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2021/10/25 - Briefing Packet
In compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and Order of the Secretary of Health 20- 03.3, in-person attendance is restricted. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept public comment via email dlz@co.mason.wa.us; or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 51h Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via your telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of October 25, 2021 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly Wednesday 8:00 A.M. Area Command Meeting* Public Works Meeting Room A 100 Public Works Way *This is being noticed as a Special Commission Meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020 - Special Meetings Monday, October 25, 2021 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter 9:30 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 10:00 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities &Waste Management 10:15 A.M. Sheriff's Office — Sheryl Hilt 10:30 A.M. Auditor's Office — Paddy McGuire 11:00 A.M. Closed Session — RCW 42.30.140(4) — Labor Discussion 11:15 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) Review Performance of an Employee Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 10/21/21 at 11:56 AM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. Commissioner Discussion — as needed Noon BREAK Special Meeting Transit-Community Center Conference Room 601 West Franklin Street, Shelton, WA 2:00 P.M. Board Composition Review of Mason Transit Authority Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 10/21/21 at 11:56 AM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton 4360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management co Street 411 North 5 th Commissioner Administration Emergency Management Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Y Labor Relations ixu Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES October 25, 2021 • Specific Items for Review o Take-home vehicle review—Jenn o Out of Class Pay/Lead/Special Pay review—Jenn 0 2022 Budget Update—Jenn o Update on Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) —Jenn 0 2022 funding request from EDC, $90,000 (same as 2021) —Jenn 0 2022 Non-Represented medical contribution —Nichole o Off-site back up IT storage—TJ o Purchase of PUD 3 parcel & rescind Res # 2021-054— Frank o Human Resources recommendation for District Court staffing request— Frank o Agreements for Community Development Block— Microenterprise Program — Frank o Addition of James Erwin with Lara Nelson as the Foothills Park Hosts—Diane • Commissioner Discussion o Letter to Governor—Cmmr. Trask J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\202I\2021-10-25.docx MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: 2022 Take Home Vehicle assignment approval by Board of County Commissioners for the following individuals: Kelly Frazier, Cynthia Brewer, Jeremy Seymour, Rod LaRue, Grant Dishon, Pete Mecalf, & Michael Leeberg EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Take-Home Vehicles are only to be assigned to those meeting the IRS requirements of qualified non-personal use vehicles as identified in Publication 5137, or meet the Emergency Response, Specialized Equipment, or Economic Benefit as defined by IRS and outlined in the Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 13, Vehicle Use Policy. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) N/A RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request to place on the November 9, 2021 Consent Agenda consideration of seven Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Forms for the calendar year 2022. ATTACHMENTS: Seven Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Forms Briefing Summary 10/19/2021 Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Employee Name Ke F 'f_— Department (i+iIS Title/Position ( Division Vehicle No&Type U County of Residence py� Primary Work Station q23 N 51- Current Odometer Reading Daily Commute Miles 1,i4 n>MA Mileage outsite of County(if K( A Daily Business Miles applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: !ti�/n Oct.1-March 31: N Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. Emergency Response: J� The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter. A"call-out"is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs forthe six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area. Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation. Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests. Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.if your request fora Take-Home Vehicle assignment is app oved,you are requite o check with payroll to determine your liability. i Re uestor's Signori re Date I have read and un erstand the County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. 9 d J/ rtment Dir or Date I certify that his request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date *Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll Take-Home Log Facilities, Grounds, &Motorpool Special Equipment Justification Documentation Vehicle#143 Searchlight Flood Lights Emergency Strobe Lights Tools to assist with vehicle recovery or roadside assistance Assorted tools for emergency building repairs Assorted signs for emergencies(i.e. stop signs,yield signs, etc.) This vehicle is used for 24 hour callouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond and repair critical safety facility and vehicle emergencies and other emergencies to protect the safety of our employees,facilities, inmates,and the public. Vehicle1 Assignment AuthorizationRequest Employee Name IW1 `f Department 5; Title/Position �5v;;ObVCE Division PiFr Vehicle No&Type /S7 4 JS�n County of Residence A Primary Work Station A Gs0 — Current Odometer Reading Daily Commute Miles (p Mileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: / Oct.1-March 31: l/ Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. ,0_<ergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter. A"call-out"is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of f the calculation. Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. l special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which (t,EY require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests. Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.If your request fora Take-Home Vehicle assignment is approved,you are requited to check with payroll to d ermine your liability. 1 1 0 , Req tor's ig ate I h rea nd u derstand the County Pol/ygver ing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. 2,1 De rt nt Due or ate ce ify hat thi request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved Denied Chair of BOCC Date •Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll Take-Home Log Evidence Tech Vehicle Equipment Large Containers; Evidence packaging supplies i Gun Boxes Knife Boxes Integrity evidence bags in multiple sizes Currency Bags Paper bags of different sizes DNA Swabs and distilled water DNA Swab Boxes Zip Ties Packing Tape Evidence Tape Evidence Documentation Sheets Blood Draw vials Disposable Gloves Disposable Tweezers Disposable Scalpels Disposal Measuring Tape Gallon Cans Pint Cans Sharpies j Envelopes(Various Sizes) Bio Hazard Identification Labels Assorted Glass Vials Toe Tags i i Bio hazard supplies T'yvek Suits I Tyvek Hats j Tyvek Booties Masks/Respirators Heavy Gloves Plastic drop cloth Disposable Gowns Sharps Container Bio hazard waste Blohazard bags Gloves f I E i I ( t Drug take back boxes Biohazard bags Gloves Evidence scene processing equipment Extension Cords Portable Lights Rope Air Compressor Tarp Bleach Bungie Cords Crime Scene Tape Assorted Tools Chains Jumper Cables Camera Tape Measure Flashlight Pry bar Cats paw Knives Fingerprint Kit I Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Employee Name u,/ Department /, U.0i Title/Position s Division 4Vc-c t co Vehicle No&Type r $ (] County of Residence v t� Primary Work Station LI-6 `L 4. Current Odometer Reading ( ' Daily Commute Mlles ! t) Mileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles /pp applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: Oct.1-March 31: I Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. ❑ Emergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter.A"call-out"is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all Justification and back-up documentation to thisform. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation.Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require Immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests. Attach ali justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Nome Vehicle is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.if your request for a Take-Home Vehicle assignment is appr d,you are requited to check with payroll to determine your liability. Za2__-- �- 2 V -- Z/ S1g ure Date Xuestof's e ead a unde t d the County Policy governingTake-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. Z 7 Z/ Departm nt-1 ctor Date I certify that this.request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September30th of each year. Original to ILA Management Payroll Takc-Home Log I i I Special Equipment Justification Documentation Vehicle#I 180 a)Searchlight b) Flood Lights c) Emergency Strobe Lights d)Tool Box with emergency response items such as road flares,chain saw, hand tools, etc. e)CB radio f)Company 2 way Of radio g) Permanently mounted bulb fuel tank&dispenser This vehicle is used for 24 hr callouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond to wind, rain,floods,slides, accidents, road hazards, and snow/ice events, natural disasters. Per agreement with Frank Pinter and the BOCC, record keeping not required I f ! I ! i i I t t I I I i i I Vehicle Take Home Assiunment 1 1 Employee Name a Department a Title/Position 12-4,) JcCAf AjIS cv fL Division 7,61,4 io-,2.ei Vehicle No&Type j 9'r— County of Residence A44.f vN Primary Work Station /f£j.Crsi2 Current Odometer Reading /Y 7 6 B Q Daily Commute Miles j u Mileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles J S U applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: / / Oct.I-March 31: Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. Emergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter. A"call-out"Is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area. Attach all Justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation. Attached all Justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests. Attach ail Justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County o ned Take-Home Vehicle Is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.If your request for o Take-Home Vehicle assignment Is approved,yo re r qulted check with payroll to determine your liability. / - Z g r1 Requestor's Signature Date I have read and u e stand the County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. W 2 /2_1 Depa hector Date I certify that this request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date •Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll Take-Home Log Special Equipment Justification Documentation Vehicle#I 182 a)Searchlight b) Flood Lights c) Emergency Strobe Lights d)Tool Box with emergency response items such as road flares, chain saw, hand tools, etc. e) CB radio f) Company 2 way vhf radio g) Permanently mounted bulk fuel tank & dispenser This vehicle is used for 24 hr callouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond to wind, rain, floods, slides, accidents, road hazards, and snow/ice events, natural disasters. Per agreement with Frank Pinter and the BOCC, record keeping not required Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Employee Name f Department I G G(� Title/Position d Division r O 5— Vehicle No&Type County of Residence a-t,b!1 Primary Work Station ,G Current Odometer Reading Daily Commute Miles Mileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles 2 (q applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: Oct.1-March 31: Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. ❑ Emergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee Is called out at least 12 times per quarter.A"call-out'is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle.A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation. Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require Immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests.Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment.Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Nate:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle is o fringe benefit that generates a tax Hoblllty.If your request fora Take-Home Vehicle assignment is approved, u are requited to check with payroll to determine your liability. Re uesto 's Sibnature Date I h/tee read and un tand the County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. Deportmen trector Date I certify that this request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll TA-Home tog Special Equipment Justification Documentation t Vehicle If I 181 a)Searchlight b) Flood Lights c) Emergency Strobe Lights d)Tool Box with emergency response items such as road flares, chain saw, hand tools, etc. e)CB radio f)Company 2 way Of radio g) Permanently mounted bulk fuel tank&dispenser This vehicle Is used for 24 hr caliouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond to wind,rain,floods,slides, accidents, road hazards,and snow/ice events, natural disasters. Per agreement with Frank Pinter and the BOCC, record keeping not required i t t i i Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Employee Name a Department tZ 74 S Title/Position v /Qlyi�iW Vehicle No&Type / County of Residence Ott CL 07y Primary Work Station Current Odometer Reading /CI,/ DD Daily Commute Miles �_ Mileage outsite of County(ifor Daily Business Mlles / applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: Oct.1-March 31: Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. Q� tp�04EmergencyResponse: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter. A"call-out'is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must be an explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation.Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests.Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.if your request fora Take-Home Vehicle assignment is appro d,you ri equlted check with payroll to determine your liability. Requestor's Signature Date I have read and un rstan County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. 1 epartnl rkt Director Date I certify that this request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. r ❑ Approved \\ ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date •Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Odglml to Rlsk Management Payroll Take-Home Log Vehicle Take-Home Authorization Employee Name PU j, Department Title/Position Y Division D Vehicle No&Type Zl Idy -L-ILIL County of Residence Primary Work Station C P_,rlkfVA Shop Current Odometer Reading /7C S(e Daily Commute Mlles ZG yv\;tf 4� Mileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles Ig_—Q applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: Oct.I-March 31: Per Mason County Personnel Policy adopted April 2017,Resolution 19-17,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least one of the following criteria. Q Emergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter.A"call-out"is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must bean explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There Is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation.Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situationswhich require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours.A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests.Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle Is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.If your request for a Take-Home Vehicle assignment is approved,you are requited to check with payroll to determine your liability. Xt',;:/�-�r �1�2��2-1 Requestor's Signature I Dat I have read and understand the County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. &4w4l.)42 .s 9�2 z Department Hector Date I certify that this request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved Q Denied Chair of BOCC Date Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll Take-Home log Special Equipment Justification Documentation Vehicle#1 255 a) Searchlight b) Flood Lights c) Emergency Strobe Lights d) Service body with permanently mounted side tool boxes with tools to repair critical county road signs e) Above and over cab sign post rack on side of truck of vehicle f) Assorted signs for emergencies (Le stop signs, yeild signs, etc g) CB radio h) Company 2 way Of radio i) Permanent rear bumber mounted vise This vehicle is used for 24 hr callouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond and repair critical safety sign infrastructure, emergency road closures, and other emergencies to protect life and limb. Per agreement with Frank Pinter and the BOCC, record keeping not required MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: ITEM: Out of Class Pay/Lead/Special Pay for the year 2022 for the following individuals: Todd Cannon, Josh Luck, Genie McFarland, Grace Miller, &Anna Smith EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mason County has five employees who are receiving Lead Pay due to increased responsibilities. Most of these employees have been receiving the special pay for extended lengths of time. An authorization tracking system to allow all special pays and the duration each are agreed upon is a recommended best practice by the State Auditor's Office. Human Resources has worked with Payroll and the Support Service Director to devise a form to authorize the special pays by the Board of County Commissioners. Any new special pay requests will be brought forward as they are requested. BUDGET IMPACTS: Included in the 2022 Maintenance Level Projected Budget. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board of County Commissioners consider these positions for reclassification review and request to place on the November 9, 2021 Consent Agenda approval to continue receiving the special class pay in 2022 for the five individuals as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Five Temporarily Working in a Higher Class/Out of Class/Lead Pay/Special Pay Request Forms are attached. j:\budget adoption info\2022\2022 take home vehicles&special pay requests\briefing summary 1 1.23.20-2021 out of class pay.doc TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay OLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class, lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,priorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Todd Cannon Employee fob Title..Network Engineer Department: Information Technology Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: See Attached What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Todd Cannon is an exempt employee called in after hours w/out compensation &with a high skill set level expectation. Since the IT Manager is split between 3 departments, Todd assists w/the day to day operations of the department including staff scheduling, assigning staff duties/assignment as well as 1st level supervision of IT staff. Todd keeps the IT Manager aware of personnel&budgetary issues or concerns discovered while performing supervisor tasks. Effective Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022 "Attach a copy of th7// yee's current position description" Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date: / - l Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll 9.2 HIRE-IN RATES New regular employees shall normally be placed at Step 1 of the appropriate salary range (Appendix A)or placed consistent with current personnel rules. However, Management shall have the right to place new employees on the salary schedule based on management`s determination of the new employee's experience level. 9.3 SHiFy DIFFERENTIAL. Shift differential is not applicable to this bargaining unit. ARTICLE 10—OTHER.COMPENSATION 10.1 BILINGUAL PAY Eligible employees shall receive Bilingual pay for the certification level authorized:by the Employer: Seventy-five dollars($75.00)per month for the General certification Eligibility requirements: a. The County shall determine if Bi-Lingual pay shall be utilized, the la,nguage(s) that Bi-Lingual is payable for and the number of employees eligible for Bi-lingual pay. b. Bilingual general certification through DSHS or other pre-approved accredited institution. The County,at its discretion, may choose which certification(s)are required:and acceptable substitutes, such as certification from other states. 10.2 CAL-BACK PAY All employees will respond to emergency call-outs unless extenuating circumstances such as illness or other incapacitation prevent the employee from responding. Full-time employees who are called back to work after leaving the job site (and not adjacent to the next regularly scheduled shift), shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours' pay at the overtime rate. When an employee is called out between shifts,the time worked between shifts shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half(1%)times the regular rate, unless an adjusted work week is mutually agreed upon perArticle 6A. Part time employees who are called back to work after leaving the job site shall receive a minimum of two (2)hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay. 10.3 WORK IN A HIGHER CLASSIFICATION AND LEAD WORKERS A supervisor may assign an employee to.perform the majority of the primary duties of a higher job classification, when those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification,for the purpose of. A. Providing work coverage during an authorized vacation period.; B. Providing work coverage during an authorized sick leave; C. Providing work coverage for an authorized leave of absence;or D. Providing work coverage for a currently vacant position. If the employee is scheduled to work in the higher job classification for ten(10)consecutive workdays or more, the employee shall be paid at the step of the salary range for the higher classification that providess at least a five percent(5%)increase. The pay adjustment shall commence on the first day of the.work outof classification assignment. Fnpineery Guild and 6daann Cnuntv 2020-2022 Cnilective.RareainineAgreement Paee2<i A supervisor may temporarily assign the duties of a higher level job classification to one employee orto several employees for cross-training purposes, so long as the assignment. is for fewer than ten (10) consecutive workdays. There shall be no adjustment in pay during the cross-training assignment(s). However,the County may not utilize this cross-training provision in order to avoid paying for work performed outside of an employee's regular job classification(e.g.assigning multiple rotations of"cross-training"totaling more than ten. (10)consecutive workdays). No employee shall be reduced in salary or benefits when temporarily assigned by the County to perform the: work of a lower classification,except in the event of a disciplinary demotion. Lead Worker.The County may designate an employee as a Lead Worker;such designation is not considered' to be a"jobvacancy"or"newly created position."A Lead Worker will typically direct,oversee and/ororganize the work of other employees, although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other factors and rationale. The Lead Worker cannot hire, fire, or discipline other employees within the Bargaining Unit.This job classification is used at the discretion of management(and with prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners). A Department Head will: post within his/her Department a notice of intent to appoint a Lead Worker. He/she will give full consideration to all departmental applicants before going outside his/her department.Any employee who acts as Lead Worker will receive an additional ten percent(109,o)salary forthe period of time they perform that function_ 10.4 MELEAciE REIMBURSEMENT All bargaining unit employees who are required to use their own vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate set by the current policy,for alll miles driven on such business_ 10 5 LoNSEvmt The County shall provide additional monthly compensation above each eligible employee's base salary to recognize continuous length of service as a County employee,as follows: Total Years of Service Completed Additional Pay Increment 1-10 Years 0 % 11-15 Years 1.5% 16-20 Years 3.0% 21-25 Years 4.5% 26 or more Years 6.0% Eligible regular part-time employees shall receive longevity pro-rated in proportion to the hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month as compared to that required of full-time.employment. 10.6 BOOTALLOWANCE All field employees to include only Environmental Coordinator, Engineering Technicians;Survey Staff, Right of Way Technician and Road Utility Specialist shall receive an annual boot allowance in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars($200.00). Eneincen Guild and Mason County 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement Page 25 Ya 21 co Mason County Human Resources Department 1854 MEMORANDUM To: Matt Stull, Guild Representative Nicole Burgess, Guild Representative From: Bill Kenny,Human Resources Director Date: January 31,2013 Subject: Network Engineer—New Position Proposal The County is proposing the creation of a new position:Network Engineer.. This would replace the position of Systems Engineer and is more contemporary with our operational and IT needs. Attached you will find Job Descriptions for both positions. Our proposal would be that the position be"EXEMPT." (By analysis the duties and other tests clearly fit the Computer/white collar exemption) We would further propose that the position be in the bargaining unit. We conducted a salary survey of comparable positions in comparable jurisdictions and that assessment results in the following placement: it Engineers Guild Range Table i STEPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 NETWORK ENGINEER 4,695 4,860 5,030 5,206 5,388 5,577 SYSTEMS E-NCTDM 4T399 4,552 4 " 47959 53M S'" i i i Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to meet and confer regarding this proposal. We seek your concurrence, but for your ease, absent hearing from you by COB Friday,February 8, 2013,we will assume your waiver and agreement. L r Thank you for your consideration. i i !' POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Network Engineer Department: Support Services- Information Services Affiliation: Engineers Guild Reports to: Information Services Manager Exempt: Non-Exempt: X Supervises/Directs: None Risk Class: 5306-07 Salary Range: According to current CBA Established Date: Revision Date: January 8, 2013 Format only— 10/23/2017 JOB SUMMARY: Provides master level, data network design, configuration and maintenance of Mason County's Local Area Network, including comprehensive network and data security, data backup systems, e-mail system, voice systems, remote connections and intemet access. Duties include network hardware and software problem solving, including corrective and preventative maintenance. WORK/RESPONSIBILITIES: • Specify, install and configure network hardware including routers, firewalls and switches. Regularly monitor network operations to identify intrusion attempts and traffic problems. • Specify, install, maintain and troubleshoot storage area network (SAN) equipment, including hardware and operating system configuration. Regularly review SAN operation to ensure efficient operation and detect problems. • Specify, install, maintain and troubleshoot servers, including hardware and operating system configuration. Regularly review server operation to ensure efficient operation and detect problems. • Specify and implement network backup and data recovery strategies. Ensure all servers never go for more than one business day without a satisfactory backup. • Specify, install, update and administer the county e-mail systems including e-mail archive and spam filtering. • Document all network changes including server configuration, patches, repairs and troubleshooting. Write and review "Best Practices" for other IS employees to install and properly configure PC software to utilize network resources. • Assist IS technicians with troubleshooting LAN and application software problems. • Communicate with the IS staff members to keep them informed of any changes or problems on the network. After completing requests from users or fellow IS technicians, follow up with a call or e-mail answering their request. • Other tasks as required. - POSITION DESCRIPTION WORKING CONDITIONS: Works indoors in a clean, climate-controlled workspace. However, installation and troubleshooting may involve crawling or climbing in utility areas. Required to sit, talk, and hear; frequently required to use hands to: finger, feel or handle writing utensils, computers and office supplies which require repetitive arm, wrist and hand movement. Occasionally required to stand and reach with arms and hands, climb, balance, stoop, kneel, crouch, bend or crawl. Specific vision abilities include close, distant, color, and peripheral vision, depth perception and to adjust focus. The employee is occasionally required to lift or move up to 40 pounds. Position requires mental acuity to ensure thorough analysis of situations in a fast-paced environment. Employee is trusted with unlimited network and communications system access and is required to maintain confidentiality of information. The employee may be required to deal with irate, disgruntled and sometimes hostile individuals requiring the use of conflict management skills. Employee is frequently required to perform work in confidence and under pressure for deadlines, and is required to maintain professional composure and tact, patience and courtesy at all times. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge, Skills &Abilities Knowledge of: • IP network security with Internet and remote connectivity • Network switch, router and firewall operating systems and configuration. • Network operating systems, including Linux, Windows and VMWare. • Servers and Intel PC type computers including hardware configuration and software. Ability to: • Work with a diverse group of system users with large differences in experience and skill level. • Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Work as a member of a service oriented team, including flexible hours as required to • support various County operations. Must be willing to work weekends and nights with short notice. • Work effectively and professionally without immediate supervision. • Must be able to accept direction and decisions from the direct supervisor. h 1� POSITION DESCRIPTION Preferred skills: • Ability to configure Cisco firewalls. • Experience configuring VMWare running on a SAN using Vicenter Server EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any equivalent combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job. Minimum of three years of professional IP network experience. Or Four (4) years of formal education in Computer Sciences or related technical fields. Or Completion of an equivalent of four years of accredited vocational training program in Information Technology. Note: Education, excluding the first year, can substitute for experience on a year for year basis. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: t Achieve certification as a MCSE: Server Infrastructure within the first six months of employment if not already certified. Valid Washington State Driver's License. Must agree to maintain required skills and certifications. I have read and understand the above position description. Name: Date: Signature: HR/Manager Name: HR/Manager Signature: TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay BLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,priorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Josh Luck Employee Job Title:Inspector V Department:Building (DCD) Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: See attached. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Assigns daily inspection routes;assigns plan review;trains new employees;investigates complaints; responsible for keeping Title 14 updated and bringing amendments to the Board of County Commissioners; set policy implementation an interpretation of Title 14, the IBC and IRC for staff consistency and setting the Building Community's expectation; assists Supervisor in drafting letters of Administrative Determinations as required when code challenges are made; administers weekly training sessions with the Building Team. Effective Date: October 1, 2021 End Date: N/A *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: �w Date: i Nozq Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay WLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Josh Luck Employee Job Title:Building Inspector V Department:Community Services Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working In a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature:l Date: Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: / �d Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature t� Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay *Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class, lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners, rp iorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee NameAsh Luck Employee Job Title:Inspector V Department:Building (DCD) Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: See attached. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Assigns daily inspection routes; assigns plan review;trains new employees; investigates complaints; responsible for keeping Title 14 updated and bringing amendments to the Board of County Commissioners; set policy implementation an interpretation of Title 14, the IBC and IRC for staff consistency and setting the Building Community's expectation;assists Supervisor in drafting letters of Administrative Determinations as required when code challenges are made; administers weekly training sessions with the Building Team. Effective Date: October 1, 2021 End Date: N/A *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date: 2$ l Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: zzl Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:-D-12. 2021 cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll MASON COUNTY COMMISSION AGENDA ACTION SHEET October 12, 2021 ACTION 8.1 Approval of Warrants&Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8083378-8083647 $ 1,859,840.09 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 80957-81347 $ 812,172.62 Approved Salary Clearing Fund Warrant# 7006174-7006198 $ 536,115.11 Treasurer Electronic Remittances 174 733.68 8.2 Approval for the Chair to sign the Professional Services Contract Agreement between 10,000 Years Institute and the Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board for the Approved 10,000 Years Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project and approval to hire one additional extra help employee to fulfill contract obligation. 8.3 Approval to extend the temporary Environmental Health Specialist(EHS)to regular full- Approved time funded by Foundational Public Health Services into 2023. 8.4 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider Approved proposed amendments to Mason County Code Chapter 6.76 Onsite Sewage Regulations. 8.5 Approval to accept the CARES Act Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)CV-1— Coronavirus Funds change In number of beneficiaries to make a bigger impact on stabilizing housing completely for fewer households(83) instead of making a small dent Approved in household debt for many households(342)and authorize Frank Pinter,Interim County Administrator, to sign any documents necessary related to this change. 8.6 Approval to allocate up to$50,000 for one year from Treatment Sales Tax(TST) dollars Approved for a .5 full time employee for the Behavioral Health Navigator position. 8.7 Approval for the Mason County Board of Equalization to hear completed and timely filed Approved appeals for the 2021 assessment year. 8.8 Approval to extend Mason County Contract# 20-022 with Quixote Communities through Approved September 30 2022 due to construction costs and delays. 8.9 Approval for the Chair to sign the Blake Reimbursement Agreement with the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts(AOC)for reimbursement up to$702,300 for Approved extraordinary expenses and for reimbursement up to $324,217 for legal and financial obligations. 8.10 Approval for Support Services to hire a temporary Financial Analyst Project employee funded by the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)for a period of one year from the date Approved of hire. 8.11 Approval to set two Public Hearings for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider the 2022 Annual Construction program and 2022-2027 6-Year Transportation Approved Improvement Program (TIP). 8.12 Approval to authorize Public Works to procure and approval for the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for routine Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate, and Asphaltic and Road Approved Maintenance Surfacing Road Maintenance Materials and Paint Line and Vehicle/Equipment Towing and Tire Repair services for 2022. 8.13 Approval of the Resolution establishing load/lane limits for traffic control on seven Mason Approved County bridges. 8.14 Approval of the Resolution designating certain low volume unpaved County access roads Approved as Primitive Roads. 8.15 Approval of the Private Line Occupancy Permit granting permission to construct, operate, and maintain the septic transport line and future use line under and across the North Approved Shore Road for parcel # 32207-50-00915 address 21915 NE North Shore Road. 8.16 Approval of the Contract with the Department of Commerce for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) 2.0 and approval of the subcontracts with Crossroads Approved Housing and Shelton Youth Connection. 8.17 Approval to continue Lead Pay for Josh Luck Building Inspector V. Approved 10.1 Public Hearing to consider final draft amendments to Title 17.50—Mason County Shoreline Master Program,Title 8.52—Mason County Resource Ordinance,and Title 15— Approved Mason County Development Code. Staff: Marissa Watson TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ "_ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay *Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class, lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Genie McFarland Employee Job Title: Permit Specialist Senior Department:DCD Please insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: Same as previous year. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: l( Date: l Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date:-1G( `.74l( Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay ©Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class, lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted bythe department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Genie McFarland Employee Job Title: Permit Specialist II Department:Communlly Services-Permit Assistance(center Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Su ervisor of Department Signature: Date: S�Za p p Si Official Elected Department Head nature: Date: N / C Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMHS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ ^;nU OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay NLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and-final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,priorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Genie McFarland Employee Job Title:Permit Specialist 11 Department:Community Services—Permit Assistance Center Please Insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working in a higher-class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: Teamsters General Service Collective Article 10.5 Lead Worker—The County may designate an employee as a Lead Worker;such designation is not considered to be a "lob vacancy"or"newly created position". as referenced in Article 8 Seniority Section 2. A lead Worker will typically direct,oversee and/or organize the work of other employees although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other factors and rationale.The Lead Worker cannot hire,fire, or discipline other employees within the Teamsters bargaining unit. This lob classification Is used at the discretion of management(and with prior approval of the Board of Couhty Commissioners). A Department Head will post within his/her Department a notice of intent to appoint a Lead Worker. He/She will give full consideration to all departmental applicants before going outside his/her department. Any employee who acts as Lead Worker will receive an additional ten percent(10%) salary for the period of time they perform that function. What specific job dutiesthis employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Asa Lead Worker Genie serves as the lead over the front counterof the Permit Center,providing training, guidance and mentorship to the two Permit Technicians and the Clerical staff that schedules all inspections and answers the main phone line for the Permit Assistance Center(PAC). Ensures there is daily coverage for these positions and iuggie the schedules as necessary to be certain there is phone . coverage lunch coverage and the public Is served at the counter. Genie provides organizational knowledge to PAC and the all Community Development Staff based on her 26 years of experience.Ensures ( Permit Technicians stay current on training and has attended Public Records training herself to ensure cc:CMMRS/Elected Offlclal/Department/Payroll they are processed properly. Provides the duties of the County Addressor since the position was eliminated in 2009 due to budget cuts. Handles the more complex residential and commercial permit application In-takes Interpret the building code and provide guidance on how to apply the code.Provide advice on how to improve the permit process including In-take scheduling inspections, plan review and the issuance of the permit Acts as a liaison between the Community Service Director and the Permit Center by providing input on policy development and situational awareness. Effective Date., 10/1/15 End Date: Manager/Sup Iso t Signature: Date: Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: r Attach a copy of the following: bepartmbrit notes; Employee's current position descri'pfiion; i Munis notes;and i Current Salary Range. cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll David Windom From: Kathy Chaussee Sent: Wednesday,October 30,2019 10:39 AM To: David Windom Subject: RE:Genie McFarland-Lead Worker Request Form 10082018.docx Genie McFarland Permit Specialist II Step 3 Base=$49,335.84 Longevity=$2,960.15 Lead=$4,933.58 Total gross Munis $57,229.68 A few penny difference due to rounding in munis Grace Miller Planner III Step 3 Base=$63,5u.08 Longevity = $3,813.72 Lead=$6,356.21 Total gross Munis=$73,732.08 A few penny difference due to rounding In munis From:David Windom<DWindom@co.mason.wa.us> Sent:Wednesday,October 30,2019 8:58 AM To:Kathy Chaussee<KathyC@co.mason.wa.us> i Subject:Genie McFarland-Lead Worker Request Form 10082018.docx Can I get the info listed on the bottom of this form for both Genie and Grace? 1 r� o� COU. POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Permit Specialist I Department: Community Services Affiliation: Teamsters General Reports to: Permit Assistance Center Services Manager . Exempt: Non-Exempt: X Supervises/Directs: None Job Class: Risk Class: Salary Range: According to current Collective 2091 15306-07 Bargaining Agreement Union Approval Date: Elected Official / Human Resources Approval Date: SUMMARY: Responsible for accepting completed development applications from the public. Development applications include permits for: commercial and residential building, plan review, shoreline and critical areas, clearing and burning, environmental health, inspections, variances, plumbing, mechanical, remodel, addition, new construction, and/or other development code process. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: This position may include but not be limited to, • Providing various information and guidance to clients regarding planning and building regulations, and the application review process. • Conveying rules and regulations of the development review process to clients: • Reviewing applications for completeness and compliance. • Accepting permit applications, determining the type of application, accepting revisions, routing review material, and completing necessary documentation. • Coordinating permit intake process with other Community Services staff. • Reviewing pre-submission permit applications for completeness and scheduling pre- application meetings. • Monitoring the progress of permit applications. • Ensuring all necessary approvals are obtained and that required documentation is complete with all regulations addressed prior to issuing permits. • Being able to identify issues, research, correct problems, and perform follow-up as needed. • Utilize computerized data base for permit tracking. • Work with coworkers for improving and updating operational procedures as needed. • Performing special projects, participating in-cross training, and on occasion assisting other functional areas throughout the department. • Insuring adequate recordkeeping, retention, and retrieval of documents. Est.5.2002/Rev 1-5.2013/Rev 2-9.8.2014/Rev 3-12.20.2017/Rev 4-1.18.2019 'a WORKING CONDITIONS: Work is primarily performed in an office environment while sitting at workstation or standing at customer service counter. Work may involve frequent interruptions. Customer interactions and ` communication include face-to-face, over the phone, and email. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of: o Zoning and land use regulations; applicable county building, mechanical, plumbing, and fire codes; • Construction terminology and practices. • Basic mathematical calculations and fee calculations. • Customer service techniques including conflict resolution, mediation, negotiations, and problem solving. • Basic office practices and filing techniques. Ability to: • Read and interpret blue prints, site plans, and maps such as construction drawings, zoning maps,topography, and surveys. • Understand and apply zoning, land use, building, and fire.regulations and codes. i • Operate personal computer and related software applications proficiently and accurately, and operate basic office equipment. • Perform multiple tasks simultaneously and balance competing demands. • Make defensible and logical decisions. • Work within established guidelines with minimal supervision. • Work collaboratively as a team member. • Organize, prioritize, and execute detailed tasks accurately. • Translate complicated technical information to the public in clear and concise manner. • Communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with the public and various county department staff. • Effectively respond and react to difficult customers while remaining calm and productive in stressful situations. Convey willingness to be of service, resolving situations and identifying alternative methods to achieve customer objectives. • Maintain complex specialized records and prepare statistical reports. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: _ High school diploma or GED required. Minimum of two years experience in providing customer service in an administrative/office support position within a public environment. Highly desired training or experience in: Community development, code enforcement, environmental health, public service, communications, writing and computer applications, or technical certification in construction trade. LICENSE,CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: A valid Washington State Driver's License and must obtain an International Code Council Permit Technician certification within six months of employment. REQUIRED TRAINING FOR THIS POSITION: Sexual Harassment&Discrimination—Annually ` Blood Borne Pathogens—Annually Smart Risk Management—Once Est.5.2002/Rev 1-5.2013/Rev 2-9.8.2014/Rev 3-12.20.2017/Rev 4-1.18.2019 Slip, Trip and Fall--Annually Safe Lifting Practices—Annually FEMA IS 100 and 700-All employee's-Once REGULAR MONITORED DRIVER: Yes X No Additional job specific trainings may be issued at a later date. Union Representative Signature of Approval: Date: Elected Official/Director Signature of Approval: Date: I have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est.5.2002/Rev 1-5.2013/Rev 2-9.8.2014/Rev 3-12.20.2017/Rev 4-1.18.2019 TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay BLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class i All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties. l Employee Name:Grace Miller Employee Job Title:Senior Planner Department:�C� i Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: i Same as previous year. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: 't,—� Date: t)l 1 Department Head/Elected Official Signature: //=—Ti Date: D//•� .2� Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ .`l OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay R Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,priorto the assignment of additional duties, Employee Name:Grace Miller Employee Job Title:Planner Lead Department:Community Services- Planning Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Lai zh11�.11i1/� _Date: r� 2 Department Head/Elected Official Signature: �xrDate: t/ d Support Services Director Signature: Date: Z \ (;J> BOCC or Elected Official Signature: � .4 Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll uwlTEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ � OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay *Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department l head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners, riorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Grace Miller Employee lob Title:Planner Lead Department:Community Services- Planning Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: I What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: i I 1 I i Effective Date: End Date: *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Su ervisor of Department Signature: Date: r r Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: d Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: I r I cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll j *.. 1 TEMPORARILY WORKING M A HIGHER CLASS/ IJ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay ®Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Cornmissioners,p*rto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Grace Miller Employee Job Title:Planner Lead Department:Community Services—Planning Please insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working In a higher-class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable; Teamsters General Service Collective,Article 10.5 Lead Worker—The County may•designate an employee as a Lead Worker;such designation is not considered to be a "lob vacancy"or"newly created position", i as referenced in Article 8,Seniority,Section 2. A lead Worker will talcallydirect,oversee and/or organize j the work of other employees, although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other.factbrs and rationale.The Lead Worker cannot hire,fire, or discipline other employees within the Teamsters bargaining unit. This lob classification is used at the discretion of management(and with prior approval of the Board of County Comrnfssioners), A Department Head will post within his/her Department a notice of Intent to appoint a Lead Worker. He/She will give full consideration to all departmental applicants before going outside his/tier department. Any err)ployee who acts as Lead Worker will receive an additional ten percent(10%)salary for the period of time they perform that function. What speciffc job duties this employee will be performing Qutside of their curreht position descriptioh and for how long: As a Lead Worker,Grace works closely with the Planning Manager to provide the assistance necessary-to suppott-the Current Planning needs of the County. Her responsibllitV includes overseeing and organizing the case loads of three of the current Planners, including herself, to ensure the case load is eveniy distributed.Grace is responsible for.the area of the county which has the most development.She Is also responsible for most of the complex cases. Grace trains all the new Planners hired. Responsible for i presenting training opportunities to the management. Based on Grace's 32 years of serVice in Planning she is given all of the complex and controversial assignments.As Lead Planner,she handles most of the i cc;CMMHS/Elgctett Of@lal/Department/Payroll l i hearing emmin61r eases •Since 2011 at the request of the-directors and commissioners she had attended all of the Shellfish Interagency Permitting Team meetings with the State,Trlhes•and Federal Ggvernment Ynembers She is assighed to the large scale Tacoma Power Projects such as the Fish Collector FaCilityat the dams She also handles the large commercial projects such as Tractor Supply. Company, Fraser Metaiwprks and Taylor8he119sh Processing Plant with Wet Storage Facility etc Grace takes on Os the Lead Planner along with ensuring the department is balanced and the customers' needs are met many ro acts. Effective Date: 10/1/15 End Date: 1-2(21 /�b Manager/Supe o e�j' I ��� - Signature;,_�_ �-� Department Head/Elected O.Mcial Sigrrgt4fre: Date: Support Semites Director Signature,,,, date: )OCC or Elected Official Slgngture• Dai:e* '�ttaef.:a�o�y_pf the follovUirig: Department Olds; Employee's current position description; Munis notes;and Curr+ nt.Salary Ringe. r cc]CWHS/Eleddd Ofilcld/D'eaartfnent/frayfoli o� �o r r iUTASON INTY (360)427-9670 Shelton ext.352 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (360)275=4407 aelfair ext.352 Mason County Bldg.0,615 W,AlderStreet (360)482-5269 Elma ext,352 Shelton,WA�8584 WWW.&o.rgason.Wa.us RECEIVED JUL A 8Z017 July 1,$,2017 Mason Country H4191sk moagement To: Dawn Widely, Support Sexvices From: Grace Miller,PlUftifg Dept., Community Ser*Os RE;Lead Planner Duties Assessment Dear Dawn, As Lead Planner for the MC Planning Department, Z am { responsible, at a minimum, for the dU.ties listed below. I assist the s Planning.Mau.ager,.Paula Reeves, by completing these daily taslm as the administrator for these lead duties. The Planning Managex works fialltime on Long.Range Planing.Most, if not aU, ofthe time that I have worked fox theCounty-,there has been a Long Range Plannop position that has often held the Title of Planning Manager. Above the Planning Manager there has usually been a Director except fot the lfst couple of years when.Ba:bara•.Adkins had th©roll of both.. Befo-to that,there have been Direa-ors over the, PZ�nning Managexs., - The Plwming Manager has always clone all of the Long Range Planning.Even when Barbara Adkins was Director,that was primarily what sho did-•Long Range Planning. There is an important distinction between the aperti.s.e and responsibilities-of a Long Range and Current Planner. Ile four.other Plannm do 411 _ of the Current P Arming which includosrpublic assistance with tho many types of ponhits,public hea:riugs, subdivi.sxons, etc. Z ate. . responsible to direct and oversee both the case loads and.'work 4 :for comter and phone-coverage,Dilemma Plannor, coordinating vM the Permit Assistance Centex. 2) Case Loads -I oversee and organize the case loads of'throo of VIC event Planmo, including myself.,to male sure the case load is ever distributed. My designated area oflo cowly contains iho wot d.e olopxvent. I take on to more complox cases. 3) Training - Over my 31 years here, I have traxaed-several can ent Pla anexs. So many cur rent Planners-fat I wish Z had Dept count ofiheva all. Correnfly, lam training Roo Bald-olt. Th tho past,I ft-ained.Kell and Rebacca. In addition.,I have trained Permit `.00hs and.Clerical Plwinm.g Assistants. 'Thera has atways been a very large turnover Mn th.e Planning Department's Cwent Planning staff. Given my oxperionoe, I am always available T-or in-coming plm exs aud long time staff assistance. 'This h.as included ari open door policy on nay part that wa&s Bost given tho naturo of oirr public assistance. x am hole to train tho sta FT, xegardlos of the poRttcal OB ata. x als6 P:wwat training posszlauitios to management and Mlow Vlwaors. 4) V-ojapleY and.ContrOVOONI Per wit- roleets -MOA of the complex and contxovexsial assipmews axe.given. to me because of my experience,and familiarlty with the comity, stato anal federal policies andreg-ulations, public:interaction, legal issues/attoi 9 public Uarings, enfoxeement, etc. .As Lead Planner, ijay diplomacy has beeft a.elmowledged and appreciated-during the public part�cipattonprocass on nu. oro`as occasions. Zhave boon worldng with ourhoaring-oxmnineirqhice,he began here axotmd 20' 5) Shellfish Interagency Porzniitfg(SIP) Team Since 201 l,. at flan request of e dhectoxs ai d agmmissiQr eo, I have been - attending all of the.SIP meetings with the State, Rib es and Vederaf 9) Tacoma Power]Projects -For sevojral years now I have been assigned the large:scale Tacoma Power Pro'cots such as the Fish Collector Facility at the dams. I have'been assigned several of the lengthy and controversial mitigation projects that Tacoma Power h.as pxopose4 as a xesult of the Settlement.Agreement with the Skokomish Tribe over the darns at Labe Cushman, 10) Commercial Development-Projects -•.As Lead, I have beeu assigned And taken on sov ral large commercial development projects. gecently I have assisted numerous applicants through the various permitting processes.Ail.have lavolved groups of applicmf8 and conmltants. Some examples include the Tractor Supply Go ,pang, Fraser Metalworks,FroGlass, Cell ToWexs, Bxidges,I-502 proposals, continuing inquirios regarding the 50 year permit for the Manlm Gh-avel Pit, to nine a few. This year I reviewed and processed through public heating, the new Taylor Shellfish Processing Plant with Wet Storage Facility which will be the largest aquacultate structure in Mason County, The facility will provide our community schools with educational opportunities and enhance tourism within a local.resouaroe based industry.I have assisted numexous.gpplrcapts through the complex .anal.lengthy shoreline permi*g processes for floating aquaculture including controversial floating gwd-adk nurseries. These involve contentious heaxjngs, appeals, and intensive work with consultants -aucl attorneys. Y recently assisted both PIW x and.PUD 3 throughout theft lengthy p.ermitg and Variance application processes.I have also recently assxsted.sevoxPJ,schools throughthe same complexpxocesses suah Pioneer School,.Southside and Mary M Tight. I have also worked with-Wash State DOT and Public Works on severral toad and bridge permits that are lengthy,public comment projects. r Il y�y} f�:9i'iS•�:?�i}i TJ'�`/�•.tCii'�`.fC7►J�S1:`__i"_"""1C�`GLII•!.q".� rw,n.vw.•• , AN IR Y ���`�1 �j .. .S I; y1�.a..�ryL,�.�:,Li�;t...r•. !:, ..G.,�9. .� :.: _ •% .4S ; 11�� •1t-."V•�• ., •• •j ` 1;��'�'S• c .• ',S`s• i�s�.��7�'N'�?• �. . �ti`�i.1,`.. - is '�*.�Ji�\.',r`,;'�� t�'Y. aj...`��f ���'~•!�� ... . ' :[.•:•J1�4 r•" r +:•'�. :iit';`3ti,••- -r'�`, t:�•"•,.•tti:i�tdG^p•�Jx?��s�"' "� •. �.��,'3�•-' 1 '� �1- Jt L':-'��:it`�]i[''•� .`.�:_17niE�-.'�'GP4r.'.'.P�S:-�r-.��..5�it=2-i._%}'.i�.:Ya:..irt•1 L'•7NAR•x;, PLANNER III Title: pepartment: Planner III Community Services Affiliation: Reports to: Teamsters Planning Manager Salary Range: Supervises/Directs: $4499-$467$ None Established Date: Revision Date: January ,2o16 'GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Under general supervision of the Planning Manager, planners generally assist the public on permitting,land use,and regulatory Issues as well as review and process building and land use permits. Positlon levels are distinguished in a job series of professional planners. perfmming complex or serlsltive job duties with levels of supervision ranging from high to aiihimal. Positions In this class are expected to.have more experience; more responsibility for the effective coordination of procedures, projects; and programs; and require less supervision than the junior positions. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all duties listed, nor do the examples Include all tasks that may be performed In positions of thW class.) • Provide assistahte.to public on permitting,land use,end regulatory Issues. • Research and analyze regulations fQr development,construction and land use.lssees. • Review and process building permits and other ministerlai.and administrative decisions. • Review and/or process special reports prepared as part of th-e perrnit process, • Prepare staff reports for less complex or sensitive quasi-judicial permits. • Prepare Arid present permit information to Hearing Examiner. • Perform site visits and Investigate complaints, • Assist,coordinate and/or staff advisory commissions,committees,or boards and presents feports.and recohimendatiOns to.them. • Present InforMatloh at public hearings and other public forums, Perform as Subject matter expert,advise other planners,and represent department Wore administrative and judicial bodies. Create procedures arid/or draft ordinances for consideration In areas of expertise, Including comprehehsive plans,development regulations and envfronmental documents.. • Assist other planning staff with complex cases;ind with planning projects or programs by gathering and analyzing data,assisting In'the preparation of reports and other documents,and providing recomMendatlons. • Maintain accurate and updated Information In permit tracking data base systems. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Key traits are the ability to administer and ensure compliance with codes,statutes,miles,and regulations;work independently as well as part of a team,establish priorities and organize own workload,maintain effective working relationships with the public, contractors, and other employees, and address- complaints and problems courteously. WORKING CONDITIONS: Tlie work Is performed In an offlce envlronment with field work for site Inspections required at times. Employees in this classification are required to sitr stand and walk while performing.office duties. Pl yslcal exertion'is requlred for oceatlonally lifting 40 pounds. Individuals maybe requlred to stand bony periods at ti tiiiie while 0ssisting U.ustomer5. ,QUALIFICATIONS: knowledge of o \ Plan Nng principWj codes,regulations acid procedures related to fihe plan ning,process, Abilityto • Corrthiunicatb effectively with the pUbliF,Gb-Workers,supervisors,and other • professiQne(s. Abilityto*use a computers,software packay'es and malnfmme database&ystems. • Perfbrm duties accurately and timely. c ManagecOMpeting duties and occaslohallyheavy work load,s. RecQVd data aecumtelyarid cdns1Whtly, Interpret and appl} codes and regulations. Wbrkwithin established guidelines with limited supervision. Establish and maintain effective working eelationships with other employees In the department and OthercoUnty departmerits, Read and interpret maps and legalttescriptions. E ,UCATION AND EXPERiENCE Any aqulValont combination of education and experience which prbyides the oppiicaht-wfth fihe ISnowledge,s1<ilis,and abilJtles requlred to perform the job.Atypical Was to obtain the I%Qyvledge and abilitl.eswould be; a A.fourVeardpgree-in pianhing,shvironmerttolor natural s(lenceandfouryQprsof directly related plahning experience including working with thq pubf is ui an informatioh,assi5f0hce,enforceM.eht�apa&y and pi ojert or prxtgrarn coordination;or -a-two year degree and six years directly related experienceIrfciudingi�xperlence wotMiig with the pobli�ih an[r forhiatjon,assistoce;enforcement capacity.and project or progrartmcoordinatioll.A Mdsi:ers�1etgteetn panning,orivirs�nmental qr hatur$1 scionce may suWltute for weyarQf the required Experience. AiCPcerl:ifihation preferred. LICENSES,C8RTIFICATCS-AND OTHER kEiaUIREMENT9: Valid Washingtoh Stato Otiver's License br abliity to obtain same within tb.rea month's.of hire. � i i t At VkVW(WvoiltGovenof •%�rmim(hoigpttvadonolpdVibdi ti k A�ci j work oc+v�it1 4 cl.�tYn�nap*,M�C� f0k Nave'; C.• Nviatni wank Aavexdn �Ov o1> t�ibQ ii��3]a1��7��1'Pa]�$17G+};o D. for it plt�UAY yaAdhl' uAlon. ��1p�d_�'�Ift�i3�'t�d�•�fr hi�x��trt�'t��o�Ii��w�az a:�l:�v�[eta�1'�U�t�z;�a(aLiy��the�pptQ�it Bald 40064ih1•W-vIOvulex Ab bust ft DO ppmApt Ova)i olvi ��'ol' 0 kizil� Op t!in Aliat MAO ulttssl tz t drl,, ilA ez>rl)Oyo Ova ba pwt�wifD jwd t of,Ap O wlival of tha hvjlz�� xiPpRugttilp to fall jjloypp wino oo k� lt� tt'�in€1 ft3lae+ �?x���w4Y( g Giza Yii het'oln9axf1a j1Ai1. t l l r�u tout I m to ebEF 1>c�zU e t a�t►t} d to'use thotk own W- lb-ichs rclr 9tr.1plbyaP blrgictass MIha zzlO,iwO 9,4(f�i�on�d We got by Ai6 craz• t� ppli�+i'o��.gl��tztli�a d1i�n IDA XOPAN+z'i'V �'Jos(�df;��?tY�l�:�'�t'd���dd�pti��lz��lttily�ati�p�rte�ti�ri�z�av��po��iC�'i�1;�,r�,�i1�t•�I���`�e znplQ�o�;�6�5r��1�r ttr.x� � tti�a;���i supu�l�>i fgiok'so Q Ay punt oxlay.O. �lij� IO, a� t ?t� :��(mt�er�z VX$�sshotx'e tv •a��a��� e1141P� Y 6 it$ I'll t an iv QkO 61)61,of lib��5i�yb��G �'he�Q�t�ayltYG�z'�et�xt�vil(}�a itii,�le>u��t'�ct iu�1G�irt1B>'iC�wlttt�1��'ollp�.Y�nB • �� i .x�i'��v��utuinnfjuul�•.: awn 1�5�¢h ���a'� ' �3� t�i n 3n 1�"`i#.Pt �o�itG��itt'#�fic4,�la 7 bars ;3. °lS��t]�Y� 'ear • .�3� i u �:�i$liiU�t��`oitt�U#ul �11•��U+.,:a�, ����G. �� 'p' , • �e�i � f � 7h�.�f ' �ai'�? c �ol#�ttrrin iF1et' er G.0°f s11nv��'�c 71te Plt(�Er i*w dw%ww to tin dnlployea sS 4 Lag wptke ;4i14UON kM!Yawl 0,1 01. t aA� t1AiNc1 IOeoNY>YgTi y�,l A�c0 Lend Wbilcer All i0idCY ahuL werS60 AdlOSal olyp �ci�'�t otd7 tjie ,yoiqc p�ntit�r c�j�jo Ofm, ita O NII'a to it .g to ca a .e . Ox c gaznitag fl o ia�� tots Ancl 'al aat�l�, TJ'tA ,� � k.lspa� iw.tnr�t... t'o, f)rot P.l` ttt'?e It � 7 61 n py�4 t T�Ertns •� _At�ttliling tui 1, T u3 job 91t1s Iflo li4ti is 4� ed fi ktae o>ettaia In4mlA t.Old (411d whiz p;101' sp1�i'ovnt d.tli�I)gatci bf�`atinty Cvlj »issiot m). A���tlxttrz�tt zi>eZ1 li ci�t wli tit S �i' 7ep cEJn�tt G>� p G luis lz© t Qirzt a taad wf,,kl•, T�641D*U ivQ ��n�tcta rya to E,11 dalf�i�u.�piat X a�p Ix s��� Ofoq.8Q�rl t7rs cC�13 1z�'�f in r� tq�ir,,r spy �a��5ye;v,whb h4IB �•�e�ct w����, yva�i i;���.1v�ut1 �c1��t(enal fUit•��©►�q�{11;•�.���� t;nf#�iy�`�1'�itd =�?�a`cpFl.�`iltz�e Eb©,y.��a}'got7n.fh�C#izitrt-1bP. . �'1ie GAt�tr�y It i��y,fix,�7�g�cjtliect zii�c(iahl'e�'ttti}1�ittrfot�a j(ioticc�{tt ��np��y�t�y�?�#���xL�117��Cc1 � to#a4;fE�eRR• ;� Gc�)�gk��?77 13rIQ�'� T�It:�use3 tam ��54�;elzpbnSs��oc��.�r�>ip1��t:� ibr�1'�a'�'c>~§�s • a�'u�!e his ��sia.��;�111�t�t�t� i�(t1tA.�5��+1Drc`;s �,�t;�f8t� Rfl4t dta �;tri�(t�s [;5 1i�EtT11t41i1I11� t�l$�: �b� 010*10)03 h4y td'�tffe'e� walsetl by ljggo ;�P�wx no. '�Fi1� �epl�tt ��tttlt (tQ�#p� �tart�ti�: ICilemlSe�vleKs=Cefupdec�gi+ioiit.Q4kdNMj,52ondW011U01161}' 26jVQ(jfA4)TCe)i(,�l3nt pfrJntlt��r�a�uul rhyCo��! 10/08/2018. 12•_IS mm*O-A Ceuat4 IP 7 Da*n.T 1;mT.AR TABLES l gt GRADE/ ems/ aRsr z / mm/ DAYS&/ USE. EFF. DATE GAOIIP/BU RPiM DBSCRx$TION PAY EMIS FREgum= CALC P=WDS M= PE=OD PERMO MR CAB FCT OVC11/'201$ 14 M=dSTE$S 34 PLAMM =r S SEMIMONTAL S SEMI-ROM 21 24..0aW 8.0`0 86.67 .00 2080.60 260.0.0 N Ghaage was made by 2..0.0003: NO Dollar amo=-'t used. ' S'2Ep,17 EVEL PE&CE= HOURLY R114T M=Y 9ATE PERIOD SALARY AM= SALARY 00 O.f}DOl7 .D'ADO OOD. N 0.00 0.100 01 6.6090 28.S714 22'9.3•BAD 2,484:95 09,63S.&0 02 01acroa 29r8122 =8.5065 2,5'83.81 `62,011.6B 01-l01/2018 14 TEMSTER.S 35 PROO:SUPP TRW S •SEM72QMgM S SEM3-MONTH 21 24.0004 8.00 S•6.67 .OD 2080.00 260.00 N vas made by. 2:0•.DOD} NO Do amouat u3ed. STEP/LEVEL PERCENT ECURLY RATTE - DAILY RATE PERIOD'SALARY ANNUAL catnm* DD • 'O'0'00 O'.0000 D..OD O.Oa Ol .0•.000.b 25•:62-52 205:4098 2,290.94 53,302.56 0.2 0.WOO 2*6:9380 215-5126 2,334.72 56•,.033.'28 01/'01/201$ 14 TEAMSTERS 37 SR ACCT TECH S SEMIMONTAL S SEMI MON¢'E 21 24.0DOo 9.00 86.47 .0'0 20,80.'00 260.00 N Qlange was made by. 2-0604: NO M011OX amariat used. SmWILEVEL PERCENT zamlz RATE DAILY RA173' PERIOD MLARY ANNUAL SALARY Qa 0.0060 .0000 0r001%D 0.00 a.00 02 99 0.On'00 00 24.4997722 1'9�.9849 297 ,=3-27 50,6.08 bl/.O% 2=LZ 14 TEAMS=S 38 StI,lII Tom I H HODRty S SEMI-MONTH Ott 24.000.0 8.U0 86.67 .00 10- 0,a'O 26.0.00 N Change vas-made by 2 oft ITO Dollar amount used , D, STEP'/S+E4E.G PERC EMT mm= AATB• DAILY RATE PERIOD AuA.RY AWWAL smalky - 00 4.050.0 .0690 D.660.0. T-0.00 D:Ofl 01 •O.0000. 105.6397 1,144.d3' 27,466.3Z 02 0.00QD 24.0332 1I2.2702 1,236.26 29,190.2a 3 01/4172 0 1S 14 MM M MMS 39• SOL= S+TFS:;TE II x RommY 'S SEMI-MO= 02 24,0000 $-OO 86,-G7 .00 2080.00 2�60.00 N C- a was m2de No I< as by - 002 SmtW/Lsly= PERCENT HQUALY RATE nAMY 8AT8 PERZ= SALARY AN CAL SALARY ^•: ` ~- ;_ 00 00. 000 .0000 0.000,0 0.00 O.OD 01 O.AOO-O 17.5446 140.3622' 1,520.5E 36,494•.16 _ 02 0.U0700 18.379D 146.9858 1,592.29 38,217,36 - k� TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM *Out of Class Pay ❑Lead Pay ® Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,priorto the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Anna Smith Employee Job Title:Finance Accounting Deputy 1 Department:Treasurer Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: AFSCME 10.3 A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification when those duties are not part of the employee's currentiob classification,for the purposes of providing coverage during an authorized vacation,sick leave,leave of absence or currently vacant position. If the employee Is scheduled to work in the higher classification for a minimum of three(3)consecutive workdays The employee shall be paid on the step of the salary range for the higher classification that provides for at least a 5%increase. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Daily duties of the Finance Accounting Deputy II - Banking & Investments position and/or the daily duties of the Finance Accounting Deputy II - Billing Specialist position. How long depends on the approved leave absences of these two hight positions throughout the year. To meet the 3 day threshold - this position generally covers during vacations or extended illnesses. Effective Date: 1/1/2022 End Date; on going �Attach'a copy'of:the employee's current posltion:descnption* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date: Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date:g/9/2021 r Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll .Mason County Classification Description ; June 12,2014 TIl'LE� , finance Accounting Deputy 1. RANGE: 17 i DEPARTMENT: Treasurer REPORTS TO., Chief Deputy Treasurer and Treasurer SUP-MISES:: None DEFINITION: Has the primary responsibility for special taxing district collections;segregations, i property tax adds,.cancels and refunds. Fire Protection Assessment corrections,the billing and collection of special assessirients,Issuing and redeeming warrants-as well as performing the duties of lower level Cashier Deputies. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: The positlon(s)assigned to this class are distinguished from the lower level Cashier Deputy. Classes as the work performed.Is more an accounting financial function and.Is distinguished from the Finance and.Data Processing Deputy 11 by level of supervision received and the lesser level of independence. Duties.are initially performed under close supervision with limited i independence as proficiency is acquired supervision will decrease. ESSENTIAL 1L16 FUNCTIONS:(Arty one position may not include all:ofthe duties listed nor do the listed examples include j all tasks which maybe found in positions of this class.) l Performs accounting functions which ensure compliance with established practices of the Treasurer's l --� Office including,operational internal controls for cash accountability, posting to the county records and to ensure operations are in compliance with County,State and Federal regulations regarding the correction,billing and rece'rpting fortax collection and warrant issuance and redemption.. Maintains data processing control of real and personal property tax.rolls including entering and updating tax information,running standard and customized reports and maintaining documentation of system changes. lvlaintairis the data processing for the issuance and redemption ofwarrar. Including entering and updating warrant information,running:standard and customized reports and maintain documentation of system changes. Helps in assisting with software.providers and Information Servicesstaff to resolve hardware and software problems and installing updates. Helps in assisting.with various agencies and companies on problems involving.sited terminals accessing Assessor/Treasurer data. Helps in producing the annual tax roll billing,special assessment billing and.delinquent tax roll billing._ / Helps in preparing the Annuaipinancial Tax Report for the Auditor's Annual.Report;and prepares the 1 Annual Refund Report to the Commissioners. i Mason County Classification Description June 12,W14 TITLE: Finance Accounting Deputy] Maintains NCOA(National Change of Address)files in cooperation with the Assessor's Office and third partymail vendor. Performs.operational tasks related to assigned areas of the Treasurer`s Office including cash , accountability,internal controls,payment issuance,balancing and auditing payment of property tax. billing. Accepts and rocesses property tax payments received in person or b .;ma.il made to the Count p p p p tY Y R Y Y Treasurer's Office in accordance with Established procedures including receipt preparation;deposit preparation and balancing. Assists customers and answers the more complex q.uestiots and inquiries pertinent to the Treasurer's Office. Explains policies,procedures,regulations and requirements pertinent to the Treasurer`s Office. As.directed,assists in the training of new employees, { .OTHER JOB.F:UNCTIDNS. Performs other related work as required i WORKING CONDITIONS: i . _ Duties are primarily performed in an office environment while sitting at a desk or computer terminal ( with varying degrees of noise and temperament of people and customers. Physical exertion is required In the farm of standing in the performance of customer service related tasks, Occasionally,the lifting of boxes or tax statements,report paper may be necessary. Some travel may be required for training; meetings and workshops. i i I QUALIFCATI.ONS: Knowledge of • Laws and rules ofreal and personal propertytax_collection BARS accounting system as it relates to the Treasurer's Office. • Operating policies and procedures related to assigned areas of responsibility j • PCs,AS400,Microsoft WORD,EXCEL,QUICK BOOKS,TERRASCAN SOFTWARE,MUNIS FINANCIAL SOFTWARE • Basic file server and printer operations i 1 j 2 i i Mason County Classification Description June 12,2014 PE: Finance Accounting Deputy i ' Ability to. • Manage multiple work priorities and perform duties with limited supervision • Interpret and explain operating policies and procedures related to assigned areas of responsibility • Communicate effectively,both orally and In writing • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff,other agencies and the public Perform data entry accurately and efficiently • Operate and maintain computer database • Operate standard office equipment • Read real property legal descriptions • Manage multiple work priorities and perform duties with limited supervision • Physically perform the essential function of the job EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:ANY EQUIVALENT COMBINATION OF EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE WHICH PROVIDETHE APPLICANT WITH THE KNOWLEDGE,SKILLS,AND ABILITIES REQUIRED TO PERFOM THE JOB. A TYPICAL WAY TO OBTAIN THE KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES WOULD BE: I High.School diploma or equivalent and three year`s experience in a Treasurer's Office or a similar work environment. OR Any combination of previous training or experience In.government.accounting,legal,or tax work which would enable,the candidate to perform the functions of the.position will be considered. Al I I Incumbent may be required to obtain:ongoing.educational credits,certificates and licenses required by the Treasurer's Office and/or State Statute to conduct business functions including Notary Public Certificate, AND incumbent must be certifiable and bondable. CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES: A valid Washington State Driver's.License Must be bondable, l j 3 i MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: October 11, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Overview of the 2022 Proposed Budget 3rd Draft BUDGET IMPACTS: See Attached RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board review the draft of the 2022 Mason County Budget for the general fund by department and all other funds at the fund level. ATTACHMENTS: • 2022 Mason County Proposed Budget as of October 25, 2021 • Summary of Policy Level Requests • Revised Internal Allocations due to error correction J:\Budget Adoption Info\2022\2022 Budget Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\Briefing Summary 10.25.2021 -2022 Proposed Budget Presentation.doc Mason County 2022 Summary Proposed Budget-3rd Draft General Fund October 25,2021 2021 Adopted Budget 2022 Proposed Budget as of 10.25.21 Difference:2022 Pro osed Budget vs.2021 Adopted Budget Variance Rev I(D) S&B 1(D) Oper I(D) Exp 1(D) Salaries& Budgeted Salaries& Budgeted Salaries& Budgeted 2022 vs. 2022 vs. 2022 vs. 2022 vs. )e t. General Fund Department Revenues Benefits Operating Expenditures FTE's Revenues Benefits Operating Expenditures FTE's Revenues Benefits operating Expenditures FTE's 2021 2021 2021 2021 i1-000 Beginning Fund Balance 14,000,000 - 21,500,000 - 7,500,000 - 34.88% 0% 0% 0% i1-010 WSU 23,500 224,136 89,384 313,520 2.25 22,000 213,418 117,384 330,802 2.25 (1,500) (10,718) 2B4O00 17,282 -6.82% -5.02% 23.85% 5.22% i1-020 Assessor 7,000 1,214,961 205,325 1,420,286 13.00 9,000 1,248,220 203,930 1,4S2,150 13.00 2,000 33,259 (1,395) 31,864 22.22% 2.66% -0.68% 2.19% - 11% 57% 10-0S i1-030 Auditor 1,130,017 1,368,407 337,211 1,705,618 13.50 1,142,750 1,487,138 409,094 1,896,232 14.50 51,050 153,731 10,762 164,495 0.00 5.39% 1.26% 14.80% 26,37% 11-050 Emergent Management 118,762 225,610 83,459 309,069 1.33 67,712 171,877 72,697 244,574 1.34 (51,050) (53,733) (77,589 (74,967 0.01 -75.30% --0.50% -14.38% -25.18% 11-055 Facilities&Grounds 524,704 847,950 1,372,654 5.50 - 522,082 925,539 1,447,621 5.50 - (2,622) 77,589 74,967 - 0% -0.50% 8.38% 5.18% IS-057 Human Resources/Risk Mgmt 403,202 204,884 608,086 4.00 - 529,049 214,884 743,933 5.00 - 125,947 10,000 135,847 1.00 0% 23.79% 4.65% 18.26% )1-058 LEOFF - 98,400 1,544 100,044 - - 98,400 1,600 100,000 - - - (44) (44) - 8% 0.24% -2.11% -1.29% )1-070 Clerk 366,348 1,031,980 76,750 1,108,730 12.50 378,377 1,029,487 93,725 1,123,212 13.00 12,029 (2,493) 16,975 14,482 0.50 3.18% -0.24% 18.11% 1.29% )1-080 Commissioners - 342,455 13,155 355,610 3.00 - 342,549 15,155 357,704 3.00 - 94 2,000 2,D94 0% 0.03% 13.20% 0.59% )1-090 Support Services 700 721,435 24,498 745,933 6.65 92,078 955,328 24,548 979,876 7.55 91,378 233,893 So 233,943 100 99.24% 24.48% 0.20% 23.87% )1-100 District Court 1,010,757 1,239,346 111,673 1,351,019 12.20 1,080,400 1,249,058 162,028 1,411,086 12.20 69,643 9,712 50,355 60,067 6.45% 0.78% 31.08% 4.26% )1-125 Community Development 2,177,600 2,196,495 503,514 2,700,009 21.50 2,384,000 2,291,931 576,777 2,868,708 22.50 206,400 95,436 73,263 168,699 1.00 8.66% 4.16% 12.70% 5.88% )1-126 Historical Preservation 76,000 1fi,000 16,000 24,000 - 24,000 24,000 - (52,000) 8,000 8,000 -216.67% 0% 33.33% 33.33% - (6,808) 76,237 69,429 0 )1-146 Parks&Trails 44,000 455,527 108,094 563,621 4.33 44,000 448,719 184,331 633,050 4.33 - .00% -1.52% 41.36% -0.0.51% % )1-170 Juvenile Court Services 1,161,438 1,911,927 116,353 2,028,280 19.00 1,255,805 1,885,949 132,075 2,018,024 19.00 94,367 (25,978) 15,722 (10,256) - 7.51% -1.38% 11.90% )1-180 Prosecutor 248,575 1,703,946 172,892 1,876,838 13.25 232,091 1,875,065 196,691 2,071,756 15.00 (16,484) 171,119 23,799 194,918 1.75 -7.10% 9.13% 12.10% 9.41% )1-185 Child Support Enforcement 159,126 133,912 26,550 160,462 1.00 159,679 133,125 26,454 159,579 1.00 553 (787) (96) (883) - 0.35% -0.59% -0.36% -0.55% )1-190 Coroner 35,000 222,422 122,864 345,276 2.40 35,000 225,384 126,680 352,064 2.40 - 2,972 3,816 3,450 - 4.96% 1.19%% 3.18%% 1.84% )1-205 Sheriff 1,000,835 12,438,078 3,117,657 14,555,735 97.50 953,505 11,575,411 3,253,774 14,829,185 98.50 (47,330) 137,333 136,117 133,015 1.00 -4.90% 1.10% 4.79% 3.79% )1-208 Courthouse Security - - 170,740 170,740 303,755 303,755 - - - 133,015 133,015 0% 0% 43.79% 43.79% )1-240 Office of Public Defense 240,767 843,692 417,409 1,261,101 8.00 240,767 863,507 399,841 1,263,348 8.00 - 44,490 (35,165 9,655 1.87% 4.87% -4.18% 7.26% 31-250 Superior Court 68,350 869,130 148,202 1,017,332 7.58 69,650 913,620 183,367 1,096,987 7.58 1,300 44,490 35,165 79,655 - 1.87% 4.87% 19.18% 7.26% 31-255 Family Court 2,500 - 2,5D0 2,500 - 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 - - - - - - 0.00% 0% 0.00% 0.00% DS-256 Therapeutic Court 63fi,507 301,928 338,567 640,495 3.30 811,347 356,376 454,971 811,347 4.22 174,840 54,448 116,404 170,852 0.92 21.55% 15.28% 25.58% 21.06% - - - - 0% 0% 0.00% 0.00% 01-258 Murder Expenditures - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 - - Di-260 Treasurer 26,206,041 731,779 140,800 872,579 8.00 27,198,268 732,453 143,025 875,478 8.00 992,227 674 2,225 2,899 3.65% 0.09% 1.56% 0.33% DS-300 Non Departmental 6,206,041 457,693 4,427,086 4,884,779 - 4,051,930 501,897 4,309,232 4,811,129 - (251,556) 44,204 (117,854) (73,650) - -6.21% 8.81% -2.73% -1.53% 01-300 Motor Pool 303,486 57,693 27,086 84,779 0.50 72,000 39,589 11,240 50,829 0.50 (375,202) 1,017 (6,156) (5,139) - -521.11% 2.57% -54.77% -10.11% 01-310 Transfers Out - 91,339 91,339 - - 466,282 466,282 - - 374,943 374,943 - 0% 0% 80.41% 80.41% 01-320 Ending Fund Balance - 12,780,888 - 19,051,648 - 6,270,760 0% 0% 0% 32.91% otal General Fund Including BFB&EFB 53,464,511 29,699,727 11,983,896 53,464,511 260.29 61,926,859 29,689,632 13,085,579 61,826,859 268.47 8,362,348 989,905 1,101,683 8,362,349 8.18 13.53% 3.33% 6.42% 13.53% otal General Fund Removing BFB&EFB 39,464,511 29,699,727 11,983,896 40,683,623 260.29 40,326,859 29,689,632 13,095,579 42,775,211 268.47 862,346 989,905 1,101,683 2,091,588 8.18 2.14Y. 3.33% 8.42% 4.89% Mason County 2022 Summary Proposed Budget-3rd Draft Special Funds October 25,2021 2021 Adopted Budget 7022 Proposed Budget as of 10.25.21 Difference:2022 Proposed Budget vs.2021 Adopted Budget Variance Rev I(D) S&B I(D) Oper I(D) Exp I(D) Salaries& Budgeted Salaries& Budgeted Salaries& Total Budgeted 2022 vs. 2022 vs. 2022 vs. 2022 vs. and Fund Name Revenues Benefits Operating Expenditures FTE's Revenues Benefits Operating Expenditures FTE's Revenues Benefits Operating Expenditures FTE's 2021 2021 2021 2021 103 Sales Use Tax 1,617,997 1,617,997 1,617,997 - 1,866,000 - 1,866,000 1,866,000 - 248,003 - 248,003 248,003 - 13.29% 0% 13.29% 13.29% 104 Auditor's O&M 439,925 439,925 439,925 540,250 - 540,251 540,251 - 100,325 - 100,326 100,326 - 18.57% 0% 18.57% 18.57% 6,396,282 22,729,566 29,125,848 61.20 33,465,918 6,359,474 27,106,444 33,465,918 61.20 4,340,070 (36,808) 4,376,878 4,340,070 - 12.97% -0.58% 16.15% 12.97% 105 County Road 29,125,848 106 Paths&Trails 294,222 - 294,222 294,222 - 297,889 - 297,B89 297,889 - 3,667 - 3,667 3,667 - 4.15% 0% 4.15% 4.15% 109 Election Equipment 271,987 271,987 271,987 283,752 - 283,752 283,752 - 11,765 - 11,765 11,765 - 4.15% 0% 4.15% 4.15% 110 Crime Victims 191,910 77,604 114,306 191,910 1.00 170,000 76,954 93,046 170,000 1.00 (21,910) (650) (21,260) (21,910) - -12.89% -0.84% -22.85% -12.89% 114 Victim Witness Activity 74,907 61,695 13,212 74,907 0.75 70,000 53,985 16,015 70,000 - (4,907) (7,710) 2,803 (4,907) (0.75) -7.00% -14.20% 17.50% -7.00% 116 Historical Preservation 60,000 - 60,000 60,000 - - - - - - (60,000) - (60,000) (60,000) 0% 0% 0% 0% 117 Community Support Services 2,371,173 81,314 2,289,859 2,371,173 0.80 3,648,028 189,462 3,458,566 3,648,028 0.80 1,276,855 108,148 1,168,707 1,276,855 - 35.00% 57.08% 33.79% 35.00% 118 Abatement 286,494 286,484 286,484 - 240,178 - 240,178 240,178 - (46,306) - (46,306) (46,306) - -19.28% 0% -19.28% -19.28% 120 REET Property TaX 64,672 1,220 63,452 64,672 100,589 1,190 99,399 100,589 - 35,917 (30) 35,947 35,917 - 35.71% -2.52% 36.16% 35.71% (8,944) (50,001) -31.79% -5.44% -74.28% -31.79% 134 National Forest Safety 41,457 20,472 20,985 41,457 31,457 19,415 12,041 31,456 - (10,000) (1,057) _ 135 Trial Court Improvement 134,658 134,658 134,658 - 116,544 - 116,544 116,544 - (18,114) - (18,114) (18,114) -15.54% 0% -15.54% -15.54% 140 Sheriffs Special Funds - - - 1415heriffs Boating Program 150,179 10,382 139,797 150,179 - 149,522 16,765 132,757 149,522 - (657) 6,383 (7,040) (657) -0.44% 38.07% -5.30% -0.44% 96,245 96,245 (1 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 97,500 97,500 97,500 - 96,245 - ,255) - (1,255) (1,255) - - - 145 Clean Water District - - 190,000 190,000 190,000 - 190,000 - 190,000 190,000 - 1000..000% 0% -1.30%0% 0% 100.00% 100..0G% 0% 892,722 3,258,364 21.70 501 150 Community Services Heath 2,756,733 1,898,392 858,341 2,756,733 19.20 3,258,364 2,365,642 ,631 467,250 34,381 501,631 2.50 15.40% 19.75% 3.85% 15.40% 155 American Rescue Plan Act - - - 12,584,450 12,584,450 12,584,450 - 12,584,450 - 2,584,450 = 100.00% 0°h 100.00% 100.00% 12,584,450 1 160 Law Library 96,373 5,418 90,955 96,373 0.06 74,900 5,731 69,169 74,900 0.06 (21,473) 313 (21,786) (21,473) -28.67% 5.46% -31.50% -28.67% 163 Lodging Tax 980,000 980,000 980,000 1,200,500 - 1,200,500 1,200,500 - 220,500 220,500 220,500 18.37% 0% 18,37% 18.37% 164 Mental Health Tax 2,458,683 105,395 2,353,288 2,458,683 1.00 2,835,668 111,772 2,723,896 2,835,668 1.00 376,995 6,377 370,608 376,985 - 13.29% 5.71% 13.61% 13.29% 180 Treasurer's O&M 293,323 99,675 193,648 293,323 1.00 430,686 102,022 32B,664 430,686 1.00 137,363 2,347 135,016 137,363 - 31.89% 2.30% 41.08% 31.89% 190 Veterans Assistance 191,422 191,422 191,422 - 240,822 240,822 240,822 - 49,400 - 49,400 49,400 - 20.51% 0% 20.51% 20.51% 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 114,662 - 114,662 114,662 - 314,412 114,412 114,412 - (250) - (250) (250) -0.22% D% -0.22% -0.22% - 4.85% 0% -34.95% -34.85% 194 Mason Lake Management 145,500 - 145,500 145,500 - 107,900 107,900 107,900 - (37,600) - (37,600) (37,600) - -3 4,850 4 195 Spencer Lake Management 19,650 19,650 19,650 - 24,500 24,500 24,500 - - ,850 4,850 - 19.BG% 0% . , . 199 Island Lake Management 40,650 - 40,650 40,650 - 30,000 30,000 30,000 - (10,650) - (10,650) (10,650) - -35.50% 0% -35.50%0 -35.50% 0% 205 Public Works Facility Bond 1,001,025 1,001,025 1,001,025 - 998,900 998,900 998,900 - (2,125) - (2,125) (2,125) - -0.21% 0% -0.21% -0.21% 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond 138,667 - 138,667 138,667 - 134,375 134,375 134,375 - (4,292) - (4,292) (4,292) - -3.19% 0% -3.19% -3.19% 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 278,888 - 278,888 278,888 - 275,696 275,696 275,696 - (3,192) - (3,192) (3,192) - -1.16% 01/ -1.16% -1.16% 350 REET1 2,342,700 85,801 2,256,899 2,342,700 - 2,462,000 81,497 2,380,503 2,462,000 - 119,300 (4,304) 123,604 119,300 - 4.85% -5.28% 5.19% 4.85% 351 REEr2 3,710,000 77,543 3,632,457 3,710,000 - 4,305,000 75,597 4,229,403 4,305,000 - 595,000 (1,946) 596,946 595,000 13.82% -2.57% 14.11% 13.82% 402 Mason County Landfill 5,220,185 1,035,809 4,184,376 5,220,185 12.57 6,859,451 1,030,223 5,829,228 6,859,451 12.57 1,639,266 (5,586) 1,644,852 1,639,266 - 23.90% -0.54% 28.22% 23.90% 403 NBCI Sewer Utili 2,674,331 570,249 2,104,Ofi2 2,674,311 5.58 3,809,073 624,950 3,184,123 3,809,073 6.13 1,134,762 54,701 1,080,061 1,134,762 0.55 29.79% 8.75% 33,92% 29.79% _ _ - - 0% 0% 0% 0% 404 NBCI Sewer Reserve - - - 405 WW System Development 3,986 - 3,986 3,986 - - - (6,359) - (4,626) (6,359) 1% 0% 8% 0% 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 492,012 199,172 292,840 492,012 1.95 485,653 217,439 268,214 485,653 0.92 (6,159j 17,304 (23,855 1,159) 0.07 -3.76% 7.73% -3.25% -3.76% 412 Beards Cove Water 798,100 87,170 710,930 798,100 0.85 829,259 94,474 734,785 829,259 0.92 31,159 7,304 23,855 31,159 0.07 3.76% 7.73% 3.25% 3.76% 413 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 4,807,230 247,267 4,559,963 4,807,730 2.41 10,940,174 2fi7,221 10,672,953 10,940,174 2.61 6,132,944 19,954 6,115,520 6,132,944 0.20 51.24% 7.47% 51.24% 51.24% 428 Landfill Reserve 439,180 - 439,180 439,180 444,700 444,700 444,700 - 5,520 - 5,52- 5,520 = 1.24% 0% 0.00% 0.00% 429 Beards Cove Reserve 219,943 - 219,943 219,943 - 219,943 219,943 219,943 - - 0.00% 0% 0.00% 0.00% 480 Storm Drain System Dev, 180,717 180,717 180,717 - 179,242 179,242 179,242 - (1,475) - (1,475) (1,475) -0.82% 0% -0.82% -0.82% - 500 Information Technology 1,044,179 504,190 539,989 1,044,179 4.69 1,142,819 591,140 551,679 1,142,819 4.68 98,640 86,950 11,690 98,640 (0.01) 8.63% 14.71% 2.12% 8.63% 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 6,487,933 787,231 5,700,702 6,487,933 7.75 3,690,987 779,046 2,911,941 3,690,987 7.75 (2,796,946) (8,185) (2,788,761) (2,796,945) -75.78% -1,05% -95.77% -75.78% 502 Unemployment Fund 230,005 227,489 2,516 230,005 234,420 232,443 1,977 234,420 4,415 4,954 (539) 4,415 - 1.88% 2.13% -27.26% 1.88% rotal Special&Other Funds 72,388,976 12,579,770 59,809,206 72,398,976 120.81 99,180,266 13,296,442 85,883,824 99,180,266 123.55 26,791,290 716,672 26,074,618 26,791,290 2.74 27.01% 5.39% 30.36% 27.01% Grand Total All Funds 125,853,487 41,279,497 84,573,990 125,853,487 391.10 161,007,125 42,986,074 118,021,051 161,007,125 392.02 35,153,638 1,706,577 33,447,061 35,153,638 10.92 21.83% 3.97% 28.34% 21.83% 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.020.000. APPRAISER Promoting incumbent to Contract-move to ML3 per 514.24.510160.0000. 'Assessor 00. $ 9,510 $ 9,510 10/4/2021 $ - 1 Appraiser from Trainee BOCC 10.4.21 001.000000.020.000. APPRAISER Position approved by BOCC 514.24.510165.0000. 14th FTE approved by the for 9 months move to M Assessor 00. $ 70,179 $ 70,179 10/4/2021 $ - 1 2 BOCC per BOCC 10.4. 21 001.000000.030.030. COPIER RENTAL Reallocation internally- 514.30.545010.0000. AGREEMENT Paddy will get more info- 00. Auditor $ 250 $ 250 10/4/2021 $ - A Reallocation internally move to 10.4-21 Keep as PLR-Paddy will get 001.000000.030.030. EQUIPMENT more info-move to ML3 514.30.548010.0000. MAINTENANCE Auditor 00. $ 200 $ 200 10/4/2021 $ - A Reallocation internally 10.4.21 001.000000.030.031. TRAINING/DUES/REGISTRA Leo gave detail-move to 514.23.549020.0000. TION $ 2,000 $ 2,000 10/4/2021 $ - A Increased training for new staff ML3 per BOCC 10.4.21 Auditor 00. 001.000000.030.032. 2022 UNAPPROVED Move to ML3 per BOCC 514.30.510015.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 33,578 $ 33,578 10/4/2021 $ - 0.5 1 Office Technician 10.4.21 Auditor 00. 001.000000.030.033. 2022 UNAPPROVED Move to ML3 per BOCC 514.81.510016.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 33,578 $ 33,578 10/4/2021 $ - 0.5 1 Office Technician 10.4.21 Auditor 00. 001.000000.030.033. SMALLTOOLS&MINOR Move to ML3 per BOCC 514.81.535010.0000. EQUIPMENT Auditor 00. $ 2,900 $ 2,900 10/4/2021 $ - 1 Desk for Office Technician 10.4.21 001.000000.030.033. TRAVEL Travel&lodging for licensing 514.81.543010.0000. manager and 1 employee to Move to ML3 per BOCC Auditor 00. $ 1,500 $ 1,500 10/4/2021 $ - A licensing conference 10.4.21 Contract out website 601.0 00000.030.034. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES design-check w/IT Steering 514.40.541010.0000. Committee per BOCC Auditor 00. $ 24,139 $ 24,139 2 Contract out website design 10.4.21 001.000000.030.034. ELECTION CERTIFICATION Training costs for new Move to ML3 per BOCC 514.40.549030.0000. 10.4.21 Auditor 00. $ 2,000 $ 2,000 10/4/2021 $ A employees 001.000000.050.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED Grant funding offset of arpx 525.10.510030.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $50k-get more detail on 00. funding sources,ARPA $14k??Is EMPG secured??- Training&Exercise Staff Keep as PLR for now per DEM $ 76,692 $ 76,692 1 1 Position-1 FTE currently Xhelp I BOCC 10.4.21 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 2 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount -BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.050.000. OVERTIME 525.10.512000.0000. Actual through June 2021 is DEM 00. $ 1,200 $ 1,200 10/4/2021 $ - 2 $682 ML3 per BOCC 10.4.21 001.000000.070.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED Additional clerk for assistance 512.30.510070.0000. BUDGET REQUEST with"Blake"decision Keep as PLR until end.Need 00. paperwork and processing to have offsetting revenue Clerk $ 62,028 $ 62,028 1 1 passports amount per BOCC 10.4.21 001.000000.070.000. JUDICIALSUPPORT Increase.5 position to 1.0 Move to ML3 per BOCC 512.30.510150.0000. SPECIALIST Clerk 00. $ 14,231 $ 14,231 10/4/2021 $ - 0.5 1 position for archive backlog 10.4.21 Would like to be reimbursed Keep as PLR until end.Need 001.000000.070.000. TRAVEL 512.30.543010.0000. for travel to training breakdown of costs per Clerk 00. $ 2,800 $ 2,800 2 conferenced BOCC 10.4.21 001.000000.090.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED Move to MI-3 per BOCC 513.10.510050.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 83,640 $ 83,640 10/4/2021 $ - 1 3 Public Records Coordinator 10.4.21 Support Services 00. 001.000000.100.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED 512.40.510011.0000. BUDGET REQUEST If position approved,can 00. drop Pro Tempore line down to$23.5k per Judge Steele 10.5.21. Keep as PLR District Court $ 101,469 $ 101,469 0.5 1 Court Commissioner.5 FTE for now per BOCC 10.5.21. 001.000000.100.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED Keep as PLR per BOCC 512.40.510050.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 77,561 $ 77,561 1 2 Judicial Support Staff 10.5.21 District Court 00. 001.000000.100.000. JUDGE PRO TEMPORE Changed PLR to match 512.40.510620.0000. detail per PR 9/20/21. 00. BOCC leaning towards Judge Pro Tempore increase rather than adding a.5 FTE Court Commissioner.Keep as PLR District Court $ 89,478 $ 89,478 3 Judge Pro Tempore Increase for now per BOCC 10.5.21. 001.000000.100.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED 512.40.510901.0000. BUDGET REQUEST .6 FTE other.4 is in probation, Keep as PLR per BOCC $ 62,612 0.6 4 Chief Deputy Administrator 10.5.21 District Court 00. $ 62,612 001.000000.100.173. 2022 UNAPPROVED 523.33.510901.0000. BUDGET REQUEST 1 position split into 2 Keep as PLR per BOCC $ 41,255 0.4 4 deparments.4 FTE 10.5.21 District Court 00. $ 41,255 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 3 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.100.000. OFFICE SUPPLIES Inc total ML3 to$20k per 512.40.531010.0000. )istrict Court 00. $ 4,960 $ 1,314 10/5/2021 $ 3,646 5 Office supply increase BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.100.000. SMALLTOOLS&MINOR Desks&Chairs for new Keep as PLR per BOCC 512.40.535010.0000. EQUIPMENT 2,275 $ 2,275 6 positions 10.5.21 )istrict Court 00. $ 001.000000.100.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT Keep as PLR per BOCC 512.40.535098.0000. 2,500 $ 2,500 7 Laptop&Printer 10.5.21 District Court 00. $ 001.000000.100.000. INTERPRETER Demand for interpreters Move to ML3 per BOCC 512.40.541050.0000. District Court 00. $ 22,000 $ 22,000 10/5/2021 $ - 8 increase 10.5.21 001.000000.100.173. INTERPRE SERVICES Demand for interpreters Move to ML3 per BOCC 523.33.541040.0000. District Court 00. $ 1,000 $ 1,000 10/5/2021 $ - 9 increase 10.5.21 001.000000.125.000. EXTRA HELP ON-GOING Approved 04/21 briefing as Move to ML3 per BOCC Community 559.30.510600.0000. Development 00. $ 25,000 $ 25,000 10/4/2021 $ - budget neutral. 10.4.21 001.000000.125.140. EXTRA HELP Come back to once we 558.50.510600.0000. receive actual estimate for 00. 1 FTE per BOCC 10.4.21- Increase extra help Fire leave as PLR for now.Will Marshal supported by need to do same for Community Development $ 30,000 $ 30,000 additional revenue Building Official 001.000000.125.140. OVERTIME Necessary to cover staff absences,projects etc 558.50.512000.0000. supported by additional Move to ML3 per BOCC Community 00. Development $ 10,000 $ 10,000 10/4/2021 $ - revenue 10.4.21 001.000000.125.140. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Move to ML3 per BOCC Community 558.50.541020.0000. $ 15,000 $ 15,000 10/4/2021 $ - 10.4.21 Development 00. _ 001.000000.170.000. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Changes in grant usage,I will Move to ML3 per BOCC Juvenile Court 523.31.541010.0000. Services 00. $ 9,524 $ 9,524 10/5/2021 $ do separate PLR form 10.5.21 001.000000.170.000. DETENTION TRAINING We have 4 staff that need to 527.60.549010.0000. attend the academy,will do Move to ML3 per BOCC Juvenile Court 00. Services $ 2,000 $ 2,000 10/5/2021 $ parate PLR 10.5.21 001.000000.205.265. 2022 UNAPPROVED No for 2022 per BOCC 521.10.510075.0000. BUDGET REQUEST Sheriff 00. $ 63,680 $ 63,680 1F1141erk 10.5.21 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 4 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.205.265, 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.10.510076.0000. BUDGET REQUEST NP Clerk-$40,675 Base+ Come back to this per BOCC $ 63,680 $ 63,680 1 2 $23,005 Benefits 10.5.21 iheriff 00. 001.000000.205.265. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.10.510077.0000. BUDGET REQUEST NPClerk-$40,675Base+ $ 63,680 $ 63,680 1 2 $23,005 Benefits Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.265. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.10.510106.0000. BUDGET REQUEST 00. $ 63,680 $ 63,680 1 14 Clerk Sheriff _- 001.000000.205.265. TRACKABLE Moved Taser leases to their 521.10.535099.0000. TOOLS/EQUIPMENT $ 20,000 $ 20,000 own line.For computers Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.265. SOFTWARE LICENSES& $6500 current contracts, 521.10.541030.0000. FEES $3500 quickbooks.Move 00. $6500to ML3 per BOCC. Come back to$3500 after Quickbooks,Teamviewer,MS IT steering committee Sheriff $ 10,000 $ 6,500 10/5/2021 $ 3,500 15 Office,Adobe Pro added 10.5.21 001.000000.205.265. STOP GRANT SERVICES 521.10.541512.0000. City of Shelton payments not Sheriff 00. $ 12,000 $ 12,000 10/5/2021 $ - 14 budgeted in 2021 ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.10.510002.0000. BUDGET REQUEST Sheriff 00. $ 63,680 $ 63,680 1 14 Clerk 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510150.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510260.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510280.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510285.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510290.0000. BUDGET REQUEST Sheriff 00. $ 122,278 $ 122,278 1 14 Lieutenant 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510310.0000. BUDGET REQUEST Sheriff 00. $ 102,039 $ 102,039 1 14 Systems Administrator 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 5 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 FAmount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510315.0000. BUDGET REQUEST NP CSO-$37,490 Base+ Come back to this per BOCC $ 62,372 $ 62,372 1 3 $24,882 Benefits 10.5.21 iheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED NP CSO-$37,490 Base+ 521.22.510320.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 62,372 $ 62,372 1 3 $24,882 Benefits Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510334.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 122,278 $ 122,278 1 14 Lieutenant Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510343.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. 2022 UNAPPROVED 521.22.510363.0000. BUDGET REQUEST Sheriff 00. $ 95,771 $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Patrol Actuals-2020- 001.000000.205.267. OVERTIME $233,111; 2019-$254,345 Benefits included in OT PLR 521.22.512000.0000. 2018-$267,882; 2017- ask.Come back to this per Sheriff 00. $ 105,881 $ 105,881 5 $228,293;Avg-$245,907 BOCC 10.5.21 Patrol Actuals-2020- 001.000000.205.267. HOLIDAY OVERTIME $121,559; 2019-$115,349 Benefits included in OT PLR 521.22.512010.0000. 2018-$121,028; 2017- ask.Come back to this per Sheriff 00. $ 53,855 $ 53,855 6 $106,207;Avg-$116,036 BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205,267. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED Outfit new$20,000.3-yr 521.22.520054.0000. UNIFORMS $ 15,000 $ 15,000 10/5/2021 $ - 11 average$19,990 for replace ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. AMMUNITIONS Onetime cost.Come back 521.22.531030.0000. $ 138,000 $ 138,000 8 Stock and Training to this per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. FUEL Boating costs not covered by Keep as PLR per BOCC 521.22.532010.0000. Sheriff 00. $ 5,000 $ 5,000 16 grant funding 10.5.21 001.000000.205.267. BULLETPROOF VESTS Need to replace 25.Request is 521.22.535015.0000. $ 20,000 $ 20,000 10/5/2021 $ - 7 after grant application ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. SWAT/SAR EQUIP Sheriff 00. $ 9,000 $ 9,000 10/5/2021 $ - 10 521.22.535020.0000. .5.21 Reduction to Title III grant. ML3 per BOCC 10 001.000000.205.267. REPAIRS TO EQUIPMENT Boat repairs not covered by Come back to this per BOCC 521.22.548010.0000. $ 50,000 $ 50,000 9 grant funding 10.5.21_ Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. K9 SUPPLIES 521.23.531010.0000. $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ - 17 K9 Program ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 6 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.205.267. K9 EQUIPMENT 521.23.535010.0000. $ 500 $ 500 $ - 17 K9 Program MI-3 per BOCC 10.5.21 iheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. K9 PROF SERVICES 521.23.541010.0000. iheriff 00. $ 1,100 $ 1,100 $ - 17 K9 Program MI-3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.267. K9 TRAVEL 521.23.543000.0000. ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. $ 500 $ 500 $ - 17 K9 Program 001.000000.205.267. K9TUITION/MEMBERSHIP 521.23.549020.0000. $ 700 $ 700 $ - 17 K9 Program ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.267. OVERTIME Evidence Tech overtime.No Keep as PLR per BOCC 521.80.512000.0000. Sheriff 00. $ 500 $ 500 19 2021 budget.Cameras 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. OVERTIME Keep as PLR per BOCC 523.10.512000.0000. 500 $ 500 20 Clerical overtime 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. $ 001.000000.205. 770. OFFICER IN CHARGE Keep as PLR per BOCC 523.20.510901.0000. Sheriff 00. $ 500 $ 500 21 No budget in 2021 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. 2022 UNAPPROVED 523.60.510120.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 81,660 $ 81,660 1 14 Corrections Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.270. 2022 UNAPPROVED 523.60.510171.0000. BUDGET REQUEST $ 81,660 $ 81,660 1 14 Corrections Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.270. 2022 UNAPPROVED 523.60.510176.0000. BUDGET REQUEST _ $ 81,660 $ 81,660 1 14 Corrections Deputy Sheriff 00. 001.000000.205.270. 2022 UNAPPROVED For Building 10 transport of 523.60.510192.0000. BUDGET REQUEST prisoners.Dependent on 00. moving to Bldg 30.Come Transport Deputy-$54,283 back to this per BOCC $ 84,561 $ 84,561 1 4 Base+$30,279 Benefits 10.5.21 Sheriff 001.000000.205.270. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED Three Year Actuals plus Six 523.60.520051.0000. UNIFORMS MI-3 per BOCC 10.5.21 Sheriff 00. $ 750 $ 750 10/5/2021 $ - 22 open positions 001.000000.205.270. HEALTHCARE SUPPLIES Come back to this&look 523.60.531020.0000. for other funding source 00. Sheriff $ 15,000 $ 15,000 12 PPE for jail staff per BOCC 10.5.21 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 7 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.205.270. INMATE SUPPLIES Based on new Medicaid 523.60.531040.0000. heriff 00. $ (5,000) $ (5,000) 10/5/2021 $ 18 legislation ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. HEALTH CARE SERVICES Based on new Medicaid 523.60.541008.0000. heriff 00. $ (12,000) $ (12,000) 10/5/2021 $ - 18 legislation ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. HEALTH CARE SVCS- Based on new Medicaid 523.60.541010.0000. MASON GEN HOS iheriff 00. $ (20,000) $ (20,000) 10/5/2021 $ - 18 legislation ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. PHARMACY/PRESCRIPTION Based on new Medicaid 523.60.541013.0000. 5 ;heriff 00. $ (15,000) $ (15,000) 10/5/2021 $ - 18 legislation ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. INMATE MEDICAL Based on new Medicaid 523.60.541015.0000. TRANSPORT ;heriff 00. $ (5,000) $ (5,000) 30/5/2021 $ - 18 legislation ML3 per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.205.270. MACHINERY& May be REET 1 eligible.If 594.60.564010.0000. EQUIPMENT REET eligible move to REET. 00. ML3 for now per BOCC Sheriff $ 10,000 $ 10,000 10/5/2021 $ - 1 Jail replacement locks/fittings 10.5.21 001.000000.250.000. MISC COURT 512.21.510023.0000. COMMISSIONER On par with on usage w/increased trend based ncreased trials; Move to ML3 per BOCC Superior Court 00. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 10/5/2021 $ - 2 separte PLR 10.5.21 001.000000.250.000. 2022 UNAPPROVED Admininstrative Phase 2 of reorg.Come 512.21.510040.0000, BUDGET REQUEST Secretary/Judicial Assistant- back to this,keep as PLR for Superior Court 00. $ 80,690 $ 80,690 1 1 separate PLR now per BOCC 10.5.21 001.000000.250.000. BAILIFF Increase due to more jury Move to ML3 per BOCC 512.21.510610.0000. Superior Court 00. $ 8,959 $ 8,959 10/5/2021 $ - 2 trials;separate PLR 10.5.21 001.000000.256.100. 2022 UNAPPROVED extra judicial help to cover 512.22.510610.0000. BUDGET REQUEST when our judicial for 00. therapeutic courts is out and Move to ML3 per BOCC Therapeutic Court $ 7,553 $ 7,553 10/5/2021 $ - 2 our judicial officers cannot. 10.5.21 001.000000.300.000. OUTSIDE AUDITING Increased need/cost for Move to M1_3 per BOCC 514.20.541010.0000. SERVICES Non-Departmental 00. $ 1,000 $ 1,000 10/4/2021 $ - 4 Outside Auditing Services 10.4.21 001.000000.300.312. RISK MNGT/PROPERTY Move to ML3 per BOCC 518.90.546030.0000. INSURANCE Non-Departmental 00. $ 90,000 $ 90,000 10/4/2021 $ - 5 10%above 2020 actuals 10.4.21 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 8 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.310.000. TRANSFER OUT TO PUBLIC Transfer Approved by BOCC 597.00.500150.0000. HEALTH Offset to Transfer into Public during Community Srvs BW ransfers Out 00. $ 376,255 $ 376,255 10/4/2021 $ - Health 10.4.21 001.000000:010.003. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 553.60.535098.0000. NSU 00. $ 12,000 $ 12,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.020.000. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 514.24.535098.0000. 30/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 30/4/2021 kssessor 00. $ 2,000 $ 2,000 001.000000.030.031. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 514.23.535098.0000. kuditor 00. $ 2,000 $ 2,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.030.033. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 514.81.535098.0000. 4uditor 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.030.034. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 514.40.535098.0000. Auditor 00. $ 8,000 $ 8,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 ool.000000.0jo 0 00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 525.10.535098.0000. DEM 00. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.055.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 518.30.535098.0000. Facilities 00. $ 8,000 $ 8,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.057.100. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 518.90.535098.0000. 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 Human Resources 00. $ 2,000 $ 2,000 001.000000.057.200. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 514.24.535098.0000. Human Resources 00. $ 8,000 $ 8,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.070.000. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 512.30.535098.0000. Clerk 00. $ 11,500 $ 11,500 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.080.000. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 511.60.535098.0000. 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 Commissioners 00. $ 2,000 $ 2,000 001.000000.100.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 512.40.535098.0000. $ 13,5 District Court 00. 00 $ 13,500 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.100.173. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 523.33.535098.0000. District Court 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 9 of 9 General Fund Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRS FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 001.000000.125.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing ommunity 559.30.535098.0000. _ IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 ievelopment 00. $ 6,000 $ 6,000 10/4/2021 $ P P 001.000000.146.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 576.80.535098.0000. arks&Trails 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.170.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing uvenile Court 523.31.535098.0000. - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 ervices 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 30/4/2021 $ 001.000000.180.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 515.31.535098.0000. $ 22,000 $ 22,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 prosecutor 00. 001.000000.190.000. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing 563.10.535098.0000. :oroner 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 001.000000.250.000. TRACKABLE BOCC approved in briefing 512.21.535099.0000. TOOLS/EQUIPMENT iuperior Court 00. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 30/4/2021 $ - IT Computer Replacement Plan on 10/4/2021 Temp position funded by 001.000000.090.000. ARPA-need to add to 514.20.510040.0000. $ 92,078 $ 92,078 10/4/2021 $ - detailed budget iupport Services 00. Total New FTE requests: $ 2,431,419 29 Total Other Salary&Benefit Requests: $ 368,686 Total Operating Requests: $ 710,103 _ IT Computer Replacement Total: $ 229,078 Grand Total General Fund Expenditure PLR Requests $ 3,829,286 29 Total PLRs Approved by the BOCC&Number of Positions Added $ 1,085,499 3.5 — Total PLRs Outstanding as of 10.11.2021 $ 2,743,787 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 1 Special Funds Revenue October 25,2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Budget Office Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Notes 150.000000.000.000.397.00.300001.0000.00. TRANSFER IN-CURRENT EXPENSE Transfer in from Current Expense Fund to Support Move to ML3 per munity Services Health $ 376,255 $ 376,255 10/4/2021 $ Health BOCC 10.4.21 Pass-Thru,Flood Plains by 192.000000.000.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT omish Flood Zone $ 8,000,000 $ 8,000,000 1 Design 192.000000.000.000.337.00.330000.0000.00. LOCAL GRANTS,ENTITLEMENTS,AND Other Payments-Bridge Loan for Skokomish River S m-Outside Loan ;omish Flood Zone Pro ect $ 8,000,000 $ 8,000,000 (brridgeidge loan) 411.000000.000.000.397.00.300155.0000.00. TRANSFER IN:ARPA Increased ARPA funds lewood $ 199,800 $ 199,800 awarded cenen trally. lewood 411.000000.100.000.397.00.300351.0000.00. TRANSFER IN:REET 2 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Transfer in from REET 2 412.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Budget Office has$8760& As Cove Water $ (8,760) $ (8,760) PWs has$0 budgeted As Cove Water 412.000000.000.000.397.00.300155.0000.00. TRANSFER IN:ARPA $ 110,888 $ 551, ARPA Funds request air Sewer 413.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 551,300 $ 551,300 300 Capital Contributions 428.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED expBFBected decreases due to expected FY21 planned revenues and expenses ifill Reserve $ 6,835 $ 6,835 planned. 501.000000.000.000.348.20.300000.0000.00. SALES OF ROAD MATERIALS(PITS,Q Probably maintenance but hoping for PWs explanation of costs since number is very R $ 36,000 $ 36,000 specific 501.000000.000.000.348.30.300000.0000.00. VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPAIR CHARG Further analysis of Rent R $ 2,443,873 $ 2,443,873 allocated to service depts. 501.000000.000.000.348.40.300000.0000.00. OTHER SPACE&FAC RENT-SHORT Further analysis of Rent R $ 2,281,686 $ 2,281,686 allocated to service depts. nd Total All Special Fund Revenue PLR Requests $ 22,107,977 0 al PLRs Approved by the BOCC $ 376,255 al PLRs Outstanding as of 10.11.2021 $ 21,731,622 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 4 Special Funds Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 105.000000.000.000. ER&R VEHICLES Need rates&capital requests 542.10.545951.0000. for 2022.PWs to send 00. equipment purchase list. $1.8M is capital equipment total ask.Move$1.8M to ML3 Need rates&capital requests per BOCC 10.5.21.Come back aunty Road $ 3,500,000 $ 1,800,000 10/5/2021 $ 1,700,000 for 2022 to rates. 105.000000.000.000. ENGINEER/DEVLOPMEN Moved to Mnt-this was 544.20.510340.0000. T REVIEW Unfilled -but we expect to fill removed from ML3 in error by aunty Road 00. $ 81,577 $ 81,577 $ - 1 and need position Budget Office 105.000000.000.000. BUILDINGS& 594.44.562000.0000. STRUCTURES PLR until/unless capital is/was aunty Road 00. $ 20,000 $ 20,000 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000. CAPITAL MACHINERY& PLR until/unless capital is/was 594.44.564000.0000. EQUIPMENT runty Road 00. $ 100,000 $ 100,000 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000. CONSTRUCTION OF 594.44.565000.0000. CAPITAL ASSETS PLR until/unless capital is/was aunty Road 00. $ 426,100 $ 426,100 approved by BOCC_ _ 105.000000.000.000. CAPITAL 595.10.5XXXXX.0000. CONSTRUCTION Need to match up to Six Year& aunty Road 00 $ 1,420,000 $ 1,420,000 Annual CN Rpt 117.000000.000.200. 2022 UNAPPROVED immunity Support 565.40.510020.0000. BUDGET REQUEST 2 of this FTE moved from Fund !rvices 00. $ 21,393 $ 21,393 10/4/2021 $ - 0.2 1 150 117.000000.000.200. 2022 UNAPPROVED )mmunitySupport 565.40.510020.0000. BUDGET REQUEST !rvices 00. $ 82,490 $ 82,490 10/4/2021 $ - 1 2 rAdfone FTE to Housing 150.000000.100.000. PROGRAM )mmunity Services 562.10.510124.0000. COORDINATOR his FTE moved to Fund ealth 00. $ (21,393) $ (21,393) 10/4/2021 $ - -0.2 1 192.000000.000.000. INTERGOVERNMENTAL 553.30.551000.0000. SERVICES Inter-governmental transfer to 00. Army Corp of Engineers, Skokomish River Eco-systm Restoration Project$8M,Pass (okomish Flood through to Mason )ne $ 16,000,000 $ 16,000,000 Conservation$8M 402.000000.000.000. EXTRA HELP ON-GOING 537.80.510600.0000. 3ndfill 00. $ 16,380 $ 16,380 PLR for increased Xhelp 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 2 of 4 Special Funds Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 402.000000.000.000. OVERTIME 537.80.512000.0000. 00. Currently on tract to utilize over$35,000 in OT this year.I do not think$12,000 will even cover me through April 2022. NOTE: Actual2021 expenditures reflect employee turnover,especially PT hours. Our payrate is$5/hr less than idfill $ 12,000 $ 12,000 Taco Bell. 402.000000.000.000. ER&R VEHICLES Absurd and gross. PW Finance 537.80.545951.0000. Mgr.to cotinue rate work and idfill 00. $ 90,553 $ 90,553 refine. 402.000000.000.000. ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 538.10.545951.0000. PW Finance Mgr to 00. justify/adjust based upon RR idfill $ 4,000 $ 4,000 rate study sompletion. 402.000000.000.000. CAPITAL MACHINERY& 594.37.564000.0000. EQUIPMENT Catchup on deferred minor idfill 00. $ 3,501 $ 3,501 capital imporvements. 402.000000.000.000. EQUIP TRAILER/HHW 594.37.564020.0000. TRANSPORT need info previously given for ndfiil 00. $ 590,000 $ 590,000 1 the breakdown of this line item 403.000000.100.020. ER&R VEHICLES 535.83.545951.0000. ICI Sewer Utility 00. $ 81,741 $ 81,741 Absurd and gross 403.000000.100.020. BUILDING RENTAL 538.10.545953.0000. Increase based upon actual ICI Sewer Utility 00. $ 1,818 $ 1,818 201 expenditures at 8/30/21 403.000000.100.020. MINOR FACILITY 594.35.562001.0000. IMPROVEMENTS ICI Sewer Utility 00. $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Can't do- look for notes 411.000000.100.000. ER&R VEHICLES 535.81.545951.0000. Need ER&R Rates for correct istlewood 00. $ 12,000 $ 12,000 number 411.000000.200.000. ER&R VEHICLES 534.81.545951.0000. Need ER&R Rates for correct istiewood 00. 1 $ 13,371 $ 13,371 number 411.000000.200.000. INSURANCE 538.10.546010.0000. istlewood 100. 1 $ (1,450) $ (1,450)1 Insurance 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 3 of 4 Special Funds Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 412.000000.200.000. ER&R VEHICLES 534.82.545951.0000. Need ER&R Rates for correct ards Cove Water 00. $ 10,400 $ 10,400 Inumber 412.000000.200.000. BUILDING RENTAL 538.10.545953.0000. ards Cove Water 00. $ 151 $ 151 Building rent 413.000000.000.000. ER&R VEHICLES 535.84.545951.0000. Need ER&R Rates for correct Ifair Sewer 00. $ 24,358 $ 24,358 number 501.000000.000.000. CAPITAL MACHINERY& includes($625K total carryover 594.48.564000.0000. EQUIPMENT for 2 dump trucks budgeted in &R 00. $ 1,872,500 $ 1,872,500 2020. 150.000000.200.000. IT TRACKABLE mmunity Health 562.20.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on rvices 00. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - 10/4/2021 150.000000.300.000. IT TRACKABLE mmunity Health 562.50.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on rvices 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 10/4/2021 105.000000.000.000. IT TRACKABLE 542.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on aunty Road 00. $ 3,000 $ 3,000 10/4/2021 105.000000.000.000. IT TRACKABLE 544.20.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on runty Road 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 105.000000.000.100. IT TRACKABLE 543.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on runty Road-GIS 00. $ 6,000 $ 6,000 10/4/2021 402.000000.000.000. IT TRACKABLE 537.80.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on ndfill 00. $ 4,000 $ 4,000 10/4/2021 402.000000.000.000. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on ndfill 00. $ 3,792 $ 3,792 �10/4/2021 403.000000.100.020. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved inbriefiingon )rth Bay Sewer 00. $ 1,824 $ 1,824 10/4/2021 411.000000.100.000. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on istlewood 00. $ 376 $ 376 10/4/2021 411.000000.200.000. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on istlewood 100. 1 1 $ 376 1 $ 376 1 10/4/2021 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 4 of 4 Special Funds Expenditures October 25, 2021 Amount Approved by Outstanding Dept's _ Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount BOCC Date Approved PLRs FTE PLR No. PLR Description Budget Office Notes 412.000000.200.000. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on >ards Cove Water 00. $ 408 $ 408 10/4/2021 _ 413.000000.000.000. IT TRACKABLE 538.10.535098.0000. EQUIPMENT BOCC approved in briefing on alfair Sewer 00. $ 1,224 $ 1,224 10/4/2021 501.000000.000.000. IT COMPUTERS 548.30.545952.0000. BOCC approved in briefing on MR 00. $ 6,000 $ 6,000 10/4/2021 - and Total All Special Fund Expenditure PLR Requests $ 24,531,490 2 _I rtal PLRs Approved by the BOCC&Number of Positions Added $ 2,009,067 )tal PI-Rs Outstanding as of 10.11.2021 $ 22,522,423 2022 Public Works Road Operations Equipment Purchases 5-yard vac/jet rod 1 $ 180,000.00 used Front end Loader 1 $ 230,000.00 new or used Chipper 1 $ 75,000.00 new 10-yard dump truck 2 $ 360,000.00 new F-550 w/sander, plow& dump 4 $ 320,000.00 new 1000 gal hydro mulcher 1 $ 75,000.00 new or used tractor and lowboy trailer 1 $ 130,000.00 used 3 axle pup trailers 3 $ 225,000.00 used F-150 trucks 2 $ 100,000.00 new Shoulder widener attachment 1 $ 120,000.00 new Chipper truck 1 $ 75,000.00 new TOTAL 1 $ 1,890,000.00 Mimi I smimi immimmi . In INN ................ Imp", ��1���1��IDln����■ Milli mommil ON �e���rEfl��E �����®���m�n��■ EM EEMMM ������aeia����r���e��■ loom M©Oilillimmmum � Meson County 2012 Simplifled Indirect Cast Allocation Plan-Revised 10.25.2021 Using Data from the year ended December 31,2020 Auditor(Financial S-I-) Treasurer Cesh M",1 end Centnl Ops,..CC,Non. Assessor Cast Allocated by mot allocated by number of Facilities Melntenanos Xumen rev Ind Resources Cost Recelptlne Srss mst allocated Dept Cost Allocated to by Schedule A-1-Allocate irect Costs to property tax enues(2020 s,dtWr-recorded lE lines co oca st allted by M Allotersd to depart ments by number of GCR IE lines total expenditures(2020 Other Direct De artments date 2020 data 2020 data by FTE 2020lots 2020 data den Me- New Rites Old Rates Olfference Allocated Allocated I Allonted Allocated Allocated Allocated os Cogs Costs Not Total Cts Costs Not Costs Costs Not Fund/ Recelwble Receivable Allocated IReceleable Recaleeble ReceWble Recelnble Dept Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount UnlIs Amount Amount from De is fmm De is Costs from Depts from Depb from D.E. from De ts 625 Tax Foretlowm Tmet 5 30 12 254 285 285 $ 211S I $ 2I15 - 631 Claims Clead 944 5751 - ""1 5,751 $ 5.751 $ 5,751 632 Pe mil Cleadn 130 792 - 792 792 �$ ]92' $ 792 - 637 Communi Health 51 1 IP17 1,081_�$ 3AB1 $ S,OB1 - 645 Treasurefs Trust 616 47 13,057 i$ 13,05] $ 13p57 646 Timber Tax 15 313 318 jS 318 $ 311 647 Treaaume, - :$ - 650 State Clearing 2 6298611 491- 3355 71,116 552,497_-�'S 562,497 $ 562,497 - 658 Forest Fire Patrol 324 6868 6,868 $ 6.068 $ 6,868 660 Ci of Shelton 246615si 45 586 12,421 57,928-__'.5 57,928 $ 57,929 - .1 Shelton Parkdlstdct 51330D 9472 255 5405 14,377 �$ 14,877 $ 14,e77 G52 Cemete 22 424 82 500 247 5.236 6,1fi0--.$ 6,160 $ 6,160 665 Fire Districts 13,013 59 240129 9 82 57766 5.354 113499 431,384-'$ 411,3Nj $ 411,384 666 Housi Autharl 11 67 33 70D 767 $ 767 $ 767 668 Transit 481L12D69 661 14 75 23,097_�.5 23,097 $ 23,W7 670 Ports 1319629 24 50 426 13W 29 52 - 62,289 ',$ 0,289 $ 62,239675 Hos itala 2731274 50398 9966 779 16 13 127,625 j$ 127,625 $ 127,6256B0 PUD's -681 MACECOM 607 163 3 55 7,353 $ ].153- $ 7682 Re tonal Libra 994 TMS 55-8 351 7 62,698_$ 62, $ 62,69685 Schaal DisWct, 9275 4189 8 795 145,299 ;$ 14 $ 145,299 - 690 Water Districts 1981 9593 97 3 97 Grand Totals: 73 59 638 90150378.99 378.99 53 21 54,119(3 97 1,706,fi12 31132,193 $2.750,215 S 3ABM90 43.603 Schedule: F A Cri A E i E-1 A E A E-1 A 1-s2 A A A 4 8 804 Total Cost Pool: 4838804 4,838804 Difference: A-1 Allocate Ind Cost to Depts 2 10/20/2022 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Nichole Wilston DEPARTMENT: Human Resources EXT: 643 2S BRIEFING DATE: Noyeniber 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Approval to set an Agenda Item on the November 9, 2021 Action Agenda for approval to increase the 2022 Non Represented medical contribution by $52 per month, from $1,362 per month to $1,414 per month. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Per RCW 3.16.070 the Board of County Commissioners shall fix the compensation of all employees. Currently the Collective Bargaining Agreements have all increased by $52 per month bringing the monthly medical contribution to $1,414 per month. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to set an Agenda Item on the November 9, 2022 Action Agenda for approval to increase the 2022 Non Represented medical contribution by $52 per month, from $1,362 per month to $1,414 per month. ATTACHMENTS: None Briefing Summary 10/19/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Todd Cannon DEPARTMENT: Support Services / IT EXT: 501 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Approval to purchase Off-Site Backup Storage EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It was requested that I.T. research an off-Site backup solution that is the best fit for the county. After looking at multiple vendors, I am proposing we purchase the solution offered by our current backup vendor"Unitrends". Having a fully integrated system reduces workload do to easy of management, Unitrends solution provides full redundant off-site storage with security measures in place to prevent compromise of our backup during a ransomware attack. The cost for this service is $63.376.00 for a three-year contract. BUDGET IMPACTS: supplemental needed. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: To approve the supplement and purchase. Briefing Summary 10/20/2021 rPEOPLE WHO GET IT DEAR TJ CANNON, Thank you for considering CDW•G LLC for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below. Click here to convert your quote to an order. ACCOUNT MANAGER NOTES: Thanks! lr- QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# I GRAND TOTAL MHFS649 8/9/2021 UNITRENDS 4748016 $63,376.00 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE Unitrends Forever Cloud Retention-subscription license(1 40 6348964 $475.00 $19,000.00 year) -500 GB Mfg. Part#: FC-90RCAS-500-A Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011-01) NEW ITEM 1 NEW-ITEM $0.00 $0.00 Mfg. Part#: NEW-ITEM mfg part#: CONNECT2021STDPASSKC Description: Unitrends Connect Contract: MARKET UNITRENDS FAST UPLOAD ON-PREMISE 1 3893800 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Mfg. Part#: IS-RPDCSD Electronic distribution -NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011-01) Unitrends Forever Cloud Retention-subscription license(1 40 6348964 $475.00 $19,000.00 year)-500 GB Mfg. Part#: FC-90RCAS-500-A Electronic distribution- NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011-01) Unitrends Forever Cloud Retention-subscription license(1 40 6348964 $475.00 $19,000.00 year)-500 GS Mfg. Part#: FC-90RCAS-500-A Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2016011-01) PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $58,250.00 Billing Address: SHIPPING $0.00 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ACCTS PAYABLE SALES TAX $5,126.00 411 N STH ST. SHELTON,WA 98584 GRAND TOTAL $63,376.00 Phone:(360)427-5501 Payment Terms: NET 30-VERBAL DELIVER TO Please remit payments to: Page 1 of 2 Shipping Address: CDW Government MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 75 Remittance Drive TJ CANNON Suite 1515 411 N 5TH ST. Chicago,IL 60675-1515 SHELTON,WA 98584 Phone:(360)427-5501 Shipping Method: DROP SHIP-GROUND CONTACTNeed Assistance?CDW-G LLC SALES •• • Danny Higgins 1 (877) 625-7671 dannhig@cdwg.com This quote is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.cdwo,com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.asox For more information,contact a COW account manager @ 2021 CDW•G LLC 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills,IL 60061 1 800.808.4239 Page 2 of 2 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kelly Bergh for Frank Pinter DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 644 BRIEFING DATE: 10/25/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 8/23/2021 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑x Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑x Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Amend Subrecipient agreements and Partner Professional Services agreements related to Contract #18-62210-039 with Department of Commerce—Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program—Microenterprise Building Connections—Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On August 31, 2021, BOCC approved the amendment of Contract #18-62210-039 with Department of Commerce—CDBG Program—Microenterprise Building Connections — Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project, to extend the end date to December 31, 2022. The related Subrecipient agreements with Enterprise for Equity and WSU and the Partner Professional Services agreements with Economic Development Council of Mason County and North Mason Chamber of Commerce need to be extended now that we have the fully executed contract amendment from Commerce. These amendments have already been signed by Tim Whitehead, Subrecipient and Partners. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) NA RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to amend and Chair to sign contract amendments. ATTACHMENTS: Amendment #1-Enterprise for Equity Amendment #1-Washington State University Extension Division of Gov Studies & Services Amendment #1-Economic Development Council of Mason County Amendment #1-North Mason Chamber of Commerce Briefing Summary 10/19/2021 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT#20-037 AMENDMENT#1 ENTERPRISE FOR EQUITY THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as"COUNTY"and Enterprise for Equity(E4E)hereinafter referred to as"SUBRECIPIENT"for the Building Connections—Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project herein referred to as "PROJECT'). As the Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce)is authorized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)to provide funds to units of local government selected to undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and policies; and As the Local Government has applied for and received a CDBG award, contract number 18-62210-039 (CFDA 14.228), to fund the Project with Federal Award Identification Number B-18-DC-53-0001;and As allowed under General Conditions, Section S.H., either party may request amendments to the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed amendments, to be valid and binding upon either party,shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties. This Amendment extends the contract end date from March 31, 2022 to December 31,2022. All other terms of the contract remain the same. All other items listed under"Scope of Services"in the original agreement remain the same. DATED this day of ,2021. ENTERPRISE FOR EQUITY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON f� Lisa tmith, Executive irec r Randy Neatherlin, Chair Dated: Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ` Tim Wh"tehead,Chief DPA J:\Grants\CDBG MicroEnterprise\2019 CONTRACT 7.2019-03.31.2022\E4E\DRAFT Contract amendment#1- E4E.docx Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT#20-036 AMENDMENT#1 DIVISION OF GOVERNMENTAL STUDIES & SERVICES,WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as"COUNTY"and Division of Governmental Studies&Services,Washington State University Extension hereinafter referred to as"SUBRECIPIENT"for the Building Connections—Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project herein referred to as"PROJECT"). As the Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce) is authorized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)to provide funds to units of local government selected to undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and policies; and As the Local Government has applied for and received a CDBG award, contract number 18-62210-039 (CFDA 14.228), to fund the Project with Federal Award Identification Number B-18-DC-53-0001;and As allowed under General Conditions, Section 8.H., either party may request amendments to the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed amendments, to be valid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties. This Amendment extends the contract end date from March 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. All other terms of the contract remain the same. All other items listed under"Scope of Services" in the original agreement remain the same. DATED this day of , 2021. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY EXTENSION DIVISION OF GOVERNMENTAL STUDIES MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON & ERVICES Digitally signed by Dan �j Nordquist Date:2021.10.11 14:07:43 I AVP/DVP.Authorized Official -07'00' Dan Nordquist, Deputy Vice President Randy Neatherlin, Chair ' I Dated: Dated: j I APPROVED AS TO FORM: ` Tim Whit6head,Chief DPA J:\Grants\CDBG MicroEnterprise\2019 CONTRACT 7.2019-03.31.2022\WSU\DRAFT Contract amendment#1- ! WSU.docx Page 1 of 1 II I I MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT#20-080 AMENDMENT#1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF MASON COUNTY THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as"COUNTY"and Economic Development Council of Mason County(EDC) hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR"for the Building Connections—Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project herein referred to as"PROJECT"). As the Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce) is authorized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)to provide funds to units of local government selected to undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and policies; and As the Local Government has applied for and received a CDBG award, contract number 18-62210-039 (CFDA 14.228), to fund the Project with Federal Award Identification Number B-18-DC-53-0001;and As allowed under Changes, Amendments, Modifications, Section 14., either party may request amendments to the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed amendments, to be valid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties. This Amendment extends the contract end date from March 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. All other terms of the contract remain the same. All other items listed under"Scope of Services"in the original agreement remain the same. DATED this day of .12021. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Jennifer Baria, xecutive Director Randy Neatherlin, Chair Dated: Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: l _ Tim Whitehead,Chief DPA J:\Grants\CDBG MicroEnterprise\2019 CONTRACT 7.2019-03.31.2022\PARTNERS\EDC\DRAFT Contract amendment #1-EDC.docx Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT#20-081 AMENDMENT#1 NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as"COUNTY"and North Mason Chamber of Commerce(NMCC) hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"for the Building Connections—Strengthening Businesses in Mason County Project herein referred to as'PROJECT"). As the Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce)is authorized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)to provide funds to units of local government selected to undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and policies; and As the Local Government has applied for and received a CDBG award, contract number 18-62210-039 (CFDA 14.228),to fund the Project with Federal Award Identification Number B-18-DC-53-0001;and As allowed under Changes, Amendments, Modifications, Section 14., either party may request amendments to the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed amendments, to be valid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties. This Amendment extends the contract end date from March 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. All other terms of the contract remain the same. All other items listed under"Scope of Services"in the original agreement remain the same. DATED this �2,;�day of (:�QCAq bQ .2021. NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON 7a— — Pam Volz, Presi &C O Randy Neatherlin, Chair Dated: 41a� Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whehead,Chief DPA J:1Grants\CDBG MicroEnterprise12019 CONTRACT 7.2019-03.31.20221PARTNERSINMCCIDRAFT Contract amendment#1-NMCC.docx Page 1 of 1 I MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Zoren DEPARTMENT: Parks and Trails Department EXT: 757 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources X Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Addition of James Erwin with Lara Nelson as the Foothills Park Hosts. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions) Mason County Parks &Trails Department has Lara Nelson as the park host for Foothills Park. Her significant other has joined her at the residence and needs to be added to the Foothills Park Host contract. A background check has been completed. The revised Park Host contract for James Erwin will start Nov 1, 2021 and expires the same date as Lara Nelson's contract, December 31, 2022. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) Contract reviewed by Mason County Asst PA Tim Whitehead RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: I recommend that the BOCC approval the addition of James Erwin to the Foothills Park Host contract. Add contract to October 26, 2021 BOCC Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Template of Foothills Park Host contract. Briefing Summary 10/19/2021 Park Host Contract Page 1 of 3 MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS On-site Park Host CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made between Lara G. Nelson an James Erwin , of Mason County, hereinafter referred to as On-site Park Host and MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT, State of Washington, County of Mason, State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as Contractor. RECITALS: Park Host is willing to be contracted by Contractor, and Contractor is willing to contract the Park Host, on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth hereinafter including such terms, covenants and conditions as may be set forth hereinafter. SECTION ONE — DUTIES. Contractor hereby engages Park Host as the Park Host of MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT, Foothills Park , Hoodsport, Washington. The duties of MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS Park Host specifically require: ♦ Being at the Mason County Park site during the hours of darkness and during the day on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Time off during the week is allowable, please notify the contractor. ♦ Park Host will open and close the park daily in accordance with park hours as deemed so by Contractor. The evening security round shall consist of ensuring the doors of all buildings or restrooms are locked, gates are shut and locked, and all guests are off the grounds. ♦ Conduct a daily park inspection, advising Mason County Parks and Trails Department of any hazardous or unsafe condition that may exist; any broken fixtures, lighting or plumbing and any vandalism to the park facilities. ♦ Perform light maintenance of park grounds as directed, i.e. stock and clean restrooms, litter pick-up, and other duties as assigned. ♦ Park Host agrees to call the Mason County Sheriff if anything out of the ordinary is observed or heard; but under no condition or situation will attempt to apprehend the person(s) so acting. ♦ Requests for off duty time shall be negotiated with the Contractor. ♦ Park Host is required to make the appropriate contacts if any situation should require intervention by parks staff or law enforcement. Contact persons are: 1. Carl Olson 360-427-9670, extension 535 Cell: 360-490-0539 Home: 360-432-0465 OR Emergency: 911 Park Host hereby accepts and agrees to such engagement, subject to the general supervision and pursuant to the orders, advice and direction of related services and duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by Contractor, subject to mutual consideration of Section Three. SECTION TWO - TERMS. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. SECTION THREE - COMPENSATION TO PARK HOST/RESIDENT. Contractor shall provide for Park Host, and Park Host shall accept from Contractor, in full payment for Park Host services the following: A designated Park Host Contract Page 2 of 3 park host site located at the park. Be it understood that the Park Host shall be responsible for providing his/her telephone carrier and long distance service. Contractor shall provide electrical utilities, water, septic and garbage service. SECTION FOUR— PARK HOST/RESIDENT BENEFITS. It is understood and agreed by both Contractor and Park Host that Park Host is not an employee of Contractor and shall not receive the benefits available to Mason County Employees including, but not limited to: vacation time, sick leave, personal holiday, medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, etc. It is further agreed by the Contractor to carry Industrial Insurance coverage on the Park Host. SECTION FIVE —CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. Park Host shall maintain designated residential area in a neat, orderly manner, and shall prevent the accumulation of debris, or any other material or objects which are not compatible to the environment of the park area such as metal, lumber or wood products, abandoned vehicles or appliances, tires or any other like materials. No services or activities shall be undertaken on Mason County Parks Property which result in compensation or benefit to the Park Host. There shall be no unauthorized or private use of park. All residents at the County-owned premises shall undergo a Washington State Patrol Background Check that indicates they are acceptable for involvement with youth activities. No illegal activities involving the Park Host shall be undertaken or allowed to take place on or about the park properties or Park Host residence. Only the Park Host shall be allowed to operate County-owned equipment, and then, only in the performance of work approved by the County. Residence in County-owned facilities is restricted to the Contractor and their immediate family. Residence shall be defined as any extended stay of more than one week in a calendar month. Immediate family shall mean the spouse and or legal dependants of the Contractor. SECTION SIX- CONFLICTING OBLIGATION. In cases of emergency or conflicting obligation, the Park Host is responsible for the continued completion of the duties specified in this contract. If the Park Host is unable to resolve the conflict, Mason County Parks and Trails Director must be notified. SECTION SEVEN - CONTRACT AUTHORITY RESERVED BY COUNTY. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Contractor shall not have the right to make any contracts or commitments for, or on behalf of the County without the written consent of the County SECTION EIGHT - ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, together with any Attachments, represents the obligations of both the County and the Contractor in their entirety. No other representations, whether verbal or in writing, that are not contained herein, shall be binding upon the parties. SECTION NINE - AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be changed or modified only with the mutual agreement of both the Contractor and the Park Host, and only then upon approval through the appropriate processes then in effect for the County for the obligations contained in any modification or change. SECTION TEN - TERMINATION. This agreement may be terminated by either party, without cause, upon six weeks written notice to the other. In case of any violation of the terms of this Agreement by Contractor, or the physical inability of the Contractor to perform the required duties, the County may terminate employment immediately, with compensation only to the date of such termination. SECTION ELEVEN - SEVERABILITY. In the event that any competent court finds any specific term or provision of this Agreement invalid, the remaining terms and provisions shall be in full force and effect as if such provisions were not contained herein. SECTION TWELVE - CHOICE OF VENUE. It is the intention of the parties that all suits and special proceedings pertaining to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be in accordance with and pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington. Any actions or matters shall come before the courts of Mason County, Washington for actions and/or decisions. Park Host Contract Page 3 of 3 SECTION THIRTEEN -TERMINATION FOR DISABILITY. Notwithstanding anything in this agreement to the contrary, Contractor is hereby given the option to terminate this agreement in the event that Park Host shall, during the term hereof, become permanently disabled, as the term permanently disabled is hereinafter fixed and defined. Such option shall be exercised by Contractor giving notice to Park Host by registered mail, addressed to him/her at or at such other address as Contractor shall designate in writing. On the giving of such notice, this Agreement shall cease on the last day of the month in which the notice is mailed, with the same force and effect as if such last day of the month were the date originally herein set forth as the termination date thereof. For the purpose of this agreement, Park Host shall be deemed to have become permanently disabled if, during any year of the term hereof, because of ill health, physical or mental disability or for other cause beyond his/her control he/she shall have been continuously unable or unwilling or shall have failed to perform his/her duties for a total period of thirty (30) days, irrespective of whether or not such days are consecutive. For the purpose hereof, the term any year of the term hereof, is defined to mean any 12-month calendar year period during the Park Host's affiliation with the Contractor in the capacity of Mason County Parks and Trails Park Host. SECTION FOURTEEN - SAFETY POLICY. It shall be a condition of employment to follow all safety practices set forth in Mason County Accident Prevention Policy and the State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement at Shelton, Washington on this, the day of , 20 ON-S TE PARK NOST Lara G. Nelson / Jam s All n Erwin Date: �� cq/ ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecutor BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Sharon Trask, Commissioner October 18, 2021 The Honorable Governor Jay Inslee Office of the Governor PO Box 40002 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Dear Governor Inslee, The past year has been quite the adventure creating many unforeseen trials and tribulations for those of us as leaders as well as all of us living in Washington State. As mentioned in previous letters, the echo and secondary effects of the decisions made by the State are very concerning to me. Mason County has seen these secondary affects in many areas to include businesses closing their doors permanently and increases in mental health issues. We also see increases in different degrees of domestic violence, drug abuse and overdoses. We have seen our parents in care centers withdraw and need medication to calm them because family was not able to visit them. We see mothers shed tears because their child was not able to attend their graduation,their first prom or their first date.We see more children committing suicide. We saw family's not allowed to attend a funeral or a wedding for a family member.We see a division within the residents of our state because of differing messages from leaders and the media. Now we see many passionate and experienced people with no job. The messages coming from the State offices and the media have caused great concern for many across the state and here in Mason County. I often hear from my constituents with questions and comments like: ❖ "If vaccines work and they protect me, why am I still having to wear a mask and limit my social gatherings?" ❖ "What happened to herd immunity?" ❖ "I will not separate families." Referring to vaccinated/non-vaccinated. ❖ "I will not tell my employees they need to check vaccination cards. It is a violation of HIPPA, ADA and sets us up for litigation." I received this message from one of our Fire Chief's: The decision to mandate vaccinations for WA State DOH credentialed EMS healthcare providers has a significant potential to impact the retention of our personnel.There is a cause for concern that the emergency service community (and the NMRFA) will lose career emergency responders (paramedics and EMT's) as a result of the mandate. It is a near certainty that we will lose volunteer responders in significant numbers as a result of the mandate.This will impact a volunteer response force that is already struggling in the recruitment and retention of emergency responders. We can all agree that health awareness is important. Having immunity is important! However, one type of immunity has been ignored and should not be forgotten.There have been approximately 700,000 confirmed cases of COVID 19. All of them have immunity from being exposed to the virus. Like many other diseases, COVID 19 and the variants are here to stay. We must now admit that it has become endemic and move forward and allow people to make the decisions they know are best for them, their family and their futures. I trust that the people in Mason County and across the state of Washington are informed and willing to meet the challenges life brings. There are numerous issues being over-looked and forgotten while the COVID pandemic is being addressed and while mandating the vaccination of our people.There are many that are not able to get the vaccine even if they wanted to due to other medical conditions or religious beliefs.The stratification of society through vaccinated/unvaccinated incentives begs for a high-level ethics review. Health awareness is important. It is time for us to turn our attention to other health issues. Our treatment centers have told me their visitors are getting more violent and out of control.The visitors are frustrated and taking that frustration out on the very people that are trying to help them. Our state does not have the resources to tend to those who truly need our help. We have no brick and mortar buildings to send them for treatment and to help them move to a better position in life. In conclusion, I would like to offer some solutions to move forward: ❖ Lift the mandates. Allow testing,vaccinations and natural immunity. Include natural immunity in decision making. ❖ Allow families and individuals the ability to make decisions. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Sharon Trask Mason County Commissioner, District 3 Cc: Congressman Derek Kilmer Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland Senator Andy Billig Senator John Braun Representative Laurie Jinkins Representative JT Wilcox Senator Tim Sheldon, 35th District Representative Drew MacEwen, 35th District Representative Dan Griffey, 35th District Washington Association of Counties MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Alex Paysse DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EXT: 279 Environmental Health BRIEFING DATE: 10/25/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: 2022 EH Fee Schedule EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Per Resolution 70-13, Environmental Health fees are to be adjusted for the 2022 calendar year. CPIU for July was 5.2%. Fees are being adjusted by the maximum of 5.0% per resolution. For convenience, calculated fees are rounded down to the nearest $5.00. Proposed fees would go into effect on January 1st, 2022. PUBLIC OUTREACH: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) Notices and reminders are sent to contractors, designers, and other stakeholders affected. Updated fee schedule will be posted to website upon approval. BUDGET IMPACTS: Fee adjustments are included in proposed budgets RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to place on next available action agenda ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2022 EH Fee Schedule, Resolution 70-13 Briefing Summary 10/19/2021 RESOLUTION NO. _70 — TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 145-08 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES WHEREAS,the provision of public health services and activities within Mason County requires the collection of fees to compliment other sources of revenue, WHEREAS, it is the role and responsibility of Mason County Board of County Commissioners to set policy for Mason County Public Health concerning the funding of public health programs and activities in Mason County and to set fees accordingly, WHEREAS,the Mason County Board of health met on November 26,2013 and reviewed and deliberated on the appropriate fees for public health goods and services,and WHEREAS,the proposed Environmental Health Fees for 2014 were approved by the Mason County Board of Health on November 26,2013, THEREFORE,IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT Mason County Public Health, Environmental Health Fees are amended for 2014 as shown in Attachment A,effective January 1, 2014. IT IS FURTHER ESTABLISHED THAT Mason County Public Health, Environmental Health Fees will be increased each year after 2014 by the amount of the July to July Consumer Price Index(CPIU)—All Urban Consumers with a maximum increase of 5%. APPROVED this (—74�1 day of Dc . ,2013. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy�eath in,Chai rson Terri Jeffs ,, o missioner Tim Sheldon, Commissioner ATTEST: � W�l AWXJ Mindi Brock, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Mason County Community Services Page 1 of 5 2022 Environmental Health Fee Schedule Drinking Water Program Plan Review Private 2 Party $260 $275 3-14 Connections $606 $635 Existing System Approval $435 $455 Re-submittal $44-5 $150 Well Construction Permit $260 $275 Well Decommissioning $345 $365 Well Site Inspection $2-20 $230 Re-inspection $445 $150 Group B or Individual Sanitary Survey $425 Water System Health Letter $B&hf $90/hr Waiver/Variance $260 $275 Water Adequacy Review- See building permit plan review Technical Assistance (per hour) $85/hf I $90/hr Appeal $47-0 $180 School Inspection Plan review (per hour) $35/#r $90/hr Pre-school $65/hf $90/hr Elementary School $35/ rr $90/hr Middle School $35/hf $90/hr High School $85/I+F $90/hr Day Care $96/hf $90/hr Technical Assistance (per hour) $&5/h-r $90/hr Water Recreation Facility Year-round Operation $43-5 $455 Additional pool or spa $45 $90 SeasonalOperation $345 $365 Additional pool or spa $45 $45 Tech nicalAssistance (per hour) $35/k+r $90/hr Vector Process & ship vector specimen $45 $45 Solid Waste Program Municipal Landfill Application $35/h $90/hr Renewal $4G5 $425 Closure/ Post Closure $495 $425 Transfer Station, Moderate Risk Waste Facility Application $465 $485 Renewal $345 $365 Per Ton (Fee set by resolution) $1.50 Mason County Community Services- Environmental Health 415 N. 6th Street- Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670, ext. 400 Mason County Community Services Page 2 of 5 2022 Environmental Health Fee Schedule Monofill, Inert Disposal/Landfill Application $520 $550 Renewal $346 $365 Closure/ Post Closure $290 $305 Woodwaste, Woodwaste recycling, Composting, Limited purpose landfill, Medical Incinerator, Waste to energy, Treatment facility Application $640 $670 Renewal $405 $425 Closure/ Post Closure $275 $290 Piles, Surface Impoundments Application $345 $365 Renewal $260 $275 Tire Pile, Recycling,Conditional Exempt Waste Facility, Drop Box Application $345 $365 Renewal $260 $275 Non-inert Construction Demo Landfill Application $8 -5 $855 Renewal $465 $485 Closure/ Post Closure $320 $335 Energy Recovery/Inceneration Application $4,400 $4,620 Renewal $4-,570 $1,650 Technical Assistance (per hour) $8-5/bf $90/hr Waiver $260 $275 Appeal $470 $180 Hazardous Material Cleanup Illegal Drug Lab Plan Review $260 $275 Per hour over 3 hours W&hf $90/hr Food Service Permit Fees Restaurants Complex Large $795 $820 Complex Small $520 $550 Non-complex Large $346 $365 Non-complex Small $260 $275 Taverns Complex Large $7M $820 Complex Small $520 $550 Non-complex (no Food) $260 $275 Mobiles Complex $540 Non-complex $260 $275 Kitchens Large $260 $275 Mason County Community Services- Environmental Health 415 N. 6th Street- Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670, ext. 400 Mason County Community Services Page 3 of 5 2022 Environmental Health Fee Schedule Small $480 $185 Confectionery $489 $185 Espresso $480 $185 Bed & Breakfast $488 $185 Bakery $260 $275 School/Jail Food Service Central Kitchen $260 $275 Satellite Kitchen $4-88 $185 Headstart/Preschool $229 $230 Re-inspections Initial $90 Follow-up $445 $150 Technical Assistance (per hour) $85/#f $90/hr Plan Review(per hour) $35/hf $90/hr Appeal/Office Conference $ 70 $180 Catering Off Premises Vending - Licensed Restaurant $4-&0 $185 Catering with Commessary Only $260 $275 Grocery/Markets 0-3 Checkstands Base fee $260 $275 4+ Checkstands Base fee $30-5 $320 For Each Department Add: Bakery $85 $90 Meat $85 $90 Seafood $85 $90 Deli $4W $140 Espresso $85 $90 Food Handlers Card (fee set by State) $10 Duplicate for Lost Food Handlers Card $3 Temporary Food Event Low Risk Foods Regular Tax Exempt Single Event $45 $45 $W $35 Multiple up to 21 days $85 $90 "0 $65 Farmer's Market $75 $75 $55 $60 Moderate Risk Foods Single Event $85 $90 $69 $65 Multiple up to 21 days $480 $185 $439 $140 Farmer's Market $458 $170 $4W $125 High Risk Foods Single Event $430 $140 $95 $100 Multiple up to 21 days $260 $275 $496 $205 Farmer's Market $250 $260 $455 $195 Expedited Food Permit Additional 50% of fee Land Use Fees BLA (office review) $430 $140 Mason County Community Services- Environmental Health 415 N. 6th Street- Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670, ext. 400 Mason County Community Services Page 4 of 5 2022 Environmental Health Fee Schedule Large Lot Subdivision Application fee $40.5 $425 Per Parcel fee $80 $35 Short Subdivision $405 $425 Subdivision Application fee $605 $635 Per Parcel fee $30 $35 Other review (per hour) $85/k-r $90/hr Pre-application meeting - Major EH Plan Review $240 Change in Tennant- Minor EH Plan Review $420 $125 Building Plan Review/Change of Use - Onsite Sewage: $420 $125 Building Plan Review/Change of Use - Drinking Water Availability: $429 $125 Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) Fee, (set by State) $500 Technical Assistance (per hour) $85lhr $90/hr Licensed Onsite Professionals Certified Installer Test (through WOSSA) Annual $269 $275 Certified Pumper Inspection <1 hour, additional time billed per hour $85 $90 Annual $260 $275 Certified O&M Specialist Test (through WOSSA) Annual $260 $275 Washington State DOL Certified Designer Inclusion on Mason County list-Annual Listing $60 $35 Onsite Sewage System Fees Individual permit $47-5 $500 Installation $2-30 $240 Extension (< 1 year through September 30) $445 $150 Homeowner install - in addition to installation fee $496 $205 Tank Only $230 $240 Community/Commercial $4-105 $1,160 Base + hourly rate > 8 hrs Per connection (payable with design submittal $44-5 $150 Re-inspection/Re-submittal $44-5 $150 O&M Processing/ Data entry to Carmody $49 $10 Winter Observation $520 $550 EH Review (Non-refundable) CRT Water $240 $240 Septic $2-29 $240 Both $390 $405 Property Evaluation $_a $335 Dye Test (supplies extra) $85/#r $90/hr Mason County Community Services- Environmental Health 415 N. 6th Street-Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670, ext. 400 Mason County Community Services Page 5 of 5 2022 Environmental Health Fee Schedule Appeal $ t3 $180 WaiverNariance Staff/EH $4q9 $180 Health Officer/DOH/Director $260 $275 Technical Assistance (per hour) $8-5/hf $90/hr Other EH Fees Technical Assistance all EH Programs $85/#f $90/hr Fee for copies (set by State) $0.15 SEPA (set by DCD) Filing fees (Fee set by Auditor) Scanning fee (per document/permit) $a9 $10 Operating without a permit Double permit fee Technology Surcharge (set by DCD for electronic permitting) Mason County Community Services- Environmental Health 415 N. 6th Street- Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670, ext. 400 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Marissa Watson DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 367 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: None If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Place on the November 9, 2021 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for December 7, 2021 to consider rezone of approximately 3.22-acre parcel from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 within the Rural Development Areas. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This request by the applicant Michael Ricketts is to rezone approximately 3.22 acres from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2). Parcel 32232-34-90012 is located about 260 feet to the east of the intersection of E McReavy Rd and E Dalby Rd. The parcel is bordered by E Dalby Rd to the south, a gas station and convenience store to the west, a PUD #1 switch station to the east, and two larger parcels that are already developed with residential structures. South Shore Construction LLC and the New Community Church of Union are both located in close proximity. Imagery indicates the parcel has been clear of a good portion of the trees since at least 1990 with periods of scotch broom over growth. Access to the gas station and convenience store from E Dalby Rd intersects the very south west corner of the subject parcel. The parcel to the west of the subject parcel is zoned Rural Commercial 1 (RC1). The applicant previously applied for and participated in a pre-application conference with the County and expressed his desire to develop a self-storage facility on the site. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) Public Hearing notice required for Planning Commission and Board. Residents within 300 feet of the proposed rezone were also notified by mail. Posted on-site and posted to Planning Advisory Commission website and posted on the home page in the Commissioner agendas. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the November 9, 2021 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for December 7, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial map and GIS map with zoning layer Briefing Summary 10/20/2021 - • - • Rezone Request •11 ?Chevron Communityof • ?Union ••• Mart `Margaritas r. 1031 E McReavy '• ollill AT y A k r ,C`. /,�T ♦ _ e t �t 40 ` ' y • ' parcel 32232-34-90012 \T 1031 ,E McReavy-Rd— --_...,......._.,,., ...... ■ �a, Google Earth XiIIE .0�1 A Rezone Request Legend Parcel 32232-34-90012 ? ?Chevron 0 ? ?New Community Church of Union ? ?Union Food Mart ZT 1031 E McReavy Rd ?^ § *c d K yq ` .'.,�.''' r F� ° `r:'.�!' '.""wy ,y, •»�.•• - y'�'• '.' -fir �i �°' 1'�`'>..:. 3 °t R � MNF[[ `a TY...< •+'S � 7 '�'t"'ePJC.'^ii �i1++S ,�� �� � �. � +,� 2 $ � a .•�}p z Aar �., m^! 4 .s�' ,.y'*•".. .r'•�%— -rt4 y 41 a .d � i y ...,��C. c7.li to 0 o r1�4���:1 •x .Lr,. ����� x �i '�S' � 7�.+r`� �� ", _ 1 m� ♦ P aa e° Communityof • ifth • • • ' • 500 ft Rezone Request for Parcel 32232-34-90012 from RR5 to RC2 , 771, 4 KI Nam v ,; Existing Zoning: Rural Residential 5 (RR5) E r,, F�EA r F;[, Proposed Zoning: Rural Commercial 2 (RC2) Convenience s ����. � ,N�,.�• pia., �, ,�., �«� .:; � �..k ".'�,, m Wft— : >_. ; PUD Switch Station 9/13/2021, 4:16:55 PM 11,532 y 0 70 140 280 ft �J County Boundary — Contours 5 ft Inholding Lands ❑ Rural Residential 10 Acres • Development Areas 0 20 40 80 m Site Address(Zoom in to 1:5,000) a Rural Residential 2.5 Acres ❑ Rural Residential 20 Acres Source: Esh, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, w❑ Rural Multi Family USDA, USGS,AeroGRID, IGN,and the GIS User Community,Esri, HERE,Tax Parcels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) ❑ Rural Residential 5Acres � � Agricultural Resource Lands Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Richard Diaz I Esri,HERE,Garmin I Earthstar Geographics I MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING October 25,2021 Briefing Items • County Road Project CRP 2031,Mason Lake Road Improvement Project. • Sole Source Purchase of a 360 Compaction Clamshell Pin on 360 Rotate John Deere attachment from PAPE Machinery in the amount of$45,256.25. Discussion Items Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson _Other(list below): MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): � Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal Other ITEM: County Road Project 2031 — Mason Lake Road Improvement Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: County Road Project (CRP) 2031 is a road improvement project from milepost 5.23 to milepost 6.23 that will consist of resurfacing the existing roadway, upgrading the shouldering with hot mix asphalt, roadway striping and any other necessary safety improvements. This project is on the 2022 Annual Construction Program as item No. 03. BUDGET IMPACTS: The preliminary estimated cost of the project is $725,558. Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding for this project is estimated at $575,950. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board execute a resolution for County Road Project (CRP) No. 2031, Mason Lake Road Improvement Project and authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents and Public Works to advertise, set bid opening date/time, award contract and any change orders. Contract award will be announced during a regular meeting of the Board. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Map Briefing Summary MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 2031 WHEREAS,on Mason County Road No.52210,known locally as the Mason Lake Road and more specifically located in Sec. 13 T.21N.R 3W,WM&Sec. 18,T.21N.R2W,WM,at approximately mile post 5.23 to mile post 6.23;work defined as"construction'in the BARS Manual, Page II-63,et seq,is determined to be necessary and proper;and, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to: Roadway re-surfacing and shoulder improvements, roadway striping and other necessary safety improvements. SAID WORK is to be performed by Contract and/or County Forces in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County (RCW 36.77.020 and/or RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136-18). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper,and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineering: S 30,000 Right of Way S -0- Construction $695,558 The County Road project herein described in HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity,and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law,provided and in accordance with RCW 36.75.050,36.80.080 and 36.80.070. ADOPTED this day of 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin,Chair ATTEST: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask,Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney cc: Co.Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.1t: CRP 2031 Mason Lake Road Improvements o. o • Oq�9 o• oo , MP6.23 0 b°9 . MASON LAKE DRIVE WEST l o � o � O 6p0 �90 � vN Z 7 -O 7O 6� 5!a MP 5.23 �30 O o 0 to 0 00 4 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director/U&W Management DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Sole source procurement of John Deere 360 Compaction Clamshell Pin on 360 Rotate (grapple) attachment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Public Works Utility and Waste Management Division currently uses a John Deere excavator with a grapple attachment to load and compact garbage into trailers to export solid waste. The County's current grapple attachment is requiring repairs that will require it to be sent off for an unknown period of time. U&W Management would like to purchase another grapple attachment to continue solid waste services while the other attachment is rebuilt. Having a second attachment will make future repairs less problematic to solid waste operations. The attachment for the County's excavator is only sold through PAPE Machinery, premier John Deere dealership in Washington, selling products specifically made for this manufacturer. Similar attachments may be sold through different manufacturers, but would require the County to customize and change out fittings between use. This would cause more down time in order to change out fitting and customize for proper fitment between the two grapples when future maintenance/repairs are required. Budget Impacts: The attachment cost is $45,256.25 and is available within the current Solid Waste budget. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION Recommend the Board authorize Public Works U&W Division to purchase the 360 Compaction Clamshell Pin on 360 Rotate John Deere attachment from PAPE Machinery as a sole source purchase in the amount of $45,256.25. Attachments: 1. Quote 2. Resolution 3. Sole Source Justification Form Briefmg Summary .JOHN DEERE I I MACHINERY Quote Summary Prepared For: Prepared By: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS JONATHAN ENGLISH 415 N 6TH ST Pape Machinery, Inc. SHELTON, WA 98584 3607 20th Street East Business: 360-427-9670 Tacoma, WA 98424 Phone: 253-922-8718 jenglish@papemachinery.com This sale is subject to Pape's Terms and Conditions of Sale Quote Id: 25236933 effective on the date hereof, which are incorporated in full by this Created On: 13 September 2021 reference. The Terms and Conditions of Sale are available at_www_ Last Modified On: 13 September 2021 pape.com/terms, and will also be sent by mail or e-mail to the Expiration Date: 29 October 2021 purchaser upon request. Equipment Summary Selling Price Qty Extended PSM PM126574 $45,256.25 X 1 = $ 45,256.25 Equipment Total $45,256.25 Quote Summary Equipment Total $45,256.25 SubTotal $45,256.25 Total $45,256.25 Down Payment (0.00) Rental Applied (0.00) Balance Due $45,256.25 Salesperson :X Accepted By :X Confidential (fw-J JOHN DEERE Selling Equipment EM MACHINERY Quote Id: 25236933 Customer: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PSM PM126574 Hours: 0 Stock Number: Code Description Qty Pm126574 360 Compaction Clamshell Pin on 360 1 Rotate Confidential RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SOLE SOURCE PROCURMENT OF A JOHN DEERE 360 COMPACTION CLAMSHELL (GRAPPLE) ATTACHMENT WHEREAS, the Public Works Utility&Waste Management Division utilizes a John Deere Excavator at the Solid Waste Transfer Station; and WHEREAS, this machine is an essential piece of equipment to the County's operation of this county facility, which requires a grapple attachment to load and compact solid waste. WHEREAS, PAPE Machinery is the only John Deere dealership that sells products specifically made for this manufacturer that the County is interested in procuring; and, WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 specifies exemption to competitive bidding requirements for purchases that are clearly and legitimately to a single source of supply; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: 1. PAPE Machinery is a sole source supplier of the manufactured attachment for the John Deere Excavator. 2. That the County is authorized to purchase the without proceeding to secure competitive bids, estimated at $45,256.25. ADOPTED this day of , 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty, Vice Chair ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA STA coo c °� MASON COUNTY Mo LL 0 o N z SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM rZ N Y Y O °° 1864 Date: October 19, 2021 Department: Public Works-U&W Department Contact: Richard Dickinson, 652 Recommended Vendor: John Deere Pape' Address: 3607 20th Street East Tacoma WA. 98424 Phone:253-922-8718 Cost Estimate: $45,256.25 Describe the item requested and its function:360 Compaction Clamshell Grapple 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ❑ Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ® Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ❑ Used item: 3. Is this product available from other sources? ❑ Yes ® No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? This attachment is made for a John Deere excavator. Might be possible to use a different style and manufacturer but, would require to customize and change out fittings, causing issues with the County's other grapple attachment and more down time in order to change out fitting and customize for proper fitting between repair and/or maintenance. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and a fair value. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other, please explain: No other vendors offer an attachment that could be attached and operated with this excavator. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands, types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. l / Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: CG Date: 16l�/ 20 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Sheryl Hilt, Finance Manager DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office EXT: 636 BRIEFING DATE: 10/25/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Sole Source purchase of interview room video recording system. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): House Bill 1223 passed the legislature in 2021 and takes effect January 1, 2022. This bill requires recordings be made for most interviews. Mason County purchasing policy 2.21 requires three quotes for purchases between $10,000 and $50,000 unless a sole source acquisition is needed for: A. Compatibility to existing county standard or to existing equipment, inventory, systems, data, programs, or service. B. Licensed or patented product with only one dealer. C. Only authorized service provider, repair and/or warranty services. D. Unique design: Requires unique features that are essential, aesthetic requirements, or not practical to match to existing design or equipment. E. Used item: Surplus item bought through an auction or distributor that would represent good value and is advantageous to the County. F. Delivery Date: Only one supplier can meet required delivery date: Describe and list efforts to find other suppliers to meet the delivery date. G. Project or research continuity: Product, systems, services or data must comply with an ongoing project, research, data, testing or analysis. Results would be interrupted or compromised without continuity. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has a video recording system for the interview room purchased in approximately 2013. This system is now outdated and needs replacement. The Sheriff's Office recently purchased body and vehicle cameras from Getac, Inc. which includes the software to process these recordings. The proposed system would integrate with the purchased software. Briefing Summary 10/20/2021 BUDGET IMPACTS: Purchase price with tax is $33,973.89. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Allow a sole source purchase of this video recording equipment from county ending fund balance. ATTACHMENTS: H B 1223 Mason County Purchasing Policy 2.21 Getac Quote Briefing Summary 10/20/2021 Quote Quote#QTE000083 RUGGED 5;3 DEVELOPMENT Rugged Development 222 S. Mill Ave. Tempe Arizona 85281 U.S.A Bill To Mason County Sheriff's Office Jason Dracobly POB 1037 Shelton,98584 Washington Ship To Quote Date: 15 Oct 2021 Mason County Sheriff's Office Jason Dracobly Expires : 30 Nov 2021 POB 1037 Shelton,98584 Washington Sales Person : Jesse Stefko Description •• Qty •D Price Amount 1 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:VR-X20 i5 Only with $4,388.00 3 3,481.00 10,443.00 Blackbox Recording,DVR GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:VR-X20 i5 Only with Blackbox Recording,DVR(VR-X20)-Integrated 8GB RAM+ 256GB SSD+2nd 256GB SSD+Battery Backup+WIFI+GPS +Crash Sensor,DVR mounting bracket,AN input cable,1 year hardware warranty 2 Getac Wired MIC $89.00 6 70.00 420.00 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:Wired MIC(MM-G01)- Interview Room Microphone,includes cable(100 ft) 3 DVR(VR-X10)-AC ADAPTER KIT(U $148.56 3 132.00 396.00 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:DVR(VR-X10)-150W AC ADAPTER KIT(US) 4 Getac DVR Extended Warranty $499.00 3 472.00 1,416.00 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:DVR EXTENDED WARRANTY- YEARS 2-5 Description MSRP Qty RD Price Amount 5 Getac Video Managed Service&Cloud 60 Month $5,300.00 3 2,960.00 8,880.00 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTIONS INC.:Getac Managed Service& Cloud-Plan 4(Cloud Unlimited,SW maintenance),60 Months Pay Upfront 6 GVS Onsite Consulting $2,700.00 2 2,530.00 5,060.00 GETAC VIDEO SOLUTION ON-SITE CONSULTING-Price is Per Day 7 Unirise CAT6 Shield Cable $740.51 1 453.00 453.00 UNIRISE USA,LLC:CAT6 BULK CABLE SOLID SHIELDED 1000 FT 8 ViewSonic 22in Monitor $271.00 3 251.00 753.00 VIEWSONIC:22 inches(21.5-inch VIS)Full HD Ergonomic multimedia LED monitor,1920x1080,250 nits,20,000,000:1 MEGA contrast ratio,6.5ms response time,height adjust, pivot,swivel,tilt,HDMI/DPNGA inputs,integrated speakers, and Energy Star. 9 Verbatim Keyboard Mouse Combo $48.00 3 48.00 144.00 VERBATIM AMERICAS LLC:Silent Wireless Mouse and Keyboard-Black 10 AXIS M3066-V Network Camera $369.00 3 369.00 1,107.00 AXIS M3066-V Network Camera 11 AXIS F41 Main $449.00 3 449.00 1,347.00 AXIS F41 Main Unit-Req:s purchase of sensor 12 AXIS F1015 Sensor Unit $279.00 2 279.00 558.00 AXIS F1015 Sensor Unit,3 m,w/F820 Bra 13 AXIS F1035E Sensor $249.00 1 249.00 249.00 AXIS F1035-E Sensor Unit,3 m Sub Total 31,226.00 Mason County Washington(8.8%) 2,747.89 Total $33,973.89 Notes We look forward to working with you. Terms&Conditions Upon accepting this quote,you agree to the pay the total amount due within this quote at the agreed upon time,which will be provided in an invoice following the acceptance of this quote.Should there be any change(s)in price on any item(s),a new quote and invoice will be provided. You also acknowledge upon acceptance of this quote and the provided invoice for this quote,that there are no returns on any item(s) unless authorized by Rugged Development and the product(s)manufacturer(s). CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1223 Chapter 329, Laws of 2021 67th Legislature 2021 Regular Session UNIFORM ELECTRONIC RECORDATION OF CUSTODIAL INTERROGATIONS ACT EFFECTIVE DATE: July 25, 2021—Except for sections 1 through 20, which take effect January 1, 2022 . Passed by the House April 14, 2021 CERTIFICATE Yeas 56 Nays 41 I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the LAURIE JINKINS State of Washington, do hereby Speaker of the House of certify that the attached is Representatives SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1223 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. Passed by the Senate April 10, 2021 Yeas 28 Nays 20 BERNARD DEAN DENNY HECK Chief Clerk President of the Senate Approved May 18, 2021 11:54 AM FILED May 18, 2021 Secretary of State JAY INSLEE State of Washington Governor of the State of Washington SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1223 AS AMENDED BY THE SENATE Passed Legislature - 2021 Regular Session State of Washington 67th Legislature 2021 Regular Session By House Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Peterson, Simmons, Bateman, Sells, Davis, Lovick, Orwall, Ryu, Ortiz- Self, Senn, Dolan, Fitzgibbon, Ormsby, Gregerson, Hackney, Valdez, Macri, and Frame; by request of Uniform Law Commission) READ FIRST TIME 02/22/21 . 1 AN ACT Relating to the uniform electronic recordation of 2 custodial interrogations act; reenacting and amending RCW 9. 73. 030; 3 adding a new chapter to Title 10 RCW; and providing an effective 4 date. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 6 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be known and 7 cited as the uniform electronic recordation of custodial 8 interrogations act. 9 NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 . DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: 10 (1) "Custodial interrogation" means express questioning or other 11 actions or words by a law enforcement officer which are reasonably 12 likely to elicit an incriminating response from an individual and 13 occurs when reasonable individuals in the same circumstances would 14 consider themselves in custody. 15 (2) "Electronic recording" means an audio recording or audio and 16 video recording that accurately records a custodial interrogation. 17 "Record electronically" and "recorded electronically" have a 18 corresponding meaning. P. 1 SHB 1223.SL 1 (3) "Law enforcement agency" means a general authority Washington 2 law enforcement agency or limited authority Washington law 3 enforcement agency as those terms are defined in RCW 10 . 93. 020 . 4 (4) "Law enforcement officer" means a general authority 5 Washington peace officer or limited authority Washington peace 6 officer as those terms are defined in RCW 10. 93. 020 . 7 (5) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, 8 statutory trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability 9 company, association, joint venture, public corporation, or 10 government; governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality; or 11 any other legal or commercial entity. 12 (6) "Place of detention" means a fixed location under the control 13 of a law enforcement agency where individuals are questioned about 14 alleged crimes or status offenses . The term includes a jail, police 15 or sheriff' s station, holding cell, correctional or detention 16 facility, police vehicle, and in the case of juveniles, schools. 17 (7) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of 18 Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any 19 territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the 20 United States . 21 (8) "Statement" means a communication whether oral, written, 22 electronic, or nonverbal. 23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. ELECTRONIC RECORDING REQUIREMENT. (1) 24 Except as otherwise provided by sections 5 through 10 of this act, a 25 custodial interrogation, including the giving of any required 26 warning, advice of the rights of the individual being questioned, and 27 the waiver of any rights by the individual, must be recorded 28 electronically in its entirety if the interrogation subject is a 29 juvenile or if the interrogation relates to a felony crime. A 30 custodial interrogation at a jail, police or sheriff' s station, 31 holding cell, or correctional or detention facility must be recorded 32 by audio and video means. A custodial interrogation at any other 33 place of detention must be recorded by audio means at minimum. 34 (2) If a law enforcement officer conducts a custodial 35 interrogation to which subsection (1) of this section applies without 36 electronically recording it in its entirety, the officer shall 37 prepare a written or electronic report explaining the reason for not 38 complying with this section and summarizing the custodial 39 interrogation process and the individual' s statements . p. 2 SHB 1223.SL 1 (3) A law enforcement officer shall prepare the report required 2 by subsection (2) of this section as soon as practicable after 3 completing the interrogation. 4 (4) As soon as practicable, a law enforcement officer conducting 5 a custodial interrogation outside a place of detention shall prepare 6 a written or electronic report explaining the decision to interrogate 7 outside a place of detention and summarizing the custodial 8 interrogation process and the individual ' s statements made outside a 9 place of detention. 10 (5) This section does not apply to a spontaneous statement made 11 outside the course of a custodial interrogation or a statement made 12 in response to a question asked routinely during the processing of 13 the arrest of an individual. 14 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. CONSENT NOT REQUIRED—NOTICE. 15 Notwithstanding RCW 9. 73 . 030 and 9. 73 . 090, a law enforcement officer 16 conducting a custodial interrogation is not required to obtain 17 consent to electronic recording from the individual being 18 interrogated, but must inform the individual that an electronic 19 recording is being made of the interrogation. This chapter does not 20 permit a law enforcement officer or a law enforcement agency to 21 record a private communication between an individual and the 22 individual ' s lawyer. 23 NEW SECTION. Sec. S. EXCEPTION FOR EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES. A 24 custodial interrogation to which section 3 of this act otherwise 25 applies need not be recorded electronically if recording is not 26 feasible because of exigent circumstances . The law enforcement 27 officer conducting the interrogation shall record electronically an 28 explanation of the exigent circumstances before conducting the 29 interrogation, if feasible, or as soon as practicable after the 30 interrogation is completed. 31 NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. EXCEPTION FOR INDIVIDUAL' S REFUSAL TO BE 32 RECORDED ELECTRONICALLY. (1) A custodial interrogation to which 33 section 3 of this act otherwise applies need not be recorded 34 electronically if the individual to be interrogated indicates that 35 the individual will not participate in the interrogation if it is 36 recorded electronically. If feasible, the agreement to participate 37 without recording must be recorded electronically. p. 3 SHB 1223 .SL 1 (2) If, during a custodial interrogation to which section 3 of 2 this act otherwise applies, the individual being interrogated 3 indicates that the individual will not participate in further 4 interrogation unless electronic recording ceases, the remainder of 5 the custodial interrogation need not be recorded electronically. If 6 feasible, the individual ' s agreement to participate without further 7 recording must be recorded electronically. 8 (3) A law enforcement officer, with intent to avoid the 9 requirement of electronic recording in section 3 of this act, may not 10 encourage an individual to request that a recording not be made. 11 NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 . EXCEPTION FOR INTERROGATION CONDUCTED BY 12 OTHER JURISDICTION. If a custodial interrogation occurs in another 13 state in compliance with that state ' s law or is conducted by a 14 federal law enforcement agency in compliance with federal law, the 15 interrogation need not be recorded electronically unless the 16 interrogation is conducted with intent to avoid the requirement of 17 electronic recording in section 3 of this act. 18 NEW SECTION. Sec. 8 . EXCEPTION BASED ON BELIEF RECORDING NOT 19 REQUIRED. (1) A custodial interrogation to which section 3 of this 20 act otherwise applies need not be recorded electronically if the 21 interrogation occurs when no law enforcement officer conducting the 22 interrogation has knowledge of facts and circumstances that would 23 lead an officer reasonably to believe that the individual being 24 interrogated may have committed an act for which section 3 of this 25 act requires that a custodial interrogation be recorded 26 electronically. 27 (2) If, during a custodial interrogation under subsection (1) of 28 this section, the individual being interrogated reveals facts and 29 circumstances giving a law enforcement officer conducting the 30 interrogation reason to believe that an act has been committed for 31 which section 3 of this act requires that a custodial interrogation 32 be recorded electronically, continued custodial interrogation 33 concerning that act must be recorded electronically, if feasible . 34 NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. EXCEPTION FOR SAFETY OF INDIVIDUAL OR 35 PROTECTION OF IDENTITY. A custodial interrogation to which section 3 36 of this act otherwise applies need not be recorded electronically if 37 a law enforcement officer conducting the interrogation or the p. 4 SHB 1223 .SL 1 officer' s superior reasonably believes that electronic recording 2 would disclose the identity of a confidential informant or jeopardize 3 the safety of an officer, the individual being interrogated, or 4 another individual . If feasible and consistent with the safety of a 5 confidential informant, an explanation of the basis for the belief 6 that electronic recording would disclose the informant ' s identity 7 must be recorded electronically at the time of the interrogation. If 8 contemporaneous recording of the basis for the belief is not 9 feasible, the recording must be made as soon as practicable after the 10 interrogation is completed. 11 NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. EXCEPTION FOR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION. (1) 12 All or part of a custodial interrogation to which section 3 of this 13 act otherwise applies need not be recorded electronically to the 14 extent that recording is not feasible because the available 15 electronic recording equipment fails, despite reasonable maintenance 16 of the equipment, and timely repair or replacement is not feasible. 17 (2) If both audio and video recording of a custodial 18 interrogation are otherwise required by section 3 of this act, 19 recording may be by audio alone if a technical problem in the video 20 recording equipment prevents video recording, despite reasonable 21 maintenance of the equipment, and timely repair or replacement is not 22 feasible. 23 (3) If both audio and video recording of a custodial 24 interrogation are otherwise required by section 3 of this act, 25 recording may be by video alone if a technical problem in the audio 26 recording equipment prevents audio recording, despite reasonable 27 maintenance of the equipment, and timely repair or replacement is not 28 feasible . 29 NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. BURDEN OF PERSUASION. If the prosecution 30 relies on an exception in sections 5 through 10 of this act to 31 justify a failure to record electronically a custodial interrogation, 32 the prosecution must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that 33 the exception applies . 34 NEW SECTION. Sec. 12 . NOTICE OF INTENT TO INTRODUCE UNRECORDED 35 STATEMENT. If the prosecution intends to introduce in its case in 36 chief a statement made during a custodial interrogation to which 37 section 3 of this act applies which was not recorded electronically, p. 5 SHB 1223 . SL 1 the prosecution, not later than the time specified by the local rules 2 governing discovery, shall serve the defendant with written notice of 3 that intent and of any exception on which the prosecution intends to 4 rely. 5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. PROCEDURAL REMEDIES. (1) Unless the court 6 finds that an exception in sections 5 through 10 of this act applies, 7 the court shall consider the failure to record electronically all or 8 part of a custodial interrogation to which section 3 of this act 9 applies in determining whether a statement made during the 10 interrogation is admissible, including whether it was voluntarily 11 made . 12 (2) If the court admits into evidence a statement made during a 13 custodial interrogation that was not recorded electronically in 14 compliance with section 3 of this act, the court shall afford the 15 defendant the opportunity to present to the jury the fact that the 16 statement was not recorded electronically in compliance with section 17 3 of this act. 18 NEW SECTION. Sec. 14 . HANDLING AND PRESERVING ELECTRONIC 19 RECORDING. Each law enforcement agency in this state shall establish 20 and enforce procedures to ensure that the electronic recording of all 21 or part of a custodial interrogation is identified, accessible, and 22 preserved throughout the length of any resulting sentence, including 23 any period of community custody extending through final discharge. 24 NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO 25 ELECTRONIC RECORDING. (1) Each law enforcement agency that is a 26 governmental entity of this state shall adopt and enforce policies 27 and procedures to implement this chapter. 28 (2) The policies and procedures adopted under subsection (1) of 29 this section must address the following topics : 30 (a) How an electronic recording of a custodial interrogation must 31 be made; 32 (b) The collection and review of electronic recordings, or the 33 absence thereof, by supervisors in each law enforcement agency; 34 (c) The assignment of supervisory responsibilities and a chain of 35 command to promote internal accountability; p. 6 SHB 1223 . SL 1 (d) A process for explaining noncompliance with procedures and 2 imposing administrative sanctions for a failure to comply that is not 3 justified; 4 (e) A supervisory system expressly imposing on individuals in 5 specific positions a duty to ensure adequate staffing, education, 6 training, and material resources to implement this chapter; and 7 (f) A process for preserving the chain of custody of an 8 electronic recording. 9 (3) The policies and procedures adopted under subsection (2) (a) 10 of this section for video recording must contain standards for the 11 angle, focus, and field of vision of a recording device which 12 reasonably promote accurate recording of a custodial interrogation at 13 a place of detention and reliable assessment of its accuracy and 14 completeness . 15 NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (1) A law 16 enforcement agency that is a governmental entity in this state which 17 has implemented procedures reasonably designed to enforce the rules 18 adopted pursuant to section 15 of this act and ensure compliance with 19 this chapter is not subject to civil liability for damages arising 20 from a violation of this chapter. 21 (2) This chapter does not create a right of action against a law 22 enforcement officer. 23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. SELF-AUTHENTICATION. (1) In any pretrial 24 or posttrial proceeding, an electronic recording of a custodial 25 interrogation is self-authenticating if it is accompanied by a 26 certificate of authenticity sworn under oath or affirmation by an 27 appropriate law enforcement officer. 28 (2) This chapter does not limit the right of an individual to 29 challenge the authenticity of an electronic recording of a custodial 30 interrogation under law of this state other than this chapter. 31 NEW SECTION. Sec. 18 . NO RIGHT TO ELECTRONIC RECORDING OR 32 TRANSCRIPT. (1) This chapter does not create a right of an individual 33 to require a custodial interrogation to be recorded electronically. 34 (2) This chapter does not require preparation of a transcript of 35 an electronic recording of a custodial interrogation. p. 7 SHB 1223 .SL 1 NEW SECTION. Sec. 19. UNIFORMITY OF APPLICATION AND 2 CONSTRUCTION. In applying and construing this uniform act, 3 consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the 4 law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it . 5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 20 . RELATION TO ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES IN 6 GLOBAL AND NATIONAL COMMERCE ACT. This chapter modifies, limits, and 7 supersedes the electronic signatures in global and national commerce 8 act, 15 U. S .C. Sec. 7001 et seq. , but does not modify, limit, or 9 supersede section 101 (c) of that act, 15 U. S. C. Sec. 7001 (c) , or 10 authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices described in 11 section 103 (b) of that act, 15 U. S .C. Sec. 7003 (b) . 12 Sec. 21. RCW 9. 73 . 030 and 1986 c 38 s 1 and 1985 c 260 s 2 are 13 each reenacted and amended to read as follows : 14 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be 15 unlawful for any individual, partnership, corporation, association, 16 or the state of Washington, its agencies, and political subdivisions 17 to intercept, or record any: 18 (a) Private communication transmitted by telephone, telegraph, 19 radio, or other device between two or more individuals between points 20 within or without the state by any device electronic or otherwise 21 designed to record and/or transmit said communication regardless how 22 such device is powered or actuated, without first obtaining the 23 consent of all the participants in the communication; 24 (b) Private conversation, by any device electronic or otherwise 25 designed to record or transmit such conversation regardless how the 26 device is powered or actuated without first obtaining the consent of 27 all the persons engaged in the conversation. 28 (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, wire 29 communications or conversations (a) of an emergency nature, such as 30 the reporting of a fire, medical emergency, crime, or disaster, or 31 (b) which convey threats of extortion, blackmail, bodily harm, or 32 other unlawful requests or demands, or (c) which occur anonymously or 33 repeatedly or at an extremely inconvenient hour, or (d) which relate 34 to communications by a hostage holder or barricaded person as defined 35 in RCW 70 . 85 . 100, whether or not conversation ensues, may be recorded 36 with the consent of one party to the conversation. 37 (3) Where consent by all parties is needed pursuant to this 38 chapter, consent shall be considered obtained whenever one party has P. 8 SHB 1223 . SL 1 announced to all other parties engaged in the communication or 2 conversation, in any reasonably effective manner, that such 3 communication or conversation is about to be recorded or transmitted: 4 PROVIDED, That if the conversation is to be recorded that said 5 announcement shall also be recorded. 6 (4) An employee of any regularly published newspaper, magazine, 7 wire service, radio station, or television station acting in the 8 course of bona fide news gathering duties on a full-time or 9 contractual or part-time basis, shall be deemed to have consent to 10 record and divulge communications or conversations otherwise 11 prohibited by this chapter if the consent is expressly given or if 12 the recording or transmitting device is readily apparent or obvious 13 to the speakers . Withdrawal of the consent after the communication 14 has been made shall not prohibit any such employee of a newspaper, 15 magazine, wire service, or radio or television station from divulging 16 the communication or conversation. 17 (5) This section does not apply to the recording of custodial 18 interrogations pursuant to section 4 of this act. 19 NEW SECTION. Sec. 22. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this 20 act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, 21 the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other 22 persons or circumstances is not affected. 23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. CODIFICATION. Sections 1 through 20 of 24 this act constitute a new chapter in Title 10 RCW. 25 NEW SECTION. Sec. 24. EFFECTIVE DATE. Sections 1 through 20 of 26 this act take effect January 1, 2022 . Passed by the House April 14, 2021 . Passed by the Senate April 10, 2021 . Approved by the Governor May 18, 2021 . Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 18, 2021 . --- END --- P. 9 SHB 1223 . SL Title 2-ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL Chapter 2.21 PURCHASING POLICY Chapter 2.21 PURCHASING POLICY' 2.21.010 Purpose. Mission. Purchasing facilitates the timely procurement of goods and services to help customers fulfill their missions by providing cost effective opportunities to purchase quality goods and services at the best value while conducting business in a legal,fair open and competitive manner. Proper purchasing requires that: • Actions of county employees are impartial and fair. • Government decisions and policies are made in the proper channels of government structure. • Public employment will not be used for personal gain. • County employees may neither solicit,accept, nor agree to accept any gratuity for themselves,their families or others that results in their personal gain which may affect their impartiality in making decisions on the job. Discounts or concessions realistically available to the general population, items received that do not result in personal gain,and samples to the county used for general county use are examples of items that are not gratuities. Personal judgement should be used and questions regarding particular problems/events should be referred to the employee's manager. Goals: •To protect and enhance the reputation of the Mason County and its employees. •To treat all citizens equally with courtesy and impartiality, and refrain from granting any special advantage to any citizen beyond what is available to all citizens. •To give efficient, productive,and economic service to the public. •To avoid real or potential conflicts between private and public duties, remembering that the public interest must be the principal concern. •To keep confidential all information acquired by reason of one's position,which may be used for personal or financial gain for the employee or other persons. •To refrain from securing special privileges or exemptions for one's self or other persons that are not available to all citizens. •To avoid receiving,soliciting or otherwise obtaining anything of value that is greater than nominal intrinsic value from any other public official, employee or citizen which is intended to influence the performance of official duties. •To disclose to the appropriate authority the nature and extent of any financial or personal interest in a county contract, legislation,or in any type of transaction involving the county,when participating in the development of or giving an official opinion on the matter. 'Editor's note(s)—Res. No. 106-16, §§ 1—III (Att.A), adopted Dec. 20, 2016, did not specify manner of inclusion, hence, codification as Chapter 2.21, §§ 2.21.010-2.21.030 was at the discretion of the editor. Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp. No.56,8-21) Page 1 of 7 • County employees shall:Certify, in writing,that they have read and understand this policy. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action, including termination. Authority and references: RCW 36.32.245 RCW 39.35A RCW 39.80 RCW 39.04.280 (Res. No. 106-16, § I(Att.A), 12-20-2016) 2.21.020 Definitions. The following words,terms and phrases,when used in this chapter,shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: "Controlled commodity" means items which may fall under the quote dollar limit that require approval from designated department directors,i.e.office products, communication equipment and computer equipment. "Emergency purchases" means emergency purchases occur when an emergency situation arises that was unforeseen and must be remedied immediately. "F.C.B. (freight on board)" means the stated F.O.B. point is usually the location where title to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer.The seller is liable for transportation charges and the risks of loss or damage to the goods up to the point where title passes to the buyer.The buyer is liable for such charges and risks after passing of title. "Packing list" means a document which itemizes in detail the contents of a particular package or shipment. "Personal service contract" means an employment contract with an independent contractor for the rendering of personal services to the county. "Point of origin" means the point where the shipment originates. "Prepaid" means transportation charges that have been or are to be paid at the point of origin. "Professional service contract" means an agreement with an independent contractor for the rendering of professional services to the county.The county states a goal and objective and the provider, under his own direction, accomplishes the goal. "Public work" means a project including all work,construction,alteration, repair or improvement other than ordinary maintenance. "Sealed bid (formal bid)" means an advertised solicitation for a requirement in which the cost exceeds the fifty thousand dollar bid limit.The bids are opened during a public opening. "Specification" means a clear, complete, and accurate statement of the technical requirements descriptive of a material, an item,or a service. (Res. No. 106-16, §2(Att.A), 12-20-2016) 2.21.030 Policies. (a) How to purchase materials,supplies,equipment or services: Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:58 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 2 of 7 To purchase materials,supplies,equipment or contract for services,the proper procurement procedure shall be followed.The following is a description of the various categories which determine which procurement process to use. Dollar thresholds for bidding and quoting are as follows: $0.00 to$10,000.00—No bidding or quotes required. $10,000 to$50,000—Three quotes. Over$50,000—Formal sealed bid. Note:All dollar limits include appropriate sales tax plus freight, handling,and set-up costs. (1) Federal Funding. Requisitions for goods or services which involve federal funding must be noted "federal funding"in the description section in the requisition using the project name or number by in order to ensure compliance with appropriate federal regulations. (2) Disadvantaged and Minority Vendors.Women and minority business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of work relating to the county's activities.To this end,the county is committed to take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with state and federal rules and regulations to ensure women and minority business enterprises the maximum opportunity to compete for and to perform contracts. (3) Insurance/licenses/prevailing Wages.When hiring anybody to do anything for the county,there are four requirements that need to be met. (A) Certificates of Insurance—Prior to the start of on-site work: Certificates of insurance requirements must be stated during the solicitation process. During solicitation contact the Risk Manager to assure the appropriate insurance requirements are being addressed.Certificates of insurance must be submitted with the contract prior to on-site work. (B) Washington State Contractor's License—Prior to the start of on-site work: It is the department's responsibility to verify a current Washington State Contractor's License and current Workers'Comp status. The department will also verify that the contractor is not on the federal debarment listing. (C) Business License—Prior to the start of on-site work: It is the department's responsibility to verify current business with the department of revenue. (D) Prevailing Wage Requirements—Ongoing. (i) Prior to Getting an Estimate or a Quote—Notify the vendor that they are to pay prevailing wages. (ii) After a Vendor has been selected—The vendor is required to file a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages"with the department of labor and industries. (iii) After the work is completed—The vendor must also file an "Affidavit of Wages Paid"with the department of labor and industries. Payment will not be released until certified intents and affidavits have been received. (4) When to utilize purchasing policy: (A) Unit cost exceeds ten thousand dollars. Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 3 of 7 (B) Combined total of identical items purchased at the same time or within a calendar years'time,in which the cost exceeds ten thousand dollars or when it is determined by the budget manager that volume discounts can be obtained by combining county-wide usage(i.e. office supplies, laundry services,janitorial paper products,etc.). (C) The items that are designed,or intended to be used together(i.e.,water meter covers and lids), and the cost exceeds ten thousand dollars. (5) Exceptions: (A) The following are stated under RCW 39.04.280 as exemptions for the competitive bidding requirements. (i) Purchases that are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply(sole source); (ii) Purchases involving special facilities or market conditions; (iii) Purchases in the event of an emergency; (iv) Public works in the event of an emergency. Should the board of commissioners use one of the above exemptions,the following will apply. Sole Source Purchases. On a case by case basis,the bid or quote requirement may be waived and a sole source purchase approved. There should be careful deliberation before going to a sole source as this type of purchase eliminates competition. A sole source purchase may be approved if one of the following conditions are met: (A) Compatibility to existing county standard or to existing equipment, inventory,systems,data, programs or service. Describe. List efforts to find other sources. (B) Licensed or patented product with only one dealer. (C) Only authorized service provider, repair and/or warranty services. Describe. (D) Unique design: Requires unique features that are essential,aesthetic requirements, or not practical to match to existing design or equipment. Describe. (E) Used item:Surplus item bought through an auction or distributor that would represent good value and is advantageous to the County. Describe. (F) Delivery Date:Only one supplier can meet required delivery date: Describe and list efforts to find other suppliers to meet the delivery date. (G) Project or research continuity: Product,systems,services or data must comply with an ongoing project, research,data,testing or analysis. Results would be interrupted or compromised without continuity. Describe. Authority to approve sole source purchases lies with the board of county commissioners. Sole source or waiver over twenty-five thousand dollars. The formal bid limit may only be waived by the board of county commissioners.A sole source or waiver over twenty-five thousand dollars must be approved via resolution.The following steps to obtain approval are: (A) The department must contact budget manager to discuss if a sole source situation exists. (B) The department presents the sole sources justification to the board of commission for approval. (C) The budget manager then forwards a copy of the adopted resolution to the department. Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 4 of 7 (D) Once approved,the department will place the order. Emergency purchases five thousand dollars to twenty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars(ten thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars for public works) Emergency purchases occur when an emergency situation arises that was unforeseen and must be remedied immediately. Examples:Acts of God, i.e.,flood damage Machinery that is critical to the operation of the county and rendered out of service. The board of commission in addition the public works director and the DEM manager may declare an emergency.Contact them for guidance/direction on how to proceed. Procedure to obtain an emergency purchase. (A) Department recognizes an urgent/emergency situation has developed. (i) Department estimates cost to correct the emergency. (ii) Identifies potential vendor to perform service/supply materials. (PREVAILING WAGES AND INSURANCE APPLY) (B) Department staff obtains appropriate approval from department manager/director. (C) Buyer enters requisition. (D) Financial services will need the vendor name, reason for emergency, materials required and anticipated cost. Emergency purchases over fifty thousand dollars. Mason County has two people that can declare emergencies through the board of county commissioners: the public works director and the DEM manager.Contact them for further guidance/direction on how to proceed. If an emergency situation exists and involves the purchase of materials or services that are over the sealed bid limit: (A) After receiving approval from their department director,the department may place the order for emergency purchases. (B) The department must initiate and prepare necessary information to advise board of county commissioners that there had been an emergency situation requiring immediate action. Controlled Commodities.There are items which are purchased that fall under the quote dollar limit which still require approval from designated department directors.They are: • Cell phones,telephone equipment,tablets—IT manager. • Computers and related equipment,fax machines, copiers—Department manager. •Anything information technology is requested or required to install, connect,service, maintain or support—Use technology procurement request(TPR)process for these purchases •Anything purchased using equipment rental and revolving(ER&R)funds must be purchased by ER&R—O&M/ER&R manager. Inter-Governmental Cooperative Purchases. RCW 39.34.030 permits governmental agencies to utilize other entities contracts without going to bid.To determine if inter-local purchasing is feasible for a particular need, contact the budget manager.The following criteria need to be met: Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 5 of 7 There must be a current inter-local agreement, approved by council, or board of county commissioners and signed by both parties, on file. • It must have been advertised and competitively bid. • The government entity,and the vendor, must be willing to share their contract pricing. Professional and Personal Service Contracts.The board of county commissioners must approve all professional and personal services contracts in excess of the approved budget authority and outside of routine contracts approved via the budget or county road project(CRP) processes. Legal/risk must review prior to their approval. Architectural and Engineering Services.Architectural and engineering services are hired following RCW 39.80.The county will follow the guidance of the RCW and the board of county commissioners will approve all architectural and engineering services contracts—no matter what the dollar amount. Legal/risk must review prior to approval. Equipment leases. Bids are not required on equipment leases, however the legal department and budget manager must review and the board of county commissioners must (6) Procedures for ten thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars.The following should be documented by the department when obtaining the informal three quotes. (A) Requesting department personnel contacts at least three vendors for quotations. (Be sure technical information defines acceptable quality and ensure vendors are quoting on equal and comparable items,etc.)All vendors must be provided the same information. If one vendor offers an acceptable alternate, it must be requoted using the alternate specifications. (B) The county will not pay for any technical information from the vendor. If the information is to be shared with other vendors,it must be stated so up front. (C) No on-site demonstrations or delivery of preview/trial merchandise should be arranged without prior approval from the department director. (D) Obtain freight pricing, if not indicated by vendor, on the form. Include first and last name of person contacted and phone number. (E) Enter a requisition number or project name or number. Use the buyer's name and indicate recommended vendor on your requisition form. Quotation forms should then be filed with the purchase documents. (F) Vendor authorization form is made by financial services on the recommendation of the requesting department personnel. (G) Order is confirmed and purchase order is issued, if appropriate. (H) Quote documentation is filed according to department procedures. (7) Greater than fifty thousand dollars—Sealed bid.Sealed bids are required whenever the cost of materials,supplies,equipment or services exceeds fifty thousand dollars. Duties for bidding process are specified via resolution.The board of commission will be notified when contract award during a regular board meeting. (8) Freight. Each department is responsible for due diligence when accepting freight on behalf of the county.The following shall apply. (A) Shipping Terms.When shipping an item that will incur freight charges, always request that it be shipped FOB destination,freight prepaid.This means that the carrier owns the merchandise until it reaches your door and there won't be a separate invoice for freight. If anything should happen Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 6 of 7 to the merchandise during shipping,the carrier is responsible for filing the claims, instead of the county. FOB determines at what point the ownership transfers. If an item is FOB origin,the county owns the merchandise from the point of shipping while it is in transit. Freight prepaid or collect refers to who is responsible for paying shipping charges-the county or the seller. (B) Receiving Freight. It is the responsibility of the individual who signs for UPS or carrier's delivery receipt to properly receive all cartons they are signing for.Anyone who accepts and signs for receipt of goods, acknowledges that the item was received and accepted as delivered. (i) Get what you sign for: a. Confirm the package or carton is being delivered to the proper location. b. Verify the number of cartons,crates or pieces is correct according to quantities on the packing list. C. Sign the delivery slip legibly. d. Open packages and verify order is correct. (C) Damaged Cartons. (i) Visible Damage.Any person receiving freight must make a notation on the carrier's delivery receipt of apparent damage to packages.The specific type of damage should be stated on the delivery receipt and obtain the driver's signature(not just initials)on your copy of the receipt.This is an example of why it is important that freight be FOB destination so that the vendor files all claims. (i i) Concealed Damage. If the shipment of goods received showed no sign of damage upon receipt, but damage to the contents is found upon opening,concealed damage exists. Action for concealed damage: a. Call the carrier immediately upon discovery of the damage and request an inspection. Notate the date and the person contacted. b. All shipping cartons should be retained for inspection on any damage. C. When making a request for an inspection, advise the carrier whenever possible what the value of the damaged goods is. If the value is less than fifty dollars, most carriers will frequently waive inspection. Indicate person contacted on the claim form. d. When an inspection is made,specific damages should be notated by both parties and signed by both on the inspection report. (Res. No. 106-16, § III(Att.A), 12-20-2016) Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST] (Supp.No.56,8-21) Page 7 of 7 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Paddy McGuire DEPARTMENT: Auditor EXT: 468 BRIEFING DATE: October 25, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance E Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Mason County Redistricting Citizen Advisory Committee recommendation from Committee Chair Pete Butkus. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions) The Redistricting Citizen Advisory Committee has had a series of meetings and a public hearing and recommends maintaining the current commissioner district lines. The population differences between the districts are small and the committee concluded unanimously that the benefit of continuity outweighs the desire to reduce population variance. The Commission can accept the recommendation or change it, but is required by RCW 29A.76.010 (3)(a) to adopt a plan by December 31, 2021. The Committee was established by a Resolution of the County Commission and consists of two members representing the Democratic Parry, two members representing the Republican Parry (all voting members) and a fifth, non-voting member, to function as Chair. Committee Members are: John Piety and Linda Prato, Democratic Party; Bob Rogers and Phillip Wilson, Republican Party, and; Pete Butkus, Chair. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH: (Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community meetings,etc.) The Citizen Advisory Committee had a series of meetings open to the public and held a public hearing on October 20, 2021. The committee consulted with the Skokomish Nation Tribal Council and the leadership of the Squaxin Island Tribe. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: The committee recommends adoption of their draft plan for new commissioner districts. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed map District population variance Briefing Summary 10/21/2021 N ISOX COIXTY Redistricting Committee Draft JEFFERSON COUNTY V OL�YMPX A, MOUNT OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL FOREST A-- 101 OLYMPIC' M x 3 w. 300 A— .362 %A NATIONAL --A dP dD1st�rict FOREST —106 • - .2.D}i.strlc 3 102 _. �� aa�ea - =- - �D i s t r i c t 3 . �� SHELT A, 101 w n-A C, Legend S—H —Y WMIA1...I R.ft 108 Forest Service&L,W,.g Roads —Water Courses GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY THU RSTON COUNTY uy.,S.�. C-.y a—", Tnpal Reservation 13 N.w:�``wW 13 Nl— `-1t5mM 13 Will",Area 13-1- DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ..v y y ""0"20"kWFM C ...—-D.—- The data used to make this map Z —GIS 10.6 have been tested for accuracy, Current 2020 Perfect Difference District Population District Difference Percent 1 221456 211909 +547 2.50% 2 211636 21,909 -273 -1.25% 3 211634 211909 -275 -1.26% Tota 11 651726 651727 -1