October 23, 2007
Attendance: Board Members Lynda Ring-Erickson; Ross Gallagher; Tim Sheldon
1. Commissioner Ross Gallagher called the meeting to order at 3:35p.m.
2. Cmmr. Sheldon/Ring moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried
unanimously. G-aye; RE-aye S-aye.
3. Correspondence –
3.1 Terry Hull of Shorebank Enterprise Cascadia recommended a change to the Mason County Onsite
Sewage System Management Plan and suggested deferring formal approval until changes have
been considered.
3.2 Constance Ibsen submitted a formal request to receive Mason County Board of Health agendas as
soon as available in advance.
4. Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of
September 25, 2007 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-aye
5. Administrative Issues
5.1 Introduction of new employee: Chris Carroll – Chris was absent and will be introduced at another
5.2 Health Officers Report - Dr. Yu presented the current health issues relevant to Mason County.
She reminded the Board that there will be a P.O.D. exercise on Thursday, October 25, 2007,
which will test the Health Department’s capacity to administer vaccines quickly.
Dr. Yu also briefed the Board on MRCA, a resistant form of staph. infection, which has become
more of a problem in Western Washington recently. She noted the importance of hand washing
and hygiene.
Scott Hillburn, Mason General Hospital, stated the hospital receives 3-4 patients with MRCA
each day and noted there have been no new MRCA outbreaks that were caused by the hospital.
6. Community & Family Health - None
7. Environmental Health
7.1 On Site Sewer Management Plan required under WAC 246-272A - Vicki Kirkpatrick, Director,
presented the Plan and noted the Department would like to get the document approved as soon as
possible in order to access funding that must used by June 30, 2008.
There was a discussion about the availability of the document. Several people stated they didn’t
know the document was available for review and they would like more time to look it over and
make suggestions.
Ms. Kirkpatrick stated the Plan was up for approval, not adoption, and it could be amended before
being forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for adoption. She suggested the plan be
approved today so funding could be obtained, and then amended at a later time.
Cmmr. Sheldon and Cmmr. Ring Erickson stated there would be another public hearing before the
Plan would be adopted so there would be more time for input.
There was further discussion about the details of the Plan and the funding that would be received.
October 23, 2007 - PAGE 2
Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the On Site Sewer
Management Plan and to forward it to the Board of County Commissioners meeting for
further public comment, review and amendment. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-
aye; S-aye
7.2 Environmental Health 2008 Fee Increase – Vicki Kirkpatrick presented the proposed
Environmental Health fee increases for 2008.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson stated she would like to see the fee for the private two-party well plan
review be changed from the proposed $100 to $75 so it is not such a drastic change.
Debbie Riley, read comments that were received via email regarding the fee increases.
Cmmr. Sheldon/Gallagher moved and seconded to approve the proposed Environmental
Health 2008 fee increases with the exceptions noted and to forward the fee increases the
Board of County Commissioners Meeting for adoption. Motion carried unanimously. RE-
aye; S-aye; G-aye
7.3 Letter of Support of Totten Eld TMDL – Debbie Riley presented the letter of support.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the Letter of Support of
Totten Eld TMDL as presented. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent
Debbie Riley presented the Commissioners with Environmental Health Waivers for their information.
8. Public Comment – None
9. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.
Diana T. Yu, MD MSPH
Mason County Health Officer
Ross Gallagher, Chair
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Lynda Ring Erickson, Commissioner