HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15 - Res. Amending Res. 61-14 County Road Project No. 1996-R Shelton-Matlock RoadC MASON COUNTY MYISSIO N E, AMEN COUNTY R IS RESOLUTI N NO: eq s (6 II N C RESOLUTION 6 1- 4 4 D PROJECT NO. 119 6-R JIBEP' E S, on Mason Comity Road No. 901100, known locally as the Shelton-Marrlock Road and [more specflcally located in_ Sec. 16, 117, " 8, 21, 22, 26, 27, '; o 20 N, R. 4 W3 WIV:from approximately mile post 3 08 to 7.70 and mile post 16.70 9 work defined as "construction" in the 3ARS Manual, Page II1-63, et seg9 is deter >ined to be necessary and proper; amyl, VV ERE k S, this project is identi "iec Construction Program. as01ont 't'HIER T FORE„ BE 1'±' RZSO IVED BY 7_I1E COMIVLSSONERS fiat is their rntenion to: r 'he l3roi ect 2rovides for the placing of Hot IV -ix improvements to 4.62 miles of Shelton he officially adopted 2015 Annual OARD OF COU N?Y sphalt (IVVA) and/or pavement repair for atlockoado S . l ] WORK is to be performed by Contract anc /or County Forces ire accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Constructnon as adopted I Mason County. @CW 36.77.020 and/or RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136=118) anc VTJ proper, and L 3y HER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary le estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows. 4,ngineerring: $ 60,000 Right of Way $ Construction $ 1,490,000 he County Road project herein described in HEREBY I ECLA ED to be a public necessity, and the Comity Road Engineer is HJ ,R1`IIV ORDERED AND ,'111KORIl7JED to report and proceed thereon as by aVk'9 provide( and in accordance with RCW 36.75.050, 36.80080 and 36.80.070 Ai OPTED 1 I1L1 this sere c4ay of coal) 20_5 ATTEST: c Julie Almanzor, Clerk of the AM APPROVII-4',I0 AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, _Deputy -Prosecuting Attorney it BOARD OF COJN MASON COIJN /2/,' COIV-1V Y, W kSIHI RANDY NIEATHER 411 '11'ERRI JEF /11 ice Chair ,IN, C :SSIIO \ERS GTON :-iarrr I S LAL-- TIM SHED ,DON, Commissioner Co. Comnissionaers Engineer JOURNAL: Pu bl. 1 t: Lr \ H '0 ❑ BOARD OF MASS N COL NNTY c'o' V V SS I ON RS ct orm A From: McUssa VcFadden oerrtda Wirral 45C DEPArit_Jriv [FAT: Pjbiic Wor-ks l A I , g Iv a rch 9, 2015 ;% g©ncl i ilem # 1 reli❑ March 17, 2015 BRA EHlitcl flfo Me c adde [Fr ea/Se p r. cAle amp EVE LSELY a 7l aidor of 3 ROTT RI W E UJJ L ARL cJ' = talAos Res at cric omr, verse G� [ rc I acts u u J-1 BacJcc oL nd0 Or ovemoea � 2J14, visor C( ltry Board or com.rrjssooners approved CRP1996, She tor vat ocfc Road o mprovemert proGecto The projet, as previa,* a pp ove ►, provides fimprovement to 4.12 mo es oII Shed oMat ock Road, from mil epos t 3 08=/0700 t this lime, Pub oc Works wou like t0 revise the resoljtoor to flange the maiepos: to 3.08 to 7.70 and one de improvements on the voconor llepost 16.700 Improvements one ude C fiot Mix Aspha : (HMA) and/or pavement repair to the toad. S ti e preHrdnar\y estimated cost of the proLec: is i,5b0,O00o L�he esdma neco rface Transportation Progra rn (E7 funding for the pro:ect lls $,34O,OOO. Recommended Action: Recommend «e Board of County Cor mlissoone executed the revised reso utoon for CRP r,996, SheAtor Mat ocic Road o mpl0vement voject and auchorllze the 1 hair ro sign pe'Unen dacu Pub Works to adverise, set bid opening date/time, award cortract a some©extension change orders. Contact award wfi announced duron reogJDag or the Board. Attachments: Revised Reso s meats and idaly