HomeMy WebLinkAbout110-09 - Ord. Amending Chapter VI Capital Facilities of Comprehensive PlanORDINANCE NUMBER
ORDINANCE amending the Capital Facitities etement (Chapter Vl) of the Mason
County Comprehensive Plan under the authority of RCW 36.70A.70.
WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (RCW 37.704.130)
requires each county, inctuding Mason County, to take legistative action to
review and revise its comprehensive plan and devetopment regulations to
ensure that the plan and regutations continue to compty with the requirements
of the Act; and
WHEREAS, the on September 21,2009 the Mason County Ptanning Advisory
Commission hetd a pubtic hearing about the proposed changes to the Capitat
Facilities etement of the Comprehensive Ptan, and passed a motion to
recommend approva[ of said changes.
Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS revisions to Chapter Vl (Capitat
Facitities etement) of the Mason County Comprehensive Ptan as described by
DATED tnis -#day of December 2009.
Board of Commissioners
Mason County, Washington
6kO¡'rn zf-lrù Got-i C*1
Attachment A
Mason County Comprehensive plan
December 9, 2008:
Ghapter Vl
The Capital Facilities Chapter contains the capital facilities element, one of the six elements
required for Mason C_ounty's Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act (GMA)(36.704'070 RCW) This element provides an inventory of existing conditioñs and publiày
91n99 facilities by quantifying capitalfacilities currently provided by Mason County or bybtherjurisdictions operating in the County.
The chapter also contains goals and policies for the capital facilities operated by Mason County,
except for transportation facilities, which are discussed in the Transportation Chapter.
The capacity of the County facilities and the level of service they provide is discussed and
compared with the County's desired levels of service. The "level of service" ís an objective
measure of how well services are provided to the public. Deficiencies and improvement needsare identified, improvement costs are estimated, projects are scheduled for six and 21-yearplanning horizons, and a six-year finance plan and possible financing options are discussed.
Besjdeg the City of Shelton, there are other public organizations and special districts that havecapitalfacilities and taxing authority which exist in thé county. These include the school
districts, hospital districts, port districts, cemetery district pubtic Utility Districts, regional librarysystem, and fire districts. These districts have their own governing body and capiial facilitiesplanning. The county coordinated the comprehensive plai with thése bbdies, lrrough meetings,
correspondence, and by providing draft of the comprehensive plan to these districts-for
comment. A list of these districts is provided as follows:
Attachment A
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008::Deçgmþer &-?QQ9) capitat Facitities
Mason Gounty Hospital District #1
Mason County Hospital District #2
Port of Allyn
Port of Dewatto
Port of Grapeview
Port of Hoodsport
Port of Shelton
Southside School District #42
Grapeview School District #54
Elma School District #681137
Shelton School District #309
Mary M Knight School District #311
.Pioneer School District #402
North Mason School District #403
Hood Ganal School District #404
Cemetery District #1
Fire Protection District #1
Fire Protection District #2
O rsan ization and Contents
The following section of this chapter, Vl-2, includes a list of goals and policies that
provides the direction for future capital facility decisions for Mason County.
Subsequent sections, Vl-3 through g, profile and analyze seven types of capital facilities
in the County, as follows:
' Water and Wastewater Utilities
. Solid Waste Ut¡l¡ty
. Parks and Recreation Facilities
. County Administration Buildings
. Police and GriminalJustice Facilities
. StormwaterManagement Facilities
. Public Works Facilities
Sections 3 through g each includes a brief description of the existing systems and public
entities that provide the facilities. An assessment of future facility needs is also
developed for each category of facility. The last section of this chapter, Vl-10, discusses
financing for county owned and operated facilities for the six-year financial planningperiod@15.
Fire Protection District #3
Fire Protection District #4
Fire Protection District #5
Fire Protection District #6
Fire Protection District #8
Fire Protection District #9
Fire Protection District #ll
Fire Protection District #12
Fire Protection District #13
Fire Protection District #16
Fire Protection District #17
Fire Protection District #18
Belfair Water District #l
Public Ut¡l¡ty District #l
Public Util¡ty District #3
Mason County Comprehensive plan
st, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008)Capital Facilities
Facilitv Needs
A number of methods can be used to determine Mason County's capital facility needs
over the next six and 2O-year GMA planning periods. As not all capital facilities require
the same level of analysis to determine needed improvements, different analytical
techniques can be employed to identify facility needs as long as they accomplish the
goal of determining future need for the capital facilities.
While the state Growth Management Act requires that level of service (LOS) standards
be established to identify transportation improvements, the need for other cápital
facilities can be assessed using either LOS or planning level assumptions (WnC gOS-
The advantage of using LOS standards is the ability to quantify deficiencies and identify
improvement needs. The LOS can also be used as a performance standard for
concurrency by comparing the service level being provided by a capitalfacility against
the quantitative LOS standard. The service is considered deiicient if it does not meet the
service level standard that the County has determined it wants to deliver to its residents
and users. The Los approach makes the most sense where there are easily
quantifiable facilities or where the state has defined the standards, such as fôr sewer
and water facilities.
The less rigorous planning assumptions approach also has advantages. The capital
facilities planning assumptions are not quantitative measures of facifity need. lnstead,
they identify facility improvements based upon the need to serve growth and
development anticipated in the land use element. This approach works best where
identification of quantitative measures would be difficult, where there are no statewide
standards, or where the necessary information or data to apply quantitative measures
would be difficult or too time-consuming to obtain. Facilities such as parks and
recreation and stormwater facílities might best be handled with this approach.
Facility needs are identified, and a six-year finance plan is developed, in section Vl-10
for the following County-owned-and-operated facilities.
. Sewer
. Water
. Parks and recreation
. Stormwater
This section also includes the results of facility planning efforts completed by the County
for County administrative buildings, police and criminallustice facilities, and solid waste
facilities. Financing needs and options are included forthese facilities as well. The
section includes by reference the capitalfacilities plans for Grapeview, Hood Canal,
North Mason, Pioneer, and Shelton School Districts, to facilitate orderly growth and
coordination in the provision of future capital facility needs.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
ted December 9, 2008)
Co n c u rren cv Manaq em ent
One of the Growth Management Act goals, referred to as "concurrency," is the provision
of infrastructure facilities and services to serve projected growth at the time suih growth
occurs, or within a reasonable time aftenryards. This starts with identifying specific
facility needs using the strategies previously discussed. Another importañt aspect of
concurrency is the ability to monitor the development of infrastructure improvements to
assess whether they keep pace with approved development.
Concurrency management, as it ís called, involves a set of land use and permit approval
processes designed to ensure facilities and services keep pace with growth. ln some
cases, development codes could be enacted to require that specific LOS standards be
promulgated through the development of identified improvements.
ln other cases, restrictions to growth may be imposed until appropriate service standards
for capital facilities are achieved. Land use applications for certain development
proposals, in areas targeted for future growth, could have their approvals withheld
pending concomitant development of appropriate urban service level facilities (e.g.,
sewer facilities). The municipality would be responsible for managing the concurrent
development of these urban services. This can be accomplished by requiring that
individual developers fund and implement needed improvements. under thiJ
arrangement, the final tenant (e.9., homebuyer or building purchaser) would ultimately
pay for the new facilities through a hígher initial purchase price or through a periodic
Mason County's policies for concurrency management are contained in the following
section, Vl-2.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
December 9,
Mason County's Capital Facilities Element is guided by goals and policies for the
preferred service philosophy of the County. Goals and þolicies are required as part of
the Capital Facilities Element (RCW 36.704) of the oveiall GMA Comprehensive plan.
Development Process
Mason County evaluated it's existing facilities, it's future needs, it's costs, and the types
and levels of services which it should require or provide in the county. The goals andpolicies listed herein are the result of this process. Policies listed uñder Gãneral Capital
Facilities apply to allfacilities addressed in the Capital Facilities Chapter. Facility-
specific policies apply only to those facilities.
Land Use
Manage land use change and develop County facilities and services in a manner that
directs and controls land use patterns and intensities.
Establish urban services that shall require concurrency under the GMA.
Ensure that future development bears a fair share of capital improvement
costs necessitated by the development. The county shall reserve the
right to collect mitigation impact fees from new development in order to
achieve and maintain adopted level of service standards.
Extend facilities and services in a manner consistent with the following
county-wide policies previously adopted in 1gg2 (see section ll-3).
county facilities shall be provided at urban or rural levels of service, as
defined in the capital Facilities Element of the comprehensive plan.
Develop capital facilities within established urban growth areas (uGAs) to
conform to urban development standards.
Develop capitalfacilities within uGAs that are coordinated and phased
through inter-jurisdictional agreements.
c_oordinate and support other capital facility plans from special purpose
districts, cities and towns, and other non-county facility providers that are
consistent with this and other chapters of the comprehensive plan.
As the capital facilities plan is amended to reflect a changing financial
situation or changing priorities, the land use chapter shali be reassessed
Mason County Comprehensive plan
st, 1998 -December 9, 2008 Capital Facilities
on at least a biennial basis to assure internal cons¡stency of the land use
chapter with the capital facilities chapter and its six-yearÎinancial plan.
Establish standards for levels of service for County public facilities, and ensure that
necessary facilities are available at the time new development impacts existing systems.
After adoption of this comprehensive pran and subsequent development
regulations, level of service standards for each type of public facility shall
apply to development permits issued by Mason County.
Adopt level of service standards and concurrency requirements
recommended in this plan for wastewater/sanitary systems, water supply
systems, transportation facilities, and storm water management facilitiei.
Public facilities needed to support deveropment shall be available
concurrent with the impacts of development or within a reasonable time
thereafter. The county shall establish development regulations that will
establish procedures and requirements to assure that the concurrency
requirements are met.
New development, which has potentiar storm water impacts, shall provide
evidence of adequate storm water management for the intended use of
the site. This policy shall apply in all areas of the county.
Building permits for any building necessitating domestic water systems
shall provide evidence of an adequate water supply for the intended use
of the building. Proposed subdivisions and short piats shall not be
approved unless the county makes written findings that adequate
prwlsion for potable water are available for each development site. This
policy shall apply in all areas of the county.
Building permits for any building necessitating wastewater treatment shall
provide evidence of an adequate sanitary sewer system for the intended
use of the building. This policy shall apply in all areas of the county.
Develop a six-year finance plan for capitalfacílities that meets the recommendations of
the comprehensive plan, achieves the County's levels of seryice, and is financially
Adopt a six-year capital improvement program that identifies projects,
outlines a schedule, and designates realistic funding sources'foiall
County capital facility projects.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ålg::t 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)Facilrues Capital I
For. all capital facility projects, evaluate alternatives to programs, purpose,
and service as a method to reduce capitalfacilities and as-sociated
operating costs.
Develop a public process that informs, notifies and allows participation onall capital facility proposals.
Essential Public Facitities
Facilitate the siting of essential public facilitiesl sponsored by public or private entitieswithin unincorporated areas when appropriate.
GF-401 ldentify and allow for the siting of essential public facilities according toprocedures established in this plan. Essential public facilities shallinclude group homes, state and local corectionalfacilities, substance
abuse facilities, and mental health facilities. Work cooperátively with theCity of Shelton and neighboring counties in the siting oi public fäcilities ofregional importance. Work cooperatively with state ãgencies to ensurethat the essential public facilities meet existing state i-aws and regulationsthat have specific siting and permitting requirements.
cF402 Review proposed development regulations to ensure they allow for thesiting of essential public facilities consistent with the goaló, policies andprocedures established in this plan.
Fac i I itv-S pecific po t i c ies
Was tewate r/S a n ita ry S ewe r
Assure that wastewater facilities necessary to carry out comprehensive plan areavailable when needed, and finance thesefacilitieé in an economic, effiiient, andequitable manner.
Maintain a safe, efficient and cost-effective sewage collection and
treatment system.
Allnew development wíthin designated urban growth areas and ruralactivity centers shall connect to existing sewer systems or provide a planfor connection to proposed pubric sewer systemð when aváilable. púotic
L RcW 36'70A'200(1) The comprehensive plan of each county and city that is planning under RCW36'704'040 shall include l.Process for identifying and siting essential public facilities. Essential publicfacilities include those facilities that are typicátyãifficult to ıite, sucrr aããirports, ¡marinás,-rairroão systemsl,state education facilities and state or regional tiansportation facilities as defined in RGW 47.06.140, stateand local correctional facilities, solid waéte handling facitities, ànJ ¡¡-patiànt facitities inctuotnjsuustanceabuse facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, and secure community transition facilities as defìnedin RCW 71.09.020.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôug.!lst, 1998 - (updated December g, 200g, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
CF-504 Provide a septic system management and education program to protect
groundwater qual¡ty and promote the proper care and usé of sept¡c
cF-505 Eliminate any unlicensed point or non-point pollution sources associated
with sewage transport and disposal.
sewer systems are those owned and operated by any legally recognized
municipal organization as a public utility.
Allow existing single-family homes with septic systems to continue using
septic systems, except in areas where public sewers are being developéd
that conform to existing standards. Replace deficient septic systems in a
timely fashion.
create ways to use class A recraimed water for beneficial use to replace
withdrawals form the community's fresh water aquifers.
Parks and Recreation
Achieve level of service targets for park land
and priorities.
Monitor infiltration and inflow in major public systems through routine
inspection. Conduct improvements to limit and reduce current infiltration
and inflow.
Encourage innovative approaches to onsite wastewater treatment.
Water Supply
Assure that water facilities necessary to carry out the comprehensive plan are availablewhen needed, and finance those facilities in an economic, efficient anä equitable
CF-601 Ensu.re that the supply and distribution of water in public systems is
conslstent with the Mason county comprehensive pran.
GF-602 Ensure that future water system expansions and service extensions areprovided in a manner consistent with the Land Use Element of the
Comprehensive Plan. Where possible, those uses designated by the
Land Use. Element to require fire flow should be serviceã by a Class A
water system.
and facilities that support County objectives
ldentify and preserve significant geographic, historic and environmental
features and other characteristics that reflect Mason county's natural and
cultural heritage.
vt-8 l2-a3.09++25"A' i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôug.ltt, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
lncrease park development within urban areas and develop a
comprehensive system of multi-purpose trails throughout the county.
Develop and adopt a real¡stic long-range schedule for park management,
maintenance, and operation. Adopt a workable county capital
improvement program (clP) every six years, to be amended as needed.
Update current 2006 Comprehensive parks and Recreation
comprehensive Plan in 2011 to project future demands and needs; define
acquisition, leases, and development opportunities; draft financial
implementation programs; and be eligible for state and federal grants.
Ad m i n istrative S erui ces
Develop and implement a long-range program of expansion and improvement toaccommodate the county's projected administrative staffing requirements.
Annually review the long-range facilities plan for buildings and space
improvements to efficienfly provide work space for projJcted staiïing
Police and Criminal Justice
Develop and implement a coordinated facility program among the departments andagencies that provide the county's police and criminaljustice services.
complete a strategic long-range plan for the effective and coordinated
operation and management of all county police and criminaljustice
functions, including a full analysis of all space and facility needs required
to support the plan.
Explore alternative funding sources for law and justice facilities and
operations, including contracts for service with other agencies and joint
use of facilities.
Stormwater Management
Create a facilities strategy that preserves and supplements necessary natural drainageprocesses and other natural systems to minimize runoff impacts from development.
CF-í001 lnvestigate needs and means for implementing and maintaining a safe'
and cost-effective storm and stormwater colleótion system in idãntified
problem areas.
cF'1002 Protect surface and ground water quality through state and local controls
and public education on water quality issues.
cF-1003 Design stormwater systems to meet the approval standards prescribed inthe Mason County Stormwater Management Ordinance.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrgyrt 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December g 2009)
Facitities Capital I
CF-1004 Protect physical and biological integrity of wetlands, streams, wildlife
habitat, and other identified critical areas.
CF-1005 Maintain water quality within all Shoreline Management Act waterfront
areas t]rrough careful design, operation, construðtion, and placement ofpublic facilities.
CF-f 006 Carefully control development in areas with steep slopes where surface
water runoff can create unstable conditions. Maintain natural vegetation
for slope stabilization.
CF'1007 Public facility development shall minimize impacts to shorelines,
preserving the natural stream environments where possible.
CF-1008 Comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) and state regulations.
CF'1009 Under no circumstances should hazardous waste be allowed to
contaminate the groundwater, surface water, or sewer systems of MasonCounty. Dispose of hazardous wastes only in locations äesignated forthat purpose.
So/id Waste
Ensure that garbage collection and recycling needs of the County are met in an efficientand cost-effective manner.
CF-ll0l Manage a cost-effective and responsive solid waste collection system.
cF'1102 Manage solid waste collection methods to minimize litter, neighborhood
disruption, and degradation of the environment.
CF'1103 Promote the recycling of solid waste materials through waste reduction
and source separation. Develop educational materiãls on recycling andother waste reduction methods.
CF'1104 Work cooperatively with cities, the Washington State Department of
Ecology, and the Mason county Hearth District to achieve an
environmentally safe and cost-effective solution to the disposal of catch
basin wastes and street sweepings.
rz03.09+w I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
4rgygf 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Facilities Capital I
The County owns and operates small water and sewer systems for the Rusilewood, andBeard's cove communities. ln addition, the county op"åt"r a medium-sizedwastewater collection system and treatment plant for ine North Bay Case lnlet area.This area was deflned through studies of the area contributing numan sewagecontamination to Case lnlet, and the system service area was set accordingly. ln thesmaller community-based systems, there is no planned expansion neyonoînL existingplatted lots. These systems currently provide services to approximatety tZOOcustomers, with the potentialto serve an additional 100. The North Bay Case lnletsystem provides service to approximately 950 customers, with additional capacity toserve an estimated 850 additional equivalent residential units within the existing iervicearea.
The Belfair Water Reclamation facility is under design and is expected to be operationalby late 2010' This Membrane BioReactor plant willireat sewage from more developedareas of the Belfair UGA to Class A reclaimed status. Future sewer extensions andplant upgrades will follow a schedule, which will provide service to the entire Belfair UGAby 2025.
The following "Wate/'and "Wastewated' sections provide project-level detail on theplanned improvements necessary to meet state regulatory gúidelines in the provision ofwater and wastewater services for these systems. Each þro¡ect in each seciion isaccompanied by a separate project sheet, which provides a âescription, and justification,
along with a table depicting the estimated costs and funding sourcès for planñing period2008 through 2013' A summary table that provides overalltosts and tunCing sourcesfor each water and sewer system follows each section.
Financing the planned utility improvements requires the use of grants, loans, utility fees,system development charges, developer contributions, and cap'ítat reserves.' Thespecific combination of funds, and the availability of grants and loans,will affect userrates for each system as well as the timing on pio¡ects. The ability to initiate specificprojects will be assessed annually based ón the llrgency of need, rererue funcisavailable, and commitments from funding agencieJto piovide grants and/or loans. Thedecisions about whethe,r or not to proceed witfr any plänned próject is the decision of theMason County Board of Commissioners for consid-eration in ihe'annual budgeting andrate-setting process. To the extent possible, projects will be funded throughi
1) Rate revenues (capital reserves)2) Grants;3) Low interest loans; or4) developer contributions5) Some combination of 1-4 above.
vt-|1 tzu.oe@i
Mason County Çomprehensive plan
ôuglst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Project costs shown ¡n each section range in accuracy from + or - 40o/o to + or - 15%.Each project cost sheet identifies the acóuracy of the
costs shown, based onthe following scale:
' "Planning Level" - The least accurate of costs estimates, in the range of + s¡ - 40o/o.Cost estimates at this level are usually based on a project concept ãnd some
assessment of relative scale, or annual program amounts commensurate with a levelof activity sufficient to accomplish the intenfof the program over time.. "Design Report" - Moderate accuracy, in the range of + 9¡ - 30o/o. Based on designreport evaluation of options and an assessment of project elements and associated
' "Engineer's Estimate" - Most accurate estimate, in the range of + or -15%. Theseestimates are based on a project design or significant comþletion of design work.
Future Svstem Development
lncluded in the wastewater sections of this document are additional projects that are notassociated wíth the.existing County-owned utility systems. These pio¡ects refresent
efforts to provide utility services to areas which ñaúe been identifieä aä proOËms withregard to density and water quallty, but where no established system. rr" .rrr"nly inplace. There are two such areas where the County is currently investing resources inthe long-term resolution of identified problems:
Belfair Urban Grovvth Area
The C_ounty has amended the Belfair/Lower Hood CanalWater Reclamation FacilityPlan Supplemental lnformation to reflect the most recent population projections and theproposed service area boundary for the Belfair sewer projeit. fne Oepärtment of
E-cology_in May 2007 approved the Belfair Facility Plan which ouilines ihe developmentof anJVlBR facility adjacent to the UGA as the préferred action for treatment of sewagefrom Belfair
Hoodsport /Skokomish Area
I lf-e_|rtV planning and implementation group that includes Mason County, public
Utility District #1 and the Skokomish lndiai Tribe was formed in 2006 to imtrove waterquality in the middle and upper reaches of Hood Canal. Sewer facility plani has beencompleted for the Hoodsport Rural Activity, the Potlach State park Aiea and majorportions of the Skokomish Tríbal lands. The funding for any recommended systemdevelopment will ínitially be provided through grantJ and/oiloans until there iå anestablished rate base to provide payments for the system.
12.¡i.ggta25.0g i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.yst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December g 2009)
Facilities Capital I
@ities Plan Werksheet
!2=AJ.A9H.2*09 I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrS.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)Facilities Capital I
Project Name: Minor Facility and system lmprovements program
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Annual improvements program for system facilities, buildings, andgrounds. Projects may.include small piping improvements, pump stations, lighting,exterior paínting, and other general improvements.
Justification: The treatment plant and system construction provided basic functionality,however the facilities and system need improvements trom t¡me to time to correctdeficiencies and improve operational capa'bilities. Plant oferations ano systemmaintenance staff are not equipped to address these types of improvements in additionto the plant operations. rt is also anticipated that the wórt can bé compteteãprofessionally and more expedienily through contracts with speciarty fiims.
% Capital Facilities plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Estimated t Costs n thousands
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.gst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
WGapital Facilities plan worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 403-North Bay Sewer System
Project Name: Treatment plant Capacity Upgrades
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Analyze the options for providing additionaltreatment plant capacity andprovide engineering to design the improvements for construction in subsequent years.
Justification: The existing plant may be reaching design capacity for treatment in 2010.This will require us to revisit the original sewer facility plãn and address how we willmaintain sufficient capacity for the twenty-year period beyond 2010. This project
outlines the need for funding to conduct the analysis and design the next incräment ofcapacity for the plant. The recent€conomic slowdown has neoativelv affecterl fhe oror
in thousands
vt-15 u_+L25-*9 I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
{ug,!st, 1998 - (updated December 9, 200g. December g 2009)
Facilities Capital
WGapital Facilities plan worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Project Name: Basin Analysis and Developer Review services
Estimates: Engineers Estimate
Description: Engíneering services to assist staff in planning for future development anddeveloper review
Justification: The Allyn UGA will develop and grow. Currently there are many large lotsthat will be divided and platted. There are also many small lots that will be combined anddeveloped. ln addition mqly of the rights of way anå easements have been vacated andare now private property. This analysis will assist county staff with the identification ofsewe.r system expansion needs within the UGA and with review of developer submittalsas this growth occurs.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
@ capital Facilities pran worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 412 Beards Cove Water
Project Name: Beards Cove Booster pump
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: lnstallation of a booster pump to improve water pressure to residencesnear the water storage tank and provide additionai fire flow to the entire community.
Justification: Currently only the top 16.7 feet or 120,000 gallons of the 60, 400,000gallon Storage tank can be considered for usable storage.ihe total requiremènt for thissystem identified in th_e_ 2002 water system plan is 2s0,ıs0 gallons. Thät documentidentifíed fire flow as 500 gpm for 30 minutes or 15,00ó gallons. That number hasincreased to 45,000 gallons under the code_adopted oy ine county since the water planwas written' Technically the system is '150,000 gallonjdeficient on usable storage. Theaddition of a booster pump to provide pressure to all homes with an elevation within 57,of the storage tank base will allow for ihe use of the systems entire water storagecapability and meet fhe system's storage,requirementi. Mason Counï¡ will app-ly for a
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôrg.Trt 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
2gg9 *g{€æ14 æ+2 20{i¡æ14 TgTAtP+e+irn-Ensin€erine
C€in€+Fu€tie'tt 4€g {40 {€o 1€g 400
TOTAT cosÉ +90 4€g {€0 {€9 400Fundine€surees;
Ra*es {€g {€o 400 4€O 400TgfAt+UNÐ+N€+{€s +go 400 4€g 400
vt-18 u,a3.oe{ l
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.ylf 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)Facilities Capital I
¿09.s 284€2914 æ#30#æ44 TOIATPre+im-Ensineerine
Ðesignr-Eng'ineef¡nq ?5 2å
eêns+ru€t¡€'r+2Æ 4.6
ToTA' egsÊ 0 0 g 0 274 ZAFufid+ns€€ur€es;
Rates 4+274iT€TA[-FUNÐ|S|€+0 g o g ?'74 374
I2.o3.o9rLas.os I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
åyg:f, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008, DecemberS 2009)raciltltes Capital I
Ðeseriptien; lnstall a Etationary Generator at Well#1
2009 20{€24++æ+2 204€æ44 TOTATPrelim Ensineerins
Ðr€si,qfi++ìsin€e#ins 3 3
Genstruetien 97 97
TêTAt GSST:g I 449 g g g 4€gFunding-Setr€es;
Rates {€g +00+O:TAI+UN€'IN€:g g g g g g 1€s
12.03.0ir-t-2+49 i
Atiachment A
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008; Deçg!1þelg-æ09) Ætities
Chapter Vl
The Capital Facilities Chapter contains the capital facilities element, one of the six elementsrequired for Mason C_ounty's Comprehensive Þlan under the Growth Management Act (GMA)(36'704'070 RCW) This.element provides an inventory oi existing conditio"ns and publiclyowned facilities by quantifying capitalfacilities currently provided 6y Mason County or by otherjurisdictions operating in the County.
The chapter also contains goals and policies for the capital facilities operated by Mason County,except for transportation facilities, which are discussed in the Transportation Cnapter.
The capacity of the county facilities and the level of service they provide is discussed andcompared with the County's desired levels of service. The "levei óf service" is an objectivemeasure of how well services are provided to the public. Deficiencier áno ¡rp.vement needsare identified, improvement costs are estimated, projects are scheduled for six and 2e-yearplanning horizons, and a six-year finance ptan ano p'ossiblã financing options are discussed.
Besides the City of shelton, there are other public organizations and special districts that havecapital facilities and taxing authority which exist in thã county. These include the schooldistricts, hospital districts, port distiicts, cemetery district pubtic Utility oi.irùG, regional librarysystem, and fire districts' These districts have their own governing body ano Ëapitat facilitiesplanning' The county coordinated the com.prehensive plan with thése úJies, tÀrough meetings,correspondgnce, an.d by providing draft of the comprehensive plan to these districts forcomment. A list of these districts is provided as foliows:
Orqanization and Contents
The following section_of-this chapter, Vl-2, includes a list of goals and policies thatprovides the direction for future capital facility decisions for Masoñ,CornìV.- - -
Subsequent sections, vl-3 through g, profile and analyze seven types of capital facilitiesin the County, as follows:
. Water and Wastewater Utilities
' Solid Waste Utitity
. Parks and Recreation Facilities
. County Administration Buildings
. Police and GriminalJustice Facilities
. Stormwater Management Facilities
' Public Works Facilities
Sections 3 through g each includes a brief description of the exísting systems and publicentities that provide the facilities. An assessment of future facility né"ár ¡s ãlsðdeveloped for each category of facility. The last section of this chapter,tvl-iò, dir.urr",financ.ing- for county g$eq and operãted facilities for the six-year financial planningperiod%
Fire Protection District #3
Fire Protection District #4
Fire Protection District #5
Fire Protection District #6
Fire Protection District #g
Fire Protection District #9
Fire Protection Distri ct #1 1
Fire Protection Distri ct #12
Fire Protection District #13
Fire Protection District #16
Fire Protection District #17
Fire Protection District #lg
Cemetery District #1 -
Belfair Water District #l
Public Uti¡¡ty District #1
Public Utility District #O
Attachment A
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008lDeçCmÞcr Ê;?Q09) Capitat Facitities
Mason County Hospital District #l
Mason Gounty Hospital District #2
Port of Allyn
Port of Dewatto
Port of Grapeview
Port of Hoodsport
Port of Shelton
Southside School District #42
Grapeview School District #54
Elma School District #6gfig7
Shelton School District #309
Mary M Knight School District #311
Pioneer School District #402
North Mason School District #403
Hood Ganalschool District f1404
Fire Protection District #l
Fire Protection District #2
I ) nl noJ-l at< ûawr t.tJw
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008) Capitat Facitities
Facílitv /Veeds
A number of methods can be used to determine Mason County's capital facility needsover the n'ext six and 2O-year GMA planning periods. As not all capital facilities requirethe same level of analysis to determine needed improvements, diffärent analyticaltechniques can be empfoyed to identify facility neebs as long as they r.rorilirh th"goal of determining future need for the capitai facilities.
While the state Growth l\4anagement Act requires that level of service (LOS) standardsbe established to identify transportation impiovements, the need for otÀer cápitalfacilities can be assessed using either LOS or planning level assumptions 1yynC SOS-195-315).
The advantage of using LOS standards is the ability to quantify deficiencies and identifyimprovement needs. The LOS can also be used að a performance standard forconcurrency by comparing the service level being provided by a capitatfacitity againstthe quantitative LOS standard. The service is co-nsidered deficient if it does not meet theservice level stand_ard that the County has determined it wants to deliver to its residentsand users. The Los approach makes the most sense where there are easil/quantifiable facilities or where the state has defined the standards, such as tór sewerand water facilities.
The less rigorous planning assumptions approach also has advantages. The capitalfacilities planning assumptions are not quantitative measures of faciiíty need. lnstead,they identify facility improvements based upon the need to serve growth anddevelopment anticipated in the land use element. This approach works best whereidentification of quantitative measures would be difficult, *tl"r" there are no statewidestandards, or where.the necessary information or data to apply quantitative ré"rrr",would be difficult or too time-consuming to obtain. Facilities'súch as parks andrecreation and stormwater facilities migit best be handled with this approach.
Facility needs are identified, and a six-year finance plan is developed, in section Vl-10for the following county-owned-and-operated facirities.
. Sewer
. Water
. Parks and recreation
. Stormwater
This section also includes the results of facility planning efforts completed by the Countyfor County administrative buildings, police aná criminaijustice facilities, ano sòt¡o wastefacilities' Financing needs and options are included foithese facilities as well. Thesection_includes by referenc_e the capital facilities plans for Grapeview, Hood Canal,North Mason, Pioneer, and Shelton School Districis, to facilitate orderiy growth andcoordination in the provision of future capital facility needs.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008) Capitat Facitities
Co n c u rrencv M anaaement
one of the Growth Management Act goals, referred to as "concurrency,,, is the provísionof infrastructure facilities and serviceJ to serve projected growth at the iime such growthoccurs, or within a reasonable time aftenryards. this starË with identify¡né sóËcificfacility needs using th.e strategies previously discussed. Ànother ¡rportáñtäspect ofconcurrency is the ability to monitor the development of infrastructur" irprou"rents toassess whether they keep pace with approved development.
Concurrency management, as it is called, involves a set of land use and permit approvalprocesses designed to ensure facilities and services keep pace with gro*tn. ln somecases, development codes could be enacted to require thai specifi. Ùos standards bepromulgated through the developmênt of identified improvàments.
ln other cases, restrictions to growth may be imposed until appropriate service standardsfor capital facilities are achieved. Land use applications for óertain developmentproposals, in areas targeted for future growth, could have their approvals witnnetOpending concomitant develo.pment of appropriate urban service lävel facil¡ti"r (" g ,sewer facilities)' The municipality would be responsible for managing the concurrentdevelopment of these urban services. This can be accomplisheoîyief ù¡rinöìi.,"tindividual developers fund and implement needed improvements. under thisarrangement, the fina.ltenant (e.g., homegryglor buiiding purchaser) would ultimatelypay for the new facilíties through a higher initial purchase-price or thrâugh ã påi¡ooi.assessment.
Mason County's policies for concurency management are contaíned in the followingsection, Vl-2.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
Capital Facilities
Mason County's Capital Facilities Element is guided by goals and policies for thepreferred service philosophy of the county. ıoals
"n.Í ıol¡.¡"s are required as part ofthe capital Facilities Elemeñt (Rcw 30.7óA) of the ouãl"i òuA comprehensive ptan.
Develonment process
Mason County evaluated.it's existing facilities, it's future needs, it,s costs, and the typesand levels of services which it shoulã require or provide in the county. The goals andpolicies listed herein are the result of this process. Policies listed uñder cãneiat capitalFacilities apply to allfacilities addressed in the cap¡taiÊããities cnapter. Facitity-specific policies apply only to those facilities.
Land Use
Manage land use change and develop County facilities and services in a manner thatdirects and controls land use patterns anO intänsities.
cF-101 Establish urban services that shall require concurrency under the GMA,
cF-102 Ensure that future development bears a fair share of capital improvementcosts. necessitated by the development. The county srrãilìesåive gre
right to collect mitigation impact fees from new devejopment in order toachieve and maintain adopted rever of service standards.
Extend facilities and services in a manner consistent with the foilowingcounty-wide poricies previousry adopted in 1992 tr"" éä.iìon il-3).
county facilities shall be provided at urban or rural levels of.service, asdefined in the capital Facilities Element of the corpren"ñsive plan.
Develop capitarfacirities within estabrished urban growth areas (uGAs) toconform to urban development standards.
Develop capitalfacilities within uGAs that are coordinated and phasedthrough inter-j urisdictional agreements.
coordinate and support other capitarfacirity prans from speciar purposedistricts, cities and towns, and other non-cóunty facility prouio"r, that areconsistent with this and other chapters of the iorpiàñånsive ptan.
As the capitalfacilities plan is amended to reflect a changíng financialsituation or changing priorities, the land use chapter shall- bò reassessed
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008) Capitat Facitities
on at least a biennial basis to assure lnternal consistency of the land usechapter with the capital facilities chapter and its six-year financial plan.
Establish standards for levels of service for County public facilities, and ensure thatnecessary facilities are available at the time new development impacts existing systems.
cF-204 New development, which has potential storm water impacts, shall provide
evidence of adequate storm water management for the intended use ofthe site. This poricy shail appry in ail areai of the county.
After adoption of this comprehensive plan and subsequent developmentregulations, level of service standards for each type of public facility shallapply to development permits issued by Mason öounty.
Adopt level of service standards and concurrency requirements
recommended in this plan for wastewater/sanitary systems, water supplysystems, transportation facilities, and storm water management facilities.
Public facilities needed to support development shall be available
concurrent with the impacts of development or within a reasonable timethereafter. The county shall establish development regulations that willestablish procedures and requirements to assure that ihe concurrency
requirements are met.
Building permits for any buirding necessitating domestic water systemsshall provide evidence of an adequate water éupply for the intended useof the building. Proposed subdivisions and short'p'iats shall not beapproved unless the county makes written findings that adequatepro.vision for potable water are available for each-development site. Thispolicy shall apply in all areas of the county.
Building permits for any building necessitating wastewater treatment shallprovide evidence of an adequate sanitary sewer system for the intendeduse of the building. This policy shall apply in all aráas of the county.
Adopt a six-year capitalìmprovement program that identifies projects,
outlines a schedule, and designates realistic funding sources for allCounty capital facitity projects.
Develop a six-year finance plan for capital facilities that meets the recommendations ofthe comprehensive plan, achieves the County's levels of service, and is financiallyattainable.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
luo.y:t, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)Facilities Capital I
For all capitalfacility projects, evaluate alternatives
and service as a method to reduce capitalfacilities
operating costs.
Develop a publ¡c process that informs, notifies and
all capital facility proposals.
to programs, purpose,
and associated
allows participation on
Essential Public Faci lities
Facilitate the siting of essential public facilitiesl sponsored by public or private entitieswithin unincorporated areas when appropriate.
ldentify and allow fgr the siting of essential public facilities according toprocedures established in this plan. Esseniial public facilities shallinclude group homes, state and rocar correctionarfaciritiãé, suostanceabuse facitities, and mentar hearth facirities. work ðooöãiåtiuury with theCity of shelton and nejghboring counties in the sit¡ng ãi óubtic facitities ofregional importance.. wo¡k cooþerativery with state ãgenói* to ensurethat the essential pubric facirities meet exísting state iaws ãno regurationsthat have specific sitíng and permitting requirðments.
Review proposed deveropment regurations to ensure they ailow for thesiting of essential pubric facilities cãnsistent with the goals, policies andprocedures established in this plan.
Was tewate r/S a n i ta ry Seu¡er
Assure that wastewater facilities necessary-to carry out comprehensive ptan areavailable when needed, and finance thessfacilitieé in an economic, efficient, andequitable manner.
cF-501 Maintain a safe, efficient and cost-effective sewage collection andtreatment system.
Allnew development within designated urban growth areas and ruralactivity centers shall connect to èxisting sewer systems or provide a planfor connection to proposed public sewe-r systems when available. public
1 Rcw 36'704'200(1) The comprehensive plan of each county and city that is planning under RCW36'70A'040 shall include l.Proc9ss for identifying,.and siting essentiat pubtic facitities. Essentiat pubticfacilities include those facilities that are typicaityãimcun to Ëite,iucrr a!ärp,orts, [marinas, raitroad systems],state education facilities and state or regiònat dansportation facilities as ãefined in RCW 47.06.140, srateand local correctionalfacilities, solid waıte handtinj r""iiit¡"r,ãnJ'N-iriiånt facititíes inctuding substanceabuse facilities, mental health facilities, group r'or"r, and secure community transition facilities as de¡nedin RCW 71.09.020.
12.03.091+25,.09 I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lug.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December I 2009)Facilities Capital I
sewer systems are those owned and operated by any legally recogn¡zedmunicipal organization as a public utility.
Allow existing single-family homes with septic systems to continue usingseptic systems, except in areas where public sewers are being developädthat conform to existing standards. Reprace deficient iepiit systems in atimely fashion.
Provide a septic system management and education program to protectgroundwater quality and promote the proper care and usé of ,"pti.
- '- --
Eliminate any unlicensed point or non-point pollution sources associatedwith sewage transport and disposal.
Monitor infiltration and infrow in major public systems through routineinspection. Conduct improvementð to't¡mit and reduce curränt infiltrationand inflow.
Encourage innovative approaches to onsite wastewater treatment.
Water Supply
Assure that water facilities necessary to carry out the comprehensive plan are availablewhen needed, and finance those facil¡t¡es in än econorió,!m.i"nt
"nã "qr¡tãnr"manner.
cF-601 Ensure that the supply and distríbution of water in public systems isconsistent with the Mason county comprehensive pran.
cF-602 Ensure that future water system expansions and service extensions areprovided in a manner consistent with the Land Use Element of theComprehensive Plan. Where possible, those uses designated by theLand Use. Element to require fire flow should be serviceã ov a Cfåss nwater system.
create ways to use class A reclaimed water for beneficial use to replacewithdrawals form the community,s fresh water aquifers.
Parks and Recreation
Achieve level of service targets for park land and facilities that support County objectivesand priorities.
cF'701 ldentify and preserve significant geographic, historic and environmentalfeatures and other characterist¡cð tnãt refleit Mason CountyÈ Ããtural ano. cultural heritage.
tz.os.ogr+¿s.oe I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
îug.yst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
lncrease park development within urban areas and develop a
comprehensive system of multi-purpose tra¡ls throughout tire county.
Develop and adopt a realistic long-range schedule for park management,
maintenance, and operation. Adopt a workable county capital
improvement program (clp) every six years, to be aménded as needed.
update current 2006 comprehensive parks and Recreation
comprehensive Plan in 2011 to project future demands and needs; defineacquisition, leases, and development opportunities; draft financial
implementation programs; and be eligible for state and federal grants.
Ad m i n istrative S erui ces
Develop and implement.a.long-range program of expansion and improvement toaccommodate the county's projected administrative staffing requirements.
CF-801 Annually review the long-range facilities plan for buildings and space
improvements to efficiently provide work space forr projãcted stai1ing
Police and Criminal Justice
Develop and implement a coordinated facility program among the departments andagencies that provide the county's police and'criliinaljustice services.
complete a strategic long-range plan for the effective and coordinated
operation and management of all county police and criminaljustice
functions, including a fuil anarysis of all space and facility neóds required
to support the plan.
Explore alternative funding sources for law and justice facilities and
operafions., including contracts for service with óther agencies and joint
use of facilities.
Stormwater Management
Create a facilities strategy that preserves and supplements necessary natural drainageprocesses and other natural systems to minimize runoff impacts from development.
cF-1001 lnvestigate needs and means for implementing and maintaining a safeand cost-effective storm and stormwater colleıtion system in id-entifiedproblem areas.
cF-í002 Protect s.urface and ground water quality through state and local controls
and public education on water quality issues.
CF-í003 Design stormwater systems to meet the approval standards prescribed inthe Mason county stormwater Management ordinance.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
cF-1004 Protect physical and biological integrity of wetlands, streams, wildlifehabitat, and other identified critical àreas.
cF-1005 Maintain water quality within all Shoreline Management Act waterfront
areas through careful design, operation, construction, and placement ofpublic facilities.
cF-1006 Carefully control development in areas with steep slopes where surfacewater runoff can create unstable conditions. Maintain natural vegetationfor slope stabilization.
CF-1007 Public facility development shall minimize impacts to shorelines,preserving the natural stream environments where possible.
CF-í008 Comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) and state regulations
CF-1009 Under no circumstances should hazardous waste be allowed tocontamínate the groundwater, surface water, or sewer systems of MasonCounty. Dispose of hazardous wastes only ín locations ä"rijn"t"o fotthat purpose.
Solid Waste
Ensure that garbage collection and recycling needs of the County are met in an efficientand cost-effective manner.
cF-ll0l Manage a cost-effective and responsive solid waste collection system.
cF-1102 Manage solid waste collection methods to minimize litter, nelghborhood
disruption, and degradation of the environment.
cF-l103 Promote the recycling of solid waste materials through waste reductionand source separation. Develop educational materiãls on recycling andother waste reduction methods.
cF-1104 Work cooperatively with cities, the Washington State Department ofEcology, and the Mason county Health Dislrict to achiev'e an
environmentally safe and cost-effective solution to the disposal of catchbasin wastes and street sweepings.
vt-|0 u,!J-utt-2#g I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.yst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
The County owns and operates small water and sewer systems for the Ruslewood, andBeard's cove communities. ln addition, the county op"r"t"r a medium-sizedwastewater collection system and treatment plant ior ine North Bay Case lntÀt area.This area was defined through studies of the area contributing human rur";g;contamination to Case lnlet, and the system service area was set accordingly. ln thesmaller.community-based systems, there is no planned expansion beyond the exístingplatted lots. These systems currently provide services to approxim atety IZOOcustomers, with the potentialto serve an additional 100. Tlre North Bay Case lnletsystem provides sgryice to approximately g50 customers, with additional cápacity toserve an estimated 850 additional equivalent residential units within the existing servicearea.
The Belfair Water Reclamation facility is under design and is expected to be operationalby late 2010. This Membrane BioReactor plant willlreat sewage from more developedareas of the Belfair UGA to Class A reclaimed status. Future sewer extensions andplant upgrades will follow a schedule, which will provide service to the entire Belfair UGAby 2025.
The following "Wate/' and "Wastewate/' sections provide project-level detail on theplanned improvements necessary to meet state regulatory gúidelines in the provision ofwater and wastewater services for these systems. Each óroiect in each seciion isaccompanied by a separate proJect sheet, which provides a âescription, and justification,
?long with a table depicting the estimated costs and funding sources for planning period2008 through 2013. A summary table that provides overallìosts and runoing sourcesfor each water and sewer system follows each section.
Financing the planned utility improvements requires the use of grants, loans, utility fees,system development charges, developer contributions, and capial reserves.' TÀespecific combination of funds, and the availability of grants and loans,will affect userrates for each system as well as the timing on pio¡ec'is. The ability to'i;it¡ai;;pecificprojects will be assessed annually based ón the urgen.y of need, reserve tundsavailable, and commitments from funding agencieJto piovide grants and/or loans. Thedecisions about whether_or not to proceel with any plänned project is the decision of theMason County Board of Commissioners for consideration in ihe-annuat UuOgeting andrate-setting process. To the extent possible, projects will be funded tnroulfrl--
Rate revenues (capital reserves)
Low interest loans; or
developer contributions
Some combination of 1-4 above.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
luS-q:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)Facilities Capital I
Project costs shown in each section range in accuracy from + or - 4o%to + or - 15o/o.Each project cost sheet identifies the acðuracy of the êstimated costs shown, based onthe following scale.
' ?lanning Level" - The least accurate of costs estimates, in the range of + e¡ - 40o/o.Cost estimates at this level are usually based on a project concept ãnd someassessment of relative scale, or annual program amounts commensurate with a levelof activity sufficient to accomplish the inieniof the program over time.. "Design Report" - Moderate accuracy, in the range of + 6¡ _ 3O%. Based on designreport evaluation of options and an assessment ıf project elements and associatedcosts.
' "Engineer's Estimate" - Most accurate estimate, in the range of + or -15o/o. Theseestimates are based on a project design or significant comþletion of design work.
Fulgre Svstem Devetopment
lncluded in the wastewater sections of this document are additional projects that are notassociated with the.e.xisting County-owned utility systems. These pio¡.ãi i"presentefforts to provide utility services to areas which ñave been identifieã as pronËms withregard to density and water quality, but where no established systems are curren¡y inplace' There are two such areas where the County is currenily investing resóurces inthe long{erm resolution of identified problems:
Belfair Urban Growth Area
The County has amended the Belfair/Lower Hood CanalWater Reclamation FacilityPlan Supplemental lnformation to reflect*the most recent population projections and theproposed service area boundary for the Belfair sewer project. fne Oepärtment ofF-cology-in May 2007 approved the Belfair Facility ptan wñ¡cn ouilines ihe devetopmentof anl/BR facility adjacent to the UGA as the preferred action for treat¡nent of sewagefrom Belfair
Hoodsport /Skokomish Area
î.If-p-qttY.planning and implementation group that includes Mason County, public
Utility District #1 and the Skokomish lndian Tribe was formed in 2006 to imþrove waterquality in the middle and upper reaches of Hood Canal. Sewer facility plans has beencompleted for the Hoodsport Rural Activity, the Potlach State park Area and majorportions of the Skokomish Tribal lands. TÏe funding tor any recommended systemdevelopment will initially be provided through grantıand/oi loans until there ié ánestablished rate base to provide payments-for the system.
vt-í2 12.03.09+w
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December B 2009)Facilities Capital I
vt-l3 12.03.0sji-+t ûe I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.gst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
WGapital Facilities plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 403 - Xe+North Bav Sewer Syst
Project Namê: Minor Facility and system lmprovements program
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Annual improvements program for system facilities, buildings, andgrounds. Projects may include small piping improvements, pump stations, lighting,exterior painting, and other general improvements.
Justification: The treatment plant and system construction provided basic functionality,however the facilities and system need improvements from time to time to correctdeficiencies and improve operational capa'bilities. Plant operations and systemmaintenance staff are not equípped to address these typei of improvem"i.rtr in additionto the plant operations. lt is also anticipated that the wort can bé completedprofessionally and more expedienfly through contracts with specialty firms.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
îrS.T:t, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)Facilities
% Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 403-North Bay Sewer System
Project Name: Treatment plant Capacity Upgrades
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Analyze the options for providing additional treatment plant capacity andprovide engineering to design the improvements for construction in subsequent years.
Justification: The existing plant may be reaching design capacity for treatment in 2010.This will require us to rev.isit-the original sewer tacìtity plän ano address how we will
i :i *:L: TT :':ll "_.la¡1lv
r9r th e t-we nty-v"", p"ìi ôä ["vb.ä z ø ö, ; i#"r ""i::ll^"=t F- l-"d,rolrunding to conduct inê anåtysir rno'J"sgn tnË ."-i¡ñ.tårent orcapacity for the plant.
Capital I
tz.o¡.ogg-25=94 I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg-qlt, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital
@ Gapital Facilities plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 403-North Bav Sewer System
Project Name: Basin Analysis and Developer Review seruices
Estimates: Engineers Estimate
Description: Engineering services to assist staff in planning for future development anddeveloper review
Justification: The Allyn UGA will develop and grow. Currently there are many large lotsthat will be divided and platted. There are also many small lots that will be combined anddeveloped. ln addition many of the rights of way aná easements have been vacated andare now private property. This analysis will assist county staff with the identification ofsewer system expansion needs withín the UGA and with review of developer submittalsas this growth occurs.
vt-16 !2.03.09i,9t 1
Mason County Comprehensive plan
luS.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)Facilities Capital I
@ capital Facilities plan worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 412Beards Cove Water
Project Name: Beards Cove'Booster pump
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: lnstallation of a booster pump to improve water pressure to residencesnear the water storage tank and provide additionai fire flow to the entire community.
i:,":f':î:::::?^Ti-"ilty 3111re.t,on 16.7 feet or 120,000 sa'ons of rhe 60, 400,000
:,?:,_":tli:_s,.",^t3?I.î1 p^e èonsidered ror uràni" ;;;é;."t;ã'iãtãi örï;äiriï,n,.
:J:jîn g:Iilîg ¡ I ll"^ 2oo2 w ater
p la n is z so, ıs o gåï.; r r.' TÈftä il#ii::ili11tf Ír:x^1. s00 s pm f9r so "'
in ui.h_ ;; ì 5
^úii s;rå,.1ä"t',ffiïH:
i::",i:i,: j" íj:?9?^ g îf f ::* :l t a e: 9 { ? F e¿il; ïh:ä;'ü' ;'i¿ä'llffi åil'. p r
ni,i'ì"äjîi;*:li:iir,jt1:tr"i,-, 1so,0o0 d;r-ro*'oåä.i.nt on usabI; rt;;;"J. ï:
:Tf il'y"Tl[:II"^^'],:l:T:::lï?s".requirements'M.ffithis
vt-|7 72.¿i.gguasas- |
Mason County Comprehensive plan
Prqieet Name: Water Serviee Meter lnstallatjen
lultifieatien: lrnplementatien ef the Water Use Ëffieieney Rule will require Harlstenere+R{e-tsnsta}€ervlee meters at all eenreetiens by 2017, Altheugh the rule allows ue te;sn¡ry{o-begffi-ilw
3009 3e1g æ14 æ12 æß 2914 ÏOTAt
Prelim Ensineerine
C€ns+flJ€ti€'r+{€g 1€g 100 {€g 4gg
TSTA! GOST:408 190 4"09 4€g 489
Ra+es {€g {€g {€g q€o 409+OSAI.FUNÞINE 409 4€O 4€O 4€O 4gg
vt-|8 tzpt_Hit6 I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.y:t, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Fund: Hartstene Peinte Water
¿009 284.0 æ1+w12 294€zg44 TOTATPre{im Ënsineerins
Ðesi,e{+€nsineerifrs z5 Æ
€€'ns+nu€ti€ir+246 246
T9TA' ÇêST:g g g g 274¡274.Fundint Seurees;
R€tes 274 214i
+OFAçFUNÐINC+0 g g 0 2+1 44
I2.03.0gt1Js-s9 i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.gst, 1998 - (updated December g, 200g. December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
?099*20{4 Gapital Fae ilities Plan Werksheet
Fund*-Ha+tsûene Poi nte Water
@iena+y €e nerate r lnstallatisn
@isnary Generater at Werl #1
s"*age pumpst"ti""s fre1'"oerflewing and need"d the ,"ffi". used
ge pump statiens needed pumping+
vt-20 lz_l"at+Js4e I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lug.T:t, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009)Facilities Capital I
l a nJ A^tIZ,UJ;]"Tffi'
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.ljst, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
@ capital Facilities plan worksheet
tJt¡l¡t¡es & \tifaste Management
Fund: 411 - Beards Cove Water
Project Name: Beards cove water system Meter lnstallations
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: lnstallation of Water Service meters on all new and existing water serviceconnections
Justification: The Water Use Efficiency Rule requires all water systems installservicemeters by 2018. Although the rule allows twelve years to implemeñt installation, tnecommunity will benefit by implementing the procéss as soon as possible. The communitywill benefit from meters by providing leakage data and allow billing based on usage.This plan_is designed to fund this effort entirely through rates. Thé water rate mustincrease from 27 per month to 32 to fund the ètfort.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg-ytt, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
WGapital Facilities plan Worksheet
Ut¡l¡t¡"s & Viraste níanajãment
Fund: 411 -Rusflewood Water
Project Name: Rusflewood Water System plan
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Develop a SmallWater System plan
Justification: There is currently no plan in place. To secure future public grants andloan funding for needed improvements to the system a SmallWater Systeñ p¡ãn isrequired.
tz.oi.aç++zsts i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrS.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)Facilities
% Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 405 - Capital Development Fund
Project Name: Belfair Sewer Development
Description: Design and develop documents required for constructing the Belfairsewer collection and Reclamation Facilities and iroviJe óonstruction managementservices.
Justification: tn
Capital I
,-,,- ^^-:-::-:: Irz.uJ.uy#ttlt I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.yst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
@ capital Facilities plan worksheet
Ut¡ l¡t¡"t & \rifaste Mana gement
Fund: 405 - Capital Development Fund
Project Name: Hoodsport Sewer Design
Estimates: Planning Level
Description : Design and€snstrue+the Hoodsport sewer system
Justification: The low oxygen levels in Hood Canal are partly attributed td tne inabilityof onsite septic systems to reduce nitrogen. By conveying wastewater to atechnologically advanced sewage treatment taôitity thai cãn significanily reduce nitrogen,and apply the effluent upland, this project will redúce the human contribution of nutrientsto the waters of Hood Canal. Hoodgportj,vill be the second of the ihree South éhoreHood Canal projects undertaken by the fri-party Groıl-
12.03.09u.2s4s i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
4uggst, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Fsnd; 410
an:.0_u+sts I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrS.T:t, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)Facilities Capital
Fund; 410
tt nz nojjjT-Ã I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôrgylt, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Fsnd; 410
Prqjeet Name: WTP Ë.nvírenmenta{.€.sn*rols
Mason County Comprehensive plan
4ug.gst, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital
.J/Jcapital Facilities plan worksheet
Ut¡l¡t¡"";& \,ifaste Management
Fund: 403 - North Bay Sewer System
Project Name: North Bav Biosolids Handlinq @
Description: Biosolids Handli¡re Facititips
Justification: The treat,mgnt plant at North Bay has continued to experience ¡ncreases
Gosts (in thousands
vt-29 a4J.09+us4, i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôugyst, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Mason CountY'Þ sorlid waqte utility provides transfer and disposal operations for solid
waste at four transfqr qtation locations. includino household recyClablê mãGriãlsJñe
l¡rqest transfer faciljtv is lqcated outside Sheltoñ on Eel df{onl the other smaller stations at Hoodsport, Union,
thelton facility. where sarbaçe is processed into con
Çqlfr?lia,WA. Frorn there, the material is long-hauleffiandfill
in Klickitat County, located in Eastern Washinoton.
Ho9iehgld hazardous wastes (HHW) are cojlected and disposed of b)¡ Mason County
staff at the shglton lrançfer facility. Res¡dents in Norttr ¡Iffi
Hl-lW to Íhe Kitsap Çounly transfer station. Trr¡s ariáñãffirougn
intgrlocal aqreement and Mason Counq/ pays apprñ
qollecliofr qnd disposal or materials from residenis whoffiitsap
County facility.
ThF Shelton transfgr Íacility is located at the formef Mason Countv Landfill. The current
Uti I it{ .prqvidqs po-sþcl-çsU.re m o n itor¡ nq a n d. ca pita I conã
landfill, The Shelton facrlity receives wastes colléCièã
operating inside Mason County.
fhe Belfair ând Shelton transfer facilities are nearing capacity in terms of the tonnase
lhey=can effectively hqndle on a daitv basis. Grovr¡th ¡ñ iñffi ¡n
th,? county çontinues to impact operations at these iãiffivementi
will need to be addressed in the future.
fhg.f9lloWincl Paqes prqvide details on specific proiects proposed for the current capital
f,a_glitie¡ olanning period. Project estimates rang
l-5%. ,
Each pr.olect.cost sheet identifies the accurac), offiown
based on the followinq scale:
' .- "Plannincl Level] , Ihq lejlst aqcurate of costs estimates. in the ranqe of + or * 40%.
Cost estimates a! this level are usually based on a proþòtiırrcãptãñã some
agsessment of ¡:elative scale, or annual proqram amounts commàÀsr.lrate w¡th a level
of activity sufficient to accomolish the intent of the@
' "Desion ReÞort" - Vl.odgrate accuracy, in the range of + or - 30%. Bãsed on design
reoort evaluation of options and an assessment of project elements andÞssòc¡at*d
costs.. "Enqineer's Estimat?" - Most a.ccurate estimate. in the range of + gr -15%. Thesq
estimates are bqqed on a project desiqn or s¡gnificant comóiél@k.@ut¡lityprev¡Aes
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 200g, December g 2009)
Facilities Capital I
@edtetheshelt iffi
M w?stes (HHW) are eelleeted and dispesed ef þy Masen Geuntyffisfer faeilit', Residents in North Masen Geuntú ean take their-
inte+leeal¿greernent and Masen Geunty pays apprexinrately 960 per eustemer fe¡
ives wastes eelleeted þy private and munieipal haqlers
will need to be addressed in the near future,
Elities-planning peried- Prejeet estimates range in aeeuraey frem + er 4g% to + eF-
ef aet'vity suffieient te aeeemplish the intent ef the eregram ever time,W
estimates-a#ased on afrgieot design or s;gnifieant-eernpletien ef.the design werlc
!Z!1w;et4 i
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrg.y:t, 1998 - (updated December g, 200B. December 8 2009)Facilities Capital I
@ Gapital Facilities Plan Worksheet
Utilities, & Waste Management
Fund: 402 - Solid Waste
Project Name: Minor Facility lmprovements
Estimates: Design Report
Description: Annual program to ensure continued operational effectiveness of transferstation facilities and preserve existing assets. lmprovèments will include: roadres.urfacing, facility roof replacementð, minor building modifications, storagé ãi hanotingfacility construction, or modifications to comply with iegulatory requiremeñts or preservecapacity.
Justification: Normal operation of transfer station facilities requires ongoing facilityimprovements to existing fixed assets to maintain overalloperaiionat ca[aniiítiés.Providing an annual program and funding to complete thes'e improvements is moreefficient from an administrative perspective and prudent in terms of ensuring thelongevity of existing assets.
f)l)2natf .<nnat.vJ.vtffi
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fugust, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008, DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
WGapital Facilities Plan worksheet
Ut¡l¡t¡"q & lfilaste Management
Fund: 402 - Solid Waste
Proiect Name: Belfair Household Hazardous Waste Facility lmprovements
Estimates: Design Report
Description: Design and construct a facility to provide household hazardous waste
collection services to north county residents.
Justification: Currently north county residents must take their household hazardous
waste to the Kitsap County facility. This service is provided through an interlocal
agreement that costs $6+q0.00 per visit. The costs are the same no matter what type of
material is dropped off at their facility. Our own facility would save us considerable cost
for disposal of less harmful materials such as motor oil or latex paints. Operation of a
county-owned facility would allow us to tailor the hours of operation and types of material
accepted to decrease these costs.
;:-;;--;: rI¿.UJ,uy:ffit I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 200g)
Capital I
WGapital Facilities Plan Worksheet
ut¡l¡t¡"=, & \filaste Management
Fund: 402 - Solid Waste
Project Name: Household Hazardous waste Facility lmprovements
Estimates: Design Report
Description: This facility serves the south end of the county by providing residential
drop off of household generated hazardous wastes seven days a week. The volumes of
materials have been increasing annually, and the facility is both outgrowing its current
structure and behind on needed safety improvements. Further, the changes in
regulations in recent years and the near future will necessitate increased capacity.
Justification: Due to policy changes at the state and national level, the facility itself is
inadequate to meet the standards mandated. Since some of these changes are state
priorities, state funding may be available.
,^ ^. ^- Il,¿,tlJ.UYffit'l I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
{ugust, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009)
Capital I
WCapital Facilities plan Worksheet
Ut¡l¡ti"s, & \lifaste Management
Fund: 402- Shelton Transfer Station
Project Name: Transfer Station System tmprovements
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: This facility serves as a hub for all the garbage in Mason County. When
originally constructed in the early 1990's, throughput was a fraction of current ievels. ln
order to safely and efficiently serve the needs of the public and our commercial
accounts, a second access road with a scale is needed. Other minor improvements and
enhancements will be required to maintain the system over the next few years, such as
road work, tip walls, and typical wear and tear.
Justification: over the past 15 years, the number of customers has grown
dramatically, along with tons exported. Steps to improve customer saiety, reduce wait
times, and increase efficiency for commercial customers will allow the taðitity to
postpone majoi construction for this planning period.
Estimated Gosts (in thousands
2010 2911 2012 2013 2414 2015 TOTAL
Prelim Enoineerino +++43 3
Design Enqineerino +{€5 21 21
Capital Equipment
{€g 100 100
Construction {€4€O 40 18 59 {-019
TOTAL GOST:42 æ2 11 2å 56 44q1
Fundinq Sources:
Other: timber 140 100 100
Loans 5g 50 50
Rates 12 æ 11 z5 55 44l
TOTAL FUNDING:41 æ2 ++26 €5 41l
aa na n^ttt.tlJ.Urffij
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôug!!t, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December B 2009)
Facilities Capital I
2gg#s{42a1a-2aß capitat Facilities ptan worksheet
IUt¡l¡t¡eq & ìlilaste Management
Fund: 402 - Belfair Drop Box
Project Name: Belfair lmprovements
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: This facility serves the north end of the County by providing residential
drop off of wastes and recyclables seven-fll/Q_days a week.
in thð portion of the ICounty is significant, and will likely increase at the current high rate for the near future.
Minor improvements and enhancements will be required to maintain the system over the
next few years, such as road work, tip walls, and typical wear and tear. A wholly new
facility, with a scale and compaction equipment, may be necessary by the end of thisplanning period.
Justification: Currently, our system is able to support the Belfair area. However, the
current and projected growth may exceed the capacity of this facility in the relatively nearfuture. Due to the location, it does not make sense to increase theionnage without
exporting directly to rail, or at least to rail containers. To do so, a new tacìtity would be
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fug.llst, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)
wcapitar Facirities pran worksheet
Ut¡l¡t¡eÇ& Vitaste Management
Fund: 402 - Hoodsport Drop Box
Project Name: Hoodsport lm provements
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: This facility serves the north and west end of the County by providingresidentialdrop off of wastes and recyclables serreral-tly9_days a week. Giowth in thisportion of the County is occurring, and will likely increaie in the near future. Minorimprovements and enhancements will be requiied to maintain the system over the nextfew years, such as road work, tip wa[s, and iypicarwear and tear.
Justification: Currently, our system is able to support the Hoodsport area. However,the current and projected growth may exceed. the cäpacity of this iacility in the ielativelynear future, which can be addressed by simply increasing the days and hours ofoperation.
Capital I
! 2.03.0911-25.49
Mason County Comprehensive Plàn
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)
Capital I
WGapital Facilities plan Worksheet
ut¡l ¡t¡et & \,itaste Management
Fund: 402 - Union Drop Box
Project Name: Union lmprovements
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: This facility serves the south end of the canal area by providing residential
drop off of wastes and recyclables several-two_days a week. Growtlr in this portion of
the County is occurring, and will likely increase in the near future. Minor improvements
and enhancements will be required to maintain the system over the next few years, such
as road work, tip walls, and typical wear and tear.
Justification: Currently, our system is able to support the Union area. However, the
current and projected growth may exceed the capacity of this facility in the relatively near
future, which can be addressed by simply increasing the days and ñours of operation.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Svstem Description
Recreational opportunities in Mason County include parks for day-use activities and
overnight camping; fresh and salt water areas for boating and other water sports;
facilities and equipment for sports and play activities; and wilderness areas and other
open spaces for hiking, hunting, ORV use, and horseback riding.
Existing parks and recreation facilities in Mason County are available through a variety
of public and private entities. Federal and state facilities include camping, boating, and
day-use parks. The County-owned park system includes day-use and water access
facilities, sports fields, and related recreational areas. Other agencies providing park
and recreational resources include municipalities, port districts, and public schools.
Some private recreationalfacilities are open to the public as well.
Mason County has adopted a Parks and Recreation Plan in November of 2006 and a
Mason County Regional Trails Plan in March of 2008. Both of these plans are
incorporated here.in by reference.
County Park Facilities
The County currently manages 21 park properties in Mason County two of which are
undeveloped, and three others have large portions that are also undeveloped. Of the
developed parks, two are large baseball/softball complexes, five provide saltwater
access parks, three are located on freshwater lakes, and three provide upland day use
and recreation facilities (see FtcuRE vt.5-1). ln addition to the day use facilities, the
County also owns and maintains one above-ground skate park. The conditions of these
facilities vary by location, however, significant investment in facilities has been made in
the last two years from Real Estate Excise Tax proceeds (REET 2) and qrant proceeds
from. the Recreation and Conservation Office. The capital plan for tne nãxt Sx years
continues this trend of investment in park development and facility upgrades. ihe heavy
use and demand from both county and non-County residents are particularly high during
the spring, summer and fall.
ln recent years, parks operated by Mason County have received substantial increases in
visitors. Totalvisits increased 52 percent from 1992 to 1993, from 180,600 to 274,500
annual visits. Nearly half of the total increase was at Sandhill Park, a sports park in
Belfair. Sandhill's visitation increased by 230 percent, from 20,300 to 67,000 visits, due
in large part to increased use of the park by local baseball, softball, and soccer leagues.
Sandhill Park received significant improvements in 2006 and use of this park has
continued to grow. Mason County Recreation Area, the largest baseball/softball complex
has grown in use the last several years and is now recognized regionally as a preferied
site for major tournaments. The spike in fuel prices in 2008 and the qlobal recession has
also led to increased park use as people are stayino closer to home to recreate.
There are no facilities for overnight camping throughout the Mason County parks
system. The last county-wide park plan was developed in 1991 and subsequently
,a n2 not I aÊ A^tz.ttJ.tt)rfffiU,
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
updated in 2006. Camping opt¡ons will be examined in the long-term development plan
being crafted for these and other park properties with large portions of undeveloped
land. Mason County developed a new county-wide parks plan in 2006, which includes
analysis and recommendations to address recreation needs within the county. CampingbyspecialusepermitforTrumanGlickParkand-
Footh i I ls Pa rk_an dl¡Val&g¡ Paß
An inventory of all Mason County parks including federal, state, private, and County-
owned parks is listed in maLr vl.5-1. Also included are the number of acres and
amenities available at each park location. The locations of parks and recreational
facilities operated by the County are shown on FtcuRE vt.S-1.
Figure Vl.5-1
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lrSy:t, 1 998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital
Tngle Vl.5-1. Inventory of parks
Name of Facility Acres Amenities Available
Washington State Parks
Belfair State Park 62.77 (3,780 ft
Camping: 134 tent sites, 47 utility sites,
primitive sites, wheelchair accessible trails,
trailer dump facilitv.
Harstine lsland State
310 (3,100 ft
Currently undeveloped. Future development
plans include: day use area; walking/hiking
hails; 50 campsites.
Hoodsport Trails 80 Natural area with trails.
Hope lsland 106
(8,540 ft tidelands)
Currently undeveloped. Future development
plans include: trails; picnic tables; rest rooms;
6 to I campsites; group camping for 150
people. Washington Water Trails site.
Jarrells Cove 42.6
(3,500 ft tidelands)
Camping: 20 tent sites; group site for
maximum of 64 people, 2 picnic shelters,
facilities for handicapped, wheelchair
accessible trails, marine pump out station, 2
docks providing 500 feet of moorage, 14
-¡¡oclring buoys. Fee required.
Lake lsabella 193.75 Currently undeveloped. Future development
plans include: full-service park, camping,
picnic area, lakefront beach, restrooms.
Plans will be completed in the next 10 to 20
Lilliwaup Tide Land (4,100 ft tidelands)Tidelands for public use. No facilities. Small
shoulder area for parking.
McMicken lsland 11.45
(1,660 ft tidelands)
Currently undeveloped. Boater destination;
clamming. Plans to develop include: 5 to g
camping sites, composting toilet.
Potlatch State Park 56.95
(9,570 ft tidelands)
Camping: 17 tent sites; 18 utility sites;
primitive sites. Unden¡vater park, trailer dump
Schafer State Park 119 Camping: 47 tent sites, 6 utility sites,
primitive sites, day use group area, trailer
dump facilities
Squaxin lsland 31,4 Closed indefinitely.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December9,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
Tnele Vr.5-1. Inventory of Parks (Continued)
Name of Facility Acres Amenities Available
Stretch Point 4.2
(610 ft tidelands)
Natural area. Day use only; 5 mooring
buoys. No plans for future development.
Twanoh State Park 182
(3,167 ft tideland)
Camping: 30 tent sites, 9 utility sites,
primitive sites, handicapped facilities, and
wheelchair accessible,trails.
Total 1208.02
(38,027 tt
Washington State Department of Fish and Witdlife
Aldrich Lake 0.5 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 15
Benson Lake 78.8 Boat launch, beach access, parking for 100
Cady Lake 1.6 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 10
Clara Lake I Unpaved boat launch, parking for 30
Devereaux Lake 1.3 Boat launch, beach access, parking for40
Haven Lake 4.1 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 50
lsland Lake access 1 Freshwater boat launch. toilets.
lsabella Lake 1.6 Boat launch, parkinq for 20 vehicles.
Lake Kokanee 44 Boat Launch, parkinq for 100 vehicles.
Lake Limerick 0.5 Boat launch, beach access, parking for 30
Lost Lake 1.3 Boat launch, parkinq for 40 vehicles.
Lake Nahwatzel 2.0 Boat launch, parking for 10 vehicles, toilets
Maggie Lake 0.4 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 15
Mason Lake Boat launch, parking for 30 vehicles
Panhandle Lake 20 Undeveloped.
Panther Lake 3.8 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 30
Phillips Lake 1 Boat launch, beach access, parking for 40
Pricket Lake 0.5 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 30
Skokomish River 64 30.6 feet of riverfront, shore access, parking
for 20 vehicles.
Spencer Lake 2 Boat launch, beach access, parking for 50
Mason County Comprehensive plan
lro.y:f 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)Facilities Capital I
Tahuya River 2.9 4,400 feet of riverfront, parking for 10
Tee Lake 3.6 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 20
Twin Lake 3.6 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 15
Union River 61.8 8,098 feet of riverfront, parking for 10
Victor access to
North Bav
.5 Boat launch, pit toilets
Wildberrv Lake 10 Undeveloped.
Wooten Lake 1 Unpaved boat launch, parking for 60
Total 318.3
Washington State Depar tment of Natural Reso urces
Aldrich Lake Camp 24
1,700 feet waterfront, hand boat launch, 4
picnic tables, 4 campsites, toilets, drinking
water, lake stocked with trout, parking foi16
Camp Pond Day use only
Camp Spillman 10
800 feet waterfront, 6 campsites, 4 group
sites, toilets, drinking water
trtlen0ahl Pass
Staqinq Area
5 11 picnic sites, self-contained RVs okay,
toilets, drinking water
Howell Lake 3 group sites, 10 campsites, hand boat
laqlch, toilets, drinking water, parking for 20
Kammenqa Canvon 2 campsites, toilets
Mission Creek
1 Parking for trail access
Robbins Lake 1.1 175 feet waterfront, hand boat launch, 3
picnic tables, toilets. Day use only.
Tahuya River Horse
1,600 feet waterftont, g campsites, 2 group
sites, toilets, drinking water, 20 horseiorrals.
Toonerville 5.7 570 feet waterfront, 4 campsites, 2 picnic
sites, toilets.
Twin Lakes 6 camp sites, 3 picnic sites, toilets, hand boat
launch. Lake is stocked with trout.
Melbourne Lake setting, 1,000 feet waterfront, S
campsites, toilets.
Lilliwaup 7 Stream setting, 500 feet waterfront, 13
campsites, tqilets, drinking water.
Public Tidelands #24 Water access only.
Public Tidelands #33 ìy'úater access onlV.
Public Tidelands #34 lVater access only.
Mason County Comprehensive Flan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 20O8, Þeeember I ?qgg)
Capltal I
lf Public Tidelands #43 I I Road acoess, clamtÌìing.
13,$.AQ4* l
Mason County Comprehensive plan
ôrg$t 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Name of F Acres Amenities Available
Public Tidelands #44
Road access, clar¡ming, crab pot fishíng.
Public Tidelands #46 Water access only, clamming, oysters,
shrimp pot fishino.
Public Tidelands #47 Water access only, clamminq, ovsters.
Public Tidelands #48 Water access only, clamminq. ovsters
Eagle Creek
Road access, clamming, crabbing.
Rendsland Creek
Road access, clamming.
United States Forest Service
Brown Creek
b 78 camp sites, toilets.
Hamma Hamma
5 Picnic area, 12 campsites.
Lower Lena Lake
6 Hike-in only, 40 camp sites, pit toilets.
Upper Lena Lake
7 Hike-in only, 14 camp sites, pit toilets
Total 24
City of Shelton Parks and Recreation Department
Brewer Park 0.3 3 picnic tables, curbside parkinq onlv.
Callanan Park 6.9 Lighted softball field with spectator stands,
7 picnic tables, 2 swings, 1 slide, rest
room, foot trails across 40-foot natural
depression, parking space for 30 vehicles
plus additional parkinq alonq street.
Citv Park 1.75 Currently undeveloped.
Eleventh Street Site 0.92 Deep well location with the potentialto be
developed into a city park.
Huff and Puff Trail 80 2 miles of jogging trail and 20 incorporated
exercise stations, drinking fountain and
parking for 20 vehicles at trailhead.
Kneeland Park 3.9 2 slides, swings, I merry-go-round,
horizontal bars, 1 dome clímber, 1 large
sand box, 1 smalllog playhouse, a few
rocking saddle mates, horseshoe pit, aging
rest room and picnic shelter, deteriorated
clubhouse, 10 picnic tables, 2 tennis courts
in need of resurfacing, street parking for
approximately 25 vehicles.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
Name of F Acres Amenities Available
Johnson Park 0.5 1 merry-go-round, 1 swing, single
basketball backboard and substandard
concrete court, street parking for
approximately 1 0 vehicles.
Loop Field 4 2 tennis courts, softball field, soccer field,
jogging trail along the perimeter, 1 picnic
shelter, 5 picnic tables, rest room, parking
for 100 vehicles.
Oakland Bay
1.03 Views of downtown Shelton, industrial
waterfront, Oakland Bay, and the Olympic
Mountains, historic band saw display with
large log section and interpretive
inforrnation, paved parking for 5 vehicles.
Development plans for the next 2 years
include: picnic area, rest rooms, kiosk,
small shelter, additional oarkino.
Pine Street Boat
60 feet Crude gravel boat launch and a
deterioratinq wooden boat reoair orid.
Total 99.3
Port of Dewatto
Port of Dewatto
1 Camping: 11 with hook-ups, 19 tent sites; 2
rest rooms; nature/hiking trails; 23 picnic
tables; two picnic shelters;, 1 kitchen;
fishing. Future plans to add more stoves
and picnic tables, and to place gravel
around kitchen. Fee required.
Port of Shelton
Sanderson Field 1,170 Flying: 5,000 feet of runway, tie downs,
skydiving; rifle club; model aircraft society.
Future plans to provide increased hangar
Oakland Bav Marina Boat moorage.
Total 1170
Port of Allyn
Waterfront Park in
2 400 feet waterfront, moorage, dock (for up
to 15 boats), picnic, gazebo, parking for 20
vehicles. Office buildinq planned.
Kayak Park .3 150 feet waterfront, small parking lot, picnic
tables, portable toilet facilities.
North Shore Ramp
Belfair/North Shore
1.2 150 feet waterfront, boat launch with
floating dock, beach access, parking for 20
vehicles with trailers.
Mason County Comprehensive plan
fugust, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Facilities Capital
Name of F Acres I Amenities Available
Port of Hoodsport
lngvald Gronvold
Waterfront Park
2 2Dock, saltwater beach access, tidelands,
portable rest rooms. nreposeA+u+ure
Port of Grapeview
Fair Harbor Marina 5 Boat launch and parking area
Mason County
Latimer's Landing
overflow parking
2.5 Primary use is to provide parking for
neighboring Latimer's Landing, parking for
20 vehicles.
Foothills Park 80 1 field which serves as a multiuse field;
basketballcourt; rest rooms; children's play
area; picnic tables;
parking for 50 vehicles.
Harvey Rendsland
Jiqqs Lake
B Currently undeveloped; 1,905 feet
Latimer's Landing
.593.00 Saltwater access boat launch for vessels no
longer than 20 feet, parking for 10 vehicles,
portable toilet, boat dock; additional parking
available at neighboring Latimer's Landing
overflow parking area. Renovated in 200g.
Mason County
Recreation Area
(MCRA Sport)
40 7 baseball/softballfields which also serve as
soccer and football fields; children's play
area, bleachers, maintenance shop, user's
storage facility, seasonal concession stand,
4 batting cage; parking for 100 vehicles.
This facility serves as the headquarters for
the Mason County Parks Department. Fee
required for scheduled field use.
Mason Lake Park
17.36 1.36 acres currently in use; freshwater
access/boat launch for small watercraft no
longer than 18 feet, dock, play area, rest
rooms, 4 picnic table; parking for maximum
of 50 vehicles. The County owns 16 unused
acres that can be used for expansion ofthe
park (possible trails, picnic area, and remote
camping area).
Phillips Lake County
Park (Picnic)
0.4 Passive day use area, picnic area, located
next to State of Washington Boar Launch
with vault type toilets.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
Sandhill Park (Sport)30 7 baseball/softball fields, one multiuse field,
bleachers; parking is available for 100+
vehicles; concession-restroom building; 4
fields and parking renovated in 2006;
walking path around park.
Park (Water)
2.8 320 feet waterfront, boat launch for vessels
no longer than 16 feet, saltwater beach
access, 3 picnic tables.
Truman Glick
35.46 Natural setting, creek, trails, picnic tables,
covered group shelter, barbecue pit, vault
toilets, RV area. Future improvements
include: possible construction of group
camping area and interpretive signage
alonq trails.
Union Community
Park (Picnic)
1.92 Picnic shelter, children's play area; small
baseball diamond, basketball court; rest
Union Boat Ramp
0.16 Boat ramp for access to Hood Canal,
portable toilets, no parkinq.
Hunter Park .5 2 picnic tables, bus shelter
Skate Park .b 11 above ground ramps in Shelton
Walker Park (Water)5.04 Saltwater access to Hammersley lnlet,
gravel beach, picnic tables, barbecues, rest
rooms, shelter, children's play area,
interpretive center providing marine
information; parking for 15 vehicles.
Oakland Bay
Preservation Area
80 Habitat preservation area and education
center (currentlv undevelooed)
Watson Wildwood
36 Undeveloped
Mendards Landibng
40 Recently transferred from the Port of
Tahuya to County. Parks provices beach
access, picnic areas, gazebo, portable toilet,
access to DNR tidelands, small boat launch
for kayaks and canoes
Mason Lake Picnic
.9 Undeveloped
Harstiene lsland 6.9 Undeveloped
Theler Center 135 Wetlands i-nterpretive tra ils
Total 339463.03
Mason County Public Scl rools
Belfair Elementarv Plavoround.
Sandhill Elementarv Plavoround
Hood Canal
High School
2 baseball backstops, 1 footballfield,
bleachers, playground, track, parking for 30
Oakland Bay Middle
!2!3.0er+zs$e I
Mason County Comprehensive plan
Augyst, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Facilities Capital I
Olympic Middle
Pioneer Elementary 2 baseball backstops, covered play area,
1 baseball backstop.
Bordeaux Football field, soccer field, playground,
Mountain View
5 baseball backstops, footballfield, soccer
field, playqround.
Shelton High School 6 tennis courts, 2 baseball backstops,
football field, soccer field, bleachers, 2
swimming pools, track, rest rooms.
Mary M. Knight
2 baseball backstops, 1 footbaltfield,
bleachers, plavground.
North Mason High
2 baseball backstops, 2 tennis courts,
football field, soccer field, bleachers,
playground, track.
!4!qte Facilities Open to the pubtic
Mason Soccer Park
14 6 soccer fields, 1 under development
Glen Ayr Canal
10 Adult-only RV park with hookups; no tent
camping, motel, 2 rest rooms, 2 showers,
laundry facility, saltwater boat launch, beach
access, tidelands, spa, fishing, clamming,
oysters, dock.
Lake NahwaÞel
2 Camping: 12 utility sites, 5 sites without
hookups; 2 rest rooms, 2 showers, boat
launch, freshwater beach access,
nature/hiking trails, I picnic tables,
restaurant, fishinq, swimminq. cabins.
Minerva Beach RV
Resort and Mobile
20 Camping: 23 sites without hookups, 50 sites
with hookups; 5 rest rooms, 6 showers,
laundry facilities, boat launch, saltwater
beach access, 60 picnic tables, driving
range, scuba dive center.
ResþA-While RV Park
and Marina
15 Saltwater boat launch, moorage, dock, 70-
80 camp sites with hookups (may be used
for RVs or tents), 4 rest rooms, 4 showers,
laundry facilities, beach access, clamming,
oysters, fishing, boat rentals, nature trail, 60
picnic tables, 2 covered picnic areas with
kitchen, concession stand. Future
improvements include easier access to
Mason County Comprehensive plan
{ugust, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December B 2009) Capitat IFacilities
marina, and boat fuel.
Lake Cushman 602.9 Camping: 51 tent sites, 30 utility sites, 2
primitive walk-in sites, group site with
cooking shelter for maximum of 56 people,
rest rooms with showers; facilities for
handicapped, boat launch, trailer dump
Total 663.9
Olympic National
Park - Staircase
Picnic area, 50 camp sites, parking for 60
Tacoma City Light
Saltwater Park
6 picnic tables, rest rooms, saltwater boat
launch, saltwater beach access.
Mike's Beach Resort Boat launch, SCUBA diving, cabins,
camping, beach access for quests
Robin Hood Village 16 RV sites, cabins, camping, beach
access for quests
COUNTYTOTAL æ.432167.27
The following pages provide details on specific Park projects proposed for the current
capital facilities planning period.
a.0:.09J+.4s^99 |
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
2410-2415 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
J ustifications: .
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
594.80.41.1 000 Planning
594.76.63.1 000 Development
Watson Wildwood County Park
Construction Level
Scope of this project includes planning/design and development
services. Phase one is a master plan for the Park. phase 2 would include
development of a parking area, restroom, trails, and passive recreation.
Park is 35 acres and was donated to the County. Development would
provide infrastructure for public access
]here is no current plan of record for this park site and is the only County
Park between Allyn and the Pierce county Border. site also has potential
as a trailhead for a Regional Trail in the area.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
2A1g-2A15 Gapital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.0900
Walker Park lmprovements
Gonstruction Level
Would involve improvements to the Walker Park Play Area equipment.
Play equipment does not meet current safety standards and is not ADA
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
I ¡lt rra¡lI
Funding Sources:
r--;;-;;;;ã It¿.UJ.Uzffit I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008, DecemberS 200g)
Capital I
2010-2015 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.0800
Union Park lmprovements
Construction Level
Would involve improvements to the Union Park Play Area equipment.
Play equipment does not meet current safety standards and is not ADA
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
67 100 Plan ning
594.76.63.1 000 Development
Union Boat Ramp
Construction Level
Scope of this project includes planning/design and development to
renovate the existing County Boat Ramp in Union on Hood Canal.
Project listed as a high priority in the 2006 County Parks plan. project
would enhance water access and boating.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Funding Sources:
12.03.0r+t=r5"g, I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.0500
Sandhill Park Renovation
Construction Level
Scope of this project includes planning/design and development services
to complete the renovation of Sandhill Park. Main work would include'the
renovation of fields #1, #2, and #3. New backstops, ADA access,
irrigation, and complete field renovation would be included.
This project is listed as a high priority in the 2006 Park plan. plan
recommended improving existing facilities before developing new
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
l2-03.09r4-r5"a, I
Mason County Gomprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
2A1g-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.1700
Harvey Rendsland County Park Planning and lmprovements
Gonstruction Level
Would involve completing a park plan to facilitate public access to the
park and then the development of a parking area, picnic facility, passive
recreation and support facilities..
This park was donated to Mason County in 2007 by Washington Stgte
Parks. lt provides water access to Jiggs Lake. Water access is the top
priority in the 2006 County Parks Plan. Additional developed park space
is needed on the Tahuya Peninsula.
Planning and Design
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Funding Sources:
Total Funding:
Iz.lrJ.UYW#fj I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
J ustifications: .
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.1400
Phillips Lake County Park
Gonstruction Level
Scope of this project includes basic park improvements, including park
amenities such as tree removal, picnic tables, park benches, trash
containers, and signage.
This small park has had very little in the way of improvements and is
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
1r.03.0911-15.0, Ivl-57
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December 8 2009)
2u0!!415 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.1300
Oakland Bay Gounty Park
Construction Level
The Oakland Bay property was purchased jointly by the County and the
Capitol Land Trust. Project scope would involve a two-phase
development program for the park. The first phase would concentrate on
public access facilities, the entry road, parking area, restrooms, and
signage. The second phase would concentrate on trail development,
environmental education facilities, and interpretative displays.
Project listed in the 2006 County Parks Plan as a high priority for
Planning and Design
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
2010-2a15 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.1600
Menards Landing County Park
Construction Level
This park was transferred from the Port of Tahuya to Mason County in
2006. Project scope includes improvements that would incorporate ADA
access ímprovements, new picnic facilities, non-motorized watercraft
improvements to the present launch site, and new park amenities such
as park benches and garbage cans,
Project listed in the 2006 County Parks Plan as a priority for
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December 8 2009)
Capital I
20'10-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
35r.000.000 594.76.63.0300
Mason County Recreation Area (MGRA) lmprovements
Gonstruction Level
Project scope would involve needed renovations and improvements to
MCRA Park. The improvements include: new field lights, restroom
renovation, irrigation improvements, drainage upgrades, new office, new
bleachers, play equipment surfacing, asphalt, scoreboards, and
concession building.
Project listed in the 2006 County Parks Plan for implementation.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Total Funding:
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December B 2009)
Capital I
2010-2915 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.0400
Mason County Boat Launch Renovation
Construction Level
Renovation of existing boat launch facility, including the boat ramp, dock,
entry and exit road, and parking improvements. The parking would be
improved and expanded, entry road widened, and restroom improved for
ADA accessibility.
Park has not been renovated since initial development. Listed in 2006
Parks Plan for renovation and expansion. ADA improvements are
needed, especially access to dock and restrooms.
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
ln House
-,:--::-;;-:-:-- tt¿.uJ.tJvt#) I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberB 2009)
Capital I
201A-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
576,80.41.0220 - Planning
Latimers Landing County Park
Construction Level
Scope of this project includes planning and design to develop 2.4 acres
of undeveloped land at Latimers Landing into additional boat and trailer
parking, and public access to Pickering Passage. The2.4 acres was
purchased in 2008 to compliment the .59 acre Latimers Landing Boat
Project listed as a high priority in the 2006 County Parks Plan. Project
would enhance water access and provide additional parking for boats
and trailers.
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
1r.03.091+r*09 |
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
2aß-2015 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.2000
Lake Nahwatzel Gounty Park
Construction Level
Scope of this project includes planníng/design and development services
to develop a future waterfront park on Lake Nahwatzel. project would be
completed in cooperation with Green Diamond Resource Company.
This project is listed as a high priority in the 2006 park plan because is
addressed a parkland deficiency in western Mason County and also
provides water access.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December9,2008, DecemberB 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 Gapital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program
351.000.000 594.76.63.0600
Jacoby Park (Shorecrest) lmprovements
Gonstruction Level
Project scope would involve implementation of Park lmprovement Plan
based on Park Site Plan developed in 2008. lmprovements would
provide more amenities at the park than what currently exist.
Project listed in the 2006 County Parks Plan for implementation.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Funding Sources:
Ir.a3.ür++,r5"a, I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)
2010-2015 Gapital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Gapital lmprovement Program351.000.000 594.76.63.1900
Goldsborough Creek Gounty Park
Construction Level
Scope of this project would include the development of passive
recreation facilities at a 9.4 acre park site along Goldsborough Creek.
Project would include passive recreation amenities, primarily parking,
restroom, trails, and passive recreation along the creek, park benches
and picnic areas. lNote] Property not acquired as of 2009. Acquisition
costs with RCO Grant are in an "alternate" position now. Can onlv be
acquired with RCO grant.
Project listed as a priority in the 2008 County Regional Trails Plan and
would also provide additional parkland in the western section of Mason
County, which was listed in the 2006 Park Plan as an area of the County
with a park and open space deficiency.
Planning and Design
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Funding Sources:
1r.0J.09++3s#9 |
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December9,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capitallmprovement Program351.000.000 594.76.63.0100
Foothills County Park
Construction Level
Project scope would include work¡ng with the Port of Hoodsport to
develop a Master Site Plan for Foothills County Park. Future
development of the park via a partnership with the County and Port of
Hoodsport would be likely.
Project listed in the 2006 County Parks Plan.
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated Decemberg,2008. DecemberB 2009)
Fund-Nanne+- REET2Capital lmpreveme*t+regram
gs*imates-- genstrsetien t
@iee Read #23 en Green Þiamond Resouree
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Capital I
2410-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET 2 Capital lmprovement Program
351.000.100 594.76.63.0001
Park Development Partnership Program
Gonstruction Level
The Park Development Partnership Program provides matching grant
funds to plan, construct, reconstruct, repair, rehabilitate and
improve parks in Mason County. To be eligible for funding, community
organizations and public entities must have an established a partnership.
Public entities include, but necessarily be limited to: school districts,
utility districts and cities. The public entity must submit the application.
Provides funds to improve parks in Mason County by promoting
partnerships with community groups and public entities. Program would
provide for one $50,000 project from 20O$!01.[ to 2Q14&J5. I
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
1U n) nnt t aÊ Ã^IZ.UJ.llYffitt
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
fug!1st, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009) Capitat IFacilities
2010-2015 Gapital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department I
Fund Name: REET 1 Gapitallmprovement program
Fund Number: 350.000.000
Project Name: Trails Development program
Estimates: Construction Level
Description:. TraildevelopmentprogramforMasonCounty.
Justifications:. Begin lmplementation of a trail development program as per the County
RegionalTrails Plan.
Trails 2010-2015 Proqram of Work1) North Bay Trail2) Kennedy Creek Trail Extension3) Mason Lake to Twanoh State park
4) Menards Landinq to Rendsland Park
2AlA 2011 2012 2Aß 2014 2015 Itotat
Planning and Design 75,000 75,000 tlso,ooo
Site Prep & Utilities/ Well
Construction Eng ineerin g
Construction 200,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 '100,000 1,Þoo,ooo
Total Costs:
Funding Sources:
ln House 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 {oo,ooo
Grants 100,00_Q 300,000 200,000 100,000 100.000 {oo,ooo
Total Funding:200.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 l,P0o,ooo
vt-69 -203.094+Js^g' I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet - Parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:REET I Gapital lmprovement Program
Fund Number: 350.000.000
Project Name: MCRA Office Renovation
Construction Level
Convert old maintenance garage to a ground level office building.
Justifications:. Current parks office is l$+ tears old and can only be accessed up a
flight of stairs. Current office is not ADA accessible.
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
Funding Sources:
Total Funding:
Mason County Comprehensive plan
August, 1998 - (updated December g, 2008, December g 2009)
Capital I
2010-2015 capital Facilities Plan worksheet - parks & Trails Department
Fund Name:
Fund Number:
Project Name:
REET I Capital lmprovement Program
Goldsborough Creek Park Acquisition
Gonstruction Level
Acquire 9.4 acres on Goldsborough creek in partnership with the capitol
Land Trust.
High priority for acquisition for use as trailhead site and County park.
High priority in both the RegionalTrails Plan and the County park plan.
Site Prep & Utilities/Well
** county contribution would be proceeds from a land sale at Mason Lake.
u.aJ,a2+t-2*0, I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)
Capital I
Sysúem Description
Mason County owns several buildings, most of which are located in the City of Shelton,
the County seat. These buildings are used to support general County functions such as
internal management, health, public service, and general administration. Other buildings
owned by the County include Memorial Hall, the Cooperative Extension Office, the two
buildings on Pine Street, the Mason County Fair/Convention Center, the Public Works
Campus and the Belfair Public Works Shop. TABLE vr.6-1 describes these sites.
Locations of the facilities within the Shelton Campus are shown in ncune u.6-1.
Memorial Hall and the two buildings on Pine Street are located in Shelton, a few blocks
from the main campus area. The Mason County Extension Office is located about 3
miles north of Shelton, on the northeast side of Highway 101, across from the Shelton
airport. The Public Works campus is located about 4 miles north of Shelton, on the
northwest side of Highway 101. The Belfair Public Works Shop is situated on the north
shore of Hood Canal about 3 miles from Belfair.
Mason County's administrative offices and departments housed in the buildings are
listed in TABLE vl.6-2. Also provided is a summary of current office area allocations for
the County departments and departmental functions.
Most of the County's administrative offices are located in the Shelton Campus, a four-
squareblock section of the downtown area. At this location, the County operates from 23
publicly owned buildings. These include the Courthouse, Jail, Juvenile Detention Facility,
Building l, Building ll, Building lll, Building lV, Buildíng V, Building Vl, Building Vll,
Building Vlll, and Building lX. Other county administrative offices are located at Building
Xl (Cooperative Extension Building), the 3'd & Pine building (the Sheriff Office), the
Public Works campus, and the offices at the Mason County Fairgrounds.
Facility Needs
Facility needs are being developed through a space planning effort currently being
updated by the County. This work is based on an assessment of agency needs related
to growth in both the six- and 2O-year planning horizons. While planning is continuing,
the county has identified the space needs for County administration, law enforcement,
and criminaljustice facilities. Specific planned improvements for the first six-year
planning period and associated financing are detailed in Section V|.10, Finance Plan.
Based on the "Space Standards Manual" published by the State of Washington
Department of General Administration, 251 square feet are needed per employee. ln
addition, certain governmental functions have special requirements for facilities.
Currently the county has a deficit in space. Significant additional space will be required
over the next six and twenty years if the county is to offset that deficit and meet the
future growth. The information is summarized in Table Vl.6-3. Needs analysis and facility
planning was done in 1995 and 1996. The background information ahd analysis can be
uLu2r1å54e I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009) Capital I
found in "Update to Mason County Space Needs Analysis for inclusion in the Mason
County and Master Plan update, June 16, 1999."
TABLE V.6-l Summary of Administration Sites
Site Square Feet Acres
Shelton Campus 169,200 3.88
Memorial Hall 12,000 0.275
Extension Office Approx. 18,600
Fairqrounds Not reviewed 43
Belfair Public Works
Approx. 61,000 1.4
Public Works Camous
3'" & Pine Propertv 19,000 1.16
TABLE VI.6-2. Buildinqs and Space Allocations for Administrative Offices
Department or Office Area
lsouare feetl
Assessor 2.525 Buildinq I
Auditor 3,228 Buíldings l, Xl,
Central Operations 99 Building l, Vll
Clerk 1430 Courthouse
Communitv Development 2.121 Buildinqs l. lll
Cooperative Extension
2,377 Extension Office
Coroner 99 Buildinq Vl
Countv Commission 1.508 Buildino I
District Court 2,322 Courthouse, Building Vlll
Equipment, Rental and
Revolvino Fund (ER&R)
374 Buildings l, lX, lll, Public
Works Campus
Facilities & Grounds 757 Building lX, Courthouse,
3'd & Pine
Health Services 3,299 Buildinqs ll, lll, lV
Perm it Assistance Center 1,726 Buildinq lll
Probation Services 1,383 Buildinq Vlll
Prosecutor 3,535 Buildino Vll
Public Works Camous Public Works Campus
t, n? nc:-l-2s,ûo I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Public Works -
61,000 Belfair Shop
Sheriff 13,000 3'" & Pine Property,
Belfair Sub-Station
Superior Court 4.371 Courthouse, Buildinq Vl
Treasurer 2.157 Buildinq l. Courthouse
2007 Space Needs Update - Area Projections for primary space needs
Summary Sheetfor departments not included in new Mason County Shop facility
Department Current Projected
2007 need
2012 need
2017 need
Assessor 2,519 4,440 1,921 43%4,219 4,M0
Auditor 3,407 4,074 667 16%4,296 4,519
Treasurer 2,481 2,442 -39 0%1,999 1,998
Budget and Finance /
Risk Management
210 444 234 53%666 666
Human Resources 215 444 229 52%666 666
Facilities and Grounds 7,096 3,500 -3,590 0%5,500 6,500
Board of County
Commissionerc /
Central Operations
I,640 3,399 1,758 52%3,620 4,892
Glerk 1,2V7 3,508 2,231 64o/o 4,618 5,728
District Gourt 2,925 7,664 4,739 62Yo 8,774 13,162
Superior Gourt 5,090 12,400 7,310 59%16,600 21,200
Probation Services 4,745 4,608 -137 0%5,052 5,496
Juvenile Detention /
Alternatives to Detention
3,408 9,400 5,992 64%12,200 15,000
Sheriff 7,239 16,000 8,761 55To 18,000 20,000
Adult Detention /
Alternatives to Detention
19,315 55,000 35,685 65To 61,000 67,600
izll.094+*s"ç, i
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December9,2008, DecemberS 2009)
Prosecutor 3,533 4,468 935 21%4,690 5,406
Goroner 294 744 450 61%966 2,188
Community Development -
1,999 3,552 1,554 M%3,996 4,440
Community Development -
Permit Assistance Center
3,681 5,550 l,g6g 34%6,216 7,104
Gommunity Development -
Utilities and
Waste Management
635 1,554 919 59%2,664 3,330
Public Health Services 1,695 8,992 7,297 81%I I,656 14,098
Parks and Trails 1,094 1,554 460 30%1,776 1,998
WSU MC Extension 2,311 4,330 2,019 47Yo 4,774 5,218
Total +/- 76.808 158,066 +l- 81,258 +l-51%183,9¿215,648
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009) Capital I
Svstem Description
The Mason County Sheriff's Office provides police services including, patrol, traffic
enforcement, service of civil process, jail operation and investigative services to the
citizens in unincorporated Mason County. The Mason County Sheriff's Office currently
has a total of 98 employees. Of those, 47 are commissioned officers, 30 are jailers, and
21 are civilian employees
The Mason County Sheriff's Office currently serves 53,100 citizens covering an area of
961 square miles. The Mason County Sheriff's Office also covers over 900 miles of
shorelines, 622 miles of county roads and nearly I l5 miles of state highways.
The Mason County Sheriff's Office will be taking over primary responsibility for traffic law
enforcement and collision investigations on all county roads commencing July 1,2009.
Accordingly the Sheriff's Office received authorizationfor 2 new positions to be
dedicated to traffic enforcement on January 1, 2008 and two more on July 1, 2008,
providing for a total of 5 officers and a supervisor working traffic and investigating
Criminal Activity
The following table illustrates calls for service for the Mason County Sheriffs Office 2004
through 2007.
2004 190462005 221772006 200132007 200522008 19272
The following TABLE Vl.7-1 illustrates Mason County Crimes from 2003 through 2007.
Figures for 2008 not yet available at the time of this update.
tzaS;09rt-254s I
Masoñ County Comprehensive Plan
August,1998 - (updated December9,2008. DecemberS 2009)
TABLE Vl.7-1. Mason C Grime 2003 through 2007
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Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009)
Capital I
Traffic in Mason County2007 Traffic lnfractions issued by MCSO
Criminal Non Traffic issued by MCSO
Total Traffic Collisions responded to by MCSO
TotalTraffic Collisions investigated by MCSO
Washington State Patrol (WSP) maintains records for all citations and collisions within
Mason County. The Washington State Patrol has notified Sheriff Casey Salisbury that
they will no longer investigate non-injury collisions on County Roads starting July 1,
According to a Sheriffls Office analysis, the county for the county to take over the traffic
accident investigations on county roads with the associated enforcement component, at least
four deputies will be required. The Washington State Patrol cunently has nine troopers
assigned to Mason County. Approximately 40 percent of all of the collisions in the county
occur on county roads. Additionally, according to WSP statistics, they have been conducting
about 4000 contacts per year with nine troopers on county roads, which accounts for about
40 percent of the total WSP contacts in the entire county. This amount of contacts along with
the collisions investigated takes up over 40 percent of WSP's time.
ln 2006, there were 1,035 collisions in all of Mason County. Of those collisions, 383 resulted
in personal injuries. There were 15 fatalities with 5 of those fatalities occurring on County
Roads. A total of 307 collisions occuned on County Roads. From January 1,2007 to June
15,2007 , WSP has responded to a total of 102 collisions on County Roads. Between 1993
and 2003 Mason County had the 4h highest Drinking Driver lnvolved (DDl) death rate in the
state. Durlng the same time period Mason County had the 6h highest traffic fatality rate in the
Jail Facilities
The Mason County Jail opened in 1986 with a population capacity of 45 inmates. ln
1989, capacity was increased to 51 , and in 1991 it was increased to 58 beds with floor
space for 106. ln 1993 the average dally population (ADP) was 62. \n2004 the ADP
was at 95 - 1460/o over capacity.
The Direct Supervision Unit (DSU) opened on October 1, 2006, bringing the jail capacity
up to 128 inmates. ADP for 2005 was 1 1 1 , ADP for 2006 was 1 19 and ADP for 2007
was 113.7.
Strategic Plan
The Mason County Sheriff's Otfice has no current formalized strategic plan at this time;
however, the creation of a formal strategic plan is currently being considered.
Alternate Fu nding Sources
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)
Capital I
The Mason County Sheriff's Office continues to explore alternative funding sources
including Federal Homeland Security Grants, Justice Assistance Grants, and grants from
other federal, state, and private sources. Additionally the Mason County Sheriff's Office
is committed to forming community partnerships with public and private agencies to
more efficiently provide services and utilize facilities to maximum efficiency.
Overall Facility /Veeds
ln 2008, Foster and Williams conducted a space analysis to be incorporated in the
Mason County Comprehensive Plan. According to this analysis, the Sheriff's Office will
have a space deficit of 10,761by 2012. However, not reflected in that analysis is the
County's acquisition of a building located at 3'd & Pine in Shelton. lt is anticipated that
the Sheriff's Office will moving from its current location into the 3'd & Pine building
alleviating many of the department's spacing needs.
Space Allocation Criteria
Standard space allocations methods do not apply to all areas of the Sheriffs Office
because of the diverse functions found within the department such as training, locker
rooms, K-9 holding, briefing room, interview rooms, public receptions, fingerprinting,
criminal complaints, evidence processing and others. Space for many of the above
mission essentialfunctions does not exist. Please note that full time work stations are
not required for each patrolman. However, four to six work stations for patrol are
currently required.
Súorage Â/eeds
Ïhe most important need of the Sheriffs Office is that of evidence storage. Property
taken in by the Sheriff's Office, whether it's contraband, found property, stolen property,
or safekeeping is held in trust by the Sheriffls Office. Therefore the Sheriff is responsible
for its security, preservation, chain of custody as well as its return, sale or disposal in the
same condition it was when we acquired it according to law. Currently evidence is
stored in a vault in the basement of the courthouse, on the third floor of the courthouse
and in buildings and containers at the impound yard at the county shop. Space allotted
for evidence storage space is currently 2908 square feet. lt is estimated Sheriff's Office
evidence storage should be about 6000 square feet. This would allow for enough space
to properly store and process evidence and should take care of evidence storage needs
for at least the next 10 years. That space needs to include an 800 square ft space that
is heated and well lit for indoor vehicle processing. The evidence storage facility ideally
would be all in one location to eliminate the need for transportation to remote locations
for storage.
Additionally the Mason County Sheriff's Office must have covered storage for it's three
boats, two personal watercrafts, light armored vehicle, ATV, skid car and trailer along
with spare vehicles. Additional secure storage is needed for other training equipment,
tactical equipment and ordinance that is not routinely issued to officers and needs to be
in a secure location.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)
Capital I
Storage needs will continue to be revis¡ted and it is anticipated that the Sheriff's Office
move to the 3'd & Pine will address many of them.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December9,2008. DecemberS 2009)
Capital I
The Mason County District courts handled 11,195 cases in2QQ4, mostly infractions and
misdemeanors. Domestic violence and civil cases make up less than 13 percent of the
District Court caseload. Mason County Superior Court handled 2,541 cases in 2004,
with civil cases being the most common, followed by criminal act¡ons, domestic cases,
juvenile offender cases, and probate/guardianship cases, in that order. TABLE vt.7-2
summarizes the caseload for the two courts for the years 2002,2003, and 2004.
TABLE vl7-2 Mason County Gourt Gases
Case Type 2002 2003 2004
Mason Gounty District Court
lnfractions 4,213 5,591 6,574
Misdemeanors 2,278 2,990 3,192
Domestic violence 296 293 258
Civil cases 1,011 I,l39 1,171
Total 7,798 10,003 11,195
Mason Gounty Superior Gourt
Griminalactions 503 475 531
Civilactions 1,020 1,146 I,199
Domestic 322 337 368
Probate/quardianshio 212 185 192
Juvenile offender 261 214 251
Total 2,318 2,357 2,541
Source: State of Washington; Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Annual Caseload Report
Facilitv Needs
ln 1996, the Facilities Steering Committee and the Criminal Justice Working Team, working with
a consultant, assessed future County building needs. A report was issued jointly by the
Facilities Steering Committee and CriminalJustice Working Team in 1996, and updated in 1999
("Mason County Space Needs Analysis for inclusion in the Mason County Master Plan update,
June 16, 1999') which identified four capitalfacility projects. Space needs are not determined
by a simple set of standards but by a comprehensive approach to the criminaljustice systems
program needs. The projected cost of this plan and potential funding sources are incorporated
in the finance plan contained in Section Vl-10 of this chapter. A summary of space needs for
the next six-year and 2O-year planning periods can be located on Table Vl.6-3, in the previous
section V|.6.
t) n7 nQJt 1t ûa
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009) Capital Facilities
Svstem Description
Existing stormwater facilities in Mason County include both natural systems and built collection
and conveyance. Existing systems generally handle runoff from State and County Roads and
existing development. Run-off control is limited to new construction which is managed through
requirements in 1992 Ecology Stormwater Manual. More stringent control is proposed for the
Ce$€+rÅA{+yn-Urban Growth areas and the Hoodsport RuralActivity Center by implementing the
2005 Ecology Stormwater Manual and Low-lmpact Development techniques.
lncreases in the amount of residential and commercial impervious surfaces have increased
stormwater runoff in the county. ln addition, forestry practices, such as logging, and new road
construction, have also increase runoff and created sedimentation problems in a number of the
county's creeks and streams resulting in diminished water quality and loss of critical aquatic
habitat. Stormwater runoff, erosion, sedimentation, habitat loss and flooding problems will likely
continue in the County especially in the designated urban growth areas if strong control
measures are not implanted.
Mason County has adopted a Stormwater Management Ordinance (Mason County Code
Section 14.48). This ordinance adopts by reference the 1992 edition of the Washington State
Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual, with the exception of the Minimum
Requirements chapter, for use in designing best management practices (BMPs) for new
development and other improvements. The ordinance defines specific. minimum requirements
and other approval standards for development on all ranges of parcel sizes
The City of Shelton has prepared a Surface Water Drainage Utility Master Plan. Their master
plan identifies existing problems in the city and offers recommendations for improvements. The
city has scheduled improvements based on the existing master plan; the city intends to update
the plan before 2013.
The county is in the process of adopting stormwater plans for the Belfair/Allyn Urban Growth
Area, and the Hoodsport RuralActivity Center. A more general plan for the entire county is
expected to be developed in 2009. The specific plans and the more general countywide plan will
set the stage for the development of a utility that will implement programmatic and capital
improvement þrojects to manage strormwater. Activities willfocus on addressing flooding in the
county, improving the water quality in South Puget Sound and protecting critical aquatic habitat.
Strormwater programs and capital improvements will be lunched through direct developer
contributions as new development occurs; grants and loans; a dedicated portion of the Real
Estate Excise Tax (REET 2) collected by the county; and utility fees.
Facilitv Needs
Mason County continues the development of a comprehensive countywide Stormwater
Management Plan. This planning process focuses on a review of existing stormwater policies
and the County's stormwater regulations. ln addition, a review for regulatory consistency with
I) n2 nolLal,m)
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009) Capital Facilities
the County's Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) and Low lmpact Development (LlD) Standards will
be completed. The plan addresses changing state, federal, and regional regulatory
requirements. This includes the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Phase ll permit program of the Clean Water Act. This act controls water pollution by regulating
point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the state. Also, the plan will consider
implementation of the 2005-2007 Puget Sound Conservation Plan as well as consider the
adoption of the Department of Ecology (DOE) 2005 Stormwater Design Manual for Western
Washington in areas of the County beyond the designated Urban Growth Areas. The plan will
address evolving water quality needs affecting Hood Canal and South Puget Sound. Also the
plan will delineate program objectives and capital facility needs and identify funding sources to
implement required action elements.
The County will begin community environmental education and training activities in the Belfair,
Allyn, Shelton and Hoodsport areas. This program will expand to other areas of sensitive water
quality in 2009 I 2010 and continuing throughout the county in later years.
The identification of capital projects to address both regional strormwater problems and the
need to retrofit existing development will complete during the planning process. Strormwater
planning in the urban growth areas and water quality monitoring by the County's Environmental
Health Section have identified needed capital projects. These projects will be address from
revenues secured from grants provided by the state. Revenues generated by the utility will fund
future capital facilities.
Flooding problems in the Skokomish River watershed have been addressed in a
Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. This plan defines a total program of river
maintenance activities, valley creek maintenance measures, flood protection measures, and
flood warning and emergency response procedures
Mason County anticipates that the Skokomish River Watershed Comprehensive Flood Hazard
Management Plan will be completed and adopted in 2007.
t1n2 nott aa l)11tl.tt-r.lttffi
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009) Capital Facilities
ru Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet
Public Works
Project Name: Storm Water Facilities Development
Estimates: @Level
Description: Upqradino and construction of storm water faqiliti.es around the Countv will
provide treatment and proper control of storm water. reducinq the risk of property damage and
contamination in ourwatenvays. ln support of the new Storm Drainaqe Ordinances, Mason
County will continue community education and training in the Belfair. Allyn. Shelton and
Hoodsport areas. This proqram will expand to other areas of sensitive water quality continuinq
throuqhout the county in later years. The current Stormwater_Mqnagement Plans for Allyn,
Belfair and Hoodsport were adopted in 2007/2008. The Countywide Mason Countv Program
was adopted in 2009. The County will continue to expand the areas covered by the Storm Water
Utility until all County areas are adopted.
Upgrading and eenstruetien ef stormwater faeilities in the Gounty ts prsvide affeetive stermwater
Justifications: The criteria for development of storm water facilities will be driven by the
population and identified contamination of each area. The State of Washington has identified
several areas within Mason Count!¡ where contamination is affecting the water qualitv of our
bavs and lakes.
Stermwater planning has identified several areas within Masen Gesnty where eentaminatien is
Estimated Project Gosts
2010 2411 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Manaqement 22,000 8.000 55.000 55.000 55.000 55.000 250,00(
Proqram Desiqn
210,500 165,500 69,500 78,500 78.500 78,500 681,00(
Storm Water
Proiect Desiqn &
375.000 197,500 218,500 228.500 228.500 328.500 1.576.5(0
Total Cost:607,500 371,000 343,000 362,000 362,000 462.000 2.507.50
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998'- (updäted December 9, 2008-DeçCmÞgi8 ;?QQ9) Capital Facilities I
Fundino Sources:
ln House- REET 82 500 82,500 82,500 20 000 20.000 20,00q 307.5C
Utilitv Revenues 25.000 25,000 200,000 300.000 300,000 400J00 1.250,0C
Grants 500,000 250,000 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 950.0c
Total Fundinq:607.500 357,500 332.500 370,000,370.000 470.000 2,507,50
t1 n2 nô1 I )a l)ôrz.tr-t.1trffi
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)Capital Facilities I
$ 500.0CI0 New 1 Million $ grant
$250,000 New-_1¡nillip.¡ $.granl
"* Fquals = $ 750,000 New 1 million $ grant
Proiect #93
$50.000 - UnKß¡lgn sourcg at this time.
$50,000 - Unknown source at this time
$50.000 - Unknown source at this time.
$50,000 - Unknown source at this time.
@ I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)Capital Facilities I
ru Capital Facilities Plan Worksheet
tJt¡l¡t¡es & Vi/aste Management
Fund: Stormwater Utility
Project Name: Critical Habitat Rehabilitation
Estimates: Planning
Description: preservation and enhancement of critical aquatic habitat including purchase of
land or land conservation easement.
Justification: The loss of critical aquatic habitat can be attributed to poor stormwater
management. lmprovements to and enhancement of aquatic habitat along county creeks,
streams, and in Puget Sound estuaries and shorelines will increase fish and shellfish
Estimated Gosts fin thousands
2010 24fi 2012 2013 2014 20,15 TOTAL
Prelim Enoineerinq 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 10 40
Enoineerinq Desiqn
5 5 5 10.5 2.5 2.5 30.5
Construction/incl uding
accruino critical land
56.5 56.5 56.5 169.5
TOTAL GOST:l0 l0 l0 74.5 66.5 69 240
Fundinq Sources:
Grants/Loans 5 5 5 10 15 40
Real estate Excise
Tax (REET)
5 5 5
TOTAL FUNDING:10 t0 l0 74.5 66.5 69 240
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009)Capital Facilities
Mason County Public Works is responsible for engineering, construction, operation and
maintenance of approximately 640-miles of county roads. Currently staff are housed on the
Shelton campus, the Central Shop on Johns Prairie Road and the Belfair Shop.
Building 8, located on the Shelton campus, includes administrative services, accounting
services, environmentalservices, engineering and construction services and geographic
information services. The lnformation Services Section of Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund
(ER&R) is located a block away in Building 9. Road Maintenance and the Vehicle Maintenance
Section of ER&R share the Central Shop facility located on Johns Prairie Road approximately 3-
miles north of Shelton. A small maintenance crew is located at the satellite shop in Belfair to
service roads in North Mason County.
Public Works has outgrown the Shelton campus facilities. The buildings located at the central
shop are over S0-years old, overcrowded and inefficient. The vehicle maintenance shop lacks
several modern amenities like insulation, women's restroom and building ventilation systems. A
lack of sufficient storage facilities results in expensive road maintenance equipment being
stored outside in the elements.
As a result, Public Works proposes to develop a master plan and construct a multi-use facility to
house the entire department. This will result in better communication and coordination of the
various sections in the department. A shared multi-use facility will provide more efficient use of
space and county resources. The Belfair Shop, however, will continue to operate as a satellite
Financing the planned multi-use facility requires the use of grants, loans, and county road funds.
Project costs shown range in accuracy from + or - 40% to + or - 1ç%. Each project cost sheet
identifies the accuracy of the estimated costs shown, based on the followíng scale:
. "Planning Level" - The least accurate of costs estimates, in the range of + or - 40%. Cost
estimates at this level are usually based on a project concept and some assessment of
relative scale, or annual program amounts commensurate with a level of activity sufficient to
accomplish the intent of the program over time.
. "Design Report" - Moderate accuracy, in the range of + or -30o/o. Based on design report
evaluation of options and an assessment of project elements and associated costs.
. "Engineer's Estimate" - Most accurate estimate, in the range of + or -15o/o. These
estimates are based on a project design or significant completion of design work.
1t n2 nûfI a( Lata.tt-r.lttffi
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009) Capital Facilities
ru Facilities Plan Worksheet - Public Works
Project Name:
Gounty Road Fund and Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund
New Belfair Shop
Planning Level
Description. The Shop will include a work staging area, vehicle maintenance bay, crews
lunch/meeting room, restrooms & shower facilities, offices, vehicle and equipment storage and
materials storage.
residential neighborhood adjacent to Hood Canal and does not have it's own water source. The
Shop is hooked up to the neighbor's well. Concerns have been expressed about the proximity of
the material storage to the Canal. The site is woefully inadequate for the road maintenance
services being provided to the north end of the County. The land trade for the North Mason
School District's Sand Hill properf¡ was concluded in March of 2009, so there will be no capital
outlay for thç-land and the shop will be in a much more appropriate location.
lf the land trade negstiatisns are suceessfult there weuld be no capital eutlay fer the land and
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
ru Facilities Plan Worksheet - Public Works
Fund:County Road Fund and Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund
Project Name: Satellite Maintenance Yard Development
Estimates:Planning Level
Description: Public Works will be developing selected sites at various locations across the
County to better serve the requirements of maintenance activitieS such as: clearing and grading,
installing wells and water systems, installing electric power to support site services, constructing
equipmenUmaterials storage buildings and facilities, paving storage sites and developing roads
on the properties. Acquisition of individual properties will supplement existing property holdings
to provide for uses such as sites for stormwater treatment facilities and disposal sites for ditch
spoils and slide materials from maintenance or construction excavations.
Justifications: The changing mandates and requirements of road maintenance necessitate the
expansion / upgrade of certain facilities, while the need to develop stormwater detention
facilities and ditch spoil disposal sites require the purchase of property in specific locations.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009) Capital Facilities
Fund: County Road Fund and Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund
Project Name: Pole Barn Structure at Shelton-Matlock Road Site
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: The County Road Fund owns property on Shelton-Matlock Road that is currently
used as a fenced materials and equipment storage yard. The construction of a Pole Barn type
Structure on this site will help to facilitate the efficient deployment of crews and equipment to the
south end of the County, particularly during snow and ice conditions. The price below reflects a
fully enclosed metal structure.
Justifications: Currently crews assigned to maintain, plow and de-ice the south portion of the
County must go to the Central Shop to get the equipment needed to respond. When doing
scheduled maintenance in the south end, the crews end up using valuable working time
traveling to and from the Central Shop transporting heavy equipment, vehicles, tools and
materials needed for their work. One of the Public Work's long range goals is the placement of
satellite maintenance yards in several locations in the county to improve response and
Estimated Project Costs
2410 2011 2012 2Q13 2014 2015 Total
Enoineerino 7.500 7 500 15,000
Site Prep &
Utilities 10,000 10.000 20,000
Ënoineerino 1,000 1.000 2,000
Construction 57.500 57 500 1 15,000
Total Costs:76,000 76.000 r52.000
ln House
16-000 76,000 152,000
lotal Fundinq:76,000 76,000 ,,_J_52,000
120J.094-HW I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
Prejeet Name: New Publie Werks traeitrity and Vehiele Maintenanee Shop
Seeurity's aeeess restrietien standards and the infrastrueture is not reliable enough te serve as
the Geunty's Ëmergeney Operatiens-Genter,
Uiilities/ Well
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)ceprtclleerlle. I
This section discusses Mason County capitalfacilities needs and related funding sources. As
required under the Growth Management Act (GMA) a six-year finance plan has been prepared
for the years Zgg$ælgto at leaðt the year æ4+201L foithose facilities currently, or to be, I
owned and operated by the County.
The following facilities are included in the financial planning:
. Water and Wastewater Systems
(Appendix C)
. Solid Waste Management Facilities
. Gounty Administrative and Law Enforcement Buildings
. Public Works Facilities
. Parks and Recreation
Only County owned and operated facilities, except for the community-based wastewater
systems for rural activity centers, are included in the finance analysis. Several alternatives have
been suggested to deal with the problem of providing water and wastewater service in areas
outside the existing utility service area in which growth is forecast. The service area for the solid
waste utility is county-wide.
The finance plan identifies reasonably reliable funding sources, and forecasts revenue and
expenses to at least the year æ44U3. Funding var¡es depending on the facility. The different I
financing methods, public or private, could have significant implications on the cost of utility
service. Potential funding sources that could be used to fund unanticipated needs and shortfalls
are also discussed.
Financial lmpact Overuiew
The financial impact for capitalfacility improvements have been analyzedfor the six year
planning period. lnformation on transportation can be found in the Transportation Chapter. A
summary of the six year improvement costs, revenues and financing is listed in Table 10-1. The
Table displays the cost by capitalfacility category. The total of improvement costs and
expenditures is
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009) Capital Facilities
Tnele l0-1
Courury Owrueo nruo Opemreo Cnplrll Flc¡¡-lty
lmpRoveue¡¡r & FrHa¡¡ce Cosrs
Yenns 2009-2S4420 I 0-20 1 5
(rr.¡ rse rxouseHosl
Capital Facility Category lmprovement
Expenditures Finance/Revenues
Water & Wastewater Systems 3aJÆ4ßß4 W esJeaa3.faa' -----''t-----
Solid Waste Management 1,310 1,310 1 ,310
Stormwater Facilities wæ?2J4þ w5e22J48 &Æ+22.148
Public Works Facilities 4'57€!20 4#76826 ffi826
Parks & Recreation +q6æ19É99 1q6ælg€9e 4&6æ10.698
Total ç14#+759-W $444eæ"W 9141,117 59,826,--T-
!r.t3.091-t 25-s9 I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009) Capital Facilities
Water and Wastewater Svstems
The County owns and operates water utilities in the Belfair and Rustlewood areas. The County
also operates water treatment facilities for Rustlewood and Beard's Cove. There is no expected
expansion in any of the service utility areas with the exception fo¡ the Belfair sewer. A 20 year
plan has been developed for sewer expansion to serve the entire Belfair Urban Growth Area. A
financial plan and rate structure has been developed to accommodate this growth. The Belfair
Sewer Finance and Rate Forecast, Facility Expansion Map, and Phasing Program Map are
incorporated into this Chapter as Appendix A.
Facility worksheets provided in Section Vl.4 summarize the planned water supply and sewer
system capital improvements over the next six years.
Solld Waste
Facility Worksheets provided in Section Vl.4-present revenue sources and expenditure levels for
Mason County solid waste services from W.
Municipal Buildinss and Law Enforcement Facilities
Any necessary or proposed improvements to municipal buildings and law enforcement facilities areprovidedintheworksheetsinSectionVl-7foryearSW.
Parks and Recreation
The County has identified over the six year period large number of park and recreation improvements.
The projects include improvements to existing parks and boat. The total cost for these improvements
are expected to be approximately $t 0.6 million (see Section Vl-S).
Stormwater Management
Mason County created a stormwater utility in 2008. The initial emphasis for Stormwater
management will be placed on the Belfair/Allyn area. The utility outlines future expansion to
other areas of the County with the whole county being included within the boundaries fo the
utility by 2013. the County also adopted the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Drainage
Manual and Low lmpact Development Standards which will be enforced in the Belfair and Allyn
UGAs first with the entire county being subjected to the requirements as water quality
monitoring dictates. The following tables outline expected Capital projects in the stormwaterutilityin@ I
t1 n} nñlt aE n^lZ.UJ.UYffi,
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
Fr¡¡nrucrAl AND Rnre Fonecnsr - July 8, 2008
The purpose of this document is to provide a current financial forecast for the Belfair sewer
project, to support the County's efforts to receive GMA approval for the project.
A financial forecast was prepared with the Wastewater Management Plan. Since completion
of that document there have been significant changes to financial assumptions including
additional service areas, updated capital costs, and additional secured grants.
The County has existing sewer utilities with policies in place to support fiscally and financially
prudent operation of those entities. This forecast presents a rate forecast that modifies some
of those policy assumptions where it may bring the rate closer to an "affordable" range.
Doing so may bring on financial risk, and so two forecast scenarios are presented here: a
"conservative" scenario and an "affordability" scenario. ln the conservative scenario, the
County's current policies continue to be used in the Belfair area.ln the affordability scenario,
the County uses all policy options to make the rates as affordable as possible in the initial
Data Sources and Assumptions
The capital financing analysis uses capital costs, project timing, and capital inflation rate as
projected and provided by CH2M Hill. Also províded were existing ERUs and new annual
connections, projected O&M costs and estimated timing of capital spending. Each set of data
was provided for four different phases including 1. lnitial Connection (this is the Core Service
area evaluated in the Master Plan), 2. Old Belfair Hwy Connection, 3. New Kirk Road
Connection and 4. Southern Connection.
At the time of the forecast presented in the Master Plan, the County had secured $16 million
in grants and $2.4 million in state loans (SRF). The County has since secured a total of $24
million in grants and has $3 million of state loans available.
The forecast period includes 2008 through 2025. However, actual 2007 costs are included in
the summary and financing analysis in order to consider total costs and total resources for
the project.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998-- (updated December 9, 2008-Deçemþet9læOg Capital Facilities
Capital Costs
The following table shows the capital costs, both in current dollars as well as inflated atSo/o
annually to the year of projected spending. Capital costs are scheduled to be complete
before the first year of operation for each of the service areas.
Table l. Gapital Gost Data
2007 2008 2009 201
cap¡tal costs (2008 $)
lnitial Connection
Old Belfair Hwy Connection
New Kirk Road Connection
Southem Cornection
Escalated Capital Costs
$780.000 $4.500.000 $ 12.720,000 $ 20.000.000
s1,592,511 I $1.183,057 $
$ 38,000,000
$ 53,644,328
$ 73,164,570$780,000 $4,500,000 $13,737,600 $23.328,000 I $7,593,194 $6,486.825 $1,850,930 $7,121,775 $3,713,'16'1 I $4,053,085 $
The capital costs for the lnitial Connection are projected 2007 through 2010, wíth year 1 of
operation, 2011. Thís includes treatment plant costs for enough capacity to serve the four
identified serv¡ce areas (at the projected rate of growth), as well as the infrastructure planned
to serve the lnitial Connection service area.
Capital costs to build infrastructure to connect customers in the Old Belfair Hwy Connection
are planned for 2014 through 2016 with first year of operation targeted for 2017 .
The New Kirk Road connection is projected to begin service in 2020 with capital spending in
the two years preceding, and the Southern Connection in 2025 after infrastructure is built in
Gustomer Base
The customer base is defined in Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs), and it is projected to
grow at 5o/o annually. The Sewer Master Plan completed in 2007 forecasted growth at about
9% annually, though, the financial projections in that plan also used the more conseruative
rate of 5% annually.
The customer base is defined with two types of service connections: existing and new. The
analysis distinguishes between developed properties with exísting permitted septic systems
(as of Jan 1 2008) and new connections since the sewer project has begun.
The following table summarizes the annual ERU projection used in the forecast.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)Capital Facilities
Table 2. ERU and Grovyth Summary
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2022 2023 2024
ln¡tial Connect¡on
Old Belfa¡r Hwy Connect¡on
Newk¡¡k Road Connection
Southem Connect¡on
1,247 1,345
Operations and Maintenance
Operations and Maintenance costs were provided in current dollars for the first year of
operation for each service area. For rate projections, annual O&M costs are escalated at 3%
annually. The rate forecast separately calculates excise taxes on projected rate revenue,
which are added to these O&M costs for rate projection calculations.
Table 3. Operations and Maintenance Projection
958 1,006 1,056 1,109 1,164 1,223
270 290 310 330 350 370
19 49 79 109 139 16S
648 681 715
2012 2013 201820142015 201 I
Annual O&M
ln¡tia¡ Connect¡on
Old Belfair Hwy Connection
New Kirk Road Connection
Southem Connection
Escalated Annual O&M
$341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $341,80l tr4t,UOl tr3l:333 $341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $34.1,800 $341,80097,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,00035,890 35,890 35,890 35,890 35,890 35,890-----------.---10,670
$341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $341,800 $341,800 S341,800 $438,800 $438,800 $438,800 $474,690 $474,690 $474,690 $474,690 $474$90 $4S5360
$373,494 $384,699 $396,240 5408,127 $420,371 64g2,g82 $572,534 $5S9,711 $607,402 $676,794 $697,098 $71S,011 $739,s52 5761,ßA 8802,226
$ 34'1,800
The lnitial Connection begins 2011 with $341,800 of O&M, escalated from 2008 to $373,494.
ln year 2025 when the fourth serv¡ce area begins receiving service, escalated O&M costs
total $802,226.
Gapital Facilities Charge - GFC (conversion/connection charges)
Calculatíon of a connection charge for the Belfair sewering project considers total project
costs, 2025 customer base, secured grants toward fundíng the identified capital costs and
reduction of unit costs to customers paying a ULID to fund a portion of their capital costs.
Separate charges are calculated for conversions (existing development) and new
development. ln order to distinguish the separate charges, the connection charge for existing
development is referred to as a "conversion charge," while the charge for new development
continues to be referred to as a "connection charge."
The charges are calculated as three separate components of the total. One reason is so that
if a developer chooses to build and finance particular infrastructure ahead of the County
doing so, there is a clear dollar amount per ERU of credits that they may receive toward their
connection charge, based on the type of project they are building and for how many ERU
units. Another is to properly reflect the Old Belfair Hwy Connection ULID contribution and
adjust their connection.charge accordingly. And finally, it is done to provide an opportunity
for existing development (as defined in the ERU section) to benefit from available grants
toward reduction of their treatment unit cost.
The total unit cost before adjustments is about $30,000 per ERU (using the number of ERUs
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
projected in 2025).
The ULID-funded projects (in the Old Belfair Hwy Connection service area) are then
deducted from the cost total. The ERU basis is also adjusted to recognize ERUs served by
the ULI D-funded projects.
The number of ERUs served by the identified treatment costs through 2025 total 1,783.
ERUs served by the trunk and collection costs after removing the Old Belfair Hwy Connection
portion total 1 ,413.
Capital Financing
As discussed in the Master Plan, utility formation requires consideration of unique cash flow
constraints. An existing utility has an existing revenue stream and some level of cash
reserves to support capital financing and debt repayment. ln the case of a new utility, capital
costs will be incurred preceding a revenue stream from a rate-paying customer base. Even
use of grant funds requires approximately 60 days of financing since funds are dispersed on
a reimbursement basis. The capital financing analysis developed for this rate projection uses
a mix of the County's funding and financing options to complete 2007 through 2010 capital
spending preceding connection of customer base.
The capital financing analysis considers use of the lowest cost funding options first and
balances the totalfinancing need with those that have a greater rate impact. The financing
priority is as follows; 1. Secured grants (CTED), 2. Secured state loans (SRF), 3.
Accumulated cash reserves [from CFCs or projected Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funds]
and 4. Revenue bonds.
An exception to this priority list is that the County is planning to fund the Old Belfair Hwy
Connection trunk and collection line costs with a ULID. The County would borrow funds to
finance those costs, and they would be repaid through property assessments within the
service area boundary.
ln order to have funds available to finance the first 60 days of grant use, a combination of
SRF and grant use is projected to fund capital costs for each of the four years of capital
spending. Because SRF repayment begins the fiscal year after the first draw, debt service
obligations are projected begin ahead of year one of operation and therefore require another
County resource for repayment. The County has pledged $200,000 annually of REET
monies from the General Fund beginning in 2009 to help fund the project. These funds allow
the County to make SRF payments that are due ahead of the 2011 first year of operation.
Without the REET funds, the County would not be able to utilize all lowest cost financing
options first, but rather would need to issue revenue bonds and capitalize the interest for the
period preceding utility revenue collection.
Revenue bonds are needed to balance the net financing need after use of all available
grants, state loans and any available cash reserves. Revenue bonds not only affect rates
through debt repayment obligation, but also carry a security requirement, bond coverage.
Bond coverage defines an annual minimum level of revenue the utility must collect. The
coverage factor is a factor applied to the utility's revenue bond payment in each year of
f ) n2 nol l laJ)t)
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009) Capital Facilities
repayment. lt requires revenues be sufficient to make the bond repayment as well as an
additional percentage of that amount. For example a bond coverage factor of 1.25 requires
that rate revenue (along wíth any other eligible revenues) be sufficient to fund annual
operating and maintenance expenses plus 125o/o of the revenue bond payment. Coverage
will be discussed further with the rate projections.
The following table summarizes planned annual financing of the capital costs for this project.
Table 4. Projected Annual Capital Funding Plan
Capital Costs (2008 $)
Projected Cap¡tãl Fund¡ng Need
SRF Loans
Capital Reservês (CFC Rev, etc)
Revenue Bonds
Short-tem F¡nancing
Total Funding
$780,000 $4,500,000
$ 4.500.000
$7,593,194 $6,486,825 $1,850,930
$7,593,194 $6,486,825 $ 1,850,930
$7,12',t,775 $3,713,16r
1,487,387 1,069,338
5,634,388 2,U3,823_:
s7,121,775 $3,713,161
$ 13,737,600
-__ '-'---.-.:
$ 23,328,000
7,1 16,365
$ 23,328,000
$ 4,053,085
$ 4,053,085
$ 73,1 64,570
$ 15,930,949
$ 73,164,571
'Old Beffa¡r HW Connect¡on ællect¡a
The County is planning on a ULID to fínance the Old Belfair Hwy Connection infrastructure
costs, planned for 2014 through 2016, totaling $9,570,000 in current dollars and $15,930,949
in projected future dollars. The County would issue debt for the projected $16 million total
and repayment would occur through annual assessment revenue collected from the Old
Belfair Hwy Connection properties.
Secured grant funds are used from 2007 through 2010, totaling $24 million. SRF loan
proceeds are projected to. be spent from 2008 through 2010. The balance of capital fínancing
needed forthe lnitial Connection period is $15,312,100. This consísts of a projected $11.8
million in conventional municipal revenue bonds and $3.5 million of short-term financing.
The purpose of the short-term financing is to allow the County to use CFC revenue from
conversions and new connections in 2011 to reduce the rate burden from debt repayment.
Based on results of the connection charge analysis, an expected $4.1 million of CFC revenue
is anticipated to be collected in 201 1. Of that, $400,000 is planned to support existing annual
debt service obligations, leaving $3.7 million available for project costs. Since capital
financing is completed before customers connect, it is assumed the County could secure
short-term financing for what could be repaid with the net available 2011 CFC revenue. This
reduces the debt repayment obligation from rates.
On July 5, 2008, the 2-year municipal bond yield was 2.75o/o. Assuming this interest rate and
a 0.5% issuance cost, the County could realize debt reduction of $3.5 million by using the
$3.7 million o12011 CFC revenue.
The following table shows a summary of total costs to finance and total resources used.
Table 5. Summary of Gapital Financing 2007-2025 - Affordable Scenario
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December 8 2009) Capital Facilities
Total Costs Current $
TotalCosts Escalated
TotalState Loans
Total CFCs, other reserves
Total Revenue Bonds
$ 53,644,328
$ 73,164,570
$ 24,000,000
The above capitalfinancing summary represents a rate scenario in which some level of
available capital funds are used directly for debt repayment for rate relief, rather than
reserved and available for cash-funding capital. The most conservative scenario does not
consider capital revenues for debt repayment (with the exception of the short-term financing).
They are reserved in the Capital Fund and used to cash-fund future projects, which would
reduce the need for future revenue bonds.
The following table shows the capital financing summary for the more conservative forecast,
in which capital revenues are not utilized for debt repayment and are reserved in the Capital
Fund to cash-fund future projects.
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009)Capital Facilities
Table 6. Summary of Cap¡tal Financing 2007-2025 - Conservat¡ve Scenario
Total Costs Current $
TotalCosts Escalated
TotalState Loans
Total CFCs, other reserves
Total Revenue Bonds
$ 53,644,328
$ 73,164,570
$ 24,000,000
$ 73,164,570
The result is that no additional revenue bond borrowing is required after the lnitial Connection
financing and $15 million of capital reserves fund the remainder of projected capital costs
(with the exception of the ULID).
There are four types of revenue considered to meet annual cash obligations. These include
revenue from rates, interest earnings on the operating fund, and use of REET funds and CFC
revenue toward debt repayment. In order to provide the greatest level of rate relief, a
scenario is provided that uses 100o/o of REET funds and $400,000 per year of CFC revenue
(which represents about 70o/o of total CFC revenue initially, going to under 20%by 2025)
toward annual debt repayment. The conservative alternative ís that REET funds are used
only for debt repayment that precedes utility operation. ln the remainder of the forecast,
REET funds are reserved for cash-funding future capital. CFC revenue is also reserved for
cash-funding future capital rather than supporting annual debt repayment obligations.
REET funds and CFC revenue are also consídered in the coverage calculation. The
County's bond counsel has indicated that dedicated REET funds would be an eligible
revenue for the coverage calculation and that the County could specifically write them in to a
bond covenant as an eligible revenue source. The risk is the potential that the County will not
collect sufficient REET funds to make the full $200,000 support to the utility in a given year.
Similarly, due to the variable nature of revenue collection from CFCs, which are also subject
to economic conditions, there is risk associated with including CFCs in the coverage
calculation as eligible revenue. Typically, coverage is tested at a higher factor when
including CFCs.
The two scenarios vary in coverage calculation in that the conservative scenario tests
'coverage at a 1.25 factor and excludes REET funds and CFCs as eligible revenues and the
scenario that targets affordability includes REET funds and75o/o (an element of conservatism
within this scenario) of annual CFC revenue, though tests at a higher coverage factor of 1.50
The higher rate revenue need of the total cash and total coverage obligations becomes the
basis for setting rates. Coverage is the driving factor in most years before the second service
area begins operation. The total rate obligation, divided by the total ERUs in each year
results in a monthly unit cost per ERU. Because this amount varies annually and typically
trends down with ERU growth, operating reserves are managed to set a single rate for
Mason County Comprehensive plan
December 9,tal Facilities
periods within the forecast.
Sewer Connection Zone Characterization
I nitial Connection Zone:
The area consists of scattered residential and the "core" commercial corridor for the Belfair
community. A majority of the commercial development is underutilized because of little organized
infrastructure, especially sewers. The area is the most problematic for the contribution of-pollutants to
Hood Canal. The County has secured funds to construct a collection system and a Membrane
BioReactor (MBR) treatment facility to serve the area along State Rouie # 3 which transverses the
length of Belfair. Following the construction and commissioning of the NBR treatment plant all
properties within 500 feet of the initial sewers lines will be required to connect to the Belfair sewer
system. All on-site expenses incurred for connection will be borne by the property owner. Once
connection occurs a monthly utility rate will be collected from each property.
Old Belfair Highway Connection:
The area is a larger urban density residential community north of the Belfair "core" commercial
corridor. Many of the owner occupied structures are pre-and early posts World War ll stock. The
structures use on-site systems as their method of sewage disposal, Because of older on-site systems,
denser development patterns and high ground water tables the area likely contributing nitrates and
fecal contamination to the canal. The area ís low-to moderate income and financing lãrge sewer
improvements will be difficult without Federal and state assistance. The county willielay on grants
and loans and County supported Utility Local lmprovement Districts (ULID) to develop éeweis in the
Newkirk Road Connection Zone:
The area, is divided into two sectors. The area to the north is vacant, larger parcels held by four
developers. lt is planned and zoned for commercial and industrial development. The areaio the
south is comprised of vacant properties still in large parcels with a single owner. The land is planned
and zoned for higher destiny residential development. There is current demand for the development of
the northern area. The development of the sewer collection system to serve the northern area will
occur as the MBR plant is developed at developer expense. The southern area will remain in large
tracts until near the end of the UGA planning period.
Southern Connection:
The area is the most difficult to develop because of environmental constraints. There is some
scattered low-density residential development but most of the land remains in large undeveloped
tracts. Portions of the area will be impacted by the development of the Belfair by-þass. The properties
will remain vacant until the later years of the planning period.
t a At ^^1T ¿,UJ.U'ffi'
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009)Capital Facilities
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009) Capital Facilities
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
Ausust, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008, December I 2009) Capital F99!!!!9q
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
Ausust, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December I 2009) Capital Facilities
* these costs are from Facility Plan Supplemental lnformation Transmission to Belfair Facility
Items of Work and Material
UGA Gravity Sewer Collection System
B" Gravity Sewer Pipe 0-6 Feet Deep
8" Gravity Sewer Pipe 6-9 Feet Deep
B" Gravity Sewer Pipe 9-12 Feet Deep
l0" Gravity Sewer Pipe 0-6 Feet Deep
15" Gravity Sewer Pipe 9-12 Feet Deep
lS" Gravity Sewer Pipe 6-9 Feet Deep
48" STD Precast Manhole
Sanitary Sewer Service Connection
Pump Station
Electrical Service to Pump Station
Pump Station Mechanical Equipment
Chemical Feed/ Electrical Building
Odor Control
Electrical Equipment
Site Work and Landscaping
Erosion Control
Valved and Vault
Meter and Vault
6" Forcemain
Grinder Pump
3" Forcemain
48" STD Precast Manhole
RR Crossing
Unit Unit Price Contingency 20%
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
Ausust, 1SSA - (upOäted December 9, 2008. December I 2009) Capital Facilities'- |
Appendix C
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
Auqust, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008. December 8 2009)Capital Facilities
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998-- (updäted December 9, 2008, DpcemÞgl:9 2009) Capital Facilities I
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998-- (updated December 9, 2008,-.,DCçcmþCr 8 ;?999) Capital Facilities
Mason County Comprehensive Plan
August, 1998 - (updated December 9, 2008*_QCCCrnþefå2909 Capital Facilities