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2021/10/12 - Regular Packet
Board of Mason County Commissioners ♦ram �G`'"r' Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584 October 12, 2021 �u 9:00 a.m. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ In compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and the Order of the Secretary of Health 20- 03.3, in person attendance is temporarily restricted. During this time, we will accept public comment and testimony using Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. You can also e-mail msmith@co.mason.wa.us; mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360)427-9670 ext. 230. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. These options are available only while COVID-19 Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) meeting restrictions are in place. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment. These options are only available while COVID-19 OPMA meetings restrictions are in place. (3 minutes per person,15-minute time limit.) 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda alter'Item 10. Public Hearings"maybe be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under'Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8083378-8083647 $ 1,859,840.09 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 80957-81347 $ 812,172.62 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7006174-7006198 $ 536,115.11 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 174,733.68 8.2 Approval for the Chair to sign the Professional Services Contract Agreement between 10,000 Years Institute and the Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board for the 10,000 Years Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project and approval to hire one additional extra help employee to fulfill contract obligation. 8.3 Approval to extend the temporary Environmental Health Specialist (EHS) to regular full-time funded by Foundational Public Health Services into 2023. 8.4 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider proposed amendments to Mason County Code Chapter 6.76 Onsite Sewage Regulations. 8.5 Approval to accept the CARES Act Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) CV-1 — Coronavirus Funds change in number of beneficiaries to make a bigger impact on stabilizing housing completely for fewer households (83) instead of making a small dent in household debt for many households (342) and authorize Frank Pinter, Interim County Administrator, to sign any documents necessary related to this change. 8.6 Approval to allocate up to $50,000 for one year from Treatment Sales Tax (TST) dollars for a .5 full time employee for the Behavioral Health Navigator position. 8.7 Approval for the Mason County Board of Equalization to hear completed and timely filed appeals for the 2021 assessment year. 8.8 Approval to extend Mason County Contract # 20-022 with Quixote Communities through September 30, 2022 due to construction costs and delays. 8.9 Approval for the Chair to sign the Blake Reimbursement Agreement with the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for reimbursement up to $702,300 for extraordinary expenses and for reimbursement up to $324,217 for legal and financial obligations. 8.10 Approval for Support Services to hire a temporary Financial Analyst Project employee funded by the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) for a period of one year from the date of hire. 8.11 Approval to set two Public Hearings for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider the 2022 Annual Construction program and 2022-2027 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 8.12 Approval to authorize Public Works to procure and approval for the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for routine Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate, and Asphaltic and Road Maintenance Surfacing Road Maintenance Materials and Paint Line and Vehicle/Equipment Towing and Tire Repair services for 2022. 8.13 Approval of the Resolution establishing load/lane limits for traffic control on seven Mason County bridges. 8.14 Approval of the Resolution designating certain low volume unpaved County access roads as Primitive Roads. 8.15 Approval of the Private Line Occupancy Permit granting permission to construct, operate, and maintain the septic transport line and future use line under and across the North Shore Road for parcel # 32207-50-00915 address 21915 NE North Shore Road. 8.16 Approval of the Contract with the Department of Commerce for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) 2.0 and approval of the subcontracts with Crossroads Housing and Shelton Youth Connection. 8.17 Approval to continue Lead Pay for Josh Luck, Building Inspector V. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider final draft amendments to Title 17.50— Mason County Shoreline Master Program,Title 8.52 — Mason County Resource Ordinance, and Title 15— Mason County Development Code. Staff: Marissa Watson 11. Board's Calendar and Reports 12. Adjournment MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Ginger Kenyon Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: October 12, 2021 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following, Marijuana license application for Memento Vivere, and a change of location for West Coast Premium Products, LLC., Special Occasion for Long Live the Kings located at the Alderbrook Resort & Spa, Liquor License Application for Hideaway Adventures Inc. 4.1.2 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in a letter regarding 2021 Dam Safety Inspection Follow-up, Cushman Project. 4.1.3 The Olson family sent in a letter of concern about the loud rapid-gun fire in the Lakeland Village neighborhood. 4.1.4 A letter was received from Steve Duenkel chairman of the Mason County Republican Party regarding the ballot observation process used during the 2020 general elections. 4.1.5 Brad Carey & Ken VanBuskirk sent in comments regarding Port of Allyn application to be added to the 2021-2022 CEDS list. 4.1.6 Glenn Landram sent in an application for the Mason County Clean Water District. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk � d �se � Washington Slate ��"A""'�� A/ Liquor and Cannabis Board K,RD"XyX < - t-tC �— NOTICE OF MARIJUANA LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - P.O. Box 43098 Olympia,WA 98504-3098 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE: 9/22/21 RE: ASSUMPTION APPLICANTS: From SWEET LEAF 3, INC. Dba SWEET LEAF 3 MEMENTO VIVERE LLC GOAD,TIMOTHY License: 422298 -7A County:23 1977-02-05 NOVIKOVA, OLGA DONNELLY UBI:604-586-330-001-0003 1982-03-08 Tradename:MEMENTO VIVERE Loc Addr: 24090 NE STATE ROUTE 3 STE IY rM BELFAIR,WA 98528-9665 a In. Mail Addr: 1001 COOPER POINT RD SW STE 14 OLYMPIA, WA 98502 Phone No.: 404-406-3054 TIMOTHY GOAD Mason County Commssicjlcrs Privileges Applied For. MARIJUANA RETAILER MEDICAL MARIJUANA ENDORSEMENT As required by RCW 69.50.331(7), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a marijuana license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our Marijuana CHRI desk at(360)664-1704. YES NO 1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2.Do you approve of location?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-060 for information about this process) 4.If you disapprove,per RCW 69.50.331(7)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR CITY MANAGER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin Shutty, Trask Clerk Washington State Licensing and'Regulation g PO Box 43098 Liquor and Cannabis Board Olympia WA 98504-3098 Phone—(360)664-1600 Fax—(360) 753-2710 September 22, 2021 WEST COAST PREMIUM PRODUCTS LLC PO BOX 58832 SEATTLE, WA 98138-1832 Re: WEST COAST PREMIUM PRODUCTS, LLC BELFA R, WA 98528 8N95 IN RD - L LICENSE #432661 - 7A U BI 603-355-138-001-0003 Prior License No. 417030 Mason County Comrnis5ioners Your application for change of location has been approved with the following privilege(s): MARIJUANA PRODUCER TIER 2 MARIJUANA PROCESSOR This license is valid through December 31, 2021. You must post this letter in a public service area as your temporary operating permit. If you do not receive your Business License with marijuana endorsements in 15 days, contact Business License Service/Specialty Licenses at (360) 705-6744. The conditions of your original marijuana license also apply to the license at your new location. To begin accessing Leaf Data Systems for traceability, you will need to contact Leaf Data System at 855-657-2372. For compliance questions please contact your enforcement officer at 253-341-5889. F" 5l¢cc�/BAM Marijuana Licensing Specialist 360-664-1780 Cc: Enforcement Office Mason County Commissioners File DECISIONS Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk p.1d1ndD-of ,+,pa jee 4.HptcM e t4. S !J WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD - LICENSE SERVICES 1025 UNION AVE SE - P O Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 specialoccasions@lcb.wa.gov Fax: 360-753-2710 TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 SPECIAL OCCASION #: 091742 LONG LIVE THE KINGS 1326 5TH AVE, SUITE 450 SEATTLE, WA 98101 DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2021 TIME: 12:00 PM TO 11:59 PM PLACE: ALDERBROOK RESPORT & SPA 10 E ALDERBROOK DR UNION, WA 98592 CONTACT: JACK MCDERMOTT (DOB: 3.20.1998) 425-922-6722 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE CC:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk D.�t,ntltrrh I tt�Washington Slate '""'""44('�J Liquor and Cannabis Board µ �' NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - P.O. Box 43098 Olympia,WA 98504-3098 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov RE: NEW APPLICATION DATE: 10/01/21 U B I:604-699-726-001-0001 License: 367957 -2N County:23 APPLICANTS: Tradename: HIDEAWAY GRILL HIDEAWAY ADVENTURES INC Address: 22540 NE STATE ROUTE 3 LORA, JOHN CLAYTON BELFAIR WA 98528-9303 1958-03-07 Phone No.: 253-677-4602 JOHN LORA _ : tri Privileges Applied For: SPIRITS/BRM/N REST LOUNGE- OC e 04 2021 Mason County Commissioners As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724. YES NO 1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process) 4. If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR,CITY MANAGER,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE Cc CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safety and Inspections—Portland Regional Office 805 SW Broadway, Suite 550 Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 552-2700 9/20/2021 • In reply refer to: P-460 VIA Electronic Mail Mr. Chris Mattson Generation Manager Tacoma Public Utilities cmattson@ci.tacoma.wa.us Subject: 2021 Dam Safety Inspection Follow-Up, Cushman Project Dear Mr. Mattson: On September 10, 2021, Mr. Daniel Klein performed an inspection of the , Cushman Project, FERC No. 460. The project features were inspected and no conditions were found that would require immediate remedial action to protect the safety of the project. We did not identify any other items that require follow-up action. Please note that if we identify any items requiring follow-up action during preparation of our Dam Safety Inspection Report, we will contact you by phone or email and subsequently issue a letter. File all submittals using the Commission's eFiling system at https://www.ferc.gov/ferc-online/overview. For all Dam Safety and Public Safety Documents, select Hydro: Regional Office and Portland Regional Office from the eFiling menu. If any portion of the submittal cannot be eFiled, contact the project engineer to discuss options for transmitting the submittal materials to the Commission. The cover page of the filing must indicate that the material was eFiled. For assistance with eFiling, contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, (866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-8659 (TTY). Hard Copies Are Not Required During 100% Telework. The Commission remains on 100% telework status due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. Requirements for sending hard copies are suspended during this time. This guidance for submitting .- documents to the Commission is valid until FERC reconstitutes and staff returns to offices. We do not have a timeline for when that will occur. When the Commission reconstitutes, we will issue further guidance regarding: 1) any need for hard copies of 2 documents submitted during 100% telework and; 2) any need for hard copies going forward after reconstitution. Thank you for your continued cooperation and interest in dam safety. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Daniel Klein of this office at (503) 552-2707. Sincerely, �r Douglas L. Johnson, P.E. Regional Engineer Cc CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk To Mason County Commissioners, Se pte mbe r 22,2021 1 can't think of the numberof times I have spoken or wrote to a commissioner about a problem.But if I don't keep trying to make my neighborhood safe then I will live with regret for the rest of my life. I live in Lakeland village and moved here in 2005. We moved from Belfairto find a nice quiet place to live and retire.We found the"perfect home".Orwe thought.Ourhouse was built in 1980. On a very nice piece of land. Little did we knowthat a home behind us (not Lakeland housing)would be the nightmare we neverexpectedtoface. Our problem is Allyn has grown so fast since we moved here,it is hard to keep up with all the building and new families moving in. You say what am getting at? Well, it comes with that neighbor behind us. They started out with 15 acres and just this year bought more...Great. Well,they love to shoot off their guns.For hours,all day and sometimes in the evening.We have called the sheriff severaltimes about this matter,with some officers trying to help,othersj ust don't che ck it out. I am not asking for anyone to stop shooting guns.As a gun owner myself,I respect my neighbors.There is an ordinance about Peace,safety,welfare.It fails to protect my neighbors from this shooting. lam not the only person who is upset with this shooting.All we want is that a shooting zone be put in law to protect us from the loud rapid-fire gun shooting.Shoot your guns but be% mile awayfrom any residence.That is all we are asking. Notto take awayguns orto stop shooting,but letus live in peace and enjoy our own property. People that have commented on this bad habit or harassment are:Rylie Averill,Conti Nelson,Donald Slayton,Cyndi Arenk,Greg Christiansen,Meegan Danby,Dr,Chet Gean.This is just a few of the neighbors that ae asking you to update your laws on this matter. My granddaughter stays with us 3 days a week.She being 12, is afraid to go out in our backyard to play. This is not right; herfreedom is being withheld from her.As with us, we too are afraid to be out i n our property. Bullets do go astray.This is a fact know to this family. Our fatherwas shot in the head by a stray bulletthat was shot over 2 miles away.Luckly, he survived,but we and the neighbors fearthat history will repeat it self. Please help Lakeland Village residents feel safe in our own yards. I am sendingthis to all 3 of the commissioners,so that you are all aware of the problem.This is a problem for all of Mason County. Sincerely ECEInEDel Teri Olson SEP 2 7 2021 Steve Olson Mason County Mike Olson Cornmission,ers 16 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk Mason County Republican Party Election Integrity Committee P.O. Box 326 Shelton, Washington 98584 _ September 20, 2021 SEP 2; 2021 Kevin Shutty Mason County Commissioner District 2 Meson Cotanty 411 North 5th Street Commissioners Shelton, Washington. 98584 (360) 427-9670 References: a) Certified Letter from Mason County Election Integrity Committee Chairman, S. Duenkel to Mason County Auditor P. McGuire,August 8, 2021, (attached) b) Letter from Mason County Auditor, P. McGuire to Mason County Election Integrity Committee Chairman, S. Duenkel, August 27, 2021, (attached). Dear Vice Chair Shutty; The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the concerns expressed, documented, and conveyed to our County Auditor regarding the ballot observation process used during the 2020 general election. That letter itemized specific instances where RCW compliant processes were not followed. This is unacceptable. Not only do the processes employed fail to meet the intent of the legislature to ensure election integrity, they erode the confidence of the citizens of the state in our election system. Reference a) includes our demand for a full forensic audit of the 2020 general election by an objective, qualified, experienced 3rd party as is under way in Maricopa County, Arizona, beginning with physical examination and counting of the paper ballots, followed by forensic examination of the tabulation machines, routers integral to those machines, machine certification status, and canvassing of suspect ballot anomalies. In reference b), you will see that our County Auditor rationalized the failure to follow the spirit and letter of Washington State Law. I and a growing number of concerned citizens in Mason County have no confidence in the outcome of the Mason County 2020 Election. On behalf of the Mason County Republican Party and concerned citizens I am enlisting your support for a full forensic audit as described above in Mason County. Sincerely yours, Steve Duenkel Chairman cc: R. Neatherlin, Mason County Chair, Commissioner District 1 S. Trask, Mason County Commissioner District 3 M. Dorcy, Mason County Prosecuting Attorney P. McGuire, Mason County Auditor r Mason County Republican Party Election Integrity Committee _ P.O. Box 326 Shelton, Washington 98584 August 8, 2021 Paddy McGuire Mason County Auditor 411 North 5th Street Shelton, Washington. 98584 (360)427-9670 Dear Mr. McGuire; The purpose of this letter is to document and express the concerns with the ballot observation process used during the 2020 election. As stated in RCW and Section 1 of ESHB 2406-It is the intent of the legislature to ensure our elections have the utmost confidence of the citizens of the state. Full,complete,and transparent observation of all phases and elements of ballot processing is crucial and essential in ensuring the utmost confidence in our elections. As emphasized in ballot observation training,observer duties cover every stage of ballot processing beginning with receiving the envelopes,sorting and batching envelopes for processing,signature verification,contacting a voter if a signature mismatch occurs,separating the ballot return envelope from the inner sleeve to protect anonymity,opening and inspecting ballots to prescreen for spoilage(marks or damage that will interfere with the ballot being scanned),resolution of write-ins,under votes and/or over-votes,duplication of spoiled ballots, retention of records all while accounting for every ballot in the batch. During the 2020 general election,ballot observation in Mason County was restricted to observation of the process via YouTube with images from four cameras displayed in one quadrant of the screen. The result was that images were too small to provide adequate ballot observation. Moreover,the YouTube video stream provided no audio. As a result,our election observers were unable to ensure that RCW compliant processes were followed and ballot chain of custody maintained. Specific concerns include: 1. There was inadequate camera coverage of all areas in the facility and ballot processing in general. 2. There are at least three areas in the facility where ballots could be handled without camera observation or citizen oversight. 3. There was extremely limited observation of sorting and batching in the sorter room,much of which happened out of the camera field of view. 4. It was impossible to observe signature verification. 5. It was impossible to verify voters were contacted about a mismatch of signature. 6. Ballots were separated from their return envelopes and inspected at the center table but camera placement was too distant for effective observation. 7. It was impossible to observe ballot resolution. 8. It was impossible to observe the duplication of spoiled ballots. 9. It was impossible to witness effective batch control. This is completely unacceptable. Not only do the ballot observation limitations in the 2020 Mason County Election fail to meet the intent of the legislature to ensure election integrity, they erode the confidence of the citizens of the state in our election system. These concerns continue to fuel doubt and mistrust in a growing number of citizens. As a result we are demanding a full forensic audit of the 2020 general election by an objective,qualified, experienced 3rd party as is under way in Maricopa County,Arizona,beginning with physical examination and counting of the paper ballots,followed by forensic examination of the tabulation machines,routers integral to those machines,machine certification status,and canvassing of suspect ballot anomalies. I and every concerned citizen in Mason County await your response and action to conduct the full forensic audit in Mason County as the only means to restore voter confidence in our election system. Sincerely yours, `Steve Duenkel Chairman °N co 411 N 5th Street PaddyMcGuire PO Box 400 Shelton, WA 98584 - Mason County Auditor Phone (360) 427-9670 Fax(360) 427-1753 '9UDITo¢ August 27, 2021 Mr. Steve Duenkel, Chair Election Integrity Committee Mason County Republican Party P.O. Box 326 Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Mr. Duenkel, Thank you for your letter of August 81h. When the Mason County Commission closed the County Administration Building to the public, I made the decision to move the Election Department staff from the second floor to the first floor and construct a new entrance so that I could meet my statutory responsibility to serve Mason County voters in person. One of the impacts of that decision was to significantly reduce the amount of space that we have to process ballots. It was not possible to bring in temporary staff, accommodate observers, and meet the social distancing recommendation of the state Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control. I made the decision to purchase and install a security system that would allow remote observation of the ballot processing center. I never thought of that as a substitute for in-person observation, but as a supplement brought on by exigent circumstances. I was very pleased that we were able to accommodate observers for the August primary election and hope that the recent worsening of the Covid-19 situation in Mason County and Washington State does not restrict that in November and beyond. Our ballot processing space is simply too small. I have made a request to the County Commission for additional space so that we are better able to do our work and provide observers the ability to see what we are doing. I would encourage you to contact the commissioners to tell them that a larger facility is important to the public's confidence in electoral processes. Regarding your demand for a"full forensic audit" of the 2020 general election by a third party, I do not believe that is allowable under federal and state law. After consultation with Mason County Prosecuting Attorney Mike Dorcy and Secretary of State Kim Wyman, I have concluded that 52 U.S.C.A. Section 20701,requires me to "retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any [federal] general, special, or primary election ... all records and papers which come into his possession relating to any application, registration, payment of poll tax, or other act requisite to voting in such election." Providing election material to a third party would be a violation of this law and"Any officer of election or custodian who willfully fails to comply with this section shall be fined not more than$1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both." In addition, RCW 29A.60.110 allows access to ballots and other materials for certain audit processes, which we perform, it does not allow for release of ballots for any other purpose. I am committed to conducting fair, accountable elections. My elections staff and I follow federal and state laws, codes and best practice to administer them. We do rigorous testing prior to the election as well as audits and reconciliation after Election Day. I am, Sincerely yours, Paddy McGuire Auditor Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk Beveridge & Diamond Eric L. Christensen 600 University Street, Suite 1601 Seattle, WA 98101 +1.206.620.3025 echristensen@bdlaw.com June 23, 2021 VIA EMAIL; ORIG.BY FEDEX Judy Scott, District 1 Commissioner Ted Jackson, District 2 Commissioner John Sheridan,District 3 Commissioner Lary Coppola, General Manager Port of Allyn 18560 E. State Route 3 Allyn, WA 98524 JScotta,12ortofallyn com ti ackson(g�portofal lyn.com isheridan@portofallyLi.com lfc@,portofallyn.com RE: Cease and Desist Service Area Duplication Ladies and Gentlemen: I write on behalf of Washington Water Service("WWS"),which provides water service to more than 35,000 service connections in Western Washington, including an established service territory that covers much of the Town of Allyn, Washington. WWS is the wholly owned subsidiary of the Water Service Group,a publicly traded company providing water service to over two million people in four states. It has recently come to WWS's attention that the Port of Allyn ("Port") is attempting to serve lots in the Allyn Shopping Center development, which covers essentially the entire block on Stewart Street between Lakeland and Drum Streets. The development consists of nine lots,all of which are located in WWS's service territory,as reflected in the map filed with the Washington Department of Health.Based on maps the Port has published, it also appears that the Port intends to usurp WWS's entire service territory within the Allyn Urban Growth Area boundary. WWS did not consent to the Port's incursions on its Allyn service territory.Moreover,this letter shall serve to affirm that WWS does not consent to service by the Port in its Allyn service territory. The Port's activities are unlawful, and WWS demands that the Port immediately cease and desist all activities that would encroach on WWS's Allyn service territory, including any measures to connect any customers or potential customers within WWS's service territory and any other efforts to take over customers or acquire service in WWS's service territory, whether by acquisition, condemnation, or otherwise, without WWS's express written consent. Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Boston, MA New York, NY San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Washington, DC Beveridge A* &Diamond1w June 23,2021 Page 2 By acting without WWS's consent, the Port is violating RCW 53.08.040(4). This statute governs port district water utilities and is unequivocal that a Port may not provide water service to new customers that are in the service area of another water utility, including any area where an existing service provider is willing to provide service to new customers, unless the Port obtains the consent of that water utility. RCW 53.08.040(4)provides: No port shall enter into an agreement or contract to provide sewer and/or water utilities ... if substantially similar utilities or facilities are available from another source (or sources)which is able and willing to provide such utilities or facilities on a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis unless such other source (or sources) consents thereto. The statute reflects a long-established principle of Washington law, particularly with respect to water utilities, that "there cannot be two municipal corporations performing the same functions at the same time in the same territory." Skagit Cty. Pub. Hosp. Dist. No. 304 v. Skagit Cty. Pub. Hosp. Dist. No. 1, 177 Wash. 2d 718, 726, 305 P.3d 1079, 1083 (2013). Further, the legislature has set forth specific procedures to create water utility service area boundaries in order to protect the public health and minimize waste of resources that would arise from duplication of water service infrastructure, RCW Chapter 70A.100, including specific procedures to be used where a conflict arises where water utility service area boundaries overlap. RCW 70A.100.070. By proceeding without obtaining WWS's express consent, the Port violates these policies and threatens to undermine basic principles of Washington utility law. WWS is currently providing water service on a nondiscriminatory basis to all customers, including new customers,within its Allyn service territory and is"able and willing to provide such utilities" to the lots referenced above. In fact, the lots could easily be served by existing WWS mains that run adjacent to those lots. The Port is well aware of this, as demonstrated by its letter of March 17, 2021, to WWS General Manager Matt Brown seeking to determine if WWS is "interested in selling its Allyn system." Further, contractors working at the lots in question have, without permission or notice to WWS,actually capped the WWS main that would be used to serve the new buildings being constructed on the lots. This caused damage to WWS and constitutes an unlawful trespass that could have potentially resulted in a water quality emergency impacting the WWS distribution system. Although WWS is the "source" that stands ready to provide water utility service to the Allyn lots, as well as the remainder of its Allyn service territory, the Port has never obtained WWS's consent to serve the Allyn Shopping Center, to take over WWS's Allyn service territory, or to otherwise serve any customer located or proposing to locate in WWS's Allyn service territory. The Port has therefore has violated RCW 53.08.040 and acted ultra vices in attempting to serve customers located in WWS's Allyn service territory. The Port must immediately cease and desist from all activities that would impinge on WWS's service territory,including but not limited Beveridge A &Diamond` June 23, 2021 Page 3 to its Allyn service territory. In addition,the Port should correct its map and release the owner of the subject lots to WWS. WWS stands ready to take whatever legal action is necessary to remedy the Port's violations of RCW 53.08.040 if those violations persist. Please have your legal representatives contact me if you wish to discuss any issue raised in this letter. Sincerely, Eric L. Christensen Cc: Lakeland Village Water Co. Yerac Water Co. UU-UwuvlKJ Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask 9127/21,9:32 AM Mail-GKenyon@masoncountywa.g Clerk FW: Monday Briefing on Port of Allyns application to the 2021-2022 CEDS list Diane Zoren Mon 9/27/2021 9:26 AM To Ginger Kenyon <GKenyon@masoncountywa.gov>; 1 attachments (162 KB) 2021-06-23 Ltr to Port of Allyn re Cease and Desist.pdf; Include in next meeting's correspondence. Thanks From: Ken VanBuskirk<kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2021 4:35 PM To: Randy Neatherlin <RandyN@masoncountywa.gov>; Kevin Shutty<KShutty@masoncountywa.gov>; Sharon Trask <STrask@masoncountywa.gov> Cc: Diane Zoren <dlz@masoncountywa.gov>; Tim Whitehead <TimW@masoncountywa.gov> Subject: Monday Briefing on Port of Allyns application to the 2021-2022 CEDS list Commissioners, I have been following the POA's actions for the last five years and as a taxpayer to the Port I am disappointed.. I would like to ask that the County Commissioners delay a decision on this matter until the Port of Allyns pending legal issues have been resolved. There is an issue with the Port not complying with RCW 53.08.040 as referred to in the attached letter from Washington Water Service. Please note this letter was dated before Mr. Coppolas application to the CEDs list. There has also been a recent development where the Port's water pump failed and water levels were at a very low level. thank you for your consideration Ken VanBuskirk Belfair https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1;1 9/27/21,9:32 AM Mail-GKenyon@masoncountywa.gov FW: Monday Briefing on Port of Allyns (POA) application to the 2021- 2022 CEDS list Diane Zoren Mon 9/27/2021 9:26 AM To:Ginger Kenyon <G Kenyon@ masoncou ntywa.gov>; 2 attachments(12 MB) 2021-07-23 POA summons and complaint.pdf;2021-06-23 Ltr to Port of Allyn re Cease and Desist.pdf; Please list in next meeting's correspondence. I'm also sending you an email from Ken VanBuskirk—same subject— Comments on Port of Allyn's request to be added to the CEDS list. From: brad carey<Iiberty2011@live.com> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 9:07 AM To: Randy Neatherlin <RandyN@masoncountywa.gov>; Kevin Shutty<KShutty@masoncountywa.gov>; Sharon Trask <STrask@masoncountywa.gov> Cc: Diane Zoren <dlz@masoncountywa.gov>;Tim Whitehead <TimW@masoncountywa.gov> Subject: RE: Monday Briefing on Port of Allyns (POA) application to the 2021-2022 CEDS list Dear Commissioners, It was brought to my attention that the County component of the EDC may be entertaining an application from the POA regarding grant funding in support of it's proposed water system.The POA under RCW53.08.040 is not allowed to enter into agreements to provide water to users—unless the other water utility companies provide the POA with consent.The attached Cease and Desist letter and complaint both allege the POA is operating in violation of this consent requirement. My concern is the POA has not provided the County with full disclosure of both the legal deficiencies described in both attachments, as well as the fact the POA is currently being sued for failing to comply with the Statute that would allow it to enter into agreements with water users. So the first question is—has the POA informed the County and it's EDC component that it is being accused of violating RCW53.08.040(1) and (4)? Others and I have advised the POA to stop all expansion spending as it relates to the POA water system. We have placed both the DOE and the DOH on notice of the POA's admitted failure to obtain formal "consent"from the other three water utility companies.The Statute requires under RCW53.08.040(4),the POA must have consent from these other water utilities before it is allowed to enter any agreements to function as a water utility.The POA has admitted they do not have formal consent, but have chosen to interpret the Statute that they achieved a de facto consent because none of the three water utility companies (Washington Water, Lakeland Village Water, and Yerac Water) never objected to the POA permit application process.The POA's unusual interpretation of the statute is being challenged in the attached complaint and Cease and Desist letter from Washington Waters corporate counsel. The next allegation I think the County needs to consider is the allegation that the POA is misappropriating tax dollars.The POA is collecting tax revenue and grant funding under Title 53 and spending said revenue for Title 57 purposes.The Statute RCW53.08.040(1) requires that even if the POA were to prevail under a de facto consent argument, no tax revenue is to be used by the POA to subsidize the cost of water being provided to rate payers.The rate payers must bear the entire cost of https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/2 9/27/21,9:32 AM Mail-GKenyon@masoncountywa.gov providing water to their desired connections. Currently,the POA has been using tax dollars to subsidize rate payer connection fees and monthly usage fees. One can assume our State law makers understood in writing the law prohibiting Port's from contracting sale of water—with limited exceptions,that they recognized a Port should not be competing with water utility companies and using tax revenue from non rate payers to unfairly compete with legitimate water utility organizations that have to use rate payer funding to finance their operations. I am urging the Mason County Board of Commissioners to table any actions pertaining to the POA's request for funding as it relates to expansion of it's current water system—until the legal finding can be made as to whether a de facto consent is sufficient enough to allow the POA to meet the"consent" requirement under the law. Since there are no factual disputes regarding consent, I have asked the POA to obtain a legal finding and they have refused. Hence, my lawsuit was filed to force the legal finding to be made by a Court of law.And even if some how consent is achieved,then what?The Statute requires the rate payers must bear all costs.That means no tax revenue of grant funding is to be used to subsidize the ratepayers. The POA needs to pick a POA related task for funding, not a Title 57 activity.The POA, by Statute, is not suited to enter into agreements to sell and distribute water—that what water utility companies do, not Port's. Finally, please keep in mind that prior to filing this complaint and during the investigation process,we requested Commissioner Netherlin be interviewed as he was a former POA commissioner that was also in charge of operating the POA water system in violation of RCW53.08.040(1)(4). Netherlin has been non responsive and most likely needs to recuse himself from any matters related to County involvement and the POA water system. Thanks for your consideration, Brad Carey and POA taxpayer Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 brad 360-801-1500 Sent from Mail for Windows https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/2 2 1I LL 3 4 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY 7 BRAD CAREY No. 21 - 2 - 0 0 3 2 0 - 2 3 8 Plaintiff, SUMMONS 9 VS. 10 PORT OF ALLYN, a public agency, 11 Defendant. 12 13 TO: PORT OF ALLYN 14 A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled 15 Court by Plaintiff named above. Plaintiffs' claims are 16 stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is served 17 upon you with this Summons. 18 In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must 19 respond to the Complaint by stating your defense in writing, 20 and serve a copy of your written defense and answers upon 21 the undersigned Plaintiff within 60 days after said service, 22 if served upon you outside the State of Washington (or 23 within 20 days after the service of this Summons and 24 Brad Carey Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 SUMMONS FOR PRA SUIT- 1 360-801-1500 1 Complaint, if served upon you in the State of Washington) , 2 excluding the day of service, or a Default Judgment may be 3 entered against you without notice. A Default Judgment is 4 where Plaintiff is entitled to what is asked for in the 5 Complaint under the Request for Relief section of the 6 Complaint . The Plaintiff may be allowed to file a Default 7 Judgment because you have not responded to the complaint. If 8 you serve a Notice of Appearance on the undersigned 9 Plaintiff, you are entitled to notice before a Default 10 Judgment may be entered. 11 You may demand that the Plaintiff file this lawsuit 12 with the Court. If you do so, the demand must be in writing 13 and must be served upon the undersigned plaintiff at the 14 address below stated. Within 14 days after you serve the 15 demand, the Plaintiff must file this lawsuit with the Court, 16 or the service on you of this Summons and Complaint will be 17 void. 18 If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this 19 matter, you should do so promptly so that your written 20 request and answer, if any, maybe served on time. 21 This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the 22 Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington. 23 DATED this 23rd day of July, 2021 . 24 Brad Carey Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 SUMMONS FOR PRA SUIT-2 360-801-1500 1 2 3 4 Brad Carey 6 PO Box 64 7 Tahuya, WA 98588 360-801-1500 8 liberty2011@live.com 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Brad Carey Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 SUMMONS FOR PRA SUIT-3 360-801-1500 1 2 3 4 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY 7 BRAD CAREY No. 21- 2 —00 3 ZO — 2. 3 8 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF PUBLIC RECORDS ACT 9 vs. (RCW42.56),OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT (RCW42.30), 10 PORT OF ALLYN, a public agency, AND ENTERING INTO AGREEMENTS TO PROVIDE 11 Defendant. WATER VIOLATING 12 (RCW53.08.040(4)) 13 14 Comes now Plaintiff,Brad Carey, and for his cause of action against Defendant. Port of Allyn, alleges as follows: 15 I. PARTIES 16 A. Plaintiff 17 18 1. Plaintiff Brad Carey (Carey) is an individual residing in Mason County, Washington. 19 20 2. Carey made the public records request at issue in this case. 21 3. Carey has first hand knowledge of Port of Allyn Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA)violations. 22 23 4. Carey has first hand knowledge of Port of Allyn agreements to provide water to 24 residential connections without obtaining the required"consent"from active water utilities COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) - 1 (360)801-1500 Iibeny201 I @livexom I organizations currently willing and able to provide said water connections. B. Defendant 3 5. Port of Allyn(POA) is a local governmental body. 4 6. Port of Allyn(POA)is located in Mason County, Washington. 5 7. The public records at issue are used and maintained by POA. 6 8. POA is an"agency"under the definition listed in RCW 42.56.010(1). 7 9. POA is subject to the Public Records Act, chapter. 42.56 RCW. 8 10. POA is the agency to which the public records requests at issue were made. 9 11. POA is subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, chapter 42.30 RCW. 10 12. POA is subject to Title 53 and for the purposes of this complaint, 11 RCW53.08.040(4). 12 II. VENUE AND JURISDICTION 13 13. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to RCW 42.56.550(l). 14 14. Venue is appropriate in Mason County pursuant to RCW 42.56.550(1). 15 III. HISTORY,BACKGROUND,FACTS AND OBJECTIVE 16 15. What is this lawsuit all about?Transparency violations and violations of 17 RCW53.08.040(4) by entering into agreements to sell water without"consent" of the other 18 willing and able water utility organizations in the area. It is plaintiffs objective thru this 19 complaint to obtain public records,stop the POA from conducting illegal meetings, and to 20 require the POA to comply with RCW53.08.040(4)by either obtaining"consent" from the 21 other three service area water utilities,or surplus the POA water system. Plaintiff Mr. Brad 22 Carey owns real property in the POA District and pays property taxes to the POA. Carey's 23 brother,Jeff Carey, owns and operates a small water utility service area within the POA District. 24 In December 2020, Carey learned that the POA was trying to purchase his brothers water COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -2 (360)801-1500 Iiberty2011®live.com 1 system. When Jeff Carey refused to sell,the POA, in open meeting discussions,threatened to use 2 eminent domain to obtain said water system as well as stated their concerns of having to 3 compete with Carey's brother for water connection clients. Since December 2020,Plaintiff 4 Carey,who was a former Port commissioner 15 years ago, has attempted to learn, understand, 5 and hold the POA accountable by asking questions and making request for public records from 6 the POA in order to get answers to questions the POA refused to answer. Rather than simply 7 answering Carey's questions—thereby reducing the need for Carey to make public records 8 request(PRR),the POA chose instead to conceal the public record by not answer Carey's 9 questions,refused to provide public records when requested, and conducted meetings of the 10 public's business in secret and in violation of RCW42.30(OPMA). In addition,the POA 11 continues to enter into agreements to provide water to residents in violation of the"consent" 12 requirement as required by RCW53.08.040(4). 13 16. Plaintiff Carey has pleaded and offered in open public meetings for the last six 14 months to not litigate with the POA if they would simply make a good faith effort to comply 15 with Washington State transparency laws. The POA ignores Carey during these pleads and 16 offers. The POA singled out Carey and has openly refused to answer his public questions during 17 public meetings or independent phone calls. The POA has ignored Carey's phone calls and 18 PRR's. The POA has requested Carey reduce his questions to writing and submit them to the 19 POA for answers. Carey has complied with POA written questions request—only to learn the 20 POA tricked Carey by never responding to his written questions. Because the POA refuses to 21 answer Carey's questions, Carey is bullied and harassed into having to make PRR's that will 22 provide records that will answer said questions. This process of getting answers via PRR's is 23 very time and cost consuming.Non the less Carey has made those PRR's and the POA, acting in 24 bad faith,has intentionally refused to provide Carey with public records he has requested. COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -3 (360)801-1500 Iiberty201 I@Iive.com I During the last several months, Carey has failed to succeed in convincing the POA to accept his 2 offers to try and have the issues listed in this complaint—mediated. The POA has left Carey with 3 no other choice but to file this action in order to obtain public records, place a stop on illegal 4 meetings,and to bring compliance with RCW53.08.040(4). 5 17. Violations of RCW42.56. Many avoidable PRR's have been made by Carey of 6 the POA during the last six months. The POA has ignore some,responded partially or 7 completely on others, and denied others. For the purposes of this initial complaint and to 8 expedite immediate delivery of public records, Carey will list two of the PRR violations that 9 require immediate compliance. 10 18. On 05/04/21 Carey made a record of his PRR on POA commissioner Judy Scott's I I POA voice mail whereby public records were requested pertaining to her statements made the 12 evening before during the regular POA public meeting. Commissioner Scott ignore Carey's PRR 13 and never responded. 14 19. More recently on July 2,2021,Carey made a PRR for a specific public 15 correspondence. On July 13,2021,the POA responded to said PRR and refused to provide Carey 16 the public record. It was critical for Carey to have this identifiable public record of incoming 17 correspondence for the POA public meeting occurring later that evening. This simple PRR was 18 time sensitive and the POA intentionally did not want Carey to have it before the upcoming 19 public meeting and therefore intentionally denied said record. It was this PRR violation that 20 finally gave cause to this complaint. The POA first used the excuse the PRO was sick,then, 21 when Carey suggested the Director forward the correspondence,the PRO was able to perform, 22 but intentionally provided Carey with only a small portion of the public record. Carey had to 23 keep pestering the PRO to provide the small but complete record. Yet the PRO kept intentionally 24 avoiding the most important public record Carey was seeking. The PRO finally,rather than COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -4 (360)801-1500 liberty2011@livc.com 1 produce the record, stated that the POA already provided Carey the record—which they knew 2 was false,then they stated it was attorney client privileaged,but that if Carey wanted it, they had 3 provided it to another member of the public for which Carey would have to get the record from 4 that person and not the POA. Very discouraging to say the least and Carey never did get the 5 public record and the POA has remained silent on the issue. Next... 6 20. Violations of RCW42.30. The POA has a three Commissioner Board. 7 RCW42.30 requires that POA business requiring the deliberations and decisions of the Board of 8 Commissioners be conducted in public view by way of open public meetings. Makes sense. 9 21. Sometime between May 3`d and May 181h,2021,the POA using legal counsel to 10 facilitate,met,deliberated,and made decisions to create both form and content,an open letter to 11 the public. This OPMA violation was identified and admitted to by POA counsel on June 7, 12 2021 during an open public meeting,yet corrective action was not taken as required under the 13 Act. The Act requires the violators nullify what they performed in secret and then re deliberate 14 the contents and make any decisions in full public view. 15 22. On July 1 St,2021 the POA convened a special meeting whereby only listed 16 agenda items are allowed to be discussed. During the public meeting,additional very important 17 non agenda items were introduced,discussed,deliberated and decisions made concerning said 18 non agenda items. During the July 13, 2021 regular public meeting, Carey tried to bring the 19 violation to the Boards attention and was ignored once again—even after litigation was 20 mentioned as an alternative to bring compliance to the POA. Next... 21 23. Violation of RCW53.08.040(4). This ongoing violation has been presented to the 22 Board by Carey and others for the last 4-5 months. The statute is written very clearly and 23 basically it prohibits Ports operating under Title 53, from engaging in activities that normally are 24 performed under Title 57(Water and Sewer Districts).Now,the State lawmakers did provide COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -5 (360)801-1500 Iiberty201 I@Iive.com I one exception to the law and that was that if"consent"had been granted to the POA from other 2 available water utility source or sources that were"substantially similar", and those sources were 3 "able and willing to provide such utilities", "on a reasonable and non discriminatory basis". So, 4 it appears the State lawmakers intentionally wrote the law prohibiting ports from entering into 5 water utility distribution agreements unless the current available water utilities do not want to 6 provide water to the connections in question,and are willing to provide the Port with consent to 7 serve the water needs not being fulfilled. Makes sense. Let water utility companies do what they 8 do best and let Ports do what they do best. Carey has tried to convey to the POA that they need 9 to support and help grow the commercial and industrial businesses in the area,not use public tax 10 dollars to defeat them or eminent domain them. Carey has spoken to Washington Water, Yerac 11 Water and Lakeland Village Water and all three appear to not have provided"consent"to the 12 POA. In fact, recent public records clearly show the POA is aware of Washington Water's offer 13 to buy the POA water system. Meanwhile,the POA, ignoring Carey and others advice to freeze 14 all water system spending until a legal finding is made to determine whether the POA is in 15 violation of the RCW53.080.040(4),has accelerated spending on building water facilities and 16 competing with existing water utility organizations. The POA has refused Carey's advice to 17 obtain a legal finding concerning said violations. To resolve this alleged violation, since there 18 appears to be no factual disputes,the legal question should be able to be decided early and 19 quickly by the Court-under a Motion for Summary Judgement. It is important to note the POA 20 originally informed Carey they had consent,then when the record was void of any consent,the 21 POA told Carey they were grandfathered in and did not need consent,then most recently the 22 POA provided defense in a legal opinion that"consent"was granted by the similar utility 23 companies when they did not object to the POA applying for permits. Carey and others disagree 24 with this new defense and that is why we need the Court to intervene. COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya,WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -6 (360)801-1500 Iiberty201 I@Iive.com 1 24. Additional claims for damages. Carey is aware the POA has been spreading 2 falsehoods in an effort to disparage Carey's reputation and discourage Carey's effort to hold the 3 POA accountable. One of these actions was performed in violation of RCW42.30 whereby an 4 open letter to the public was created by the POA and posted on its public website. It is because 5 of these actions and additional RCW42.56 violations that Plaintiff Carey reserves the right to 6 amend or supplement this complaint to add additional public records request(PRR)violations 7 and claims as they occur and or are discovered after further investigation and discovery,and to 8 seek additional relief for the additional PRR violations added to this complaint, should the 9 defendant choose to continue to deny records and or aggressively litigate this complaint,as well 10 as continue to disparage and discriminate against Carey in an effort to discourage public 11 involvement and accountability. 12 25. IV. CAUSE OF ACTION 13 26. Plaintiff re alleges the preceding paragraphs and incorporates them by reference 14 in this cause of action. 15 27. RCW 42.56.040(1)requires an agency to perform its' "Duty to publish 16 procedures". 17 28. RCW 42.56.040(2)regarding the agencies duty to publish its procedures 18 provides: 19 "A person may not in any manner be required to resort to, or be adversely 20 affected by,a matter required to be published or displayed and not so published or 21 displayed" 22 29. RCW 42.56.070 requires an agency to make"Documents and indexes to be made 23 public". 24 30. RCW 42.56.080 requires an agency to make its' public records promptly COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -7 (360)801-1500 liberry20ll@live.com I available for inspection and copying,to any person. 2 31. RCW 42.56.090 requires an agency to set times for inspection and copying of its' 3 public records and these times should be the customary office hours of the agency for a 4 minimum of thirty hours per week. "Customary business hours must be posted on the agency or 5 offices web site and made known by other means designed to provide the public with notice". 6 32. RCW 42.56.100 requires an agency to have rules in place to"protect public 7 records from damage or disorganization"and"provide the fullest assistance to inquirers and the 8 most timely possible action on requests for information." 9 33. RCW 42.56.520 requires an agency to promptly respond to requests for public 10 records within five business days with either 1)The record requested,2)A link to the agencies 11 web site where the requester can access the record, 3)A reasonable estimate as to when the 12 records will be made available,4)Denying the public record request—with a written denial 13 reason. 14 34. RCW 42.56.550(1)provides: 15 "Upon the motion of any person having been denied an opportunity to inspect or copy a public record by an agency,the superior court in the county in which a 16 record is maintained may require the responsible agency to show cause why it has refused to allow inspection or copying of a specific public record or class of 17 records". The burden of proof shall be on the agency to establish that refusal to permit public inspection and copying is in accordance with a statute that exempts 18 or prohibits disclosure in whole or in part of specific information or records". 19 35. RCW 42.56.550(3)provides: "Courts shall take into account the policy of this 20 chapter that free and open examination of public records is in the public interest, even though 21 such examination may cause inconvenience or embarrassment to public officials or others." 22 36. RCW 42.56.550(4)provides: 23 Any person who prevails against an agency in any action in the courts seeking ... the right to inspect or copy any public record or the right to receive a response to 24 a public records request in a reasonable amount of time shall be awarded all costs, COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -8 (360)801-1500 Iiberty2011 @live.e= 1 including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with such legal action. In addition, it shall be within the discretion of the court to award such person an 2 amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day that he or she was denied the right to inspect or copy said public record. 3 37. Defendant POA violated sections of the Public Records Act listed above by not 4 providing Plaintiff with copies of the records requested. Defendant has willfully gone out of its 5 way to hide and conceal from Plaintiff the records requested and to respond in a manner in 6 opposite of the fullest assistance requirement under the Act. 7 38. V. PRAYER FOR RELIEF 8 WHEREFORE,the Plaintiff Brad Carey prays for judgment against Defendant Port of 9 Allyn as follows: 10 A. Order the Port of Allyn to promptly provide Brad Carey with all of the public 11 records responsive to his July 2, 2021 public records request. 12 B. Award Brad Carey all costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in 13 connection with his action and efforts to obtain the records, as provided in RCW 42.56.550(4). 14 C. Award Brad Carey pursuant to RCW 42.56.550(4)of up to $100 per day from the 15 date of the requests until the date POA provides all records responsive to his public records 16 request claimed in this complaint, and that are amended into this complaint. 17 D. Award Brad Carey all costs including reasonable attorney fees incurred in 18 connection with this legal action pursuant to RCW 42.30.120(4) 19 E. To assess a civil penalty in the amount of$500.00 against each of the three 20 commissioners(Judy Scott, Ted Jackson,and John Sheridan)pursuant to RCW42.30.120(1). 21 F. To have the Court review the POA public record for compliance with 22 RCW53.08.040(4)and find that the POA violated both the spirit and letter of the statute and 23 absent legal consent from the similar water utility organizations,order the POA to surplus it's 24 COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya,WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) -9 (360)801-1500 liberty20ll@live.com I water system. 2 G. After obtaining desire public records, it is the plaintifrs primary objective,to 3 motivate the POA to respect and comply with RCW42.56, RCW42.30, and RCW53.08.040(4), 4 as well as embrace and compliment members of the public willing to.donate their time and 5 treasure to hold their public servants accountable. 6 H. For such other relief as the Court deems just. 7 DATED this 231,day of July 2021. 8 Brad Carey 9 / 10 PO Box 64 11 Tahuya, WA 98588 360-801-1500 12 liberty2011 @live.com 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF Brad Carey PUBLIC RECORDS ACT,OPMA,and Box 64 Tahuya, WA 98588 RCW53.080.040(4) - 10 (360)801-1500 Iiberty201 I@Iive.com UC:c;MMKS Neatnerlln, 5nutty, I rasK ter, Clerk .�4. See &De L I It- RE :F1 E p� °ODn MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEP 3 0 2021 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Meson County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or482-5269 Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Mason County Clean Water District jy&L Glenn Landram ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY/ZIP; VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) _MAIL: COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) ACTIVITI S OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: USAF—20 Years Belfair/Hood anal Sewer Advisory YRS ommittee - POSITION: LTCoI--Operations Research Analyst rest en o e connec Ion Water ys em 2010- Present COMPANY: The Evergreen State College— 16yrs YRS North Mason School Board —2003-2007 MON• Faculty— Finance, Economics and Statistic$ In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: To provide a resident's perspective, and advice, to the commissioners regarding our clean water district. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? I've experience with government having worked as an analyst for Gov Locke for 6 years between my time in the USAF and teaching at Evergreen. I live on Hood Canal and have swam in those waters for the past 60 years and Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) I raise clams commercially on my beach. I am retired and have no other known affiliation that might provide a conflict of interest. If one did come up I would recuse myself. Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records). The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly 4 Monthly Weekly Daly Office Use Only 9-27-2021 Appointment Date Sign re Date Term Expire Date cler< MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Ginger Kenyon Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item # 8, 1 (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8083378-8083647 $ 1,859,840.09 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 80957-81347 $ 812,172.62 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7006174-7006198 $ 536,115.11 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 174,733.68 Macecom 9/3/2021 $ 159,741.66 Mental Health 9/10/2021 $ 1,656.02 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 9/10/2021 $ 1,410.00 Current Expense 9/3/2021 $ 5,663.00 Trial Court Improvement 9/3/2021 $ 5,663.00 2013 LTGO BOND B ADMIN FEES 9/24/2021 $ 300.00 LTGO REF BD 17 NORTH-BAY ADMIN FES 9/24/2021 $ 300.00 Refund Interest Earned 9/30/2021 $ 82.37 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 30,914,083.20 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 13,808,083.14 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 13,677,086.25 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 15,955,491.02 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8083378-8083647 $ 1,859,840.09 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 80957-81347 $ 812,172.62 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7006174-7006198 $ 536,115.11 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 174,733.68 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) /J, r g71 Dot 9/3/2021 SEP 3 0 2021 Payment approval of Macecom: Mason County Cornmissioners Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # Macecom 001.000000.300.300 $ 159,741.66 M-77715 $ - 9/10/2021 Payment approval of Mental Health: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 1,656.02 M-77815 $ - M- 9/10/2021 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Dispute Resolution Surcharge 001.000000.100.000 $ 1,410.00 M-77816 9/3/2021 FUND Account# Remiittance RECEIPT # Current Expense 001.000000.310.000 T $5,663.00 M-77712 Trial Court Improvement 135.000000.000.000 1 $5,663.00 M-77713 9/24/2021 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # 2013 LTGO BOND B PRINCIPAL 215.000000.000.000 - 2013 LTGO BOND B INTEREST 215.000000.000.000 - 2013 LTGO BOND B ADMIN FEES 215.000000.000.000 300.00 M-78153 9/24/2021 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # LTGO REF BD '17 NORTH BAY-PRINC 215.000000.000.000 $ - LTGO REF BD '17 NORTH BAY-INT 215.000000.000.000 $ - LTGO REF BD '17 NORTH BAY-ADMIN FEES 215.000000.000.000 $ 300.00 M-78153 9/30/2021 REFUND INTEREST EARNED 7 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.000 $ 44.76 Multiple Rec ROAD DIV-CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.010 $ 3.83 Multiple Rec Veterans Assistance 190.000000.000.000 $ 0.54 Multiple Rec COUNTY ROAD 105.000000.000.000 $ 32.40 Multiple Rec MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 0.84 Multiple Rec Respectfully submitted by Julie Richert, Chief Deputy Treasurer 9/30/2021 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Patricia Grover, Mason County Noxious Action Agenda _X Weed Control Board Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioners EXT: 592 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item # g. Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: October 4, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Patricia Grover, Noxious Weed Control Board [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: 1. Professional Services Contract Agreement between 10,000 Years Institute and Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board for 10,000 Years Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project. 2. Hire one additional extra help employee to meet contract obligations. Background: Professional Services Contract in the amount of $14,000, from date of last signature 2021 to June 15, 2022. Hire one additional extra help employee to fulfill contract obligation for Mason County Noxious Weed Control to preform on-site weed control work on Olympic National Forest land. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Approval and signature from Mason County Board of County Commissioners for Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board to enter into the Professional Services Contract Agreement with 10,000 Years Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project. 2. Approval to hire one additional extra help employee. Additional Budget Impacts: Additional $14,000 to 2021/2022 budget revenue and expenditures (budget neutral). Attachment(s): - Professional Services Contract Agreement, 10,000 Year Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project. - Exhibits A, B & C 10/4/2021 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN 10,000 YEARS INSTITUTE AND MASON COUNTY NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL BOARD FOR 10,000 YEARS INSTITUTE'S ALL LANDS FOREST RESTORATION PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is between 10,000 Years Institute, located at 341 North Forks Avenue, Forks, WA 98331, and Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board (Consultant),with an address of 303 North 4th Street, Building 4, Shelton,WA 98584 and is made effective as of the date signed below by 10KYI. 10KYI and Contractor are also referred to as the "Parties" and each as a "Party." This Agreement relates only to work funded by the 10KYI All Lands Forest Restoration Project, funded through Washington Department of Natural Resources Forest Health Program on behalf of the Olympic Forest Collaborative. The Parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1) DEFINITIONS. --For purposes of this Agreement, the term— a) "10,000 Years Institute"means 10,000 Years Institute,a Washington 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Corporation,and its directors,officers,employees and agents also referred to herein as "10KYI"; b) "Contractor" means the Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board and its employees, agents and subcontractors; and c) "Project Manager" means the person designated below and incorporated by reference,to serve as representative of 10KYI and the Consultant for purposes of administration of this Agreement. 2) SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED AND DELIVERABLES. -- The Contractor agrees to provide services to 10KYI, in accordance with applicable professional standards, as described in Exhibit A appended to this contract. No work shall commence under this Agreement until it is fully executed by both Parties. 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 1 3) COMPENSATION.— a) The parties have estimated that the cost of accomplishing the work herein will not exceed Fourteen Thousand, and No/100ths Dollars ($14,000.00). b) Except as provided herein, 10KYI agrees to pay Consultant quarterly following receipt of an invoice documenting services rendered and costs incurred,in a manner and amount stipulated in Exhibit A. i) 10KYI may, at its sole discretion, retain up to 10 percent of the amount otherwise due and owing under each invoice until Consultant completes all work described in Exhibit A,or otherwise authorized by 10KYI. 10KYI shall notify Consultant of the amount retained and deposit the retained amount in an interest-bearing account. 10KYI shall release the amount retained,together with earned interest,not later than 30 days after receipt of a final invoice and acceptance of 10KYI of all work authorized. u) 10KYI may, at its sole discretion, retain an amount otherwise due and owing under each invoice until Consultant provides 10KYI with evidence that the Consultant has paid industrial insurance premiums for its employees and/or is in compliance with state industrial insurance requirements. c) Allowable Costs. — i) Travel Expenses. -- 10KYI agrees to reimburse Consultant up to the amount stipulated in Exhibit A for travel expenses (including per diem at current government rate) from Consultant's home or principal place of business to work and meeting sites. 10KYI shall reimburse Consultant for travel expenses in accordance with federal travel regulations.Payment for expenses over the category amount will not be honored without prior approval of 10KYI's Project Manager. ii) Other Expenses. — Payment for miscellaneous expenses will be specified in Exhibit A. Any request over the category amount will not be honored without prior approval by 10KYI's Project Manager. d) Unallowable Costs. -- i) Management fees or similar charges in excess of the direct costs are not allowable. :ii) If Consultant expends more than the amount of its approved budget in anticipation of receiving additional funds,it does so at its own risk. 10KYI is not legally obligated to reimburse Consultant for costs incurred in excess of the approved budget. e) Invoice. --Consultant's invoice shall indicate dates of service, a description 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 2 of work performed by sites as outlined in Exhibit A, , and time spent on that date in providing service under this Agreement. The invoice shall include travel claims for travel expenses incurred by Consultant in connection with performance under this Agreement. Invoices should be sent to the 10KYI Project Manager at the 10KYI address listed below by email. 4) TERM. --The term of this Agreement commences on the effective date, the date the agreement is signed by the 10KYI Executive Director below, and continues until June 15,2022 as stipulated in Exhibit A, or until terminated by the Parties. 5) TRAINING. -- Consultant acknowledges that no training will be provided to Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant warrants and represents that its personnel are fully trained to perform services required under this Agreement and that additional training provided by 10KYI will be unnecessary. 6) BUSINESS LICENSES AND TAXES.— a) Consultant shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement all required licenses, permits, and similar legal authorization, and comply with all applicable Federal,State and local regulations. b) Consultant shall be responsible for payment of taxes, insurance and other obligations relating to its performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall provide 10KYI with verification of its— 1, Unified business identifier number from the State of Washington and that its business license is in good standing; Washington State Department of Revenue account and that the account is in good standing; in) Washington State Labor and Industries account and that the account is in good standing or that the Consultant is exempt from the state's industrial insurance requirements; c) All other necessary licenses and permits to perform the work specified in Exhibit C. 7) INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT STATUS. - Consultant shall act as an independent Consultant, and in no way shall be considered an employee of 10KYI. Consultant is not required to report to 10KYI's offices at any specific time, except as requested for occasional consultations. 10KYI does not have the right to assign any additional projects to Consultant. 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 3 Consultant shall choose the time and manner for performing each part of the services described in Exhibit A according to its own routines and schedules, independent from 10KYI's normal business operations. a) Consultant acknowledges that Consultant will not qualify for benefits which may be available if classified as an employee. In the event that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) successfully asserts that Consultant is not or was not an independent Consultant for any period during the term of this Agreement and reclassifies Consultant as an employee, Consultant agrees to complete, sign and deliver IRS Form 4669 (Employee Wage Statement) to 10KYI for any tax period affected. 10KYI shall then file the Form 4669 with the IRS (along with IRS Form 4670 "Request for Relief From Payment of Income Tax Withholding") to offset against 10KYI's withholding obligation. b) Consultant acknowledges that it will be liable to 10KYI for any industrial insurance premiums or any other premiums or fees that 10KYI is required to pay on its behalf under RCW 51.12.070, or any other applicable statute, regulation or ordinance, to the State of Washington or local jurisdiction. 8) NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT. -- This Agreement is non-exclusive. Consultant reserves the right to perform services for others during the term of the Agreement. 9) MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT.--Consultant shall provide all materials and equipment necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement: Provided, however, that Consultant may use office equipment located in the offices of 10KYI, as available, and provided however, that if "Other Expenses" have been awarded as part of this agreement, 10KYI may purchase said supplies and services on behalf of the Consultant as part of this Agreement. 10) INSURANCE. — Consultant shall provide 10KYI with a certificate of insurance for each insurance provision required in this section. The certificate of insurance shall be effective during the duration of this agreement. 10KYI may require that the certificate of insurance name 10KYI as an additional insured party. Consultant shall also require all of its subcontractors to maintain the same type and level of insurance as required in this section and provide certificates of insurance to 10KYI as required in this section. Consultant shall, at its own expense, acquire and maintain the following insurance throughout the term of the Agreement: a) Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned,non-owned and hired automobiles, trucks and trailers. Such insured shall provide the Standard Comprehensive Automobile Liability policy in limits not less than $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit; 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 4 b) Commercial General Liability Coverage Insurance, with not less than the following limits: $1,000,000 for each occurrence limit, $1,000,000 for personal injury limit, $2,000,000 general aggregate limit; c) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate; and d) Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance as required by statute and employer liability coverage, with not less than the following limits: $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease and $1,000,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease. 11) PUBLICITY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPPORT.--Consultant gives 10KYI the right and authority to publicize 10KYI's financial support for this Agreement and the Project in press releases, publications and other public communications. Consultant agrees to not publicize its work under this Agreement without 10KYI's express written approval. 12) INSPECTION AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. --The Consultant shall make all applicable financial records, supporting documents, and all other pertinent records related to this Project, available to 10KYI or any of its duly authorized representatives, for inspection. Records shall be retained until the Term date of this Agreement and then submitted to the Project Manager for retention according to law. 13) APPLICABLE LAW. -- This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the State of Washington, irrespective of the fact that any one of the Parties is now or may become a resident of another state. Venue for any action under this Agreement shall lie in Mason County,Washington. 14) MODIFICATION. -- This Agreement may not be waived, discharged or modified in any manner other than by written agreement of the Parties. 15) SEVERABILITY. -- No provision of this Agreement is severable from any and all other provisions of this Agreement.Should any provision or provisions of this Agreement be unenforceable for any reason, the party finding itself unable to enforce said provision(s)may,at its sole discretion,declare this entire Agreement to be null and void. 16) TERMINATION. -- Either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the Parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. If for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 5 notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If the failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. 10KYI shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time, if the Funding Source issues an early termination under the funding agreement(s) covering all or part of the Project at issue hereunder. 17) WAIVER. -- If either party fails to exercise its rights under this Agreement, it shall not be precluded from subsequent exercise of its rights. A failure to exercise rights shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement, unless stated in a letter signed by authorized representative of the party and attached to the original agreement. 18) COSTS AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. -- If either party brings any action against the other for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover against the other party all costs and reasonable attorneys'fees,including costs and reasonable attorneys'fees incurred to enforce any judgment rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 19) DEBARMENT. - By signing this Agreement, Consultant warrants and represents its initial and continued compliance that it is not listed on the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries state-wide Debarred Contractors List(or debarred in another state in which the Consultant's business resides). 20) COUNTERPARTS AND ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE. —This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, after execution by all Parties hereto,shall together constitute the Agreement. The parties acknowledge that a signature in electronic form has the same legal effect and validity as a handwritten signature. 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective as of the day and year the Executive Director has executed. 10,000 Years Institute Jill Silver,Executive Director Date Mason County Randy Neatherlin, Chair Mason County Commission Date 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 7 Consultant Checklist: Consultant will complete and provide requested information on Exhibit B. Contract Representatives: Jill Silver,Executive Director,ALFR Project Manager 10,000 Years Institute PO Box 1081 Forks,WA 98331 jsilver@10000yearsinstitute.org 360-301-4306 Consultant Representative(s): Patricia A. Grover,Coordinator Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Mason County, Building 4 303 N. 4th Street Shelton,WA 98584 12atriciag@masoncoun!yEa.gov 360-427-9670 ext. 592 10KYI Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Page 8 EXHIBIT A Independent Consultant Scope of Services Project Title: 10,000 Years Institute's All Lands Forest Restoration Project Consultant: Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board Description of Services: Consultant shall: • Provide 2 staff members for on-site weed control work;including herbicide application, timing of which will be weather dependent and contingent on Olympic National Forest approval. • Transportation to/from properties. • Supply equipment and supplies necessary to accomplish work. • Photo documentation. • Permitting necessary to apply near water (NPDES) if on non-Forest Service land. • Posting of site for use of herbicides. • Completion of FACTS forms for work accomplished on Olympic National Forest land,NPDES Reporting and completion of WSDA Pesticide Application Records for non-Forest Service ownerships. Task 1: Year 1 Weed Control 2021 Weed Control Assistance: on-site work by staff members from October— December (weather dependent for primary herbicide application). Description Budget Completion Date Weed control assistance; apply herbicide,photo Not to exceed 12/31/2021 documentation,permitting and reporting. $6,000.00 Worksites include the Big Stew and Orchard- Loner Thinning Units in the Skokomish watershed, and include the USFS road haul routes as shown on maps in Exhibit B. Page 9 Task 2: Year 2 Weed Control 2022 Weed Control Assistance: on-site work by staff members from January— June (weather dependent for primary herbicide application). Description Budget Completion Date Weed control assistance; apply herbicide,photo Not to exceed 6/15/2022 documentation,permitting and reporting. balance on contract. Worksites include the Big Stew and Orchard- Loner Thinning Units in the Skokomish watershed, and include the USFS road haul routes as shown on maps in Exhibit B. Compensation: The Consultant shall be compensated under this agreement in an amount not to exceed: $14,000.00. Submit quarterly invoices to the ALFR Project Manager by the 15th of the following month. Expenses are payable with prior authorization from 10KYI project manager, and contingent upon satisfactory progress reporting toward completion of project deliverables. Progress Reporting: Consultant will submit an activity summary report with each invoice detailing work completed on each property. Travel: If claiming mileage Consultant will submit a 10KYI Mileage Report for Reimbursement with invoice. Mileage and travel costs will be reimbursed at current federal rates or allowances. Contract Duration Date: The effective date is the date the contract is signed by the Executive Director and ends Tune 15, 2022. Consultant Checklist: Consultant will complete and provide requested information on Exhibit B. Page 10 EXHIBIT B PROJECT WORK AREAS Big Stew Thinning Area and Haul Route d.Thin ning Area r' r 111Y 1 I � Ndud eS Raft 361 � d �r 2400", q Lake Cushman �y ° / 1t\ \ Y R— / Riparian Reserves _ North Fork Skokomtsh Thinning Areas v -North Fork Skokornish Haul Routes Orchard Loner Thinning Area and Haul Route V s f` s ".� Orchard Loner Thinning Area indudes Ref t 997 Lake WeG \ f f4 Riparian Reserves North Fork Skokornish Thinning Areas North Fork SkokoMsh Hail Routes m/as/aon Page 11 EXHIBIT C PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONSULTANT CHECKLIST Consultant's UBI No. 232-002-101 Consultant's Federal Tax ID No. 91-6001354 Consultant Type: Local county government Program Name: Invasive Plant Treatments Funding Source Name/Number: Not applicable—funds are not federal. Certifications NProvide current IRS W-9 Form Provide proof of WA Dept. of Revenue Account in Good Standing County government Provide proof of WA Labor &Industries Account in Good Standing or Exemption (if no employees) County government Other Licenses or permits if needed: N/A Construction contractor registration number and expiration if needed: N/A Insurance (as applicable): Contractor has WA Counties Risk Pool Membership Certification thru 06/30/2022 Commercial Auto Liability (if claiming mileage--use 10KYI Mileage Report if included in tasks) Commercial General Liability (naming 10KYI as additional insured) Professional Liability Insurance Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance Page 12 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Alex Paysse Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EH EXT: 279 DATE: 10/12/2021 Agenda Item #8,3 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 10/4/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Alex Paysse [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Extend temporary EHS position into regular full time Background: The commission previously approved a temporary EHS position until Dec. 31, 2021 back in June to assist with EH code enforcement cases. The position is funded by Foundational Public Health Services (WA state DOH funding), which has been continued into 2023. Staff is requesting a change of this position to regular full time. Funding is stable and workload is consistent for this position. Budget Impacts: No budget impacts, funded through state contract RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to extend temporary EHS to regular full time Attachment(s): None MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Alex Paysse Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EH EXT: 279 DATE: 10/12/2021 Agenda Item # 8.4 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 10/4/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Alex Paysse [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Mason County Code Chapter 6.76 revisions Background: Chapter 6.76 has not been updated since 2009. Over the past 10+ years staff have found various gaps between state and county code related to public health and oversight of onsite sewage systems. Staff worked with the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee, Dept. of Health and Board of Health on the attached amendments addressing these needs. On September 28th, BOH approved the proposed amendments and forwarding to Board of County Commissioners for public hearing (per 6.04.060) and adoption. See attachments for more specific information regarding code changes proposed. Budget Impacts: No budget impacts RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to set public hearing for November 9th, 2021 to consider proposed amendments to Mason County Code Chapter 6.76 Onsite Sewage Regulations. Attachment(s): Staff report/summary of changes, Public Hearing Notice, Draft Chapter 6.76 amendments NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on November 9th, 2021 at 9:00 am. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on Amendments to Mason County Code Title 6, Chapter 6.76 On-Site Sewage Regulations. Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.15, in-person attendance to Commission meetings is temporarily restricted and during this time we will accept public testimony using Zoom. The URL is available on the County website https://www.co.mason.wa.us/ to sign into the meeting. Please use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmithQ'�co.mason.wa.us or mail to the Commissioners' Office, 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360) 427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners'office, Shelton (360)427- 9670, Belfair(360)275-4467, or Elma (360)482-5269, ext. 419. DATED this 12 day of October 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Bill: Mason County Community Services 415 N. 61h Street Shelton WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Shelton Journal: Pub]. 2t: October 21 &October 28 To: Mason County Board of County Commissioners From: Alex Paysse, Environmental Health Manager Date: October 4th, 2021 Item: Updates to Mason County Code Chapter 6.76 Onsite Sewage Systems. See attached draft changes. Background RCW 70.05.060 directs the local board of health to enact local rules and regulations as are necessary in order to preserve, promote, and improve public health and provide for the enforcement thereof. Chapter 6.76 was implemented in 2009 due to increasing changes in state codes and requirements surrounding the administration and oversight of onsite sewage systems. Since 2009, staff has found various gaps between state and local codes. In addition, time and experience have prompted changes in processing of permits, code enforcement cases, and certification of contractors. The proposed amendments were compiled by staff and presented to the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee on July 13th, 2021. After discussion, the committee members voted unanimously to approve recommendations to adopt the proposed code amendments. See timeline below for more information on steps taken and status. Purpose The purpose of chapter 6.76 are to assure protection of public health by: 1. Minimizing the public health effects of on-site sewage systems on surface water and groundwater. 2. Minimizing the potential for public exposure to sewage. 3. Establishing design, installation, and management requirements for on-site sewage systems to accommodate effective treatment and disposal of sewage on a long-term basis. 4. Require a known level of treatment for sewage disposed in Mason County. 5. Enhance protection of environmentally sensitive areas within Mason County. Summary of changes 6.76.040 Definitions. • Addition of"Pit Toilets" to list of definitions. More information within 6.76.065 6.76.060 Minimum standards and adoption by reference. • Adds adoption and reference to building permit policies originally approved by Board of Health in 1996. • Adds support to health officers ability to restrict permit time of validity or time to install to one year on failing sewage components. Staff has found providing a 3-year time frame on repair of failing components sends a confusing message to applicants. Many times these repair/replacement permits are in response to surfacing sewage situations that can or are affecting public health. Staff already restrict permit timelines based on state code allowances, however adding the proposed language provides more clarity to applicants on current practices. 6.76.066 Adequate sewage disposal required. (added section) • Clarifies requirements for adequate and approved sewage disposal throughout Mason County. Addition of this section will assist with code enforcement efforts on varying situations related to surfacing sewage and water pollution. • Washington State provides recommended standards and guidance on permitting a Pit Toilet. Staff has concerns with use of such system due to the amount of surface water, streams, wetlands, and shellfish harvest area within Mason County. Requirements of increased soil depth and surface water setbacks already eliminates a big portion of Mason County. Recommendation is to prohibit use of such system in all of Mason County. 6.76.070—Operation and maintenance of on-site sewage system • Reference to use of management service (currently OnlineRME) in reporting inspections of an Onsite Sewage System. • Revises requirements around property sales and onsite sewage system maintenance. Previously code allowed a pumping to satisfy a property sale. Staff have received complaints from the public, realtors, and septic contractors around pumpers not satisfying a complete inspection of all septic components. Current proposed amendments to WAC 246-272A include requiring an inspection from an operations and maintenance specialist. Lack of a complete inspection has resulted in purchases of systems with failing components unknown to the purchaser. Requiring an inspection by an O/M Specialist (inspector) would resolve these concerns. Proposal will simplify property sale requirements throughout the county, provide more information to buyers, and align with future probable state code requirements. • Adds requirements for an up-to-date service inspection prior to additional development permitting. This requirement has been in place since 1996 when Board of Health adopted the building permit policies. Adding to code, helps with transparency to applicants and provides legal backing to disputes or appeals. Overall intent behind requiring an inspection is to be sure additional development is not being permitted on failing sewage components. 6.76.080 Certified pumper requirements. • Removes administrative enforcement on certified pumpers by Contractor Review Board, replaced by updated text under section 6.76.130. See also changes to 6.76.110 6.76.080 Certified installer requirements. • Removes administrative enforcement on certified pumpers by Contractor Review Board, replaced by updated text under section 6.76.130. See also changes to 6.76.110 6.76.080 Certified operation and maintenance specialist requirements. • Removes administrative enforcement on certified pumpers by Contractor Review Board, replaced by updated text under section 6.76.130. See also changes to 6.76.110 6.76.110 Certified contractor review board. • Removes contractor review board. This board would be used to oversee the administrative enforcement actions on a certified contractor. However, this board has been inactive for many years due to lack of work. Most contractor complaints reach resolution without needs of a dedicated board. Maintaining a board with little work is not efficient use of staff time or the members serving. Recommend replacing contractor board with board of health. In the event enforcement actions or hearings are necessary, BOH can be utilized. See added sections under 6.76.130. 6.76.130 Enforcement. • Adds supporting language to the condemnation of an establishment for lack of proper sewage disposal. Staff currently utilizes the existing language, but find it lacks some clarification. Sheriffs' office and the public has requested more clarifying information on how this condemnation is being interpreted by health dept. staff. Also adds language on how the county shall issue and serve these notices to provide uniformity. • Adds language around suspension and revocation of a certified contractor. Much of this language is already in place under the specified professional sections, this is a reorganization of existing requirements and replacement of the contractor review board with health officer and board of health. 6.76.140 Appeals. • Small adjustment to language around contractor review board, replaces with board of health and adds time period to appeal similar to surrounding counties and other Title 6 chapters. 6.76.150 Waivers. (Added section) • Waiver of regulations are allowed under state code WAC 246-272A. Mason County regularly approves waivers to state and local code in the onsite sewage program, however there is no local code that addresses this program function. These waivers can become important for various development requests. Staff recommends addition of this section to provide legal backing to current practices and align with other chapters under Title 6. Recommendations Mason County Board of Health completed their review and approval of the proposed amendments. If no changes requested, recommend setting a public hearing date of October 26th. Approval to formalize draft proposal by BOCC May 3, 2021, DONE Review&Approval by Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee July 13, 2021, DONE Initial Review by Board of Health July 27, 2021, DONE Review/Approval by State Dept. of Health Sept. 8, 2021, DONE Review/Approval by Board of Health Sept. 28, 2021, DONE Review/Approval by BOCC to set Public Hearing October 4 & 12, 2021 Public Hearing and Adoption November 9, 2021 Effective Date January 1, 2022 Title 6-SANITARY CODE Chapter 6.76 ON-SITE SEWAGE REGULATIONS* Chapter 6.76 ON-SITE SEWAGE REGULATIONS* 6.76.010 Authority. Pursuant to the authority of Chapters 43.20.050, 70.05.060 RCW,These regulations are hereby established as minimum requirements of the Mason County Board of Health,governing on-site sewage systems in Mason County. (Ord. No.32-09,§ 1,4-7-2009) 6.76.020 Purpose. The purpose of these regulations are to assure protection of public health by: (1) Minimizing the public health effects of on-site sewage systems on surface water and groundwater. (2) Minimizing the potential for public exposure to sewage. (3) Establishing design, installation,and management requirements for on-site sewage systems to accommodate effective treatment and disposal of sewage on a long-term basis. (4) Require a known level of treatment for sewage disposed in Mason County. (5) Enhance protection of environmentally sensitive areas within Mason County. (Ord. No. 32-09,§2,4-7-2009) 6.76.030 Administration. The Mason County Public Health Director,through authority delegated by the Mason County Board of Health and the Mason County Health Officer shall administer these regulations. Fees may be charged for this administration. (Ord. No.32-09,§3,4-7-2009) 6.76.040 Definitions. The definitions of terms contained in Chapter 246-272A WAC are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. In addition,the following definitions shall also apply in these regulations: "Board"shall mean the Mason County Board of Health. "Community drainfields"shall mean a drainfield serving two or more residences on two or more parcels. "Continuing education unit(CEU)"shall mean unit of credit customarily used for continuing education courses.One continuing education unit equals ten professional development hours. "Department"shall mean the Mason County Public Health. "Director"shall mean the Mason County Public Health Director or a member of the department authorized by and under the direct supervision of the Mason County Health Officer and Director. Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:49 [EST] (Supp. No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 1 of 10 "Health officer"shall mean the Mason County Health Officer or a member of the department authorized by and under the direct supervision of the Mason County Health Officer. "Pit Toilet"is an on-site sewage disposal unit consisting of a structure overlying an excavation not exceeding five feet in depth in which human excrement(human feces and urine)is directly deposited for permanent placement in the ground. "Professional development hour(PDH)"shall mean an hour engaged in a qualifying activity. "Qualifying activity"shall mean any activity that is related to on-site wastewater treatment systems or will help the installer or operation and maintenance provider maintain their competency. "Shared drainfield"shall mean two residences on one parcel sharing one drainfield with or without separate tanks. "Significant periods of the year"shall mean from December 1 through March 31. "Surface water"shall mean any body of water,whether fresh or marine,flowing or contained in a natural or artificial unlined depressions for a significant periods of the year, including natural and artificial lakes, ponds, springs, rivers,streams,swamps,marshes and tidal waters. (Ord. No.32-09, §4,4-7-2009) 6.76.050 Applicability. These regulations shall apply to all on-site sewage systems except the following: (1) New construction for which a permit was issued prior to adoption of these regulations and which is still valid. (2) Facilities constructed or operated in accordance with a permit or approval issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology.Where these regulations are in conflict with Chapter 90.48 or 70.95 RCW, said RCW shall apply. (3) Facilities constructed or operated in accordance with a permit or approval issued by the Washington State Department of Health.Where these regulations are in conflict with 246-272B WAC. (4) Where any of the requirements of these regulations conflict with one another or with any requirements of Chapter 246-272A WAC,the more stringent requirement shall apply. (Ord. No.32-09,§5,4-7-2009) 6.76.060 Minimum standards and adoption by reference. (1) "Chapter 246-272A WAC, Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health for On-Site Sewage Systems"as presently adopted and any future revisions are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in these regulations.Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (2) "Mason County Public Health On-Site Standards"as presently adopted and any future revisions are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in these regulations.Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (3) "Mason County's On-Site Sewage System Management Plan"as presently adopted and any future revisions are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in these regulations.Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp.No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 2 of 10 (4) "Mason County Environmental Health Building Permit Policies"as presently adopted,and any future revisions are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in these regulations. Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public. L4) Permits shall be required prior to any construction, alteration, extension, relocation,or repair of any on-site sewage system. Permits shall be valid for three years from the signature date of the site inspection. Permits proposing repair of failed components shall be valid for one year from the signature date of the site inspection.-Permit fees shall be charged according to the"Mason County PubliFEnvironmental Health Fee Schedule."Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (Ord. No.32-09, §6,4-7-2009) 6.76.065 Adequate sewage disposal required. (1) Every residence, place of business,or other building or place where people congregate, reside or are employed shall be connected to an permitted public sewer or Large Onsite Sewage System approved by Washington State Department of Health or Onsite Sewage System approved by the health officer. (2) Any unit/facility with the protentional to generate wastewater by virtue of being equipped with a toilet,sink, shower or other plumbing fixtures shall be connected to an permitted public sewer or Large Onsite Sewage System approved by Washington State Department of Health or Onsite Sewage System approved by the health officer. (3) Installation and use of Pit Toilets for sewage disposal shall not be permitted nor considered an adequate form of sewage disposal in Mason County. 6.76.070 Operation and maintenance of on-site sewage systems. (1) On-site sewage systems shall be inspected as prescribed in 246-272A WAC and the Mason County Public Health On-Site Standards. (2) The homeowner or person contracted by the homeowner to perform the inspection service shall report fully on the status of the on-site sewage system, using the form and/or management service prescribed by the director. (3) The homeowner or person contracted by the homeowner to perform the inspection service shall report immediately any identified on-site sewage system failure to the department. (4) The system owner shall take necessary corrective action,as identified by the director,to correct deficiencies in system design and operation,when such deficiencies are documented through operation and maintenance inspections. (5) When a property contains and/or is served by an on-site sewage system,an inspection service report by a certified operations and maintenance specialist is required within 12 months: (a) Prior to the sale of property or transfer of ownership. (b) Prior to the application for residential or commercial building permit(s) (c) Prior to other land use or governmental actions such as land divisions or boundary line adjustments Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp.No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 3 of 10 The inspection service report shall include the status and findings of all system components at time of the inspection and use the form prescribed by the director. ELIFFent inspeetion seFviEe FepOFt en the status Af thp on site sewage system, usiRg the feFm p%56Fibed by th r *� (a) CUFFeRt shall Fnean within thFee ye@Fs with a system eansisting selely ef a septic tank and dFainfield an4 annually fGF all ether . Site S ptie system. P.4-ainte-R. -anee Speeialist.All ether en ske se%vage systems Will FeqUiFe a Felpert fre—m a Mason Geunty (Ord. No.32-09,§7,4-7-2009) 6.76.080 Certified pumper requirements. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corporation to engage in cleaning any septic tank,seepage pit or chemical toilet,or removing other accumulations of sewage without first obtaining a pumper's certificate from the department. (2) The requirements for pumper certification shall include all of the following: (a) The applicant shall demonstrate having a certified disposal site for the septage or holding tank wastes. (b) The applicant shall demonstrate sanitary equipment meeting the following requirements: 1. The pump tank shall be of at least one thousand gallons in capacity, in good repair,and of cleanable construction. 2. All outer contact surfaces and fittings shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition while stored or in transit,and all premises served and equipment used shall be left in a clean and sanitary condition. 3. All discharge valves shall be in good repair,free from leaks and fitted with watertight caps. 4. The name of the operating firm shall be prominently displayed on the sides of any pump tank vehicle. (3) The initial certificate fee shall be in accordance with the adopted fee schedule.At the end of each calendar year all certificates shall expire. Certificates may be renewed for a fee established by the adopted fee schedule.A pumper's certificate shall not be transferable. (4) Copies of all pumping reports shall be submitted to the Mason County Public Health office monthly. exeept as Rested in ssubeetien (6)ef this section. (5) A copy of the pumping report as prescribed by the health officer shall be given to the homeowner at the time of the service. (6) ite eempenents that could Fesult on human centact with sewage e4lueRt,failuFe to Felpert to t Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp.No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 4 of 10 Fegulatiens and-vVill be held iR abeyanee pending Feselutien ef the appeal. beaFd (Ord. No.32-09,§8,4-7-2009) 6.76.090 Certified installer requirements. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corporation to engage in installation,alteration, repair or modification of an on-site sewage system within Mason County without first obtaining an installer's certificate from the department except as noted in 246-272-0250 WAC. (2) Requirements for installer certification shall include all of the following: (a) Presentation to the director of evidence showing a minimum of one year experience working with a certified installer or some other experience that can be demonstrated to the director as providing knowledge and skills equivalent to having worked with a certified installer for a minimum of one year. (b) Prior to issuance of a certificate,the director shall require written examination of the applicant's knowledge of on-site sewage system principals and the rules, regulations, laws and ordinances affecting the public health and safety with respect to on-site sewage systems. (c) The initial certification fee shall be in accordance with the adopted fee schedule.At the end of each calendar year all certificates shall expire.Certificates may be renewed for a fee established by the adopted fee schedule.An installer's certificate shall not be transferable. (d) Prior to the issuance of an installer's certificate,the applicant shall provide verification to the department of their current status as a specialty contractor. (e) The installer shall accumulate twelve professional development hours for any three-year period. (f) The installer is responsible for maintaining records to be used to support credits claimed. Records should include date of activity, instructor's name,description of activity, number of contact hours and location.The installer shall keep their records of continuing education for the current renewal period plus the three years before the last renewal.All continuing education records and supporting documentation must be furnished to the board upon request. be held in abeyanee Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp. No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 5 of 10 following PFOcedLiFe: (a) The ehair P_f the e-e-Rtraeter review heard shall netify the installeF in wFiting,stating the +e daypeFied.- (b) ...L...-..-.J...ir6.i..r4.i.+..days�..F the, ..ter forL..,-,.ffi.... rpvepw heard(5) Any installe-PAVIhe-Se rertifieatp hat; been Feyeked will be FequiFed te take the written examiRati sewa e system within Mason Geunty during the peried- hiS A_.r hF--r is reveked eF suspeR (Ord. No. 32-09,§9,4-7-2009) 6.76.100 Certified operation and maintenance specialist requirements. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corporation to engage in operation and maintenance of an on-site sewage system within Mason County without first obtaining an operation and maintenance certificate from the department. (2) Any operation and maintenance inspection required by the department shall be performed by appropriate personnel as specified in the"Mason County Public Health On-Site Standards." (3) The requirements for maintenance specialist certification shall include all of the following: (a) Presentation to the director of evidence showing a minimum of one year experience working with a certified maintenance specialist,working as a licensed designer or some other experience that can be demonstrated to the director as providing knowledge and skills equivalent to having worked with a certified maintenance specialist or as a licensed designer for a minimum of one year. (b) Prior to issuance of a certificate,the director shall require written examination of the applicant's knowledge of on-site sewage system principals and the rules, regulations, laws,and ordinances affecting the public health and safety with respect to on-site sewage systems. (c) The operation and maintenance specialist shall demonstrate to the director attendance of training in on-site wastewater treatment operation and maintenance at the northwest on-site wastewater training center or the equivalent. (d) The initial certificate fee shall be in accordance with the adopted fee schedule.At the end of each calendar year,all certificates shall expire.Certificates may be renewed for a fee established by the adopted fee schedule.A maintenance specialist's certificate shall not be transferable. (e) The operation and maintenance specialist shall accumulate twenty-four professional development hours for any three year period. (f) The operation and maintenance specialist is responsible for maintaining records to be used to support credits claimed. Records should include date of activity, instructor's name,description of activity, Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp.No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 6 of 10 number of contact hours and location.The operation and maintenance specialist shall keep their records of continuing education for the current renewal period plus the three years before the last renewal.All continuing education records and supporting documentation must be furnished to Mason County Public Health upon request. (4) Copies of all maintenance reports,as prescribed by the health officer,shall be submitted to the Mason County Public Health monthly_exeept as ^t^dsub-se-^ti^^«' of this see ^^ (5) A copy of the maintenance report,as prescribed by the health officer,shall be given to the homeowner at the time of service. twe we FIE*ng days, nenfunetiening an site eempenents that I d-Fesu It i A h-.R;;4R eentar-A with sewage e4luent,failUFe te FepE)Ft W the depaFtment within seven WeFl(ing days nenfunetiening an site eampenents the could Fesult in further system damage,failure to repOFt W the depaFtment t%Algelmy werkino days ef Seetiep G-76-440 of these Fegulatiens and;4411 hp he'd in abeyanee pending Feselutien ef the appeal. advising that the e-el#ifieate Shall be peFmanently Feveked at the end ef ten days fellowing sewiee of sweh netiee, unless a�00ri#en request feF heaFing is filed with the depaFtment by the heldeF Af the ep-4ifir-ate the ten day peFied-. ,,..46Fo..d......tIra EtGF Fe..iew beaFd...ithiR thiFt.,days of the..,q uest fee heaFi.... (Ord. No.32-09,§10,4-7-2009) (1) The dire-e-ter shall establish and maintain review heard epilled the eei#ified eentrar-ter review heard (2) The review heard shall meet as meeded er as deteFFnined by the health efficeF to evaluate the peFfEWFAanee Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp. No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 7 of 10 (3) The Feview beaFd Shall aet undeF by laws adepted by the beaFd.Copies ef said der=ument shall be I(ept en file ...d...-,.ie ailable fOF p bliE inspection at the.1.,pa Ft..ent 9446c (Ord. No. 32-09, §11,4-7-2009) 6.76.120 On-site sewage advisory committee. (1) The director shall establish and maintain an advisory committee called the on-site sewage advisory committee. (2) The advisory committee shall meet a minimum of once each year to evaluate department policies and procedures pertaining to the on-site sewage program, "Mason County Public Health Standards" and all relevant local ordinances and codes.The committee will present findings and make recommendations to the director and the board of health. (3) The advisory committee shall act under by-laws adopted by the Board. Copies of said document shall be kept on file and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (Ord. No.32-09,§12,4-7-2009) 6.76.130 Enforcement. (1) It shall be unlawful to discharge sewage from any on-site sewage system,including septic tank wastes and greywater to surface water or upon the surface of the ground. (2) It shall be unlawful to use or maintain a malfunctioning on-site sewage system. Upon the discovery of the existence of such a system,written notice of violation shall be given to the recorded owner and/or occupant of the premises. Upon failure to adequately repair and restore the sewage system to proper working order within the time frame stipulated on the written notice or thereafter amended,the premises may be vacated. Failure to so vacate shall constitute an additional violation. (3) No person shall discharge waste products other than domestic sewage into an on-site sewage system(s), except where it has been adequately demonstrated to the director that the nondomestic waste discharge would be consistent with the system design,good sanitary waste treatment and disposal practice,and not cause a water quality violation or violate hazardous waste materials disposal law. (4) No person shall use and maintain an on-site sewage system except in a manner that is appropriate to the design of the system. (5) The director may condemn and issue a Notice of Non-Occupancy,according to law,any residence or other establishment which is accumulating or disposing of sewage in a manner contrary to the requirements of these regulations.The Notice of Non-Occupancy shall be served to the owner of the property,either personally or by mailing a copy of the notice by regular and certified mail to the owner at his or her last known address. A copy of the Notice shall also be posted on the property where the alleged violation(s) occurred or is occurring. No person shall remain in or enter any building structure,or property which has been so posted except that entry may be made to repair or correct any conditions causing or contributing to the threat to public health. No person shall remove or deface any such notice after it is posted until the required corrective action has been completed and approved. (6) All violations of these regulations are determined to be unlawful and declared to be detrimental to the public health,safety and welfare,and are public nuisances.All conditions which render any building,structure, premises, land use or portion thereof to be used or maintained in violation of these regulations shall be abated if provisions for their continuance made pursuant to these regulations are not satisfied. Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp.No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 8 of 10 (7) In addition to or as an alternative to any other judicial or administrative remedy provided herein,or by law, any person or establishment who violates these regulations or by each act of commission or omission procures,aids or abets such violation, may be assessed a civil penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each day of continuous violation to be directly assessed by the health officer until such violation is corrected.The per diem penalty shall double for the second separate violation and triple for the third and subsequent separate violations of the same regulation within any five-year period. (8) In addition to or as an alternative to any other judicial or administrative remedy provided herein,or by law, any person who violates these regulations or by each act of commission or omission procures,aids or abets such violation,shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor. For purposes of these regulations,each section violated shall constitute a separate and distinct offense, and each day's violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Penalty, upon conviction,shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars,or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (9) Suspension of Certificate (a) saes444A certificate may be suspended,after a hearing between the health officer and certificate holder,t4at-when the holder has performed with negligence, incompetence,misrepresentation or failure to comply with the applicable rules, regulations,guidelines, policies or practices which pertain to water supply and waste water disposal,to have made fraudulent misrepresentation in making application for a certificate or authorization or to have made fraudulent misrepresentation in making application for a permit to install an on-site sewage system,either existing at the time of certification or as thereafter enacted. (b) The health officer shall give written notice of the hearing to any person aggrieved who has filed a written complaint with the health officer and the affected certificate holder(s). (c) For the first confirmed violation under this subsection by certificate holders,the suspension period shall not exceed 30 days;and the second violation in any three-year period shall result in a suspension of the certificate for a period not less than 15 days and not to exceed 180 days. (d) If the health officer suspends a certificate,the holder shall not proceed with any further work in connection with the activity covered by the certificate. (e) The certificate holder shall be notified by certified mail of suspension of the certificate upon determination of a finding that a violation has occurred requiring suspension. (10) Revocation of Certificate (a) A certificate may be revoked for repeated violation of any of the requirements of these regulations or any other applicable regulation or if,after a hearing with the board of health,the holder of such certificate shall be found grossly incompetent of negligent,or to have made fraudulent misrepresentations in making application for a certificate or for a permit to install an on-site sewage system,or should the bond or insurance required herein be canceled. (b) The health officer shall give written notice of the hearing to any person aggrieved who has filed a written complaint with the health officer and the affected certificate holder(s). (c) The third notice of violation issued within any 12-month period shall be considered as repeated violations and result in certificate revocation (d) If the board of health revokes a certificate,the holder shall not proceed with any further work in connection with the activity covered by the certificate. (e) The certificate holder shall be notified by certified mail of revocation of the certificate upon determination of a finding that a violation has occurred requiring revocation. Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp. No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 9 of 10 (f) If,after revocation of a certificate,the applicant desires to reapply for a certificate,the applicant must wait six months prior to reapplication. Any person whose certificate has been revoked will be required to pay all applicable fees and take and pass the written examination again before issuance of a new certificate. (Ord. No.32-09,§13,4-7-2009) 6.76.140 Appeals. (1) Decisions of the direeter health officer pertaining to the certification of pumpers, installers and operation and maintenance specialists may be appealed to the-board of health within 15 working days of the decision which is being disputed . (2) All other decisions of the director may be appealed to the health officer.Appeals must be made in writing to the director within ten working days of the decision which is being disputed.A hearing date shall be scheduled with the health officer to be held within thirty days of said decision being appealed. (3) Determinations of the health officer may be appealed to the hearings examiner.Appeals must be made in writing to the director within ten working days of the decision which is being disputed.A hearing date shall be scheduled with the board for their next regular meeting. (4) Departmental orders and determinations shall be stayed for the period the appeal is pending, provided no surfacing sewage or public health hazard results from said stay. (5) Any variations from these regulations resulting in requirements less stringent than those found in Chapter 246-272A WAC shall have concurrence from the Washington State Department of Health. (6) Administrative hearings shall be conducted in accordance with Mason County Office of Environmental Health Variance and Appeal Procedure.Copies of said document shall be maintained and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (Ord. No.32-09, §14,4-7-2009) 6.76.150 Waivers. (1) The health officer may grant a waiver from specific requirements within this chapter if: (a) The waiver request is evaluated by the local health officer or delegated county staff on an individual, site by site basis. (b) The standards are more stringent than the standards of chapter 246-272A WAC,or from provisions in these regulations that are not contained in Chapter 246-272A WAC without Washington State Department of Health approval. (c) The waiver is submitted with any corresponding mitigation measure(s)to assure that the public health and water quality protection,at least equal to that established by these rules, is provided. (d) The waiver is submitted with all necessary forms provided by the department and applicable review fee(s)according to the current Environmental Health Fee Schedule. (e) The local health officer determines that the waiver is consistent with the standards in,and the intent of, the rules of this chapter and chapter 246-272A WAC. Created: 2021-03-16 10:16:48 [EST] (Supp. No.55,Update 1,5-21) Page 10 of 10 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Kelly Bergh for Frank Pinter Action Agenda _x_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 644 DATE: 10/12/2021 Agenda Item # 6.5 (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 10/04/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: CARES Act Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CV-1 — Coronavirus Funds Grant awarded in December 15, 2020 for $598,614 — change to number of beneficiaries. Background: The County made these CDBG-CV1 funds available to the Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties (CAC) as grant subrecipient. These funds will result in new and increased CDBG eligible public services for the Mason and Lewis Counties CDBG-CV1 consortium service area. The project is to provide essential assistance to help stabilize eligible households impacted by COVID-19. Originally, the project was to benefit approximately 342 households over the two- year term of the contract and target services to limited clientele with principally low-and moderate-incomes, based on the LMI household qualification process. After reviewing the long-term impact of this pandemic, it is being proposed to provide up to $6,000 per household to benefit approximately 83 households, instead of the estimated $1,000 per household to 342 households as originally established. Households need of so much more assistance than originally thought when this grant was set up. This will enable CAC to get the money out to the community faster and will have a better impact on stabilizing housing in the community. Also, verifying fewer households for eligibility will decrease CAC's budgeted administration costs by $159,625, therefore, more funds can go directly to households. Commerce has given their approval to these changes without requiring a contract amendment. Recommended Action: Approval to accept change in number of beneficiaries to make a bigger impact on stabilizing housing completely for fewer households (83) instead of making a small dent in household debt for many (342) and authorize Frank Pinter, Interim County Administrator, to sign any documents necessary related to this change. Attachment(s): Revised CAC Budget Revised Household allocation by Consortium area J•I Grants I CDBG- Corona virus Funds(CDBG-CV)I CDBG CV-1 I Agenda Item Beneficiary change to CDBG CV-1.doc a V , S,'d 06,1d ;� Family Services Division TC Eviction Prevention 8/2020 - 1212020 Revenue Source Amount Mason County $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Expense Line Item �a Salay&Wages $ 141,344 23.56% 3, �0 ,Q• (o "17 Fringe Benefits 39,576 6.60% 1-7 2 .Q-7 Rent& Utility Assistance 351,430 58.57% I I i G`5 Operations 19,650 3.28% 2 Accounting 30,000 5.00% Administration 18,000 3.00% $ 600,000 100.00% �U,O�U �O q p Operations Line Item Amount Office Supplies 500 y� Communications Wit66ticW udb�/ VSilIL � 3,600 5� Photocopy 650 Postage&Shipping / 500 Occupancy }1��iLjl V �{LI (D��S 14.400 s U� V 19,650 L o i Household allocation based on budget from CAC 9/23/2021 proposed 85.18%to Rent/Utility Allocation County Adm Net Allocation Assistance $6,000 MASON 132248 -1750 130498 111158 18.5 SHELTON 79145 79145 67416 11.2 LEWIS 161758 -1750 160008 136295 22.7 CENTRALIA 117587 117587 100161 16.7 CHEHALIS 49418 49418 42094 7.0 MORTON 7605 7605 6478 1.1 MOSSYROCK 5878 5878 5007 0.8 NAPAVINE 11326 11326 9647 1.6 PE ELL 4887 4887 4163 0.7 TOLEDO 3791 3791 3229 0.5 VADER 4657 4657 3967 0.7 WINLOCK 9314 9314 7934 1.3 MASON CONSORTIUM INCENTIVE 1000 -1000 0 0 0.0 LEWIS CONSORTIUM INCENTIVE 9000 -9000 0 0 0.0 597614 -13500 584114 497548 82.9 Orin%/Vc ( Household allocation based on budget from CAC 9/3/2020 58.57%to Household Rent/Utility Benefit at Allocation County Adm Net Allocation Assistance $1000 MASON 132248 -1750 130498 76433 76.4 SHELTON 79145 79145 46355 46.4 LEWIS 161758 -1750 160008 93717 93.7 CENTRALIA 117587 117587 68871 68.9 CHEHALIS 49418 49418 28944 28.9 MORTON 7605 7605 4454 4.5 MOSSYROCK 5878 5878 3443 3.4 NAPAVINE 11326 11326 6634 6.6 PE ELL 4887 4887 2862 2.9 TOLEDO 3791 3791 2220 2.2 VADER 4657 4657 2728 2.7 WINLOCK 9314 9314 5455 5.5 MASON CONSORTIUM INCENTIVE 1000 -1000 0 0 0.0 LEWIS CONSORTIUM INCENTIVE 9000 -9000 0 0 0.0 597614 -13500 584114 342116 342.1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom/Lydia Buchheit Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 404 DATE: 10/12/21 Agenda Item # 8,�o Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 9/27/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Lydia Buchheit/Abe Gardner [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Allocate TST dollars to support .5 FTE for Behavioral Health Navigator position. Background: Over the last several months, Public Health, in partnership with the MCSO and the Shelton Police Department have developed and implemented a Behavioral Health Navigator program. The plan has been to start the navigator program, learn what we could and then move forward with ideas to build out the response. With what knowledge has been gained, it is recommended that a partnership with Olympic Health and Recovery Services (OHRS) will provide the best opportunity to serve Mason County residents, support our law enforcement agencies and leverage available dollars. Budget Impacts: Up to $50,000 for 1 yr. from the Treatment Sales Tax fund. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve to allocate up to $50,000 for 1 yr. from TST dollars for .5 FTE for the Behavioral Health Navigator position. Attachment(s): None MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Becky Rogers Action Agenda X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Human Resources/Board of Equalization EXT: 268 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 10/12/2021 Agenda Item # 8.-4 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 10/4/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Dawn Twiddy [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval for the Mason County Board of Equalization to hear completed and timely filed appeals for the 2021 assessment year. Background: The Mason County Assessor has certified the assessment rolls for 2021 assessment year. Per RCW 84.48.010, petitions filed exceeded twenty-five, or ten percent of the number of appeals filed in the preceding year. Petitions filed for 2020 assessment year totaled 169, petitions filed for 2021 assessment year total 132. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval for the Mason County Board of Equalization to hear completed and timely filed appeals for the 2021 assessment year. Attachment(s): Notice of Approval to Hear Property Tax Appeals Mason County Legislative Authority Form (Rev 64 00049) K: N34R Cover Sheets\2021Wgenda Cvr-Approval for BoE to Hear Property Tax Appeals for 2021 AY.docx NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO HEAR PROPERTY TAX APPEALS MASON COUNTY LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY The county board of equalization,with the approval of the county legislative authority, may convene at any time when petitions filed exceed twenty-five, or ten percent of the number of appeals filed in the preceding year,whichever is greater. (RCW 84.48.010) Pursuant to RCW 84.48.010,the Mason County Legislative Authority hereby approves the Mason County Board of Equalization's request to convene for the purpose of hearing appeals filed for the current year. This approval is based on a finding that the requirements for convening under RCW 84.48.010 have been satisfied. DATED THIS 12th day of October 2021 (Month) (Year) Mason County Commissioners Mason County,Washington Randy Neatherlin, Chairperson Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Sharon Trask, Commissioner To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired,please call(360)705-6715. Teletype(TTY)users,please call(360)705-6718. For tax assistance, call(360)534-1400. REV 64 0049(8/20/12) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 404 DATE: 10/12/21 Agenda Item # 6B Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 9/20/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Lydia Buchheit [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Contract extension with Quixote Communities Background: Quixote Communities would like to extend the contract 1 year due to construction costs and delays. Quixote Communities is requesting a second contract extension for the following reasons: Construction costs continue to increase and delays due to materials on backorder; Quixote is going to ask the Legislature to raise their per-unit cost cap. The current limit is $135k per-unit cap for the full development of the project. They need legislature approval in the new budget to get that changed. It may not be approved until April 2022 when the legislative session ends. Additionally, on March 16, 2021, Quixote applied for L&I factory-build modular housing permit. After 3 months L&I reviewed and commented on these drawings and the project provided requested updates. L&I stated that they will not review these requested updates for another 10- 12 weeks or until Dec 2021. Quixote is requesting flexibility to start construction work when the timing is right rather than starting work because a funding deadline is approaching. They do not want to break ground until they are within their cost-cap. Budget Impacts: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to extend Mason County Contract number 20-022 with Quixote Communities through September 30, 2022. Attachment(s): Amendment Contract Between Mason County Community Services Department of Public Health and Quixote Communities Professional Services Contract number QC.2060.2020.1 (MC Contract#20-022) Amendment # 2 The purpose of this amendment is to extend the contract deadline IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows: 1. Contract Term A. The contract expiration date and performance period are extended through September 30, 2022. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract and any subsequent amendments hereto remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the day of , 2022. Quixote Communities MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS V Sicjqatbre V Randy Neatherlin, Chair C L '1 Mason County Board of Commissioners Title Date 1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Beierle Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 DATE: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item # v.cl Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: October 4, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jennifer Beierle [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Interagency Blake Reimbursement Agreement between WA State Administrative Office of the Courts and Mason County Background: The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has drafted agreements with all counties in Washington State for the purpose of reimbursing Counties for extraordinary costs of resentencing and vacating sentences under Blake and for the cost of refunding legal financial obligations (LFOs) under the Blake decision. BUDGET IMPACT: • Up to $702,300 reimbursement for extraordinary expenses • Up to $324,217 reimbursement for LFOs Recommended Action: Approval for the Chair to sign the Blake Reimbursement Agreement with the WA State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and Mason County Attachment: Draft AOC Agreement J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\202 I\Action Agenda 10.12.2021 -AOC Blake Agreement.doc INTERAGENCY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT IAA22179 BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS AND MASON COUNTY THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into by and between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and Mason County, for the purpose of reimbursing Mason County (County) for extraordinary costs of resentencing and vacating sentences under Blake and for the cost of refunding legal financial obligations (LFOs) under the Blake decision. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursements to assist Counties with extraordinary judicial, prosecutorial, or defense-related costs of resentencing and vacating the sentences of defendants whose convictions or sentences in Superior Court and District Court are affected by the State v. Blake decision and to provide reimbursements to assist Counties who have reimbursed or will reimburse LFOs to defendants whose convictions or sentences in Superior Court and District Court are affected by the State v. Blake decision. 2. REIMBURSEMENT A. Extraordinary Expenses Reimbursement. AOC shall reimburse the County up to a maximum of$702,300 for extraordinary judicial, prosecutorial, or defense-related costs of resentencing and vacating the sentences of defendants whose convictions or sentences are affected by the State v. Blake decision incurred during the period of February 25, 2021 to June 30, 2022. No reimbursement will be made under this Agreement for resentencing or vacation costs incurred after June 30, 2022, and any reimbursement requests in excess of this amount will be denied. If additional funding is appropriated by the Legislature for these purposes, the amount of reimbursement under this Agreement may be increased by agreement of the parties. B. LFO Reimbursement. AOC will reimburse the County up to a maximum of $324,217 for payments made by the County during the period February 25, 2021 to June 30, 2022 pursuant to court order which required reimbursement by the State of Washington of legal and financial obligations. No reimbursement will be made under this Agreement for resentencing or vacation costs incurred after June 30, 2022, and any reimbursement requests in excess of this amount stated in this Section 2 (b) will be denied. If additional funding is appropriated by the Legislature for these purposes, the amount of reimbursement under this Agreement may be increased by IAA22179 Page 1 of 4 agreement of the parties. Nothing in this Agreement requires the County to make payments pursuant to a court order when the funds available for reimbursement are less than the amount of the payment. C. General. AOC shall provide reimbursement to the County for approved and completed reimbursements by warrant or account transfer within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed A-19 invoice and the completed data report as required below. 3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Performance under this Agreement begins July 1, 2021, regardless of the date of execution, and ends on June 30, 2022. The period of performance may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties if the Legislature provides additional funding or time for these purposes. 4. TERMS OF REIMBURSEMENT a) The County shall request reimbursement as follows: 1. The County will submit its A-19 invoices monthly to countyreimbursements(a)-courts.wa.gov. A-19 invoices submitted under this agreement must include: a. Payment documents from the County indicating the amounts expended, the recipients, and the date of expenditure. b. Sufficient information to allow AOC to determine that the costs reimbursed are extraordinary judicial, prosecutorial, or defense- related costs of resentencing and vacating the sentences of defendants whose convictions or sentences are affected by the State v. Blake. c. Proper coding for expenses under both 2.A. and B. For Mason County, expenses under 2.A. must be coded 40123, and reimbursement under 2.13. must be coded 40100. 2. The County shall provide a monthly report to AOC that must contain at a minimum: a. A list of any case numbers associated with the services provided; b. A breakdown of expenses by judicial, prosecutorial, and defense- related costs; c. The amount of LFOs reimbursed, with the case number associated with that amount. d. Any positions supported by these funds, broken down by judicial, prosecutorial, and defense-related positions; and e. Data, including case numbers and aggregate data on the number and type of cases: IAA22179 Page 2 of 4 i. Vacated under Blake; ii. Resentenced under Blake; and iii. Being worked on under Blake. b) By May 1, 2022, the County agrees to report any allocated funds under either 2. A. or B. that it will be unable to spend during the term of the contract, or any additional funds it anticipates needing during the term of the contract should additional funds become available. AOC reserves the right to reallocate funds that are reported to be unable to be spent. 5. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by agreement of the parties. Such amendments are not binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 6. GOVERNANCE This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement must be construed to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency will be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. Applicable state and federal statutes and rules; b. This Agreement; and c. Any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. 7. WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement does not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and is not a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. 8. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement, or any provision of any document incorporated by reference is held invalid, such invalidity does not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. IAA22179 Page 3 of 4 9. AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT The program managers noted below are responsible for and are the contact people for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement: AOC Program Manager County Program Manager Christopher Stanley Randy Neatherlin Chief Financial and Management Officer Commissioner/Chair PO Box 41170 411 N 5th St Olympia, WA 98504-1170 Shelton, WA 98584 christopher.stanley@courts.wa.gov randyn@co.mason.wa.us (360) 890-2549 360-427-9670 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement are considered to exist or to bind any of the parties to this agreement unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. AGREED: Administrative Office of the Courts Mason County Signature Date Signature Date Christopher Stanley Name Name Chief Financial and Management Officer Title Title IAA22179 Page 4 of 4 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Beierle Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 DATE: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item #8.ko Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: October 4, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jennifer Beierle [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Temporary Financial Analyst— Project Employee Request Funded by ARPA Background: The American Rescue Plan Act established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSFRF) and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF), which provide a combined $350 billion in assistance to eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. Mason County has received the first half of the $12,968,901 ARPA funding award in 2021 and will receive the second half in 2022. The funds are to be obligated by December 31, 2024 and with this grant award comes a large amount of planning, monitoring, and reporting. Support Services is requesting a one-year temporary Financial Analyst FTE to help with the administrative burden this funding creates. Recommended Action: Approval for the Support Services to hire a Temporary Financial Analyst Project Employee Funded by ARPA for a period of one year from date of hire Attachment: Approximate cost of Financial Analyst FTE for one year J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda, &Public Hearing Items\202I\Action Agenda 10.12.2021 -Temp Financial Analyst funded through ARPA.doc Department: Support Sevices Bargaining Unit: Non-Union Position Title: Financial Analyst 2022 Budget Impact Monthly Salary- Range 21,Step 3 in 2022 $ 60,614 Total Salaries &Wages: $ 60,614 FICA $ 4,637 PERS $ 7,880 WA Paid FMLA $ 89 Industrial Insurance (rate/hr) $ 411 Medical (Monthly) $ 18,447 Unemployment(Annual) Estimated Info Tech. Charge: Total Benefits: $ 31,464 Total Salary& Benefits Budget Impacts: $ 92,078 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins RE, PLS County Engineer Action Item DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12 2021 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: September 27 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: 2022 Annual Construction Program and 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Set Hearings BACKGROUND: RCW 36.81.121 and 36.81.130 requires the preparation and annual updating of a six-year transportation improvement program. WAC 136-14 and 136-15 describe procedures for priority programming and the preparation of the 6-Year TIP. In addition to the required notice and hearing, Mason County established a citizen advisory board for the purpose of increasing public involvement in developing transportation improvement recommendations. The Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel, or TIP-CAP, has assisted with the attached recommended programs. The following is the proposed schedule for reviewing and adopting the Annual Construction and 6-Year TIP Programs: 7/14 TIP-CAP reviewed and recommended approval 10/12 Board sets hearing date for November 9tn 10/12— 11/09 Annual and TIP available for public review 11/09 Public Hearing to adopt the Annual and 6-Year Annual 2021 expenditures are planned to be $9.9 million of which $2.3 million will come from the Road Fund and $7.6 million from outside sources. County forces will be used to construct approximately $932,500 of the annual construction program, which is under the computed limit of $1.27 million. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board set two hearings for November 9, 2021 at 9:15am to consider the 2022 Annual Construction program and 2022-2027 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft 2022 Annual 2. DRAFT 2022-2027 6-Year TIP 3. Notice ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FOR 2022(7/20/Z1) TOTALS COUNTY» MASON A TOTAL COSTRUCTION DONE-columns(13)+(14) $ 7,951,848 DATE RECOMMENDED FROG.SUBMITTED B COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIMIT $ 1,270,108 DATE OF FINAL ADOPTION C TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRUCTION-(column(14) $ 932,500 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. DATE OF AMENDMENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 8 (9) (10) (11) (12) 1 (13) (14) (15) z G = o SOURCES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES w C F- O z W O 2 O O L9 ��++ CONSTRUCTION �- ROAD SEGMENT INFORMATION f OTHER FUNDS a Z PROJECT NAME a O w COUNTY a 2 "� ROAD PROGRAM PE&CE RIGHT OF WAY COUNTY GRAND TOTAL Z F. LO C z a AMOUNT (595.10) (595.20) CONTRACT (ALL 595) z - O w FUNDS SOURCE FORCES Q a (Miles) ROAD# ROAD NAME BMP EMP FFC Ia 01 1 E.Agate Road Resurfacing Project 23910 E.Agate road 3.10 3.78 07 0.68 D E 61,542 395,297 STP 30,000 0 426,938 0 456,838 02 2 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacing Project 98250 Old Belfair Highway 0.20 1.20 07 1.00 D E 54,540 349,462 STP 20,000 0 384,002 0 404,002 03 3 Mason Lake Rd Improvement Project 52210 Mason Lake Road 5.23 6.23 07 1.00 0 E 149,608 575,950 STP 30,000 0 695,558 725,558 04 4 Sunny Side Rd.Resurfacing Project 42360 Sunny Side Rd. 0.55 3.45 09 2.90 RC E 145,000 0 0 0 145,000 145,000 05 5 California Road Resurface Project 41100 California Rd 0.00 1.30 09 1.30 RC E 65,000 0 0 0 65,000 65,000 06 6 Kelley Hall Rd Resurfacing Project 01300 Kelley Hall Rd. 0.00 1.95 09 1.95 RC E 97,500 0 0 0 97,500 97,500 07 7 Programmatic Bridge Repair Various 0.00 1 E 65,000 0 10,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 08 8 County-Wide Small Capital Projects Various 0.00 Other E 100,000 0 10,000 5,000 45,000 40,000 100,000 09 9 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants Various 0.00 Other E 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 10 10 North Shore Rd Cady Cr.Culy.Repl. 70390 North Shore Rd. 6.90 7.00 08 0.10 A,B,D, 1 50,000 250,000 RAP 5,000 15,000 280,000 300,000 11 11 Uncle Johns Upper Culvert 235DO Agate Loop Rd. 0.64 0.64 09 0.00 LA 1 74,171 420,304 FBRB(RCO) 35,000 15,000 444,475 494,475 12 12 Uncle Johns Lower Culvert 23500 Agate Loop 1.02 1.02 09 0.00 L,A 1 10,000 50,000 FBRB(RCO) 60,000 0 0 0 60,000 13 13 Dayton Creek Culvert 04450 Highland Rd. 0.33 0.33 07 0.00 LA E 74,171 420,304 FBRB(RCO) 35,0D0 15,000 444,475 494,475 14 14 Harstine Island Polyester Overlay 30000 Harstine Island Road 0.12 0.40 07 0.28 D 1 405,000 2,595,000 STPR 740,000 0 2,260,000 0 3,000,000 15 15 Clear Zone improvements Arcadia,Highland,Matiock,Kamilche 0.00 G 1 121,500 1,093,500 HSIP 99000 22,000 1,094,000 0 1,215,000 16 16 Belfair Connector-Lag Yard Road E New Log Yard Road E 0.00 A,B,D,C S 250,000 0 200,000 50,000 0 0 250,000 17 17 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill 86500 Romance Hill 0.00 A,B,DG S 100,OD0 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 100,000 18 18 Skokomish Valley Rd Reconstruction 41640 Skokomish Valley Road 3.80 4.60 08 0.80 AB,D,G 1 0 10,000 FbD 10,000 0 0 0 10,00o 19 19 North Island Dr Culvert Replacement 39630 North Island Drive 3.46 3.47 07 0.01 LA 1 6,000 34,000 RAP 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 20 20 North Shore Rd-Great Bend Culy.Repl. 70390 North Share Rd 16.60 16.70 08 0.10 LA 1 50,000 250,000 5,000 15,000 280,000 300,000 21 1 21 Old Belfair Highway Impr.project 98250 Old Belfair Highway 1.20 1.60 07 0.40 LA 1 232,000 1,188,000 RAP 120,000 1001000 1,200,000 0 1,420,000 22 22 Trails Road Alternate Route-RasorRd 62310 Rasor Road 09 0.00 Other S 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000 23 23 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability I Johns Prairie/SR3,Girton,OBH/SR300 Other S 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 PAGE/PROGRAM TOTALS,CONSTRUCTION - + 2,311,032 7,631,817 1,450,000 442,000 7,019,348 932,500 9,942,848 CRAB FORM#3,MC REVISED 10/6/2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded m A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. a, Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only o a C. Project Title a�i u mF(mndd/yyl Federal Funding R/11V . D. Street/Road Name of Number w a r Federal Federal State 4th Envir Type Required u- E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road o o a Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Date F. Describe Work to be Done ~ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 j 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRP PE 10/1/2021 STP 25.95 4.05 30 30 E.Agate Road Resurfacing Project RW 07 1 Rd.No.: 23910 0.68 CN 6/1/2022 STP 369.347 57.491 426.838 426 E N/A From: MP 3.10 To: MP 3.78 Total 2022 Project Cost $11,440,535 TOTALS 395.297 61.541 11440.535 456 CRP PE 10/1/2021 STP 17.3 2.7 20 20 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacing Project RW 07 2 Rd.No.: 98250 1.00 CN 6/1/2022 STP 332.162 51.84 384.002 384 E N/A From: MP 0.20 To: MP 1.20 Total 2022 Project Cost $404.002 TOTALS 349.462 54.54 404.002 404 CRP PE 1/1/2022 STP 25.95 4.05 30 30 Mason Lake Rd Improvement Project RW 07 3 Rd.No.: 52210 1.00 CN 6/1/2022 STP 550 145.56 695.558 695 E N/A From: MP 5.23 To: MP 6.23 Total 2022 Project Cost $725,558 TOTALS 575.95 149.61 725.558 725 CRP PE Sunny Side Resurfacing Project RW 09 4 Rd.No.: 42360 2.90 CN 6/1/2022 145 145 145 E N/A From: MP 0.55 To: MP 3.45 Gravel to HMA Total 2022 Project Cost $145,000 TOTALS 145 145 145 CRP PE California Rd Resurfacing Project RW 09 5 Rd.No.: 41100 1.30 CN 6/1/2022 65 65 65 E N/A From: MP 0.00 To: MP 1.30 Gravel to Chip Seal Total 2022 Project Cost $65,000 ITOTALS 65 65 65 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded m A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Pro acts Only 0 y o E C. Project Title m mFPh Federal FundingRM ig n. D. Street/Road Name of Number o r Federal Federal State 4th Envir Type Required a Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road F o a Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru yP Date F. Describe Work to be Done Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 1 3 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRP PE Kelly Hall Rd Resurfacing Project RW 09 6 Rd.No.: 013000 1.95 CN 6/1/2022 97.5 97.5 97.5 E N/A From: MP 0.00 To: MP 1.95 Gravel to Chip Seal Total 2022 Project Cost $97,500 TOTALS 97.5 97.5 97.5 07 PE 10 10 10 O8 Programmatic Bridge Program RW 5 5 5 09 7 _ CN 50 50 50 17 18 19 Total 2022 Project Cost $65,000 TOTALS 65 65 10 5 50 07 PE 10 10 10 101 10 30 08 County-Wide Small Capital Projects RW 5 5 5 51 5 15 09 8 _ CN 85 85 85 851 85 255 17 18 19 Total 2022 Project Cost $100.000 TOTALS 100 100 100 1001 100 300 07 PE 10 10 10 08 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants RW 09 9 CN 17 18 19 Total 2022 Project Cost $10,000 TOTALS 10 10 10 CRP PE 1/1/2022 RAP 5 5 5 North Shore Rd Cady Cr.Culy.Repl. RW 2/1/2022 15 15 15 08 10 Rd.No.: 70390 0.10 CN 7/1/2022 RAP 245 35 280 280 DCME 2/21 From: MP 6.9 To: MP 7.0 Clear Zone Project Total 2022 Project Cost $300,000 1 ITOTALS HSIP 250 50 300 20 280 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 2 of 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. CM Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Pro ects Onl c N C. Project Title m m Federal Fundin R/1IV a•Oc = D. Street/Road Name of Number r o,= Phase Federal Federal State 4th Envir Type Required ri a Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road F o_a Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds I 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 181 19 20 21 CRP 2022 PE 12/1/2021 RCO 29 6 35 35 Uncle Johns Upper Culvert RW 2/1/2022 10 5 15 15 09 11 Rd.No.: 23500 _ CN 7/1/2022 RCO 369.48 75 444.475 430 From: MP 0.64 To: MP 0.64 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2022 Project Cost $494,475 TOTALS 408.48 86 494.475 35 445 CRP 2023 PE 4/1/2022 RCO 298 52 350 350 Uncle Johns Lower Culvert RW 5/1/2022 09 12 Rd No.:23500 --- CN 7/1/2022 From MP 1.02 To:MP 1.02 Remove existing culvert and replace as needed Total 2022 Project Cost $350,000 TOTALS 298 52 350 350 CRP PE Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing Project RW 07 13 61950 _ CN 6/1/2022 30 30 30 From MP 0.00 To:MP 0.55 Gravel surface to chip seal Total 2022 Project Cost $30,000 TOTALS 30 30 30 PE 2/1/2022 STPR 730.01 9.99 740 740 Harstine Island Polyester Overlay RW 07 14 Rd.No.: 30000 0.10 CN 6/1/2022 1954.9 305.1 2260 2260 From:0.12 To: 0.40 Deck Repair Total 2022 Project Cost $3,000,000 TOTALS 2684.91 315.09 3000 740 2260 Clear Zone Improvements PE 5/1/2022 HSIP 89.1 9.9 99 99 07 Rd.No.:91100-Arcadia Road RW 7/1/2022 HSIP 19.8 2.2 22 22 07 15 Rd.No: 04450-Highland Road 14.76 CN 1/31/2023 HSIP 984.6 109.4 1094 1094 07 Rd.No.: 90100-Shelton Matlock Road 08 Rd.No.: 14880-Kamilche Point Road Total 2022 Project Cost $1,215,000 TOTALS 1093.5 121.5 12151 121 1094 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 3 of 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Y Project Costs In Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. m Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only C. Project Title m 7m ) Federal FundingR1W � , D. Street/Road Name of Number J Federal Federal State 4th Required c Envir Type U. o_ Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road t°- Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Date F. Describe Work to be Done Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds I I 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 181 19 20 21 CRP PE 1/1/2022 200 200 200 200 Belfair Connector-Log Yard Road E RW 10/1/2022 50 50 50 100 16 Rd.No.: _ CN From: SR3 To: Belfair Freight Corrido Design for new construction Total 2021 Project Cost $250,000 TOTALS 250 250 250 300 CRP 2019 PE 6/1/2022 50 50 50 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill RW 7/1/2022 50 50 50 09 17 Rd.No.: 86500 _ CN From: SR 3 To: Belfair Freight Corrido Design for new construction Total 2022 Project Cost $100,000 TOTALS 100 100 100 PE 1/1/2022 FbD 10 10 10 Skokomish Valley Road Reconstruction RW 1/2/2022 08 18 Rd.No.:41640 0.40 CN 3/1/2023 FLAP 1600 1600 1600 TBD From: MP 3.8 To: MP 4.6 Road reconstruction partner w/Mason Cons Dist$8M total project cost Total 2022 Project Cost $1,610,000 TOTALS 1610 1610 10 1600 CRP 2011 PE 1/1/2022 RATA 34 6 40 40 North Island Drive Culvert Replacement RW 5/2/2022 20 Rd.No.: 39630-North Island Drive CN 7/15/2023 RATA 720 07 19 From: MP 3.46 To: MP 3.47 0.01 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2022 Project Cost $40,000 TOTALS 34 6 40 60 720 CRP 2021 PE 3/1/2022 RATA 5 5 10 North Shore Road-Great Bend Culvert Replacement RW 5/2/2022 15 15 15 08 20 Rd.No.: 70390 0.10 CN 7/1/2022 RATA 245 35 280 280 From: MP 16.6 To: MP 16.7 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2022 Project Cost $300,000 TOTALS 250 50 3001 305 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 4 of 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. a Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Pro acts nly o a a C. Project Title 2'i w Federal FundingRl11V m o E m 4th Required c D. Street/Road Name of Number o L Phase Federal Federal State Envir T e ti o_ Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road F a`o_ Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru yp Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRP 2020 PE 3/1/2022 RATA 120 120 240 Old Belfair Hwy RW 5/1/2023 100 100 100 08 21 Rd.No.: 98250 0.40 CN 4/1/2024 RATA 1080 132 1212 1432 From: MP 1.2 To: MP 1.6 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2022 Project Cost $1,432,000 TOTALS 1200 232 1432 340 1432 Trails Road Alternate Route-Rasor Road PE Rd.No.62310 RW 9/3/2022 150 150 150 22 _ CN From: MP. To: MP. ROW acquisition Total 2022 Project Cost $150,000 TOTALS 150 150 150 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability Study PE 7/1/2022 40 40 Johns Prairie/SR3:Clifton,Old Belfair Hwy/SR300:N.Bay Rd/SR3 RW 07 23 Rd.No.: 0.10 CN From: MP To: MP Feasability Study Total 2022 Project Cost $40,000 TOTALS 40 40 CRP PE 6/1/2022 HSilP 49 49 49 County Safety Program-Guardrail Bridge Retrofit RW 8/1/2022 HSiIP 13 13 13 07 24 Rd.No.: varies 0.12 CN 2/1/2023 HSilP 323 323 323 From: MP To: Add/upgrade bridge rail and guardrail Total 2022 Project Cost $385,000 TOTALS 385 385 62 323 CRP PE 6/1/2022 HSilP 73 73 73 County Safety Program-Horizontal Curve Analysis-Data Improveme RW 9/1/2022 HSilP 07 25 Rd.No.: varies 0.12 CN 11/1/2022 HSilP From: MP To: Collect curve data county wide Total 2022 Project Cost $73,000 TOTALS 73 731 73 Phase Fundinq BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 5 of 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: Resolution No.: Project Identification Y Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded m A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. o, Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects On ly g w c a C. Project Title m J122 Federal Fundin RfW C)a z D. Street/Road Name of Number Y Phase Federal Federal State 4th Envir Type Required u- E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road o Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Date F. Describe Work to be Done ~ mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 171 181 19 20 21 CRP PE 6/1/2022 HSiIP 126 126 73 County Safety Program-Sign Post Reflective Panels RW 11/1/2022 HSiIP 13 13 13 07 26 Rd.No.: varies 0.12 CN 4/1/2023 HSiIP 373 373 373 From: MP To: Upgrade Signing with reflectorized sign posts panels Total 2022 Project Cost $512,000 TOTALS 512 512 86 373 PE RAP 36.9 4.1 41 41 Shelton Valley Culvert WINTER CREEK RW 10 10 10 07 27 Rd.No.: 05930 0.12 CN 455.4 50.6 506 506 From: MP 1.94 To: 2.06 Replace existing culvert with new structure(winter creek) Total 2022 Project Cost $557.000 TOTALS 492.3 64.7 557 557 PE 1/1/2025 400 Trails Road Realignment RW 10/1/2025 50 07 28 Rd.No.:62310 0.40 CN 4/1/2026 From: MP 0.5 To: MP 1.6 Curve Realignment Total 2022 Project Cost TOTALS 450 PE 6/1/2023 210 Log Yard Road W Freight Upgrade RW 7/1/2024 50 29 _ CN 4/1/2025 1325 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2022 Project Cost TOTALS 1585 Mason Benson Intersection Safety PE 6/1/2021 40 RW 10 Rd.No.63010 CN 300 30 From:MP 2.5 To:MP 2.6 0.10 Improve sight distance —�t — Total 2022 Project Cost TOTALS 350 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board PE 6/1/2021 120 Frieght Corridor Trail Multimodal trail RW 31 _ CN 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2022 Project Cost TOTALS 120 TOTALS 25.42 5099.119 4542.8 2295.5 6838.254 4424 8466 180 3242 Future Considerations/Wishlist .Completion of Trails road Alternate Route-Rasor Road in phases Log Yard Port of Bremerton Industrial Loop Connectivity Planning Cloquallum Road MP 4.6 to 5.2 curve realignments Gravel Road Conversions Cloquallum Road MP 6.6 to 7.2 widening Page 6 of 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County 9/28/2021 From 2022 to 2027 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: RBSOIUtIon No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded m A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. o Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only g C. Project Title m u m Federal Fundin R/VV �j a Z D. Street/Road Name of Number o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Envir Type Required u E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road 0 o ° Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PE 6/1/2021 120 Frieght Corridor Trail Multimodal trail RW 31 ___ CN 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2022 Project Cost TOTALS 1 120 TOTALS 25.78 6069.119 4542.8 2295.5 6838.254 4424 8687 876 3242 Future Cons iderations/WishIist *Completion of Trails road Alternate Route-Rasor Road in phases Log Yard Port of Bremerton Industrial Loop Connectivity Planning Cloquallum Road MP 4.6 to 5.2 curve realignments Gravel Road Conversions Cloquallum Road MP 6.6 to 7.2 widening Shelton Matlock Road MP 15.36 to 16.5 realign pave shoulders Johns Prairie Road add paved shoulders RR tracks to old capital hill rd Eells Hill Road Guardrail upgrades-Brockdale,McReavy,and Johns Prairie North Shore Road Terrace Blvd Road and Hwy 101 intersection-partner project with WSDOT Webb Road Brockdale and Island Lake Road intersection-partner project with City of Shelton Illumination intersections county wide Union Boat Launch Resurfacing Trail near Roessel Road New Roads Consideration McEwan Prairie to Brockdale 101 connection Johns Prairie and Hwy 3 connection Connection between Cloquallum and City Center exit Page 7 of 7 NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a live stream public hearing at http://masonwebtv.com/on Tuesday,November 9, 2021 at 9:15am. SAID HEARINGS will be to consider adopting: 1) Mason County's 2022 Annual Construction Program. 2) Mason County's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for years 2022 to 2027. Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.9, in-person attendance to Commission meetings is temporarily restricted and during this time we will accept public testimony using Zoom. The URL is available on the County website—www.co.mason.wa.uS to Sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand" feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmith a,co.mason.wa.us or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office, (360)427-9670 -Shelton, (360)482-5269 -Elma or(360) 275-4467 -Belfair, Ext. 419 DATED this day of , 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Bill: Mason County Department of Public Works 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 cc: Commissioners Community Development Public Works Shelton Journal: Publ.2t: 10/21/21&10/28/21 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12 2020 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: October 4, 2020 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Annual purchasing and contracting for road maintenance materials and purchased services for 2022 road maintenance programs BACKGROUND: Mason County Public Works annually procures Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate and Asphaltic and Road Maintenance Surfacing Materials and Paint Line and Vehicle /Equipment Towing and Tire Repair Services for road maintenance projects and annually desired services. Public Works procures these maintenance materials and services by following State and County procurement requirements. Each contract award will be announced during a regular meeting of the Board. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to procure and allow the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for routine Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate and Asphaltic and Road Maintenance Surfacing Road Maintenance Materials and Paint Line and Vehicle /Equipment Towing and Tire Repair services for 2022. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins P.E PLS, County Engineer Action Item DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12 2021 Agenda Item # 8.13 BRIEFING DATE: October 4 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: BRIDGE LIMIT RESOLUTION BACKGROUND: Mason County Public Works inspects and inventories 65 roadway bridges within Mason County (64 bridges owned by Mason County and one owned by the City of Shelton). The last bridge inspection determined that bridge number 1 and 2 needs to be posted with maximum load limits and 3 through 7 as one lane travel bridges. 1. Stretch Island Bridge (Bridge #645000015, on the E Eckert Road) 2. Rossmaier Bridge (Bridge #008000059, on the Deckerville Road) 3. Hliboki Bridge (Bridge #102900035, on the Bulb Farm Road) 4. Gosnell Creek Bridge (Bridge #105100023, on the Bolling Road) 5. Eich Road (1) Bridge (Bridge #110700015, on the Eich Road) 6. Eich Bridge (Bridge #110700026, also on the Eich Road) 7. Carlson Bridge (Bridge #016500405, on Beeville Road) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve, the Resolution establishing load/lane limits for traffic control on seven (7) Mason County bridges. ATTACHMENT: 1. Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2021- BRIDGE LMMS WHEREAS,RCW 36.75.270 gives the Board of Mason County Commissioners the authority by resolution to limit or prohibit classes or types of vehicles on any county bridge and may limit the weight of vehicles which may travel thereon. WHEREAS,in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration's National Bridge Inspection Standards(NBIS)for specialized haul vehicle regulations,updated bridge load ratings have been completed as required;and WHEREAS,load ratings have determined that two(2)of Mason County's sixty-four(64)bridges shall be posted with a maximum load limit,and WHEREAS,five(5)of Mason County's Sixty-four(64)bridges shall continue to be posted as one lane. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that these restrictions be posted,as listed below until resolution is rescinded to modify or remove such restrictions based upon the recommendation of the County Engineer. Max No.of Maximum Bridee No. Bridee Name Lead Limit Lanes Speed Limit 645000015 Stretch Island Bridge lyp—e Limit 2 ---- E Eckert Rd SU4 23 Tons SU5 24 Tons SU6 25 Tons SU7 28 Tons 008000059 Rossmaier Bridge lype Limit 2 -- W Deckerville Rd 3 21 Tons 3S2 33 Tons 3-3 41 Tons SU4 19 Tons SU5 20 Tons SU6 21 Tons SU7 21 Tons 102900035 Hiiboki Bridge — 1 — Bulb Farm Rd. 105100023 Gosnel Creek Bridge — 1 — Bolling Road 110700015 Eich Road(1)Bridge --- 1 ----- Eich Road 110700026 Eich Bridge --- 1 -- Eich Road 016500405 Carlson Bridge ---- 1 --- Beeville Road NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the County Engineer shall post the said bridges as set forth herein. Violation of these limits shall constitute a misdemeanor in accordance with RCW 36.75.270. DATED this_day of 2020. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON RANDY NEATHERLIN,Chair KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair MCKENZIE SMITH,Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: SHARON TRASK,Commissioner TIM WHITEHEAD,Ch.DPA cc: Public Works Sheriff Prosecutor Publ.:1 Time: lorzlnl(Bill: Mason County DepL of Public Works) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins P.E, PLS, County Engineer Action Item DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12 2021 Agenda Item #8•l BRIEFING DATE: October 4 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Designation of County Primitive Roads BACKGROUND: Mason County first designated Primitive Roads in 1982. Primitive Road status provides for lower liability for warning signing on low volume unpaved access roads. Roads eligible for Primitive Road status are unpaved access roads with 100 vehicles per day or fewer. As County roads are improved and traffic counts are updated, the list of roads eligible for Primitive Road designation changes. Public Works staff has reviewed the current list (Resolution 33-08) and with the recently upgraded road surfaces of Snider and Boyer Road, with BST surface (also known as chip seal), both roads have been removed from the primitive road list. Public Works recommends the updated roads list be designated Primitive Roads. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve a resolution designating certain low volume unpaved county access roads as Primitive Roads. ATTACHMENT: 1. Current Resolution 2. Updated Resolution Briefing Summary RESOLUTION NO. -08 WHEREAS,WAC 136-468-95-290,pursuant to RCW 36.75.300,provides regulation pertaining to the designation and signing of county roads as Primitive Roads, and WHEREAS,the legislative authority of each county may,by resolution, classify and designate portions of the county road as primitive roads where the designated road portion: (1) is not classified as part of the county primary system, as provided for in RCW 36.86.070; (2) has a gravel or earth driving surface; and (3) has an average annual daily traffic of one hundred or fewer vehicles; and WHEREAS,WAC 468-95-090 states that any road designated as a primitive road shall be marked with a"PRIMITIVE ROAD"sign at all places where the primitive road portion begins or connects with a highway other than a primitive road, and WHEREAS,Mason County first designated primitive roads in Resolution 62-82, and has updated the list of designated primitive roads as changes were made to our road system that affect primitive road status; and WHEREAS,the County Engineer has reviewed the county road system and determined which roads are appropriate to be classified as primitive roads. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the following roads be designated Primitive Roads: Road Start End Total Road Name Number Sec.-Twn.-Rng. Mile Mile Length FORD LOOP RD 00190 05 19N 6W 0.094 1.687 1.593 KELLY HALL RD 01300 28 21N 6W 0.000 1.650 1.650 BEERBOWER RD 02230 30 19N 6W 1.247 3.063 1.816 BOYER RD 03630 17 20N 5W 0.000 1.046 1.046 WHITE RD 06360 36 20N 4W 0.291 0.938 0.647 ROCK CREEK RD 10480 03 19N 4W 0.000 1.101 1.101 WALDRIP RD 14320 21 19N 3W 0.000 0.260 0.260 ELLIS RD 15960 02 19N 3W 0.000 0.720 0.720 SNIDER RD 19210 25 20N 3W 0.000 0.720 0.720 COVE DRIVE 27170 16 2N 2W 0.000 0.132 0.132 SQUAXIN DRIVE 30320 01 19N 2W 0.000 0.090 0.090 MAPLES RD 32850 24 20N 2W 0.000 0.570 0.570 CEMETERY RD 35650 12 20N 2W 0.000 0.130 0.130 YATES RD 36600 35 21N 2W 0.011 1.129 1.118 FOUR CORNERS RD 40590 30 21N 4W 0.000 3.270 3.270 EELLS HILL RD 40850 18 21N 4W 0.163 5.611 5.448 CALIFORNIA RD 41100 26 21N 4W 0.103 4.383 4.280 CALIFORNIA CUT-OFF RD 41380 18 21N 4W 0.000 0.570 0.570 SUNNYSIDE RD 42360 10 21N 4W 0.550 3.250 2.700 r noC up-l-: - 'Tt:,.ntvc IT-o zu e_ 1 U �, i ,,`C 1. ,'PFinp _gr ird sc:\Prinit� _,od-Re -ua.01r7c Page ?: :i pages Resolution 5 `3 -08 Page 2 of 2 Road Start End Total Road Name Number Sec-Twn-Rng. Mile Mile Length SUNNYSIDE RD 42360 10 21N 4W 3.350 3.450 0.100 NASON RD 52400 36 21N 3W 0.000 0.190 0.190 WEBB HILL RD 57530 25 21N 2W 1.810 3.013 1.203 SUNNYSLOPE RD 61950 05 21N 2W 0.000 0.551 0.551 ROO'S COURT 62350 04 21N 2W 0.000 0.370 0.370 MURRAY RD SOUTH 63150 15 21N 1W 0.000 0.310 0.310 Total 30.585 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Engineer place appropriate primitive road signing on these designated primitive roads. DATED this 18th day of March,2008. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINNGTON ATTEST: REBECCA S. ROGERS TIM SHELDON,Chairman Clerk of the Board ; f /l / II ffi L�TDA ERICKSON,��mmi ssioner APPROVED AST -FORM1 j 1/ SS GALLAG Commissioner .Prosec 'V A orney .":,Ti' ]1�3i�.�'-••� ;:71C']ii.s'::�T�_e�����.`:`I`Ei4�•,��•'"j.l-i i•rlE,C. �1'7-]ll.sj:'i'1?i_—ri.c-s�(�-��G-'#i^C11'-t�G RESOLUTION NO. 2021- MASON COUNTY ROADS DESIGNATED AS PRIMATIVE ROADS WHEREAS,WAC 468-95-290,pursuant to RCW 36.75.300, authorizes a classification of county roads to be designated by resolution as primitive roads; and, WHEREAS,the legislative authority of each county may, by resolution, classify and designate portions of the county road as primitive roads where the designated road portion: (1) Is not classified as part of the county primary system, as provided for in RCW 36.86.070; (2) Has a gravel or earth driving surface; and (3) Has an average annual daily traffic of one hundred or fewer vehicles; and WHEREAS,WAC 468-95-090 states that any road designated as a primitive road shall be marked with a"PRIMITIVE ROAD" sign at all places where the primitive road portion begins or connects with a highway other than a primitive road. WHEREAS,Mason County first designated primitive roads within the county road system in 1982, Resolution 62-82, and has updated the list as changes have been made to our road system that affect primitive road status; and, WHEREAS,the County Engineer has reviewed the county road system and determined which roads are appropriate to be classified as primitive roads. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the following roads be designated Primitive Roads: Road Start End Total Road Name Number Sec.-Twn.-Rng. Mile Mile Length FORD LOOP RD 00190 05 19N 6W 0.094 1.687 1.593 KELLY HALL RD 01300 28 21N 6W 0.000 1.650 1.650 BEERBOWER RD 02230 30 19N 6W 1.247 3.063 1.816 WHITE RD 06360 36 20N 4W 0.291 0.938 0.647 ROCK CREEK RD 10480 03 19N 4W 0.000 1.101 1.101 WALDRIP RD 14320 21 19N 3W 0.000 0.260 0.260 ELLIS RD 15960 02 19N 3 W 0.000 0.720 0.720 COVE DRIVE 27170 16 2N 2W 0.000 0.132 0.132 SQUAXIN DRIVE 30320 01 19N 2W 0.000 0.090 0.090 MAPLES RD 32850 24 20N 2W 0.000 0.570 0.570 CEMETERY RD 35650 12 20N 2W 0.000 0.130 0.130 YATES RD 36600 35 21N 2W 0.011 1.129 1.118 FOUR CORNERS RD 40590 30 21N 4W 0.000 3.270 3.270 EELLS HILL RD 40850 18 21N 4W 0.163 5.611 5.448 CALIFORNIA RD 41100 26 21N 4W 0.103 4.383 4.280 CALIFORNIA CUT-OFF RD 41380 18 21N 4W 0.000 0.570 0.570 SUNNYSIDE RD 42360 10 21N 4W 0.550 3.250 2.700 Resolution 2021- Page 2 of 2 Road Start End Total Road Name Number Sec.-Twn.-Rng. Mile Mile Length SUNNYSIDE RD 42360 10 21N 4W 3.350 3.450 0.100 NASON RD 52400 36 21N 3W 0.000 0.190 0.190 WEBB HILL RD 57530 25 21N 2W 1.810 3.013 1.203 SUNNYSLOPE RD 61950 05 21N 2W 0.000 0.551 0.551 ROO'S COURT 62350 04 21N 2W 0.000 0.370 0.370 MURRAY RD SOUTH 63150 15 21N 1 W 0.000 0.310 0.310 Total 28.819 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Engineer place appropriate primitive road signing on these designated primitive roads. DATED this 12`h day of October, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: MCKENZIE SMITH RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Clerk of the Board KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM SHARON TRASK, Commissioner TIM WHITEHEAD, Ch. DPA MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins P.E, PLS, County Engineer Action Item DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item # .( BRIEFING DATE: September 28 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Private Line Occupancy Permit BACKGROUND: David Sweet, the Owner of parcel #32207-50-00915 located at 21951 NE North Shore Road, has applied for Private Line Occupancy. Mr. Sweet would like to run a septic transport line and a line for future use under and across the North Shore road (see attached map). The application fee of $200 has been paid to process the proposed Private Line Occupancy Permit. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve the Private Line Occupancy Permit granting permission to construct, operate and maintain the septic transport line and future use line Under and across the North Shore Road for parcel number 32207-50-00915 (address 21915 NE North Shore Road). ATTACHMENT: 1. PLO (Page A-4, Area Map) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF David Sweet FOR A PRIVATE LINE UTILITY OCCUPANCY PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN Septic transport line. ALONG AND UNDER NE North Shore Road, A COUNTY MAINTAINED ROAD LOCATED IN MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Application of David Sweet with principal residence located at 21951 NE North Shore Road, Tahuya,WA 98588, by and through David Sweet, for a private line utility occupancy permit to construct, operate and maintain a private waterline under county roads and highways in Mason County, Washington, as set forth in attached Exhibit "A", having come before the County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington during a regularly scheduled public meeting, on the day of ,20_,and that it is in the public interest to allow the private line utility occupancy permit herein granted; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that a non-exclusive private line utility occupancy permit be,and the same is hereby given and granted to operator,and its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Permittee", for a period commencing from and after the date of the entry of this order for the purposes, at the location(s), and upon the express terms and conditions as described herein, and terminating as provided herein. I. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this private line utility occupancy permit,terms, phrases, words, and their derivations not defined herein that are defined in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Mason County Right-of-Way published by the County Engineer(the"Manual."), shall have the same meaning or be interpreted as provided in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual. Words not defined here, in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual shall have their ordinary meaning. A reference to Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual refers to the same as may be amended, revised, updated,re-enacted or re-codified from time to time. II. GRANT The County of Mason(hereafter the"County")hereby grants to the Pemuttee a non-exclusive private line utility occupancy permit(hereinafter"Permit")which,once it becomes effective shall authorize the Permittee to enter upon the road rights-of-way located within the Permit Area for the purpose of maintaining,repairing,replacing,which grant shall be limited to the following described purpose(s): Septic transport line along and under North Shore Road to serve parcel number: 32207-50-00915. 1 Such grant is subject to and must be exercised in strict accordance with and subject to this Permit, Title 12 of the Mason County Code, the Manual and all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. Permittee's exercise of any rights granted pursuant to the Permit is subject to the exercise of the County's police powers, and other regulatory powers as it may have or obtain in the future. No rights shall pass to the Permittee by implication. This Permit does not include permission to enter into or upon the road rights-of-way for any purposes others than the purposes expressly described herein. Permittee has a duty to notify the County of any change in use or condition of the utility facilities that may affect the status of the utility facilities as(a)private line(s)or the impact of the utility facilities upon the road rights-of-way. III. UTILITY PERMIT REQUIRED Permittee shall not commence or perform work to install, construct, maintain repair, replace adjust, connect, disconnect, rebuild, or relocate its utility facilities within the road rights-of- way(hereafter collectively or individually the "Work"), without first applying for, paying all associated fees, and obtaining a utility permit as required pursuant to Title 12 of the Mason County Code. In any utility permit so issued, the County may impose, as a condition of the granting the utility permit, such conditions and regulations as may be necessary for the protection, preservation and management of the road rights-of-way, including, by way of example and not limitation, for the purpose of protecting any structures in the road rights-of-way,maintaining proper distance from other utilities,ensuring the proper restoration of such road rights-of-way and structures, and for the protection of the County and the public and the continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Permittee shall first file with the County Engineer its application for a utility permit to do such Work together with plans and specifications showing at a minimum: A. The position,depth and location of all such utility facilities sought to be constructed, laid, installed or erected at that time, showing their relative position to existing county roads, rights-of-way or other county property upon plans drawn to scale, hereinafter collectively referred to as the"map of definite location; B. The class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation, construction, installation, backfill, erection of temporary structures, erection of permanent structures,traffic control,traffic turnouts and road obstructions; C. The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed; D. Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic; E. Structural integrity of the roadway,bridge,or other structure; F. Specifications for the restoration of the county road, right-of-way or other county property in the event that the road right of way will be disturbed by the Work; and 2 G. Provision for ease of future road maintenance and appearance of the roadway. Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities, particularly those located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the road right-of- way. The location,alignment and depth of the utility facilities shall conform with said map of definite location, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the County Engineer pursuant to application by Permittee. All such Work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and approval of such work on account of granting the said utility permits. IV. RESTORATION OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY In any Work which disturbs or causes damage to the road rights-of-way subject to this Permit, public or private property,the Permittee shall at its own expense and with all convenient speed, complete the work to repair and restore the county road right-of-way, or the public or private property so disturbed or damaged, and leave the same in as good or better condition as before the Work was commenced, to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and approval of such restoration or repair. The County Commissioners and/or County Engineer may at any time do, order or have done any and all work that they consider necessary to restore to a safe condition such County road right-of-way or other County property left by the Permittee or its agents in a condition dangerous to life or property,and the Pen ittee,upon demand,shall pay to the County all costs of such work. V. PERMITTEE WORK IN RIGHT OF WAY Permittee expressly agrees and understands that,with regard to Work within the road rights-of- way: A. All of Permittee's utility facilities and Work within the road rights-of-way or other County property shall be performed in compliance with the provisions of Title 12 MCC, the Manual, the administrative regulations adopted by the County Engineer, other County-established requirements for placement of utility facilities in road rights-of-way, including the specific location of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way, and all applicable laws,rules,regulations and ordinances; B. In preparing plans and specifications for the Work the Permittee shall use the Manual. Prior to commencement of any Work, Permittee shall submit such plans and specifications to the County Engineer for review and approval together with the adequate exhibit depicting the existing or proposed location of the utility facility in relation to the road, including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned road revisions, if 3 applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover (including the proposed method of protection)or other locational standards that are anticipated; C. All Work subject to this Permit shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere, other than in ways approved by the County, with the construction, operation and maintenance of other utilities,public or private,drains,drainage ditches and structures,irrigation ditches and structures,located therein,nor with the grading or improvements of such County roads,rights- of-way or other County property; D. The owners and operators of all utility facilities (public or private) installed in the Permit Area or other county property prior in time to the utility facilities of the Permittee, shall have preference as to the alignment and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the Permittee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing the grade of any such county road or right-of-way; E. Permittee shall perform the Work and operate its utility facilities in a manner that minimizes interference with the use of the road rights-of-way by others, including others that may be installing utility facilities; and F. The County may require that Permittee's utility facilities be installed at a particular time, at a specific place, or in a particular manner as a condition of access to a particular road or road right-of-way;may deny access if a Permittee is not willing to comply with the County's requirements;and may remove,or require removal of,any utility facility that is not installed in compliance with the requirements established by the County,or which is installed without prior County approval of the time, place, or manner of installation and charge the Permittee for all the costs associated with removal; and may require Permittee to cooperate with others to minimize adverse impacts on the road and road rights-of-way through joint trenching and other arrangements. G. The County may inspect the utility facilities at any time reasonable under the circumstances to ensure compliance with this Permit and applicable law, including to ensure that the private line utility facilities are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. If an unsafe condition is found to exist,the County, in addition to taking any other action permitted under applicable law, may order the Permittee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and alterations specified therein forthwith to correct the unsafe condition on a time-table established by the County which is reasonable in light of the unsafe condition. The County has the right to correct, inspect, administer, and repair the unsafe condition if the Licensee fails to do so, and to charge the Permittee therefor. The right of the County to conduct such inspections and order or make repairs shall not be construed to create an obligation therefore, and such obligation to construct and maintain its utility facilities in a safe condition shall at all times remain the sole obligation of the Permittee. 4 H. When required by the County, Permittee shall make information available to the public regarding any Work involving the ongoing installation, construction, adjustment, relocation, repair or maintenance of its utility facilities sufficient to show(1)the nature of the work being performed; (2)where it is being performed; (3)its estimated completion date; and (4)progress to completion. I. PERMITTEE IS PLACED ON NOTICE THAT FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS, POWER,CONTROL SYSTEMS, OTHER TYPES OF CABLES AND PIPELINES MAY BE BURIED ON THE RIGHT OF WAY. Before beginning any underground work,Permittee will contact the appropriate personnel to have such facilities located and make arrangements as to protective measures that must be adhered to prior to the commencement of any work within the road and road rights-of-way. In addition to the liability terms elsewhere in this Agreement, Permittee shall indemnify and hold the County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents harmless against and from all cost, liability, and expense whatsoever (including,without limitation,attorney's fees and court costs and expenses)arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or omission of Permittee, its contractor, agents and/or employees,that cause or in any way or degree contribute to(1) any damage to or destruction of any such facilities by Permittee,and/or its contractor,agents and/or employees,on the County's property,(2) any injury to or death of any person employed by or on behalf of any entity,and/or its contractor,agents and/or employees,on the road rights-of-way,and/or(3)any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue, or loss of service, by a customer or user of services or products of such company(ies). J. Permittee shall continuously be a member of the State of Washington one number locator service under RCW 19.122, or an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all such applicable rules and regulations. K. Except in the event of emergency as described below,Permittee and its agents may not enter upon the permit area to perform work for which a utility permit is required,unless and except upon two-business days notice to the County Engineer. L. In the event of an emergency involving the threat of imminent harm to persons or property, and for purposes of taking immediate corrective action,Permittee and its agents may enter the Permit Area without advance notice to the County as long as such entry is for the sole purpose of addressing the emergency; provided however, that if any entry for such purposes would require issuance of a utility permit,Permittee shall give the County verbal or telephonic notice of the places where and the manner in which entry is required prior to such entry, promptly followed by written notice. In all cases,notice to the County shall be given as far in advance as practical prior to entry or as soon as practicable after entry upon the road right-of- way. M. Permittee shall promptly reimburse the County for its reasonable and direct costs incurred in responding to an emergency that is caused,created by or attributable to the presence, construction,maintenance,repair,or operation of Permittee's utility facilities in the road rights- of-way. 5 N. If, during any Work, Permittee or its agents discover scientific or historic artifacts, Permittee or its agents shall immediately notify the County of said discovery and shall protect such artifacts in a manner as specified by the County. Any such artifact shall be the property of the County if the County wishes to own it. VI. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC All Work done under this Permit shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner. In the performance of any Work, including without limitation, the opening of trenches and the tunneling under county roads, right-of way or other county property,the Permittee shall leave such trenches,ditches and tunnels in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with public travel and shall take all due and necessary precautions to guard the same, so that damage or injury shall not occur or arise by reason of such Work; and where any of such trenches,ditches and tunnels are left open at night,the Permittee shall place warning lights,barricades and other appropriate protective devices at such a position as to give adequate warning of such Work. The Permittee shall be liable for any injury to person or persons or damage to property sustained arising out of its carelessness or neglect, or through any failure or neglect to properly guard or give warning of any trenches, ditches or tunnels dug or maintained by the Permittee. VII. POLICE POWERS The County,in granting this Permit,does not waive any rights which it now has or may hereafter acquire with respect to county roads, rights-of-way or other county property and this Permit shall not be construed to deprive the county of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the county roads,right-of-way and other county property covered by this Permit. The County retains the right to administer and regulate activities of the Permittee up to the fullest extent of the law. The failure to reserve a particular right to regulate, or reference a particular regulation, shall not be interpreted by negative implication or otherwise to prevent the application of a regulation to the Permittee. VHI. RELOCATION Permittee shall, in the course of any Work,comply with the following requirements: A. The Permittee shall,by a time specified by the County,protect,support,temporarily disconnect, relocate, or remove any of its utility facilities when required by the County by reason of traffic conditions; public safety; road right-of-way construction; road right-of-way repair (including resurfacing or widening); change of road right-of-way grade; construction, installation, or repair of County-owned sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines, tracks, communications system, other public work, public facility, or improvement of any government-owned utility; road right-of-way vacation; or for any other purpose where the County work involved would be aided by the removal or relocation of the utility facilities. Collectively,such matters are referred to below as the "public work." 6 Permittee acknowledges and understands that any delay by Permittee in performing the above described work may delay, hinder, or interfere with the work performed by the County and its contractors and subcontractors done in furtherance of such Public Work and result in damage to the County, including but not Iimited to, delay claims. Permittee shall cooperate with the County and its contractors and subcontractors to coordinate such Permittee work to accommodate the Public Work project and project schedules to avoid delay, hindrance of, or interference with the Public Work. The County shall make available to the Permittee a copy of the Six Year Transportation Program and the County's annual construction program after adoption each year. It is anticipated these programs will aid the Permittee in planning construction programs. B. Permittee has a duty to protect its utility facilities from work performed by the County within the road rights-of-way. The rights granted to the Permittee herein do not preclude the County, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and agents from blasting, grading, excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to Permittee's utility facilities; providing that, the Permittee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice of said blasting or other work in order that the Permittee may protect its utility facilities. C. In the event of an emergency, or where the utility facility creates or is contributing to an imminent danger to health, safety, or property, the County may protect, support, temporarily disconnect,remove, or relocate any or all parts of the utility facility without prior notice,and charge the Permittee for costs incurred. D. If any Person that is authorized to place facilities in the road right of way requests the Permittee to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate the Permittee's utility facilities to accommodate the construction, operation, or repair of the facilities of such other person,the Permittee shall,after 30 days'advance written notice,take action to effect the necessary changes requested; provided that, if such project is related to or competes with Permittee's service,or if the effect of such changes would be to permanently deprive Permittee of the beneficial enjoyment of this Permit for its intended purposes through interference with the operation of Permittee's utility facilities or otherwise, Permittee shall not be required to relocate its utility facilities. Unless the matter is governed by a valid contract or a state or federal law or regulation,or unless the Permittee's utility facilities were not properly installed, the reasonable cost of the same shall be borne by the Person requesting the protection,support, temporary disconnection,removal,or relocation at no charge to the County,even if the County makes the request for such action. E. The Permittee shall, on the request of any person holding a valid permit issued by a governmental authority,temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings or other objects. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the person requesting the same. 7 The County of Mason will accept liability for direct and actual damages to said Permittee that are the result of the negligence of Mason County, its trustees,officers,employees,contractors, subcontractors or agents while performing County improvement or Public Works projects enumerated in Section VIII, paragraph B. Direct and actual damages are specifically limited to physical damage to properly installed and located infrastructure of the Permittee and the cost to repair such physical damage. Mason County retains the right to assert all applicable defenses in the event of a dispute including contributory_negligence on the part-of the Permittee. Mason County shall in no way be liable for incidental damages claimed to arise from such actions. All Work to be performed by the Permittee under this section shall pass the inspection of the County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and approval of such work. IX. PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS/MARKERS Before any Work is performed under this permit which may affect any existing monuments or markers of any nature relating to subdivisions,plats,roads and all other surveys,the Permittee shall reference all such monuments and markers. The reference points shall be so located that they will not be disturbed during the Permittee's Work and operations under this Permit. The method of referencing these monuments or other points to be referenced shall be approved by the County Engineer. The replacement of all such monuments or markers disturbed during construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit in accordance with RCW 58.24 and WAC 332-120, and as directed by the County Engineer. The cost of monuments or other markers lost,destroyed,or disturbed, and the expense of replacement by approved monuments shall be borne by the Permittee. A complete set of reference notes for monument and other ties shall be filed with the office of the Mason County Engineer. X. VACATION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY If at any time the County shall vacate any County road or right-of-way or other County Property which is subject to rights granted by this Permit and said vacation shall be for the purpose of acquiring the fee or other property interest in said road or right-of-way for the use of the County, in either its proprietary or governmental capacity, then the Board of Mason County Commissioners may,at its option,and by giving thirty(30)days written notice to the Permittee, terminate this Permit with reference to such county road right-of-way or other County property so vacated,and the County of Mason shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Permittee by reason of such termination. It has been the practice of Mason County to reserve easements for utilities at the time of road vacation,and will continue to be the practice until such time the Board of Mason County Commissioners direct a change of practice. 8 XI. FINANCIAL SECURITY A. Insurance It is intended that the following insurance requirements shall apply to the person performing the Work in the road right-of-way. Permittee and Permittee's contractors shall not perform or cause to be performed any Work,unless and until Permittee(to the extent Permittee performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) or its contractors (to the extent Permittee's contractor performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) provide certificates of insurance evidencing that Permittee or Permittee's contractors are in compliance with the following requirements, including, maintaining insurance in at least in the following amounts: 1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY insurance to cover liability, bodily injury, and property damage. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on an occurrence basis, with an aggregate limit location endorsement for the Permit Area,and shall provide coverage for any and all costs, including defense costs, and losses and damages resulting from personal injury, bodily injury and death, property damage, products liability and completed operations arising out of the Work. Coverage must be written with the following limits of liability: Bodily and Personal Injury &Property Damage $ 1,000,000 per Occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate 2 WORKERS'COMPENSATION insurance shall be maintained by Permittee's contractor to comply with statutory limits for all employees,and in the case any work is sublet, the contractor shall require its subcontractors similarly to provide workers' compensation insurance for all the employees. 3. COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY insurance shall include owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles on an occurrence basis with coverage of at least $500,000 per occurrence. The required insurance shall be maintained from the time that Work in the road right-of-way commences until the Work is complete and the utility permit issued for said Work has been released by the County Engineer,or his or her designee. If the Permittee or its contractors and subcontractors do not have the required insurance, the County may require such entities to stop operations until the insurance is obtained and approved. Permittee shall, or shall cause its contractors to, file with the application for a utility permit, certificates of insurance reflecting evidence of the required insurance in a form and content approved by the County's Risk Manager. All coverage shall be listed on one certificate with the same expiration dates. 9 The certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under these policies will not be canceled until at least 30 days'prior written notice has been given to the County. In the event that the insurance certificate provided indicates that the insurance shall terminate or lapse during the period of the Work, then, in that event, the Permittee shall furnish, at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the date of such insurance,a renewed certificate of insurance as proof that equal and like coverage has been or will be obtained prior to any such lapse or termination during the balance of the period of the Permit. The County reserves the right, during the term of the Permit, to require any other insurance coverage or adjust the policy limits as it deems reasonably necessary utilizing sound risk management practices and principals based upon the loss exposures. Each insurance policy required pursuant to this Permit shall be primary and non-contributing as respects any coverage maintained by the County and shall include an endorsement reflecting the same. Any other coverage maintained by County shall be excess of this coverage herein defined as primary and shall not contribute with it. The certificate of insurance must reflect that the above wording is included in all such policies. Each insurance policy obtained pursuant to this Permit shall be issued by financially sound insurers who may lawfully do business in the State of Washington with a financial rating at all times during coverage of no less than rating of"A" and a class of"X" or better in the latest edition of`Best's Key Rating Guide"published by A.M.Best Company,or such other financial rating or rating guide approved in writing by the County's risk manager. In the event that at any time during coverage, the insurer does not meet the foregoing standards, Permittee shall give or shall cause its contractors to give prompt notice to the County and shall seek coverage from an insurer that meets the foregoing standards. The County reserves the right to change the rating or the rating guide depending upon the changed risks or availability of other suitable and reliable rating guides. Comprehensive general liability insurance policies and coverage obtained pursuant to this Permit shall include an endorsement (standard ISO form CG 24-17) deleting all exclusions for work or incidents occurring within any distance from a railroad track or railroad property, or on,over,or under a railroad track. Insurance policies required pursuant to this Permit shall have no non-standard exclusions unless approved of by the County Risk Manager or designee. Commercial general liability insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Permit shall name the County as an additional insured without limitation,pursuant to an endorsement approved of by the County's Risk Manager or designee. Permittee or Permittee's Contractors' insurers, through policy endorsement, shall waive their rights of subrogation against the County for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance must reflect this waiver of subrogation rights endorsement. 10 B. Contractor Bond. All contractors performing Work on behalf of Permittee shall be licensed and bonded. C. Limitation of Liability. to the fullest extent permitted by law, permittee shall, and shall cause its contractor(s) only as to subsection (9)below,to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the county and the county's legal representatives,officers(elected or appointed), employees and agents (collectively, "indemnitees") for, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands, judgments and expenses (including,without limitation, court costs, attorneys' fees, and costs of investigation,removal and remediation and governmental oversight costs),environmental or otherwise(collectively"liabilities")of any nature, kind,or description,of any person or entity, directly or indirectly,arising out of,resulting from, or related to (in whole or in part): 1. this permit; 2. any rights or interests granted pursuant to this permit; 3. permittee's occupation and use of the road right of way; 4. permittee's operation of its utility facilities; 5. the presence of utility facilities within the right of way; 6. the environmental condition and status of the road right-of-way caused by, aggravated by, or contributed to,in whole or in part,by permittee or its agents;or 7. the acts,errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the,installation, construction,adjustment,relocation,replacement,removal, or maintenance of such third party utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of the operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; or 8. any act or omission of permittee or permittee's agents; or 9. any act or omission of contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors when arising out of the work. Even if such liabilities arise from or are attributed to,in whole or in part,any negligence of any indemniee. The only liabilities with respect to which permittee's obligation to indemnify the indemnitees does not apply are.liabilities to the extent proximately caused by the sole negligence or intentional misconduct of an indemniee or for liabilities that by law the indemniteees cannot be indemnified for. 11 Upon written notice from the county,permittee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or other proceeding brought against any indemnitee by any entity,relating to any matter covered by this permit for which permittee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold harmless any indemnitee. Permittee shall pay all costs incident to such defense,including,but not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation and appeal expenses, settlement payments and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. Permittee will fully satisfy said judgment within ninety(90) days after said suit or action shall have finally been determined if determined adversely to mason county. upon the permittee's failure to satisfy said judgment within the ninety(90) day period, this permit shall at once cease and terminate and the county of mason shall have a lien upon permittee's utility facilities and all other facilities used in the construction, operation and maintenance of the permittee's utility system which may be enforced against the property for the full amount of any such judgment so taken against any of the indemnitees. Acceptance by the County of any Work performed by the Permittee at the time of completion shall not be grounds for avoidance of this covenant. XIL PERMIT NONEXCLUSIVE This Permit shall not be deemed to be an exclusive Permit. It shall in no manner prohibit the County of Mason from granting rights to other utilities under, along,across,over and upon any of the County roads, rights-of-way or other County property subject to this Permit and shall in no way prevent or prohibit the.County of Mason from constructing, altering, maintaining or using any of said roads rights-of-way, drainage structures or facilities, irrigation structures or facilities, or any other county property or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them with full power to make all necessary changes,relocations,repairs,maintenance,etc.,the same as the County may deem fit. XM. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS All the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Permittee and all privileges, as well as all obligations and liability of the Permittee, shall inure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were specifically mentioned wherever the.Permittee is mentioned. Any reference in this Permit to a specifically named party shall be deemed to apply to any successor, heir, administrator, executor or assign of such party who has acquired its interest in compliance with the terms of this Permit or under law. XIV. TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT Permittee may assign or transfer this Permit by contacting the County of Mason to obtain an Assignment Agreement. The Agreement must be signed and delivered back to the County of Mason. Assignees shall thereafter be responsible for all obligations of Permittee with respect to the Permit and guaranteeing performance under the terms and conditions of the Permit and that transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the Permit and will assume all the obligations of its predecessor. Such an assignment shall relieve the Permittee of any further obligations under the Permit, including any obligations not fulfilled by Permittee's assignee; 12 provided that, the assignment shall not in any respect relieve the Permittee, or any of its successors in interest, of responsibility for acts or omissions, known or unknown, or the consequences thereof,which acts or omissions occur prior to the time of the assignment. No Permit may be assigned or transferred without filing or establishing with the county the insurance certificates, security fund and performance bond as may be required pursuant to this Permit. XV. ANNEXATION Whenever any of the County road rights-of-way or other county property as designated in this Permit,by reason of the subsequent incorporation of any town or city,or extension of the limits of any town or city, shall fall within the city or town limits;then, except to the extent allowed by law, this Permit shall terminate in respect to the said roads, rights-of-way or other county property so included with city or town limits; but this Permit shall continue in force and effect to all county road rights-of-way or other county property not so included in city or town limits. XVI. TERM/TERMINATION/REMEDIES A. Term. This Permit shall commence upon acceptance by the Permittee as provided at Section XVIII herein and continue in PERPETUITY until terminated or otherwise superseded by a subsequent franchise, private line utility occupancy permit, master road use permit or other agreement of the Parties. In the event that it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that, as a matter or law, the term provided for herein is unlawful, this Permit shall be deemed to have a term for the maximum period allowed by law, and if no such maximum period is readily and easily capable of being identified, for a term of not longer than fifty(50) years. B. Termination by County. Permittee has elected to obtain a Permit in lieu of a franchise agreement. Permittee understands and agrees that,unlike a franchise,this Permit may be terminated by the County with or without cause. This means that the County is not required to have or provide a reason for the termination and that the County may terminate this Permit in its sole discretion without penalty to the County and regardless of whether or not Permittee is or is not in default;provided that,the County may not terminate this Permit for a reason that is unlawful. The Parties agree that the only condition of termination by the County of this Permit is that the County must give not less than ninety(90)days written notice to the Permittee of termination. The County Engineer is authorized to exercise the right of the County to terminate this Permit. C. Termination upon Transfer/Assignment/Conveyance. This Permit shall automatically terminate upon: (1)assignment of the Permit without the prior written consent of the County in substantially the form of an Assignment Agreement (obtained by request), (2) transfer of the utility facilities located with the Permit Area without prior written notice to the County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit, (3) conveyance of the real property or any part thereof benefited by the installation and operation of the utility facilities without prior written notice to the County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit,or(4)use of the utility facilities for the benefit of persons other than the owner/operator 13 in a manner that no longer constitutes a de-minimis use of the road right-of-way. D. Termination upon Removal of Utility Facilities. This Permit and all of the rights, duties and obligations contained herein, shall terminate upon removal of all Permittee utility facilities from the road right-of-way or abandonment and de-commissioning in place to the reasonable satisfaction of and in the manner approved by the County Engineer and restoration of the road right-of way to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. E. Effect of Termination. On or before the effective date of termination or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the Parties, Permittee shall remove its utility facilities from the road rights-of-way and restore the road rights-of-way to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. In lieu of removal, the County Engineer may authorize abandonment in place and de-commissioning of the utility facilities in the manner approved by and to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. In the event that the Permittee fails to timely and completely perform such work, the County may perform or complete such work at the cost of the Permittee and Permittee shall be obligated to reimburse the County for such work within 30 days of invoice by the County. F. Remedies. In addition to.the right of the County to terminate this Permit,the County has the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies, singly or in combination, in the event of Default. "Default" shall mean any failure of Permittee or its agents to keep, observe or perform any of Permittee's or its agent's duties or obligations under this Permit: 1. Damages. Permittee shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by County. 2. Specific Performance. County shall be entitled to specific performance of each and.every obligation of Permittee under this Permit without any requirement to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Permittee hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder. 3. Injunction. County shall be entitled to restrain, by injunction, the actual or threatened commission or attempt of an Event of Default and to obtain a judgment or order specifically prohibiting a violation or breach of this Permit agreement without, in either case, being required to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Permittee hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder. 4. Alternative Remedies. Neither the existence of other remedies identified in this Permit nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed to bar or otherwise limit the right of the County to commence an action for equitable or other relief and/or proceed against Permittee and any guarantor for all direct monetary damages, costs and expenses arising from the Default and to recover all such damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 14 Remedies are cumulative;the exercise of one shall not foreclose the exercise of others. XVII. SUBSEQUENT ACTION The County reserves for itself the right at any time upon ninety (90) days written notice to the Permttee, to so change, amend, modify or amplify any of the provisions or conditions herein enumerated to conform to any state statute or county regulation, relating to the public welfare, health, safety or highway regulation, as may hereafter be enacted, adopted or promulgated. XVIII. ACCEPTANCE Permittee shall execute and return to County a signed acceptance of the Permit granted hereunder. The acceptance shall be in the form of the acceptance attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and in accepting the Permit, Permittee warrants that it has carefully read the terms and conditions of this Permit and accepts all of the terms and conditions of this Permit and agrees to abide by the same and acknowledges that it has relied upon its own investigation of all relevant facts,that it has had the assistance of counsel or an opportunity to have assistance of counsel, that it was not induced to accept a Permit, that this Permit represents the entire agreement between the Permittee and the County. In the event the Permittee fails to submit the acceptance as provided for herein within the time limits set forth in this section,the grant herein is and shall become null and void. XIX. RECORDING OF MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT The Parties agree that a"Memorandum of Permit" in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit"A",shall be filed for record with the Office of the Mason County Auditor upon written acceptance by the Permittee. The cost and expense of such filing shall be borne by the Permittee if not already included in the fee for issuance of this Permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Permit is not intended nor shall it be construed to create an interest in land or constitute the grant or conveyance of a real property interest by the County to the Permittee. The requirements of this Section XIX are intended solely to provide notice of the existence of this Permit and the terms and conditions there under, including inter-alia, the limitations upon assignment of the Permit. Permittee shall at the time of its acceptance of this Permit identify the assessor's tax identification number of the parcel or parcels benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such parcel to be included in the Memorandum of Permit. XX. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Controlling Law/Venue. Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Permit shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Venue of any action or arbitration brought under this Permit shall be in Mason County, Washington or the Western District of Washington if an action is brought in federal court, provided;however,that venue of such action is legally proper. 15 B. Liens. Permittee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of any Work done, suffered or permitted to be done by Permittee on any Permit area. C. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any provision of this Permit shall in any way impair the right of such party to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach, or either party's right to enforce all other provisions of this Permit. D.Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Permit, the substantially prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to which such Party or Parties may be entitled. E. Amendment. This Permit may be amended only by a written contract signed by authorized representatives of Permittee and County of Mason. F. Severability. If any provision of this Permit is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision will be fully severable and this Permit will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is not a part hereof, and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In lieu of any illegal,invalid or unenforceable provision herein,there will be added automatically as a part of this Permit, a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal,valid and enforceable. G. Joint and Several Liability. Permittee acknowledges that, in any case in which Permittee and Permittee's contractors are responsible under the terms of this Permit, such responsibility is joint and several as between Permittee and any such Permittee's contractors; provided that, the Permittee is not prohibited from allocating such liability as a matter of contract. H. Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted to be given under this Permit shall be sufficient if it is in writing and is sent either by: (a)registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; or(b) a nationally recognized overnight mail delivery service, to the Party and at the address specified below, except as such Party and address may be changed by providing no less than thirty(30)days' advance written notice of such change in address. Permittee: David Sweet 6308 Greengate PI SE Port Orchard, WA 98367 Grantor: Mason County Public Works 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 16 I. Approvals. Nothing in this Permit shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation upon the County to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Permittee's plans and specifications or to ascertain whether Permittee's proposed or actual construction, installation, testing, maintenance, repairs, replacement, relocation, adjustment or removal is adequate or sufficient or in conformance with the plans and specifications reviewed by the County. No approval given, inspection made, review or supervision performed by the County pursuant to this Permit shall constitute or be construed as a representation or warranty express or implied by County that such item approved, inspected, or supervised, complies with laws, rules regulations or ordinances or this Permit or meets any particular standard, code or requirement, or is in conformance with the plans and specifications,and no liability shall attach with respect thereto. County and inspections as provided herein, are for the sole purpose of protecting the County's rights as the owner and manager of the road rights-of-way and shall not constitute any representation or warranty,express or implied, as to the adequacy of the design, construction, repair, or maintenance of the utility facilities, suitability of the permit area for construction, maintenance, or repair of the utility facilities, or any obligation on the part of the County to insure that work or materials are in compliance with any requirements imposed by a governmental entity. County is under no obligation or duty to supervise the design, construction,installation,relocation,adjustment,realignment,maintenance,repair,or operation of the utility facilities. J. Force Majeure. Neither Party hereto shall be liable to the other Party for any failure to perform an obligation set forth herein to the extent such failure is caused by war, act of terrorism or an act of God, provided that such Party has made and is making all reasonable efforts to perform such obligation and minimize any and all resulting loss or damage. K. Construction. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or Parties may require. The provisions of this Permit shall be construed as a whole according to their common meaning, except where specifically defined herein, not strictly for or against any party and consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes of this Permit. L. Incorporation by Reference. All exhibits annexed hereto at the time of execution of this Permit or in the future as contemplated herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. M. Calculation of Time. All periods of time referred to herein shall include Saturdays, Sundays,and legal holidays in the State of Washington,except that if the last day of any period falls on any Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington,the period shall be extended to include the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington. 17 N. Entire Agreement. This Permit is the full and complete agreement of County and Permittee with respect to all matters covered herein and all matters related to the use of the Permit Area by Permittee and Permittee's Contractors, and this Permit supersedes any and all other agreements of the Parties hereto with respect to all such matters,including, without limitation, all agreements evidencing the Permit. O_ No Recourse. Without limiting such immunities as the County or other persons may have under applicable law, Permittee shall have no monetary recourse whatsoever against the County or its officials, boards, commissions, agents, or employees for any loss or damage arising out of the County's exercising its authority pursuant to this Permit or other applicable law. P. Responsibility for Costs. Except as expressly provided otherwise, any act that Permittee is required to perform under this Permit shall be performed at its cost. If Permittee fails to perform work that it is required to perform within the time provided for performance, the County may perform the work and bill the Permittee. The Permittee shall pay the amounts billed within 30 days. Q. Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Work by contractors and subcontractors are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the Work was performed by the Permittee. The Permittee shall be responsible for all Work performed by its contractors and subcontractors, and others performing Work on its behalf, under its control, or under authority of its utility permit, as if the work were performed by it and shall ensure that all such work is performed in compliance with this Permit, Title 12 MCC, the Manual and other applicable law, and shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages and correcting all damage caused by them. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that contractors, subcontractors, or other Persons performing work on the Permittee's behalf are familiar with the requirements of the Permit,Title 12 MCC,the Manual,and other applicable laws governing the work performed by them and further, for ensuring that such contractors and subcontractors maintain insurance as required herein. R. Survival of Terms. Upon the termination of the Permit,the Permittee shall no longer have the right to occupy the Permit area. However, the Permittee's obligations under this Permit to the County shall survive the termination of these rights according to its terms for so long as the Permittee's utility facilities shall remain in whole or in part in the road rights-of- way, except to the extent the County Engineer has approved abandonment in place. By way of illustration and not limitation, Permittee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, provide insurance and a performance/payment bond pursuant to Section XI and Permittee's obligation to relocate its utility facilities pursuant to Section VIII, shall continue in effect as to the Permittee, notwithstanding any termination of the Permit, except to the extent that a County-approved transfer, sale, or assignment of the utility system is completed, and another entity has assumed full and complete responsibility for the utility facilities or for the relevant acts or omissions. 18 DATED at Shelton,Washington this day of ,20 APPROVED: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON County Engineer Chair Approved as to form: Vice Chair Chief D.P.A. Commissioner 19 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: County of Mason 100 West Public Works Drive Shelton WA 98584 Attn: County Engineer EXHIBIT"A" MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT Title: David Sweet Private Line Occupancy Permit Grantor: COUNTY OF MASON,a legal subdivision of the state of Washington Grantee: David Sweet Description of Franchise Area: SEE EXHIBIT A-4 Parcel Number: 32207-50-00915 Legal Description:N 100'OF TR 7 &T.L. EX CO RD TR 1 OF SP#1725 A-1 ACCEPTANCE OF PERMIT Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit effective ,20 VWJ6VJ 50 amour the RVP&'hf,4Jne1- of parcel(s) ` and Uwe am/are the(Operator and) or(representative authorized to)accept Permit on behalf of Pw j 15L-,etA" Uwe certify that this Permit and all terms and conditions thereof are accepted by M without qualification or reservation and guarantee performance hereunder. I/We certify that,to the best of my/our knowledge,the assessor's tax identification number of the parcel or parcels benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such parcel are as described in the attached exhibit. DATED this 15 day of <'+140' ,20 PERMITTEE(S) By: 'DOW id Stoee- Title: r., r STATE OF "" ) jss. COUNTY OF tCT[S•�° I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dc.✓' Sy"`'`'f is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged tha she signed this instrument,on oath stated that &she was authorized to execute the instrum t and acknowledged it as the 011-;i-41' of the l��dlwq l) to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 9 J �v21 Y NOTARY PUBLIC Not Public STATE OF WASHINGTCN Print Name 1`+' •`2 ly�� AA"ONY HAYNES My commission expires h /24)tLZ-J W COMMISSION EXPIRES JANUARY 29,2025 COMMISSION NO.2i00$12d A-2 MEMORANDUM OF PRIVATE LINE UTILITY OCCUPANCY PERMIT THIS MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT is dated as of the_day of ,2Q_ between the County of Mason,a legal subdivision of the state of Washington("County")and David Sweet(Permittee")for septic transport line at 21951 NE North Shore Road,Tahuya,WA 98588(parcel number 32207-50-000915). 1. Property. County has,pursuant to Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit granted to Permittee,the right,revocable at the will of the County,to use and occupy certain road rights- of-way for the construction,installation,adjustment,maintenance,removal,repair,relocation and operation of Permittee's utility facilities for the benefit of the herein described Property,upon the terms and conditions of that certain permit agreement between the parties accepted the day of ,20_(the"Permit"), which terms and conditions are incorporated herein by this reference. The property to be benefited by this permit is situated in the Mason County, Washington,legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto(herein called the "Property"). The road right-of-way permit area("Permit Area")is also described in attached Exhibit A. 2. Term. The term of the Permit is in perpetuity unless terminated. 3. Termination. County in its sole discretion may terminate all or part of the Permit with or without cause upon no less than ninety(90)days written notice to the Pennittee. Further, this Permit will automatically terminate upon assignment without the prior written consent of the County, or upon transfer of the Property without the prior written consent of the County to an assignment of the Permit or upon transfer of all or part of the utility facilities located in the Permit Area without the prior written consent of the County to an assignment of the Permit. 4. Purpose of Memorandum of Permit. This memorandum of permit is prepared for the purpose of recordation and notice and in no way modifies the Permit and is in no way intended to or should be construed to create or convey an interest in land or the road right-of-way. DATED this day of ,20_. COUNTY OF MASON County Engineer Approved as to form: Chief D.P.A. A-3 FORM OF MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT Description of Permit Area m 0 w z w z Parce 322075000915 Parcet#322075000915 21951 NE Nirth Shore R Septic Transport Line s Sweet PLO 21951 NE North Shore Rd B-1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260 DATE: 10/12/21 Agenda Item # &k. D (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 9/20/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Lydia Buchheit [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: New Eviction Rent Assistance Contract with the Department of Commerce Background: Commerce has created a new Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 and highly recommend counties to opt-in to this new program and opt-out of T-RAP 1.0 to avoid the administrative burden of the Treasury program and be better able to serve households in need of rent relief. Commerce was appropriated $403,000,000 of the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF) in addition to the $255,000,000 in T-RAP 2.0 (ERA 2). Because the CSFRF funds are flexible and do not come with program requirements, the Dept. of Commerce has created a program modeled after the original Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) called ERAP 2.0. Mason County's ERAP 2.0 award is: $4,622,754. ERAP 2.0 will launch on October 1, 2021 and run through June 30, 2023. The contract balance from the T-RAP contract will be added to this amount with the full contract expected at $5,860,414. The Dept. of Commerce anticipates this program to be much less administratively burdensome than T-RAP. This will lessen the administrative and document collection requirements that will allow more tenants and landlords to receive assistance faster. The Department of Commerce Contract signature will be via Docusign. Budget Impacts: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to enter into contract with the Department of Commerce for the ERAP 2.0 Program and approval of subcontracts with Crossroads Housing and Shelton Youth Connection. Attachment(s): Contract from the Department of Commerce and subcontracts face sheet, SOS and budget. ® Washington State ' . Department of Commerce Interagency Agreement with Mason County Community Services through Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit For Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0) Start date: October 1, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Special Terms and Conditions 1. Authority...............................................................................................1 2. Acknowledgement of Federal Funds...........................................................1 3. Contract Management............................................................................................1 4. Compensation ........................................................................................................1 5. Indirect Costs........................................................................................1 6. Billing Procedures and Payment............................................................................1 7. Subcontractor Data Collection................................................................................2 8. Audit....................................................................................................2 9. Debarment............................................................................................2 10. Insurance..............................................................................................3 11. Order of Precedence..............................................................................................3 General Terms and Conditions 1. Definitions ..............................................................................................................4 2. All Writings Contained Herein................................................................................4 3. Amendments..........................................................................................................4 4. Assignment ............................................................................................................4 5. Confidentiality and Safeguarding of Information....................................................4 6. Copyright................................................................................................................5 7. Disputes .................................................................................................................5 8. Governing Law and Venue ....................................................................................5 9. Indemnification.......................................................................................................6 10. Licensing, Accreditation and Registration..............................................................6 11 Recapture...............................................................................................................6 12. Records Maintenance............................................................................................6 13. Savings...................................................................................................................6 14. Severability.............................................................................................................6 15. Subcontracting .......................................................................................................6 16. Survival...................................................................................................................7 17. Termination for Cause............................................................................................7 18. Termination for Convenience.................................................................................7 19. Termination Procedures.........................................................................................7 20. Treatment of Assets...............................................................................................8 21. Waiver....................................................................................................................8 Attachment A, Scope of Work Attachment B, Budget Attachment C, Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Guidelines ii FACE SHEET Contract Number: 21-4619C-117 Washington State Department of Commerce Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 1.Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As(optional) Mason County Community Services 415N61'St Shelton,WA 98584 3.Contractor Representative 4.COMMERCE Representative Todd Parker Mika Semrow PO Box 42525 Community Health Specialist III Grant Coordinator 1011 Plum St SE 360-427-9670 x293 Olympia,WA 98504-2525 !parker_,masoncountywa.goy Mika.semrow(a commerce.wa. og_v 5.Contract Amount 6.Funding Source 7.Start Date 8.End Date $5,860,414.00 Federal: ® State:❑ Other: ❑ N/A: ❑ October 1,2021 June 30,2023 9.Federal Funds(as applicable) Federal Agency: CFDA Number: Indirect Rate(if applicable): $5,860,414.00 US Dept.of Treasury 21.027 10% 10.Tax ED# 11.SWV# 12.UBI# 13.DUNS# 91-6001354 0001893-04 232-002-101 69580751 14.Contract Purpose The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. 15.Signing Statement COMMERCE,defined as the Department of Commerce,and the Contractor,as defined above,acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract and Attachments and have executed this Contract on the date below and warrant they are authorized to bind their respective agencies. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract are governed by this Contract and the following documents hereby incorporated by reference: Attachment "A" — Scope of Work, Attachment `B" — Budget, Attachment "C" — Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Guidelines. FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE Signature,Executive Diane Klontz,Assistant Director Community Services and Housing Division Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY BY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 07/17/2019. APPROVAL ON FILE. iii SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS 1. AUTHORITY COMMERCE and Contractor enter into this Contract pursuant to the authority granted by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW. 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FEDERAL FUNDS Federal Award Date: 5/14/2021 Federal Award Identification Number(FAIN): SLFRP0002 Total amount of the federal award: $403,000,000 Awarding official: U.S. Dept. of Treasury Recipient understands and agrees that the funds disbursed under this award may only be used for the purposes set forth in American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. The Contractor agrees that any publications (written, visual, or sound) but excluding press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses, issued by the Contractor describing programs or projects funded in whole or in part with federal funds under this Contract, shall contain the following statements: "This project was supported by a grant awarded by US Department of the Treasury. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the US Department of the Treasury. Grant funds are administered by the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund thru the Washington State Department of Commerce." 3. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The Representative for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Contract. The Representative for COMMERCE and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Contract. The Representative for the Contractor and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Contract. 4. COMPENSATION COMMERCE shall pay an amount not to exceed the Grant amount listed on the Face Sheet for the performance of all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work under this Grant as set forth in the Scope of Work(Attachment A). 5. INDIRECT COSTS Contractor shall provide their indirect cost rate that has been negotiated between their entity and the federal government. If no such rate exists a de minimis indirect cost rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC)will be used. 6. BILLING PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT COMMERCE will pay Contractor upon acceptance of services provided and receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted to the Representative for COMMERCE. The invoices shall describe and document, to COMMERCE's satisfaction, a description of the work performed, the progress of the project, and fees. The invoice shall include the Contract Number. If expenses are invoiced, provide a detailed breakdown of each type. A receipt must accompany any single expenses in the amount of$50.00 or more in order to receive reimbursement. 1 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS Payment shall be considered timely if made by COMMERCE within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the Contractor. COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Contract or withhold payments claimed by the Contractor for services rendered if the Contractor fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this Contract. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this Agreement shall be made by COMMERCE. Invoices and End of Fiscal Year Invoices are due on the 20th of the month following the provision of services. Final invoices for a state fiscal year may be due sooner than the 20th and Commerce will provide notification of the end of fiscal year due date. The grantee must invoice for all expenses from the beginning of the contract through June 30, regardless of the contract start and end date. Duplication of Billed Costs The Contractor shall not bill COMMERCE for services performed under this Agreement, and COMMERCE shall not pay the Contractor, if the Contractor is entitled to payment or has been or will be paid by any other source, including grants, for that service. Disallowed Costs The Contractor is responsible for any audit exceptions or disallowed costs incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors. 7. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA COLLECTION Contractor will submit reports, in a form and format to be provided by Commerce and at intervals as agreed by the parties, regarding work under this Agreement performed by subcontractors and the portion of funds expended for work performed by subcontractors, including but not necessarily limited to minority-owned,woman-owned, and veteran-owned business subcontractors. "Subcontractors"shall mean subcontractors of any tier. 8. AUDIT If the Contractor is a subrecipient and expends $750,000 or more in federal awards from any and/or all sources in any fiscal year, the Grantee shall procure and pay for a single audit or a program-specific audit for that fiscal year. Upon completion of each audit, the Grantee shall: A. Submit to COMMERCE the reporting package specified in OMB Super Circular 2 CFR 200.501, reports required by the program-specific audit guide(if applicable),and a copy of any management letters issued by the auditor. B. Submit to COMMERCE follow-up and developed corrective action plans for all audit findings. If the Grantee is a subrecipient and expends less than $750,000 in federal awards from any and/or all sources in any fiscal year, the Grantee shall notify COMMERCE they did not meet the single audit requirement. The Grantee shall send all single audit documentation to auditreviewc@-commerce.wa.gov. 9. DEBARMENT A. Grantee, defined as the primary participant and it principals, certifies by signing these General Terms and Conditions that to the best of its knowledge and belief that they: i. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. 2 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERAL FUNDS ii. Have not within a three-year period preceding this Grant, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public or private agreement or transaction, violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, receiving stolen property, making false claims, or obstruction of justice; iii. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of federal Executive Order 12549; and iv. Have not within a three-year period preceding the signing of this Grant had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause of default. B. Where the Grantee is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Grant, the Grantee shall attach an explanation to this Grant. C. The Grantee agrees by signing this Grant that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by COMMERCE. D. The Grantee further agrees by signing this Grant that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," as follows, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions: LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS i. The lower tier Grantee certifies, by signing this Grant that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. ii. Where the lower tier Grantee is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Grant, such contractor shall attach an explanation to this Grant. E. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, person, primary covered transaction, principal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this section, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact COMMERCE for assistance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. 10. INSURANCE Each party certifies that it is self-insured under the State's or local government self-insurance liability program, and shall be responsible for losses for which it is found liable. 11. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of an inconsistency in this Contract, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: • Applicable federal and state of Washington statutes and regulations • Special Terms and Conditions • General Terms and Conditions • Attachment A—Scope of Work • Attachment B— Budget • Attachment C— Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Guidelines 3 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. "Authorized Representative" shall mean the Director and/or the designee authorized in writing to act on the Director's behalf. B. "COMMERCE" shall mean the Department of Commerce. C. "Contract" or "Agreement" means the entire written agreement between COMMERCE and the Contractor, including any attachments, documents, or materials incorporated by reference. E-mail or facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this contract shall be the same as delivery of an original. D. "Contractor" shall mean the entity identified on the face sheet performing service(s) under this Contract, and shall include all employees and agents of the Contractor. E. "Personal Information" shall mean information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health,finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. F. "State" shall mean the state of Washington. G. "Subcontractor" shall mean one not in the employment of the Contractor, who is performing all or part of those services under this Contract under a separate contract with the Contractor. The terms "subcontractor" and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) in any tier. 2. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 3. AMENDMENTS This Contract may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 4. ASSIGNMENT Neither this Contract, work thereunder, nor any claim arising under this Contract, shall be transferred or assigned by the Contractor without prior written consent of COMMERCE. 5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION A. "Confidential Information" as used in this section includes: i. All material provided to the Contractor by COMMERCE that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; ii. All material produced by the Contractor that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; and iii. All personal information in the possession of the Contractor that may not be disclosed under state or federal law. 4 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERAL FUNDS B. The Contractor shall comply with all state and federal laws related to the use, sharing, transfer, sale, or disclosure of Confidential Information. The Contractor shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Contract and shall not use, share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written consent of COMMERCE or as may be required by law. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to assure that Confidential Information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, transfer, sale or disclosure of Confidential Information or violation of any state or federal laws related thereto. Upon request, the. Contractor shall provide COMMERCE with its policies and procedures on confidentiality. COMMERCE may require changes to such policies and procedures as they apply to this Contract whenever COMMERCE reasonably determines that changes are necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosures. The Contractor shall make the changes within the time period specified by COMMERCE. Upon request, the Contractor shall immediately return to COMMERCE any Confidential Information that COMMERCE reasonably determines has not been adequately protected by the Contractor against unauthorized disclosure. C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. The Contractor shall notify COMMERCE within five (5) working days of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information, and shall take necessary steps to mitigate the harmful effects of such use or disclosure. 6. COPYRIGHT Unless otherwise provided, all Materials produced under this Contract shall be considered "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act and shall be owned by COMMERCE. COMMERCE shall be considered the author of such Materials. In the event the Materials are not considered "works for hire" under the U.S. Copyright laws, the Contractor hereby irrevocably assigns all right, title, and interest in all Materials, including all intellectual property rights, moral rights, and rights of publicity to COMMERCE effective from the moment of creation of such Materials. "Materials" means all items in any format and includes, but is not limited to, data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. "Ownership" includes the right to copyright, patent, register and the ability to transfer these rights. For Materials that are delivered under the Contract, but that incorporate pre-existing materials not produced under the Contract, the Contractor hereby grants to COMMERCE a nonexclusive, royalty- free, irrevocable license (with rights to sublicense to others) in such Materials to translate, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly perform, and publicly display.The Contractor warrants and represents that the Contractor has all rights and permissions, including intellectual property rights, moral rights and rights of publicity, necessary to grant such a license to COMMERCE. The Contractor shall exert all reasonable effort to advise COMMERCE, at the time of delivery of Materials furnished under this Contract, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall provide COMMERCE with prompt written notice of each notice or claim of infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any Materials delivered under this Contract. COMMERCE shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the Materials by the Contractor. 7. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, Agreement terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The Dispute Board shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. As an alternative to this process, either of the parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. 8. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE 5 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS This Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and any applicable federal laws, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 9. INDEMNIFICATION Each party shall be solely responsible for the acts of its employees, officers, and agents. 10. LICENSING,ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements or standards necessary for the performance of this Contract. 11. RECAPTURE In the event that the Contractor fails to perform this Contract in accordance with state laws, federal laws, and/or the provisions of this Contract, COMMERCE reserves the right to recapture funds in an amount to compensate COMMERCE for the noncompliance in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Repayment by the Contractor of funds under this recapture provision shall occur within the time period specified by COMMERCE. In the alternative, COMMERCE may recapture such funds from payments due under this Contract. 12. RECORDS MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this contract and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall retain such.records for a period of six(6)years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost, these records, including materials generated under the contract, shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by COMMERCE, personnel duly authorized by COMMERCE, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, regulation or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six(6)year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. 13. SAVINGS In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Contract and prior to normal completion, COMMERCE may suspend or terminate the Contract under the "Termination for Convenience" clause, without the ten calendar day notice requirement. In lieu of termination, the Contract may be amended to reflect the new funding limitations and conditions. 14. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this contract are intended to be severable. If any term or provision is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. 15. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor may only subcontract work contemplated under this Contract if it obtains the prior written approval of COMMERCE. 6 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERAL FUNDS If COMMERCE approves subcontracting, the Contractor shall maintain written procedures related to subcontracting, as well as copies of all subcontracts and records related to subcontracts. For cause, COMMERCE in writing may: (a) require the Contractor to amend its subcontracting procedures as they relate to this Contract; (b) prohibit the Contractor from subcontracting with a particular person or entity; or(c) require the Contractor to rescind or amend a subcontract. Every subcontract shall bind the Subcontractor to follow all applicable terms of this Contract. The Contractor is responsible to COMMERCE if the Subcontractor fails to comply with any applicable term or condition of this Contract. The Contractor shall appropriately monitor the activities of the Subcontractor to assure fiscal conditions of this Contract. In no event shall the existence of a subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Contractor to COMMERCE for any breach in the performance of the Contractor's duties. Every subcontract shall include a term that COMMERCE and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a Subcontractor's performance of the subcontract. 16. SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in this Contract that by their sense and context are intended to survive the completion of the performance, cancellation or termination of this Contract shall so survive. 17. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event COMMERCE determines the Contractor has failed to comply with the conditions of this contract in a timely manner, COMMERCE has the right to suspend or terminate this contract. Before suspending or terminating the contract, COMMERCE shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 calendar days, the contract may be terminated or suspended. In the event of termination or suspension, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or cover contract and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement contract, e.g., cost of the competitive bidding, mailing, advertising and staff time. COMMERCE reserves the right to suspend all or part of the contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach and pending corrective action by the Contractor or a decision by COMMERCE to terminate the contract. A termination shall be deemed a "Termination for Convenience" if it is determined that the Contractor: (1)was not in default; or(2)failure to perform was outside of his or her control, fault or negligence. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this contract are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. 18. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, COMMERCE may, by ten (10) business days written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, terminate this Contract, in whole or in part. If this Contract is so terminated, COMMERCE shall be liable only for payment required under the terms of this Contract for services rendered or goods delivered prior to the effective date of termination. 19. TERMINATION PROCEDURES Upon termination of this contract, COMMERCE, in addition to any other rights provided in this contract, may require the Contractor to deliver to COMMERCE any property specifically produced or acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated. The provisions of the "Treatment of Assets" clause shall apply in such property transfer. COMMERCE shall pay to the Contractor the agreed upon price, if separately stated, for completed work and services accepted by COMMERCE, and the amount agreed upon by the Contractor and COMMERCE for (i) completed work and services for which no separate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and services, (iii) other property or services that are accepted by COMMERCE, and 7 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS (iv) the protection and preservation of property, unless the termination is for default, in which case the Authorized Representative shall determine the extent of the liability of COMMERCE. Failure to agree with such determination shall be a dispute within the meaning of the"Disputes" clause of this contract. COMMERCE may withhold from any amounts due the Contractor such sum as the Authorized Representative determines to be necessary to protect COMMERCE against potential loss or liability. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Authorized Representative, the Contractor shall: A. Stop work under the contract on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; B. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract that is not terminated; C. Assign to COMMERCE, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Authorized Representative, all of the rights, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case COMMERCE has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; D. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Authorized Representative to the extent the Authorized Representative may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; E. Transfer title to COMMERCE and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Authorized Representative any property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to COMMERCE; F. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Authorized Representative; and G. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Authorized Representative may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract, which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Authorized Representative has or may acquire an interest. 20. TREATMENT OF ASSETS Title to all property furnished by COMMERCE shall remain in COMMERCE. Title to all property furnished by the Contractor, for the cost of which the Contractor is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under this contract, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon delivery of such property by the Contractor. Title to other property, the cost of which is reimbursable to the Contractor under this contract, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon (i) issuance for use of such property in the performance of this contract, or (ii) commencement of use of such property in the performance of this contract, or (iii) reimbursement of the cost thereof by COMMERCE in whole or in part, whichever first occurs. A. Any property of COMMERCE furnished to the Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approved by COMMERCE, be used only for the performance of this contract. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of COMMERCE that results from the negligence of the Contractor or which results from the failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. C. If any COMMERCE property is lost, destroyed or damaged, the Contractor shall immediately notify COMMERCE and shall take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage. D. The Contractor shall surrender to COMMERCE all property of COMMERCE prior to settlement upon completion, termination or cancellation of this contract All reference to the Contractor under this clause shall also include Contractor's employees, agents or Subcontractors. 8 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS 21. WAIVER Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Representative of COMMERCE. Scope of Work The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. Eligibility and Prioritization The purpose of eligibility screening criteria is to target those most likely to become homeless but for this assistance. Households must meet both screening criteria: ✓ Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). ✓ Have a missed/past due rent payment not paid or partially unpaid since March 1, 2020 and still occupying the residence. Grantee can determine whether or not to implement additional eligibility or prioritization criteria. Grantees must consult with their grant coordinator if considering implementing additional criteria Performance Measurement Grantees must ensure equitable access to ERAP 2.0. Equitable access means that the race and ethnicity of people entering ERAP 2.0 are similar to the community demographics. Equitable access is measured by comparing the percent of people in poverty by race and ethnicity to the percent of people entering ERAP 2.0 by race and ethnicity. The percentage of head of households provided rent assistance must at least be equal the proportion to the population living in poverty in the county for each of the following groups: ✓ People of Color(includes Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Other/Multi-Racial) ✓ Black or African American ✓ American Indian and Alaska Native ✓ Hispanic/Latinx Data from all ERAP 2.0 grantees in the county will be combined for the purpose of performance measurement and performance monitoring. Additional performance target includes: ✓ Ten percent of households served must be youth or young adults age 18-24, this includes emancipated 16 and 17 year olds. By and For Subgrants Grantees must actively work to partner with By and For organizations in their communities that assist and serve marginalized populations. It is incumbent on the grantee to identify By and For service providers that can best support their community members in accessing assistance. 9 ATTACHMENT A By and For organizations are operated by and for the community they serve. Their primary mission and history is serving a specific community and they are culturally based, directed, and substantially controlled by individuals from the population they serve. At the core of their programs, the organizations embody the community's central cultural values. These communities may include ethnic and racial minorities; immigrants and refugees; individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, individuals with disabilities or who are deaf; and Native Americans. Partner with Dispute Resolution Centers and Civil Legal Aid Organizations Grantees must coordinate with their local Dispute Resolution Centers (DRC) if one exists within their service area. DRCs can be an important pathway to prevent evictions, and providing rent assistance can be critical to settling disputes. Civil legal aid services continue to be a crucial support in helping households maintain housing. Grantees should partner with these providers if one exists within their service area. Payments If Grantee requires funds to facilitate payments to eligible recipients on behalf of eligible households and Grantee has committed internal resources needed to make payments directly, Commerce will pay funds to Grantee up to a quarterly amount upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to Commerce. 10 Attachment B Budget October 1, 2021 —June 30, 2023 Budget Category Administration $ 724,391.00 Operations $403,546.00 Rent and Utilities $ 4,439,457.00 By and For Subcontracting $ 293,020.00 Total $ 5,860,414.00 MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONTRACT # CH:2021-2023.ERAP2.0 THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Crossroads Housing hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." Contracted Entity Crossroads Housing Address 71 Sar ison Loop/ P.O. Box 1777 City, State, Zip Code Shelton, WA 98584 Phone 360-427-6919; Primary Contact Name, Title Tana Frazier, Executive Director Primary Contact Phone & E-mail 360-427-6919; exdirector hcc.net Contractor Fiscal Contact Carolyn Malanowski Contractor Fiscal Phone & Email 360-427-9670; csk hcc.net Washington State UBI# 601399556 Federal EIN 91-1569401 Total Award/Contract Value $5,159,637 Contract Term Duration October 1, 2021 -June 30, 2023 County Contract Contact Lydia Buchheit, Community Health Manager County Contract Email & Phone Lydiab(o-).co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext 404 County Fiscal Contact Casey Bingham, Fiscal Manager County Fiscal Email & Phone Case b co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext. 562 PURPOSE The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, as defined above, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this contract and EXHIBITS and have executed this contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this contract including Special Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Exhibits, and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contract renewal application, original RFP Application, instructions, and disclosures. CONTRACTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Agency Name Randy Neatherlin, Chair Authorize Signature Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Print Name & Title Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Date Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 1 EXHIBIT A Scope of Service Program: Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0) The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. Eligibility and Prioritization The purpose of eligibility screening criteria is to target those most likely to become homeless but for this assistance. Households must meet both screening criteria: ✓ Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). ✓ Have a missed/past due rent payment not paid or partially unpaid since March 1, 2020 and still occupying the residence. Grantee can determine whether or not to implement additional eligibility or prioritization criteria. Grantees must consult with their grant coordinator if considering implementing additional criteria Performance Measurement Contractor must ensure equitable access to ERAP 2.0. Equitable access means that the race and ethnicity of people entering ERAP 2.0 are similar to the community demographics. Equitable access is measured by comparing the percent of people in poverty by race and ethnicity to the percent of people entering ERAP 2.0 by race and ethnicity. The percentage of head of households provided rent assistance must at least be equal the proportion to the population living in poverty in the county for each of the following groups: ✓ People of Color (includes Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Other/Multi-Racial) ✓ Black or African American ✓ American Indian and Alaska Native ✓ Hispanic/Latinx Data from all ERAP 2.0 grantees in the county will be combined for the purpose of performance measurement and performance monitoring. Additional performance target includes: ✓ Ten percent of households served must be youth or young adults age 18-24, this includes emancipated 16 and 17 year olds. By and For Subgrants Contractor must actively work to partner with By and For organizations in their communities that assist and serve marginalized populations. It is incumbent on the Contractor to identify By and For service providers that can best support their community members in accessing assistance. By and For organizations are operated by and for the community they serve. Their primary mission and history is serving a specific community and they are culturally based, directed, and substantially controlled by individuals from the population they serve. At the core of their programs, the organizations embody the community's central cultural values. These communities may include ethnic and racial minorities; immigrants and refugees; individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, individuals with Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 14 disabilities or who are deaf; and Native Americans. Partner with Dispute Resolution Centers and Civil Legal Aid Organizations Contractor must coordinate with their local Dispute Resolution Centers (DRC) if one exists within their service area. DRCs can be an important pathway to prevent evictions and providing rent assistance can be critical to settling disputes. Civil legal aid services continue to be a crucial support in helping households maintain housing. Grantees should partner with these providers if one exists within their service area. (blank space intentional) Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 15 EXHIBIT C BUDGET Crossroads Housing TOTAL Award Administration $483,546 Operations $283,546 Rent and Utility Assistance $4,128,825 By and For Organizations $263,720 TOTAL AWARD $5,159,637 Payment: In the event State, Federal or local funding changes, the COUNTY reserves the right to amend the payment terms and the amount awarded in this contract. The funding awarded may only be used for eligible activities and expenses. Payment is based on a reimbursement of allowable expenses. No payments in advance or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this contract shall be made by the COUNTY. Approved invoices will be disbursed according to the vendor payment schedule of the County Auditor's Office. Refer to the Billing Procedures and Payment clause of this contract for additional information. Submit monthly invoices electronically to Todd Parker, tparker _co.mason.wa.us. The Subcontractor must submit their own invoice request document and ledger. Invoice requests and accompanying required documentation must be specific to each grant. Each invoice must include: • the name of the agency, • date submitted, • dates of service (e.g. report period), • contract number, • name of funding source, • reimbursement request per funding source, • Salary and benefits separated out, • any additional voucher detail worksheets, if required by the grant, • any HMIS reports required by the grant • a total reimbursement request for each funding source, and • a signature from the Executive Director, CEO, and/or Board Member. All consumable supplies must be pre-approved by the Finance Contact listed in this contract. Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 18 MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONTRACT # SFC:2021-2023.ERAP2.0 THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Shelton Family Center hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR." Contracted Entity Shelton Family Center(DBA The Youth Connection Address PO Box 2341; 2129 Jefferson St. City, State, Zip Code Shelton, WA 98584 Phone 360-463-6972 Primary Contact Name, Title Susan Kirchoff, Executive Director Primary Contact Phone & E-mail 360-463-6972; susan@sheltonfamilycenter.org Contractor Fiscal Contact Dawn Meyers, Treasurer Contractor Fiscal Phone & Email 360-900-9326; dmyersfas@gmail.com Washington State UBI# 604 211 635 Federal EIN 82-3875497 Total Award/Contract Value $515,867 Contract Term Duration October 1, 2021 -June 30, 2023 County Contract Contact Lydia Buchheit, Community Health Manager County Contract Email & Phone L diab co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext 404 County Fiscal Contact Casey Bingham, Fiscal Manager County Fiscal Email & Phone Case b co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext. 562 PURPOSE The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, as defined above, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this contract and EXHIBITS and have executed this contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this contract including Special Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Exhibits, and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contract renewal application, original RFP Application, instructions, and disclosures. CONTRACTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Agency Name Randy Neatherlin, Chair Authorize Signature Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Print Name & Title Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Date ' Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 1 ' EXHIBIT A Scope of Service Program: Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0) The Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent and utilities while distributing funds equitably. Eligibility and Prioritization The purpose of eligibility screening criteria is to target those most likely to become homeless but for this assistance. Households must meet both screening criteria: ✓ Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). ✓ Have a missed/past due rent payment not paid or partially unpaid since March 1, 2020 and still occupying the residence. Grantee can determine whether or not to implement additional eligibility or prioritization criteria. Grantees must consult with their grant coordinator if considering implementing additional criteria Performance Measurement Contractor must ensure equitable access to ERAP 2.0. Equitable access means that the race and ethnicity of people entering ERAP 2.0 are similar to the community demographics. Equitable access is measured by comparing the percent of people in poverty by race and ethnicity to the percent of people entering ERAP 2.0 by race and ethnicity. The percentage of head of households provided rent assistance must at least be equal the proportion to the population living in poverty in the county for each of the following groups: ✓ People of Color (includes Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Other/Multi-Racial) ✓ Black or African American ✓ American Indian and Alaska Native ✓ Hispanic/Latinx Data from all ERAP 2.0 grantees in the county will be combined for the purpose of performance measurement and performance monitoring. Additional performance target includes: ✓ Ten percent of households served must be youth or young adults age 18-24, this includes emancipated 16 and 17 year olds. By and For Subgrants Contractor must actively work to partner with By and For organizations in their communities that assist and serve marginalized populations. It is incumbent on the Contractor to identify By and For service providers that can best support their community members in accessing assistance. By and For organizations are operated by and for the community they serve. Their primary mission and history is serving a specific community and they are culturally based, directed, and substantially controlled by individuals from the population they serve. At the core of their programs, the organizations embody the community's central cultural values. These communities may include ethnic and racial minorities; immigrants and refugees; individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, individuals with Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 14 disabilities or who are deaf; and Native Americans. Partner with Dispute Resolution Centers and Civil Legal Aid Organizations Contractor must coordinate with their local Dispute Resolution Centers (DRC) if one exists within their service area. DRCs can be an important pathway to prevent evictions and providing rent assistance can be critical to settling disputes. Civil legal aid services continue to be a crucial support in helping households maintain housing. Grantees should partner with these providers if one exists within their service area. (blank space intentional) Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 15 EXHIBIT C BUDGET Shelton Family Center Total Amount Administration $55,935 Operations $120,000 Rent and Utility Assistance $310,632 By and For Organizations 29,300 TOTAL AWARD $515,867 Payment: In the event State, Federal or local funding changes, the COUNTY reserves the right to amend the payment terms and the amount awarded in this contract. The funding awarded may only be used for eligible activities and expenses. Payment is based on a reimbursement of allowable expenses. No payments in advance or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this contract shall be made by the COUNTY. Approved invoices will be disbursed according to the vendor payment schedule of the County Auditor's Office. Refer to the Billing Procedures and Payment clause of this contract for additional information. Submit monthly invoices electronically to Todd Parker, tparker _co.mason.wa.us. The Subcontractor must submit their own invoice request document and ledger. Invoice requests and accompanying required documentation must be specific to each grant. Each invoice must include: • the name of the agency, • date submitted, • dates of service (e.g. report period), • contract number, • name of funding source, • reimbursement request per funding source, • Salary and benefits separated out, • any additional voucher detail worksheets, if required by the grant, • any HMIS reports required by the grant, • a total reimbursement request for each funding source, and • a signature from the Executive Director, CEO, and/or Board Member. All consumable supplies must be pre-approved by the Finance Contact listed in this contract. Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 18 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM o: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen, Community Development Administrator Action Agenda Q Public Hearing ❑ Other ❑ Department: Community Services Ext: 286 Date: October 12, 2021 Agenda Item #g,1-:�- (Commissioner Staff To Complete) Briefing Date: October 4, 2021 Briefing Presented By: Kell Rowen [ ] Item Was Not Previously Briefed With The Board Please Provide Explanation Of Urgency ITEM: Continuation of Lead Pay for Josh Luck, Building Inspector V. BACKGROUND: Community Services/Building was approved for selecting a Lead Building inspector by Action Agenda on August 25, 2020. This request is for continued Lead Pay. BUDGET IMPACT:. No impact to the budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The BOCC shall approve the Lead Pay for Josh Luck. ATTACHMENT(S): Additional Pay Request Form 10/6/2021 ` TEMPORARILY WURKINb IN A HlbHtK (.LADS/ 1 . . OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM El Out of Class Pay ©Lead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class All out of class, lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners, rp for to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:JoSh Luck Employee Job Title:lnSpector V Department:Building (DCD) Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: See attached. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: Assigns daily inspection routes; assigns plan review; trains new employees; investigates complaints; responsible for keeping Title 14 updated and bringing amendments to the Board of County Commissioners; set policy implementation an interpretation of Title 14, the IBC and IRC for staff consistency and setting the Building Community's expectation; assists Supervisor in drafting letters of Administrative Determinations as required when code challenges are made; administers weekly training sessions with the Building Team. Effective Date: October 1 , 2021 End Date: N/A *Attach a copy of the employee's current position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date: Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Date: ZZ Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM o: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Marissa Watson Action Agenda ❑ Public Hearing 0 Other ❑ Department: Community Services - Planning Ext: 367 Date: October 3.2, 2021 Agenda Item # (Commissioner Staff To Complete) Briefing Date: August 23, 2021 Briefing Presented By: Marissa Watson [ ] Item Was Not Previously Briefed With The Board Please Provide Explanation Of Urgency ITEM: Public hearing October:U,202i at 915am to consider final draft amendments to Title 17.50— Mason County Shoreline Master Program,Title 8.52-Mason County Resource Ordinance,and Title 15- Mason County Development Code. BACKGROUND: Mason County conducted a periodic review of the County's Shoreline Master Program as outlined in the guidelines of WAC 173-26 and as mandated by the Shoreline Management Act(RCW go.58). The review is intended to keep SMPs up to date with amendments to state law, provide consistency between SMPs,comprehensive plans,and development regulations,and incorporate improved data and clarifications that aid in the implementation of the regulations,as well as greater accessibility of the Program to the public. The PAC held two public hearings regarding the SMP Periodic Review,as well as five workshops leading up to the hearings.The PAC voted, unanimously,to approve the recommendation of the draft amendments to title 17.50—Shoreline Master Program,title 8.52—Resource Ordinance,and title 15 Development Code to the Board of County Commissioners. After making minor revisions requested by the PAC,staff submitted to Ecology all materials required for an initial determination of consistency on July 22, 2021, Ecology determined they had a complete submittal on July 28, 2021,and Ecology's initial determination of consistency was received by the County on August 13, 2021. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board of County Commissioners shall approve and adopt the final draft amendments to Title 3.7.50—Mason County Shoreline Master Program,Title 8.52- Mason County Resource Ordinance, and Title 15- Mason County Development Code ATTACHM ENT(S): Ordinance • Attachment A(Title 17.50 Shoreline Master Program) • Attachment B(Title 8.52 Resource Ordinance) • Attachment C(Title 15 Development Code— Staff Report • Attachment 1(Consistency Review) • Attachment 2(Comment Matrix) • Attachment 3(Ecology Initial Determination of Consistency) 9/28/2021 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF MASON COUNTY TO AMEND THE MASON COUNTY SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM (17.50 MCC), AMEND THE MASON COUNTY RESOURCE ORDINANCE (8.52 MCC), AND AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT CODE (TITLE 15 MCC). WHEREAS,Chapter 9o.58 RCW,also known as the Shoreline Management Act of 1971.(SMA), requires each city and county to develop and implement a local Shoreline Master Program (SMP); and WHEREAS,the SMA requires local SMPs to give priority to uses that require a shoreline location, promote public access and enjoyment opportunities, and protect the environmental resources of State shorelines; and WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 36.7oA,also known as the Washington Growth Management Act(GMA), requires that counties planning under the GMA adopt development regulations that are consistent with and implement their comprehensive plans;and WHEREAS,the 2003 Washington Department of Ecology(Ecology)guidelines and thereafter amended,codified in Chapter 173-26 of the Washington Administrative Code(WAC), include procedural and process requirements to be followed by local jurisdictions in their periodic review of their SMPs; and WHEREAS,the SMA established a timeline for local jurisdictions to review and provide findings of fact or amend SMPs consistent with the guidelines,and the deadline to take action to review for Mason County was June 30, 2020,and WHEREAS,Mason County adopted an SMP in 1975, updated in 1988,with minor amendments made in 2002 and 2oo6,and comprehensively updated in 2017, and WHEREAS,the County applied for and received a grant from Ecology in 2020 to support the review and revisions of the County SMP; and WHEREAS,the Planning Advisory Commission reviewed and developed a Public Participation Plan during three public workshops held in zozo;and WHEREAS,the SMP includes policies and regulations designed to ensure no net loss of ecological functions necessary to sustain shoreline resources;and WHEREAS,the SMP has been designed to plan for and foster all reasonable and appropriate uses and increase the public's opportunities to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline to the greatest extent feasible;and WHEREAS,the SMP appropriately balances the goals of the SMA and incorporates the most current,accurate,and complete scientific and technical information available;and [1] WHEREAS,the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)and staff began their review of the"Draft SMP"in February 2021 and found it necessary to also revise the Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52)and the Development Code(Title 1.5 MCC)to ensure consistency with the revised SMP,to ensure consistency with best available science as required by RCW 36.70.172 and to improve upon outdated references and issues with clarity, readability,and internal consistency;and WHEREAS,the County filed a Growth Management Act 6o-day notice of intent to adopt with the State of Washington Department of Commerce on March 15, 2021;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA),the County issued a Determination of Non-Significance on May 13, 2021;and WHEREAS, pursuant to WAC 173-26-104 the County held a joint local/state comment period on proposed amendments,opening on May 13,2021 and continuing through June 14, 2021; and WHEREAS,after holding five(5)public workshops and after revising the"Draft SMP,"the PAC held public hearings on June 21, 2021 and July 19, 2021 to consider amending the following regulatory documents: • Shoreline Master Program(17.50 MCC) • Resource Ordinance(8.52 MCC) • Development Code(15 MCC) WHEREAS,at the public hearing on July 19, 2021,the PAC passed a motion to recommend approval of the above amendments pursuant to the SMA and consistent with the GMA; and WHEREAS,the County's amended SMP will implement by reference the regulations for critical area regulations within the County's Resource Ordinance;and WHEREAS,the amendments have been developed in full compliance with Mason County codes and with the RCW's procedural requirements for amending the County's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations; and WHEREAS,the Shoreline Master Program appropriately balances the goals of the SMA and incorporates the most current, accurate, and complete scientific and technical information available,as per WAC 173-26-201; and WHEREAS, in accordance with WAC 173-26-104(3),the periodic update to the Shoreline Master Program and all supporting documents,were submitted for an initial determination of consistency to Ecology prior to the local adoption process,and such submittal was made on July 22, 2021; and WHEREAS, after conducting its review, Ecology issued its written statement of initial concurrence of the County's proposed updated Shoreline Master Program on August 13, 2021;and WHEREAS, Ecology's initial determination of concurrence stated,subject to one minor change,the County's proposed periodic review amendment is consistent with the policy and standards of RCW go.58.02o and RCW 90.58.ogo and the applicable SMP guidelines WAC 173-26-171 through 251 and .020 definitions; and [21 WHEREAS,the required change to the Shoreline Master Program had to either be accepted by the County,or the County had to propose alternatives that were acceptable to Ecology prior to the updated Shoreline Master Program being made effective; and WHEREAS,the County accepted the required change to the Shoreline Master Program outlined in Ecology's initial determination of consistency; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed amendments comply with all applicable requirements of the Growth Management Act,the Comprehensive Plan, and the Mason County Code,and that it is in the best public interest;and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners considered the above amendments together with Staff's Report and public testimony at a duly advertised public hearing on October szt', 2o21; and WHEREAS,Washington State law,WAC 173-26-ioo provides a local process for approving and amending Shoreline Master Programs and the Board of County Commissioners acknowledge that Ecology must approve all master programs before they become effective;and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW go.58.ogo,the Mason County Shoreline Master Program takes effect after the passage of 14 days from the Department of Ecology's written notice of final action approving the same;and BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED,the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS amendment of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program(17.50 MCC)(Attachment A), amendment of the Mason County Resource Ordinance(8.52 MCC)(Attachment B)and amendment of The Development Code(Title 15)(Attachment Q. DATED this day of 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair AP� -*S. TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim W i ehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner 131 i Attachment A Mason County's DRAFT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM - 17.50 MCC Contents 17.50.010 ADOPTION AUTHORITY, PURPOSE,AND INTENT.......................................................... 2-2- 17.50.020 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................... 22- 17.50.030 LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY ......................................................... 2024 17.50.040 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW AND AMENDMENTS........................................................ 202$ 17.50.050 RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING VALUE............................................................................ 21-24 17.50.060 JURISDICTION AND APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS............................................... 2224 17.50.070 USE PREFERENCES AND SHORELINES OF STATEWIDE SIGNIFICANCE................... 2923 17.50.080 ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS................................................................................. 30-34 17.50.090 PROJECT CLASSIFICATIONS........................................................................................ 35-3-4 17.50.100 GENERAL POLICIES AND REGULATIONS.................................................................4140 17.50.105 Archaeological,Cultural and Historic Resources..........................................4140 17.50.110 Ecological Protection,Critical Areas, No Net Loss........................................4342- 17.50.115 Economic Development...........................................................................................494-8 17.50.120 Existing Structures,Uses and Lots......................................................................504-9 17.50.125 Flood Hazard Reduction...........................................................................................52-54 17.50.130 Port Districts ...............................................................................................................52-54 17.50.135 Property Rights...........................................................................................................52-&Z 17.50.140 Public Access................................................................................................................53-5-2- 17.50.145 Views and Aesthetics................................................................................................55-54 17.50.200 USE POLICIES AND REGULATIONS............................................................................ 575+6 17.50.205 Agriculture....................................................................................................................57-56 17.50.210 Aquaculture..................................................................................................................59-&0 17.50.215 Commercial...................................................................................................................65-64 17.50.220 Forest Practices..........................................................................................................6766 17.50.225 Industrial and Marine Terminals.........................................................................6845-7 17.50.230 In-Stream Structures................................................................................................7049 17.50.235 Marinas...........................................................................................................................72-7-4 17.50.240 Mining.............................................................................................................................75-74 17.50.245 Outdoor Advertising,Signs,&Billboards.........................................................79-78 17.50.250 Recreational.................................................................................................................797-9 17.50.255 Residential....................................................................................................................8294 17.50.260 Restoration and Enhancement Projects...........................................................8504 17.50.265 Transportation............................................................................................................8745 17.50.270 Utilities...........................................................................................................................9084 17.50.300 SHORELINE MODIFICATION POLICIES AND REGULATIONS.................................9244 17.50.305 Beach Access Structures..........................................................................................92W 17.50.310 Boat Launches.............................................................................................................939-2 17.50.315 Breakwaters,Jetties,and Groins..........................................................................95-94 17.50.320 Docks, Floats, Buoys, Lifts,etc. ............................................................................9796 17.50.325 Dredging and Dredging Material Disposal.................................................10948-5 17.50.330 Flood Control.........................................................................................................111447 17.50.335 Grading.....................................................................................................................1144-10 17.50.340 Shoreline Stabilization.......................................................................................11644-2- 17.50.400 PERMITS, EXEMPTIONS,AND APPEALS................................................................ 1224-19 17.50.500 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES........................................................................... 1354-30 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQet ae. 2014 page 1 i 17.50.010 Adoption Authority, Purpose, and Intent A. ADOPTION AUTHORITY This Program is adopted under the authority granted by the Shoreline Management Act (Act)of 1971, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 90.58,and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapter 173-26 as amended. B. PURPOSE AND INTENT The shorelines of Mason County are among the most valuable and fragile of its natural resources and there is great concern relating to their utilization, protection, restoration and preservation. In addition, ever-increasing pressures of additional uses are being placed on the shorelines, necessitating increased coordination in the management and development of the shorelines of the state. Unrestricted construction on privately owned or publicly owned shorelines is not in the best public interest;therefore regulation is necessary in order to protect the public interest associated with the shorelines,while, at the same time, recognizing and protecting private property rights, public rights of navigation and corollary rights incidental thereto consistent with the public interest. This Title is intended to carry out the responsibilities given Mason County by the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58). The actual purpose of the Policies and Use Regulations is the same as the purpose of the Act itself. The Master Program provides for the management of the shorelines by fostering all reasonable and appropriate uses. These regulations are intended to protect against adverse effects on the public health,on the land and its vegetation and wildlife, and the waters and their aquatic life. 17.50.020 Definitions For the purpose of this title,certain terms and words are defined in this chapter. All defined uses are subject to existing local,state and health regulations. Accessory Facilities. A use that is demonstrably subordinate and incidental to the principal use and which functionally supports its activities, including parking. The standards of performance for a development shall apply to an accessory facility unless otherwise indicated. Accessory Dwelling Units(ADUs). Separate living quarters attached or detached from the primary residence which contain less habitable area than the primary residence. An ADU is not an appurtenance. Act(Shoreline Management). The Act adopted by state legislature in 1971 which defines shoreline jurisdiction and authorizes the development of Shoreline Master Programs. See RCW 90.58. Administrator. The Director, Mason County Community Services Department,or his/her designee. Agricultural Activity. Uses and practices including but not limited to producing, breeding, or increasing agricultural products; rotating and changing agricultural crops; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie fallow in which it is plowed and tilled but left unseeded;allowing land used for agricultural activities SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' '^"Page 2 i to lie dormant as a result of adverse agricultural market conditions; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie dormant because the land is enrolled in a local, state, or federal conservation program,or the land is subject to a conservation easement; conducting agricultural operations; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural equipment; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural facilities, provided that the replacement facility is no closer to the shoreline than the original facility;and maintaining agricultural lands under production or cultivation. Excluded from this definition is transportation of products, related commercial or industrial uses such as wholesale and retail sales or final processing. Agricultural Products. Includes, but is not limited to, horticultural,viticultural,floricultural,vegetable, fruit, berry,grain, hops, hay, straw,turf, sod,seed, and apiary products;feed or forage for livestock; Christmas trees; hybrid cottonwood and similar hardwood trees grown as crops and harvested within twenty years of planting; and livestock including both the animals themselves and animal products including, but not limited to, meat, upland finfish, poultry and poultry products,and dairy products. Agricultural Equipment and Agricultural Facilities. Includes, but is not limited to: (1) The following used in agricultural operations: Equipment; machinery;constructed shelters, buildings, and ponds;fences; upland finfish rearing facilities;water diversion,withdrawal, conveyance, and use equipment and facilities including, but not limited to, pumps, pipes,tapes, canals, ditches, and drains; (2) Corridors and facilities for transporting personnel, livestock, and equipment to,from, and within agricultural lands; (3) Farm residences and associated equipment, lands,and facilities; and (4) Roadside stands and on-farm markets for marketing fruit or vegetables. Agricultural Land. Those specific land areas on which agricultural activities are conducted as of the date of adoption of this local master program as evidenced by aerial photography or other documentation. After the effective date of this master program, land converted to agricultural use is subject to compliance with the requirements of this master program. Application. An application for a Substantial Development Permit,Variance Permit,Conditional Use Permit,or Statement of Exemption. Appurtenance. Development that is necessarily connected to the use and enjoyment of a single-family residence and is located landward of the ordinary high water mark and the perimeter of a wetland. Normal appurtenances include a garage;deck; driveway; utilities;septic tank and drainfield;fence;storage shed that is (one story and has less than a 600 square foot footprint);woodshed; pump house; landscape wall and grading which does not exceed 250 cubic yards and which does not involve placement of fill in any wetland or waterward of the ordinary high water mark. It does not include bulkheads and other shoreline modifications or over-water structures. Aquaculture. Aquaculture is the culture and farming of fish,shellfish or other aquatic animals and plants. Aquaculture does not include the harvest of wild geoduck associated with the state managed wildstock geoduck fishery. Methods of aquaculture include but are not limited to fish pens, shellfish rafts, racks and longlines, seaweed floats and the culture of clams and oysters on tidelands and subtidal areas. Excluded from this definition are related commercial or industrial uses such as wholesale and retail sales, or final processing and freezing. Upland finfish facilities are regulated under agriculture. Aquaculture Practices. Any activity directly pertaining to growing, handling,or harvesting of aquaculture produce including but not limited to propagation, stocking,feeding, disease and pest treatment,waste SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 3 i disposal, water use, development of habitat, maintenance and construction of necessary equipment building and growing areas. Archaeological Area. A geographic locality that contains physical evidence of an indigenous and subsequent culture including material remains of past human life, monuments,symbols,tools,facilities, graves,skeletal remains and technological byproducts Archaeologist. A person with qualifications meeting the federal secretary of the interior's standards for a professional archaeologist; or a person who meets the requirements of RCW 27.53.030(8). Associated Wetlands. Those wetlands which are in proximity to and either influence or are influenced by tidal waters or a lake or stream subject to the Act. Average Grade Level. The average of the natural or existing topography of the portion of the lot, parcel,or tract of real property which will be directly under the proposed structure and shall be determined by averaging the ground elevations at the midpoint of all exterior walls of the proposed structure: PROVIDED, that in the case of structures to be built over the water, average grade level shall be the elevation of the ordinary high water mark. Beach Access Structure. A structural pathway/walkway for purposes of providing pedestrian access to a beach or shoreline area, not for motorized vehicle access. It often includes a stairway,tram, stair tower, platform and/or elevated walkway anchored to the ground surface by structural means. Beach Nourishment. A process by which sediment lost through erosive forces is replaced from sources outside of the eroding shoreline. Nourishment is typically a repetitive process,since it does not remove the physical forces that cause erosion, but simply mitigates their effects. Bioengineering. Techniques used alone or in combination such as beach nourishment,coarse beach fill, gravel berms,or vegetation rather than hard surfaces such as concrete armoring. Bioengineering approaches may include use of large woody debris. Bluff-Backed Beach. Coastal bluffs fronted by narrow mixed sand and gravel beaches. Board. The Board of County Commissioners of Mason County. Boat House. Any walled and roofed structure built overwater or upland and used exclusively for storage of watercraft or float planes with associated equipment and not used as a dwelling unit. Boat Launch. Boat ramps(an inclined concrete slab, pads, planks, or graded slope) or marine rails used for transferring marine and freshwater vessels or equipment to or from land or water. Boat Lift. An in-water structure used to berth and launch a single vessel, suspended over the water's surface. A boat lift is generally a manufactured unit without a canopy cover and may be placed in the water or attached to a dock. A boat lift may be designed either for boats, personal watercraft,or float planes. A boat lift is to be differentiated from a hoist or crane used for the launching or haul-out of vessels. Boat lifts with canopies are considered covered moorage. Bog. A depression or other undrained or poorly drained area containing or covered with usually more than one layer of peat. Characteristic vegetation of bogs are sedges, reeds, rushes, or mosses. In early stages of development,vegetation is herbaceous and the peat is very wet. In middle stages, dominant vegetation is shrubs. In mature stages,trees are dominant and peat near the surface may be comparatively dry. (Bogs represent the final stage of the natural process (eutrophication) by which lakes are very slowly SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetelber- '^"Page 4 i transformed into land; bogs are sometimes mined for peat on a commercial basis; bogs are often an intake for ground water(aquifer recharge area). Breakwaters. Offshore structures which may or may not be connected to land. Their primary purpose is to protect harbors, moorages and navigation activity from wave and wind action by creating still water areas. A secondary purpose would be to protect shorelines from wave-caused erosion. Buffer. An area of land used or designated for the purpose of insulating or separating a structure or land use from a critical area or resource land in such a manner as to reduce or mitigate any adverse impacts of the developed area. Permitted development and activities within buffers depend on the type of critical area or resource land the buffer is protecting. See MCC 8.52 for buffer requirements. Bulkhead. Retaining wall-like structures whose primary purpose is to hold or prevent sliding of soil caused by erosion and wave action, and to protect uplands and fills from erosion by wave action. Campground or Camping Facilities. An area or site that is offered for overnight accommodations for persons using tents, personal portable overnight shelters, boats, recreational vehicles, cabins,yurts or platform tents, specifically designated and operated for temporary overnight camping. Channel Migration Zone(CMZ). Areas along a river within which the channel(s)can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings. Channelization. The straightening, deepening or lining of natural stream channels, including construction of continuous revetments or levees for the purpose of preventing gradual, natural meander progression. Commercial Development. Uses and facilities that are involved in the retail or wholesale trade or other business activities. Community Dock. A dock providing moorage for watercraft and recreational activities for use in common by residents of a certain subdivision, community, or for use by patrons of a public park or quasi-public recreation area, including rental of watercraft. Marinas are not considered community docks. Conditional Use. Conditional use means a use, development,or substantial development which is classified as a conditional use or not classified within this master program. Confinement Areas. Corrals or other concentrated animal keeping areas. Confinement areas do not include the entire fenced perimeter of a parcel. Cottage Industry. Small scale commercial or industrial activities on residential properties performed in the residence or building accessory thereto. The principle practitioner must reside on the property. Cottage Industries are considered as residential uses, provided they do not significantly alter the character of the site as a residential property and wholesale and retail trade is minimal. Cottage Industries require a Conditional Use Permit except in Commercial and Residential SED's. (See also 'home occupations.') County. Mason County. If no department is specified,the 'Community Services'shall be the responsible County department. Covered Moorage. A roofed,floating or fixed offshore structure for moorage of watercraft or float planes. Critical Areas. Critical Areas shall include Designated Wetlands,Aquifer Recharge Areas, Frequently Flooded Areas, Landslide Hazard Areas,Seismic Hazard Areas, Erosion Hazard Areas, and Fish &Wildlife Habitat Management Areas, as defined by this Chapter. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 5 i Dam. A barrier across a streamway to confine or regulate stream flow or raise water level for purposes such as flood or irrigation water storage,erosion control, power generation, or collection of sediment or debris. Davit. A small crane on or landward of the bulkhead or ordinary high water mark(upland davit)or located on a dock(overwater davit)that is used for suspending or lowering a vessel. Development. A use consisting of the construction or exterior alteration of structures;dredging; drilling; dumping;filling; removal of any sand,gravel or minerals; bulkheading; driving of piling; placing of obstructions;or any project of a permanent or temporary nature which interferes with the normal public use of the surface of the waters overlying lands subject to the Act at any stage of water level. Development does not include dismantling or removing structures if there is no other associated development or re- development. Siting a piece of equipment on the ground,such as a portable bar-b-que, is not "development" if the action meets all the following criteria: • It involves no construction and/or assembly on site. • It is not permanently affixed to the ground or other surface or platform. • It does not exceed four(4)feet in height. • It does not require a building permit, mechanical permit, or plumbing permit. • It is not located at or waterward of the ordinary high water mark. • It does not include any of the actions listed in the definition for"development". • It subject to the Sono„e et tier Fequi. eRts.does not require removal of native vegetation. • it not a n+-,'ran .,.7 steF g nit Dike. An artificial embankment or revetment normally set back from the bank or channel in the floodplain for the purpose of keeping floodwaters from inundating adjacent land. Dock. A structure built over or floating upon the water that abuts the shore, used to provide water access or a landing and moorage facility for watercraft or float planes. Docks do not include recreational decks, storage facilities or other appurtenances. Docks include any combination of pier, ramp and float attached to the shore. Dredging. The removal, displacement, and disposal of unconsolidated earth material such as silt,sand, gravel,or other submerged material from the bottom of water bodies or wetlands; maintenance dredging and other support activities are included in this definition. The de minimis movement of sediment during shellfish harvest is not considered dredging. "Maintenance dredging" means dredging for the purpose of maintaining a prescribed minimum depth previously authorized by a federal, state, and/or local permit as part of any specific waterway project. Maintenance dredging also includes dredging that maintains the previously authorized width of a channel, boat basin or berthing area. "Non-maintenance dredging" means any dredging that is not maintenance dredging. Dredge Spoil. The material removed by dredging. Drift Sector. A segment of the shoreline along which littoral shore movements of sediments occur at noticeable rates. Each drift sector includes a feed source that supplies the sediment, a driftway along which the sediment moves, and an accretion terminal where the drift material is deposited. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber-2L, '^'"Page 6 i Duplex. A two-family house whether divided vertically or horizontally. A duplex is not exempt from a Substantial Development Permit as is a single-family residence. Ecological Functions or Shoreline Functions. The work performed or role played by the physical, chemical and biological processes that contribute to the maintenance of the aquatic and terrestrial environments that constitute the shoreline's natural ecosystem. Eelgrass. Eelgrass refers to Zostera marina. NOTE: Japanese Eelgrass is invasive and is not protected under this program. Emergency Repair. Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the elements as per WAC 173-27-040, as amended. Environmental Designations. See 17.50.080. Environment Designations Map. The official map associated with this Master Program and adopted by ordinance that shows the jurisdiction of the Act and this Program and the boundaries of the environments. Essential Public Facilities. Essential Public facilities include facilities such as prisons, correctional facilities, juvenile detention centers, courthouses,wastewater/sanitary treatment facilities and systems,solid waste facilities,transportation facilities (including public works operations and vehicle maintenance facilities), airports, and hospitals. Excavation. The mechanical removal of earth, including soil, rocks, bedrock,and/or root material. Exemption. Exempt developments are those set forth in WAC 173-27-040 and RCW 90.58.030(3)(e), 90.58.140(9), 90.58.147,90.58.355, and 90.58.515 which are not required to obtain a Substantial Development Permit but which must otherwise comply with applicable provisions of the Act and this master program. Existing Lots. Lots,tracts, parcels,sites or other fractional part of divided land that were legally established in accordance with local and state subdivision requirements prior to the effective date of this Program. Existing Uses. Uses that were legally established prior to the effective date of this Program in accordance with the applicable regulations at the time established. Extreme Low Tide. The lowest line on the land reached by a receding tide. Fair Market Value. The fair market value of a development is the open market bid price for conducting the work, using the equipment and facilities, and purchase of the goods,services and materials necessary to accomplish the development. This would normally equate to the cost of hiring a contractor to undertake the development from start to finish, including the cost of labor, materials, equipment and facility usage, transportation and contractor overhead and profit. The fair market value of the development shall include the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found labor, equipment or materials. Feasible. For purpose of this program,feasible means that an action,such as a development project, mitigation, or preservation requirement, meets the following conditions: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DategetebeF 2L, '^"Page 7 i (1) The action can be accomplished with technologies and methods that have been used in the past in similar circumstances,or studies or tests have demonstrated in similar circumstances that such approaches are currently available and likely to achieve the intended results; (2) The action provides a reasonable likelihood of achieving its intended purpose; and (3) The action does not physically preclude achieving the project's primary intended legal use. In cases where this program requires certain actions unless they are infeasible,the burden of proving infeasibility is on the applicant. In determining an action's infeasibility,the reviewing agency may weigh the action's relative public costs and public benefits, considered in the short-and long-term time frames. Fee In-Lieu(In-Lieu Fee). A fee paid to a sponsor to satisfy compensatory mitigation requirements when mitigation is precluded from being completed on-site due to site development of physical constraints. Feeder Bluff. A bluff experiencing periodic erosion from waves,sliding or slumping and/or whose eroding material is naturally transported by longshore drift and provides the building blocks and nourishment for spits, bars, hooks, and other accretion shore forms. Feedlot. An enclosure or facility used or capable of being used for feeding of livestock hay,grain silage,or other livestock feed, but shall not include land for growing crops or vegetation for livestock feeding and/or grazing, nor shall it include normal livestock wintering operations. Fetch. The perpendicular distance between ordinary high water marks across a body of water. Fill. The addition of soil,sand, rock,gravel,sediment, earth retaining structure, or other material to an area waterward of the OHWM, in wetlands, or on shorelands in a manner that raises the elevation or creates dry land. Depositing topsoil in a dry upland area for normal landscaping purposes is not considered a fill. Aquaculture gravel enhancement projects, beach nourishment protection projects, and restoration projects are not considered fill. Finfish. Finfish means a vertebrate organism of the classes Osteichthyes,Agnatha, or Chondrichthyes (RCW 77.08.22). Examples include salmon,trout, ling cod, rock fish, halibut,sole,sablefish, perch, pollock, whiting,tilapia, carp, lamprey,sturgeon,sharks,skates, and rays. Finfish Net Pens. Aquaculture systems for raising finfish in net pens that are typically anchored to the waterbody floor and suspended from the surface with a flotation structure. Float. A float is a platform structure that provides landing for water dependent recreation or moorage for vessels,watercraft, or float planes, and that does not include above water storage. Floats may be either attached or unattached. Unattached floats are anchored in the substrate and floating upon a water body and not connected to the shore. Attached floats are supported by pilings or anchored to a pier, ramp or other structure connected to the shore. Floating Aquaculture. Aquaculture systems that suspend the cultured species in the water column using buoys, rafts, docks, or other structure. Floating aquaculture is synonymous with hanging aquaculture. Finfish net pens are defined and regulated separately from other floating aquaculture systems. Floating Home. A single family dwelling unit constructed on a float,that is moored, anchored, or otherwise secured in waters ARy fleating that is desigRed, SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e*^"^r' '^"Page 8 i beat` heuse b.,Fges .,f'^a*`^^`tFu4RU~^`that-;eFve .l id and does not qualify as a vessel per WAC 332-30-106 74 ,though it may be capable of being towed. Floating On Water Residence. Any floating structure other than a floating home,as defined by this chapter: (a)that is designed or used primarily as a residence on the water and has detachable utilities:and (b)whose owner or primary occupant has held an ownership interest in space in a marina,or has held a lease or sublease to use space in a marina,since a date prior to July 1, 2014. Floodplain. The areas established in effective Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)flood insurance rate maps that are susceptible to inundation with a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Floodplain is synonymous with one hundred-year floodplain as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The limit of this area shall be based upon flood ordinance regulation maps. Floodway. The areas established in effective Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)flood insurance rate maps or floodway maps. The floodway shall not include those lands that can reasonably be expected to be protected from flood waters by flood control devices maintained by or maintained under license from the Federal Government,the state,or a political subdivision of the state. See RCW 90.58.030. Flood Control. All development designed to retard bank erosion,to reduce flooding of adjacent lands,to control or divert stream flow,or to create a reservoir, including but not limited to revetments, dikes, levee, channelization, dams,weirs,flood and tidal gates. Excluded are water pump apparatus. Footprint. The total area within the perimeter of a structure (including roof eves, if applicable), or the perimeter of a development other than a structure. However,for the vertical expansions of'legal non- conforming ' structures and the horizontal expansion allowance for manufactured homes, footprint does not include uncovered decks or patios, nor does it include illegally established structures or additions." Forage Fish. Small,schooling fishes that are key prey items for larger predatory fish and wildlife in a marine food web. Puget Sound species include, but are not limited to, Pacific herring, surf smelt, Pacific sand lance and northern anchovy. Each species has specific habitat requirements for spawning,such as sediment grain size,tidal heights, or vegetation types. Known spawning and holding areas have been mapped by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Forest Practices. Any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land (as defined in WAC 222-16- 010) and related growing, harvesting,or processing of timber including but not limited to: (1) road and trail construction, (2) harvesting, (3) pre-commercial thinning, (4) reforestation, (5)fertilization, (6) prevention and suppression of diseases and insects, (7) salvage of timber, (8) brush control, (9)slash and debris disposal, and (10) borrow pits,as regulated by Title 222-WAC. Excluded from this definition is preparatory work such as tree marking, surveying and removal of incidental vegetation such as berries,greenery,or other natural product whose removal cannot normally be expected to result in damage to shoreline natural features. Log storage away from forestlands is considered under Industry. Functionally Isolated Buffer Areas. Areas that are functionally separated from a critical area and do not protect the critical area from adverse impacts due to preexisting roads, railroads, levees,structures, or vertical separation. Gabions. Mass of rock, rubble, or masonry tightly enclosed in wire mesh,forming massive blocks that are used to form walls on beaches to prevent wave erosion or as foundations for breakwaters or jetties. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Do Qeteber-2L, 2^' Page 9 i Geotechnical Assessment. See 'Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment." Grading. Stripping, cutting,filling, or stockpiling earth to create new grade. Grading includes excavation of material and addition of fill. Cut and fills incidental to a permitted use and less than 200 cubic yards are not subject to the Grading policies or regulations but are still subject to the provisions in the Resource Ordinance. Groins. A barrier type of structure extending from the beach or bank into a water body for the purpose of the protection of a shoreline and adjacent uplands by influencing the movement of water or deposition of materials. Generally narrow and of varying lengths,groins may be built in a series along the shore. Habitat Management Plan (HMP). A report prepared by a qualified professional pursuant to Mason County's Resource Ordinance that identifies how impacts upon habitat from a proposed use or activity will be avoided or mitigated in accordance with the'mitigation sequencing' described in Section 17.50.110(B) of this program. See MCC 8.52.170(j)for the minimum details required in HMP's. Hearings Board. The State Shorelines Hearings Board established by the Act in RCW 90.58.170. Height. Height is measured from average grade level to the highest point of a structure: provided,that television antennas,chimneys, and similar appurtenances shall not be used in calculating height, except where such appurtenances obstruct the view of the shoreline of a substantial number of residences on areas adjoining such shorelines, or this master programs specifically requires that such appurtenances be included: provided further,that temporary construction equipment is excluded in this calculation. Historic Preservation Professional. A person who holds a graduate degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation, or closely related field, with coursework in American architectural history,or a bachelor's degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation or closely related field plus at least two years of full-time experience in research,writing, or teaching in American architectural history or restoration architecture with an academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American architectural history. Historic Site. Those sites that are eligible or listed on the Washington Heritage Register, National Register of Historic Places, or locally developed historic register. Home Occupation. A business conducted within a dwelling which is the residence of the principal practitioner. A Home Occupation may be reviewed as a residential use provided it complies with all applicable County Ordinances and no alteration is made to the exterior of the residence or site which would alter the character of the site as residential property including parking and signs. Activities that meet this definition do not require shoreline permitting or exemptions. (See also 'cottage industries.') Impervious Surface. A non-vegetated surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A non-vegetated surface area which SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteOcteber-2L, 2^"Page 10 i causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops,walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. Impervious Coverage. The percentage calculated by dividing the total area of impervious surfaces by the total lot area (landward of the OHWM)and then multiplied by one-hundred (100)to convert to percentage points. Industrial Development. Facilities for processing, manufacturing, and storage of finished or semi-finished products,together with necessary accessory uses such as parking, loading, and waste storage and treatment. In-Stream Structure. A human-made structure placed within a stream or river waterward of the ordinary high water mark that either causes or has the potential to cause water impoundment, or the diversion, obstruction,or modification of water flow. In-stream structures may include those for hydroelectric generation, irrigation, water supply,flood control,transportation, utility service transmission,fish habitat enhancement, or other purpose. Jetties. Structures generally perpendicular to shore extending through or past the intertidal zone. They are built singly or in pairs at harbor entrances or river mouths mainly to prevent shoaling or accretion from littoral drift. Jetties also serve to protect channels and inlets from storm waves or cross currents. Joint-Use Private Dock. A dock for exclusive use by two or more adjacent waterfront lot owners, excluding marinas. Landscape Wall. A non-living fence or wall. A hedge of shrubs or trees is not considered a landscape wall orfence. Legal Non-Conforming Development. A shoreline use,structure or lot which was lawfully constructed or established prior to the effective date of the Act.or the Master Program, or amendments thereto, but which does not conform to present regulations or standards of the Program or policies of the Act. Legal, N9RG9Rf9FFR*R9 Let. An undeveloped let,tFa6t, PaRiel, site ar divisieR of'and which was established Legally Established or Constructed Structure, Use, and/or Lot. Having obtained the necessary permits or having been established prior to the need for such permits. Littoral Drift(or transport). The natural movement of sediment, particularly sand and gravel, along shorelines by wave action in response to prevailing winds or by stream currents. (See Drift Sector.) Lot. A fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area. The term shall include tracts, or parcels. Where the context so indicates, lots,tracts or parcels may refer to subdivided lands not conforming to,or in violation of, zoning or subdivision regulations. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategetebe• ' 20"Page 11 i Low Impact Development(LID). A stormwater management strategy that emphasizes conservation and use of existing natural site features integrated with distributed, small-scale stormwater controls to more closely mimic natural hydrologic patterns in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The term may also be used to describe any type of development which incorporates new or experimental best management practices to reduce environmental impacts. Macro-algae. Refers to kelp and other algae species visible to the naked eye that provide food and habitat structure for marine organisms. Marina. A commercial moorage with or without dry storage facility for over ten pleasure or commercial craft excluding canoes, kayaks and rowboats. Boat lifts, boat launches and covered moorage may also be included. Marinas may be open to the general public or restricted on the basis of property ownership or membership. Commercial services include but are not limited to overnight or live-aboard boating accommodations. Goods or services related to boating may be sold commercially. Uses associated with marinas shall conform to the regulations for these uses. Marine Terminal. Public or private facilities for transfer of cargo or passengers from water-born craft to land and vice versa; including but not limited to piers,wharves,sea islands, commercial float plane moorages, off-shore loading or unloading buoys,ferry terminals,and required dredged waterways, moorage basins and equipment for transferring cargo or passengers between land and water modes. Excluded from this definition and dealt with elsewhere are marinas, boat ramps or docks used primarily for recreation. Cargo storage and parking areas not essential for marine terminal operations, boat building or repair are considered as industrial or accessory to other uses. Marine Waters. All bodies of water having a connection with the open sea and which are tidally influenced,together with adjoining transitional and estuarine areas where average ocean derived salts exceed five parts per thousand. Master Program. Mason County program for regulation and management of the shorelines of the state including goals and policies, use regulations, maps,diagrams,charts and any other text included in the Program. Mean Higher High Tide. The elevation determined by averaging each day's highest tide in a particular saltwater shoreline area over a period of 18.6 years. Mean High Water(MHW).The average elevation of all high waters recorded at a particular point or station over a considerable period of time, usually 19 years. For shorter periods of observation, corrections are applied to eliminate known variations and reduce the result to the equivalent of a mean 19-year value. All high water heights are included in the average where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed. Only the higher high water heights are included in the average where the type of tide is diurnal. So determined, mean high water in the latter case is the same as mean higher high water. Mining. The removal of sand,gravel, minerals or other naturally occurring materials from the earth. Mitigation Sequencing. The following sequence of steps listed in order of priority,with (1) being top priority: (1) Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (2) Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation by using appropriate technology or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; (3) Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Oaten+^"^r ' 2014 Page 12 i (4) Reducing or eliminating the impact overtime by preservation and maintenance operations; (5) Compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing,or providing substitute resources or environments; and (6) Monitoring the impact and the compensation projects and taking appropriate corrective measures. Multi-Family Dwelling. A building designed or used for a residence by three or more household units, including but not limited to apartments,condominium complexes, and townhouses. Must. A mandatory term that means an action is required. Native Vegetation. Plant species that are indigenous to Mason County. No Net Loss. The maintenance of the aggregate total of the County's shoreline ecological functions. The no net loss standard requires that the impacts of shoreline development and/or use, whether permitted or exempt, be identified and prevented or mitigated such that there are no resulting adverse impacts on ecological functions or processes. Each project shall be evaluated based on its ability to meet the no net loss requirement. Non-Floating Aquaculture. Bottom aquaculture systems on tidelands or bedlands. Normal Protective Bulkhead. A retaining wall-like structure constructed at or near ordinary high water mark to protect a single family residence or lot upon which a single family residence is being constructed and is for protecting land from erosion, not for the purpose of creating land. Ordinary High Water Mark(OHWM). On all lakes, streams, and tidal water is that mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, or as it may naturally change thereafter or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by local government or the Department PROVIDED THAT in any area where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found,the ordinary high water mark adjoining salt water shall be the line of mean higher high tide and the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water(RCW 90.58.030 as amended). Overwater Structures. Structures located waterward if the ordinary high water mark,whether fixed above,floating on the surface,or fixed in the substrate. Permit. A Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Variance Permit, any combination thereof,or their revisions, issued by Mason County Pursuant to RCW 90.58. Person. An individual, partnership, corporation, association, organization,cooperative, public or municipal corporation,or agency of the state or local governmental unit however designated. Pier. An open pile structure generally built from the shore extending out over the water to provide water access or moorage for recreation,commercial or industrial watercraft and/or float planes. Port District. Port Districts are governmental entities established under Title 53 RCW, which are formed by a vote of the residents in an area to promote and support economic development within that area. Any SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQefebe• ' 2014 Page 13 i geographical area could be designated as a port district whether it is on a waterfront or not. Ports can engage in almost any activity that provides jobs,supports local business,or facilitates economic stability in their districts. Most port districts in Mason County operate public marinas in addition to other economic development activities both on and off of the shoreline. Port district developments are regulated according to the proposed use of the shoreline. For example, if a port district proposed a marina,the marina regulations would apply. If a port district proposed a marine terminal,the industrial and marine terminal regulations would apply. Primary Structure. See the Shoreline Stabilization Chapter. Priority Habitat. "Priority habitat" means a habitat type with unique or significant value to one or more species. An area classified and mapped as priority habitat must have one or more of the following attributes: • Comparatively high fish or wildlife density; • Comparatively high fish or wildlife species diversity; • Fish spawning habitat; • Important wildlife habitat; • Important fish or wildlife seasonal range; • Important fish or wildlife movement corridor; • Rearing and foraging habitat; • Important marine mammal haul-out; • Refugia habitat; • Limited availability; • High vulnerability to habitat alteration; • Unique or dependent species;or • Shellfish bed. A priority habitat may be described by a unique vegetation type or by a dominant plant species that is of primary importance to fish and wildlife (such as oak woodlands or eelgrass meadows). A priority habitat may also be described by a successional stage(such as, old growth and mature forests).Alternatively, a priority habitat may consist of a specific habitat element (such as a consolidated marine/estuarine shoreline,talus slopes,caves, snags)of key value to fish and wildlife.A priority habitat may contain priority and/or non-priority fish and wildlife. Priority Habitat and Species List. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife publishes a Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) list. The PHS List is a catalog of habitats and species considered to be priorities for conservation and management. Priority Species. Species requiring protective measures and/or management guidelines to ensure their persistence at genetically viable population levels. Priority species are those that meet any of the criteria listed below. (1) State-listed or state proposed species. State-listed species are those native fish and wildlife species legally designated as endangered (WAC 232-12-014),threatened (WAC 232-12-011(1)),or sensitive (WAC 232-12-011).State proposed species are those fish and wildlife species that will be reviewed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (POL-M 6001)for possible listing as endangered,threatened, or sensitive according to the process and criteria defined in WAC 232-12- 297. (2) Vulnerable aggregations. Vulnerable aggregations include those species or groups of animals susceptible to significant population declines,within a specific area or statewide, by virtue of their SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date0aeber' '^"Page 14 i inclination to congregate. Examples include heron colonies, seabird concentrations, and marine mammal congregations. (3) Species of recreational, commercial,and/or tribal importance. Native and nonnative fish, shellfish, and wildlife species of recreational or commercial importance and recognized species used for tribal ceremonial and subsistence purposes that are vulnerable to habitat loss or degradation. (4) Species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act as either proposed,threatened,or endangered. Public Access. The ability of the general public or, in some cases,a specific community,to reach,touch, and enjoy the water's edge,to travel on the waters of the state, and to view the water and the shoreline from adjacent locations. Ramp. An access structure from a fixed pier or the land to a float. For this program, a 'boat ramp' is considered a 'boat launch.' Recreational Development. Facilities such as campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks, day use parks, as well as those used for scientific or environmental education, etc. This applies to both publicly and privately-owned shoreline facilities intended for use by the public or a private club,group,or association. Residential Development. The development of single family dwellings, accessory dwelling units, duplex and multi-family dwellings and their appurtenances for residential occupancy. Restoration. The reestablishment or upgrading of impaired ecological shoreline processes or functions. This may be accomplished through measures including, but not limited to, revegetation, removal of fill, removal of intrusive shoreline structures and removal or treatment of toxic materials. Restoration does not imply a requirement for returning the shoreline area to aboriginal or pre-European settlement conditions. Revetment. A sloped wall constructed of rip rap or other suitable material placed on stream banks or other shorelines to retard bank erosion from high velocity currents or waves respectively. Rip Rap. Dense, hard, angular rock used to armor revetments or other flood control works. Scientific and Environmental Education Facilities. Those sites, structures,or facilities related to recreational development that provide unique insight into our shoreline's natural and cultural heritage. Setback. The distance from a lot, parcel,tract, critical area or resource land boundary, beyond which the footprint or foundation of a structure shall not extend. Shorelands. Those lands extending landward for 200 feet in all directions, as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark;floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward 200 feet from such floodways; and all wetlands and river deltas associated with the streams, lakes and tidal waters which are subject to the provisions of the Act and this master program. Shorelines. All of the water areas of the state, including reservoirs,and their associated shorelands, together with the lands underlying them; except (1) Shorelines of statewide significance; (2) Shorelines on segments of streams upstream of a point where the mean annual flow is twenty cubic feet per second or less and the wetlands associated with such upstream segments; and (3) Shorelines on lakes less than twenty acres in size and wetlands associated with such small lakes. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattQeteber ' 2^' Page 15 i Shorelines of Statewide Significance. Those shoreline areas as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(f), specifically the following bodies and associated shorelands in Mason County: Hood Canal, Lake Cushman,the Skokomish River from the confluence of the North Fork of the Skokomish River and the South Fork of the Skokomish River, downstream to the Great Bend of Hood Canal (excluding that portion within the Skokomish Indian Reservation), and all saltwater bodies below the line of extreme low tide. Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment. A scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology,the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting, erosion, and other geologic hazards or processes, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions,the adequacy of the site to be developed,the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development, and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical assessments shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes. Shoreline Permit. One or more of the following permits: Substantial Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit,or Variance. Shoreline Stabilization (or"bank stabilization"). Actions taken to address erosion impacts to property and dwellings, businesses,or structures caused by processes such as current,flood,tides,wind, or wave action. These actions include a range of methods from "hard" structural methods such as bulkheads, and "softer" nonstructural methods such as bioengineering. Shorelines of the State. The total of all"shorelines" and "shorelines of state-wide significance". Should. The particular action is preferred unless there is a demonstrated, compelling reason, based on policy of the Act and this Program, against taking the action. Significant Vegetation Removal. The removal or alteration of trees, shrubs, and/or ground cover by clearing,grading, cutting, burning,chemical means, or other activity that causes significant impacts to ecological functions provided by such vegetation. The removal of invasive or noxious weeds does not constitute significant vegetation removal. Tree pruning, not including tree topping,where it does not affect ecological functions,does not constitute significant vegetation removal. Single Family Residence. A detached dwelling designed for and occupied by one family, including those structures and developments within a contiguous ownership that are normal appurtenances. Streams. Those areas where surface waters flow sufficiently to produce a defined channel or bed. A defined channel or bed is an area which demonstrates clear evidence of the passage of water and includes, but is not limited to, bedrock channels,gravel beds,sand and silt beds and defined channel swales. The channel or bed need not contain water year round.This definition is not meant to include irrigation ditches, canals, storm or surface water runoff devices or other entirely artificial watercourses, unless they are used by salmon or used to convey streams naturally occurring prior to construction. For regulatory purposes under this chapter once streams are identified,the streams are typed following the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Stream Typing System (WAC 222-16-030): (1) "Type S Streams" are streams, within their bankfull width, as inventoried as "shorelines of the state" under chapter 90.58 RCW and the rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW including periodically inundated areas of their associated wetlands. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF' '^"Page 16 i (2) "Type F Streams" are segments of natural waters other than Type S Waters,which are within the bankfull widths of defined channels and periodically inundated areas of their associated wetlands,or within lakes, ponds, or impoundments having a surface area of 0.5 acre or greater at seasonal low water and which in any case contain fish habitat or are described by one of the following four categories: (a) Waters,which are diverted for domestic use by more than 10 residential or camping units or by a public accommodation facility licensed to serve more than 10 persons,where such diversion is determined by the department to be a valid appropriation of water and the only practical water source for such users. Such waters shall be considered to be Type F Water upstream from the point of such diversion for 1,500 feet or until the drainage area is reduced by 50 percent,whichever is less; (b) Waters,which are diverted for use by federal,state,tribal or private fish hatcheries. Such waters shall be considered Type F Water upstream from the point of diversion for 1,500 feet, including tributaries if highly significant for protection of downstream water quality. The department may allow additional harvest beyond the requirements of Type F Water designation provided the department determines after a landowner-requested on-site assessment by the department of fish and wildlife,department of ecology,the affected tribes and interested parties that: (i) The management practices proposed by the landowner will adequately protect water quality for the fish hatchery;and (i i) Such additional harvest meets the requirements of the water type designation that would apply in the absence of the hatchery; (c) Waters, which are within a federal,state, local,or private campground having more than 10 camping units: Provided,That the water shall not be considered to enter a campground until it reaches the boundary of the park lands available for public use and comes within 100 feet of a camping unit,trail or other park improvement; (d) Riverine ponds,wall-based channels, and other channel features that are used by fish for off- channel habitat.These areas are critical to the maintenance of optimum survival of fish.This habitat shall be identified based on the following criteria: (i) The site must be connected to a fish habitat stream and accessible during some period of the year;and (ii) The off-channel water must be accessible to fish. (3) "Type Np Streams" are all segments of natural waters within the bankfull width of defined channels that are perennial nonfish habitat streams. Perennial streams are flowing waters that do not go dry any time of a year of normal rainfall and include the intermittent dry portions of the perennial channel below the uppermost point of perennial flow. (4) "Type Ns Streams" are all segments of natural waters within the bankfull width of the defined channels that are not Type S, F, or Np Waters. These are seasonal, nonfish habitat streams in which surface flow is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall and are not located downstream from any stream reach that is a Type Np Water. Ns Waters must be physically connected by an above-ground channel system to Type S, F,or Np Waters. *(5) For purposes of this section: (a) "Residential unit" means a home, apartment, residential condominium unit or mobile home, serving as the principal place of residence. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date&t ber 2017 Page 17 i (b) "Camping unit" means an area intended and used for: (i) Overnight camping or picnicking by the public containing at least a fireplace, picnic table and access to water and sanitary facilities;or (ii) A permanent home or condominium unit or mobile home not qualifying as a "residential unit" because of part time occupancy. (c) "Public accommodation facility" means a business establishment open to and licensed to serve the public, such as a restaurant,tavern, motel or hotel. (d) "Natural waters" only excludes water conveyance systems which are artificially constructed and actively maintained for irrigation. (e) "Seasonal low flow" and "seasonal low water" mean the conditions of the 7-day, 2-year low water situation, as measured or estimated by accepted hydrologic techniques recognized by the department. (f) "Channel width and gradient" means a measurement over a representative section of at least 500 linear feet with at least 10 evenly spaced measurement points along the normal stream channel but excluding unusually wide areas of negligible gradient such as marshy or swampy areas, beaver ponds and impoundments. Channel gradient may be determined utilizing stream profiles plotted from United States geological survey topographic maps (see board manual section 23). (g) "Intermittent streams" means those segments of streams that normally go dry. (h) "Fish habitat" means habitat which is used by any fish at any life stage at any time of the year, including potential habitat likely to be used by fish which could be recovered by restoration or management and includes off-channel habitat. Structure. A permanent or temporary building or edifice of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner,whether installed on, above,or below the surface of the ground or water, except for vessels. Retaining walls, decks, bulkheads,fences and similar improvements to real property are examples of structures. Subdivision. The division or redivision of land for purposes of sale, lease or transfer of ownership into two or more lots. Substantial Development. Any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds seven thousand forty-seven ($7,047)dollars, or as adjusted per RCW 90.58, or any development which materially interferes with normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state; except that those developments defined above as an "exemption" do not require a Substantial Development Permit but may require a Variance or Conditional Use Permit. Tideland. The land on the shore of marine water bodies between OHWM or MHHW and the line of extreme low tide which is submerged daily by tides. Upland. Those shoreline areas landward of OHWM except backshores, natural wetlands, and floodplains. Toe. The lowest part of a slope or cliff;the downslope end of an alluvial fan, landslide, etc. Transportation Facilities. Facilities consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods including roads and railways and related bridges and culverts; pedestrian, bicycle,and public transportation systems and related fills and embankments; causeways; parking areas;truck SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene+^lger' 2n"Page 18 i terminals and rail switchyards; sidings; and spurs. Transportation Facilities do not include parking and driveways for single-family residential use. Upland Finfish Rearing Facilities. Those facilities not located within waters of the state where finfish are hatched,fed, nurtured, held, maintained, or reared to reach the size of release or for market sale. This includes fish hatcheries, rearing ponds,spawning channels, and other similarly constructed or fabricated public or private facility. Urban Growth Area (UGA). Those areas designated by Mason County pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110 for urban development. Use. The end to which a land or water area is ultimately employed. Utilities. Services and facilities that produce, convey,store,or process power,gas,sewage, communications, oil,waste, stormwater, and the like. Variance. An adjustment in the application of this program's regulations to a particular site,to grant relief from a specific bulk,dimensional or performance standards set forth in this Master Program and not a means to vary the use of a shoreline. Vector. An organism that carries and transports disease (e.g. rat,fly). Vegetation. All live plant material, including native and non-native,woody and herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen,trees and understory groundcover, aquatic and terrestrial. Vegetation Removal. Physical extraction, including the whole plant plus its root structure,or trimming in excess of that which a plant can survive even though the root structure is left in place,or chemical expiration of plant material. Water Dependent Use. A use or portion of a use that cannot exist in a location that is not adjacent to the water and is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operation. Examples include but are not limited to marine terminals;ship building and repair, servicing and dry docking; aquaculture; and log booming. Water Enjoyment Use. A recreational use or other use that facilitates public access to the shoreline as a primary characteristic of the use;or a use that provides for recreational use or aesthetic enjoyment of the shoreline for a substantial number of people as a general characteristic of the use and which through location, design,and operation ensures the public's ability to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline. In order to qualify as a water-enjoyment use,the use must be open to the general public and the shoreline-oriented space within the project must be devoted to the specific aspects of the use that fosters shoreline enjoyment. Primary water-enjoyment uses may include, but are not limited to, parks, piers and other improvements facilitating public access to the shorelines of the state; and general water- enjoyment uses may include, but are not limited to restaurants, museums, aquariums, scientific/ecological reserves, and resorts/hotels (as part of mixed-use development or with significant public access or restoration components). Water Oriented Use. A use that is water-dependent,water-related, or water-enjoyment,or a combination of such uses. Water Related Use. A use that is not intrinsically dependent on a waterfront location but whose operation cannot occur economically and functionally without a shoreline location because(1)The use has a functional requirement for a waterfront location such as the arrival or shipment of materials by water or SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' 2^"Page 19 i the need for large quantities of water; or(2)The use provides a necessary service supportive of the water- dependent uses and the proximity of the use to its customers makes its services less expensive and/or more convenient. Examples include but are not limited to warehousing of goods transported by water, seafood processing,oil refineries, paper and wood mills (if materials or products are water transported) and ships' parts and equipment fabrication. Weir. A small dam-like structure, usually engineered logs placed in streams, which changes the stream gradient. Wetlands. Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non- wetland sites including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches,grass-lined swales,canals, detention facilities,waste water treatment facilities,farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990,that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. However,wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas to mitigate conversion of wetlands. 17.50.030 Liberal Construction and Severability A. LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION In accordance with RCW 90.58.900,this ordinance is exempted from the rule of strict construction, and it shall be liberally construed to give full effect to the objectives and purposes for which it was enacted. B. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this ordinance,or its application to any person or legal entity or circumstances is held invalid,the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of the provision to other persons or legal entities or circumstances,shall not be affected. 17.50.040 Comprehensive Review and Amendments A. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW This Title serves the function of a framework for decision-making, regarding future developments on the waters and shorelands of Mason County whether public or private. As such, it must be adaptable to changing conditions, and shall thus remain subject to periodic review and revision when, in the judgment of the Administrator,the Planning Advisory Commission,or the Board such SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Do I-Qet^b^r' 2^"Page 20 i review and revision are necessary to the Title's continued effectiveness. Reviews shall be conducted no less frequently than that required by RCW 90.58.080 (4)(a). B. AMENDMENTS Any part of this ordinance may be amended subject to the approval of the Department of Ecology. An amendment shall not be acted on by the Board until a public hearing in relation thereto has been held by the Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least ten (10)days notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Mason County. Amendments may be initiated by:the adoption of a motion by the Board requesting the PAC to set a hearing date on a proposed amendment; or a recommendation by the Administrator to the PAC of such action. Following completion of the hearing,the PAC shall take action to recommend adoption or rejection of an amendment on the basis of information of the same nature as described under 15.09.060. The action of the PAC shall be forwarded to the Board together with a report containing the findings and conclusions upon which such action was based,within 14 days of said action. Upon receipt of the recommendation on any proposed amendment the Board shall, at its next public meeting,set the date for the public meeting where it shall consider the recommendation of the PAC. The public meeting at which the Board considers the recommendations of the PAC shall not take place prior to 30 days following the meeting at which the PAC took action on the amendment. The Board may, at said public meeting, adopt or reject the recommendation of the PAC regarding the proposed amendment. In adopting the amendment as proposed by the PAC,the Board may make any changes it deems necessary. The Board may also summarily reject the recommendation of the PAC and adopt its own version of the proposed amendment in question. An action of the PAC on an amendment may be appealed by any aggrieved person, PROVIDED such appeal is filed within 30 days from the date of the PAC action. Such appeal shall be addressed to the Board and filed with the Administrator. Action taken by the Board on a motion adopting or rejecting a proposed amendment shall constitute final action. Written notice of the action shall be forwarded to the Administrator and to other persons involved in the initiation of the proposed amendment following the Board's final action. No amendment approved by the Board shall become effective until approved by the Department of Ecology,as required under RCW 90.58.439090. 17.50.050 Restrictions Affecting Value The restrictions imposed by this chapter shall be considered by the County Assessor in establishing fair market value of the property. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^ giber-2 '^"Page 21 i 17.50.060 Jurisdiction and Application of Regulations The Shoreline Master Program, composed of this Chapter, provides for the management of the shorelines by fostering all reasonable and appropriate uses. Its regulations implement the policies as outlined in this Chapter and are intended to protect against adverse effects on the public health,on the land and its vegetation and wildlife,and the waters and their aquatic life. A. These regulations shall apply to all the lands and waters that are designated to be under the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58.030)that are within Mason County.The waterbodies listed in the tables below along with the associated 'shorelands,' constitute 'shorelines of the state'within Mason County jurisdiction. These 'shorelines of the state' are also illustrated on the Official Shoreline Environment Designations Map. B. These regulations shall apply to every person,firm,corporation, local and state governmental agencies and other non-federal entities that would develop, use, or own lands,wetlands, or waters under the control of the Master Program. C. These regulations shall apply to all non-federal uses and developments undertaken on federal lands and on lands subject to non-federal ownership, lease, or easement, even though such lands may fall within the external boundaries of federally owned lands. D. Federal agencies are subject to this Program and RCW 90.58, as provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act(Title 16 United States Code §1451 et seq.; and WAC 173-27-060). E. The provisions of this Program shall not apply to the following: 1. Lands held in trust by the United States for Indian Nations,tribes or individuals. 2. Existing agricultural activities. 3. Developments pursuant to RCW 90.58.045 regarding environmental excellence program agreements, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any legal requirement under the Shoreline Management Act, including any standard, limitation, rule, or order is superseded and replaced in accordance with the terms and provisions of an environmental excellence program agreement, entered into under chapter 43.21(K) RCW. F. Pursuant to RCW 90.58.355, requirements to obtain a Substantial Development Permit,Conditional Use Permit,or Variance shall not apply to any person: 1. Conducting a hazardous remedial action at a facility pursuant to a consent decree, order, or agreed order issued pursuant to chapter 70.1051) RCW, or to the Department of Ecology when it conducts a remedial action under chapter 70.105D RCW; or 2. Installing site improvements for storm water treatment in an existing boatyard facility to meet requirements of a national pollutant discharge elimination system storm water general permit. 3. The holder of a certification from the governor pursuant to chapter 80.50 RCW shall not be required to obtain a permit under chapter 90.58 RCW. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQet bee- 2017 page 22 i G. Pursuant to RCW 90.58.356, Washington State Department of Transportation projects and activities meeting the conditions of RCW 90.58.356 are not required to obtain a substantial development permit, conditional use permit,variance, letter of exemption, or other local review. Table 17.50.060-A: Mason County Shorelines of the State—Marine waters # Marine Area Length Miles 1 Hood Canal * 85.0 South Puget Sound,including Case Inlet,Pickering Passage, 2 Oakland Bay,Totten Inlet and Skookum Inlet 132.4 Total 217.4 *Shoreline of Statewide Significance Table 17.50.060-B: Mason County Shorelines of the State-Streams # River or Stream Name Legal Description (1) Aristine Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.5;T21N,R5W then downstream to the mouth at Vance Creek(NW%4 Sec.4; 721N,R5W) (2) Baker Creek Beginning in the NW %4 Sec.11,T21N, R6W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River Middle Fork(NW '/4 Sec.16,same township). (3) Big Creek Beginning in the NE '/4 Sec.8,T23N, R4W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River North Fork(Lake Cushman,NE'/4 Sec.20,same township). (4) Bingham Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 of SW'/4 Sec.21,T21N,R5W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River East Fork(SW'/4 Sec.11, T19N,R6W). (5) Boulder Creek' Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.5,T24N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Hamma Hamma River(SE '/4 Sec.7,same township). (6) Brown Creek Beginning in the SE '/4 Sec.25,T23N,R5W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(NE '/4 Sec.9, T22N,R5W). (7) Cabin Creek' Beginning at the Mason-Jefferson County boundary in the NE '/4 Sec.l,T24N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Hamma Hamma River(SE '/4 Sec.1,same township). (8) Cedar Creek' Beginning in the SW'A Sec.3,T22N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(NE'/4 Sec.35,T23N,R6W). (9) Church Creek' Beginning in the SW '/4 Sec.29,T23N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(NE'/4 Sec.28,same township). (10) Canyon River Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.17,T22N,R6W then downstream to Mason-Grays Harbor County line(SW'/4 Sec.18,T21N,R6W). (1 1) Cloquallum Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.12,T19N,R5W then downstream to Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary(SE'/4 Sec.36,T19N, R6W). SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date0e*^lger ' 'n"Page 23 i (12) Cloquallum Creek, Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.17,T19N,R5W then downstream to Unnamed Trib Cloquallum Creek(NE'/4 Sec.20,same township). (13) Coulter Creek Beginning at the Mason-Kitsap County boundary(NE'/4 Sec.4, T22N,RI W)then downstream to mouth at North Bay(SW'/4 Sec.9, same township). (14) Cranberry Creek Beginning at the outlet of Lake Limerick in the center of Sec.27, T21N,R3W then downstream to mouth at Oakland Bay(SE'/4 Sec.35, same township). (15) Decker Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.8,T20N,R6W then downstream to the Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary(NW'/4 Sec.19,T20N,R6W) then returning to Mason County at the Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary in NW'/4 Sec.30,T20N,R6W,then downstream to mouth at Satsop River East Fork(NW'/4 Sec.31, T19N,R6W). (16) Decker Creek,Unnamed Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.18,T20N,R6W then downstream to the Trib Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary(NW'/4 Sec.19,T20N,R6W) then returning to Mason County at the Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary in NW'/4 Sec.19, same township,then downstream to mouth at Decker Creek(NW'/4 Sec.19,T20N,R6W). (17) Deer Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.20, T21N,R2W then downstream to mouth at Oakland Bay(SW'/4 Sec.36, T21N, R3W). (18) Dewatto River Beginning in the NW'/4 of Sec.S,T23N, R2W then downstream to mouth at Dewatto Bay on Hood Canal(SW'/4 Sec.27,T23N,R3W). (19) Dry Bed Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.23, T21N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Decker Creek(NW'/4 SeaS,T19N,R6W). (20) Dry Creek Beginning in the NE '/4 Sec.25,T21N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Dry Bed Creek(NW'/4 Sec.3,T20N,R6W). (21) Dry Creek 02 Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.20,T23N,R5W then downstream to (Lake Cushman) mouth at Lake Cushman(NW'/4 Sec.15,same township). (22) Dry Run Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.23,T19N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River East Fork(SW'/4 Sec.28,same township). (23) Four Stream' Beginning in the SE'/4 of NW'/4 Sec.12,T23N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River North Fork(NE'/4 Sec.31, T24N,R5W) (24) Frigid Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.19,T22N,R4W then downstream to mouth at McTaggert Creek(NE'/4 Sec.30,same township) (25) Goldsborough Creek Beginning at the confluence of Goldsborough Creek North Fork and Goldsborough Creek South Fork(SE'/4 Sec.19,T20N,R4W)then downstream to mouth at Oakland Bay(NW'/4 Sec.20,T20N,R3W). (26) Goldsborough Creek(N. Beginning at the confluence of Winter Creek and Goldsborough Fork) Creek North Fork(SE'/4 Sec.8,T20N,R4W)then downstream to mouth at confluence with Goldsborough Creek South Fork(SE'/4 Sec.19,same township). SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategetebe- ' 20"Page 24 i (27) Goldsborough Creek(S. Beginning in the SW'/4 ofNE'/4 Sec.25,T20N,R5W then Fork) downstream to mouth at confluence with Goldsborough Creek North Fork(SE'/4 Sec.19,T20N,R4W). (28) Gosnell Creek Beginning in the NE '/4 Sec.16,T19N,R4W then downstream to (upstream of Mill Creek mouth at Isabella Lake(NW'/4 Sec.1, same township). and Lake Isabella) (29) Hamma Hamma River Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.14,T24N,R5W then downstream to mouth at Hood Canal of Puget Sound(NE'/4 Sec.27 T24N,R3W). (30) Jefferson Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.29,T24N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Hamma Hamma River(SW'/4 Sec.8,T24N,R3W) (31) Johns Creek Beginning in the NW'/4 of N W'/4 Sec.S,T20N,R3W then downstream to mouth at Oakland Bay(SE'/4 Sec.3,T20N,R3W). (32) Kennedy Creek Beginning at the Mason-Thurston County boundary(SW'/4 Sec.31, T19N,R3W)then downstream to mouth at Oyster Bay(NW'/4 Sec.32,T19N,R3W). (33) Lebar Creek' Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.25, T23N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(NW'/4 Sec.9, T22N,R5W). (34) Lena Creek' Beginning at the Mason-Jefferson County Boundary(NW'/4 Sec.2, T24N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Hamma Hamma River (SW'/4 same section). (35) Lilliwaup Creek Beginning in the Lilliwaup Swamp(SW'/4 Sec.11,T23N,R4W) then downstream to mouth at Lilliwaup Bay in Hood Canal at(NE '/4 Sec.30,T23N, R3W). (36) McTaggert Creek Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.20,T22N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River North Fork(SE'/4 Sec.30,same township). (37) Mill Creek(downstream Beginning at the outlet of Isabella Lake(SE'/4 Sec.31 T20N R3W) of Gosnell Creek&Lake then downstream to mouth at Hammersley Inlet(NE'/4 Sec.25, Isabella) T20N,R3W). (38) Mission Creek Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.24,T23N,R2W then downstream to mouth at Hood Canal(NE'/4 Sec.1,T22N,R2W). (39) Outlet Creek Beginning at the outlet from Nahwatzel Lake(NW'/4 Sec.8,T20N, R5W then downstream to mouth at Bingham Creek(NE'/4 Sec.2, T19N,R6W). (40) Phillips Creek Beginning near the center of Sec.15,T20N,R5W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River East Fork(SE'/4 Sec.22,T20N,R5W). (41) Pine Creek' Beginning in the SE'/4 Sec.32,T23N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(NW'/4 Sec.35,T23N, R6W). (42) Price Lake Outlet Beginning at the outlet of Price Lake(NW'/4 Sec.23,723N,R4W) then downstream to mouth at Lilliwaup Creek(SW'/4 Sec.13,same township). SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ' 20"Page 25 i (43) Rabbit Creek Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.33,T21N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River Middle Fork(NW'/4 Sec.6,T20N,R6W). (44) Rendsland Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.17,T22N,R3 W then downstream to mouth at Hood Canal(NW'/4 Sec.19,same township). (45) Rock Creek' Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.17,T22N,R5W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(SW'/4 Sec.22,T22N, R5W). (46) Rule Creek' Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.17,T23N,R6W then downstream to mouth at Skokomish River South Fork(SE'/4 Sec.8,same township). (47) Satsop River(E.Fork) Beginning at the confluence of Satsop River East Fork,Phillips Creek and Stillwater Creek(SE1/4 Sec.22,T20N,R5W)then downstream to Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary(SW'/4 Sec.31,T19N,R6W). (48) Satsop River(N.Fork) Beginning in the SE'/4 Sec.16,T22N,R6W then downstream to Mason-Grays Harbor County boundary(NWl/4 Sec.6,T20N,R6W) then reentering Mason County at SW'/4 Sec.31,T19N,R6W then to mouth at Satsop River East Fork(SW'/4 Sec.31,T19N, R6W). (49) Schneider Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 of SE'/4 Sec.32,T19N,R3W then downstream to mouth at Oyster Bay(NE'/4 same section). (50) Schumacher Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 ofNE'/4 Sec.15,T21N,R3W then downstream to mouth at Mason Lake(SW'/4 Sec.7,T21N,R2W). (51) Sherwood Creek Beginning at the outlet of Mason Lake(NW'/4 Sec.34,T22N,R2W) then downstream to mouth at North Bay on Case Inlet(SW'/4 Sec.20,T22N,R1 W). (52) Skokomish River* From confluence of North Fork of Skokomish River and South Fork Skokomish River(NW'/4 ofNE'/4 Sec.18,T21N,R4W)then downstream to mouth in Great Bend on Hood Canal(NW'/4 Sec.6, T21N,R3W)excluding portion on left bank within Skokomish Indian Reservation. (53) Skokomish River(N. Beginning in the NW'/4 Sec.3,T24N,R5W then downstream to the Fork) Mason-Jefferson County boundary(in the same section)then returning to Mason County in the NW'/4 Sec.S,T24N,R5W then downstream to the confluence with the Skokomish River South Fork (NW'/4 of NE'/4 Sec.18,T21N,R4W). (54) Skokomish River(S. Beginning in the NE'/4 of NW'/4 Sec.6,T23N,R6W then Fork) downstream to confluence with Skokomish River North Fork (NW'/4 ofNE'/4 Sec.18,T21N,R4W). (55) Skokomish River(S. Beginning in the NE'/4 of SW'/4 Sec.6,T23N,R6W then Fork),Unnamed Trib' downstream to confluence with Skokomish River South Fork(SW'/4 of NE'/4 same section). (56) Skookum Creek Beginning in the SE'/4 Sec.28,T19N,R4W then downstream to mouth at Little Skookum Inlet in Puget Sound(NW'/4 Sec.20,T19N, R3W). SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebe• ' 'n"Page 26 i (57) Tahuya River Beginning at the Mason-Kitsap County boundary in NE'/4 Sec.1, T23N, R2W then downstream to mouth at Hood Canal near Tahuya (NE'/4 Sec.27, T22N, R3W). (58) Union River Beginning at the Mason-Kitsap County boundary in SE'/4 of NE'/4 Sec.9, T23N, R1 W)then downstream to mouth of Lynch Cove near Belfair(NE'/4 Sec.31, T23N, R1 W). (59) Unnamed Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 ofNE'/4 Sec.33, T2IN, R5W then downstream to mouth at Nahwatzel Lake(SW'/4 Sec. 4, T20N, R5W (60) Vance Creek Beginning in the NE'/4 of NE'/4 Sec.26, T22N, R6W then downstream to mouth on Skokomish River South Fork(SE'/4 Sec.12, T21 N, R5 W). (61) Waketickeh Creek Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.10,T24N,R3W then downstream to mouth at Hood Canal (SW'/4 Sec.23, same township). (62) Walter Creek' Beginning in the NE'/4 Sec.15, T22N, R6W then downstream to mouth at Satsop River Middle Fork(SE'/4 Sec.16, same township). (63) Washington Creek' Beginning in the SW'/4 Sec.23,T24N, R4W then downstream to mouth at Jefferson Creek(SW'/4 Sec.13, same township). Note: Legal descriptions go from the 20 cfs starting point downstream to the river or stream mouth. ' In National Forest lands only. * Shoreline of Statewide Significance(downstream from the confluence of the North and South Forks) Table 17.50.060-C: Mason County Shorelines of the State-Lakes # Lake Name Location Section(s) Acres Miles 1 Anderson, Lake T22N-R1W 19-E1/4 45 0 2 Arrowhead, Lake (Simpson) T19N-R5W 17 33 3 3 Bennettsen, Lake T23N-R2W 20-NE1/4 27 1 4 Benson Lake T21N-R2W 3-W1/2 80 2 5 Blacksmith Lake T23N-R2W 3-51/4 27 1 6 Catfish Lake T20N-R5W 1-SE1/4 25 1 7 Coon Lake T22N-R2W 24-E1/4 20 1 8 Cranberry Lake T21N-R3W 28&29 397 9 T22N-R4W 5 &6 9 Cushman, Lake* T23N-R4W 7,18,19,20,29,30,31,32 4,010 19 T23N-R5W 10-15,24 10 Devereaux Lake T22N-R1W 7 & 18 98 3 11 Erdman Lake T23N-R2W 31-NW1/4 27 1 12 Fawn Lake T19N-R3W 4&5 57 2 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dot00eteber' 2^"Page 27 i 13 Forbes Lake T20N-R2W 29&30 38 1 14 Goat Ranch Lake T23N-R2W 23 32 1 15 Goose Lake T20-R4W 12 & 13 (W1/2) 20 1 16 Hanks Lake T20N-R5W 1& 2 22 1 17 Haven Lake T23N-R2W 30 69 2 T20N-R3W 31 18 Isabella Lake T19N-R3W 6 338 5 T19N-R4W 1 T20N-R3W 31 19 Island Lake T19N-R3W 6 105 2 T19N-R4W 1 20 Johns Lake T20N-R4W 1&2 16 1 Kokanee, Lake (Cushman 21 Res. No. 2; Lower Lake T22N-R4W 9&16 105 6 Cushman) 23 Limerick, Lake T21N-R3W 22&27 132 4 22 Lilliwaup Swamp(w/Tenas T23N-R4W 2,10, 11,15,16 475 9 Lake) 24 Lost Lake T19N-R5W 1-E1/2 123 3 25 Maggie Lake T22N-R3W 14-NW1/4 23 1 26 Mason Lake T21N-R2W 4,5,7,8 977 11 T22N-R2W 32-34 27 Melbourne Lake T23N-R4W 7 & 12 39 2 28 Nahwatzel Lake T20N-R5W 4,5,8 &9 280 3 29 Panhandle Lake T20N-R5W 36-W1/4 22 1 30 Panther Lake T23N-R1W 6 27 1 31 Phillips Lake T20N-R2W 5 107 3 32 Price Lake T23N-R4W 22-NE1/4 192 4 33 Rex Lake T21N-R3W 33-SW1/4 30 1 34 Section One Pond T23N-R1W 6&7 39 2 T23N-R2W 1 35 Spencer Lake T21N-R2W 32 213 5 36 Star Lake (Lystair) T19-135W 8-NE1/4 41 2 37 Stump Lake T19N-R5W 28 &33 (W1/2) 75 3 38 Tee Lake 5 48 2 T22N-R3W 2 39 Tiger Lake T23N-R1W 5 98 2 40 Timber Lake T20N-R2W 7 & 18 123 4 41 Trails End Lake T22N-R2W 23 &24 73 2 42 Twin Lakes T23N-R2W 17-E1/2 41 2 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 28 i 43 Unnamed Lake- Elfendahl T23N-R2W 22-E1/2 33 2 Pass 44 West Lake T22N-R5W 33-NW1/4 34 2 45 Wooten, Lake T23N-R2W 19-51/2 68 2 Totals 8,903 136 *Shoreline of Statewide Significance 17.50.070 Use Preferences and Shorelines of Statewide Significance A. USE PREFERENCES 1. The public's opportunity to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of natural shorelines of the state shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible consistent with the overall best interest of the state and the people generally. To this end, uses shall be preferred which are consistent with control of pollution and prevention of damage to the natural environment,or are unique to or dependent upon use of the state's shorelines. 2. Alterations of the natural condition of the shorelines of the state, in those limited instances when authorized,shall be given priority for single family residences and their appurtenant structures, ports, shoreline recreational uses, including but not limited to, parks, marinas, piers, and other improvements facilitating public access to shorelines of the state, industrial and commercial development which are particularly dependent on their location on or use of the shorelines of the state and other development that will provide an opportunity for substantial numbers of people to enjoy the shorelines of the state. 3. Permitted uses in the shorelines of the state shall be designed and conducted in a manner to minimize, insofar as practical, any resultant damage to the ecology and environment of the shoreline area and any interference with the public's use of the water(RCW 90.58.020). B. SHORELINE OF STATEWIDE SIGNIFICANCE 1. The Shoreline Management Act of 1971 has designated the following shoreline areas of Mason County as Shorelines of Statewide Significance: a. Marine waters and shorelands (200 feet landward of the OHWM) of Hood Canal; b. Marine waters of South Puget Sound seaward from extreme low tide; c. Freshwater of Lake Cushman including shorelands; and d. Skokomish River(downstream from the confluence of its North and South Forks) including shorelands. 2. The Act states, concerning Shorelines of Statewide Significance: "The Legislature declares that the interest of all of the people shall be paramount in the management of shorelines of SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ' '^""Page 29 i statewide significance." In managing shorelines of statewide significance, Mason County shall give preference to uses in the following order of preference which: a. Recognize and protect the statewide interest over local interest; b. Preserve the natural character of the shoreline; c. Result in longterm over short term benefit; d. Protect the resources and ecology of the shoreline; e. Increase public access to publicly owned areas of the shoreline; f. Increase recreational opportunities for the public in the shoreline; g. Provide for any other element as defined in RCW 90.58.100 deemed appropriate or necessary. 17.50.080 Environment Designations A. PURPOSE AND CRITERIA Shoreline environment designations are classifications of shoreline areas that reflect local shoreline conditions, including ecological functions and shoreline development. 1. "Natural" Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The purpose of the Natural designation is to protect those shoreline areas that are relatively free of human influence or that include intact or minimally degraded ecological functions that would become irreversibly impaired as a result of human development and activity. These systems require that only very low intensity uses be allowed in order to maintain ecological functions and ecosystem-wide processes. b. Designation Criteria Shorelines that are relatively unaltered and provide high shoreline ecological functions and have one or more of the following qualities: i. Areas that are ecologically intact and perform irreplaceable ecological functions or ecosystem-wide processes; ii. High value wetland complexes with important ecological functions that have generally intact buffers; iii. High quality estuaries; iv. High quality accretional spits; V. High quality bluff-backed beaches, barrier beach, barrier estuary, deltas; vi. Feeder bluffs that have minimal or no existing development above or below the slope; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateOeteber' '^"Page 30 i vii. Cold water inputs and springs that have been identified to be critical for salmonid habitats; viii. Areas that are critical for the support of priority wildlife species (waterfowl concentrations, bald eagle habitat); ix. Areas with which Federal or State endangered and threatened of wildlife have a primary association; X. Forested riparian areas predominantly composed of native vegetation with diverse plant communities, multiple canopy layers,and the presence of large woody debris available for recruitment to adjacent water bodies; xi. Areas of particular scientific and educational interest;or xii. Puget Sound Nearshore Estuary Restoration Program score of"least degraded." 2. "Conservancy"Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The purpose of the Conservancy designation is to protect and restore ecological functions and conserve existing natural resources and valuable historic and cultural areas in order to provide for sustained resource and agricultural use and recreational opportunities. b. Designation Criteria Shorelines with one or more of the following qualities: i. Partially developed or relatively intact areas that include landslide or erosion hazard areas,feeder bluffs,wetlands, high quality riparian areas, or other critical areas; ii. Areas that are currently supporting resource-based uses,such as forestry, agriculture,or aquaculture; iii. Partially developed or relatively intact areas that include channel migration zones or extensive floodplains; iv. Areas designated as forestry lands per Comprehensive Plan designations that do not qualify as Natural shoreline environments. V. Currently supporting or can support low-intensity recreational activities (e.g., small campgrounds, unpaved trails); vi. Currently supporting or can support low-intensity water-dependent uses; vii. High recreational value or with unique historic or cultural resources; or viii. Puget Sound Nearshore Estuary Restoration Program score of"less degraded." 3. "Rural"Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The Rural designation is intended to protect agricultural land from urban expansion, restrict intensive development along undeveloped shorelines,function as a buffer SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebe'', '^"Page 31 i between urban areas, maintain open spaces and floodplains, and allow for opportunities for recreational uses compatible with agricultural activities. b. Designation Criteria Shorelines located outside UGA's, RAC's, and Hamlets that are developed or partially developed;characterized by large lot sizes;designated Rural Residential 10, Rural Residential 20, In-holding Lands, or Agricultural Resource Lands; and have one or more of the following qualities: i. A mix of uses including agriculture, large lot residential,tree farms, and/or moderately intensive recreation (RV or tent campgrounds, paved trails, day-use parks); ii. Developed or partially developed areas that include channel migration zones or floodplains;or iii. Areas designated as agricultural lands per Comprehensive Plan designations. 4. "Residential" Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The purpose of the Residential designation is to accommodate residential development in areas already developed with or planned primarily for residential uses. Intensive recreational uses and public access are appropriate, provided impacts to ecological functions are mitigated or avoided. b. Designation Criteria Shorelines that are developed; characterized by small lot sizes; designated as Rural Residential 2.5, Rural Residential 5,Allyn UGA residential zones,or Belfair UGA residential zones;and have one or more of the following: i. Areas that are predominantly developed with single-family or multifamily residential development; ii. Areas planned and platted for residential development, but are not predominantly characterized by critical areas,floodplains and/or channel migration zones; iii. Areas with a proliferation of docks/piers and structural armoring; iv. Areas developed with or planned for highly intensive recreational uses (e.g., marinas, boat launches);or V. Puget Sound Nearshore Estuary Restoration Program nearshore degradation score of moderate to most degraded. S. "Commercial" Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The purpose of the Commercial designation is to ensure optimum utilization of shorelines within commercial areas. b. Designation Criteria SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' '^"Page 32 i Shorelines that do not qualify for a Natural or a Conservancy designation and that have one of the following qualities: i. Areas zoned commercial within an Urban Growth Area;or ii. Areas zoned Rural Commercial or Rural Tourist; or iii. Areas with commercial development. 6. "Aquatic" Shoreline Environmental Designation a. Purpose The purpose of the"aquatic" environment is to protect, restore, and manage the unique characteristics and resources of the areas waterward of the ordinary high-water mark. b. Criteria The Aquatic environment designation applies to all shoreline areas waterward of the ordinary high water mark on both freshwater and saltwater. B. ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS MAP The Mason County Official Shoreline Environmental Designations Map(herein referred to as"map") is hereby made a part of this Title. The map illustrates shoreline environment designations that apply to each segment of the Shoreline jurisdiction, clearly indicating, by color code,the particular environment designation for all shoreline planning areas. 1. Mapping Boundaries Where the exact location of a jurisdiction or environment designation boundary line is uncertain,the official environment designation map will be used to determine the location of such line. When resorting to the environment designation map does not resolve the conflict, the following rules will apply: a. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways, alleys or other roadways shall be construed to follow such center lines; b. Boundaries indicated as approximately following lot,fractional section or other subdivision lines shall be construed as following such subdivision lines; C. Boundaries indicated as approximately following any lines of corporate limits or other local government jurisdictional lines shall be construed as following such lines; d. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed as following the center line of the railroad right-of-way; e. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features identified in subsections a through d above shall be so construed; f. Boundaries between parallel environment designations shall be construed as the top of the bluff or vegetation line that distinguishes existing development from the critical area abutting the shoreline; g. When not specifically indicated on the environment designation map,distances shall be determined by the scale of the map; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber', '^"Page 33 i h. Where existing physical or cultural features are at variance with those shown on the environment designation map and cannot be determined with certainty by applying subsections a through f above,the County shall determine the location or existence of such feature utilizing the provisions of WAC 173-26-211,the policies of RCW 90.58.020, and the corresponding Master Program provisions herein; and i. Where a developed road intersects the shoreline jurisdiction such that the intersect is between two distinct parcels, or where a parcel is separated from the water by an additional parcel,the parcel on the landward side may not be required to meet certain Mason County Shoreline Master Program development regulations for that designation (such as public access,water-oriented use, or vegetation conservation standards), provided all other applicable provisions of this Program are met, including no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. 2. Mapping Errors Some mapping errors may be adjusted prior to a Master Program amendment to assign the appropriate designation to that area by the following methods: a. The common boundary descriptions and the criteria in RCW 90.58.030(2) and Chapter 173-22 WAC supersede the map when there are mapping error conflicts, other than those with a solution provided in this section. b. In the event that a jurisdictional area, including associated wetlands, is not mapped, it will automatically be assigned a "Conservancy" designation. Such designation will apply until a Master Program amendment is approved that assigns the appropriate designation to the subject area. C. In the event that a parcel was inadvertently assigned more than one designation (perpendicular to the shore),the more restrictive designation shall apply. d. In the event that a parcel on the boundary between two designations appears to be a mapping error based on the criteria in this section,the County shall apply the mestappFepF4temost appropriate of the two designations, until such time as the map can be formally corrected consistent with WAC 173-26-100. e. In the event of an environment designation mapping error where the Master Program update or amendment record, including the public hearing process, is clear in term of the correct environment designation to apply to a property,the County shall apply the environment designation approved through the Master Program Update or Amendment process and correct the map. f. If the environment designation criteria were misapplied, but the map does not show an unintentional error,a Master Program amendment may be obtained consistent with WAC 173-26-100.This process is intended to allow for reasonable flexibility in the Shoreline Environment Designation process. Such process shall include early consultation with the Department of Ecology and appropriate public process prior to local approval. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date Octeber',2017 Page 34 i 17.50.090 Project Classifications A. Development proposals that propose to locate along the shoreline are categorized within each shoreline designation as "permitted," "conditional uses," or"prohibited." This priority system determines the proposal's administrative requirements and encourages activities that are compatible with each shoreline designation. B. Definitions: 1. Permitted. Those allowed uses that are preferable and meet the policies of the particular shoreline designation. See definition of Substantial Development Permit and 17.50.400 of the Shoreline Master Program. 2. Conditional Use. A Conditional Use Permit is intended to allow for flexibility and the exercise of judgment in the application of regulations in a manner consistent with the policies of the Shoreline Management Act and the Master Program. While not prohibited,these uses are an exception to the general rule. Criteria used for judging conditional uses are outlined in 17.50.400 of the Shoreline Management Program. 3. Prohibited. Some developments and uses are viewed as inconsistent with the definition, policies or intent of the shoreline environmental designation. For the purposes of this program,these uses are not considered appropriate and are not allowed, including by Conditional Use or Variance. Table Key: P = Permitted(with a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit or Shoreline Exemption and subject to siting and design requirements). C = Conditional Use Permit(and a Shoreline Substantial Development or Shoreline Exemption). C/P =Requires a Conditional Use Permit in some circumstances(see regulations). X = Prohibited. n/a =Not applicable. * = See upland designation. Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con- Natural Aquatic servancy Agriculture Agriculture P P P P C X Commercial feedlots X X C X X X Upland finfish rearing facilities X X C C X n/a SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 35 i Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con- Natural Aquatic servancy Aquaculture Non-floating P P P P C P Floating P P P P C P Finfish net pens n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a C/Xs Gravel enhancement>1,000 cy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a C Commercial geoduck' C C C C C C ' Prohibited in Hood Canal,exceptions apply. Except that a Conditional Use Permit is not required for conversions. Commercial Water-dependent uses P C C C X Water related&water enjoyment P C C C X See regs. Non-water oriented Without waterfronts P X X X X n/a With waterfront CZ/X X X X X X Part of a mixed use project' C C C X X X ' If the site is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right-of-way. 2 If navigability is severely limited at the proposed site and the commercial use provides a significant public benefit such as providing public access or ecological restoration. 9 If part of a mixed use project that provides a significant public benefit such as public access or ecological restoration.See regulations. Forest Practices Forestry X P P P C X In-Stream Structures Utility-related C C C C X Habitat enhancement P P P P P Temporary research devices P P P P P Other C C C C X Marinas Marinas C C C X X SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Daten,+ b 201 7 page 36 i Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con- Natural Aquatic servancy Mining Mining C1/XZ C'/X2 C'/X2 C'/V X C'/X3 1. Mining is only allowed if it is`water dependent.' 2. Mining is prohibited on shorelands of Hood Canal. 3. The mining of sand,gravel,cobbles,rock,or other native substrate from any marine beaches or lake shores below the ordinary high water mark is not permitted. Outdoor Advertising, Signs and Billboards Water dependent,navigational, P P P P P P public safety,or temporary Other P P P P P X Industrial and Marine Terminal Development Water-dependent and water related P C C C X C Non-water oriented Without waterfront C X X X X n/a With waterfront C2/X X X X X X Part of a mixed use project' C C C C X X ' If the site is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right-of-way. 2 If navigability is severely limited at the proposed site and the use provides a significant public benefit such as providing public access or ecological restoration. 3 If part of a mixed use project that provides a significant public benefit such as public access or ecological restoration.See regulations. Recreational Water oriented(including parks and scientific/environmental P P P P C C'/X education facilities) Non-water oriented P C C C C2/X X ' Water dependent. 2 Non-water oriented campsites may be approved in the Natural environment with a Conditional Use Permit, provided they are primitive in nature and not accessible by vehicles. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datenr*^"e• ' '^"Page 37 i Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con- Natural Aquatic servancy Residential Single-family P P P P C X Duplex P P X X X X Multi-family P C X X X X Accessory dwelling units P P P C X X Floating homes n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a X Cottage industries P P C C C C Restoration and Enhancement Projects Restoration and enhancement P P P P P P projects Ll Transportation Facilities Transportation(roads and railways) P P P C C C Parking-accessory to permitted 1, 1' P C X X use Parking—primary use X X X X X X Utilities Production and processing C C C C X C Transmission facilities P P P P C C Shoreline Modifications Beach Access Structures Beach access structures P P P P F-c-1 Boat Launches Trailer launched P P C C X Hand launched P P P P C Upland davits P P P I' X n/a Breakwaters,Jetties, Groins Breakwaters,jetties,and groins C C C C X C SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteOetober ' 'n"Page 38 i Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con- Natural Aquatic servancy Docks,Floats,Mooring Buoys, Boat Lifts, and Covered Moorage Docks(piers,ramps,and/or attached floats) Hood Canal P P'/C n/a Pl/C3/X2 X South Puget Sound P C4/P n/a C X Lakes P P P Pl/C X Rivers X X X X X X Unattached floats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a P Mooring buoys n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a P Boat lifts&overwater davits P P P C X Covered moorage/overwater n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a V boathouses ' Public recreational use. 2 A new,private dock serving an individual residential lot is prohibited. 3 Joint-use or community docks are permitted with a Conditional Use Permit(and Shoreline Substantial Development permit). a A new,private dock serving an individual residential lot may be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit(and Shoreline Substantial Development Permit). Joint-use,community,or public recreational docks are permitted without a Conditional Use Permit. 5 Permitted only in marinas. Dredging Maintenance dredging n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a P Non-maintenance dredging Restoration dredging n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a P Other non-maint.dredging n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a C/X Dredge material disposal Restoration disposal P P P P C/P P Other dredge material disposal I C C C C C C Flood Control Dams for the sole purpose of flood X X X X X X control All other, including dikes and C C C C X X levees SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dotegetebe• ' 20"Page 39 Table 17.50.090-A: Project Classification Table SHORELINE USES SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Commercial Residential Rural Con-servancy Natural Aquatic Grading Water dependent P P P C C P'/Cz/X Non-water dependent C C C C C CZ/X Sanitary landfill X X X X X X May be authorized for restoration projects without a Conditional Use Permit. 2 Grading in Aquatic is allowed in certain circumstances with a Conditional use Permit.See regulations. Shoreline Stabilization Shoreline stabilization P P P P Cr I SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date01*9ho.2 2017 Page 40 i 17.50.100 GENERAL Policies and Regulations 17.50.105 ARCHAEOLOGICAL, CULTURAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES A. POLICIES 1. The County should consult with professional archaeologists to maintain an inventory of areas containing potentially valuable archaeological data,while adhering to applicable state and federal laws protecting such information from public disclosure. 2. Where possible,sites should be permanently preserved for scientific study and public observation. In areas known to contain archaeological data,the County shall require a site inspection and evaluation by an archaeologist to ensure that possible archaeological data is properly managed. 3. Shoreline permits, in general,should contain provisions which require developers to stop work and notify appropriate state and tribal authorities if archaeological data is uncovered during excavation. 4. The National Historic Preservation Act provides for the protection, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of districts,sites, building, structures and objects significant to American and Washington history, architecture, archaeology or culture. Development or uses that may impact archaeological sites are subject to the Indian graves and records act(RCW 27.44),the archaeological sites and records act (RCW 27.53), and archaeological excavation and removal rules found in WAC 25-48. B. REGULATIONS 1. Mapped/Documented Archaeological Areas and Historic Structures a. Prior to issuing a development permit or exemption with a ground breaking or ground covering component for a project within 500 feet of a known,documented archaeological area or within 100 feet of a known, documented historic structure,the applicant shall provide a cultural resource site assessment to determine the presence of archaeological or historic resources in the area of the proposal. b. The requirement for a site assessment may be waived in the following circumstances: i. With the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and Tribal consent, if the applicant can demonstrate the proposed development clearly will not disturb the ground or impact a known site or resource; or ii. If the applicant can demonstrate to the County's satisfaction that his or her proposal has already undergone a cultural resources review process of equal intent. C. If the cultural resource site assessment identifies the presence of archaeological, historic, or cultural resources,appropriate recommendations shall be included as part of the assessment. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' '^"Page 41 i d. Site assessments prepared for archaeological areas shall be prepared by a professional archaeologist, as defined under RCW 27.53.030(11). Site assessments prepared for historic structures shall be prepared by a historic preservation professional. Site assessments shall meet the survey and inventory standards in the "Washington State Standards for Cultural Resources Reporting"dated January 2013, or as amended thereafter. The landowner or project proponent shall be responsible for any professional service fees. e. The County shall forward the site assessment to DAHP and the applicable Tribe,who will have 14 days to provide comment. If either has found that the site assessment submitted by the applicant is not complete (per(d) above),the permit will be placed on hold by the County until 14 days after the County forwards the revised assessment to DAHP and the applicable Tribe. f. The County may condition the permit so that the applicant obtains any necessary DAHP permits under RCW 27.53;-implements any avoidance, minimizing, or mitigating factors recommended by the author of the report, DAHP, and/or the applicable Tribe;or notifies the applicable Tribes prior to proceeding with development. g. In order to provide the Tribes and DAHP the opportunity to determine if a proposed project is near a known cultural resource,whether or not it is depicted on the map that the County utilizes, Mason County will provide on their website a link that will generate a table of permit and exemption application case numbers, dates received or entered into the database, project locations,and project descriptions. The Tribes and DAHP will have 14 days from the date the application information is available on the website to recommend that the County require the applicant to submit a cultural resource site assessment. However, if the project requires SEPA review, and if the County is the lead agency,the comment period is extended to include the SEPA comment period. 2. Inadvertent Discovery. a. If items of possible historic,archaeological or cultural interest are inadvertently discovered during any new shoreline use or development,the proponent shall immediately stop work and notify the County Community Services Department, Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and the affected tribe. The stop work order shall remain in effect until DAHP has authorized that the proposed development may proceed. b. If ground disturbing activities encounter human skeletal remains during the course of construction,then all activity shall cease that may cause further disturbance to those remains.The area of the find shall be secured and protected from further disturbance. The finding of human skeletal remains shall be first reported to local law enforcement and the County medical examiner/coroner in the most expeditious manner possible. The remains shall not be touched, moved,or further disturbed. The County medical examiner/coroner will assume jurisdiction over the human skeletal remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non-forensic. If the County medical examiner/coroner determines the remains are non-forensic,then they shall report that finding to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) who will then take jurisdiction over the remains. 3. Emergency Process for Protecting Cultural Resources. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^"`^"^r ' '^"Page 42 i In the event that unforeseen factors constituting an emergency as defined in RCW 90.58.030 necessitate rapid action to retrieve or preserve archaeological or historical resources,the construction necessary to protect the project property may be exempted from the requirement to obtain a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. The County shall notify the State Department of Ecology,the State Attorney General's Office, potentially affected tribes, and the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation of such a waiver within 30 days of such action. 17.50.110 ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION, CRITICAL AREAS, NO NET LOSS A. POLICIES 1. Ecological Protection,Critical Areas, No Net Loss a. This program aims to protect against adverse effects on the public health,on the land and its vegetation and wildlife,and the waters and their aquatic life by: i. Requiring that current ecological functions be identified and understood when evaluating new uses and developments; ii. Requiring adverse impacts be mitigated in a manner that ensures no net loss of shoreline ecological functions necessary to sustain shoreline natural resources. "No net loss" means that existing shoreline ecological functions are not degraded as a result of new development.This can be achieved through mitigation which involves first avoiding the impact altogether,then minimizing impacts where possible, and then replacing or compensating for unavoidable loss of functions and resources. iii. Ensuring that all uses and developments regulated under the Act, including preferred uses and uses that are exempt from a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit,will not cause a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. iv. Preventing,to the greatest extent practicable, cumulative impacts from individual developments. V. Fairly allocating the burden of preventing cumulative impacts among development opportunities. vi. Including incentives to restore shoreline ecological functions where such functions have been degraded by past actions. b. This program should incorporate relevant critical area, excavation and grading,vegetation conservation,stormwater management and on-site septic system regulations that implement these policies. c. This program should include a mechanism for documenting all project review actions in shoreline jurisdiction.The County should evaluate the cumulative effects of authorized development on shoreline conditions as part of legislatively-mandated comprehensive program reviews.The County should seek involvement of state resource agencies, affected Indian tribes, and other parties. 2. Vegetation Conservation SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF 2L,201 7 Page 43 i a. This program is intended to maintain shoreline vegetation that protects human safety and property, increases the stability of river banks and coastal bluffs, reduces the need for structural shoreline stabilization measures, improves the visual and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline, protects plant and animal species and their habitats, and enhances shoreline uses. b. New uses and developments should be located and designed to preserve native shoreline vegetation to maintain shoreline ecological functions and prevent direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of shoreline development. c. The County should implement vegetation conservation policies through a variety of means, including fish and wildlife habitat conservation area and wetland setback and buffer standards, conditional use requirements for specific uses or areas, mitigation requirements, incentives and non-regulatory programs. 3. Water Quality and Quantity a. This program seeks to maintain and improve water quality for human health, environmental protection, and protection of water-dependent businesses. b. The location, construction, operation, and maintenance of shoreline uses and developments should maintain or enhance the quantity and quality of surface and ground water over the long term. c. The County should ensure mutual consistency between shoreline management provisions and other regulations that address water quality and storm water quantity, including public health,storm water,and water discharge standards. B. REGULATIONS 1. No Net Loss and Mitigation a. Except when specifically exempted by statute, all new shoreline use and development, including preferred uses and uses that are exempt from permit requirements,shall be located, designed,constructed,conducted, and maintained in a manner that maintains shoreline ecological functions. b. Proponents of new shoreline use and development shall employ measures to mitigate unavoidable adverse environmental impacts to ensure no net loss of ecological functions necessary to sustain shoreline resources. c. Mitigation measures shall be applied in the following sequence of steps listed in order of priority: i. Avoiding the adverse impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; ii. Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation by using appropriate technology or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; iii. Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment; iv. Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber-2L, '^"Page 44 i V. Compensating for the adverse impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments; vi. Monitoring the impact and the compensation projects and taking appropriate corrective measures. d. In determining appropriate mitigation measures applicable to shoreline development, lower priority measures shall be applied only where higher priority measures are determined to be infeasible or inapplicable. e. Required mitigation shall not exceed a level necessary to assure that proposed uses or development will result in no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. f. Mitigation actions shall not have a significant adverse impact on other shoreline uses fostered by the policies of the Shoreline Management Act. g. Compensatory mitigation measures shall occur in the vicinity of the impact or at an alternative location within the same watershed or marine shoreline reach that provides greater and more sustainable ecological benefits. i. When determining whether offsite mitigation provides greater and more sustainable benefits,the County shall consider limiting factors, critical habitat needs, and other factors identified by a locally adopted shoreline restoration plan, or an approved watershed or comprehensive resource management plan. ii. Considerations for determining whether off-site mitigation is preferable include, but are not limited to: (a) On-site conditions do not favor successful establishment of functions,such as lack of proper soil conditions or hydrology; (b) On-site compensation would result in a habitat that is isolated from other natural habitats or severely impaired by the effects of the adjacent development; (c) Off-site location is crucial to one or more species that is threatened, endangered,or otherwise of concern, and the on-site location is not; (d) Off-site location is crucial to larger ecosystem functions,such as providing corridors between habitats, and the on-site location is not; and (e) Off-site compensation has a greater likelihood of success or will provide greater functional benefits. iii. The County may also approve use of alternative mitigation practices such as in-lieu fee programs, mitigation banks, and other similar approaches provided they have been approved and sanctioned by the Department of Ecology and other applicable state and federal agencies. h. Authorization of compensatory mitigation measures may require appropriate safeguards, terms or conditions as necessary to ensure no net loss of ecological functions. See the Fish &Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas chapter of the Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52.170.J)for detailed requirements for Habitat Management Plans, mitigation, monitoring, maintenance,and bonding. i. Land that is constrained by critical areas and buffers shall not be subdivided to create parcels that are only buildable through a Shoreline Variance. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteQGtGbeF 2; 2^"Page 45 i 2. Critical Areas a. Applicability i. Subject to exceptions listed below,the critical area provisions of the Mason County Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52) adopted on August 3rd 1993 as Ordinance Number 77-93 and last amended on Se eF October 49,2817- 2021 as Ordinance Number 20211-14-177 are adopted by reference and shall apply within shoreline jurisdiction. ii. Critical area provisions do not extend shoreline jurisdiction beyond the limits specified in this SMP. For regulations addressing critical area buffers that are outside Shoreline Jurisdiction,see Resource Ordinance, Chapter 8.52 MCC. iii. In the event provisions of MCC 8.52 are found inconsistent with standards and requirements in this Program,this Program shall govern, except as provided below. iv. Shoreline uses and developments shall be consistent with MCC Chapter 14.22 Flood Damage Prevention,as amended. Where provisions of the FDPO and the SMP conflict,the more restrictive provisions shall apply. V. The following procedural provisions differ from MCC 8.52 within shoreline jurisdiction: (a) Applications that are processed as a Mason Environmental Permit per MCC 8.52.190(C), and do not require a Shoreline Variance,Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, or Shoreline Conditional Use shall instead be processed as a Shoreline Exemption. (b) The general exemptions in section 8.52.200 do not apply. For exemptions to the SMP,see section 17.50.060(E) and WAC 173-27-045. For exemptions from the Substantial Development Permit process,see section 17.50.400 and WAC 173-27-040. (c) "New residential construction" does not include any replacements or repairs of legally established structures. (d) Development applications that are processed according to the Reasonable Use Exception provisions of MCC 8.52.190(K)or Variance provisions of MCC 8.52.220 shall instead be processed as a Shoreline Variance. (e) MCC 8.52.210 regarding'nonconforming use and development'shall instead be subject to MCC 17.50.120 within shoreline jurisdiction. (f) MCC 8.52.250 regarding'appeals' does not apply within shoreline jurisdiction. (g) MCC 8.52.260 regarding'judicial review'does not apply within shoreline jurisdiction. b. Buffers and Setbacks i. Buffers and setbacks in shoreline jurisdiction are consistent with requirements of MCC 8.52 and Table 17.50.110-A. ii. Unless otherwise specified, buffers shall be maintained in predominantly natural, undisturbed, undeveloped and vegetated condition. Regulated buffers shall not extend across lawfully established ublic roads or hardened surfaces to include areas which are functionally isolated from the critical area. Buffer SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget tie. 2017 page 46 i reductions under this provision are allowed only when the functional disconnection has been documented through a report by a qualified professional that demonstrates the area is functionally isolated.The County shall consider the hydrologic,geologic, and/or biological habitat connection potential and the extent and permanence of the physical separation. iii. New shoreline development shall be located landward of the minimum shoreline buffer plus building setback, except as specified in this Program or with the approval of a Shoreline Variance. iv. As authorized by MCC 8.52.170(E)(3)(b),special setbacks may be authorized for single-family residences on existing lots in certain circumstances without a Shoreline Variance. V. If buffers for any critical areas are contiguous or overlapping,the buffers and setbacks that are most protective of shoreline ecological resources shall apply. vi. In accordance with RCW 90.58.065,this Program shall not restrict existing or ongoing agricultural activities occurring on agricultural lands. 3. Dimensional Standards for Shoreline Development a. Table 17.50.110-A establishes buffer and dimensional standards for shoreline development. b. A standard height limit of thirty-five feet (35')shall apply within shoreline jurisdiction, unless Mason County zoning code requires a lesser height. Height is measured according to MCC 17.50.020, Definitions. Power poles and transmission towers associated with allowed uses and developments are not subject to height limits but shall not be higher than needed to achieve the intended purpose. Consistent with MCC 8.52.061.D, agricultural buildings, cell towers, antennas and water tanks are also not subject to height limits. Pursuant to RCW 90.58.320,exceptions are allowed when overriding considerations of the public interest will be served. Bridge structures are examples of structures that serve the public interest. C. In Conservancy and Natural shoreline environments maximum impervious coverage for residential development shall be limited to ten percent (10%) or 2,550 square feet, whichever is greater. The impervious coverage is calculated by dividing the total area of impervious surface (e.g., driveways, buildings, patios, parking lots) located in shoreline jurisdiction by the total lot area that is within shoreline jurisdiction (landward of the OHWM) and then multiplied by one-hundred (100)to convert to percentage points. d. Minimum lot width shall comply with the dimensions in Table 17.50.110-A. Table 17.50.110-A: Buffer and dimensional standards for shoreline development. Commer- Residential Rural Conser- Natural Aquatic cial vancy 1. Minimum Fish& Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area buffer(in feet) Streams 150' 150' 150' 150' 150' NA Saltwater ' 50' 100, 100, 150' 150' NA SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ' '^"Page 47 i Lakes 100, 100, 100' 100' 100' NA 2. Minimum structural setback from FWHCA(equals buffer plus 15 feet) Streams' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' NA Saltwater ''' 65' 115' 115' 165' 165' NA Lakes' 115' 115' 115' 115' 115' NA 3. Maximum height limit 4 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' NA 4. Maximum impervious See current adopted Stormwater surface coverage Manual for standards. 10% 10% NA (percent of lot)5 5. Minimum lot width 50' 50' 100,6 200 6 200' NA 1 Buffer widths for marine bluffs shall be no less than a distance equal to or greater than a distance from the ordinary high water mark landward at a slope of 2:1(horizontal to vertical)that intersects with the existing topography of the site. z Or the channel migration zone,whichever is larger. 3 Common line provisions may apply to residential development per MCC 8.52.170. 4 Unless a lesser height is required by Zoning. 5 Total lot area excludes area encompassed by streams,wetlands, landslide hazards,floodways, lakes,and saltwater. 6 For lots created by performance subdivisions in Rural and Conservancy SED's,the minimum lot width is determined by the zoning(Development Regulations). 4. Vegetation Conservation a. Unless otherwise specified,all new shoreline uses and development shall comply with the buffer provisions of this program to protect and maintain native shoreline vegetation. b. Vegetation clearing in shoreline jurisdiction shall be limited to the minimum necessary to accommodate approved shoreline development. Outside shoreline buffers,vegetation removal shall comply with applicable requirements for clearing and grading,forest practices,and protection standards for fish and wildlife habitat. Vegetation conservation standards shall not be applied retroactively in a manner that requires lawfully established uses and developments including residential landscaping and gardens to be removed, except when required as mitigation for new or expanded development. c. Removal of dangerous trees, establishment of view corridors,trimming, pruning, maintenance of existing landscaped areas, and noxious weed removal in buffers shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations in the Mason County Resource Ordinance: MCC 8.52.110.D.2.i, MCC 8.52.140.D.2.c, MCC 8.52.170.D, and Appendix C. 5. Water Quality and Quantity a. Shoreline use and activity shall incorporate measures to protect and maintain surface and ground water quantity and quality in accordance with all applicable laws. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dotegeteber ' '^"Page 48 i b. All shoreline uses and activities shall use stormwater and erosion control and treatment methods during both project construction and operation. At a minimum, erosion control methods shall require compliance with the provisions of MCC Chapter 14.48 (Stormwater Management)and 17.80 (Low Impact Development). c. Where permitted,on-site sewage systems shall be located and designed to meet all applicable water quality, utility, and health standards. The owner must be in compliance with the current edition of Mason County Public Health On-site Standards and Mason County Board of Health On-site Sewage Regulations. d. Materials used for components that may come in contact with water shall be made of materials approved by applicable state agencies for use in water. Wood treated with creosote, chromated copper arsenate, pentachlorophenol,or other similarly toxic materials is prohibited for use in the Aquatic environment.Tires and tire by-products shall not be used for construction where they would contact the water. Where chemically-treated materials are the only feasible option, materials shall use the least toxic alternative approved by applicable state agencies for use in water. Treated wood elements shall incorporate design features to minimize abrasion by vessels, pilings,floats or other objects. e. Shoreline developments adjacent to areas suitable for aquaculture shall practice strict pollution control procedures. As required by MCC 8.52.170.D.2,design and siting of all new construction and major new development shall not adversely impact water quality. 17.50.115 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICIES The County should: 1. Encourage economic growth through economic activities that benefit the local economy and are environmentally sensitive. Such activities should not disrupt or degrade the shoreline or surrounding environment. 2. Accommodate and promote, in priority order,water-dependent,water-related and water- enjoyment economic development, and non-water-oriented economic development that is part of a mixed use project that includes water-dependent uses and provides a significant public benefit such as providing public access or ecological restoration. Such development should occur in those areas already partially developed with similar uses consistent with this Program, areas already zoned for such uses consistent with the Mason County Comprehensive Plan,or areas appropriate for water-oriented uses and development. 3. Encourage water-oriented recreational use as an economic asset that will enhance public enjoyment of the shoreline. 4. Ensure that water-oriented economic development is carried out in such a way that it has minimal adverse effects and that unavoidable adverse impacts are mitigated to achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dattgeteb^r ' 2^"Page 49 i 17.50.120 EXISTING STRUCTURES, USES AND LOTS REGULATIONS This section addresses existing structures, uses, and lots that were lawfully constructed or established prior to the effective date of this Master Program, but that do not meet this Program's standards. 1. Existing Structures a. Existing faw#wll� legally constructed structures [and floating homes and floating on water residences]that do not conform to the Program's requirements, including those approved through a Variance,shall be considered 'legal non-conformin ' .. Rf. ,„ b. Lawfull-y-Legaleep#r,,,ted 1AFWGtHFeS o eluding legal nonconforming structures, may continue and may be maintained, repaired,and replaced within their footprints in accordance with the Act,this Program and other applicable regulations. Applications for replacements fee,,.andfathered or for legal nonconforming structures shall be submitted within five (5)years of the date of damage. C. Renovating existing public structures for compliance with applicable accessibility regulations shall not trigger a CUP or Variance, provided that impacts to ecological functions are mitigated. d. Except for overwater structures,a,-andfatheFed legal non-conforming residences may be expanded by addition of space above the existing building footprint up to authorized heights without a Variance. Upward expansions shall minimize impacts to existing views of the water to the greatest extent practical. For the purposes of this subsection, footprint does not include covered decks on waterward side of residence,er uncovered decks, boat houses,sheds or other appurtenances. e. Lateral expansion of structures into areas prohibited by current bulk, dimensional or performance standards shall require a Variance,with the following exception: For the replacement of a.-andfathe.o4 legal, non-conforming factory built homes, a greater building footprint than existed prior to replacement may be allowed in order to accommodate the replacement of a factory built home that is less than 1,000 square feet with another factory built home that does not have the same size and shape. A proposed increase less than 25%of the existing home's footprint shall not require a Variance. Applications for such replacements shall include a Habitat Management Plan that identifies measures to protect habitat and mitigates for unavoidable impacts. The replacement home may be no closer to the shoreline than the existing residence. f. A gFandfatheFed legal, non-conforming structure or structural footprint that is moved any distance on the subject parcel or changed in shape shall increase its conformity with the Program and with property line setback requirements (per the Development Regulations) to the maximum extent practicable provided: L It does not increase any intrusion to any critical area buffer or setback and provided its conformity with property line setback requirements (per the Development Regulations) is increased to the maximum extent practicable; ii. Unless recommended otherwise by a fish and wildlife habitat professional or a by the author of a Geotechnical Report, any remaining structural components(such as SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ', 2014 Page 50 i a foundation) shall be removed from the abandoned footprint. A Habitat Management Plan or Common Line Mitigation Plan when allowed per MCC shall be submitted that includes enhancement of the abandoned footprint with riparian vegetation (upland of the OHWM only)as well as mitigation for the new footprint; iii. For overwater construction such as docks, a footprint may not be moved to a location where there is documented submerged aquatic vegetation and forage fish spawning areas. iv. Movement of the existing footprint landward will require a Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP)to be prepared and submitted to the County, as outlined in Appendix B of the Mason County Resource Ordinance Title 8.52. 2. Existing Uses a. Existing, lawfully-Iegally established uses that do not conform to the Program's requirements, including existing non-water-oriented commercial uses with waterfront or any non-water oriented industrial uses,shall be considered 'legal non- conforming'. b. Legal, nonconforming uses may continue and may be maintained or replaced per the provisions of this Program. C. Replacing one non-conforming use with another non-conforming use does not require a Conditional Use Permit, unless there is an increase in the total area occupied by the non- conforming use(including parking and storage), and provided that: i. The proposed use will be as consistent with the policies and provisions of this Program and as compatible with uses in the area as the preexisting use;and ii. Conditions may be attached to permits required by other chapters of this Program or required by Mason County Code (such as Change in Use or Tenant)that the County deems necessary to assure compliance with the requirements of this Program and to assure that the use will not become a nuisance or hazard, and to assure the use will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. d. If a gFandf ed-legal, non-conforming use is discontinued (ceases to operate, use, or produce)for more than thirty-six 36 months, any subsequent use, if allowed,shall comply with the Act and this Program. 3. Development on Legal Lots of Record Any legal lot of record, regardless of size, has the potential to be developed provided that it can meet all requirements of the Program, Mason County,State and Federal Regulations or obtain a Variance. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' '^"Page 51 i 17.50.125 FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION POLICIES 1. This program seeks to limit new development in flood-prone areas while recognizing private property rights. 2. Development in floodplains should not significantly or cumulatively increase flood hazard or be inconsistent with an adopted Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. 3. Development should be designed and located to preclude the need for flood control structures. New or expanded development or uses in the shoreline, including subdivision of land,that would likely require flood control structures within a stream, channel migration zone, or floodway should be prohibited. 4. Development should be discouraged in the channel migration zone areas and existing hazards or problem areas that would result in interference with the process of channel migration which may cause significant adverse impacts to property or public improvements and/or result in a net loss of ecological functions associated with the rivers and streams. 5. The County should ensure mutual consistency between shoreline management provisions and the flood damage prevention ordinance. 17.50.130 PORT DISTRICTS POLICIES 1. Mason County recognizes the importance of Port Districts in providing jobs,supporting local business, and facilitating economic stability. 2. Mason County should collaborate with Port Districts in development and implementation of their comprehensive port district plans to support common goals and objectives. 3. Port District developments should be regulated according to the proposed use of the shoreline. For example, if a port district proposed a marina development,the marina regulations would apply. If a port district proposed a marine terminal, industrial and marine terminal regulations would apply. 4. In the implementation of shoreline regulations,the County should recognize and seek to further the goals of approved Port Districts' comprehensive plans. 17.50.135 PROPERTY RIGHTS POLICIES 1. This program should regulate use and development of private property consistent with all relevant legal limitations. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Oategeteber ' '^"Page 52 i 2. This Program should not unconstitutionally infringe on private property rights or result in an unconstitutional taking of private property. 17.50.140 PUBLIC ACCESS A. POLICIES 1. This program is intended to preserve and enhance the public's opportunity to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of County shorelines. 2. Increasing all types of public access is a priority for the County. Strategic efforts to find and fund new shoreline public access are encouraged to meet increasing demands.The County should cooperate with appropriate local,state,tribal and non-governmental organizations to preserve and enhance lands that provide physical access to public waters for public use. 3. Public entities are encouraged to provide public access as part of each development project, unless access would be incompatible with this Program because of safety, security,or adverse impacts to shoreline functions. 4. Private entities should provide public access when the development would either generate a demand for public access,or would impair existing legal access opportunities or rights. 5. Public access requirements on privately owned lands should be commensurate with the scale and character of the development and should be reasonable, effective and fair to all affected parties including the landowner and the public. B. REGULATIONS 1. Public access shall be required to the extent allowed by law in the review of Shoreline Substantial Development or Conditional Use Permits in the following circumstances: a. The use or development is a public project; or b. The project is a non-residential,water-enjoyment or non-water-oriented use or development;or c. The project is a private water-dependent or water-related use or development and one of the following conditions exists: i. The project increases or creates demand for public access; ii. The project impacts or interferes with existing access by blocking access or discouraging use of existing access; iii. The project impacts or interferes with public use of waters subject to the Public Trust Doctrine. d. The County bears the burden of demonstrating that a proposed use or development meets any of the preceding conditions. 2. Public access to the shoreline shall not be required of the following: a. Activities qualifying for a shoreline permit exemption; or SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Do ogeteber-2L,2^"Page 53 i b. New single family residential development. 3. The County may approve alternatives to on-site, physical access to the shoreline if the applicant can demonstrate with substantial and credible evidence that one or more of the following conditions exist: a. Unavoidable health or safety hazards to the public exist which cannot be prevented by any reasonable means; b. Inherent security requirements of the use cannot be satisfied through the application of alternative design features or other solutions; c. The cost of providing the access, easement,or an alternative amenity, is unreasonably disproportionate to the total long term cost of the proposed development; d. Environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated,such as damage to spawning areas or nesting areas, would result from the public access; or e. Significant undue and unavoidable conflict between any access provisions and the proposed use and/or adjacent uses would occur and cannot be mitigated. 4. To be exempt from the public access requirements above,the project proponent must demonstrate that all feasible alternatives have been considered, including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Regulating access through means such as maintaining a gate and/or limiting hours of use; and b. Separating uses and activities (e.g.,fences,terracing, use of one-way glazing, hedges, landscaping, etc.). 5. When physical public access is deemed to be infeasible,the proponent shall provide visual access to the shore where site conditions make visual access possible. 6. Where commercial, industrial, multifamily and/or multi-lot developments are proposed in locations that would interrupt existing shoreline views, primary structures shall provide for reasonable view corridors. 7. Visual access shall not be provided by removing vegetation from required vegetative buffers. 8. Public access shall be located and designed to be compatible with the natural shoreline character,to avoid adverse impacts to shoreline ecological functions, and to ensure public safety. 9. When otherwise consistent with this Program, public access structures shall be allowed to encroach into the shoreline buffer when necessary to provide physical and or visual access to the water's edge. 10. Public shoreline access provided by public road ends, public road rights-of-way, public utilities and rights-of-way shall not be diminished by the County, neighboring property owners, or other citizens in accordance with RCW Chapter 36.87.130. 11. Public access sites shall be connected to the nearest public street and shall include improvements that conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) when feasible or required by law. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget bee-4 20 7 page 54 i 12. Opportunities for boat-in public access and access to remote shorelines not accessible by automobile shall be provided where feasible and appropriate. 13. When required for public land, commercial, port or industrial use/development, public access sites shall be available for public use prior to final occupancy of such use or development. Maintenance of the public access facility over the life of the use or development shall be the responsibility of the owner unless otherwise accepted by a public or non-profit agency through a formal agreement recorded with the County Auditor's Office. 14. Public access easements and permit conditions shall be recorded on the deed of title and/or the face of a short or long plat. Recordation shall occur at the time of final plat approval or prior to final occupancy. 15. The location of new public access sites shall be clearly identified. Signs shall be installed and maintained by the project proponent in conspicuous locations. The signs shall indicate the public's right of access, hours of access, and other information as needed to control or limit access according to conditions of approval. 16. Existing,formal public access shall not be eliminated unless the applicant shows there is no feasible alternative and replaces the public access with access of comparable functions and value at another location. 17. Requirements or conditions for public access shall be consistent with all relevant constitutional and other legal limitations on regulation of private property. 17.50.145 VIEWS AND AESTHETICS POLICIES 1. This program seeks to minimize obstructions of the public's visual access to the water and shoreline from new shoreline developments while recognizing private property rights. 2. Shoreline use and development should not significantly detract from shoreline scenic and aesthetic qualities (as seen from land or from water)that are derived from natural or cultural features,such as estuaries, bluffs, beaches,vegetative cover and historic sites/structures. 3. Clearing,thinning, and/or limbing for limited view corridors should only be allowed where it does not adversely impact ecological, aesthetic values or slope stability. 4. Vegetation conservation should be preferred over the creation or maintenance of views from property on the shoreline to protect shoreline ecological functions and aesthetics. 5. The County should achieve aesthetic objectives by implementing regulations and criteria for site planning, maximum height,setbacks, siting of buildings and accessories,screening, vegetation conservation, architectural standards,sign control regulations, appropriate development siting and maintenance of natural vegetative buffers. 6. Where there is an irreconcilable conflict between water-dependent shoreline uses or physical public access and maintenance of views from adjacent properties,the water-dependent uses and physical public access shall have priority, unless there is a compelling reason to the contrary. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' 'n"Page 55 i SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^^t^"^r', '^"Page 56 i 17.50.200 USE Policies and Regulations 17.50.205 AGRICULTURE A. AGRICULTURE POLICIES 1. Soils that are well suited for agriculture, resource protection and open space should be protected from non-agricultural uses. 2. This master program shall not require modification of or limit existing and ongoing agricultural practices located on agricultural lands. The policies and regulations in this master program only apply to new and expanded agricultural activities on land not meeting the definition of agricultural land, conversion of agricultural lands to other uses, and other development on agricultural land that does not meet the definition of agricultural activities. 3. New and expanded agricultural uses and development should be located and designed to assure no net loss of ecological functions and should avoid adverse impacts to shoreline resources. 4. Agricultural uses and developments should follow best management practices to prevent erosion, runoff,and associated water quality impacts. 5. Animal keeping areas should,when possible, be located outside the shoreline management area jurisdiction. When located in shoreline jurisdiction,they should be separated from water bodies by vegetated buffer strips. 6. Proper pasture maintenance and manure management practices should be employed to preclude contamination of surface water with livestock waste,to prevent the transmission of waterborne diseases to both human and livestock populations, and to preserve pasture vegetative cover and soil absorptive capacity. 7. Pasture siting practices that prevent contamination of watercourses and the destruction and erosion of vegetation and soil should be encouraged. 8. Buffer zones of permanent vegetation should be encouraged between pastures and tilled areas and associated water bodies to retard surface runoff, reduce siltation,and promote quality habitats for fish and wildlife. 9. Livestock waste should be disposed of in a manner that will prevent surface or ground water contamination. 10. Feedlots should be restricted from locating in shoreline jurisdiction unless the applicant can satisfactorily demonstrate that they will cause no significant adverse environmental impacts. 11. Maintaining vegetative cover in areas subject to flooding should be encouraged. B. AGRICULTURE REGULATIONS 1. In accordance with RCW 90.58.065,this Program shall not require modification of or limit existing or ongoing agricultural activities occurring on agricultural lands. The regulations in this master program apply only to: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ', '^"Page 57 i a. New agricultural activities on land not meeting the definition of agricultural land; b. Conversion of agricultural lands to other uses; and c. Other development on agricultural land that does not meet the definition of agricultural activities. 2. New agricultural uses and developments shall conform to the requirements of this Program, consistent with the General Regulations. 3. The use of tanks and troughs for animal watering is encouraged; allowing animals direct, unrestricted access to surface water is not permitted. If stream crossings are necessary, bridges, culverts,or ramps shall be used to enable animal crossing without damaging the streambed or banks. 4. Surface water drainage and runoff shall be diverted away from animal confinement and waste storage sites. 5. Animal confinement areas shall be graded to slope away from surface water. 6. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed on roofs to prevent excess water from entering animal confinement areas. The roof water shall be managed consistent with Mason County's current stormwater standards. 7. Confinement areas shall be located away from streams, wetlands, and other waterbodies in shoreline jurisdiction. A fenced buffer of permanent native vegetation consistent with MCC 17.50.110 shall be maintained between confinement areas and water bodies. 8. Waste storage sites with the exception of manure lagoons shall be covered and contained with impermeable material. Waste storage sites shall be located outside of the floodway and should be located outside the 100-year floodplain,where feasible. Manure lagoons shall be set back 200 feet from all surface water and diked to withstand the 100-year base flood with three feet of overboard. 9. Tillage patterns which allow runoff directly into adjacent waters shall not be allowed. A buffer of permanent vegetation consistent with MCC 17.50.110 shall be maintained between tilled areas and water bodies to retard surface runoff. 10. Feedlots are prohibited in Commercial, Residential, Conservancy, Natural and Aquatic environments. They may be considered as a Conditional Use in Rural shoreline environments, provided they are be set back a minimum of 200 feet from the ordinary high water mark and are not located within a channel migration zone. 11. Upland finfish rearing facilities are prohibited in Commercial, Residential, Natural and Aquatic environments. They may be considered as a Conditional Use in Rural and Conservancy shoreline environments provided that non-water dependent components of the facility are set back from the ordinary high water mark consistent with General regulations. 12. Erosion control measures should conform to guidelines and standards established by the Natural Resource Conservation Service or other approved best management practices. 13. Pesticides shall be used, handled, and disposed of in accordance with provisions of the Washington State Pesticides Application Act(RCW 17.21)and the Washington State Pesticide Act(RCW 15.578)to prevent contamination and sanitation problems. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' '^"Page 58 i 14. New agricultural uses and development in support of agricultural uses should be located and designed to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to existing public access to or enjoyment of adjacent shoreline areas. 15. Soil amendments derived from biosolids are discouraged in shoreline jurisdiction. 17.50.210 AQUACULTURE A. AQUACULTURE POLICIES 1. Aquaculture is of statewide interest. Aquaculture is dependent on the use of the water area and,when consistent with control of pollution and prevention of damage to the environment, is a preferred use of the water area. Properly managed, it can result in long-term over short- term benefit and can protect the resources and ecology of the shoreline. 2. Potential locations for aquaculture practices are relatively restricted due to specific biophysical requirements such as water quality,temperature,substrate, dissolved oxygen, and salinity. Priority should be given to aquaculture uses in areas having a high potential for such uses. 3. The County should strengthen and diversify the local economy by encouraging aquaculture uses. Aquaculture operations should be protected against encroachment from incompatible, competing uses. 4. Flexibility to experiment with new aquaculture techniques should be allowed. 5. The County should minimize redundancy of aquaculture permit application requirements required by this Program and other County, State and Federal standards. 6. The County should support community restoration projects associated with aquaculture when they are consistent with this Program. 7. Shoreline and upland development in productive aquaculture areas or those areas with a high potential for aquaculture uses should be reviewed for detrimental impacts on aquaculture. 8. Maximum effort to protect water quality should be made in areas with high potential for aquaculture and current aquaculture areas that have been identified as sensitive areas. 9. The County should consider local ecological conditions and provide limits and conditions to assure appropriate compatible types of aquaculture for the local conditions as necessary to assure no net loss of ecological functions. Aquaculture should not be permitted in areas where it would result in a net loss of ecological functions or adversely impact eelgrass and macro-algae. Aquacultural facilities should be designed and located so as not to spread disease to native aquatic life, or establish new nonnative species which cause significant ecological impacts. Unavoidable impacts to ecological functions shall be mitigated. 10. Recognition should be given to the possible impacts that aquacultural activities might have on the aesthetic quality of the shoreline area. 11. Structures or activities associated with aquaculture should be located landward of shoreline buffers unless clearly shoreline dependent. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattQetebAr' 2^"Page 59 i 12. Aquacultural activities should be operated in a manner that allows navigational access to shoreline owners and commercial traffic. 13. Floating aquaculture should be reviewed for conflicts with other water dependent uses in areas that are utilized for moorage, recreational boating, sport fishing,commercial fishing or commercial navigation. Such surface installation shall incorporate features to reduce use conflicts. B. AQUACULTURE REGULATIONS 1. General Aquaculture Regulations. a. Shoreline developments adjacent to areas suitable for aquaculture shall practice strict pollution control procedures. As required by MCC 8.52.170(G),design and siting of all new construction and major new development shall not adversely impact water quality. b. Proposed residential subdivisions and other land uses and developments which may impact aquaculture operations shall provide facilities to prevent any adverse water quality impacts to such operations. As required by MCC 8.52.170(G), all projects shall meet or exceed any storm water design requirements to avoid any risk of decertification of shellfish beds. c. Site preparation and construction in the vicinity of aquaculture operations shall not result in off-site erosion, siltation, or other reductions in water quality. Land uses on erosion hazard areas shall meet the requirements of MCC 8.52.160. d. Existing aquaculture activities include areas that are actively cultivated and/or dormant. It is presumed that the following areas are dormant and hence existing: areas acquired under the Bush act of 1895; areas undergoing crop rotation;and areas dormant due to market conditions,seed or juvenile availability, past and current pest infestations or control issues,water quality issues, and other cultivation factors beyond the control of the operator. A presumptively dormant area may, on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Administrator, be deemed abandoned provided clear and affirmative information evidencing intent to abandon the area for shellfish farming is provided. Existing or permitted aquaculture operations are not subject to Section 17.50.120, Existing Structures and Uses,and shall not be considered nonconforming or abandoned. Ongoing maintenance, harvest, replanting, restocking or changing the culture technique or species cultivated for any existing or permitted aquaculture activity shall not require shoreline review or a new permit, unless or until: i. the operation changes the scope and intent of the original permit as defined in 17.50.400; or ii. The facility proposes to cultivate non-native species not previously cultivated in the state of Washington. e. Consistent with mitigation sequencing, aquacultural uses and developments may be required to provide mitigation where necessary to offset significant adverse impacts to normal public use of surface waters. f. Aquaculture development shall not cause extensive erosion or accretion along adjacent shorelines. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' 2^"Page 60 i g. Aquaculture structures and activities that are not shoreline dependent or do not have a functional relationship to the water shall be located landward of shoreline buffers required by this Program to minimize the detrimental impact to the shoreline. h. Proposed aquaculture processing plants shall provide adequate buffers to screen potential impacts of operations (e.g.,visual,odor, and noise impacts)from adjacent residential uses. i. Aquaculture activities shall,to the greatest extent feasible with regard to the economic viability of the operation and protection of the environment be located, designed and operated so that native plant and animal populations,their respective habitats and the local ecological balance are maintained. i. New or expanded aquaculture shall be located, designed and maintained to assure no net loss of ecological functions, as demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan or equivalent report (e.g. Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation). ii. Aquaculture use and development shall minimize shading and other adverse impacts to macro-algae and eelgrass beds. If eelgrass or macro-algae is known or suspected,an aquatic vegetation survey is required. Unavoidable impacts shall be addressed in a Habitat Management Plan or equivalent report (e.g. Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation)that presents an acceptable mitigation plan. NOTE: regulatory protections do not apply to eelgrass or macro-algae that colonize a shellfish farm. iii. Floating aquaculture uses and developments that require attaching structures to the bed or bottomlands shall use anchors,such as helical anchors,or other methods that minimize disturbance to substrate. Potential adverse impacts shall be mitigated. iv. Disease and pest control may be authorized, provided methods are allowed by federal and state regulations and follow best management practices. To the maximum extent practicable, aquaculture use and development shall employ the least harmful best management practices to control birds and mammals. j. To the maximum extent practicable,floating aquaculture structures shall not substantially detract from the aesthetic qualities of the surrounding area, provided methods are allowed by federal and state regulations and follow best management practices. k. Aquacultural structures shall be placed in such a manner, and be suitably sized and marked,so as to minimize interference with navigation. I. Aquaculture development shall be designed and constructed with best management practices to minimize visual impacts and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. Aquaculture facilities, except navigation aids, shall use colors and materials that blend into the surrounding environment where practicable. m. Proposed aquacultural developments shall make adequate provisions to control nuisance factors such as excessive noise and odor and excessive lighting. Permits shall include allowance for work at night or on weekends but may require limits and conditions to reduce impacts,such as noise and lighting,to adjacent existing uses. n. Aquacultural discards shall be disposed of in a manner that will not degrade associated uplands, wetlands, shorelines, or aquatic environments. Discards shall not be disposed of in a manner which results in offensive odors or increases the vector population. All SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ' '^"Page 61 i waste-materials and discards shall be disposed of in strict compliance with all applicable governmental waste disposal standards, including but not limited to the Federal Clean Water Act,Section 401, and the Washington State Water Pollution Control Act(RCW 90.48). o. Equipment,structures and materials shall not be abandoned in the shoreline or wetland area. p. Precautionary measures shall be taken to minimize the risk of oil or other toxic materials from entering the water or shoreline area. q. Gravel enhancement projects necessary to maintain existing shellfish beds are allowed. New projects that are not maintenance of existing beds and involve greater than one- thousand (1,000)cubic yards of material may be considered as a Conditional Use. r. To minimize redundancy between federal,state and local aquaculture requirements,the County should use permit applications that mirror federal or state permit applications, and accept documentation that has been submitted to other permitting agencies wherever possible. s. A written statement of exemption is required for new aquaculture activities that do not constitute substantial development or otherwise require a Shoreline Permit. A written statement of exemption constitutes a valid authorization to conduct new or expanding aquaculture activities. A written statement of exemption shall provide a summary of the consistency of the aquaculture activities with this SMP and the Shoreline Management Act. 2. Finfish Net Pen Regulations. a. Because of persistent low dissolved oxygen conditions,finfish net pen facilities shall not be located in the waters of Hood Canal, except for limited conservation needs targeting the cultivation of wild stocks during a limited portion of their lifecycle to enhance restoration of native stocks. Such activities may be considered as a conditional use, must meet the criteria in Regulation 2(b)(i-iv),and must involve minimal supplemental feeding and no use of chemicals or antibiotics. b. Finfish net pens may be considered as a Conditional Use in waters outside Hood Canal, and shall meet the following criteria in addition to other applicable regulations: i. All in-water finfish aquaculture proposals shall include a site characterization survey, baseline surveys, and monitoring as described in the Department of Ecology Recommended Interim Guidelines for the Management of Salmon Net-pen Culture in Puget Sound (1986), or subsequent documents approved by the State. ii. Finfish net pens shall meet, at a minimum,State approved administrative guidelines for the management of finfish net pen cultures. In the event there is a conflict in requirements,the more restrictive requirement shall prevail. iii. Finfish net pens shall not occupy more than 2 surface acres of water area, excluding booming and anchoring requirements. Anchors that minimize disturbance to substrate,such as helical anchors,shall be employed. Such operations shall not use chemicals or antibiotics. iv. Finfish aquaculture proposals that include net pens or rafts shall not be located closer than 1 nautical mile to any other aquaculture facility that includes net pens or rafts; provided that, a lesser distance may be authorized if the applicant can SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e*^hAr ' 20 7 Page 62 i demonstrate that the proposal will be consistent with the environmental and aesthetic policies and objectives of this Program. If a lesser distance is requested, the burden of proof shall be on the applicant to demonstrate that the cumulative impacts of existing and proposed operations would not be contrary to the policies and regulations of this Program. 3. —Commercial Geoduck Aquaculture. a. In addition to the siting considerations in the General Aquaculture Regulations, commercial geoduck aquaculture shall only be allowed where sediments,topography, land and water access support geoduck aquaculture operations without significant clearing or grading. b. As determined by Attorney General Opinion 2007 No. 1,the planting,growing, and harvesting of farm-raised geoduck clams requires a Substantial Development Permit if a specific project or practice causes substantial interference with normal public use of the surface waters, but not otherwise. c. Conditional Use Permits are required for new commercial geoduck aquaculture. Conversions from existing non-geoduck aquaculture to geoduck aquaculture within existing farm boundaries do not require a Conditional Use Permit. d. All subsequent cycles of planting and harvest shall not require a new Conditional Use Permit. e. Conditional Use Permits must take into account that commercial geoduck operators have a right to harvest geoduck once planted. f. A single Conditional Use Permit may be submitted for multiple sites within an inlet, bay or other defined feature, provided the sites are all under control of the same applicant and within County shoreline jurisdiction. g. Unless already addressed in other applications, such as shoreline permit applications or Habitat Management Plans or equivalent reports (e.g. Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation), applications for new commercial geoduck aquaculture shall contain: L A narrative description and timeline for all anticipated geoduck planting and harvesting activities if not already contained in the federal or state permit application or comparable information mentioned above. ii. A baseline ecological survey of the proposed site to allow consideration of the ecological effects if not already contained in the federal or state permit application or comparable information mentioned above. iii. Measures to achieve no net loss of ecological functions consistent with the mitigation sequence described in 17.50.110. iv. Management practices that address impacts from mooring, parking, noise, lights, litter, and other activities associated with geoduck planting and harvesting operations. h. As required by Title 15 procedural regulations, Mason County will provide public notice to all property owners within three hundred feet of the proposed project boundary. The County will also provide notice to tribes with Usual and Accustomed fishing rights to the area. The rights of treaty tribes to aquatic resources within their Usual and Accustomed SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategetebe 2- '^"Page 63 i areas shall be addressed through direct coordination between the applicant and the affected tribe(s). j. Conditional Use Permits shall include monitoring and reporting requirements necessary to verify that geoduck aquaculture operations are in compliance with permit limits and conditions set forth in Conditional Use Permits and to support cumulative impacts analysis. The County shall consider the reporting and monitoring conditions of other permitting agencies, if available, before adding additional conditions to a permit. k. Conditional Use Permits shall be reviewed using the best scientific and technical information available. This requirement may be met through review and approval of Habitat Management Plans equivalent reports (e.g. Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation) prepared by a qualified fish and wildlife professional, or through use of information provided under federal agency biological reviews conducted through the US Army Corps of Engineers permitting process. I. Applicants shall apply best management practices to accomplish the intent of permit limits and conditions. m. To avoid or limit impacts from geoduck aquaculture siting and operations and achieve no net loss of ecological functions, permits shall consider the following and place conditions where applicable and not redundant with other permit agency conditions: i. The practice of placing nursery tanks or holding pools or other impervious materials directly on the intertidal sediments. ii. Use of motorized vehicles,such as trucks,tractors and forklifts below the ordinary high water mark. iii. Specific periods when limits on activities are necessary to protect priority habitats and associated species. The need for such measures should be identified in the baseline ecological survey conducted for the site. iv. Alterations to the natural condition of the site, including significant removal of vegetation or rocks and regrading of the natural slope and sediments. V. Installation of property corner markers that are visible at low tide during planting and harvesting. vi. Mitigation measures such as buffers between commercial geoduck aquaculture and other fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas as necessary to ensure no net loss of ecological functions. vii. Use of predator exclusion devices with minimal adverse ecological effects and requiring that they be removed as soon as they are no longer needed for predator exclusion. viii. Use of the best available methods to minimize turbid runoff from the waterjets used to harvest geoducks. ix. k4-Number of barges or vessels that can be moored or beached at the site as well as duration limits. X. Public rights to navigation over the surface of the water. xi. Good housekeeping practices at geoduck aquaculture sites, including worker training and regular removal of equipment,tools, extra materials,and all wastes. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^^t^ger-Z 2^"Page 64 i xii. Where the site contains existing public access to publicly owned lands, consider recommendations from the Washington Department of Natural Resources or other landowning agencies regarding protection of the existing public access. 17.50.215 COMMERCIAL A. COMMERCIAL POLICIES 1. Commercial development on shorelines should be encouraged to provide physical and/or visual access to the shoreline,and other opportunities for the public to enjoy the shoreline. Commercial uses located in the shoreline should provide public access in accordance with constitutional or other legal limitations unless such improvements are demonstrated to be infeasible or present hazards to life and property 2. Multiple use concepts,which include open space and recreation,should be encouraged in commercial developments. 3. Commercial development should be aesthetically compatible with the surrounding area. Structures should not significantly impact views from upland properties, public roadways or from the water. 4. The location of commercial developments along shorelines should ensure the protection of natural areas or systems identified as having geological, ecological, biological, or cultural significance. Commercial Developments should be located, designed and operated to avoid and minimize adverse impacts on shoreline ecological functions and processes. 5. Commercial developments should be encouraged to be located landward of shoreline buffers unless they are dependent on a shoreline location. Commercial developments should be discouraged over-water or in wetlands and floodplains. 6. New commercial development in shorelines should be encouraged to locate in those areas with existing commercial development that will minimize sprawl and the inefficient use of shoreline areas. 7. Preference should be given to water-dependent commercial uses over non-water-dependent commercial uses;and second, preference shall be given to water-related and water- enjoyment commercial uses over non-water-oriented commercial uses. 8. In areas designated for commercial use, new non-water oriented commercial development should be prohibited on shorelines except when: a. It is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right-of-way;or b. Navigability is severely limited at the proposed site and the commercial use provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access and ecological restoration; or c. The use is part of a mixed use project that includes, and is subordinate to,water- dependent uses and provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access and ecological restoration. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattOc-teber-2L,2^"Page 65 i 9. Restoration of impaired shoreline ecological functions and processes should be encouraged as part of commercial development. 10. Parking facilities should be placed inland, outside of the shoreline jurisdiction, if possible. 11. Commercial development should be designed and located to minimize impacts of noise and/or light generated by the development upon adjacent properties. Commercial developments that generate significant noise impacts should be discouraged. B. COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS 1. The County shall utilize the following information in its review of commercial development proposals: a. Nature of the activity; b. Need for shore frontage; c. Special considerations for enhancing the relationship of the activity to the shoreline; d. Provisions for public visual or physical access to the shoreline; e. Provisions to ensure that the development will not cause severe adverse environmental impacts; f. Provisions to mitigate any significant noise impacts; g. Provisions to mitigate light or glare impacts; h. A description of mitigation measures proposed to ensure that the development will protect existing shoreline ecological functions and mitigate unavoidable impacts. 2. Commercial development may be permitted on the shoreline in the following descending order of priority:water dependent,water related,and water enjoyment. Low-intensity, water-oriented commercial and industrial uses may be permitted in the limited instances where those uses have located in the past or at unique sites in rural communities that possess shoreline conditions and services to support the use. 3. In areas designated for commercial use, new non-water oriented commercial uses and development may only be allowed when: a. The site is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right-of- way; or b. Navigability is severely limited at the proposed site and the commercial use provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access or ecological restoration; or c. The use is part of a mixed use project that includes, and is subordinate to,water- dependent uses,and it provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access or ecological restoration. A use is subordinate if: i. It is located landward of a principal water dependent use; and ii. It occupies a surface area of a lot,or of multiple lots developed as a unit,smaller than the water dependent component. The area of the water dependent SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 66 i component includes structures occupied by water dependent uses (including overwater structures). 4. Replacing one non-water oriented use with another non-water oriented use does not require a Conditional Use Permit, unless there is an increase in the total area occupied by the non- water oriented use (including parking and storage). 5. Parking and Loading Areas. a. Parking and loading areas shall be located outside the shoreline jurisdiction, if practicable. b. Perimeters of parking areas shall be landscaped to minimize visual impacts to the shorelines, roadways and adjacent properties subject to approval by Public Works and/or Department of Transportation. c. Permit application shall identify the size,general type and location of landscaping. d. Design of parking and loading areas shall ensure that surface runoff does not pollute adjacent waters or cause soil or beach erosion. Design shall provide for storm water retention. e. Parking plans shall be reviewed by Mason County Department of Public Works for compliance with all applicable County Ordinances. 6. Those portions of a commercial development which are not water dependent are prohibited over the water,except in existing structures or in the limited instances where they are auxiliary to and necessary in support of water-dependent uses. 7. Water supply and waste facilities shall comply with the strictest established guidelines, standards and regulations. 8. New commercial developments shall be located adjacent to existing commercial developments whenever possible. 9. New or expanded structures shall not extend more than 35 feet in height above average grade level. 10. Commercial developments adjacent to aquaculture operations or shellfish beds shall practice strict pollution control procedures. 11. Commercial developments shall be located and designed to minimize noise impacts on adjacent properties. 17.50.220 FOREST PRACTICES A. FOREST PRACTICES POLICIES 1. The County should rely on the Forest Practices Act and its implementing rules as adequate management of commercial forest uses within shoreline jurisdiction, except for forest conversion activities. 2. Conversion of forest lands should comply with requirements for the subsequent non-forestry use as required in the Master Program. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^^*^her', '^"Page 67 i 3. Forest practices should comply with the Act's provisions on shorelines of statewide significance. 4. When practical,forest management road systems will be designed outside the shoreline area. B. FOREST PRACTICE REGULATIONS 1. Cutting practices on shorelines of statewide significance shall be governed by the Act (RCW 90.58.150). Only selective commercial timber cutting may be allowed,so that no more than thirty percent of the merchantable trees may be harvested in any ten year period of time: provided that other timber harvesting methods may be permitted in those limited instances where the topography,soil conditions or silviculture practices necessary for regeneration render selective logging ecologically detrimental provided further,that clear cutting of timber which is solely incidental to the preparation of land for other uses authorized by this chapter may be permitted. Exceptions to this standard shall be by Conditional Use Permit. 2. Herbicides, insecticides,or other forest chemical applications are to be used in accordance with the Washington Pesticide Application Act (RCW 17.21) and the Washington Pesticide Act (RCW 15.47)and are not regulated by this program. 3. Forest practices are prohibited in Commercial and Aquatic Environments. 4. Timber harvesting and forest practices shall be conducted in accordance with the Washington State Forest Practices Act (RCW 76.09 as amended),and any implementing regulations (WAC 222 as amended) and are not regulated by this Program except as expressly provided herein. 5. Conversion of forest land to non-forestry uses (Class IV General Forest Practices Permit)shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions for the proposed non-forestry use and general regulations and shall be subject to any permit requirements associated with the non-forestry use. 17.50.225 INDUSTRIAL AND MARINE TERMINALS A. INDUSTRIAL AND MARINE TERMINAL POLICIES 1. Water-dependent industrial uses and marine terminals which require frontage on navigable water should be given priority over non-water-dependent industrial uses; second preference should be given to water-related industrial uses over non-water-oriented industrial uses. 2. New non-water-oriented industrial and marine terminal uses and development should be prohibited on shorelines except when: a. It is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right of way; or: b. Navigability is severely limited at the proposed site and the industrial use provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives; or c. The use is part of a mixed-use project that includes, and is subordinate to,water- dependent uses and provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page 68 i 3. Industrial and marine terminal development should be located, designed, and constructed in a manner that assures no net loss of shoreline ecological functions and such that it does not have significant adverse impacts to other shoreline resources and values. 4. Industrial and marine terminal development should be visually compatible with adjacent properties. B. INDUSTRIAL AND MARINE TERMINAL REGULATIONS 1. New water-dependent and water related industrial and marine terminal developments are prohibited in Natural environments. New low-intensity water-dependent and water related industrial and marine terminal development are permitted in Commercial environments and may be considered as a Conditional Use in Residential, Rural, Conservancy, and Aquatic environments, provided they are allowed in the underlying zone. 2. New non-water-oriented industrial uses and developments are generally prohibited in all environments but may be considered as a Conditional Use, provided the use and development is authorized in the underlying zone and: a. The site is physically separated from the shoreline by another property or public right of way;or b. Navigability is severely limited at the proposed site, and the industrial use or development provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access or ecological restoration; or c. The use is part of a mixed-use project that includes, and is subordinate to, an associated water-dependent use, and it provides a significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management Act's objectives such as providing public access or ecological restoration. A use is subordinate if: i. It is located landward of a principal water dependent use;and ii. It occupies a surface area of a lot (or multiple lots developed as a unit)smaller than the water dependent component. The area of the water dependent component includes structures occupied by water dependent uses (including overwater structures). 3. Replacing one non-water oriented use with another non-water oriented use does not require a Conditional Use Permit, unless the total area occupied by the non-water oriented use (including parking and storage) increases. 4. Industrial and marine terminal development shall be located, designed,constructed and operated to avoid and minimize impacts to ecological functions and mitigate for unavoidable impacts consistent with the General Regulations. Water-dependent structures may be allowed within required buffers to the minimum extent necessary to support the water dependent use, provided adequate mitigation is provided. 5. Industrial facilities and marine terminals shall be located, designed, constructed,and operated so as to avoid interference with the rights of adjacent property owners(e.g. noise,glare,etc.), and to minimize interference with normal public use of the adjacent shoreline. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Daten,-+ bee- 2n, page 69 i 6. Industrial facilities and marine terminals shall provide public access to shoreline areas where feasible, consistent with the General Regulations. 17.50.230 IN-STREAM STRUCTURES A. IN-STREAM STRUCTURE POLICIES 1. Large-scale in-stream structures such as hydroelectric dams and related facilities are discouraged in Mason County. Such facilities should not be permitted except in the rare instance where there is clear evidence that the benefits to County residents outweigh any potential adverse ecological impacts. 2. In-stream structures should be approved only when associated with and necessary for an ecological restoration project, a fish passage project,temporary research, or an allowed shoreline use/development such as a utility or industrial facility. 3. When necessary, in-stream structures should be located, designed,operated and maintained in a manner that minimizes adverse effects on the stream functions and processes. 4. Proposals for new in-stream structures should be evaluated for their potential adverse effects on the physical, hydrological, and biological characteristics as well as effects on species that inhabit the stream or riparian area. 5. When necessary, in-stream structures should be planned and designed to be compatible with navigation and recreation,especially in shorelines of statewide significance, provided that public safety and ecological protection are fully addressed. 6. The County shall take appropriate measures and precautions to prevent the proliferation of small-scale power generating apparatus as necessary to prevent cumulative adverse impacts. B. IN-STREAM STRUCTURE REGULATIONS 1. Dams and associated power generating facilities shall not be permitted except in the rare instance where there is clear evidence that the benefits to County residents outweigh any potential adverse ecological impacts. The criteria for approving such facilities will depend on the specific location including its particular physical, cultural, and ecological conditions. Prior to approving or denying such facilities,the County shall consult citizens and appropriate agencies to evaluate in-stream structure proposals. 2. In-stream structures whose primary purpose is flood control shall also be subject to Flood Control regulations. 3. When permitted, in-stream structures and their support facilities shall be: a. Constructed and maintained in a manner that does not degrade the quality of affected waters or the habitat value associated with the in stream and riparian area; and b. Located and designed based on reach analysis to avoid the need for structural shoreline armoring. 4. All in-water diversion structures shall be designed to permit the natural transport of bedload materials. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dote getebe-2 2^"Page 70 i 5. All debris,overburden and other waste materials from construction shall be disposed of in such a manner that prevents their entry into a water body. 6. When installing in-stream structures, natural in-stream and in-water features such as snags, uprooted trees, or stumps should be left in place unless it can be demonstrated that they are a threat to public safety. 7. In-stream structures shall not prevent upstream or downstream migration of anadromous fish. 8. Small-scale power generating micro-turbines may be placed in streams provided they do not create impoundments and there are no adverse effects on shoreline functions and processes, including but not limited to fish passage,stream flow, habitat structure,temperature, and/or water quality. 9. The County shall require any proposed in-stream structure to be professionally engineered and designed prior to final approval. 10. No in-stream structure shall be installed without the developer having obtained all applicable federal,state, and local permits and approvals, including but not limited to a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)from the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. 11. The County shall require the proponent of an in-stream structure proposal to provide the following information prior to final approval unless the County determines that the issues are adequately addressed via another regulatory review process: a. A site suitability analysis that provides the rationale and justification for the proposed structure. The analysis shall include a description and analysis of alternative sites, and a thorough discussion of the environmental impacts of each. b. A hydraulic analysis prepared by a licensed professional engineer that describes anticipated effects of the project on stream hydraulics, including potential increases in base flood elevation, changes in stream velocity, and the potential for redirection of the normal flow of the affected stream. c. A Habitat Management Plan prepared by a qualified professional biologist that describes the anticipated effects of the project on fish and wildlife resources, provisions for protecting in-stream resources during construction and operation, and measures to compensate for impacts that cannot be avoided. d. A description of sites proposed for the depositing of debris, overburden, and other waste materials generated during construction. e. For hydropower facilities,the proposed location and design of powerhouses, penstocks, accessory structures and access and service roads. f. Proposed provisions for accommodating public access to and along the affected shoreline, as well as any proposed on-site recreational features. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DotegaebeF' '^"Page 71 i 17.50.235 MARINAS A. MARINA POLICIES 1. Marinas should be located only at sites with suitable environmental conditions,shoreline configuration,access, and neighboring uses. 2. Where allowed, marinas should be located, designed,constructed and operated with appropriate mitigation to avoid adverse effects on shoreline ecological functions. 3. Marinas should be designed and located to minimize obstruction of views and conflicts with boaters and fishermen. 4. The type and design of marinas should be compatible with the shoreline area where they are located. Consideration should be given to shoreline characteristics,tidal action, aesthetics, and adjacent land and water uses. 5. Marinas should be constructed of materials that will not adversely affect water quality or aquatic plants and animals. 6. Use of marinas and public launches are preferred rather than the development of individual docks, piers, and boat launches for private, non-commercial pleasure craft. 7. Boathouses and covered moorages should be prohibited where incompatible with environmental conditions. 8. Water-related and water enjoyment uses may be allowed as part of a mixed use development on over-water structures where they are clearly auxiliary to and in support of water- dependent uses. 9. New or expanded marinas should be permitted only when the applicant has demonstrated that a specific need exists to support the intended water-dependent use. 10. Marinas and boat launching facilities should be located in areas where parking and access to the facility can be accommodated without causing adverse impacts upon adjacent properties or endanger public safety. 11. Proposals should be planned and developed where regional and local evidence of substantial need exists. 12. Shallow water embankments should not be considered for overnight or long-term moorage facilities. 13. New construction should be aesthetically compatible with the existing surroundings and not degrade existing views. 14. In locating marinas,special plans should be made to protect the fish,shellfish, and other biological resources that may be harmed by construction and operation of the facility. 15. Special attention should be given to the design and development of operational procedures for fuel handling and storage in order to minimize accidental spillage and provide satisfactory means for handling those spills that do occur. 16. Shoreline resources and water quality should be protected from overuse by boaters living on vessels (live-a-boards). SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF 2 '^"Page 72 i 17. Vessels should be restricted from extended mooring on waters of the state unless authorization is obtained from the DNR and impacts to navigation and public access are mitigated. B. MARINA REGULATIONS 1. Marinas that provide overnight or long-term moorage shall not be located or expanded in areas that would result in a closure of commercial, recreational, or subsistence shellfish harvest, per the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. 2. Marinas shall be compatible with the general aesthetic quality of the shoreline area where they are located. 3. Marinas and their accessory facilities shall be located,designed, constructed and operated to avoid, minimize, and mitigate for unavoidable adverse effects on fish,shellfish,wildlife and other biological resources,water quality,and existing geo-hydraulic shoreline processes. Proposals for marinas shall include a Habitat Management Plan that identifies measures to protect habitats and mitigate for unavoidable impacts. Pier, ramp, and float construction and design shall meet the non-residential dock regulations including avoiding impediments to longshore sediment transport,work windows, etc. 4. Marinas shall be located,designed, constructed and operated so as to not substantially or unnecessarily interfere with the rights of adjacent property owners, nor interfere with adjacent water uses. 5. Parking and Loading Areas. a. Parking and loading areas shall be located well away from the immediate waters'edge and beaches, unless there is no other practical location for parking. b. Perimeters of parking areas shall be landscaped to minimize visual impacts to the shorelines, roadways and adjacent properties subject to approval by Public Works and/or Department of Transportation. Permit application shall identify the size,general type and location of landscaping. c. Design of parking and loading areas shall ensure that surface runoff does not pollute adjacent waters or cause soil or beach erosion. Design shall provide for storm water retention,shall comply with the Mason County Parking Ordinance,and shall be reviewed by Mason County Department of Public Works for compliance with all applicable County Ordinances. d. Creation of parking areas by filling beyond ordinary high water mark(OHWM) or in wetlands is prohibited. e. Provisions shall be made to facilitate the orderly circulation of vehicles and pedestrians in the vicinity of the marina. f. Provisions shall be made to facilitate the orderly launching, retrieval and storage of boats. 6. New marinas,or expansion of existing marinas which provide moorage for more than ten boats,shall be required to be equipped with easily accessible vessel pump-out and shall provide on-shore sewage and waste disposal facilities. Each marina shall permanently display signs stating that sanitary discharge of wastes is prohibited. Deviation from pump-out requirements on shall require a Variance. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateOeteber ' '^"Page 73 i 7. In sensitive areas,such as near certified shellfish growing areas and forage fish spawning areas, the applicant shall be required to demonstrate that the maximum protection of shore features,water quality and existing uses will be provided. 8. Adequate illumination shall be required. Illumination shall be designed and constructed to minimize off-site light and glare. 9. Physical and/or visual public access opportunities shall be provided pursuant to the Program's public access standards. 10. Rest room facilities shall be provided for public use. 11. Associated uses shall be limited to those found necessary to marina operation or which provide visual or physical access to the shoreline to substantial numbers of the public. Associated uses shall conform to the regulations for those uses. 12. Marinas shall project waterward the minimum distance necessary to provide service to vessels,without creating a hazard to navigation. 13. Marina and launching facilities shall be located to minimize the need for initial and maintenance dredging,filling, beach feeding and other channel maintenance activities. 14. Expansion of existing marinas shall be required to meet the standards set forth for new development. 15. Covered moorage shall be designed and located in order to minimize adverse impacts caused by lighting and view blockage. Boathouses and covered moorages should be prohibited where incompatible with environmental conditions. Proposals for covered moorage and overwater boat houses on marine shorelines and on lakes with species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act as either proposed,threatened,or endangered shall include a Habitat Management Plan that identifies measures to protect habitats and mitigate for unavoidable impacts. 16. Boaters living on vessels are restricted to established marinas with facilities to address waste handling and other sanitary services. Live-aboard vessels may occupy up to ten (10) percent of the slips at a marina. 17. Proposals for new or expanded marina facilities shall include appropriate technical studies and plans that are not already required via another regulatory review process and shall document potential impacts and mitigating measures. Examples of studies and plans that may be required include, but are not limited to: a. A Maintenance Plan for maintaining pump-out and waste/sewage disposal facilities and services. b. A Spill Response Plan for oil and other spilled products. Compliance with federal or state law may fulfill this requirement. c. An Operational Plan that,at a minimum, describes procedures for fuel handling and storage; measures, including signage,for informing marina users of applicable regulations; measures for collecting garbage and recyclables; measures and equipment for ensuring public safety. d. A visual assessment of views from surrounding residential properties, public viewpoints, and the view of the shoreline from the water surface. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber',2^"Page 74 i e. An assessment of existing water-dependent uses in the vicinity including but not limited to navigation,fishing, and aquaculture operations. 17.50.240 MINING A. MINING POLICIES 1. Recognizing that minerals,especially sand,gravel, and quarry rock are valuable resources yet are relatively limited in quality and quantity, and that shorelines are also a valuable and limited resource where mining has severe impacts if occurring within the shoreline area, mining and accessory activities shall be conducted to the extent feasible in a manner consistent with the shoreline resource. Therefore, mining activities shall not result in permanent, significant damage to the shoreline environment. Provisions should also be made to maintain areas of historic,tribal cultural, or educational significance on or adjacent to mining sites,and mining in unique, natural, or fragile shoreline areas shall not be allowed. Mining shall only be allowed where applicants can demonstrate proposed mining depends on a shoreline location. 2. To the extent feasible, accessory equipment, and materials essential to mining operations in shoreline areas shall be stored,sited,and operated as far landward from the ordinary high water mark as possible. 3. Screening and buffering shall use topography and natural vegetation to the extent feasible and shall be maintained in effective condition. 4. Mining shall not be allowed on marine beaches and lake shores. 5. All practical measures should be taken to protect water bodies from all sources of pollution, including sedimentation and siltation, chemical and petrochemical use and spillage, and storage or disposal of mining wastes and spoils. Maximum protection shall be provided for anadromous fisheries' resources. 6. Mining activities should allow the natural shoreline systems to function with a minimum of disruption during their operations and shall return the site to a naturally functioning, self- sustaining state upon completion. 7. Mining operations should minimize adverse visual and noise impacts on surrounding shoreline areas. 8. The on-site handling of materials (including screening,washing, crushing,sorting, loading, stockpiling and storage operations)should be conducted as far landward as feasible from the shoreline. B. MINING REGULATIONS 1. Accessory Facilities. Accessory facilities essential to water-dependent mining operations may be permitted provided that they adhere to all applicable Master Program policies and use activity regulations. Docks,floats, and dolphins may be permitted accessories to mining uses according to the following conditions. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datg nQet eF 2 2n, page 75 i a. Length. Pier,float, or dock accessories to mining uses should not exceed 200 feet in total length as measured from the ordinary high water mark to the furthest waterward extension of the structure. Loading or accessory facilities or structures, including but not limited to walkways,gangways,slips,troughs, anchor buoys and conveyors may extend beyond this length. b. Width. The width of the pier,float, or dock should not exceed a maximum of 30 feet. c. Height. i. The surface of the pier,float or dock should not exceed a maximum of 30 feet. ii. Loading or accessory facilities or structures located on the dock should be no higher than 50 feet above mean higher high tide. d. Grating Requirements. See Boating Facilities general requirements. 2. Mining shall not be allowed except where demonstrated to be water-dependent. Mining activities shall not be allowed when they will permanently impede,or retard the flow or the direction of flow of any stream or river. Surface runoff from the site carrying excessive sedimentation and siltation shall not be allowed to enter any shoreline waters. 3. Preference shall be given to mining proposals that result in the creation, restoration,or enhancement of habitat for priority species. 4. Restoration of the site after completion of the mining activity shall be provided. Plans shall detail reclamation of all disturbed areas to a biologically productive and sustainable condition, and shall ensure compatibility between the project site and adjacent existing land, shoreline and water uses. The proposed subsequent use of mined property must be consistent with the provisions of the shoreline designation in which the property is located. Reclamation of disturbed shoreline areas shall provide appropriate ecological functions consistent with the surrounding ecological processes_ 5. Setbacks and Buffers. Mining operations (including accessory facilities) in shoreline areas shall utilize screening and buffering to minimize visual and auditory impacts to the shoreline environment.The screening and buffering shall be at sufficient height and width to be effective and shall be in place before the mining activity begins._Operations shall incorporate critical area buffers as documented in a Habitat Management Plan and shall follow mineral resource lands standards contained in MCC 8.52.090. 6. Erosion Control. Mining operations shall employ measures to minimize surface runoff, erosion, and sediment generation from entering shoreline waters. All preventive techniques shall be maintained in good effective condition. 7. Rivers and Streams. Mining river bars may be considered as a Conditional Use provided that no operations shall be allowed which permanently impede or retard the flow of any river or stream or adversely affect the natural processes of gravel transportation for the river system as a whole. Proposals for mining river bars shall demonstrate that operations avoid adverse impacts to fish habitat and other ecological functions and provide adequate mitigation for any unavoidable impacts. 8. Marine Beaches and Lake Shores. The mining of sand,gravel, cobbles, rock, or other native substrate from any marine beaches or lake shores below the ordinary high water mark shall SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget bee- 2017 Page 76 i not be permitted. Routine aquacultural uses and maintenance are not considered mining activities. Mining is prohibited on shorelands of Hood Canal. 9. Related Activities. The reduction,treatment, batching, or processing of the mined materials for on-site manufacturing purposes shall adhere to the policies and regulations applicable to ports and water-related industry. 10. Water Quality. Mining operations shall comply with all local,state, and federal water quality standards and pollution control laws. 11. Standing Water. Mining operations shall be conducted so as not to result in open pits or excavations being left which collect and hold stagnant,toxic, or noxious standing waters. 12. Interim Reclamation Measures. The amount of excavated area at any time shall be set by permit condition: PROVIDED that no more than ten acres shall lie disturbed, unused, or unreclaimed at any one time. 13. Reclamation. Mining in Washington is controlled by the Surface Mining Act of 1970 (RCW 78.44) and is administered by the State Department of Natural Resources. The provisions of this legislation shall be followed in all cases. To ensure the future use and visibility of shoreline areas after the completion of mining activities,the following provisions for land reclamations and utilization shall be adhered to: a. All reclamation shall be completed within two years after discontinuance of mining operation. A reclamation plan shall be submitted as part of any shoreline permit application. b. All equipment, machinery, building, and structures shall be removed from the site upon discontinuance or abandonment of mining operations. c. Backfill material used in site reclamation shall be natural materials. Combustible, flammable, noxious,toxic,or solid waste materials are not permitted as backfill or for on- site disposal, and shall be removed and disposed of away from the shoreline area. d. The site shall be rehabilitated so as to prevent future erosion and sedimentation. Suitable drainage systems shall be installed and maintained if natural gradual drainage is not possible. Topography of the site shall be restored to contour compatible with the surrounding land and shoreline area. e. All slopes and exposed areas shall be seeded or surfaced with soil from an approved source to at least the depth necessary to support revegetation. Revegetation shall utilize compatible native,self-sustaining trees,shrubs, legumes, or grass and shall be planted so as to blend with the surrounding land and shoreline area. f. No stagnant or standing water shall be allowed to collect and remain on the site except as a transient part of a sedimentation collection and removal system specified in the reclamation plan. 14. Permit Application. Applications for mining projects shall provide the following information for permit review: a. Description of the materials to be mined, quantity and quality by type,the total deposit, lateral extent and depth, depth of overburden and amount of materials to be mined. b. Description of mining technique and list of equipment to be utilized. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF 27 2^"Page 77 i c. Cross section plans which indicate present and proposed elevation and/or extraction levels and show the maximum mining depth. d. Site plans which show existing drainage patterns and all proposed alterations of topography, proposed means of handling surface runoff, and preventive controls for erosion and sedimentation. e. A mining plan showing scheduling(seasonal, phasing and daily operations);storage, usage and deposition of overburden, excavation material and tailings; location and dimensions of stockpiling areas;screening, buffers and fencing; locations of building, equipment, machinery, and structures.The plan shall include monitoring that ensures extraction amounts and rates do not adversely affect ecological functions. f. A reclamation plan. g. A determination that the proposed operation depends on a waterfront location,and that demand cannot reasonably be accommodated in operations outside shoreline jurisdiction. Information required to meet this criteria shall evaluate geologic factors such as the distribution and availability of mineral resources,as well as the need for such mineral resources, economic,transportation,and land use factors.This showing may rely on analysis or studies prepared for purposes of GMA designations, or be integrated with relevant environmental review conducted under SEPA(RCW 43.21C). h. Documentation through a Habitat Management Plan that the project will ensure that ecological functions are protected and unavoidable impacts are mitigated during the course of mining and after reclamation. Creation, restoration, or enhancement of habitat for priority species and the future productivity of the site may be considered in determining whether ecological functions are protected. i. River bar mining proposals must demonstrate how removal of specified quantities of sand and gravel or other materials at specific locations do not adversely affect the natural processes of gravel transportation for the river system as a whole, upstream and downstream of extraction sites. Mining extraction amounts, rates,timing, and locations shall be based on a scientifically determined sediment budget adjusted periodically according to data provided by a regular monitoring plan. 15. Mining Operations. All phases and activities of mining operations shall be carried out in a manner so that the operator shall not significantly adversely affect adjacent shoreline areas. 16. Public Access. Some form of public access to the shoreline for private non-commercial recreational purposes shall be afforded in a manner compatible with mining and accessory facilities and uses. Such public access may be restricted and shall be consistent with the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public. 17. Subject to the performance standards, mining is a Conditional Use in Urban Commercial, Residential, Rural, Conservancy and riverine Aquatic environments. 18. Mining is a prohibited use in a Natural environment. 19. In considering renewal, extension or reauthorization of gravel bar and other in channel mining operations in locations where they have previously been conducted,the County shall require compliance with this Program. 20. These mining provisions do not apply to dredging of authorized navigation channels. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebe.4 2014 page 78 i 17.50.245 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, SIGNS, & BILLBOARDS A. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING,SIGN,AND BILLBOARD POLICIES 1. Wherever feasible,outdoor advertising,signs and billboards should not be placed in such a manner as to degrade or impair visual access to the shoreline and water. Location or placement should be on the upland side of transportation routes parallel or adjacent to shoreline and water areas unless it can be shown that views will not be obstructed. 2. All outdoor advertising,signs and billboards shall comply with State and County regulations including Mason County Sign Code (MCC 17.03.200-203 and MCC 17.05.025). 3. Wherever feasible, outdoor advertising signs and advertising should be placed on or against existing buildings to allow maximum visibility of shoreline and water areas. 4. Other off-premises signs should not be located on shorelines except for approved community entrance or directional signs. B. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING,SIGNS,AND BILLBOARD REGULATIONS 1. Signs shall comply with the County Sign code that applies county-wide (MCC 17.03.200-203 and MCC 17.05.025),specific to Belfair(MCC 17.34), and specific to Allyn (MCC 17.15). 2. All signs shall be located and designed to minimize interference with vistas,viewpoints,and visual access to the shoreline. 3. Illuminated signs shall be hooded, shaded, or directed so as to eliminate glare when viewed from surrounding properties or watercourses. 4. Other than temporary signs, per Mason County Development Regulations MCC 17.03, overwater signs or signs on floats or pilings shall be prohibited, except when related to navigation, informational,or a water-dependent use. Signs in the Aquatic environment are not subject to buffer or setback standards. 5. Shoreline setbacks do not apply to signs attached to buildings. 6. Informational signage denoting property boundaries,trail markings, or fee/use regulations as well as interpretive or educational signs shall be allowed in all environment designations and are exempted from setback requirements. 17.50.250 RECREATIONAL A. RECREATIONAL POLICIES 1. Shoreline developments that serve a variety of recreational needs should be encouraged. Priority shall be given to developments that provide recreational uses and that facilitate public access to shorelines. Recreational developments are encouraged to provide facilities for non- motorized access, such as pedestrian or bicycle paths to link the recreation area to the shoreline. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' 2^"Page 79 i 2. All proposed recreational developments should be designed, located and operated to protect the quality of scenic views and to avoid and minimize adverse impacts on the environment in order to achieve no net loss of ecological processes and functions. Favorable consideration should be given to those projects which complement their environment. 3. Publicly owned property which provides public access to a body of salt or fresh water should be retained for public use. 4. Public agencies, private individuals,groups and developers should be encouraged to coordinate development projects to mutually satisfy recreational needs. 5. Recreational facilities should make adequate provisions for: a. traffic, both inside and outside the facility b. proper water, solid waste and sewage disposal methods; c. pet waste disposal bags,waste cans and signage for parks that allow dogs; d. security and fire protection; e. the prevention of overflow and trespass onto adjacent properties, including but not limited to landscaping,fencing and posting of property; f. buffering of development from adjacent private property. 6. Facilities for intensive recreational activities should be permitted only where sewage disposal and garbage disposal can be accomplished without altering the environment adversely. 7. Where appropriate, non-intensive recreational use should be allowed on floodplains that are subject to recurring flooding. 8. Off-shore recreational structures should be allowed and should be designed to not unduly interfere with navigation of waterways. 9. Trails and pathways on steep shoreline bluffs should be designed to protect bank stability and mitigate for impacts to shoreline ecological functions as to achieve no net loss. 10. Public recreational developments should be consistent with adopted park, recreation and open space plans for the County. 11. The development of small,dispersed recreation areas should be encouraged. 12. The linkage of shoreline parks, recreation areas and public access points by linear systems, such as hiking paths, bicycle paths,easements and scenic drives should be encouraged. 13. The use of off-road vehicles should be discouraged in all shoreline areas except where special areas have been set aside for this purpose. B. RECREATIONAL REGULATIONS 1. All proposed recreational developments shall be analyzed for their potential effect on environmental quality and natural resources. Proposed development within critical areas or their buffers shall protect habitats and mitigate for unavoidable impacts, consistent with General Regulations. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DatEQeteber',2^"Page 80 i 2. Recreational facilities shall make adequate provisions for water supply, sewage disposal and garbage collection and shall comply at all times with the updated local and State Health regulations. Such compliance shall be made a condition of the permit. 3. Parking and Vehicles. a. Parking areas shall be consistent with the Transportation Chapter MCC 17.50.265. b. Vehicular traffic, including all-terrain vehicles, is prohibited on beaches, bars,spits and streambeds, except for boat launching and maintenance activities. c. New trailer spaces, camping sites and similar facilities shall not be located on beaches and tidelands. d. Public access points on shorelines must provide parking space appropriate for the intended use. 4. Water oriented events and temporary uses in the public interest may be allowed by the County in any environment, provided that such uses will not damage the shoreline environment. Non-water oriented temporary uses may be permitted in Commercial and Residential shoreline environments. 5. Non-water oriented campsites may be approved in the Natural environment, provided they are primitive in nature and not accessible by vehicles. 6. The following regulations shall apply to artificial aquatic life habitats: a. Habitats shall not interfere with surface navigation; b. Habitats shall be constructed and moored so as to remain in their original location, even under adverse current or wave action; c. Conditions of the State Departments of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval may be incorporated into any permit issued. 7. Recreational facilities shall make adequate provisions,such as screening, buffer strips,fences and signs, to prevent overflow and to protect the value and enjoyment of adjacent or nearby private properties. 8. All permanent recreational structures and facilities shall be located outside officially mapped floodways EXCEPT the County may grant exceptions for non-intensive accessory uses (e.g., picnic tables,etc.). 9. Accessory facilities,such as restrooms, recreation halls, commercial services, access roads and parking areas shall be located inland from shoreline jurisdiction unless it can be shown that there is no inland alternative. 10. For recreation developments that will require the use of fertilizers, pesticides or other toxic chemicals, such as golf courses and playfields,the applicant shall submit plans demonstrating Best Management Practices and other methods to be used to prevent leachate from entering adjacent water bodies. Buffer strips providing the maximum width feasible from adjacent waterbodies shall be included in the plan. The County shall determine the width necessary for buffer strips,consistent with the General regulations. 11. In approving shoreline recreational developments,the County shall ensure that the development will maintain,enhance or restore desirable shoreline features including unique and fragile areas,scenic views and aesthetic values. To this end,the County may condition SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e*^"er' 2^"Page 81 i project dimensions, location of project components on the site, intensity of use,screening, parking requirements and setbacks, as deemed appropriate to achieve this end. 12. No recreation building or structure, except for docks, bridges, or water dependent scientific or environmental educational facilities, may be built waterward of the ordinary high water mark. Allowed overwater structures shall minimize habitat impacts and visual impacts. 17.50.255 RESIDENTIAL A. RESIDENTIAL POLICIES 1. Single family residences are a priority use of the shoreline when developed in a manner that assures no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. 2. Over-water or floating residential development should not be permitted waterward of the ordinary high water mark. 3. Sewage disposal facilities,as well as water supply facilities, should be provided in accordance with appropriate state and local health regulations. 4. Residential development channel migration zones or in the floodway should not be permitted. 5. Residential development in shoreline areas should be designed to preserve natural drainage courses. Storm drainage facilities should be designed and installed to protect water quality, prevent erosion, and protect structures. Low impact development practices consistent with the most current adopted Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington are encouraged for all projects,where feasible. 6. Residential development on shorelines should be planned, designed and located to avoid, minimize, and mitigate for unavoidable adverse impacts to shoreline ecological functions. 7. Subdivisions of more than 4 lots created after the effective date of this program should provide adequate common access to the shoreline and open space along the shoreline for all residents of the development. The access and open space should be of adequate size to provide for recreation land to ensure against interference with adjacent properties. 8. Residential structures should be located to minimize obstruction of views of the water from upland areas. The intent of this policy is to encourage the retention of views in and through new residential developments. This policy is not intended to prohibit residential development of a shoreline lot simply because it may impact or eliminate views from upland property. 9. Residential development along shorelines should be designed and sited to make shoreline stabilization measures unnecessary within the foreseeable future. 10. New residential development should be encouraged to cluster dwelling units in order to preserve natural features, minimize physical and visual impacts and reduce utility and road costs. Performance subdivisions provide significant environmental and public benefits to the County and should be encouraged within shoreline jurisdiction through incentives that allow reduced lot widths. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattgctebeF 2 2^"Page 82 i 11. The overall density of development, lot coverage and height of structures should be appropriate to the physical capabilities of the site. Particular attention should be given to the preservation of water quality and shoreline aesthetic characteristics. Density should be consistent with density provisions of the County land use/zoning code and this Program. 12. Accessory dwelling units should be allowed when no net loss of shoreline ecological functions would occur. B. RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 1. New residential development is prohibited waterward of the ordinary high water mark and within floodways. Existing communities of floating homes,floating on water residences, and/or over-water homes shall be allowed to make improvements associated with life safety matters and property rights provided that any expansion of existing floating homes,floating on water residences, and/or over-water reS,�,Ges homes or communities is the minimum necessary to assure consistency with constitutional and other legal limitations that protect private property. Floating homes licensed as a vessel are not considered development. 2. New residential lots created through land division or lots modified by boundary line adjustments shall only be permitted when the following standards are met: a. The applicant must demonstrate that a primary residence can be built on each new lot without any of the following being necessary: i. Significant vegetation removal within required buffer areas; ii. New structural shoreline stabilization or flood hazard protection during the life of the structure; iii. Shoreline modifications that cause erosion or reduce slope stability; iv. Shoreline modifications that increase flood hazard or erosion in the new development or to other properties. b. Adequate sewer or septic,water,access and utilities shall be provided consistent with County development regulations. c. Adverse environmental impacts shall be avoided or mitigated to achieve no net loss of ecological functions through compliance with MCC 17.50.110. d. Subdivisions and planned unit developments with potential single—family residential development of greater than four(4) parcels shall provide community access to the shoreline or to a common waterfront lot/tract for non-commercial recreational use within the proposed subdivision for all residents and guests of the development except where the shoreline topography does not permit the same.These subdivisions of more than four(4) units or lots shall include a restriction on the face of the plat prohibiting individual beach access structures. The proponent shall provide visual access to the shoreline via view corridors within the subdivision as illustrated on the final plan and as determined by the Administrator. Existing lawfully established public access shall be maintained. e. Prior to final project approval of a residential subdivision or short plat,a usable area shall beset aside for one(1)community dock,when feasible. A proposed community dock shall include no more than one mooring slip per dwelling unit, up to a maximum of ten (10)slips. Individual docks shall not be allowed. All conditions of approval related to SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e*^ber ' ""'Page 83 i required access easements and dedications shall be identified on the face of the plat, along with a statement of prohibition of individual docks. The community dock easement shall be recorded with the County Auditor. f. Substandard shoreline lots unsuitable for development of a primary permitted use under the Mason County Zoning Ordinance and this Program shall not be subdivided. g. "Submerged lands" (wetlands and those lands waterward of the ordinary high water mark)within the boundaries of any waterfront parcel shall not be used to compute required lot area, lot dimensions and required yards. Portions of land lying within wetlands may be included as open space. h. Subdivision proposals shall identify areas of minimum required vegetated buffers and setbacks consistent with the General Regulations in MCC 17.50.110(General Regulations) as well as the storm water retention and erosion control measures required per MCC 17.80 and 14.48. i. Performance subdivisions authorized under MCC 16.21 in Rural and Conservancy environment designations may include lot widths consistent with the underlying zoning, with a minimum of fifty feet. 3. Design and siting of residential development and activities such as clearing and grading shall not adversely impact water quality or ecological functions: a. -Proposed residential subdivisions and other land uses and developments which may impact aquaculture operations shall provide facilities to prevent any adverse water quality impacts to such operations. All projects shall meet or exceed any stormwater design requirements in MCC 14.48 and 17.80 to avoid any risk of decertification of shellfish beds. Site preparation and construction in the vicinity of aquaculture operations shall not result in off-site erosion, siltation,or other reductions in water quality. Land uses on erosion hazard areas shall meet the requirements of MCC 8.52.160. b. Residential development shall comply with current Mason County on-site sewer system standards. c. Expansion of existing dwellings shall require strict compliance with current sewage system setback and design standards as per WAC 248-96. d. Residential development and activities such as clearing and grading shall comply with buffers and setbacks consistent with MCC 17.50.110(General Regulations), and requirements of MCC 17.50.340,Shoreline Stabilization. Deviation from buffer and setback requirements not specifically authorized shall require a Shoreline Variance. e. Residential developers and individuals shall be required to control erosion during construction. Removal of vegetation shall be minimized and any areas disturbed shall be restored to prevent erosion and other impacts to shoreline ecological functions. f. Waste materials from construction shall not be left on or adjacent to shorelines. 4. Accessory dwelling units may be allowed subject to meeting the following criteria: a. Only one accessory dwelling unit per lot. b. Strict compliance with current sewage setback and design standards as per County health regulations. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e-*^"er ', 20"Page 84 i C. Minimal impact on surrounding properties from view blockage,traffic, parking and drainage. d. Compliance with buffer and setback criteria set forth in MCC 17.50.110 (General Regulations). e. Accessory dwelling units shall require a Substantial Development Permit and shall not exceed eighty percent(80%) of the square footage of the habitable area of the primary residence or one thousand (1,000)square feet;whichever is smaller. f. Compliance with requirements of MCC 17.03.029. 5. In Natural shoreline environmental designations,one single family residential development per existing lot of record may be permitted where there is no feasible location outside of shoreline jurisdiction and where a Conditional Use Permit is granted. Duplex and multi-family residential development is prohibited. 17.50.260 RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS A. RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT - POLICIES 1. Improve shoreline ecological functions,watershed processes, and habitat values over time through regulatory,voluntary and incentive-based public and private programs and actions that are consistent with the Shoreline Master Program Restoration Plan and other Mason County adopted restoration plans. 2. Provide support to restoration work in the shorelines of Mason County by various organizations by identifying priorities and organizing information on available funding sources for restoration implementation. 3. Implement actions that restore shoreline ecological functions,values and processes as well as shoreline features, improve habitat for sensitive and/or locally important species, and are consistent with biological recovery goals for threatened salmon populations and other species and/or populations for which a recovery plan is available. 4. Integrate restoration efforts with other parallel natural resource management efforts including, but not limited to,water quality cleanup plans,TMDLs, integrated aquatic vegetation management plans for lakes,shellfish closure response plans, and other similar efforts. 5. Protection of existing shoreline resources is the best way to ensure the long-term health and well-being of Mason County shorelines. Restoration should be used to complement the protection strategies required by this Program to achieve the greatest overall ecological benefit. 6. This Program recognizes the importance of restoring shoreline ecological functions and processes. Mason County supports cooperative restoration efforts by local, state,and federal public agencies,tribes, non-profit organizations, and landowners to improve shorelines with impaired ecological functions and/or processes. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene+ bee- 2017 Page 85 i 7. Restoration actions should restore shoreline ecological functions and processes as well as shoreline features and should be targeted toward meeting the needs of sensitive and/or regionally important plant,fish and wildlife species. 8. When prioritizing restoration actions,the County should give highest priority to measures that have the greatest chance of reestablishing ecosystem processes and creating self-sustaining habitats. Priority should be given to restoration actions that: a. Create healthy and sustainable ecosystems. b. Restore connectivity between stream/river channels and floodplains. c. Restore natural watershed processes that support river and stream channel formation. d. Mitigate peak flows and associated impacts caused by high stormwater runoff volume. e. Reduce sediment input to streams and rivers and associated impacts. f. Improve water quality in areas where it is degraded. g. Restore native vegetation and natural hydrologic functions of degraded and former wetlands. h. Replant native vegetation in riparian areas to provide shade and food sources for nearshore habitats. i. Restore nearshore ecosystem processes,such as sediment transport and delivery and tidal currents that create and sustain habitat. j. Restore pocket estuaries and other priority habitats that support salmon life histories, including feeding and growth, refuge,and migration. k. Restore beaches that support priority forage fish spawning. I. Restore nearshore habitats where native eelgrass was historically present. m. Address contamination along industrial shoreline regions. B. RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT- REGULATIONS Restoration shall be carried out in accordance with an approved restoration plan prepared by a qualified professional. The plan shall contain,where applicable, an analysis of existing conditions, identification of the area to be restored, proposed corrective actions, including installation of native species, performance standards, monitoring schedule, planting plans, erosion and sedimentation control plans, and grading plans as necessary and in accordance with the policies and regulations of this Program. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF 2 '^"Page 86 i 17.50.265 TRANSPORTATION A. TRANSPORTATION FACILITY- POLICIES 1. New transportation facilities should be located on stable soils, back from a water channel using routes that avoid slumps,wetlands,and natural drainage areas. When this is not possible, corrective stabilization measures should be permitted. 2. Major highways,freeways and railways should be located away from shorelands. 3. Transportation facility locations should be planned to fit the topography so that minimum alterations of natural conditions will be necessary. 4. Scenic highways should have provisions for safe pedestrian and other non-motorized travel. Also, provisions should be made for sufficient viewpoints, rest areas and picnic areas on public shorelines. 5. Existing public roadways which provide significant visual and physical public access to shoreline areas, including high quality aesthetic values, should be maintained and kept in service. 6. Roads located in shorelands and wetlands should be designed and maintained to prevent erosion and to permit the natural movement of ground water. 7. Location of transportation facilities should not require the rerouting of stream and river channels. 8. Transportation facilities should be designed,constructed and maintained to minimize erosion, prevent pollution and to permit natural movement of ground water and flood waters to the extent practical. 9. All debris, overburden and other waste materials from construction should be disposed of in such a way as to prevent their entry by erosion from drainage, high water,or other means into any surface water body. 10. Waterway crossings should be designed and constructed to maintain normal geohydraulic processes, as well as to minimize interruption of flood water flow. 11. The number of stream crossings should be minimized. 12. New transportation facilities should be located and designed to minimize the need for shoreline protection measures. 13. Trail and bicycle systems should be encouraged along shorelines to the maximum extent feasible. 14. All transportation facilities in shoreline areas should be located, designed, constructed and maintained to cause the least possible adverse impacts on the land and water environments, should respect the natural character of the shoreline and should make every effort to preserve wildlife, aquatic life and their habitats. 15. The County shall not vacate a County road or part thereof which abuts on a body of salt or freshwater unless the purpose of the vacation is to enable any public authority to acquire the vacated property for port purposes, boat moorage or launching sites, or for park,viewpoint, SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date get tie. 201 7 Page 87 i recreational, educational or other public purposes, or unless the property is zoned for industrial uses. 16. Public transportation facilities should incorporate environmental education features, where practicable, and should employ pervious materials and other appropriate low impact development techniques where soils and geologic conditions are suitable and where such measures could measurably reduce stormwater runoff. 17. Additional Parking Standards: a. Parking in shoreline areas should be limited to that which directly serves a permitted shoreline use. b. Parking facilities should be located and designed to minimize adverse environmental impacts to the following, including, but not limited to: i. Stormwater runoff; ii. Water quality; iii. Visual qualities; iv. Public access;and V. Vegetation and habitat. c. Parking areas should be planned to achieve optimum use. Where feasible, parking areas should serve more than one use (e.g., recreational use on weekends, commercial use on weekdays). B. TRANSPORTATION FACILITY REGULATIONS 1. Application for transportation facilities, including roads and railroads must adequately address the following: a. Need must be shown for a shoreline location and that no reasonable upland alternative exists. b. The construction is designed to protect the adjacent shoreline against erosion, uncontrolled or polluting drainage and other factors detrimental to the environment both during and after construction. c. That the project will be planned to fit the existing topography as much as possible,thus minimizing alterations to the natural environment. d. That the project will avoid adverse impacts to shoreline ecological functions and the process of channel migration, and will mitigate for any unavoidable impacts consistent with General Regulations. e. That all debris,overburden and other waste materials from construction will be disposed of in such a way as to prevent their entry by erosion from drainage into any water body. 2. Bridge construction shall conform to the following: a. Excavation for and placement of the sills or abutments and outside placement of stringers or girders shall be accomplished from above the ordinary high water mark, as a Conditional Use. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ' '^"Page 88 i b. Abutments, piers, piling, sills, approach fills, etc., shall not constrict the flow so as to cause any appreciable increase (not to exceed .2 feet) in backwater elevation (calculated at the 100-year flood)or channel wide scour and shall be aligned to cause the least effect on the hydraulics of the watercourse. c. The bridge shall be constructed, according to the approved design,to pass the 100-year peak flow with consideration of debris likely to be encountered. Exception shall be granted if applicant provides hydrologic or other information that supports alternative design criteria. 3. Foot or vehicular bridges crossing rivers or streams for the private use of individual land owners shall be evaluated for need and design. They shall meet the same standards for siting, water quality protection and erosion control as all other bridges. 4. In addition to the applicable standards in this chapter, private road construction and maintenance shall conform to the following standards: a. Road subgrade widths shall be the minimum commensurate with the intended use, generally not more than 20 feet for single lane roads. b. Roads shall follow natural contours where possible. Natural benches, ridge tops and flat slopes are preferred locations. c. Erodible cuts and filled slopes shall be protected by planting or seeding with appropriate ground cover or by matting immediately following construction. 5. Excess construction materials shall be removed from the shoreline area. 6. Filling waterward of OHWM and in wetlands for road or railroad rights-of-way shall be prohibited unless for public access or for an expansion or alteration of transportation facilities of statewide significance (as defined in RCW 47.06.140)currently located on the shoreline, provided alternative road alignments are infeasible and impacts are mitigated consistent with fill regulations. 7. All excavation materials and soils exposed to erosion by all phases of road, bridge and culvert work shall be stabilized and protected by seeding, mulching or other effective means, both during and after construction. 8. Where permitted to parallel shorelines, roads or railroads shall be set back a sufficient distance from the ordinary high water mark to leave a usable shoreline area for shoreline recreation or access consistent with General Regulations. 9. Stormwater runoff shall be controlled to reduce suspended solids and other pollutants before entering any surface water body consistent with Mason County stormwater standards. 10. Pervious materials and low impact development techniques shall be used to manage stormwater runoff where feasible and where conditions are appropriate. 11. Additional Parking Standards: a. Parking and loading areas shall only be permitted in shoreline jurisdiction to support an authorized use where it can be demonstrated that there are no feasible alternative locations. b. Perimeters of parking areas shall be landscaped to minimize visual impacts to the shorelines, roadways, and adjacent properties. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^et^beF 2 2^"Page 89 i c. Parking facilities serving individual buildings shall be located landward of the principal building being served, except when the parking facility is located within or beneath the structure and is adequately screened,or in cases when an alternate location would have less environmental impact on the shoreline. d. Parking facilities for shoreline uses shall be designed to provide safe and convenient pedestrian circulation within the parking area and to the shorelines. e. Parking as a primary use shall be prohibited within shoreline jurisdiction. Parking is prohibited on structures located in-or over-water. f. Parking areas shall be located outside critical areas and their buffers, unless there is no area available. Unavoidable impacts shall be mitigated, consistent with General Regulations. g. Design of parking areas shall be consistent with Mason County Stormwater Standards. 17.50.270 UTILITIES A. UTILITY- POLICIES 1. New utilities should be located outside shoreline jurisdiction unless the utility requires a location adjacent to the water;alternative locations are infeasible; utilities are required for permitted shoreline uses; or the development is expected to improve environmental conditions. 2. Pipelines,cables and transmission lines should not be placed in waters, wetlands or in required buffer areas unless there is no feasible and reasonable alternative. 3. New utilities should use existing transportation and utility sites, rights-of-way and corridors, rather than creating new corridors. 4. Utility facilities should be designed and located to assure no net loss of shoreline ecological functions, preserve the natural landscape,and minimize conflicts with present and planned land and shoreline uses while meeting the needs of future populations. 5. Utility facilities and corridors should be planned, designed and located to protect scenic views. 6. If possible, power distribution and telephone lines should be placed under ground in any new residential,commercial, public, or view area near the shores of a water body. 7. The possibility of making use of public utility rights-of-way to provide additional public access to lakes,streams, or saltwater should not be overlooked when granting such rights-of-way. 8. Planning for location of towers,substations,valve clusters, etc.,so as not to obstruct such access should be pursued. B. UTILITY- REGULATIONS 1. Utility production and processing facilities, such as power plants and sewage treatment plants, or parts of those facilities that are non-water-oriented, shall be prohibited in shoreline jurisdiction unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible option is available or that it SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattOet er- 2n, Page 90 i will improve environmental conditions.All underwater pipelines transporting liquids intrinsically harmful to aquatic life or potentially injurious to water quality are prohibited, except in situations where no other feasible alternative exists or where it is expected to improve environmental conditions. In those limited instances when permitted, automatic shut-off valves shall be provided on both sides of the water body. 2. Transmission facilities for the conveyance of services, such as power lines, cables, and pipelines, shall be located outside of shoreline jurisdiction where feasible unless it can be demonstrated that it will likely improve environmental conditions. 3. Utilities shall avoid public recreation areas and significant natural, historic or archaeological or cultural sites unless no alternative is feasible and all feasible measures to reduce harm have been incorporated into the proposal. 4. Utilities should be located in existing rights of way, corridors and bridge crossings whenever possible. 5. Utility facilities shall be designed and located to assure no net loss of shoreline ecological functions, consistent with General Use regulations. 6. Where feasible, power distribution and telephone lines should be placed under ground in any new residential,commercial, public, or view area near the shores of a water body. 7. Discharges from new sewage treatment plants shall not be allowed into surface waters regardless of the environmental designation, unless no feasible alternative is available. 8. Any excavation for a utility line must be restored to pre-project configuration, replanted with native species and provided with maintenance care until the newly planted area is established. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dater weber- ', '^"Page 91 i 17.50.300 Shoreline MODIFICATION Policies and Regulations 17.50.305 BEACH ACCESS STRUCTURES A. BEACH ACCESS STRUCTURE - POLICIES 1. Mason County should enable pedestrian access to beach areas while protecting fragile shoreline ecosystems and aesthetic concerns. 2. Beach access structures should be located, designed and maintained in a manner that minimizes adverse effects on shoreline ecology. 3. Neighboring property owners are encouraged to combine resources to collectively propose beach access structures in appropriate locations for shared use.Joint use stairways are preferred over individual stairways. 4. Beach access structures should not be permitted unless their adverse effects on stream, lake or marine shoreline functions and processes, including any significant adverse effects on adjoining lands and properties, are fully evaluated and mitigated. 5. Beach access structures may not be appropriate in some areas because of safety hazards.The County should not permit these structures in areas where there are expected risks to human health and safety or adverse effects on shoreline functions and processes. Some properties will have view-only access to the neighboring waters. 6. Beach access structures should conform to the existing topography, minimize adverse impacts on shoreline aesthetics, minimize clearing, or other land modification grading to the maximum extent feasible. 7. Beach access structures should not be allowed if there is a reasonable likelihood that they will require erosion control structures or armoring in the future. 8. Recognition should be given to potential detrimental impacts of beach access structures on water-dependent uses. B. BEACH ACCESS STRUCTURE- REGULATIONS 1. Beach access structures shall be located,designed, and operated consistent with mitigation sequencing and shall avoid a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. A Habitat Management Plan,as detailed in the Resource Ordinance MCC 8.52.170, is required to assess, minimize, and mitigate for unavoidable impacts. 2. If a beach access proposal requires a Geotechnical Report per the Landslide Hazard or Erosions Hazard Areas Chapters of the Resource Ordinance, in addition to the standard report requirements,the following shall be addressed in the report: the structure's potential effect on shoreline processes such as net shoreline drift and sediment transport. 3. Beach access structures are prohibited if the bank slope where the structure is placed is likely to require shoreline stabilization in the future. This shall be demonstrated in a Shoreline SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ' 'n"Page 92 i Geotechnical Assessment (or in a Geotechnical Report, if required by the Landslide Hazard Areas Chapter of the Resource Ordinance). 4. Beach access structures may be located within the shoreline buffer and setback without Variances, provided that: a. The clear width of any beach access structure shall be the minimum necessary for the structure to be determined by site limitations, including requirements for engineering and habitat management plans. The width of residential stairs and walkways shall not exceed 5 feet and the total area of residential landings shall not exceed 50 square feet (each); b. A tram shall not extend more than twelve (12)vertical feet above the top of the bank; and c. No portion of a beach access structure shall be constructed waterward of the Ordinary High Water Mark and/or the waterward face of the bulkhead unless there is no other feasible alternative. If it is infeasible to locate a pedestrian landing platform landward of the ordinary high water mark, one may be constructed waterward of the ordinary high water mark if it is supported by pier blocks or piles and twenty-five (25) square feet or less. 5. New residential subdivisions of more than four(4) units or lots shall include a restriction on the face of the plat prohibiting individual beach access structures. Shared access structures may be permitted in these subdivisions when consistent with the provisions of this Program. 17.50.310 BOAT LAUNCHES A. BOAT LAUNCH- POLICIES 1. Boat launches should be located only at sites with suitable environmental conditions, shoreline configuration,access, and neighboring uses. 2. Where allowed, boat launches should be located,designed, constructed and operated with appropriate mitigation to avoid adverse effects on shoreline ecological functions. 3. Boat launches should be designed and located to minimize obstruction of views and conflicts with boaters and fishermen. 4. Boat launches should be constructed of materials that will not adversely affect water quality or aquatic plants and animals. 5. Use and development of public launches are preferred rather than the development of individual boat launches for private, non-commercial pleasure craft. 6. Multi-user boat launching facilities should be located in areas where parking and access to the facility can be accommodated without causing adverse impacts upon adjacent properties or endanger public safety. 7. Proposals for public boat launches should be planned and developed where regional and local evidence of substantial need exists. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ', 2044 Page 93 i B. BOAT LAUNCH- REGULATIONS 1. All Boat Launches. a. Overwater structures shall be allowed only for water dependent uses or for public access. b. Overwater structures shall be limited to the minimum size necessary to meet the needs of the proposed water-dependent use. c. Overlapping Jurisdictions. New construction, replacement, and repair shall comply with all applicable state and federal policies and regulations, including but not limited to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(Hydraulic Project Approval WAC 220-110), the Washington Department of Natural Resources, and the United States'Army Corps of Engineers. These include functional grating, size restrictions,and other standards. d. Boat launches shall be designed and constructed to avoid or if that is not possible,to minimize and mitigate unavoidable impacts to ecological functions, critical area resources such as commercial and recreational shellfish areas; submerged aquatic vegetation such as eelgrass beds, macro-algae;forage fish spawning areas;salmon and other priority species and habitats; riparian vegetation; large woody debris; associated wetlands; and processes such as littoral drift. i. Habitat Management Plan. Proposals for new or expanded boat launches on marine shorelines and on lakes with species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act as either proposed,threatened, or endangered shall include a Habitat Management Plan that identifies measures to protect habitats and mitigate for unavoidable impacts. ii. Work Windows. In-water construction activities shall be limited to all relevant fish work windows (WAC 220-110-271)to avoid impacts to spawning, migration and rearing of salmonids and other critical species. iii. Distance to Forage Fish Habitat. Wherever feasible, overwater structures shall be located a minimum of twenty-five feet (measured horizontally from the edge of the structure) in all directions from eelgrass and kelp beds and herring spawning areas. Projects with unavoidable impacts shall provide compensatory mitigation. iv. Alongshore Sediment Transport. Boat launches shall be designed to avoid impediments to alongshore sediment transport. Where they unavoidably adversely affect net sediment transport or other coastal processes to the detriment of nearby beaches or habitats,the County may require periodic replenishment of substrate to offset adverse impacts. e. No more than one (1) boat launch shall be permitted on a single lot. f. There is no maximum length or width for commercial, industrial, or recreational (public or community) use boat launches, however,the proponent must demonstrate that the size proposed is the minimum necessary to allow the use proposed. 2. Residential Boat Launches. In addition to '1' above,single family residential boat launches shall meet the following: a. Residential launches for hand launching boats shall use gravel or other permeable material. Removal of existing vegetation for launch access should be limited to eight (8) feet in width. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattgetebeF 2-;2^"Page 94 i b. On marine shorelines, railways are preferred over concrete boat ramps for private, residential use. c. Design standards for residential boat ramps and marine railways are as follows, unless otherwise required by WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval or DNR use authorization: i. Ramps shall be placed at beach grade,and not elevated on fill. ii. Ramps and railways shall not exceed 12 feet in width. iii. Ramps and railways shall not exceed 50 feet in length,as measured from the line of ordinary high water. Marine railways shall not extend beyond MLLW(0.0). iv. Ramps and railways shall not exceed 18 inches in height at the line of ordinary high water,or the toe of the bulkhead. 3. Public Boat Launches. In addition to '1' above, public boat launches shall meet the following: a. Public boat launches shall include adequate restroom and sewage and solid waste disposal facilities in compliance with applicable health regulations. b. When overwater development is proposed in association with a public boat launch facility, it may be permitted only where such use requires direct water access, and/or where such facilities will substantially increase public opportunities for water access. C. Public boat launches shall be located and designed to prevent traffic hazards and minimize traffic impacts on nearby access streets. d. Public boat launch sites shall include parking spaces for boat trailers commensurate with projected demand. 17.50.315 BREAKWATERS, JETTIES, AND GROINS A. BREAKWATER,JETTY,AND GROIN - POLICIES 1. Because the purpose of these structures is to modify complex water movement and littoral drift systems and may thus impact the shoreline outside the project boundaries, design by a registered professional engineer is required. 2. Floating breakwaters are preferred to solid landfill types to maintain sand movement and fish habitats. 3. When planning for breakwaters and jetties or groins,the County should consider entire systems or sizable stretches of rivers or marine shorelines.This planning should consider off- site erosion or accretion that might occur as a result of these shoreline structures or activities. These structures should be developed in a coordinated manner among affected property owners and public agencies. 4. Jetties should generally be discouraged because they partially or totally block shore processes, are irreversible in nature and require an on-going and costly dredging or beach feeding program to alleviate erosion or accretion problems. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQC-tebeF 2, '^"Page 95 i 5. Marine groins should generally be discouraged because they purposefully trap and accrete beach forming material,yet erode down drift beaches which may have adverse effects on other shore resources and habitats. 6. Breakwaters,jetties and groins should be located and designed so as to avoid, minimize, and mitigate for any unavoidable adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources and habitats. 7. Artificial beach feeding and enhancement proposals that do not use jetties or groins should be encouraged over developments requiring the use of such structures. 8. Breakwaters,jetties and groins should be allowed only where necessary to support water- dependent uses including public access, navigation, industrial activities and marinas as an integral component of a harbor, marina or port, shoreline stabilization or other specific public purpose. B. BREAKWATER,JETTY AND GROIN- REGULATIONS 1. The County shall require and utilize a habitat management plan and engineering report which shall include the following information during its review of proposals for breakwaters,jetties and groins (all drawings shall be drawn to scale): a. Purpose of the structure; b. Construction of project relative to toe and crest of uplands; c. Adjacent land contours and high water elevations including but not limited to the following: Extreme High Tide, OHWM, MLLW and tidal elevation at the end point. d. Seasonal direction and speed of prevailing winds;with wind rose and duration graphs. e. Net direction of littoral drift,tidal currents. f. The following additional information is required for groins: i. Profile of uplands; ii. Beach type,slope and materials; iii. Uplands type,slope and materials; iv. Soil type; V. Physical or geological stability of uplands and; vi. Predicted impact on area shore processes, adjacent properties and upland stability. 2. Breakwaters may be considered as a Conditional Use for navigational purposes, aquacultural activities, industrial activities and marinas as an integral component of a harbor, marina or port,where water dependent uses are located waterward of the existing shoreline and where protection from strong wave action is essential. Open-pile,floating, portable, or submerged breakwaters,or several smaller discontinuous structures that are anchored in place, shall be the only type allowed unless it can be shown that solid fixed breakwaters would have no significant adverse effect on the aquatic biology and shore processes,or that such adverse effects can be adequately mitigated. 3. Jetties and marine groins may be considered a Conditional Use for navigational purposes, water dependent activity, marinas and public beach management as integral components of an overall development plan. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteb,,. 2017 page 96 i 4. Breakwaters,jetties and groins shall be located and designed so as to avoid, minimize and mitigate for any unavoidable adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources and habitat and physical processes such as channel migration,water circulation and sediment transport. a. The design of breakwaters,jetties and groins shall conform to all applicable requirements established by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the US Army Corps of Engineers. b. The design shall minimize impediments to navigation and to visual access from the shoreline. C. Materials used for the construction of breakwaters,jetties and groins shall exhibit the qualities of long-term durability, ease of maintenance, and compatibility with local shore features, processes, and aesthetics. d. The use of solid waste,junk, or abandoned automobiles, asphalt,or any building demolition debris is prohibited. 5. Groins on rivers,streams and lakes are discouraged, but may be considered as a Conditional Use provided the applicant can demonstrate the appropriateness of the designed structure for the site and that alternative shore protection measures would prove more detrimental to the geohydraulics and natural resources within the water body. 6. Groins on rivers,streams and lakes shall only be allowed as part of a restoration project or a County-approved comprehensive flood hazard management plan. 17.50.320 DOCKS, FLOATS, BUOYS, LIFTS, ETC. A. DOCK, FLOAT, MOORING BUOY, BOAT LIFT,BOAT HOUSE,AND COVERED MOORAGE- POLICIES 1. While these structures are important for commerce and recreation,they also can have negative impacts on the shoreline ecology, aesthetics, and navigation. Therefore, portions of the shoreline may not be appropriate for these overwater structures. 2. Docks should be located only at sites with suitable environmental conditions, shoreline configuration,access, and neighboring uses. 3. The County should consider the cumulative effects that become possible with the granting of permission for individual docks, recognizing that approval of one project can set a precedent for other similar projects. 4. Where allowed, docks, unattached floats, and boat lifts should be located, designed, constructed and operated with appropriate mitigation to avoid adverse effects on shoreline ecological functions. 5. Docks, unattached floats, and boat lifts should be designed and located to minimize obstruction of views and conflicts with boaters and fishermen. 6. The type and design of docks, unattached floats, and boat lifts should be compatible with the shoreline area where they are located. Consideration should be given to shoreline characteristics,tidal action, aesthetics, and adjacent land and water uses. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^ eber-2,2^"Page 97 i 7. Docks, unattached floats, and boat lifts should be constructed of materials that will not adversely affect water quality or aquatic plants and animals. 8. Use of marinas and public launches are preferred rather than the development of individual docks for private, non-commercial pleasure craft. 9. Joint-use and/or community use of docks are favored,especially in tidal waters. The use and development of public recreational docks should be encouraged. 10. Priority should be given to the use of community docks in all new waterfront subdivisions. In general, encouragement should be given to the cooperative use of docks. 11. Mooring buoys and unattached floats are preferred over docks with attached floats. 12. Boathouses and covered moorages should be prohibited where incompatible with environmental conditions. 13. Docks should be allowed only for water-dependent uses or public access. A dock associated with a single-family residence is considered a water-dependent use. 14. Water-related and water enjoyment uses may be allowed as part of a mixed use development on over-water structures where they are clearly auxiliary to and in support of water- dependent uses. 15. New docks, excluding docks accessory to single family residences,should be permitted only when the applicant has demonstrated that a specific need exists to support the intended water-dependent use. 16. Vessels should be restricted from extended mooring on waters of the state unless authorization is obtained from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and impacts to navigation and public access are mitigated. B. DOCK,UNATTACHED FLOAT, MOORING BUOY, BOAT LIFT, BOAT HOUSE,AND COVERED MOORAGE- REGULATIONS For the purposes of this subsection, 'overwater structures' pertains to docks(piers, ramps, and/or attached floats); unattached floats; mooring buoys; boat lifts and overwater davits;and covered moorage. 1. All Overwater Structures a. Overwater structures shall be allowed only for water dependent uses or for public access. b. Overwater structures shall be limited to the minimum size necessary to meet the needs of the proposed water-dependent use. C. Overlapping Jurisdictions. New construction, replacement,avd-repair, installation, and use shall comply with all applicable state and federal policies and regulations, including but not limited to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Hydraulic Project Approval WAC 220-110),the Washington Department of Natural Resources, and the United States'Army Corps of Engineers. These include functional grating,size restrictions,and other standards. d. Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation. Overwater structures shall be designed and constructed to avoid or if that is not possible,to minimize and mitigate unavoidable SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget ae. 2017 page 98 i impacts to ecological functions, critical area resources such as commercial and recreational shellfish areas;submerged aquatic vegetation such as eelgrass beds and macro-algae;forage fish spawning areas;salmon and other priority species and habitats; riparian vegetation; large woody debris; associated wetlands;and processes such as littoral drift. i. Applicants for new or expanded overwater structures on all marine shorelines and on lakes with species listed state or federally proposed,threatened, or endangered shall submit a Habitat Management Plan that identifies measures to protect habitats and mitigate for unavoidable impacts. ii. Work Windows. In-water construction shall be limited to all relevant fish work windows (WAC 220-110-271)to avoid impacts to spawning, migration and rearing of salmonids and other critical species. iii. Alongshore Sediment Transport. Overwater structures shall be designed to avoid impediments to alongshore sediment transport. Where they unavoidably adversely affect net sediment transport or other coastal processes to the detriment of nearby beaches or habitats,the County may require periodic replenishment of substrate to offset adverse impacts. iv. Distance to Eelgrass, Kelp, and Forage Fish Habitat. Wherever feasible,overwater structures shall be located a minimum of twenty-five feet (measured horizontally from the edge of the structure) in all directions from eelgrass and kelp beds and herring spawning areas. Projects with unavoidable impacts shall provide compensatory mitigation. V. Grating to Allow Light Penetration. To minimize adverse effects on habitats and species caused by overwater structures that reduce ambient light levels,overwater structures shall incorporate functional grating that meets all standards (such as percent functional grating, percent open area, and orientation of the grating) required by state and federal agencies with jurisdiction. vi. Treated Wood and Toxic Materials. Materials used for components that may come in contact with water shall be made of non-toxic materials where feasible. Tires and tire by-products shall not be used for construction where they would contact the water(e.g.,flotation,fenders, and hinges). Where chemically-treated materials are the only feasible option, materials shall use the least toxic alternative approved by applicable state agencies for use in water. Treated wood elements shall incorporate design features (e.g.,fenders, bumpers, metal bands)to minimize abrasion by vessels, pilings,floats or other objects. Wood treated with creosote, chromated copper arsenate and pentachlorophenol is prohibited for use in overwater structures. e. Overwater structures shall be located, designed and operated to not significantly impact or unnecessarily interfere with the rights of adjacent property owners, or adjacent water uses including navigation and boat operation. f. Except for community orjoint use,structures shall be located a minimum of five feet from side property lines. Community use or joint use facilities maybe located on the property line,where applicable. If the location of side property lines on a cove cannot be officially established without a survey,the Administrator may require a survey by a registered land surveyor before a permit is issued. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQaeber' '^"Page 99 i g. Artificial lighting on overwater structures shall be the minimum necessary for the proposed use. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare and shall incorporate cut-off shields. h. Overwater structures shall be constructed and maintained in a safe and sound condition. Abandoned or unsafe structures shall be removed or repaired promptly by the owner. Where any such structure constitutes a hazard to the public,the County may,following notice to the owner,abate the structure if the owner fails to do so within a reasonable time, and may impose a lien on the related shoreline property in an amount equal to the cost of the abatement. If the structure is abandoned and an owner cannot be located, the County will publish public notice before taking action to remove the hazard. i. New covered moorage and over the water boat houses are prohibited except in marinas. Note: For upland boat houses,see the structure setbacks and mitigation requirements per the applicable use chapter and the General Regulations(17.50.110). j. Repair and Replacement. i. As detailed in MCC 17.50.120;Existing Structures,the footprints of existing legally established over water structures that do not conform to the Program's requirements are considered gf ,a a14e ed,legal non-conforming, including docks, boat houses, and other overwater structures;therefore repairs and replacements ineluding gFandfatheFed deeks, +.,ado not need to meet the County's dimensional standards but do need to use approved materials. Replacement structures shall be restricted to the original footprint and size dimensions, safety Fegu unless the reconfiguration meets current bulk dimensional standards and does not exceed the existing overwater square footage. Existing skirting shall be removed and may not be replaced. Whenever feasible, repairs to boathouses should include materials that allow for light penetration to intertidal and shallow subtidal water areas. Note: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife may not issue Hydraulic Project Approvals for replaced docks or unattached floats that do not meet their current standards in WAC 220-110. ii. For pProposals involving the addition to or enlargement of existing overwater structures, it is the addition or area of enlargement that must comply with the requirements for new construction as. FnIaFgement beyond pFesUiptiye stand outlined in 17.50.320.6,Table 17.50.320-A, and Table 17.50.320-B-wetld-requwF a Var+anGe. 2. Docks and Unattached Floats a. Evaluation of cumulative impacts of docks. When a Conditional Use Permit is required per Table 17.50.148090-A and/or this chapter,the following apply: i. Mason County shall evaluate the cumulative effects on ecological functions, navigation and aesthetics and other water-dependent uses when determining if a residential dock is allowed. After consideration of potential cumulative effects and precedential effects,the County shall deny a new permit application where there is convincing evidence that impacts would risk harm to shoreline ecological functions, loss of community use, adjacent water dependent uses or a significant degradation of views and aesthetic values. A balancing of the interests of project proponents, SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DatenC-tebeF 2;20"Page 100 i adjacent shoreline property owners (and uses), and those of the public is necessary. ii. The applicant shall prepare a cumulative impact analysis report that addresses the following within a defined area such as a drift cell or other appropriate shoreline reach: (a) The current build-out of the proposed dock area. The report shall determine whether or not the proposed dock would alter an undeveloped shoreline reach or high quality habitat area,or compromise development of recreation opportunities. (b) The potential for future build-out of the proposed dock area.The report shall assess if a shoreline reach-area already has a substantial number of docks, and therefore the potential for future build-out of the area is more limited and the risk of significant environmental impacts from additional infilling of docks will likely be low. This is particularly true if the proposed dock will be sited between existing docks on adjacent properties. However, even if the area has limited build-out potential,should the specific location, characteristics, and natural functions of the shoreline and the health of the water body be especially susceptible to new dock development,then the report should identify the potential for significant environmental impacts. (c) Aesthetics and visual compatibility. The report shall evaluate the context of the existing visual characteristics of the upland, shoreline, and overwater development and analyze compatibility with the surrounding area. Although any dock will have a physical presence and alter the view of a particular shoreline, it is the extent that the man-made alteration constituting a visual presence on the environment that will be considered by the County as important to the compatibility analysis. b. If allowed under this Program, no more than one (1) dock may be permitted on a single waterfront lot.This does not apply to public recreational uses. c. Prior to final project approval of a residential subdivision or short plat,a usable area shall be set aside for one(1)community dock,when feasible. A proposed community dock shall include no more than one mooring slip per dwelling unit within shoreline jurisdiction, up to a maximum of ten (10)slips. Individual docks shall not be allowed. All conditions of approval related to required access easements and dedications shall be identified on the face of the plat,along with a statement of prohibition of individual docks and piers. The community dock easement shall be recorded with the County Auditor. d. Vessels shall be restricted from extended mooring on 'State Owned Aquatic Lands' except as allowed by WAC 332-52-155 and other applicable state regulations and provided that a lease or permission is obtained from the state and impacts to navigation and public access are mitigated. e. Within a semi-enclosed body of water such as a bay, cove,or natural stream channel, a dock or unattached float may be constructed to the lesser of,the allowed dock length or fifteen percent(15%)fetch, provided there are no significant adverse impacts to navigation.ti^d-p.k ttarh a fleet may be Astrwetea to the I ;,.or f f;f«o,.., SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber-' '^"Page 101 i shoreline of aRy semi P.A.PlArPPI hAdY of wateF such as a bay, eeve, eF RatWal stFeaffl f. Residential Docks and Unattached Floats (Single Family,Joint Use, and Community Use). i. Joint-use residential docks are preferred over single-use docks. (a) Prior to development of a new residential, single use dock,the applicant shall demonstrate that they have contacted adjacent property owners and none have indicated a willingness to share an existing dock or develop a shared moorage in conjunction with the applicant. (b) Forjoint use facilities, a covenant executed between all property owners sharing the joint use docks shall be submitted to the County.The covenant shall cover the agreement for the joint use of common lot lines (if applicable), shall run with the land, and be filed with the County Auditor as a covenant with the land. ii. No dock or unattached float shall have a residential structure constructed upon it, and skirting is not allowed. iii. The portion of a dock that is landward of the OHWM,shall only be as long as that necessary to adequately anchor the dock. iv. Maximum Overall Length. (a) Freshwater Dock. Measured from the waterward edge of the structure,the overall length of docks shall not exceed 60 feet from OHWM for single waterfront lots (single use). The lengths permitted for joint or community use facilities are shown in Table 17.50.320-A. In addition,see(2)(e)for length restrictions that protect navigability. (b) Saltwater Dock. The overall length of a marine dock for single use shall be only so long so as to obtain a depth of seven (7)feet of water as measured at mean lower low water, unless otherwise required by DNR use authorization or Hydraulic Project Approval.The length shall not exceed 120 feet from OHWM for single waterfront lots (single use). The lengths permitted for joint or community use facilities are shown in Table 17.50.320-B. In addition,see (2)(e) above for length restrictions that protect navigability. For single use and joint use docks,the Administrator may approve a different dock or pier length when needed,to avoid known eelgrass beds,forage fish habitats,or other near shore resources up to a maximum of 150 feet (as measured from OHWM), beyond which would require a Variance. vi. Piers. (a) The width of piers, not including the pilings.4e4-shall not exceed six 16)feet. b)The bottom of saltwater piers must be at least 6 feet above the substrate. Note:Depending on orientation and/or pier width (greater than 4 feet), t-The mount of functional grating required by state jurisdictions may increase_ that to-then n f t, 4d SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateg6teber2, 01 7 Page 102 i vii. Ramos. The width of ramps shall not exceedhyel5l feet. Note: State jurisdictions may require ramps to be 4 feet wide and fully grated. viR, Floats. al The width of floats shall not exceed eight (81 feet. Note: The amount of functional grating required by state jurisdictions may increase for floats that are greater than 6 feet wide. b) All floating structures shall include float stops to keep structures off the tidelands or lake-bottom or be located at sufficient depth to avoid grounding during all tidal or lake elevations. A ev .. Exclusion of float stops may be approved by WDFW through Hydraulic Approval. In saltwater.floats need to be suspended a minimum of one foot above the tidal substrate, unless otherwise-required by DNR us authorization (when applicable)or by WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval.The preferred and least impacting option is to suspend the float above the substrate by installing float stops on piling anchoring new floats.The stops must be able to fully support the entire float during all tidal elevations. (c) Flotation shall be fully enclosed and contained in a shell that prevents breakup or loss of the flotation material into the water and is not readily subject to damage by ultraviolet radiation or abrasion caused by rubbing against piling or waterborne debris. (d) Flotation components shall not be counted toward functional grating calculation. e) The surface of floating structures shall be a minimum of ten inches above the surface of the water, unless other limitations are set by DNR use authorization or WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval standards. (f) There shall be no more than one unattached float per residence or privately owned recreational property, and the area of an unattached float is limited to: i) Freshwater. An unattached float shall not exceed 250 square feet for single use and 400 square feet for joint or community use facilities, unless other limitations are set by DNR use authorization (when applicable)or WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval standards. (ii) Saltwater. An unattached float shall not exceed 400 square feet for single use and 700 square feet for joint or community use facilities, unless other limitations are set by DNR Use Authorization or Hydraulic Approval Standards. Note: The amount of functional grating required by state jurisdictions may increase for floats that are greater than 6 feet wide. (g) Unattached floats shall be anchored using mid-line floats, helical anchors,or her designs that have minimal adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. viii. Attachments. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteQetober ' 2014 Page 103 i Attachments to the mainstem may be incorporated into the design of docks as follows: (a) Freshwater Dock. The length (measured parallel with the shore) of the attachment(excluding the main-stem of the dock)for a single waterfront lot shall not exceed twenty(20)feet,or forty(40)feet for a joint-use or a community facility._ The maxmm !m Pier iiA,., a�a-Q�R _o "Attachments"shown #9r the SAE LL Ffoat 1' in crosshatch attaehmeRl 10 "Mainstem" the NH F9f OWRersThe "Mainstem"+"Attach ment(s)"_ total allowed v Total Dock area of all dock attachment(s) depends on the number of Example of Dock Configuration owners, see Table 17.50.320-A.: Table 17.50.320-A: Residential Dock Dimensions on Freshwater(Lakes) A4a*.Total Max. Length (ft) Allowed Area of Dock (sq ft) Attachment of Dock Parallel to Max. Length (ft) Attachment_ Shore of Total Dock (excluding (excluding Perpendicular to #of OwnersA mainstem) mainstem) ShoreB'c 1 250 20 60 2 350 40 65 3 to 4 480 40 70 5 to 6 600 40 80 7 to 8 720 40 95 9 to 10 1 840 1 40 1 110 A For community docks,the#of owners is the#of residential lots in shoreline jurisdiction to a maximum of 10. B. Measured from the ordinary high water mark. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget he,2, 2014 page 104 i bay, RatuF,'stFeam eh,^^^'.See MCC 17.50.320.B.2.e (b) Saltwater Dock. The length jmeasured parallel withte the shorel of the attachment(excluding the main-stem of the dock)for a single waterfront lot shall not exceed thirty(30)feet,or sixty(60)feet for a joint-use or a community facility. -The total allowed area for all the dock attachment(s) depends on the number of owners, see Table 17.50.320-B. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateOeteber 2, 20"Page 105 i i Table 17.50.320-B: Residential Dock Dimensions on Saltwater Max. Length A4a*Jotal (ft) Allowed Area of Dock Max (sq ft) Attachment Max. Length Depth (ft) of All Dock Parallel to A at Mean Attachments Shore of Total Dock Lower #of (excluding (excluding Perpendicular Low Owners" mainstem) mainstem) to Shore',c Water 1 350 30 120D 7 2 550 60 125° 3 to 4 750 60 130° 5 to 6 950 60 140D 7 to 8 1150 60 150 9 to 10 1350 1 60 1 160 A For community docks,the#of owners is the#of residential lots in shoreline jurisdiction to a maximum of 10. B Measured from the ordinary high water mark. C Peek length shall alse be thelesser of fifteeR peFeeRt(15%)feteh eF W within twO .See MCC 17.50.320.B.2.e D The Administrator may approve a different dock length when needed,to avoid known eelgrass beds,forage fish habitats,or other near shore resources up to a maximum of 150 feet (as measured from OHWM),beyond which would require a Variance. stgt- --al mikigtpat@� SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteQeteber ' ""7 Page 106 i Qpt ix. Pilings. (a) Pilings subject to abrasion and subsequent deposition of material into the water shall incorporate design features to minimize contact between all of the different components of overwater structures during all water elevations. (b) Use the minimum number of piling necessary to build a safe structure. Pile spacing shall be consistent with requirements of DNR use authorization (when applicable) and WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval. (c) Dolphins are not permitted. (d) A maximum of two moorage piles may be installed to accommodate the moorage of boats exceeding the length of the floats. g NeR °n ' '^^*','Non Residential Docks and Unattached Floats: i. Docks and unattached floats associated with commercial,industrial, port or public recreational developments should be permitted only when the applicant has demonstrated that a specific need exists to support the intended water-dependent uses and that the proposal meets the applicable use regulations in MCC 17.50.200. ii. Water-related and water-enjoyment uses may be allowed as part of mixed-use development on over-water structures where they are clearly auxiliary to and in support of water-dependent uses, provided the minimum size requirement needed to meet the water-dependent use is not violated. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteb^.2, 2017 Page 107 i iii. There is no maximum length, width or height for public, commercial,or industrial docks. If a port district or other public or commercial entity involving water-dependent uses has performed a needs analysis or comprehensive master plan projecting the future needs for dock space, and if the plan or analysis is approved by the County and consistent with these guidelines, it may serve as the necessary justification for pier design, size,and construction.The intent of this provision is to allow ports and other entities the flexibility necessary to provide for existing and future water- dependent uses. iv. The proponent must show the size of the proposal is the minimum necessary to allow the intended use. V. See Mining section for associated piers and docks (this chapter does not apply). 3. Mooring Buoys a. The installation and use of mooring buoys in marine waters shall be consistent with all applicable federal and state laws, including the other state Departments of Fish & Wildlife, Health, and/or Natural Resources standards. b. Buoys shall be located and managed in a manner that avoids and minimizes impacts from the buoy and the boat on eelgrass and other aquatic vegetation. c. Mooring buoys shall have a mid-line float system installed; mid-line float must hold the tether line off the bottom at all tides; and locate the mid-line float at a distance from the anchor that is equal to 1/3 of the water depth at mean high water(MHW). d. New buoys that would result in being defined as a Marina under the Department of Health and possibly causing a closure of local shellfish beds for future harvest, per the National Shellfish Sanitation Standards,shall be prohibited. e. No more than one (1) mooring buoy for each waterfront lot shall be permitted unless greater need is demonstrated by the proponent and documented by the County. In cases such as those of a community park with recreational users or a residential development with lot owners both on and away from the shoreline needing moorage, community moorage facilities shall be used instead of mooring buoys.This regulation does not apply to public recreational uses. 4. Boat Lifts and Overwater Davits a. Boat lifts shall be placed as far waterward of the OHWM as feasible and safe. b. Design the grid/lift so that the bottom of the grid/lift (not including the footings) rests at least 1 foot above the substrate and does not rest on the substrate at any time. C. Residential boat lifts and davits waterward of the ordinary high water mark shall not be covered. d. In freshwater, a Habitat Management Plan is not required to install a boat lift adjacent to an existing dock. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebeF 2, '^"Page 108 i 17.50.325 DREDGING AND DREDGING MATERIAL DISPOSAL A. DREDGING AND DREDGE MATERIAL DISPOSAL- POLICIES 1. Upstream migration and downstream escapement of migratory fish should be considered. If dredging operations wholly involve a creek,stream, or river channel, or other recognized fish migration route,these operations should follow established state and federal work windows to allow for successful passage of these fish. 2. Dredging operations can be extremely detrimental and should be carried out only where alternatives are infeasible and where the dredging is: a. part of an approved effort to preserve, protect,or improve existing ecological conditions; or b. necessary to support an existing legal use or a proposed water dependent use or essential public facility; or c. part of a federal or state approved clean-up program; or d. part of an approved beach nourishment project; or e. required to provide public access for a substantial number of people. 3. Dredging and dredge disposal operations should be the minimum needed to accommodate the allowed use or development. 4. Dredging forthe purpose of obtaining fill or building material should not be allowed except where necessary for environmental restoration. 5. Dredge spoil disposal is discouraged within channel migration zones. B. DREDGING AND DREDGE MATERIAL DISPOSAL- REGULATIONS 1. Dredging shall be permitted-or otherwise authorized where there are no feasible alternatives and provided any unavoidable environmental impacts can be mitigated as described in a Habitat Management Plan: a. If it is necessary to maintain, deepen or widen navigation channels to assure the safety and efficiency of existing navigational uses. b. If it is necessary to maintain, deepen or widen commercial moorage at approved harbors, marinas, or ports. C. If it is necessary to develop or maintain essential public infrastructure and facilities when other approaches are not feasible. d. If it is necessary in conjunction with a County-approved comprehensive flood control management plan. e. If it is necessary in creating solid foundations for placement of concrete, riprap, and other building materials as part of a water-dependent or priority use. f. If it is part of environmental clean-up activities required by the Model Toxics Control Act or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. g. If it is part of an approved restoration project (see 17.50.260) benefiting water quality and/or fish and wildlife habitat. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene+ tie.� 2n, page 109 i h. If it is necessary to create or maintain public access from the shore to navigable water, including construction of public piers and docks. i. If it is necessary to maintain lagoons, ponds and other areas used by water-dependent industry. 2. Proponents of new development shall locate and design such development to avoid or, if avoidance is not possible,to minimize the need for new dredging and maintenance dredging. 3. Maintenance dredging that meets the maintenance exemption in WAC 173-27-040 shall be considered as a Shoreline Exemption. Restoration dredging shall be considered Substantial Development. Non-maintenance dredging(except for restoration dredging for restoration projects) may be considered as a Conditional Use. 4. Additional Dredging restrictions are as follows: a. Dredging operations shall not cause damage to adjacent shorelines or marine developments. b. Dredging operations shall be monitored to minimize any leaks or spillage of dredged materials. c. Dredging machinery or vessels shall use reasonable precautionary measures to prevent petroleum from entering the water. 5. Dredged material, if deposited on shorelands,shall be contained or otherwise managed and monitored to prevent undesirable erosion. Dredged material disposal on land shall be considered fill and subject to applicable fill regulations. 6. Dredged material,when deposited waterward of the ordinary high water mark shall comply with the Dredged Material Evaluation & Disposal Procedures User Manual and other applicable local,state, and federal regulations. Depositing of dredge material in water areas shall be allowed only for habitat improvement,to correct problems of material distribution adversely affecting fish and shellfish resources,to remediate contaminated sediments, or where the alternatives of depositing material on land are more detrimental to shoreline resources than depositing in water areas. 7. Proposals for dredged material disposal shall be evaluated for their potential to cause adverse environmental impacts. Dredged material disposal shall be permitted only when the proponent demonstrates all of the following: a. The proposed action will not cause significant and/or ongoing damage to water quality, fish,shellfish and/or other biological resources; and b. The proposed action will not adversely alter natural drainage, water circulation,sediment transport, currents, or tidal flows or significantly reduce floodwater storage capacities; and c. The proposed action includes all feasible mitigation measures to protect marine, estuarine,freshwater and terrestrial species and habitats. 8. Dredging gravel for flood management purposes shall be consistent with an adopted flood hazard reduction plan and a biological and geomorphological study showing that extraction has a long-term benefit to flood hazard reduction, and that impacts to ecological functions are avoided, and where unavoidable, are mitigated. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene+ be-2 2n, page 110 i 9. Dredging and dredge disposal operations shall be the minimum needed to accommodate the allowed use or development. 10. Applications for dredging projects shall include the following information: a. A description of the purpose of the proposed dredging and an analysis of compliance with the policies and regulations of this Program. b. A detailed description of the existing physical character,shoreline geomorphology and biological resources provided by the area proposed to be dredged, including a site plan map outlining the perimeter of the proposed dredge area,and information on stability of bedlands adjacent to proposed dredging and spoils disposal areas. c. A detailed description and analysis of the physical,chemical and biological characteristics of the dredge spoils to be removed. d. A description of the method of materials removal, including facilities for settlement and movement.The description shall include estimates of the frequency and quantity of project maintenance dredging. e. Detailed plans for dredge spoil disposal, including specific land or water disposal sites and relevant information on the disposal site. 17.50.330 FLOOD CONTROL A. FLOOD CONTROL- POLICIES 1. Flood control planning should be undertaken in a coordinated manner among affected property owners and public agencies and should consider entire systems or sizable stretches of rivers, lakes or marine shorelines. Thus planning should consider the off-site erosion, accretion or flood damage that might occur as a result of stabilization or protection structures or activities. 2. Flood control planning should be comprehensive and long-term and focused on preventing flood damage, maintaining or restoring the natural hydraulic capacity of streams and floodplains, and conserving or restoring valuable resources such as fish,water,soil, and recreation and scenic areas. 3. Flood control projects should be located, designed, constructed and maintained to provide: a. Protection of the physical integrity of the shore process corridor and other properties which may be damaged by interruptions of the geohydraulic system; b. Protection of water quality and natural ground water movement; C. Protection of valuable fish and other life forms and their habitat vital to the aquatic food chain; and d. Preservation of valuable recreation resources and aesthetic values such as point and channel bars, islands and other shore features and scenery. 4. Non-structural flood control solutions should be used wherever possible, including prohibiting or limiting development in historically flood prone areas, regulating structural design and limiting increases in peak flow runoff from new upland development. The structural solution SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber' '^"Page Ill i to reduce the identified flood hazard shall be allowed, after it is demonstrated that non- structural solutions would not be able to reduce the damage. The structural solution with the least impact on shoreline ecological functions—such as overflow corridors and setback levees —should be preferred over structural approaches with greater impact. 5. Substantial stream channel modification, realignment and straightening should be discouraged as a means of flood control. 6. In design of public flood control projects, consideration should be given to providing public pedestrian/non-motorized access to the shoreline for outdoor recreation. New flood control structures should not unduly interfere with navigation,water-related recreation or other existing public access to public waters. 7. New flood control structures should only be allowed where there is a documented need to protect an existing structure or new public transportation or utility structure where no other feasible alternative exists or the alternative would result in unreasonable and disproportionate cost. 8. New development should be limited in flood-prone areas, and should be generally designed and located to preclude the need for flood control structures. New or expanded development or uses in the shoreline, including subdivision of land,that would likely require flood control structures within a stream,channel migration zone, or floodway should be prohibited. B. FLOOD CONTROL- REGULATIONS 1. The County shall require and utilize the following information, prepared by qualified engineers, hydrologists,and ecologists during its review of flood control projects: a. River channel hydraulics and floodway characteristics up and downstream from the project area; b. Existing shoreline stabilization and flood control works within the area; C. Physical,geological and soil characteristics of the area;and d. Predicted impact upon area shore and hydraulic processes,adjacent properties and shoreline and water uses, including: i. An analysis of the flood frequency, duration and severity and expected health and safety risks as a rationale and justification for the proposed structure. ii. The potential for increasing the base flood elevation,changes in stream velocity, and the potential for redirection of the normal flow of the affected stream. iii. A description of proposed plans to remove vegetation. e. Impacts on valuable recreation resources and aesthetic values such as point and channel bars, islands and other shore features and scenery. f. A Habitat Management Plan that identifies how impacts will be avoided, minimized and/or mitigated.The plan shall include requirements for monitoring of any mitigation actions. g. Proposed provisions for accommodating public access to and/or along the affected shoreline in funded public projects, as well as any proposed on-site recreational features. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQctebeF' 2^"Page 112 i 2. The County shall require professional design of flood control projects,where permitted,to ensure such projects do not-cause interference with normal river geohydraulic processes, leading to erosion of other upstream and downstream shoreline properties, or adverse effects to shoreline resources and uses. 3. Flood control structures shall be permitted only when credible engineering and scientific evidence demonstrates that: a. They are necessary to protect existing, lawfully established developments;or new, lawfully established bridges, utility lines,and other public utility and transportation structures where no other feasible alternative exists or the alternative would result in unreasonable and disproportionate cost; and b. Non-structural flood control measures are infeasible. 4. Dams proposed for the sole purpose of flood control shall be prohibited. 5. All flood control structures shall be prohibited in Natural and Aquatic environments;except that limited elements of flood control structures may be permitted in Aquatic environments where such location is necessitated by the design of the flood control project. 6. Flood control structures may be considered as a Conditional Use-in Commercial, Residential, Rural and Conservancy designations. Where allowed,flood control structures shall meet all requirements of this program, and PROVIDED they: a. Shall be set back from the ordinary high water mark or channel migration zone consistent with incorporated Resource Ordinance buffers b. Shall be located outside of the mapped floodway; c. Shall be located landward of associated wetlands and wetland buffers, as determined consistent with the incorporated Resource Ordinance. d. Shall be setback to the landward-most edge of all such buffers and setbacks in instances when multiple buffers apply. 7. Timing and construction shall be coordinated with WDFW and other applicable state, and federal agencies, including acquiring necessary permits and approvals ; 8. Flood control measures shall be planned and constructed based on a state approved flood hazard management plan,when available, and in accordance with a. The National Flood Insurance Program and Mason County's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (MCC 14.22); b. An adopted Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan, if available; c. The County Comprehensive Plan; and d. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Habitat Guidelines technical manual standards. 9. New public flood control structures, such as dikes and levees,shall dedicate and improve public access pathways unless such improvements would cause unavoidable health or safety hazards to the public, inherent and unavoidable security problems, unacceptable and unmitigatable significant ecological impacts, unavoidable conflict with the proposed use, unavoidable conflict with private property rights,or a cost that is disproportionate and unreasonable to the total long-term cost of the development. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber 2, 20"Page 113 i 10. Removal of gravel for flood control purposes shall be consistent with an adopted Flood Hazard Management Plan and only permitted after a biological and geomorphological study demonstrates that extraction has a long term benefit to flood hazard reduction, does not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions,and is part of a comprehensive flood management solution. 17.50.335 GRADING A. GRADING - POLICIES 1. Any permitted grading should be designed so that no significant damage to existing ecological functions or natural resources,or alteration of water flow will occur,creating a hazard to adjacent life, property, ecological functions,or natural resources. 2. In evaluating grading projects and in designating areas appropriate for grading, such factors as total surface water reduction, navigation restriction, impediment of water flow and circulation, reduction of water quality and destruction of habitat and alteration of ecological processes should be considered. B. GRADING - REGULATIONS 1. Grading waterward of the ordinary high-water mark or in wetlands for ecological restoration projects that have been authorized by a state agency shall not require a Conditional Use Permit. All other grading is prohibited waterward of the ordinary high water mark or in wetlands, except that they may be considered as a Conditional Use for the following activities: a. Water dependent aquacultural practices; b. Water dependent uses where no upland or structural alternative is possible; c. Public access where no other upland or structural alternative is possible; d. Cleanup and disposal of contaminated sediments as part of an interagency environmental clean-up plan; e. Disposal of dredged material considered suitable under, and conducted in accordance with the dredged material management program of the Washington Department of Natural Resources; f. Expansion or alteration of transportation facilities of statewide significance currently located on the shoreline, upon a demonstration that alternatives to fill are not feasible; g. Mitigation actions; h. -In wetlands,grading associated with construction of a single-family residence, provided the mitigation sequence has been followed and all other necessary state and/or federal permits obtained. 2. The regulations in this chapter do not apply to the fill necessary for shoreline stabilization measures, excavation below the ordinary high-water mark(dredging),or to mining. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber ', '^"Page 114 i 3. Proposals for grading in wetlands shall also follow Resource Ordinance regulations (MCC 8.52.110). 4. Surface water drainage associated with grading and fill during and after construction shall be managed consistent with Mason County's current stormwater standards. 5. Permitted grading shall be appropriately sloped and planted with native vegetation to prevent erosion. 6. Applications for grading projects shall include the following information (at a minimum): a. Character and source of fill material; b. Method of placement and compaction; C. Type of surfacing proposed, if any; d. Method of perimeter erosion control; e. Proposed use of graded area; f. Location of fill and excavation material relative to property lines and to natural or existing drainage patterns; g. Proposed revegetation and/or landscaping; 7. Perimeters of fills shall be provided with vegetation, retaining walls,or other mechanisms for erosion prevention. Fill shall be located and designed so that shoreline stabilization structures are not needed to protect the fill material. Exceptions may be allowed for approved restoration projects. 8. Fill materials shall be of such quality that they will not cause degradation of water quality. Fill materials shall consist of clean sand,gravel,soil, rock or similar material.The use of contaminated material or construction debris is prohibited. 9. After fill material is deposited and/or graded,the site shall be monitored for a minimum of three years for weeds that are on the Mason County Noxious Weed List. Fills greater than 250 cubic yards and/or with more than 1,000 square feet(not covered by concrete or asphalt) shall be inspected by a qualified professional at least once during the three year monitoring period, but not sooner than a year after the fill is graded.All Mason County regulated weeds shall be controlled as required by RCW 17.10 utilizing using methods recommended by the Mason County Noxious Weed Control Program or other vegetation control specialist. 10. Sanitary landfills and solid waste disposal sites are prohibited uses within the shoreline jurisdiction. 11. Grading shall only be allowed as part of an approved shoreline use or development activity. When allowed,grading shall be located, designed and constructed in a manner that avoids impacts to the shoreline environment,floodplains, and channel migration zones consistent with General Regulations. Unavoidable impacts shall be mitigated. 12. For water-dependent uses upland of the ordinary high water mark,grading may be permitted in Residential, Commercial and Rural designations; and may be considered as a Conditional Use in the Conservancy and Natural environments. 13. For non-water-dependent uses upland of the ordinary high water mark,grading may be considered as a Conditional Use. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteQetebe~' '^"Page 115 i 17.50.340 SHORELINE STABILIZATION A. SHORELINE STABILIZATION - POLICIES 1. Unarmored shorelines should be preserved to the greatest extent feasible to protect the ecological functions that shorelines provide. 2. Non-structural shoreline stabilization measures should be used to protect structures from erosion wherever feasible. Non-structural shoreline stabilization measures include relocating structures away from the water,enhancing vegetation, and managing drainage and runoff. 3. Shoreline stabilization measures should be located, designed and maintained to protect natural shore features and the integrity of the natural geohydraulic system, including feeder bluffs, littoral drift corridors and accretion beaches. 4. Shoreline stabilization measures should be located, designed and maintained in a manner that will conserve and enhance water quality,fish,shellfish, and other wildlife resources and habitats. 5. Owners of property containing feeder bluffs should be discouraged from constructing shoreline stabilization structures, particularly in areas not already developed or not already subject to shoreline modification. 6. Shoreline stabilization structures should be permitted only where protection to upland areas or facilities is provided, not for the indirect purpose of creating land by filling behind the structure. 7. Adjacent property owners should be encouraged to coordinate bio-engineered stabilization measures for an entire drift sector. 8. Structural shoreline stabilization measures, including bulkheads, should be allowed only where evidence is present that one of the following conditions exists: a. Serious wave erosion threatens an established use or existing buildings on upland property. b. The proposed structure is necessary to the operation and location of water dependent and/or water related activities consistent with the Master Program. c. Other alternatives are demonstrated to be infeasible and that the proposed structure meets other policies and regulations of this chapter. d. The proposed structure is necessary to replace a bulkhead which has failed within the past five years. e. The proposed action is a repair or maintenance of a bulkhead that is constructed at or near the ordinary high water mark to protect a primary structure, not for the purposes of creating land. 9. Shoreline stabilization projects on public lands should be designed to accommodate multiple use, restoration, and/or public access, provided that safety and ecological protection are fully addressed. 10. New development should be located and designed to avoid the need for future shoreline stabilization to the extent feasible. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DoteQeteber', '^"Page 116 i 11. Land subdivisions should be designed to assure that lots created will not require shoreline stabilization in order for development to occur. 12. Information should be made available upon request (or upon permit application)to existing and prospective shoreline property owners so they are informed about the risks of living in areas that are prone to erosion, channel migration, landslides and other hazards. 13. Where feasible,the Department should encourage the removal of any failing, harmful, unnecessary, or ineffective structural shoreline armoring and the improvement of ecological functions and processes using non-structural methods. 14. Non-regulatory methods to protect, enhance, and restore shoreline ecological functions and other shoreline resources should be encouraged. Non-regulatory methods may include public facility and resource planning,technical assistance, education,voluntary enhancement and restoration projects, land acquisition and restoration,tax breaks, permit fee reductions or other financial incentive programs. 15. Where sediment conveyance systems cross jurisdictional boundaries, local governments should coordinate shoreline management efforts. If beach erosion is threatening existing development, local governments should adopt master program provisions for a beach management district or other institutional mechanism to provide comprehensive mitigation for the adverse impacts of erosion control measures. B. SHORELINE STABILIZATION - REGULATIONS 1. New development shall be located and designed to avoid the need for future shoreline stabilization to the extent feasible. Subdivision of land must be regulated to assure that the lots created will not require shoreline stabilization in order for reasonable development to occur using geotechnical analysis of the site and shoreline characteristics. a. When a Geotechnical Report or Geological Assessment is required for primary structures and appurtenances per the Landslide Hazard, Erosion Hazard, or Seismic Hazard Chapters of the Resource Ordinance, in addition to the requirements in 8.52.140,they shall consider sea level rise, if applicable, and include the following: i. A site plan, drawn to scale and stamped/signed by the author of the report or assessment,that shows the ordinary high water mark(OHWM),the crest of the bluff or shoreline bank(if applicable),the development envelope (including proposed or recent clearing and grading), and the proposed structures. ii. The geotechnical report shall assert that proposed development or uses are set back sufficiently to ensure that shoreline stabilization is unlikely to be necessary during the life of the structure. In addition, buffer widths for marine bluffs shall be equal to or greater than a distance from the OHWM landward at a slope of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical)that intersects with the existing topography of the site. b. New development that would require shoreline stabilization which causes significant impacts to adjacent or down-current properties and shoreline areas is not allowed. 2. New structural stabilization measures shall not be allowed except as follows: a. To protect existing primary structures: L New or enlarged structural shoreline stabilization measures for an existing primary structure, including residences,shall not be allowed unless there is conclusive SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^et^ber ', 20"Page 117 i evidence documented by a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment that the structure is in danger from shoreline erosion caused by tidal action, currents,waves,or sea level rise. Normal sloughing, erosion of steep bluffs, or shoreline erosion itself, without a scientific or geotechnical analysis, is not demonstration of need. The geotechnical assessment shall evaluate on-site drainage issues and address drainage problems away from the shoreline edge before considering structural shoreline stabilization. ii. The erosion control structure will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. This shall be demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan as required in MCC 8.52.170(J). iii. Primary structure means the structure or the only access associated with the principal use of the property that cannot feasibly be relocated. It may also include single family residential appurtenant structures, inel ,, ;Rg l(s,that cannot feasibly be relocated. b. In support of new non-water-dependent development, including single-family residences, when all of the conditions below apply: i. A Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment demonstrates the following: (a) The erosion is not being caused by upland conditions,such as the loss of vegetation and drainage on the subject lot. (b) Nonstructural measures,such as placing the development further from the shoreline, planting vegetation,or installing on-site drainage improvements, are not feasible or not sufficient. (c) A need to protect primary structures from damage due to erosion.The damage must be caused by natural processes, such as tidal action,currents, and waves. ii. The erosion control structure will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. This shall be demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan as required in MCC 8.52.170(J). c. In support of water-dependent development when all of the conditions below apply: i. A Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment demonstrates the following: (a) The erosion is not being caused by upland conditions,such as the loss of vegetation and drainage. (b) Nonstructural measures, planting vegetation, or installing on-site drainage improvements, are not feasible or not sufficient. (c) A need to protect primary structures from damage due to erosion. ii. The erosion control structure will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. This shall be demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan as required in MCC 8.52.170(J). d. To protect the restoration of ecological functions, hazardous substance remediation pursuant to chapter 70.105.1) RCW,essential public facilities, public lands that facilitate shoreline access for substantial numbers of people, public health safety and welfare,or unique natural and cultural resources when all of the conditions below apply: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQetebe. Ana 7 page 118 i i. Nonstructural measures, planting vegetation, or installing on-site drainage improvements, are not feasible or not sufficient. ii. The shoreline stabilization structure will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. 3. When structural shoreline stabilization measures are demonstrated to be necessary, pursuant to above provisions, proposals for new shoreline stabilization shall: a. Limit the size of stabilization measures to the minimum necessary. b. Use measures designed to assure no net loss of shoreline ecological functions, as demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan as required in MCC 8.52.170.(J). c. Include a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment that, in addition to the requirements for assessments in subsection (2) above, addresses the following: i. The need to prevent potential damage to a primary structure or to protect public health and welfare. The assessment shall address the necessity for shoreline stabilization by estimating time frames and rates of erosion and report on the urgency associated with the specific situation. ii. If a hard armoring solution is proposed,the assessment shall also confirm that there is a significant possibility that a primary structure will be damaged within three (3)years as a result of shoreline erosion in the absence of such hard armoring measures, or where waiting until the need is that immediate would foreclose the opportunity to use measures that avoid impacts on ecological functions or the opportunity to protect public health or welfare.Thus,where the Geotechnical Assessment confirms a need to prevent potential damage to a primary structure, but the need is not as immediate as the three years,the report may still be used to justify more immediate authorization to protect against erosion using soft measures. "Hard" structural stabilization measures refer to those with solid, hard surfaces, such as concrete bulkheads,while"soft" structural measures rely on less rigid materials,such as biotechnical vegetation measures or beach enhancement. Measures range from soft to hard. SOFT: • Vegetation enhancement; • Upland drainage control; • Biotechnical measures; • Beach enhancement; • Anchor trees and/or root wads; • Gravel placement; HARD: • Rock revetments; • Gabions (prohibited); • Concrete groins; • Retaining walls and bluff walls; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' '^"Page 119 i • Bulkheads; and Seawalls. Note: For properties on or near designated landslide,seismic, or erosion hazard areas, a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment required by this program may be combined with the Geological Assessment, Geotechnical Report and/or a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan required under MCC 8.52.140-160. d. Locate structural stabilization measures at or above the OHWM unless a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment demonstrates a need based on safety, or where a Habitat Management Plan demonstrates a net benefit to shoreline functions. If the Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment or the Habitat Management Plan demonstrates that the need to locate the proposed structure waterward of the OHWM,the Department of Natural Resources should be consulted to assess the potential impacts to State Owned Aquatic Lands (SOALs). e. On rivers subject to erosion, locate stabilization measures sufficiently landward of the stream channel to allow streams to maintain point bars and associated aquatic habitat through normal accretion. New structures shall be prohibited on estuarine shores, on point and channel bars, and in channel migration zones unless the structure is necessary to protect public, health safety and welfare and unavoidable impacts are mitigated. f. Hard armoring shall be sited and designed to meet all of the following criteria in addition to the other regulations in this section: i. They shall be located generally parallel to the shoreline. Adequate bank toe protection shall be provided to ensure bulkhead stability without relying on additional riprap; and ii. They shall be located so as to tie in flush with existing hard armoring on adjoining properties, except when adjoining hard armoring structures do not comply with the design or location requirements set forth in this Program. g. Ensure that publicly financed or subsidized shoreline measures do not restrict appropriate public access to the shoreline except where such access is determined to be infeasible because of incompatible uses, safety,security,or harm to ecological functions. Where feasible, incorporate ecological restoration and public access improvements into the project. h. Mitigate new erosion control measures, including replacement structures, on feeder bluffs or other actions that affect beach sediment-producing areas to avoid and, if that is not possible,to minimize adverse impacts to sediment conveyance systems. i. When proposing soft stabilization,fees associated with Community Services Department applications and reviews shall be reduced by half. 4. The following pertains to all (new, replaced,or repaired)shoreline stabilization: a. The use of solid waste,junk, abandoned automobiles or asphalt or building demolition debris is prohibited in the construction or maintenance of shoreline stabilization structures. b. Gabions are prohibited as a means of stabilizing shorelines because of their limited durability and the potential hazard to shoreline users and the shoreline environment. c. Beach materials shall not be used for fill material behind bulkheads. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber-2L, 'n""Page 120 i d. Stairways shall be located 'in line' or landward of bulkheads except where proven infeasible. 5. Repair and Replacement. a. An existing shoreline stabilization structure may be replaced with a similar structure if there is a demonstrated need to protect principal uses or structures from erosion caused by currents,tidal action, or waves and not caused by normal sloughing,vegetation removal,or poor drainage. b. Replacement of a failed bulkhead shall be permitted in the same location and dimension as the original bulkhead, if such replacement is commenced within five (5)years of failure.The burden of proof of location of the original bulkhead shall be on the applicant. c. The replacement structure should be designed, located,sized, and constructed to assure no net loss of ecological functions. d. Replacement walls or bulkheads shall not encroach waterward of the ordinary high-water mark or existing structure unless the residence was occupied prior to January 1, 1992, and there are overriding safety or environmental concerns. In such cases,the replacement structure shall abut the existing shoreline stabilization structure. e. When an existing bulkhead is being repaired or replaced, construction shall occur no further waterward of the existing bulkhead than is necessary for construction of the new footing. f. Where a net loss of ecological functions associated with critical saltwater habitats would occur by leaving the existing structure, remove it as part of the replacement measure. g. Soft shoreline stabilization measures that provide restoration of shoreline ecological functions may be permitted waterward of the ordinary high-water mark. h. For purposes of this section standards on shoreline stabilization measures, "replacement" means the construction of a new structure to perform a shoreline stabilization function of an existing structure which can no longer adequately serve its purpose. i. Additions to or increases in size of existing shoreline stabilization measures shall be considered new structures, except that 'capping' an existing bulkhead may be considered repair if the following criteria are met: i. The cap is twoene feeeet in height or less (cumulative over ten years) and no more wide than the bulkhead; and ii. All native trees and shrubs are preserved in place. j. When replacing hard armoring with soft stabilization,fees associated with Community Services Department applications and reviews shall be reduced by half. 6. Shoreline stabilization projects may also require permits/approvals from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Hydraulic Project Approval), Washington Department of Natural Resources(lease authorization on State Owned Aquatic Lands), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. As required by WDFW rules, projects shall incorporate mitigation measures as necessary to achieve no-net-loss of productive capacity of fish and shellfish habitat. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^e-teber ', '^"Page 121 i 17.50.400 Permits, Exemptions, and Appeals A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL USES AND DEVELOPMENT 1. No authorization to undertake use or development on shorelines of the state shall be granted by the County unless upon review the use or development is determined to be consistent with the policy and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act and this master program. The burden of proving that the proposed development is consistent with these criteria shall be on the applicant. 2. Any person wishing to undertake substantial development or exempt development on shorelines shall apply to the County for a Substantial Development Permit or a Statement of Exemption. 3. No permit shall be issued for any new or expanded building or structure of more than thirty- five feet above average grade level on shorelines of the state that will obstruct the view of a substantial number of residences on areas adjoining such shorelines except where this master program does not prohibit the same and then only when overriding considerations of the public interest will be served. 4. A pFe applieatieRshoreline renfere.cemeeting, as described in MCC 15.05.020, is required for all proposals that require Shoreline Substantial Development, Conditional Use, and/or Variance4 permits and some shoreline exemptions- 5. The County may attach conditions to the approval of permits or exemptions as necessary to assure consistency of the project with the Act and this Master Program. 6. Developments and Uses Subject to Multiple Regulatory Sections. Some proposed developments or uses will be subject to more than one regulatory section of this program. For example, a proposed marina may be subject to regulations concerning"Dredging, Filling, Marinas, Docks", etc. A proposed development must be reviewed for consistency with the regulations of each applicable section. If regulations conflict,the most restrictive shall apply. 7. Adjacent Lands. The purpose of this subsection is to discuss the coordination of development of lands adjacent to shorelines with the policies of the Master Program and the Shoreline Management Act. A development undertaken without obtaining the applicable shoreline permits or which is inconsistent with the regulations of the Master Program, is unlawful. On the other hand, a use or development which is to some extent inconsistent with a policy plan may not be unlawful, but may be denied or conditioned on the basis of its inconsistency with the plan. These principles apply to the regulation of shoreline and adjacent lands: a. Part of the property is inside the shoreline of the state, part is outside, and all of the development is outside the shoreline. No shoreline permit is required because all of the "development" lies outside the shoreline. However, uses and actions within the shoreline,though they do not constitute"development" must be consistent with the regulations of the Act and Shoreline Program. b. Part of the property is in the shoreline of the state, part is outside, and all or part of the development is proposed within the shoreline. A permit is required for"development" within the shorelines. In addition, uses and other actions within the shorelines must comply with Master Program regulations. Furthermore, when the development proposal consists of a single, integrated project and a shoreline permit is required due to SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQaeber' '^"Page 122 i development within the shorelines, review and approval of development outside the shorelines may be postponed until shoreline permit review is accomplished if the public interest would be served by such a review sequence. Finally, although development conditions may be attached to developments within shorelines,conditions may not be attached, pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act,to aspects of a development lying outside the shorelines. 8. Vesting of Permit Applications. An application shall become vested to the current Shoreline Master Program (SMP)on the date a 'determination of completeness' is made.Thereafter,the application shall be reviewed under the SMP in effect on the date of vesting; provided, in the event an applicant substantially changes his/her proposed development after a determination of completeness, as determined by the department,the application shall not be considered vested to the SMP until a new determination of completeness on the changes is made. B. DEVELOPMENT EXEMPT FROM THE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 1. Exemptions Listed. The following exempt developments shall not require a Substantial Development Permit, but may require a Conditional Use Permit,Variance and/or a Statement of Exemption.All developments must be consistent with the Shoreline Master Program and Shoreline Management Act. a. Any development of which the total cost or fair market value,whichever is higher, does not exceed $7,047, or as amended by the state Office of Financial Management, if such development does not materially interfere with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state. For purposes of determining whether or not a permit is required, the total cost or fair market value shall be based on the value of development that is occurring on shorelines of the state as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(e).The total cost or fair market value of the development shall include the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found labor,equipment or materials. b. Normal maintenance or the repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident,fire or elements. "Normal maintenance" includes those usual acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition. "Normal repair" means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition, including but not limited to its size,shape, configuration, location and external appearance,within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction,except where repair causes substantial adverse effects to shoreline resource or environment. Replacement of a structure or development may be authorized as repair where such replacement is the common method of repair for the type of structure or development and the replacement structure or development is comparable to the original structure or development including but not limited to its size,shape, configuration, location and external appearance and the replacement does not cause substantial adverse effects to shoreline resources or environment. c. Construction of the normal protective bulkhead common to a single-family residence. A "normal protective" bulkhead includes those structural and nonstructural developments installed at or near,and parallel to,the ordinary high water mark for the sole purpose of protecting an existing single-family residence and appurtenant structures from loss or damage by erosion.A normal protective bulkhead is not exempt if constructed for the purpose of creating dry land. When a vertical or near vertical wall is being constructed or SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dategeteber-2L, '^"Page 123 i reconstructed, not more than one cubic yard of fill per one foot of wall may be used as backfill. When an existing bulkhead is being repaired by construction of a vertical wall fronting the existing wall, it shall be constructed no further waterward of the existing bulkhead than is necessary for construction of new footings. When a bulkhead has deteriorated such that an ordinary high water mark has been established by the presence and action of water landward of the bulkhead then the replacement bulkhead must be located at or near the actual ordinary high water mark. Beach nourishment and bioengineered erosion control projects may be considered a normal protective bulkhead when any structural elements are consistent with the above requirements and when the project has been approved by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. d. Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the elements. An "emergency" is an unanticipated and imminent threat to public health,safety, or the environment which requires immediate action within a time too short to allow full compliance with this chapter. Emergency construction does not include development of new permanent protective structures where none previously existed.Where new protective structures are deemed by the administrator to be the appropriate means to address the emergency situation, upon abatement of the emergency situation the new structure shall be removed or any permit which would have been required,absent an emergency, pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW,these regulations,or the local master program,obtained.All emergency construction shall be consistent with the policies of chapter 90.58 RCW and the local master program.As a general matter,flooding or other seasonal events that can be anticipated and may occur but that are not imminent are not an emergency; e. Construction and practices normal or necessary for farming, irrigation, and ranching activities, including agricultural service roads and utilities on shorelands, and the construction of a barn or similar agricultural structure, and construction and maintenance of irrigation structures including but not limited to head gates, pumping facilities, and irrigation channels; PROVIDED that a feedlot of any size, all processing plants, other activities of a commercial nature, alteration of the contour of the shorelands by leveling or filling other than that which results from normal cultivation,shall not be considered normal or necessary farming or ranching activities. A feedlot shall be an enclosure or facility used or capable of being used for feeding livestock hay,grain,silage,or other livestock feed, but shall not include land for growing crops or vegetation for livestock feeding and/or grazing, nor shall it include normal livestock wintering operations. f. Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys. g. Construction on shorelands by an owner, lessee or contract purchaser of a single-family residence for his own use or for the use of his family,which residence does not exceed a height of thirty-five (35)feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the state agency or this Master Program. "Single-family residence" means a detached dwelling designed for and occupied by one family including those structures and developments within a contiguous ownership which are a normal appurtenance. Interpretations of"normal appurtenances" are set forth and regulated within the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. Construction authorized under this exemption shall be located landward of the ordinary high water mark. h. Construction of a dock, including a community dock, designed for pleasure craft only,for the private non-commercial use of the owner, lessee, or contract purchaser of a single- SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattOet bee- 2n, Page 124 i family residence and multiple-family residences. A dock is a landing and moorage facility for watercraft and does not include recreational decks,storage facilities or other appurtenances. This exception applies if either: i. In salt waters,the fair market value of the dock does not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500); or ii. In fresh waters,the fair market value of the dock does not exceed: (a) Twenty two thousand five hundred dollars ($229,5G00), or as amended by the state Office of Financial Management,for docks that are constructed to replace existing docks, are of equal or lesser square footage than the existing dock being replaced; or (b) T-ep-Eleven thousand two hundred dollars ($40;GW11,200),or as amended by the state Office of Financial Management,for all other docks constructed in fresh waters. iii. However, if subsequent construction occurs within five years of completion of the prior construction, and the combined fair market value of the subsequent and prior construction exceeds the amount specified in either(i) or(ii)of this subsection,the subsequent construction shall be considered a substantial development for the purpose of this chapter. iv. For purposes of this section, salt water shall include the tidally influenced marine and estuarine water areas of the state including the Puget Sound and all bays and inlets associated with any of the above. i. Operation, maintenance or construction of canals,waterways, drains, reservoirs or other facilities that now exist or are hereafter created or developed as a part of an irrigation system for the primary purpose of making use of system waters, including return flow and artificially stored ground water from the irrigation of lands. j. The marking of property lines or corners on state owned lands,when such marking does not significantly interfere with the normal public use of the surface of the water. k. Operation and maintenance of any system of dikes, ditches,drains, or other facilities existing on September 8, 1975,which were created, developed or utilized primarily as a part of an agricultural drainage or diking system. Imo. Site exploration and investigation activities that are prerequisite to preparation of an application for development authorization under this chapter, if: i. The activity does not interfere with the normal public use of the surface waters; ii. The activity will have no significant adverse impact on the environment including but not limited to fish,wildlife,fish or wildlife habitat,water quality, and aesthetic values; iii. The activity does not involve the installation of any structure, and upon completion of the activity the vegetation and land configuration of the site are restored to conditions existing before the activity; SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DattOeteber', 2^"Page 125 i iv. A private entity seeking development authorization under this section first posts a performance bond or provides other evidence of financial responsibility to the County to ensure that the site is restored to preexisting conditions; and V. The activity is not subject to the permit requirements of RCW 90.58.550; m+4. The process of removing or controlling aquatic noxious weeds, as defined in RCW 17.26.020,through the use of an herbicide or other treatment methods applicable to weed control that are recommended by a final environmental impact statement published by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of Ecology jointly with other state agencies under chapter 43.21C RCW. n9. Watershed restoration projects as defined herein. The County shall review the projects for consistency with the shoreline master program in an expeditious manner and shall issue its decision along with any conditions within forty-five (45)days of receiving all materials necessary to review the request for exemption from the applicant. No fee may be charged for accepting and processing requests for exemption for watershed restoration projects as used in this section. L "Watershed restoration project" means a public or private project authorized by the sponsor of a watershed restoration plan that implements the plan or a part of the plan and consists of one or more of the following activities: (a) A project that involves less than ten (10) miles of stream reach, in which less than twenty-five (25) cubic yards of sand,gravel,or soil is removed, imported, disturbed or discharged, and in which no existing vegetation is removed except as minimally necessary to facilitate additional plantings; (b) A project for the restoration of an eroded or unstable stream bank that employs the principles of bioengineering, including limited use of rock as a stabilization only at the toe of the bank,and with primary emphasis on using native vegetation to control the erosive forces of flowing water;or (c) A project primarily designed to improve fish and wildlife habitat, remove or reduce impediments to migration of fish, or enhance the fishery resource available for use by all of the citizens of the state, provided that any structure, other than a bridge or culvert or in-stream habitat enhancement structure associated with the project, is less than two hundred (200) square feet in floor area and is located above the ordinary high water mark of the stream. ii. "Watershed restoration plan" means a plan, developed or sponsored by the department of fish and wildlife,the department of ecology,the department of natural resources,the department of transportation, a federally recognized Indian tribe acting within and pursuant to its authority, a city, a County,or a conservation district that provides a general program and implementation measures or actions for the preservation, restoration, re-creation, or enhancement of the natural resources,character, and ecology of a stream,stream segment, drainage area, or watershed for which agency and public review has been conducted pursuant to chapter 43.21(C) RCW,the State Environmental Policy Act. op. A public or private project,the primary purpose of which is to improve fish or wildlife habitat or fish passage,when all of the following apply: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Date^etebeF ', '^"Page 126 i i. The project has been approved in writing by the department of fish and wildlife as necessary for the improvement of the habitat or passage and appropriately designed and sited to accomplish the intended purpose; ii. The project has received hydraulic project approval by the department of fish and wildlife pursuant to chapter 77.55 RCW; and iii. The local government has determined that the project is consistent with the local shoreline master program.The local government shall make such determination in a timely manner and provide it by letter to the project proponent. pEf. The external or internal retrofitting of an existing structure with the exclusive purpose of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.) or to otherwise provide physical access to the structure by individuals with disabilities. 2. Statements of Exemption. a. Except where activities are exempted from review by statute,the County is hereby authorized to grant or deny requests for statements of exemption from the shoreline Substantial Development Permit requirement for uses and developments within shorelines that are specifically listed above. Such statements shall be applied for on forms provided by the County. b. The County's statement shall be in writing and shall indicate the specific exemption of this Program that is being applied to the development, and shall provide a summary of the County's analysis of the consistency of the project with this Program and the Act. c. The exemption granted may be conditioned to ensure that the activity is consistent with the Master Program and the Shoreline Management Act. d. A denial of an exemption shall be in writing and shall identify the reason(s)for the denial. The County's actions on the issuance of a statement of exemption or a denial are subject to appeal pursuant to the appeal provisions in MCC Title 15.11.020. e. Exempt activities related to any of the following shall not be conducted until a statement of exemption has been obtained from the County: i. Activities that require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 permit under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 or a Section 404 permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972.The County shall send copies of written statements to the Washington Department of Ecology pursuant to WAC 173-27-050. ii. New aquaculture activities that do not constitute substantial development or otherwise require a Shoreline Permit. A written statement of exemption constitutes a valid authorization to conduct new or expanding aquaculture activities. f. Applications that are processed as a Mason Environmental Permit per MCC 8.52.190(C), and do not require a Shoreline Variance, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, or Shoreline Conditional Use shall instead be processed as a Shoreline Exemption. g. Exemptions shall be construed narrowly. Only those developments that meet the precise terms of one or more of the listed exemptions may be granted exemption from the Substantial Development Permit process. h. An exemption from the Substantial Development Permit process is not an exemption from compliance with the Act or this Program, or from any other regulatory SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQet bee- 201 7 Page 127 i requirements.To be authorized, all uses and developments must be consistent with the policies and regulatory provisions of this Program and the Act. i. A development or use that is listed as a conditional use pursuant to this Program or is an unlisted use, must obtain a Conditional Use Permit even if the development or use does not require a Substantial Development Permit. j. When a development or use is proposed that does not comply with the bulk, dimensional and/or performance standards of the Program,such development or use shall only be authorized by approval of a Shoreline Variance, even if the development or use does not require a Substantial Development Permit. k. The burden of proof that a development or use is exempt from the permit process is on the applicant. I. If any part of a proposed development is not eligible for exemption,then a Substantial Development Permit is required for the entire project. m. Before determining that a proposal is exempt,the County may conduct a site inspection to ensure that the proposal meets the exemption criteria. C. SHORELINE PERMITS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CONDITIONAL USE,AND VARIANCE 1. Permit Application. The information requested on the application,the applicant shall provide,at a minimum,the following information: a. SITE PLAN -drawn to scale and including: i. The boundary of the parcel(s) of land upon which the development is proposed; ii. The ordinary high water mark(OHWM). This may be an approximate location provided,that for any development where a determination of consistency with the applicable regulations requires a precise location of the OHWM the mark shall be located precisely and the biological and hydrological basis for the location as indicated on the plans shall be included in the development plan. Where the OHWM is neither adjacent to or within the boundary of the project,the plan shall indicate the distance and direction to the nearest OHWM of a shoreline; iii. Where appropriate,the proposed land contours using five-foot intervals in water area and ten-foot intervals on areas landward of OHWM, if development involves grading,cutting,filling, or other alteration of land contours; iv. The dimensions and location of existing structures which will be maintained; V. The dimensions and locations of proposed structures; parking and landscaping; vi. The location of proposed utilities,such as sewer,septic tanks and drain fields, water,gas and electricity; vii. The location,source, composition, and volume of fill material; viii. The location, composition and volume of any extracted materials, and proposed disposal area; b. CROSS SECTION,drawn to scale including: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene+ tie. 2n, Page 128 i i. The existing ground elevations; ii. The proposed ground elevations; iii. The location and height of existing structures; iv. The location and height of proposed structures; V. The OHWM. c. VICINITY MAP, including: i. The location of subject parcel using natural points of reference (roads,state highways, prominent landmarks, etc.). ii. If the development involves the removal of any soils by dredging or otherwise, identify the proposed disposal site on the map. If disposal site is beyond the confines of the vicinity map, provide another vicinity map showing the precise location of the disposal site and its distance to nearest city or town. iii. On the map,or separately,give a brief narrative description of the vicinity of the proposed project including identification of the adjacent uses,structures and improvements, intensity of development and physical characteristics. d. ADJACENT LANDOWNERS. Provide names and mailing addresses of all real property owners within 300 feet of property line boundaries where development is proposed. e. FEES. A filing fee in an amount established by the Board of County Commissioners shall be paid to the Community Services Department at the time of application. Completed application and documents shall be submitted to the County for processing and review. Any deficiencies in the application or documents shall be corrected by the applicant prior to further processing. 2. Permit Process. a. Notice of Application. i. A Notice of Application/Public Hearing shall be provided according to MCC 15.07.010 and 15.07.030. Advertising costs will be the responsibility of the applicant. The public comment period shall be no less than thirty(30)days following the date of Notice of Application. A public hearing shall not be held prior to thirty(30) days following the date of the notice. ii. All persons who so submit their views shall be notified in a timely manner of the action taken upon the application. iii. Unless required per MCC 17.50.400.C.2.b,applications for Substantial Development Permits do not require a public hearing. All Substantial Development Permits require a notice of application. b. Public Hearings. i. The following shoreline permits require a public hearing(type III review): (a) Substantial Development Permits for overwater development that are+s for community, public,commercial, marina,or aquacultural use or if any part of the proposal requires public hearing for another permit (e.g. Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, Shoreline Variance, Development Regulations Variance, Special Use Permit, etc); SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber ',20"Page 129 i (b) Conditional Use Permits; and (c) Variances. ii. The Administrator shall make recommendations to the hearing examiner regarding permits, based upon: (a) The policies and procedures of the Act; (b) The Shoreline Master Program for Mason County, as amended. iii. Review by the Hearing Examiner. See MCC 15.09.070 for Hearing Examiner Decision Types, 15.09.080 Procedures for Open Record Public Hearings before the Hearing Examiner Procedures, and 15.09.090 for Remand. (a) The Hearing Examiner shall review the application and make decisions regarding permits based upon MCC 15.09.050(C)and the following: • The Shoreline Master Program for Mason County; • Policies and Procedures of Chapter 90.58 RCW,the Shoreline Management Act; • Written and oral comments from interested persons; • The comments and findings of the Administrator. ii. The Hearing Examiner shall render a written decision including findings, conclusions,and a final order.The decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final decisions of the County on all applications. C. Notice of Decision. See section 15.07.040 for requirements. d. Transmittal. According to WAC 173-27-130,the Administrator shall transmit one copy of the Decision,the Staff Report with Exhibits,the complete application,the SEPA documents (if applicable),the permit data sheet required by WAC 173-27-190, and all other supporting documents to the Washington State Department of Ecology and one copy to the Washington Attorney General. For administrative SDP's, a Findings of Fact and Conclusion prepared by the Administrator would be submitted in place of the Hearing Examiner Decision and the Staff Report above. e. Washington State Department of Ecology Review. Development pursuant to a Substantial Development Permit, Conditional Use or Variance shall not begin and is not authorized until 21 days from the "date of filing,"as defined in RCW 90.58.140(6) and WAC 173-27-130. PROVIDED all review and appeal proceedings initiated within 21 days of the date of such filing have been terminated, except as provided in RCW 90.58.140 (5)(a)and (b). i. The "date of filing"for a Substantial Development Permit is the date the Department of Ecology receives the transmittal from the County. ii. The "date of filing"for a Conditional use or Variance means the date the Department of Ecology has transmitted its decision to the County. iii. When the County simultaneously transmits to the Department of Ecology its decision on a Shoreline Substantial Development with its approval of either a SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQct bee- 2017 page 130 i shoreline Conditional Use Permit or Variance, or both, "date of filing" has the same meaning as defined in (ii) of this subsection. f. Time Limit for Action. The time requirements of this section shall apply to all Substantial Development Permits and to any development authorized pursuant to a Variance or Conditional Use Permit. Upon a finding of good cause, based on the requirements and circumstances of the project proposed and consistent with the policy and provisions of the master program,the Administrator may adopt different time limits from those set forth in subsections (i)and (ii) of this section as a part of action on a Substantial Development Permit. i. Construction activities shall be commenced or,where no construction activities are involved,the use or activity shall be commenced within two years of the effective date of a shoreline permit.A single extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one year based on reasonable factors, if the request for extension has been filed before the expiration date and notice of the proposed extension is given to parties of record on the permit and to the Department of Ecology. ii. Authorization to conduct development activities shall terminate five years after the effective date of a shoreline permit. However, a single extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one year based on reasonable factors, if a request for extension has been filed before the expiration date and notice of the proposed extension is given to parties of record and to the Department of Ecology. g. The effective date of a shoreline permit shall be the date of filing as provided in RCW 90.58.140(6).The permit time periods in subsections (a) and (b) of this section do not include the time during which a use or activity was not actually pursued due to the pendency of administrative appeals or legal actions or due to the need to obtain any other government permits and approvals that authorize the development to proceed, including all reasonably related administrative or legal actions on any such permits or approvals. h. The County shall notify Washington Department of Ecology in writing of any change to the effective date of a permit, as authorized by this section,with an explanation of the basis for approval of the change. Any change to the time limits of a permit other than those authorized by RCW 90.58.143 as amended shall require a new permit application. 3. Review Criteria. a. Review Criteria for Substantial Development Permits. i. Any person wishing to undertake substantial development on shorelines shall apply to the County for a Substantial Development Permit. ii. A Permit shall be granted only when the proposed development is consistent with: (a) Policies and regulations of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program and applicable policies enumerated in Chapter 90.58 RCW in regard to shorelines of the state and of statewide significance; and (b) Regulations adopted by the Department of Ecology pursuant to the Act, including Chapter 173-27 WAC. b. Review Criteria for Conditional Use Permits. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' 'n"Page 131 i i. The purpose of a Conditional Use Permit is to allow greater flexibility in varying the new application of the use regulations of the Master Program. Conditional Use Permits should also be granted in circumstances where denial of the permit would result in a thwarting of the policy enumerated in RCW 90.58. In authorizing a Conditional Use,special conditions may be attached to the permit by the County or the Department of Ecology to prevent undesirable effects of the proposed use. ii. Uses which are classified or set forth in the Master Program as conditional uses may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate all of the following: (a) That the proposed use will be consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58 and the policies of the Master Program; (b) That the proposed use will not interfere with the normal public use of public shorelines; (c) That the proposed use of the site and design of the project will be compatible with other permitted uses within the area and with uses planned for the area under the comprehensive plan and shoreline master program; (d) That the proposed use will cause no significant adverse effects to the shoreline environment in which it is to be located; (e) That the public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect. iii. This program does not attempt to identify or foresee all conceivable shoreline uses or types of development. When a use or development is proposed which is not readily classified within an existing use or development category,the unspecified use may be authorized as a conditional use provided that the applicant can demonstrate consistency with the criteria set forth above, and the General Use regulations of the Master Program. iv. Uses which are specifically prohibited by the Master Program may not be authorized. V. In the granting of all Conditional Use Permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions in the area. For example, if Conditional Use Permits were granted for other developments in the area where similar circumstances exist,the total of the conditional uses should remain consistent with the policies of the Master Program and should not produce substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment. C. Review Criteria for Variance Permits. The purpose of a Variance Permit is strictly limited to granting relief to specific bulk, dimensional or performance standards set forth in the Master Program,where there are extraordinary or unique circumstances relating to the property such that the strict implementation of the Master Program would impose unnecessary hardships on the applicant or thwart the policies set forth in RCW 90.58.020. i. Variance permits should be granted in circumstances where denial of the permit would result in a thwarting of the policy enumerated in RCW 90.58.020. In all instances the applicant must demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances shall be shown and the public interest shall suffer no substantial detrimental effect. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Datene-+ tie.2,2047 page 132 i ii. Variance permits for development and/or uses that will be located landward of the OHWM,and/or landward of any wetlands, may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate all of the following: (a) That the strict application of the bulk, dimensional or performance standards set forth in the Master Program precludes or significantly interferes with a reasonable use of the property not otherwise prohibited by the Master Program; (b) That the hardship which serves as a basis for the granting of the Variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size, or natural features and the application of the Master Program, and not,for example from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions; (c) That the design of the project will be compatible with other authorized uses in the area and with uses planned for the area under the comprehensive plan and this program and will not cause adverse effects to adjacent properties or the shoreline environment; (d) That the Variance authorized does not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other properties in the area; (e) That the Variance requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief; and (f) That the public interest will suffer no substantial detrimental effect. iii. Variance Permits for developments and/or uses that will be located either waterward of the OHWM,or within wetlands, may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate, in addition to items 44 JbJ--Jfl-above,that: (a) The strict application of the bulk,dimensional or performance standards set forth in this master program precludes all reasonable use of the property; (b) The public rights of navigation and use of the shorelines will not be adversely affected by the granting of the Variance. iv. In the granting of all Variance Permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions in the area. For example, if Variances were granted to other developments in the area where similar circumstances exist the total of the Variances should also remain consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58.020 and should not produce substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment. V. Variances from the use regulations of this master program are prohibited. Requests for varying the use to which a shoreline area is to be put are not requests for Variances, but rather requests for conditional uses. 4. Appeal to Shorelines Hearings Board. Any person aggrieved by the granting,denying, rescission or modification of a Shoreline Permit may seek review from the Shorelines Hearings Board by filing a44 petition for review within 21 days of the"date of filing" of the decision. Said request shall be in the form required by the rules for practice and procedure before the Shorelines Hearings Board. Concurrent with the filing of request for review with the Shorelines Hearings Board,the person seeking SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateget tie. 2017 page 133 i review shall file a copy of the request for review with the Department of Ecology,the Attorney General and the Hearing Examiner. The Shorelines Hearings Board regulations are contained in Chapter 461-08 WAC. 5. Permit Revisions/Rescission. A person operating under a current Shoreline Permit may apply to the County for modification to the permit,or the Hearing Examiner or the County may rescind a permit if there is evidence of noncompliance with the existing permit. In either case,the following procedure shall apply: a. The County shall determine if the revision is within the scope and intent of the original permit set forth under WAC 173-27-100, as amended. b. If said revision is determined to be outside the scope and intent of the original permit, a new and complete permit application shall be made in compliance with the Act and this Program. C. If said revision is determined to be within the scope and intent of the original permit,the Hearing Examiner may approve the revision. The revised permit shall become effective immediately. The approved revision along with copies of the revised site plan and text, shall be submitted by certified mail to the Washington Department of Ecology's (V.L ECY) Regional Office,the Attorney General,and to persons who have previously notified the County relative to the original application. d. If the revision to the original permit involves a Conditional Use or Variance,the County shall submit the revision to the Department of Ecology for the''"�TECY's approval, approval with conditions, or denial. The revision shall indicate that it is being submitted under the requirements of WAC 173-27-100(6). The ECYWIDG€shall render and transmit to the County and the applicant its final decision within 15 days of the date of the department's receipt of the submittal from the County. The County shall notify the parties of record of the Department of Ecology's final decision. The revised permit is effective immediately upon final action by the County,or when appropriate under WAC 173-27-100(7). e. Appeals shall be in accordance with RCW 90.58.180 and shall be filed within 21 days from receipt of the County's action by ECYVABG€or,when appropriate under subsection (c)of this section,the date the ECYWPQE's final decision is transmitted to the County and the applicant. The party seeking review shall have the burden of proving the revision granted was not within the scope and intent of the original permit. f. If the County determines that there exists noncompliance with a shoreline permit and/or any conditions attached thereto or any revisions and modifications,then the County may, in addition to the enforcement actions outlined in 17.50.500, move to rescind the shoreline permit after a hearing. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective Dateneteber ' 'n"Page 134 i 17.50.500 Enforcement and Penalties A. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE This part is adopted under RCW 90.58.200 and 90.58.210 to implement the enforcement responsibilities of the County under the Shoreline Management Act. The act calls for a cooperative program between local government and the state. It provides for a variety of means of enforcement, including civil and criminal penalties,orders to cease and desist, orders to take corrective action, and permit rescission.The following should be used in addition to other County enforcement mechanisms. B. DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in WAC 173-27-030 shall apply in this part also except that the following shall apply when used in this part of the regulations: 1. "Permit" means any form of permission required under the act prior to undertaking activity on shorelines of the state, including Substantial Development Permits,Variances, Conditional Use Permits, permits for oil or natural gas exploration activities, permission which may be required for selective commercial timber harvesting, and shoreline exemptions; and 2. "Exemption" means authorization from local government which establishes that an activity is exempt from Substantial Development Permit requirements under WAC 173-27-040, but subject to regulations of the Act and this master program. C. POLICY Enforcement action by the County may be taken whenever a person has violated any provision of the act or any master program or other regulation promulgated under the act.The choice of enforcement action and the severity of any penalty should be based on the nature of the violation, the damage or risk to the public or to public resources, and/or the existence or degree of bad faith of the persons subject to the enforcement action. D. ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST The County shall have the authority to serve upon a person a cease and desist order if an activity being undertaken on shorelines of the state is in violation of chapter 90.58 RCW or the local master program. 1. Content of order.The order shall set forth and contain: a. A description of the specific nature, extent, and time of violation and the damage or potential damage;and b. A notice that the violation or the potential violation cease and desist or, in appropriate cases,the specific corrective action to be taken within a given time. A civil penalty under WAC 173-27-280 may be issued with the order. 2. Effective date. The cease and desist order issued under this section shall become effective immediately upon receipt by the person to whom the order is directed. 3. Compliance. Failure to comply with the terms of a cease and desist order can result in enforcement actions including, but not limited to,the issuance of a civil penalty. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQaebe 2 '^"Page 135 i E. CIVIL PENALTY 1. A person who fails to conform to the terms of a Substantial Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit or Variance issued under RCW 90.58.140,who undertakes a development or use on shorelines of the state without first obtaining a permit,or who fails to comply with a cease and desist order issued under these regulations may be subject to a civil penalty by the County.The County may impose a penalty upon an additional finding that a person: a. Has previously been subject to an enforcement action for the same or similar type of violation of the same statute or rule;or b. Has been given previous notice of the same or similar type of violation of the same statute or rule; or c. The violation has a probability of placing a person in danger of death or bodily harm; or d. Has a probability of causing more than minor environmental harm; or e. Has a probability of causing physical damage to the property of another in an amount exceeding one thousand dollars. 2. In the alternative, a penalty may be issued to a person by Mason County for violations which do not meet the criteria of subsection (1)(a)through (e)of this section, after the following information has been provided in writing to a person through a technical assistance visit or a notice of correction: a. A description of the condition that is not in compliance and a specific citation to the applicable law or rule; b. A statement of what is required to achieve compliance; c. The date by which the agency requires compliance to be achieved; d. Notice of the means to contact any technical assistance services provided by the agency or others; and e. Notice of when,where, and to whom a request to extend the time to achieve compliance for good cause may be filed with the agency. 3. No penalty shall be issued by the County until the individual or business has been given a reasonable time to correct the violation and has not done so. 4. Amount of penalty.The penalty shall not exceed one thousand dollars for each violation. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate violation. 5. Aiding or abetting.Any person who,through an act of commission or omission procures, aids or abets in the violation shall be considered to have committed a violation for the purposes of the civil penalty. 6. Notice of penalty.A civil penalty shall be imposed by a notice in writing, either by certified mail with return receipt requested or by personal service,to the person incurring the same from Mason County.The notice shall describe the violation, approximate the date(s) of violation, and shall order the acts constituting the violation to cease and desist,or, in appropriate cases, require necessary corrective action within a specific time. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQeteber' 'n"Page 136 i F. APPEAL OF CIVIL PENALTY 1. Right of appeal. Persons incurring a penalty imposed by Mason County or jointly by the Department of Ecology and Mason County may appeal the same to the Shorelines Hearings Board. Appeals to the Shorelines Hearings Board are adjudicatory proceedings subject to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW. 2. Timing of appeal. Appeals shall be filed within thirty days of the date of receipt of the penalty. The term "date of receipt" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 43.21B.001. 3. Penalties due. a. Penalties imposed under this section shall become due and payable thirty days after receipt of notice imposing the same unless application for remission or mitigation is made or an appeal is filed. Whenever an application for remission or mitigation is made, penalties shall become due and payable thirty days after receipt of the County's and/or the Department of Ecology's decision regarding the remission or mitigation. Whenever an appeal of a penalty is filed,the penalty shall become due and payable upon completion of all review proceedings and upon the issuance of a final decision confirming the penalty in whole or in part. b. If the amount of a penalty owed the department is not paid within thirty days after it becomes due and payable,the attorney general, upon request of the department,shall bring an action in the name of the state of Washington to recover such penalty. If the amount of a penalty owed local government is not paid within thirty days after it becomes due and payable, Mason County may take actions necessary to recover such penalty. C. Penalty recovered. Penalties recovered the County shall be paid to the County Treasurer. Penalties recovered jointly by the Department of Ecology and the County shall be divided equally between the Department of Ecology and the County unless otherwise stipulated in the order. G. CRIMINAL PENALTY The procedures for criminal penalties shall be governed by RCW 90.58.220. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Effective DateQet tie. 2017 page 137 Attachment B Mason County's Draft Resource Ordinance 44tle 8.52 MCC Contents TiT-b r Q 5-2 M-C- 8.52.010 AUTHORITY.........................................................................................................................2 8.52.020 PURPOSE..............................................................................................................................3 8.52.030 DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................3 8.52.040 ESTABLISHMENT OF DESIGNATED LANDS......................................................................22 8.52.050 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER REGULATIONS......................................................................25 8.52.060 LONG-TERM COMMERCIAL FOREST LANDS...................................................................29 8.52.061 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE LANDS. ................................................................................32 8.52.070 INHOLDING LANDS...........................................................................................................35 8.52.080 AGRICULTURE AND FOREST MANAGEMENT NON-DESIGNATED LANDS. ....................37 8.52.090 MINERAL RESOURCE LANDS............................................................................................38 8.52.100 ADDITIONAL RESOURCE LAND PROVISIONS..................................................................43 8.52.110 WETLANDS. .............................................................................................44 8.52.120 CRITICAL AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS...........................................................................63 8.52,130 FREQUENTLY FLOODED AREAS.......................................................................................75 8.52.140 GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS...............................................................................76 8.52.150 SEISMIC HAZARD AREAS..................................................................................................87 8.52.160 EROSION HAZARD AREAS................................................................................................89 8.52.170 FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION AREAS................................................91 8.52.190 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS. ..............................................................................115 8.52.200 GENERAL EXEMPTIONS.................................................................................................121 8.52.220 VARIANCES FROM STANDARDS.....................................................................................124 8.52.230 TEMPORARY USES.........................................................................................................125 8.52.240 EMERGENCY ACTIONS...................................................................................................126 8.52.250 APPEALS..... .................................................................127 8.52.260 JUDICIAL REVIEW..........................................................................................................128 8.52.270 ENFORCEMENT. .............................................................................................................128 8.52.275 RESTORATION/REPARATION.......................................................................................128 8.52.280 SEVERABILITY................................................................................................................130 8.52.290 EVALUATION..................................................................................................................130 Appendix A: RATIONALE FOR THE WETLAND CATEGORIES.................................................131 Appendix B: MITIGATION MANUAL FOR COMMON LINE SETBACKS.................................131 Appendix C: BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANS131 R.52.010 AuT-ii9R1Ty...............................................................................................................................- . ......................................................................................................................................-2 8.52.020 - 13EF1N1T10N9...........................................................................................................................32 Q 52 non _ 9STABI IC !` v.vz-v Iv aslllvcl�1f1�4E3+IT CIF')�ES4aNATEB LANDS. .....................................................................2419 -9._5-2.n_5n QC GATIGNSHIP TO OTHER REGULATIONS.......................................................... 2422 R.Q.060 _ I / rn MERGIA6 FOREST LANDS...................................................................2624 Q C7 nG1 nnB16H6TFJ1�>4EES9HFIEE �ANBS. 327 8520:70—IN11966ING LANDS............................................................................................................3229 R-52.0°0 - MINERAL RFS91-1ACE ............................................................................................2A22 4 52 100 _ Ai)DIi`In 40'j` o.va.=vv—ISvvIIlvNih{',RES9FJF�6E LANE) gI7;9VISI9NS-................................................................. rv� 8.52.110 WETI r4N13s.........................................................................................................................137 8.92.20 CRITICAL AQHIFER RECHARGE AREAS. 5852 8._52.129 )iREQF1ENTbY F 1 99aE P Akmr s......................................................................................�0-vc Q �� 1 n n rcnl A-GIG�E6yA;A 1� A-AA-uS AREAS................................................................................7163 cv 0.52-450- - 141 ;-z.A E)AREAS..................................................................................................K74 10o8.[52-460- ERGS1191�NI�\H�14��Z�141�F�B[�E-AS................................................................................................ p24��1q R 7q2 170 Fi6;w�4N$Y W Pi ii C 14 ADITAT(ten AiCCDI/A T7n AI nnC A�................................................R677- g � 1 Ql1 _,B,rvcl nBAACAIT DcIncIA/ DBnncS,S �D n0� -8 _5 2—-2 0-Q- G--FAICBAI -FX-EMBTI9AIC 11 A-10A. S.52 -2 1-0- NA- c AIrnAInBAe1A1G USES 1 1 71 n- 2 O.q.220 - Y-A R Iicn N C—rc, PRAM rv-t n AI�-rrrv�T[PvS 1 1 Q 1 n 6 8 52 2--20- _Tr-,AeBnBAAV II 17n108 g q 2 2 4 0- rBr-WA1ry Acz-z-rcTZIE)NS 1-2 1-1!1-R R.�-2z - . rn 1........................... ....................................................127109 9.52.260—jv n nv 11 i G 1.41- Rr-vIcIA/ .......................................................1-2-2 1 tv C 9227-n ENFOR`EMENT 1-2-4T9 - 52 2--Y5 - BATIGN/DcnAnATInAI 122-1-1- R 92 2RQ - S4:vPAABII ITv 124112 8.52.2 '0 EVALUATION.................................................................................................................1r G 5I T 7C LINE SET-1AEI(S.................................................................................................................................125112 MANAGEMENrFRnnrrCTICESFOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT N ANS ................12511 2 8.52.010 0 - "utha ity.Authority This chapter shall be known as the Mason County Resource Ordinance and is adopted under the authority of RCW Chapters 36.32, 36.70,36.70A, 39.34, 58.17, 76.09, 84.33, 84.34, and 90.58. It shall become effective as provided by law. (Ord. 77-93 (part). 1993). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 2 8.52.020 Purpose The purpose of the Resource Ordinance is to protect Mason County's natural resource lands and critical areas while the County develops its comprehensive plan and associated regulations. The regulations established in this Chapter, adopted by Ordinance No. 77-93,seek to: Establish uniform processes to be used by Mason County for the review of land use and development proposals within critical areas and resource lands. Conserve resource lands for productive economic use by identifying and designating resource lands where the principal and preferred land use is commercial resource management, and by protecting the same from incompatible land uses. Protect the identified critical areas in their natural functions, along with air and water quality,to sustain the County's quality of life. Encourage creative development techniques and land use practices which will help to accomplish these goals. Encourage the voluntary enrollment of agricultural lands and uses into the Open Space Tax Program and agricultural activities into the Voluntary Stewardship Program. This ordinance fulfills the goals of the State Growth Management Act(RCW 36.70A et al) and the State Environment Policy Act(RCW 43.21). 8.52.030 Definitions Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter: Accessory Use or Structure.i A subordinate or ancillary use,structure, building or portion of a building located on the same parcel of land as the principal legally permitted use,structure or building. Administrator.; The Director of Mason County Community Services Department, or his/her designee. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 3 Aggrieved Person.; The person appealing a decision of the county,who shows that he/she may suffer specific injury and that the interests claimed are those intended to be protected by this chapter. Agricultural Activities and Existing and Ongoing Agriculture.i Uses and practices including but not limited to producing, breeding, or increasing agricultural products; rotating and changing agricultural crops; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie fallow in which it is plowed and tilled but left unseeded; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie dormant as a result of adverse agricultural market conditions; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie dormant because the land is enrolled in a local,state, or federal conservation program, or the land is subject to a conservation easement; conducting agricultural operations; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural equipment; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural facilities, provided that the replacement facility is no closer to the shoreline than the original facility;and maintaining agricultural lands under production or cultivation. Excluded from this definition are transportation of products, related commercial or industrial uses such as wholesale and retail sales or final processing. Agricultural Lands.; Lands primarily devoted to the commercial production of horticultural,viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary,vegetable or animal products or of berries,grain, hay, straw,turf, seed, Christmas trees not subject to the excise tax imposed by RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, finfish in upland hatcheries, or livestock,and that has a long term commercial significance for agricultural production. Agriculture Practices+-.- Any activity whether for commercial or recreational use directly pertaining to production of food,fiber or livestock including but not limited to cultivation, harvest,grazing, animal waste storage and disposal,fertilization, suppression or prevention of diseases and insects. Anaerobic.+-_Living or functioning in the absence of oxygen. Annual Amendment Process. +—The process for amending the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, as adopted in the Mason County development code,Title 15. Applicant.-;-- A person who files an application for permit under this chapter and who is either the owner of the land on which that proposed activity would be located, a contract vendee,a lessee of the land,the person who would actually control and direct the proposed activity,or the authorized agent of such a person. Approval Authority.T The authority for all administrative decisions under this chapter is the Director of Community Services,or his/her designee. The approval authority for all decisions subject to public review is the hearing examiner. Appurtenant Structure.+-- A structure that is ordinarily connected to the use and enjoyment of a single- family residence; normal appurtenant structures include, but are not limited to, a garage, deck, storage shed, woodshed, pump house, upland retaining wall, and fence. Aguaculture.+- The culture and farming of food fish, shellfish and other aquatic animals and plants in lakes, streams, inlets, bays and estuaries. Methods of aquaculture include, but are not limited to,fish pens,shellfish rafts, racks and longlines, seaweed floats; and the culture of clams and oysters on tidelands and subtidal areas. Excluded from this definition are related commercial or industrial uses such as wholesale and retail sales, or final processing and freezing. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 4 Aquifer.; A groundwater-bearing geologic formation or formations that contain enough saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells or springs (source:Chapter 173-100 WAC). Aquifer Recharge Areas.; -Areas where water infiltrates the soil, and percolates through it and surface rocks,to the groundwater table. Base Flood.; —A flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Beach Access. A structural pathway/walkway for purposes of providing pedestrian access to a beach or shoreline area, not for motorized vehicle access. It often includes a stairway,tram, stair tower, platform and/or elevated walkway anchored to the ground surface by structural means. Beach Nourishment.; A process by which sediment lost through erosive forces is replaced from sources outside of the eroding shoreline. Nourishment is typically a repetitive process,since it does not remove the physical forces that cause erosion, but simply mitigates their effects. Best Management Practices.; Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices,that when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the release of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters of Washington State (source: 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington). Block.---A parcel or set of contiguous parcels that collectively meet all classification criteria for any officially designated resource land pursuant to this chapter. Board or Board of County Commissioners.;-The Mason County Board of Commissioners. Bo&i-A unique type of wetland dominated by mosses that form organic peat. Bogs form in areas where the climate allows the accumulation of peat to exceed its decomposition. Bog hydrology is dominated by precipitation rather than surface inflow. The plant community is specialized to survive in the nutrient- poor and highly acidic conditions typical of bog systems. Building official.; The building official of Mason County. Buffer.;-An area of land used or designated for the purpose of insulating or separating a structure or land use from a critical area or resource land in such a manner as to reduce or mitigate any adverse impacts of the developed area. Permitted development and activities within buffers depend on the type of critical area or resource land the buffer is protecting. Buffer widths are measured horizontally. Bulkhead.; See "Shoreline Stabilization." Channel Migration Zones (CMZ).; Areas along a river within which the channel(s) can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings. Chapter.; Unless otherwise stated, "chapter" refers to Chapter 8.52 of the Mason County Code. Class V Injection Well.;-A drywell used for collection of stormwater(source: Federal Register, Monday, August 28, 1995,Volume 60, No. 166, Part IV, Environmental Protection Agency-40 CFR, Part 144 and 146, Table 1, Categories of Class V Injection Wells, page 44653). A Class I injection well is a well used for injection of industrial, commercial, or municipal waste fluids. A Class II injection well is a well used in Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 5 natural gas and oil exploration or production.A Class III injection well is a well used for extraction of minerals. A Class IV injection well is a well used for injection of dangerous waste or radioactive waste fluids. Class V wells are commonly known as drywells. Clearing or Land Clearing.; -The removal or disturbance of trees, shrubs and other vegetation,from a designated critical area or its buffer/vegetation area by physical, mechanical, chemical or any other means,to the extent that the Director determines such removal or disturbance may constitute a safety hazard or otherwise pose a probable adverse impact on the functions or values of that critical area or buffer/vegetation area; provided,that removal or disturbance of vegetation from artificially landscaped areas existing at the time of adoption of this chapter shall not constitute clearing. Commercial and Recreational Shellfish Areas.; -All public and private tidelands or bedlands suitable for shellfish harvest, including commercial and recreational shellfish areas,and including any shellfish protection districts established pursuant to Chapter 90.72 RCW. Common Line Mitigation Plan.; -A plan prepared in accordance with Appendix B,which is required for reducing setbacks to a "common line" on lakes and marine shorelines for single family residential development. See Chapter 8.52.170(E)(3). Compensatory Mitigation.; See Mitigation, compensatory. Conditional Uses.;-Those uses requiring a Mason conditional environmental permit (MCEP)and that may, due to their complexity or greater potential for impact,go through a public review process subject to the terms of this chapter. Conservation Futures.; As provided in Section 84.34.220 RCW, "conservation futures" are the rights in perpetuity to future development which may be acquired by the county on any open space land,farm and agricultural land, and timberland which are so designated under the provisions of Chapter 84.34 RCW and taxed at current use assessment as provided by that chapter. Revenue for this purpose is provided by an optional levy on assessed valuation of all taxable property within the county. Contaminant(s).; Hazardous substance(s)which, if released in sufficient quantity, would impair a component of the environment as a useful resource. County. -- Mason County. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas.; -Aquifer recharge areas that are designated by this chapter for protection. Critical Areas.; Designated wetlands, aquifer recharge areas,frequently flooded areas, landslide hazard areas,seismic hazard areas, erosion hazard areas,and Fish &Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas,as defined by this chapter. Critical Facility.;-A facility to which the existence of a geologic hazard or the chance of flooding would present even a slight threat. Critical facilities include, but are not limited to, public buildings;schools; hospitals;jails; police,fire and emergency response installations; nursing homes; and installations which produce, use or store hazardous materials and/or hazardous waste. Danger Tree.;-A tree with a high probability of falling due to a debilitating disease, a structural defect,a root base more than fifty percent exposed,or having been exposed to wind throw within the past ten years,and where there is a residence or residential accessory structure within a tree length of the base of Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 6 the trunk, or where the top of a bluff or steep slope is endangered. Where not immediately apparent to the review authority,the danger tree determination shall be made after review of a report prepared by an arborist or forester. Dangerous Waste. Solid waste designated in Chapter 173-303-070 through 130 WAC as dangerous or extremely hazardous waste. The word dangerous waste will refer to the full universe of wastes regulated by Chapter 173-303 (including dangerous and extremely hazardous waste). Development or Development Activities.;-A planning or construction project involving property improvement and, usually,a change of land-use character within the site;the act of using land for building or extractive purposes. This includes but is not limited to grading(filling, excavation, etc.) clearing, and the construction or the siting of structures. Development Envelope.;-The total area where development activities are proposed. Director or Director of Community Services.; -The Director of the Mason County Community Services Department, or his/her designee. Emergent Wetland.;-A regulated wetland with at least thirty percent of the surface area covered by erect, rooted, herbaceous vegetation as the uppermost vegetative strata. Engineer.;-A person who is licensed in the state of Washington in a particular field in question. Erosion Controls-On-site and off-site control measures that are needed to control conveyance and/or deposition of earth,turbidity or pollutants after development, construction or restoration. Erosion Hazard Areas.; -Areas susceptible to erosion that are designated by this chapter for protection. Exotic.;-Any species of plants or animals that are not native to the watershed. Facility.; All structures,appurtenances and other improvements on or in the land. Feeder Bluffs.; Bluffs along marine shorelines experiencing periodic erosion from waves, sliding or slumping and/or whose eroding material is naturally transported by longshore drift and provides the building blocks and nourishment for spits, bars, hooks,and other accretion shore forms. Feedlot.; An outdoor enclosure where livestock is confined or fed for the purpose of fattening for market for more than forty-five days a year and where no crops,forage, or post-harvest residues are sustained during the normal growth season. This definition is not intended to apply where fewer than five livestock are kept on the site. Fish and Wwildlife Habitat Cconservation Aareas(FWHCA).;Areas that serve a critical role in sustaining needed habitats and species for the functional integrity of the ecosystem, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will persist over the long term.These areas may include, but are not limited to, rare or vulnerable ecological systems,communities, and habitat or habitat elements including seasonal ranges, breeding habitat, winter range,and movement corridors; and areas with high relative population density or species richness.They do not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of, and are maintained by, a port district or an irrigation district or company(RCW 36.70A.030(5). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 7 Floodplain.; Any lands that are susceptible to the base flood. Floodway.; The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. Footprint.; The total area within the perimeter of a structure, regardless of how the structure is supported,or the total area within the perimeter of any development other than a structure. Forested Wetland.; A regulated wetland with at least thirty percent of the surface area covered by woody vegetation greater than twenty feet in height. Forest Lands.; Lands primarily useful for growing trees, including Christmas trees subject to the excise tax imposed under RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140,for commercial purposes, and that has long-term commercial significance for growing trees commercially. Forest Practices.; Any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land and related to growing, harvesting,or processing of timber including but not limited to: (1) road and trail construction, (2) harvesting, (3) pre-commercial thinning, (4) reforestation, (5)fertilization, (6) prevention and suppression of diseases and insects, (7)salvage of timber, (8) brush control, and (9)slash and debris disposal. Frequently Flooded Areas.; Lands in the floodplain subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year, including floodplain related areas of avulsion risk.These areas include, but are not limited to,streams, rivers, lakes,coastal areas,wetlands and the like. Geologically Hazardous Areas.:Areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion,sliding, earthquake or other geological events,are not suited to the siting of commercial, residential or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns. Geologist.; A person who has earned his/her livelihood primarily from the field of geology for at least five years,and has received a degree in geology from an accredited four-year institution of higher education. Government Lots.; Those irregular tracts of land designated on the plats of the United States Public Lands surveys. Habitats and Species of Local Importance.; A seasonal range or habitat element with which a given species has a primary association, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain and reproduce over the long term (WAC 365-190-030(9)); species of local importance are those species that are of local concern due to their population status or their sensitivity to habitat manipulation. Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Substance(s).; Such materials as flammable solids; corrosive liquids; radioactive material; oxidizing material; highly toxic material; poisonous gases; reactive material; unstable material; hyperbolic material; pyrophoric material as defined in Article 2 of the Uniform Fire Code; and substances,or mixtures of substances,that are an irritant or strong sensitizer or which generate pressure through exposure to heat, decomposition, or other means. Hazardous substances shall also mean hazardous waste as designated in Chapter 173-303 WAC as dangerous or extremely hazardous waste. Hazardous substances also means any dangerous waste or extremely dangerous waste as defined in Chapter 70.105.010(5) and (6) RCW,or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as designated by rule under 70.105 RCW;and hazardous substance as defined in Chapter 70.105.010(14) RCW or any hazardous substance as defined by rules under Chapter 70.105 RCW;and substance that, on the effective date of Ord. 62-99, is a hazardous substance under Section 101(14) of the Federal Cleanup Law,42 U.S.C. Section Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 8 9601(14); petroleum products; and any substance or category of substances including solid waste decomposition products, determined by WDOE's Director to present a threat to human health or the environment if released into the environment. The term hazardous substances does not include crude oil or any fraction thereof or petroleum provided that such are contained in an underground storage tank from which there is no release of material and provided that the tank is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local law. Health Manager.: The Manager of the Environmental Health Division of the Mason County Community Services Department. Height.: A measurement from average grade level to the highest point of a structure provided that television antennas, chimneys, and similar appurtenances shall not be used in calculating height of buildings. Hydric Soil.i Soil that is saturated,flooded or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. The presence of hydric soil shall be determined following the methods described in the approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements, as required by WAC 173-22-035. Hydrogeology. —The science that deals with the hydrology of geologic formations. Hydrophytic Vegetation. Macrophytic plant life growing in water or on a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content. The presence of hydrophytic vegetation shall be determined following the methods described in the approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements, as required by WAC 173-22-035. Impervious Surface.; That hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle,whereas it entered under natural conditions prior to development;and/or that hard surface area which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow,from that present under natural conditions prior to development. Inholding Lands. Blocks of land that are surrounded on all sides by designated long-term commercial forest lands and are crucial areas for conservation of those lands but are not directly of long-term commercial significance for forestry. Isolated Wetlands.; Those wetlands which: (1) Are outside of and not contiguous to any one-hundred-year floodplain of a lake, river, or stream; (2) Have no contiguous hydric soil or hydrophytic vegetation between the wetland and any surface water; and (3) Have no surface water connection to a lake; river or stream. Landfills A disposal facility or part of a disposal facility at which solid and demolition waste is permanently placed in or on the land that is not a land spreading disposal facility(source: Chapter 173-304 WAC). In addition, landfills means all continuous land and structures and other improvements on the land used for the disposal of solid waste, pursuant to Chapter 173-351 WAC. Landscape Wall or Retaining Wall.t-A structure (consisting of rocks, blocks, logs, or other substrate)that is constructed between lands of differing elevations to stabilize the surfaces, prevent erosion, and/or protect structures. A hedge of shrubs or trees is not considered a landscape wall or fence. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 9 Landslide Hazard Areas.;-See Geologically Hazardous Areas-. Large Quantity Generators.;- Businesses which generate more than two thousand two hundred pounds of dangerous waste per month. They accumulate more than two thousand two hundred pounds of dangerous waste at any time. They generate and accumulate more than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste or toxic extremely hazardous waste. Long-term.;-A period of time that exceeds one hundred years for forest management uses and exceeds twenty years for all other land uses. Long-term Commercial Forest Lands. See Forest Lands definition. Long-term Commercial Significance- The growing capacity, productivity and soil composition of the land for long-term commercial production, in consideration with the land's proximity to population areas, and the possibility of more intense uses of land. Lot.; A designated parcel,tract or area established by a plat or otherwise as permitted by law and to be used,developed or built upon as a unit. A lot shall not include a segregation of land established by the county Assessor and assigned numbers for assessment purposes only. Major new development.; All activities which require subdivision,short subdivision, or large lot subdivision approval, mobile home park or RV park approval,grading permit approval, or building permit approval, provided that this does not include repair, remodel, or alteration of existing structures which do not increase the footprint of the structure. Mason Conditional Environmental Permit(MCEP).; A county permit required for any proposed development or use in an area designated by this chapter as a critical area or resource land,where the proposed development or use is listed as a conditional use in one or more designated critical areas or resource lands. Mason Environmental Permit(MEP).;- A county permit required for any proposed development or use in an area designated by this chapter as a critical area or resource land,where the proposed development or use is listed as a permit required use in one or more designated critical areas or resource lands. Such permits shall,when possible, be processed concurrently with other county permits, and are designed to minimize any additional steps or staff time. Where an MEP is required by this Ordinance,the proposal is within shoreline jurisdiction, and a Shoreline permit or exemption is not required by the Shoreline Master Program, a Shoreline Exemption shall be required rather than an MEP. Medium Quantity Generators.;-Businesses that generate more than two hundred twenty pounds, but less than two thousand two hundred pounds of dangerous waste per month.They are limited to the accumulation of less than two thousand two hundred pounds of waste at any time. They are limited to the generation of, and accumulation of, less than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste or toxic extremely hazardous waste. Mineral resource lands.;-Laands devoted primarily to the extraction of minerals,or that have known or potential long-term commercial significance for extraction of minerals. Mining.;—All or any part of the process involved in extraction of minerals from the earth by removing mineral deposits for commercial use, including surface mining and sub-surface mining. Mining shall not include extraction, excavation or grading conducted on site exclusively for construction, road maintenance,forestry or farming. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 10 Mitigation.; Actions necessary to replace project-induced critical area and buffer area losses, including land acquisition, planning,construction plans, monitoring and contingency actions. Replacing project- induced critical area losses or impacts,which includes but is not limited to the following: (1) Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (2) Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation, by using appropriate technology;or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; (3) Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; (4) Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations; (5) Compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments; and 6) Monitoring the impact and the compensation projects and taking appropriate corrective measures. Mitigation for individual actions may include a combination of the above measures. Mitigation,Compensatory or Compensation,or Compensatory MitigationT. A form of mitigation that replaces project-induced wetland or habitat losses or impacts, and includes, but is not limited to, restoration, enhancement,substitute resources,creation, and preservation. "Substitute resources" means actions performed to provide for an alternative environmentally sensitive area. "Preservation" means actions taken to ensure the permanent protection of existing, high-quality environmentally sensitive areas. Compensation also is not limited to mitigation at or adjacent to the site on which a critical area has been impacted by a regulated activity. Moderate Risk Waste.+- Tthe following two types of hazardous wastes: (1) hazardous waste generated by households,called household hazardous waste; and (2) hazardous waste generated by businesses in amounts less than the quantity exclusion limit established in Chapter 173-303-071 through 173-303-103 WAC,which is most commonly two hundred twenty pounds per month or batch, called small quantity generator waste. Native Vegetation.a Plant species which are indigenous to the area in question. Naturally Occurring Lakes and Ponds.i-Naturally occurring ponds, not including ponds deliberately designed and created from dry sites, such as canals,stormwater detention facilities,waste water treatment facilities,farm ponds and landscape amenities. However, naturally occurring ponds may include those artificial ponds intentionally created from dry areas in order to mitigate conversion of ponds, if permitted by a regulatory authority. New Construction.:-Structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of Ord. 112-97. On-site Sewage System Site Evaluation and Disposal Permit Application.: -An application to place an on- site sewage system on a property approved under the authority of the Mason County Health Department. Also known as a "County on-site system permit." Ordinary High Water Mark(OHWM). On all lakes, streams and tidal water,the mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years,as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971,or as it may Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 11 naturally change thereafter or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by local government or the state; provided,that in any areas where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water. Parcel. See definition for Lot. Permit Required Uses.; Uses requiring a Mason environmental permit(MEP) under the terms of this chapter, unless otherwise stated. Practicable Alternative.; An alternative that is available and capable of being carried out aftertaking into consideration cost,existing technology,and logistics in light of overall project purposes,and having fewer impacts to designated wetlands. It may include an area not owned by the applicant which could reasonably have been or be obtained, utilized,expanded or managed in order to fulfill the basic purpose of the proposed activity. Prime Farmland Soils.;- Soils identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service as prime farmland soils. Priority Habitat.;-A habitat type with unique or significant value to many species. An area classified and mapped as priority habitat must have one or more of the following attributes: Comparatively high fish and wildlife density; Comparatively high fish and wildlife species diversity; Important fish and wildlife breeding habitat; Important fish and wildlife seasonal ranges; Important fish and wildlife movement corridors; Limited availability; High vulnerability to habitat alteration; Unique or dependent species. Priority Habitat and Species Database.; The database for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) Program which provides the following three products: Lists of the WDFW's most important habitats and species; Management recommendations for each priority habitat and species; and Maps showing the geographic location of priority habitats and species. Public Building.; Any structure owned by a governmental entity that is designed for human occupancy pursuant to the Uniform Building Code. Public Works Directors The Director of the Mason County Department of Public Works. Qualified Fish and Wildlife Professional.; A person with experience and training in fish and wildlife issues;who has experience analyzing fish and wildlife habitats and their functions and values, impacts to the habitats, and mitigation; and who derives his/her livelihood from employment as a wildlife biologist, habitat management consultant, or fisheries biologist, as appropriate to the type of critical area under review. Qualifications include: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 12 (1) Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree in biology, environmental studies, fisheries,wildlife or related field, and two years of related work experience; or (2) Five years of related work experience. Qualified Groundwater Professional.; A hydrologist,geologist, engineer, or other scientist who meets all of the following criteria: (1) Has received a baccalaureate degree or post graduate degree in the natural sciences or engineering;and (2) Has sufficient training and experience in groundwater hydrology and related fields as may be demonstrated by state registration, professional certifications, or completion of accredited university programs that enable that individual to make sound professional judgements regarding groundwater vulnerability. Qualified Wetland Professionals A person with experience and training in wetland issues, and with experience in performing delineations, analyzing wetland functions and values, analyzing wetland impacts, and recommending wetland mitigation and restoration. Qualifications include: (1) Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree in biology, botany,environmental studies,fisheries, soil science,wildlife or related field,and two years of related work experience, including a minimum of one year experience delineating wetlands using any Federal Manual and appropriate regional supplement for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands and preparing wetland reports. Additional education may substitute for one year of related work experience; or (2) Four years of related work experience and training,with a minimum or two years experience delineating wetlands using any Federal Manual and appropriate regional supplement for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands and preparing wetland reports;or (3) A person certified by the Society of Wetland Scientists as a Professional Wetlands Scientist. RCW.; Revised Code of Washington. Reasonable Use.; A legal concept that has been articulated by federal and state of Washington courts in regulatory taking cases. Recreation.; Activities such as hiking, canoeing,viewing, nature study, photography and fishing that do not require extensive preparation of facilities. Activities that include, but are not limited to, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, campgrounds and boat ramps, and may require land clearing,earth modification,construction of permanent structures and other facilities. Releases Any spilling, leaking, emitting, discharging,escaping, leaching or disposing of a hazardous substance(s)from a facility or activity into or onto soil,air,water,groundwater or other materials. Release Detection..;- A method or methods of determining whether a release or discharge of a hazardous substance from a regulated facility into the environment has occurred. Repair or Maintenance.+- An activity that restores the character, scope,size,and design of a serviceable area,structure, or land use to its previously authorized and undamaged condition. Activities that change the character, size, or scope of a project beyond the original design and drain, dredge,fill,flood, or otherwise alter additional designated critical areas or have a significant adverse impact on the critical areas are not included in this definition. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 13 Residential Density.r The permissible number of dwelling units that maybe developed on a specific amount of land area measured in number of dwelling units per acre. Residential Development.;- The development of land,or the construction or placement of dwelling units for residential occupancy or appurtenant structures and for accessory uses. This definition shall not be construed to authorize any use under the variance criteria. Resource Lands.;Agricultural lands,forest lands, and mineral resource lands as defined by this chapter. Scrub-shrub Wetlands A regulated wetland with at least thirty percent of its surface area covered by woody vegetation less than twenty feet in height as the uppermost strata. Seismic Hazard Areas.;- Areas particularly susceptible to damage from seismic activity that are designated by this chapter for protection. Types of seismic hazards include: (1) Differential settlement: the downward movement of soil caused by a shift in underlying sediments which result in a depression in the soil surface; (2) Earthquake: ground failures that could affect an area and include landslides, lateral spreading, liquefaction, lurch cracking,stream and canal bank failures, rockfalls and differential settlement of the ground surface not directly attributable to one of the foregoing. Earthquakes can cause landslides due to the shaking of unstable rock and soil resulting in a sliding of the surface even on gentle slopes; (3) Ground shaking: a complex surface wave motion produced by its passage of seismic waves through the earth's outer crust; (4) Lateral spreading: the lateral movement of soil on top of liquefied granular or sandy soils induced by strong seismic shaking; (5) Liquefication: this can change certain granular soils into a kind of quicksand when caused by strong seismic shaking; (6) Lurch cracks: random cracks and fissures in the soil induced by strong seismic shaking; (7) Regional uplift/settlement:a result of tectonic movements of the earth's crust during large scale earthquake activity. Regional uplift on the order of eight to twelve feet occurred along the lower arm of Hood Canal, North Bay of Case Inlet some eight hundred to one thousand years ago during a great earthquake in the Puget Sound south of Seattle. Evidence is seen in old elevated beach terraces in this area; (8) Rockfalls:this can occur when nearly vertical rock slopes fail during strong seismic shaking; (9) Seiches: earthquake-induced water waves in a confined body of water caused by periodic oscillations of the water in response to ground shaking; (10) Surface faulting:the fracturing of soil or rock on the earth's surface. Surface faulting could occur on mapped faults shown on geologic maps of the Mason County area; (11) Tsunami:catastrophic sea waves generated in large bodies of water by strong earthquakes, underwater landslides or volcanic explosion. Tsunami waves travel at speeds of up to four hundred mph across the open ocean and can form waves reported up to two hundred feet in height when encountering land with a long shallow ocean fronting shelf. Tsunamis, averaging at least twenty feet in height, have been generated in Puget Sound as evidenced in recent geologic studies. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 14 Sensitive Species.; Any wildlife species listed by the federal government or the state of Washington as sensitive because it is vulnerable or declining and is likely to become endangered or threatened in a significant portion of its range within the state without cooperative management or removal of threats. Serviceable.: Presently useable. SEPA.= The State Environmental Policy Act,43.21c RCW, and implementing state and county administrative rules. Setbacks The distance from a lot, parcel,tract, critical area or resource land boundary, beyond which the footprint or foundation of a structure shall not extend. Shoreline Stabilization or Bank Stabilization.; Actions taken to address erosion impacts to property and dwellings, businesses,or structures caused by processes such as current,flood,tides, wind, or wave action. These actions include a range of methods from "hard"structural methods such as bulkheads,and "softer" nonstructural methods such as bioengineering. Sites Any lot,tract, parcel, large lot holding, either owned or leased, intended for development. Slopes An inclined ground surface,the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of vertical distance to horizontal distance. Small Quantity Generators.; Businesses that generate less than two hundred twenty pounds of dangerous waste per month.They are limited to the accumulation of less than two thousand two hundred pounds of waste at any time.They are limited to that accumulation of less than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste or toxic extremely hazardous waste(see WAC 173-303-070(8)). Solid Waste.; All putrescible and non-putrescible solid or semisolid wastes including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial waste,swill, demolition and construction waste, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof,and discarded commodities.This includes all liquid, solid, and semisolid, materials that are not the primary products of public, private, industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations. Solid waste includes, but is not limited to, sludge from wastewater treatment plants and seepage, septic tanks,wood waste, dangerous waste,and problem wastes (source:Chapter 173-304-100 WAC). Start of Construction.; Includes substantial improvement, and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement, or other improvement was within one hundred eighty days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings,the installation of piles,the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation;or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation,such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways, nor does it include excavation for a basement,footings, piers, or foundation or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. Streams.; Those areas where surface waters flow sufficiently to produce a defined channel or bed. A defined channel or bed is an area which demonstrates clear evidence of the passage of water and includes, but is not limited to, bedrock channels,gravel beds, sand and silt beds and defined channel swales. The channel or bed need not contain water year round.This definition is not meant to include irrigation ditches, canals,storm or surface water runoff devices or other entirely artificial watercourses, unless they are used by salmon or used to convey streams naturally occurring prior to construction. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 15 For regulatory purposes under this chapter once streams are identified,the streams are typed following the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Stream Typing System (WAC 222-16-030): (1) "Type S Streams" are streams,within their bankfull width, as inventoried as "shorelines of the state" under chapter 90.58 RCW and the rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW including periodically inundated areas of their associated wetlands. (2) "Type F Streams" are segments of natural waters other than Type S Waters,which are within the bankfull widths of defined channels and periodically inundated areas of their associated wetlands, or within lakes, ponds, or impoundments having a surface area of 0.5 acre or greater at seasonal low water and which in any case contain fish habitat or are described by one of the following four categories: (a) Waters, which are diverted for domestic use by more than 10 residential or camping units or by a public accommodation facility licensed to serve more than 10 persons,where such diversion is determined by the department to be a valid appropriation of water and the only practical water source for such users. Such waters shall be considered to be Type F Water upstream from the point of such diversion for 1,500 feet or until the drainage area is reduced by 50 percent,whichever is less; (b) Waters,which are diverted for use by federal,state,tribal or private fish hatcheries. Such waters shall be considered Type F Water upstream from the point of diversion for 1,500 feet, including tributaries if highly significant for protection of downstream water quality.The department may allow additional harvest beyond the requirements of Type F Water designation provided the department determines after a landowner-requested on-site assessment by the department of fish and wildlife,department of ecology,the affected tribes and interested parties that: (i) The management practices proposed by the landowner will adequately protect water quality for the fish hatchery; and (ii) Such additional harvest meets the requirements of the water type designation that would apply in the absence of the hatchery; (c) Waters,which are within a federal, state, local, or private campground having more than 10 camping units: Provided,That the water shall not be considered to enter a campground until it reaches the boundary of the park lands available for public use and comes within 100 feet of a camping unit,trail or other park improvement; (d) Riverine ponds,wall-based channels, and other channel features that are used by fish for off- channel habitat.These areas are critical to the maintenance of optimum survival of fish.This habitat shall be identified based on the following criteria: (i) The site must be connected to a fish habitat stream and accessible during some period of the year;and (ii) The off-channel water must be accessible to fish. (3) "Type Np Streams" are all segments of natural waters within the bankfull width of defined channels that are perennial nonfish habitat streams. Perennial streams are flowing waters that do not go dry any time of a year of normal rainfall and include the intermittent dry portions of the perennial channel below the uppermost point of perennial flow. (4) "Type Ns Streams" are all segments of natural waters within the bankfull width of the defined channels that are not Type S, F, or Np Waters.These are seasonal, nonfish habitat streams in which surface flow is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall and are not Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 16 located downstream from any stream reach that is a Type Np Water. Ns Waters must be physically connected by an above-ground channel system to Type S, F, or Np Waters. *(5) For purposes of this section: (a) "Residential unit" means a home, apartment, residential condominium unit or mobile home, serving as the principal place of residence. (b) "Camping unit" means an area intended and used for: (i) Overnight camping or picnicking by the public containing at least a fireplace, picnic table and access to water and sanitary facilities;or (ii) A permanent home or condominium unit or mobile home not qualifying as a "residential unit" because of part time occupancy. (c) "Public accommodation facility" means a business establishment open to and licensed to serve the public, such as a restaurant,tavern, motel or hotel. (d) "Natural waters" only excludes water conveyance systems which are artificially constructed and actively maintained for irrigation. (e) "Seasonal low flow" and "seasonal low water" mean the conditions of the 7-day, 2-year low water situation, as measured or estimated by accepted hydrologic techniques recognized by the department. (f) "Channel width and gradient" means a measurement over a representative section of at least 500 linear feet with at least 10 evenly spaced measurement points along the normal stream channel but excluding unusually wide areas of negligible gradient such as marshy or swampy areas, beaver ponds and impoundments. Channel gradient may be determined utilizing stream profiles plotted from United States geological survey topographic maps (see board manual section 23). (g) "Intermittent streams" means those segments of streams that normally go dry. (h) "Fish habitat" means habitat which is used by any fish at any life stage at any time of the year, including potential habitat likely to be used by fish which could be recovered by restoration or management and includes off-channel habitat.- Structure.-;-- A permanent or temporary building or edifice of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner,whether installed on, above,or below the surface of the ground or water,except for vessels. Retaining walls, decks, bulkheads, roads,fences, and similar improvements to real property are all examples of structures. For section 8.52.130 (Frequently Flooded Areas),structure means a walled or roofed building including a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground. Substantial Damage..; Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed fifty percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. Substantial Improvement.: Any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure,the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent of the market value of the structure either: (1) Before the improvement or repair is started;or (2) If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this definition substantial improvement is considered to occur when first alteration of Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 17 any wall, ceiling,floor, or other structural part of the building commences whether or not that alteration affects the external dimension of the structure. The term does not, however, include either: (1) Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health,sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions, or (2) Any alteration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a state inventory of historic places. Surface Mining Operations: The mining of rock, stone,gravel, sand, earth and minerals,as regulated by the Washington Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Chapter 78.44, RCW. Threatened or Endangered Species.; All species of wildlife listed as "threatened" or"endangered" by the Washington State Department of Wildlife. Trail.; A trail is a limited use path or beaten track,with minimum improvements. Type SP Streams.; In addition to the DNR stream typing system,the county may propose to identify specific streams of high value for anadromous fish for a higher level of habitat protection when they have limiting factors that are dependent on buffer width. Underground Storage Tanks(UST) or Below Ground Storage Tanks.; Underground storage tanks and connecting underground piping as defined in the rules adopted under Chapter 90.76 RCW; or any one or combination of tanks (including underground pipes connected thereto)that is used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances,the volume of which (including the volume of underground pipes connected thereto) is ten percent or more beneath the surface of the ground. This term does not include any exempt UST systems specified in WAC 173-360-110(2).The following UST systems, including any piping connected thereto, are exempt from the definition: (1) Any UST system holding hazardous waste subject to Subtitle c of the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act,or a mixture of such hazardous waste and other regulated substances. (2) Any wastewater treatment tank system that is part of a wastewater treatment facility regulated under Section 402 or 307(b) of the Clean Water Act. (3) Equipment or machinery that contains regulated substances for operational purposes such as hydraulic lift tanks, and electrical equipment tanks. (4) Any UST system whose capacity is one hundred gallons or less. (5) Any UST system that contains a de minimus concentration of regulated substances. (6) Any emergency spill or overflow containment UST system that is expeditiously emptied after use. (7) Farm or residential UST systems of one thousand one hundred gallons or less capacity used for storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes (i.e., not for resale). (8) UST systems used for storage of heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored; except that such systems which store in excess of one thousand one hundred gallons are subject to release reporting requirements of WAC 173-360-372. (9) Septic tanks. (10) Any pipeline facility(including gathering lines) regulated under: (a) The Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 (49 U.S.C.App. 1671,et seq.); or Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 18 (b) The Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 (49 U.S.C. App. 2001,et seq.); or (c) Which is an intrastate pipeline facility regulated under state laws comparable to the provision of the law referred to in (x)(a) or(b)of this subsection. (11) Surface impoundments, pits, ponds, and lagoons. (12) Stormwater or wastewater collection systems. (13) Flow-through processing tanks. (14) Liquid traps or associated gathering lines directly related to oil or gas production and gathering operations. (15) Storage tanks situated in an underground area (such as a basement, cellar,vault, mineworking drift, shaft, or tunnel) if the storage tank is situated upon or above the surface of the floor. Variance.T A grant of relief from the specific requirements of this chapter which permits use of property in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter. Vegetation Area.; An area of land used or designated for the purpose of insulating or separating a structure or land use from a critical area or resource land in such a manner as to reduce or mitigate any adverse impacts of the developed area. Permitted development and activities within vegetation areas depend on the type of critical area or resource land the vegetation area is protecting. Voluntary Stewardship Program. Enabled under the state's Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.700) on July 22, 2011,this is a non-regulatory, incentive-based approach to protecting critical areas on agricultural lands,while maintaining agricultural viability. (Refer to MCC 8.52.050(E)) WAC..- Washington Administrative Code. Water-dependent Use.: -A use that cannot exist in other than a waterfront location and is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operation. Examples include but are not limited to marine terminals; ship building, repair, servicing and dry docking; docks,floats and buoys; boat launches; aquaculture; and log booming. Water-enjoyment Use.; -A recreational use or other use that facilitates public access to the shoreline as a primary characteristic of the use;or a use that provides for recreational use or aesthetic enjoyment of the shoreline for a substantial number of people as a general characteristic of the use and which through location, design,and operation ensures the public's ability to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline. In order to qualify as a water-enjoyment use,the use must be open to the general public and the shoreline-oriented space within the project must be devoted to the specific aspects of the use that fosters shoreline enjoyment. Water-oriented User A use that is water-dependent,water-related, or water-enjoyment, or a combination of such uses. Water-related User A use that is not intrinsically dependent on a waterfront location but whose operation cannot occur economically and functionally without a shoreline location because (1)The use has a functional requirement for a waterfront location such as the arrival or shipment of materials by water or the need for large quantities of water; or(2)The use provides a necessary service supportive of the water- dependent uses and the proximity of the use to its customers makes its services less expensive and/or more convenient. Examples include but are not limited to warehousing of goods transported by water, Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 19 seafood processing, oil refineries, paper and wood mills (if materials or products are water transported) and ships' parts and equipment fabrication. Watershed.;- A geographic area of land bounded by topographic high points in which water drains to a common destination. Waters of the State.:A classification system established in WAC 222-16-030, or as hereafter amended. Well Head Protection Area.4 —The area delineated by the well head protection plan for a Class A public water system and approved by the Washington State Department of Health after June 1994, in accordance to Chapter 246-290 WAC. Wetland Edge. The boundary of a wetland as delineated based on the regulations contained in this chapter. Wetland Hydrology•r Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface during the growing season which typically creates anaerobic conditions in the soil that affects the types of plants that can grow and the types of soils that can develop. The presence of wetland hydrology shall be determined following the methods described in the approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements, as required by WAC 173-22-035. Wetlands.r Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non- wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches,grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities,waste water treatment facilities,farm ponds, and landscape amenities or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990,that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street or highway. However,wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands, if permitted by the county. Wetlands,Creation or Establishment.;- Tthe manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics present to develop a wetland on an upland or deepwater site where a wetland did not previously exist. Establishment results in a gain in wetland acres.Activities typically involve excavation of upland soils to elevations that will produce a wetland hydroperiod,create hydric soils, and support the growth of hydrophytic plant species. Wetlands,Cowardin Classification.;- The first commonly used classification system for wetlands developed in 1979 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Cowardin system classifies wetlands based on water flow,substrate types,vegetation types, and dominant plant species. See Appendix A. Wetlands, Enhancement.4 -The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a wetland site to heighten, intensify, or improve specific function(s) or to change the growth stage or composition of the vegetation present. Enhancement is undertaken for specified purposes such as water quality improvement,flood water retention, or wildlife habitat. Enhancement results in a change in some wetland functions and can lead to a decline in other wetland functions,=but does not result in a gain in wetland acres. Activities typically consist of planting vegetation, controlling non-native or invasive species, modifying site elevations or the proportion of open water to influence hydroperiods, or some combination of these activities. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 20 Wetlands, Estuarine.; Wetlands where salt tolerant plant species are dominant and the water regime is influenced by tidal action. The wetlands are usually partially enclosed by land with open, or partially obstructed access to open saline water. In areas where freshwater wetlands grade into estuarine areas, the boundary of the latter extends to an area where the salinity is less than five ppt (parts per thousand) during the period of average annual low flow. Wetlands, Forested.; A wetland class in the Cowardin classification where woody plants taller than twenty feet from the dominant cover. Shrubs often form a second layer beneath the forest canopy,with a layer of herbaceous plants growing beneath the shrubs. Wetlands, Isolated.; Wetlands that have no surface water connections to other aquatic resources. For the purposes of this chapter,wetlands are not regulated as "isolated wetlands" if they are part of a mosaic wetlands. (See Wetlands, Mosaic for additional information.) .e- ,,� Unit Wetlands, Mosaics Groups of wetlands that should berated , and regulated as an aggregate. Although each patch the wetlands that make up the mosaic is separated from nearby Lva4iA N, wetlands by some upland area these wetlands are not regulated as "isolated wetlands" as the term is used in this .. Wetlands chapter. That is, in determining whether a wetland falls into ..�.._upLands the category of non-regulated wetlands (See Table 8.52.110) the area of the wetland is the area of the mosaic wetland and Total wWand am 3-M not the area of an individual wetland component of the mosaic. Guidance for determining when nearby wetlands compose a mosaic wetland is provided in the Washington State wetland una rating system for western Washington — Revised,Washington State Department of Ecology Publication# 14-06-029. The upland patches of wetlands compose a mosaic when: (1)the patches are less than one acre in size, (2)the patches are separated from each other by one hundred feet or less on average, and unn 2 (3)the area of the wetlands in the potential mosaic are greater than fifty percent of the total combined area of wetland and Total wetland area 00% upland. An illustration of this analysis of whether the potential mosaic should be considered as an aggregate rather than as individual isolated wetlands is shown below. (The illustration is from the DOE-Guidance Document Volumes 1 and 2.) Wetlands, Protection/Maintenance(Preservation).: Removing a threat to, or preventing the decline of, wetland conditions by an action in or near a wetland. This includes the purchase of land or easements, repairing water control structures or fences, or structural protection such as repairing a barrier island. This term also includes activities commonly associated with the term preservation. Preservation does not result in a gain of wetland acres, may result in a gain in functions, and will be used only in exceptional circumstances. Preservation does not result in a gain of wetland acres, may result in a gain in functions, and will be used only in exceptional circumstances. Wetland Restoration.: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with the goal of returning natural or historic functions to a former or degraded wetland. For the purpose of tracking net gains in wetland acres, restoration is divided into: (1) Re-establishment. The manipulation of the physical, chemical,or biological characteristics of a site with the goal of returning natural or historic functions to a former wetland. Re-establishment Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 21 results in a gain in wetland acres (and functions). Activities could include removing fill material, plugging ditches, or breaking drain tiles. (2) Rehabilitation. The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with the goal of repairing natural or historic functions of a degraded wetland. Rehabilitation results in a gain in wetland function but does not result in a gain in wetland acres. Activities could involve breaching a dike to reconnect wetlands to a floodplain or return tidal influence to a wetland. Wetlands with a High Conservation Value(formerly called Natural Heritage Wetlands).; Wetlands that are identified by the Natural Heritage Program of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources as important ecosystems for maintaining plant diversity in our state. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006;Ord.50-04 Attach.B(part),2004;Ord.24-04 Attach.B,2004;Ord.89-00,Attachment A (part),2000;Ord. 118-99,Attachment B §§4,5, 1999;Ord. 16-00,Attachment D,2000;Ord.62-99(part), 1999;Ord. 152-97(part), 1997;Ord. 1]2-97(part), 1997;Ord. It 1-97(part), 1997;Ord.56-97(part), 1997;Ord.36A-97(part), 1997:Ord.77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.040 Establishment of Designated Lands— Establishment of Doricxnatter-) i -�ri4s (A) Designation Authority. Under authority of 36.70 and 36.70A RCW, portions of Mason County are designated as critical areas and/or resource lands as are necessary to protect the natural environment, protect public and private property, maintain and enhance natural resource based industries, and enhance the health, safety and welfare of the public. (B) Scope of Authority. (1) Within the designated resource lands and critical areas established by this chapter, all buildings or structures which shall be erected, reconstructed, altered, enlarged or relocated; all lots or parcels which shall be created, used or developed; all grading or land clearing which shall be engaged in,and all other land uses,shall be in compliance with this chapter. All development and uses which are not "Permit required," or"Conditional Uses" must meet the terms of this chapter, and any applicable regulations listed in Section 8.52.050. This chapter establishes standards and review processes for all proposed uses which shall be followed prior to commencement of those uses. (2) Areas in Mason County in one or more critical areas or resource lands, may be subject to regulations pursuant to this chapter. When an area is designated under more than one critical area or resource land, all applicable sections of this chapter shall be met; provided any and all permit processing shall occur concurrently. In case of conflict,the more protective provision shall prevail. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 22 (C) Boundaries of Designated Lands. (1) Designated resource lands and critical areas are bounded and defined, in part, as shown on the following official maps of Mason County,which together with all explanatory materials contained thereon, are made a part of this chapter. These maps will automatically be updated as new data becomes available. (a) "Mason County Long-Term Commercial Forest and Inholdings as shown on the Development Areas Map 1." (b) "Water Type Reference Maps of Mason County," Washington Department of Natural Resources. (c) "Mason County Soil Survey Map," United States Department of Agriculture;Series 1951, No. 9. (d) "Mason County Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas Map." (e) "The Flood Insurance Study for Mason County," U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. (f) "National Wetlands Inventory," U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and all Mason County Maps referencing wetlands. (g) The approximate location and extent of critical fish and wildlife habitat areas as displayed in the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) Program database. (h) Kelp and eelgrass beds, identified by the Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Lands Division and the Department of Ecology, including, but not limited to, locations of kelp and eelgrass beds compiled in the Puget Sound Environmental Atlas. (i) Herring and smelt spawning times and locations outlined in WAC 220-110-240 through 220-110-260 and the Puget Sound Environmental Atlas. (j) Other maps adopted in specific sections of the Resource Ordinance. Each map shall state the source or sources of scientific and other methodologies used in the determination of boundaries, and all maps shall be individually stored and available for review at the Mason County Department of Community Services,except for the priority habitat and species program data,which is available to the public from the WDFW. (2) The actual presence or absence of lands which meet the designation criteria for a specific critical area or resource land shall govern the treatment of a specific development proposal. When classification criteria contain both map references and non-map criteria to be reviewed on-site,the non-map criteria shall take precedence. When,through project review, lands or waters are discovered which are required by the text of this chapter to be designated in another classification than that shown on the map,the text designation shall take precedence over mapping, and any development therein or thereon shall comply with this chapter. The property owner or the county may initiate a reclassification procedure pursuant to Section 8.52.190 of this chapter, wherein any official map shall also be amended to conform to the redesignation. (3) Interpretation of Boundaries. The following rules shall be used to determine the precise location of any designation boundary shown on any official critical area or resource land map of Mason County: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 23 (a) Boundaries shown as following or approximately following the limits of any city shall be construed as following such limits; (b) Boundaries shown as following or approximately following roads or streets shall be construed to follow the centerline of such roads or streets; (c) Boundaries which follow or approximately follow platted lot lines or assessor's parcel boundary lines shall be construed as following such lines; (d) Boundaries shown as following or approximately following section lines, half-section lines, or quarter-section lines shall be construed as following such lines; (e) Boundaries shown as following or approximately following shorelines of any lakes or Puget Sound shall be construed to follow the ordinary high water lines of such bodies of water,and, in the event of change in the ordinary high water line, shall be construed as moving with the actual ordinary high water line. (f) Boundaries shown as following or approximately following the centerline of streams, rivers, or other continuously flowing water courses shall be construed as following the channel centerline of such water courses taken midway between the ordinary high water marks of such channel, and, in the event of a natural change in the location of such streams, rivers, or other water courses,the designation boundary shall be construed as moving with the channel centerline. (g) Boundaries shown as separated from,and parallel or approximately parallel with,any of the features listed in paragraphs a through f above shall be construed to be parallel with such features and at such distances therefrom as are shown on the map. (4) Interpretation of Parcel Sizes. The following rules shall be used to interpret parcel or property sizes for determinations in classifications, designations, and regulations of this chapter: (a) Parcels legally described as 1/256th of a section shall be equivalent to two and one-half acres (1.08 hectares). (b) Parcels legally described as 1/128th of a section shall be equivalent to five acres (2.15 hectares). (c) Parcels legally described as 1/64th of a section shall be equivalent to ten acres (4.03 hectares). (d) Parcels legally described as 1/32nd of a section shall be equivalent to twenty acres (8.06 hectares). (e) Parcels legally described as 1/16th of a section shall be equivalent to forty acres (16.12 hectares). (f) Parcels legally described as 1/8th of a section shall be equivalent to eighty acres (32.24 hectares). (g) Property legally described as one section shall be equivalent to six hundred forty acres (257.92 hectares). (5) Preferential Right to Manage Resources — "Right to Forestry," "Right to Farm," "Right to Mine." Description of Preferential Rights. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 24 (a) No resource use or any of its component activities shall be or become a nuisance, private or public, by any changed conditions in or about the locality thereof after the same has been in operation for more than five years,when such operation was not a nuisance at the time the operation began; provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply whenever a nuisance results from the negligent or improper operation of any such operation or its component activities, and the property owner follows the standards of this chapter. (b) A resource operation shall not be found to be a public or private nuisance if the operation conforms to local,state, and federal law and best management practices. (c) A farm or forest operation shall not be restricted to time of day or days of the week, but shall be conducted according to best management practices pursuant to state law. (d) A farm or forest operation shall be free from excessive or arbitrary regulation. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006: Ord. 1 18-99,Attachment B § 2, 1999:Ord. 56-97(part), 1997:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.050 Relationship to Other Regulations - Relati to Othe. R�u].A' ns. (A) General Provision. No permit granted pursuant to this chapter shall remove an applicant's obligation to comply in all respects with the applicable provisions of any other federal, state, or local law or regulation, including, but not limited to,the acquisition of any other required permit or approval. (B) State Environmental Policy Act. This chapter is an officially adopted land use policy of the county and shall be a basis for analyzing development proposals pursuant to 43.21c RCW. The areas described on adopted critical area maps, pursuant to Section 8.52.040(sC)(1), are declared sensitive areas under provisions of WAC 197-11-908. (C) County Policies and Regulations. (1) The following adopted county policies and regulations shall be enforced consistent with the terms of this chapter: (a) International Building& Residential Code; (b) International Fire Code; (c) Mason County Health Code; (d) Mason County Environmental Policy Ordinance; (e) Mason County Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Ordinance; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 25 (f) Mason County Six-year Transportation Improvement Program; (g) Title 16, Mason County Subdivision Ordinance including Large Lot Requirements; (h) Parking Standards Ordinance; (i) Other adopted ordinances by Mason County; Where this chapter is found inconsistent with any of the above documents,the more restrictive terms shall prevail. All county application forms, review procedures, or standards that are inconsistent with this chapter shall be amended within three months of adoption of this chapter;except where to do so would require approval by state authorities, or extended local public review, in which case, no time limit is established. (2) Responsibilities of county departments of Community Services (Building Environmental Health, and Planning Divisions) and Public Works. For all development applications under the preview of the county Building Official, Environmental Health Manager, and/or Public Works Director, and in the course of their respective standard site inspection programs, a site inspection shall be performed to determine whether the site has lands,waters or shorelands that are likely to meet the designation criteria for one or more county resource lands or critical areas. If a site is found likely to contain such lands,the building official, Environmental Health Manager and/or Public Works Director shall notify the Planning Manager of that interpretation and any permit under their authority shall not be approved until: (a) The Planning Manager finds that the site does not contain any lands, shorelands,or waters subject to regulations under this chapter; or (b) The Planning Manager finds that the site does contain lands,shorelands,or waters subject to regulations under this chapter and the proposed development is in compliance with all regulatory and procedural requirements of this chapter. (D) Shoreline Master Program and Flood Damage Prevention Regulations. (1) Mason County intends for the policies and regulations of this chapter to be compatible and consistent with the following adopted county policies and regulations: (a) Mason County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (MCFDPO); (b) Mason County Shoreline Master Program (MCSMP) 17.50 MCC. (2) While there are no inherent conflicts between this chapter and the MCFDPO, and the MCSMP,there may be sections that overlap as in the case of Section 8.52.140. Where such sections overlap,the more restrictive policy or regulation between either of the above documents and this chapter shall prevail, except where substantive or procedural requirements are specified in the SMP. (3) All activities and developments that are subject to approval under provisions of this chapter that also require approval of the MCFDPO, shall be processed under provisions of the MCFDPO and shall meet all the standards of this chapter. Granting of approval of the MCFDPO shall constitute compliance with this chapter. (4) All activities and developments that are subject to approval under provisions of this chapter that also require approval of the MCSMP,shall be processed concurrently with provisions of Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 26 the MCSMP and shall met all the requirements of this chapter. Where provisions of the MCFDPO and the MCSMP conflict,the more restrictive provisions shall apply. Applications that are processed as a Mason Environmental Permit per MCC 8.52.190(C), and do not require a Shoreline Variance, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, or Shoreline Conditional Use shall instead be processed as a Shoreline Exemption. (5) The general exemptions in section 8.52.200 do not apply within Shoreline Jurisdiction. For exemptions to the SMP,see section 17.50.060(E) and WAC 173-27-045. For exemptions from the Substantial Development Permit process,see section 17.50.400(B)(1) and WAC 173-27- 040. (E) Voluntary Stewardship Program. Washington's Growth Management Act(Chapter 36.70A RCW) requires all counties to identify and protect critical areas, including critical areas on agricultural lands.The Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP),adopted on July 22, 2011,offers a voluntary, incentive based approach for counties to meet that requirement.The Program begins by establishing a baseline of critical area conditions and then monitors responsive changes to that baseline over a 10-year period. The VSP applies to land where agricultural activities occur, and provides a unique strategy to protect critical areas while also promoting agriculture. Rather than creating new regulations,the VSP allows Mason County to rely on education, outreach, and voluntary incentive programs to achieve protection. Under VSP, critical areas on lands where agricultural activities are conducted are protected under this voluntary program instead of the resource regulations through best management,or conservation, practices. Lands used for non-agricultural purposes continue to be regulated under the regulations of this Chapter. The guiding document for the VSP is the Work Plan; however the VSP is not a regulatory program and the completed Work Plan is not formally adopted by the Mason County Commissioners. The VSP does not grant the state or the county any additional regulatory authority. (1) Work Plan The Work Plan was developed by the VSP Work Group which is a Commissioner appointment citizen group comprised of agricultural producers, interested citizens, and agency representatives.The Work Plan includes detailed information such as protection and enhancement goals, measurable benchmarks, and an implementation, reporting, and tracking framework. One of the main goals of the Work Plan is to identify conservation practices that are implemented under existing programs or voluntarily implemented practices, and identify future goals and benchmarks for continued protection and enhancement of the County's critical area functions and values. (2) Participation in VSP The VSP applies to all agricultural activities where they intersect with critical areas, including new and ongoing activities. Many agricultural operators in Mason County are already conducting conservation practices that promote agricultural viability while also providing protections to critical areas. Under VSP,operators have flexibility in how they participate ranging from continuing current agricultural operations outside of any tracking framework to implementing an Individual Stewardship Plan with new or additional conservation practices and annually sharing practices implemented as part of the reporting process. No agricultural operator will be required to participate in voluntary stewardship practices as part of this program, and the program cannot require anyone to discontinue any agricultural activities legally existing before July 22, 2011. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 27 (3) Individual Stewardship Plans Individual Stewardship Plans (ISPs) are generally prepared by the Mason Conservation District, as the designated technical assistance entity,together with the agricultural operator, to capture the protection and/or enhancement activities performed by the operator as part of the VSP. ISPs are not defined in the VSP statute, and could even take the form of a simple checklist of conservation practices and programs that further the goals of the VSP. Every ISP developed as part of the VSP will count toward the success of the overall program,even if it captures conservation practices already being implemented as long as they were started after the baseline date of July 22, 2011. (4) Baseline Conditions The effective date of the VSP legislation is July 22, 2011.This date identifies the baseline for protecting critical areas functions and maintaining agricultural viability that will be the comparison for determining the success of the Work Plan during implementation. (5) Benefits to Participation The VSP serves as an alternative to the regulatory approach of the GMA by allowing Counties to show protection of critical areas through voluntary stewardship measures. Participating in VSP contributes to its overall success,which means less regulatory burden on Mason County's agriculture operators. At the County level,the VSP provides an opportunity to avoid application of critical area regulations to agricultural activities, while developing a locally- tailored approach to protection of critical areas on agricultural lands. At the individual level, participants receive technical assistance including leveraging existing voluntary incentive programs such as financial assistance and cost share programs, and the planning and implementation of conservation activities. VSP encourages the implementation of conservation activities that benefit agricultural viability. (6) Regulatory Backstop The VSP allows for counties to incorporate existing regulations that help achieve the Work Plan's goals and benchmarks. These regulatory backstops are portions of this Chapter that will remain in full force and effect, and existing and future agricultural activities occurring in these critical areas will continue to be regulated under the County's resource regulations. Under the approved Work Plan,Section 8.52.140(Geologically Hazardous Areas), Section 8.52.150(Seismic Hazard Areas), and Section 8.52.130(Frequently Flooded Areas)will remain in effect for agricultural activities occurring in these critical areas. (Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 28 8.52.060 Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands--Long- Torm Commer-cia FOFest Lands, The purpose of this Section is to maintain and enhance natural resource based industries,to encourage the conservation of commercial forest lands,to have no net loss of forest lands, and to discourage incompatible land use. (A) Classification. The following criteria, as they existed on January 31, 1992,shall be used in classifying Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands: (1) Property tax classification: Property is enrolled, as of January 31, 1992 in the Open Space - Timber or Designated Forest or Classified Forest property tax classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.33 or 84.34 RCW,or is owned by a state or local governmental body with long- term forest management as its primary use; and (2) Minimum block size is 5000 acres (2015 hectares)which shall consists of a minimum parcel size of 80 acres within said block,and which can be in multiple ownerships; and (3) In any one block, no more than 5% is used for non-resource use;and (4) The property is greater than 2 miles (3220 meters)from the city limits of Shelton or outside any designated urban growth boundaries in Mason County,when so established by the County; and (5) 50% or more of an ownership parcel shall have a Douglas Fir Site Index of 118 (Land Grade 2) or better pursuant to WAC 458-40-530. In addition,those property owners who have more than 4000 acres of property within Mason County that meet that criterion,shall also include all properties with a Douglas Fir Site Index of 99 (Land Grade 3)or better pursuant to WAC 458-40-530; and (6) Greater than 50% of the linear frontage of the perimeter of any parcel meeting classification criteria 1-6 above shall abut parcels that are greater than five(5)acres (2.15 hectares). (7) In addition,the property that is equal to or greater than 40 acres in size,or is a Government Lot; and is contiguous with property under the same ownership that meet classification criteria 1-7 above. (8) In addition, property that is composed of one or more parcels 40 acres (16.12 hectares)or greater in size that borders United States Forest Service property on more than one side, irrespective of its consistency with classification criteria 1-8 above. (B) Designation. Lands of Mason County meeting the classification criteria for Long-Term Commercial Forest Land, and so specified on the official Mason County Map, available at the Mason County Planning Department,titled, "Mason County Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands and In-holding Lands, 1991" or as thereafter amended, are hereby designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170,as conservation areas for forest resource lands of long-term commercial significance. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 29 Exempted from this designation are the lands described in 8.52.070 Inholding Lands, in 8.52.070 A and B. (C) Land Uses. Uses and activities determined by the Director to have the potential to cause an impact on the purpose of the Long-term Commercial Forest designated area, shall be considered an Unspecified Conditional Use, and is appealable to the Board of Commissioners. Unspecified uses and activities may not be incompatible with long-term resource uses of surrounding properties. (1) Mason Environmental Permit Required Uses (a) "Class IV-General Forest Practices" under the authority of the "1992 Washington State Forest Practices Act Rules and Regulations",WAC 222-12-030, or as thereafter amended;which involve conversion to a Permit Required Use. (b) Saw mills, shake and shingle mills, plywood mills and the production of green veneer, particle board plants and other products from wood residues,chippers, pole yards, log sorting and storage, buildings for debarking, drying kilns and equipment, accessory uses including but not limited to scaling and weighing stations,temporary crew quarters, storage and maintenance facilities, residue storage and disposal areas and other uses involved in the harvesting and commercial production of forest products. (c) Forestry, environmental and natural resource facilities. (d) Public and semi-public structures including but not limited to fire stations, utility substations, and energy transmission facilities equal to or greater than 235 KV. (e) All other accessory structures and uses that are customarily associated with and secondary to the primary permitted uses. (f) Publicly developed low intensity recreational facilities including but not limited to parks, campgrounds, and boat launches. (g) Other uses and activities determined by the Director to be potentially incompatible uses, and requiring a similar level of County review as other Permit required uses. (2) Mason Conditional Environmental Permit Required Uses (a) "Class IV-General Forest Practices" under authority of the "1992 Washington State Forest Practices Act Rules and Regulations", WAC 222-12-030, or as thereafter amended;which involve conversion to a Conditional Use. (b) State correction work camps to supply labor for forest management related work projects and for forest fire control. (c) Aircraft landing fields. (d) Sludge application. (e) Unspecified Conditional Uses: Uses and activities not specifically Exempt, Permit Required,or Conditional, but are determined by the Director to have the potential to cause an impact on the intent of the Long-term Commercial Forest designated area, shall be considered an Unspecified Conditional Use, and is appealable to the Board of Commissioners. Unspecified Conditional Uses may not be incompatible with the long- term resource use on surrounding properties. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 30 (D) Development Standards. (1) Lot Size/Density The minimum lot size for any new subdivision, short subdivision or large lot segregation of property shall be 80 acres. Exceptions to this minimum lot size may occur for non-residential Permit Required and Conditional Uses and facilities; provided that the County finds that there will be no impact on surrounding resource uses and further provided that a restrictive covenant be placed on said property by the property owner,to be held by the County, prohibiting future residential use. Limitations on density and uses are designed to provide timber resource protection and to ensure compatible uses. (E) Preferential Right to Manage Resources and Resource Use Notices. (1) For land owners who have land designated as Long-Term Commercial Forest, provisions of "Right to Forestry" provided under Section 17.01.040.C.5 shall fully apply. (2) Resource Use Notices (a) For properties Designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Land upon application of the property owner or owners pursuant to Section 17.01.130 of this Chapter: Within two(2)weeks of redesignation to Long-Term Commercial Forest Land,the property owner(s)of said land shall submit to the County,for recording with the County Auditor,a written notice of the designation. This notice shall be in a form authorized by the Director and shall include: (i) The legal description of the property subject to the designation. (ii) The sixteenth (1/16)section or sections in which lie: a. the designated property; and b. any other property within 500 feet of the boundary of the designated property. (iii) The following statement: NOTIFICATION This notification is to inform property owners that the property described herein is designated as or within 500 feet of land designated for commercial forestry, mining, or agriculture. Mason County has established designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Land that sets as a priority the use of these lands for commercial forest management, mining, and agriculture. Residents of this property may be subject to inconvenience or discomfort associated with the uses, including, but not limited to,occasional dust, noise, and odor from commercial thinning, clear cutting,slash burning, blowdowns,surface mining, and/or chemical applications. Residents of adjacent property within 500 feet of said lands,should be prepared to accept such inconvenience or discomfort from normal and necessary operations." The forest owner shall execute and acknowledge the notice, and pay the fee for recording the notice to the County. (b) For properties Designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Land pursuant to Section of this Chapter: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 31 Within two(2) months of the effective date of this Chapter,the Director shall submit to the County Auditor for recording, a written notice of all County initiated and Designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands. This notice shall be in a form similar to"a" above. The Director shall execute and acknowledge the notice, and no affected property owner shall be charged a fee for recording the notice. (c) For all properties within 500 feet of designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Land: All new plats,short subdivisions, large lot subdivisions, and building permits issued by Mason County for development activities on any property designated as Long-Term Commercial Forest Land, or within 500 feet thereof,shall contain a notice as specified in above. (d) It shall be the responsibility of any property owner who contemplates placement of any structure requiring a building permit within 50 feet of any designated Long-Term Commercial Forest Land property to notify the Forest Land owner of their intent to do SO. Notice shall be made by written letter, sent by certified U.S. mail,with return receipt, to notify the owner of the adjacent Long-Term Commercial Forest Land. Enclosed with the letter shall be a copy of the proposed plot plan showing approximate placement of said structure. Notice must be mailed before any construction begins. A copy of the Certified notice shall be attached to the building permit application by the applicant and the County Building Director shall not issue the permit until at least 15 days, after the date of the mailing of the Certified notice, or upon affirmative response from the Long-Term Commercial Forest owner. The requirement to notify shall in no way be a requirement upon the property owner to place any specific setback upon the proposed structure, but shall be a period of time to allow time for the Long-Term Forest land owner to explain the possible benefits to the property owner as to a larger buffer between the proposed structure and the Long- Term Commercial Forest Lands. 8.52.061 Agricultural Resource Landsz - A. Fieu t„r-a ReSOUFee T - nd-s The purpose of this section is to maintain and enhance natural resource based industries,to encourage the conservation of commercial agricultural lands, and to discourage incompatible land use. (A) Classification. The following criteria shall be used in identifying lands appropriate for Agricultural Resource Lands: Resource ordinance Effective Date Page 32 (1) The property has an existing commercial agricultural use (as of the date of designation) or where the property was used for agricultural purposes as of January 1991,where identified by property tax classification in the open space-agriculture property tax classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.34 RCW or where agricultural use has been identified as the principal use of the property, are presumed to meet this criteria; (2) The property has a minimum parcel size of ten (10) acres; (3) The parcel has prime farmland soils; (4) The property is surrounded by or adjacent to lands qualifying under classification criteria (1) to (3)above; (5) The property is an upland fin-fish hatchery. Provided that, property owners may apply to have their land designated as Agricultural Resource Lands upon a showing that the property is eligible for and participates in the open space-agricultural property tax classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.34 and upon a showing that either that the property has prime farmland soils or that, in some other fashion,the agricultural use has long-term commercial significance. Such applications shall be reviewed by the county as provided for in the annual amendment process for the county Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations. (B) Designation. Lands of Mason County which have been identified as meeting the classification criteria for Agricultural Resource Lands, and are so specified on the official Mason County map, available at the Mason County Planning Division,titled, "Mason County Agricultural Resource Lands" or as thereafter amended, are designated as Agricultural Resource Lands. (C) Land Uses. Development and land uses and activities allowed in the Agricultural Resource Lands or on adjacent lands are as specified in the Mason County Development Regulations and other applicable ordinances,codes and regulations. (1) Accessory uses that support, promote,or sustain agricultural operations and production, are allowed and shall comply with the following standards: (a) Accessory uses shall be located, designed, and operated so as not to interfere with natural resource land uses and shall be accessory to the growing of crops or raising of animals; (b) Accessory commercial or retail uses shall predominately produce, store,or sell regionally produced agricultural products from one or more producers, products derived from regional agricultural production, agriculturally related experiences,or products produced on-site.Accessory commercial and retail uses shall offer for sale predominantly products or services produced on-site; and (c) Accessory uses may operate out of existing or new buildings with parking and other supportive uses consistent with the size and scale of existing agricultural buildings on the site but shall not otherwise convert agricultural land to nonagricultural uses. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 33 (2) Accessory uses may include compatible commercial or retail uses including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Storage and refrigeration of regional agricultural products; (b) Production,sales, and marketing of value-added agricultural products derived from regional sources; (c) Supplemental sources of on-farm income that support and sustain on-farm agricultural operations and production; (d) Support services that facilitate the production, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products;and (e) Off-farm and on-farm sales and marketing of predominately regional agricultural products and experiences, locally made art and arts and crafts, and ancillary retail sales or service activities. (D) Development Standards. (1) Development Standards for Proposed Land Uses. (a) Front yard setback:twenty-five feet. (b) Side and rear yard setbacks: side and rear yard setbacks for the residential dwelling is twenty feet,for accessory buildings shall be twenty feet,for accessory structures used for agricultural purposes or home occupations shall be fifty feet, and for buildings of nonresidential land uses shall be fifty feet. (c) Floor Area Ratio: one is to twenty, except for fire stations. (d) Size:five thousand sq.ft. maximum (or up to seven thousand five hundred sq.ft.with a special use permit)for nonagricultural and accessory buildings except for dwellings and agricultural buildings. (e) Height:thirty-five feet except for agricultural buildings, cell towers, antennas or water tanks. (2) Proposed land uses shall meet the review standards for land uses established in the Mason County development regulations, including Section 17.03.020(Matrix of Permitted Uses)and Section 17.03.021(Home Occupation and Cottage Industries). (E) Preferential Right to Manage Resources and Resource Use Notices. (1) For land owners who have land designated as Agricultural Resource Lands, provisions of "Right to Farm" provided under Section 8.52.040(C)(5)shall fully apply. (2) All plats, short plats, large lot subdivision,development permits, and building permits issued for activities on, or within five hundred feet of lands designated as Agricultural Resource Lands shall contain the following notification: "This property is within or near designated Agricultural Resource Lands on which a variety of commercial activities may occur at times and that are not compatible with residential development. Residents of this property may be subject to inconvenience or discomfort associated with these activities including, but not limited to: dust, odor, noise, and chemical applications." Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 34 (Ord.52-00,Attachment B,2000:Res.91-99(part), 1999;Ord. 152-97(part), 1997).(Ord. 108-05 Attach.B(part), 2005). 8.52.070 Inholding Lands - inhelr ing la The purpose of this section is to mitigate potential incompatible land uses between the long-term commercial forest lands and the neighboring Inholding Lands. (A) Classification. The following criteria, as they exist at the time of adoption of this chapter,shall be used in determining Inholding Lands: (1) Lands that as a block are surrounded on all sides by designated long-term commercial forest lands; or in the case of properties abutting another county on at least one side, lands that are surrounded in the county by properties designated long-term commercial forest lands; and maximum block size is less than six hundred forty acres (257.92 hectares) in size; and lands that do not meet the classification criteria for long-term commercial forest lands. (2) Lands which meet the criteria for long-term commercial forest lands pursuant to Section 8.52.060(A)of this chapter and are within four hundred feet of the Cloquallum/Lake Communities border as of the effective date of this chapter. The border to be that defined on the official map of"Mason County Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands and Inholding Lands." The intent of this classification is to mitigate potential incompatible land uses between the long- term commercial forest land and the neighboring Inholding Lands. (B) Designation. (1) Lands of the county meeting the classification criteria for Inholding Lands,and so specified on the official Mason County map, available at the County Planning Division,titled, "Mason County Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands and Inholding Lands, 1991" or as thereafter amended, are designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170, as crucial areas for the conservation of forest resource lands of long-term commercial significance. (2) The four-hundred-foot strip described in subsection (A)(2)of this section, shall not be designated as long-term commercial forest land. (3) As stated * OI*Gy RE Inn of the CaPHprehe.,sWe WaR Inholding Lands shall remain Inholding Lands even if they no longer meet the classification criteria in subsection (A)of this section due to the redesignation of some portion of the long-term commercial forest land which had previously caused the subject property to meet the criteria for classification as inholding land. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 35 (C) Land Uses. Permit-required and conditional uses within Inholding Lands are the same as for designated long- term commercial forest lands, with the exception that mining and related activities are conditional uses if the county has authority to make such determination pursuant to the State Surfacing Mining Act, RCW 78.44 or as thereafter amended. Land uses in the four-hundred-foot strip designated in subsection (Bb)of this section shall be the same as Inholding Lands. (D) Development Standards. The following development standards for Inholding Lands shall apply to the lands designated in subsection (B)of this section. (1) Lot Size/Density. The minimum lot area for any new subdivision,short subdivision or large lot segregation of property shall be five acres(2.15 hectares). Exceptions to this minimum lot size may occur for nonresidential permit-required and conditional uses and facilities; provided that the county approval authority finds that there will be no impact on surrounding resource uses and further provided that a restrictive covenant be placed on the property,to be held by the county, prohibiting future residential use. Average residential densities for any new subdivision or short subdivision of property may be increased up to one unit per two and one-half acres (1.08 hectares); provided all of the following conditions can be met: (a) The property to be divided is at least twenty acres (8.06 hectares) in size;and (b) Each residential lot created is no more than one acre (0.40 hectares) in size; and (c) All identified residential building sites are located outside any one-hundred-year floodplains,geologically hazardous areas, or other critical areas; and (d) The county approval authority finds that the design of the subdivision or short subdivision minimizes impact on surrounding resource uses;and (e) A natural resource management and/or conservation easement;to be held by the county, recognized nonprofit land trust or similar institution; be placed on the nonresidential portion of the subdivision or short subdivision restricting the use of the property to uses consistent with natural resource management and/or conservation, and prohibiting future residential use;or A natural resource management and/or conservation restriction is placed on the face of the plat accomplishing the same purpose as an easement. No less than fifty percent of the subdivided property shall be maintained in this manner. (2) Each parcel currently below five acres in size may be developed for an individual single-family residence. (3) For lots five acres to 9.99 acres in size,the original owner at the time this plan is adopted may divide their property into two parcels,the smallest of which is not less than 2.5 acres in size. (4) (a) Other Development Standards. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 36 (i) Front yard setback:Twenty-five feet; (ii) Side and rear yard setbacks: Side and rear yard setbacks for the residential dwelling is twenty feet,for accessory buildings shall be twenty feet,for accessory structures used for agricultural purposes or home occupations shall be fifty feet, and for buildings of nonresidential land uses shall be fifty feet; (iii) Floor area ratio: 1:20,except for fire stations; (iv) Size:Three thousand square feet maximum for nonagricultural and accessory buildings except for dwellings and agricultural buildings; (v) Height:Thirty-five feet except for agricultural buildings, cell towers,antennas,or water tanks. (b) Water Supply. Inholding properties shall meet all water supply standards as required under Section 17.01.068 [sic]. (5) Preferential Right to Manage Resources. For landowners who have designated Inholding Lands, provisions of"right to forestry" and "right to farm" under Section 8.52.040(C)(5), and resources use notices provided under Section 8.52.060(D), shall fully apply. (Ord. 32-04 Attach. B(part),2004:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993).(Ord. No. 36-12, Att. A.4-17-2012) 8.52.080 Agriculture & Forest Management Non-Designated Lands— . g.riultuFe-az d 12E)FeStl Mapac Nen-Desir nahnA Land s. (A) Purpose This Section provides for nuisance protections for certain agricultural and forest management uses. (1) Agricultural Objective This Section does not include any designation for agricultural lands. However the County recognizes that many valuable agricultural operations do exist in the county where they are an integral part of the rural economy and rural character, but which have not been designated as agricultural resource lands. These operations should be provided protection from the impacts of incompatible land use. This Section's objective is to preserve agricultural land, not through designation and regulation, but through protection from nuisance suits. (2) Forest Management Objective This Section recognizes that commercial forest management is an integral part to the rural economy and lifestyle and provides nuisance protections for forest management uses in all but the existing and planned urban areas. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 37 (AS) Classification (1) The following criterion shall be used in determining those Agricultural Lands in Mason County qualifying for protection under provisions of this Section: (a) The property is enrolled in the Open Space Agriculture property tax classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.33 RCW. (2) The following criterion shall be used in determining those Forest Management Lands in Mason County qualifying for protection under provisions of this Section: (a) The property is enrolled in the Open Space Timber or Designated Forest or Classified Forest property tax classification programs, pursuant to Chapters 84.33 RCW or 84.34 RCW. (3) Agriculture Lands and/or Forest Lands meeting the classification criteria of 8.52.0801-13L(-11 or JB1j-21 shall be given the protections of Subsection C below. However, no separate Agricultural Land or other Forest Land designation shall be used due to a need for flexibility to meet changing land uses, agricultural practices,forest practices and markets. (GC) Protection—"Right to Farm","Right to Forestry" Right to Farm and Forest protections, as specified in Section 8.52.0401.CI(751,are provided to all properties meeting the classification criteria of this Section. 8.52.090 ---Mineral Resource Lands: The purpose of this section is to identify and designate commercial mineral lands,to establish guidelines for their development and to discourage incompatible land use. (A) Classification. The following criteria shall be used in determining Mineral Resource Lands of long-term commercial significance within the county: (1) Class la—Mineral deposits which could meet the immediate and future needs of the regional community. These deposits shall be of significant size(greater than twenty-five acres) and readily accessible to water traffic on the Puget Sound; Class lb—Mineral deposits which could meet the long-term future and immediate needs of the regional community. These deposits shall be of significant size(greater than twenty-five acres) and accessible to rail or truck haul routes; (2) Class 2—Mineral deposits within existing permitted surface mining operations operating under authority of RCW Chapter 78.44. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 38 (B) Designation. (1) Mineral lands of the county meeting the classification criteria for Class 1a and 1b mineral resource of long-term commercial significance,and so specified on the official county map, available at the County Planning Division titled "Mason County Long-Term Commercial Mineral Lands, 1992" or as thereafter amended,are designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170, as conversation areas for mineral lands of long-term commercial significance. (2) Lands of the county meeting the classification criteria for Class 2 are eligible for designation as mineral lands of long-term commercial significance. Those property owners who wish to "opt in"to this designation may do so pursuant to Section 8.52.200(C)within sixty days of the effective date of this chapter.This designation shall continue for as long as a state operating permit exists. Designation of mineral lands of long-term commercial significance does not mean that such lands are exempt from the normal environmental review process of the county or state agencies. Areas not now identified as Class la or Class lb but where a qualified geologist or mining engineer can now or in the future, demonstrate the probability for occurrence of a mineral deposit, may be so designated upon approval of the county. (C) Land Uses. Prior to full utilization of a Class 1a or 1b designated mineral resource land's mineral resource potential,subdivisions, short subdivisions or large lot segregation shall be prohibited. Exceptions may be made through a resource redesignation or through the variance procedure. (1) Conditional Uses. (a) Mineral processing facilities including rock crushing, asphalt and concrete batch plants; (b) Public and semi-public structures including but not limited to fire stations, utility substations, pump stations, and waste water treatment facilities; (c) "Class IV—General Forest Practices" under authority of the "1992 Washington State Forest Practices Act Rules and Regulations," WAC 222-12-030, or as thereafter amended,which involve conversion to a conditional use in designated Mineral Resource Lands; (d) Any industrial or commercial development. (D) Development Standards. All mining operations shall conform to the following standards. Variances for these standards and nonconforming uses may be appropriate when an operation is located in isolated areas or contains unusual topographical conditions. (1) Setbacks/Screening. (a) Within Mineral Resource Lands. (i) A fifty-foot (15.25 meter)setback from all property lines, other than for access purposes onto public rights-of-way,shall be maintained for areas of direct cut or fill connected with resource extraction operations. For mining operations, Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 39 setbacks may be increased when necessary to protect lateral support of abutting properties or public rights-of-way. (ii) A twenty-five-foot (7.63 meter)screen on all property lines, consisting of site obscuring vegetation, or other methods to conceal the mine as approved by the county shall be maintained. (iii) A fifty-foot (15.25 meter)setback of all direct extraction operation areas shall be maintained from public utility lines. (2) Fencing. Prior to the commencement of surface mining, a fence shall be constructed and maintained enclosing the area authorized by the surface mining permit if public safety is in question. Fences shall be at least six feet in height and constructed of woven wire. Gates,the same height as the fence,shall be installed at all points of vehicular or pedestrian ingress and egress, and shall be kept locked when not in regular use. (3) Road Access. For surface mining operations, access on any public right-of-way shall be surfaced in accordance with the county engineering division or State Department of Highways development standards as appropriate. (4) Road Use. In order to assure maintenance and development of adequate county roadways, owners of surface mining operations may be required to enter into a haul route agreement with the county engineer upon adoption and implementation of a haul route agreement program. (5) Traffic Safety. The county engineer may require the installation of traffic control and warning signs at intersections of private access roads with publicly maintained roads. (6) Noise/Bright Lights. (a) No development or activity shall exceed the maximum Environmental Noise Levels established by WAC 173-60, and Chapter 9.36 of this code. (b) Bright lights are allowed outside of normal operating hours only for short-term mining operations necessary to facilitate emergency repairs. (7) Surface Mining Operation within Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas. The purpose of this section is to protect critical aquifer recharge areas as required by RCW 36.70A.060(2). Any surface mining operation within a critical aquifer recharge area (as designated in Section 8.52.120 shall meet the following standards: (a) Fuel tanks and oil drums shall be double containment construction and protected by bermed areas having adequate capacity to accommodate, contain, and allow the removal of chemical spills. Fuel nozzles shall not contain locking devices. Fuel storage shall be above ground. Fueling of mobile equipment shall be located at least twenty feet above the seasonal high ground water level or within lined and bermed areas with adequate capacity to accommodate, contain and allow the removal of chemical spills; (b) All operations shall maintain a fuels/hazardous waste management plan maintained by the operator and available on the site at all times; (c) Fencing,or some comparable deterrent,shall be installed to prevent unauthorized dumping of any materials within surface mining operations; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 40 (d) Surface mines shall not use any noxious,toxic,flammable, compactable, or combustible materials not specifically authorized by the county Division of Environmental Health for backfill or reclamation. Noncontaminated process water used for gravel washing shall be routed to settling ponds to minimize off-site discharges. A general permit from the Department of Ecology for process and storm water discharge may substitute for these requirements; (e) On-site truck and equipment wash run-off shall be routed to a retention facilities equipped with an oil-water separator prior to its release to settling ponds; (f) Use of chemicals, petroleum or hazardous products, and disposal of such products, in concrete or asphalt plant operations within critical aquifer recharge areas shall meet all the standards set forth in WAC 90.48 and WAC 173.303. (8) Public Safety. Owners of surface mines shall ensure that their operation(s)will not be hazardous to neighboring uses. Blasting activities shall be conducted so that ground vibrations and fly-rock to off-mine site uses are monitored and minimized. (9) Waiver Clauses. The county may waive some or all of the restrictions outlined above following a written finding of fact and favorable findings under SEPA. (E) Preferential Right to Manage Resources and Resource Use Notice. (1) For those land owners of Mineral Resource Lands who choose to use their property for resource management,the provision of"right to mine" provided under Section 8.52.040(C)(5) shall fully apply. (2) Mining Use Notice. (a) For properties designated mineral resource land upon application of the property owner or owners pursuant to Section 8.52.200(B) of this chapter. Within two weeks of redesignation to mineral resource land, pursuant to Section 8.52.200(B),the property owner(s)of the land shall submit to the county,for recording with the county Auditor, a written notice of the designation. This notice shall be in a form authorized by the Director and shall include: (i) The legal description of the property subject to the designation; (ii) The sixteenth section or sections in which lie: a. The designated property, and b. Any other property within five hundred feet of the boundary of the designated property; (iii) The following statement: NOTIFICATION This notification is to inform property owners that the property described herein is designated as or within 500 feet of land designated for mining. Mining, operations may be carried out now or in the future. Mason County has established designated Mineral Resource Land that sets as a priority the use of these lands for mining. The normal and usual practices associated with said operations when performed in accordance with county,State and Federal law, Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 41 shall not be subject to legal action as a public nuisance. A variety of commercial activities may occur on Mineral Resource Land that is not compatible with residential development for certain periods of limited duration. On Mineral Resource Land, an application might be made for mining-related activities, including mining, extraction, washing, crushing,stockpiling, blasting, transporting, and recycling of minerals. The mineral right owner/operator shall execute and acknowledge the notice, and pay the fee to the county for recording the notice. (b) For properties designated mineral resource land pursuant to Section 8.52.090(B)(1) of this chapter. Within four months of the effective date of this chapter,the Director shall submit to the county Auditor for recording, a written notice of all designated Mineral Resource Lands.This notice shall be in a form similar to subsection (E)(2)(a)(iii)of this section. The Director shall execute and acknowledge the notice, and no affected property owner shall be charged a fee for recording the notice. (c) For all properties within three hundred feet of designated Mineral Resource Lands. All plats, short subdivisions, large lot subdivisions, development permits and building permits issued by the county after the effective date of this chapter for development activities within three hundred feet of property designated as mineral resource land, or within three hundred feet thereof, shall contain a notice as specified in subsection (E)(2)(a)(iii)of this section. (Res.91-99(part), 1999:Ord. 77-93 (part). 1993). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 42 8.52.100 Additional Resource Land Provisions.- The following provisions apply to non-resource uses within designated Long-Term Commercial Forest, Inholding and Mineral Resource Lands: (A) Roadway Standards. (1) Permanent vehicular access for non-resource uses shall meet the following standards: (a) Permanent legal access which has been granted by resource property owner(s)or public rights-of-way can be accessed directly; and (b) Strict adherence to the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as determined by the County Fire Marshal;and (c) Maximum roadway grade serving two or more non-resource properties shall not exceed twelve percent(12%);and (d) For rights-of-way serving two or more non-resource properties,a maintenance agreement is recorded with the County Auditor identifying owners responsible for maintaining said rights-of-way to the above standards. (2) The County Engineer may impose additional roadway development standards if he/she determines they are necessary for public health and safety. (B) Water Supply Standards. (1) When residential or other structural uses are intended to be supplied with potable water from off-site sources,written permission shall be obtained from the property owners supplying the water prior to plat approval or building permit issuance,as applicable. (2)- New residential or recreational domestic water supplies shall be certified by the County or State of Washington as appropriate,and shall not be located within one hundred (100)feet (30.5 meters)of adjacent property without written consent or easement of the adjacent property owner. (3)- Domestic water supplies shall be in compliance with State and County health codes. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 43 8.52.110 Wetlands: The purpose of this section is to avoid,or in appropriate circumstances, minimize, rectify, reduce or compensate for impacts arising from land development and other activities affecting wetlands;to maintain and enhance the biological and physical functions and values of wetlands with respect to water quality maintenance; stormwater and floodwater storage and conveyance;fish and wildlife habitat; primary productivity, recreation, education and historic and cultural preservation. When avoiding impacts is not reasonable, mitigation shall be implemented to achieve a no net loss of wetlands in terms of acreage,function and value. (A) Classification.The following shall be classified as wetland areas: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support,a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. However,wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands, if permitted by the county. (B) Designations. (1) The following lands,shorelands, and waters of Mason County are hereby designated under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170 as wetland critical areas requiring immediate protection from incompatible land uses: (a) All areas described in subsection (A) of this section; (b) Ponds less than twenty acres; (c) Wetlands created as mitigation, and those modified for approved land use activities, including their submerged aquatic beds. (2) The following are designated as non-regulated wetlands: (a) Artificial man-made wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches,grass-lined swales,canals, detention facilities,wastewater treatment facilities,farm ponds, and landscape amenities or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990,that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street or highway. (b) Exempt wetlands that are isolated and less than one thousand square feet in area where it has been shown by the applicant that they are not associated with a riparian corridor or a shoreline of the state,they are not part of a wetland mosaic,and do not contain habitat identified as essential for local populations of priority species identified by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 44 (3) Identification of wetlands and delineation of their boundaries shall be done in accordance with the approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements, as required by WAC 173-22-035. All areas within the county meeting the wetland designation criteria in that procedure are hereby designated critical areas and are subject to the provisions of this Chapter. (4) Owners and applicants with non-regulated wetlands are strongly urged to cooperate voluntarily in this plan of wetland protection, using the guidelines in this ordinance and in materials provided by the Department of Community Services. (C) Procedures. (1) Responsibilities for the determination of wetland boundaries: (a) Formal determination of wetland boundaries is the responsibility of the county.The responsibility to provide all necessary and accurate data to the county for its determination rests with the applicant. This information will include a field delineation by a qualified wetland professional applying the current approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements. When, in the opinion of the Director,sufficient information exists from the county's wetland inventory,or other sources,the requirement for a full or partial delineation may be waived. For instance, in some cases,the applicant may only be required to determine the wetland boundary, or portion thereof,of the wetland system. The Director shall determine when a permit application is required and what additional information may be necessary. Wetland delineations shall be performed in accordance with the procedures as specified in the current approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements. Evidence documenting the results of any boundary survey,or other submitted data, may be required by the Director. (b) Mason County, at a fee,when requested by the applicant, or the affected party, may perform the delineation in lieu of direct action by the applicant. Mason County may use hydrology,soils, plant species, and other data,and consult with biologists, hydrologists,soil scientists, or other experts,as needed,to perform the delineation. The county shall make a good faith effort to provide this service, consistent with budgetary constraints and available in-house expertise,for smaller projects and especially for those property owners with lesser financial capabilities. (c) Where Mason County performs a wetland boundary determination at the request of the applicant, it shall be considered a final determination unless contested. (d) Where the applicant has provided a determination of the wetland boundary,the Director shall verify the accuracy of, and may render adjustments to,the boundary delineation. (e) In the event the boundary delineation is contested by the applicant or affected party, the Department of Ecology, or a mutually agreed upon party,shall settle the dispute. (D) Land Uses. (1) Mason Environmental Permit Required Uses and Activities. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 45 A Mason Environmental Permit shall be obtained from the county, using the administrative review process in this chapter, prior to undertaking, in a regulated wetland or its buffer,for the following activities. (a) The removal,excavation,grading, dredging, dumping, discharging, or filling of any material;or the draining or flooding of the site, except where undertaken for maintenance (but not construction) of drainage ditches or for emergency repair; (b) The construction of stormwater management facilities;or(c) The driving of pilings; (d) The placing of obstructions; (e) The construction, reconstruction, demolition,or expansion of any structure; (f) The destruction or alteration of wetlands and wetland buffer through clearing, harvesting,shading, intentional burning, or planting of vegetation that would alter the character of a designated wetland or buffer, provided that this subsection shall not apply to the following activities undertaken in a manner which minimizes impacts: (i) The harvesting or normal maintenance of vegetation in a manner that is not injurious to the natural reproduction of such vegetation; (ii) The removal or eradication of noxious weeds so designated in Chapter 17.10 RCW or other exotic, nuisance plants; (iii) Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as surveys,soil logs and percolation tests; (iv) The construction or trails,which shall be unpaved when located in the buffers and elevated when located in wetlands, that are not intended for motorized use, and which are no wider than three feet, unless additional width is necessary for safety along a precipice, steep hillside, or other hazardous area. See subsection (E)(3)(c)for additional details on regulated (but permitted)trail activity; (v) Emergency services or repairs for health and welfare;or (vi) Activities of a mosquito control district; or (g) Activities that result in a significant change of water temperature, a significant change of physical or chemical characteristics of wetland's water sources, including quantity, or the introduction of pollutants. (2) Activities Permitted without a Mason Environmental Permit. The following uses shall be allowed, in addition to those defined in General Exemptions (see Section 8.52.200),within a wetland or wetland buffer to the extent that they are not prohibited by the Shorelines Management ACT of 1971 (Chapter 90.58 RCW), Federal Water Pollution Control Act(Clean Water ACT),State Water Pollution Control Act (Chapter 90.48 RCW),State Hydraulic Code (RCW 75.20.100- .140), Forest Practices Act(Chapter 76.09 RCW and Chapter 222-16 WAC)or any other applicable ordinance or law and provided they are conducted using best management practices,except where such activities result in the conversion of a regulated wetland or wetland buffer to a use to which it was not previously subjected and provided further that forest practices and conversions from forest land shall be governed by Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules: (a) Conservation or preservation of soil,water,vegetation,fish,shellfish, and other wildlife; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 46 (b) Outdoor recreational activities that do not have a significant adverse impact on the wetland and its related buffer; (c) The harvesting of wild crops in a manner that is not injurious to natural reproduction of such crops and provided the harvesting does not require tilling of soil, planting of crops, or alteration of the wetland by changing existing topography,water conditions or water resources; (d) Existing and ongoing agricultural activities, including farming, horticulture,aquaculture, irrigation, ranching or grazing of animals. Activities on areas lying fallow as part of a conventional rotational cycle are part of an ongoing operation. Activities which bring an area into agricultural use are not part of an ongoing operation. An operation ceases to be ongoing when the area in which it was conducted has been converted to another use or has lain idle for more than five years unless that idle land is registered in a federal or state soils conservation program. Forest practices are not included in this definition. (e) The maintenance (but not construction)of drainage ditches; (f) Education,scientific research, and use of nature trails; (g) Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as surveys, soil logs, percolation tests and other related activities. In every case,wetland impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be immediately restored; and (h) The following uses are allowed within wetlands and/or wetland buffer, provided that any required permits or approvals are obtained and further provided that wetland impacts are minimized and that disturbed areas are immediately restored: (i) Normal maintenance, repair, or operation of existing sepvieeable structures, facilities, or improved areas. Maintenance and repair does not include any modification that changes the character,scope, or size of the original structure, facility, or improved area and does not include the construction of a maintenance road;and (i i) Minor modification of existing sep,ieeahle structures within a buffer zone where modification does not adversely impact wetland functions. (iii) Repair or reconstruction of damaged or destroyed structures within two years of the damage or destruction. (i) The felling of danger trees within buffers providing the following conditions are met: (i) When it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator that an imminent threat exists to public health or safety, or the safety of private or public property. Landowner shall provide to the Administrator a written statement describing tree location, danger it poses,and proposed mitigation. (ii) Should the imminent threat not be apparent to the Administrator(as danger trees are defined in Section 8.52.030),the Administrator may require the landowner submit a report from a professional forester or certified arborist. (iii) Before a danger tree may be felled or removed,with the exception of an emergency pursuant to Section 8.52.240,the landowner shall obtain written approval from the Administrator. This approval shall be processed promptly and may not be unreasonably withheld. If the Administrator fails to respond to a Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 47 danger tree removal request within ten business days,the landowner's request shall be conclusively allowed. (iv) Trees felled as danger trees shall be counted in the allowed amounts under Section 8.52.170(D )(4)(k). (v) Mitigation as approved by the Administrator to include: a. The planting within the critical area or its buffer a total of six new native trees, each a minimum three years old. Should a report be submitted under subsection (i)(ii), it shall contain recommendations for suitable replacement trees; b. Felled trees shall be left within the critical area or buffer unless a submitted report warrants its removal to avoid spreading disease or pests; C. The trunk of the cut tree may be segmented, but should be left in as large of segments as possible to provide habitat; d. The branches from the cut tree may be removed to control fire hazard; and e. Additional mitigation may be required if three or more trees are to be felled on one property within a ten-year period. (j) Where a legally established, non-conforming use of the buffer exists (e.g., a road or structure that lies within the width of buffer recommended for that wetland), proposed actions in the buffer may be allowed without a Mason Environmental Permit and without mitigation as long as they do not increase the degree of non-conformity. This means no increase in the impacts to the wetland from activities in the buffer. (E) Development Standards. (1) Wetlands Rating System. A four-tier wetlands rating system is adopted as the rating system for Mason County. Wetland buffer widths,wetland activities, and replacement ratios shall be based on this rating system. Procedures for applying the wetland rating system are set forth in the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, revised 2014, or as amended hereafter, Washington State Department of Ecology. (a) Wetlands shall be categorized as follows: Table 8.52.110(A): Wetland Categories. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 48 I) Category I Wetlands,Category I wetlands are those_regulate wetlands that include but are not limited to rare uni ire wetland types that are more sensitive to disturbance than most wetlands and that contain ecological attributes that are impossible to replace within a human lifetime. Category I wetlands score between 23-27 points on the wetlands ratings systems 2) Category II Wetlands, Category If wetlands are those regulated wetlands that score between 20-22 points on the wetlands ratings system. 3) Category III Wetlands, Category III wetlands are those regulated wetlands that score between 16- 19 points on the wetlands ratings system.* 4) Category IV Wetlands. Category IV wetlands are those regulated wetlands that score between 9-15 points on the wetlands ratingssystem•* 5) Wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas to mitigate conversion of other wetlands. 6) Mosaic wetlands as defined in Section 8.52.030 * Mason County non-Regulated Wetlands. Isolated wetlands under 1 000 sa re feet which are o associated with a riparian corridor or a shoreline of the state,not part of a wetland mosaic,and not essential habitat of a priority species as identified by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Please refer toAppendivA_or the Department of'Ecolou_nublication for more information. (2) Wetland Buffers. (a) Buffer Widths. Wetland buffers(plus a 15 foot structural setback)shall be required for all regulated wetlands. Any wetland created, restored,or enhanced as compensation for approved wetland alterations shall also include a buffer required for the category of the created, restored,or enhanced wetland. The buffer widths are established by adjusting a base width for the category of wetland at the site for the habitat value as scored by the wetland rating system and for the land use intensity of the proposed activity. All Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 49 buffers shall be measured horizontally from the wetland boundary as surveyed in the field. The width of the wetland buffer shall be determined by the following process: (i) The wetland is categorized according to wetland ratings system category as shown in Table 8.52.110(A); (ii) Table 8.52.110(B) rates examples of different land uses for intensity of impacts to wetlands; (iii) The width of the buffer is determined based on the habitat value scored by the wetland on the wetland rating system and on the land use intensity of the proposed use as shown in Tables 8.52.110 C, D, E,or F. (iv) Regulated buffers shall not extend across legally established public roads or hardened surfaces to include areas which are functionally isolated from the critical area. Buffer reductions under this provision are allowed only when the functional disconnection has been documented through a report by a qualified professional that demonstrates the area is functionally isolated.The County shall consider the hydrologic,geologic,and/or biological habitat connection potential and the extent and permanence of the physical separation. Table 8.52.110(B): Ratings of Impact from Land Uses. Rating of impact from proposed Examples of land uses that cause the impact based on common zoning categories changes in land use • Commercial • Urban • Industrial • Institutional • Retail sales High • Residential (more than 1 unit/acre) -Conversion to high intensity agriculture • dairies, nurseries and green houses,growing and harvesting crops requiring annual tilling, raising and maintaining animals) -High intensity recreation (golf courses,ball fields) • Single-family residential (1 unit/acre or less) • Moderate-intensity open space(parks with biking,jogging, etc) • Conversion to moderate intensity agriculture(orchards and hay fields) Moderate • Paved trails • Building of logging roads • Utility corridor or right-of-way shared by several utilities and including access/maintenance road • Forestry(cutting of trees only) Low • Low intensity open space(hiking, bird watching, preservation of natural resources,etc.) Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 50 •Unpaved trails •Utility corridor without a maintenance road and little or no vegetation management Resource Ordinance Effective Dote Page 51 Table 8.52.110(C): Width of Buffer Required to Protect Category IV Wetlands.-Wetlands Scoring Between 9 and 15 Points on the Wetland Rating System. Wetland Characteristics Buffer Widths by Impacts of Proposed Land Use Score for all 3 basic functions is less than 16 points Low-25 ft Moderate—40 ft High—50 ft Table 8.52.110(D):Width of Buffers Required to Protect Category III Wetlands. Wetlands Scoring Between 16 and 19 Points on the Wetlands Rating System. Wetland Characteristics Buffer Widths by Impacts of Proposed Land Use Moderate level of function for habitat(score for Low-75 ft habitat 65-7 points) Moderate— 110 ft High— 150 ft Score for habitat 3-54 points Low-40 ft Moderate—60 ft High—80 ft Table 8.52.110(E): Width of Buffers Required to Protect Category II Wetlands. Wetlands Scoring Between 20 and 22 Points on the Wetlands Rating-System. Buffer Widths by Impact of Wetland Characteristics xDVD ed Land Use Other Measures Recommended (Apply most protective if more for Protection than one criteEjgjLMeU High level of function for habitat Low- 150 ft Maintain connections to other (score for habitat 8 - 9 points) Moderate—225 ft habitat areas Moderate level of function for Low-75 ft No recommendations at this time habiW Moderate— 110 ft (score for habilat_��i High level of function for water Low- 50 ft* No additional surface discharees quality improvement and low for Moderate—75 ft* of untreated runoff habitat High— 100 ft* or water quality 8-9 points;habitat less than 6 oints-) Estuarine Low- 75 ft No recommendations at this time Moderate— 110 ft 1 11— Not meeting above characteristics Low-50 ft No recommendations at this time Moderate—75 ft *[f buffer is located on a steep slove, the width shall be increased 12er v . Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 52 V Other A.i..........as rl,.,.,...........�.l..,l to, n..,.t,.,.t:.... I I:..I, I._.:at „F t'...,.,, ,_., F.,.. 1,,,6:.._. r 1 cn F AA..:.....:.. .........,,,.:.,.,.-. .,_ ,_.h.,« I,.., FF...,,.a:,__, F.._ I �c t. a1.. .. ..._....._ ,._.z..:..._.. .. .1.:.. .:... . sc hot 11: r U, 1: n1.. ..-................1_.: ..... -_. .1.:,. .:... Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 53 -Table 8.52.110(F): Width of Buffers Required to Protect Category I Wetlands. Wetlands Scoring Between 23 and 27 Points on the Wetlands Rating System. Wetland Characteristics Buffer Widths by Impact of Other Measures Recommended Proposed Land Use for Protection (Apply most protective if more than one criterion is met. Wetlands Of High Conservation Low- 125 ft No additional surface discharges Value Moderate—190 ft to wetland or its tributaries High—250 ft No septic systems within 300 ft of wetland Restore degraded parts of buffer Bogs Low- 125 ft No additional surface discharges Moderate— 190 ft to wetland or its tributaries Hi —250 ft Restore degraded parts of buffer Forested Buffer width to be based on If forested wetland scores high for score for habitat functions or habitat,need to maintain water quality functions* connections to other habitat areas Restore degraded parts of buffer Estuarine Low- 100 ft No recommendations at this time Moderate— 150 ft High—200 ft Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons Low- 100 ft No recommendations at this time Moderate— 150 ft Hi —200 ft High level of function for habitat Low— 150 ft Maintain connections to other (score for habitat 8-9 points) Moderate—225 ft habitat areas Hi —300 ft Restore degraded parts of buffer Moderate level of function for Low—75 ft No recommendations at this time habitat(score for habitat 65-7 Moderate—110 ft points) Hi — 150 ft High level of function for water Low—50 ft* No additional surface discharges quality improvement(8—9 Moderate—75 ft* of untreated runoff points)and low for habitat(less High— 100 ft* than 65points) Not meeting any of the above Low—50 ft No recommendations at this time characteristics Moderate—75 ft Hi — 100 ft *If buffer is located on a steep slope, the width shall be increased per subsection 8.52.110E 2 y . (b) Increased Wetland Buffer Width. The administrator shall require increased standard buffer widths or may require other conditions be placed on the development on a case-by-case basis when necessary to protect wetland functions and values based on local conditions. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation showing that it is reasonably related to protection of the functions and values of the regulated wetland. Such determination shall be attached as a permit condition and shall demonstrate that: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 54 (i) A larger buffer is necessary to maintain viable populations or critical habitat of threatened or endangered species living within the subject wetland(s) boundaries; (i i) The adjacent land is susceptible to severe erosion and erosion control measures otherwise required will not effectively prevent adverse wetland impacts; (iii) There are other nearby wetlands or critical areas and adjustments to the buffers would prevent fragmentation of the habitat or is otherwise necessary to preserve the structure,function and value of the wetland; (iv) The buffer is poorly vegetated due to lack of vegetation or invasive or non-native species being the dominant cover. Conditions would include enhancement of the area, a larger buffer,or both,or (v) If a buffer is based on the score for its ability to improve water quality(see Tables 8.52.110(E and F)) rather than habitat or other criteria,then the buffer should be increased by 50%if the slope is greater than 30%(a 3-foot rise for every 10 feet of horizontal distance). (c) Wetland Buffer Width Averaging. The widths of buffers may be averaged if this will improve the protection of wetland functions, or if it is the only way to allow for reasonable use of a parcel. (i) Averaging to improve wetland protection may be permitted when all of the following conditions are met: a. As demonstrated by a report from a qualified wetland professional,the wetland has significant differences in characteristics that affect its habitat functions,such as a wetland with a forested component adjacent to a degraded emergent component or a "dual-rated" wetland with a Category I area adjacent to a lower rated area; b. The buffer is increased adjacent to the higher-functioning area of habitat or more sensitive portion of the wetland and decreased adjacent to the lower-functioning or less sensitive portion; C. The total area contained in the buffer after averaging shall be no less than that contained within the buffer prior to averaging. In other words, mitigation for buffer impacts will be on a minimum of a 1:1 ratio; and d. In no instance shall the buffer width be reduced to less than seventy-five percent of the required width for each of the wetland categories. (i i) Averaging to allow reasonable use of a parcel may be permitted when all of the following are met: a. There are no feasible alternatives to the site design that could be accomplished without buffer averaging; b. The averaged buffer will not result in degradation of the wetland's functions and values as demonstrated by a report from a qualified wetland professional; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 55 C. The total buffer area after averaging is equal to the area required without averaging; and d. The buffer at its narrowest point is never less than 3/4 of the required width. (iii) Proposals for wetland buffer averaging shall be submitted to the Department with a Mason Environmental Permit Application and a wetland categorization and buffer determination. Approvals are made at the Director's discretion. (iv) Averaging may not be used in conjunction with any of the other provisions for reductions in buffers (listed below). (d) Wetland Buffer Reduction. The width of the buffer may be reduced for proposed land uses with high-intensity impacts under the following conditions: (i) For wetlands that score moderate or high for habitat(five points or more for the habitat functions),the width of the buffer may be reduced to that required for moderate-intensity impacts provided that: a. A relatively undisturbed,vegetated area corridor at least one hundred feet wide is protected between the wetland and any other priority habitats as defined by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. Protection of the entire corridor shall be assured by a conservation easement or equivalent legal protection; b. Measures to minimize the impacts of the land use shall be applied. Examples of these measures are shown in Table 8.52.110(G). (ii) For wetlands that score less than five points for habitat, the buffer width can be reduced to that required for moderate-impact land uses provided that measures to minimize the impacts of the land use shall be applied. Examples of these measures are shown in Table 8.52.110(G). (e) Wetland Buffer Conditions. Except as otherwise specified,wetland buffers shall be retained in their natural condition... (3) Permitted Uses In A Wetland Buffer. Regulated activities shall not be allowed within a buffer except as follows: (a) Activities that are permissible within a wetland shall be permissible within a wetland buffer; and (b) Stormwater management facilities (bioswales and dispersal trenches)only when required to allow a reasonable use of the property. Encroachment into the buffer shall be the minimum necessary and will be permitted only within the outer twenty-five feet or outer twenty-five percent of the buffer,whichever is more restrictive; (c) Other passive activities such as recreational trails and tot lots are also permitted within the outer twenty-five percent of the buffer; (d) Selective commercial timber cutting will be limited to the outer twenty-five percent of Category I and II wetland buffers and fifty percent of Category III and IV wetland buffers. No more than thirty percent of the merchantable trees may be harvested in Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 56 this area on a one-time-only basis as associated with a land use conversion application. The thirty percent harvest must be representative and maintain an intact forest community character. The percentage and species distribution of all trees must be consistent before and after the selective timber harvest. (4) Structure Setback Lines. A structure setback line of fifteen feet is required from the edge of any wetland buffer. Minor structural intrusions into the area of the setback may be allowed if the administrator determined that such intrusions will not negatively impact the wetland. Table 8.52.110(G): Examples of measures to reduce impacts to wetlands. Examples of Disturbance Activities and Uses that Examples of Measures to Minimize Cause Disturbances Impacts Lights • Parking lots • Direct lights away from wetland • Warehouses • Manufacturing • Residential Noise • Manufacturing • Locate activity that generates • Residential noise away from wetland Toxic runoff* • Parking lots • Route all new, untreated runoff • Roads away from wetland while ensuring • Manufacturing wetland is not dewatered • Residential areas • Establish covenants limiting use of •Application of agricultural pesticides within 150 ft of wetland pesticides • Apply integrated pest management • Landscaping Stormwater runoff • Parking lots • Retrofit stormwater detention and • Roads treatment for roads and existing • Manufacturing adjacent development • Residential areas • Prevent channelized flow from • Commercial lawns that directly enters the • Landscaping buffer Change in water regime • Impermeable surfaces • Infiltrate or treat, detain, and • Lawns disperse into buffer new runoff • Tilling from impervious surfaces and new lawns Pets and human disturbance • Residential areas • Use privacy fencing: plant dense vegetation to delineate buffer edge and to discourage disturbance using vegetation appropriate for the ecoregion; place wetland and its buffer in a separate tract Dust • Tilled fields • Use best management practices to control dust * These examples are not necessarily adequate for minimizing toxic runoff if threatened or endangered species are present at the site. (F) Mitigation for Wetland Impacts. (1) If wetland or wetland buffer impacts are proposed,the following sequence of review must be considered. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 57 (a) Avoid the impact all together by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (b) Minimize the impact by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation, by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; (c) Rectify the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the sensitive areas; (d) Reduce or eliminate the impact over time by prevention and maintenance operations; (e) Compensate for the impact by replacing,enhancing or providing substitute areas and environments and replace the ecological processes and functions of the resource; (f) Monitor the impact and taking appropriate corrective measures (2) As a condition of any permit allowing alteration of wetlands and/or wetland buffers,the county shall require that the applicant engage in the restoration, creation or enhancement of wetlands and their buffers in order to offset the impacts resulting from the applicant's actions. When the acreage required for compensatory mitigation is divided by the acreage of impact, the result is a number known variously as a replacement, compensation, or mitigation ratio. Methods to achieve compensation for wetland functions shall be approached in the following order of preference: restoration, creation,enhancement (defined in 8.52.030). (3) The overall goal of any compensatory project shall be no net loss of wetland function and acreage. (4) Mitigation Ratios. (a) Mitigation ratios for preservation in combination with other forms of mitigation shall range from 10:1 to 20:1, as determined on a case-by-case basis,depending on the quality of the wetlands being impacted and the quality of the wetlands being preserved. (b) Wetland mitigation ratios for restoration (re-establishment and/or rehabilitation), creation, and enhancement are illustrated in the following Table 8.52.110(H): _Table 8.52.110(H): Wetland Mitigation Ratios. Re-establishment or Re- Creation(R/C)and Reestablishment or Enhance- Wetland establishment Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Creation(R/C)and ment Category or Creation ' RH ' Enhancement(E)' Only' All Category IV 1.5:1 3:1 1:1 R/C and 1:1RH 1:1 R/C and 2:1 E 6:1 All Category I11 2:1 4:1 H R/C and 2:1 RH N R/C and 4:1 E 8:1 4:1 Category II Case-by-case Rehabilitation Case-by-case Case-by-case Case-by-case Estuarine of an estuarine wetland All other 3:1 6:1 1:1 R/C and 4:1 RH 1:I R/C and 8:1 E 12:1 Category 11 Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 58 Category I 6:1 12:1 1:1 R/C and 10:1 RH 1:1 R/C and 20:1 E 24:1 Forested Category I based on score 4:1 8:1 1:1 R/C and 6:1 RH ]:I R/C and 12:1 E 16:1 for functions Category 1 6:1 Not considered Rehabilitation R/C Not considered R/C Not considered Natural Heritage 3 s 3 Case-by-case site possible of a Natural possible possible Heritage site 6:1 Category 1 Not considered Rehabilitation R/C not considered Not considered Case-by-case Coastal Lagoon possible of a coastal possible possible lagoon Category I Not considered 6:1 R/C Not considered Not considered Bog possible' Rehabilitation possible' possible' Case-by-case of a bog 6:1 Category I Case-by-case Rehabilitation Case-by-case Case-by-case Case-by-case Estuarine of an estuarine wetland 1 These ratios are based on the assumption that the rehabilitation or enhancement actions implemented represent the average degree of improvement possible for the site. Proposals to implement more effective rehabilitation or enhancement actions may result in a lower ratio,while less effective actions may result in a higher ratio.The distinction between rehabilitation and enhancement is not clear-cut. Instead,rehabilitation and enhancement actions span a continuum.Proposals that fall within the gray area between rehabilitation and enhancement will result in a ratio that lies between the ratios for rehabilitation and the ratios for enhancement. 2 Natural Heritage sites,coastal lagoons,and bogs are considered irreplaceable wetlands because they perform some special functions that cannot be replaced through compensatory mitigation. Impacts to such wetlands would therefore result in a net loss of some functions no matter what kind of compensation is proposed. (c) The Administrator may increase or decrease the ratios based on one or more of the following: (i) Replacement ratios may be increased under the following circumstances: a. Uncertainty exists as to the probable success of the proposed restoration or creation; b. A significant period of time will elapse between impact and establishment of wetland functions at the mitigation site; C. Proposed mitigation will result in a lower category wetland or reduced functions relative to the wetland being impacted;or d. The impact was an unauthorized impact. (ii) Replacement ratios may be decreased under the following circumstances: a. Documentation by a qualified wetland specialist (provided by the applicant) demonstrating that more certainty that the proposed compensation actions will be successful. For example, demonstrated prior success with similar compensation actions as those proposed, and/or extensive hydrologic data to support the proposed water regime; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 59 b. Documentation by a qualified wetland specialist (provided by the applicant) demonstrating that the proposed compensation actions will provide functions and values that are significantly greater than the wetland being impacted;or C. The proposed mitigation actions are conducted in advance of the impact and are shown to be successful. (d) Compensation for wetland buffer impacts shall occur at a minimum 1:1 ratio. (e) Preservation. Impacts to wetlands may be mitigated by preservation of at-risk, high-quality wetlands and habitat areas when used in combination with other forms of mitigation such as creation, restoration, or enhancement. See"Appendix 8-B Recommendations for Wetland Language in a Critical Areas Ordinance" [Wetlands in Washington State Volume 2—Protecting and Managing Wetlands] published by the Washington Department of Ecology (April 2005)for detailed requirements pertaining to the use of preservation as mitigation. (5) Off-Site Compensatory Mitigation. (a) Considerations for determining whether off-site mitigation is preferable include, but are not limited to: (i) On-site conditions do not favor successful establishment of the required vegetation type, or lack the proper soil conditions,or hydrology; (i i) On-site compensation would result in an aquatic habitat that is isolated from other natural habitats or severely impaired by the effects of the adjacent development; (iii) Off-site location is crucial to one or more species that is threatened,endangered, or otherwise of concern, and the on-site location is not; (iv) Off-site location is crucial to larger ecosystem functions, such as providing corridors between habitats, and the on-site location is not;and (v) Off-site compensation has a greater likelihood of success or will provide greater functional benefits. (b) When determining whether off-site mitigation is preferable,the value of the site- specific wetland functions at the project site,such as flood control, nutrient retention, sediment filtering, and rare or unique habitats or species,should be fully considered. (c) When conditions do not favor on-site compensation, off-site compensatory mitigation shall be located as close to the impact site as possible, at least within the same sub- drainage basin unless: (i) Watershed goals established by the county for water quality,flood storage or conveyance, habitat, or other wetland function justify location of mitigation at another site; (ii) Credits from a state-certified wetland mitigation bank are used as compensation and the use of credits is consistent with the terms of the bank's certification; or (iii) Credits from an authorized in-lieu fee mitigation program are purchased. (d) Wetland Mitigation Banks. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 60 (i) Credits from a wetland mitigation bank may be approved for use as compensation for unavoidable impacts to wetlands when: a. The bank is certified under Chapter 173-700 WAC; b. The Administrator has determined that the wetland mitigation bank has provided the appropriate compensation for the authorized impacts; and C. The proposed use of credits is consistent with the terms and conditions of the bank's certification. (ii) Replacement ratios for projects using bank credits shall be consistent with replacement ratios specified in the bank's certification. (iii) Credits from a certified wetland mitigation bank may be used to compensate for impacts located within the service area specified in the bank's certification. In some cases,the service area of the bank may include portions of more than one adjacent drainage basin for specific wetland functions. (6) Mitigation Plans. When a project involves wetland and/or buffer impacts, a compensatory mitigation plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional wetland scientist with a minimum of five (5)years experience designing compensatory mitigation projects. The plan shall contain the following: (a) The name and contact information of the applicant;the name, qualifications, and contact information for the author of the Mitigation Plan; a description of the proposal; a summary of the impacts and proposed compensation concept; and a vicinity map for the project; (b) Description of the existing wetland and buffer areas proposed to be impacted including: acreages(or square footage) based on professional surveys of the delineations;Cowardin classifications including dominant vegetation community types (for upland and wetland habitats); hydrogeomorphic classification of wetland(s) on and adjacent to the site;the results of a functional assessment for the entire wetland and the portions proposed to be impacted; wetland rating based on subpart (E)(1) of this chapter; (c) An assessment of the potential changes in wetland hydroperiod from the proposed project and how the design has been modified to avoid, minimize, or reduce adverse impacts to the wetland hydroperiod; (d) An assessment of existing conditions in the zone of the proposed compensation, including:vegetation community structure and composition, existing hydroperiod, existing soil conditions, existing habitat functions; (e) A description of the proposed conceptual actions for compensation of wetland and upland areas affected by the project; (f) The field data collected to document existing conditions and on which future condition assumptions are based for hydroperiod (e.g., existing hydroperiod based on piezometer data, staff/crest gage data, hydrologic modeling,visual observations, etc.) and soils (e.g.,soil pit data - hand dug or mechanically trenched, and soil boring data. Do not rely upon soil survey data for establishing existing conditions.); Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 61 (g) A discussion of ongoing management practices that will protect wetlands after the project site has been developed, including proposed monitoring and maintenance programs (for remaining wetlands and compensatory mitigation wetlands); (i) Proposed conditions expected from the proposed actions on site including future hydrogeomorphic types,vegetation community types by dominant species(wetland and upland), and future hydrologic regimes; (j) A planting schedule for the compensatory area including all species by proposed community type and hydrologic regime,size and type of plant material to be installed, spacing of plants, "typical' clustering patterns,total number of each species by community type,timing of installation; (k) Performance standards for upland and wetland communities, monitoring schedule, and maintenance schedule and actions by each biennium; (1) A bond estimate for the entire compensatory mitigation including the following elements:site preparation, plant materials, construction materials, installation oversight, maintenance for up to five (5)years, annual monitoring field work and reporting for 5 to 10 years,and contingency actions for a maximum of the total required number of years for monitoring; and (m) A site plan(s), drawn to scale and including: (i) Surveyed edges of the existing wetland(s)and the minimum wetland buffers and setbacks,the proposed areas of wetland and/or buffer impacts, and the location of proposed wetland and/or buffer compensation actions; (ii) If any grading activity is proposed to create the compensation area(s),show the existing topography,ground-proofed,at two-foot contour intervals in the zone of the proposed compensation actions; (iii) Required wetland buffers and setbacks for existing wetlands and proposed compensation areas. Also, identify any zones where buffers are proposed to be reduced or enlarged outside of the standards identified in this Title. (7) Memorandum of Agreement. Approval of the mitigation plan shall be signified by a notarized memorandum of agreement signed by the applicant and the Administrator. The agreement shall refer to all requirements for the mitigation project. (8) Notice to Title. The property owner shall record on the Title (with the Mason County Auditor) both the memorandum of agreement and the approved site plan. (9) Monitoring Requirements. Mason County shall require monitoring reports on an annual basis for a minimum of five years and up to ten years,or until the Administrator determines that the mitigation project has achieved success. The wetlands mitigation plan shall provide specific criteria for monitoring the mitigation project. Criteria shall be project-specific and use best available science to aid the Administrator in evaluating whether or not the project has achieved success. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 62 (10) Noncompliance. The county may suspend or revoke a permit if it finds that the applicant has not complied with the conditions or limitations set forth in the permit or has exceeded the scope of work set for in the permit. (G) Permit Review. The basic concern in the permitting process is to avoid and minimize wetland impacts. Permits are issued when the applicant can demonstrate that the activity is both unavoidable and necessary. The applicant must state the purpose of the proposed project and demonstrate the requirement for a wetland location or access across wetlands and the reason it cannot be located at other sites, or at another location on-site. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006: Ord. 106-04 Att. B(part),2004;Ord. 36A-97(part), 1997:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). (Ord. No. 54-09,6-16-2009) 8.52.120 ---Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas.- In order to protect the public health and safety, prevent the degradation of groundwater aquifers used for potable water, and to provide for regulations that prevent and control risks to the degradation of groundwater aquifers,the following standards for Mason County are described in this section. Critical aquifer recharge areas are those areas which are determined to have an important recharging effect on aquifers used as a source for potable water and vulnerable to contamination from recharge. Critical aquifer recharge areas are areas of special concern and are subject to the Mason County Health Codes. (A) Classification of Aquifer Recharge Areas. (1) Classes. Critical aquifer recharge areas are classified as either Class I (Extremely Susceptible), Class II (Highly Susceptible), Class III (Moderately Susceptible),or Class IV(Low Susceptibility), as described below. (2) Methodology. The aquifer classification system and maps were developed by a qualified geologist in consultation with the Washington Department of Natural Resources and considering data from the following sources; (a) Mineral Resources of the Southern Hood Canal Area,Washington; Mackey Smith and R. J. Carson; Department of Geology and Earth Resources-Geologic Map GM-21; 1976. (b) Geology and Related Water Occurrence,Southeastern Mason County,Washington; Dee Molenaar and John B. Noble;Water Supply Bulletin No. 29, Department of Water Resources, State of Washington; 1970. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 63 (c) Geologic Map of the South Half of the Shelton and South Half of the Copalis Beach Quadrangles Washington; Robert L. Logan; Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources; Open file Report 87-9; 1987. (d) Geologic Map of North Central Mason County; R.J. Carson; Department of Geology and Earth Resources;Open File Report 76-2; 1976. (e) Soil Conservation Maps for Mason County Washington;various. (f) Topographic maps for Mason County;various. (g) Water Well Records. Interpretation of these data sources was performed by Geologist Gordon Adams.An explanation of that interpretation is included in a letter from Gordon Adams dated March 29, 1999. (3) Standards of Classification. (a) Class I (Extremely Susceptible). Areas designated as Class I demonstrate hydrogeologic characteristics that allow for an extremely high susceptibility of an underground source of drinking water. These areas are identified as recessional outwash of thickness' greater than twenty-five feet. Recessional outwashes area geological formation predominantly composed of underground source of drinking water unconsolidated sands and gravels. These formations exhibit horizontal permeabilities greater than thirty feet per day(horizontal permeabilities are generally ten times less than vertical permeabilities). Potential contaminants entering an underground source of drinking water can be expected to travel one mile in six months or less. (b) Class II (Highly Susceptible). Areas designated as Class II demonstrate hydrogeologic characteristics that allow for a high susceptibility of an underground source of drinking water. These areas are identified as recessional outwash and alluvium twenty-five feet or less in thickness. These geologic formations are composed of unconsolidated sands and gravels interlaid44 with discontinuous layers of hardpan and silty clays. Depth to water is generally twenty-five to one hundred twenty-five feet below land surface. These formations exhibit horizontal permeabilities in the range of thirty to fifteen feet per day. Potential contaminants entering an underground source of drinking water can be expected to travel one mile in a time frame greater than six months and up to one year. (c) Class III (Moderately Susceptible). Areas designated as Class III demonstrate hydrogeologic characteristics that allow for a moderate susceptibility of an underground source of drinking water. These areas are identified as advance outwash. The geologic formations consist of discontinuous layers of clayey gravel and sand and layers of silt and clay,which are more continuous and have been compacted into hardpan. Depth to water is greater than one hundred twenty-five feet below land surface. These formations exhibit horizontal permeabilities in the range of fifteen to three feet per day. Potential contaminants entering an underground source of drinking water can be expected to travel one mile in a time frame greater than one year and up to five years. Class III areas include those well head protection areas, not otherwise designated as a Class I, II, or III critical recharge area,and recorded with the Mason County Department of Community Services. (d) Class IV(Low Susceptibility). Areas designated as Class IV demonstrate hydrogeologic characteristics that allow for a low susceptibility of an underground source of drinking Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 64 water. These areas are identified as advance outwash found in the southwest part of Mason County along the Satsop drainage. (B) Designation. The lands and fresh waters of Mason County meeting the critical aquifer recharge areas classification, plus three hundred feet beyond the mapped boundary of all Class I, II or III areas, are designated under RCW Chapter 36.70A as Critical Area Protection Zones requiring protection for public health. (C) Pre-existing Uses. Uses legally existing as of the date of adoption of this ordinance and which are listed under subsections (D) (Prohibited Uses and Activities) or(E) (Uses Requiring an Environmental Permit) are defined to be pre-existing uses. Pre-existing uses may continue operation pursuant to the following provisions and procedures. The purpose of these provisions is to assure that pre-existing uses that represent a threat to the aquifer are brought into compliance with the provisions of this chapter over time and to the highest degree possible. These provisions shall not be construed to mean that a pre-existing business must cease operations even if the type of business operates as a prohibited use per subsection (C)(4) below. The following procedures and requirements are established; Upon identification of a legal pre-existing use,the county shall contact the operator and/or owner in order to develop a compliance plan and time line for bringing the pre-existing use into compliance to the highest degree practicable and which provides an acceptable low level of risk to the aquifer. (1) The county will negotiate with the owner/operator to identify a reasonable time frame and necessary steps to bring the use into compliance with this chapter. (2) Technical assistance will be offered the owner/operator by state and/or local personnel to enable the owner/operator to bring the operation into compliance. (3) The county will require that a written compliance plan be developed and agreed to by the owner/operator setting forth the compliance steps that will be taken and the agreed time frame under which these steps will be completed. (4) The compliance plan shall be agreed to in a reasonable time as defined by the Director on a case-by-case basis. (5) Such compliance plan will take the form of a contract between the county and the owner/operator. (6) No expansion of any nonconforming aspect of the use or business activity will be permitted. (7) Failure to meet the terms of the contract, including time frames agreed to,shall constitute a breach of contract subject to all applicable law. If legal action on the part of the county becomes necessary to enforce the contract,the owner/operator shall be liable for all legal expenses. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 65 (D) Prohibited Uses. The following uses or activities are considered high impact uses due to the probability and/or potential magnitude of their adverse effects on groundwater and shall be prohibited in Class I, Class II and Class III Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas. (1) Landfill. (2) Wood preserving, not fully contained operations. (3) Electroplating. (4) Dry cleaners excluding drop-off only operations where there is no on-site cleaning using hazardous materials. (5) Class V injection wells, but limited to subclasses 5F01, 5D03, 5D04, 5W09, 5W10, 5W11, 5W31, 5X13, 5X14, 5X15, 5W20, 5X28, and 5N24. (6) Surface mining operations within designated urban growth areas,or within Class I, 11, or III areas contiguous with the urban growth areas. (7) Radioactive disposal sites. (8) Outdoor auto wrecking operations. (9) Hazardous waste transfer and treatment. (10) Land spreading disposal sites where disposal is above agronomic rates(as in WAC 173-304). (11) Feedlots. (12) Dumping of chemicals into an on-site septic system of a type or quantity that exceeds the systems designed capacity to treat. (13) Hazardous waste storage facilities unless accessory to an otherwise permitted use and approved under state hazardous waste permit. (E) Uses Requiring an Environmental Permit. The following activities are allowed in Class I, Class II and Class III Aquifer Recharge Areas after issuance of a Permit per subsection (1) below. This requirement is not intended to apply to schools, colleges, hospitals and other public institutions where the activities are incidental or accessory to the principal activity. This requirement is not intended to apply to a home occupation or cottage industry, where the amounts of hazardous materials use are below the thresholds established and regulated in the Uniform Fire Code. Permit review shall be by the administrative review process specified in this section. (1) Chemical manufacturing; (2) Chemical mixing and remanufacture; (3) Above and below ground storage tanks ad pipes used to contain regulated substances (see Section 8.52.030); Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 66 (4) Facilities that conduct biological research; (5) Boat repair shops; (6) Chemical research facilities; (7) Gasoline service stations; (8) Pipelines (petroleum and chemical transfer); (10) Below ground transformers and capacitors; (11) Sawmills producing over ten thousand board feet per day; (12) Solid waste handling and processing facilities; (13) Vehicle repair, recycling, and auto wrecking activities; (14) Mortuary; (16) Motor vehicle service garages; (17) Chemical processing of photographic film; (18) Creosote and asphalt manufacturing and treatment facilities; (19) Golf courses or ranges; (20) Medium quantity generators (of dangerous, acutely hazardous, and toxic extremely hazardous waste); (21) Large quantity generators (of dangerous, acutely hazardous, and toxic extremely hazardous waste); (22) Activities reclassified as eligible for a permit after county approval of a request to reclassify per subsection (L); (23) Fully contained wood preserving operations; (24) Surface mining operations permitted under general permit by the Washington State Department of Ecology and not otherwise prohibited per subsection (D). (F) Subdivision Standards and Evaluation Requirements. (1) Subdivision, short subdivisions and other divisions of land in areas of special concern shall be evaluated for their impact on groundwater quality as follows: (a) In urban growth areas, land divisions may be allowed which create lots less than one acre in size which rely on individual on-site septic systems. Such approvals shall be conditioned so that the total development allowed within the area to be divided shall not exceed an average density of one dwelling unit per acre,or an equivalent wastewater volume, until such development is served by public sewer. (b) In urban growth areas, land divisions may be allowed which create lots less than one acre in size which rely on a community on-site septic systems. Such approvals shall be conditioned so that the total development allowed within the area to be divided shall not exceed an average density of one dwelling unit per acre,or an equivalent wastewater volume, until such development is served by public sewer. In addition,said system shall be evaluated to assure that it does not have localized effects that might have a significant adverse impact on wells or surface water bodies. Information for the Resource Ordinance Effective Date Poge 67 evaluation shall be provided by the applicant in the form of a site evaluation report as specified in subsection (M)(2). (c) Outside of urban growth areas,subdivisions which provide for clusters of residential development where the density of the cluster of residential lots exceed one lot per acre,or where development will rely on a community on-site septic system,shall be evaluated to assure that they do not have localized effects that might have a significant adverse impact on wells or surface water bodies. Information for the evaluation shall be provided by the applicant in the form of a site evaluation report as specified in subsection (M)(2). (2) Approval of a permit for subsection (F)(1)(b) or(c) above shall be based on a review of the report and a determination that there are no probable significant adverse impacts to wells, springs, surface water bodies, or off-site groundwater quality. (G) On-site Septic System Standards. (1) The proper operation and maintenance of community or on-site septic systems is required in the critical aquifer recharge areas. The standards and procedures to be met to assure this are as set forth in the"Mason County On-Site Sewage Operation and Maintenance Program" and any subsequent implementing regulations. Participation in this program is mandatory for existing and new septic systems in the critical aquifer recharge areas. (2) New Construction. (a) New construction which relies on on-site septic systems shall not be allowed to exceed a density of one dwelling unit per acre,or an equivalent wastewater volume,except for the development of one dwelling on lots existing or vested by December 5, 1996, where the on-site septic system can comply with all Environmental Health Division standards. For the purposes of this section,the sewage flow of one single-family dwelling equals one unit volume of sewage equals four hundred fifty gallons per day. An exception to this may be made where a sewage treatment system or plant is used that processes the effluent so that the total of contaminants is equivalent to or less than that which would be produced by one dwelling unit per acre in suitable soils using individual on-site septic systems. The intensity of nonresidential development that is allowed in compliance with this standard shall be calculated from Table 1. Alternative calculations for activities not included in Table 1 may be proposed, but the calculation method and conclusions must be approved by the county Environmental Health Division. (b) Where such development relies on a new on-site sewage treatment plant or other new on-site community septic system,said plant or system shall not have localized affects that might have a significant adverse impact on wells or surface water bodies. Information for the evaluation shall be provided by the applicant in the form of a site evaluation report as specified in subsection (M)(2). Approval of a permit shall be based on a review of the report and a determination that there are no probable significant adverse impacts to wells, springs,surface water bodies, or off-site groundwater quality. (3) All new development within the designated urban growth areas,except for single-family residences built prior to the opportunity to connect to a public sewer system,shall be Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 68 required to connect to existing public sewer systems,or to proposed public sewer systems as soon as connection is available. (H) Well Head Protection Area — Notice. Within well head protection areas, in addition to any other notice requirements, notice shall be provided to the manager of said area for any applications for an environmental permit for the critical aquifer recharge area or for any long subdivisions. (1) Standards for an Environmental Permit for the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area. To receive an environmental permit to operate in the critical aquifer recharge area an applicant must: (1) Implement best management practices (BMP), implement the Washington State Department of Ecology's Storm Water,Water Quality, Hazardous Waste,Wetland, and Solid Waste Program BMP and BMP from the Departments of Health,Agriculture,Transportation, and State Conservation District Office;or (2) Demonstrate through a best management practices report pursuant to subsection (M)(1) below, how they will integrate other necessary and appropriate mitigating measures in the design, installation, and management of the proposed facility or use;and (3) Provide a written agreement to the county providing that all employees at the site will be notified that the operation lies above an aquifer recharge area and providing annual training regarding all measures set forth by the BMP established in subsection (1)(1) or(2)above. (J) BMP Monitoring and Inspection. To assure that best management practices are implemented and maintained over time,the following procedures and requirements are hereby established: (1) The county will maintain a database identifying all pre-existing prohibited uses or uses requiring a permit under the provisions of this section. Information for this purpose will be gathered from applicants for development permits and by consultation with appropriate state agencies. During pre-application meetings or on application,the county will require applicants to identify if they are required to have a hazardous waste identification number by the Washington State Department of Ecology and whether they generate any hazardous waste as defined under WAC 173-303. (2) Inspection and Monitoring Procedures. As a condition of approval, regular inspections for compliance will be required as appropriate to the activity, but not less than once in two years. The first inspection shall be made within three months of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the project. (K) Map Amendments. Applicants may seek to have the aquifer recharge map amended as it pertains to the parcel or parcels for which they are applying. The application will be for a conditional environmental permit. This may be granted after the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the county that site Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 69 conditions meet the standards of classification per subsection (A)(3)for the aquifer area class sought. Such demonstration shall be accomplished by providing a map amendment report per subsection (M)(2)to the county. The county shall evaluate the report and make a written determination as to whether the map will be amended. Approval of the map amendment requires that, based on the best available science,the site does not qualify as a critical aquifer recharge area, or qualifies as a different class designation from its current designation, as applied by the county pursuant to the Growth Management Act. The report shall be reviewed by the county in conjunction with the underlying permit process, if any exists. The review process shall be a public review as specified in subsection 8.52.190(C)(2)(b). The county may consult with the Mason County Health Division,state of Washington Department of Health, independent reviewer, or any other parties it sees fit. The county will review the report with consideration of the level of science that currently exists and was employed to make the map designation being challenged. The applicant will not be required to provide information and/or analysis in excess of that required to convince the county that a map change is warranted. In addition,the county will re-assess all map amendment reports and all other pertinent information received on a periodic basis and consider other appropriate map amendments on the basis of this increased information. (L) Reclassification of Specific Land Use Activity. Applicants may seek to have the use for which they are applying able to receive an aquifer areas protection permit per subsection (E). This may be granted after the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the county,that the use proposed applies new technologies and/or procedures, not traditional to the industry,that reduce the threat to the aquifer beyond that posed by the traditional technologies and/or procedures to a degree that the county determines will justify the reclassification. Such demonstration shall be accomplished by providing an activity reclassification report per subsection (M)(3)to the county. The county shall evaluate the report and make a written determination as to whether the individual proposed land use will be recategorized. Review of the application shall be a public review as provided in Section 8.52.190(C)(2)(B). Reclassification of a land use shall apply only to the particular use for which the reclassification is sought and shall not be applied to all or any similar uses. In addition,the county will re-assess all reports received pursuant to this chapter and all other pertinent information received on a periodic basis and consider the other changes in the categorization of land uses in this chapter on the basis of this increased information. (M) Reports. (1) Best Management Practices (BMP) Report—Criteria. The following criteria shall apply when preparing a best management practices (BMP) report: (a) The report shall be prepared by, or done under the direction of and designed by, a qualified person with demonstrated expertise in the industry or field as demonstrated by a statement of qualifications and at least three references from parties familiar with common business practices in the subject field or known expertise in the field. (b) The report will identify appropriate best management practices by specifying all known and available reasonable technologies and how they will be employed to prevent degradation of groundwater. All necessary technical data, drawings,calculations, and other information to describe application of the BMP must be supplied. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 70 (c) The report will identify how the applicant will satisfy the requirements of the Dangerous Waste Regulations, Chapter 173-303 WAC in the event that hazardous material is released into the ground or groundwater. (d) The report will be reviewed by the Planning Division or a consultant hired by the county, at the applicant's expense,for this review. The county may consult with the Mason County Environmental Health Division; state of Washington Departments of Health or Ecology, independent reviewer,or any other parties it sees fit. (2) Map Amendment Report/Site Evaluation Report — Criteria. The following criteria shall apply when preparing a map amendment report/site evaluation report: (a) A qualified groundwater professional will make a determination whether the proposed map amendment or project application will have adverse impacts on groundwater based on the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Wellhead Protection Program, pursuant to Public Water Supplies, Chapter 246-290 WAC;Water Quality Standards for groundwaters of the state of Washington,Chapter 173-200 WAC; and Dangerous Waste regulations, Chapter 173-303 WAC.Those chapters of Washington Administrative Code are adopted, as written or hereafter amended, as part of this chapter by reference.They are available at county offices. (b) Map amendment report/site evaluation reports shall include the following: (i) Identification of features of the proposed development plan (e.g.,on-site septic systems and other on-site activities)that may adversely impact groundwater quality underlying or down gradient of the project or project area. (ii) Drawing in an appropriate scale showing location of abandoned and active wells, springs,and surface water bodies within one thousand feet of the project limits. (iii) A description of the geologic and hydrologic characteristics of the subject property sufficient to justify the map amendment sought.This information may include any or all of the following: a. Lithologic characteristics and stratigraphic relationships; b. Aquifer characteristics including recharge and discharge areas,depth to groundwater,static water flow patterns, and estimated groundwater flow velocity; C. Contaminant rate and transport including probable migration pathways and travel time of a potential contaminant release from a site through the unsaturated zone to the aquifer(s) and through the aquifers(s), and how contaminant(s) may be attenuated within the unsaturated zone and the aquifer(s); d. Appropriate hydro geologic cross sections which depict lithology, stratigraphy, aquifer, units, potential or probable contaminant pathways from a chemical release,and rate of groundwater flow; and e. Existing groundwater quality, proposal for a groundwater monitoring plan to detect changes and indicate the corrective actions that will be taken if monitoring results indicate contaminants from the site have entered the underlying aquifer(s); Resource ordinance Effective Date Page 71 f. Existing soils types and characteristics; g. A discussion of the probable geologic history of the site and its impact on aquifer formation,soils conditions, and aquifer susceptibility. (3) Activity Reclassification Report—Preparation and Review Criteria. The following criteria shall apply when preparing an activity reclassification report: (a) The report shall be prepared by, or done under the direction of and signed by, a qualified person with demonstrated expertise in the industry or field as demonstrated by a statement of qualifications and at least three references from parties familiar with common business practices in the subject field or known expertise in the field. (b) The report shall contain a complete description of the activity for which reclassification is being sought. This description shall include all necessary technical data for the county to assess potential threat to the aquifer from an unmitigated operation, including chemicals and substances used, byproducts produced, etc. (c) The report shall present best management practices and/or mitigation techniques adequate to insure,to the satisfaction of the county,that the activity or land use for which reclassification is sought will present no greater threat to groundwater quality than other uses listed in this chapter in the category being sought. The burden is on the applicant to make this showing sufficient in the eyes of the county to reclassify the use. The report will include all technical data necessary, design drawings,specifications for equipment used, performance data on equipment or structures, and any evidence or testimony of successful operation of same or similar facilities and practices in other locations. (d) The report will demonstrate to the satisfaction of the county that reclassification of a land use will have no adverse impacts on groundwater based on the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Wellhead Protection Program, pursuant to Public Water Supplies, Chapter 246-290 WAC;Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington,Chapter 173-200 WAC: and Dangerous Waste Regulations, Chapter 173-303 WAC. (e) The report will be reviewed by the Planning Division of the Mason County Community Services Department. The Planning Division may consult with the Environmental Health Division of the Mason County Community Services Department,the state of Washington Departments of Health or Ecology, an independent reviewer,or any other parties it sees fit. (M) Public Education/Notice. (1) The household or commercial use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers not in conformance with the manufacturers' instructions/label directions is a violation of state and/or federal regulation. Improper disposal of oil based paints, paint thinners and other hazardous materials is a violation of the Mason County solid waste regulation and of state and/or federal regulation. The county encourages proper use of such materials and shall provide educational information to the public through its sponsorship of the Washington State Cooperative Extension Service,the Mason Conservation District,or through the provision of informational materials in its offices. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 72 (2) Notification: (a) Title Notification. The owner of any site within a designated critical aquifer recharge area as identified in the Mason County critical aquifer recharge areas map, on which a development proposal is submitted,shall record a notice with the Mason County Auditor. The notice shall indicate in the public record the presence of a critical aquifer recharge area,the application of this chapter to the site, and that limitations on regulated activities may exist. Only one such notice is required to be made on any individual property or lot. The notice shall be as set forth below. Notice: This site lies within a critical aquifer recharge area as defined by Chapter 8, Mason County Code. The site was the subject of a development proposal for application number filed on (date). Restrictions on use or alteration of the site may exist due to natural conditions of the site and resulting regulation. Review of such application provides information on the location of a critical aquifer recharge area and the restrictions on the site. A copy of the plan showing the aquifer recharge area is attached hereto. (b) Plat Notification. For all proposed short subdivision and subdivision proposals within critical aquifer recharge areas,the applicant shall include a note on the face of the plat. The note shall be as set forth below: Notice: This site lies within a critical aquifer recharge area as defined by Chapter 8, Mason County Code. The site was the subject of a development proposal for application number Filed on (date). Restrictions on use or alteration of the site may exist due to natural conditions of the site and resulting regulation. The note shall be recorded as part of final plat approval of any short subdivision or subdivision. (iii) Evidence of recording of these notices must be provided to the county. (N) Protection of Private Wells. Generators of hazardous materials are defined as a known or suspected source of contamination per state law. No small, medium, or large quantity generators of hazardous materials shall be permitted to locate within one hundred feet of any water well per the provisions of WAC 173-160- 171 or its successors. This requirement applies to all portions of the county. (0) Secondary Containment of Recycling of Hazardous Materials. The following practices and procedures shall be observed throughout the county: (1) Moderate risk waste and petroleum products, including but not limited to oil and grease,shall be disposed of by recycling or use of a hazardous waste management facility operating under interim status or with a permit issued by EPA or an authorized state. No person shall intentionally or negligently dump or deposit or permit the dumping or depositing of any such waste in any other manner, including onto the surface of the ground, into surface water,or into groundwater. (2) Moderate risk waste, petroleum products,and hazardous materials shall be kept in containers and shall be stored in such a manner and location that if a container is ruptured,the contents Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 73 will not discharge,flow, be washed or fall into surface water or groundwater. This is not intended to supersede any regulations as stated in the Fire Code. Table 8.52.120(A) F_ - 'Type of Facility � Design Units Flow(GPD) Airports per employee;add per passenger 10:4.0 FBanquet rooms per seat C 5 Barber and beauty shops per chair � 7- 100 Bowling alleys(bar and food) I per lane T 125 Bowling alleys(bar only) per lane ��- 75 Campgrounds with no laundry.no wet sewer hookups or dump per camp site 50 station Campgrounds/RV park,with toilets per camp site �— 75 Campgrounds/RV park,showers,toilets,laundry,sewer hookup per camp site 100 Church-food service,4-11our per person 5 Church no food.4-hour per person 3 F_ Community College per student and faculty, 12-hours 15 FCountry club-includes food,showers,lounge per member:add per non-member 50:25 Day Care Centers, 12-hour per person 20 Dentist office per dentist:add per wet chair----] 250;200 Doctor office per doctor -� 250 Doctor office,in medical center per 1.000 sq. ft.. 12-hours -500 FFood Service and Bars �— Fa.Ordinary restaurant per seat 50 b.24-hour restaurant per seat I 75 c.Bar and cocktail lounge per seat 30 d. Drive-in restaurant per car space 75 Fe. Bar only,no food per seat 10 Ff.Coffee shop,6-hour operation per seat T- 6 r I lospital per bed 300 Hospital-mental per bed and per employee 172_and 1 1 lotels and motels,rooms only per room 130 rF Industrial building,excl.cafeteria and process waste per employee/8-hour shift 17 I Industrial,add for Cafeteria per employee 13 rLaundries,self serve, 16-11our per machine T 400 Meeting rooms per seat 3 Mobile home parks per space 300 I Nursing home/rest home per bed 200 -- — -- - - Office building per worker 20 Parks-toilets per person 10 parks-toilets and showers per person 20 Prison per resident;add per employee 159; 16 FResort camps.cottages per room 100 FRooming house per resident j 50 F_ Schools,no food or showers per student �- 10 FSchools,add for cafeterias 7- per student 5 Schools,add for showers �� per student T5 Schools,boarding - T per student_ 75 Service station-pumps per island:add per employee 500:25 F_ Service stations-repair for first bay:add each additional bay-1 1000:500 Shopping centers, 12-hour per 1.000 sq. ft.floor space 300 Stadiums,race tracks,ball parks per seat j 3 Stores,without food service ---j r a.Private toilets, for employees only per employee 20 b.Public toilets per toilet room 400 Theaters Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 74 Type of Design Units Flow(GPD) ----- _ - -- _ _ __ ..- a.Indoor,auditoriums, 12-hour per seat 5 b.Outdoor,drive-ins,4-hour per space 5 Sources: WA DOE,Criteria for Sewage Works Design;State of Florida,Dept.of Environmental Regulation, Technical Information Memorandum 6.2.1;WA DOE,Large On-Site Sewage Guidelines;US EPA,Design Manual, Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006: Ord.62-99(part), 1999:Ord. 1 1 1-97(part), 1997:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.130 —Frequently Flooded Areas.- The purpose of this section is to prevent the potential for further aggravation of flooding problems and to guide development in areas vulnerable to flooding. (A) Classification. The following shall be classified frequently flooded areas: Frequently flooded areas are identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as those areas within the one hundred year floodplain in a report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for Mason County" dated May 17, 1988, and revised December 8, 1998,with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and any subsequent amendments thereto, and should be utilized as a guide to development. The Skokomish River and floodplain as shown in the Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan for the Skokomish River, February 1997. Avulsion risk areas as identified under the provisions of the Mason County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. (B) Designation. Lands of Mason County meeting the classification criterion for frequently flooded areas are hereby designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170,as frequently flooded areas requiring immediate protection from incompatible land uses. (C) Land Use. (1) Land uses in frequently flooded areas shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions and requirements of all ordinances as referenced in Section 8.52.050, or as amended and updated. (2) The following uses within frequently flooded areas are subject to Mason Conditional Environmental Permits: (aA) Radio and transmission towers, resource based industries,schools,trailer-mix concrete plants,sawmills, marinas,fire stations,fuel storage tanks, and commercial outdoor recreation. (b-g) Other uses and activities determined by the Director that are likely to pose a threat to public health, safety,and general welfare if located within a frequently flooded area. Resource ordinance Effective Date Page 75 (D) Development Standards. Mason County flood damage prevention ordinance provides specific regulations and permit requirements for development conducted within the frequently flooded areas of Mason County. (Ord. 5-01,Attachment A (part),2001:Ord. 16-00, Attachment C,2000:Ord. 1 12-97(part), 1997:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.140 —Geologically Hazardous Areas: The purpose of the geological hazard section is to identify areas that present potential dangers to public health and safety,to prevent the acceleration of natural geological hazards,to address off-site environmental impacts, and to minimize the risk to the property owner or adjacent property owners from development activities. Except for the exceptions listed below,development in or near geologically hazardous areas requires a permit and the professional preparation of a geotechnical report or geological assessment to determine under what conditions the development may proceed at a reasonable risk. All development applications are reviewed to determine if they are likely to be in or near a geologically hazardous area. Geologically hazardous areas in Mason County are defined in subsection (A). The designation of geologically hazardous areas is done in subsection (B). Activities exempt from these requirements are described in subsection (C)(1)and others are listed in Section 8.52.200 of the Resource Ordinance. Activities requiring permits are described in subsection (C)(2). Standard requirements for certain activities are contained in subsection (D). When a geotechnical report or geological assessment is required is determined in subsections (E)(1) and (2)• The standards for a geotechnical report and geological assessment are contained in subsections (E)(3) through (6). The general review standard for approval of a permit is in subsection (E)(7). Notice of the risks inherent in development in a geologically hazardous area is required for the applicant and future property owners in subsection (F). (A) Classification. (1) The following shall be classified as geologically hazardous areas: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 76 (a) Areas with any indications of earth movement such as debris slides, earthflows, slumps and rockfalls (see Figure LHA-1). (b) Areas with artificial over steepened or un_engineered slopes, i.e.,cuts or fills. (c) Areas with slopes containing soft or potentially liquefiable soils. (d) Areas over steepened or otherwise unstable as a result of stream incision, stream bank erosion, and undercutting by wave action. (e) Slopes greater than fifteen percent (8.5 degrees)and having the following: (i) Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively impermeable sediment or bedrock(e.g.,sand overlying clay);and (ii) Springs or groundwater seepage. (f) Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock. A slope is delineated by establishing its toe and top and measured by averaging the inclination over at least ten feet of vertical relief. (2) The following information may be used as a guide by the county to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria above: (a) Landslide hazards mapped by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources (Washington Geological Survey) such as "Landforms and Hazard Ratings-- Mason Watershed," Isabelle Sarikhan and Timothy J. Walsh,August 2007. (b) The areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than fifteen percent. (c) The areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas,Volume 9,of Mason County, Washington as: (i) Unstable-"U"; (i i) Unstable Old Slides- "UOS"; (iii) Unstable Recent Slides-"URS"; (iv) Intermediate Slopes- "I"; (v) Modified Slopes-"M." (d) The areas identified as Class 2,3,4, or 5 of the maps: "Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area,Washington," by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, U.S. Geological Survey,Series Map 1-853-F, 1977 (e) Areas described and mapped as areas of poor natural stability and historical and recent landslides by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources including"The Geological Map of North Central Mason County, Washington," by R.J. Carson,Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Earth Resources, 1975; (d) Areas mapped as landslide deposits (Map Unit Qls) on the Geologic Maps of Washington 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (Longbranch,Squaxin Island, Shelton,Summit Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 77 Lake,Vaughn, Lake Wooten, Mason Lake, Belfair, Skokomish Valley and Union, Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, and Holly). (B) Designation. (1) Lands of Mason County classified as geologically hazardous areas are designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170, as critical areas requiring immediate protection from incompatible land uses. (2) Upon an application for development on either mapped or unmapped lands,the Administrator shall determine if a potential geological hazards exists on a particular site based on: (a) Information supplied by the applicant in the form of a geotechnical report or geological assessment, (b) Actual physical observation of the site, (c) Existing county Hazard Area maps identified in subsection (A), or (d) Other means determined to be appropriate. (C) Land Uses. (1) Exempt Uses. (a) The growing and harvesting of timber,forest products and associated management activities in accordance with the Washington Forest Practices Act of 1974, as amended, and regulations adopted pursuant thereto; including, but not limited to, road construction and maintenance; aerial operations; applications of fertilizers and pesticides; helispots; and other uses specific to growing and harvesting timber forest products and management activities, except those Forest Practices designated as "Class IV-General Forest Practices" under the authority of the "Washington State Forest Practices Act Rules and Regulations," WAC 222-16-030; (b) Those activities and uses conducted pursuant to the Washington State Surface Mining Act, RCW 78.44 and its Rules and Regulations,where state law specifically exempts local authority; (c) Existing and ongoing agriculture, aquaculture,floriculture, horticulture,general farming, dairy operating under best management practices (BMP) of the Washington State Department of Ecology's Storm Water,Water Quality, Hazardous Waste, Wetland, and Solid Waste Program and BMP from the Departments of Health, Agriculture,Transportation, and State Conservation District Office. (2) Permit Required Uses. Permits are required for all new construction,grading, land clearing, and other uses subject to Section 8.52.050, and any Class IV Conversion Permit pursuant to the State Forest Practices Act which involves conversion to a permit required use,and are within a geologically hazardous area or its buffer. Permit required use in or within three hundred feet of a geologically hazardous area requires a Special Report, see subsection (E). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 78 (D) Development Standards.Any land use on geologically hazardous areas or their buffers shall conform to the following standards: (1) Grading. (a) No grading shall be performed in geologically hazardous areas prior to obtaining a grading permit subject to approval, by the Director, based on recommendations contained in the geotechnical report with slope stability, drainage,erosion control and grading recommendations. (b) Clearing during grading shall be limited to the area of the approved development. (c) No fill, dead vegetation (slash/stumps), or other foreign material shall be placed within a geologically hazardous area or its associated buffers;with the exception of engineered compacted fill for construction of buttresses for landslide stabilization which shall be in accordance with recommendations specified in a geotechnical report. (2) Land Clearing. (a) Within this section, "Land Clearing" is defined as the cutting or harvesting of trees or the removing or cutting of vegetation so as to expose the soil and which is not otherwise exempt from this section. (b) Land clearing in geologically hazardous areas or their buffers is permitted when it is consistent with the recommendation and plans contained in the geotechnical report and development approval. (c) If there is no geotechnical report for the site, land clearing is not permitted: however removal of danger trees, selected removal for viewing purposes of trees less than six inches dbh (diameter at breast height) and trimming or pruning of existing trees and vegetation is allowed with the qualifications cited herein. (i) Danger trees shall be identified with the recommendation of a member of the Association of Consulting Foresters of America, an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture, or with the recommendation of a person qualified to prepare a geotechnical report if removing trees for slope stabilization purposes. 0 0 Removal of trees less than six inches dbh shall be limited to less than two percent of the total number of trees of that size or larger in the hazard area. iii Removal of multiple trees in a concentrated area, i.e., within a distance of twenty-five feet of each other, shall be accompanied by replacement Hof deep rooting native shrubs or other vegetation that serve similar moisture and erosion protective functions ofte that provided by the removed trees. iv Trimming and pruning shall be accomplished in accordance with pruning standards of the International Society of Arboriculture, as published in "ANSI A300-95" or subsequent updated versions in order to minimize the potential for long-term damage to the trees. (d) Removal of selected trees and ground cover is allowed without a permit for the purpose of surveying and geotechnical exploration activities that do not involve grading, provided that re-vegetation of the disturbed areas occurs immediately afterward. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 79 (e) Land clearing for which a permit has been obtained shall not be allowed during the wet season, i.e.,from October 15 through May 1, unless special provisions for wet season erosion and landslide protection have been addressed in the geotechnical report and approved by the Director. (3) Drainage. (a) Surface drainage, including downspouts and runoff from paved or unpaved surfaces up slope,shall not be directed onto or within fifty feet above or onto the face of a geologically hazardous area or its associated buffer. If drainage must be discharged from the top of a geologically hazardous area to below its toe, it shall be collected above the top and directed to below the toe by tight line drain and provided with an energy dissipating device at the toe. (b) Stormwater retention and detention systems, including percolation systems utilizing buried pipe or French drain, are prohibited unless a licensed civil engineer certifies appropriate mitigation measures. (c) Erosion shall be controlled as provided in the Mason County Stormwater Management Ordinance and in accordance with the recommendations provided in any geotechnical report or geological assessment prepared for the site. (4) Sewage Collection/Treatment Systems. Sewage collection and treatment systems shall be located outside of the geologically hazardous areas and associated buffers, unless an approved geotechnical report specifies appropriate mitigation measures. See subsection (E). (5) Subdivision Design and Lot Size. For the purpose of determining lot sizes under Title 16 of this code, and other county regulatory requirements,the Director shall review available information and required geotechnical reports or geological assessments under subsection (E), and make a decision on a case-by-case basis based on the reports. To avoid impacts to anadromous fisheries and fish habitat, land divisions, (short plats,subdivisions, and large lot divisions)shall not be approved unless: (a) No improvements or construction shall be within Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas,wetlands,or their buffers, provided that necessary water or wetland crossings or encroachments approved pursuant to other sections of the Mason County Resource Ordinance or other county regulations may be permitted for roads and utilities. (b) All lots must have designated building areas on which structures may be safely located without the requirement for bulkheading, bank protection or other structures that encroach on Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas, wetlands, or their buffers. Future buildings are to be limited to such designated areas. The number,size,or configuration of lots may be changed as a condition of approval to meet this requirement. (6) Buffers. A buffer of undisturbed, natural vegetation shall be established from the edges (top,toe)of Geologically Hazardous Areas unless specified below. (a) For marine bluffs,the minimum buffer shall be the larger of the following: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 80 (i) Equal to or greater than a distance from the ordinary high water mark landward at a slope of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical)that intersects with the existing topography of the site; (ii) Fifty(50)feet from Geologically Hazardous Area; and (iii) The minimum distance recommended by the geotechnical professional in the geotechnical report. (b) For development that is not adjacent to marine bluffs,the minimum buffer shall be the larger of the following: (i) Fifty(50)feet from Geologically Hazardous Area (crest and toe);and (ii) The minimum distance recommended by the geotechnical professional in the geotechnical report. (c) An application may be made to reduce the buffer for the purpose of constructing single-family residential development on a lot existing or vested by December 6, 1996. (i) Notice of application for the reduction of the buffer shall be made as provided in Section 15.07.010 of the Mason County Development Code (which specifies how notice is sent to adjacent property owners and posted on the site). (ii) The Director shall approve such a reduction only on finding the following: a. The approval is conditioned as necessary to be consistent with the recommendations contained within the geotechnical report(described in subsections(E)); and b. Impacts to anadromous fish or their habitat or to Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas shall be avoided or mitigated as detailed in an approved Habitat Management Plan (described in Section 8.52.170.) (7) Shoreline Stabilization (such as Bulkheads and Bank Protection). Shoreline stabilization approved under the Shoreline Master Program or the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area regulations,shall be consistent with recommendations specified in a geotechnical report. (8) Residential Densities and Floor Area Ratios. The geologically hazardous area and its buffer shall be counted in calculating the number of dwelling units (determined by the size of the site and residential density allowed) or the area of nonresidential building(determined by the size of the site and the floor area ratio allowed)that may be built on the site; provided that: (a) The development is outside of the geologically hazardous area or its buffer, and (b) The development is able to comply with all county regulations without encroaching on the geologically hazardous area or its buffer. Clustering of residential development away from geologically hazardous area and its buffer may receive a density bonus if performed meeting the design requirements contained in Chapter 16.22, Mason County Code. (E) Special Reports. (1) Applicability. Every application for development within a geologically hazardous area or its buffer or within two hundred fifty feet of the buffer(that is —within three hundred feet of Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 81 the geologically hazardous area)shall meet the standards of subsection (D) and shall require a professionally prepared special report: either a geological assessment or a geotechnical report, or both. The intent of the geological assessment is to confirm that the proposed development is outside of the geologically hazardous area and its associated buffers and setbacks. The intent of the geotechnical report is to specify how the hazards are to be mitigated when development is proposed within the geologically hazardous area itself or its buffers or setbacks. The type of report that is required is specified below: Category a. Development proposed within three hundred feet of areas slopes greater than forty percent (21.8 degrees)will require a geotechnical report. Category b. Development proposed within two hundred feet of areas with any visible signs of earth movement such as debris slides,earthflows, slumps and rockfalls,or areas of previously mapped or recorded landslides will require a geotechnical report. If the proposed development is two hundred feet or more from these areas, but not more than three hundred feet from them,then a geological assessment is required and a geotechnical report may be required based on findings of the assessment. Category c. Development proposed within one hundred feet of areas of over steepened or otherwise potentially unstable slopes as a result of stream incision,stream bank erosion,and undercutting by wave action will require a geotechnical report. If the proposed development is one hundred feet or more from these areas, but not more than three hundred feet from them,then a geological assessment is required and a geotechnical report may be required based on findings of the assessment. Category d. Development proposed within three hundred feet of areas with slopes between fifteen percent (8.5 degrees)and forty percent(21.8 degrees)will require a geological assessment,and may further require a geotechnical report upon analysis of the following factors by the Director: (i) Lot size and use; (ii) Overall height of slope and maximum any planned cut or fill (requires a grading plan from the applicant); (iii) Soil types and history of sliding in the vicinity; (iv) Groundwater conditions, including depth to water and quantity of surface seepage; (v) Approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g.,glacial till or outwash sand; (vi) Impervious surfaces and drainage schemes (requires development/grading plan from the applicant); (vii) Wastewater treatment(requires on-site sewage disposal system approval from Mason County Division of Environmental Health); (viii) Potential off-site impacts, including adjacent properties, roadways,etc. (requires environmental statement from the applicant, dependeant on scope of project). (2) Waiver of Geotechnical Report. The Administrator may waive the requirement for the geotechnical report for Category c and d sites upon a written finding in the Geological Assessment that the potential for landslide activity is low and that the proposed development would not cause significant adverse impacts, or that there is adequate geological information Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 82 available on the area proposed for development to determine the impacts of the proposed development and appropriate mitigating measures. (3) Qualifications of Preparer. The geologic assessment shall be prepared at the discretion of the Director by either a licensed civil engineer with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a licensed geologist or engineering geologist with special knowledge of the local conditions.The geotechnical report shall be prepared at the discretion of the Administrator by a licensed civil engineer with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a licensed engineering geologist.The preparer shall be licensed in the State of Washington. (4) Content of the Geological Assessment. A geological assessment shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development, with geologic unit designation consistent with terminology used in the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington;Volume 9 (Washington Department of Ecology, 1980)or in applicable U.S. Geologic Survey maps and the Washington Geological Survey's Geologic maps of Washington (7.5-minute quadrangles for Longbranch, Squaxin Island,Shelton, Summit Lake,Vaughn, Lake Wooten, Mason Lake, Belfair, Skokomish Valley and Union, Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, and Holly). Use of soil conservation service soil layer terminology is considered inappropriate for this assessment. (b) A discussion of the groundwater conditions at the site, including the estimated depth to water and the quantity of surface seepage and the upslope geomorphology and location of upland waterbodies and wetlands. (c) The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g., glacial till or outwash sand. (d) A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of hummocky ground or ground cracks,terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating downslope movement,etc.). (e) A discussion of the history of landslide activity and potential hazards in the vicinity, as available in the following publications and maps: (i) Landslides and landslide hazards mapped by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources(Washington Geological Survey)such as"Landforms and Hazard Ratings-- Mason Watershed," Isabelle Sarikhan and Timothy J.Walsh,August 2007; (ii) The map of"Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington" by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, 1977; (iii) The Coastal Zone Atlas; and (iv) Geologic maps of Washington (7.5-minute quadrangles for Longbranch, Squaxin Island, Shelton,Summit Lake,Vaughn, Lake Wooten, Mason Lake, Belfair, Skokomish Valley and Union, Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, Holly) and any landslide records on file with the Mason County Community Services Department. (v) Where available,geotechnical documents prepared for nearby properties and developments. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 83 (f) An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the geologically hazardous area or its associated buffer or setback. If it is,then a Geotechnical Report is required. (g) A recommendation by the preparer whether a geotechnical report should be required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. (h) If the presence of a hazard is determined within three hundred feet of the proposed development,then the area of the proposed development,the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map/site map. (i) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries,scale, north arrow,and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. (j) A determination on whether the proposal is within an Erosion Hazard Area. If it is,then a Geotechnical Report and a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington is required (see MCC 8.52.160). (k) If development is within a Seismic Hazard Area, demonstrate conclusively that the hazards (see MCC 8.52.150) are to be avoided or mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety and to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts. (1) For development proposed within shoreline jurisdiction per 17.50 MCC, provide an assertion that the proposed development is set back sufficiently to ensure that new shoreline stabilization is unlikely to be necessary during the life of the structure or that the proposed development has been,to the extent feasible, minimized and located as far from the shoreline as possible. Note: New development that would require shoreline stabilization which causes significant impacts to adjacent or down-current properties and shoreline areas is not allowed. (m) If the proposed development includes shoreline stabilization (bulkheads, etc.), a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment is required per the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) 17.50 MCC. The Geological Assessment required by this Chapter and the Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment required by the SMP may be combined into one report, provided the requirements of both are addressed. (5) Content of a Geotechnical Report. A geotechnical report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) A discussion of general geologic conditions,specific soil types,groundwater conditions, the upslope geomorphology and location of upland waterbodies and wetlands, and history of landslide activity in the vicinity,as available in the following publications, documents, and maps: (i) Landslides and landslide hazards mapped by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources (Washington Geological Survey)such as "Landforms and Hazard Ratings -- Mason Watershed," Isabelle Sarikhan and Timothy J. Walsh,August 2007; (i i) The map of"Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington" by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, 1977; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 84 (iii) The Coastal Zone Atlas; (iv) Geologic maps of Washington (7.5-minute quadrangles for Longbranch,Squaxin Island, Shelton,Summit Lake,Vaughn, Lake Wooten, Mason Lake, Belfair, Skokomish Valley and Union, Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, and Holly). (v) Where available,geotechnical documents prepared for nearby properties and developments. (b) A site plan drawn to scale showing the property boundaries,scale, and north arrow which identifies the following: (i) The important development and geologic features. (i i) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. (iii) The area of the proposed development,the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. See subsection (D)(6)for minimum buffer widths. If recommending or supporting a development activity to occur within the LHA or buffer, label that minimum setback on the site plan. (c) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. (d) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5,the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1 and the quasi-static analysis coefficients should be a value of 0.15. (e) Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features, septic drain fields and compacted fills and footings, including recommended buffers and setbacks from the geologically hazardous areas. (f) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. (g) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. (h) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. (i) Specifications of final development conditions such as,vegetative management, drainage, erosion control and buffer widths. (j) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. (k) If development is within an Erosion Hazard Area (see the Erosion Hazard Area chapter of the Resource Ordinance), a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington is required. (1) If development is within a Seismic Hazard Area (see the Seismic Hazard Area chapter of the Resource Ordinance), demonstrate conclusively that the hazards can be overcome Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 85 (m) For development proposed within shoreline jurisdiction per 17.50 MCC, provide an assertion that the proposed development is set back sufficiently to ensure that new shoreline stabilization is unlikely to be necessary during the life of the structure or that the proposed development has been,to the extent feasible, minimized and located as far from the shoreline as possible. Note: New development that would require shoreline stabilization which causes significant impacts to adjacent or down-current properties and shoreline areas is not allowed. (n) If the proposed development includes shoreline stabilization (bulkheads,etc.), a 'shoreline geotechnical assessment' is required per the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) 17.50 MCC. The geotechnical report required by this Chapter and the shoreline geotechnical assessment required by the SMP may be combined into one report, provided the requirements of both are addressed. (6) Applicable Standards. Geological assessments and geotechnical reports shall be prepared using terminology, descriptions, evaluation methods and mitigation approaches that reflect the current standard of care for practitioners in the field of geologic hazards. Professionals performing geological assessments and geotechnical reports should consider information in, but not limited to the following publications and sources: (a) Turner,A.K. and Schuster, R.L. 1996, Landslides, Investigation and Mitigation, Transportation Research Board Special Report 247, National Research Council, Washington DC National Academy Press; (b) Washington Department of Ecology, 1993. Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control Using Vegetation,A Manual of Practice for Coastal Property Owners, Publication No. 93-30. Olympia,WA; (c) Washington Department of Ecology, 1993. Vegetation Management:A Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners, Publication No.93-31. Olympia,WA; (d) Washington Department of Ecology, 1995.Surface Water and Groundwater on Coastal Bluffs, Publication No. 95-107. Olympia,WA); (e) Washington Department of Ecology, 2005. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Olympia,WA; and (f) Washington State Department of Licensing, 2006, Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington. Prepared by Washington State Geologist Licensing Board, November 2006. (7) Administrative Determination. Any area in which the geotechnical report or geological assessment indicates the presence of landslide hazards shall not be subjected to development unless the report demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazards can be mitigated through geotechnical design recommendations, and that the development meets all standards in subsection (4D). Hazards must be mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety, and to assure no significant adverse environmental impact. Impacts to anadromous fish or their habitat or to Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas shall be avoided or mitigated as detailed in an approved Habitat Management Plan, as described in Section 8.52.170. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 86 The Administrator may submit either the geologic assessment or the geotechnical report to an outside agency with geotechnical expertise or to a geotechnical consultant for third party peer review prior to issuing a ruling on the project. ja , (F) Applicant Hold Harmless Statement. The property owner shall be required to " y acknowledge in writing the risks inherent in developing in a geologic hazard area,to accept the RntaUonal landslide Translatlnnal lundQde }Rack slide responsibility of any adverse affects which may occur to the subject property or other properties as a result of the development, and to agree to convey the knowledge of this risk to persons purchasing the site by filing the notice on the Rac►rall Topple nehr60ow property title. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006:Ord.59-03 Attach.B,2003;Ord. 19- 03 § 1,2003;Ord. 136-01,Attach.B,2001:Ord.88-00, Attachment A(part),2000:Ord. 149-99,Attachment B § 1, Deh,ts aealanehe Farthllm creep 1999:Ord.77-93(part), 1993). 1.a0.•r:d.cprc,wl Figure LHA-1 8.52.150 ---Seismic Hazard -Areas.. The purpose of the Seismic Hazard Section is to identify areas that present potential dangers to public health and safety,and to prevent the acceleration of manmade and natural geological hazards, and to neutralize the risk to the property owner or adjacent properties from development activities. Types of Seismic Hazards include: Surface Faulting; Ground Shaking; Earthquake-related ground failure and landslides; Lateral Spreading; Liquefaction; Lurch Cracks; Rockfalls; Differential Settlement; Regional Uplift; Seiches;and/or Tsunamis. These are defined under Seismic Hazard Areas in Section 8.52.030. (A) Classification. The following shall be classified as Seismic Hazard Areas: (1) Areas susceptible to ground failure including the following: (a) Areas with geologic faults; (b) Deep road fills and areas of poorly compacted artificial fill; (c) Areas with artificially steepened slopes (i.e. old gravel pits); (d) Postglacial stream, lake or beach sediments; (e) River deltas; (f) Areas designated as potential Landslide Hazard Areas; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pace 87 (g) Bluff areas;and (h) Areas underlain by potentially liquefiable soils. (2) The following criteria may be used as a guide by the County to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria above: (a) Areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington,Volume 9, Mason County as Af, Qa1, Qa2, Qvc,Qls, Qos and Qp. (b) Areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than 15 percent. (c) Faults identified on "Map Showing Known or Suspected Faults With Quaternary Displacement in the Pacific Northwest",A.M. Rogers,T.J. Walsh,W.J. Kockelman and G.R. Priest, US Geologic Survey, 1996;or described in "Active Faulting Investigations on the Canyon River Fault,Southern Olympic Range, Washington",T.J. Walsh and K.G. Neal, U.S. Geologic Survey, 1997. (d) Areas underlain by potentially liquefiable soils as shown "Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington" by Stephen P. Palmer,Sammantha L. Magsino, James L. Poelstra, Eric L. Bilderback, Derek S. Folger, and Rebecca A. Niggemann, September 2004. (B) Designation. Lands of Mason County meeting the criteria for Seismic Hazard Areas are hereby designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170, as critical areas. (C) Land Uses. All uses and activities within Seismic Hazard Areas are subject to the development standards of this section. (D) Development Standards. (1) Development in Seismic Hazard Areas must be in compliance with Section 8.52.050. (2) Development within Seismic Hazard Areas must be in compliance with Section 8.52.140. (3) Location of Buildings and Facilities Upon application for a Building Permit, if the Director finds that the proposed development is within a Seismic Hazard Area, the County shall notify the applicant and indicate that the potential effects of seismic activity shall be considered and that Geologic Assessment or Geotechnical Report which addresses the seismic hazard shall be required. Requirements of the Geologic Assessment and Geotechnical Report and the preparer shall be as detailed in Section 8.52.140E. (a) The Geologic Assessment or Geotechnical Report shall include a description of the geology of the site, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geological conditions on the proposed development,and opinions and recommendations for compensating for the seismic hazards present. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 88 (b) The County shall take the potential seismic effects into consideration when reviewing the proposal under SEPA and may include an alternative site analysis and recommendations. (4) Approval of development in Seismic Hazard Areas shall not be issued unless a Geological Assessment or Geotechnical Report demonstrates conclusively that the hazards can be overcome. Hazards must be mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to public health, safety, and property and to minimize environmental impact. Impacts to anadromous fish or their habitat or to fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas must be avoided or mitigated as detailed in an approved Habitat Management Plan, as described in Section 8.52.170.The Director may submit the Report to an outside agency with geotechnical expertise or to a geotechnical consultant for third party peer review prior to issuing a ruling on the project at the applicant's expense. (5) New developments within Seismic Hazard Areas shall be designed in accordance with applicable provisions of the 2003 International Building Code (IBC) including consideration of the ground motions associated with a 475 year return period seismic event for Seismic Zone 3 and the liquefaction and soil strength loss that may occur during that event. Components of the new development that are critical to health and safety, such as roadways and bridges, that may not be directly addressed by the IBC shall be designed taking into consideration the same ground motions and their possible effects as identified in the IBC for structures. 8.52.160 Erosion Hazard Areas.- The purpose of the Erosion Hazard Section is to identify areas that present potential dangers to public health and safety, and to prevent the acceleration of natural geological hazards,and to neutralize the risk to the property owner from development activities. (A) Classification. The following shall be classified as Erosion Hazard Areas; Areas in Mason County underlain by soils which are subject to severe erosion when disturbed. Such soils include, but are not limited to,those for which potential for erosion is identified in the Soil Survey of Mason County, USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1960,or any subsequent revisions or additions to this source.These soils include, but are not limited to, any occurrence or River Wash ("Ra")or Coastal Beaches ("Cg")and the following when they occur on slopes 15%or steeper: (1) Alderwood gravelly sandy loam ("Ac" and "Ad") (2) Cloquallum silt loam ("Cd") (3) Harstine gravelly sandy loam ("Hb") Resource Ordinance Effective Date Egge 89 (4) Kitsap silt loam ("Kc") (B) Designation. The lands of Mason County meeting the criteria for Erosion Hazard Areas and are classified as such are hereby designated, under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170,as critical areas. (C) Land Uses. All uses and activities within Erosion Hazard Areas are subject to the development standards of this section. (D) Development Standards. And land use on Erosion Hazard Areas shall conform to the following standards: (1) Development in Erosion Hazard Areas must be in compliance with Section 8.52.050, and standards and requirements in Section 8.52.140 of this Chapter. (2) No land clearing or grading activities shall be performed in an Erosion Hazard Area prior to obtaining a grading permit,subject to approval by the Director, based on the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Report. (3) Upon application for a Building Permit, if the Director finds that the proposed development is within an Erosion Hazard Area,the County shall require the applicant to submit a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington.The Plan may be included as an attachment in the Geotechnical Report.The Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall specifically and realistically identify temporary and permanent measures of erosion control. (4) Wet Season Operations: Clearing on an erosion hazard area shall be limited to the period between May 1—October 15. If wet season operations are sought,the applicant shall provide erosion and sedimentation control plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington that specifically and realistically identifies methods of erosion control for wet weather conditions. (5) The Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall provide for protection of the development area and disturbed surfaces not involved in the immediate development operation using Best Management Practices (BMP)such as sediment traps, check dams, stabilized construction entrances,storm inlet protection,silt fencing, mulching or other effective means of soil protection. (6) Runoff from activities subject to a development permit shall be properly controlled to prevent erosion. (7) Continued Responsibility: It shall be the responsibility of the property owner and the permittee to ensure that accelerated erosion does not occur during and after the project construction. Additional measures, beyond those specified in an approved Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, may be required by the Director as deemed necessary to control erosion after project completion. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 90 8.52.170 —Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas.- (A) Purpose. Fish and wildlife habitat conservation means land management for maintaining species in suitable habitats within their natural geographic distribution so that isolated populations are not created. This does not mean maintaining all individuals of all species at all times, but it does mean intergovernmental cooperation and coordination is critically important in a region. In some cases, it is sufficient to assure that a species will usually be found in certain regions across the state. The provisions for the protection of habitat contained in this section cannot succeed in their purpose of supporting viable populations of fish and wildlife species unless other agencies and the public also act to protect the species. In the case of anadromous fish,the Statewide Salmon Recovery Strategy identifies that it will take a balanced approach to addressing the factors of decline that are within human control, including harvest, hatchery, habitat, and hydropower. The underlying assumption within this section is that impacts to anadromous fish or their habitat or to fish and wildlife conservation areas shall be avoided or mitigated as detailed in an approved Habitat Management Plan as described in subsection (J). The intent of this section is to: (1) Protect critical habitat features to support genetically viable populations of fish and wildlife species and allow for commercial and non-commercial uses. (2) Protect the biological, physical, and chemical components of water quality for the benefit of aquatic and terrestrial resources, as well as human consumptive uses. (3) Ensure that natural stream and marine shoreline functions such as flow patterns, production of sediment and large woody debris are maintained with minimal interference or impact to private property. (4) Protect habitat for federal or state listed endangered,threatened or sensitive fish and wildlife. (5) Encourage non-regulatory methods of habitat retention whenever practical,through education, and the Open Space Tax Program. (6) Supplement the Shoreline Master Program for Mason County to preserve and protect critical fish and wildlife habitat pursuant to (WAC 365-190-080(5)). It is the intent that the ordinance codified in this chapter will compliment and supplement the Shoreline Master Program. (7) Implement the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and to achieve these purposes consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (B) Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area Categories. Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas include both aquatic and terrestrial areas within Mason County. The approximate location and extent of critical fish and wildlife habitat areas are displayed in the Washington Department of Fish &Wildlife's (WDFW) Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) Program database. Mason County will also use other available information for these critical fish and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 91 wildlife habitat areas, including tribal and federal databases and local knowledge. The following categories shall be used in classifying critical areas to be regulated under this chapter: (1) Commercial and recreational shellfish areas; (2) Kelp and eelgrass beds; herring,sand lance, and smelt spawning areas; (3) Naturally occurring lakes and ponds under twenty acres and their submerged aquatic beds that provide fish or wildlife habitat; (4) Streams; (5) Saltwater shorelines,and lakes 20 acres and greater in surface area; (6) Lakes, ponds,streams, and rivers planted with game fish by a governmental or tribal entity; (7) State natural area preserves, natural resource conservation areas, and wildlife areas; (8) Areas with which federal or state endangered,threatened and sensitive species of fish and wildlife have a primary association. Those species known to be found in Mason County are listed in Table 8.52.170(A). The protection of a species' habitat is determined by the state or federal listing, and their actual presence near the site subject to review. Other listed and protected species may be found in Mason County,which are not in Table A. (9) Other areas that contain habitats and species of local importance (which include juvenile salmonid migration areas)as listed in Table A below. Species of local importance may include, but are not limited to,state candidate and monitor species. Table 8.52.170(A): Species of Importance that May Occur in Mason County Species Scientific Name State Status Federal Status Fish Black Rockfish Sebastes melano s Candidate none Brown Rockfish Sebastes auriculatus Candidate Species of Concern Bull Trout Salvelinus con uentis Candidate Threatened Canary Rockfish Sebastes pinniger Candidate Threatened Coho Oncorh nchus kisutch none Species of Concern Copper Rockfish Sebastes caurinus Candidate Species of Concern Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma none none Greenstri ed Rockfish Sebastes elon atus Candidate none Hood Canal Summer Chum Oncorh nchus keta Candidate Threatened Olympic Mudminnow Novumbra hubbsi Sensitive none Pacific Cod Gadus macroce halus Candidate Species of Concern Pacific Hake Merluccius productus Candidate Species of Concern Pacific Herring Clu ea pallasi Species of Concern none Pacific Lamprey Entos henus tridentata none Species of Concern Puget Sound Chinook Oncorynchus shave tscha Candidate Threatened Quillback Rockfish Sebastes mall er I Candidate Species of Concern Redstri e Rockfish Sebastes proriger Candidate none Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 92 Species Scientific Name State Status Federal Status River Lamprey Lam etra ayresi Candidate Species of Concern Sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka Candidate none Steelhead Oncorh nchus m kiss Candidate Threatened Walleye Pollock Theragra chalco ramma Candidate Species of Concern Yellowe a Rockfish Sebastes ruberrimus I Candidate Threatened Yellowtail Rockfish Sebastes avidus Candidate none Reptiles and Am hibians Cascade Frog Rana cascadae Monitor Species of Concern Olympic Torrent Salamander R acotriton of m ices Monitor none Tailed Frog Asca hus truei Monitor Species of Concern Van Dyke's Salamander Plethodon vandykei Candidate Species of Concern Western Pond Turtle Clemm s maramorata Endangered Species of Concern Western Toad Anax rus boreas Candidate Species of Concern Mollusks Newcomb's Littorine Snail Al amorda newcombiana Species of Concern Species of Concern Olympia Oyster Ostrea concha hila Candidate none Arthropods Johnson's Hairstreak Butterfly Nfiloura johnsoni Candidate none Puget Blue Butterfly Plebe'us icarioides blackmorei Candidate none Taylor's Checkers of Butterfly Euphydryas editha tavlori Endangered Endangered Birds Brandt's Cormorant Phalacrocorax penicillatus Candidate none Common Loon Gavia immer Sensitive none Common Murre Uria aal a Candidate none Golden Eagle A uilla chrysaetos Candidate none Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Monitor None Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus none Species of Concern Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus Endangered Threatened Northern Goshawk Acci iter gentilis Candidate Species of Concern Pileated Woodpecker Drycopw pileatus Candidate none Purple Martin Pro ne subis Candidate None Spotted Owl Stridex occidentalis Endangered Threatened Streaked Horned Lark Eremo hila al estris stri ala Endangered 'Threatened Vaux's Swift Chateura vauxi Candidate None Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana Monitor None Western Grebe Aechmo horus occidentalis Candidate none Yellow-billed Cuckoo Cocc zus americanus Candidate Threatened Mammals Canada Lynx Lynx canadensis Endangered None Gray Whale Eschrichtius robustus Sensitive None Humpback Whale Me a sera novaean liae Endangered Endangered Keen's Long Beard Bat M otis evotis keend Candidate None Killer Whale Orca Orcinus orca Endangered Endangered Merriam's Shrew Sorex merriami Candidate None Olympic Marmot Marmota of m us Candidate None Pacific Fisher Martes pennand Endangered Candidate Pacific Harbor Porpoise Phocoena Phocoena Candidate None Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 93 Species Scientific Name State Status Federal Status Pygmy Shrew Sorex ho i Monitor None Roosevelt elk Cervus ela hus roosevelti none None Steller Sea Lion Eumeto ias 'ubatus Threatened Species of Concern Townsend's Big-eared Bat Plecotus townsendii Candidate Species of Concern Western Pocket Gopher I Thomom s mazama Threatened I Species of Concern _Table 8.52.170(B): Priority species not federally or state listed and not governed by this ordinance. Species Scientific Name State Status Federal Status Band-tailed Pigeon Colmba asciata None None Blue Grouse Dendra a us obscurus None None Butter Clam Saxidomus giganteus None None Coastal Resident/Searun Oncorhynchus clarki None None Dungeness Crab Cancer ma inter None None Geoduck Pano ea abru to None None Hooded Merganser Lo hod tes cucullatus None None Kokanee Oncorh nchus nerka None None Lon fin Smelt S irinchus thaleichth s None None Mountain Quail Oreortyx piclus None None Native Littleneck Clam Protothaca staminea None None Pandalid Shrimp Pandalidae Pandalus s None None Surfsmelt H omesus preliosus None None Wood Duck Aix s onsa None None (C) Designation. The areas classified in subsection (B) above as Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (FWHCA) are designated under RCW 36.70A.060 and RCW 36.70A.170,as critical areas requiring proper land management to protect their value and functions. (D) Establishment of Buffers on Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas. FWHCA's shall have buffers established and maintained along their perimeters. Buffers shall be retained in their natural condition, except as provided elsewhere in the ordinance codified in this chapter. (1) Buffers Widths. (a) Buffers shall be a minimum of the following applicable width: (i) Buffer widths associated with saltwater shoreline, lakes, and streams shall be measured horizontally from the ordinary high water mark(OHWM)to the width shown in Table C. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 94 (ii) On streams where 'channel migration zones' (CMZ) have been mapped and adopted by the county,the buffer shall be 150 feet or shall extend to the outer edge of the channel migration zone, whichever is larger. Major new development within a CMZ is prohibited unless one of the following is submitted: a. A report prepared by a qualified professional demonstrating that the proposed development would not result in interference with the process of channel migration, cause significant adverse impacts to property or public improvements, and/or result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions within the rivers and streams. Based on the results of the report, the Director may limit development in the CMZ and require a buffer of undisturbed natural vegetation from the edge of the CMZ; or b. A report prepared by an experienced geologist, hydrologist, or civil engineer with at least 5 years experience with fluvial systems of the Pacific Northwest. The report shall include a review of historic and current aerial photos and maps; a field analysis of specific channel and valley bottom characteristics; and, based on the guidance provided by Ecology on channel migration assessments,the report shall demonstrate the following: I. The site upon which the development is proposed is effectively disconnected from the CMZ due to levies, or infrastructure such as roads and bridges constructed and maintained by public agencies; and II. The risk that the channel will migrate during the next 75 years is minimal as indicated by the existing channel type, intact land cover (and low likelihood future alterations in land cover);stable surficial geology, low soil and potential; lack of evidence of likely avulsion pathways (include area upstream of, but proximate to,the site); low inundation frequency(ies).The assessment shall include review of all available data regarding historical channel locations at the site; identification of the site within a broader area. (iii) When major new development is proposed within 1/4 mile of a listed species point location (den or nest site) or habitat, as identified through the WDFW PHS data base,tribal and other local fish and wildlife databases or knowledge, a preliminary review by a qualified fish and wildlife professional shall be provided to the county which shall determine if a FWHCA or its buffer is within the area of the development. The buffer distance shall be measured horizontally from the established FWHCA perimeter. (b) Provision for Increasing Buffer. Mason County may increase the buffer width on a case- by-case basis, after a public hearing, as provided in Section 8.52.190(J),when a larger buffer is necessary to protect the structure,function and value of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas. The buffer shall be increased or other protections shall be provided in order to prevent a significant adverse environmental impact by a proposed project on those functions and values. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation to be obtained in consultation with the state of Washington and the Skokomish Tribe, Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe. Such determination shall be attached as a permit condition and shall demonstrate that: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 95 (i) A larger buffer is necessary to maintain viable populations or critical habitat of endangered,threatened,or sensitive species; (ii) The adjacent land is susceptible to severe erosion and erosion control measures will not effectively prevent adverse impacts to the FWHCA;or (iii) If the FWHCA contains variations in sensitivity, increasing the widths will only be done as necessary to preserve the structure,function and value of the FWHCA. (2) Activities in FWHCA's and/or Buffers that Require a Habitat Management Plan. Unless specified below in (D)(4) below,the destruction or alteration of FWHCA's or their buffers through removal, excavation,grading, dumping, discharging or filling of any material; clearing;shading; intentional burning;vegetation removal (terrestrial,freshwater,or marine); planting of non-native vegetation that would alter the character of the FWHCA or buffer; or the construction or placement of structures or increasing the structural footprint shall undergo mitigation sequencing and shall require a Habitat Management Plan. The design and siting of these projects should not adversely impact water quality of receiving waters such as wetlands,streams, rivers, Hood Canal or Puget Sound. In addition, project design should meet or exceed any stormwater design requirements to avoid any risk of decertification of shellfish beds or impacts to baitfish (herring, smelt,sand lance,candlefish, etc.)spawning areas. Habitat Management Plans shall be submitted with either a Mason Environmental Permit(or a Shoreline Permit or Exemption when within shoreline jurisdiction). When applicable, a Channel Migration Zone Report may also be required per(D)(1)(a)(ii). (3) Additional Performance Standards. If the following performance standards cannot be met, a Variance is required: (a) Chemical Application or5torage. Chemical applications are not permitted within FWHCA's and buffers unless expressly approved as part of a farm plan,forest practices application, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, or for the control of invasive or noxious plant species,when applied by a certified pesticide applicator. In cases where approved chemical applications occur as part of a forest practices application,farm plan, or NPDES permit, proper reporting procedures shall be followed. Chemical application consistent with state and federal regulation does not require a Mason Environmental Permit, but it does need to comply with the standards included herein. Chemical storage shall not be permitted within a FWHCA or its buffer. (b) Gravel Mining. Gravel mining is discouraged within FWHCA's or their buffers, but it may be allowed if it does not cause significant adverse environmental impact as demonstrated in an HMP and a detailed mining and reclamation plan (required by the Washington Department of Natural Resources). (c) Land Divisions. In order to implement the purpose of this section and the county Comprehensive Plan,to accommodate design innovation, creativity,and flexibility, and to achieve a level of environmental protection that would not be possible by typical lot- by-lot development,the use of the performance subdivision process (Title 16 Mason County Subdivision Ordinance) is strongly encouraged. Divisions of land (subdivisions, short subdivisions, large lot subdivisions)shall comply with the following development standards: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 96 (i) In order to avoid the creation of nonconforming lots,each new lot shall contain at least one building site that meets the requirements of this chapter, including buffer requirements for habitat conservation areas. This site must also have access and a sewage disposal system location that are suitable for development and do not adversely impact the FWHCA. (i i) After preliminary approval and prior to final land division approval,the common boundary between a required buffer and the adjacent property shall be identified using appropriate signs. In lieu of signs, alternative methods of buffer identification may be approved when such methods (fences or enhanced native planting) are determined by Mason County to provide adequate identification to the buffer and the FWHCA. (iii) Buffer areas shall be dedicated as permanent open space tracts,functioning as FWHCA buffers. (d) Mobile Home or RV Parks. New or expanded mobile home or RV parks shall comply with the following development standards: (i) Lots or spaces and other improved areas shall be outside of FWHCA and its buffer and setback. (i i) Roads, utilities,and trails may encroach on the buffer with a HMP. The project as a whole shall not adversely impact the FWHCA. (iii) The common boundary between a required buffer and the adjacent property shall be identified using signs or alternative methods determined Mason County to provide adequate identification to the buffer and the FWHCA. (iv) Buffer areas shall be designated as open space and preserved to the extent possible. (e) Parking. Parking areas for recreational,commercial, or other non-residential use shall use Low Impact Development techniques and shall be minimized and located outside of buffers, unless there is no area available and a HMP is provided. Perimeters of parking areas shall be landscaped to minimize visual impacts. (f) Pedestrian Stream Crossings. (i) A residential, pedestrian or bicycle stream crossing shall span the entire stream's ordinary high water marks(i.e. a bridge or arch culvert), and are allowed when it is the only feasible access that the property owner has to a portion of their lot, it is limited to a total of 5 feet wide,and a HMP is provided. (i i) A recreational and/or public pedestrian/bicycle stream crossing are allowed when it spans the entire stream's ordinary high water marks (i.e. a bridge or arch culvert), is-limited to the minimum size necessary for the intended use,and a HMP is provided. (iii) Stream crossings for off road vehicles (ORV)shall meet the transportation standards below. (g) Stream Relocation. Stream relocation is discouraged and shall only be permitted when consistent with Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval and when adhering to the recommendations made within the approved HMP and when adhering to the following minimum performance standards: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 97 (i) The channel, bank and buffer areas shall be replanted with native vegetation that replicates a natural, undisturbed riparian condition; and (ii) For those shorelands and waters designated as frequently flooded areas pursuant to Section 8.52.130,a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington shall provide information demonstrating that the equivalent base flood storage volume and function will be maintained;and (iii) Relocated stream channels shall be designed to meet or exceed the functions and values of the stream to be relocated as determined by the monitoring in the HMP. (h) Transportation (Roads). (i) Expansion and New Construction. Any private or public road or street expansion or construction that in a FWHCA or its buffer shall comply with the recommendations made within the approved HMP and shall comply with the following minimum development standards: a. Only locate in a FWHCA or buffer when there is no other reasonable or practicable alternative exists and the proposed road or street serves multiple properties whenever possible; b. Public and private roads should provide for other purposes,such as utility crossings, pedestrian or bicycle easements,viewing points, etc; C. The road or street construction shall be the minimum necessary, as required by the Department of Public Works and Fire Marshall, and shall comply with the Department of Public Works'guidelines and the Fire Code to provide public safety and mitigated stormwater impacts. Minimum necessary provisions may include projected level of service requirements; and d. Construction time limits shall be determined in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to ensure species and habitat protection. (ii) Stream Crossings. All new stream crossings shall be discouraged and alternatives shall be explored. Any private or public road expansion or construction which is proposed and must cross streams classified within this chapter,shall comply with the following minimum development standards: a. Bridges or arch/bottomless culverts shall be required for all Type S or F streams (which have anadromous fish habitat). Fish passage shall be provided, if necessary to address man-made obstructions on site. Other alternatives may be allowed upon a showing that,for the site under review,the alternatives would be less disruptive to the habitat or that the necessary building foundations were not feasible. b. Crossings shall not occur in salmonid spawning areas unless no other reasonable crossing site exists. For new development proposals, if existing crossings are determined to adversely impact salmon spawning or passage areas, new or upgraded crossings shall be located as determined necessary through coordination with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 98 C. Bridge piers or abutments shall not be placed either within the floodway or between the ordinary, high water marks unless no other reasonable alternative placement exists; d. All stream crossings shall be required to pass one hundred-year projected flood flows, even in non-fish bearing Type Np or Ns streams. In addition, crossings for Type S or F should allow for downstream transport of large woody debris; e. Crossings shall serve multiple properties whenever possible; f. Where there is no reasonable alternative to providing a culvert,the culvert shall be the minimum length necessary to accommodate the permitted activity. g. All disturbed soils shall be planted with native vegetation where possible. And the utilization of'rip rap' shall be minimized. (iii) Maintenance. Maintenance of roads and bridges shall minimize impacts to water quality. (i) Utility Corridors. (i) Expansion and New Construction. New or expanded utility corridors shall comply with the HMP and the following minimum development standards: a. They shall be aligned when possible to avoid cutting trees greater than twelve inches in diameter at breast height (four and one-half feet) measured on the uphill side. b. They shall be re-vegetated with appropriate native vegetation at not less than pre-construction vegetation densities or greater, immediately upon completion of construction or as soon thereafter as possible due to seasonal growing constraints. The utility shall ensure that such vegetation survives for a three-year period. C. Utility towers shall be painted with brush, pad or roller and shall not be sandblasted or spray painted, nor shall lead base paints be used. (ii) Maintenance. Maintenance shall protect the environment of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas and their buffers. (j) Water Oriented Recreational Facilities. As demonstrated in the HMP,development activities associated with water oriented recreation (including scientific/environmental education)shall be designed and located to minimize impacts to wildlife,fish,or their habitat and/or critical characteristics of the affected conservation area including the following: (1) Locating development on existing road grades, utility corridors,or other such previously disturbed areas where possible; (ii) Minimizing the removal of trees,shrubs, snags and important wildlife habitat; (iii) Setting trails back from FWHCA's so that there will be minimal impact from trail use or maintenance. (iv) Providing bridges at all pedestrian stream intersections; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 99 (v) Implementing low impact development (LID)techniques such as pervious surfaces and rain gardens to the greatest extent feasible. (vi) See (D)(3)(e) above for parking area standards. (4) Activities in FWHCA's or Buffers that Do Not Require a Habitat Management Plan. (a) Agricultural Activities. For all new and ongoing agricultural activities refer to Section 8.52.050(E). (b) Danger Trees(felling of). The felling of danger trees aFe is allowed within buffers without a Habitat Management Plan provided the following conditions are met: (i) When it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator that an imminent threat exists to public health or safety, or the safety of private or public property. Landowner shall provide to the Administrator a written statement describing tree location, danger it poses,and proposed mitigation. (ii) Should the imminent threat not be apparent to the Administrator(as danger trees are defined in Section 8.52.030),the Administrator may require the landowner submit a report from a professional forester or certified arborist. (iii) Before a danger tree may be felled or removed,with the exception of an emergency pursuant to Section 8.52.240,the landowner shall obtain written approval from the Administrator. This approval shall be processed promptly and may not be unreasonably withheld. If the Administrator fails to respond to a danger tree removal request within ten business days,the landowner's request shall be conclusively allowed. (iv) Mitigation as approved by the Administrator to include: a. The planting within the critical area or its buffer a total of six new native trees, each a minimum three years old. Should a report be submitted under subsection (6)(ii), it shall contain recommendations for suitable replacement trees; b. Tree trunks shall be left within the critical area or buffer unless a submitted report warrants its removal to avoid spreading disease or pests. This may be achieved by leaving at least 20 feet of the tree standing as a 'snag' or by leaving the trunk of the cut tree on the ground in as large of segments as possible to provide habitat. The branches from the cut tree may be removed to control fire hazard; and C. Additional mitigation may be required if three or more trees are to be felled on one property within a ten-year period. (c) Enhancement. Enhancement of a buffer by planting native vegetation (see also subsection (F€)(8)). (d) Fences. Fences limited to three (3)feet in height are allowed in the buffer and setback, provided they do not extend waterward of the ordinary high water mark and provided the removal of native vegetation does not exceed the ratio allowed in subsection 44(k24) (View Corridors). (e) Forest Practices. Except for conversions to a non-forestry uses,timber harvesting and forest practices shall be conducted in accordance with the Washington State Forest Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 100 Practices Act(RCW 76.09 as amended), and any implementing regulations(WAC 222 as amended)and are not regulated by this Program except as expressly provided herein. (f) Harvesting of Wild Crops. Harvesting wild crops which do not significantly affect the viability of the wild crop,the function of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat or regulated buffer(does not include tilling of soil or alteration of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area). (g) Maintenance and Use of Existing Landscaped Areas (landward of OHWM). An existing landscaped area is one which is defined by mowed grass,flower beds,orchard trees, shrubs, and trees. Maintenance and use includes mowing, weeding,trimming, replacement of vegetation types, placing landscape walls no more than two feet in height, excavating or placing top soil or compost not exceeding six inches in depth or ten cubic yards in total, placing play equipment (swings, slides,temporary plastic above-ground pools, but not including tree houses or other play houses), and picnic tables and chairs. Maintenance does not include the removal of native trees (see"View Corridors" in (k) below). Exposure of more than two hundred square feet of soil at any one time requires stormwater precautions so that no contaminated runoff reaches a river, wetland,stream, or lake. If such maintenance or use in the buffer area is abandoned or discontinued for greater than five (5)years, activities must conform to the provisions of this chapter. This maintenance allowance does not apply to areas where the ordinance requires restoration or enhancement for common line and other buffer reductions and encroachments. (h) Noxious Weed Removal. The removal of noxious weeds designated in Chapter 17.10 RCW. (i) Remodel, Repair,and Replacement of Structures and Uses. The remodel, repair,or replacement within the footprint,or combined footprints per (E9)(4)Qi) iii as long as the modification does not increase any intrusion into the FWHCA or its buffer and as long as the footprint has not been moved any distance. However, an HMP is required to add gravel to the beach as maintenance of a bulkhead. Note: Substantial improvements that are located within floodplains must meet the standards detailed in the Mason County Flood Ordinance,which may include submitting a Habitat Assessment or Habitat Management Plan. (j) Trails,Single Family Residential. The construction of trails associated with residential use which shall be unpaved when located in the buffer areas,which are not intended for motorized use,which are no wider than four(4)feet, and which avoid clearing native vegetation. (k) View Corridors. Buffer alterations for view corridors are allowed with emphasis placed on limbing and with selective timber removal minimized to the extent possible. Proposed alterations shall be the minimum to afford views within the buffer and shall minimize shrub vegetation removal and ground disturbance while maintaining the large mature trees. Under this provision, no more than ten percent of the shrubs and ten Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 101 percent of trees in the buffer less than six Water Body inches in diameter at breast height may be oHwM cut without specific authorization from Mason County. View corridor u improvement actions which include the cutting of more than 10 percent of shrubs, LA cutting more than 10 percent of trees less m -o than 6 inches diameter, or cutting any native trees larger than six inches in diameter at breast height will require a Habitat Management Plan. -- ---------- ------ 15 feet (E) Establishment of Setbacks on Fish and Wildlife Habitat New Conservation Areas. House Figure FWHCA-1 (1) Standard Setbacks for Saltwater, Lakes Larger than 20 Acres, and Streams. (a) Unless exempt per MCC 8.52.200 or as provided in subsection (E)(4), new or expanded structures shall be set back from the FWHCA a distance equal to or greater than the required buffer width plus fifteen (15)feet or shall obtain approval through a Variance or Reasonable Use Exception. See Figure FWHCA- 1 and Table C. (b) An uncovered deck or a pervious patio may be constructed up to fifteen (15)feet waterward of the setback provided it does not exceed 200 square feet a^�'�.,,�,- he deGk Guard railings height along the perimeter of the decks aFe- wp;4ed-*^ -36- i^e-"^s ap height.shall not be greater than the minimum required by building code. Table 8.52.170(C): Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area Development Standards. Habitat Type Buffer Structure Setback Streams T e S 150 feet 165 feet'_. Type F 150 feet' 165 feet' T pe N 100 feet 1 15 feet Type Ns 75 feet 90 feet Lakes Over 20 acres 1 100 feet 115 feet 4 Less than 20 acres with no critical habitat for I 35 feet 50 feet listed species s Saltwater `Conservancy'or a Natural'SED 1.6 150 feet 165 feet 4,' `Residential'or a `Rural'SED 1.6 100 feet 115 feet 4'' 'Commercial'SED 1.6 50 feet 65 feet 4,7 Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 102 Stream Types: S=shoreline of the state,F=fish habitat,Np=non-fish habitat with perennial(all year)water,Ns=non- fish habitat with dry periods or seasonal water flow.Please see the Definitions section under"Stream"for further explanation. 1 Uses and development are also governed by the Shoreline Master Program 17.50 MCC. 2 Or the channel migration zone,whichever is larger. 3 Or the channel migration zone plus 15 feet,whichever is larger. 4 The setback may be larger or smaller for single family residential development based on the'common line"provisions in (E)(3)(b). 5 Buffers and setbacks for wetlands are regulated by the Wetlands Chapter of the Resource Ordinance MCC 8.52.110. 6 Commercial,Residential,Rural,Conservancy,and Natural are Shoreline Environment Designations found in the Mason County Shoreline Master Program 17.50 MCC. 7 For marine bluffs,there is an additional 2:1 horizontal to vertical setback measured from the OHWM(See MCC 8.52.140). (2) Setbacks on Lakes Smaller than 20 Acres. Lakes aad PeaGs under twenty acres that are not regulated as wetlands and that do not have critical habitat for listed species of local importance shall have buffers of thirty-five feet with an additional fifteen-foot structure setback. (3) Provisions for Decreasing or Increasing the Setback. (a) Variance or Reasonable Use Exception. Unless exempt per MCC 8.52.200,or allowed per subpart(E)(4) below, a new or expanded structure that cannot meet required setbacks shall require approval of a Variance or Reasonable Use Exception. Mason County may decrease the setback on a case by case basis with a Variance or Reasonable Use Exception after consultation with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe, after review and approval of a Habitat Management Plan, and after a public hearing. Mitigation proposed in a Habitat Management Plan must be adequate to preserve or enhance the functions and values of the critical area. This means that a finding must be made that the net effect of the proposal is equal or better than applying the standard buffers. If enhancement is part of the mitigation plan,then a greater level of enhancement is required to offset the time lost while the enhancement matures. (b) 'Common Line'on Residential Lots. The following are special provisions for buffers and setbacks for single family residential development on lots created prior to December 5, 1996,and which are located on saltwater or on a freshwater lake twenty (20)acres or larger in size. (i) Where existing residences are on both sides of and within one hundred fifty feet of the lot line of the subject lot, and no more than two hundred feet from the shoreline OHWM,the setback on the subject lot is determined by an imaginary common line drawn across the subject lot that connects the shore-side roof lines of the first adjacent existing residences (Figure 3 and 4 in Appendix B);or If the shoreline has a high degree of curvature,the administrator may use the average set back from OHWM of the two existing residences rather than the imaginary line between the rooflines in order to establish the common line setback(Figure 6 in Appendix B). (ii) Where an existing residence is on one side of and within one hundred fifty feet of the lot line of the subject lot, and no more than two hundred feet from the shoreline OHWM,the setback on the subject lot is determined by an imaginary Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 103 common line drawn from the shore-side roof line of the existing residence and across the subject lot to a point which is the standard setback(shown in Table 8.52.170.C)from the OHWM along the far lot line of the subject lot (Figure 5 in Appendix B);or If the shoreline has a high degree of curvature,the administrator may use the average of the set back from OHWM of the existing residence and the standard setback, rather than the imaginary line between the roof line and the standard setback, in order to establish the common line setback(Figure 6 in Appendix B). (iii) The common line set back may be more or less than the standard setback(shown in Table 8.52.170.C), provided that: a. The minimum setback for structures shall not be less than 35 feet from the OHWM,and the development envelope (including clearing and grading) shall not encroach more than 15 feet waterward of the setback. b. If the resulting common line setback is less than the standard setback (shown in Table 8.52.170.C), a Common Line Mitigation Plan or a Habitat Management plan shall demonstrate that mitigation will be provided to offset the potential impacts (resulting from the proposed development and use)to the buffer and resource. A Common Line Mitigation Plan may be prepared by the property owner or his/her designee and shall meet the requirements in Appendix B, or a Habitat Management Plan shall be prepared by a qualified habitat bieiegistfish and wildlife professional and meet the requirements in subpart J. Best management practices such as those in Appendix C shall also be implemented to limit impacts to the resource. (iv) As used in this section, a "residence" refers to the principal dwelling/residential structure and does not include outbuildings or other structures. (4) Structures for which Setbacks Do Not Apply. In addition to the exemptions in MCC 8.52.200,structures associated with the following uses shall be allowed,within a setback without a Variance to the extent that they are conducted so as to minimize any impact on the values and functions of the FWHCA and provided they are consistent with the Shoreline Master Program,the Geologically Hazardous Areas chapter,the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, and any other applicable policies and regulations. A Habitat Management Plan (HMP) is required in most circumstances and is indicated by an asterisk(*). (a) Agricultural structures associated with existing commercial agricultural operations. (New agricultural development activities are subject to setbacks and Habitat Management Plans.) (b) *Aquaculture, Marinas, and other Water Dependent Uses. (c) *Bank Stabilization/Shoreline Stabilization. Bank stabilization on shorelines is allowed in certain circumstances(see the Shoreline Master Program). A stream channel,stream bank, or non-shoreline lake may be stabilized when naturally occurring earth movement threatens existing legal structures (structure is defined for Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 104 this purpose as those requiring a building permit pursuant to the International Building Code), public improvements, unique natural resources, public health, safety or welfare, or the only feasible access to property, and when such stabilization results in maintenance of fish habitat,flood control and improved water quality. Mason County may require that bank stabilization be designed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington with demonstrated expertise in hydraulic actions of shorelines. For bank stabilization projects within FWHCAs, emphasis shall be placed on bioengineering solutions (techniques used alone or in combination such as beach nourishment,coarse beach fill,gravel berms,or vegetation rather than hard surfaces such as concrete armoring) unless proved by the applicant to be infeasible. Bank stabilization projects may also require a hydraulic project approval from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and will be determined after consultation with WDFW. (d) *Beach Access(stairs to the beach)and Boat Launches. Beach access and boat launches on non-shoreline lakes shall meet the same dimensional requirements as those required within shoreline iurisdictionf^F sh^F^'f^^ "^,rh a^^^« (in the Shoreline Master Program). (e) *Docks(piers, ramps, and floats), Unattached Floats, Boat Lifts, and Buoys. Docks and unattached floats on non-shoreline lakes (less than 20 acres)shall meet the same dimensional requirements as those required for shoreline docks (in the Shoreline Master Program). (f) Fences. Fences limited to three (3)feet in height provided they do not extend waterward of the ordinary high water mark. Fences to protect habitat and water quality may be taller than three feet tall, provided they are designed and located to allow wildlife to safely move and access forage and water,and provided the fence is recommended in an HMP or recommended by the Mason Conservation District to protect the critical area. (g) Forest Practice structures, provided they are in compliance with WAC 222. (h) *Pedestrian stream crossings, provided they meet the standards in (D)(3)(f). (i) *Retaining walls to protect an existing primary structure. Primary structure means the structure (or the only access) associated with the principal use of the property that cannot feasibly be relocated. (j) Remodel, Repair,and Replacement. (i) The remodel or repair of an existing legally established structure shall be approved within its existing footprint, as long as the modification does not increase any intrusion into the FWHCA or its buffer. Note: Substantial improvements that are located within floodplains must meet the standards detailed in the Mason County Flood Ordinance. (ii) Reconstruction of legally established structures destroyed by fire or other means shall be approved, provided that the planned reconstruction occurs within the previous structural footprint and completed application is made within five years of the destruction. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 105 (iii) *To further reduce the impacts of existing development,the footprint of existing legally established structures within the FWHCA or its buffer may be combined into one footprint area equal to or lesser than the original area, provided that: a. The combined footprint proposed shall be located in the site of legally established residences and garages most distant from or less intrusive to the FWHCA or buffer, and the other structures nearer to the FWHCA shall be removed from the FWHCA or buffer; and b. For the purpose of this section,footprint does not include uncovered decks and patios. C. A Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP) as outlined in Appendix B of this Resource Ordinance shall be prepared and submitted to the County. (iv) The following additional provisions only apply within the shoreline jurisdiction (per 17.50 MCC): a. Replacing a legally established structure within the footprint is considered repair, provided: I. A complete application is submitted within five(5)years of the date of damage; and II. If a non-conforming use is discontinued (ceases to operate, use, or produce)for more than thirty-six 36 months,any subsequent use, if allowed,shall comply with the Shoreline Master Program. b. *The replacement of existing, legally established-factory built homes, a greater building footprint than existed prior to replacement may be allowed in order to accommodate the replacement of a factory built home that is less than 1,000 square feet with another factory built home that does not have the same size and shape. A proposed increase less than 25%of the existing home's footprint shall not require a Variance. The replacement home may be no closer to the shoreline than the existing residence. C. *The structural footprint may be moved within the subject parcel and may change in shape provided: I. The modification does not increase any intrusion into the FWHCA or its buffer or setback and provided its conformity with property line setback requirements (per the Development Regulations) is increased to the maximum extent practicable; II. Unless recommended otherwise by a fish and wildlife habitat professional or a by the author of a geotechnical report (per MCC 8.52.140),any remaining structural components (such as a foundation)shall be removed from an abandoned footprint. (*The Habitat Management Plan or Common Line Mitigation Plan when allowed per 8.52.170(E)(4)(1)0v)c.IV. shall include enhancement of the abandoned footprint with riparian vegetation (upland of the OHWM only) as well as mitigation for the new footprint; and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 106 III. For overwater construction such as docks,a footprint may not be moved to a location where there is documented submerged aquatic vegetation and forage fish spawning areas. IV. Movement of the existing footprint landward will require a Common Line Mitigation Plan to be prepared and submitted to the County,as outlined in Appendix B of this Resource Ordinance. d. Except for overwater structures, legally established residences may be expanded by addition of space above the existing building footprint up to authorized heights. Upward expansions shall minimize impacts to existing views and FWHCA's to the greatest extent practical. For the purposes of this subsection,footprint does not include covered decks on waterward side of residence,e-r-uncovered decks, boat houses,sheds or other appurtenances. (k) *Stairs, Upland. The construction of an upland stairs (landwards of OHWM) provided it does not exceed four(4)feet wide. (1) *Transportation/roads may encroach into the setback, provided they meet the standards in (D)(3)(h). Stream crossings for transportation shall comply with (D)(3)(h)(ii). (m) *Utilities. Placement or expansion of utilities pursuant to the following standards: (i) Wells,water lines,septic systems, and sewer lines and associated pumps and lifts are not permitted in FWHCA's but may be permitted within setbacks (without a Variance)only when no practicable or reasonable alternative location is available and it meets state and local health codes. When encroachment into the buffer requires removal of native vegetation, an HMP shall be required. (i 6enJtFestyee and expans+eR of 9R site sewage systems are net peFFnitted at the., iieeessaF,to et state and/OF leE_a' health ee-de FegbioFements- (n) *Water Oriented Recreational Facilities. Structures associated with water oriented recreation (including scientific/environmental education)such as boardwalks, kiosks, benches, and viewing platforms. See (D)(3)for additional standards. (F) Stewardship Options and Incentives. The purpose of this subsection is to encourage property owners to protect critical areas and their buffers and to reduce the burden on property owners from the application of the Resource Ordinance regulations. The options given below may be used individually,or they may be combined for greatest effect and benefit. (1) Open Space Bonus. Any property owner, except on land designated as long-term commercial forest lands,Agricultural Resource Lands or Mineral Resource Lands, may apply for a performance subdivision as provided in Chapter 16.22, Mason County Code. Approval of such a subdivision provides for a development density bonus-that is, it allows more lots for development-in exchange for the protection of critical areas and meeting other design requirements. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 107 (2) Open Space Tax Assessment and Public Benefit Ratings System. Any property owner may apply for current use property tax assessment for lands which are Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas or their buffers pursuant to RCW 84.34. The county is developing an open space plan and system of evaluating the public benefit rating and an assessed valuation schedule to provide incentives for property owners to conserve important open space lands. (a) The land proposed for current use tax assessment shall be in a separate tract or a conservation easement. (b) Any person who owns an identified critical area or its associated buffer may place a conservation easement over that portion of the property. A conservation easement is a legal agreement a property owner makes to restrict the type and amount of development that may occur on a parcel. Each easement is tailored to the particular property and to the interest of the individual owner. The property owner grants an easement to an appropriate governmental agency or non-profit land trust. It provides significant property and federal income tax benefits to the property owner. The purpose of the easement shall be to preserve, protect, maintain, restore and limit future use of the property affected. The terms of the conservation easement may include prohibitions or restrictions on access and shall be approved by the property owner and the county. (3) Density Credit. On lands containing FWHCAs or their buffers,the county shall allow a transfer of density for residential uses from the portion of the property containing the critical areas or buffers to that portion of the property that does not contain critical areas or buffers -that is, the property could be developed with the same number of lots it would have if critical areas were not present- provided that such transfer does not create any adverse impacts to the critical area that cannot be adequately mitigated and provided that all other development regulations can be met. (4) Tax Re-assessment. The owner of any property that has been affected by a permit decision by the county may request an immediate re-assessment by the Mason County Assessor's Office,as provided by RCW Chapter 84. (5) Conservation Futures. If approved by a vote of the people of Mason County, Mason County shall use conservation futures revenue to compensate affected property owners for the impact of protecting fish and wildlife through the purchase of conservation easements on impacted land or the impacted land. (6) Education. The county encourages proper stewardship on land to provide benefits to fish and wildlife. The county shall provide educational information to the public through its sponsorship of the Washington State Cooperative Extension Service,the Mason Conservation District, or through the provision of informational materials in its offices. (7) Best Management Practices. Where not otherwise required, Mason County encourages the use of best management practices that are part of site preparation, development construction, and use activities after construction: erosion and sediment control measures; maintain existing vegetation and minimize site clearing; use native plants in landscaping rather than lawn areas;control runoff to small ponds and buffer vegetation;and minimize use of fertilizers and chemicals in property maintenance (pest,weed, and moss control;sealants, oils, and fuels). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 108 (8) Enhancement. Mason County encourages property owners to enhance critical areas and buffers which have been degraded by past land clearing and site modification activities or replaced by noxious vegetation. The county has established a noxious weed board to assist with this process. Critical area enhancement projects shall require staff review and needed approvals. Mason County shall waive review fees for enhancement projects that meet either of the below criteria: (a) Sponsored Projects. Enhancement projects sponsored by Mason County,Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mason Conservation District, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Washington Department of Natural Resources, or other public agency approved by the administrator which are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Resource Ordinance, and other plans adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. (b) Vegetation Planting/Removal. Planting of native vegetation or removal of non-native species for the enhancement of the critical area; provided,that such activities are performed using hand tools and are limited to the area being enhanced; provided further,that watering of newly planted vegetation is limited to the first three years. Watering of newly planted vegetation on geologically hazardous areas shall require approval of a geotechnical report, mitigation plan or restoration plan in accordance with this chapter. Allowable hand tools include gas and electric-powered equipment which is typically moved by hand, including equipment such as chain saws, hedge trimmers, and lawn mowers. (9) Voluntary Stewardship Program. The implementation of plans and practices that voluntarily protect and enhance critical areas where agricultural activities are conducted. Refer to Section 8.52.050(E). (G) Habitats and Species of Local Importance—Listing and Delisting Important Habitats and Species. (1) Locally significant species are those which are not state listed as threatened, endangered or sensitive, but which live in Mason County, and the species is special importance to the citizens of Mason County for cultural or historical reasons,or the county is a critically significant portion of their range. Mason County is a critically significant portion of the range of a species when any of the following conditions apply: (a) The species would be extirpated from the state of Washington if it is extirpated from Mason County;or (b) The species' population would be divided into non-viable populations if it is extirpated from Mason County,where the isolated populations are critical to the survival of the species; or (c) The species is listed as a state monitor or candidate species and Mason County is a significant portion of the range of the species and significant reduction or extirpation of the species from Mason County would result in changing the status of the species to that of state endangered,threatened, or sensitive. (2) Locally significant habitats are those habitats in which significant species live, or which is of special importance to the citizens of Mason County because they have been determined to contribute to the variety of habitats or diversity of species. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 109 (3) Regulations prepared to protect locally important habitat and species shall consider and, where possible,support the economic development of Mason County and the use of resource lands and resources industry, enhance the affordability of housing, and otherwise promote the achievement of other goals in the Mason County Comprehensive Plan. (4) The process for listing or delisting an important habitat or species in Mason County shall be an amendment to this section of the interim Resource Ordinance. This action may be initiated by request of the State Department of Fish and Wildlife,the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe, county staff, or interested citizens. Any such request shall be in writing and shall include: (a) The common and scientific names of for species under consideration; (b) Habitat location on a map(scale 1:24,000); (c) The reasons for the request, including: (i) Declining or increasing population, (ii) Sensitivity to habitat manipulation; (d) Habitat management recommendations, including potential uses and restrictions of the habitat areas,seasonally sensitive areas, and other guidelines necessary for the protection of the nominated species; (e) Other supporting documentation, including an analysis which weighs the non- environmental impacts of the proposal,addressing economics and land use, against the benefits of the proposed listing. (5) The written request and supporting data may be evaluated by a qualified wildlife biologist or equivalent professional selected by the county. (6) In addition to the above,the county shall consider the following factors when evaluating the request: (a) The specificity and scientific validity of the information about the nominated species needs and behaviors; (b) The sufficiency of habitat areas currently available to sustain the species over time; and (c) The versatility of the proposed habitat area to sustain species other than the one being nominated for local species of importance designation. (H) Application Review Process. (1) Upon the receipt of an application for development,the Director shall determine whether the requirements of this section apply. The Director may consult with affected Tribes or state agencies in determining that the subject property is shown to be documented habitat for federal or state listed endangered,threatened or sensitive species. (2) Boundaries. (a) The procedures for formal determination of regulated FWHCA boundaries are as follows: (i) The FWHCA boundary for streams shall be the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 110 (ii) The FWHCA boundary for marine shorelines and lakes greater than twenty(20) acres shall be the OHWM. (iii) The boundary of all other FWHCAs may be determined using published databases, resource agency personnel, consultation with the Skokomish Tribe, Quinault and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe, and/or by a qualified environmental professional based upon site specific assessment and species presence. (b) Formal boundary determination or stream typing is the responsibility of the county. The county may make this determination based on a site visit or on existing natural resource documentation or mapping, at a fee to the applicant. However,when sufficient natural resource information does not exist or is unclear,the Department shall require a field delineation or stream typing be performed by a qualified professional (biologist, hydrologist,soil scientist,and/or other expert as circumstances warrant)at the applicant's expense. (c) Where Mason County performs a formal determination at the request of the applicant pursuant to subsection (b)above, it shall be considered a final determination unless contested by the applicant or other affected party. (d) Where the applicant has provided the information in support of a permit for a formal determination by the county of the fish and wildlife habitat conservation area boundary, Mason County shall verify the accuracy of,and may render adjustments to, the boundary determination in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. (3) In addition to any other requirements, permits shall only be granted if: (a) The proposed activity avoids adverse impacts to regulated FWHCA, or takes affirmative and appropriate measures to compensate for impacts. Mitigation sequencing should follow the avoidance, minimization, and compensation analysis, in that order of preference; (b) When impacting the critical area or buffer cannot be avoided,the proposed activity shall be consistent with an approved Habitat Management Plan, prepared by a qualified habitat Waleg. Fish and Wildlife Professional at the applicant's expense;and (c) A Mason Environmental Permit,Variance,or Reasonable Use Exception is approved as required by this chapter for development activities proposed within FWHCA buffers and/or setbacks. When a permit is required under this chapter, it is the applicant's responsibility to provide all necessary and accurate data to the county for its review. (4) The Administrator shall provide HMP's to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife,the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe and, if required,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service so that they may respond in writing to Mason County with review comments or a request for additional information within twenty-eight days from the date of issuance of a draft habitat management plan. Mason County shall have the authority to approve Habitat Management Plans or require additional information. (5) A performance bond,or other security, shall be posted by the permittee prior to commencing a FWHCA mitigation project. This requirement may be waived by the Director for small scale projects if other measures are used to ensure that compliance is achieved. The security shall be in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of conformance with the recommended mitigation, maintenance, and monitoring measures detailed within the HMP. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 111 Security monies shall be released under two options: 1)After the Director determines that mitigation has been successfully completed in compliance with the approved HMP, all performance standards have been achieved, and the monitoring period has expired,the bond or other security shall be released, 2) after the Director determines that a portion of the mitigation has been successfully completed in compliance with the approved HMP and the appropriate performance standards have been achieved, as documented in an annual mitigation monitoring report, a portion of the bond or other security shall be released. The county may collect against the security and require the property owner to sign a property access release form when work, which is not completed, is found to be in violation of the conditions set forth in the HMP and/or the Director determines that the site is in violation of the purposes of this section. (6) After the Habitat Management Plan has been approved by the county, it shall(with a Notice of Habitat Management Plan) be recorded on the property Title. The Director may allow portions of the HMP (such as the site plan and the mitigation language)to be recorded rather than the entire HMP,when appropriate. (7) FWHCA permits shall not be effective and no activity thereunder shall be allowed during the time provided to file and process a permit appeal. (1) Mitigation for Regulated Activities in Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas and Buffers. Permit applicants shall conduct compensatory mitigation for regulated activities that impact FWHCA or their buffers and shall prepare a detailed HMP for all impacts. The HMP shall be prepared according to standards in Section 8.52.170(J).The overall goal of any compensatory buffer mitigation project shall be no-net-loss of FWHCA function and area. (1) Permit applicants shall mitigate for FWHCA and buffer impacts at a minimum 1:1 replacement ratio(meaning that for every square/linear foot oif buffer encroachment or impact,the applicant shall provide 1 square/linear foot of buffer replacement). (2) The Director or his/her designee may allow off-site mitigation, provided priority shall be given to in-kind,onsite mitigation. Selection of the appropriate location and type of mitigation shall be based on the nature and degree of impacts to ecological functions,the functional lift provided by the mitigation project, limiting functions within the watershed,the sustainability of the mitigation project,and other relevant considerations applicable to the specific impact and mitigation project. The permit applicant shall consider watershed conditions and best available science to determine the type and location of mitigation. (3) The Director or his/her designee may allow the use of certified public or private mitigation banks and/or In-Lieu Fee(ILF) programs to mitigate for impacts when appropriate site conditions are present;the applicable permitting agencies approve the use of alternative mitigation;and a 'mitigation bank use plan' or'ILF program use plan'shall be submitted rather than a HMP. (J) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Requirements. Habitat Management Plans shall identify how impacts to FWHCAs and their buffers will follow the 'mitigation sequencing'detailed in the definition of'mitigation' in MCC 8.52.030. The following describes the requirements of a HMP as discussed in this chapter: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 112 (1) A HMP shall consider measures to preserve and protect the wildlife habitat and associated buffer and shall consider effects of land use intensity,setbacks, impervious surfaces,erosion control and retention of natural vegetation on the functions and values of the FWHCA and the watershed as a whole. This report shall identify how the impacts from the proposed use or activity will follow 'mitigation sequencing.' The rationale for site selection, using a watershed approach,shall be provided when the applicant proposes to implement mitigation themselves, regardless of whether the mitigation is onsite or offsite. (2) The report shall be based on the most recent publication of the Management Recommendations for Washington's Priority Habitats and Species, as now or hereafter amended, and consultation with a habitat biologist from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and with the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe. (3) The HMP shall be prepared by a qualified fish and wildlife professional,or the HMP shall be reviewed and approved for adequacy by a qualified fish and wildlife professional prior to submittal to the county. (4) For those projects requiring the preparation of a biological assessment (BA)or biological evaluation (BE) as part of the application for a Corps of Engineers permit,the approved BA or BE meets the requirements of a HMP. (5) The HMP shall contain but not be limited to the following information: (a) A map(s) prepared at an easily readable scale,showing: (i) The location of the proposed site; (ii) The relationship of the site to surrounding topographic and built features; (b) A site plan at an easily readable scale on 11" by 17", 8%" by 14",or 8%" by 11" showing the existing site conditions, structures, property lines, easements,and natural features. (c) A site plan at an easily readable scale on 11" by 17", 8%2" by 14", or 8%2" by 11" showing the following: (i) The area of the proposed development envelope(including landscaping, driveway,structure, drain field, etc.); (ii) Proposed structures; (iii) Existing structures to remain; (iv) FWHCA's and their associated OHWM's and/or buffers required by this chapter; (v) Any other natural features including wetlands; (vi) Proposed compensatory mitigation areas;and (vii) A legend which includes: a. A complete and accurate parcel number, legal description, and total acreage of the parcel; b. Title, scale,and north arrow; and C. The authoring qualified biologist's printed name,signature, and date; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 113 (d) A report which contains: (i) A description of the nature, density and intensity of the proposed use or activity in sufficient detail to allow analysis of such land use change upon identified wildlife habitat; (ii) An analysis, including area or linear feet of impact, of the effect of the proposed use or activity upon fish and wildlife species and their habitats and associated buffers listed in this chapter; (iii) A plan which explains how the applicant will apply mitigation sequencing to mitigate for adverse impacts to fish and/or wildlife habitats created by the proposed use or activity. This explanation must address the management goals, policies and recommendations presented in this chapter. While species and site specific management practices will often be required,some general best management practices have been developed in Appendix C and may be used in the plan. Mitigation measures within the plan may include, but are not limited to: a. Habitat enhancement areas, b. Preservation of critically important plants and trees, C. Limitation of access to buffer and habitat enhancement area, d. Seasonal restriction of construction activities, e. Clustering of development and preservation of open space, f. Sign marking habitats or habitat buffer areas, g. Conservation easements. (iv) Review comments by a habitat biologist from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Skokomish Tribe,the Quinault Tribe and/or the Squaxin Island Tribe shall be included in the HMP when available. If the HMP recommends mitigation involving federally listed threatened or endangered species, migratory waterfowl or wetlands,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall receive a copy of the draft HMP and their review comments shall be included in the final report. (v) A schedule for monitoring and maintenance of the mitigation. This shall specify it is the property owner's responsibility to submit (to the Department) monitoring reports on a periodic basis for a duration determined by the Department to be appropriate. After physically inspecting the site,the Department may require that these monitoring reports be prepared by a qualified professional and shall use best available science to evaluate whether or not the mitigation has achieved success. Performance standards may assess: a. Vegetation (aerial cover, density, composition, percent of natives,etc.). b. Water regime, if applicable. C. Water quality and quantity, if applicable. d. Wildlife use. e. Development of habitat structure. f. Condition of habitat features. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 114 (vi) A dollar estimate for the projected costs to professionally install or perform the mitigation and to perform the maintenance and monitoring. The property owner will be required to post a bond for this amount(see subpart (1-1)(5)). (K) Relief from the Requirements in this Section. Specific relief from the requirements of this section may be obtained on a case-by-case basis by applying for a variance (Section 8.52.220)or a reasonable use exception (Section 8.52.190). (Ord. 138-06(part),2006:Ord. 128-04 Att.B(part),2004;Ord. 106-04 Att.B(part),2004;Ord.53-04 Att.B(part), 2004;Ord.32-04 Att.B(part),2004;Ord.9-03 Att.B(part),2003;Ord. 17-02 Aft.B,2002:Ord.89-00 Att.A(part), 2000:Ord. 118-99 Att.B § 1, 1999).(Ord.No.54-09,6-16-2009) 8.52.190 Development Review Process: (A) Administration. There is established an administrative system designed to assign responsibilities for implementation of the Resource Ordinance,and to prescribe an orderly process by which to review proposals and permit applications,and to ensure that all persons affected by this chapter are treated in a fair and equitable manner. (B) Administrator. (1) The Director of the County's Community Services Department, is vested with: (a) Overall administrative responsibility for this interim Resource Ordinance; (b) Authority to grant statements of exemption from the interim Resource Ordinance; and (c) Authority to determine compliance with RCW 43.21C,State Environmental Policy Act. (2) The duties and responsibilities of the Director shall include: (a) Establishing the procedures and preparing forms deemed essential for the administration of the chapter; (b) Advising interested citizens and applicants of the policies, regulations,and procedures of this chapter; (c) Making administrative decisions and interpretations and policies of this chapter and the Growth Management Act; (d) Collecting fees; (e) Determining that all applications and necessary data is completed; (f) Grant or deny permits after considering all relevant information; (g) Making field inspections, as necessary; (h) Reviewing, insofar as possible, all provided and related data deemed necessary for appropriate application needs; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 115 (i) Determining if a permit, conditional use or variance is required; (j) Submitting variance applications and conditional use permit applications and making written recommendations and findings on such permits to the hearing examiner. The Director shall assure that all relevant information and testimony regarding the application is made available to the hearing examiner during their review. (k) Assuring that proper notice is given to the appropriate persons and the public of all hearings; (1) Informing the citizens of the county of the purposes,goals, policies, and regulations of this chapter and any changes or amendments thereto; (m) Investigate, develop, and propose amendments to this chapter as deemed necessary to more effectively and equitably achieve its goals and policies. (C) Environmental Permit. (1) Applicability. All developments and uses that are permit required or conditionally permitted under the terms of this chapter within designated resource lands and critical areas shall be subject to review and approval by the county through the permit process described by this section. However, proposals within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Master Program shall require a shoreline permit(exemption,substantial development, or variance) instead of an Environmental Permit. (2) Approval Authority. (a) Administrative Review. All development listed as"permit required" in this chapter shall be processed through administrative review procedures. Decisions of the Director shall be appealable to the hearing examiner pursuant to terms of Title 15 Development Code Section 15.11.010 Appeals of administrative decisions. (b) Public Review. All development listed as "conditional" in this chapter shall be processed through administrative review procedures; provided that public review procedures shall be followed under the following conditions: (i) Any person,who would qualify as an aggrieved person if an appeal was being requested, requests to the Director in writing within ten calendar days following posting of the public notice, pursuant to subsection 0) of this section,that a public review procedure be conducted;or (ii) The Director determines, based on the nature and complexity of the project,that the public review procedure should be conducted. When public review procedures are followed,the final approval authority shall be the hearing examiner. (c) Shoreline Master Program Review. When a use,development or other activity that is subject to review under this chapter is also subject to review under the county Shoreline Master Program,the proposed use, development or activity shall be processed concurrently with provisions of the Shoreline Master Program. Administrative decisions under terms of this chapter should generally, but are not required to, precede a public hearing before the hearing examiner. (3) Permit Name. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 116 (a) A permit required under one or more of the permit required use categories of this chapter shall be known as a Mason environmental permit(MEP). (b) A permit required under one or more of the conditional use categories of this chapter shall be known as a Mason conditional environmental permit(MCEP). (c) If a use is listed as a permit required use for one or more critical areas or resource lands, and a conditional use for one or more of the critical areas or resource lands, it shall be considered a conditional use and require a Mason conditional environmental permit(MCEP)for county approval. If a site is subject to permitting authority under more than one designated critical area or resource land, all such permits shall be processed concurrently. (4) Pre-Application Consultations. Any person intending to apply for a permit under terms of this chapter is strongly encouraged, but not required,to meet with the county at the earliest possible stage of project planning in order to discuss potential impacts of this chapter on the development proposal. Applicant will be encouraged to fill out a checklist to determine the need for particular permits in critical areas. Efforts put into pre-application consultations and planning will help applicants create projects which will be more quickly and easily processed. The county shall not charge a fee for pre-application consultations. (5) Permit Application Form. (a) The Director shall establish, upon consultation with the County Engineer, Health Official, Fire Marshal,and Building Official, a single Mason Environmental Permit(MEP) and Mason Conditional Environmental Permit (MCEP)form,to be used for all development proposals subject to review under authority of this chapter. Such form shall include requests for applicants to provide such information as to facilitate compliance with the terms of this chapter. (b) In addition,all application forms for building permits, sanitary waste permits,shoreline permits,floodplain permits, and subdivision approvals including boundary line adjustments, short subdivisions and large lot segregations shall include adequate references to identify those properties subject to resource land and critical area regulations that enables the county to determine whether a Mason environmental permit(MEP)or Mason conditional environmental permit(MCEP) is also necessary. (6) Administrative Determination of Applicability. Any person seeking to determine whether a proposed activity or an area is subject to this chapter may request in writing, at a fee set by the board, a formal "determination of applicability"from the Director. Such a request for determination shall contain plans, data, and other information as may be specified by the Director. (7) Permit Fees. Fees for a Mason Environmental Permit (MEP), Mason Conditional Environmental Permit (MCEP),and other special studies review shall be set by resolution of the board. (D) SEPA Compliance. An application for a permit shall not be considered complete until it has complied with all procedural requirements of RCW Chapter 43.21c,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 117 administrative regulations adopted to implement SEPA and the county Environmental Policy Ordinance, 99-84, or as hereafter amended. (E) Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Compliance. All Mason Environmental Permit(MEP)and Mason Conditional Environmental Permit(MCEP) applications shall be forwarded for review to the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA) unless the Director makes written findings that the proposed development is unlikely to result in any direct or indirect impacts on air quality. Development shall be consistent with all applicable ORCAA standards. (F) Special Studies and Plans. (1) Developments lying within one or more designated critical areas may be required by the Director to submit a special study or plan that assures the proposed development does not degrade the functions and values of those critical areas.Those studies include: (a) Wetland delineation and/or categorization report under Section 8.52.110 (b) Wetland mitigation plan under Sections 8.52.110; (c) Aquifer recharge area report under Section 8.52.120; (d) Geotechnical report or geological assessment under Section 8.52.140 (e) Habitat management plan under Section 8.52.170 (2) Requirements for special plans can be found in each critical area section. (3) An application for a Mason Environmental Permit(MEP)or Mason Conditional Environmental Permit(MCEP)shall not be considered complete until it includes all special studies or plans required by this chapter. (G) Acceptance of Applications. (1) The original complete Mason Environmental Permit (MEP) or Mason Conditional Environmental Permit (MCEP)application shall be submitted to the Community Services Department. Copies of the accepted application shall be forwarded to the appropriate agencies for review. (2) Upon acceptance of an application, notice of application shall be posted by the applicant on the property or principal entry point to the property from the nearest public right-of-way upon which the proposed development is located using a form provided by the county, on a waterproof sign. The sign shall be maintained until action is taken on the application,when it shall be promptly removed. The sign shall be located so that it is visible from the abutting road. When more than one road abuts the property,then the sign shall be visible from the road having the greatest traffic volume. Signs shall be of a size determined by the Planning Division of the Community Services Department. (H) Review by Agencies. For all applications,within twenty-one calendar days of acceptance of a complete application: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 118 (1) The Planning Division Manager shall notify the Director of Community Services that the proposal does or does not conform to the goals and policies of RCW 36.70A,the standards of this chapter,and report on such other matters as may properly be their responsibility; (2) The Public Works Director shall notify the Director of Community Services that the proposed roads, utilities, drainage facilities and other improvements can or cannot conform to county development standards and state law under the Public Works Director's authority; (3) The Public Works Director shall also, in such manner deemed appropriate,establish the adequacy of legal descriptions of the subject property; (4) The Environmental Health Division Manager shall notify the Director of Community Services that the proposed method of waste disposal and proposed system of water supply can or cannot conform to adopted development standards, including the county Health code and state law under the Health Director's authority; (5) The county Fire Marshal shall notify the Director of Community Services that the development can or cannot conform to adopted fire safety standards, including the Uniform Fire Code and state law under the fire marshal's authority. (6) The County Building Official shall notify the Director of Community Services that the development can or cannot conform to adopted building safety standards, including the Uniform Building Code and state law under the building official's authority. In addition to the above agencies,the Planning Division Manager of Community Services shall provide,on a timely basis,a copy of the development proposal to all agencies of jurisdiction and affected tribes,as required by RCW Chapter 43.21c,the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA);and incorporate any comments received into the County decision making process. (1) Administrative Review. (1) Review of permits shall follow the provisions of Title 15 Development Code Section 15.09 for Type II decision review. (2) Director's Findings. (a) The Director shall make findings based upon the review and recommendations of County departments, other agencies, affected tribes, and any public comments received. Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner by which the decision would carry out and conform to the goals of RCW 36.70A, other adopted County policies,objectives and regulations and this chapter. (b) A decision on the application may be to grant,deny,or grant with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the Director finds necessary to ensure that the proposed development is compatible with the natural environment, and is in compliance with the goals of RCW 36.70A,the Shoreline Master Program, State Environmental Policy Act,the standards of this chapter, and other County codes and ordinances found applicable. Examples of the kinds of conditions, modifications and restrictions which may be imposed include, but are not limited to, additional setbacks, screenings in the form of fencing or landscaping, storm drainage facilities, restrictive covenants, easements, dedications of additional rights-of-way, performance bonds and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 119 measures to mitigate identified adverse environmental and socio-economic impacts associated with the proposed action. (J) Public Review. If a determination is made that a public review is necessary, pursuant to subsection (C)(2)(b) of this section,then the provisions of Title 15 Development Code Section 15.09 for Type III decision review shall be followed. (K) Reasonable Use Exception. (1) If the application of this chapter would deny all reasonable use of a site,development may be allowed which is consistent with the general purposes of this chapter and the public interest. (2) Nothing in this chapter is intended to preclude all reasonable use of property. An applicant for a development proposal may file a request for a reasonable use exception which shall be considered by the hearing examiner at a public hearing. (a) A description of the areas of the site which are critical and/or resource lands or within setbacks required under this chapter; (b) A description of the amount of the site which is within setbacks required by other County standards; (c) A description of the proposed development, including a site plan; (d) An analysis of the impact that the amount of development would have on the resource lands or critical areas; (e) An analysis of whether any other reasonable use with less impact on the resource lands or critical areas is possible; (f) A design of the proposal so that the amount of development proposed as reasonable use will have the least impact practicable on the resource lands and/or critical areas; (g) Other information as the Administrator determines is reasonably necessary to evaluate the issue of reasonable use as it relates to the proposed development. (3) The hearing examiner may approve the reasonable use exception, if the hearing examiner determines the following criteria are met: (a) There is no other reasonable use or feasible alternative to the proposed development with less impact on the resource lands or critical areas; and (b) The proposed development does not pose a threat to the public Health,safety or welfare on or off the site; and (c) Any alteration of the resource lands and/or critical areas shall be the minimum necessary to allow for reasonable use of the property;and (d) The inability of the applicant to derive reasonable use of the property is not the result of actions by the applicant in subdividing the property or adjusting a boundary line thereby creating the undevelopable condition after the effective date of the chapter; and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 120 (e) The proposal mitigates the impact on the resource lands and/or critical areas to the maximum extent possible,while still allowing reasonable use of the site. (4) Except when application from this chapter would deny all reasonable use of a site, an applicant who seeks an exception from the regulations of the chapter shall pursue a variance as provided in Title 15 Development Code Section 15.09.057 (Ord. 50-04 Attach. B(part),2004:Ord. 1 18-99,Attachment B § 3, 1999,Ord.36A-97(part), 1997,Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.200 —General Exemptions: The following activities shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance: (1) All policies, regulations, and procedures of this ordinance are null and void and have no effect on those activities and uses conducted pursuant to the Washington State Forest Practices Act and its rules and regulations,WAC 222-12-030, where state law specifically exempts local authority, except those developments requiring local approval for Class 4-General Forest Practice Permits (conversions) as defined in RCW 76.09 and WAC 222-12. (2) Normal and routine maintenance and operation of existing irrigation and drainage actions,farm ponds,fish ponds, manure lagoons,and livestock water ponds, provided that such activities do not involve conversion of any wetland not being used for such activity to another land use. (3) Normal and routine maintenance or repair of existing utility structures or rights-of-way. (4) Passive recreational uses,sport fishing or hunting,scientific or educational review, or similar minimal impact, non-development activities. (5) Site investigative work required by a county,state, or federal agency,or any other applicant preparing a land use application submittal such as surveys, soil logs, percolation tests, and other related activities, provided that impacts on environmentally critical areas are minimized,and disturbed areas are restored to the preexisting level of function and value within one (1)year after tests are concluded. (6) Maintenance,operation, reconstruction of, or addition to, existing roads,streets,and driveways, provided that reconstruction of, or addition to, any such facilities does not extend outside the previously disturbed area. For activities outside of the right of way or previously disturbed areas and following the discussion of the proposed work with the Director or designee, maintenance of public roads conducted using the best management practices contained in the"Regional Road Maintenance ESA Program Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 121 Guidelines" or similar programmatic guidelines endorsed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries. (7) Any project currently under review by local,state or federal agencies prior to the official effective date of the Mason County Resource Ordinance (as amended or adopted) are exempt from this ordinance and will be grandfathered under previous Resource protection measures;except for projects which are affected by the invalidity finding of the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board dated September 6, 1996, and subsequent dates. (8) Installation,construction, replacement, operation or alteration of all electric facilities, lines, equipment or appurtenances;water and sewer lines;and all natural gas, cable communications and telephone facilities, lines, pipes, mains,equipment or appurtenances within the previously improved area of public road right-of-way or authorized private road; but not including the construction of substations. (9) Construction and operation (including normal repair and maintenance) of fish hatcheries. (10) Agricultural activities,as defined in MCC Section 8.52.030,with the exception of those activities conducted in geologically hazardous areas,seismic hazard areas, and frequently flooded areas. Refer to Section 8.52.050(E). Exemption from this Chapter shall not be deemed to grant exemption from any other provisions of the Mason County Code including MCC Chapter 14.04 (State Building Codes), MCC Title 17 (Zoning and Shoreline Master Program), and all applicable state and federal laws including the Federal Clean Water Act,the Washington Water Pollution Control Act,the U.S. Endangered Species Act,and the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. 8.52.210 Non-Conforming Uses (A) Purpose. This section establishes the terms and conditions for continuing nonconforming uses, structures and lots which were Jawfully-Iegally established prior to the effective date of this chapter. (B) Standards. (1) A legally established nonconforming lot, use or structure shall be deemed a legal nonconforming lot, use or structure and may be continued,transferred or conveyed and/or used as if conforming. (2) A reduction in the setback and/or buffer requirements may be considered for a nonconforming lot when accompanied with a Mason Environmental Permit and Habitat Management Plan. A reduction of setback shall be approved only if: (a) The reduction of setback and/or buffer is necessary in order to achieve reasonable use of the land, and that it is the minimum reduction of setback and/or buffer which accomplishes this purpose;and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 122 (b) The proposed reduction of setback and/or buffer is compatible with the character of surrounding permitted uses, and shall not adversely affect efficient and safe traffic circulation; and The burden of establishing the above-listed criteria for setback and/or buffer reductions is upon the applicant. (3) The burden of establishing that any nonconforming lot, use or structure legally4aw44ly existed as of the effective date of this chapter shall, in all cases, rest with the owner and not with the county. (4) MCC 8.52.210 does not apply in shoreline jurisdiction, see MCC 17.50.120. (C) Use of Nonconforming Lot. Any permitted use authorized by this chapter in one or more designated areas shall be permitted on a legal nonconforming lot provided that it complies with all sections of this chapter other than tract or parcel size or conditions imposed pursuant to subsection (D)of this section and other pertinent chapters of this code and state law. (1) Adjustment of boundary lines to make legally established nonconforming lots more nearly conforming is encouraged and may be made pursuant to Title 16 of this code. (2) A conforming use or structure located on a legally established nonconforming lot may be expanded,enlarged or extended as if it were on a conforming lot. (D) Maintenance and Repair of Nonconforming Structure. Normal maintenance and incidental repair of legal nonconforming structures shall be permitted, provided that it complies with all sections of this chapter and other pertinent chapters of the code. (E) Reconstruction. Reconstruction, restoration or repair of a legal nonconforming structure damaged by fire,flood, earthquake or other disaster shall be permitted; provided that such reconstruction shall not result in an expansion of the nonconforming structure. (F) Expansion of Nonconforming Use or Structure. No legal nonconforming use or structure may be expanded, enlarged,or extended in any way (including extension of hours of operation), unless such modification is in full compliance with this chapter or the terms and conditions of approved permits pursuant to this chapter. (G) Discontinuance of Nonconforming Use. All legal nonconforming uses shall be encouraged to convert to a conforming use whenever possible and conformance shall be required when: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pape 123 (1) The use is changed; (2) The structure(s)within which the use is conducted is moved;or (3) The use is terminated or discontinued for more than five (5)years. (Ord. 77-93 (part). 1993). 8.52.220 —Variances from Standards.- (A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to allow the county to consider requests to vary or adapt certain numerical standards of this chapter where the strict application of said standards would deprive property owners of reasonable use of their property. (B) Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to: (1) Setback requirements within designated critical areas and resource lands;except wetland related setbacks. (2) Buffer/vegetation area requirements associated with designated critical areas;except wetland related vegetation areas. (3) Tract or parcel size requirements of Sections 8.52.060, 8.52.070 and 8.52.090; except that when the following conditions are met,creation of nonconforming lots under the terms of this chapter are allowed outright; provided that all Mason County Code Title 16(Subdivisions) requirements are followed: (a) The parcel to be divided was legally established prior to the effective date of this chapter; (b) The parcel contains two dwelling units which were constructed prior to the effective date of this chapter; (c) No more than two lots are proposed to be created; (d) No lot proposed to be created shall be less than one acre (0.405 hectares) in size; and (e) Use of the lots to be created shall comply with all terms and conditions of this chapter, other than lot size,and shall comply with other pertinent requirements of this code. A variance from standards may be appropriate where a lot is exceptionally narrow or shallow or contains unusual topographic conditions, but only when strict application would result in hardship on the owner of such property. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 124 (C) Application Requirements. Application requirements shall be the same as for a Mason Environmental Permit in Section 8.52.190, as well as the following: (1) A description of the specific modification from the terms of the chapter required;and (2) A description of the reasons for the variance. (D) Review Process. The review process for variances from standards shall be the public review process set forth in Chapter 15.09 of this code for Type III decision review. (E) Review Standards. See Mason County Code 15.09.057 for the review criteria. In addition to the review criteria in Mason County Code 15.09.057,the min+fflum reasonable use for a residence in a residentially zoned area shall be defined by a maximum of three wo-thousand five hurare l f square feet. (1) area ef reef eveFhaRgS greater thaR twe feet, and (d)the area ef aRy living spaee Ar deeks AA area should be the same as the area covered by struetuFes as seeR in a biFds eye"MP,A,Af thp Included in the total allowed area is the area of the residence and the area of any accessory structure as seen in a bird's eve view of the site looking directly down. (2) This provision does not allow wetlands or Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas or their buffers to be converted to lawn or residential landscaping. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006:Ord.32-04 Attach. H(part),2004;Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.230 —Temporary Uses.- The Director shall authorize by administrative decision temporary uses pursuant to the terms and conditions of this section. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Pace 125 (A) Purpose. This section provides a process for authorizing certain uses or activities of a non-permanent nature for a limited duration. (B) Application Requirements. The application shall contain those requirements the Director deems appropriate based on the duration of the use and its potential for environmental impact. (C) Review Process. The review process for a "Certificate of Temporary Use" shall be subject to administrative review consistent with Section 8.52.190; provided that the Director may waive any or all of this review process for uses that do not pose a potential for environmental impact. (D) Development Standards. Temporary uses shall be consistent with all standards set forth in this Chapter. For any temporary use the County shall impose such other reasonable conditions as may be found necessary to ensure that the activity or use is not incompatible with surrounding conforming uses and will not result in a potential environmental impact. (E) Time Limit. Certificates of Temporary Use shall expire according to the terms set forth in the approval. 8.52.240 —Emergency Actions, (A) Emergency Permit. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Chapter or any other laws to the contrary,the Director may issue an Emergency Permit if: (1) The Director determines that an unacceptable threat to life or severe loss of property will occur if an emergency permit is not granted; and (2) The anticipated threat or loss may occur before a permit can be issued or modified under the procedures otherwise required by this Chapter and other applicable laws. Any such permit granted shall incorporate,to the greatest extent practicable and feasible but not inconsistent with the emergency situation,the standards and criteria required for non-emergency activities under this Chapter and shall: (1) Be limited in duration to the time required to complete the authorized emergency activity, not to exceed calendar 90 days;and Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 126 (2) Require,within this 90 day period,the restoration of any critical area altered as a result of the emergency activity,except that if more than the 90 days from the issuance of the emergency permit is required to complete restoration,the emergency permit may be extended to complete this restoration. Issuance of an emergency permit by the Director does not preclude the necessity to obtain necessary approvals from appropriate federal and state authorities. Notice of the issuance of the emergency permit and request for public comments shall be published at least once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks in the Official Mason County Newspaper of Record no later than 10 calendar days after issuance of the emergency permit. The emergency permit may be terminated at any time without process upon a determination by the Director that the action was not or is no longer necessary to protect human health or the environment. (B) Enforcement. The County shall have authority to enforce this Section consistent with all provisions of Section 8.52.270. 8.52.250 Appeals: (A) Administrative Interpretations. (1) Administrative decisions of the Director of Community Services shall be final and conclusive, unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal procedures contained in Mason County Development Code Chapter 15.11, Appeals. Said statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount as set by resolution of the board; provided,that such appeal fee shall not be charged to a department of the county or to other than the first appellant. (2) The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the decision until such time as the appeal is heard and decided or is withdrawn. The burden of proof regarding modification or reversal shall rest with the appellant. (B) Designations. (1) Within fifteen calendar days following application for a land development permit pursuant to this chapter,the Director of Community Services shall make a determination as to whether a designated resource land or critical area is affected by said proposed development. Such designation shall be final and conclusive unless a written statement of appeal is filed using the appeal procedures contained in Development Code Chapter 15.11,Appeals. Said statement shall set forth any alleged errors and/or the basis for appeal and shall be accompanied by a Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 127 fee as approved by resolution of the board; provided,that such appeal fee shall not be charged to a department of the county or to other than the first appellant. (2) Appeals of designations shall be processed using the appeal procedures contained in Development Code Chapter 15.11,Appeals. (Ord. 138-06(part),2006:Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.260 ---Judicial Review: The action of the Hearing Examiner shall be final and conclusive unless an appeal is filed pursuant Title 15 Development Code Chapter 15.11. 8.52.270 Enforcement: The Director is charged with enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. Outside of shoreline jurisdiction,the enforcement procedures are set forth in Title 15 Development Code Chapter 15.13 Enforcement. The enforcement procedures that apply within the shoreline jurisdiction are set forth in Title 17.50. (Ord.32-04 Attach. B (part), 2004:Ord. 36A-97 (part), 1997; Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). 8.52.275 Restoration/Reparation: When a critical area or buffer has been impacted (by clearing, construction,or other activity) in violation of this chapter,the area shall be restored and maintained, per a Restoration Plan approved by the Director,and no permit or approval or development of the property shall be authorized or granted for a period of up to three years from completion of restoration as determined by the Director. In the event of intentional or knowing violation of this chapter,the county may bring an action against the owner of the land or the operator who committed the violation. Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 128 (A) Restoration Plan. (1) The applicant shall submit a restoration plan prepared by a qualified biologist, plant ecologist, geologist or similarly qualified professional, as appropriate,which shall include as a minimum the following: (a) Property owner name(s) and mailing address, parcel number(s),site address. (b) Site plan 1, drawn to scale,showing north arrow and parcel lines,and depicting site characteristics prior to disturbance;the extent of disturbance, or permitted action requiring mitigation, including an inventory of all vegetation cleared shall be shown; (c) Site plan 2, drawn to scale,showing north arrow and parcel lines, and depicting the specific location of all proposed restoration measures.Those measures shall include: (i) Measures necessary to restore the critical areas or their buffers/vegetation area, including removal of fill, regrading to original contours, if necessary, replacement of excavated material, revegetation of all cleared areas with native trees and/or plants and removal of structures, or (ii) Location of the proposed mitigation actions and ownership; (d) A schedule for restoration; (e) An annual monitoring plan to evaluate the success of the restoration and provide for amendments to the plan which may become necessary to achieve its purpose; and (f) A bond or security estimate for the entire mitigation/restoration, maintenance,and monitoring activities. (2) The restoration plan shall meet or exceed all applicable minimum requirements for mitigation outlined within the applicable chapter or chapters. For example, restoring a stream buffer (FWHCA)shall require a restoration plan that meets all applicable requirements for a Habitat Management Plan. Where this subsection 8.52.275 and the applicable critical area chapter(s) differ,the most restrictive provisions apply. (3) In preparing and approving the restoration plan,the applicant and the county, respectively, should consult with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Ecology as appropriate. (4) The restoration plan shall be prepared at the applicant's cost and shall be approved by the Director.The Director may approve, reject or approve the plan with conditions. All restoration shall be consistent with the approved restoration plan. (B) Monitoring. In any designated critical area where restoration has been required,the applicant, at its own cost, shall provide for monitoring of the site by a qualified biologist or other qualified professional,for a period of three years after completion.The applicant shall submit an annual report to the Director which discusses: (1) the condition of introduced or reintroduced plant species; (2) the condition of open water areas or other water features; (3) use of the site by fish and wildlife species; Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 129 (4) any disturbances or alterations and their affects effects on the restoration; (5) additional or corrective measures which should be taken to ensure the success of the restoration;and (6) other information which the Director considers necessary to assess the status of the restoration. (C) Restoration Bond. Prior to commencing restoration of a critical area or buffer, the applicant shall post with the Director a bond or other security in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of conformance with the conditions of the restoration plan, including corrective work necessary to provide adequate drainage,stabilize and restore disturbed areas, remove sources of hazard associated with work which is not completed, as well as to provide for maintenance and monitoring. After the Director determines that restoration has been completed in compliance with approved plans and the monitoring period has expired,the bond or other security shall be released. The county may collect against the bond when work which is not completed is found to be in violation of the conditions set forth in the restoration plan and/or the Director determines that the site is in violation of the purposes of this chapter. (Ord.32-04 Attach. B(part),2004). 8.52.280 —Severability- If any provision of this Chapter or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid,the remainder of this Chapter and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. 8.52.290 ---Evaluation: This chapter shall be formally evaluated on an annual basis by the county for its effectiveness and administrative efficiency. By September 1, 1994 and annually thereafter the Director shall report to the board in writing an evaluation of this chapter which shall include: Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 130 (A) A summary of all Mason Environmental and Conditional Environmental Permits issued in the preceding year by type of critical area/resource land and geographic location in the county; (B) A list of written administrative interpretations of the chapter, including determinations of applicability pursuant to Section 8.52.190(A)(B); (C) A list of all applications for variation from standards pursuant to Section 8.52.210; (D) A list of all applications for variation from standards pursuant to Section 8.52.220; (E) A list of all administrative appeals pursuant to Section 8.52.250; and (F) Recommendations on any changes to this chapter to accomplish, in the Director's opinion, any of the following: (1) Clarification of ambiguities, (2) Correction of errors, (3) Reduction in regulations placed on property owners that are not necessary and effective in conservation of resource lands and protection of critical areas, (4) Streamlining development review procedures to reduce the administrative burden on the county and/or the applicant. (Ord. 77-93 (part), 1993). Attached: APPENDIX A: RATIONALE FOR THE WETLAND CATEGORIES APPENDIX B: MITIGATION MANUAL FOR COMMON LINE SETBACKS APPENDIX C: BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANS Resource Ordinance Effective Date Page 131 Attachment B Resource Ordinance APPENDIX A: RATIONALE FOR THE WETLAND CATEGORIES The following is from: Hruby, T. 2004. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington—2014 Update. Washington State Department of Ecology Publication # 14-06-029. This rating system is designed to differentiate between wetlands based on their sensitivity to disturbance, rarity, the functions they provide, and whether we can replace them or not.The emphasis is on identifying those wetlands: where our ability to replace them is low, that are sensitive to adjacent disturbance, that are rare in the landscape, that perform many functions well, that are important in maintaining biodiversity. The following descriptions summarize the rationale for including different wetland types in each category.As a general principle, it is important to note that wetlands of all categories have valuable functions in the landscape, and all are worthy of inclusion in programs for wetland protection. CATEGORY I Category I wetlands are those that 1) represent a unique or rare wetland type;or 2)are more sensitive to disturbance than most wetlands; or 3)are relatively undisturbed and contain ecological attributes that are impossible to replace within a human lifetime;or 4) provide a high level of functions. We cannot afford the risk of any degradation to these wetlands because their functions and values are too difficult to replace. Generally,these wetlands are not common and make up a small percentage of the wetlands in the region. Of the 111 wetlands used to field test the current rating system only 11(10%)were rated as a Category I. In western Washington the following types of wetlands are Category I. Estuarine Wetlands Relatively undisturbed estuarine wetlands larger than 1 acre are Category I wetlands because they are relatively rare and provide unique natural resources that are considered to be valuable to society.These wetlands need a high level of protection to maintain their functions and the values society derives from them. Furthermore,the questions used to characterize how well a freshwater wetland functions cannot be used for estuarine wetlands. No rapid methods have been developed to date to characterize how well estuarine wetlands function. Estuaries,the areas where freshwater and salt water mix, are among the most highly productive and complex ecosystems where tremendous quantities of sediments, nutrients and organic matter are Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.110)APPENDIX A iO.t In,r 2 Effective Date Page 1 ef-5 exchanged between terrestrial,freshwater and marine communities.This availability of resources benefits an enormous variety of plants and animals. Fish, shellfish and birds and plants are the most visible. However, there is also a huge variety of other life forms in an estuarine wetland:for example, many kinds of diatoms, algae and invertebrates are found there. Estuarine systems have substantial economic value as well as environmental value. All Washington State estuaries have been modified to some degree, bearing the brunt of development pressures through filling, drainage, port development and disposal of urban and industrial wastes. The over-harvest of certain selected economic species has also modified the natural functioning of estuarine systems. Many Puget Sound estuaries such as the Duwamish, Puyallup, Snohomish and Skagit have been extensively modified. Up to 99%of some estuarine wetland areas in the state have been lost. Estuaries,of which estuarine wetlands are a part, are a "priority habitat" as defined by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. Estuaries have a high fish and wildlife density and species richness, important breeding habitat, important fish and wildlife seasonal ranges and movement corridors, limited availability,and high vulnerability to alteration of their habitat(Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/hab/phslist.htm,accessed October 15, 2003). Wetlands with a High Conservation Value (formerly called Natural Heritage Wetlands) These Category I wetlands have been identified by scientists from the Washington Natural Heritage Program as important ecosystems for maintaining plant diversity in our state. Wetlands that represent rare plant communities or provide habitat for rare plants are uncommon in western Washington. As of 2013,there were only about 575 wetlands in western Washington that are characterized as wetlands with a high conservation value by the Natural Heritage Program (Rocchio and others 2013). For comparison,the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife mapped over 27,000 wetlands in only three watersheds in the Puget Sound Region (WDFW 2013). By categorizing these wetlands as Category I,we are trying to provide a high level of protection to these important but rare wetlands. "These natural systems and species will survive in Washington only if we give them special attention and protection. By focusing on species at risk and maintaining the diversity of natural ecosystems and native species,we can help assure our state's continued environmental and economic health." (DNR http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/Topics/NaturalHeritage/Pages/amp_nh.aspx) Bogs Bogs are Category I wetlands because they are sensitive to disturbance and impossible to re-create through compensatory mitigation. Bogs are low nutrient, acidic wetlands that have organic soils. The chemistry of bogs is such that changes to the water regime or water quality of the wetland can easily alter its ecosystem. The plants and animals that grow in bogs are specifically adapted to such conditions and do not tolerate changes well. Immediate Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.110)APPENDIX A Qetebe-' '^"Effective Date Page 2 of 5 changes in the composition of the plant community often occur after the water regime changes. Minor changes in the water regime or nutrient levels in these systems can have major adverse impacts on the plant and animal communities (e.g. Grigal and Brooks, 1997). In addition to being sensitive to disturbance, bogs are not easy to re-create through compensatory mitigation. Researchers in northern Europe and Canada have found that restoring bogs is difficult, specifically in regard to plant communities (Bolscher 1995,Grosvermier et al. 1995,Schouwenaars 1995, Schrautzer et al. 1996),water regime(Grootjans and van Diggelen 1995,Schouwenaars 1995)and/or water chemistry(Wind-Mulder and Vitt 2000). In fact, restoration may be impossible because of changes to the biotic and abiotic properties preclude the re-establishment of bogs (Shouwenaars 1995,Schrautzer et al. 1996) although one study(Lucchese and others 2010) did find that a sphagnum layer did become re- established after 17 years. Furthermore, bogs form extremely slowly,with organic soils forming at a rate of about one inch per 40 years in western Washington (Rigg 1958). Nutrient poor wetlands,such as bogs, have a higher species richness, many more rare species, and a greater range of plant communities than nutrient rich wetlands (review in Adamus and Brandt 1990). They are, therefore, more important than would be accounted for using a simple assessment of wetland functions (Moore et al. 1989). Mature and Old-growth Forested Wetlands Mature and old-growth forested wetlands over 1 acre in size are"rated" as Category I because these wetlands cannot be easily replaced through compensatory mitigation. A mature forest may require a century or more to develop, and the full range of functions performed by these wetlands may take even longer(see review in Sheldon et al. 2005, in press). Placing mature and old-growth forests into a separate category makes it easier to address the temporal losses that accrue when forested wetlands are impacted and mitigation is required. Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons Coastal lagoons are shallow bodies of water, like a pond, partly or completely separated from the sea by a barrier beach. They may, or may not, be connected to the sea by an inlet, but they all receive periodic influxes of salt water.This can be either through storm surges overtopping the barrier beach, or by flow through the porous sediments of the beach. Relatively undisturbed wetlands in coastal lagoons that are larger than 1/10 acre are placed into Category I. They probably cannot be reproduced through compensatory mitigation (we have no record of restoration or creation of coastal lagoons in Washington), and because they are relatively rare in the landscape. No information was found on any attempts to create or restore coastal lagoons in Washington that would suggest this type of compensatory mitigation is possible. Any impacts to lagoons will,therefore, probably result in a net loss of their functions and values. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.110)APPENDIX A Oeteber Z '^"Effective Date Page 3 e€5 In addition, coastal lagoons and their associated wetlands are proving to be very important habitat for salmonids. Unpublished reports of ongoing research in the Puget Sound (Hirschi et al. 2003, Beamer et al. 2003)suggests coastal lagoons are heavily used by juvenile salmonids. Interdunal Wetlands Interdunal wetlands form in the"deflation plains" and "swales"that are geomorphic features in areas of coastal dunes. These dune forms are the result of the interaction between sand,wind,water and plants. The dune system immediately behind the ocean beach (the primary dune system) is very dynamic and can change from storm to storm (Wiedemann 1984). For the purpose of rating, any wetlands that are located west of the upland boundary mapped in 1889 (western boundary of upland ownership)are considered to be interdunal. The wetlands that form in the interdunal ecosystem are not well understood and most indicators used to rate the hydrologic and water quality functions of depressional wetlands are not applicable. As a result, interdunal wetlands cannot be rated using the three-function approach used. However,the wetland resource is important but small part of the total dune system (Wiedemann 1984)and needs to be protected. Interdunal wetlands that are larger and that are also rich in habitat structure are Category I because they provide critical habitat in this ecosystem (Wiedemann 1984). Larger wetlands or those found in a mosaic of wetlands and dunes are Category II because they also probably provide important habitats in this ecosystem, but we know little about them. Until we know more about how interdunal wetlands function we need to provide adequate protection for this resource. Wetlands That Perform Many Functions Very Well Wetlands scoring 23 points or more(out of 27)on the questions related to functions are Category I wetlands. Not all wetlands function equally well,especially across the suite of functions performed. The field questionnaire was developed to provide a method by which wetlands can be categorized based on their relative performance of different functions. Wetlands scoring 23 points or more were judged to have the highest levels of function. Wetlands that provide high levels of all three types of functions (improving water quality, hydrologic functions, and habitat)are also relatively rare. Of the 111 wetlands used to calibrate the rating system in western Washington, only 11(10%)scored 23 points or higher based on their functions. CATEGORY II Category II wetlands are difficult,though not impossible,to replace, and provide high levels of some functions. These wetlands occur more commonly than Category I wetlands, but still need a relatively high level of protection. Category II wetlands in western Washington include: Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.110)APPENDIX ^c-*^b^r', '^"Effective Date Page 4 of 5 Smaller Estuarine Wetlands Any estuarine wetland smaller than an acre,or those that are disturbed and larger than 1 acre are category II wetlands. Although disturbed,these wetlands still provide unique natural resources that are considered to be valuable to society. Furthermore,the questions used to characterize how well a wetland functions cannot be used for estuarine wetlands. Interdunal Wetlands Greater than 1 Acre or Those in a Mosaic The wetlands that form in the interdunal ecosystem are not well understood and most indicators used to rate the hydrologic and water quality functions of depressional wetlands are not applicable. As a result, interdunal wetlands cannot be rated using the three-function approach used. However,these wetlands are an important but small part of the total dune system (Wiedemann 1984)and needs to be protected. Larger wetlands or those found in a mosaic of wetlands and dunes are Category II because they also probably provide important habitat in this ecosystem. Since we know so little about them the precautionary principle is chosen to protect them. Wetlands That Perform Functions Well Wetlands scoring between 20-22 points (out of 27)on the questions related to the functions present are Category II wetlands. These wetlands were judged to perform most functions relatively well,or performed one group of functions very well and the other two moderately well. CATEGORY III Category III wetlands are 1)wetlands with a moderate level of functions (scores between 16- 19 points) and 2) interdunal wetlands between 0.1 and 1 acre in size. Wetlands scoring between 16-19 points generally have been disturbed in some ways,and are often less diverse or more isolated from other natural resources in the landscape than Category II wetlands. CATEGORY IV Category IV wetlands have the lowest levels of functions (scores less than16 points)and are often heavily disturbed. These are wetlands that we should be able to replace,and in some cases be able to improve. However,experience has shown that replacement cannot be guaranteed in any specific case. These wetlands may provide some important functions, and also need to be protected. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.110)APPENDIX A Octebe-2, 04 7Effective Date Page 5 of-5 Attachment B Resource Ordinance APPENDIX B (supplement for the Mason County Resource Ordinance FWHCA Chapter): MITIGATION MANUAL FOR COMMON LINE SETBACKS .:: Mason County •~� ` ' ` Department of Community Development Planning Division ,f � YY I. Introduction Mason County contains several hundred miles of lake and saltwater shorelines that provide Single-family residential development is a unique recreational, commercial, and scenic preferred use of the state's shorelines, and opportunities for residents and visitors while many local jurisdictions, including Mason providing essential habitat functions for County, provide methods to reduce or aquatic, avian, and terrestrial wildlife. extend shoreline setbacks for new single family residences that are adjacent to existing Without proper home siting and mitigation, homes. In order to compensate for the single-family residential use can cause resulting impacts to fish and wildlife, mitigation significant damage to the shoreline area and (usually in the form of planting vegetation) is to existing neighboring properties through necessary. Although buffer encroachments cumulative impacts from stormwater runoff, typically require mitigation, as detailed in a septic systems, shoreline armoring, and Habitat Management Plan (MCC vegetation modification and removal. prepared by a qualified biologist, this manual Therefore, in order to protect wildlife, shellfish provides a low cost alternative by outlining beds, and scenic vistas, the Mason County the requirements for a Common Line Resource Ordinance as well as the County's Mitigation Plan that may be prepared by the Shoreline Master Program sets minimum property owner or designee. habitat buffers and setbacks around our lakes and saltwater shorelines. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 1 i II. Standard Buffers and Setbacks The Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter of the Mason County Resource Ordinance (RO) and the Mason County Shoreline Master Program (SMP) assign minimum habitat buffer widths and standard structural setbacks to lakes and saltwater shorelines (see Table B-1&2 below). Vegetated buffers intercept, infiltrate, and A shoreline or critical area setback is the purify runoff; provide habitat to terrestrial, distance from a critical area beyond which a avian, and aquatic wildlife; and reduce structure shall not extend. The standard erosion. Development activities including setback is at least 15 feet greater than the filling or excavating;surfacing with gravel or buffer widths found in Table B-1 and B-2. Most concrete; siting or constructing structures, residential lots will have a Residential Shoreline retaining walls, or septic tanks and drainfields; Environmental Designation, and therefore a and cutting or otherwise harming trees, shrubs, buffer of 100 feet and a standard setback of or native herbaceous vegetation should be 1 15 feet. The landward-mostl5 feet of the avoided. When site conditions prevent the setback may be cleared, graded, or ability to develop outside of the buffer, landscaped and may contain a 200 square compensatory mitigation such as planting foot (maximum) uncovered deck, provided native vegetation is required. the deck floor is no more than one foot above average grade. 1/U ._ OHWM The minimum buffers and setbacks are The buffer shall measured horizontally from and perpendicular to the Ordinary High Water remain in natural, �C vegetated condition. a Mark (OHWM) or from the bank's most -0 landward edge, whichever is greater. Click N on the link in this paragraph for more m L information. rn c ra Table B-1: Lakes* - Buffers and Setbacks 15 feet _ _ deck _ _ _ Vegetated Buffer 100, New Setback 115' *lakes that are 20 acres or greater t'^^ ',.p„^Ceres House Figure B-1 Table B-2: Saltwater - Buffers and Setbacks Shoreline Environmental Designations--> Commercial Residential Rural Conservancy Natural Vegetated Buffer 50' 100, 100, 150' 150' Structural Setback 65' 115' 115' 165' 165' Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 2 i If you are unable to determine the OHWM,you will need to apply to Gam` Mason County Department of Community development for a Site Pre-Inspection or you may ' Trees gro*mg on tloatblg peat choose hire a hGbl$Gt floatoig peat rat bieIG94-Fish and Wildlife Extreme High Water MA Professional to prepare a — ----reoet aorntcr;. Habitat Management Plan shc•elrne,Edge in lieu of the Common Line Mitigation Plan. Figure B-2 Definition of 'ordinary high water mark': The mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department. III. Common Line Setback Reduction The Resource Ordinance and Shoreline Master Program contains an administrative process, termed "Common Line," for reducing setbacks for single-family residential development on lakes and saltwater. However, before planning for your development to be near to the shoreline, you should consider other potential factors such as floodplains (and resulting flood insurance costs and floodplain construction standards), Landslide Hazard Area buffers and setbacks, as well as buffers and setbacks for streams and wetlands. If there is a possibility that a floodplain, stream, landslide hazard area, or wetland is adjacent to your proposed development,it is recommended that you apply for a Site Pre-Inspection at the Mason County Permit Assistance Center in Building 8. The FWHCA Chapter (MCC 8.52.170.D.3.b) of Mason County's Resource Ordinance allows for reduced setbacks (without a Variance) for single family residential development on shoreline lots created prior to December 5, 1996. This reduced setback is based on existing development on neighboring properties. Uncovered Deck Allowance: Up to 200 square feet of uncovered deck may project up to 15 feet waterward of the common line, - . A guard railing shall not exceed 96" in height-the minimum height required by building code. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 3 i Water Body Where existing residences are on both OHWM sides of and within one hundred fifty feet of the lot line of the subject lot, the setback /� 35'minimum on the subject lot is determined by an _ 1____________________ imaginary common line drawn across the e,.— L subject lot that connects the shore-side ^COOefP° �ocnt=°��, °k `'' Deck -0 roof lines of the adjacent existing New E] m M residences(Figure B-3 and Figure B-4). House 15 feet o m Ci c c J Figure B-3 a M MI The reduced setback may not be less than Water Body 35 feet from the Ordinary High Water OHWM Mark. u��we�ea - --------- --- ---'—t deck l U M Except for the 200 square foot uncovered New deck allowance, locating a structure House within the 35 foot setback requires a CO Variance Application(with a Public Hearing and a Habitat Management Plan). 15 feet — ———————————————--———————— - ml Figure B-4 a a Where an existing residence is only on one Water Body side of(and within one hundred fifty feet OHWM i of the lot line of the subject lot), the ? 35'minimum setback on the subject lot is determined by an imaginary common line drawn from � � - --- Dd the shore-side roof line of the existing ,, IU N residence and across the subject lot to a point which is the standard setback from the OHWM along the far lot line of the NI� subject lot(Figure B-5). deck -- - -- - ----------------- - 15 feet New — ------ House — -------- — a a Figure B-5 d Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 4 i If the shoreline has a high degree Water Body ,•;'• 30feet of curvature, the average set back to roof eve from OHWMof the two existing 70feet residences may be used rather than to roof e ve the imaginary line between the 4+ rooflines (Figure B-6). 35'minimum y 50'q�era�e Setback �^ _ 1 � New r House -------------------- Figure B-6 Water Body Additions OHWM The common line and Common Line Setback minimum 35 feet also applied exis ngdeck to additions, both attached � x t _ and unattached (Figure B-7). 35'minimum - ---F---- - ___ -- .�--- ry existirl&- L uncovered ti " -- house adjacent 4 N deck new house roofed Replacements Replacements T3 adjacent structure house c Replacement of a ro rna�ihered legal non- (A conforming structure, which does not conform to the ---"""------------------------- -- common line setbacks, is 15 feet _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ allowed provided the replacement is within the preexisting footprint. See d' d Figure B-7 0 0 MCC 8.52.170 for more details. When the resulting common line setback is less than the standard setback (shown in Table B-1), a Ccmmcn Line Mitivaticn plan shall demonstrate that mitigation will be provided to offset the potential impacts (resulting from the proposed development and use) to wildlife habitat. Areas within the buffer shall not be cleared or otherwise disturbed until a Common Line Mitigation Plan (with associated permits) has been approved by the Department of Community Development. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Pape 5 i IV. Mitigation Standards n X l. A Common Line Mitiadticn plan that meets the standards herein may be prepared by the property owner or applicant, however it is recommended that the applicant enlist the services of the Mason Conservation District eF^ +nicU EXfe SiE)R Master GGFGIeRer or that the applicant hire a landscape professional to prepare the Common Line Mitigation Plan. The applicant has the option to submit a more detailed Habitat Management Plan prepared by a habitat hieleggi*EFish and Wildlife Professional, as long as it meets the standards in MCC 8.52.170(J). Where a Habitat Management Plan(MCC 8.52.170.J)demonstrates no net loss of shoreline ecological functions, mitigation may differ from subsection V below. 2. Mitigation is not required for development that is outside of critical area buffers. However, other applicable critical area, shoreline management, and stormwater management standards still apply. 3. Based on required mitigation per this manual, a combination of mitigation options may be utilized to achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. In-kind measures are preferred over out- of-kind measures. The following mitigation options (approved by the Department on a case by case basis) may be utilized,where appropriate: a. Transfer of Development Rights, if applicable and if available. b. Off site in-lieu fee (if available). c. Documented restoration activities that have occurred on the property within five years of the shoreline development or redevelopment. d. Other options from the Mason County Shoreline Restoration Plan. e. Other options identified in the City of Seattle's "Green Shorelines: Bulkhead Alternatives for a Healthier Lake Washington," or other guidance that provides options to achieve no net loss of shoreline functions. 4. Best Management Practices: Refer to Appendix C of the Mason County Resource Ordinance and to the Stormwater Manual for Western Washington for additional construction best management practices. However, the recommendations in Appendix C for size of plants at time of installation and the densities for planting do not apply to the Common Line Mitigation Plan. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 6 i 5. Mitigation Locations: a. Planting or other mitigation options shall occur adjacent and parallel to the OHWM of the shoreline as a first preference. b. Depending on site conditions, mitigation may be allowed away from the shoreline edge and outside of the buffer, if the actions would achieve greater ecological benefit or if the area adjacent to the shoreline already contains native vegetation or mature non-native trees or shrubs. C. Mitigation areas may be dispersed within the buffer, as long as the areas closest to the shoreline are preferred and the required number of plants is installed (see the "Mitigation Area Ratios" section above). 7. Vegetative Planting Requirements: a. liming: Although most earthwork activities should be implemented during the driest season of the year to minimize the risk of erosion-related impacts, installing vegetation should occur during winter dormancy. If the planting cannot be completed prior to the construction of the home, the planting should occur the first late Fall/Winter/early Spring (October through March) following issuance of the building permit occupancy, provided that within two months of installation, a letter shall be submitted to the Department stating the mitigation has been complete. This letter shall be signed/dated and contain the associated parcel number, address, and permit number and shall be accompanied by one or more photos and receipts for plants. If the required mitigation has not been completed within one year of occupancy, an enforcement case will be opened,fines may be imposed, and a public hearing may be scheduled. b. Soil Preparation: Construction activities usually leave site soils badly compacted. But the grading contractor can efficiently decompact the soil as the machinery leaves the site, possibly mixing in amendments at the same time.The soil should be decompacted at least 12" deep. Once a site has been decompacted, do not allow heavy machinery back on it. c. Mulching: Mulch reduces evaporation of moisture from the soil, reduces soil erosion and compaction,reduces weed growth,insulates the soil from heat and cold, and eventually provides nutrients and organic structure to the soil. Three (3) to four (4) inches of organic mulch such as wood chips, straw, or leaves shall be distributed over the planting area (but not within 2 inches of the stems/trunks of the planted vegetation). Or 2 inches of compost followed by 2 inches of mulch may be applied to the area. Plastic or other inorganic material shall not be used as mulch or as weed barriers. d. Plant Species: See the "Planting Densities and Species" in subsection VI below. e. Maintenance: The vegetated mitigation areas are intended to be protected and maintained in perpetuity, although future alterations may be allowed with an approved Habitat Management Plan and associated permitting. Installed plants that die shall be replaced the following rainy season with live native species that are within or (or above) the same height class.The vegetative mitigation area shall not be mowed or weed-wacked, and pesticides/herbicides shall not be used. If non-native grasses crowd out native plants, they may be pulled out and replanted with native grasses, ferns, and other groundcovers. If the required mitigation has not been maintained, an enforcement case will be opened, fines may be imposed, and a public hearing may be scheduled. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 7 i V. Mitigation Area Ratios Based on the dominant character of the WATER BODY vegetation that will be cleared and/or developed, different ratios of required cleared Mitigation Area areas to planting areas are required. The = X/2 following mitigation ratios shall apply to single- family residential development utilizing the common line reduced setback provisions GJ provided in the FWHCA Chapter (17.0 1.11 O.D.2) Common Line(Reduced) Structure Setback of Mason County's Resource Ordinance. 1. Planting Native Vegetation: a. If the development area' within the -------- Lawn -- - buffer is predominantly lawn or clear Area Cleared of shrubs and trees, the minimum within Buffer = X required planting area is equal to one — — — — — — half(1:1/2) of the cleared area within the buffer. See Figure B-8. Figure B-8: Mitigation for Clearing Lawn or No Vegetation within the Buffer WATER BODY b. If the development area within the buffer is predominantly covered with non-native shrubs or trees, the Mitigation Area minimum required planting area is = X equal (1:1)to the cleared area within the buffer. See Figure B-9. Common Line(Reduced) Structure Setback lD ___—_______ Non-Native Shrubs/Trees Area Cleared within Buffer = X Figure B-9: Mitigation for Clearing Non-Native Vegetation within Buffer 1"Development area"is defined as the area where development activities will take place. Development activities include grading(filling,excavation,etc.)clearing,and the construction or the siting of structures. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Pape 8 i c. If the development area within the WATER BODY buffer is predominantly covered with native shrubs and/or trees, the minimum required planting area is equal to twice (1:2) the cleared area. See figure B-10. Mitigation Area Common Line(Reduced) 2X Structw•e Setback l I———————— Native Shrubs/Trees Area Cleared within Buffer = X Figure B-10: Mitigation for Clearing Native Vegetation within the Buffer 2. Rain Garden Option: Rain garden installation may be utilized in lieu of the above replanting specifications. It is recommended that rain gardens be designed and installed by a landscape architect, the AAGS9n 9edn#YWSkt 42—r4G4B the Mason QeyRfyConservation District, or another professional trained in rain garden construction. The professional shall prepare, sign, and date the Common Line Mitigation Plan and agree to install the rain garden(s). Rain gardens may not be appropriate in all locations due to soil selected native type or slope. For filter strip hardy nts a tivars nd additional guidance, see Rain Garden Handbook water flow y� i for Westem LTlashingtott_ A Guide for Desi impervious planting Installation, and surface s retention and s soil mix Alalntenance filtration zone ' � ��ft�t�te9�elte9'9, Washington State no liner University Extension, filter fabric 3r 20139=r. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 9 i VI. Planting Densities & Species At'i Planting should incorporate multiple heights (multi-storied) and at least 5 different species of vegetation. At least 25 percent of the mitigation shall consist of a, b, and/or c below. See Table B-3 on the next page. a. Large Trees. The following trees can reach a height of 75 or more feet at maturity and shall be planted at a density of 15 feet on-center: Big Leaf Maple, Black Cottonwood, Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, Oregon White (Garry) Oak, Red Alder, Sitka Spruce, Western ` Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, and Western White Pine. b. Small Trees. The following trees can reach a height between 25 and 74 feet at maturity and shall be planted at density of 12' feet on-center: Bitter Cherry, Black Hawthorn, Cascara, Oregon Ash, Pacific Crabapple, Pacific Dogwood,Shore Pine, Vine Maple, Pacific Willow, and Scouler's Willow. c. Large Shrubs. The following shrubs can reach a height between 9 and 24 feet at maturity and shall be planted at a density of 8 feet on-center: Sitka Willow, Western Service Berry (tree), Beaked Hazelnut, Oceanspray, Orange Honeysuckle, Indian Plum, Pacific Ninebark, Blue and Red Elderberry, Pacific Rhododendron, and Red Osier Dogwood. d. Small Shrubs. The following shrubs reach a height between 5 and 10 feet at maturity and shall be planted at a density of 5 feet on-center: Baldhip Rose, Black Twinberry, Clustered Wild Rose, Evergreen Huckleberry, Hairy Manzanita, Mock Orange, Nootka Rose, Oregon Grape (tall), Red Flowering Currant, Red Huckleberry,Salal, Salmonberry, Snowberry,Spirea,Thimbleberry, Wild Blackberry, and Kinnikinnick. e. Ferns. Deer, Lady, Maidenhair, and Sword Ferns shall be planted at a density of 3 feet on- center. f. Grasses and Groundcovers. The following species shall be planted at a density of 1 1/2 feet on-center or less: Bunchberry, Deerfoot/Vanilla leaf, False Lily of the Valley, False Solomon's Seal, Pacific Bleeding Heart, Western Trillium, and Wild Ginger. Native grasses, sedges and other native species may be planted after showing that the site conditions are suitable for the species. i Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Pape 10 i Table B-3: Native Plant Species for Mitigation N � 7 6 p L 7 H C N a C N O N c tf f6 L Common Name o W o 2 O = F- Big Leaf Maple X X X X X 70 Q Black Cottonwood X X X X X Roots can invade pipes. 150 w Oregon White(Garry)Oak X X X X X 75 w Fo- w Red Alder X X X X X X 75 w uw Douglas Fir X X X X X 175 Grand Fir X X X X X X 175 -Q' U Sitka Spruce X X X X X 155 a Western Hemlock X X X X 255 Western Red Cedar X X X X X 200 Bitter Cherry X X X X X 35 Cascara X X X X X X X 35 v a Oregon Ash X X X X X 60 LU Pacific Crabapple X X X X X 40 E� w Pacific Dogwood X X X X 25 " Vine Maple X X X X X X 25 Q N w Willow, Pacific X X X X X 50 QU Willow, Scouler's X X X X X 23 Black Hawthorn X X X X X Large thorns. 25 Shore Pine X X X X X X Salt tolerant. 33 Beaked Hazelnut X X X X X X 20 F Elderberry, Blue and Red X X X R X X 20 m < Indian Plum X X X X X X 11 = Q Oceanspray X X X X X 15 Ln w Orange Honeysuckle X X X X 15 w w 1- Pacific Ninebark X X X X X X 10 QRed Osier Dogwood X X X X X X 15 - ¢ Service Berry/Saskatoon X X X X X X 11 Ln Willow, Sitka X X X X X 15 Pacific Rhododendron X X X X X 9 Black Twinberry/Bearberry Honeysuckle X X X X X 5 Huckleberry, Red X X X X X 7 Mock Orange X X X X X Fragrant. 8 Roses: Baldhip, Clustered, Nootka X X X X X X Prickly. 7 N ¢ Red Flowering Currant X X X X X 8 a- Salmonberry X X X X X X Thorns. 7 J Q cG Snowberry X X X X X X 4 V w Spirea X X X X X 6 w Thimbleberry X X X X X X 6 U Wild Blackberry X X X X X Prickly. Trailing. < Hairy Manzanita X X X 7 Huckleberry, Evergreen X X X X X 4 Kinnikinnick X X X Trailing. Oregon Grape,Tall X X X X X X 6 Salal X X X X X X 5 Ln M Ferns: Deer, Lady, Maidenhair,Sword. L D S LS X DM L X X w Oregon Grape, Low X X X X X X > Deerfoot/Vanillaleaf X X X X O U False Lily of the Valley X X X X X L z x False Solomon's Seal X X X X Pacific Bleeding Heart X X X X X U N Western Trillium X X X Native grasses,sedges,and other natives Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 11 i VII. Common Line Mitigation Plan r The Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP) prepared by the property owner or designee shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development (together with the Building Permit Application or Land Modification Permit Application) on letter (8 '/2 by 1 1"), legal (8 '/2 by 14"), or 1 1 by 17" sized paper and shall contain the following two pages (see example in Exhibit 1): The first page shall be a mitigation site plan that contains the following elements: 1. Location of the proposed development site including the address and parcel number. 2. Title "Common Line Mitigation Plan," the North arrow, the scale (1" equals 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50') that the site plan has been drawn to, and "Page 1 of 2." 3. Adjacent road and shoreline water body shall be depicted and labeled. Clearly show the Ordinary High Water Mark (or bulkhead, if one exists). If you are unsure of where the Ordinary High Water Mark is located, either be conservative (show it more upland than where you suspect it is) or schedule a site pre-inspection at the Mason County Permit Assistance Center. 4. Any streams,wetlands, and steep slopes shall be depicted clearly. 5. Existing development including buildings, driveway, bulkhead, retaining wall, dock,septic drainfield, etc. If a structure will be demolished or removed prior to construction of the new home, do not draw it on this site plan, but instead include the information on the second page. 6. In a different color ink (or highlight), show the proposed development including the maximum development area (envelope),septic drainfields, retaining walls, fences, driveway and other impervious surfaces (including graveled areas), and the footprint of the buildings including decks and porches. Roof eves shall be depicted with a solid line and uncovered deck shall be depicted with a dashed or dotted line. Note: The side yard and front yard setbacks should comply with zoning codes(MCC Title 17)and should match the site plan submitted for the building permit application. 7. The common line (or average setback) as determine using the "Common Line Setback" section above or as determine from a Planning Department Site Pre-Inspection (recommended). 8. The required habitat buffer (100 feet from the OHWM on all lakes and on most saltwater except those designated as I Irk Commercial, Conservancy, or Natural). See the table on page 2. 9. The mitigation/enhancement area(s). This should be located adjacent and parallel to the OHWM of the shoreline as a first preference. Other locations may be allowed to protect existing mature trees and shrubs or existing legally established structures. 10. Printed and signed/dated name of each property owner. The second page shall contain the following; The percentages of mitigation that you prefer for each size category (note: higher densities are required for plants that reach smaller heights at maturity). Round to the nearest 5%. Letters a, b and c shall total to at least 25%and 4-6a-f shall total to 100%. This second page should also include the name and the quantity of each plant proposed. Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 12 i VIII. Review of Common Line Mitigation Plans 1. Upon the submittal of a Building Permit Application along with a Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP) and the review fee (HMP fee as adopted by ordinance), the County may use any available aerial photos to gauge the pre-existing conditions or may inspect the site to confirm that the CLMP correctly documented the preexisting conditions. 2. If the Department of Community Development deems the plan to be incomplete, inaccurate, or ineligible, the application will be placed on 'hold' and the applicant will be notified of the items that are needed before development review can proceed. 3. If the applicant has submitted two successive CLMP's that are illegible or lacking the required information, the applicant will be required to hire e the Mason Conservation District-a-W-SUL EXte ,SiOR Master QGFdeReF or a landscape professional to submit a plan that meets the above requirements, install the plants, and maintain the enhanced area (for at least three years). Or, the applicant can choose to hire a HGbitGt BielegistFish and Wildlife Professional to prepare a Habitat Management Plan (per MCC 8.52.170.Jl). 4. The Department will inspect the proposed development site prior to approving the CLMP and prior to permit issuance. The Department will decide if the proposed development area within the buffer would qualify for 1:1/2, 1:1, or 1:2 mitigation planting. 5. Areas planted for mitigation are subject to final approval by the Department and must be recorded with the County Auditor on a Notice on Title, or other similar document, prior to approval of the project. Areas planted for mitigation are intended to be protected in perpetuity, although future alterations may be allowed with an approved mitigation plan. 6. The pertinent application will be conditioned for the minimum planting area; the minimum number of native trees, shrubs, ferns, and/or grasses to be planted; and the maximum development area within the buffer. IX. Additional Resources PUBLICATIONS "A Guide to Stream Corridor Revegetation in Rain Gardens:Handbook for Western Western Washington,"Washington Department of Washington: A Guide for Design,Maintenance, Ecology p;orr�o r-,,,ir,+„ Ecology and Washington State Conservation and Installation. Commission. QesperativeWashington State University Extension. June 201397-. "Grow Your Own Native Landscape-A Guide to https://apps.ecology.wa.gov/publications/public Identifying, Propagating&landscaping with ations/1310027.pdfhttlD;//GGORt' . Western Washington Native Plants," Leigh, Michael. Native Plant Salvage Project, Washington State University Cooperative 'Slope Stabilization Erosion Control Using Vegetation:A Manual of Practice for Coastal Bluff Extension,Thurston County,revised edition June Property Owners," Pub #93-30, May 1993,WA 1999.WSU-CE order number MISC 0273. Department of Ecology. "Restoring the Watershed:A citizen's guide to https://aipps.ecology.wa.aov/publications/docu Riparian restoration in Western Washington," Pub ments/9330.pd OE95-1 1. Revised December 1997. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. "Vegetation Management:Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners," Pub #93-31, May 1993,WA Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Pape 13 i Department of Ecology. htfps://agps.ecology.wa.gov/publications/doc uments/9331.pdf r.rrrrr me/co.-r/ri the/O'1 Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 14 i "At Home with Wetlands," Pub #90-31,WA "Streamside Planting Guide for Western Department of Ecology. Washington," Pierce and Cowlitz County https://apps.ecology.wa.gov/publications/d Conservation Districts, and Harza Northwest Inc. ocu men ts/9031.pdf - /seG/ni ohs/90031 / httr)s://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2079/2015/06 Impact Development:Technical Guidance /streamside-planting-guide-for-western- "Low Im p p washington.pd Development for Puget Sound," December 2012. Washington State University Cooperative Extension QQ,AF 18 tFeG RAS0,-10 PlQ nfin A,G ii !o -A r-!f &Puget Sound Partnership. "Drainfield Landscaping and Planting," (Flyer) Washington State University Cooperative hop //wsg, ashi..,teR a„/Fna pdfs/I-nds .-pes Extension. + "Landscaping Septic Drain Fields: Do's and Don'ts "Green Shorelines: Bulkhead Alternatives for a for Planting on Drain Fields" (Flyer) Washington Healthier Lake Washington," City of Seattle State University Kittitas County Extension. Department of Planning and Development. https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2080/2014/02 http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/cros/groups/pan/@pa /Landscaping-Septic-Drain- n/documents/web informational/dpdp025742.pdf �Fieldsl l.gdf"R# //^^ +„ .,� ^ �„/�i++i+^�/. �o r^ - �TC�VTTT. rJ�Ti�OTRT�"rrtC+ lQ QV QYry�l Neft#we3t Landscaping with Native Plants in the Inland Northwest. Fitzgerald,Tonie Jean. Washington State University Cooperative Extension,revised June 2003 (6/2000).WSU-CE order number MISC 0267. 35 pgs. WEBSITES WSU Extension's Website: Gardening in Western WA http://gardening,wsu.edu/home/. "n h+ I=GfldS - h�tig;//GGhedb.wsu.edu/RGtiVeP'GRf/SGri hr��ei(-'li-.ccifi,-rr+iron r� Rain Gardens. http://www.12000raingardens.org/index.phtml h++ •// rri-lonir(v .,ci i orJ /fov+/n .r-i i+hen,h+ Washington Native Plant Society's Website.Native Plants for Western Washington Gardens and Restoration Projects. https://www.wnps.org/plants King County's Website. Create Your Own Native Plant Landscape:httr)://green.kingcounty.ciov/gonative/ Shore Stewards'Website.hop;//cheFeste,.,eY ds eFg/https://soundwaterstewards.org/web/ Greenbelt Consulting's Website. www.greenbeltconsulting.com/index.html LOCAL AGENCIES Phone: (360) 427-9670 Mason County WSU Extension. Provides guidance, design, sometimes funding for restoration projects. ++r,•//ter„,n+„.e,ci i o,-!i i/mrc^n/Prrroc/r-!ofl.,,�+r r,,, Mason County Department of Community https://extension.wsu.edu/mason/ Development. Provides local development and 303 N 4th Street,Shelton, WA 98584-3417 Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Pape 15 permitting requirements. Mason Conservation District. Provides guidance, design,sometimes funding for restoration projects. Annual native plant sale. www.masoncd.ora/ 450 W Business Park Road,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone: (360) 427-9436 494`^'. �'��'^•615 W. Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone: (360) 427-9670 Ext.352 Resource Ordinance(MCC 8.52.170)APPENDIX B Effective Date Page 16 Attachment B Resource Ordinance APPENDIX C: BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANS During Construction • Perform any excavation and grading work during dry weather • Install silt fencing around the work area to prevent erosion and siltation of marine and riverine waters. • Minimize amount of erodible soils at any given time to the maximum extent feasible. • Check all equipment daily for leaks. Refueling and lubrication of equipment should occur offsite. Don't store any fuel, lubricants, chemicals, or hazardous substances overnight within the project area. • Do not apply any chemicals when there is a possibility of rain. • Comply with all permits and requirements of the government authority or agency. Stream Buffer Protection Existing trees and other native vegetation within the stream buffer should again be left undisturbed in areas outside of the proposed construction zone. Any storage or stockpiling of construction materials associated with construction or ensuing occupancy of the residence should take place within a designated construction zone in order to limit impacts to the buffer. The banks and channel of the stream should not be used for foot traffic since this would damage vegetation and increase erosion along the stream channel. Logs that currently exist within the stream channel should not be removed or disturbed and future downed woody debris should be encouraged. Nurse Log Placement Overstory trees at least 4 inches diameter at breast height removed from the reduced buffer should be placed within the protected buffer to proved nurse log habitat. The logs could be segmented into 10-15 foot pieces to facilitate transport but would best be left as long as possible. It is recommended that these logs be placed randomly throughout the buffer to mimic natural distribution. Construction Phase Best Management Practices An increase in the amount of impervious surface is a concern whenever new buildings are constructed. Impermeable surfaces,such as roads, rooftops and drive ways,cause more rain to run off at accelerated rates and less water to infiltrate back into the soil (Leedy and Adams 1984). To prevent increased erosion and impacts to water quality, runoff from the building and other impervious surfaces may require a storm water management plan that diverts this runoff away from the ground surface and back into the ground. Other good examples of Low Impact Development techniques are provided in the"Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound" prepared by Puget Sound Action Team and WSU Extension 2005. Best Management Practices (BMPs) need to be adhered to throughout the construction phase. • Appropriate erosion control devices,such as silt fencing, mulch berms, and erosion control matting should again be used if needed during all aspects of the construction phase to mitigate potential erosion and runoff into the stream. • The most important goal during the construction phase is to consolidate the time period in which heavy earthmoving machinery is used. Earthwork activities should be implemented during the driest season of the year to minimize the risk of erosion-relate impacts to the stream. Any work requiring use of this type of equipment (such as site grading, road building,grubbing, cutting and filling)should also be Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)APPENDIX C Effective Date Page 1 implemented over short periods or events. This should avoid continued and prolonged disturbance of the environment with heavy equipment, as would be the case if the work occurred over multiple and/or unconsolidated events. • Construction activities should be confined to discrete areas of the site to minimize disturbance to native vegetation in the buffer. • No construction debris or supplies should be placed in existing forested areas or anywhere along the stream bank. • Coinciding with, or immediately subsequent to the completion of the construction work,the restoration and stabilization of bare ground should occur. Restoration and stabilization phases include the application of a native seed mix and landscape stabilization of any cut and filled areas. Native species of plants should be used in transition zones between the construction area and undisturbed native vegetation. The suggested BMP's focus on reducing increases in impervious surfaces, preserving hydrologic functions, and controlling potential adverse impacts to water quality. • Clearly mark clearing limits with orange construction fencing; • Install silt fencing at the clearing limits to prevent surface runoff, erosion, and water quality degradation; • Cover or mulch bare areas to prevent surface erosion • Hydroseed disturbed areas with a slurry of native grass seed, mulch, and tackifier as soon as possible following completion of construction and at a minimum before the onset of fall rains; Re-vegetation and planting Earthwork No machinery earthwork will be necessary to implement this restoration plan; planting holes for specified vegetation installation will be hand dug. No additional clearing or grading should be required for site restoration. Native Plantings It is recommended that native plantings be installed within 10 foot wide restoration zones in linear strips extending across the site parallel to the edge of the buffer to achieve the following densities: Trees—10'on center Shrubs—5'on center Ferns—4'on center The general plan calls for installing single trees,or clusters of three shrubs,on approximate 10-foot centers. Each row will alternate between 5 trees+3 shrub clusters or 4 trees+4 shrub clusters starting from the edge closest to the identified critical area proceeding to the edge of the buffer. Specifically for stream ravine replanting, cedar will be the first type of tree installed within the first row at the top of the ravine, and then incrementally changing one cedar tree to a fir through the first six rows, with all fir trees thereafter or to the edge of the buffer whichever comes first. Exact placement of installed materials will be up to the landscape installer,following the basic 10-foot spacing pattern prescribed. Finally, a native ground cover planting or sword fern will be randomly installed throughout the planting row on average four-foot centers.These densities have been selected to provide a moderately dense,structurally diverse plant community within the restoration area. Volunteer native vegetation can be counted towards the target densities of restoration plants. Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)APPENDIX C Effective Date Page 2 Typical native plant species that may be used with the restoration zone include: Trees: Western red cedar (Thuja plicata)—2 or 3 gallon Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)—2 or 3 gallon Western hemlock(Tsuga heterophylla) -2 or 3 gallon Grand fir(Abies grandis)—2 or 3 gallon Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana)—2 or 3 gallon Cottonwood (Populus balsamifera)—2 or 3 gallon Shrubs: nootka rose (Rosa nutkana)—1 gallon salmonberry(Rubus spectabilis)—1 gallon salal (Gaultheria shallon)—1 gallon evergreen huckleberry(Vaccinium ovatum)—1 gallon twinberry(Lonicera involucrate)—1 gallon snowberry(Symphorocarpus albus)—1 gallon elderberry(Sambucus racemosa)—1 gallon red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera)—1 gallon Ferns: sword fern (Polystichum munitum)—1 gallon All planting should occur during winter dormancy. The optimum time for planting is from February to March. Installation Installation of the prescribed vegetation will be performed by qualified landscapers familiar with planting of native vegetation in natural settings. Installation will be performed only after home construction on the property is completed to avoid damage to the plantings from construction activities. All installed vegetation shall be marked with colored flagging to facilitate monitoring inspections. A separate"as-built" plan will be provided by the landscaper if the planting pattern or schedule deviates from that listed within this document. Fertilizing Artificial fertilizer may be applied to each planting hole in the form of"slow-release"tablets or some other similar material. However,general broadcast fertilization MAY Not be used within the landscape planting area. Maintenance Maintenance of the installations will be the responsibility of the landscape installer. Maintenance is to include and weeding or watering necessary to ensure plant survival for up to one year after the date of installation. Habitat Conservation Measures In general, proposed measures to protect habitat focus on promoting natural succession of native plant communities and increasing structural diversity and complexity. • Minimize clearing and conversion of forest habitats to other uses, particularly within the stream and lake buffers; • Retain larger conifers wherever possible; if trees are removed, use/retain large woody debris (LWD) in native plant communities to be retained. Retained LWD can be installed vertically or horizontally to provide habitat for woodpeckers, including pileated woodpecker. • Retain and/or salvage downed large woody debris and western red cedar stumps; • Thin dense, immature(sapling) red alder and underplant with native conifers to promote more rapid natural succession to later serial phase forest types; Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)APPENDIX C Effective Date Page 3 • Enhance native plant communities by removing invasive and non-native species,such as Himalayan blackberry, and planting native trees and shrubs; • Plant native shrubs and trees in the stream buffer, such as willows (Salix sp.), re-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea); and black twinberry(Lonicera involucrata). These will increase structural diversity and buffer functions,such as retention of organic matter and increasing shade and thermal protection. Monitoring the success of the planting Monitoring of the installed vegetation will be performed annually for three years following installation. Monitoring will entail inspection of each planted specimen for survival and vigor,and will be performed in August or September of each monitoring year. In addition,two photo points will be established that portray the planting area from each side of the property. A brief letter report summarizing monitoring findings will be submitted to Mason County Planning by 1 October of each monitoring year. Contingency If mortality of the installed vegetation exceeds 10%for trees,20%for shrubs and ferns, all dead materials will be replaced a 1:1 ratio. If mortality is related to an inappropriate species for the site conditions, adjustments to the Plant Schedule may be made to replant with a species more like to survive. Monitoring of the site will begin the first fall following tree planting and maintained on a seasonal basis. The information gathered will provide the following: 1) condition of reintroduced plant species; 2) the use of the site by wildlife species; 3) any disturbance caused by the development and its effect on protected zones and associated aquatic habitat; 4) any occurrence of exotic species within the restoration zones; 5) any corrective measures that may be deemed necessary to provide desired conditions. This monitoring will be in effect for the duration of three years. The information gathered will be provided in an annual report and submitted to the Director of Mason County Department of Community Development. On-going homeowner responsibilities Suggested BMP focus on reducing increases in impervious surfaces, preserving hydrologic functions, and controlling potential adverse impacts to water quality. • Infiltrate clean runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs using infiltration trenches to maximize groundwater recharge. Avoid using roofing materials,such as zinc-coated products,that could contribute metals to surface waters; • Properly maintain septic system to avoid septic system failure; • Landscape with native plants and use mulch and drip irrigation to reduce water consumption, conserve water,and reduce cumulative help maintain instream flows in downstream surface waters; • Use low flow toilets and shower heads to conserve water and reduce water consumption; • Avoid use of herbicides and pesticides,which may adversely affect native flora and fauna,as well as pest species; • Use porous pavement or gravel instead of asphalt or concrete for the driveway to reduce stormwater runoff; use biofiltration swales or infiltration trenches to promote removal of pollutants and promote groundwater recharge. Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)APPENDIX C Effective Date Page 4 Home Owners Best Management Practices Residents living by the unique stream environments have a continuing responsibility for maintaining the conditions that provide the function of the stream. • Soil or yard waste must not be dumped anywhere within the buffer so that it may enter the stream. • Runoff from the building and other impervious surfaces should be directed to sub-surface trenching that diverts runoff away from the ground surface and back into the ground, or according to the stormwater management plan that has been approved for the site.The erosion of soil or the forming of channels should be prevented. These efforts will prevent increased erosion and impacts to water quality. • The occupants of the residence should also promote landscaping with native species. • Landscaping around the construction zone should be compatible and blend with the native buffer. • Bird boxes should be built or purchased and placed on the property to promote avian wildlife. Bird boxes can be built and placed on snags or live trees according to the bird species requirements that may be most likely to utilize habitat at the site. Guidance on bird boxes is available from the Mason Conservation District. Stream Buffer Protection • Existing trees and other native vegetation within the stream buffer should again be left undisturbed. • Any storage or stockpiling of materials should take place outside of the buffer in order to limit impacts to the buffer. • The banks and channel of the stream should not be used for foot traffic since this would damage vegetation and increase erosion along the stream channel. • Logs that currently exist within the stream channel should not be removed or disturbed and future downed woody debris should be encouraged. Functions and values of the forested area between the proposed residence and the marine shoreline should be maintained through the following measures: • Do not remove overstory trees (view corridors can be established or maintained by limbing the trees to the minimum extent necessary) • Shoreline access should be limited to a 3-foot wide path,with stairs when necessary,to concentrate all foot traffic through a single corridor. • Species such as English Ivy and Himalayan blackberry should be removed and prevented from further invading the site. This can be accomplished through persistent cuttings during the growing season. • Sites where invasive species are removed should be replanted using native species. Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)APPENDIX C Effective Date Page 5 Attachment C Mason County's DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CODEDevelopment Code - TITLE 15 MCC Table-ef-Contents: 15.01 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 15.01.010 INTENT........................................................................................................................3 15.01.020 DEFINITIONS... ....................... ......................................3 15.03 ADMINISTRATION.......................................................................................................................4 15.03.005 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY.............................................................................4 15.03.010 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................5 15.03.015 APPLICATION TYPES AND CLASSIFICATION...................................................5 15.03.020 ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTION.............................................................................6 15.03.030 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS...............................................................7 15.03.040 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION..................................................................7 15.03.050 HEARING EXAMINER ..............................................................................................7 15.03.060 PROCESS TO REMOVE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ....................8 15.05 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION PROCESS.............................................................................8 15.05.010 APPLICATION............................................................................................................8 15.05.020 PRE-APPLICATION ACTIVITIES.............................................................................8 15.05.030 CONTENT OF APPLICATIONS ................................................................................9 15.05.040 LETTER OF COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION.................................................9 15.05.050 VESTING OF APPLICATIONS................................................................................10 15.07 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................10 15.07.010 NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION......................................................10 15.07.020 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS.......................................................11 15.07.030 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS .............................11 15.07.040 NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION...............................................................................12 15.09 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS......................................................................................13 15.09.010 CONSOLIDATED PERMIT REVIEW......................................................................1) 15.09.020 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW.................................................................................13 15.09.030 TYPE I AND TYPE II REVIEW - WITHOUT NOTICE..........................................13 15.09.040 TYPE II REVIEW - WITH NOTICE.........................................................................14 15.09.050 TYPE III REVIEW.....................................................................................................14 15.09.055 TYPE III REVIEW-SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM.....................................15 15.09.057 VARIANCE CRITERIA. ..........................................................................................15 15.09.060 TYPE IV DECISION REVIEW.................................................................................16 Development Code Effective Dote 15.09.070 HEARING EXAMINER DECISIONS.......................................................................17 15.09.080 PROCEDURES FOR OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER ............................................................................................18 15.09.090 REMAND...................................................................................................................18 15.09.100 FINAL DECISION.....................................................................................................18 15.11 APPEALS ...................................................................................................................................20 15.1 1.010 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATIONS AND DECISIONS........20 15.11.020 APPEAL TO THE HEARING EXAMINER. ....................................20 15.1 1.030 APPEAL TO STATE REVIEW BOARDS................................................................21 15.1 1.040 JUDICIAL APPEAL ..................................................................................................21 15.13 ENFORCEMENT..........................................................................................................................21 15.13.005 SEVERABILITY.......................................................................................................21 15.13.010 ENFORCING OFFICIAL; AUTHORITY.. ..................................... 21 15.13.020 PENALTY..................................................................................................................22 15.13.030 APPLICATION. ...................... ....................................22 15.13.035 WARNING NOTICE.................................................................................................23 15.13.040 NOTICE OF CIVIL VIOLATION............................................................................23 15.13.045 HEARING BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER................................................24 15.13.050 CIVIL FINES..............................................................................................................26 15.13.055 COST RECOVERY. .............................................. .......27 15.13.060 ABATEMENT............................................................................................................27 15.13.070 REVIEW OF APPROVED PERMITS.......................................................................28 15.13.075 REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS............28 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION REVIEW CHART..........................................................................29 614 r°rRRT 1.- INTRODUCTION L ................................................................................................................................-2 45.9�.94 9 INTE1!11...............................................................................................................................................................2 i- n� n2-n P-RFINITIONc The fellewiesdefinitions shall apply to this Title:.............................................-2 rv.v x.000 xra„�.,x xvx.p The 614Al2TER15.03: ADMINISTRATION............................................................................................................................i 11S.0-32.0-0-9 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY...............................................................................................................4 15.03 n1 0 RCO6ES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................r 1S_03.91 c APPLICATION TYPES AND-EEASS1RICATI4N ^z o.vp.vry xxrraxcxzz,v ................................................................................... r 1 c n3 n3n AD114IN1STRATIVE DIRE�TIBN..................................................................................................................S x v.v v.v z:v 1s_a3_03n Ann�D C41iE9Td�ITY(;^1�4MlSSI9NERS.................................................................................................5 -r.�.v.�.Vpp DTR IIc P 1 n3 n^n S 15.03.050 HEARING EXAMINER..................................................................................................................................6 � 03 ncn nnnrEcc TO REMO-VE UTILITY AND DRAINAGS -RA.E44-WATS....................................6 =v.vp:v vv r xcvcavv :crx ca,•z Development Code Effective Date CHADTI~D 1 n5 rnnlcn1 !PAT-RD APPI ICATION PROCESS 7 cxxr:r xaxc xv.vv cc�c.vva 15.e5.e10- A1PPI�IG 4TION.................................................................................................................................................a 1 n-.v av n2-n 12R-R PPLIG�4TION ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................7 - v.vv 15.0S.0-20 CONTENT OF APPLICATIONS...................................................................................................................7 1 r nr nn n 1 RTTRD nR COOMPL13TI3NGSS OF APPLICATION 7 x v.vv.o x v a�a I I ITx c vx cv ............................................................................... YS.OS.OSO VESTING Or, A PPLIG TIONS......................................................................................................................8 CHAPTER 1 r n7 PUi3l-IC N�TIGIJ REQUIP�I�I� ENTg..............................................................................................I_ cxxr rr r axcTvvr 1 r n7 n1 n Aln Tr!G n n x�.v,.vrcr x.Px xr,.a ���9�VI�LOPP413NT�PPLIG�TIvN........................................................................................� 1 S n7 n7n NOT- nR ADAUNISTI�TIVI; DECISIONS.........................................................................................9 i-v.v-r.vc v—x rcrx x c a v x 1 c n7 030 NOTICE nR PUBLIC MEETINGS AND PUBLIC.HEARINGS.............................................................9 xv:Tsr.vvv—x.crl xca�I rvaaxc c•rca c 19.07.040- NO-TIG13 0-F FINAL PECISIG41.................................................................................................................1_0 run DT9R 1& no DI}V113W BNB A PPPc0V L PR0CESS 10- crarl zccc xarorxc ....................................................................................... =5.0°.010 CONSOLIDATED PGPeMIT .......................................................................................................�� ENVIPxONMENTAL PAPVIEW....................................................................................................................10 15.09.03 Q_ '37DR i AAID TVDR 11 DRI/IRIA/-WITI401IT NOTICE I v x x c a...................................... 1S.09.040 TYPE If REVIEW-1A.7ITI4 NOTIG13...........................................................................................................II 15.09:OS0 TYPE III R911191.41..........................................................................................................................................II x vc.nor nohv TYPE III TcSu0'RE LINE I4ASTER PROGRAM...................................................................12- 15.99-057 VARIANCE CRITERIA....................................................................................................................1'. 15.09.060--TYPE IV DECISION REVIEW.......................................................................................................13 �5.09070 1II3.4RIN G 9 vnnrinT> D ncG.I nrS............................................... 14 1q no 0RO PRnrR�aS rQD nDRAI RECORD DIIDI IC IJRADINC RRnDR TUR 14 APING I3XAMINiR.........................................................................................................................................14 1g.09.090 PxCI14A.N9.............................................................................................................................................I_q I5:0°:1on FINAL DECISION.............................................................................................................................1 S G.14 A PTPP� 1S.11 APPEALS ............................................................................................................................................16 1 I; 11 n1 n ADDRAL Or ADA41NISTI�i4TIV�INTERPRETATIONS AN PECISIONNS 16 x v.x x.v xv rIr r a v r �zrrv-vacz 115.1T'.92-9 �4PP&ALT9T14914 EAR!NIGEXAMINE 16 15.11.0_20 APPEAL TO-STATER FIERVICW BOARPS.................................................................................................17 I_q.1r949jUDIGIAL APPEAL........................................................................................................................................17 G.14A PT-9-R 1S.13 ENEZ0RG._9A4_W,NT...............................................................................................................................17 IS.13-005 S9VI-P-Akliib1TV.................................................................................................................................17 15.13. 40 RPIP- RGING OFFICIAL; AUTHORITY ..............................................................17 1ST_2.02-0 PIPNAI�TY.........................................................................................................................................................10 1ST-2.0_20 PPIIIGATIQN................................................................................................................................................10 15.1R.ORS WARNING N61-TIG€..........................................................................................................................I Q Development Code Effective Date 1-3.0-4 0- NOTI(;9 OF CIVIL VIOLATION ...................................................................................................1-9 15.1-2.0-4-q ...................................................................28 139F-QR-F;T14-F; HEARING EXAMPIRR 1-5.1-2.0-5 0- GIVI-1 FINES....................................................................................................................................................21 Al 55.Al-2.0-_5 5 COST R9GQ-V-F;RV..........................................................................................................................................22 IS.I-R.0-6-0 ABAT-9M9blT...................................................................................................................................................22 15.13.non RgVlgW OF APPRQV9D PgRA41T-9........................................................................................................2-2 I-q.1 32.0 7 5 R9VOGAT-ION OR MODIFICATION OF PgRMIT-S AND APPROVAL?.........................................23 CO-Phl-SO-11-DAT-R-D APPLICATION RRII RAW Q4 ART 24. .................................................................................................. Development Code Effective Date C14APrE�p 15.01: INTRODUCTION 15.01.010 -INTENT The purpose of this Title is to combine and consolidate the application, review, enforcement, and approval processes for land development in Mason County in a manner that is clear, concise, and understandable. It is further intended to comply with RCW 36.7013,which provides the guidelines for integrating development review and environmental review of proposed development, in coordination with approved land use plans. Established in this Title is the standard use of the Letter of Completeness, Notice of Application, and Notice of Decision. Final decision on development proposals shall be made within one hundred twenty(120) days of the date of the Letter of Completeness,except as provided in Section 15.09.100. 15.01.020 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to this Title: Accessory Structure:As defined in the relevant code or ordinance. Adjacent Property Owners: The persons who are owners of lots, as shown on the County Assessor records, within 300 feet, not including street rights-of-way,of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of the meeting or pending action. Closed Record Public Meeting: A public meeting where the hearing body receives the record of past public hearings on the matter and evaluates the proposal based upon that established record of standards and issues brought up previously. Testimony is taken but the issues are limited to the topics of past public hearing review. Code: The Mason County Code or portion of that code. Completed Application: See RCW 36.706.070. Comprehensive Plan: The Mason County Comprehensive Plan, as amended. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: An amendment or change to the text or maps of the Comprehensive Plan. Date of Decision: The date on which final action occurs and from which the appeal period is calculated. Density: As defined in the relevant code or ordinance. Development: Any land use permit or action regulated by Titles 6,�8, 14, 16, and 17 MCC, including but not limited to construction permits,conditional use permits,variances, or subdivisions. Development Code Effective Date Page 3 Development Code: The Mason County Development Code.Title 15 of the Mason County Code. Effective Date: The date a final decision becomes effective. Final Decision: The final action by the Review Authority, Hearing Examiner,or Board of County Commissioners. Lot: As defined in the relevant code or ordinance. MCC: Means the Mason County Code. Open Record Public Hearing: An open record hearing held by an authorized hearing body,at which evidence is presented,testimony is recorded, and decision is made,to form the local government record on the review and decision-making of the planned action. Ordinance: Any or all of the adopted Mason County ordinances or resolutions. Party of Record: Any person who has testified at a public hearing or has submitted a written statement related to a development action and who provides the County with a complete address. Person: Any person,firm, business, corporation, partnership of other associations or organization, marital community, municipal corporation, or governmental agency. Project: A proposal for development. Project Permit: Per RCW 36.70B.020 (4) Review Authority: The Director of Community Services,or his or her designees,which depend on the responsibility as determined by the respective codes,ordinances, and regulations. Responsibilities of the Review Authority may be delegated when not contrary to law or ordinance. Setback: As defined in the relevant code or ordinance. Variance:As defined or used in the relevant code or ordinance. Yard: As defined in the relevant code or ordinance. ru PT-E 15.03: ADMINISTRATION 15.03.005 -PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY This Title describes enforcement actions and how the County will process applications for development subject to review under the following Titles of the Mason County Code and other ordinances and regulations of the County as listed below: Development Code Effective Date Page 4 Title 6(Sanitary Code, enforcement only), including the following Mason County Board of Health regulations,which may not be codified in Title 6: On-Site Sewage Regulation, Group B Water System Regulation, Solid Waste Regulation, and Water Adequacy Regulation. Title 8 (Environmental Policy and Resource Ordinance) Title 11(Forest Practices) Title 12 (Bridges and Roads) Title 13 (Utilities) Title 14(Buildings and Construction,Grading, Stormwater, Flood Prevention) Title 16(Subdivisions) Title 17(Zoning/Development Regulations, Shoreline Master Program, Historic Preservation,Airport Overlay) 15.03.010 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including many different elected and appointed boards and County staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies is set forth below. B. A developer is expected to read and understand the County Development Code and be prepared to fulfill the obligations placed on the developer by the Mason County Code and other ordinances and regulations of the county. 15.03.015 APPLICATION TYPES AND CLASSIFICATION A. Applications for review pursuant to Title 15 shall be subject to a Type I,Type II,Type III, or Type IV process. B. Unless otherwise required,where the County must approve more than one application for a given development, all applications required for the development may be submitted for review at one time. Where more than one application is submitted for a given development,and those applications are subject to different types of procedure,then all of the applications are subject to the highest-number procedure that applies to any of the applications. C. The Review Authority for the application in question shall classify the application as one of the four types of procedures. 1. The act of classifying an application shall be an administrative interpretation, if written and transmitted to the applicant. 2. Questions about what procedure is appropriate shall be resolved in favor of the type providing greatest notice and opportunity to participate. Development Code Effective Date Page 5 3. The Review Authority shall consider the following guidelines when classifying the procedure type for an application: a. A Type I (ministerial) process involves an application that is subject to clear, objective and nondiscretionary standards or standards that require an exercise of professional judgment about technical issues. b. A Type 11 (administrative) process involves an application that is subject to objective and subjective standards that require the exercise of limited discretion about nontechnical issues and about which there may be a limited public interest. C. A Type III (quasi-judicial) process involves an application for relatively few parcels and ownerships. It is subject to standards that require the exercise of substantial discretion and about which there may be a broad public interest. d. A Type IV(legislative) process involves the creation, implementation, or amendment of policy or law by ordinance. The subject of a Type IV process involves a relatively large geographic area containing many property owners,and a Type IV application should follow the format detailed in Chap. 15.09.060. D. Type I and Type II review—without notice—letter of completeness. Type I and Type 11 permit reviews, which are categorically exempt from environmental review under chapter 43.21C RCW,or for which environmental review has been completed in connection with other permits,shall be excluded from the notice of application and notice of decision provisions in this Title, except when specifically required for a particular category of project. Also a letter of completeness shall be at the option of the Review Authority, provided that, if no letter of completeness is prepared,the application is considered complete after 28 days from receiving a date stamped application and within the meaning of chapter 36.706 RCW. 15.03.020 _ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTION Each Director or authorized official shall review and act on the following: A. Review Authority: The Director of Community Services, is responsible for the administration of the respective titles of the Mason County Code and ordinances. The responsibilities of the Review Authority may be delegated when not contrary to law or ordinance. B. Administrative Interpretation: Upon request or as determined necessary,the Review Authority shall interpret the meaning or application of the provisions of said titles and issue a written administrative interpretation within thirty(30) days. Requests for interpretation shall be written and shall concisely identify the issue and desired interpretation. C. Administrative Decisions: Administrative approval, approval with conditions, or denial of permit applications as set forth in Sections 15.09.020, 15.09.030, and 15.09.040. Development Code Effective Date Page 6 15.03.030 _BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A. Type IV applications including changes to the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations; B. Applications for removal of utility and drainage easements for which the County has interest is set forth in Section 15.03.060. 15.03.040 -PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION The Planning Advisory Commission shall review and make recommendations on the following applications and subjects: A. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations per RCW 36.70A.030. B. Subjects referred by ordinance. 15.03.050 -HEARING EXAMINER The Hearing Examiner shall review and act on the following subjects: A. Appeals of decisions of the Building Official on the interpretation or application of the Building Code. B. Revoking or modifying a permit or approval per Section 15.13.070. C. Appeals of enforcement actions under the codes, ordinances and regulations listed under 15.03.005. Enforcement actions include interpretations and decisions made as part of the enforcement actions under the authority of provisions in Section 15.03.005. D. Appeals of decisions of the Fire Marshal on interpretation or application of the Fire Code. E. Enforcement actions as provided in Chapter 15.13. F. Applications for Preliminary and Final Plats. G. Appeal of administrative decisions made by the Community Services Department as set forth in Sections 15.09.020, 15.09.030, and 15.09.040. H. Appeal of threshold determination under Title 8 (Environmental Policy). I. Granting of variances, except for administrative variances. J. Other Type III permit reviews, including: Large Lot subdivisions involving a public hearing, Mason Conditional Environmental Permits, Mobile Home and Recreational Park permits,Special Use Permits, Reasonable Use Exceptions, and Shoreline Substantial Development Permits and Conditional Use Permits. K. Plat vacation or amendments, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW, and for the purpose of removing utility and drainage easements set forth in Section 15.03.060. Development Code Effective Dote Poge 7 15.03.060 PROCESS TO REMOVE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS A. County has no interest in any utility and drainage easement: The Hearing Examiner may review and act on applications and plat alterations for removal of utility and drainage easements. The Hearing Examiner may act on the removal of the easements without a public hearing, provided that all parties entitled to notice under RCW 58.17.080 and 58.17.090 shall be given notice, which provides an opportunity for a hearing, upon request,within 14 days of the receipt of the notice. B. County has interest in any utility and drainage easement: The County Commissioners may dispose of any County property interest in the utility and drainage easements when the County Commissioners are in possession of a statement from the Public Works Engineer and the Utilities Director, or the County Administrator in their absence,that, in their opinion: the County has no interest in the easements,the easements are not needed, are not likely to be needed, and the easements have no known present or future value to the County. The disposal shall take place as set forth in Chapter 3.40 MCC and any applicable laws and regulations. After a public hearing,the Hearing Examiner may review and act on the application for the removal of a drainage and utility easements. CHAPTER 15.05 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION PROCESS 15.05.010 _APPLICATION A. The County shall consolidate development applications consistent with RCW 36.7013 and review in order to integrate the development permit and environmental review process,while avoiding duplication of the review processes. B. All applications for development permits, conditional uses,variances,and other County approvals under the Development Code shall be submitted on forms provided by the Review Authority. All applications shall be acknowledged by the property owner or their agent. 15.05.020 PRE-APPLICATION ACTIVITIES A. Informal. Applicants for development are encouraged to participate in an informal discussion prior to the formal pre-application meeting or shoreline meeting. The purpose of the M^^+ o t9informal discussion is to establish, in general terms,the proposed development, County development standards, and required permits and approval process. B. FeFFna4Pre-Application Meeting. Every person proposing a commercial, industrial, multi-family e.t,ep„e,tand or subdivision project in the County, with and same Type 11 peFFnits and deeisiens, shall attend a pre-application meeting. For the purpose of this section commercial development shall not include change in tenant. The purpose of the meeting is to Development Code Effective Date Pape 8 discuss the nature of the proposed development, application and permit requirements,fees, review process and schedule, applicable plans, policies and regulations. In order to expedite development review,the County shall invite all affected departments, agencies and/or special districts to the pre- application meeting, at the discretion of the Review Authority. C. Shoreline Meeting. Every person proposing a development,within shoreline jurisdiction, requiring a Shoreline Substantial Development permit,Conditional Use, and/or Variance permit and some Shoreline Exemptions,shall attend a shoreline meeting.The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the nature of the proposed development,application and permit requirements, review process and schedule, applicable plans, policies and regulations. In order to expedite development review,the County shall invite all affected departments, agencies and/or special districts to the shoreline meeting. The shoreline meeting may occur in office or in the field. 15.05.030 -CONTENT OF APPLICATIONS All applications for approval under Titles 6,8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and other applicable ordinances shall include the information specified therein. The Review Authority may require such additional information as reasonably necessary to fully evaluate the proposal. 15.05.040 -LETTER OF COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION A. Within twenty-eight (28) days of receiving a date stamped application,the County shall review the application and as set forth below, provide applicants with a written determination that the application is complete or incomplete. An application shall be deemed complete if the County does not provide a written determination to the applicant that the application is incomplete within twenty- eight(28) days. B. A project application shall be declared complete only when it contains all of the following materials: 1. Fully completed,signed, and acknowledged development applications and all applicable review fees. 2. A fully completed,signed,and acknowledged environmental checklist for projects subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act (Title 8). 3. The information specified for the desired project in the appropriate chapters of the Mason County Code and as identified in Section 15.05.030. 4. Any supplemental information or special studies identified by the Review Authority upon application. However,for vesting purposes, if a Determination of Completeness has not already been made, it will be assumed upon a SEPA threshold determination. C. For applications determined to be incomplete,the County shall identify, in writing,the specific requirements or information necessary to constitute a complete application. Upon submittal of the Development Code Effective Date Page 9 additional information the Countyshall,within s a , t fourteen (14) days, issue a letter of completeness or identify what additional information is required. If additional information is requested that is necessary to process a permit request and such information is not provided to the County within one hundred eighty(180) days of the request,the application shall expire and no further action on the proposed development shall take place. D. A project permit application is complete for purposes of this section when it meets the procedural submission requirements in (13)above and is sufficient for continued processing even though additional information may be required or project modifications may be undertaken subsequently. The determination of completeness does not preclude the County from requesting additional information or studies either at the time of the notice of completeness or subsequently if new information is required or substantial changes in the proposed action occur. E. The County may require any preliminary permits, including but not limited to, special use permits, shoreline substantial development permits,variances,and reasonable use exceptions, prior to the submission of an application for a building permit. 15.05.050 _VESTING OF APPLICATIONS An application shall become vested to the current applicable land use regulation (e.g. Development Regulations, Resource Ordinance, Shoreline Master Program, etc.)on the date a 'determination of completeness' is made. Thereafter,the application shall be reviewed under the regulation in effect on the date of vesting; provided, in the event an applicant substantially changes his/her proposed development after a determination of completeness,as determined by the,the application shall not be considered vested to the regulation until a new determination of completeness on the changes is made. Cu�TE�R 15.07 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 15.07.010 _NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION A. Within fourteen (14)days of issuing a letter of completeness under Chapter 15.05,the County shall issue a Notice of Development Application for Type III permits and Type II permits,which are not excluded as provided in section 15.03.015 of this Title. The notice shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The date of application,the date of the notice of completion, and the date of the notice of application; 2. A description of the proposed project action and a list of the project permits included in the application and a list of any required studies; 3. The identification of other permits not included in the application that the proposed project may require,to the extent known; 4. The identification of existing environmental documents that evaluate the proposed project; Development Code Effective Date Page 10 5. The location where the application and any studies can be reviewed; 6. A preliminary determination, if one has been made at the time of notice, of which development regulations will be used for project mitigation and of project consistency as provided in RCW 36.7013.040 and chapter 365-197 WAC; 7. Any other information determined appropriate by the local government; 8. A statement of the public comment period. statement must explain the following: a. How to comment on the application; b. How to receive notice of and participate in any hearings on the application; C. How to obtain a copy of the decision once made;and d. Any rights to appeal the decision. 9. If the project requires a hearing or hearings,and they have been scheduled by the date of notice of application,the notice must specify the date,time, place, and type of any hearings required for the project. 10. A statement that the decision on the application will be made within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of the letter of completeness. B. The Notice of Development Application may be combined with any required notice of a public meeting or open record public hearing. C. The Notice of Development Application may be combined with the threshold determination and scoping notice for a determination of significance. 15.07.020 _NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS When notice of administrative approvals or denials is required, such notice shall be made as provided in Section 15.07.040. 15.07.030 _NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS All notices for public meetings and hearings for amendments to Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations policies and regulations shall follow the provisions of RCW 36.70A.035 Public Participation— notice provisions. Notice of a public meeting or public hearing for all development applications and appeals shall be given as follows: A. Time of Notices. Except as otherwise required, public notification of meetings, and hearings, and on pending actions shall be made by: Development Code Effective Date Pape 11 1. Publication at least ten (10) days before the date of a public meeting, hearing, or pending action in the official newspaper if one has been designated or a newspaper of general circulation in the County; and 2. Mailing at least ten (10) days before the date of a public meeting, or public hearing to the applicant and all adjacent property owners of the boundaries of the property that is the subject of the meeting or pending action. Addressed, pre-stamped envelopes shall be provided by the applicant; and 3. Posting at least ten (10) days before the meeting, hearing, or pending action in one public place (for example, a post office)and at least two notices on the subject property. 4. Provided that, if the notice is for the purpose of an open record pre-decision hearing,the notice of application shall be provided at least fifteen (15) days prior to the open record hearing. 5. Provided that, if a SEPA threshold determination has been made,that determination shall be issued at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date. 6. Written notice of application shall also be provided to any organization or individual who has requested, in writing,to receive notice of all land use applications encompassed by this Chapter. Provided that,the County may charge a reasonable fee for such notice, as approved by resolution of the Board. B. Content of Notice. 1. Pre-Decision Hearings: The public notice for pre-decision hearings shall include the items required for a Notice of Development Application in Section 15.07.010(A) of this Title and include the date,time, place, and type of the public hearing. 2. Appeal Hearings: For the notice of appeals of administrative decisions(Sec. 15.11.010)and appeals to the Hearing Examiner(Sec. 15.11.020), notice shall be mailed to the parties of record from the permit review and to all parties who requested to be notified of the decision. C. Continuations. If for any reason,a meeting or hearing on a pending action cannot be completed on the date set in the public notice,the meeting or hearing may be continued to a date certain and no further notice under this section is required. 15.07.040 NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION A. When a notice is required for a final decision,such notice shall be sent to the applicant, all parties of record,all parties who requested to be notified, and the County Assessor's Office. B. This notice shall include the statement of threshold determination (RCW 43.21C), information on requesting assessed valuation changes by affected property owners, and the procedures of administrative appeal, if any. C. This notice may be combined with the transmittal requirements of other codes,state statutes, or ordinances,as appropriate. Development Code Effective Date Page 12 D. Notice of administrative decisions shall be the responsibility of the issuing county department or division. ru n PT-ER 15.09 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS 15.09.010 CONSOLIDATED PERMIT REVIEW When a proposed action involves two or more project permits (for example, a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, Mason Environmental Permit, and commercial project review),the applicant may choose to have all or a portion of the proposal reviewed under the consolidated permit review process. When the consolidated permit review is selected, county staff shall include all project permits under review when issuing the determination of application completeness, notice of application, notice of one open record public hearing(when needed), and notice of final decision. Classification of such review is as provided in, MCC. 15.09.020 _ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A. Developments and planned actions subject to the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)shall be reviewed in accordance with the policies and procedures contained in Chapter 8, MCC. B. SEPA review shall be conducted concurrently with development project review. The following are exempt from concurrent review: 1. Projects categorically exempt from SEPA or for which SEPA has already been completed. 2. Components of previously completed planned actions,to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the EIS for the planned action. 15.09.030 TYPE I AND TYPE II REVIEW - WITHOUT NOTICE A. After the determination of a complete application,the Review Authority may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the following without notice, unless notice is otherwise required (for example, short subdivision applications): 1. Type I decisions. 2. Extension of time for approval. 3. Minor amendments or modifications to approved developments or permits. Minor amendments are those which may affect the precise dimensions or location of buildings,accessory structures and driveways, but do not affect: (i)overall project character, (ii) increase the number of lots, dwelling units,or density or(iii) decrease the quality or amount of open space. 4. Adjustment to yard setbacks. Development Code Effective Date Pape 13 5. Type II decisions, which are excluded as provided in section 15.03.015 of this title. 6. Accessory Dwelling Units. B. The Review Authority's decisions under this section shall be final on the date issued. 15.09.040 TYPE II REVIEW - WITH NOTICE A. After a determination of completeness for an application, after providing a notice of application,and after the end of the specified comment period,the Review Authority may grant approval or approval with conditions,or may deny Type II decisions (such as Short Subdivisions),subject to the notice of decision and appeal requirements of this title. B. Final Administrative Approvals. Approvals under this section shall become effective subject to the following: 1. If no appeal is submitted,the approval becomes effective at the expiration of the fourteen-(14) day appeal period. 2. If a written notice of appeal is received within the specified time,the matter will be referred to the Hearing Examiner as an appeal for an open record public hearing, and shall not become effective until approved on appeal or until the appeal contesting an approval is dismissed. C. Administrative Denials. Denials under this section shall become effective immediately. D. Notice of the administrative final decision shall be provided in accordance with this title,section 15.07.040. 15.09.050 TYPE III REVIEW A. Staff Report. The Review Authority shall prepare a staff report on the proposed development or action summarizing the comments and recommendations of County departments,affected agencies and special districts, and evaluating the development's consistency with the County's Development Code, adopted plans and regulations.The staff report shall include findings and conclusions for disposition of the development application. B. Public Meeting. The Hearing Examiner shall conduct a public meeting on development proposals for the purpose of taking testimony, hearing evidence, considering the facts germane to the proposal, and evaluating the proposal for consistency with the County's Development Code, adopted plans and regulations. Notice of the Hearing Examiner meeting shall be in accordance with Section 15.07.030. C. Required Review. The Hearing Examiner shall review a proposed development according to the following criteria: 1. The development does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and meets the requirements and intent of the Mason County Code, especially Titles 6, 8, and 16. 2. The development does not impact the public health, safety and welfare and is in the public interest. Development Code Effective Date Page 14 3. The development does not lower the level of service of transportation and/or neighborhood park facilities below the minimum standards established within the Comprehensive Plan. If the development results in a level of service lower than those set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the development may be approved if improvements or strategies to raise the level of service above the minimum standard are made concurrent with the development. For the purpose of this section, "concurrent with the development" is defined as the required improvements or strategies in place at the time of occupancy,or a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six(6)years of approval of the development. D. Notice of final decision shall be provided in accordance with section 15.07.040. 15.09.055 TYPE III REVIEW - SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM See the Shoreline Master Program MCC 17.50.400 for the following: General Requirements for All Shoreline Uses and Development; Developments Exempt from the Substantial Development Requirement; Application Requirements, Permit Process, and Review Criteria for Substantial Development, Conditional Use, and Variance Permits;and Appeals to the Shoreline Hearings Board. 15.09.057 _VARIANCE CRITERIA. Variances from the bulk and dimension requirements of the Resource Ordinance or the Development Regulations (zoning regulations) may be allowed as follows. The County must document with written findings compliance or noncompliance with the variance criteria. The burden is on the applicant to prove that each of the following criteria are met: A. That the strict application of the bulk, dimensional or performance standards precludes or significantly interferes with a reasonable use of the property not otherwise prohibited by County regulations; B. That the hardship which serves as a basis for the granting of the variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size, or natural features and the application of the County regulations,and not,for example from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions; C. That the design of the project will be compatible with other permitted activities in the area and will not cause adverse effects to adjacent properties or the environment; D. That the variance authorized does not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other properties in the area, and will be the minimum necessary to afford relief; E. That the public interest will suffer no substantial detrimental effect; F. No variance shall be granted unless the owner otherwise lacks a reasonable use of the land. Such variance shall be consistent with the Mason County Comprehensive Plan, Development Regulations, Development Code Effective Date Poge 15 Resource Ordinance and other county ordinances, and with the Growth Management Act. Mere loss in value only shall not justify a variance. 15.09.060 TYPE IV DECISION REVIEW A. The process for amending the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and implementing development regulations (hereinafter annual amendment process)shall follow the steps below. Generally,the county will consider both the plan and regulation amendments together,and it will consider them only one time each year. 1. Publish notice of the deadline for proposed plan or development regulation amendment which will be placed on the docket for consideration. Amendments must be considered at least annually. Comprehensive plan amendments cannot be adopted more than once a year. a. Requests for rezone will be accepted on proper forms and include fees;such requests will be listed on a docket for further processing of the requests. b. Requested changes to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations will be accepted in written form by Community Services Department(CSD). The request will be evaluated for merit by CSD staff and the Board of County Commissioners. Those requests found of merit will be included in the docket of Comprehensive Plan or development regulations changes. 2. The CSD prepares a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Report for presentation to the Planning Advisory Commission. The report will include all proposals received,the initial analysis and cumulative impact review, and the initial SEPA determination. 3. The County transmits the proposals to the State Department of Commerce and other state agencies. 4. After presentation of the report to the Planning Advisory Commission,the Commission schedules a public hearing and may schedule workshops. (In the case of amendments of special interest to one part of the county,a workshop or hearing should be scheduled in that area.) The public hearing should be not less than sixty(60)days after the official transmittal is provided to the state. 5. The CSD, acting for the Commission, releases public notice of workshops and hearings. 6. Planning Advisory Commission holds public hearing and optional workshops, and formulate and transmit its findings and recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. 7. The Board schedules and releases notice of public hearings and workshops as desired. 8. Workshops and public hearings held by the Board of Commissioners. 9. The Board meets to consider and take appropriate action on the amendments. 10. Any resulting amendments are transmitted to the State Department of Commerce and other state agencies,and public notice of adoption is published. Development Code Effective Date Page 16 B. Exceptions to the annual amendment process. In some cases amendments can be made to the Comprehensive Plan outside of the annual amendment process described herein: 1. When an emergency exists,the annual amendment process will not be followed. The process for the planning review is established in RCW 36.70A.390. The review process for SEPA(WAC 197-11-880) has already been adopted by the county in Ordinance 99-84, section 9.1. 2. When the amendments are intended to resolve an appeal to the Growth Management Hearings Board,then the amendment is not limited to one time a year and will need to be abbreviated because the time allowed in Hearings Board cases is very limited. The process will be adjusted as necessary within the constraints of the Growth Management Act and SEPA. 3. The initial adoption of a sub-area plan is not required to be part of the annual amendment process and is not limited to once per year. The process will be the same as required for the annual plan amendment, except that the first step will be as follows: Establish a sub-area committee or a series of sub-area workshops. Public notice will be published of the workshops or meetings of the committee in order to encourage public participation and comment. 4. The adoption of a shoreline master program amendment shall not follow the annual amendment process, but shall be done under the procedures of Chapter 90.58 RCW. 5. The amendment of the capital facilities element of a comprehensive plan that occurs concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a county budget. 6. Amendments can be made more than once a year if they are restricted to changes in the development regulations consistent with the existing comprehensive plan. The process for amendment is the same as specified for the annual amendment process. 15.09.070 HEARING EXAMINER DECISIONS The Hearing Examiner shall make his or her decision following an open record public hearing and shall include one of the following actions: A. Approve. B. Approve with conditions. C. Deny(reapplication or resubmittal is permitted). D. Deny with prejudice (reapplication or resubmittal is not allowed for one year). E. Remand for further proceedings and/or evidentiary hearing in accordance with Section 15.09.090. Development Code Effective Date Page 17 15.09.080 PROCEDURES FOR OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER Public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the Hearing Examiner's rules of procedure and shall serve to create or supplement an evidentiary record upon which the decision will be based. The Hearing Examiner shall open the public hearing and, in general, observe the following sequence of events: III A. Staff presentation, including submittal of any administrative reports. The Hearing Examiner may ask questions of the staff. B. Applicant presentation, including submittal of any materials. The Hearing Examiner may ask questions of the applicant. C. Testimony or comments by the public germane to the matter. Questions directed to the staff or the applicant shall be posed by the Hearing Examiner at his or her discretion. D. Rebuttal, response or clarifying statements by the staff and the applicant. E. The evidentiary portion of the public hearing shall be closed. F. The Hearing Examiner shall present a written statement of findings and conclusions upon issuing its decision,which shall be rendered within ten (10)working days of the hearing. H. The Hearing Examiner shall have the authority to hear motions for reconsideration of his or her decision. 15.09.090 REMAND In the event the Hearing Examiner determines that the public hearing record or record on appeal is insufficient or otherwise flawed,the Hearing Examiner may remand the matter back to the hearing body or administrative department to correct the deficiencies. The Hearing Examiner shall specify the items or issues to be considered,the time frame for completing the additional work, and the date of the continuation of the open record public hearing. 15.09.100 FINAL DECISION A. Time. The final decision on a development proposal shall be made within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the letter of completeness. The days pending the effectiveness of an administrative approval per section 15.09.040, MCC, are also within the one hundred twenty (120) days. Exceptions to the one hundred twenty day requirement include: 1. If the project permit requires an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan or a development regulation. 2. Any time required to correct plans, perform studies or provide additional information, provided that within fourteen (14) days of receiving the requested additional information,the Review Authority shall determine whether the information is adequate to resume the project review. Development Code Effective Date Pape 18 3. Substantial project revisions made or requested by an applicant, in which case the one hundred twenty (120) days will be calculated from the time that the County determines the revised application to be complete. 4. All time required for the administrative appeal of a Determination of Significance or an appeal of an administrative decision. 5. All time required for the preparation and review of an environmental impact statement, as agreed upon by the County and the applicant. 6. Projects involving the siting of an essential public facility. 7. An extension of time mutually agreed upon by the County and the applicant. 8. All time required to obtain a variance. 9. Any remand to the hearing body. B. Effective Date. Except for shoreline permits,the final decision of the Hearing Examiner shall be effective on the date stated in the decision, provided that the date from which appeal periods shall be calculated shall be the date the Hearing Examiner issues the decision. See MCC 17.50.400(C)(2)(g)for determining the effective dates of shoreline permits. C. Time Limit for Action. 1. Start of Construction. Construction activities shall be commenced or,where no construction activities are involved,the use or activity shall be commenced within two (2) years of the effective date of the permit. However, a single extension may be authorized for a period not to exceed one (1)year based on reasonable factors, if a request for extension has been filed with the County before the expiration date and notice of the proposed extension is given to parties of record (if applicable). 2. Completion. No permit or exemption authorizing construction shall extend for a term of more than five (5) years from the effective date of the permit. However, a single extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one(1)year based on reasonable factors,if a request for extension has been filed with the County before the expiration date and notice of the proposed extension is given to parties of record (if applicable). 3. Upon a finding of good cause, based on the requirements and circumstances of the project proposed and consistent with applicable regulations, different time limits from those set forth above may be allowed, if the time limit is established prior to granting of the permit by the Hearing Examiner or by the Review Authority, in the case of Type I or II permits. Development Code Effective Date Pape 19 ru�TE�R 15.11 _APPEALS 15.11.010 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATIONS AND DECISIONS A. Administrative interpretations and administrative decisions may be appealed, by applicants or parties of record,to the following hearing body, based upon the relevant code or ordinance as follows: Hearing Examiner:Title 6(Sanitary Code)and other regulations listed in part 1 of section 15.03.005, Title 8 (Environmental Policy and Resource Ordinance),Title 11 (Forest Practices),Title 12 (Bridges and Roads),Title 13 (Utilities),Title 14(Buildings and Construction,Grading, Stormwater, Flood Prevention),Title 16(Subdivisions), and Title 17 (Zoning/Development Regulations,Shoreline Master Program, Historic Preservation, Airport Overlay), provided that appeals of the Building Official's notice and order shall be in accordance with section 401 of the current adopted version of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (hereafter section 401) and,shall be to the Hearing Examiner as specified in this chapter. B. The appeal shall be considered and decided within ninety(90) days of receipt of a date stamped application, provided that the parties to an appeal may agree to extend these time periods, and provided that a shorter time period is not specified in the applicable code or regulation. 15.11.020 APPEAL TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. Filing. Every appeal to the Hearing Examiner or County Commissioners shall be filed with the Permit Assistance Center in the Community Services Department within fourteen (14) days after the date of the decision being appealed. The date of the decision and the date from which appeal periods shall be calculated shall be the date on which the written action was either mailed or transmitted by hand,whichever is done and whichever is earliest,to all parties for which transmittal is required for the action. This appeal period shall replace all other previously adopted appeal periods specified in the applicable ordinances. B. Contents. The application of appeal shall contain a concise statement identifying: 1. The decision being appealed. 2. The name and address of the appellant and his/her interest(s) in the matter. 3. The specific reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong. The appellant shall bear the burden of proving the decision was wrong. 4. The desired outcome or changes to the decision. 5. The appeals fee as provided for in the applicable ordinance. C. Procedure. An appeal before the Hearing Examiner shall be by procedures established by the Hearing Examiner consistent with RCW 36.70B. Development Code Effective Date Page 20 15.11.030 APPEAL TO STATE REVIEW BOARDS The appeal of the final decision of the Hearing Examiner may be filed to the appropriate state review board and is subject to the appeal processes of the review board (notification, review, hearing, and decision). The State Environmental Hearings Office processes appeals of shoreline permits,conditional uses, and variances. 15.11.040 _JUDICIAL APPEAL A. _Appeals from the final decision of the Hearing Examiner involving those codes and ordinances to which this title applies,and for which all other appeals specifically authorized have been timely exhausted, shall be made to Mason County Superior Court within twenty-one (21)days of the date the decision or action became final, unless preempted by state law. B. Notice of the appeal and any other pleadings required to be filed with the court shall be served on the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and Prosecuting Attorney within the applicable time period. This requirement is jurisdictional. C. The cost of transcribing and preparing all records ordered certified by the court or desired by the appellant for such appeal shall be borne by the appellant. CHAPTER 15.13 ENFORCEMENT 15.13.005 _SEVERABILITY This title shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. In the event that any portion or section of this title be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction,the remainder of the title shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect. 15.13.010 _ENFORCING OFFICIAL; AUTHORITY A. The Review Authority shall be responsible for enforcing those codes and ordinances to which this title applies,and may adopt administrative rules to meet that responsibility. The Review Authority may delegate enforcement responsibility, as appropriate. An employee of one Review Authority department may commence an enforcement action of violations of codes and regulations of other departments. B. Inspections: The purpose of these inspection procedures are to ensure that a property owner's rights are not violated. When it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of this Chapter, or when the Director has reasonable cause to believe that a violation has been or is being committed, the Director or his duly authorized inspector may enter the premises, or building at reasonable times to inspect or to perform any duties imposed by this Chapter, provided that if such premises or building be occupied that credentials be presented to the occupant and entry requested. If such premises or building be unoccupied,the Director shall first make reasonable effort to locate the owner or other Development Code Effective Date Page 21 person having charge or control of the premises or building and request entry. If entry is refused,the Director shall have recourse to remedies provided by law to secure entry. 15.13.020 -PENALTY A. Non-conforming structures and other non-conforming land modifications shall be a continuing violation. Every day of violation shall be a separate violation. It shall be a violation to own, use, control, maintain, or possess a portion of any premises which has been constructed,equipped, maintained,controlled, or used in violation of any of the applicable provisions, MCC Section 15.03.005, in this Title. Structures or activities which were made or conducted without a permit,when a permit was required at the time of first action, do not vest and require current permits. Any person,firm, or corporation who violates or who solicits, aids, or attempts a violation are accountable under this Chapter and are subject to the penalty provisions as well as the Hearing Examiner process. B. Compliance with the requirements of those codes and regulations listed under MCC Section 15.03.005 shall be mandatory, and violations of those codes are within the purview of this Chapter. C. Any private party who intentionally, recklessly,or negligently violates any of the applicable codes, regulations and ordinances is guilty of a misdemeanor. This includes, but is not limited to, a violation of notice and order, a violation of notice of civil violation, a violation of a warning notice, a violation of a stop work order,violation of a do not occupy order, or failure to comply with orders of the hearings examiner.Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety days,or by both, unless otherwise required by state laws. Each such person is guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any of the applicable provisions is committed, continued, permitted, or aided by any such person. D. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other code,the Review Authority is authorized to issue civil infractions for violations of any provision of any code or regulation listed under Section 15.03.005. The enforcement officer may issue a civil infraction ticket of up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250)for the first violation and up to five hundred dollars ($500)for the second and subsequent violations. Second and subsequent violations refer to any violation of any provision of Section 15.03.005 within two years of the first violation. A violator is : (1)one who owns the property and knows the violation is occurring, and fails to take action to abate it; (2) one who causes the violation to occur or solicits, commissions, requests, or aids the violation; (3)one who has a virtual exclusive right to possess the land, as in a tenant,equitable title owner,or trust beneficiary,and who aids, abets, commissions, solicits, requests, or knowingly allows a violation to occur on the land;or(4)to the maximum extent allowed under Washington law, any company whose employee or employees violates any provision of Title 15. Proof in District Court shall be by a preponderance of the evidence. To the extent that there is no conflict with this regulation, all such civil infractions under this regulation shall be governed by the standards and procedures set forth in Revised Code of Washington 7.80(Civil Infractions). Each day of the violation shall be considered a separate offense. 15.13.030 APPLICATION A. This Chapter does not apply to enforcing the Shoreline Management Plan regulations. Except when the Review Authority has determined that MCC 17.50.500 and part II of WAC 173-27 do not address a certain aspect of an enforcement procedure. Development Code Effective Date Page 22 B. Actions under this chapter may be taken in any order deemed necessary or desirable by the Review Authority to achieve the purpose of this chapter or of the Development Code. C. Proof of a violation of a development permit shall constitute prima facie evidence that the violation is that of the applicant and/or owner of the property upon which the violation exists. An enforcement action under this chapter against the owner and/or applicant shall not relieve or prevent enforcement under this chapter or other ordinance against any other responsible person,which,to the extent allowed by state law, includes an officer or agent of a business or nonprofit organization who,while violating the applicable provisions, is acting on behalf of,or in representation of,the organization. D. Where property has been subjected to an activity in violation of this Chapter,the County may bring an action against the owner of such land or the operator who performed the violation. In addition, in the event of intentional or knowing violation of this Chapter,the review authority or Hearing Examiner may deny authorization of any permit or development approval on said property for a period up to ten (10)years from the date of unauthorized clearing or grading. While a case is pending,the County shall not authorize or grant any permit or approval of development on the property. E. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the application of other procedures, penalties or remedies as provided in the applicable code or ordinance. 15.13.035 _WARNING NOTICE Prior to other enforcement action, and at the option of the Review Authority, a warning notice may be issued.This notification is to inform parties of practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of the development code or other development regulation as incorporated by reference and may specify corrective action.This warning notice may be sent by certified/registered mail, posted on site or delivered by other means.The parties shall respond to the county within twenty(20)days of the postmark, posting on site,or delivery of the notice. 15.13.040 _NOTICE OF CIVIL VIOLATION A. Authority.A notice of civil violation may be issued and served upon a person if any activity by or at the direction of that person is, has been, or may be taken in violation of the applicable codes under Section 15.03.005. A landowner,tenant, or contractor may each be held separately and joint and severally responsible for violations of the applicable codes and regulations. B. Notice. A notice of civil violation shall be deemed served and shall be effective when posted at the location of the violation and/or delivered to any person at the location and/or mailed first class to the owner or other person having responsibility for the location and not returned. C. Content.A notice of civil violation shall set forth: 1. The name and address of the person to whom it is directed. 2. The location and specific description of the violation. 3. A notice that the order is effective immediately upon posting at the site and/or receipt by the person to whom it is directed. Development Code Effective Date Pape 23 4. An order that the violation immediately cease, or that the potential violation be avoided. 5. An order that the person stop work until correction and/or remediation of the violation as specified in the order. 6. A specific description of the actions required to correct, remedy, or avoid the violation, including a time limit to complete such actions. 7. A notice that failure to comply with the regulatory order may result in further enforcement actions, including civil fines, criminal penalties and/or appearance before the Hearing Examiner. D. Remedial Action.The Review Authority may require any action reasonably calculated to correct or abate the violation, including but not limited to replacement, repair, supplementation, revegetation, or restoration. 15.13.045 _HEARING BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER A. A person to whom a notice of a civil violation is issued, and has not been resolved will be scheduled to appear before the Hearings Examiner after the notice of civil violation is issued. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the appropriate Review Authority. B. Correction of Violation.The hearing will be canceled if the applicable Review Authority determines that the required corrective action has been completed or is on schedule for completion as set by the Review Authority at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled hearing. C. Procedure.The Hearings Examiner shall conduct a hearing on the civil violation pursuant to the rules of procedure of the Hearings Examiner.The applicable Review Authority and the person to whom the notice of civil violation was directed may participate as parties in the hearing and each party may call witnesses.The county shall have the burden of proof to demonstrate by a preponderance of evidence that a violation has occurred or imminently may occur and that the required corrective action will correct the violation. A Hearing Examiner's order may prohibit future action, and violations of that order may lead to penalties under this ordinance. The determination of the applicable Review Authority shall be accorded substantial weight by the Hearings Examiner in determining the reasonableness of the required corrective action. D. Decisions of the Hearings Examiner. 1. The Hearing Examiner shall determine whether the county has established by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation has occurred and that the required correction will correct the violations and shall affirm,vacate, or modify the county's decisions regarding the alleged violation and/or the required corrective action,with or without written conditions. 2. The Hearing Examiner shall issue an order to the person responsible for the violation which contains the following information: a. The decision regarding the alleged violation including findings of fact and conclusions based thereon in support of the decision; Development Code Effective Date Pape 24 b. The required corrective action; C. The date and time by which the correction must be completed; d. The civil fines assessed based on the criteria in subsection (D)(3) of this section; e. The date and time by which the correction must be completed; 3. Civil fines assessed by the Hearing Examiner shall be in accordance with the civil fine in Section 15.13.050. a. The Hearing Examiner shall have the following options in assessing civil fines: i. Assess as issued and thereafter; or ii. Assess civil fines beginning on the correction date set by the applicable Review Authority or alternate correction date set by the Hearings Examiner and thereafter; or iii. Assess less than the established civil fine set forth in Section 15.13.050 based on the criteria of subsection (D)(3)(b)of this section;or iv. Assess no civil fines. b. In determining the civil fine assessment,the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors: i. Whether the person responded to staff attempts to contact the person and cooperated with efforts to correct the violation; ii. Whether the person failed to appear at the hearing; iii. Whether the violation was a repeat violation or if the person has previously violated the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances; iv. Whether the person showed due diligence and/or substantial progress in correcting the violation; V. Whether a genuine code interpretation issue exists; and vi. Any other relevant factors. C. The Hearing Examiner may double the civil fine schedule if the violation was a repeat violation or the person has previous violations of the applicable codes, regulations, or ordinances. In determining the amount of the civil fine for repeat violations the Hearing Examiner shall consider the factors set forth in subsection (D)(3)(b)of this section. 4. Notice of Decision. Upon receipt of the Hearing Examiner's decision.the Review Authority shall send by first class mail and by certified mail return receipt requested a copy of the decision to the person to whom the notice of a civil violation was issued. The decision of the Hearing Examiner shall be rendered within 10 working days of the hearing. Development Code Effective Date Page 25 E. Failure to Appear. If the person to whom the notice of civil violation was issued fails to appear at the scheduled hearing,the Hearing Examiner will enter a default order with findings pursuant to subsection (D)(2) of this section and assess the appropriate civil fine pursuant to subsection (D)(3)of this section.The county will enforce the Hearing Examiner's order and any civil fine from that person. F-F. Appeal to Superior Court. See Section 15.11.040 Judicial Appeal 15.13.050 _CIVIL FINES A. Authority.A person who violates any provision of the Development Code, or who fails to obtain any necessary permit,who fails to comply with the conditions of a permit, or who fails to comply with a notice of civil violation shall be subject to a civil fine. B. Amount.The civil fine assessed shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)for each violation. Each separate day, event, action or occurrence shall constitute a separate violation. C. Notice.A civil fine shall be imposed by an order of the review authority,and shall be effective when served or posted as set forth in 15.13.040(B). D. Collection. 1. Civil fines shall be immediately due and payable upon issuance and receipt of order of the review authority.The Review Authority may issue a stop work order until such fine is paid. 2. If remission or appeal of the fine is sought,the fine shall be due and payable upon issuance of a final decision. 3. If a fine remains unpaid thirty(30) days after it becomes due and payable,the Review Authority may take actions necessary to recover the fine. Civil fines shall be paid into the County's abatement fund unless otherwise provided by ordinance.The Review Authority, in its discretion, may determine that assessments in amounts of five hundred dollars ($500)or more shall be payable in not to exceed three equal annual installments.The payments shall bear interest equal to that charged on delinquent taxes under RCW 84.56.020. Such an account in good standing shall not be considered as delinquent unpaid fines as provided in subsection (d)(4)of this section. 4. Unpaid fines shall be assessed against the property and be recorded on the assessment roll,and thereafter said assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property, provided that fines in excess of the assessed value shall be a personal obligation of the property owner, and fines assessed against persons who are not the property owner shall be personal obligations of those persons. E. Immediately upon its being placed on the assessment roll,the assessment shall be deemed to be complete,the several amounts assessed shall be payable, and the assessments shall be liens against the lots or parcels of land assessed, respectively.The lien shall be subordinate to all existing special assessment liens previously imposed upon the same property and shall be paramount to all other liens except for state, county and property taxes with which it shall be upon a parity.The lien shall continue until the assessment and all interest due and payable thereon are paid. Development Code Effective Date Pape 26 F. All such assessments remaining unpaid after thirty(30) days from the date of recording on the assessment roll shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at such rates and in such manner as provided for in RCW 84.56.020, as now or hereafter amended,for delinquent taxes. G. If the County Assessor and the County Treasurer assess property and collect taxes for this jurisdiction, a certified copy of the assessment shall be filed with the County Treasurer.The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels on the County Assessor's map books for the current year. H. The amount of the assessment lien shall be billed annually by the Treasurer's Office on the date of the assessment lien until paid and shall be subject to the same penalties and procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary property taxes.All laws applicable to the levy,collection and enforcement of property taxes shall be applicable to such assessment. Notwithstanding the previous provisions,the foreclosure process and sale process may be commenced within a year of the creation of a lien when the Review Authority or the Hearing Examiner make a written request to the Treasurer's Office to commence the process. 15.13.055 _COST RECOVERY A. Authority. Notwithstanding any other code provision, a person who violates any provision of any code or regulation under MCC Section 15.03.005,or who fails to obtain any necessary permit,or who fails to comply with a notice of civil violation shall be subject to enforcement, Hearings Examiner,and abatement costs. B. Amount.The Review Authority shall keep an itemized account of the time spent by employees of the county in the enforcement or abatement of any code or any regulation under Section 15.03.005. C. Notice. Upon completion of the work for which cost recovery is proposed,the Review Authority shall provide notice by certified mail return receipt requested to the property owner or other person on whose behalf the costs were incurred. D. Collection. Costs may be collected as provided in MCC Section 15.13.050(D)through (H) inclusive. E. Civil fines and funds collected shall be deposited in the abatement fund of the county. If the Director decides to close the fund,the remaining fund balance shall revert back to the general fund. 15.13.060 ABATEMENT A. The Review Authority may abate the violation if corrective work is not commenced or completed within the time specified in a notice of civil violation. B. If any required work is not commenced or completed within the time specified,the Review Authority may proceed to abate the violation and cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof as a lien against the property and any other property owned by the person in violation and as a personal obligation of any person in violation. Development Code Effective Date Pape 27 15.13.070 _REVIEW OF APPROVED PERMITS A. Review: Any approval or permit issued under the authority of the Development Code may be reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Development Code, or to determine if the action is creating a nuisance or hazard, has been abandoned,or the approval or permit was obtained by fraud or deception. B. Review Authority Investigation: Upon receipt of information indicating the need for, or upon receiving a request for review of permit or approval,the Review Authority shall investigate the matter and take one or more of the following actions: 1. Notify the property owner or permit holder of the investigation; and/or 2. Issue a notice of civil violation and/or civil fine and/or recommend revocation or modification of the permit or approval; and/or 3. Refer the matter to the County Prosecutor; and/or 4. Revoke or modify the permit or approval, if so authorized in the applicable code or ordinance; and/or 5. Refer the matter to the Hearing Examiner with a recommendation for action. 15.13.075 _REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS [[ HANDLED BY APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS ]] A. Upon receiving a Review Authority's recommendation for revocation or modification of a permit or approval,the Hearing Examiner shall review the matter at a public hearing,subject to the notice of public hearing requirements (Section 15.07.030). Upon a finding that the activity does not comply with the conditions of approval or the provisions of the Development Code, or creates a nuisance or hazard,the Hearing Examiner may delete, modify or impose such conditions on the permit or approval it deems sufficient to remedy the deficiencies. If the Hearing Examiner finds no reasonable conditions which would remedy the deficiencies,the permit or approval shall be revoked and the activity allowed by the permit or approval shall cease. B. Building Permits. The Building Official, not the Hearing Examiner has the authority to revoke or modify building permits. C. If a permit is not acted on within three(3)years of authorization,the permit is automatically revoked. D. Reapplication. If a permit or approval is revoked for fraud or deception, no similar application shall be accepted for a period of one year from the date of final action and appeal, if any. If a permit or approval is revoked for any other reason, another application may be submitted subject to all of the requirements of the Development Code. Development Code Effective Date Page 28 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION REVIEW CHART Development Code Effective Date Page 29 DECISION TYPE PRIMARY TYPE I TYPE II TYPE III TYPE IV DEPARTMENT Ministerial Administrative Quasi-judicial Legislative DCD-Building •Budding Permit •Mason Environmental •Appeal of Type I/II Decisions Fire Marshal •Septic System Permit Permit for Septic System Environmental Health •Water Adequacy •Well Construction •Land Modification Permit •Declaration of Parcel •SEPA DNS/MDNS •SEPA EIS •Rezones Combination •Short Plat and Large Lot •Appeal of Type I/II Decisions •Amendments to the •Land Modification Permit Subdivision •Preliminary Plat,Final Plat, Comprehensive Plan •Boundary Line Adjustment and Large Lot Subdivision •Development Regulations, •Development Regulations •Development Regulations- Shoreline Master Program Administrative Variance Special Use and Variance •Resource Ordinance- •Mobile Home/RV Park Mason Environmental Permit Permit and Variance •Removal of Platted Utility and DCD-Planning •Shoreline Master Prgm- Drainage Easement Admin.Substantial •Resource Ordinance- Development Permit Variance,Mason Conditional Environmental Permit,and Reasonable Use Exception •Flood Ordinance Variance •Shoreline Master Program- Substantial Development, Conditional Use,and Variance Development Code Effective Date Page 30 STAFF REPORT - RE: Mason County Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review and Update — Public Hearing Date:October 12, 2021 Department:Community Development—Planning Staff Contact(s): Marissa Watson, Senior Planner Ext. 367 or mwatson@masoncountywa.gov Action Requested at this Meeting: BOCC approve and adopt draft amendments to the Shoreline Master Program (Title 17.50), Resource Ordinance (Title 8.52), and Development Code (Title 15). BACKGROUND The Mason County Community Development Department conducted a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP), consistent with the State Shoreline Management Act (SMA; RCW 90.58) and Ecology's Periodic Review Rule set forth in WAC 173-26-90. Periodic reviews are conducted every eight years.The Program was last comprehensively updated in 2017.This current process is not a comprehensive update.The intent of this periodic review is the following: • to revise code as necessary to incorporate updates to the Shoreline Management Act as prescribed by the Washington State Department of Ecology • to assure consistency of the SMP with Comprehensive Plan and development regulations • to provide clarifications to improve implementation and accessibility of the Shoreline Master Program Staff believes the scope and intent of this review listed above and realized in the attached proposed amendments meets Ecology's review criteria (WAC 173-26-201(1)(c))which states the following: 1. Will not foster uncoordinated and piecemeal development of the state's shorelines. 2. Is consistent with all applicable policies and standards of the SMA. 3. Meets all procedural rule requirements for public notice and consultation. 4. Satisfies master program guidelines, analytical requirements, and substantive standards, including that the amendment will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. Staff utilized the most recent version of the Wa Department of Ecology's periodic review checklist to analyze changes made to state law against the current version of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, last comprehensively updated over almost a six year time period and adopted in 2017. Continuing to use the format of the checklist,staff also identified areas of the code that needed clarification and amendment based on the last three and a half years of implementing the 2017 SMP to current land use issues.This combined document is referred to as the Consistency Review and provides an overview of the draft amendments made to the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, Resource Ordinance, and Development Code. PROCESS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (JUNE 2021 —JULY 2021) Draft amendments to the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, Mason County Resource Ordinance, and Development Code were made available to the public for a 30-day formal comment period,starting on May 13, 2021. Mason County and the Washington State Department of Ecology accepted comments on the periodic review of the Shoreline Master Program, using the joint review option per WAC 173-26- 104. Comments were accepted by the County and were forwarded to Ecology.The public comment period closed on June 14, 2021.An additional MC SMP Periodic Review public hearing was held on July 19,2021 where additional comment and testimony was made and the staff responses to the previously received citizen/agency comments were reviewed/discussed by the PAC. During the 30-day comment period,comments were received from WDFW, Mason Conservation District, Hood Canal Environmental Council,Jan Wold, and Sherri Dysart. Staff had 30 days from the close of the comment period to respond to all comments and identify any changes proposed due to those comments prior to submitting to the Department of Ecology for an initial determination of consistency. After making minor revisions requested by the PAC, staff submitted to Ecology all materials required for an initial determination of consistency on July 22, 2021, Ecology determined they had a complete submittal on July 28, 2021,and Ecology's initial determination of consistency was received by the County on August 13, 2021. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) DETERMINATION A Determination of Non-significance was issued per WAC 197-11-340(2) on May 13, 2021.The SEPA comment period ended on May 27, 2021.An extension till June 11, 2021 was made to Department of Ecology because the SEPA register email address was not copied on the original notice of DNS. No comments on the SEPA DNS and checklist were received. PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Advisory Commission previously met and discussed the formation of a public participation plan during publicly advertised workshops on June 22, 2020,July 27, 2020, and October 19, 2020. And then subsequently on February 22, 2021 and April 19, 2021 to review and discuss draft amendments to the Shoreline Master Program, Resource Ordinance, and Development Code.At the April 19, 2021 workshop a citizen request for Shoreline Environmental Designation change was also presented by the applicant(s) and representatives,this request was subsequently withdrawn prior to the public hearing. At the 6.21.21 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Public Hearing the PAC listened to public testimony and requested to continue the public hearing process in order to review staff's responses to the comments received during the 30-day joint comment period (local/state) and the comments provided for the 6.21.21 public hearing.The resulting document responding to those comments is the Mason County Shoreline Master Program:Periodic Review 2020-2021 Comment Matrix. This matrix with County responses was also provided to the citizens/agencies who made comments. PUBLIC NOTICE Per RCW 90.58.130 and WAC 173-26-090 local government is required to inform the people of the state about the planning process and invite participation by all who have any interest or responsibility related to shorelines. The workshops involving the formation of the public participation plan were advertised in the Mason Shelton Journal at least 10 days prior to the workshops taking place.A webpage was created on the Mason County website specifically addressing the Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review and Update;this page provided links to draft documents, meeting information, and links to request placement on the 2021 SMP notification list. Both February and April 2021 workshops were advertised in the Mason Shelton Journal and email notifications were sent out to the key parties that were identified in the Public Participation Plan as well as those individuals who personally emailed the department to be placed on the 2021 SMP notification list.The June 21, 2021 workshop and public hearing and the July 19, 2021 continued public hearing was advertised in the journal,on the County website, and emailed to the 2021 SMP notification list. This public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners was advertised in the Mason Shelton Journal on September 23`d and September 30, 2021.Also notice was emailed to the 2021 SMP notification list and documents provided on the County project website. REQUESTED ACTION BY BOCC Staff and the Planning Advisory Commission recommend the Mason County Board of Commissioners approval and adopt the following draft amendments:Title 17.50-Shoreline Master Program,Title 8.52 -Resource Ordinance, and Title 15—Development Code. NEXT STEPS 1) Submit ordinance, amended adopted titles,and supporting documentation to the Department of Ecology for Final Approval.The Mason County Shoreline Master Program takes effect after the passage of 14 days from the Department of Ecology's written notice of final action approving the same. ATTACHMENTS • Ordinance • Attachment A(Title 17.50 Shoreline Master Program) • Attachment B(Title 8.52 Resource Ordinance) • Attachment C(Title 15 Development Code_ • Attachment 1 (Consistency Review) • Attachment 2 (Comment Matrix) • Attachment 3 (Ecology Initial Determination of Consistency) Attachment 1 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Building Planning Erwionmental Health Community Heath Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review 2020-2021 I CONSISTENCY REVIEW Introduction Periodic Review of the County's Shoreline Master Program is required per the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58); conducted according to the processes outlined in WAC 173-26.This review is intended to keep SMPs up to date with amendments to state law, provide consistency between SMPs, comprehensive plans,and development regulations,and incorporate improved data and clarifications that aid in the implementation of the regulations, as well as greater accessibility of the Program to the public. Mason County includes 217 miles of marine shoreline, 343 miles of river(greater than 20 cfs)shoreline, and 149 miles of lakeshore (20 acres or greater).As required by RCW 90.58,the Mason County Shoreline Master Program regulates the use and development of these waters as well as the associated "shorelands",which are lands within two hundred (200)feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark(OHWM), including floodways and floodplains, and associated wetlands. A comprehensive list and summary of these shorelines of the state can be found in the Mason County Final Draft Shoreline Inventory and Characterization Report, as well as MCC 17.50.060. The Consistency Review document is broken into five sections and are outlined as follows: 1) Analysis of the consistency between the Mason County SMP and amendments to state law from 2007 to 2019 as summarized in the Washington State Department of Ecology's Periodic Review Checklist. 2) Analysis of the consistency between the Mason County Resource Ordinance and updated guidance from the Department of Ecology. 3) Analysis of the consistency between the Shoreline Master Program and the Comprehensive Plan and other development regulations beside the Resource Ordinance. 4) Analysis of issues found by staff since the 2017 SMP comprehensive update that could be addressed in order to create a more effective and clear regulating document. 5) Analysis of Development Code to provide clarifications to application process. Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report Highlighted items within the document indicate draft amendments proposed by staff since the last public meeting on 06.21.21. 1 Consistency with State law Table 1-1 below is the Periodic Review Checklist provided by the Department of Ecology summarizing amendments to state law adopted between 2007 and 2019. Since the Mason County Shoreline Master Program comprehensive update was adopted in 2017,there are very few mandatory updates that need to be made in this periodic review update cycle.The Department of Ecology has requested that the County fill out the checklist starting at 2007 for this round of periodic reviews. Table 1-1 Summary of consistency with State law and necessary revisions Row Summary of change Review Action 2019 a. OFM adjusted the cost threshold 2017 SMP includes reference Amending sections for building freshwater docks to previous$20,000 threshold 17.50.400.B.1.h.ii(a) and for replacement docks (of 17.50.400.B.1.h.ii(b)to equal or lesser square reflect new inflation footage)and previous$10,000 adjusted amount of threshold for all other docks. $22,500 and $11,200 respectively. b. The Legislature removed the Not applicable, Mason County N/A requirement for a shoreline is not one of the nine permit for disposal of dredged jurisdictions that this materials at Dredged Material requirement applies to. Management Program sites (applies to 9 jurisdictions) C. The Legislature added restoring 2017 SMP already referenced No Action Necessary. native kelp,eelgrass beds and that fish habitat enhancement Addressed during native oysters as fish habitat projects shall be approved comprehensive 2017 enhancement projects. pursuant to chapter update, 17.50.400.B.1.p 77.55RCW 2 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report 2017 a. OFM adjusted the cost threshold Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. for substantial development to Addressed during $7,047. comprehensive update. MCC 17.50.400.B.1.a b. Ecology permit rules clarified the Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. definition of"development" Addressed during does not include dismantling or comprehensive update removing structures. in definitions 17.50.020 C. Ecology adopted rules clarifying Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. exceptions to local review under Addressed during the SMA. comprehensive update. 17.50.060.E, 17.50.060.F, & 17.50.060.G Also, per Ecology guidance remove 17.50.400.B.1.1 "Any project with a certification from the governor pursuant to RCW Chapter 80.50." This is properly located in 17.50.060 and is not an exemption. d. Ecology amended rules clarifying Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. permit filing procedures Addressed during consistent with a 2011 statute. comprehensive update.17.50.400.C.2.d, 17.50.400.C.2.e, 17.50.400.C.2.g e. Ecology amended forestry use Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. regulations to clarify that forest Addressed during practices that only involves comprehensive update. timber cutting are not SMA 17.50.220.A.1 and "developments"and do not require SDPs. f. Ecology clarified the SMA does Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. not apply to lands under Addressed during exclusive federal jurisdiction comprehensive update g. Ecology clarified "default" 2017 SMP clarified existing No Action Necessary. provisions for nonconforming provisions for non-conforming Addressed during uses and development. uses and development comprehensive update. Definitions were updated to include 3 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report legal, non-conforming lot in addition to non- conforming development (17.50.020). 2017 SMP created chapter 17.50.120 further clarify Non-conforming structures, use,and lots. h. Ecology adopted rule Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. amendments to clarify the scope Addressed during and process for conducting comprehensive update. periodic reviews. 17.50.040 i. Ecology adopted a new rule 2017 SMP Chapter 17.50.040 No Action Necessary. creating an optional SMP Comprehensive Review and Comprehensive update amendment process that allows Amendments does not does not have any for a shared local/state public prevent this option from being requirements that comment period. utilized would dis-allow a joint comment period with Ecology 1• Submittal to Ecology of proposed 2017 SMP does not address No amendments to SMP SMP amendments. the details of the SMP needed. submittal process, relies on state rule 2016 a. The Legislature created a new Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. shoreline permit exemption for Comprehensive update retrofitting existing structure to addressed this comply with the Americans with exemption and Disabilities Act. incorporated the example exemption language into its list of exemptions from SDP requirements, 17.50.400.B.q b. Ecology updated wetlands Incorporated into 2017 SMP. No Action Necessary. critical areas guidance including County's 2017 Critical Areas Comprehensive update implementation guidance for the Ordinance amended by Ord. adopted CAO by 2014 wetlands rating system. 51-17 incorporated Ecology's reference. new rating system 17.50.110.B.2.a.i 2015 a. The Legislature adopted a 90-day SMP does not address the No Action Necessary. target for local review of review of WSDOT projects. Washington State Department of County will rely on state laws Transportation (WSDOT) and rules. projects. 4 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report 2014 a. The Legislature created a new SMP has a definition for Clarify the definition for definition and policy for floating Floating Home that is Floating Home and on-water residences legally confusing and combines Floating On Water established before 7/1/2014. elements of Floating Homes Residence, as well as and Floating On Water include FOWRs within Residences. the regulation MCC 17.50.255.B.1. Language prohibiting new over water construction already exists. 2012 a. The Legislature amended the SMP does not clarify SMP No Action Necessary. SMA to clarify SMP appeal appeal process. County will procedures. rely on state laws and rules. 2011 a. Ecology adopted a rule requiring Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. that wetlands be delineated in by adopted reference to the Addressed in accordance with the approved CAO comprehensive update. federal wetland delineation manual. b. Ecology adopted rules for new Incorporated into 2017 SMP. No Action Necessary. commercial geoduck Definition (MCC aquaculture. 17.50.020) consistent with WAC 173-26-020(6) &WAC 173-26- 241(3)(b)(i)(A). MCC 17.50.210.B.3. Mason County does not require CUPS for the conversion of existing aquaculture to geoduck. c. The Legislature created a new Incorporated in 2017 SMP, but Clarify and differentiate definition and policy for floating definition combines elements definition from floating homes permitted or legally associated with floating on water residence. established prior to January 1, homes and floating on water Definition 17.50.020, 2011. residences chapter 17.50.120 Existing Structures, Uses and Lots, chapter 17.50.255.A.2 and 17.50.255.B.1. in past, PAC decided on addressing and calling floating homes "legal non-conforming"which provides for the same 5 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report allowances as outlined in the law for a "conforming preferred use". d. The Legislature authorizing a new Incorporated in 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. option to classify existing Addressed in structures as conforming. comprehensive update MCC 17.50.120 pg 49 2010 a. The Legislature adopted Growth Incorporated in 2017 SMP MCC Management Act—Shoreline Management Act clarifications. 17.50.040.E indicates amendments don't become effective until approved by the Dept. of Ecology, as required under RCW 90.58.190. Correct reference would be RCW 90.58.090. Revise to reflect in current update. 2009 a. The Legislature created new SMP does not clarify these No Action Necessary. "relief" procedures for instances relief procedures.County will in which a shoreline restoration rely on state laws and rules. project within a UGA creates a shift in Ordinary High Water Mark. b. Ecology adopted a rule for Incorporated into 2017. CAO No Action Necessary. certifying wetland mitigation adopted by reference Addressed in banks. comprehensive update. Wetland mitigation banking located in CAO 8.52.140(F)(5)(d) c. The Legislature added moratoria Moratoria provisions are not No action necessary authority and procedures to the required in the SMP and the SMA. County will rely on WAC 173- 27-085, if such provisions are utilized 2007 a. The Legislature clarified options Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. for defining"floodway" as either Addressed in the area that has been comprehensive update. established in FEMA maps,or the 17.50.020 definitions. floodway criteria set in the SMA. 6 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report Used FEMA maps to define the floodway. b. Ecology amended rules to clarify Incorporated into 2017 SMP. No Action Necessary. that comprehensively updated Addressed in SMPs shall include a list and map comprehensive update. of streams and lakes that are in Table 17.50.060-A, shoreline jurisdiction. 17.50.060-B, 17.50.060- C.And adoption of updated Shoreline Environmental Designations Map C. Ecology's rule listing statutory Incorporated into 2017 SMP No Action Necessary. exemptions from the Addressed in requirement for an SDP was comprehensive update. amended to include fish habitat 17.50.400.B.1.p enhancement projects that conform to the provisions of RCW 77.55.181. 2 Critical Areas Resource Ordinance Consistency The current SMP adopts the Mason County Resource Ordinance MCC 8.52, last amended and adopted on September 19, 2017 as Ordinance No. 51-17, by reference and states that its provisions shall apply within shoreline jurisdiction,exceptions as noted in MCC 17.50.110.B.2. Because the Resource Ordinance and comprehensive update of the SMP were performed concurrently,few revisions are projected besides those that incorporate updated guidance on wetland habitat scores and revisions currently suggested by staff to aid in clarification. Table 2-1 Consistency of SMP and Critical Areas Resource Ordinance # Issue Review Recommendation 1 2018 Department of Ecology modified their Update the wetland buffer Ecology wetland buffer wetland buffer habitat scores tables in the CAO MCC guidance 8.52.110 to reflect Ecology's new guidance. SMP revision should include new reference to an amended CAO. 2 Current Resource The SMP does address this Recommendation: Ordinance Wetlands issue in MCC 17.50.110.B.2.b.ii Add same language to Chapter does not address Wetlands Chapter of the RO 7 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report how legally established "Unless otherwise specified, under 8.52.110(E)(2)(a) paved roads or hardened buffers shall be maintained in Wetland Buffers. Create surfaces affect the predominantly natural, section iv. under the above regulation of wetlands undisturbed, undeveloped and reference with the following and their buffers.This vegetated condition. language: section does not apply to Regulated buffers shall not Regulated buffers shall not driveways and surfaces extend across lawfully extend across lawfully such as patios. established paved roads or established peve4 public roads hardened surfaces to include er"^r-d^^^d SuFf e^s to areas which are functionally include areas which are isolated from the critical functionally isolated from the area." critical area. Note:See No.2 under section MCC 17.50.110 for two options regarding this language 3 Currently the FWHCA MCC 8.52.170(E)(1)(b)An Recommendation: Chapter of the RO uncovered deck or pervious MCC 8.52.170(E)(1)(b)An indicates the 200 sf deck patio may be constructed up uncovered deck or pervious allowed fifteen feet to fifteen (15)feet waterward patio may be constructed up waterward of the of the setback provided it to fifteen (15)feet waterward standard setback or does not exceed 200 square of the setback provided it common line setback is feet and the deck floor is no does not exceed 200 square limited to 12 inches more than one foot above feet above the ground. Many average grade. Guard railings re than ^.R^F^^*,"^••^ applicants want second along the perimeter of the aveFage grade. Guard railings story decks and the decks are limited to 36 inches along the perimeter of the environmental impact is in height. decks are limited to 36 inches no more than allowing 12 in height. inches off the ground. 4 In regard to the changes MCC 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iv)d. Recommendation: proposed for upward Except for overwater MCC 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iv)d. expansion in the SMP, structures, legally established Except for overwater the RO would also have residences may be expanded structures, legally established to be revised for by addition of space above the residences may be expanded consistency. existing building footprint up by addition of space above the to authorized heights. Upward existing building footprint up expansions shall minimize to authorized heights. Upward impacts to existing views and expansions shall minimize FWHCA's to the greatest impacts to existing views and extent practical. For the FWHCA's to the greatest purposes of this subsection, extent practical. For the footprint does not include purposes of this subsection, covered or uncovered decks, footprint does not include boat houses,sheds or other covered decks on waterward appurtenances. side of residence,of uncovered decks, boat 8 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report houses,sheds or other appurtenances. 5 Clarification that the MCC 8.52.210(B)Standards Recommendation: regulations in the RO Currently has the following: In order to make the RO regarding Non- Note:(B)(2)does not apply to clearer that 8.52.210 does not Conforming Uses do not the reduction of setbacks on apply to non-conforming uses apply in shoreline lakes and saltwater via the and development within jurisdiction.The current "common line"or "average" shoreline jurisdiction,as language is not as clear. setback of adjacent residences 17.50.110.B.2.a(e)states outlined in the FWHCA revise 8.52.210 to delete the Chapter(MCC 8.52.170). following: MCC 17.50.110.B.2.a(e)states th_e ,,ndbi6ti-en f s e t b e ek-5„ the following:MCC 8.52.210 regarding non-conforming use "semmen 4Re"^•"Gver-Ggef and development'shall setbeek e f dj,Ge, t r-eside-e. instead be subject to MCC eutfi e-d in the FA44G^ 17.50.120 within shoreline GhGpte-(44GG o 52 ,7-n) jurisdiction. And add section (4) [8.52.210(B)(4)] MCC 8.52.210 does not apply in shoreline jurisdiction,see MCC 17.50.120. 6 Inclusion of ponds in 8.52.170(E) Recommendation: FWHCA's chapter under (2) Setbacks on Lakes 8.52.170(E)(2) Setbacks on Lakes Smaller than 20 Acres. (2) Setbacks on Lakes smaller than 20 acres is Lakes and ponds under twenty Smaller than 20 Acres. confusing because acres that are not regulated as Lakes and pends under twenty "ponds less than 20 wetlands and that do not have acres that are not regulated as acres" are designated in critical habitat for listed wetlands and that do not have the wetlands chapter, as species of local importance critical habitat for listed wetlands already. shall have buffers of thirty-five species of local importance feet with an additional fifteen- shall have buffers of thirty-five foot structure setback. feet with an additional fifteen- foot structure setback. 7 The requirement of a 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iii) Planning Department is Habitat Management (iii) *To further reduce the recommending that when Plan submittal to the impacts of existing combining the footprints of Department in 8.52.170 development,the footprint of existing legally established (E)(4)(j)(iii)for combining existing legally established structures per footprints of legally structures within the FWHCA 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iii),that only established structures or its buffer may be combined a Common Line Mitigation and siting them in the into one footprint area equal Plan be required rather than a most landward footprint to or lesser than the original Habitat Management Plan. of the legally established area, provided that: Recommendation: residence or garage is 9 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report contradicted in an earlier a. The combined (iii) *—To further reduce section 8.52.170(D)(4)(i). footprint proposed shall be the impacts of existing HMPs are not a submittal located in the site of legally development,the footprint of requirement and the established residences and existing legally established owner drafted Common garages most distant from or structures within the FWHCA Line Mitigation Plan less intrusive to the FWHCA or or its buffer may be combined (CLMP)can be submitted buffer, and the other into one footprint area equal instead following the structures nearer to the to or lesser than the original guidelines of Appendix B FWHCA shall be removed from area, provided that: of the Resource the FWHCA or buffer; and a. The combined Ordinance. b. For the purpose of this footprint proposed shall be section,footprint does not located in the site of legally include uncovered decks and established residences and patios. garages most distant from or less intrusive to the FWHCA or buffer, and the other structures nearer to the FWHCA shall be removed from the FWHCA or buffer; and b. For the purpose of this section,footprint does not include uncovered decks and patios. C. A Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP) as outlined in Appendix B of this Resource Ordinance shall be prepared and submitted to the County. 8 The Planning Department 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iv)c.11. The Planning Department is is recommending *The structural footprint may recommending Common Line Common Line Mitigation be moved within the subject Mitigation Plans rather than Plans rather than Habitat parcel and may change in Habitat Management Plans for Management Plans for shape provided: existing footprints that are existing footprints that I. The modification does moved landward,this does are moved landward,this not increase any intrusion into not apply to increases in does not apply to the FWHCA or its buffer or footprint. increases in footprint. setback and provided its Recommended: conformity with property line c. *The structural setback requirements (per the footprint may be moved Development Regulations) is within the subject parcel and increased to the maximum may change in shape extent practicable; provided: II. Unless recommended I. The modification does otherwise by a fish and not increase any intrusion into wildlife habitat professional or the FWHCA or its buffer or a by the author of a setback and provided its geotechnical report(per MCC conformity with property line 10 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report 8.52.140),any remaining setback requirements (per the structural components (such Development Regulations) is as a foundation)shall be increased to the maximum removed from an abandoned extent practicable; footprint. (*The Habitat II. Unless recommended Management Plan shall otherwise by a fish and include enhancement of the wildlife habitat professional or abandoned footprint with a by the author of a riparian vegetation (upland of geotechnical report (per MCC the OHWM only)as well as 8.52.140), any remaining mitigation for the new structural components (such footprint; and as a foundation)shall be III. For overwater removed from an abandoned construction such as docks,a footprint. (* The Habitat footprint may not be moved Management Plan or Common to a location where there is Line Mitigation Plan when documented submerged allowed per aquatic vegetation and forage 8.52.170(E)(4)(j)(iv)c.IV. shall fish spawning areas. include enhancement of the abandoned footprint with riparian vegetation (upland of the OHWM only)as well as mitigation for the new footprint; and IV. Movement of the existing footprint landward will require a Common Line Mitigation Plan to be prepared and submitted to the County, as outlined in Appendix B of this Resource Ordinance. 9 Currently the RO only 8.52.170(E)(4)(m) Recommendation: allows new or expanded (m) *Utilities. Placement (m) *Utilities. Placement septic systems within the or expansion of utilities or expansion of utilities setback when there is an pursuant to the following pursuant to the following existing building.This standards: standards: would make it impossible (i) Wells,water lines, (i) Wells,water lines, to obtain reasonable use and sewer lines and septic systems, and sewer of a parcel in many cases associated pumps and lifts are lines and associated pumps where the parcel was not permitted in FWHCA's but and lifts are not permitted in created prior to the may be permitted within FWHCA's but may be adoption of this setbacks(without a Variance) permitted within setbacks Ordinance. only when no practicable or (without a Variance)only reasonable alternative when no practicable or location is available and it reasonable alternative meets state and local health location is available and it codes. meets state and local health 11 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report (ii) Construction and codes. When encroachment expansion of on-site sewage into the buffer requires systems are not permitted in removal of native vegetation, FWHCA's but may be an HMP shall be required. permitted within the setback (00) GeRstFuEtion and without a Variance, provided expansion of on site sewage that the applicant systems aFe R9t peFmitted"^ demonstrates it is to serve an PWHC-_^'r, but may be existing building and use and r;++, ..,;+h:R+h.,;o+harL that the expansion is , necessary to meet state that the apple �,+ and/or local health code d-e...enSA..,+ s it is to s requirements. existing building and use an4 that the ReGessaFy te meet state aAd�E)F local health eede 10 Resource Ordinance Non- 8.52.210(B) Recommendation: Conforming Uses chapter (2) A reduction in the 8.52.210(B) has an allowance for the setback and/or buffer (2) A reduction in the reduction of the setback requirements may be setback and/or buffer without a variance considered for a requirements may be process, not applicable to nonconforming lot A considered for a shoreline jurisdiction reduction of setback shall be nonconforming lot when outlined by the SMA. approved only if: accompanied with a Mason These types of reductions (a) The reduction of Environmental Permit and are regulated under the setback and/or buffer is Habitat Management Plan. A RO and would require an necessary in order to achieve reduction of setback shall be MEP and HMP, as reasonable use of the land, approved only if: outlined in 8.52.170. and that it is the minimum (a) The reduction of Additional clarity is reduction of setback and/or setback and/or buffer is needed here for the buffer which accomplishes this necessary in order to achieve purposes of purpose;and reasonable use of the land, implementation and (b) The proposed and that it is the minimum accessibility. reduction of setback and/or reduction of setback and/or buffer is compatible with the buffer which accomplishes character of surrounding this purpose; and permitted uses, and shall not (b) The proposed adversely affect efficient and reduction of setback and/or safe traffic circulation;and buffer is compatible with the The burden of establishing the character of surrounding above-listed criteria for permitted uses, and shall not setback and/or buffer adversely affect efficient and reductions is upon the safe traffic circulation;and applicant. The burden of establishing the above-listed criteria for setback and/or buffer 12 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report reductions is upon the applicant. 11 MCC 8.52.220 Variance Existing MCC 8.52.220(E) Recommended: from Standards section (E) Review Standards. (E) discusses the criteria (E) Review Standards. See Mason County Code beyond the review See Mason County Code 15.09.057 for the review criteria found in MCC 15.09.057 for the review criteria. 15.09.057 that criteria. In addition to the review establishes reasonable In addition to the review criteria in Mason County Code use for a residence in a criteria in Mason County Code 15.09.057,the minimum residentially zoned area. 15.09.057,the minimum reasonable use for a residence The current version is reasonable use for a residence in a residentially zoned area complicated and time in a residentially zoned area shall be defined by the,tee consuming for both the shall be defined by the lesser of(a)feFty ^ ^^^*^f the ar applicant and the of(a)forty percent of the area a maximum of planner. It also defines of the lot, or(b)two thousand three twe thousand five reasonable use as the five hundred fifty square feet. h•, fifty square feet. lesser of two options. (1) Included in the total (1) Inelud'^^' 6^the*^*a' Also,for the general allowed area for a residence is '"^yeH_ -r^a f e r a r^_0H'el;e^ public,the term (a)the area of the first floor of (a)the aFea of the fi.-s*flee'-4 "minimum reasonable the residence, (b)the area of the Fesidenee (b)the aFea of use" is confusing. any covered or uncovered any eeveFed or uprzevered Though the following decks or patios proposed, deeks eF paties lamposed, recommendation states except for the area of landings except f^r the area ^f laR ding 3000sf as the maximum at entrances of a minimum at eAtFanees of a Fn*no., um square footage allowed size to meet building code Size*^ Imileet building eede when asking for requirements, (c)the area of FequiFeMeRtS, (e)the area of reasonable use, roof overhangs greater than F"^f eveFhaRgs gFeateF*ha^ development may be two feet, and (d)the area of twe feet and (d)the aFea of further restricted by any living space or decks on requirements such as any floor other than the first aRY f'eE)F *h.,.+haR the fM..4 side and front setbacks floor that extend beyond the f'^^r that extend beyond*h as well as impervious lot walls of the first floor unless *h^f;r-;*fWt;r,..,'^..& coverage restrictions. its area is already included in 4S airea is, already (b)or(c) above, and (d)the , area of any accessory .,f any aeeessept structure.The area should be strue-W-r^.The -area sheuld- h^ the same as the area covered the Saffle aS the eevpff^.d by structures as seen in a by StF * Fes as seeR OR a birds-eye view of the site birds eye view^f the site looking directly down,with the exceptions of not counting the exeeptiens ^f^^* n*'^^ the roof overhangs of not the Feef eveffhangs of Rot more than two feet and of not counting the landings at e9unting the landiRgs at entrances of a minimum size ^^*r^^e.^s ^f 13 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report to meet building code Included in the requirements. total allowed area is the area (2) This provision does of the residence and the area not allow wetlands or Fish and of any accessory structure as Wildlife Habitat Conservation seen in a bird's eye view of Areas or their buffers to be the site looking directly down. converted to lawn or (2) This provision does residential landscaping. not allow wetlands or Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas or their buffers to be converted to lawn or residential landscaping. Appendix B(Common Line Mitigation Manual) 1 Fix minor typos and Located throughout Appendix Recommended: scrivener's errors. B Revise text to improve clarity Update resource section and flow and applicable webpages. 2 Currently the manual Page 3: Uncovered Deck Page 3: Uncovered Deck references the decks Allowance: Up to 200 square Allowance: Up to 200 square allowed in the 15 foot feet of uncovered deck may feet of uncovered deck may building setback as only project up to 15 feet project up to 15 feet allowed at 12" above the waterward of the common waterward of the common ground. Needs to be line, provided the floor is no line, consistent with revisions more than one foot above to RO grade. A guard railing shall not grade.A guard railing shall not exceed 36" in height. exceed 36" in height. 3 Section VII. Common Line Existing text: Recommendation: Mitigation Plan (CLMP) The percentages of mitigation The percentages of mitigation gives instructions on that you prefer for each size that you prefer for each size what is required on the two pages to be category(note: higher category(note: higher submitted to the densities are required for densities are required for planning department to plants that reach smaller plants that reach smaller heights at maturity). Round to heights at maturity). Round to satisfy as the CLMP.This the nearest 5%. Letters a, b the nearest 5%. Letters a, b section has an error in and c shall total to at least 25% and c shall total to at least 25% reference to another and 1-6 shall total to 100%. and 4-6 a-f shall total to 100%. section of the Appendix B This second page should also and also needs to specify t include the name and the that the second page of quantity of each plant the requirement should list the number of each proposed. plant used in the mitigation plan. Miscellaneous 14 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report 1 Fix minor typos, Located throughout RO Recommended: grammar,spelling, Revise text to improve clarity scrivener's errors in SMP and flow 3 Consistency of SMP with Comprehensive Plan and Other Development Regulations Based on a review of the 2016-2036 Mason County Comprehensive Plan,Shoreline Master Program,and development regulations,there are no major inconsistencies found in the Comprehensive Plan or other development regulations. 4 Other Issues or Recommendations The following recommendations from staff are primarily to aid in clarification and implementation of the SMP and the permitting process. Table 4-1 Other Issues or Recommendations # Issue Review/SMP Location Recommendation Definitions 1 Development definition is too broad for portable MCC 17.50.020 Recommendation: Either use structures in the buffer Development. A use the statutory language for consisting of the construction the definition or elaborate on or exterior alteration of the criteria of siting a piece of structures; dredging; drilling; portable equipment. dumping;filling; removal of any sand,gravel or minerals; bulkheading; driving of piling; Statutory Definition:A use placing of obstructions;or consisting of the construction any project of a permanent or exterior alteration of or temporary nature which structures; dredging;drilling; interferes with the normal dumping;filling; removal of public use of the surface of any sand;gravel,or minerals; the waters overlying lands bulkheading; driving of piling; subject to the Act at any placing of obstructions;or stage of water level. Siting a any project of a permanent piece of equipment on the or temporary nature which ground,such as a portable interferes with the normal 15 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report bar-b-que, is not public use of the surface of "development" if the action the waters overlying lands meets the following criteria: subject to the act at any stage of water level. • It involves no Development does not construction on site. include dismantling or removing structures if there • It is not permanently is no other associated affixed to the ground development or re- or other surface or development. platform. OR • It does not require a building permit, (Note:PAC agreed to use the mechanical permit, following definition at their or plumbing permit. 2.22.21 meeting) • It is not located at or Development. A use waterward of the consisting of the construction ordinary high water or exterior alteration of mark. structures; dredging; drilling; dumping;filling; removal of • It does not include any sand,gravel or minerals; any of the actions bulkheading;driving of piling; listed in the placing of obstructions;or definition for any project of a permanent "development". or temporary nature which • It is subject to the interferes with the normal SMP vegetation public use of the surface of requirements. the waters overlying lands subject to the Act at any • It is not a stage of water IeveL containerized storage Development does not unit. include dismantling or removing structures if there is no other associated development or re- development. Siting a piece of equipment on the ground, such as a portable bar-b-que, is not "development" if the action meets all the following criteria: • It involves no construction and/or assembly on site. 16 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report • It is not permanently affixed to the ground or other surface or platform. • It does not exceed four(4)feet in height. • It does not require a building permit, mechanical permit, or plumbing permit. • It is not located at or waterward of the ordinary high water mark. • It does not include any of the actions listed in the definition for "development". • It does not require removal of native vegetation is subjeet toter vegetation meets. •—it is not nta ed StGFage Offit- 2 Floating Home definition confuses what a floating MCC 17.50.020 Use state recommended home is and what a floating language for definition Floating Home.Any floating on water residence is by structure that is designed,or combining the definition of Floating Home. A single both within the existing has been substantially and family dwelling unit structurally remodeled or constructed on a float,that is Floating Home definition. redesigned,to serve moored,anchored, or primarily as a residence. otherwise secured in waters Floating houses include and does not qualify as a house boats, house barges, vessel per WAC 332-30-106, or any floating structures that serve primarily as a 17 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report residence and do not qualify though it may be capable of as a vessel per WAC 332-30- being towed. 106,though it may be capable of being towed. 3 Floating On Water Residence is missing from Add definition to MCC Use state recommended the definitions and within 17.50.020 language for definition. the applicable residential regulations Floating On Water Residence.Any floating structure other than a floating home, as defined by this chapter: (a)that is designed or used primarily as a residence on the water and has detachable utilities; and (b)whose owner or primary occupant has held an ownership interest in space in a marina,or has held a lease or sublease to use space in a marina,since a date prior to July 1, 2014. 4 Clarity regarding what the County considers as Add definition to MCC Legally Established or "legally established or 17.50.020 Constructed Structure, Use, constructed structure, use, and/or Lot. Having obtained and/or lot" the necessary permits or having been placed prior to the need for such permits. 5 Definitions for r_..2R df.,.h ed Struct—rpi; "grandfathered structures MCC 17.50.120 EX*St*Rg lawfully RStF Gte d and use" and "Non- Deletion of grandfathered `tFWG+, FeS (aR d flGatiAg conforming Development" structures hemes)that ,de met Meet+h are the same and redundant And this PFOg..,., ,.ludiRg then Grandfathered uses R pr o.d.,..+i a I development Definition for"legal non- conforming development" fleedways is not provides same allowances as grandfathered uses and structures Exist*".. lawfully establkho.d 18 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report uses (and fleating hemes) that de met meet the wre and existing nen wateF .,teal aI uses 6 Redundancy of Legal, Non- 'egal NOR GGRf8Ff0Rg'9t Conforming Lot and Legal, MCC 17.50.020 An undeveloped let,tFaet, Non-Conforming Deletion of Legal Non- paFeel,site 9F,d:.,:s:en.,f I R Development which includes lots in the Conforming Lot definition effee.tiye.dare of+his PFegr�ry pFesent County let siie 7 Current definition of"Non- Additional clarification may conforming Development" MCC 17.50.020 be needed within the implies that all non- Definition should be labeled following definition: conforming development Legal, Non-Conforming Legal, Non-Conforming was legally established/constructed Development" Development-A shoreline use,structure or lot which was lawfully constructed or established prior to the effective date of the Act, or the Master Program,or amendments thereto, but which does not conform to present regulations or standards of the Program or policies of the Act. 17.50.110—Ecological Protection,Critical Areas, No Net Loss 1 Update to indicate that the Recommended: amended Mason County 17.50.110.B.2.a.i Resource Ordinance is 19 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report adopted within the SMP by i. Subject to exceptions reference. i. Subject to exceptions listed below,the critical area listed below,the critical area provisions of the Mason provisions of the Mason County Resource Ordinance County Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52) adopted on (MCC 8.52) adopted on August 3rd 1993 as August 3rd 1993 as Ordinance Number 77-93 and Ordinance Number 77-93 and last amended on September Gast as amended thereafter 19, 2017 as Ordinance on SeptembeF 19 2017 as Number 51-17 are adopted Qrdinanee N,... beic 51 1:7 are by reference and shall apply adopted by reference and within shoreline jurisdiction. shall apply within shoreline jurisdiction. 2 Clarification needed that Recommended: regulated buffers do not 17.50.110.B.2..b.ii extend across legally ii. Unless otherwise established public roads ii. Unless otherwise specified, buffers shall be and that it doesn't include specified, buffers shall be maintained in predominantly maintained in predominantly natural, undisturbed, driveways and other natural, undisturbed, hardened surfaces that undeveloped and vegetated may have been added undeveloped and vegetated condition. Regulated buffers within a buffer. condition. Regulated buffers shall not extend across shall not extend across lawfully established paved lawfully established paved roads or hardened surfaces public roads er hardened to include areas which are surfaces to include areas functionally isolated from the which are functionally critical area. isolated from the critical area. Or Unless otherwise specified, buffers shall be maintained in predominantly natural, undisturbed, undeveloped and vegetated condition. Regulated buffers shall not extend across lawfully established public paved roads and hardened surfaces to include areas which are functionally isolated from the critical area. Buffer reductions under this provision are allowed only when the functional 20 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report disconnection has been documented through a report by a qualified professional that demonstrates the area is functionally isolated.The County shall consider the hydrologic,geologic,and/or biological habitat connection potential and the extent and permanence of the physical separation. Note:Two options presented for PAC review after comment from citizen at 6.21.21 Public Hearing 17.50.120—Existing Structures, Uses,and Lots 1 Grandfathered residences Except for Recommendation: are allowed to expand overwater structures, Change last sentence to read, upward, but the current grandfathered residences "For the purposes of this regulations do not allow may be expanded by addition subsection,footprint does using covered porches as of space above the existing not include covered decks on an area to expand upward building footprint up to waterward side of residence, to authorized heights.This authorized heights without a uncovered decks, boat is a view issue only and Variance. Upward expansion houses,sheds or other staff believes using covered shall minimize impacts to appurtenances. porch footprints on the existing views of the water to landward side of the the greatest extent practical. building should be allowed For the purpose of this to expand upward as well, subsection,footprint does as there is no additional not include covered or environmental impact. uncovered decks, boat houses,sheds or other appurtenances. 2 Update section on legal MCC Recommended: non-conforming structure f. A r,Fan dfatheFe.,1 legal f. A gFaR lfathe ed legal or structural footprint to non-conforming structure or non-conforming structure or match up with changes in structural footprint that is structural footprint that is Resource Ordinance. moved any distance on the moved any distance on the Movement of existing subject parcel or changed in subject parcel or changed in structural footprint shape shall increase its shape shall increase its landward would require conformity with the Program conformity with the Program the Common Line and with property line and with property line Mitigation Plan (CLMP)that setback requirements (per setback requirements (per 21 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report is outlined in the Mason the Development the Development County Resource Regulations)to the maximum Regulations)to the maximum Ordinance Appendix B extent practicable provided: extent practicable provided: rather than a Habitat i. It does not increase i. It does not increase Management Plan. any intrusion to any critical any intrusion to any critical area buffer or setback and area buffer or setback and provided its conformity with provided its conformity with property line setback property line setback requirements (per the requirements (per the Development Regulations) is Development Regulations) is increased to the maximum increased to the maximum extent practicable; extent practicable; ii. Unless ii. Unless recommended otherwise by recommended otherwise by a fish and wildlife habitat a fish and wildlife habitat professional or a by the professional or a by the author of a Geotechnical author of a Geotechnical Report, any remaining Report,any remaining structural components (such structural components (such as a foundation)shall be as a foundation)shall be removed from the removed from the abandoned footprint. A abandoned footprint. A Habitat Management Plan Habitat Management Plan or shall be submitted that Common Line Mitigation Plan includes enhancement of the when allowed per MCC abandoned footprint with shall be riparian vegetation (upland submitted that includes of the OHWM only) as well as enhancement of the mitigation for the new abandoned footprint with footprint; riparian vegetation (upland iii. For overwater of the OHWM only)as well as construction such as docks,a mitigation for the new footprint may not be moved footprint; to a location where there is iii. For overwater documented submerged construction such as docks, a aquatic vegetation and footprint may not be moved forage fish spawning areas. to a location where there is documented submerged aquatic vegetation and forage fish spawning areas. iv. Movement of the existing footprint landward will require a Common Line Mitigation Plan (CLMP)to be prepared and submitted to the County,as outlined in Appendix B of the Mason 22 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report County Resource Ordinance Title 8.52. 3 "grandfathered"will no MCC 17.50.120 and Update SMP use of longer exist within the throughout SMP "grandfathered"where definitions section of the appropriated with "legal, SMP non-conforming" 17.50.320—Docks, Floats, Buoys, Lifts, Etc. 1 The County has allowed MCC 17.50.320.B.1.j.i Recommendation: replacement over water j. Repair and j. Repair and structures in different Replacement. Replacement. configurations than the i. As detailed in MCC i. As detailed in MCC existing footprint as long as 17.50.120 Existing Structures, 17.50.120 Existing Structures, the replacement meets the footprints of existing the footprints of existing current bulk/dimensional legally established structures legally established over water requirements and does not are grand-fathered,therefore structures that do not exceed the existing repairs and replacements conform to the Program's overwater square footage. including grandfathered requirements are considered The current code does not docks, boat houses, and gFand fathered-, legal non- reflect this allowance and other overwater structures conforming, including docks, flexibility. do not need to meet the boat houses, and other County's dimensional overwater structures; standards but do need to use therefore repairs and approved materials. replacements in 'ems Replacement structures shall gFandfatheFed deeks bat be restricted to the original houses, and etherewpAgat footprint and size r*r,,�-,rPr, do not need to dimensions, except for any meet the County's variations required by health dimensional standards but do and safety regulations. need to use approved Existing skirting shall be materials. Replacement removed and may not be structures shall be restricted replaced. Whenever feasible, to the original footprint and repairs to boathouses should size dimensions,except fer include materials that allow for light penetration to he-alth and Safety Fegulations intertidal and shallow unless the reconfiguration subtidal water areas. meets current bulk Note: The Washington dimensional standards and Department of Fish and does not exceed the existing Wildlife may not issue overwater square footage. Hydraulic Project Approvals Existing skirting shall be for replaced docks or removed and may not be unattached floats that do not replaced. Whenever feasible, meet their current standards repairs to boathouses should in WAC220-110. include materials that allow for light penetration to intertidal and shallow subtidal water areas. 23 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report Note: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife may not issue Hydraulic Project Approvals for replaced docks or unattached floats that do not meet their current standards in WAC 220-I10. 2 Additions to non- MCC 17.50.320.B.l.j.ii Recommendation: conforming docks and Proposals involving the Add clarifying language such clarifying what part of the addition to or enlargement of as the following: dock has to conform to existing overwater structures For plzroposals involving the current SMP regulations must comply with the addition to or enlargement of requirement for new existing overwater construction. Enlargement structures, it is the addition beyond prescriptive or area of enlargement that standards would require a must comply with the Variance. requirements for new construction as outlined in 17.50.320.13, Table 17.50.320-A, and Table 17.50.320-B. linlaFgement a Variance. 3 Current regulations for Current language of Recommendation: building docks and/or MCC 17.50.320.B.2.e Remove"within two hundred unattached floats with No dock or unattached float (200)feet of OHWM on the semi-enclosed bodies of may be constructed to the opposite shoreline". water make it difficult or lesser of fifteen percent The purpose of this impossible to construct a (15%)fetch or to within two regulation is to assure that usable length of dock or hundred (200)feet of OHWM waters are still navigable. float. on the opposite shoreline of Additional restrictions may any semi-enclosed body of be needed than outlined in water such as a bay,cove,or the 2.22.21 Draft SMP. natural stream channel. Within a semi-enclosed body of water such as a bay, cove, or natural stream channel, a dock or unattached float may be constructed to the lesser of,the allowed dock length or fifteen percent(15%) fetch, provided there are no significant adverse impacts to navigation.Ale deck er unattached fleat may be r,eRstFwE;ted to the lesser ,f 24 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report fifteen p ent( roil fetch., opposite shgFeline ef any 4 Confusion regarding Arrangement of sections Recommendation: residential docks and within MCC 17.50.320 17.50.320.B.2.f.v applying the Attachment regarding"Attachments", Attachments should be after regulations. "Piers", "Ramps", and 17.50.320.B.2.viii Floats and "Floats" is confusing.After before 17.50.320.B.2.ix mainstem dock length Pilings. dimensional regulations New reference should be the should follow with width following: maximums for mainstem 17.50.320.B.2.v Piers dock components. 17.50.320.B.2.vi Ramps 17.50.320.B.2.vii Floats & 17.50.320.B.2.vii Attachments 5 Current reference within Current reference MCC Recommendation: the Attachments section 17.50.320.B.2.f.v(a) &(b) (a) Freshwater Dock.The for residential docks links (17.50.320.B.2J.viii(a)& (b) length (measured parallel back to the width in version to be revised) with the shore)of the requirements for the attachment(excluding the individual dock (a) Freshwater Dock.The main-stem of the dock)for a components of piers, length (measured parallel single waterfront lot shall not ramps, and floats.This with the shore)of the exceed twenty(20)feet, or conflicts with the Table attachment(excluding the forty (40)feet for a joint-use 17.50.320-A that indicates main-stem of the dock)for a or a community facility.{See Attachment(s) are limited single waterfront lot shall not by square footage which is exceed twenty(20)feet, or based on number of forty (40)feet for a joint-use rempenents of piers Famps owners utilizing the dock. or a community facility. [See and fleats.1 Also wording in same #f(f)(vi)—(viii)for width The total section implies each dock requirements for individual allowed area for all the dock attachment has a Max sf components of piers, ramps, attachment(s) depends on footage, but nothing and floats.] the number of owners,see indicates that there is a The maximum area allowed Table 17.50.320-A. limit on number of for the dock attachment attachments or overall sf depends on the number of (b)Saltwater Dock.The footage. owners: length (measured parallel (b)Saltwater Dock.The with the shore)of the length measured parallel to attachment(excluding the the shore of the attachment main-stem of the dock)for a (excluding the main-stem of single waterfront lot shall not the dock)for a single exceed thirty (30)feet,or waterfront lot shall not sixty(60)feet for a joint-use 25 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report exceed thirty (30)feet,or or a community facility.JSee sixty(60)feet for a joint-use or a community facility. [See #(f)(vi)—(viii)for width eempeneRts ef piers, Famps-, requirements for individual and fleats components of piers, ramps, The total and floats.] allowed area for all the dock The maximum area allowed attachment(s) depends on for the dock attachment the number of owners,see depends on the number of Table 17.50.320-B. owners: 6 Table 17.50.320-A and B See Table 17.50.320-A& B Recommendation: column wording indicates Column heading for both is Revise column heading for the attachment maximum the following: both Table 17.50.320-A& B area but does not indicate "Max.Area (sq ft) of Dock to the following: that this should be the Attachment (excluding "AUX Total Allowed Area (sq total allowed. mainstem) ft)of All Dock Attachment(s) (excluding mainstem) 7 Requirement for float stops 17.50.320.B.2.f.viii (b) Recommendation: on all floats does not take (b) All floating structures (b) All floating structures into consideration shall include float stops to shall include float stops to environments that lack keep structures off the keep structures off the benthic habitat such as tidelands or lake-bottom or tidelands or lake-bottom or man made reservoirs. be located at sufficient depth be located at sufficient depth to avoid grounding during all to avoid grounding during all tidal or lake elevations. In tidal or lake elevations. saltwater,floats need to be Exclusion of floats stops may suspended a minimum of one be approved by WDFW foot above the tidal Hydraulic Approval. In substrate, unless otherwise saltwater,floats need to be required by DNR use suspended a minimum of one authorization (when foot above the tidal applicable) or by WDFW substrate, unless otherwise Hydraulic Project Approval. required by DNR use The preferred and least authorization (when impacting option is to applicable) or by WDFW suspend the float above the Hydraulic Project Approval. substrate by installing float The preferred and least stops on piling anchoring impacting option is to new floats.The stops must suspend the float above the be able to fully support the substrate by installing float entire float during all tidal stops on piling anchoring elevations. new floats.The stops must be able to fully support the entire float during all tidal elevations. 26 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report Note: Changed language on this revision after comment from WDFW. 8 WDFW recommended 17.50.320.B.2.f.vi. Recommendation: including language Piers.The width of piers, no 17.50.320.B.2.f.vi. regarding pier distance including the piling,shall not Piers. required above substrate exceed six(6)feet. (a) The width of piers, when in saltwater and that Note. The amount of not including the not only pier width but functional grating required by piling,shall not orientation can determine state jurisdictions may exceed six(6)feet. the amount of functional increase for piers that are (b) The bottom of grating.These are the greater than 4 feet wide. saltwater piers must requirements of the WAC be at least 6 feet that WDFW regulates. above the substrate. Note. Depending on orientation and/or pier width (greater than 4 feet), t-The amount of functional grating required by state jurisdictions may increase.feF piers thG .,t.,.-then A F„t iyi de 17.50.340-Shoreline Stabilization 1 17.50.340.B.2.a.iii does not 17.50.340.B.2.a.iii Primary Recommendation: Revise to include docks as part of the structure means the include docks. appurtenant structures to structure or the only access iii. Primary structure be protected by associated with the principal means the structure or the stabilization. use of the property that only access associated with cannot feasibly be relocated. the principal use of the It may also include single property that cannot feasibly family residential be relocated. It may also appurtenant structures, include single family including docks, that cannot residential appurtenant feasibly be relocated. structures, including deeks, that cannot feasibly be relocated. Note:After concern from WDFW and re-evaluation of the initial recommendation to add "docks", staff is recommending not adding this type of structure as one of the residential appurtenant structures. 2 Repair and replacement 17.50.340.B.5.i.i. Recommendation: section of the shoreline i. Additions to or i. Additions to or stabilization chapter of the increases in size of existing increases in size of existing 27 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report SMP, currently makes shoreline stabilization shoreline stabilization allowance for a 12" height measures shall be considered measures shall be considered extension of a bulkhead new structures,except that new structures,except that without having to fulfill 'capping' an existing 'capping' an existing requirements for"new" bulkhead may be considered bulkhead may be considered construction.This height repair if the following criteria repair if the following criteria doesn't account for sea are met: are met: level rise and the increasing i. The cap is one foot in i. The cap is two feet in number of applicants height or less (cumulative height or less (cumulative having current bulkheads over ten years) and no more over ten years) and no more overtopped.The County is wide than the bulkhead;and wide than the bulkhead;and proposing two feet ii. All native trees and ii. All native trees and expansion limit will still shrubs are preserved in shrubs are preserved in utilizing the replacement place. place. permitting applications. 17.50.400—Permits, Exemptions,and Appeals 1 Current regulations do not MCC 17.50.400.A.4 Recommendation: clarify that some proposals A pre-application conference, MCC 17.50.400.A.4 for Type II permits need as described in MCC A shoreline meeting p*e- the applicant to participate 17.05.020, is required for all applieatien eeAfeFenee,as in a pre-application Type III (which includes described in MCC 15.05.020, conference with the proposals that require is required for all Type Eµ County and any other Shoreline Substantial proposals agency that may be Development, Conditional that require Shoreline involved in permitting or Use, and/or Variance) Substantial Development, review.Also, calling the permits. Conditional Use, and/or process a "pre-application Variance permits}and some conference" is confusing shoreline exemptions. because the same term is used for a meeting that occurs for all commercial, multi-family, industrial, and subdivision projects that are not necessarily in shoreline jurisdiction. 2 Permit process for MCC 17.50.400.C.2.a. Notice Recommendation: substantial development of Application Add a section iii.with the permits (not combined i. A Notice of following: with any other permit), Application/Public Hearing iii. Unless required per MCC clarify that notice of shall be provided according 17.50.400.C.2.b, applications application is needed but to MCC 15.07.010 and for Substantial Development no hearing. 15.07.030. Advertising costs Permits do not require a will be the responsibility of public hearing. All Substantial the applicant. The public Development Permits require comment period shall be no a notice of application. less than thirty(30) days following the date of Notice of Application. A public 28 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report hearing shall not be held prior to thirty(30) days following the date of the notice. ii. All persons who so submit their views shall be notified in a timely manner of the action taken upon the application. Miscellaneous 1 Fix minor typos,grammar, Located throughout SMP Recommended: spelling,scrivener's errors Revise text to improve clarity in SMP and flow 5 Title 15 Development Code Staff has identified areas of the development code that are recommended to be revised for clarity. # Issue Review/SMP Location Recommendation Title 15 1 Pre-Application Activities 15.05.020 PRE- Recommendation: section of the development APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 15.05.020 Pre-Application code incorrectly excludes A. Informal. Applicants Activities type I and some type II for development are permit proposals from encouraged to participate in 15.05.020 PRE- requiring pre-application an informal discussion prior APPLICATION ACTIVITIES meetings. An additional to the formal pre-application A. Informal. Applicants section describing the meeting. The purpose of the for development are shoreline meeting required meeting is to discuss, in encouraged to participate in by section 17.50.400 of the general terms,the proposed an informal discussion prior SMP should be added for development, County to the formal pre-application clarity regarding the pre- development standards,and meeting or shoreline application process. required permits and meeting. The purpose of the approval process. ^metro^;s to informal ----moo -- --- -- B. Formal. Every person discussion is to establish, in proposing a development in general terms,the proposed the County,with exception of development,County Type I permits and decisions development standards, and and some Type II permits and required permits and decisions,shall attend a pre- approval process. application meeting.The B. dal Pre- purpose of the meeting is to Application Meeting. Every 29 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report discuss the nature of the person proposing a proposed development, commercial, industrial, multi- application and permit family developmeRt and/or requirements,fees, review subdivision project in the process and schedule, County,with exceptiee-ef applicable plans, policies and regulations. In order to and seme Type " permits a expedite development decisions,shall attend a pre- review,the County shall application meeting. For the invite all affected purpose of this section departments, agencies commercial development and/or special districts to the shall not include change in pre-application meeting, at tenant. The purpose of the the discretion of the Review meeting is to discuss the Authority. nature of the proposed development, application and permit requirements, fees, review process and schedule, applicable plans, policies and regulations. In order to expedite development review,the County shall invite all affected departments, agencies and/or special districts to the pre- application meeting, at the discretion of the Review Authority. C. Shoreline Meeting. Every person proposing a development,within shoreline jurisdiction, requiring a Shoreline Substantial Development permit, Conditional Use, and/or Variance permit and some Shoreline Exemptions, shall attend a shoreline meeting.The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the nature of the proposed development, application and permit requirements, review process and schedule, applicable plans, policies and regulations. In order to 30 Mason County SMP Periodic Review 2021 Consistency Review Report expedite development review,the County shall invite all affected departments, agencies and/or special districts to the shoreline meeting.The shoreline meeting may occur in office or in the field. 2 Filing appeals mentions A. Filing. Every appeal Recommended: filing a copy with the Clerk to the Hearing Examiner or A. Filing. Every appeal of the Board and with the County Commissioners shall to the Hearing Examiner or Permit Assistance Office. be filed with the Clerk of the County Commissioners shall This is redundant and Board and the Permit be filed yAth*"^''liar'-^f*"^ creates extra paper.The Assistance Center in the Rear and the Permit planning department sets Community Services Assistance Center in the up appeals regarding Department within fourteen Community Services departmental decisions are (14)days after the date of Department within fourteen set up by the planning the decision being appealed. (14)days after the date of department, not the clerk of the decision being appealed. the board. Miscellaneous 1 Fix minor typos,grammar, Located throughout SMP Recommended: spelling,scrivener's errors in Revise text to improve clarity SMP and flow 31 Attachment 2 MASON COUNTY SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM: PERIODIC REVIEW 2020-2021 COMMENT MATRIX MCC COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC REFERENCE DECISION LARRY MILLER MCC 17.50.320 (Table (2/16/21) Larry Miller-I see the Staff-Those limits that you (PRE-HEARING) 17.50.320-A) size limit of freshwater docks is mentioned are only for an limited to 250 square feet for "Attachment"to the dock single residence, but the size mainstem, not the overall limit limit over saltwater is 350 for docks. Freshwater docks have square feet. I currently have a an overall length limit of 60 ft dock that is 320 square feet and from Ordinary High Water Mark find it just barely sizable for my with width dimensional limits on purposes. It's in good repair and components of the dock such as a realize that when I have to pier,float, or ramp.Then the replace it I'll be required to code allows for an "Attachment" reduce in size to 300 square feet to the mainstem,the length of to comply with the Cushman the attachment being parallel to SMP issued by Tacoma Power. the shore rather than Accordingly I'd like to see your perpendicular like the mainstem. size limits at least consistent This "Attachment" piece is then with TPU, and would actually limited to 250sf when in prefer the size limit the same as freshwater and only one owner. for saltwater. (This comment So under the County's regulations only needed clarification by staff) we allow a much larger freshwater dock if you figure in a mainstem and the allowance for a 250 sf Attachment on top of that. (NO CHANGES) WYNNAE WRIGHT MCC (2/22/21) Wynnae Wright-The Staff-SMP revision to —TPU(PRE- 17.50.320.f.viii(b) requirement for float stops. 17.50.320.B.f.viii(b) HEARING) Would there be consideration All floating structures shall for not needing them include float stops to keep somewhere like Lake Cushman structures off the tidelands or (man made reservoir)where lake-bottom or be located at benthic environmental has been sufficient depth to avoid shown to not exist? (Discussed grounding during all tidal or lake at PAC meeting) elevations. Exclusion of float stops may be approved by WDFW through Hydraulic Approval. In saltwater,floats need to be suspended a minimum of one foot above the tidal substrate, CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION unless otherwise required by DNR use authorization (when applicable) or by WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval.The preferred and least impacting option is to suspend the float above the substrate by installing float stops on piling anchoring new floats.The stops must be able to fully support the entire float during all tidal elevations. KEN VAN BUSKIRK 2012 Shoreline (2/22/21) Ken Van Buskirk- Staff- Kell explained that this (PRE-HEARING) Inventory and Appendix B,issues with periodic review of the SMP Characterization database gaps between DNR, doesn't reopen the shoreline Report (Appendix B: DFW,and Mason County.Link to inventory and characterization. GIS DATA Sources) WDFW 2011 database goes no GIS is a good tool but review on where. In the past, the ground by planners is really subcontractor Herrera also what confirms the existence of found gaps in the databases. streams,wetlands,and other (Discussed at PAC meeting) critical areas, rather than relying solely on mapping. (NO CHANGES) WDFW MCC (06/03/21)WDFW-Can we add Staff:We can add a line under (3o-DAY COMMENT 17.50.320.B.2.f.vi (No our requirement that the the pier width requirement that PERIOD) current language bottom of saltwater piers must also has the 6 feet above the regarding bottom of be at least 6 feet above the substrate language required by saltwater piers.) substrate? WAC. WAC 220-660-380(4)Pier and vi. Piers. ramp design: (a)Design piers to (a)The width of piers, not maximize height over the bed to including the pilings, lot shall not improve light transmission. The exceed six(6)feet. bottom of the pier must be at least six feet above the bed at (b)The bottom of saltwater piers the landward end must be at least 6 feet above the substrate. Note: Depending on orientation and/or pier width (greater than 4 feet),the amount of functional grating required by state jurisdictions may increase. WDFW(30-DAY MCC (06/03/21)WDFW-The size Staff:Yes, we can easily add that COMMENT PERIOD) 17.50.320.B.2.f.vi AND orientation of the Pier orientation can determine "Note:The amount of determine the required amount amount of functional grating. functional grating of functional grating. Note: Depending on orientation required by state jurisdictions may and/or pier width (greater than 4 feet),the amount of functional 2 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION increase for piers that WAC 220-660-380 4)Pier and grating required by state are greater than 4 ramp design: jurisdictions may increase. feet wide." (b) Limit the width of residential piers to no more than six feet wide. Limit the width of recreational piers to the minimum width needed to accommodate the intended use. (c)North/south oriented piers (338 to 22 degrees, or 158 to 202 degrees)greater than four feet in width must have at least thirty percent of the entire deck surface covered in functional grating. The grating must be installed parallel to the length of the pier for the entire length of the pier. (d)Northeast/southwest, northwest/southeast, and east/west oriented piers(23 to 157 degrees,203 to 337 degrees) must have at least fifty percent of the entire deck surface covered in functional grating regardless of width. The grating must be installed parallel to the width of the pier, evenly spaced along the entire length of the pier. (e)If only the minimum pier deck surface described in(c)or(d)of this subsection is covered, the grating material's open area must be at least sixty percent open area unless grating covers more than the minimum pier deck area of the pier. If the grating covers more than the minimum deck surface area, the grating material's open area can be reduced down to at least forty percent open area. (f)Limit the width of residential ramps to four feet wide. Limit the width of public recreational ramps to the minimum width 3 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION needed to accommodate the intended use. Cover the entire ramp surface with grating. WDFW(3o-DAY MCC (06/03/21) -WDFW-Can this Staff-SMP revision to COMMENT PERIOD) 17.50.320.B.2.f.viii(b) say, "unless approved by WDFW 17.50.320.B.f.viii(b) hydraulic project approval" All floating structures shall Instead of exempt.This would include float stops to keep let us determine if there are structures off the tidelands or extra mitigation measures lake-bottom or be located at required for not meeting the sufficient depth to avoid WAC.There are some differing grounding during all tidal or lake requirements between elevations. Exclusion of float freshwater and saltwater on this stops may be approved by WDFW one. through Hydraulic Approval. WDFW(3o-DAY MCC (06/03/21)WDFW is confused Staff:This has to do with safety COMMENT PERIOD) 17.50.320.B.2.f.viii(e) on the requirement for the and visibility for boaters/jet minimum 10 inches above the skis/etc., but redirects to WDFW surface of the water. We do not and DNR for additional/other regulate the "thickness" of a requirements. float. Need more clarification on ,The surface of floating this,maybe it is solely a DNR structures shall be a minimum of requirement? ten inches above the surface of (clarification only) the water, unless other limitations are set by DNR use authorization or WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval standards." (NO CHANGE) WDFW(30-DAY MCC 17.50.320.B.3.a (06/03/21) WDFW-This is great Staff: COMMENT PERIOD) language that generally calls out MCC 17.50.320.6.1.c WDFW requirements-can this be stated in the rest of the Refers to All Overwater section where you point to Structures and then Overlapping other jurisdictions? IE on other Jurisdictions,the only difference overwater structure is this regulation doesn't talk requirements that may have about use. "Use" and different requirements. "Installation" added to encompass the same elements in section B.3.a. "The installation and use of c. Overlapping Jurisdictions. mooring buoys in marine waters New construction, shall be consistent with all replacement,a44d-repair, applicable federal and state laws, installation, and use shall including the other state comply with all applicable Departments of Fish& Wildlife, state and federal policies Health, and/or Natural Resources and regulations, including standards." 4 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION but not limited to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Hydraulic Project Approval WAC 220- 110),the Washington Department of Natural Resources,and the United States'Army Corps of Engineers. These include functional grating,size restrictions, and other standards. WDFW(30-DAY MCC (06/03/21)WDFW-Huge Staff:Staff discussed and will be COMMENT PERIOD) 17.50.340.B.2.a.iii concern over adding"including removing the inclusion of docks docks"to the sentence here. from this section. It was originally That could encourage a lot more added by staff to address shoreline armoring,and docks situations that occur up at Lake are supposed to be considered Cushman where erosion is more accessory/recreational extensive due to raising and structures. We could have lowering of the reservoir, but people build a dock in order to staff will continue to evaluate justify new armoring?Would based on unique situations and like to discuss this one more the regulations already in place. with your reasoning behind the change. MASON Title 8.52—Resource Amendments adopted under Staff: Corrected.Amendments CONSERVATION Ordinance Ordinance#51-19 with respect previously adopted by the County DISTRICT(30-DAY to the Voluntary Stewardship were inserted in the draft COMMENT PERIOD) Program have been omitted Resource Ordinance. These entirely and need to be re- amendments are not red lined as inserted. they have already gone through the public adoption process and were approved by ordinance. MASON MCC A professional may or may not Staff: Updated CONSERVATION 8.52.170(E)(3)(b)(iii)b. be a biologist,does an HMP 8.52.170(E)(3)(b)(iii)b.to say DISTRICT(30-DAY have to be prepared by a "qualified fish and wildlife COMMENT PERIOD) qualified biologist? Is there a professional" in order to be certain certification required? consistent with subpart J. "A Common Line Mitigation Plan The definitions section of Title may be prepared by the property 8.52 elaborates on the owner or his/her designee and qualifications of a fish and wildlife shall meet the requirements in professional. Appendix 8, or a Habitat Management Plan shall be 5 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION prepared by a qualified habitat Qualified Fish and Wildlife biologist and meet the Professional: A person with requirements in subpartJ." experience and training in fish Subpart reads, "(3) The HMP and wildlife issues;who has shall be prepared by a qualified experience analyzing fish and fish and wildlife professional, or wildlife habitats and their the HMP shall be reviewed and functions and values, impacts to approved for adequacy by a the habitats,and mitigation; and qualified fish and wildlife who derives his/her livelihood professional prior to submittal to from employment as a wildlife the county." biologist, habitat management consultant,or fisheries biologist, as appropriate to the type of critical area under review. Qualifications include: (1) Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree in biology,environmental studies,fisheries,wildlife or related field,and two years of related work experience;or (2) Five years of related work experience. MASON Appendix B of Throughout document, Staff: Department of Community CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance Department is referenced as Development,which is planning DISTRICT(30-DAY Department of Community and building, is a division of COMMENT PERIOD) Development instead of Community Services. Department Community Services. Probably of Community Services not a big deal, but a good time encompasses the Department of to make it all consistent. Community Development and Public Health. Staff will make any changes if needed, but using the title Department of Community Development is still accurate. MASON Appendix B of Is this change intended to Staff:Whether it is waterward of CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance differentiate so that a deck the common line or standard DISTRICT(30-DAY page 2 waterward of the common line setback,we removed the limit of COMMENT PERIOD) can be greater than Thigh, but if 1'above average grade because it it is waterward of a standard is not practical in all situations setback they must still adhere to and the Department did not see the 1' restriction? If so,then no additional environmental impact changes necessary. by allowing the deck to be higher o Also related to the deck off the ground as long as impact height restriction related to to views are addressed at the grade: how is the grade building permit level. elevation determined if the 6 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION house is built on a slope. Is it The County's Development the average grade of the home's Regulations define "height" as footprint,or the grade of the the following: home at the waterward edge? "Height"shall be measured using The landward-most 15 feet of average grade level. The average the setback may be cleared, of the natural or existing graded, or landscaped and may topography of the portion of the contain a 200 square foot lot, parcel, or tract of real (maximum) uncovered deck, property which will be directly provided the deck floor is no under the proposed structure and more than one foot above shall be determined by averaging average grade." Page 3 it reads, the ground elevations at the "Uncovered Deck Allowance: Up midpoint of all exterior walls of to 200 square feet of uncovered the proposed structure. deck may project up to 15 feet water ward of the common line, A guard railing shall not exceed 36" in height." MASON Appendix B of Are Master Gardeners Staff:Staff initiated CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance volunteers aware of this and communication with Carmen at DISTRICT(30-DAY interested in helping with WSU Extension and will update COMMENT PERIOD) Common Line Mitigation Plans. draft appropriately. Suggest you contact Kendall Carmen,Small Farms Natural Resources Coordinator,at WSU Extension to check on this. "A Common Line Mitigation Plan that meets the standards herein may be prepared by the property owner or applicant, however it is recommended that the applicant enlist the services of the Mason Conservation District or a WSU Extension Master Gardener or that the applicant hire a landscape professional to prepare the Common Line Mitigation Plan." MASON Appendix B of Should read, "Mason Staff: Updated CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance Conservation District". DISTRICT(30-DAY page 9 COMMENT PERIOD) 7 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION "Rain Garden Option:Rain garden installation may be utilized in lieu of the above replanting specifications. It is recommended that rain gardens be designed and installed by a landscape architect, the Mason County WSU Extension Office, the Mason County Conservation District, or another professional trained in rain garden construction. The professional shall prepare, sign, and date the Common Line Mitigation Plan and agree to install the rain garden(s)." MASON Appendix B of There is a more current 2013 Staff: Updated CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance handbook and it's on Ecology's DISTRICT(30-DAY page 9 website: Rain Garden Handbook COMMENT PERIOD) for Western Washington:A Guide for Design, Installation, and Maintenance "Rain gardens may not be appropriate in all locations due to soil type or slope. For additional guidance, see Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington Homeowners, Washington State University Extension, 2007." MASON Appendix B of There is no Urban Staff: Updated CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance environmental designation. DISTRICT(30-DAY page 12 Commercial? COMMENT PERIOD) "8. The required habitat buffer (100 feet from the OHWM on all lakes and on most saltwater except those designated as Urban, Conservancy, or Natural). See the table on page 2." MASON Appendix B of Again,check with Kendall Staff:Changed to say"Fish and CONSERVATION Resource Ordinance Carmen at WSU Extension about Wildlife Professional",fixed DISTRICT(30-DAY hiring of Master Gardner reference, and staff initiated COMMENT PERIOD) volunteers. Should the citation communication with Carmen at reference J, instead of I? Habitat 8 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION Biologist comment above WSU Extension and will update applies here too. draft appropriately. "3. If the applicant has submitted two successive CLMP's that are illegible or lacking the required information, the applicant will be required to hire a the Mason Conservation District a WSU Extension Master Gardener, or a landscape professional to submit a plan that meets the above requirements, install the plants, and maintain the enhanced area (for at least three years). Or, the applicant can choose to hire a Habitat Biologist to prepare a Habitat Management Plan(per MCC 8,52.170.1)." HOOD CANAL MCC 17.50.210.B.3 HCEC is concerned that the Staff: ENVIRONMENTAL proposed SMP regulations in COUNCIL(3o-DAY Staff is not recommending any COMMENT PERIOD) Section 3. Commercial k revisions to the existing geoduck Aquaculture are inconsistent stent regulations at this time for the with regulations from other following reason(s): jurisdictions and fall short of necessary protection.As a 1)A senior staff member who stopgap remedy for this was present at the time of the oversight,we request the below comprehensive update, especially suggested changes (underlining the section on aquaculture for suggested additions, and policies and regulations, and who strikethrough for suggested has been attending the Shellfish deletions). Interagency Meetings for over ten years has stated that the Section 3.c. geoduck regulations were Conditional Use Permits are adopted after several public required for new commercial meetings with the PAC, Ecology, geoduck aquaculture. and County staff,the geoduck C-enversiens eng e ' ting Pen section was new to the SMP and thoroughly reviewed by the County and Ecology. Requiring Shoreline Conditional Use permits for"new"geoduck [Deleting the second sentence aquaculture only was clearly would be consistent with Kitsap discussed as the direction Mason County, Bainbridge Island, County was going with shoreline Clallam County and with permits, as well as requiring 9 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION proposed changes in Jefferson Substantial Development Permits County]. for a project that didn't meet the Section 3.d. state WAC and MC SMP exemption criteria.This direction All subsequent cycles of planting was reviewed and discussed and harvest shall not require a during the Shellfish Interagency new Conditional Use Permit:, Meetings that were attended by subject to WAC 173.27-100. planners from at least Mason, [This provides consistency with Thurston, and Pierce Counties, as the referenced WAC,which well as State,Tribal,and Federal provides: "A permit revision is agencies. The directions of other required whenever the applicant jurisdictions were also discussed. proposes substantive changes to The following MCC regulations: the design, terms or conditions of "Conversions from existing non- a project from that which is geoduck aquaculture to geoduck approved in the permit. Changes aquaculture within existing farm are substantive if they materially boundaries do not require a alter the project in a manner that Conditional Use Permit" and "All relates to its conformance to the subsequent cycles of planting and terms and conditions of the harvest shall not require a new permit, the master program Conditional Use Permit" were not and/or the policies and an "oversight(s)" but quite provisions of chapter 90.58 RCW. intentional and the direction the Changes which are not County decided to go, after substantive in effect do not numerous meetings with the require approval of a revision. . PAC, Ecology,staff,and the "] public.This direction was taken in order to encourage the "preferred use"status of aquaculture in Mason County. 2) Under the General Aquaculture Regulations, MCC 17.50.210.B.1.d,there is already language regarding permit revision requirements: Ongoing maintenance, harvest, replanting, restocking or changing the culture technique or species cultivated for any existing or permitted aquaculture activity shall not require shoreline review or a new permit, unless or until: i. the operation changes the scope and intent of the 10 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION original permit as defined in 17.50.400,or ii. The facility proposes to cultivate non-native species not previously cultivated in the state of Washington. Section MCC 17.50.400.C.5 elaborates on permit revisions, referencing WAC 173-27-100 and describes the public appeal process regarding decisions made on those revisions. JAN WOLD (IST MCC Please see Jan's 7 page letter Staff: PUBLIC HEARING) (geoduck regs.) & (attached)for her full text and Regarding Geoduck Regulations, MCC argument,the below is a please see staff response to 17.50.110.B.2.b.ii summary of her ask and any HCEC's ask above. specific code references that she included for changes. Note: Project can still require Substantial Development Permits Regarding Geoduck Regulations: which require public notice and The SMP should require a the decision and conditions on conditional use permit for that permit are not issued until geoduck farming on tidelands the end of the comment period. that have not previously been used to cultivate geoducks. It is also important that there be an opportunity for citizens to review these geoduck proposals and be heard at a public hearing.The current Draft SMP allows large tideland acreages to be converted or accreted for geoduck cultivation without a permit process at all. The cumulative impact of changes to shellfish farms to add highly impacting commercial geoduck farming can not be evaluated by the county under the present draft SMP. The Mason County SMP should be consistent with 11 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION the verbiage in neighboring counties whose SMPs are already approved by the Washington Department of Ecology. Regarding shoreline buffers: Staff: Regarding shoreline buffers In the section of the draft SMP The proposed revision is to reflect the original intention, on buffers, we need to delete which was to establish public the last sentence in the roads as the only development paragraph about shoreline that the buffer would not extend buffers(page 47, item B. 2. (B)) across without having to utilize a that now states: fish and wildlife professional to demonstrate the functional "Regulated buffers shall not isolation from the critical area. extend across lawfully established paved roads or hardened surfaces to include areas which are functionally Recommendation: isolated from the critical area." The proposed change in the The current SMP does not include wording of this last sentence a definition for"functionally shown above in the draft SMP is isolated",staff recommends to change"paved"roads to adding the following definition to "public" roads and eliminate"or the document: hardened surfaces...". In cases where roadways are unfortunately located near the Functionally Isolated Buffer water's edge in the 50-foot to Areas—areas that are 150-foot saltwater shoreline functionally separated from a buffers,those smaller-width critical area and do not protect remaining buffers above the the critical area from adverse roadway become even more impacts due to preexisting roads, important. They are a wildlife railroads, levees,structures,or corridor, provide bird perches, vertical separation. especially while hunting for food along the shoreline, provide Staff proposes two options to the cover, nesting sites, help hold PAC,the proposed revision or the together the banks and cliffs proposed revision with the above the water's edge, are a addition of language source for food and nesting recommended by the materials and a safe resting spot Department of Ecology. while attempting to cross the roadway to the shoreline. 12 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION Much of the vegetated areas 1) Unless otherwise along our Hood Canal and specified, buffers shall be Mason County shorelines have maintained in already been lost. By deleting predominantly natural, this last sentence,we have an undisturbed, opportunity to afford better undeveloped and protection for those smaller vegetated condition. remaining vegetated areas. We Regulated buffers shall also have an opportunity to not extend across better prepare for the lawfully established challenges of global warming public paved roads an4 and sea level rise. to include areas which are The existing wording and the functionally isolated from draft wording of this last the critical area. sentence is confusing as there is no definition of what is meant by"functionally isolated"and OR even if a strip of vegetation were"functionally isolated" it would still be providing 1) Unless otherwise important riparian habitat and specified, buffers shall be functions. maintained in predominantly natural, It is also not clear who would undisturbed, make the determination of undeveloped and whether or not the buffer is vegetated condition. "functionally isolated"much Regulated buffers shall less how the determination is not extend across made. Even if a buffer were lawfully established "functionally isolated",the public paved roads and same preservation techniques hardened surfaces to should be employed as in any include areas which are other buffer that does not have functionally isolated from a roadway. The result of the the critical area. Buffer present and proposed wording reductions under this in the draft SMP could be an provision are allowed entire shoreline, up to 150-feet only when the functional above the high-water mark, disconnection has been becoming completely devoid of documented through a any vegetation at all, having report by a qualified only pavement and lawns,dirt professional that or gravel. demonstrates the area is functionally isolated.The County shall consider the hydrologic,geologic, and/or biological habitat connection potential and 13 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION the extent and permanence of the physical separation. Note:The first option exempted only public roads from having to provide a determination,from a professional,for functional isolation. While the second option requires a determination no matter if it is a public road or hardened surface. SHERRI DYSART Shoreline I am aware that Mason County Staff:We have forwarded a copy (is'r PUBLIC Stabilization and is updating the SMP. I am of this email to Environmental HEARING) failing OSS unable to attend the PAC Health Manager Alex Paysse. meetings at this time. As I read Failing OSS systems would be in the PAC meeting notes from information available to the EH April 19, 2021,residents along department,the planning Hood Canal are requesting department will always work with extensions of 16" -18"to EH on issues were bulkheads may existing bulkheads. As Marissa need to be repaired/replaced if and Kell Rowen explained,the structures and utilities can not be need for height extensions is located landward and the current due to sea-level rise. I hope that structure is in danger of failure. the PAC is studying the possible impacts for on-site septic systems in Mason County as sea-level rise is happening. The University of Washington Climate Impacts Group has created a tool for visualizing seal-level rise: https://cig.uw.edu/our- work/applied- research/wcrp/sea-level-rise- data-visualization/ The County should be reviewing the location of OSS and overlaying the sea-level-rise projections. Failing OSS will obviously have adverse effects on public health and the shellfish industry. SKOKOMISH No specific code A. Cumulative impact of A. Staff(comment noted): INDIAN TRIBE reference,see impervious surface as a Under the SMP comments result of new development comprehensive update that 14 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION (PRIOR TO CONT. and construction within was adopted in 2017, a PUBLIC HEARING) jurisdiction of the SMA and Cumulative Impacts Analysis permitted under Shoreline and No Net Loss document Master Program resulting in was drafted addressing the a net loss of habitat. allowances for new construction within SMA jurisdiction and SMP buffers and the requirements for no net loss of ecological function.This document was accepted by the Department of Ecology as meeting the requirements of the SMA and Ecology Guidelines. B. Address climate change and B. Staff(comment noted, no sea level rise within SMP change recommended):The regarding issuance of project County recognizes this issue permits and has consulted with the Department of Ecology on guidance when new information is available, however the SMA and Ecology Guidelines currently provide no requirement for SMPs to address climate change or sea level rise.This is an issue that the County foresees addressing when the scope of an update allows and when guidance is provided from Ecology. C. Tribal access to shellfish C. Staff(comment noted): harvesting and Fin Public access is encouraged Fish/Salmon harvesting by the Shoreline threatened by in/over water Management Act and the structures Mason County Shoreline Master Program whenever feasible while protecting the resources and ecology of the shoreline. Public Access policy 2. Includes that"The County should cooperate with appropriate local,state, tribal and non-governmental organizations to preserve and enhance lands that provide 15 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION physical access to public waters for public use." The County does have permitting procedures prior to shoreline use and development that require involving the tribes before local decision. And the County would like to point out that since 2010 only one (1) Pier Ramp Float (PRF) has been permitted in the Hood Canal. D. Concerns regarding Hood D. Staff(Comment noted):The Canal Watershed and County's 2017 activity permitted in comprehensive update has accordance with the Clean been developed and Water Act and Navigable implemented consistent with Waters Protection Rule, the State's Shoreline Revised Code of Washington Management Act,with the (RCW 77.55),Coastal Zone comprehensive update Management Act, NEPA,and approved by the Department SMA as managed and of Ecology. Within that implemented by Jefferson, comprehensive update was a Mason, and Kitsap under cumulative impacts analysis SEPA and the SMP planning and a no net loss assessment process. to establish that ecological functions are maintained. E. SMP regulatory mechanisms E. Staff(Comment Noted):The modified the protective Mason County Shoreline intent of SMA. Mechanisms, Master Program has been being locally issued modified overtime to be shoreline permits and more protective and as exemptions,with mitigation evidenced by the Department through Habitat of Ecology's acceptance and Management Plans that are final approval of the inadequate and monitoring comprehensive update in not enforced. 2017 has been determined to be consistent with the SMA and Ecology guidelines. The update currently in progress continues amendment of the 16 CODE REFERENCE COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE/PAC DECISION Mason County Shoreline Master Program to meet the most current state rules and guidelines. All proposed amendments during this Periodic Review do not support increases to ecological impact. Attachment 3 TO: Marissa Watson, Senior Planner, Mason County CC: Kell Rowen, Planning Manager, Mason County;Jackie Chandler,Shoreline Administrator, Dept. of Ecology FROM: Kim Van Zwalenburg,SeniorShoreline Planner,WA Department of Ecology Date: August 13, 2021 Subject: SMP Periodic Review- Initial Determination of Consistency Sent via email to: mwatson@co.mason.wa.us;krowen@co.mason.wa.us Use of this Document Ecology's Determination of Initial Concurrence provides Ecology's review of the proposed amendment to the Mason County (County) Shoreline Master Program(SMP). This document is divided into two sections: Findings of Fact,which provides findings related to the County's proposed amendment, amendment history, and the review process and Initial Determination of the proposed amendment with next steps. Brief Description of Proposed Amendment Mason County has submitted a draft SMP amendment,as part of their periodic review of their SMP to Ecology for an initial determination of concurrence as required by the joint review process and consistent with WAC 173-26-104(3). The County is undergoing a statutorily required periodic review of their Shoreline Master Program. FINDINGSOF FACT Need for amendment Mason County comprehensively updated their master program in October 2017. The proposed periodic review amendment is needed to comply with the statutory deadline for a periodic review of the SMP pursuant to RCW 90.58.080(4).The amendment will bring the SMP into compliance with requirements of the Shoreline Management Act or state rules that have been added or changed,ensure the SMP remains consistent with amended comprehensive plans and regulations, and incorporate revisions deemed necessaryto reflect changed circumstances, new information, or improved data.The County prepared a checklist and an analysis documenting the proposed amendment. SMP provisions to be changed by the amendment as proposed Mason County's SMP is codified in Chapter 17.50Shoreline Master Program of the Mason County Code (MCC). The SMP contains policies and regulations with the policies considered an element of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The SMP regulations set development standards within shoreline jurisdiction and are part of the County's development regulations.The Shoreline Environmental Designations Map is part of the SMP. The County's critical area regulations are adopted by reference and codified in MCC Chapter 8.52, Resource Ordinance. In addition to general edits to correct and update syntax,formatting and citation corrections,the following amendments to the SMP are proposed: Shoreline Master Program(MCC 17.50) A. 17.50.020 Definitions. Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency 1. Definitions for the following termsare added: functionally isolated buffer areas;legally established or constructed structure,use, and/or lot. 2. The following definitions are revised: development, floating home, floating on water residence, footprint. 3. The following definitions are deleted:grandfathered structures;grandfathered uses; legal nonconforming lot. B. 17.50.060Jurisdiction and Application of Regulations 1. Table 17.50.060-B:Mason County Shorelines of the State—Streams. Remove Winter Creek from the table.The map was updated but deleting this stream from the list was overlooked during the Comprehensive SMP Update. C. 17.50.110 Ecological Protection,Critical Areas, No Net Loss 1. 2. Critical Areas a. Applicability. A revision removes the specific ordinance number and adoption dateof the Mason County Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52),and incorporates it into the SMP as amended. [2.a.i] b. Buffers and Setbacks. Revisions allow for buffer reductions when areasare functionally isolated from the critical area, including areas upland of public roads. The functional isolation must be demonstrated in a report from a qualified professional. [2.b.ii] D. 17.50.120 Existing Structures,Uses and Lots 1. Revisions are made throughout the section replacing the term"grandfathered"with"legal non-conforming". 2. Clarification is added that decks on the waterward side of a residence are not included in the footprint of the structure when proposing an expansion. [1.d] 3. Clarification is added that a Common Line Mitigation Plan may be submitted when allowed by the SMP. [1.f.ii] j 4. A new provision is added requiring a Common Line Mitigation Plan when the existing footprint is shifted landward. [1.f.iv] E. 17.50.255 Residential 1. Revisions clarify that both floating homes and floating on water residences, as well as over- water homes, are allowed to make improvements related to life safety and property rights provided any expansion is the minimum necessary. [B.1] F. 17.50.320 Docks, Floats, Buoys, Lifts, Etc. 1. Repair and replacement of overwater structures is revised, replacing the term "grandfathered"with"legal non-conforming" and clarifying this applies to docks, boat houses and other overwater structures. Replacement structures are restricted to the original footprint and size dimensions unless the reconfiguration meets current bulk dimensional standards and does not exceed the existing overwater coverage.[B.1.j.i] 2. Revisions are made to clarify that any addition or"area of enlargement"to existing overwater structures must meet the standards for new construction. [B.1.j.ii] 2 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency 3. A proposed revision alters the standards within a semi-enclosed water(i.e. bay, cove or stream channel) by allowing for a dock or unattached float to extend to the lesser of the allowed dock length or fifteen percent of the fetch.[B.2.e] 4. Provisions for Piers, Ramps and Floats are relocated forward in the section and revised. [B.2.f.v-vii] a. A requirement for piers to be at least 6'above the substrate is added,and a note about functional grating is rewrittenfor clarity. [B.2.f.v(b)] b. Language is added clarifying the requirement for float stops on floats may be waived if approved by WDFW in a Hydraulic Approval. [B.2.f.vii(b)] c. Provisions are rewritten to clarify allowances for attachmentsto the mainstem of a dock. [B.2.f.viii(a)and (b)] G. 17.50.340Shoreline Stabilization 1. 'Capping',or raising the height of an existing bulkhead, is allowed as repairwhen consistent with certain criteria including height,provided the bulkhead is not widened. The allowed additional height is revised from one foot to two feet. [B.S.i.i] H. 17.50.400 Permits, Exemptions, and Appeals 1. A. General Requirementsfor all Uses and Development. Revisions are made to clarify the requirements for a meeting(with County staff) when a proposal requires shoreline permits or certain exemptions. [A.4] 2. B. Development Exempt from the Substantial Development Requirements.Updates to the monetary thresholds are made for freshwater docks [13.1.11].Projects with certification from the governor under RCW 80.50 is addressed in MCC 17.50.060.Fand is deleted from the list of exemptions. [B.1.1]. 3. C. Shoreline Permits.A provision is added clarifying Substantial Development permits do not require a hearing but do require a notice of application. [C.2.a.iii] Resource Ordinance(MCC Chapter 8.52) A. 8.52.070—Inholding Lands. A minor edit removes unnecessary language. [(B)(3)] B. 8.52.110—Wetlands. A new provision addresses how areasare documented as functionally isolated from the critical area. Buffer reductions are allowed if this is adequately demonstrated in a report by a qualified professional. [€(2)(a)(iv)] C. Tables 8.52.110(D)and(E)are revised, updating low and moderate habitat point score rangesto reflect Ecology's 2018 revision to the 2014 Wetlands rating system. The low range of 3-4 is revised to 3-5 and the moderate range of 5-7 is revised to 6-7. D. 8.52.170—Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas. 1. The allowed height for guard rails on decks within a setback is revised from 36"to the minimum required by building code. [8.52.170(E)(1)(b)] 2. Minor revisions for clarity are made,deleting the term'pond' [(E)(2)], replacingthe term 'habitat biologist' with 'fish and wildlife professional' [(E)(3)(b)(iii)(b)], and revising 'shoreline beach access' to'within shoreline jurisdiction'[(E)(4)(d)]. 3. A new provision is added to clarify that a Common Line Mitigation Plan is required when the footprint of certain existing developments is modified within the FWHCA or its buffer. [(E)(4)0)(iii)] 3 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency 4. Revisions clarify the need for a Common Line Mitigation Plan when the structural footprint is moved or the shape changes[(E)(4)6)(iv)(c)(ll) and (IV)] 5. Clarification is added that a structure's footprint does not include decks on the waterward side of a residence. [(E)(4)(j)(iv)(d)] 6. A correction is made clarifying upland stairs are located landward of the OHWM. [(E)(4)(k)] 7. Revisions remove unnecessary language and clarify the need for a Habitat Management Plan if vegetation in the buffer will be removed. [(E)(4)(m)] 8. The term habitat biologist is replaced with Fish and Wildlife professional. [(H)(3)(b)] 9. The title is revised adding "and buffers" reflecting the intent of the subsection which addresses required mitigationfor impactsto FWHCAs and buffers. [I] E. Appendix B tothe Resource Ordinance—Mitigation Manual for Common Line Setbacks. A number of non-substantive revisions are made throughout the document for consistency with proposed revisions in the Resource Ordinance. Other revisions update terms, update referenced documents or are made for improved clarity. Changes to the following two sections of the Resource Ordinance are noted here.However,neither section is part of the SMP. A. 8.52.210—Nonconforming Use. Revisions are made for clarity including addition of a provision that this section does not apply in shoreline jurisdiction'. B. 8.52.220—Variancesfrom Standards. Reviewstandards are revised. This section does not apply in shoreline jurisdiction2. Related amendment The County is also amending Title 15 MCC Development Code to establish a requirement for a shoreline meeting for any proposed development within shoreline jurisdiction3. The shoreline meeting process is informal and distinguished from a pre-application meeting.An unrelated and minor revision is made to the requirementsfor filing an appealwith the County. Amendment History, Review Process The County prepareda public participation program in accordancewith WAC 173-26-090(3)(a)to inform, involve and encourage participationof interested persons and private entities,tribes, and applicable agencieshaving interests and responsibilities relating to shorelines. An important element of the public participation plan is the County's SMP Periodic Review project website4.The Planning Advisory Commission held three workshops in June, July and October 2020 to discuss the proposed SMP Periodic Review and the involvement of the public in the project. Dueto the Covid-19 Pandemic, all meetings were held in a virtual format using Zoom. 'See 17.50.110.B.2.a.v(e)which notes section8.52.210 does notapplyin shorelinejurisdiction and is replacedwith the provisions oftheSMP in MCC17.50.120. 2 See 17.50.110.B.2.a.v(d).I n shorelinej urisdiction,a Resource Ordinance variance is processed as a Shoreline Variance. s The need for a shoreline meeti ng is included i n the SM P i n 17.50.400.A.4.The a mend ment to Ti tl e 15 defines the term and esta bl ishes this i n the County permit process. °https://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/smp-update/index.php 4 I Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency The County used Ecology's Periodic Review checklist of legislative and rule amendments to review amendments to chapter 90.58 RCW and department guidelines, that have occurred since the master program was last amended,and determine if local amendments were needed to maintain compliance in accordance with WAC 173-26-090(3)(b)(i). The County also reviewed changes to the comprehensive plan and development regulationsto determine if the shoreline master program policies and regulations remain consistent with them in accordance with WAC 173-26-090(3)(b)(ii). The County considered whetherto incorporate any amendments needed to reflect changed circumstances, new information or improved data in accordance with WAC 173-26-090(3)(b)(iii). The County consulted with Ecology and solicited comments throughout the review process including opportunities to comment on draft materialsin January, February, April and May 2021. Somewhat late in the process, a request to revise the Shoreline Environment Designation(SED)from Conservancy to Rural along the shoreline of two large parcels was received by the County. This request added an additional month and an additional PAC workshop to the County process. The record indicates the County completed a SEPA checklist and issued a Determination of Non- Significance (DNS)on May 13, 2021 for the proposed SMP amendment. Notice of the DNSwas published May 13,2021. The County provided notice to local parties, including a statement that the hearing wasintended to address the periodic review in accordance with WAC 173-26-090(3)(c)(ii). The County's record indicates notice of the hearing was published on June 11,2021 in The Shelton-Mason County Journal. Ecology distributed notice of the joint comment period to state interested partieson May 6,2021. Separate notice,and an invitation to consult, was sent on May6, 2021 to the Squaxin Island Tribe, Skokomish Indian Tribe,and the Port Gamble S'KlallamTribe. The County and Ecology held a joint local/state comment period on the proposed amendments following procedures outlined in WAC 173-26-104. The comment period began on May 13,2021 and continued through June 14, 202 15.A joint public hearing before the Planning Commission was held virtually via Zoom on June 21,2021 and extended to July 19, 2021. Ecology staff attended both meetings. The County record includes all comments received over the course of the local process, including comments submitted before and during the 30-day public comment period as well as oral comments received atthe hearing.Comments were received from nine organizations/individuals including the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Skokomish Indian Tribe.The comments address a number of topics including pier and dock standards, data gaps in the 2012 Shoreline Inventory and Characterization Report,thevoluntary stewardship program,and required qualifications to prepare a Habitat Management Plan.Other concerns focused on the permitting of geoduck aquaculture, shoreline buffers, sea level rise and climate change,and the impacts of shoreline development. 5 The draft proposal released for public comment included a property-owner requestto revisetheSED from Conservancyto Rural for two large parcels alongthe ea stern s horel ine of Ha mmersley Inlet.The request to revise the SED was withdrawn by the proponents on June 15,2021. 5 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency Revisions6 proposed by the County in response to comments include: 1. Functional isolation: A definition for "functionally isolated buffer areas"[17.50.020],and new language,requiring thatthe functional isolation be demonstrated,through a report from a qualified professional [17.50.110.B]are added. 2. Overwaterstructures/piers and docks: Clarification that installation and use of overwater structures must also comply with applicable regulations of other agencies,including WDFW, is added [17.50.320.B.1].Newstandardsare added for piers and docks addressing height above the substrate, pier orientation,and an allowance for the exclusion of float stops if approved by WDFW through a Hydraulic Approval [17.50.320.B.2.F]. 3. Shoreline Stabilization—The proposed inclusion of docks as a primary structure,which could allow for new shoreline structural stabilization measures is removed. [17.50.340.B.2.a.iii] Revisions made to MCC 8.52 Resource Ordinance include: 1. Voluntary Stewardship Program(VSP)—The omission of references to the VSP in the Resource Ordinance is corrected.[8.52.020,8.52.030,8.52.050.E,8.52.170.F.9] 2. The term"qualified habitat biologist" is replaced with"qualified fish and wildlife professional' consistent with the definition already in the Resource Ordinance. 3. Appendix B—Mitigation ManuaIfor Common Line Setbacks: Updates a re made throughout, referencing current source documents and correcting errors. These changes are included in the draft SMP amendment and Resource Ordinance submitted to Ecology for this Initial Determination. The proposed SMP amendments were received by Ecology on July 14,2021 for initial state review. Supplemental materials were received July 22, 2021.The submittal was verified as complete on July 28, 2021.This began Ecology's review and initial determination. Ecologyconsiderotion of comments Ecology reviewed all the comments received during the joint review process along with the County's responses. Finding.Ecologyfinds the County's responses are consistent with the statutory obligations for conducting periodic reviews.Ecology finds the County considered whether to incorporate any amendments to reflect changed circumstances,new information, or improved data,as provided or raised during the comment period. The County determined,and Ecology concurs, that no additional amendments are warranted at this time based upon the significance of this information and the existing SMP provisions'. Additional discussion is provided on a number of the issues raised: Geoduck aquaculture:Concerns around geoduck aquaculture and theSMP permit requirements, particularlythe conversion of existing non-geoduck aquaculture sites to geoduck aquaculture were 6 Non-s u bstantive changes,such as updates to departmental ororganization names,and updates to specific document references are not explicitly identified here. WAC 173-26-090(3)(b)(iii) 6 Mason County SMP Periodic Review I nitia I Determination of Consistency raised. Commenters asked for thatthese conversions require a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit consistent with the SMPs of nearby communities. In addition,commenters requested the County require subsequent cycles of planting and harvest be consistent withthe requirements for a shoreline permit revision. No changesto the SMP are proposed. Finding. Ecologyfinds the County has considered the comments relatedto geoduck aquaculture and concluded no changes are necessary. The County indicates aquaculture was the subject of much discussion during the Comprehensive SMP Update and deliberate choices were made about permitting geoduck aquaculture.Additionally, the County identified where the SMP addresses shoreline permit revisions. Ecology also finds that WAC 173-26-241(3)(b) requires a shoreline conditional use permit for new commercial geoduck aquaculture while leaving the permitting requirements, for conversion of existing non-geoduck aquaculture to geoduck aquaculture as well as replanting of aquaculture sites, to local government discretion. Functional disconnection, shoreline buffers: Concerns were expressed about proposed language allowing for an automatic conclusion thatvegetated areason the upland side of public roads are functionally isolated. It was suggested that in areaswhere roadways are located within the 50-150 ft. saltwater shoreline buffers, the vegetation upland of the road maybe even more important as a wildlife corridor and should be protected.A proposed change would clarify the need for a qualified professional to document the functional disconnection. Finding:Ecology finds the County considered these comments and proposed revisions in the SMP which adequately address this concern. Sea level rise and climate change:Commenters suggest it is time to more clearlyaddress sea level rise and climate change in the SMP. Concerns were raised about the impacts of sea level rise on onsite septic systems, the potential for these systems to fail and the potential effects on public health and the shellfish industry. It was suggested sea level rise projections be considered when locating onsite systems. Other comments raised broader concerns related to climate change and sea level rise and impacts to the landscapes of the County as a whole. No changes to the SMP are proposed. Finding.Ecologyfinds the County has considered the comments related to climate change and sea level rise and has declined to make any changes at this time.The County's response acknowledges concerns around this topic and anticipates addressing these issues pending additional guidance from Ecology. Ecology agreesclimate change and related effects are important topics. The agency is actively engaged atthe statewide level in work being done on climate change and sea level rise.The Shoreline Management Act(SMA)and the Shoreline Master Program(SMP) Guidelines contain no requirements for SMPs to address climate change or sea level rise. However,they require local jurisdictions to take into account scientific and technical information pertinentto shoreline management issues. The Guidelines require local governments use "the most current,accurate and complete scientific and technical information available"[WAC 173-26-201(2)(a)]. The Guidelines also encourage local governments to consult Ecology's guidance for applicable new information on emerging topics such as sea level rise [WAC 173-26-090(1)].8 s See SMP Handbook AppendixAhttrs://apps.ecoloey.wa.gov/publications/parts/1106010partl9.t)df 7 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency Ecology finds addressing these topics within the community, and more specifically in a local SMP, is currently left to the discretion of each city and county. Nonetheless, Ecology is seeing increased interest in discussing these issues. Some communities have chosen to address these issues through other regulatory mechanisms including their zoning code. In most cases,the addition of sea level rise policies and regulations to a master program are a result of a community-wide effort, considering the entire geographyof the place,and not limited to the comparatively narrow shoreline jurisdictional area.This comprehensive approach has led to more fully integrated responses to these risks within and outside of shoreline jurisdiction in those communities. Impacts of shoreline development: A broad set of comments were provided by the Skokomish Tribe raising concerns around the cumulative effects of continued development along shorelines, and within the watershed,which increase impervious surface coverage,affect water quantity,water quality and contribute to habitat loss including loss of shoreline buffers and vegetation.The proliferation of development leads to a proliferation of structures both upland and in water.Comments suggest this will lead to a permanent and unmitigated loss of habitat.Additionally, the cumulative effects of in/over water structures, including those related to aquaculture and mariculture can limit physical access of tribal members to Usual and Accustomed areas for tribal social and cultural activities,including shellfish harvesting and fin fish/salmon harvesting. Finally, the letter suggeststhe administrative and regulatory mechanisms (permits and exemptions) allow for permanent development with impacts which are not effectively mitigated. No changesto the SMP are proposed. Finding.Ecologyfinds the County considered the comments and declined to make any changes to the SMP at this time.The County response noted that the Comprehensive SMP Update included the requirement to complete a cumulative impacts and no net loss analysis of the SMP which was approved by Ecology.The County also noted the requirement in the SMP to notify tribes during the permitting process. Ecology staff reached out to staff from the Skokomish Tribe to discuss their comment letter. Ecology acknowledges the concerns expressed by the Skokomish Tribe, and recognizes number of the issues exceed the limits of regulation by the Shoreline Master Program and the Shoreline Management Act in both geography and regulatory authority.As noted above, Ecology is actively engaged in work on climate change and sea level rise. In addition, State agencies,including Ecology and the Department of Commerce,are working with local governments to identify how to assess effectiveness in the project review and permitting process, as well as in the on-the-ground results, including mitigation monitoring. Ecology also finds the County was required to show how their comprehensively updated shoreline master program will result in no net loss of ecological function when implemented over its planning horizon9. The County concluded, and Ecology agreed in its approval, that the 2017 County SMP met this standard. Ecology also finds RCW 90.58.140(3)provides that local governments shall establish a program, consistent with rules adopted by the department,for the administration and enforcement of shoreline permits. As currently established under the SMA, Mason County has no discretion to eliminate the issuance of shoreline exemptions, substantial development, conditional use and variance permits. 9 Mason County Cumulative Impacts Analysis(2017).This report assessed the cumulative impacts on shoreline ecologicalfunctions from"reasonably foreseeable future development"allowed by theSMP. 8 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency Ecology could not identify specific changes to the Shoreline Master Programto address these concerns but agreesthat continued work is needed across a broad set of topics to address the issues. Summary of Issues Identified by Ecology as Relevant to Its Decision Ecology is required to review all SMPs to ensure consistency with the Shoreline Management Act(SMA) and implementing rules including WAC 173-26, State Master Program Approval/Amendment Procedures and Master Program Guidelines. WAC 173-26-186(11) specifies that Ecology"shall insure that the state's interest in shorelines is protected,including compliance with the policy and provisions of RCW 90.58.020." Based on review of the proposed amendments to the SMP for consistency with applicable SMP Guidelines requirements and the Shoreline Management Act,and consideration of supporting materials in the record submitted by the County, the following issue remains relevantto Ecology's decision on the proposed amendment to the County's SMP. Integration of Critical oreasregulotions Ecology has identified one required change relatedto the inclusion of criticalarea regulations into the SMP by reference.As proposed, the SMP would adopt the Resource Ordinance, codified in MCC 8.52,as amended,into the SMP. Including other documents or regulations by reference requires identification of a specific, dated edition to ensure consistency with WAC 173-26-191(2)(b). The rule goes on to clarify: "If the development regulation is amended,the edition referenced within the master program will still be the operative regulation in the master program.Changingthe referenced regulations in the master programto the new edition will require a master program amendment.10" The following changes,in red, are required for consistency withthe SMA(RCW 90.58)and the SMP Guidelines (WAC 173-26): A. 17.50.110 Ecological Protection,Critical Areas, No Net Loss. 2. Critical Areas a.Applicability i. Subject to exceptions listed below, the critical area provisions of the Mason County Resource Ordinance (MCC 8.52)adopted on August 3rd 1993 as Ordinance Number 77- 93 and last as-amended t he Feafteron M/DD/YYYY as Ordinance Number XX-XX are adopted by referenceand shall apply within shoreline jurisdiction. Finding.Ecologyfinds the County's proposed SMP Amendment would remove the referenceto a specific Ordinance and date,and adopt the Resource Ordinance as amended. WAC 173-26-191(2)(b) allows a jurisdiction to include other documents in an SMP by reference but requires identification of a specific, dated edition. If referenced regulations are amended, updating the referenced ordinance requires an SMP amendment. Ecology is required to review the referenced development regulations as part of the master program. For consistency with this requirement,a specific ordinance number and adoption date must be identified in the SMP. Because the County is concurrently revising the Resource Ordinance in the periodic review process, a placeholder inserted. Ecology finds the SMP is consistent io WAC 173-26-191(2)(b). 9 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency with WAC 173-26-221(2)Critical Areas and WAC 173-26-191(2)(b), subject to the required change identified above. Other Studies or Analyses supporting the SMP amendment Ecology also reviewed supporting documents prepared by the County in support of the SMP amendment.These documents include a public participation plan,a periodic review checklist incorporated into the County's Consistency Review Report,and County staff reports. Consistency with Chapter 90.58 RCW The proposed amendments have been reviewed for consistency with the policy of RCW 90.58.020and the approval criteria of RCW 90.58.090(3),(4)and (5). Consistency with applicable guidelines(Chapter 173-26 WAC, Part IIIJ The proposed amendments have been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the applicable Shoreline Master Program Guidelines (WAC 173-26-171 through 251,and 173-26-020 definitions). Finding.Ecologyfinds the SMP is consistent with the policy of RCW 90.58.020,the approval criteria of RCW 90.58.090(3),(4)and (5) and the requirements of the applicable Shoreline Master Program Guidelines, WAC 173-26-171 through 251, and 173-26-020, subject to the required change identified a bove. Ecology also finds the proposed revisions are consistent with the policies of the Shoreline Management Act and the SMP Guidelines, including WAC 173-26-241 Shoreline Uses. The SMP has established a system of use regulations,ensuring SMP provisions concerning development of property protect the public's health,safety and welfare,as well as the land and its vegetation and wildlife (WAC 173-26- 241(2)(a)(ii)), giving preference to water-dependent uses and water-related uses,and defining uses and development that require shoreline conditional use permits. Ecology also finds the SMP Guidelines allow for discretion by local government when establishing the permit requirements for certain uses such as conversion of geoduck aquaculture(WAC 173-26-241(3)(b)(iv). Consistency with applicable shareI per nit administration provisions The proposed amendments have been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of RCW 90.58.140 and WAC 173-27. Finding.Ecologyfinds the proposed amendment is consistent with the policies of the Shoreline Management Act and the SMP Guidelines, including WAC 173-26-191(2)(a)(iii) Administrative provisions and WAC 173-27 Shoreline Management permit and enforcement procedures. INITIAL DETERMINATION The following constitutes Ecology's written statement of initial concurrence,consistent with WAC 173-26-104(3)(b)(ii): After review by Ecology of the complete record submitted, Ecology has determined that the County's proposed periodic review amendment,subject to and including Ecology's required change(shown above), is consistent with the policy and standards of RCW 90.58.020and RCW 90.58.090and the applicable SMP guidelines (WAC 173-26-171 through 251 and .020 definitions). 10 Mason County SMP Periodic Review Initial Determination of Consistency Next Steps • Consider the change identified by Ecology in the Initial Determination.Please let me know if you would like to discuss alternative language ora different approach for this issue. • If this issue is resolved prior to local adoption, we anticipate being able to approve your SMP Periodic Review amendment afterformal submittal is provided consistent with WAC 173-26- 110. 11