September 25, 2007
Attendance: Board Members Lynda Ring-Erickson; Ross Gallagher; Tim Sheldon - absent.
1. Commissioner Ross Gallagher called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.
2. Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Gallagher moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion
carried unanimously. G-aye; RE-aye S-absent.
3. Correspondence – None
4. Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Gallagher moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of
August 28, 2007 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent
5. Administrative Issues
5.1 Welcome to new Ex-Offico Board of Health Members – Commissioner Gallagher introduced
Scott Hilburn as an Ex-Officio member from the Mason General Hospital District #1.
Commissioner Ring Erickson suggested a walking tour of Mason County Public Health for the
Ex-Officio members in the future.
5.2 Invitation for Board of Health members to share thoughts and interests about public health – Dr.
Yu asked if she could add her Health Officer Report as item 5.4.
5.3 Introduction of new employee: Cris Carroll – Mr. Carroll was out ill so he will be introduced at
another time. He is the new Data Base Technician.
5.4 Health Officers Report - Dr. Yu presented the current health issues relevant to Mason County,
including funding issues and working on community outreach programs.
Commissioner Ring Erickson asked about the Health Departments current funding situation.
Vicki Kirkpatrick, Director, gave a summary of the work the Washington State Association of
Counties and the local public health communities have done to secure funding from the
legislature. They were awarded 20 million dollars for the biennium, of which Mason County will
receive about $136,000 per year for the biennium beginning in January 2008. The focus will be
on communicable disease.
Mr. Hilburn asked what the Health Department’s current budget is.
Ms. Kirkpatrick stated that it is about 3 million dollars, much of which comes from fees. The rest
is secured through state and county funding and grants.
6. Community & Family Health
6.1 Washington Health Foundation Final Report – Lydia Bucheit, Community and Family Health
Manager, provided the outcomes of the Healthiest Kids Campaign. The goals of the campaign
were to see community and system changes, individual behavior changes and an increase in car
seat clinic capacities. They succeeded in getting all of the providers in Mason County to utilize
the state Child Profile Immunization Registry, which resulted in 100% of children under the age of
six having a record in the Registry. Also, seven more individuals were added as car seat clinic
technicians and five additional clinics were added.
6.2 Flu Clinic – Emergency Preparedness Exercise – Ms. Bucheit announced that there were 15,000
doses of flu vaccine. The first flu clinic was on September 19th and there will be four more clinics
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coming up. There are five businesses that are participating with the department to vaccinate their
employees. The largest clinic will be on October 25th and it will be used as an emergency
preparedness exercise to see how quickly people can be vaccinated in a case of emergency.
7. Environmental Health
7.1 Webb Hill Biosolids Facility Hydrogeologic Investigation – Phase I Report – Vicki Kirkpatrick
presented the Phase I Report. It was commissioned on behalf of WRIA 16 to check the impacts of
the Biosolids Facility on wells within 3,000 feet. The report shows that there are elevated nitrates
on two of the sites, however there is no impact on water quality outside of those sites. There will
be additional monitoring wells added to check groundwater. The Department of Ecology will
work with the property owners at the sites with high nitrates to change management practices to
reduce the impact. Further monitoring and research is needed. The Health Department is working
on a date and time for a community outreach program to answer questions and concerns.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Gallagher moved and seconded to approve the recommended next
steps for Webb Hill Biosolids Facility Hydrogeologic Investigation as presented. Motion
carried unanimously. RE-aye; G-aye; S-absent
8. Public Comment – Constance Ibsen, WRIA 16 member, stated that the Webb Hill site has been an ongoing
concern to the community for some time. She is concerned that blame is being placed on the Facility that
does not have any supporting evidence. She hopes this issue is soon resolved and they will soon be able to
put the community’s concerns to rest.
Debbie Riley presented the Commissioners with the Environmental Health Waivers for their information.
9. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 4:45p.m.
Diana T. Yu, MD MSPH
Mason County Health Officer
Ross Gallagher, Chair
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Lynda Ring Erickson, Commissioner