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO OTHER DEPARTMENT REVIEWS,DESIGNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SETBACKS UNRELATED TO SEPTIC COMPONENTS. CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... SCALE:1:30 I PIONEER DIGGING, INC. PARCEL#:22320-10-60000 TEST HOLE I: TEST HOLE 2: TEST HOLE 3: SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD 0-37 GLS 0-37 GLS 0-37 GLS 37+TILL 37+TILL 37+TILL 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE SITE PLAN 2 OBSERVATION PORT W/ CLEANOUT \ q' \ ilk \ ,-VI_\-'. ,i\ c- ELF A\�� \\ \ ,.„ . '9 \ \ nF WAS,yi \ °"2 \ • lik 1 7 1 \\\\\\\ �� 'F DAYSSE1 \ 4 f ,. .-,':S ... N 1 \ _ \ 1 \ \ 1 ` Fs \ \ \ � \ 1 1 \ �� L� `5`_ \\ 1 I \ I I \ • I � I \ .\ \ . al I \ ‘ I \ \ \ I t \ H `''�G I \ O I \ \ I S \ a -\ I \ \\ m \\ „/ ri I \ \\ %�/ /1/:I \I \ R O\ \ VErINSTALL \\ 20 / LATERALS LEVEL \ CouNryENViRpNM�`�'/ IST. SHED W/ COUNTOURS 1.25 SCH. 4�eLti Nrq.NEALrH 7 A111 100FT FROM LAKE MAN I FOLD sr III VALVE BOX (SEE DETAIL) r T CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... SCALE:1:10 I I PIONEER DIGGING, 11 �. PARCEL#:22320 10 60000 TEST HOLE I: TEST HOLE 2: TEST HOLE 3: SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD 0-37 GLS 0-37 GLS 0-37 GLS 37+TILL 37+TILL 37+TILL 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE DF DETAIL 1 • CLEANOUT OBSERVATION PORT FINISHED GRADE FILTER SANDY FILL FABRIC i ORIGINAL GRADE - i:!cI.:' c�c ci:i . cci .: . .. Ao .. .. .. .. ,., ■�■ .. • ' ^.•-. �.• .• .•'..-. N1 . .• .. .. .. .. ..._., �._.. .. .. ....-..-..- *KEEP TRENCHES CO : : : : :%i;- -% :i: : :i:i C ES LEVEL WITH 0=,1,;,WW!=!=11 1!=efal0.!=!=!= , CONTOURS AND MAINTAIN I CONSISTENT TRENCH DEPTH OF 6"-8" ON DOWNHILL SIDE. 1.5" WASHED ROCK N RISER OR VALVE BOX N TO FINISHED GRADE CHECK VALVES CAS NEEDED) r PROVED RESTRICTIVE LAYERM SEEN 71. II . . . . JUL 1 2 2022 " `' MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Via JBW BALL VALVES THREADED CAP (EQUALIZE FLOW) ._..__I I II 2"SCH. 40 TRANS. LINE T6- ORIFICES C� 12:00 W/ SHIELDS IN 90° �1��� SWEEP L!Y_;!_,.r,,:�-_ r_�:_ _,!Y•.=r� �••. 1 • •'VP� • • • • • • • • $ 0i WAS,,,, 77- �-..-. ..-��-r. ..•..-�-..-..-..-. 40 to�` c •" -T. H PAYSSE , 1./.,• GLUED TEE EXPIRES PIONEER DIGGING INC. CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... SCALE: NA I PARCEL#:22320-10-60000 TEST HOLE I: TEST HOLE 2: TEST HOLE 3: SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD 0 37 GLS 0 37 GLS 0-37 GL5 37+TILL 37+TILL 37+TILL 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE DF DETAIL 2 PIONEER DIGGING INC, ROBERT H. PAYSSE ORIFICE INFORMATION &GPM LATERAL# LENGTH (FT) ORIFICE # ORIFICES DIST.TO 1ST SPACING ORIFICE 1 70 5 14 30" 2 70 5 14 30" 3 70 5 14 30" 4 70 5 14 30" 5 70 5 14 30" TOTAL LATERAL LENGTH 350 TOTAL#ORIFICES 70 ORIFICE OUTPUT 0.59 GPM 41.3 DYNAMIC HEAD PVC SECTION LENGTH (FT) FEEDER TOTAL ORIFICES HEAD(FT) LINE LENGTH 2"TRANSPORT PIPE 160 NA NA 0 4.5 LATERAL#1 70 3 73 14 0.7 LATERAL#2 70 18 88 14 0.9 LATERAL#3 70 33 103 14 1.1 LATERAL#4 70 48 118 14 0.0 LATERAL#5 70 63 133 14 1.4 TOTAL FRICTION LOSS 8.6 ELEVATION CHANGE '•' PPRO v 32.0 RESIDUAL HEAD ` :, 2.0 EXTRA LOSS THRU FITTINGS MA DUN 1 2 2022 j r. 6.0 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD rV ENVIR0A0, 48.6 • *'inr ENTALHEALT ,$,i . �1 l'-:of wa 40.y� CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... . � .! _`ss�� PIONEER DIGGING, INC. 1/��: PARCEL#:22320]0 60000 . SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD riory R.B_5 ,,31`AVSSE z�� 0F:.•.. 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE ,hill r EXPIRES OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE CALCS I 24"RIBBED RISERS W/BOLT ON WATER-TIGHT LIDS CLEANOUT USE RISER LID ADAPTERS WITH NO GASKET LIDS IL FINISHED GRADE a r-ns 1 - 4. 1 �� �,. WATER-TIGHT j ei j- JOINTS -:- INLET •J i is 1-y I A OUTLET TWO WAY TEE {' s,, is WATER-TIGHT JOINTS } i 2250 GALLON WATERTIGHT �4 . ` CONCRETE SEPT/C TANK 8"OSI TANKS MUST BE rf. EFFLUENT ON STATE DOH ' • FILTER , APPROVED LIST "• .• r; �� OF SEWAGE y/' 1. . //PS:<•-•A TANKS ..a:` :'' . f /.J,' .. '• ��ri v S =• ,..:1.. ..�r • e.w 4 • OF WAS .�,r'..v'i:�.::q• ,.V .a.. i� :1:.�r..r•• ..,+ . ,� -i`..tii.•.�a' .+is.�..... s 41.'Sn\ 5� y _ .y^\\ ••�\ //0 • •% PUMP TANKS ''r • �\ OVER 1000 GAL, CONTROL PANEL /l+,.. +. .� g^,ys•sE ,a�\\\ W/TIMER,EVENT COUNTER EXF.R ............ . \ REQUIRES TWO &HOUR METER ES +i++++ ACCESS RISERS ELECTRICAL WORK DONE 24"RIBBED RISERS c BY LICENSED ELECTRICIAN W/WATER TIGHT LIDS TO GRADE —, >e I - 0 FINISHED GRADE ELEc RlcaLcoNDVIr 4 71 4 • TRANSPORT LINE _ a. • Ix jai INLET • .wpch,, LL VALVE • 2700 GALLON WATERTIGHT • CONCRETEPI/MP TANK ,- . Ju V� il (45.3 GAL. /IN.) MAC: : C 1? 2022 WATER-TIGHT v/RON JOINTS yew MElvm, , 44 ty •• PRESSURE TRANSDUCER • (OR FLOATS) CHECK VALVE USE TANKS FITTED W/CAST IN WATER • TIGHT FITTINGS FOR USE RUBBER I N LET/OUTLES AN D • PUMP BUCKET: _ GROMETS FOR CAST IN RISER BUCKET HEIGHT MUST BE TRANSPORT LINE ADAPTERS TO AT LEAST HEIGHT OF PUMP AND ELECTRICAL ENSURE WATER Wm— • ON RISERS. MAKE TIGHTNESS . • •° . • • .•- - • A • .••• •• ••• ., • . • • ..... a I SURE ALL HOLES ARE WATER-TIGHT T CUSTOMER: GIRL SCOUTS... SCALE:NA PIONEER DIGGING) 11 V C. PARCEL#:2932010 60000 INSTALL TANKS ON ORIGINAL OR SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD COMPACTED LEVEL SOILS. RUN CROSS 3083 E.MASON BENSON P D. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE CONNECTIONS INTO ORIGINAL SOILS TO OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360-427-2353 DESIGN PAGE TANK DETAILS AVOID SETTLING. C renCo Product Sheet SYSTEMS Commercial Biotube® Effluent Filters Applications Standard Features &.Benefits Our patented*Biotube°Effluent Filters in 8-, 12-,and 15-inch (200-,300-,and • The only large,corn- • Extendible cartridge 375-mm)diameter sizes are ideal for large residential,commercial,and community mercial-size effluent handle,simplifies filter applications.They prevent large solids from leaving the tank,dramatically improving filter available removal wastewater quality and extending the life of downstream treatment systems. For more • Removes about two- • Easy to clean by information,see our"Filter Facts"document,AFL-FT-2-PRN,which is available on our thirds of suspended simply hosing off filter online document library at www.orenco.com. solids,on average, cartridge extending drainfield • Corrosion-proof con- life struction,to ensure 12-and 15-inch • Flow modulating dis- long life 8-inch(200-mm) (300-and 375-mm) charge orifices to limit Biotube Effluent Filter Biotube Effluent Filter flow rate leaving tank, mitigating surges and ,. increasing retention 12-and 15-inch(300-and 375-mm) time Biotube Filter with Slide Rail Optional Biotube 1 Features & Filtering i ,� Benefits Process • • Alarm available,to Effluent from the rela- c si nal the need for tively clear zone of the cleaning septic tank,between the • Slide Rail System scum and sludge layers, ' available,required horizontally enters the when there is only Biotube Effluent Filter one tank access to through inlet holes in the • • housing,Effluent then the effluent filter space enters the annular '' compartment between the housing • Multiple filters may and the Biotubes,utiliz- e be used to accom ing the Biotubes' entire modate larger flows surface for filtering. '. Particles larger than the Biotube's mesh are p A prevented from leaving Orenco's commercially-sized effluent filters are the only effluent filters on the market capable of handling large wastewater flows.Standard models have up to 52 ft2(4.8 m2)of filter area,to 48°tar I E resist clogging while providing maximum long-term protection.Large filter area increases the ,�r!/ time between cleanings. v` Nr� 2 2 MAs �oU 1 ?Q? � ;: FNViRO a "Covered by patent numbers 5,492,635 and 4,439,323 %levy Mf NTA(HE '4.' To Order -To 8 sl -36 1"."Ptt li Call your nearest Orenco ys • ", . I •utor.For nearest Distributor,call r enC0 Orenco at 800-348-9843,or visit www.orenco.com and click on"Where to Buy." ( STEMS APS-FTL-1 Orenco Systems Inc.,814 Airway Ave.,Sutherlin,OR 97479 USA Rev.5.0®04/17 800-348-9843•541-459-4449•www.orenco.com Page 1 FL100, FL150 and FL200-Series Technical Specifications External Construction: FL150 and FL200-Series feature upper unitized silicon Pump Volute-Gray iron casting class 25 carbide, lower Viton double lip. Pump Legs-Gray iron casting class 25 Fasteners: Motor Cover-Gray iron casting class 25 All casting shall be powder coated for corrosion All fasteners shall be 300-series stainless steel. resistance prior to assembly. Power Cord: Motor: 25' length standard.Quick-disconnect design allows Submersible 3450 RPM,oil filled and hermetically sealed. easy field replacement. Class B insulation rating. FL100 only 17-4 PH Stainless Level Control: steel.(FL150 and FL200,416 Stainless steel rotor shaft.) Thermally protected-single phase models.Three phase The pump shall be controlled by a wide angle mechanical models shall have overloads incorporated into the float sealed in a PVC housing.The float shall have a series control panel, properly sized for the horsepower and plug for manual by-pass operation. amperage of the pump. A water-stop seal shall be incorporated into the cord entry to eliminate potential water wicking into the switch. Impeller: An adjustable clamp is provided for optional pipe 2 vane,semi-open design.Cast iron construction. mounting of the float. Dual Shaft Seals: FL100-Series feature upper unitized carbon ceramic and Discharge: lower Viton double lip. 2" FNPT with 1-1/2" FNPT cast iron flange provided. Model hp. Volts Phase Amps Discharge Automatic Cord Length Wgt Lbs. FL102M-2 1 208-230 1 12 1-1/2"&2" No _ 25' 71 FL102A-2 1 208-230 1 12 1-1/2"&2" Yes 25' 72 FL103M-2 1 208-230 3 9 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 71 FL104M-2 1 440-480 3 4.5 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 71 FL105M-2 1 575 3 3.3 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 71 FL152M-2 1-1/2 208-230 1 15 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 81 FL152A-2 1-1/2 208-230 1 15 1-1/2"&2" Yes 25' 82 FL153M-2 1-1/2 208-230 3 10.6 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 81 FL154M-2 1-1/2 440-480 3 5.3 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 81 FL155M-2 1-1/2 575 3 4.9 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 81 FL202M-2 2 208-230 1 15 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 82 FL202A-2 2 208-230 1 15 1-1/2"&2" Yes 25' 83 FL203M-2 2 208-230 3 10.6 1-1/2"&2" No 25' 82 FL204M-2 2 440-480 3 5.3 1-1/2"&2" No 2 ' 82 FL205M-2 2 575 3 4.9 1-1/2"&2" No 82 NOTE:3-phase models require a control panel for automatic operation.See simplex and duplex panel literature complete tnfgrfon. 35'cord option available on some models.Consult factory. T q I�� ♦ 60 hz Performance Curve FL 100, FL 150 and FL200-Series - Maximum Flui Ipmpe ne 1 *i; Liters Per Minute 4/ -c 0 76 151 227 303 379 454 140 —40 'II pi /e4,,, <- I' < , 130 1 FL100 \♦., NI 1.411 O4/ 120 ice\ �" • :J. FL1S0---.- - �� �4✓7 1 110 ♦♦♦ FL200 l "2 �Q��/��ti� ��" 100 ���� > —30 I i �h.)I lrJ[1 4�� • FL200 I f' ♦♦• C1✓ so I...,.....,...,.,,, �� — 18 1/4" i , 11- i �,,.... ,• FL150 S 80 ..,,,�..���•�•� n MEMBER li 20^ I , .. m 70 FL100 i.^,,•,p♦♦♦♦ m II a ry50 ♦♦ C US 30 .♦♦ Certified 20 ,',„, •♦♦ � ♦♦ 1 1 3/4" subject to change 10 �:, o - ®�o without notice. 0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Flow(GPM) Liberty Pumps• 7000 Apple Tree Avenue•Bergen,New York 14416•Phone 800-543-2550 Fax(585)494-1839 www.libertypumps.com Copyright©Liberty Pumps,Inc.2013 All rights reserved. LLIT6604-R08/13 Robert H. Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc. Septic Design - General Notes 1. Contact Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.for final inspection of the installation. All components,including tanks,lids,transport line, drainfield,and water lines must be open for inspection. A$300.00 fee will be charged for time involved with the inspection of the installation and creation of the record drawing. Pioneer Digging, Inc. reserves the right to charge additional fees if multiple visits are needed due to installation errors or inaccessible components. Property owner,applicant,and/or installer are responsible for all Mason County fees involved with installation of this design. 2.This septic design must be installed by a certified installer with Mason County Public Health. For Homeowner Installs,the owner must get approval from Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc. and Mason County Public Health prior to attempting installation. 3.Any alterations of this design must first be approved by Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.and Mason County Public Health. If installer finds any installation difficulties with design,they should contact designer prior to proceeding with installation. 4.This design is site specific and conforms to State and Mason County requirements. The designer assumes no responsibility for its longevity. The owner therefore agrees to maintain and make all necessary repairs to the system at no cost to Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc. Due to various aspects, Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.assumes no responsibility for this septic systems longevity or life. 5. Field Staking was done to the best of the designers knowledge or property line locations. Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.assumes no responsibilities for surveying property line locations. Owner must verify/establish actual lines prior to construction. Any discrepancies found related to this design should be reported to the designer immediately. 6. Drainfield area may only be cleared by a licensed installer familiar with sensitive drainfield area preservation. The builder,lot developer,or property owner shall not clear the drainfield area. Any clearing required for drainfield installation shall not remove or disturb any top soil in Primary and Reserve areas. Removal or disturbance to drainfield soils could render design void. 7.The property owner and certified installer are responsible for locating all underground utilities prior to installation. 8.All construction materials installed in this system shall conform to all applicable state and Mason County requirements. 9.Storm water runoff,footing drains, roof drains must be diverted away from any septic system components. 10.This design is intended to meet State and Mason County requirements that are related to the system being proposed. Any placement of proposed buildings, proposed wells or other non related items on these drawings may or may not meet other local and or state requirements. It is the property owner's responsibility to determine what is acceptable to the various departments for non-related items. 11.The proposed septic system should be installed in dry weather conditions. Any failed attempts at installation during wet weather conditions may render this design void and unusable. 12. No curtain,foundation, perimeter drains shall be installed 30ft downslope and 10ft upslope of drainfield areas,unless design addresses a decreased setback with waivers. 13. Installer is responsible for following all related waiver mitigations outlined by Mason County Public Health and Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc. if waivers are being proposed. 14. Maintain 10ft to waterlines with all septic components. If less than 10ft is required,sleeving in sch.40 pvc is required. If sewage transport lines and waterlines must cross,waterline must be 18" above sewage line with one of the lines sleeved in ch.40 pvc. 15.All septic tanks, pump tanks,ATU's must be installed on original soils or compacted gravels. Run all tank c• r io ' es out onto original soil to avoid settling issues. Risers and lids must be brought to finished grade and left accessible f• . :7 o I s and maintenance. Owners are advised to keep bushes and trees away from lids and other septic maintenan i . �/� done bya licensed electrician or homeowner(if allowed)and must be er t hro L bor afr 16.All electrical wiring shallbe P Industries. 2T�F �� of the system. V tiO4) (�� s,: ,:,.. 17.The system owner/operator is responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance y O,L , For User Manual and Owner Maintenance information, refer to Mason County Public Health Homeowner's ' . �ijii• Manual,which should be received by owner after installation approval. x•'<s ' CUSTOMER GIRL SCOUTS... W"S�ti�� PIONEER DIGGING, INC. PARCEL#:2232010 60000 g SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: 800 NE TWIN LAKE RD r`✓. ' 3083 E MASON BENSON RD. GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.PAYSSE „to_�.� 1r H 7AVSSE 1*. OFFICE-360-426-1803 FAX-360 427-2353 DESIGN PAGE NOTES expike8