March 14,2022
In the spirit of public information and inclusion,the attached is a draft of information for
Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing.
This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of
what will be presented to the Commissioners.
Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule.
To be in compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and Order of the Secretary of Health 20-
03.3,in-person attendance is restricted.
Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/and we will accept public
comment via email msmithamasoncountywa.gov;or mail to Commissioners Office,411 North 51 Street,
Shelton,WA 98584;or call 360427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via
your telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'office no later than 4 p.m.the
Friday before the meeting.
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
Week of March 14,2022
Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting*
Virtual Assembly
8:00 A.M. Area Command Meeting*
Public Works Meeting Room A
100 Public Works Way
*This is being noticed as a Special Commission Meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission
may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020-Special Meetings
Monday,March 14,2022
Commission Chambers
Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented
9:00 A.M. Closed Session for Labor Negotiations—RCW 42.30.140(4)
10:00 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary
10:05 A.M. WSU Extension—Dan Teuteberg
10:20 A.M. Sheriff's Office—Sheryl Hilt
10:25 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom
10:40 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson
Utilities&Waste Management
Commissioner Discussion—as needed
Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version.
Last printed 03/10/22 at 3:25 PM
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at Shelton(360)427-9670 ext.419
Mason County Administrator
0"3 CUU
411 North 5t" Street
Shelton, WA 98584
360.427.9670 ext. 419
March 14, 2022
• Specific Items for Review
o Appointment to the Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) — Mark
• Commissioner Discussion
J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\2022\2022-03-14.docx
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Diane-Zarern
Department: Support Services Ext: 747
Briefing Date: March 14, 2022
Previous Briefing Dates:
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Internal Review (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other— please explain
Approval to appoint Margot Connole to the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging for a 2-year
term ending December 2024.
The Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging is a local government agency that provides home
and community services for seniors and adults with disabilities to help them remain living in their own
homes. The Advisory Council makes recommendations to the Council of Governments and staff.
Recommended/Requested Action:
Place the approval to appoint Margot Connole to the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging for
a term ending December 2024 on the March 15, 2022 Action Agenda.
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
MAR G 4! 2Uj SHELTON WA 98584
Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-967t7 Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269
east Mason County
I AM-SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Mason County Advisory CounciVLMTAAA Advisory Council
................................... ........................ .......................
NAME- Margot Connote
.. ...............................
............ ........... ..........
--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Mason Conservation M0
District volunteer
Logan Health Hospice volunteer POSITION. Cancer Service Line Director
American Cancer Society Advisory Board,MID COMPANY. Centura Health,CO YRS
Coastal Hospice volunteer, MD Post-noN, Vice President Oncology Services-Denver.
---------------------------- ------ - -- .1 1 --- - -----------------------
In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board. Committee or Council for which you are applying:
The LMTAAA Advisory Council is invested in improving the function and quality of life of our eldery and young adults
mtfth fiisahilitie"y-shaping for programs and setUire-,to rnaX*Mi7p their safety-strength—
balance, fitness,i tualtion,independence,,,rnobtfty-and 7suctat-con ns as they age.
What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or Council?
W#ft apalysis.. I..........I....................... .................... -11-11.111...................----...............------- -......................
Please list any financial. professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e.create a potential conflict of interest)
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by U*te County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings? Yes
Realistically,how much time can you give to this position?
Quarterly Mon"I X Weekly Daily orrice use Only
2/2712022 Appointment Date
Sjgnai!-P-- Diale
Term Expire Datc
February27, 2022
Glen Harper
Vice Chair
LMTAAA Advisory Council
2404 Heritage Court SW,Suite A
Olympia WA 98502
RE:Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council Membership
Dear Mr.Harper,
I read with interest about the Mason County opening on this council.We spoke at length regarding what
the work of the council is,my background and how it may benefitthe council.After reviewingthe
councils bylaws including the responsibilities and expectations of the council as well as the
qualifications for membership,I believe it is a good fit for me.I am submittingmy applications forthe
Mason CountyAdvisory Council and the LMTAAA Council for consideration.
First,let me addresscouncil membership composition requirements:
• Gender:Female
• Age:60+years of age
• County of Residency:Mason County.I am living temporarily in Thurston Countywhile my home
is built in the Shelton area.Applications for permits are underway and the home should be
complete this summer.
• qualifications:1 have 25 years of experience in leadership positrons in the private sector and 35
years of experience in healthcare organizations.My healthcare administration experience
includes:planning and developmentof new services,strategic planning,budgeting and service
line management(Cardiac,Oncology).Additionally,I have served on several local advisory
boards(Cancer Support Community,American Cancer Society and my local church).
The role of the LMTAAA is critical to ensuring area planning and service development captures the needs
of the rapidly expanding population of elderly as well as young adults with a disability with an eye on
improving their health,functioning and quality of life.This is an enormous task before us as a
community.I would appreciate the opportunity to participate on this council.
Margot Con note
........... ..........
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LMTAAA Advisory Board Application(continued)
Ars ate in c ivic s Le, Cy".e -w1.3/IE v�,,,Vj
C"A _sue Y-C" (&411 c-.. (1st yt�t- ,r ie,•,�
AT k VI- QrcN� -�I,�. ,u ,,�
Do you have other abilities and talents that you would enjoy contributing to the
Council(public speaking,writing,researching,event planning)?
to 41 LA( .
Signature Date
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Dan Teuteberg, Director
Department: WSU Extension Ext: 686
Briefing Date: March 14, 2022
Previous Briefing Dates: N/A
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Internal Review (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other — please explain
Item: Fall/Winter 2022 Report on accomplishments of Washington State University
Extension Mason County.
Executive Summary: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions)
Budget Impact: N/A
Public Outreach: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.)
Recommended/Requested Action: N/A
Attachments: Fall/Winter 2022 Report— Washington State University Extension Mason County
WSU EXTENSION Fall /Winter Report 2022
Mason County
� - 's _ � � a µ �" cam"_ #.� 7: .��� '•
Washington State University Extension Mason County helps people put research-based knowledge to work, improving their
lives, communities,and the environment.
To realize this mission,faculty and staff plan, conduct and evaluate research and experience-based educational programs
>improve the lives of Mason County residents.
WSU Extension Mason County also employs the assistance of hundreds of volunteers and community partners and provides
access to the resources available at Washington State University and the National Land Grant University Extension System.
Dan Teuteberg,County Director & Mason County and Washington State University have a
4-H Youth Development Specialist P60 Cot, long-standing partnership in providing educational
dan.teuteberg@wsu.edu programs rams and research-based information to residents
360-427-9670 Ext.686 throughout the county.This partnership ensures that
resources are committed from Federal allocations and
,sst WSU Extension Mason County University funds to keep important educational programs
� available in Mason County.
303 N 4th Street,Shelton,WA 98584
360-427-9670 Ext.680 Other Mason County partnerships include:
mason ♦ United Way of Mason County ♦ School Districts—Shelton,
Pioneer and Hood Canal
♦ Early Learning Coalition
♦ Community Services Offices
♦ Shelton Timberland Library
Facebookpages: ♦ Saints Pantry Food Bank
♦ Mason Conservation District
Mason County4H ♦ Mason General Hospital
Mason County Noxious Weeds ♦ Mason County Health Department
♦ Washington Conservation Corps
Mason County Master Gardeners ♦ The Salmon Center
Mason County Small Farms ♦ South Sound Reading Foundation
♦ Hood Canal Coordinating Council
s r,
2021 /2022 t �►. q.: .
260 youth engaged
through community . --
outreach programs f
and at home learning �
• 21 certified adult
volunteers 4- H Youth DeveloPment
• 8 active county wide
4-H Clubs and • Make the Best Better"
As the 4-H year launched in October we recognize that our community is continuing to face
challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.This year one thing we heard is how
QUOTES much our youth missed being able to gather in person and learn together.As a program we*
made it our goal to safely welcome back in person youth development opportunities for all
"Thank you for providing families in Mason County.
in person activities again.
much fun being with This fall, our robotics volunteers were excited to
other families again. We
return to in person Family Robotics Nights held
can't wait for the next twice a month.This volunteer led program
one."- provides STEM learning opportunities for all
Community parent school aged youth in our community.The goal
is to allow youth to explore the world of
r robotics and computer coding at their own pace
"This is too fun/Miss through hands on STEM kits and expertise of
1 ,
Maddie and her creativity our volunteers.Through local fundraising
are hard at work."
A =_� efforts the volunteers have been able to
Crystal, parent Family Robotics Night:Our youth learned continue to add STEM resources to the program
how to build and program an advanced and are planning to start a local youth robotics
competition robot. team.
Heather • 'ran
I 4-H empowers youthto reach
Imo .
Ext. 681 potential, working and learning in
heather.cloranAwsu.edu partnership caring I •
Clover Kids returned this winter with an in person craft
and game night.This well attended event was just the
beginning of our monthly series. Clover kids is designed
to offer youth a safe opportunity to meet in person and '
learn a new skill to spark their inner passions, interests,
and talents, helping them to discover their best self!We Clover Kids:Fun with
QUOTES are grateful for the community support and volunteers ducttape
"Thank you for teaching offering to lead these learning sessions.
us a new craft. My
daughter brought extra
supplies on vacation to We are excited to announce the return of our shooting
teach her friends. /love sports program in Mason County. 11 adult volunteers
that they wanted to share completed their Level 1 Archery certification this
what they learned last winter.Our program meets bimonthly and provides all
month!"- the necessary archery equipment and safety gear for
4-H parent °E youth to learn and develop their archery skills.Youth
that choose to compete at the state level will be given
the opportunity to participate in a qualifying event this
%just love 4-H because itArcheryLeader spring.
gives my daughter a
Nance to explore so many AT HOME LEARNING KITS
rojects and discover what
she really loves." Our volunteers continue to support our program by creating at home learning kits for the
Carly, 4-H mom youth in Mason County.This fall/winter over 100 kits were made to help youth explore
how to make a lemon powered battery, learn how to embroider and using tongue
depressors to make catapults and boomerangs. Kits were available for all community
"We are grateful for any members to pick up at the WSU Extension Office.
support you guys provide
for us to keep our kids' CONNECTING VIRTUALLY
minds active!" We continued to provide virtual ways for our community to engage with 4-H.Through
Kisako, community parent Facebook, email and our website community members can see ways they can connect on
Zoom, learn at home and even participate in contests.This fall/winter we continued to
offer virtual engagement opportunities through weekly office hours to connect with 4-H
staff, monthly council meetings,4-H leader training, new club kick off opportunities and
virtual trivia night.We also helped families engage in state wide virtual opportunities to
learn about small animals, cooking, baking and more via Zoom!
Mason County is home to many big
leaf maple trees.This fall as the
leaves began to drop we sponsored a
virtual maple leaf contest. It was fun 9
to see families out in the community
looking for the biggest maple leaf
they could find.The largest leaf found &-
QUOTES was over 21 inches wide and 14
inches tall.The winner received a big
`%have purchased supplies
leaf maple basket to enjoy maple ..:,
�;, Ys,•' � �� � .•�
for my own continued treats and learn how to tap their own
learning. We will maple trees, all participants received a
collaborate on projects special treat in the mail.This contest
and the usefulness as an was so fun it will be back again next year.
offer to 4-H youth." -
Michael, 4-H volunteer COMMUNITY BOOK DRIVE
The month of November the WSU Extension office opened their --- -
doors to be a drop point for a children's book drive.The South 4-H is
know this craft was for Sound Reading Foundation was grateful for the truckload of books Hore
my daughter, but it was a our community generously donated.
great stress relieving
activity for me too!"- LEADER OF THE YEAR
Clover Kids parent This fall we recognized Marilyn Brennan as our leader of the
year.The 4-H family nominating Marilyn for this recognition
describes her as creative, patient,versatile and always
'Wove watching a youth keeping a positive, calm, problem-solving mentality,which
learn something new, " was valuable during a challenging year for many families.
seeing that light bulb go Throughout her 32 years in the 4-H Program, Marilyn has
on is so rewarding': — - been elected to many leadership roles within the Mason
Robotics volunteer County 4-H Council and 4-H Horse Council.Additionally,
t 'she has served on the State 4-H Fair Board and has
supported youth from Grays Harbor and Mason Counties by
coordinating state 4-H Fair resources.She has also
Leader of the year, chaperoned and coached the WA State 4-H Judging Team in
Marilyn Brennan their travels to the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup.
"I PLEDGE my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to
loyalty,Mason County • larger service and my HEALTH to better
living for my club, my community, • • my world."
2021 /2022
Indirect contacts through
online learning and
resource sharing: a •
• Schools: 1 ,471 -
• Tribes: 1 ,105
• Adults: (CSO, Food SNAP- Ed Nutrition
Bank, Shelton Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Farmers Market):
Throughout the 2021 season,SNAP-Ed heavily promoted fruit and vegetable incentive
redemption through EBT/P-EBT,SNAP Market Match and Washington State Farmers Market
Nutrition Program (FMNP)for Seniors and WIC participants. Shelton Farmers Market saw
a 384.6%increase in SNAP EBT sales and a 414.3%increase in SNAP Market Match sales for
the 2021 market season compared to 2020. Also of note,WIC and Senior FMNP combined
f voucher sales/redemptions doubled from $1000 in 2020 to $2052 in 2021 ($1564 WIC
FMNP and $488 Senior FMNP).
WSU Extension - Mason SNAP-Ed was invited to participate in Shelton Farmers Market's
Harvest Celebration, part of the larger downtown City of Shelton Spooktacular Weekend of
events. Prior to the event, SNAP-Ed reached out to the Market Manager JenieLynn Wilkinson
to advertise to the community via the Market's Facebook page that it would be the last
farmers market session on 10/30/2021 for folks to receive/redeem SNAP Market Match
Produce featured at Shelton Farmers Market(Facebook) currency and redeem their 2021 WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers
at Shelton Farmers Market(SFM). SNAP-Ed nutrition education materials (Fresh from the
Farm brochures, Eating We//for Less booklets,OSU's Food Hero family newsletters, MyPlate
resources)were distributed at the market manager's Welcome/Food Access booth.
Julie Guyton Al
7m Coordinator SNAP-Ed Nutrition Programs focus on providing
•i4 dietary quality, physical activity and food
Continued from previous page...
The SNAP-Ed nutrition educator was hosted at the Market _
UOTES Manager's Games Booth,where there was ample opportunity to
engage parents and youth. SNAP-Ed provided youth with take-
"It's perfect in my opinion. home pumpkin-themed activity kits that included mini pumpkin
Take home pumpkin
This is a very good decorating supplies and bi-lingual coloring sheets, recipe themed activity kits
put-together snack!" — booklets, and assorted nutrition materials.
SHS student commenting
Salsa recipe
After a four-year search and fundraising efforts, Saints' Pantry Food Bank(SPFB)
succeeded in finding a new place to call home! On December 2, 2021,the Board of
can't believe more Directors signed papers to purchase the historic old jC Penney building, located directly
people don't shop across the street from the current site of the food bank. The old building was plagued
down here[farmers with structural problems, had a very constrictive floor plan, and despite the Director's and
market/. Don't they know Board's interests in wanting to implement Policy, Systems and Environmental (PSE)
you can get a//these free strategies that SNAP-Ed had recommended to create a more welcoming environment and
veggies? And this stuff supported healthier eating,their capacity to make many of the changes were limited or
[vegetables/is way fresher unattainable due to physical space restrictions. The new building will offer more than just
and tastes better than a bigger space. According to Director Rabecca Boynton, she and the board plan on taking
anything you can get in advantage of their new space to create a shopper-friendly layout, similar to how Thurston
the grocery store!l tell my County Food Bank operates.The new distribution plan will include shopping carts and an
open floor plan with shelves and self-serve bins and coolers - similar to a grocery store
friends they're crazy not experience. Clients will be able to directly enter the building, check-in, and commence
to shop here[farmers their own shopping in a more dignified manner, no longer waiting outside in the weather
market/."--A you ng ad u It in a long line and then snaking through a limited-choice distribution line down one
SNAP Market Match counter with the food items handled only by volunteer a;'
shopper who newly staff. Future plans also include having a dedicated space in
frequents the farmers a bigger front lobby where partner organizations can
market to do her grocery conduct tabling events and specifically for SNAP-Ed to nr__
shopping conduct recipe and tasting demonstrations, nutrition
education, and participant engagement and intercept w.
surveys. SNAP-Ed looks forward to assisting Saints'Pantry
staff with the floor plan design, nutrition prompts and Healthy&Homemade
healthy choice signage, as well as help assess and assimilate calendarsprovide
clients' needs.As always,SNAP-Ed will continue to provide physicallow-cost recipes,along with
resource materials to SPFB clients. Pantry Food :.
• SNAP7 Ed
• • '• Celebrating 5 years
'T11 pretty much only eat
veggies when /can get After two-plus long years of being absent from Shelton High School, Harvest of the Month
them fresh at the (HOTM) made a comeback,thanks to the nimble thinking of Janet Toney, Family&
[farmers]market."- Consumer Sciences teacher and CTE Department leader.As schools relaxed pandemic
A gentleman SNAP Market protocols allowing outside lecturers,WSU Mason SNAP-Ed approached Food Service
Match shopper at the Director Kathryn Ward and Toney to start up HOTM in the main cafeteria. Plans were
farmers market dashed, however, due to supply chain issues and short staffing.Toney, however, posed
the question: Can we do HOTM in her Foods I&II culinary classrooms instead of the
school cafeteria and serve the tastings in the Highclimber Caf6 with a limited audience?
...even asparagus and
The answer was a resounding YES! SNAP-Ed pivoted to a Youth-led, Participatory Action
raspberries!"- Research project(YPAR).Toney and Pamela Bish, SNAP-Ed nutrition educator, chose the
A senior SNAP shopper is recipe to present to students. Bish prepared promotional slides for HOTM,which were
thrilled to afford more shown on the foyer television. She also composed a student survey in English and Spanish
fruits and vegetables with for rating the recipe, supplying QR codes for those with Smart phones and paper surveys
her SNAP Market Match for those without. On February Th,Toney and Bish coached students in preparing the first
currency, without which featured recipe, Black Bean&Corn Salsa.Students washed, drained, rinsed, chopped and
would limit her produce combined ingredients, letting the salsa marinate overnight.On February 8rh,the students
purchases with EBT plated the salsa with multi-grain chips, serving 160 students and staff. Results from the
survey were encouraging.Of the 61 respondents, 77•�stated they would very likely choose
s,�n••x,�nn�•t the Black Bean&Corn Salsa if it were added to the cafeteria menu,while 20•/stated they
II;u'vi�t nl'1hA� \l�ntth
Featured Black Bean Salsa would be somewhat likely to choose it.When asked how the salsa could be improved,
Recipe w!Tortilla Chips discerning palates noted more lime juice, spices and cilantro and less onion. Harvest of the
Month will continue through May at Shelton High School,featuring a different seasonal
ingredient each month. Students were pleased to learn that if the featured recipes are
Q s rated highly enough,they may be placed on the Highclimber Caf6 menu in the future.
sudmu tt.ti,sd,ont
91 •�,.rr.•ww
Uno Tuesday,Feb.Sth ��•�"' ! '~ - ❑'4�nG%
�' OO N AD
-_, (7 G Y• 7
HarvestShelton High School Culinary st dents Culinary student Survey OR codes are
displayed throughout the
culinary student prepares work in teams to displays salsa
I the Monthcolorful& healthy prepare Black and chips
•students can voice
promotional displays are ingredients for • • for their opinions an•offer
shown on HighclimberI suggestions on •
visitorsSalsa •
foyer monitor to invite sample
Mason Healthy 1*4
Celebrating 25 years
• I dh 1
BY THE NUMBERS2021 /2022
• 17 new contacts
• Facebook page has ✓
• 3 Home Horticulture
participants Small Farms
• 28 Cultivating Supporting Local Agricultureand Natural Resources
SuccessTI participants
• 10 Septic System An 11-week course was held virtually over Zoom starting on September 21,
2021 and continuing until December 7, 2021.Supported by WSU Food
participants Systems and the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, seven WSU
C 5 Extension Coordinators across the state were able to put on this course for 120
QUOTES participants.This course was fully supported with Spanish interpretation as
"My wife and l enjoyed well. Cultivating SuccessTI:Whole Farm Planning will walk the participants through a
step-by-step process,to help you prepare a well thought out plan for their land, life, and
the entire course! the farm business.They will learn how to use a whole system lens to create a living plan for
especially enjoyed the
their small farm. Participants were able to connect with a statewide community of other
early focus on the aspiring farmers.They left with tools for decision making and a road map to plan for their
creation of a holistic farm farming endeavors.This workshop included many opportunities for networking and
plan and sus Kiley ierey. community building in smaller breakout groups regionally based.
Kendall and Kiley were
both excellent facilitators FARM MAP UPDATES
and we hope to work with
them again in the future."
The 2020 Farm Fresh Guide is in the process of being updated!
Mason County
Current farms will be checked in with to ensure correct contact 'armF"sn
Benjamin S., Cultivating Guide Now
information, and new farms will be added! This is a free publica- Accepting
Success Whole Farm New Farm
tion for farmers in Mason County to be featured in.
Planning participant �`'i�`
l<endall Carman Working • •unty community to
foster profitable • and
. :
stewardship, • access to healthy food.
s *Z0
WSU EXTENSION Fall /Winter Report 2022
Mason County
• 46 active Master
Gardener Volunteers .
• 81 questions
answered during Master Gardeners
2021 clinic
Cultivating Plants, • • and Communities
• 1 1 8 community
members educated at CLINIC NUMBERS FOR THE YEAR
Through the Garden The WSU Master Gardeners had 81 contacts for the 2021 year through their clinic.Clinic is
Gate online offered on Mondays from 12-3 at the WSU Extension Office. During 2021,the Master
workshops in 2021 Gardeners could not hold in person clinic, so this was offered online and over the phone. Of
these 81 contacts, 15 were seeking information on pest management/pest ID, 10 were
• 2,397 pounds of asking about fruit trees,and another 10 asked about landscape trees.Some of the other
Fresh Organic
questions include categories such as native plants, lawns,vegetable gardens, soil and
Produce donated to landscape plants. Plans are in place to have clinic for 2022 in person at the Extension Office
Saint's Pantry Food Mondays 12-3 and be able to attend more of the Farmers Markets.
Bank in 2021 Have questions for the Master Gardeners?Contact by email:
masonmastergardener@gmail.com or phone: 360-427-9670 ext. 687
On Tuesday, October 12, several Master Gardeners y
put in time to clean up and put Catalyst to bed for the
}., winter. 2021 was challenging with the continued
- COVID-19 virus and two heat spikes during the
summer, but in the end, 2,397 pounds of produce
was grown and delivered to the Saints' Pantry Food k!a! 4
�" Bank for our community in need.
Continued from previous page...
A few projects were completed before the end of the year.An ADA raised bed was installed,three stock tanks were
installed to replace a couple raised beds,two existing beds were raised,and an inventory of the sheds was completed.
Thank-you to Saints' Pantry Food Bank for their generous $1000 donation and the Shelton Kiwanis for their generous
$500 donation for Catalyst Park Food Bank Garden for 2022!
;� �i. a '' i�'� ,•� . trlir., , ,� -_ ,.
Ali ;
?-V v..
Several Master Gardeners put on a free Through the Garden Gate for the community in the
Through the Garden Gate fall.The topics shared on the two weekend mornings included Gourds and Pumpkins: From
garden to decor and Mason bees 101.There was an average of 35 people on both workshop
� days.Thank you Master Gardeners for the fun educational workshop you put on for the
community!The video recordings can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/
OfficeMaster Gardener
Every • • 687
Each year WSU Mason County Master Gardener's select a"WSU Mason County Master Gardener of the Year".The
qualifying criteria covers abilities, commitment, knowledge and involvement.
Congratulations to Master Gardener Christy Rowe for Master Gardener of the Year for 2021!
'The Master Gardener Program has taught me a lot about our community. I have made several wonderful friends and
volunteered for a number of activities. I joined the board as the newsletter editor,went on to become secretary and a
State Representative for the MG Foundation. I co-chaired our Mason County Plant Sale, developed a network of vendors
for the sale,and also co-chaired a number of plant sale committees. I have attended three Master Gardener Advanced
Education Conferences,which I would highly recommend.
Currently, I am the Catalyst Demonstration Garden Chair and spend the majority of my
volunteer time involved with the food bank garden portion of Catalyst.When I am not =
gardening, I am working in my yard, sewing and cooking.
This picture is of my granddaughter who asked me for a`girl date' and asked me to take her to f 'a
the store to buy flower seeds and teach her how to plant them.Young Master Gardener in the
making!Warmed my heart!"-Christy Rowe '
On Saturday, October 23,the Master Gardeners held their annual Pumpkin Sale at Catalyst Park. For the second year in a
row, it was held at Catalyst Park and not downtown as in previous years due to COVID-19.They had a beautiful display
of pumpkins, gourds, and even had a couple trays of ripe tomatoes for sale. Unfortunately, it was a very wet and rainy
day and the community traffic was very low.With support from the community and fellow Master Gardeners,just over
$400 was made in the 2 hour sale!The remaining pumpkins and the trays of tomatoes were delivered to Saints' Pantry.
A few gourds were dropped off at the Mason Journal as a thank you for posting the articles and publishing two nice
articles on Catalyst and the connection with the food bank. Next year we hope to be able to hold our Pumpkin Sale
downtown where we get a lot more traffic and are much more visible to the community.
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WSU EXTENSION Fall/Winter Report
Mason County
• 109 parcels
received control
services provided by MCNWCB Noxious Weed Prog ram
• 37 site visits, Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
and/or control NEW FUNDING
Since 2013, Mason County Noxious Weed Control has received grant funding from the
• 28 new Washington State Department of Agriculture's Knotweed Control program. This partnership
continued with a new agreement finalized on August 17, 2021 in the amount of$20,000.00.
• 224 total This collaboration continues to support knotweed control work within Mason County and
permissions contributes to the program's visibility and credibility.
• 25 acres treated FALL HIGHLIGHTS
with herbicides Knotweed is a very difficult noxious weed
• 5 acres manually to control without the use of herbicides. In ►
treated addition to those riparian areas identified
• 1 .25 solid acres of for control with grant funding,the program
noxious weeds prioritizes assistance to property owners
treated where this plant threatens infrastructure
• 7 letters re: improvements such as buildings or drain fy =
required control fields. Property owners demonstrating an ` �'S.
noxious weed �`; '• �`�
ongoing commitment to control are also
targeted for support.
• 108 acres treated
on National Forest Mason County Noxious Weed Control assists a
• 150 acres surveyed property owner with controlof --'
on a
on National Forest 7. newly installed French drain.
Patricia Grover Responsible for identilying no)dous weeds that am
Ext. 592 impacting our county resources,including agriculture,
• • • .• • • • -� •. � • • . � habitats.
BY THE Continued from previous page...
NUMBERS Social media continues to be a source for highlighting program
202 1 /2022 accomplishments, sharing of information and reporting of
62 Weed wrench noxious weeds. This infestation of tansy ragwort,a class
rentals B-select noxious weed which requires control was reported
growing on a public property. The maintenance staff at the
81 Citizen contacts via
phone, email, social facility was contacted,the plants mowed to prevent seeding
media or in-person and MCNWC assisted with a late season herbicide application.
Mason County Noxious Weed Control made significant progress in the control of noxious
Iweeds during the 2021 treatment season. Multiple reports to fulfill legal and contractual
obligations provide an opportunity for staff to quantify those accomplishments. Completed
reports include:
DNR Aquatics Invasive Species- Prepared an End of Season Cooperator report for work
`Y accomplished with the Earth Corps crew in June.
Quotes . Olympic Invasives Working Group- Provided year end data for knotweed control efforts
by MCNWC which is included in a comprehensive Peninsula wide knotweed
`%appreciate you accomplishment report by multiple entities. The report may be found at
answering my 2021 OIWGAnnual Report.pdf(clallam.net)
questions and giving me a
course of action to take if Washington State Department of Agriculture(WSDA)-Knotweed - Prepared the end of
/have any future year report for work completed in 2021 for the control of knotweed. For the complete
concerns." report,WSDA-2021-Report-FINAL-11-19.pdf(wsu.edu). $8,000.00 was invoiced
JW during 2021. $12,000.00 remains in this contract. Project accomplishments include:
• 122 landowner permissions
"We lost a lot of/eaves, / 492 parcels permitted
have great hope of them
a//dying. /will send 01.07 solid acres of knotweed treated
pictures this evening. 0 11.68 river miles surveyed with 8.00 miles treated
want to thank you so
• WSDA-Giant Hogweed - Prepared the end of year report for work completed in 2021
much. /owe you a day of
for the survey for and control of giant hogweed. For the complete report,
free labor let me know.
2021-11-09-Giant-Hogweed-Report-FINAL.pdf(wsu.edu). $3,800.00 was invoiced
MK during 2021. $1,200.00 remains in this contract.
availableWe are / help landowners and land
. • - information, • 1 1 •eal
Mason • •
with irivasive,non-native • species.
Continued from previous page...
• WSDA-Perennial Pepperweed - Prepared the end of year report for work completed in
2021 for the survey and control of perennial pepperweed and nonnative common reed.
I • : For the complete report,_.2021-11-9-Perennial-Pepperweed-ReportFINALpdf
wsu.edu $1,600.00 was invoiced during 2021. $3,400.00 remains in this contract.
• NPDES-This report summarizes the amount of aquatic pesticides discharged to surface
p l�
% water of Washington State to control noxious weeds. The report was submitted to the
Washington State Department of Agriculture on October 03, 2021.
Quotes Olympic National Forest Title II Participating Agreement-
This comprehensive report details the efforts made by
"Thank you so much for Mason County Noxious Weed Control to control invasive
coming out the other day. species on National Forest land. During 2021, noxious
/so enjoyed your weeds were controlled on 108 acres of National Forest land. 11 21"'
know/edge!!" JECT REPORT
In addition, six rock sources,which included one private pitNOXIUS WEEDCOOPERATIVE
were inspected to reduce the potential for spread of invasiveCO
KJ plant species through contaminated materials.The report
"You did an amazing job may be found at Olympic Peninsula Cooperative Noxious
to eradicate that nasty Weed Control (wsu.edu)
pulling 1 or 2 they are
completely gone thank The Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board welcomed a new member. William
you." Bezanson will represent District 2,which includes Harstine Island and the Agate area.
Mike, a neighbor of a 2022 MASON COUNTY NOXIOUS WEED LIST
property owner with
tansy ragwort 2022 Pursuant to RCW 17.10.090,the Mason County Noxious Weed
Mason County
Noxious Weed List Control Board held a public hearing to adopt the 2022 Mason
County Noxious Weed List on February 09, 2022. The list may be
found at 2022-Mason-County-Noxious-Weed-List_FINAL.pdf
wsu.edu .
NOXIOUS WEEDS DAMAGE ...,.••�•.�•"":
We are avai-lable to help landowners
Mason County
information, . resources to deal
non-nativei with invasive, pM •
oki M
As a result of participation in a"Weed Free Gravel"virtual meeting,the Kespu"nibdil>fix Nq'1LUllropaliMinKhuhh"ctcn�i:n:
Washington State Department of Agriculture, Plant Services Program has now
updated it's online map and added"gravel"to the map depicting this service
provided to Mason County by Mason County Noxious Weed Control.
With the passage of
another year, I wish to 1
acknowledge the efforts of
our 2021 Noxious Weed
Control team. Thank-you
Sarah Croston and -
Cela Hall-Wieckert for your I
dedication to our natural
resources and your
commitment to serving the
citizens of Mason County.
Pat Grover,Kelo Hall-Wieckert,and Sarah Croston "Chalk the Walks 2021"!
availableWe are 1 help landowners and land
Masonmanagers with information,services,and resources to deaA
It •
with invasive,non-native plant species.
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Sheryl Hilt
Department: Sheriff's Office Ext: 636
Briefing Date: March 14, 2022
Previous Briefing Dates: None
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Internal Review (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other — please explain
The Sheriff's Office Detectives Division desires to extend the contract with Monarch Children's
Advocacy Center and add services.
Executive Summary: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions)
Monarch Children's Advocacy Center conducts forensic interviews when the Mason County Sheriff's
Office is investigating abuse. The contract for these services expired August 31, 2021, and the SO
would like to continue the services currently being conducted and extend the contract through
December 31, 2025.
In addition, there are occasions when the subjects do not have enough English to communicate with
investigators. Monarch has agreed to procure a translator for these interviews and run all invoices
through their office to facilitate payments. This work requires an additional amendment to the
wording of the original contract.
Budget Impact:
None. Budgeted in 2022.
Public Outreach: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.)
Recommended/Requested Action:
Put on March 29 Action Agenda for approval.
Monarch original contract
Amendment 1
Mason County
Professional Services Contract
This Service Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement," is entered
into and made effective as of the date set forth at the end of this document
by and between the following parties:
Mason County Sheriff's Office, organized under the laws of the state of
Washington, having its principal location at 322 N 3rd St, Shelton, WA 98584
Monarch Children's Justice and Advocacy Center, organized under the laws of
the state of Washington, having its principal place of business at 420 Golf
Club Rd. SE, Suite 203, Lacey, WA 98503
Hereinafter, "Client" will refer to and be used to describe the following party:
Mason County Sheriff's Office. "Service Provider" will refer to and be used to
describe the following party: Monarch Children's Justice and Advocacy
Center. Client and Service Provider may be referred to individually as "Party"
and collectively as the "Parties."
WHEREAS, Client wishes to retain the Services of Service Provider;
WHEREAS, Service Provider has the skills, qualifications, and expertise
required to provide the Services to the Client;
WHEREAS, Service Provider wishes to render such Services to Client.
NOW, therefore, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained
herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged), the Parties do hereby agree as
Article 1 - DEFINITIONS:
As used in this Agreement:
A. "Services" shall be used to refer to forensic interviews with children
and juveniles when there is suspicion of abuse or in cases where a
child has been exposed to violence.
B. "Commencement Date" shall be used to refer to the date the Service
Provider begins work on the Services for the Client. The
Commencement Date shall be the last signature date of this
agreement, or the last day of any amendments signed by both parties.
C. "Completion Date" shall be used to refer to the date that the Service
Provider will complete or cease the provision of Services to the Client.
The Completion Date of this agreement will be August 31, 2021,
unless as agreed by amendment to this agreement.
D. "Fees" shall be used to refer to the payment Client will pay to Service
Provider for the rendering of the Services. Specifically, the fees shall
be $200 (two hundred dollars), for each interview as a fixed fee for all
Services rendered.
Article 2 - AGREEMENT:
A. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Service
Provider hereby agrees to render the Services to Client, beginning on
the Commencement Date and ending on the Completion date. Client
agrees to pay Service Provider the Fees required for the Services.
B. Amendments to this agreement must be signed by both parties prior to
the completion date of the agreement or any amendment.
Article 3 - LOCATION:
Service Provider will render the Services anywhere the Service Provider
considers appropriate to the type and nature of the work required to
complete the Services.
The Service Provider is not permitted to use subcontractors to provide some
or all of the Services without the prior written approval of the Client.
The Sheriff's Office policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms,
conditions, and privileges of employment for all qualified applicants and
employees without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status. Monarch
shall comply with all laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or
applicant for employment on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or
veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational
Furthermore, in those cases in which Monarch is governed by such laws,
Monarch shall take affirmative action to ensure applicants are employed, and
treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed,
religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status,
disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide
occupational qualification. Such action shall include, but not be limited to
advertising, hiring, promotions, layoffs or terminations, rate of pay or other
forms of compensation benefits, selection for training including
apprenticeship, and participation in recreational and educational activities. In
all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their
behalf, Monarch shall state that all qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or
veteran status.
Monarch shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or
veteran status; or deny an individual any service or benefits under this
agreement; or subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment in
any manner related to his/her/its receipt of service or other benefits
provided under this contract; or deny an individual an opportunity to
participate in any program provided by this contract.
The performance of all or part of this agreement by Monarch shall not
operate to vest any employment rights whatsoever and shall not be deemed
to guarantee any employment of Monarch or any employee of Monarch or
any sub-contractor or any employee of any sub-contractor by the Sheriff's
Office at the present time or in the future.
The Client agrees to pay the Service Provider the required Fees, as outlined
elsewhere in this Agreement, for the provision of the Services, subject to the
following terms and conditions:
A. Invoice Interval: The Service Provider will be entitled to invoice the
client monthly.
B. Invoice Period: The Client shall have 30 days from the date of receipt
at the Sheriff's Office, in which to pay the invoice.
C. Method of Payment: Service Provider will accept County warrant or
ACH forms of payment.
D. Expenses: The Service Provider is responsible for the management
and payment of any and all expenses incurred in the rendering of the
Services and is not permitted to charge any such expenses back to the
E. Penalties: If the Client does not pay the invoiced and required amount
by the date stated in the invoice or as otherwise provided for in this
Agreement, the Service Provider shall be entitled to:
I. require Client to pay for the Services, or any remaining part of
the Services, in advance;
II. cease performance of the Services completely or until payment is
made, at the Service Provider's sole and exclusive discretion.
F. Tax Statement: Any and all charges payable under this Agreement are
exclusive of taxes, surcharges, or other amounts assessed by state or
federal governments. Taxes imposed upon or required to be paid by
Client or Service Provider shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility
of each, respectively.
During the provision of the Services, the Client hereby agrees to:
A. Cooperate with the Service Provider for anything the Service Provider
may reasonably require;
B. Provide any information and/or documentation needed by the Service
Provider relevant to the provision of Services or payment for the
provision of Services;
C. Require any staff or agents of the Client to co-operate with and assist
the Service Provider as the Service Provider may need;
If at any time prior to the commencement of, or during the term of this
contract, Monarch or any of its employees involved in the performance of this
agreement shall have or develop an interest in the subject matter of this
contract that is potentially in conflict with the Sheriff's Office interest, the
Monarch shall immediately notify the Sheriff's Office of the same. The
notification of the Sheriff's Office shall be made with sufficient specificity to
enable the Sheriff's Office to make an informed judgement as to whether or
not the Sheriff's Office interest may be compromised in any manner by the
existence of the conflict, actual or potential. Thereafter, the Sheriff's Office
may require Monarch to take reasonable steps to remove the conflict of
interest. The Sheriff's Office may also terminate this agreement according to
the provisions herein for termination.
Each Party hereby acknowledges and agrees that they and the other party
each possess certain non-public Confidential Information. The Parties agree
that the Confidential Information is private, and the Parties have entered into
a business relationship, through which they will each have access to the
other party's Confidential Information. Each of the Parties desires to maintain
the private nature of any Confidential Information given.
A. Confidential Information refers to any information which is confidential
to either of the Parties. The Confidential Information may be in the
form of documents, techniques, methods, practices, personal
information or other oral or written knowledge and/or any other
information which is confidential to either of the Parties.
Confidential Information may or may not be disclosed as such, through
labeling, but is to be considered any information which ought to be
treated as confidential under the circumstances through which it was
Confidential Information shall not mean any information which:
I. is known or available to the public at the time of disclosure or
became known or available after disclosure through no fault of
the Receiving Party;
II. is already known, through legal means, to the Receiving Party;
III. is given to the Receiving Party by any third party who legally had
the Confidential Information and the right to disclose it.
B. Both Parties hereby agree they shall not use the Confidential
Information for any purpose except those contemplated herein or
expressly authorized by the Disclosing Party.
Without limiting Service Provider's indemnification of Client, and prior to
commencement of Work, Service Provider shall obtain, provide and maintain
at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance
of the type and amounts described below and, in a form, satisfactory to the
General Liability Insurance, using a standard ISO CG 00 01 occurrence
form, including premises, operations, products and completed operations,
contractual liability with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence,
$2,000,000 General Aggregate and $2,000,000 Products-Completed
Operations Aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury, and property
damage. Coverage shall include Employers Liability (stop gap).
The Commercial General Liability Coverage shall include the following
The County, its Board, officers, agents and employees shall be included as
Additional Insureds either by specific endorsement naming these parties or a
blanket additional insured endorsement applicable "when required by written
contract or agreement"
Primary, Non-contributory endorsement, both in favor of the County, its
Board, officers, agents and employees or a blanket waiver of subrogation
endorsement applicable "when required by written contract or agreement".
The Commercial General Liability Coverage shall not include the following
i Amendment of Contractual Liability
ii Cross Suits Liability Exclusion
Automobile liability insurance. Service Provider shall maintain automobile
insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01
covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Service
Provider arising out of or in connection with Work to be performed under this
Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non-owned or rented
vehicles, in an amount not less than 1,000,000 combined single limit for
each accident. If Service Provider's employees will use personal autos in any
way in carrying out this agreement, Service Provider shall obtain evidence of
personal auto liability coverage for each such person.
Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. Service Provider
shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be
performed in connection with this Agreement, in the minimum amount of
$1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any policy inception date,
continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this
agreement and Service Provider agrees to maintain continuous coverage
through a period no less than three years after completion of the services
required by this agreement.
Workers' compensation insurance. Service Provider shall maintain
Workers' Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer's Liability
Insurance (with limits of at least $1,000,000).
Service Provider shall submit to Client, along with the certificate of
insurance, a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of County, its
officers, agents, employees and volunteers.
Except in cases of death or personal injury caused by either party's
negligence, either party's liability in contract, tort or otherwise arising
through or in connection with this Agreement or through or in connection
with the completion of obligations under this Agreement shall be limited to
Fees paid by the Client to the Service Provider.
To the extent it is lawful, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party in
contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss,
damage, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by
that other Party of an indirect or consequential nature including without
limitation any economic loss, data loss, loss of goodwill, or other loss of
turnover, profits, or business.
Article 12 - INDEMNITY:
Service Provider hereby agrees to indemnify and defend Client, and all of
Client's elected or appointed officers, agents, officials, employees, volunteers
and representatives, and hold harmless from and against any and all
damage, liability, demands, suits and losses, as well as legal fees and costs
incurred, from injuries to or death of any person or persons, including the
employees or each party hereto, and the loss or damage to the property of
any person or persons as a result of the Services rendered by this
Agreement or any transaction or matter connected with the Services or the
relationship between Service Provider and Client, whether caused by a
negligent act or omission of either party hereto, its agents, contractors, or
employees, except that Service Provider assumes no liability for the sole
negligent acts of Client. This Paragraph shall survive the termination of this
Article 13 - TERMINATION:
A. This Agreement may be terminated be either party, upon notice in
I. if the other party commits a material breach of any term of this
Agreement that is not capable of being remedied within fourteen
(14) days or that should have been remedied within fourteen (14)
days after a written request and was not;
II. if the other party becomes unable to perform its duties hereunder,
including a duty to pay or a duty to perform;
III. if the other party or its employees or agents engage in any conduct
prejudicial to the business of the other, or in the event that either
party considers that a conflict or potential conflict of interest has
arisen between the parties.
B. The continuation of this contract is contingent upon the appropriation
of funds to fulfill the requirements of the contract by the county
commission. If the commission fails to appropriate sufficient monies to
provide for the continuation of the contract, or if such appropriation is
reduced by any means provided in the appropriations to prevent the
total appropriation for the year from exceeding revenues for that year,
or for any other lawful purpose, and the effect of such reduction is to
provide insufficient monies for the continuation of the contract, the
contract shall terminate on the date of the beginning of the first fiscal
year for which funds are not appropriated.
C. This Agreement may be terminated by the Service Provider if the Client
fails to pay any requisite Fees within seven (7) days after the date they
are due. The Service Provider may terminate the Agreement
immediately, with no notice period, in writing.
D. If this Agreement is terminated before the expiration of its natural
term, Client hereby agrees to pay for all Services rendered up to the
date of termination, and for any and all expenditure due for payment
after the date of termination for commitments reasonably made and
incurred by Service Provider related to the rendering of Services prior
to the date of termination.
E. Any termination of under this subpart shall not affect the accrued
rights or liabilities of either Party under this Agreement or at law and
shall be without prejudice to any rights or remedies either Party may
be entitled to. Any provision or subpart of this Agreement which is
meant to continue after termination or come into force at or after
termination shall not be affected by this subpart.
The Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Agreement
shall be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture, agency
relationship or otherwise between the Parties and that this Agreement is for
the sole and express purpose of the rendering of the specific Services by the
Service Provider to the client under the terms and conditions herein.
Article 15 - RIGHT TO AUDIT
Any authorized agency of the State (e.g., Office of the State Auditor,
Inspector General's Office, etc.) and of the Federal Government has the right
to inspect and review all books and records pertaining to services rendered
under this contract for a period of six years from the date of final payment
under the prime contract and any subcontract. The Contractor and
subcontractor shall maintain such books and records for this six-year period
and cooperate fully with the authorized auditing agency. Contractor and
subcontractor shall comply with federal and state laws authorizing an audit of
their operations as a whole, or of specific program activities.
A. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by
the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal law.
Both Parties consent to jurisdiction under the state and federal courts
within the state of Washington. The Parties agree that this choice of
law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather
mandatory in nature.
B. Assignment: This Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may
not be assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred in whole or part
by either Party.
C. Amendments: This Agreement may only be amended in writing
signed by both Parties.
D. Proof of insurance. Service Provider shall provide certificates of
insurance to Client as evidence of the insurance coverage required
herein, along with a waiver of subrogation endorsement for workers'
compensation. Insurance certificates and endorsement must be
approved by Client's Risk Manager prior to commencement of
performance. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file
with Client at all times during the term of this contract. Client reserves
the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance
policies, at any time.
E. Waiver of subrogation. All insurance coverage maintained or
procured pursuant to this agreement shall be endorsed to waive
subrogation against Client, its elected or appointed officers, agents,
officials, employees and volunteers or shall specifically allow Service
Provider or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with
these specifications to waive their right of recovery prior to a loss.
Service Provider hereby waives its own right of recovery against Client.
F. Notice of cancellation. Service Provider agrees to oblige its insurance
agent or broker and insurers to provide to Client with a thirty (30) day
notice of cancellation (except for nonpayment for which a ten (10) day
notice is required) or nonrenewal of coverage for each required
G. Additional insured status. General liability policies shall provide or
be endorsed to provide that County and its officers, officials,
employees, and agents shall be additional insureds under such policies.
This provision shall also apply to any excess liability policies.
H. Duration of coverage. Service Provider shall procure and maintain
for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to
persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in
connection with the performance of the Work hereunder by Service
Provider, his agents, representatives, and employees.
I. Enforcement of contract provisions (non estoppel). Service
Provider acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on
the part of the Client to inform Service Provider of non-compliance with
any requirement imposes no additional obligations on the Client nor
does it waive any rights hereunder.
J. Timely notice of claims. Service Provider shall give Client prompt
and timely notice of claims made or suits instituted that arise out of or
result from Service Provider's performance under this Agreement, and
that involve or may involve coverage under any of the required liability
K. Additional insurance. Service Provider shall also procure and
maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of
insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper
protection and prosecution of the work.
L. No Waiver: None of the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to
have been waived by any act or acquiescence of either Party. Only an
additional written agreement can constitute waiver of any of the terms
of this Agreement between the Parties. No waiver of any term or
provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other term
or provision or of the same provision on a future date. Failure of either
Party to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute waiver
of such term or any other term.
M. Severability: If any provision or term of this Agreement is held to be
unenforceable, then this Agreement will be deemed amended to the
extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable provision, and
the rest of the Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court declines to
amend this Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or
unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the
validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions, which
shall be enforced as if the offending term or provision had not been
included in this Agreement.
N. Public Announcement: Neither Party will make any public
announcement or disclosure about the existence of this Agreement or
any of the terms herein without the prior written approval of the other
Pa rty.
O. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the Parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous
understandings, whether written or oral.
P. Headings: Headings to this Agreement are for convenience only and
shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the terms of this
Q. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all
of which shall constitute a single agreement. If the dates set forth at
the end of this document are different, this Agreement is to be
considered effective as of the date that both Parties have signed the
agreement, which may be the later date.
R. Force Majeure: Service Provider is not liable for any failure to
perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not
limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities, acts of military
authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, and
other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances.
S. Notices Electronic Communications Permitted: Any notice to be
given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by first
class mail or e-mail, to the address of the relevant Party set out at the
head of this Agreement, or to the relevant email address set out below
or other email address as that Party may from time to time notify to
the other Party in accordance with this clause. The relevant contact
information for the Parties is as follows:
Service Provider: Tambra Donohue @ tambrad.monarch@cacimt.org
Client: Sheryl Hilt @ shilt@co.mason.wa.us
Notices sent as above shall be deemed to have been received seven
working days after the date of posting or next working day after
sending (in the case of e-mail).
In proving the giving of a notice, it shall be sufficient to prove that the
notice was left, or that the envelope containing the notice was properly
addressed and posted, or that the applicable means of
telecommunication was addressed and dispatched and dispatch of the
transmission was confirmed and/or acknowledged as the case may be.
Mason County Deputy Prosecutor
Printed Name: Tim Whitehead
Sheriff's Office Contract Administrator:
Printed Name: Sheryl Hilt
Title: Finance Manager
Contact Information: shilt@co.mason.wa.us
Service Provider:
Children's Justice and Advocacy Center
Contract Administrator:
Printed Name: Tambra Donohue, Ph.D.
Title: Director
Contact Information: TambraD.Monarch@caclmt.org
County Commission:
Mason County Board of Commissioners
Printed Name: Kevin Shutty
Title: Commission Chair
Contact Information: kshutty@co.mason.wa.us
Mason County
Professional Services Contract
Amendment 1
This amendment to the professional services agreement is made between the Mason
County Sheriff's Office and Monarch Children's Justice and Advocacy Center.
Monarch Children's Advocacy Center and the Mason County Sheriff's Office here
herein after referred as the "parties".
Whereas, the parties entered into an agreement for services beginning on the
commencement date of 1 111 212 0 1 9;
Whereas, that agreement expired August 31, 2021;
Whereas, the parties to this agreement wish to continue the services laid out in the
original agreement;
Whereas, there are additional services required by the client;
Whereas, the service provider wishes to provide additional services;
NOW, therefore in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein, as
well as other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged), the parties do hereby agree as follows:
Amend Service Provider Address
Change the Service Provider's address to 3020 Willamette Dr. NE Lacey WA 98516.
Amendment to Article 1:
Change the "Completion Date" of the agreement to December 31, 2025.
Amendment to Article 2:
Change the wording in paragraph A from, 'Client agrees to pay Service Provider the
fees required for the services." to "Client agrees to pay the Service Provider the fees
agreed to and listed in Article 1 of the original agreement unless both parties agree
to a change in writing. Such an agreement will require an amendment to the
original agreement."
Amendment to Article 4:
Change from, "The Service Provider is not permitted to use subcontractors to
provide some or all of the services without prior written approval of the Client." to
"The Service Provider is not permitted to use subcontractors for forensic interviews.
The Service Provider is permitted to subcontract with interpreters where necessary.
Costs for interpreter services will not exceed charges listed in the Washington State
Department of Enterprise Services contract #03514 (or replacement).
Subcontractors are required to abide by all contract articles. Subcontractor charges
will be billed by and paid to Monarch who will be responsible for reimbursing the
Mason County Deputy Prosecutor
Printed Name: Tim Whitehead
Sheriff's Office Contract Administrator
Printed Name: Sheryl Hilt
Title: Finance Manager
Contact Information: shilt@masoncountywa.gov
Service Provider
Children's Justice and Advocacy Center
Contract Administrator:
Printed Name: Tambra Donohue, Ph.D.
Title: Director
Contact Information: TambraD.Monarch@caclmt.org
County Commission:
Mason County Board of Commissioners
Printed Name: Kevin Shutty
Title: Commission Chair
Contact Information: kshutty@co.mason.wa.us
Mason County Community Services — Briefing
March 14, 2022
Briefing Items
• Post and fill the Environmental Health Management position and appoint an interim
Environmental Health Manager—Dave Windom
• Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee applications—Alex Paysse
• Set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,April 26, 2022 to consider the annual update to the
Capital Facilities Plan—Marissa Watson
FROM: David Windom
DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EH EXT: 260
BRIEFING DATE: 3/14/2022
If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance Human Resources
Legal Other— please explain
Post and Fill EH Management position. Appoint Interim EH Manager
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
Alex Paysse has provided notice of resignation. Director would like to place Ian Tracy as
Interim EH Manager until the position can be filled permanently. Ian has a good general
knowledge of all EH programs and services. He has experience in management and his
appointment will reduce impacts to director, staff, and county services.
Minimal. 1.5 week overlap with current manager.
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community
meetings, etc.)
Approval to appoint Ian Tracy as Interim EH Manager and place on March 15th Action Agenda
with an effective date of March 16th, 2022
Reclass request form, CBA lanugage
Briefing Summary 3/8/2022
El Out of Class Pay El Lead Pay ® Working in a Higher Class
All out of class, lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department
head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County
Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties.
Employee Name: Ian Tracy
Employee Job Title. Environmental Health Specialist Department:Community Services
Please insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining
Agreement if applicable:
see attached
What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long:
Serve as interim EH Manager until position can be filled. Assume all duties and
responsibilities, in coordination with director, as described within current job description
Effective Date: March 16th, 2022 End Date: upon hiring of EH Manager
*Attach a copy of the employee's current position description*
Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date:
Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date:
Support Services Director Signature: Date:
BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:
cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll
No employee shall be reduced in salary or benefits because of being assigned by the Employer to
perform the work of a lower classification, except in the situation of lay off.
A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification, when
those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification,for the purpose of:
A. Providing work coverage during an authorized vacation period;
B. Providing work coverage during an authorized sick leave;
C. Providing work coverage for an authorized leave of absence;or
D. Providing work coverage for a currently vacant position.
Employee(s) assigned to work at least three (3), eight (8) hour days within a twenty-one (21)
calendar day period, in a higher classification will receive the first step salary of the appropriate
classification that provides at least a five percent (5%) increase for all time spent in that higher
classification. The employee must be performing most of the essential functions of the higher
classification to have that time count toward the additional compensation. This section is not
applicable to employees who are being trained to perform the work of the higher classification.
All bargaining unit employees who are required to use their own vehicles for Employer business
shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate set by the current policy for all miles driven on such business.
The County shall provide additional monthly compensation above each eligible, regular full-time
employee's base salary to recognize continuous length of service as a County employee. Eligible,
regular part-time employees shall receive a pro-rated longevity benefit in proportion to the number of
hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month as compared to that required for full-
time employment. The longevity benefit will be implemented in accordance with the following
Beginning in 1111 and continuing thru 151h years 1.5%above base_
Beginning in 1611 and continuing thru 2011 years 3.0% above base
Beginning in 21 st and continuing thru 2511 years 4.5% above base
Beginning in 26th year and continuing thereafter 6.0% above base
The County may designate an employee as a Lead Worker; such designation is not considered to
be a "job vacancy" or"newly created position"as referenced in ARTICLE 8—SENIORITY, Section
2. A Lead Worker will typically direct, oversee and/or organize the work of other employees,
although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other
factors and rationale. The Lead Worker cannot hire, fire, or discipline other employees within the
Teamsters bargaining unit. This job classification is used at the discretion of management(and with
prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners). A Department Head will post within his/her
Department a notice of intent to appoint a Lead Worker. He/she will give full consideration to all
departmental applicants before going outside his/her department. Any employee who acts as Lead
Worker will receive an additional ten percent (10%) salary for the period of time they perform that
The County shall pay for all required medical examinations including employees who are required
to possess a Commercial Driver's License, and also reimburse such CDL holders for the costs
above the basic Washington State Driver's License that are unique to maintaining their CDL
Gcacral Services-Teamsters Union Local No 252 and Masmr Cuunty 2019-2021 Collectivc Bargaining Agreement Page 25
FROM: Alex Paysse
DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EH EXT: 279
BRIEFING DATE: 3/14/2022
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
Li Legal ❑ Other— please explain
Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee applications
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
In response to current and upcoming vacancies, mason county has received three
applications to serve on the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee.
• Wes Graves — Pumper Position — Expires on 3/26 and Wes would like to continue his
• Dave Killoran — Contractor Position — Existing vacant position, no other applications
• Kim Delaney— Citizen Position — Expires on 3/26 and Kim would like to continue her
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website,community
meetings, etc.)
Recommend appointment of Wes Graves, Dave Killoran, and Kim Delany to serve a 3-year
term on the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee. Approval to place on next available action
Briefing Summary 3/9/2022
Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419; 275-4467 or 482-5269
-- -----------
----------------------- ---------------------------------------- --- - - ------------------- -------
In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council?
J 0�-
Please list any financial, prof assional, or4oluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
I(i.e. create a potential conflict of interest
Your participation is depende t upon attending certain trainings n ade available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetinis Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings?
Realistically,how much time can you i this position?
Quarterly a Weekly Daily Office Use Only
— " f Appointment Date
Term Expire Date
Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670,Ext.419;275-4467 or 482-5269
1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO OSAC(On-Site Sewage Advisory Committee)
NAME: Dave Killoran
Olympia MasterTBwTIES OR ldersMEMRERSHIPS) COMPANY: Counter-Fit Construction, Inc./15 years YRS
POSITION: Owner/General Contractor
------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
Observe,listen,learn,provide objective and common sense viewpoints
What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or Council?
A builder's perspective regarding the integration of on-site septic systems within the overall scope of custom home
Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e. create a potential conflict of interest)
None known
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings? Yes
Realistically,how much time can you ive to this position?
X Qu rly .v Mo thly Weekly Daily
Office Use Only
---_-__—_._-- __-- V-/ C�_ Appointment Date
Sig, _` Date --
Term Expire Date
Autnentisign ID:412903EF,410A-4B1E•90B5-80A417E46F5F
Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269
NAME Kim Delany
Mason C. Septic Advisory Panel POSITION. Broker
Mason C. Board of Realtors-President COMPANY: YRS
Schirm Lp Water Board POSITiON:
In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
To help guide the public and health department in environmentally friendly and common sense
approach o protecting our ground water tor f u ure generation
What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council?
30 years of experience in land development and sales
Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e. create a potential conflict of interest)
Please refer to the community service and employment portion of this application
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be
able to attend such trainings? yes
Realistically, how much time can you give to this position?
X Quarterly Monthly Weekly Dail)/03109/2022 —
A„1),en;� Office Use Only
_-_-----.__-- Appointment Date --
Signature 3,9/2022 10:46:49 AM PST Data
Tenn Expire Date_
FROM: Marissa Watson
DEPARTMENT: Community Services - Planning EXT: 367
BRIEFING DATE: March 14, 2022
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain
ITEM: Place on the March 29, 2022 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for April 26,
2022 to consider the annual update to the Capital Facilities Plan (chapter 6 of the Mason
County Comprehensive Plan).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
solutions): The Planning Department received updates to the Capital Facilities Plan from the
Departments of Public Works and Support Services. The Planning Advisory Commission held
a public hearing to consider this update on February 28, 2022. They recommended to
forward the updates to the BOCC.
The Planning Department is planning a more comprehensive update to the Capital Facilities
Plan a little later this year
BUDGET IMPACT: As shown in updated project tables.
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community
meetings, etc.) Public Hearing notice required for Planning Commission and Board. Also
posted on Planning Advisory Commission webpage and in Commissioner Agenda on website.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the March 29, 2022 Action Agenda
to set a public hearing for April 26, 2022.
ATTACHMENTS: Draft Capital Facilities Plan chapter
Briefing Summary 3/3/2022
FINANCEPLAN..................................................................................................................................... 11
WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES IES.............................................................................. ................................................................................................13
SOLIDWASTE PROGRAM....................................................................................................: .....................................................................................................19
PARKSAND TRAILS FACILITIES......................................................................................:......................... .............................................................................................24
COUNTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS............................................::.............................................. ...................................................................57
POLICE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE FACILITIES...................................................................................................... . ..._........................................................................75
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND HABITAT IMPROVEMENT......................::................................................. .....................................................................81
TRANSPORTATIONFACILITIES.................................. ................ ....................................................................................................................87
Figure 1:Map of Mason County 2022-2027 Capital Facilities Program 5
Figure 2.2022-2027 Water&Waste Water Capital Improvement Projects 14
Figure 3.2022-2027 Solid Waste Capital Improvement Projects " 24
Figure 4.2022-2027 Parks,Trails&Recreation Capital Improvement Projects 29
Table 1:County Facilities Level of service '' 6
Table 2. Non-County Facilities—Level of Service 7
Table 3. Mason County Population Growth Projection 2016-2036 11
Table 3.1 Mason County Projected New Population Growth Allocations:2016-2036 with Reallocation 11
Table 4. Capital Facility Improvement&Finance Costs 2022-2027(n Thousands) 12
Table 5. Inventory of Parks 30
Table 6.Summary of Administration Sites 61
Table 7.Mason County Space Needs Update-Area Projections for primary space needs 62
OVERVIEW See Figure 1 for a map of all 422- 27 Capital Facilities Pro.ects ,_- Deleted:2o19
in Mason CountYt. ___ Deleted:2024
-- -- ---- -----------------------
Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA) (36.70A.070 RCW) Several key improvements in the 22'_'027 C1P Deleted:¶
t __ 1I
------ ---------- --
requires that the Capital Facilities Element 'FE.) be included in the include: Deleted:2019-2024
County Comprehensive Plan. This element provides an inventory of • Sewer improvements in Belfair Deleted:rr
existing conditions and publicly owned facilities by quantifying capital • Solid waste facility improvements
facilities currently provided by Mason County or by other jurisdictions • County jail improvements
operating in the County,projecting future needs aLi-d developing a six(6) . County campus improvements
and twenty(20)year financing plan. The CFP is a planning document;
it is=a budget expenditure.Together the Capital Facilities Flement 3" • Belfair to Shelton trail development
and the 6-year financing plan(or Capital Improvement Propn•am(JP)is The CFP also assesses capacity of the County's facilities and the level of
referred to as the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). The CFI) includes service they provide is discussed and compared with the County's desired
proposed projects,funding sources,and general timelines to help guide levels of service.The"level of service"is an objective measure of how
the prioritization of limited resources for capital improvements to well services are provided to the public.Deficiencies and improvement
achieve our strategic goals. needs are identified, improvement costs are estimated, projects are
scheduled for six and twenty4ear planning horizons, and a sixyear ._- Deleted:
An Important Planning and Coordination 'fool finance plan and possible financing options are discussed.
This Capital Facilities Plan(CFP)helps shape the quality of life in our
communities.The plan provides a detailed six-year roadmap for funding Where are other,non-county,public organizations and special districts
projects that reflect the priorities of the citizens of Mason County. that have capital facilities and taxing authority that"connected and -_- Deleted:
coordinated with Mason County. These include the school districts,
hospital districts,port districts,cemetery district,public utility districts,
The CFP helps the rest of the County's major plans come to life by regional library system,water districts,and fire districts. These districts
requiring that projects have a coordinated plan for full financing and have their own governing body and capital facilities planning. Mason
ensuring that multiple projects are not competing for the same revenue. County non-county districts include: two hospital districts,the Ports of
The CFP provides a reality check for the County vision and the other Fyn, Dewatto, Grapeview, Hoodsport, and Shelton; the School
long-range plan elements of the 2016-2036 Comprehensive Plan. Districts of Southside, Grapeview, Elma, Shelton, Mary M Knight,
Planning for capital facilities is a complex task,but planning is only the Pioneer, North Mason, and Hood Canal; Fire Protection Districts;
beginning. Finding resources to pay for those needs is another critical Cemetery District; Belfair Water District; Public Utility Districts;
coordination step.`------------------ Hartstene Pointe Water-Sewer District, Maggie Lake Water District, -- Deleted:¶
----------------Ta huya-Fdver Ydtey Water District and'Prails End Ware;District--- 4
r[a/F a rG'tie�1 ilrment Parr 4_9L90 Draft
Figure L Map of Mason County JQ22027 Capital mnrovemem? - ran _- Deleted:2019
a Deleted:2024
� Deleted:lan
Gan. Pnzrter laL
Sunset Blutt Park
"' tssam s c.
Y',Bker SYstem�, Sit
Skd1e VVate�
N Park .:
,Foote ills Park'f
a�i - ek.b:nard's Landing RanfY - Alty Cmety
lan,d?" „R-ri d Park ..
-a 1Lnson take NUuli BAY Pull
oar Ram. Boat LaUncll .9—K4Y st
/ I>
SkookorRl5h Rro r Pocket Park
Ausdawood beater
/'SYstem lmpro—uts
OPason oGw
tmProv nts — PnlllPS Lake Park
YYdv(H taca�ty e mRb P&rk c
Oakland Bay
•.IrtlproVemanls '/ lostoo Cal Park
Menwrtal Hall
Mason CoG ak+r CJar,aq Park
Improvemen s `l 0 Mksr Park
� 1
Kennedy� a
- Creep Perb Grva;
(.rrfi�,ri I,niulirr 1:/;vurrd i L�- ,If 90 Draft
Facility Needs
The state Growth Management Act requires that level of service(LOS)standards be establis d�ensure adequate transportation improvements,water
and wastewater facilities,solid waste management facilities,schools,parks and trail,poli,:' -fire,and other capital facilities to meet the needs of the _- Deleted:
population as it grows and changes over the next twenty years (WAC 365-196-320). vanes};e of using LOS standards is the ability to quantify
deficiencies and identify improvement needs.The LOS can also be used as a perfi>rnr)nce standard for eoncurrency by comparing the service level being
provided by a capital facility a"'nst the quantitative LOS standard.The set-Vice is erapsi(Iered deficient if it does not meet the service level standard that
the County has determined it wants to deliver to its residents and a scr Tli'g' ..5 approach makes the most sense where there are easily quantifiable
facilities or where the state has defined the standards such as for sewer 4440mcr facilities.Tables I and 2 summarize these new measures for Mason _ Deleted:
.. .. .._.. ------------------------------
County and Non-County facilities.
Table 1. County Facilities—Level of Service 3
Facility 2016 Capacity 2036 Needs Level of Service Standard Reference
Water and Wastewater
RCN 57.16.010 and WAC_246-272-
District Plan Approval n1tx)l
Implementing TI1D ItcdUCil<m ill J 1—d Risk/Water Quality RCV'19.27.097 and RCW 5&17.110
Water Quality and Adequacy Monitoring
Sewer System(UGA) 1,5110 3,300 Area(acres)of UGA Served
Low Impact Development/Reduction of
Implcmcntin}; 'IBD RC\C�36.59
Stormwater Management Pervious;1"a
Solid Waste Management
.567 .6�i_^ .6 Tons per 1,0p0 population SWMP 2017: Properly dispose of all
Solid Waste Facilities waste received.
County Administration
231,501)sq ft or
Government Auildin n 4(a)sy 0 1xr cmpl'me
>250 sq ft Sn sq fr per emploccc State Standard
Law and Justice
Court Rooms 5
>1 per)udieialPosition 1 per 1udicial Position
District 10,0(X)cases 20,000 cases Annual Cases
Superior 2,5(N)cases 5,000 cases Annual Cases
Law Enforcement 66 total or 1/1000 TBD Deputies per 1000 Population WSPC
94 beds total or.001
TBD 5 beds per 1,0000 population
County Jail per 1,000
Detention Center 7 Beds TBD Reduction:in user intervention programs
- - Deleted:¶
Table 1. County Facilities—Level of Service(continued) ¶
Facility 2016 Capacity 2036 Needs Level of Service Standard Reference
County Roads LOS C or better LOS C or better LOS C RCVV 47.06.140 and RCW 47.80.030—
Urban Arterials *No Urban Arterials TBD LOS D *See also Transportation Element and
Transportation Improvement
State Highways(urban/rural) LOS D or better I;OS D or better LOS D/C Program
40.5"Poor"of 235 0-Poor,miles All Arterials-None with"Poor"Rating
Roads miles
64 bridges/13 0"deficient"bridge No"deficient"bridges WAC 136-20-060 and 23 CFR 650.3
Bridges deficient
Parks and Recreation
Parks 956 Acres/62,300 5 acres per 1,000 5 acres per 1,000 population National standard
Trails 0/62,300 .5 miles per 1,000 0.5 miles per 1,000 population National standard
Table 2. Non-County Factlttti s—Level of Service
Facility 2016 Capacity 2036 Needs Level of Service Standard Reference
School Districts Expenditures/Revenue Per Student WAC 180-27-035
$11,501 Expenditures
$11,948 Revenue per TBD Expenditures/Revenue Per Student
Southside School District student
S:gfilal Fadklirr 11meal Poor 7_9L90 Drat!
$10,016 Expenditures
$9,860 Revenue per TBD
Grapeview School District student
$10,043 Expenditures
$10,187 Revenue per TBD
Shelton School District student
$15,219 Expenditures
$14,876 Revenue per TBD
Mary M Knight School District student
$11,295 Expenditures
$11,996 Revenue per TBD
Pioneer School District student
$9,435 Expenditures
$9,429 Revenue per TBD
North Mason School District student
$14,521 Expenditures
$14,743 Revenue per TBD
Hood Canal School District student
Table 2. Non-County Facilities—Level of Service(continued)
Facility 2016 Capacity 2036 Needs Level of Service Standard Reference
Fire Protection Percent Population and Percent Service
19%pop and 20%land
Notch Mason General area Projected Pop Growth
11%pop and 1%land
City of Shelton area
29/pop and 2%land
1 area
5%pop and 2%land
3 area
9%pop and 8%land
4 area
29%pop and 20%land
5 area Projected Pop Growth
Cmi/a!F;�dli[ie.r Ishnr�n/ PuL—PL 0 llra0
5%pop and 2%land
6 area
2%pop and 60/6 land
9 area
29/6 pop and 1%land
11 area Projected Pop Growth
2%pop and 18%land
12 area
3%pop and 8%land
13 area
2%pop and 7%land Projected Pop Growth
16 area
3%pop and 2%land
17 area
6%pop and 2%land
18 area
Hospital Districts 1 Doctor per 3,790 1 Doctor per 1,190 Doctors per 1,000 population
Port Districts Public Benefit Projects
Public Utility Districts 9%Electric Load 20%Electric Load Renewable Energy
Financing One ofthe Growth Management Act goals,referred to as"concurrency,"
is the provision of infrastructure facilities and services to serve projected
Facility needs are identified,and a six-year finance plan is developed for growth at the time such growth occurs, or within a reasonable time
sewer,water,parks and recreation,and stormwater. This Section also afterwards. This starts with identifying specific facility needs using the
includes the results of facility planning efforts for County administrative strategies previously discussed. Another important aspect of
buildings,police and criminal justice facilities,and solid waste facilities. concurrency is the ability to monitor the development of infrastructure
Financing needs and options are included for these facilities as well.The improvements to assess whether they keep pace with approved
Section includes by reference the capital facilities plans for Grapeview, development.
Hood Canal,North Mason,Pioneer, and Shelton School Districts, to
facilitate orderly growth and coordination in the provision of future Concurrency management,as it is called,involves a set of land use and
capital facility needs. permit approval processes designed to ensure facilities and services keep
pace with growth. In some cases,development codes could be enacted
Concurrency Management
(�ahi[a(1 s iG[ier j:(emznl 1'avr 9190 Drra!!
to require that specific LOS standards be promulgated through the
development of identified improvements.
In other cases,restrictions to growth may be imposed until appropriate
service standards for capital facilities are achieved. Land use
applications for certain development proposals,in areas targeted for
future growth,could have their approvals withheld pending
concomitant development of appropriate urban service level facilities
(e.g.,sewer facilities). The municipality would be responsible for
managing the concurrent development of these urban services. _'`
Requiring individual developers to fund and implement needed '
improvements is one possible funding method among a variety of other
scenarios(e.g.,grants,loans,and state,federal,and private sources).
Under this arrangement,the final tenant(e.g.,homebuyer or building
purchaser)would ultimately pay for the new facilities through a higher
initial purchase price or through a periodic assessment. Mason
County's policies for concurreney management are contained in the
following section.
Development Process
Mason County evaluated its existing facilities,its future needs,its costs,
and the types and levels of services which it should require or provide
in the county.The goals and policies listed herein are the result of this
process.Policies listed under General Capital Facilities apply to all
facilities addressed in the Capital Facilities Chapter. Facility-specific
policies apply only to those facilities.
Lm,/Fi,i&i,I:knal &g, 10LqL90 Diu!
FINANCE PLAN - Deleted:Financing¶
-- ----- --------�-- -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -- - I�acthty needs are identified,and a six-year finance plan is developed
24% 2036 inerease for sewer,water,parks and recreation,and stonnwater.This Section
A key feature of the Capital Facilities Plan(CFP)is providing public also includes the results of facility planning efforts for County
administrative buildings,police and criminal justice facilities,and solid
facility capacity to meet anticipated demand based on capacity Arta 1 waste facilities. Financing needs and options are included for these
assumptions and population trends.The CFP relates to the Land Use elten 430 facilities as well.The Section includes by reference the capital facilities
h plans for Grapeview,Hood Canal,North Mason,Pioneer,and Shelton
Element,uses the same population growth and distribution projections, 5;hp-h-en UGn School Districts,to facilitate orderly growth and coordination in the
and plans for 6 and 20- ear needs provision of future capital facility need ¶
P Y t--__------------------__-_._--_._.__.__ w;.. Urban - __.._. ....__-____- -..-.-------__- Gmcurrene Management¶a s.
One of the Growth Management Act goals,referred to as
GMA requires the CFP include a requirement to reassess the land use elements ^concurrency,^is the provision of infrastructure facilities and services
if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure to serve projected growth at the time such growth occurs,or within a
r reasonable time afterwards.This starts with identifying specific facility
that the land use element,capital facilities plan element,and financing needs using the strategies previously discussed. Another important
plan within the capital facilities plan element are coordinated and aspect of concurrrncy i the ability to monitor the developm ,,, 6I
consistent.This section analyzes the foregoing inventory,needs,and ____ Moved(insertion)[2]
levels of service,along with the expected revenues and expenditures Moved up[i]:I;iiiancind
within the next six-years,to determine if reassess m is necessary., Table 3 Soong Population Growth Allocations.20I6-203G ;t Deleted:11
.._ -Mason-----_ .. .. - ..... -- _.--- - Concutrcncy Managcmtmrl1
q P�rs4n1
6 Population Increase Moved up[2]:r,uncurrenc%Mana;ni, v'
Population Growth Assumptions �.,. increase M6 20A t l: Formatted:Font:+Headings(Garamond),14 pt
`, Ly Formatted 63
Estimated capital facilities needs for this plan are based on the' Mason County
population projections shown in Table 3,,-Because the Capital I acthnes w TQ91 g 0 i ° Deleted:¶
Plan is part of the Comprehensive Plan,and GMA requires that all tl 01 ll 3
Shelton UGA i ooI I Deleted:¶
parts of the Comprehensive Plan be internally consistent. The Capital Deleted:¶
Facilities Plan,Capital Improvetn�;.�'rogram and'1'ransportatioa. , Allyn UGA t r I 3 t (l GS
ti, , Belfair UGA 1 flf ( �I Formatted 64
Improvement Program must contifi use the population � —
projections that have been adopted by ounty(and dties)as part of Rural County Deleted:Table 3. Mason County Population Growth P 65
the Countywide Planning Policies and the rehensiv6,Plan until Somwsr u iuhington tale OaL{f Financial Afanagement Qu rlshel on.and i3 4(k t'C: I Pla Formatted:Emphasis
new ones are adopted. Formatted f0
Formatted:Emphasis,Font:10.5 pt,Not Bold
Formatted:Emphasis,Font:10.5 pt,Not Bold
Coital Fn rlitie.+Elen/ent Pna.1�1 DWA. ri
,Th5 following facilities are included in the financial planning._---_- Financial Impact_Overview____________-- Deleted:
■ Water and Wastewater Systems The financial impact for capital facility improvements have been — 4
analyzed for the six year planning period.Information on transportation➢ Belfair Sewer 20 Year Finance and Rate Forecast Y Y P g P P Deleted: ...rail r5l
can be found in the Transportation Chapter.A summary of the six year Deleted: Page Break 8
➢ Cost Calculations for Build Out improvement costs,revenues and financing is listed in Table 4.EET 2 displaying Deleted:11,060
the cost by capital facility category. �'
➢ Real Estate Excise Tax 1 ET R ,and / ' Deleted:i t,6o
.09 Sales Tax Revenues. (Appendix A) Deleted:1 l,oeo
Table 4. Capital Facility Improvement&Finance Costs r, Deleted:1,975
■ Solid Waste Management Facilities �22,2927(in Thousands)
qr'i Deleted:1,975
■ County Administration Capital Deleted:1,975
Improvement Finance !r
q i
Facility Expenditures a Deleted:7109
■ Police and Criminal Justice Category Costs /Revenues # ,,
B ry t r,'' Deleted:7,109
■ Stormwater Facilities Water C 7 �u ?7.420* -_ (1 ! a9 Del :7,109
Wastewater u,
■ Public Works Facilities Systems e ' Deleted:21,976
■ Parks and Recreation Solid Waste ,650 Deleted:21,976
Management Deleted:2ZO03
r , �
County t 5 __ 5 021 ! „ ' Deleted:hnmcil...inancial analv,i,. Seven)alternatives has
Administration --- ----- - o,,' Deleted:1,716
Only County owned and operated facilities are included in the longer 1•?64* �_264+ _
ran 1 anal sis. Several alternatives,havc been suggested to deal Stormwater —-_ - ____ ,� Deleted:=716
ge —--y —-------- ----------with the problem of providing water and wastewater service in areas Public Works .4 Q5 7t i - Deleted:2,716
-- --- -- -
outside the existing utility service area in which growth is forecast.The (Road Funds) Deleted:12,605
service area for the solid waste utility is county-wide, Deleted;1,bos l_ Park, ;I'rnls .�•�Z-
a Total - --66,19 Deleted:12,6o5
,..: �. Deleted:Recreation
e finance plan identifies reasonably reliable funding sources, and Note aNntoq, r,nn,cx are Lrn,r, _,-21)17onh S'nnc„tthc( ,� Deleted:57,441
forecasts revenue and expenses to at least the year 2027 Funding varies _lnipn)yernci,t l coaaan ssorLhc s ,rre-provide j- &Partn,cnt,-wid,.-.
depending on the facility. The different financing_methods,public or costs/rcvonuc bet•r,nd the 6 year financing peri�,d_--_ _ ______ Deleted:57,441
private,could have significant implications on the cost of utility service. • 1 hcsc figures are based„ff d,e data provided in the previous 2019 update. "De�leted:
Potential funding sources that could be used to fund unanticipated needs No additional d:u.,„as provided by these dWartments for this sptcific'0 ding terries depending on the facility.ne
and shortfalls are also discussed, 20r 7 ate 9
cdt&d Primes 1_"kz n/ 1 o"I O[90 Ibuli
WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES i"„ Water&Waste Water Capital Improvement Projects Deleted:2019
The County owns and operates two public water systems,
Rustlewood and the Beards Cove system. These systems serve
an average of 590 residential connections. The County also
owns and operates three sanitary sewer collection and
treatment facilities,North Bay/Case Inlet Water Reclamation
Facility,Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant and the
Belfair Water Reclamation Facility. North Bay/Case inlet
Water Reclamation Facility provides wastewater treatment to
protect Case Inlet from sewage contamination and to facilitate
urban development within the Urban Growth Area(UGA). �5
The Rustlewood facility protects the water of Pickering
Passage and the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility protects the
water quality in Hood Canal and facilitates urban development
within the UGA.The Belfair and Case Inlet Facilities serve the -
present and future populations in both urban growth areas.
Both the Belfair Water Reclamation project and the Case/Inlet • rwnn
use advanced water treatment science to produce Class A sews s
reclaimed water Future sewer extensions for the Bclfair area
will occur in phases.
teusfi,o6u Ww
The following"Water"and"Wastewater"sections provide `` "' SYs�mlmwmemenu
project-level detail on the planned improvements necessary to t
meet state regulatory guidelines in the provision of water and
wastewater services for these systems.
Each project in each section is accompanied by a separate
project sheet,which provides a description,and justification,
along with a table depicting the estimated costs and funding
sources for planning period 201_ rough' 27. A mm
P gP �-_- su
-------� �o��., Deleted i�-
table that provides overall costs and funding sources for each Deleted. J:
water and sewer system follows each section.
C4pilalIilcarer l;kmeal 1 ra 13qL90 1)rzru
Financing the planned utility improvements requires the use of grants, "Engineer's Estimate"—Most accurate estimate,in the range of+or—
loans,utility fees,system development charges,developer 15%. These estimates are based on a project design or significant
contributions,and capital reserves. The specific combination of funds, completion of design work..
and the availability of grants and loans,will affect user rates for each .
system as well as the timing on projects. The ability to initiate specific
projects will be assessed annually based on the urgency of need,reserve
funds available,and commitments from funding agencies to provide
grants and/or loans. The decision about whether or not to proceed
with any planned project is the decision of the Mason County Board of
Commissioners for consideration in the annual budgeting and rate-
setting process. To the extent possible,projects will be funded
through: ` ,
Rate revenues(capital reserves) % w
Low interest loansZ
Developer contributions Deleted:¶
County issued revenue bonds_ _- Deleted:¶
Each project cost sheet identifies the accuracy of the estimated costs
... t
shown,based on the following scaled "` = Deleted:¶
"Planning Level"—The least accurate of costs estimates,in the range of
+or—40%. Cost estimates at this level are usually based on a project
concept and some assessment of relative scale,or annual program
amounts commensurate with a level of activity sufficient to accomplish
the intent of the program over time. ram`
"Design Report"—Moderate accuracy,in the range of+or 301/6.
Based on design report evaluation of options and an assessment of
project elements and associated costs.
((,4ilal f 4i rkYinr hkr1w7I 114gL14 O'PQ Qt4
• _ - --------- .¶
_7022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMI.NT PROGRAM Deleted: Break
Fttnd: __________.403-North Bay Sewer System-- `^
d____ r_ _.: :-_ ________________� Deleted:2019-2024 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN
-------------- --------------------
� R'CrRI:SHi:iiT¶
Project Name: Treatment Plant Upgrades
Estimates: Planning Leve MAIVAGEME"
Description: Analyze potential future development,and the options for providing additional treatment plant capacity and provide
engineering to design the improvements for construction in subsequent years. Secure funding for final design and Deleted:
construction,which is likely to be a mix of grants/loans,utility rates,and REET funds. Prepare final engineering and
construction documents,and construction improvements needed to accommodate planned growth_________________
- Deleted:Deleted:¶
Justification: The existing plant is expected to reach design capacity for treatment in 2019.This work is necessary to facilitate continue
growth within the urban growth area(UGA). •1'his'project will conduct the analysis and design the next 20-year increment of
capacity for the plant.This project will also identify the most critical capital replacement needs for the existing system and will
ensure a consistent level of service for our current customers.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Re%enuc Resources 2022 2023 2014 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL
Bares H 1 )(1ti
Grans Lm,ut Reccnuc 2)00 ��1111
Total Resources 0300 3000
Planning and I)csi,m
'1 errrB LNIlf
(,t,iistructi to 1111N1 300I
Total Expenditures 30000 3000
Cy4il l I ini&ies Lhmeal Pavr15-490 Ow/1
Deleted:T riol
rr Deleted:2024...027 CAPITAL FACILITIES ,.rill
r Deleted:
r i
r rr
ZCAPI_lAL '1 V ' ' nGRAT\I WORKSIII 1 '1' _ Deleted:2ozo
r Deleted:2023
Fund: 413—Belfair Sewer 1 Deleted:zoza
Project Name: Belfair Collection System Expansion ,�� ;
Estimates: PlanningLevel ry---------------------- - ------------------- Deletld:2027
Description: Design and develop documents required for expanding the Belfair Sewer Sy st ansion and provide construction Deleted:2028
Management Services. Capital Facilities Plan includes a collection system expansi 025 to the North Belfair UGA and
.., - _..--_---_ Deleted:2029
possibly the Puget Sound Industrial Center in Kitsap County, ___� ________.__--_._ 4 Deleted:2030
Justification: In 2012 the county completed the first phase of the Belfair sewer system Collection system expansion is necessary to facilitate ! Deleted:50
continued growth within the UGA and the financial viability of the sewer system Collection system expansion may go to the i,,, Deleted:150
Puget Sound Industrial Center(PSIC)in Bremerton and north Be]fair area.L �•'
-----------------------------',,�, Deleted:100
`lR, Deleted:srxr
Estimated Project Costs(in thousan Deleted.
Revenues/Resources 022 023 024 25 026 027 3 TOT
Deleted: i;o
Sales&Use Tax 0 (H)
Leg App or other grant ---* -- '1t-------- -----L----- -- ---------------------------- Deleted:5,000
CityofBremerton (N) --- 200 --- �N) --- ; -----L-----L-----L- �1,'S(1�1\
Total Resources � �Q �44-- r�-----L------c--- _._L---.------.---- ��'
_--- - -Expenditures p"�,
Collection System Design ) _ -- ----- „ Deleted:400
Collection Sys Construct IX1 x I 1(N) 500 -_-- L --___--_ _ ___-_-___- 11�1 ,
�` Deleted:600
Total en es -__'_� .Y.<- E''�'_- Q,.-.,t' -szm>a..mm+l 'L----------------------------------sass - Deleted: '�u
ll� Deleted:1,9oo
j�r'� Deleted:600
C,4nillI iidh7if I:kmen/ 1 90 I�tuf!
c{PL 16� Deleted:400
�)- Deleted:5,150
r: Deleted:5o0
/a Deleted:boo
------ ---------- --- ---------------------
a Deleted:19
Fund 413—Belfair Sewer Deleted:FACuaTtEs
Project Name: Belfair Treatment Plant Expansion Deleted:Pr.�N
Estimates: Planning Level--------------------- - --------------------------------- Deleted:
Description: Design and develop documents required for expanding the Belfair Treatment Plant Expansion and provide construction
Management Services. Capital Facilities Plan includes a treatment plant expansion in 2032r_- `-_- Deleted:¶
Justification: In 2012 the county completed the first phase of the Belfair sewer system.When originally constructed the membrane bio-
reactor plant only had membranes installed in two of the four membrane basins. This expansion would consist of installing
membranes in the other two basins and making other improvements to accommodate the increased flow.
listimated Project Costs fin thousands), __, Deleted:¶
Revenues/Resources 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 TOTAL
Sales&Use Tax 90 90
REET 2 90 90 300 700 650 1,830
Leg App or other grant
Total Resources 90 90 300 700 740 1,920
Treatment Plant Design 90 90 180
Treatment Plant Construct 300 700 740 1,740
TotalExnenditures 90 90 300 700 740 1,920 _-- Deleted:Expenses
(_ahil d I4nrk'!i: 1 ik•menl Purr 17j490 Ibull
Deleted:2019...022-202724...CAPITAL FACILI I I LS
.,, 12
Fund: 413—Belfair Sewer Deleted:2024
Project Name: Belfair Sewer System Debt and Repairs Deleted:2025
- Deleted:2026
Estimates: Planning Level -- -
� Deleted:2027
Description: There are an insufficient number of customers for the Belfair Sewer System to r the debt that was used to pay for the Deleted:2028
construction of the wastewater system and larger repairs. Sales and Use Tax and 2 funds are used,therefore,to pay for Deleted:2029
the debt. Because the debt load was created as a result of a capital " -gked in the Capital Facilities Plans so l p it is bein
the County is aware of the Sales and Use Tax and RPJ;Y 2 needed to pay for it. The table projects out to 2033 to show what ,
the expected Sales&Use Tax and REST 2 contributions will be needed until the debt is paid offs i' Deleted:450
----- I -Deleted:400
Justification: In 2012 the county completed the first phase of the Belfair sewer system with a combination of grants and loans. The system I
t Deleted:300
is not financially viable unless Sales and Use Taxes and REET 2 are used for debt and capital projects. Table includes existing I!, Deleted:350
debt costs of system and large repairs and maintenance costs.
Estimated Project Cog�„(in thousands, Deleted:6,310_ _ h'rr�,
01, Deleted:800
Revenues/Resources -. Am -Qk .._ _._. -> _ -_ � .,ZQ -_ --------- "�u, geo
Sales&Use Tax 450 1 450 ( 450 49 450 ( 450 450 1
. -_--__ 1 --..----..__�15rjr...---:--- -...-- 0
REET 2 t 1) -- --J00 700 __700___700__( { 11}____.___..__-=_-�,820_____---- 0
Total Resources 1,h50 1,QQ�, -1,150 1,Q$S►, 1,150 _ "- 1,Q{tp_LO-61--�-_-4 1__�----_-a----__----_o v
PeEx ndituresDebt Pa ments 9 3 9 9 9 983 9G 9G 7 3G. t8 I 1� 0
Y -81_ -t-_ 983gal, 1_ A_ 7-- --2' - —- - rto
Repairs&Maintenance l 12 125-- 15- -- 14 _ 1�9, I t 150 I50 150 �_�__ :\ Deleted:610
Total,E g n 'ure- -- 1 ¢== LIK =11 __1- =111 _ --�-4WO p,' Deleted:8
to n
.. -- --------- - --- -- - - Deleted:2
n" Deleted:250
d�+ Deleted:100
Cuhr[,tl F4trrk'[rrr li4m�n[ Parr 18-490 1>rul[ At'. Deleted:is
pia. Deleted:5
A, _
All Deleted:1,150
owl Deleted:1,060
001 Deleted:15,130
��. Deleted:
---------------- _--_-_ ------------- --------------------------------
SOLID WASTE PROGRAM a plan review/update eve>y five years. Mason County will initiate the Deleted:¶
next update in 2023. 2'
Mason County's solid waste program provides transfer and rfisposal 'T'he counts ittlpleniented flow control effective April 1.2020 increasing
<(nerations for solid waste at four transfer station locations. The largest loads and ton.;be approximately 28%at the Eells Hill facility. Growth
transfer facility is located outside Shelton on Eells Hill Road. Material, in the 130ftir area and elsewhere in the County will continue to increase
collected fron)the other smaller stations at Hoodsport.Union,and operatioml and capacity demands. driving the need for capital
Belfair are transported to the Shelton facility.where�mrbalrc is jmpror cn)cutat _- Deleted:Mason County's solid waste program provides transfer and
prOCCSSL'd Into C011ta1nCfS that are tillclCL'd t0 Ca'nt1'aha W/\. MaS0T1 disposal operations for solid waste at four transfer station
locations.The largest transfer facility is located outside Shelton on
County Garbage provides collectum services to Mason Count,, Figure 3. 022- 027¢¢olid Waste Ca ital Improvement rov_e_m_en_t Projects Eells Hill Road. Materials collected from the other smaller stations at
Y - ------ Q- p Hoods port,Union,and Belfair are transported to the Shelton facility,
residents and busn)esses and hauls to the l Ells T Till facility as well. i t" P
From there,the material is trans or7ed via railroad to Roosevelt where garbage is processed into containers that are trucked to
p I Centralia,WA.From there,the material is transported via railroad to
Landfill in Klickitat County WA. Roosevelt Landfill in Klickitat County,WA. In addition to transfer
and disposal of refuse,household recyclable materials are also accepted
Household recyclable materials are also accepted at each tr211ti r I at each transfer station location. Mason County Garbage removes and
disposes of these materials via our Blue Box Contract.Recyclables are
Station location. Mason County Garbage removes and disp(���=U1 I taken to the regional facility with the most favorable commodity
these materials via our`Blue Box"Contract Recvclables an rl kt r1 tf, prices.¶
the regional facility-with the most favorable commodity price. i Household hazardous wastes are collected by Mason County staff at
the Shelton transfer facility.Residents in North Mason County ran
.t take their hazardous wastes to the transfer station.This
Household hazardous wastes are collected h%,Nlason Count-my staff at Mtsa t p County
arrangement is established through inter-local agreement and Mason
the tihelton transfer facility. Residents iil North.%Lion County can County pays approximately$60 per customer for collection and
take their hazardous w rstes to the Kitsap Count'transfer,t.moii. Th, disposal of materials from residents who take their materials to the
arran cement is established throu rh in a ,cement anti \Laois Kitsap County facility. Disposal of HHW is performed by several
1., different companies.¶
Comity 12Us approximately SO)1)(T cuafimcn'for a,llcrn(n and I
.-Fv +.r :- The Shelton transfer facility is located at the former Mason County
disposal of matetials from resided t8 wlI Cl ke their to Itc ilalo't talc' `.,r' ni Landfill.The current utility provides post-closure monitoring and
RYaun 44 f,:nv
Kitsap(bun facility lit Rio')1 f l I 11\\ is perfogwcd be r�'t=r,il gny��ynt6 a capital construction in support of the closed landfill, The Shelton
ei facility receives wastes collected by private and municipal haulers
m different co anics• r r,G ua v ).ra ry,, ei ¶
p ei operating inside Mason County.¶
mrgrcrraereaiG ^' ql
Mason County has a Landfillf,li,surP erve Fund perStatt a%ci,. t m <objec0Gmwthin the Belfair arm and elsewhere in the County will
- t ibmr.is,i,m, '11 continue to impact operations at these facilities and capacity
ensure proper closure of the old landfill at'Fells i Till 1(,et-clo,,tire w ��t ° improvements may need to be addressed in the future.¶
monitoring and other activities are conplctc td final clo."urc tctivide's " Deleted:2oiv
are mile vay. i
' Deleted:2o24
The county adopted the 2018 Comprehensivc'Solid(Fasts i Deleted:Mimicipal&Waste Management
Management Plan prepared by the Solid Wastt \dt isory Conunitt' t...
The Plan identifies"needs and opportunities"sever i of which have
been addressed. The revised code of Washington RC'W 70.95 requires
LAil d I;iLklirt h1menl Puvr 194L90 1 tra%t
he following pagesprovide details on specific projects proposed for the _- Deleted:The county will continue to review the feasibility of
current capital facilities planning period. Project estimates range in "privatization"of the solid waste Operations the County manages.
accuracy from + or—40% to + or—15%. Each project cost sheet
identifies the accuracy of the estimated costs shown based on the
following scale:
• "Planning Level'—The least accurate of costs estimates,in the :
range of+ or—40%. Cost estimates at this level are usually ° .
based on a project concept and some assessment of relative
scale,or annual program amounts commensurate with a level of
activity sufficient to accomplish the intent of the program over
• "Design Report"—Moderate accuracy,in the range of+or—
30%. Based on design report evaluation of options and an
assessment of project elements and associated costs.
• "Engineer's Estimate"—Most accurate estimate,in the range of
+or—15%. These estimates are based on a project design or
significant completion of the design work.
_ _ Deleted: —cage Brea'
Cdo5i[el bdi ier L Law PutTr 20 o 90
Fund: 402-Solid Waste w � '
Project Name: Eells Hill Transfer Station Improvements
Estimates: j2e51gr1 Repott _ `�q � "" -_-_. _.--_ _-' Deleted:Engineers Estimate
--- - ----- -s ---- --
s -- -
Description: This facility is the central hub for all waste,including hazardous waste,collected from other satellite transfer stations,and the
City and Mason County Garbage before being exported for disposal. Projects include oving the tollhouse and scales,adding
additional lanes for traffic and truck turning and storage areas,new or modified tipping building(s),improving household
hazardous waste facilities.and developing i more efficient area for diversion of recyclable materials as well as installation of
scale software,lights and reader,;-stemsy _- Commented[L54]:Update
Jjustification: Safe at this facility as well as efficient handling of waste streams is a concern.As the County grows in population the transfer Deleted: This project will include moving the tollhouse and
g P P scales,adding additional lanes for traffic and truck turning and
station gets busier,requiring upgrades to maintain adequate capacity for the waste stream coming int - storage areas,new or modified tipping building(s),improving
household hazardous waste facilities,and developing a more
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) efficient area for diversion of recyclable materials as well as
installation of scale software,lights and reader systems.¶
=tiu s Resources 2022 2023 202,4 2025 2422 TOTAL ` Deleted:I
Raves 25L) 300 `W 1,3N)
(;rant In,in Revcnnc -�2fa1 ,�fltl
Total Resources 250 300 C 00 5 5
I II I\\ Iluil�lim. Im �ci mcnt< _S11
Ileev\ f�kllu�nment = 2L
Nett'Transfer Station 1)«i;,n 31 a 1 _1111 S1 u 1
C.onatruc n,m 421() 4.50(
Total Expenditures 250 300 4 M -S 300
ilall4nrk'lrtar lslemanl Pair 21 90 1 w//
Fund: 402-Solid Waste
Project Name: Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plea.
Fsrimates: Planning;Lcvcl
Justification: The revised code of Washington Rc_\V 70.95 rre um,s it plan review/update every five years.The current plan was adopted in
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Revenues/Resources 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL
(�r.uu;Ln.:n Itr�cnuc 50 50
Total Resources 100'
Total Expenditures 1(N) 100
C.irfaG�l I inrk7re.r 1 iGmen/ 1'u;;�22 n 90 1>rd!
Fund: 402-Solid Waste
Project Name: Belfair Transfer Station Site Improvements `
listimates: Planning Level a .v
Desciipdon• Evaluate Belftir facility services growth. ftcilit� ncedS(current/proir ted),and summii6e recommended site improvements
and estimated improvement cost.
IuStifKatiOtl: Flow control and growth have increased the demand fm ,cry icc�in Bclftir.
Rstimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Revenues/Resources 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2Z TOTAL
Rare 50
(�nuu LuauRrcenui
Toml Resources @Q 59
hcllJir Transfer Stuinn Improvement Plan 50 50
Total Expenditures 50 50
Deleted:Revenues/Resources 13
(.alyla/I a,ililm� I a melll Psi 23 n %0 I>r1ll
Figure 4.7022- ? Parks Trails&Recreation Capital Improvement Projects _- Deleted:zot9
r. --�Z---'---- --
System Description— Deleted:2024
Recreational opportunities in Mason County include parks for
day-use activities and overnight camping, fresh and salt water -, Sunset Blurt Pmk
areas for boating and other water sports;facilities and equipment ! san drop
for sports and play activities; and wilderness areas and other
open spaces for hiking,hunting,ORV use,and horseback riding„ Deleted:¶
Existing parks and recreation facilities in Mason County are
F oot`'INs be
available through a variety of public and private entities Federal Iter
and state facilities include camping boating and day-use pazke r �~r,l,genal re Landing Harvey / Ally d ek Park
The County-owned park system includes day-use and water,' ;Re.na9adP•ir sbn
J ;1 load Park
access facilities, sports fields, and related recreational areas. Miason Lake
Other agencies providing park and recreational resources Union Boat Ramp /` Boat Launcn is l
include municipalities,port districts,and public schools. Some Union
private recreational facilities are open to the public as welly t��: _- _- Deleted:¶
Mason County adPlanh '
opted a Parks and Recreation in ��.`O 3." __ Deleted:ha.
November of 2006,which was updated and adopted again in l 9
2013, and a Mason County Regional Trails Plan in March of \
2008.The County is eurrenth in the proces>of dr tftin;a mast,
Philips L ake Pads
Parks.Recreation.Open tiptcC and]i ul (I'RCW�5 plan rha€v,-ill
replace the 2013 Parks and Trails comprehensive flan. "lhl Pao f Oald are Bay __ Deleted:troth of th-c
adol2ted plans are incorporated herein by reference. ;� Histodwl Park 4, ---- _- Deleted:!',
County Park Facilities 1 crae�y P
} N.hlker Park
The County currently manages 22 park properties in Mason
County two of which are undeveloped, and four others have
large portions that are also undeveloped. Of the developed
parks, two are large baseball/softball complexes, six provide
saltwater access parks,three are located on freshwater lakes,and
three provide upland day use and recreation facilities(see Table
C=uhrl d Iivi#lks 1:kment 1 24 o Drall
5). In addition to the day use facilities, the County also owns and opened 2013.Both provide passive recreation,trails,water access and
maintains one above-ground skate park.The conditions of these facilities other amenities.
vary by location;however,significant investment in facilities has been
made in the last six years from Real Estate Excise Tax proceeds(BEET
2) and grant proceeds from the Recreation and Conservation Office There are no facilities for overnight camping throughout the Mason
(RCO). Future investments made from the REET 2 fund will be County Parks system.The last county-wide park plan was developed in
dependent on actual tax proceeds and additional project funding(i.e. 1991 and subsequently updated as part of the 2016-2036 Comprehensive
grants).The CJJP continues this trend of investment in park development _ p]an Update Camping_options will_he exa**�+nPd in the long term_--' Deleted:F
and facility upgrades. The heavy use and demand from both county and :-'development plan being crafted for these and other park properties with
non-County residents are particularly high during the spring, summer large portions of undeveloped land.
and fall.
Residents and non-residents have consistently rated trails and water
Park visitation continues to either remain static or increase,depending access as the highest priorities in public outreach that has been done by
on the park location. Mason County does not charge a use fee(except the County. I7he survey-conducted c_on_d_u_ct_ed_as art of the-Comprehensive rehensive Plan_ Deleted:
at sports facilities and this has led to the increase in ark use. MCRn t y P J
P ) P revealed the two highest public priorities are access to water and trails.
Park is the highest used park with an average of about 140,000 visits per
year and Sandhill Park also receives significant attendance with about
90,000 visits per year. The boat launches at Mason Lake and Latimers INVENTORY
Landing are very popular with the boating public and are highly used.
Both Boat launches have had extensive renovation work over the past 6 An inventory of all Mason County parks including federal,state,private,
years. The remaining two boat launches at Union and Shorecrest<are and County-owned parks is listed in Table 5. Also included_ re the___- Deleted:
unimproved,but are still used by the public extensively.Mason County number of acres and amenities available at each park location.
also has a nice inventory of community parks with play equipment,picnic - - - __ DdeW:y
facilities and other amenities, examples include Walker Park, Truman
Glick Park,Union Park,Menards Landing,and Rendsland Park. Mason
County Recreation Area,the largest baseball/softball complex has grown
in use the last several years and is now recognized regionally as a
preferred site for major tournaments. In 2012,two new synthetic turf
infields opened and this has increased the interest in using the park for
tournaments. The spike in fuel prices in 2008 and the global recession
has also led to increased park use as people are staying closer to home to
recreate.Oakland Bay Historic Park and Sunset Bluff View Park were
C_i4ilal I inik'!ric Lkxlew Pagr 25 oL90 O wll
Name of Facility Acres Amenities Available
Washington State Parks
Belfair State Park 62.77 Camping.134 tent sites,47 utility sites,primitive sites,wheelchair accessible trails,trailer dump facility.
Fudge Point at Harstine Island 136 Undeveloped
Harstine Island State Park 310 Currently undeveloped. Future development plans include:day use area;walking/hiking trails;50
Hoodsport Trails 80 Natural area with trails.
Hope Island 106 Undeveloped. Future development plans include:trails;picnic tables;rest rooms;6 to 8 campsites;group
camping for 150 people.Washington Water'frails site.
Camping.20 tent sites;group site formal.64 people,2 picnic shelters,facilities for handicapped,
Janells Cove 42.6 wheelchair accessible trails,marine pump out station,2 docks providing 500 fit of moorage,14 mooring
buoys. Fee required.
Lake Isabella 193.75 Currently undeveloped.Future development plans include:full-service park,camping,picnic area,
lakefront beach,and restrooms. Plans will be completed in the next 10 to 20 years.
Lilliwaup Tide Land 1.79 Tidelands for public use. No facilities.Small shoulder area for parking.
McMieken Island 11.45 Currently undeveloped. Boater destination;clamming. Plans to develop include:5 to 8 camping sites,
composting toilet.
Potlatch State Park 56.95 Camping:17 tent sites;18 utility sites;primitive sites.Underwater park,trailer dump facilities.
Schafer State Park 119 Camping.47 tent sites,6 utility sites,primitive sites,day use group area,trailer dump facilities
Squaxin Island 31.4 Closed indefinitely.
Stretch Point 4.2 Natural area. Day use only;5 mooring buoys. No plans for future development.
Twanoh State Park 182 Camping:30 tent sites,9 utility sites,primitive sites,handicapped facilities,and wheelchair accessible trails.
Total 1201.91
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife
Aldrich Lake 0.5 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 15 vehicles.
Benson Lake 78.8 Boat launch,beach access,parking for 100 vehicles.
Cady Lake 1.6 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 10 vehicles.
C4tilol I`adklier Lkmen/ 1'jjX 26 ol 90 r;
Clara Lake 9 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 30 vehicles.
Devereaux Lake 1.3 Boat launch,beach access,parking for 40 vehicles.
Haven Lake 4.1 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 50 vehicles.
Island Lake access 1 Freshwater boat launch,toilets.
Isabella Lake 1.6 Boat launch,parking for 20 vehicles.
Lake Kokanee 44 Boat Iaunch,parking for 100 vehicles.
Lake Limerick 0.5 Boat launch,beach access,parking for 30 vehicles.
Lost Lake 1.3 Boat launch,parking for 40 vehicles.
Lake Nahwatzel 2.0 Boat launch,parking for 10 vehicles,toilets
Maggie Lake 0.4 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 15 vehicles.
Mason Lake Boat launch,parking for 30 vehicles.
Panhandle Lake 20 Undeveloped.
Panther Lake 3.8 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 30 vehicles.
Phillips Lake 1 Boat launch,beach access,parking for 40 vehicles.
Pricket Lake 0.5 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 30 vehicles.
Skokomish River 64 30.6 feet of riverfront,shore access,parking for 20 vehicles.
Spencer Lake 2 Boat launch,beach access,parking for 50 vehicles.
Tahuya River 2.9 4,400 feet of riverfront,parking for 10 vehicles.
Tee Lake 3.6 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 20 vehicles.
Twin Lake 3.6 Unpaved boarlaunch,parking for 15 vehicles.
Union River 01.9 8,098 feet of riverfront,parking for 10 vehicles.
Victor access to North Bac 5 Boat launch,pit toilets
Wildberry Lake 10 Undeveloped.
Wooten Lake 1 Unpaved boat launch,parking for 60 vehicles.
Total 320.8
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Aldrich Lake Camp =24 1,700 ft waterfront,hand boat launch,4 picnic tables,4 campsites,toilets,drinking water,lake stocked
with trout,parking for 16 vehicles.
Camp Pond Day use only
Cqpilal I t/i7l!(lP.t 1.Amea( 1',�27 0 90 Ihuf(
Camp Spillman =10 800 ft waterfront,6 campsites,4 group sites,toilets,drinking water.
Elfendahl Pass Staging Area 5 11 picnic sites,self-contained RVs okay,toilets,drinking water
Howell Lake 3 group sites,10 campsites,hand boat launch,toilets,drinking water,parking for 20 vehicles.
Kammenga Canyon 2 campsites,toilets
Mission Creek Trailhead 1 Parking for trail access
Robbins Lake 1.1 175 ft waterfront,hand boat launch,3 picnic tables,toilets.Day use only.
Tahuya River Horse Camp =12 1,600 ft waterfront,9 campsites,2 group sites,toilets,drinking water,20 horse corrals.
Toonerville 5.7 570 ft waterfront,4 campsites,2 picnic sites,toilets.
Twin Lakes 6 camp sites,3 picnic sites,toilets,hand boat launch. Lake is stocked with trout.
Melbourne Lake setting,1,000 feet waterfront,5 campsites,toilets.
Lilliwaup 7 Stream setting,500 feet waterfront,13 campsites,toilets,drinking water.
Public Tidelands#24 Water access only.
Public Tidelands#33 Water access only.
Public Tidelands#34 Water access only.
Public Tidelands#43 Road access,clamming.
Public Tidelands#44 a,b Road access,clamming,crab pot fishing.
Public Tidelands#46 Water access only,clamming,oysters,shrimp pot fishing.
Public Tidelands#47 Water access only,clamming,oysters.
Public Tidelands#48 \Cher acces nly,clamming,oysters
Eagle Creek Recreational Road access,clamming,crabbing.
Rendsland Creek Tidelands Road access,clamming.
Total =65.8
United States Forest Service
Big Creek Campground
ifs Ill I;ni&ins I:4w1oll 1 u 28 0 96 1 tr.r
Rrm%n Creek Campground 6 78 camp sites,toilets.
Hamma Hamma Campground 5 Picnic area,12 campsites.
Lena Creek Campground
Lower Lena Lake Campground 6 Hike-in only,40 camp sites,pit toilets.
Upper Lena Lake Campground 7 Hike-in only,14 camp sites,pit toilets.
Total 24
City of Shelton Parks and Recreation Department
Brewer Park 0.3 Picnic tables,mature vegetation
Callanan Park 6.9 Ball field,play equipment,restroom,natural area,basketball court
Northcliff Neighborhood Park 1.75 Undeveloped site
Huff and Puff Trail 1.8 2 miles of jogging trail on watershed
Kneeland Park 3.9 Large play structure,picnic areas,restroom,horseshoes,open play area,landscaping,off leash
Johnson Park 0.5 Basketball court,mature trees
I oop Field Ball field,athletic Field,play structure,restroom,picnic shelter
(h erlook Park 1.L3 1 Iistoric marker overlooking dove mown&mills
Post Office Park .07
Vogtlin-Angle Park 1.0
Shelton Point/SR3 Entry 6.0
Skate Park .68 11 al-v L',ground ramps in Shelton
Catalyst Park I.r
Pine Street Boat Launch 0.4 Unimproved boat launch site on Oakland Bay
Sixth Street Park .1 I Picnic shelter,barbecues,creek
I.agle Point 8.0
Ravenna Trail .5
Shelton Creek Trail .7
(4fi4i/14igiazi�tc Lk-mew Pa2c 29—ol',90 I)tali
Brockdale Road&spring Road— .66
pedestrian path
North 131h Street—pedestrian .3
Total 40.27
Port of Dewatto
Port of Dewatto Campground 1 Camping.11 with hook-ups,19 tent sites;2 rest rooms;nature/hiking trails;23 picnic tables;two picnic
shelters;,1 kitchen;fishing. Future plans to add more stoves and picnic tables,and to place gravel around
kitchen. Fee required.
Port of Shelton
Sanderson Field 1,170 Flying: 5,000 feet of runway,tie downs,skydiving;rifle club;model aircraft society. Future plans to
provide increased hangar availability.
Oakland Bay Marina Boat moorage,boat pump out
Total 1170
Port of Allyn
Waterfront Park in Allyn 3 400 feet waterfront,moorage,dock(for up to 15 boats),picnic,gazebo,parking for 20 vehicles. Office
building planned.Boat pump out
Kayak Park .3 150 feet waterfront,small parking lot,picnic tables,portable toilet facilities.
North Shore Ramp Be]fair/North 1.'_ 150 feet waterfront,boat launch with floating dock,beach access,parking for 20 vehicles with trailers.
Shore Boa hump out.
Port of Hoodsport
Ingvald Gronvold Waterfront _ 1>�,ck,saltwater beach access,tidelands,2 portable rest rooms.
Port of Grapeview
Fair IIarbor Marina 5 Boat launch and parking area
C_ani!�l I i71741tr l ilrmcn1 Pa e 30( 90
Mason County
Latimer's Landing overflow 2.5 Primary use is to provide parking for neighboring Latimer's Landing,parking for 20 vehicles.
parking area
Foothills Park 80 1 field which serves as a multiuse field;basketball court rest rooms;children's play area;picnic tables;
parking for 50 vehicles.
I larvey Rendsland Diggs Lake 8 Currently undeveloped;1,905 feet waterfront.To include parking area for five vehicles,picnic area and
vault toilet.
Latimer's Landing(Water) 3.00 Saltwater access boat launch for vessels no longer than 20 feet,parking for 35 vehicles,portable toilet,
boat dock;additional parking available at neighboring Latimer's Landing overflow parking area.Renovated
in 2008.
Mason County Recreation Area 40 7 baseball/softball fields which also serve as soccer and football fields;children's play area,bleachers,
(MCRA Sport) maintenance shop,user's storage facility-,seasonal concession stand,4 batting cage;parking for 100
vehicles. This facility serves as the headquarters for the Mason County Parks Department. Fee required
for scheduled field use.
Mason Lake Park(Water) 17.36 Renovated in 2011. 1.36 acres currently in use;freshwater access/boat launch for small watercraft,dock,
play area,rest rooms,4 picnic table;parking for maximum of 50 vehicles. The County owns 12 unused
acres that can be used for expansion of the park(possible trails,picnic area,and remote camping area).
Phillips Lake County Park(Picnic) 0.4 Passive day use area,picnic area,located nest to State of Washington Boat Launch with vault type toilets.
Sandhill Park(Sport) 30 7 baseball/softball fields,one multiuse field,bleachers;parking is available for 100+vehicles;concession-
restroom building;4 fields and parking renovated in 2006;walking path around park.
Jacoby Park(Water) 2.8 320 feet waterfront,boat launch for vessels no longer than 16 feet,saltwater beach access,3 picnic tables.
Truman Glick Memorial Park 35.46 Natural setting,creek,trails,picnic tables,covered group shelter,barbecue pit,vault toilets,RV area,and
(Picnic) children's play area. Future improvements include:possible construction of group camping area and
interpretive signagc along trails.
Union Community Park(Picnic) 1.92 Picnic shelter,children's play area;small baseball diamond,basketball court;rest rooms.
Union Boat Ramp(Water) 0.16 Boat ramp for access to Hood Canal,portable toilets,limited parking.
I Iunter Park .5 2 picnic tables,bus shelter
Walker Park(Water) 5.04 Saltwater access to Hammersley Inlet,gravel beach,picnic tables,barbecues,rest rooms,shelter,children's
play area,interpretive center providing marine information;parking for 15 vehicles.
(;Olt/h'ealirr lilrmrn/ Parr 31 oL'90 Ihull
Oakland Bay County Park 80 Habitat preservation area and education center Opened in 2012,includes interpretation areas,trails,picnic
opportunities,parking,two vault toilets and improved access road.
Sunset Bluff Park 36 36 acres of undeveloped property with 1500 feet of waterfront on Oakland Bay.Plans include beach
access,trails,picnic area,water access,small parking area and vault toilet.
Watson Wildwood View 36 Undeveloped
Menards Landing Park 8 Recently transferred from the Port of Tahuya to County. Parks provides beach access,picnic areas,
gazebo,portable toilet,access to DNR tidelands,small boat launch for kayaks and canoes;7 acres
Ilarstine Island 6.9 Undeveloped
Decker Creek Preserve 500 Open Space/Natural area
Coulter Creek Natural Area 55 Tidelands,natural area,passive recreation.Opened in 2012 and includes parking for 6 vehicles,vault toilet,
wildlife viewing,water access improved entry path.
Total 949.58
Mason County Public Schools
Belfair Elementary Playground.
Sandhill Elementary Playground.
Ilood Canal School 2 baseball backstops,I football field,bleachers,playground,track,parking for 30 vehicles.
Oakland Bay Junior High t
Olympic Middle School
Hawkins Middle School
Pioneer Primary 2 b:t�cball backnops,covered play area,playground.
Pioneer Intermediate
Grapeview Elementary Playground
Southside School 1 baseball backstop.
Bordeaux Elementary football field,soccer field,playground,track.
1?vergreen Elementary Playground.
\louniain V'icv% ISlementary 5 baseball backstops,football Geld,soccer field,play;r�>und.
I _0j&1 Hniklies 1,kmenl J jgee 32-j490
Shelton 1 ligh School 6 tennis courts,2 baseball backstops,football field,soccer field,bleachers,2 swimming pools,track,rest
Mary M.Knight District 2 baseball backstops,1 football field,bleachers,playground.
North Mason High School 2 baseball backstops,2 tennis courts,football field,soccer field,bleachers,playground,track
Private Facilities Open to the Public
Theler Center 135 Wetlands interpretive trails
Shelton/South Mason Soccer 14 6 soccer fields,1 under development
Glen Ayr Canal Resort 10 Adult-only RV park with hookups;no tent camping,motel,2 rest rooms,2 showers,laundry facility,
saltwater boat launch,beach access,tidelands,spa,fishing,clamming,oysters,dock.
Lake Nahwatzel Resort 2 Camping.12 utility sites,5 sites without hookups;2 rest rooms,2 showers,boat launch,freshwater beach
access,nature/lulcing trails,8 picnic tables,restaurant,fishing,swimming,cabins.
Little Spencer RV Park
Minerva Beach RV Resort and 20 Camping.23 sites without hookups,50 sites with hookups;5 rest rooms,6 showers,laundry facilities,boat
Mobile Village launch,saltwater beach access,60 picnic tables,driving range,scuba dive center.
Rest-A-While RV Park and 15 Saltwater boat launch,moorage,dock,70-80 camp sites with hookups(may be used for RVs or tents),4
Marina rest rooms;4 showers,laundry facilities,beach access,clamming,oysters,fishing,boat rentals,nature trail,
60 picnic tables,2'covered picnic areas with kitchen,concession stand. Future improvements include
easier access to marina,and boat fuel.
Union Marina Boat pump out;moorage
Total 196
Olympic National Park-Staircase Picnic area,50 campsites,parking for 60 vehicles.
Skokomish Saltwater Park ;bipicnic tables,rest rooms,saltwater boat launch,saltwater beach access.
Mike's Beach Resort Boat launch,SCUBA diving,cabins,camping,beach access for guests
Robin I rood Village 16 RV sites,cabins,camping,beach access for guests
Co&d I-ini&ieo Lkmenl Pare 33-496 Drat
Squaxin Island Arcadia Point Boat .34
(.4ilalI-ildAulir.f U-Menl PrTr34490 Ihul[
------------------------------ - --
----- ---------------------------------- ``. Deleted:2024--
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Pro
P P gnL--------- --- ------------------------------- Deleted:PLAN
Project Name: Sunset Bluff Park Development Deleted:FACILMES,
------ ----- - ------------------------------
Estimates: Construction Level Deleted:¶
- -- - ---
i�: -- Deleted:
Description: Develop 35 acre park along Oakland Bay with beach access,trail development ari gr passive recreation opportunities.Main Deleted:¶
4mprovements to include improved entry road,formal_parking,beach access,andpt cilities---------------------- Deleted:
--- i
JJustifications: Coup Parks and Recreation Plan laced high priority on water/beach access and trail development Deleted:¶
County P g P tY P •------------------- Deleted:
Estimated Project Costs"(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 205 2020 2027 Total 2022 ... 14
Planwag and ILsien _3 Deleted: ¶
\aluisuinn �
1'reliminan I(n};1u•crine
>;u Prcl)A I'iiliti�>i AV'ell
(_mstruclinn I:nyjtic,—crine
(,wilt, inn 165 I65
Total Costs 198 3`$
In I lokisc 198 1
Lny s
Total Funding 19 r TJ�� 198
(_gtaal I a,i ie-1 ik•menl L fir 35 a 96 13ru1!
-------- ----------------- -
Deleted:20 l o
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program
Project Name: Watson Wildwood County Park Deleted:Pi
Estimates: PlanningLeve ____ __- ______ -- ¶----------- ------ Deleted:
Description: Scope of this project includes planning/design and development services.Phase one is a master plan for the Park.Phase 2 would
include development of a parking area,restroom,trails,and passive recreation.Park is 35 acres and was donated to the County.
Development would provide infrastructure for public access _- Deleted:¶
Justifications: There is no current master plan of record for this park site and it is the only County Park between Allyn and the Pierce County
border.Site also has potential as a trailhead for a Regional Trail in the areal - Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Eroenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 22026 2027 Total
Planning,Design ------ r5f, __- Deleted:43
Site Prep&Utilities/Well Deleted:33
Construction Engineering
Construction 278 279 Deleted::
Total Costs,_...------------ _.-------- y -- Deleted: .
,Revenues/Resources -- --- --- -- -- -- __ ....._._.. __.._ - - Deleted.43 .. .
In House Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 278 ��� Deleted:43
Total un i :._
- �-- Deleted:Funding:
` Deleted:43
(.4ilal 14niklio I ikvienl Purr 36 gL90 1?iu%l
----------------------------- - -
---------- ---------------------------------
��� � Deleted:F'ACIId•1'IE.S
.i ` __.,....__..
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program,_
;. .: Deleted:FACILITIES,
Project Name: SW Area Park Study—Truman Glick Improvements Deleted:
1µ -= Deleted:
Estimates: Planning Construction Leveh - ---------------------- Deleted:
Description: This project includes planning/design,development and construction services.To include development of�rails,si ar and ___ Deleted:
,basketball/gickleball court,
Justifications: There is no current plan of record for this park site.Site also has potential as a traithead for a Regional Trail in the area. Deleted:
■---- ---------------------------- Deleted:
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) -
Ewe�diuvcs 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Planning,Design (fit �_ Deleted:
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction ,�l� - - - - __ _ 3,t1� - Ddeted:143
Total Costs, __-_ ___ a _ _ _ s s_ .__ _-v y x u .- Deleted:143
,Revenues/Resources - Deleted::
In House .6 -_..- ____. - --_ _--, •.;:_. •\ Deleted:143
Grants Deleted:199
Loans �� Deleted:Funding Sources:
Total ndin 36 36
�-.--h - --.- --� .:.::. ..::..::: .._ .-- --- __�,..u� -_-s�_.:.� _ _ —�,_ Deleted:143 -
�` Deleted:199
Cuhi/d!14�ik'uc I:lemen/ La 37,qL90 D1ul!
�'ARKS&TRAILS DEPARTME 1, Deleted:2019
-------------------- ------ ----
Fund Name: REST 2 Capital Improvement ProgrartLg Deleted:P'.�ACII,TTTP,S-
r, ---- \ Deleted:PLAN
Project Name: Sandhill Park Renovatioq_
_..:_ -_._ _ - ------------------------ Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Levu `
------- - _-,_ --------------------------- Deleted:¶
Description: Scope of this project includes planning/design and development services to complete the renovation of Sandhill Park.Main Deleted:¶
work would includersgnthctic football,fidd,11(A 11h.n nroond,mainn Hance shon.:utd'. t fi tht�nft - ------ -�` Deleted:¶
Deleted:the renovation of fields#1 and#2
Justifications: This project is fisted as a high priority in the County Parks and Recreation Plan.Addition of new_equipment to existindli ,- Deleted:New backstops,ADA access,irrigation,and
complete field renovation would be included.¶
Deleted:Plan recommended improving existing facilities
v ' .x.. before developing new facilities.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
• - .« »:. _ - -- Deleted:¶
Expe11 cc,tavcs 2022 2023 2024 2025 2326 2027 Total
Planni,ig.Dctii n .�5 v, 526 i2(, Deleted:¶
Siic Prc1'&Ciliiics/\C�'cll 20I8 .. 15
f,r�ttctru�tii�t:nt�irlrcr'i� I,,tr�
(_nnslrucliun 1798 -1798
Total Costs 5324 5
U rani s 4798 4798
Total Funding 5324 5324
Cirfil,il I;i,i&ie.r hknran/ 'a;�r 384L90 Diull
- ------ ---- --------------------------- ------------- - -- ---
,P TRAILS DEPARTME, -- -------------------------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PfogfarrL 4
---------- !Project Name: Harvey Rendsland County - ------------------------------------
Park Planning and I niptovernents, Deleted:i,i.
Estimates: Planning and Construction Levels
----------------------------- - Deleted:I
Description: Would involve completing a park plan to facilitate public access to the park and e development of a parking area,picnic Deleted:
facility,and passive recreation and support facilities, ---------------------- Depleted:T
Justifications: This Park was donated to Mason County in 2007 by Washington State Parks.It provides water access to Diggs Lake.Water access
is the top priority in the County Parks and Recreation Plan.Additional developed park space is needed on the Tahuya Peninsula.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2 2025 2026 2027 Total
Planning and Design 30 _30
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering Deleted:276
Construction 159
Total Costs, Y'. Deleted:
'R C N-c I I I I C!, —IC so r c Deleted:276
In House
Deleted:Funding Sources:
r "0. AN Vii
Total Funding T------ ------M.- ------ --------- Deleted:276
(.4tilal 1"I'mill Pa 394L90,
'02'_-.2027 CAPITAL IMI']ZO\'�h4F?N- ---------------------------------------------
------ 2019
------------------- ----------------------------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program -_-
-- -- -- ------
Project Name: Phillips Lake County Parise ' Deleted:r>
----- ------- ------------------------
Estimates: Construction LeveL________________ a��------- ---.-. ---------------------- Deleted:¶
Description: Scope of this project includes basic park improvements, including park amenities such as tree removal,picnic tables,park Deleted:
benches,trash containers,and signage,c Deleted:9
--- ¶
Justifications: This is a small and cost effective project cor3sistent with goals in the Comprehensive Plant --------------
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expendititrey 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Plannii 4--Design
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 1 1 10
— __-- Deleted:to
Total Cost.. . . 10
._.___._.. .. -.._... _-. ....__ .._...._.__ _._..... r_. -: - _.,. - .-: .. .::. - :... .... ..: ,.... _..._:,= Deleted::
cvenues Resources - Deleted:to
In House 10 10
-- -.-.-. __.- _--___ __ Deleted:Funding Sources:
Total Funding 10 _ Deleted:
- - ------- -- � Deleted:10
i!<i!I it i&ies 1:1"menl Purse 40_490 IbuR
Deleted:2019...022-2024...027 CAPITAL
BARKS&TRAILS DEPARTME __ _____________________________ IMPRO ENIF-NTFACILMES...PL.L.�: 16
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Pro Deleted:¶
P P grant---- -- -- ---------------------------------
Project Name: Oakland Bay County Parr n
' ¶
- --- --- ------ -----------------
,' Deleted:Project scope would involve a two-phase
/ development program for the park The first phase would
Estimates: Planning Leve�.......... �� ---------------
---- � concentrate on public access facilities,the entry road,parking
area,restrooms,and signage.The second phase would
Description: The Oakland Bay property was purchased jointly by the County an4'the Capitol Land Tmst.Thi,Project would concentrate on concentrate on trail development,environmental edu .. r171
interpretive trail,environmental education facilities,mid intt�rurctatiye dismays-- Deleted:¶ 18
_- _________-____._______-_.J ...
Justifications: Project listed in the County Parks and Recreation Plan as a high priority for implementation. Deleted:84
----------- ----- J '' Deleted:590
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deleted:1079
' v
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total h�/ Deleted:
Planning and Design 63 ,�_ n„ Deleted:489
Site Prep&Utilities/Well ni it Deleted:s90
Construction Engineering d ;' Deleted:1163
Construction i I(. �( „1 r/ Deleted:Funding Sources:
Total Costs,...._._ : a w m.m - �, .-n m m..-x m,m.a m-. .,_, - , . t ..m.r... �`s" Deleted:244
,Revenues/Resources - __ ._.__.._ __ __ _ -- . _.- .---.. __ Deleted:295
In IIousc 316 3 f
-... .. _..... --_...__ .....__-.. . ............._.- . _. _-.._._.,_�'.._''-- Deleted:602
Grants .__._._.. .._._._ .._- ------ _ _....._...___..._.._ ._.._._ .._... .... ....... .... : .. - Deleted:245
Loans Deleted:29,
Total Funding; _ ._.-. ._-. .. _._.._.• 379 �37tr_ Deleted:561
a/wal 1 I:Iemenl Ila 41 0 90 Ura/!
- --------------- -----------------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program - Deleted:r•.�Cll.[I n s
Project Name: Menards Landing County Parr
- Deleted:PLAN
.wa; T__--- ------------------------ Deleted:FACIIIT'IES,
Estimates: Construction Level Deleted:¶
Description: This park was transferred from the Port of Tahuya to Mason County in 2006 Project scope includes improvements that would Deleted:¶
incorporate ADA access improvements,new picnic facilities,non-motorized watercraft launch site,and new park amenities such Deleted:¶
as park benches and garbage cans, _. Deleted:¶
justifications: Project listed in the County Parks and]Zecreation Plan as a priority for implementation.
---------------- -- Deleted: ¶
----------------------- -
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 ZM 2026 2027 Total
Planning and Design Cho !
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 3 12 112-f--=_..-.- Deleted:112
Total Costs _- _._._314_.__.-...._ .,. - Deleted::
In House a-_ Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants - - _ Deleted:56
Loan" Deleted:56
Total Funding, 3?l - Deleted::
(.toilad l4ni&ier lilenenl /1W 42_aL90 Dail!
--- ----------- - ------------------------ �. Deleted: i9
Deleted:FACILITIESFund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograttL
--- --- ------------
i Deleted.IT\\
Project Name: Mason County Recreation Area(MCRA)Imp, 'w, ---- ---- --------- ----- -\\\\ Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Level
--------------- - ------ ---- ------ ----- ---- ------- Deleted.�
Description: Project scope would involve needed renovations and improvements;o MCRA Par c improvcmcnts include:new field lights. Deleted:9
restroom renovation.new bleachers_play eduipnn•nt surf t ng Halt.scoreboards concession building.Projects include Deleted:11
restroom-concession building,padki g and master plannin,,i Deleted:The improvements include:new field lights,
--- --- .._._..... ... . ....... .....—
restroom renovation,irrigation improvements,drainage
jt listed in the C Parks Recreation Plan for implementation upgrades,new office,new bleachers,play equipment
Justifications: Pro 1ec County s an ecreaton surfacing,asphalt,scoreboards,and concession building.
Projects include outfield irrigation,restroom-concession
building,fights on fields 2 and 3,parking and master planning.¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deleted'¶
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Deleted:Zoo
aac+u a na a ar n n yc ury, - ar; s ,a" X. • MAW
Planning and DCSi�tl ^° odrca r s`� x }I f $'� _ N.,° ,. _,.9. fie :200
Site Prep&Utilities/Well Deleted:472
Construction Engineering
Construction tL 034
Total Cost. ..�Z „„ „ -_„ .,„ „ „, _ m
__.._ .. . . .... ...._. ... _....... ..._.. __ _ _. _ - _ ,: . .. .1�Z .v-'�- Deleted:an
'R_evu ieJRcsources
In House
r_... Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 8417 843
Total Funding,, $437 6R �
- -- - ----- - Deleted:Tao
�\ Deleted:an
Liefile/I4nililir.r 1arnxn/ Yfl. 43j�90 1>rul[
------------------- ------------------------------- --------
Deleted:2m 1
` Deleted:EACiLMES
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograrrL
Project Name: Mason Lake Boat Launch RenovatiotL- Deleted:PLAN
- ________ ------------------- Deleted:FACILMES,
Estimates: Planning and Construction Level
Deleted ¶
:.m- - - ----------------- - :
Description: Renovation of restroom facility,play equipment,picnic shcltc� Deleted:¶
------ ------ ---------------
Justifications: Original building from 1970's needs ADA upgradest _--, \` Deleted:¶
-' Deleted:I
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) n
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Engineering
n re .
_ , w 6' s e a r`.. ra
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering,
_. a a _ as+r
Construction 165 � _ Deleted:273
Total Costa-- T - - - -- -------- - --- =<._- Deleted:
,Revenues/Resources \` Deleted:273
In House 206 �tH
_�:"._ Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants Deleted:200
\ Deleted:73
Total Funding 206 _ Deleted::
C4LLil Lziiklies 1 kila / 11 44-490 1)14
''�,2027 CAPPl'AL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WORKSI IEE'1; Deleted:2ot9...0zz-202a...027 cnP[T_u
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograrrL __ '------- ----- Deleted:
Project Name: Jacoby Park(Shorecrest)Improvements, �< Deleted:
- ¶
Estimates: Planning and Construction Level Deleted:,including a boat launch,dock and pier... 21
----- ---------------- Deleted:¶
Description: Project scope would involve implementation of Park Improvement Plan based on Park Site Plan developed in 2008. Deleted:200
Improvements would provide more amenities at the park than what currently exists %rr Del :200
Justifications: Project listed in the County Parks and Recreation Plan for implementation. i ;, Deleted:99
«' Deleted:99
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) a If' Deleted:1003
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2020 2027 Total r/rr Deleted::
Planningand yI �' I1�'r Deleted:$n .�. v. .�.; .. c_... .._.. .._. .,_ �-?a
Site Prep&Utilities/Well 1k, Deleted:1003
Construction Engineering .. T ,r t u,' Deleted:1302
- _ __.
r r,,,
Construction -I65 +�6-5 !p„ Deleted:Finding Sources:
Total Cosh _._ �. �._ :.z
ece _x. Deleted:l GG
nue f Rcsourctes Deleted:752
In House . 93MR,
-- -- --- - �; , =- Deleted:918
Grants . 65 !La -,;-- Deleted:133
Total Funding 558 Deleted:384
(.uN6'rl I ieililie, 1'ug45qj'90 Ihul!
-------------------------- ---- -------------- - Deleted:l9
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograrrL
--} Deleted:FACILITIES,
Protect Name: Foothills County Parl+< i( ``?;, VDeleted:1
------ 2`�, -- ------------------------- -
Estimates: Construction Leve).
-----. .. - ---
-------- --
Description: This park serves the Hoodsport area as the primary Community Park and has ay area,basketball court,restroom building :¶
and open field area. Improvements would involve addition of amenities to improve the user experience;this would include
picnic facilities,ADA improvements,signage,and renovation of the existing turf.There have been suggestions to locate an off-
leash dog park at this site,but no formal action has been undertaken to accomplish that t __- Deleted:I
Justifications: Project listed in the County Parks and Recreation Plan. ,
Deleted: ¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total
Planning and Design 118 13f3
Site Prep&Utilities/Well Deleted:250
Construction Engineering
Construction • 711 - I I Deleted:s:
Total Cost-
Revenues/Resources Deleted:317
In House J38 Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 711 Z .
Total Funding ----------------- ___• 849 � - Deleted::
('at l r/141,ililies 1!Irmew Puvr 46-490 Ibull
------------- .._ ..,�._.. .. - ------
---------------- -- -------- --
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Prograrrl_ -_-------__-
Project Name: Coulter Creek Park Development Deleted:PLAN
-------------- Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Leve
1--------------_ �. tDeleted:
Description: Develop additional waterfront property and to develop trail network and board ed:¶
justifications: Waterfront ark land and trails were rated hr*hest nonry m the Coun Parks and
P l p ty RecfCation Plan. ed:ll
._ -- ---- ----- ------- Deleted: ¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 20226 2027 Total
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering 309 St.)
Construction 15 1u 1„i40 Deleted:376
Total Costs 1848 ,�4"$_: Deleted:
revenues Res source
1 - �------- Deleted:376
In I louse 224 ^4 `
�.--..-_ Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 924 .=I Deleted:18s
Total Funding, Deleted::
L oilril Ltaklms 1 homey/ P1%r 47_gL90 014
------------------- ----------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Programt
3 z ` Deleted:hl.:AA
Troject Name:------ Walker Park Imp rovement�--------- ---------- -- -------------------------
}; Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Level Deleted:¶
Description: ADA upkiades.picnic shelter,basketball/picklcb..ill court ,\ Deleted:¶
-- Deleted:¶
Justifications: Picnic
shelter and other improvements consistent with the County Parks and Reerea 'Plan, --------- Deleted:Restroom renovation,ADA upgrades.¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Engineering 207 207
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 1015 l i�:u DeleW:723
Total Cosh... .._ .. .12.42, ......_.. ... - - - _.. _ :„ -- Deleted::
evenucs/Resources Deleted:723
In House 021 ,�2 Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 621 621 Deleted: -23
I.,oans --
Total Funding 1242 __ _- Deleted::
` Deleted:723
C.apal l I4nrklrr 1 S!•snen! PJ,,g^r 48490 Qtg8
----- ----------- ------ SIE'I
-c,; Deleted:2019
------- ------------------------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program
Project Name: North Bay Trail Project Deleted:PLAIN
• �^ Deleted:FAC=IES,
Estimates: Construction Uve).................- ____- ------ -----_ _______----__ d
___ Deleted:
Description: Pathway connecting Port of Allyn with Coulter Creek Park.A concept plan has b completed investigating how a non-
motorized pathway could be built along the County Road Right of Way to connect tli ?oft of Allyn Park with Coulter Creek
Park to the tip of Case Inlet.The first phase would be just over two miles long.This trail could also be the beginning of a
larger trail network connecting Allyn with Belfair.The County Trails Fund,administered by Public Works could be one of the
primary funding sources for this project.State grant funding is another possibility.The addition of trails and water access were
high priorities in the recent parks plan and this project would provide both a trail and access to waterv_ __ Deleted:9
Justifications: High priority project iron,1, t11 the 2006 Park Plan and 2008 County Regional Trails Plan and the 2013 Parks&Trails
Comprehensive Plan.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Esrenditurcs 2022 2023 2M 2025 2020 2027 Total
Preliminary Engineering ._ ___ _.-_---_-__ _ __ .__....._.__ .. __.....`)5 __. .. 95.. ._-- Deleted:95
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering 25_ -_--.__ _.95 _-- Deleted:95
Construction . 845 845 Deleted:g45
Total Cosh 1035 Deleted..
- .
- .
�2evenucs Resources ____ Deleted:1035
In I-louse 1035 _-_l03$ Deleted:Funding Sources:
lAaris n 2r s,lk. c ;z��Qla l &a 4rg8g.,. a� k :u�� ...' ay.. . ...
Total Funding,
1035 1035 Deleted::
C.it il�rl I4nifilio!:Amen/ Pa4e 4q a 90 1.)rul!
-02?-;QZ- PI'I'AL1h11'ROV1i�11:N'1' 'ROG1tA�i WORKSHEET Deleted: ni,
------- ----------- ------------------------------------- -
Deleted:i v ij,i'i'ii,
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Progtdtty >, --------------------------- Deleted:
---- --
Project Name: Trails Development and Shelton to Belfair Trail Program, - Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Levey. - Deleted:¶
- ------------- Deleted:¶
Description: Trail development program for Mason County Deleted:¶
'Justifications: Begin Implementation of a trail development program as per the County Regional Trails Plan. Deleted:¶
Deleted: ¶ 22
•----- -... ------------------------ Deleted:to6
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deleted:2350
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2022 2028 Total Deleted:5o
Planning and Design ;r, Deleted'2600
Site Prep&Utilities/Well r`'i, Deleted:
Construction Engineering ',-s"' Deleted:2350
Construction 35) 51 " °i Deleted
� _ :50
._..-.. .._... .. — J u
Total Costs, •,.:. _. . .. : .. .. 50 �I�►..P;
12c�'en tics/Rcsotnccs Deleted:Funding Sources:
In Ilousc Deleted:1200
Grants 1150 1150 Deleted:50
l oans Deleted:1556
Total Funding 2.�0 So 2 Deleted:1150
. Deleted:50
-- Deleted:9
C_4l:elrill4niklier Lk•niew I rLlf50-OL90 1)ruR
---- ----------
- ----- - - - - --- --
,P &TRAILS DEPARTME Deleted:2otg
------------------- -------------------------------
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograrrL........ "
Project Name: Union Park Improvements. .
--- -- -
Estimates: Construction Leve
1---------------- :: --- -------------- -------------------------- Deleted:¶
Description: J�;park and ADA upgradest - � � Deleted:
',mow.---- -,--------------- ----
Justifications: New or renovated restroom and ADA4 6provements. Deleted;Rrnovate restroom,
- Deleted:
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Engineering 3357 i37
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction IG.tG 1CF�f;G _ - Deleted:587
Total Cosh 20 •? ' :.- - Deleted:
J2cvenucs/Resources - -------------- --- .__ Deleted:587
In House �.a3�a��g#�` ^r M.I.,29 L .` ;�J..e L3 r Deleted:Funding Source
\ Deleted:770
Gnints ;�,�,€si ; Deleted:147
Total Funding, 2023 Deleted:
Ca4i1,1I i<i4w,I;knnn/ 1 4 59_490 brill
F- _------------------`----------------- ---
c Deleted:2019-
33 Al
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program b +
Project Name: North Mason School District Football-Soccer F3 Id ILenovatiork' a
Estimates: Construction Level
--------------- --- ---------- --, Deleted:ll
Description: Partner with NM Mason School District to renovate one football.soccer field moely the main stadium field.Community Deleted:9
use would be allowed when school district is not using the facility, 'z w Deleted:9
--- -' Deleted:¶
Justifications: Need for community soccer-football field in North Mason County as identified in the County Parks and Recreation Plan.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2020 2027 2028 Total
Preliminary Engineering
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 1001) 1000
Total Cost �� 1000 __ Deleted:
_ � y _.- _.. .. -- -- -- -
Funding Source
In House `91 ��r s '.°... a
o.tom.:.,. ..._. a. ...
° >...<.. _...a &,d MRtt .1.§ �r
GMnts 9 MMc s aW, a�mx' sE �E� xxa Sa,....,,A. ���� 1000
Total Funding, 1000
—_ _-_ I � Deleted:
CA�ilal I'ndk7ier f hmal 1'a"e 52of90 014%!
`< ` ` Deleted:FACIi.T'i'TFS
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement PrograrrL
Project Name: Water Spray Park Development: ----
-__ --_- -_ -- -- ---- -- Deleted:FACILrnEs,
Estimates: Construction Levey,
----------- ' ------------- --------- -------------- - Deleted:¶
Description: Develop a water spray park in Shelton Area of Mason bounty and in Belfatr Area of Mason County;_ Deleted:¶
-_.... - .... _� Deleted:¶
Justifications: Consistent with the County Parks and Recreation Plan. Deleted:
"-- Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total
Preliminary Engineering .. ... .v. r, _ I.,,... 9Ea 90
Site Prep&Utilities/Well lit 150
Construction Engineering 50 50
Construction 800 800
Total Costs, 142Q 1090 Deleted::
.Revenues/Resources -. .. . _ _ _. -.... -_ - Deleted:Funding Source
In House 545 545
Grants 545
Total Funding 1 __ _ 1090: _ Deleted:
- ----------------- - Ty '" Deleted:¶
Calyol I,dyklio l ik•nient I'/z 53-gL90 1)?gli
t .
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Prograrra_
Project Name: Belfarr Skate Parr Deleted:PLAN
_ -------- - Deleted:11
Estimates: Construction Level
------------- ----- .------ ------- Deleted:
Description: Skate Park for Mason Coun%_ Deleted:¶
Justifications: Consistent with the County Parks and Recreation Plan
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
rxpcnditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2 28 Total
Preliminary Engineering ,55 55 Deleted;55
Site Prep&Utilities/Well . .._... _... _ _ --. _ - - _... -... _ _ -I.i-' 132.....___ Deleted:132
Construction Engineering ___ >__ 3 83..__- Deleted:83
Construction 31)6 396
Del ed:396
Total Cosh - - - -- . 660 666
- Deleted:666
In I-louse 333
e.__. ...... ............ .._._. ....-.-.. ....--....._ .._._..... - - -.-.-_ Deleted:Funding Source
Grants _ __ _------ 3�3 - --- 33.3 Deleted:333_
Loans Deleted:333
Total Funding,__________ s...m.. s--„m4 __ 666 _ Deleted::
C.unild I;aiklies laemenl 11(e 540('90 01r1/1
'1022- 027 CAPITAL Ml'RO\'l MIN"1' '1ZOG1211A4 WOItKSII��� Deleted:2ul':
--------------------------------- `;
--- \. Deleted:2024
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program, - ,1 f __`' _________,--._- Deleted:PLAN
Project Name: Latimer's Landing Boat Ramp,
------ ---------------------------- \� Deleted:FACILITIES,
Estimates: Construction Level � �. fie °
----- ---- ---- - ------ -- ------------ -- --- Deleted:¶
Description: Scope of this project includes platmin g/{, design and` opmcr> enovatc tlht �ing County Boat Ramp floats and install Deleted:¶
Security Ilighting, ; " __
----- ,m? ---- --- ------ -- .''-------------------------- Deleted:Scope of this project includes planning/design and
`m development to renovate the existing County Boat Ramp in
Justifications: Project listed as a high priority in the County Parks and Recreation Plan.Project would enhance water access and boating. Union on Hood Canal.¶
------------------------------' ¶ 23
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deleted:35
Expenditures 2022 2023 20241 2025 2020 2027 Total Deleted:60
Planning,Design 11
Site Prep&Utilities/Well Deleted:260
Construction Engineering Deleted:TOTAL COSTS
Construction 51)9 - - ') i , Deleted::
oral aster 680- ----- -- ----------- ------_. Deleted:177
,Revenues/Resources Deleted:320
In House 690 _ x. `` Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants . -- -------- ------------------------ .. Deleted:133
Loans `\ Deleted:205
Total Funding 66 6 LO Deleted:44
:. Deleted:115
` Deleted:320
(_will!tinililrr.r Isl=111 111;;L55 o 90 Otu%l
---------------------------------- -
Fund Name: REET 2 Capital Improvement Program,
Project Name: Union Street Ends Park at Orre Noble% Deleted:n
Estimates: Construction Engineering Leve�
________ .. ... �. Deleted:¶
Description: There are four street ends in the Union area that citizens are interested in converting to small water access pocket parks.These Deleted:¶
sites can also facilitate access from water to lands well for kay —
akers and canoes.These sites could enhance the Cascadia Marine Deleted:
-- _ . -- ---------- ---- ---
Trail.The plan is to begin workingon the Orre Nobles site -' Deleted: ,.
Justifications: County Parks and Recreation Plan placed high priority on water/beach access and trail development.Union Improvement Club
supports this project as well.
------------ -------- - Deleted:
Estimated Project Costs(in thousand. _. Deleted:.,
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total
Preliminary l'msineerinc
Sitc h-co&lllilirics/
t:r,nsJryrctinn l�'.nf_InC� a 5
Total Costs 5
In I louse, 5 5
l Wier
I,i rans
Total Funding s _ € _ 1 5
Li il,J I a,ifilk,I ilmirnl Pa%e 56 o L90 Ibuli
- -- ------- ------------------------------------------
C U-N-TY---A--N-D--A-D--MIN--ISTRATI-------V-E--BUILDIN--------GS administrative offices are,the 3,d&Pine building(the Sheriff Office),
O- Deleted: F241
------------------------------andPublicWorkscampus---------------------------- Deleted:-
• ---------------------------------- -----------------------------------
System Description Moved down[3]:"1'aG&G.Summary ofAdminittrorion Sties
Mason County owns several buildings,most of which are located in the 1,a c i 1 i t ,Needs Deleted:T bl,6.Summary ofAdminirrrorw,,S rs 2
City of Shelton, the county seat.These buildings are used to support Mason County has conducted an assessment of the condition of all
general County functions such as internal management,health,public county owned buildings and facilities titled, "Mason County Existing
service, and general administration. Other buildings owned by the County include Memorial Hall, the two buildings Facilities Assessment." The facilities assessment completed looked at
existing County Buildings,recommends improvements,and provides a
house the Mason County Sheriff, the Public Workss Campus and the Pine Street that' maintenance plan or maintenance assessment for the next 6 to 12 years.
Belfair Public Works Shop.Table 6 describes these sites.
Additionally,Mason County completed a Special Needs Assessment and
Memorial Hall and the two buildings on Pine Street are located in Shelton,a few blocks from the main campus area. The Public Works Campus Master Plan.Some facilities are in need of additional space,such
as the courthouse and the jail.There is an immediate need for additional
campus is located about 4 miles north of Shelton,on the northwest side
of Highway 101. The Belfair Public Works Shop is situated on the north courtroom space.
shore of Hood Canal about 3 miles from Belfair.
_Table 6.Bumm:tr-AAdmitustration Sites Moved(insertion)[3]
Mason County's administrative offices and"departments housed in the tihclton Ca±nnus t 3�$4
buildings are listed in Table 7.=Also provided is a summary of current
office area allocations for the County departments and departmental \(cmorial 1 Lill 1�75
13elfair_Pliblic_\F�'orks('amnus 3 QQ 14
p \'xks(-ams us 53M 40
Most of the County's administrative offices are located in the Shelton
Campus, a four-square block section of the downtown area. At this 3rd&11u1c 11ron`'rtc' r 11
location,the County operates from 23 publicly owned buildings.These
include the Courthouse,Jail,Juvenile Detention Facility, Building I,
Building II,Building III,Building IV,Building V,Building VI,Building
VII, Building VIII, Building IX and Btulding X. Other_county Deleted d
C('ahilal I i1,idlier li/emenl Paer 57 n 0
Many of the buildings and facilities are FfTD-','prirnary
more than 30 years of age or older and there Table 7.Mason County Space Needs Update-Area Projections for primary space needs le 7.Mason County Space Needs Update-Area Pmiecdone
apace needs 26
is deferred maintenance including roofs, Department Current(sq.ft.) Projected(sq.ft.)
mechanical systems, electrical systems, Allocation Need Deficit Deficit 2022 need
windows, and other components of each Assessor 2,520 4,440 1,920 73% 4,440
building. If an active program is not Auditor 3,407 4,074 667 20% 4,518
implemented soon, Mason County could 'Treasurer 2,481 2,442 None 1,998
expect to experience multiple building Budget and Finance/
210 444 234 111% 666
failings at or about the same time,causing Risk Management
financial hardship to the County. I Iuman Resources
Facilities and Grounds 215 444 229 109% 666
ER&R Services 2,508 3,500 992 40% 6,500
Based on the "Space Standards Manual' County Commissioners
published by the State of Washington Central Operations 2,199 1,832 None 2,276
Department of General Administration, Clerk 2,307 3,398 1,091 47% 4,892
250 square feet are needed per employee. District Court 1,318 3,508 2,190 166% 5,728
In addition,certain governmental functions Superior Court 2,925 7,664 4,739 162% 13,162
have special requirements for facilities, ProbationServices _4,964 12,40D_ __]436 ___ 150% ._. 21,200 Deleted:
Juvenile Detention/ 4,745 4,608 None 5,496
Alternatives to Detention
Sheriff 3,408 9,400 5,992 176% 15,000
Adult Detention/ 19,315 63,000 43,685 226% 76,600
Alternatives to Detention
Prosecutor 3,533 4,468 935 26% 5,406
Coroner 294 744 450 153% 2,188
Community Development 3,681 5,550 1,869 51% 7,104
Utilities and 635 1,554 919 145% 3,330
Waste Management
Public Health Services 3,555 8,992 5,437 153% 14,098
Parks and Trails 1,094 1,554 460 42% 1,998
WSU MC I?xtension 2,377 4,330 1,953 82% 5,218 11
Total 73,153 164,346 91,736 125% 222,484
L"t/l i,i#li,I:hmen/
------ Deleted:¶
--------- ----------------------------------
--------------- Deleted:r!
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement ProgrartL_---------` MDeleted:j
Project Name: Building#1 Improvements,_ 1Ag _------- ------ ----------------------�,Estimates: Construction Level ---- -- -- ---- - ------- ----------------- ---
Description: HVA new window ut1 rovements Ind various 1 ements er facilities a ent _- Deleted:,proximity hardware
C'' ---------p- G. --- - --'- ---- --
? Deleted:and
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities.\s,essmcn�
------------ ---- ----- --- - --- - Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
E-xptn(F es 2022 2023 2924 W5 x26 2027 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 3 5' 54 22 2,1 _- Deleted:410 —
Total Cosh -- -- -- - - 3 52 - 54 --22 23-- — :,.:< Deleted:
eRgvenucs/Resources _... .. - _ _....-_.. ------. . Deleted:410
In House 3 52 51 '2 23 1r S4
— .. feted:Funding Source
Other e` Deleted:410
Loax N
Total Funding,. - ................................... ......
.52 54 �2 ..__.. __... .._< Deleted::
(_ahllal I iniklies I ilrmynl Pa.r 59-OL90 Ibvf!
' 22- 027 CAPIIALJMPRO\'I aI1 G N'1' 'ROR --AM WOltKSIIEEI' ,-
------------- ------ -----
-- -----------------------------
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Pro
P P grL---------- --- ----------- --------------
s. Deleted:PLAN
Project Name: Building#2 ImP rovement�- --------
_____________._________________ Deleted:,PARKS&TRAITS
1 - ------
Estimates: Construction Level
---- ----- --------------- Deleted,¶
Description:, Various improvements as per facilities assessmentr Deleted:eDeleted:°¶
- --------
---- Deleted:¶
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Deleted:New Carpet and Paint building improvements as per
\ facilities assessment...
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
ENL- ditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2 2027 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction ia 12 ��1 __-- Deleted:22
Total Cost 3 6 12 1
�, -. �-:.-_<-- Deleted:
,Rev cmtes/Resources
In House 3 6 I- FJ.-_ Deleted:Funding Source
Other Wm A w Deleted:22
Loans ._ .'77" �, <a °. ,..,.•;'
Total Funding, -------------3--- ----------- -- --------1i 12 �_-_<- Deleted:: —
----- - ---
� �alwal f a,ilNir,I ikmo// 1'i-c 60 o L90
22-20'7('i\PI'1'ALIMPRO\'I?\ll?N'l' 'ROGItAM WORKSIiEET -
FACILITIES,DEPARTMEnI.,-------------------------------- Deleted:2019
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement ProgrartL �
--- ---- ---- ----
Project Name: Building#3 Improvements, Deleted:PLAry
_of P �
-- ----- ---- �--- Deleted:,PARRS&TRAILS
Estimates: Construction Leve
l................ -- -- - -- --- --- ---- -
Description: HVAC,pnd Various building improvementsas per facilities assessment
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Deli:
---'- Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Exoenditures 2022 2023 2025 2026 20227 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 3 79 �h Deleted:fie` ---- _
Total Costs 3 78 40 22 6 ,49 Deleted::
,Revenues/Resources -- Deleted:113
In Mouse 3 78 -10 22 G 19
— �..... Deleted:Funding Source
Total Funding .. - ... -_ .. .._ 3 78_ 40 _22 6 Deleted:
._ . .... .._... ...-....... .._ ....... ..-.. ------- Deleted:113
(e�llihll I inililier Ilk•)71anl Pucr 61 of 90 I)n1h
2_ 027 CAPITALIMI RO\h'hI> N 1 PROGRADI WORK------------------------------
---------- ---------------------------------- `
a ` ,
Fund Name: BEET 1 Capital Improvement Pro Deleted:F.\Cu.rrrr
Project Name: Building#4 Improvements,
---- ---
t � � Deleted:,PARKS&TRAILS
Estimates: Construction Level - �'
----- --------- � �-- -----_ �` - — - -- ------ Deleted:¶
Description: HVAC�rtd Various buildingimprovements as peraes assessTent Deleted:
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities A ant Deleted:
>, Deleted:¶
---------------------- ----- ._:_ -- .. .-... ...... - - --
- Deleted: 11
Estimated Project Coss(in thousands
y"'Expenditures ?A32 ?OY3 2024 ZOZ6 fig? nt
1'nlh11in,trc Plannily
Sitc 1'r4P&Utilities/Well
(.nnsrr ICliun I(rnImccrinu
Construction I 2; j
Total Costs 3 22 23 48
In hone, i 21 23 48
Total Funding 3 22 23 48
(.4&,l K,illia Lk,,l Pater 62 o 90 114
----------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
2022 27
Fund Name: REF7 1 Capital Improvement Prolnam
Project Name: Building#5 Improvements
1?stimatcs: Construction Lewl
Description: Various building improvements as her f.whries assessment
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities
Estimated Project Costs On thousands
Exnenditu a � � ; 2022 2_0233 2024 2025 2020 2027 Total
I'r�l.imm�vc 1'Luntirn -
tiir�tsh ti(hil_{ics!\�'cll
�.m;l ruc�im '.n-incrin:
3 22 24 51
Total Costs 3 22 2-1 2 51
InIlease 3 22 24 2 51
Total Funding 3 22 2A 2
C_gtilal h;niklies I k-menl Pare 634L90 Orali
----- --_-_
---------------------------------------- -------'S.', ---_---_-----------_----_------------
an w..:
d Name: ----- REET 1-Capital Improvement Program __- Deleted:¶
Project Name: Building#6 Improvements .. ` Deleted:¶
---- t.: -------------------- -------------
Deleted:--- ---- --- ---- Deleted:¶
Estimates: Construction L.eveL ---- Deleted:1
Description: Vario 94 mg improvements as pet facilities assessment _-____-____ Deleted:V,.
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Deleted:ou
---------------------------.-...- -. _ _ -- --- -
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 7026 202 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 34 14 -4 `x�r_.._-- Deleted:18
Total.Costs, 3 M i4 • ,�-- Deleted::
'Revenues/Resaurces Deleted:18
--------- ------ ------ -------------------—-----
In I louse 3 3-1 L4 d �55._ Deleted:Funding Source
- Deleted:is
Total Funding..... . 3 34 14 � _ _ Deleted:
_- Deleted:9
L ilal hiiisifte I Injew Parr 64 ol'90 Ibali
----------A --------------------------------- Deleted:FACILIIJ S
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Prograrti __ Deleted:¶
Project Name: Building#7 Improvements _ Deleted:¶
> - ----------------------------------—
Estimates: Construction Level _- Deleted:l
Description: Various building improvements as er facilities assessment, ""'> _- Deleted: 1+�
---- _improvements - - --- -- -----------------------
justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Deleted:¶
_ Deleted:I
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 202_4 2025 2026 2_027 2QL8 Total
Prelim nary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 100 2 12 _4_ __ Deleted:56
Total Costs too 2 12 J-14 __- Deleted::
evcnues/Resources Deleted:56
In House 100 2 12 I�
_ �__ Deleted:Funding so—«e
Total Funding 100 2 12 1 Deleted:
------------------------------------------- ---
Ctt il,tl FndkYler I;Irmen/ 1'u�r 65�90
�023-�027 CAPI'1'11L�hIl'KOV'I h{I?N7'�'ROG1tAM WORICSII KiI
` Deleted:2024
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Prograrr>. 4dl -'
Project Name: Building#8 Improvementi � ------ --------------- \ ` kDeleted:
Estimates: Construction Levu >�. ¶
---- ---- --- ------------- - -- ---- -------------
Description: Various buildinjgtprovements as per facilities assessment - \ `\;Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessmen;
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deleted:¶
Sxpenditnres ss ,v;r x9 2022 2023 oil ? = 20 .. ' 52 ? Z Total ..
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 3 I7 �fi5 4G 3G7 `
,,._.._„..-. Deleted:297
Total Costs, 3 47 265 46 �361 _ Deleted::
;1,tevenues/Resources Deleted:297
In House i 'I% Y6 1, :361. Deleted:Funding Source
Other Deleted:297
ilf Of IMF,'
Total Funding --------------- ---------------3 47.... -...._.._._ 265 4( -------------'W-_`--' Deleted::
.. - ---- - --- — -- - .._ ... - ---- ---- - -- - - Deleted:297
-- ---------
Gila!K7(id ies l ikmenl Parr 66 n'90 127W8
?E 02a 2027 CAPITALd NI l'KO\'I�;Al l?N'I'J'RO(i I(:\\f WOR.KSHEET
- - ---------------------------------- --
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Prograrr�
- rok -- ----------- - - --
Project Name: Building#9 Improvements ` � u, Deleted:t't._�
------- ��' -
--------------------------- Deleted
Estimates: Construction Leve).................
p� ;¶
Description: Various building improvements as per facilities assessment;i
------- ----- — .-.......... Deleted:
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Deleted:¶
----------------------------..._ --- ------- -------
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2202_7 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering 9 ---'- ---
Construction I 35 1= h Deleted:t w
Total Costs 35 12 .}S
- -- Deleted:
In House li 12 Ig `
Grants Deleted:Funding Source
... ._. .,.... .. . . ��, ,z,. .. Deleted:26
Total Funding 35 12 =-_�8_
- �.- Deleted::
(_ie ibd 14aik'!ie 1,knie l 1uWr67 90 Uiul!
�Q 2027 ------ -----------------------------------
- — -------------
b ;>
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement PrograztL... ...... a Deleted:eVal.n'trts
Project Name: Mason County Jail Improvement Deleted:i>i.nx
---- r:.h ---------
--------- ------------------
Estimates: Construction Levek ter.
................ :.-------------- -- Deleted:
Description: Various butldtng improvements as per facilities assessmen(
-- ---------- z
Jjustifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment Vey
tY g Deleted:Various
Deleted: i
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures buWk
, 2022 2023 2024 2015 ZUZb 2027 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well . `T' H N I I. M, AMNIS
NNW aM s W-;�Mom WON
Construction Engineering —"
Construction 37.9.. Deleted:386
Total Cosh J29 1 M � 16-91. .. -- Deleted:
_.. ..
In I louse -'ll 1 175 379 �`
Deleted:Funding Source
�2tr S Deleted:26
Total Funding ,12n 17 5 379
Cubilal l;�rlilie. I kmen/ Lief 68 ol'90 Owl?
------- ----------- -----------
�- + - `- --------------------
Fund Name: BEET 1 Capital Improvement ProgrartL < Deleted:P.\CILITIES
Project Name: Courthouse Improvement;------ --------------------------- Deleted:,PARES&TRAILS
a � ,
Estimates: Planning and Construction Level Deleted:
Description: Varioildin-g improvements as per atiscssment„
facilities ` t-,;, Deleted:
u�_bu ¶
--- -'-- ------------------
\.. Deleted:¶
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities As A
i gnt Deleted:Various
,. Deleted:,unmediate goal is development of another courtroom and
` relocate Clerk.
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Fxvn n i arcs 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Prelirninan Planning . -- Deleted:too
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering Deleted:335
Construction 3 52 964 Z ^ '
._...._--''_56 - ----> �_,'-- Deleted:2444
Total Costs, 52 864 7 56
- __.... . .. . ...... .._ .. -'�----------—- ------ ---------�---- Deleted::
Rc n n cucvjResoucs - --- ----2�-
-. Deleted:325
In House - 52 464 7 56 299 - 1. —1 Deleted:2s44
Other v Deleted:Funding Source
Grants `
Total Funding, �3 53 804 Deleted:z54a
7 56 ---------------- 2t- Y-- Deleted:
CCgtj d hadi[rrr 1,,kmen/ Parr 69_ 0 Dra/l
--------- - ---- - --- ---------------------------------
--------- ----------------------
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Progratt>,
a .
Project Name: Juvenile Detention Improvements * Deleted:I LAN
- -- - Deleted: PARKS&TRAILS
Estimates: Construction Level_ Deleted:¶
---- - -Description: Variousbuildin im rovements as er facilities asse t Deleted:¶
P - - g--p------- p- � --- ----------- ---- ......._ .
r x g Deleted:¶
Saw r7;
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment s I. Deleted:various
- Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures sa d;: 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
Construction 116 12 ---
. ..__- Deleted:I s�
Total Costs, 116 12 ¢ �131 _ Deleted:
tyenues/Resources Deleted:154
In IIouse 116 12 6 i 4
.�--...._ Deleted:Funding Source
Other `
Loans _.
Total Funding 116 12 6 34 _ Deleted::
S;gLL1I/Iild' ie.,Lkneal 704L90
-- R ----------------------------- '
r Deleted:19
------------------- -.
Fun Name: RE 1 Capital Improvement Pr gr __ ----------------------------------
Deleted:PLANProlect Name: Sheriffs Office Improvements -- '
--- Deleted:,PARKS&TRAILS
Estimates: Planningand Construction Leve e
1_ Deleted:
--- ----------------------------- \
Description: Variou*building improvements as per facilities asscssmenl Deleted:
- --- -- - ---- ------
Justifications: Mason County Existing Facilities Assessment
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2� 20225 20_¢ 2� Total
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering
,� Deleted:383
Construction . .__ ........__..__._....._ _-.__._....- Deleted:
Total Costs, 13 12 175 2.3 12 ,035
- - Deleted: ;;
InIlnue------ ---- '
In I louse I3 .�1 175 33 1_ .(is---� Deleted. m,dmgSourcc
Total Funding, 13 d12 Deleted:
- -- -- — ---�-5-- --- - 23 12 �35 .' . .
------._..__._...__.........._.__....----------- ---------------------- '--------------------- -.
LgLi d/I'ilii li'.�Lhwen/ 111^e 71 a 0
c Deleted:2019
° Deleted:202-4
+ +
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement PrograffL
Project Name: Memorial Hall __._-_____ __
------------------ ----------------- Deleted:,rutxs&TRAITS
Estimates: onstruchonDeleted:
--------- ------------ --- ---------- ------------------------------
Description: Variousbuildg improvements to restore the Iustoric Memorial Hall Deleted:Ti
____ _ ___ ___ _--. _.-_.. . _.. - ___ 1\ Deleted:Planning and
Justifications: Building has not had any significant improvements since the structure was built in the 120's. Deleted:
+ Deleted:Various
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Planning _-__ Deleted:w
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering ___- Deleted:50
Construction 72 12
leted: Is
Total Costs 72 11 12 "..............'.
.`5 _- leted:
Revenues/Resources '
�_._. ._ ... ...----------------------------- '''`.--------------'_»s3:.-----._.___._-- - ---._.___._._ leted:185
In House I2 _ I1 I2
leted'Funding Source
Othei ¢ s � � � 2 s leted•tas
Grants 60 GO
Total Funding - 72 11 12 _= Deleted::
(.41,d 1 w,i&ie+l Sl-mcnt Par 72 Old
'-----------------'--- -------------------
-------- ----------------------------------
` Deleted:i ACIi.ITTRS
Fund Name: REET 1 Capital Improvement Pro
P Pr'Z----------. "--—`'.., : -------------------------------
Project Name: Building#10 District Court Complex, Deleted--- `----- A Deleted rt.�
- ---- ---- --- --- --
Estimates: ponimuctionLevel `� �, Deleted:
---------- ---- --- GI - - - --------------------; — — --- -----
Description: Phase 2 of building construction and various butldti ��provertleh ,renovate ne urchased facility to District Court needs ; Deleted ,.
- -- - - --- -- --
'�' `' y, I\ Deleted. tanning and
lustificarions: Mason County Existing hacilnics A.21
� rrstk � � Deleted:
Xstimated Project Costs(in thousands) -_- Deleted:¶
3 s �s�, asi , - i.�.�t��� °n4
X 1 urea ..,. ,,. ..:. ,.: ['�pL i4 J. 5... Z��. 4�.� GOLJ Fv�.T ffiY3YG •• acme .+.�. ..... Total .. ..
Preliminary Planning
Site Prep&Utilities/Well
Construction Engineering _ fDeleted::
leted: i;o
Construction l _-- leted:-25
Total Cosh 875
evenues/,Resou- - - -r�s--__._,-------------- ----------------__.____._-----....____ _-----..__._---------�----�--------_ leted:875
In House 875
leted:Funding Soume
Total Funding 875.._ Deleted::
-- Deleted:875
r�ieu!I,i,iliU��I il<�nrnn/ Yat,Tr 73�0 I Mule
Fund Name: RI-,FT 1 Capital improvement ProMm
Pr(&ct Name: New Storage Building
Estimatcs: Planting and Constiuction level
Descnpnon: Construct new building for storages.
lusnficanons: Mas(xi County Existing Facilities Assessm,i Commented[Mws]:
Estimated Project Costs fin tbous:utds)
Exn�nditures cic' 2 . '. .. a.7.4Z5._ .,:t.. _;:. s.
I'rclimnr.trc I'lannii�" ..
Site l'rcp&Uliliti s %&;Al
(:( Iuetiun L cri nr
Construction 309 a(2
Total Costs 309 309
In I Iuusc "09 ;110
(1 1"
Twal Funding 309 309
LyLL/I-iidklies Islemeal 1 u=74 a 90 014
POLICE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE FACILITIES the chief law enforcement officer(Sherif is resnonsjble for operuions. Deleted:i
The facility is located adjacent to the County courthouse in the
incorporated area of Shelton.Washinr_ton.The most recent facility was
System Description constructed yykh 45 inmate beds in 1985.In 1986 the facility opened and
The Mason County Sheriff's Office provides police services including. was subsequently operating at maximum inmate capacity,
patrol, traffic enforcement. service of civil process. jail operation and •I'llu""lout the %cars. there has been three independent- outside_ jail
invesfiptivc services to the citizens of Mason County. The Mason oV4tonal srudjcs. 'I'hnsc studies found the; jail is understaffed and
County Sheriff's Office currently has a total of 98 authorized employees. overpopulated. O nhciin more inmate beds.the County added double
Of those 50 are commjssioncd officers.33 are iailers.and 15 are civilian bunks in rooms di•sifmcd as single oecupany.They turned an existing
employees. inmate recreation area into inmate housing,adding more bunks.Today:
there are 93 ,,cneral poVula J,m, male and female beds,in the Mason
The Mason County Sheriffs Office currently serves approximately c'ounry j;til and 18 additional be s utilized for low-risk inmates assil;ncd
65,650 citizens. This number represents a 8.16 percent mcrca c in u)inmate labor progr:ung.
o ulation since 2010.The Mason County Sheriff's Office covers Al o
Mason (:ounty including over 900 miles of shorelines. G22 miles of u hi,i the 93 general population opLdation beds.we have separate housing areas:
county roads and nearly 115 miles of state highways. �Maj_jrx ±uulc innr,res have to be kept serrate from female inmates.and within
enforcement is currently conducted by off duh depurics on m ul lim, or those p„!,ulatio ,maximum security inmates have to be kept separate
other agencies. from minimum security jnmates (we can't house a murderer with
someone charved with DCIi1:we have to individually house inmates who
The Mason County Sheriffs Office has primary re a,on ihilm for tr.,fflc feel their safety at risk and inmates who we think may be at risk as
law enforcement and collision jnvestigations on all, c,xinru_nr,ls. Victims: inmate workers have to be housed separately from all other
Currently,nine deputies an_i� cd'to the'rraftic_11 ljr cffo,l ss I)_�sr d on jnmates.The likelihood of having the perfect number of inmates to fit
specialized training,but loll -,nswer')11 call. for scryia nauih� s hill_ into each identified area is zero.To safely run a facility,the averagc ails
Mason County Sheriffs ()fticc a assisted thaw�1� i nauru.il aid he nc(. population has to be around 10-20%less than the number of actual beds.
l)�parrn cut., meaning a population cap of 80 allows us to safely house inmates in the
Shelton Police Department. Sauatjn island Police and
Washington State Patrol r, proper areas. In 1993 there were 58 beds in the jail.The average daily
inmate population was 62. In 2004 the average daily inmatcpopulation
Jail Facilities grew to 951 That's 146% over capacity!Pre-covid. the dailyjals
population hovered around 110.
1il I listory
As recently as 2015,the fail housed up to 150 inmates at one time.This
The Mason County tail provides incarceration services for Mason severely jeopardized our ability to efficiently run a safe. orderly. and
County law enforcement agencies.Washington State Law establishes the constitutionally sound facility.Sheriff Saljsbury_petitioned the Board of
Board of County Commissioners responsible for the Physical facility and Coamty Commissioners to start outsourcing inmates to other counties to
641,711-�niklrer larmew Pure 75�(90
mitigate. the safely concerns within the facility. Masan County started l he options for expanding the Mason County-lail.as recommended by;
sending the excess prisoners to I.ewis_Nisqually.and forks jails.To keep an independent iail needs study conducted in 2020,include a need for
the inmate population at manageable levels. Mason County outsourced 250 heels to scrn c the nest 30 ccars-The study included either a renovated
an average of 30 prisoners on a daffy basis.which cost about S90.000 and exlrtnJccl existing facility or a new stand-alone facility located off
monthly.'lhis continued until March 2017.when a 3-year jail internal site.'The new facility should accommodate inmate re-entn,programs_in
renovation project was complete. 'l'hc renovation allowed us to bring cost tdtl.rcaiming for substance abuse and mental health.and maintain
back the out•ourced inmates and stop the sipiificant outsourcing the Altcrnarive:cntencing prOMms.
expenses. With the outsourced inmates back in Mason County, the
inmate population was still sipiificantly above jail capacity.Recognizing >u
sigmificant safety concerns to staffand inmates,the likelihood ofprisoi Alternate Funding Sources
civil rights violations,and due to lack of staff and facility spacemen lulu The \lason (;aunty tihcnffti Office continues to explore alternative
2017 Sheriff Salisbury was forced to implement jail booking restrictions. fitndinl sources including literal I lomeland Securith Grants. lustice
Those restrictions prohibit the incarceration of individuals committing Assistance Giants. and grants'jkom other federal. state. and private
minor crimes. sources.I It cycr.like many other funding sources the amounts of these
grants are being reduced or eliminated altogether. Additionally. the
In addition to the booking restrictions. the Sheriff created and Va<on young ShcrifPs Office is committed to forming community
implemented an Alternative Sentencing proaam.. 'Ibis program allows partnerships with public and private agencies to more efficiently provide
people convicted of minor offenses to serve their jail time on I electronic services and utilize Facilities to maximum efficicacy,.
I lomc Nlonitoting, Work Release. or Day Reporting grog ams. 'I lie
inmates scrcin�;Their sentences on these pro=ms vvmild normally be Sheriff': Facility
taking a bed within the brick and nutrtar\calls of the Nla>un CoonrLlail.
Today that program carries an ac erag(:of 20 inmates dailc. The Mason County Sheriff's Office is currently housed at 322 North 3,a
Street in Shelton The Office transitioned to this location from the
The jail is the hub of the Criminal lusticc Sysretn.1N'irhout en adcyuatc Mason County Courthouse in December 2009. Police Operations,
amount of inmate housing and t_c,rrcm,fls_ t;ifful" tllclfhthi,lity to Records_Finance.Administration.and I?vidence are currently;housed at
incarcerate those who victimize menilu rs of our community wsults in this facility.'Ihe acquisition of this facilitys_.rceatly enhanced the oftiee's
compromised public safety ability to perform its mission with much greater efficiency,but the space
in this facility is fully utilized and there is no room for future growth.
Sipaificant space could be captured in this facility by putting a second
Strategic Plan floor in the g,-m and remodeling;the second floor to better meet the
The Mason Count [ail facility is outdated,too small-and inadequate•to needs of future operations.
serve the incarceration needs of Mason County.
Space Allocation Criteria and Maintcnancc
Cgtil d i inrlili("I ikryenl Purr 76VL90 1)tull
Standard space allocations methods do not a lylh, to all areas of the C 7u L rolet building in downtown Shelton.This space was leased by she Deleted:SrsrEUDEscwrr7oNJ
Sheriff's Office because of the diverse functions found within the �--Ounity to store equipment and evidence.Replacement of this facility is I Deleted:The Mason County Sheriffs Office provides police services
department such as training,locker rooms.K-9 holding.briefing room, i�w t tied.The current facility does not meet industry standards. including patrol,traffic enforcement,service of civil process,jail
s operation and investigative services to the citizens of Mason County.
interview rooms,public receptions.fingemnting,criminal complaints. 11 The Mason County Sheriffs Office currently has a total of 111
evidence processing and others.Standard space allocations for many of I he \lasotl (bounty Sheriff 5 Office must have covered secure storagC 11 authorizedjailers,and
am eesianempse54arecommissionedofficers,36are
11 jailers,and 21 are civilian employees.¶
the above essential hinetions is not adequate. h)t its three hunts,light armored vehicle.all terrain vehicle,search and u ¶
i cue%t_l ticcs,_tlong with spare patrol vehicles. Addirional Secure a The Mason County Sheriffs Office currently serves approximately
n 63,203 citizens.This number represents a 28 percent increase m
North Mason County FaciI storauc i' s ncedcil_fof- other training equipment. tactical eg6ptnent. 11 popular'on since 20M.The Mason County Sheriffs Office coves all of
search and rescue ckluiptnent, and traffic radar trailers. The storagg If Mason County including over 900 miles of shorelines,622 miles of
u county roads and nearly 115 miles of state highways. Marine
The greater Belf:lir/Allyn area is quickly becoming a business and facility needs to bc in t •ur'location that is built to s ecifi ations that if enforcement is currently conducted by off duty deputies on overtime
luo lulation hub in northeastern Mason County,requiring a lligh� cr level %%ill not cause opera&' degradation. The need is essential as the or other agencies.¶
of law enforcement and other governmental services.Belfair is expected a,m,.,tt stored is ex r ci and requires storage that allows for
n ¶
��� () �.e VS I g u The i\Ivcon County Sheriffs Office has taken over primary
to brow sipiificantly in the next decade. r•nu't,,('n('1' n sl)ltiSC• and rdiabillte that the ClitrCn[ £aCilitlC'S d0 not 1' responsibility for traffic law enforcement and collision investigations
on all county roads as of July 1,2009.Currently,nine deputies are
.11 1 1n111111 l,1!�. bike the C:ytdence storage.the Ni fell Chevrolet building lS " assigned to the traffic unit efforts,based on specialized training but
The North Precinct was established in late 3013 and has made al x in!1 used 1,n storage but is already at capacity and cannot absorb future a still answer 911 calls for service while on shift.Mason County Sheriffs
SsiWiificant impact on policing operations.As of 2014,half of the patrol if Office is assisted through mutual aid by the Shelton Police Department
and the Squaxin Island Police Department.¶
division and over 20 citizen volunteers staffed this precinct.'I'he building "
is currently contracted through the private ,cctov aricaUxars to meet „ J.ueFACILMEsg
n The present Mason County Jail opened in 1986 with a population
the needs for the 2019-2024 lannin eriod l)ttic•d_(m Flo cicytl_x,hcc, Firearms 1lalntn Facility n capacity of45 inmates.In 1989,capacitywasincreasedto 51,andin
P g P' -1—i.- I---- g X
1991 it was increased to 58 beds with floor.
inves[i}nttivc,and administrative functions. space for 106.The Direct❑
The Mason County sheriffs Office Cffl-Cntly has no weapons training n Supervision Unit of the Mason County Jail opened on October 1,
n 2006,bringing the jail capacity up to 128 inmates. In 2014,the Mason
ticility and rehes upon the Department of Corrections which allows ,i County Sheriffs Office reconfigured the DSU facility.The
Storage Nceds quarterly training at their facility located adjacent to the Washington ;; reconfigured facility houses 42 inmates. In earlier comprehensive plans
Corrections Center. A shooting ark imilar facility h b " several critical maintenance issues were identified at the jail as needing
f+--tl or sas een 11 immediate repair or replacement.They include new locks for the cells
M(lat of the County SliCtlff�4,`'Office StOrngl nC'eds arc'cutt'c'n t)c�icti discussed_but no action has been taken. Having a facility the Sheriffs " and cellblocks,leaks in the roof and the problems with the walkway
stet with the leasing of 1 '12Uildim, at 305 S. first Sti-co. 'l lic niost i
fi nl between the court house and the jail.Between 2014 and 2016,the jail
O{f1CC can USC for rearms training SS C15SL'llh � I received significant improvements including new roof,new control
imlortaitt need of the Sheriffs.Office is offsa, u.t'idcncc stotaa. i system,and comprehensive update of the mechanical systems in the
Property taken in is held in trust b)'the:hcnll s Otticc.,1'hcrcflxc,:it;Is ' building.These issues have all been addressed by the Sheriffs Office,
the Sheriff's responsibili •to ensue ue-securm_ prescnntinn. chain of C BOCC,andFacilitiesDepartment.¶
custody as well as its proper return sale.or disposal accoi ding to law. As reported in the Comprehensive Plan,in 1993 the average daily
l--- ---- --- --- population(ADP)was 62.In 2004 the ADP was at 79,and in 2017 the
Currently, most of the Sheriffs evidence is bcioh, I n(d ut s secured ------ -------- ADP was 106.¶
designated area at the Sheriffs located at 322\_,rth ill St in Shelton. ¶
Due to the ADP being at or over capacity continually,outsourcing of
The Mason Coilna District Court administers itts inmates to other jails begin in the first quarter of 2015.To date the
The Mason County Sheriffs Office also stores vehicles Mehl as evidence, with fairness,equalil�l and integrity.to resolve aratters program continues to house on average 40 50 inmates perm . 28
including homicide ychicles. and large CVidCI1CC 1tem5 at the. iVSell Deleted:The Mason County District courts-handles nearly 10,000
Gefore the routs in a time!/manner. It provides ty
cases annually,mostly infractions and misdemeanors.
Cuhi&)l I i7li&ief/,4weal /I=77-( Drat!
in artial,courteous and-pron41 service in a manner Court staff must have adequate space to process calendars. They could
Mat in.0irrs-public trust and confidence. DistritY have up to 75 or more case files on their desk at any given time. A
Court is mnsiderrd"thepeoNe Is cowl"rrnd serves all work spat c and station of no less than 6x6 is needed so that the)have
spece I-,r theur computer,monitors,scsumer.phone,calculator,and
the riti-ens ofA•lason ConntO. other ce ui mint as well as the court calendars they are processing
and/or prep;iring.
The Court processe•all cases allowed in the Courts of limited tir:i f:,,c_% »I 1611;on a scantling project for some of the closed files.
Jurisdiction and handles nearly 10,000 eases annually. 'These include which should reduce space•needed once the scamung project is
Traffic and non-traffic infractions.Criminal Misdemeanors and Giros completed.Currently there,tic over 150 archive boxes that need to be
Misdemeanors,Civil Claims up to 5 100,000_Small Claims uP to S scanned.
MOW Parking cases.Vehicle Impounds,Dangerous Dog hearings,
Anti-harassment,Domestic Violence.Sexual Assault and Stalking The department also nrcds space to set up the la=scanner and a work
protection orders and name change orders. The court also reviews and room arca near the file room."There is also a need to locate the lather
processes I,clonc and Misdemeanor search warrants,probable cause V'cult sefc \vithin the area.
hcarin4n and request for Protection()rclers during business h�pus and
non-business hours. The Court is respomihlc tnr the collebusiness
Imo and 1>'Sir'ct court currently has one Judge_one Chief Administrator.and
distribution of fines.costs,fees and restitution paid through the(ploy. se.'`(,it crutrt staff.Additional staffing will be necessary as workload
monitoring time-pay agreements:and prepa,in� cases for collection
assiil*nment. An nice is nccded for the-1udge and Chief Administrator.preferably
District Court staff monitors etiminal defendantS_e_I M1_ 1li.ini e with with:,conference space within the room. Additional office space is
court orders.and assists with the Probation dcpartn tit _ogee cd. m c'dcd (or a fudge i to-tem and/or visiting ludge so they have a space
nc(y can revtew files and prepare for calendars.
District Court nets court Nlondnc rhnt Frida)from 8:30 a.m.a,4:30
p.m (or laterl. At this time.two�courrs talc place on Mo,id:n_ additional space needed:
morning.Thursday AAftcmoon and all da;on I�rid,n S. Iu,7 'I'rialS,ire 1 ront counter and work area for the front office staff(3—4 windows),
on the increase,therefore additional courtroom Space i>lit ccssan I , work desks and space for Assistant Administrator,and seven plus staff
hold multiple court sessions at the same rime. Ako,a need for secrm<I
judicial officer either through coctrt commissioner or incrcasc in 'ro_ District Court Probation provides community supervision as well as
tern funding, evidence-based programs and effective services to moderate/high risk
misdemeanor offenders.The focus is on public safety through efforts
District Court currently is NOT a paperless court—and O refore space to hold offenders accountable and reduce the likelihood of re-offense.
is needed for all open files and closed files which musr be retained for The Probation officers perform random UA testing as ordered by J he
three years after closure,the exception being DI.JI files and Violation of court or at their discretion therefore they need a separate restrootn area
NCO files which must be retained pernianently_Along with a space for to observe the UA's.The probation department has two probation
su pliesplics needed daily to run court an,ipment such as copier,scanners. officers and one clerical staff In 2021-they arc manawng,a caseload of
and printcrs.1av's and other equipment are needed.
(,yOilal I iadklies 15lement Pugr 78 0 Draft
1 ,(1 06-P-6L ^d I�... .I
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s .[lf :.l ja o)JotjodtlS SbZ I puu uuuugoa anuOu uo aau luyj slunptnt u!£ Z l,t j swtxoa u
Superior Court and personnel.including the Therapeutic Court Staff,
but not the Juvenile Cotut and Detention Staff
I listoric Courthouse Buildinn
During the transition of the District Court relocation to Building10-
the I Iistot-ic Courthouse Building will undergo a renovation process
addressing the ongoing issues of security and public contact while
better utilizing the use of the court/hearings rooms and developingT
assembly area(,'). The intent is to move the offices of the Superior
Court judicial officers and general support staff to the South end of the
Flistoric Courthouse Building,with intemal access to all of the
court/hearings rooms and arranghng the remainder of the buildings to
a1212ropriately accommodate the Superior Court Clerk's Office.`.tlie
Therapeutic Courts,and the ury assembly area(s).
�_.. _ -------------------------------------- __ -- _�..- ---------------------- ----- County Superior over 2500 Deleted:Mason C r Court handles o , cases
annually,with civil cases being the most common,followed by criminal
actions,domestic cases,juvenile offender cases,and
..------------------- --- ----�—: -- - >�- 's'^^j^•'*.._- "."+::-- -- ..._.. ......... ......... .......... ............. .. probate/guardianship cases,in that order.Additional information
regarding the courts and annual caseloads can be obtained at
3 ,
t wunv.courts.wa.gov,because of the dramatic increases in court rases,
s especially in District Court,an existing structure adjacent to the
• �� Downtown County Complex will be purchased to allow expansion of
1 the county judicial system.¶
k £ Deleted:1.
'\ Zx.
Mile!h'airk[det 1 kmens Pine 80�0 I>rufi
�TORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND HABITAT The stormwater management system within Mason County can generally Deleted:6.
3e descnbea as"near or"natuiar-everi within deiignafed urbari growth-
areas (UGAs). This type of Low Impact Development stormwater
management is a critical part of ensuring water availability and water
quality. A very small percentage of the overall system can be described
Comprehensive Management Approach as a typical municipal separate storm sewer(MS4) consisting of curb,
Storm and surface water management is an important government role gutter,catch basin,and piped conveyance. This type of system can be
that serves to protect and improve water quality and habitat,and reduce found,however,within sections of the Hoodsport Rural Activity Center
flooding. Mason County has taken several steps to implement a (!tAC)and Belfair,Allyn and Shelton UGAs.
comprehensive,county-wide management approach including. � .
Mason County is responsible for managing stormwater systems within
• Adopting local stormwater management standards and by reference County road rights-of-way and those associated with County buildings
the 2012 StornrmaterManagement Manual for Western Washington as part such as the public Works site. The County is also responsible for
of the 2016-2036 Comprehensive Plan and Development permitting Low Impact Development (LID) features such as porous
Regulations update. concrete, pervious asphalt, bio-retention and rain gardens used to
• Adopting a county-wide Stormwater Management Plan in June 2008; manage stormwater as part of housing and commercial development.
• Inventorying assessing and maintaining stormwater systems within The stormwater;4ystems owned and managed by the County are
county right-of-way; inventoried, inspected and represented as part of the Planning Map
• Planning,designing and constructing stormwater retrofit projects; Library on the Mason County website.
• Adopting a Comprehensive Flood Management Plan and a Flood
Damage Prevention Ordinance Update;
• Participating in,or leading fish passage improvement projects;and Capital Facility Needs/Projects
• Participating in,or leading regional planning strategies. Mason County is in the initial stages of stormwater capital facility
The County formed a Stormwater"Task Force (SWT1) in late 2009 to planning but has a fairly long history of carrying out habitat improvement
make recommendations to the County Commissioners on implementing Projects and wetland mitigation. Identification of stormwater capital
the adopted stormwater management plan and related water quality facility needs and projects comes from a variety of sources,including the
initiatives. Final Task Force recommendations to implement a"Clean adopted County-wide Stormwater Management Plan, water quality
Water Program"were presented to the County Commissioners in August monitoring, habitat assessments and other Lead Entity activities, and
2012 along with a recommendation to establish a stormwater utility rate Water Quality Improvement Reports.
to fund the program.
Mason County participated in a Hood Canal regional effort to select,
Stormwater System Description rank, and prioritize sites for future stormwater retrofit projects. A
prioritized list and preliminary designs for top projects was recently
Cahilal Nadlilier 13lrmen/ ---Ili
rr 81 gl'90 Drall
completed,including two Mason County sites: Union Park and Thelar
Center. Project emphasis is on retrofits (those that address "legacy"
problems) and can generally be grouped into the following three Level Of Service Standards
categories: Stormu aterManagementforNew Development and Redevelopment
In order to comply with the Shorelines Master Program and the Mason
Water Quality County Resource Ordinance, new development and redevelopment
These projects are designed to improve water quality problems identified throughout Mason County must meet the minimum requirements of the
through monitoring;downgraded or threatened shellfish harvest areas, 2012 StormwaterManagement Manual for Western Washington. In addition to
303(d)listings,or Water Quality Improvement Reports. Projects may these minimum requirements, Mason County Code 14.48 spells out
consist of wet ponds,sand filters,constructed wetlands,vaults,or other requirements for financial liability.
Stormnrater Conveyance
Flooding/Erosion Mason County Code) .48 states that all construction shall conform to - Deleted:16
These projects will reduce the frequency and/or severity of flood and the Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard
erosion damage to public and private property. Projects may include Specifications for Roads, Bridges and Municipal Construction.
additional storage facilities, new or enlarged conveyances, channel Conveyances are typically designed to meet the 25-year storm event.
stabilization,stream restoration,or reducing impervious surfaces.
Stormmater Retrofits
Aquatic Habitat Most capital facility projects are considered "retrofits" meaning the
Projects in this category are designed to maintain or enhance aquatic project is undertaken to correct or improve conditions associated with
habitat, with an emphasis on salmon recovery and shellfish. These past development. Retrofits are designed using best professional
projects may include habitat surveys,culvert replacements,installation of judgment to provide reasonable improvements in stormwater
in-stream structures,or removal of dikes. management, recognizing that site constraints frequently make strict
application of Best Management Practices(BMPs)challenging.
All three categories of projects will typically require funding for planning,
design,construction and land acquisition. It should also be noted that Funding
many projects will serve multiple purposes: for example,a project that
includes storage for flood control will likely improve water quality Mason County has utilized a variety of revenue sources to fund
through additional detention and settling of pollutant-carrying stormwater management and habitat improvement activities. The
sediments. majority of past funding has been from grants,but the Road Fund and
(_ahilal I irrrblir. Lknren/ Par 82,nJ 90 D�a%<
Real Estate Excise Tax (BEET 2) have also been used for program The revenue table assumes that the county will apply for and receive
"development"funding and grant match. small grants years 2024,t4rough 202]y ;-- Deleted:is
A brief description of past and potential revenue sources includes:
Stormwatcr'Utility Rate
Road Fund Mason County created a Stormwater Utility in June 2008 but did not
establish a rate to fund stormwater management activities at that time.
The Road Fund provided $25,000 start-up revenue for stormwater A Stormwater-Task Force (SWTF) met regularly from April 2010
program development and implementation beginning in 2010. This through June 2012 to develop program and funding recommendations
revenue source is used to leverage grant funding as a local revenue source to the Board of County Commissioners. They recommended a
is required for grant match(typically 25%). stormwater utility rate be established to provide dedicated,predictable
funding to implement an annual program of approximately$1.43 million.
Water adequacy and water quality discussions may necessitate the
Real Estate Excise Tax (RETT2) establishment of a stormwater utility rate in the 202 - 027 lannm Deleted:v)
REET2 has been a revenue source used to fund capital construction and Period. Deleted:2024
� .serve as grant match. REET2 funds in the amount of$82,500 were �;�•�
allocated in years 2009 through 2012,and in the amount of$75,000 in Flood Control Zone District
2013. These revenues combined with grant funds were used to design
and construct projects in Belfair, Allyn and Idoodsport to reduce Mason County established the Skokomish Flood Control Zone District
contaminants and improve water quality. The*.venue table assumes (FCZD)in 1976 for the purpose of improving flood control and drainage
REET2 requests are made to use as grant match � azs 7 through facilities within the-watershed. The District was-abolished in 2014 in__-- Deleted:zms
2027 � reco of of the need to collect district revenues in a more equitable___- Deleted:3
c----------- — gm ----- ---- --- --- --
` � manner. The majority of revenue collected by this special taxing district
came from Lake Cushman properties that had little relationship to the
Grants ,:. Skokomish watershed improvements.The FCZD has a Fund Balance
Mason County has received a r46te1 $1.1 million in stormwater that will gradually draw down over time unless a new revenue source is
tY PP y
management grants over the past se v Future grant availability created.
is expected to diminish due to greater demztf ; nd competition,directing
funds to jurisdictions under Municipal NPLS permit requirements
(Mason County is not a pemuttee),and an overall reduction in available
CAW,/l 4,i& ,I acme,,/ Page 83 0' 6 I ba/[
Deleted:—Page Break
Fund 480: Storm Drainage System Development Fund "
2018-2023 CAPrrAL.FACir.rrrrs Pr.AN woRKSi ir.r Tm,
Project Name: tStornwaterRetrofits -- w,---------------------------
---------- - - - PUBLICAoRhs11
Estimates: Preliminary Engineering Level -
----- ----------- --- -- ------------------------- Deleted:
Description: This project includes costs associated with the design and construction of stormwater retrofit projects identified in various Deleted:¶
planning documents. It assumes that any retrofit projects accomplished in years 2018—2023 will occur if REET2 monies are
budgeted in the stormwater fund and the county is successful in securing grants,--____-- - Deleted:l
Justifications: Clean and adequate water is vital to the health,economy and cultural heritage of Mason County. Mason County government
plays an important role in salmon recovery,maintaining and improving shellfish harvest areas,flood control,and improving
water quality as well as the overall recovery of Puget Sound. Constructing stormwater retrofits is an important community
investment yielding returns in the form of maintaining property values,generating fish/shellfish revenues and tourism and
reducing health risks and costs, ---------------------------------- Deleted:¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
RevenuesjRe.,ourecs 2022 2023 2024 _2025 2026 2027 Total
Rnad Fund
ItFPU 1'2 10 wiQ _- Deleted:so
Grants 30 0 __- Deleted:150
Total Revenues 40 ,40 _ Deleted:200
Administration 3 31 Deleted:,,
Plan/Prelim.ling. 6 Deleted:30
Design/Construction 30 34 _- Deleted:iso
Total Expenditures 39 .39 - - Deleted:195.,
C LYwl Faei&inr 1 dames/ I?oZr 84 of 1>r�11
y., Deleted:2(Y-'-4
, F Deleted:F.CIT.TTTRS
Fund 190: Skokomish Flood Control District Fund
Project Name: Skokomish River Ecosystem Restoratiori " Deleted:Pi.k`
-- ---- ---- - Deleted:¶
Estimates: preliminary Engineering Levc�--------- _ ..-__.. __ 1I
__________ Deleted:
Description: Mason County and the Skokomish Tribe(Local Sponsors)are partnering with the Army Corps of Engineers to prepare final Deleted:
design and construction documents,and construct five ecosystem restoration projects within the Skokomish River watershed. Deleted:¶
Phase I construction is planned to begin in 2019 and Phase II in 2020. The five projects are:
■ Confluence Levee Removal—Phase 1 "
■ Wetland Restoration at River Mile 9-Phase I _.
■ Wetland Restoration at Grange—Phase I
■ Side Channel Reconnection—Phase I
■ Upstream Large Woody Debris Installation—]'base H
Mason Conservation District is taking the lead on pursuing grants which will be the local sponsor revenue source.- Deleted:9
Justifications: Environmental degradation can be seen throughout the Skokomish River Basin including a loss of natural ecosystem
structures,functions,and processes necessary to support critical fish and wildlife habitat.The degradation of riverine and
estuarine habitat has resulted in the listing of four anadromous fish species under the Endangered Species Act(ESA)(Chinook
salmon,chum salmon,steelhead,and bull trout)that utilize the river as their primary habitat.The impaired ecosystem has
adversely affected riverine,wetland and estuarine habitats that are critical to these and other listed species.
TableTable next mi*ena" Deleted:9
(IW,/1-i'ikli,I ikmen! /I=85490 0148
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Revenues Resources 2022 2023 2024 2025 2020 2027 Total
Federal Government(65%) 594 ,. ---J Deleted:11,970
Local Sponsor(35-o) 631 �_ - Deleted:7,688
Grant:FbD or SRFB(to be secured)
Total Revenues 1,225 _ __- Deleted:19,558
Preliminary Engineering(PED)
_- Deleted:1,545
Lands and Damages _-- Deleted: 1,037
Construction 631 wn .. >. 'aa� r ;uw ems....,._. t , > _.._--
Construction management 594 ' Deleted:2194
Total Expenditures 1,22 -__ --__ Deleted:19 558
�anddl Kl,ikdes!Armen/ Pa 864L90 DLL
System Description
Alason County Public�Y/orks is responsible for denim,construction. Deleted:Table 8. Macon County Arterials Inventory 29
operation and maintenance of approximately_620 miles of county roads
and 65 bridges throughout the county. Several reports and planning
documents are used to develop and implement transportation facility
int rov m n s. f?xant le.in 1 de, T.
Transportation 1?lement of the Comprehensive Plan.
2022-'_027"Transportation Improvement Program 1'IP) Y PUSUC WORKS
Annual Constntction Programs lay out pros rammed/plane .., I
improvements -'
Annual Bridge Report summarizes bridge condition and identifies
recommended improvement.
Mason C(aluty's'TII'is adopted by referencv,as part of the
Comprchctlsive Plan.
'I'hc department owns and maintains properrics neccwsdre to carQ,out �—
thejr mission_or held per State 1.iw':foi-example cyuipment Deleted:Mason County Public Works is responsible for engineering
construction,operation and maintenance of approximately 620 miles
maintenance,satellite maintenance Shops,srockptic sites,rights-(4%rm of county roads and 64 bridges throughout the county.The primary
Icachny t0 water. the AlasoR Count Public\C'tirks l'actlnc,located lust I County collectors are listed in Table 8. Mason County currently has no
arterials other than the state highway system.State highway level of
north of'910ton on I lighwa)101 was cunstnlctcd in 2008.C;ttellite service standards are established by WSDOT.¶
maintenance facilities are located in Belfair and Matlock. 9
- - Mom detail is available in the Transportation Element of the
Comprehensive Plan as well as the 2019-2024 Transportation
Improvement Pmgram(I`HP. Mason County's TIP is adopted by
reference as part of the Comprehensive Plan.9
The Mason County Public Works Facility,located to the north of
Shelton on Highway 101,provides for the majority of the current
needs of the Department,with some needed utility improvements.
However,satellite facilities at different locations around the County
and a new shop in Belfair may be needed in the future to better
support the Department's needs and improve the efficiency of the
Department by reducing travel and transportation time for materials
and equipment used for maintenance and construction project work.¶
(_ahilalIiiei&ie,I:lemenl Paf8791'90 Urall
2022-2027 CAPITAL IhIPROVI,'Ml,' T PROGRAM WORKSI II F'l' Deleted:11
Fund: County Road Fund
Pn&ct Name: North County Shop Site Planning
Estimates: Planning Level
Description: Exaluate potential sites to relocate the Belfair Shop♦ Dcxrin r irc r(eim ctitcria icicntif),potential sites.annly criteria to rank
and prioritize,sdca preferred site and prepare platmint Ict c l cost estimate to acutkc ticyelop.and relocate.
Justifications: Relocating the shop will improve 1)c1)artmeut cfficicncc h.v reducing travel and transportation time for materials and ey >ment
used for maintenance and constniction nroiccts.
Estimated Pr*ct Costs(in thousands)
Deleted:image Break
Expenditures 22022 202-; 2� 2025 Svw TOt11 I TRANSPORTATION FAcniTiml
PcasibiGty/Altcruativr.:�nah its ° °� f 11 i:,. tl .�s a z�°. ;: 1 4
g �
1'rt•Iintm ltv I'.nl attec•rtn ' .a I »,. ..,& U �Ma 5 Mig.,°tm NUMy .WAIM Fund: County Road Fund¶
t crostrvuxm I':n nruc rtn u ¶
— --�+ ., � a��--� ��..•-�^-. . ." •..'� a I Project Name: Belfair Shop Lnprwemeate¶
r-r�ntil rucllt in I
Total Expenditures gid, a2gv p a Estimates: Planning Level¶
ReN_enues Remo Ices I Description: A new Shop will include a work staging area,vehicle
bay, h marntenante y crews unt /meeting room,restrooms&shower
.�. 1
Ithud 1' i l .• ,: siux,.. I@jad facilities,offices,vehicle and equipment storage and materials stooge.
�. I In 2018,replacement windows were installed and updates to the office
r peg� +' � tie,. 11 ex +aa v TF? TN 3 ' and mechanical areas were made,as well as replacement siding and
s .. t insulation.
� ,a st:t: r I w l r. ii; & s�0» 1 I O.<
l'otal Ftin(ling IQ M 4SI t Justifications:The current Belfair Shop is located in a residential
_ -----------------------------'
neighborhood adjacent to Hood Canal.Public Works is currently
evaluating other sites for placement of a new shop,including an area at
the new Belfair Treatment Plant.¶
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)¶ .. 30
CuAilal F4nrkYie.r IiGmenl Pater 88gL90 Dtu/!
PUBLIC WORKS-ROAD " Deleted:2019
Fund: County Road Fund - -
Project Name: Satellite Maintenance Yard Development Deleted:PLAN
� Deleted:¶
Estimates: PlanningJ'cve�
-- ------------
----- ----- ----------� - `\
\ W � Deleted:
Description: Public Works will be developing selected sites at various locations across the County to better serve the requirements of
maintenance activities.The planned development would include upgrades such as:clearing and grading,installing wells and ¶
water systems,installing electric power to support site services,constructing equipment/materials storage buildings and facilities, Deleted'¶
paving storage sites and developing roads on the properties. Acquisition of individual properties will supplement existing W0
property holdings to provide for uses such as sites for stormwater treatment facilities and disposal sites for ditch spoils and slide Deleted:¶
materials from maintenance or construction excavations.T -- Deleted:¶
Justifications: The changing mandates and requirements of road maintenance necessitate the expansion/upgrade of certain facilities,while _- Deleted:
----- - --- ---
the need to develop stormwater detention facilities and ditch spoil disposal sites require the purchase of property in specific
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands)
Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
Preliminary Engineering 10 Deleted:30
Construction 1ngineering
Total,FV. enduures 10 Deleted:Cost.
Jlevenu s/Resources Deleted:30
In House 10
g �__ - Deleted:Funding Sources:
Grants 3.« .caayuA`a3° .iSur`'N°Bya �i°�" a6lla—a � . 1 x �' r°ti8 ,a^^asx a ° 3�r d i�. ^e . 6',�ni� d.e..�
...�.l ti ,nl.�. :. y. �....dLt 4:>.� ._ :$m� mom.- .tea s3. . ��...._ s � �.��._,a � ,. ... _ _.. Deleted:3u
Total Funding, Ha
10 . _ ...... ... .... . ... .... ..... riQ;.. - Deleted:
alwal I�;ialilief I Skvienl Puar 894L90 1>�all
'�2'- CAPI_I'ALJMI'RO\'I iNII:N'l'jlltOCRANI WORKSI IEET --- - Deleted;2019
' ----------------------------------- ` Deleted:FACILITIES
Fund: 4;qurity Road Fun
--------------------------------- Deleted:PLAN
Project Name: helton-Madock�atellite Site Improvement _ Y,. Deleted:¶
�) ---- ---- - �w ---- - -- ----- -- -
Estimates: Ent-rineering Leve� � ,. "`+ Deleted:
--- ------------- --� ----- --- ------ ---- ------------ a.
��. Deleted:¶
Description: Coup Road Fund owns roe on Shelton-Matlock Road that is currentl use fenced materials andequipment stora "
P .--- - - ------� �Y- ---- --y--- ------------ --- -- " Ddeted:structnreat
_ _ .
yard. The construction of a structure on this site will help to facilitate the effidentgyment of crews and equipment to the ```� Deli:Rood Site
south end of the County,particularly during snow and ice conditions.The cost below re9ects a fully enclosed metal structures Deleted:¶
Justifications: Currently crews assigned to maintain,plow and de-ice the southern portion of the County must go to the Central Shop to get Deleted:Plano ng
the equipment needed to respond.When pyrforntitig scheduled maintenance in the south end,crews travel to and from the Deleted:I
Central Shop,transporting heavy equipment,vehicles,tools and material�speeded for their work.One of the Road Department's Deleted:The
long range goals is to consider placement of satellite maintenance yards in key locations throughout the county to improve Deleted:¶
response and efficiency. This satellite yard will also aid local utility districts during storm events. Deleted:doing
Estimated Project Costs(in thousands) Deli;¶
--------------------_ - ..------------ --------------- 2022
Exnendimres 2022 2023 2024 2 2020 Total 31
Prcliminary thin n 25 U Deleted:2019-202M CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN
Construction I:n,��incerine 2 WORKSHE11
I (+n11ttm 11 iiX) 100 ' PUBL[CWOM-ROAD"
Total Expenditures 75
Road Fund 75 325 400 � ¶
� Fund County Road Fund¶
Total Fundin 75 4 ¶
Project Name: Sand and Salt Storage Shelter¶
t.i niul Laial u-I sLzzcnl I dJiX 90AL90 Uru(/
Belfair UGA f Formatted:Bottom: 0.81",Header distance from edge:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.5",Footer distance from edge: 0.4",Number of columns:2
The Belfair UGA has been evaluated for transportation-sewer-water Deleted:¶
and power and other services.Please see the Belfair UGA Plan 2022 'r
and the Belfair Planned Action FAS and Ordinance regarding
improvements and a SETA mitiption fee for transportation.
- - - - _ Deleted:q
�4 Formatted:Heading 8,Left,Tab stops: 0",Left+ 4.19",
Left+ 4.81",Left+ 8.06',Left
Formatted:Emphasis,Font:10.5 pt,Not Bold
Formatted:Emphasis,Font:10.5 pt,Not Bold
Cabital Facilities•Element pe 9�1 Dw
-- - - --------------------------------------- --------- ----
REET 1 Capital Improvement Program @ 12.27.2021 for 2022-2031
PROJEC35 1 3.00%1 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00%J 3.DO%I 3.0
2022 2023 2024 1111 1D26 1117 2028 2029 W10 2031 2022-2031
BuldingOMMaln Plan plan Plan Plain PI n PI n Plan Plan Zan T 1
New Security 5vstem 3,000 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
HVAC Equip and Controls Replace 0 52,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,000
lst Floor Carpet.Rnancial Services 0 0 22," 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000
Reseal Wintlows 0 0 32,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,000
Pint Interior 0 0 0 22,DDo 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,Doo
Miuellarwous Bullying Maintenance 0 0 0 0 23,000 0 0 0 0 0 23.000
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,000 0 0 31,0W
Heat Pumps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,000 0 62,000
Replace Roo/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124,000 0 124,000
$3,000 $52,000 $S4.WO $22,000 $23,OW $0 $0 $37= $186,000 $0 $377,000
Building Two OHke Public ONensa
New Security System 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
M iscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,W0
HVAC 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 12,000
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,D00 0 0 13,000
Paint Exterior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 13,000
$3,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $12,000 $0 $13,000 $0 $13,000 S47.OW
Building Thraa Juvenile Courb
New Security System 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,D00
Replace Roof 0 78,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,000
Revise Entry Door/Add Door 0 0 24,D00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000
Replace celNng tiles 0 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,000
Extenar Paint 0 0 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000
HVAC Equip and Controls Replace 0 0 0 0 0 0 118'" 0 0 0 118,000
Mis¢Naneaus Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,OOD 0 0 13,000
53,1N10 578,000 540,000 522,000 $6,000 50 $118'" 513,000 $0 $0 $280,000
Ou0dih four WSU ExWsbn
New Securlry System 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,DDO
HVAC Equip/Controls Replace 0 0 0 121
000 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.OW
Remodel Bathrooms for Accessibility 0 0 0 0 17,000 0 0 0 0 0 17,000
Miuellane,us Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 61000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000
Replace Windows,Siding and Paint 0 0 0 0 0 0 59',,1 0 0 0 59'"
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13," 0 0 13,000
Paint Interior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.000 0 13.000
$3.000 50 $0 $22,000 523,000 $0 $59,000 513,000 $13,000 $0 $133,000
Building Rve Information Technology
Newecu Srity Syuem 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
Replace windows 0 0 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000
Exterior Paint 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 11,000
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 12,1 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Replace hot water heater D 0 0 0 0 2.000 0 0 0 0 2,000
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projecs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000
3,000 0 0 22,000 24,000 1," 0 11,001 0 0 64,D00
Bullying Slv Modular Courtroom
New Security System 3;000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
R<Place Roof 0 0 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,D00
Replace Entry Door 0 0 7,000 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 7.DOO
HVAC Repairs 0 0 0 14,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,"
Miscellaneous gulldlnNMainsenance 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,D00
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,000 0 0 7,000
$3,000 $0 $34,000 $14,000 $4.000 $0 $0 $7," $0 $0 $62.000
Building Seven Profecvrtor
New security system 3'OW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-INTO
Replace Roof 30,OW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000
Remodel 2nd Floor 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,0DO
Remotlel Conference Room 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000
Water Heater 0 0 0 2,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,OW
Miscellaneous Bu1lCing Maintenance 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Miscellaneous Energy Sating Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000
HVAC Equip 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
$100,000 $0 $0 $2,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $13,000 $0 $0 $127,000
Builtling Eight Publk Health/DCD
New Security Svstem 3,000 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
Replace 1-1 0 47,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,000
Replace Siding IS,Windows D 0 0 44,000 0 D 0 0 0 0 41,000
Water Heater Replacement 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,DOD
Replace Orpet D 0 0 44,000 0 0 0 D 0 0 44,D00
HVAC Controls 0 0 0 175,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,000
MluellarwouseulIding Maintenance 0 0 0 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Reseal Windows 0 0 0 0 34,000 0 0 0 0 0 340DO
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 0 0 25:000
53,W0 $47,000 $0 5265,000 $46,000 $0 $0 $25.000 $0 $0 $386,DDO
Building Nine Human Rnources
0C.-mity C-elopmentlPLANNING\Mansb.V,ALong Range\Comp Plant2022 WOrk1CFE-Capital Facilities Element%CFE Minor Update\Funding%2022-2031 REET 1 12.27(version 1).xtsx 3 of 4
REET 1 Capital Improvement Program @ 12.27.2021 for 2022-2031
Ware,Heater Replacement 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 1,000
Replace Carpet 0 0 0 0 23,000 0 0 0 0 0 23,000
Miscellaneous Bu ilding Maintenance 0 0 0 0 12,000 D 0 0 0 0 12,011
Extedor Paint 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 12,ODO
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000
$11000 $0 $0 $0 - $35,000 $12,000 $0 $13.ODO $0 $0 $61,000
New LED lighting in cells with night lighl 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000
Replace Window Sealant/Add Flashing 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,000
Waterproof Walkway and Generator Wall-euery4 years 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000
Elevator Mach Room Wall Heater 0 0 0 0 "000 0 0 0 D 0 7,000
Wall/Calling/Trim/Door Paint except new addn. 0 0 0 0 112100, 0 D 0 0 0 112:000
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 S6,D00 0 0 0 0 0 56,000
Waterproof Walkway and Generator Wall-every4 years 0 0 0 0 0 6.000 0 0 0 0 6,000
Control Panel/Room update 0 0 0 0 0 373,000 0 0 0 0 173,OW
Epoxy Floors 0 0 0 0 0 0 189,000 0 0 0 189,000
Grease Interceptor Relocating 0 0 0 0 0 0 89,000 0 0 0 89,000
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121,000 0 0 121,OW
Add/Replace Cameras 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162,000 0 162,000
Roohop Skylight Replacement 0 D 0 0 0 0 O 0 25,000 0 25,000
Repair/Replace Electric Door Operators 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162,000 0 162,000
$120,000 $17,000 $0 $0 $175,000 $379,000 $278,000 $121,000 $349,000 50 $1,439,ODO
New Security Sys tem 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,OOD
HVAC 1st Floor 0 52,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,010
Replace Carpet 0 0 53,000 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 53,OW
Interior Paint 0 0 S3,D00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,000
Renovate Office Areas on Main&Second Flr. 0 0 758,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 758,000
New Elevator Electric 0 0 0 7,000 0 0 0 0 D 0 7,000
Miscellanmus Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 56,000 0 0 0 0 0 56,000
Replace Historic Windows 0 0 0 0 0 299,000 0 0 0 0 219,OOD
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,000 0 0 61,000
Conceal Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230,W0 230,000
Camera Surveillance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 143,000 143:100
Elevator Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 348,ODO 348000
$3,000 552,000 $864,000 $71000 $56,000 $299,000 $0 $61,000 $0 $721,000 $2,063,000
Juvenile Detention Facility
Reside inside recreation 0 0 0 44,000 0 D 0 0 0 0 44,000
Replace Wood Ra mp 0 0 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000
Replace Control PanelW/integrated System 0 0 0 W." 0 D 0 0 0 0 50,000
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Hot Water Rec"Pump 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 6,DOD
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,000 0 0 37,000
Wall/Celling/Trim/Door Paint 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 7,000 0 7,DOB
Roof repair 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,00D 50,000
$0 $0 $0 $116,000 $12,000 $6,000 $0 $37,000 $7,000 $50,000 $228,000
Sheriffs Office
New Security System 3,000 0 0 0 0 D. 0 0 0 0 3,000
Remodel 2nd Floor 0 412,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 432,000
HVAC Equip and Controls Replacement 0 0 175,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1750
Miseeitaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 23,000 0 0 0 0 0 23,,000
Fence Repair 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 12,00D
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,OW 0 0 61,000
Well/Ceiling/Trim/Door Paint 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,000 28,000
$3,000 5412,000 $175,000 $0 $23,000 $12,000 $0 $61,000 $0 $28,000 $714,000
$herlR Rectory Building
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10'000
$10,000 $0 $0 $D $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000
Building p1P Distrlct Court m Coplex
Finish Phase 2 $75.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8]5,000
Caulk&paint 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 13,000
$875,000 $0 $O $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,000 $mota0
Memorial Hall
New front sliding door 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Replace windows 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,010
Bep lace flooring 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,000
Miscellaneous Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 12,D00 0 0 0 0 0 12,000
Miscellaneous Energy Saving Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,000 0 0 37,000
72,000 0 11,000 0 12,000 0 0 37,000 0 0 132,000
New Storage Building
Construct New Storage Building for Facilities&MCSO 0 309,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309,000
0 309,0DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309,000
$1,205,000 $967,DDO $1,178,000 $492,000 $457,000 $722,000 $455,000 $464,000 $555,OD0 $825,OW $7,320,000
1ACommunity Development\PLANNING\Manam NAI-ong RangelComp Plan12022 Work1CFE-Capital Facilities Elenn-ACFE_Minor lJpdateTunding12022-2031 REET 1 12.27(version 1).x1sx 4 of 4
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
2018 1 2019 1 2020 2021 1 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2018-2028
District Budgeted Actual Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
Beginning Fund Balance 353-000-000 $963,976 $2,128,388 2,391,969 2,447,441 1,563,700 1,478,006 634,708 680,199' 779,031 881,322 987,194 1,096,772 2,391,969
-Reserved Fund Balance $0 $D $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Total Beginning Fund Balance $963,976 $2,128,388 2,391,969 2,447,441 1,563,700 1,478,006 1 634,706 680,199 779,031 881,322 987,194 1,096,772 2,391,969
REET 2 Funding @ forcasted Increase of
3.5% $880,595 $1,218,735 $1,261,391 $1,305,540 $1,351,234 $1,398,527 i $1,447,475 $1,498,137. $1,550,572 $1,604,842 $1,661,011 $1,719,147 14,797,876
Other Mist Revenue $0 $0
Interest income $3,082 $43,077 4,415 4,569 4,729 4,895 5,066 5,243 5,427 5,617 5,814 6,017 51,793
Other Revenue Sources REET 2
1 Sandhill Park RCO Grant $57,902 -
North Mason Field Renovation $231,335 $231,335
1 Belfair 5katepark 295,000 - - 295,000
1 Coulter Creek Park Boardwalk/View 208,725 208,725
1 Menards Landing Launch - - - - 62,000 63,500 - - 125,500
1 North Bay Trail
1 North Mason High Schaal Fields - - - - j 1,150,SDO - - - - - 1,150,500
1 Phillips Lake Park Amenities
1 Water Spray Park Development - - - - - 605,000 - - - 605,000
1 Latimer's Landing - 91,678 91,678
1 Mason Lake Park 82,053 - - 82,053
1 Oakland Bay Park 23,250 23,813 269,875 317,500 634,438
1 Rendsland Park - -
1 Sandhill Park 11,500 - 415,001 - - - 2,229,171 2,655,671
1 Watson Wlldwood County Park - - - - - - - - - 317,500 i 317,500
1-3 Shelton to Belfair Trail 1,270,000 1,270,000
2 SW Area Community Park Study - - - - - - - - - -
2 Truman Glick Improvements
2 Foothills Park - - - - -
2 Union Park 7,800 146,683 154,483
3 Jacoby Park 16,800 244,375 - 127,000 388,175
3 Shelton 5katepark - - - -
3 Sunset Park - - - - - - - - 476,250 476,250
3 MCRA improvements
3 MCRA Improvements 377,600 1,214,052 - 236,000 43,560 i - - 596,265 - 2,467,477
3 Walker Park 15,600 15,600
Add'I Funding Required for Plan 1,680,330 1,091,939 1,317,456 160,725 123,846 2,083,523 3,417,052
Total Resources $2,078,988 $3,679,437 4,070,275 3,757,SS0 4,150,515 5,367,816 4,860,689 1 4,440,374 2,581,005 2,702,940 7,000,682 9,671,087 39,054,558
I:\CFP\2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xIsx2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 1 of 6
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
jQy$ 2019 2020 zozl = I 1w Im I I jQjg 242Z zov-zozs
Budgeted PmDosed Actual Plan Plan Plan !'3 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
Capital Improvement Projects: j
Interfund Chg for Svcs/Budget 8,Fin $5,318 $5,352 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 5,325 53,250
State Audit Fees $8,175 $5,318 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 21680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 26,800
Transfer out Rustlewood 411 $200,000 $200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,0D0 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 2,000,000
Transfer to Stormwater 480
Water Rights Plan Design -
Skokomish Flood Plain
Sewer Funding 413 -
Transfer to Landfill 402
Transfer out to Facilities 146
Belfair W W Transfer Out 00 423 $8o0,DD0 $800,000 800,000 goo,o 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 8001000 800,000 800,000 800,000 8,000,000
Internal Labor Cost 74,845 74,845 149,690
Maintenance Tractors,Mowing Decks 80,000 82,400 84,872 87,418 90,041 92,742 95,124 98,390 101,342 812,728
Trails Development 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1 50,000 50,000' 50,001 50,002 500,003
Capital Improvement Projects $231,335 $156,331 489,984 489,984
Coulter Creek Park Boardwalk/View - - - - - 417,450 - 417,450
Belfair Skatepark 590,000 590,000
Coulter Creek Park II
Menards Landing Launch 124,000 127,000 _251,000
North Bay Trail 1,035,000 1,035,000
North Mason High School Fields 1,150,500 1,150,500
Phillips Lake Park Amenities - - 11,500 - - - - - - 11,500
Water Spray Park Development 1,210,000 1,210,000
Latimer's Landing - - - - - 366,713 366,713
Mason Lake Park 303,256 j 303,256
Oakland Bay Park - 93,000 95,250 539,750 635,000 1,363,000
Rendsland Park _ _ _ - 276,120 - 254,000 530,120
Sandhill Park $115,804 - 830,001 - - 63,500 4,458,341 5,351,842
Watson Wlldwood County Park 47,2D0 635,000 682,200
Shelton to Belfair Trail 115,000 2,540,000 2,655,000
Total District 81 1,991,501 2,063,820 1,930,706 217,000 222,250 3,143,250 6,349,054 15,917,581
SW Area Community Park Study _ - 62,0D0 63,500 125,500
Truman Glick Improvements - - - 157,734 157,734
Foothills Park - 34,500 277,61 312,171
Union Park 586,730 269,936 276,466 1,133,132
Total District 42 621,230 277,671 332 936 339,966 157,734 1,728,537
Jacoby Park Shorecrest Improvements
Jacoby Park - - 67,200 977,500 - - - - 254,000 - 1,298,700
Shelton Skatepark - - - - - -
Sunset Bluff Park 39,200 - - - - 952,500 991,700
MCRA Improvements 524,663 981,000 1,420,104 - 472,000 304,920' - 1,192,530 4,370,554
Walker Park 5,6D0 - 499,246 - - 504,846
Total District 99 981,000 1,532,104 977,500 971,246 304,920 1,446,530 952,500 1 7,165,800
Total Planned Expenditures $1,244,828 $1,287,468 1,622,832 2,193,850 2,672,509 4,733,208 4,180,489 3,661,343 1,699,683 1,715,745 5,903,910 8,460,902 36,844,373
Ending Fund Balance 5834,160 11,391,161 2,447,441 1,563,700 1,478,006 634,708 680,199 779,031 881,322 987,194 1,096,772 1,210,184 1,210,184
Total Uses $2,078,988 $3,679,437 4,070,275 3,757,550 4,150,515 5,367,816 4,860,689 1 4,440,374 j 2,581,005 2,702,940 7,000,692 9,671,087: 38,054,558
I:\CFP\2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.x1sx2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 2 of 6
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00%1 3.00% 3.00% ;.oc am t%m- 3.00%
Match 2019 2020 2021 2022 LO L3 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2018-2028
'REVENUES Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
50%Belfair Skatepark - - - - 29S,000 - - - - 295,000
50%Shelton Skatepark
50%Coulter Creek Park Boardwalk/View 208,725 208,725
0%Maintenance Tractors,Mowing Decks
50%Menards Landing Launch 62,000 63,S00 125,500
0%North Bay Trail
100%North Mason High School Fields 1,150,500 1,1501
0%Phillips Lake Park Amenities - - -
0%SW Area Community Park Study - - -
50%Trails Development - - - - - - - - -
0%Truman Glick Improvements - -
50%Water Spray Park Development - 605,000 - - 605,000
813,/25 62,000' 63,500 - - 2,384,725
0%Foothills Park Picnic Upgrades Trail
0%Foothills Park Site Plan - -
25%Jacoby Park Boat Ramp - - - 244,375 - - - _ - - 244,375
50%Jacoby Park Picnic&Site 127,000 _ 127,000I
25%,Jacoby Park Planning 16,800 l 16,6001
16.800 244,375 - - - - f:7.000 388,175
25%Latimers Landing Connector Trail - - - - - - 47,625 47,625
25%Latimers Landing Improvements 44,053 44,053
91,678 91,677
0%Mason Lake Park Picnic Shelter
0%Mason Lake Park Play Equipment
50%Mason Lake Park Upgrads 82,OS3 82,053
Mason Lake Skate Park p1
82,053 82,053
_ I
50%MCRA Improve Parking and Master Plan 1 - - - - - - - 596,265 - 596,265
50%MCRA Infield on 1,4,5 420,000 420,000
50%MCRA Irrigation - - 290,052 - - - - - - - 290,052
50%MCRA Lights on 42,&3&Batting Cage Repair - - - - 236,000 - - - - - 236,000
100%MCRA New Restroom Concession 377,600 _ _ _ 377,600
0%MCRA New Restroom Concession - - - - - - -
50%MCRA Spray Park -
50%MCRA Trail - - 43,560 43,560
50%.MCRA Turf 46&tt7 04,000 SO4,000
377,600 - 1,214,0521 - 236,000 43,5601 596,265 - 2,467,477
1:1CFP12019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 3 of 6
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
.Match 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202J 2028 2017-2026
.REVENUES pJpg Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
__. -.
25%Oakland Bay Historic Home Reno - - - - 23,250 23,813 - - 47,063
50%Oakland Bay Park Acquisition - - - - 2uJ,87S - 269,875
50%Oakland Bay Park Phase II - - 317,500 317,S00
- 73,250 23,813 269,975 317,500 634,438
.-. .. __
0%Rendsland Park Phase I Site Day _
04 Rendsland Park Phase II Site Dev
50%Sandhill Park Expansion - - 415,001 - - - - - - 415,001
SG%Sandhill Park Play Equipment 1,115,183 ' 1,115,183
100%Sandhill Park Play Expansion 11,500 11,500
0%Sandhill Park Play Expansion - - - - -
_. -.
50%Sandhill Synthetic Multipurpose Field - - - - - - - - - 1,113,987 1,113,987
11,500 - - 415,001 - - - - - 2,229,171 2,655,671
50%Shelton to Belfair Trail - - - - - - - - 1,270,000 - 1,270,000
50%Shelton to Belfair Trail
0%Shelton to Belfair Trail Planning - - - - - -
- - - - - - 1,270,000 1,270,0001
50%Sunset Bluff Development - - - - - - - - - - 476,250 476,250y
0%Sunset Bluff Park Site Plan -
- - - - - - - - - 476,250 476,250
25%Union Boat Launch Renovation - - - 146,683 - - - - 146,683
0%Union Park Restroom 7,800 - - - - - 7,800
-- _- 7,800 - - 146,683 - - i 154,483
0%Walker Park Beach Access
100%Walker Park Septic 15,600 - - - - - - - - - 15,600
_. _. --
0%Walker Park Septic - - -
0%Walker Park Improvements - - - - - -
15,600 15,600
So%Watson Wildwood Park Development 337,500 317,500
0%Watson Wildwood Park Site Plan - - - - - - - - - - -
317,500 317,500
412,500 - 1,230,852 806,0581 1,681,500 939,338 1 85,2501 87,313 1 2,263,140 3,432,099 1 10,938,049
1:1CFP\2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19A=2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 4 of 6
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
EXPENDITURES 2019 2020 I 2021 I 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2018-2028
Plan Plan I Plan I Plan Plan I Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
Belfair 5katepark - - - - 590,000 - - - - - 590,000
Shelton 5katepark - - - - - - - - - - -
Coulter Creek Park Boardwalk/View - - - - - 417,450 - - - - 417,450
Maintenance Tractors,Mowing Decks - 80,000 82,400 84,872 87,418 90,041 92,742 95,524 98,390 101,342 812,728
Menards Landing Launch - - - - - - 124,000 127,000 - - 252,000
North Bay Trail - - - 1,035,000 - - - - - - 1,035,000
North Mason High School Fields - - - - 1,150,500 - - - - - 1,150,500
Phillips Lake Park Amenities - - - 11,500 - - - - - - 11,500
SW Area Community Park Study - - - - - - 62,000 63,500 - - 125,500
Trails Development - - - - - - - - - - -
Truman Glick Improvements - - - - - - - - 1S7,734 - 163,934
Water Spray Park Development - - - 1,210,000 - - 1,210,000
80,000 82,4D0 1,131,372 1,827,918 1,717,491 278,742 286,024 256,124 101,342 5,768,612
Foothi115 Park Picnic Upgrades Trail - - - - - 277,671 - - - - 277,671
Foothills Park Site Plan 34,500 - - - 34,500
34,500 - 277,671 - - - - 312,171
Jacoby Park Boat Ramp - - - 977,500 - - - - - 977,500
Jacoby Park Picnic&Site - - - - - - - - 254,000 - 254,000
Jacoby Park Planning 67,2D0 67,200
- - 67,200 977,500 - - - - 254,000 - 1,298,700
Latimers Landing Connector Trail - - - - - - - - - 190,500 190,500
Latimers Landing Improvements 176,213 179,713
- - - - - - - - - 366,713 370,213
Mason Lake Park Picnic Shelter - - - - - 90,750 - - - - 90,750
Mason Lake Park Play Equipment - - - - - 48,400 - - - - 49,400
Mason Lake Park Upgrads - - - - - 164,106 - - - - 175,606
Mason Lake Skate Park#1
303,256 - - - - 314,756
MCRA Improve Parking and Master Plan - - - - - - - - 1,192,530 - 1,224,730
MCRA Infield on 1,4,5 - - 840,000 - - - - - - - 840,000
MCRA Irrigation - - 580,104 - - - - - - - 580,104
MCRA Lights on#2,&3&Batting Cage Repair - - - - 472,000 - - - - - 472,000
MCRA New Restroom Concession - - - - - 217,800 - - - - 217,800
MCRA Spray Park - - - - - - - - -
MCRA Trail - - - - - 87,120 - - - - 87,120
MCRA Turf#6 981,000 981,000
- 981,000 1,420,104 - 472,000 304,920 - - 1,192,530 - 4,402,754
I:\CFP\2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xIsx2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 5 of 6
REET 2 Capital Improvement Program @ 1.17.19 for 2019-2028
EXPENDITURES 2019 12020 2021 1 2022 2023 2024 2025 2O266 2027 2028 2017-2026
Plan Plan Plan plan Plan Plan Plan i n Plan Plan Total
Oakland Bay Historic Home Reno - - - - - - 93,000 95,250 - - 188,250
Oakland Bay Park Acquisition - - - - - - - - 539,750 - 539,750
Oakland Bay Park Phase II - - - 635,000 635,000
- - - - - 93,000 95,250 539,750 635,000 1,363,000
Rendsland Park Phase I Site Dev - - - 276,120 - - - - - 276,120
Rendsland Park Phase II Site Dev - 254,000 254,000
- - - - 276,120 - - - - 254,000 530,120
Sandhill Park Expansion - - - 830,001 - - - - - - 838,101
Sandhill Park Play Equipment - - - - - - - - - 2,230,366 2,230,366
Sandhill Park Play Expansion - - - - - - - 63,500 - 63,500
Sandhill Synthetic Multipurpose Field - - 2,227,975 2,227,975
830,001 - - - - 63,500 4,458,341 5,359,942
Shelton to Belfair Trail - - - - - - - 2,540,000 - 2,540,000
Shelton to Belfair Trail - - - - - - - - - -
Shelton to Belfair Trail Planning 115,DOD - 115,000
115,000 - - - - 2,540,000 - 2,655,000
Sunset Bluff Development - - - - - - - - - 952,500 952,500
Sunset Bluff Park Site Plan 39,200 39,200
- - 39,200 - - - - - 952,500 991,700
Union Boat Launch Renovation - - - 586,730 - - - - - - 586,730
Union Park Restroom 269,936 276,466 547,902
- 586,730 - - 269,936 276,466 - - 1,134,632
Walker Park Beach Access - - 5,600 - - - - - - - 5,600
Walker Park Septic - - - - - - - - 193,500
Walker Park Improvements - 499,246 - - 499,246
S,6D0 - 499,246 - - - - - 698,346
Watson Wildwood Park Development - - - - - - - - - 635,000 635,000
Watson Wildwood Park Site Plan 47,200 - - 47,200
47,200 - - 635,000 682,200
1,061,000 1,614,504 3,675,103 3,122,484 2,603,338 641,678 657,740 4,845,904 7,402,895 25,882,146
I:kCFP\2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xIsx2019-2028 REET 2 1.17.19.xlsx 6 of 6
Mason County Rural Counties(.og)Fund Capital Improvements Plan @ 20/22/29
Type 1 gPPlan aoia Actual 192-0 2P23 29" 20-23 20� _S 39i4 -8 2M 144LO 7s3- a.22-2-3x 1
Proposed I Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total1
RevenueslResourcesl I
Beginning Balance $478,632 $669,294 1 $720,525 $776,687 $875,181 s971,727 $1,095,253 $1,246,649 52,426,837 s1,636,768 $1,981,398 $2,356,220 $2,762,291 $3,200,704 $669,294
Rural Counties Sales 8,Use Taxi 659,289 787,8571 700,000 728,000 724,500 749,858 776,103 803,166 831,380 860,479 890,59S 921,766 954,028 987,419 7,852,0381
I Interest lncomel 1648 157101 3500 a82o 1811 1875 1940 2008 2078 2151 2226 2304 2385 1469 35,12o i
Total Resourcesi s4239,569 S4472,86a i S2,424,025 s2,5o6,5a7 s2,6o2,493 s2,723,459 s1,873,296 $2,051,924 $2,26o,295 $2,499,398 $2,874,220 $3,280,291 s3,718,704 s4,190,591 S8,556,452
ExpenditureslUsesl 2576 15761 t393 1
Interfund Chg for Servicesi 83t2 83t21 3061 1
Economic Development Councils s68,000 s68,000 1 s68,000 s68,000 t68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 s68,000 68o,000l
Add'I EDC Funds) - I - - - - - - - - - - - - . I
BelfairWW Reclamation Systems 450,000 450,0001 450,000 450,000 450,000 45o,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 4So,000 4So,000 450,000 450,000 4,500,0001
City of5helton Regional Sewer) 234,448 234,4481 t14,885 223,325 -,766 210,2o6 to8,647 207,087 105,528 0 0 0 0 0 ,005,891
Total Planned Expenditures s762,336 S762,336 I S637,339 S631,325 s629,766 S628,2o6 S626,647 s625,087 S623,528 $518,000 s518,0oo s528,000 s528,000 s528,o0o $6,.85,89.1
Total Ending Fund Balancel 4377,233 $720625 I $776,687 S87S,181 s974727 S1,09S,253 s1,246,649 St,426,837 st,636,768 S1,981,398 $2,356,220 $2,762,291 $1,200,704 $1,672,591 S2,370,562
i Total Usesi 52,139,569 S1,472,861i$1,414,025 $1,5o6,507 st,6ot,493 51,723,459 $1,873,296 s2,o51,924 s2,26o,295 s2,499,398 S2,874,220 S3,280,291 S3,718,704 $4119 01 5 91 $8,556,452
Mason County agreed to make annual payments for 20 years to City of Shelton for Regional Sewer.First payment is in 2007 and the last payment is 2026.
Revenue Forecast assumes a3.5%annual increase.DOR pro/'ects retail sales tax receipt growth at'27 @ 4.6%,'18 @ 3.7%,1g'@ 4.S%,'20 @ 4.1%,&'21 @ 4.0%
Under current funding legislation,the.og Sales Tax Credit for Rural Counties will end in the year 09/01/2032.
December 23,2016 Mason County Commissioners approved s68,000 each ye-far 2027&2018 for the Mason County Economic Development Council.
November S,2013 Mason County Commissioners approved an additional 5215,000 for 2013&an additional f 125,-far 2124,s350,000 for 2015 and s450,000 for 2o16 and beyond for the
Belfair Wastewater Water Reclamation System.
There is not a formal award through the.og process for these amounts.
I:\CFP\2019-2028.09 Plan 10.22.19.xlsx
March 14, 2022
Briefing Items
• News Release for United Ways Days of Caring—Free Dump Vouchers
• Private Line Occupancy Permit for existing waterline running under and across NE North
Shore Road for address 1749,parcel 32230-11-90030.
• Approval of CRP 2035- Boyer Road and CRP 2036- Snider Road, converting gravel roads
to chip seal (requesting at the March 14, 2022 Commission Meeting to move forward at
the March 15, 2022 Commission Meeting).
Discussion Items
Commissioner Follow-Up Items
Upcoming Calendar/Action Items
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson
_Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins
_Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson
Other(list below):
March 29, 2022
411 NORTH 5th ST
SHELTON, WA. 98584
(360) 427-9670 EXT. 419
RE: 2022 United Ways Days of Caring — Free Dump Vouchers
In partnership with Mason County Public Works and Republic Services, United Way of Mason
County will be handing out vouchers for the 2022 Days of Caring.
Vouchers will be handed out to 200 Mason County residents, on a first-come first-serve basis
to be redeemable at the Mason County Landfill at 501 E Eells Hill Road, Shelton, WA.
Starting March 30, 2022 vouchers will be available Monday-Friday 10am-2pm at the United
Way of Mason County's office located at 536 W Railroad Ave, Shelton WA. To receive a
voucher you must fill out the required paper work, have a valid ID and proof of Mason County
address. Vouchers will only cover 2,000lbs of household garbage.
For any questions, please contact United Way of Mason County at (360) 426-4999 and for
rules and restrictions for household garbage (360) 427-9670, Ext. 199. More information
regarding the voucher process and items covered and not covered by the voucher is available
on the Mason County Utilities and Waste Management/Solid Waste webpage.
Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin,
Chair Vice Chair Commissioner
FROM: Mike Collins P.E. County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: March, 14 2022
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
X Legal i I Information Technology ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Private Line Occupancy Permit
W. Pierre Andrade has applied for a Private Line Occupancy Permit for an existing
unpermitted underground power and waterline that has been hit several times through the
years underneath the North Shore Road.
The homeowner's property is located at 17491 NE North Shore Road (parcel number
32230-11-90030). The waterline serves three homes. This permit will cover the relocation
of the new power and waterline that runs under the North Shore Road (see attached map).
No budget impacts. An application fee of $200 has been paid to process the proposed
Private Line Occupancy Permit.
Recommend the Board approve the Private Line Occupancy Permit granting permission for
the existing waterline running under and across NE North Shore Road for address 17491,
parcel number 32230-11-90030.
1. PLO w/vicinity Map (A-4)
AND MAINTAIN Waterline and water pump electrical line
Application of W. Pierre Andrade with principal residence located at
1005 Short St,Steilacoom,WA 98388,by and through W. Pierre Andrade, for a private line
utility occupancy permit to construct, operate and maintain a private waterline under county
roads and highways in Mason County, Washington,as set forth in attached Exhibit"A",having
come before the County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington during a regularly
scheduled public meeting,on the day of ,20_,and that it is in the public
interest to allow the private line utility occupancy permit herein granted;
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that a non-exclusive private line utility occupancy
permit be, and the same is hereby given and granted to operator,and its successors and assigns,
hereinafter referred to as the "Permittee", for a period commencing from and after the date of
the entry of this order for the purposes, at the location(s), and upon the express terms and
conditions as described herein, and terminating as provided herein.
For the purposes of this private line utility occupancy permit, terms, phrases, words, and their
derivations not defined herein that are defined in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the
Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Mason County Right-of-Way published by the
County Engineer(the"Manual"), shall have the same meaning or be interpreted as provided in
Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual. Words not defined here, in Title 12 of the
Mason County Code or the Manual shall have their ordinary meaning. A reference to Title 12
of the Mason County Code or the Manual refers to the same as may be amended, revised,
updated, re-enacted or re-codified from time to time.
The County of Mason(hereafter the"County")hereby grants to the Permittee a non-exclusive
private line utility occupancy permit(hereinafter"Permit")which, once it becomes effective
shall authorize the Permittee to enter upon the road rights-of-way located within the Permit
Area for the purpose of maintaining,repairing,replacing, which grant shall be limited to the
following described purpose(s):Provide water distribution for a 3 party well for tax
parcels: 32230-11-90030,32230-11-90060 & 32230-11-00020.
Such grant is subject to and must be exercised in strict accordance with and subject to this
Permit, Title 12 of the Mason County Code, the Manual and all applicable laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances. Permittee's exercise of any rights granted pursuant to the Permit
is subject to the exercise of the County's police powers, and other regulatory powers as it may
have or obtain in the future. No rights shall pass to the Permittee by implication. This Permit
does not include permission to enter into or upon the road rights-of-way for any purposes others
than the purposes expressly described herein. Permittee has a duty to notify the County of any
change in use or condition of the utility facilities that may affect the status of the utility facilities
as(a)private line(s)or the impact of the utility facilities upon the road rights-of-way.
Permittee shall not commence or perform work to install, construct, maintain repair, replace
adjust, connect, disconnect, rebuild, or relocate its utility facilities within the road rights-of-
way (hereafter collectively or individually the "Work"), without first applying for, paying all
associated fees, and obtaining a utility permit as required pursuant to Title 12 of the Mason
County Code. In any utility permit so issued, the County may impose, as a condition of the
granting the utility permit, such conditions and regulations as may be necessary for the
protection, preservation and management of the road rights-of-way, including, by way of
example and not limitation, for the purpose of protecting any structures in the road
rights-of-way, maintaining proper distance from other utilities, ensuring the proper restoration
of such road rights-of-way and structures, and for the protection of the County and the public
and the continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Permittee shall first file with the County Engineer its application for a utility permit to do such
Work together with plans and specifications showing at a minimum:
A. The position,depth and location of all such utility facilities sought to be constructed,
laid, installed or erected at that time, showing their relative position to existing county roads,
rights-of-way or other county property upon plans drawn to scale, hereinafter collectively
referred to as the"map of definite location;
B. The class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation,
construction, installation, backfill, erection of temporary structures, erection of permanent
structures, traffic control,traffic turnouts and road obstructions;
C. The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed;
D. Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic;
E. Structural integrity of the roadway, bridge, or other structure;
F. Specifications for the restoration of the county road, right-of-way or other county
property in the event that the road right of way will be disturbed by the Work; and
G. Provision for ease of future road maintenance and appearance of the roadway.
Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities, particularly
those located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the road right-of-
The location,alignment and depth of the utility facilities shall conform with said map of definite
location, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the
County Engineer pursuant to application by Permittee.
All such Work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the County
Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work on account of granting the said utility permits.
In any Work which disturbs or causes damage to the road rights-of-way subject to this Permit,
public or private property,the Permittee shall at its own expense and with all convenient speed,
complete the work to repair and restore the county road right-of-way, or the public or private
property so disturbed or damaged, and leave the same in as good or better condition as before
the Work was commenced, to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. The
Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and
approval of such restoration or repair.
The County Commissioners and/or County Engineer may at any time do, order or have done
any and all work that they consider necessary to restore to a safe condition such County road
right-of-way or other County property left by the Permittee or its agents in a condition
dangerous to life or property,and the Permittee,upon demand, shall pay to the County all costs
of such work.
Permittee expressly agrees and understands that,with regard to Work within the road rights-of-
A. All of Permittee's utility facilities and Work within the road rights-of-way or other
County property shall be performed in compliance with the provisions of Title 12 MCC, the
Manual, the administrative regulations adopted by the County Engineer, other
County-established requirements for placement of utility facilities in road rights-of-way,
including the specific location of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way, and all applicable
laws, rules,regulations and ordinances;
B. In preparing plans and specifications for the Work the Permittee shall use the
Manual. Prior to commencement of any Work, Permittee shall submit such plans and
specifications to the County Engineer for review and approval together with the adequate
exhibit depicting the existing or proposed location of the utility facility in relation to the road,
including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned road revisions, if
applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover (including
the proposed method of protection)or other locational standards that are anticipated;
C. All Work subject to this Permit shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere,
other than in ways approved by the County, with the construction, operation and maintenance
of other utilities,public or private,drains,drainage ditches and structures,irrigation ditches and
structures, located therein,nor with the grading or improvements of such County roads,rights-
of-way or other County property;
D. The owners and operators of all utility facilities (public or private) installed in the
Permit Area or other county property prior in time to the utility facilities of the Permittee, shall
have preference as to the alignment and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the
Permittee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing
the grade of any such county road or right-of-way;
E. Permittee shall perform the Work and operate its utility facilities in a manner that
minimizes interference with the use of the road rights-of-way by others, including others that
may be installing utility facilities; and
F. The County may require that Permittee's utility facilities be installed at a particular
time, at a specific place, or in a particular manner as a condition of access to a particular road
or road right-of-way;may deny access if a Permittee is not willing to comply with the County's
requirements;and may remove, or require removal of,any utility facility that is not installed in
compliance with the requirements established by the County,or which is installed without prior
County approval of the time, place, or manner of installation and charge the Permittee for all
the costs associated with removal; and may require Permittee to cooperate with others to
minimize adverse impacts on the road and road rights-of-way through joint trenching and other
G. The County may inspect the utility facilities at any time reasonable under the
circumstances to ensure compliance with this Permit and applicable law, including to ensure
that the private line utility facilities are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. If an
unsafe condition is found to exist, the County, in addition to taking any other action permitted
under applicable law, may order the Permittee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and
alterations specified therein forthwith to correct the unsafe condition on a time-table established
by the County which is reasonable in light of the unsafe condition. The County has the right to
correct, inspect, administer, and repair the unsafe condition if the Licensee fails to do so, and
to charge the Permittee therefor. The right of the County to conduct such inspections and order
or make repairs shall not be construed to create an obligation therefore, and such obligation to
construct and maintain its utility facilities in a safe condition shall at all times remain the sole
obligation of the Permittee.
H. When required by the County, Permittee shall make information available to the
public regarding any Work involving the ongoing installation, construction, adjustment,
relocation, repair or maintenance of its utility facilities sufficient to show(1)the nature of the
work being performed; (2)where it is being performed; (3) its estimated completion date; and
(4)progress to completion.
underground work, Permittee will contact the appropriate personnel to have such facilities
located and make arrangements as to protective measures that must be adhered to prior to the
commencement of any work within the road and road rights-of-way. In addition to the liability
terms elsewhere in this Agreement, Permittee shall indemnify and hold the County and its
elected and appointed officers, employees and agents harmless against and from all cost,
liability, and expense whatsoever(including,without limitation,attorney's fees and court costs
and expenses) arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or omission of Permittee,
its contractor,agents and/or employees,that cause or in any way or degree contribute to(1)any
damage to or destruction of any such facilities by Permittee,and/or its contractor,agents and/or
employees, on the County's property, (2)any injury to or death of any person employed by or
on behalf of any entity, and/or its contractor, agents and/or employees, on the road rights-of-
way, and/or (3) any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue, or loss of
service,by a customer or user of services or products of such company(ies).
J. Permittee shall continuously be a member of the State of Washington one number
locator service under RCW 19.122, or an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all such
applicable rules and regulations.
K. Except in the event of emergency as described below, Permittee and its agents may
not enter upon the permit area to perform work for which a utility permit is required,unless and
except upon two-business days notice to the County Engineer.
L. In the event of an emergency involving the threat of imminent harm to persons or
property, and for purposes of taking immediate corrective action, Permittee and its agents may
enter the Permit Area without advance notice to the County as long as such entry is for the sole
purpose of addressing the emergency; provided however, that if any entry for such purposes
would require issuance of a utility permit, Permittee shall give the County verbal or telephonic
notice of the places where and the manner in which entry is required prior to such entry,
promptly followed by written notice. In all cases, notice to the County shall be given as far in
advance as practical prior to entry or as soon as practicable after entry upon the road right-of-
M. Permittee shall promptly reimburse the County for its reasonable and direct costs
incurred in responding to an emergency that is caused,created by or attributable to the presence,
construction,maintenance,repair,or operation of Permittee's utility facilities in the road rights-
N. If,during any Work,Permittee or its agents discover scientific or historic artifacts,Permittee
or its agents shall immediately notify the County of said discovery and shall protect such
artifacts in a manner as specified by the County. Any such artifact shall be the property of the
County if the County wishes to own it.
All Work done under this Permit shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner. In the
performance of any Work, including without limitation, the opening of trenches and the
tunneling under county roads, right-of way or other county property, the Permittee shall leave
such trenches, ditches and tunnels in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with public
travel and shall take all due and necessary precautions to guard the same, so that damage or
injury shall not occur or arise by reason of such Work; and where any of such trenches,ditches
and tunnels are left open at night,the Permittee shall place warning lights,barricades and other
appropriate protective devices at such a position as to give adequate warning of such Work.
The Permittee shall be liable for any injury to person or persons or damage to property sustained
arising out of its carelessness or neglect, or through any failure or neglect to properly guard or
give warning of any trenches, ditches or tunnels dug or maintained by the Permittee.
The County,in granting this Permit,does not waive any rights which it now has or may hereafter
acquire with respect to county roads, rights-of-way or other county property and this Permit
shall not be construed to deprive the county of any powers, rights or privileges which it now
has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the county roads,right-of-way
and other county property covered by this Permit. The County retains the right to administer
and regulate activities of the Permittee up to the fullest extent of the law. The failure to reserve
a particular right to regulate, or reference a particular regulation, shall not be interpreted by
negative implication or otherwise to prevent the application of a regulation to the Permittee.
Permittee shall, in the course of any Work, comply with the following requirements:
A. The Permittee shall,by a time specified by the County,protect,support,temporarily
disconnect, relocate, or remove any of its utility facilities when required by the County by
reason of traffic conditions; public safety; road right-of-way construction; road right-of-way
repair (including resurfacing or widening); change of road right-of-way grade; construction,
installation, or repair of County-owned sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines,
tracks, communications system, other public work, public facility, or improvement of any
government-owned utility; road right-of-way vacation; or for any other purpose where the
County work involved would be aided by the removal or relocation of the utility facilities.
Collectively, such matters are referred to below as the "public work."
Permittee acknowledges and understands that any delay by Permittee in performing the above
described work may delay, hinder, or interfere with the work performed by the County and its
contractors and subcontractors done in furtherance of such Public Work and result in damage
to the County, including but not limited to, delay claims. Permittee shall cooperate with the
County and its contractors and subcontractors to coordinate such Permittee work to
accommodate the Public Work project and project schedules to avoid delay, hindrance of, or
interference with the Public Work. The County shall make available to the Permittee a copy of
the Six Year Transportation Program and the County's annual construction program after
adoption each year. It is anticipated these programs will aid the Permittee in planning
construction programs.
B. Permittee has a duty to protect its utility facilities from work performed by the
County within the road rights-of-way. The rights granted to the Permittee herein do not
preclude the County, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and agents from blasting,
grading, excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to Permittee's utility
facilities; providing that, the Permittee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours
notice of said blasting or other work in order that the Permittee may protect its utility facilities.
C. In the event of an emergency, or where the utility facility creates or is contributing
to an imminent danger to health, safety, or property, the County may protect, support,
temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate any or all parts of the utility facility without prior
notice, and charge the Permittee for costs incurred.
D. If any Person that is authorized to place facilities in the road right of way requests
the Permittee to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate the Permittee's
utility facilities to accommodate the construction, operation, or repair of the facilities of such
other person, the Permittee shall, after 30 days'advance written notice,take action to effect the
necessary changes requested; provided that, if such project is related to or competes with
Permittee's service,or if the effect of such changes would be to permanently deprive Permittee
of the beneficial enjoyment of this Permit for its intended purposes through interference with
the operation of Permittee's utility facilities or otherwise, Permittee shall not be required to
relocate its utility facilities. Unless the matter is governed by a valid contract or a state or
federal law or regulation, or unless the Permittee's utility facilities were not properly installed,
the reasonable cost of the same shall be borne by the Person requesting the protection, support,
temporary disconnection,removal, or relocation at no charge to the County,even if the County
makes the request for such action.
E. The Permittee shall, on the request of any person holding a valid permit issued by a
governmental authority, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings
or other objects. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall
be paid by the person requesting the same.
The County of Mason will accept liability for direct and actual damages to said Permittee that
are the result of the negligence of Mason County, its trustees, officers, employees, contractors,
subcontractors or agents while performing County improvement or Public Works projects
enumerated in Section VIII, paragraph B. Direct and actual damages are specifically limited
to physical damage to properly installed and located infrastructure of the Permittee and the cost
to repair such physical damage. Mason County retains the right to assert all applicable defenses
in the event of a dispute including contributory_negligence on the part of the Permittee. Mason
County shall in no way be liable for incidental damages claimed to arise from such actions.
All Work to be performed by the Permittee under this section shall pass the inspection of the
County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work.
Before any Work is performed under this permit which may affect any existing monuments or
markers of any nature relating to subdivisions,plats,roads and all other surveys, the Permittee
shall reference all such monuments and markers. The reference points shall be so located that
they will not be disturbed during the Permittee's Work and operations under this Permit. The
method of referencing these monuments or other points to be referenced shall be approved by
the County Engineer. The replacement of all such monuments or markers disturbed during
construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit in accordance with RCW 58.24
and WAC 332-120, and as directed by the County Engineer. The cost of monuments or other
markers lost, destroyed,or disturbed,and the expense of replacement by approved monuments
shall be borne by the Permittee.
A complete set of reference notes for monument and other ties shall be filed with the office of
the Mason County Engineer.
If at any time the County shall vacate any County road or right-of-way or other County Property
which is subject to rights granted by this Permit and said vacation shall be for the purpose of
acquiring the fee or other property interest in said road or right-of-way for the use of the County,
in either its proprietary or governmental capacity, then the Board of Mason County
Commissioners may,at its option,and by giving thirty(30)days written notice to the Permittee,
terminate this Permit with reference to such county road right-of-way or other County property
so vacated,and the County of Mason shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Permittee
by reason of such termination. It has been the practice of Mason County to reserve easements
for utilities at the time of road vacation, and will continue to be the practice until such time the
Board of Mason County Commissioners direct a change of practice.
A. Insurance It is intended that the following insurance requirements shall apply to the
person performing the Work in the road right-of-way. Permittee and Permittee's contractors
shall not perform or cause to be performed any Work, unless and until Permittee (to the extent
Permittee performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) or its contractors (to the extent
Permittee's contractor performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) provide certificates
of insurance evidencing that Permittee or Permittee's contractors are in compliance with the
following requirements, including,maintaining insurance in at least in the following amounts:
1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY insurance to cover liability,
bodily injury, and property damage. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be
written on an occurrence basis, with an aggregate limit location endorsement for the Permit
Area, and shall provide coverage for any and all costs, including defense costs, and losses and
damages resulting from personal injury, bodily injury and death, property damage, products
liability and completed operations arising out of the Work. Coverage must be written with the
following limits of liability:
Bodily and Personal Injury&Property Damage
$ 1,000,000 per Occurrence
$ 2,000,000 aggregate
2 WORKERS'COMPENSATION insurance shall be maintained by Permittee's
contractor to comply with statutory limits for all employees,and in the case any work is sublet,
the contractor shall require its subcontractors similarly to provide workers' compensation
insurance for all the employees.
3. COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY insurance shall include owned,
hired, and non-owned vehicles on an occurrence basis with coverage of at least $500,000 per
The required insurance shall be maintained from the time that Work in the road right-of-way
commences until the Work is complete and the utility permit issued for said Work has been
released by the County Engineer, or his or her designee.
If the Permittee or its contractors and subcontractors do not have the required insurance, the
County may require such entities to stop operations until the insurance is obtained and
Permittee shall, or shall cause its contractors to, file with the application for a utility permit,
certificates of insurance reflecting evidence of the required insurance in a form and content
approved by the County's Risk Manager. All coverage shall be listed on one certificate with
the same expiration dates.
The certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under these policies will not
be canceled until at least 30 days'prior written notice has been given to the County.
In the event that the insurance certificate provided indicates that the insurance shall terminate
or lapse during the period of the Work, then, in that event, the Permittee shall furnish, at least
30 days prior to the expiration of the date of such insurance, a renewed certificate of insurance
as proof that equal and like coverage has been or will be obtained prior to any such lapse or
termination during the balance of the period of the Permit.
The County reserves the right, during the term of the Permit, to require any other insurance
coverage or adjust the policy limits as it deems reasonably necessary utilizing sound risk
management practices and principals based upon the loss exposures.
Each insurance policy required pursuant to this Permit shall be primary and non-contributing
as respects any coverage maintained by the County and shall include an endorsement reflecting
the same. Any other coverage maintained by County shall be excess of this coverage herein
defined as primary and shall not contribute with it. The certificate of insurance must reflect
that the above wording is included in all such policies.
Each insurance policy obtained pursuant to this Permit shall be issued by financially sound
insurers who may lawfully do business in the State of Washington with a financial rating at all
times during coverage of no less than rating of"A" and a class of"X" or better in the latest
edition of`Best's Key Rating Guide"published by A.M.Best Company,or such other financial
rating or rating guide approved in writing by the County's risk manager. In the event that at
any time during coverage, the insurer does not meet the foregoing standards, Permittee shall
give or shall cause its contractors to give prompt notice to the County and shall seek coverage
from an insurer that meets the foregoing standards. The County reserves the right to change
the rating or the rating guide depending upon the changed risks or availability of other suitable
and reliable rating guides.
Comprehensive general liability insurance policies and coverage obtained pursuant to this
Permit shall include an endorsement (standard ISO form CG 24-17) deleting all exclusions
for work or incidents occurring within any distance from a railroad track or railroad property,
or on, over, or under a railroad track.
Insurance policies required pursuant to this Permit shall have no non-standard exclusions unless
approved of by the County Risk Manager or designee.
Commercial general liability insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Permit shall name the
County as an additional insured without limitation,pursuant to an endorsement approved of by
the County's Risk Manager or designee.
Permittee or Permittee's Contractors' insurers, through policy endorsement, shall waive their
rights of subrogation against the County for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance
must reflect this waiver of subrogation rights endorsement.
B. Contractor Bond. All contractors performing Work on behalf of Permittee shall
be licensed and bonded.
C. Limitation of Liability. to the fullest extent permitted by law, permittee shall, and
shall cause its contractor(s) only as to subsection (9)below, to release, indemnify, defend and
hold harmless the county and the county's legal representatives,officers(elected or appointed),
employees and agents (collectively, "indemnitees") for, from and against any and all claims,
liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands,
judgments and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs, attorneys' fees, and costs
of investigation,removal and remediation and governmental oversight costs),environmental or
otherwise(collectively"liabilities")of any nature, kind,or description, of any person or entity,
directly or indirectly, arising out of,resulting from, or related to (in whole or in part):
1. this permit;
2. any rights or interests granted pursuant to this permit;
3. permittee's occupation and use of the road right of way;
4. permittee's operation of its utility facilities;
5. the presence of utility facilities within the right of way;
6. the environmental condition and status of the road right-of-way caused by,
aggravated by, or contributed to, in whole or in part, by permittee or its agents; or
7. the acts,errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the,installation,
construction, adjustment, relocation, replacement, removal, or maintenance of such third party
utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of
the operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; or
8. any act or omission of permittee or permittee's agents; or
9. any act or omission of contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors
when arising out of the work.
Even if such liabilities arise from or are attributed to, in whole or in part,any negligence of any
indemnitee. The only liabilities with respect to which permittee's obligation to indemnify the
indemnitees does not apply are liabilities to the extent proximately caused by the sole
negligence or intentional misconduct of an indemnitee or for liabilities that by law the
indemniteees cannot be indemnified for.
Upon written notice from the county,permittee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or
other proceeding brought against any indemnitee by any entity, relating to any matter covered
by this permit for which permittee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold
harmless any indemnitee. Permittee shall pay all costs incident to such defense, including, but
not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation and appeal expenses, settlement
payments and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. Permittee will fully satisfy said
judgment within ninety (90) days after said suit or action shall have finally been determined if
determined adversely to mason county. upon the permittee's failure to satisfy said judgment
within the ninety(90) day period, this permit shall at once cease and terminate and the county
of mason shall have a lien upon permittee's utility facilities and all other facilities used in the
construction, operation and maintenance of the permittee's utility system which may be
enforced against the property for the full amount of any such judgment so taken against any of
the indemnitees.
Acceptance by the County of any Work performed by the Permittee at the time of completion
shall not be grounds for avoidance of this covenant.
This Permit shall not be deemed to be an exclusive Permit. It shall in no manner prohibit the
County of Mason from granting rights to other utilities under,along, across, over and upon any
of the County roads, rights-of-way or other County property subject to this Permit and shall in
no way prevent or prohibit the County of Mason from constructing, altering, maintaining or
using any of said roads rights-of-way, drainage structures or facilities, irrigation structures or
facilities, or any other county property or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them
with full power to make all necessary changes,relocations,repairs,maintenance,etc.,the same
as the County may deem fit.
All the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding
upon the successors and assigns of the Permittee and all privileges, as well as all obligations
and liability of the Permittee, shall inure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were
specifically mentioned wherever the Permittee is mentioned. Any reference in this Permit to a
specifically named party shall be deemed to apply to any successor, heir, administrator,
executor or assign of such party who has acquired its interest in compliance with the terms of
this Permit or under law.
Permittee may assign or transfer this Permit by contacting the County of Mason to obtain an
Assignment Agreement. The Agreement must be signed and delivered back to the County of
Mason. Assignees shall thereafter be responsible for all obligations of Permittee with respect
to the Permit and guaranteeing performance under the terms and conditions of the Permit and
that transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the Permit and will assume all the
obligations of its predecessor. Such an assignment shall relieve the Permittee of any further
obligations under the Permit, including any obligations not fulfilled by Permittee's assignee;
provided that, the assignment shall not in any respect relieve the Permittee, or any of its
successors in interest, of responsibility for acts or omissions, known or unknown, or the
consequences thereof, which acts or omissions occur prior to the time of the assignment. No
Permit may be assigned or transferred without filing or establishing with the county the
insurance certificates, security fund and performance bond as may be required pursuant to this
Whenever any of the County road rights-of-way or other county property as designated in this
Permit,by reason of the subsequent incorporation of any town or city,or extension of the limits
of any town or city, shall fall within the city or town limits; then, except to the extent allowed
by law, this Permit shall terminate in respect to the said roads, rights-of-way or other county
property so included with city or town limits; but this Permit shall continue in force and effect
to all county road rights-of-way or other county property not so included in city or town limits.
A. Term. This Permit shall commence upon acceptance by the Permittee as provided
at Section XVIII herein and continue in PERPETUITY until terminated or otherwise
superseded by a subsequent franchise, private line utility occupancy permit, master road use
permit or other agreement of the Parties. In the event that it is determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction that, as a matter or law, the term provided for herein is unlawful, this
Permit shall be deemed to have a term for the maximum period allowed by law, and if no such
maximum period is readily and easily capable of being identified, for a term of not longer than
fifty(50) years.
B. Termination by County. Permittee has elected to obtain a Permit in lieu of a
franchise agreement. Permittee understands and agrees that,unlike a franchise,this Permit may
be terminated by the County with or without cause. This means that the County is not required
to have or provide a reason for the termination and that the County may terminate this Permit
in its sole discretion without penalty to the County and regardless of whether or not Permittee
is or is not in default; provided that,the County may not terminate this Permit for a reason that
is unlawful. The Parties agree that the only condition of termination by the County of this
Permit is that the County must give not less than ninety(90)days written notice to the Permittee
of termination. The County Engineer is authorized to exercise the right of the County to
terminate this Permit.
C. Termination upon Transfer/Assignment/Conveyance. This Permit shall
automatically terminate upon: (1)assignment of the Permit without the prior written consent of
the County in substantially the form of an Assignment Agreement (obtained by request), (2)
transfer of the utility facilities located with the Permit Area without prior written notice to the
County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit, (3) conveyance of the real
property or any part thereof benefited by the installation and operation of the utility facilities
without prior written notice to the County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the
Permit,or(4)use of the utility facilities for the benefit of persons other than the owner/operator
in a manner that no longer constitutes a de-minimis use of the road right-of-way.
D. Termination upon Removal of Utility Facilities. This Permit and all of the rights,
duties and obligations contained herein, shall terminate upon removal of all Permittee utility
facilities from the road right-of-way or abandonment and de-commissioning in place to the
reasonable satisfaction of and in the manner approved by the County Engineer and restoration
of the road right-of way to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.
E. Effect of Termination. On or before the effective date of termination or as otherwise
mutually agreed to by the Parties, Permittee shall remove its utility facilities from the road
rights-of-way and restore the road rights-of-way to the reasonable satisfaction of the County
Engineer. In lieu of removal, the County Engineer may authorize abandonment in place and
de-commissioning of the utility facilities in the manner approved by and to the reasonable
satisfaction of the County Engineer. In the event that the Permittee fails to timely and
completely perform such work, the County may perform or complete such work at the cost of
the Permittee and Permittee shall be obligated to reimburse the County for such work within 30
days of invoice by the County.
F. Remedies. In addition to the right of the County to terminate this Permit,the County
has the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies, singly or in combination, in the
event of Default. "Default" shall mean any failure of Permittee or its agents to keep, observe
or perform any of Permittee's or its agent's duties or obligations under this Permit:
1. Damages. Permittee shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by
2. Specific Performance. County shall be entitled to specific performance of
each and every obligation of Permittee under this Permit without any requirement to prove or
establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Permittee hereby waives the
requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate
remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder.
3. Injunction. County shall be entitled to restrain, by injunction, the actual or
threatened commission or attempt of an Event of Default and to obtain a judgment or order
specifically prohibiting a violation or breach of this Permit agreement without, in either case,
being required to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law.
Permittee hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County
would not have an adequate remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default
4. Alternative Remedies. Neither the existence of other remedies identified in
this Permit nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed to bar or otherwise limit the right of the
County to commence an action for equitable or other relief and/or proceed against Permittee
and any guarantor for all direct monetary damages,costs and expenses arising from the Default
and to recover all such damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
Remedies are cumulative;the exercise of one shall not foreclose the exercise of others.
The County reserves for itself the right at any time upon ninety(90) days written notice to the
Permittee, to so change, amend, modify or amplify any of the provisions or conditions herein
enumerated to conform to any state statute or county regulation, relating to the public welfare,
health, safety or highway regulation,as may hereafter be enacted, adopted or promulgated.
Permittee shall execute and return to County a signed acceptance of the Permit granted
hereunder. The acceptance shall be in the form of the acceptance attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", and in accepting the Permit, Permittee warrants that it has carefully read the terms and
conditions of this Permit and accepts all of the terms and conditions of this Permit and agrees
to abide by the same and acknowledges that it has relied upon its own investigation of all
relevant facts, that it has had the assistance of counsel or an opportunity to have assistance of
counsel, that it was not induced to accept a Permit, that this Permit represents the entire
agreement between the Permittee and the County. In the event the Permittee fails to submit the
acceptance as provided for herein within the time limits set forth in this section,the grant herein
is and shall become null and void.
The Parties agree that a"Memorandum of Permit" in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit"A",shall be filed for record with the Office of the Mason County Auditor upon written
acceptance by the Permittee. The cost and expense of such filing shall be borne by the Permittee
if not already included in the fee for issuance of this Permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
this Permit is not intended nor shall it be construed to create an interest in land or constitute the
grant or conveyance of a real property interest by the County to the Permittee. The requirements
of this Section XIX are intended solely to provide notice of the existence of this Permit and the
terms and conditions there under, including inter-alia, the limitations upon assignment of the
Permit. Permittee shall at the time of its acceptance of this Permit identify the assessor's tax
identification number of the parcel or parcels benefited by this Permit and a legal description
of each such parcel to be included in the Memorandum of Permit.
A. Controlling Law/Venue. Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation
of any of the provisions of this Permit shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
Venue of any action or arbitration brought under this Permit shall be in Mason County,
Washington or the Western District of Washington if an action is brought in federal court,
provided; however,that venue of such action is legally proper.
B. Liens. Permittee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of
any Work done, suffered or permitted to be done by Permittee on any Permit area.
C. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any provision of this Permit shall in any way
impair the right of such party to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach, or either
parry's right to enforce all other provisions of this Permit.
D. Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret
the terms of this Permit, the substantially prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to
reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to
which such Party or Parties may be entitled.
E. Amendment. This Permit may be amended only by a written contract signed by
authorized representatives of Permittee and County of Mason.
F. Severability. If any provision of this Permit is held to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision will be fully severable and this
Permit will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is
not a part hereof, and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In
lieu of any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision herein,there will be added automatically
as a part of this Permit, a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or
unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable.
G. Joint and Several Liability. Permittee acknowledges that, in any case in which
Permittee and Permittee's contractors are responsible under the terms of this Permit, such
responsibility is joint and several as between Permittee and any such Permittee's contractors;
provided that, the Permittee is not prohibited from allocating such liability as a matter of
H. Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted to be given under this
Permit shall be sufficient if it is in writing and is sent either by: (a)registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested; or (b) a nationally recognized overnight mail delivery service, to the
Party and at the address specified below, except as such Party and address may be changed by
providing no less than thirty(30)days'advance written notice of such change in address.
Permittee: W. Pierre Andrade
17491 NE North Shore Road
Tahuya, WA 98588
Grantor: Mason County Public Works
100 W Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
I. Approvals. Nothing in this Permit shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation upon
the County to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Permittee's plans and specifications or
to ascertain whether Permittee's proposed or actual construction, installation, testing,
maintenance, repairs, replacement, relocation, adjustment or removal is adequate or sufficient
or in conformance with the plans and specifications reviewed by the County. No approval .
given,inspection made,review or supervision performed by the County pursuant to this Permit
shall constitute or be construed as a representation or warranty express or implied by County
that such item approved, inspected, or supervised, complies with laws, rules regulations or
ordinances or this Permit or meets any particular standard, code or requirement, or is in
conformance with the plans and specifications,and no liability shall attach with respect thereto.
County and inspections as provided herein, are for the sole purpose of protecting the County's
rights as the owner and manager of the road rights-of-way and shall not constitute any
representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the adequacy of the design, construction,
repair, or maintenance of the utility facilities, suitability of the permit area for construction,
maintenance, or repair of the utility facilities, or any obligation on the part of the County to
insure that work or materials are in compliance with any requirements imposed by a
governmental entity. County is under no obligation or duty to supervise the design,
construction,installation,relocation,adjustment,realignment,maintenance,repair,or operation
of the utility facilities.
J. Force Majeure. Neither Party hereto shall be liable to the other.Party for any failure
to perform an obligation set forth herein to the extent such failure is caused by war, act of
terrorism or an act of God, provided that such Party has made and is making all reasonable
efforts to perform such obligation and minimize any and all resulting loss or damage.
K. Construction. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to
the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or Parties may
require. The provisions of this Permit shall be construed as a whole according to their common
meaning, except where specifically defined herein, not strictly for or against any party and
consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes
of this Permit.
L. Incorporation by Reference. All exhibits annexed hereto at the time of execution of
this Permit or in the future as contemplated herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as
though fully set forth herein.
M. Calculation of Time. All periods of time referred to herein shall include Saturdays,
Sundays,and legal holidays in the State of Washington, except that if the last day of any period
falls on any Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington, the period shall be
extended to include the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State
of Washington.
N. Entire Agreement. This Permit is the full and complete agreement of County and
Permittee with respect to all matters covered herein and all matters related to the use of the
Permit Area by Permittee and Permittee's Contractors, and this Permit supersedes any and all
other agreements of the Parties hereto with respect to all such matters, including, without
limitation, all agreements evidencing the Permit.
O. No Recourse. Without limiting such immunities as the County or other persons may
have under applicable law, Permittee shall have no monetary recourse whatsoever against the
County or its officials, boards, commissions, agents, or employees for any loss or damage
arising out of the County's exercising its authority pursuant to this Permit or other applicable
P. Responsibility for Costs. Except as expressly provided otherwise, any act that
Permittee is required to perform under this Permit shall be performed at its cost. If Permittee
fails to perform work that it is required to perform within the time provided for performance,
the County may perform the work and bill the Permittee. The Permittee shall pay the amounts
billed within 30 days.
Q. Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Work by contractors and subcontractors
are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the Work was performed
by the Permittee. The Permittee shall be responsible for all Work performed by its contractors
and subcontractors, and others performing Work on its behalf, under its control, or under
authority of its utility permit, as if the work were performed by it and shall ensure that all such
work is performed in compliance with this Permit, Title 12 MCC, the Manual and other
applicable law, and shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages and correcting all
damage caused by them. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that contractors,
subcontractors, or other Persons performing work on the Permittee's behalf are familiar with
the requirements of the Permit,Title 12 MCC,the Manual,and other applicable laws governing
the work performed by them and further, for ensuring that such contractors and subcontractors
maintain insurance as required herein.
R. Survival of Terms. Upon the termination of the Permit,the Permittee shall no longer
have the right to occupy the Permit area. However, the Permittee's obligations under this
Permit to the County shall survive the termination of these rights according to its terms for so
long as the Permittee's utility facilities shall remain in whole or in part in the road rights-of-
way, except to the extent the County Engineer has approved abandonment in place. By way of
illustration and not limitation, Permittee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
the County, provide insurance and a performance/payment bond pursuant to Section XI and
Permittee's obligation to relocate its utility facilities pursuant to Section VIII, shall continue in
effect as to the Permittee, notwithstanding any termination of the Permit, except to the extent
that a County-approved transfer, sale, or assignment of the utility system is completed, and
another entity has assumed full and complete responsibility for the utility facilities or for the
relevant acts or omissions.
DATED at Shelton, Washington this day of , 20
County Engineer
Approved as to form:
Vice Chair
Chief D.P.A.
County of Mason
100 West Public Works Drive
Shelton WA 98584
Attn: County Engineer
Title: W. Pierre Andrade Private Line Occupancy Permit
Grantor: COUNTY OF MASON, a legal subdivision of the state of Washington
Grantee: W. Pierre Andrade
Description of Franchise Area: SEE EXHIBIT A-4
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THIS MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT is dated as of the_day of ,20_
between the County of Mason,a legal subdivision of the state of Washington("County")and
1. Propegy. County has, pursuant to Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit
granted to Permittee, the right, revocable at the will of the County, to use and occupy certain
road rights-of-way for the construction, installation, adjustment,maintenance,removal, repair,
relocation and operation of Permittee's utility facilities for the benefit of the herein described
Property, upon the terms and conditions of that certain permit agreement between the parties
accepted the day of , 2022 (the "Permit"), which terms and conditions are
incorporated herein by this reference. The property to be benefited by this permit is situated in
the Mason County, Washington, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto (herein called
the"Property"). The road right-of-way permit area("Permit Area")is also described in attached
Exhibit A.
2. Term. The term of the Permit is in perpetuity unless terminated.
3. Termination. County in its sole discretion may terminate all or part of the Permit
with or without cause upon no less than ninety (90) days written notice to the Permittee.
Further, this Permit will automatically terminate upon assignment without the prior written
consent of the County, or upon transfer of the Property without the prior written consent of the
County to an assignment of the Permit or upon transfer of all or part of the utility facilities
located in the Permit Area without the prior written consent of the County to an assignment of
the Permit.
4. Purpose of Memorandum of Permit. This memorandum of permit is prepared
for the purpose of recordation and notice and in no way modifies the Permit and is in no way
intended to or should be construed to create or convey an interest in land or the road right-of-
DATED this day of ,20_.
County Engineer
Approved as to form:
Chief D.P.A.
Permit Area Map
N�Nosh Sore Ra„...,�:.
17461 NE North Shore Rd
Water Line i
17473 NE North Shore Rd
17491 NE North Shore Rd I
Andrade Private Line Occupancy
FROM: Mike Collins PLS, PE, County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: March 14 2022
If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Approval of County Road Project (CRP) 2035 — Boyer Road &CRP 2036—Snider
Road —Converting gravel road to Chip seal
Last summer Public Work's County Forces converted Boyer Road (County Road No. 03630) and Snider
Road (County Road No. 19210) from gravel-maintained to chip seal.
Both projects were completed by County Forces but need to have a County Road Project Number for
County Road Administration Board (CRAB) notification. These projects were identified on the 2021
County Annual Construction Program.
Upgrading and chip sealing our county-maintained gravel roads reduces maintenance and dust control
costs, brings roads up to current standards and provides a safer and more pleasant road to drive upon.
Both projects were paid out of the Road Fund.
Recommend the Board approve, at the March 15, 2022 Commission Meeting, to executed the
resolution for CRP 2035, Boyer Road and CRP 2036, Snider Road both projects converting gravel road
to chip seal.
1. Resolution
2. Project location map
In the matter of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. RESOLUTION NO.2022-
These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed
as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36.80.030,36.80.070 and/or WAC 136-18-030).
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineers estimates
are hereby made in the amount and for the purposes shown:
Cost Estimate(Thousand$)
Annual j Road Name or Road Log M.P. 1 Type of Contract and/or Pro ect
CRP No. Const. Bridge No. No. Project Name to ! Work Local Grant Engr R/VV County Forces Total
Prog.Item M.P. (See Code)
2035 03 Boyer Road 03630 Resurfacing Project 0.00-0.50 ' C 50 50 50
2036 04 Snider Road 19210 Resurfacing Project 0.00-0.18 C 40 40 40
90 0 0 0 90 90
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
A.Grading and Drainage F.Sidewalks K.Environmental Mitigation (11) The construction is to be accomplished by contract
B. Base&Top Course G.Traffic Facilities L.Fish Passage in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et.seq.AND/OR
C. B.S.T./SEALS H.Paths,Trails,Bikeways(RCW 47.3 The construction is to be accomplished by county
D.A.C./P.C.C.Pavement I. Bridges forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136.18
E.Curbs and Gutters J. Ferry Facilities
Kevin Shutty,Chair
McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board
APPROVE AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask,Vice Chair
Tim Whitehead, Ch.D.P.A Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner
cc: Commissioners
JOURNAL: Publ. It: /23 4/22(Bill Rd Dept.)
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0 150 300 600 900 1,200 GEBCO, USGS,FAO,NPS,
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Chin Kadaster NL,Ordnance
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