HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022/03/01 - Belfair Sewer Supplemental Documents BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ In compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and the Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03.3,in person attendance is temporarily restricted. During this time,we will accept public comment and testimony using Zoom.Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. You can also e-mail msmithamasoncountywa.gov;mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 51h St,Shelton,WA 98584;or call(360)427-9670 ext.230. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. These options are available only while COVID-19 Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA)meeting restrictions are in place. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 4.1 Public Hearing continued from January 31,2022 to consider the proposed extension of the Belfair sewer. Staff: Mark Neary 5. Adj ournment Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'Office for the most recent version. Last printed 02/24/22 at 10:05 AM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'Office at(360)427-9670 ext.419 BELFAIR SEWER EXTENSION PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 31, 2022 AGENDA WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS HEARING GOALS BELFAIR SEWER SYSTEM HISTORY CURRENT SITUATION FUTURE PLANS COMMISSION DISCUSSION HISTORY Planning began over 20 years ago to address: ▪Water quality and ▪Growth Management planning requirements 2001-2004 Facilities Plan/EIS 2012 Facility Operational Facility Plan/EIS Several alternatives evaluated •North/South Shore •Belfair UGA Connect UGA in 4 Phases Phase 1 –Belfair “core” CURRENT SYSTEM Water Reclamation Facility Trunk Line serving most of Phase 1 Pond Four Lift Stations Reclaimed Water Spray Irrigation Fields CURRENT SYSTEM –FINANCIAL IMBALANCE Current Financial Status January Needed to Balance Needed to Balance of Belfair Sewer System 2022 Total Costs O&M Costs Either Or Either Or Higher Rates More ERUs Higher Rates More ERUs No. ERUs 421 421 1,544 421 630 Monthly Rate per ERU $ 96.00 $ 352.00 $ 96.00 $ 143.75 $ 96.00 Annual Revenue per ERU $ 1,152 $ 4,224 $ 1,152 $ 1,725 $ 1,152 Total Annual Revenue $ 484,992 $ 1,778,435 $ 1,778,435 $ 725,970 $ 725,970 O&M Costs $ 725,970 $ 725,970 $ 725,970 $ 725,970 $ 725,970 Existing Debt Service 1,052,465 1,052,465 1,052,465 Total Costs Assuming No New Capital $ 1,778,435 $ 1,778,435 $ 1,778,435 $ 725,970 $ 725,970 2022 Gap Before New Capital $ (1,293,443) 2022 Gap O&M Costs Only $ (240,978) If Balanced without Growth: % Rate Increase Needed 267%50% Additional Monthly Charge/ERU $ (256.00)$ (208.25) If Balanced without Rate Increases: % Growth Needed 271%51% No. New ERUs Needed 1,128 214 These figures are shown to convey the scale of the problem, not predict reality. They assume no new capital needs. FINANCIAL IMBALANCE: MAKING UP THE DIFFERENCE ✓REET2 –DEBT PAYMENT $800,000 PER YEAR ✓0.09 FUNDS –SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS $450,000 PER YEAR ✓REFINANCE EXISTING DEBT ✓LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANCE THROUGH COMMERCE: RATE RELIEF, GRANTS, LOAN ✓REDUCE DEVELOPMENT BARRIERS: CODE REVISIONS, ZONING, PLANNED ACTION EIS EXTEND SERVICE –INCREASE CONNECTIONS FUTURE PLANS EXTEND SERVICE INCREASE CONNECTIONS PLANNING AREA – BELFAIR UGA AND PORTION OF PSIC PHASE 1 WORK UNDERWAY OPTIONS STATUS QUO – $0 NEW DEBT Mason County provides plans and specs for developers to construct a trunk line. New development constructs trunk line designed to serve UGA properties north of the railroad tracks. Includes a rail crossing, new lift station, gravity and pressure lines. BUILD EXTENSION – $4.5 NEW DEBT Mason County awards contract to construct the trunk line. Major project elements include: •Crossing under the railroad tracks; •Constructing a large lift station; and •Constructing gravity and force main lines connecting the new trunk line south of the tracks. BUILD PORTION – $1.2 –3.7 NEW DEBT Mason County awards contract to construct one or more project elements. Examples: •Construct the railroad crossing •Construct the rail crossing, lift station, and lines between PUBLIC WORKS BOARD LOAN DECLARATIONS SPECIAL TERMS, LOAN SECURITY, SCOPE OF WORK “ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADOPT A RATE INCREASE OF $87 TO THE BASE MONTHLY RATE PER ERU OR DEMONSTRATE THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASE ERU(S) PRIOR TO PROJECT COMPLETION. THIS INCREASE SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE TERM OF THE LOAN, OR UNTIL SUCH TIME THE BOARD IS SATISFIED WITH THE CONTRACTOR’S FINANCES AND NOTIFIES THE CONTRACTOR THAT THIS CONDITION NO LONGER APPLIES. “ “ THIS LOAN IS A REVENUE OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE NET REVENUE OF THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. PAYMENTS SHALL BE MADE FROM THE NET REVENUE OF THE UTILITY AFTER THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ANY REVENUE BONDS, NOTES, WARRANTS OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF THE UTILITY HAVING A LIEN ON THAT NET REVENUE. AS USED HERE, “NET REVENUE” MEANS GROSS REVENUE MINUS EXPENSES OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS. THE BOARD GRANTS THE CONTRACTOR THE RIGHT TO ISSUE FUTURE BONDS AND NOTES THAT CONSTITUTE A LIEN AND CHARGE ON NET REVENUE SUPERIOR TO THE LIEN AND CHARGE OF THIS LOAN AGREEMENT. “ “ THE PROJECT WILL CONSTRUCT TWO OR THREE SEWER LIFT STATIONS, GRAVITY SEWER, AND PRESSURE MAIN EXTENDING FROM THE BELFAIR WASTE REUSE FACILITY (WRF) TO THE PUGET SOUND INDUSTRIAL CENTER (PSIC) AT LAKE FLORA ROAD. “ FINANCIAL ANALYSIS REVIEW Existing Projections ERU's 421 / 549 650 670 700 716 732 752 773 794 NO EXTENSION (Phased ERU's up to 794) 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2022 Debt $ 1,052,465.14 $ 1,051,703.08 $ 956,104.34 $ 952,064.21 $ 957,216.70 $ 955,959.06 $ 747,455.61 $ 750,124.26 $ 602,438.51 $ 252,678.62 $ 126,733.23 $ 9,956.45 2022 O&M $ 725,970.00 $ 747,749.10 $ 770,181.57 $ 793,287.02 $ 817,085.63 $ 841,598.20 $ 866,846.15 $ 892,851.53 $ 919,637.08 $ 947,226.19 $ 975,642.97 $ 1,004,912.26 CIP $ 330,000.00 $ 672,792.14 $ 580,424.43 $ 166,588.00 $ 3,380,411.00 $ 182,035.00 $ 187,496.05 $ 193,120.93 $ 198,914.56 Debt Service incl. O&M $ 2,108,435.14 $ 2,472,244.32 $ 2,306,710.34 $ 1,911,939.23 $ 5,154,713.33 $ 1,797,557.26 $ 1,796,336.76 $ 1,830,471.84 $ 1,715,196.52 $ 1,398,819.37 $ 1,102,376.20 $ 1,014,868.71 Rate $ 96.00 $ 98.88 $ 101.85 $ 104.90 $ 108.05 $ 111.29 $ 114.63 $ 118.07 $ 121.61 $ 125.26 $ 129.02 $ 132.89 Status Quo+3% Annually $ 509,771.52 $ 655,598.13 $ 698,487.05 $ 755,318.08 $ 797,685.73 $ 841,915.66 $ 893,308.54 $ 948,373.25 $ 1,005,937.87 $ 1,036,116.00 $ 1,067,199.48 $ 1,099,215.47 REET 2 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 35,176.72 0.09 $ 450,000.00 $ 450,000.00 $ 450,000.00 $ 356,621.15 $ 450,000.00 $ 155,641.60 $ 182,035.00 $ 187,496.05 $ 193,120.93 $ 198,914.56 ARPA $ 330,000.00 (DEFICIT) SURPLUS $ (18,663.62)$ (566,646.19)$ (358,223.29)$ (0.00)$ (3,107,027.60)$ (0.00) $ 79,006.79 $ 105,397.46 $ 283,862.28 $ 636,211.19 $ (0.00) $ 84,346.75 $ 114.73 $ 118.17 $ 121.72 $ 125.37 $ 129.13 $ 133.00 $ 136.99 $ 141.10 $ 145.34 $ 149.70 $ 154.19 $ 158.81 Max Tol+3% Annually $ 609,230.07 $ 783,495.46 $ 834,784.97 $ 902,694.09 $ 953,320.31 $ 1,006,150.32 $ 1,067,568.55 $ 1,133,377.28 $ 1,202,229.23 $ 1,238,294.45 $ 1,275,435.01 $ 1,313,650.91 REET 2 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 791,406.94 $ 546,733.20 $ 509,598.51 $ 319,846.36 0.09 $ 369,205.07 $ 450,000.00 $ 450,000.00 $ 209,245.15 $ 450,000.00 $ 182,035.00 $ 187,496.05 $ 193,120.93 $ 160,524.92 ARPA $ 330,000.00 (DEFICIT) SURPLUS $ (0.00)$ (438,748.86)$ (221,925.37)$ 0.00 $ (2,951,393.02)$ 0.00 $ (0.00) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 173,058.81 $ 298,782.20 CFC's $ 641,300.00 $ 510,000.00 $ 226,000.00 $ 339,000.00 $ 180,800.00 $ 180,800.00 $ 226,000.00 $ 237,300.00 $ 237,300.00 INTERACTIVE WEB MAP BELFAIR URBAN GROWTH AREA (UGA) –SEWER MAP HTTPS://MASON.MAPS.ARCGIS.COM/APPS/MAPVIEWER/INDEX.HTML?WEBMAP=7F5F58FCCDEC4F5C B026ED3F6D1A6A98 Rural County Public Facilities Sales Tax (.09 Funds) • .09% sales tax for economic development purposes – this is not an additional tax it is a credit against the 6.5% state sales tax – so does not result in a tax increase to the consumer. • Currently sunsets in 2034 – but current active legislation to extend to 2054 • Projects must be listed in the overall economic development plan section of the comprehensive plan. • “Public facilities” means bridges, roads, domestic and industrial water facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, earth stabilization, storm sewer facilities, railroads, electrical facilities, natural gas facilities, research, testing, training, and incubation facilities in innovation partnership zones designated under RCW 43.330.270, buildings, structures, telecommunications infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, or commercial infrastructure, and port facilities in the state of Washington. • “Economic development purposes” means those purposes which facilitate the creation or retention of businesses and jobs in a county. • “Economic development office” means an office of a county, port districts, or an associate development organization as defined in RCW 43.330.010, which promotes economic development purposes within the county. Real Estate Excise Tax 1 “First Quarter Percent” • .25% upon all real estate sales within the unincorporated area of the county • Must be spent on capital projects listed in the capital facilities plan element of our comprehensive plan. • [T]hose public works projects of a local government for planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets; roads; highways; sidewalks; street and road lighting systems; traffic signals; bridges; domestic water systems; storm and sanitary sewer systems; parks; recreational facilities; law enforcement facilities; fire protection facilities; trails; libraries; administrative facilities, judicial facilities, river flood control projects […] and technology infrastructure that is integral to the capital project • Also may be spent on housing relocation assistance to low-income tenants • Can be used for maintenance of capital asset Real Estate Excise Tax 2 “Second Quarter Percent” • .25% upon all real estate sales within the unincorporated area of the county • Must be spent on capital projects listed in the capital facilities plan element of our comprehensive plan BUT list of eligible capital projects is more restrictive than above: • (a) Planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, bridges, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems; • (b) Planning, construction, reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation, or improvement of parks; and • (c) Until January 1, 2026, planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of facilities for those experiencing homelessness and affordable housing projects • Additional limited options available Assumptions used in financial projections: • Projected revenues for 2022 were pulled out of the 2022 budget document. These projections are conservative – less than actual revenue for 2020 and 2021 • A conservative growth factor of 2% was used to forecast revenue growth in both .09 Revenue and REET2 revenue • .09 Operating fund balance is calculated at 25% of prior year actual expenditures per Board direction • REET2 Belfair Debt reserve started in 2020 and increases by $400,000 each year. Belfair Waste Water Utility Debt LTGO 2020A LTGO 2021 DOE L0400005 DOE L1200025 CURRENT DEBT TOTAL BWW PORTION 2022 674,260.76$ 347,975.00$ 20,272.76$ 9,956.62$ 1,052,465.14$ 2023 671,898.06$ 349,575.64$ 20,272.76$ 9,956.62$ 1,051,703.08$ 2024 574,996.56$ 350,878.40$ 20,272.76$ 9,956.62$ 956,104.34$ 2025 575,708.43$ 346,126.40$ 20,272.76$ 9,956.62$ 952,064.21$ 2026 576,152.74$ 350,834.58$ 20,272.76$ 9,956.62$ 957,216.70$ 2027 576,096.29$ 349,633.52$ 20,272.63$ 9,956.62$ 955,959.06$ 2028 389,415.17$ 348,083.82$ 9,956.62$ 747,455.61$ 2029 389,412.28$ 350,755.36$ 9,956.62$ 750,124.26$ 2030 245,037.35$ 347,444.54$ 9,956.62$ 602,438.51$ 2031 242,722.00$ -$ 9,956.62$ 252,678.62$ 2032 116,776.61$ -$ 9,956.62$ 126,733.23$ 2033 -$ -$ 9,956.45$ 9,956.45$ 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 5,032,476.25$ 3,141,307.26$ 121,636.43$ 119,479.27$ 8,414,899.21$ Notes: Interest Rate .29%Interest Rate .54% Term: 20 Years Term: 20 Years PWB 2-D New Total PWB 1-B New Total 20 2022 1,052,465.14$ 93 1,052,465.14$ 93 2023 220,032.00$ 1,271,735.08$ 113 1,051,703.08$ 93 2024 220,032.00$ 1,176,136.34$ 104 225,552.00$ 1,181,656.34$ 105 2025 220,032.00$ 1,172,096.21$ 104 225,552.00$ 1,177,616.21$ 104 2026 220,032.00$ 1,177,248.70$ 104 225,552.00$ 1,182,768.70$ 105 2027 220,032.00$ 1,175,991.06$ 104 225,552.00$ 1,181,511.06$ 105 2028 220,032.00$ 967,487.61$ 86 225,552.00$ 973,007.61$ 86 2029 220,032.00$ 970,156.26$ 86 225,552.00$ 975,676.26$ 86 2030 220,032.00$ 822,470.51$ 73 225,552.00$ 827,990.51$ 73 2031 220,032.00$ 472,710.62$ 42 225,552.00$ 478,230.62$ 42 2032 220,032.00$ 346,765.23$ 31 225,552.00$ 352,285.23$ 31 2033 220,032.00$ 229,988.45$ 20 225,552.00$ 235,508.45$ 21 2034 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 220,032.00$ 220,032.00$ 19 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 -$ 225,552.00$ 225,552.00$ 20 1134 -$ 1144 4,400,640.00$ 12,815,539.21$ 4,511,040.00$ 12,925,939.21$ Notes PWB Loan - for the figures shown above are based on a $4.5 million dollar loan. PBW Loan - includes a 5% loan forgiveness clause if specific terms & timelines are met - loan forgiveness is assumed in 2-D and 1-B Spreadsheet does not reflect the possible need for an interfund or interim line of credit from CE to provide for cash flow between expenditures and reimbursement. Interest rates are low and could mirror state rate with board approval. Expense would be minor. Interest Rate .79%Interest Rate .79% Term: 26 Years Term: 22 Years PWB 2-C New Total PWB 1-A New Total 17 20 1,052,465.14$ 1,052,465.14$ 191,520.00$ 1,243,223.08$ 1,051,703.08$ 191,520.00$ 1,147,624.34$ 222,900.00$ 1,179,004.34$ 191,520.00$ 1,143,584.21$ 222,900.00$ 1,174,964.21$ 191,520.00$ 1,148,736.70$ 222,900.00$ 1,180,116.70$ 191,520.00$ 1,147,479.06$ 222,900.00$ 1,178,859.06$ 191,520.00$ 938,975.61$ 222,900.00$ 970,355.61$ 191,520.00$ 941,644.26$ 222,900.00$ 973,024.26$ 191,520.00$ 793,958.51$ 222,900.00$ 825,338.51$ 191,520.00$ 444,198.62$ 222,900.00$ 475,578.62$ 191,520.00$ 318,253.23$ 222,900.00$ 349,633.23$ 191,520.00$ 201,476.45$ 222,900.00$ 232,856.45$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 222,900.00$ 222,900.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ -$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ 191,520.00$ -$ 4,979,520.00$ 13,394,419.21$ 4,903,800.00$ 13,318,699.21$ PBW Loan - includes a 5% loan forgiveness clause if specific terms & timelines are met - loan forgiveness is assumed in 2-D and 1-B Spreadsheet does not reflect the possible need for an interfund or interim line of credit from CE to provide for cash flow between expenditures and reimbursement. Interest rates are low and could mirror state rate with board approval. Expense would be minor. Interest Rate .79% Term: 20 Years PWB 5-YR DELAY New Total 1,052,465.14$ 1,051,703.08$ 956,104.34$ 952,064.21$ 957,216.70$ 955,959.06$ 243,312.00$ 990,767.61$ 243,312.00$ 993,436.26$ 243,312.00$ 845,750.51$ 243,312.00$ 495,990.62$ 243,312.00$ 370,045.23$ 243,312.00$ 253,268.45$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ 243,312.00$ -$ 5,109,552.00$ 13,524,451.21$ Spreadsheet does not reflect the possible need for an interfund or interim line of credit from CE to provide for cash flow between expenditures and reimbursement. Interest rates are low and could mirror state rate with board approval. Expense would be minor. Mason County ARPA Prioritization List of Projects Review 2/2/2022 Mason County Project Name EDC ST RN K S Requests BOCC Approved Obligated by Contract Expended Balance Remaining of Approved Amt A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts PUD 1 Customer Arrearages due to COVID Medium X X 125,000 125,000 125,000 6,578 118,422 Reallocat from PUD Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout (100,000) HCC Customer Arrearages due to COVID Medium X X 110,000 110,000 110,000 20,416 89,584 Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim - individual households X 125,000 125,000 125,000 82,686 42,314 Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim - small businesses X 75,000 75,000 12,968 EDC Small Business Grants High X X 500,000 500,000 500,000 475,000 25,000 Crossroads Housing for Assistance to Homeless Veterans 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Belfair Water Customer Arrearages 26,271 - Mason County Utilities Arrearages Medium X 154,000 - Housing Authority of Mason County Rent Arrearages 123,545 - Childcare Support Medium - - A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts Subtotal 1,148,816 945,000 870,000 597,649 285,320 B Premium pay for Essential Workers Signing Bonus for Corrections Deputies X 74,266 - B Premium pay for Essential Workers Subtotal 74,266 - - - - C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Up for government services up to $1.9 Million MCSO Body Cameras X X 702,365 702,365 702,365 - MCSO Body Camera install 40,000 40,000 25,790 PUD 3 Belfair Substation High X 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Public Records Software GovQA X 22,700 - Public Health Message Board 20,000 - Design for 2nd floor PA, MCSO 100,000 - DCD Records Archival Image Medium 500,000 - Prosecutors Office 2nd floor expansion 700,000 - MCSO 2nd floor expansion 800,000 - Ballot sorter machine B of A Bldg Low 1,200,000 - C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Subtotal 5,585,065 2,242,365 - 728,155 1,500,000 D Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure PUD 1 Agate Beach Water System Mainline X X 559,000 559,000 559,000 559,000 PUD 1 Vuecrest Storage Upgrade X X 158,284 158,284 158,284 158,284 CEDS Belfair Water New Well for Commercial Core UGA X X 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 HCC Colony Surf Fiber Buildout X X 313,556 313,556 313,556 313,556 HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout X X 501,932 501,932 501,932 501,932 Reallocate from PUD #1 Customer Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 100,000 Mason County IT Infrastructure Backbone/Storage upgrade 136,261 136,261 136,098 163 Rustlewood Water Well & Reservoir Electrical Control System 200,000 200,000 200,000 Beards Cove AC Mainline Replacement 100,000 100,000 100,000 Belfair PS #1 Improvement Project 150,000 150,000 150,000 Belfair PS #3 Improvement Project 180,000 180,000 180,000 Lakeland Pump Station 42,000 42,000 42,000 EDC Water line from 101 to Prison 1,000,000 - Belfair Water Backup Generators 197,000 - EDC Sewer line extension from High School to Basin High 2,500,000 - EDC Wallace Kneeland Substation High 3,200,000 - PUD 3 Rural Broadband Cloquallum Community X 500,000 - Shelton Gateway Medium X 250,000 - Shelton Springs /Wallace Kneeland Roundabout Medium - - Mason County Courts Building 10 X 750,000 - D Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure Subtotal 11,288,033 2,791,033 1,982,772 136,098 2,654,935 E Administration Washington State Association of Counties 2022 Dues 4,000 4,000 4,000 Temp County Staff to address COVID X 250,000 92,078 157,922 350 91,728 E Administration Subtotal 254,000 96,078 157,922 4,350 91,728 Grand Total 18,350,180 6,074,476 3,010,694 1,466,251 4,531,983 Total APRA Funds Available 12,949,242 Total ARPA Funds Received in 2021 - First Round 6,484,451 Total ARPA Funds Expected in 2022 - Second Round 6,484,451 Total ARPA Funds Available for BOCC Approval in 2021 & 2022 6,894,425 Approved by BOCC during Board Briefings - w/b on upcoming Actions Agendas - Included in BOCC Approved Amts - Total ARPA Funds Available for BOCC Approval in 2021 409,975 ARPA Category Priority