HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022/05/10 - Regular PacketBoard of Mason County Commissioners Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584 May 10, 2022 9:00 a.m. May 10.2 Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ Effective May 10, 2022, regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the “raise hand” feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in -person, and you can also e-mail msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail in to the Commissioners’ Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners’ Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 Proclamation – National Public Works Week 4.3 News Release – Fill A Public Works Truck 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input – (3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit) Please see above options to provide public comment. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after “Item 10. Public Hearings” maybe be acte d upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes – April 11, 2022 Briefing Minutes and April 12, 2022 Regular Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under “Action Agenda” may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of the Resolution adopting the 2022-2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) project list as recommended by the Mason County Economic Development Council (EDC). 8.2 Approval to authorize Public Works to purchase one used 2006 Peterbilt tractor and 2005 3-axle pup trailer from J & D Enterprises NW, LLC as a special market condition purchase in the amount of $107,500 plus sales tax and licensing. 8.3 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 9:15 a.m. to consider approval of budget supplemental appropriations and amendments to the 2022 budget. Total requests for adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund are $395,719. Total requests to authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund are $4,673,822. 8.4 Approval of Warrants & Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8087607-8087867 $ 1,480,679.76 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 86447-86843 $ 785,373.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7006605-7006628 $ 516,997.83 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 180,433.47 8.5 Approval to implement the Cisco Duo Security Standard Multi-Factor Authentication program for the amount of $13,342.25. 8.6 Approval to appoint David Mallory as an alternate member to the Board of Equalization for a three-year term expiring May 31, 2023. 8.7 Approval of the Resolution establishing the County Administrator’s level of authority. 8.8 Approval of the Resolution establishing a Facility/Parks naming policy. 8.9 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 9:15 a.m. to amend the 2022 Annual Construction Program and 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. 8.10 Approval to reappoint Janice Loomis to fill a regular member position on the Board of Equalization for a term ending May 31, 2025. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. 10.1 Public Hearing to approve the amendments to Title 16 – Plats and Subdivisions administrative requirements. Staff: Malissa Paulsen 10.2 Public Hearing to approve the application for the proposed project for Evergreen Mobile (formally known as Evergreen Estates) which includes a city watermain extension along Blevins Road in Mason County. Staff: Malissa Paulsen 11. Board’s Calendar and Reports 12. Adjournment MASON COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Ginger Kenyon Reviewed Department: Support Services Ext: 380 Date: May 10,2022 Agenda Item #4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: liquor license application for adding privilege to Home Meat Service. 4.1.2 Ken VanBuskirk sent in correspondence regarding the Washington State Department of Transportation Letter regarding State Route 3/Sweetwater Creek to Hood Canal. 4.1.3 Paddy McGuire,Mason County Auditor, sent in a revision to the Administrative Rules for Measures in The Mason County's Voters' pamphlet. 4.1.4 Lang Coppola sent in a response to Ken VanBuskirk's correspondence to both Mason County and the Port of Allyn. 4.1.5 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in the 2021 Emergency Action Plan Annual Status Report. ATTACIE%IENTS: Originals(on file with the Clerk of the Board) CC:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask WasClerk A4tVK . IJ�?i✓C�/.N+ Liquor State <f__n'ff Liquor and Cannabis Board . NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - P.O. Box 43098 Olympia,WA 98504-3098 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov DATE: 5/02/22 RE:APPLICATION FOR ADDED PRIVILEGE UBI: 601-383-475-001-0001 APPLICANTS: License: 430755 -2N County:23 Tradename: HOME MEAT SERVICE HOME MEAT SERVICE INC. Address: 341 SE TAYLOR RD STE 100 MAGNUSSON, KASEY LEA SHELTON WA 98584 1959-02-21 PROBST, GLENN L 1933-07-25 Phone No.: 360-426-1643 KASEY MAGNUSSON RE '' , ' � Privileges Upon Approval: GROCERY STORE-BEERIWINE a SNACKBAR A Mason County Comrnissioners As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724. YES NO 1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process) 4.If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR,CITY MANAGER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE McKenzie Smith From: Ken VanBuskirk <kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 9:57 AM To: McKenzie Smith Cc: Lary Coppola;John Sheridan;Judy Scott;Ted Jackson; Sharon Trask; Kevin Shutty; Randy Neatherlin; RegistJ@wsdot.wa.gov Subject: Corespondence to Board of County Commissioners and Port of Allyn Commissioners Attachments: 2021-04-27_WSDOT_Sweetwater_Park-3.pdf; Sweetwater DNR map.docx Categories: This message has been archived by Retain on April 28 2022 16:57 Caution: External Email Warning!This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Please regard this as official correspondence to both organizations. Commissioners after listening to the briefing yesterday regarding the Sweetwater letter of support I feel compelled to tell you that I too have been the brunt of the same sort of libelous defamation and "bullying" by the Port of Allyn and project proponents. I support the idea of parks and trails but don't think this location is the most appropriate. The property sets below a recognized landslide hazard area and is currently loaded with hazard trees; careful consideration should be given in light of those issues. Regarding the zoning issue and archaeological site designation at that location I asked the Port repeatedly to weigh in on the Belfair planned action EIS but they didn't. In my opinion a far better and more beneficial restoration would be removal of the 50+ year old earthen dam, the dilapidated decorative waterwheel and obsolete remote site incubator rather than create another engineered fish channel out of the original stream course. I would suggest that the Port of Allyn work with the County, WSDOT, DOE and the Skokomish tribe to do a true restoration and cleanup of the property. There is plenty of property there for a park and trail and restroom with out acquiring additional property. A fish pond is probably out of consideration given the lack of water rights. I am very familiar with property and history of zoning in the area as I was a member of the subarea planning group and Mason County Planning advisory committee, I have also walked and mapped most of the streams in the UGA. I would be happy to walk it with all of you to show you on the ground what I have discovered. Id like to offer other possible options and solutions. I have attached a letter from WSDOT to the Port of Allyn from last year. Sincerely, ken VanBuskirk 360-801-0550 1 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk m&w AdW MAP Washington State Olympic Region Department of Transportation 5720 Capitol Boulevard,Tumwater P.O.Box 47440 Olympia,WA 98504-7440 360-357-2600/FAX:360-357-2601 T1Y.1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov April 27th,2021 Port of Allyn RECEIVED P.O.Box 1 Allyn,WA 98524 APR RE: SR 3 /Sweetwater Creek to Hood Canal-Remove Fish Barrier �Ilgst3Y1 Ccwnty Fish Passage Site I.D.4991797 Tax Parcel No. 12332-50-00056nmmiaSic�nerS Notification Letter Dear Property Owner, The Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)is in the preliminary design stage on the above identified project.The work consists of stream channel restoration and replacing the existing culvert with a new fish passable structure in order to remove an existing fish barrier. The design work will necessitate the department entering onto private property as allowed under the Revised Code of Washington(RCW)47.01.170. "The department or its duly authorized and acting assistants, agents, or appointees have the right to enter upon any land, real estate, orpremises in this state, whetherpublic orprivate, for purposes of making examinations, locations, surveys, and appraisals for highway purposes. The making of any such entry for those purposes does not constitute any trespass by the department or by its duly authorized and acting assistants, agents, or appointees."(RCW 47.01.170) The area depicted on the attached sheet will be the limits of survey work WSDOT will be conducting for the purpose of gathering additional topographic data. Access to property will be done on foot or by driving on established roads. Wooden stakes and flagging may be used to mark reference points. Invasive vegetation(such as blackberries,etc.)may need to be removed but care will be taken not to damage native or ornamental plants as well as established lawn areas. Should investigation that is more extensive be required,parcel owners will be contacted. If you have questions or concerns regarding this survey,please contact Brian Register at(360)570-6694 or email him at RegistJ@wsdot.wa.gov. Please provide appropriate contact information on the attached sheet so we are able to inform you when we plan to be on site. Sincerely, Jason Mettler,P.E. Project Engineer Attachment: Parcel Access Map-Exhibit A Contact Information Sheet cc:Bill Moody and Lois Gilchrist,Real Estate Services Project File Mason County WA GIS Web Map 3� 2` �P 3/25/2021, 1:01:33 PM 1:3,059 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 mi t� County Boundary 0 0.04 0.08 0.16 km Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000) Sources:Esn,HERE,Garmin,Intermap,increment P Corp.,GESCO.USGS, FAO,NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase,IGN,Kadaster NL,Ordnance Survey, Esn Japan,METI,Esn China(Hong Kong),(c)OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Esri,HERE.Garmin,FAO,USGS,NGA.EPA.NPS i Richard Diaz I Nil irA f M .t� -f.j_ �}��/�I �".7I'' �i��.i.� •�'�.'1�}�r 4 i~�1 N _A� '�'Y� !'�� �.°��"M' � � j Tw 7.44 At Aviv 44 44 ^ rf'�T'. tY,` �.►�.r H y�'�TyaTff"""��¢w�r r�_ �,"�_o.L'�y1,7l�• .'A V - ' r V rj;9��".T�y d t�r�i':�rY. y.-` s A`��" �� ., a x '"""''✓�t��'� _ �•��, r t �f" y y, cif T y�" yy, f iL� �� �iW ;. �p♦� � ,i ,*r �� ����� u. l,.•'„':Y2�J+.,Z_� .+�' Tdi Jyfrr�.y +4-`;.may, s'^ �. y * v,. 'mow✓ �" its a.� ra'`• F N t��� •"��i1 �Et, ram'" � • ���' ,.=.X.,,, ..i i '! 7� "' gyp: �`°"_4 r�yy�.:+� `�1''iLtW►+rr+a°-�+'' •���i'�°. .'ti i;S �.o6'e-;.':runasuosew A Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk H&4, Sctt co 411 N 5th Street -� Paddy McGuire PO Box 400Shelton,WA 98584 _ Mason County Auditor Phone (360)427-9670 Fax(360) 427-1753 ITO April 29, 2022 The Honorable Kevin Shutty Chair Board of County Commissioners 411 N Fifth Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Mr. Chairman: I have revised the Administrative Rules for Measures in the Mason County Voters' Pamphlet to clarify the deadlines for submitting resolutions for the August and November elections. The new rules are now adopted. RCW 29A.32.230 requires that a copy of the adopted rules be submitted to the county legislative authority and with this letter I am doing so. Please let me know if I can be of assistance. I am, Sincerely yours, Paddy McGuire Auditor Enclosure Mason County Local Voters' Pamphlet Administrative Rules for Measures Mason County Elections I I I Mason County Elections 411 N 5th St PO Box 400 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 470 elections@ masoncou ntywa.gov www.masoncountyelections.us Adopted April 29 , 2022 11 5 Purpose The purpose of these Administrative Rules is to establish the rules and requirements for inclusion in and production and distribution of the Mason County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet. Notice of Intent to Publish a Local Voters' Pamphlet(RCW 29A.32.220) The Auditor's Office, Elections Department shall prepare a local voters' pamphlet for all special, primary and general elections. The Auditor's Office, Elections Department shall notify all districts within the county prior to November 1 of the submission deadlines for the next year. Notification will be made via email or standard mail to the district's contact person. The deadlines and required documents for submissions will also be on the Mason County Election website. Process for Submitting Resolutions (RCW 29A.04.330) A Resolution calling for an election by a district shall be submitted to the Election Department by the date described in RCW 29A.04.330 for the election in which they want the measure to appear on the ballot. Each Resolution must be submitted with: • A completed Mason County Resolution Cover Sheet • An Explanatory Statement • A letter or email from the attorney for the district approving the statement(if legal counsel was retained) • A completed Mason County Argument For/Against Committee Appointment Form. Complete resolution submissions shall be submitted to the Election Department via email, in person or by mail and must be received on or before the deadline. We recommend asking for confirmation of receipt to ensure the resolution is received by the Election Department in time. It is the district's responsibility to properly submit resolutions by the deadline. Inclusion in the Local Voters' Pamphlet(RCW 29A.32.220) All districts with a race or measure on the ballot in an election will be included in the local voters' pamphlet unless exempted by the Board of County Commissioners. Exclusion from the Local Voters' Pamphlet(RCW 29A.32.220) If a district believes that the costs of inclusion in the voters' pamphlet would create an undue financial hardship,the district may petition the Board of County Commissioners to exclude the district's measures and candidates from the pamphlet. The petition must be submitted to the Commission at least ninety days prior to the submission deadlines of the next pamphlet and will include all elections for the following two years. A district receiving a waiver for local voters' pamphlet costs will continue to be responsible for their remaining portion of the cost of the election. If a district has been granted a waiver, the Auditor's Office will note in the pamphlet that the district is not included at their request. The district must reapply to the Board of County Commissioners every two years. Costs associated with the Local Voters' Pamphlet(RCW 29A.32.270) The cost to produce,print and mail a local voters' pamphlet is an election cost that is billed to the district with a race or measure on the ballot for their portion of the cost in the same manner as other election costs. Adopted April 29 , 2022 Page 2 1 5 Local Voters' Pamphlet Content(RCW 29A.32.241) The local voters' pamphlet shall include at a minimum: • The words"Mason County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet" and the date of the election on the cover • A list of districts that have measures or candidates in the pamphlet. This may be in the form of a table of contents or index • Information on how a person may register to vote and obtain a ballot • The text of each measure and an explanatory statement prepared by the Prosecuting Attorney for any Mason County measure or by the attorney for the local district submitting the measure • Arguments `for' and `against' each measure submitted by committees • Statements and photos submitted by eligible candidates in races on the ballot. Mason County will publish submissions in reference to measures from the Elma or McCleary School Districts as approved by the Grays Harbor County Auditor Elections. Ballot Measure Explanatory Statements (RCW 29A.32.230, RCW 29A.32.241) The explanatory statement explains in common and neutral language the measure's purpose,the financial impact and the laws that will be affected by the measure's passage. The statement shall not exceed 200 words and should be prepared by the attorney for the district submitting the measure. A letter or email from the district's attorney confirming they prepared and approve the explanatory statement must be submitted with the statement, if legal counsel was retained. Once the statement is received, all statements are final and may not be amended. If there is not an approval from the district's attorney the statement will be submitted to the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for review and final approval. Explanatory Statement Submission and Formatting Rules All statements shall be submitted: • Electronically in .doc, .docx or .txt format, such as a Word document or the text of an email. A .pdf is not an acceptable submission format • Only text is permitted. Tables, lists,bullets, graphs, charts,photographs, cartoons, or caricatures are not allowed • Bolding or use of ALL CAPS of more than ten percent of the word limit is not allowed The Auditor's Office, Election Department reserves the right to edit the formatting, but will not correct errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Public Inspection of Statements (RCW 29A.32.100) Statements submitted for publication in the local voters' pamphlet shall not be released to the public until all statements pertaining to the specified ballot measure have been received, reviewed and approved. Requests for public inspection of statements shall be made in the same manner as requests for public records. Explanatory Statement Content Responsibility The contents of explanatory statements, `for' and `against' statements are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent the position of the Auditor or Mason County regarding the measure or of any material contained therein; neither the Auditor nor Mason County is responsible for the validity or Adopted April 29 , 2022 Page 3 15 accuracy of the statements. Statements should be edited and prepared carefully. Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors will not be corrected. Statement content will be printed exactly as received, so long as it complies with content, format and word limit specifications. Ballot Measure `For' and `Against' Committees (RCW 29A.32.280) It is the legal responsibility of the district placing a measure on the ballot to appoint committees to prepare the arguments. The district shall appoint a committee of not more than three people who are `for' the measure to prepare a statement advocating voters' approval of the measure AND a committee of not more than three people who are `against' the measure to advocate voters' rejection. Each committee shall identify a person to serve as the contact for the Auditor's Office, Elections Department. The deadline for the appointment of the committee is the resolution deadline. A diligent effort must be made by the district to appoint a committee `for' and a committee `against' the measure. Diligent effort is defined as attempting to solicit participation by at least three of the following means: • Posting the request on the district's website • Requesting volunteers to serve at any commissioner meeting when the proposal is being discussed • Making phone calls to potential committee members • Putting up flyers seeking volunteers on bulletin boards in schools, libraries, stores or other community gathering places • Submitting a news release to the newspaper and radio station requesting volunteers. A paid ad in the Legal Notices is not required • Posting on a reader board or sandwich board • Recruiting at any district events, i.e., monthly pancake feed or PTA meeting. If after a diligent effort is made, the district is unable to identify a `for' and/or `against' committee, the district must submit a list of efforts made to the Auditor's Office, Elections Department when submitting the measure. The Auditor will review the efforts, confirming at least three of the options were attempted. If the Auditor determines further attempts should be made,the Auditor will seek volunteers from among our county voters(or district residents in shared districts that are outside of our county) and appoint them to the committee. The district is responsible for providing committee members with copies of instructions, specifications and deadlines. The committee is solely responsible for submitting their statements to the Mason County Elections Department by the appropriate deadline. Ballot Measure `For' and `Against' Statements Submission and Formatting Rules Statements are written to support and oppose a ballot measure. The statements `for' and `against' a measure may not exceed 250 words. All statements shall be submitted: • Electronically in .doc, .docx or .txt format such as a Word document or the text of an email. A .pdf is not an acceptable submission format. • Only text is permitted. Tables, lists, bullets, graphs,charts, photographs, cartoons,or caricatures are not allowed. • Bolding or use of ALL CAPS of more than ten percent of the word limit is not allowed. The Auditor's Office, Elections Department will not edit or advise committees on statements. It is not the role of the Auditor's Office, Elections Department to coordinate between committee members. Once submitted, statements cannot be withdrawn or changed. Statements will become public record when Adopted April 29 , 2022 Page 415 both, `for' and `against' statements for each measure are received, reviewed and approved or at the deadline for receipt, whichever is later. Committee member names and contact information will be published in the voters' pamphlet and are not included in the 250-word count. At least one method of contact(phone or email) must be provided for each committee member. `For' and `Against' Statement Content Responsibility The content of the `for' and `against' statements is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent the position of the Auditor or Mason County regarding the measure or of any material contained therein; neither the Auditor nor Mason County is responsible for the validity or accuracy of the statements. Statements should be edited and prepared carefully. Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors will not be corrected. Statement content will be printed exactly as received, so long as it complies with content, format and word limit specification. Content Rejection and Appeal Process (RCW 29A.32.230) The Mason County Auditor reserves the right to reject any submission to the local voters' pamphlet. Such rejection will be to the entire submission; the Auditor will not edit the submission to remove inappropriate content. Content submitted for publication may be rejected if it: • Is deemed obscene, libelous or otherwise inappropriate • Contains a commercial advertisement • Contains matter prohibited by law from distribution through the mail • Contains matter not relevant to the measure • Contains matter that is otherwise inappropriate or does not comply with applicable law • Does not comply with formatting and other rules herein • Is received after the submission deadline. If any material is rejected by the Mason County Auditor, a notice of rejection shall be sent to the submitter by email within two business days after receipt thereof and shall explain the specific grounds for rejection. The submitter will have until 4:00pm the next business day to submit amended material. The Auditor shall review the resubmitted material and will either accept or reject it and will inform the submitter of the decision within one business day. The submitter may appeal the decision to reject the resubmitted material to the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney, by 4:00pm on the next business day and shall explain the specific grounds for appeal. The Prosecuting Attorney shall issue a decision granting or denying the appeal by email no more than five business days after receiving the notice of appeal. The decision of the Prosecuting Attorney to grant or deny an appeal shall be final. If the material submitted is rejected, the local voters' pamphlet will be printed without the rejected material and will include a notice that the material was rejected. Adopted April 29 , 2022 Page 5 1 5 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk Ginger Kenyon From: McKenzie Smith Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 12:19 PM To: Ginger Kenyon Subject: FW: Corespondence to Board of County Commissioners and Port of Allyn Commissioners Importance: High Good afternoon Ginger, Would you please add the below response from Lary Coppola to Correspondence for the upcoming May 10, 2022 Commission meeting? Thank you so much! Warm regards, McKenzie Smith Clerk of the Board, Records Specialist Mason County Commissioners Office (360)427-9670 ext. 589 1 msmith a,masoncountywa.gov http://www.masoncountywa.p_ov "Please note:Mason County complies with the Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCit'.As such, any e-mail sent to and%r from the County may be subject to public disclosure. From: Lary Coppola <Ifc@portofallyn.com> Sent: Wednesday,April 27, 2022 12:58 PM To: Ken VanBuskirk<kenvanb@gmail.com>; McKenzie Smith <MSmith@masoncountywa.gov> Cc:Judy Scott<JScott@portofallyn.com>; Sharon Trask<STrask@masoncountywa.gov>; Kevin Shutty <KShutty@masoncountywa.gov>; Randy Neatherlin<RandyN@masoncountywa.gov>; RegistJ@wsdot.wa.gov; LeAnn Dennis<LDennis@portofallyn.com>; Mendy Harlow<mendy@pnwsalmoncenter.org>;Joe Brogan <joe.brogan@foster.com> Subject: Re: Corespondence to Board of County Commissioners and Port of Allyn Commissioners Importance: High Caution: External Email Warning!This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. This email from Mr. Van Buskirk appears to contain intentional misinformation. Mr. Van Buskirk has opposed this project for more than my entire seven plus years with the Port. Why, I can't say for certain. But why anyone would oppose a fully ADA accessible park escapes me. Unless of course there is a highly personal issue and/or agenda hidden underneath all of this. As for Mr. Van Buskirk's statement that he has "been the brunt of the same sort of libelous defamation and "bullying" by the Port of Allyn and project proponents." In my view he is being less than truthful and should be challenged to prove that statement. The truth is, while we always respond professionally and non-emotionally 1 to Mr. Van Buskirk, our staff tends to treat him with kid gloves in hopes we won't be subject to his rude abusiveness and/or become the targets of his anger. Disagreeing with and challenging his accusations about the property itself and about the Port's actions in relation to this project isn't "bullying." Nor is it libelous or defamation. It is simple, documentable, fact-based disagreement. Nothing more. Nothing less. For example, he has repeatedly stated he believes there is another fuel tank buried on the property and has tried to use this as an excuse to delay and/or stop the project. Yet he offers no proof of this, and when the EPA cleanup of the property occurred, only two tanks were found. Something to also remember about this is the fact that at the time this property was used as a gas station - and long afterwards - there were only two grades of gasoline - "Regular" and "High-Test." Diesel wasn't sold at gas stations back then, and neither was heating oil. So what possibly could have been contained in the mystery tank Mr. Van Buskirk continues to insist is there, but professionals can't find? On to the other issues raised in his email... The Port hired a local ISA TRAQ Qualified Arborist to walk the property and mark the trees that need to either be removed and/or trimmed. And while Mr. Van Buskirk has spent much of his life working in the woods and considers himself to be an expert of sorts on trees, the simple fact is, he isn't an Arborist. The Arborist made recommendations on which trees needed to have what done, and that work was completed yesterday. The water right issue is a red herring. It was addressed in the Title Report when the Port acquired the property from the NMSD - and Mr. Van Buskirk is well aware of this. If memory serves me correctly, he filed a Public Records Request for that information at the time. As for the water wheel and fish passage issues... Mr. Van Buskirk is also aware the plan for the park calls for the existing waterwheel to be removed and replaced with one that will demonstrate how flowing water can be harnessed to generate electricity and will power a small portion of the park facilities. He is also aware of the fact WSDOT will be replacing the fish culvert under Highway 3 which will eliminate the existing problem and when combined with the new waterwheel will clear the way for salmon to move upstream naturally. This work should be complete before the park id built. What Mr. Van Buskirk isn't telling you is that he has been trespassed from the property due to violating an agreement he made to walk the property with myself, another Port employee and one of the Commissioners to identify supposed hazard trees. By violating the agreement, he created a potential major liability situation for the Port anis why we hired an Arborist. And while he has contacted each of the Port Commissioners requesting the trespass letter be rescinded, they all understand why it was issued and none of them have asked, or directed me, to do so. We have also made RCO and other agencies aware of this situation, as well as our plans to mitigate the hazard trees and clean up the debris on our portion of the property. They have encouraged us to continue moving forward with our plans, which we are doing. His assertion that the property is located in a recognized landslide hazard area is a new to us and appears to be little more than a hope you will use it as an excuse to not write a letter of support for this project. The bottom line is that in spite of Mr. Van Buskirk's years of highly vocal opposition, he is a small minority where this project is concerned. It enjoys a great deal of community support, as evidenced by the large amount of donation dollars it has accrued and by the number of local businesses committed to helping with the cleanup of the Peterson property once it is acquired, which will count as in-kind match for grants. 2 What Mr. Van Buskirk's reasons are for such passionate opposition to a fully ADA accessible park can only be speculated upon but may lie in personal issues unrelated to the development of the park itself. So I hope you'll agree that one man's ongoing campaign to deny this park to the disabled members of our community, and the North Mason community as a whole shouldn't be the reason the County Commission opposes writing a letter of support. This missive is longer than I originally intended, and I think you for taking the time to read it in its entirety. LFC Lary Coppola • Executive Director The Port of Allyn Ifc(a)-portofallyn.com • www.portofalIVn.com (360) 275-2430 — Office • (360) 801-3935 —Wireless P.O. Box 1 • 18560 E. State Highway 3, Allyn, WA 98524 Please Consider Our Environment Before Printing This Email Special Public Disclosure Notice To Recipient(s) Information contained in any communication to or from the Port of Allyn,including attachments,although possibly containing confidential and/or commercially sensitive information,may be considered public records and therefore subject to the disclosure requirements of Washington's Public Records Act,Ch.42.56 RCW.E-mail correspondence is maintained and archived by the Port of Allyn in accordance with applicable provisions of Washington's Public Records Act and public disclosure of your communication may be required.ifyou are not,or believe you may not be,the intended recipient,please advise the sender immediately via return e-mail or by telephone at(360)275-2430,delete this e-mail,and destroy any copies. From: Ken VanBuskirk<kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, April 26, 2022 9:56 AM To: McKenzie Smith<MSmith@masoncountywa.gov> Cc: Lary Coppola <Ifc@portofallyn.com>;John Sheridan <iheridan@portofallyn.com>;Judy Scott <JScott@portofallyn.com>;Ted Jackson <tiackson@portofallyn.com>; Commissioner Trask <STrask@masoncountywa.gov>; Commissioner Shutty<kshutty@masoncountywa.gov>; Commissioner Neatherlin <RandyN@co.mason.wa.us>; RegistJ@wsdot.wa.gov<RegistJ@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: Corespondence to Board of County Commissioners and Port of Allyn Commissioners Please regard this as official correspondence to both organizations. Commissioners after listening to the briefing yesterday regarding the Sweetwater letter of support I feel compelled to tell you that I too have been the brunt of the same sort of libelous defamation and "bullying" by the Port of Allyn and project proponents. I support the idea of parks and trails but don't think this location is the most appropriate. The property sets below a recognized landslide hazard area and is currently loaded with hazard trees; careful consideration should be given in light of those issues. Regarding the zoning issue and archaeological site designation at that location I asked the Port repeatedly to weigh in on the Belfair planned action EIS but they didn't. In my opinion a far better and more beneficial restoration would be removal of the 50+ year old earthen dam, the dilapidated decorative waterwheel and obsolete remote site incubator rather than create another engineered fish channel out of the original stream course. I would suggest that the Port of Allyn work with the County, WSDOT, DOE and the Skokomish tribe to do a true restoration and cleanup of the property. There is plenty of property there for a park and trail and restroom with out acquiring additional property. A fish pond is probably out of consideration given the lack of water rights. 3 I am very familiar with property and history of zoning in the area as I was a member of the subarea planning group and Mason County Planning advisory committee, I have also walked and mapped most of the streams in the UGA. I would be happy to walk it with all of you to show you on the ground what I have discovered. Id like to offer other possible options and solutions. I have attached a letter from WSDOT to the Port of Allyn from last year. Sincerely, ken VanBuskirk 360-801-0550 4 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk t44#ie__ FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safety and Inspections—Portland Regional Office 805 SW Broadway, Suite 550 Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 552-2700 4/25/2022 In reply refer to: P-460, P-1862, P-2016, P-6842 VIA Electronic Mail Mr. Chris Mattson REC L;TVED Generation Manager Tacoma Public Utilities M AY 0 3 2022 cmattson@ci.tacoma.wa.us Mason County Subject: 2021 Emergency Action Plan Annual Status Reports Commissioners Dear Mr. Mattson: This letter is to acknowledge your December 31, 2021 letters transmitting the 2021 Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Annual Status Reports for the following Tacoma Power Projects: FERC No. Project Name Date of Sudden Failure Assessment 460 Cushman Project October 31, 2012 & April 3, 2015 1862 Nisqually Project December 3, 2012 2016 Cowlitz Project May 11, 2016 6842 1 Wynoochee Project December 31, 2012 We have reviewed the information provided and have the following comments: 1. You did not conduct an annual seminar due to physical distance requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You may consider the upcoming Functional Exercise of the EAP (FEAP) for the Wynoochee and Cushman Projects, scheduled on May 10, 2022, to meet the requirement of the annual orientation seminar. However, you should conduct an in-person or virtual annual seminar for all other planholders as soon as practicable. 2 2. We reviewed the Sudden Failure Assessments (SFAs) dated as shown in table above. We noted that the project EAPs were originally considered to be time- sensitive prior to the installation of sirens and associated actions to increase the Excess Response Time (ERT). Given the low ERT, please review, update, and resubmit your SFAs based on the results of your next scheduled FEAP exercises. Your SFA submittals should include supporting discussion to justify reported detection, verification, notification, and EMA response times. Within 60 days of the date of this letter, please submit a plan and schedule to submit revised SFAs following the upcoming FEAPs for the Cushman, Wynoochee, Nisqually, and Cowlitz Projects. File all submittals using the Commission's eFiling system at https://www.ferc.gov/ferc-online/overview. For all Dam Safety and Public Safety Documents, select Hydro: Regional Office and Portland Regional Office from the eFiling menu. If any portion of the submittal cannot be eFiled, contact the project engineer to discuss options for transmitting the submittal materials to the Commission. The cover page of the filing must indicate that the material was eFiled. For assistance with eFiling, contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupuortA)ferc.gov, (866) 208- 3676 (toll free), or(202) 502-8659 (TTY). Hard Copies Are Not Required During 100% Telework. The Commission remains on 100% telework status due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. Requirements for sending hard copies are suspended during this time. This guidance for submitting documents to the Commission is valid until FERC reconstitutes and staff returns to offices. We do not have a timeline for when that will occur. When the Commission reconstitutes, we will issue further guidance regarding: 1) any need for hard copies of documents submitted during 100% telework and; 2) any need for hard copies going forward after reconstitution. Thank you for your continued cooperation and interest in dam safety. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Daniel Klein of this office at (503) 552-2707. Sincerely, 57& Z 4, Douglas L. Johnson, P.E. Regional Engineer CO r � 1854 Proclamation National Public Works Week May 15-21, 2022 "Ready and Resilient" WHEREAS,2022 marks the 62°d annual National Public Works Week sponsored by the American Public Works Association/Canadian Public Works Association; and, WHEREAS, Public Works services provide in our community an integral part of our citizen's everyday lives; and, WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operations of Public Works systems and programs such as water, sewer, roads and highways, and solid waste collection; and, WHEREAS,the health, safety, and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and, WHEREAS,the efficiency of those qualified and dedicated personnel who staff the Public Works department is influenced by their attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform as a team; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby designate the week of May 15-21, 2022 as "National Public Works Week" in Mason County, and we call upon all citizens and civic organizations to join in activities and events designed to pay tribute to our Public Works employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. Signed this day of 92022. Kevin Shutty, Randy Neatherlin, Sharon Trask, Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of April 11,2022 Monday,April 11,2022 9:10 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle gave the March 2022 Financial Report. Current Expense revenue $9,718,661 at 24%;last year$8,236,027 at 21%. Treasurer revenue year to date$1,243,464 at 11%;last year$1,271,841 at 11%. Treasurer revenue this month$4,232,421 at 24%;last year$2,653,497 at 19%. Current Expense expenditure$9,853,511 at 23%;last year $9,507,602 at 23%. Six-Year Specific revenue streams comparison:Community Development$634,612;Detention&Correction$39,637;Current Expense Property Taxes $1,243,464;Road Diversion Property Tax$109,357;County Road Property Tax$1,032,205; Current Expense Sales Tax$2,019,489;Criminal Justice$464,356;Rural Sales&Use Tax Fund$247,977;Homelessness Prevention Filings$198,328;Lodging Tax$160,215;and REET 1 and REET 2$410,531. Sales tax$2,019,489.41 projected$8,587,552.21. March total$605,844.73. Six-Year Financial Recap Current Expense cash$21,565,097 and Special Fund cash$43,521,700. Total General Fund&Special Fund used 21.77%. A few departments need budget amendments. Special&Other Funds revenue$13,479,562 at 18%; last year$9,639,279 at 22%. Special&Other Funds expenditure$11,479,264 at 14%;last year$10,545,023 at 20%. • John Taylor discussed the Recreation and Conservation Office(RCO)Applicant Resolution /Authorization document. Sections 9, 11, 13,and 14 are not applicable. Robert W.Droll submitted his figures for the grant which were higher than expected due to figured in costs based on future inflation. The project likely will not be built until 2024. Overall,Droll has $5.15 million for the owner's match. This includes the two grant awards for$350k plus $500k and the Land and Water Conservation Fund(LWCF)grant for potentially$2 million. This brings the cost to$4,653,000. • Mark shared the 2022 Department of Commerce Public Services Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)grant amounts for the grant period of July 1,2022 through June 30, 2023. This is fully funded by the CDBG grant and a Public Hearing will be set for Tuesday, May 24,2022 at 9:15 a.m. Approved to move forward. • Mark asked to issue a Request for Qualifications(RFQ)for Architectural and Engineering Professional Services. This would solicit qualifications from qualified individuals/firms for as-needed services for design and construction including all civil engineering and permitting requirements for County-owned property located throughout Mason County. Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed a Letter of Support for potential development in Mason County to be used by the Economic Development Council(EDC). This would be an opening letter to invite developers to build in Mason County. Cmmr.Neatherlin shared his support if it is a generic letter. Jennifer Baria added that this would allow for a faster turnaround for projects. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr.Neatherlin discussed opportunities for advertising and marketing for new staff and compensating and rewarding current staff. Prior to COVID-19,Frank Pinter had begun looking into incentives for staff who further their education or get certifications that enhance their scope of work. Mark will bring options forward. • Mark gave an update on The Arc of the Peninsulas American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) request for$35k. The funds would be for wages,office space,utilities,and education materials. Jennifer Beierle added that an agreement is needed from both The Arc of the Peninsulas and the Mason County Housing Authority. Cmmr.Neatherlin asked if the funding for the Housing Authority can be moved forward to the agenda to be allocated to prevent families from being evicted. Cmmr. Shutty suggested to move it forward pending scope of work development and contract. Page 11 • Cmmr. Shutty shared a request from Public Utility District No. 1 for a Letter of Support to Senator Patty Murray for funding for the fiber project along the canal on Highway 101. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr. Shutty requested to do a Proclamation honoring local 911 dispatchers. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr. Shutty suggesting looking into using ARPA funds for design work for the Belfair Sewer project west of State Route 3. Loretta met with Kennedy-Jenks on Friday to double check dates,advertising details,and to potentially look at preliminary designs for servicing other parts of the Urban Growth Area(UGA). 9:35 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Justin Phelps gave an update on the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility Reclaimed Water Discharge Permit Renewal application. The Belfair Water Reclamation Facility operates under State permit which needs renewed every 5 years and is currently operating under the original permit. Department of Ecology is requiring that Mason County send a permit renewal June 1,2022. The application covers effluent flows,water quality,and operations. There are no proposed changes and monitoring requirements should be the same with no budget impacts. • Loretta shared that Public Works would like to give a quarterly report that provides account status on all utilities and begin tracking trends. • Richard Dickinson discussed the impacts to the Belfair Transfer Station from the closure of the Olympic View Transfer Station in Kitsap County. Kitsap was able to operate enough for commercial traffic,but not residential. On Saturday the Belfair Transfer Station had to shut down at 2 p.m.due to being full. Very few"Free Dump Day"vouchers were used and those were not a factor for that weekend. • Mike Collins reported on the Open House for Agate Loop Road. 800 notices were sent out to the surrounding neighborhood and 50 signups were received but more residents showed up. For the signups,44 were against and 6 were for opening up the channel and closing the road. Two options were presented: open the channel($200k)or install a 65'bridge($3 million). A main concern was emergency response,it would take an additional 1 minute and 17 seconds to go around if the road is closed. Another concern is the hill from the Sunset intersection to the top of the grange. The first 300' is a 100' elevation which is about a 12.7%grade. Potentially they could do a 20' cut to create a 6.5%grade. The intersection itself has poor alignment due to the hill. On another project similar to this they may be able build a smaller structure than a bridge. 2 are supportive if there is a foot bridge. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Chair Commissioner Commission Page 12 �rQpx c ck�,r } Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 April 12, 2022 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance—Mark Neary led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call—Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin;Commissioner District 2—Kevin Shutty;Commissioner District 3—Sharon Trask. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: liquor license application for Lakeland Village Golf Course,Inc.;special occasion liquor license for Allyn Community Association;and liquor license approval for Westside Pizza in Belfair. 4.1.2 Janice Loomis sent in a Board of Equalization advisory board application. 4.1.3 Washington State Department of Natural Resources(DNR)is proposing to expand the boundary of existing Skookum Inlet Natural Area Preserve(NAP). 4.2 Loretta Swanson read the County Road Herbicide Program Notice News Release. 4.3 Paige Hansen was recognized for retiring after 20 years with the County. 4.4 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Proclamation. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input No citizen input. 6. Adoption of Agenda Cmmr.Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda 8.1 Approval of Warrants&Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8087047-8087348 $ 1,326,565.66 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#85667-86055 $ 789,280.06 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7006546-7006569 $ 521,192.16 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 158,443.60 8.2 Approval to pay Nichole Wilston,Risk and Safety Compliance Manager, 10%Lead Pay effective March 15,2022 due to the resignation of the Human Resources Director. 8.3 Approval for the Sheriff s Office to purchase less lethal 40 min hardware and ammunition from County funds with a budget amendment in the first budget amendment transfer in June 2022. 8.4 Approval of the Resolution declaring TK Elevator Corporation(TKE)as sole-source to replace the elevator doors in the Mason County Jail elevator. (Exhibit A,Resolution No.2022-025) 8.5 Approval to sign the 2022 Oath of Credit Card Inventory. 8.6 Approval to issue a Request for Proposals(RFP)for labor and employment services. 8.7 Approval of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative(JDAI)Implementation County Program Agreement—Department of Children,Youth,and Families Agreement No.2163- 23920 Amendment No.01 for State fiscal year 2022 and 2023. 8.8 Approval to extend Carl"Bud"Olson's 10%Lead Pay for an additional twelve(12)months. 8.9 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 10,2022 at 9:15 a.m.regarding an application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)for the proposed Evergreen Estates Water Project. 8.10 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 10,2022 at 9:15 a.m.regarding amendments to administrative requirements within Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions. 8.11 Approval of the Resolution to set a hearing date for Road Vacation no.412 with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday,May 25,2022 at 1:00 p.m. (Exhibit B,Resolution No.2022-026) 8.12 Approval of the Resolution replacing Resolution No. 61-13 updating the Solid Waste utility fees to increase each year by the amount of the August to August Consumer Price Index for the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue area. (Exhibit C,Resolution No.2022-027) 8.13 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project(CRP)2037—Sunny Side Road;CRP 2038—California Road;CRP 2039—Kelly Hall Road;and CRP 2040—Sunny Slope Road projects converting gravel road to chip seal. (Exhibit D,Resolution No.2022-028) 8.14 Approval of the following American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)projects:signing bonus for Corrections Deputies up to$30,000;Prosecutor's Office second floor expansion for$75,000; and Public Works grinder pumps for$151,273. 8.15 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the agreements for the following ARPA projects: up to$100,000 for the Housing Authority of Mason County with an approved agreement and scope of work and up to$35,000 for the Arc of the Peninsulas with an approved agreement and scope of work. 8.16 Approval to sign the letter of support for the Mason County Economic Development Council (EDQ to use for initial communication with prospective developers. 8.17 Approval to sign the letter of support for Mason County Public Utility District No. I's 2023 budget appropriations request to fund the Hood Canal-Highway 101 Broadband Project. Cmmr.Trask/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.17. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) No other business. 10. 9:15 a.m.Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1 Public Hearing to surplus County-owned real property parcel no. 32007-13-00050 located off of Johns Prairie Road. Staff:Jennifer Beierle Jennifer Beierle shared that this Public Hearing is to surplus County-owned real property parcel no. 32007-13-00050 located off of Johns Prairie Road. This parcel was purchased by the County from S&P Properties,a general partnership,on February 6, 1990 for$1,742.24. The parcel is approximately.20 acres. According to the 1990 Warranty Deed,the parcel is 8,928.48 square feet. A recent survey by the County Survey Department indicated that the parcel is.21 acres or 9,008.28 square feet. The Planning Department expressed that the parcel, as a standalone,is likely not buildable. The parcel is located in the County Urban Growth Area(UGA)and City of Shelton water is in the right-of-way. The parcel is a triangular-shape and is adjacent to parcel no.32007-14-90011 and 32007-13-00000. Cmmr.Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to approve to surplus County-owned real property parcel no.32007-13-00050 located off of Johns Prairie Road. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 2 April 12 , 2022 Commission Minutes 11. Board's Calendar and Reports—The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:42 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Chair Sharon Trask,Commissioner Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner 31April 12 , 2022 Commission Minutes MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item # :i Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 2, 2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the resolution adopting the 2022-2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Project list as recommended by the Mason County Economic Development Council. Background: This is a public infrastructure prioritization list that is prioritized annually by the Economic Development Council. Projects are considered according to community need, project readiness, probability of being funded, and number of jobs created. Projects must be sponsored by a government entity to qualify for the CEDS process. The EDC notifies public entities that applications are being accepted. Staff compiles a draft list of projects which is then reviewed by the EDC Legislative Committee. The draft list is then presented to the EDC Board of Directors for approval and submitted to the County. Budget Impacts: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the 2022-2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Project list as recommended by the Mason County Economic Development Council. Attachment(s): 2022-2023 CEDS Project List RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY PROJECT LIST FOR 2022-2023 WHEREAS, in the agreement between Mason County and the Economic Development Council (EDC), one of the tasks is to compile the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy(CEDS) list for Mason County, Washington; and WHEREAS, the EDC has solicited suggested projects from local Mason County jurisdictions and community groups for possible infrastructure improvements to enhance economic sustainability throughout Mason County; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has authorized Mason County to retain .09 percent of retail sales taxes annually for economic development projects; and WHEREAS, eligibility for funding must be demonstrated by a list of projects; and WHEREAS, the EDC has recommended a list of projects which updates the current infrastructure needs which the Commissioners have reviewed; WHEREAS, the Commissioners have identified the following list and priorities as listed in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners adopts the attached list of priorities for inclusion in the 2022-2023 CEDS publication. Dated this loth day of May, 2022. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask, Commissioner C: Economic Development Council J:\RESOLUTIONS&ORDINANCES\RESOLUTIONS-ORDINANCES Word Files\2022\CEDS 2022-2023.doc 2022-2023 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES PROJECT LIST Funding From State, Year of secured Lear]0,gani,atico, P"tn—hip' Pi-.�ert Title Project Type Total Co5t funding Secured Funding Funding Request Federal,Other - -- - _. ------ ---- Mason County PW Mason County,CIry of Bremerton Belfair Sewer,North Extension/Belfair Freight Corridor/PSIC util4les,Ecpnomlc Dwelopmmt $ 14,000,000 84.11% .`,: I I i i�coo t>0 $2,250,000 State Final Design If Construction 2018 construction Mason County PUD No.3 SonnMlle Power Admris-fion,Local Substation:Dayton Shelton Utilities $ 10,000,OOD 60.00% $ 6,000,000.00 S 4,000,000.00 System Capacity Fee planning Design 2020 Dev kip ,Port of Sheton Mason County PUD No.3 go-MR.Power Administration,Local Substation:Belfair Utleriss $10,000,000-60.00% $6,000,000-18,000,000 $4,000,000- System Capacity Fee Planning Design 2020 DavNopen,Port of sheiton 30,000,000 12,000,000 City of Shelton So In Island Trine Membrane Treatment Plant Phase 1 Capacity Expansion Design and Utnitan,Public Safety,Land Ute $ 7,500,000 20.00% $ 1,500,000.00 S 6,000,000.00 City Rates&General Planning 2021 Construction Envkon.—I,Economk Development Facilities Charges Mason County PUD No.1 wA DNR Jorstad Substation WIZ, $ 6,300,000 3.97% $ 250,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 PUD operating and Design 2021- reserve funds Mason County PUD No.3 Hoods canal Communkatiom,eIbw0ne, Rural Broadband-Fiberhoods MUlmes,Public Satisfy,Heelthcat4 Economic $ 5,000,OD0 78.00% $ 3,900,000.00 $ 1,100,000.00 State Planning Design Construction 2018 N-Nel,daMeases,residents,pommwty poups Dcvebgnemt Mason County PUD No.1 gonnMk Porn Administration,Mason County Mim—ita Substation UtlGMes $ 3,361,175 72.30% $ 2,430,076.00 $ 931,099.00 PUD electrical bonds Construction 2020a MD3 proceeds and reserve Mason County PUD No.3 Sonnevilr Pores Adminimatioq Local Substation:Potlatch UMIBIes 5 3,000,000 60.00% $ 1,800,000.00 S 1,200,000.00 System Capacity Fee Planning Design 2020 Developers,Port or Shekon Mason County PUD No.1 washing—State Department of Haakh lake Arrowhead Main Line Replacement Usual.,PUNIC Safety $ 2,508,258 50.00% $ 1,254,129.90 S 1,254,128.90 WA DOH Planning Design Construction 2021- Mason County PUD No.1 Washington Stare Department of Health Shadowood Reservoir&Booster Station Utilities $ 2,500,000 50.00% $ 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 DOH&DUD wale, Design Construction 2021 bonds proceeds Mason County PW DOT,Mason Transit,Uteries Trails Road Alternative-Razor Road Extension Utilities,Transportation,Publik Safety,Land $ 2,500,000 30.00% $ 750,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 State Design Construction 2019 Use,Economic Development Mason County PUD No.1 Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project A:Manxanita Utilities $ 2,DDD000 7.50% $ 150,000.00 $ 1,850,OOO.OD PUD Reserves Design Construction 2022 Water Reservoirs Mason County PW DDT,Maw,Transit,Bil Cmnmunky,Militia,SR3 Freight Corridor-Romance Hill Connector Utiatles,Transportation,Public Safety,Land $ 1,320,000 16.67% $ 220,000.00 $ 1,100,000.00 State Design Construction 2018 PAC Use Economk Deveb ant Belfair Water District New Well Belfair UGA and commercial core DtNkNa $ 950,000 42.11% $ 400,000.00 $ 550,000.DO PUD operating and Design 2021 reserve funds Mason County PUD No.1 Agate Beach Mainline Replacement Project Utllftles $ 900,620 55.50% S 499,864.DO $ 400,756.00 PUD water bonds Design 2020 proceeds Mason County PUD No.1 Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project B:Vuecrest& Loans, $ 850,0D0 0.00% $ $ 850,000.00 Construction 2022 Union Ridge Water Main Project Port of Allyn None Bay Hbtorkal Soclesy Sargent Oyster House Touram $ 712,00130.62% $ 218,000.00 $ 494,000.00 Construction 2020 Mason County PUD No.1 WA DOH Ripplewood Main Line Replacement Militias.public Safety $ 705,762 50.00% $ 352,881.09 $ 352,881.09 WA DOH Design Construction 2022 Port of Allyn Dept of Ecology Replacement Well UrIgres $ 600,000 26.67% $ 100,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Credit line at bank, Design 2021 port water fund Mason County PUD No.1 Washingon State Department of Heaith Canal View Water Systems Rehabilitation Utilities,Pudic$arty $ 503,380 46.51% $ 234,125.00 $ 269,255.00 DOH Drinking Water Design Construction 2021- Belfair Water District Mason County,EE xenon New Well-Pressure Zone 2 Made, $ 500, 10.00% $ 50,000.00 $ 450,000.00 BWD researve funds Design Construction 2021 Mason County PUD No.1 Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project D"Man:anits Mtllkks $ 500,000 0.00% $ - S 500,000.00 PUD Bonds or loans Construction 2020- Reservoir Mainline" Mason County PUD No.1 Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project F Alderbrook U1llftb $ 440,000 19.77% $ 87,000.00 $ 353,000.00 PUD Bonds or loans 2020- Mainline Replacement Mason County PUD No.1 Alderbrook Lower Aquifer Testing Utilities,Economic Development $ 400,000 12.50% $ 50,000.00 $ 350,ODO.00 PUD water bonds Design Construction 2022 proceeds Mason County PUD No.1&3 M-willo Power Adirinn lon,Mason County Electrical System Intense PUD1-PUD3 wile s $ 259,470 0.00% $ - $ 259,470.00 PUD operating and Construction 2020 PU03 reserve funds Belfair Water District NMFA Backup Emergency Generators engines $ 257, 23.35% $ 60,000.00 $ 197,000.00 PUD operating and Construction 1021 reserve funds Mason County PUD No.3 WSDOT Hwy 108 Fish Culvert Projects Lit Ifties,Pudic Safety,Transportation, $ 250,000 0.00% $ $ 250,000.00 1 Internal Planning Design 2021 Envkonmental Port of Shelton Aviation Business Park Economic Development $ 20,ODD, O.OD% $ $ 20,000,000.00 'manning 2018 City of Shelton Squaain bland THbe North Diversion Sewer Lift Station and Force Main utilftia, $ 10,500,000 0.00% $ $ 10,500,OD0.OD Planning 2021 Mason Transit Authority FTA,WSOOT Johns Prairie Facility Upgrade/Construction Transportation,Urania, $ 5,000,000 20.00% $ 1,000,000.00 $ 4,000,000.00 Planning Design Construction 20190 ........................................_._......................................................................._.............._.___._............................................................................................................_........._........._.......__.___........_.. City of Shelton Squaaln Islam tribe Water Reclamation Plant Membrane Filter Replacements Innnla, $ 5,000, 5.00% $ 250,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00 Planning 2021 Mason County PUD No.3 Hood Canal Comm,Wilber Comm.Adaanced Coloquallum Communities Rural Broadband Fiber Project taditlas,Public Safety,econome S 4,000,0010.00% S 4,000,000.00 Construction 2021 Stream,N-Net,businesses,residents D—lo mm City of Shelton Squaaln Island e Water Reclamation Plant Headworks Capacity Upgrades UtilitiesTrib Reclamation $ 3,750,000 5.00% $ 127,500.00 $ 3,562,500.00 planning 2021 Port of Shelton Tenant Consolidation&Expansion Econemlc Development S 3,000,000 0.00% $ - $ 3,000,000.00 Planning 2018 ............_............. ............................................-............................_..........._.___...................................................._.__........................._....._......_.._......._..........— ......._......._..........__......__ _._......................—.......................................................................................... .........................__..................o._...................._................._........._........__........_................._....__.._...._..._..............._._...........................................................men __.._.. _ Mason County PUD ND.3 Submarine Distribution Cable Replacement uumlas,Land use $ 2,5D0,000 0.00% $ $ 2,500,000.00 Planning Design Construction 2022 City of Shelton 7th Street Reconstruction Transponarlon S 1,5DO,000 0.00% $ $ 1,500,000.00 Planning 2021 City of Shelton Evergreen Town Square Comnimny Development $ 1,500,000 0.00% $ - $ 1,500,000.DO Design Construction 2012 Mason County PUD No.1 WSDOT Duckabush Bridge Replacement Utimas.Tramponttion,Publk Sat.,Land $ 1,000,000 0.00% $ $ 1,000,000.00 Planning 2020 Uae,Parkf a Trails,Em*ommtal Mason Transit Authority Construct Maintenance Wash Facility Tramp,mation $ 500,ODO 0.00% $ - $ 500,000.00 Design Construction 2019 Mason County PW Mason County Belfalr WRF Critical Equipment Replacement Project UUutms,Public Sately,Environmental, $ 370,800 0.00% $ - $ 370,800.00 Construction 2021 Economic Development Mason County PW Mason County Belfair WRF Resiliency Project ucilnles,Public Safety,Envlronmmtal, $ 300,010,00% $ $ 300,000.00 Construction 2021 Economic D.ali mnent Mason County PW Mason County Mason Plan Update Utilities,Public Win,Environmental, $ 250,ODO 0.00% $ - 5 250,000.00 Planning 2021 Economic Develpmnmt I Mason County PW Mason County North Bay Case Inlet WRF GSP/FP Update Wild—Public Safety,land Use, $ 206,000 0.00% $ $ 206,000.00 Planning 2021 Environmental,Economic Development Mason County PUD No.3 Energy Nonhwest,WSDOT,WA.OCCU Electric Vehicle Infrastructure utnuias.Transpunatlon,Econoink $ 100,000 0.00% $ $ 100,000.00 Planning Design Construction 2020e Development Mason County PUD No.3 City of Shelton,Mason County,WSDOT,HOAS LED Streetlight Upgrades Uulales,Transponatlon,Satasy,Pads& $ 100,000 0.00% $ $ 100,000.00 Planning Design Construction 20200 Truk.Environmental .........................__. ___...........__.....__—_�-....._._.__..........................Securi.......ry_..___ ��.._...........__..____.. __........................____��..._...._. .......... _ _. ..._.........._.........._.... �..__."' . " —_............................._...._... ".. . . ._"""'... Port of Allyn Port utilities,Public Safety $ 60,000 0.00% $ $ 60,000.00 Planning Design 2020 Mason Transit Authority WSDOT,Mason Cowty Allyn Transit Center Planning project Traraponttlon $ 50,000 0.00% $ $ 50,000.00 Planning 2018 Mason Transit Authority SDOT,Mason County lHoodsoort Master Plan Hoodspon Transit Center Planning Transoonatton $ 50,000 0.DO% $ $ 50,000.00 Planning 2018 Indusknl MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Mike Collins, PE, PLS, County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: April 25, 2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Special Market Value Procurement— Used Peterbilt Tractor and Used 3-Axle Pup Trailer BACKGROUND: Public Works wishes to acquire a used Truck Tractor and 3 Axle Pup Trailer for the Road Operations and Maintenance Division. ER&R came across a package deal for a 2006 Peterbilt Tractor and 2005 3-Axle Pup Trailer from J & D Enterprises NW, LLC, in the amount of $107,500. The Peterbuilt has 570,000 miles of use and fits the specific needs of the county. To purchase these two pieces of equipment new would be approximately $200,000. The Public Works Road Fund has $130,000 in this year's equipment budget for a used tractor and lowboy trailer. The purchase for the two is $22,500 less than budgeted. Per RCW 39.04.280 (1) (b), exemption of the normal competitive bidding requirements may be waived for purchases involving special facilities or market conditions. Due to the current market, it has been difficult to find a used lowboy tractor and pup trailer that represents a good value and fits the specific needs of the department. It would be in the County's best financial interest to take advantage of this immediate packaged deal opportunity. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Request the Board authorize Public Works to purchase one used 2006 Peterbilt Tractor and 2005 3 Axle Pup Trailer from J & D Enterprises NW, LLC, as a special market condition purchase, in the amount of $107,500.00 plus sales tax and licensing. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Sole Source Justification Form 3. Picture 4. 2022 Equipment Budget/to-date Purchases RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SPECIAL MARKET CONDITION PROCURMENT OF A USED PETERBILT LOWBOY TRACTOR AND 3 AXLE PUP TRAILER FROM J & D ENTERPRISES NW, LLC WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 (1) (b), allows for exceptions from standard bidding procedures based on special market conditions and sole source findings for qualifying purchases; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of a used Peterbilt Lowboy Tractor and 3-axle Pup Trailer the 2022 budget; and WHEREAS, the County Purchasing Policy requires a resolution to waive bidding requirements over $25,000. WHEREAS, the used equipment has been identified that fits the specific needs of the County at a very favorable price and may be sold before the County could complete a formal bidding process; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: Section 1. RCW 39.04.280 authorizes the Board to waive standard competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of equipment where "special market conditions" exist for procurement of the equipment. To the extent any bidding requirements apply to the purchase of the equipment, in light of findings of fact set forth herein, the Board finds that special market conditions under RCW 39.04.280(b) exist and that all bidding requirements (if any) are hereby waived for the purchase of the specified 2006 Peterbilt Lowboy Tractor and 2005 3 Axle Pup Trailer. Section 2. Special market conditions include: a) The lowboy tractor and pup trailer are being offered at a very favorable price to Mason County. b) The equipment may be sold by the provider before the County could complete a formal bid process. c) The equipment is needed for a specific purpose and is suitable to the unique needs of the Public Works Department. No other equipment has been found at the price that meets the needs and budget at this time. Section 3. The purchase of a 2006 Peterbilt Lowboy Tractor and 2005 3 Axle Pup Trailer. in the amount of $107,500 from J & D Enterprises NW, LC, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this day of , 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Vice Chair Tim Whit ea ;'Ch. DPA Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner N STATF c MASON COUNTY 0 o N z SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM Y2 N V Y O 1864 Date: April 25, 2022 Department: Public Works Department Contact: Pete Medcalf, Ext. 387 Recommended Vendor: AD Enterprises NW, LLC Address: P.O. Box 327, Beaver, WA 98305 Phone: (360)460-7475 Cost Estimate: $107,500 +sales tax and licensing Describe the item requested and its function: Used 2006 Peterbilt Lowboy Tractor and 2005 3 Axle Pup Trailer 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ❑ Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ❑ Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ® Used item:The contractor/vendor is the holder of a used, tractor and pup trailer packaged deal that represents a good value,that are hard to find ones that fit the specific needs of the department. 3. Is this product available from other sources? ❑ Yes ® No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? Public Works has been searching online and reaching out to vendors for used Lowboy Tractors to find one that meets our needs, price range and isn't out of State. This package deal meets our needs and is a favorable price with low hours and wear and tear. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: Buying new would cost the county approximately $300,000 ($200,000 for the Lowboy Tractor and $100,000 for the Pup Trailer). It would be in the county's best financial interest to take advantage of this immediate purchasing opportunity and acquire these two pieces of equipment. 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and a fair value. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other, please explain: Due to the current truck/trailer market we have not been able to find used. Public Works reached out to PAPE and NC Machinery; both did not have any used lowboy trucks or trailers for sale. Pape did help us find this current sale from J & D Enterprises NW, LLC. With us purchasing from J & D Enterprises NW we do not have to pay a 10% mark-up fee from a vendor, such as Pape. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands, types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. ; Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: Date: Z2 .. a r ' IR `}• r.r � f — �r t� A, w 2022 Public Works Road Operations Equipment Budget Budgeted Purchased Equipment Description Quantity Condition Unit Price Total Quantity Condition Unit Price Total Front-End Loader 1 New $ 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 1 New $ 122,318.00 $ 122,318.00 Chipper 1 New $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ - F-550 w/sander, plow and dump bed 4 New $ 80,000.00 $ 320,000.00 $ - Tractor and lowboy trailer 1 Used $ 130,000.00 $ 130,000.00 1 Used $ 107,500.00 $ 107,500.00 3 Axle Pup Trailer 3 Used $ 75,000.00 $ 225,000.00 2 New $ 101,601.00 $ 203,202.00 Automated Flag Assist Device 0 1 New $ 33,998.00 $ 33,998.00 Plate Compactor 0 1 New $ 12,640.00 $ 12,640.00 2022 Approved Budget= $ 980,000.00 YTD= $ 479,658.00 REMAINING BUDGET= $ 500,342.00 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Beierle Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 DATE: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: April 25 & May 2, 2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jennifer Beierle [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Set a Public Hearing for June 7, 2022 at 9:15 a.m. to consider approval of budget supplemental appropriations and amendments to the 2022 budget. Total requests for adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund are $395,719. Total requests to authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund are $4,673,822. Background: Requests for 2022 budget supplemental appropriations and amendments. Recommended Action: Request to set a public hearing for June 7th at 9:15 a.m. to consider the approval of supplemental appropriations and amendments to the 2022 budget: Total Adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund: $395,719 Total Adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund: $4,673,822 J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\Budget Hearings\2022\6.7.22 Budget Hearing\Action Agenda 5.10.22 for 6.7.22 Budget Hearing.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND AMENDMENT REQUESTS-NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS,by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2022, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and amendments to the budget as required by RCW 36.40.100,and RCW 36.40.195;and WHEREAS,the revenue and expenditure adjustments to County funds, as listed in Attachments A& B to this Resolution, are required in order to incorporate into the budget the revenues and expenditures now identified,which were not known at the time of original budget adoption;and WHEREAS,the net total of adjustments to 2022 authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund is an increase of$395,719;and WHEREAS, the net total of adjustments to 2022 authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund is an increase of$4,673,822;and THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commissioners: That the 7th day of June, 2022 at the hour of 9:15 a.m.,in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,Washington,is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of Budget Amendment Requests to the 2022 Budget as provided in Attachments A& B to this Resolution. Contact person:Jennifer Beierle, Budget Manager, (360)427-9670 ext.532 A copy of this resolution and the proposed amendments to the 2022 budget is available by contacting Toni Monnier at(360)427-9670 ext. 644. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized,empowered,and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED this 101h day of May,2022 ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask,Commissioner Tim Whitehead,Chief DPA CC: Auditor—Financial Services Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner Publish 2x 5/19&5/26 bill to Commissioners, 411 North 5th Street,Shelton 4TTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAIL 2022 2022 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE LINE NO. FUND NAME DEPARTMENT CHANGE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ALL CHANGE BUDGETED BEG FUND BALANCES TO 1 FUNDS ALL FUNDS 1,300,299 (1,605,627) ACTUAL CASH BALANCE AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2022 DEPT OF AG GRANT EXTENSION &NEW INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO FUND EXTRA HELP 2 001 GENERAL FUND WSU 18,600 18,600 &MOTOR POOL PURCHASE OF VEHICLE#188 FROM ER&R FOR 3 001 GENERAL FUND WSU 3,922 WSU NOXIOUS WEED USE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4 501 & REVOLVING 3,922 SALE OF VEHICLE#188 TO WSU EXTENSION CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR UGA EIS& COMMUNITY UNEXPENDED 2021 AMT MOVED TO 2022 5 001 GENERAL FUND DEVELOPMENT 57,930 BUDGET COMMUNITY DOE SHORELINE DIGITAL USERS GUIDE GRANT& 6 001 GENERAL FUND DEVELOPMENT 50,000 50,000 INC TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKS PLAN CONTRACT$86,430&MOVING EMPLOYEE FROM REET 2 TO PARKS&TRAILS 7 001 GENERAL FUND PARKS&TRAILS 123,930 $37,500 REALLOCATE DEM/PARKS/IT MANAGER TO DEM DEM &PARKS& &PARKS ONLY,& LEAD PAY FOR DEM EMPLOYEE 8 001 GENERAL FUND TRAILS 57,778 &PARKS EMPLOYEE INFORMATION REALLOCATE DEM/PARKS/IT MANAGER TO DEM 9 500 TECHNOLOGY (44,431) &PARKS ONLY ADD 1 FTE FOR THE NORTH PRECINCT$53,000,& AMMUNITION &LESS THAN LETHAL EQUIPMENT 10 001 GENERAL FUND SHERIFF 109,859 PURCHASE$56,859 AUDITOR, BOE, REDUCE DEPARTMENT BUDGETS BY A TOTAL CLERK,WSU, $82,000 FOR IT COMPUTER REPLACEMENT FOR CORONER, DCD, COMPUTERS 2014 AND OLDER ADDED TO BOTH DISTRICT CT, 2021&2022 BUDGETS&REPLACED IN 2021, FACILITIES,& AND ADD$24,000 FOR 16 SHERIFF DESKTOPS TO 11 001 GENERAL FUND SHERIFF (58,000) BE REPLACED IN 2022 TRANSFER FROM MENTAL HEALTH TO PROSECUTOR& PROSECUTOR&PUBLIC HEALTH FOR NEW 12 001 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC DEFENSE 11,880 4,500 THERAPEUTIC COURT TRANSFER FROM MENTAL HEALTH TO PROSECUTOR&PUBLIC HEALTH FOR NEW 13 164 MENTAL HEALTH TAX 11,880 THERAPEUTIC COURT INCREASED COURT COMMISSIONER, BAILIFF, 14 001 GENERAL FUND SUPERIOR COURT 27,200 INTERPRETER&WITNESS FEE NEEDS COMMUNITY 15 117 SUPPORT SERVICES 5,800,000 5,800,000 NEW ERAP CONTRACT COMMUNITY LEAD GRANT SIGNED IN JANUARY$350K& 16 150 SERVICES HEALTH 450,000 450,000 COVID TEST KITS GRANT$100K CORRECTION TO MOVE EXCAVATOR#620 PURCHASED BY ER&R FOR SOLID WASTE PUT 17 105 COUNTY ROAD (234,409) INTO ROADS RATES IN ERROR CORRECTION TO MOVE EXCAVATOR#620 PURCHASED BY ER&R FOR SOLID WASTE PUT 18 402 SOLID WASTE 234,409 INTO ROADS RATES IN ERROR CORRECTION TO MOVE VEH#125 FROM SOLID 19 402 SOLID WASTE (10,137) WASTE TO UTILITIES ER&R RATES Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAIL 2022 2022 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE LINE NO. FUND NAME DEPARTMENT CHANGE CHANGE DESCRIPTION NBCI SEWER UTILITY, CORRECTION TO MOVE VEH#125 FROM SOLID 403, RUSTLEWOOD, WASTE TO UTILITIES ER&R RATES: NBCI$5,575, 411, BEARDS COVE,& RUSTLEWOOD$1,724, BEARDS COVE$710, & 20 412,413 BELFAIR SEWER 10,137 BELFAIR SEWER$2,128 RUSTLEWOOD SEWER TRANSFER IN FROM REET 2 FOR LTGO BOND 21 411 &WATER 62,000 PRINCIPLE&INTEREST TRANSFER OUT TO RUSTLEWOOD FOR LTGO 22 351 REET 2 62,000 BOND PRINCIPLE&INTEREST GENERAL FUND TOTAL 80,480 395,719 OTHER FUNDS ITOTAL 7,616,221 1 4,673,822 ALL FUNDS 1GRANDTOTAL 7,696,701 5,069,541 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE FBTOTAL DESCRIPTION 1 001.000000.000.000.308.91.300000.0000.00. 1 I 194,824 9,105,772 BEG FUND UNASSIGNED 1 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 I 194,824 6,234,359 END FUND UNASSIGNED 1 103.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 I 353,351 1,194,107 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 103.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 353,351 1,399,692 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 104.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 I 30,989 430,989 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 104.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 30,989 463,165 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 105.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 2,962,239 1,277,919 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320000.0000.00. 1 1 1,300,000 3,563,630 FED FHWA VIA WS ST DOT 1 105.000000.000.000.595.50.541000.0000.00. 1 D 555,066 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 105.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 1,107,173 (234,409) END FUND RESTRICTED 1 106.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 857 288,610 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 106.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 857 296,523 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 109.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 6,628 248,130 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 109.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 6,628 238,599 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 110.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 85,137 213,227 1 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 110.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 85,137 155,711 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 114.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 334 13,983 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 114.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 334 14,031 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 117.000000.000.200.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 I 163,915 578,915 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 117.000000.000.200.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 163,915 681,257 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 118.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 I 45,436 277,694 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 118.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 45,436 231,318 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 120.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 I 14,229 89,218 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 120.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 14,229 14,229 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 134.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 4,932 5,068 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 134.000000.000.000.521.22.512000.0000.00. 1 D 4,932 REIMB.DEP FED FOREST OT 1 134.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D - - END FUND RESTRICTED 1 135.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 1,569 92,323 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 135.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 1,569 60,762 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 141.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 36,201 155,723 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 141.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 36,201 151,990 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 142.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 7,598 97,843 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 142.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 7,598 96,174 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 150.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 918,322 1,352,527 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 150.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 918,322 918,322 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 155.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 1,043,121 5,056,879 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 155.000000.000.000.594.18.564000.0000.00. 1 D 1,043,121 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1 155.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D - - END FUND RESTRICTED 1 160.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 792 49,208 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 160.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 792 37,801 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 163.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 400,108 1,100,108 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 163.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 400,108 827,708 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 164.000000.100.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 60,995 1,488,244 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 164.000000.100.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 60,995 1,310,435 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 180.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 35,313 56,673 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 180.000000.000.000.341.42.301000.0000.00. 1 1 299 TREAS.FEES-FORECLOSURE COSTS 1 180.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 35,014 - END FUND RESTRICTED 1 190.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 60,786 160,786 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 190.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 60,786 60,786 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 192.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 D 78,792 15,370 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 192.000000.000.000.554.90.541000.0000.00. 1 D 1,485 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 192.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 77,307 - END FUND RESTRICTED 1 194.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 D 1,023 68,977 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 194.000000.100.000.553.60.541010.0000.00. 1 D 1,023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 194.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D - END FUND COMMITTED 1 195.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 397 7,189 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 195.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 397 397 END FUND COMMITTED 1 199.000000.001.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 I 9,108 29,108 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 199.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 I 91108 9,108 END FUND COMMITTED 1 350.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 1,110,195 2,010,195 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 350.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 1,110,195 1,470,217 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 351.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 1 1 1,430,432 3,030,432 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 351.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 I 1,430,432 2,493,601 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 402.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 1,083,469 2,074,206 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 402.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 1,083,469 1,754,187 END FUND COMMITTED 1 403.000000.100.020.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 372,367 1,777,042 BEG FUND COMMITTED Page 1 of 3 4TTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE FBTOTAL DESCRIPTION 1 403.000000.100.020.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 372,367 2,064,936 END FUND COMMITTED 1 411.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 D 59,246 133,014 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 411.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D 59,246 (52,246) END FUND COMMITTED 1 412.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 16,066 604,335 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 412.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 1 16,066 608,105 END FUND COMMITTED 1 413.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 582,028 1,194,294 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 413.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 582,028 4,796,961 END FUND COMMITTED 1 428.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 D 480 443,520 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 428.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D 480 142,623 END FUND COMMITTED 1 429.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 6,962 215,405 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 429.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 6,962 221,697 END FUND COMMITTED 1 480.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 78 17,882 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 480.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 78 178,749 END FUND COMMITTED 1 500.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 D 2,288 217,712 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 500.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D 2,288 109,027 END FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 1,713,530 4,104,167 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 1,713,530 2,952,554 END FUND COMMITTED 1 502.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 1 1 35,228 196,228 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 502.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 35,228 35,228 END FUND COMMITTED 2 001.000000.010.003.334.02.310337.0000.00. 2 1 1,200 GIANT HOGWEED-DEPT AG GRANT 2 001.000000.010.003.334.02.310177.0000.00. 2 1 3,400 PERENNIAL PEPPERWEED GRANT 2 001.000000.010.003.345.16.300001.0000.00. 2 1 14,000 PROF CONTRACT-10,000 YEARS 2 001.000000.010.003.553.60.510600.0000.00. 2 1 17,100 EXTRA HELP/SEASONAL 2 001.000000.010.003.553.60.548777.0000.00. 2 1 1,500 MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 3 001.000000.010.003.594.53.564000.0000.00. 1 1 3,922 CAPITALVEHICLE EQUIP 3 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 3,922 6,230,437 END FUND UNASSIGNED 4 501.000000.000.000.369.10.300000.0000.00. 2 1 3,922 SALE OF SCRAP AND JUNK 4 501.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 2 1 3,922 END FUND COMMITTED 5 001.000000.125.146.558.60.541021.0000.00. 1 1 57,930 BELFAIR UGA EIS 5 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 57,930 6,172,507 END FUND UNASSIGNED 6 001.000000.125.146.334.03.310000.0000.00. 2 1 50,000 GRANT REVENUE 6 001.000000.125.146.558.50.541020.0000.00. 2 1 50,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7 001.000000.146.000.576.80.510600.0000.00. 1 1 37,500 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7 001.000000.146.000.576.80.541010.0000.00. 1 1 86,430 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 123,930 6,048,577 END FUND UNASSIGNED 8 001.000000.050.000.525.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 22,999 DEM MANAGER 8 001.000000.050.000.525.10.510020.0000.00. 1 1 2,280 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 8 001.000000.146.000.576.80.510010.0000.00. 1 1 8,154 MAINTENANCE 8 001.000000.146.000.576.80.510780.0000.00. 1 1 24,345 PARKS&TRAILS MANAGER 8 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 57,778 5,990,799 END FUND UNASSIGNED 9 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510780.0000.00. 1 D 44,431 INFORMATION SERV MANAGER 9 500.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 44,431 155,746 END FUND COMMITTED 10 001.000000.205.265.521.10.510050.0000.00. 1 1 53,000 SUPPORT SPECIALIST 10 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535010.0000.00. 1 1 18,738 TACTICAL EQUIPMENT 10 001.000000.205.267.521.22.531030.0000.00. 1 1 31,062 AMMUNITIONS 10 001.000000.205.265.521.10.535010.0000.00. 1 1 7,059 SMALL TOOLS&MINOR EQUIPMENT 10 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 109,859 5,880,940 END FUND UNASSIGNED 11 001.000000.010.000.571.21.535098.0000.00. 1 D 10,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.030.031.514.23.535098.0000.00. 1 D 2,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.030.033.514.81.535098.0000.00. 1 D 4,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.030.034.514.40.535098.0000.00. 1 D 8,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.050.000.525.10.535098.0000.00. 1 D 2,000 ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.055.000.518.30.535098.0000.00. 1 D 8,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.057.200.514.24.535098.0000.00. 1 D 8,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.070.000.512.30.535098.0000.00. 1 D 14,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.100.000.512.40.535098.0000.00. 1 D 14,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.100.173.523.33.535098.0000.00. 1 D 4,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.125.000.559.30.535098.0000.00. 1 1 1 D 4,000 ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE FBTOTAL DESCRIPTION it 001.000000.190.000.563.10.535098.0000.00. 1 D 4,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.205.000.521.10.535098.0000.00. 1 1 24,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 11 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 1 58,000 5,938,940 END FUND UNASSIGNED 12 001.000000.180.164.397.00.300164.0000.00. 2 1 7,380 TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 12 001.000000.240.000.397.00.300164.0000.00. 2 1 4,500 TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 12 001.000000.240.000.515.93.541010.0000.00. 1 1 4,500 ADULT MISDEMEANOR CONTRACT 12 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 1 7,380 5,946,320 END FUND UNASSIGNED 13 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500180.0000.00. 2 1 7,380 TRANFER OUT:PROS MENTAL HEALTH 13 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500240.0000.00. 2 1 4,500 TRANSFER OUT:OPD 13 164.000000.100.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 11,880 1,298,555 END FUND RESTRICTED 14 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510023.0000.00. 1 1 8,000 MISC COURT COMMISSIONER 14 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510610.0000.00. 1 1 3,500 BAILIFF 14 001.000000.250.000.512.21.541053.0000.00. 1 1 10,000 INTERPRETER 14 001.000000.250.000.512.21.549050.0000.00. 1 1 5,700 WITNESS FEES-CRIMINAL 14 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 27,200 5,911,740 END FUND UNASSIGNED 15 117.000000.000.200.333.21.302702.0000.00. 2 1 5,800,000 ERAP 2.0 GRANT 15 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541000.0000.00. 2 1 5,800,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16 150.000000.200.000.333.93.395620.0000.00. 2 1 350,000 LEAD GRANT 16 150.000000.100.000.333.93.333210.0000.00. 2 1 100,000 COVID TEST KITS 16 150.000000.200.000.562.20.541030.0000.00. 2 1 350,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16 150.000000.100.000.562.10.531020.0000.00. 2 I 100,000 COVID TEST KITS 17 105.000000.000.000.542.10.545951.0000.00. 1 D 234,409 ER&R VEHICLES 17 105.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 1 234,409 - END FUND RESTRICTED 18 402.000000.000.000.537.80.545951.0000.00. 1 1 234,409 ER&R VEHICLES 18 402.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D 234,409 1,519,778 END FUND COMMITTED 19 402.000000.000.000.537.80.545951.0000.00. 1 1 10,137 ER&R VEHICLES 19 402.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 D 10,137 1,509,641 END FUND COMMITTED 20 403.000000.100.020.535.83.545951.0000.00. 1 D 5,575 ER&R VEHICLES 20 403.000000.100.020.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 5,575 2,070,511 END FUND COMMITTED 20 411.000000.100.000.535.81.545951.0000.00. 1 D 862 ER&R VEHICLES 20 411.000000.200.000.534.81.545951.0000.00. 1 D 862 ER&R VEHICLES 20 411.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 1,724 (50,522) END FUND COMMITTED 20 412.000000.000.000.534.82.545951.0000.00. 1 D 710 ER&R VEHICLES 20 412.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 710 608,815 END FUND COMMITTED 20 413.000000.000.000.535.84.545951.0000.00. 1 D 2,128 ER&R VEHICLES 20 413.000000. 1 1 2,128 4,799,089 END FUND COMMITTED 21 411.000000.000.000.397.00.300351.0000.00. 1 1 62,000 TRANSFER IN:REET 2 21 411.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 1 1 62,000 9,754 END FUND COMMITTED 22 351.000000.000.000.597.00.500411.0000.00. 1 1 62,000 TRANSFER OUT:RUSTLEWOOD 22 351.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 62,000 2,431,601 END FUND RESTRICTED General Fund Total: 80,480 395,719 (120,415) Other Funds Total: 7,616,221 4,673,822 7,296,682 All Funds Grand Total: 7,696,701 5,069,541 7,176,267 Page 3 of 3 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Ginger Kenyon Action Agenda: _x_ Public Hearing: Other: Department: Support Services Ext: 380 Date: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item #8.,V Commissioner staff to complete) Briefing Date: Briefing Presented By: [ x ] Item was not previously briefed with the Board Please provide an explanation of urgency Item: Approval of Warrants & Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8087607-8087867 $ 1,480,679.76 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 86447-86843 $ 785,373.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant# 7006605-7006628 $ 516,997.83 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 180,433.47 Macecom 4/6/2022 $ 134,431.32 Mental Health 4/8/2022 $ 22,160.15 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 4/8/2022 $ 1,158.00 Current Expense to 4/7/2022 $ 5,671.00 Trial Court Improvement $ 5,671.00 Current Expense to 4/14/2022 to $ 5,671.00 Trial Court Improvement $ 5,671.00 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 13,739,948.40 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 6,392,289.65 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 6,400,750.97 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 5,158,466.30 Recommended Action: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8087607-8087867 $ 1,480,679.76 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 86447-86843 $ 785,373.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant# 7006605-7006628 $ 516,997.83 Treasure Electronic Remittance $ 180,433.47 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (copies on file with the Clerk of Board) RECEWED MAY 0 2 2072 Mason Coo,sty Commissioners 4/6/2022 Payment approval of Macecom: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # Macecom 001.000000.300.300 $ 134,431.32 M-83043 $ - 4/8/2022 Payment approval of Mental Health: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 22,160.15 M-83095 $ - 4/8/2022 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Dispute Resolution Surcharge 001.000000.100.000 $ 1,158.00 M-83097 4/7/2022 FUND Account# Remiittance RECEIPT # CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.310.000 $5,671.00 M-83053 TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT 135.000000.000.000 1 $5,671.00 M-83054 14-Apr-22 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.310.000 1 5,671.00 M-83261 TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT 135.000000.000.000 1 5,671.00 M-83262 Respectfully submitted by Julie Richert, Chief Deputy Treasurer 4/29/2022 �Tb - 5, /5e; y&(. 30 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Todd Cannon Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Other: ❑ Department: Information Technology Ext: 501 Date: April 10, 2022 Agenda Item# 8.c5 (Commissioner staff to complete) Briefing Date: April 25,2022 Briefing Presented By: Todd Cannon [ ] Item was not previously briefed with the Board Please provide an explanation of urgency Item Cisco Duo Security Standard Multi-Factor Authentication Backeround: The Washington Counties Risk Pool(WCRP)have imposed a requirement that all external authentication such as using a Virtual Private Network(VPN)or web mail will require the use of multi-factor authentication. This requirement also extends to privileged users that have the ability to modify systems(IT)to utilize multi-factor authentication for all logins to the County system. Failure to meet these requirements will result in a drastic reduction in the County's cyber insurance. Budeet Impact(s): $13,342.25 Recommended Action: Approval to implement the Cisco Duo Security Standard Multi-Factor Authentication program for the amount of $13,342.25. Attachment(s)• CDW-G LLC Quote Confirmation(based on 450 employee licenses and 10 hardware tokens) r , PEOPLE • • • • WHO GET IT DEAR T) CANNON, Thank you for considering CDW•G LLC for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below. Click here to convert your quote to an order. ACCOUNT MANAGER NOTES: Thanks! i.- QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# GRAND TOTAL MSFV903 4/14/2022 DUO 4748016 ;13,342.25 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE Cisco Duo Security Standard Multi-Factor Authentication 450 5859145 $26.75 $12,037.50 (MFA)-license- 1 Mfg. Part#: DUO-MFA Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011-01) Cisco hardware token 10 5877067 $22.56 $225.60 Mfg. Part#: DUO-TOKEN Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011-01) PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $12,263.10 Billing Address: SHIPPING $0.00 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS - ACCTS PAYABLE SALES TAX $1,079.15 411 N 5TH ST. SHELTON,WA 98584 GRAND TOTAL $13,342.25 Phone: (360)427-5501 Payment Terms: NET 30-VERBAL DELIVER TO Please remit payments to: Shipping Address: COW Government MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 75 Remittance Drive TI CANNON Suite 1515 411 N 5TH ST. Chicago,IL 60675-1515 SHELTON,WA 98584 Phone:(360)427-5501 Shipping Method: DROP SHIP-GROUND Need Assistance? •W-G LLC SALES CONTACT INFORMATION Danny Higgins 1 (877) 625-7671 1 dannhig@cdwg.com This quote is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.(:dwa.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.asI)x For more information,contact a CDW account manager @ 2022 CDWG LLC 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills,IL 60061 1 800.808.4239 Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Other: ❑ Department: Support Services Ext: 747 Date: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item# 6.0 (Commissioner staff to complete) Briefing Date: April 18, 2022 Briefing Presented By: Diane Zoren [ ] Item was not previously briefed with the Board Please provide an explanation of urgency Item• Approval to appoint David Mallory as an alternate member to the Board of Equalization for a term expiring May 31,2023. Background: The Board of Equalization(BOE)is a three-member board appointed by the Board of Commissioners. One alternate member may also be selected. The BOE's responsibility is to ensure that all property valuations are at 100%of market value so that equitable tax assessment can be established. Taxpayers may appeal their assessments, including assessments of real and personal property,forest land,timber, and open space. The Board also considers denial of senior citizen property tax exemptions. Taxpayers can file a petition with the Board of Equalization and a Hearing will be scheduled to present their appeal of their assessment. Recommended Action: Approval to appoint David Mallory as an alternate member to the Board of Equalization for a term expiring May 31,2023. Attachment(s)• Letter A9oN CO May 10, 2022 _ David Mallory 1126 E Sunset Hill Road ssa Shelton,WA 98584 MASON COUNTY Dear David, BOARD We are pleased to announce that we have appointed you to serve on the Mason OF County Board of Equalization, as an alternate member,to fill a term ending May COMMISSIONERS 31,2023. Becky Rogers is the staff contact and will provide you with meeting information. 1ST District If you need to contact her,please call(360)427-9670 ext.268 or send her an email RANDY NEATHERLIN at rsr e masoncountywa.gov. The link to the Board of Equalization website can be found at htt.ps://www.masoncoun"a.gov/equalization. 21 District KEVIN strict The Mason County Boards and Commissions Handbook can be found at: SHUhttps:HmasoncountMa.gov/forms/advisoOL/boards commissions handbook.pdf 3`d District SHARON TRASK As a Board member, we ask that you become familiar with the Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA)and the Public Records Act(PRA). Our Advisory Boards are subject to these regulations. The link to the online training can be found at http://www.atg.wa.gov/open-government-training. Please view Lessons 2 and 3 Mason County Building 1 as soon as you are able. Once you have viewed these trainings, please contact Becky Rogers for documentation purposes. 411 North Fifth Street We appreciate your willingness to serve on the important board and are certain Shelton, WA 98584-3400 you will provide valuable input. (360)427-9670 ext.419 Thank you for your service to our community, Fax(360)427-8437 Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Commissioner Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Mark Neary Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Administrator EXT: 530 DATE: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item # .� Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: April 18, 2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the resolution establishing the County Administrator's Level of Authority. Background: This resolution clarifies the level of authority the County Administrator has to carry out the policies and projects approved by the County Commissioners. Providing this authority to the Administrator creates a more efficient process and the Administrator will provide progress reports in public briefings. Budget Impacts• None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the resolution establishing the County Administrator's Level of Authority. Attachment: Resolution Resolution A Resolution Establishing the County Administrator's Level of Authority WHEREAS, the County Administrator position is established in Mason County Code Chapter 2.06; WHEREAS, the purpose of the County Administrator is to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of county government and improve productivity; WHEREAS, duties of the Administrator include ensuring that policies and projects approved by the County Commissioners are fully implemented, and presenting policy alternatives and analysis to the Commissioners for consideration; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners to grant the County Administrator the day-to-day responsibility and authority to approve and sign a variety of documents to carry out the mission of the Commissioners. The County Administrator will provide progress reports to the County Commissioners in public briefings; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approving and signature authority includes, but is not limited to, contracts under $50,000 if expenditure authority exists within the adopted budget; contracts and contract extensions that have no budget impact; motor pool business that is budgeted; budgetary documents to carry out the adopted budget; requests to fill vacant budgeted positions; temporary higher class/lead pay requests that do not require a budget adjustment; urgent news releases, updating procedures and other duties as assigned. Dated this of , 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney J:\RESOLUTIONS&ORDINANCES\RESOLUTIONS-ORDINANCES Word Files\2022\Administrator Res ponsibilities.dou MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 10, 2022 Agenda Item # e. Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: April 2S, 2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the resolution establishing a Facility/Parks Naming Policy. Background: Recently a request was received to rename the Union Community Park. At the request of the Commissioners, staff drafted a Facility/Parks Naming Policy. Budget Impacts: None to adopt policy. Cost to create signs, if a renaming occurs. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the resolution establishing a Facility/Parks Naming Policy. Attachment(s): Resolution RESOLUTION NUMBER - A RESOLUTION AMENDING MASON COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 2 ADDING A FACILITY/PARKS NAMING POLICY WHEREAS, Mason County Commissioners have expressed a desire to recognize the significant contributions by or importance of certain individuals and organizations to Mason County by naming facilities and/or parks in their honor; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to establish criteria and a procedure for facility and/or park naming; WHEREAS, the facility or park titles on any real property legal documents do not change, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, that the Mason County Board of Commissioners, after due deliberation and in the best interest of the public, does hereby approve the Facility/Park Naming Policy as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that Mason County Code Chapter 2 be amended to include the Facility/Park Naming Policy. DATED this day of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty- Chair McKenzie Smith - Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin - Commissioner Tim Whiteh a— Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask—Commissioner JAPolicies\Facility or Park naming policy-Draft.docx EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. Chapter 2.xx.xx HONORARY FACILITY/PARK NAMING POLICY Sections: 2.xx Purpose 2.xx Eligibility Criteria 2.xx Procedure 2.xx Application/Cost 2.xx Requirements and Restrictions 2.xx Designation Duration 2.xx Signage Design and Location 2.xx.xxx Purpose. To establish a county policy for a Facility/Park Naming Policy allowing the opportunity to honor those that have made significant contributions to the community or the County. The honorary Facility/Park sign shall be denoted by signs that augment the legal Facility/Park name required for emergency service access. 2.xx .xxx Eligibility Criteria. Recognition with an honorary Facility/Park Naming shall be reserved for those individuals and organizations that have performed an exemplary act or achievement of lasting interest to their community, which reflects positively on Mason County as a whole, and: a) if an individual is a resident or a native of the County or is of particular importance to the County; or b) if an organization has been in operation for a minimum of 25 consecutive years and has its base of operations in the County or is of particular importance to the County. 2.xx.xxx Procedure. Honorary Facility/Park Naming signs shall be established by resolution. The request shall be submitted in writing and state the name of the individual or organization intended to be honored and the Facility/Park to receive the designation intended and a statement as to why the County should honor the individual or organization. 2.xx.xxx Request/Cost. All requests will be reviewed by the Mason County Administrator; Parks naming requests will also be reviewed by the Parks & Trails Advisory Committee and recommendations will be brought forward to the Board of Commissioners. JAPolicies\Facility or Park naming policy- Draft.docx Actual cost of manufacturing, designing and installing any signage shall be paid by the County. 2.xx.xxx Requirements and Restrictions. 1) When a Facility/Park has received a designation, no other proposals for that Facility/Park shall be considered while it has that designation. 2) Proposals shall not be for names that could be considered derogatory, provocative, obscene or blasphemous. 4) The proposed designation may not duplicate an existing Mason County Facility/Park name. 2xx.xxx Designation. Honorary Facility/Park names shall not expire. 2.xx.xxx. Signage Design and Location. Honorary Facility/Park signs shall meet the standard sign criteria for size and shape and location determined by the Facilities/Parks Department. JAPoliciesTacility or Park naming policy- Draft.docx MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: David Windom — Malissa Paulsen Action Agenda Public Hearing _x_ Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: _367 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: OS/10/2022 Agenda Item # j0 l Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 04/04/2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Malissa Paulsen [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Amendments to Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions Code administrative requirements. Background: The Planning Department has been collaborating to update and improve administrative requirements within Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions. To move forward in the process of approval, a public hearing will need to be held. The Planning department is requesting a hearing for May 10, 2022. Common theme: Removal of the word 'contiguous' from all sections as listed below. Short subdivisions 16.36.010 Application of regulations.: UGAs are allowed up to nine(9) lots when subdividing. Clarification of what is meant by 'Land"through reference to Mason County Code. 16.36.024 Procedure -Application content.: We removed the definition of"Land"from the language and clarified the intention through reference to Mason County Code. We also removed the requirements for phone number of owner(s) with application material and certification of associated land ownership. Large lot subdivisions 16.38.015 Procedure - Application content.: Removed requirement for adjacent/and owners, with the exception of adjacent subdivision names. Boundary line adjustment C:\Users\mfrazier\Desktop\Public Hearing Cover Sheet-Title 16.docx 16.40.040 Boundary line adjustment.: Alteration of issuance of certificate, to that of an approval from the planning department, and language from certificate to approval thereafter. A survey will now be required as prepared by a registered land surveyor, which will have the legal description and show the proposed boundary changes. We also removed the requirement of a scale drawing since a survey is now required and would be drawn to scale and cover the affected lots. The proponent will need to provide a notarized declaration of Boundary Line Adjustment signed by all owners of affected lots. Added language to ensure compliance with MC Environmental Health (EH) requirements for BLAB. This was already a requirement, but this section assists in notifying the proponent of the requirement, and that is necessary, review and payment of fees for EH review. Responsibility for recordation of BLA is being transferred from the planning department to the applicant. To assist in timely processing, a one-year expiration of approval will render the approval invalid if not recorded with the county auditor within that window of time. 16.40.041 Decision criteria.: Added language to clarify criteria in decision determination from the planning department to consider approval. Requirements were determined by reviewing current allowances and requirements when reviewed. Lot combinations 16.40.045 Lot combinations.: Language correction from division to combination. Responsibility for recordation of lot combinations is being transferred from the planning department to the applicant. To assist in timely processing, a one-year expiration of approval will render the approval invalid if not recorded with the county auditor within that window of time. Removal of explanatory language defining parcel'and/or 'lot'combination. The Planning Advisory Commission held a public hearing to consider this update on March 21, 2022. They recommended to forward the updates to the BOCC. Briefing to Board of County Commissioners occurred on 04/04/2022 Action Agenda to Board of County Commissioners occurred on 04/12/2022 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the amendments to Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions Attachment(s). Five attachments (A, B, C, D, & E) with code sections regarding boundary line adjustment, lot combinations, short subdivisions, and large lot subdivisions. C:\Users\mfrazier\Desktop\Public Hearing Cover Sheet-Title 16.docx STAFF REPORT RE: Proposed amendments to Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions Code MEETING OUTCOME regarding boundary line adjustments, lot combinations, short REC.APPROVAL subdivisions, and large lot subdivisions administrative requirements within Mason County AYE Department: Community Development—Planning NAY Staff Contact(s): CONT. HEARING Malissa Paulsen, Planner Ext. 282 or i»paulsen@masoncountywa.gov OTHER Date: March 21, 2022 Meeting Type: Public Hearing Action Requested at this Meeting: PAC review and recommendation to BOCC (amended as necessary) to adopt proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 16 Plats and Subdivisions Code regarding boundary line adjustments, lot combinations, short subdivisions, and large lot subdivision administrative requirements. Attachment(s): Five attachments (A, B, C, D, & E) with various code sections regarding boundary line adjustment, lot combinations, short subdivisions, and large lot subdivisions. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Mason County is proposing amendments to Title 16 (Development Regulations) which address changes to the procedural review and requirements for application of regulations and application content. LAND (ATTACHMENT 'A') Section 16.08.310 Land. All property or parcels of property in a single or unified ownership regardless of the type or time of acquisition (excluding acquisition by easement)that are contiguous or abutting upon each other and which may be in different sections or different government lots that are not sepaFat d freF. , aeh theF beads,except lots in a recorded plat or short plat and those unrecorded plats accepted and on record in the county assessor's office, each of which is separate "land"; provided,that tidelands and shorelands shall not be considered land nor considered part of the dimensional requirements for minimum lot size. 615 W.Alder Street ♦ Shelton,Wa 98584 C1' 360.427.9670 ext.352 I masoncountywa.gov Removal of confusing language, a parcel bisected by a public road is considered one parcel, not two. SHORT SUBDIVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 'B' & 'C') Section 16.36.010 Application of regulations. (a) Every division of land eF eentigueus lao4-for the purpose of lease,sale or transfer of ownership, into two or more but fewer than five lots (or nine lots within UGA), parcels or tracts within the unincorporated area of Mason County shall proceed in compliance with this chapter. CaRtiguous .pParcels of land in the same ownership and having boundaries in common (MCC 16.08.310) shall be presumed to be a single parcel in determining whether or not the division of land comprises a subdivision. Removal of the word contiguous from all language (common theme). Clarification of different lot amount allowance in Urban Growth Areas(UGA). Clarification of what is meant by"Land"through reference to Mason County Code. (b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: (1) Any cemetery burial plot,while used for that purpose; (2) Any division of land in which the smallest lot created by the division is five acres or more in area; (3) Any division made by testamentary provision or the laws of descent; (4) Any division made in compliance with Chapter 16.20 and Chapter 16.38; (5) Any division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with Chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of consumer-owned or investor- owned electric utility facilities in accordance with 58.17.040(9) RCW. (6) Any division of land that can be described by a legal subdivision of a section of not less than 1/128th of a section; (7) Any division for the purpose of leasing land for facilities providing personal wireless services while used for that purpose in accordance with 58.17.040(8) RCW. (8) Land divisions of record in the auditor's office on the effective date of this chapter; (9) Property line adjustments wherein the result does not adversely affect access or reduce the lot size below the minimum requirements; (10) Divisions which are solely for use as a private right-of-way; (11) Divisions of platted lots,which by deed restriction are made a part of an adjoining lot and which will not permit a separate building site for human occupancy or habitation, provided the divisions are approved in writing by the administrator on the legal conveyance. No proposed changes. Section 16.36.024 Procedure—Application content. (a) Applications for approval of short subdivisions shall contain: No proposed changes. 615 W.Alder Street♦Shelton,Wa 98584 2 1360.427.9670 ext.352 13 masoncountywa.gov (1) Three copies of a sketch of the entire centigueus tract of land owned or being purchased on contract by the applicant which shall show: Removal of the word contiguous from all language, and addition to clarify tract type. (A) The owners of adjacent land and the names of any adjacent subdivision, (B) Lines marking the boundaries of proposed lots, (C) Location of road right-of-way within or adjacent to the tract, and easements within the tract which are to be used for ingress and egress for road and utility purposes; No proposed changes. (2) Legal description of the original tract, A-f the eeRfiguFatien ef which may be ddeete-Irlmlineedd by the fact that all land abutt4%-a Felatienship with the awReF,and each lots legal description certified by a registered land surveyor or a title company,containing any and all easements for access to the property (MCC 16.08.310); Removal of language that over clarifies, replaced with clarification through referenced Mason County Code. (3) The name and7 address and pheRe RHmbeF of the owner or owners of the said tract; Removal of requirement for phone number, grammatical changes. (4) Surveys by a registered land surveyor may be required by the administrator; No proposed changes. (5) Removal of language, entire clause is removed as no certification of associated land ownership is necessary. (b) A short subdivision application shall expire if additional information is requested by the county that is necessary to process the application, and such information is not provided to the county within one hundred eighty days of the request. No proposed changes. LARGE LOT SUBDIVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 'D') Section 16.38.015 Procedure—Application content. 615 W.Alder Street Shelton,Wa 98584 3 ® 360.427.9670 ext.352 3;masoncountywa.gov Applications for approval of large lots subdivisions shall contain: No proposed changes. (a) Ten copies of the large lot plat showing the entire eentiguous tract owned or being purchased by the applicant which shall show: Removal of the word contiguous from language. (1) The eugmers ef adjaeem land and the N44ames of any adjacent subdivision; Removal of requirement for adjacent land owner names to be included in application. (2) Lines marking the boundaries and dimensions of proposed lots; (3) Location of road right-of-way within or adjacent to the tract, and easements within the tract which are to be used for ingress and egress for road and utility purposes; (4) Contour lines of sufficient interval to show the topography of the entire tract may be required by the administrator,on a case-by-case basis, based on environmental and/or geologic conditions. Such contour lines shall include lines that extend at least one hundred feet beyond the tract boundaries; (5) All private roads and/or easements shall be designated private and printed on the face of the plat; (6) Date,scale and North arrow; (7) Vicinity map; No proposed changes. (b) Legal description of the original tract held under single or unified ownership or which the owner holds controlling interest; (c) The name, address and phone number of the owner or owners of the said tract(s); (d) Survey by a registered land surveyor of the lots within the large lot subdivision. Survey can be submitted after administrators approval and prior to recording; (e) Title report; (f) Boundary closures for all lots; (g) Names and addresses of all landowners within three feet of the proposed large lot division boundaries. No proposed changes. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT (ATTACHMENT 'E') Section 16.40.040 Boundary line adjustment. A division made for the purpose of adjusting boundary lines,which does not create any additional lot, tract, parcel, site, or division containing insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for width and area for a building site; provided that no boundary line adjustment shall be effective until: No proposed changes. 615 W.Alder Street♦Shelton,Wa 98584 4 ®360.427.9670 ext.352 )mason countywa.gov (1) The proponent has an approval for the boundary line adjustment from the planning department h,,,,..&Fy IiRe .,djus+..eRt eeFtificat fre. .the .,l-,.,. iRg d,.paFt.. eRt verifying that the proposed division conforms to the requirements of this subsection; Change the language from certificate to approval. (2) The proponent has paid the fee prescribed by the approved fee schedule for review and issuance of the ^.+tee-approval; Change the language from certificate to approval. (3) The proponent has filed an application that includes: (A) A survey An adjusted legal d seFi,tier of the 'At,-; a4 ete d by the ..djUSr.,-eRt prepared aa4 certified by a registered land surveyor eF title-maw; A survey map will have the legal description and show the proposed boundary changes. Additionally, if the land surveyor is registered then they are certified. Removal of redundant language. Removal of'title company'language as requirement changed and a registered land surveyor would need to provide map. (g) a «Se-ale d—rav,;ng of the lets -4ec-ted by the adjustment A notarized declaration signed by all property owners. A survey map will be drawn to scale and cover the affected lots, reflected in section 16.40.040(3)(A), above. The proponent will need to provide a notarized declaration of Boundary Line Adjustment signed by all owners of affected lots. (4) The proposal shall comply with all applicable Mason County Environmental Health requirements.An additional application for Environmental Health review may be required.The proponent may be charged a review fee according to the current Environmental Health Fee Schedule.The eerflficate, legal deseFiptien,scale dFawing, and Retari-ited- deelaratie-A have be Proposals were already required to comply with applicable Mason County Environmental Health requirements, this section assists in notification to the proponent to ensure compliance, and that if necessary, review and payment of fees for review will be required by Mason County Environmental Health. (5) The planning department approval,survey and notarized declaration have been recorded with the county auditor by the applicant.The applicant has one year,from the date of approval,to record the boundary line adjustment or the boundary line adjustment will be considered invalid and will require re-approval, including fees, before recording. 615 W.Alder Street Shelton,Wa 98584 5 ® 360.427.9670 ext.352 3;masoncountywa.gov Currently, the applicant pays for all recording or other fees that may be applicable in this process, but the responsibility of recordation is on the county. Responsibility of recordation of all applicable documents for Boundary Line Adjustments will shift from the county to the applicant. Additionally, to ensure timely processing by the applicant, a one-year expiration of approval will render the approval invalid if not recorded with the county auditor within that window. where requiFed, a Well,StOFFAWateF system, and septie system and resepve area,the adm*HistFater shall building net have aR adequate area, exelusive of all setback, bu4er, and epeR spaee requiFements,to Removal of informational language, this will be covered in review of application for boundary line adjustment by the planning department and possibly the Environmental Health department through section 16.40.040(4). develepMeRt, SUEh VaFlaRee eF waiveF shall be ebtaiRed prier te being eeRsWeFed- te have sw4ieieRt area Removal of informational language, this will be covered in review of application for boundary line adjustment by the planning department Removal of informational language, this will be covered in review of application for boundary line adjustment by the planning department and possibly the Environmental Health department through section 16.40.040(4). Section 16.40.041 Decision criteria. Addition of section determining criteria in decision of county planning department approval. Requirements as outlined below were determined by reviewing current allowances and requirements when reviewed by the planning department. The review authority shall approve an application for a boundary line adjustment provided the following criteria are met: 615 W. Alder Street♦ Shelton,Wa 98584 6 O� 360.427.9670 ext.352 1 It,masoncountywa.gov (1) The lots or parcels resulting after the boundary line adjustment shall meet all dimensional requirements specified for the applicable zone as set forth in the approved Title 17 and, if applicable Chapter 8.52. Dimensional requirements differ between specified zoning, each application for boundary line adjustment will be reviewed and required to meet the dimensional requirements as approved by the most recently adopted zoning ordinance at the time of review or determination of complete application. (A) Boundary line adjustments in residentially zoned property must meet the requirements of minimum and maximum lot sizes, as set forth in the approved Title 17. Residentially zoned properties have more stringent dimensional requirements, this portion ensures clarification of minimum and maximum lot size requirement review. ll No lot, use, or structure is made nonconforming or more nonconforming than that which existed at the time of application, and subject to the provisions of the approved Title 17 and, if applicable, Chapter 8.52. Most current code language specifies that during review, part of the criteria of review is that no approval will be given to any permit or application proposing a lot, use, or structure to be made nonconforming or more nonconforming than already existing. 8.52.210—Nonconforming uses. 17.05 Article 11.—Nonconforming Buildings and Uses (3) Will not diminish or impair existing or future drainage,water supply,sanitary sewage disposal (including on-site sewage disposal)or legal access. Applicant is responsible of ensuring compliance with Mason County Public Works and Environmental Health, and/or providing for the fee and review by Environmental Health as referenced above in 16.40.040(4). (4) All boundary line adjustments shall not result in any of the following: (A) Shall not result in the creation of any additional lot,tract, parcel,site,or division. Boundary line adjustments are meant to change boundary lines but not create additional parcels, tracts, lots,sites, or divisions. Parcels can be reviewed for combination or subdivision through permit review and conformance with the Mason County Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52), Title 16.36 Short Subdivisions, 16.38 Large Lot Subdivisions, 16.40.045 Lot combinations, and applicable Title 17. (B) Shall not be reconfigured or adjusted in a way in which would render access for vehicles, utilities,fire protection,or existing easements impractical to serve their purpose. Lots altered by boundary line adjustments must still follow general vehicle, utility,fire protection, and easement regulations. 615 W.Alder Street♦Shelton,Wa 98584 7 O 360.427.9670 ext.352 1 3)masoncountywa.gov (C) Shall not violate any six-year development moratorium attached to the property(ies)as a result of a Class II, III, or IV Special Forest Practice permit. Lots altered by boundary line adjustments must still follow general vehicle, utility,fire protection, and easement regulations. ll A boundary line adjustment which includes out lots may be approved, provided that such tracts are intended for and restricted by covenant to a specified accessory use,such as for stormwater management,common area playground, or open space. LOT COMBINATIONS (ATTACHMENT 'E') Section 16.40.045 Lot combinations. When an applicant seeks only to combine two or more lots, parcels,or tracts into a single lot, and no other property boundary changes are proposed, such action shall not be effective until: No proposed changes. (1) The proponent has an approval for the lot combination from the planning department,verifying that the combination d+wsieR conforms to the requirements of this subsection; Changes language to reflect combination of lots, not division. (2) The proponent has paid the fees prescribed by the approved fee schedule for review and issuance of the certificate; No proposed changes. (3) The planning department approval, legal description,scale drawing,and notarized declaration have been recorded with the county auditor by the .applicant.The applicant has one year,from the date of approval,to record the lot combination or the lot combination will be considered invalid and will require re-approval, including fees, before recording. Currently, the applicant pays for all recording or other fees that may be applicable in this process, but the responsibility of recordation is on the county. Responsibility of recordation of all applicable documents for Lot combinations will shift from the county to the applicant. Additionally, to ensure timely processing by the applicant, a one-year expiration of approval will render the approval invalid if not recorded with the county auditor within that window. Applications shall be made on forms provided by the planning department. uRplatted land, 9F platted and unplatted Iand (ineluding peniens of platted lots)shall be I(Hewn as a let r_-.A_.rA_hin;_#iE)R bewndaFy line adjustment A-Ir as a lot ree-PAbbinatin-In.The ce-Im.1-holn1latilen ef platted lets, all 9 615 W.Alder Street♦Shelton,Wa 98584 8 (1360.427.9670 ext.352 1 ';;masoncountywa.gov etherpFevided that eaeh resultiRg 1E)t GaR 19P_ d-P-15G.ri-hed- as the eRtiFL-ty Of GRe eF more ef the 9F*g*Ral lets plus E)F -.I I r T-hPqP I r WI:146AAr rh;;" Al;A PAt ho .,ff.,PtWe until they meet the FequireMeRtS (1), (2), and (3) speeified abeve *R this seetieR. Removal of explanatory language defining 'parcel'and/or 'lot'combination. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) DETERMINATION This proposal is exempt from SEPA as it is purely administrative and language changes to clarify procedural review, requirements for application of regulations and application content. PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice requirements per MCC Title 15.07.030 implemented. This public hearing of March 21, 2021 was advertised in the journal (03.10.2022) and on the County website under the Planning Advisory Commission webpage. REQUESTED ACTION BY BOCC Staff requests that the BOCC review and adopt the proposed amendments to the Plats and Subdivision Regulations regarding boundary line adjustments, lot combinations, short subdivisions, and large lot subdivision administrative requirements, amended as necessary. ATTACHMENTS • Title 16 Short Subdivisions: Application of regulations —Attachment A • Title 16 Short Subdivisions Procedure —Attachment B • Title 16 Large Lot Subdivision Procedure—Attachment C • Title 16 Boundary Line Adjustment and Lot Combination—Attachment D 615 W.Alder Street♦Shelton,Wa 98584 9 J) 360.427.9670 ext.352 1 ;masoncountywa.gov 16.36.010 Application of regulations. (a) Every division of land eF eentigueus 1 for the purpose of lease,sale or transfer of ownership, into two or more but fewer than five lots(or nine lots within UGA),parcels or tracts within the unincorporated area of Mason County shall proceed in compliance with this chapter.Ceot4ueus-pRarcels of land in the same ownership and having boundaries in common(MCC 16.08.310)shall be presumed to be a single parcel in determining whether or not the division of land comprises a subdivision. (b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: (1) Any cemetery burial plot,while used for that purpose; (2) Any division of land in which the smallest lot created by the division is five acres or more in area; (3) Any division made by testamentary provision or the laws of descent; (4) Any division made in compliance with Chapter 16.20 and Chapter 16.38; (5) Any division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with Chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of consumer-owned or investor-owned electric utility facilities in accordance with 58.17.040(9)RCW. (6) Any division of land that can be described by a legal subdivision of a section of not less than 1/128th of a section; (7) Any division for the purpose of leasing land for facilities providing personal wireless services while used for that purpose in accordance with 58.17.040(8)RCW. (8) Land divisions of record in the auditor's office on the effective date of this chapter; (9) Property line adjustments wherein the result does not adversely affect access or reduce the lot size below the minimum requirements; (10) Divisions which are solely for use as a private right-of-way; (11) Divisions of platted lots,which by deed restriction are made a part of an adjoining lot and which will not permit a separate building site for human occupancy or habitation,provided the divisions are approved in writing by the administrator on the legal conveyance. (Ord. 106-04 Att. B(part),2004:Ord. 37-89(part), 1989; Res. 1005 1979(part);Ord.605(part), 1976; Res.dated 7/1/74(part)). (Ord. No.35-19, Exh.A,4-23-2019; Ord. No. 100-19,Att.A, 10-22-2019) Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:53 [EST] (Supp. No.57,11-21) Page 1 of 1 16.36.024 Procedure—Application content. (a) Applications for approval of short subdivisions shall contain: (1) Three copies of a sketch of the entire GGRtigueus tract of land owned or being purchased on contract by the applicant which shall show: (A) The owners of adjacent land and the names of any adjacent subdivision, (B) Lines marking the boundaries of proposed lots, (C) Location of road right-of-way within or adjacent to the tract,and easements within the tract which are to be used for ingress and egress for road and utility purposes; (2) Legal description of the original tract, and each lots legal description certified by a registered land surveyor or a title company,containing any and all easements for access to the property(MCC 16.08.310); (3) The name and;address and pheRe numbeF of the owner or owners of the said tract; (4) Surveys by a registered land surveyor may be required by the administrator; h r.,latiGR5hiP With the G (b) A short subdivision application shall expire if additional information is requested by the county that is necessary to process the application,and such information is not provided to the county within one hundred eighty days of the request. (Ord. 106-04 Att.B(part), 2004:Ord.37-89(part), 1989: Res. 134-81, 1981;Ord.dated 9/14/81(part);Res. 1005 (part), 1974; Res.dated 7/1/74(part)). Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:53 [EST] (Supp. No.57,11-21) Page 1 of 1 16.38.015 Procedure—Application content. Applications for approval of large lot subdivisions shall contain: (a) Ten copies of the large lot plat showing the entire eeRtieueus-tract owned or being purchased by the applicant which shall show: (1) Naames of any adjacent subdivision; (2) Lines marking the boundaries and dimensions of proposed lots; (3) Location of road right-of-way within or adjacent to the tract,and easements within the tract which are to be used for ingress and egress for road and utility purposes; (4) Contour lines of sufficient interval to show the topography of the entire tract may be required by the administrator,on a case-by-case basis,based on environmental and/or geologic conditions. Such contour lines shall include lines that extend at least one hundred feet beyond the tract boundaries; (S) All private roads and/or easements shall be designated private and printed on the face of the plat; (6) Date,scale and North arrow; (7) Vicinity map; (b) Legal description of the original tract held under single or unified ownership or which the owner holds controlling interest; (c) The name,address and phone number of the owner or owners of the said tract(s); (d) Survey by a registered land surveyor of the lots within the large lot subdivision.Survey can be submitted after administrators approval and prior to recording; (e) Title report; (f) Boundary closures for all lots; (g) Names and addresses of all landowners within three feet of the proposed large lot division boundaries. (Ord.44-91(part), 1991). Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:53 [EST] (Supp. No.57,11-21) Page 1 of 1 16.40.040 Boundary line adjustment. A division made for the purpose of adjusting boundary lines,which does not create any additional lot,tract, parcel,site,or division containing insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for width and area for a building site;provided that no boundary line adjustment shall be effective until: (1) The proponent has an approval for the boundary line adjustment from the planning departmentis verifying that the proposed division conforms to the requirements of this subsection; (2) The proponent has paid the fee prescribed by the approved fee schedule for review and issuance of the Eert4+ca4e2pproval; (3) The proponent has filed an application that includes: (A) A survey An adjusted legal deseriptien of the ets a4eeted by the adjustmeRt prepared aA4 eeFtified by a registered land surveyor OF title eer»parry; (B) A seale dFawing of the lots a4eeted by the adjustA notarized declaration signed by all property owners. (4) The proposal shall comply with all applicable Mason County Environmental Health requirements.An additional application for Environmental Health review may be required.The proponent may be charged a review fee according to the current Environmental Health Fee Schedule.The EeFt'��ifi „^,'ega: (5) The planning department approval,survey and notarized declaration have been recorded with the county auditor by the applicant.The applicant has one year,from the date of approval to record the boundary line adiustment or the boundary line adiustment will be considered invalid and will require re-approval,including fees,before recording. A6 dqLd iR this seEt @R,wheR aRy let,PaFEel,eF tFaEt PF8pased R a WuRd@Fy line adjustment dees Ret have detefm RiAg if theFe is sufficient area and Width fE)F the bu"ding site. A-bouiidaFy line adjustment which includes eut lets may be appFoyed,pfoyided that SUCh tFaEtS aFe intended PI@Y0F8URd,OF 9PeR space. (Ord.128-04 Att.B(part),2004;Res.65-03(part),2003;Ord.44-91(part),1991:Res.128-81(part),1981). 16.40.041 Decision criteria. Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:54[EST] (Supp.No.57,11-21) Page 1 of 3 The review authority shall approve an application for a boundary line adjustment provided the following criteria are met: (1) The lots or parcels resulting after the boundary line adjustment shall meet all dimensional -__.-----_ Formatted:Indent Left 0.31",Hanging: 0.38", requirements specified for the applicable zone as set forth in the approved Title 17 and,if applicable, Numbered+Level:1 +Numbering Style:1,2,3,...+ Chapter 8.52. Start at 1 +Alignment Left+Aligned at 0.25"+ (A) Boundary line adjustments in residentially zone property must meet the requirements of Indent at 0.5' minimum and maximum lot sizes,as set forth in the approved Title 17. (2) No lot,use,or structure is made nonconforming or more nonconforming than that which existed at the time of application,and subject to the provisions of the approved Title 17 and,if applicable, Chapter 8.52. (3) Will not diminish or impair existing or future drainage,water supply,sanitary sewage disposal (including on-site sewage disposal)or legal access. (4) All boundary line adjustments shall not result in any of the following: (A) Shall not result in the creation of any additional lot,tract,parcel,site,or division. (B) Shall not be reconfigured or adiusted in a way in which would render access for vehicles,utilities, fire protection or existing easements impractical to serve their purpose. (C) Shall not violate any six-year development moratorium attached to the property0es)as a result of a Class II,III,or IV Special Forest Practice permit. (5) A boundary line adjustment which includes out lots may be approved provided that such tracts are intended for and restricted by covenant to a specified accessory use,such as for stormwater management,common area playground,or open space. 16.40.045 Lot combinations. When an applicant seeks only to combine two or more lots,parcels,or tracts into a single lot,and no other property boundary changes are proposed,such action shall not be effective until: (1) The proponent has an approval for the lot combination from the planning department,verifying that the proposed combinationdivisiee_conforms to the requirements of this subsection; (2) The proponent has paid the fees prescribed by the approved fee schedule for review and issuance of the certificate; (3) The planning department approval,legal description,scale drawing,and notarized declaration have been recorded with the county auditor by the_ .applicant.The applicant has one year,from the date of approval,to record the lot combination or the lot combination will be considered invalid and will require re-approval,including fees,before recording. Applications shall be made on forms provided by the planning department.The rAmhiRatitaR^` ^^latte' A let combination Fsay also be the Of thFpe OF FAGFe 19ts and Fesult in FAGFe than ene let, POFtieR 9f One 9F FnGFe of the GtheF OFiginal lets.These let combinations shall alse not be effeetive until they meet Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:54[EST] (Supp.No.57,11-21) Page 2 of 3 (Ord.128-04 Att.B(part),2004:Res.65-03(part),2003). Created: 2021-12-29 14:27:54[EST] (Supp.No.57,11-21) Page 3 of 3 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: David Windom — Malissa Paulsen Action Agenda Public Hearing _x_ Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: _367 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 05/10/2022 Agenda Item # 1�.2 Commissioner staff to com lete)] BRIEFING DATE: 04/04/2022 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Malissa Paulsen [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Application and proposed project for Evergreen Mobile (formally known as Evergreen Estates). Proposed project includes a city watermain extension along Blevins Road in Mason County. Background: Mason County is proposing application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in a continued effort to assist residents at Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative (formally Evergreen Estates) with water and septic concerns. Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative is a mobile home park located off E Blevins Road whose septic system has been in disrepair. Combined with shallow, gravely soils, this has created a condition where the water supply used by the park has the highest nitrate levels in the county. Nitrate is a potential health hazard. Drinking water that has high levels of nitrate can cause health effects such as Methemoglobinemia or "blue baby syndrome," which results from nitrate decreasing the blood's capacity to carry oxygen, especially in infants who receive baby formula mixed with water containing nitrate above 10 mg/L. This issue has become an increasing concern for public health. Connecting the park with city serviced water would alleviate the nitrate contamination issue and provide for a clean, consistent water supply for one of the most economically stressed neighborhoods in the county. Briefing to Board of County Commissioners occurred on 04/04/2022 Action Agenda to Board of County Commissioners occurred on 04/12/2022 C:\Users\mfrazier\Desktop\Public Hearing Cover Sheet-2022 CDBG.docx RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff requests that the BOCC review the proposed project and move forward with application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant for Phase 1. Attachment(s): Three Attachments: Public Hearing Handout- English, Public Hearing Handout- Spanish, Staff Report for 2022 CDBG C:\Users\mfrazier\Desktop\Public Hearing Cover Sheet-2022 CDBG.docx STAFF REPORT _----...-------................._.... - -...--------.....................................................------------------------------------------------ .......... -- -- --------------- -------- ------- ---- -. RE: Application and proposed project for Evergreen Mobile (formally MEETING OUTCOME known as Evergreen Estates). Proposed project includes a city REC.APPROVAL watermain extension along Blevins Road in Mason County. AYE Department:Community Services Staff Contact(s): Malissa Paulsen, Planner NAY Ext. 282 or mpaLilsen@masoncountywa.gov CONT. HEARING Date: May 10, 2022 OTHER Meeting Type: Public Hearing Action Requested at this Meeting: BOCC approval to move forward with application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant and continuance of the project. Attachment(s): Public Hearing Handout—English, Public Hearing Handout- Spanish PROPOSED PROJECT Mason County is proposing application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in a continued effort to assist residents at Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative (formally Evergreen Estates) with water and septic concerns. Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative is a mobile home park located off E Blevins Road whose septic system has been in disrepair. Combined with shallow, gravely soils, this has created a condition where the water supply used by the park has the highest nitrate levels in the county. Nitrate is a potential health hazard. Drinking water that has high levels of nitrate can cause health effects such as Methemoglobinemia or "blue baby syndrome," which results from nitrate decreasing the blood's capacity to carry oxygen, especially in infants who receive baby formula mixed with water containing nitrate above 10 mg/L. This issue has become an increasing concern for public health. Connecting the park with city serviced water would alleviate the nitrate contamination issue and provide for a clean, consistent water supply for one of the most economically stressed neighborhoods in the county. 615 W.Alder Street♦ Shelton,Wa 98584 1) 360.427.9670 ext.352 1 ' masoncountywa.gov PROJECT AREA The project area is located along E Shelton Springs Road and E Blevins Road N in Shelton, WA. Nine parcels are included in the benefit area, including Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Coop (previously Evergreen Estates) and Hidden Haven Mobile Home Park. This area is located within the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA), please see Figure 1, below. Mason County Blevins Road Watermain Extension Benefiting Properties -- � I � s r PROPOSED Ir MAIN 1 8/NL111 AREA ROONOANI _ 1.6ENTON.L!NDA A(0.731 2 BENTON,LINDA A(009) 3 HIDDEN HAVEN ASSOCIATES LLC(8.77) A HIDDEN HAVEN ASSOCIATES LLC(0 28) 5 JOHNSTON.ELDON L(0.28) 6.EVERGREEN MOBILE HOMEOWNERS COOPERATIVE(8.01) 7.EVERGREEN MOBILE HOMEOWNERS COOPERATIVE(0.34 ) 7� 8.LAUZON,LI M R(0.32) 19.12 9 LAUZON,LNJDA R(029) - -- 1:3,070 0 O.Oa am 01. 0 oa o.oe o1e A Tax Parcels(Zoom into 1:30,000) Figure 1:Benefitting Properties Map PROJECT OUTLINE This is the first of a multiphase project that will encompass both the public and private infrastructure for supplying drinking water and sewer connection to the immediate area surrounding Blevins Rd, see Benefitting Properties Map, below. Phase 1 2022 Community Development Block Grant Cycle Application for construction funds for the watermain extension along E Blevins Road, and application for planning funds for a cost analysis of replacement of sewer and drinking water infrastructure on site at Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative. 615 W.Alder Street Shelton,Wa 98584 2 ) 360.427.9670 ext.352 '; masoncountywa.gov Planning for sewer extension along E Shelton Springs Road and E Blevins Road. This includes a cost analysis for this portion of the project. PROJECT COST The below project costs are a draft estimation and should not be considered final project numbers. Estimated costs are based on the previous cost analysis created for the City of Shelton in September of 2020 titled City of Shelton, Evergreen Mobile Estates Consolidation Study: Consolidation Feasibility Study Report. Construction for watermain $469,000 Inflation Adjustment (+15%) $82,764 Planning for sewer extension $30,000 Draft total request from the 2022 Community Development Block Grant is $581,764.00 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) DETERMINATION This project is exempt from SEPA per WAC 197-11-800(23)(b) PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice requirements per MCC Title 15.07.030 implemented. This public hearing for the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of May 10, 2022, was advertised in the journal (04/21/2022 & 4/28/2022). REQUESTED ACTION BY PAC Staff requests that the BOCC review the proposed project and move forward with application to the 2022 Community Development Block Grant for Phase 1. ATTACHMENTS • Public Hearing Handout— English • Public Hearing Handout—Spanish 615 W.Alder Street ♦ Shelton,Wa 98584 3 J% 360.427.9670 ext.352 1 * masoncountywa.gov Federal Citizen Participation Requirements For Local Government Applicants to the State CDBG Program Federal Regulations 24 CFR 570.486 (a) (a) Citizen participation requirements of a unit of general local government. Each unit of general local government shall meet the following requirements as required by the state at Sec. 91.115(e) of this title. (1) Provide for and encourage citizen participation, particularly by low and moderate income persons who reside in slum or blighted areas and areas in which CDBG funds are proposed to be used; (2) Ensure that citizens will be given reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and records relating to the unit of local government's proposed and actual use of CDBG funds; (3) Furnish citizens information, including but not limited to: (i) The amount of CDBG funds expected to be made available for the current fiscal year (including the grant and anticipated program income); (ii) The range of activities that may be undertaken with the CDBG funds; (iii) The estimated amount of the CDBG funds proposed to be used for activities that will meet the national objective of benefit to low and moderate income persons; and (iv) The proposed CDBG activities likely to result in displacement and the unit of general local government's anti-displacement and relocation plans required under Sec. 570.488. (4) Provide technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request assistance in developing proposals in accordance with the procedures developed by the state. Such assistance need not include providing funds to such groups; (5) Provide for a minimum of two public hearings, each at a different stage of the program, for the purpose of obtaining citizens' views and responding to proposals and questions. Together the hearings must cover community development and housing needs, development of proposed activities and a review of program performance. The public hearings to cover community development and housing needs must be held before submission of an application to the state. There must be reasonable notice of the hearings and they must be held at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, with accommodations for the handicapped. Public hearings shall be conducted in a manner to meet the needs of non-English speaking residents where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can reasonably be expected to participate; (6) Provide citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and opportunity to comment on, proposed activities in an application to the state and, for grants already made, activities which are proposed to be added, deleted or substantially changed from the unit of general local government's application to the state. Substantially changed means changes made in terms of purpose, scope, location or beneficiaries as defined by criteria established by the state. (7) Provide citizens the address, phone number, and times for submitting complaints and grievances, and provide timely written answers to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable. t, Washington State Department of Commerce RURAL COMMUNITY GRANTS FOR ACTIVITIES THAT BENEFIT LOW-AND MODERATE-INCOME PERSONS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) General Purpose Grants - $11 ,500,000 Jon Galow For planning or construction of public infrastructure, community PROGRAM MANAGER facilities, affordable housing, and economic development projects. Local Government Division Competitive. Maximum grant up to $1,000,000 based on project ion.galow@commerce.wa.gov type. Application materials available in March and due in June. Phone: 509.847.5021 www.commerce.wa.gov/CDBG Public Services Grants - $1 ,500,000 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: For 17 counties and community action agencies to fund services forcities/towns lower income persons. Allocated by a formula based on population with less than 50,000 in and poverty. Application materials available in February and due in •• ulati;•n and not p'rtici entitlement •p' ting in a CDApril. county with less than 200,000 in population. A complete Commerce's CDBG -....- National Objectives - • • • • • • entities Indian tribes are not Funded by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, eligible to apply directly CDBG activities must meet one of these national objectives: CDBGng, maybe . partner in projects and • Principally benefits low-and moderate-income (LMI) persons subrecipient • Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight eligible city/town or county. • Addresses imminent threat to public health or safety Funding is contingent on HUD approval of the state CDBG Action COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plan. BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) February 2022 PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT Reuisitos de Participaci6n Ciudadana Federal Para Solicitantes del Gobierno Local al Programa de CDBG Regulaci6n Federal 24 CFR 570.486(a) (a) Requisitos de participacion ciudadana de una unidad general del gobierno local. Cada unidad general del gobierno local, debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos como es solicitado por el estado, en el Sec. 91.115(e) de este articulo. (1) Contribuir y motivar a la participaci6n ciudadana, particularmente en personas de recursos bajos y moderardos quienes residen en condiciones precarias o areas insalubres y areas donde el Programa de CDBG tiene como objetivo apoyar con financiamiento; (2) Asegurar que los ciudadanos tengan acceso oportuno y suficiente a reuniones locales, informaci6n y estadisticas relacionadas a la unidad de gobierno local que ha sido propuesta o que utiliza los fondos de financiamiento del programa de CDBG; (3) Proveer informacion a los ciudadanos, incluyendo: i. La cantidad de financiamientos del de CDBG que se espera sea otorgada en el ano fiscal en curso (incluyendo las subvenciones y los ingresos anticipados del programa): ii. El tipo de actividades probables a Ilevarse a cabo con el financiamiento del de CDBG: iii. La cantidad estimada de financiamientos del de CDBG propuesta para ser usada en actividades que cumpliran con el objetivo nacional de beneficiar a personas de bajos recursos econ6micos; y iv. Las actividades propuestas del programa de CDBG que son probables de resultar declinadas y la unidad general de gobierno y los planes de reemplazo requeridos bajo el Sec. 570.488 (4) Proveer asistencia tecnica a grupos representativos de personas de bajos y moderados recursos que soliciten ayuda en el desarrollo de sus propuestas de acuerdo con el procedimiento desarrollado por el estado. Dicha asistencia no incluye proveer financiamiento a tales grupos; (5) Participar en un minimo de dos audiencias publicas, cada una en diferentes etapas del programa, con el prop6sito de obtener pantos de vista de los ciudadanos y responder a propuestas y preguntas. La audiencia en conjunto debe cubrir las necesidades de casa y desarrollo en la comunidad, desarrollo de actividades propuestas y la revision del cumplimiento del programa. La audiencia publica que cubre el desarrollo de la comunidad y las necesidades de casa debe ser llevada a cabo en la fecha y lugares convenientes a beneficiarios actuales a potenciales, con lugares accesibles para discapacitados. Las audiencias publicas deben Ilevarse a cabo de cierta forma que cumplan las necesidades de residentes que no hablen Ingles ya que se espera que un numero razonable de estos participe en el programa. (6) Informar a los ciudadanos con suficiente anticipaci6n, y oportunidad de comentar al respecto, sobre actividades propuestas en solicitud al estado y, por subvenciones ya efectuados, actividades que sean propuestas para agregarse, eliminarse a ser cambiadas substancialmente de la solicitud de unidad general de gobiernos locales al estado. Cambiadas substancialmente significa que los cambios sean en t6rminos de objetivo, alcance, lugar o beneficiario, como es definido bajo el criterio establecido por el estado. (7) Proveer a los ciudadanos la direcci6n, el telefono y las fechas y horario para entregar quejas y objeciones, y proveer oportunas respuestas por escrito a quejas entregadas por escrito, dentro de los primeros 15 dias habiles, cuando asi pueda aplicarse. Washington State Department of •i�� Commerce - AYUNDANDO LAS COMUNIDADES RURALES CON PROYECTOS QUE BENEFICIAN PERSONAS DE INGRESO BAJO Becas Consolidadas para el Desarrollo Communitario BECAS DE PROPOSITO GENERAL - $11 ,500,000 Jon Galow Para planeamiento o construccion de infraestructura publica, DIRECTOR DE PROGRAMA facilidades comunitarias,viviendas economicas o proyectos de desarrollo economico. Competitivo. El maximo de becas Ilega hasta Division del Gobierno Local $1,000,000 basado en el tipo de proyecto. Las solicitudes estan jon.galow�commerce.wa.gov disponibles en Marzo y son recibidos en Junio. Telefono: 509.847.5021 www.commerce.wa.gov/CDBG BECAS DE SERVICIO PUBLICO - $1 ,500,000 ' ' ' = ''' Para proveer fondos a agencias de condados y accion comunitaria Los solicitanteselegibles son que ofrezcan servicios a personas de bajos recursos. La sol icitud ciudades/pueblos del Estado de est6 disponible en Febrero para ser recibidos en Abril. Washington con • poblaci6n de . .- 50,000 y que CDBG;participando en el derecho al la •.•. HUD OBJETIVOS NACIONALES ••b • • •- - • •- habitantes. Las ...- . -. . Los proyectos del CDBG deben cumplir con los tres Objetivos elegibles y condados Nacionales del HUD: enlistados en la p6gina de la web .- la CD13G. ® Debe beneficiar personas de ingreso bajo o moderado m Ayuda a la prevencion o eliminacion de la contaminacion Trata las amenazas inminentes a la salud del publico COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) Febrero 2022