HomeMy WebLinkAbout48-09 - Ord. Interim Zoning for Limited AreaORDTNANCE NUMBER 4À - 09 INTERIM ZONING FOR LIMITED AREA ORDINANCE assigning interim zoning to unzoned areas within County jurisdiction. WHEREAS, under RCW 36.704.390, the County has authority to adopt interim zoning; and WHEREAS, Mason County's current Development Areas Map Panel 8 of 10 represents an area of the County that includes the Shelton Urban Growth Area as one zoning district as we[[ as the zoning districts for the surrounding rural areas; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2008 Mason County adopted the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) Future Land Use map (Ord. No. 11-08) designating zoning districts and a new urban growth boundary; and WHEREAS, the Shelton UGA Future Land Use map boundary excludes approximately 250 acres of existing properties within the UGA to become part of the County's rural area; and WHEREAS, those properties being excluded from the Shetton UGA are without rural zoning; and WHEREAS, interim zoning was setected foltowing the criteria in the Mason County Comprehensive Ptan Chapter lll-3 Rurat Lands Residential Policies RU 520 through RU 522; and WHEREAS, the interim zgning shall stay in effect until such time as the Future Land Use map is amended and formal zoning is adopted or until June 2, 2010, whichever is eartier; and WHEREAS, based upon the staff report, the proposed interim zoning map, and pubtic testimony, the Mason County Board of Commissioners approves the findings of fact to support its decision as ATTACHMENT A. NOW THEREFORE, BE lT HEREBY ORDAINED, the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS the new interim zoning as described by ATTACHMENT B. DATED tri¡s Z"d day of June , 2oog Board of Commissioners Mason County, Washington BOARD OF COUNTY COA,\AAISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Goudy, Clerk Ring Erickson ATTACHMENT A MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINDINGS OF FACT 1. INTERIM ZONING FOR LIMITED AREA OF COUNTY JURISDICTION June 2,2009 On January 15, 2008 Mason County adopted into its Comprehensive Ptan the Shetton Urban Growth Area (UGA) Future Land Use map (Ord. No. 11-08) designating zoning districts and a new urban growth boundary. On June 2,2009 Mason County adopted devetopment regulations and a zoning map for the Shelton UGA consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Shetton UGA Future Land Use map putting the new urban growth boundary into effect. The new effective Shetton UGA boundary exctudes approximatety 250 acres previously within the UGA and now part of the County's rural area without rural zoning. Under RCW 37.704.390 the County has authority to adopt interim zoning to resolve instances such as this while altowing time to formally adopt zoning. lnterim zoning for the unzoned areas was setected foltowing the criteria in the Mason County Comprehensive Plan Chapter lll-3 Rural Lands Residential Policies RU 520 through RU 522. lnterim zoning shall stay in effect until such time as the Mason County Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use map is amended and formal zoning is adopted OR untit June 2, 2010, whichever is earlier. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mason County Board of Commissioners ul40t Date Tim Shetdon, Chair Proposed Mason County DevelopmentAreas Map Panel 8 of 10 Map produced by: Mason County GIS Department Project fìle nameiDevelopment_Areas_Panel_8_1'l x1 7.mxd Publication Date: 512 1 12009 Map created w¡th Æccls 9.3 Zoning ¡nformat¡on from the Mason County Planning Department. Parcel and Township ¡nformation from the Mason County GIS Department. This map is intended to show the zon¡ng designation of properties; and, therefore, some shorel¡nes and water bodies are not shown or are partjally h¡dden. DISCI-AIÀ{ER ND LINîTÀTION O[ LhA[-ITY lhc dah ùsd tó n¡þ ths nr.p h.vc bcil lcrd lù !..rr¡cti ¡rd cvcry cùr h¡s þc¡ nìde to c rì¡l rìcsc¿¡h lrc fnEly,.ùcúarc!d ¡elì¡blc. thrcvc¡. Masitr County mles ilo 8u3r¡ùlccor N¡r Io itsæcorrcv ¡s lo l¡Þlir8, d¡¡rûsori or plkcùrc,t o. ìodrùtr oI ¡try oì¡p t¡ilúcs @nhind I'¡lc bun&úcs ùìicled by Ihcsc dak are ap!¡oNnìale, ard arc nd nr*ssrly ¡cctrr¡lc lo srw.lr ùr8¡rc.ñil8 stndafds. Thcr darâ ¡.c núcdcd h6an.lioml ptrrp*s lnd shotrld ¡or be consdr ¡trlhonlalivc tbr ùrgjNcnrg nrvig¡lidral, lcsl ad ùlhc¡ iFrilic uscs. Mannì Couty d{Ès r is{mc ¡try leFl li¡Hl¡y or rcspß¡hiliry ars¡-{ hn¡ rh€ L,se olllis ilkp tr ¡ ùraùrù ûol !ilcbl( Ma$ú Cou,t\ h D evcrl {Fll Maetr Cdilry bc li.tìc tbr dr@1. ¡¡diùcl. r¡cidcilhl, mnequc +.r¡1, or tor daÍr8cs ol ùty kild, ùcldog. btrl Nt hùilcd lo, Ioss of¡ntci¡¡d prilìts or h ansn¡E lÌoD tre oI or reli!tr{c on rl-l¡ mìrln'ì conlarìd hcrü il -lhc bn rdcn lòr d,x,Yù' N tro ii h*" r$ l¡cs cûtrcly sfh llc rts...rd lhc uùr rss. lhe ìtr!ìrmahor ro¡hnìd ¡n lhrs nì¡p. Pa.cels DevelopmentAreas f]f Agricultural Resource Lands f]] Rural lndustrial rownships Zoning Descr¡pt¡ons ffi Long Term comrerdal Forest I Rural Natural Ræource I RuralMult¡Fart¡v I RuralTourist i__li "'Vffi tnnoding Lands Q Rurat fourist-campground f--] uruan croml *ea f]] Rural Residental 2.5 Acres Sl Rural commercial 1 | lndian Reseruation f'-l Rurat Residentiat s lcræ | Ru¡at commerciat 2 ! olym¡,ic National Forest [-' l Rurat Residentiat t o Acres @ Rural commerciâl 3 | olympic National Park Rura¡Residential2oAcres lRuralcommercia!5 lwater ATTACHMENT B