HomeMy WebLinkAbout51-09 - Res. Declaration of Surplus Property and Approval of SaleREsoLUrroNNo. 5l'(X DECLARATION OF STJRPLUS PROPERTY AND APPROVAL OF SALE WHEREAS, Mason County owns the following described real properly located on State Route 102: A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 20 North, Range 4 West W.M., Tax Parcel 42003 41 60010, more particularly described in the attached Exhibits I andZ. WHEREAS, the State of Washington has oflered to purchase the properly at a price of $2,350.00, as determined by a recent appraisal; and WHEREAS, Mason County issued public notice regarding the declaration of this propeúy as surplus and its intent to sell it for two consecutive weels in anewspaper of general circulation within Mason County; and WIIEREAS, the Mason County Board of Commissioners, on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, held a public hearing during which members of the public were able to testify before the Mason County Board of Commissioners regarding the propefy, the proposed declaration of surplus and its sale. NO\il, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of Commissioners that the real property described in Extribits I andZ, attached hereto, be declared surplus property; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED ,lhat asale of said properly to the State of Washington at a price of $2,350.00 is approved. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, V/ASHINGTON G SAÅ4-_ DATEDthis 4Ê aay of J'¡.¡ t¿-v- ,2009. AS TO FORM: Assessor Auditor Engineer Goudy, Clerk Tim Sheldon, Chair EXHIBIT 1 ¡s gJ tr*g¡, .Fri)II I f, È r fI.$ iaal p¡ole¡ty: â trnot ot l¡nd tn tho dEi of th3 l{Ea of thi Sg: o.f EiBotlc: 3.bw¡¡El¡ g0 fls¡th. 8sn¿¡ { ¡Ter¡ t.. l'. uhtı¡ traot 11èr baft,oeu .o.';¡¡r.Ê'ht-öl-rrsy l1na of tño usn Ai¡'¡o¡t Àsoin¡ loqö ÃÀd ths gouth t'trbù-ot-way ].!qa of t!ô ôÞqtdonóit tror¡fo! of Ebs gh€lton to '&¡rlosk 8þ¡¡¡ùy tDad; DrrË Nortü 11¡6 of the trÀoÈ hsr¡1¡ oonvcyÂd bðlnp.¡arallol te-osd 6o foÊt áouüt¡ or tba ll¡le bÉÎf,oon rho-llå enù 5Êgt ÊÍoro6B{d 56otlo¡ 5 snd t¡c E¡rt l[ns bclnr tha lJ.r¡¡-bqEeïiıosllo¡Ë ¿ &, g o! ¡forosali[ tffþÉbltt ¡qô lenFo¡ t1l8 trûlt t¡e¡Ë!¡bol!! tleocrlbod bofuip trt¡nFula¡ t¡r-¡¡s¡a snô ós¡tslr¡iif o.Eô'ðot6a d¡ìG or ¡!sr; ' ¡lL t1tr¡Àt! la.!bo Courty of tJ*lor qa.t 8iôtê o¡ l'uatrta¡ton. Ibtrd thÊ l?tbðE o! lanuıry Lf{* ,i. ;,. ttT¡{E oF I'l¡lg.f3¡cßotí, tor¡¡ty of Jlr¡ig , Ìlors¡y ?ubllo f¡¡ ãrü, toa tl:o. Etnto ot lloelg¡p¡p¡, rôilttlnf åt Såúttlg io beraby o!¡tlfy ùlat op'talg J.Xü-äsy of-J¡g[¡-;lo.!¡å, ¡*r*i*lly ¡l¡p8D¡s¡l þéforê !a_- . [vl¡t ä. :fo:ıt. - ¡o ¡o t¡o¡r¡ ïo be Ehs L¡dfrrl$ual,, dc¡crlbað lE,ád lrhô'¡seoLts¡¡ î¡o "ltb:tn lnstrg!68! 6nit. 6ok!ÐlûitF.od ttst-_:¡g_åg¡cd ¡uil ¡eÃlsal tùc saEo ðð- ILl¡ - f¡is ud,,volu¿tEr? ûot ¡¡¡ Ocud' fð¡ tho t¡!ês snal ¡r¡c!¡rgsr¡ åûrÈln asnÊlonsal;. I: EA. , ' f¡rlPtl l¡¡¡DEß 16r AüÐ ¡¡rD olTÍctrÁL Ei^I tbtr_ 121,h . dal of -.' ':.TsBi" - . *, r!j9-.""'' .:- lJâltloFtôn¡ rôBlrU¡F 6t graÊtlô Tur. Ë4 r¡',rö{t ;&tt Pr¡ÞLlo la û[0 tg] ths Stsüe of C\ b m :trX LU ; 8 {. B ¡ o { t 5 * td t_-__....-sTA 121+37.A9 3A' LT- FOUND 4. CONC. MON. WTH COPPER PIN NOïEi 1) R!6HT OF WAY PËR SR ioz WASH'NGTOA' CORRECTTONSW,ö.t'. cENTER ro sR tot, ÐATED DEc. 20, 2Ð02 HUNTERS FATúILY FARM LINE TABLE UNE LENCTH BEAF'NG L1 60.4 s o12a\s" ut L2 ¡J5.23 s ü'?a\s" 1,tt LJ 270.74 N ã3'21'22- W L4 75.O9 tu .iq?q51" tÀ t5 62-92 .s 77'45'19'E L6 248.70 c P7't?'?Ã' SÉCROI, ¿ fc¡lî,rs¡rlP 20 CURVE TAELE CURW IFN67H RÄD'US DELTA c1 263.79 841-9t 17'57'01' EA.Ð ft ep aretrD 8t ¿€__ &ÅFr 8n & ÆROvlÐ glj-. ut cDr* Rof üñi PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAYTYflTAClIlCnffif n¡&.t€ scJtåt"4oa'PÊf¡rîcï No- I or^wNc ntE ^rÁt¡¿' I ¿ 9'1EFT a¿lf6-'r4t lô.laÌ¿f-çlrÊv-Fxnal I I