HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/12/20 - Briefing Packet MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF December 20, 2021 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. co 1854 To be in compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03.3, in-person attendance is restricted. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept public comment via email dlz@co.mason.wa.us; or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via your telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of December 20, 2021 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly Monday and Thursday 8:00 A.M. Area Command Meeting* Public Works Meeting Room A 100 Public Works Way *This is being noticed as a Special Commission Meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88,020 - Special Meetings Monday, December 20, 2021 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Sheriff's Office —Tami Beyer 9:10 A.M. Support Services— Mark Neary 9:40 A.M. Indigent Defense— Peter Jones 9:45 A.M. Therapeutic Courts — Renee Cullop 9:50 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 10:15 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities &Waste Management Commissioner Discussion —as needed Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 12/16/21 at 12:07 PM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY BRIEFING AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Tami Beyer Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 12/20/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Tami Beyer [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Amendment to Mason County Public Records Policy and Resolution 44-08 BACKGROUND: The Sheriff's Office implemented a Body Worn Video (BWV) program in November of 2021. Deputies wear body cameras and capture recording that are public records subject to the Washington Public Records Act (PRA), RCW 42.56. Redaction of any video is known to be time-consuming and tedious. The addition of BWV public records request is expected to add to this burden. The PRA allows a law enforcement agency to charge certain requestors the reasonable costs of redacting videos prior to disclosure. The PRA allows agencies to charge the accrual cost of redaction BWV recordings including the cost of redaction technology provided it is the least costly commercially available method. We do not intend to charge requestors technology costs. In addition, per RCW 42.56.240 (14), we will not charge requestors who are people directly involved in the incident or their attorney. The question of"what is a reasonable cost"was answered in a February 2017 Body Worn Video Redaction Cost Study completed by City of Seattle. Seattle PD completed stopwatch style time studies to determine the amount of time it takes to redact BWV recordings (see attached). Then they created a cost per minute of redaction time based on the weighted staff salary costs. We are asking to charge requestors not exempted under RCW 42.56.240 (14) the actual time it takes to redact a video calculated at the rate of $0.69 per minute. This cost is based on the current salary rate per minute cost of the Evidence Tech. This Evidence Tech is assigned to management of the newly initiated Getac Video Solutions contracted for our BWV and in-car video system and integral to each Public Disclosure Request for BWV. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to amend Mason County Resolution 69-17 allowing the MCSO to apply the collection of approved reasonable costs under RCW 42.56.240 (14). BUDGET IMPACTS: Compensation for the actual staff time spent at a rate of $0.69 per minute to redact the BWV for applicable Public Disclosure Requests will be deposited into general fund. RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION 69-17 and MASON COUNTY PUBLIC DISCLOSURE POLICY WHEREAS, RCW 42.56.240 (14) allows agencies to charge the accrual cost for redaction of Body Worn Video (BWV) recordings under defined circumstances; and WHEREAS, changes to the Public Disclosure Policy 2021 need to be presented to the Commission and adopted by Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners, to amend the following fee and add wording to amend the current Public Records Policy: 1. Amend Resolution 44-08 to allow for fees under RCW 42.56.240 (14); and 2. Amend the Public Records Policy, adding 9 under Section H so saying, "Pursuant to RCW 42.56.240 (14) the Mason County Sheriff's Office may charge reasonable costs based on the current salary rate per minute to redact body worn camera (BWC) video. This fee is for actual time to redact BWC video for requestors who are people not directly involved in the incident or their attorney." These amended fees are approved and effective January 1, 2022. Adopted this of , 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner 12/2/21, 12:14 PM RCW 42.56.240:Investigative,law enforcement,and crime victims. RCW 42.56.240 Investigative, law enforcement, and crime victims. The following investigative, law enforcement, and crime victim information is exempt from public inspection and copying under this chapter: (1) Specific intelligence information and specific investigative records compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, and state agencies vested with the responsibility to discipline members of any profession, the nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the protection of any person's right to privacy; (2) Information revealing the identity of persons who are witnesses to or victims of crime or who file complaints with investigative, law enforcement, or penology agencies, other than the commission, if disclosure would endanger any person's life, physical safety, or property. If at the time a complaint is filed the complainant, victim, or witness indicates a desire for disclosure or nondisclosure, such desire shall govern. However, all complaints filed with the commission about any elected official or candidate for public office must be made in writing and signed by the complainant under oath; (3)Any records of investigative reports prepared by any state, county, municipal, or other law enforcement agency pertaining to sex offenses contained in chapter 9A.44 RCW or sexually violent offenses as defined in RCW 71.09.020, which have been transferred to the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs for permanent electronic retention and retrieval pursuant to RCW 40.14.070(2)(b); (4) License applications under RCW 9.41.070; copies of license applications or information on the applications may be released to law enforcement or corrections agencies; (5) Information revealing the specific details that describe an alleged or proven child victim of sexual assault under age eighteen, or the identity or contact information of an alleged or proven child victim of sexual assault who is under age eighteen. Identifying information includes the child victim's name, addresses, location, photograph, and in cases in which the child victim is a relative, stepchild, or stepsibling of the alleged perpetrator, identification of the relationship between the child and the alleged perpetrator. Contact information includes phone numbers, email addresses, social media profiles, and user names and passwords; (6) Information contained in a local or regionally maintained gang database as well as the statewide gang database referenced in RCW 43.43.762; (7) Data from the electronic sales tracking system established in RCW 69.43.165; (8) Information submitted to the statewide unified sex offender notification and registration program under RCW 36.28A.040(6) by a person for the purpose of receiving notification regarding a registered sex offender, including the person's name, residential address, and email address; (9) Personally identifying information collected by law enforcement agencies pursuant to local security alarm system programs and vacation crime watch programs. Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted so as to prohibit the legal owner of a residence or business from accessing information regarding his or her residence or business; (10) The felony firearm offense conviction database of felony firearm offenders established in RCW 43.43.822; (11)The identity of a state employee or officer who has in good faith filed a complaint with an ethics board, as provided in RCW 42.52.410, or who has in good faith reported improper governmental action, as defined in RCW 42.40.020, to the auditor or other public official, as defined in RCW 42.40.020; (12)The following security threat group information collected and maintained by the department of corrections pursuant to RCW 72.09.745: (a) Information that could lead to the identification of a person's security threat group status, affiliation, or activities; (b) information that reveals specific security threats associated with the operation and activities of security threat groups; and (c) information that identifies the number of security threat group members, affiliates, or associates; (13)The global positioning system data that would indicate the location of the residence of an employee or worker of a criminal justice agency as defined in RCW 10.97.030; https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.240 1/4 12/2121, 12:14 PM RCW 42.56.240:Investigative,law enforcement,and crime victims. (14) Body worn camera recordings to the extent nondisclosure is essential for the protection of any person's right to privacy as described in RCW 42.56.050, including, but not limited to, the circumstances enumerated in (a) of this subsection. A law enforcement or corrections agency shall not disclose a body worn camera recording to the extent the recording is exempt under this subsection. (a) Disclosure of a body worn camera recording is presumed to be highly offensive to a reasonable person under RCW 42.56.050 to the extent it depicts: (i)(A)Any areas of a medical facility, counseling, or therapeutic program office where: (1)A patient is registered to receive treatment, receiving treatment, waiting for treatment, or being transported in the course of treatment; or (II) Health care information is shared with patients, their families, or among the care team; or (B) Information that meets the definition of protected health information for purposes of the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 or health care information for purposes of chapter 70.02 RCW; (ii)The interior of a place of residence where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy; (iii)An intimate image; (iv)A minor; (v)The body of a deceased person; (vi)The identity of or communications from a victim or witness of an incident involving domestic violence as defined in RCW 10.99.020 or sexual assault as defined in RCW 70.125.030, or disclosure of intimate images as defined in RCW 9A.86.010. If at the time of recording the victim or witness indicates a desire for disclosure or nondisclosure of the recorded identity or communications, such desire shall govern; or (vii) The identifiable location information of a community-based domestic violence program as defined in RCW 70.123.020, or emergency shelter as defined in RCW 70.123.020. (b) The presumptions set out in (a) of this subsection may be rebutted by specific evidence in individual cases. (c) In a court action seeking the right to inspect or copy a body worn camera recording, a person who prevails against a law enforcement or corrections agency that withholds or discloses all or part of a body worn camera recording pursuant to (a)of this subsection is not entitled to fees, costs, or awards pursuant to RCW 42.56.550 unless it is shown that the law enforcement or corrections agency acted in bad faith or with gross negligence. (d)A request for body worn camera recordings must: (i) Specifically identify a name of a person or persons involved in the incident; (ii) Provide the incident or case number; (iii) Provide the date, time, and location of the incident or incidents; or (iv) Identify a law enforcement or corrections officer involved in the incident or incidents. (e)(i)A person directly involved in an incident recorded by the requested body worn camera recording, an attorney representing a person directly involved in an incident recorded by the requested body worn camera recording, a person or his or her attorney who requests a body worn camera recording relevant to a criminal case involving that person, or the executive director from either the Washington state commission on African American affairs, Asian Pacific American affairs, or Hispanic affairs, has the right to obtain the body worn camera recording, subject to any exemption under this chapter or any applicable law. In addition, an attorney who represents a person regarding a potential or existing civil cause of action involving the denial of civil rights under the federal or state Constitution, or a violation of a United States department of justice settlement agreement, has the right to obtain the body worn camera recording if relevant to the cause of action, subject to any exemption under this chapter or any applicable law. The attorney must explain the relevancy of the requested body worn camera recording to the cause of action and specify that he or she is seeking relief from redaction costs under this subsection (14)(e). (ii)A law enforcement or corrections agency responding to requests under this subsection (14)(e) may not require the requesting individual to pay costs of any redacting, altering, distorting, pixelating, suppressing, or otherwise obscuring any portion of a body worn camera recording. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.240 2/4 12/2/21,12:14 PM RCW 42.56.240:Investigative,law enforcement,and crime victims. (iii)A law enforcement or corrections agency may require any person requesting a body worn camera recording pursuant to this subsection (14)(e)to identify himself or herself to ensure he or she is a person entitled to obtain the body worn camera recording under this subsection (14)(e). (f)(i)A law enforcement or corrections agency responding to a request to disclose body worn camera recordings may require any requester not listed in (e) of this subsection to pay the reasonable costs of redacting, altering, distorting, pixelating, suppressing, or otherwise obscuring any portion of the body worn camera recording prior to disclosure only to the extent necessary to comply with the exemptions in this chapter or any applicable law. (ii)An agency that charges redaction costs under this subsection (14)(f) must use redaction technology that provides the least costly commercially available method of redacting body worn camera recordings, to the extent possible and reasonable. (iii) In any case where an agency charges a requestor for the costs of redacting a body worn camera recording under this subsection (14)(f), the time spent on redaction of the recording shall not count towards the agency's allocation of, or limitation on, time or costs spent responding to public records requests under this chapter, as established pursuant to local ordinance, policy, procedure, or state law. (g) For purposes of this subsection (14): (i) "Body worn camera recording" means a video and/or sound recording that is made by a body worn camera attached to the uniform or eyewear of a law enforcement or corrections officer while in the course of his or her official duties; and (ii) "Intimate image" means an individual or individuals engaged in sexual activity, including sexual intercourse as defined in RCW 9A.44.010 and masturbation, or an individual's intimate body parts, whether nude or visible through less than opaque clothing, including the genitals, pubic area, anus, or postpubescent female nipple. (h) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict access to body worn camera recordings as otherwise permitted by law for official or recognized civilian and accountability bodies or pursuant to any court order. (i) Nothing in this section is intended to modify the obligations of prosecuting attorneys and law enforcement under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83 S. Ct. 1194, 10 L. Ed. 2d 215 (1963), Kyles v. Whitley, 541 U.S. 419, 115 S. Ct. 1555, 131 L. Ed.2d 490 (1995), and the relevant Washington court criminal rules and statutes. Q)A law enforcement or corrections agency must retain body worn camera recordings for at least sixty days and thereafter may destroy the records in accordance with the applicable records retention schedule; (15)Any records and information contained within the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system established in RCW 43.43.545; (16)(a) Survivor communications with, and survivor records maintained by, campus-affiliated advocates. (b) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict access to records maintained by a campus-affiliated advocate in the event that: (i) The survivor consents to inspection or copying; (ii)There is a clear, imminent risk of serious physical injury or death of the survivor or another person; (iii) Inspection or copying is required by federal law; or (iv)A court of competent jurisdiction mandates that the record be available for inspection or copying. (c) "Campus-affiliated advocate" and "survivor" have the definitions in RCW 28113.112.030; (17) Information and records prepared, owned, used, or retained by the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs and information and records prepared, owned, used, or retained by the Washington state patrol pursuant to chapter 261, Laws of 2017; and (18)Any and all audio or video recordings of child forensic interviews as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW. Such recordings are confidential and may only be disclosed pursuant to a court order entered upon a showing of good cause and with advance notice to the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.240 3/4 12/2/21, 12:14 PM RCW 42.56.240:Investigative,law enforcement,and crime victims. However, if the child is an emancipated minor or has attained the age of majority as defined in RCW 26.28.010, advance notice must be to the child. Failure to disclose an audio or video recording of a child forensic interview as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW is not grounds for penalties or other sanctions available under this chapter. [2019 c 300 § 1. Prior: 2018 c 285 § 1; 2018 c 171 § 7; prior: 2017 c 261 § 7; 2017 c 72 § 3; prior: 2016 c 173 § 8; 2016 c 163 §2; prior: 2015 c 224§ 3; 2015 c 91 § 1; prior: 2013 c 315§2; 2013 c 190 § 7; 2013 c 183 § 1; 2012 c 88 § 1; prior: 2010 c 266§ 2; 2010 c 182 § 5; 2008 c 276§ 202; 2005 c 274§404.] NOTES: Retroactive application-2018 c 171 § 7: "Section 7 of this act applies retroactively to all outstanding public records requests submitted prior to March 22, 2018." [2018 c 171 § 8.] Effective date-2018 c 171: See note following RCW 26.44.188. Finding—Intent-2017 c 72: See note following RCW 28B.112.030. Finding—Intent-2016 c 173: See note following RCW 43.43.545. Finding—Intent-2016 c 163: "The legislature finds that technological developments present opportunities for additional truth-finding, transparency, and accountability in interactions between law enforcement or corrections officers and the public. The legislature intends to promote transparency and accountability by permitting access to video and/or sound recordings of interactions with law enforcement or corrections officers, while preserving the public's reasonable expectation that the recordings of these interactions will not be publicly disclosed to enable voyeurism or exploitation." [2016 c 163 § 1.] Finding-2013 c 190: See note following RCW 42.52.410. Severability—Part headings, subheadings not law-2008 c 276: See notes following RCW 36.28A.200. Restrictions on dissemination of child forensic interview recordings: RCW 26.44.187 and 26.44.188. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.240 4/4 City of Seattle Body Worn Video Redaction Cost Study Narrative February 2017 Background SPD has implemented a Body Worn Video (BWV) program.Officers will wear body cameras and will capture recordings that are public records subject to the Washington Public Records Act, Chapt.42.56 RCW(PRA).The PRA allows a law enforcement agency responding to requests for BWV recordings to charge certain requestors the reasonable costs of redacting videos prior to disclosure.The purpose of this cost study is to determine those reasonable costs.Allowable redaction costs are in addition to copying costs that agencies are legally allowed to charge requestors. Introduction With the exception of the following requestors,the PRA allows an agency to charge a requestor the reasonable costs of redacting,altering, distorting, pixelating, suppressing, or otherwise obscuring any portion of the body worn camera recording prior to disclosure: • A person directly involved in an incident recorded by the requested body worn camera recording; • An attorney representing a person directly involved in an incident recorded by the requested body worn camera recording; • A person or his or her attorney who requests a body worn camera recording relevant to a criminal case involving that person; • The executive director from either the Washington state commission on African-American affairs,Asian Pacific American affairs,or Hispanic affairs; or • If relevant to a cause of action, an attorney who represents a person regarding a potential or existing civil cause of action involving the denial of civil rights under the federal or state Constitution,or a violation of a United States department of justice settlement. An agency that charges redaction costs must use redaction technology that provides the least costly commercially available method of redacting body worn camera recordings,to the extent possible and reasonable. The purpose of this cost study is to determine the reasonable cost of redacting BWV recordings in order to provide a requestor the estimated cost of redacting particular BWV recordings and,to provide requesters a choice of redaction types in order to reduce costs to those requestors. ATTACHMENT 1 19 Principles • We charge for redactions based on the parameters provided in the PRA • We charge staff time directly applicable to redacting videos • We charge staff time (salary+benefits)for no more than the lowest-paid employee assigned responsibility for redacting video • We have highly-skilled Video Specialists who apply their expertise to redact video in an efficient and skillful manner • We use redaction technology that most effectively and efficiently meets the administrative and operational needs of the Department • We do not charge requestors any costs related to the redaction technology • The City incurs substantial costs for video management, processing,storage, and redaction technology • In addition to allowed redaction costs,we charge requestors the actual cost of copies of BWV recordings as provided in the PRA Types of Redactions • Targeted Video Redaction of Person or Object with or without Targeted Audio Redaction:This blurs or blacks out the face or identifying features of an individual or object and removes exempt audio content • Targeted Audio Redaction Alone:This removes exempt portions of the audio • Targeted Blackout of Screen or Targeted Screen Blur with or without Audio Removal:This completely blacks out targeted segment(s)of video. It may also remove all audio from the segment(s)as called for • Complete Screen Blur and Audio Removal:This blurs the entire screen for the entire duration of the video and removes all audio for the entire duration of the video • The types of video redactions are illustrated in the next section Video Redaction Type Illustrations Targeted Video Redaction' Targeted Blackout of Screen Screen Blur' 'The size of the dot or shape obscuring an individual or object may vary to ensure that exempt identifying details are sufficiently obscured. 7 Screen Blur may be targeted for a specific length of time within a video or for the entire duration of the video at the option of the requestor.Screen blur here is illustrated at 60%blur.The level of blurring may vary to ensure that exempt identifying details are sufficiently obscured ATTACHMENT 1 20 Redaction Process The cost of redacting video using current technology reflects actual staff time derived from the workflow necessary to apply redactions as detailed in the SPD Redaction Process Workflow,attached to this Cost Study. Time Studies Stopwatch style time studies were conducted to determine the amount of time it takes to redact BWV recordings including how long it takes to fully blur and remove audio from an entire video, eliminate one minute of video, redact one minute of simple audio, redact one minute of complex audio, redact one minute of simple video,and redact one minute of complex video. Time Study Results: �tes3act .: icatt Targeted Video Redaction with or 1 Minute per individual or 10 Minutes per individual or without Targeted Audio Redaction object redacted object redacted Targeted Audio Redaction Alone 1 Minute 5 Minutes Targeted Blackout of Screen, 1 Minute 4.5 Minutes Targeted Screen Blur with or without Audio Removal Complete Screen Blur and Audio Per Video 1 Minute Removal Video Specialist Weighted Salaries The weighted salaries for Video Specialists within SPD range from$.61 per minute to$.89 per minute. The PRA allows agencies to charge the actual cost of redacting BWV recordings including the cost of redaction technology provided it is the least costly commercially available method.The Video Specialists weighted salary amounts do not include the cost of redaction technology and the City does not intend to charge requestors technology costs at this time.The City intends to charge requestors at the rate of$.60 per minute of Video Specialist time to redact body worn videos.This rate is below the actual cost incurred by the City for redacting video. Estimating Redaction Costs Based on the results of the cost study,SPD Public Disclosure Unit staff will calculate estimated redaction costs at the following rates: Redaref 6 M thou ..:- ' sti'maited-Ci st Pex° M�ijte�10'Rede�t het Est!rn s �d jo I Minute to Redact Mirtute of Rave Footage Per Nii tr ,,, .,.' Targeted Video $0.60 per 10 per individual or $6.00 per individual or Redaction with or individual or object object redacted object redacted without Targeted redacted Audio Redaction_ Targeted Audio $0.60 5 $3.00 Redaction Alone ATTACHMENT 1 21 Screen,Targeted Screen Blur with or without Audio Removal Complete Screen Blur $0.60 N/A $0.60/video and Audio Removal I SP[l Will Charge Redaction Costs Based On Actual Redaction Time The City will charge requestors redaction costs reflecting the actual time it takes to redact a particular video calculated at the rate of$U.6O per minute. ATTACH M ENT l 22 ATTACHMENT SPD Redaction Process Workflow for Body Worn Video Redaction 1. Receive Initial Video Request a. Locate video in Evidence.com using one or more of the following fields:case number, officer ID, and date/time b. Conduct additional research in RMS/CAD to locate additional video not tagged by officer, if needed. c. If one video is identified,then a direct download from Evidence.com can be conducted. d. If multiple videos are identified,then a bulk download is requested (Evidence.com is a cloud-based system) e. If targeted video and/or audio redaction is required proceed to either Step 2 or Step 3 depending on whether redaction will be done jointly by PDO and Video Specialist or by Video Specialist working independently f. If complete screen blur and audio removal is required, proceed to step 4 2. Coordinated PDO/Video Specialist Redaction Process a. Unzip video files and place videos temporarily on local machine b. Receive Evidence.com download link via email and download videos. c. Upload videos to GOVQA for PDO to identify redactable content. d. Video Specialist deletes video files from local machine. e. PDO watches and listens to video identifying content that requires redaction, detailing relevant time codes. f. PDO sends redaction request to Video Unit g. Video Unit receives request in GOVQA or Video Unit Electronic Ordering Form (one redaction request will usually contain multiple video files that need redacting). h. Review redaction instruction spreadsheet with video timecodes, description of identifying information, and type of redaction (blur, audio only, etc.) L Print hard copy of request. j. Locate videos in GOVQA. k. Download to local workstation. I. Import files to Adobe Premiere. m. Conduct audio/video redactions as indicated in spreadsheet provided by the PDO. 3. Video Specialist Only Redaction Process a. Unzip video files and place videos temporarily on local machine. ATTACHMENT 1 23 b. Receive Evidence.com download link via email and download videos. c. Download to local workstation. d. Import files to Adobe Premiere Video Specialist watches and listens to video identifying content that requires redaction. 4. Video Specialist applies redactions a. If Complete Screen Blur and Audio Removal is required,Video Specialist applies blur to entire video and removes all audio as appropriate. b. If Targeted Blackout of screen or audio redaction is required,Video Specialist will apply blackout and remove audio at appropriate points in video. c. If Targeted Screen Blur or audio redaction is required,Video Specialist will apply screen blur and remove audio at appropriate points in video. d. If the Targeted Video Redaction is required,Video Specialist must selectively blur/obscure video FRAME BY FRAME to ensure the exempt content is removed i. Camera movement, lighting conditions,environment, proximity of individuals/objects to camera, number of individuals/objects to be redacted, and other qualitative factors will contribute to the complexity of the redaction. e. Multiple passes of the video will be required to track individuals and/or ensure that all exempt video and audio content has been redacted throughout video. f. Video Specialist conducts quality assurance by replaying video in real time 1:1 or slower 2:1 and event 3:1 to refine redaction and ensure redaction accuracy. g. Export videos from Adobe Premiere. 5. Redaction Distribution a. Upload/Transfer redacted files to GOVQA• b. Notification is generated after video redaction is complete and is sent to PDO that redaction is complete. c. PDO receives the video files and reviews videos for accuracy. d. If additional redactions are identified,then request is re-submitted to Video Specialist. e. If no additional redactions are required,then Video Specialist logs request as completed. ATTACHMENT 1 24 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Tammi Wright DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management EXT: 800 BRIEFING DATE: December 20, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: WA-DR-4539 Hazard Mitigation Assistance program application for funding to update the Mason County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): In November 2020 DEM submitted our Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) program application under the FEMA-4359-DR-WA (January 20 — February 10, 2020 Severe Storms, Flooding, Landslides and Mudslides disaster) to WA State Emergency Management Division (EMD) for funding to assist us with updating our Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. If awarded, we will be utilizing the grant funds to update our current Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as has been done in the past (2018). The federal share of the grant award for this project is 75% of the total ($85,000) with the remaining 25% being split (12.5% each) between the State and Mason County. Mason County will be utilizing local in-kind contributions to meet our 12.5% match (no hard dollar match needed). This local in-kind match will consist of staff time, materials, equipment and assistance from other participating jurisdictions. The local Hazard Mitigation Plan update will include: • Development of additional hazard mitigation goals and priorities. • Updated mapping to include identified hazard impact areas. • Re-evaluation of the hazards and vulnerabilities in the county. The outcomes from this activity will include: • Development of additional community partnerships. • Enhance community involvement in the plan. • Development of mitigation projects to be considered for implantation. Under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, state, tribal and local governments must develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition for receiving certain types of non- emergency disaster assistance through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program. Briefing Summary 12/9/2021 During the 2018 plan update Emergency Management secured the services of Bridgeview Consulting, LLC through a competitive Request for Qualifications process to assist in the plan development and will need contract again with Bridgeview Consulting, LLC. This contractor is very familiar with the plan and given the shortened funding timeline, we need to get the consultant on board as quickly as possible. The grant funding, minus the local match ($10,625) will be used to pay the contractor ($74,375). On December 2, 2021 we received an email from WA State EMD requesting more information in order to move the application forward. Along with the additional information the State is requesting a Match Commitment letter and a signed FF-112-0- 3C"Certification regarding Lobbying...and Drug-Free Workplace"form. BUDGET IMPACTS: There will be an increase in revenue for Emergency Management ($74,375) that will be equal to the expense for the consultant. The matching funds for the grant will come from in-kind match consisting of staff time, materials, equipment and assistance from other participating jurisdictions. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to place Match Commitment letter and a signed FF-112-0-3C"Certification regarding Lobbying...and Drug-Free Workplace"form on the January 4 agenda ATTACHMENTS: Letter, Debarment Form and Subapplication Briefing Summary 12/9/2021 Aeon CO January 4, 2022 1854 Tim Cook, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Washington State Emergency Management Division MASON COUNTY 20 Aviation Drive #20 BOARD Camp Murray, WA 98430 OF COMMISSIONERS RE: Mason County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Subapplication Local Match Commitment Letter 1ST District Dear Mr. Cook: RANDY NEATHERLIN As part of the Hazard Mitigation Grant process, a local funding end District match is required. This letter serves as Mason County's KEVIN SHUTTY commitment to meet the local match fund requirements for the 3rd District Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) program. The local matching sxAxoN District fund requirement will be made through a commitment of up to $10,625 for the grant. The match will come from local materials and supplies as well as Mason County Building l local staff time (in-kind). 411 North Fifth Street Please contact Tammi Wright at tammiw@masoncountywa.gov or Shelton, WA 98584-3400 (360) 427-9670 ext. 800 or with any questions. (360)427-9670 ext. 419 Sincerely, (360)275-4467 ext. 419 (360)482-5269 ext. 419 Randy Neatherlin, Chair Fax(360)427-8437 Mason County Commissioners DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE O.M.B NO. 1660-0025 REQUIREMENTS Expires September 30,2017 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1.7 hours per response.The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing, and submitting the form. This collection of information is required to obtain or retain benefits.You are not required to submit to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20472-3100,and Paperwork Reduction Project(1660-0025). NOTE: Do not send your completed form to this address. Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest.Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 44 CFR Part 18, "New Restrictions on Lobbying"and 28 CFR Part 17, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension(Nonprocurement)and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace(Grants)."The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)determines to award the transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. 1.LOBBYING (a)Are not presently debarred, suspended,proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or As required by section 1352,Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any implemented at 44 CFR Part 18,for persons entering into a grant Federal department or agency; or cooperating agreement over$ 100,000,as defined at 44 CFR Part 18,the applicant certifies that: (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of a or had a civilian judgment rendered against them for (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any person for influencing or attempting to obtain, or perform a public a public(Federal ,State,or local) attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of Federal or Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft,forgery, employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making bribery,falsification or destruction of records,making false statements, or of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative receiving stolen property; agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, (c)Are not presently indicted for otherwise criminally or civilly charged or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement. by a governmental entity(Federal, State, or local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b)of this certification; and (b)If any other funds than Federal appropriated funds have been (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had paid or will be paid to any other person for influencing or one or more public transactions(Federal, State, or local)terminated for attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a cause of default; and member of Congress, an officer or an employee of Congress, or employee of a member of Congress in connection with this B.Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Federal Grant or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this application. complete and submit Stand Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying 3. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE(GRANTEE OTHER THAN Activities,"in accordance with its instructions. INDIVIDUALS) c)The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at at all tiers(including subgrants, contracts under grants and 44 CFR Part 17, Subpart F,for grantees, as defined at 44 CFR Part cooperative agreements, and subcontracts)and that all 17.615 and 17.620- subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. A. The applicant certifies that it will continue to provide adrug-free Standard Form-LLL"Disclosure of Lobbying Activities" workplace by; attached (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful ❑ (This form must be attached to certification if non- manufacture,distribution,dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled appropriated funds are to be used to influence activities.) substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such 2. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION,AND OTHER prohibition; RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS (DIRECT RECIPIENT) (b) Establishing an on-going drug free awareness program to inform As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and employees about- Suspension,and implemented at 44 CFR Part 67,for prospective (1)The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 CFR Part 17, Section 17.510-A. (2)The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; A. The applicant certifies that it and its principals: FEMA Form 112-0-3C(9/14) Master Page 1 of 2 (3)Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, (2) Requiring such an employee to participate satisfactorily in a and employee assistance programs; and drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other (4)The penalties that may be imposed upon employees appropriate agency; for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (g)Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace (c)Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), the performance of the grant to be given a copy of the statement (e)and (f). required by paragraph(a); B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: (a)that, as a condition of employment under the grant,the employee will- (1)Abide by the term of the statement;and (2) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction Place of Performance(Street address, City,County, State, Zip code) for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring ion the workplace no later than five calendar days after such convictions; (e) Notifying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph(d)(2)from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position,title, to the applicable FEMA awarding office, i.e., regional office or FEMA office. (f)Taking one of the following actions,within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2),with respect to any employee who is convicted- There are workplaces on file that are not identified (1)Taking appropriate personnel action against such an Sections 17.630 of the regulations provide that a grantee that is a employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the State may elect to make one certification in each Federal fiscal year. requirements of the Rehabilitation act of 1973, as amended; or A copy of which should be included with each application for FEMA funding. States and State agencies may elect to use a state wide certification. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL TITLE APPLICANT ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED FEMA Form 112-0-3C (9/14) Master Page 2 of 2 DR-4539 HMGP PLANNING SUBAPPLICATION Mason County Mason County 2023 Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update y F F= APPLICATION PREPARED BY: Tammi Wright, EM Coordinator PHONE: (360)427-7535 E-MAIL:tammiw@co.mason.wa.us �e Washington State Emergency Management Division I Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants www.mil.wa.gov/HMAGrants I HMA@mil.wa.gov Planning Application DR-4539 HMGP Contents ApplicationSummary....................................................................................................................................2 ApplicantInformation...............................................................................................................................2 MitigationPlan Information......................................................................................................................3 PlanCost....................................................................................................................................................6 Scopeof Work...............................................................................................................................................7 PlanQ&A...................................................................................................................................................8 Planning Process (Element A)................................................................................................................8 Risk Assessment: Hazard Identification and Vulnerability (Element B)................................................9 Mitigation Strategy(Element C)..........................................................................................................10 Plan Maintenance (Element D) ...........................................................................................................11 Budgetand Funding Sources.......................................................................................................................12 EstimatedTotal Costs..............................................................................................................................12 Funding Source—Non-Federal Match.....................................................................................................13 Scheduleof Work........................................................................................................................................14 RequiredAttachments................................................................................................................................15 1 Page Application Summary NOTE: THIS SECTION OF THE APPLICATION REVIEWS BASIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ELIGIBILITY PLEASE see HMA Unified Guidance Part III (PAGE 25). Applicant Information Applicant Organization/Agency: Mason County Emergency Management Type of Organization/Agency: Local Government If Private Non-Profit, describe legal status and function: Click to enter County: Mason-045 Congressional District: 6th Legislative District: 35th Federal Tax ID#: 91-6001354 UBI#: 232-002-101 DON'T KNOW YOUR UBI? LOOK IT up here. DUNS#:069580751 WHAT IS A DUNS Number? Primary Contact for this application (The individual directly involved in overseeing the grant) Name: G. Ross McDowell Title: DEM Manager Phone: (360)427-7535 Email Address: RMcDowell@co.mason.wa.us Mailing Address: 100 W. Public Works Dr. City:Shelton State: WA Zip: 98584 Application Prepared by- Name: Tammi Wright Title: Sr. EM Coordinator Phone: (360)427-7535 Email Address:TammiW@co.mason.wa.us Growth Management Act Compliance—WA Dept. of Commerce and WA Dept. of Ecology 1. Is the jurisdiction in compliance with state Growth Management Act Requirements? a. Z Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable (Tribes, Non-Profits) b. If yes, provide the date the jurisdiction's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (if required) and the Critical Areas Ordinances (CAOs) were approved and adopted. i. Land Use 12/29/2017 CAOs 10/27/2017 c. If no, explain the identified non-compliance issues and how the jurisdiction is making progress in resolving them. Click to enter National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Compliance—WA Dept. of Ecology 1. The date of your most recent NFIP Community Assistance Visit(CAV) 2012 2. Did your community have any CAV/NFIP issues or violations from this visit? ® Yes ❑ No a. If yes, please explain:There were several outstanding issues from the 2012 CAV visit that were formally resolved in 2019. _ ........_. 2 Page Mitigation Plan Information Has this jurisdiction ever had a FEMA-Approved multi-hazard mitigation plan? ❑X Yes ❑ No Please explain status: It is current until 04/29/2023 If yes,what is the title of the plan? Mason County 2018 Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan FEMA Approval Date: 4/30/2018 Expiration Date: 4/29/2023 Which planning activity are you seeking funds for? ❑ Develop a New Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan ❑ Local ❑ Tribal ❑ Multi-jurisdiction © Update an Existing FEMA-approved Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan ❑ Local ❑Tribal © Multi-jurisdiction If this is an update to an existing mitigation plan, please provide the reasons for the update (e.g. acquisition of better data, recent disaster activity,to meet the 5-year requirement). The reason for the update is to meet the 5-year requirement.The application is a bit early but we realize that the funding allocation can take a bit of time.We would also like to include new and improved science and technology in developing this plan, and include recent disaster activities. Was any version of this subapplication previously submitted under another FEMA Program or Funding Opportunity? ❑ Yes © No If yes, explain status: Click tO enter Are activities related to this plan funded under another FEMA Program or Funding Opportunity? ❑ Yes © No If yes, explain status: Click tO enter Will this activity result in a FEMA-approved multi-hazard mitigation plan in compliance with the standards identified in 44 CFR 201.6 and/or 201.7? © Yes ❑ No If no, explain status: Click tO enter Provide a community profile of the jurisdiction(s) this planning initiative will cover including population, location, any geographic areas of interest, etc.: This planning initiative will cover the entire county. GEOGRAPHY: Mason County is the 29th largest county in Washington with a total land mass of 1,051 square miles, of which 961 square miles is land and 90 square miles is water. The county is located in western Washington at the southwest end of Puget Sound. It is bordered to the north by Jefferson County, to the west and southwest by Grays Harbor County, and to the southeast by Thurston County. The county's eastern boundary, shared with Kitsap, Pierce and Thurston Counties, is primarily delineated by the rugged contours of Hood Canal and Case Inlet. TOPOGRAPHY: Mason's topography was heavily influenced by prehistoric glacial activity. After the ice retreated, the more mountainous areas in the county's interior evolved into dense forest land.A portion of the Olympic National Park(elevations reach almost 8,000 feet above sea level) is located in the northwest part of the county. Lower elevations(where not forested) consist of fertile, but gravelly, loam. Nearly 100 lakes dot the county. The larger of these bodies are Lake Cushman, Mason Lake, Lake Limerick, Isabella Lake,Timberlakes,and Spencer Lake. Hood Canal and Puget Sound account for most of Mason County's 90 square miles of water. Lying in county waters are two big islands - Harstine and Squaxin - and three smaller ones: Hope, Reach, and Stretch Islands. Of the innumerable inlets that break up the county's shore, two deserve mention; Hammersley 3 1 P a g e Inlet (Shelton's access to Puget Sound) and Little Skookum Inlet (Kamilche's access to Puget Sound). Mason County is also home to numerous streams and rivers, most notable are the Skokomish, Satsop, Tahuya, Union, and Hamma Hamma rivers (all prone to flooding). Additionally, seven watersheds exist within Mason County. Mason County also has several areas that are prone to landslides. CLIMATE: The climate in Mason County is generally characterized by mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers, typical of a West Coast marine climate. Due to the county's proximity to the Pacific Ocean and the Puget Sound, average temperatures remain moderate relative to the season. Mason County lies on the southeast side of the Olympic Coastal Range, which influences prevailing wind and precipitation patterns. Average temperatures range from 32 degrees F in the winter to 78 degrees in the summer.The average rainfall is 64 inches, and it experiences a daily average temperature of 51 Degrees F. The average monthly precipitation ranges from 10.4 inches in January to 0.8 inches in July. Most of the rain falls from October to May. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: The 2010 Census shows the county population to be 60,699, an increase of almost 23% from the 2000 Census count of 49,405. Of the 2010 population total, over 50,865 individuals were counted as living in unincorporated areas of the county.The largest city,and only incorporated area in the county, is Shelton. In 2010 there were 9,834 individuals residing there. Most population growth is taking place in the rural, unincorporated areas surround the City of Shelton. Mason County serves as a bedroom community with many residents commuting to Bremerton,Olympia,Tacoma, and even the Seattle area. The county also attracts many retirees. Since Mason County is a recreational area, being the gateway to the Olympic peninsula,the population during summer months could approach 100,000.TRIBES:Within Mason County there are two sovereign and federally recognized Native American Tribes.The Skokomish Reservation is located along Hood Canal while the Squaxin Island Reservation is on the south border of the county and extends into Thurston County.GOVERNMENT:The County is governed by a Board of Commissioners while the City of Shelton is led by a seven (7) member council. Each of the tribes is governed by its Tribal Councils as sovereign nations. TRANSPORTATION: U.S. Highway 101 is the major north/south highway. This scenic route skirts the Hood Canal on its wester banks and then circles the Olympic Peninsula.State Highway 3 runs through the City of Shelton and connects Shelton, Belfair and Kitsap County. The City of Shelton is also bisected north/south by the Burlington Railroad. This railroad line services Kitsap County, the Bremerton Shipyard, Bangor Submarine Base and Keyport Naval Testing facility. Sanderson Field is located in Mason County adjacent to U.S. Highway 101,three miles northwest of Shelton. This airfield provides services primarily to the private aviation community. It is owned and operated by the Port of Shelton and includes industrial occupancies. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: Two pipelines(bulk natural gas)traverse Mason County.The Cascade Pipeline enters Mason County from Kitsap County to the northeast near Allyn-Grapeview and parallels State Route 3 t Shelton. The Cascade Pipeline connects to the Williams Pipeline in Shelton. The Williams Pipeline exits Mason County to the south, paralleling U.S. Highway 101 into Thurston County. Cushman Dan No. 1 is a hydroelectric dam on the North Fork of the Skokomish River. It was built by Tacoma City Light (now Tacoma Power) in 1924- 1926. It has a concrete arch design and includes 90,000 cubic yards of concrete, covering a whole 6,244 feet of water. It is 275 feet high and 1,111 feet long and its reservoir, Lake Cushman, has 23 miles of shoreline. Cushman Dam No. 2 is also a hydroelectric dam on the North Fork Skokomish River.The dam is 575 feet long, 8 feet wide at the top and 40 feet at the base. It is 235 feet tall and its reservoir, Lake Kokanee, is 2 miles long. Explain why this planning grant is essential to the jurisdiction:As with most counties in Washington State, Mason County has been severely impacted by the economic downturn due to the current pandemic and is still struggling with budget issues. Due to limited staffing and budgetary constraints, none of the participating jurisdictions have the manpower or available funding to carry the development of a Multi- Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan alone. Our proposed "Five Year" plan update will take advantage of several things.We will review and include any new information and data provided by the State's updated ......... .................. 4 Page enhanced plan (10/1/2018) and include new information from recent disaster events. This effort will provide opportunities to educate the citizens about the hazards to which they are vulnerable.This helps us demonstrate the importance of self-preparedness. With an updated plan the County and planning partners will be in a better position for identifying our hazards, risks,vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate these hazards.This plan will continue to put us in a better position for recovery planning. For multi-jurisdiction plans, list the jurisdictions you expect to participate: Mason County PUD#1, Mason County PUD#3, City of Shelton, Central Mason Fire & EMS, and Mason County Fire District#16. Our plan is to re-engage the original planning partnerships from the 2018 plan and to solicit Letters of Intent to participate in the planning process to other eligible entities throughout the county. 5 1 P a g e Plan Cost Proposed Total Plan Development Cost: $ $85,000 Previous Plan Previous Plan projected Cost of Description of Activity/Task Estimated Cost, Actual Cost, if proposed plan if applicable applicable Project Management $2,400 $2,400 $2,000 Review/Summary Existing Plans $3,350 $3,350 $3,000 Hazard Inventory $19,850 $19,850 $10,000 Profile Hazards Enter# Enter # $3,000 Mapping Activities $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 Assessing Vulnerabilities Enter# Enter# $5,000 Develop Mitigation Goals, Objectives $25,400 $25,400 $20,000 Review, Analyze Existing Actions/Projects Enter # Enter# $4,000 Identify, Prioritize Future Mitigation Actions Enter# Enter # $5,000 Complete Public Involvement $6,800 $6,800 $7,000 Workshop, Planning Template,Guidance for SPDs Enter# Enter # $6,000 Develop Plan Maintenance Process Enter# Enter # $1,500 Finalize Draft Plan $1,700 $1,700 $2,000 Plan Submitted to State and FEMA Enter # Enter# Enter # Materials and Supplies Enter # Enter# $1,500 Enter# Enter# Enter# Enter# Enter# Enter# Enter # Enter# Enter# Enter# Enter # Enter# Enter # Enter# Enter# Enter # Enter # Enter # Total $69,500 $69,500 $85,000 6 1 P a g e Scope of Work The Scope of Work describes the objectives, methodology, feasibility, outcomes, timeline, milestones, resources, deliverables, and benefits of, as well as reasons for, the proposed planning activity. The requirements of an approved local hazard mitigation plan are listed in 44 CFR Part 201. The Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide serves as FEMA's interpretation and explanation of how to meet the mitigation planning requirements by satisfying the following elements: • Planning Process • Risk Assessment(Hazard Identification and Vulnerability) • Mitigation Strategy • Hazard Mitigation Plan Maintenance Process • Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption and Approval For the following questions, please describe what will be done and who will be involved in completing the task. Please identify the staff/ planning team / consultant / others who will be working on each task. If you plan on hiring a consultant to assist you with your planning initiative, please clearly state that fact, and throughout the narrative identify the tasks the Consultant will be helping you with. If you will be pulling information from other resources, (e.g., community land use or capital improvement plans), please identify them. For plan updates,your scope of work must describe the process used to review and analyze each section of the current plan as part of the update process. Make your narratives complete by fully and clearly explaining what you will be doing and who will be doing it. Please do not develop a cookie-cutter response to use for each question;applications that do so will be considered incomplete and removed from consideration for funding. Please do not use acronyms without first identifying the full title or name to which they refer. 7 1 P a g e Plan Q&A Planning Process (Element A) An open public involvement process is essential to the development of an effective plan. To develop a more comprehensive approach to reducing the effects of natural disasters, the planning process shall include: Please describe how your planning initiative will complete each of the following items during the planning process (when describing "how"something will be accomplished, discuss what will be completed and who will be involved) How will you document the hazard mitigation planning process? Include details about how the plan will be prepared and how the public will be involved (44 CFR 201.6(b)(1)). As the lead agency, Mason County Dept. of Emergency Management (DEM) plans to secure grant funding through this application process and to hire a consultant. Once the funding is secured a Letter of Intent to participate in the planning process will be sent to eligible jurisdictions/entities for the opportunity to be a part of the plan. This will be done through an open solicitation process (expecting the consultant will take the role of the lead planner who reports directly to the County designated project manager). Concurrently Mason County DEM will re-engage the original partners from the 2018 plan. Once it's determined who the participants will be,a Workgroup/Planning Team will be formed, and we will have an initial kickoff planning workshop. The partners will then review and incorporate existing plans, studies, reports, and technical information. As the lead agency, Mason County DEM will provide multiple ways for the community to participate in the planning process. Public involvement will include extensive outreach using different methods to increase involvement,such as pairing meetings with existing council and commission meetings, holding web-based meetings, and scheduling conference calls that allow participation by agencies and individuals, include members of the public on the planning team, use questionnaires and surveys, news releases (local newspaper and radio station), news articles about mitigation efforts, post information on the county website, and include safety fairs from the various planning partners. These efforts will be accomplished by the County, consultant and plan participants. Throughout this process we will continue to have public meetings and outreach. All outreach will be documented and attached to the plan. Describe how the following entities will be involved in your planning process (44 CFR 201.6(b)(2)).: • neighboring communities, • local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities • agencies that have the authority to regulate development, • businesses, • academia and other private and • non-profit interests Mason County DEM intends to provide multiple ways for neighboring communities, local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities, agencies that have the authority to regulate development,business,academia and other private and non-profit interests to participate in the planning process. Mason County DEM has continued to expand our monthly Planning Team meetings to include other organizations, agencies and the public with a specific focus on the hazard mitigation plan update. Agendas for these monthly meetings will be sent out via email to the expanded planning team as well as posted on the Mason County website. DEM's email distribution list will be utilized for invitations to participate along with news releases and social media. 8 1 P a g e Risk Assessment: Hazard Identification and Vulnerability (Element B) The risk assessment will include a description of the type, location, and extent of all natural hazards that can affect the jurisdiction. The plan must include information on the previous occurrences of hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events.The risk assessment will include an overall summary of each natural hazard and include a description of the jurisdiction's vulnerability to the natural hazards described. (CFR 44 Section 201.6 (c)(2)(i) and Section 201.7 (c)(2)(i)). Please describe how you will address each of the following elements of the risk assessment (when describing "how" something will be accomplished, explain what will be completed and who will be involved): How will you develop a description and prioritization of the natural hazards identified in your plan? Mason County DEM will continue to use the description of the natural hazards that are already identified in the 2018 plan and the Mason County Hazard Identification&Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA)-May 2019.A public questionnaire will assist us in finding out what the citizens believe to be the hazards of concerns. If there are significant differences from the past plan, the Work Group/Planning Team can reassess the hazards of concern. The planning team will work together, utilizing public input, to determine prioritization of hazards. Which hazards identified in the State Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan apply to your jurisdiction? Drought, floods, landslides, severe weather, wildfire and earthquakes. What tools will you use (e.g., GIS, HAZUS, other tools?) We will utilize existing data within the current plan and HIVA, HAZUS-HM analysis, past occurrence review, Assessor's data, interviews with citizens (personal experiences), and GIS mapping. How will you assess vulnerability? (CFR 44 Section 201.6 (c)(2)(ii) and Section 201.7 (c)(2)(ii)) Include the following elements in your response: a) Identifying community's overall risk and vulnerability b) Addressing Repetitive Loss Properties, if appropriate c) Estimating Potential Losses from profiled hazards d) Analyzing changes in risk and vulnerability due to Development Trends The consultant will calculate the community's overall risk using the Priority Risk Index Scoring Criteria.The six criteria on which the CPRI is based are probability, magnitude,geographic extent and location,warning time/speed on onset, and duration of the event. Potential losses from profiled hazards will be updated from the 2018 plan utilizing GIS and Assessor's data and most at-risk structures will be mapped. Future development trends will be addressed using building codes, Growth Management Act regulations, and land availability. DEM and Community development will gather the development trend data to determine any significant development patterns and will be included as part of the consultant's vulnerability assessment. Repetitive loss properties will be identified utilizing National Flood Insurance Program data. 9 Page _. Mitigation Strategy (Element Q The plan must include a mitigation strategy that provides the jurisdiction's blueprint for reducing the potential losses identified in the risk assessment based on existing authorities, policies, programs, and resources, and its ability to expand on and improve these existing tools. (44 CFR 201.6(C)(3)). Please describe how each of the following elements will be addressed(when describing "how"something will be accomplished, discuss what will be completed and who will be involved): How will you identify, in consultation with the community and other stakeholders,a comprehensive range of cost-effective hazard mitigation goals, objectives, strategies, programs, and actions to reduce or avoid long term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards? Section 201.6 (c)(3)(ii) and (iii) and Section 201.7 (c)(3)(ii) and (iii) Mason County currently has hazard mitigation goals and objectives as part of the previously approved Hazard Mitigation Plan for both the county and the participating jurisdictions.As part of this update process the Planning Team/Workgroup will take the lead and will review the existing approved hazard mitigation goals and objectives to validate and update as necessary.We will also review the State Enhanced Mitigation Plan to ensure alignment of our goals with the State goals. How will you prioritize mitigation actions, policies,and funding to support implementation?Section 201.6 (c)(3)(i) and Section 201.7 (c)(3)(i). Mason County intends to continue to utilize the process established during the update of the 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan. There will be a consistent category or level (high, medium, low) assigned with the following factors to ensure consistency: number of objectives met, benefits, costs, do benefits equal or exceed costs, is project grant eligible, and can project be funded under existing programs/budgets.There will be a qualitative benefit-cost review for each initiative/strategy. This will be done by the Planning Team/Workgroup. How will you develop a process to integrate mitigation planning elements into other local plans and planning efforts, such as comprehensive or capital improvement plans? Section 201.6 (c)(3)(iii) and Section 201.7 (c)(3)(iii) Mason County intends to continue to integrate mitigation planning elements into other local plans during our plan revisions and/or amendments. The hazard mitigation plan will be incorporated into the plans, regulations and ordinances as they are updated in the future or when new plans are developed. Planning partners will create linkages between the hazard mitigation plan and their individual comprehensive plan and other plans by identifying a mitigation initiative to do so and giving that initiative a high priority, as in the previously approved plan. Some action items can be implemented through the creation new educational programs,continued interagency coordination, or improved public participation. .. _._. _........ 10 Page Plan Maintenance (Element D) A local jurisdiction must review and revise its plan to reflect changes in development, progress in local mitigation efforts, and changes in priorities, and resubmit it for approval within five years to continue to be eligible for mitigation project grant funding. Please describe how the following elements will be addressed during the planning process (when describing "how" something will be accomplished, discuss what will be completed and who will be involved): How will you monitor, implement and update the plan, in consultation with stakeholders and the public? Section 201.6 (c)(4) and Section 201.7 (c)(4) Mason County DEM will continue to be the overall lead for the Mitigation Plan throughout the life of the project. DEM will make regular reports to the Planning Team/Workgroup and will continue to use and modify as necessary the existing monitoring evaluation and updating process. Participating jurisdictions provide reports on mitigation progress during our annual review. 11 Page Budget and Funding Sources Estimated Total Costs Total Project Costs $ Estimate Pre-Award Costs $Click to enter Project Management $Click to enter Personnel $7,000 Fringe Benefits $1,000 Travel $Click to enter Equipment $Click to enter Supplies $2,625 Contractual $74,375 Other(Please list) Click to enter $Click to enter Total Plan Development Costs $ 85,000 Attach backup documentation to explain how the cost estimates were determined (spreadsheets, vendor quotes, in-house worksheets,correspondence, etc.) Include any comments or clarifications to the cost estimates in the above budget summary, including identification of budget categories and dollar amounts for in-kind contributions (see below). Personnel in-kind time and benefits for two staff members to assist with the contract consultant to complete the review, community involvement, and updating of the mitigation plan. At this time the RFP for a contracted consultant to update the existing mitigation plan has not been completed. We will be asking them for a project time sheet that explains their projected work and cost. Which tasks/activities will a contractor be performing? Include detailed cost estimates. At this time the RFP for a contracted consultant to update the existing mitigation plan has not been completed. The expectation is that the consultant will act as the Planning Lead and organize the Planning Team/Workgroup and resources, plan review and coordinate with other agencies, complete risk analysis, assist with public meetings, strategy development, maintenance, draft update, capabilities update, technical edit/format, and plan review crosswalk. Which tasks/activities will your staff be performing? Include detailed cost estimates. At this time the RFP for a contracted consultant to update the existing mitigation plan has not been completed. Staff will be providing assistance in all activities listed above and project management. 121Page Funding Source — Non-Federal Match The state Hazard Mitigation Grant Program offers cost-share grants payable on a reimbursement basis. Jurisdictions must have sufficient resources to provide the required non-federal match and cover any cost overruns related to completing the proposed Scope of Work. The federal share is 75%of the total, eligible costs.The non-federal cost share is 25%. In some instances, the state will split the non-federal share between the state (12.5%) and the applicant(12.5%). If this state match is available, applicants will be notified during the Pre-Application step of the HMGP round. Source of Funds Federal 75% $ 63,750 State 12.5% $ 10,625 Local 12.5% $ 10,625 $85,000 Third Party In-Kind Contributions:The applicant share can include in-kind contributions(i.e. donations)of staff time and/or volunteers, equipment use or rental, donated materials, etc. Any portion of the non- federal share to be met through Third Party In-Kind Contributions must be identified in the table below and will be considered when processing reimbursement requests following the grant award. Local (Applicant) Match Detail Cash Match $ Click to enter Local Materials and/or Supplies $ 2,625 Local Staff Time $ 8,000 Third Party In-Kind Donations $ Click to enter Other $ Click to enter Total 12.5%Applicant Cost Share $10,625 Additional comments: Click to enter 131Page Schedule of Work List the major milestones in the proposed project and provide an estimated timeline for each activity(e.g. reviewing other community plans, developing inventory of hazards, completing risk assessment, establishing mitigation goals and action items, completing public involvement and meetings, plan submission for State review, etc.). Activities must be completed within the established period of performance. MILESTONE # of Months to Description of Activity/Task Complete Project Management: Define partnerships, plan review, coordination with 3 other agencies Risk Assessment: update critical facilities, HAZUS-MH analysis, map extent 18 and location of hazards, past occurrence review,vulnerability analysis Public Involvement Strategy: public outreach questionnaires, public 7 meetings, goals and objectives, capability assessment Strategy Development: update action strategies, mitigation items, develop 15 prioritization schedule Develop Plan Maintenance Strategy: plan maintenance strategy, identify 6 other planning mechanisms, ongoing public participation Develop Mitigation Plan: author the updated plan text, technical 3 edit/format, FEMA Crosswalk Project Management and Closeout 3 Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Click to enter milestone Enter # Total Time Required to Complete This Project Enter # End of Main Application-See Attachments and Supplemental Sections Below ........... .. .._..... _ __. ..... ............. 141Page Required Attachments General Signed Certificate of Assurances—please print and sign Resolution Designating Applicant Agent please print and sign Statements of Intent to participate for participating jurisdictions Previous FEMA HMP approval letter(if applicable) Plan review tool (crosswalk) from previous plan, if applicable Funds commitment letter If using a contractor, include a detailed cost estimate 15 Page HMGP Planning Grant Application Mason County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan-Update (County+-5-7 Planning Estimated Costs Unit Phase Task Bugget Class Quantity 1: Pre-award costs; grant prep; Solicit Contact Consultant Personnel (in-kind) 12 1A: Organize Planning Team and Resources, Coordination with other agencies Personnel (in-kind) 38 1A: Organize Planning Team and Resources Contractural 50 113: Plan Review Personnel (in-kind) 32 1 113: Plan and Document Review Contractural 80 1C:Coordination with Other Agencies Contractural 50 1D: Recommend/Initiate Changes Personnel (in-kind) 45 1D: Recommend/Initiate Changes,Template Development, Annex Development,Transfer of Data, old plan to new Contractural 100 2A: HAZUS-MH Analysis Contractural 30 2A: HAZUS-MH Analysis Personnel (in-kind) 45 2 26: Update non-HAZUS Hazards Contractural 30 213: Update non-HAZUS Hazards Personnel (in-kind) 45 2C: Mapping, Charts, Graphs Contractural 30 3A: Public Meetings Personnel (in-kind) 40 3 3A: Public Meetings Contractural 30 313: Press releases/Public notices/Survey Contractural 20 3C: Website Personnel (in-kind) 20 4A: Strategy Dev./Update/Prioritization/Finalize 1st Draft Update/Capabilities Update/Goals, Objectives, Contractural 166 4 4A: Template Completion Personnel (in-kind) 90 413:Technical Edit/Format Contractural 35 4C: Plan review crosswalk Contractural 8 5 5A: Plan Adoption Personnel (in-kind) 45 5A: Plan Adoption Contractural 20 6A: Financial Management Personnel (in-kind) 10 6 6A: Financial/Project Management/Asst. with Quarterly Reports Contractural 10 66: Project Management Personnel (in-kind) 10 Totals for Project 1091 Total Personnel Costs (For planning purposes-all in-kind match) 422 -of Total Contractural Costs 669 Partners) Unit Measure Unit Cost Cost Estimate Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $115.00 $5,750.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $115.00 $9,200.00 Hours $115.00 $5,750.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $115.00 $11,500.00 Hours $105.00 $3,150.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $105.00 $3,150.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $105.00 $3,150.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $115.00 $3,450.00 Hours $115.00 $2,300.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $115.00 $19,090.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $105.00 $3,675.00 Hours $115.00 $920.00 Hours $0.00 � � Hours $115.00 ' ;, Hours $0.00 $0.00 Hours $100.00 $1,000.00 Hours $0.00 $0.00 rx $74,385.00 r $0.00 $ 74,385 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Zoren DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 BRIEFING DATE: 12/21/21 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Review of Mason Transit Authority membership EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area (Mason Transit Authority) Board composition is as follows: Three (3) Mason County Commissioners; One (1) City of Shelton Council member; Five (5) members who shall be elected officials selected by the Mason County Commissioners with the goal of seeking equal voting representation among the County commission districts. John Campbell, Wes Martin, Sandy Tarzwell have all completed their 2018-2021 term and are still eligible to serve on this Board, if reappointed. Matt Jewett has completed his term and is no longer an elected official and this position needs to be filled. How does the Board wish to proceed? BUDGET IMPACT: Staff time PUBLIC OUTREACH: To solicit applications, a letter will be sent to all Mason County elected officials. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Does the Board wish to reappoint the qualified incumbents, if they are interested? (John Campbell, Wes Martin, Sandy Tarzwell) Need to solicit applications for Matt Jewett's position. ATTACHMENTS: MTA membership Briefmg Summary 12/14/2021 BOARD MEMBER TRACKING OF ELECTION & MTA APPOINTMENT TERMS Date of Term Date of Term Appointed Appointed by County by County Commissioners Commissioners based County to Begin based on Bylaws approved on Bylaws approved New Appointment in December/January, Name of Board member Election Term Elected Body in January,2018 Term Fulfilled? Process 2021/2022 Columnl Column2 Column3 Column4 Columns Column6 Column7 John Campbell 2015-2019/2020-2023 North Mason S.D. 2018-2021 Term fulfilled,' 2021 Open Wes Martin 2015-2019/2020-2023 Grapeview S.D. 2018-2021 Term fulfilled 2021 Open Sandy Tarzwell 2015-2019/2020-2023 Shelton School District 2018-2021 Term fulfilled 2021 Open Matt Jewett 2020-2021 2020-2021 Completed term 2021 Open Cyndy Brehmeyer 2016-2023 Mary M Knight S.D. 2021-2023 Sept.2023 2021-2023 BOARDS, COUNCILS, AND COMMISSIONS 2021 The County Commissioners represent Mason County by serving on a variety of boards,councils,and commissions as noted below. Randy Neatherlin (Commissioner District#1) Board of County Commissioners, Chair Mason County Law Library Mason County Finance Committee Canvassing Board Economic Development Council Board (Meets 2nd Thursday of each month;7:45-9:00 am at PUD auditorium—426-2276) North Mason Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Mason County Audit Committee (Established by Resolution 77-16) Mason County Law Enforcement Officers/Fire Fighters (LEOFF) Board (meet 111 Tuesday,8 a.m. in Commission Chambers) Mason County Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) (meets when necessary)RCW 29A.46.260(2) Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA)—Member(Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10-12 noon approx.) Address: 2940B Limited Lane NW Olympia 586-1044) Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (PRTPO) Shelton Memorial Park Board of Directors—(Cemetery) (meet as necessary) Washington Counties Risk Pool—Board of Directors Member West Sound Alliance Steering Committee—Pamela Browning is contact,360-377-4900 Kevin Shutty(Commissioner District#2) Board of County Commissioners, Vice-Chair Alliance for a Healthy South Sound (AHSS) Executive Committee — (Andy Chinn is contact, 206-550-5568, meet as necessary. Website is Healthysouthsound.com) Criminal Justice Working Team (meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. in Commission Chambers) MACECOM (meet 2nd Tuesday,3 p.m. @ City of Shelton) Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) - Alternate Member (Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10-12 noon approx Address: 2940E Limited Lane NW Olympia 586-1044) Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (PRTPO) -Alternate Thurston Mason Behavioral Health Organization (TMBHO) (Meet 3'"Thursday, 1 p.m.,Thurston Cnty Courthouse) Washington Counties Risk Pool—Board of Directors Alternate Member Building Code Council (SBCC)- Member, Appointed by Governor Jay Inslee(2018-2021) Transmission Corridor Working Group (appt. July 2021) Sharon Trask (Commissioner District#3) Community Action Council Board of Directors (Meet at 420 Golf Club Rd SE, Lacey) Courthouse Security Committee Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Council of Governments (COG) (Meets 4I" Thursday of each month at 2 p.m.Address: 2404 Heritage Court SW,Suite A(first floor),Olympia,WA 98502 Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee—Chair(meets when necessary) Memorial Hall Committee-Chair(meets last Wednesday every other month) Oakland Bay Clean Water Committee Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PacMtn) WSAC Legislative Steering Committee (LSC) Washington Counties Risk Pool—Board of Directors Alternate WA Association of Counties Board of Directors (WSAC) ALL COMMISSIONERS Mason County Commissioners Mason County Board of Health Mason Transit Authority Mason County Elections Canvassing Board Hood Canal Coordinating Council (All Commissioners sit on HCCC, Mason County has 1 vote, Cmmr. Shutty is voting member— membership is designated by Resolution 97-19) Oakland Bay Clean Water District Board of Directors JABOARDS\Commissioner Boards 2021 with mtg times.doc December 14,2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: December 20, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ✓ Legal ❑ Information Technology ✓ Other — please explain: County Assessor ITEM: Recertify levy amount for North Mason School District from $6,523,882.50 to 5,831,125.00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: North Mason School District's initial levy certification request exceeded the 50/o-90/o cushion as permitted by ESD, and therefore they submitted a new levy certification received by the County on December 10, 2021. The public hearing to certify levies to the County Assessor was closed on December 7th. Per Department of Revenue, recertifications are allowed after the certification deadline in RCW 84.52.070 when: • The requested amount is less than what was originally certified under RCW 84.52.070, and • The recertification is before the county has certified the tax roll to the county treasurer per RCW 84.52.080, and • The local government, in its discretion, allows taxing districts to recertify levy amounts after the applicable deadline in RCW 84.52.070 The recertification request from North Mason School District meets two of these bullet items: The request is less than what was originally certified and the county has not certified the tax roll to the county treasurer (the deadline is January 15, 2022). The Board of County Commissioners would need to pass a resolution permitting the recertification request directly to the County Assessor in order to meet all three RCW requirements. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board of County Commissioners review the new levy certification request submitted by North Mason School District and approve the Resolution permitting the district to recertify the levy amount directly to the Mason County Assessor. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution to recertify the North Mason School District levy to the County Assessor Briefing Summary 12/15/2021 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION PERMITTING NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT TO RECERTIFY THEIR PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR COLLECTION IN 2022 AT A LOWER AMOUNT DIRECTLY TO THE COUNTY ASSESSOR WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners did meet by law (RCW 84.52.070) in 2021 and certified to the Mason County Assessor the amount of taxes levied upon the property in the county for county purposes, and the respective amounts of taxes levied by the Board for each city, town and taxing district, within or coextensive with the County, for city, town or district purposes; and, WHEREAS, Department of Revenue allows recertifications of levy amounts by junior taxing districts when the requested levy amount is less than what was originally certified under RCW 84.52.070, and the recertification is before the county has certified the tax roll to the county treasurer per RCW 84.52.080, and the local government, in its discretion, allows taxing districts to recertify levy amounts after the applicable deadline in RCW 84.52.070; and WHEREAS, North Mason School District sent in an original levy request for the 2022 collection year in the amount of$6,523,882.50; and WHEREAS, North Mason School District sent in a revised levy request for the 2022 collection year in the amount of $5,831,125; and WHEREAS, the levy recertification request by North Mason School District is less than the amount originally certified to the county assessor, and the county will not certify the tax roll to the county treasurer until January of 2022; and WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners will allow North Mason School District to recertify their levy request at the lower amount requested for the 2022 collection year directly to the Mason County Assessor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that North Mason School District is permitted to recertify their levy request at the lower amount requested for the 2022 collection year directly to the Mason County Assessor. Dated this day of 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Sharon Trask, Commissioner MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Todd Cannon DEPARTMENT: Central Services EXT: 501 BRIEFING DATE: December, 20th 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Seeking approval to discontinue service of Mason County's Foreign Exchange line servicing Elma. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Exchange line was put in place decades ago in order to provide Non — Long distance calling to residents of the Elma area. Over the years we have experienced multiple problems with this service and the line has currently been down for over 6 months with repeated calls to the county's provider for repair. During this time, we have received one complaint about the failed service. Due to extremely low call volume it is my assumption the county no longer needs to incur the cost for this service. BUDGET IMPACTS: Recoup of $80 per month RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Cancelation of the service Briefing Summary 12/14/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mark Neary DEPARTMENT: Administrator EXT: 530 BRIEFING DATE: December 20, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Alternative location for Facilities and Sheriff storage EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mason County was recently notified by the owner of our current leased space used for facilities and sheriff's storage that they are no longer interested in leasing the space after our current contract ends in April of 2022. Facilities staff identified comparable space located at 10432 SE State Route 3, Shelton WA, that is currently available. This location has two separate buildings totaling 9,000 square feet of storage with future expansion options. Facilities staff have identified alternative storage locations for records being held for destruction, and worked with the Sheriff's office to allocate storage for both facilities staff and sheriff storage needs within the space available at the new location. The proposed location is just outside the city limits on a parcel with well and septic. BUDGET IMPACTS: Estimated Annual rent/utilities savings is $3,300 per year Estimated cost of improvements needed to occupy property - $30,000 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Authorize County Administrator authority to negotiate lease at the new location with a budget of $30,000 for improvements needed to occupy the new facility. Briefing Summary 12/16/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Peter Jones DEPARTMENT: Indigent Defense EXT: 280 BRIEFING DATE: 12-20-21 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources Le al ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Lexis Nexis Contract EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Approves contract for Lexis Nexis service for indigent defence to mirror service available for the prosecution and to satisfy requirements under current union contract. BUDGET IMPACT: Already accounted for in 2022 budget PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve attached contracts ATTACHMENTS: Proposed contract Briefing Summary 12/15/2021 LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE (4, LexisNexis LEXISO EDITION ORDER (FEDERAL/STATE& LOCAL GOVERNMENT) This Lexis for Microsoft Office —Lexis Edition ("Lexis for Microsoft Office") Order ("Order") amends and supplements the terms of the Lexis®Agreement (the "Agreement"), previously executed between LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. ("LN") and Mason County, WA Public Defender ("Subscriber"). 1. Term. The term of this Order will begin on the day this Order is executed by Subscriber and will continue until the last Commitment Period set forth below(the"Term"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Order shall automatically terminate upon expiration of the Agreement. Although the Term of this Order will start upon execution, Subscriber will not have access to Lexis for Microsoft Office until the following conditions (collectively, the "Requirements") are met: (a) Subscriber meets the Technical Requirements set forth in Section 2; and (b) Lexis for Microsoft Office is installed on Subscriber's system via one of the installation processes set forth in Section 5. 2. Technical Requirements. Lexis for Microsoft Office is proprietary software developed by LN to integrate LN content directly within the Microsoft Corporation software applications Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word. In order to use Lexis for Microsoft Office, Subscriber must (a) have a paid-up license to the requisite Microsoft Office software; and (b) meet the technical requirements specified on the Lexis for Microsoft Office download site (www.lexisnexis.com/download-lexis-office) for the proper operation of the Software (collectively, the "Technical Requirements"). 3. License. 3.1. LN grants Subscriber a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, right to access and use the Lexis for Microsoft Office product indicated in Section 4 below subject to the terms of the Lexis for Microsoft Office End User License Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A. LN retains all right, title, and interest in and to Lexis for Microsoft Office, and any intellectual property embodied therein. All access to and use of LN content via Lexis for Microsoft Office shall be subject to the terms set forth in the Subscription Agreement. 3.2. For Contract Companion Software Subscribers Only. Subscriber's access to and use of the Contract Companion software available from Microsystems, a division of Freedom Solutions Group, LLC ("Microsystems") through Lexis for Microsoft Office is conditioned upon (a) Subscriber having a valid subscription to Lexis for Microsoft by way of this Order; and (b) Subscriber's acceptance of the Microsystems terms and conditions which are located at http://sites.microsystems.com/policies/eula LMO and incorporated herein by reference (the "Contract Companion Terms"). Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that its use of the Contract Companion software is subject to the Contract Companion Terms and that the Contract Companion Terms form an independent agreement between Subscriber and Microsystems. Microsystems is a third party beneficiary of this Order. 4. Lexis for Microsoft Office Platform, Menus, Monthly Software Charges, Functionality Charges. 4.1. In exchange for Subscriber's monthly payment to LN of the Lexis for Microsoft Office Monthly Software Charges amount set forth below, Subscriber will be provided with the Lexis for Microsoft Office features and content indicated below during the Commitment Period ("Your Subscribed Product"). Access to Lexis for Microsoft Office shall be limited to the number of Authorized Users set forth below. Lexis for Microsoft Office Optional Contract Com anion software—Check if applicable ❑ Offering 1511821 NUMBER OF NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED USERS "TOTAL LEXIS FOR "TOTAL CONTRACT AUTHORIZED USERS OF LEXIS FOR "COMMITMENT MICROSOFT OFFICE COMPANION OF LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE PERIOD" MICROSOFT OFFICE —WITH DOCUMENT MONTHLY SOFTWARE MONTHLY SOFTWARE (OFFERING 1000352) TOOLS CHARGE" CHARGES" (OFFERING 1000761) 1/1/22-12/31/22 6 $100 $ LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 1 of 7 - LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE `\ LexisNexis, LEXIS® EDITION ORDER (FEDERAL/STATE& LOCAL GOVERNMENT) 1/1/23-12/31/23 6 $103 $ 1/l/24-12/31/24 6 $107 $ 4.2. For purposes of this Order, the term "Authorized User" shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. LN will monitor the number of Authorized Users of Lexis for Microsoft Office. In the event that the average monthly users in any three month period exceeds the greater of 5 Authorized Users or 105% of the Authorized Users set forth above, LN may adjust the Lexis for Microsoft Office Commitment upon written notice to Subscriber effective as of the first day of the following month to reflect the current number of users. Additionally, Subscriber will certify in writing the then-current number of Authorized Users of Lexis for Microsoft Office at LN's request from time to time. 5. Installation. In order to access Lexis for Microsoft Office, Lexis for Microsoft Office must be installed on Subscriber's system via one of the following installation methods: (Subscriber to check its election(s) below.) ❑ Standard Implementation — In a Standard Installation, LN does not perform any installation services and LN's proprietary technology which allows enrichment of Subscriber's content is not installed behind Subscriber's firewall. In a standard implementation installation, Subscriber will not receive any transfer of tangible personal property, nor will there be any electronic transfer or software to the Subscriber in an Individual Desktop Installation. All standard installations will be implemented through electronic retrieval by Subscriber of the software that is hosted by the LN website. Subscriber will download the software from the LN website at an individual desktop level by individual users or on a network level by an IT administrator. By electing this option, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Microsoft Word documents and Microsoft Outlook emails ("Subscriber's Work") that it selects to be analyzed by Lexis for Microsoft Office will momentarily leave its environment and will be sent to LN to be marked/tagged/indexed. LN represents and warrants that all such processing of Subscriber's Work will happen machine-to-machine, without human intervention (similar to a lexis.com search) and LN will not store, review, or retain Subscriber's Work beyond the time required for processing (i.e., LN will not store Subscriber's Work in any back up logs, server logs, etc.). There are no installation charges for this option and no separate integration services agreement. In selecting this option, Subscriber must further define the method of deployment: ❑ Individual Desktop Installation - Lexis for Microsoft Office will be downloaded from the LN website on an individual desktop basis ❑ Subscriber Network Installation - Lexis for Microsoft Office is downloaded from the LN website and Subscriber distributes the Software to multiple desktops or on an organization-wide basis ❑ Installation for existing Lexis®Search Advantage Subscriber— If Subscriber currently subscribes to Lexis®Search Advantage, LN and Subscriber will execute a new Statement of Work to Subscriber's existing Lexis® Search Advantage Agreement to document the additional integration services that will be necessary to integrate Lexis for Microsoft Office and Lexis®Search Advantage within Subscriber's environment. ❑ Custom Installation — In a custom installation, LN performs professional services work beyond providing instructions and general guidance for downloading Lexis for Microsoft Office. Professional services rendered by LN may include, but are not limited to, writing custom code to install Lexis for Microsoft Office within Subscriber's environment, installation services at Subscriber's site in order to download and install software on individual desktops and across the enterprise automatically, or specific effort to install the Lexis for Microsoft Office server version within the client environment. The custom installation may include electronic transmissions of computer software and electronic data retrieval of computer software. LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 2 of 7 LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE (# LexisNexis LEXISO EDITION ORDER (FEDERAUSTATE& LOCAL GOVERNMENT) Custom installations may also include "load and leave" deliveries in which LN visits Subscriber's site, installs the software, then takes the physical medium away when finished. The nature of the services to be provided to Subscriber, the charges for the custom installation services, and the terms regarding the services will be documented in a Statement of Work issued against a separate Master Integration Services Agreement to be executed by the parties. A custom installation will not include the transfer of tangible personal property or transfer of title to the Software. 6. Miscellaneous. 6.1. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Order and the attached Exhibit A, the terms of this Order shall control. 6.2. Except as expressly modified by this Order, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will be unaffected by this Order. In the event of a conflict or inconsistencies between the Agreement and this Order, this Order will control. The Agreement and this Order represent the entire agreement between the parties with respect to Lexis for Microsoft Office. All prior agreements, proposals, purchase orders, representations, promises or understandings, whether oral or in writing, concerning Lexis for Microsoft Office are superseded in their entirety by this Order. LN's acceptance of the terms of this Order shall be evidenced by its signature below or by LN providing Subscriber access to Lexis for Microsoft Office. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: MASON COUNTY,WA PUBLIC DEFENDER LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. SUBSCRIBER BY: BY: NAME: NAME: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 3 of 7 LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT(g) OFFICE LexisNexis LEXISO EDITION ORDER (FEDERAL/STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT) Subscriber Implementation Information IT Administrator Name: IT Administrator Address: IT Administrator Phone Number: IT Administrator Email Address: Location of Primary Data Center(s) Subscriber User Locations (City,State) Percentage of Users (%) Name Lexis for Microsoft Office Access ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools ❑ Lexis for Microsoft Office or ❑ Lexis For Microsoft Office—With Document Tools LNUS Order(SLG) 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 4 of 7 . LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE (# LexisNexisa LEXIS® EDITION ORDER (FEDERAUSTATE& LOCAL GOVERNMENT) EXHIBIT A LEXISO FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. SUBSCRIPTION LICENSE GRANT. ownership or intellectual property rights in the Software. a. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Lexis® for Upon expiration of the Term, you will not have the right Microsoft® Office End User License Agreement (this to continue using the Software and will promptly remove "EULA"), LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. ("LN") all copies of the Software from your systems. grants you a personal, limited, nonexclusive, non- 3. REVERSE ENGINEERING.You agree that you will not, transferable license to access and use the Lexis® for nor will you permit others to attempt to: (i) modify or Microsoft®Office software product (the "Software") set translate the Software; (ii)decompile or disassemble the forth in the agreement between you and LN for access Software, (iii) create derivative works based on the to the Software (the "Order"). Use of the Software is Software; (iv) merge the Software with or into another subject to the terms set forth in the Order including the product not approved for use by LN(excluding Microsoft number of Authorized Users and time period("Term")set Office); or (v) copy the Software except as expressly forth in the Order. permitted by this EULA. b. Restrictions and Prohibitions on Use. Except as 4. SOFTWARE SUPPORT. expressly permitted by Section 1(a),or upon the express 4.1. As part of your subscription to the Software, LN will prior written consent of LN, you may not, nor permit provide the following support and maintenance for the others to: (1) copy, print, republish, display, transmit, Software during the Term("Support Services"): distribute,sublicense,sell,rent,lease,loan,or otherwise a. Product Support. LN will provide telephonic make available in any form or by any means (including product support services for the Software electronic media now existing or hereafter developed), 24x7x365 days. all or any substantial portion of the Software; (2)provide b. Software Problem Resolution. If you report to LN anyone other than your Authorized Users access to the that the Software does not function according to Software or any portions thereof;(3)use the Software to the user-level documentation for the Software develop,or as a component of,an information storage or ("Software Problem") and otherwise comply with retrieval system, database, info-base, or similar Section 5 YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES, LN will information resource (in any media now existing or investigate the Software Problem within a hereafter developed), including through sale, license, reasonable time after receiving proper notice from lease, rental, subscription, or any other commercial you, and sufficient information to identify the distribution mechanism;(4) create compilations or problem. LN will work to correct the Software derivative works of the Software;(5)make any portion of Problem(s) that can be verified based on the the Software available through any timesharing system, information provided by you utilizing a system that service bureau,the Internet,or any other technology now meets the system requirements for the Software. existing or developed in the future;(6) remove, change, If the investigation confirms the existence of a or obscure any copyright notice or other proprietary Software Problem, LN will use reasonable efforts notice or terms of use contained in the Software; (7) to correct the Software Problem which may remove, disable, or defeat any functionality of the include implementing a temporary work-around. If Software; or(8) upload content in the Software (through LN, in good faith, determines that the Software the Notes feature or otherwise) that is defamatory, Problem results from an error in the applicable libelous, pornographic or obscene,unless such content is user-level documentation, LN may correct the reasonably related to professional responsibilities. In Software Problem by correcting that addition, Authorized Users are strictly prohibited from documentation. uploading content to the Software that is considered C. Software Updates and Upgrades. LN has multiple protected health information under the Health different offerings of the Lexis for Microsoft Accountability and Portability Protection Act of 1996 software product(Lexis for Microsoft Office, Lexis (HIPAA) or the Health Information Technology for for Microsoft Office—with Document Tools, etc.). Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH). The license granted herein is only to the Lexis for c. c. Electronic Documents. Solely with respect to the Microsoft Software product offering you have electronic documents included with the Software (e.g., selected in the Order(for purposes of this Section the electronic version of the user guide), you may only 4.1(c) "Your Subscribed Product") and to the make as many copies as reasonably necessary for each Updates and Upgrades released by LN to Your Authorized User(either in hard copy or electronic form), Subscribed Product. This license does not entitle provided that such copies shall be used only for your sole you to have access or use of any other Lexis for use and are not republished or distributed to any third Microsoft software product. In order to ensure the party. proper operation of Your Subscribed Product in d. Third Party Materials. The use of some third-party accordance with its written documentation,LN will materials included in the Software may be subject to provide you with patches, bug fixes, corrections other terms and conditions typically found in a separate and minor enhancements ("Updates") during the software agreement or"Read Me"file located in or near Term. Updates will be provided free of charge as such materials they become commercially available from LN. 2. COPYRIGHT. LN and its third party licensors and Your failure to promptly install Updates may result developers hold exclusive ownership of the Software in the voiding of LN's warranty set forth in Section and all intellectual property rights embodied therein, 6. LN will also provide you with feature or including copyrights and valuable trade secrets functionality enhancements to Your Subscribed incorporated in the Software's design and coding Product (an "Upgrade") free of charge as such methodology. The Software is protected by United Upgrades become commercially available from States and international copyright laws and international LN. LN's distribution of Upgrades and/or Updates treaty provisions. This EULA does not grant you any to you does not entitle you to use more copies of LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 5 of 7 LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE `l F LexisNexis, LEXIS® EDITION ORDER (FEDERAL/STATE& LOCAL GOVERNMENT) Your Subscribed Product than the number of SOFTWARE, UPGRADE OR UPDATE WILL MEET Authorized Users for which you have a valid ANY PARTICULAR REQUIREMENTS OR NEEDS YOU subscription.This license,including the release of MAY HAVE, THAT THE SOFTWARE, UPGRADE OR any Update or Upgrade to Your Subscriber UPDATE (INCLUDING SOFTWARE WHICH LN Product,does not entitle you to have access to or CREATES OR MODIFIES FOR YOU)WILL OPERATE use of any other Lexis for Microsoft software UNINTERUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT THE product. If you wish to subscribe to any other SOFTWARE, UPGRADE OR UPDATE IS Lexis for Microsoft software product, you must COMPATIBLE WITH ANY PARTICULAR PLATFORM, execute an Order with LN which contains the SYSTEM OR APPLICATION. PORTIONS OF THE appropriate terms of use and charges for the SOFTWARE HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY applicable Lexis for Microsoft software product. MICROSOFT CORPORATION AND SUCH PORTIONS Your use of an Upgrade or Update is licensed in ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." ADDITIONALLY, IF YOU accordance with the terms and conditions of this RECEIVED THE SOFTWARE FREE OF CHARGE,THE EULA. SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU"AS IS"WITHOUT 4.2. LN is not obligated to provide Support Services for any WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL WARRANTY Software (a) that has been provided to you free of DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY SET charge,(b)that has been altered other than by LN or at FORTH HEREIN APPLY TO LN'S SOFTWARE LN's direction, (c)that is more than two versions out of DEVELOPERS, SUBCONTRACTORS AND date, or(d) that integrates with or is designed for any SUPPLIERS. IT IS THE MAXIMUM FOR WHICH THEY platform that LN or Microsoft no longer supports in the AND LN ARE COLLECTIVELY RESPONSIBLE. normal and ordinary course of its support Iifecycle 7. FEES AND PAYMENT FOR SUBSCRIPTION. and/or release cycle. For example, LN is not obligated 7.1. Applicable fees and charges for the Software and the to support software designed to work with Microsoft support services are set forth in your Lexis for Microsoft platforms that fall outside of the period in which Office Order. Unless otherwise stated,the fees for the complimentary support services are available as part of subscription do not include any taxes, such as sales, the Microsoft license or licensing program; or requires use, or excise taxes. extended support plans that may require additional 7.2. In the event LN sends you an invoice for the charges. subscription, you shall pay LN the net amount of each 4.3. LN retains the right to change or modify the Support invoice in United States dollars within 30 days after the Services offered herein at any time and from time to date of the invoice. If you fail to pay any invoiced time upon thirty(30)days'written notice to you. In the amount when due, LN may charge you interest on the event any such change materially and adversely affects unpaid balance from the date of the invoice until the the Support Services,you may terminate the Order and date paid at a rate equal to 1.5% per month or the this EULA upon 10 days'written notice to LN. highest rate permitted by law,whichever is lower.In the 5. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. event you pay the fee for the subscription by credit card, 5.1. The Support Services do not include, and you must LN will send you a receipt confirming the amount paid provide at your expense unless otherwise expressly and date of expiration of the Term. agreed by you and LN in writing:(a)installation,testing, 8. TERMINATION. and operation of the Software and all Upgrade and/or Upon termination of the Order, you will promptly cease Updates; (b) isolation and documentation of Software all use of the Software and will return all copies of the Problems; (c) intranet resources, backup and Software and documentation to LN or, at the option of restoration of your systems; and (d) modems and LN,certify to LN in writing,signed by an executive officer, Internet access for LN's remote access and diagnosis that all copies of the Software and documentation have of Software Problems,when necessary. been destroyed. Termination of the Order will not be an 5.2. LN is not responsible for products provided to you by exclusive remedy and all other remedies will be available third parties,whether or not LN recommended them or to either party whether or not the Order is terminated. LN assisted in their evaluation, selection, or supervision. may terminate this EULA upon 90 days' notice to you in The failure of those products or their respective the event LN no longer provides Support Services for the suppliers to meet your requirements will not affect Software. In the event of termination, LN will refund any either party's obligations under this EL LA. prepaid but unused fees to you on a pro-rata basis. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY. 9. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. During the Term, LN warrants that the Software will NOTWITHSTANDING THE TERMS CONTAINED IN operate substantially in accordance with the THIS EULA, IN NO EVENT AND UNDER NO LEGAL documentation provided, unless performance problems THEORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,TORT, are the result of hardware failure, improper use, or CONTRACT, OR STRICT PRODUCTS LIABILITY, modification by you or your agents or contractors or due SHALL LN,ITS PARENT,AFFILIATES,OR ANY OF ITS to your failure to install all Updates. If the Software does SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, SUPPLIERS OR not so operate, your exclusive remedy and LN's sole SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY obligation under this warranty shall be, in LN's sole OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, discretion,either to replace the Software,to provide you INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF with a bug fix or patch, or to refund the purchase price ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, paid for the current version of the Software. LN further DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, BUSINESS warrants that Software Support will be performed in a PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF professional manner,consistent with industry standards. BUSINESS INFORMATION OR DATA, COMPUTER EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, LN DISCLAIMS ALL MALFUNCTION, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING COMMERCIAL DAMAGE, EVEN IF LN HAS BEEN BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A UNDER LOCAL LAW, CERTAIN LIMITATIONS MAY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LN DOES NOT WARRANT NOT APPLY, AND YOU MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. IN LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 6 of 7 LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT@ OFFICE Lex i s N ex i s LEXIS® EDITION ORDER (FEDERAUSTATE&LOCAL GOVERNMENT) NO EVENT SHALL LN'S LIABILITY FOR ACTUAL Miamisburg,OH 45342. Notices to you shall be sent to DAMAGES FOR ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, AND the address LN has on record. REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, EXCEED 12.4. Each party shall submit requests for approvals, THE AMOUNT OF THE SUBSCRIPTION PAID BY YOU consents, and waivers to the other party in writing in a FOR THE PRECEDING TERM. timely manner. No approval, consent, or waiver under 10. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT USE.The Software this EULA shall be enforceable unless set forth in a is Commercial Computer Software provided with writing signed by an authorized representative of the RESTRICTED RIGHTS under the Federal Acquisition granting party.A waiver of a default of any term of this Regulations and agency supplements to them. Use, EULA shall not be construed as a waiver of any duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is succeeding default of that term or as a waiver of the subject to the restrictions as set forth in subparagraph term itself.A party's performance after the other party's (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in System Data and Computer default shall not be construed as a waiver of that Software clause at DFAR 252.227-7013 et. seq. or default. No approval, consent, or waiver shall be subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial deemed to have been given by implication and neither Computer Software Restricted Rights at DFAR 52.227- party shall be liable for delays in responding to,failures 19,as applicable. to respond to,or denials of those requests. 11. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS.You agree that you will not 12.5. Each term of this EULA is severable.If a court,agency, permit use of or export, directly or indirectly, re-export, or arbitrator having jurisdiction determines that any divert or transfer the Software in violation of any term is unenforceable under applicable law, that applicable export control law or regulation, including determination shall not affect the enforceability of the without limitation, the U.S. Export Administration other terms of this EULA. Regulations("Export Controls"). 12.6. This EULA,together with the Lexis for Microsoft Office 12. MISCELLANEOUS. Order, constitutes the complete agreement between 12.1. LN(or its licensor,if applicable)retains sole title to and the parties concerning this subject,and supersedes all ownership of the Software and all components, all earlier oral and written communications between the related information furnished to you under this EULA, parties with respect to this subject. In the event that you and all related copyrights, trade secrets, and other are required to accept any"click-through" license terms intellectual property. at the time of download of the Software or otherwise,the 12.2. LN furnishes products and services to you under this terms of such click-through shall control over any EULA on a non-exclusive basis. LN may directly or conflicting terms set forth in this EULA. indirectly furnish the same or similar products and 12.7. Neither party shall assign its rights or delegate its duties services to other parties doing business within or under this EULA without the prior written consent of the outside the vertical, horizontal, or geographic markets other party,except that LN may assign this EULA to an in which you do business. affiliate or to its successor by merger or to the 12.3. All notices required or permitted under this EULA shall transferee of substantially all of its stock or assets. Any be in writing and shall be delivered by any method assignee or delegatee shall be subject to the same providing sufficient proof of delivery, except that any obligations, restrictions, and limitations to which the notice other than a notice of default or notice of assignor or delegator is subject, and no assignor or termination may be delivered by facsimile transmission delegator shall be released from liability under this if the original document is also promptly delivered to the EULA by reason of any such assignment or delegation. recipient. Any notice shall be deemed to have been This EULA shall be binding on and inure to the benefit given on the date of receipt.Notices to LN shall be sent of the parties and their respective successors and to the address listed above with a copy to LN,Attention: permitted assigns. Customer Legal Services, 9443 Springboro Pike, [End of Exhibit A] LNUS Order(SLG)1 4835-7314-5290 202110 v2 Page 7 of 7 LEXIS® SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT LexisNexis FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NEW SUBSCRIBER) "Subscriber" Name: Mason County, WA Public Defender Account Number: 4252LH996 "LN": LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. 1. Subscription Agreement LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. ("LN") grants Subscriber a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited license to access and use Lexis® and the materials available therein ("Materials") pursuant to terms set forth in the LexisNexis General Terms and Conditions ("General Terms") and the pricing set forth in the Price Schedule ("Price Schedule") (the General Terms together with the Price Schedule is collectively referred to as the "Subscription Agreement"), both of which are incorporated herein by reference. Subscriber may view and print the Subscription Agreement at: https://www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/terms/GovtAcademic/terms.page. 2. Certification 2.1. Subscriber certifies that the number of government professionals in Subscriber's organization is as set forth below. A "Government Professional User" is defined as an attorney, judge, librarian, researcher, investigator or analyst who is employed by the Subscriber. Number of Government Professional Users: 6 2.2. A"Support Staff User" is defined as a person who supports the Government Professional User, including, but not limited to: paralegals, interns, legal secretaries or other administrative support members. 3 ID's may be issued to support staff for each Government Professional User accounted for above. Number of Support Staff Users: 18 2.3. Each LN ID must be issued for individual use by the Government Professional User or Support Staff User. 2.4. If Subscriber, at the time of signing this Agreement has 11 or more Government Professional Users, then Subscriber is required to notify LN if the number of Government Professional Users falls below 11. Subscriber shall, within 30 days of the staffing change, notify LN in writing. 2.5. Subscriber acknowledges that the pricing and menus provided to Subscriber in this Agreement depend in part on the number of Government Professional Users in Subscriber's organization. Subscriber certifies that as of the date Subscriber signs this Agreement there are the number of Government Professional Users in Subscriber's organization (the"Reference Number") as Subscriber has specified above. i. At LN's request from time to time, Subscriber will certify in writing the then-current Reference Number. ii. If there is a change in the Reference Number during the Term, LN may, in its sole discretion on at least 30 days prior written notice to Subscriber, increase or decrease the Monthly Commitment by an amount that does not exceed, on a percentage basis, the change in the Reference Number. 3. Lexis Product and Charges 3.1. This Section 3 amends the Subscription Agreement with respect to the Lexis product offering described below. The term of Subscriber's commitment for the Lexis product offering will begin upon the date Subscriber's billing account ("Account Number") is activated ("Activation") and will continue for the last period set forth in Section 3.2 below (the "Committed Term"). Subscriber may not terminate this Agreement for convenience under General Terms during the Committed Term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Subscriber may terminate this Agreement during the Committed Term for a material breach by LN that remains uncured for more than 30 days after LN receives written notice from Subscriber identifying a specific breach. LNUS Agreement(SLG)1 4819-4575-5338 202010 v2 Page 1 of 5 LEXISO SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT LexisNexis6 FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NEW SUBSCRIBER) If Subscriber terminates this Agreement pursuant to this Section, then Subscriber will pay all charges incurred up to the date of termination. Lexis Content& Features Product SKU Number Number of Users WA Practice Library 1012239 6 Public Defender Premium Library 1534945 6 National Primary Enhanced 1011511 6 All Legislative Bill Histories 1509667 6 Trial Court Orders- National 1512258 6 Core Public Records with Smartlix 1004801 6 All Briefs Pleadings Motions 1010612 6 3.2. In exchange for access to the Lexis Content, Feature and/or Service set forth in Section 3.1 above, Subscriber will pay to LN the following amount(the"Monthly Commitment") during the periods set forth below. Committed Term Monthly Commitment 1/1/22-12/31/22 600 1/1/23-12/31/23 618 1/1/24-12/31/24 637 3.3. During the Term, LN may make content and features available to Subscriber that are not included in the Lexis Content described above which will be offered to Subscriber at an additional charge ("Alternate Materials"). Subscriber will be under no obligation to access and use the Alternate Materials, or to incur additional fees beyond the Monthly Installment. If Subscriber elects to access the Alternate Materials by initialing below, Subscriber will be notified that additional charges will apply before the Alternate Materials is displayed. If Subscriber proceeds to access the Alternate Materials, Subscriber will pay the then current, transactional charge(s) for the Alternate Materials that is displayed at the time of access. Subscriber elects access to the Alternate Materials (Initial) 3.4. Use of Lexis under this Agreement is available to Subscriber and its Authorized Users (defined in the General Terms). 3.5. LN may temporarily suspend access to Lexis until all unpaid amounts are paid in full. No claims directly or indirectly related to this Agreement with respect to amounts billed or payments made under this Agreement may be initiated by Subscriber more than 6 months after such amounts were first billed to Subscriber. 4. Closed Offer The prices and other terms are subject to change if Subscriber has not submitted a signed original or copy on or before 12/15/21. 5. Confidential Information Subject to any state open records or freedom of information statutes,this Agreement contains confidential pricing information of LN. Subscriber understands that disclosure of the pricing information contained herein could cause competitive harm to LN, and will receive and maintain this Agreement in trust and confidence and take reasonable precautions against such disclosure to any third person. This Section 5 will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. LNUS Agreement(SLG)1 4819-4575-5338 202010 v2 Page 2 of 5 LEXIS® SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (# LexisNexis FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NEW SUBSCRIBER) 6. Support and Training During the Term, Subscriber, with the support of LN, agrees to encourage the effective use of Lexis through: (a) Meaningful participation in additional ongoing programs presented by LN to update and train Authorized Users; (b) Authorize the periodic distribution of memos or other communications by LN and/or Subscriber to Authorized Users; and (c) The periodic review with LN of Subscriber's Authorized User's use of materials and training under this Agreement. 7. Miscellaneous 7.1. This Agreement does not bind either party until it has been accepted by both parties. Subscriber may accept this Agreement by signing below. LN will accept this Agreement by providing Subscriber with access to Lexis or by signing below. 7.2. If Subscriber issues a purchase order in connection with the Agreement, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the purchase order shall be for Subscriber's internal purposes only and shall not modify or affect any of the other terms or conditions for access to the Online Services. LEX/SNEX/S WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY CHANGES, CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THIS AGREEMENT UNLESS SUCH CHANGES ARE EXPRESSLY ACCEPTED BY LN/N WRITING. SUCH CHANGES WILL HAVE NO LEGAL EFFECT. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Subscriber: Mason County,WA Public Defender [MUST BE COMPLETED BY SUBSCRIBER] Authorized Subscriber Signature: Printed Name: Job Title: Date: Number of Professional Users: LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. COMPLETED BY LEXISNEXIS Authorized Signature: Name: Job Title: Date: LNUS Agreement(SLG)1 4819-4575-5338 202010 v2 Page 3 of 5 LEXIS® SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT ((\\ LexisNexisa FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NEW SUBSCRIBER) CUSTOMER INFORMATION (Please type or print): Organization Name: Mason County,WA Public Defender Full Legal Name Billing Frequency: ❑ Monthly ❑Annually Physical Address Invoice Address Street Address: City: State: Zip: County: Telephone: Fax: Parent Company: (if applicable) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ❑ Legislative ❑ Judicial ❑ Executive Professional User: 6 Practicing Area of Law: Support Staff: 18 Employer Identification Number: Bar No: Issuing State: Date Issued/Expiration Organization Web Date: Address: Tax Exempt: 0 Nos(attach Sales Tax Exemption Certificate) MSA: ❑Yes ❑ No Tax ID No: State Contract No: (If applicable) PO No: (If applicable) CONTACTS Name Telephone Email Installation: Billing: Policy/Legal Notification: Scheduling/Training: Name Telephone Super Admin: Email I Address LNUS Agreement(SLG)14819-4575-5338 202010 v2 Page 4 of 5 LEXIS® SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT LexisNexis FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NEW SUBSCRIBER) CUSTOMER ID INFORMATION(Please type or print) ID Holders' Names ID Holders' ID Holders' Email (additional sheet attached Titles/Positions Addresses Location/Address ❑) LNUS Agreement(SLG)1 4819-4575-5338 202010 v2 Page 5 of 5 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Daniel Goodell, Superior Court Judge Renee Cullop, Program Manager Jim Madsen, Court Administrator DEPARTMENT: Therapeutic Courts EXT: 296 BRIEFING DATE: 12/20/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Therapeutic Court Caseworker Position EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): The Mason County Therapeutic Courts received notice of Resignation effect January 6, 2022 of our caseworker. Our department would like to fill this position. BUDGET IMPACTS: None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: 1) Approve the posting and hiring of the above stated position ATTACHMENTS: none Briefing Summary 12/14/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kell Rowen DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 286 BRIEFING DATE: December 20, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: December 13, 2021 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal X Other: Public Works ITEM: Place on the December 21 Action Agenda: Contract Extension for the Planned Action EIS for Belfair. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Mason County Community Services is working with BERK Consulting to assist in preparing a Planned Action EIS for the Belfair Urban Growth Area. The Planning Commission recently made a recommendation to the BOCC but the BOCC will not have an opportunity for its public hearing until early 2022. Staff is recommending extending the contract to March 30, 2022. BUDGET IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the December 21, 2021 Action Agenda: Contract extension for the Planned Action EIS for Belfair. ATTACHMENTS: Contract Scope amendment Briefing Summary 12/15/2021 FORM OF AMENDMENT PROJECT: MASON COUNTY BELFAIR URBAN GROWTH ARE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (R0010509) AMENDMENT NUMBER: 3 AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/15/2021 This Amendment (this "Amendment") is incorporated by reference into and made a part of the Consultant Services Agreement dated as of 12/15/2021 by and between Mason County ("CLIENT") and BERK Consulting, Inc. ("BERK") including the attachments, schedules and exhibits attached thereto (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings assigned to them under the Agreement. The parties to the Agreement agree to make the following additions or modifications to the SOW as follows: 1. Timeline: All services and deliverables to be performed no later than March 31, 2022 Except as modified by this and any previously issued Amendment, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which constitutes one and the same agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of this Amendment electronically or by facsimile shall be as effective as delivery of an original signed counterpart of this Amendment. By their execution below, the parties hereto have agreed to all of the terms and conditions of this Amendment effective as of the Amendment Effective Date listed above, and each signatory represents that it has the full authority to accept this Amendment, and to bind her/his respective party to all of the terms and conditions herein. MASON COUNTY BERK CONSULTING, INC. By: By: Title: Title: Principal in Charge Date: Date: 12/15/2021 Consultant Agreement & Amendment Summary— For Reference Only Amount Summary Description Original Consultant Agreement 199,949 Base agreement Amendment 1 8,300 Term extension, add scope, budget Amendment 2 58,106 Term extension, add scope,budget Amendment 3 Term extension Total Consultant Amount 266,355 Base agreement and all amendments .ill 11 1 Attachment B MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dave Windom DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: 12/20/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES:9/20/2021 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Treasury Rent Assistance Program 1.0 and Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 contract amendment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): TRAP 1.0 and ERAP 2.0 are housing grants that are intended to prevent evictions. Commerce is sending an amendment to close out TRAP 1.0 and an amendment for ERAP 2.0 for the balance from the contact closure. BUDGET IMPACTS: No effects on 2022, Budgeted for 2023. PUBLIC OUTRACH: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Move contract amendments for approval to the action agenda. ATTACHMENTS: TRAP 1.0 and ERAP 2.0 contract amendment 21-4619C-117 Briefmg Summary 12/14/2021 uocuaign tnveiope w: rmendment Contract Number: 21-4616C-117 Amendment Number:A Washington State Department of Commerce Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unity Treasury Rent Assistance Program 1.Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As(optional) Mason County Community Services 415N61hSt Shelton,WA 98584 3.Contractor Representative(only if updated) 4. COMMERCE Representative(only if updated) Todd Parker Mika Semrow PO Box 42525 Community Health Specialist III 1011 Plum St SE 360-427-9670 x293 Grant Coordinator Olympia,WA 98504-2525 tparker a masoncountywa.gov Mika.semrow(a)commerce.wa. ov 360-791-3409 5.Original Contract Amount 6.Amendment Amount 7.New Contract Amount (and any previous amendments) $3,459,027.00 -$1,288,028.20 $2,170,998.80 8.Amendment Funding Source 9.Amendment Start Date 10.Amendment End Date Federal:x State: Other: N/A: 10/1/2021 10/15/2021 11.Federal Funds(as applicable): Federal Agency: CFDA Number: $2,170,998.80 US Dept. of the Treasury 21.023 12.Amendment Purpose: To de-obligate unspent funds and update contract end date. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce,and the Contractor,as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment "A"—Scope of Work,Attachment`B"—Budget. A copy of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between COMMERCE and the Contractor.Any reference in the original Contract to the"Contract"shall mean the"Contract as Amended". FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE Randy Neatherlin, County Commissioner Name,Title Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Sandra Adix Assistant Attorney General 3/20/2014 Date Department of Commerce DocuSign Envelope ID:6600B29C-6997-4B95-B1B5-894F6F6CFF2B This Contract is amended as follows: Attachment B Budget Current Contract New Contract Total Budget Category Total Amendment A Admin and Operations $439,194.00 -$236,020.36 $203,173.64 Rent and Utility Assistance $2,854,774 -$994,236.84 $1,860,537.16 By and For Sub grant/s $165,059 -$57,771.00 $107,288.00 Total $3,459,027 -$1,288,028.20 $2,170,998.80 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. 2 DocuSign- Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:6600B29C69974B95B1B5894F6F6CFF2B Status:Sent Subject:Please DocuSign:Mason Amendment A.docx Division: Community Services and Housing Program:Treasury Rent Assistance Program 1.0 ContractNumber:21-4616C-117 DocumentType: Contract Amendment Source Envelope: Document Pages:2 Signatures:0 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:5 Initials:0 Mika Semrow AutoNav:Enabled 1011 Plum Street SE Envelopeld Stamping: Enabled MS 42525 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) Olympia,WA 98504-2525 mika.semrow@commerce.wa.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder:Mika Semrow Location:DocuSign 12/8/2021 12:36:09 PM mika.semrow@commerce.wa.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool:Statel-ocal Storage Appliance Status:Connected Pool:Washington State Department of Commerce Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Randy Neatherlin Sent: 12/9/2021 6:32:20 AM msmith@masoncountywa.gov Resent: 12/14/2021 11:08:22 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 11/9/2021 12:38:52 PM ID:7a667b97-d011-4a15-8c84-aebaf8f637da Diane Klontz diane.klontz@commerce.wa.gov Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Kathryn Dodge VIEWED Sent: 12/8/2021 12:38:54 PM kathryn.dodge@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 12/8/2021 2:06:29 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Kathy Kinard VIEWED Sent: 12/8/2021 2:06:29 PM Kathy.Kinard@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 12/8/2021 3.28:19 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Tedd Kelleher VIEWED Sent: 12/8/2021 3:28:20 PM tedd.kelleher@commerce.wa.gov Viewed:12/8/2021 5:28:19 PM Senior Managing Director Washington State Department of Commerce Using IP Address: Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lydia Buchheit VIEW D Sent: 12/8/2021 5:28:20 PM lydiab@masoncountywa.gov Viewed:12/9/2021 6:32:19 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 12/9/2021 6:32:19 AM ID:366578bf-9067-437f-9347-e410b8751del Carbon Copy Events A�,I.w � Status � ` Timestamp Haley FoelschI ECOP Sent: 12/14/2021 11:08:19 AM haley@masoncountywa.gov Viewed: 12/14/2021 11:08:51 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Parker COPIED Sent: 12/14/2021 11:08:21 AM tparker@masoncountywa.gov Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accc:-)ted: 12/6/2021 3:12:12 PM ID:7952aec3-f336-43c0-8733-c6c52db4edba Witness Events r. Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature. Timestamp _ Envelope Summary Events r Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 12/8/2021 12:38:54 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps ElectrwAc Record and Signature Disclosure Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on:8/11/2020 4:44:12 PM Parties agreed to:Randy Neatherlin, Lydia Buchheit,Todd Parker ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, Washington State Department of Commerce(we,us or Company)may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through the DocuSign system. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically to your satisfaction and agree to this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure(ERSD),please confirm your agreement by selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. Getting�paper copies At any time, you may request from us a paper copy of any record provided or made available electronically to you by us.You will have the ability to download and print documents we send to you through the DocuSign system during and immediately after the signing session and,if you elect to create a DocuSign account, you may access the documents for a limited period of time (usually 30 days) after such documents are first sent to you. After such time, if you wish for us to send you paper copies of any such documents from our office to you, you will be charged a $0.15 per-page fee. You may request delivery of such paper copies from us by following the procedure described below. Withdrawing your consent If you decide to receive notices and disclosures from us electronically, you may at any time change your mind and tell us that thereafter you want to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format. How you must inform us of your decision to receive future notices and disclosure in paper format and withdraw your consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically is described below. Consequences of changing your mind If you elect to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format, it will slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in transactions with you and delivering services to you because we will need first to send the required notices or disclosures to you in paper format, and then wait until we receive back from you your acknowledgment of your receipt of such paper notices or disclosures. Further,you will no longer be able to use the DocuSign system to receive required notices and consents electronically from us or to sign electronically documents from us. All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through the DocuSign system all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process,please let us know as described below. Please also see the paragraph immediately above that describes the consequences of your electing not to receive delivery of the notices and disclosures electronically from us. How to contact Washington State Department of Commerce: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: docusign@commerce.wa.gov To advise Washington State Department of Commerce of your new email address To let us know of a change in your email address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state: your previous email address, your new email address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address. If you created a DocuSign account, you may update it with your new email address through your account preferences. To request paper copies from Washington State Department of Commerce To request delivery from us of paper copies of the notices and disclosures previously provided by us to you electronically, you must send us an email to docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state your email address, full name, mailing address, and telephone number. We will bill you for any fees at that time, if any. To withdraw your consent with Washington State Department of Commerce To inform us that you no longer wish to receive future notices and disclosures in electronic fonnat you may: i. decline to sign a document from within your signing session, and on the subsequent page, select the check-box indicating you wish to withdraw your consent, or you may; ii. send us an email to docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state your email, full name, mailing address, and telephone number. We do not need any other information from you to withdraw consent.. The consequences of your withdrawing consent for online documents will be that transactions may take a longer time to process.. Required hardware and software The minimum system requirements for using the DocuSign system may change over time. The current system requirements are found here: https:Hsipport.docusi irgr com/ iu�gerr- ug ide- si ging_system-requirements. Acknowledging your access and consent to receive and sign documents electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you,please confirm that you have read this ERSD, and(i) that you are able to print on paper or electronically save this ERSD for your future reference and access; or(ii)that you are able to email this ERSD to an email address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format as described herein, then select the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. By selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures', you confirm that: • You can access and read this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure; and • You can print on paper this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, or save or send this Electronic Record and Disclosure to a location where you can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless you notify Washington State Department of Commerce as described above, you consent to receive exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by Washington State Department of Commerce during the course of your relationship with Washington State Department of Commerce. DocuSign Envelope ID:OA6E8327-BB38-4CE3-92FC-831A3DOE556E mmendment Contract Number: 21-4619C-117 Amendment Number: A Washington State Department of Commerce Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unity Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 1.Contractor 2.Contractor Doing Business As(optional) Mason County Community Services 415N611St Shelton,WA 98584 3.Contractor Representative(only if updated) 4. COMMERCE Representative(only if updated) PO Box 42525 1011 Plum St SE Olympia,WA 98504-2525 5.Original Contract Amount 6.Amendment Amount 7.New Contract Amount (and any previous amendments) $5,860,414.00 $50,368.00 $5,910,782.00 8.Amendment Funding Source 9.Amendment Start Date 10.Amendment End Date Federal: X State: Other: N/A: 10/1/2021 6/30/2023 11.Federal Funds(as applicable): Federal Agency: CFDA Number: $5,910,782.00 US Dept. of Treasury 21.027 12.Amendment Purpose: To add additional funds. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment "A"—Scope of Work,Attachment`B"—Budget.A copy of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between COMMERCE and the Contractor.Any reference in the original Contract to the"Contract"shall mean the"Contract as Amended". FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE Randy Neatherlin,BOCC Diane Klontz,Assistant Director Community Services and Housing Division Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Sandra Adix Assistant Attorney General 3/20/2014 Date Department of Commerce DocuSign Envelope ID:OA6E8327-BB38-4CE3-92FC-831A3DOE556E Amendment This Contract is amended as follows: Attachment B Budget Current Contract New Contract Total Budget Category Total Amendment A Administration $724,391.00 $0 $724,391.00 Operations $403,546.00 $0 $403,546.00 Rent and Utility Assistance $4,439,457.00 $50,368.00 $4,489,824.00 By and For Sub grant/s $293,020.00 $0 $293,020.00 Total $5,860,414.00 $50,368.00 $5,910,782.00 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. 2 DocuSign- Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:OA6E8327BB384CE392FC83lA3DOE556E Status:Sent Subject:Please DocuSign:Mason Amendment A.docx Division: Community Services and Housing Program:Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Co ntractN u mber:21-4619C-117 DocumentType: Contract Amendment Source Envelope: Document Pages:2 Signatures:0 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:5 Initials:0 Mika Semrow AutoNav:Enabled 1011 Plum Street SE Envelopeld Stamping:Enabled MS 42525 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) Olympia,WA 98504-2525 mika.semrow@commerce.wa.gov I Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder:Mika Semrow Location: DocuSign 12/8/2021 12:39:24 PM mika.semrow@commerce.wa.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool:Statel-ocal Storage Appliance Status:Connected Pool:Washington State Department of Commerce Location:DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Randy Neatherlin Sent: 12/9/2021 6:31:03 AM msmith@masoncountywa.gov Resent: 12/14/2021 11:07:24 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 11/9/2021 12:38:52 PM ID:7a667b97-d011-4a15-8c84-aebaf8f637da Diane Klontz diane.klontz@commerce.wa.gov Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Kathryn Dodge Sent: 12/8/2021 12:42:07 PM kathryn.dodge@commerce.wa.gov VIEWED Viewed: 12/8/2021 2:06:50 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Kathy Kinard VIEW E D Sent: 12/8/2021 2:06:51 PM Kathy.Kinard@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 12/8/2021 3:27:10 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Tedd Kelleher VIEW D Sent: 12/8/2021 3:27:10 PM tedd.kelleher@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 12/8/2021 5:28:56 PM Senior Managing Director Washington State Department of Commerce Using IP Address: Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lydia Buchheit VIEWED Sent: 12/8/2021 5:28:56 PM lydiab@masoncountywa.gov Viewed:12/9/2021 6:31:03 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 12/9/2021 6:31:03 AM ID:ble0440d-bade-4c4e-adaf-50b6e987077d Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp , Todd Parker COPIED Sent: 12/14/2021 11:07:20 AM tparker@masoncountywa.gov Viewed:12/14/2021 11:08:23 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 12/6/2021 3:12:12 PM ID:7952aec3-f336-43c0-8733-c6c52db4edba Haley Foelsch COPIED Sent: 12/14/2021 11:07:22 AM haley@masoncountywa.gov Viewed: 12/14/2021 11:08:15 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 12/8/2021 12:42:07 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on:8/11/2020 4:44:12 PM Parties agreed to:Randy Neatherlin,Lydia Buchheit,Todd Parker ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, Washington State Department of Commerce (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through the DocuSign system. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically to your satisfaction and agree to this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure (ERSD),please confirm your agreement by selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. Getting paper copies At any time, you may request from us a paper copy of any record provided or made available electronically to you by us. You will have the ability to download and print documents we send to you through the DocuSign system during and immediately after the signing session and, if you elect to create a DocuSign account, you may access the documents for a limited period of time (usually 30 days) after such documents are first sent to you. After such time, if you wish for us to send you paper copies of any such documents from our office to you, you will be charged a $0.15 per-page fee. You may request delivery of such paper copies from us by following the procedure described below. Withdrawing your consent If you decide to receive notices and disclosures from us electronically, you may at any time change your mind and tell us that thereafter you want to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format. How you must inform us of your decision to receive future notices and disclosure in paper format and withdraw your consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically is described below. Consequences of changing your mind If you elect to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format, it will slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in transactions with you and delivering services to you because we will need first to send the required notices or disclosures to you in paper format, and then wait until we receive back from you your acknowledgment of your receipt of such paper notices or disclosures. Further, you will no longer be able to use the DocuSign system to receive required notices and consents electronically from us or to sign electronically documents from us. All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through the DocuSign system all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper snail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process,please let us know as described below. Please also see the paragraph immediately above that describes the consequences of your electing not to receive delivery of the notices and disclosures electronically from us. How to contact Washington State Department of Commerce: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: docusign@commerce.wa.gov To advise Washington State Department of Commerce of your new email address To let us know of a change in your email address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state: your previous email address, your new email address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address. If you created a DocuSign account, you may update it with your new email address through your account preferences. To request paper copies from Washington State Department of Commerce To request delivery from us of paper copies of the notices and disclosures previously provided by us to you electronically, you must send us an email to docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state your email address, full name, mailing address, and telephone number. We will bill you for any fees at that time, if any. To withdraw your consent with Washington State Department of Commerce To inform us that you no longer wish to receive future notices and disclosures in electronic fonnat you may: i. decline to sign a document from within your signing session, and on the subsequent page, select-the check-box indicating you wish to withdraw your consent, or you may; I send us an email to docusign@commerce.wa.gov and in the body of such request you must state your email, full name,mailing address, and telephone number. We do not need any other information from you to withdraw consent.. The consequences of your withdrawing consent for online documents will be that transactions may take a longer time to process.. Required hardware and software The minimum system requirements for using the DocuSign system may change over time. The current system requirements are found here: httys:Hsoport.docusi rg_i co_m/ igu des/signer-guide- sigging-system-requirements. Acknowledging your access and consent to receive and sign documents electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically,which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please confirm that you have read this ERSD, and(i)that you are able to print on paper or electronically save this ERSD for your future reference and access; or(ii) that you are able to email this ERSD to an email address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format as described herein, then select the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. By selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures',you confirm that: • You can access and read this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure; and • You can print on paper this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, or save or send this Electronic Record and Disclosure to a location where you can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless you notify Washington State Department of Commerce as described above, you consent to receive exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by Washington State Department of Commerce during the course of your relationship with Washington State Department of Commerce. MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dave Windom / Todd Parker DEPARTMENT: Community Services - CFH EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: 12/20/21 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Housing and Behavioral Health Board's Annual Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): By resolution 33-18 the Housing and Behavioral Health advisory board is to submit an annual report each January. Included is a press release announcing the report. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) Press Release RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve the annual report to be uploaded to the Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board's section of the County's webpage Approval of the press release ATTACHMENTS: Annual Report & Press Release Briefing Summary 12/14/2021 2021 Annual Report Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board Board Members: • Kevin Shutty, Chair, Board of County Commissioners • Eric Onisko, City of Shelton Council Member • Peggy VanBuskirk, Board of Health • Mark Freedman, Administrative Service Organization, Behavioral Health • Cappy Shapiro, citizen member • Randy Olsen, citizen member • Beau Bakken, citizen member The board met 10 times in the calendar year 2021. Guest Speakers: • Jim Morrell, CEO Peninsula Credit Union, Workforce Housing • Kell Rowen, Community Development Administrator, Planning Commission Advisory Board overview • Mark Freedman, CEO Administrative Service Organization (Behavioral Health) — discussed the transition in Medicaid Behavioral Health funding from Behavioral Health Organizations to Managed Care Organizations. Further discussed the role of Olympic Health and Recovery Services, licensed Behavioral Health Agency, and the services provided in Mason County. • Dr. Jim States: Area Command Social Service Task Force update and overview • Sharon Lee, Executive Director, Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI): Housing First and permanent supportive housing presentation • Alex Paysse, Environmental Health Manager, provided an overview of RV living in Mason County • Sam Badgley, Case Worker Therapeutic Courts: update on the house that provides shared living for a few of the program participants Items supported by the Board and recommended to bring to the Board of County Commissioners Homeless Crisis Response System: • HB 1590: an additional one-tenth of one percent tax by councilmanic vote for development and operations of affordable housing for targeted subpopulations under 60% Area Median Income • Approval to renew contracts for the homeless crisis response system • Eviction Prevention Funding • Housing Needs Assessment • Amendment to Consolidated Homeless Grant for a Hotel/Motel Leasing and Rapid Rehousing Program • A letter of support for the Workforce Housing project within the City of Shelton Behavioral Health: Treatment Sales Tax • Updated policies and procedures • Use of funds to support a position within Public Health • Use of funds to support a 0.5 FTE navigator position, shared with Olympic Health and Recovery Services in the LEAD program • Renew contract with Northwest Resources and end the contract with Consejo Counseling • Transportation Program NEWS RELEASE 12/21/21 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: HOUSING AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD UPATES The Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board began in August of 2018, with the purpose of strategically aligning housing, homelessness, mental health, and chemical dependency grant awards to improve the health of Mason County residents. The Board meets the fourth Wednesday of each month. A summary of the seven-member Board's actions and recommendations for 2021 are compiled in an annual report and can be viewed on the county website. Annual Report- Housing & Behavioral Health Board (masoncountywa. For questions, please call our office at 360-427-9670 ext. 400. Randy Neatherlin Sharron Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING December 20,2021 Briefing Items • News Release: Notice of Public Workshop for the Belfair Sewer Extension Project (Requesting the Board move to the December 2 1" Commission Meeting). Discussion Items Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson Other(list below): NEWS RELEASE December 21, 2021 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Belfair Sewer Workshop Mason County announces a public workshop to present information on a proposed Belfair sewer extension. The workshop will be held Monday, January 10, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Staff will present information describing the proposed project, project funding options, and history of the Belfair sewer/water reclamation facility. The workshop will be held via Zoom and questions and comments from the public are welcome. The URL is available on the County website — www.co.mason.wa.us to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand" feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. Questions and comments are encouraged to be emailed ahead of the workshop to msmith@co.mason.wa.us or mailed to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5"' Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, (360) 427-9670 -Shelton, (360) 482-5269 -Belfair, Ext. 419. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Vice Chair Commissioner