May 2015
Attendance: Randy Neatherlin, County Commissioner; Tim Sheldon, County Commissioner; Terri Jeffreys. County
Commissioner; Teny Megiveron, Hospital District #I; Peggy VanBuskirk, Hospital District #2; Frank Phillips, Fire
Commfssfoner; Mike Of sen, City of Shelton Commfssfoner. Terry Megfveron was absent; Dr. Yu was absent.
Guests: Eileen Branscome, Teri King, Debbie Riley, Allie Perline & Cindy Wade.
l. The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 3 :34 p.m. There will be "other business" presented by Allie
Perline and Vicki Kirkpatrick will give the Health Officer Report.
2. JeffreysNanBuskirk moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as amended. Motion carried
3. Correspondence -There was no correspondence.
4. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of March 24, 2015 as
presented. Motion carried
5. Water Quality Program: Debbie Riley
Debbie Riley passed out literature regarding: Shellfish Growing Areas and 5 sub-basin designations. She
explained the shellfish protection districts. There are protection districts pending at McClain Cove and
Pickering Passage and the great bend area of Hood Canal. She explained that she hopes the BOCC will
pass this.
Cmmr. Jeffreys asked about funding mechanisms.
Debbie Riley spoke about the possibility of funding matches.
Cmmr. Neatherlin spoke about PIC programs.
Chair Olsen said without coming up with our own funding sources, it will be a struggle.
Debbie Riley explained that Ecology funds are used for pilot projects and the elected body needs to keep
it running. It is intended for staii up money.
Cmmr. Sheldon said there are so many entities involved so it makes it confusing. He confirmed that BOH
can structure and adopt although they cannot implement it.
Debbie Riley said the BOH would recommend it to the Board of Commissioners for their approval. Some
counties charge a per parcel fee to implement their plan.
Cindy Wade said that some counties SWM (surface and stonn water management) programs assess a fee to
each developed property.
Peggy VanBuskirk asked about exemptions.
Chair Olsen said we are all in this together to save the quality of our water so he doesn't know why anyone
would be exempt.
Cindy Wade said she believes in education and informing people. Services reminders are important and
she doesn't feel 0 & M will send out reminders.
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Debbie Riley said people who take care of their systems do not hear from them. She also commented that
if there is no sustainable source of funding they cannot maintain a trained work force in the event of
Cmmr. Sheldon asked about the people who would be asked to pay although they don't live on the
waterfront or near a lake.
Debbie Riley said it's about a lot more than lakes. It's about protecting everyone from pollution and
maintaining a healthy and safe water quality for everyone in the County.
Chair Olsen said it's pretty minimal to pay nineteen dollars a year to protect recreation and shellfish in
Mason County.
Debbie Riley read sections of RCW 70.07 Public Health and Safety.
Cmmr. Sheldon reiterated the options.
Steve Bloomfield reminded the Board that the shellfish protection district can tax the districts per state law.
Teri King c01m11ented that there were a couple of times when the County was taxed as districts.
Debbie Riley will be available to answer questions although the BOCC will ultimately make the final
6. Health Officer Report: Vicki Kirkpatrick gave the health officer report.
Pertussis (whooping cough) is still higher than expected. There were two cases reported in the past month
in Mason County.
There are no repotied cases of measles in Mason County. Vicki stated that there have been four
vaccination clinics in Mason County and they will continue.
In the event of pandemic they may need to alter standards of care and use cooperative effotis to save lives.
They will do Tuberculosis (TB) screening and start a pilot program with TB testing with Washington State
Department of Health. Targeted outreach group is the Guatemalan population.
7. Other Business: Allie Per line spoke about the Youth Leadership recognition plaque. The plaque will be
presented to a group of CHOICE High School Students for their efforts in re-vamping the trail behind the
library. This plaque will be presented on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 8:15 a.m. at Oakland Bay Jr. High
School. Allie asked ifthe BOH Chair would make a recognition speech and asked the other members of
Board of Health to attend to show supp01i. She thinks having community leaders who advocate health
would be great.
8. Vicki Kirkpatrick announced that TeITy Megiveron, who is cmTently representing Hospital District #1, is
leaving and will be replaced by Eileen Branscome. Vicki introduced Eileen Branscome.
9. Public Comment -Steve Bloomfield said that Seattle Shellfish is trying to establish boys and girls clubs in
Mason County. He said they feel it's imp01iant for physical and mental health for children. They want to
build on youth as hope for the future. He thinks businesses in the community can help to make this a
10. at 5:05 p.m.
May 26, 2015 -PAGE 3
Mike Olsen, Chair
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Ra'ildY[therlin, Commissioner
Eileen Branicorfi'e , Hospital District # 1
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