HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-11 - Res. Amending Res. 117-09 Implementing Revised Non-Union Salary Range AlignmentRESOLUTION NO. takCi-l\ AMENDING RESOLUTION #117-09 TO IMPLEMENT A REVISED NON -UNION SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT WHEREAS, RCW 36.40.080 states that "...the Board of County Commissioners shall fix and determine each item of the budget separately and shall by resolution adopt the budget... WHEREAS, RCW 36.16.070 states that "...the Board shall fix the compensation of all employees..."; WHEREAS, the Administrative Supervisor position is to be reclassified as the Chief Deputy Treasurer, formerly categorized as a Range 27 position on the "Non -Union Salary Alignment", and shall be reclassified as a Range 29 position to accurately reflect the job responsibilities and the competencies necessary for this position, effective November 1, 2011. WHEREAS, the District Court Administrator position is to be reclassified to include the duties of the Administrator for the District Court Probation Department, formerly categorized as a Range 27 position on the "Non -Union Salary Alignment", and shall be reclassified as a Range 35 position to accurately reflect the job responsibilities and the competencies necessary for this position, effective January 1, 2012. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County does hereby amend the Non -Union Salary Table effective November 1, 2011 for the Chief Deputy Treasurer and effective January 1, 2012 for the District Court Administrator (Attachment A). Approved this 15th of November, 2011. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Civil Prosecuting Attorney C: Auditor Finance Department (Payroll) Human Resources All Elected Officials and Department Heads BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Lynd Ring Erickson,/ Chair CLI Tim Sheldon, Co issioner Steve Bloomfield, Commissioner Non -Union Salary Ranges with COLA Effective January 1, 2008 Attachment A STEP C STEP D STEP E STEP A STEPS ENTRY Range 45 $6,686 $7,019 $7,371 $7,555 $7,744 $7,937 44 $6,525 $6,852 $7,195 $7,375 $7,559 $7,748 $7,194 $7,373 $7,558 43 $6,365 $6,684 $7,018 42 $6,216 $6,527 $6,854 $7,025 $7,200 $7,380 41 $6,063 $6,365 $6,685 $6,851 $7,023 $7,198 40 $5,920 $6,216 $6,526 $6,690 $6,857 $7,029 39 $5,775 $6,065 $6,367 $6,526 $6,690 $6,857 38 $5,637 $5,919 $6,215 $6,371 $6,529 $6,693 $6,064 $6,215 $6,370 $6,529 37 $5,499 $5,774 36 $5,368 $5,637 $5,919 $6,068 $6,219 $6,375 35 $5,239 $5,501 $5,776 $5,920 $6,069 $6,220 34 $5,114 $5,369 $5,638 $5,779 $5,924 $6,072 33 $4,989 $5,239 $5,501 $5,638 $5,779 $5,924 $5,642 $5,783 32 $4,872 $5,115 $5,370 $5,504 $5,503 $5,641 $4,988 $5,238 $5,368 31 $4,750 30 $4,639 $4,871 $5,114 $5,243 $5,372 $5,507 $4,752 $4,989 $5,115 $5,243 $5,374 29 $4,527 $4,871 $4,992 $5,118 $5,246 28 $4,418 $4,639 $4,871 $4,992 $5,117 $4,526 $4,751 27 $4,311 $4,874 $4,996 $4,754 $4,639 26 $4,208 $4,418 $4,753 $4,873 $4,525 $4,638 25 $4,105 $4,310 $4,641 $4,758 $4,418 $4,529 24 $4,008 $4,208 $4,529 $4,641 $4,310 $4,418 23 $3,910 $4,105 $4,421 $4,532 $4,314 $3,817 $4,008 $4,209 22 $4,313 $4,420 $4,208 21 $3,723 $3,910 $4,106 $4,210 $4,315 $4,107 20 $3,634 $3,816 $4,007 $4,108 $4,211 19 $3,546 $3,723 $3,910 $4,008 $4,010 $4,110 18 $3,462 $3,635 $3,817 $3,912 $3,913 $4,011 $3,547 $3,724 $3,818 17 $3,378 16 $3,297 $3,462 $3,635 $3,726 $3,819 $3,914 $3,634 $3,723 $3,817 15 $3,217 $3,378 $3,546 $3,547 $3,636 $3,727 14 $3,139 $3,296 $3,460 $3,548 $3,637 13 $3,063 $3,216 $3,377 $3,461 $3,549 12 $2,989 $3,139 $3,296 $3,378 $3,463 11 $2,917 $3,063 $3,216 $3,297 $3,379 $3,463 10 $2,848 $2,989 $3,139 $3,217 $3,298 $3,380 9 $2,778 $2,917 $3,063 $3,139 $3,218 $3,298 $2,846 $2,989 $3,064 $3,140 $3,219 8 $2,712 $3,064 $3,142 7 $2,645 $2,778 $2,917 $2,989 $2,848 $2,919 $2,992 $3,067 6 $2,583 $2,713 $2,848 $2,919 $2,992 5 $2,520 $2,645 $2,778 4 $2,461 $2,583 $2,713 $2,781 $2,851 $2,921 $2,646 $2,713 $2,781 $2,851 3 $2,400 $2,521 $2,647 $2,714 $2,781 2 $2,342 $2,460 $2,583 $2,647 $2,714 1 $2,287 $2,400 $2,520 $2,583 NON -UNION SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE 45 Public Works Director Utilities & Waste Management Director Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 44 Deputy Director Public Works 43 Chief Criminal Prosecuting Attorney 40 Deputy Director/ER&R Manager 39 Public Health Director Community Development Director 38 Undersheriff Information Services Manager 37 Administrator, Probation Services 35 Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff Engineering and Construction Manager Engineer IV Land Use Attorney Human Resources Director 34 33 32 Road Operations & Maintenance Manager Deputy Director, Utilities & Waste Management Parks & Trails Manager Chief Finance Director Chief Civil Deputy Sheriff Jail Superintendent Deputy Administrator (Detention), Probation Engineer III Planning Manager Permit Assistance Center Manager Construction Services Supervisor Project Support Services Manager Transportation Planning Supervisor Facilities Manager 31 Program Manager II Assistant Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 30 Personal Health Manager Building Official GIS Manager Right of Way Manager/Property Manager NU Salary Range Alignment November 1, 2011 NON -UNION SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE 29 Emergency Management Manager Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Deputy Administrator, Probation Finance Manager Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor Chief Accountant S enior Financial Analyst Chief Deputy Treasurer 28 Engineer II Survey Supervisor 27 District Court Administrator S uperior Court Administrator Chief Appraiser Chief Deputy Administrative Supervisor Elections Superintendent 25 Program Manager I 22 Engineer I 21 Assistant to the Commissioners 20 Deputy Court Administrator Risk Manager/Budget Analyst Office Manager 19 17 13 10 1 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator P ersonnel Analyst Administrative Assistant Clerk of the Board/Claims Administrator Administrative Secretary Legal Secretary Receptionist/Secretary P BX Operator Office Assistant NU Salary Range Alignment November 1, 2011 Non -Union Salary Ranges with COLA Effective January 1, 2008 Attachment A E STEP A STEP E STEP C STEP D STEP Range ENTRY 4 45 $6,686 $7,019 $7,371 $7,555 $7,744 $7,937 44 $6,525 $6,852 $7,195 $7,375 $7,559 $7,748 $7,194 $7,373 $7,558 43 $6,365 $6,684 $7,018 $6,854 $7,025 $7,200 $7,380 42 $6,216 $6,527 41 $6,063 $6,365 $6,685 $6,851 $7,023 $7,198 40 $5,920 $6,216 $6,526 $6,690 $6,857 $7,029 39 $5,775 $6,065 $6,367 $6,526 $6,690 $6,857 38 $5,637 $5,919 $6,215 $6,371 $6,529 $6,693 $5,774 $6,064 $6,215 $6,370 $6,529 37 $5,499 36 $5,368 $5,637 $5,919 $6,068 $6,219 $6,375 35 $5,239 $5,501 $5,776 $5,920 $6,069 $6,220 34 $5,114 $5,369 $5,638 $5,779 $5,924 $6,072 33 $4,989 $5,239 $5,501 $5,638 $5,779 $5,924 $5,504 $5,642 $5,783 32 $4,872 $5,115 $5,370 $4,750 $4,988 $5,238 $5,368 $5,503 $5,641 31 30 $4,639 $4,871 $5,114 $5,243 $5,372 $5,507 $4,752 $4,989 $5,115 $5,243 $5,374 29 $4,527 $4,418 $4,639 $4,871 $4,992 $5,118 $5,246 28 $4,871 $4,992 $5,117 $4,526 $4,751 27 $4,311 $4,874 $4,996 $4,639 $4,754 26 $4,208 $4,418 $4,753 $4,873 $4,310 $4,525 $4,638 25 $4,105 $4,641 $4,758 $4,418 $4,529 24 $4,008 $4,208 $4,418 $4,529 $4,641 $4,105 $4,310 23 $3,910 $4,421 $4,532 $4,209 $4,314 $3,817 $4,008 22 $4,208 $4,313 $4,420 21 $3,723 $3,910 $4,106 $4,210 $4,315 $3,816 $4,007 $4,107 20 $3,634 $4,108 $4,211 $3,910 $4,008 19 $3,546 $3,723 $4,010 $4,110 18 $3,462 $3,635 $3,817 $3,912 $3,913 $4,011 $3,547 $3,724 $3,818 17 $3,378 16 $3,297 $3,462 $3,635 $3,726 $3,819 $3,914 $3,634 $3,723 $3,817 15 $3,217 $3,378 $3,546 $3,547 $3,636 $3,727 14 $3,139 $3,296 $3,460 $3,461 $3,548 $3,637 13 $3,063 $3,216 $3,377 $3,463 $3,549 12 $2,989 $3,139 $3,296 $3,378 11 $2,917 $3,063 $3,216 $3,297 $3,379 $3,463 10 $2,848 $2,989 $3,139 $3,217 $3,298 $3,380 9 $2,778 $2,917 $3,063 $3,139 $3,218 $3,298 $2,846 $2,989 $3,064 $3,140 $3,219 8 $2,712 $2,989 $3,064 $3,142 7 $2,645 $2,778 $2,917 $2,848 $2,919 $2,992 $3,067 6 $2,583 $2,713 $2,848 $2,919 $2,992 5 $2,520 $2,645 $2,778 4 $2,461 $2,583 $2,713 $2,781 $2,851 $2,921 $2,521 $2,646 $2,713 $2,781 $2,851 3 $2,400 $2,647 $2,714 $2,781 2 $2,342 $2,460 $2,583 $2,647 $2,714 1 $2,287 $2,400 $2,520 $2,583 NON -UNION SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE 45 P ublic Works Director Utilities & Waste Management Director Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 44 Deputy Director Public Works 43 Chief Criminal Prosecuting Attorney 40 Deputy Director/ER&R Manager 39 Public Health Director Community Development Director 38 Undersheriff Information Services Manager 37 Administrator, Probation Services 35 Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff Engineering and Construction Manager Engineer IV Land Use Attorney Human Resources Director District Court Administrator 34 33 32 Road Operations & Maintenance Manager Deputy Director, Utilities & Waste Management P arks & Trails Manager Chief Finance Director Chief Civil Deputy Sheriff Jail Superintendent Deputy Administrator (Detention), Probation Engineer III P lanning Manager P ermit Assistance Center Manager Construction Services Supervisor P roject Support Services Manager Transportation Planning Supervisor Facilities Manager 31 Program Manager II Assistant Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 30 P ersonal Health Manager Building Official GIS Manager Right of Way Manager/Property Manager NU Salary Range Alignment January 1, 2012 NON -UNION SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE 29 Emergency Management Manager Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Deputy Administrator, Probation Finance Manager Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor Chief Accountant Senior Financial Analyst Chief Deputy Treasurer 28 Engineer II Survey Supervisor 27 Superior Court Administrator Chief Appraiser Chief Deputy Administrative Supervisor Elections Superintendent 25 Program Manager 22 Engineer I 21 Assistant to the Commissioners 20 Deputy Court Administrator Risk Manager/Budget Analyst Office Manager 19 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator Personnel Analyst 17 13 10 1 Administrative Assistant Clerk of the Board/Claims Administrator Administrative Secretary Legal Secretary Receptionist/Secretary PBX Operator Office Assistant NU Salary Range Alignment January 1, 2012