January 26, 2010
Attendance: Mason County Board Members: Lynda Ring-Erickson; Ross Gallagher; Tim Sheldon - absent
Ex-Officio Board Members: Scott Hilburn, Hospital District #1; Peggy VanBuskirk, Hospital
District #2; Frank Philips, Fire Commissioner
1. Cmmr. Gallagher called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
2. Cmmr. Gallagher/Ring Erickson moved and seconded to elect Commissioner Ring Erickson as the
2010 Board of Health Chair. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent.
3. Cmmr. Gallagher/Ring Erickson moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion
carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent.
4. Cmmr. Gallagher/Ring Erickson moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of
November 24, 2009 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent.
5. Discussion of Unwanted Drug Program in Thurston County – Vicki Kirkpatrick noted that the issue of
unwanted drugs was the focus of previous Board of Health meetings. There is a bill in the legislature now
for a drug take back program but if it passes it will not go into effect until 2012. Thurston County has
installed a disposal box in front of their Sheriff’s office because law enforcement is authorized to dispose of
these drugs the same way they dispose of narcotics evidence. If the Mason County Sheriff’s office was
willing to work with the Health Department they may be able to do this as well. She wanted to see if the
Board was interested in pursuing this before she spoke with the Sheriff or looked into funding options.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson noted that the fire stations have already offered this service and the Sheriff’s office is
already overburdened.
Ms. Kirkpatrick replied that the fire stations had mixed feelings on the issue. The other issue would be that
only law enforcement is authorized to access the narcotics.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson commented that the boxes would be more secure at the fire station locations with 24
hour staff. The boxes could be emptied by law enforcement.
Ms. Kirkpatrick stated she would begin exploring this, research the costs and report back.
6. Discussion of Priority Goals from the Mason County Health Report Card – Ms. Kirkpatrick explained that
Mr. Hilburn and Ms. VanBuskirk met to research and identify the areas of the report card to focus on as
priorities. The Community Health Task Force Steering Committee also reviewed the report card. If the
Board of Health is comfortable with the priorities presented they will also become the priorities of the Task
Ms. Buchheit added that the report card will be on the website shortly and will be updated often. The areas
that the Hospital District Commissioners chose for priorities are obesity, oral health and immunizations.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson stated she is looking forward to seeing the work plans for these priorities.
Ms. Kirkpatrick noted that there is funding for these three areas so it is a good fit.
7. Administration
7.1 Director’s Report – Ms. Kirkpatrick thanked Commissioner Gallagher for serving as the Chair of
the Board of Health for the last two years. She also reported on several items in the State Budget
and the Legislative Session that the public health community is watching.
7.2 Health Officer Report – Dr. Yu was absent.
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8. Community and Family Health
8.1 Ms. Buchheit gave an update on the Mason County Health Challenge. There are currently 12
businesses participating with a total of 172 participants. The theme this year is “Active for Life”.
8.2 H1N1 Update – Ms. Buchheit provided the H1N1 update. 10,000 doses of vaccine have been
given in Mason County, which is approximately 20% of the population. Vaccine is still available
in all of the pharmacies and with all of the providers. It is important for children to get their
second vaccination. There have been a total of 19 hospitalizations, including 4 deaths in Mason
County. The department has received a lot of funding for advertising. She thanked the media for
helping to get the information out.
9. Environmental Health
9.1 Ms. Riley presented the Board with the current Environmental Health Waivers.
9.2 Cmmr. Ring Erickson asked for a status report regarding a potential shellfish protection district at
North Bay.
Ms. Riley stated that she had the wrong date at the last meeting. The due date is actually January
rather than December. Emmett Dobey has taken the lead on the County’s response because it has
to do with the sewer system. It is being incorporated as a part of the Stormwater Management
Ms. Kirkpatrick added that they are still waiting to hear back from the State Department of Health.
They were looking at a potential upgrade in North Bay.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson noted she would like to have reports on these types of areas as a regular part
of the Board of Health meetings.
10. Public Comment –
10.1 Constance Ibsen wanted to know if the Health Department had a timeline for bringing forward an
updated version of the onsite standards.
Ms. Riley stated the standards were finalized at the Onsite Advisory meeting last Tuesday.
10.2 Steve Bloomfield commented that the North Bay issue is frustrating. He cautioned the Board not
to forget that there is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Ms. Riley responded that she was just at a meeting to go over the water quality work. They
identified two spots for stormwater treatment. Things are moving forward.
10.3 Teri King asked if Ms. Kirkpatrick had looked at the removal of money from the toxics fund by
the Legislature.
Ms. Kirkpatrick responded that they have looked at the fund. It is a continuing concern, but she
hasn’t heard anything that puts the current level of grant funding at risk.
10.4 Ms. Ibsen asked for an explanation of the Environmental Health Waivers.
Ms. Riley explained why each waiver was granted.
11. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
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Shannon Goudy, Clerk of the Board
Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Ross Gallagher, Commissioner