HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10 - Res. Authorizing Real Property Interests Needed for Belfair Wastewater Treatment SystemRESoLUTIoN No. OL.IA A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSTONERS, MASON COUNTY, WASHTNGTON, AUTTTORTZING THE ACQUISITION BY NEGOTIATTON OR CONDEMNATION OF REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS NEEDED F'OR MASON COUNTY BELFAIR WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Mason County ("County'') is working to plan, design and construct a wastewater heatment system, including pump stations and pipeline conveyance systan, known as "Mason County Belfair'Wastewater Treatment System" ('?roject"); and WIIEREAS, in order to carry out the Project, the County must obtain certain easements together with certain parcels; and \ryHEREAS, pursuant to State and Federal policies and regulations, the County must acquire certain real property rights, including necessary fee simple titles, easements and right-of-way (collectively "the real property interests"), through negotiations with property owners whose property is located within the Project; and WHEREAS, such real property interests to be acquired for the Project are for the general benefit and welfare of the County and the inhabitants thereof; and WHEREAS, if the County is unable to acquire the necessary real property interests in a timely manner, the County must file a petition in eminent domain (condemnation action) in order to meet the funding and conskuction deadlines for the Project; and WHEREAS, the County is authorized by Chapt er 36.94 RCW to exercise the power of eminent domain pursuant to Chapters 8.08 and 8.25 RCW; NOIV, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for Mason County as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted as if set forth in fuIl herein; and. 2. The rights and interests in the real property described and contained in Exhibit 1 through Exhibit 3 ("Real Property") are fbr a public use and are necessary for the construction of the Projecl and are condemned, appropriated, taken and damaged in fee, easements and rights-oÊway for public pu{poses, subject to the making or paying of just compensation to the owners thereof in the manner provided by law; and 3. County staff, the County prosecuting attorney and all County consultants for the Project are authonzed and directed to enter into any and all negotiations and agreements necessary to acquire the interests in the Real Property as described and contained in Exhibit 1 through Exhibit 3, provided that if such negotiations fail to 3962s3.0t136t7961000118hI10 I l.Doc -1- acquire such interests in all or afry portion of the Real Property in a timely manner, as detemrined by the Director of Mason County Utilities and Waste Management the County prosecuting attorney or his designee is authorized to file and prosecute proceedings provided by law to condemn, appropriate and take said Real Property and to ca:ry out the provisions of this Resolution. '- i^ PASSED this 5': day of January,2010. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, TVASHIGNTON ATTEST:1& S/-e-,Ç Tim Sheldon, Chair nnon Goudy, Cl 3962s3.0113617 9ó1000 I l8h¡l0l LDoc a EXHIBIT 1 Grr Sour Tusr TIME, LLC Pnncel No. 12329 43 00190 ExHreff A ExHreff B ExHrerr C ExHrerr I EXHIBIT'A' PUMP STATION EASEMENT PROPERTY' NE4; SW4, SE4, Section 29, Township23N, Range 1V/,'W.M- Pump Station 1 That portion of the No¡theast Quarter of the Soutl¡west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of .Section 29, tormsnip 23 North, Range I -West, W,M., lying Easteriy of the Easterly margrn of State Route No. 3 and Southerly of a line running North 67o10' 'West &om a point on the East line of.said Southwest Quarter of the Soutúeast Quartor, Soutl 0o52' East 526.6 feet from the Nofheast corner theroof; EXCEPTING therofton public roads, if any, more particuiarly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast comer of the above described parcel, TIIENCE North 1"36'39" East along ttro East üne of said subdivision a distance of 60'00 feet; TTIENCENoTth 89"13'39" West parallel with and 60.00 feetNorth of the South line of said zubdivision a distance of 163.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; TIIENCE North 1o36'39" Eâst parallel with and 163.00 feet West of said East line a distance of 47.01 feet; TTIENCE North 89" 13 '3 9' 'West parallel rvith and I 07.00 feet North of ãnd saið South line a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly margin of State Route No. 3; THENCE Southwesterly along said margin 52 feet, more or less, to a point whrch bears No¡th 89.13'3g"westadistanceofl00feet,moreorlessfromthePQINTOFBEGINNING; TIIENCE South 89o13'39" East to tbe ?OINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 4,230 square feet, more or less. EXHIBIT'B'. ACCESS EASEMENT PROPERTY NE4, sw4, sE4, sectioiffiîffiii 23N, Range 1W, w'M' That poriion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quartei of Seclion 29, Township 23 Norio"- Range I West, W.M., lying Easterþ of the Easterly margin of State Route No. 3 and Southerly of a line running NoÍh 67" 1 0' West from a point on the East line of said Southwest Quarter of tlre Southeast Quarter, South 0o52' East 526.6 feet from theNortheast comer thereof; EXCEPTING therefrompublic roads, if any, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the above described parcel, T1IENCENorth i'36'39"Eust along the East line of said zubdivision a dista¡rce of 60.00 feet; THENCENolth 89o13'39" Wesi parallel with and 60.00 feetNorth of the South Iine of said subdMsion a distance of 163.02 feet; TIIENCENoTIh 1'36'39" East pa¡allel with and 163.00 feet West of said East line a distance of 47.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING ; THENCE ContinuingNorth 1o36'39'East a distance of 15.00 feet; TIIENCENoTth 89'13'39" West parallel with and 122.00 feetNorth of said South line a distance of 73 fee! more or less, to the Southeasterly margin of State Route No. 3; THENCE Southwestorly along said margin 16,5 foet, more or le ss, to a point rryhich bears Norih 89"13'39" West a distance of 80 fee! more or less, ûom the POINT OFBEGINNb{G; THENCE South 89o13'39'East to the PODIT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1,140 square feet, more or less. EXHltslT'G' TEM PORARY CONSTRUCTTON EASEM ENT DESCRIPTION NE4, SW4, SE4, Section 29, Towruhip 23N, Range lW, W.M. Pump Station 1 That portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 Nort\ Range 1 West, \M.M., lying Easterly of the Easterly margin of State Route No. 3 and Southerly of a line running North 67o10'Westfrom apoint onthe East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter , South 0052' East 526.6 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; EXCEPTING therefrom public roads, if any, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at tle Southeast comer of the above described parcel, TIIENCE North 1o36'39" Easi along the East line of said subdivision a dista¡ce of 60.00 feet; TTIENCENoTth 89o13'39" West parallel with and 60.00 feetNorth of the South line of said subdivision a distance of 163,02 feet to tho POINT OF BEGINNING; TIIENCENoTth 1'36'39" Bast parallel with and 163.00 feet West of said East line a dista¡ce of 47.01 feet; THENCE South 89'13'39" East parallel with and 107.00 feetNorth of said South line a distance of 10,00 feet; TIIENCE Souti 1"36'39"West parallel with and 153.00 feet West of said East line a distance of 52.01 feet; TIIBNCENo¡th 89o13'39" West parallel with and 55.00 feet North of said South line a distance of 46.00 THENCENoTft 1o36'39" East parallel with and 199.00 feet West of said East line ¿ distance of 5.00 feet; TI{ENCE South 89'13'39" East parallel with and 60.00 feetNorth of said South line a distance of 36.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Contai:ring 699 square fee! more or less. PUMP STATION ONE NE4, SW4, SE4, Section2g, Township 23N, Rango lÏtr, W.M. Pump Station 1 n,^ 2og,- '.,,r_rîii?i.^.i,, '"ìjiialo¿"^ '*ì;-lco,--t+-- 66'18'0"' .-'i,:.;i1 : ¡ ---- !ir.!rr',..' .t i__r,'t 'J l-- I I .'j . -.1 ,{'/,.':|../ PRoPosED rs" .. '/ , TwDEACCEss: i EASEMENTtF-- n'f -----l f {-' . ,,.t DEED ArN. ?G55ZA , 'N89'13'J90W Ill I 60'a 1* ro.o' t.rt tèFili ExHIBIT 2 Curroru HsoHrs, LLC Pnncel Nos. 1233214 00000 AND 12332 50 00030 ExHre¡r A ExnrBr A-1 aruo B-1 ExHrerr B ExHrsr C ExHrsff C-1 ExHrerr 2 EXHIBIT A Permanent PumP Station Easement ProperlY DescriPtion That portion of the Southeast Quarler of the Northeæt Quaner of Section 320 Township . 23 North, Range I West, W.M., rnore particularly described as follows: COMMENCINC at theNortheast Csrilerof said Southeast Quarter of the Noriheast . Quarter; THENCE Nórth 89"01'26" Wast along the Nófih line of said Southeast Qua¡ter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of I I 1 6.85 feeÇ .THENCE South 02"17'08- East a dístanôe of 4.00 feet to a curve to the iight havirifi a iå'ff å!:tll; iaid cr¡rve rhroughja central angte ofó0"15 '22- bavnsa lengrh or26.2e ftlE*U South 57o58'14"'wcst á distauce of 165.38 fe€t to a ûurve to the lefr having a radius of85.00 fèet; THENCE atong said curve throuih a central angle of 55'40'52'having a ierigth of 82.60 feeq THENCE South 02"17'22"' 'West a distauce of 128.90 feet to Êhe POINT OF BEGINNINGi JHENCENorth.8798'l0'Westad¡stu"ô" oftl.t7 feettotheV[estlineoftheEastHalf oftheNorlfieastQuarterasestabliShedþfouni1andaccepledironpipbssetforthePlat '' of Sdim Ê Thellers l{ome and Gàrde¡ Tractb; THENCE Soulh 00034'36"'West along said line a distânce öf 49.90 feet to a3Á" pîpe', . THENCE South 02038'14" 'West a distancc of 263.02 feet; TIIENCE South 89"57'18" East a distance of 162.83 feeE TIIENCE N 2 5o44'43n West a dista¡oe of 288.34 feet to a curve to the riglit having a radius of85.00 feet; THENCE along saiâ curve tlrougþ a central angle of 28"02.105" haviog a length of i t .sg . f""t; fUÉNCe ¡¡orm 02"17'22" East a distance'of 1.1.98 feet to the POiNT oF BEGINNIÑC. . Contairring 0.58 Acrcs, nrore or less EXHIBIT A-1 and B-l +, NE4 OP SEC, 32, TWP. E3N, RGE. 1}T, suNffr+l | "I¡i:Tût'¡ i¡iL-ii'i - -t*fiI $YU- -.' ïi' o' u*.JT,,3".--'fy)tltì" :-l - /ryr\t'/ro vrDE IEMP'RÂRY/u/ ¿'V.-coNsiRUcTloN ,/..\4P EAsEMÊ{r I',,'il\-3&ffi1,ffifi*o*' I [,{ t €AEEMENT Ir'l i iil .,AcK JoHhrso* .It [ -*..*; r-""ERrY Iþ\ rz'wDE ,eurÀ*o*,\ \ -- cbNSTRUcno{ NO.\ r EASEI,|ENr V *T 31,' L" L, V¡ôflrl l.¡tu¡tf, ls lflz l3¡t-lÍft l- I I\,, \,4.\ 1 :r' ). V.r, \ 20' wrDE ,/^ \u' \--.PERMA¡IENT/,/#.'ð EASE1IENT ' /.q1 \ \ ,/.'' \'\ \ o^rkrr ÈÀúi;+i.|;*V-'o'*' î ;p-m cTäfr .¡ARY sTA'froN No- 3 <o-....t\EASEI¡ENT ì Irìl111 '1 II \-\\r,\. Page { of3 2p coNsTl -{{*ì {ìä* 1 sEE SHEET 1 SEE SHEET 1 H-ã7s-TF /iíi' $u. L I z .*-í i Egl-i L 9 1¡ o .W-lJH_ü zs n æË--'5ìì\=JsiE-nã ifi!3gfig -à--;lilr' 'm xJ. E-l ÞI.Å !t 0. tgI ;ro¡ ¡ (ù a. EXHIBIT A-l and B-1, Aonfinued SE4, NE4 OF SEC. 3.?, TTÏP. ¿3N, RGE. 1TI, W.M, PERMANENT EASEI*IENT LINE TABLE UNE LENG]H BEARING L1 Å._NngSztnRoüJ L 165.38 ñ678R'r¿"F L3 140.f¡Jntna]t+'l L4 2ô8.34 N"5'¡!¿'¿-l-!tJ t2,54 NAS571B-ìñ L6 78-97 |,lrL1t'rr'tt) L7 27lJ^19 N86r7'lO-E L8 91-ê3 ñ5fiî¿'an'ï¡ L 1t7.51 NOB?6'5T'1'J L10 259-32 NßRTIl'tÂ" 111 278-&7 N21'aE'4":F Lî2 288.09 N02'231fÊ H¡1'95.1 ---- -'ñ1 s,E Lî4 0.63 ño?'tÊ-5q Ll5 J0,o ñ8grl1'ta'!r 116 195.r5 N4t're'6otF Ll7 288.0 NO2?3'tSrE Lt8 248-47 Àl9trçÊ'tt'E Lt€2?.1 N6AO3'1dn 96:74 NÐts?6'si: L t5t,2 I,t5ÐTÌ43l}'i 122 238,48 NÊ6'rfiôtF L2 75._ñ,rLnt'22nw t2+s5.51 Ngs'.87'ra"w tÌ z53i ñ125:44'4J"w L2 1¡10.88 Nltz'lz'tu"F L27 165-38 N57',58'r4'E L2 2-AA N:nz'17'oa'$, .LZg 20.o:N.8qTli'?d*w CURVE TABLE CURVE LEI'¡GïH RADIUS rl1 ?a 95.1 (:t 4260 85-0(] c3 41.59 45.00 c4 61-¡t4 1AO. 94.15 120.00 û{141-3 1a(}-0,¡ c7 117-72 150.00 117-6?1sı-OC c9 st29 150.OO 31.8C 65. c.l:l 63.17 65.OO t12 +7.5:45.OO PUMP'STATION 3 LINE TABLE LINE LENE'IH BEARING L.1V.11 N ñ?.? R'l ôn !NnÐ't?'.tr"F t5 û¡89's7f A"W t33 2tt3_02 htÂt.ìa'1 r'q 134 49,90 ñoo.34'3Ê'É Page 3 of 3 GSIÞ' Æl pll SHEET 3 OF J EXHIB¡T B P.ermanent Utility Easement and Temporary Gonstruction Easement Property DescriPtÍon - Pcrmanent utility caserqont over that pbrtion of ttre Southeast Quarter of the Nortireast Quarter of . $.ection 32, Toivnship 23 North, Rauge 1 'West, iv.M., more particularly desø{bed as follows; . COMMENCING at the Northcast Corner of said Southeast Quarter offhe Northeast Quartery, THENCË North 39ù01'26" West along theNorth lîne of said Southeast Quarter of the Noflheast' . QuârtÊr a dísønce of 11 16.85 feçt to the POINT OF BEGINNING; .' TIIENCE Srluth 0i"17'08r' East a dista¡rce of4;00 feet to a curve to ilhedght having a radius of 25.00;' ,TIIENCÞ along sairl ourve tlrough a centlal angle of 60"15'22" haqifig a lenglh of 26.29'feeti' iIIIENCB South 5?o58rl4' V/est a ctistance of 165.38 feelto acurge.to.the left havíng a radius of . 85.00 fee$. . THENCE along *aid putvo through a cenû"l angle o.f 55u40'5?' having a,length of 82.60 feet; THÊNCF Ssúth 02ol?'22"'Tfcst a distance.of 140.88 feot to a curve'to the left having a r¿dius of' 85.00 feeti '. THENCE alorig said'curve througfr a contml angleof 2$o02'O5" having a lengtlt of 41.59 feet; .. THENCE South 25o44'43'r Easta di$ancc of 288.34 feet; ' ' . t¡lEI'ICn So¡rth 89n57'1.8" Eas a disiance:of 12.54 f€èq. ' THENCE South 24"1 2'22; Eas a distance ôf 76.97 feet; . . THENCF Nortlr 86o17'1û" Eàst a'distauca of 279.19 feet;' THENCE South 50104'3.0¡'na$ a dístance o{91;63 ftsq' TITENCE South 0S'26'51." East a distance of I17.58 feet; THENCE.Soi¡th 68o03'18" Eüst a distance óf 299.32.feet; THENCB Nonh 21'56'42'tEast a distanoe of 276.87 .feet to a.rurye to the lefl lravìng a raclius of-lguoofeeq - THENCË along saiil crina ttrougt a cebtral aryile.of l9o33'27" having a lenelh of 6l .44 feat: ITiENCENoTÈh 02?3'15" East a distance of 288.09.toa curvetc therigfithaving a radius of . 120.00 feet,, TIIENCE çlone said curvetlrrougha'cenhal angleof44+56'44'thavinga length of 94.13 feer; THEIICE Not'th 47u19'59't Easl a distarrcs of 195.15 feet to a curve to the lelt haviug a radius of 180'00 feoq TI{ENCE.qlong saíd curve tlrougb apãrtÊl Ëûgleof 4s100'og" having ale.ngth 14l-37 feet; . .THBNCE Nor.th.02"t9'59' EasL ¿i dístance of 0.63 -tbet to ths North li¡re of said Southeasl Quarter . of the Nortbeast Qtinjrtefl. TIIENCE Nofh 89'01r27- 'lvest alorrg said line a distanca of 30.0I foot to a point on a non tangent .curve to the riglrt frern which tlie penter bears Nofih 87ù38'03'r 'WÞst, 150.00 {'est distariü - TËENçE Southwesføly aìong said ourve throrgh.a eent¡al a¡.gle of ,i4"5&'02" having a length of lll.7zfeer TIIENCE South 4?0,19'5P' TVsst a diqtaûcc of 195..1 5 to a curve tb the'ieß havílg ri radius I 50.00 feet; . TI|ENCE glqng ssid o.urve tlrouglr a çe-ttral ¿inele of44o5.6'44" haviag a lengt} of 1.17,67 fce*; ÎHENCE South 02o23'15'' \ly'esÈ a distauce of 288,09 feet to a curve to the rigtrt having a mdir¡s of 150.00 fceÇ l HENCE along said curve through a centr¡l angle of 19o33'27" haviug a lørgfh of 5t.20 feet; THENCE Soutb 21456'42" Wqst a distarrcecf 246.87 feet; THENCE Norlh 68"03'lE" WçðË a distanceof 252.14 feet; THEI.ICE North Ó82615 I' West a ûista¡rce of 96.?4 feet; THENCE North 50'04'30" West a djstance of 151.27 feet hereinafter refèned to as Point '8"; THËNCE South 86o1?" 10" Wesf a disiancs of 238.48 fcct; THËNCENotÍh24^lZ'22" l{'est a distance of 75.07 feeq TI{ENCE Noctb 89o57'l 8o rWest a dist¿nce of 35.51 feeÇ THENCENoilTZS'M'43" Tfest a dístance of 253.5S fect to a curve to fhe right havitrg a radius of 65.00 feeB THENCE eilong sald cuivo tluough a cent¡ai angle of 28"02'05" having a length of 31.80 feot; 'lllENçE Nsrtti'02of7'2?'East a distance of'l40.88 feet to ¡i cnrve to the right having a radius of 65.00feot; T¡IENCE along said curve lbrough a cenh"l angle of 55o40'52' luving a length of 63..1 7 feeÇ TIXINCENôr¡h5tþ58'l4"Eastadístanceof165.38fcettç'acurvstothclefl;lravir¡garar!fusof ' 45.00 feet; ' . THBN0E along said eu¡ve througb a central angle of 60015'22" having a.length of47.33 feoÇ ?HENCE Norfh 02"17'08- West along 2.86 feet to theNo¡{r lirrc of s¿icl Southeast Quarter of lhe Noitheast Quarter; TI'IBNCENarth B9"0l2O'V/est.alobgsaid South lîue a distance of 20,03 fbel to fhe POINT QF BEdIhTNINC. Çontaiiring l,?0 ac¡es, msrg er lêss. ..TO6ETHER WITH a tempo¡ary co¡Ntrubtion easement in the Soutlreast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range I 'West, lV.M., more particulôdy descríbed as . folipws: COMMENCING at the Northeast Colter of said Southeast Quarter of ffie Northe¡st Quarter; THFNCE Norür 89"01'26" WeÉt.along the North line of said Southeast Quarter of the ìr|ortheasi ' , Quar[er a ôiBtanee sf 1 I I 6,85 feel the POINT OF BE6ü$MNG; THENCBNqT1h 89o0I'26'r'West alongthe.routh line ofsaid subilivisior¡ a distancçof2Q.03 feet; .'TI{ENCESuuth02l?'08'?Eastadidtanceof5.l4feettoarr¡rvêto.theriglrthavûrga.radiusof ' 5.00 feet; TIÍÐNGE alöng said çurvs thrtugh a ce[tral angle of 60n15'22r' lraving s length.of 5.26 feet;' THEN.CE Soqth 57058'14' Wes[ a distance of 162.23 feot to a cúrve to the Ieft jiaïing a rudius of iiåi?&:lions said eurvq thorigh a centrat angle of 55o26'07' having a leneth of l0t.5e feet to the west line offlre East fialf of the Norfhpast Quartel as establishcd by found ond accopted irnn þþes set for the Plat of Sam B, Thellcrs Horne and Gärden Tracts I:rHENCn gorift'02o32'07'West algng said line a.distanee of 106.03 feet ro a folr¡d 1 Yt" pipai 'IHENCE Soufh 00'34'36" West a distarice of 25.03 feet; . THENCË South 8728' 10" East a distance of I 7.1 1 feet; TI{ENCE North 02'17'22" East il distance of I 28.90 to a cuwe to the right having a radius of 85.00 fbet; THENCE along said curvc through a centml augle of 55o40'5?'lraving a length of82.60 fêet; . T ïENCE North 57o58'14" Eâst a distlruce of 165.38 feet to a curye to the left having a radius of25.00 feeq THËNCE along said curve thtnugh a çenhat angle of 60015'22"having a length of 26.29 feet; II'HËNCE North 0?o17'08"'West a distance of 4.00 tr tlrc south liue ofthc Squtheast Quarte.r of the Northeast Quarler and the POINT OFBEOINNING. ALSO'TOGEXHER IVITH a temporary construclion easemåut deic¡Ue¿ as follows: ' COMMENCING at the No.rtbeast Courçr of s.a¡<l $oulheast Quarter ofthc Nsnlreast Quarter; THBNCE Nofth.89"0t'26" West along tlr¿,North line of saidsoutheast QuarJer of the\ortfräast .- Qu4rter a distance of 1076..79 fæt thc POINT OF BEG.INNING; TÈIENCE Continuing Nórth 89o01'26' West a distancc of 20.03 feeÇ TÍENCB Sou& 02ol?'08" East a distance of2.86 feet'to a ourvb to the right having a.radius of 45,00 feet; . THENCE along saitl'curve through 6A\ sfr- havu¡g a lepgth of 47,33 feet; . THFNCE Soutl¡ 5?u58'14'.'WeSt a distancs sf ló5,38 feet !o a curvg ts'the lefthav¡üg a radius of '65.00.fcet; .THENCB along said errve tlu'ough 55ô40'52" havinga le-ngth.of 63.1? feet; TFIBNCE South 02ol7'22" West a distance of 140.88 feet tq a culye to lho 1eft havûtg a radÍus of'65.0û feeÈ THENCE along said ourve throqgh a centrel anglc of ?8002'05!' hgving a letgth of 3l ,80 feet; THENCE Sou[h 25o44'43" East a distance of 253.58 fesq THENCE Sor¡ti: 89o57'lS" East adistanqe of 35.09 feettö a point hereinofloi ieferied to as'?oi¡lt ,lt'; THENCENorlh}l"l2'22* West a clistanceof 5.12 feeq . THEITICE North25o44'27'"West a distance of 297.33 feet; THENCE.No$h 02o32'07'East a distsnceof 127,37 feet to a curye to the r{ght haviñga r'rrdius of 45,00 feeq THENCE along said. ourno tbriìrgh a c€nÍal an$e of 55o26'ûB hlrvirtg a length of 43.54 feet; THENCENorth3?058'14"Eastaóistanccofi64.6t feettoaourve.tðthelofthrvingaraðiusof 65.00 feet; THBNCE aloug said curve tluougþ a çentral.aqgle of 60015'22"havihg a length of 6836 feet; '.'IIIENCFNorth 02"1?'08"W'est a disfançeof 1.?3 feettoNorth line.ofsaid SoutlaeastQgartêrof ' ' ileNo¡lheast Quartor and the POINT OF BEGINNING, .AND ALSO TOGEIHER WITH a tetnporary co¡rstruction €osemont dcscribed as follo¡¡'s: ComnÉrrcing at "POINT À"; TI'.IENCE South 24012'22'Ea$ a distance of a distance of 53 .72 îeetto the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NorTh 86017'l0n Easta distance af 253.96 feet; THENCE Sostlr 50S410' East a distance of 91.6I fee6 .'IHENCE SouHt 8?6'51n EÉ¿st â disfanceof 30.11 fee[ THENCE No¡th 50o4'30x 1Vçst ¡ distance of 1 06. I 1 TFIENCE South 86"17'l0n West a ilistanceof 238.48 THENCE Nolth 24i1222' West a distanse of 21.35 to the POINT OF EEOINNINC. AND AISO TOGETHER \[¡ITH a te¡r¡porüy conshuçtion easêment lying parallel wiÈh and 2û fest dista¡rt northeily and westerþ.of the following rlescribed line; ,BEGINNIN ç st Point "BÞ; 'TUIINCE South.50û04'30" Eajt a distouce of t 5l .2? fccç THENCE South 08?ó'51" East a.¿istance of 96.?4 feet; TtiEN CE South 68o03' I 8'' East a distauce of 252.i 4 fBeE'THENCE North 21856t42': East d distance of 246.87 'feel {r¡ a cuwe to tl¡e left having a rarlius of '. 150-00 fecq TIIENCB älong saiil ouryÊ tluo.ugh a centr¿l ãngfe of 19"33'27" haviirg a length.of 51.20 feet; iHtrlt¡CS l¡orlh0223'15* Ëast a distance of 288.09 feet to ft cuws to theriglrt having ai'adius of ' I150'00 feet TITENCE along saitl curye through a cçntral angle of44o56'44" having a Jengf} of 1 l'l .67 feet; TTIENCE North 47o19'59'r Egst a distance of 195.15 to a or¡rve to the lcft having a radius 1.50.00 feet; TIiENCE Nort{reaste¡þ âlongsai.rl. cgzue tlrough a cer:tral augle of 44058102" h¡vi¡rg a length of I 17.?2 fcet t<¡ the tennínus of saið line.' Sidclines of easç¡nenl shall temrirlate o¡r thr: ñorth lineof the Southeast Quarterof the Northeast Quarter of Section 32. EXHIBIT'C' Permanent Ut¡l¡tv Easement and Temporary Construction Easement PropertY DeéeriPtion . cliftonHeígbrsttç.ryPry perrrarent utility eas€meÍt overtb* portion of tlre Soúhwest Qr¡arær oftheNortûeast Quarter of -grøã" ¡a i""r*Up 23 North, Ra¡de I liles[ I[r-M, more pæticularlydescribed as follows: The South 30 fect ofthe North 55 feet of Tøct 13, Plat of Sam B. Thelef s l{ome and Garclen Tracts as recordedin Volune 4 of PIds at Page 2Q Mason Cou*y, üI¿shiog¡on; TOCiETIfERwith a temporary construction easeÍl€rd ov€f theNoÛfh2s feet of said Trac{ 13; LESS thefollowing portionofsaí d.Trcn'Íl3 perStøutoryWôrrantyDeedReo-No'252211 dæsrib€dæ follows: BEGINNINGatheNótùwsstcornerofTrast 13 oftlePtatof SanB. Theler'sffonre a¡rd Garden Trauts; THENCEEast zofexir, TIIENCE South 2ß fær, TIIENCE W€sÉ ?f.jî fø; THENCE Norrh ZZI4O, F:Á*tZt.øl tætto the POINT O(l BBGI¡ÏNING. ContainingO.SS Aores, nore orless EXHIBIT G.I SW4, NBI OF SEC. 32, T.\MP. 23N, RGE. 11V, VT.M. ---- NO SCALE E rsÊ o¡ ¡Hg OF.THE i!: iiil ;*',,[u*,r ïÍ UTUTY î : : ¡i iilu ; lËll; 'ï I ;: liiil* i ËiE: ,swroemup iíil :-i coNsr *=**'-J iIJ ,. \ l{coNsr EASEMENT-:-! lili¡';i!lir ,. \ lx, zl i !lı lh'':':. iiilË -ilil i:t*; !iil :tttl 6ÉlÊa Àsr P!Í '- fflF i r.: l-i il d)î i i il--se;ll'¡ì:: ¡ I lF-ro'*o.*-$rlu*r'to* I i I I nóeo rÚnebsEs RUNNING. .j *¡ I ! l*_rne ENïRE LENGIH oF:tr. i I il : m9l,i*.,lFß {Rr2â17e+ S .r i i-t-1ffi dli$öË"riräiniiit'\ \- ll llcascÕrPÀNYPERRow I i i lzs'wos mer¡r or wÀù rI r-l-lro cAscADE NATRALI I Ir | ! I oes cotÌlPANY PER Rowl ILl I I ¡arr.m r^T rñr 1ÊD9f ., f I ' .\ ì -\ - i i ! loÃs 'Cwitñi pEn noh\ :-)*[el I lcciñrn¡,Cr AFN. 25zz1z Nor'PARî or.or.**r,xl¡<äWtnnn) ! I sEE srÀn roRv u¡EF$lIr - {34orS I I BÍg;,ß?'lfï;åi'ä[i"CORPORATON \ \ SHEET . ---..- :#. ExHIBIT 3 Lrsren AND Berrv KnuroEn Rrcrc AND Lesue KnureeR PRRcET- Nos. 1233310 00010 AND 12332 52 00014 ExHrarr A Exntalr A-1 ExHrerr B Exnrs¡r B-1 ExHrarr 3 EXHIBIT'A' PERMANENT UTIUTY EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DESCR¡PTION K¡uegerPropsty permanent gritíty €asel¡ent ov€( that portion of the Nortleast QUa¡ter of tÛs Norúeas-t Qqartcr of Secrion 32, tovmsnip Zf Norr{ nanse 1 Wesq ïÍ.ltlf., nrore partio.ilarly described as follows: The Nor& 30 feet oflot 14 Pl¿t of Clifton Ridge as recorded in Volume lO of Plats atPage 167, Ivfason Çourty, WashingO4 TOGmIER vtith a t,ml{lr,r.ary conshuction easern@t over úe Sot.dh 2O feet of the North 50 feet of said Lot 14; f,onøining 3,729 Sf, moreor less NE4, NE4 OF SEC. 32, TIYP- e3N, BGE. 1lr, IT.M- EXHIBIT'A-l' PERMANENT UTTUTY EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT MAP il f ;;r' ,- t:.L!t-- -rî1¡ n'í":¡ì 'J;.'.7r, t-1, * 3'. *llP'" gd rTrDE PERMANEÑT ElisEMit¡T I TT I NO SCALE t" tËlzItr lÊlLt()tsl!¡ tr,¡= fJöl.H I FND .RESAR f{I'Ì}I CAP LS 207s5, o.oÐN x o-oJll oF ÏHEO î,46.CORHER SiÉT PF FIAT QF CUFTON R|oGE, V(I- lo, PG: f67 (sl'ï coFNER oF Nv14, NXU4) (Nov. 15. zoo-/) T----I¡ zCT WDE TEIIP, coñsrR,r.Jcn0+.¡ EÀSEI.¿Eî{T . EXHIBIT'B' PERMANENT UT¡UTY EASEMENT AND . TEMPORARY CONSTRUCT¡ON EASEMENT DESGR¡PNON.. I(rueger : . Quqer oftheNorthwest Quarterof Section 33, Township 23 Nofh, Range I West : W-fuI., more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Northwest Quarter of ihe Northwest' Quârte,r; _ : ' TI{ENCE Nörth 02"34'33" East along the west line thereof a distance of 126.86 feet to ' ..thePOINTOFBEGINNING;' .'TIIENCE'ContinuingNorttr2u34S3n East adistanceof30.00 feeÇ' :. ..ITieNcn South 87t9!08" East a distance of 306.35 feet to the'Wesþrfy margin of the' . 'UsNavyRailroad; . ' THENCE South 22'09'42" rffest along said margin a distauce of 218.23 feet;' TIIENCE North 67o51'05" West a distance of 30.00 feeÇj THENCE Nortb 2]2"09'4zn East a distance of 167-31 feeÇ' THENCE North 67"51'05" West a distance of 23.43 feelc; TIIENCENorth 87o29'08n IVest adistanceof 238.94 feetio thePOINT OF , BEGINNiNG .:: ' ' ıontaining0,33acles,moreorlesi -. TOGBTITERWITH .. A Ternporary Conshuction Easemqrt in that portion of the Northwest Quarter of the . No.¡thwest Quarter of Section 33, moro particukirly desc¡ibed as follows: . Q.uarferof said Section 33; -' . ' ' ' i=HgNCn North along the lfest line thereof a distahce òf North 02o34'33'? Easi a ' THENCEContinuingNo tthr02o34'33"Eastadistanceof20.00feet; THENCE Souttr 87?9'08" East a distance of 238.94 fee! ' : . ' THENCE Souih 67"51 '05' West a dista¡rse of 23.43 fæt; . THENCE South 2?,"09'42- West a distance of 167.31 feeÇ THENCE South 67o51'05n East a.dístance of 30.00 feet to the Westerly margin of the US Navy Railroad; '.' ' THENCE Soufh 22'09'42" West along said margin a dístanoe of 20'00 feet; THENCENÕrth 67o51'05'West a distanceof 50.00 feet; THENCE North22"09t42" East a distauce of 167.30 feet;; THENCE No¡ttr 87?9'08' West a distance of 235A6 feet to the POINT OF .BEGINNING. Containing 0.217 Acres, more or.less NW4 OF SEC. 3Ui*fiHl¡-F3N' RGE. 1T[, 'TY-M' (o ,,*55ålålä'ï:3l[ryfóË=i5=#ffi"å', û c E I vûi_ î(i. ii$ 171 gÇoF-m-ffi- *ffi \o *** YrîH cAF i i -- i åffi'fiffiffi i I i ffiffihi,il'í*)i i itti-** th a!r Ëtü ÈiH ; Eig: g|q Êi$ffif,r-i i- iÞ--- I i l*,*,0,r F \-- ¡ 4psRM¡Nl/ *8.¡*-_ --- I .ffi*** 'q-ì-',àì:-i dL Ilü- l_..-.. Navv \", - ---$*F i [.{ikdì:r-l..---.- -\\-__* way I^.^ 30' l{rDE PERMANENT EÁSEMENT \-