January 9, 2007
Attendance: Board Members Lynda Ring-Erickson; Ross Gallagher; Tim Sheldon.
1. Commissioner Tim Sheldon called the meeting to order at 10:40 a.m.
2. Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Gallagher moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion
carried unanimously. S-aye; G-aye; RE-aye.
3. Correspondence – None
4. Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the regular meeting minutes of
November 14, 2006 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. S-aye; RE-aye; G-abstained.
5. Administrative Issues
5.1 Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to elect Commissioner Gallagher as the
2007 Chair of the Board of Health. Motion carried unanimously. S-aye; G-aye; RE-aye
5.2 Cmmr. Ring Erickson/Sheldon moved and seconded to adopt the 2007 Board of Health
meeting schedule as presented. Motion carried unanimously. S-aye; K-aye; RE-aye.
5.3 Departmental Name Change - Ms. Betty Wing, Director of Central Operations, stated the Health
Department did not need to have a name change. The correct department name is already listed in
the Mason County Code. Ms. Wing acknowledged what the department called themselves was
different than what its official title is. She stated all letterhead would be changed to department’s
correct title.
5.4 Betty gave an update on the hiring of the Health Department Director. She announced that after a
careful review of the applicants, she felt the position needed to be re-posted.
5.5 Health Officer’s Report – Dr. Yu presented the current health issues relevant to Mason County
including information about the arrival of influenza in Mason County and the locations that the
vaccines are available.
Dr. Yu asked if the Board would like her to hold off on sending out invitations to join a Health
Advisory Board until a new department director is hired.
The Board agreed they would like to hold off on recruiting for the Health Advisory Board until a
Health Director is hired.
6. Personal Health Issues
6.1 Ms. Lydia Buchheit, Interim Personal Health Department Manager, gave an update on the Health
7. Environmental Health Issues
7.1 Oakland Bay and North Bay – Mr. Bill Dewey, Taylor Shellfish, along with John Konovsky,
Squaxin Island, sent a letter to the Commissioners expressing their concerns about water quality in
North Bay and Oakland Bay.
Mr. Dewey of Taylor Shellfish, spoke about his concerns with the North Bay sewage spill that
occurred in December. His concern was that he had not been notified in time to stop the harvest
and inadvertently had shipped much of that product out to many locations as Christmas orders. He
stated that when a product has to be recalled it is damaging to his company’s reputation. He
requested the County find an engineering solution to resolve the design failure that allows the
pump to fail. He also requested that in the future if a spill occurs his company is notified
August 4, 2005 - PAGE 2
Cmmr. Ring Erickson stated that she had met with Mr. Tom Moore, Utilities & Waste Deputy
Director, several times over the past year about repairs needed at the North Bay sewer system and
has discussed several solutions that may help. Mr. Moore is compiling the costs associated with
the repairs and will be seeking grants to make the repairs.
Mr. John Konovsky, Environmental Program Manager at Squaxin Island Tribe, stated he was in
attendance on behalf of Andy Whitener, Natural Resource Director at Squaxin Island Tribe, and
the Vice Chair of the Tribal Council, as they are currently both away from the office. Mr.
Konovsky expressed concerns with the sewage spill and how it effects the tribe. He discussed
Oakland Bay and how it is a huge resource for commercial shellfish industry and the tribe. He
encourgaged the Board to think in immediate and long term to ensure that shellfish can be
harvested in Oakland Bay for many generations to come. He urged the Board to form a shellfish
protection district, and to designate marine recovery areas.
Dr. Yu reflected on the letter and the information shared with her by Mr. Dewey and Konovsky.
She expressed her concerns and the actions of the Environmental Health Department and
discussed a solution that would expedite communication and actions taken when an emergency
occurs. Dr. Yu felt it would be in the best interest of the Board to meet with the Department of
Ecology to discuss the permitting and placement of large onsite systems and sewage treatment
plants on large bodies of water, such as North Bay.
Cmmr. Sheldon recognizes action needs to be taken to stop the contamination of the waters.
Community meetings need to be held right away and enforcement needs to be moving forward to
stop the sewage flow into the waterways.
Dr. Yu questioned the policy level that the Board would like to see.
Cmmr. Sheldon stated that community education meetings need to be held. The property owners
need to cooperate and enforcement actions need to be taken in order to protect the water and solve
the reoccurring issues.
Dr. Yu stated she would work with Mr. Konovsky on how to present the data at community
meetings in a non-scientific way in order for them to understand it.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson stated the community meetings are great but enforcement needs to be
upheld. In the past two years evidence and documentation has been collected. Now it is time to
use enforcement on those that have been educated and their systems have not been corrected. She
talked about people in North Bay, Allyn and Russlewood paying $80-$85 per month for sewer
fees, which is a monthly contribution to keep those bodies of water clean in order to have
recreation, beauty and a very viable industry. To expect less of others because they are in a more
rural area, or on a different kind of system, is not an acceptable of any community.
Cmmr. Ring Erickson requested a through briefing with staff reports with information on
protection districts and any other options, recognizing all pros and cons of each approach.
Dr. Yu stated she would have staff and prepare the reports requested.
Cmmr. Gallagher questioned what had been done to resolve the lack of communication to the
Department of Health during the power outage.
Mr. Tom Moore, Deputy Director of Utilities and Waste Management, stated he was unable to get
to the North Bay sewage alarm because fallen trees had blocked all access to the sewage plant. At
the time of the spill there were 56 utility alarms going off at the same time, and because the access
was blocked he had worked on the other alarms until the road had been opened.
August 4, 2005 - PAGE 3
Mr. Moore said the situation at Allyn was unique because it was a mechanical error caused by
debris from the storm. He has found a solution, which will allow for an additional six hours of
operation during a mechanical error.
Mr. Moore discussed the communication break down that occurred during the storm and a solution
in the event a storm like that happens again.
7.2 Environmental Health Waivers/Variances were provided to the Board for information only.
8. Public Comment –
Mr. Bob Woolridge, Shellfish and Water Protection employee at the State Department of Health, clairified
the closure of Oakland Bay and the management of it. The testing showed only two areas where human
sewage was identified, one being the North End and the other being Chapman Cove.
The Bay is managed by the amount of rain. If there is more than an inch of rain the Bay is closed for five
days. The reason there is a five-day closure is to provide time for the shellfish to take in and also purge the
pollutants. He feels confindent under that management plan that safe shellfish are being sold and that the
public is not at risk when eating shellfish from Oakland Bay.
Ms. Chris Hempleman, Department of Ecology, thanked the Board for their support. Her concern is that
the emphasis always goes to the shellfish, when in fact the amount of pollutant in the water is a health risk
for anyone in the water.
Mr. Steve Bloomfield, shellfish grower in the Oakland Bay area thanked the Health Department and the
Squaxin Island Tribe for their support in keeping the water clean, not only for the shellfish, but also for the
people that swim in it.
9. Public Hearing
10. Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 11:41 a.m.
Diana T. Yu, MD MSPH
Mason County Health Officer
Ross Gallagher, Chair
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Lynda Ring Erickson, Commissioner