HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-09 - Res. Establishing Fees and Charges Policy for Parks and Trails DepartmentRESOLUTTONNo. lÞ-Ôq
WHEREAS, Chapter 67.20.010 RCW, provides the authority for Counties to own and operate
recreational facilities for public use, and to set forth the regulations, policies, and practices governing
such use, and
WFIEREAS, Mason County Parks and Trails Department owns and operates County Parks for the
enjoyment and use of its residents and visitors, and
WHEREAS, County Parks receive increasing use each year from the public, while funding for
administration, operations, and maintenance from the County Current Expense Fund has declined, and
WHEREAS, the implementation of Fees and Charges for certain park use and services can enhance
declining revenues from the Current Expense Fund, and
WHEREAS, many of the Mason County Parks and Department services that previously were free in the
future may require a fee to support park administration, operations, and maintenance;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thatthe Board of County Commissioners of Mason County
does hereby establish a "Fees and Charges Policy" as set forth in Exhibit A, pertaining to the use of
Mason County Parks and facilities;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Parks and Trails Department, or such department or organization
designated by the County with the responsibility for operating and maintaining park facilities at some
point in the future, shall be atthorized to develop and adminisfer any processes and procedures necessary
to implement the fees and charges policy, as set forth in Exhibit A or subsequently amended.
Signed this 10th day of February 2009.
T -S/-,ç4-
C: Parks and Trails Department
J:\RESOLUTIONS\2009\Fees and Charges Poliry Parks.doc
Tim Sheldon, Chair
Mason County
Parks & Trails Department
'Whv does Mason Countv Parks & Trails Department need a fees and charges policv?
The nation's park and recreation agencies have always, to a greater or lesser extent, offered
diversified recreational services to its citizens, recognizing govemment's responsibility to provide
open space, parks, trails, and leisure opportunities. But, in view of the increasingly heavy
demands for new and expanded services, the rapid increase in operating costs and capital
expenditures, and because of limited access to tax revenue, it has become difficult to maintain
existing levels of service, much less provide new services. Consequently, park and recreation
agencies must develop sound and consistent policies that will serve as a tool for evaluating
services and establishing appropriate fees and charges. The imposition of fees makes possible
for continued maintenance services, administrative support, recreation services and can be
justified on the basis that such services would not otherwise be possible.
The reduction in the availability of tax dollars for public services, particularly at local levels of
government for parks and recreation services continues to shrink. The result is local jurisdictions
must either to reduce the quality and range of community services offered or to seek alternate
revenue sources to finance these services, or both.
In many government organizations the primary altemate source of revenue to the property tax
and sales tax is reasonably based user fees and charges that have a direct service benefit..
The underlying principle of the Mason County Parks & Trails Department fiscal program
must be to efficiently offer the most diversified recreational services possible, ensuring that
all citizens of Mason County have equal opportunity and choice in participation. Since the
demand placed upon the department to provide services is greater than the public's ability or
willingness to appropriate public funds to support that demand, it has become an economic
necessity to charge certain fees for these services. However, fees and charges for Mason
County Parks & Trails Department services provide only one source of financing for the
public agency. Fees must be thoroughly evaluated prior to inception to integrate them into
the fiscal matrix supporting public parks and recreation services, a matrix which includes
general fund appropriations, capital improvements funds, grants-in-aid, and special gifts and
donations. The Board of County Commissioners, as the policy body of Mason County, must
determine the amount of general fund support versus user fees.
The goal of this fees and charges policy analysis is to establish a written operatins
philosophy and a consistent policy statement that will be formall)' adopted bl¿ the Park &
Recreation Advisory Board and the Mason County Board of County Commissioners.
A. GeneralPhilosophies
Mason County Parks and Trails I)epartment Mission Statement:
66Provide a diverse system of safe, attractive, and professionally maintained parkso
trails, and recreation opportunities designed to enhance the quality of life for all who
reside in and visit Mason County."
A Quality of Life Commitment by:
o Providing for each individual within Mason County; recreation, parks, trails, and
open spaces;
o Providing safe and clean recreation and park facilities for use by the public; and
. Providing accessibility for all and encouragement for everyone's active participation.
Quatity Parks & Recreation Services by:
o Providing adequately trained, qualified and certified staff for park maintenance and
o Providing trained and qualified staff for office operations and administration, ando Providing trained and qualified staff to deliver excellence in customer service.
Opportunities for Community Involvement by:o Involving the public in the planning, design, operation and evaluation of park
programs, activities and facilities; and
o Providing the opportunity for all residents to visit parks and trails and to utilize the
facilities of the department.
Excellence in Fiscal and Operational Services by:o Developing an objective cost analysis to use as a planning and operating tool to
improve the management and cost recovery for department services;o Providing Countyresidents with fees and charges that reflect the tax support provided
to the department by the County elected;
o Establishing user fees and charges that are equitable for all users;o Establishing user fees that encourage payment by users for services provided to
individuals or user groups for their specific use;
o Establishing a scholarship program to provide assistance to those who can not
afford the fees and charges; ando Continuing to provide fundamental basic services free of charge, except through
taxes paid, to the public.
B. Specific Philosophies
1. Basic Park & Recreation Services Should Be Free
Fundamental services are those that tend to preserve and promote physical and mental
well being, provide patron safety, and provide park and recreation services and
facilities to groups with limited ability to provide for themselves, such as the young,
the older citizen, the disabled and the economically disadvantaged. Therefore. public
funds should be used for acquisition of lands. improvement of existine property and
facilities. ma{ragement. maintenance and basic services.
Other park and recreation services and facilities should be free unless fees are
determined appropriate because of one or more of the following:
a. Cost per hour of the service or operating the facility. This may be so
- the service uses consumable materials;
- the service requires a facility with high capital, operating or
maintenance costs;
- the service requires special preparation or clean-up (baseball fields);- the service requires an extra cost above the average normal
anticipated cost,
b. A fee will expand activities for all people, at the least possible cost to the
majority of citizens; therefore, charging a fee assists in providing activities
of a special nature.
c. Use of the service or facility is limited to a relatively few individuals or
special interest groups of a private ôharacter; therefore, those who directly
benefit to the exclusion of others should pay extra for the privileges
d. Public property is used for private economic gain; therefore, the fees and
charges for use of public recreation and park facilities by private and
closed membership groups should be implemented.
e. The public demands more activities and more services beyond the level of
commitment from appropriated taxes dedicated to pay for them.
2. Special Considerations given:
Mason County Parks and Trails Department fees and charges policy must be
flexible-to allow for discounts for people who do not have the ability to pay and I
or organizations that agree to a formal partnership with the City.
a. Ability to Pay Criteria:
Some individuals may not be able to afford the fees and charges for
facilities managed by the department. In such cases the department may
provide discounted rates.
b. SpeciallnterestÆartnership Groups:
Special consideration should not be granted to special interest groups or
individuals in the form of discounted fees or charges. Exceptions may be
granted to groups who are sponsored by the Department and/or the County
who provide in-kind volunteer services or revenue donations with a direct
benefit to the operations and maintenance of the Department. Partnership
agreements may also provide opportunities for exception consideration. In
all cases this must be addressed within the formal partnership agreement.
c. Proprietary or Commercial Groups:
Proprietary or commercial groups using Mason County parks or facilities
for financial gain or profit should be charged an additional fee for the
privilege of conducting their business on Mason County Parks & Trails
Department property. Such additiohal fees are warranted in that the
Department's fee and charges program is designed to recover costs for
facilities on a non-profit basis. Therefore, the use of these facilities by for
profit pu{poses is inconsistent with Mason County Parks & Trails
Departments basic philosophy and revenue goals. Where public
developed and maintained resources are used by a for-profît group to make
a profit, the public should share in that profit to recover a portion of the
management and development costs.
d. Non residents:
Definition: An índívìduøl and immedíatefamíly not residing in ønd/or
owníng property/busíness withín the boundøríes of Møson County.
Many individuals who live outside Mason County participate in and enjoy
the use of Mason County Parks & Trails Department facilities and
recreation services but make no property tax contribution to help support
the operation.
Therefore, it may be reasonable to incorporate into the fee-and-charges
policy, non-resident fees for admission, reservations/rentals, and
participation fees.
Note: any park acquired or developed with grant money from the
Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) can not have a higher non-
resident fee charged and a low resident fee charged.
A. Basic Serviges
Basic Services are the maintenance of clean, safe, attractive parks and buildings for
the general public as well as services to those persons who are unable to take
advantage of the regular services because of either financial restrictions or a disability.
Generally, basic services are offered to the public free. All costs for providing these
basic services are paid from the appropriated budget. Unscheduled use at a park play
area would be an example.
B. Special Services
Special Services are those above Basic Services, for which the department normally
incurs additional costs or which are provided for the benefit of a particular individual
or group rather than the general public. Program administrative costs (salaries plus
fringe benefits) as well as the cost of the services and supplies associated with the
provision of these specialized recreation programs shall be offset by the assessment of
an appropriate fee. Rental of baseball fields or picnic shelter would be an example.
Mason County Parks & Trails Department has identified six (6) basic fees and charges.
They are:
A. Entrance Fee
A fee charged for usage of a park, or developed site, usually large, open area with
controlled access/egress, such as the sports complexes.
B. Admission Fee
A fee charged for entry into a building or structure. Some type of progratr', event,
demonstration, or exhibit to attactvisitors is usually offered. A special event at a
facility would be an example.
C. Rental or Reser)¡ation Fee
Payment for the exclusive use of a facility. The word exclusive is emphasized
because the individual pays for the privilege of using the facility without interference.
For example, if the Shelter at Walker Park is reserved for a family reunion, the group
has exclusive use during the rental period. Equipment, such as additional picnic
tables, barbecues or staff time for set-up, take down or clean-up, could also be
covered by the fee.
D. User Fee
A charge to an individual or organization for use of a park or facility. The field use
fees at MCRA and Sandhill Park are examples, or the fee to launch a boat at one of
the County boat launches.
License or Permit Fee
A fee to account for the privilege to perform a particular action. The payment for a
permit or license to use the parks for profit or for a commercial enterprise to operate
within a park or facility.
Special Services Fee
A charge for receiving extraordinary services beyond customary levels or for having
the use of special equipment or facilities where the benefits are specific to the
individual or group which requests the service. Installation of a pitching mound is an
In cases where fees are to be charged, the fee rate should be instituted to off set
operational costs if possible and to lower the financial subsidy that is provided to the
Parks and Trails Department through the budget process. For example, fees charged
for baseball games should be based to the greatest degree possible on the costs to. prepare a field, including labor charges and supplies. Capital cost for equipment
would generally not be included in the fee calculation.
Safeguards are necessary to ensure proper use of public facilities when requests are
received by the Department to conduct commercial or promotional activities on park or
County property or to utilize the names of public structures or facilities in advertising a
A. Requisites for Approval:
Commercial and promotional activities in parks and recreation facilities should
be authorized only if they provide a positive public service and meet a legitimate
public need and do not take precedence over public recreation use.
Commercial or promotional activities on park property shall be permitted only
when they are clearly not in conflict with ongoing Department sponsored
programs, or if the program can be conducted without any restriction on public
use for an uffeasonable period of time.
commercial or promotional use of public facilities including use of public
names of structures should not be authorized if such use constitutes an
expressed or implied endorsement of commercial products, services, or
- Fee's charged for commercial use of parks should be higher than fees charged to
the general public for recreational use in cases where a fee is charged to the
public to use parks.
Authorization to Approve Requests:
A request to conduct commercial or promotional activities on park areas, to post
forms of advertising on park premises, or to utilize the names of structures or
facilities in advertising a product should be directed to the Parks & Trails Director.
- Approval shall be granted by the Director or their designated representative for
permission to post signs, banners, posters or any other forms of advertising on
park facilities. All materials of this type must be consistent with the overall
aesthetic appearance of the park. Advertising materials for specific activities
must be taken down upon completion ofthe event. Such items donated for
permanent use at a park facility must meet all of the aforementioned
requirements for approval.
- Requests to utilize the names of public structures or facilities in advertising a
product should be forwarded to the Director for approval.
- Commercial activities will be approved through a license or permit process.
Charges for Commercial Activities:
All costs incurred by the Department resulting from commercial use of a park or
County facility should be recoverable as a part of the special service fee.
- Groups or organizations conducting commercial activities at park facilities must
pay ahigher rate than the prevailing rental rates for use of the facility by the
general public.
- Sponsors of profit-making, commercial activities conducted on park or County
property must provide the department with evidence of comprehensive general
liability insurance sufficient to protect the County against risk, with a limit of at
least $1.0 million for each occurrence, which names the County as an additional
insured, or Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Director.
- In addition to the rental fee and insurance, the sponsors of profit-making,
commercial activities conducted on park or County property should pay the
County a percent of the gross receipts to be established by the Park &
Recreation Advisory Board. (Example: Flea Market in County parking lot.)
- Any ongoing commercial or profit making operation using County facilities will
be require a special license or permit, with the duration and fee's established
through the license or permit application process.
- V/ithin thirty (30) days after acommercial or promotional activity, an itemized
list of all gross income associated with such an event is to be transmitted to the
Director, together with payment of the established percentage fee.
D. Charges for Charitable (.non-sponsored) Activities:
- Charitable, non-profit, community-serving organizations which conduct an
event on park property for the pulpose of raising funds, not sponsored by the
Department, must pay only the facility rental fees or the established percent of
their gross receipts, whichever is greater. Organization must provide IRS status
to veri$ standing.
- Charitable, non-prof,rt, community-serving orgarizations should alsó provide the
Department with evidence of comprehensive general liability insurance
sufficient to protect the County against risk, with a limit of at least $ 1 .0 million
for each occuffence, which names the County as an additional insured, or
Certificate of Insurance acceptable to the Director.
- Fees collected by the Department from these fund-raising activities on park
facilities will be deposited in the Parks and Trails Department Revenue budget.
E. Charges for Charitable (sponsored) Activities:.
Charitable, non-profit, community-serving organizations which conduct an event on
park property for the purpose of raising funds for the Parks and Trails Department
activities or projects, should not be required to pay facility rental fees or percentages
of gross receipts, nor should they be required to carry insurance.
All revenues collected from these fund-raising activities on park facilities should be
turned over to the Department, and deposited into a designated project account and
credited as a gift or donation.
Fee's and charges shall be established by the Board of County Commissioners. Once fees are
approved, fees and charges will be adjusted annually beginning in2071 by using the Seattle
Consumer Price (CPI) Index. See exhibit A, CPI Forecast.
Parks and Trails Department fee's and charges will be used to supplement the Parks and
Trails Department annual budget from the County Current Expense Fund budget. Intent of
utilizing various fees and charges is to use these funds in the operations and maintenance of
Parks and Trails facilities. Specifically to use fees collected in specialized operations. An
example would be to use ballfield use fee's for the operation and maintenance of MCRA
and Sandhill Parks.
Mason County Parks & Recreation Department shall review annually the Fees and Charges
Policy and the Fees and Charges Schedule and make appropriate adjustments as
recommended by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and approved by the County
A. The County Commissioners are responsible for setting the Fees and Charges Schedule.
Mason County Parks and Trails staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will
provide recommendations for establishing fees and charges.
Exhibit A
CPI Forecast
Forecast of Seattle CPI-U, All items (1982-
Jpdated 8-22-08
84=1 00
growth rate
2000 (actual)
2001 (actual)
2002 (actual)
2003 (actual)
2004 (actual)
2005 (actual)
2006 (actual)
2007 (actual)
201 0
NOTE: CPI-U covers all urban