HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-28-10 BOHDRAFT MASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS December 28, 2010 Attendance: Mason County Board Members: Lynda Ring-Erickson; Ross Gallagher; Tim Sheldon Ex-Officio Board Members: Scott Hilburn, Hospital District #1; Peggy VanBuskirk, Hospital District #2; Frank Philips, Fire Commissioner. 1. Call To Order at 10:34 and Introductions Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair 2. Adoption of Agenda – Cmmr. Gallagher/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published.  Motion  carried unanimously.  RE‐aye; G‐aye; S‐aye. 3. Correspondence-None 4. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2010 – Cmmr. Sheldon/Gallagher moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of  August 24, 2010 as presented.  Motion carried.  RE‐aye; G‐aye; S‐aye. 5. Public Hearing  Mason County Public On-Site Standards - Approval of Resolution-Resolution 01-10 (Exhibit A) Vicki Kirkpatrick, Department of Public Health, reported that for the last few years Mason County Environmental Health has been working to make the Administrative and County code consistent. The Standards govern the on-site Wastewater Management Program in Mason County. Environmental Health has been working with the On-Site Advisory Committee over the past year to write the operating standards. Debbie Riley, Department of Environmental Health Manager, explained that there was a new Washington Administrative Code that went into effect. The local code was revised, so the way business was done in Mason County had changed. She introduced three gentlemen in the audience who serve as members on the On-Site Advisory Committee, Tobey Tahja-Syrett, Bill Russell and Don Wolliscroft. Cmmr. Ring Erickson thanked the Advisory Committee for the work they did. Cindy Waite, Department of Environmental Health, reported that letters were sent out regarding the On-Site Standards. The reason for the letter was to gain input from entities so that changes could be made as advised. In January of 2009 116 letters were sent out to certified installers, O & M providers and pumpers. Two questions were received back that were then addressed by Environmental Health. In January 12, 2009 29 letters were sent to designers, which had no comments received back. On February 11, 2009 letters were sent to the State Department of Health, who sent back some comments regarding wording but no major changes. On October 12, 2010, final input was received from the On- Site Advisory Committee. On November 2, 2010 the On-Site Standards were posted on the Mason County website. She went over changes that were made to the On-Site Standards and elaborated on each one. She feels very positive with all of the changes and thinks that the Standards are much more clear. Cmmr. Sheldon asked if there were any changes in the volume of the tank required for a new home with certain numbers of bedroom. Ms. Waite responded that the 2011 On-Site Standards are the same as the old regarding that. Cmmr. Sheldon asked if there was anything in the document regarding inspection of systems when a home is sold. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS December 28, 2010 - PAGE 2 Ms. Waite responded that there was and gave a brief summary. She explained that Mason county ends up getting a copy of each O & M report , so if there is a problem, they would be made aware along with the property owner. Ms. Kirkpatrick commented that their goal is to try and get people to think about the operating and maintenance of their septic systems the same way that they would about their car or home heating/cooling unit. Ms. Riley commented that Bob Hagar wanted to be present for the meeting, but unfortunately could not make it. Cmmr. Gallagher/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve Resolution 01‐10 to adopt the  Mason County Public On‐Site Standards .  Motion carried.  RE‐aye; G‐aye; S‐aye. 6. Community Transformation Grants – Kristen West, Executive Director, CHOICE Regional Health Network Kristen West, Executive Director, CHOICE Regional Health Network, reported that her main responsibilities as Director are to find opportunities for Counties in a variety of ways. She did a presentation on the program that was authorized in the Approval Care Act which was funded as part of the Prevention of Public Health Fund. The funding is administered by the CDC and has not had the program guidelines issued yet, but will be coming out in January. She explained why she thought Mason County was a good candidate for the fund, and that Mason Matters was a very good example of that. There will be three pots of funds. One pot will go the 50 largest cities in the United States, Seattle being one of them. Another pot goes to communities that have experience and a track record, the last category will got to the communities that haven’t started yet. Lydia Buchheit, Mason County Department of Community and Family Health Manager, reported that three grants have been written to CDC in February and feels like they are in a good position to receive grant funding that they are still waiting to hear about. Scott Hilburn, Public Hospital District #1, stated that they would be supportive of the process. Ms. Kirkpatrick commented that from the Public Health perspective, they want to be in a position to apply for what funding is available. She is asking for the Board’s authorization to continue the pursuit of the grant. Cmmr. Ring Erickson responded that she supports the efforts of Public Health toward receiving the grant. 7. Administrative Issues  2011 Alternate Health Officer Appointment – Approval of Resolution- Ms. Kirkpatrick wanted to get authorization from the Board to approve an alternate Health Officer in the event that the current Health Officer, Dr. Yu is unavailable. Dr. Yu is going to be out of the Country in January for a length of time. Cmmr. Gallagher/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the 2011 alternate Health Officer  Appointment Resolution.  Motion carried.  RE‐aye; G‐aye; S‐aye.   2011 Board of Health Meeting Dates – Approval BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS December 28, 2010 - PAGE 3 Cmmr. Sheldon/Gallagher moved and seconded to adopt the 2011 proposed Board of Health  meeting dates.  Motion carried.  RE‐aye; G‐aye; S‐aye.  Health Officer’s Report-Dr. Yu reported that there was one active tuberculosis case reported in Mason County that started treatment in October. So far, no secondary cases have been reported. She reported that the Skokomish Tribe has partnered with South Puget Inner-Tribal Planning Association (SPIPA) regarding a syringe exchange program at the Skokomish Tribal Center. The program was initially suppose to take place through the Squaxin Island Tribe, but the issue of leaving sovereign property would have been a problem regarding the Drug Paraphernalia Law if members were to be taking drug paraphernalia back and forth. The program is sanctioned by the local Health Officer, who works with local law enforcement to ensure that law enforcement remains neutral. So far, funding has not been received, but there is a budget in place. She noted that Thurston County and Grays Harbor County are the only other Counties with syringe exchange programs. The exchange will take place on Skokomish Indian Tribe property, but there will be no way for them to tell if the person is from the Skokomish Tribe or not. Cmmr. Sheldon asked if a participant in the program would have to bring a needle to get a needle. Dr. Yu responded that the program is a one-for-one exchange, meaning the participant gets as many needles back that they bring in. She added that education would be provided along with a referral to chemical dependency, mental health services and any other connections that might be helpful. The exchange will be run by non-Tribal members, hopefully making it easier for people to participate in the program. Cmmr. Sheldon asked if the methadone program in Thurston County has had problems with people traveling while carrying the medication. Dr. Yu responded that the medications people take for that program are taken at the treatment center, so they do not have to travel with the medication.  Director’s Report-Ms. Kirkpatrick stated that her original update was to be on health reforms and it’s impact on Counties as employers, but moved it to January meeting as an update. She added that she would like to thank Cmmr. Gallagher for his support, dedication and assistance with Public Health and the citizens of Mason County. 8. Community and Family Health  Community & Family Health Manager Report-Ms. Buchheit gave an update on the Community Report Card and Health Rankings progress. 13 presentations have been conducted in the community so far, with 8 more scheduled after the new year. 228 people have heard the presentation with 102 surveys completed. 75 report cards have been distributed through the “Mr. Mason” kiosks around the community.  Ms. Buchheit reported that the Community Health Task Force Steering Committee is going to reconvene in January to collaborate on furthering the work plan for the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and partnership (MAPPS) process. The University of Washington Masters of Public Health students came for a couple of weeks to work for Mason County assessing how the public feels about work done by Public Health. A report will be completed in January. The Public Health website is being updated starting the first week of the new year to add more information.  Ms. Buchheit reported that the ARRA project stimulus grant money that was received ends on March 31, 2011. It is an immunization rate improvement project. They have been working with Oakland Bay Pediatrics, Family Health, Shelton Family Medicine and the Squaxin Tribe. Immunization data has been collected from all of the facilities. Oakland Bay had an Improvement of 19% bringing them up to 81% coverage for children’s immunizations. Family Health had an improvement of 3%, bringing them up to 17% coverage. Shelton Family Medicine had an improvement of 6%, bringing them up to 74% BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS December 28, 2010 - PAGE 4 coverage. The response has been very positive from all of the providers. One of the recommendations they will give to CDC is to get data on how many people were getting waivers for vaccinations or people who chose not to immunize their children. There is no way to track records when someone goes out of the County to get their children immunized. This data may be able to get retrieved in the future by using zip codes to track.  Ms. Buchheit reported on the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) grant that officially started on December 15, 2010. There will be an all-day education on the grant process by “Thrive By Five” in January. She has been contacted by the Shelton Journal as well as the Kitsap Sun for interviews in regards to the new grant for the NFP program. Reports of progress will be given. The caseload for the program is going up to 25 participant mothers, which will target Hispanic (North Mason County) participants and Tribal participants. 9. Environmental Health  Environmental Health Manager Report-Ms. Riley reported that since she is Chair of the Environmental Health Director of Zoonoitcs Disease Committee, she was contacted to do a presentation for the annual Zoonotics disease workshop for the State. The presentation will be on March 11th in Tumwater, and March 15th in Moses Lake and will provide updates to zoonotics rules and revisions. Mr. Riley reported that on December 27, 2010 the Mclane Cove and Annas Bay area shellfish closure has been extended due to rain. Cmmr. Sheldon mentioned that Mr. Riley is working hard on the abandoned house on Highway 101 just north of The Tides Restaurant, looking at ways to abate the eyesore.  Water Quality Update  Waivers – Information Only o 6 reduction of horizontal separation from well or surface water –   4 at Island Lake, 1 at Mason Benson Road – 1 at Scott Drive o 1 homeowner install on marine shoreline – Orchard Beach o 1 vertical separation – Krabbenhoft Rd o 4 reduced tank set back from property line or foundation – Cherokee Beach, Highway 106, Spencer Glen, Lilliwaup o 1 approved a 2-party well located in a pit – Mason Benson o 1 reduction from shoreline & a well – Mason Lake (5’ further than old system) o Denied 1 request for installation of an unregistered proprietary treatment product - Lilliwaup 10. Public Comment-None. Cmmr. Ring Erickson pointed out that no members of the public were present during the meeting when there are so many complaints regarding issues in Mason County. She is always dedicated to finding ways to make Mason County a healthier County and to help move forward in the new year. Cmmr. Gallagher commented that with the expansion of the Board, they have set a new standard for Counties. Hopefully with new efforts they will see the City and Tribes sitting at the table in the future. He feels like the County led the way with Oakland Bay by setting new standards that gained National attention. He also commented that Vicki Kirkpatrick has done a good job with budget and choices that had to be made with funds that were available to Public Health. He enjoyed his time working on the Board very much. Cmmr. Sheldon commented that he appreciated Commissioner Gallagher’s efforts on the Board. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS December 28, 2010 - PAGE 5 Dr. Yu commented that Mason County has great potential and with it’s size, significant changes should be able to be made. This year has been the most challenging for her as Health Officer. She has been asked to make a statement regarding air quality and it’s health effects by the Thurston County Commissioners. Her opinion remains the same regarding air pollution in that it does have affects on people’s health. She will share with the Board what she intends on presenting. She will also be out of the County for a month and will miss some of the debates regarding Biomass. She has prepared a statement to be used, however. Mr. Hilburn thanked Commissioner Gallagher and was appreciative of his meeting attendance on the Board. 11. Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 11:53.   ATTEST _______________________________ Shannon Goudy, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF HEALTH MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON _______________________________ Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair _______________________________ Tim Sheldon, Commissioner _______________________________ Jerry K. Lingle, Commissioner