HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09 - Res. Declaration of Emergency[ùooz
0 L/ tE/?009 sHU tt 43 ÌtAli
Resolution x"' 0ä,41
Bcl''orc the lloarcl ot'Courrty Comntissioners of Massn Counry, Washington
In the Matter of Doclaring a Disaster
WIIIIREAS, thE lvfa$on county Division of Ëmergcncy Managenrc'ltt hsts rì:p(}l'tsd ro the cllgir'
tsosrcl of Maso¡ counw ı"**i*ioners, bogir,rrinlg {pirusr;$L?o0t¡ efï'eots of he*vtrg¡Bs'-high
gl¡r*._fæ*fgeq.*uJlii"+*lãn* np-ç.CfiUe hän* oauseO a disà$ler by crcating and or threatcning
extertsíu$ da*,rgcs ín parts of N{ason County;a:tl
WF¡ERE,¿\S, Mason County gçvËl'nmonr ftinctions are temporatily relccated to tho Mason Üoun[y
Ernorgonr;y Oporations C+rtùr; end
rvi-Ir.ìIrBAS, the faciiities and srâff ar the luêson Çonnty llrnergency operûtitns centgr maintnin nll
critiqai üountY ùovernmÒnt funct¡ons durirrg the aftermattl of â dissstcr; and
WFIËREAS, eritensivc drrmage lias occurrcd and/or is still oc<:urring tü caurrly infråstr'J,çilr$,
i,rotoaing ronds an¿ bridges, frivate roads, þomes, business and i'$m lands; ar¡tl
WHËREAS, pefso¡$ and property are, snd will be damaged unless liLrther efforts årÊ tâken t0 rcduue
the threâtþ life an+l PtoPenY; and
WF¡EREAS, fhûte í+ an enrorgenoy prÈsent whish necessitate activatiein of't!:e Masan County
Comprehensive Enrergon*y Munagómcnt Pten (CEMP) a-nd utiliratisn ctlcÌnefgËncy ËOw{tr$
granùd pursuant to RC.\'"'38,52 a.rd County Ordi¡rance No' 56-961
THELEFORE BE IT.RË,SOLVED by the Bozu'd of Mason counly commissioners:
Section I
"l'hat it is herrby declal'ed thlr ti:ere is art e:norgencyicii.saster due lo the cc¡nditions in Msson
County; theref'erc designateA departments are authori¿ìd to enter inlo contrs,ct and incur obligations
n**rurr*y to conrbar s,ich enrergency to ptotect the health and safety ofpersons end prcperty, and
provide cmergeni:y assistance to thc victims of suoh disnstel
![o or
s1/08/zcüc rHu 9r {3 FÀ.Y
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Clomrnissíorter. Disuict I
Section 2
F,uclr derignnlecl rloprrtmcnt is suthodued to exercise tite poweru-)::::1^i-S.:ction I olthis
reeolutïon in tight of the àçrn¿nds of un *t*o* effi.ergency situation wirhout rcgard to tim+"
consuming procsCurc.s ancl iurrnirliticn ptesËüü*rf UV lãw (ðltcepting tu**datory con'q1iÌutiond
Þnto this -8-lh-d¡ly of ,.lgËSltty,209å.