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2021/11/09 - Finance Committee Packet
T � � CO �\\ � \ - �_ � Mason County Finance Committee Report 2021 Second & Third Quarter (April - Sep ember) Submitted November 9, 2021 1 Mason County Finance Committee Lisa Frazier,Mason County Treasurer Paddy McGuire,Mason County Auditor Randy Neatherlin,Mason County Commissioner RCW 36.48.070 County finance committee—Approval of investment policy and debt policy—Rules. The county treasurer,the county auditor,and the chair of the county legislative authority,ex officio,shall constitute the county finance committee.The county treasurer shall act as chair of the committee and the county auditor as secretary thereof.The committee shall keep a full and complete record of all its proceedings in appropriate books of record and all such records and all correspondence relating to the committee shall be kept in the office of the county auditor and shall be open to public inspection. The committee shall approve a county investment policy and a debt policy and shall make appropriate rules and regulations for the carrying out of the provisions of RCW 36.48.010 through 36.48.060,not inconsistent with law. 36.48.010 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer. 36.48.040 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer--Deposited funds deemed in county treasury. 36,48.050 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer--Treasurer's liability and bond additional. 36.48.060 Definition--"Financial institution." CE CASH BALANCE AS OF Sepember 30,2021 $ 19,846,995.13 Note:+7,277,278.20 for same period 2020 June 30,2021 $ 20,014,972.26 Note:+6,644,755.76 for same period 2020 March 31,2021 $ 14,910,454.19 Note:+$5,024,574.64 for same period 2020 September 30,2020 $ 12,569,716.93 Note:+$3,150,351.25 for same period 2019 June 30,2020 $ 13,370,216.50 Note:+$2,354,727.85 for same period 2019 March 31,2020 $ 9,915,879+55 Note:+$3,386,988.13 for same period 2019 December 31,2020 $ 16,105,604.52 Note:+$4,029,284.40 for same period 2019 December 31,2019 $ 12,076,320.12 Note:+$4,242,643.62 for same period 2018 December 31,2018 $ 7,833,676.50 Note:+$3,730,693.46 for same period 2017 GENERAL FUND RESERVE AND CONTINGENCY POLICY 2021-034 Year 2020 Expenditures % Policy Balance Cash 9130/2021 Difference Less Contingency General Operating 2021 $40,178,158.91 15% $6,026,723+84 $ 19,846,995.13 $ 13,820,271.29 $ 12,820,271.29 General Operating 2021 $40,178,158.91 20% $8,035,631.78 $ 19,846,995.13 $ 11,811,363.35 $ 10,811,363,35 General Operating 2021 $40,178,158.91 25% $10,044,539.73 $ 19,846,995+13 $ 9,802,455.40 $ 8,802,455.40 Contingency Reserve 2021 $1,000,000.00 n/a $1,000,000.00 2 CASH&INVESTMENTS TREASURER'S REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT COLUMBIA BANK $ 19,380,337.06 IMPREST ACCOUNTS $ 64,325,00 TREASURER'S INVESTED FUNDS TOTAL(see breakdown below) $ 200,828,698.24 TOTAL CASH&INVESTMENTS AS OF September 30,2021 $ 220,273,360.30 9/30/2021 9/3012021 COST MARKET VALUE GAIN/LOSS PORTFOLIO% INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO $ 200,828,698.24 $ 200,853,969.50 $ 25,271.26 100.00% Rating FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK(FHLB) $ 1,248,471.75 $ 1,258,265.00 $ 9,793.25 0.62% S&P AA+ FEDERAL FARM CREDIT(FFCB) $ 1,749,696.25 $ 1,750,917.50 $ 1,221+25 0.87% S&P AA- FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION(FNMA) $ 732,580.75 $ 750,682.50 $ 18,101.75 0.36% S&P AA+ FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE COMPANY(FHLMC) $ 1,498,295.50 $ 1,490,464+50 $ (7,831.00) 0.75% S&P AA+ BONDS-WASHINGTON HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES $ 512,748.90 $ 515,615.10 $ 2,866.20 0.26% S&P A- US TREASURIES $ 1,492,270.50 $ 1,484,648.30 $ (7,622.20) 0.74% (TREAS DAILY CASH)WA STATE LGIP $ 40,783,958.91 $ 40,783,958.91 $ 20.31% Not Rated (CO DEPARTMENTS/TAXING DISTRICTS) WA STATE LGIP $ 152,057,488.18 $ 152,057,488.18 $ 75.72% Not Rated SAVINGS $ - $ - $ - 0.00% PDPC Approved CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT-WELLS FARGO $ 753,187.50 $ 761,929.51 $ 8,742.01 0.38% PDPC Approved REGISTERED WARRANTS (INT RATE%) $ - 0.00% Debt Policy Approved BENCHMARK: 90 Day T-Bill Rate September 30,2021 0.04% Savings State Pool Rate September 30,2021 0.08% 4arket Rate Yield Agency/Treasury September 30,2021 0.87% .iISTORIC LGIP POOL RATES 2016-2017 0.26%-1.28% 2018-2019 1.28%-2.20% 2020-2021 1.72%-.08% FEDERAL RESERVE RATES 2021 .00%-.25% INVESTMENT INTEREST COLLECTIONS YEAR BUDGETED COLLECTED DIFFERENCE 2016 $ 95,000.00 $ 208,126.56 $ 113,126.56 2017 $ 150,000.00 $ 340,721.77 $ 190,721.77 2018 $ 300,000.00 $ 670,553.69 $ 370,553.69 2019 $ 600,000.00 $ 882,551.28 $ 282,551.28 2020 $ 800,000.00 $ 436,545.18 $ (363,454,82) 2021 $ 500,000,00 $89,278.15 $ (410,721.85) TREASURER'S BANKING COSTS YEAR BANK OF AMERICA COLUMBIA BANK BONY MELLON YEAR PD 2016 $ 19,464.41 $ 9,427.86 $ 1,538.00 2016 1/1/2017 through 11/30/2017 $ $ 13,475.35 $ 1,198.00 2017 12/112017 through 11/30/2018 $ - $ 13,248.39 $ 1,981.00 2018 12/1/2018 through 11/30/2019 $ $ $ 3,105.00 2019 12/1/2019 through 11/30/2020 $ $ $ 2,595.00 2020 12/1/2020 through 3/31/2021 $ $ $ 1,411.00 2021 3 County Debt Recap As of May 27, 2021 Remaining Non Voted Debt Capacity $ 107,238,013.00 Voted Debt Capacity $ 95,923,650.00 Remaining Debt Capacity $ 203,161,663.00 See detailed report attached County Debt Outstanding as of 9/30/2021 $ 28,215,552.81 See detailed report attached " most debt payments have an interest payment June 1 and a principle payment on December 1 .1 Finance Committee Business OLD BUSINESS: 'roject Funding Update- Loretta Swanson ,3kokomish River Restoration Belfair Wastewater System NEW BUSINESS: June 1, 2021 - Bond Payment Delay- Lisa Frazier Respectfully Submitted: ELtwla etYv(L%ba) j`raj ea- Mason County Treasurer 5 Quo 5QN c0- A&, Mason County Treasurer Financial Statement Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier June 2021 l PO Box 429,411 N 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 475 001.000000.000.000 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Beginning Cash'Balance $19,779,119.60 Tax Collections $139,972.47 Accounts Receivable/Misc Receipts $3,122,690.14 Transfers In $0.00 Total Revenue $3,262,662.61 Accounts PayableMarrants $3,026,810.25 Transfers Out $0.00 Total Expense $3,026,810.25 Ending Cash Balance $20,014,972.26 Investment Activity 6/1/2021 Beginning Investments Balance $0.00 Investments Acquired $0.00 _ ,__.,__�_._ __. _�• Investments Sold $0.00 13/3�21 ` Ending Investments Balance $0.00 Total Cash and Investments $20,014,972.261 7/2/2021 2:36:42 PM Quo�pN C �j °oo Mason County Treasurer Financial Statement Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier June 2021 PO Box 429,411 N 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 s 360-427-9670 ext 475 800.000000.000.000 TREASURER'S DAILY CASH nntng Cash Balance 542,082,827:86 Begi Tax Collections $0.00 Accounts Receivable/Misc Receipts $0.00 Transfers In $30,052,597.54 Total Revenue $30,052,597.54 Accounts PayableMarrants $0.00 Transfers Out $7,151,339.27 Total Expense $7,151,339.27 Ending Cash Balance 419 181,569.59 Investment Activity 6/112021 Beginning Investments Balance $69,067,861.82 Investments Acquired $7.151,339.27 Investments Sold $30,052,597.54 6/30/2021 Ending Investments Balance $46,166,603.55 :,Total Cash and Investments •• 7/2/2021 2:36:42 PM 2:40 PM Mason County Treasurer's Office 07/02/21 MONTHLY INVESTMENT - TREASURER Accrual Basis As of June 30, 2021 Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 69,067,861.82 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL 62,327,249.42 06/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit- 4,000,000.00 66,327,249.42 06/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 7,738.10 66,334,987.52 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 275,479.48 66,610,467.00 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 1,123,070.96 67,733,537.96 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 1,243,850.73 68,977,388.69 06/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 1,200.00 68,978,588.69 06/02/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -5,690,000.00 63,288,588.69 06/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -1,659,000.00 61,629,588.69 06/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -5,750,000.00 55,879,588.69 06/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdraw[ -58,412.35 55,821,176.34 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -4,756,000.00 51,065,176.34 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -2.725,000.00 48,340,176.34 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -5,736,185.19 42,603,991.15 06/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdraw[ -1,500,000.00 41,103,991.15 06/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -2,178,000.00 38,925,991.15 Total 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL -23,401,258.27 38,925,991.15 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 6,740,612.40 06/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... FHLB CUSIP#3130A... Inv Purchased 500,000.00 7,240,612.40 Total 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 500,000.00 7,240,612.40 Total STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER -22,901,258.27 46,166,603.55 TOTAL -22,901,258.27 46,166,603.55Z Page 1 GC7�j�o Mason County Treasurer Financial Statement F c €1 Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier September 2021 ( ti PO Box 429,411 N 5th Street tit 1 ,5g-���oy Shelton,WA 98584 0 S T' 360-427-9670 ext 475 �� �a �t M s `` }' g ,z� z $20,493,894.60 BeginninC s a; Ce �, � - 1 �k (;` w Tax Collections $220,367.15 Accounts Receivable/Misc Receipts $2,419,525.73 Transfers In $0.00 Total Revenue $2,639,892.88 Accounts PayableMarrants $3,286,792.35 Transfers Out $0.00 Total Expense $3,286,792.35 $19,846,995.13 Investment Activity !1 1• t Be 1 ni MEMO a L W, Investments Acquired $0.00{ Investments Sold j $0.001 9T3012b21 � ° t `rliles�ntsa n�e� ^ s N '" + r r�$000+ .. ----.za._ _., Total Cash and Investments $19,846,995.13! 1011112021 9:50:20 AM " t N . S O�j� Mason County Treasurer Financial Statement Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier September 2021 1 h PO Box 429,411 N 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 .0 � 360-427-9670 ext 475 700.000000.000.000 TREASURER'S DAILY CASH Beginning Cash Balance �c�` _ � °3� �rr2 3095 `Tax.Collections $0.00 Accounts ReceivablelMisc Receipts / 0• Transfers In `` 7,156,124.27 56,124.27,$71Total Reven a Accounts Paya e-Warrants $0.00 Transfers Out $3,612,150.86 .� Total Expense $3,612,150.86 .,1 x' a 'JtiI g . � �" 3 End in Cash Balance a r ..a1 £,as.. ea.�:f, Investment Activity t9/112021 3 y� Be9mninglnvestments Balance $52;315,183.47 Y iia I Fran.+, ;Investments Acquired $3,612.150.86 / _ �_- _ ..,,•.W.�. Investments Sold j $7,156,124.27 cJ l Y 4Ending Investments Balance $48,771,210.06 r �26,985,033,96 Total Cash and Investments 10/11/2021 9:50:20 AM i V� 9:55 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/11/21 MONTHLY INVESTMENT - TREASURER accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 52,315,183.47 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL 44,327,932.32 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 46,327,932.32 09/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 736,574.75 47,064,507.07 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 28,023.70 47,092,530.77 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 146,120.61 47,238,651.38 09/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 81,431.80 47,320,083.18 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT AC... Inv Deposit 620,000.00 47,940,083.18 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -217,890.00 47,722,193.18 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -15,589.21 47,706,603.97 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdraw[ -3,237,000.00 44,469,603.97 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... CORRECTION TO S... Inv Withdrawl -5,895.84 44,463,708.13 09/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdraw[ -2,679,749.22 41,783,958.91 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQ... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 40,783,958.91 Total 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL -3,543,973.41 40,783,958.91 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 7,987,251.15 Total 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 7,987,251.15 Total STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER -3,543,973.41 48,771,210.06 TOTAL -3,543,973.41 48,771,210.06 Investment Statement Balance Sheet Date: 9/30/2021 BYN MELLON Custodian Treasurer's Cash Sheet Statement Investments Held Custodial Investments Difference $ 7,987,251.15 $ 7,987,251.15 $ - Difference: Investment Balanced by: HB S 008574 XBNED602 004380 `® NO BNY MELLON September 30,2021 IV El ED 0008574 02 SP 0.580 02 TR 00020 XBNED602 000000 ,+'i 2021 MASON COUNTY TREASURER NANCY MOORE 411 N 5TH STREET SUITE 1 SHELTON,WA 98584-3400 '6' ASUIuiERf MASON COUNT Envelope Contents Account Information Number Starting Page Account Information Number Starting Page of Pages Number of Pages Number MASON COUNTY TREASURER 8 1 of 8 232530 ?M'88 s cad, W w 00006 0 008574 XBNED602 004381 P BNY MELLON The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Account Statement NANCY MOORE 411 N 5TH STREET SUITE 1 Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 SHELTON,WA 98584-3400 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER: Go Paperless. JACKSONVILLE,FL 32256 Securely access your accounts online to view your statements.Ask your BNY Mellon contact how we can help you access your account balances and activity in real time,receive your reports,enter your own transactions or submit an audit confirmation online.Also be sure to ask how NEXEN(SM)Gateway,our new cloud-based ecosystem,can help you. Visit us at www.bnymellon.com Account Overview Percent of all Investments Asset Classification Market Value 91% 0 FIXED INCOME 7,250,592.90 9% 0 CASH AND SHORT TERM 761,929.51 100% TOTAL OF ALL INVESTMENTS 8,012,522.41 Summary of Assets Held by Asset Classification Estimated Market ksset Classification Market Value Cost Accrued Income Annual Income Yield -IXED INCOME 7,250,592.90 7,234,063.65 17,565.43 51,839.00 0.71 % ;ASH AND SHORT TERM 761,929.51 753,187.50 967.12 17,750.00 2.33% ACCOUNT TOTALS 8,012,522.41 7,987,251.15 18,532.55 69,589.00 0.87% o A Summary of Cash Transactions by Transaction Category w N Current Period Year-to-Date S Realized transaction Category Income Principal Gains/Losses Income Principal OPENING BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 18,688.41- 18,688.41 NTEREST 3,351.28 0.00 0.00 39,913.16 0.00 W MUNICIPAL BOND INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,138.25 0.00 >ALES AND REDEMPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 172.83 850,000.00 Page 1 of 8 BNY MELLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Summary of Cash Transactions by Transaction Category - Continued Current Period Year-to-Date — _-- -- -- Realized rransaction Category Income Principal Gains/Losses Income Principal DTHER CASH ADDITIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,747,719.79 DTHER CASH DISBURSEMENTS 3,351.28- 0.00 0.00 45,224.24- 859,939.24- ?URCHASES 0.00 0.00 0.00 962.05- 3,736,818.50- CLOSING BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 0.00 19,650.46- 19,650.46 The above cash transactions summary is provided for information purposes only and may not reflect actual taxable income or deductible expenses as reportable under the Internal Revenue Code. V m S 8 a w m 0 N v 0 v N O N W Page 2 of 008574 X3NED602 004382 L $NY MELLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company.N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield FIXED INCOME 500,000.000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 100.92100 504,605.00 486,137.00 97,22740 4,583.33 9,375.00 1.86% CUSIP:3135GOT45 MATURITY DATE:0,V0512022 RATE:1.875% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 510,000.000 WASHINGTON HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES 101.10100 515,615.10 512,748.90 100.53900 5,138.25 10,276.50 1.99% AUTHORITY CUSIP:9397812X7 MATURITY DATE:10/01/2022 RATE:2.015% S&P A- 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.94500 249,862.50 250,000.00 100.00000 14285 425.00 0.17 CUSIP:3133EMHE5 MATURITY DATE:11/30/2022 RATE:0.1701/6 MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 100.00300 250,007.50 250,000.00: 100.00000 267.36 550.00 0.22 CUSIP:3134GWYQ3 MATURITY DATE:04/06/2023 RATE:0.220% MOODY'S Aaa 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 99.61500 249,037.50 249,127.75 99.65110 143.23 312.50 0.13% CUSIP:3137EAEYI MATURITY DATE:10/16/2023 RATE:0.125% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ m 250,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTE/BOND 99.52300 248,807.50 249,246.25 99.69850 9221 312.50 0.13% 8 CUSIP:91282CBA8 MATURITY DATE:12/15/2023 RATE:0.125% $ MOODY'S Aaa / 250,000-000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.43700 248,592.50 ! 249,925.75 99.97030 105.56 475.00 0.19% CUSIP:3133EMMN9 w MATURITY DATE:01/11/2024 N RATE:0.1901% MOODY'S Aaa o S&P AA+ � 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 105.05400 262,635.00 249,191.50 99.67660 833.33 6,250.00 2.38% _ CUSIP:3130AFW94 0 MATURITY DATE:02 I312024 N RATE:2.500% Po / MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.69400 249,235.00 250,000.00 / 100.00000 6.25 750.00 0.30 CUSIP:3133EMBEI MATURITY DATE:03/28/2024 Page 3 of 8 d® I BNY MELLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank or New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification - Continued Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield RATE:0.300% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.80300 249,507.50 260,000.00 100.00000 328.13 875.00 0.35% CUSIP:3133EMGF3 MATURITY DATE:05116t2024 RATE:0.350% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ / 250,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTE/BOND 99.71100 249,277.50 249,813.75 ✓ 99,92550 198.71 937.50 0.38% CUSIP:91282CCL3 MATURITY DATE:07/15/2024 RATE:0.375% 250,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY STRIP COUPON 98.48500 246,212.50 / 247,405.50 98.96220 0.00 0.00 0.001% CUSIP:912833LS7 MATURITY DATE:08/15,2024 RATE:0.000% / 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 103.10900 257,772.50 / 250,000.00 100.00000 1,613.72 4,062.50 1.58°6 CUSIP:3133EK6J0 MATURITY DATE:11/08/2024 RATE:1.625% MOODY'S Aaa i S&P AA+ / j 250,000.000 FEDERAL.FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99,42300 248,557.50 J 249,906.75 99.96270 289.58 750.00 0.30%. / CUSIP:3133EMQGB MATURITY DATE:11112/2024 RATE:0.300% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 100.13480 250,337.00 250,337.00 100.13480 255.21 937.50 0.37% m CUSIP:3134GXGY4 8 MATURITY DATE:12/23/2024 0 RATE:0.3750% MOODY'S Aaa / / R 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.33800 248,345.00 / 250,000.00 f 100.00000 174.17 825.00 0.33 CUSIP:3130AKMR4 MATURITY DATE:01/15/2025 d RATE:0.330% MOODY'S Aaa / N S&P AA+ l 250,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTE/BOND 98.86300 247,157.50 248,044.25 99.21770 392.32 937.50 0.38% O CUSiP:912628ZL7 - a MATURITY DATE:04/30/2025 0 RATE:0.375% MOODY'S Aaa q 500,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 99.04900 495,245.00 499,013.50 99.80270 861.11 2,500.00 0.501% �rl CUSIP:3134GVYP7 m MATURITY DATE:05/27/2025 RATE:0.500% MOODY'S Aaa Page 4 of 't BNY MELLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification - Continued Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield 250,000.000 WELLS FARGO NATL BK WEST LA 17JAN23 102.13546 255,338.65 250,000.00 100.00000 182.19 4,760.00 1.86% CUSIP:949495AQ8 MATURITY DATE:01/17/2023 RATE:1.900% Total CASH AND SHORT TERM 761,929.51 753,187.50 967.12 17,750.00 2.33% ACCOUNT TOTALS 8,012,522.41 7,987,251.15 18,532.55 69,589.00 0.87% Total Market Value Plus Total Accrued Income 8,031,054.96 Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description Income Principal Cost Gains/Losses 09/01/21 ACCOUNT OPENING PERIOD BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 09/01/21 Interest 615.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 31 JAN22 RATE:2.900%MATURITY:01131/22 TRADE DATE 09/01/21 SET/DATE 09101/21 CUSIP 949763XG6 250,000.000 SHARES 09/01/21 Cash Debit 615.75- 0.00 Q00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US 0 09/01/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 0.00 A 09/07/21 Interest 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS w RATE:0.800%MATURITY:03/04/26 N TRADE DATE 09/04/21 SET/DATE 09/04/21 _ CUSIP 3130ALEY6 0 250,000.000 SHARES 1,000.00- Q00 0.00 0.00 09107/21 Cash Debit v BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK H DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK N 98402,WA,US 09/07/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 (100 Page 6 of 008574 XBNED602 004383 VY`,F'A BNY MELLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company.N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification - Continued Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield 250,000.000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 98.43100 246,077.50 246,443.75 ✓/ 98.57750 93.75 937.50 0.38% CUSIP:3135G05X7 MATURITY DATE:08/25/2025 RATE:0.375% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 98.33500 245,837.50,/ 249,817.25 ./ 99.92690 20.83 937.50 0.38 CUSIP:3137EAEX3 MATURITY DATE:09/23/2025 RATE:0.375% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTEIBOND 97.94900 244,872.50 247,578.75 ✓ 99.03150 236.92 937.50 0.38% CUSIP:91282CBC4 MATURITY DATE:12131/2025 RATE:0.375% MOODY'S Aaa 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 98.95600 247,390.00 249,863.75 99.94550 180.28 1,475.00 0.60% CUSIP:3133EMQX3 MATURITY DATE:02J17/2026 RATE:0.590% MOODY S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.46800 248,670.00 249,280.25 99.71210 150.00 2,000.00 0.80% CUSIP:3130ALEY6 MATURITY DATE:03/04/2026 RATE:0.800% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 260,000.000 UNITED STATES TREASURY STRIP COUPON 95.50800 248,320.80 250,182.00 96.22385 0.00 0.00 0.00% m S CUSIP:9128331 71 O MATURITY DATE:05/15/2026 / RATE:0.000% / / c 500,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.72300 498,615.00 ✓ 500,000.00 100.00000 1,458.33 5,000.00 1.00% CUSIP:3130AMM41 MATURITY DATE:06/16/2026 RATE:1.000% w MOODY'S Aaa N ... Total FIXED INCOME S&P AA+ 7,250,592.90 7,234,063.65 17,565.43 51,839.00 0.71% o 0 K CASH AND SHORT TERM -' 250,000.000 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 19JUL22 101.69363 254,234.06 253,187.50 ✓ 101.27500 189.04 5,750.00 2.260/6 o w CUSIP:949763JP2 N MATURITY DATE:07/19/2022 RATE:2.3001/6 260,000.000 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 31 JAN22 100.94272 252,356.80 250,000.00 100.00000 595.89 7,250.00 2.87 CUSIP:949763XG6 MATURITY DATE:01/31/2022 RATE:2.90011. Page 6 of 8 008574 XBNED602 004384 BNY ME LLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date - Continued Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description Income Principal _ Cost Gains/Losses 09/17/21 Interest 403.42 Q00 0.00 0.00 WELLS FARGO NATL BK WEST LA 17JAN23 RATE:1.900%MATURITY:01/17/23 TRADE DATE 09/17/21 SET/DATE 09/17/21 CUSIP 949495AQ8 250,000.000 SHARES 09/17/21 Cash Debit 403.42- 0.00 0.00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US 09/17/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 0.00 09/20/21 Interest 488.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 19JUL22 RATE:2.300%MATURITY:07/19/22 TRADE DATE 09/19/21 SET/DATE 09/19/21 CUSIP 949763JP2 250,000.000 SHARES 09/20/21 Cash Debit 488.36- 0.00 0.00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,U S 09/20/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 Q00 m 0 09/23/21 Interest 468.75 0.00 0.00 Q00 0 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP RATE:0.375%MATURITY:09/23/25 TRADE DATE 09/23/21 SET/DATE 09/23/21 g CUSIP 3137EAEX3 250,000.000 SHARES 09/23/21 Cash Debit 468.75- 0.00 Q00 Q00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN N DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT 0 A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,W A,US -' a 0 09/23/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 (LOU 09/28/21 Interest 376.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP RATE:0.300%MATURITY:03/28/24 TRADE DATE 09/28/21 SET/DATE 09/28/21 Page 7 of 8 INV- AW BNY ME LLON Statement Period 09/01/2021 Through 09/30/2021 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date - Continued - -- - Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description income Principal Cost Gains/Losses CUSIP 3133EMBEI 250,000.000 SHARES 09128/21 Cash Debit 375.00- 0.00 a00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,U S 09/28!21 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 19,650.46- 1%650.46 7,987,251.15 0.00 09130/21 ACCOUNT CLOSING PERIOD BALANCE 19,650.46- 19,650.46 7,987,251.15 0.00 Cumulative realized capital gain and loss position from 12/31/2020 for securities held in principal of account: Short Term: 0.00` Long Term: 2,661.30 `The above gain and loss position does not include transactions where tax cost information is incomplete or unavailable. IN i a c Q� d s Cash and securities set forth on this Account Statement are held by The Bank of New York Mellon,an affiliate of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. In addition,The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. may utilize subsidiaries and affiliates to provide services and certain products to the Account. Subsidiaries and affiliates may be compensated for their services and products. - c The value of securities set forth on this Account Statement are obtained by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,from its affiliate,The Bank of New York Mellon which determines such values for Corporate Trust an the boas of market prices and information obtaiined by The Bank of New,York Mellen from unaffiliated third parttes(including independent pricing vendors,("third party pricing services"i. The Bank of New York Mettnn has not verified such market values or information and makes no assurances as to the accuracy or correctness of such market values or information or that the market values set forth on this Account Statement reflect the value of the securities that c can be realized upon the sale of such securities. to addition,the market values for the securities set forth in this Account Statement may differ from the market prices and information for the same securities used by other business units of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A..The Bank of New York Mellon or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates based upon market prices and information received from ether third party pricing services utilized by such other business units. Corporate Trust does not compare its market values with those used by,or reconcile different market values used by,other business units of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,The $ Bank of New York Mellon or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates. Neither The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.nor The Bank of New York Mellon shall be liable for any toss,damage or expense incurred as a result of or arising from or related to the market values or information provided by third party pricing services or Vie differences in market prices or information provided by other third party pricing services. Page 80, Investment Statement Balance Sheet Date:9/30/2021 Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP)Statement Treasurer's Cash Sheet Investments LGIP Investments Difference $ 192,855,658.01 $ 192,841,447.09 $ (14,210.92) Difference: September Investment Interest Earned Balanced by: HB State of Washington Local Government Investment Pool Treasury Management System Date: 10/01/2021 5:37 am ReportlD: LgipStatement Statement of Account for No: 10230 Page 1 of I Primary Account _. September 2021 0 . 00S LISA FRAZIER MASON COUNTY PO BOX 429 + SHELTON,WA 98584-8584 1 9 2 , F 4 1 , 4 G 7 • 0 9 Date Description Comment Deposits Withdrawals Balance 09/01/2021 Beginning Balance 199,419,554.55 09/03/2021 Deposit 2,322,775.66 201,742,330.21 09/08/2021 Deposit 478,702.73 202,221,032.94 09/10/2021 Withdrawal 3,229,835.12 198,991,197.82 09/22/2021 Withdrawal 2,679,749.22 196,311,448.60 09/27/2021 Withdrawal 1,009,600.00 195,301,848.60 09/30/2021 Withdrawal 2,460,401.51 192,841,447.09 9/30/2021 Month End Balance 192,841,447.09 September Earnings Daily Factor Earnings 14,210.92 Net Ending Balance 192,855,658.01 Account Summary Beginning Balance: 199,419,554.55 Gross Earnings: 15,177.77 Deposits: 2,801,478.39 Administrative Fee: 966.85 Withdrawals: 9,379,585.85 Net Earnings: 14,210.92 Month End Balance: 192,841,447.09 Administrative Fee Rate: 0.0059 % Net Ending Balance: 192,855,658.01 Gross Earnings Rate: 0.0929 % Net Earnings Rate: 0.0870 % Average Daily Balance: 198,673,047.86 �3 WASHINGTON STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL September 30, 2021 DAYS TO $ MATURING CUMULATIVE MATURITY SPAR VALUE* % MATURING % MATURING 1 3,357.19 16.0% 16.0% 2-30 3,533.95 16.8% 32.8% 31-60 1,919.90 9.1% 42.0% 61-90 2,332.23 11.1% 53.1% 91-120 2,941.63 14.0% 67.1% 121-180 2,233.75 10.6% 77.7% 181-270 200.00 1.0% 78.7% 271-397 150.00 0.7% 79.4% FRN/VRN 4,333.81 20.6% 100.0% PORTFOLIO TOTAL: 21,002.46 *Amounts in millions of dollars i LGIP MATURITY STRUCTURE f `E f 4,000 ---- - --- _ --------- I a 3,000 ------- 1 w 2000 1 —€_ = ------ -- — -- 1,000 L - ------__...- -- --- 0. is -- 1 30 60 90 120 180 270 397 .FRN/VRN. LGIP CUMULATIVE MATURITY STRUCTURE 100% - i c 80% ----- -- — ° 60% _a 40% E U 0% 1 30 60 90 120 180 270 397 FRNNRN Days to Maturity WASHINGTON STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL September 30, 2021 Average Balance Sep-21 Average Balance 2021 Investment Type Sep-21 Percentage CY 2021 Percentage ..................... Agency Bullets 49,999,741.89 0.23% 66,922,994.48 0.31% Agency Discount Notes 908,056,161.47 4.20% 743,916,409.46 3.41% Agency Floating Rate Notes 2,993,528,632.58 13.84% 2,534,166,630.94 11.62% Agency Variable Rate Notes 199,973,584.87 0.92% 210,747,933.64 0.97% Certificates of Deposit 86,625,000.00 0.40% 127,511,446.89 0.58% IB Bank Deposit 2,252,495,324.95 10.41% 2,278,277,963.21 10.45% Repurchase Agreements 951,666,666.67 4.40% 657,417,582.41 3.01% SOFR Floating Rate Notes 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Supras- Bullets 100,644,476.33 0.47% 165,493,169.65 0.76% Supras- Discount Notes 99,971,000.00 0.46% 123,782,781.24 0.57% Supras- Floating Rate Notes 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Supras-Variables 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Term Repurchase Agreements 323,333,333.33 1.49% 493,406,593.41 2.26% U.S.Treasury Securities 12,619,932,139.43 58.33% 13,373,827,867.18 61.33% US Treasury Floating Rate Notes 1,047,748,331.29 4.84% 1,031,726,017.17 4.73% Total Avg Daily Balance 21,633,974,392.80 100.00% 21,807,197,389.69 100.00% .,ig Days to Maturity 50 days LGIP NET RATE OF RETURN 3.00 2.50 2.)6 2.00 1.771.72 -- --- 1.66 1.50 29 --- 1.00 0.50 0.50 -_.--- 0.37 - 0.26 21 0•19 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.0�0.18 8 0. 9 0.00 O Z 0 '7 fs. CQ G R C bJ) O. "'' U L L Rates are calculated on a 365-day basis Mason County, WA Investment Activity LGIP Effective Date From: 9l1/2021 to 9/30/2021 �Fund Code Account Name Account Description Beginning Balance Acquired Liquidated Ending Balance 103-000000-000-000 RURAL SALES&USE TAX FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,057,896.27 97,198.36 325.00 1,154,769.63 104-000000-000-000 AUDITOR'S O&M FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 148,438.41 0.00 0.00 148,438.41 105-000000-000-000 COUNTY ROAD CASH IN INVESTMENTS 753,650.46 0.00 0.00 753,650.46 106-000000-000-000 PATHS&TRAILS RESERVE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 165,000.00 0.00 0.00 165,000.00 109-000000-000-000 ELECTION EQUIPMENT HOLDING FND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 145.000.00 0.00 0.00 145,000.00 118-000000-000-000 ABATEMENT/REPAIR/DEMOLITION CASH IN INVESTMENTS 278,026.12 80.00 75.00 278,031.12 120-000000-000-000 REET ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CASH IN INVESTMENTS 79,844.58 2,013.58 0.00 81,858.16 155-000000-000-000 MASON COUNTY CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5.500,000.00 0,00 0.00 5,500,000.00 163-000000-000-000 LODGING TAX(HOTEUMOTEL) CASH IN INVESTMENTS 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 164-000000-000-000 MENTAL HEALTH CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,682,959.12 90,000.00 19.018.91 1,753,940.21 180-000000-000-000 TREASURER'S M&O FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 92,430.01 30,000.00 0.00 122,430.01 190-000000-000-000 VETERAN'S ASSISTANCE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 110,855.32 0.00 5,200.00 105,655.32 192-000000-000-000 SKOKOMISH FLOOD ZONE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 15,630.06 0.00 0.00 15,630.06 194-000000-000-000 MASON LAKE AQUATIC WEEDS MGMT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 90,235.98 0.00 0.00 90,235.98 195-000000-000-000 MASON COUNTY CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,227.39 0.00 0.00 2,227.39 199-000000-000-000 ISLAND LAKE MGMT DISTRICT#1 CASH IN INVESTMENTS 24,841.18 0.00 0.00 24,841.18 215-000000-000-000 MASON CTY LTGO 2013 BOND CASH IN INVESTMENTS-POOL 166,382.48 0.00 0.00 166,382.48 250-000000-000-000 MC 2008 LTGO BOND FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 263,743.21 0.00 0.00 263,743.21 350-000000-000-000 REET 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,392,249.95 160,000.00 0.00 1,552,249.95 351-000000-000-000 REET 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CASH IN INVESTMENTS 3,835,649.66 115,000.00 0.00 3,950,649.66 N 402-000000-000-000 MASON COUNTY LANDFILL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 144,515.22 0.00 0.00 144,515.22 403-000000-000-000 N.BAY/CASE INLET UTILITY CASH IN INVESTMENTS 580,881.83 0,00 0.00 580,881.83 `J 411-000000-000-000 RUSTLEWOOD SEWER&WATER CASH IN INVESTMENTS 26,078.27 0.00 0.00 26,078.27 412-000000-000-000 BEARDS COVE WATER CASH IN INVESTMENTS 257.871.10 0.00 0.00 257,871.10 413-000000-000-000 BELFAIR WW&WATER RECLAMATION CASH IN INVESTMENTS 252.94 0.00 0.00 252.94 428-000000-000-000 CUM RESERVE LANDFILL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 443.842.88 0.00 0.00 443.842.88 429-000000-000-000 RESERVE BEARDS COVE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 185,919.41 0.00 0.00 185,919.41 501-000000-000-000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL&REVOLVING CASH IN INVESTMENTS 732,752.31 0.00 0.00 732,752.31 662-001010-000-000 CEMETERY DISTRICT#1 CASH IN INVESTMENTS 72.000.00 0.00 0.00 72.000.00 665-003010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#3 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 67,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 52,000.00 665-003020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#3 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 147,850.54 0.00 0.00 147,850.54 665-003040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#3 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 464,258.41 0.00 23,000.00 441,258.41 665-004020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#4 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 150,461.92 0.00 0.00 150,461.92 665-006020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#6 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 125,419.63 0.00 0.00 125,419.63 665-010010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#10 EXPENSE CASH IN INVESTMENTS-POOL 2,637,971.64 0.00 224,955.14 2,413,016.50 665-010030-000-000 FIRE DIST#10 CONSTR FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 6,132,865.02 0.00 511,619.61 5,621,245.41 665-011010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#11 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 132,818.52 0.00 0.00 132,818.52 665-011040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#11 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 210,610.83 0.00 0.00 210,610.83 665-012010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#12 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 10/1/2021 BA5:04 AM Page 1 of 3 Mason County, WA Investment Activity LGIP Effective Date From: 9/1/2021 to 9/30/2021 665-012020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#12 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 18,726.64 0.00 0.00 18,726.64 665-012040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#12 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 9,765.38 0.00 0.00 9,765.38 665-012060-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#12 BOND FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 3,301.67 0.00 0.00 3,301.67 665-013020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#13 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,131.03 0.00 0.00 2,131.03 665-016010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#16 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5,248.67 0.00 0.00 5,248.67 665-016020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#16 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 110,942.08 0.00 0.00 110,942.08 665-016040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#16 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 700.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 665-017010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#17 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 30,531.68 0.00 0.00 30,531.68 665-017040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#17 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 86,665.44 0.00 0.00 86,665.44 665-018010-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#18 EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 144,511.04 0.00 0.00 144,511.04 665-018020-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#18 RESERVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 137,916.00 0.00 0.00 137,916.00 665-018040-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#18 EMS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 116,362.33 0.00 0.00 116,362.33 665-018060-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT#18 BOND FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 23.43 0.00 0.00 23.43 668-010010-000-000 MASON COUNTY TRANSIT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 12,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000,000.00 670-000010-000-000 PORT OF ALLYN EXPENSE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 30,814.73 0.00 0.00 30,814.73 670-005010-000-000 PORT OF ALLYN INDUSTRIAL DEV CASH IN INVESTMENTS 21,123.36 0.00 0.00 21,123.36 670-006010-000-000 PORT OF ALLYN WATER SYSTEM CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,300.00 0.00 0.00 2,300.00 670-010010-000-000 PORT OF DEWATTO CASH IN INVESTMENTS 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 670-020010-000-000 PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CASH IN INVESTMENTS 836.62 0.00 0.00 836.62 670-020030-000-000 PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CAPL.CONST. CASH IN INVESTMENTS 7,832.30 0.00 0.00 7,832.30 670-030010-000-000 PORT OF HOODSPORT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 226,952.17 0.00 0.00 226,952.17 675-001010-000-000 HOSPITAL DISTRICTS CASH IN INVESTMENTS 13,045,182.16 2,022.66 571,217.48 12,475,987.34 }✓, 675-001015-000-000 PHD#1 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 60,036,603.27 46,803.73 0.00 60,083,407.00 rl 675-001020-000-000 PUB.HOSP.#1 EMPLOYEES MED BEN CASH IN INVESTMENTS 62,672.62 8.98 0.00 62,681,60 675-001035-000-000 MGH FUNDED DEPRECIATION CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5,253,617.95 752.71 0.00 5,254,370.66 675-001064-000-000 SERIES 2019 BOND PROJECT FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5,054,395.78 724.18 0.00 5,055,119.96 675-002015-000-000 HOSPITAL#2 CASH IN INVESTMENTS 680,000.00 0.00 0.00 680,000.00 685-042010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#42 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 394,819.29 0.00 0.00 394,819,29 685-042030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#42 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5,924.67 0.00 0.00 5,924.67 685-042060-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#42 DEBT.SERVICE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 67,166.60 0.00 0.00 67.166.60 685-042080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#42 ASB CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,683.69 0.00 0.00 1,683.69 685-042090-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#42 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 216.95 0.00 0.00 216.95 685-054010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#54 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 477,608.07 0.00 200,000.00 277,608.07 685-054030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#54 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 133.665.01 0.00 0.00 133,665.01 685-054060-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#54 DEBIT SERV CASH IN INVESTMENTS 382,499.00 0.00 0.00 382,499.00 685-054080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#54 ASB FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 7,394.72 0.00 0.00 7,394.72 685-054090-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#54 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 56,603.80 20.000.00 0.00 76,603.80 685-309010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#309 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,608,534.96 90,368.80 1.000,000.00 1,698,903.76 685-309030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#309 CAP PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 205,360,54 163,611.17 40,335.96 328,635.75 685-309050-000-000 SD.#309 TRUST&AGENCY FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 236,682.61 0.00 702.12 235,980.49 685-309060-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#309 DEBT SERVICE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,625,742.56 70,096.52 0.00 2,695,839.08 10/1/2021 8:45:04 AM Page 2 of 3 Mason County,WA Investment Activity LGIP Effective Date From: 9/1/2021 to 9/30/2021 685-309080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#309 ASS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 429,309.08 12,705.09 0.00 442,014.17 685-309090-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#309 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 355,238.33 25.58 133,561.47 221,702.44 685-311010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#311 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 5,579,922.49 0.00 195,150.78 5,384,771.71 685-311030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#311 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 747,099.92 0.00 39,160.29 707,939.63 685-311060-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#311 DEBIT SER CASH IN INVESTMENTS 623.38 0.09 0.00 623.47 685-311080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#311 ASS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 18,869.34 442.75 0.00 19,312.09 685-311090-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#311 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 131.359.18 5.19 0.00 131,364.37 685-402010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#402 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 2,820,411.17 0.00 0.00 2,820,411.17 685-402030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#402 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 99,868.00 0.00 0.00 99,868.00 685-402060-000-000 SCHOOL DIST4402 DEBT.SERVICE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 560,864.61 0.00 0.00 560,864.61 685-402080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#402 ASS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 51,313.12 0.00 0.00 51,313.12 685-402090-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#402 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 52,818.14 0.00 0.00 52,818.14 685-403010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#403 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 4,168,768.64 0.00 927,537.38 3,241,231.26 685-403030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#403 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 460,569.78 0.00 25,670.16 434,899.62 685-403060-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.#403 DEBT.SERVICE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,537,404.19 40,099.36 923.84 1,576,579.71 685-403080-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#403 ASS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 390,502.89 16,043.98 0.00 406,546.87 685-403090-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#403 TRANS VEHI CASH IN INVESTMENTS 339,511.70 26.82 0.00 339,538.52 685-404010-000-000 SCHOOL DISTRICT#404 GENERAL CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,615,041.25 200,000.00 350,000.00 1,465,041.25 685-404030-000-000 SCHOOL DIST.4404 CAP.PROJECT CASH IN INVESTMENTS 655,465.00 29,000.00 13,000.00 671,465.00 685-404050-000-000 SCHOOL DIST#404 TRUST&AGENCY CASH IN INVESTMENTS 64,452.16 100.00 0.00 64,552.16 685-404060-000-000 SCHOOL DIST#404 DEBT.SERVICE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,054,702.39 84,800.00 0.00 1,139.502.39 S 685-404080-000-000 SCHOOL DIST#404 ASS FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 23,892.76 390.00 0.00 24,282.76 685-404090-000-000 DIST 404 TRANS VEHICLE FUND CASH IN INVESTMENTS 125,474.79 71,700.00 0.00 197,174.79 690-001010-000-000 BELFAIR WATER DIST#1 M&O CASH IN INVESTMENTS 711.57 0.00 0.00 711.57 690-001045-000-000 BELFAIR WATER DIST.#1 IMPROVM CASH IN INVESTMENTS 1,048.51 0.00 0.00 1,048.51 690-002010-000-000 TRAILS END WATER DIST42 GENER CASH IN INVESTMENTS 27,481.80 0.00 0.00 27,481.80 690-002020-000-000 TEW DIST#2 RESERVE MAINTENANCE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 26,983.79 0.00 0.00 26,983.79 690-002065-000-000 TEW DIST.#2 WATER REVENUE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 118.781.64 0.00 0.00 118.781.64 690-002130-000-000 TEW DIST.#2 ASSESSMENT REVE. CASH IN INVESTMENTS 8,533.18 0.00 0.00 8,533.18 690-003020-000-000 MLWD#3 CAPITAL IMPROV.RESERVE CASH IN INVESTMENTS 126,234.80 0.00 0.00 126,234.80 690-005010-000-000 HARSTENE POINTE WTR-SWR DIST. CASH IN INVESTMENTS 130,000.00 0.00 0.00 130,000,00 690-005020-000-000 HARSTENE POINTE WTR-SWR RESRV CASH IN INVESTMENTS 269,796.00 38.66 0.00 269,634.66 690-005030-000-000 HARSTENE POINTE WTR-SWR ECOLOG CASH IN INVESTMENTS 40,536.27 5.80 0.00 40,542.07 690-005050-000-000 FIRE DISTRICT 5 LTGO 2013 CASH IN INVESTMENTS 74,678.05 6,787.51 81,431.80 33.76 690-005070-000-000 HARTSTENE PTE WTR REV.BOND'12 CASH IN INVESTMENTS 36,431.28 332.91 0.00 36,764.19 800-000000-000-010 TREASURER DAILY CASH-ST POOL CASH IN INVESTMENTS ST POOL 44,327,932.32 3,612,150.86 7,156,124.27 40,783,958.91 Grand Total 199,412,121.01 4,963,336.29 00• 0• 10/1/2021 8:45:04 AM Page 3 of 3 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 193,585,720.01 155-AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT 0.00 General Journal 06/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -500,000.00 5,500,000.00 Total 155-AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT 5,500,000.00 5,500,000.00 665010040-FIRE DIST#10 EMS 0.00 General Journal 06/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 621,499.71 621,499.71 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -621,499.71. 0.00 Total 665010040-FIRE DIST#10 EMS 0.00 0.00 665018060-FIRE DIST#18 BOND 0.00 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 23.43 23.43 Total 665018060-FIRE DIST#18 BOND 23.43 23.43 195-SPENCER LAKE MANAGEMENT 6,683.69 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 110.83 6,794.52 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 112.68 6,907.20 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,001.41 7,908.61 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,038.47 9,947.08 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,000.00 11,947.08 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,900.00 13,847.08 General Journal 08/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,662.68 4,184.40 General Journal 08/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,813.00 2,371.40 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -144.01 2,227.39 Total 195-SPENCER LAKE MANAGEMENT -4,456.30 2,227.39 675001064-PHD#1 2019 SERIES 5,050,583.83 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 636.30 5,051,220.13 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 636.07 5,051,856.20 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 568.30 5,052,424.50 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 496.29 5,052,920.79 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 464.39 5,053,385.18 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 400.97 5,053,786.15 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 312.25 5,054,098.40 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 297.38 5,054,395.78 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 724.18 5,055,119.96 Total 675001064-PHD#1 2019 SERIES 4,536.13 5,055,119.96 675002015-HOSPITAL#2 680,000.00 Total 675002015-HOSPITAL#2 680,000.00 685311060-SD#311 DEBT SERVICE 622.92 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.08 623.00 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -0.02 622.98 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACO... Inv Deposit 0.15 623.13 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.06 623.19 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.06 623.25 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.05 623.30 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.04 623.34 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.04 623.38 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.09 623.47 Total 685311060-SD#311 DEBT SERVICE 0.55 623.47 103-RURAL CO SALES&USE TAX 905,218.37 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 81,561.54 986,779.91 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 73,000.00 1,059,779.91 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 87,488.10 1,147,268.01 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 40,176.56 1,187,444.57 General Journal 04/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -420,000.00 767,444.57 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 46,738.62 814,183.19 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 88,000.00 902,183.19 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 157,793.33 1,059,976.52 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,080.25 1,057,896.27 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 97,198.36 1,155,094.63 General Journal 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -325.00 1,154,769.63 Total 103-RURAL CO SALES&USE TAX 249,551.26 1,154,769.63 104-AUDITOR'S O&M 148,438.41 Total 104-AUDITOR'S O&M 148,438.41 105-COUNTY ROAD 753,650.46 Total 105-COUNTY ROAD 753,650.46 2� 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10120/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance 106-PATHS&TRAILS RESERVE 165,000.00 Total 106-PATHS&TRAILS RESERVE 165,000.00 109-ELECTION EQUIP HOLDING 145,000.00 Total 109-ELECTION EQUIP HOLDING 145,000.00 118-ABATEMENT REPAIR&DEMO 278,673.63 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 35.10 278,708.73 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 31.36 278,740.09 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -287.50 278,452.59 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 27.38 278,479.97 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 25.59 278,505.56 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22.10 278,527.66 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -270.29 278,257.37 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 56.25 278,313.62 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -287.50 278,026.12 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 80.00 278,106.12 General Journal 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -75.00 278,031.12 Total 118-ABATEMENT REPAIR&DEMO -642.51 278,031.12 120-REET&PROPERTY TAX ADMIN 75,316.14 General Journal 01/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,272.00 68,044.14 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,000.00 69,044.14 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -165.00 68,879.14 General Journal 03/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -160.00 68,719.14 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,859.30 70,578.44 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,022.78 72,601.22 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,443.36 75,044.58 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 992.10 76,036.68 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,805.90 80,842.58 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -998.00 79,844.58 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,013.58 81,858.16 Total 120-REET&PROPERTY TAX ADMIN 6,542.02 81,858.16 163-LODGING HOTELIMOTEL TAX 125,000.00 Total 163-LODGING HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 125,000.00 164-MENTAL HEALTH 1,241,246.08 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 140,000.00 1,381,246.08 General Journal 01/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,000.00 1,373,246.08 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 1,423,246.08 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 1,523,246.08 General Journal 03/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000.00 1,520,246.08 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 60,000.00 1,580,246.08 General Journal 04/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -12,500.00 1,567,746.08 General Journal 04/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,000.00 1,557,746.08 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 40,000.00 1,597,746.08 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 39,249.04 1,636,995.12 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 110,000.00 1,746,995.12 General Journal 08/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -55,000.00 1,691,995.12 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,821.00 1,683,174.12 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -215.00 1,682,959.12 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 90,000.00 1,772,959.12 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,018.91 1,757,940.21 General Journal 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,000.00 1,753,940.21 Total 164-MENTAL HEALTH 512,694.13 1,753,940.21 180-TREASURER'S M&O 89,220.70 General Journal 01/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,138.00 87,082.70 General Journal 02/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,459.69 82,623.01 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -163.20 82,459.81 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500.00 80,959.81 General Journal 03/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,369.11 78,590.70 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 98,590.70 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,700.00 92,890.70 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -460.69 92,430.01 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 30,000.00 122,430.01 Total 180-TREASURER'S M&O 33,209.31 122,430.01 190-VETERANS ASSISTANCE FUND 77.800.56 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,600.00 79,400.56 General Journal 01/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,500.00 74,900.56 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -406.90 74,493.66 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,211.22 64,282.44 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,375.00 70,657.44 General Journal 03/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000.00 67,657.44 ftge-r 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickRepont Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7,000.00 74,657.44 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 46,000.00 120,657.44 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,600.00 123,257.44 General Journal 06/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,200.00 122,057.44 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,121.81 119,935.63 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,895.84 114,039.79 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,184.47 110,855.32 General Journal 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,200.00 105,655.32 Total 190-VETERANS ASSISTANCE FUND 27,854.76 105,655.32 192-SKOKOMISH FLOOD ZONE 15,630.06 Total 192-SKOKOMISH FLOOD ZONE 15,630.06 194-MASON LAKE LMD#2 73,489.99 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 214.96 73,704.95 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 44.14 73,749.09 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -329.00 73,420.09 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,328.74 74,748.83 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,210.39 78,959.22 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 8,600.00 87,559.22 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,900.00 90,459.22 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -223.24 90,235.98 Total 194-MASON LAKE LMD#2 16,745.99 90,235.98 199-ISLAND LAKE LMD#1 30,116.61 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 154.58 30,271.19 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.40 30,274.59 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 366.67 30,641.26 General Journal 0 411 5/20 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,019.99 31,661.25 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,221.04 35,882.29 General Journal 06/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,738.10 28,144.19 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -45.50 28,098.69 General Journal 07/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -49.94 28,048.75 General Journal 08/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,163.00 31,211.75 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,370.57 24,841.18 Total 199-ISLAND LAKE LMD#1 -5,275.43 24,841.18 215-MC LTGO BONDS 2013 AIB 60,659.85 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -592.36 60,067.49 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6.78 60,074.27 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 118,740.88 178,815.15 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 12.92 178,828.07 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -12,490.06 166,338.01 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10.85 166,348.86 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 33.62 166,382.48 Total 215-MC LTGO BONDS 2013 A/B 105,722.63 166,382.48 250-MASON CO LTGO BOND 2008 12,851.07 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1.61 12,852.68 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 132.55 12,985.23 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 275,041.37 288,026.60 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 18.32 288,044.92 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22.86 288,067.78 General Journal 05/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -24,395.32 263,672.46 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 17.46 263,689.92 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 53.29 263,743.21 Total 250-MASON CO LTGO BOND 2008 250,892.14 263,743.21 350-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 1 908,840.46 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,380,000.00 2,288,840.46 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -580,474.80 1,708,365.66 General Journal 02/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,367.25 1,694,998.41 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -248,040.00 1,446,958.41 General Journal 03/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -153,270.00 1,293,688.41 General Journal 03/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,159.73 1,292,528.68 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 35,621.27 1,328,149.95 General Journal 0 4/1 5120 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -146,900.00 1,181,249.95 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 120,000.00 1,301,249.95 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 76,000.00 1,377,249.95 General Journal 07/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -160,000.00 1,217,249.95 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 175,000.00 1,392,249.95 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 160,000.00 1,552,249.95 Total 350-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 1 643,409.49 1,552,249.95 'Page 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10120/21 Account QuickRepol y l� ;crual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance 351-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 2 2,932,229.00 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 230,000.00 3,162,229.00 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 150,000.00 3,312,229.00 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 115,321.91 3,427,550.91 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 130,000.00 3,557,550.91 General Journal 04/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -400,000.00 3,157,550.91 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 139,000.00 3,296,550.91 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 131,000.00 3,427,550.91 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 470,000.00 3,897,550.91 General Journal 08/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -60,000.00 3,837,550.91 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,901.25 3,835,649.66 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 115,000.00 3,950,649.66 Total 351-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 2 1,018,420.66 3,950,649.66 402-MASON COUNTY LANDFILL 144,515.22 Total 402-MASON COUNTY LANDFILL 144,515.22 403-WASTEWATER N BAY/CASE INL 580,881.83 Total 403-WASTEWATER N BAY/CASE INL 580,881.83 411-RUSTLEWOOD SEWER/WATER 26,078.27 Total 411-RUSTLEWOOD SEWER/WATER 26,078.27 412-BEARDS COVE WATER 257,871.10 Total 412-BEARDS COVE WATER 257,871.10 413-BELFAIR WW&WTR RECLAMTN 252.94 Total 413-BELFAIR W W&WTR RECLAMTN 252.94 428-CUM RESERVE LANDFILL 444,834.57 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -338.77 444,495.80 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -297.00 444,198.80 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -355.92 443,842.88 Total 428-CUM RESERVE LANDFILL -991.69 443,842.88 429-RESERVE BEARDS COVE 185,919.41 Total 429-RESERVE BEARDS COVE 185,919.41 501-EQUIP RENTAL&REVOLVING 732,752.31 Total 501-EQUIP RENTAL&REVOLVING 732,752.31 662-CEMETERY DIST#1 52,000.00 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 72,000.00 Total 662-CEMETERY DIST#1 20.000.00 72,000.00 665001010-FIRE DIST#1 EXP 95,000.00 General Journal 01/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -95,000.00 0.00 Total 665001010-FIRE DIST#1 EXP -95,000.00 0.00 665001020-FIRE DIST#1 RESV 137,267.47 General Journal 01/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -137,267.47 0.00 Total 665001020-FIRE DIST#1 RESV -137,267.47 0.00 665001040-FIRE DIST#1 EMS 63,592.51 General Journal 01/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -63,592.51 0.00 Total 665001040-FIRE DIST#1 EMS -63,592.51 0.00 665001060-FIRE DIST#1 BOND 23.43 General Journal 01/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -23.43 0.00 Total 665001060-FIRE DIST#1 BOND -23.43 0.00 665003010-FIRE DIST#3 EXP 0.00 General Journal 05/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 100,000.00 General Journal 07/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,000.00 80,000.00 General Journal 08/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,000.00 67,000.00 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,000.00 52,000.00 Total 665003010-FIRE DIST#3 EXP 52,000.00 52,000.00 665003020-FIRE DIST#3 RESV 17,222.90 General Journal 05/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 130,627.64 147,850.54 Total 665003020-FIRE DIST#3 RESV 130,627.64 147,850.54 665003040-FIRE DIST#3 EMS 13,787.92 General Journal 05/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 478,470.49 492,258.41 Rag"— 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30,2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 08/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -28,000.00 464,258.41 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -23,000.00 441,258.41 Total 665003040-FIRE DIST#3 EMS 427,470.49 441,258.41 665004020-FIRE DIST#4 RESV 150,461.92 Total 665004020-FIRE DIST#4 RESV 150,461.92 665006020-FIRE DIST#6 RESV 125,419.63 Total 665006020-FIRE DIST#6 RESV 125,419.63 665010010-FIRE DIST#10 EXP 1,705,000.00 General Journal 01/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -37,000.00 1,668,000.00 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -305,000.00 1,363,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -199,269.53 1,163,730.47 General Journal 06/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,500,000.00 2,663,730.47 General Journal 08/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -25,758.83 2,637,971.64 General Journal 09/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -224,955.14 2,413,016.50 Total 665010010-FIRE DIST#10 EXP 708,016.50 2,413,016.50 665010030-FIRE DIST#10 CONST 10,019,450.25 General Journal 02/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -103,076.38 9,916,373.87 General Journal 03/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -41,669.93 9,874,703.94 General Journal 03/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -909,420.11 8,965,283.83 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -194,914.37 8,770,369.46 General Journal 05/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -138,924.61 8,631,444.85 General Journal 05/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -22,661.67 8,608,783.18 General Journal 06/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -563,087.36 8,045,695.82 General Journal 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,249.25 8,041,446.57 General Journal 07/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,053,333.21 6,988,113.36 General Journal 08/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -855,248.34 6,132,865.02 General Journal 09/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -511,619.61 5,621,245.41 Total 665010030-FIRE DIST#10 CONST -4,398,204.84 5,621,245.41 665011010-FIRE DIST#11 EXP 248,646.52 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -115,828.00 132,818.52 Total 665011010-FIRE DIST#11 EXP -115,828.00 132,818.52 665011040-FIRE DIST#11 EMS 260,610.83 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -50,000.00 210,610.83 Total 665011040-FIRE DIST#11 EMS -50,000.00 210,610.83 665012010-FIRE DIST#12 EXP 3,000.00 Total 665012010-FIRE DIST#12 EXP 3,000.00 665012020-FIRE DIST#12 RESV 18,726.64 Total 665012020-FIRE DIST#12 RESV 18,726.64 665012040-FIRE DIST#12 EMS 9,765.38 Total 665012040-FIRE DIST#12 EMS 9,765.38 665012060-FIRE DIST#12 BOND 3,301.67 Total 665012060-FIRE DIST#12 BOND 3,301.67 665013020-FIRE DIST#13 RESV 2,131.03 Total 665013020-FIRE DIST#13 RESV 2,131.03 665016010-FIRE DIST#16 EXP 5,248.67 Total 665016010-FIRE DIST#16 EXP 5,248.67 665016020-FIRE DIST#16 RESV 260,942.08 General Journal 01/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -55,000.00 205,942.08 General Journal 01/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5,000.00 210,942.08 General Journal 03/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -100,000.00 110,942.08 Total 665016020-FIRE DIST#16 RESV -150,000.00 110,942.08 665016040-FIRE DIST#16 EMS 700.00 Total 665016040-FIRE DIST#16 EMS 700.00 665017010-FIRE DIST#17 EXP 30,531.68 Total 665017010-FIRE DIST#17 EXP 30,531.68 665017040-FIRE DIST#17 EMS 86,665.44 Total 665017040-FIRE DIST#17 EMS 86,665.44 665018010-FIRE DIST#18 EXP 49,511.04 y 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 95,000.00 144,511.04 Total 665018010-FIRE DIST#18 EXP 95,000.00 144,511.04 665018020-FIRE DIST#18 RESV 648.53 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 137,267.47 137,916.00 Total 665018020-FIRE DIST#18 RESV 137,267.47 137,916.00 665018040-FIRE DIST#18 EMS 52,769.82 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 63,592.51 116,362.33 Total 665018040-FIRE DIST#18 EMS 63,592.51 116,362.33 668-MC PUBLIC TRANS BENEFIT 11,500,000.00 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 10,500,000.00 General Journal 07/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 9,500,000.00 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 12,000,000.00 Total 668-MC PUBLIC TRANS BENEFIT 500,000.00 12,000,000.00 670000010-PORT OF ALLYN 30,814.73 Total 670000010-PORT OF ALLYN 30,814.73 670005010-PORT OF ALLYN IN DV 21,123.36 Total 670005010-PORT OF ALLYN IN DV 21,123.36 670006010-PORT OF ALLYN WT SY 2,300.00 Total 670006010-PORT OF ALLYN WT SY 2,300.00 670010010-PORT OF DEWATTO 190,000.00 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 200,000.00 Total 670010010-PORT OF DEWATTO 10,000.00 200,000.00 670020010-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW 2,646.22 General Journal 0 2/1 812 0 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,809.60 836.62 Total 670020010-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW -1,809.60 836.62 670020030-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CC 470.00 General Journal 01/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 25,000.00 25,470.00 General Journal 07/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -17,637.70 7,832.30 Total 670020030-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CC 7,362.30 7,832.30 670030010-PORT OF HOODSPORT 226,952.17 Total 670030010-PORT OF HOODSPORT 226,952.17 675001010-MASON GEN HOSPITAL 12,476,148.27 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,201,896.27 14,678,044.54 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,886.19 14,679,930.73 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,452.95 14,681,383.68 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,468.01 14,682,851.69 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,370.45 14,684,222.14 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -447,922.90 14,236,299.24 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,176.44 14,237,475.68 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -489,944.61 13,747,531.07 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 903.76 13,748,434.83 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -97,212.43 13,651,222.40 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -166,832.67 13,484,389.73 General Journal 08/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -439,207.57 13,045,182.16 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,022.66 13,047,204.82 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -571,217.48 12,475,987.34 Total 675001010-MASON GEN HOSPITAL -160.93 12,475,987.34 675001015-PHD#1 ADMIN FUND 55,998,845.78 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,252,667.24 58,251,513.02 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,014,239.12 59,265,752.14 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 51,195.05 59,316,947.19 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,121,732.94 60,438,680.13 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,373,150.20 61,811,830.33 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -1,089,115.75 60,722,714.58 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,255,914.28 66,978,628.86 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4.969,067.85 62,009,561.01 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 27,042.26 62,036,603.27 General Journal 08/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000,000.00 60,036,603.27 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 46,803.73 60,083,407.00 Total 675001015-PHD#1 ADMIN FUND 4,084,561.22 60,083,407.00 (� ' I 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance 675001020-PHD#1 EMP MED BEN 62,625.34 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7.89 62,633.23 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7.88 62,641.11 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7.05 62,648.16 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6.16 62,654.32 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACC... Inv Deposit 5.76 62,660.08 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4.97 62,665.05 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.88 62,668.93 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.69 62,672.62 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 8.98 62,681.60 Total 675001020-PHD#1 EMP MED BEN 56.26 62,681.60 675001035-MGH FUNDED DEPRC 5,249,665.78 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 651.37 5,250,317.15 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 661.14 5,250,978.29 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 590.70 5,251,568.99 General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 515.85 5,252,084.84 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 482.69 5,252,567.53 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 416.76 5,252,984.29 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 324.56 5,253,308.85 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 309.10 5,253,617.95 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 752.71 5,254,370.66 Total 675001035-MGH FUNDED DEPRC 4,704.88 5,254,370.66 685042010-SD#42 GENERAL 394,819.29 Total 685042010-SD#42 GENERAL 394,819.29 685042030-SD#42 CAP PROJ 5,924.67 Total 685042030-SD#42 CAP PROJ 5,924.67 685042060-SD#42 DEBT SERVICE 87,166.60 General Journal 01/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,000.00 67,166.60 Total 685042060-SD#42 DEBT SERVICE -20,000.00 67,166.60 685042080-SD#42 ASB 1,683.69 Total 685042080-SD#42 ASB 1,683.69 685042090-SD#42 TRANS VEHICLE 216.95 Total 685042090-SD#42 TRANS VEHICLE 216.95 685054010-SD#54 GENERAL 419,608.07 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -32,000.00 387,608.07 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -60,000.00 327,608.07 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 377,608.07 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 427,608.07 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 477,608.07 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -200.000.00 277,608.07 Total 685054010-SD#54 GENERAL -142,000.00 277,608.07 685054030-SD#54 CAP PROJ 146,665.01 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,000.00 141,665.01 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -5,000.00 136,665.01 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500.00 135.165.01 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500.00 133,665.01 Total 685054030-SD#54 CAP PROJ -13,000.00 133,665.01 685054060-SD#54 DEBT SERVICE 32,499.00 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 132,499.00 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 232,499.00 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 332,499.00 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 382,499.00 Total 685054060-SD#54 DEBT SERVICE 350,000.00 382,499.00 685054080-SD#54 ASB 5,394.72 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,000.00 7,394.72 Total 685054080-SD#54 ASB 2,000.00 7,394.72 685054090-SD#54 TRANS VEHICLE 55,603.80 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,000.00 56,603.80 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 76,603.80 Total 685054090-SD#54 TRANS VEHICLE 21,000.00 76.603.80 685309010-SD#309 GENERAL 2,246,921.00 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -685,000.00 1,561,921.00 fta9e"�"" 10:32 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20121 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 86,000.00 1,647,921.00 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -710,000.00 937,921.00 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -633,850.00 304,071.00 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 500,000.00 804,071.00 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,959,463.96 2,763,534.96 General Journal 05/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 90,000.00 2,853,534.96 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -825,000.00 2,028,534.96 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 270,000.00 2,298,534.96 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,490,000.00 808,534.96 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -500,000.00 308,534.96 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 1,308,534.96 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,300,000.00 2,608,534.96 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 90,368.80 2,698,903.76 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 1,698,903.76 Total 685309010-SD#309 GENERAL -548.017.24 1,698,903.76 685309030-SD#309 CAP PROJ 565,731.57 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 535,000.00 1,100,731.57 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -357,000.00 743,731.57 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -370,000.00 373,731.57 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 350,000.00 723,731.57 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -346,000.00 377,731.57 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -157,000.00 220,731.57 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 700,000.00 920,731.57 General Journal 07/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -179,684.03 741,047.54 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -146,000.00 595,047.54 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -389,687.00 205,360.54 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 163,611.17 368,971.71 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -40,335.96 328,635.75 Total 685309030-SD#309 CAP PROJ -237,095.82 328,635.75 685309050-SD#309 TR&AGENCY 239,529.98 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 66.10 239,596.08 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 30.17 239,626.25 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50.50 239,676.75 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22.03 239,698.78 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,030.98 236,667.80 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 14.81 236,682.61 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -702.12 235,980.49 Total 685309050-SD#309 TR&AGENCY -3,549.49 235,980.49 685309060-SD#309 DEBT SERVICE 419,347.77 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 37,220.44 456,568.21 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 15,286.07 471,854.28 General Journal 02/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,937.26 473,791.54 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22,238.69 496,030.23 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 523,220.30 1,019,250.53 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,287,284.74 3,306,535.27 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -825,000.00 2,481,535.27 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 91,207.29 2,572,742.56 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 18,000.00 2,590,742.56 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 35,000.00 2,625,742.56 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 70,096.52 2,695,839.08 Total 685309060-SD#309 DEBT SERVICE 2,276,491.31 2,695,839.08 685309080-SD#309 ASB 431,909.08 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,000.00 416,909.08 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,400.00 419,309.08 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 429,309.08 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 12,705.09 442,014.17 Total 685309080-SD#309 ASB 10,105.09 442,014.17 685309090-SD#309 TRANS VEHICLE 250,878.24 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 31.61 250,909.85 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 31.60 250,941.45 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 52.88 250,994.33 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 23.07 251,017.40 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 19.92 251,037.32 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -72,493.05 178,544.27 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 15.51 178,559.78 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 176,678.55 355,238.33 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 25.58 355,263.91 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -133,561.47 221,702.44 �� a r"f 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance Total 685309090-SD#309 TRANS VEHICLE -29,175.80 221,702.44 685311010-SD#311 GENERAL 4,213,155.44 General Journal 01/21/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -224.53 4,212,930.91 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 528,323.06 4,741,253.97 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,610,114.09 7,351,368.06 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 195,144.08 7,546,512.14 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,738,614.00 4,807,898.14 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 809,563.77 5,617,461.91 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -118,956.67 5,498,505.24 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,205.00 5,487,300.24 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,408,390.53 4,078,909.71 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,871,139.20 5,950,048.91 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -370,126.42 5,579,922.49 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -195,150.78 5,384,771.71 Total 685311010-SD#311 GENERAL 1,171,616.27 5,384,771.71 685311030-SD#311 CAP PROJ 111.61 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.02 111.63 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -0.01 111.62 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.02 111.64 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.01 111.65 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.01 111.66 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.01 111.67 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 760,000.01 760,111.68 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,011.76 747,099.92 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -39,160.29 707,939.63 Total 685311030-SD#311 CAP PROJ 707,828.02 707,939.63 685311080-SD#311 ASB 22,243.87 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,842.70 24,086.57 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,803.40 22,283.17 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -927.03 21,356.14 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,620.20 23,976.34 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -383.04 23,593.30 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,332.71 14,260.59 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,894.83 19,155.42 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -286.93 18,868.49 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 0.85 18,869.34 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 442.75 19,312.09 Total 685311080-SD#311 ASB -2,931.78 19,312.09 685311090-SD#311 TRANS VEHICLE 31,960.24 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4.80 31,965.04 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -0.77 31,964.27 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7.63 31,971.90 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.14 31,975.04 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2.94 31,977.98 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2.54 31,980.52 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 65,001.98 96,982.50 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 34,376.68 131,359.18 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5.19 131,364.37 Total 685311090-SD#311 TRANS VEHICLE 99,404.13 131,364.37 685402010-SD#402 GENERAL 3,049,411.17 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -297,000.00 2,752,411.17 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -215,000.00 2,537,411.17 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 37,000.00 2,574,411.17 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 158,000.00 2,732,411.17 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 2,932,411.17 General Journal 05/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 525,000.00 3,457,411.17 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -280.000.00 3,177,411.17 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -427.000.00 2,750,411.17 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 70,000.00 2,820,411.17 Total 685402010-SD#402 GENERAL -229,000.00 2,820,411.17 685402030-SD#402 CAP PROJ 0.00 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 9,318.00 9,318.00 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 17,000.00 26,318.00 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 107,150.00 133,468.00 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 312,000.00 445,468.00 General Journal 05/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 97,000.00 542,468.00 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -462,000.00 80,468.00 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 15,000.00 95,468.00 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,100.00 96,568.00 31 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,300.00 99,868.00 Total 685402030-SD#402 CAP PROJ 99,868.00 99,868.00 685402060-SD#402 DEBT SERVICE 157,075.61 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22,200.00 179,275.61 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,539.00 183,814.61 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 33,000.00 216,814.61 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 145,450.00 362,264.61 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 429,000.00 791,264.61 General Journal 05/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 134,000.00 925,264.61 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -391,000.00 534,264.61 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 11,900.00 546,164.61 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10,200.00 556,364.61 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,500.00 560,864.61 Total 685402060-SD#402 DEBT SERVICE 403,789.00 560,864.61 685402080-SD#402 ASB 53,669.12 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 33.00 53,702.12 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 24.00 53,726.12 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -923.00 52,803.12 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,550.00 51,253.12 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 60.00 51,313.12 Total 685402080-SD#402 ASB -2,356.00 51,313.12 685402090-SD#402 TRANS VEHICLE 182,394.14 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 74.00 182,468.14 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -129,650.00 52,818.14 Total 685402090-SD#402 TRANS VEHICLE -129,576.00 52,818.14 685403010-SD#403 GENERAL 4,236,177.36 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -324,805.09 3,911,372.27 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -257,796.18 3,653,576.09 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -156,302.73 3,497,273.36 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 190,972.22 3,688,245.58 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -196,066.46 3,492,179.12 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 156,641.71 3,648,820.83 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -260,228.72 3,388,592.11 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 619,129.96 4,007,722.07 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -415,564.07 3,592,158.00 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -635,403.74 2,956,754.26 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -271,666.10 2,685,088.16 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 614,322.99 3,299,411.15 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -243,556.98 3,055,854.17 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,037,534.20 4,093,388.37 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -72,842.05 4,020,546.32 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 148,222.32 4,168,768.64 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -154,919.75 4,013,848.89 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -772,617.63 3,241,231.26 Total 685403010-SD#403 GENERAL -994,946.10 3,241,231.26 685403030-SD#403 CAP PROJ 584,770.25 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 81.02 584,851.27 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -46,978.65 537,872.62 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 73.77 537,946.39 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 515.29 538,461.68 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -14,223.65 524,238.03 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,314.44 521,923.59 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 49.44 521,973.03 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,889.76 506,083.27 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -2,227.99 503,855.28 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,493.00 483,362.28 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 32.13 483,394.41 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 29.65 483,424.06 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -22,854.28 460,569.78 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -19,336.99 441,232.79 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,333.17 434,899.62 Total 685403030-SD#403 CAP PROJ -149.870.63 434,899.62 685403060-SD#403 DEBT SERVICE 251,664.37 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 38,167.47 289,831.84 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,298.78 296,130.62 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 24,397.54 320,528.16 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 158,920.18 479,448.34 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 262,073.73 741,522.07 -al lJ 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,128,068.83 1,869,590.90 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -741,522.00 1,128,068.90 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 258,181.14 1,386,250.04 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 151,154.15 1,537,404.19 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 40,099.36 1,577,503.55 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -923.84 1,576,579.71 Total 685403060-SD#403 DEBT SERVICE 1,324,915.34 1,576,579.71 685403080-SD#403 ASB 393,712.10 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,628.04 398,340.14 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 795.83 399,135.97 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,829.38 403,965.35 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,269.64 399,695.71 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 8,444.48 408,140.19 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,316.31 406,823.88 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -1,667.74 405,156.14 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,033.61 402,122.53 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 8,669.86 410,792.39 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,880.96 412,673.35 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,742.00 403,931.35 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -16,051.37 387,879.98 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2.606.05 390,486.03 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -451.69 390,034.34 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 920.91 390,955.25 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -452.36 390,502.89 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,028.86 393,531.75 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 13,015.12 406,546.87 Total 685403080-SD#403 ASB 12,834.77 406,546.87 685403090-SD#403 TRANS VEHICLE 180,228.85 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22.70 180,251.55 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22.70 180,274.25 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 20.28 180,294.53 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 17.71 180,312.24 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 16.57 180,328.81 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 14.31 180,343.12 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 12,405.51 192,748.63 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10.61 192,759.24 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 146,752.46 339,511.70 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 26.82 339,538.52 Total 685403090-SD#403 TRANS VEHICLE 159,309.67 339,538.52 685404010-SD#404 GENERAL 1,771,041.25 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -205,000.00 1,566,041.25 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 375,000.00 1,941,041.25 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 120,000.00 2,061,041.25 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 86,000.00 2,147,041.25 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -350,000.00 1,797,041.25 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -182,000.00 1,615,041.25 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 1,815,041.25 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -350,000.00 1,465,041.25 Total 685404010-SD#404 GENERAL -306,000.00 1,465,041.25 685404030-SD#404 CAP PROJ 393,000.00 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 153,000.00 546,000.00 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -135,000.00 411,000.00 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 48,000.00 459,000.00 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 190,000.00 649,000.00 General Journal 06/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 13,023.00 662,023.00 General Journal 07/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,558.00 655,465.00 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,000.00 642,465.00 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 29,000.00 671,465.00 Total 685404030-SD#404 CAP PROJ 278,465.00 671,465.00 685404050-SD#404 TR&AGENCY 64,922.16 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -470.00 64,452.16 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -220.00 64.232.16 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -210.00 64,022.16 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 250.00 64,272.16 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -170.00 64,102.16 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 350.00 64,452.16 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 100.00 64,552.16 Total 685404050-SD#404 TR&AGENCY -370.00 64,552.16 .PaeJe 11--' 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20121 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30,2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance 685404060-SD#404 DEBT SERVICE 528,202.39 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 44,000.00 572,202.39 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 71,000.00 643,202.39 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 210.000.00 853,202.39 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 190,000.00 1,043,202.39 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 1,053,202.39 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,500.00 1,054,702.39 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,500.00 1,056,202.39 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACO... Inv Deposit 83,300.00 1,139,502.39 Total 685404060-SD#404 DEBT SERVICE 611,300.00 1,139,502.39 685404080-SD#404 ASB 26,792.76 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 250.00 27,042.76 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 700.00 27,742.76 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,000.00 29,742.76 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -200.00 29,542.76 General Journal 06/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,650.00 23,892.76 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 390.00 24,282.76 Total 685404080-SD#404 ASB -2,510.00 24,282.76 685404090-SD#404 TRANS VEHICLE 90,424.79 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 50.00 90,474.79 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 35,000.00 125,474.79 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 28,900.00 154,374.79 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 42,800.00 197,174.79 Total 685404090-SD#404 TRANS VEHICLE 106,750.00 197,174.79 690001010-BWD DIST#1 M&O 711.57 Total 690001010-BWD DIST#1 M&O 711.57 690001045-BWD#1 CAP IMPR FAC 1,048.51 Total 690001045-BWD#1 CAP IMPR FAC 1,048.51 690002010-TEW DIST#2 GENERAL 27,481.80 Total 690002010-TEW DIST#2 GENERAL 27,481.80 690002020-TEW DIST#2 RESV MT 26,983.79 Total 690002020-TEW DIST#2 RESV MT 26,983.79 690002065-TEW DIST#2 WTR REV 118,781.64 Total 690002065-TEW DIST#2 WTR REV 118,781.64 690002130-TEW DIST#2 ASMT REV 8,533.18 Total 690002130-TEW DIST#2 ASMT REV 8,533.18 690003020-MLWD#3 CAP IMP RESV 115,414.80 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACO... Inv Deposit 2,700.00 118,114.80 General Journal 05/21/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,000.00 124,114.80 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,120.00 126,234.80 Total 690003020-MLWD#3 CAP IMP RESV 10,820.00 126,234.80 690005010-HARSTENE PT WTR/SWR 34,000.00 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACO... Inv Deposit 16,000.00 50,000.00 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 80,000.00 130,000.00 Total 690005010-HARSTENE PT WTR/SWR 96,000.00 130,000.00 690005020-HARSTENE PT W/S RESV 316,343.18 General Journal 01/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 9,039.85 325,383.03 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 39.84 325,422.87 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 36.45 325,459.32 General Journal 03/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 13,326.44 338,785.76 General Journal 04/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 31.97 338,817.73 General Journal 05/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -29,889.30 308,928.43 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 26.88 308,955.31 General Journal 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -39,195.63 269,759.68 General Journal 07/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 19.45 269,779.13 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 16.87 269,796.00 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 38.66 269,834.66 Total 690005020-HARSTENE PT W/S RESV -46,508.52 269,834.66 690005030-HARSTENE PT W/S ECOL 40,505.70 General Journal 01/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5.10 40,510.80 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACO... Inv Deposit 5.10 40,515.90 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4.56 40,520.46 General Journal 04/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.98 40,524.44 Peeve-tr 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30,2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.72 40,528.16 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.22 40,531.38 General Journal 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3.22 40,534.60 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3.22 40,531.38 General Journal 07/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2.51 40,533.89 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2.38 40,536.27 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5.80 40,542.07 Total 690005030-HARSTENE PT W/S ECOL 36.37 40,542.07 690005050-HARTSTENE DWSFR LOAN 20,430.39 General Journal 01/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,778.88 27,209.27 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,780.41 33,989.68 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,780.94 40,770.62 General Journal 04/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.30 47,551.92 General Journal 05/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.70 54,333.62 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.67 61,115.29 General Journal 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.67 67,896.96 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,781.67 61,115.29 General Journal 07/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.28 67,896.57 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,781.48 74,678.05 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,787.51 81,465.56 General Journal 09/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -81,431.80 33.76 Total 690005050-HARTSTENE DWSFR LOAN -20,396.63 33.76 690005070-HARTSTENE WATER BOND 33,783.23 General Journal 01/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 331.92 34,115.15 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 332.00 34,447.15 General Journal 03/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 331.58 34,778.73 General Journal 04/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 331.13 35,109.86 General Journal 05/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 331.11 35,440.97 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 330.53 35,771.50 General Journal 06/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 330.53 36,102.03 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -330.53 35,771.50 General Journal 07/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 329.93 36,101.43 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 329.85 36,431.28 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 332.91 36,764.19 Total 690005070-HARTSTENE WATER BOND 2,980.96 36,764.19 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL 50,885,679.46 General Journal 01/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 53,385,679.46 General Journal 01/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,500,000.00 50,885,679.46 General Journal 01/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 250,000.00 51,135,679.46 General Journal 01/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000,000.00 49,135,679.46 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000,000.00 46,135,679.46 General Journal 01/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 55,000.00 46,190,679.46 General Journal 01/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -300,000.00 45,890,679.46 General Journal 01/21/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 224.53 45,890,903.99 General Journal 01/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,737,500.00 43,153,403.99 General Journal 01/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,000,000.00 46,153,403.99 General Journal 02/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -900,000.00 45,253,403.99 General Journal 02/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500,000.00 43,753,403.99 General Journal 02/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,459.69 43,757,863.68 General Journal 02/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 103,076.38 43,860,940.06 General Journal 02/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 13,367.25 43,874,307.31 General Journal 02/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,500,000.00 39,374,307.31 General Journal 02/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 38,374,307.31 General Journal 02/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 600,000.00 38,974,307.31 General Journal 02/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,809.60 38,976,116.91 General Journal 02/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,200.000.00 37,776,116.91 General Journal 02/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,712,000.00 36,064,116.91 General Journal 02/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,900,000.00 33,164,116.91 General Journal 02/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5,000,000.00 38,164,116.91 General Journal 03/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5,500,000.00 43,664,116.91 General Journal 03/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -330,000.00 43,334,116.91 General Journal 03/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 244,468.30 43,578,585.21 General Journal 03/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,074,884.29 39,503,700.92 General Journal 03/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 452,450.18 39,956,151.10 General Journal 03/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,190,000.00 41,146,151.10 General Journal 03/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,310,000.00 39,836,151.10 General Journal 03/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,400,000.00 41,236,151.10 General Journal 03/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,725,000.00 39,511,151.10 General Journal 03/29/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,150,000.00 40,661,151.10 General Journal 03/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 8,000,000.00 48,661,151.10 General Journal 04/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,500,000.00 52,161,151.10 General Journal 04/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,800,000.00 47,361,151.10 General Journal 04/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000,000.00 44,361,151.10 Paged-- 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10120121 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 04/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 800,000.00 45,161,151.10 General Journal 04/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,275,000.00 46,436,151.10 General Journal 04/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 9,000,000.00 55,436,151.10 General Journal 04/26/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 3,500,000.00 58,936,151.10 General Journal 04/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,600,000.00 61,536,151.10 General Journal 04/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 61,546,151.10 General Journal 04/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 5,000,000.00 66,546,151.10 General Journal 05/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 9,000,000.00 75,546,151.10 General Journal 05/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,690,000.00 71,856,151.10 General Journal 05/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 22,772.77 71,878,923.87 General Journal 05/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 48,924.61 71,927,848.48 General Journal 05/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,083,000.00 70,844,848.48 General Journal 05/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -733,338.33 70,111,510.15 General Journal 05/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,500,000.00 60,611,510.15 General Journal 05/21/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,183,000.00 57,428,510.15 General Journal 05/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -416,557.92 57,011,952.23 General Journal 05/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -684,702.81 56,327,249.42 General Journal 05/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 6,000,000.00 62,327,249.42 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 66,327,249.42 General Journal 06/02/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,690,000.00 60,637,249.42 General Journal 06/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,659,000.00 58,978,249.42 General Journal 06/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,750,000.00 53,228,249.42 General Journal 06/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -58,412.35 53,169,837.07 General Journal 06/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,756,000.00 48,413,837.07 General Journal 06/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,725,000.00 45,688,837.07 General Journal 06/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 7,738.10 45,696,575.17 General Journal 06/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 275,479.48 45,972,054.65 General Journal 0 6/1 412 0 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,123,070.96 47,095,125.61 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,243,850.73 48,338,976.34 General Journal 06/17/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,736,185.19 42,602,791.15 General Journal 06/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -1,500,000.00 41,102,791.15 General Journal 06/24/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -2,178,000.00 38,924,791.15 General Journal 06/25/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,200.00 38,925,991.15 General Journal 07/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 179,684.03 39,105,675.18 General Journal 07/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 43,105,675.18 General Journal 07/07/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 554,944.89 43,660,620.07 General Journal 07/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 45,660,620.07 General Journal 07/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 49.94 45,660,670.01 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,900,000.00 48,560,670.01 General Journal 07/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 160,000.00 48,720,670.01 General Journal 07/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 48,740,670.01 General Journal 07/23/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,136,000.00 46,604,670.01 General Journal 07/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 45,604,670.01 General Journal 07/28/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 17,637.70 45,622,307.71 General Journal 07/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 46,622,307.71 General Journal 08/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 50,622,307.71 General Journal 08/05/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 9,662.68 50,631,970.39 General Journal 08/06/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,857,649.59 45,774,320.80 General Journal 08/09/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 1,714,609.81 47,488,930.61 General Journal 08/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,617,093.01 45,871,837.60 General Journal 08/11/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -417,742.39 45,454,095.21 General Journal 0 8/1 2120 21 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,365,135.83 42,088,959.38 General Journal 08/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -81,393.27 42,007,566.11 General Journal 0 8/1 7120 21 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 41,000.00 42,048,566.11 General Journal 08/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -235,000.00 41,813,566.11 General Journal 08/19/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 14,366.21 41,827,932.32 General Journal 08/31/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 44,327,932.32 General Journal 09/01/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -217,890.00 44,110,042.32 General Journal 09/03/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 46,110,042.32 General Journal 09/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -15,589.21 46,094,453.11 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -3,237,000.00 42,857,453.11 General Journal 09/10/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... CORRECTIO... Inv Withdrawl -5,895.84 42,851,557.27 General Journal 09/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 736,574.75 43,588,132.02 General Journal 09/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 28,023.70 43,616,155.72 General Journal 09/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 146,120.61 43,762,276.33 General Journal 09/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 81,431.80 43,843,708.13 General Journal 09/22/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,679,749.22 41,163,958.91 General Journal 09/27/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 40,163,958.91 General Journal 09/30/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... Inv Deposit 620,000.00 40,783,958.91 Total 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL -10,101,720.55 40,783,958.91 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 5,097,771.35 General Journal 01/14/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLMC CUSI... Inv Called -250,000.00 4,847,771.35 General Journal 01/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FFCB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 249,925.75 5,097,697.10 General Journal 01/20/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FHLB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 250,000.00 5,347,697.10 General Journal 02/04/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FFCB CUSIP... Inv Called -300,000.00 5,047,697.10 General Journal 0 2/1 712 0 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLM CUSIP... Inv Matured -297,338.70 4,750,358.40 4--._ 10:32AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickRepott Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 02/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FFCB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 249,863.75 5,000,222.15 General Journal 02/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FFCB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 249,906.75 5,250,128.90 General Journal 03/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FHLMC CUSI... Inv Purchased 249,127.75 5,499,256.65 General Journal 0 311 2/2 0 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FNMA CUSIP... Inv Purchased 246,443.75 5,745,700.40 General Journal 04/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FHLB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 249.280.25 5,994,980.65 General Journal 04/08/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... TREASURY(... Inv Purchased 248,044.25 6,243,024.90 General Journal 0 5/1 212 0 2 1 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... TREAS STRIP... Inv Purchased 247,405.50 6,490,430.40 General Journal 05/12/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... TREAS STRIP... Inv Purchased 250,182.66 6,740,613.06 General Journal 05/13/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... TREAS STRIP... Inv Matured -0.66 6,740,612.40 General Journal 06/16/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... FHLB CUSIP... Inv Purchased 500,000.00 7,240,612.40 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... US TREASUR... Inv Purchased 249,246.25 7,489,858.65 General Journal 07/15/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... US TREASUR... Inv Purchased 249,813.75 7,739,672.40 General Journal 08/18/2021 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQ... US TREASUR... Inv Purchased 247,578.75 7,987,251.15 Total 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 2,889,479.80 7,987,251.15 Total STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 7,242,978.23 200,828,698.24 TOTAL 7,242,978.23 200,828,698.24 aag-4&- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY __2source Center Daily Treasury Bill Rates Data Get updates to this content. ®These data are also available in XML format by clicking on the XML icon. EU The schema for the XML is available in XSD format by clicking on the XSD icon. If you are having trouble viewing the above XML in your browser,click here. To access interest rate data in the legacy XML format and the corresponding XSD schema,click here. Select type of Interest Rate Data Daily Treasury Bill Rates v Go Select Time Period 2021 v Go 4 WEEKS 8 WEEKS 13 WEEK 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS DATE BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT 09/15/21 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 09/16121 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 09/17/21 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 3/20/21 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 _3/21/21 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 09/22/21 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 09/23/21 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 09/24/21 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 09/27121 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 09/28/21 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 09/29/21 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 09/30/21 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 10/01121 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 10/04/21 0.10 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 10/05/21 0.11 0.11 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 10/06/21 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 10/07/21 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 10/08/21 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.09 10/12/21 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 10/13/21 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 10/14/21 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 10/15/21 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.11 10/18/21 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 10/19/21 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 Jaily Treasury Bill Rates: These rates are the daily secondary market quotation on the most recently auctioned Treasury Bills for each maturity tranche(4-week, 8-week, 13-week,26-week, and 52-week)for which Treasury currently issues new Bills. Market quotations are obtained at approximately 3:30 PM each business day by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.The Bank Discount rate is the rate at which a Bill is quoted in the secondary market and is based on the par value,amount of the discount and a 360-day year.The Coupon Equivalent, also called the Bond Equivalent,or the Investment Yield, is the bill's yield based on the purchase price,discount,and a 365-or 366-day year. The Coupon Equivalent can be used to compare the yield on a discount bill tq th&eld on a nominal coupon bond that pays semiannual an State Treasurer ONLINE FORMS Search q V f i ?Pe l l i cc i o Contact Us Careers Site Map Washington Fund Directory f 9 w LGIPDaily Yield Home / Partners / For Local Governments / Local Government Investment Pool(LGIP) / LGIP Daily Yield Daily Yield:The net earnings figure that is calculated daily using the investment income earned (excluding realized gains or losses)each day, assuming daily amortization and/or accretion of income of all fixed income securities held by the Fund, less the administrative fee. 7 Day Yield:The daily factor is reported on an annualized 7-day basis, using the daily factors from the previous 7 calendar days. 30 Day Yield:The daily factor is reported on an annualized 30-day basis, using the daily factors from the previous 30 calendar days. True 30 Day Yield:The net daily earnings figure that is calculated using the total net earnings including realized gains and losses occurring each day, less the administrative fee. September 2021 DATE DAILY 7-DAY 30-DAY TRUE YIELD YIELD YIELD 30-DAY YIELD 09/30 0.082336 0.080355 0.080144 0.087033 09/29 0.077721 0.080223 0.079733 0.086622 09/28 0.078249 0.080783 0.079635 0.086421 09/27 0.080800 0.081226 0.079519 0.086306 09/26 0.081126 0.081274 0.079319 0.086106 P%F"(-,=1VED MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON JUN 2 4 2021 LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BOND,2 TREASURER SURE (the 112021 Bond") SON COUNTY CALCULATION OF DEBT LIMIT Value of taxable property within Mason County, Washington(the "County"), as fixed in 2020 for purpose of 2021 regular tax levies,per the Certificate of the Mason County Assessor, dated as of May 27, 2021 (the"AV Certificate"): $9,592,365,010 NONVOTED DEBT CAPACITY (per RCW 39.36.020) 1'/2% of the value of taxable property: $143,885,475 Less: Nonvoted Debt Outstanding as of December 31, 2020,per the County's Certificate of General Obligation Debt Outstanding, a dated as of May 27, 2021 (the"Debt Certificate"): (36,639,507) Less: The 2021 Bond (3,167,955) Plus: The County's Limited Tax General.Obligation Bonds, 2011, to be refunded or repaid with proceeds of the 2021 Bond(the "Refunded Bonds"): 3,160,000 REMAINING NONVOTED DEBT CAPACITY: $107,238,013 TOTAL DEBT CAPACITY FOR GENERAL PURPOSES (Nonvoted and Voted,per RCW 39.36.020)2'h% of the value of taxable property: i $239,809,125 Less: Voted Debt Outstanding as of December 31, 2020, per the Debt Certificate: -- Less: Nonvoted Debt Outstanding as of December 31, 2020. per the Debt Certificate: (36,639,507) Less: The 2021 Bond: (3,167,955) Plus: The Refunded Bonds: 3,160,000 REMAINING DEBT CAPACITY: $203,161,663 Based upon the AV Certificate and the Debt Certificate, the issuance of the 2021 Bond is within the applicable constitutional and statutory debt capacity of the County. DATED as of May 27, 2021. FG:54299070.I 4cp 10:29 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 10/20/21 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2021 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance BONDS&LOANS-MASON COUNTY 28,269,507.73 WATER METER BEARDS COVE'18A 161,292.00 General Journal 06/15/2021 WIRE USDA Rural Develop... $2,217.00 M-... Bond Principal... -1,218.00 160,074.00 Total WATER METER BEARDS COVE'18A -1,218.00 160,074.00 BELFAIR WASTEWATER DOE L0400005 134,213.11 General Journal 03/20/2021 CHECK WA STATE DEPART... WT#8077850... Bond Principal... -9,126.63 125,086.48 General Journal 08/18/2021 CHECK WA STATE DEPART... WT#8082838... Bond Principal... -9,195.29 115,891.19 Total BELFAIR WASTEWATER DOE L0400005 -18,321.92 115,891.19 BELFAIR WASTEWATER DOE L1200025 109,138.10 General Journal 06/30/2021 CHECK WA STATE DEPART... WT#0808087... Bond Principal... -3,551.81 105.586.29 Total BELFAIR WASTEWATER DOE L1200025 -3,551.81 105,586.29 NBC[WASTEWATER L0000021 563,084.31 General Journal 03/01/2021 CHECK WA STATE DEPART... WT#8077850... Bond Principal -187,694.75 375,389.56 General Journal 08/18/2021 CHECK WA STATE DEPART... WT#8082838... Bond Principal -187,694.75 187,694.81 Total NBCI WASTEWATER L0000021 -375.389.50 187,694.81 REET1 TO BLDG#8 RESO#65-10 338,990.58 General Journal 06/01/2021 Transfer Mason County Public... $7,378.59 M-... Bond Principal... -30,545.38 308,445.20 General Journal 07/20/2021 Transfer Mason County Public... $939.82 M-76... Bond Principal... -308,445.20 0.00 Total REET1 TO BLDG#8 RESO#65-10 -338.990.58 0.00 MASON COUNTY LTGO 2021 REF BD 0.00 General Journal 05/27/2021 WIRE Cashmere Valley Bank 2021 REF BD... Opening Bal Eq... 3,167,955.00 3,167,955.00 Total MASON COUNTY LTGO 2021 REF BD 3,167,955.00 3,167,955.00 MASON COUNTY LTGO 2020E REF BD 1,175,385.00 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE NORTH CASCADE... M-75105 $17.... Bond Interest P... 1,175,385.00 Total MASON COUNTY LTGO 2020B REF BD 0.00 1,175,385.00 MASON COUNTY LTGO 2020A REF BD 7,259,095.00 General Journal 06/10/2021 CHECK Columbia State Bank $84,145.02 M-... Bond Interest P... 7,259,095.00 Total MASON COUNTY LTGO 2020A REF BD 0.00 7,259,095.00 WATER METER BEARDS COVE'19 105,315.59 General Journal 02/05/2021 WIRE USDA Rural Develop... M-72003 $16... Bond Principal... -716.44 104,599.15 General Journal 08/05/2021 WIRE USDA Rural Develop... M-76904$1,6... Bond Principal... -727.63 103,871.52 Total WATER METER BEARDS COVE'l9 -1,444.07 103,871.52 MAS0144-2-1 PUBLIC WKS BD FUND 5,875,000.00 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE US BANK $146.875.00 M... Bond Principal... 725,000.00 6,600,000.00 Total MAS0144-2-1 PUBLIC WKS BD FUND 725,000.00 6,600,000.00 N Bay/Case Inlet LTGO REF 2017 4,060,000.00 Total N Bay/Case Inlet LTGO REF 2017 4,060,000.00 Belfair Wastewater Reclamation 3,160,000.00 General Journal 05/27/2021 WIRE US BANK M-74998 REF... Bond Principal -3,160,000.00 0.00 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE US BANK $54.008.13 M... Bond Interest P... 0.00 Total Belfair Wastewater Reclamation -3,160,000.00 0.00 Mason County LP_2016B Phone Sys 47,994.04 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE US BANK $1,199.85 Bond Principal... -47.994.04 0.00 Total Mason County LP_2016B Phone Sys -47,994.04 0.00 Mason County LTGO 2013 B-Jail 1,095,000.00 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE US BANK $31,333.43 M... Bond Interest P... 1,095,000.00 Total Mason County LTGO 2013 B-Jail 0.00 1,095,000.00 2017 LTGO REFUNDING BOND-NBCI 4,185,000.00 General Journal 06/01/2021 WIRE US BANK $72,037.50 M-... Bond Interest P... 4,185,000.00 Total 2017 LTGO REFUNDING BOND-NBCI 0.00 4,185,000.00 Total BONDS&LOANS-MASON COUNTY 53,954.92 28,215,552.81 TOTAL -53,954.92 28,215,552.81 Rawl— LAI Lisa Frazier ,om: Lisa Frazier bent: Thursday,June 3, 2021 11:27 AM To: Paddy McGuire; Randy Neatherlin Cc: Jennifer Beierle; Leo Kim; Frank Pinter; Diane Zoren;Julie Richert Subject: June 1, 2021 Bond Payment Issue Attachments: EMMA Notice re Late Payment-Mason County_June 1 2021.pdf Finance Committee: The Treasurer's Office experienced an issue when making the June 1,2021 bond payments. Columbia Bank was experiencing technical connectivity issues and was unable to release the wire to US Bank—Fiscal Agent in a timely manner on June 15t. This cause a whole myriad of issues for our office,the State Treasurer's Office and US Bank. The wire was released and payment received by US Bank on June 15t, 2021—but after their cut off time. The late payment triggers required disclosure notice filing with EMMA(Electronic Municipal Market Access). Mason County and the taxing districts my office was responsible for paying on behalf of will be filing an event notices with EMMA(Electronic Municipal Market Access)as to the cause of delay. Attached is a copy of the event notice filed on behalf of Mason County today. Moving forward,our office will be wiring funds for bond payments to the Fiscal Agent one day in advance of the June let and December 15t due dates to preclude this from happening again. This will allow for some extra leeway for the wire to arrive ahead of required cut off times on the east coast. I here is the possibility of some unanticipated costs associated with the delay in payment—i.e. extra administrative costs, interest, bond council fees. I am not aware of any at this time, but they are a possibility, I will keep you informed should they occur. Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier Mason County Treasurer 411 N 5th St, Bldg 1 PO Box 429 Shelton,WA 98584 360-427-9670 Ext 484 emf@co.mason.wa.us NOTICE Relating to Mason County, Washington (the "County") Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 2011 (the"2011 Bonds") Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 2013 Series B (Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds—Direct Payment) (the"2013B Bonds") Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 2017 (the"2017 Bonds") (collectively, the"Bonds") Due to technical connectivity issues with the County's bank on June 1, 2021, the County's interest payments due on the above-referenced Bonds on such date did not meet the DTC same-day payment requirement deadline of 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Such banking system was restored and the payments were received by the fiscal agent for the State of Washington to pay the interest payment on the Bonds at 12:56 p.m. Pacific Time on June 1, 2021. FG:54308769.I