HomeMy WebLinkAbout47-09 - Ord. Mason County Code for Development Regulations Relating to Shelton Urban Growth AreaoRDTNANcE NUMBER Ll+ - og
ORDINANCE ADDING to the Mason County Code and Development Regulations Title 17 Chapter
17.07 and Chapter 17.08; REVISING the Mason County Code and Development Regulations Title
't7 Chapter 17 .07 section 17 .02.022 and Chapter 17 .03 section 17 .03.040; REPEALING Mason
County Code Chapter 10.68 (at[ sections); and REVISING Mason County Devetopment Areas Map
Panel 10 of 10.
WHEREAS, under the authority of the Planning Enabting Act (RCW 36.70) and the Washington
State Growth Management Act (RCW 37.704) Mason County is taking legistative action to
revise its development regulations that are consistent with and imptement it's Comprehensive
Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Mason County Code and Development Regutations Title 17 currently serve as
interim regutations for the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA); and
WHEREAS, the Mason County Code and Development Regutations Title 17 was amended to
include a new Chapter 17.07 regutating new zoning districts as established by the Shetton UGA
Future Land Use map (Ord. No. l1-08) inctuding Neighborhood Residentiat, Low lntensity
Mixed Use, Generat Commercial, Commercia[ lndustrial, Airport lndustriat, lndustria[, Public
lnstitutiona[ and Landscaping; and
WHEREAS, the Mason County Development Areas Map Panel 10 of 10 was amended to include
the Shelton Urban Growth Area Zoning Descriptions that reflect boundaries and zoning
districts consistent with the adopted Future Land Use map; and
WHEREAS, the Mason County Code and Devetopment Regulations Title l7 was amended to
include a new Chapter 17.08 Mason County Parking Standards to reptaceMason County Code
Chapter ,l0.68 (atl sections); and
WHEREAS, on April 20,2009 the Mason County Ptanning Advisory Commission held a workshop
about the proposed amendments to the Mason County Code and Development Regutations;
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2009 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission hetd a pubtic hearing
and passed a motion to recommend approval of said amendments to the Board of County
Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of Commissioners held a pubtic hearing about the
proposed amendments on June 2,2009 to consider recommendations of the Ptanning Advisory
Commission, the testimony of the Mason County Department of Community Devetopment and
Mason County citizens; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE lT HEREBY ORDAINED, the Mason County Board of County
Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS adding to the Mason County Code and
Development Regutations Titte 17 Chapters 17.07 and 17.08 as described by ATTACHMENT A;
revising the Mason County Code and Devetopment Regutations Title 17, Chapter 17.02 section
17 .02.022 and Chapter 17.03 section 17.03.040 as described by ATTACHMENT B; REPEALS the
Mason County Code Title 10 Chapter 10.68 (at[ sections) Parking and Loading Standards as
described by ATTACHMENT C; and ADOPTS the revisions to Mason County Devetopment Areas
Map Panel 10 of l0 as described by ATTACHMENT D.
DATED this ? day of June 2009
Board of Commissioners
Mason County, Washington
Shelton Urban Growth Area
Devef opment Regulations L7.O7
17.O7.1,IO Intent.
L7.O7.LzO Permitted uses.
17.O7.13O Special uses.
17.O7.L4O Prohibited uses.
L7.O7.L5O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
L7.O7.160 Off-street parking.
L7.O7.L7O Landscaping and screening
17.O7.t AO Design Review
L7.O7.!9O Stormwater runoff.
L7.O7.L95 Appeals
L7.O7.lLO Intent.
The neighborhood residential district (NR) is designed to provide for a variety of housing
types throughout the Shelton UGA while maintaining neighborhood definition. The
regulations are intended to permit flexibility in the arrangement of structures on the site in
order to encourage good architectural design, ensure adequate light and air, and allow
compatible development of uses.
t7.O7.LzO Permitted uses.
Permitted uses for the neighborhood residential district are as follows:
A. Single-family dwellings at a density of not less than four units per net residential acre
(net residential acre is defined as the total usable area excluding roads, critical areas and
easements), except that density requirements shall not apply to lots platted prior to the
adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
B. Two duplexes or triplexes shall be allowed per "block" (block is defined as a rectangular
piece of land enclosed in a grid of streets), provided the design standards of Section
L7.07.9O0 of this title are satisfied; additional duplexes or triplexes shall require a special
use permit as outlined in Chapter 17.05 of this title;
C. Secondary dwelling units, subject to the desígn requirements of Section 17.07.900 of
this title, provided:
1, One secondary dwelling unit shall be allowed per legal building lot as a subordinate
use in conjunction with any single-family structure;
D. Multifamily dwelling units developed in accordance with Chapter 17.70 Master Planned
Developments of the Mason County Code. "Multifamily" is defined as a building containing
separate dwelling units arranged to be occupied by more than three families living
independently of one another;
Parks, publicly owned and operated;
Family Day Care Provider;
G. Accessory uses and buildings including but not limited to the following:
Accessory buildings or structures, not including barns or agricultural structures,
which are clearly incidental to the residential use of the lot, such as buildings or
structures for storage of personal property (including boats, recreational vehicles,
etc,), or for the pursuit of avocational interests; or structures designed for and
related to recreational needs of the residents of a residential complex. Accessory
buildings shall be complementary to the basic architectural character of the main
building on the lot, and appropriate to the accessory use;
Agricultural uses and structures not involving retail sales on the premises and limited
as follows:
a. On lots or parcels of one acre or more, poultry and/or livestock may be kept
provided that the number of head of livestock shall not exceed one for each
half acre of lot area, and not more than twenty birds or fowl per acre, Barns
or other structures for the housing or sheltering thereof shall be set back not
less than thirty-five feet from all property lines and not less than 50 feet from
any existing residential dwelling unit on adjoining property;
Home occupations which comply with all the conditions as set forth in Chapter t7.03
of the Mason County Code;
The keeping of common household animals or pets (excluding cats kept indoors) is
limited to four. Other small animals kept indoors as household pets in aquariums,
terrariums/ cages, or similar containers are not limited in number,
L7,O7.L3O Special uses.
Special uses as listed below require a special use permit as provided in Chapter 17.05 of
this title, and subject to applicable conditions as found in that chapter. Special uses include
but are not limited to:
A. Bed and breakfast inns;
B, Convalescent centers/care facilities;
C. Group Homes;D. Cemeteries, including mausoleums;E. Churches;F. Community Clubs;
G. Library;H. Schools, public or private.
L7.O7.L4O Prohibited uses,
Uses other than those identified or described in Section t7 .07.120 or t7 .07.130 are
L7.O7.LSO Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
A, Yard setbacks, size and shape of lots shall be as provided in Table 17.07 .150, except in
the following casesl
1. Minimum front yard: when forty percent or more of lot coverage, on a front foot
basis, of all property on one side of a street between two intersecting streets has
been reached, the front yard required for new development shall be an average of
the existing front yard setbacks, but shall not be less than that specified in Table
2. Minimum side yards: a zero lot line concept may be approved if the site is part of a
subdivision or Master Planned Development and seventy-five percent of units on the
site use alleys for access;
Table 17.O7.L5O
Minimum Standards With Alleys Without Alleys
Lot area 4500 sq. ft.6000 sq. ft,
Front yard 10 ft.10 ft.
Side yard 5ft.5ft.
Flanking street 7 ft.7 ft.
Rear yard 15 ft.
(3 for garage)
15 ft.
Building coverage 35o/o 35o/o
Building height 35 fr.35 fr.
Development coverage 45o/o 45o/o
Lot width 45 ft.50 ft.
Street frontage 25 ft.25 ft.
L7.O7.L6O Off-street parking.
Parking shall meet the requirements of Chapter 17.08 of this title.
17.O7.I7O Landscaping and screening
All applicable requirements of Chapter L7.07.800 Landscaping and Screening in the Shelton
UGA shall be satisfied.
L7.O7.L8O Design Review
All uses in this district shall comply with appropriate sections of Chapter t7.O7.900, Design
Standards in the Shelton UGA, if applicable.
17.O7.LgO Stormwater runoff.
All stormwater runoff shall meet County-wide stormwater regulations.
17.O7.L95 Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
L7.O7.2LO Intent
L7.O7.zLS Definitions
L7.O7.22O Permitted uses.
L7.O7.225 Accessory uses.
L7.O7.23O Similar or related uses.
L7,O7.24O Special uses.
17.O7.25O Prohibited uses.
L7.O7 .260 Comm un ity environ mental performa nce standa rds.
L7.O7.27O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
L7.O7.2AO Parking.
L7.O7.29O La ndsca ping.
17.O7.295 Design review
17.O7.298 Appeals
L7.O7.zLO Intent.
The low-intensity mixed use (MU) designation is intended to provide for a mixture of
residential and commercial uses in close proximity to or integrated within the same
structure while maintaining a high degree of design standards. The designation is intended
to maintain the historic and small town character of existing neighborhoods and gateway
while allowing compatible commercíal development to occur.
L7.O7.zLS Definitions
A. "Common Open Space" means that portion of lot or parcel not developed, built-upon or
occupied by buildings, parking areas, driveways and the like; other than minimal
appurtenances such as walkways designed and intended to make such open space usable
and accessible, and the use of which is intended for and accessible to all of the persons
residing in the development of which the open space is a part.
B. "Cooperative Housing" means an arrangement in which an association or corporation
owns a group of housing units and the common areas for the use of all the residents. The
individual participants own a share in the cooperative, which entitles them to occupy an
apartment or house as if they were owners, to have equal access to the common areas, and
to vote for members of the Board of Directors which manages the cooperative.
L7.O7.22O Permitted uses.
Permitted uses listed below are intended as a guide to types of uses that are allowed in the
low intensity mixed use zone, The community development director or his/her designee will
make the determination as to whether a proposed use is permitted.
A. Commercial uses, including, but not limited to the following:
1. Bakeries
2. Business and professional offices
3. Assisted living and convalescent homes
4. Day care facilities
5, Drug stores
6. Grocery and hardware stores
7. Liquor stores
B, Medical and dental offices
9. Personal services
10. Retail stores
11. Restaurants without drive through windows
72. Social services
13. Auto repair and service,
B. Residential Uses. All residential uses are permitted with a density of between four and
twelve units per acre;
C. Residential uses above commercial;
D. Cooperative housing;
E. Gas stations (retail sale of gasoline and related convenience items only, no service
available) within three hundred feet of direct access (on- or off-ramp) to a Washington
State or United States Highway.
F. Drive-thru restaurants, subject to site plan approval, and within three hundred feet
of direct access (on- or off-ramp) to a Washington State or United States Highway.
L7.O7.225 Accessory uses,
The following accessory uses are permitted:
A. Light manufacture of consumer goods that is incidental to an on-premises retail use,
provided that:
1, There shall be no unusual fire, explosion or safety hazards;
2. The applicant shall demonstrate to the Community Development Director or his/her
designee that noise does not exceed the maximum permissible noise level set forth
in WAC L73.60 or MCC 9.36.
3. There shall be no emissions in excess of any density prescribed by the air pollution
control authority,
B. Storage, processing, or use of hazardous substances incidental to a permitted use in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations.
C. Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities incidental to a permitted use in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations.
17.O7.23O Similar or related uses,
Similar or related uses permitted and the criteria for determination of similarity or
relatedness are as follows:
A. Uses similar to, or related to, those listed in Section L7.07.22OA are permitted upon a
finding of Community Development Director or his/her designee that a particular unlisted
use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the comprehensive
B.The criteria forsuch finding of similarity shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. The proposed use is appropriate in this zone given the emphasis on small-town
character, mass transit and mixed use;
2. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use;
3, The proposed use will be compatible with and complementary to adjacent uses
and uses within the corridor in general,
L7.O7.24O Special uses.
Special uses, including, but not limited to the uses listed below, subject to the conditions set
forth in Chapter t7.05 of this title.
A, Community clubs;B, Hotels and motels;C. Public utilities and facilities;D. Recreational vehicle parks;
E. Churches
L7.O7.25O Prohibited uses.
Uses other than those identified or described in Sections L7.Q7.220, t7.07.225, 17.07.230,
and 17.O7.240 of this chapter are prohibited,
L7,O7.260 Community environmental performance standards'
A. Storage: Unscreened outside storage of any kind is prohíbited.
B. Refuse:
1. Except when placed on an alley or at the rear of a single-family residence, refuse
containers shall be screened with a material and design compatible with the overall
architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be at least as high as the
refuse container, shall in no case be less than síx feet high, and shall comply with
county public works standards for design and accessibility, Deposited refuse shall
not be visible from outside the enclosure;
2. Except for those periodically placed on the right-of-way for curbside collection, no
refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building.
L7.O7.27O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
A, Minimum lot size: six thousand square feet, Lots may contain more than one use and
will be a shape and design appropriate to the zone and intended uses as determined by the
B. Front yard: minimum fifteen feet.
C. Side yard: minimum ten feet.
D, Rear yardt zero feet, except when property adjoins a land use district with greater
setbacks, the setback of the adjacent use shall apply.
E. Maximum building coverage: thirty-five percent, however, this may be increased up to
a maximum of fifty-five percent if a corridor that facilitates pedestrian access through the
block or along a creek, lake, or other natural amenity is provided.
Note: This bonus is to be added to the base allowable building coverage.
F. Maximum development coverage: Maximum coverage by impervlous surfaces shall be
sixty percent, unless a density bonus is granted. A maximum bonus of twenty percent is
allowed. Projects that provide a corridor that facilitates pedestrian access through the block
or along a creek, lake, or other natural amenity are eligible for this density bonusr
Note: This bonus is to be added to the base allowable impervious surface coverage. The
provisions of the Mason County Code regarding stormwater runoff, parking, landscaping,
and design requirements may further limit impervious surfaces.
G. Building height: not more than thirty-five feet.
H. Open Space: All development that contains four or more attached units must provide
at least 200 square feet per unit of common open space usable for many activities. The
amount of open space and recreational facilities should be proportional to the density of the
development (i.e., as density increases and/or as lots become smaller, there is a greater
need for common open space available to all of the residents, guests and visitors to the
development.) This required common open space shall at a minimum meet the following
1. For four to 20 units, the open space must be in one or more pieces each having at
least 800 square feet and having a length and width of at least 25 feet.
2. For 2I units or more, a minimum of ten percent of the total space must be provided
in usable open space. The open space must be in one or more pieces having a
length and width of at least 40 feet.
3, The required common recreational open space may be reduced by 25o/o if amenities
such as, but not limited to, the following are provided in the common open space:
a. Commercial grade children's play structure
b. Benches or other seating features
c. Picnic shelter
d. Sports court
Community Development staff shall determine if the proposed amenities provide
comparable recreation opportunities as would the open space that is reduced.
4. The open space area may be located in any required setback arear except street
setbacks, so long as the uses thereof are compatible and permissible.
5. Open spaces shall provide for uses/activities that appropriately serve the anticipated
residents and users of the development;
6. Up to fifty percent of a development's open space requirement may be satisfied by
wetland and/or critical area habitat and required critical areas buffers in
consideration of the significant passlve recreation opportunities provided by said
17.O7.2AO Parking.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.08 of this title, provided:
A. On street parking shall be allowed to help satisfy parking requirements provided paved
street widths provide adequate room pursuant to city standards for on street parking.
B. Except where lot shape or size dictates otherwise, off-street parking shall be located to
the rear or the side of the building.
L7.O7.29O La ndscaping.
Requirements of Chapter L7.07.BOO of this title shall be satisfied. All development of more
than six residential units per gross acre must be landscaped in accordance with Chapter
L7.O7.295 Design review.
All applicable requirements of Section L7.O7.9OO of this title shall be satisfied, Conversions
and rehabilitations of existing structures which do not alter the design and character of the
original structure are exempt from the design requirements.
17.O7.298 Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
L7.O7.3LO Intent.
L7.O7.32O Permitted uses,
L7.O7.325 Accessory uses.
L7.O7.33O Special uses.
L7.O7,335 Prohibited Uses
L7.O7.34O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
L7.O7.35O Maximum height.
L7,O7.360 Off-street parking.
L7.O7 .37 O La ndscaping.
17.O7.3AO Design review.
17.O7.39O Appeals
L7.O7.3LO fntent.
The intent of the General Commercial (GC) zone is to provide for those commercial uses and
activities which are dependent on convenient vehicular access and to provide development
standards which enhance pedestrian and transit access. The regulations are intended to
integrate new development with existing uses to achieve a better environment for users
arriving by car or by foot and to maintain or enhance the livability of adjacent residential
17.O7.32O Permitted uses.
A. Permitted uses listed below are intended as a guide to types of uses that are allowed in
the general commercial district, The community development director or his/her designee
will make the determination as to whether a proposed use is permitted. Permitted uses
include but are not limited to the following:
1, Automobile/RV/boat sales;
2, Bakery;
3. Banks, other financial institutions;
4. Barber/beauty shop;
5. Brewery, distillery, winery, on-site retaÍl;
6, Business and professional offices;
7. Convenience stores;
B. Eating and drinking places, with or without drive-ins/thrus;
9, Enterprises providing indoor entertainment and recreation;
10. Gas stations and associated convenience stores;
11. Grocery Stores;
12. Health club, gym;
13. Hotel and lodging;
14. Instruction studio;
15. Medical and dental offices;
16. Personal services;
L7. Repair services;
18. Retail;
19. Self storage facilities;
2A. Social services;
27. Veterinary clinics.
B, Similar or related uses permitted:
1. Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in
Sections t7.07.32OA are permitted upon a finding by the community development
director or his/her designee that a proposed use does not conflict with:
a. the intent of this chapter, or
b. the policies of the Shelton Urban Growth Area Plan.
The criteria for such a finding of similarity for uses other than those listed herein
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area;
b. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the
proposed use.
L7.O7.325 Accessory uses.
The following accessory uses are permitted:
A. Light manufacture of consumer goods that is incidental to an on-premises retail use,
provided that:
1. Noise shall not exceed the maximum permissible noise levels set forth in WAC
773.60 or MCC 9.36.
2. There shall be no emissions in excess of any density prescribed by the Olympic
Region Clean Air Authority (ORCAA).
B. Storage, processing, or use of hazardous substances incidental to a permitted use in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations.
C. Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities incidental to a permitted use in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations.
L7.O7.33O Special uses.
The following uses require a special use permit as provided in Chapter 17.05 of this title,
and subject to applicable conditions as found in that chapter:
A. Public utilities;
B. Public, private, and parochial schools and facilities;
C. Fraternal organizations;
D. Churches.
L7.O7.335 Prohibited Uses.
Uses that are not consistent with the intent of the zone are prohibited. These uses include,
but are not limited to:
A. Kennels, except those associated with veterinary clinics;
B. Wrecking yards;
C. Contractors yards and storage of materials not for retail sale;
D. Concrete mixing facilities and asphalt plants.
L7.O7.34O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
A. Minimum lot size: none required.
B. Front, rear and side yard: none, unless property adjoins a more restrictive district,
when setbacks shall be the same as required of that more restrictive district.
C, Lot width: none required.
L7.O7.35O Maximum height.
Maximum height for the GC district shall be as follows: not to exceed forty-five feet for
buildings, structures, and appurtenant facilities except when adjoining a zone with a lower
height restriction, in which case any structure located within 100 feet of the more restrictive
zone shall have a maximum height as imposed by the more restrictive zone.
t7.O7.360 Off-street parking.
Parking shall meet the requirements of Chapter 17.08 of this title.
L7 .O7.37 O La ndscaping.
Landscaping shall meet all requirements of Chapter L7.O7 .BO0 of this title.
L7.O7 3AO Design review.
All uses in this district shall comply with appropriate sections of Chapter L7.O7 .90O Design
17.O7,39O Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
L7.O7.4!O Intent.
17.O7.4LS Definitions
L7,O7.42O Permitted uses.
17.O7.425 Accessory uses.
17.O7,43O Special uses.
L7,O7.435 Prohibited uses.
L7.O7.44O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
17.O7.45O Maximum height.
L7.O7 .455 Performa nce standa rds,
17.O7.460 Off-street parking.
L7 .O7 .47 O La ndsca ping.
L7.O7.48O Appeals
L7.O7,4LO fntent.
This designation provides for light manufacturing, flex space, research and development,
and limited retail and service uses that support the industrial uses in the zone. This
Commercial-Industrial mixed area should be buffered from residential uses through the
provision of adequate mitigation, including landscaping, as a part of site plans for these
higher intensity uses. In addition, to lessen traffic congestion that may be created by these
uses, the Commercial-Industrial District shall be located in areas directly accessible to the
arterial and transportation systems of the county. This limitation is not intended to restrict
access to local roads from private parcels,
L7.O7.4LS Definitions
A. "Flex space" refers to buildings designed to accommodate a combination of office,
wholesale, and warehousing functions, the exact proportions of each use being subject
to user needs over time.
B. "Hazardous substance" means any dangerous or extremely hazardous waste as defined
in RCW 70.105,010(5) and (6) or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as
designated by rule under chapter 70,105 RCW; any hazardous substance as defined in
RCW 70.105.01(14) or any hazardous substance as defined by rule under chapter
70.105 RCW; any substance that is a hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the
federal cleanup law, 42 U,S.C., Sec. 9601(14); petroleum or petroleum products, and
any substance or category of substances, including solid waste decomposition products,
determined by the director by rule to present a threat to human health or the
environment if released into the environment.
The term hazardous substance does not include any of the following when contained in
an underground storage tank from which there is not a release: Crude oil or any
fraction thereof or petroleum, if the tank ls in compliance with all applicable federal,
state, and local law.
t7.O7.42O Permitted uses.
Permitted uses listed below are intended as a guide to types of light industrial and
commercial uses that are allowed. The community development director or his/her
designee will make the determination as to whether a proposed use is permitted. Examples
of permitted uses include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Auto repair and service, with towing impound yard up to one acre in size;
B. Auto, RV and boat sales;
C. Brewery, distillery, winery;
D. Contractors', loggers'or agricultural equipment storage yard, plant, repair, or rental
and sales;
E. Eating and drinking places with drive-thru/in;
F. Furniture and home furnishings, manufacture and assembly;
G. Gas stations and associated convenience stores;
H. Hardware stores and lumber yards;
I. Heavy machinery, repair, storage and sales;
J. Kennels;
K. Manufacture and assembly;
L. Research and development;
M. Retail nurseries and garden stores;
N. Services to buildings such as janitorial, landscaping, carpet/upholstery cleaning, pest
O. Storage or sales yards, no salvage or junk;
P, Warehouse and wholesale establishments, excluding the storage of explosive and other
dangerous or toxic substances as defined in RCW 70,105,
a. Data centers, server farms;
R. Self storage facilities;
S, Similar or related uses permitted:
1. Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in
Section fi.A7.42O.A^S are permitted upon a finding by the community
development director or his/her designee that a proposed use does not conflict
a. The intent of this chapter, or
b, The policies of the Shelton Urban Growth Area Plan.
2. Criteria for such a finding of similarity for uses other than those listed herein
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area;
b. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the
proposed use.
L7,O7.425 Permitted Accessory uses.
The following accessory uses are permitted:
A. Flammable material and liquid may be stored as an accessory use as restricted by the
Fire Code of Mason County. Such tanks shall be located no less than twenty feet from
any building, property line or similar tank and at least one hundred feet from the
boundary of any use district other than an industrial district.
B. No residential use shall be allowed except as an accessory use to provide quarters for a
caretaker or security guard.
C. Storage, processing, ot use of hazardous substances incidental to a permitted use in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations are allowed.
D, Enameling or metal coating, galvanizing, electroplating, incidental to a permitted use, in
compliance with applicable county and state regulations, is allowed.
E. Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities incidental to the operation of a
permitted use in compliance with applicable county and state regulations are allowed.
F. Deli and other food services located within a primary use, is allowed.
17.O7.43O Special uses.
Uses that are determined by the community development director or his/her designee not to
be outright permitted uses, but that have unique characteristics that may be consistent with
the CI zone, require a special use permit as provided in Chapter 17.05 of this title, and are
subject to applicable conditions as found in that chapter, Such uses include, but are not
limited to:
A. Towing impound yard over one acre in size.
17.O7.435 Prohibited uses.
The community development director or his/her designee will make the determination as to
whether a proposed use is prohibited. Prohibited uses in the Commercial-Industrial Zone
include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Beauty shops, barber shops;
C. Convalescent centers/care facilities;
D. Residential uses, including residential above commercial, except as noted in
E. Drug stores;
F. Motels and hotels;
G. Junk yardlcar wreckage/salvage;
H. Retail stores, unless supporting the industrial uses within the zone;
H, Cemeteries, including mausoleums.
L7.O7.44O Lot, yard, and open space requirements.
A. Minimum lot size: none required.
B, Front, rear and side yard: none, unless property adjoins a more restrictive district,
when setbacks shall be the same as required of that more restrictive district.
C. Lot width: none required.
17.O7.45O Maximum height.
Maximum height for the CI district shall be as follows: 45 feet, except when adjoining a
zone with a lower height restriction, in which case any structure located within 100 feet of
the more restrictive zone shall have a maximum height as imposed by the more restrictive
zone. Height may be further restricted by airport overlay zoning, where applicable.
Deviation from this standard will be processed as a special use permit.
17.O7 .455 Performa nce standa rds.
The following provisions shall apply to all uses within the district:
A. There shall be no unusual fire, explosion or safety hazards.
B. When adjacent to a residential zone, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Community
Development Director or his/her designee that noise does not exceed the maximum
permissible noise levels set forth in WAC 773.60 or MCC 9.36.
C. There shall be no emissions in excess of any density prescribed by the air pollution
control authority.
L7.O7.460 Off-street parking.
Parking shall meet the requirements of Chapter t7.08 of this title.
L7 .O7.47 O La ndscaping.
Landscaping shall meet all requirements of Chapter 17.07,800 of this title.
17.O7.4AO Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals, Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
Chapter L7.O7.5OO
L7.O7.5LO Intent
17.O7,52O Definitions
L7.O7.53O Permitted uses
17.O7.55O Setback and open space requirements
17.O7,560 Building size and height
17.O7.57O Design review
17.O7.5AO Sign requirements
L7.O7.59O Parking requirements
17.O7.595 Landscaping
L7.O7.59A Appeals
L7.O7.5tO Intent.
The airport industrial designation is intended to provide a land use classification that
accommodates the industrial, commercial, and aviation-oriented uses that exist and are
envisioned for Sanderson Field. This land use promotes flexibility while addressing changes
in market demands, and ensures sensitive design practices are utilized within the city of
Shelton gateway corridor. Development along U.S. 101 should strive to be consistent with
guidance provided in "The Washington Coastal Corridor: U.S. 101 Corridor Master Plan."
L7 .O7 .52O Defin itions.
A. "The city of Shelton gateway corridor" describes the gateway corridor generally along
U,S. 101, being one of the three distinct gateways in Shelton described in the land use
element of the city of Shelton comprehensive plan. As defined herein, the gateway corridor
shall include the area as indicated on the city of Shelton future land use map extending two
hundred feet from the edge of the U.S. 101 right-of-way.
L7.O7.53O Permitted uses,
All uses shall act in accordance with "Chapter IV Port of Shelton Comprehensive Plan-(dated
November 6,2006 or as amended) and be consistent with the activities, purposes, and land
uses intended within the specific zoning district where the use is proposed.
L7.O7.55O Setback and open space requirements'
This land use does not require building and development coverage requirements, minimum
lot sizes and lot widths except when required by the Port of Shelton, or to address project-
specific environmental or design issues. Building setbacks that provide minimum required
fire access, noise separation, and areas for landscaping between buildings and driveways,
public or private roads, parking areas, adjacent buildings, or other improvements shall be
developed as part of the leased space provided by the Port of Shelton. Development may
be further restricted by airport overlay zoning where applicable.
L7.O7.560 Building size and height.
Except for structures deemed necessary for airport operations and allowed under the
provisions of the airport overlay zoning airspace protection areas, no structures shall exceed
thirty-six feet in height unless further restricted by the FAA. Deviation from this standard
will be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.05.
17.O7.57 O Design review.
Uses proposed within the gateway and neighborhood commercial districts of the Sanderson
Field master plan shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter IV Port of Shelton
Comprehensive Plan (dated November 6, 2006 or as amended). Development adjacent to
Highway 101 must comply with the US 101 Coastal Corridor Plan as referenced in the
Sanderson Field Master Plan.
17.O7.5AO Sign requirements.
Signage shall conform to the Port of Shelton "Signage Master Plan & Tenant Signage
Guidelines" dated May 27, 2003 or as amended.
17.O7.59O Parking requirements.
New development shall provide a minimum required number of parking stalls in compliance
with Section 17.08 Mason County Parking Standards.
t7 .O7 .595 La ndsca ping.
Landscaping shall meet all requirements of Chapter L7 .O7.800 Landscaping and Screening
in the Shelton UGA.
L7.O7,59a Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals, Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board,
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant,
Chapter 17.O7.600 INDUSTRIAL (I)
L7.O7.6LO Intent
L7.O7,620 Definitions
L7.O7.630 Permitted uses
17.O7.640 Special use permit required uses
L7.O7.650 Prohibited uses
t7 .O7,660 E nvi ron me nta I perfo rma nce sta nda rds
17.O7,67 O Minimum site requirements
17.O7,680 Off-street parking
17.O7.690 Landscaping
L7,O7.695 Site plan approval
L7.O7.69A Appeals
L7.O7.6LO Intent
The intent of the Industrial Zoning District in the Shelton UGA is to:
Provide for moderate to heavy industrial development in order to provide needed
goods, materials, and services to ensure the economic vitality of the City of Shelton and
Mason County.
Protect the industrial land base for industrial economic development and employment
opportunities by limiting uses that may interfere with the purpose and efficient
functioning of the area except those necessary for the convenience and support of the
industries within the zone.
L7.O7.620 Definitions
A. "Advanced materials" means the development and use of materials or applications that
represent advances and technological advantages over traditional approaches for a
broad range of applications.
L7.O7.630 Permitted Uses
A. Specific types of uses permitted are those types of industrial activities, which can be
accomplished within the performance standards established by this title, Any industrial
activity for which performance standards are not included in this title shall comply with
the standards established by recognized public or quasi-public agencies with jurisdiction
over the activity for the protection of industrial or environmental health, The standards
shall be those in effect at the time of a complete building permit application.
The Industrial zone allows those uses that are traditionally considered to be industrial in
nature. Uses listed below are intended as a guide to types of uses that are allowed, but
the list is not all-inclusive. As technologies and industries change new business types
emerge, and to the extent they are industrial in nature are encouraged in this zone.
The community development director or his/her designee will make the determination
as to whether a proposed use is permitted. Examples of permitted uses include, but
are not limited to the following:
1. Industrial activities involving the manufacture, assembly, processing, repair,
or servícing;
2. The production, sale or bulk storage of materials or products;
3. Warehousing, distribution and open storage;
4. Food processing, including shellfish;
5, Fabrication;
6. Value-added forest products;
7. Data Centers
B. Public utilities and facilities (buildings);
9. Advanced materials;
10. Research and development;
11. Commercial mail processing;
12. Sale of goods or products that serve industrial property;
13. Junk yard, car wreckage, salvage;
14. Enameling or metal coating, galvanizing, electroplating;
15. Mineral extraction.
B. Similar or related uses permitted:
1. Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in
Section L7.07.630A of the Mason County Code (MCC) are permitted upon a
finding by the community development director or his/her designee that a
proposed use does not conflict with:
a. the intent of this chapter, or
b. the policies of the Shelton Urban Growth Area Plan.
The criteria for such a finding of similarity for uses other than those listed
herein shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area;
b. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the
proposed use.
2. Eating and drinking places within an industrial building or as an accessory
use, and catering primarily to the people working in the area;
3, Living or residential quarters such as guards'quarters in large establishments
where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability
of the premises; and other residential uses directly related to the operation of
the primary permitted use;
4. Storage, processing, or use of hazardous substances incidental to a permitted
use in compliance with applicable, county and state regulations;
5. Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities incidental to the operation
of a permitted use in compliance with applicable county and state regulations.
L7.O7.640 Special use permit required uses
Uses that are determined by the community development director or his/her designee not to
be outright permitted uses, but that have unique characteristics that may be consistent with
the industrial zone and existing adjacent uses within the zone require a special use permit
as provided in Chapter 17.05 of this title, and are subject to applicable conditions as found
in that chapter.
L7,O7.650 Prohibited uses
Uses other than those identified or described in Sections 17.O7.620, 17.07.630 and
L7.O7.640 in this chapter are prohibited. Prohibited uses are generally those uses that
convert industrial land to a non-industrial purpose, have the potential to be disrupted by the
noise and activity commonly associated with industrial development. Prohibited uses in the
Industrial zone include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Self-storage facilities.
L7,O7 .660 E nvi ro n menta I perform a nce sta nda rds
All uses shall comply with state and federal pollution abatement standards both prior to
commencement of operations, and at all times thereafter;
Maximum permissible noise levels shall be as determined by Chapter L73-60 WAC, as
amended, and applicable provisions of Subtitle 40.3.
L7.O7.670 Minimum site requirements
Minimum lot size: None; except adequate space must be provided for required parking,
yards and landscaping;
Lot coverage: No maximum, except adequate space must be provided for required
parking, yards and landscaping;
C. Front yard: None;
D. Side yard: None, except 50 feet if abuttíng a residential or mixed use zone;
E. Rearyard: None, except 50 feet if abutting a residential or mixed use zone;
F, Lot width: None required;
G. Maximum height in the Industrial District shall be as follows: 45 feet, except when
adjoining a zone with a lower height restriction, in which case any structure located
within 100 feet of the more restrictive zone shall have a maximum height as imposed
by the more restrictive zone. Industrial equipment such as cranes or communication
towers or appurtenant structures is exempt. A height limit shall be imposed if
necessary, to prevent detrimental effects on the surrounding properties and may be
further restricted by airport overlay zoning. Deviations from this standard will be
processed as a special use permit.
H. Relationship to adjacent parcels in the same classification: Setbacks between buildings
in separate ownership are exempt from the side and rear setback requirements cited in
this section, but shall comply with the side and rear setback requirements of the fire
and building codes.
17.O7.680 Off-street parking
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.08 of this title, Off-street
parking in the Shelton UGA.
L7.O7.690 Landscaping
Landscaping shall meet all requirements of Chapter 17.07,800 of this title, Landscaping and
Screening in the Shelton UGA.
L7.O7.695 Site plan approval
Development within the Industrial zoning district is subject to site plan approval to ensure
that new development is planned in a manner consistent with this Chapter and to assure it
will be compatible with adjoining development,
L7.O7.698 Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board'
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
17.O7.7LO Intent
L7.O7.7 20 Permitted uses
L7.O7.7 25 Accessory uses
L7.O7.73O Special uses
L7.O7.7 40 Prohibited uses
L7.O7.75O Setback and open space requirements
L7.O7.755 Maximum height
L7.O7,7 60 Parking requirements
L7.O7.77O Landscaping
L7.O7.78O Site plan approval
L7.O7.79O Appeals
L7.O7.7LO fntent.
The public institutional designation is intended to:
A. Provide an area for activities relating to the purpose of state and local governmental
entities and semi-public institutions providing necessary public services; and
B. Provide for continued operation and facilitate managed growth of existing major
institutions within the Shelton UGA;
C. Provide and protect parks, open space and other natural, physical assets of the
community to improve the aesthetic and functional features of the community,
L7.O7.7 20 Permitted Uses
A. Specific types of permitted uses are those, which provide a public service or fill a public
need as described in the statement of intent. Any proposed use, whether new or an
expansion or change of an existing use, shall be evaluated individually to determine
whether it will be treated as an administrative or special use, based on its size, overall
functions, and anticipated level of impact, including, but not limited to, such factors as
hours of operation, relationship to adjacent land uses, trip generation and parking needs,
storage needs, and environmental impact. Permitted uses include but are not limited to the
1. Continuation of uses already legally existing within the zone at the time of adoption
of this title;
2. Parks, greenbelts and open space for active or passive recreation or enjoyment;
3. Government buildings or offices such as fire stations, schools and colleges, hospitals,
community meeting or recreation halls;
4. Libraries, museums, or similar cultural facilities;
5. Churches;
6. Public Utilities, such as electrical, sewer/ water, natural gas, stormwater, telecom
facilities and other similar uses;
B. Similar or related uses permitted, and criteria for determination of similarity or
relatedness, are as follows:
1. Uses similar to, or related to, those listed in Section L7.O7.720A are permitted upon
a finding of the Community Development Director or his/her designee that a
particular unlisted use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies
of the land development plan.
2. The criteria for such finding of similarity shall include but not be limited to the
a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area,
b. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the proposed
c. The public need is served by the proposed use.
C. Child day care centers shall be allowed as an accessory use to those uses permitted by
section 17.O7.72O.
L7.O7.7 25 Accessory Uses
The following accessory uses are permitted:
A. Storage of supplies and equipment associated with a primary use, and other activities
incidental to the primary use such as:
1. Storage yards;
2. Fleet parking;
3. Maintenance buildings and activities;
4, Residential uses as an incidental use to the permitted use, such as caretaker's
quarters, or as an accessory use to institutional facilities such as housing for
students, staff or faculty of colleges, hospitals and the like.
17.O7.73O Special Uses
Special uses may be permitted as provided for in Chapter L7.O5 of the Mason County Code,
and subject to applicable conditions as found in that chapter. Any use that, in the opinion
of the Community Development Director, constitutes an essential public facility as defined in
17.06 shall require a Special Use Permit.
17.O7.7 40 Prohibited Uses
Uses other than those identified or described in Section I7.07.72O and 17.07.730 are
17.O7.75O Setback and Open Space Requirements
A. Site Area: The minimum size and shape of the site shall be appropriate to the proposed
use of said site and its relationship to abutting properties and traffic patterns in the vicinity
of the site.
B. Building Height: Maximum height of buildings shall be 45 feet.
C. Building setback requirements:
1. If adjacent properties are in the same or in a less restrictive land use district:
a. Side yard minimum 15 feet;
b. Rear yard minimum 15 feet.
2. If adjacent properties are in any residential district:
a. Side yard minimum 25 feet;
b. Rear yard minimum 25 feet.
3. Setbacks from right-of-way:
a. If property fronts on a private street or drive, 25 feet;
b. If property fronts on public street, 35 feet.
L7.O7.755 Maximum Height
Maximum height in the Public Institutional district shall be as follows: 45 feet, except when
adjoining a zone with a lower height restriction, in which case any structure located within
100 feet of the more restrictive zone shall have a maximum height as imposed by the more
restrictive zone. Height may be further restricted by airport overlay zoning, where
applicable. Deviation from this standard will be processed as a special use permit.
L7.O7.7 60 Parking Requirements
Parking shall meet the requirements of Chapter 17.08 of this title.
17.O7,77O Landscaping
Landscaping shall meet all requirements of Chapter 77.07.800 of this title'
L7.O7.7AO Site plan approval
Development within the Public Institutional Zoning District is subject to site plan approval to
ensure that new development is planned in a manner consistent with this Chapter and to
assure it will be compatible with adjoining development.
L7.O7.790 Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors andlor the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
17.O7.BLO Statement of purpose and intent
17.O7.82O Definitions
t7 .O7 .A3O Applica bility
17.O7.A4O Landscape and screening plans
17 .O7 .A5O Genera I req ui rements
L7.O7.A60 Landscape and screening requirements for new development:
commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential
L7.O7,a7O Parking lot landscaping and screening
17.O7.88O Additional landscaping requirements specific to gateway corridor
L7.O7.89O Alternative landscaping plans
L7 .O7 .89 I Administrative Va ria nce
L7.O7.892 Overlapping requirements and conflict
L7 .O7 .893 Performance assurance
L7.O7.894 Maintenance
L7.O7.A95 Continuance
L7,O7.896 Exceptions and appeal
L7,O7.897 Enforcement
L7.O7.ALO Statement of purpose and intent.
The protection and enhancement of the natural beauty, environment and greenspace within
the UGA is an important aspect of the economic base of the community in that it is
instrumental in attracting residents, and nonresidents who come to trade or vacation, and
creating a community conducive to the location of new business and industry, When grown
in the right place and of proper varieties, landscaping enhances the value and marketability
of property and promotes the stability of desirable neighborhoods and commercial uses.
The purpose and intent of this chapter is as follows:
A. To aid in stabilizing the local environment's ecological balance by contributing to the
process of air purification, oxygen regeneration, ground water recharge, and storm water
runoff retention, while at the same time aiding in noise, glare, and heat abatement;
B. To provide visual buffering and enhance the beautification of the Shelton UGA;
C. To safeguard and enhance property values and to protect public and private
D, To preserve and protect the identity and identification of the city of Shelton and its UGA
as an attractive city and preserve the economic base attracted to the city by such factors;
E. To conserve energy;
F. To protect the public health, safety and general welfare'
L7 .O7 .A2O Defin itions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words or phrases have a meaning set forth
herein, unless the context indicates otherwise.
"Multifamily residence" means a building containing separate dwelling units arranged to be
occupied by more than three families living independently of one another.
"Vision clearance zone" means an area, typically triangular in shape, formed by a point
arising at the intersection of right-of-way boundary lines of intersecting streets and points
located thirty feet away from said intersection point along each right-of-way boundary line,
"Visual screening" or "screening" means planting of living ground cover as well as shrubs or
small trees which will form a sight obscuring vegetative screenr or construction of a barrier
fence or wall combined with trees and low plantings or wall-clinging plant materials.
Materials should be complementary to building design, and to a height required by
applicable sections of this chapter. Earth mounding or berms covered with shrubs or trees
may be considered as part of a visual screen design,
L7 .O7 .83O Appl ica bility.
The standards set forth in this chapter shall apply to all new commercial, industrial and
multifamily development within the Shelton UGA, with the exception of those lands
governed by the Port of Shelton Comprehensive Plan. All changes in the use of a property
or remodel of a structure that requires improvements equal to or greater than fifty (50)
percent of the assessed property valuation shall comply with the requirements of this
L7.O7.84O Landscape and screening plans.
A, Landscaping and screening plans shall be provided as an adjunct to or incorporated into
plans submitted for county permits.
B. The landscaping and screening plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and
distances, and clearly show:
1. Existing trees and vegetation to remain;
2. Existing and proposed parking and vehicle use areas/ driveways and walkways;
3. Building(s) or structure(s) (existing and proposed), and setback lines;
4. Soil mix and amendments (existing and future);
5. New landscaping and/or screening: location, species, size of materials using both
botanical and common names. Drawings shall reflect the ultimate size of plant
6. Location of existing and/or proposed utilities including septic systems, water and
sewer lines, underground or overhead electric lines, and fire hydrants;
7. Topographic elevations and other landscape features.
L7,O7 .85O Genera I req uirements,
In addition to any specific requirements provided for in other sections of this chapter, the
following general requirements shall pertain to any landscaping and/or screening mandated
by this chapter:
A. Vision Clearance. In order to protect vision clearances, the plant selection and
placement shall be designated such that there is at every street intersection a clear view
between heights of three and six feet in a triangle formed by the corner and points on the
curb thirty feet from the intersection or entranceway.
B. Crime Prevention. Principles and strategies of Crime Prevention Through Environmental
Design (International CPTED Association) should be considered in landscape design plans.
C. Maintenance. Maintenance of landscape areas, trees, and other plantings shall be as
per Section L7.07.894.
L7.O7.860 Landscaping and screening requirements for new development:
commercia l, ind ustrial, a nd mu ltifamily residential
In addition to any other requirements provided for in other sections of this chapter, the
following requirements shall be required:
A. Perimeter Areas. All cleared areas not covered with buildings, driveways, parking,
outside storage, staging and loading areas shall be landscaped. Areas to be landscaped
shall be covered with live plant materials which will ultimately cover seventy-five percent of
the ground area within three years. In the selection of trees and shrubs, consideration
should be given to overall aesthetic impacts at maturity. Deciduous trees must be one and
one half inch caliper at the time of planting and evergreen trees must be a minimum of four
feet in height. Trees should be of a variety expected to reach a minimum of twenty feet in
height at maturity.
1. Commercial: One deciduous or evergreen tree shall be provided for every three
hundred square feet of the area to be landscaped.
2. Industrial: One deciduous or evergreen tree shall be provided for every 800
square feet of the area to be landscaped'
3. Multifamily: One deciduous or evergreen tree shall be provided for every five
hundred square feet of the area to be landscaped.
B. Buffer Areas, Where a development is contiguous to a zoning district of less intensive
land uses, then the adjacent perimeter area shall include visual screening at least six
feet high. Where landscaping is used to provide a buffer the minimum width of the
planting area shall be fifteen feet, The screening may be achieved through any one or
a combination of the methods described in the definitions section.
C, Landscaping adjacent to street frontagesl
1. Industrial:
a, Screening and Buffering Along Travel Corridors. All industrial uses which
contain property frontage on John's Prairie Road, US 101 or SR 102 shall
provide a visual screen on the property between the parking lot and the
right*of-way. The landscaped strip may not include any paved area
except dríveways or pedestrian sidewalks or trails which cross the
landscaped strip, or paving necessary for utilities, maintenance, signs or
other similar uses. Any of the following landscaped strip treatments may
be used singly or in combination:
i. Provide a minimum lO-foot wide visual screen landscape strip
between the right-of-way and the parking, excluding driveway
ii. Provide a berm, the top of which is at least 2.5 feet higher than the
elevation of the adjacent parking lot pavement. Plant with visual
screening, excluding driveway openings,
iii. Provide a minimum twenty-foot wide strip of existing native
vegetation, unless the creation of such a strip creates a hazard.
2. Commercial: See 17.O7.860.4, Perimeter Landscaping'
3. Multifamily: See 17.07.860.4, Perimeter Landscaping
D. Grassy Swales. Grassy swales approved as treatment structures for storm water
treatment and retention/detention by the county, ffiäy be used to satisfy a portion of the
requirement for coverage of seventy-five percent of the ground area of a site by
landscaping as listed above in subsection A of this section.
L7.O7.A7O Parking lot landscaping and screening.
The intent of requirements for parking lot landscaping and screening is to provide for
screeníng of views of parked vehicles from the street and to break-up paved areas with
landscaping. The following requirements shall apply to public and private parking lots, and
residential parking areas providing spaces for five or more cars:
A. Landscaping along street frontages.
The minimum perimeter landscape area width shall be equal to the required yard
or a strip ten feet wide, whichever is greater. On all other perimeters, the depth
shall be a minimum of five feet. In no case shall the right-of-way be included
when calculating minimum perimeter landscaping, but only to exceed the
landscaping requirements. Perimeter areas shall include one tree per twenty
frontage foot, arranged either by equal spacing or groupings. Plantings shall
occur at each lot line or at the edge of any vision clear zone related to views at
intersections and driveways;
Parking lots not fronting on a street nor visible from any land use of lesser
intensity must landscape the minimum setback area, or a minimum of five feet
between the edge of the pavement and property line,
B. Interior parking lot landscaping. Trees shall be provided within the interior areas of the
parking lot as described below. Trees shall be a minimum of one and one-half inch caliper
at planting and of a variety expected to reach a minimum of twenty feet in height at
1. Parking lots of 30 spaces or fewer. Trees shall be provided at a radius of no
greater than 40 feet. Interior parking lot landscaping shall include planting areas
of not less than five percent of the total parking area, excluding perimeter
landscape areas required in subsection (A)(1) of this section.
2. Parking lots of more than 30 spaces. Trees shall be provided within the parking
lot at a radius of no greater than 60 feet, unless a landscape plan reflecting an
alternative arrangement is approved.
3, Parking lots in Industrial areas. The design of interior parking lot landscaping
shall be flexible to allow for necessary vehicle maneuvering,
4. Minimum Area. The minimum area of a required landscaping bed shall be sixty-
four square feet in order to provide a viable plant environment.
17.07.880 Additional landscaping requirements specific to gateway corridor.
A. In the gateway corridors, the county may require trees to be retained or planted such
that adjacent development is less visible from the roadway and/or a forested rural character
is maintained.
B. Within the defined gateway corridors, an effort should be made to retain trees
consistent with the ultimate width of Highway 101 or other adjacent roadway and in
consideration of future health and maintenance of the trees.
C. In addition to retention of native trees, recommended street trees to be planted should
be primarily native conifers and deciduous trees clustered in natural-looking groups.
L7.O7.A9O Alternative landscaping plans.
Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude the county from authorizing alternative landscaping
and/or screening plans when alternative plans comply with the intent of this chapter and:
A. The proposed landscaping represents a superior result than that which would be
achieved by strictly following the requirements of this section, or
B. Provides for the retention of significant trees and naturally occurring undergrowth, or
C. Incorporates unique, historic or architectural features such as fountains, sculptures,
structures and the like, or
D. Strict application of this Chapter violates special easement requirements; or
E. The site cannot comply with landscape requirements because of prior development; or
F. The site conditions, such as space limitations due to unusual lot size or shape,
topography, soil conditions, or existing vegetation, are such that full compliance with the
standards is impossible or impractical; or
G. In those instances where above ground stormwater requirements serve the same or
similar function as required landscaping and the proposed landscaping significantly improves
stormwater treatment and aquifer recharge beyond what can be achieved by this Chapter'
L7 .O7 .Ag I Ad min istrative Varia nce
If determined by the Community Development Director or her/his designee that unique
circumstances or site conditions exist that make meeting provisions of this chapter onerous/
an administrative variance of lOo/o or less from the provisions of this chapter may be
granted in accordance with MCC
L7.O7.A92 Overlapping requirements and conflict.
In the event of a conflict between the standards for individual uses and other general
requirements of this chapter, the more stringent shall apply, Determination of the
appropriate standards shall be made by the Community Development Director or his/her
L7 .O7.A93 Performa nce assu ra nce.
A. Landscaping required pursuant to an approved site plan shall be installed prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final inspection by the county unless the property
owner submits a performance assurance device committing to install the landscaping within
one year. In no case shall the property owner delay performance for more than one year;
B. Performance assurance devices shall take the form of one of the following:
1. A surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to transact business
in the state in a form approved by the county;
2. Cash;
3. Assigned savings pursuant to an agreement approved by the county;
C. If a performance assurance device is employed, the property owner shall provide the
county with a non-revocable notarized agreement granting the county and its agents the
right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the
expiration of the assurance device;
D. If the developer/property owner fails to carry out provisions of the agreement and the
county has reimbursed costs or expenses resulting from such failure, the county shall call on
the bond or cash deposit for reimbursement. If the amount of the bond or cash deposit
exceeds the cost and expense incurred in the county, the remainder shall be released. If the
amount of the bond or cash deposit is less than the cost and expense incurred in the
county, the developer shall be liable to the county for the difference'
17 .O7 .A94 Ma intena nce.
The county places a high value on the quality of our water and shellfish and the salmon that
thrive there. Strategies to maintain healthy trees and vegetation must have minimal impact
on the envirohment. Whenever landscaping is required under the provisions of this chapter,
landscaping and planting areas shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition. Dead or
dying trees or shrubs shall be replaced within thirty days of notification in writing from the
county, and the planting area shall be maintained reasonably free of weeds and trash.
Topping of trees is prohibited unless prior approval is received from the county, Approval
will be given only to avoid the creation of a safety hazard, nuisance through excessive
shading, overhanging adjacent properties, or other reasons as directed by the county.
In additionr owners shall be encouraged to be responsible for:
A. Maintaining landscaping as originally permitted;
B. Minimizing use of chemicals to safeguard water quality by:
1. Monitoring as preferable to calendared spray programs,
2. Using right plant in right growing conditions,
3. Pulling of weeds as preferred over spraying,
4. Removing insects by squishing, washing, or introducing predators, rather than
using chemical sprays;
C. Irrigation with water conservation in mind;
D. Pruning;
E. Providing protection against damage to vegetation caused by changes in grade and/or
normal drainage patterns.
17 .O7 .895 Continuance.
Any existing landscaping and screening may continue to be maintained after the effective
date of the ordinance codified in this chapter and shall become legal nonconforming
landscaping and screening provided :
A. No such landscaping and screening shall be changed in any manner that increases
noncompliance with the provision of this chapter;
B. The burden of establishing landscaping and/or screening to be legally nonconforming
under this section rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming that legal
C. When a business or activity containing legal nonconforming landscaping and/or
screening is enlarged or remodeled to a value of fifty percent or more of existing value of
real property improvements, then such landscaping and/or screening must be brought into
conformity with this chapter.
D, When an existing site is improved or redeveloped, the County may allow the applicant
to pay a fee in lieu as established by the Board of Commissioners for use in the
enhancement of public properties, such as wetlands or parks, rather than provide
landscaping improvements at current standards.
L7.O7.896 Exceptions and appeal.
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or his/her designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals, Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in the amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding
modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
L7.O7.A97 Enforcement.
The director or her/his designee is charged
chapter, Enforcement procedures are set forth
with enforcement of the provisions of this
in Title 15 Development Code Chapter 15.13
Chapter 17,08
17.08.010 Purpose
17.O8.O2O Title
17.08.030 Scope
17.O8.O40 Relationship to Other Laws
17.08.O50 Administrative Standards
17.08,060 Administrative APPeals
L7.O8.O7O Variance
17.08.O80 Off-Street Parking Standards
17.O8.O90 Table of Minimum Standards
17.08.1OO Shared Parking Areas
17.08. 1 10 Off-Street Loading
17.08.120 Parking Development Standards
17.08.130 Handicap Parking Standards
17.O8.140 Definitions
17.08.O1O Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to provide minimum parking standards in the county and
Shelton Urban Growth Area for residential, commercial and industrial developments.
17.O8.O2O Title
The regulations codified under Chapter 17.08 shall be known as the Mason County Parking
17.08.O30 Scope
No structure shall be constructed, erected, placed on land, or enlarged, without complying
with the minimum standards of this Chapter.
17.O8.O40 Relationship to Other Laws
Whenever regulations or restrictions included in this Chapter are either more restrictive than
regulations or restrictions of any other governmental authority by regulation, rule or
legislative action, the rules or regulations which are of higher standard or more restrictive
shall govern, All actions authorized in this Chapter are subject to all other applicable
17.08.O50 Administrative Standards
The Mason County Community Development Director or her/his designee shall be the
administrator of this ordinance.
Whenever, in the course of administration and enforcement of this ordinance, it is found
desirable to make any administrative decision, unless other standards are provided in this
Chapter, the decision shall be made so that the result will not be in contrast with the intent
and purpose of this Chapter, nor detrimental to adjoining properties,
17.08,060 Administrative Appeals
Administrative decisions of the Community Development Director or her/his designee shall
be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal
procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals' Said
statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be
accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board.
The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as
the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding modification
or reversal shall rest with the appellant.
L7.O8.O7O Variance
The purpose of this section is to provide a means of altering the requirements of this
chapter in specific instances where the strict application of these regulations would deprive
a property of privileges enjoyed by other properties which are similarly situated, due to
special features or constraints unique to the property involved.
A. Findings required for approval of a variance
See Mason County Code Title 15 Development Code Section 15.09.057.
B. Procedural requirements for a variance
See Mason County Code Title 15 Development Code Section 15.11
17.08.O8O Off-Street Parking Standards
Off-street parking shall be required according to the following standards and design
guidelines, For off-street parking standards, which are not listed, the requirements for the
most comparable use shall prevail.
17.O8.O90 Table of Minimum Standards
General Use
Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Motel or Tourist Accommodations
Hospital, nursing, or convalescent homes
and similar institutions for long and short
term personal care
1 per dwelling unit
2 per dwelling unit
1 per guest room
1 per each three beds
and 1 per each three
General Use Parkins Space Requirements
Professional Services
Medical and Dental Clinics or Offices One space per each 150 square feet of gross
leasable area plus one space per each
Business and Professional Offices One space per each 300 square feet of gross
leasable area
Professional Personal Services One space per each working station plus one
space per each employee
Places of Assembly
Theater, Church, Mortuary, Auditorium, or
similar places enclosed assembly
Stadium, Sports Arena, and similar places of
open assembly
Libraries and Classrooms
High schools and places of higher education
One per each 4 seats or one per each 50
square feet of floor area for assembly not
having fixed seats.
One per each 4 seats
One per each 250 square feet
Two per each ten students, plus one for each
Banks, Savings and Loan, other
Retail Stores
financial One per each 400 square feet
One per each 300 square feet of net
Two per each 1,000 square feet of gross
floor area excluding outdoor display areas
One per each 200 square feet of gross floor
area on premises if less than 4,000 square
feet in area;
20 and one per each 100 square feet of
gross floor area over 4,000 square feet of
gross floor area.
One parking space for each 3 permanently
assigned moorage spaces and/or, at the
owner's option, one parking space for each
60 feet or portion of 60 feet of non-assigned
moorage space area,
Temporary moorage used for fueling and
supplying boats shall not be included in the
requirement for parking spaces, No
temporary moorage will be used for
Retail Stores for Motor Vehicle, Machinery,
Plumbing, Building Supplies, Sales and
Eating and Drinking Establishments with sale
and consumption on premises
Marinas not including sales and services
General Use Parking Space Requirements
overnight moorage.
Places of Amusement, Arcades, Dance Halls, One per each 50 square feet of usable
Skating Rinks
Bowling Alleys
amusement area space.
4 per each alley.
Manufacturing, research testing, processing
and industries
One per each two employees on the
maximum working shift or one per each 800
square feet of gross floor area.
Clustered Commercial Uses on One Site
The following standards shall apply when
computing parking space area for three or
more uses located on one site when the
gross leasable floor area of those uses is
collectively greater than 5,000 square feet in
a rea.
5.5 per 1,000 square
feet of gross leasable
17.08.1OO Shared Parking Areas
If found desirable, joint use or sharing of parking space area may be permitted for more
than one L¡se, providing that legal instrument is presented to the administrator and
approved by the Community Development Director or her/his designee. Computation of
required parking spaces shall be the same as those for noted uses except that a ratio of 5.5
spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area may be used when collectively the
uses are greater than 5,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area.
17.08.1 10 Off-Street Loading
Off-street loading standards are as follows:
Off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be designed to accommodate vehicles at least
45' in length and at least B' in width,
Off-street loading areas shall be provided separate from general parking areas.
Commercial and Industrial Buildinqs Loadino Area
Less than 25,000 square feet One (except administrative judgment may
waive this requirement)
25,000-50,000 square feet Two
50,000 square feet or greater Two plus one per additional 25,000 square
feet over 50,000 square feet.
L7.O8.L2O Parking Development Standards
A. Submittal of Plans
Plans for every tract of land, lot or parcel, or portion thereof, to be used as a public or
private parking area for 4 motor vehicles or more/ shall be submitted for approval. Plans
shall show the proposed parking area, including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts,
lighting, screening, and other features as required.
B. Construction Standards
All public and private parking and loading areas shall be prepared in a manner to dispose of
surface water runoff which shall be retained on site or drained into an area approved by the
Mason County Engineer or the State DeparLment of Transportation when abutting State
Highways, and areas which are to be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or similar all-
weather surface shall be subject to review and approval of the Mason County Public Works
Director or her/his designee.
According to Mason County Health Department Standards for Individual Sewage Waste
Disposal Systems, the area to be used for sewage disposal shall not be subject to vehicular
traffic and shall not be covered with an impervious surface. Therefore, no parking or
loading area and no paved surface shall be located over any drainfield area.
C. Access and Egress
The location of points of access and egress to the parking or loading area shall be subject to
the approval of the Mason County Engineer or her/his designee and State Department of
Highways when abutting State Highways, Access and egress points shall be evaluated for
safety and turning movements to and from the parking area, site distance clearance, and
engineering design features, including surface paving of access drivers and aisleways from
the public road to the parking area.
D. Screening
Screening of parking and loading areas from adjoining residential uses shall be required,
Screening from adjoining residential areas shall be sight obscuring.
E. Parking Lot Area Design
Parking lot areas shall be designed to adequately accommodate the parking of vehicles and
provide safe internal maneuvering space. All parking lots that provide for 20 or more
parking spaces shall have access driveways that are not intersected by a parking aisle,
parking space, or another access driveway for a minimum distance of 20 feet from the
street right of way, to provide for queuing or stacking area for vehicles entering and exiting
the parking area (see figure below),
*;æ æ
F. Parking Stalls - Access and Dimensions
Adequate provision shall be made for individual ingress and egress by vehicles to all parking
stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles. Maneuvering aisles and
parking stall dimensions shall be as shown in the Table below.
17.08.13O HandicapParking Standards
The following standards shall be used for the design and location of handicap parking stalls
in the development of parking areas.
A. Parking Space
Every parking area shall have a minimum of one handicap parking space and one handicap
parking space for every fifty spaces.
B. Location
Handicap parking stalls shall be located nearest to the primary public building entrances of
the building and shall abut the accessible route of pedestrian travel,
One-Wav Traffic Two-Wav Traffic
Parking Stall Aisle
Anqle W¡dth W¡dth
Parking Stall Aisle
Anqle W¡dth W¡dth
450 g',
600 9'
750 g',
450 8.25', 15',
600 8.25', 18',
750 8.25', 22',
450 8.25' 24',
600 8.25', 25'
900 8.25', 26',
PARKING r2'24'24'24',
C. Parking Stall Size
Handicap parking stalls shall not be less than L2Vz feet in clear width and not less than 20
feet in clear length. Parking stall surface shall be stable, smooth, non-slip, and shall slope
no more than 1 foot for 50 feet of lineal horizontal distance.
D. Curb Cuts
Where any curb cuts occur between the accessible route of travel and any handicap parking
space, curb cuts shall be provided for each parking space with access to the route of travel
directly from the parking space without entering a vehicular roadway.
E. Signs
Handicap parking spaces shall be identified by a sign centered 4 feet - 5 feet from above
grade at the head of the parking space utilizing the International Symbol of Access. The
sign shall also indicate that the space is reserved for disabled people authorized to display
the Washington State disable overtime parking permit on or in their vehicles.
L7.O8.l4O Definitions
A. Access: A way or means of approach.
B, Administrator: The Community Development Director of Mason County or her/his
appointed designee,
C. Egress: A way or means of emergence or exit.
D. Ingress: A way or means of entrance.
E. Maneuvering Aisle: A clear way of travel, or passage for the movement of motor or
other vehicles.
F. Parking Area: A portion of or a lot, parcel, or tract of land used for the short term or
long term storage of motorized or other vehicles.
G. Parking Stall: That portion of a parking area designated for the short-term or long-
term storage of a singular motorized or other vehicles.
H. Parking Standards: Those minimum criteria, rules or means of measure to be met
for the parking or storage of motorized or other vehicles.
Proposed Revisions to the
Mason County Code and l)evelopment Regulations
Title 17
17.02.022 Shelton UGA
The Shelton UGA has separate development regulations under Chapter 17.07 to assure compatibility with
these Ðevelepment Rsgtrlatiens are intenéed te serve'as interim regulatiens urtil streh time as mutual
17.03.040 Off-StreetParking.
_1_2-08; Mason County Parking Standards.
Proposed REPEAL of Title 10 Ghapter 10.68
_11_Â8_.ô2.0_Þ, *
10;68:110 Clustorc
10,68:150 eenstru
10,68,190 Perkins iz€:
10,68,260 Handiea
l€t6€¿80 jlar+an€€r
10,68,310 Cenflic
Proposed Shelton Urban Growth Area Zoning Map
l\4ap produced by: Mason County GIS Department
Project f¡le name:Development_Areas_Panel_1 0.mxd
Publicat¡on Dale: 5l I 2l2OOg
Map created w¡th ArcGlS 9.3
Zoning ¡nformat¡on based on Shelton Urban Growth Area
Land Use Map adopted by county ordinance (1 1 -08).
Parcel and Township informat¡on from the l\¡ason County
GIS Department.
This map ¡s intended to show the zon¡ng des¡gnat¡on of
propert¡es; and, therefore, some shorelines and water
bod¡es are not shown or are part¡ally h¡dden.
l he dd¡ ilsld I' n¡lù l¡ß Ìn¡p h¡vc bcqn lljl¡d l¡r ¡ccúacl, ¡nd cvcrv eÍlôd hs b!.r m
ll¡t lh.sc d¡la ¡.ù fir¡c¡J. ¿ccft¡tr dild rclhblJ lknr¿v.r. \lsoil Coùtr1\ ìn¡kes no gurEtrl.
b ils¡.cur¡cJ rs b lahlirS. d¡6ù!roils. o¡ phcùileil or bcilkil ot ¡ny m¡n lùrrrcs cotrl,
ì hc bortrùrùs dcp'cÞd bI lhús. d¡tô r¡ù ¡pt¡o\¡ûr¡t.. ùnd ¡¡¿ rÒl ûecersrily ¡uütrdc h
cnSD¿ùilg rhrdùds. lhLs¿ dil¡ re nl¿trdcdfttmrlrrôl purpos.s ild shdld uo! bù cdìs
&lhonhlrvr lir cn$iliùilìg, nilrgilrGìd, lcg¡l ¡nd olhEcdr usc¡ \lson Counl) dÒs
¿sn'mc rn\ l¿gôl litbilily or r.\poìsihililv ¡n$ng IÌorn thù ùsc oI ùÁ ù¡p n ¡ raruù hD
\l¡vr Coril! ÍÌì N orc¡l \h¡ll \lAor C({trlJ bù lúblc lìr dtrùd, rndtúcl rtrcrJcnhì. c
tcc¡¡ì, ú¡ loil dana8.s ol ¡il! Iild. DdndirS. brt nor Lùrd¿d b, loq ol rûlic+¡l.d profi
ür\rrg lìoù rsJ úl ùr ¡¿liilìùù ùrûúr!ôlkD conr"--r L '
n\ù lrcs ùiltrcly \ilh thù ß{ drd tIù rt¿r ß sol
th¿ nfo¡ùatol cotrlrncd I Ihß rnôp
ì/lhler Bodies Shèlton Urban Growth Area I lndustial
Parcels Zon¡ng Descr¡pt¡ons : f,4ixed use
Townships Airpod lndustial Neighborhood
city of Shellon I Commercial lndustrial I Public lnsl¡lutional
RuralAreas I General commerc¡al