HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/10/04 - 2022 Budget Workshop Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT 2022 BUDGET WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Commission Chambers via ZOOM 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE — PLEASE CONTACT COMMISSIONERS'OFFICE Monday, October 4, 2021 Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87196351849?pwd=QkxOVnhMMzNPOH E2SnjtditleTIvdzO9 1:00 p.m. Overview of entire 2022 Budget — Jennifer Beierle 1:30 p.m. Assessor — Patti McLean/Vickie King 1:45 p.m. Superior Court Clerk — Sharon Fogo 2:00 p.m. Auditor — Paddy McGuire/Leo Kim 2:15 p.m. Support Services — Frank Pinter/Jennifer Beierle 3:00 p.m. Community Services — David Windom Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81378467043?pwd=dTl H M H phc 1J5dTl2TVRLTE5 RU FB4dzO9 9:00 — 10:00 a.m. Sheriff's Office — Sheryl Hilt 10:00 — 11:00 a.m. — Public Works/Utilities — Loretta Swanson NOON BREAK 2:00 p.m. Superior Court — Judge Goodell/Jim Madsen 2:30 p.m. District Court — Judge Steele/Patsy Robinson Monday, November 1, 2021 1:00 p.m. Elected Official/Director meeting 2:00 p.m. Follow-up on outstanding 2022 budget issues Monday, November 22 Commissioners' 2022 Preliminary Budget is due to the public • Public hearing to certify levies must occur prior to November 30. • 2022 budget hearing is Monday, December 6 (printed Commissioner preliminary budget is due to public November 22—2 weeks prior to public hearing) Workshop Agendas are subject to change, please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 09/30/21 at 3:26 PM If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office at ext. 419, Shelton #360-427-9670; Belfair #275-4467, Elma #482-5269. MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO : BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM : Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT : Support Services EXT : 532 BRIEFING DATE : October 4, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES : N / A ITEM : Overview of the 2022 Proposed Budget 1st Draft BUDGET IMPACTS : See Attached RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION : Request the Board review the draft of the 2022 Mason County Budget for the general fund by department and all other funds at the fund level . ATTACHMENTS : • 2022 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation — revenue & expenditures summary by department within the general fund and revenues & expenditures summary by fund • Summary of Policy Level Requests J : \Budget Adoption Info\2022\2022 Budget Briefing, Agenda, & Public Hearing Items\Briefing Summary 10 . 4 . 2021 - 2022 Proposed Budget Presentation , doc 2022 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation Revenue October 4 2021 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET General Fund BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS Department PRELIM REQUESTS Fund Dept Prgm 000 Total Beginning Fund Balance 14, 0001000 - 17, 050, 000 17, 050,000 41450, 000 21, 500,000 21, 500,000 0 010 Total WSU 23,500 11, 925 22, 000 22, 000 - 22,000 22,000 - 020 Total Assessor 71000 12, 688 91000 91000 - 91000 91000 - 030 Total Auditor 11130, 017 578,559 11142,750 11142,750 - 11142,750 11142, 750 - 050 Total Emergency Management 118,762 11020 67,712 67,712 - 67,712 67,712 - 055 Total Facilities & Grounds - 476 - - - - - - � 057Total Human Resources/Risk Management - - - - - 070 Total Clerk 366,348 109, 682 378,377 378,377 378, 377 378, 377 ( 0 ) 080 Total Commissioners - 725 - - - - 090 Total Support Services 700 5 - - - - - 100 Total District Court 11010, 757 624, 131 11080,400 11080,400 - 11080,400 1, 0801400 - _ 125 Total Community Development 21177,600 11633, 277 21384,000 21384,000 - 2,384, 000 21384, 000 - 126 Total Historical Preservation 76,000 61,887 24,000 24,000 - 24, 000 24, 000 - 146 Total Parks & Trails 44,000 14,890 44,000 44,000 - 44, 000 44,000 - 170 Total Juvenile Court Services 11161,438 683,936 11254,399 11255,805 - 11255,805 11255,805 - 180 Total Prosecutor 248,575 86, 197 231,813 232,091 - 232,091 232,091 185 Total Child Support Enforcement 159, 126 60,507 159,679 159,679 - 159, 679 159, 679 190 Total Coroner 35,000 21,280 35, 000 35, 000 - 35,000 35,000 205 Total Sheriff 11000,835 475,413 922, 669 933,505 20, 000 953, 505 953, 505 240 Total Office of Public Defense 240, 767 90, 041 240,767 24%767 - 240,767 240,767 250 Total Superior Court 68,350 77,055 69, 650 69, 650 - 69, 650 69, 650 255 Total Family Court 21500 11232 21500 2,500 - 21500 21500 - 256 Total Therapeutic Court 636,507 175,209 812,394 812,394 ( 11047) 811,347 811,347 - 260 Total Treasurer 26,206,041 15,433, 119 27, 198,268 27, 198,268 - 27, 198,268 27, 198,268 300 Total Non Departmental 41303,486 11944,740 41163,580 4, 1631580 ( 111,650 ) 41051,930 41051,930 0 305 Total Motor Pool 447,202 314, 145 72, 000 72, 000 - 72,000 72,000 001 Total General Fund 53,464,511 22,412, 140 57,364,958 57,377,478 41357,303 61,734,781 61,734,781 0 2022 Mason County Proposed Presentation Expenditures October 4, 2021 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET General Fund BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR 613012021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC Department Fund Dept Prgm _ 010Total WSU 313,520 116, 194 318,801 318,801 - 318,801 318,802 ( 1 ) 020 Total Assessor 11420,286 686,289 11462,997 11462, 997 ( 12,847) 11450, 150 11370t461 79, 689 030 Total Auditor 11705, 618 780, 999 11904,870 1,9061370 - 11906, 370 11806,226 100, 144 050 Total Emergency Management 309, 069 144,781 311,218 311,218 48 311,266 233,374 77,892 055 Total Facilities & Grounds 1,372, 654 593,071 11439,620 1143% 620 - 1,439, 620 11439, 621 ( 1) 057 Total Human Resources/Risk Management 608,086 255,377 733,935 733,935 - 733,935 733,933 2 058 Total LEOFF 100,044 33,346 100, 000 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 070 Total Clerk 11108,730 566,552 11177,540 11177,540 ( 11000) 1, 1761540 11097,481 79,059 080 Total Commissioners 355: 610 171,324 355,706 355,706 - 355,706 355,704 2 090 Total Support Services 745,933 357,282 887,798 887,798 - 887,798 804, 158 83, 640 100 Total District Court 11351,019 672,620 11767,437 1,767,437 61948 11774,385 11369,272 405, 113 125 Total Community Development 21700, 009 11324,066 21884, 664 21884, 664 - 21884, 664 21804, 666 79,998 126 Total Historical Preservation 16, 000 21810 24,000 24, 000 - 24, 000 24,000 146 Total Parks & Trails 563, 621 287,948 619,205 619, 205 91845 629, 050 629, 050 0 170 Total Juvenile Court Services 21028,280 915, 676 2,0131540 21013,540 483 21014, 023 21002, 500 11,523 180 Total Prosecutor 11876,838 782,202 21050, 307 21050,307 (550) 2,0491757 21049,756 1 185 Total Child Support Enforcement 160,462 53,885 159, 679 159, 679 ( 100) 159,579 159,579 ( 0 ) 190 Total Coroner 345,276 168, 153 359,533 359,533 ( 11,467) 348,066 348,064 2 205TotaI Sheriff 14,5551735 61866,395 16,861,042 16,861,042 54,784 16,915,826 14, 807, 135 21108, 691 208 Total Courthouse Security 170,740 109,265 303,755 303,755 - 303,755 303,755 240 Total Office of Public Defense 11261, 101 590,387 1,264,385 11264,385 ( 11036) 11263,349 11263,348 1 250Total Superior Court 1,0171332 598,793 11179,000 1, 1791000 ( 11,322) 11167,678 11068, 028 99 , 650 255 Total Family Court 21500 - 2,500 21500 - 21500 21500 - 256 Total Therapeutic Court 640,495 317,301 812,394 811,482 ( 135 ) 811,347 803,793 7, 554 258 Total Murder Expenditures 50, 000 10,731 50, 000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 260 Total Treasurer 872,579 428, 112 875,338 875,338 142 875,480 875,478 2 300 Total Non Departmental 41884,779 11689:078 41807, 130 41807, 130 41000 41811, 130 41720, 129 91, 001 305 Total Motor Pool 55,968 14,263 50,829 50,829 - 50,829 50,829 0 310 Total Transfers Out 91,339 79,993 90,027 90,027 - 90,027 90,027 0 320Total Ending Fund Balance 12,780, 888 - 12,589,052 12, 509, 640 4,31%510 16,829, 150 20,053, 111 (31223,961) 001 Total General Fund 1 531464, 511 18, 616, 895 57,4561302 57,377,478 4,357,303 61,734,781 61,7341781 (0) 2022 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation Revenue October 4, 2021 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR Fund 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS PRELIM REQUESTS Fund Dept Prgm 001 Total General Fund 53,464,511 22,412,140 57,3641958 570377,478 42357,303 61,734,781 61,734,781 0 103 Total Sales Use Tax 11617,997 479,898 11866,000 11866,000 11866,000 1, 8661000 (0) 104Total Auditor's O& M 439,925 46,291 540J250 540,250 540,250 540,250 (0) 105 Total County Road 29, 125,848 91101, 626 31, 170,343 31, 170,343 21295,575 33,465,918 33,465,918 0 106 Total Paths & Trails 294,222 41885 291,663 291, 663 61226 297,889 297,889 (0) 109 Total Election Equipment 271,987 16,586 283,752 283,752 - 283,752 283,752 0 110 Total Crime Victims 191,910 49, 935 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 (0) 114 Total Victim Witness Activity 74, 907 11608 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 117 Total Community Support Services 21371, 173 11968,853 3,5081028 31508,028 140,000 31648,028 31648,028 (0) 118Total Abatement 286,484 159 240, 178 240, 178 240, 178 240, 178 0 120 Total Reet Property Tax 64, 672 12,760 100,589 100,589 100,589 100,589 (0) 134Total National Forest Safety 41,457 20,996 31,457 31,457 31,457 31,457 (0) 135 Total Trial Court Improvement 134, 658 11,326 116,544 116,544 116,544 116,544 0 141 Total Sheriff Boating 150, 179 31,212 149,522 149,522 - 149,522 149,522 0 142 Total Narcotics Investigation 97,500 61006 96, 245 96, 245 - 96,245 96,245 0 150 Total Community Services Health 21756,733 21564,463 31256,318 31256,318 - 31256,318 21880J063 376, 255 155 Total American Rescue Plan Act - 61484,451 12,584,451 12,584,451 12,584,451 12,584,450 1 160 Total Law Library 96,373 11, 197 71, 650 71, 650 31250 74,900 74,900 0 163Total Lodging Tax 980,000 329,385 1,2001500 11200,500 - 11200,500 11200,500 (0) 164 Total Mental Health Tax 21458, 683 737, 109 21813,792 21813,792 21,876 21835, 668 21835, 668 (0) 180 Total Treasurer's 0&M 293,323 53,906 430, 686 430, 686 430, 686 430, 686 0 190 Total Veterans Assistance 191,422 88,430 240,822 240,822 - 24%822 240,822 (0) 192 Total Skokomish Flood Zone 114, 662 861 114,412 114,412 16,000,000 16, 114,412 114,412 16,0001000 194Total Mason Lake Management 145,500 20,786 107,900 107, 900 - 107, 900 107,900 (0) 195 Total Spencer Lake Management 19, 650 91005 24,500 24,500 - 24,500 24,500 0 199 Total Island Lake Management 40, 650 51712 30,000 30,000 3%000 30,000 (0) 205 Total Public Works Facility Bond 11001,025 11001,025 998,900 998,900 998,900 998,900 - 215 Total MC LTGO 2013 Bond 138, 667 137, 622 134,375 134,375 134,375 134,375 0 250 Total MC LTGO 2008 Bond 278,888 275,234 275,696 275, 696 - 275, 696 275, 696 (0) 350 Total REET 1 21342,700 896, 109 21462,000 21462,000 - 2,462,000 21462,000 0 351 Total REET 2 31710,000 11106,338 41305,000 41305,000 - 41305,000 4,305, 000 0 402 Total Mason County Landfill 51220, 185 21745, 218 61859,451 6,8591451 61859,451 61859,451 0 403 Total NBCI Sewer Utility 21674,311 11184, 608 31811, 657 31811, 657 (21584) 31809,073 3, 8091073 0 411 Total Rustlewood Sewer & Water 492,012 131,296 707,438 707,438 (381) 707,057 508, 295 198,762 412 Total Beards Cove Water 798, 100 106, 629 902,552 902,552 28,835 931,387 829,259 102, 128 413 Total Belfair WW&W Reclamation 41807,230 41691,751 11,048,097 11,048,097 443,377 11,491,474 10, 940, 174 551,300 428 Total Landfill Reserve 439, 180 254 439, 180 439, 180 12,355 451,535 444,700 61835 429 Total Beards Cove Reserve 219,943 51504 219, 943 219,943 21%943 219,943 0 480 Total Storm Drain System Development 180,717 - 180,717 180,717 (11475) 179,242 17%242 (0) 500 Total Information Technology 11044, 179 482,452 11142,820 11142,820 - 1, 1421820 11142,819 1 501 Total Equipment Rental & Revolving 6,4871933 117,915 81231, 625 81231, 625 - 81231, 625 31690, 987 4,5401638 502Total Unemployment Fund 230,005 73,906 2341420 234,420 - 234,420 234,420 (0) Total Excluding General Fund 72,388,976 35,013,306 101,527,459 101,463,473 18,947,054 120,410,527 98,634,607 21,775,919 Grand Total All Funds 125,853,487 57,425,446 1 158,892,417 1 158,8401951 I 231304,357 182,1451308 160,369,388 21,775,919 2022 Mason County Proposed Presentation Expenditures October 4, 2021 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR Fund 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC Fund Dept Prgm 001 Total General Fund 53,464,511 18,616,895 57,456,302 57,377,478 41357,303 611734,781 61,7341781 (0) 103 Total Sales Use Tax 11617,997 476,661 11866,000 11866,000 - 11866,000 1,8661000 0 104Total Auditor's O&M 439, 925 47,044 540, 250 540,250 - 540,250 540, 251 ( 1) 105 Total County Road 29, 125,848 61937,444 31, 170,343 31, 170,343 21295,575 33,465,918 33,465,918 (0 ) 106 Total Paths & Trails 294,222 952 291, 663 291, 663 61226 297, 889 2971889 (0 ) 109 Total Election Equipment 271,987 914 271,987 283,752 - 283,752 283,752 0 110 Total Crime Victims 191,910 41,555 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 ( 1 ) 114Total Victim Witness Activity 74,907 31796 70,000 70,000 70,000 70, 000 0 117Total Community Support Services 21371, 173 11871,333 31508,028 31508,028 140,000 31648,028 31648,028 ( 0) 118Total Abatement 286,484 575 240, 178 240, 178 240, 178 240, 178 0 120 Total Reet Property Tax 64, 672 12,058 100,589 100,589 100,589 100JS89 0 134TotaI National Forest Safety 41,457 18, 136 31,457 31,457 - 31,457 31,456 1 135 Total Trial Court Improvement 134,658 275 116,544 116,544 - 116,544 116,544 0 141 Total Sheriff Boating 150, 179 17, 126 149,522 149,522 - 149,522 149,522 (0 ) 142 Total Narcotics Investigation 97,500 4,084 96,245 96,245 - 96,245 96,245 (0 ) 150Total Community Services Health 21756,733 1,3931881 31256,318 31256,318 - 31256,318 2, 8801063 376, 255 163 Total American Rescue Plan Act 3511182 12,584,451 12,584,451 12,5841451 12,584,451 - 160 Total Law Library 96,373 16,215 71, 650 71, 650 31250 74,900 74,900 (0) 163 Total Lodging Tax 980,000 205,002 11200,500 11200,500 11200,500 11200,500 (0) 164TotaI Mental Health Tax 21458, 683 395,866 21813,792 21813,792 21,876 21835, 668 21835, 668 0 180 Total Treasurer's 0&M 293,323 51,840 430, 686 430, 686 - 430, 686 430, 686 (0) 190 Total Iveterans Assistance 191,422 48,343 240,822 240,822 - 240j822 240,821 0 192 Total I Skokomish Flood Zone 114, 662 51039 114,412 114,412 16,000,000 161114,412 114,412 16100%000 194Total Mason Lake Management 145,500 31855 107,900 107,900 - 107, 900 107,900 (0) 195 Total Spencer Lake Management 19, 650 11750 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 (0) 199 Total Island Lake Management 40, 650 71831 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 (0) 205 Total Public Works Facility Bond 11001,025 871,875 998,900 998,900 998,900 998,900 - 215 Total MC LTGO 2013 Bond 138, 667 31,933 134,375 134,375 134,375 134,375 0 250 Total MC LTGO 2008 Bond 278,888 24,395 275, 696 275,696 - 275, 696 275, 695 1 350 Total REET 1 21342,700 11709,522 21462,000 21462,000 21462,000 21462,000 (1) 351 Total REET 2 31710,000 646,494 41305,000 41305,000 - 4,305, 000 41304,998 2 402 Total Mason County Landfill 51220, 186 21377, 844 61859,451 6, 859,451 - 6, 8591451 61859,451 0 403 Total NBC] Sewer Utility 21674,312 840,823 31811, 657 31811, 657 (21584) 31809,073 31809,073 0 411 Total Rustlewood Sewer & Water 492,009 134, 613 828,436 828,436 (121,379) 707,057 508,295 198,762 412 Total Beards Cove Water 798,098 73,515 902,552 902,552 28,835 931,387 829,259 102, 128 413 Total Belfair WW& W Reclamation 41807,229 31953,279 41807,230 41807,230 61684,244 11,491,474 10,940, 174 551,300 428 Total Landfill Reserve 439, 180 890 439, 180 439, 180 12,355 451,535 444,700 61835 429 Total Beards Cove Reserve 219,943 2, 143 219, 943 219, 943 - 219,943 219,943 0 480 Total Storm Drain System Development 180,717 417 180,717 180,717 (10475) 179,242 179, 242 0 500 Total Information Technology 11044,178 466, 115 11142,820 1, 1421820 - 11142, 820 1, 1421819 1 501 Total Equipment Rental & Revolving 61487,930 21246,530 81231, 625 81231, 625 - 81231, 625 31690,987 41540, 638 502Total Unemployment Fund 230,005 46, 619 234,420 2341420 - 234,420 234,420 0 Total Excluding General Fund 72,388,976 25,387,910 95,3951825 95,343,604 25,066,923 120,410,527 981634,607 21,775,921 Grand Total All Funds 125,8530487 44,004,805 1521852,127 152,7211082 29,424,226 182,1451308 160,369,388 21,775,921 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 4 General Fund Expenditures October 4, 2021 Dept's Department BARS BARS Description PLR Amount FTE PLR No. PLR Description 001 .000000 . 020 .000.514. 24.510160.0000.00 . APPRAISER Promoting incumbent to Assessor $ 91510 1 Appraiser from Trainee 001 .000000 .020 .000 .514.24.510165 .0000.00 . APPRAISER 14th FTE approved by the Assessor $ 70, 179 1 2 BOCC Auditor 001.000000 .030.030 .514.30.545010.0000 .00 . COPIER RENTAL AGREEMENT $ 250 A Reallocation internally Auditor 001.000000 .030.030 .514.30 . 548010 . 0000 .00 . EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 200 A Reallocation internally 001.000000 .030 .031 .514.23 .549020 .0000 .00. TRAINING/DUES/REGISTRATION Auditor $ 21000 A Increased training for new staff Auditor 001 .000000.030 .032.514.30 .510015 .0000 .00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 33,578 0 .5 1 Auditor 001.000000.030 .033 .514.81 .510016 .0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 33,578 0 .5 1 Auditor 001.000000 .030 .033 .514.81.535010 .0000.00 . SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT $ 21900 1 001.000000 .030.033 .514.81.543010 .0000.00 . TRAVEL Travel & lodging for licensing manager and 1 employee to Auditor $ 11500 A licensing conference 001.000000 .030.034.514.40.541010 . 0000 . 00 . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Auditor $ 24, 139 2 Contract out website design 001 .000000 .030 . 034.514.40 .549030 .0000 .00. ELECTION CERTIFICATION Training costs for new Auditor $ 21000 A employees 001 .000000 . 050 .000. 525 . 10 .510030 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Training & Exercise Staff DEM $ 76, 692 1 1 Position - 1 FTE currently Xhelp 001 . 000000 . 050 . 000 .525 . 10.512000 .0000 . 00 . OVERTIME Actual through June 2021 is DEM $ 11200 2 $ 682 001 . 000000 . 070 . 000 .512.30 .510070 . 0000 .00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Additional clerk for assistance with " Blake" decision paperwork and processing Clerk $ 62,028 1 1 passports 001 .000000 . 070 .000.512 .30 .510150 .0000 .00 . JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Increase .5 position to 1 .0 Clerk $ 14,231 0.5 1 position for archive backlog 001.000000 .070.000 .512 .30.543010.0000 .00. TRAVEL Would like to be reimbursed for travel to training Clerk $ 21800 2 conferenced 001 .000000 . 090 .000 .513 . 10 .510050 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Support Services $ 83,640 1 3 Public Records Coordinator 001 .000000 . 100 .000 . 512 .40 .510011 .0000. 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST District Court $ 101,469 0 .5 1 Court Commissioner . 5 FTE District Court 001. 000000 . 100. 000 .512 .40 . 510050 . 0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 77,561 1 2 Judicial Support Staff 001. 000000. 100 . 000 .512.40 .510620 . 0000 .00. JUDGE PRO TEMPORE District Court $ 89,478 3 Judge Pro Tempore Increase 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 2 of 4 General Fund Expenditures October 4, 2021 001 . 000000 . 100 . 000 . 512 . 40 . 510901 . 0000 . 00 , 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST . 6 FTE other .4 is in probation, District Court $ 62, 612 0 . 6 4 Chief Deputy Administrator 001.000000 . 100 . 173 .523 . 33 .510901 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 1 position split into 2 District Court $ 41, 255 0 .4 4 deparments .4 FTE District Court 001.000000 . 100 .000 .512 .40 .531010 .0000 . 00 . OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 41960 5 Office supply increase 001.000000 . 100.000 .512 .40.535010.0000 . 00 . SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT Desks & Chairs for new District Court $ 21275 6 positions District Court 001. 000000. 100 . 000 .512.40 .535098.0000 .00. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT $ 21500 7 Laptop & Printer 001 .000000. 100 . 000 .512.40 .541050 .0000 .00. INTERPRETER Demand for interpreters District Court $ 22, 000 8 increase 001 .000000 . 100 . 173 .523 . 33 .541040 .0000 .00 . INTERPRE SERVICES Demand for interpreters District Court $ 11000 9 increase 001. 000000 . 125 . 000 . 559 .30 . 510600 . 0000 . 00 . EXTRA HELP OWGOING Approved 04/21 briefing as Community Development $ 25,000 budget neutral . 001 . 000000 . 125 . 140 . 558 . 50 . 510600 . 0000 . 00 . EXTRA HELP Increase extra help Fire Marshal supported by Community Development $ 30,000 additional revenue 001 .000000 . 125 . 140 .558 . 50 .512000 .0000 .00 . OVERTIME Necessary to cover staff absences, projects etc supported by additional Community Development $ 10,000 revenue Community Development 001 .000000. 125 . 140 .558. 50 .541020 .0000 .00 . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 15,000 001 .000000 . 170 .000.523 .31 .541010 .0000.00 . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Changes in grant usage, I will Juvenile Court Services $ 91524 do separate PLR form 001. 000000. 170 . 000 .527 . 60 .549010 .0000 .00. DETENTION TRAINING We have 4 staff that need to attend the academy, will do Juvenile Court Services $ 2, 000 aseparate PLR Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .265 .521 . 10.510075 . 0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 63, 680 1 14 Clerk 001 . 000000 .205 .265 .521 . 10 .510076 . 0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST NP Clerk - $40, 675 Base + Sheriff $ 63,680 1 2 $23, 005 Benefits 001 .000000 .205 .265 .521. 10 .510077.0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST NP Clerk - $40, 675 Base + Sheriff $ 63, 680 1 2 $ 23,005 Benefits Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .265 .521 . 10 .510106.0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 63, 680 1 14 Clerk 001 . 000000 . 205 . 265 . 521 . 10 . 535099 .0000 . 00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT Moved Taser leases to their Sheriff $ 20,000 own line . For computers 001 . 000000 . 205 .265 .521. 10 .541030 .0000 .00 . SOFTWARE LICENSES & FEES Quickbooks, Teamviewer, MS Sheriff $ 10,000 15 Office, Adobe Pro added 001 . 000000 .205 .265 .521 . 10 . 541512 . 0000 .00. STOP GRANT SERVICES City of Shelton payments not Sheriff $ 12,000 1 14 1 budgeted in 2021 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 3 of General Fund Expenditures October 4, 2021 Sheriff 001 .000000 . 205 . 267 .521 . 10 . 510002 . 0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 63, 680 1 14 Clerk Sheriff 001 .000000.205 .267.521.22 .510150 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 001.000000.205 .267.521.22 .510260 .0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267.521.22.510280 .0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95,771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22 .510285 .0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95, 771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22.510290.0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 122, 278 1 14 Lieutenant Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22.510310.0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 102, 039 1 14 Systems Administrator 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22.510315 . 0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST NP CSO - $37,490 Base + Sheriff $ 62,372 1 3 $24, 882 Benefits 001 .000000 .205 . 267 .521.22 .510320 . 0000 .00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST NP CSO - $37,490 Base + Sheriff $ 62,372 1 3 $24,882 Benefits Sheriff 001 .000000. 205 .267 .521. 22 .510334.0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 122, 278 1 14 Lieutenant Sheriff 001 .000000 . 205o267a521 . 22o510343 .0000.00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95, 771 1 14 Deputy Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267. 521 .22 .510363 .0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 95, 771 1 14 Deputy 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22. 512000.0000 . 00 . OVERTIME Patrol Actuals - 2020- $233, 111; 2019-$254,345 2018-$2671882; 2017- Sheriff $ 105,881 5 $228, 293; Avg-$245,907 001 .000000. 205 . 267 .521.22 .512010 . 0000 .00 . HOLIDAY OVERTIME Patrol Actuals - 2020- $ 121,559; 2019-$ 1151349 2018-$ 1211028; 2017- Sheriff $ 53,855 6 $ 106,207; Avg-$ 116,036 001.000000 .205 .267.521 .22.520054.0000 .00 . Q' MASTER/CONTRACTED UNIFORMS Outfit new $20, 000 . 3-yr Sheriff $ 15,000 11 average $ 19,990 for replace Sheriff 001 .000000. 205 . 267 .521. 22 .531030 .0000 .00 . AMMUNITIONS $ 138, 000 8 Stock and Training 001 .000000 . 205 .267 .521 . 22 .532010 .0000 .00 . FUEL Boating costs not covered by Sheriff $ 51000 16 grant funding 001.000000 .205 . 267. 521 .22 . 535015 . 0000 . 00 . BULLETPROOF VESTS Need to replace 25 . Request is Sheriff $ 20,000 7 after grant application 001.000000 . 205 . 267 . 521 . 22 . 535020 . 0000 . 00 . SWAT/SAR EQUIP Sheriff $ 91000 10 Reduction to Title III grant. 001 .000000. 205 .267.521. 22 .548010 .0000 . 00 . REPAIRS TO EQUIPMENT Boat repairs not covered by Sheriff $ 50, 000 9 grant funding Sheriff 001.000000 .205 .267.521.23.531010.0000 .00 . K9 SUPPLIES $ 3,000 17 K9 Program Sheriff 001. 000000 .205 .267.521.23 .535010.0000 .00. K9 EQUIPMENT $ 500 17 K9 Program Sheriff 001. 000000 .205 .267.521 .23 .541010 . 0000 .00 . K9 PROF SERVICES $ 11100 17 K9 Program Sheriff 001. 000000 .205 . 267.521 .23 .543000 . 0000 .00. K9 TRAVEL $ 500 17 K9 Program Sheriff 001 .000000. 205 .267 .521. 23 .549020 .0000 .00 . K9 TUITION/MEMBERSHIP $ 700 17 K9 Program 001 .000000 .205 .267. 521 .80 .512000 .0000.00 . OVERTIME Evidence Tech overtime . No Sheriff $ 500 19 2021 budget. Cameras Sheriff 001. 000000 .205 .270 .523 . 10 . 512000 . 0000 .00 . OVERTIME $ 500 20 Clerical overtime Sheriff 001. 000000.205o270 .523o20 .510901 .0000 .00. OFFICER IN CHARGE $ 500 21 No budget in 2021 Sheriff 001 .000000 . 205 . 270 . 523 . 60 .510120 .0000 .00 . 12022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 81,660 1 14 Corrections Deputy 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 4 of 4 General Fund Expenditures October 4, 2021 Sheriff 001 .000000 . 205 .270 .523 . 60 .510171 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 81, 660 1 14 Corrections Deputy Sheriff 001 .000000 . 205 .270 .523 . 60 .510176 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST $ 81, 660 1 14 Corrections Deputy 001 .000000 . 205 .270 . 523 . 60 .510192 .0000 .00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Transport Deputy - $ 54,283 Sheriff $ 84,561 1 4 Base + $ 30,279 Benefits 001. 000000.205 .270 .523.60 .520051 . 0000 .00. Q' MASTER/CONTRACTED UNIFORMS Three Year Actuals plus Six Sheriff $ 750 22 open positions Sheriff 001.000000.205 .270 .523 . 60 .531020 .0000 .00 . HEALTH CARE SUPPLIES $ 15,000 12 PPE forjail staff 001 .000000 .205 .270 .523 . 60 .531040 .0000 .00 . INMATE SUPPLIES Based on new Medicaid Sheriff $ (5,000) 18 legislation 001 .000000 .205 .270 . 523 . 60 .541008.0000 . 00 . HEALTH CARE SERVICES Based on new Medicaid Sheriff $ ( 12, 000) 18 legislation 001. 000000 .205 . 270 .523 . 60 . 541010 . 0000 .00 . HEALTH CARE SVCS-MASON GEN HOS Based on new Medicaid Sheriff $ (20,000) 18 legislation 001 . 000000 .205 .270 .523 .60 .541013 .0000 .00 . PHARMACY/ PRESCRIPTIONS Based on new Medicaid Sheriff $ ( 15,000 ) 18 legislation 001 .000000 .205 .270. 523 . 60 .541015 .0000. 00 . INMATE MEDICAL TRANSPORT Based on new Medicaid Sheriff $ (51000) 18 legislation 001. 000000 .205 .270 .594. 60 .564010 . 0000 . 00 . MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Sheriff $ 10,000 1 Jail replacement locks/fittings 001 .000000.250 .000 .512.21 .510023 .0000 .00. MISC COURT COMMISSIONER On par with 2021 trend based on usage w/ increased trials; Superior Court $ 10, 000 2 separte PLR 001. 000000 .250.000 .512 .21. 510040 . 0000 . 00 , 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Admininstrative Secretary/Judicial Assistant- Superior Court $ 80, 690 1 1 separate PLR 001 .000000 . 250 .000.512. 21 .510610 .0000.00 . BAILIFF Increase due to more jury Superior Court $ 81959 2 trials; separate PLR 001.000000 .256. 100 .512 .22.510610. 0000 . 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST extra judicial help to cover when ourjudicial for therapeutic courts is out and Therapeutic Court $ 7,553 2 ourjudicial officers cannot. 001.000000 .300 .000 . 514.20.541010.0000.00 . OUTSIDE AUDITING SERVICES Increased need/cost for Non-Departmental $ 11000 4 Outside Auditing Services Non-Departmental 001 .000000.300 .312 .518.90 .546030 .0000 .00 . RISK MNGT/PROPERTY INSURANCE $ 90,000 5 10% above 2020 actuals Total New FTE requests: $ 21431,419 29 Total Other Salary & Benefit Requests : $ 368,686 Total Operating Requests : $ 423,848 Grand Total General Fund Expenditure PLR Requests $ 31223,953 29 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 1 Special Funds Revenue October 4, 2021 Dept's Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount FTE PLR No. PLR Description 150 . 000000 .000.000 .397 .00 . 300001. 0000 .00. TRANSFER IN -CURRENT EXPENSE Transfer in from Current Expense Fund to Support Community Services Health $ 376,255 Health 192.000000 . 000 .000 . 337.00.300000.0000. 00 . MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT Pass-Thru, Flood Plains by Skokomish Flood Zone $ 81000, 000 Design 192 . 000000 .000 . 000 .337.00 .310000 . 0000 .00. LOCAL GRANTS, ENTITLEMENTS, AND Other Payments - Bridge Loan for Skokomish River Short Term-Outside Loan Skokomish Flood Zone Project $ 81000, 000 ( bridge loan ) 411 . 000000 . 000 .000 . 397.00 .300155 .0000 . 00 . TRANSFER IN : ARPA Increased by ARPA funds Rustlewood $ 199,800 awarded centrally. Rustlewood 411.000000 . 100 . 000 .397.00 .300351 . 0000 .00 . TRANSFER IN : REET 2 $ 110,000 Transfer in from REET 2 412 .000000 . 000 . 000.367.00 .300000 .0000 .00 . CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Budget Office has $8760 & Beards Cove Water $ (81760 ) PWs has $0 budgeted Beards Cove Water 412.000000 .000 .000 .397.00.300155 .0000 . 00 . TRANSFER IN : ARPA $ 110,888 ARPA Funds request Belfair Sewer 413 . 000000.000 .000 .367 .00 .300000 . 0000 .00 . CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 551,300 Capital Contributions 428 .000000.000 .000.308. 10 .300000 .0000 .00 . BEG FUND RESERVED BFB decreases due to expected FY21 planned revenues and Landfill Reserve $ 61835 expenses planned . 501 .000000.000 .000 .348o20 .300000 .0000 .00. SALES OF ROAD MATERIALS( PITS,Q Probably maintenance but hoping for PWs explanation of costs since number is very ER & R $ 36, 000 specific 501 .000000 . 000 .000.348. 30 .300000 .0000 .00 . VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPAIR CHARG Further analysis of Rent ER & R $ 21443,873 allocated to service depts . 501 .000000. 000 .000 .348.409300000 .0000 .00. OTHER SPACE & FAC RENT-SHORT Further analysis of Rent ER & R $ 21281, 686 allocated to service depts. I Grand Total All Special Fund Revenue PLR Requests $ 22,107,877 0 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 1 of 2 Special Funds Expenditures October 4, 2021 Dept' s Fund BARS BARS Description PLR Amount FTE PLR No . PLR Description 105 .000000. 000 . 000 .542. 10 .545951 .0000.00o ER & R VEHICLES Need rates & capital requests County Road $ 31500, 000 for 2022 105 . 000000 .000.000 .544.20 .510340. 0000 . 00 . ENGINEER/DEVLOPMENT REVIEW Unfilled - but we expect to fill County Road $ 81,577 1 and need position 105 .000000 . 000 .000 . 594.446562000 .0000.00 . BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES PLR until/unless capital is/was County Road $ 20, 000 approved by BOCC 105 .000000.000 . 000 .594.44.564000 .0000 .00 . CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT PLR until/unless capital is/was County Road $ 100, 000 approved by BOCC 105 .000000 .000 .000 .594.44.565000. 0000 . 00 . CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL ASSETS PLR until/unless capital is/was County Road $ 426, 100 approved by BOCC 105 .000000. 000 .000 .595 . 10 ,5XXXXX.0000 . 00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION Need to match up to Six Year & County Road $ 11420, 000 Annual CN Rpt Community Support 117. 000000 .000 . 200 .565 .40 . 510020 . 0000 .00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST . 2 of this FTE moved from Fund Services $ 21,393 0 .2 1 150 Community Support 117.000000 .000 .200 . 565 .40 .510020.0000. 00 . 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST Services $ 82,490 1 2 Add one FTE to Housing 150 .000000 . 100 .000 .562 . 10 .510124.0000 , 000 PROGRAM COORDINATOR .2 of this FTE moved to Fund Community Services Health $ (21, 393) -0 .2 1 117 192. 000000 .000 . 000 .553 .30 . 551000 . 0000 . 00 , INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES Inter-governmental transfer to Army Corp of Engineers, Skokomish River Eco-systm Restoration Project $8M, Pass through to Mason Skokomish Flood Zone $ 16, 000,000 Conservation $8M Landfill 402 .000000. 000 .000.537e80 .510600 .0000.00 . EXTRA HELP ON-GOING $ 16, 380 PLR for increased Xhelp 402 .000000 .000 .000 .537.80.512000.0000 . 00 . OVERTIME Currently on tract to utilize over $35,000 in OT this year. I do not think $ 12,000 will even cover me through April 2022 , NOTE : Actual2021 expenditures reflect employee turnover, especially PT hours . Our payrate is $5/hr less than Landfill $ 12,000 Taco Bell . 402 . 000000 . 000 .000 . 537.80 .545951.0000. 00 . ER&R VEHICLES Absurd and gross. PW Finance Mgr. to cotinue rate work and Landfill $ 90,553 1 1 Irefine . 2022 Mason County Policy Level Requests 2 of 2 Special Funds Expenditures October 4, 2021 402.000000 .000 .000 .538910.545951.0000900a ER & R VEHICLE RENTAL PW Finance Mgr to justify/adjust based upon RR Landfill $ 41000 rate study sompletion . 402.000000 .000 .000 .594w37o564000 .00006009 CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Catchup on deferred minor Landfill $ 31501 capital imporvements . 402 . 000000 . 000 .000 . 594 . 37 . 564020 . 0000.00 . EQUIP TRAILER/HHW TRANSPORT need info previously given for Landfill $ 590,000 the breakdown of this line item NBCI Sewer Utility 403 .000000 . 100 .O2O .535o83n545951 .0000 .00a ER& R VEHICLES _ $ 81,741 Absurd and gross 403 .000000 . 100 .020 . 538 . 10 . 545953 .0000. 00 . BUILDING RENTAL Increase based upon actual NBCI Sewer Utility $ 11818 201 expenditures at 8/30/21 NBCI Sewer Utility 403.000000 . 100 .O20.594m35n562001 .0000.00m MINOR FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS $ 125,000 Can 't do - look for notes 411 . 000000 . 100 .000 .535 .81.545951.0000 . 00 . ER&R VEHICLES Need ER& R Rates for correct Rustlewood $ 12,000 number 411 .000000. 200 .000.534.81 .545951 .0000 .00 . ER& R VEHICLES Need ER &R Rates for correct Rustlewood $ 13,371 number Rustlewood 411.000000 .200.000 .538 . 10.546010. 0000 .00 . INSURANCE $ ( 11450) Insurance 412 .000000. 200 . 000 .534.82 .545951 .0000 .00. ER&R VEHICLES Need ER&R Rates for correct Beards Cove Water $ 10,400 number Beards Cove Water 412.000000 .200.000 .538 . 10.545953 . 0000 .00 . BUILDING RENTAL $ 151 Building rent 413 .000000 .000 . 000 .535 .84.545951 . 0000 .00. ER&R VEHICLES Need ER&R Rates for correct Belfair Sewer $ 24,358 number 501.000000 .000.000 .594.48.564000. 0000 . 00 . CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT includes ($ 625K total carryover for 2 dump trucks budgeted in ER&R $ 1,872,500 2020 . Grand Total All Special Fund Expenditure PLR Requests $ 24,486,490 2 I oft 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Works heet - Assessor Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVELI - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR N0. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001.000000.020.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. LOCAL GRANTS, OTHER PYMNTS - - - - - 001.000000.020.000.34135300000.0000.00. OTHER STATUTORY CERT/COPY FEES - - - - - 001.000000.020.000.341.41300000.0000.00. ASSESSOR'S FEES 71000 12,688 9,000 _ %000 9 000 9,000 Assessor 7,000 12,688 90000 9,000 %000 %000 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Assessor 1 of 1 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2121. BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVELS - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC NOS) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000,020.000,514,24,510010,0000400. ASSESSOR 84,865 42,397 85,713 85,713 85 713 85,713 0 001.000000,020,000,514.24.510020.0000,00, CHIEF DEPUTY 73,526 36,449 75,3% 75,356 75,356 75356 0 o0L00o000,020,000,514424,510035.0000,004 APPRAISER 62,957 16,399 44,732 44,732 44,732 44732 (0) OOL000000,020,000,514,24,510040,0000,00. APPRAISAL TECH 50,990 24,634 53,972 53,972 53972 53,972 (0) OOL000000,020,000514,24.510055.0000,00. REAL PROPERTY TECH 62,662 31,218 65,514 65,514 65514 65,514 (0) OOL000000,020,000,514,24,510080,0000,00, LEVY/PERSONAL PROPERTYTECH 54,911 27,411 64,169 64,169 64,169 64,169 0 0014000000,020,000.514,24.510100,0000,00, APPRAISER ANALYST 63,348 31,596 65,149 65,149 65,149 65,149 (0) OOLODDDDD,0204000.514,24,510110,0000,00, APPRAISER 59,100 30,092 62,047 62,047 62 047 62,047 0 OOLO00000,020,000514,24,510130.0000,00. APPRAISER 66,500 30,480 68,163 68,163 68163 68,163 (0) OOL000000,020400051424,510150,0000,00, APPRAISER 64,480 21,829 45,104 45,104 45104 45,104 1 OOL000000,020,000,514,24.510160,0000,00, APPRAISER 54,613 54,613 54,613 45,104 %510 1 64,480 21,829 Promoting incumbent toAppraiser from Trainee OOL0000006020,000514.24.530165.0000.00. APPRAISER - 2,SS7 70,179 70A79 70,179 70,179 2 14th FTE approved by BOCC OOL000000,0204000514.24.570180,0000,00, SENIOR APPRAISAL TECH 56,054 27,919 591588 59,588 59 88 59588 0 OOL000000,020,000,514,24.510185,0000.00, APPRAISAL TECH 41,821 2%710 44,784 44,784 440784 44784 (0) OOL000000,020,000.514,24.512000,0000.00, OVERTIME - - - - 001,000000,020,000514,24519998,0000.00, REALLOCATE TO OPERATING - - - - 001,000000,020,000514624420010,0000*001 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 14,929 70055 191108 1%108 190108 19,108 0 OOL000000,020,000,514,24,520020,0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 61,643 27,809 59,624 59,624 59,624 59624 0 001,000000,020,000514.24520030,0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 304,512 47,412 79,888 79,888 79,888 79,888 0 OOL000000.020,000,514,24,520035,00004006 TEAMSTERS PENSION %112 3,887 %112 8,112 8,112 80112 001.000000,020,000.514,24.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 217,589 102,277 21%942 21%942 120 220,062 220O62 0 00140000004020,000514,24.520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 11182 538 11143 11143 11143 1,143 (0) 001,000000.020,000,514.24,520050.0000,00, UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 2o200 001.000000,020,000,514,24,531010,0000,00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,000 61000 61000 6,000 Increasing supply costs - Mostly printer toner 5,000 4,077 cartridges MI3- increased operating costs 001.000000.020.000.514.24.531020.0000.00. NEGOTIATED RAINGEAR 500 337 Soo Soo Soo 500 001.000000.020.000.514.24.531777.0000.00, MOTOR POOLSUPPLIES - - - - 001.000000,020.000,514.24.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 1,778 2,380 3,000 3,000 459 3,459 3,459 Increasing Fuel Costs Assessor s/match Budget Office MP rates 001.000000.020.000.514.24.535010.0000.00. SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 750 933 1,000 10000 (250) 750 750 Adjusted back to 2021 Level ML3- negative amount OOL000000,020,000.514.24,535098.0000,00. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 4,811 - 001,000000,020,OOOS34,24535099400006004 TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - 267 - - OOL000000,0204000,514.24,541010,0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 44,000 4,516 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 001,000000,020,000.514,2454101L0000.009 TERRA SCAN 76,000 73547 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 001,000000.020,OOOS14,24.541020,0000,00, ADVERTISING 100 - 100 100 100 100 OOL000000,020,000.514.24.54109L0000,00, GIS SERVICES - - - 001,000000,020,000,514.24,541501,0000,001 RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - oOL000000.020,000514,24.542030,0000.00, CELL PHONES 2,200 1,054 21200 2,200 2,200 2,200 OOL000000.020,000514.24.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 180000 14,391 18,000 18,000 181000 18,000 001,000000.020,000.514.24.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL 2,295 548 21295 2,295 21295 21295 001.000000.020.000.514.24.545010.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 30000 1,277 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 001,000000,020.000.514.24.545777.0000,00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - 15,442 - 001.000000,020,000.514,24,545951,0000,00, ER&RVEHICLES - - - - 001,000000.020.000.514.24.546096,0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 2,400 2,400 21400 2,400 2,400 2,400 001.000000.020.000.514.24.546777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 11800 - 1,800 1,800 , (360) 1,440 1,440 Assessor s/match Budget Office MP rates 001.000000.020.000.514.24,548010.0000.00. MACHINE MAINTENANCE 9,282 610 9,282 %282 %282 9,282 001.000000.020.000.514.24.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - 79 - 001.000000,020.000.514.24.548778.0000,00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 750 - 750 750 (150) Soo 600 Assessors/match Budget Office MP rates 001.000000,020.000,514.24,549020.0000,00. TUITION/REGISTRATION 51440 11887 51440 5,440 51440 51440 OO1,000000,020.000,514,24549030.0000,004 DUES/SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,450 2,005 2,000 21000 2,000 2,000 We went over budget in 2021 MI3 001.000000.020.000.514.24,549999.0000.00, REALLOCATE FROM SALARIES - 001.000000,020,000,594.14.564777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 37,13C 37,130 PASS) 24,464 24,464 0 30,58O - This figure was provided by Budget Manager Assessor s/match Budget Office MP rates OO1,000000,020.000.594.14,564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - 001.000000.020.000.594.18.564010.0000.00. SOFTWARE LICENSES - - Assessor 1,420,286 686,289 1,462,997 11462,997 (12,847) 1,450 150 1,370,461 7%689 2022 PRELIMINARY BUDGET REQUEST Mason County Assessor' s Office Budget Narrative The role of the Assessor' s Office is to serve the citizens Of Mason County with integrity and professionalism . We establish fair, justifiable and understandable property valuations that allow for the equitable distribution of tax liabilities to the taxpayers of Mason County , 2021 Accomplishments : Inspections /Valuation ( WA State Constitution , Article VII , Sections 1 & 2 ) — Mason County is on an annual revaluation cycle , which requires one - sixth of the parcels be physically inspected each year . In 2021 our appraisers conducted over 10 , 000 physical inspections in Area 4 , which included neighborhoods in Belfair, Tahuya , Dewatto , and the North Shore of Hood Canal . Approximately 52 , 000 Notices of Value ( NOV' s ) were mailed out June 15 , 2021 , three months earlier than last year . Building Permits ( RCW 36 . 21 . 070 ) — During the 2021 assessment year, our office received and processed nearly 1 , 500 building permits issued by both the City of Shelton and Mason County . New Construction ( RCW 36 . 21 . 080 ) — Although , not yet certified , the preliminary new construction value placed on the 2021 assessment roll is approximately $ 119 million . New construction in each taxing district must be tracked for levy limit calculation purposes , as the value multiplied by the levy rate of the previous year is allowed to be added to the district' s levy amount outside of ( or in addition to ) the 101 % levy limit . Valuation Appeals / BOE ( RCW 84 . 48 ) — For the 2021 tax year, there were 158 appeals filed with the Board of Equalization . There were 190 the previous year . Our office has answered all petitions . As we continue to strive for better communication between our office and the taxpayers , we hope to see even fewer appeals filed in the future . Levies ( WA State Constitution , Article VII , Section 2 ) — In addition to the assessment function of the Assessor' s Office , it is also our responsibility to calculate and certify levy rates for 34 taxing districts . This includes keeping very detailed , organized and updated records , tracking back to 1985 , along with staying informed of changes in legislation that affect property . Personal Property:— ( WA State Constitution , Article VII , Sections 1 & 2 ) — Although 139 new accounts were created in 2021 , the assessed value for personal property decreased by approximately 1 . 8 % over last year . This is primarily due to the following . • Limited equipment reported for new and existing businesses . • Depreciation of equipment values in accordance with DOR ' s 2021 Valuation Guidelines . • 493 businesses failed to report their equipment listings for the 2021 assessment year . 9 Surge of business closures due to the COVID49 pandemic . Senior Exemption Program ( WA State Constitution , Article VII , Section 10 ) — Our office requests updated income and residence information from taxpayers receiving property tax relief from this exemption program every three years . In 2021 we mailed out 687 of these requests . Of those , we have sent second notices to 151 who did not respond . Of those returned , 53 parcels have been removed from the program , 46 parcels were adjusted to receive less of a reduction and 16 parcels are receiving more of a reduction . Current Use / Open Space / Designated Forest Land Programs ( WA State Constitution , Article VII , Section 11 ) — There are currently 3 , 945 parcels in the DFL program , 322 in CU / OS , and 358 in Farm & Agriculture . Ownership Changes for Tax Statements — ( RCW 36 . 21 . 100 ) Each and every day our staff must review all documents recorded in the Mason County Auditor' s Office that impact ownership or conveyance of a parcel in Mason County , Between July 1 , 2020 and June 30 , 2021 we have processed more than 6 , 620 changes resulting from these documents . Customer Service — The Covid - 19 Pandemic changed the landscape in our office from in - person to mainly telephone , email and very limited appointment contact in 2020 . We only recently opened to the public as a result of the three upstairs offices purchasing and implementing the QLess queuing system and strict sanitizing and mask guidelines . It is a work in progress and everyone is learning as they go along . 2022 Goals . Covid 19 also delayed the start of the Data Cloud — Mobile Assessor software , but we are back on track to begin beta testing in October 2021 and hope to be using the I - Pads out in the field for the upcoming Reval Area 5 . The main goal of the Assessor' s Office is to meet or exceed deadlines mandated by Washington State and we intend to make that happen this coming year . Measurable Data / Workload Indicators Our office is required to maintain accurate records for the following : All Real Property Parcels in the County Personal Property Business Accounts Mobile Homes valued separately from Real Property Tax Exempt Parcels Senior/ Disabled Exemption Parcels Designated Forest Land Parcels Current Use / Farm & Agriculture Parcels Current Use/ Open Space Parcels Parcel Segregations and Combinations Maps and Surveys and also updating the GIS Department Assessor Web - Page Information and Forms Legislative changes regarding Levies , Exemptions , Program Parcels Calculating & Certifying 34 Taxing Districts Levy Amounts Certifying the Tax Rolls to the Treasurer' s Office by January 15th of each year Destroyed Property Inspections and Processing Responding to Public Records Requests 2020 FTE ' S 14 2021 FTE ' S 13 2022 FTE ' S 13 ORGANIZATIONAL FLOW CHART PATTI MCLEAN VICKIE KING ASSESSOR CHIEF DEPUTY RACE ROBINSON CALEB COWLES APPRAISER APPRAISER RUSS MILARCH TOM GIBBONS APPRAISER SALES ANALYST ELIZABETH ZIGLER IDA MAE JENSEN APPRAISER SALES ANALYST CIARA STILES BRITTANY KING PERSONAL PROP / LEVY SR APPRAISAL TECH AARON SLOAN MARCIE HARRIS APPRAISAL TECH REAL PROP TECH SHERI STALEY SR APPRAISAL TECH 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Clerk 1 of 2 Revenue 2021ADOPTED 2023ACTUALS 2022BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001.000000.070.000.333.21.301906.0000.00, ACC CARES ACT GRANT - 10174 - - - OOl,000000.070.000.333.93.356000.0000.00. CHILD SPPRT ENFRCMNT DHHS 500000 110806 510000 51,000 51000 510000 - 001.000000.070.000.334.01.320010.0000.00. ADMIN OF THE COURTS/BECCA BILL 6,881 1,925 %457 9,457 90457 9457 - 001.000000.070.000.334.04.360000.0000.00. DSHS/BECCA BILL STATE GRANT 10,000 2,073 10,000 10,000 10,000 100000 - 001.000000.070.000.336.01.303000.0000.00. REIMBURSE BHO 50,000 17,455 50,000 50,000 501000 500000 - OOL000000.070.000.336.024320000.0000.00. LFO-COURTCOST REIMBURSEMENT - 402 402 402 402 402 (0) OOL00OOOO.070.000.336.04.361000.0000.00. INST17LMONAL (DOC) IMPACT 2,000 - 1,500 1,500 10500 1,500 - 001,000000.070.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS - - - - 001.000000.070.000.341.23.309000.0000.00. JUVENILE EMANCIPATION FILINGS - - - 001.000000.070.000.341.23.311000.0000.00. ANTI HAR FILING 300 156 3S0 350 350 350 001.000000.070.000.341.23.324000.0000.00, UNLAWFUL DETAINER FILINGS-COMB 4,000 - 41000 4,000 4,000 4,000 001.000000.070.000.341,23.328000.0000.00. CASETYPE3 & 5 FILINGSWITHF - - - - 001.000000.070.000.34123.332000.0000.00. CIVIL/PROB/DOMESTIC FILINGS 45,000 17,017 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 001.000000.070.000.341.23.334000.0000.00, DOMESTIC FACILITATOR FIUNGS-S 140500 6,643 14,500 14,500 14,500 140500 001.000000.070.000.34L23.338000.0000.00. APPELL FILING FEES/CIVIL SM CL 100 - 100 100 100 100 001.000000.070.000.341.23.340000.0000.00, THIRD PARTY CLAIMS FILING,COUN 10000 364 10000 1,000 10000 10000 001.000000.070.000.341.23.342000.0000.00, UNLAWFUL DETAINER FILINGS-SUP 200 35 200 200 200 200 001.000000.070.000.341.23.344000.0000.00, UNLAWFUL DETAINER COMBINED FIL 4,500 789 4,500 4,500 4,500 41500 001.000000.070.000.341.23.348000.0000.00, CASETYPE 3.5 FACILITATOR 60000 2,457 6,000 6,000 6,000 60000 001.000000.070.000.341.23.351000.0000.00, JUDICIAL STABILIZATION TRUST-S 80000 3,114 81000 8,000 80000 80000 001.000000.070.000.341.23.352000.0000.00, SC CIVILPRO,DOM RELATION - - - - 001.000000.070.000.34L25.300000.0000.00. WATER RIGHTS/TORRENS FILING - - - - 001.000000.070.000.341.29302000.0000.00. MOD FILING 700 460 700 700 700 700 001.000000.070.000.341.29.303000.0000.00, OTHER CASE FILING 900 1,483 900 900 900 900 001.000000.070.000.341.29.304000.0000.00, TAX WARR FILING 5,000 159 5,000 50000 5,000 5 000 001.000000.070.000.341.29.305000.0000.00, MODIFICATION - FACILITATOR FIL 1,700 547 1,700 10700 1700 1,700 OOLOOO000.070.000.341.29.306000.0000.00, FEETRANSCRIPT FILING 250 43 250 250 250 250 001.000000.070.000.341.29.307000.0000.00, UNLAWFUL DETAINER ANSWERS 300 8 300 300 300 300 001.000000.070.000.34L34.300000.0000.00. SUPERIOR COURT RECORDS SERVICE 42,000 15,749 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 OOL000000.070.000.34L34.301000.0000.00. ARBITRATION DE NOVO FEES 750 250 750 750 7S0 750 001.000000.070.000.341.34.303000.0000.00, SUPERIOR INTEREST INCOME 200 22 200 200 200 200 001.000000.070.000.341.34.304000.0000.00, REIMBURSEMENT, COLLECTIONSSER 100 44 200 100 100 100 001.000000.070.000.341.34.305000.0000.00. POST CONVICTION FEE 420 239 410 410 410 410 001.000000.070.000.341.37.301000.0000.00, WARRANT FEES 700 201 700 700 700 700 001.000000.070.000.341.65.300000.0000.00, SUPERIOR COU RT-WORD PROC & TRA 15,000 9,469 150000 15,000 15,000 150000 001.000000.070.000.341.65.303000.0000.00, FACILITATOR COPY FEE 100 - 100 100 100 100 001.000000.070.000.341.95.301000.0000.00. LEGALSERVICES - - - - 001000000.070.000.341.99.300000.0000.00. PASSPORT & NATURALIZATION FEES 28,000 - 28,000 2%000 28000 280000 001.000000.070.000.341.99.301000.0000.00, PASSPORT & NATURALIZATION SERV 7,000 315 7,000 71000 70000 7,000 001.000000.070.000.342.10.312000.0000.00, DNA COLLECTOR FEE 2 (20% DOC) 1,000 94 1,000 1,000 1,000 10000 001.000000.070.000.342.33.323000.0000.00, DEFERRED CONTINUED PROS - 20 - 001.000000.070.000.346.50.301000.0000.00. CASETYPE3&5 FILINGS - - - - 001.000000.070.000.351.31.300000.0000.00. SC-CRIMEFIUNG 10000 249 1,000 1,000 10000 10000 001.000000.070.000.351.31301000.0000.00. SC-CRIMINAL FILING FEES 60000 1,946 51000 5,000 50000 50000 001.000000.070.000.351.80.300000.0000.00, CRIME VICTIM PENALTY ASSESS.-'S - - - - 001,000000.070.000.351.80.301000.0000.00. CRIME VICTIMS PENALTY - 131 - - 001.000000.070.000.351.80.303000.0000.00. JUV CVP AFTER 6/6/96 - - - - - 001.000000.070.000.351.91300000.0000.00. OTHER SC PENALTY 150000 1,321 15,000 15,000 150000 15,000 001.000000.070.000.351.91,304000.0000.00, FINES JUVENILE OFFENDERS 200 - 200 200 200 200 OO1,000000.070.000.351.91.305000.0000.00. FEE BLOOD/BREATH 80 4 80 80 80 80 OO1,000000.070.000.351.91,311000.0000.00. OTHER SUPERIOR COURT PENALTIES 50 193 50 50 50 50 001.000000.070.000.351.9L383000.0000.00. TRUANCY DISTRICT11C" - - - - 001,000000.070.000.352.90.302000.0000.00. OTHER CIVIL PENALTIES 100 - 100 100 100 100 001.000000.070.000.357.ZI.300000.0000.00. JURY DEMAND COSTS 10500 592 11500 10500 1,500 1500 OOLO00000.070.000.361.11,300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST 8 - 8 8 8 8 OO1,000000.070.000.36L11.301000.0000.00. CT INV INTEREST 5 - 5 5 5 5 001.000000.070.000.361.19.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT SERVICE FEES(TREAS. 2,900 - 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 001.000000.070.000.361.19.302000.0000.00, BANKING SERVICE FEES 3,000 1,854 30000 3,000 30000 30000 001.000000.070.000.36L40.302000.0000.00. SUPERIOR INTEREST INCOME 5,000 4,437 50000 5,000 50000 50000 001.000000.070.000.36L40.304000.0000.00. SUP, INT, INCOME/COURT CURRENT 70500 4,438 71500 7,500 7,500 7,500 OOL0000OO,070.000.369.81.300000.0000.00. CASHIER'S OVERAGESAND SHORTAG 100 - 100 100 100 100 001.000000.070.000.369.91300000.0000.00. OTHER MISC REVENUE - - - - OOL000000.070.000.369.9L301000.0000.00. SMALL OVERPAYMENT 10 5 10 10 10 10 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet • Clerk 2 of 2 Revenue 001.000000.070.000.397.00.300164.0000.00. TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 173304 __ - 26,80S 26,805 - Clerk 366,348 109 682 378,377 37%377 378,377 3762 (0) 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Clerk 1 of 1 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2021ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1w DEFT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000,070.000.51230,510010,0000,00, COUNTYCLERK 84,865 42,397 85,713 85,713 85,713 850713 0 001,000000,070.000,512,30.510020,0000,00, CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK 720920 35,871 74,746 74,746 74,746 74746 0 OO1,000000,070,000,512,30,510030,00004004 JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 47,882 23,517 51,670 51,670 51,670 51,670 (0) OOLOOo0OO.070,000,M,30,510040,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 43,754 15,786 4%606 40,606 40,6O6 40,606 0 OOL000000,070,000,51230S10O50,00004004 JURY MANAGER/RECORDS MANAGER 510631 24,223 52,664 52,664 52,664 52,664 (0) 001,000000,070.000,512,30,510060,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 58,799 29,293 61,474 61,474 61,474 61,474 (0) OOL000000,070,000,512.30,510070.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 38,643 38,643 38,643 - 3%643 1 Additional clerk for assistance with "Blake" decision paperwork and processing passports 001.000000,070,000,512,30,510080,0000.004 JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 450456 220495 48,512 48,512 48512 48,512 0 001.000000.070,000,512,30,510100,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST S%799 37,590 41,655 4116SS 4106SS 41,655 (0) 001,000000.070.000.512_30.510101,0000.00. JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 530571 28,156 400442 40,442 400442 40,442 (0) 001,000000,070,000,512,30,510120,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 410386 20,549 46,329 46,329 46,329 46,329 (0) OOLOOO000,070,000,51230,510130,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 46,789 23,067 49,809 4%809 4%809 4%809 0 OOL000000,070,000.512,30,SIO740,O000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 41,200 1%872 45,567 45,567 45,567 45,567 (0) 001,000000,070,000.51230,510150,0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 390134 39,134 3%134 24,903 14,231 1 Increase .5 position to 1.0 position for archive 22,910 11,552 backlog 001,000000.070.000,512.30,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME 2,000 31194 20000 20000 2,000 2,000 001.000000,070,000,512,30,519999.0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - - 001,000000,070.000,51L30.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,885 11583 70579 71579 7,579 5,153 21426 1 Increase for 1.5 positions 001.000000,070,000.512,30,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 51,405 24,994 55,113 55,113 55,113 50,956 4,157 1 Increase for LS positions 001.000000.070.000.51230.520030.0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 87,153 43,782 74,891 740891 74,891 68,274 6,617 1 Increase for 1,5 positions 001,000000,070,OOOS32,30.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 217,589 113,976 233,910 2330910 233910 223,806 10,104 1 Increase for 1,5 positions 001,000000,070.000,51230.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 986 495 1,058 10058 10058 977 81 1 Increase for 1,5 positions 001.000000,070,000,512,30.531010,0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,500 40466 %000 9,000 9,000 90000 Cost of supplies/paper has increased M1.3 001.000000,070.000,512,30,531030.0000,00. JURYSUPPLIES %400 8,400 80400 8,400 - Number of summons has increased due to 7,000 4,745 COVID backlog MI-3 OO1,000000,070.000,512,30.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT Soo - Soo Soo Soo Soo 001,000000,070.000.51230.535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 21500 - 2500 2,500 2,500 20500 OOL000000.070,000,512,30.535099.0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 20000 OO1,000000,070.000,512,30,541010,0000.00, ADVERTISING 200 - 200 200 200 200 001,000000.070.000,512.30541030,0000,00, JURYSYSTEMS 100 - 100 100 100 100 001,000000,070.000,512,30454304040000,004 LEGALNOTICES 13,000 5,740 14,000 14,000 (1,000) 13,000 13000 Withdrawing this requested increase. _ 001,000000.070,000.512,30,541050.0000.00, ANNUAL BOND RENEWAL - - - - OOL000000,070,000.512,30,543060.0000,00, BANKING FEES 2,000 11367 2,225 2,225 2,225 2,225 ft Increased costs of banking fees ML3 001.000000,070,000,512,30.541501.0000.00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001000000.070,000,512,30.542010,0000,00, CELL PHONE 700 318 700 700 700 700 003"000000.070.000.51230.542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 2,250 531 3,100 3,100 34100 3,300 Increased costfor mailing passports ML3 OOl,OOOOOO.070,000.512,30.542030.0000.00, JURY POSTAGE 20,000 20,000 20,OOO 20,OOO - Number of summons has increased due to 1%S00 100359 COVID backlog ML3 001,000000.070,000.512.30.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL 31000 31000 3,000 200 2,800 2 Would like to be reimbursed for travel to 200 199 training conferenced 001.000000.070.000.512.30.545010.0000.00. COPIER RENTAL 4,000 10868 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 001.000000.070.000,512.30.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 001.000000.070.000.512.30.543010.0000.00, MACHINE MAINTENANCE 2,500 807 21500 21500 2,500 2,5O0 001.000000.070.000,512630.548020,0000,00, JURY PROGRAM MAINTENANCE 10,900 10,884 10,900 10,900 100900 100900 001.000000,070.000,51230,549010,0000,004 MISCELLANEOUS 600 575 600 600 600 600 001,000000.070.000.512305_ 4999&00.0. 0_.00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - Clerk 1,108,730 566,552 11177,540 11177,540 (11000) lt176oS40 100970481 79,059 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Clerk Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX , 001 .000000 . 070 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) Unapproved Staff Request Project Description (30 Words) Increase . 5 position to 1 . 0 position and request an additional full time position Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 . 5 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 76, 259 .00 Net Impact $ (76, 259 ,00) Narrative Currently the . 5 position would be increased for the backlog of archiving of documents we have on the 3rd floor of the courthouse. We have about 12 years worth of files that need to be imaged . Our office has begun processing passports again which has put a strain on our front counter workers . An additional person in the office would help ease the work load, allow for addition appointments for passports and boost moral within the office . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 000000.070 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 000 . 512 .30 .510070.0000 .00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 38, 643 38, 643 .00 000 . 512 .30. 510150.0000 .00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 14, 231 14, 231 .00 000 . 512 . 30. 520010. 0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE $ 21426 ,00 2,426.00 000. 512. 30. 520020. 0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE $ 41157 ,00 4, 157 .00 000.512. 30. 520030 . 0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT $ 61617 , 00 6, 617 .00 000. 512 . 30. 520040 . 0000. 00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE $ 10, 104 , 00 10, 104. 00 000. 512 . 30 . 520045 .0000.00 , WASHINGTON PAID FMLA $ 81 . 00 81. 00 Total 76, 259 , 00 Sharon Fogo 9/14/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Clerk Fund Number XXX .XXX . XXX . 001 , 000000, 070 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) Travel/Training Project Description (30 Words ) Training and Travel expenses Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc. ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 21800 , 00 Net Impact $ ( 2, 800 . 00) Narrative Travel to trainings in impairative to keeping up to date with changes in requirements for the position of County Clerk. I would like to have these costs covered for continuing education . While virtual trainings are very helpful, I believe I focus more with an in-person experience . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 000000. 070 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 0006512 . 30. 541060.0000. 00. TRAVEL 2, 800 2/800000 Tota 1 2/800400 Sharon Fogo 9/14/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Auditor 1 of 1 Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR li BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET . LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001.000000.030.031.341.81.300010.0000.00. PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FEES 001.000000.030.031.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISC REVENUE - - - - - 001.000000.030.032.322.20.300000.0000.00. MARRIAGE LICENSES 2,500 1,232 21500 21500 2,500 2,500 001.000000.030.032.341.213OOOOO.0000.00. AUDITORS'FILINGS AND RECORDING 205,000 138,260 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 OOl.Oo0OOO.030.032.341.21.303000.0000.00. RECORD PLATS & SURVEYS 91000 61610 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 001.000000.030.032.341.35.300000.0000.00. OTHER STATUTORY CERTIFYING & C 41000 2,301 4,000 4,000 4,o0O 41000 001.000000.030.032.34L70.320000.0000.00. SALES OF MAPS 2,500 580 1,000 1,000 11000 1,000 001.000000.030.032.341.81.300000.0000.00, SALES OF DIGITAL IMAGES 2,500 10422 3,000 31000 31000 3,000 001.000000.030.032.369.80.300000.0000.00, CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-SHORT - 2 001.000000.030.032.369.9L300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - - - 001.000000.030.033.341.48.300000.0000.00. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 415,000 265,065 505,000 505,000 505,000 505,000 001.000000.030.033.341.48.301000.00OO.00. QUARTERLY MOTOR VEH LIC FEES 100,000 67,455 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 OO1.000000.030.033.369.80.300000.0000.00, CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-SHORT - 1 - - 001.000000.030.033.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 289 - - 001.000000.030.034.333.90.340400.0000.00. COVID-19 CARES ACT 001.000000.030.034.333.90.340410.0000.00. HAVA ELECTION SECURITY - - - 001.000000.030.034.334.00.330010.0000.00. BALLOT POSTAGE GRANT-SOS - - - - 001.000000.030.034.334.00.336419.0000.00. CIVIC ENGAGEMENT GRANT - - - - 001.000000.030.034.341.45.300000.0000.00. ELECTION SERVICES(CHGS TO OT H* 388,737 93,522 233,750 233,750 233,750 233,750 001.000000.030.034.341.70.320000.0000.00. SALES OF NOWTAXIBLE MERCH - - - - - 001.000000.030.034.341.91.300000.0000.00. ELECTION CANDIDATE FILING FEES 780 570 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 _ 001.000000.030.034.361.40.390404.0000.00. COVI D-19 CARES ACT - INTEREST - - - - 001.000000.030.034.361.40.390410.0000.00. HAVA ELECT GRANT INTEREST - - - - 001.000000.030.034.367.00.300034.0000.00. CTCL COVID GRANT - - - - 001.000000.030.034.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 725 - - 001.000000.030.034.389.90.300034.0000.00. REMIT IN-ELECTIONS GRANT - 525 - Auditor I 1 _ _ 1,130,017 578,559 1,142,750 1,142,750 1,142,750 1,142,750 m 104.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 312,425 - 400,000 400,000 400,DOO 400,000 (0) 104.000000.000.000.336.04.311000.0000.00. AUD CENTENNIAL DOC PRES/MOD 60,000 - 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 m _ 104.000000.000.000.341.21303000.0000.00. HOMELESSNESS PREVENTIOWLOCAL 20,000 141360 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 m 104.000000.000.000.341.36.300000.0000.00. AUD HISTORICAL PRES/MODERIZE 47,000 310846 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 _ 104.000000.000.000.361.30.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS Soo 85 250 250 250 250 104.000000.000.000.361*31.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - 439,925 46,291 540,250 540,250 - S400250 540,250 (0) Auditor's O&M 439,925 46,291 540F250 540,250 540,250 5401250 (0) 109.000000l000,006.308.10.3000oo.000O,00, BEG FUND RESERVED 206,137 - 241,502 241,502 241,502 241,502 0 _ 109.000000.000.000.341.45.300000.0000.00. ELECTION SERVICES CHARGES 64,850 16,504 41,250 41,250 41,250 41,250 - 309.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 1,000 83 1,000 1,000 1,000 11000 109.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - - 271,987 16,586 2831752 283,752 283,752 283,752 0 _ Election Equipment 271,987 16,586 283,752 283,752 283,752 283,752 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Auditor 1 of 3 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUAL$ 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000,030.030,513.10,510010.0000,004 AUDITOR 84,866 42,397 85,713 85,713 85,713 85,713 0 OOLO00000.030.030,513,10,519999,0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - - 001,000000.030.030.513,10,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 231 121 412 412 412 412 (0) OOL000000,030.030,513,10,520020,0000,00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 6,493 30243 6,558 6,558 60558 60558 (0) 001,000000,030,030,513,10,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 110007 5,499 8,786 81786 8,786 8,786 0 001.000000,030,030,513,10,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 18,771 944 180447 1%447 18,447 18,447 0 001,000000,030.030,513.10,520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 125 62 126 126 126 126 0 001,000000,030,030,513.10.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,030.030,513,10,541010.0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 163 - - 001.00DOOO.030.030.513.10.541SOL0000.00- RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.030,030.573.10543010.0000,00, TRAVEL 10150 964 1,150 10150 1150 1,150 OO1,000000,030,030,513,30,549010,0000,00, TRAINING AND DU ES 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 - Dues for WSACA (Auditom' Association) Ml3 dues for WSACA going fm 720 Soo increasing $600 to $1800 OOL000o00,030,030,513.10.549040.0000.00. ELECTION CERTIFICATION/EDUC 525 - 525 525 525 S25 001.000000.030,030,514,30.531010,0000,00, OFFICESUPPLIES 20200 75 2,200 2,200 2200 2,200 001.000000.030,030.514.30.535010.0000.00, MINOREQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000,030.030514,30.542010,0000,00, PHONES/FAX - 126 200 200 200 200 Cost increase ML3 001,000000,030,030,514.30.545030,0000,00, COPIER RENTALAGREEMENT S00 Soo S00 250 250 A Reallocation internally- Paddy will 250 148 Cost increase get more info 001.000000,030.030.514430.548030.00004004 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 300 300 300 100 200 A Keep as PLR- Paddy will get more 100 85 Costincrease info 001,000000,030.030.514,30,549998,0000400. REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - - - - 001,000000,030.031,514,23,510020,0000,00, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 98,768 49,303 98,768 98,768 98,768 980768 0 001.000000.030,031.514.23.510045,0000,00, FINANCIAL ANALYST 720441 36,089 75,736 75,736 750736 75736 (0) 001.000000.030,031.514.23.510046,0000,00, FINANCIAL ANALYST 720441 36,089 75,736 75,736 75,736 75736 (0) 001.000000.030,031.514.23,510047,0000,001 FINANCIAL ANALYST - - 27,574 27,574 27,574 27,574 0 001.000000.030,031,514.23,510048.0000,00, FINANCIAL ANALYST 72,441 36,089 81,855 81,855 81,855 81855 (0) 001.000000.030.031,514.23.510049.0000,00. ACCOUNTINGTECH 28,681 14,548 32,660 320660 32,660 32,660 (0) 001.000000,030.031,514.23,512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 10,563 10890 10,563 10,563 100563 10,563 001.000000,030.031.514.23,520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,057 546 2,043 21043 2,043 2,043 (0) 001.000000,030,031,514,23,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 270183 1%185 30,822 3%822 300822 30,822 (0) OOLOOO000.030,031514,23,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 46,087 220569 410296 41,296 410296 41,296 0 001.000000.030,031.514,23,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 84,243 41,005 93,739 93,739 93,739 93,739 0 OO1,000000.030,031,514,23,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 521 255 591 591 591 591 (0) OOL000000.030,031,534,23,533030,0000,00, OFFICE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES 51000 SS00 5,500 51500 - ML3- moved from warrant stock & 30500 41185 $1,500 from Warrant Stock. taxforms 001,000000,030.031,514.23,535010.0000.00. SMALLEQUIPMENT - - - - OOL000000.030,031,514,23,53509&0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,030,031,514,23,535099,0000,00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000,030,031,514,23,541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 75 - - OOLOD0000,030,031,514,23,541020.0000.00, SHREDDING SERVICES 300 - 300 300 300 300 001.000000,030,031,514,23,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000,030.031,514.23,542020.0000,00. POSTAGE 41000 51000 51000 51000 - 41000 1,825 Increased mailings and postage increases. MI3 001,000000,030.031,514.23.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 1,569 - 1,569 11569 11569 1,569 D01.000000.030.031,514,23.546096,0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 900 900 900 900 900 900 001.000000.030.031.514.23.549010.0000,00, WARRANT STOCK & TAX FORMS - - - - ML3- moved to office & operating 10500 1,524 Moved up to Office and Operating Supplies supplies 001.000000,030,031514,23,549020,0000,00, TRAINING/DUES/REGISTRATION 31193 345 50193 5,193 5,193 3193 2,000 A New staff and increase training. Leo will get detail 001.000000,030,032,514,30.510013,0000,00. SENIOR OFFICE TECH 56,267 28,031 53,972 53,972 53,972 53,972 (0) 001,000000,030,032,514.30,510014.0000.00. RECORDING MGR/ARCHIVE COORD 70,674 35,209 73,889 73,889 73,889 73,889 (0) 001,000000,030.032,514430.510015.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 33,578 33,578 33,578 33,578 1 See separate PLR 001.000000,030.032.514,30,512000,0000.00, OVERTIME - 1,562 - - 001.000000.030.032,514,30,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 460 247 822 822 822 822 (0) OOL000000.030,032,514,30,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 9,711 40905 90781 %781 9,781 9781 (0) OOL000000.O30,032.514,30,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 16,464 8,405 13,106 13,106 130106 130106 0 OOL000000,030,031514.306520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 32,736 16,365 330936 33,936 33,936 33936 OO1,000000,030,032,514.30.52004540000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 189 95 188 188 188 188 0 001.000000,030,032,514,30.531010.0000,00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 900 539 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Increase in costs ML3 001,000000,030.032.514.30.535010.0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - 14,905 - - 001,000000.030.032.514.30.535098,0000.004 ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000,030,032,514,30.535099,0000,00. DEPTTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 267 - - OOL000000,030,032,51430,541010,0000.004 SHREDDING SERVICES - - - - 001,000000,030,032,514,30,541020.0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - - 001.000000,030.032.514.30,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECH NOGLOGY - - - - 001,000000,030.032,514.30.542010,0000.00, PHONES/FAX 220 126 275 27S 275 275 Split between 3 departments MIS 001.000000,030.032,514.30.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 10000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - Inc in online recording requires 900 300 Increase in postage costs more postage 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Auditor 2 of 3 Expenditures 001.000000.030.032.514.30.545010.0000.00, COPIER RENTAL Soo Soo Soo Soo - Split between 3 departments(was split 400 148 between 4) M1.3 001.000000.030.032.514.30.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 400 400 400 400 400 400 001.000000.030.032.514.30.548010.0000.00. COPIER MAINTENANCE 21000 168 300 300 300 300 Slit cost ML3 001.000000.030.032.514.30.549010.0000.00, PRINTING 200 - 200 200 200 200 001.000000.030.032.589.90.500000.0000.00, ESTABLISH PETTY CASH 100 - - OOL000000.030.032.594.14.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.81.510012.0000.00. LICENSING MANAGER 65,605 30,716 62,739 62,739 62,739 62,739 (0) 001.000000.030.033.514.81,510013.0000.00. SENIOR OFFICE TECH 52,968 26,734 56,459 56,459 56,459 56459 0 001.000000.030.033.514.81,510014.0000.00. SENIOR OFFICE TECH 57,111 28,207 59,709 59,709 5%709 59709 (0) 001.000000.030.033.514.81.510015.0000.00. OFFICE TECH - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.81,510016.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 33,578 33578 33,578 33,578 1 See separate PLR 001.000000.030.033.514.81.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.8L520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 691 354 1,234 1,234 1,234 1,234 0 001.000000.030.033.514.81.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 13,440 6,475 13,686 13,686 13686 13686 (0) 001.000000.030.033.514.SL520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 22,786 111110 18,338 18,338 18,338 18338 (0) 001.000000.030.033.514.81.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 490104 24,548 50,904 50,904 500904 50,904 001.000000.030.033.514.81.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 258 126 262 262 262 262 (0) OOL000000.030.033514.81.531010.0000.00. OFFICESUPPLIES 1,200 2,147 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Increase in costs of office supplies ML3 001.000000.030.033.514.8L535030.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 31000 3,000 %000 100 2,900 1 Additional desk and to complete office 100 14,905 remodel s/b part of PLR#1 001.000000.030.033514.81.535099.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - 267 - - 001.000000.030.033.514.81.541010.0000.00. SHREDDING - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.8L541020.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.8L541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.030.033.514.81.542010.0000.00. PHONES/FAX 235 126 235 235 235 235 001.000000.030.033.514.81.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 - Inc in online tabs requires more 120000 60166 Increased mailings and postage increases. postage 001.000000.030.033.514.81.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 2,500 20500 2,500 10000 1,500 A Travel & lodging for licensing manager and 1 11000 - employee to licensing conference Keep as PLR 001.000000.030.033.514.81.545030.0000.00, COPIER RENTAL 500 Soo Soo Soo - Split between 3 departments (was split 400 148 between 4) ML3 001.000000.030.033.514.81.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 600 600 600 600 600 600 OOL000000.030.033.514.81.548010.0000.00. COPIER MAINTENANCE 20000 168 300 300 300 300 Slit cost M1.3 001.000000.030.033514.81.549010.0000.00. PRINTING & BINDING 300 - 300 300 300 300 001.000000.030.033.514.81.549040.0000.00, DUES/TRAINING/CERTIFICATION 1,100 109 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 001.000000.030.034.514.40.510010.0000.00, ELECTIONS SUPERINTENDENT 73,692 30,497 71,175 71,175 71,175 71175 0 001.000000.030.034.514.40.51001L0000.00. ASSISTANT ELECTIONS ADMIN 60,269 29,618 61,474 61,474 610474 61,474 (0) 001.000000.030.034.514.40.51D012.0000.00. ELECTIONSTECH - - - 001.000000.030.034.514.40.510013.0000.00. ELECTIONS TECH 45,407 16,548 44,850 44,850 44,850 44,850 0 001.000000.030.034.514.40.510600.0000.00, EXTRA HELP 12,525 12,525 12,525 12,525 (0) ML3-Expiring levies in 2022-w/b 11,613 61797 Additional elections in even year billed backto districts OO1,000000.030.034.514.40.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 600 1,993 600 600 600 600 001.000000.030.034.514.40.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,151 343 2,328 2,328 2,328 20328 (0) 001.000000.030.034.514.40.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURIN/MEDICARE 14,656 6,436 14,496 140496 14496 14,496 0 OO1,000000.030.034.514.40.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 24,848 10,202 1%422 1%422 1%422 1%422 (0) 001.000000.030.034.514.40.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE S1S07 21,983 52,383 52,383 52,383 52,383 0 001.000000.030.034.514.40.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 281 125 278 278 278 278 0 OOL000000.030.034.514.40.531010.0000.00. OFFICE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES 31875 1,171 3,875 3,875 3875 31875 001,000000.030.034.514.40.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,250 10456 3,250 31250 3,250 3,250 001.000000.030.034.514.40.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001.000000.030.034.514.40.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000.030.034.514.40.543010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,861 770 30,000 30,000 30,000 5 861 24,139 2 See separate PLR Contract out website design 001.000000.030.034.514.40.541020.0000.00. BALLOT MAILING SERVICES 44,000 440000 44,000 44,000 - 42,356 2,017 Increased mailings and postage increases. Offset by revenue- moveto ML3 001.000000.030.034.514.40.541040.0000.00. LEGAL NOTICES 1,923 783 20000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Costincrease ML3 001.000000.030.034.514.4054150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.030.034.514.40.541512.0000.00. CANDIDATE FILING-CITY SHELTON 480 - - - ft Odd-year election MI3 001.000000.030.034.514.40.542010.0000.00, PHONES/FAX 535 126 535 535 535 535 001.000000.030.034.514.40.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 127,000 127,000 127,000 127,000 - Cost increases - mostly billed back 121,499 8,082 Increased mailings and postage increases. to outside- ML3 001.000000.030.034514.40.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL 30004 740 30004 3,004 3,004 3,004 001.000000.030.034.514.40.54SO10.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 298 148 298 298 298 298 091.ODO000.030.034.514.40.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 600 600 600 600 6D0 600 001.000000.030.034.514.40.548010.0000.00. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Soo - Soo Soo Soo Soo 001.000000.030.034.514.40.548020.0000.00, ELECT EQUIPMENT LICENSING 41869 24,320 4,869 4,869 4,869 4869 001.000000.030.034.514.40.548030.0000.00, COPIER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 230 85 230 230 230 230 001.000000.030.034.514.40.548040.0000.00. BALLOT ROOM REPAIRS - - - ft - 001.000000.030.034.514.40.549010.0000.00. PRINTING ELECTION MATERIALS 140,625 140,625 140,625 140,625 - Increase in local voters' pamphlet from 2 to 4 Voters pamphlet required bylaw - 1010843 35,105 per year, ML3- rev offset 001.000000.030.034.514.40.549030.0000.00. ELECTION CERTIFICATION 11000 798 31000 3,000 3 000 10000 2,000 A Training costs for new em to ees 001.000000.030.034.514.40.549040.0000.00. NOTICES/SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 - The Election Center subscription 1226 832 Costincrease fort employees 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Auditor 3 of 3 Expenditures 001.000000.030.034.594.14.562010.0000.00. CAPITAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - - - - 001.000000.030.034.594.14.564010.0000.00. CAP ASSET EQUIPMENT - - - Auditor 1,705,618 780,999 1,904,870 1,906,370 - 1,906370 1,806,226 100,144 104.000000.000.000.50&10.500000.0000.00. END FUND BALANCE RESERVED 351,258 - 4320504 432,504 432,504 432,504 104.000000,000.000,514.21.541510.0000,00. STATEAUDITOR CHARGES 476 - 489 489 489 489 (0) 104.000000.000.000.514.89.510010.0000.00. RECORDING MGR/ARCHIVE COORD - - - - 104,000000,000,000,514,89,510600,0000,00, EXTRA HELP ON-GOING - - - - 104,000000,000.000,514,89,519999,0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - - 104,0000006000,000,5144894520010900004004 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - - 104.000000,000,000,514,89,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURrrY/MEDICARE - - - - 304.000000,000.000.514,89,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - - - - 104.000000,000,000,514.89.520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - - - 104,000000,000,000,514.89.520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - - 104,000000,000.000,514.89.531010,0000,00, OFFICESUPPUES 51000 662 3,000 3,000 3,000 3000 104,000000,000.000,514.89,535010.0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,000 331 10,000 10,000 1%000 10000 104.000000,000.000,514.89.535098,0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 30,000 - 21000 2,000 2,000 2,000 104,000000,000.000,514,89.53509940000,00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 992 - - 104.000000.000.000,514,89541010,0000,00, ANNUAL SUPPORT COSTS 33,000 35,782 3%000 38,000 38,000 3%000 104,000000.0004000,514.89.541019,0000.004 INTERNAL ALLOCATION 10,391 51196 10,924 10,924 10,924 10,924 (0) 104,000000,000,000,514,89,541020,0000,00, DIGITIZE MIROFILMED DOCUMENTS - - 30,000 30,000 300000 300000 104.000000.000.000.514.89.543040.0000400, REPLACEMENT FILM 2S0 - 250 250 250 250 104,000000,000,000.514,89,541050,0000,00, MARRIAGE LICENSES:SUBAGENTS - - - - 104,000000.000,000.514,89,541070,0000,00, MICROFILMING CURRENT IMAGES 4,200 3,389 7,000 7,000 7,000 7000 104.000000.000,000.514,89,541260,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 110 Soo S00 500 500 104,000000,000,000514,89,541501.0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - 1,033 104,000000.000.000,514.89.542010.0000,00, INTERNET LINE 1,200 483 11200 1,200 1200 1,200 104.000000,000,000,514.89.543010,0000,00, TRAVEL 1,200 - 10500 10500 1,500 1,500 104.000000.000.000.514,89.545951.0000,00, ER&RVEHICLE 300 - 300 300 300 300 104.000000,000,000.514.89.546010,0000,001 RISK POOL INS PREMIUMS - - - 104.000000.000.000,514.89.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 100 100 - - 104.000000.000.000.514.89.548020.0000.00. READER/PRINTER MAINTENANCE 250 - 250 250 250 250 104,000000,000,000,514,89,549010,0000,00, PRIMING & BINDING 500 - Soo Soo 500 500 104,000000,000,000.514,89,549040,0000,00, DUES/REGISTRATIONS 800 - 800 S00 800 800 104.000000.000,000.514,89.549998.0000.00. REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - - - - 1D4.000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - - - 1,033 1033 10033 (0) 104.000000.000.000.594.14.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL EQU I PMENT 104.000000.000.000.597.00.500070.0000,00. TRANSFER OUTTO CLERK #001-070 - - 439,925 47,044 540� 540,250 540,250 - ,250 540,251 (1) Auditor's 0&M 439,925 47,044 540,250 540,250 _ 540,250 540,251 (1) 109.000000,000.000,508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 2190947 - 21%947 231,978 231,978 231,978 109.000000,000,000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 212 - 212 303 303 303 0 109.000000.000,000,514,40,535010,0000,00, SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 7,500 - 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 109,000000.000,000.514.40.541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1%000 - 100000 10,000 10000 10000 109,000000,000,000,514,40,541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 1,828 914 1,828 1,471 1471 1471 (0) 109,000000.000.000.514,40.548010,0000.00, MACHINE MAINTENANCE 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 15000 15,000 109.000000.000,000.514.90,545020.0000.00, VOTER REGISTRATION LEASE 5,000 - 50000 50000 5,000 5,000 109,000000,000.000,594.11564010.0000.00. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 12,500 - 12,500 12,500 12500 12,500 271,987 914 271,987 283,752 283,752 283,752 0 Election Equipment 271,9:7 914 271,987 283,752 283752 283752 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Recording Fund Number XXX. XXX. XXX . 001 . 000000 . 030 . 032 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) Reinstate Office Tech Position Project Description ( 30 Words ) Reinstate Office Tech Positon split with Licensing Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 0 . 5 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 33, 578 .00 Net Impact ( $ 331578 . 00) Narrative Reinstate position lost during budget cuts . This will allow staff to stay up to date with indexing and verifying recorded documents which is currently six month behind . This delay makes it difficult for new homeowners to retrieve their recorded purchase documents, resulting in frustration . The Licensing/Recording staff has relatively long longevity meaning scheduling time off is a challenge for staff. The alternative to this new position is a large increase in overtime for the existing staff to stay on top of the workload . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 000000 .030 . 032 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 510015 1/2 Office Tech Increase $ 21, 329 . 00 001 .000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 520010 Industrial Insurance Increase $ 206 , 00 001 . 000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 520020 Social Security Increase $ 1, 632 , 00 001 . 000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 520030 DRS Increase $2, 187 , 00 001 . 000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 520040 Med/Dent/Vision Increase 8, 195 . 00 001 . 000000 . 030 . 032 . 514 . 30 . 520045 FMLA Increase 32 . 00 Paddy McGuire 9/14/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Auditor Licensing Fund Number XXX . XXX .XXX, 001-030-033 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Reinstate Office Technician Project Description (30 Words ) Reinstate Office Tech Position split with Recording Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 0 . 5 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 33, 581 .00 Net Impact $ ( 331581 . 00) Narrative Reinstate position lost during budget cuts . This will allow staff to stay up to date with indexing and verifying recorded documents which is currently six month behind . This delay makes it difficult for new homeowners to retrieve their recorded purchase documents, resulting in frustration . The Licensing/Recording staff has relatively long longevity meaning scheduling time off is a challenge for staff. The alternative to this new position is a large increase in overtime for the existing staff to stay on top of the workload . Detail Accounts : for Department 001-030-033 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 514. 81 , 510016 Salary Increase 21, 329 . 00 514. 81 . 520020 Social Sec. & Medicare Increase 11632 , 00 514681 , 520040 Med/Dental/Vis/Life Increase 8, 195 . 00 514 . 81 . 520030 Retirement Increase 2, 187 . 00 514, 81 , 520045 FMLA Increase 32 . 00 514, 81 , 520010 Industrial Insurance Increase 206 . 00 Paddy McGuire 9/14/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Auditor - Elections Fund Number XXX .XXX . XXX , 001 . 030 . 034 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Website design contract Project Description (30 Words ) Contracting out Elections website design Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease increase $ 24, 139600 Net Impact $ ( 24, 139600) Narrative The Elections Department manages its website . It had staff doing this, but after a significant investment in training, the employee left the department. It seems more prudent to contract with a professional designer to maintain the overall design and have staff make daily updates and changes . This PLR provides funds for contracting this service . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 .030 . 034 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 514,40, 541010 Professional Service Increase 24, 139 . 00 Paddy McGuire 9/14/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Auditor ' s Office Mandated vs . Non - mandated Services Financial Services Department: Covered under RCW ' s 36 , 22 , IRS regulations ; State Auditor regulations , Secretary of State regulations ; various Mason County resolutions Mandated services (approx. 90 %) • Prepare Annual Financial Report • Work with SAO during annual audit • Audit and process payroll for all County employees • Audit and process warrants for all County departments • Weekly monitor departmental budgets and prohibit departments from exceeding their adopted budget authority • Categorize , retain and store all original documents • Issue warrants and reports for 23 Special Purpose Taxing Districts that have 42 individual funds • Cancellation of unclaimed and lost warrants • Prepare W2s , 1099s , taxes , general ledger, & generate reports for the state • Prepare and present the annual Preliminary Budget • Intake and completion of public records requests • Implement / follow JLARC public records reporting guidelines • Adhere to Secretary of State records destruction schedules Non - mandated services , • Develop and enforce internal controls over accounts payable and payroll • Facilitate and assist all County departments in financial matters • Training and ongoing assistance to County departments on Munis ( financial computer system ) • Maintain website with current data • Train and assist employees / volunteers in Special Purpose Taxing Districts • Sit on or attend various committees in the County 0 Write or assist in writing some County policies 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 1 of 4 Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021AcTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR N0. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001.000000.050,000,333,2L302701,0000,00, EMPG-ARPA PLACEHOLDER - - 14,205 14,205 14,205 24,205 - 1 Grant covers portion of New Position Request 001.000000,050,000.333.97.300250,0000,00, E20-250 EMPG-S GRANT - - - 001.000000.050,000.333,97,303907,0000.00. HMGP D16-007 GRANT - - - - 001.000000.050.000.333,97,304201,0000.00, EMPG PLACEHOLDER - - 35,738 35,738 35,738 350738 - 1 Grant coven portion of New Position Request 001.000000.050,000.333,97.304219,0000,00, EMPG 20-121 GRANT 4%785 - - - - - 001.000000,050.000,333,97,304261,0000,00, EMPG E19-161 - - - - - 001.000000.050.000.333,97,306001,0000,00, HSGP GRANT PLACEHOLDER - - - 001.000000.050,000.333.97.306002.0000,00, EMPG E18-071 - - 001.000000.050,000.333.97,306720.0000,00, HSGP E20.071 2%441 - - - 001.000000.050,000.333.97,306701,0000,00, HMPG-SHSP PLACEHOLDER - - 17,769 170769 17,769 17,769 001.0000004050,000,333.97,306740,0000,00, E20.1835HSP/HMGP GRANT - - - - - 001,000000.050,000,333,97.306767,0000,00, HSGP E17-067 GRANT - - - - 001.000000.050.000,333,97.306791.0000.00, HSGP E19-091 - - - - - 001,000000,050.000.333.97.367156,0000.00. HSGP El&156 GRANT - - - 001,000000.050,000369,91,300000,0000,00, OTHER MISC REVENUE 48,536 10020 - - - - 001.000000.050.000,395,10,300000,0000,00. SALE OF CAPITAL ASSESTS Emergency Management 118,762 1,020 670712 67,712 w 67,712 67,712 - 001.000000.055.000.367,00,300000,0000,00, CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS - 450 - - - - OOL000000.055,000,369,91,300000,0000,00, MISC REVENUE ft 26 - Facilities & Grounds - 476 - - - - 001.000000,057.000.341,81,300000.0000.00, WORD PROCESSING,DUP - - - - - 001,000000.057.000.341.8L300010,0000.00, REV-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - - - 001,000000,057.000.369.91.300000,0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE ft _ _ - Human Resources/Risk Management - - - - - - - - 001,000000.080.000,367.00.300001.0000,00. DONATION-COMM #1 - - - 001,000000.080.000.367.00.300002,0000,00. COMMISSIONER #2 DONATION - - - OOL000000.080.000,367.00,300003.0000,00. DONATION-COMM #3 - - ft - 001.000000,080.000,367,1L300000.0000,00. DONATIONS - - - 0016000000.080.000,369,9L300000400004004 MISC - 725 - Commissioners ( - 725 - - - - OOL000000,0904000.341,43,300000,0000,00, BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING SERVICE - - - - 001.000000,090,000,341,81,300000,00004004 WORD PROCESS & PRINTING 500 - - - 001,000000.090,000.34L81,300010,0000,00, PUBLIC DISCLOSURE FEE 200 5 - - 001.000000.090,000.362,40,300000,0000,00, SHORTTERM RENT/LEASES - - - - - 001,000000,090,000369,91,300000,0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - - 001.000000,090,000,397,00300160,0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM LAW LIBRARY Support Services 700 5 - - - - - - 001,000000.146.000.321,20,300000,0000,00, ( CONCESSIONS - - - OOL000000,146,000,347,30.301000,0000.00, BATTING CAGES 10,000 ft 10,000 10,000 10000 10,000 OO1000000,146,000,347,30,302000.0000.00, FIELD RENTAL 300000 7,343 30,000 300000 30000 30,000 001,0000004146.000,347.30,304000,0000,00, BOATLAUNCH - 167 - - 001,000000,146,000,362.80,300000,0000.00, CONCESSION PROCEEDS %000 - 3,000 30000 3,000 3,000 OO1,000000,146,000,367.00,300000,0000,00. CONTRIBUTIONS-DONATIONS - 75 - - 001,000000,146.000.367.11.300000,0000,00, GIFTS,PLEDGES,GRANTS PRIVATES 10000 - 1,000 10000 1,000 10000 001,000000,146.000,389.30.301000,0000,00, LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX - - - - 001,000000,146.130.347.30.301000.0000.00. BATTING CAGES 71305 - Parks & Trails I 1 440000 14,890 440000 44,000 - 44,000 44,000 - 001.000000,300,000,311,20.300000.0000,00, NON DEPARTMENTAL-PROPERTYTX - - - - OOL000000,300.000,317,20302000,0000,00, NON DEPARTMENTAL•LEASEHOLD - - - - OOL000000.300.000,333,14,322810,0000,00. CDBG PUBLIC SERVICES GRAM 102,225 83,571 100,080 10%080 1000080 100,080 001,000000,300,000.333,14.322820.0000.00, COBS ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY GRNT 200,000 9,882 - - 001,000000.300,000,333,21,300023,0000,00. CARES RELIEF 25% - - - - OOL000000.300.000.333,21,301905,0000,00, CARES RELIEF 100% - - - - 001.000000.300.000.333.97,30000.0000.00. FEMA COVID FUNDING- FEDERAL 112,500 - - - 001.000000.300.000.334,01,38000.0000.00. FEMA COVID FUNDING- STATE 37,500 - - 001,000000.300,000.336.02.331000.0000.00. NON DEPARTMENTAL DN R PILT - OOL000000.300.000,337.00.301000,0000,00, NON DEPARTMENTAL-LEASEHOLD - - 001.000000.300,000,337,00,302000,0000,00, NON DEPARTMENTAL-TIMBER EXCISE - - 001.000000.300.000.361.40.301200.0000.00, NON DEPARTMENTAL-LEASEHOLD INT 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 2 of 4 Revenue 001.000000.300.000.361.40.302000.0000.00, NON DEPARTMENTAL OTHER INT - - 001.000000.300.000.362.50.302000.0000.00. SPACE/FACIUTIES LG TRM LEASE - - 001.000000.300.000.369.20.300000.0000.00. UNCLAIMED MONEY - (16,983) OO1,000000.300.000369.20.301000.0000.00. NON DEPART-UNCLAIMED MONEY - - 001.000000.300.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 1,978 001.000000.300.000.395.10.300000.0000.00, SALES CAPTTALASSETS/DNRTMBR - - 001.000000.300.000.395.10.302000.0000.00. CAPITAL ASSETS/DNR TIMBER - - 001.000000.300.200.369.91.300000.0000.00. OTHER - MISC REVENUE - 955 - - 001.000000.300.300.313.16.300000.0000.00. 911 ENHANCED COMM TAX RECEIPT 2,000,000 52%331 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 001.000000.300.300.313.63.300000.0000.00. ENHANCED 911 WIRELINE - 42,553 - - 001.000000.300.300.313.64.300000.0000.00. ENHANCED 911-PREPAID - 184,727 - 001,000000.300.300.313.64.310000.0000.00. ENHANCED 911 PREPAID - 46,851 - - 001.000000.300.300.313.65.300000.0000.00. ENHANCED 911-VOIP - 27,942 001.000000.300.300.361.40.306000.0000.00, OTHR INTEREST-ENHANCED 911 - 218 - 001.000000.300.310.333.16.357500.0000.00. VICTIM WITNESS GRAM 6,187 160080 6,187 6,187 60187 6187 001.000000.300.310.333.93.356300.0000.00, CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT 7,451 3,065 71098 7,098 7098 7,098 001.000000.300.310.341,43.300001.0000.00. INTERNALALLOCATION-ALL FUNDS 1,537,623 768,811 1,750,215 1,75%215 (1110650) 11638,565 10638,565 0 Made an error on original IA Plan unallowable ex 001.000000.300.310.362.00.300000.0000.00. RENTS & LEASES 30%000 49,467 300,000 300,000 300o000 300,000 OO1,000000.300.310.369.9L300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - 001.000000.300.312.369.40.300000.0000.00. JUDGEMENTS/SETTLEMENTS CALLAH - 40 - 001.000000.300.312.369.40.300001.0000.00. LAWRENCE STTLMNT 05-01-00325-1 - 200 001.000000.300.312.369.40.300002.0000.00. JUDGEMENTS & SETTLEMENTS - - 001.000000.300.312.369.40.300003.0000.00. ST0NE 09.1-00407-2 - 97 OO1,000000.300.312.369.40.300004.0000.00. PLESCHNER CA# PA19004 - - 001.000000.300.312.369.40.300005.0000.00. JUDGEMENT/SETTLE 04-1-00463-2 - 75 - - OOL00o000.300.312.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 001.000000.300.312.372.00.300000.0000.00. INS RECOVERIES/ENTER&INTERNAL - - 001.000000.300.312.398.10.300000.0000.00. INSURANCE RECOVERIES - 195,879 - Non Departmental 4,303,486 1,944,740 4,163,580 4,163,580 (1110650) 4,051930 4,051,930 0 001.000000.305.000.395.10.300000.0000.00. SALE OF CAPITAL ASSETS 179,500 46,443 72,000 72,000.- 720000 72,000 - 001.000000.305.000.397.00.300501.0000.00. TRANSFER IN - ER&R 267,702 267,702 _ - - Motor Pool _ _ 447,202 314,145 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 General Fund 4,914,150 2,276,001 4,347,292 4,347,292 (111,650) 4,235,642 4,235,642 0 . . _ __ 103.000000.000.000.308.10300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 702,703 - 8401756 8400756 840,756 840*756 (0) 103.000000.000.000.308.10.309999.0000.00. BEG FUND-OPERATING 186,794 - 159,244 159,244 159,244 159244 0 103.000000.000.000.313.18.300000.0000.00. RURAL COUNTY SALES & USETAX 725,000 47%325 865,000 865,000 865,000 865,000 103.000000.000.000.361.10300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT EARNINGS 3,500 573 1,000 1,000 10000 1,000 103.000000.000.000.361.11300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - _ 1,617,997 479,898 1,866,000 1,866,000 1866 000 1,866,000 (0) Sales Use Tax 1,617,997 479,898 1,866,000 1,866,000 1,866000 1,866,000 (0) 134.000000.000.000.308.16.360DO0.0000.0IL BEG FUND RESERVED 20,000 - 100000 101000 10,000 100000 (0) 134.000000.000.000.308.30.300000.0000.00. BUDGETED BEG FND BAL-RESTRICi_D_ 134.000000.000.000.332.10.370000.0000.00. TITLE III m COUNTY PROJECTS 21,457 20,996 21,457 21,457 21,457 21,457 - 41,457 20,996 31,457 31,457 31,457 31,457 (0) National Forest Safety 41,451 20,996 31,457 31,457 - 31,457 31,457 (0) 155.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEGI FUND RESTRICTED RESERVE _ _ - - GAGO1000 61100,000_ 6100,000 601000000 0 155.000000.000.000.333.21.302700.0000.00. ARPA FUNDS 61484,451 6,4841451 6,484,451 6,484451 60484,451 1 6,484,451 12,584,451 125840451 12 584,451 12,584,450 1 American Rescue Plan Act - 1 6,484,451 12,584,451 12:584,451 1205840451 12,584,450 1 163.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 588,000 - 700,000 700,000 700,000 7000000 (0) 163.000000.000.000313.31.300000.0000.00. MOTEL/HOTELTRANSIENT TAX 195,000 164,725 2500000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 163.000000.000.000.313.31,302000.0000.00. HOTEL/MOTEL SALES&USE TAX-STDM 195,000 164,589 2500000 250,000 250,000 250,000 163.000000.000.000.361.10300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 2,000 71 500 500 500 500 Lodging Tax 980,000 329,385 1,200,500 1,200,500 - 1,200,500 1,200500 (0) 329,385 11200,500 1,200,500 - 1,200,500 120%500 (0) 190.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 50,000 - 100,000 100,000 1000000 100000 (0) 190.000000.000.000.311.30.300000.0000.00. REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 137,522 80,102 137,522 137,522 137,522 137,522 190.000000.000.000.311.30.300000.0000.00, SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY - 190.000000.000.000.317.20.300000.0000.00. LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX - 186 190.000000.00O.00O.317.40.300000.0000.00. FOREST EXCISE TAX - 11822 190.000000.000.000.335.02.332000.0000.00. DNROTHERTRUST2 - 0 190.000000.000.000.336.02.331000.0000.00. DNRPILTNAP / NRCA - - - - 190.000000.000.000.337.00.302000.0000.00. OTHER PAYMENTS/TIMBER EXCISE - - 190.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 700 43 100 100 100 100 190.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 3 of Revenue 190.000000.000.000.361.40300000.0000.00, OTHER EARNING/INT OR DIVIDEND - 3 - 190.000000.000.000.361.40301000.0000.00. OTHER LEASEHOLD EXCISETAX INT - 0 - 190.000000.000.000.362.00.301000.0000.00. RENT & LEASES DNRTMBR OTHR I 200 56 200 200 200 200 - 190.000000.000.000.362.00302000.0000.00. RENT/LEASE DNRTMBRTRST I 3,000 51937 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 190.000000.000.000.369.20.300000.0000.00. UNCLAIMED MONEY/PROCEEDS-SALES - - - 190.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. RESOURCE / REVENUE ACCOUNTS - 280 - 190.000000.000.000.395.10.300000.0000.00. STATE DNRTIMBER TRUST REVENUE - ___ 1910422 SS,430 240,822 240,822 240,822 240,822 (0) Veterans Assistance I 191,422 88,430 240,822 240o822 240o822 24Q822 (0) 194.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 109,000 - 70,000 70,000 70,000 7%000 (0) 194.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARN] NGS-INV 500 43 100 100 100 100 - 194.000000.000.000.368.51.300000.0000.00. OPERATING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 20,651 - - - 109,500 2Q693 70,100 70,100 - 70100 7%100 (0) 194.000000.100.000.368.51300000.0000.00. OPERATING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 36,000 93 37,800 37,800 37,800 37,800 36,000 93 37,800 37,800 - 37,800 37800 Mason Lake Management 145,500 _ _ 20,786 107,900 107,900 - 107,900 107,900 (0) 195 000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 5,150 - 10,000 100000. 10,000 10,000 0 195.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00, INT & OTHER EARNINGS-INV INT - 4 - - 195.000000.000.000.36L1L300000.0000.00. INT & OTHER EARNINGS-INV INT - - - - - 195.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS - - - - - 195.000000.000.000.368.51.300000.0000.00. OPERATING SPECIALASSM 14,S00 %000 14500 14,500 14500 14500 19,650 9,005 24,500 _ 24,500 - _ 24,500 24,500 0 Spencer Lake Management 19,650 9,005I 24,500 24,500 - 24500 24500 0 199.000000.001.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 30,650 - 20,000 20,000 20000 20,000 (0) 199.000000.00L000.36L10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT - 17 - - - 199.000000.001.000.368.51.300000.0000.00. OPERATNG SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 10,000 5,695 10,000 10,000 100o0 10,000 40,650 5,712 30,000 30,000 _ 30,000 30,000 (0) Island Lake Management 40,650 5,712 30,000 30,000 3%000 30,000 (0) 350.OD0000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 1,122,700 - 900J000 900,000 900000 9000000 0 350.000000.000.000.318.34.300000.0000.00. REET I FIRST QUARTER PERCENT 1,20%000 893,310 1,50%000 11500,000 _ 14500,000 1,50%000 350.000000.000.000.334.04.320000.0000.00, DEPTOF COMMERCE-MEMORIAL HALL - - - - 350.000000.000.000.361,10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS INV INT 200000 799 2,000 20000 2000 2,000 - 350.000000.000.000361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - 350.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 350.000000.000.000.391.90.300000.0000.00, LONGTERM DEBT ISSUED - - 350.000000.000.000.393.00.300000.0000.00. REFUNDING LONGTERM DEBT 21342,700 894,109 2,462,000 2,462,000 - 2,462,000 2,462,000 0 350.000000.300.000.391.70.300000.0000.00. PROCEEDS OTHER NOTE/CONTRACTS - - - 350.000000300..0007397.00.300001.0000.00. TRANSFER IN - CE - - - 350.000000300300.345.29.300215.0000.00. JAIL ENERGY REBATES - 2,000 - - - . 2,000 REET1 2,342,700 896,109 2,462,000 2,462,000 2,462,000 2,462,000 0 351.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 1,700,000 - 11600,000 1,600,000 lo600000 106000000 0 351.000000.000.000.308.10.309995.0000.00. BEG FUND-BELFAIR DEBT 8000000 - 1,200,000 11200,000 1200,000 1,200,000 351.000000.000.000.318.35.300000.0000.00, SECOND QUART PERCENT EXCISE TX 11200,000 893,310 1,500,000 105000000 105000000 1,500,000 351.000000.000.000.334.02.370929.0000.00, HOOD CANAL RCO PASSTHRU GRANT - 61,043 - ft 351.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS INV INT 10,000 10837 50000 S,000 5,000 5000 351.000000.000.000.36LIL300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - 351.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 31710,000 9560190 4,305,000 4,305,000 - 4,305,000 4305000 0 351.000000.100.000.334.02.371269.0000.00. MCRA IRRIGATION RCO 18-1269 - 150,148 - 351.000000.300.000.334.02.371436.0000.00. SANDHILL PARK RENOVATION - - 351.00OOOO.lO0.000.334.02.37158L0000.00. NORTH MASON SOCCER-FOOTBALL - 150,148 REET2 3,710,000 101060338 4,305,000 4,305,000 4,305000 4 05,000 0 500.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. 8UDGETD BEG FUD BAL-RESERVED 81,605 220,000 220,000 _ 220,000 220,000 0 500.000000.000.000.348.40.300000.0000.00, COUNTYWIDE TECHNOLOGY - - - - 500.000000.000.000.348.80.300000.0000.00. PHONE/COMPUTER SPEC FU N DS - - - - 500.000000.000.000.348.80.300030.0000.00. INFO TECH NOLOGY SERVICES 960,244 480,122 922,720 922,720 922,720 922,720 0 500.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT EARNINGS _ _ - 100 100 100 100 500.000000.000.000.397.00.300001.0000.00, TRANSFER IN FROM CURRENT EXP - - 500.000000.000.000.397.00.300119.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: RESERVE FOR TECH - - 500.000000.000.000.397.00.300501.0000.00. TRANSFER IN - ER&R ©- _ _ _ 1,044,179 482,452 1,142,820 1,142,820 - 1,142,820 1,142,819 1 Information Technology ICI 1,044,179 482,452 1,142,8211 1,142,820 - 1,1421820 1142819 1 502.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED 156200 - 161000 161000 161000 161000 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 4 of 4 Revenue 502.000000.000.000.341.97.300001.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT CHARGES-ALL FUNDS - 7%906 502.000000.000.000.348.00.300000.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT CHARGES-ALL FUNDS 73,806 _ 73,42073,420 73,420 7%420 - 230,005 73,906 2340420 234,420 234,420 234,420 (0) Unemployment Fund 230,005 73,906 234,420 234,420 2340420 234,420 (0) 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 1 of 11 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2021ACTUALS 2o .2 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 " PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITORPRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000.050.000,525,10,510010,0000,00, OEM MANAGER 32,126 15,108 32,775 32,775 32,775 32,775 0 001.000000,050,000,525,10,510010,0000,OO,Fl DEM MANAGER - 10761 - - - 001.000000,050.000,525,10,510020.0000,00, ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 71,873 370913 77,241 77,241 77,241 77241 (0) 001,000000.050.000,525,10,510020,0000.00.FI ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR - 10580 - - - 001.000000,050,000,525,10,510030.0000.00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 760692 76,692 76,692 - 760692 1 Training & Exercise Staff Position " 1 FTE current) Xhel 001,000000.050,000.525.10,510600,0000.00, EXTRA HELP 770144 26,281 - - - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10.512000,0000,00, OVERTIME - 682 1,200 1,200 10200 1,200 2 Actual through June 2021 is $682 001,000000,050,000,525,10,519999,0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 306 389 551 551 551 551 (0) 001.000000,050,000,525,10,520010,0000,OO,FI INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - 9 - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 7,957 6,063 8,416 %416 80416 5416 (0) 001,000000,050,000.525.10,520020,0000,OO,FI SOCIAL SECURrfY/MEDICARE - 251 - - - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,520030,0000,00, SFATERETIREMENT 1%489 6,965 11,277 11,277 11,277 11,277 0 001,000000,050,000,525.10,520030,0000,OO,F1 STATE RETIREMENT - 433 - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 22,562 1%070 4%208 40,2O8 48 40,256 40,256 0 001.000000.050,000,525,10,520040,0000,00.F1 MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - 660 - - - 001,000000.050,000,525,10,520045,0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 152 117 161 161 161 161 (0) 001,000000.050,000.525,10,520045,0000,OO,F1 WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 5 - - 001,000000,050,000.525,10,531010,0000,00, SUPPLIES 2,500 442 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 OOLo00000.050,000,525,10,531020,0000,00, OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - 001-000000.050,000,525,10,531021,0000,00. GRANTSUPPLIES - - - - 001,000000-050.000,525,10,531919,0000,00, COVID SUPPLIES - - - - 001.000000.050.000.525.10.532020.0000,00, FUEL USED 300 001.000000.050,000.525.10.532777.0000,00. MOTOR POOL FUEL - 124 400 400 400 400 001.000000.050.000.525.10.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - 001-000000,050,000,525,10,535011,0000,00, EMPG EQUIPMENT 35,641 4,969 - - - 001.000000,OSO.000.525,10,535021,0000,00, SHSP EQUIPMENT 20,441 - 17,769 17,769 17,769 17769 001,000000,050,000,525.10,535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10.535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000,050,000,525,10,541010.0000,00, DRIVER RECORDS 100 583 100 100 100 100 OO1,000000.050.000,525,10,541030.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 17,030 17,100 17,100 170100 17,100 001,000000,050,000,525,10,54109LO000.00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - 156 - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,541300,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - 001,000000,050,000.525.10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - OOL000000,050,000,525,10,541919,0000,00, COVID SERVICES - - - - 001,000000.050.000,525,10,542010,0000,00, PHONES 3,900 11445 30900 3,900 3900 3900 001,000000,050,000.525,10.542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 100 94 100 100 100 100 001,000000,050,0004525,10,543010,0000,00, TRAVEL 785 - 785 785 785 785 OOL000o00.050,000525,10,545010.0000,00, COPIER 31610 10888 31610 3,610 3610 3,610 001.000000.050,000.525.10,545020,0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES - - - - 001.000000.050,000.525. 10.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLES - - 001,000000.050,000.525. 10.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 266 266 266 266 266 266 001.000000.050.000.525. 10.546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE - - - _ - --- _ _ 360 360 360 - 001.000000.050.000.525.10.547010.0000,00, UTILITIES - 310 - - 001.000000,050.000,525.10,548020,0000,00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - 178 - - 001.000000,050.000.525.10.548098.0000.00. ER&R REPAIRS - - - 001.000000,050.000,525,10.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTLY - 7 590 590 (360) 230 230 001.000000.050.000.525.10.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11000 - 1,000 10000 1000 10000 001,000000,050.000,525.10454902040000.00, TUITION/REGISTRATIONS - - - - 001,000000,050,000,525,10,549998,0000,00, REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - - - - 001,000000.050,000,525,50,545945,0000,00, FACILITY RENTAL @ PUBLIC WORKS 13,427 - 13,427 130427 13427 13,427 OOLOOOOOO,050,000.525,50,547010,0000,00, UTILITIES Soo - 650 650 650 6SO OO1,000000.050,000.525.60.543010.0000,00, TRAVEL - - o0L00o0o0,050,000,525,60,549020,0000.00, TRAINING/REGISTRATIONS 889 - Soo Soo Soo Soo OOL000000,050,000,525,60,549110,0000,00, GRANT TRAINING/REGISTRATIONS - - - - 001,000000,050,000.594,25,564000,0000,00, CAP EQUIPMENT-CENTRAL MASON - - - Emergency Management 1 1 309,069 1440781 311,218 311,218 48 311,266 2330374 77,892 001.000000,055,000.518.30,510010,0000,00, FACILITIESMANAGER 83,219 28,233 87,379 87,379 87,379 87,379 0 001,000000,055.000,518,30,510020,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 53,605 230388 56,319 56,319 56,319 56,319 0 001,000000,055.000,51830,510030,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 23,772 24,137 24,975 24,975 24,975 24,975 (0) 001,000000,055,000.518,30,510040,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 550628 21,493 54,271 54,271 540271 54,271 (0) 001,000000,055,000,51830510070,O000.o0, MAINTENANCE %653 28,357 66,979 66,979 66,979 66,979 0 OOL000000,055,000,518.30,510100,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 55,628 26,471 54,271 54,271 540271 54,271 (0) 001,000000,055,OOO,51830,510120,00004004 PROGRAM SUPPORT TECH - - - - OOL000000,055,000,518,30,510200,0000,00, SEASONAL EXTRA HELP - - - - 001,000000.055,000,518,30,510780,0000,00, FACILITIES & GROUNDS MANAGER - - - - 001,000000,055,000,518,30,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME Brow 588 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 2 of 11 Expenditures 001,000000,055,000,518,30,520010.0000.006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 12,308 5,789 14,998 14,998 140998 14,998 (0) 001.000000,055,000,518,30,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 26,278 11,671 26,560 26,560 26,560 26,560 (0) OOL000000.055,000.518,30,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 44,553 1%801 35587 35,587 35,587 350587 (0) 001000000,055,000,518,30,520035,0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 4,680 2,374 4,680 4,680 41680 4,680 001,000000.055,000,518,30,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 92,427 41,492 920103 92,103 92103 92,103 0 001.000000.055,000,518,30,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMIA 504 224 509 509 509 509 (0) 001.000000.055,000.518.30.520050.0000,00, UNIFORMS 450 - 450 450 450 450 001,000000,055,000,518,30,531010,0000.00. OFFICESUPPUES 450 190 450 450 450 450 001000000.055,000.518.30,531020,0000,00, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 20,000 90002 20,000 2%000 20,000 20000 001,000000,055,000,518,30.531030.0000.00, OPERATING SUPPLIES 25,400 71526 25,400 25,400 250400 25,400 001.000000,055.000.51830.531050.0000.00. MISCSUPPUES - - - 001.000000,055.000.518,30.531093,0000.00. ER&R SUPPLIES 001.000000,055.000,518.30.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 45 - 001.000000.055.000.518.30.531919.0000.00. COVID SUPPLIES - - - - 001.000000.055.000.518.30.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL - - - - 001,000000,055,000,518.30,532777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL FUEL 1,778 2,896 50550 5,550 50550 5,550 001,000000,055.000.518.30.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 1%000 1,305 1%000 10,000 10,000 10,000 001,000000,055,000,518,30,535098,0000400, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 001000000.055,000518,30.535099,0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,055,000,518,30,541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20,000 10,947 2%000 20,000 20000 20,000 001,000000.055,000.518,30.541020.0000,00, ADVERTISING 100 - 100 100 100 100 001,000000,055,000,51830.541030,0000.00, JANITORIAL SERVICES 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 - Inc by $50kto accountfor contract 140j000 89,822 increases & bldg 10 001,000000,055,000,518.30.54150L0000600. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000,055.000,518,30,541515,0000,00, STATE LICENSES/INSPECTIONS 1,300 - 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 OO1.000000,055,000,518,30,541919.0000,00, COVIDSERVICFS - - - - 001.000000.055,000.518.30.542010,0000.00, PHONES 6,200 3,104 6,200 6,200 6,200 6200 001,000000,055,000,518,30,543010,0000,00, TRAVEL - - - - 001.000000,055,000,51830,545010,0000.00, MELL CHEVROLET BLDG RENT 26,500 15,000 27,295 27,295 27,295 27,295 Inc by 3% over 2021's budget 001000000,055,000,518,30,545020,0000,00, EQU IPMENT RENTALS 2,000 1,584 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 001.000000.055.000.518,30.545040,0000,00, COPIER LEASE 1,302 408 1,302 1,302 1,302 11302 001.000000.055,000.518.30.545777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - 6,372 - - 001.000000.055.000.518.30.545951.00OO.OD. ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL - - - - 001.000000.055.000.518.30.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE - STORAGETANK 200 - 200 200 200 200 001,000000.055.000,518.30.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,100 10100 1,100 1,1c0 10100 1,100 001.000000.055.000.518.30.546777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 11800 - 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 001,000000.055.000.518.30.547010.0000.00. ELECTRICITY - PUD 239,233 72,736 239,233 23%233 239,233 239,233 001.000000,055.000.518.30,547011,0000,00, NATURALGAS 45,000 17,663 45,000 4%000 45,000 45,000 001.000000,055,000.518,30,547012,0000,004 WATERSERVICE 110,000 4%341 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 001.000000,055.000.518,30.547013,0000,00, GARBAGE SERVICE 50,000 20,377 S%OOO 500000 50,000 50,000 OOLO00000.055,000,518,30,548020,0000,00, REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 32,000 50881 32,000 32,000 32000 32000 001.000000.055.000.518.30.548030.0000.00. ELEVATOR REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 28,000 8,010 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 001.000000.055.000.518.30.548050.0000.00. HVAC REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 30,000 8,411 30,000 30,000 30,000 300000 001.000000,055.000.518.30.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 314 118 240 240 240 240 001,000000.055.000.518.30,548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 150 10457 900 900 900 900 OO1,000000,055.000,518.30.549030.0000.00. PRINTING/BINDING Soo - 500 500 500 500 001.000000,055.000,518,30,549040,0000,00, REGISTRATION/TUITION 288 - 288 288 288 288 001,000000,055,000.518.30.551020.0000.00, STATEINSPEC'nONS - - - - 001,000000,055,000,518,30,551030.0000,00, STATE LICENSES - - - - 001,000000.055,000.521,50,545000.0000,00, MCSO BELFAIR OFFICE RENT 48,00O 25,760 49,440 49,440 49,440 49,440 Inc by 3% over 2021's budget _ 001.000000.055.000.594. 18.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 6,335 - 18,881 18,881 180881 1$881 0 001.000000.055.000.594.18.56477&0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPFI T _ _ _ _ - Facilities & Grounds I I 1,372,654 593,071 104390620 1,439,620 - 1,439,620 1,439,621 (1) 001,000000,057.000,517.67,541010,0000,00, RETRO CLAIM 74,170 34,500 74,170 74,170 74,170 74,170 - 001,000000,057,000,518,10,510005,0000,00, HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR - - 91,767 91,767 91767 91,767 0 001,000000,057,000,518,10,510010,0000,00, HUMAN RESOURCE/RISK MANAGER 77,397 38,635 770398 77,398 77,398 770398 (0) OOLO00000,057,000,518,10,510020,0000,00, PERSONNEL ANALYST 62,764 310009 63,668 63,668 63,668 63,668 (0) OOL000000,057,000.518,10,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME - - - - OOL000000,057,000,518,10,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 461 243 1,234 10234 1,234 1,234 0 001.000000,057.000,518.10.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 100722 5,311 17,812 17,812 17,812 17,812 0 001.000000.057.000,518.10,520030.0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 18,179 91033 23,865 23,865 23,865 23,865 (0) 001,000000,057,000,518,10.520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/NIS/LIFE 37,541 17,428 55,341 55,341 55,341 55,341 0 001.000000.057.000.518.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 206 102 342 342 342 342 0 001,000000,057,000,518,10,531010.0000,00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,000 739 5,000 5,100 5100 5,100 001.000000,057.000.518.10.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOIS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 550 - 550 550 550 550 OO1,000000,057,000,518,10,541010,0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 31,046 11932 31,046 31,046 310046 31,046 OOL000000.057,000,518,10.541020,0000,00, ADVERTISING 3S0 100 350 350 350 350 001000000.057,000.518,10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - OOL000000,057,000,518.10.542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 980 8 980 980 980 980 OO1,000000,057,000,518,10.543010,0000.00, TRAVEL - - - OOL000000.057.000.518.10.545030,0000,00. COPIER LEASE 20000 606 2,000 20000 20000 2,000 001,000000,057.000,518.10.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 100 - 100 - 001.000000.057.000.518.10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 400 400 400 . - 4D0. . 400 400 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 3 of 11 Expenditures 001,000000,057,000.518.10.549010.0000.00, DUES 700 244 700 700 700 700 001,000000,057,000.518.10.549020,0000,00, TRAINING - 665 - - 001.000000.057,000.518,90,542010,0000,00, CELLPHONES 11670 478 10670 1,670 1670 1670 001,000000.057,100,518,60.543020.0000.00. TRAVEL - - - - 001.000000.057,100.518,90,510030,0000,00, RISK/SAFETY COMPLIANCE MANAGER 60,491 30,074 61,994 61,994 61,994 61,994 (0) 001.000000,057,100,518,90.520010.0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 230 121 411 411 411 411 (0) 001.000000.057,100,518,90,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECUR"/MEDICARE 4,628 2,301 4,743 4,743 4,743 4,743 0 001,000000.057.1004518.90,520030,0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 70846 %901 61354 6,354 6,354 6,354 (0) 001,000000,057,100,518.90,520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 18,771 8,275 18,447 18,447 180447 18,447 0 001.000000,057.100,518.90.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 89 44 91 91 91 91 0 001,000000,057,100518.90.531010.0000.00, SUPPLIES 6,500 294 6,500 61700 6,700 6,700 001,000000,057,100,518,90.531093.0000.00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES - - - - 001,000000,057,100.518.90.535010,0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 600 320 600 600 600 600 OO1.000000,057.100,518,90,535098,0000,00, rrTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000,057.100,518.90,535099,0000.00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,057,100.518,90,541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,000 31429 111000 11,000 110000 110000 001,000000,057.100.518,90.541011.0000.00, SAFETY TRAINING 21,700 448 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 001,000000.057,100.518.90.541501,0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - 001,000000,057,100.518,90.542020.0000,00. POSTAGE Soo 14 Soo 500 500 500 001,000000,057,100.518,90.543020,0000.00, TRAVEL 1,884 - 1,884 1,884 1,884 1,884 001.000000,057,100.518,90,545030,0000.00. COPIER 2,000 611 2,000 20000 2,000 2,000 001.000000.057,100.518,90,545951,0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 200 - 200 - 001.000000.057,100.518.90,546096.0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT 200 200 200 200 200 200 001.000000.057,100.518.90.549010.0000.00. DUES 1,200 - 1,200 11200 1,200 1,200 0014000000,057.100.518,90,549020.0000,00, TRAINING - 11042 - - 001,000000,057.200.514.20,510010.0000,00, ADMIN CLERK 28,455 14,410 29,894 29,894 29894 29,894 0 001,000000,057,200,514.20,520010,0000,00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 115 61 206 206 206 206 0 001,000000,057,200,514,20,520020,0000,004 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 2,177 1,096 2,287 2,287 2,287 2287 0 001,000000,057,200,514,20,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 3,691 11869 31064 30064 3,064 3 064 (0) 001,000000.057,200,514,20,520040,0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 91386 41617 9,223 90223 9,223 9 223 (0) 001,000000.057,200,514,20,520045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 42 21 44 44 44 44 0 001.000000.057.200,514,24,510020,0000,00, BOE BOARD MEMBERS STIPEND 15,000 10,300 15,000 150000 154000 150000 001.000000.057,200,514.24.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1,148 788 1,148 10148 1,148 11148 1 OO1000000,057,200.514.24,531010,0000,00, BOE OFFICE SUPPLIES 700 495 700 700 700 700 001,000000,057,200,514,24.535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001000000,057,200,514,24.54101060000.00. BOE LEGAL NOTICES 200 - 200 200 200 200 001.000000,057,200,514,24,541020,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 1,550 - - 001,000000,057,200,514.24.54150140000,00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000,057,200,514.24,542020.0000.00. BOE POSTAGE 10014 45 1,014 1,014 1,014 1,014 001.000000.057.200,514.24.543010.0000.00, BOETRAVEL 1,573 - 1,573 11573 1573 10573 001.000000.057.200.514.24.545010.0000.00, BOECOPIER 2,000 606 2,000 21000 2,000 2,000 001.000000,057,200.514,24,546096,0000,00, UNEMPLOYMENT 100 100 100 100 100 100 001.000000.057.200.521.10.510010.0000.00. ADMIN CLERK 28,455 14,409 29,894 29,894 29894 29,894 0 001,000000.057,200.521,10,520010,0000,00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 115 61 206 206 206 206 0 OOL000000,057,200,521,10,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURrrY/MEDICARE 2,177 10096 2,287 2,287 2287 2,287 0 001,000000,057,200,521,10,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 3,691 10869 3,064 3,064 3,064 3,064 (0) 001.000000,057,200,521,10,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 9,386 4,617 9,223 %223 9,223 9,223 (0) 001.000000.057.200.521.10,520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 42 21 44 44 44 44 0 OOL000000,057.200,521.10.531010,0000,006 CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLIES 2,000 69 20000 2,100 2100 20100 001.000000.057.200.52L10.535098.0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,057,200,521,10,541010,0000,00, CIVIL SERVICE PROF SERVICES 290150 3,242 29,150 290150 2%150 2%150 001,000000.057,200.521,10,541020,0000,00, CIVIL SERVICE ADVERTISING 1,297 830 11297 1,297 1,297 1,297 OO1,000000.057,200.521,10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - _ OOL000000,057,200,521,10,542020,0000,00, CIVILSERVICE POSTAGE 200 - 200 200 200 200 OOLOO0000,057,200,521,10,543010,0000,00, CIVIL SERVICE TRAVEL 700 - 700 700 700 700 001,000000.057.200.521.10.545010.0000.00. CIVIL SERVICE COPIER 2,000 606 2,000 2,000 2,000 20000 001,000000.057.200,521.10.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTALS 100 - 100 001.000000,057,200,521.10,546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 100 100 100 _ 100 100 100 001,000000,057.200,52L10.549010.0000.00. CIVILSERVICE MISC SERVICES 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1000 1,000 Human Resources/Risk Management 608,086 255,377 733,935 7330935 733 935 733,933 2 001,000000.058.271.517,20.520040,0000.00, LEOFF I MEDICAL 98,400 33,346 98,400 98,400 9%400 98,400 OO1,000000.058.271.517,20,543010,0000.00. TRAVEL 1,134 - 1,090 10090 1,090 1,090 001.000000.058,27L517,20,549010,0000,00, REGISTRATIONS 510 - _ 530 510 510 510 LEOFF 100,044 330346 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 - OOL000000,080,000,511,60,510010,0000,00, ( COMMISSIONE11 #1 84,865 42,397 85,714 85,714 85,714 85714 0 001,000000,080,000,51L60,530020,0000,00, COMMISSIONER #2 84,865 42,397 85,714 85,714 85714 85714 0 001,000000,080,000,511*60,510030.0000.00, COMMISSIONER #3 84,865 42,397 85,714 85,714 85,714 85,714 0 001,000000,080.000,51L60.519999.0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - - 001,000000,080.000,511.60.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 691 364 1,234 1,234 1234 1,234 0 OOLOOOOOO,080,000,511,60,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURIT//MEDICARE 19,477 91730 19,671 1%671 19671 19671 (0) 001,000000,080,000,511,60,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 11,007 5,499 8,786 8,786 8786 8786 0 OOL000000.080,000.511.60.520040,0000.004 MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 56,313 26,831 55,341 55,341 55,341 55,341 0 001.000000.080.000.511.60.520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 372 186 377 377 377 377 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 4 of 11 Expenditures 001.000000,080.000.511.60.531010.0000.00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,150 43 10150 1,150 1150 1,150 001.000000.080,000.511,60,535010,0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,950 - 41950 41950 4,950 41950 091.000000.080,000,511,60.535098.0000,00. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000.080,000,511,60,541010,0000,004 ADVERTISING 420 405 420 420 420 420 001.000000.080,000.511,60.541501,0000,00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.080,000.511.60.542010.0000,00, PHONES 2,075 953 2,075 21075 2,075 2,075 001.000000,080,OOOS11,60,542020,0000.00, POSTAGE - - - - 001.000000.080,000,511.60.543010,0000,00, TRAVEL - DIST #1 COMMISSIONER 569 - 569 569 569 569 ODL000000.080,OOO,S11.60.543020,0000.00, TRAVEL - DIST #2 COMMISSIONER - - - - 001.000000.080.000.511.60.543030.0000.00. TRAVEL - DIST #3 COMMISSIONER - - - - 001,000000,080.000,511,60.545020,0000,00, COPIER LEASE 367 122 367 367 367 367 OO1,000000,080,000.511.60.54601040000,00. INSURANCE BOND - - - 001.000000.0804000,511,60.549030.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS 1,000 - 10000 11000 10000 10000 OO1,000000,080,000,511,60,549040,0000,00, DUES, SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MEMBER 21624 - 2,624 21624 2,624 2,624 001,000000,080,000.511,60,549998,0000,00, REALLOCATETO SALARIES - - Commissionem 355,610 171,324 355,706 355,706 355,706 355,704 2 001,000000.090.000.511,30,510010,0000,00, CLERK OF BOARD/CLAIMS ADMIN 58,330 25,495 54,747 54,747 54,747 54,747 0 001.000000.090.000.511,30,520010.0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 230 121 411 411 411 411 (0) 001.000000.090,000,511,30,520020.0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 4,462 1,952 4,188 4,188 4,188 4,188 (0) OOLO00000.090,000,511,30,520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 7,565 3,307 5,612 51612 5,612 5,612 0 001.000000.090.000,511.30.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 18,771 81275 18,447 18,447 18,447 18,447 0 001.000000,090.000,51130.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 86 37 80 80 80 80 (0) 001,000000,090,000,51L30,53101040000,004 CLERK OF BOARD SUPPLIES 974 85 974 974 974 974 OO1,000000,090,OOO,511,30,535010,0000,00, COBTOOLS/EQUIPMENT 280 - 280 280 280 280 OO1,000000,090,OOO,511,30,541SOL0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - 001.000000,090,000,511,30,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 260 - 260 260 260 260 001.000000.090.000.511.30.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 173 - 173 173 173 173 001.000000.090,000.511.30.545020.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 2,000 674 2,000 20000 2,000 2,000 001.000000.090,000.511.30.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 200 200 200 200 200 200 001.000000.090.000.511,30,548020.0000.00, RECORDING EQUIP MAINT 1,800 11445 1,800 1,800 10800 10800 001.000000,090.00O,5lL30.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 250 - 250 250 250 250 001.000000,090.000.51L30.549020.0000.00, TRAINING & REGISTRATION 432 190 432 432 432 432 001,000000,090.00O,513,10.510005,0000,00. SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR 133,346 66,007 158,517 15%S17 158517 158,517 0 OOL000000.0904000.513,10,510010.0000,004 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR 77,397 3%635 101,237 101,237 101237 101,237 (0) OO1,000000,090,000.513,10,510030.0000400, SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST 48,688 24,304 420036 42,036 42,036 42,036 0 001.000000.090,000,513,10,510040,0000,00, SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST 28,918 L4,969 29,568 29,568 2%568 29 568 (0) 001.000000,090,0004513,10,510050.0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 83,640 83,640 83,640 83,640 3 Public Records Coordinator 001,000000,090,000,513,10,510600,0000,00, EXTRA HELP 1,530 1,622 6,500 61500 6,500 60500 001,000000.090,000.513.10.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 851 452 1,566 1,566 1,566 1,566 (0) 001,000000,090.00O,513,10,520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 22,176 11,043 25,846 25,846 25846 25,846 (0) 001.000000.090.000.513,30.52003040000.00- STATE RETIREMENT 37,597 1%S36 34,630 34,630 34,630 34,630 (0) 001.000000,090,000.513,10,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 6%514 30,927 67,331 67,331 67,331 67,331 (0) 001.000000.090.000.513.10.520045.0000.004 WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 425 212 496 496 496 496 0 001,000000,090.000.513,10.531010,0000.00. OFFICESUPPLIES 21673 820 21272 2,272 2,272 2,272 001,000000,090,000,513,10,535010,0000,00, SUPPORTSERVICES EQUIPMENT 340 - 340 340 340 340 OOL000000,090,OOO,513,10.535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 176 - - 001000000,090,000,513,10.541010.0000.00. SUPPORT SERVICES ADVERTISING - - - - 001.000000.090,000.513.10.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000.090.000.513.10.542010.0000.00. CELL PHONES 11049 525 10500 1,500 1,500 1,500 001,000000,090.00O,513,10,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 520 - 520 520 520 520 001.000000.090.000.513.10.545020.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 4,700 1,592 41700 4,700 4,700 4,700 001.000000.090.000.513.10.546D96,0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 730 730 730 730 730 730 OOLO00000.090,000.513,10,549010,0000,00, MISCELLAN EOUS SERVICES $35 247 535 535 535 535 001.000000.090.000.513,10.549020,0000,00. SUPPORT SERVICES TRAINING 192 - 192 192 192 192 001.000000,090.000,514.20.510020.0000,00, BUDGETMANAGER 83,290 41,577 98,767 98,767 95767 98767 0 OO1,000000,090,000,514.20,510030,0000,00. FINANCIAL ANALYST 61,242 30,258 62,764 62,764 62764 62,764 (0) 001,000000,090,000,514,20,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 461 243 822 822 822 822 (0) OOL000000.090,000.514,20520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 11,057 51495 12,357 12,357 12,357 12,357 (0) 001.000000.090.000,514,206520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 18,746 %317 16,557 16,557 16557 16,557 0 OO1,000000.090,000,514,20,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 37,542 17,597 36,894 36,894 36 894 36 894 0 OOLO00000,090,000.514.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 212 105 237 237 237 237 0 001,000000.090.000.514.20.531010,0000.00, BUDGET OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,724 36 1,724 10724 1,724 1,724 001,000000,090.000,514.20,535010,0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 280 - 280 280 280 280 001,000000,090.000,514,20,535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001.000000.0904000,514,20,543010,0000,00. ADVERTISING - - - - 001,000000.090,000,514,20,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000.090,000.514,20,542020,0000,00, BUDGET POSTAGE 420 - 420 420 420 420 001,000000.090,000.514,20,543010,0000.00, BUDGETTRAVEL 946 - 946 946 946 946 001.000000.090.000.514.20.545020,0000.00, BUDGET COPIER LEASE 10800 674 11800 1,800 1,800 1,800 001,000000.090.000.514.20.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - ft - 001.000000,090,000.514.20.546096.0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT 400 400 400 400 400 400 001.000000.090,000.514.20,549010.0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 500 - 500 500 Soo Soo 001.000000.090,000.514,20,549020,0000,00, BUDGET DUES/TRAINING 1320 1320 1320 1320 1320 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 5 of 11 Expenditures OOL000000.090.000.514.20,549999.0000,00, REALLOCATE FROM SALARIES -Support Services 1 1 745,933 357,282 887,798 887,798 - 887798 80401SB 83,640 001.000000,146,000,576,80,510010,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 6%074 34,891 69,075 6%075 69075 69,075 0 001.000000.146.000.576,80,5100120000,00, PROGRAM SUPPORT TECH 65,863 32,690 66,132 66,132 66,132 66,132 0 001,000000,146,000.576,80,510020,0000400, MAINTENANCE - - - 001.000000.146.000,576,80,510030,0000,00, MAINTENANCE S%214 2%511 S%214 59,214 5%214 59214 (0) 001,000000,146,000.576,$0,510090,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 51,513 25,673 51,513 51,513 51,513 51,513 0 001,000000.1464000.576,80,510600.0000,00, EXTRA HELP 30,000 24,860 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 001,000000,146,000,576,80,510780,0000,00, PARKS & TRAILS MANAGER 32,126 15,370 31,811 31,811 310811 31,811 0 OOLOOO000.146,000.576.80,512000.0000,00, OVERTIME 300 Z045 300 300 300 300 001.000000,146,000,576,80,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,295 6,881 %063 %063 %063 9,063 (0) 001,000000,146.000,576.80,520020.0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 23,545 12,517 23,565 23,565 23r565 23565 (0) OOL000000,146.000,576,80,520030.0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 390918 21,406 31A75 31,575 31575 31,575 0 001,000000,146.000,576.80.520035,0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 4,160 2,103 4,160 41160 4160 40160 001,000000.146.000,576.80,520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 71,666 32,021 71,559 71,559 71559 71,559 (0) 001,000000,146.000,576,80,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 452 242 452 452 452 452 0 001.000000.146.000.576,80.520050.0000.00, UNIFORMS 400 - 300 300 300 300 001.000000.146,000.576,80,531010,0000,00, OFFICESUPPUES 11700 - 11000 10000 1000 1,000 001.000000.146.000.576.80.531020.0000.00. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 61000 3,157 61000 6,000 6000 6,000 001.000000.146,000.576.80.531030,OD00.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 180000 7,300 18,000 18,000 18000 180000 001.000000.146.000.576.80.531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES - 160 001.000000.146,000,576.80.531777,0000.00, MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 60 001.000000.146.000.576.80.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL - - - - 001.000000.146.000.576.80.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 2,238 41459 8,500 81500 8500 8500 001,000000,146.000,576.80.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 20250 L197 20250 2,250 2,250 2250 OOL000000.146.000,576,80,535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - 001,000000.146.000.576,80,541010.0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES %000 1,089 3,000 3,000 3000 3,000 001,000000,146.000,576,80,541020,0000,00, SEPTIC PUMPING 21000 - 2,000 20000 21000 2000 001,000000,146,000,576,80,541030,0000,00, ADVERTISING 300 - 300 300 300 300 001.000000.146.000.576.80.541091.0000,00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 700 - 700 700 700 700 001,000000,146,000.576,80.541501,0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - 001.000000,146,000,576,80,541515,0000,00, STATE UCENSES/INSPECTIONS - - 001.000000.146.000.576.80.542010.0000.00. CELL PHONES 1,300 1,300 100 11400 1,400 - 2 cell phones for 2022, Ells & Glaser, was 700 630 1 prior to now Moved to ML3 001,000000,146,000,576,80,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 150 - 150 150 150 150 001,000000,146,000,576,80,543010,0000,00, TRAVEL - - OOL000000.146,000.576.80,544010.0000.00, MASON LAKE ASSESSMENT 825 52 825 825 825 825 001.000000,146,000.576.8D.545020.0000.00, SANICAN RENTALS 11200 1,272 2,500 2,S00 2,500 2,500 001.000000,146,000.576,80,545040,0000,00, EQUIPMENT RENTALS 800 - 800 800 800 800 001.000000.146.000.576.80.545060.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 3,154 1,177 31154 31154 3,154 3,154 001.000000,146.000.576.80.545777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - - 001,000000,146.000.576.80.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE - - 001.000000.146.000.576.80.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 866 866 866 866 866 866 001,000000,146.000.576.80.546777,0000.00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 1,080 - 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 001,000000.146,000.576.80.547010.0000.00, ELECTRICITY 32,680 18,496 35,949 3%949 35,949 35,949 001,000000.146,000.576.80.547020.0000.00. WATER SERVICE 200255 20,255 9,745 300000 30,000 - 17,120 S,S68 Current actual through 9/21 is $22,103 Moved to ML3 001.000000.146.000.576.80.547030,0000,00, GARBAGESERVICE 31439 10688 4,167 41167 4,167 4,167 002,000000,146,000.576.80.548010,0000,00, STRUCTURE REPAIRS & MAINT 6,500 - 61500 61500 60500 6,500 001.000000.146.000.576.80.548020.0000.00. REPAIRS/MAINTANENCE - 3,510 001.000000.146.000.576.80.548098.0000.00, ER&R REPAIRS 1,300 - 1,300 11300 10300 1300 001.000000.146.000.576.80.548777,0000.00, MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 237 157 80 80 80 80 001.000000.146.000.576.80.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS - 887 600 600 600 600 001.000000. 146.000.576.80.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 10000 001.000000.146,000S76.80,549020,0000,00, PRINTING 500 15 500 Soo 500 500 001.000000.146,000,576,80.549030,0000,00, DUES/REGISTRATIONS 315 - 315 315 315 315 001.000000.146.000.576.80.549040.0000.00. SUBSCRIPTIONS 40 - 40 40 40 40 001.000000.146.000.589.30.501000.0000.00, LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX - - 001.000000.146.000.594.76.564777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE - - 27,995 27,995 27 995 27,995 (0) 001.000000,146.000.594.76,564778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - 190000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Parks & Trails 1 5631621 287,948 6190205 619,205 91845 629,050 629,050 0 001.000000,208,000.512,21,531010,0000,00. OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 100 - 100 100 100 100 001,000000.208,000,M,21,535010,0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - 857 001.000000.208,000,512.21,535099,0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 200 - 200 200 200 200 001,000000,208,000,512.21.541010.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301,315 3010315 301,315 301,315 - Addition of operating Bldg 10: 5 officers 168,300 108,408 @ 2340 hra ea. 001,000000,208.000.512.21,545010.0000,00. METAL DETECTOR-COURTHOUSE 1,140 - 1,140 1,140 11140 1,140 001.000000.208,000,512.2L548010,0000.00, SECURITY SCANNER REPAIRS 11000 - 10000 L000 10000 10000 Courthouse Security 1 1 170,740 109,265 30%755 303,755 303,755 303,755 001.000000.258,000,512,21,541000,0000,00, POTENTIAL CASE/TRIAL SERVICES 50,000 - S%000 50,000 500000 50,000 001,000000.258.000.512.21.541004.0000,00, CLONGSHORE 12-1-00119-3 - - 001,000000,258,000.512.21.541020.0000,00, D,PORTER 184100005-23 - 2,424 001.000000,258,000,512.21.541021,0000.00. C. DELBOSQUE 3 049 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 6 of 11 Expenditures 001.000000.258,000,512,21,541022.0000.00, M. COLLETT 2440378-23 - 41370 001.000000.258,000.512,21,541023,0000,00, K, CRAIG 2D-140378.23 - 473 001.000000.258,000.512,21,541024,0000,00, AFO 20-1-00433-23 - 416 Murder Expenditures 50,000 10,731 50,000 50,000 50,000 500000 001.000000,300,000,511,30,541010,0000,00, CODIFICATION 8,500 3,488 80500 8,500 80500 8,500 001.000000,300,OOOS11,30,541015,0000,00, VIDEO RECORDING/MEETINGS 2,600 2,300 61000 6,000 60000 6,000 001.000000,300,000,511.30,541040,0000.00. LEGAL NOTICES 1,500 1,242 21000 2,000 21000 21000 OOL000000,300,000.511,60,549010.0000,00, WSAC DUES - - 001.000000,300.000,513,10,549010,0000,00, WACO DUES 1OS00 41780 1%500 10,500 10,500 10500 001,000000,300,000,513,10,549020,0000,00, WSACOUES 25,000 24,842 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 001,000000300,000,513.10,549030.0000,00, HOOD CANAL COORDINATING COUNCL 2500 2,500 2,500 2500 - Paid in prior years - does the BOCC want 2,500 - to continue? 001,000000,300.000,513,10,549040.0000.00, OMWBE/WOMEN&MINORITY BUISENSS 150 - 200 200 200 200 Mandatory dues 001.000000.300.000.513,10.549050.0000400. NACO DUES 1,141 11141 1,141 11141 - Email in to NACO asking how much dues 761 for 2022 are 001.000000,300.000.513,20.541515,0000.00. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 45,668 45,668 45,668 45,668 - This is actual amtfrom ORCAAto be 44,630 44,629 charged in 2022 001,000000.300,000.513,20,541517,0000,00. MISC GOVERNMENTAL PAYMENTS - - 001,000000,300,000,513,20,551030,0000,00, AIR POLUTION CONTROL - - 001,000000.300,000,514,20,541010,0000,00, OUTSIDE AUDITING SERVICES 17,000 17,000 17,000 16,000 1,000 4 Increased need/costfor Outside 16,000 4,278 Auditing Services 001.000000,300,000,514,20,541517,0000,00, DNR PAYMENTS 300 - 300 300 300 300 001,000000,300.000,514.20.551020.0000.00. STATEAUDITOR - - 001,000000,300.000,514.20.553010.0000.00. DNR PAYMENTS - - 001,000000,300.000,514.21,541510.0000.00. STATEAUDITOR CHARGES 58,434 - SS,951 55,9s1 4,000 590951 59951 0 001,000000,300.000,514.60.549010.0000.00. REGISTRATIONS - - 001.000000.300.000.517.90.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 001,000000,300,000.518,10,520020,0000,00, SOCSEC:OLD AGESURVIVORS - 147 001,000000,300,000.518,10,531010,0000,004 MISCSUPPUES 1,000 - 1,000 10000 1,000 1,000 001,000000,300,000.518,10,531919,0000,00, COVID SUPPLIES - - OOL000000.300.000,518,10,541919,0000,00, COVID SERVICES - - 001.000000,300,000,518,10,545000,0000,00, COLONIAL HOUSE RENTAL FEE 150 - 150 150 150 150 001000000,300,000,518.10.545020.0000.00, COLD STORAGE RENTAL - - 001,000000,300.000,518,20.541030,0000,00. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EXPENSES 3,000 - 30000 3,000 30000 30000 001.000000.300.000,518.20,549030.0000,00, FORECLOSED PRPTY-WATER DUES 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 51000 5,000 OO1,000000,300,000,518,20,549050.0000.00. PROPERTYTAXES Soo - Soo Soo Soo 500 001.000000.300.000,518,80,541500,0000,00, INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 615,097 307,549 598,743 598,743 598,743 598,743 0 001.000000,300,000.518,90,541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - 001.000000.300.000.518,90,549031,0000,00. TIPPING FEES LITTER CREW 30,000 5,925 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 OOL000000.300,000.521.70.549105,0000,00. ROAD DIVERSION - 64,941 001,000000,300,000.553.60.541010,0000,00, SPENCER LAKE LMD 001,000000,300,000.554.90,541010,0000.00, VSP GRANT SERVICES - - 001.000000.300.000,557.20,541010.0000,00. PUBLIC SERVICE PROF SERVICES 1020225 110,134 100,080 100,080 100,080 100,080 001,000000,300,000,558.70,541010.0000,00. ECON OPPORTUNITY PROF SERVICES 200,000 %333 001,000000.3004000.558,70,542020.0000,00. POSTAGE - - 001.000000,300,000.565,10,541010,0000,00, POOR/INFIRM SERVICES 5,000 600 51000 51000 5000 50000 001.000000.300,000.565,10,541020,0000,00, NORTH MASON RESOURCES SERVICES - - 001,000000.300,000.565,20,541010,0000,00, PROF SERVICES-VETERANS - - 003.000000.300,0004581,20.57950L0000600, PRINCIPAL PAYMENT - - 001,000000.300.000.589.00.500000.0000.00. NON EXPENDITURES - - 001,000000,300.000,591,21,582501,0000,00, INTEREST PAYMENT - - 001.000000,300.000,592.2L582501.0000,00. INTERFUND LOAN INT PYMT-ER&RF - - 001,000000,300.200,511,30,510000,0000,00, SUPPORT SERV ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001,000000,300,200.511,30,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001,000000.300,200.511.30,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001,000000.300,200.512.21,510000,0000,00, SUPERIOR CRT ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 68,916 001.000000,300,200,512,21,520020.0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 10339 001,000000,300,200,512,21.520045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA - 26 001.000000.300.200,512.30.510000.0000.00, CLERKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 38,432 001,000000,300.200,512,30,520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 2,940 001.000000,3004200.512.304520030.0000,00. STATE RETIREMENT - 3,666 001,000000,300,200,512,30,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001,000000,300,200,512,30,520045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 56 001,000000,300,200.512,40,S1O000,0000,00, DISTRICT CRTACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001,000000.300,200.512.40,520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.512,40.520030,0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.512.40.520040.0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001.000000,300,200,512,40,520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA - - 001,000000,300,200,514,24,510000,0000,00, ASSESSOR ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001,000000.3004200.514.24.510140.0000,00. ASSESSOR ACCRUED LV PAYMENT Pl. - - 001.000000.300.200.514,24,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - OOL000000.300,200.514,24,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - - OOL000000.300,200.514.24.520035.0000.00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 7 of 11 Expenditures OO1.000000.300.200.514.24.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.514.24.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.514.40.510000.0000.00. ASSESSORACCRUED LV PAYMENTPL - 7,453 001.000000.300.200.514.40.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 570 OOLOOO000.300.200.514.40.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - 2 001.000000.300.200.514.40.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 11 001.000000.300.200.515.31.510000.0000.00, PROSECUTOR ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 41986 001,000000.300.200.515.31.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 381 001.000000.300.200.515.3L520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.515.31.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.515.31.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 7 OO1.000000.300.200.515.80.510000.0000.00. PROSECUTOR ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001.000000.300.200.515.80.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.515.80.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.515.80.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001.000000.300.200.515.80.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.515.91.510000.0000.00. INDIGENT DEFACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001.000000.300.200.515.91,520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.515.91,520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000,300t2OO,Sl5,9l,S2OO4O,0000400, MED/DENTNIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.515.91.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.518.10.510000.0000.00. SUPPORT SERVACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001.000000.300.200.518.10.510010.0000.00. SUPPORT SERV ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 425,168 - 425,168 425,168 4250168 425,168 001.000000.300.200.518.10.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 32,525 - 32,525 32,525 32,525 32,525 (0) 001.000000.300.200.518.10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 43,580 43,580 4%580 43,580 0 001.000000.300.200.518.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENTNIS/LIFE - - 001000000.300.200.518.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 624 624 624 624 0 001.000000.300.200.52L1O.510000.0000.00. SHERIFF-CIVIL ACCRUED LV PAYOU - - 001.000000.300.200.521.10.520020,0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.521,10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 001.000000.300.200.521.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001.000000.300.200.521,10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 001.000000.300.200.52L22.510000.0000.00. SHERIFF-DEP ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 35,714 001.000000.300.200.521.22.510010.0000.00, SHERIFF-DEP ACCRUED LV PYMNT P - - 001.000000.300.200.521.22.520020.0000.00. SOCIALSECURIIY/MEDICARE - 2,732 OO1,000000.300.200.521.22.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - 140 001.000000.300.200.521.22.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - OOL000OOO.300.200.521.22.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 52 001.000000.300.200.521.23.510000.0000.00, SHERIFF-DEP ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.510010.0000.00. SHERIFF-DEP ACCRUED LV PYMNT P - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA - - 001.000000.300.200.523.33.510000.0000.00. DIST CRT/PROB ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 3,387 OOLO00000.300.200.523.33.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 259 001.000000.300.200.523.33.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 5 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001.000000.300.200.521.23.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 001.000000.300.200.521.70.510000.0000.00. SHERIFF-TRAFFIC ACCRUED LV PAY - - 001,000000.300.200.521.70.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001,000000.300.200.521.70.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.521.70.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001,000000.300.200521.70.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.523.20.510000.0000.00. SHERIFF-JAIL ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 001.000000.300.200.523.20.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.523.20.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.523.20.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.523.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001,000000.300.200.523.60.510000.0000.00. SHERIFF-JAIL ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 19,384 001.000000.300.200.523.60.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 1,483 001.000000.300.200.523.60.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT - 566 OO1,000000.300.200.523.60.520040.0000.00. MED/DENTNIS/LIFE - - 001.000000.300.200.523.60.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 28 001.000000.300.200.524.40.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.524.60.510000.0000.00. COMMUNITY DEV ACCRUED LV PAYOU - - 001.000000.300.200.524.60.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001.000000.300.200.524.60.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001.000000.300.200.524.60.520D40.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - OOL000000.300.200.524.60.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300.200.527.40.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 8 of 11 Expenditures 001.000000,300,200,527,40,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - OOLOD0000.300.200,527,40,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001,000000,300200,527.60.510000.0000,00, JUV & PROB ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - 4,155 001,000000,300.200.527.60.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 318 001,000000,300200,527.60.520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - 97 001,000000.300.200,527.60.520040,0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 0014000000.300,200.527,60,520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 6 001,O00000.300.200.SS8.50.510000,0000,00, COMMUNITY DEV ACCRUED LV PAYOU - - OOL000000,300,200,558,50,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001,000000,300,200,558,50,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - - 001,000000,300,200,558,50,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001.000000.300,200.SSS.50.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001.000000.300200.558.60.510000.0000600. COMMUNITY DEV ACCRUED LV PAYOU - - 001.000000,300,200,558,60,520020,0000,00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001,000000,300,200,558,60,520030,0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001,000000,300,200,558,60,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - 001.000000,300,200,558,60,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - 001,000000,300,200,559,30,510000.0000,00, COMMUNITY DEV ACCRUED LV PAYOU - - 001,000000,300.300.522,20.541511.0000.00. 911 / MACECOM 21000,000 826,575 2,000,000 2,000,000 20000000 20000,000 001,000000,300,300,522,20,551010,0000.00, 911 ENHANCED COMM TAX PAYMENT - 001,000000,300.312,518,61,541091,0000,00, ER&R REPAIRS - - 001.000000.300.312.518,61,549010,0000,00, CLAIMS SETTLEMENTS - - 001.000000.300,312.518,90.541010,0000,00, LEMPOLSERVICES - - 001.000000.300.312.518.90.541020,0000,00, CLAIMS 395,000 67,372 395,000 395,000 395,000 395,000 001.000000.300,312.518.90.541777.0000400. MOTOR POOL PROF SERVICES - 71990 001,000000,300,312.518,90,546030,0000.00, RISK MNGT/PROPERTY INSURANCE 900t000 5,081 99%000 990,000 990000 9000000 90,000 5 10% above 2020 actuals 001.000000,300.312,542,10,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME - - 001,000000,300.312.542.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - 0014000000.300.312.542.10.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 001,000000.300.312,542.10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - 001,000000,300,312,542,1OS20035,0000.00, TEAMSTERS PENSION - - 001.000000.300,312,542,10.520040,0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - 001,000000,300,312,542,1OS20045,0000,00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - Non Departmental 1 1 4,8841779 1,689,078 4,807,130 4,807,130 4,000 4,811,130 4,72%129 91,001 001,000000,305,000,518,30,510030,0000,00, MAINTENANCE 23,772 91947 24,975 24,975 24,975 24,975 (0) 001.000000.305.000.518.30.512000,0000,00. OVERTIME - - 001,000000,305,000,518.30,520010.0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,110 319 11352 11352 1,352 1,352 (0) 001,000000,305,000,518,30,520020,0000,00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 10819 760 1,911 10911 10911 10911 0 001,000000.305.000,518.30,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 3,083 1,290 2,560 2,560 20560 20560 0 001,000000,305,000,51830.520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 520 88 520 520 520 S20 001.000000,305,000,518.30.520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 81184 11351 8,184 8,184 80184 8184 001,000000,305,000,518,30,520045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 35 15 37 37 37 37 0 001,000000,305,000.518,30,520050,0000,00, UNIFORMS 50 - 50 50 50 50 001.000000.305.000.518.30.531010,0000.00, SUPPLIES 10,000 - 100000 10,000 10,000 10,000 001.000000.305.000.518.30.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 150 001.000000.305.000.518.30.532777.0000,00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 356 242 550 550 550 550 001.000000.305.000.518.30.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - 001.000000.305.000.518.30.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - - 001.000000.305.000.518.30.546096,0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT 100 100 100 100 100 100 001.000000.305,000,518.30,546777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 360 - 360 360 360 360 001.000000.305.000.518.30.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - - 80 80 80 80 001.000000.305,000.518.30.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 150 - 150 150 1S0 150 001,000000.305.000.594,18.564777,0000,00, MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 61430 - 001.000000.305. 000,594, 18,564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - Motor Pool 55,968 14,263 50,829 50,829 50829 50829 0 001.000000.310.000.597.00.500116.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT HISTORICAL PRES - - 001.000000.310.000.597.00.500135.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT:TRIAL COURT - 135 22,672 110326 22,652 22,652 22,652 22,652 001.000000.310.000.597.00,500150.0000.00, TRANSFER OUTTO PUBLIC HEALTH - 001.000000.310.000,597,00.500215,0000.00. TRANSFER OUT: LTG02013 - 215 68,667 68,667 670375 67,375 67,375 67,375 0 001.000000,310.000,597,00.500350.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT TO REET - 001.000000.310.000.597.0O.SO0S00.0000.00. TRANS OUT:INFORMATION TECH-500 - - Transfers Out 91,339 79,993 90,027 90,027 90,027 90,027 0 103,000000.000.000.508,10,500000.0000,00, END FUND RESERVED 750,216 - 11046,976 1,046,976 1,046,976 1,046,976 103.000000.000,000.508.10.509999.0000.00. END FUND RESERVE-OPERATING 204,730 - 159,244 1590244 159,244 159,244 103,000000,000,000,514,21,541510,0000,00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 11405 - 1,800 10800 10800 10800 0 103.000000.000.000.535,00.541512.0000.00, CITY OF SH ELTON SEWER PAYMENTS - 103,000000,000,000,558,70,541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 81321 40161 6,214 6,214 6,214 60214 (0) 103.000000.000.000.558.704541512.0000.00. CITY OF SHELTON SEWER PAYMENTS 113,325 - 111,766 111,766 111,766 111,766 0 103.000000.000.000.558.70.549030.0000.00. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 90,000 90,000 90,000 9%000 - EDC's request is $90k for 2022 per 90,000 221500 Jennifer Baria 9/28/21 103.000000.000.000.597.00.500413.0000. 00, TRANSFER OUT: BELFAI R WW _ 450i000 ___450,000 _ 450,000 4501000 450000 450,000 1,617,997 476,661 1,866,000 11866,000 1,866,000 1,866,000 0 Sales Use Tax 1617 997 476 661 I 1866 000 1866 000 1866 000 1866 000 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 9 of 11 Expenditures 134.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATEAUDITOR CHARGES 103 - 46 46 46 46 (0) 134.000000,000.000.521.22.510010.0000.00. REIMB. DEPUTY FED FOREST HOURS 100000 674 10,000 100000 10,000 100000 134,000000,000,000,521.22.51200040000,00. REIMB. DEP FED FOREST OT 61300 3,543 61300 6,300 6r3OO 60300 134,000000,000.000,521,22,512000,OOOO,OO,F1 REIMB, DEP FED FOREST OT - - 134.000000.000,000.521,22,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 100 107 151 151 151 151 0 134.000000.000.000,52L22.520010,0000,00,F1 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - 134,000000,000,000,521,22,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 11247 293 1,247 11247 1,247 1,247 0 134,000000.000.000.52L22,520020,0000.00.F150CIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - 134.000000.000,000,521,22,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 2,000 207 1,694 10694 1,694 1,694 0 134.000000,000.000.521.22,520030,0000.00.F15TATE RETIREMENT - ft - 134,000000,000.000.521.22,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 800 - 134,000000,000.000.521.22,520045.0000,00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 25 6 24 24 24 24 0 134,000000,000.000,521.22531010,0000.00. FEDERAL SAR SUPPLIES %240 8,996 799 799 799 799 134.000000.000.000.521.22.535010,0000.00. FED SAR SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMEN - - 134.000000,000.000,521.22,535099,0000.00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - 134.000000,000,000,521,22,541019,0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 11595 798 1,149 1,149 10149 1149 0 134,000000,000,000,521,22,541091,0000,00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 134.000000.0004000.521.40.549010,0000.00. SORTTRAINING - - 134.000000,000,000.525,10,541010,0000,00, FIREWISE PROGRAM 5,000 - 5,000 51000 50000 5000 134.000000.000.000.525.10.545010.0000.00. FIREWISE RENTALS 5,047 268 5,047 51047 5,047 5,047 134.000000,000,000,525,10,546030,0000,00, RISK POOL INSURANCE - - 134.000000.000,000,525,20,541010,0000,00, SAR ON FEDERAL FOREST - 3,245 41,457 18,136 31,457 31,457 - 31,457 31,456 1 National Forest Safety 41,457 18,136 31,4457 31,457 31,457 310456 1 155.000000,000.000,508,31,500000,0000,00, END FUND BAL RESTRICTED - - - 155,000000.000.000.521.22,535099,0000,00, MCSO CAM TRACKABLE EQUIP - 32,967 155.000000.000.000.521.22,541000,0000,00, MCSO CAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 190,084 155,000000,000,000.521,22,549000,0000,00, MCSOCAMTRAINING - 6,996 1556000000,000,000.594.18,564000.0000.00. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - 121,135 121S84,451 12,5841451 12,584,451 12,584,451 351:1:2 12,584,451 12,584:411 12,584,451 12,584,451 American Rescue Plan Act j - 35112 12,5841451 12,5844,1 120584,451 120584,451 163,000000,000,000,508.30.500000.0000.00. END FUND BAL RESTRICTED 217,452 - 42%256 429,256 429,256 429,256 163.000000,000.000,514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 999 - 1,090 11090 10090 1,090 (0) 163.000000.000.000.514,23.541019,0000,00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 10,736 5,368 13,254 13,254 13,254 13,254 (0) 163,000000,000,000,557,30,531010,0000,00, OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 163.000000.000,000,557,30,541000,0000,00, NOWCOMMITTED EVENT FUNDING 243,913 - 250,000 250,000 250000 250,000 163.000000,OOO,OOO.SS7,30,541012,0000,00, N,MASON CHAMBER-VISITOR INFO 40,600 20,300 4%600 400600 40,600 40,600 163,000000,000,000,55730.541013,0000.00, SHELTON CHAMBER-VISITOR INFO 87,000 43,500 87,000 87,000 87,000 87,000 163,000000,000,000,557,30.541031.0000.00. ADVERTISING - - 163.000000,000.000,557.30.541037.0000.00. FESTIVAL SUPPORT - NEO 48,750 17,900 48,750 4%750 48750 48750 163.000000,0004000.557,30,541038.0000,00, TOURISM DEVEL • NEO 276,250 107,000 276,250 276,250 276250 276250 163,000000,000,000,557,30,541041,0000,00, CONCIERGE HANDBOOK-NEO 3%S00 6,984 38,500 38,500 31S,500 38500 163,000000,000,000,557,30,541042,0000,00, HISTORICAL MUSEUM 15,800 3,950 15,800 I50800 15,800 15 800 163,000000.000.000.557.30.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE - 9800,000 20012 1,200,500 1,2000500 1,200500 1,200,500 (0) 00 5,00 1, 00,500LodgingTax 202 11200,500 - 102000500 102000500 (0) 190.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - - 190,000000,000.000,514.21.541510.0000,00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 218 - 213 213 213 213 0 190,000000,000,000.565,20,531010,0000,00, OFFICESUPPLIES 500 500 S00 500 S00 190.000000,000,000,565,20,541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 13,194 6,597 13,873 13,873 13,873 13873 0 190.000000,000,000,565,20,542010,0000,00, PHONES/INTERNET 31000 1,964 4,000 4,000 4,000 4000 190.000000,000.000.565.20,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 2.50 - 250 250 250 250 190.000000,000,000,565,20,545010,0000,00, COPIER LEASE 2,000 694 21000 2,000 2,000 2,000 190.000000,000,000,565,20,545020,0000,00, BELFAIR CENTER LEASE 51000 2,100 50000 5,000 5 000 MOO 190,000000.000,000,565.20.549010.0000.00, VETERANS LOANS/ASSISTANCE 167,260 36,985 2140986 214,986 214986 2140986 190,000000,000.000,592.65,500010.0000.00, REFUND INTEREST PAID - 3 191,422 48,343 240,822 240,822 240,822 240,822 0 Veterans Assistance 191,422 48,343 240,822 240o822 240t822 240*821 0 _ 194,000000.100,000,514,21.541510,0000,00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 151 - 162 162 162 162 0 194.000000,100,000,553,60.531010.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES - - 194.000000,100.000.553.60.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 140,748 2,984 102,335 102,335 102,335 102,335 194.000000.100,000.553460.541019,0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 11741 871 2,025 2,025 2,025 2,025 (0) 194.000000,300,000,553,60,541020.0000,00, I% TREASURER ASSESSMENTS 360 - 378 378 378 378 194,000000,100,000,553.60.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE - - 194,000000,100,000,553,60.54601040000,00, INSURANCE 21500 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 145,500 3,855 307,900 107,900 107,900 107,900 (0) Mason Lake Management 145,500 3,855 1071 900 107,900 107*900 107,900 (0) 195.000000,000,000.514.21,541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 17 - 22 22 22 22 0 195.000000,000,000.553,60.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 180738 10750 23,277 23,277 23,277 23,277 195,000000.000.000.553,60.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION - - 306 306 306 306 (0) 195.000000.000,000,553,60,541020,0000,00. 196 TREASURER ASSESSMENT 145 - 145 145 145 145 195.000000.000,000,553,60,542010,0000.00, POSTAGE 7S0 - 750 750 750 750 19 650 1750 24 500 24,500 24500 24 500 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 30 of 11 Expenditures Spencer Lake Management 19,650 1,750 24,500 24,500 - 24 00 24,500 (0) 199.000000.001,000.514,21.541510.0000.00. STATE AU DITOR CHARGES 34 - 45 45 45 45 (0) 199.000000.001.000.531.60.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - 199.000000.001,000.553,60.543010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 39,954 7,740 28,912 28,912 28,912 28912 199.000000,001,000,553,60,541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 182 91 563 563 563 563 0 199.000000.00L000,553,60,541020,0000,00, 1% TREASURER ASSESSMENTS 100 - 100 100 100 100 199.000000.001,000.553.60.542010,0000,00, MAILI NG TO PROPERTY OWNERS 380 - 380 380 380 380 40,650 71831 30,000 300000 - 30,000 3%000 (0) Island Lake Management 40,650 7,831 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 (0) 350.000000.000.060S08.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 6140924 - 627,172 351,476 351,476 351,477 (1) 350,000000.000.000,514.21,541510.0000,00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 4,321 - 3,071 3,071 3,071 3,071 0 350.000000.000.000.518.30.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 12,419 60210 20,260 20,260 20,260 20,260 (0) 350.000000,000.000,518,30,546030.0000,00, RISK POOL INSURANCE - - 350,000000.000.000,591.18.571020,0000.004 BLDG 10 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 123,039 350.000000.000.000,592.18.583020,0000,00, BLDG SO INTEREST PAYMENTS 15,385 350,000000.000.000594.12.56200040000,00, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - BLDGS - - 350,000000,000,000,596,18,580000,0000,00, BLDG 10 INTEREST PAYMENTS - 350.000000.000,000.599,18,570350,0000,00, OLSEN REFI - - 770,088 61210 650,503 374,807 374,807 3740808 (1) 350.000000.300.000.512,40.535010,0000,00, MINOR EQUIP FOR DCC - 2,057 350,000000,300,000,518.30,510350,0000600, REET I CAPITAL PROJECTS WAGES 52,000 15,155 52,000 520000 52000 52,000 350.000000,300,000,518,30.512350,0000,00, FEET 1 CAP PROJECTS OVERTIME - - 350.000000,300.000.518.30.520010.0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 4,439 506 2,705 2,705 2705 2,705 0 350,000000,300.000,518.30.520020.0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 3,978 1,757 3,978 3,978 3978 3,978 350,000000,300.000,518.30,520030.0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 61744 11966 51330 5,330 5,330 5,330 350.000000.300,000,518,30,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 1,040 145 11040 1,040 1,040 1,040 350.000000,300,000,518,30,520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 17,523 2,584 16,368 16,368 16,368 160368 350.000000.300.000.518.30,520045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 76 22 76 76 76 76 (0) 350,000000,300.000.518,30,531040.0000,00, OPERATING SUPPLIES - 5,047 350,000000.300,000,518,30,535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - 350.000000.300,000.518.30.541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - 350.000000.300,000.518.30.541030.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 2,013 350,000000.300,000.518.30.545030.0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES - - 350.000000,300.000,518.30.548002.0000.00. MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 200,000 200,000 200,000 20%000 - Memorial Hall DOC grant expenditure 140,000 - here for $60k ML3 350.000000.300.000.594.12,562000.0000.00. CAP IMPROVMNT5•1UDICIAL SLOGS 10000,000 1,2841570 105000000 11500,000 1,500000 1500000 350.000000,300,000.594.12.562001,0000.00, CAP IMPROVE41RE SYSTEMS - 350.000000.300,000.594,12,564010,0000,00, CAP IMPROVE-FIRE SYSTEMS - 13,199 350.000000,300,000.594.18.562010.0000,00, PAINT/UPGRADE EXTERIORS - 4,391 350.000000.300.000.594.21.562010.0000.00, MCSO GYM REMODEL - 27,536 350.000000.300.000.597.00.500215.000D.00. TRANS OUTTO BOND 215 300000 30,000 30,000 30,000 300000 30,000 350,000000,300,300,523.50,535010,0000,00, JAILCONF ROOM EQUIPMENT - - 350.000000.300.300,523,50.541002.0000.00. DSU TAIL EXPANSION PROJECTS - - 1,255,800 1,390,348 11811,497 11811,497 108110497 1,811497 (0) 350.000000,900.000.581,20,579105,0000,00, INTERFUND LOAN PRIN-BLDG #8 30,545 3%S45 350.000000.900.000.592.18.582105.0000.00. INTERFUND LOAN INT- BLDG 8 7,379 7,379 350.000000.900.000.592.20.582105.0000.00, INTERFUND LOAN INT-BLDG #8 - 350.000000.900,000,597,00,500250,0000,00, TRANS OUTTO 2008 GO BON D FUND 278,888 2750040 ' 275656 275,696 275,696 (0) 316,812I 312,964 - 275,696 - 275,696 275,696 (0) REET1 21342,700 11709,522 _ 2,4621000 2146200_00_ 2,462,000 20462,000 (1) 35L000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 8191005 - 1,064,054 110640054� 1,064,054 1064 054 351,000000,000.000,508,10.509995.0000.00, END FUND RESERVE-BELFAIR DEBT 8000000 - 1,2001000 11200,000 1,2000000 10200 000 351.000000,000,000,514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITORCHARGES 4,664 - 4,127 4,127 4127 4,127 (0) 351.000000.000.000.576.80.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 7,605 3,803 11,223 11,223 110223 11,223 0 351.000000.000.000.576.80.541929.0000.00. HOOD CANAL PASSTHRU GRANT - 61,043 351.000000.000.000.576.80,546030,0000,00, RISK POOL INSURANCE - - 351.000000.000.000.597,00.500411,0000.00, TRANSFER OUT. RUSTLEWOOD 1100000 - 351.000000,000,000,597.00,500413.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT: BELFAIR W W 800,000 400,000 800,000 800�000 800,000 8000000 - 2,541,274 464,846 3,079,404 3,07%404 3,079,404 3,0790404 0 351,000000.100.000,576.80.510351.0000.00. REET2 CAPITAL PROJECTS WAGES 47,000 - 470000 47,000 47,000 47,000 351.000000.100,000,576,80,520010,0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,220 - 2,705 2,705 20705 20705 0 351,000000.100,000.576,80,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 31596 - 3,596 3,596 30596 3,596 1 35L000000,100,000,576,80,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 6,096 - 40818 4,818 4818 4818 1 351,000000.100,000.576,80,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 11040 - 1,040 1,040 1040 1040 351.000000.100.000.576,80,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 17,522 - 16,368 16,368 16,368 16,368 351.000000,100,000.576.80,520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 69 - 69 69 69 69 0 351.000000,100,000.576.80,535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - 351.000000.100.000,576.80.541010.0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 351,000000,100,000,576.80.545010,0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES - - 351,000000,100,000,576.80.548010.0000.00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 80,000 390 100,000 300,000 1000000 100,000 351.000000.100.000.594.76.563000,0000,00, OTH ER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1,011,183 - 100000000 1,000,000 1,00%000 1,000,000 351.000000.100,000,594,76,563030,0000,00, MCRA FIELD REHABILITATION PROD - 118,007 351,000000,100.000,594.76.563050.0000.00. SANDHILL PARK FIELD #1 &#2 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Support Services 11 of 11 Expenditures 351.000000.100.000.594.76.564000.0000.00. PARKS CAP EQUIPMENT - 63,250 50,000 501000 S0000 500000 1 1 1,168,726 181,648 1,225,596 11225,596 1,2251596 1,225 595 1 351.000000.400.000.576.80.541220.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - I REET2 3,7101000 646/494 41305,000 4,305,000 4o305,000 4r3O4t998 2 500.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED _ _ 82457 _ - 114,926 114,926 114,926 114926 - 500.000000.000.000.514.20.541010.0000.00. BANKING / DEBT FEES 400 - 500.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 11203 - 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 0 500.000000.000. 000.518.80.510040.0000.00, SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST 15,571 71522 15,921 15,921 15,921 15,921 (0) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510770.0000.00. SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 77,150 40,132 82,167 82,167 82,167 82,167 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510780.0000.00. INFORMATION SERV MANAGER 32,142 15,880 310811 31,811 31811 31,811 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510810.0000.00, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 77,150 40,132 82,167 82,167 82167 82167 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510820.0000.00, DATA/WEBTECH 58,319 - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510840.0000.00. NETWORKENGINEER 91,257 47,480 97,211 97,211 97211 97211 (0) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510850.0000.00. DATA/WEBTECH - 27,662 58,539 58539 58539 58,539 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510999.0000.00. INFO TECH ACCRUED LV PAYOUT - - 63,200 63,200 63,200 63,200 500.000000.000.000.518.80.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - ft - 500.000000.000.000.518.80520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,080 568 1,924 1,924 1,924 1,924 (0) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 26,897 13,506 32,973 32,973 32973 32,973 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 45,683 23,191 44,179 44,179 44179 44,179 (0) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 78,424 3$153 80,416 80,416 80416 80,416 0 500.000000,000,000,518,80,520D45,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 517 262 633 633 633 633 0 500.000000.000.000.518.80.531010.0000.00, OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,050 3,962 81000 80000 8000 8000 500.000000.000.000.518.80.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - 1,049 21000 20000 2,000 2,000 500.000000.000.000.518.80.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 300 120168 500.000000.000.000.51&80.535099.0000.00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 145,000 64,449 1600000 160,000 160,000 160,000 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 44,280 220140 39,268 3%268 390268 3%268 (0) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.542010.0000.00. PHONES 8%781 45,472 90,000 90,000 90,000 900000 500.000000.000.000.518.80.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL 3,500 - 31500 3,500 3 500 3,500 500.000000.000.000.518.80.545010.0000.00. LEASES - - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.546010.0000.00. RISK POOL/CYBER INS 14,385 - 14,385 14,385 14,385 14,385 500.000000.000.000.518.80.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 938 938 938 938 938 938 500.000000.000.000.518.80.548010.0000.00. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - 3,520 500.000000.000.000.518.80.549020.0000.00, REGISTRATIONS/MEMBERSHIP 71500 %738 17,500 17,500 17,500 17500 500.000000.000.000.518.80.549998.0000.00, REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - 500.000000.000.000.518.80.551010.0000.00. STATEAUDITOR CHGS - - 500.000000.000.000.591.18.578010.0000.00. WA STVOIP PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 47,994 47,994 500.000000.000.000.592.18.541010.0000.00, VOIP PHONE -INTEREST PAYMENT - - 500.000000.000.000.592.18.581010.0000.00. WASTVOIP INTEREST PAYMENT 1,200 1,200 500.000000.000.000.594.18.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1000000 - 100,000 1000000 100000 1000000 500.000000.000.000.594.48.564010.0000.00, CAP. EQUIP - COMPUTERS - - 500.000000.000.000.594.48.564020.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - - 1,044,178 466,115 1:142,820 1,142,820 1,142,820 1,142,819 1 Information Technology 1,044,178 466,115 1, 112,820 11142,820 101420820 1,142,819 1 502.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - - 502.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 283 - 256 256 256 256 0 502.000000.000.000.517.78.520060.0000.00. U N EMPLOYMENT PAYMENTS TO DES 227,489 45,502 232,608 232,608 232,608 232,608 502.000000.000.000.517.78.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 2,233 11117 1,556 1,556 1,556 1556 0 23 6 4 234,420 300 342 234,420 0 Unem to ment Fund 005 46619 2340 234420 234420 234420 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Emergency Management Fund Number XXX. XXX. XXX. 001 . 050 . 000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) Unapproved Staff Position Emergency Management Training & Exercise staff member Project Description (30 Words ) Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 49,943600 Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 76, 692 , 00 Net Impact $ (26, 749 , 00) Narrative In 2017, the County defunded the position of Training and Exercise Coordinator for Emergency Management due to budget issues . If we utilize the FY21- EMPG grant funding ($ 35, 738) and FY21 EMPG — ARPA grant ($ 14, 205 ) to provide partial position funding, we could gain this position back . The grant match ( 50%) comes from the DEM current staff salaries . This position would help with County departments COOP development and countywide COG planning and exercising . In addition, they could assist in planning, organizing, coordinating and exercising the emergency management programs for Mason County and perform a variety of support activities . The request is to fund the remaining $ 26, 749 from general funds adding it to the 2022 DEM budget. The yearly EMPG funds can be used to help sustain the position along with the increase in DEM budget. Additional grant funding will be researched to aid in thie funding efforts . Detail Accounts : for Department 00100506000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount Training & Exercise Staff 525 . 10 . 510030 . 0000 . 00, Postion Increase 76, 692 . 00 333 . 97 . 304201 . 0000 . 00 FY21- EMPG Increase 35, 738 . 00 333 . 976302701 , 0000000 FY21-ARPA Grant Increase 14, 205 . 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page Iof1 Department : DEM Bargaining Unit : AFSCME Position Title : DEM Training Coordinator 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Impact Impact Monthly Salary - Step 1 in 2022 , Step 2 in 2023 , & arbitrary 2 % increase estimate $ 48 , 307 $ 511760 Total Salaries & Wages : $ 48, 307 $ 51, 760 FICA $ 31696 $ 31960 PERS $ 61280 $ 61729 WA Paid FMLA $ 71 $ 76 Industrial Insurance ( rate/ hr ) $ 270 $ 270 Medical ( Monthly ) $ 16, 968 $ 16 , 968 Unemployment ( Annual ) $ 200 $ 200 Estimated Info Tech . Charge : $ 900 $ 900 Total Benefits : $ 28 , 385 $ 291103 Total Salary & Benefits Budget Impacts : $ 76, 692 $ 80, 863 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Support Service Fund Number XXX. XXX. XXX . 001-090 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) New FTE - Public Records Coodinator Project Description (30 Words ) Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc. ) 3 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 83, 640 . 00 Net Impact $ ( 831640 .00) Narrative This new position will serve as the County's Public Records Coordinator and is a liaison and advisor for all county offices/department Public Records Officers ( PRO ), to be certain the County is in compliance with the Public Records Act, various retention schedules and the Open Government Trainings Act. Public record requests are a big liability for the county and having a centralized staff person to assist and coordinate with all county offices with compliance will address this exposure . This person will also be responsible for record retention compliance which will reduce the County's exposure and could alleviate storage space concerns . Detail Accounts : for Department 001-090 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001-000000-090-000-513- 10-510050-0000 Public Records Coordinat 83640 83, 640 . 00 8/4/2021 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Department : Support Sevices Bargaining Unit : Non - Union Position Title : Records Specialist 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Impact Impact Monthly Salary - Range 21 , Step 0 in 2022 , Step 1 in 2023 $ 53 , 628 $ 56, 307 Total Salaries & Wages : $ 53 , 628 $ 561307 FICA $ 41103 $ 41307 PERS $ 61972 $ 71320 WA Paid FMLA $ 79 $ 83 Industrial Insurance ( rate/ hr) $ 411 $ 411 Medical ( Monthly ) $ 18, 447 $ 18, 447 Unemployment ( Annual ) $ 200 Estimated Info Tech . Charge : Total Benefits : $ 30, 011 $ 30 , 768 Total Salary & Benefits Budget Impacts : $ 83 , 640 $ 87 , 075 001 , 000000 . 090 . 000 . 513 . 10 . 510050 . 0000 . 00 . Co MASON COUNTY 0oN , ' DIVISION OF SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE , BUILDING 1 OV SHELTON , WASHINGTON 98584 1854 Phone (360) 427- 7535 Fax (360) 427- 7756 Mason County Division of Emergency Management ( DEM ) provides emergency management services to unincorporated Mason County and the City of Shelton . Emergency management is a vital process of organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all aspects of emergencies , including mitigation , preparedness , response , and recovery . This process involves the plans , processes , structures , systems and arrangements established to engage the endeavors of government , volunteer , and private agencies to respond to the entire spectrum of emergency management needs in a comprehensive and coordinated manner . Put simply , emergency management is a system . It is a process designed to bring stability to a crisis and manage the impact on a community . The Emergency Management staff is the focal point for emergency management within the county . However , emergency management responsibilities extend beyond this office , to all county/city government departments/agencies , non - governmental , private , and ultimately , to each individual citizen . At this time , there is very little redundancy in the Emergency Management Department and during a disaster or emergency is not the time to try and train a new staff person . MISSION Mason County Emergency Management mission is to protect lives , property , and the environment and in cooperation with other elements of the community , to endeavor to mitigate , prepare for , respond to and recover from natural and technological emergencies and disasters . GOALS To carry out this mission , Emergency Management' s goal is to develop citizen and government awareness and self-sufficiency , have procedures in place to respond and recover in the event of an emergency or disaster , and create an atmosphere of interagency cooperation in emergency and disaster operations . The engagement of the entire community ( public and private ) is critical in preparing for , protecting against , responding to , recovering from and mitigating against all hazards . This approach involves participation and collaboration from across the community in the development of plans . This approach stems from the fact that governmental agencies and communities that are engaged in preparedness and planning prior to the event have a much better chance of recovering quickly and wholly from a disaster . EMERGENCY PLANNING Emergency Management staff are trained to have expertise in continuity planning for natural and man - made disasters . The only way that continuity planning can be June 14 , 2021 Page 1 successful is by cooperation and exercising planning . Emergency Management staff is unable to know what all County departments need to provide and perform vital services to the citizen and other agencies during a disaster . Emergency Management plays the role of " Devil ' s Advocate " in the continuity planning process , asking the "What if? " questions and the "Walk me through the process " to make sure all identified vital services are provided in an emergency plan call a Continuity of Operations Plan ( COOP ) . Once the COOP plan has been drafted then the process moves to the exercising or testing phase . To start this phase the staff will need to be trained on the plan itself . The second part is to table top exercise the plan to see if all the desired goals are met . The third phase is to conduct a functional testing of that plan . During anytime during these phases feedback from staff will determine if your plan accomplishes your goals / essential functions or does some modification need to be made on the COOP plan . Once all departments have their COOP completed , exercised and adopted , including a succession plan , Emergency Management works with County officials to create an overall plan called a Continuity of Government ( COG ) Plan , which outlines the responsibilities and goals to recover from the disaster . AREA COMMAND In early February 2020 the COVID - 19 pandemic struck and Emergency Management was tasked with organizing a countywide response after the Mason County Health Department recognized the magnitude of the pandemic . Emergency Management organized the Area Command structure to include our mission , goals and staffing of emergency service functions needed to respond to this pandemic . The Emergency Management staffing of 1 full -time person and a 1 /3 full -time person it became obvious the immense task of response to COVID we needed to have additional help . The County was able to use FEMA funding to hire a temporary full -time staff member . Without the assistance of an additional staff member Emergency Management would not have been able to provide obligated services to the County Government , private employers / employees and residents of Mason County . The additional Emergency Management temporary staff has been in place since March 2020 and has taken on several COVID - 19 tasks that allowed for some flexibility to work on other State and Federal Emergency Management mandates and reporting . The temporary staff member has been limited to COVID - 19 related work according to the funding source ( FEMA COVID Grant D20 -250 ) but there is a need to have them remain employed after December 31 , 2021 to assist our division as a full -time staff member . REQUEST In 2017 , the County defunded the position of Training and Exercise Coordinator for Emergency Management due to budget issues . If we utilize the FY21 - EMPG grant funding ( $ 35 , 738 ) and FY21 EMPG — ARPA grant ( $ 14 , 205 ) to provide partial position funding , with the match being DEM current staff salaries . This position could help with County departments COOP development and countywide COG planning and exercising . In addition , they could assist in planning , organizing , coordinating and exercising the emergency management programs for Mason County and perform a variety of support activities . June 14 , 2021 Page 2 In 2022 there is a good possibility of opening a North Mason County Annex building in the old North Mason Regional Fire Authority building in Belfair . In that annex building , Emergency Management would like to have an office with daily representation serving the north Mason communities . This office would serve Belfair , Tahuya , Allyn , Grapeview , Dewatto , North Union , Victor , Stretch Island , Reach Island , Fair Harbor , Walters Landing and Stadium . This office would also be a contact point for the emergency services for the area and become an Emergency Operations Center ( EOC ) for north Mason events . A north Mason County DEM staff member with knowledge of the hazards facing these communities and an understanding of what resources are available , can now focus on developing an emergency operations plan ( EOP ) for those communities . This office would assist the communities by providing local trainings for emergency preparedness planning ( CERT , Map Your Neighborhood , Firewise ) to become disaster- resilient communities . The office will provide assortment of literature on other types of disaster preparedness , mitigation actions in solving disaster challenges and preparatory measures to build disaster- resistant communities . The office can provide ICS training for local first responder , assist local business creating emergency planning and continuity of operations planning ( COOP ) , identify local resources for disaster response , organize local DEM volunteers , and provide the community with a centralized location for emergency information . This office will develop mutual aid agreements with local partners from the north Mason County communities . I am requesting that in the 2022 and beyond Emergency Management budget be increased by one FTE , bringing up the total staffing count to 2 and1 /3 FTE . The funding of the position can be accomplished by using the EMPG grants funding ( approximately $ 49 , 905 for FY21 ) and additional general funds ( approximately $ 26 , 787 ) to reinstate the DEM position removed in 2017 . Again , there is very little redundancy in the Emergency Management Department and during a disaster or emergency is not the time to try find and train a new person to assist with the disaster or emergency . June 14 , 2021 Page 3 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 1 of 3 Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACfUALS 2022BUDGET 2022BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I. - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - FUR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001,000000.125.000.341.81.300020.0000.00. TECHNOLOGY SURCHARGE 20,000 21,239 35,000 350000 35,000 35,000 - 001.000000.125.000.345.83.300000.0000.00. PLAN CHECKING SERVICES %000 2,701 4,000 40000 lit= 4000 001.000000.125.140.321.30.300030.0000.00, FIREWORKS 1,500 700 1,500 10500 11500 1,500 001.000000.125.140321.70.300000.0000.00. AMUSEMENTS - - - 001,000000.125.140.322.10300000.0000.00. BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND EQUI 10000,000 707,567 101000000 111001000 1,1000000 1,10%000 001.000000.125.140.322.10.300003.0000.00. FIRE PROTECTION PERMITS 1%000 31471 7,500 70500 7500 7,500 001.000000.125.140.322.90.312000.0000.00, OTHER NON BUSINESS/BURN PERMIT 1%000 101325 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 001.000000.125.140.341.69.300000.0000.00, OTHER WORD PROCESSING, PRINTIN - - - - ft - 001.000000.125.140.341.81.300000.0000.00. OTHER WORD PROCESSING & PRINTN 500 1,918 500 Soo 500 Soo 001.000000.125.140.34L94.300000.0000.00, PURCHASING SERVICES 2,500 2,200 3,000 31000 3,000 30000 001.000000.125.140.342.40.300000.0000.00, PROTECTIVE INSPECTION FEES 35,000 24,800 400000 40,000 40,000 40,000 - 001.000000.125.140.342.40.300002.0000.00. FIRE APPARATUS ROAD SITE INSPE 2,000 80 10500 10500 1,500 1,500 001.000000.125.140.345.83.300000.0000.00, PLAN CHECKING 450,000 425,047 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 001.000000.125.140.345.83.300030.0000.00, PLAN CHECK FEES - FIRE MARSHAL 20,000 36,680 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 001.000000.125.140.345.89.301003.0000.00, ADDRESSING FEES 250000 36,900 25,000 25,000 2%000 25000 001.000000.125.140.359.90.303000.0000.00, PENALTIES ON NON-BUS LICENSES 4,000 - 1,000 1,000 10000 1000 001,000000.125.140.369.80.300000.0000.00. CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER - - - - OOL000000.125.140.369.91.300000.0000.00. OTHER MISC REVENUE - 22 - - 001.000000.125.145.322.30.300003.0000.00. FLOOD DAMAGE PERMIT - 2,400 3,000 3,000 3,000 30000 001,000000. 125.145.334.03.310057.0000.00. SHORELINE MASTER GRANT - 50273 - - OOL000000. 125.145,341,81,300000,0000,00, OTHER WORD PROCESSING & PRINT 100 - - - 001,000000.125.145.345.83.301000.0000.00. SEPA 50,000 32,130 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 001.000000.125.145.345.83.302000.0000.00. LAND SEGREGATIONS 40,000 23,430 45,000 45,000 45,000 45 000 001.000000.125.145.345.83.303000.0000.00, BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW 160,000 123,136 200t000 200,000 20%000 200,000 001.000000.125.145.345.83.304000.0000.00. CRITICAL AREA REVIEW 85,000 67,140 95,000 951000 95,000 95,000 OOL000000.125.145.345.83.305000.0000.00, DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 35,000 2%726 450000 45,000 45,000 45,000 001.000000.125.145.345.83.306000.0000.00. FPA MORATORIUM %000 1%240 9,000 90000 9,000 90000 001,000000.125.145.345.83.307000.0000.00. SHORELINE REVIEW 3%000 12,894 30,000 30,000 30,000 300000 OOL000000.125.145.345.83.309000.0000.00, PLAN CHECK/STORM WATER REVIEW 50000 4,800 50000 5,000 50000 50000 001.000000.125.145.345.89.301000.0000.00, INFORMATION SERVICES 15,000 12,400 15,000 15,000 15,000 15000 001.000000.125.145.359.90.300000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS FINES & PENALTIE - - - - OOL000000.125.145.359.90.301000.0000.00. CODE ENFORECEMENT - - - - OOL000000.125.145.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - - - 001.000000.125.146.334.03.310057.0000.00. SHORELINE MASTER-PERIODIC RVW 42,000 11,398 - - 001.000000.125.146.334.03.310060.0000.00. WATER STREAMFLOW RESTORATION 95,000 12,671 - - - 001.000000.125.150.353.70.300000.0000.00. NON-TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTI 23,000 11,990 23,000 23,000 23,000 23000 001000000.125.150.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISC REVENUE ft - Community Development 1 2,177,600 1,633,277 2,384,000 2,384,000 - 2,384,000 2,384000 - OOL000000.126.000.341.36.300010.0000.00. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION 16,000 13,740 24,000 24,000 24000 24000 001.000000.126.000.397.00.300116.0000.00, TRANSFER IN: HIST PRESERVATION 60,000 48,147 Historical Preservation 1 76,000 61,887 24,000 24,000 - 24,000 24,000 117.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 280,473 - 460o000 460,000 460,000 4600000 117.000000.000.000.313.27.300000.0000.00. RETAILSALES & USETAXHOUSING 100,000 41,877 - - 140,000 140,000 140,000 - Estimate is $140k per CB 9/29/21 117.000000.000.000.341.26300010.0000.00, HOUSING FILINGS 85,000 77,538 130,000 130,000 130000 130,000 117.000000.000.000.397.00.300055.0000.00, TRANS IN: FACILITIES - - - - 117.000000.000.000.397.00.300190.0000.00. TRANSFER IN-VETERANS - - - 117.000000.000.100.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 100 - 100 100 : 100 100 117.000000.000.100.346.50.304000.0000.00. DOMESTIC RELATIONS & COURTSVC 800 416 800 EDO Soo 800 117.000000.000.100.351.90.302000.0000.00, CRIMINAL FINES 800 502 800 800 800 800 117.000000.000.200.308.10.300000.0000_00. . BEG FUND RESERVED _ 415,000 - _ 415000 _ 415,000 415000 415000 (0) 117.000000.000,200,333,14,314231.0000,00. ESG-CV GRANT - 389,515 508,000 508,000 508,000 5080000 117.000000.000.200.333.2L301902.0000.00, COVID-19 EMERG HOUSING GRANT - 332,916 - - 117.000000.000.200.334.03.310019.0000.00. COVID49 EMERG HOUSING GRAM - - - 117.000000.000.200.334.04.320017.0000.00. CHG - DEPT OF COMMERCE GRANT 190,000 115,184 240,000 240,000 240,000 240o000 117.000000.000.200.334.04.320018.0000.00, HEN - DEPT OF COMMERCE GRANT 699,000 484,112 80%000 800,000 800000 8000000 117.000000.000.200.334.04.320021.0000.00, COVID EMERGENCY HOUSING - 34,287 - - 117.000000.000.200.334.04.320111.0000.00. SPG-CV GRANT - - 103,328 103,328 103,328 103,328 117.000000.000.200.334.04.326010.0000.00, CTED HGAP-MASON CO SHELTER - - - - 117.000000.000.200.341.27.300000.0000,00. RECORDING SURCHARGE - HOMELESS 600,000 492,507 85%000 85%000 8500000 850,000 117.000000.000.200.369.90.300000.0000.00, OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 2 of 3 Revenue 117.000000.000.200.389.00.302000.0000.00. OTHER NON-REVENUE - - - 2,371,173 1,9681853 3,508,028 3,508,028 140,000 3,648028 3,648,028 (0) Community Support Services 2,371,173 1,968,853 3,508,028 3,508,028 140,000 30648o028 3,648,028 (0) 118.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 278,564 - 232,258 232,258 . 232,258 232,258 0 118.000000.000.000.322.80.300000.0000.00, PENALTIES OF NON-BUSINESS LICE - - - - 118.000000.000.000.359.00.303000.0000.00. NON COURT FINES & PENALTIES - - - - 118.000000.000.000.36110.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 7,920 159 7,920 7,920 7,920 7,920 118.000000.000.000.36111.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - - ' 286,484 159 240,178 240,178 - 2400178 240,178 0 Abatement 286,484 159 240,178 240,178 - 240,178 240,178 0 150.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 416,103 - 416,103 416,103 416,103 416,103 (0) 150.000000.000.000.397.00.300001.0000.00. TRANSFER IN-CURRENT EXPENSE - - 376,255 376,255 3760255 376,255 150.000000.000.000.397.00.300501.0000.00, TRANSFER IN-ER&R 37,388 370388 1 453,491 37,388 i 7920358 792,358 - 7920358 416,103 376,255 150.000000.100.000.333.14.314231.0000.00, ESG•CV GRANT - 110010 20,000 2%000 20,000 20,000 150.000000.100.000.333.21.301902.0000.00, ERAP CARES ACT GRANT - 50500 - - 150.000000. 100.000.333.21.301904.0000.00. LFIJ COVID OFM GRANT - 11010,801 - - - 1S0.000000.100.000.333.21.301908.0000.00. COVID OUTREACH - 15,413 - - - 150.000000.100.000.333.93.306000.0000.00. PHERPR LHJ•DEPT OF HEALTH 48,000 - 48,000 4%000 48,000 4%000 150.000000.100.000.333.93.332010.0000.00, COVID CARES - 40,389 400,000 400,000 400 000 400,000 150.000000.100.000.333.93.335010.0000.00, COVID CRISIS RESPONSE - - - - 150.000000.100.000.334.03.310019.0000.00. COVID-19 EMER HOUSING GRANT - - - - 150.000000.100.000.334.04.320017.0000.00. CHG ADMIN GRANT•DEPT OF COMM 220000 19,083 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150.000000.100.000.334.04.320021.0000.00, COVID EMERGENCY HOUSING - - - - 150.000000.100.000.334.04.390020.0000.00. YOUTH MARUUANA PREV/EOUC 7,000 80937 - - - - 150.000000.100.000.334.04.392010.0000.00. COVID-STATE RESPONSE - - - 150.000000.100.000.336.04.323000.0000.00. I.695 REPLACEMENT/PUB HEALTH - - - - - 150.000000.100.000.336.04.324000.0000.00. COUNTY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 227,448 113,724 2271448 227,448 227,448 227448 150.000000.100.000.336.04.325000.0000.00, REV/FOUNDATIONAL PUBLIC FILTH 120,000 101,446 120,000 120,000 1200000 120000 150.000000.100.000.337.00.300000.0000.00, LOCAL GRANTS,OTHER PAYMENTS - - - - - 150.000000.100.000.341.43.300000.0000.00. HOMELESS PREVENTION SERVICES 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 15,000 15 000 150.000000.100.000.346.20.370000.0000.00, OTHER PH FEES-INCLVITALSTATS 28,000 180065 3%000 30,000 301000 30,000 150.000000.100.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS - - - - - 150.000000. 100.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 75 - - 150.000000. 100.000.397.00.300164.0000.00. TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH FUND 80,000 100,000 100,000� 1000000 10%000 547,448 1,344,442 990,448 990,448 990448 990,448 150.000000.200.000.331.16.383800.0000.00. OPIOID PREVENTION 700000 28,286 - - 150.000000.200.000.333.37.388010.0000.00. STATE OPIOID REPONSE GRANT 20,000 - - - 150.000000.200.000.333.90.369000.0000.00. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - - - - 150.000000.200.000.333.93.313010.0000.00. PRESCRIPTION DRUG OVERDOSE 50,000 2.2,860 40,000 40,000 40000 40,000 150.000000.200.000.333.93.326000.0000.00. IMMUNIZATION CONCON 2,000 13,185 10000 1,000 1000 1,000 150.000000.200.000.333.93.355010.0000.00, PROMOTING SAFE & STABLE FAMILY - - - 150.000000.200.000.333.93.375800.0000.00. TOBACCO/VAPOR PREVENTION 7,000 6,780 7,000 7,000 7,000 7000 150.000000.200.000.333.93.377000.0000.00, PASSPORT PROGRM/MEDICAID MATCH 6%000 1%039 600000 600000 60,000 60,000 150.000000.200.000.333.93.377030.0000.00, ABCD LOCAL ACTIVITIES 19,100 19,100 190100 1%100 19100 150.000000.200.000.333.93.387000.0000.00, FED ACA-THRIVE w - - - 150.000000.200.000.333.93.395920.0000.00. LEAD PILOT 400,000 282,797 1501000 1500000 150,000 1500000 150.000000.200.000.333.93.399000.0000.00, MCHBG 67,694 32,114 67,694 67,694 67,694 670694 150,000000.200.000.334.04.361963.0000.00. DCYF HOME SERVICES 3,045 - - - 150.000000.200.000.334.04.363020.0000.00. DEDICATED MARIJUANA 315 - - - - 150.000000.200.000.334.04.390020.0000.00. YOUTH MARIJUANA PREV/EDUC GRNT 20,000 - 21,218 21,218 21218 21218 150.000000.200.000.334.04.390920.0000.00, LEAD PILOT PROG-STATE PORTION - 42,679 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 150.000000.200.000.334.04.391020.0000.00, LEAD POISONING PREVENTION 1,500 - - - 150.000000.200.000.334.06.390020.0000.00. STATEACA - THRIVE - - - - 150.000000.200.000.334.06.392293.0000.00. CPAA•SAMO GRANT 100,000 36,472 60,000 %000 60,D00 600000 150.000000.200.000.341.81.300000.0000.00. COPIES,PRINTING,DUPLICATE - - - - 150.000000.200.000946.20.300000.0000.00. PUBLIC HEALTH CLINIC FEES/CHAR - - - - 150.000000.200.000.346.20.300010.0000.00. REV/E4APE CFHO14APE - - - - - 150.000000.200.000.369.91300000.0000.00. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 5 - 817,294 487,263 464,012 464,012 464012 464,012 150.000000.300.000.32120.353000.0000.00. SOLID WASTE 70000 6,385 7,000 7,000 70000 7,000 150.000000.300.000.321.20.354000.0000.00, LIQUID WASTE 45,000 41,515 %000 60,000 60,000 60,000 150.000000.300.000.321.20.356000.0000.00, FOOD PERMITS 100,000 89,872 10%000 100,000 100,000 1000000 150.000000.300.000.321.20.357000.0000.00, FOOD HANDLER CARDS 20,000 7,784 2%000 2%000 20,000 200000 150.000000.300.000.321.20.358000.0000.00, LIVING ENVIRONMENT 50000 41885 5,000 51000 51000 5,000 150.000000.300.000.322.10.352010.0000.00, REV-WATER MITIGATION FEE 10500 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 3 of 3 Revenue 150.000000.300.000.322.30.354000.0000.00, RESIDENTIAL SEPTIC SYSTEM FEES 180,000 166,685 232,000 232,000 232,000 2320000 150.000000.300.000.333.66.312030.0000.00. ONSITESEWAGE - - - 150.000000.300.000.333.66.312030.0000.00. NEP PIC - - - 150.000000.300.000.333.66.312040.0000.00. HOOD CANAL PIC 60,000 22,096 60,000 60,000 600000 6%000 150.000000.300.000.333.66.312300.0000.00. PS SSI 1-5 TASK 4 - - - - 150.000000.300.000.333.66.312321.0000.00. SHELLFISH NTA IMPLEMENTATION 70,000 46,506 40,000 404000 40000 4%000 150.000000.300.000.333.93.310300.0000.00, FOOD TRAVEL - FDA GRANT - - - - 150.000000.300.000.334.03.310000.0000.00. COORDINATED PREVENTION 40,000 10,638 50,000 500000 SO 000 S%000 150.000000.300.000.334.03.310050.0000.00, SOLID WASTE EDUCATION-DOE - - - - 150.000000.300.000.334.04.390010.0000.00. DRINKING WATER GROUP B - - - 150.000000.300.000.334.04.393000.0000.00. DOH - CON CON (MULTI GRANTS) 3,500 2,044 3,500 3,500 3500 3,500 150.000000.300.000.334.04.393010.0000.00, WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT GFS 30,000 13,637 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150.000000.300.000.341.8L300000.0000.00. COPIES,DUP FEES,PROCESSING - - - - - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.350000.0000.00. TECHNICALASSISTANCE CHGS SRVC - - - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.352000.0000.00. WATER & WELLS CHARGES SRVCS 118,000 106,388 140,000 140,000 140000 140,000 - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.353000.0000.00. SOLID WASTE CHARGES FOR SRVCS 41000 - - - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.353010.0000.00. HEALTH/SOLID WASTE/TIPPING FEE 40,000 - 40,000 4%000 40,000 40 000 - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.354000.0000.00. MISC LIQUID WASTE REVIEW FEES 180,000 1430474 190,000 190,000 190,000 190000 - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.354010.0000.00. CHARGES FOR GOODS & SERVICES - - - - 150.000000.300.000.346.20.354020.0000.00. OSS DESIGNER LIST FEE 800 625 800 800 800 800 150.000000300.000.346.20.356000.0000.00, FOOD PERMIT FEES 10000 10911 20000 21000 2,000 2,000 150.000000.300.000.346.20.360000.0000.00, SURFACE WATER FEES - - - - 150.000000.300.000.346.26.364000.0000.00. DRINK WATER SANK SURVEY4ED 13,600 100200 13,600 13,600 33,600 330600 - 150.000000.300.000.346.26.365000.0000.00. DRINK WATER SANIT SURVEY-STATE 13,600 10,200 1%600 13,600 13,600 13,600 150.000000.300.000346.26.366000.0000.00. DRINKING WATER GROUP A-TA 20000 - 21000 2,000 20000 2000 150.000000.300.000.353.70.300000.0000.00, NON-TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTI 50000 - - - 150.000000.300.000.369.80.300000.0000.00. CASH ADJUSTMENTS-OVER/UNDER - IS - - - 150.000000.300.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 11 - 938,500 695,370 1,009,500 1,009,500 - 1/009500 1,00%500 - Community Services Health 2,756,733 21564,463I 3,256,318 1256,318 - 3256315 2,880,063 376,255 164.000000.000.000 309.1046000 0.0,000 BEG FUND RESERVED 118,607 _ -.-_ 145,819 145,819 145,819 145 819 - 164.000000.000.000.311.10.300000.0000.00. REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTYTAXES 240,000 128,728 218,124 218,124 210876 240,000 240,000 164.000000.000.000.311.30.300000.0000.00, SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY - - - 164.000000.000.000.317.20.300000.0000.00. LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 600 298 600 600 600 600 164.000000.000.000.317.40.300000.0000.00, FOREST EXCISE TAX 61000 2,919 61000 6,000 6,000 60000 164.000000.000.000.335.02.332000.0000.00, DNR OTHER TRUST %000 0 80000 8,000 8000 80000 164.000000.000.000.336.02331000.0000.00, DNR PILT NAP / NRCA - - - - 164.000000.000.000361.10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS - 820 - - 164.000000.000.000.361.40.300000.0000.00. OTHER EARNINGS/I NT OR DIV - 5 - - 164.000000.000.000.361.40.301000.0000.00. LEASEHOLD EXCISETAX INTEREST - 0 - 164.000000.000.000.362.00.301000.0000.00. RENT & LEASE-DNRTRST OTHR1 - 90 - - 164.000000.000.000.362.00.302000.0000.00. RENT & LEASES DNRTMBRTRST I - 91511 - - 164.000000.000.000.397.00.300190.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM VETERANS - 373,207 142,371 378,543 378,543 21,876 400419 400419 164.000000.100.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 1,086,232 - 1,427,249 1,427,249 1,427249 1,427,249 (0) 164.000000.100.000.313.14.300000.0000.00. TREATMENT SALES TAX 875,000 529,267 1,008,000 10008,000 1,008,000 1,008,000 164.000000.100.000.333.37.388010.0000.00, STATE OPIOID REPONSE GRANT 17,793 290774 - 164.000000.100.000.333.92.343010.0000.00. T&M CHEMICAL DEPEND SERVICES 41,597 1,708 - - 164.000000.100.000.333.93.324010.0000.00. THURSTON & MASON CHEMICAL DEP - - - - 164.000000.100.000.333.93.395010.0000.00. T&M CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY GRANT - - - - 164.000000.100.000.333.99.359010.0000.00. T&M CHEMICAL DEPEND PREVENTION 36,264 28,832 - 164.000000.100.000.334.04.363000.0000.00. SABG-ADMIN 6,307 2,201 - - 164.000000.100.000.334.04.363020.0000.00. DEDICATED MARIJUANA 315 22,483 2,956 - - 164.000000.100.000.369.91300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS REV 2,085,476 594,738 2,435,249 2,4351249 2,435,249 2,435,249 (0) Mental Health Tax 2,458,683 737,109 2,813,792 2,813,792 210876 2,835 668 2,8350668 (0) 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services i of 6 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 201111/1 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEFT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. pLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000.125.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 5%401 25,201 50,526 500526 5%526 50,526 0 001.000000.125.000.524.60.510010.0000.00. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 71,807 35,711 73,602 73,602 73,602 73,602 (0) 001.000000.125.000.524.60.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 21220 1,100 20705 21705 2705 Z705 0 001.000000.125.000,524.60.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 51493 2,679 %631 50631 5631 5631 0 001.000000.125.000.524.60.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 9,313 4,632 7,544 70544 70544 7,544 (0) 001.000000.125.000.524.60.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 1,040 520 11040 10040 1,040 1040 001.000000.125.000.524.60.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 16,368 9,234 16,992 16,992 16,992 16,992 - 001.000000.125.000.524.60.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 105 52 108 108 108 108 0 001.000000.125.000.524.60.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - OOL000OOO.125.000.524.60.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 200 200 200 200 200 200 001.000000.125.000.559.30.510010.0000.00. PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH 68,086 33,646 68,086 68,086 6%086 68086 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.530020.0000.00. CLERICAL 43,355 210472 440072 44,072 44,072 440072 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.510070.0000.00. PERMIT SPECIALIST 55,639 27,444 57,03O 57,030 57,030 570030 (0) 001.000000.125.000.55930.510080.0000.00. CLERICAL 22,403 11,004 22,266 22,266 22,266 22,266 0 001.000000.125.000.559.30.510092.0000.00, PERMITSPECIAUST 650070 31,703 65,748 65,748 65,748 650748 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.510093.0000.00. PERMIT SPECIALIST 46,520 22,992 47,682 47,682 47,682 47682 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.510094.0000.00. PERMITSPECIAUST 46,424 22,992 47,584 47,584 470584 47,584 (0) OOL000000.125.000.559.30.510600.0000,00. EXTRA HELP ON-GOING 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 Approved 04/21 briefing as budget neutral. 001.000000.125.000.55930.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - OOL000000.125.000.559.30.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 11496 789 20673 20673 2,673 2,673 0 OO1,000000.125.000.559.30.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 26,574 13,077 26,964 260964 26964 26,964 0 001.000000.125.000.55930520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 45,054 22,213 36,128 36,128 36128 36,128 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 6,760 3,381 61760 60760 6,760 6,760 OOL000000.125.00OS59.30.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 106,392 350882 130,448 110,448 110448 110,448 001.000000.125.000.559.30.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 510 251 517 517 517 517 (0) 001.000000.125.000.559.30.531010.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES 750 556 750 750 750 750 OO1,000000.125.000.559.30.535098.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000.125.000.559.30.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 132,457 66,229 215,453 215,453 215,453 215,453 0 OOLO00000.125.000,559.30.541020.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 2,049 - - OOL000000.125.000.559.30.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.125.000.559.30.5420920000.00. IT PHONES - - - - 001.000000.125.000.559.30.545060.0000.00. COPIER RENTAL 41500 1,492 4,500 41500 4500 40500 001.000000.125.000.559.30.5459520000.00. IT COMPUTERS - - - - 001.000000.125.000.559.30.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,300 1,300 10300 1,300 1,300 11300 001.000000.125.000.559.30.549050.0000.00, SHREDDING 200 56 200 200 200 200 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510005.0000.00. COMMUNITYSRVCS DIRECTOR 22,364 11,164 22,364 22,364 22,364 22,364 (0) 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510006.0000.00. COMM DEVELOP ADMINISTRATOR - 16,033 320729 32,729 32,729 32,729 0 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510007.0000.00. PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER MNGR 85,320 - - - OOL000000.125.140.558.50.510050.0000.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR 76,068 23,898 62,091 62,091 62 D91 62,091 0 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510060.0000.00, BUILDING INSPECTOR 71,956 310061 65,816 65,816 65,816 65,816 (0) OOL000000.125.140.558.50.510070.0000.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR 87,230 43,299 91,095 910095 91095 910095 0 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510080.0000.00. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 67,883 41,793 84,884 84,884 84,884 84,884 0 001,000000.125.140.558.50.510090.0000.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR 68,829 24,495 62,091 62,091 62,091 62,091 0 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510096.0000.00, BUILDING INSPECTOR 67,883 25,803 63,953 63,953 630953 63,953 (0) 001.000000.125.140.558.50.530097.0000.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR - 2,786 70,783 70,783 70,783 700783 1 001.000000.125.140.558.50.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP 400000 40,000 4%D00 10,000 30,000 Increase extra help Fire Marshal 50,000 15,366 supported b additionalrevenue 001.000000.125.140.558.50.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 100000 30,000 1%000 - 30,000 Necessary to cover staff absences, projects etc supported by additional Z991 revenue 001.000000.125.140.558.50.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 13,900 7,382 19,520 190520 190520 1%520 (0) 001.000000.125.140.558.50.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 42,651 18,103 430284 430284 43,284 43,284 (0) 001.000000.125.140.558.50.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 71,016 280965 56,970 56,970 560970 56,970 (0) 001.000000.125.140.558.50.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 6,240 3,188 7,280 7,280 7,280 7,280 OO1,000000.125.140.558.50.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 120,107 51,912 128,106 128,106 128,106 128,106 0 OO1,000000.125.140.558.50.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 818 350 830 830 830 830 (0) OOL000000.125.140.558.50.531010.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPUES 2,000 1,508 21000 2,000 2000 2,000 001.000000.125.140.558.50531030.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 900 189 900 900 900 900 001.000000.125.140.558.50.531040.0000.00. REFERENCE BOOKS 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 001.000000.125.140.558.50.531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES - - - - 001.000000. 125.140.558.50.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 2,510 20892 5,000 6,000 60000 61000 001.000000.125.140.558.50.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 70000 - 71000 7,000 7,000 7000 001.000000.125.140.558.50.535098.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 1,728 - OOL000000.125.140.558.50.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - OOL000000.125.140.558.50.541010.0000.00. ADVERTISING 1000 318 1000 1000 1000 1000 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 2 of 6 Expenditures 001,000000,125.140.558.50.541020.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 65,000 65,000 65,000 50,000 151000 Necessary for big projects, cover staff absences, Supported by addintional 500000 32,370 revenue 001.000000,125,140.558.50,541041.0000,00. SMARTGOV MAINTENANCE 110000 10,730 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 - 001,000000,125.140.558.50.541501,0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - 001,000000.125.140.558.50.542010,0000,00, PHONES 41500 2,037 4,500 4,500 4rSOO 4,500 001.000000.125,140,558,50,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 2,000 393 21000 20000 20000 20000 001.000000.125,140.558.50.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 519 - 519 519 519 519 001.000000.125.140.558.50.545060.0000.00. COPIER LEASE 5,000 3,152 5,000 50000 50000 50000 001.000000,125,140,558.50.545777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE 12,657 - - 001.000000.125.140.558.50.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - 001.000000.125.140.558.50.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,434 1,434 1,434 1,434 1434 10434 001.000000.125.140,558.50.546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 21880 - 11440 1,440 10440 1,440 001,000000,125.140.558.50.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 314 39 - 001.000000.125.140.558.50.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 600 - 600 600 600 600 001.000000. 125.140.558.50.549010.0000.00, DUES/MEMBERSHIPS 800 1,580 800 800 S00 800 001,000000. 125.140.558.50.549020.0000.00. PRINTING 1,500 471 1,500 1,500 1,500 11500 001.000000. 125.140.558.50.549030.0000.00. REGISTRATION/TUITION 10601 2,648 1,601 1,601 12601 1,601 001.000000.125.140.594.58.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 24,464 61 240464 24,464 24,464 24 464 0 001,000000,125.140,594.58,564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - - 001.000000.125.141.522.30.541030.0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 19,000 21,021 79,000 790000 79,000 79,000 Moved to ML3 - contract 001.000000.125,145.558.60.510005,0000,00, COMMUNITY SRVCS DIRECTOR 22,364 11,164 22,364 220364 22,364 22,364 (0) 001.000000.125.145,558,60.510006,0000,00, COMM DEVELOP ADMINISTRATOR - 16,032 32,729 32,729 32,729 32,729 0 OO1,000000,125,145,558,60,510015,0000,00, PLANNER 66,426 16,416 34,043 340043 34,043 340043 (0) 001.000000.125.145.558.60.510020,0000,00, PLANNER 74,582 36,337 74,582 74,582 74,582 74,582 (0) 001.000000.125.145.558,60.510025.0000,00, PLANNER LEAD 810619 40,316 81,619 81,619 81,619 81619 0 001.000000.125,145.558.60.510030.0000,00, PLANNER 65,609 32,628 67,249 67,249 670249 670249 (0) 001.000000,125,145,558.60.510035.0000.00, PLANNER 650501 27,929 57,563 57,563 570563 57,563 (0) 001,000000,125.145,558.60.510052,0000.00, PLANNING MANAGER 42,660 - - - 001,000000,125.145,558,60.519998.0000,00. REALLOCATETO OPERATING - - - 001,000000,125,145,558.60.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 11,252 5,012 120376 12,376 12376 12376 0 001.000000.125.145,558,60.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 320035 13,505 30,921 30,921 30,921 30,921 (0) OOL000000,125.145,558.60.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 54,313 23,453 41,430 41,430 41,430 41,430 (0) 001.000000,125.145,558,60,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 5,200 2,340 5,200 50200 5,200 5,200 001.000000.125.145.558,60.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 94,354 3%765 94,122 94,122 94,122 94,122 0 OOL000000.125,145.558,60,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 614 265 593 593 593 593 (0) 001.000000.125,145.558,60.531010.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES 11500 919 1,500 10500 1$ 00 10500 001.000000.125.145.558.60,531030,0000,00, OPERATING SUPPLIES 350 - 350 350 350 350 001.000000.125. 145.558.60.531040.0000.00. REFERENCE BOOKS - - - _ - 001.000000.125.145,558.60.531777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - - - - 001.000000.125. 145.558.60.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL _ 11255 864 11500 11500 10500 10500 001.000000.125.145,558.60.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,125.145,558.60.535098,0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000,125,145,558.60.541010.0000,00, ADVERTISING 5,000 2,353 50000 5,000 51000 5,000 001,000000,125.145.558.60.541020,0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 11203 - - 001,000000,125.145,558,60.541041.0000,00. SMARTGOV MAINTENANCE 11,000 10,730 110000 11,000 11,000 11,000 001.000000,125,145,558.60,541091.0000.00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 5,000 5 50000 51000 MOO 5,000 o0L000000,125,145,558,60,541501.0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000.125.145.558.60.542010.0000,00. PHONES 11200 10090 1,200 10200 1200 10200 001.000000.125,145.558,60,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 2,500 590 2,500 20500 2,500 20500 001.000000.125.145,558,60,543010,0000.00, TRAVEL 294 - 294 294 294 294 001.000000.125. 145.558.60.545060.0000.00. COPIER LEASE & COPIES 50000 1,607 5,000 _ 5,000 50000 5,000 001.000000.125.145,558.60.545777,0000,00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - 61215 - 001.000000.125. 145.558.60.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - - 001.000000.125. 145.558.60.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,134 11134 11133 1,133 1,133 11133 001.000000.125.145,558.60.546777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 11440 720 720 720 720 001.000000.125.145.558.60.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT•MONTHLY 157 - - - 001,000000.125,145,558.60,548778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 300 300 300 300 001.000000.125.145.558,60.549010.0000.00, DUES/MEMEBERSHIPS 10100 398 1,100 10100 1,100 1,100 001,000000,125,145.558,60.549020.0000.00. PRINTING 1,000 57 1,000 10000 1000 1000 001,000000.125,145,558,60,549030,0000,00, REGISTRATION/TUITION 11043 522 11043 1,043 1,043 1,043 001.000000.125.145.558.60.549050.0000.00. RECORDING FEES Soo 109 Soo S00 Soo Soo 001.000000.125.145.558.60.549999.0000.00. REALLOCATE FROM SALARIES - - - 001.000000.125. 145.594.58.564777.0000.00, MOTOR POOLCAPITAL LEASE 12,230 - 12,230 12,230 12,230 12,230 (0) 001.000000,125,145,594.58.564778,0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 300 - - - 001.000000.125. 146.558.60.510005.0000.00, COMMUNITY SRVCS DIRECTOR 22,364 11,163 22,364 22,364 22,364 220364 (0) 001.000000,125.146,558.60.510006.0000.00, COMM DEVELOP ADMINISTRATOR - 16,033 331721 33,721 33,721 33,721 0 001.000000,125.146,558.60.510010,0000,00, PLANNING MANAGER 420660 - - - 001.000000.125.146,558.60.510015,0000.00, PLANNER - 16,416 34,043 34,043 34,043 34,043 (0) 001.000000.125,146.555,60,510040,0000,00, CLERICAL 22,403 11,004 220266 22,266 22,266 220266 0 001,000000.125,146,558,60,510045,0000,00, CLERICAL - - 58,758 580758 58,758 58,758 0 001.000000.125,146,558,60,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 269 671 41471 4,471 4,471 4,471 (0) 001.000000.125,146.558,60,520020.0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 6688 4172 10489 10489 10489 10489 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 3 of 6 Expenditures 001.000000.125.146.558.60.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 11,339 7,084 14,054 14,054 140054 14,054 (0) 001.000000.125.146.558.60.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 520 520 10560 11560 1560 10560 001.000000.125.146.558.60.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 20,698 91982 34,834 34,834 34,834 34834 (0) 001.000000.125.146.558.60.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 128 80 201 201 201 201 (0) OOL000000.125.146.558.60.531030.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES 600 354 600 600 600 600 OO1,000000.125.146.558.60.531030.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPPUES So0 - S00 Soo Soo Soo OO1,000000. 125.146.558.60.535098.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 001,000000.125.146.558.60.541020.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51000 606 51000 5,000 51000 5,000 001.000000.125.146.558.60.541021,0000.00. BELFAIR UGA EIS - - - - - Removed $look from mnt-s/b 100,000 104,873 complete in 2021 001.000000.125.146.558.60.54150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - 001.000000.125.146.558.60.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 21316 - 2,316 2,316 2,316 2,316 001.000000.125.146.558.60.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 234 234 233 233 233 233 001.000000.125.146.558.60.549050.0000.00. RECORDING FEES 106 - 106 106 106 106 001.000000.125.150.524.60.541010.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,924 7,244 11,924 11,924 11924 11,924 - Community Development 1 2,700,009 1,324,066 2,884,664 2,884,664 - 2,884,664 2,804,666 79,998 001.000000.126.000.559.30.541010.0000.00. HERITAGE GRANTS 51000 Soo 10,000 100000 10,000 10,000 - Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 OOLOOOOOO.126.000.559.30.541020.0000.00. ADVERTISING 100 - 200 200 200 200 Per HPC Board Moved to MI3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.54109L0000.00. DCD - INTERFUND SERVICES 7,000 - - - - - Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.541512.0000.00. CITY OF SHELTON 3,oO0 21010 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 50 - 50 50 50 50 Per HPC Board Moved to M13 OOLO00000.126.000.559.30.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 100 - 300 300 300 300 Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.549010.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS Soo - 8,250 81250 8,250 80250 Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.549020.O000.00. PRINTING 100 - 200 200 200 200 Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 001.000000.126.000.559.30.549030.0000.00. REGISTRATION 150 300 11000 1,000 10000 10000 Per HPC Board Moved to Ml3 Historical Preservation 16,000 _ _ 21810 24,000 24,000 - 24,000 24,000 - Per HPC Board Moved to ML3 117.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00, END FUND RESERVED 260,582 - 385,709 3850709 140,040 525,749 629,633 (103,884) 117.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 2,633 - 2,638 21638 2,638 2638 0 117.000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 21258 11129 11653 11653 10653 1,653 (0) 117.000000.000.000.565.40.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - 117.000000.000.000.565,40.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 117.000000.000.000.565.40.541009.0000.00. MASON CO SHELTER CONTR#8 - - - - 117.000000.000.000.565.40.541018.0000.00. COMM LIFELINE SHELTER OPS - - - - 117.000000.000.000.565.40.546030.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE - - - 117.000000.000.100.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 100 - 100 100 100 100 117.000000.000.100.565.50.541000.0000.00, PROTECTION SERVICES 11600 - 10600 1,600 1,600 1,600 117.000000.000.200.508.10.50000O.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED _ 322,930 - _ ._. _ _ _ 680,344 680,344_ 680,344 680t344 - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.510010.0000.00. HOMELESS COORDINATOR 75,877 75,877 75,877 %702 15,175 1 55,162 290022 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.510020.0000.00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 82,490 82,490 82,490 82,490 2 Add one FTE to Housing 117.000000.000.200.565.40.519999.0000.00. REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 411 411 411 329 82 1 194 97 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 5,805 5,805 5,805 4,644 1,161 1 41220 2,220 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 7,777 7,777 7,777 6,222 1,555 1 7,154 3,768 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 16,992 16,992 1%992 13,594 31398 1 14,513 61620 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 111 111 111 89 22 1 81 43 .2 of this FTE moved from Fund 150 117.000000.000.200.565.40.531010.0000.00. SUPPLIES 3,000 - 30000 3,000 3,000 3000 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 579,488 1,307,020 922,956 922,956 9229% 922956 ESG & SPB-CV coered by revenue 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541006.0000.00. COMM LIFELINE - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541011.0000.00. COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541012.0000.00. TURNING POINTESURVIVOR ADVOC - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.543013.0000.00. CROSSROADS HOUSING - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541016.0000.00. NORTH MASON COUNTY RESOURCES - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 40,108 20,054 64,165 64,165 64,165 64,165 (0) 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541020.0000.00. CROSSROADS TRANSITIONALSHLTR - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541029.0000.00. CHG PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 190,000 33,163 240,000 240,000 240 000 240,000 CHG Grant Expense 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541030.0000.00. HEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 670t8OO 467,937 8000000 800,000 8000000 800,000 HEN portion Grant Expense 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541041.0000.00. HOST #1 - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541050.0000.00. HOUSING AUTHORITY - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541051.0000.00. HEART FORTHE HOMELESS - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541055.0000.00. TURNING POINT - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541076.0000.00. EMERGENCY SHELTER RENT - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541077.0000.00. EMERGENCY SHELTER RENT - 100 - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 1,000 - 1,000 11000 1,000 1,000 117.000000.000.200.565.40.546010.0000.00, RISK POOL INSURANCE - - - - 117.000000.000.200.565.40.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 200 200 (40) 160 160 - Based on 2021's adopted budget 160 160 FTEs 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 4 of 6 Expenditures 117.000000.000.200.565.40.549010.0000.00, REGISTRATIONS 200 - 200 200 200 200 117.000000.000.200.565.40.549014.0000.00, MASON CO HEALTH ADMINISTRATN 15,000 - 150000 151000 150000 15,000 117.000000.000.200.565.40.549998.0000.00. REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - 2,371,173 1,871,333 3,508,028 3,501128 140,000 31648,028 3 648,028 (0) Community Support Services _ 21371,173 1,871,333_ 3,508,028 . _ 3,508,028 14Q000 3,6480028 %648,028 (0) 118.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 232,148 1850842 1850942 45 1&5,887 1850887 118.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 336 - 336 336 (17) 319 319 0 118.000000.000.000.559.30.541010.0000.00. ADVERTISING 350 - 350 350 350 350 118.000000.000.000.559.30.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 11150 575 1,150 1,150 (28) 1,122 1122 (0) 118.000000.000.000.559.30.548020.0000.00. REPAIRS 50,000 - 50,000 500000 50000 50,000 - 118.000000.000.000.559.30.549050.0000.00. FILINGS & RECORDINGS 21500 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 286,484 575 240,178 240,178 240178 240,178 0 Abatement 286,484 575 240,178 _ 240_,178 240178 240178 0 __ . - 1500D0000.000.000,00.506.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - � '. 220933 22,933 (374,718) 397,651 Put in negative EFB to show that fund does not balance. Need to fix this prior to budget adoption 150.000000. END FUND BAL RESTRICTED _ . _ _ _ - - - - 22,933 22933 (374,718) 397,651 150.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 2,688 - 31067 3,067 3,067 3,067 0 150.000000.100.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 540814 27,407 4%305 490305 49,305 49 05 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510010.0000.00. COMMUNITY SRVCS DIRECTOR 67,092 350166 67,092 67,092 670092 67092 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510015.0000.00. FINANCE MANAGER 77,397 390342 77,398 77,398 770398 770398 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.530020.0000.00. SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 580451 29,255 6%784 600784 60,784 600784 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510021.0000.00. ACCOUNTING TECH - - 50,039 5%039 500039 500039 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510050.0000.00. CLERICAL 50,836 25,350 52,107 52,107 52107 52,107 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.30.510090.0000.00. CLERICAL 48,951 24,294 4%864 49,864 49864 490864 0 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510100.0000.00. CLERICAL 13,552 - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510124.0000.00. PROGRAM COORDINATOR 13,790 7,255 - - 15,175 (150175) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 117 150.000000.100.000.562.10.510146.0000.00, CLERICAL 49,292 23,000 52,107 52,107 520107 520107 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,312 860 2,673 21673 2,673 20755 (82) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 117 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 27,985 15,087 31,319 31,319 31,319 32479 (11160) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 118 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 47,446 23,822 41,963 41,963 41,963 43,518 (1,555) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 119 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 4,160 2,043 5,200 5,200 51200 5 200 - 150.000000.100.000.56110.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 97,257 42,997 109,510 109510 10%510 112,909 (30399) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 121 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 537 289 601 601 601 623 (22) 1 .2 of this FTE moved to Fund 122 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520050.0000.00, UNIFORMS 400 218 Soo 500 Soo Soo 150.000000.100.000.562.10.531010.0000.00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000 11597 3,000 3,000 3,000 3000 - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.531020.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,500 11,575 2,500 2,500 2,500 20500 150.000000.100.000.562.30.535010.0000.00. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 387 2,000 20000 2000 2000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 740000 54,472 74,000 740000 74,000 74,000 150.000000,100.000.562. 10.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 34,876 17,438 41,138 410138 410138 41,138 (0) 150.000000.100.000.562.10.541020.0000.00. ADVERTISING Soo 14,200 Soo Soo Soo Soo 150.000000.100.000.562.10.541SOL0000.00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.542010.0000.00. PHONES 10100 640 1,100 11100 10100 10100 150.000000.100.000.562.10.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 300 301 300 300 300 300 150.000000.100.000.562.10.542092.0000.00, IT PHONES - - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 41000 177 40000 4,000 4,000 4,000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.545010.0000.00, COPIER/POSTAGE METER 61000 41170 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.545952.0000.00, IT COMPUTERS - - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.546010.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE 55,000 - 550000 550000 55,000 55,000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 11140 11140 1,140 11140 1,140 1,140 150.000000.100.000.562.10.548010.0000.00, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS - - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.10.549030.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 21400 12,403 2,400 20400 2,400 2,400 150.000000.100.000.562.10.549020.0000.00, PRINTING 2,000 39 21000 20000 2,000 2,000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.549030.0000.00, MEMBERSHIPS 60000 4,482 6,000 6,000 6,000 60000 150.000000.100.000.562.10.549040.0000.00, REGISTRATIONS 10500 817 1,500 10500 10500 11500 150.000000.100.000.562.10.551010.0000.00. STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 150.000000.100.000.562.20.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 150.000000.100.000.594.12.562000.0000.00. BLDG 10 COVID UPGRADES - - 7980724 856,107 856,107 856,107 877,503 (21,396) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510005.0000.00. PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGER 850320 42,590 85,320 85,320 850320 85 320 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510010.0000.00. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 710702 38,177 79,550 7%SS0 79550 79,550 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510091.0000.00. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE - - - - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510I21.0000.00. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE %992 35,426 770233 77,233 77,233 77 233 (0) 150.000000.200,000.56120.510125.0000.00, HEALTH EDUCATOR 61,643 31,649 661591 66,591 66591 66,591 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510126.0000.00. PROGRAM COORDINATOR 64,884 34,518 710037 71,037 71037 71,037 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510127.0000.00. COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAM ASST 62,655 33,329 70,315 70,315 70,315 70,315 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510130.0000.00. COMM HEALTH SPECIALIST - 36,536 76,188 76,188 76188 76188 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP - - - - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510610.0000.00. EXTRA HELP - 21,585 62,655 62,655 62,655 62655 0 150.000000.200.000.562.20.510620.0000.00, EXTRA HELP 11685 62 655 62 655 62 655 62 65S 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 5 of 6 Expenditures 150.000000.200,000.562.20.512000,0000.00, OVERTIME - 1,957 - - - 150.000000.200,000.562.20.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,382 10005 2,879 2,879 2,879 21879 0 150,000000.200.000.562.20.520020,0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 31,762 21,687 4%943 49,843 4%843 49843 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.520030.0000.00- STATE RETIREMENT 53,851 27,975 66,783 66,783 66,783 66,783 (0) 150.000000.200.000.562.20.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 1090503 52,119 157,293 157,293 157,293 157,293 0 150,000000.200.000,562.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 609 422 956 956 956 956 0 150,000000.200.000.562.20.531030.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES Soo 302 Soo S00 Soo Soo 150.000000,200.000.562.20.531020.0000.00, OPERATING SUPPLIES 11500 143 10500 1,500 1,500 1,500 150.000000.200.000,562.20.531777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.532010.0000.00. FUELUSED 31000 11026 3,000 31000 3,000 31000 150.000000.200.000.562.20.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 627 25 200 200 200 200 - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.535010.0000,00, OPERATING EQUIPMENT Soo 387 500 Soo Soo Soo 150.000000,200.000.562.20.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 279 - - - - 150.000000.200.000,562.20.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 314,000 128,991 3140000 314,000 314,000 314000 150.000000.200.000.562.20.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 4%290 24,145 56,961 560961 56,961 56,961 0 150.000000.200.000.562.20.541020.0000.004 ADVERTISING 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 150.000000.200.000.562.20.54150L0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - ft - 150.000000.200.000.562.20.542010,0000.00. PHONES 41000 3,143 4,000 4,000 4000 4,000 150.000000.200.000,562.20.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 600 4 600 600 600 600 150.000000.200.000.562.20.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 61000 59 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 150,000000.200.000.562.20.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - 60085 150.000000,200.000.562.20.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLES - - 150.000000,200.000.562.20.545952.0000.00. IT COMPUTERS - - - - 150.000000,200.000.562.20.546010.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE 600 - 600 600 600 600 150.000000.200.000.562.20.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 1,200 11200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 150.000000.200.000.562.20.546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 720 - 720 720 720 720 - 150.000000,200,000.562.20.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 11000 11003 11000 10000 1000 10000 - 150.000000.200.000,562.20.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - - - - 150.000000,200.000.562.20.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 300 - 300 300 300 300 150,000000.200.000.562.20.549010,0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS 1,500 145 1,500 1,500 11500 1,500 150.000000,200.000.562.20.549020.0000.00. PRINTINGAND BINDING 10000 - 10000 1,000 10000 10000 - 150.000000,200,000.562.20.549040.0000.00. REGISTRATIONS 2,000 390 2,000 2,000 21000 2,000 - 150,000000.200.000.594.62.564020.0000.00. SAMO RV PURCHASE - - - 150.000000.200.000.594.62,564777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 11562 - 11,562 11,562 � 11562 11,562 0 150.000000.200.000,594.62.564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOLCAP UPFIT 14,20 - - 1,02 557,989 1,339,441 1,339,441 - - 1,33%441 1,339,441 (0) 150,000000.300,000.562.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - 150.000000.300,000.562,50.510010,0000.00. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 52,978 4,567 52,978 52,978 52,978 52,978 0 150.000000.300.000.562,50.510015.0000,00, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGER 80,216 39,550 82,218 82,218 82218 82218 0 150.000000.300,000.562.50.510020,0000.00, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST M - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50,510030.0000,00. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 54,943 27,485 57,792 57,792 57,792 57,792 0 150.000000.300,000,S62.50.510040.0000,00, ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH SPCLST 63,190 31,231 64,770 64,770 64,770 64,770 0 150.000000.300.000.562.50,510070.0000.00, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 62,799 31,221 64,369 64,369 64,369 64,369 (0) 150.000000.300.000,562,50.510100.0000.00. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 56,605 27,556 59,671 5%671 5%671 59,671 0 150.000000.300,000.562.50.510140.0000.00. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 61,903 30,533 610013 61,013 612013 51,013 (0) 150.000000.300,000.562.50,510142,0000.00. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST 52,978 25,966 55,893 55,893 55,893 55,893 0 150.000000.300.000.562.50.510143,0000,00, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPCLST - 540943 54,943 54,943 54,943 (0) 150.000000.300,000.562,50.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP HEALTH - CLERICAL - - - Temp position ended 150.000000.300.000.56250,512000,0000.00, OVERTIME - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.520030.0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 24,225 24,225 (1,353) 22,872 22,872 (0) Remove benefits for temp position 15,767 6,936 per CB 9/28 150,000000.300.000.562.50.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 44,343 440343 (10989) 42,354 42,354 0 Remove benefits for temp position 37,149 16,685 per CB 9/28 150.000000.300.000.562.50.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 5%414 S%414 (2,665) 56,749 56,749 0 Remove benefits for temp position 62,471 28,290 per CB 9/28 150,000000,300.000,562.50.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 7,800 7,800 (520) 7,280 70280 - Remove benefits for temp position 7,280 3,188 per CB 9/28 150,000000.300.000.562.50.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 167,838 167,838 (16,368) 151,470 151,470 0 Remove benefits for temp position 1320191 49,052 per CB 9/28 150.000000.300.000.562.50.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 850 850 (38) 812 812 (0) Remove benefits for temp position 713 320 per CB 9/28 150,000000,300,000.562.50.531010,0000.00. OFFICE SU PPLIES 10000 247 1,000 1,000 10000 10000 150.000000.300.000.562,50.531020.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 50000 439 54000 51000 50000 50000 150.000000.300.000.562.50,531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - - - - 150,000000.300,000,562,50.532777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL FUEL 3,765 2,164 4,000 41000 , 4,000 40000 150.000000.300.000.562.50.535010,0000,00, OPERATING EQUIPMENT 61000 - 60000 61000 60000 6,000 150.000000.300.000.562.50.535098.0000,00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 150,000000.300,000.562.50.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 400000 13,497 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 150.000000.300.000.562.50.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 50,973 25,487 60,125 60,125 60,125 600125 (0) 150.000000.300.000.562.50.541020.0000.00. PUBLIC INFORMATION - - - - 150.000000,300.000,562.50.541030.0000.00. ADVERTISING Soo 270 Soo Soo Soo Soo 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Community Services 6 of 6 Expenditures 150.000000.300.000.562.50.54109L0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.542030.0000.00. PHONES 60000 2,276 6,000 6,000 6,000 6000 150.000000.300.000562.50.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 60000 1523 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 150.000000.300.000.562.50.542092.0000.00. IT PHONES - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 31000 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 150.000000.300.000.562.50.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - 17,380 - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLES - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.545952.0000.00. IT COMPUTERS - - - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.546010.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE 21500 - 2,500 2,500 2500 2,500 150.000000.300.000.562.50.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,600 10600 1,500 10500 11500 1,500 150.000000.300.000.562,50.546777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 4,320 - 1,800 11800 1,800 1,800 150.000000.300.000.562.50.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 500 - Soo 500 500 500 150.000000.300.000.562.50.548777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 472 39 - - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS _ _ 900 695 750 750 750 750 150.000000.300.000.562.50.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 400 490 400 400 400 400 150.000000.300.000.562.50.549020.0000.00. PRINTINGAND BINDING 201000 90706 20,000 20,000 20,000 200000 - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.549040.0000.00. REGISTRATIONS 3,000 395 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 150.000000.300.000.562.50.549150.0000.00. SEPTIC REBATE GRANT PROGRAM 10,000 3,331 10,000 10,000 100000 10000 - 150.000000.300.000.589.00.500000.0000.00. PERMIT REFUNDS - _ _ _ - - _ 150.000000.300.000.594.62.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 360694 - 30,578 30,578 30,578 30578 0 150.000000.300.000.594.62.564778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - 943,807 402,117 1,060:770 1,060,770 (22,933) 1,0370837 1p037,837 0 Community Services Health _ 2,756,733 3,881 3,256,318 3,256,318 3,2560318 2,880,063 376,255 164.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 92,163 - 8%$18 8%818 19,306 109,124 109,124 164.000000,000.000.564.64.541010.0000.00. TAX EXPLORATORY SERVICES 51760 - 51760 5,760 5,760 5,760 - 164.000000.000.000.564.64.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 35,284 17,642 34,965 34,965 34,965 34,965 0 164.000000.000.000.564.64.541517.0000.00. THURSTON COUNTY-MENTAL HEALTH 240,000 12%216 240,000 24%000 24%000 240,000 164.000000.000.000.564.64.551000.0000.00, MENTAL HEALTH/THURSTON COUNTY - - - - 164.000000.000.000.592.64.500010.0000.00. REFUND INTEREST PAID - 5 - - _. 373,207 145,864_ _. 370,543 _- _ ._ 370,543 1%306 38%S49 38%849 0 164.000000.100.000.508.10.500000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED 865,897 1,249,440 11249,440 1,24%440 1,24%440 - 164.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 21940 - 21735 21735 2,735 2,735 (0) 164.000000. 100.000.514.21.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 21258 M - 164.000000.100.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 1,129 2,386 21386 2386 2,386 (0) 164.000000.100.000.564.10.510010.0000.00. MENTAL HEALTH COORDINATOR 72,055 38,354 7%942 790942 79,942 7%942 0 164.000000.100.000.564.10.520030.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 230 121 411 411 411 411 (0) 164.000000.100.000.564.10.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 51512 2,934 61116 60116 6,116 6116 0 164,000000.100.000.564.10.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT %345 41974 81194 8,194 8194 8,194 (0) 164.000000.100.000.564.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 18,147 S,133 16,992 16,992 16,992 16,992 - 164.000000.100.000.564.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 106 56 117 117 117 117 (0) 164.000000.100.000.564.10.531020.0000.00. PROGRAM OPERATING SUPPLIES 21000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 164.000000.100.000.564.10.535098.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 164.000000.100.000.564.10.541010.0000.00. MENTAL HEALTH CONTRACTS 300,000 88,277 300,000 300,000 300 000 300,000 164.000000.100.000.564.10.541012.0000.00, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH RESOURCES - - - - 164.000000.100.000.564.10.541013.0000.00. CROSSROADS HOUSING - - - 164.000000.100.000.564.30.541020.0000.00. CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY CONTRACTS 48,000 160999 - - Contract is gone 164.000000.100.000.564.10.541030.0000.00. ADVERTISING - 49 - - 164.000000.100.000.564.10.542010.0000.00. CELL PHONES 1,020 318 10020 11020 1020 1,020 - 164.000000.100.000.564.10.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 21000 - 21000 20000 2,000 2,000 164.000000.100.000.564.30.541019.0000.00. INTERNALALLOCATION - - - 164.000000.100.000.564.30.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - 164.000000.100.000.564.30.546010.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE 2,700 - 2,700 21700 2,700 2,700 164.000000.100.000.564.30.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 200 200 200 200 200 200 164.000000. 100.000.564.30.549010.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 21400 11800 2,400 2,400 2400 2,400 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500070.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT:CLERK 231188 23,188 31617 26,805 26,805 - Fits w/in 65% budgeted revenue cap 17,304 - to de is 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500150.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT: PU BLIC H EALTH 80,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500170.0000.00. TRANSFER OUTJUVENILE PROB 52,657 12,464 54,126 54,126 54,126 54,126 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500180.0000.00. TRANFER OUT:PROS M ENTAL HEALTH 56,593 12,514 580553 580553 58,553 580553 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500240.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT: OPD 80,000 - 80,000 80,000 801000 800000 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500256.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT:THERAPEUTIC CT 31%893 319,893 (11047) 318,846 318,846 - 314,112 64,679 Reduced due to Therpeuto Cts need 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500270.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT:MCSO-JAIL 150,000 - 130,836 130,836 130,836 130836 2,085,476 250,002 2,443,249 2,443,249 2,570 2,445,819 2,445,819 0 Mental Health Tax 2,458,683 3951866 2,813,792 2,813,792 21,876 2,835,668 2,835,668 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 150 and 117 Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX . 150,000000. 100 and 117 ,000000.000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) . 2 FTE from Health to Housing Project Description ( 30 Words) Moving a .2 to Housing Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc. ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease 21, 394 .00 $ - Net Impact S - Narrative Moving a .2 FTE from Health to Housing Detail Accounts : for Department 150, 000000. 100 and 117 ,000000,000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 1501000000.100.000.562.10.510124.0000.00. PROGRAM COORDINATOR Decrease 15, 175 150.000000.100.000.562.10,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE Decrease 82 150.000000.100.000,562.10.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE Decrease 1 , 161 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT Decrease 1 ,555 150.000000.100.000.562.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE Decrease 3,398 150.000000.100.000.562.10,520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA Decrease 22 117.000000.000.200.565.40.510010.0000.00. HOMELESS COORDINATOR Increase 15,175 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE Increase 82 117,000000.000.200.565.40,520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARI Increase 11161 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT Increase 11555 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE Increase 31398 117 .000000,000.200.565.40.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID F�MLA Increase 22 Depar en e d or lected Off cial Requesting this Project Da e Z Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa .us In Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 117 Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX . 117 .000000 , 000 .000 . Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) add 1 FTE to Housing Project Description (30 Words) Adding 1 FTE to Housing Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc. ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease 82,490 , 00 $ Net Impact $ 82,490,00 Narrative Add 1 FTE to Housing j Detail Accounts : for Department 117. 000000. 000 .000 . BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 117 .000000.000. 200.565,40,61OXXX.0000.00. HOMELESS Healthworker Increase 55, 599 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE Increase 411 117 .000000.000.200.565.40.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARI Increase 41253 117.000000.000.200.565.40.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT Increase 51777 117 .000000.000.200.565.40.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE Increase 16 ,368 117.000000.000.200.565.40 .520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA Increase 82 Departure d r EI cted Official equesting this Project ate Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Masonpr • Community Authored byo David Windom BUDGET NARRATIVE 1 G V G G Budget Narrative : Mason County Community Services ( MCCS ) A Safe and Healthy Mason County Mason County Community Services collaborates to improve the quality of life for its residents by combining a variety of essential services that maintain and build a safe, healthy, and economically sound community . ■ Mason County Community Services fosters and endorses an environment of Respect in all areas of our daily activities along with a nonjudgmental outlook toward the people we serve and those we work amongst. ■ Integrity guides each employee to uphold professional ethics and serve with honesty, fairness, and loyalty. ■ As stewards of the community, we hold ourselves Accountable for our behavior, performance, and all resources entrusted to our department. ■ We are Committed to using the least intrusive method possible to achieve optimal public health — informing and educating wherever possible, directing and regulating only when necessary. ■ Recognizing individual strengths, we encourage Teamwork throughout our Department by active collaboration to; solve problems, make decisions, and achieve common goals. 2 CURRENT CONDITIONS The ongoing COVID - 19 influences all aspects of Community Services . The staff has adapted to ongoing changes in policies and procedures and continued to provide services to the public in innovative and effective ways such as expanding access to permitting through an online public portal . STAFFING Public Health WSALPHO and the Foundational Public Health Systems Steering Committee secured a $ 149 million dollar ask of the Legislature in 2021 in order to keep small and rural health jurisdictions intact, reinforce current capacity, and expand on new delivery systems . This increased funding to Mason County in the current year funds one finance position and Hepatitis C work . This funding consists of targeted funds : environmental health , communicable disease , cross cutting capabilities , and assessment . COVID - 19 has significantly changed the use of targeted funding sources . Funding sources and purposes are in constant flux . Funding from the state and federal government is being used to address mostly staffing costs . Working in COVID49 interventions and investigations diverts staff from their normal grant work leaving some funding balances in grant specific categories . In late 2021 MCCS will establish a COVID - 19 team using funding from the Education and Laboratory Capacity fund ( ELC ) . This team will focus on data collection , policy, emergency management, public outreach , and school system support . Initial plans would staff this team with one public health nurse , two community health specialists and one administrative support person . Three of the four positions on the COVID team currently exist doing contact tracing and case investigation . These positions will be repurposed leaving only one position , the PH nurse , to be filled from ELC funding . This team would drastically reduce the workload of 3 the current staff allowing them to return to required work in maternal / child health , communicable disease , and chronic disease and community assessment . CARES Act funding is scheduled to end not later than 31 December 2021 and future Covid resources are still being negotiated at the federal level . ELC funding is scheduled to end at the end of 2021 but is expected to receive another influx of funding continuing after the first of the year . Foundational Public Health Funding is currently contracted for $ 202 , 000 as shown in the preliminary budget with another $ 560 , 000 expected within Consolidated Contract Amendment 24 . This funding is flexible within the parameters of FPHS definitions . Local , small public health jurisdictions will be competing with larger jurisdictions for a limited supply of public health professionals . This is not a situation unique to MCCS , it reflects a shortfall in the pipeline of public health qualified applicants across the state . Public Health is competing poorly against other nursing and environmental health positions in terms of pay, benefits and the ability for career progression . While demands for clean water and shellfish protection have increased , funding sources in the form of grants have become less reliable . A direct correlation exists between grant funding/staffing and cycles of water quality . The funding for the National Estuary Program increased by $ 5 million but those funds were allocated to other priority areas within Puget Sound . In 2021 , Mason County passed a single shellfish protection district with local parcel fees . This will result in $ 195k ( for 2022 ) in funding for water quality program . Two FTE ' s are expected to result from this work, with hiring to occur in early 2022 . Environmental Health Permits 250 200 150 100 s0 0 �ck a�`c QQ�\ 4�;% n�A 00 2014 EH Permits 2020 EH Permits 2021 EH Permits County Contributions , , , , , , 70DOODD.00 „ , , , „ , , , , , , ,00 , , , ,00 200,000.00 „ , , , „ J � Received l7l9o2481431,3401777o7OOl563o88DI434o7S81434o2S8l644o6881441,688145lt274117500001451,2741195*1371376j2551376,25513760255 n As shown in the graph above , county contributions for public health have declined substantially since 2006 . County contributions fund tuberculosis, sexually transmitted disease investigation , notifiable conditions investigations , matching funds for federal grants/ contracts , indirect payments , and director salary . County contributions are the only funding source for Additional Important Services ( AIS ) ; those services which do not fall under FPHS . These include chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity as well as smoking and substance use . Most of our mortality comes from these areas yet we have no funding source to address them outside of county contributions . 2020 2021 2022 Housing 0 . 8 0 . 8 2 Mental 1 1 1 FTE' S FOR 2021 REFLECT AN INCREASE FOR Health COVID- 19 RESPONSE Health 5 . 7 5 . 7 6 . 5 Admin CFH 7 8 . 5 9 Env . 8 8 9 Health Total 22 . 5 24 27 . 5 5 Community Development The ability to build homes , multifamily housing, and develop commercial properties provides a cornerstone to both a healthy economy as well as a healthy community and meets the Mission Statement for Mason County Community Services . The release of the 2020 Census should provide the most accurate look at current populations and provide a basis for additional analysis . As more people move into the Mason County area , the ability to intake , review, and issue permits in a correct and timely fashion addresses several of the social determinants of health leading to the accomplishment of the mission of Community Development . Community Development differs from Public Health in the funding mechanisms that support the division . Community Development is primarily funded by fee -for- service work with a small county contribution to pay for long range planning and code enforcement . It is important to note that Community Development funding and staffing are directly tied to the economy . Staffing needs Lag times in processing building permits continues to improve . Mason County is unique in that building inspectors also review building plans before conducting inspections . Most counties maintain a two or three to one ratio of building inspector to dedicated plans examiner . The Building Division reviews , corrects , and approves building plans as well as performing field inspections to ensure compliance with plans and code . Again , these positions are tied to the vitality of the economy . The division has recently added an additional plan reviewer to address increased volumes , but more staffing will be required . In late 2021 , MCCS is adding a planner to focus on efforts around Water Resource Inventory Areas ( WRIA' s ) . This position is currently in the 2021 budget . 6 With the continued upswing in construction activity especially in the northern end of the county, it has become clear that the time is right to add a Building Official and a full time Fire Marshal . One position should be converted to a Building Official and a full time Fire Marshal should be included as a secondary priority . With the current increase of building activity in Belfair and Allyn , the division may need the addition of a building inspector to work exclusively in the North Mason region to ensure timely and efficient inspections as some of the housing projects come online . This is a high priority position and recruitment should begin immediately . This position can be funded through current revenues generated by fee -for- service . Building Permits 400 350 i 300 250 200 150 100 COVID 50 Shutdown 0 jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep Oct nov dec 2019 2020 2021 The past year saw a slow down during the first part of the COVID - 19 pandemic but bounced back higher than in previous years as people left larger metropolitan areas for rural communities . Full Time Employees for Community Development 2020 21 . 5 ( . 5 = director ) + 2 hourly extra help 202122 . 5 ( . 5 = director ) + 2 hourly extra help 2022 22 . 5 ( . 5 = director ) + 2 hourly extra help 7 Staff Development To build a dynamic organization with smooth communication processes , we will be closing the office , all divisions , twice yearly for in - person all staff training . While this may be a momentary inconvenience to the public, the return on staff development far offsets the inconvenience . Time will be dedicated to mandatory training while the main purpose is staff and team development, communication workshops , and leadership development . Space Both Community Development and Public Health are at the limits of available space . If we are to grow community development , we will need to clear away paper files through scanning and filing from professionals trained in record scanning and cataloging . For public health , we are out of space to add any future positions . This will be an ongoing conversation going into the next fiscal year and beyond . Summary Current funding is split between two different funding systems , current expense for planning , permitting , and building with special funds for public health . Current expense , through fee for service , is currently covering disbursements though it is expected to require us to coast through the last three months of the year as permitting actions turn down as the weather changes . Public health funding is still primarily grant driven . Reductions will be partially offset by FPHS funding from the legislature of $ 202 , 000 . Long - term funding proposals include having the state pay for foundational services at the county level . There are advantages and some rather significant disadvantages to having the state fund and manage local public health . These proposals were acted upon by the legislature but not completely funded . 8 Community Health & Human Services Program Data Jan -June Outside Funding 2020 Program Jan -June 2021 Source Children Special Health Care Needs MCHBG 24 Clients Served 8 101 Home Visits/ Encounters ( inc texting ) 31 INCREDIBLE YEARS PARENTING DBHR 3 DCYF/CPS Clients 1 DOH 6 Home Visits/ Encounters 3 Health Care Authority 2 DBHR/CPWI Clients 0 18 Home Visits/ Encounters 0 Tuberculosis County Expense 0 Active TB Clients 0 0 LTBI / Rule Outs 1 Immunizations 1 Adult Vaccines 0 Oral Health/ABCD HCA 5 # Referred to ABCD Dental Provider 4 1553 Families Contacted Through Outreach 75 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 174 Reported STD ' s 148 County Expense Communicable Disease County Expense 19 Notifiable Conditions Investigated 17 0 Hep C-Chronic ( 2019 DOH monitors ) 0 DOH/CDC 4 Suspected Rabies Exposure 1 DOH Lead Con Con 0 # Bats Tested Positive for Rabies 0 52 Covid 19 Cases 11095 2 Lead 0 PHEPR Con Con 1 Exercises completed 0 4 Local & Regional Meetings Attended 26 Commerce Contract HOUSING Local Recording Fees Treatment Sales Tax 10 # Housing sub- contracts monitored 10 Bureau of Justice 5 # internal grants/funding monitored 7 Health Care MENTAL HEALTH /SUBTANCE USE Authority/ DBHR PREVENTION &TREATMENT DOH/CDC 3 # sub-contracts monitored 6 RCORP/ HCA 8 # of internal grants/funding monitored 10 LEAD 9 10 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 1 of 2 Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 201 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 BUDGET 202.2 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR. EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001,000000.205,265.316.81.300000.0000.00, GAMBLNG EXCISE TAXES/PULLTABS 501000 170924 50,000 50,000 500000 50,000 OOL000000,205,265322.30.300000,0000,00, ANIMAL LICENSES 300 925 1,200 1,200 1,200 10200 OOLO00000.205.265,322,90.300000,0000.00. OTHER NON-BUSINESS UC.&PERMIT 200000 18,818 33,000 33,000 33,000 330000 OO1,000000,205,265,322,90,301000,0000.00. OTHR NON-BUSINESS LCNS-BELFAIR 51000 - - 001,000000.205,265,331.16.360070.0000.00. BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP P 90535 20903 5,074 5,074 51074 50074 001,000000.205,265,333,16,358000.0000.00, CRIME VICTIM ADVOCACY GRANT 80000 7,837 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 001,000000.205,265.334.00.330020.0000.00, PUBLIC DISCLOSURE TECHNOLOGY - - - - o0L000000.205,265,341,37,302000.0000.00, FEE - CRIME LAB 50 21 50 50 50 50 001,000000,205,265.341.81.300000,0000,00, PUBLIC RECORDS FEES Soo 168 700 700 700 700 OOL000000,205,265.341.81.300010.0000.00, PUBLIC DISCLOSURE FEE - - - - 001.000000,205.265.342,10300000.0000.00, HARVEST PERMIT/FINGER PRNTG•S 70000 31254 61000 6,000 6000 6000 001,000000,205,265,342.10,300010.0000.00, LAKE CUSHMAN HOA - - ft - 001,000000,205.265,342,10.300020.0000.00. TIMBERLAKES HOA - - - - 001,000000.205.265,342.10.300030,0000.00. SQUAXIN ISLAND SERVICES 95,000 47,500 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 001.000000,205.265,342.10,300040.0000.00. CONTRACTOR BACKGROUND CK Soo - 200 200 200 200 OOL000000,205.265.342,10.301000.0000.00, HARVEST PERMIT/FINGER PRNTG-B - - - - 001,000000,205.265.342.10302000.0000,00. CIVILFEES/SHERIFF 500000 13,085 30,000 30,000 30000 30000 OO1.000000,205.265,342.10.303000,0000,00, USDA OLYMPIC FOREST 81000 - 12,000 12,000 120000- 120000 001,000000.205.265,342.10,304000,0000,00. SHERIFF ADMIN-OFFICE LAMINATIN 2,000 10722 31000 31000 3,000 30000 001,000000,205,265.34110.311000.0000,00, DNA COLLECTOR FEE 1 (20% SHERI 600 616 11000 1,000 10000 1000 001,000000,205,265.342.30,300000.0000,00, CITY OF SHELTON JAILSPACE 3000000 116,769 250,000 25%D00 2500000 250,000 OO1,000000,205.265,342.50.300000.0000,00, EMERGENCY SERVICE FEES 20000 657 1,500 1,500 10500 10500 - 001,000000,205,265,351.50.308000.0000,00, METH CLEANUP 10000 673 1,000 11000 1000 10000 001,000000.205.265,351,50.309000,0000.00, CRIMINAL INVESTMENT FUND 400 4,350 1,000 10000 10000 11000 - 001,000000.205.265,356.90,311000.0000.00. FOREST PRODUCTVIOLATION 50 5 20 20 20 20 - OOL000000,205,265,357,24,300000,0000.00. SUPERIOR COURT REIMBURSEMENTS 10,000 4,851 10,000 10,000 10,000 100000 - o0L000000,205,265,357,28.300000,0000,00. RESTITUTION FOR SHERIFF OFFICE 200 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 10500 OO1,000000,205,265,367,00,300000.0000.00. CONTRIBUTIONS - 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 001,000000,205,265.369.80.300000,0000,00, CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER - - - - 001,000000.205,265.369.91.300000.0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE Soo 21026 2,000 2,000 2000 2,000 001.000000.205,267.334.01,324000.0000.00, REGIS SIX OFFNDR ADDRESS GRANT 101,000 50,674 100,000 1000000 100000 100000 001,000000.205.267,334.04.360205,0000,00, CRISIS INTERVENTION TRAINING - - - - 001,000000,205,267.337.00.300000.0000,00, LOCAL ENTITLEMENTS - - - - 001000000.205.267337,00,300100,0000,00, LOCAL GRANTS, OTHER PYMNTS - - - - - - 001,000000.205.26734210,300200,0000,00, DRUG TAKE BACK - - - - 001.000000,205,267,342,10,300300,0000,00, TREASURE ISLAND SECURITY - - - - - 001,000000.205.267.342.10.300400,0000,00, REV/OVERTIME SHERIFF - F,D, #6 - - - - - 001,000000,205,267.342.10,300500,0000,00, US MARSHAL-VIOL OFF TASK FORCE 3,000 - %000 3,000 3,000 31000 001000000.205,267342.10.300600,0000,00, REV-NMHS CONTRACTED SERV 30,000 - - 001000000.205.267.342,10,300610,0000,00, SHERIFF-NORTH MASON SD SRO - - - OOL000000.205.267.342.10,300620,0000,00, SHERIFF-PIONEER/HOOD CANALSRO 20,000 - - - - - 001.000000.205,267,342-10.300700,0000,00, PATROL-LAKE TRASK SECURITY - - - - 001,000000,205,26734210,300800,0000,00, REVENUE - - - - 001.000000,205,267,342,10,300900,0000,00, SKOK TRIBAL CONTRACT - - - - 001.000000,205.267,342.10,301000,0000,00, OFF DUN/SHORT TERM - - - - - 001,000000,205,267,342,19300000.0000,00, SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION FEES 2,000 992 20000 20000 2,000 2,000 - 001.000000,205,267,369,20,300000.0000.00. UNCLAIMED MONEY - 31 - - 001,000000.205.267.369.91300000,0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 1,500 100455 50000 50000 5,000 50000 - 001,000000,205.270.334.03.310030,0000,00, COMMUNITY LfrTER GRANT DOE 300000 25,641 30,000 30,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 - Additional grant approved after budget entry Moved $20k to ML3 001.000000,205,270,342,10.300010,0000.00. SSI INCENTIVE 5,000 2,000 50000 51000 50000 5,000 001,000000,205.270,342,30,300000,0000,00, JAIL MEDICAL 15,000 440028 20,000 2%000 20000 20,000 001,000000,205,270,34230.300030,0000.00, EHMIWORK RELEASE 900000 52,977 1000000 100,000 100 000 1000000 001,000000,205.27034130.304000.0000,00, DTNTN/CRRCTN SERVICES - - - - - - 001,000000,205,270,369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 6,536 Soo Soo 500 Soo 001.000000.205.270.369.91.300010.0000.00. PRISONER MEDICAL REIMB - - 25 25 25 25 001.000000.205,270,397.00.300164.0000.00. TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 150,000 - 120,000 130,836 1300836 130,836 001,000000.205.290.341,70,300000.0000.00. MERCHANDISE SALES 20000 - 200 200 200 200 OO1,000000.205.290,369,91300001,0000.00, SECURUSVIDEO 7,000 771 11000 1,000 10000 10000 001,000000,205.290.369.91,300010.0000,00, MISC REVENUE 10000 231 1,000 1,000 10000 10000 - 001,000000,205.290,397,00,300140,0000,00, TRANSFER IN FROM 140 - - - 001,000000,205.295.367,11300000.0000.00, DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS - 485 - - - OOL000000.205.295,367,11,300001,0000.00, DONATIONS K•9 2,000 5,810 50000 5,000 5,000 5,000 OO1,000000.205.295.367,11.300002.0000.00, DONATIONS-SWAT - - - - OOL000000.205.295,367,1L300003,0000,00, DONATIONS-CHAPLAIN 200 - 200 200 200 200 OOLOOO000.205,295,367,11,300004,0000,00. DONATIONS-EXPLORERS - - - OOL000000.205,295.367,1L300005,0000,00, DONATIONS•VOLUNITEERS Soo 677 500 Soo 506 500 OO1,000000.205,295,369,91,300000,0000,00. REVENUE- MISC 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 2 of 2 Revenue 001.000000.205.295,397.00,300140,0000,00, TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - - - 001.000000.205.295.397,00,301401,0000,00. TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - - - 001,000000.205.295397.00.301402,0000,00, TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - - 001.000000.205.295.397.00.301403,0000,00, TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - - 001,000000.205,295397.00.301404,0000,00. TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - - 001.000000.205,295.397,00.301405.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 140 - - Sheriff 110001835 475,413 922,669 933,505 200000 9530505 953,505 14L000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEGI FUND RESTRICTED RESERVE 111,200 _ - 119,52.2 11%5221 11%522 119*522 0 141.000000.000.000.333.97.301010.0000.00. BOATING SAFETY ASSIST GRANT 8,979 - - - 141.000000.000.000.336.00.384000.0000.00. VESSEL REGISTRATION FEES 30,000 31,212 30,000 30,000 3%000 3%000 141.000000.000.000.361. 10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - 41A00000.000.000.397.00.300140.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM 140 - - - - - - 150179 31,212 149,5227 149,522 149r522 149,522 0 Sheriff Boating 150,179 31,212 14%S22 149,522 1490522 149,522 0 142.000-000.000.000308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESTRICTED RESERVE 900000 - 90,245 90,245 90245 90,245 0 142.000000,000.000.351.50.301000.0000.00. DRUG FUND/LOCAL 3,000 21706 2,700 21700 20700 21700 142,000000.000,000.36L10.300000.0000,00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - 142,000000.000.000,369.30.300000,0000.00, FELONY FORFIETURE 21500 3,300 31300 3,300 30300 3,300 142.000000.000.000.369.30.300030.0000.00. FELONY FORFEITURE 21000 142,000000,000,000.397.00.300140.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM 140 97,500 6 0006 96245 96,245 960245 960245 0 Narcotics Investigation 97,500 60006 96 245 96 245 96,245 960245 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 1 of 8 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021ACiUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000,205,265,521,10,510010,0000,00, SHERIFF 138,131 70,332 1400894 140,894 140,894 140,894 0 001,000000,205,265,521,10,510020,0000,00, UNDERSHERIFF 131,554 66,983 134,185 134,185 134,185 134,185 0 _ 001.000000,205,265,521,10,510030,0000,00, RECORDS SPECIALIST 48,658 - 48,658 4%658 48,658 48658 (0) _ 001.000000.205,265,521,10,510040,0000.00. CIVILCLERK 58,516 2%213 58,516 58,516 58,516 580516 (0) 001.000000.205,265.521,10,510071.0000,00, RECORDS SPECIALIST 52,790 26,514 53,570 53,570 53,570 53,570 0 001.000000,205,265,521,10,510073,0000,00, CLERK 450257 22,098 47,513 47,513 97 470610 47,610 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OO1,000000,205.265,521,10,510074,0000.00, CLERK 52,031 26,006 52,096 52,096 52,096 52,096 0 001.000000.205,265,521,10,510075,0000,001 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 63,680 63,680 63,680 - 63,680 14 Clerk 001.000000.205,265,521,10.510076,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGEF REQUEST - - 630680 63,680 63,680 - 63,680 2 NP Clerk - $40,675 Base + $23,005 OOL000000.205,265,521,10,510077.0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 63,680 63,680 63680 - 63,680 2 NP Clerk - $40,675 Base + $230005 001,000000.205,265,52L10,510086,0000,00, CHIEF CIVIL DEPUTY 105,678 52,839 105,678 105,678 105,678 105,678 - 001.000000,20So265,521,10,510100,0000,00. FINANCE MANAGER 75,509 37,618 78,558 78,558 (1,160) 77 98 770398 0 Non-Union Pay Increases No Resolution approved for this 001.000000,205,265,521,10,510101,0000,00, FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 63,212 9,535 53,995 53,995 53995 530995 0 New Em to ee Corrected ML3 001,000000,205,265,521,10,51030560000.00. FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 630387 31,689 63,477 63,477 63477 63,477 0 Calculation Differences 001,000000,2054265,521,10,510306,0000,00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 63,680 63,680 63,680 - 63,680 14 Clerk 001,000000,205,2656521410.510108,0000,00, RECORDS SPECIALIST 54,350 27,132 54,350 54,350 200 54550 540550 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,265.521.10,510110,0000,00, CLERK 510801 25,860 51,801 51,801 511801 510801 (0) 001.000000,205.265.521,10.510600,0000,00. EXTRA HELP 300000 - 30,000 3%000 30,000 30,000 001,000000.205.265.521.1OS1090L0000,00, OFFICER IN CHARGE Soo 284 Soo Soo Soo Soo - 001,000000.205.265.521,10,512000,0000,00. OVERTIME OO1,000000,205.265.521,10520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,305 3,746 11,212 110212 (136) 11,076 11,076 (0) Included Extra Help EX Help is already included in ML3 OO1,000000,205,265,521.10.520011,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE-VOLUNTEER 10810 382 1,810 10810 1810 1810 - 001,000000,205.265,521,10.520020.0000,00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 74,310 32,481 72,162 72,162 20267 74,429 74,429 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference of $28 001.000000,205.265,52110,520030,0000,00. STATERETIREMENT 105,383 44,858 4%994 49,994 36,090 86084 86,084 0 Incorrect formula Adjusted difference of $229 001,000000,205.265.521,10.520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VI$/UFE 23%762 90,613 221,091 221,091 16,377 2370468 237,468 0 4x $18,447 & 9 x $16,367 EX Help is included in medial alc 001,000000,205,265,521,10.520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 1,424 630 1,428 1,428 1,428 1,428 (0) Calculation Differences 0014000000,205,265,521.10.520050.0000.00, UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 81100 3,338 81100 81100 8100 8100 - 001,000000.205165,52110.520053.0000.00. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED UNIFORMS 3,000 10222 3,000 31000 3000 3000 - 001,000000,205165,521,10,531010,0000,00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 6%200 20,154 6%000 69,000 69,OOo 6%000 Three Year Actuals updated ML3 <$200> 001,000000,205.265.521.10.531020.0000.00, VOLUNTEERS-OPERATIONS 001.000000,205,265.521.10.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 640 1,000 1,000 . 11000 10000 001.000000.205.265.521.10.532010.0000.00. FUEL - - - 001.000000.205.265.521.10.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL _ _ - - - - 001.000000,205,265,521.10.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 14,634 11290 7,000 71000 7 000 7,OOO OO1,000000,205,265.521.10.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 10,000 4,702 10,000 101000 10000 10,000 - 001,000000,205.265,521410535098.0000,00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - 560000 56,OOo 360000 2%000 19 vehicle laptops@$2k ea + 12 Moved to Trackable Tools - Sheriff desktops@$1500 ea per SH email 36,000 - Purchase & Track 9/29/21 OOLOOOOOO,205,265.521.10.535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 56,000 56,000 (56,000) - - - Moved Taser leases to their own line. 660586 S,3S2 For computers Moved computers to IT trackable line 001.000000.205,265,521,10,541010.0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - Increases in shredding, bldg security, 1,500 21148 & patches Moved $2500 to ML3 001,000000,20St2SS*S2LlO,S4lO20,OOOO,OO, NEW HIRE TESTING/EXPENSES 600 - 600 600 600 600 001,000000,205,265.521,704541030,0000,00, SOFTWARE LICENSES & FEES 60,000 60,000 60,000 500000 1%000 15 Quickbooks, Teamviewer, MS Office, 500000 33,590 Adobe Pro added 001.000000,205,265,521,10,541040,0000,00, RECORDING FEES 100 - 100 100 100 100 001,000000.205.265.521,10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - - - 001.000000,205,265,521,10,541512,0000,00, STOP GRANT SERVICES 12,000 12,000 12,000 - 120000 13 City of Shelton payments not 150832 budgeted in 2021 OO1,000000,205.265.521,10,541517,0000,00, WSP FINGERPRINT FEES - 69 200 200 200 200 No 2021 budgetgranted Moved $200 to ML3 001,000000,205.265.52110,542010,0000,00, CELL/FAX/INTERNET 97,000 53,049 1000000 10%000 100000 100,000 Contract increase Moved $3k to ML3 001,000000,205,265,521,10,542011.0000,00, N PREC OFFICE CELL/FAX/INTERNE - - - - 001.000000.205,265,521,10,542020,0000,00. POSTAGE 60000 2,723 50000 5,000 5000 50000 Three Year Actuals Moved c$ikato ML3 001.000000.205,265.521,10,543010,0000.00. TRAVEL 11987 52 10200 1,200 1200 10200 Three Year Actuals Moved c5787> to ML3 001,000000.205,265,521,10,545010,0000,00, COPIER LEASE 26,000 13,178 260000 26,000 26000 26,000 - 001.000000.205.265.521.10.545030.0000,00, VEHICLE RENTAL - 412 - - 001.000000.205.265.521.10,545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - 91211 20,000 20,000 _ 2%000 20,000 - 001.000000.205,265.521,10.545950.0000.00. ER&R VOLUNTEER VEHICLES - - - OOL000000.205.265.521,10,545951,0000,00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL-ADMIN - - - - 001,000000.205,265.521.10.546910.0000.00. INSURANCE - - - - 001.000000.205.265.521.10.546096.0000.00, UN EMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 31200 31200 (700) 2,500 2,500 - Included replacement and new I have 12,5 FTE's for 2021 adopted 2,500 2,500 positions budget 001.000000.205.265.521.10.546777.0000,00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 2294 308 700 700 700 700 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 2 of 8 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT T0TAL2022 2022T0TAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITORPREUM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000.205.265.521.10.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Soo 255 S00 500 500 500 001.000000,205.265.521.10.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 351 904 2,000 21000 20000 2 000 001.000000.205,265.521.10,548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 1,246 11115 2,500 2,500 . 20500 2,500 - 001.000000.205.265.521.10.549015.0000.00. WASPC ACCREDITATION 21500 - 21500 2,500 20500 250O 001.000000.205,265.521.30.549020.0000.00. REGIST/TUITION/MEMBERSHIPS 4,900 21776 51000 50000 50000 50000 Three Year Actuals Moved $100 to ML3 001.000000.205.265.594.21.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - 81100 001.000000.205.265.594.21,564777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 320925 - 30,000 300000 30 000 30,000 001.000000.205,265.594.21.564778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 51050 (21165) 4,500 41500 40500 40500 001.000000.205.267.521. 10.510002.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 63,680 63,680 630680 M 6%680 14 Clerk 001,000000,205,267,521.22.510000.0000,00, PATROLTIME & EFFORT 142,036 50,475 143,113 143,113 (2) 143,111 143,111 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000.205.267.521.22.510001,0000,004 CHIEF CRIMINAL DEPUTY 11%076 43,763 113,076 113,076 113,076 1130076 OO1,000000,205,267,521,22,510010,0000400. DEPUTY 430586 27,397 450414 45,414 (80) 450334 45,334 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,267.521.22.510020,0000,00, CORPORAL 970489 470642 970739 97,739 (250) 970489 97,489 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOL000000,205,267,521,22,53005090000900, CORPORAL 52,795 35,384 53,757 53,757 (138) 53,619 530619 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000.205.267.521.22,510060,0000,00, DEPUTY 480552 270263 48,646 4%646 (94) 48,552 48,552 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,267.521.22.510070,0000,00, DEPUTY 89,297 39,768 90,692 90,692 (217) 90 475 90,475 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,267,521.22.510080,0000,00, DEPUTY 50,277 31,924 50,408 S%408 (131) 50 277 5O,277 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,267,521,22.510090,0000,00, ADMINISTRATIVE SARGENT 101,129 49,392 101,341 101,341 (212) 101,129 101,129 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,267,521.22,510110,0000,00, DEPUTY 8%277 430180 88,448 88,448 (171) 88 277 880277 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOL000000.205,267,521,22,510130,0000,00, SERGEANT 56,354 56,354 (129) 56,225 56,225 0 $56,354 is 55% of $102,462 base with 55,538 32,094 assignments Updated ML3 to reflect step 3 001.000000.205,267,521,22,510150,0000400, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 95,771 95,771 95,771 14 De 001.000000.205,267,521,22,510170,0000.00. DEPUTY 42,412 25,241 460332 46,332 (66) 46,266 46 266 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,267,521,22.510180,0000600, DEPUTY 9%475 40,901 900447 90,447 (132) 90,315 9%315 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOL000000,205,267.521,22.510200,0000,00, DEPUTY 91,413 44,667 910650 91,650 (237) 91,413 91,413 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,267S2L22.510230,0000,00, SERGEANT 56,357 68,816 56,489 56,489 (132) 56,357 560357 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,267,S21.22,510240,0000,00, DEPUTY 39,838 26,449 41,623 41,623 (Si) 41,572 410572 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OO1,000000,205,267,52L22.510250,0000,00. DEPUTY 38,280 38,280 1,522 3%802 3%802 (0) Updated w/transferred employee 39,982 310393 Going to Step 2 in 2022 steps/info 001.000000,205,267,521,22,510260,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 95,771 95771 - 95,771 14 Deputy 001,000000,205,267,521,21530270.0000,00, DEPUTY 481552 2%519 480646 480646 71 4%717 48,717 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,267,521,2L510280.0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 950771 95,771 95,771 14 Deputy 001,000000,205,267,521,22,510285.0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 950771 95 771 - 950771 14 Deputy 001,000000,205,267,52L22,510290.0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 122,278 122,278 122,278 122,278 14 Ueutenant 001.000000,205,267,521,22,510300,0000.00, DEPUTY 47,685 34SO4 4%084 49,084 (103) 48,981 48,981 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521,22.510310,0000,00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 102,039 1020039 102,039 1020039 14 Systems Administrator OO1,000000,205,267,521,22,530315,0000400, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 620372 62,372 62,372 62,372 3 NP CSO - $37,490 Base + $24,882 001.000000.205,267.521,22,510320,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 62,372 62,372 620372 62,372 3 NP CSO - $37,490 Base + $24,882 001,000000.205,267,521,22,530334,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST- PATIR - - 122,278 122,278 122,278 122,278 14 Lieutenant 001,000000,2059267,521,22.510340,0000,00, CORPORAL 52,235 290355 52,344 52,344 (109) 520235 52,235 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267.521.22.510343,0000,00, 202.2 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 95,771 95771 - 95,771 14 De 001,000000,205,267,521.22.510346,0000,00, DEPUTY 430677 230951 4%469 45,469 (56) 45413 450413 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521,22.510347,0000,00. DEPUTY 39,803 22,494 42,706 42,706 (11) 42,695 42,695 0 Calculation Differences 001.000000,205,267,521,22,510348,0000,00, DEPUTY 39,180 3%180 274 39,454 3%454 (0) Already accounted for this new 4%848 33,363 New Employee employee OO1,000000,205,267,52L22,510349,0000,00, CORPORAL 52,367 33,656 52,478 52,478 (111) 520367 520367 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521,22,510350.0000.00, DEPUTY 4%981 26,038 49,219 4%219 (106) 490113 49,113 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267452L22.51035LO000,00, SERGEANT 55,489 32,474 550603 55,603 (114) 55 489 55 489 0 Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267.521,22.510352,0000,00, CORPORAL 51,971 37,672 520074 52,074 161 52235 520235 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521.22.510353,0000,00, SERGEANT 101,129 4%122 1010096 101,096 (207) 10089 100,889 0 Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521.22.510354,0000.00. SERGEANT 55,621 30,075 54,986 54,986 (2) 54,984 54,984 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205.267.521.22.510355,0000600, DEPUTY 43,532 31,951 37,473 37,473 (46) 37427 37,427 0 Going to Step 2 in 2022 Updated w/new employee info 001,000000,205.267.521.22,510356,0000,00. DEPUTY 48,981 28,914 4%219 49,219 (106) 49113 4%113 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521.224510357,0000,00, DEPUTY 8%277 36,101 89,367 890367 (190) 89177 89177 0 Calculation Differences 001,000000.2054267,52L22,510359.0000.00, DEPUTY 41,427 230697 43,161 43,161 (53) 43,108 43,108 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,267,521422,510360,0000,00, DEPUTY 3%982 24,030 42,872 42,872 (1) 42,871 421871 0 Calculation Differences 001,000000,205.267,52L22.51036L0000,00, DEPUTY 47,256 23,737 45,752 45,752 (56) 45,696 45,696 0 Calculation Differences 001.000000,205,267,521,22,510363,0000.00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 95,771 95,771 95,771 950771 14 Deputy 001,000000,205,267,521,22,530364,0000400, DEPUTY 390982 42589 4%970 4%970 43 50013 500013 (0) Calculation Differences 001.000000,205,267,521.22.510365,0000,00, DEPUTY 420412 25,550 45,339 45,339 (5) 45,334 45,334 0 Calculation Differences OOL000000,205,267,521.22.510366,0000,00, CHIEF CRIMINAL DEPUTY 113,076 44,850 113,076 113,076 113,076 113,076 - 001,000000.205.267.521.22.510368,0000,00, DEPUTY 450184 140276 37,679 37,679 10064 38,743 38,743 (0) Goingto Ste 2 in 2022 Updated w/new employee info 001.000000.205.267,521.22,510500.0000.00, DEPUTY 39404 21714 42277 42277 42277 42277 0 Calculation Differences 202.2 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 3 of 8 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2023ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000.205.267.521.22.5109OL0000.00, OFFICER IN CHARGE 10600 613 11600 11600 1600 10600 001.000000.205.267.52L22.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 2500000 250,000 35,881 285,881 180,000 105,881 5 Patrol Actuals - 2020-$233,111; 2019- $254,345 1800000 103,619 2018-$267 882; 2017-$228 293; Avg• Benefits included in OT PLR ask 001.000000.205.267.S2L22.512010.0000.00. HOLIDAYOVERTIME 120,000 1201000 18,855 138,855 85,000 53,855 6 Patrol Actuals - 2020-$121,559; 2019- $115,349 85,000 730976 2018-$121,028; 2017-$106,207; Av - Benefits included in OT PLR ask 001.000000.205.267.521.22.512030.0000.00. OFF DUTY CONTRACTS - 5,158 - - - 001.000000.205.267.521,22.512040.0000.00. COURTOVERTIME - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521,22.512902.0000.00. TRAINING OVERTIME - - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 93,942 93,942 (31337) 90,605 90,605 0 Adjusted difference- OT benefits now 620807 41,660 Included overtime in PLR 001.000000.205.267.521.22.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 220,800 220,800 (9,714) 211,086 211,086 (0) Adjusted difference- OT benefits now 210,069 115,641 Included overtime in PLR 001.000000.205.267.521.22520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 1SZ973 1520973 (6,730) 146,243 146,243 0 Adjusted difference, OT benefits now 146,362 790648 Included overtime in PLR 001.000000.205.267.521.22.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 4560071 257,856 455,398 455,398 26 4550424 45S,424 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205.267.S21,22,S20045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 41234 41234 (186) 40048 4,048 0 Adjusted difference- OT benefits now 4,029 20285 Calculation Differences in PLR 001.000000.205.267.52L22.520050.0000.00, UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 230013 16,500 33,300 33,300 330300 330300 37 Deputy ositions x $900/ ear Changed BL3 to home BARS 001.000000.205.267.521,22.520054.0000.00. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED UNIFORMS 35,000 35,000 3%000 20,000 15,000 11 Outfit new $20,000, 3•yr average 20,000 160806 $19990 for replace 001.000000.205.267.52L22.531010.0000.00. N PRECINCT OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - - 001,000000.205.267.521.22.531030.0000.00. AMMUNITIONS 12,000 9,975 15%000 150,000 1500000 12,000 1380000 8 Stock and Training 001,000000.205.267.52122.531040.0000.00. OFFICESUPPUES 001.000000.205.267.521.22.531050.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 001.000000.205.267.521.22.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 42,884 61,500 61,500_ 61,500 610500 001.000000.205.267.521.22.532010.0000.00. FUEL - - 20000 2,000 3,000 50000 51000 16 Boating costs not covered by grant 001.000000.205.267.521.22.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.532777,0000.00. MOTOR POOLFUEL _ 143,902 73,253 _ _ 150,000 _ 150,000 ! 1500000 1500000 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535010.0000.00. TACTICAL EQUIPMENT 100000 171 10,000 100000 10000 100000 - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535015.0000.00. BULLETPROOF VESTS 3%000 30,000 30,00o 10,000 20,000 7 Need to replace 25, Request is after 10,000 15,062 - grant application 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535020.0000.00. SWAT/SAR EQUIP 10000 10630 10,000 10,000 100000 10000 90000 10 Reduction to title III grant 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535040.0000.00. SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535070.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & EQUIP-BLDGS - 436 - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535090.0000.00. SERVER/LAPTOPS/SWITCHES 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 001.000000.205.267.521.22.541005.0000.00. NEW HIRE TESTING/EXPENSES 2,000 1,892 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.541010.0000.00. MISC PROF SERVICES 17,000 5,576 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.541015.0000.00. PRO PHOENIX CONTRACTED SVCS - - - - 001.000000.205.267.523.22.541030.0000.00. TOWING SERVICES-EVIDENTIARY 5,000 10106 %000 %000 3,000 3000 - Three Year Actuals Moved <$2>k to ML3 001.000000.205.267.521.22.541040.0000.00, TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES 3,00o 4,429 61000 6,000 60000 60000 - Contract increase Moved $3k to ML3 001.000000.205.267521.22.541091.0000.00, PW PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - - 001.000000.205.267521.22.541SOL0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - - 001.000000.205.267S22,22541517.0000.00. MISC GOVERNMENTAL PAYMENTS - 50 100 100 100 100 No budgetgrantecin 2021 Moved $100 to ML3 001.000000.205.267.521.22542010.0000.00. CELL/FAX/INTERNET - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22542030.0000.00. POSTAGE - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521,22.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 10,860 1,171 3,500 3,500 30500 3,500 - Three Year Actuals Moved <$7360> to ML3 001.000000.205.267.521.22.545010.0000.00. COPIER LEASE - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.545030.0000.00. VEHICLE RENTAL - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.545040.0000.00. TASER LEASES - - 66,586 66,586 66,586 66r586 - Moved from Admin Trackable Moved from admin BARS• ML3 001.000000.205.267.521.22.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - 99,044 200,Oo0 200,000 200,000 200o000 - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTALS - - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 5,514 5,514 10,800 100800 (5,286) 5,S14 5,514 - Included replacement and new Based on prior year adopted budget 001.000000.205.267.S21.22.546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 21,825 3,020 6,100 60100 - 6,100 6,100 001.000000.205.267.521.22.548010.0000.00, REPAIRSTO EQUIPMENT - 809 70000 7,000 43,000 50,000 50,000 9 Boat repairs not covered b rant 001.000000.205.267.521.22.548030.0000.00. VEHICLE REPAIRS - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.22.548098.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE REPAIRS - - - ' 001.000000.205.267.521.22.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 21130 40163 8,500 8,500 8,500 8S00 (0) 001.000000,205,267,521.22,548778.0000.001 MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 600120 24,806 50,000 50,000 500000 500000 001.000000.205.267.521.22.549010.0000.00. CITC 6,000 61000 6,000 6,000 - Moved to ML3 since neg. PLR on next 3 000 3 012 New hire training for retirees training line 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 4 of 8 Expenditures 12021ADOPTED 2021, ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022TOTAL 202.2 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2023. REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000.205267S2L22.549020,0000,00, REGISr/TUITION/MEMBERSHIPS 17,872 3,801 10,000 10,000 100000 100000 Three Year Actuals Moved c$7822b to ML3 001,000000.205.267.52L22,549030,0000,00. CIVILPENALTY 001.000000,205,267.521.23,531010,0000,00, K9 SUPPLIES - - 30000 3,000 31000 - 3,000 17 K9 Program 001.000000,205,267.521,23,535010,0000,001 K9 EQUIPMENT - - Soo Soo Soo - Soo 17 K9 Program 001,000000205267.521,23,541010,0000,00, K9 PROF SERVICES - - 10100 1,100 10100 - 1,100 17 K9 Program OOLOOOo0O,205,267,521,23,543000,0000600, K9 TRAVEL - - S00 Soo Soo - Soo 17 K9 Program OO1,000000,205267,521.23,549020,0000,00, K9 TUITION/MEMBERSHIP - - 700 700 700 700 17 K9 Pro ram 001,000000,205267.521,80,510400,0000,00, EVIDENCETECH 55,804 271858 550804 55,SO4 55804 55,804 0 001.000000.205,267,521,80,51040L0000.00, EVIDENCETECH - 42,204 42,204 71332 4%536 49,536 New Position I put in at step 3 001,000000205.267,52L80,512000,0000600, OVERTIME S00 Soo Soo - 500 19 Evidence Tech overtime. No 2021 SO budget Cameras 001,000000,205,267,521.80,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,220 1,102 5,410 51410 5410 5,410 0 0014000000,205,267,521,80,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 4,269 2,197 71498 7,498 - 560 8,058 80058 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000205.267,521.80,520030,0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 7,238 31624 50194 5,194 51603 10797 10797 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOLo00000,205,267.521.80,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 16,368 7,307 32,734 32,734 2 32,736 32,736 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOL000000.205,267,521,80,520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 82 42 144 144 31 155 155 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,267,521,80,520050,0000,00, UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 900 450 10800 1,800 10800 10800 OO1.000000.205,267.521,80,531010.0000,00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - - - 001.000000205.267,521,80,541010,0000,00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - - 001.000000.205,267.521,80,541501.0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - - - 001,000000.205267.521.80.542010,0000,00, CELL/INTERNET - - - - - - 001.000000.205267.521,80,542020.0000.00. POSTAGE - - - - 001.000000.205.267.521.80.543010,0000,00. TRAVEL - - - - 001.000000,205,267.521.80,546096,0000,00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 400 400 (200) 200 200 - Included the new Evidence Tech 200 200 _ position added in 2021 Based on prior year adopted budget 001.000000.205.267.521,80,548010,0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - - - - - 001.000000205.267.522,22.541511,0000,00, 911 / MACECOM 357,000 246,563 367,063 367,063 367063 367,063 - 001,000000.205,267522.22.551030,0000,00, MACECOM 911 DISPATCH - - - 001.000000.205,267,528,60,550010.0000,00, 911 DISPATCH - MACECOM - - - - - OOL000000205,267.554.30.541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,500 81 30500 3,500 3,500 3500 - 001.000000,205,267.554,30,541512.0000.00, ANIMAL IMPOUND FEES 100 - 100 100 100 100 OOL00o000.205,267.554,30,551010,0000,00, ANIMAL IMPOUND FEES - - - 001,000000.205.267.594.21.564010.0000.00. TRAFFICVEHICLES - - - - - 001.000000.205,267.594.21.564020.0000.00, PATROLVEHICLE - - - - - - 001,000000.205.267.594.21.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 32%798 7,076 180,325 180,325 18%325 180,325 0 001.000000,205.267,594.21.56477&0000.00, MOTOR POOL CAP UPRT 320,066 183,269 341,100 341jIOO_ 341,100 341,100 OOL000000.205.269.554.30.549020.0000.00. REGIST/TUITION/MEMBERSHIPS - - - - 001,000000,205,270,523.10.510030,0000,00. RECORDS SPECIALIST 53,690 26,802 S%570 53,570 53 570 53,570 0 001,000000,205270,523.10,51007L0000,00, CLERK 52,549 250783 510649 51,649 479 52,128 52128 (0) Unknown Adjusted difference 003.000000,205270,523,10.512000.0000,00. OVERTIME - - S00 S00 Soo - Soo 20 Clerical overtime 001,000000.205.270,523,10,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 461 243 824 824 (2) 82.2 822 (0) Calculation Differences 001.000000,205,270523,10,520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 8,127 4,092 %087 5,087 (1) 8,086 %086 0 Calculation Differences 001.000000,205.270,523,1OS20030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 13,779 60820 5,603 5,603 5,231 100834 10834 (0) Calculation Differences OOL000000,205270,523,1OS20040,0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 320736 14,613 32,734 320734 2 32,736 32,736 Calculation Differences 001,000000,205,270,523.1OS20045,0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 156 78 155 155 155 155 (0) 001.000000,205.270,523,1OS20050,0000,00, UNIFORMS 1,500 900 1,800 1,800 1,800 10800 - 001.000000205.270,523,10.520051,0000.00. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED/UNIFORMS _ 200 ISO 1,000 _10000 1000 10000 Three Year Actuals pulled from 523.20 Moved $800to MI3 001,000000.205.270.523.10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION - - 400 400 400 400 - Two positions were split out in 2021 Moved $400 from 523.20 BARS 001,000000,205.270.523.20.510010.0000.00, COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 49,935 24,928 49,935 49,935 49,935 490935 (0) OOLO00000,205,270,52320,510015,0000,00. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 51,101 25,509 51,101 51,101 51,101 510101 (0) OOLO00000,205,270,523,20,510020,0000,00, COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 50,655 25,288 50,655 5%655 1S0 50835 50,835 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,270,523,20,510025,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 68,701 33,571 67,563 67,563 67 63 67,563 (0) 001,000000.205,270.52320,510030,0000,00, RECORDS SPECIALIST - - - 001.000000.205,270,523,20,510901.0000,00, OFFICER IN CHARGE - 14 Soo Soo Soo Soo 21 No budget in 2021 001.000000,205,270,523,20,512000,0000.00, OVERTIME 50000 11580 5,000 51000 50000 50000 001.000000,205,270,523,20,512010,0000.00, HOLIDAYOVERTIME - 962 - - 001,000000,205,270,523,20,512901,0000.00. PREMIUMOVERTIME - - - - 001.000000,205,270,523,20,512902,0000.00. TRAINING OVERTIME - - - - OOL0000004205,270.523,20,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 90001 6,707 18,458 1%458 (6,689) 11,769 11,769 0 Included overtime Adjusted dill- looks like an error 001.000000,205,270.523,20,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 170242 %640 17,156 17,156 13 17169 170169 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000,205270,52320.520030,0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 2%234 14,256 15,325 15,325 7,432 22,757 220757 (0) Calculation Differences 001,000000.205.270,523,20,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 65,472 2%159 650468 65,468 4 65472 65,472 Calculation Differences 001.000000.205.270,523,20,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 331 167 329 329 329 329 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 5 of 8 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000,205,270,523.20.520050.0000,00, UNIFORMS 31600 1,763 3,600 30600 3,600 3,600 - 001.000000,205,270,523,20,520051,0000,001 Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED/UNIFORMS 4,000 23 21000 2,000 2000 2,000 - Moved two people to 270.523.10 Moved <$2k> to ML3 001,000000.205.270.523.20.531010.0000.00. MONITORING SUPPLIES 4,000 128 11000 11000 1,000 1,000 Moved two people to 270.523,30 Movedc$3>k to ML3 001.000000.205.270.523.20.531020.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLI ES - - - - 001.000000.205.270,523.20.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - - - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.532010.0000.00. FUELCONSUMED - - - - - - 001.000000.205.270,523,20.532777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL FUEL _ _ 2,439 4,152 3,500 30500 MOD 3500 - 001,000000.205.270.523.20.535010,0000.00. MONITORING EQUIPMENT 21000 14 20000 21000 2,000 20000 OO1,000000,205.270.523.20.541010.0000.00. MONITORING SERVICES 56,000 30,131 56,000 560000 56,000 56,000 001,000000,205.270,523,20.541501,0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY 001.000000,205,270,523,20.542010.0000.00, CELLIFAX/INTERNET 001,000000,205,270.523.20.543010.0000,00. TRAVEL 455 - 200 200 200 200 Three Year Actuals Moved <$255> to MI-3 001.000000,205.270.523.20.545010.0000,00, EHM RENTALS - - - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.545777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - - 100 100 100 100 001.000000.205.270.523.20.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL - - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.546010.0000.00. LIABILITY INSURANCE - - OOLO00000.205.270.523.20.546096,0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 11200 10200 Soo Soo Soo Soo - 2x 200 = 400 Moved $400to 532,10 BARS 001.000000.205.270.523.20.546777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 10080 - - - - - 001.000000.205,270.523.20.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS - - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 144 - Soo Soo Soo Soo - 001,000000.205.270.523.20.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 313 - Soo Soo Soo Soo - 001.000000.205.270.523.20.549093.0000,00, MISC INTERFUND SERVICES - - - - 001.000000.205,270.523.60.510001.0000.00. JAILCHIEF 106,727 544342 1100222 110,222 (10360) 108,862 108,862 0 Non- Union anticipated pay increase No Resolution approved for this 001.000000.205,270,523,60,51004 ,0000.00. CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 54,523 25,941 57,859 570859 57,859 57,859 (0) 001.000000,205,270,523,60,510050,0000.00. CORPORAL 72,782 36,045 72,782 720782 72,782 72,782 0 001,000000,205,270,523,60.510060,0000,00, CORRECTIONS SERGEANT 85,030 420674 85,030 850030 85,030 85,030 0 001,000000,205,270523.60,510080,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 67,836 32,900 65,906 650906 65,906 650906 0 001,000000,2054270,523,60.510090.0000.00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY S%911 29,879 63,347 630347 53 63,400 63,400 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OOLO0o000,205,270,523.60,510120.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 81,660 81,660 81660 - 810660 14 Corrections Deputy 001,000000,205,270,523,60.510140.0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 51,828 510828 12518 64,346 64,346 0 Replacement will not have Took out longevity. No assignment 65,906 32,935 assignments or longevity was there 001,000000,205,270,523,60,51014L0000.00. CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 550812 270076 S%339 59,339 59,339 59,339 0 001,000000,205.270,523,60.510143.0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 661326 16,543 51,828 51,828 51828 51,828 - 001,0000006205.270,523,60,510150.0000.00. CORPORAL 71,762 360207 71,762 71,762 710762 710762 0 OO1,000000,205,270523,60.510151,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY - - - - OOL000000,205,270,523,60,510L52,0000,00. LIEUTENANT 93,981 450766 101,152 101,152 (%671) 97481 97,481 (0) Non- Union anticipated pay increase No Resolution approved for this 001,000000,205,270.523,60,510154,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 66,326 32,760 65,426 65,426 480 65,906 65,906 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,270.523,60,510161,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 570114 27,907 60,616 6%616 60,616 60,616 (0) 001,000000,205,270,523,60,510162.0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 610321 29,833 63,768 63,768 52 63 820 63,820 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OO1,000000,205,270,523,60,51016340000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 51,828 - 51,828 510828 51828 51,828 001.000000,205,270,523,60,51016440000,00. CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 66,093 320767 67,056 670056 670056 67 056 (0) OOL000000.205.270.523.60,510166,0000,00, CORPORAL 710762 35,960 72,062 72,062 72062 72,062 0 001.000000.205.270.523.60,510167,0000,00, CORRECTIONS SERGEANT 79,777 3%S66 80,785 80,785 80,785 80,785 0 001.000000.205.270.523.60.510168,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 62,957 30,601 64,938 64,938 638 65,576 650576 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,270,523,60,510169,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 66,806 3%S61 670046 67,046 67 046 67,046 0 001.000000.205,270,523,60,510171,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 810660 81,660 81660 - 81,660 14 Corrections Deputy 001.000000.205,270,523.60,510172,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 620026 22,198 510828 51,828 51828 51,828 Replacement will not have Moved to step 1, no extra pays 001,000000,205,270,523,60,510173,0000,00, CORRECTIONS SERGEANT 80,664 40,074 81,455 81,455 300 810755 $10755 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,270523,60,510174,0000.00, CORPORAL 70,286 33,507 67,563 67,563 67563 67,563 (0) Replacement will not have Moved to step 1, no extra pays OOLO00000.205,270,523,60,510175,0000,00, CORRECTIONS CORPORAL - - - 001.0000004205,270523.60,510176,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 81,660 81,660 81,660 81,660 14 Corrections Deputy OO1,000000.205,270523,60,510177.0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 65,735 32,435 670056 67,056 67 056 67 056 (0) 001,000000,205,270,523,60,510178,0000.00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 64,351 32,442 660091 660091 66091 66,091 (0) OOL000000,205,270,523,60,510179,0000,00, CORRECTIONS SERGEANT 77,076 38,635 78,582 780582 78,582 78,582 0 001.000000.205,270,523,60,510180,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 55,197 27,684 590256 59,256 S%256 5%256 (0) OOL000000.205.270,523,60,510185,0000,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 6%976 34,617 680976 68,976 68,976 68976 (0) 001.000000,205,270,523,60,51019LOOOO,00, CORRECTIONS DEPUTY 54,283 - 54,283 54,283 54 283 54,283 0 This position gets assignment pay Updated assignment pay in ML3 001.000000,205,270,523,60,510192,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 84,561 84,561 84,561 - 84,561 4 Transport Deputy - $54,283 Base + $30,279 Benefits 001,000000,205,270,523.60,51090L0000.00. OFFICER IN CHARGE 2,500 865 20500 2,500 2 500 20500 001,000000.205,270.523.60.512000,0000,00, OVERTIME 150,000 26,688 150,000 1500000 150000 150,000 - 001.000000,205,270,523.60,512010.0000.00. HOLIDAY OVERTIME 60000 49186 60000 60000 60000 60000 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 6 of 8 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001000000,205,270,523.60.512902,0000.00, TRAINING OVERTIME - 001,000000.205.270,523.60,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 65,935 33,329 96,249 96,249 (2,426) 93 823 93 823 0 Included overtime Adjusted difference 001.000000,205.270,523,60,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 167,969 75,795 1670510 167,510 880 168,390 168390 (0) Adjusted difference OO1,000000,205.270,523660.520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 258,855 121,713 2060436 206,436 1%959 217,395 217,395 (0) Included overtime Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,270.523,60,520040.0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 4740643 474,643 41187 478,830 47%830 0 27x 16368 = $441,936 + 2x18,447 = 47%477 1951772 29 x 16367 = $474,643 $36,894 001.000000.205,270.523.60,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 3,220 1,457 30212 3,212 17 30229 3,229 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OO1,000000,205.270523,60,520050.0000,00, UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 24,300 1%913 240300 24,300 24,300 24,300 001,0000004205.270,523,60,520051,OOOO.00. Q'MASTER/CONTRACTED UNIFORMS 14,250 3,057 15,000 15,000 15000 14250 750 22 Three Year Actuals plus Six open 001.000000,205,270.523,60,531010,0000,00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - - M ' 001.000000,205,270,523,60.531020,0000,001 HEALTH CARE SUPPLIES - 110680 150000 15,000 15,000 15,000 12 PPEfor 'ailstaff 001.000000.205.270.523.60.531030,0000.00. JAIL - CLOTHING & BEDDING 40000 - 4,000 41000 4;000 40000 001.000000.205.270.523.60.531040,0000.00. INMATE SUPPUES 20,000 2,728 15,000 15,000 15 000 200000 (5,000) 18 Based on new Medicaid legislation 001.000000.205,270.523.60.531777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 3,477 200 200, 200 200 001.000000.205. 270.523.60.532010.0000.00. FUEL - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.60.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL - - - ' 001,000000.205.270.523,60.532777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 170073 2,845 71000 7,000 7,000 71000 - 001.000000.205,270.523,60.535010.0000.00. SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 001.000000.205,270,523.60.535040.0000.00, TACTICAL EQUIPMENT 4,500 - 4,500 4,500 4,SOO 4500 OOLO00000.205,270,523,60,535050,0000,00. COMPUTERS - - - - 001.000000.205,270,523,60,535098,0000,00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 001,000000.205,270.523.60,535099,0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 4,500 4,500 (4,500) - - Control Board Parts and Desktop were replaced 001.000000,205,270,523,60,54100860000,00, HEALTH CARE SERVICES S%000 16,995 38,000 38,000 38 000 500000 (12,000) 18 Based on new Medicaid legislation 001.000000.205,270.523,60,541010,0000,00, HEALTH CARE SVCS-MASON GEN HOS 100,000 29,232 80,000 8%000 80 000 100,000 (2%000) 18 Based on new Medicaid legislation 001.000000,205.270,523.60.541011,0000.00, HEALTHCARE DELIVERY/NURSING 525,000 258,768 5250000 525,000 525,000 525 000 001.000000.205.270.523,60.541012,0000,00, INMATEX-RAYS - - - - 001,000000,205,270523,60,541013,0000,00, PHARMACY/PRESCRIPTIONS 40,000 11,199 25,000 25,000 25,000 40,000 (15,000) 1S Based on new Medicaid legislation 001.000000,205,270523.60.541014.0000,00, DENTALCARE - - - - 001,000000,205,270,523.60.541015,0000,00, INMATE MEDICAL TRANSPORT 150000 1,620 100000 30,000 1%000 15,000 (5,000) 18 Based on new Medicaid legislation 001.000000,205,270.523.60,541017,0000,00, INMATE MEDICAL LAB TESTS - - - - - OOL000000.205.270,523.60,541020,0000,00. NEW HIRE TESTING/EXPENSES 10,000 846 50000 51000 %000 5,000 Three Year Actuals Moved <$5k> to ML3 001.000000.205.270,523,60,541050.0000.00, INMATE PROF SRVCS/PREA/VIDEO 4,500 1,297 20000 2,000 20000 2,000 Three Year Actuals Moved <$2500> to ML3 001.000000,205,270.523.60.541070.0000,00, IMAGINGCONTRACT 4,000 51457 4,000 4,000 40000 4,000 OOL00OOOO,205,270,523,60,54150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000.205.270.523.60,542010,0000.00, CELL/FAX/INTERNET - - - - 001.000000,205.270,523,60.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE - - - - 001,000000.205.270.523.60.543010.0000,00. TRAVEL 825 - 11200 1,200 1200 1,200 Three Year Actuals. 2017-19 average = Moved $375to ML3 001.000000,205.270.523.60.545010.0000.00, COPIER LEASES - - - - 001,000000.205.270.523.60.545030.0000.00. VEHICLE RENTAL - - - 001,000000,205.270.523.60.545777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - 11,283 5$ 00 51500 5 500 5,500 001.000000.205.270,523.60.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTALS - - - 001.000000.205.270.523.60,546096,0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 5,800 51800 6,600 6,600 (800) 51800 %800 Included replacement and new Based on prior year adopted budget 001.000000,205.270.523.60.546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 1,800 315 50 50 50 50 001.000000,205.270.523.60.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 47,700 1,244 470700 47,700 47,700 47,700 001.000000,205.270.523.60.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS - - - - 001.000000,205.270.523.60.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 216 11543 200 200 200 200 001.000000.205,270.523.60.548778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 21381 2,294 200 200 200 200 001.000000.205.270.523,60.549020.0000.00. REGIST/TUITION/MEMBERSHIPS 71000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - Accreditation requires 10 wks trng Moved $2691 to ML3- required 41309 15 now instead of training 001.000000,205,270,523,90.531010,0000.00. KITCHEN SUPPLIES-JAIL 91800 90800 %800 9,800 - More sanitizing due to COVID- moved 50000 4,729 Contractual Increase to ML3 001,000000,205,270,523.90.535010.0000.00, KITCHEN SMALLTOOLS & EQUIP 10000 81 100 100 100 100 - Three Year Actuals Moved <$900> to ML3 001.000000.205.270.523.90.541010.0000,00, FOOD SERVICES 275*000 122,161 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 - 001.000000.205.270.523.90.548030.0000.00. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT REPAIRS - - 100 100 100 100 - No budget in 2021 Moved $100 to ML3 OOLO00000.205.270,532,20.545777.0000,00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - - - 001.000000.205.270.594.23,564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 260604 1,113 - - 001,000000.205.270.594.23,564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 61525 110444 - - - - 001.000000.205.270.594.60.564010.0000.00. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - - 10,000 301000 100000 100000 1 Jail replacement locks/fittings 001.000000.205,275.523,20,543010,0000,00. TRAVEL - - - OOL000000.205,280.521,70.530010.0000,00, TRAFFIC TIME & EFFORT 10115,778 372,886 1,2131188 1,213,188 (88,785) 1,124403 1,124403 0 Adjusted difference 001.000000.205.280.521.70.510367,0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 73,993 9,456 73,514 73,514 (161) 73,353 73,353 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205.280.521.70.510368.0000.00. TRAFFIC DEPUTY 70 323 24833 73 719 73 719 67 73 652 73 652 0 Calalation Differences Adjusted difference 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 7 of 8 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001.000000.205,280,521,70.510369,0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 70,554 70,554 966 71,520 710520 (0) $70,554 is 82% of $86,042 Top Step 660418 33,013 with assignments Added assignment 001.000000,205,280.521,70,51037040000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 730027 37,472 730180 73,180 (153) 73 027 730027 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205.280.521.70,510371,0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 720633 31,313 700682 70,682 (29) 70,653 700653 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000.205,280.521,70,510372.0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 72,633 36,974 69,901 6%901 (86) 690815 690815 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205.280.521,70,510373,0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 710961 37,136 72,527 72,527 (140) 72,387 72,387 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference OO1,0000004205,280.521,70,510375,0000,00, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 720387 37,219 73,381 73,381 (158) 731223 73 223 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205.280.521.70,510376,0000600, TRAFFIC DEPUTY 730680 37,661 74,500 74,500 (181) 74319 74,319 (0) Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001.000000,205,280.521.70,53090L0000.00. OFFICER IN CHARGE 1,600 10660 1,600 1,600 1,600 10600 00L0o0000,205,280.52L70,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME 80,000 23,877 800000 80,000 800000 800000 001,000000.205,280,521.70,512010,0000,00, HOUDAYOVERTIME S%000 21,431 SO0000 50,000 500000 50000 001,000000,205,280,521,70S12902,0000.00, TRAINING OVERTIME - - - 001,000000,205,280,521,70.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 45,985 1%656 72,096 72,096 (5,993) 66,303 66103 0 Included overtime OTalready included in calculation 001.000000.205,280,521,70,520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 144,924 52,642 156,694 156,694 (10,736) 145958 145,958 (0) Included overtime OT already included in calculation 001,000000,205.280.521,70,520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 100,973 36,972 108,559 10%559 (7,438) 101,121 101,121 (0) Included overtime OT already included in calculation OOL000000.205.280452L70,520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 334,398 111,019 334,378 334,378 20 334398 3340398 (0) Calculation Differences Adusted difference 001,000000,205.2804521,70,520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 21779 1,040 %005 3,005 (206) 20799 2,799 0 Calculation Differences Adjusted difference 001,000000,205,280.521.70.520050.0000.00, UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 18,387 3,675 8,100 8,100 81100 %100 9x900 = 8100 Changed BL3 to home BARS 001,000000,205,280,521,70.520053.0000.00. Q'MASTER ISSU E/REPLACE 21000 686 2,000 2,000 2,000 2000 - 001.000000,205.280.521.70.531010.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 11942 001.000000.205.280.521.70.531777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES - 61268 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 001.000000.205.280.521.70.532010.0000.00. FUEL - - - 001.000000.205.280.521.70.532093.0000.00. ER&R FUEL - - - 001,000000,205,280,521.70,532777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 21,951 25,980 42,500 42,500., 42,500 42500 001,000000,205.280.521.70.535000.0000.00. TACTICAL EQUIPMENT 5,000 - 50000 5,000 5,000 5000 001,000000,205,280,52L70,535010,0000.00. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000,205.28052L70.535020.0000.00. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000,205.280,521,70,535098,0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000,2054280,52L70.535099,0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - - 001.000000,205.280,521,70,S41030,0000.00, TOWING FEES 3,000 - 500 Soo Soo Soo Three Year Actuals Moved <$2500> to MI-3 OO1,000000,205,280.521470,54150L0000,00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 001,000000,205,280,521,70,542010,0000.00. CELL PHONES - - - - 001.000000.205.280.521.70.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL - - - - 001.000000.205.280.521,70,545777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - 15,246 Soo Soo 500 Soo 001.000000.205.280.521.70.545951.0000.00, ERR VEHICLE RENTAL - - - - 001.000000.205.280.521,70,546096,0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 4,086 4,086 10800 1,800 2,286 4086 4,086 9x200 = 1800 Based on prior year ado tedbudget 001.000000,205,280.521.70,546777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 3,240 345 - - 001.000000.205.280.521.70.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 2,000 21000 21000 20000 - 4•yr avg, + accident investigation 200 1,256 hardware maint. Moved $1800 to ML3 001.000000.205,280,521.70,548777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 504 425 30500 31500 3 500 3 500 001.000000,205.280,521,70.548778.0000.00, MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 12,926 31981 31500 3,500 3 500 3 500 001.000000.205.280.521.70.549020.0000.00, REGIST/TUITION/MEMBERSHIP 537 21032 5,000 51000 5000 SAO Three Year Actuals Moved $4463 to ML3 001,000000.205.280.594.21.564010.0000.00. TRAFFICVEHICLES - - - - 001.000000,205.280.594.21.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 2%229 646 200000 20,000 20,000 20,000 OOL000000,205,280,594.21,564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP U PFIT 26,960 27,693 434000 43,000 43,000 43,000 001,000000,205,290,523,60,531010,0000.00, INMATE SUPPLIES %500 1,005 91500 90500 9500 %500 OO1"000000,205.290,523,60,535010,0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT 300 - 300 300 300 300 001,000000.205.290.523,90.541010,0000,00. FOOD SERVICES 200 - 200 200 200 200 001.000000.205.295.521,10,520011,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL I NSURANCE-VOLUNTEER 50 - SO 50 50 50 OO1,000000.205,295,521.10,520050.0000,00, UNIFORMS 500 Soo S00 500 - Three Year Actuals for Volunteers and 200 512 Chaplain Moved $300 to ML3 001.000000.205.295.521.10.531010.0000.00. SUPPLIES - 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,650 - Three Year Actuals for Volunteers and 1,700 11953 Chaplain Moved $950 to ML3 001.000000.205,295.521.10,532777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL FUEL - 49 - 001.000000.205.295.521. 10.535099.0000,00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 250 - 700 700 700 700 Tablet purchase for volunteers to do Moved $450 to MI3 001.000000,205,295.521.10.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250 1,140 10000 11000 10000 10000 Contract increase Moved $450 to ML3 001.000000,205,295,521.10.543010.0000,00. TRAVEL 50 1,002 300 300 300 300 Three Year Actuals for training Moved $2.50 to ML3 001.000000.205.295.521.10.549020.0000.00, REGISTRATIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 200 1,350 Soo Soo Soo S00 Three Year Actuals for training Moved $300 to ML3 Sheriff _ 14,555,735 _ 6,866,395 _ 16,861,042 _ 16,861,042 54,784 16,915,826 141807,135 21108,691 141,000000,000.0004508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVE 111,289 - 115,897 115,897 115 897 115,897 - 141,000000.000.000,514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 193 - 167 167 167 167 (0) 141.000000.000.000.521.22.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 9,000 71835 12,000 12,000 12,000 120000 141,000000,000.000,521,22,520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 200 231 350 350 350 3So 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Sheriff 8 of 8 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2021 ACTUAIS 2022IIUD13ET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 141,000000,000,000,521,22,520020,0000,00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 689 579 870 870 870 870 0 141,000000,000,000452L22,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 480 418 625 625 625 625 (0) 141.000000.000,000,521.22.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - 11904 21900 21900 20900 20900 - 141.000000.000.000.521,22.520D45.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 13 11 20 20 20 20 (0) 141.000000,000,000.521.22.531777.0000,00, MOTOR POOLSUPPLIES - - - - 141,000000.000.000.521.22,532010.0000.00. FUEL USED 3,000 667 3,000 3,000 %000 3,000 - 141.000000,000,000,521,22.532777,0000,00. MOTOR POOLFUEL 0 _ ' 141,000000,000.000.521.22.535010,0000,00. SMALLTOOIS & EQUIPMENT 1,500 - 500 500 500 500 - 141.000000,000.000.521.22.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE EQUIP 500 500 Soo 500 S00 - 141.000000,000.000.521.22.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 40369 2,185 2,536 2,536 2,536 20536 (0) 141,000000.000.000.521.22.543010.0000,00. TRAVEL - 813 - 141,000000,000.000.521.22.545777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL LEASE - - - 141.000000,000.000.521.22.546010.0000.00. LIABILITY INSURANCE 157 - 157 157 157 157 141.000000.000,000,521,22.546030.0000.00. RISK POOL INSURANCE - - - - 141.000000.000,000.521,22.546777,0000.00. MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 141,000000.000.000.521.22.548010.0000,00, BOAT REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 18,789 21477 100000 10,000 10,000 1%000 141.000000.000,000,521.22.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - 7 - - 141,000000,000.000.521.22.548778.0000,00, MOTOR POOL REPAIRS - - 141.000000,000,000,594.21.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE - 141.000000.000.000,594.21,564778,0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - 1500179 17,126 149,522 149,522 14%S22 1490522 (0) Sheriff Boating 150,179 17,126 149,522 149,S22 149522 149522 (0) 142,000000,000.000,508.10.500000.0000.00. ENDING FUND BALANCE RESTRICTED 8%296 - 88,596 88,596 88,596 88,596 142,000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000,00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 111 - 108 108 108 108 (0) 142.000000.000.000.521.21.531777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL SUPPLI ES - - - 142.000000.000,000,521,21,532777,0000,00. MOTOR POOL FUEL - - 142,000000.000.000.521,21,541010,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250 - 300 300 300 300 142,000000,000.000.521.21.541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 2,S07 1,254 2,141 2,141 2,141 20141 0 142.000000.000.000.521.21.544010.0000,00, 10% STATE CONFISCATION PAY 400 594 600 600 600 600 142.000000,000.000,521.21.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE - - - 142.000000.000.000.521.21.546777,0000,00, MOTOR POOL INSURANCE - - _. 'r - 142.000000,000.000,521.21.548011.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 142.000000.000.000.521.21.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - - - -� 142,000000,000.000.521.21.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS - - - - 142.000000.000.000,521.21.549010.0000.00. INVESTIGATION REVOLVING REIMB 4,936 21237 4,500 4,500 40500 41500 142.000000.000.000.594.21,564777.0000,00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE - - - - 142.000000,000,000,594.21.564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - - - _ 97,500 4,084 9_6,245 961245 - 96,245 960245 (0) Narcotics Investigation 97 500 4 084 96,245 96,245 96 245 96 245 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX . 001 , 2050270 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Jail Lock Replacement Project Description ( 30 Words ) Jail Replacement Locks Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 10, 000 Net Impact $ ( 10, 000 ) Narrative During the last maintenance inspection of the jail door locks the vendor indicated the need to replace several worn or less than ideally working locks . Added in case this does not come from REET funds . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 5941606564010 Machinery & Equipment X $ 10, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX . XXX. XXX . 001 , 205e265 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) New FTEs Project Description ( 30 Words ) New FTEs Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 2 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 127, 360 Net Impact $ ( 127, 360) Narrative The Sheriff' s North End office in Belfair has been running with volunteers since it's inception . The pool of volunteers is shrinking which is making it more difficult to keep that office open to serve the north end constituents . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 265 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 10 . 510076 Clerk X $ 63, 680 521610 . 510077 Clerk X $ 63, 680 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug- 21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 I Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX . 0016205 . 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) New FTEs Project Description (30 Words ) New FTEs Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 3 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 2 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 124, 744 Net Impact $ ( 124,744) Narrative The Sheriff' s North End office in Belfair has been running with volunteers since it's inception . The pool of volunteers is shrinking which is making it more difficult to keep that office open to serve the north end constituents . The addition of Community Service Officers gives the Sheriff greater flexibility in providing services to the public . There would be one CSO in the north precinct and one in the south ; they would take phone calls, talk to walk ins, and make phone calls for investigations . There is no CJTC training for a CSO and special or no commission, lowering the overall cost. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 22 , 510315 Community Service Offic X $ 62, 372 521 , 22 , 510320 Community Service Offic X $ 62, 372 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug- 21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX . 001 . 205 . 270 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) New FTE Project Description (30 Words ) New FTE Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 4 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 84, 561 Net Impact $ (84, 561 ) Narrative The jail population is expected to increase as virus exposure is mitigated . This will increase the number of trials conducted at the new court. One more Transport Deputy is needed to ensure there are adequate resources to take inmates safely to and from Building 10 without undue restraint. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523 . 60 . 510192 Transport Deputy X $ 84, 561 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX. XXX . XXX . 001 . 205 . 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Patrol Overtime Project Description ( 30 Words ) Patrol Overtime Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 5 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 70, 000 Net Impact $ (70, 000 ) Narrative The Patrol Overtime budget dropped from $ 250, 000 to $ 180, 000 in 2018 . The actual average overtime expenditure is $ 245, 907 using 2017 to 2020 actuals . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521022 . 512000 Patrol Overtime X $ 70,000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug- 21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 I Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX . XXX. XXX . 00142050267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Patrol Holiday Overtime Project Description ( 30 Words ) Patrol Holiday Overtime Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 6 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 35, 000 Net Impact $ ( 35,000) Narrative The Holiday Overtime Budget for Patrol dropped from $ 125,000 to $ 85, 000 in 2018 . The average expenditure to cover holiday overtime staffing is $ 116, 036 using 2017 to 2020 actuals . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 22 , 512010 Patrol Holiday Overtime X $ 35, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX . 001 . 205 . 267 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) Bulletproof Vests Project Description ( 30 Words ) Replacing 25 bulletproof vests at end of life Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 7 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 20, 000 Net Impact $ ( 20,000) Narrative The Bulletproof vest grant has never been enough to fully fund the need to replace vests at end of life . The grant money had not been spent down in three years but it will all be spent by the end of the 2021 fiscal year. Additionally, the price of vests have continued to increase, now costing over $ 1000 per vest . There are 25 vests needing to be replaced in Patrol and Corrections . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 22 , 535015 Bulletproof Vests X $ 20, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug- 21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX . XXX. XXX. 001 . 205 . 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Ammunition Project Description ( 30 Words ) Training and Service Ammunition Project Number ( 1, 2, 3 , etc . ) 8 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 138, 000 Net Impact $ ( 138, 000) Narrative Corrections Officers have joined the Patrol Division at Firearms Training for accreditation . Additionally, ammunition has been less available and more expensive . The budget needs to be increased in 2022 to allow for the additional staff being trained and to have two-years stock in to mitigate times when ammunition is not available for purchase . This would be a one-time purchase to catch up the stockpile then the budget will go back to $ 20, 000 per year. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 . 22 . 531030 Ammunition X $ 13 % 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund NumberXXX .XXX . XXX . 0016205 , 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Boat Repairs & Maintenance Project Description (30 Words ) Boat Repairs and Maintenance Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 9 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 50, 000 Net Impact $ ( 50, 000 ) Narrative The Washington State Parks Department grant looks like it will not be available for 2022 and beyond . This will likely cause a shortfall in the amount available to keep the aging fleet in service. One boat trailer needs to be replaced at a cost of $ 14, 000 and if a motor needs replacing the cost would be $ 16, 000 to $ 27, 000. Additionally, the MCSO faces continued increases in calls for service on all the lakes in the county. Keeping the boats usable is a top priority to help the county recover recreational boating safely. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 . 22 . 548010 Repairs to Equipment X $ 50, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX. XXX. XXX . 001 , 205 , 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) SWAT/SAR Equipment Project Description (30 Words ) Search and Rescue Equipment Replacement Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 10 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 91000 Net Impact $ ( % 000) Narrative The Search and Rescue Team rely on the funds in the Title III program to replace equipment damaged or lost. Since this fund balance is decreasing the MCSO is looking to have supplemental funds available. The three-year average for the equipment purchased from this line $ 19, 397 . The three plus-year average yearly cost for overtime is $ 9907 . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 22 , 535020 SWAT/SAR Equipment X $ 91000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX . 001 . 205 . 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters) Patrol Quartermaster Project Description ( 30 Words ) Uniform Replacement Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 11 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 15, 000 Net Impact $ ( 15, 000) Narrative The Quartermaster budget is used to purchase uniforms and boots for the division . There are going to be five to seven people retire in 2022 . Budget request is to outfit eight new deputies plus $ 15, 000 for replacement items . Three-year average for this QM is $ 19, 990 , Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 22 . 520054 Quartermaster X $ 15,000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX . XXX. XXX . 001 . 205 . 270 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Healthcare Supplies Project Description (30 Words ) Healthcare Supplies Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc. ) 12 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 15, 000 Net Impact $ ( 15, 000) Narrative There was no budget in 2021 . This funding is for PPE for jail staff. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 , 205 . 270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523 . 60 . 531020 Healthcare Supplies X $ 15, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX .XXX. XXX . 001 . 205 . 265 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) STOP Grant Services Project Description (30 Words ) STOP Grant Services - Payments to the City of Shelton Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc. ) 13 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 12, 000 Net Impact $ ( 12, 000 ) Narrative The MCSO took over as lead for the STOP grant in 2021 but nothing was budgeted for the payments to the City of Shelton for their portion of the grant . This is coincidental to the increase in revenue BARS 333 , 16 , 358000 , Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 265 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 . 10 . 541512 STOP Grant Services X $ 12, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX . 001 . 205 . 265-280 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) Replacement & New FTEs Project Description (30 Words ) Replacement and New FTEs Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc. ) 14 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 15 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 11366, 872 Net Impact $ ( 1, 366, 872) Narrative The Sheriff's Office has been understaffed since the budget cuts of 2017 . Calls for services and program administration have continued to increase putting pressure on existing staff to pick up the slack and, where necessary work overtime to compensate . These positions are important to the Sheriff' s Office functioning well though not as high a priority as other needs . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205a265-280 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521AM10075 Clerk X $ 65, 693 521 . 10 . 510106 Clerk X $ 65, 693 521 . 10 . 510002 Clerk X $ 65, 693 521 . 22 . 510290 Lieutenant X $ 122, 278 521 . 22 . 510334 Lieutenant X $ 122, 278 521 . 226510150 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 . 22 , 510260 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 , 22 , 510280 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 , 22 , 510285 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 . 22 . 510343 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 . 22 . 510363 Patrol Deputy X $ 95, 771 521 . 22 . 510310 Systems Administrator X $ 105, 631 523 . 606510120 Corrections Deputy X $ 81, 660 523 . 606510171 Corrections Deputy X $ 81, 660 523 . 60 . 510176 1 Corrections Deputy X $ 81, 660 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX . XXX .XXX . 001 . 205 . 265 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) Software Project Description ( 30 Words ) Software Licenses and Fees Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc . ) 15 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease N/A $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 10, 000 Net Impact $ ( 10, 000) Narrative Quickbooks was added in order to close the Treasurer' s Trust accounts . Teamviewer, MS Office and Adobe Pro were added as mitigating software to allow staff to work remotely and for deputy access . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 265 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 10 , 541030 Software Licenses & Fees X $ 10,000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX .XXX . XXX , 0016205 , 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Boat Fuel Project Description (30 Words ) Boating Program Fuel Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 16 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 51000 Net Impact $ ( 51000 ) Narrative The Washington State Parks Department grant looks like it will not be available for 2022 and beyond . This will likely cause a shortfall in the amount available to put boats in the water. Additionally, the MCSO faces continued increases in calls for service on all the lakes in the county. Keeping the boats usable is a top priority to help the county recover recreational boating safely. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 . 22 . 532010 Fuel X $ 51000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug- 21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX. XXX . XXX , 001 , 205 , 267 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) K9 Program Project Description ( 30 Words ) K9 Program Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc. ) 17 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 51800 Net Impact $ (51800 ) Narrative The K9 program is largely funded by donations but the county benefits greatly from the work these teams perform . They save time and money tracking suspects and keep the citizens safe . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521 , 23 , 531010 K9 Supplies X $ 31000 521 , 23 , 535010 K9 Equipment $ 500 521 , 23 , 541010 K9 Professional Services $ 11100 521 , 23 , 543000 K9 Travel $ 500 521 . 23 . 549020 K9 Tuition/Memberships $ 700 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff' s Office Fund Number XXX .XXX . XXX , 001 , 205 , 270 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Jail Healthcare Project Description (30 Words ) Healthcare costs for jail inmates Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 18 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A $ Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Decrease $ 57,000 Net Impact $ ( 57,000) Narrative COVID protocols have necessitated a reduced jail population . Additionally the state legislature passed a bill that allows inmates access to Medicaid . Inmates are now directed to apply for Medicaid while incarcerated which should further reduce medical expenses associated with inmates . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 205 . 270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523 , 60 , 531040 INMATE SUPPLIES X $ 51000 523 , 60 , 541008 HEALTH CARE SERVICES X $ 12, 000 523 . 60 . 541010 HEALTH CARE SVCS- MASON GEN HOS X $ 20,000 523 . 60 . 541013 PHARMACY/PRESCRIPTIONS X $ 15, 000 523 . 60 . 541015 INMATE MEDICAL TRANSPORT X $ 5, 000 Sheryl Hilt - Finance Manager 27-Aug-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX.XXX.XXX. 001.205.267 Project Name Short Description(30 Characters) Evidence Tech Overtime Project Description(30 Words) Evidence Tech Overtime Project Number(1,2,3,etc.) 19 FTE Impact Increase/Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease N/A $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease Increase $ 500 Net Impact $ (500) Narrative It is expected there will be some overtime needed during the first year implementation of the body and vehicle cameras due to the amount of information being gathered which will need to be reviewed,etc. Detail Accounts:for Department 001.205.267 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 521.80.512000 Overtime X $ 500 Sheryl Hilt-Finance Manager 22-Sep-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to:jb@co.mason.wa.us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted/Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX.XXX.XXX. 001.205.270 Project Name Short Description(30 Characters) Jail Clerical Overtime Project Description(30 Words) Jail Clerical Overtime Project Number(1,2,3,etc.) 20 FTE Impact Increase/Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease N/A $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease Increase $ 500 Net Impact $ (500) Narrative The two clerical staff were moved out of the EHM group in 2021.Their overtime was being charged to 523.20.512000. Detail Accounts:for Department 001.205.270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523.10.512000 Overtime X $ 500 Sheryl Hilt-Finance Manager 22-Sep-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to:jb@co.mason.wa.us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted/Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX.XXX.XXX. 001.205.270 Project Name Short Description(30 Characters) EHM Officer in Charge Project Description(30 Words) EHM Officer in Charge Project Number(1,2,3,etc.) 21 FTE Impact Increase/Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease N/A $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease Increase $ 500 Net Impact $ (500) Narrative Periodically a Community Service Officer will need to step in and run the program when the coordinator is unavailable.This is a line for those payments. Detail Accounts:for Department 001.205.270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523.10.512000 Overtime X $ 500 Sheryl Hilt-Finance Manager 22-Sep-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to:jb@co.mason.wa.us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted/Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name 001 Sheriff's Office Fund Number XXX.XXX.XXX. 001.205.270 Project Name Short Description(30 Characters) Jail Quartermaster Project Description(30 Words) Jail Quartermaster Project Number(1,2,3,etc.) 22 FTE Impact Increase/Decrease N/A 0 Revenue Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease N/A $ - Expenditure Dollar Impact(no negatives) Increase/Decrease Increase $ 750 Net Impact $ (750) Narrative The three year actuals for this line are:$12,647 in 2017,$15,088 in 2018,and$18,503 in 2019.(Didn't count 2020 as an anomolous year due to COVID.)Making the three-year average$15,413.The budget for jail quartermaster was$35,000 until 2018.Additionally,there are six open positions that we anticipate filling in 2022. Detail Accounts:for Department 001.205.270 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 523.60.520051 Quartermaster X $ 750 Sheryl Hilt-Finance Manager 22-Sep-21 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to:jb@co.mason.wa.us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted/Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 �g�TY ACCov.o �llt �� -- DEPUTY �i P,A S Y Sox coy -~ ST 6014 AS'pzCT w Mason County Sheriff 2022 Budget 1pfity urir 5� � s 5 y Mason County 2022 Budget Mason County has a total area of 1 ,051 square miles; of this area, ninety-two square miles are covered in water. The residential population is over 64,000 i' (2019) and rising at more than 4% per year. The number of visitors to the county At is estimated at 1 .3 million per year' 2. The Mason County Sheriff's Office covers this area with only 46 full time '' a,.Yu 3° deputies. Of that number seven are detectives and at any one time several are SkokornW M° uess unavailable for the shift because they're in training, out on military deployment, etc. This leaves an average of only six deputies per 12-hour shift in each of the Matlock i rstine.ls an .�Shehonoi Agate two precincts. Deputies respond on land, on the water, or in the forest; anytime, o, Carl e K9., a day or night. State Auditors Office data— Public Safety Spending Statewide averages 34% of county budgets, Beach MCCln 2y a a.. „w Mason County average is 31%. In 2021, 34% of the general fund budget would allow the MCSO to replace all deputy FTEs lost in 2017 budget cuts. 1-OFM.WA.GO V DA TABOOK 2020 2-Wild Side Concierge Rachel Hanson Discusses Tourism in Mason County.May 26,2021 y - Mason CountSheriff2022 Budget I " op -ti The Mason County Sheriff's Office also operates the county jail. The jail staff FTE count is 27 but there are typically four to six vacancies, leaving less than 25 people to supervise the jail inmate population while still h k iAt meeting COVID protocols. The jail recently received permission to offer signing bonuses to help increase the number of applicants, but this is a statewide issue. No jurisdiction has enough applicants to adequately staff the jails. The Administrative office has 12 staff to assist the public, respond to { records requests, and provide financial services. The MCSO is very fortunate to also have an average of 15 volunteers a month who help keep the Belfair office open, assist with the Shelton office workload, identify abandoned vehicles, and assist with boat checks. yIf-6 uri( Mason County2022 BudgetC� 2021 MCSO FTE COUNT - 98 SHERIFF Undersheriff Patrol�Chief Chief of Detectives Civil Chief Jail Chief Jail Lieutenant Patrol Detectives & Support Services 5 Sergeants Supporting Svcs. 3 Rec. Specs Jail 4 Corporals 1 Det. Sergeant 1 Civil Clerk 29 Deputies 1 Det. Corporal 3 Clerks 4 Sergeants 6 Detectives 4 Corporals (15 Volunteers) 20 Deputies 2 Evidence Techs 1 Rec. Spec. 1 Finance Mgr. 1 Clerk 2 Fin. Assists. 3 CSOs •' 4iCIVrV y Mason County 2022 Budget What's Changed from 2015 to 2020 2015 2020 Notes MCSO FTE Count 112 98 Down 12% Population 62,200 65,650 Up 5% Measurable Data — Workload Indicators Calls for Service 19,249 25,357 Up 24% Traffic Contacts/Stops 4392 5370 Up 8% Down 38% - Possibly due to Covid DUI Arrests 26 16 (Average 2016-2019 = 28) Detective Investi atg ions 406 615 Up 34% Evidence Received 2715 pounds 2624 pounds Down 3% Drug Take Back Pounds Received 1340 pounds 1897 pounds Up 29% Water Related Incidents 54 127 Up 67% Search and Rescue 13 16 Up 29% Concealed Pistol Licenses Issued 1510 2175 Up 31% Firearms Transactions 1656 2321 Up 29% Down 38% - Due to court closure Process Service 5392 3346 (Average 2016-2019 = 5981 Public Disclosure Requests 1707 1826 Up 6% 4ar�r� 5d Mason C nt h ri 2 22 B ou S e 0 u et[0 What we are requesting (PLRs) • $ 10,000 to replace aging jail door locks. • $127,360 for two clerical staff for the Belfair office (fully loaded). • $124,744 for two Community Service Officers for Belfair office (fully loaded). • $ 84,561 for one more Jail Transport Deputy (fully loaded). • $105,000 to fund Patrol overtime needs and cover bow wave in civil process services. • $ 20,000 to replace bulletproof vests at end of life. • $138,000 to purchase sufficient ammunition for training and a two-year stockpile against future shortages. • $ 55,000 for aging boat repairs, maintenance, and fuel to replace decreased Parks grant. • $ 9,000 for Search and Rescue funds to replace Title III funding decrease. • $ 15,000 in Quartermaster to replace uniforms for five to seven retirements (Anticipate losing two Sergeants, two Corporals, and two Deputies out of Patrol). • $ 15,000 for jail personal protective equipment - pandemic mitigation. • $ 12,000 to pay for STOP grant services to City of Shelton not previously budgeted. • $ 10,000 increase in software costs needed for mobile work and contractual increases. • $ 5,800 for the K9 program. • <$57,000> decrease from jail medical due to the passage of legislation allowing inmates access to Medicaid. TOTAL REQUESTED INCREASE OVER 2021 BUDGET - $674,465 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 1 of 5 Revenue 2021ADOPTIID 2021ACIUALS 2022 BUDGET 202.2 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVZI ;PT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 • BOCC LEVEL 4 - FUR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 105.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 3,8641454 - - - 1,9360370 11936,370 11936,370 0 This s/b a positive number, my EFB estmate is $10M 105.000000.000.000.308.10.300003.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED-NEW ROAD PRJ 4,500,000 - 41500,000 4,500,000 4,50%000 4,500,000 - Wks FB wksheet error col "X" understates FB by $500K The $4.5M reflects the current FB Policy 105.000000.000.000.308.10.309999.0000.00, BEG FUND-OPERATING 3,154,840 - 3,154,840 3,154,840 408,790 3,563,630 3,563,630 (0) 25% of prior year expenses is $3,56%630 105.000000.000.000.311.10.300000.0000.00. PROPERTY TAXES/REAL & PERSONAL 91048,298 5,39%519 91048,298 9,0481298 %048298 %048,298 105.000000.000.000.311.30.300000.0000.00. SALE OF TX TITLE PROPERTY - - - - 105.000000.000.000.317.20.300000.0000.00. LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 20,000 15,486 20,000 200000 20,000 20,000 - 105.000000.000.000.317.40.300000.0000.00. FOREST EXCISE TAX 50,000 132,786 50,000 501000 50000 50,000 105.000000.000.000.321.50.300000.0000.00, PUBLIC UTILITIES 30,000 22,409 S%000 50,000 50,000 50,000 105.000000.000.000.321.91.300000.0000.00, FRANCHISE FEES 51100 - 50100 50100 5,100 5100 105.000000.000.000.322.40.300000.0000.00, STREET AND CURB PERMITS 51000 41395 5,000 50000 5,000 5,000 105.000000.000.000.332.10.368000.0000.00, TITLE I • SCHOOLS AND ROADS 150,000 112,542 15%000 1500000 150 000 150 000 105.000000.000.000.333.20.300026.0000.00, HARSTINE ISLAND CRP 2026 7,376 2,595,000 205950000 2595,000 2,595,000 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320000.0000.00, FED FHWA VIA WS ST DOT 3,66%993 - 5,009,209 51009o209 50090209 51009,209 105.000000.000.000.333.20.300028.0000.00, AGATE RESURFACING CRP 2028 - 322,175 - - 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320501.0000.00. GUARDRAIL IMPROVEMENTS - 24,630 - - 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320502.0000.00. CO ROAD SAFETY PLAN - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320503.0000.00. BEAR CRK DEWATTO CLEAR ZONE - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320505.0000.00. 2018 COUNTY OVERLAYS STPR-Z923 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.20.320506.0000.00. 2019 MASON COUNTY OVERLAYS - 683,272 - - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.300053.0000.00. FEMA 4539-DR-WA - 23,980 - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.303000.0000.00. FEMA 2007 STORMS/FLOODING - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.303610.0000.00. FEMA4249-DR-WA D16.628 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.303620.0000.00. FEMA4253-DR-WA D16-734 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.306730.0000.00. FEMA D19-134 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.333.97.336000.0000.00. DEPT HOMELAND SECURITY/FEMA - - - - 105.000000.000.000.334.01.380000.0000.00. WA STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT - - - - 105.000000.000.000.334.01.380020.0000.00. FEMA4253-OR-WA D16-734 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.334.01.380030.0000.00. FEMA-4418-DR-WA D19-134 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.334.02.371424.0000.00. COFFEE CREEK FISH PASSAGE - 186,779 - 105.000000.000.000.334.02.372022.0000.00. UPPER CULVERT-JOHNS CREEK 180000 54,442 420,304 42%304 4200304 420,304 105.000000.000.000.334.02.372023.0000.00, LOWER CULVERT-JOHNS CREEK 500000 45,784 50,000 50,000 500000 500000 105.000000.000.000.334.02372024.0000.00, DAYTON CRK-HIGHLAND RD CULVERT 250000 27,579 420,3D4 420,304 420,304 42%304 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370000.0000.00, CO RD ADMIN.BOARD-ROAD ARTERIA 876,000 - 876,000 876,000 8760000 876,000 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370010.0000.00, STATE GRANT CRP 1970 - - - 305.000000.000.000.334.03.370020.0000.00. RATA VIA WA ST CRAB - (52,046) - - 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370030.0000.00. HIGHLAND CU LVERT 2315-02 RATA - - - 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370040.0000.00. NORTH ISLAND DR-CULVERT - 63,751 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370050.0000.00, NORTH SHORE-CADY CREEK - 68,954 25,000 25,000 25 000 25,000 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370060.0000.00, NORTH SHORE CRP 2021 - 4%137 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 105.000000.000.000.334.03.370070.0000.00, OLD BELFAIR HWY CRP 2020 - 11,578 1018%000 1,1800000 1,1800000 141800000 105.000000.000.000.334.03.372000.0000.00, COUNTY ARTERIAL PRESERVATION P 392,979 148,513 401,306 401,106 401,106 401,106 - Per WSDOT Revneue Forecast - CAPA Funds 105.000000.000.000.335.02.332000.0000.00. STATE FOREST LAND-DNR 100 936 100 100 100 100 105.000000.000.000.336.00.375000.0000.00. MULTIMODALTRANSPO COUNTY 104*378 520193 104,378 104,378 (328) 104,050 1040050 Per OEM Revenue Forecast 6/30/20 U dated ML3 105.000000.000.000.336.00.389000.0000.00, MOTOR VEHICLE FUELTAX-COUNTY 2,427,267 999,076 21353,806 2,353,806 (104,050) 2,24%756 2,249,756 - Per OEM Revenue forecast 6/30/21 U dated ML3 105.000000.000.000.336.02.331000.0000.00, DNR PILT NAP / NRCA 2,500 - 2,500 21500 2,500 2,500 105.000000.000.000.337.00.301000.0000.00, OTHER PYMNT/LEASEHOLD 100000 - 10,000 10,000 100000 100000 305.000000.000.000.337.00.302000.0000.00, OTHER PAYMENTS/TiMBER EXCISE - - - 105.000000.000.000.341.82.300000.0000.00. ENGINEERING SERVICES 20,000 10856 - - 105.000000.000.000.344.10.300000.0000.00. ROAD/STREET MAINTENANCE & REPA 15,000 3,433 15,000 15,000 150000 150000 105.000000.000.000.344.20.300000.0000.00, SALES OF ROAD MATERIALS 10000 121 1,000 1,000 10000 1000 105.000000.000.000.359.10.300000.0000.00. FORFEITURES OF BONDS AND DEPOS - 300 - - 105.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 10,000 429 10,000 10,000 100000 102000 105.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - 105.000000.000.000.361.40.300000.0000.00. INTERFUND LOAN INTEREST 71379 7,612 7,379 7,379 (70379) Loan is aid off 105.000000.000.000.361.40.301000.0000.00. LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX INTEREST 3 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 2 of 5 Revenue 105.000000.000.000.361.40.305000.0000.00, OTHER INT-DNR INTEREST - 8 - - - 105.000000.000.000.362.00.301000.0000.00. RENTS & LEASES-DNR TMBRTRST1 1%000 41116 10,000 100000 100000 10000 105.000000.000.000.362.00.302000.0000.00, RENTS & LEASES DNRTMBRTRST I 277,805 44%109 277,805 277,805 277,805 277,805 105.000000.000.000.362.00.303000.0000.00, PW VERIZON LAND LEASE - - 105.000000.000.000.362.50.300000.0000.00. LEASES-SPACE & FAC./ST FOREST - - - - 105.000000.000.000.362.50.300001.0000.00. INTERNAL FAC RENTAL-LONGTERM 13,440 13,440 13,440 13,440 13,440 105.000000.000.000.362.50.300406.0000.00, INTERFUND FACIL RENT-LONGTERM 7,375 - 7,379 71379 7,379 7379 105.000000.000.000.362.50.30050L0000.00, INTERFUND FACILITY RENTAL 91,423 105,649 91,423 91,423 91423 91,423 105.000000.000.000.362.90.320000.0000.00. OTHER CHARGES - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.369.20.300000.0000.00. UNCLAIMED MONEY - 16,983 - - - 105.000000.000.000.369.40.300000.0000.00. JUDGMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS - - - - 105.000000.000.000.369.9L300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 1%000 82,736 10,000 100000 10000 10000 105.000000.000.000.381,20.300000.0000.00. LOAN REPAYMENT RECEIVED 30,545 30,545 - - 105.000000.000.000.386.00310000.0000.00. SALES TAX-PUBLIC WORKS - - - - 105.000000.000.000.389.30310000.0000.00. AGNCY COLLECTION SALES TAX 300 - 300 300 300 300 105.000000.000.000.398.10.300000.0000.00, INSURANCE RECOVERIES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.395.10.300000.0000.00. STATE DNR TIMBERTRUST REVENUE - - - ft - 105.000000.000.100.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 203,772 - 203,772 203,772 203 772 203,772 105.000000.000.100.341.70.310000.0000.00, SALES OF TAXABLE MERCHANDISE 1%000 Soo 10,000 100000 10,000 10,000 105.000000.000.100.341.70.320000.0000.00, SALES OF NONTAXABLE MERCHANDSE 51000 - 51000 50000 50000 5,000 105.000000.000.100.341,70.330000.0000.00. SHORT PLATS 400 450 400 400 400 400 105.000000.000.100.341,70.340000.0000.00. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS 11000 11250 1,000 10000 10000 1,000 105.000000.000.100.341,70.350000.0000.00. FINAL PLAT Soo 90 Soo Soo 500 Soo 105.000000.000.100.369.80.300000.0000.00, CASH ADJUSTMENTS - - - - 105.000000.000.100.369.90.300000.0000.00. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES - - - - 105.000000.000.100.369.9L300000.0000.00. MISC-OTHER REVENUE 15,000 149 15,000 15,000 15,000 15000 105.000000.000.100386.00.310000.0000.00, SALES TAX-PUBLIC WORKS - - - - 105.000000.000.100.389.30.310000.0000.00. AGNCY TYPE COLLECTION SALES TX 1,000 42 1,000 10000 1,000 10000 105.000000.000.200.308.10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED - - - 105.000000.000.200.361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - 105.000000.000.420.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED - - - - 5%697 5%697 5%697 - Added reserved fund balanceto MI3 BFB & EFB 105.000000.000.420.361.11.300000.0000.00. I NVESTM ENT INTEREST - - - - 105.000000.000.421.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED - - - - 20475 2,475 2,475 - Added reserved fund balanceto ML3 BFB & EFB 105.000000.000.421.361.11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - 2%125,848 9,101,626 31,170,343 31,170,343 2,295,575 33,465,918 33 465 918 0 County Road 29,1251848 1 91101,626 31,170,343 31,170,343 2,295,575 33,465,918 33,465,918 0 106.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 281,527 - 2810527 2811527 60226 287,753 287,753 (0) Net increase in py ending Nance Increased ML3 BFB 106.000000.000.000.336.00.389000.0000.00, MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX-COUNTY 10,195 41791 9,886 91886 9,886 9886 106.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT EARNINGS 2,500 94 250 250 250 2,50 106.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - 294,222 4,885 291,663 291,663 61226 297889 297,889 (0) Paths & Trails _ 294,222 4,885 291,663 291,663 6,226 297,889 297,889 (0) 192.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 940162 - 94,162 94,162 94,162 94,162 (0) 192.000000.000.000.31L10.300000.0000.00. REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - - - - 192.000000.000.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT 20,000 852 20,000 20,000 8,0000000 %020,000 20,000 800000000 Pass-Thru, Flood Plains by Design 192.000000.000.000.337.00.310000.0000.00, LOCAL GRANTS, ENTITLEMENTS, AND 8,000,000 8,0000000 - 8/0000000 Other Payments - Bridge Loan for ShortTerm-Outside Loan (bridge Skokomish River Project loan) 192.000000.000.000361,10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHER EARNINGS-INV INT Soo 9 250 250 250 250 192.000000.000.000.361,=300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST - 114,662 861 1.14,412 114,412 16,000,000 1601140412 114412 16,0001000 Skokomish Flood Zone . 114,662 861 __.._11_4_,412 __-114- ,412 16,000,000 16,114,412 114,412 16,00%000 402000000.000000.308.10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUNDRESERVED _-.__ _ -_ _ _-_� 525,664. _ _ _ _ _ 990737 _ _ _ __ 990737 990,737 990,737 0 402.000000.000.000.334.03.310005.0000.00. LSWFA IMP DOE GRANT - - 274,809 274,809 2740809 274,SO9 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.00, GARBAGE/SOUD WASTE FEES/CHGS 4,6030950 - S0487,670 5,487,670 54870670 5,487,670 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.OL LANDFILL-BELFAIR - 67,442 - - 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.02. LANDFILL-HOODSPORT - 34,997 - - 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.03. LANDFILL-SHELTON - 8410442 - - 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.04. LANDFILL-UNION - 34,694 - 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.05. LANDFILLCHARGE - 1,713,651 - - - 402.000000.000.000.361. 10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT 50000 82 5,000 5,000 50000 5 000 402.000000.000.000.361. 11.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT INTEREST 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 3 of 5 Revenue 402.000000.000.000.369.10.300000.0000.00, SALE OF SCRAP AND JUNK 5,000 10,761 7,500 7,500 7,500 7500 402.000000.000.000.369.80.300000.0000.01, CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-SHORT - 5 - - - 402.000000.000.000.369.80.300000.0000.02. CASHADJUSTMENTS - 1 - - 402.000000.000.000369.80.300000.0000.03. CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-SHORT - (37) - - - 402.000000.000.000.369.80.300000.0000.04. OVER/SHORT - - - - 402.000000.000.000.369.SL300000.0000.00. CASHIER'S OVERAGES AND SHORTAG 1 - 10 10 10 10 402,000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 33 25 25 25 25 402.000000.000.000.369.92.300000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS-NON OPERATING - 38 100000 10,000 100000 100000 402.000000.000.000.389.00.300000.0000.00, OTHER NON-REVENUE - - - - 402.000000.000.000.389.30.300000.0000.OL REFUSETAX - BELFAIR - 2,458 - - - - 402.000000.000.000.389.30.300000.0000.02. REFUSETAX - HOODSPORT - 1,259 - - - 402.000000.000.000.389.30.300000.0000.03. REFUSE TAX - SHELTON - 30,293 - - - - 402.000000.000.000.389.30.300000.0000.04. REFUSE TAX - -UNION - 1,249 - - 402.000000.000.000.389.30.300000.0000.05. REFUSE TAX - -CHARGE - 6,850 - - - - 402.000000.000.000.389.40.307000.0000.03. REFUSE TAX - SHELTON 80,570 _ 83,700 83,700 83,700 83700 - 5,220,185 2745,218 6,85%451 6,859,451 6,859451 6,859,451 0 Mason County Landfill 5,220,185 2,745,218 6,85%451 608590451 60859451 6,859,451 0 403.000000.000.000.343.50.300000.0000.00, SEWER/RECLAIMED WATER SALES - - - 403.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT _ 331 - - - - __ .__. ._ _ . - 331 40-3.000000.100.020.308.10.300000.0_ _ . _ _000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 601,454 - 114040675 1,404,675 1,404,675 1,404,675 0 403.000000.100.020.343.50.300000.0000.00, SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 108350008 90%879 11897,398 11897,398 1,897,398 108970398 - 403.000000.100.020.343.50.301000.0000.00. VACANT LOT CHARGE - - - - - 403.000000.100.020.361,10.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST 7,000 - 71000 7,000 7,000 70000 403.000000.100.020.367.00.300000.0000.00, CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 22%265 274,289 5000000 500,000 500,000 5000000 - 403.000000.100.020.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 22 - - - 403.000000.100.020.369.92.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-NON OPERATING - 88 - - - 403.000000.100.020.379.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - 403.000000.100.020.397.00.300405.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: W W SYS DEVELOPMENT 21584 2,584 2,584 (2,584) - - Isthis a rolloverfrom prioryears - From closeout of Fund 405 in 2021• adjust ContactJB. out 216741311 1,184,277 31811,657 I 3,811,657 (2,584) 31809,073 308090073 0 NBC[ Sewer Utility 2,6741311 1,1841608 31811,657 , 31811,657 (2,584) %80%073 3,80%073 0 ' 04.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED - - - 404.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT - - - - 404.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - NBCI Sewer Reserve - - - - - 405.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 3,986 - 30986 - - - _ 31986 3,986 W W System Development 3,936 - j 3,986 - - - 411.000000,000,000,308,10,300000.0000.004 BEG FUND RESERVED 115,287 - 1150000 1150000 115,000 226,038 (111,038) This fund's BFB is inflated to end with a $0 EFB in ML3 411.000000.000.000.343.81.300000.0000.00, COMBINED WATER/SEWER 262,144 127,731 271,057 2711057 271057 271,057 Moved $8913 to M1.3 411.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00, INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT 21000 15 21000 21000 20000 2,000 - 411.000000.000.000.36L11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - 41L000000.000.000.362.90.300000.0000.00. MISC REV-OTHER CHARGES - 6 - - 411.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITALCONTRIBUTIONS 21200 132 202,000 202,000 ( 1990800) 2,200 2,200 - Moved ARPA Funds re uestto transfer BARS 411.000000.000.000.379.00.300000.0000.00, CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - - - 411.000000.000.000.397.00.3001S5.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: ARPA 1990800 19%800 - 19%800 Increased by ARPA funds awarded centrally. 411.000000.000.000.397.00.300405.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: WW SYS DEVELOPMENT 381 - 381 381 (381) - - - From closeout of Fund 405 in 2021- adjust out 382,012 127,884 590,438 590,438 (381) 590,057 501,295 88,762 411.000000.100.000.369.9L300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - - - 411.000000.300.000.393.00.300000.0000.00. REFUNDING LONGTERM DEBT - - - - 411.000000.100.000.397.00.300351.0000.00. TRANSFER IN:REFT 2 110,000 - 110,000 110,000 110,000 - 110,000 Don't think we can justify this amount in REEF for 2022- Work w/Loretta for actual REET eligible amt 411.000000.100.020.343.81.300000.0000.00. COMBINED WATER/SEWER 3,412 7,000 70000 7000 7000 Moved $7k to ML3 i 1 110,000 31412 117,000 117,000 - 117,000 7,000 11%000 411,000000.300.000.343.81.300000.0000.00. COMBINED WTR/SWR/SW - Rustlewood Sewer & Water 492 012 131296 707 438 707 438 381 707 057 508 295 198,762 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 4 of 5 Revenue 412.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED 565,307 - 559,504 559,504 28,765 588,269 58%269 (0) Increased by prior year net revenues Adjusted to match department estimate in over of prior year expenditures. ML3 412.000000.000.000.331.10.376010.0000.00, BEARDS COVE METER-USDA LOANS 412.000000.000.000.343.40.300000.0000.00. WATER SALES 209,71S 100,692 216,845 216,845 216,845 216,845 412.000000.000.000.343.40.310000.0000.00, WATER SALES RESERVE ACCT 11,o00 SA98 12,000 12,000 12000 12,000 412.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00, INVESTMENT EARNINGS 3,000 147 3,000 3,000 30000 3,000 - 412.000000.000.000.36L1L300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - ft 412.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 81760 388 1100500 11%S00 (11%S00) - 8,760 (8,760) Moved request for ARPA to Transfer BARS - ARPAFunds - changed coding to what about capital contributions? Are we BARS 397,30049 planning for $0 in 2022? 412.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00, MISC OTHER REVENUE - 4 385 385 385 385 412.000000.000.000.379.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - ' 412.000000.000.000.397.00.300155.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: ARPA 110,888 130,888 11%888 ARPA Funds request Re uestfor ARPA funds moved here 412.000000.000.000.397.00.300405.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: WW SYS DEVELOPMENT 318. 318 318 (318) - - - From closeout of Fund 405 in 2021- adjust out 412.000000.000.000.397.00.300429.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FUND 429 798,100 106,629 - 902,552 902,552 2%835 931,387 829259 102,128 412.000000.200.000.331. 10.386300.0000.00, USDA GRANT PLACEHOLDER 412.000000.200.000.369.9L300000.0000.00. OTHER MISC REVENUE-BEARDS COVE - - - - Beards Cave Water I 798,100 1061629 902,552 902,552 28,835 931,387 829,259 102,128 413.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED 5001027 - 1680186 168,186 444,080 6120266 6120266 (0) Adjusted to match department estimate in ML3 413.000000.000.000.334.04.320011.0000.00, SEWER EXT PSIC PLANNING/DESIGN 2,000,000 410,160 81000,000 81000,000 80000,000 810000000 - $8.0M WSDOC Loan received for lanning & engineering ex . Moved $6M to ML3 413.000000.000.000.334.04.320019.0000.00, BELFAIR SEWER EXTENSION - - - - 413.000000.000.000.334.04.320039.0000.00. BELFAIR RATE RELIEF - - - - - 413.000000.000.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. LOCAL GRANTS-OTHER PAYMENTS 500,000 - S00,000 5000000 Soot 0 5000000 413.000000.000.000.343.50.300000.0000.00, SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 512,000 235,834 529,408 529,408 529408 529,408 Moved $17,408 to ML3 413.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT 4,500 0 4,SOO 41500 4,500 40500 - 413.000000.000.000.361,40.300000.0000.00. CHP CONSTRUCTION LOAN-PENALTY - - - - - 413.000000.000.000.36140.313000.0000.00. OTHER INTEREST EARNINGS - 1,780 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - Moved $4k to ML3 413.000000.000.000.367.00.300000.0000.00, CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - 11,345 551,300 S510300 551,300 - 5510300 PLR 413.000000.000.000.367.00.300313.0000.00. BWWRPRINCIPAL - 14,604 - - - 413.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 60 - - - 413.000000.000.000.369.92.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-NON OPERATING - 12 - - - 413.000000.000.000.379.00.300000.0000.00. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - - 413.000000.000.000.389.00.313000.0000.00. OTHER NON REVENUE BWWR PRIN 40,000 - 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 413.000000.000.000.393.00.300000.0000.00, REFUNDING LONGTERM DEBT 3,167,955 - 413.000000.000.000.397.00.300103.0000.00. TRANSFER IN SALES/USETAX 45%000 4501000 4500000 4500000 450000 450,000 - 413.000000.000.000.397.00.300351.0000.00. TRANS IN REET 2 FUND 351 800,000 400,000 800,000 8000000 800000 8000000 - 413.000000.000.000.397.00.300405.0000.00. TRANSFER IN: WW SYS DEVELOPMENT 703 - 703 703 (703) - - From closeout of Fund 405 in 2021- adjust out 4,807,230 4,691,751 11,048,097 11,048,097 443,377 11,491,474 10,940,174 551,300 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 4,807,230 4,691,751 11, 148,097 11,048,097 443,377 1104910474 10940174 551,300 428.000000.000.000.308. 10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 4330180 - 433,180 4330180 17,655 450,835 444,000 61835 BFB decreases due to expected FY21 planned revenues and expenses Doesn't make sense- you're increasing the tanned. BFB here 428.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT 61000 254 6,000 6,000 (5,300) 700 700 - Changed BL3 estimate to $700 based on guidelines 428.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - 439,180 254 439,180 439,180 120355 4510535 444p700 6,835 Landfill Reserve 439,180 254 439,180 439,180 12,355 451,535 444p700 6,835 429.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 208t443 - 208,443 20%443 208,443 20%443 0 BFB decreases due to expected FY21 planned revenues and expenses Changed BL3 BFB to match department tanned. estimate 429.000000.000.000.343.40.300000.0000.00. WATER SALES 10,500 5,398 10,500 10,500 100500 10500 - 429.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARN INGS-INV INT 11000 106 1,000 1,000 (700) 300 300 - Changed BL3 estimate to $300 based pm guidelines 429.000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00. I NVESTMENT INTEREST - - - 429.000000.000.000.397.00.300412.0000.00. TRANSFER IN-BEARDS COVE - - - __ _ I t 219,943 5,504 _ 219,943 219,943 (700) 2191243 219,243 0 Beards Cove Reserve 219,943 j 51504 219,943 219:943 (700) 219,243 219 243 0 480.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 180217 180217 180217 1475 178742 178742 0 Department Adjustment 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 5 of 5 Revenue 480.000000.000.000.334.03.310542.0000.00, WA ST DOE BELFAI R STORMWATER Soo - Soo Soo Soo Soo 480.000000.000.000.361.11,300000.0000,00. INVESTEMENT INTEREST - - 180,717 _ - 180,717 180,717 %475) 179,242 179,242 (0) Storm Drain System Development 180,717 - 180,717 180,717 (1,475) 179 242 17%242 (0) 501.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 21967,439 - 11967,438 1,9670438 2020278 2,169,716 2,39%637 (220,921) Total BFB estimate s/b aprx $3M total- added $88,563 to balance expenditures 501.000000.000.000.308.30.309999.0000.00. BEG FUND-OPERATING 900,204 .. - 900,204 900,204 (202,278) 697,926 697,926 (0) 2020 ex s: $2,791,705, 25%= $697926 501.000000.000.000.344.30.300000.0000.00, REPAIR CHARGES - LABOR 35,000 24,460 35,000 35,000 350000 35000 501.000000.000.000.344.40.300000.0000.00, SALES OF PARTS 30,000 47,371 30,000 30,000 30,000 300000 - 501.000000.000.000.344.50.300000.0000.00. FUELSALES 300000 15,949 30,000 3%000 30000 30,000 501,000000.000.000.348.20.300000.0000.00. SALES OF ROAD MATERIALS(PITS,Q 410,224 14,500 446,224 446,224 446 224 410,224 36,000 SOLOOOOOO.000.000.348.30.300000.0000.00, VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPAIR CHARG 15,000 10846 2,458,873 2,458,873 2,458,873 15,000 2,443,873 Further analysis of Rent allocated to service depts. SOLOOOCOO.000.000.348.40.300000.0000.00. OTHER SPACE & FAC RENT-SHORT 20,000 70231 21301,686 2,3011686 2,301,686 20,000 2,2811686 Further analysis of Rent allocated to service depts. SOLOOOOOO.000.000.348.50.300000.0000.00. FUEL SALES 40,000 512 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 SOLo000o0.000.000.348.70300000.0000.00, OTHER SALES - - - - 501.000000.000.000.361.10.300000.0000.00. INT & OTHR EARNINGS-INV INT - 418 Soo Soo Soo Soo - Moved $500 to M13 50L000000.000.000.361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - - - 501.000000.000.000.361.40.300000.0000.00. INTERFUND LOAN INTEREST REVENU - - - - 50L0o0000.000.000.361.40.300001.0000.00. INTERFUND LN INT C.E. TO ER &R - - - - 501.000000.000.000.362.30.300000.0000.00. EQUIPMENT & VEHICLE RENT-SHORT 12,000 21576 - - - 501,000000.000.000.362.20.300000.0000.00. EQUIPMENT & VEHICLE RENT-LONG 3,005,867 - - - - 50L000000.000.000.369.10.300000.0000.00. SALE OF SCRAP AND JUNK 6,000 - 61000 6,000 6,000 6,000 - Moved $6k to ML3 50L000OOO,000.000.369,40,300000,0000,00, JUDGMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS 600 26 600 600 600 600 ft Moved $600 to ML3 501.000000.000.000.369.91.300000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 100 899 100 100 100 100 Moved $100 to ML3 501.000000.000.000373.00.300000.0000.00, GAIN(LOSS) DISPOSITION OF ASST - - - - - 501.000000.000.000.38L20.3000OL0000.00. INTERFUND LOAN REPAYMENT REC 50Loo0000.000.000.389.30.310000.0000.00. AGNCY TYPE LOLL-SALES TAX 5,000 2,127 51000 51000 5000 Sow - Moved $Sk to ML3 50L000000.000.000.389.40.310000.0000.00, SALES TAX - PUBLIC WORKS - - - - 501,000000.000.000395.10.300000.0000.00. SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 1%000 - 10,o00 10,000 100000 10000 - Moved $10k to MI3 501.000000.000.000.395.20.300000.0000.00, INS RECOVERIES - - - ft - 501.000000.000.548.308.10.300000.0000.00. BEG FUND RESERVED 501.000000.000.548.361.10.300000.0000.00. 1NT & OTH R EARNINGS I NV INT Soo - - - - SOL000000.000.54&361.11.300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST _ 6,487 933 117 915 8,231,625 8,231,625 8,231625 3 690 987 4,540,638 Equipment Rental & Revolving __ _ _ 6,487,933 1ll,915 8,231,625 8,231625 S 231,625 3,6900987 41540,638 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 1 of 19 Expenditures 2021ADOPTED 2021ACfUAL' 211 BUDGET 2OZ2 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4- PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR PRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC DEPARTMENT NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 105.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 648,564 80873,079 8,8731079 (1,610,032) 71263,047 12,8101722 5,547,675 This # will change depending on ML3 105.000000.000,000,508,10,500003,0000,001 END FUND RESERVED-NEW ROAD PRJ 4,500,000 3,793,078 3,7930078 706,922 4,5001000 4,5001000 - The $4,6M reflects the current FB Policy 105,000000,000.000.508.30.509999,0000,00, END FUND RESERVE-OPERATING 31123,182 353,461 355,586 %20%044 3,563,630 3,5631630 - 25% of prior year expenses is $3,563,630 105,000000.000.000.514,21,541510,0000.00, _ STATEAUDITOR CHARGES 34,857 - 33,513 33,513 33513 33,513 (0) 105.000000.000.000.518.80,541500.0000.00, E INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 149,906 740953 1370921 137,921 1370921 1370921 (0) 105,000000.000,000.542.10,510035.0000,00, OPER & MAINT/ER&R ADMINISTRATO - - - - - 105,000000,000.000,542,10,510100,0000,00, ROAD OPERATIONS MANAGER - - - - - - 105,000000,000.000,542,10,510105,0000,004 ROAD OPER & MAINT MANAGER 870450 21,220 84,972 84,972 840972 840972 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542,10.510130,0000,00, ASSISTANT ROAD OPER & MAIN SUP - - - - - 105,000000,000.000,542.30.510120,0000,00, ROAD SUPERVISOR 79,797 39,835 79,798 7%798 79,798 790798 0 105,000000.000,000,542.10.510130,0000,00, ROAD SUPERVISOR 79,797 37,978 780066 78,066 780066 78,066 0 105,000000.000,000.542.10.510140,0000,00, ROAD SUPERVISOR 790797 390835 79,797 7%797 79,797 79,797 (0) 105,000000.000,000,542,10.510380.0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER S40748 28,114 55,666 55,666 55,666 550666 (0) 105,000000.000.000.542,30.510390,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 570909 29,002 58,683 58,683 58,683 58,683 0 105,000000,000.000.S42,10.510400,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 580752 29,665 590537 S%S37 59,537 59,537 (0) 105,000000.000.000.542,10,510440,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 56,222 27,929 561973 56,973 56973 560973 (0) 105,000000,000.000,542,10.510450.0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER S9,596 15,921 54,748 54,748 540748 540748 0 105.000000,000,000,542.10.S1D470.0000.00, TRUCK DRIVER 57,909 250824 58,683 58,683 580683 58683 0 105,000000,000.000,542.10,51D480,0000.00, TRUCKDRIVER 550850 27,938 56,973 56,973 56,973 560973 (0) 105,000000,000,000.542,10.510490,0000.00, TRUCK DRIVER S6,222 27,938 56,973 56,973 56,973 560973 (0) 10S,000000,000.000,542,10,510500,0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER 56,222 27,990 56,973 56,973 56,973 560973 (0) 105,000000,000.000,542,10,S10510,0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER 570909 2%375 58,683 S%683 58,683 580683 0 105,000000.000.000,542,10,510520,0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 590872 30,833 60,675 6%675 600675 60675 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542.10,510530,0000400. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 580128 2%211 58,908 S%908 58908 580908 0 105,000000,000,000,542410.510540,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 510080 2%S12 56,620 56,620 56620 56,620 0 105,000000,000.000,542,10,510550,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 600744 54,959 S41959 11661 56,620 56,620 0 16,249 Dbl checked position - ML3 is correct 105.000000,000.000,542,10,510560,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 56,620 57,184 57,184 559 57,743 57,743 (0) 28,422 Adjusted ML3 to reflect step 2 in 2022 105,000000,000.000,542,104510570.0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 56,620 280342 57,937 57,937 S7,937 570937 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542,10,510580,0000,004 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 580128 29,769 580908 S%908 58908 S8908 0 105.000000,000.000,542,10,510590.0000.00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 56,620 28,400 56,620 56,620 56,620 560620 0 10S,000000.000.000,542,10.510600,0000.00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 590872 24,088 60,675 6%675 60,675 6%675 (0) 105,000000,000,000,S42,10,510610,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 570462 28,804 58,617 S%617 58,617 580617 0 105,000000,0004000,542,10,510620,00OO,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 56,620 28,322 S6,620 56,620 S6,620 56,620 0 105,000000,000,000,S42.10,510640,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 60,744 30,683 610559 610559 61559 61559 0 105.000000,000,000,542,10,510650.0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 590872 29,755 60,675 60,67S 600675 6067S (0) 105,000000,000.000,542,IO,510660.0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 580128 29,179 580908 58,908 S80908 58,908 0 105,000000.0004000,542,10,510670,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 54,748 27,390 55,207 55,207 55,207 55207 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542.10,510680,0000,00, TRAFFIC FOREMAN 61,846 30,617 63,089 63,089 63 089 63,089 0 105,000000,000,000,542,10,510690.0000.00, SIGN SHOP SPECIALIST 56,620 2%365 570556 57,556 57,556 57556 0 105.000000,000,000,542,10,510700,0000,00, SIGN TECH 58,798 2%357 59,189 5%189 59189 59189 (0) 105,000000,000.000.542.10,510730,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 510208 25,295 510208 S1,208 51,208 51,208 (0) 105,000000,000.000,S42.10,510880,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 180036 41336 18,036 1%036 18036 18036 (0) 10S,000000,000,000,542.10,510885,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 180036 4,318 18,036 18,036 1%036 1%036 (0) 105,000000.000,000,542,10,510890,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 18,036 3,902 180036 18,036 180036 18,036 (0) 105,000000,000,000.542.10,510895,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 18,036 1,249 14036 18,036 18036 1%036 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542,10,S10960.0000.00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 180036 - 180036 18,036 18 036 18,036 (0) 105.000000.000,000,542,10,S1O970,0000,00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 1%036 - 18,036 18,036 18036 18036 (0) 105,000000,000,000,542,10,510980,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 180036 31000 180036 18,036 18036 18,036 (0) 105,000000,000,000.542,10,510990,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER 18,036 347 18,036 1%036 18036 18036 (0) 105,000000,000,000,S42,10,510992.0000,00, FOREMAN PAY 15,680 - 15,680 15,680 15 680 150680 105.000000.000,000.542,10,S10993,0000,00, HERBICIDE PAY 2,000 - 20000 2,000 20000 2,000 - 30S,000000.000,000.542,10,510994,0000,00, HAZARD PAY 5,000 - 50000 5,000 5,000 5 000 - 105,000000.000,000,S42610,510999,0000,00, PUBLIC WORKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 74,255 10,428 74,2S5 74,255 74,255 74,255 105,000000,000,000,542.10,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME 50,000 83,168 500000 50,000 5%000 S%000 10S.000000,000,000,542,10,520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 83,191 32,950 1010379 101,379 101379 101,379 (0) 105,000000,DOO,000,S42.10.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 174,661 7%410 175,404 175,404 170 17%S74 17S,S74 0 7,65% of wages 105.000000.000.000.542.10,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 296,123 132,528 235,018 235,018 228 235,246 235*246 0 10,25% of wages 105.000000,000,0004542,10,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 156,000 68,860 156,000 1560000 156000 156000 - 105.000000,000,000,542,10,520040,0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 680,700 260,603 679,404 679,404 67%404 67%404 0 105.0000004000.000,542.10,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 31331 1,542 3,364 3,364 3 3,367 3,367 0 1 ,1467% of wages 105,000000,000,000,542,10.52099L0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 7,400 - 7,400 7,400 71400 7,400 1054000000,000,000,542.10.531000,0000.00. OFFICESUPPUES 11968,823 886,717 1,968,823 1,9681823 1,968,823 1,968,823 - 105,000000,000,000,542.10.531093.0000.00. ER&RSUPPLIES 446224 15056 446224 446224 446224 446224 - 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 2 of 19 Expenditures 105.000000.000.000.542.10.532010.0000.00, FUELCONSUMED 2,000 135 2,000 2,000 2000 2,000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.532093.0000.00, INTERFUND FUEL 1,000 51379 1,000 1,000 10000 10000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.535000.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 81500 %706 80500 8,500 8500 8500 105.000000.000.000.542.10.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 17,000 - 17,000 17,000 17000 17,000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.535099.0000.00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 10,000 7,301 100000 100000 10000 10000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.541000.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 37%000 119,681 370,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.54109L0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - ' 105.000000.000.000.542.10.542000.0000.00. PHONES/POSTAGE 5,000 1,665 50000 5,000 50000 5,000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.542092.0000.00. ITPHONES - - - ' 105.000000.000.000.542.10.543000.0000.00. TRAVEL 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.545000.0000.00. RENTALS/LEASES 50500 18,698 50500 51500 5,500 51500 105.000000.000.000.542.10.545010.0000.00, OPERATING RENTALS & LEASES 1000000 - 1000000 10%000 100 000 1000000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLES 20846,666 %500,000 3,50%000 3,5001000 - 3,50%000 Need rates & capital requests for 2022 105.000000.000.000.542.10.545952.0000.00, IT COMPUTERS - - - 105.000000.000.00OS42.30.546000.0000.00. INSURANCE 87,360 - 960096 96,096 96096 96,096 Moved $8736 to MI.3 105.000000.000.000.542.10.547000.0000.00. UTILITY SERVICES 500000 19,114 500000 50,000 S%000 S%000 105.000000.000.000.542.10.548000.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 25,000 11596 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 105.0O0000.Ooo.000.542.10.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS 1,000 1,387 2,000 2,000 2000 20000 Moved $lk to ML3 105.000000.000.000.542.10.549000.0000.00, MISCSERVICES 1%000 4,229 10,000 10,000 10000 10000 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510030.0000.00, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 61,538 630248 63,248 (132) 6%116 63,116 0 56,840 No explanation for changed salary 105.000000.000.000.543.10.530020.00o0.o0. COUNTY ENGINEER 8%281 1000442 100,442 100,442 100,442 0 Not a new position, this is a maintenance 55,710 item. Changed era to ee allocation in ML3 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510030.0000.00, FINANCE MANAGER 32,498 15,875 32,498 32,498 32,498 32,498 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.530040.0000.00. FINANCIAL ANALYST 36,793 390252 39,252 39,252 39,252 0 Not a new position, this is a maintenance 18,773 item. Moved employee promotion to ML3 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510050.0000.00, FINANCIAL ANALYST 41,441 20,224 43,538 43,538 43538 43538 0 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510065.0000.00, PERSONNEL ANALYST 300307 11,245 29,815 2%815 290815 29815 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510070.0000.00. OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR 530478 26,697 530478 53,478 53,478 53,478 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510080.0000.00. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 57,843 2%939 610369 61,369 61369 61,369 0 Updated longevity 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510090.0000.00. INTERN/EXTRA HELP 110637 - 11,409 11,409 110409 11,409 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510270.0000.00. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 91828 4,828 100025 10,025 10025 1%025 0 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510360.0000.00, INTERN/TECH 8,732 - 80561 %SS1 8561 %561 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.510999.0000.00. PUBLIC WORKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 71055 - 71055 7,055 7,055 7055 105.000000,000,000,543,10,S12000,0000,00, OVERTIME 2,500 - 20500 2,500 2,500 2500 - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,591 3,863 3,863 41 3,904 3,904 (0) Adjustment to dept budget to match 718 ML3 benefits 105.000000.000.000.543.10.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURRY/MEDICARE 33,885 34,580 34,580 $44 35,424 35,424 0 Adjustment to dept budget to match 18,260 ML3 benefits 105.000000.000.000.543.10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 57,449 46,333 460333 1,130 47,463 47,463 (0) Adjustment to dept budget to match 31,145 ML3 benefits 105.000000.000.000.543.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 95,596 960064 96,064 10845 97,909 97,909 0 Adjustment to dept, budget to match 47,370 M13 benefits 105.000000.000.000.543.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 650 663 663 16 679 679 (0) Adjustment to dept budget to match 352 ML3 benefits 105.000000,000.000.543.10.531000.0000.00. OFFICESUPPLIES 1%000 4,086 1%000 100000 10,000 10,000 105.000000.000.000.543.10.535000.0000.00, SMALLT00L5 & MINOR EQUIPMENT 31500 - 30500 3,SOO 3,500 3,500 105.000000.000.000.543.10.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 869 - - - 305.000000.000.000.543.10.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 80,000 34,120 810000 810000 81,000 81000 - Moved $1k to ML3 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541019,0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 639,040 319,520 605,364 605,364 605,364 605,364 (0) 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541191.0000.00. CIVIL CLAI MS SETTLEMENTS 2%000 195,879 20,000 20,000 20,000 200000 105.000000.000.000.543.10.54150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541514.0000.00. STATE SALES TAX 2,000 11479 2,000 2,000 20000 2,000 - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541517.0000.00. MISC GOVERNMENTAL PAYMENTS - - - - ft 105.000000.000.000S43.10.542000.0000.00. PHONES/POSTAGE 4,500 2,342 4,500 41500 41500 4,500 105.000000.000.000.543.10.542092.0000.00. ITPHONES - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.543000.0000.00. TRAVEL 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 20000 105.000000.000.000.543.10.545000.0000.00. RENTALS/LEASES 90000 4,038 9,000 %000 90000 90000 - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - 10044 - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.545952.0000.00. IT COMPUTERS - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.546000.0000.00. INSURANCE 93,845 - 93,845 93,845 93,845 93,845 105.000000.000.000.543.10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 110840 23,680 23,680 (31,840) 110840 110840 - $11,840 based on 2021 adopted 11,840 Based upon central allocation budget FTEs 105.000000.000.000.543.10.547000.0000.00, UTIUTYSERVICES 70,000 38,567 70,000 70,000 70,000 700000 105.000000.000.000.543.10.548000.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 20,000 2,070 20,000 20,000 200000 20,000 - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.549000.0000.00. MISCSERVICES 140020 11,886 140020 14,020 14,020 140020 105.000000.000.000.543.10.551010.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.543.10.553000.0000.00. SALES TAX - - - - 105.000000.000.000.544.20.510020.0000.00. COUNTY ENGINEER 11,160 - - - - Reallocated to admin cost center Changed employee allocation in MI3 105.000000.000.000.544.20.510025.0000.00, TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 3 of 19 Expenditures 105,000000.000.000,544.20.530150.0000.00, ENGINEERING & CONST MANAGER 55,951 28,260 57,812 57,812 570812 57,812 0 105,000000,000.000,544,20,510160,0000,00, ENG & CONSTRUCT ASST MANAGER 61,590 55,235 55,235 S%235 55,235 0 Not anew position, this is a maintenance Updated salary w/new employee's 29,652 item, steps 105.0000004000.000,544,20,SIo180,0000.00. PROJECT SUPPORT SERVICES MGR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.544,20,510190,0000,00. COUNTYSURVEYOR 96,395 41,039 96,395 96,395 96,395 96395 (0) 105,000000,000,000,544,20,510200,0000,00, TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SUPVSR 68,466 - 68,466 %466 68466 68,466 (0) 105,000000,000,000,544,20,510210,0000,00, ENGINEER 68,329 17,407 70,054 7%054 700054 70054 0 105,000000.000.000,544,20,510220,0000400. 2021 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 68,466 - 68,466 6%466 68,466 68,466 (0) 105,000000,000,000,544.204530230,0000,00, ENGINEER/HYDRAULIC ENGINEER - - - - 105,000000*000,OOOS44,20,510240,0000,00, ENGINEER 180891 10,487 18,891 1%891 180891 180891 (0) 105,000000,000,000.544.20,510250,0000,00, ROAD UTILITY SPECIALIST 79,318 40,503 82,927 820927 82,927 82,927 0 105.000000.000,000,544,20,510260,0000.00, ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 740524 29,926 77,915 77,915 77915 770915 0 105,000000,000,000,544,20,51027040000400, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 39,313 16,179 40,099 40,099 40,099 40,099 (0) 105.000000,000.000,544,20,510280,0000,00, SENIOR PARTY CHIEF TECH - - - - - - 305,000000,000,000,544.20,510300,0000.00, PARTY CHIEF TECH 690217 74,026 74,026 (21189) 71,837 71,837 0 Not a new position, this is a maintenance 28o904 item. Position is Y Rated 105,000000,000,000,544420,510310,0000,00, PARTY CHIEF TECH 66,236 70,838 70,838 (2,095) 68,743 68,743 (0) Not a new position, this is a maintenance 28j957 item. Position is Y Rated 105,000000.000,000,544,20,510320,0000400. RIGHT OF WAY AGENT 75,189 37,011 72,647 72,647 72 647 72 647 0 105,000000.000.000,544.20,51033040000400, ENGINEERTECH 780195 39,594 82,927 82,927 82,927 82,927 0 105,000000,000.000,544,20.510340,0000,00, ENGINEER/DEVLOPMENT REVIEW 76,904 76,904 76,904 76,904 - 76,904 Unfilled - butwe expectto fill and need PLR- I don't have this position position budgeted 105.000000.000,000,544,20,510350,0000.00, ENGINEERTECH 52,649 18,929 53,969 53,969 53969 53,969 (0) 105.000000,000.000.544.20.510360,0000,00, INTERN/TECH 8,732 - 80561 8,561 8561 80561 (0) 105.000000.000,000,544,20,510999,0000,00, PUBLIC WORKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 370086 - 37,086 37,086 37,086 37,086 105,000000,000.000,544,20,512000.0000,00, OVERTIME 2,000 1,349 2,000 2,000 20000 20000 - 105,000000.000.000,544,20.520010.0000,004 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 30,325 %624 34,638 34,638 34638 34,597 41 Benefits for PLR position 305,000000.000.000.544.20.520020.0000.00- SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 84,809 27,958 80,285 80,285 80285 7%104 11181 Benefits for PLR position 105,000000.000.000.544,20.520030,0000,00. STATE RETIREMENT 143,787 47,058 1070572 107,572 107,572 105989 1,583 Benefits for PLR position 105,000000.000,000.544,20,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 252,082 78,665 235,287 235,287 235,287 233,442 11845 Benefits for PLR position 105,000000,000,000,544.20.520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 1,626 540 1,540 1,540 1,540 1,517 23 Benefits for PLR position 105.000000.000.000.544,20,520050.0000.00. UNIFORMS 1,200 - 1,200 11200 1,200 1,200 105,000000,000,000.544,20,531000,0000,00, OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,800 5,556 31800 3,800 3,800 3,800 - 105,000000,000,000,544,20,531093,0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES Soo 262 Soo Soo S00 Soo 105,000000.000,000,544,20,535000,0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,400 691 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 105,000000,000.000.544.20.535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 80000 - 80000 81000 80000 8,000 105,000000,000,000,544,20,535099.0000,00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 41300 20,051 40300 4,300 4,300 4,300 105,000000,000,000.544.20.541000,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5000000 11%339 5000000 Soot 0 50%000 So0,000 - 105.000000.000,000.544,20,541514.0000.00, STATE USE/SALES TAX - - - - - - 105.000000,000,000.544.20.541515.0000,00, STATE LICENSES/INSPECTIONS - 10264 - - - 105.000000.000,000,544,20.541517.0000.00. MISC GOVERNMENTAL PAYMENTS 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 15,000 150000 105.000000.000,000.544.20,542000,0000,00. CELL PHONES 6,000 21609 6,000 6,000 6,000 6000 105,000000.000,000,544,20,543000.0000.00, TRAVEL 31000 - 31000 3,000 3,000 30000 105.000000.000,000.544.20,545000,0000,00, RENTALS/LEASES - - - - 105,000000,000.000.544.20.545951,0000,00, ER&RVEHICLES - - - - - Need ER&R Rates for correct number 105,000000,000,000.544.20.546000,0000,00, INSURANCE 41,440 - 41,440 41,440 41440 410440 105.000000.000.000,544.20,548000,0000,00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - - - - 105,000000.000.000.54410,549000,0000,00. MISCSERVICES 15,000 2,890 15,000 15,000 151000 150000 105.000000,000,000.545,10.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 40,000 - 40,000 40,000 40,000 40000 105.000000,000,000,545,10,520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 854 - 1,040 11040 10040 1,040 (0) 105.000000.000.000,545,10.520020,0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 30060 - %060 3,060 3060 3060 105,000000,000.000,545,10,520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 50188 - 41100 41100 4,100 4,100 105,000000,000.000,545,10,520035,0000,004 TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - - 105,000000.000.000,545.10.520045,0000,00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 59 - 59 59 59 59 0 105,000000,000,000,545,10.531093,0000,00, INTERFUNO SUPPLIES 400,000 - 40%000 40%000 400000 400,000 105,000000,000,000,545,10,54109L0000,00. INTERNAL SERVICES 600 - 600 600 600 600 105,000000.0004000,545,10,545000,0000,00, OPERATING RENTAL LEASES 10,000 - 100000 1%000 10000 10000 105.000000,000,000,592,48.500010,0000,00, REFUND INTEREST PAID - 232 - - 105,000000,000,000,594.42562000.0000,00, BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - 113,166 - - 105.000000.000,000.594,44,510020,0000,00, COUNTY ENGINEER - - - 305,000000,000.000.594,44,510210,0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - 105,000000.000.000.594,44,510270,0000,00, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 156 - - 105.000000,000,000.594,44,510390,0000.00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - - 105,000000.000,000.594.44.510470.0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - 105.000000,000,000.594,44,510480,0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - 105,000000,000,000,594,44,510490,0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - - 105,000000.000,000,594,44,510650,0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - - 105.000000,000,000,594,44,510660,0000,00, CAPITAL PROJECTTIME - - - - 105,000000.000.000.594,44,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - 105,000000,000,000,594,44,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 12 - - 105.000000.000,000,594,44,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - 20 - - 305.000000.000.000.594.44.520035.0000.00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 4 of 19 Expenditures 105.000000.000.000.594.44.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - 81 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.594.44.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA - 0 105.000000.000.000.594.44.562000.0000.00. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 PLR until/unless capital is/was _ approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.594.44.564000.0000.00, CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 100,000 1000000 10%000 100,000 - 10%000 PLR until/unless capital is/was 28 964 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.594.44.565000.0000.00, CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL ASSETS 300,000 426,300 426,100 426,100 - 426,100 PLR until/unless capital is/was 109,076 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.594.48.564030.0000.00. CAPITALSOFTWARE IO5.000000.000.000.595.10.510020.0000.00. ENGINEER 11,160 - 110160 11,160 11,160 110160 (0) 105.000000,000,000,595610.510150,0000,001 ENGINEERING & CONST MANAGER 37,301 18,479 38,541 38,541 38,541 38,541 (0) 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510160.0000.00. CONST & ENG ASSISTANT MANAGER 15,398 2,900 13,809 13,809 13,809 13,809 0 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510190.0000.00. COUNTYSURVEYOR - 7,080 - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510200.0000.00. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SUPVSR - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510210.0000.00. ENGINEER - 16,566 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510240.0000.00. ENGINEER 56,674 27,234 56,674 56,674 56,674 56,674 (0) 105.Oo0o0o.000.000.595.10.510250.0000.00. ROAD UTILITY SPECIALIST - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510260.0000.00. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR - 7,048 - - 105.000000.000.00O.S95.10.510270.0000.00. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 3,367 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.S1O280.0000.00. SENIOR PARTY CHIEF TECH - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510300.0000.00. INSTRUMENT MAN TECH - 6,956 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510310.0000.00. INSTRUMENT MAN TECH - 5,358 - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510320.0000.00. RIGHTOFWAYAGENT - 10031 - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.S1O330.0000.00. ENGINEER TECH - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510340.0000.00. ENGINEERTECH - - - 105.000000,000,000,595,10,510350,0000,001 ENGINEERTECH 17,550 16,042 17,990 17,990 17990 17,990 0 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510470.0000.00, TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510480.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - 1o5.Oo0o00.000.000.595.10.510500.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000,000,000,595,10,510510.0000,001 TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000,000,000,595010,510560,0000,001 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510570.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000,000,000,5950100510590,0000,001 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510620.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510670.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510680.0000.00. SIGN SHOP FOREMAN - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30510690.0000.00. SIGN AID - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.510700.0000.00. SIGN TECH - - - - - 105.00oo00.000.000.595.10.510880.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595. 10.510885.0000.00. SEASONAL FLA.GGER/LABORER - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595. 10.510890.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - 105.000000,000,000,595.10.510980,0000,001 EXTRA HELP - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 51000 1,284 5,000 50000 5,000 S,00o 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 4,236 2,666 41499 4,499 4,499 4,499 0 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1%946 81659 30,953 100953 10,953 10,953 0 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520030.0000.00, STATE RETI REMENT 18,558 14,701 14,675 140675 14,675 140675 (0) 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENTNIS/LIFE 31,910 24,526 31,360 31,360 31,360 31,360 0 105.000000.000.000.595.10.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 210 166 210 210 210 210 (0) 105.000000.000.000.595.10.531000.0000.00. OFFICE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES 100,000 100,000 10%000 1000000 - 500,000 PLR until/unless capital is/was 11520 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.595.10.531093.0000.00, INTERFUND SUPPLI ES - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 500,000 500,000 50%000 5000000 - 500,000 PLR until/unless capital is/was 277,852 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.595.10541517.0000.00, MISC GOVERNMENTAL PAYMENTS - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.545010.0000.00. OPREATING RENTALS & LEASES - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS AND MAINT - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.10.549000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 20,000 20,000 2%000 2%000 - 2%000 PLR until/unless capital is/was 9j382 approved by BOCC 105.000000.000.000.595.10.551000.0000.00. INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES - - - 105.000000,000,000,595410,561000,0000,001 LAND & LAND IMPROVMENTS 500000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 5%000 PLR until/unless capital is/was 6 772 approved by BOCC 105.000000,000.0006595410,563000,0000,001 OTHER IMPROVEMENT - 690,707 - - 105.000000.000.000.59S,lOS65000.0000.00. CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL ASSETS 41139,675 750,000 75%000 750,000 - 750,000 PLR- # is WAY too small. We have _ $11M budget in grants 105.000000.000.000.595.20.510250.0000.00. ROAD UTILITY SPECIALIST SR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.510320.0000.00. RIGHT OF WAY AGENT - 228 - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - 7 - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 17 - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - 30 - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.520040.0000.00. MED/DENTNIS/LIFE - 31 - - 105.000000.000.000.595.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 5 of 19 Expenditures 105.000000.000.000.595.30.510450.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.510480.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.510620.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.510640.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.510990.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.30.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - - - 105.000000.000.000595.30.531000.0000.00. SUPPLIES - - - - 105.000000,000,000.595,40,510380,0000,001 TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510390.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510400.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510440.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510450.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - - IOS.000000.000.000.595.40.510470.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510480.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510490.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510500.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510510.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510520.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510530.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510540.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510550.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105,000000.000.000.595.40.510560.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510570.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510580.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.530590.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510610.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510620.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510640.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510650.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510660.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510670.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510690.0000.00. SIGN SHOP SPECIALIST - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510880.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510885.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510890.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510895.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510980.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.510990.0000.00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.531000.0000.00. SUPPLIES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.545000.0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.40.547000.0000,00. UTILITYSERVICES - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510380.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510390.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510400.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000,000,000,595.50,510440,0000,001 TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50510450.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510470.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510480.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510490.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510500.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510510.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510520.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510540.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000,000.0004595.50.510550,0000,001 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510560.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510570.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510580.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000,000,000,595.50,510590,0000,001 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510620.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.50.510640.0000.00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000,000,0001595,50,510650,0000,001 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 6 of 19 Expenditures 105,000000,000,000,595.50.510660.0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 105.000000.000,000.595,50,510670,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105,000000,000,000,595,50,51088540000400, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105,000000,000.000,595,50,510895,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105,000000,0004000,595,50,510980,0000000. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - 105,000000,000.000,595,50.510990,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - 105,000000,000.000.595.50.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME - - - - - 105.000000.000,000,595,50.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 105,000000,000.000,595,50.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - - - 105,000000,000.000,595450.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - - - 105,000000.000.000,595,50.520035,0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 105.000000,000.000,595,50.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - - - 105.000000,000.000,595.50.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 105,000000.000.000,595,50,531000,0000.00. SUPPLIES - - - 105.000000.000,000,595,50,531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES - - - - 1054000000,000,000,595,50.545000.0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES 105,000000,000,000,595,50,547000,0000,00, RENTALS & LEASES - - - - 105,0000004000,000,595,50,548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS - - - - 105.000000.000.000,595,60,510480.0000.00, TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000,000.595,60,510530,0000,00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000,000.59S,60.510560,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - - 105,000000,000,000,S95,60,510620,0000,00. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 105,000000.000,000,595.60,510680,0000,00, TRAFFIC FOREMAN - - - - 105.000000.000,000,595.60.510690,0000,00, SIGN SHOP SPECIALIST - - - - 105.000000.000.000.595,60,510700,0000,00. SIGN TECH - - - 105,000000.000,000.595,60,510730,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105,000000.000,000,595,60,510880,0000.00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105.000000.000,000.595160,510885,0000600, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105,000000,000,000,595,60,510895,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - 105,000000,000,000.595,60,510960,0000,00. SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - - 105,000000,000,000,595.60,510970,0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105.000000.000,000.595,60,510980.0000,00, SEASONAL FLAGGER/LABORER - - - - 105,000000,000,000.595.60,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 105.000000.000.000,595,60.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 105.000000.000,000.595.60.520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 105.000000,000,000.595,60,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - 105.000000.000,000.59S.60,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 105.000000.000,000.595,60,520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - - 105,000000.000,000.595,60,545951,0000,00, ER&RVEHICLES - - - 105,000000,000,000.595,70,510390,0000.00, TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 105.000000,000,000.S95,70,510450,0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER - - - 105.000000.000,000,595,70,510480.0000,00, TRUCK DRIVER 105.000000.000.000.595,70,510490,0000,00. TRUCK DRIVER 105.000000,000,000.595,70,510620,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000,000,595,70.510640,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - - - - 105.000000.000,000.595,70,510660,0000,00, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 305.000000.000,000,595,70,512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - 105,000000.000,000,595,70,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - - 105.000000,000.0004595,70.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - - - 105.000000.000,000,595,70.520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - - - 105.0000004000.000,595,70,520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION - - - - 105,000000.000.000.595,70,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE - - - - - 105.000000.000,000,595.70.520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - 105.000000.000.000,595.70.531000.0000.00. SUPPLIES - - - 105.000000.000.000.595.70.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - 105.000000.000.000.597.00.500205,0000.00. TRANS OUT TO PW,FACILITY.CONST _ _ . 11001,025 _ 1100110_25 _. _ __. .1,0011025_ _ 998,901E .] 998,900 9980900 105,000000,000.100,518.80.541500.0000.00, INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 5,111 2,556 41772 4,772 4772 4,772 (0) 105,000000,000,100.543.10,510025.0000,00. TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER - - - 105,000000,000.100.543.10,510090.0000,00. GIS INTERN - - - - 30S,000000.000.100,543,10,510860.0000.00, GIS ANALYST 64,524 65,814 65,814 65,814 65,814 - Vacant- PWs budgeted at highest step 23,394 ML3 105.000000,000,100.543,10,510870,0000,00, GIS ANALYST 71,078 26,969 76,541 76,541 76,541 76,541 0 1054000000,000,100,543,10.510999.0000.00. PUBLIC WORKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 435 - 435 435 435 435 105,000000,000,100.543.10.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 500 - 500 Soo 500 S00 - 105,000000,000,100,543.10,520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 471 167 835 835 835 835 (0) 105,000000,000.100.543.30.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 10,445 3,825 10,962 10,962 10,962 10962 0 105,000000,000,100,543,10.520030,0000.00, STATERETIREMENT 17,708 6,281 14,687 14,687 14687 14,687 (0) 105,000000,000.100,543,10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 32,736 130638 33,936 33,936 33,936 330936 105,000000,000,100.543.10.520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 200 74 210 210 210 210 (0) 105,000000,000.100,543,10,531000,0000,00, OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,00o - 1,000 10000 10000 1000 - 105,000000.000.100.543,10,535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,000 - 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 105,000000,000.100,543,10,535098,0000,00, rTTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 105.000000,000.100,543,10,541000,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16A89 9925 16889 16889 16889 16889 - 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 7 of 19 Expenditures 105.000000.000.100.543.10.541091.0000.00. I NTERFUND SERVICES - - - - - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.541514.0000.00. STATE SALES TAX 10000 38 10000 11000 11000 1000 105.000000.000.100.543.10.542092.0000.00, IT PHONES - - - - - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.543000.0000.00. TRAVEL 500 - 500 500 Soo 500 - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES - - - - - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.545952.0000.00. ITCOMPUTERS - - - - - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.546000.0000.00. INSURANCE 3,427 - 3,427 31427 3,427 3,427 - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 400 400 - - 400 400 400 - Unemployment allocation for GIS 105.000000.000.100.543.10.548000.0000.00, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 11000 - 10000 10000 1,000 1,000 105.000000.000.100.543.10.549000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS 11000 - 10000 10000 1,000 1,000 - 105.000000.000.100.543.10.553000.0000.00. SALES TAX - - - - - - 105.000000.000.200.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND BALANCE RESERVED - - - 105.000000.000.420.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 59,697 59,697 59,697 59,697 5%697 - Added reservedfund balanceto ML3 BFB & EFB 105,000000.000.421.508. 10,500000.0000.00. ENO FUND RESERVED 2,475 2,475 21475 2,475 2,475 - Added reservedfund balanceto Ml3 BFB & EFB 29,1_25,8_48__ 6,937,444 311176,343 31:170:343 2,295,575 33,465,918 331465,918 (0) County Road 291125,848 61937,444 31,170,343 31,170,343 2,29S,S7S 33465918 330465,918 (0) 106.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 291,984 - 289,446 289,446 6,226 295,672 295,672 - Netadjustmentto reconcileto Fund 106 Revenues. Increased ML3 EFB 106.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 334 - 327 327 327 327 (0) 106.000000.000.000.543.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 1,904 952 10890 11890 1,890 10890 (0) 294,222 95952 291,663 291,663 6,226 297,889 297,889 (0) Paths & Trails 294,222 2 291,663 291,663 6,226 297,889 2970889 (0) 192.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 61,343 - 77,599 77,599 770599 77,599 - 192.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 235 - 128 128 128 128 0 192.000000.000.000.531.30.54109L0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - 192.000000.000.000.553.30.541517.0000.00. USGSSURVEY 61000 - 61000 6,000 6000 60000 192.000000.000.000.553.30.551000.0000.00, INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES - - - - 16,000,000 16,000,000 - 16,000,000 Inter-governmental transfer to Army Corp of Engineers, Skokomish River Eco- systm Restoration Project $8M, Pass through to Mason Conservation $8M 192.000000.000.000.554.90.531000.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES 500 - 500 500 S00 500 - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.532093.0000.00. INTERFUND FUEL - - - - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 345 50000 5,000 50000 5000 - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.543019.0000.00. INTERNALALLOCATION 91384 4,692 31985 30985 3,985 3,985 (0) 192.000000.000.000.554.90.54109L0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 25,000 - 10,000 101000 10,000 100000 192.000000.000.000.554.90.542000.0000.00. COMMUNICATIONS - 2 - - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.543000.0000.00. TRAVEL 200 - 200 200 200 200 192.000000.000.000.554.90.545000.0000.00. RENTALS & LEASES - - - - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.548000.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 10,000 - 100000 10,000 10,000 1%000 - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS 21000 - 10000 1,000 10000 10000 - 192.000000.000.000.554.90.549000.0000.00. MISC SERVICES - - - - 114,662 5,039 114,412 114,412 16#0000000 16114412 114,412 16,000,000 Skokomish Flood Zone } 114,662 5,039 114,412 114,412 16,000,000 16,114412 114412 16,000,000 402.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. E END FUND RESERVED 343,950 628,351 628,351 250798 654,149 10371,584 (7171435) This # will change depending on ML3 402.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 61141 - 6,296 60296 6,296 6296 0 402.000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00, INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 30,207 154104 260798 261798 26,798 26,798 (0) 401000000.000.000.537.10.541513.0000.00. STATE EXCISE TAX 158,560 89,944 20%000 200,000 200,000 200,000 result of increased tonnage Moved $41,440 to MILE 402.000000.000.000.537.10.553010.0000.00. EXCISETAX - - - - 402.000000,000,000,537,80,510025.0000.00, SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 52,289 26,539 53,596 530596 53,596 53596 (0) 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510035.0000.00. SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 2%802 15,594 31,738 31,738 31,738 31738 (0) 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510036.0000.00. SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 53,707 14,006 4%191 49,191 1,193 50,384 50,384 0 COLA? No explanation - ke tMl3 same 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510040.0000.00. SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 33,072 15,624 31,516 31,516 31,516 31 16 (0) 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510070.0000.00. SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 44,508 21,724 44,873 44,873 44,873 44,873 0 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510075.0000.00, SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 47,997 25,036 S%S94 SO,S94 500594 500594 0 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510080.0000.00. SOUDWASTEATTENDANT - - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510095.0000.00. SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT 48,792 21,942 49,191 4%191 11613 50,804 50,804 0 COLA? No explanation - ke tML3 same 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510100.0000.00. SOUDWASTEATTENDANT 33,005 160596 33,830 33,830 33,830 33,830 0 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510600.0000.00, EXTRA HELP ON-GOING 28,078 90963 49,137 49,137 49137 32,757 160380 PLR for increased Xhel 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510995.0000.00, PROGRAM MANAGER 6%040 2%513 62,335 620335 62,335 620335 0 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510999.0000.00, UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 3515 3515 3515 31515 3515 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 8 of 19 Expenditures 402.000000.000.000.537.80.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 12,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 12,000 130000 Currently on tract to utilize over $35,000 in OT this year. I do not think $12,000 will even cover me through April 2022, NOTE: Actual 2021 expenditures reflect employee turnover, especially PT hours. 17,882 Our payrate is $5/hr less than Taco Bell. PLR 402.000000.000.000.537.80.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 20,484 26,419 26,419 (1,352) 250067 25,067 0 S/b Part of PLR for Xhelp & OT- %081 Central assumptions. No PLR needed. Adjusted out difference 402.000000.000.000.537.80.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 34,792 360071 36,071 (1,039) 35,032 35,032 (0) S/b Part of PLR for Xhelp & OT- 16,392 Central assumptions. No PLR needed. Adjusted out difference 402.000000.000.000.537.80.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 58,988 48,330 48,330 (1,391) 46,939 46,939 0 S/b Part of PLR for Xhelp & OT- 27,606 Central assumptions, No PLR needed. Adjusted out difference 402.000000.000.000.537.80.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 9,360 41206 %360 %360 %360 9,360 402.000000.000.000537.80.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE ISZ451 188,367 188,367 (6,240) 182,127 182,127 0 S/b Part of PLR for Xhelp Bit OT- 55,810 Central assumptions. No PLR needed. Adjusted out difference 402.000000.000,000,S37.80.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 669 314 281 281 392 673 673 (0) 402.000000.000.000.537.80.52099L0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10000 - 1,100 1,100 (100) 1,000 10000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.533030.0000.00, OPERATINGSUPPUES 20,000 3,902 20,000 20,000 20,000 20000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.533093.0000.00, I NTERFUND SUPPLIES 10800 - 1,500 10500 10500 1,500 Moved <$300> to ML3 402.000000.000.00OS37.80.532010.0000.00. FUEL 15,000 23,500 23,500 23,500 23,500 - Reflects actual usage plus expected price 10,719 increase Moved $8500 to ML3 402.000000.000.000537.80.532093.0000.00, ER&R FUEL - 118 - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.535030.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,000 123 11S0o 11500 10500 10500 Moved <$500> to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.535098.0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,500 1,412 30000 31000 3,000 3,000 Moved <$500> to M13 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541010.0000.00, WIN-CAMS SYSTEM A/R & A/P - 85 - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541017.0000,00. COUNTY WIDE WASTE-HEALTH DEPT 67,500 - 79,500 79,500 79,500 79S0o Result of increased tonnage Moved $12k to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 104,135 52,068 1111153 111,153 111,153 111153 (0) 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541020.0000.00. WATER LABORATORY 300 - 300 300 300 300 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541030.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6%000 426 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541040.0000.00. GROUNDWATER MONITOR/CONSULT - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 To provide for the landfill closure effort 136 fund Health De ttechnical services. Moved $2k to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541050.0000,00, SCALE INSPECTION SERVICE 5,000 - 5,000 51000 50000 5,000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541070.0000.00, MISC CONTRACTED PROF SVCS 17,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 - based upon actual experience driven by 7,421 increased business acrivitV, Moved $9k to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541080.0000.00, ADVERTISING 800 - S00 Soo Soo Soo Moved <$300> to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541091.0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.54150L0o00.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541514.0000.00. STATE USE/SALES TAX - 28 - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.541517.0000.00. PERMIT FEES - - - 402.000000.000.000.537.80.542010.0000.00. PHONES 4,000 61900 6,900 6,900 6,900 - Based upon actual experience. New 2,745 phone line in Hoods port, Moved $2900 to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL Soo 63 500 S00 500 Soo 402.000000.000.000.537.80.545020.0000.00, OPERATING RENTALS AND LEASES 60,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 - Do not understand how we got this adjusted number. We have already spent $31,654 through the first 6 months, we rent the minimum umber of boxes and/or sani-cans as possible. 31,654 Underbudgeted in prioryears, Moved $Sk to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.545951.0000.00, ER&RVEHICLES 75,461 90,553 90,553 90,553 - 90,553 Absurd and gross. PW Finance Mgr. to 11382 cotinue rate work and refine. Need ER&R Rates for correct number 402.000000.000.000.537.80.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 37,500 41,250 41,250 41,250 41,250 - Central assumptions. determine PLR - needed. Moved $3750 to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 21000 21000 21000 2,000 2,000 20000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.547010.0000.00. UTILITIES 130000 61548 13,500 13,500 13500 13,500 Moved $500 to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.547030.0000.00, MISC DISPOSAL ILEACHATE, TIRES 12,000 280000 28,000 28,000 28,000 - we're on track to spend nearly 27,000 13,294 this year Moved $16kto ML3 402.000000.000.000537.80.547040.0000.00, LONGHAULSOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 2,6131600 IA4087960 3,1420158 3,142,158 3142158 3142158 result of increased tonnage Moved $528558 to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.548020.0000.00. REPAIRS AND MAINT/STRUT & EQUI 30,000 85,000 850000 (55,000) 30,000 300000 That will leave us with enough money to do 3.4 months worth of maintenance and upkeep. Corrected capitalization error. Reduced to Level amount, appears 96,710 reasonable. 402.000000.000.000.537.80.548098.0000.00. INTERFUND REPAIRS/MAINT 10,000 296 100000 10,000 10,000 10,000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.549010.0000.00, SCALE PERMIT RENEWAL 4,000 2,384 4,000 41000 4,000 41000 402.000000.000.000.537.80.549020.0000.00. SOLID WASTE DROP BOX CONTRACT 46,000 28,299 55,500 55,500 55,500 55,500 Not possible Moved $9500 to ML3 402.000000.000.000.537.80.551010.0000.00, PERMIT FEES 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 9 of 19 Expenditures 402,000000.000.000.537,81,543010.0000.00. HHW DISPOSAL 54,000 75,500 75,500 75,500 75,500 - original requested amount is approximately 97% of 2021 estimated 38,772 expenditures Moved $21500 to ML3 402,000000,000.000.537.8L541020,0000.00. ADVERTISING 250 - 250 250 250 250 - 402,000000,000.000,537,8L541517,0000.00. KITSAP HHW CONTRACT 35,000 55,000 550000 550000 55,000 - Note: contractually agreed to amount. Based upon s/I avg tonnage through 8/30/21 Contract - moved $20k to ML3 402.000000,000,OOOS37.SL543010.0000,00, TRAVEL - - - 402,000000,000,000,537,81,549010,0000.00, DUES/REGISTRATION/MEMBERSHIPS 21000 - 1,000 10000 1,000 1,000 Moved <$Sk> to ML3 402,000000,000,000,537.81,549020.0000,00. PRINTING/BINDING/SIGNAGE 500 - 500 Soo 500 Soo 402,000000,000,000,537,SL549050.0000,00, RECYCLE DROP BOX CONTRACT 126,600 13So000 135,000 135,000 135,000 - Note: contractually agreed to amount Based upon s/I avg tonnage through 63,854 8/30/21 Contract - moved $8400 to ML3 402.000000,000.000,537,SL551010,0000.00. KITSAP HHW CONTRACT - - - - 402.0000004000,000,538,10,510010.0000.00. UTILITIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR 29,169 847 29,980 2%980 (63) 29,917 29,917 0 Adjusted difference 402,000000,000,000,538.10.510030.0000.00, FINANCE MANAGER 11,553 5,660 11,553 11553 110553 i1S53 (0) _ 402000000,000,000,538,10,510065,0000.00. PERSONNEL ANALYST 13,335 40097 13,119 130119 13,119 13,119 0 _ 402,000000,000,000,538.10.510070.0000.00. PUB WKS OFFICE MGR 4,753 2,446 4,753 4,753 4753 4753 0 402.000000,000,000,538,10,510120.0000.00, DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 50,558 12,000 12,000 3%822 51,822 51,822 (0) Technical Adjustment to record expenses This looks like an error- adjusted back 23,O99 in proper cost center to $51,822 402.000000,000,000,53&1OS1015040000.00. PROGRAM SUPPORT TECH 28,938 14,879 2%662 290662 29662 29,662 0 402.000000,000,000,538.10.51016040000.00. SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 25,868 13,136 26,297 26,297 26,297 260297 0 402,000000,000,000,538410.510180,0000.00. CLERICAL 190966 22,222 22,222 (1,841) 20,381 200381 0 Central assumptions. No PLR needed. Actual 2021 Under expenditure due to Position is vacant. Why would we 9,548 vacancy, need to budget more? 402.000000,000,000,53&10,51099940000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 2,241 - 2,241 20241 20241 2,241 - 402,000000,000,000,538,10,512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 10000 - 1,000 11000 11000 1000 (0) 402,000000,000,000.538,10,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 591 262 10055 1,055 10055 1055 (0) 402.000000,000,000,53&10,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 14,335 5,513 14,737 14,737 (145) 14,592 140592 0 Adjusted difference 402.000000,000.000.538.10,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 240304 91320 1%746 1%745 (195) 19 551 I%SSI (0) Adjusted difference 402.000000,000,000,53&10.520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 1,479 700 10479 1,479 10479 1479 0 402,000000,000.000,538,10,520040,0000400. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 44,754 1%221 450271 45,271 (887) 44384 44,384 (0) Adjusted difference 402,000000,000,000,538,30,520045,0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 275 108 693 693 (415) 278 278 (0) Adjusted difference 402.000000.000,000.538,30,520993.0000.00, CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 142 - 150 150 (150) Adjusted difference 402,000000,000,000.538,10,531010.0000,00, ADMIN SUPPLIES 5,600 523 5,600 50600 5,600 5,600 402,000000.000,000.538.10.533093,0000,00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 800 214 800 Soo Soo 800 40ZO00000,000,000,538,10,535010,0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - 109 - - - 402,000000.000.000.538,10,535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 123 - - 402,000000,000,000,538,10.541019.0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 36,588 1%294 39,054 39,054 390054 39,054 0 402.000000.000,000,538,10,541030,0000.00. ADVERTISING 21000 324 21000 2,000 2000 2,000 402,000000.000.000.538,10,541040,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,000 - 20000 21000 2000 2,000 402,000000.000,000,538,10,541501.0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - 402,000000,000,000,538,10,542010.0000.00. TELEPHONES/COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - - 402,000000,000,000,538,10,542020,0000,00. POSTAGE/SHIPPING 11500 795 1,500 10500 10500 10500 - 4024000000,000,000,538,10.542092.0000,00. IT PHONES - - - - 402,000000.000.000,538.10.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL/MILEAGE 200 - 200 200 200 200 4024000000,000,000,538,10,545010.0000,00. ADMIN RENTALS & LEASES 10000 424 11000 1,000 10000 10000 402,000000,000.000.538.10.54595L0000,00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 3,000 71000 71000 7,000 3,000 4,000 PW Finance Mgr to justify/adjust based Why has nothing been paid in 2020 & - upon RR rate study som letion. 2021? 402,000000,000,000,538,10,545952,0000,00, ITCOMPUTERS - - - - 402.000000.000.000.538.10.545953,0000,00, BUILDING RENTAL 3,495 3,592 3,495 31495 3495 3,495 402,000000,000.000,538,30.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 71377 - 70377 71377 7377 71377 402,000000,000,000,538,10,546096.0000,00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 523 513 514 514 514 514 402,000000.000,000.538430548010,0000,00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 500 - Soo Soo Soo Soo 402,000000,000,000,538,30,549010,0000.00, DUES/TRAINING 1,000 110 1,000 1,000 1000 1000 402,000000.000,0004594.37,563010,0000,00, OTHER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - - - - 402,000000.000,000.594.37.56303L0000,00, MINOR FACIUTY IMPROV SW-04-00 156,499 160,000 160,000 16%000 156,499 3,501 Catchup on deferred minor capital 38,711 im onvements. 402,000000.000,000.594,37,564000,0000,00, CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 590,000 S900000 590,000 - 5900000 need info previously given for the - breakdown of this line item 402.000000.000,000,594,37.564020.0000,00, EQUIP TRAILER/HHW TRANSPORT - - - 5220186 2,377,844 6,859,451 6,8591451 6,859451 6,85%451 0 Mason County Landfill 5,220,186 2,377,844 6,859,451 6,85%451 6,85%451 6,859,451 0 403.000000,100,000,535,83,520045,0000,006 WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - 403,000000,100,000,538,10,520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 134 134 (134) - - This BARS line was created in error- adjust out 403.000000.100.020.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 581,930 11392,533 1,3920533 188,231 1,5800764 1,789,320 (208,556) This # will change depending on ML3 403.000000.300.020.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 3,180 - 2,979 21979 2,979 20979 (0) 403,000000.100,020.518,80.541500.0000.00. I NFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 13,112 61556 13,789 13,789 13,789 13,789 (0) 403,000000.100,020,535,13,541513,0000,00, STATE EXCISE TAX 35,000 50,000 501000 S%OOO 50,000 - Don'tknow...not my adjustmentRD $50k looks realistic Moved $i5k to 22 749 based upon actual to 8 30 21. BL3 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 10 of 19 Expenditures 403.000000.100.020.535.13.553010.0000.00. EXCISETAX - - - - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510010.0000.00. CS&WOPERATOR 24,932 10,912 24,932 24,932 24,932 24932 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510015.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 30,920 16,347 37,293 37,293 37,293 37,293 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510045.0000.00. WATER & WASTEWATER MANAGER 52,535 30,178 50,628 500628 50,628 50,628 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510046.0000.00, CS&W OPERATOR 31,168 1%651 370370 37,370 37,370 37370 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510055.0000.00, OPERATOR 31,168 20,253 37,370 37,370 37,370 37,370 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510065.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 28,669 - 36,984 36,984 36,984 36984 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510080.0000.00. OPERATOR - 16,850 25,608 25,608 25,608 25,608 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510085.0000.00. OPERATOR 38,462 15,869 25,036 25,036 25 036 25,036 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510095.0000.00, CS&W OPERATOR 31,911 %016 36,984 360984 36,984 36,984 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED IV PAYOUT 1,951 - 10951 10951 11951 10951 - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 20,710 11,249 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520030.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 10,119 4,475 13,806 13,806 13,806 13806 0 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURTfY/MEDICARE 22,370 11,500 25,617 250617 25617 25,617 (0) 403.000000,100,0204535,83,520030,0000,001 STATE RETIREMENT 37,928 1%488 34,324 34,324 34,324 34,324 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 31968 2,164 41534 4,534 4,534 4,534 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 72,674 30,397 84,139 84,139 (20721) 81,418 81,418 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 428 221 491 491 491 491 (0) 403.000000.100.020.535.83.520991.0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 382 - 436 436 436 436 - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.531030.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 60,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 - Can't do. Underbudgeted in prior years Appears reasonable. Moved $60kto 62,344 due to deferred maintenance projects, ML3 403.000000,100,020535683.531032,0000,001 FUELCONSUMED - - - - - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.531093.0000.00. INTERFUND SUPPLIES Soo 177 Soo 500 500 S00 403.000000.100.020.535.83.532010.0000.00, FUELCONSUMED 21000 284 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 6,000 - 6,000 6,000 6,000 6000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOIS/EQUIPMENT 6,000 515 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 43,834 21,917 41,990 41,990 48 42,038 420038 (0) Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.535.83.541020.0000.00. WATER TESTING/LABS 11,000 34643 110000 11,000 11,000 11,000 403.000000.300.020.535.83.541040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1000800 90,054 90,054 90,054 90,054 - we changed to the Level 3 -BOCC, provides for engineering and line 32,908 inspection services expenses. Moved <$11,146> to ML3 403.000000.100.020.535.83.541501.0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.541514.0000.00. STATE USE/SALES TAX 100 20 100 100 100 100 403.000000.100.020.535.83.541517.0000.00, BIOSOLID & UQUIDWASTE PERMIT 4,800 1,424 41800 41800 4800 40800 403.000000.100.020.535.83.542010.0000.00, PHONE 11,500 4,733 11,500 11,500 110500 110500 403.000000.300.020.535.83.542020.0000.00, POSTAGE 100 - 100 100 100 100 403.000000.300.020.535.83.543010.0000.00, TRAVEL Soo 7 Soo 500 Soo Soo 403.000000.100.020.535.83.545010.0000.00. ANNUAL LEASE-SPRAY FIELD 7,000 61491 7,000 71000 7 000 7,000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.545020.0000.00, ANNUAL FEE FOR ACCESS - TACOMA 8,500 - 80500 81500 8500 80500 403.000000.100.020.535.83.545030.0000.00, EQUIPMENT RENTALS 10000 - 1,000 11000 10000 10000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLES 36,298 81,741 81,741 81,741 - 81,741 4 Absurd and gross Need ER&R Rates for correct number 403.000000.100.020.535.83.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 34,652 - 38,117 38,117 38117 38,117 Moved $3465 to ML3 403.000000.300.020.535.83.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 872 872 872 872 872 872 403.000000.100.020.535.83.547010.0000.00, UTILITIES 82,000 1001000 100,000 10%000 10%000 - Can't do. Cost of doing business. Based upon actual usages and rates through 4%738 8/30/21 Moved $18kto ML3 403.000000.100.020.535.83.547020.0000.00. SIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL - CONTRACT 90,000 - 900000 90,000 90000 90,000 403.000000,100.020,535.93,548020,0000,001 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 160,000 15,860 1600000 160,000 160000 160000 - 403.000000.100.020.535.83.548030.0000.00. GRINDER PUMPS 115,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 This needs more not less. This is a line item for a durable good that wears out overtime and goes up in price.Our 61,750 systems will only get bigger overtime. Moved $10k to ML3 403.000000.100.020.535.83.548098.0000.00, INTERFUND REPAIRS 2,SOO 347 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 403.000000.100.020.535.83.549010.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS DUES 6,000 11831 6,000 60000 61000 6,000 403.000000.100.020.535.83.551010.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES - - - 403.000000.100.020535.83.551030.0000.00. LIQUID WASTE PERMITS - - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.30.510030.0000.00. UTIUTIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR 14,031 380 14,421 14,421 (31) 14,390 14,390 (0) Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510030.0000.00. FINANCE MANAGER 51557 2,651 5,557 50557 5,557 5,557 (0) 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510065.0000.00. PERSONNEL ANALYST 5,819 1,887 5,724 50724 5724 5,724 (0) 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510070.0000,00. PUB WKS OFFICE MGR 2,286 1,152 2,286 2,286 Z286 2,286 (0) 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510120.0000.00. DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 24,319 14,023 24,927 24,927 24927 24,927 (0) 403.000000,100.0204538,10.510150,0000,001 PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH 13,920 6,983 14,268 14,268 14,268 14,268 0 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510160.0000.00, SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 12,443 6,165 12,649 12,649 12649 12,649 (0) 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510180.0000.00. CLERICAL %604 1%689 1%689 (886) %803 9,803 (0) Position is vacant Why would we 31611 need to budget more? 403.000000.100.020.538.10.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 1,078 - 10078 1,078 10078 11078 403.000000.100.020.538.1OS12000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 282 330 530 530 530 530 0 403.000000.300.020.538.30.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITYMEDICARE 6812 2760 7007 TOOT 70 6937 6937 0 Adjusted difference 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 11 of 19 Expenditures 403.000000.100.020.538.30.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 11,551 41780 %389 90389 (94) %295 %295 0 Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 711 329 711 711 711 711 (0) 403.000000.100.020.538.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 21,343 91200 21,595 21,595 (427) 4168 21,168 (0) Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 130 54 134 134 (1) 133 133 (0) Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.520991.0000.00. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 68 - 68 68 (68) Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.531010.0000.00. ADMIN SUPPLIES 21300 535 21000 20000 20000 2,OOO - Moved <$300> to MI-3 403.000000.100.020538.10.531093.0000.00. INTERFUNDSUPPLIES 200 101 200 200 200 200 403.000000.100.020.538.10.53509&0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 13,093 6,547 12,542 12,542 15 12 57 120557 0 Adjusted difference 403.000000.100.020.538.10.541030.0000,00. ADVERTISING 500 73 S00 500 S00 500 403.000000.100.020.538.10541040.0000.00- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11000 - 1,000 10000 10000 10000 403.000000.100.020.538.10.54150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.542010.0000.00. TELEPHONES/COMMUNICATIONS - - - - 403.000000.100.020538.10.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE/SHIPPING 91500 11,000 11,000 110000 11,000 - increasin # of customers and normal 4,706 mailings Moved $1500 to ML3 403.000000.100.020.538.30.542092.0000.00. ITPHONES - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL/MILEAGE - - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.545010.00OO,OO. ADMIN RENTALS & LEASES 200 256 550 550 550 550 Moved $350 to ML3 403.000000.100.020.538.10.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 11000 - 11000 1,000 10000 1000 403.000000.100.020.538.10.545952.0000.00. ITCOMPUTERS - - - 403.000000.100.020.538.10.545953.0000.00. BUILDING RENTAL 1,682 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,682 1,818 Increase based upon actual 201 Whywould intemalfund building 11686 expenditures at 8/30/21 rent double? 403.000000.100.020.538.10.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 11000 - 1,000 11000 1,000 1,000 403.000000.100.020.538.10.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 245 245 245 245 (1) 244 244 403.000000.100.020.538.10.548010.0000.00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 200 - 200 200 200 200 403.000000.100.020.538.10.549010.0000.00, DUESIMINING S00 99 Soo 500 Soo S00 403.000000.100.020.538.10.551010.0000.00, STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 403.000000.100.020.591.35.573010.0000.00. BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 125,000 125,000 125,000 %000 130,000 1300000 - Adjusted difference for anticipated ft loan pmt in 2022 403.000000.100.020.591.35.578010.0000.00. DOE LOAN L0000021 PRINCIPAL PA 3750390 375,390 375,390 (187,695) 187,695 1870695 0 1 have no say overthe repayment of this loan: (payoff of loan principal - This loan will be paid in full in March 187,695 recommend at, to 2020 principal repaid of 2022 403.000000.100.020.592.35.583000.0000.00, BOND INTEREST PAYMENTS 144,075 144,075 144,075 %750) 14%325 140,325 - I have no say over the repayment of this loan: (payoff of loan principal - Adjusted difference for anticipated 72,038 recommend ad' to 2020 principal repaid loan pmt in 2022 403.000000.300.020.594.35.562001.0000.00. MINOR FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 4,000 - 129,000 129,000 12%000 4,000 12%000 Can'tdo - lookfornotes 403.000000.100.020.594.35.564010.0000.00. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - - - 403.000000.100.020.597.00.500210.0000.00. TRANSFER OUTTO 210 BOND 2,674,312 840,823 3,811,657 3,811,657 (2,584) 3080%073 %809,073 0 NBCI Sewer Utility 21674,312 840,823 3,811,657 3,811,657 (2,584) 3809073 3,809,073 0 404.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - - 404.000000.000.000.538.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION - - - NBCI Sewer Reserve - 405.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - - - 405.000000.000.000.597.00.500403.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT: NORTH BAY 2,584 - 20584 405.000000.000.000.597.00.500411.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT: RUSTLEWOOD 381 - 381 405.000000.000.000.597.00.500412.0000.00, TRANSFER OUT: BEARDS COVE 318 - 318 405.000000.000.000.597.00.500413.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT: BELFAIR SEWER 703 - 703 3,986 3,986 WW System Development 3,986I 31986 - - - 411.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 9,947 __ 125 958 125,958 (1120413) 13545 - 13,545 9,947 _ . ---- 125 958 125,958 (112,413) 13 45 - 13,545 411.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATEAUDITOR CHARGES 271 - 274 274 274 274 0 411.000000.100.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFOTECHNOLOGY SERVICES 11639 820 2,401 21401 2,401 20401 0 411.000000.100.000.534.81.541514.0000.00, STATE USE/SALES TAX - - - - 41L000000.300.00O.S3S.11.541513.0000.00. STATE EXCISE TAX 4,200 2,340 6,000 61000 60000 60000 Moved $1800 to ML3 411.000000.100.000.535.11.553010.0000.00, EXCISE TAX - - - - 411.000000.100.000.535.81.510010.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 41163 350 4,163 4,163 4,163 4163 0 411.000000.100.000.535.81.510015.0000.00, CS&W OPERATOR 5,163 6,095 6,227 6,227 6227 6,227 0 411.000000.100.000.535.81.510045.0000.00. OPERATOR %772 3,362 8,453 8,453 8,453 %453 (0) 411.000000.100.000.535.8L510046.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 5,204 1,325 61240 6,240 6,240 6,240 0 411.000000.100.000.53S.8LS10OS5.0000.00. OPERATOR 5,204 3,074 6,240 61240 6,240 6,240 0 411.000000.100.000.535.SL510065.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 4,787 - 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 (0) 411.000000.100.000.535.8LS10080.0000.00. OPERATOR - 2,197 4,276 40276 41276 40276 0 411.000000.100.000.535.81,510085.0000.00, OPERATOR 6,422 3,704 41180 41180 4,180 40180 (0) 411.000000.100.000.535.8L510095.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 50328 973 6,175 6,175 6,175 60175 (0) 411.000000.100.000.535.81.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP ON-GOING - - - - 411.000000.100.000.535.81.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 326 - 326 326 326 326 411.000000.100.000.535.81,512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 3,458 11460 3,458 3,458 3 458 3,458 411.000000.300.000.535.8L519999.0000.00. REALLOCATE FROM OPERATING 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 12 of 19 Expenditures 411,000000,100.000.535,81,520010,0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,690 789 21305 2,305 2305 2,305 (0) 411000000.100.000,535,81,520020,0000.00, SOCIAL SECURrry/MEDICARE 3,735 1,724 4,302 4,302 (25) 4,277 4,277 (0) Adusted difference 41L000000,100,000,535.81.520030,0000,00, STATERETIREMENT 6,332 20923 51764 5,764 (39) 5,731 5,731 (0) Adjusted difference 411,000000.100.000,535,81,520035,0000,00. TEAMSTERS PENSION-OPERATIONS 662 353 757 757 757 757 (0) 411,000000,300.000.535,81,520040,0000,00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 12,135 40126 14,049 14,049 (454) 13 95 13,595 0 Adjusted difference 411,000000,100,000.535.81.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 71 33 82 82 82 82 (0) 411.000000,100,000,535.81520991,0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 64 - 73 73 73 73 0 411,000000,100.000,535,81.531030.0000.00, OPERATION SUPPLIES 8,000 31902 8,000 8,000 8,000 80000 411,000000,1004000,535.81,531093,0000,00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 200 27 200 200 200 200 411.000000,100,000,535,81,532010.0000,00, FUEL 200 - 200 200 200 200 - 411000000,100.000,535.81.535010,0000,00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 11000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 10000 - 411.000000,100.000,535,81535098.0000.00, TTTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 411,000000,100,000,535,81.535099.0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 11000 - 1,000 11000 10000 10000 411.000000,100.000,535,81,541019,0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION %969 4,985 190691 1%691 19,691 190691 0 411,000000,100,000,535.81.541020,0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICESIWATER LA 60000 31453 6,000 6,000 60000 60000 411.000000,100,000,535,81,541040,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SVCS/MISCELLANEOU 100000 10432 10,000 10,000 100000 100000 - 4ll,000000,100,000,535.81.541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 411,000000,100,000,535,81.541514,0000,00, STATE USE/SALES TAX - 2 - - - - 41L000000,100,000,535,81,541517,0000,00, LIQUID WASTE PERMITS 1,500 10005 1,500 1,500 10500 10500 411,000000,100.000,535,81,542010,0000,00, TELEPHONE 1,600 986 10600 1,600 10600 10600 - 411,000000,100,000,535,81,543010,0000,00, TRAVEL 100 - 100 100 100 100 411,000000.100,000.535.81.545951,0000,00, ER&RVEHICLES 71482 12,000 12,000 12,000 - 12,000 1 Need ER&R Rates for correct number 411.000000.100.000.535.81.546010,0000.00, INSURANCE 1,581 - 1,581 1,581 1581 10581 411,000000.100.000.535.81.546096,0000,00, UNEMPLOYMENT 146 146 246 146 146 146 411.000000.100.000.535.81,547010.0000.00, UTILITIES 110000 4,147 11,000 11,000 11000 11000 - 411,000000.100.000.535.81.548020,0000,00, REPAIRS AND MAINT/STRUCTU RES & 30,000 1,347 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 41L000000,100,000,535,81,548098.0000.00, INTERFUND REPAIRS 200 - 200 200 200 200 411,000000.100,000.535,81.549010,0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS DUES 1,555 1,091 1r555 10555 1,555 10555 41L000000,100,000,535,81,549020,0000.00. 810 SOLIDS DISPOSAL 10,000 10800 10,000 1%000 1%000 10,000 411,000000,100.000.535,81,549998,0000,00, REALLOCATE TO SALARIES - - - - 411,000000,100,000.535,81,551030,0000,00, LIQUID WASTE PERMITS - - - - 411.000000.100.000.538,10,510030,0000,00, UTILITIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR 2,892 80 20973 20973 (7) 2,966 2,966 (0) Adjusted difference 411,000000.100,000.538,10,510030,0000,00, FINANCE MANAGER 1,146 546 10146 10146 11146 1,146 0 411.000000.100,000,538,10.510065,0000,00, PERSONNEL ANALYST 727 386 716 716 716 716 0 411,000000.100,000.538,10,510070,0000,00, PUB WKS OFFICE MGR 471 219 471 471 471 471 (0) 411.000000,100,000,538.10.510120,0000.00, DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 5,013 1,966 5,139 50139 5,139 5139 0 411,000000.100,000.538.10,510150,0000,00, PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH 2,869 11216 2,941 2,941 2,941 2,941 (0) 411,000000,100,000,538.10.510160,0000.00. SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 2565 1,072 2,607 2,607 2,607 2,607 (0) 411,OD0000,100.000,538,10.510180.0000.00. CLERICAL 1,980 2,203 2,203 (182) 20021 20022 0 Position is vacant Why would we 628 need to budget more? 411,000000.100.000,538.10,510999,0000,00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 222 - 222 222 222 222 4ll,000000,100.000,538.10.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - 411,000000,100.000,538,10,520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 56 22 101 101 101 101 0 411,000000,100,000.538,10,520020,0000,001 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1,368 457 11409 1,409 (15) 1,394 10394 (0) Adjusted difference 411.000000,100.000,538,10,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 2,320 793 1,888 1,888 (20) 1,868 1,868 (0) Adjusted difference 4ll,000000,300.000,538410.520035,0000,00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 147 57 147 147 147 147 0 411,000000,100.000,538,10,520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 4,253 10551 4,308 4,308 (88) 4,220 4,220 0 Adjusted difference 411,000000,100,000.538.104520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 26 9 27 27 27 27 0 411,000000,100.000,538,10,520991.0000.00, CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 14 - - 411,000000,100.000,538,10,531010,0000,00, ADMIN SUPPLIES 350 91 350 350 350 350 411,000000,100,000.538,10,531093.0000,00. INTERFUND SUPPUES 50 17 50 50 50 50 411,000000.100,000,538,10,535098,0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 411.000000.100.000.538,10,541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 3,773 11887 7,452 7,452 7,452 7,452 (0) 411000000.100,000.538.10.541030,0000,00, ADVERTISING 150 11 150 150 150 150 411,000000.100.000.538,10.541040,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000,100,000,538.10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 411,000000,100,000,538,10,542010.0000,00, COMMU NICATIONS/TELEPHONE - - - - 41L000000,100,000,538,10,542020.0000,00, POSTAGE/SHIPPING 1,300 545 1,400 11400 . 1,400 1,400 - Moved $100 to MI3 411,000000.100.000,538.10.542092,0000,00, IT PHONES - - - ft - 411,000000,100,000,538.10.543010,0000.00, TRAVEL/MILEAGE 100 - 100 100 100 100 411,000000,100.000,538,10,545010,0000.00, ADMIN RENTALS & LEASES 100 41 100 100 100 100 411,000000,100.000,538.10.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 200 - 200 200 200 200 411.000000,100.000,538.10,545952,0000,00, IT COMPUTERS - - - - 411.000000.100.000.538.10.545953.0000,00. BUILDING RENTAL 349 293 349 349 349 349 411.000000.100.000,538.10.546010.0000.00, INSURANCE 300 - 300 300 300 300 411.000000.100.000.538.10.546096,0000,00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 49 49 49 49 49 49 411.000000.100,000.538,10.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000.100,000.538,10,549010,0000,00, DUES/TRAINING 100 16 100 100 100 100 411.000000.100,000.538,10,551010,0000,00, STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 41L000000,100,000,594,35,563010.0000,00, I & I REMOVAL - - - 411,000000,100,010,591,35,571010,0000.00, USDA BOND PRINCIPAL (525,000) 8,669 8,669 81669 (8,669) - - Adjusted budgetto match payment schedules 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 13 of 19 Expenditures 411.000000,100,010,591,35,571030,0000,001 USDA LOAN/PRINCIPAL(831,000) 14,029 14,029 14,029 (14t029) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 411.000000.100.010.591.35.578411.0000.00. - - - 320770 32,770 32,770 - Adjusted budget to match payment - schedules 411.000000.100.010.592.35.580000.0000.00. DEBTSERVICE: INTEREST & COSTS - - - - 411.000000.100.010.592.35.583030.0000.00. USDA LOAN/INTERESr (831,000) 280585 281585 28,585 (280585) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 411.000000.300.010.592.35.583040.0000.00. USDA LOAN/INTEREST (525,000.00 19,513 19,513 19,513 (1%513) - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 411.000000.100.010.592.35.583411.0000.00. USDA LOAN/INTEREST (525,000.00 - - - 29,228 2%228 29,228 0 Adjusted budget to match payment 17,817 schedules 411.000000.300.010.599.35.570000.0000.00. REFUNDING DEBT-PRINCIPAL - - - 285,045 89,740 315,587 315,587 (%622) 3050965 293,965 12,000 41L000000.200.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 271 - 274 274 274 274 0 411.000000.200.000.518.80.541500.0000.00, INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 1,639 820 2,401 2,401 2,401 2,401 0 411.000000.200.000.534.11.541513.0000.00, STATE EXCISE TAX 3,400 11822 4,500 4,500 40500 40500 Moved $1100 to ML3 411.000000.200.000.534.11.553010.0000.00, EXCISE TAX - - - - 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510010.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 4,163 521 4,163 4,163 4,163 4,163 0 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510015.0000.00, CS&W OPERATOR 51163 2,720 61227 61227 6,227 6,227 0 411000000.200.000.534.81.510045.0000.00. OPERATOR 81772 31365 81453 80453 8,453 80453 (0) 411.000000.200.000.534.SL510046.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 5,204 433 6,240 6,240 6,240 6,240 0 411.000000.200.000.534.8LS1005S.0000.00. OPERATOR 5,204 1,807 6,240 6,240 6,240 61240 0 411.000000.200.000.534.81510065.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 40787 - 6,175 6,175 6,175 61175 (0) 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510080.0000.00. OPERATOR - 1,066 4,276 41276 40276 41276 0 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510085.0000.00, OPERATOR 6,422 842 4,180 4,180 4,180 41180 (0) 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510095.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 5,328 447 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 (0) 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP ON-GOING - - - - 411.000000.200.000.534.81.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTEACCRUED LV PAYOUT 326 - 326 326 326 326 411.000000.200.000.534.81.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 3,458 509 30458 3,458 3,458 3,458 411.000000.200.000.534.81.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 10690 367 2,305 2,305 20305 20305 (0) 411,000000.200.000.534.8L520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 3,735 896 40302 4,302 (25) 4,277 4,277 (0) Adjusted difference 411.000000.200.000.534.81,520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 6,332 11519 5,764 5,764 (33) 5,731 5,731 (0) Adjusted difference 41L000000.200.000.534.81.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 662 150 757 757 757 757 (0) 41L000000.200.000.534.8L520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 12,135 11772 14,049 14,049 (454) 13,595 13,595 0 Adjusted difference 411.000000.200.000.534.81.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 71 17 82 82 82 82 (0) 411.000000.200.000.534.81.52099L0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 64 - 73 73 73 73 0 411.000000.200.000.534.8L531030.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,000 1,476 4,000 4,000 4,000 40000 411.000000.200.000.534.81.531093.0000.00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 200 27 200 200 200 200 411.000000.200.000.534.81.532010.0000.00. FUELCONSUMED 200 - 200 200 200 200 411.000000.200.000.534.81.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 10000 - Soo Soo Soo Soo Moved <$500> to MI3 411,000000.200.000.534.81.535098.0000.00. MTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 411.000000.200.000.534.81.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 10000 - Soo Soo 500 Soo Moved <$500> to ML3 41L000000.200.000.534.81.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION %969 4,985 19,691 190691 1%691 19,691 0 411.000000.200.000.534.81.541020.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/WATER LA 11200 244 1,200 10200 12200 1,200 411.000000.200.000.534.81.541030.0000.00, ADVERTISING 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000.200.000.534.81.541040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/MISCELLA 2,500 10000 10000 10500 2,500 20500 - expected increase in nutrient testing for 102 marine discharge permit 41L000000.200.000.534.81.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 411.000000.200.000.534.81.541514.0000.00. STATE USE/SALES TAX - 2 - - 411.000000.200.000.534.8L542010.0000.00. CELL PHONES 600 243 600 600 600 600 411,000000.200.000.534.SL543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 100 - 100 100 100 100 41L000000.200.000.534.8L545010.0000.00. LEASE/RENTAL - - - - 411.000000.200.000.534.81.545951.0000.00. ER&RVEHICLES 71482 13,371 13,371 13,371 - 13,371 1 Need ER&R Rates for correct number 411.000000.200.000.534.81.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 10625 - 1,625 1,625 1,625 1,625 411.000000.200.000.534.81.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 146 _ _ 146 146 146 _ 146 146 411.000000.200.000.534.81.547010.0000.00. UTILITIES 6,000 24818 6,100 61100 6,100 6,100 Moved $100 to ML3 411.000000,200,000,534,81,548020,0000,001 REPAIRS AND MAINT/STRUCTURES & 51000 2,929 6,000 60000 6,000 6,000 Moved $1000 to ML3 411,000000.200.000.534.81.548098.0000.00, INTERFUND REPAIRS 2,000 - 1,000 10000 10000 10000 Moved <$1000> to MI-3 41L000000.200.000.534.81.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS DUES 1,555 11113 2,800 21800 2,800 21800 Moved $1245 to ML3 411.000000.200.000.538.10.530030.0000.00, UTIUTIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR 20892 80 2,973 2,973 (7) 2,966 20966 (0) Adjusted difference 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510830.0000.00. FINANCE MANAGER 1,146 547 1,146 1,146 1,146 1,146 0 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510065.0000.00, PERSONNEL ANALYST 727 412 716 716 716 716 0 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510070.0000.00, PUB WKS OFFICE MGR 471 219 471 471 471 471 (0) 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510120.0000.00. DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 5,013 1,701 50139 5,139 5,139 5,139 0 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510150.0000.00, PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH 2,869 11248 2,941 2,941 2,941 2,941 (0) 411.000000.200.000.538.10.510160.0000.00. SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 2,565 1,072 20607 20607 Z607 Z607 (0) 411.000000.200.000.538.30.530180.0000.00. CLERICAL 1,980 2,203 21203 (182) Z021 21021 0 Position is vacant. Why would we 628 need to budget more? 411,000000.200.000.538.10.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 222 - 222 222 222 222 411.000000.200.000.538.10.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 56 22 101 101 101 101 0 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE 1368 442 1394 1394 1394 1394 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 14 of 19 Expenditures 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 21320 766 1,868 1,868 1,868 1,868 (0) 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 147 58 147 147 147 147 0 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 4,253 1,562 4,308 4,308 (88) 40220 4,220 0 Adjusted difference 41L000000.200.000.538.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 26 9 82 82 (55) 27 27 0 Adjusted difference 411.000000.200.000.538.10.520991.0000.00. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 14 - - - 411.000000.200.000.538.10.531010.0000.00. ADMINSUPPUES 350 91 350 350 350 350 411.000000.200.000.538.10.531093.0000.00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 50 17 50 50 50 50 411.000000.200.000.538.10.535098.0000.00. rTTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 411.000000.200.000.538.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 30773 1,887 7,452 71452 70452 7452 (0) 411.000000.200.000.538.10.541030.0000.00. ADVERTISING Soo 11 150 150 150 150 Moved c$350> to MI3 411.000000.200.000.538.10.543040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000.200.000.538.10.541501.0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 411,000000.200.000.538.10.542010.0000.00. COMMUNICATIONS/TELEPHONE 220 - 220 220 220 220 41L000000.200.000.538.10.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE/SHIPPING 1,000 545 10400 11400 1,400 1400 Moved $400 to ML3 411.000000.200.000.538.10.542092.0000.00. ITPHONES - - - 41L000000.200.000.538.10.543010.0000.00. TRAVELIMILEAGE 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000.200.000.538.10.545010.0000.00. ADMIN RENTALS & LEASES 100 41 100 100 100 100 411.000000.200.000.538.10.54595L0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 200 - 200 200 200 200 411.000000.200.000.538.10.545952.0000.00. MCOMPUTERS - - - - 411.000000.200.000538.10.545953.0000.00. BUILDING RENTAL 349 293 349 349 349 349 411.000000.200.000.538.10.546030.0000.00, INSURANCE 1,750 - 300 300 300 11750 (1,450) Leave insurance budgeted at $1750 or lower? 411.000000.200.000.538.10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 49 _ 4.9_ 49 _ _ 49 49 49 411.000000.200.000.538.10.548010.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 100 - 100 100 100 100 411.000000.200.000.538.10.549010.0000.00, DUES/TRAINING 100 16 100 100 100 100 411,000000.200.000.538.10.551010.0000.00. STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 41L000000.200.000.594.34.563010.0000.00. WATER SYSTEM PLAN 38,704 - 20%000 200,000 200,000 380704 161,296 ARPA Funded Projects 197,017 44,873 386,891 386,891 656 387 547 214,330 173,217 Rustlewood Sewer & Water 4920009 1341613 828,436 82::M!, (121,379) 7070057 5080295 198,762 412.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 579,656 - 680,008 680,008 210771 7010779 6100199 91,580 This # will change depending on MI-3 412.000000.000.000.591.35.571010.0000.00, USDA LOAN 1-WATER METER-PRNCPL 3,781 1,934 3,781 31781 229 4,010 41010 0 Adjusted budgetto match payment schedules 412.000000.000.000.592.35.583010.0000.00. USDA LOAN #1 WATER METERANT 7,813 %863 71813 71813 (229) 7,584 7,584 (0) Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 591,250 5,797 6910602 691,602 21,771 713 373 621,793 910580 412.000000.200.000.514.21.541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 993 - 11132 1,132 1,132 1,132 (0) 412.000000.200.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 1,639 820 2,082 20082 2,082 2,082 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.12.541513.0000.00. STATE EXCISE TAX 110000 5,245 11,000 110000 111000 111000 412.000000.200.000.534.12.541514.0000.00. STATE USE/SALES TAX - - - - 412.000000.200.000.534.12.553010.0000.00. EXCISE TAX - - - - 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510010.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 3,340 978 30340 3,340 3 340 3,340 0 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510015.0000.00, CS&W OPERATOR 41142 4,139 4,995 40995 4,995 4,995 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510045.0000.00. OPERATOR 71037 3,365 6,781 60781 6,781 60781 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510046.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 4,175 1,492 5,005 50005 54005 50005 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510055.0000.00. OPERATOR 4,175 1,013 51005 5,005 51005 50005 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510065.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 3,840 - 41954 41954 4,954 40954 0 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510080.0000.00. OPERATOR - 11062 3,430 3,430 31430 3,430 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510085.0000.00. OPERATOR 5,152 359 3,353 31353 3353 3,353 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510095.0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 41274 2,369 4,954 4,954 4954 4,954 0 412.000000.200.000.534.82.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 261 - 261 261 261 261 412.000000.200.000.534.82.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 2,774 3,189 2,774 20774 2,774 2,774 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520030.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,355 504 109 109 1,740 1,849 1,849 (0) Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 2,996 1,374 1,524 1,524 10907 31431 3,431 (0) Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 5,080 20330 2,042 21042 2,556 40598 4,598 0 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 531 250 607 607 607 607 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE %734 2,894 90735 91735 11171 10,906 10,906 0 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 57 26 29 29 37 66 66 0 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.520991.0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 51 58 58 58 S8 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.531030.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,500 2,325 4,500 41500 4,500 4,500 412.000000.200.000.534.82.531093.0000.00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 400 23 400 400 400 400 412.000000.200.000.534.82.532010.0000.00, FUELCONSUMED 150 - 150 150 150 150 412.000000.200.000.534.82.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT Soo - Soo Soo Soo Soo 412.000000.200.000.534.82.535098.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - 412.000000.200.000.534.82.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT Soo - Soo Soo Soo Soo 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541019.0000.00, INTERNALALLOCATION 120534 6,267 12,788 12,788 12,788 12788 (0) 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541020.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/WATER LA 1,000 1,846 10000 1,000 10000 1000 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541030.0000.00, ADVERTISING 200 - 200 200 200 200 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,000 214 3,000 3,000 3000 3,000 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541091.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION - - - - 412.000000.200.000.534.82.541501.0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 412.000000.211010,534.82.542010,0000,00, TELEPHONE 1,900 10292 10900 10900 10900 1,900 412.000000.200.000.534,82,543010,0000.00. TRAVEL 100 100 100 100 100 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 15 of 19 Expenditures 412.000000.200.000,534.82.545951.0000,00, ER&R VEHICLES %119 10,400 10,400 10,400 - 10,400 1 Need ER&R Rates for correct number 412.000000.200.000.534.82.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 7,030 - 7,030 7,030 7,030 7,030 412,000000,200,000,534.81546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 117 117 170 170 (53) 117 117 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.534.82.547010.0000.00. UTILITIES 14,750 636 14,750 14,750 14,750 14,750 _ 412,000000,200.000,534.82.548020.0000,00. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 15,OOD 5,943 15,000 150000 15,000 15,000 412,000000,200.000.534.82.548030.0000,00. HYDRANT REPLACEMENT 5,000 - 51000 50000 5,000 50000 412,000000,200,000,534.82,548098.0000.00, INTERFUND REPAIRS/MAINT Soo - Soo 500 500 500 412.000000.200.000.534.82.549010.0000,004 MISCELLANEOUS DUES 3,026 1,675 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Moved $474 to ML3 412,000000,200,000.534,82,549998,0000,00, REALLOCATETO SALARIES - - - - 412.000000,200,000.534,82.551010,0000,00, STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 412,000000.200,000,538,10,510010,0000,00, UTILITIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR 3,138 84 3,226 3,226 (7) 30219 3,219 0 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200,000.538,10.510030,0000,00, FINANCE MANAGER 1,243 595 1,243 1,243 1,243 1,243 (0) 412.000000.200,000.538,10,510065,0000,00, PERSONNEL ANALYST 727 434 716 716 716 716 0 412.000000.200.000.538,10,510070.0000,00. PUB WKS OFFICE MISR 511 228 511 511 511 511 (0) 412,000000,200,000,538,10,510120,0000,00, DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 51440 2,140 5,576 5,576 5,576 50576 0 412,000000,200,000,538,10.510150,0000,00, PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH 3,114 1,693 3,191 30191 3,191 31191 (0) 412,000000,200.000,538.10,510160,0000,00, SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 2,783 1,340 2,829 20829 2,829 2,829 (0) 412,000000,200,000,538.10,510180,0000,00, CLERICAL 20148 786 2,391 2,391 (198) 2,193 2,193 0 412.000000.200.000.538410.510999400004004 UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 241 - 241 241 241 241 412,000000,200,000,538,10,512000,0000,00, OVERTIME - - - - 412,000000.200,000,538,10,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 61 27 109 109 109 109 0 412.000000.200,000.538,10,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 10480 545 1,524 11524 (16) 1508 10508 (0) Adjusted difference 412.000000.200,000.538,30,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 21510 947 2,042 2,042 (21) 2 021 2,021 0 Adjusted difference 412.000000.200.000.538,10,520035.0000.00, TEAMSTERS PENSION 159 75 159 159 159 159 (0) 412,000000,200,000,538,10,520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 4,596 1,762 4,597 4,597 (37) 4,560 41560 (0) Adjusted difference 412,000000,200.000,538.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 28 11 29 29 29 29 0 412.000000,200.000,538.10.520991,0000.00. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 15 - 15 15 (15) M M Adjusted difference 412,000000,200,000,538,10.531010,0000,00, ADMIN SUPPLIES 900 109 900 900 900 900 412.000000,200.000.538,10.531093,0000,00, INTERFUND SUPPLIES 50 22 50 50 50 50 412.000000,200,000.538.10,535098,0000.00, RTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - ft - 412.000000.200.000.538,30.541019,0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 51898 2,949 6,018 6,018 6018 6,018 (0) 412.000000.200,000.538.10,541030,0000,00, ADVERTISING 200 9 200 200 200 200 ft 4124000000,200.000,538.10.541040,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 - 100 100 100 100 412,000000,200,000,538,10,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - 412.000000.200.000.538.10.542010.0000,00, TELEPHONES 100 - 100 100 100 100 412,000000.200,000,538.10,542020.0000,00, POSTAGE/SHIPPING 30500 1,714 3,500 3,500 30500 3,500 412.000000.200,000.538,10,542092,0000,00, ITPHONES - - - - 412,000000.200,000.538,10,543010,0000,00, TRAVEL/MILEAGE 100 - 100 100 100 100 412.000000.200,000.538.10.545010,0000,00, ADMIN RENTALS & LEASES 150 65 150 150 150 150 412,000000.200,000.538,10.545951,0000,00, ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 500 - 500 500 500 500 412.0000004200.000.538,10.5459510000.00. ITCOMPUTERS - - - - 412,000000,200.000,538.10.545953.0000,00, BUILDING RENTAL 349 Soo 500 S00 349 151 Isthts an allocation change? If so, all allocations w/in utilities & sw should 367 change 412.000000.200.000.538.10.546010.0000,00, INSURANCE 422 - 422 422 422 422 412.000000.200.000.538.10.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 53 53 53 53 53 53 412.000000.200.000,538. 10.548010,0000,00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 100 - 100 100 100 100 412,000000.200.000.538.10.549010.0000,00, DUES/TRAINING 300 17 300 300 300 300 412.000000,200.000,538.10.551010.0000.00, STATE AUDIT CHARGES - - - - 412.000000.200.000,594,34,563020.0000.00. WATER METER INSTALLATIONS 10,000 - 10,000 10,OOO 100000 10,000 412.000000.200.000.594.34.564020.0000.00. HYDRANT REPLACEMENT 51000 - 52000 5,000 5000 5,000 12.000000.200.000.597.00.500429.0000.00. TRANSFER OUTTO FUND 429 - - - - _ __ 206,848 67,718 210,950 2101950 7,064 218,014 207,466 10,548 Beards Cove Water 798'098 73,515 902,552 1 9021552 28,835 931,387 829,259 102,128 413.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00, END FUND RESERVED 359,564 258,574 258,574 61691,943 6,950,517 6,423,574 526,943 Shouldn't we budget more in capital exps since loan included instead of - dumping balance into EFB7 413 . 000000.000.000.514.20.541010.0000.00. BANKING/DEBT SERVICES 400 - 400 400 400 400 Moved $400 to ML3 413.000000.000.000.514,21.541510,0000,00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 20969 20969 21969 21379 5,348 51348 0 This is not a negotiable budget amt- _ Central assumptions adjusted difference 413.000000.000,000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 6,556 60556 6,556 (701) 5,855 5,855 0 This is not a negotiable budget amt- 31278 adjusted difference 413,000000,000.000.535,84.530010.0000,00, CS&W OPERATOR 91149 7,103 %149 %149 9 149 90149 (0) 413,000000.000.000,535484,510015,0000.00. CS&W OPERATOR 11,347 S,S86 11,347 110347 2,338 13,685 130685 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000,535,84,530045,0000,00, OPERATOR 19,279 7,849 19,279 19,279 (700) 18,579 180579 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535,84,510046,0000,00, CS&W OPERATOR 110438 8,221 11,438 11,438 2,276 13,714 33,714 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000,000.000,535.84,510055,0000,00, OPERATOR 11,438 4,851 11,438 11,438 2,276 13,714 13,714 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413,000000,000.000.535.84.510065,0000,00, CS&W OPERATOR 10,521 - 10,521 10,521 3,051 13,572 13,572 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413,000000,0004000,535,84,530080,0000,00, OPERATOR - 2,925 - - 90398 9,398 90398 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413,000000,000.000.535.84.510085.0000.00. OPERATOR 140114 2,475 14,114 140114 '4,927) 9187 9187 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535,84,510095,0000,00, CS&W OPERATOR 11710 18 838 11710 11710 1862 13 72 13 572 0 Central assumptions lAdjusted difference 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 16 of 19 Expenditures 413.000000.000.000.535.84.510999.0000.00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 716 - 716 716 716 716 413.000000.000.000.535.84.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 7,600 4,613 7,600 70600 71600 7,600 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,715 10796 3,715 3,715 10351 5,066 5,066 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 8,210 4,472 8,210 8,210 10191 %401 %401 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 13,918 7,331 13,918 130918 (11322) 12 596 12,596 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000,000,000.535,84,520035,0000,001 TEAMSTERS PENSION 1,456 799 1,456 1,456 208 1,664 1,664 Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520040.0000.00- MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 26,669 11,526 26,670 26,670 3,208 29,878 290878 (0) Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 156 86 156 156 24 180 180 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.535.84.520991.0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 140 - 140 140 20 160 160 Adjusted difference 413.000000,000,000,535,84,531030,0000,001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 40,000 81957 4%000 40,000 40,000 40,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.531093.0000.00. PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES - 68 - - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.532010.0000.00. FUELCONSUMED 10500 805 1,500 10500 10500 10500 413.000000.000.000.535.84.535010.0000.00, SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 10500 - 1,500 1,500 10500 10500 413.000000.000.000.535.84.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 11500 11500 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 220168 11,084 22,168 22,168 21669 240837 24,837 (0) Central assumptions Corrected error in IA 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541020.0000.00, PROF SERVICES/WATER L 15,000 2,458 15,000 i5,o0o 15,000 15000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541030.0000.00, ADVERTISING/PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 200 - 200 200 200 200 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/MISC 25,000 15,444 251000 25,000 25,000 25,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541091.0000.00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2,000 - 21000 20000 2000 2,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84541501.0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541513.0000.00. STATE EXCISETAX 9,000 4,951 %000 90000 %000 90000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541514.0000.00, STATE USE/SALES TAX 1,000 8 1,000 10000 10000 1,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.541517.0000.00, LIQUID WASTE PERMITS 4,800 1,108 4,800 4,800 4800 4,800 413.000000.000.000.535.84542010.0000.00- TELEPHONE 9,000 40227 %000 90000 90000 90000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.542020,0000.00. POSTAGE - - - ft - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 100 - 100 100 100 100 413.000000.000.000.535.84.54SO20.00OO.oO. RENTALS & LEASES - - - ft - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLES 24,358 24,358 24,358 24,358 - 24XS 3 Need ER&R Rates for correct number 413.000000.000.000.535.84.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE: LIBILITY/PROPERTY 41,292 - 41,292 41,292 41292 41,292 413.000000.000.000.535.84.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 320 320 320 320 320 320 413.000000.000.000.535.84.547010.0000.00, UTILITIES 75,000 27,441 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.547020.0000.00, BIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL 35,000 - 35,000 35,000 35000 35,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.548020.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINT./STRUCTURES & 100,000 21,251 100,000 1000000 100,000 100,000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.548030.0000.00, GRINDER PUMPS 5,000 - 51000 50000 %000 51000 413.000000.000.000.535.84.548098.0000.00, INTERFUND REPAIRS/MAINT Soo - Soo 500 Soo S00 413.000000.000.000.535.84.549010.0000.00, MISC DUES 1,440 1,301 11440 10440 11440 1440 413.000000.000.000.535.84.551010.0000.00, STATE AUDITORS FEE - - - - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.553030.0000.00, LIQUID WASTE PERMIT - - - - 413.000000.000.000.535.84.553010.0000.00. EXCISETAX - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510010.0000.00. UTILITIES/PUB WORKS DIRECTOR %415 2,481 90415 %415 242 9,657 %657 0 kyusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510030.0000.00. FINANCE MANAGER 31729 2,546 30729 3,729 3,729 31729 (0) 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510065.0000.00. PERSONNEL ANALYST 21909 11217 2,909 2,909 (47) 20862 20862 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510070.0000.00. PUB WKS OFFICE MGR 1,534 743 1,534 1,534 1,534 1,534 (0) 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510120.0000.00. DEPUTY DIRECTOR UTILITIES 16,319 10,095 16,319 16,319 409 16,728 16,728 0 Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.570150.0000.00. PROGRAM SUPPORTTECH %341 4,342 90341 9,341 233 9 574 90574 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.510160.0000.00. SENIOR ACCOUNTING TECH 80350 4,021 8,350 80350 138 8,488 80488 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10,510180.0000.00. CLERICAL 6,445 21355 61445 6,445 134 6,579 6,579 0 Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.00O.S38.1O.S10999.0000,00. UTIL & WASTE ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 723 - 723 723 723 723 413.000000.000.000.538.10.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME - - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 185 93 185 185 146 331 331 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.30.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 4,495 2,088 4,495 4,495 85 4,580 40580 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 70621 31606 7,621 71621 (1,484) 6,137 60137 0 Central assumptions Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 477 211 477 477 477 477 (0) Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 14,014 6,823 14,015 14,015 (113) 13,902 13,902 0 Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 86 41 86 86 2 88 88 0 Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.520991.0000.00. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 46 - 46 46 (46) w ft Adjusted difference 413.000000.000.000.538.10.531010.0000.00. ADMIN SUPPLIES 1,000 327 1,000 1,000 1,000 11000 413.000000.000.000.538.10.531093.0000.00, INTERFUNDSUPPLIES 200 66 200 200 200 200 413.000000.000.000.538.10.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 11,936 50968 11,936 110936 10437 13,373 13,373 (0) Central assumptions Corrected error in IA 413.000000.000.000.538.10.541030.0000.00, ADVERTISING 300 28 300 300 300 300 413.000000.000.000.538.30.541040.0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Soo - 500 Soo S00 Soo 413.000000.000.000.538.10.541501.0000.00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGGY - - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.542010.0000.00. TELEPHONE 200 - 200 200 200 200 413.000000.000.000.538.10.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE/SHIPPING 21000 832 21000 21000 2,000 20000 413.000000.000.000.538.10.542092.0000.00, IT PHONES - - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL/MILEAGE 100 - 100 100 100 100 413.000000.000.000.538.10.545010.0000.00, ADM RENTALS & LEASES 200 138 200 200 200 200 413.000000.000.000.538.10.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTAL 1,000 - 11000 10000 1,000 1,000 413.000000.000.000.538.10.545952.0000.00. rr COMPUTERS - - - - 413.000000.000.000.538.10.545953.0000.00. BUILDING RENTAL 1128 1100 1128 1128 1128 1 1128 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 17 of 19 Expenditures 413.000000.000.000.538.10.546010.0000.00. INSURANCE 21500 - 21500 2,500 2500 2,500 413,000000.000.000,538,10.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION 161 161 161 151 1 162 162 413.000000.000.000.538. 10.548010.0000.00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 100 - 100 100 100 100 413.000000.000.000.538.10.549010,0000,00, DUES/TRAINING 520 52 520 520 520 520 413,000000,000,000,538,10,551010,0000,00, STATE AUDITCHARGES - - - - 413,0000004000,000,582,35,578013,0000,00, NON HRDSHP/GREEN LOAN L1100013 - - - 413.000000,000,000,582,35,578017,0000,006 DOE L0800017 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT - - - - 413,000000,000.000,591.35,571010,0000,00, BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 275,000 275,000 275,ODO 26,835 301,835 301,835 - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000.000,591.35,578005,0000,00, DOE L0400005 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 18,322 1&322 180322 277 18,599 18,599 0 Adjusted budget to match payment 8,991 schedules 413,000000,000,000,591,35578013,0000,00, NON HRDSHP/GREEN LOAN L1100013 56,934 56,934 56,934 (560934) - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000.000,591,35,578017,0000,004 DOE L0800017 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 165,457 165,457 165,457 (1650457) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000,000.591,35.578025,0000.00, BELFAIR GET CON LOAN L1200025 7,150 7,150 7,150 198 7,338 71338 (0) Adjusted budget to match payment 3,531 schedules 413,000000,000,0004591.35.578026,0000,00. BELFAIR RECOVER ACT L1000026 202,049 202,049 202,049 (202,049) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000,000.591.35.578250,0000,00, DEBT PAYMENT - PRINCIPAL - 100,989 1000989 4830730 584,719 584,719 0 Adjusted budget to matchpayment schedules 413,000000,000,000,592.35,580000,0000.00, DEBT SERVICE: INTEREST & COSTS - - - - 413,000000.000,000.592.35,583005,0000.00, DOE LOAN L0400005 INTEREST PAY 1,951 1,951 10951 (277) 1,674 1,674 (0) Adjusted budget to match payment 1,146 schedules 413,000000.000,000,59135.583013,0000,00. NON HARDSHP/GREEN L1100013 21,050 21,050 21,050 (210050) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000,000,592,35,583017,0000,00, DOE LOAN L0800017 INTEREST PAY 51,475 51,475 51,475 (51,475) - - Adjusted budget to match payment schedules 413,000000,000,000,592,35,583025,0000,00, BELFAIR GET LOAN L12000025 20807 2,807 21807 (189) 2,618 2,618 (0) Adjusted budgetto match payment 1,447 schedules 413,000000,000,000,592,35,583026,0000,00, BELFAIR RECOV ACT LN#L1000026 74,702 74,702 74,702 (74t702) - - - Adjusted budget to match payment - schedules 413.000000.000,000.592.35.583040.0000,00, BOND INTEREST PAYMENTS 108,016 108,016 1080016 (61,876) 46,140 46,140 - Adjusted budget to match payment 61,959 schedules 413,000000,000,000,592,35,583050,0000,00, REGISTERED WARRANTS INTEREST - - - 413.000000,000.000.592.35.583250,0000,00. DEBTSERVICE: INTEREST & COSTS - - - 8%S42 890542 89,542 0 Adjusted budgetto match payment 59,750 schedules 413,000000,000,000,594,35,563050,0000,00, ARCHITECTURE/ENGINEERING 2,00%000 - 2,000,000 2,00%000 2000000 2,000,000 413.000000.000,000.594,35,565000,0000,00, BELFAIR SEWER EXTTO PSIC 768,039 41%948 768,039 768,039 768039 768039 413.000000.000,000.596,35,580000,0000,00, DEBT SERVICE: INTEREST & COSTS - - - - 413,000000,000,000.599,35,570413.0000.00, REGISTERED WARRANTS INTEREST - 3,160,000 - 4,807,229 3,953,279 4,807,230 4,807,230 61684,244 11,491,474 10,940,174 5510300 Belfair WW& W Reclamation 4,807,229 3,953,279 4,807,230 4,807,230 6,684,244 11,491474 10,940,174 5510300 428.000000.000.000SD&1OS00000 0000.00. _ END FUND RESERVED 137,400 - 137,400 137,400 12,607 150,007 143,172 6,835 428,000000,000,000,537.00,541020.0000.00, WATER LABORATORY - - - - 428,000000,000.000,537.00,541040.0000,00. GROUNDWATER MONITORING - - - - 428.000000,000.000.537,00.541070.0000.00, CONTRACTED PROF SERVICES 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300000 428.000000.000.000.S38.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 10780 890 1,780 1,780 (252) 1,528 1528 0 439,180 890 439,180 439,180 120355 4510535 444,700 6,835 Landfill Reserve 439,180 890 439,180 439,180 120355 451,535 444,700 6,835 429.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 215,657 - 2150657 215,657 (209) 215,448 215,448 - Corrected the adjustment number to balance the fund 429.000000.000.000.538.10.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 4,286 21143 4,286 4,286 209 4,495 4495 0 429.000000.000.000.589.00.500000.0000.00, TREASURER REMITS - - - - 429.000000.000.000.597.00.500412.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT TO BEARDS COVE - - 219,943 2,143 2191943 219,943 219,943 219943 0 Beards Cove Reserve 219,943 2,143 219,943 219,943 219,943 219,943 0 480.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 179,688 - 1791688 179,688 (11011) 17&677 17&677 480.000000.000.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. END FUND BAL UNRESERVED - - - - 480.000000.000,000,514,21,541510.0000,00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 195 - 195 195 6 201 201 (0) 480.000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 113 57 113 113 (113) No FTEs budgeted so no IT charge 480,000000,000.000,531.30.510025.0000.00. TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER - - - - 480.000000,000.000,531.30.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - - - - 480,000000,000,000.53L30.520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - - - - 480.000000.000,000.531,30,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT - - - - 480,000000.000,000,531,30,520040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - - - 480,000000.000,000.531,30,520045,0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - - - - 480,000000,000,000,531,30,541000,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - - 480,000000,000,000,531,30.541019.0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 721 361 721 721 (357) 364 364 0 480,000000,000,000,53L30.54109L0000.00, INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - 480.000000,000.000.531.30,542000.0000,00, COMMUNICATIONS - - - - 480,000000.000,000.531.30,542092,0000.00, IT PHONES - - - - 480.000000.000.000.531.30.543000.0000.00. TRAVEL 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Public Works 18 of 19 Expenditures 480.000000.000.000.531.30.549000.0000.00, MISC SERVICES - - - - 480.000000.000.000.595.30.531000.0000.00. CAP CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES - - - 480.000000.000.000.595.30.543091.0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - 180,717 417 _ 180,717 1800717 (1,475) 179,242 179,242 0 Storm Drain System Development 180,717 417 180,717 180,717 (11475) 179,242 179 242 0 501.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 110200406 2,470,359 2,470,359 197,778 2,66%137 - 2,66%137 appears overbudgeted-consider Yes, numberwill be lower depending - reducing by reducing ER&R Rates on rates 501.000000.000.000.508.10.509999.0000.00. END FUND RESERV&OPERATING 900,204 900,204 900,204 (202,278) 697,926 697,926 - 2020 exps: $2,791,705, 25%= $697,926 501.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 8,579 - 7,217 7,217 71217 7,217 (0) 501.000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 230101 11,551 20,865 20,865 204865 20,865 0 501.000000.000.000.548.20.534000.0000.00, PURCHASES FOR INVENTORY OR RES 350,000 1530792 350,000 350,000 350,000 350000 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.510030.0000.00. FINANCE MANAGER 24,373 120135 240374 24,374 240374 24,374 0 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510035.0000.00, OPER & MAINT/ER&R ADMINISTRATO - - - - 501,000000.000.000.548.30.510040.0000.00. ACCOUNTINGTECH 24,529 12,517 26,168 26,168 26,168 26168 0 501000000.000.000.548.30.510050.0000.00. ACCOUNTINGTECH 27,627 13,568 29,025 2%025 2%025 29025 (0) SOLO00000.000.000.54830.510065.0000.00. PERSONNEL ANALYST 6,061 8,433 5,963 5,963 5,963 5,963 (0) 50L000000.000.000.548.30.510070.0000.00. OFFICE MANAGER 3,342 1,665 3,342 3,342 3,342 3,342 (0) SO1.000000.000.000.54&30.510080.0000.00. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - - - - 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510100.0000.00. DEP DIRECTOR ER&R - - 300 300 (300) 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510470.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - 30127 - - SO1.000000.000.000.548.30.510480.0000.00. TRUCK DRIVER - - - - 502,000000.000.000.548.30.510670.0000.00. MECHANIC/CENTRALSTORE EXTRA H - - - - 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510720.0000.00. UTILITY/PARTS/INVENTORY 60,855 30,380 620064 620064 62,064 62,064 0 501000000.000.000.548.30.510750.0000.00. MECHANIC 57,620 30,323 57,620 57,620 57620 57,620 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510760.0000.00. EQUIPMENT MAINTSUPERVISOR 77,397 1%286 77,398 77,398 77,398 77398 0 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510790.0000.00, RADIO/UP-FIT TECH 64,857 - 62,902 62,902 62902 62,902 0 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.510820.0000.00. MECHANIC 640185 32,711 64,189 64,189 64,189 64,189 0 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.510830.0000.00. MECHANIC (BST) 57,620 30,013 57,620 57,620 570620 570620 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510840.0000.00, CENTRAL SHOP ASSISTANT 1%208 - 19,062 19,062 19,062 19,062 0 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510992.0000.00, FOREMAN PAY 200 - - - 200 200 200 501.000000.000.000.548.30.510993.0000.00, MECHANIC 100 - - - 100 100 100 501.000000.000.000.548.30.310999.0000.00, PUBLIC WORKS ACCRUED LV PAYOUT 25,687 - 25,687 25,687 25,687 25,687 501.000000.000.000.548.30.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 1,000 6,341 1,000 10000 1,000 1,000 501.000000.000.000.548.30.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 14,736 4,707 18,121 18,121 18,121 18,121 (0) 501,000000.000.000.548.30.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 390372 15,176 3%S29 3%S29 39 29 39,529 0 50LOOO000.000.000.548.30.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 66,752 26,005 52,963 52,963 52963 52963 (0) SOL000000.000.000.548.30.520035.0000.00. TEAMSTERS PENSION 26,000 10,919 260000 26,000 26 000 26,000 501.000000.000.000.548.30.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 122,152 48,625 122,162 122,162 122,162 122*162 (0) 501,000000.000.000.548.30.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 755 294 758 758 758 758 (0) 501,000000.000.000.548.30.520991.0000.00. ANNUAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,000 - 1,000 11000 11000 1,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.520994.0000.00. MECHANIC TOOL ALLOWANCE 1,800 - 11800 10800 10800 10800 501.000000.000.000.548.30.531000.0000.00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 31,500 13,700 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 501.000000.000.000.548.30.532000.0000.00, FUELCONSUMED 1,000 190 1,000 11000 10000 10000 501.000000,000,000,W,30mS35OOO,OOOO,OO, SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 5,500 939 51500 5,500 5500 5,500 501.000000.000.000.548.30.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 41500 796 - - 4,500 4,500 4,500 No changes - phones & radios, Kept this $4500 in MI3 501.000000.000.000.548.30.535099.0000.00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,600 - 11600 10600 1,600 14600 501.000000.000.000.548.30.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,000 248 31000 31000 3,000 3,000 501.000000.000.000.548.30.541019.0000.00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 117,847 58,924 82,788 82,788 82,788 82,788 (0) 501.000000.000.000.548.30.543091.0000.00. INTERFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - - - - 501,000000.000.000.548.30.541501,0000.00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 501,000000.000.000.548.30.541514.0000.00. STATE SALES TAX 7,000 2,772 70000 7,000 7000 7,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.542000.0000.00. COMMUNICATIONS 2,000 662 20000 2,000 2,000 2,000 S01.000000.000.000.548.30.542092.0000.00. IT PHONES - 137 - - 50L000000.000.0GDm548,30543000,0000,00, TRAVEL 1,832 - 1,832 11832 1,832 10832 501.000000.000.000.548.30.545000.0000.00, OPERATING RENTALS & LEASES 200 - 200 200 200 200 501.000000.000.000.548.30.545952.0000.00. IT COMPUTERS - - - - 501.000000.000.ODO.548.30.545953.0000.00. BUILDING RENTAL 91,423 98,319 910423 91,423 910423 910423 501.000000.000.000.548.30.546000.0000.00, INSURANCE 16,000 - 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 501.000000.000.000.548.30.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,$50 1,550 1,550 1,550 12550 1,550 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.547000.0000.00. PUBLIC UTILITIES 30000 665 31000 31000 3000 3,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.548000.0000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 100000 21457 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.30.549000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 20,240 2,200 20,240 20,240 20,240 20,240 501.000000.000.000*W,30.551000.0000.00, INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES - - - - SOI.000000.00O.00O,548.30.551010.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES - - - - S01,000000.000.000.548.30.553000.0000.00. SALESTAX - - - 501.000000.000.000.548.40.534000.0000.00. ITEMS FOR RESALE 350,000 68,265 350,000 3500000 350,000 350,000 501.000000.000.000.548.41.534000.0000.00, PURCHASES FOR INVENTORY OR RES 10%000 - 100,000 10%000 100000 100,000 501.000000.000.000.548.42.534000.0000.00, RD PRCHSES FOR INVENTORY RES 32,000 10075 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 501.000000.000.000.548.43.534000.0000.00, RD OIL PRCHS FOR INV OR RESALE - - - - 501.000000.000.000.548.50.531000.0000.00. SUPPLIES 1,000 576 10000 1,000 1000 10000 501.000000.000.000.548.50.534000.0000.00, PURCHASES FOR RESALE 500,000 90,562 500,000 5000000 500,000 500,000 501.000000.000.000.548.50.541515.0000.00. STATE LICENSES INSPECTIONS 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet • Public Works 19 of 19 Expenditures 501.000000.000.000.548.50.545000.0000.00. OPERATING RENTALS & LEASES - - - - 501.000000.000.000.548.50.546000.0000.00. INSURANCE 10100 - 1,100 1,100 10100 1,100 501.000000.000.000.548.50.548000.0000.00, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 1%000 2,902 100000 10,000 10,000 10000 501.000000.000.000.548.50.549000.0000.00, MISCELLANEOUS 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 20500 20500 501.000000.000.000.548.60.531000.0000.00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 270,000 100,437 27%000 270,000 270p000 27%000 501.000000.000.000.548.60.532000.0000.00. FUELCONSUMED 120,000 25,917 120,000 120,000 12%000 120,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.60.541000.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,000 - 11000 10000 1,000 10000 501.000000.000.000.548.60.545000.0000.00, OPERATING RENTALS & LEASES 100 - 100 100 100 100 501.000000.000.000,W,60.546000.0000.00, INSURANCE 250000 - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 SOL000000.000.000.548.60.548000.0000.00. REPAIRSAND MAINTENANCE 140,000 73,853 140,000 14%000 140,000 140,000 SOLO00000.000.000.548.60.549000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 100 - 100 100 100 100 SOLOOO000.000.000.589.00.500000.0000.00. CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 25 - 501.000000.000.000.594.48.564000.0000.00. CAPITAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,220,000 1,872,500 1,8721500 10872,500 - 1,872,500 Moved full capital request to PLR includes ($6251( total carryoverfor 2 (was $1.2M in ML3 remaining from 920,370 dump trucks budgeted in 2020, last year 501.000000.000.000.594.48.564010.0000.00. CAPITALSOFTWARE _ - - - 501.000000.000.000.597.00.500150.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT - HEALTH 37,388 37,388 - - 501.000000.000.000.597.00.500305.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT - MOTOR POOL 267,702 267,702 - - 501.000000.000.000.597.00.500500.0000.00. TRANSFER OUT - INFO TECH 21330 2,330 - - 501.000000.000.548.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED - - �;_ 6,487,930 2,246,530 8,231,625 8,231,625 - 8,231,625 3,690,987 4,540,638 Equipment Rental & Revolving 6 487 936 2,246,530 8,2.3 625 8,231,625 %231,625 3,6900987 4,54%638 2022 Mason County Budget PLR W orksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 1 of 2 Revenue ' 2021ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTALZ022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR EXPLANATION (OR FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS OTHER DEPARTMENT BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS NOTES) 001.000000.170.000.313.72300000.0000.( JUVENILE CRIMINAL JUSTICE 800,000 52%341 9000000 900,000 9000000 900,000 - 001.000000.170.000.334.01.320010.0000.( BECCA IMPACT FUNDS-AOC 39,716 16,662 3%716 390716 39,716 39,716 - 001.000000,170,000,334,01,321000.0000,1 CASA GRAM-OAC 70,667 29,646 70,252 70,252 70 252 70,252 - 001.000000.170.000.334.04.360001.0000.( CIS AT RISK GRANT 69,755 35,934 47,820 47,820 47820 47,820 - OOL000000.170.000.334.04.3600020000.( CIS SSODA GRANT 30,478 15,348 25,640 25,640 25 640 25 640 001.000000.170.000.334.04.360005.0000.( CIS CJAA GRANT 21,848 - 46,056 46,056 46,056 46,056 - 001.000000.170,000,334.04.360012,0000,1 EVIDENCE BASED EXPANSION GRANT 31,512 1,359 27,395 27,395 270395 27395 - 001.000000.170.000.334.04.360025.0000.( IUVENILE JUSTICE GRANT 24,500 13,504 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 _ 001.000000.170.000.334.04.360133.0000.1 CIS-I-ACT GRANT - 10,929 - - 001.000000,170,000.334,04.360134,0000,1 EVIDENCE BASED ART GRANT - 4,066 - - - 001,000000.170.000.342.30.320000.0000.( DETENTION/CORRECTION SERVICES 1,000 11000 1,000 1,000 10000 1,000 - OOL000000.170.000.342.36.300000.0000.( SUP CT SERV/HSNG-MNTR PRSNR 5 - - - 001,000000.170.000.342.70.301000.0000.( PARENT PAYMENT DETENTION COSTS Soo 1,894 800 800 Soo Soo OOL000000.170.000.34270.304000.0000.( DIVERSION FEES-IUVENILE 1,000 520 1,000 1,000 1000 1000 001.000000.170.000.342.70.305000.0000.( JUVENILE DETENTION-SKOKOMISH 17,500 11,125 17,500 17,500 170500 17,500 001.000000.170.000.369.91.300000,0000.1 MISC REVENUE-OTHER REVENUE - 144 - - 001.000000.170.000.397.00.300164.0000.( TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 52,657 12,464 52,720 54,126 54,126 54,126 001.000000,170.220.342,36,300000,0000,1 SUP CRT SERV/HSNG-MNTR PRSNR - - - - - 001.000000.170.220.342.70.300000.0000.( JUVENILE SERVICES - - - - 001.000000.170.220.342.70.301000.0000.( PARENT PAYMENT DETENTION COSTS - - - - 001.000000,170,220.342.70.303000,0000,1 UA FEES - - - - - 001.000000.170.220.342.70.304000.0000.( DIVERSION FEES - JUVENILE - - - - - - 001.000000.170.220.369.91.300000.0000.1 MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - - - 001.000000.170.220.397.00.300164.0000.( TRANSFER IN - MENTAL HEALTH - 001.000000. 170.222.334.01.321000.0000.E OAC - CASA GRANT - - JuvenileCourtServices 1,161,438 683,936 1,254,399 1,255,805 1,255,805 1,255,805 001.000000.250.000,322.20.802000.0000,1 MARRIAGE UCENSE/FAMILY LAW FA 5,000 21310 5,000 50000 5,000 5,000 001.000000.250.000.333.21.301906.0000.( AOC CARES ACT GRANT - 35,476 w - OOL000000.250.000.333.93.356300.0000.( CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT 10,000 3,6B7 10,000 100000 10,000 10000 001.000000.250.000.334.01.320010.0000.( ADMIN OF THE COURTS/BECCA BILL %450 136 3,450 30450 %450 3,450 001.000000,250,000,334,01,320060,0000,1 LFO IMPACT FUNDING-AOC - - - - - 001,000000.250.000.334.04.360000.0000.( CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMNT-STATE 11800 647 1,800 10800 1,800 1,800 001.000000,250,000,336,01,301000,0000,1 COURT COSTS REIMB, WITNESS FEE 21000 301 2,000 2,000 2,000 2000 001.000000,250,000,336,01,301010.0000,1 REIMBURSEMENT - 5,824 - - - - 001.000000,250,000,336,01,303000,0000,1 BHO REIMBURSEMENT 25,100 14,847 25,100 25,100 25,100 25100 - 001.000000.250.000.336.01.329000.0000.( JUDICIAL SALARY CONTRIBUTION-S Soo - S00 So0 Soo Soo 001,000000.250.000.337.00.300000.0000.( GRANTS,ENTITLEMENTS,OTHR - - - - - 001.000000.250.000.34L23.351000.0000.( JUDICIAL STABILIZATTRUST FEES - - - - - 001.000000.250.000.341.34.301000.0000.( ARBRITRATION DE NOVO FEES - - - - 001.000000,250,000,341.65,301000,0000,1 REIMBURSEMENT TRANSCRIPTS %000 11805 80000 80000 8000 8,000 - 001.000000.250.000.341.65.302000.0000.( FAC FORMS 5,000 21946 50000 50000 51000 50000 001.000000.250.000.342.33.303000.0OOO.l COURT ORDERED EVALUATION Soo (44) 500 Soo 500 Soo 001.000000.250.000.346.50.301000.0000.( DOM/ADOP FACILITATOR FILINGS 5,500 2,300 50500 5,500 51500 SS00 001.000000.250.000.357.22.300000.0000.( WITNESS COSTS 11000 197 10000 11000 1,000 10000 001.000000.250.000.357.22.301000.0000.( REIMBURSE, WITNESS EXPERT - - - - - - 001.000000.250.000.357.28.301000.0000.( SUPERIOR COURT RECOUPMENT Soo 3,138 Soo Soo Soo Soo 001.000000.250.000.369.40.300000.0000.( JUDGEMENTS & SETTLEMENTS - - - - 001,000000.250.000.369.91.300000.0000.1 MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE - 30485 10300 1,300 1,300 1,300 001.000000.250.000.397.00.300138.0000.( TRANSFER IN FROM FUND 138 m - ft - Superior Court 1 1 680350 77,055 690650 69,650 - 69650 69,650 - 001.000000,255,000.322,20.301000,0000,1 MARRIAGE LICENSES/PARENTING AC 2,500 1,232 21500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Family Court 1 1 2,500 1,232 2,500 2,500 - 21500 20500 001.000000.256.100.331.93.324302.0000.( FRC EXPANSION 224ollS 62,396 326,113 326,113 326113 3260113 001.000000.256.100.333. 16.338310.0000.( FTC-AOC GRANT - - 69,790 69,790 69790 69,790 001.000000.256.100.342.33.323000.0000.( DRUG COURT PROGRAM FEES 6,400 20196 6,000 60000 6000 60000 001.000000.256.100.397.00.300164.0000.( TRANS IN MENTAL HEALTH FUND 314,112 64,679 319,893 319,893 (1,047) 3180946 318,846 - Reduced benefits lowered need 001.000000.256.200.336.01.311000.0000.( CITA SUBSTANCE ABUSE FROG 91,880 45,938 900598 90,598 900598 900598 Therapeutic Court 636,5071, 175,209 812,394 812,394 (1,047) 811,347 811,347 - 160.000000.000.000.308.10.300000.0000.( BEG FUND RESERVED 710473 - 46,750 46,750 30250 500000 500000 0 New estimate is $50k BFB 160.000000.000.000.34L22.303000.0000.( CIVIL FI UNGS 650 294 650 650 650 650 160.000000,000,000,341,22.306000.0000.1 CIVIL COSTS & ADJUSTMENTS 75 - 75 75 75 75 160.000000.000.000.341.22,307000.0000.1 REV/DISTRICTCTMUNUUDGE 600 252 600 600 600 600 160.000000.000.000.341.22,311000.0000.( ANTI HARASSMENT FILING FEES - 231 - - 160.000000.000.000.341.22.312000.0000.( CIVIL FILING 8,000 4,965 8,000 8,000 80000 80000 160.000000.000.000.341.23.309000.0000.( JUVENILE EMANCIPATION - - - - 160.000000.000.000.34123.311000.0000.( ANTI HARASSMENT FILING FEE - - - - 160.000000.000.000.341.23311100.0000.( ANTI HARASS FILE FEE 800 229 Soo 800 800 800 160.000000.000,000,341,23,332000.0000,1 UNLAWFUL DETAINER FILINGS 7500 3179 7500 7500 7500 7500 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 2 of 2 Revenue 160.000000.000,000,341,23.332100.0000.( CIVIL FILING FEE 10500 - 10500 1,500 1,500 1,500 160,000000.000.000,34123.334000.0000.( DOMESTIC FACILITATOR FILINGS-S 1,500 1,241 10500 11500 1,500 1,500 160,000000,000.000,341,23,334100,0000,( DOMESTIC FACILITATOR FILE FEE 900 - 900 900 900 900 160,000000,000.000,341,23,338000.0000,( APPELL FILING FEE/INF,CIVII CL 40 - 40 40 40 40 160,000000,000,000,341,23,340000,0000,( THIRD PARTY CLAIMS FIUNG,COUN 425 68 425 425 425 425 160,000000,000.000.341.23.340100,0000.( CNTR CRS 3RD PRTY CLM FILE FEE 50 - 50 50 50 50 160,000000,000.000,341,23,342000.0000,( UNLAWFUL DETAINER FILINGS-SUP 600 81 600 600 600 600 160,000000.000.000.341.23,342100,0000,( UNLAWFUL DETAINER FILE FEE 50 - 50 50 50 50 160,000000,000.000,341,23,344000,0000.( UNLAWFUL DETAINER COMBINED FIL 10100 147 1,100 1,100 1,100 10100 160,000000,000,000.341.23.344100,0000.( UNLWFL DETN COMBND FILE FEE 100 51 100 100 100 100 160,000000,000.000.34123,346000.0000.( UNLAWFUL DETAINER,COUNTER,CRS - - - - - 160,000000,000,000,341,23,348000.0000.( CASE TYPE 3,5 FACILITATOR 975 459 975 975 975 975 160.000000,000,000,341,23.348100.0000.( FMLY FACILITATOR PRG FILE FEE 35 - 35 35 35 35 160,000000,000,000,341,23,352000,0000.( LAW LIBRARY ft - ,3733 1,66550 710650 3,250 74,900 74,900 0 37 1 1law Libra 966 119 7 3 250 74 900 74 900 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 1 of 4 Expenditures 2021 2021ACTUALS 20 -2 BUDGET 2022BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR ADOPTED THROUGH LEVELI - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION BUDGET 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS SOCC NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001.000000.170.000.512.24510020.0000.00, JUV COURT SRVCS DEPUTY ADMIN - 60078 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.51D030.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.510040.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER - - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.530050.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.510060.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER 001.000000.170.000.512.24.510070.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.510090.0000.00. PROGRAM COORDINATOR - 180580 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - 216 - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - 1,882 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT - 3,021 - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.520040.0000.00. MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE - 3,690 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA - 36 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.531010.0000.00. GALSUPPLIES - 292 - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.531777.0000.00. GAL MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 001.000000.170.000.512.24.532777.0000.00. GAL MOTOR POOL FUEL 113 _ - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - 001.000000. GAL IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - 001,000000.170.000.512.24.541010.0000.00. GAL PROF SERVICES - 783 - 001,000000.170.000.512.24.542010.0000.00. GAL CELL PHONES - 635 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.543010.0000.00. GALTRAVEL - 237 - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.545010.0000.00. GAL COPIER - 840 - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.545777.0000.00. GAL MOTOR POOL LEASE - 1,367 - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.545951.0000.00. GAL ER&R VEHICLES - - - - 001.000000.170.000.51124.548777.0000.00. GAL MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY m - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.548778.0000.00. GAL MOTOR POOL REPAIRS - - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.512.24.549010.0000.00. GALTRAINING - - - - - 001,000000.170.000.523.10535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - 001.000000.170.000.523.31.510010.0000.00. ADMINISTRATOR 97,560 32,039 - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.523.31.510020.0000.00. JUV COURT SRVCS DEPUTY ADMIN 8%594 38,646 890594 8%594 89594 89594 (0) 001.000000.170.000.523.31.530030.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER 66,608 33,294 66,608 66,608 660608 66608 0 001.000000.170.000.523.3L510040.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER 5%963 29,614 61,442 61,442 61,442 61,442 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31.510050.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER 66,608 33,304 66,608 66,608 66 608 66,608 0 001.000000.170.000.523.3L510060.0000.00. PROBATION OFFICER 72,026 35,734 72,026 72,026 72,026 72,026 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31510070.0000.00. COMMUNITY PROGRAM SUPPORT 61,194 30,350 63,644 6%644 63,644 63,644 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31510080.0000.00. ACCOUNTINGTECH 58,622 2%311 5%622 581622 58,622 58,622 (0) 001.000000.170.000.523.31510090.0000.00. PROGRAM COORDINATOR 74,321 18,580 74,321 74,321 74,321 74,321 (0) 001.000000.170.000.523.31.510100.0000.00. OFFICE TECHNICIAN 45,828 22,727 46,974 46,974 46,974 46974 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME Soo - S00 Soo Soo Soo - 001.000000.170.000.523.31,51200L0000.00. HOUDAYOVERTIME - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.523.3L512002.0000.00. SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL - - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.523.3L520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 61283 3,574 5,996 5,996 50996 5,996 (0) 001.000000.170.000.523.31,520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 53,001 23,115 45,926 45,926 45,926 45926 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 86,509 38,037 62,133 62,133 62,133 62133 (0) 001.000000.170.000.523.31.520040.0000.00- MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 163,493 67,598 154,383 154,383 1540393 154383 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FIALA 1,016 445 881 881 881 881 0 001.000000.170.000.523.31.531010.0000.00. PROBATION SUPPLIES 5,150 1,435 5,422 5,422 5,422 5,422 - Moved $272 to ML3 001.000000.170.000.523.31.531777.0000.00, MOTOR POOLSUPPLIES -T,.- 150 - 450 450 450 450 - 001.000000. 170.000.523.31.532777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL FUEL 627 - 495 495 495 495 001.000000. 170.000.523.31.535010.0000.00. PROBATION EQUIPMENT 2,900 1,651 1,500 1,500 10500 1,500 m Moved <S1400> to M1.3 001,000000.1704000,523,31,535098,0000,001 ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - _ OO1,000000.170.000.523.31.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40,642 40,642 4%642 31,118 9524 1 Changes in grant usage, I will do separate PLR 31,118 6,195 form 001.000000.170.000.523.31.541120.0000.00. SSODA PROF SERVICES MOW 30856 110000 11,000 11000 11000 Changes in SSODA grant amount Moved $1k to MI3 001.000000.170.000.523.31.54150L0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.523.31.542030.0000.00. CELL PHONES 5,710 1,905 5,710 5,710 %710 5,710 OOL000000.170.000.523.31.542020.0000.00. POSTAGE 225 - 225 225 225 225 001.000000.170.000.523.31.543010.0000.00, PROBATIONTRAVEL 6,000 27 5,150 51150 51150 5,150 Moved <$850> to ML3 001.000000.170.000.523.31.545010.0000.00, COPIER LEASE 2,520 527 2,320 21320 Z320 2320 Moved <$200> to MI-3 001.000000.170.000.523.31.545040.0000.00. POSTAGE METER RENTAL 11330 731 11330 1,330 1,330 1,330 001.000000.170.000.523.31.545777.0000.00, MOTOR POOL LEASE 11715 6,168 60168 (61168) 001.000000.170.000.523.31.545951.0000.00. ER&R VEHICLE RENTALS 150 - - - Moved <$150> to MI-3 001.000000.170.000.523.31.546096.0000.00, UNEMPLOYMENT 3,8LH1 3,80C 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 - 001.000000.170.000.523.31.548777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 1,237 39 80 80 80 80 001.000000.170.000.523.31.548778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL REPAIRS m _ _ _ - 001.000000.170.000.523.31.549020.0000.00. DUESITRAINING 3,750 1,834 31750 31750 3,750 3,750 001.000000.170.000.523.50.535099.0000.00. TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - - - - OOl,000000.170.000.523.90.531010.0000.00. MEALS @ DETENTION 400 - 400 400 406 400 001.000000.170.000.523.90.531020.0000.00. JUV MEALS @ JAIL 8 000 2 357 8 000 8 000 8,000 8 O00 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 2 of 4 Expenditures 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510005.0000.00. DETENTION MANAGER - %210 74,898 74,898 74,898 74,898 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510010.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 510214 25,607 51,214 51,214 S1,214 51,214 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510020.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 51,214 18,785 51,214 S1,214 510214 51214 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510030.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 44,908 22,144 46,126 46,126 46126 46126 (0) 001,000000.170.000.527.60.510040.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 46,013 22,648 47,327 47,327 47,327 47,327 (0) OOLOo000O.170.000.527.60.510050.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 52,751 26,375 53,519 530519 53,519 53,519 0 001.000000.170.000.S27.60.510060.0000.00, JUVENILE DETENTION OFCR SUPERV 64,757 24,284 61,968 61,968 610968 61968 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510070.0000,00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 51,214 17,683 46,354 46,354 46,354 46,354 0 001.000000.170.000.527.60.S1OO80.0000.00, JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 51,214 21,528 46,913 46,913 46913 46,913 0 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510090.0000.00. JUVENILE DETENTION OFFICER 45,265 22,454 46,581 46,581 46,581 46,581 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP 83,000 41,451 83,DOO 83,000 830000 83,000 001.000000.170.000.527.60.512000.0000.00, OVERTIME 13,000 3,396 13,000 13,000 130000 13,000 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.5120010000.00. HOUDAYOVERTIME 14,700 4,507 14,700 14,700 140700 14,700 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.512002.0000.00. SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL S,SOO 1,827 5,500 5,S00 50500 5500 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 24,802 13,464 36,310 36,310 36,310 360310 0 OOLOOO000.170.000.527.60S20020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 43,968 1%978 49,137 4%137 49437 490137 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 711938 320389 66,574 66,574 660574 660574 0 OOLOOOOOO,170.000.527.60.520035.0000.00, TEAMSTERS PENSION %360 4,444 %360 91360 90360 9,360 001.000000.170.000.527.60.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 17%237 67,067 208,053 20%053 208,053 208,053 0 001.000000.170.000.527.60.520045.0000.00, WASHING ON PAID FMLA 843 388 942 942 942 942 (0) 001.000000.170.000.527.60.520050.0000.00. UNIFORMS 3,600 21700 3,600 3,600 3,600 3600 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.531010.0000.00. DETENTION SUPPLIES 3,000 11216 3,000 %000 30000 3,000 001.000000.170.000.527.60.531777.0000.00. DET MOTOR POOLSUPPLIES - - - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.532777.0000.00. DET MOTOR POOL FUEL 250 50 250 250 250 250 - OOL000000.170.000.527.60.535010.0000.00. DETENTION MINOR EQUIPMENT 400 - 400 400 400 400 001.000000.170.000.527.60.541010.0000.00, DETENTION MEDICAL SERVICES 18,000 10,095 20,000 20,000 20000 20,000 Moved $2k to ML3 001.000000.170.000.527.60.541020.0000.00, DETENTION PROFSERVICES 1,000 286 1,000 11000 1,00o 1,000 001.000000.170.000.527.60.542010.0000.00, DETENTION CELL PHONES 10420 635 10420 1,420 1,420 10420 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.543020.0000.00. DETENTION TRAVEL 10000 8 11000 10000 11000 1,000 001.000000.170.000.527.60.545777.0000.00. DET MOTOR POOL LEASE 100 - 80 80 80 80 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.545951.0000.00. DETENTION ER&R VEHICLES - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.546777.0000.00. DET MOTOR POOL INSURANCE - - - - 10080 1,080 10080 - 001.000000.170.000.527.60.548777.0000.00. DET MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY - 46 - - 160 160 160 001.000000.170.000.527.60.548778.0000.00, DET MOTOR POOL REPAIRS - 82 - - 450 450 450 001.000000.170.000.527.60.549010.0000.00. DETENTION TRAINING 40000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2 We have 4staffthat needto attendthe 21000 720 academy, will do ase arate PLR PLR 001.000000.170.000.594.12.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.594.12.564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.594.23.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.594.23.564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - - - - 001.000000.170.000.594.27.564777.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 6,116 - - - 41961 4961 4,961 0 001.000000.170.000.594.27.564778.0000.00. MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT - - - - - - JuvenileCourtServices 2,028,280 915,676 21013,540I 2,013,540 483 20014,023 2002,500 11,523 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510010.0000.00, JUDGE 10%836 49,919 10%722 100,711 100711 10%711 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510015.0000,00. JUDGE 10%836 4%919 100,711 100,711 100,711 100711 (0) 001.000000.250,000.512.21.510020.0000.00. JUDGE 100,836 4%919 100,711 100,711 100,711 100711 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.2L510021.0000.00. COURT COMMISSIONER 107,138 118,764 119,846 119,846 1 11%847 119847 0 Moved $12,840 to Therapeutic Ct 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510022.0000.00, JUDGE PRO TEMPORE %060 200 31000 3,000 3,000 3000 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510023.0000.00, MISC COURT COMMISSIONER 2%000 20,000 2%000 1%000 10,000 2 On par with 2021 trend based on usage w/ 10,200 %576 increased trials; se arte PLR 001.000000.250.000.512.21,510024.0000.00. TTA COURT COMMISSIONER - - - - 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510030.0000.00. COURT ADMINISTRATOR 8%S94 33,525 - - - 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510035.0000.00. CHIEF SUPERIOR COURT ADMINISMM - 17,699 108,194 1080194 108,194 108,194 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.21.530040.0000.00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 80,690 80,690 80,690 - 800690 1 Admininstrative Secretary/Judicial Assistant- separate PLR 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510130.0000.00. COURT RECORDER/JUDICAL ASSIST 60,6S7 3%279 60,657 60,6S7 60657 60,657 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510140.0000.00. COURT RECORDER/JUDICIAL ASSIST 53,397 26,655 53,073 53,073 53073 53,073 (0) 001.000000,250,000,S12,21,510150,0000400, COURT RECORDER/FACILITATOR 60,657 30,279 %657 60,657 60657 60,6S7 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.21.510600.0000.00. EXTRA HELP - 426 - - OOLOo000O.250.000.512.21.510610.0000.00. BAILIFF 17,000 170000 17,000 8,041 80959 2 120061 %669 Increase dueto more 'u trials; separate PLR OOL000000.250.000.512.21.520010.0000.00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,134 965 2,114 2,114 2114 2,114 0 001,000000.250.000312.21.520011.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE-JUROR,WIT 30000 11075 40000 41000 4,000 4,000 0 Moved $1kto ML3-tied to jurytrials 001.000000.250.000.512.21.520020.0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 300353 16,044 330846 33,846 (10448) 32,398 32$ 98 0 001.000000.250.000.512.21.520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 48,176 240834 45$ 49 45,349 (10940) 43,409 43,409 0 001.000000.250.000.512.21.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/UFE 86,612 330859 94,203 94,203 (7,685) 86518 86,518 0 001.000000.250.000.512.21.520045.0000.00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 581 309 649 649 (28) 621 621 (0) 001.000000.250.000.512.21.531010.0000.00. OFFICESUPPLIES 60250 7,993 6,250 60250 6,250 60250 - 001.000000.250.000.512.21.531020.0000.00. JURYSUPPLIES 250 510 Soo Soo Soo 500 Moved $250 to ML3 001.000000.250.000.512.2L531030.0000.00, FACILITATOR SUPPLIES 650 299 650 650 650 650 001.000000,250,000,512,21,535010,0000,001 EQUIPMENT/FURNrrURE 11500 1,500 1,500 1500 - Chairs for Clerks in Courtroom- old are worn 11000 328 out Moved $500 to ML3 001.000000.250.000.512.21.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 5119 - 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 3 of 4 Expenditures 001.000000.250,000.512.21.535099,0000.00, TRACKABLE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT OOL000000.250,000,512.21.541010.0000.00, ARBITRATOR %750 30292 61000 6,000 6r000 60000 - Moved $2250 to ML3 based on ex s 001,000000.250.000,512.21.541050,0000.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 300 65 300 300 300 300 001.000000,250.000S12.21.541052,0000,00, ADA/GR 33 REQUIRED SERVICES 1,250 - 11250 10250 1,250 11250 - 001.000000,250.000,512421,541053,0000.00, INTERPRETER 33,000 18,852 3%000 3%000 3%000 33r000 001,000000,250,000.512,21,541501.0000,00. RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - 001.000000,250,000,512,21,542010,0000,00, CELL PHONES 2,100 953 2,100 2,100 2r100 20100 OOLOOOOOO,250,000S12.2L542020,0000,00. POSTAGE 10400 - 11400 10400 1,400 1,400 OOL000000,250,000,512.21.543010,0000,00, TRAVEL 10351 - 1,351 11351 1r351 1,351 001,000000.250,000,512,21,545010.0000.00. COPIER RENTAL 50500 2,889 50500 50500 5,500 Sr500 001.000000.250.000.512.21.546010,0000,00, NOTARY BONDS 100 - 100 100 100 100 001.000000,250,000.512.21,546096.0000,00, UNEMPLOYMENT 901 901_ _. _ -_ _ 1,138 1,138 (222) 916 916 - 001.000000.250.000.512.21,548010.0000.00. COPIER & JAV MAINTENANCE 100600 10,600 10,600 10,600 - Inc to jays bemuse of 4 courtrooms; separate 80650 9,351 PLR Moved $1950 to ML3-maint contract 001.000000.250.000.512.21,549010,0000,00, DUES & MISCELLANEOUS 4,200 217 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 001.000000,250,000,512,21.549020,0000,00, JURY FEES 630000 400547 83,000 83,000 83 000 83 000 On par with 2021; separate PLR Moved $20k to MI3 001.000000.250,000,512,21,549030.0000.00, JUROR MEALS 10500 10500 1,50o 1r500 - 1,300 601 Increased due to more jury trials happening Moved $200 to ML3 001.000000,250.000.512,21,549050.0000.00, WITNESS FEES-CRIMINAL 4,000 1r904 4,000 4,000 4000 4,000 001.000000,250,000.512.21,549060.0000,00, ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION 1,750 929 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 - 001,000000.250.000.512,24,541051,0000,00. GUARDIAN AD LITEM SERVICES 7,500 1,331 70500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Superior Court 1,017,332 598,793 1,179,000 1,179,000 (11,322) 1,167678 1r068,028 99,650 001.000000,255,000,512,24,541010,0000,00, GUARDIAN AD UTEM SERVICES 20500 2,500 _ 20500 2r500 2r500 Family Court 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 - 2500 2r500 001.000000.256.100.512,22.510023,0000.00. COURT COMMISSIONER 38r522 38,522 (I) 3%521 3%521 (0) 1 new commissioner only doing three of four 51,426 57r007 courts less hours Offset is in Superior Ct Budget 001.000000.256,100,512,22,510025.0000.00, PROGRAM MANAGER 700184 35,03S 70,185 70,185 70r185 70r185 (0) 001,000000.256.100.5L2,22,510035,0000,00, CASEWORKER 45,676 2ZS68 460828 46,828 46,828 46,828 0 001,000000.256,100,512,22,51OD45,0000,00, FRCCASEWORKER 440310 21r490 450863 45,863 45863 45,863 (0) 001,000000.256.300,512,22,510055,0000.00, FRC CASEWORKER PT/PROJECT - 11,974 40r276 40,276 40276 40276 (0) Maint Gant 001,000000,256,100,512.22,510600,0000,00, EXTRA HELP - - - - 001.000000,256,100.512,22.510610,0000,00, 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 7,553 7,553 7,553 - 7,553 2 extrajudicial help to cover when ourjudicial for therapeutic courts is out and ourjudicial officers cannot 001.000000.256,100.51222,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 760 470 1,832 1,832 1832 1,832 0 001,000000,256,300,512.22,520020,0000,00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 16r187 80910 18,483 180483 5 18488 180488 (0) 3 Less hours 7,65% of wages 001,000000,256,100.512.22,520030.0000.00, STATE RETIREMENT 27,444 150113 25,729 25,729 (957) 24772 24,772 0 10,25% of wages 001,000000.256,100,512,22,520040.0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 45,629 19,753 600906 60,906 798 61,704 61,704 0 4 Program manager waived medical Waived medial is accounted for 001,000000.256,100.512.22,520045,0000,00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 310 171 354 354 354 354 0 OOL000000,256,100,512,22,531010.0000,00, OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES %000 1,351 10,273 10,273 10r273 1%273 - Maint Grant Moved $1273 to ML3 001.000000.256,100S12.22.531020,0000,00, GRADUATION/RECOGNITION 2,000 - 2r000 2,000 2000 20000 - 001.000000.256,100,512,22,531030,0000,00, INCENTIVES 70150 11534 60750 6,750 6,750 6750 - Moved <$400> to ML3 001.000000.256,100.512.22.535010,0000,00, SMALL EQUIPMENT Soo 7,591 500 Soo Soo Soo - 001.000000.256,100.512,22,535098.0000,00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - 132 - - 001.000000.2S6.100.512,22,541030,0000,00. URINALYSIS FEES 120,714 11,215 197,858 197ASS 197,858 1970858 - Maint Grant Moved $77,144 to ML3 001.000000,256,100.512,22.541020,0000,00, SERVICE PROVIDERS 38,370 300697 74,223 74,223 74,223 74,223 - Maint Gant Moved $35,853 to ML3 001.000000,256,100.512,22.541030,0000,00, CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 80000 - 80000 %000 8,000 80000 - 001.000000,256,100.512.22,541050.0000,00, ELECTRONIC HOME MONITORING - - - - 001000000,256,100,512.22,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - 912 - OOL000000.256,100,512,22.542010,0000.00. CELL PHONE 1,392 46 696 696 696 696 - Moved <$696> to ML3 001.000000,256,100,512.22.542020,0000,00, POSTAGE - 55 - ft - 001.000000,256,100,512.22.543030.0000.00. TRAVEL 14,016 6,535 19,063 19,063 19,063 190063 - Maint Grant Moved $5,047 to ML3 OOl,D00000,256,100,512,22,S45010,0000.00. RENTAL ASSISTANCE 37,500 7,845 37,500 37,500 37,500 370500 - 001,000000.256.100,512.22,545020,0000,00, COPIER LEASE 235 - - Do not use upstairs copier have our own Moved <$235> to MI3 001.000000.256. 100.512.22.545951.0000.00, ER&R VEHICLES - - - - 001.000000.256,100,512,22,546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 660 660 640 640 20 660 660 - Based on 2021's adopted budget OOl,OOOOOO,256.100,512,22,549010,0000.00, TRAINING 6,900 31725 6,600 6,600 6,600 6600 Moved <$300> to ML3 001,000000,256,100,512,22.549020.0000.00, DUES 250 - 250 250 250 250 - 001,000000,256,200,566,51.531010.0000,00, CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SUPPLIES - - - - - OOL000000.256.200,566,51,541010.0000,00, CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SERVICES 14,739 4,444 220989 22,989 22,989 22,989 - Maint Grant Moved $8,250 to ML3 001,000000,256.200,566,51541020.0000.00. UA'S 24,391 170193 29,139 2%139 29,139 29,139 - Maint Gant Moved $4,748 to ML3 OOL000000,256,200,566.51,541030.0000.00, RECOVERYSUPPORT 50,750 270377 27,282 270282 27,282 27,282 - Maint Grant Moved <23,468> to ML3 001.000000.256.200,566,51.541040,0000.00, ASSESSMENTS 2,000 600 2,000 2,000 20000 2,000 001,000000.256,20D.566.51,543010.0000.00. TRAVEL - CHEMICAL DEPEND - 30813 91188 %188 9,188 9188 - Maint Grant Moved $9,188 to ML3 Therapeutic Court 640,495 317,301 812,394 _ _ 811,482 (135) 811347 803,793 7,554 160.000000.000.000.508,10.S00000,0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 60,101 - 35,585 35,5857 3,251 380836 380837 (1) 160.000000.000.000,514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 11.3 - 107 107 107 107 (0) 160,000000.000.000.518.80.541500.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 135 68 124 124 124 124 0 160.000000,000,000,S72,10,546030,0000.00, RISK POOL INSURANCE - - - 160,000000.000,000,572,20,510010.0000.00, LAW LIBRARIAN CLERK 3,518 1,747 3,791 3,791 3,791 3,791 (0) 160,000000.000,000.572,20,520010,0000,00, INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 16 7 26 26 26 26 0 160,000000,000,000,572,20,52002040000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 270 134 290 290 290 290 (0) 160.000000.000,000,572,20,520030,0000,00, STATE RETIREMENT 454 227 389 389 389 389 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - Juvenile, Superior, Therapeutic Courts 4 of 4 Expenditures 160.000000.000.000.572.20.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 11154 509 10230 1,230 1,230 1230 0 160.000000.000.000.572.20.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 6 3 6 6 6 6 0 160.000000.000.000.57220.533010.0000.00, SUPPUES/BOOKS 300 333 300 300 300 300 - 160.000000.000.000.57Z20.535010.0000.00. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,800 - 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 160.000000.000.000.572.20.535098.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 160.000000.000.000.572.20.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 6,739 3,370 6,234 61234 6,234 61234 0 160.000000.000.000.572.20.541501.0000.00, RESERVE FORTECHNOLOGY - - - - - 160.000000.000.000.572.20.545952.0000.00. IT COMPUTERS - 160.000000.000.000.572.20.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT _ 12 12 _ _ _ 13 _ 13 (1) 12 12 160.000000.000.000.572.20.549010.0000.00. BOOKS - - - 160.000000.000.000.572.20.549020.0000.00. ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION 20,755 _ _ _ . 9,807_, _ _ . 207SS 20,755 20,755 20,755 - 96,373 16,215 71650 1 710650 3,250 74,900 74,900 (0) Law Library 96 373 16 215 1 71650 1 71650 3 250 74 900 74 900 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Juvenile Court Services Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX , 170 . 000 . 523 . 31 . 541010 . 0000 . 00 . Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Project Description ( 30 Words ) Professional Services changes Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 9, 524 . 00 Net Impact $ ( 91524 , 00) Narrative This last legislative sesssion made some changes to the Becca Grant funding. Historically the grant only allowed reimbursement for the processing of the petition . The grant now allows the juvenile court to provide case management services as well . The increase in expenditures reflects grant monies set aside to provide therapeutic interventions to families in need . Detail Accounts : for Department 170 . 000 . 523 . 31 . 541010 . 0000 . 00 . BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 170 . 000 . 523 . 31 . 541010. 0000 . 00 , Professional Services Yes 9/ 524600 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Juvenile Court Services Fund NumberXXX . XXX. XXX . 170. 000. 527 . 60 . 549010 . 0000 . 00 . Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Project Description (30 Words ) Detention Training Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 2, 000 . 00 Net Impact $ ( 21000 , 00) Narrative Due to an increased turnover in staff, the juvenile detention facility has 4 staff that will need to attend the required academy in 2022 . The increase of $ 2, 000 reflects the funds needed to send the staff. Detail Accounts : for Department 170 . 000 . 527 . 60 . 549010 . 0000 .00. BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 170 . 000 . 527 . 60 . 549010 . 0000 . 00 , Detention Training Yes 2, 000 . 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Juvenile Court Services Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX. 250. 000. 512 . 21 . 510040 .0000. 00. Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) Project Description ( 30 Words ) Unapproved Superior Court Administrative Secretary/Judicial Assistant Position Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc . ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Increase 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease N/A Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 80, 690, 00 Net Impact $ (80, 690000) Narrative Previously, the Superior Court requested the approval of a proposed reorganization of its administrative structure in order to better manage the three divisions of the Court. This request was laid out in a three phase approach . The BOCC approved Phase one which included the creation of the Chief Superior Court Administrator and Juvenile Detention Manager positions. We are currently in Phase 2 which includes analysis of the staffing and leadership roles within the general Superior Court Division . Phase 3 will include a comprehensive look at the Juvenile Court Division . Mason County Superior Courts historical staffing pattern included 3 Judicial Assistants for the two Superior Court Judges and part time Court Commissioner with the Superior Court Administrator position assisting as a "4th Judicial Assistant' . Since 1/1/2015 Mason County has added a third Superior Court Judge, increased the Court Commissioner to nearly full time in order to accommodate expanding judicial caseloads, and added multiple additional therapeutic courts . During this timeframe no additional Judicial Assistant/administrative support has been added with the increase in work . Although we are continuing to evaluate the needs in the second phase of the reorganization, we have reached a critical point in the need for additional administrative support to manage the workflow in the Superior Court Administrative office . The new Chief Superior Court Administrator is managing the three departments of the Courts (Juvenile, Therapeutic and Superior Courts) and is unable to regularly assist with Judicial Assistant duties as previously done by Superior Court Administrator. Detail Accounts : for Department 250.000. 512. 21 . 510040 . 0000. 00. BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 250. 000 . 512 . 21 . 510040. 0000 . 00, Unapproved Position Yes 52,379 , 00 250 . 000. 512. 21. 520010 . 0000 . 00 , Industrial Insurance Yes 411 . 00 2504000, 512, 21 , 520020, 0000. 00 , Social Sec/Medicare Yes 4,007 . 00 250 . 000. 512 . 21 . 520030.0000. 00. State Retirement Yes 5, 369 .00 250. 000. 512 . 21 . 520040. 0000 . 00, Med/Dent/Vis/Life Yes 18,447 . 00 250. 000 . 512 . 21 . 520045 . 0000 . 00, WA Paid FMLA Yes 77 . 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Pagel of 1 I Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name Juvenile Court Services Fund Number XXX . XXX .XXX . 250 . 000 . 512 . 21 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) Project Description ( 30 Words ) Increased Court Functions Due to C0VID - 19 Backlogs Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease N/A Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease N/A Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Increase $ 18, 959 , 00 Net Impact $ ( 18, 959 . 00) Narrative In 2021 the Superior Court has seen a substantial increase in the volume of hearings and proceedings that the court handles . These increases can be seen in the chart labled "What Volumen Of Cases Does Superior Court Handle? " on page 3 of the Superior Court budget narrative . This increased workload necessitated the Court to request a Supplemental budget request during the 2021 fiscal year in each of the accounts listed below. The increase in the requested amount for the 2022 budget is in line with what was received in the Supplemental request and is on par with the data trend . Detail Accounts : for Department 250 . 000 . 512 . 21 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 250 . 000 . 512 . 21 . 510023 . 0000 . 00 . Misc Court Commisioner Yes 10, 000000 250 . 000 . 512 . 21 . 510610 . 0000 . 00. Bailiff Yes 8, 959 .00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2o2z Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 I' urtd nr Dep;irtntent Name (Fund Naimber 3(XX 3{M3( JfXH , jTheIeuticCourts ProiectKli` e " OrtDescription (30 Characters) a Hel Judicial project Description 430 Words) To oowr Pamliv Recovery cGI when current Pro)et t Humber ( 1 , 2, So ett,) udges are not available due to their court vbflpettnns FTC Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ino newatives) Increase / Detreeso t7 Expenditure Dollar Impact (no negatives) Insrr..ase } Decrease Net impact $ 7 55�,ODa Narrative EKkra Help ludlclaa - >Xs the new Court twttmisslonsr is not overseeing Family Recovery Court this new bars line will be used Far the coverage of the Judicial officer v:,ieo the current judges are unavailable due to thefr covet OtallgatlDrts. Detail Accawnts: for Department D MR3 Oe rlption Irt C{" 1 .L' Ml)O.2S6* lQa,51z.3�.$10610.LxMICO Extra Help Judicial $ Decrease Amount $ 7,55 .D0 S5155100 _ _ I 1 1 De p me Head pr Ejected t�ffic+ al Regrresting this protect PCI D,. to Picase email completed forms to: b@co ,maian. wa , us ;n Excel format Ci2jget {sff lee Unr% 01 led .12a edl,V8= Date Page 1 of 1 2022 Budget Narrative Mason County Therapeutic Courts Summary : The Mason County Therapeutic Courts stand as alternatives to the cycle of incarceration and recidivism in Mason County , In 2021 the Mason County Therapeutic Courts continued to experience dramatic growth in participation and demand . Robust and predictable funding of the Therapeutic Courts remains a necessary prerequisite to maintain the proven track record of protecting the public while reducing jail population , protecting children , reuniting families, and bringing hope to individuals . Departments : Mason County Therapeutic Courts [ 256 ] Adult Felony Drug Court Family Recovery Court With a Mental Health Track Veterans Court Mental Health Court 2021-2022 Organizational Chart : SEE ATTACHED Staffing has changed consistent with the increase in the number of therapeutic courts and participants : 2019 : 2 . 35 FTE ( court commissioner increased an additional . 05 FTE , 2 hrs per week ) 2020 : 1 FTE (the FRC caseworker was hired through the grant for 1 FTE ) ( court commissioner decreased by . 05 FTE, 2 hrs per week ) 2021 : . 75 FTE ( FRC PT caseworker was hired through the AOC grant ) The following future staffing increases are projected to meet program demands : 2023 : 1 FTE ( office staff) Therapeutic Court Teams consist of the following : Drug Court: Judicial Officer, Prosecutor, Public Defender, Program Manager, Treatment Provider, DOC, Law Enforcement, Therapeutic Court Caseworker . Family Recovery Court: Judicial Officer, Assistant Attorney General , multiple Parent Attorneys , Children ' s Attorney, Program Manager, Therapeutic Court Caseworker, Guardian ad Litem , DCFS Social Worker, Family Education & Support Services Parent Engagement Coordinator, and Treatment Providers ( Chemical Dependency and Mental Health ) . 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 1 9/9/21 Veterans Court: Judicial Officer, Prosecutor, Public Defender, Program Manager, Therapeutic Court Caseworker, Veteran Mentor Coordinator, Mental Health Professional , Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator, Treatment Provider, and Veterans Employment Outreach Specialist . Mental Health Court: Judicial Officer, Prosecutor, Public Defender, Therapeutic Court Caseworker, Program Manager, Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Provider ( if any ) . Mission of Department : The Therapeutic Courts are a division of Mason County Superior Court . The program is committed to accountable , efficient and effective use of resources in order to improve community safety and /or reduce involvement in the child welfare system . Overview of the Department : Four Therapeutic Courts currently operate in Mason County . Mason County Adult Felony Drug Court is a court- supervised , treatment—based program for adults who are charged with certain felony crimes . The purpose of the program is to offer individualized treatment for chemical dependency as an alternative to incarceration . This program features a team approach to rigorous treatment, coordinated intensive supervision , random drug and alcohol testing, regular and frequent court appearances and educational opportunities . A combination of rewards and sanctions are utilized to motivate and encourage participants toward recovery . The participant' s progression through the various phases of the program is appropriately recognized . Upon successful completion of the program , the court will dismiss the criminal charge ( s ) . Mason County Family Recovery Court is an intensive treatment/service - based program for parents whose children have been removed from their home due to abuse or neglect . We received a five year grant for expansion of the court for a target population ( 0 - 3 year old ) for early intervention . To a large degree , this program follows the model of criminal drug courts, requiring intensive drug and alcohol treatment and frequent court appearances . Additionally, parents are required to be fully engaged in services to correct other parental deficiencies . A DSHS social worker is assigned to each parent and a court- appointed Guardian ad Litem is assigned to each child . The frequent formal court contact with parents provides an opportunity to validate good work and redirect those who may be getting off track . The goal of Family Recovery Court is to reunite families . Mason County Veterans Court is a court- supervised , treatment- based program for Veterans who are charged with certain felony crimes and who have either a diagnosed mental illness and /or who are drug dependent . The purpose of the program is to offer individualized treatment for chemical dependency and /or mental health as an alternative to incarceration . The goal of the Veterans Court is to enhance public safety and connect Veterans with Veterans benefits, treatment services and support . 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 2 9/9/21 Mason County Mental Health Court is a court- supervised , comprehensive treatment program for appropriate candidates who are charged with certain felony crimes or misdemeanors and who suffer from a diagnosed mental illness . The purpose of the program is to offer individualized mental health treatment as an alternative to incarceration . The goal of the Mason County Mental Health Court is to enhance public safety by developing partnership between the mental health and criminal justice communities . This partnership will address the specialized needs of offenders with serious mental illness, promoting public safety and improving the quality of life for offenders by establishing mandatory, comprehensive, community- based treatment and services within the guidelines of the Mason County Mental Health Court . Budget Savings, Increases and Changes : Chapter 2 . 30 RCW and RCW 82 . 14 . 460 guide the development of these programs . Funding for these programs comes primarily for the Mason County Mental Health Tax Special Fund ( Fund 164 100 ) and the Criminal Justice Treatment Account ( CJTA ) RCW 710244580 , Criminal Justice Treatment Act (CJTA) — new Revenue and Expense lines [001 . 256. 200]- • Criminal Justice Treatment Act ( CJTA ) funds are now being administrated through the County under the Therapeutic Court Budget . The funds are used to pay treatment services not covered by insurance and for non - insured participants in Drug Court, Mental Health and Veterans Court . • SAMSHA Grant over the next three years . These funds are for an expansion of Mason County Family Recovery Court for early intervention of children 0- 3 years of age that have a dependency case filed . • AOC Grant over the next two years . These funds are to help develop training and materials to replicate our Family Recovery Court program throughout other rural counties in Washington State . Revenue : • Funded by the Mason County 1/ 101h of 1 % Mental Health Tax . Transfer- in revenue is budgeted consistent with the 2022 expenditures . • Program fees are increased due to the higher number of participants paying program fees . 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 3 9/9/21 Salaries and Wages : • Court Commissioner salary is set by annual contract at 85 % of a Superior Court Judicial salary and includes an increase 7/20/ 2020 per WA Citizen Commission on Salaries . It is budgeted @ . 25 FTE . This is a . 05 FTE shift from Therapeutic Courts to Superior Court consistent with expected workloads and resulted in a decrease to Therapeutic Courts of $ 12 , 841 . • Extra Help Judicial — As the new Court commissioner is not overseeing Family Recovery Court this new bars line will be used for the coverage of the Judicial Officer when the current judges are not available due to their court obligations . • Caseworkers increased due to step increase • Benefits are adjusted accordingly . Incentives : Incentives have decreased in both revenue and expenses due to grant funding . Therapeutic Courts achieve significantly better outcomes when they focus as much on incentivizing productive behaviors as they do on reducing undesirable behaviors . Significantly better outcomes were achieved by Therapeutic Courts that offered higher and more consistent levels of praise and positive incentives from the judge (Zweig et al., 2012) . Several other studies found that a 4 : 1 ratio of incentives to sanctions was associated with significantly better outcomes among drug offenders (Gendreau, 1996; Senjo & Leip, 2001 : Wodahl et al., 2011 ) . Incentives are self-funded by participants through program fees or outside donations . SAMSHA GRANT FRC EXPANSION: • The 2021 - 2022 SAMSHA Grant of $ 307 , 809 . 00 covers the following expenses : o Salary and Benefits for FRC Caseworker o Supplies/ Operating Expenses o Services o Case Management o Travel & Training o Rental Assistance Accomplishments through August 31 , 2021 : • 16 graduates as of August 31, 2021 . • 16 participants with criminal charges admitted into Therapeutic Courts , as of August 31 , 2021 . 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 4 9/9/21 • 29 parents with dependency admitted into Family Recovery Court , working towards reunification with a total of 86 children . • Developed and implemented virtual court dockets and adjusted the programs to operate during the current pandemic . • Held weekly team briefings and court dockets for all Therapeutic Courts . • Held Team /Stakeholders monthly meetings . • Developed and implemented Life Skill classes . Goals for 2021 : • Maintain and /or expand the capacity of the current four therapeutic courts and continue to research and develop new therapeutic courts . • Monthly Planning/ Policy Meetings to improve services and better serve our participants . • Research and apply for grants for funding . • Collection of Program Fees to provide incentives . • Research and /or develop case management data bases for all therapeutic courts . Training : Training is an essential tool for the Therapeutic Courts . Not only does training keep the team current on recent developments and Best Practice Standards, it also promotes team building and maintenance of a high level of competency and efficiency . Trainings attended as of August 31, 2021 • National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference Washington DC . • Several online trainings ( webinars ) . Training scheduled for the 2022 . • National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference in Nashville TN (July 2022 ) • Washington State Association of Drug Court Professional Conference in Tukwilla , WA . ( October 2022 ) . Workload Indicators/ Measurable : Felony Adult Drug Court: Adult Felony Drug Court was established in 2003 . As of August 31 , 2021 , there are 13 active participants . Court is held weekly on Tuesday afternoons with team briefings at 2 : 30 p . m . and hearings at 3 : 30 p . m . 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 5 9/9/21 ADULT FELONY DRUG Total as CO RT ( 20 current Active of Aug Participants as of 8/31/20 ) 2017 2018 2019 2020 31, 2021 15 Average weekly active participants 14 14 19 22 Participants Admitted 15 18 13 10 9 Participants Graduated 10 8 3 11 9 Participants Discharged 4 6 10 9 0 Community Service Hours 301 110 76 66 92 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 6 9/9/21 Family Recovery Court: Family Recovery Court was established September 2013 . As of August 31 , 2021 , there were 30 participants . Court is held weekly on Thursday mornings with team briefings at 8 : 15 a . m . and hearings at 9 : 40 a . m . We are finding that children of parents who are in Family Recovery Court are returning home sooner and spending less time in foster care or out of home placement . FAMILY RECOVERY COURT Total as of ( 22 Current Active Participants as of Aug 31 , 8/31/20) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average weekly active participants 8 11 17 23 20 Participants Admitted 6 22 15 28 29 Children Involved 22 34 39 78 86 Participants Graduated 3 4 1 12 6 Dependency cases dismissed prior to graduation 0 1 6 3 0 Participants Discharged 6 5 8 16 13 Children reunified with participants 5 11 7 19 5 Babies Born Drug Free 1 1 2 1 0 Community Service Hours 13 19 19 0 0 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 7 9/9/21 Veterans Court: Veterans Court was established September 2015 . As of August 31 , 2021 , there were 4 participants . Court is held weekly on Thursday morning with team briefings at 11 : 00 a . m . and hearings at 11 : 30 a . m . Total as VETERANS COURT of Aug 31, ( 2 Current Active Participants ) 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Weekly Active Participants 4 3 4 5 Participants Admitted 2 1 5 0 Participants Graduated 2 1 2 0 Participants Discharged 0 0 2 1 New Connections to VA services 1 0 5 0 Community Service Hours 0 0 0 0 Mental Health Court: Mental Health Court was established July 2016 . As of August 31 , 2020, there were 7 participants . Court is held weekly on Thursday afternoons with team briefings at 1 : 00 p . m . and hearings at 1 : 30 p . m . Total as MENTAL HEALTH COURT of Aug (8 Current Active Participants as 3112021 of 8/31/19 ) 2018 2018 2020 Average Weekly Active Participant 8 8 5 8 Participants Admitted 11 7 5 7 Participants Successfully Graduated 2 3 4 1 Participants Unsuccessfully Discharged 1 6 2 4 New Connections to Mental Health Services 11 7 5 7 Community Service Hours 132 48 10 8 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 8 9/9/21 2022 Therapeutic Courts Budget Narrative - Page 9 9/9/21 2 � 21 Superior Court Judges Monty Cobb Amber Finlay Dan Goodell Superior Court Chief Superior Court Extra Help Court Commissioner Administrator Commisioner 1 FTE 1 FTE ( 1-2 Commissioners ) Deputy Administrator Juvenile Therapeutic Court Manager Accounting Tech . Juvenile Detention Manager Court Case Manager Judicial Asst./Ct . Recorder Sr. Probation Counselor Lead Detention Officer Case Manager Judicial Asst./Ct . Ct, Program Coordinator Detention E Recorder Case Manager Judicial Asst./ :::k Family LawI T Probation Counselor Detention Officer Facilitator Extra - Help Bailiffs ( 2- 3 ) Probation Counselor Detention Officer Probation Counselor Detention =er Probation Counselor . Detention Officer 7kOffice Technician Detention Officer Detention Officer Detention Officer :[— Extra Help Detention Officers 8- 10 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - District Court 1 of 2 Revenue 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL2022 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL 1 - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET LEVEL 3 - BOCC LEVEL 4 - PLR NO. PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER BUDGET OFFICE FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITOR BUDGET REQUESTS DEPARTMENT NOTES) NOTES PRELIM DRAFT REQUESTS 001,000000,100,000,333,21,301906,0000,00, AOC CARES ACT GRANT - 81,015 - - - - 001,000000,100,000.334,O1.320070,0000,00, LFO IMPACT FUNDING - - - - OOL000000,100,000,336,O1,310500,0000,00. 1UDICIALSALARY CONTRIBUTION-5 - 13,863 130863 13863 13,863 - OOL000000.100.000336,01329000,0000,00, JUDICIALSALARY CONTRIBUTION-S 22,672 11,326 22,692 22,692 22692 22,692 - OOL000000.100,000,337,00,300000,0000,00, ENTTTLEMENTS,PAYMENT'S - 81885 - - - 001,000000,100,000,341,22302000.0000,00, JUDICIAL STABIL SURCHARGE-CLI 9,500 51568 11,134 110134 11,134 11,134 OOL000000,100,000,34L22,303000,0000,00, CIVILFIUNGS 10900 912 10800 1,SO0 1800 1,800 OO1,000000,100,000.341.22306000,0000,00, CV COST & ADJ - - - - OOL000000,100,000,341,22,307000.0000,00, REVENUE/MUNI COURTJUDGE 1,200 782 1,400 10400 1,400 1400 - OOLOo0000.100,000,34122,311000,0000,00, ANTI HARASSMENT FILING FEE 1,400 717 1,400 1,400 1,400 10400 001,000000,100,000,341,22,312000,0000,00, CIVIL FILING 26,500 150419 30,836 30,836 30,836 30,836 - OOL000000,100,000,34L22313000,0000.00, COUNTER,CROSS,3RD PARTY CIVIL 1 - 1 1 1 1 OO1,000000,100,000,341.23338000,0000,00, QI APPEAL FILINGS 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,341,24,30000040000,00, DISPUTE RESOLUTION CIVIL 110000 70840 15,000 15,000 15,000 iS,000 OOL000000,100,000,341,24,301000,0000,00, DISPUTE RESO SMALL CLAIMS 20000 465 10000 1,000 1,000 1,000 OO1,000000,100,000341,28,306000,0000.00, CIVIL-SUPP PROCD 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100.000341,28307000,0000,00, OTHER FILING FEE 1 - 1 1 1 1 OO1,000000,100,000341,28.308000,0000,00, CIVILTRANSCRIPT 300 107 250 250 250 250 001,000000,100.000,341,28309000,0000,00, DIST CRT/MUN OTR CRT FILING - - - - - OOL000000.100,000,341,28310000,0000,00, DISTRICT COURT-CTRC53SMCL-W/O - - - - - OOL000000,100,000,34132300000,0000,00, DISTRICT/MUNICIPAL COURT RECOR 25,500 120144 24,300 24,300 24,300 24300 - OOL0000004100,000341,32,302000,0000,00, D/M CRT REC SER 700 484 1,000 1,000 10000 10000 001,000000,100,000-341,32,303000,0000,00, CIVIL FEES 160 - - - OOL000000,100,000,341,32305000,0000,00, WRIT/GARNISHMENT FEES 11,500 4,265 8,530 8,530 80530 8530 001.000000,100,000,341,33,301000,0000,00, NAME CHANGE FEES 225 123 250 250 250 250 001,000000,100,000341,33302000,0000,00, WARRANTCOSTS 17,000 8,116 17,000 17,000 17000 17,000 001,000000,100,000,341,33,303000,0000,00, DER PROS. ADM. CS 7,000 21568 5,140 51140 5 140 51140 001,000000,100,000341,33,304000,0000,00, LOCAL CRIME ANALYSIS - 0 - - 001,000000,100,000,341,33,306000,0000,00, ITTIME PAY FEE 6,000 2,435 4,872 41872 4,872 4,872 001,000000,300,000,341,62,300000,0000,00, MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT COURT 1,000 591 1,100 10100 1,100 1,100 OO1,000000,100,000,342,20,300000,0000,00. DUI EMER RESPONSE RECOVERY IS - - - - 001.000000,100,000,342,21,300000,0000,00, FIRE PROTECTION & EMS 1 - - - 001,000000,100,000,352,30,300000,0000,00, PROOF OF MOTOR VEHICLE INSURAN 500 1S0 300 300 _ 300 300 001.000000,100,000,352,40300000,0000,00, BOAT SAFETY INFRACTION PENALTI 1 OOL000000,1004000,352,40301000,0000,00, BOATING SAFETY INFRACT PENALTY 1 OOL000000,100,000,353,10,300000,0000,00, LOCAL INFRACTION REFUND TO 7/2 - - - 001,000000,100.000-353,10302000,0000,00, TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS 100 259 1 1 1 1 001.000000,100,000,353,10,303000,0000,00, TRAFFIC INFRACTION 31,000 14,078 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 001.000000,100.000353.10304000,0000,00, LEGISLATIVE ASSESSMENT 23,000 13,364 27,290 27,290 27,290 27,290 001,000000,100,000353,10305000.0000.00, TRAFFIC INFRACTION EFFEC 7/1/1 2250860 133,169 266,338 266,338 2660338 266,338 001.000000.100,000,353,10,306000,0000,00, COMP BRAKE NO MUFFLER-500 BASE 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000.100,000353,10,307000,0000,00, COMP BRAKE NO MUFFLER-750 BASE 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000353.10308000,0000.00, COMP BRAKE NO MUFFLE$ O BASE 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,353,10,309000,0000,00, OBT UNLAWFUL SPECIAL PLACARD 1 - 1 1 1 1 001.000000,100,000,353,10,311000,0000,00, LTTTERING:ABANDON VEHICLE 1 258 200 200 200 200 001,000000,100,000,353,10314000.0000,00. UNAUTHORIZED SPECIAL PLACARD 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,353,10320000.0000,00. DISTRACTED DRIVING PREVENTION 75 65 100 100 100 100 OO1,000000,100,000,353,10.330000.0000,00. FINES & PEN/FAILTO INITIALLY 1 2 1 1 1 1 001,000000.100,000,353,10333000,0000,00, FAILURETO REGISTER VEHICLE 200 - 1 1 1 1 OO1,000000,100,000,353,10340000,0000,00, TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTIES 1 - 1 1 1 1 OO1,000000,100,000,353,10,341000,0000,00, FINES/PENALTY SPEED DOUBLE ZON 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 001,000000,100.000,353,10,352000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,353,10,360000,0000,00- SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 1-S<40 1 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,353,10,361000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 14000 2,200 142 300 300 300 300 OO1.000000,100.000,353,10,362000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 11-15<40 10000 - 1 1 1 1 OOLO00000.1004000353,10363000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 16-20<40 Soo 93 100 100 100 100 001.000000,100,000,353,10364000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 21-25<40 10200 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100,000,353,10,365000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 26.30<40 10000 86 100 100 100 100 002,000000,100,000,353.30366000.0000,00. SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 31-35<40 600 - 1 1 1 1 001,000000,100.000,353,10,368000,0000,00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 1.5>40 - - - - 001,000000,100,000,353,10369000.0000.00. SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 11-15>40 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - District Court 2 of 2 Revenue 001.000000.100.000.353.10.370000.0000.00, SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 16-20>40 50 6 10 10 10 10 OOLO00000.100.000.353.10.372000.0000.00. SPEED DOUBLE ZONE 6-10>40 50 - 1 1 1 1 OOL000000.100.000.353.10.380000.0000.00. REVENUE 52,000 16,798 33,500 3%S00 33,500 33,500 001.000000.100.000.353.70.300000.0000.00, NON-TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTI - - - - 001.000000.100.000.353.70.301000.0000.00. LITTER CONTROL - - - 001.000000.300.000.353.70.302000.0000.00. OTHER INFRACTION - - - - 001.000000.100.000.353.70.304000.0000.00. OTHER INFRACTION 1,500 1,527 3,000 3,000 31000 3,000 001.000000.100.000.353.70.313000.0000.00, OTHER INFRACTIONS 6,000 7,609 150000 15,000 15,000 15,000 001.000000.100.000.353.70.314000.0000.00, OTHER INFRACTIONS SMOKING 1 - 1 1 1 1 001000000.100.000.354.00.300000.0000.00, CIVIL PARKING INFRACTION PENAL 250 115 250 250 250 250 OO1,000000.100.000.355.20.300000.0000.00. DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE (DUI) 56,000 27,752 550500 55,500 55,500 55r500 - OOL000000.100.000.355.20.301000.0000.00. DUC-DEFFERED ACCT FEE 1 318 1 1 1 1 001000000.100.000.355.20.302000.0000.00, YOUTH IN VEHCILE 500 420 10000 1,000 1,000 10000 OOL000000.100.000.355.20.303000.0000.00. DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE (DUI) 1,700 568 1,200 11200 1,200 10200 001000000.100.000.355.20.304000.0000.00, DUI-DP ACCOUNT FEE 4,000 2,432 50000 5,000 51000 50000 001.000000.100.000.355.80.300000.0000.00. OTHER CRIM.TRAFFIC MISDEM.FINE 10 13 20 20 20 20 001.000000.100.000.355.80.301000.0000.00, OTHER CRIMINALTRAFFIC MISDEME 450000 26,840 5%680 53,680 53,680 53680 001.000000.100.000.355.80.302000.0000.00, OTHER CRIMINALTRAFFIC MISD FN 4,000 1,786 3,500 3,500 3,500 30500 OO1,000000.100.000.356.90.300000.0000.00. OTHER CRIM.NON-TRAFFIC FINES - - - - 001.000000.100.000.356.90.304000.0000.00. OTHER NON TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS 18,000 13,518 27,036 27,036 27,036 27,036 001.000000.100.000.356.90.308000.0000.00, OTHER CRIMINAL NON-TRAFFIC 700 754 1,500 1,500 1,500 10500 001.000000.100.000.356.90310000.0000.00, CRIMINAL NON-TRAFFIC/FOREST 50 7 15 15 15 15 001.000000.100.000.356.90.312000.0000.00, FOREST PRODUCTS 1 5 1 1 1 1 001.000000.100.000.356.90.314000.0000.00, OTHER CRIMINAL/NONTRAFFIC FINE 1,000 690 11200 1,200 10200 1,200 001.000000.100.000.357.31,300000.0000.00. JURY DEMAND COST - - - 001.000000.100.000.357.32.300000.0000.00. WITNESSCOSTS 1 39 1 1 1 1 001,000000.100.000.357.39.300000.0000.00. COURT COST RECOUPMENTS 1 - 1 1 1 1 001.000000.100.000.361.1L300000.0000.00. INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - 001.000000.100.000.361.19.302000.0000.00. BANKING SERVICE FEES - - - - 001.000000.100.000.361.40.301000.0000.00. DISTRICT/MUNICIPAL INTEREST IN 25,000 12,888 25,000 250000 25,000 25,000 001.000000.100.000.361.40.303000.0000.00, DISTRICT/MUNICIPAL COURT CURRE 25,000 12,888 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 001.000000.100.000.369.80.300000.0000.00, CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-SHORT - 55 - - - - 001.000000.300.000.369.90.301000.0000.00. OVERPAYMENT/DISTRICT COURT - - - - - - 001.000000.100.000.369.90.303000.0000.00. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES - - - - OOL000000.100.000.369.91.300000.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 1 41 - - 001000000.100.000.369.91301000.0000.00. MISC-OTHER REV/SMALL OVERPYMNT 1 125 1 1 1 1 OO1,000000.100.000.369.91.303000.0000.00. REVENUE/MISC 001.000000.100.000386.OL301000.0000.00. SMALL CLAIMS FEE-DISTRICT CT 10500 704 11400 1,400 1,400 1,400 001.000000.100.000.386.89.321000.0000.00. DISC PASS VIOLATION - 1,979 41000 4,000 40000 4,000 001.000000.100.000.386.89.325000.0000.00, AGENCY DEPOSIT-MOTORCYCLE - 26 - - 001.000000.100.173.341.70.300000.0000.00. SALE OF MERCHANDISE-MRT 10000 330 800 800 800 800 001.000000.100.173.341.81,300000.0000.00. WORD PROCESS AND COPIES 30 9 30 30 30 30 001.000000.100.173.342.33.300000.0000.00. ADULT PROBATION FEES - - - - 001.000000.100.173.342.33.302000.0000.00. URINE ANALYSIS FEES 16,000 70179 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 001.000000.100.173.34233.305000.0000.00. ACTIVE PROBATION FEES 142,700 76,369 152,738 152,738 152 738 152,738 OOLOOO000.100.173.342.33.307000.0000.00. SENTENCE COMPILANCE MONITTORI 175,000 84,448 168,896 168,896 168896 168,896 OOLOOOOOO.100.173.342.33.308000.0000.00. TRANSFER OFFENDER - 40 1 1 1 1 OOL000000.100.173.342.33.309000.0000.00. THERAPUETIC COURT MRT PROGRAM S00 410 800 800 800 800 001.000000.100.173.361,40.300000.0000.00. OTHER INTEREST EARNINGS 15 - District Court 1,010,757 624,131 1,080,400 1,080,400 1,080,400 1,080,400 135.000000.000.000.308. 10.300000.0000.00, BEG FUND RESERVED 111,986 - 93,892 93,892 93892 93,892 0 135.000000.000.000.397.00.300001.0000.00, TRANS IN FROM CURRENT EXPENSE 22,672 11,326 22,652 22,652 22,652 22,652 _ 114,658 11,326 116,544 116,544 116,544 116,544 0 Trial Court Improvement _ _ 134,658 11,326 , 116,544 116,544 116544 116,544 0 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - District Court 1 of 2 Expenditures 2021 ADOPTED 2021 ACTUALS 2022 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2022 2022TOTAL 2022 BUDGET PLR BUDGET THROUGH LEVEL I - DEPT LEVEL 2 - TO 2022 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET LEVEL 3 - LEVEL 4 - PLR NO, PLR EXPLANATION (OR OTHER DEPARTMENT FUND AND BARS DESCRIPTION 6/30/2021 REQUESTS AUDITORPRELIM REQUESTS REQUESTS BOCC NOTES) BUDGET OFFICE NOTES DRAFT 001,000000,100,000,512,40,SIO010,0000,00. JUDGE 1930923 950060 191,795 1910795 (11) 191,784 1910784 0 001.000000,100.000,512.40.510011.0000,00. 202.2 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 101,469 1010469 1010469 - 101,469 1 Court Commissioner ,S FTE 001.000000,100.000,S1Z40.510020.0000,00. COURT ADMINISTRATOR S%134 290518 59,134 590134 59134 59,134 0 _ 001,000000.100.000,512.40.510021.0000.00. JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 46,930 19,459 41,848 4118" 41,848 410848 0 001,000000,100.000,S12,40,510030.0000.00. JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 46,982 230067 39,461 39,461 39461 390461 0 _ OO1,000000,100,000,512.40,510040.0000.00. JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 54,337 260337 56,809 56,809 56,809 56,809 0 001.000000,100.000.512,404510050.0000,00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 77,561 77,561 77,561 77,561 2 Judicial Support Staff 001.000000,100.000,51Z40.510060.0000.00. JUDICIALSUPPORT SPECIALIST 40,648 19,872 47,134 470134 47,134 47,134 0 _ . 001.000000,100.000,53240.510080.0000.00. JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST 390489 19,393 42,314 42,314 42,314 42,314 (0) OO1,000000,100.000,512.40.510081.0000,00, JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST SS,163 26,932 57,698 57,698 695 58393 58,393 0 _ 001,000000,100,000,512.40,510610,0000,00. BAILIFF %000 30556 91000 90000 9,000 9,000 001,000000.300.000,512,40,510620.0000.00, JUDGE PRO TEMPORE 11SI200 115,200 90278 124,478 350000 890478 3 Changed PLR to match detail per PR 35,000 23,753 Jude Pro Tem ore Increase 9/20/21 001.000000.300,000,512.40.510900.0000,00, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 4%782 19,976 42,638 42,638 42,638 42,638 0 001,000000,100.000,512,40.510901,0000,00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST 6Z612 62,612 620612 - 620612 4 .6 FTE other ,4 is in probation, Chief Deputy Administrator 001,000000,100,000,512,40.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,291 11057 5,610 5,610 5,610 5,610 0 001,000000,100,000.512.40.520020,0000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 43,870 23,364 53,782 53,782 (6,083) 47699 470699 0 001.000000,100.000,512,40,520030.0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 74,887 31,129 5%330 59,330 70 59,400 59,400 (0) 001.000000,100,000,512.40,S20040,0000,00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 13%188 69,460 142,612 142,612 157 142,769 142,769 (0) 001.000000,100.000,512.40.520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 903 450 1,031 1,031 (116) 915 915 0 001,000000.100.000.512.40,531010.0000.00. OFFICE SUPPLIES 180686 8,963 23,646 23,646 23,646 180686 4,960 5 Office supply increase _ 001,000000,300,000,512,40.533020,0000,00, JUROR SUPPLIES 100 657 350 350 350 350 - lury trial increases - mI3 001,000000,300.000.512.40535010,0000,00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT ISO 2,122 2,425 2,425 2,425 IS0 2,275 6 Desks & Chaim for new positions 001,000000,100.000.512.40.535020.0000,00. JUROR MINOR EQUIPMENT 25 - 25 25 25 25 - 001,000000,300.000,51140.535098.0000,00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT Soo 1,218 2,500 2,500 Soo 3,000 Soo 2,500 7 Laptop & Printer 001,000000,100,000,512.40.535099.0000,00, TRACKABLETOOLS/EQUIPMENT 500 Soo (500) - - - printer - patsy will put in IT 21096 trackable 001.000000,100.000,512,40.541010,0000.00, ADVERTISING - - - - 001,000000,100.000,512.40.541050.0000,00. INTERPRETER 17,000 19,195 39,000 39,000 390000 170000 22,000 8 Demand for interpreters increase _ 001,000000.300,000,512,40.541051.0000.00. SHREDDING 350 77 350 350 350 350 - 001.000000,100,000,S12.40,541052,0000.00. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 13,000 8,075 16,000 16,000 16,000 160000 revenue based - move to m13 001,000000,100.000.512.40,541501,0000,00, RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - - 001.000000.100,000,M,40Z42010,0000400, CELL PHONE - - - - - 001.000000,100.000.512.40,542020,0000,00, POSTAGE 31500 - 4,500 4,500 4500 4,500 postage increase - ml3 OOL000000.100,000.512,40.543010,0000,00, TRAVEL 3,827 - 3,827 31827 3827 3827 OOL000000.100.000.512,40,545010.0000.00. COPIER/POSTAGE METER 61200 3,757 61700 6,700 6700 6700 - m13 001.000000.100.000.512.40,546010,0000,00, INSURANCE BOND (COM SERVICE) - - - - - - - 001.000000.100.000.512,40,546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 1,452 11452 2,152 2,152 (700) 1,452 1452 - 001.000000.100,000.512.40.548010.0000.00. MACHINE MAINTENANCE 7,000 71000 7,000 7,000 - 6,107 6,743 incin mntcontract - moveto m13 001.000000.100,000512,40,549030,0000,00, MISCELLANEOUS 6,700 6,700 61700 6,700 - Zoom acct - adt'l misc costs - room 4,900 1,412 connectors mI3 001,000000,100,0004512.40.549020,0000,00, JUROR SERVICES 300 119 400 400 400 400 jury trial increases - mI3 001,000000,100,000.512.40,549030,0000,00, WITNESS SERVICES 10000 1,200 2,600 20600 2,600 2,600 jury trial increases - mI3 001,000000,100,173,523,33,510020.0000,00, ADMINISTRATOR 30,463 15,206 3%463 30,463 30,463 30463 0 _ OO1,000000,100,173,523.33,510037,0000.00, PROBATION OFFICER 590228 26,244 58,012 58,012 58,012 580012 0 _ 001.000000.100,173.523,33,510038,0000,00. PROBATION OFFICER 63,740 33,994 72,648 72,648 72,648 72648 0 _ OOL00o000.100,173,523,33,510083,0000,00. JUDICIAL/PROBATION SPECIALIST S%449 26,575 55,879 55,879 55,879 55,879 (0) 001.000000,100,173,523.33,510600.0000,00. EXTRA HELP 120730 - 12,480 12,480 12,480 120480 001.000000.100,173,523,33,510900,0000,00. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 27,188 13,317 28,425 28,425 28,425 28,425 (0) 001,000000.300.173,523.33.SIO90L000o,00. 2022 UNAPPROVED BUDGET REQUEST - - 41,742 41,742 (487) 41,255 410255 4 1 positionsplit into 2de armems .4 FTE 001,000000,100.173,523.33.520010,0000,00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 907 447 11676 11676 1676 10676 (0) _ 001.000000.100,173,523,33.520020.0000.00, SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 18,880 %747 19,730 19,730 190730 190730 0 001.000000.100,173,523,33,520030,0000.00. STATE RETIREMENT 29,088 14,494 25,339 25,339 78 25,417 25,417 (0) 001,000000,100.173.523.33.520040.0000.00, MED/DENT/VIS/LIFE 60,785 30,780 59,898 591898 4,147 64,045 64,045 0 001,000000,100.173,523,33.520045.0000,00, WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 362 169 378 378 378 378 (0) _ 001,000000,100,173,523,33,531010.0000.00, OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,000 829 3,000 31000 3 000 3 000 001,000000,100.173,523,33.531020.0000.00. THERAPUETIC COURT DEVELOPMENT 3,000 - 30000 3,000 3,000 30000 - 001,000000,300.173.523.33,535010,0000.00. SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,402 - 250 250 250 250 - Reduced m13 001.000000.100,173.523,33535098,0000.00. 1TTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - 001,000000,100.173,523,33.541010.0000.00, UA FEES:STERLING LABS 16,000 61240 16,000 16,000 160000 16,000 - OOL000000.100.173,523,33,541020,0000,00. CASELOAD PRO SERVICES 31000 1,999 3,200 31200 3,200 30200 lurytrial increases - mI3 OO1,000000,100,173,523,33.541030,0000.00, MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250 461 250 250 250 250 OOL000000.300,173.523.33.541040,0000,00, INTERPRE SERVICES - - 10000 11000 10000 11000 9 Demand for interpreters increase OOL000000.100,173.523,33,541501,0000.00. RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY - - - - OOL000000.100.173.523,33,542020,0000.00, POSTAGE 300 - 300 300 300 300 OOL000000.100,173.523,33,543010,0000.00, TRAVEL 1686 1686 1686 1686 1686 2022 Mason County Budget PLR Worksheet - District Court 2 of 2 Expenditures 001.000000.100.173.523.33.545040.0000.00. COPIER/POSTAGE METER 31500 21032 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 - jury trial increases - ml3 001,000000.100.173,523,33.546096,0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 788 788 868 868 (80) 788 788 _ 001.000000.100.173.523.33.549010.0000.00. DUES/MEMBERSHIPS 150 200 200 200 200 200 - one more member ml3 001.000000.100.173.523.33.549040,0000.00. REGISTRATIONS 1,500 630 11500 11500 1500 1,500 District Court F1,351,019 672,620 1/767/437 11767,437 61948 1,774385 1,36%272 405,113 _ 135.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. END FUND RESERVED 83,278 - 63,736 63,736 ( 1, 192) _ 62,544 62,544 - 135.000000.000.000.512.40.531010.0000.00, TRIAL COURTSUPPLIES 48,572 - 50,000 50,000 _ 50000 50,000 _ 135.000000,000.000.512.40.535098.0000.00, ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 135.000000,000,000.512,40541030,0000,00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,100 - 2,100 2,100 2100 2100 135.000000.000,000.514,21.541019,0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION 550 275 550 550 11200 1,750 1,750 0 135.000000.000.000.514,21,541510.0000.00, STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 158 - 158 158 (8) - _ 150 150 0 135.000000.000,000.541.21.541019.0000,00, INTERNAL ALLOCATION - - - - - - — 135.000000,000,000,594.12.564010,0000,00, JURY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - - - - - 135,000000,000,000.594,12,564040,0000,00, CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - - - - 134,658 275 1160544 116,544 - 116,544 116,544 0 Trial Court Improvement 1346 88 275 116544 116544 - 116544 116544 0 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX.XXX . XXX, 001 , 100,000 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters) COURT COMMISSIONER - . 5 FTE Project Description (30 Words ) . 5 Court Commissioner - @ 75 . 00 per hour Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc. ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 0 . 5 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 101,469 .00 Net Impact $ ( 1011469 .00) Narrative On September 22, 1993, the Board of County Commissioners signed County Ordinance 93A-93 2 .40.050 stating "The District Court shall have the authority to appoint District Court Commissioners and Judge Pro tempore . In 1995, the Judge chose not to fill the Court Commissioners position as the need was not justified at that time . However, over the past several years the need for a Court Commissioner has increased and at this time the District Court is requesting the funding to fill a . 5 FTE Court Commissioner. Historically we have had a judicial need of 1 .5 and higher. The District Court Commissioner would be appointed by the Presiding Judge in District Court. We currently have two Courts in session on Mondays, Thursdays and all day on Fridays in which we need to schedule a Pro-tem Judge . A Court Commissioner would be able to preside over these calendars as well as covering for certain other needs in which we need to call in a pro-tem . This is due to the number of hearings, jury trials and exparte hearing, as well as the after hour calls when the Judge is not available . Court Commissioners shall have such power, authority, and jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters as the appointing judges possess and shall prescribe, except that when serving as a commissioner, the commissioner does not have authority to preside over trials in criminal matters, or jury trials in civil matters unless agreed to on the record by all parties. The Court Commissioner would be paid at the hourly rate of $ 75 . 00 per hour. Detail Accounts : for Department 00101000000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount DISTRICT COURT 001 . 000000 . 100.000. 512 .40. 510011 . 0000 . 00 SALARY INCREASE 78,000, 00 001 . 000000 . 100. 000 . 512 . 40. 520010 . 0000 . 00 - L& I L& i INCREASE 169. 00 001 .000000 . 100 . 000 .512.40 , Medical/Dental INCREASE 91223 , 00 001.000000. 100 . 000. 512.40 .520020 .0000.00 -SSI SSI INCREASE 5,967 .00 001.000000. 100.000.512.40 . RETIREMENT INCREASE 7,995 .00 001 .000000. 100.000. 512 .40.520045 . 0000. 00 - FMLA FMLA INCREASE 115 .00 101,469 .00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : II Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX .XXX .XXX , 00161004000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Judicial Support Specialist Project Description (30 Words) Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc. ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 771561 ,00 Net Impact $ (77, 561.00) Narrative District Court is requesting an additional full time FTE Judicial Support Specialist, District Court performs many of the same duties of the County Clerks office and the Superior Court Administration office . District Court has 6 staff ( not including the Judge, Administrator and Assistant Administrator) doing court, processing calendars, assisting the public, receipting, collections, etc . . We are struggling to maintain this staff level due to the high level of stress this is creating. In the past several years we have had a steady exodus of experienced staff members leave for other job opportunities, per their exit interviews their stated reasons for leaving where much less stress and higher pay. The high volume workload in District Court creates low self-esteem, low moral and increased time off. We are also struggling to comply with statutorily required deadlines, as our calendars are larger we have less experienced staff and therefore the processing takes more time . Detail Accounts : for Department 00101000000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 . 000000 . 100.000 512 . 40. 510022 . 0000 .00 SALARY INCREASE 501982 ,00 001 , 000000 , 100 , 000 521 .40 . 520010 .0000.00 L& I INCREASE 411 .00 001 ,000000, 100 , 000 521 ,40 , 520020,0000,00 S51 INCREASE 31900,00 00140000004100,000 521 ,40,520030,0000,00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 5, 225 .00 001.000000. 100.000 521.40.520040.0000 .00 MEDICIAL INCREASE 16,968 , 00 001.000000. 100.000 521 .40. 520045 . 0000 . 00 FMLA INCREASE 75 . 00 77, 561 , 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX , 001 , 100,000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) PRO-TEM Project Description ( 30 Words ) PRO-TEM Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc. ) 3 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 89,478 , 00 Net Impact $ (891478 .00) Narrative PLEASE NOTE - IF THE FUNDING FOR THE COURT COMMISSIONER IS APPROVED THIS BUDGET LINE WILL BE REDUCED TO A TOTAL OF $ 23,400 if the Court Commissioner position is NOT approved, the District Court will need to increase the Judge Pro tern Budget as shown above . District Court currently has two courtrooms in session every Monday morning , Thursday afternoon and all day on Fridays . Trials in which a Pro tem is needed or when we have multiple calendars/trials running due to case overflow etc. Backlog of cases due to COVID 19 - will increase the number of hours a pro-tem is required . BREAKDOWN OF coverage is needed : Vacation ( 240 hrs), Sick leave (40 hrs), Conferences ( 48 hrs) Second Courtroom - M/T/F ( 16 hrs) Briefing/other - 24 hrs, and review files/write opinions (4 hrs) for a total of 1536 hrs @ $ 75 .00 per hour. ( 115, 200) Having an appointed Court Commissioner would reduce staff time spent on contacting and/or scheduling Pro tem judges as needed . Detail Accounts : for Department 00191000000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 , 000000, 100,000 512.40 . 510620.0000.00 PRO-TEM INCREASE 89,478 , 00 INCLUDES BENEFITS FOR ALL PRO-TEM CALLED IN COURT HAS A POOL OF PRO-TEMS THAT WE HAVE TO CALL TO GET COVERAGE 89, 478. 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 001.000000, 000 . 6--001 . 100.000 / A -- 001 , 100, 173 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters) CHIEF DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR Chief Deputy Administrator ( NOTE : this position will be paid as a . 6 in District Court and a .4 in District Court Probation ) Project Description (30 Words) Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc . ) 4 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact (no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact (no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 103, 864 ,00 Net Impact $ ( 103, 864 ,00) Narrative We are requesting a Chief Deputy Administrator - Non-union position . The current Administrative Assistant position is a UNION position, therefore cannot assume the Management duties of the Court Administrator including the hiring, discipline and/or terminating of employees as well as other management duties. This position is needed to assist the Court Administrator with some of her day to day responsibilities and assume ALL duties and responsibilities of the Administrator in Administrator's absences . Currently it would be inappropriate to assign or teach any of the Administrator's management duties to current staff as they are Union members . Consequently in the event the Court Administrator is unable to perform her duties, no one is available to step into the position . Some of the major duties include but are not limited to : Assigns, supervises and evaluates the work of assigned staff, conducts performance evaluations and makes decisions regarding the hiring, transfer, promotion or termination of staff, approves and implements disciplinary actions as warranted . Many of these tasks cannot be assigned to anyone currently in the District Court staff as we would violate the current Union Contract were we to do so . As a result, we have no backup for the District Court Administrator, THIS POSITIONS IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS : .6 DISTRICT COURT / A DISTRICT COURT PROBATION , Detail Accounts : for Department . 6--001 . 100. 000 / A 001 . 100. 173 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 ,000000, 100 ,000 512,40,510022,0000,00 SALARY INCREASE 44, 206 ,00 001 ,000000, 100,000 521 ,40,520010 ,0000 ,00 L& I INCREASE 247 .00 001 ,000000 , 100,000 521 ,40 , 520020,0000,00 SSI INCREASE 3, 382.00 001 ,000000 , 100,000 521 ,40 , 520030,0000,00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 41531 ,00 001 .000000. 100.000 521 .40,520040,0000,00 MEDICAL INCREASE 10, 181 .00 001 ,000000, 100 .000 521 .40.520045 ,0000,00 FMLA INCREASE 65 .00 62, 612 ,00 001 .000000, 100 . 173 523 .33 ,510022 .0000400 Wages INCREASE 29,471 .00 001 .000000. 100. 173 .523 .33 .520010 .0000 .00 L&I INCREASE 164.00 001 .000000 , 100, 173 .523 . 334520020.0000.00 SSI INCREASE 21255 ,00 001 .000000 . 100. 173 .523 .33 . 520030.0000.00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 3, 021 .00 001 .000000. 100 . 173 .523 .33 .520040.0000.00 MEDICAL/DENTAL INCREASE 61298 ,00 001 .000000. 100 . 173 .523 .33 .520045 .0000.00 FMLA INCREASE 43 .00 41, 252.00 103,864 .00 103864 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 001-000000 . 173 0014100,000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Project Description ( 30 Words) Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc . ) 5 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 4/ 960000 Net Impact $ (41960. 00) Narrative Increase in the cost and demand for supplies needed to run the Court. Detail Accounts : for Department 00151004000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 . 000000. 100. 000. 512 .40. 531010. 0000. 00 Office Supplies INCREASE 41960 , 00 4/ 960000 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX .XXX.XXX. 0010100 , 000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) SMALLTOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS AND MINOR EQUIPMENT Project Description (30 Words ) Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc . ) 6 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 21275 , 00 Net Impact $ (21275400) Narrative Desk for Judge/staff - 1500. 00 Chairs - 600 . 00 other misc . - 175 .00 Detail Accounts : for Department 00101001000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 . 000000 , 100 , 000512.40. 531020. 0000 . 00 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP INCREASE 2, 275 .00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX.XXX .XXX. 0010100 , 000 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters) IT TRACKABLE IT TRACKABLE - COMPUTER, PRINTERS, ETC, Project Description ( 30 Words) Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 7 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 21500 ,00 Net Impact $ ( 21500.00) Narrative LAPTOP COMPUTER - 1500,00 Printer - 500 Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 100 . 000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 . 000000 . 100.000 512 . 40 . 535098. 0000 .00 COMPUTER INCREASE 21000,00 001 .000000 . 100.000 . 512 .40 . 535098 . 0000 . 00 PRINTER INCREASE 500.00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 541050 . 0000 . 00 0010100 , 000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) INTERPRETER INTERPRETERS Project Description (30 Words) Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 8 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 22, 000600 Net Impact $ (22, 000.00) Narrative BACKLOG DUE TO COVID HAS REDUCED TO A SMALL DEGREE . HOWEVER, THERE IS AN INCREASE IN OUR NON ENGLISH SPEAKING DEFENDANTS AND LANGUAGES NEEDED, THERE IS ALSO AN INCREASE IN WHATTHEY ARE CHARGING FOR HOURLY RATES AND MINIMUM HOURS BILLED. TRIALS REQUIRE TWO INTERPRETERS AND A MINIMUM OF 8 HOURS PER DAY - THESE TRIALS AVERAGE TWO DAYS IN WHICH WE NEED TO SECURE INTERPRETERS . Detail Accounts : for Department 00101006000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000 . 100 . 000.512 . 40. 541050 . 0000.00 INTERPRETER INCREASE 22,000.00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 001 , 100 , 173 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters) INTERPRETER INTERPRETERS Project Description ( 30 Words) Project Number ( 1, 21 3, etc . ) 9 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 1/000000 Net Impact $ ( 11000, 00) Narrative PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LINE FOR INTERPRETER COSTS FOR PROBATION . More non-english speaking defendants are placed on probation therefore the need for interpreters . This is separate from the needs of Court Interpeter Services . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 100 . 173 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001.000000. 100 . 173 . 523 . 33 .541040. 0000 . 00 INTERPRETER INCREASE 1/000000 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX.XXX , XXX , 0016100.000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) COURT COMMISSIONER - .5 FTE Project Description (30 Words) . 5 Court Commissioner - @ 75 . 00 per hour Project Number ( 11 2, 3, etc. ) 1 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 0.5 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease S 101,469.00 Net Impact S ( 101,469.00) Narrative On September 22, 19930 the Board of County Commissioners signed County Ordinance 93A-93 2.40.050 staling "The District Court shall have the authority to appoint District Court Commissioners and Judge Pro tempore. In 1995, the Judge chose not to fill the Court Commissioners position as the need was not justified at that time. However, over the past several years the need for a Court Commissioner has increased and at this time the District Court is requesting the funding to fill a . 5 FTE Court Commissioner. Historically we have had a judicial need of 1 . 5 and higher. The District Court Commissioner would be appointed by the Presiding Judge in District Court . We currently have two Courts in session on Mondays, Thursdays and all day on Fridays in which we need to schedule a Pro-tem Judge . A Court Commissioner would be able to preside over these calendars as well as covering for certain other needs in which we need to call in a pro- tem. This is due to the number of hearings, jury trials and exparle hearing, as well as the after hour calls when the Judge is not available. Court Commissioners shall have such power, authority, and jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters as the appointing judges possess and shall prescribe, except that when serving as a commissioner, the commissioner does not have authority to preside over trials in criminal matters, or jury trials in civil matters unless agreed to on the record by all parties. The Court Commissioner would be paid at the hourly rate of $ 75 .00 per hour. Detail Accounts : for Department 001, 1006000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount DISTRICT COURT 001.000000. 100.000. 512 .40. 510011.0000.00 SALARY INCREASE 78,000.00 001.000000. 100.000.512 .40.520010.0000.00 • L&I L&i INCREASE 169.00 001.000000. 100.000.512.40. Medical/Dental INCREASE % 223.00 001. 000000. 1009000.512 ,40.520020 .0000.00 •SSI SSI INCREASE 5,967.00 001 .000000. 100.000.512.40, RETIREMENT INCREASE 70995.00 001.000000. 100.000.512 .40.S20045.0000.00 - FMLA FMLA INCREASE 115,00 101,469.00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co. mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 2022 - ANTICIPATED PAYROLL COST OF JUDGE PRO-TEMS ( not including Benefits ) 75.00_per hr VACATION 240 hours $18,000.00 $9,000.00 9000 can be removed with CC SICK LEAVE 40 hours $3,000.00 $3,000.00 3000 can be removed with cc CONFERENCES 6 days x 8 hours (48 hrs) $3,600.00 TRIALS 18 trials x 8 hours ( 144 hrs) $ 10.800.00 2ND COURT Monday Morning 52 weeks x 4 hours (268) $ 152600.00 $151600.00 4 15660 can be removed with cc Thursday afternoon 52 weeks x 4 hours (208 hrs $ 15,600,00 $15,600.00 15600 can be removed with cc Friday - all day 52 weeks x 8 hours (416) $31 ,200.0'0 $31,200.00 31200 can be removed with cc File Reviews/Administativc 52 weeks x 4 hours (208 hrs) $ 15,600.00 $15,600.00 15600 can be removed with cc Miscellaneous 24 hrs $ 1 ,800.00 $1,806.00 1800can be removed with cc Budget briefings etc. _ _ . — TOTAL: $ 115,200600 $910800.00 $91,800.00 Value of Court Commissioner $23,400.00 Protem budget with court commissioner Superior Court - Hrly rate Court Commissioner _ Judge Pro-tern 2022 BUDGET WORKSHEET _ PROTEM hours breakdown .xisx DISTRICT COURT COMMISSIONER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This agreement is between ( Commissioner) , and Mason County District Court ( Court) . The parties to this agreement , is consideration of the terms and conditions set out below, agree as follows : Section One — District court commissioners Appointment—Qualifications—Term of office . Pursuant to RCW 3 .42 , 10 , The Court hereby appoints as District Court Commissioner for a term beginning January 1 , 2022 and ending December 31 , 2022 , and he/she hereby accepts such appointment and agrees to act as District Court Commissioner pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein . RCW 3 . 42 . 010 — When so authorized by the districting plan, one or more district court commissioners may be appointed in any district by the judges of the district . Each commissioner shall be a registered voter of the county in which the district or a portion thereof is located , and shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointing judges . Any person appointed as a commissioner authorized to hear or dispose of cases shall be a lawyer who is admitted to the practice of law in the State of Washington . Section two — Responsibilities and Duties of Commissioner 1 . Pursuant to RCW 3 . 42 . 020 , " Each district court commissioner shall have such power, authority, and jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters as the appointing judges possess and shall prescribe, except that when serving as a commissioner, the commissioner does not have authority to preside over trials in criminal matters , or jury trials in civil matters unless agreed to on the record by all parties . " 2 . Commissioner shall perform his or her duties under the direction of, and in accordance with the policies , procedures and timelines established by the Court . 3 . Commissioner' s work schedule shall be 20 hours per week ( . 5 FTE) , normal to be scheduled during regular business hours of Monday through Friday during the hours of 8 : 00 a. m . to 5 : 00 p . m . Additional hours outside regular court hours may be required as other scheduled . 4 . Commissioner shall regularly preside over court dockets including but not limited to : • Domestic Violence and Anti - harassment orders • Ex parte matters • Civil matters • Criminal matters including AOP, Recusal and Conflict cases ( except trials unless agreed upon by all parties) 5 . During the hours established by the work schedule here, Commissioner may also be required to perform other duties ' such as , • Review and Issuance of Search warrants hear as needed . 6 . Commissioner will successfully complete the Washington Judicial College and shall comply with Continuing Judicial Education requirements as set out in GR 26 . SECTION THREE — Compensation Pursuant to RCW 3 . 42 . 40 , County agrees to pay Commissioner for the work set out in the schedule herein a salary at the rate of 75 . 00 per hour at a . 5 FTE per month . SECTION FOUR — Benefits/Deductions Commissioner shall be eligible for all benefits available to Mason County Employees within Chapters 6 ( Benefits) and 7 (Leaves) of the Mason County Personnel Policies . Commissioners shall receive the same insurance premium contribution as regular full -time employees . Deductions by County from Commissioner ' s pay will include applicable taxes, an amount equal to an employee ' s contribution for applicable benefits and other deductions required by federal and state law . SECTION FIVE — Integration Clause This agreement embodies the whole agreement between the parties . This agreement shall supersede all previous communications , representations or agreements , either verbal or written , between the parties . SECTION SIX — Written Modification as Necessary There may be no modification of this agreement, except in writing, executed with the same formalities as this instrument. SECTION SEVEN - Termination The Court Commissioner may be removed by the Washington State Supreme Court. Additionally, the District Court Judge or Court Commissioner may terminate this agreement for any reason upon thirty ( 30) days written notice delivered to the other party . Signed this day of , 20 MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT GEORGE A . STEELE , Judge Signed this day of , 20 Commissioner ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I , , acknowledge receipt of a copy of Mason County ' s Non -Discrimination and Harassment Policy (chapter 12 of the Personnel Policies) . I shall abide by this policy and that of state and federal laws that precluded discrimination on origin , ethnicity , age , sex , marital status , veteran ' s status , sexual orientation , or disability ( know or perceived ) . Date : Signed : Commissioner I Chapter 3 . 42 RCW ; DISTRICT COURT COMMISSIONERS Page l of 0 V Chapter Listing I RCW Dispositions Chapter 3 .42 RCW DISTRICT COURT COMMISSIONERS Sections 3 . 42 . 010 District court commissioners—Appointment—Qualifications—Term of office . 3 . 42 . 020 Powers of commissioners—Limitations , 3 . 42 . 040 Compensation , RCW 142 . 010 District court commissioners—Appointment—Qualifications—Term of office . When so authorized by the districting plan , one or more district court commissioners may be appointed in any district by the judges of the district . Each commissioner shall be a registered voter of the county in which the district or a portion thereof is located , and shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointing judges . Any person appointed as a commissioner authorized to hear or dispose of cases shall be a lawyer who is admitted to the practice of law in the state of Washington or who has passed the qualifying examination for lay judges as provided under RCW 3 . 34 . 060 . [ 1984 c 258 § 30 ; 1980 c 162 § 7 ; 1961 c 299 § 31 . ] NOTES : Court Improvement Act of 1984—Effective dates—Severability—short title-1984 c 258 : See notes following RCW 3 . 30 . 010 . Severability- 1980 c 162 : See note following RCW 10260106 District court commissioners bond: RCW 3. 34. 0900 oath : RCW 3. 34. 080. RCW 3 . 41020 Powers of commissioners— Limitations . htips ://app . leg. wa . gov/ RCW/default . aspx9cite=3 .42& full=true 8/ 10/2021 Chapter 3 .42 RCW : DISTRICT COURT COMMISSIONERS Page 2 of 2 Each district court commissioner shall have such power, authority , and jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters as the appointing judges possess and shall prescribe , except that when serving as a commissioner , the commissioner does not have authority to preside over trials in criminal matters , or jury trials in civil matters unless agreed to on the record by all parties . [ 2008 c 227 § 6 ; 1984 c 258 § 31 ; 1979 ex . s . c 136 § 16 ; 1961 c 299 § 32 . ] NOTES ; Effective date—Subheadings not law-2008 c 227 : See notes following RCW 150M39 Court Improvement Act of 1984—Effective dates—Severability—Short title-1984 c 258 : See notes following RCW 3 . 30 . 0109 Effective date—Severability-1979 ex . s . c 136 : See notes following RCW 46 . 63 . 010 . RCW 142 . 040 Compensation . District court commissioners shall receive such compensation as the county legislative authority or city council shall provide . ( 1984 c 258 § 33 ; 1969 ex . s . c 66 § 4 ; 1961 c 299 § 34 . ] NOTES . Court Improvement Act of 1984—Effective dates—Severability—Short title--1984 c 258 : See notes following RCW 3 . 30 . 010 . District court commissioners salary: RCW 3. 58. 030. travel expenses: RCW 3. 58 . 0400 hnps : Happ . leg . wa . gov/RCW/default . aspx?cite =3 .42& full= true 8/ 10/2021 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 001 . 000000 . 000 6• -001 . 100.000 / .4 -- 001 . 300. 173 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) CHIEF DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR Chief Deputy Administrator ( NOTE : this position will be paid as a . 6 in District Court and a .4 in District Court Probation ) i Project Description ( 30 Words) Project Number ( 11 21 31 etc. ) 2 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 103,864 .00 Net Impact 5 ( 103,864 .00) Narrative We are requesting a Chief Deputy Administrator - Non-union position . The current Administrative Assistant position is a UNION position, therefore cannot assume the Management duties of the Court Administrator including the hiring, discipline and/or terminating of employees as well as other management duties. This position is needed to assist the Court Administrator with some of her day to day responsibilities and assume ALL duties and responsibilities of the Administrator in Administrator' s absences. Currently it would be inappropriate to assign or teach any of the Administrator's management duties to current staff as they are Union members. Consequently in the event the Court Administrator is unable to perform her duties, no one is available to step into the position . Some of the major duties include but are not limited to : Assigns, supervises and evaluates the work of assigned staff, conducts performance evaluations and makes decisions regarding the hiring, transfer, promotion or termination of staff, approves and implements disciplinary actions as warranted . Many of these tasks cannot be assigned to anyone currently in the District Court staff as we would violate the current Union Contract were we to do so. As a result, we have no backup for the District Court Administrator, THIS POSITIONS IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: .6 DISTRICT COURT / .4 DISTRICT COURT PROBATION . i Detail Accounts : for Department 6--001 . 100 . 000 / . 4 - - 001 . 100 . 173 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000. 100=0 512.40.510022.0000.00 SALARY INCREASE 44,206.00 001 ,000000. 100.000 521.40.520010.0000.00 L& I INCREASE 247.00 001 .000000. 100.000 521 .40.520020.0000.00 SSI INCREASE 3,382 .00 001 .000000. 100.000 521.40.520030 .0000.00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 4 ,531 .00 0014000000. 100.000 521.40.520040.0000.00 MEDICIAL INCREASE _ 10, 181 .00 001 .000000. 100.000 521.40.520045.0000.00 FMLA INCREASE 65 .00 001 .000000. 100. 173 S23. 33 .510022 .0000.00 Wages INCREASE _ 29,471 .00 001 .000000. 100. 173 .S23 .33 .520010.0000.00 L& I INCREASE 164 .00 001 .000000. 100. 173 . 523 . 33 .520020.0000.00 SSI INCREASE 2, 255.00 001 .000000. 100. 173 . 523 .33 .520030.0000.00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 3,021.00 001 .000000. 100. 173 . 523 .33. 520040.0000.00 MEDICAL/DENTAL PNCREASE 60298,00 001 .000000 . 100. 173 . 523 .33 . 520045 .0000. LA JINCREASE 43,00 103,864.00 oy�oizaz � Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date i Please email completed forms to: jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICTCOURT Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX , 00101006000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Judicial Support Specialist i Project Description ( 30 Words ) Project Number ( 1 , 2 , 3 , etc . ) 3 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease 1 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 76,961 .00 Net Impact $ (76,961 .00) Narrative District Court is requesting an additional full time FTE Judicial Support Specialist, District Court performs many of the same duties of the County Clerks office and the Superior Court Administration office . District Court has 6 staff (not including the Judge, Administrator and Assistant Administrator) doing court, processing calendars, assisting the public, receipting, collections, etc.. We are struggling to maintain this staff level due to the high level of stress this is creating. In the past several years we have had a steady exodus of experienced staff members leave for other job opportunities, per their exit interviews their stated reasons for leaving where much less stress and higher pay. The high volume workload in District Court creates low self-esteem, low moral and increased time off. We are also struggling to comply with statutorily required deadlines, as our calendars are larger we have less experienced staff and therefore the processing takes more time. Detail Accounts : for Department 001 , 100 , 000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000. 100.000 512.40.510022 .0000.00 SALARY INCREASE 44,206.00 001 .000000. 100.000 521AM20010.0000.00 L&I INCREASE 247.00 001.000000A00.000 521AM20020.0000.00 SSI INCREASE 3 ,382 .00 001.000000. 100 .000 521.40.520030.0000.00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 4 ,531 .00 001.000000. 100.000 521.40.520040.0000.00 MEDICIAL INCREASE 9,821.00 001 .000000. 100.000 521.40. 520045.0000.00 FMLA INCREASE G5.00 62, 252.00 I Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to: jb@co. mason .wa .us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICTCOURT Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX . 001 , 100,000 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) PRO -TEM Project Description ( 30 Words) PRO-TEM Project Number ( 1, 2 , 3, etc . ) 4 FTF. Impact Increase / Decrease 0 Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 890478.00 Net Impact $ (89 , 478.00) Narrative PLEASE NOTE - IF THE FUNDING FOR THE COURT COMMISSIONER IS APPROVED THIS BUDGET LINE WILL BE REDUCED TO A TOTAL OF $ 23,400 if the Court Commissioner position is NOT approved, the District Court will need to increase the Judge Pro tem Budget as shown above . District Court Currently has two courtrooms in session every Monday morning„ Thursday afternoon and all day on Fridays . Trials in which a Pro tem is needed or when we have multiple calendars/trials running due to case overflow etc. Backlog of cases due to COVID 19 - will increase the number of hours a pro - tern is required . BREAKDOWN OF coverage is needed : Vacation ( 240 firs), Sick leave ( 40 firs), Conferences ( 48 firs) Second Courtroom - M/T/F ( 16 firs ) Briefing/other - 24 firs, and review files/write opinions (4 firs ) for a total of 1536 firs @ $ 75 . 00 per hour. ( 115, 200) Having an appointed Court Commissioner would reduce staff time spent on contacting and/or scheduling Pro tem judges as needed . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 1000000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 ,000000, 100,000 512, 40. 510620.0000 .00 PRO -TEM INCREASE 890478, 00 INCLUDES BENEFITS FOR ALL PRO-TEM CALLED IN COURT HAS A POOL OF PRO -TEMS THAT WE HAVE TO CALL TO GET COVERAGE 89,478.00 Department r fficial Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX . XXX . XXX , 00161004000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS AND MINOR EQUIPMENT Project Description ( 30 Words ) Project Number ( i , 21 3 , etc . ) 5 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease S 21275 , 00 Net Impact S ( 20275 , 00 ) Narrative Desk for Judge/staff - 1500. 00 Chairs - 600 . 00 other mist . - 175 .00 Detail Accounts : for Department 00101000000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 . 0000009100 , 000512 . 40 . 53102090000 ,00 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP INCREASE 2, 275 . 00 Department Hea or E ect al Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to: jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number XXX .XXX . XXX . 0014100,000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) ITTRACKABLE IT TRACKABLE - COMPUTER, PRINTERS, ETC , Project Description ( 30 Words ) Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) 6 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 2. , 500.00 Net Impact $ ( 2, 500,00) Narrative LAPTOP COMPUTER - 1500. 00 Printer - 500 Detail Accounts : for Department 00101009000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000. 100.000512 , 40,53509860000, 00 COMPUTER INCREASE 2, 000.00 001 . 000000, 100 ,000,512f40,535098 , 0000 , 00 PRINTER INCREASE 500.00 Department Head or ected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co. mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 541050, 0000, 00 001 , 100.000 Project Name Short Description (30 Characters ) INTERPRETER INTERPRETERS Project Description ( 30 Words ) Project Number ( 11 21 3, etc. ) 7 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease 5 110731, 00 Net Impact 5 ( 110731 ,00) Narrative BACKLOG DUE TO COVID HAS REDUCED TO A SMALL DEGREE , HOWEVER, THERE IS AN INCREASE IN OUR NON ENGLISH SPEAKING DEFENDANTS AND LANGUAGES NEEDED, THERE IS ALSO AN INCREASE IN WHAT THEY ARE CHARGING FOR HOURLY RATES AND MINIMUM HOURS BILLED , TRIALS REQUIRE TWO INTERPRETERS AND A MINIMUM OF A HOURS PER DAY - THESE TRIALS AVERAGE TWO DAYS IN WHICH WE NEED TO SECURE INTERPRETERS . Detail Accounts : for Department 001 . 1006000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000. 100.000 .512. 40.541050.0000.00 INTERPRETER INCREASE 11 , 731 ,00 Department Head or c icial Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason . wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only: Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICT COURT Fund Number 001-000000 . 173 001 . 100 . 000 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters) OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Project Description ( 30 Words ) Project Number ( 1 , 21 3 , etc . ) 8 FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives ) Increase / Decrease $ 4 , 960 . 00 Net Impact $ ( 4 , 960 . 00 ) Narrative Increase in the cost and demand for supplies needed to run the Court. Detail Accounts : for Department 00161006000 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 , 000000 , 100 , 173 523 , 33 , 51002290000 , 00 Wages INCREASE 290471 ,00 001 .000000 . 100 . 173 .523 . 33 . 520010 . 0000. 00 L& I INCREASE 164. 00 001 . 000000 . 100 . 173 . 523 . 33 . 520020 . 0000. 00 SSI INCREASE 2 , 255 . 00 001 . 000000 . 100 . 173 . 523 . 33 . 520030 . 0000. 00 STATE RETIREMENT INCREASE 3,021 . 00 001 . 000000 . 100 . 173 . 523 . 33 .520040. 0000. 00 MEDICAL/DENTAL INCREASE 6 , 298 . 00 001 . 000000 . 100. 173 . 523 . 33 . 520045 .0000 . 00 FMLA INCREASE 43 . 00 41 , 252. 00 Department Head or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . masonsva . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by SOCC Date Notes : Page 1 of 1 Mason County 2022 Budget Policy Level Request Form Budget Level 4 Fund or Department Name DISTRICTCOURT Fund Number 001 , 100. 173 Project Name Short Description ( 30 Characters ) INTERPRETER INTERPRETERS Project Description ( 30 Words) Project Number ( 1, 2, 3, etc . ) g FTE Impact Increase / Decrease Revenue Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease Expenditure Dollar Impact ( no negatives) Increase / Decrease $ 10000,00 Net Impact $ ( 1,000.00 ) Narrative PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LINE FOR INTERPRETER COSTS FOR PRORATION . More non- english speaking defendants are placed on probation therefore the need for interpreters. This is separate from the needs of Court Interpeter Services, Detail Accounts : for Department 001. 100 . 173 BARS Description Increase Decrease Amount 001 .000000 , 100. 173 .523 . 33 . 541040. 0000.00 INTERPRETER INCREASE 10000400 Departr d or Elected Official Requesting this Project Date Please email completed forms to : jb@co . mason .wa . us in Excel format Budget Office Use Only : Accepted / Denied by BOCC Date Notes: Page 1 of 1 Financial Analysis & 2022 Budtet Request Department . District Court 001 - I00 - 000 Elected Oflicial /Department Heads George , 4illdv / Patricia A . Robinson , Administrator• ' 14wwor� Mission of Department : The mission of the Mason County District Court is to administer justice with fairness , equality and integrity, to resolve matters before the court in a timely manner with trained and motivated staff'. To provide impartial , courteous and prompt service in a manner that inspires public trust and confidence. Objective : The Court ' s objective is to process all cases in an efficient manner as required by law . These inciude Traffic and non-traflic infractions, Criminal Misdemeanors and Gross Misdemeanors, Civil Claims up to $ 100 , 000 , Small Claims up to $ 10 . 000 , Parking cases , Vehicle Impounds , Dangerous Dog hearings , Anti - harassment , Domestic Violence , Sexual Assault and Stalking protection orders and name change orders . The court also reviews and processes Felony and Misdemeanor search warrants, probable cause hearings and request I'm Protection Orders (luring business 11OLlies and non - business hours . The Court is responsible for the collection and distribution of fines, costs , fees and restitution paid through the courts ; monitoring time- pay agreements ; and preparing cases for collection assignment . District Court staff monitors criminal defendants ' compliance with court orders , and assists with the Probation department as needed , District Court accomplishments during 2021 a • Due to the Pandenlic we have all been challenged to think outside the box and come up with creative ways to do get our job done as the courts are considered essential . In 20720 , the Supreme Court ordered that the courts not have in person hearings , therefore the court had to figure out a way for us to continue mandatory hearings . We began using ZOOM to hold our court hearings, Monday thru Friday . This is still continuing in 2021 , until the Supreme Court chooses to rescind its emergency order. Although this has presented some challenges, we are doing our best to make it work . '( here needs to be a " I lost" to start the meeting, identify those that are not identified when they join the meeting and be there for all questions the Judge may have during the session . Page 1 of 12 As the courtroom clerk is unable to perform her courtroom duties and " Host" the ZOOM meeting, another staff member must open the ZOOM meeting and identify parties prior to the judge joining and starting court . The clerk must remain on the meeting to identify late comers and assist the Judge as needed during the session . This limits the " Host" from being able to do his/her regular job duties efficiently . At this time , the Administrator is the " Host" for the ZOOM meeting as we do not have extra staff to assign to this duty which has increased the Administrator ' s and staffs workload . • During the pandemic , District Court has remained open to the public with services so that we are able to serve the Public as needed . • On July 27 and 28 " m 2020 , we held our first Jury trial since the pandemic . Some of the challenges included : o Setting up a "checkin " station for the Bailiff — the hallway in the courthouse is not large enough to maintain the 6 " social distancing, o The court does not have a large enoughjury assembly room to assemble all jurors and maintain social distancing. Jurors were set up in the second courtroom , District Court jury assembly room and the Superior Court jury assembly room . This meant that if we had two courts going that day we had to find another location for the second court . o The courtroom is not large enough — we could only bring in 9 jurors at one time to do the Voir Dire and start the selection process o Although having sufficient space was a challenge, it was successful . Year to date , we have held numerous jury trials and only Chelan County has conducted more , on a court of limited jurisdiction level . o As a result of State v . Gelinas , we have had to adjust how we manage our Jury trials where we formally start the trial but schedule a date to select ajury and present evidence . Nevertheless, we are in much better shape in reduction of backlogs than almost all other counties, due in pail to Mason County not closing it doors . • Continued to provide ongoing access to Justice in a timely, professional manner to the extent possible with current staffing levels . This has been a struggle as the level of stress , due to the number of staff and the compensation has resulted in a steady migration of people to other jobs, particularly Thurston County District Court . • Mason County District Court expects to process approximately 6686 new filings in 2021 based on the first 5 months ' average . However, this could increase or decrease depending on Law Enforcement and Prosecuting Attorney Filings , Page 2 of 12 • Received , entered , processed orders and file all documents ( Criminal and Civil ) for all Court cases . • Receipted all monies for case filings, court actions and judgments , legal financial obligations , etc . In the first 5 months of 2021 , District Court has deposited with the County Treasurer approximately $ 741 , 581 in State and Local revenue in which $ 420 , 603 went to county current expense . ( Note : this includes all current expense collected and deposited with the county treasurer and may not reflect in the courts budget) . Please note that with the new legislation that passed and becomes effective on June 6 , 2018 the amount of revenue collected could be substantially less . • The anticipated hearings held for 2021 ( based on the first 5 months ) will be approximatley 12 , 548 . • As of September 2015 , the District Court implemented a Local Court Rule that authorized infraction hearings by mail and/or email with the anticipation that it will improve access to justice to those that are unable to make court hearings as well as decrease court time . • District Court continues to work with the Superior Court Judges , Administrator and the County Clerk ' s office, in management of Court Improvement funds, courthouse security and development of programs to improve access to justice . • District court has been holding court sessions in the Basement courtroom ( LL I ) since approximately October of 2013 . We also utilize the second courtroom LL2 since its completion . We currently use courtroom LL2 approximately 3 . 3 days per week . Additionally, we have made use of Building 10 to conduct the jury trials and have started using if for the jury call Calendar and the Interpreter calendars . There are times in which we need a third courtroom and currently utilize Building 10 or the office in the Basement. • With the use of Courtroom LL2 and the additional pro -tem budget, the court has reconfigured its calendaring to eliminate the overlapping calendars and provide enough time to give every case on a given calendar the time needed . We are having to expand our interpreter calendars as they are taking much longer to hear and process . It has become common for the calendars to go past five o ' clock p . m . , resulting in more comp time being granted , which has to be allowed . We anticipate having MAM calendars at least twice a month in a . m . , Spanish and Kanjobal as well as other needed languages every Wednesday p . m . except for trial week. We also had interpreter cases go to trial which has forced the court to use interpreters much more . We had a trial with a MAM speaking defendant and had to have two interpreters who would switch off in twenty minutes intervals . This, by the way, the required standard . It has resulted in our expending our interpreter monies at a much higher rate than we anticipated . Page 3 of 12 o Courtroom LL1 - Court is held Monday — Friday from 8 : 30 - 4 : 30 ( or until calendars are complete ) o Courtroom LL2 — District Court holds a second court on Monday mornings, Thursday afternoons and every Friday afternoon for Protection orders , civil matters , small claims, Affidavit Calendars , etc . o We also use Courtroom LL2 anytime there is more than one court in session at one time . This would be due to case-overflow, when there a regular calendar and jury trial scheduled on the same date . o Probation Group and Intake meetings , MRT and DV MRT groups , etc , are also held in LL2 when the Jury Assembly room is in use or needed to maintain social distancing . At times we need to seek out additional space such as the Modular courtroom , Building 10 , commissioner chambers etc. , if the need arises . o Use of LL2 during our Interpreter calendars as an overflow courtroom for the interpreter calendars . • We continue to be available to work with the Facilities department , architects and other county officials during the remodeling and construction of the Building 10 . • The court continues to provide a forum for fair trials in a timely manner . It is believed that Mason County District Court is one of the first Courts of Limited Jurisdiction in the State to resume jury trials . For 2021 Year to date, as best we can determine , we had lead the State in the number of jury trials held in the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction . • In order to better serve the public the District court will continue to cross train staff members . Although this process takes time as there is a multitude of District Court responsibilities and information , we feel it is a best way to serve the Citizens of Mason County . The District Court has on a regular basis having to train new staff as experienced staff contines to leave Mason County employ for more money and less workload , particularly to Thurston County . This has been a pattern dating back for several years . • District Court assists probation with monitoring approximately 1269 (approx . 456 in warrant status ) criminal defendants on Unsupervised (monitored ) and Administrative probation . • District Court continues to accept Debit and Credit card payments at the counter, online and over the phone, therefore providing the public with more options for payment methods . • Maintained an effective working relationship with County Officials , County employees, as well as other agencies and the general public . • The Judge has authorized more staff responsibility for determining and setting up time payments . • Implemented Mandatory Dispute Resolution with all Small Claims cases , and optional in general civil cases Page 4 of 12 Goals for 20222 1 . ) Appoint a . 5 Court Commissioner . The Judicial needs assessment from the State Administrative Office of the Courts , has shown a judicial need for Mason County District Court ranging between 1 . 58 up to 1 . 78 and higher over the past several years . The court needs this positon or an increase in the Pro tern budget line . 2 . ) Receive approval to hire a Deputy Administrator. This position would assume ALL duties and responsibilities of the Administrator in Administrator' s absences . Many of these tasks cannot be assigned to anyone currently in the District Court as we would violate the current Union Contract were we to do so . Some of the major duties include but are not limited to ; a . Assigns , supervises staff b . Evaluates the work of assigned staff, c . Conducts performance evaluations, d . Makes decisions and/or recommendations regarding the hiring, transfer, promotion or termination of staff, e . Approves and implements disciplinary actions as warranted . 3 . ) Continue to provide professional service to all person ' s doing business with the District Court , 4 . ) Continue to collect and transmit revenues collected to the County Treasurer monthly, 5 . ) Continue the commitment to alternative to incarceration and find a long-term solution to jail housing . 6 . ) Continue to work with the County Commissioners to find and develop additional court space , including use of building 10 . 7 . ) Prepare for relocation of the District Court to Building 10 . 8 . ) Maintain an effective working relationship with County Officials , County employees as well as other agencies and the public . 9 . ) Enhance security for the public and staff. 10 . ) The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC ) continues to work towards a new case management system for the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction . Court staff will be working as a team to prepare for this conversion as time allows . 11 . ) We will be working with AOC to see if we can refine and streamline our work process, which in turn would be more cost effective . 12 . ) Continue to manage the court and court calendars as directed by the Supreme Court . The Goals listed above are not necessarily listed in order of priority. Page 6 of 12 Staffing/Expenditure/Revenue : Department : District Court Actual Actual Budget Requested EXPENDITURES 2019 2020 2021 2022 8 . 26 — including 10 . 76 Staffing (FTE ' s) elected judge 8026 — including 8 . 26 — including Includes Include the Judge elected judge elected judge elected judge flow chart attaehed Total Expenditures 8245059 . 56 9385819049 984 , 892 1 , 0121728 Budget Actual Actual Anticipated REVENUES 2019 2020 2021 2022 Projected Total Revenues 712 , 901 . 95 681 . 759 . 78 6759227 741 , l35 * * The impact of 2019 Legislative changes regarding indigent defendants HB 1783 could still affect the revenue amount anticipated . COVID 19 has had an impact on the 2020 Anticipated Revenues . WORKLOAD INDICATORS (number obtained from Caseload reports published by AOC ) 2021 * Projected — Based on first 5 months of 2021 FILINGS : INFRACTIONS MISDEMEANORS Civil DUUPhysieal Other Small Felony YEAR Traffic Non =Graf Non -Traf Protection Civil Parking TOTAL Control Traffic Claims Complaints Orders 2018 5088 199 283 344 341 226 1353 95 0 143 8072 2019 3900 169 263 293 264 190 1324 95 0 181 6679 2020 3114 308 244 242 286 166 1132 62 0 335 5889 2021 * 3394 266 341 394 226 180 1577 62 0 257 6696 CHARGES DISPOSED INFRACTIONS MISDEMEANORS Civil DUI/Physical Other Small Felony YEAR Traffic Non -Traf Non-Traf Protection Civil Parking TOTAL Control Traffic Claims Complaints Orders 2018 - 6258 250 373 565 603 198 1078 75 0 149 9549 2019 4836 198 345 458 554 176 1156 90 0 182 79985 2020 3660 387 260 383 350 150 957 46 0 344 6537 2021 * 3734 298 367 461 399 l61 1639 41 0 245 7334 Page 6 of 12 Workload Indicators continued : TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Show YEAR Filings Charges Committed FTR/FTA Paid Not Dismissed Deferred Contested Mitigated cause Other committed finding hearings hearings hearings hearing 2018 - 5088 6116 1328 2025 2316 84 505 534 414 411 0 2602 2019 3900 4568 977 1429 1824 42 564 399 373 235 0 2286 2020 3114 3554 616 1081 1480 39 444 357 366 172 0 1812 2021 * 3394 3900 547 1106 1620 48 413 206 425 156 0 1207 NON -TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Show YEAR Filings Charges Committed F'I' R/PTA Paid Not Dismissed Deferred Contested Mitigated cause Other committed finding hearings hearings hearings hearing 2018 199 232 95 0 131 6 18 250 13 18 0 21 2019 169 200 91 0 98 0 9 198 14 6 0 19 2020 308 390 121 0 257 1 8 387 8 16 0 17 2021 * 266 350 89 0 194 2 12 298 10 10 0 12 PARKING INFRACTIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Show YEAR Filings Charges Committed FTR/ F•I'A Paid Not Dismissed Total Contested Mitigated cause Other committed disposed hearings hearings hearings hearing 2018 - 143 145 69 0 68 6 6 149 14 8 0 16 Z019 181 181 94 0 75 3 10 182 14 8 0 23 2020 335 344 166 0 164 1 23 344 16 8 0 48 2021 * 257 257 72 0 156 0 17 245 10 7 0 5 DUI/Physical Control Misdemeanors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bail Not Reduced Skip to Arraign - Other DeferCases YEARF263 Charges Guilty Dismissed Jury Non-Jury Forfeit Guilty Amended Ree ment hearing pros. Appealed 2018 - 285 133 0 0 152 88 4 0 27 303 3138 27 3 2019 267 170 0 1 94 80 6 0 25 274 3064 27 2 2020 244 244 111 0 0 74 75 5 0 13 244 3151 16 2 2021 * 341 341 154 0 2 146 65 98 0 12 338 3871 26 2 Page 7of12 Workload Indicators continued : OTHER TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEAR Filings Charges Guilty Dismissed Jury Non -Jury Bail Not Skip to Arrnignment Other Defer pros . Cases Forfeit Guilty Rec hearing Appealed 2018 - 344 473 343 0 2 220 6 1 9 241 2872 15 0 2019 293 430 300 0 3 155 4 0 6 213 2107 20 1 2020 242 356 226 0 0 157 4 1 1 183 2225 7 1 2021 * 394 571 259 0 5 197 98 0 12 286 2611 24 0 NON =TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Violations Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * YEAR Filings Charges Guilty Bail Bail Not Non - Skip to Arraign- Other Defer pros. Cases Forfeit Guilty sed JuryJury Ree ment hearing Appealed 2018 - 341 470 23 0 7 366 25 2 61 279 2942 77 4 2019 264 345 205 0 5 344 17 2 32 244 3003 47 5 2020 286 367 148 0 6 196 18 0 25 258 2978 43 0 2021 * 226 305 134 0 12 242 130 0 55 221 3084 79 5 CIVIL CASE PROTECTION ORDERS : * * * Petitions Filed * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Petitions Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * Anti- Transferred Total Domestic Sexual TOTAL Ex Parte Full Order Other Denied YEAR harassment/ Granted To disposed Violence Assault FILED hearing Bench trial hearing or Dismissed Stalking Superior 2018 44 179 3 226 225 306 531 77 121 0 198 2019 27 160 3 190 115 246 361 76 100 0 176 2020 25 140 1 166 32 245 277 42 108 0 150 2021 * 26 151 2 180 58 226 283 58 103 0 161 CIVIL CASES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cases Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cases Other Other hearing Post YEAR Filed 1' re-trial Default After Trial Total Disposed Jury Trials Non -Jury Judgment Cases Appealed Writs 2018 1353 460 611 1 1078 0 26 1838 1330 0 2019 1324 505 648 3 1156 0 18 1970 1298 0 2020 1132 386 561 10 957 0 21 1392 899 0 2021 * 1577 715 917 7 1639 0 14 2086 1022 0 Page 8 of 12 it Workload Indicators continued : SMALL CLAIMS : * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Cases Disposed * * * * * * * * * * * * * YEAR Cases Default Other After Trial Disposed Transfer to Contested hearings Other Hearings Cases Appealed Filed Pre-trial Civil 2018 95 21 45 9 75 5 87 38 0 2019 95 9 42 39 90 6 118 32 0 2020 62 8 26 12 46 20 23 20 0 2021 * 62 10 26 5 41 14 31 43 0 JURY TRIALS SET AND HELD : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Misdemeanors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DUI/Physical Control Other Traffic Non -Traffic All Misdemeanors Civil All Jury "Trials YEAR Set field Set Held Set Held Set Held Set Held Set Field 2018 41 4 19 6 90 25 150 35 0 0 150 35 2019 813 6 670 4 832 17 2315 27 l 0 2316 27 2020 702 5 667 4 822 l8 2191 27 0 0 2191 27 2021 * 1306 10 1344 8 1361 24 4010 42 0 0 4010 62 • Increase in Jury Trials set — is due to the court now schedules a Jury trial at the first appearance. Due to State v. Gelinas — JTR were being shown as held at the Confirmation date — in July 2021 we started showing the hearings held only at the actual start of the Jury trial . Therefore the total trials held will be off with the AOC Report. NUN-JURY TRIALS SET AND HELD DUI/Physical Control Other Traffic Non -Traffic All Misdemeanors Civil All Jury Trials YEAR Set Held Set Held Set Held Set Held Set Field Set Held 2018 0 0 3 1 2 2 5 3 39 26 44 29 2019 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 2 38 18 42 20 2020 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 44 21 46 22 2021 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 14 29 14 APPEALS TO SUPERIOR COURT INFRACTIONS MISDENIEANORS YEAR Traffic Non Traffic DUI/Physical Other Traffic Non =Traffic Civil Small Sub Parking TOTAL Control Claims Total 2018 t 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 0 8 2019 0 0 2 1 5 0 0 8 0 8 2020 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 2021 * 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 7 0 7 Page 9 of 12 For more information regarding District Courts caseloads please see the caseload reports published by the Administrative Office of the Courts at http : //www . cou•ts . wa . gov/caseload / Workload Indicators continued : ➢ District Court receives and processes thousands of documents thru the mail and at the front counter . These do not reflect in the workload indicators above and are not available in any of the caseload reports provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts . These documents must be stamped in as received and processed by the Court staff. Staff must enter them into the case management system , pull the court Files, have the Judge review and sign if required , then enter a docket entry after judge reviews, file and disburse copies to all parties, and schedule hearings as required — this is a daily function of court staff along with attending court sessions , processing court calendars/orders , receipting, phones , counter etc . ➢ Public records requests — Court staff must respond to all records requests received per statue and/or GR 31 . In the first 6 months of 2021 , the court has received approximately 218 requests . ➢ After how• calls received by the judge from the Law enforcement officers seeking search warrants, probable cause , bail settings and no contact orders , etc . These calls average easily between 100 - 150 calls per year. District court posts and track monies posted for Civil Judgements , Bail and/or Bonds , fine payments Restitution and other payments posted into trust . We issue checks for Restitution payments , civil judgment payments, overpayments , and Bail refunds etc . , we maintain the Bank Account with the Columbia Bank , do monthly accounting reports , balances , reconciliations and report to the County Treasurer . 9 Remit unclaimed property to the Department of Revenue yearly . COURT MONITORED PROBATION : Approximately 1222 cases are on Monitored and/or Administrative Probation . Clerks must monitor conditions set by the court for compliance . Follow up with treatment agencies etc . , and notify Prosecutor and/or court regarding violations of conditions and schedule hearings , etc . 2022 Enhancements or Reduction ( Including funding sources if available) : We do not Dave sufficient staff to fulfill the requirements in a timely fashion as mandated and required by law . Public Records requests have doubled fi•om 2021 . As previously stated the court has historically had a judicial need of 1 . 5 and higher. The court staff also assists with the Probation office with answering phones , assisting the public, scheduling appointments, etc . when needed . At this time , we are requesting : Page 10 of 12 I . A . 5 FTE Court Coin miss ioner/Pro-tem Judge to be appointed by the District Court Judge . Increase hearings such as Exparte hearings and the fact that the judge is on call 24/7 , Hearings take longer and require more staff time using ZOOM format . The court has brought this need to the Commissioners attention in their Financial Analysis for the past several years ; the need continues . In 2020 , this court received $ 15 , 000 in extra pro-tem money, courtesy of the CARES ACT . We are not aware of any similar source of funding going into the future . 2 . Funding to Hire a Deputy Administrator, Nonunion positon . This position would be allocated between District Court and District Court Probation ( . 6 and . 4 ) . Will assist the Court administrator and assumes all duties in her absence . Assigns , supervises and evaluates the work of assigned staff; advises and trains staff or volunteers as necessary ; conducts performance evaluations and makes decisions regarding hiring, transfer, promotion or termination of staff, approves and implements disciplinary actions as warranted . Assist in organizing , coordinating and directing daily activities in the office , analyze and interprets written court orders to determine approximate procedures . Assist staff as needed . Assist in implementing Legislative changes and state mandates . Assist with the Financial/Accounting duties etc . One issue that we have is that there are many duties that the staff cannot carry out, much less be trained for, due to the employment contracts . 3 . District Court is requesting an additional full time FTE Judicial Support Specialist . District Court performs many of the same duties of those in the County Clerk ' s office and the Superior Court Administration office . District Court has 6 staff (not including the Judge, Administrator and Assistant Administrator) doing court, processing calendars , assisting the public , receipting, collections, processing Public Record requests, etc . . The current staff is amazing and work hard to get their duties done, however, we are struggling to maintain this staff level due to the high level of stress this is creating . In the past several years we have had a steady exodus of experienced staff members leave for otllet• job opportunities , per their exit interviews their stated reasons for leaving where much less stress and higher pay. The high volume workload in District Court creates low self-esteem , low morale and increased time off. We are also struggling to comply with statutorily required deadlines , as our calendars are larger we have less experienced staff and therefore the processing takes more time , 4 . We are looking into cost effective solutions to enhance space utilized by the court and improve the open case file storage and maintenance . Page 11 of 12 Other Explanations : Department : District Court Personnel Summary — FTE Flow Chart attached I have included the current FTE Flow chart as well as a Proposed FTE chart with the additional positions requested above . Building Maintenance/Remodel requests : ➢ Complete Building 10 for District Court to accommodate the needs of the District Court . If the transfer to the Building 10 does not occur or occurs later than anticipated , the court would request the following : ➢ Replace the carpet in the District Court and probation office areas as well as the carpet in the jury assembly room ➢ Paint the office spaces > Wash the Interior AND exterior windows of the Courthouse . Page 12 of 12 Finaneial Analysis & 2022 Budget Request Department : Probation Services / District Court 001 - 100 - 17 3 Elected Official/Department Head : George Steele , Judge Patricia A . Robinson , Administrator Mission Statement : Provide community supervision , as well as , evidence- based programs and effective services to moderate/high risk misdemeanor offenders . The focus is on public safety through efforts to hold offenders accountable and reduce the likelihood of re -offense Purpose and Accomplishments : • Assist the Court in the management of criminal justice and thereby aid in the preservation of public order and safety . • Due to COViD - 19 , we created a ZOOM account to allow defendants to check in for Group/hitake meetings , MRT Group and DV MRT Group . • Maintained the evidence- based probation program Domestic Violence Moral Reconation Therapy ( DVMRT) . See attached status report # I . • Maintained the evidence - based probation program Moral Reconation 'Therapy ( MRT) . See attached status report 112 . • In August of• 2021 , we increased the cost of DV MRT and MRT groups to be more consistent with other Adult Probation departments in the State that offer the same programs . • Due to Covid - 19 , the Veterans Compliance Group for justice4rivolved active supervision clients has been suspended . • Support staff ( Judicial Support Specialist III ) . Staff member performs a wide variety of highly technical operations requiring specialized clerical knowledge associated with probation case management and possesses the skills and experience to provide assistance to all programs . Duties include assisting the probation officer with duties that she provides includes but is not limited to : o monitoring compliance with all court monitored probation cases , Page 1 of 6 o assist the Probation Officers with active probation cases in setting up and scheduling appointments for new probationers , o enter cases into Caseload Pro , o Answering phones , assisting the probation officers with entering compliance reports , receipting payments for UA ' s and other fees , and clerk for the court as needed along with other duties . o Covering for court clerk when needed • Conduct sentence compliance for the court when requested . • Monitor probation compliance , which often is an alternative to incarceration . • Evaluate offender ' s social problems , amenability to different types of treatment programs and determine appropriate referrals • Assess the defendant ' s risk to the community and establish levels of probation supervision, so that those more likely to re- offend receive a greater degree of supervision . • Hold defendants accountable for their court -ordered conditions by reporting allegations of failing to comply with conditions to the Mason County prosecuting attorney ' s office and the Court . • Utilize Risk assessment tool to better identify those defendants who are at a higher risk of reoffending . • Evaluate other evidenced based programs for consideration . • Manage Urinalysis program to help insure that defendants stay alcohol and/or other drugs free . In the first 3 months 2021 , of the UA ' s ordered by the court , 38 % were positive 62 % negative . UA ' s ordered between April Is 2021 thru June 30 , 2021 , 51 % were positive AND 49 % were negative . When the court instituted regular UA ' s on the review Calendar, the postive UA ' s was just under 75 % . Goals for 2022 . 1 . Resume the Veterans Compliance Group when Covid restrictions are lifted . 2 . Maintain two existing DV MRT probation groups and continue to build attendees serving a minimum of six ( 6 ) but no more than nine (9 ) offenders per group each week . These numbers are modified from previous years due to COVID - 19 and 6 foot distancing . Page 2 of 6 1 Continue the successful MRT probation group serving a minimum of six ( 6 ) but no more than nine (9 ) offenders per group each week . This number of offenders is for in person sessions . Facilitation on Zoom allows for more participants due to the sessions being shorter . However Zoom sessions may not be as effective as in person . Issues regarding internet connection arise and impede the treatment process . 4 . Initiate a Community Court program with community partners in order to connect offenders with community services to offer the individual a hand - up , with the goal of restoring the person and the community . Examples of community partners may be in areas such as : housing services , education, employment , chemical dependency , health care , licensing, mental health services , transportation and veteran ' s services . 5 . In Conjunction with Shelton Municipal Court, the court is looking into applying for a grant for therapeutic courts . 6 . Explore a Driving While Licensed Suspended Alternative Class using a cognitive- behavioral workbook aimed at changing thinking and decision-making of revoked/suspended license offenders . An open - ended , 8 -hour group - counseling program can be completed in one day or six weekly sessions . 7 . Continue to identify and maximize use of Community resources to hold offenders accountable and assist misdemeanant offenders to reduce likelihood of further criminal behavior . 8 . Provide continued funding to assure that all persons directed to submit to urinalysis testing ( UA ' s) do so , regardless of their ability or inability to pay . Defendants are required to reimburse the county for any county expense failure to pay may result in violations of probation being filed with the court . 9 . Continue Administrative Probation Services, with monthly compliance checks by District Court Clerical and Probation staff. In addition, reporting of allegations of noncompliance to the Prosecutor ' s office for review . 10 . Our Lead Probation officer provided training on the topic of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for 2020 Virtual Washington State Misdemeanant Probation Academy . Page 3 of 6 DEPARTMENT : District Court Probation Budget Budget Budget Request 2019 2019 2020 2021 2 . 94 FTE ' S 3 . 94 3 . 94 3 . 94 . 34 Court Admin . . 34 Court Admin . . 34 Court Admin . . 34 Court Admin Staffing . 4 Admin Assist . . 4 Admin Assist . . 4 Admin . Assist . . 4 Chief Deputy (FTE ' s) 2 Prob . Officers 2 prob . officers 2 prob . officers Admin . . 2 extra help 1 JSS III 1 JSS I1I 2 prob . officers . 2 Extra Help . 2 Extra Help I JSS III . 2 Extra Help Total $ 277 ,241 . 00 $ 3739235 $ 4319660 $ 4419644 Expenditures $ 306 , 890 . 00 $ 263 , 808 Total ( based on the $ 335 . 530 $ 339 ,265 Revenues first 6 months Workload Indicators : 2019 2020 2021 as of 6/30/2021 1093 - Individuals 1139 —Individuals 1233 — Individuals Active Cases 1441 — Cases 1609 - Case 1602 — Cases Bench Probation 1175 — Individuals 1223 — Individuals 1245 - Individuals Clerk supervised Dismissed 11 9 0 Closed successful 73 114 17 Closed 102 85 18 Unsuccessful Court hearings 21333 29684 1 ,329 The Active Caseload is primarily DUI and DV cases . Page 4 of 6 5 year recidivism report Individuals Number of Number of Completed successful % of Individuals unsuccessful % of Successful with new recidivism Unsuccessful with new recidivism . charges charges 138 24 17 % 100 49 49 % Other workload indicators : ( Figures are for the first six months of the year) : • Weekly MRT Group — to date there have been 139 defendants referred to MRT, currently there are 11 actively attending via Zoom and as of July 2021 , 45 that have graduated . • Weekly DV MRT Group (2 groups) — to date there have been 64 defendants referred to DV MRT, currently there are 9 actively attending and as of July 1 2021 , 23 have graduated . • Probation Officers are to be present during court sessions to present testimony , recommendations and/or information to the court . Enhancements or Reduction : o Modified in person DV and Zoom MRT classes to comply with COVID - 19 parameters to provide safety for all individuals involved for the treatment process to be able to continue . o We must find a large enough space to be able to hold our Group meetings and MRT classes on a regular basis and not have to guess from week to week where we are going to have class . We must be able to have a location that is set as we are trying to teach reliability , accountability to the ones attending. And if we do not have a space that is " reliable" then we are not setting the example . Building Maintenance/Remodel requests : ➢ Complete Building 10 to accommodate the needs of the District Court and District Court Probation . Page 5 of 6 If the transfer to the Building 10 does not occur or occurs later than anticipated , the court would request the following : ➢ Replace the carpet in the District Court and probation office areas as well as the carpet in the jury assembly room as the carpet is well worn and has holes , which create a tripping hazard . ➢ Paint the office spaces ➢ Wash the Interior AND exterior windows of the Courthouse . Page 6of6 PROBATION FEE SCHEDULE 2021 DV MRT $ 125 . 00 $ 95 . 00 Class fee $ 30 . 00 Book fee Must be paid in full prior to starting class ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS FEE $ 78 . 00 $ 48 . 00 Class fee $ 30 . 00 Book fee Must be paid in full prior to starting class MRT CLASS FEE ( Escaping your Prison ) $ 100 . 00 $ 70 . 00 Class fee $ 30 . 00 Book fee Must be paid in full prior to starting class UA FEES $ 45 . 00 Failure to pay may result In being sent to collections OFFENDER TRANSFER FEE $ 40 . 00 COPY FEES . 25 per page ( electronic to paper) . 50 per page ( paper to paper ) Paid to court not Probation department Active Probation 75 .00 per month remitted to probation at end of month Paid to court not Probation department Bench Monitored Probation 35 .00 per month Remitted to probation at end - of month District Court MRT Funds (July 2021 ) Pro ram Background During 2021 the primary focus of the District Court evidence- based probation program ( MRT) was to continue to help offenders change their criminal thinking patterns and thus reduce the likelihood of re. offense . This program was chosen because it is an evidenced based program and has a significant history in adult correctional facilities to reduce recid iv ism . Several District Courts in Washington Statehave either established an MRTprobation program orarecurrently considering implementation ofsuch a program . • Mason County District Court Administration and staff have coordinated efforts to identify clients for MRT with the Prosecuting Attorney ' s office and the Office of Public Defense . Examples of offenders identified and referred are : 1 . Domestic Violence Offenders 2 . Multiple DUI Offenders 3 . Individuals who have been treatment resistant Our primary goals this year : A ) . Successful graduation often ( 7 - 10 ) participants . B ) . Provide a greater level of accountability for a court ordered probation requirements and corresponding reduction in the likelihood ofre- offense . C ) Servicing of referrals from other jurisdictions such as Shelton Municipal Court , with priority being given to those defendants from Mason County District Court . In 2021 with continued funding the focus will include 1 ) Maintaining thesuccessful MRT program while complying with medical safety standards to prevent the spread of COVID - 19 . 2 ) Increasing the number of graduates from this program 3 ) Developing strategies to respond to the growing number of referrals for this group . Historical Perspective What is Moral Reconation Therapy ( MRT)? Correctional Counseling, Inc . ( CCI ) defines MRT as follows : " A cognitive- behavioral counseling program that combines education , group and individual counseling , and structured exercises designed to foster moral development in treatment resistant clients . " • Group sessions are held one time per week . • Workbook is used to present step work • Steps I - I 1 are presented and expected to be successfully completed in order to complete MRT group . Typically , a person spends a minimum six ( 6 ) months completing the required MRT Steps . Client data since implementation of this program since July12 , 2021 : • There have been 139 offenders referred to MRT. • The average class size in July is 12 — 15 offenders per week . • 46 individuals have graduated from MRT. • 64% of MRT graduates have not re- offended Status Report #2 District Court DV MRT (July 2021 ) Program Background In the fall of 2018 , three District Court Staff were trained in the facilitation of the evidence-based program DV MRT . This program was initiated in an effort to provide indigent individuals with an opportunity to participate in a Domestic Violence program which would otherwise be difficult for them to accomplish . Domestic Violence treatment is not covered by insurance, and out- of-pocket costs for DV treatment can cost several hundreds of dollars . For indigent offenders, this leads to a revolving door of non-compliance as well as a greater number of cases on warrant status . DV MRT candidates are financially screened to weed out anyone who has the financial means to go to traditional dv treatment . District Court DV MRT was started in an effort to address these issues , ultimately leading to increased public safety . Our primary goals this year : 1 . Continue to build on our existing DV MRT groups . 2 . Continue to provide an alternative for indigent DV offenders to obtain much needed DV treatment In 2021 , with continued funding the focus will include : 1 . Continuing to grow our DV MRT program . Continue to have two gender- focused groups . 2 . Increasing the number of graduates from the program . 3 . Servicing of referrals from other jurisdictions such as Friendship Diversion Services and Shelton Municipal Court, with priority being given to those defendants from Mason County District Court . Historical Perspective Correctional Counseling, Inc. offers evidence-based programming that can help perpetrators be accountable for their actions , understand why they have acted violently, and confront those tendencies in current situations . The programs are founded on a cognitive behavioral programming developed by Correctional Counseling called Moral Reconation Therapy TM ( MRT) . The MRT- based domestic violence materials are tailored specifically for batterers , or the perpetrators of domestic violence . • DV MRT is divided into 24 modules with each module completed in a group session . • Clients complete homework for each module prior to coming to a session . • In group each client presents his or her homework and the facilitator passes the client to the next module or has the client redo the homework based on objective criteria. • All domestic violence MRT groups are open-ended , meaning that new clients can enter an ongoing group at any time . Client data since implementation of this program : • There have been 64 offenders referred to DV MRT as of July 1 , 2021 . • The average class size in July 2021 was 6 offenders per week . • 23 offenders have graduated from DV MRT • Currently 87 % of graduates from DV MRT have not re-offended . Status Report 41 4 L' "S4 Between my college classes , my treatment classes , my behavior management classes , and this DV / Relationship class this one was by far the hardest . Looking into myself and finding the problems and fixing them took a long long time but I like to think that with -this certificate and finishing this class that I know now how to be the best kind of partner in a relationship . Graduating this class and speaking in front of the group today brought back so many bad memories of how crappy of a husband and father I was . I hope one day I can fix those relationships with what I have learned in this almost year long program . c — - - - - - Pw - - _- -__- /� /Ji,'Z !- IvC ltGti 1C' „� Q � evou_ mv s - � km 11 ec p 9ni >il?9 c _ equire ts @� /t Ste Van /S here �a17t® C�� . war h �Cccltoo a�' a this 7e t`fjis gists to thi��xle zgr�, (yak of ��h�� Ve�o�l �al?u nt sh°it.°n, a� ° Ti \ ash/n9t l vSr: O Y 40 4 DISTRICT COURT / DISTRICT COURT PROBATION OVERVIEW District Court is part of the Judicial Branch of Government . District Courts are courts of limited jurisdiction . The district courts have criminal jurisdiction concurrent with the superior court over misdemeanors (maximum 90 days ' jail , $ 1000 . 00 fine) and gross misdemeanors ( maximum 364 days ' jail and $ 5000 . 00 fine) . RCW 3 . 66 . 060 ( 1 ) ; RCW 3 . 66 . 060 (4) . Additionally, district courts have jurisdiction to conduct preliminary hearings in felony cases . (RCW 3 . 66 . 060 (2 ) ; CrRLJ 3 . 2 . 1 ( d) . District courts also have jurisdiction over civil matters in which the amount in controversy does not exceed One hundred thousand dollars ($ 100 , 000) . RCW 3 . 66 . 020 . Small claims courts , which are departments of the district courts , have jurisdiction concurrent with the district courts over small claim matters in which the amount in controversy is ten thousand dollars ($ 10 , 000 ) or less fora " natural person", meaning a human being, and up to five thousand dollars ($ 5 , 000 ) or less for all other cases . . RCW 12A0 . 010 . The district court also has jurisdiction over traffic and non-traffic infraction cases . RCW 3 . 66 . 060 (5 ) ; RCW 46 . 63 . 040 . In addition , District courts handle the filing of domestic violence protection orders , anti - harassment orders , name changes , vehicle impounds and dangerous dog hearings . The district court judge is authorized and established by the State Constitution , WA , CONST, Art . IV , Sec . 1 . State statute governs the organization of the district courts , Title 3 . RCW . Mandatory non- funded : Court Expenses - The county in which the court is located is to furnish all necessary facilities and personnel for district courts , which, at a minimum , includes courtrooms and office space , furniture, books , stationery, postage, office equipment, heat, lights , telephones , administrative and clerical staff, the cost of probation and parole services * , and any personnel therefore , and the costs of providing the defense of indigent . RCW 3 , 58 , 050 ; RCW 306200504 * costs of parole is a separate department within the county. And in addition , the cost of jury trials , which could include costs of: jurors , expert witnesses ' , and interpreter costs . Judicial position - RCW 3 . 34 . 040 , RCW 3 . 34 , 010 RCW 3 . 58 . 020 Judicial salary - RCW 43 . 03 . 012 (3 ) . Is set by the salary commission . Pro tempore judges - Each district court shall designate one or more persons as judge pro tempore who shall serve during the temporary absence ( including vacations , education , judicial conferences , judicial commissions , sick leave , conflicts , etc . ) , disqualification, or incapacity of a district judge or, effective 6 - 6 - 96 , to serve as an additional judge for excess caseload or special set cases . RCW 3 . 34 . 130 . District Court Overview 2021 1 of 2 Pro tempore salary - Pro -tern salaries are based upon 1 /250th of the Judge ' s salary . RCW 3 . 34 . 130 . Court Commissioner- the District Court Judge shall have the authority to appoint District Court commissioners and Judge Pro tempore . RCW 3 . 42 , Mason County code 2 . 40 . 050 . County legislative authority RCW 3 . 42 . 040 , Mason County code 2 . 40 . 050 , resolution number 2020- 05 determines court commissioner and Judge Pro-tempore pay . District court currently has the following staff. One Judge (Elected ) , one Court Administrator (Exempt) , one Administrative Assistant (Union) , and six Judicial Support Specialists (JSS ) . ( Clerks range in step from a JSS I , lI or III depending on qualifications) . Probation Division has two Probation officers and one Judicial/Probation Specialist . The clerk and deputy clerks of district courts shall receive such compensation as shall be provided by the county legislative authority . RCW 3 . 54 . 010 . The district courts shall prescribe the duties of the clerk and deputy clerks . Such duties shall include all of the requirements of RCW 3 . 62 . 020 and 3 . 62 . 040 as now or hereafter amended and receipt of bail and additionally the power to : ( 1 ) Accept and enter pleas ; (2 ) Receive bail as set by the court ; ( 3 ) Set cases for trial : (4) Administer oaths . District Court also manages the Bank/Trust Account for all monies posted into Trust . Monthly Bank Reconciliations and issuing checks for Bail , civil judgments, overpayments, Restitution etc . Issue reports to the Department of Revenue for Unclaimed monies Income of court - RCW 3 . 62 Mason County District Court staff hours are from 8 : 00 a . m . to 5 : 00 p . m . Open to the public from 8 : 30 a . m . to 4 * 30 p . m . District court holds court Monday thru Friday starting at 8 : 30 a . m . with two courtrooms in session on Monday afternoon, Thursday afternoon and all day every Friday . District Court Overview 2021 2 of 2 i JURY TRIALS HELD - 2021 MONTH DATES BUT OT NIT ALL FAISD CASE 8 DEF, NAME BAILIFF January 8th - 11 1 1 XZ0400291 SKIILMAN Suzanne 13th , 14th 1 1 PA0030D97 HOYT 13th - loth I 1 XZ0266SS8 MATHEWS Becky 21st - 22nd 1 1 XZ020164 KANICKY Suzanne 28th - 29th 1 1 9Z0425S75 DAGGERS February _ Suzanne lst - 2nd 1 1 XZ0146510 O'GRADY Jill/Becky 18th • 19th 1 1 PA0020177 MICHAEL March Jill 1001 1 1 PA0020131 WATROUS Suzanne 11th 1 1 PAD020131 WATROUS lill/Bccky 31st - 4/ 1 3 1 XZ0641650 REEVES April Becky 7thr Bill, 9th 1 1 2 PA19117/PA20042 PICICH Becky 19th 1 1 PA0020131 WATROUS Jill Avalon 26111 - 291h 1 I XZ641657 VALASQUEZ RAMIREZ Jill Becky May _ 1111/Suzanne 5th,6th 1 1 PA0020045 BROWN Jill/Suzanne 10th, 111h, 12th 1 _ 1 PA0019112 LOCKYEAR Avalon 13th 1 1 PA0020045 _BROWN 19th 1 1 PA0021010/PA0021011 CHARLES Avalon 21st I 1 IA0280594 BAUTISTA June Jill/Suzanne 2nd I 1 XZ0582127 EVANS Jill/Becky 17th - 18th 1 1 XZ0549340 MARTIN TOTAL FOR 6 MONTHS 5 4 12 21 July 12th - 13th 1 I 1A0404706 ZILLER 13th 1 1 9ZO425582 RAINES 19th 1 I PA0018126 MCCDY 1 AoaMs/AOMINistN.\toMjillaY TRIAI1 fit to N21 District Court Judge District Court/ Probation Administrator . 66 DC/ . 34 Prob . District Court/ Probation District Court Administrative Assistant/reclassification Administrative Assistant (officeaucies► r (Accounting duties) - Vacant 6 — DC/. 4 Prob . Probation Probation Extra Probation District Court District Court District Court Officer Help/ Program JSS III/ Prob . clerk JSS III JSS II JSS I Coordinator DISTRICT 1 1ISTRICT COURT PROBATION1 + • 2022 PROPOSED Court Commissioner (.5 ) DISTRICT tOURT JUDGE Appointed by Judge George A . Steele COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Administrator) .66 (District Court) 34 fPrnhnlinnl CHIEF DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR .6 (District Court) .4 ( Probations _ PICT COi. , Judicial Judicial Judicial Judicial Admin Probation Probation Assistant Support Support Support Officer Officer Probation Probation Specialist Specialist Specialist _, ( Lead ) Support extra help III II I Specialist ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 ) ( � J fl ) � (• 2J MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR — 2021 (Tr al call date — effective 7/30/2021 — all other changes effective 9/1/2021 WEDNESDAY TIME MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TRIAL (JTR) ALL INTERPRETER HEARINGS & TRIALWEEK LLI LL2 IN-PERSON OR ZOOM BLDG 10 B /414 FRANKLIN ST LLl LL2 CHANGE OF PLEATS ZOOM UNLESS PRE-TRIALS MAM - 8:30 - 12 IN CUSTODY ZOOM CIVIL MATTERS 8:30 OTHERWISE ORDERED Pro-se and Private Alfhearings (Except Trial TRIAL CALL IN-PERSONDYTHE Every Wednesday except Trial INFRACTION CALENDAR confirmation and Trial (JTR/CI'S) CRIMINALMO770NS JUDGE Week and fiat Monday each MISCELLANEOUS week) BLDG 10 CRTROOM D (Set by Criminal clerk) month MITIGATION he 9:00 PRD7E SSM NIA " (23) D Small Claims 6 Lai Friday of each re nu HARASSMENT " ( ) ryoJmchmonllr SJoxing D Name Change ear d:30am LL2 (Non-court) CONTESTED HEARINGS Hearings 9;30 CLERKS REVIEWS Check for compliance (20) DDangerous Dog ALL PARTIES TO BE PRESENT D Vehicle Impounds Except trial week p. DCivil Trial Conflict texts al 1:30 m. SHOIY PROOF htAM — DPrim ISemnd IOJO HEARINGS mY ary LISTFRIbAYEACII (Set by civil clerk) Mitgmion hearings ngs MONTH 07LL BE INLL2 TRIAL SCHEDULE - & Warranted Quashe First day of Ideal & Warrant Quashes All cases will be scheduled on the 12:-00 — I:00 Noon Break Noon Break Noon Break Noon Break Monday before week Noon Break PRE-TRIALS PROTECTION/ Jan 14•- 19° 190 SENTENCING & REVIEWS •• ARRAIGNMENTS IM'ERPRETER CASES PTR ANTI- AOPICONFLICT CIVILMOTIONS February 11°— IS° ALLCASES HARASSMENT CALENDAR (Set by civil clerk March 110T— I$° Every Wednesday uccpt Trial Public Defrder " (Except Trial week) LL2 A ril 8°- 12 Pro-se, Privatc Atlomcy Week LL2 unlasolh"wisenmed Me 13 — W & SPANISH Public Dcfcnduenes Lost Friday each month e 0It IZn° KANJOBALIQTANJODTAL JTR -TRIALCALL JulJu east 12° - 16° NAHUATL ember 917 13 ALL PAR ENTO BE Ovober 14 — 18° All olherlonenaeats PRESENT November Il° - ass scheduled/ncedtd December 9° - 136 IN CUSTODY New ID Hearings IN CUSTODY IN CUSTODY IN CUSTODY IN CUSTODY Trial week may need to be cotended • • 2:00 New ID Hearings New ID Hearings Hew /D HAGS New ID Hearings to accommodate all trials Civil Secondary Trial can be set SP/Konjoballother during Trial week 3:00 Mitigation hearings Contested hearings & Warrant Quash" 4'00 ca DUI & xl[ DVAmlgnmenU Warrant Quash Hearing Warrant Quash Haring Warrant Quash Nearing Wamnl Quuh Haring IN-PERSON DUI & all DV Aml nmenD DUI & all DV Arraignments DUI & all DV Aral amen it DUI & all DV Arraignments THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECTTO CHANCE AND DOES NOT APPLY DURING TRIAL WEEK (except where noted) OR THE HOLIDAYS LISTED BELOW MOTIONS TO QUASH WARRANTS - must be sdKduled by the defendant by 4:00 P.M. of the day berate. The Court must receive a welllen promise to appear either by mail or flue of by riling the promise to appear in person. 2011 WURTQA91i0 DAYS(HolIDAYS): I i New Ypn Frhley Jeanine (Dee. 31) Tibor Day Monday- septemberii " That hearings will be held regardless ofMahvak Martin Luther King Mondry Jamury la Vtanda Day Thonday Novemberll Preaidenra Day Merday Febwryl3 Tlaabaiving Thursday NovunM2f ' Memorial Day Monday May )i WyAller Friday November 26 Court Schedule • 2021 lodapeadnee Day Meador Julys Chrhau Friday I Deocmbtrte MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT - FEE SCHEDULE (effective 712612021) a RC W 3.62.060 CIVIL: Civil Filing Fees $ 83 .00 Abstract of Judgment (Municipal Court Case) $ 43 .00 Abstract of Judgment ( District Court Case) $ 83 .00 Civil Jury Demand (6-member jury) $ 125 .00 Supplemental Proceeding $ 20.00 Transcripts ofjudgment $ 20.00 Writ of Garnishment or other writs $ 12 .00 Name Change Petition $ 306.50 Exparte Fee $ 20 .00 Counter, cross, 3r1 Party Civil $ 83 .00 Foreign Judgment $ 83 .00 Vehicle Impound Hearing Filing Fee $ 83 .00 Small Claim Filing Fee $ 50 .00 Small Claim Counter, cross, 3 `d Party Civil $ 50.00 Extension of Civil Judgment $ 53 .00 Exemplified (Authentication) Certificate $ 5 .00 Additional pages $ 1 .00 ORDER OF PROTECTION : Anti-Harassment Protection Order Filing Fee $ 83 .00 Domestic Violence Protection Order Filing Fee NO CHARGE COPY & MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Certified Documents $ 5 .00 first page 1 .00 each additional page Tape Duplication of audio hearing (per tape or CD) $ 10 .00 each Per Page Copy Fee $ 0.50 — paper to paper copies $ 0.25 — electronic to paper copies Records Research $ 40 .00 NSF CHECK $ 40 .00 APPEALS : District Court Fee for Preparing Appeal Record $ 40.00 Superior Court Filing Fee for Appeal $ 230.00 (Civil , Infraction & small claim) Bond to stay judgment on Small Claims twice the amount of the judgment or amount in controversy Interstate Compact Transfer fee $ 40.00 2021 DEPARTMENT SURVEY ON MANDATORY & DISCRETIONARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY MASON COUNTY Fund M 001 Fund Name : General Fund Agency#: 100 Agency Name: District Court Person filling out the form : Patricia Robinson, Administrator A \ D Statutory Citation for Source of 4v gu �D° Cost to Provide Service Provided lei o Mandato Serviee Revenue c��c � �' Service 5 COURT OFFICE - O General Fund 8,26 1 ,3259713.00 2022- District Court Requested Staff SelecUm anel Wes like Superior Courts © RCW 2.36.050 Law & Justice Judge 1 Jurors must be compensated RCW 2.36.150 Court Commissioner 0.5 hourly rate 5 75,00 Witnesses must be compensated RCW 2.40.010 Administrator 0,66 Dist CrUDlst Crt Probation Interpreters for hearing Impaired persons © RCW 2.42. 120 Chief Deputy Administrator 0.6 Dist Crt/Dist Crt Probation English language interpreters for others RCW 2.43.030 Admin. Assistant (Lead JSS) 1 Use of collection agencies by courts RCW 3.02.045 JSS III / Mary 1 Courts open except non judicial days RCW 3,30,040 JSS III / Tiffany 1 Uniform record of filings, proceeclings Al IRCW3.30.070 JSS 11 / Jessica 1 Accounting for funds received and disbursed 0 RCW 3.30.070 JSS I / Karen 1 Financial reporting er stale auditor RCW 3.30.070 JSS I / Danlella 1 Local court rules may be adopted RCW 3.30.080 JSS I / Shelby 1 Bonds for Judges, Protems, Crt Commissioners and all staff RCW 3.34.090 JSS I / NEW 1 Number of judges to be elected RCW 3,34,010 10.6 Clerks to accept and enter pleas RCW 3.54.020 Clerks to receive bail set by the court 0 RCW 3,54,020 Admin Assist would be a Lead JSS and full FFE for Dist, Court Clerks to set cases for trial © RCW 3.54 .020 Clerks to administer oaths 0 RCW 3.54 .020 Remittance of funds to county RCW 3.62.020 Remittance of funds to cities RCW 3.62.040 Fees for official services RCW 3.62.060 City criminal and infraction filing fees ® RCW 3.62.070 Remittance of assessments RCW 3,62.090 Calendar city cases efficiently 0 RCW 3.62.100 Conduct court and determine cases RCW 3.66.010 Impanel judes in criminal and civil cases [Al RCW 3.66.010 Civil actions and proceedings mudsdiction RCW 3.66.020 Criminal and traffic Infraction 'udsdiclion RCW 3,66.060 Defer sentences and order probation RCW 3.66,067 Name change actions and fees © RCW 4,24, 130 Certify court records and proceedings RCW 5.44 .010 Issue civil writs of execution RCW 8.17.010 Issue civil writs of attachment RCW 6.25.010 2021 DEPARTMENT SURVEY ON MANDATORY & DISCRETIONARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY MASON COUNTY Fund # : 001 Fund Name: General Fund Agency#: 100 Agency Name: District Court Person filling out the form: Patricia Robinson, Administrator 6 o ,o h�, � Statutory Citation for Source of e� Cost to Provide Service Provided Xr' o Mandalo service Revenue 4° Service 5 Issue prejudgment writs of garnishment IRCW8.26.010 Issue writs or garnishment RCW 6.27.020 Issue supplemental proceedings © RCW 6.32.010 Issue orders of replevin RCW 7,64.035 Civil infraction lurisdiclion RCW 7.80.010 Natural resource infraction proceedings RCW 7,84,040 Installment fine payments © RCW 10,01 ,170 Arrest warrants for appearance lines l] RCW 10.01 .180 Courts to set and accept bail x❑ RCW 10.04,040 Judges enter 'ud ment on cases ❑x RCW 10.04.110 Deferred prosecution pefitions ® RCW 10,05.010 Simplified forms antiharassment available RCW 10.14.040(3) Issue civil antiharassment orders 0 RCW 10.14.080(3) Issue search warrants RCW 10.79.015 Issue domestic violence no contact orders © RCW 10.99.040(3) Determine indiciency and appoint counsel ® RCW 10.101.020 Issue civil summons commencing action RCW 12,04,020 Issue civil notice and complaint ❑x RCW 12,04,030 Judges to grant limited continuances © RCW 12,12.010 Judges to hear evidence and render 'ud ment RCW 12,20,020 Compel attendance of witnesses RCW 12.16,015 Certify and transmit small claim appeals RCW 12.36.050 Small claims jurisdiction RCW 12,40,010 Simplified fortes domestic violence ® RCW 26.50.030 3 Records of filings and proceedings RCW46.52.101 (1) Send records to Department of Licensing RCW 46.52. 101 (2) Impound infractions filed with court RCW 46.55.105(6) Hearings to contest validity of Impounds RCW 46.55.120(2)(b) Verily criminal history and driving record © RCW 46.61 .513 Traffic Inrmction Jurisdiction ® RCW 46.63.040 Transmit Infraction judgments to DOL ® RCW 46.63.070 2 Notification in wiling of court dates RCW 46.63.070 3 4 Failure to appear notice to DOL El RCW 46,64.025 2021 DEPARTMENT SURVEY ON MANDATORY & DISCRETIONARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY MASON COUNTY Fund #: 001 Fund Name: General Fund Agency#: 100 Agency Name: District Court Person filling out the form: Patricia Robinson, Administrator 0 e6 ab �a' Statutory Citation for Source of i�`,,a' ao Cost to Provide Service Provided mac' o Mandato Service Revenue cr�c r;'y �' Service 5 Fereclosurefenforcement of crop liens RCW 60, 11 .060 Public examination of court records WA Court Rules GR 15 Sealing and destruction of court records WA Court Rules GR 15 WA Court Rules RALJ 2.4 File notice of appeal with Superior Court and CRLJ 73 Court proceedings must be recorded WA Court Rules RALJ 5. 1 Release of accused pending trial WA Court Rules CrRLJ 3.2 Criminal trial timelines WA Court Rules CrRLJ 3.3 O WA Court Rules CrRLJ 4.1 Criminal arraignments and trials and 6A . 1 Criminal judgments kept in perpetuity WA Court Rules CrRLJ 7.3 Counter and telephone public service ANTICIPATED REVENUES FOR 2022 $741 , 135 Includes A Court Commissioner and .e REQUESTED EXPENITURES FOR 2020 1 Deputy Administrator $1 ,325,713 TOTAL 11.26 S1 ,325,713 Costs to provide services includes. Salaries & Wages, Personnel Benefits (for current staff and New staff) and Operating expenses. RCW 3.62,050 The total expenditures of the district courts, including the cost of probation and parole servies and any personnel employment therefore shall be paid from the county current expense fund. See also, RCW 36.01 .070. The Stale and U.S. Constitution requires Due Process be provided by the Courts and have other mandated requirements not listed above. Generated by v,e mason County eizitmt cmin ANnn 202a (GWaned from Tnurslun Caarty_2el3) I 2021 - DEPARTMENT SURVEY ON MANDATORY & DISCRETIONARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY MASON COUNTY Fund #: 100 Fund Name: General Fund Agency#: 173 Agency Name: District Court Probation Services Person filling out the form: Patricia Robinson, Administrator 0 oeP a Source of146 Cost to Service Provided le; eu Statute Citation for Mandate Service Revenue Provide Service ($1 2022- Probation requested Staff Defines District Court Probation Offices(s) ❑ ❑x We State Court Rule - ARLJ 11 General Fund 3.94 4414724 ( 1 ). Probation Clerk(s) (.4 and . 1 ) and Administrator 0 . 34 Patsy Chief Deputy Administrator 0A Court may defer sentencing and place ❑ O RCW 3.86.067 defendant on Probation for 2 years Admin. Assistant 0A Tonya The Court may revoke deferred or cusp ❑ Q RCW 3,60.069 sentence & terminate Probation probation Officer 2 Made / Brett Probation may be performed by Probation ❑ © RCW 9.95.210 Olficers employed by the County I I Probation CIo WJSS III 1 Standards of Supervision for Offenders now © ❑ RCW 9.95 212 Supreme Court Rule 11 Extra Help 0.2 Court may assess & collect monthly fees for ❑ ❑x RCW 9,95,214 payment or part payment of Cost for TOTAL 4.34 Counties may provide Probation services ❑ ❑x RCW 9.95.215 W10 Admin Assist, 3.94 Counties may engage in Probation Services ❑ ❑x RCW 36,01 .070 If Chief Deputy Administrator approved Admin Assist Other fees - LIA Fees, Copy vests etc ❑ x❑ would be moved to district court as a Lead JSS Anticipated Revenue for 2021 S339,265 Requested Expenditures for 2021 Includes a .4 Deputy Adminisvator S441J724 TOTAL 3,94 $441 ,724 Costs to provide services includes: Salaries & Wages, Personnel Benefits, including one new support staff (JSSIII) and Operating expenses RCW 3,62,050 The total expenditures of the district courts, including the cost of probation and parole services and any personnel employment therefore shall be paid from the County current expense fund. See also, RCW 36.01 070 RCW 10,64.120 Revenues raised under this statute (Probation fees assessed) shag be used to fund programs for probation services and shag be in addition to those funds provided in RCW 3.62 050, ARLJ 11 sets forth further requirements for Probation generated by me PJison Camy M$tWCoup Admm - 2020 (odtmn Item Thurstm County Use Cd Admn 2013) �C'C<CC<CCCC�,i NATIONAL TASK FORCE ON FINES , FEES , AND BAIL PRACTICES Model1 ' Standards 1r Courts of Limited Jurisdiction I . Courts should ensure that when individuals must be held in jail in the interests of justice, this is done strictly in accordance with the principles of due process of law. ❑ Courts should ensure that a defendant is heard by a judge in person , by telephone, or via video conferencing as soon as possible but not longer than 48 hours on infractions or misdemeanor violations or any shorter period prescribed under State law. ❑ Courts should have a duty judge available to rule upon warrants, bail and conditions of pretrial release, and other matters , without undue delay. ❑ Bond schedules should be utilized only for persons arrested without a warrant and held no longer than 24 hours . ❑ Warrants should be issued only upon a finding that reasonable grounds exist to believe that the defendant will not appear upon a summons or that the accused poses a danger to a crime victim , the community, or any other person . ❑ Warrants should be signed only by judges unless otherwise permitted by law after a judicial finding of probable cause . ❑ Courts should have procedures in place to ensure that when a case is dismissed by the prosecuting attorney or otherwise finally resolved , or when the circumstances that justified issuance of a warrant no longer exist, the judge recalls and cancels any outstanding warrants in that case as soon as practicable . ❑ Courts should have procedures in place to ensure that the recall and cancellation of outstanding warrants is communicated to law enforcement by the clerk without delay . ❑ Due process procedures should be strictly followed before confining defendants for failure to pay fines and costs . II. Courts are constitutionally required to inquire of defendants and allow them to present information about their financial condition when assessing their ability to pay and establishing payment requirements for monies due. ❑ Courts should comply with the following requirements , o Procedures exist to inquire of defendants and allow them to present evidence about their financial condition in assessing their ability to pay and establishing payment requirements . o Alternative payment plans are utilized . o Community service is utilized with no fee assessed to the defendant . ❑ Stay of execution procedures exist for defendants to pay fines and costs within a specified period of time or to make installment payments . ❑ If probation fees are assessed , courts should consider factors exempting a probationer from part or all of the standard monthly probation fee . Courts should advise offenders of the right to request individualized consideration of exemption from paying probation fees and surcharges . III. Courts should not condition an indigent defendant' s access to a judicial hearing or the granting of probation upon the payment of fines or fees . ❑ If a defendant files an application for trial de novo, the payment of the statutory trial de novo fee should be waived if the defendant qualifies as indigent. ❑ If the defendant requests a jury trial , the cause should be transferred to a court for jury trial without prepayment of fees . ❑ Courts should not make the granting of probation conditional upon the payment of anything other than authorized fees or deny probation because of the inability of the defendant to pay authorized probation fees and surcharges . IV. Courts should neither assess nor collect unauthorized fines , costs , or surcharges. ElFines and costs assessed on infractions or misdemeanors should not exceed what is expressly authorized under state or local law. ❑ Fines and costs assessed on "municipal ordinance violations" should fall within the mandatory maximum amount. ❑ Fines assessed on other ordinance violations should not exceed the maximum amount authorized by state law and the city code . ❑ Only court costs (fees, miscellaneous charges, and surcharges) authorized by state statute should be assessed . ❑ DPC (Dismissal on Payment of Costs) should not be permitted . ❑ Court costs should not be assessed against indigent defendants . 2 ❑ In lieu of fines for indigent defendants, courts should , where appropriate, use community service with no fee assessed to the defendant . V. Judges should be lawfully selected , lawfully authorized to act in specific cases , and adequately prepared for their duties through appropriate training and continuing education . ❑ .fudges—full -time , part-time , substitute, and provisional—should be selected pursuant to state law, municipal ordinance, or charter before serving . ❑ Courts should have a mechanism in place to check for judicial conflicts , and the judge should recuse himself or herself in all instances when required to do so pursuant to this rule . ❑ Upon request for recusal or for a change of judge, all procedural requirements should be followed . ❑ Pursuant to applicable law, judges should follow all rules cutting off or limiting their authority to act in a case once a motion to disqualify, motion for jury trial , or motion for trial de novo has been filed . ❑ When a trial de novo request has been filed, courts should certify the file to the receiving court within 15 days . ❑ Lawyer judges and non- lawyer judges should obtain required training and continuing education and provide documentation when required . VI . Courts should operate III a manner reasonably convenient to the public and in facilities sufficient to the purpose. ❑ Courtrooms should be suitable environments for the administration of justice and should meet due process requirements for all court attendees . ❑ Courts should be in compliance with the following requirements : o The courtroom is open to the public of all ages and large enough to reasonably accommodate the public, parties, and attorneys . o For infractions or misdemeanors, procedures exist for electronic payment or payment by mail . ❑ Courts should allow payments online and make available free, online access to information about pending cases, outstanding warrants, and scheduled dockets . OR Courts should actively be pursuing court automation to achieve online payments and making available free, online access to information about pending cases , outstanding warrants , and scheduled dockets . 3 VII . Courts should he operated in a manner that upholds the constitutional principles of separation of powers and the integrity of the judiciary as a separate and independent branch of government . ❑ Clerks of court and other non judicial court personnel should not perform any functions that constitute an actual or apparent conflict of interest with the impartial performance of judicial duties . Work performed on behalf of law enforcement or the prosecuting attorney is one example of an actual or apparent conflict of interest . ❑ Clerks of court and other non judicial court personnel , when performing court-related functions , should work solely under the direction and supervision of the judge , the clerk , or another judicial branch officer as to the work to be performed and the manner in which it is to be done . ❑ Officers and administrators of the municipal government should not subject judges, clerks of court, and other non judicial court personnel to informal pressure, formal discipline, firing, or threats of non-retention or non-reappointment at the conclusion of a term of office based on performance of their duties in a manner that upholds the independence of the judiciary . ❑ Officers and administrators of the municipal government should not subject judges, clerks of court , and other non judicial court personnel to informal pressure, formal discipline, firing, or threats of non - retention or non -reappointment at the conclusion of a term of office in a manner designed to encourage or require such individuals to maximize municipal revenues derived from court operations or to meet specified revenue targets, without regard to whether such goals or targets are communicated formally or informally to court personnel . ❑ Each court facility' s exterior and interior signage, design , functionality, and other factors should convey to the public the appearance that the court is a separate and independent branch of government . VIII . Co111'ts should be operated in accordance with the constitutional principles and legal requirements of open courts and open records . ❑ Courts should have a clerk available at least 30 hours per week during regular business hours to whom a person can pay fines and from whom a person can obtain information about charges , payments, and court operations . The clerk should be available in person during these hours in an office open and accessible to the public and may perform other functions for the municipality that do not constitute an actual or apparent conflict with the impartial performance of judicial branch duties . In the event courts do not have sufficient staff to have a clerk available for all of the 30 hours in person , the clerk may instead be made available for up to 15 of the 30 hours to provide information about charges , payments , and court operations through live communication by telephone, email , or other means of electronic communication . ElProceedings in courts should be open to the public of all ages unless the courts order otherwise in a particular circumstance for good cause shown . 4 ❑ Courtroom facilities should be sufficient for the purpose of holding court and for providing accessibility, safety, and comfort to the public, parties, and lawyers . The facilities chosen should uphold the dignity, integrity and independence of the judiciary as a separate branch of government. ❑ Courts should establish rules and procedures allowing members of the public and the news media reasonable access to open court records . IX. Courts shall advise litigants of their rights in court. ❑ Standardized procedures should be implemented to assure that defendants are given advice of rights . ❑ Courts should provide a "Notice of Rights" to all defendants . This notice of rights should be displayed prominently wherever the clerk transacts business with the public and in the facilities where court proceedings are held . This notice of rights should also be made available as a handout for those appearing before the courts and displayed on each public information website operated by or on behalf of the courts . ❑ Announcements by the judge that are intended for the benefit of all present should be capable of being heard throughout the courtroom or communicated adequately in other ways . Such announcements should also be communicated to those waiting outside the courtroom or otherwise made available to them when they come into the courtroom . X. Courts should be well-managed and accountable to the law, with appropriate oversight. ❑ At least twice each year, courts should certify to the appropriate presiding judge compliance with the minimum operating standards by completing a form (in form and substance similar to the "Minimum Operating Standards Form" printed below) and submitting it to the appropriate presiding judge . ❑ Courts should have a functional clerk' s office that organizes and preserves judicial records and handles bookkeeping, collection, and financial obligations in a prudent and organized manner and in compliance with the law and auditor recommendations . ❑ Judges should certify substantial compliance and provide signed certification to the governing bodies in compliance with auditor rules and procedures . Additionally, judges should : o Implement procedures to prevent defendants from being held longer than 48 hours on infractions or misdemeanors and 72 hours on other violations without being heard by a judge in person , by telephone, or via video conferencing. o Make reasonable efforts to communicate to local law enforcement that defendants in custody shall not be held more than 24 hours without a warrant after arrest. o Inquire of defendants, and allow them to present information about, their financial condition when assessing the defendants' ability to pay and establishing payment requirements for monies due . 5 o Make use of alternative payment plans . o Use community service in lieu of fines when appropriate, and with no fee assessed to the defendant . Xl. Courts should also be familiar with and comply with the principles set forth below . General Requirements : ❑ If holding administrative hearings, ensure that adequate authorization for such hearings exist and that all requisite procedures are followed . ❑ Sufficient non judicial court personnel have been provided to ensure proper functioning of the courts . ❑ Fines and costs collected are paid into the municipality' s treasury at least monthly . ❑ A monthly list of cases with required detail is provided within 10 days of the end of each month to the appropriate governing body. ❑ Each judge has received instruction on any laws related to intoxication -related traffic offenses . ❑ All charging documents or instruments are signed by the prosecutor . ❑ Any schedule of fines and costs is prominently posted at the place where fines are to be paid . ❑ Reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that, where applicable, any schedule of fines and costs is provided to an accused at the same time as a violation notice . ❑ If a violation bureau has been adopted , it processes only those violations . ❑ Any "Waiver of Counsel " is in writing and is knowing and intelligent. Open Records and Other Recordkeeping Matters : ❑ Courts maintain complete and accurate records of proceedings, including warrants outstanding, bonds posted , case files and dispositions . ❑ Courts ensure that the proper disposition of all cases is documented on dockets or backer sheets and that, if required by law, all dockets or backer sheets are signed by the judge . ❑ Courts ensure that charging documents or instruments signed by the prosecuting attorney are filed for each ordinance violation to be prosecuted . ❑ Courts ensure that the proper disposition of cases is documented in manual and electronic records and that sufficient documentation is maintained to support all case actions . ❑ Courts ensure that warrants are signed by a judge or by the court clerk/administrator only when directed by the judge for a specific warrant and ensure that warrants are issued timely. ❑ Courts have established procedures to generate periodic reports of activity, and the courts submit these reports timely in accordance with state law. ❑ Courts regularly back up computer data and ensure it is stored in a secure off-site location and its recovery is tested on a regular, pre-established basis . ❑ Courts require unique user identifications and passwords for each employee and ensure that passwords are kept confidential and periodically changed . Courts ensure that user access is 6 periodically reviewed and unnecessary access , including that of terminated users, is removed timely . User access to data and other information resources is also periodically reviewed to ensure access rights are commensurate with current user job responsibilities . Financial and Bookkeeping : ❑ Courts should assign accounting duties with respect to payables and receivables to different employees to the extent possible . For example , the employee who receipts cash should not be the employee who prepares the daily cash settlement or the deposit; the employee who signs the disbursement should not be the employee who prepares the bank reconciliation; and the employee who opens the mail should not be the employee who receipts payments . If it is not possible to segregate these duties, courts should ensure documented periodic and random independent or supervisory reviews of records are performed . Each court shall designate a backup bookkeeper for the court. Discrepancies and exceptions should be reported to the supervising judge so that the judge can take appropriate action . ❑ Courts should ensure that accurate records are maintained to account for all payments received and deposited , receipts are posted accurately and timely, and the method for payment is indicated on all receipts . Cash should be receipted immediately. Checks and money orders should be properly endorsed immediately upon receipt . Additionally, if manual receipts are in use, courts should ensure that manual receipt slips are timely entered in the computerized system and the numerical sequence of manual receipt slips is accounted for properly. In addition, courts should ensure that voided transactions are properly documented and approved . ❑ Courts should reconcile receipts with deposits, and deposit daily all monies intact. ❑ Courts should perform monthly bank reconciliations , ensure that adequate documentation is maintained to support any adjustments, and ensure that an independent review and approval of these transactions is performed and documented . ❑ Courts prepare monthly lists of liabilities and reconcile the lists to the bank account and/or municipal fund balance, promptly investigate and resolve differences , and have established procedures to review the status of liabilities to determine the appropriate disposition of funds held . ❑ Courts should develop procedures to ensure the monthly distributions are properly calculated and disbursed timely. ❑ Courts should establish procedures to routinely generate and review a list of the amount due in each court case for accuracy and properly follow up on all amounts due . ❑ Courts should obtain signed payment plans from all defendants and ensure payment plans are established in the case management system in accordance with court operating rules where applicable . ❑ Courts should maintain the cash for making change at an established amount and daily count and reconcile the monies on hand to the authorized balance . ❑ Courts should maintain adequate bond coverage for all personnel with access to court monies and ensure all bond receipts are recorded and deposited timely and intact. 7 ❑ Courts should develop procedures and records to identify applicable violations and the associated fines, fees, and court costs for the purposes of the revenue calculations, and provide this information to the municipality . Appeal/Trial de novo Procedure ❑ All procedures for a trial de novo appeal should be followed. 8 Model Operating Standards Form (Submitted Semiannually to Appropriate Presiding .)fudge) Every Judge, Substitute Judge, or Provisional Judge (including any Retired Judge Subject to Recall ; Continuing Part-time Judge , or Periodic Part-Time Judge, as such terms are used in the "Applications" provision of the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct) , shall semiannually certify to the Appropriate Presiding Judge compliance with the Minimum Operating Standards by completing the following form . Court Judge Any Substitute or Provisional Judges Address where court is held Dates and times where court is held Court Phone Number Judge Contact Number Judge Email Clerk Email certify that this court complies with the following minimum operating standards together with all other minimum operating standards as approved . ❑ I have received instruction on laws related to intoxication-related traffic offenses . ❑ Warrants are always signed by the judge . ❑ I have complied with all applicable requirements in initial proceedings in criminal matters coming before me, including . o Arraignment as soon as practicable if the defendant has not satisfied conditions for release o Informing the defendant of the : ■ Ordinance violation charged ; ■ Right to retain counsel ; 9 ■ Right to request the appointment of counsel if defendant is indigent and the violation carries with it the possibility of a jail sentence ; ■ Right to remain silent; ■ Fact that anything that the defendant says may be used against him or her. ❑ I have complied with the following rules with respect to arraignments : o Arraignment is conducted in open court or another location if allowed by State law . o I read the information to the defendant or state the substance of the charge . o I call upon the defendant to enter a plea with respect to each offense . o Each defendant is afforded a reasonable time to examine the charge before being called upon to plead . o I have allowed a defendant to proceed without counsel only after finding that the defendant has knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently waived the right to counsel . ❑ In accordance with applicable law, I have removed myself from presiding over a case when a meritorious motion to disqualify, motion for jury trial , or motion for trial de novo has been filed . ❑ When a case is transferred , the transfer occurs in accordance with State law . ❑ I have obtained all required training and continuing education and have provided documentation when required . I hereby certify that my court has complied with all of the above minimum operating standards terms . Date Signature 10 r Financial Analysis & 2022 I3udget Request Denartment : Trial Court Improvement Fund 135 - 000 - 000 Elected Official /Denartment Ileml : District and Superior COt► rt Judges and County Commissioners Patricia A . Robinson , Administrator Court Funding Task Force : The Court Funding Task Force was established to focus exclusively on the issue of trial court funding, both the amount necessary to adequately fund the trial courts and the structure of funding necessary to ensure long-term funding stability so the trial courts can reliably provide equal justice across the state in a timely manner. Funding : On April 24 , 2005 the legislature passed E2SSB 5454 . The bill provided for new fees and increases to existing fees as well as providing funding for criminal indigent defense , parental representation in dependency and termination matters , civil legal said and contribution to district and elected municipal court judges salaries . Jttclicial Sala ►•y Contribution : Effective July 1 , 2007 fifty percent of the Equal Justice Sub-Account revenue is dedicated to District Court and qualifying Municipal court judges ' salaries . Quarterly checks are sent to the Mason County Treasurer to be deposited into the District Court Judicial Salary Contt 41buti Ion — 001 -000000 - 100 - 000 336 . 01 . 329000 . 0000 . 00 TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT FUND * Per RCW 3 . 58 . 060 - All Counties , cities and towns for which the state contributes to district or municipal court judges ' salaries are required to create trial court improvement accounts . An amount equal to 100 percent of the state ' s contribution to the judges ' salaries must be deposited into the trial court improvement account . Funds in the account nu► st be appropriated by the legislative authority of each Mason County District Court — Financial Analysis & Budget request. Page t of 3 J county , city, or town and must be used to fund improvement to court staffing, programs , facilities and services . County Resolution : On March 20 , 2007 the Board of County Commissioners signed Resolution No . 2 & 07 establishing the Trial Court Improvement Fund — Fund Number 135 -000 . 000 Trial Court Improvement - 2021 : Goals for 20219 Work with the County Commissioners, Superior Court Judges and District Court Judge to fund improvements to court staffing, programs , facilities and services . Expenditure/Revenue : Department : Trial Court Improvement Actual Actual YTD Budget Requested EXPENDITURES 2019 2020 2021 2022 Beginning Fund 103 , 843510 135 , 155 134 , 658 116 , 543 . 91 Balance Total Expenditures 145230 , 20 62 , 717 . 88 55863 To be determined REVENUES Actual Actual Budget Anticipated 2019 2019 2020 2021 Thru 2 "d Total Revenues 239101 229672 quarter 22 , 652 1 1 , 326 Mason County District Court — Financial Analysis $ Budget request. Page 2 of 3 Other Trial Court Improvement Accomplishments : Trial Court Improvement — Other improvements to court staffing, programs , facilities and services : 2008 — ➢ Purchased laptop , FTR for laptop and Webcam to be used as a traveling system for when court needs to travel to another location . ➢ Purchased Assistive Listening device — ( these funds were reimbursed by the State from the LAP fund) 2009 — ➢ Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2010 — ➢ Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2011 — ➢ Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2012 — ➢ Language Interpreting system ➢ Purchase of Jury Systems Inc . — New Jury Management system ➢ Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2013 — ➢ Finalized purchase of the Jury Management System D Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2014 — ➢ Purchase furniture and other items for the new District Court Courtroom in the Basement ➢ Maintenance for FTR on Laptop 2015 — ➢ $ 72161 , 31 - CD W — server for video Conference ➢ $ 50 , 237 . 72 — Jefferson Audio/Video ( for video conferencing system ) 2016 — ➢ $ 0 . 00 2017 — ➢ $ 5 , 000 — CDW — Odyssey Printer/Scanner for County Clerk ' s Office ➢ $41185 . 85 - purchased Microsoft Word for District Court . 2018 - $ 0 . 00 Mason County District Court — Financial Analysis & Budget request. Page 3 of 3 Trial Court Improvement — Other improvements to court staffing , programs , facilities and services ( continued ) : 2019- ➢ $ 1 , 719 . 04 - Justice AV Solutions — Install DC Jays from Courtroom B into Juvenile Crt ➢ $ 6 ,420 . 85 - Purchase upgrade for Jury Master System — County Clerk ➢ $ 6 , 090 .31 - Purchase Scanner for District Court Record retention $ 2 , 500 . 00 — Automon SC and DC — pretrial subscription/training ➢ $ 176 . 00 - Use Tax for Automon ➢ $ 622 . 00 - Internal Allocations 2020 - ➢ $ 137 . 50 — First quarter Allocations $ 2 , 100 — Automon LLC — Pretrial Subscription renewal ➢ $ 13T50 - 2 "d quarter Allocations ➢ $ 184 . 80 — Use Tax on Automon ➢ $ 13T50 — 3 `d quarter Allocations ➢ $ 59 , 883 . 08 — JAV ' S Recording for Building 10 Courtroom B ➢ $ 137 . 50 — 411' quarter Allocations 2021 - ➢ $ 137 . 50 — I " quarter Allocations ➢ $ 137 . 50 — 2"d quarter Allocations Mason County District Court — Financial Analysis & Budget request. Page 4 of 3 2021 krh superior Court Judges; yujd I r I m F t F t L aMonty Cobb ��gx Amber F�n'la� �xfii Ir L Da 33 nL. oode�llr Superior Court ChESuperior Court Extra Help Court Commissioner �idm�nisirator W Commisioner PAP 1 FFE k51. _FfE ,; (1-2 Commissioners) Therapeutic Court Manager AccountingTech_ Deputy Administrator Juvenile Juvenile Detention Manager Court Case Manager Judicial AsstjCt. Recorder 5r. Probation Counselor Lead Detention Officer Case Manager Judicial AsSt.�Ct_ Ct. Program Coordinator Detention Officer Recorder Judicial Asst./Family Caw. Case Manager Probation Counselor Detention Officer Facilitator Extra = Help Bailiffs (2- 3) Probation Counselor Detention Officer Probation Counselor Detention Officer Probation Counselor Detention Q ficer Office Technician Detention Officer Detention Officer Detention Officer Extra Help Detention Officers 8-10 u urMr i — ti . . - It1 � d1U§'V7:' 2022 lllp� '; Vper�or, G+.I + gesI. l 4 a��Fj4 � : Monty Cobb 4Y� Idi - F. r iI- I w t x i , ' Amber Finlay, �c a Y' z '� l �� ' FlF Dan Goodell10 Superior Court, . III ' FIFF r f!'ie�;Super or Cou—a Extra Help Court IF Commissioner AdmIIFFff rnrstrator C6mmisi'oner- 925 FTE rrws 1 FTi ji 2;Conmissionersj ,. Deputy`Administrator Juvenile Therapeutic. Court Manager . Accounting Tech_ Juvenile Detention Manager Court Case Manager Judicial Asst./Ct Recorder Sr. Probation Counselor Lead Detention Officer Judicial Asst /Ct. Case Manager Ct. Program Coordinator Detention Officer Recorder Judicial Asst./Family roily Law. Case Manager Probation Counselor Detention Officer Fadilitator• ExtaHelp Bailiffs'° j23} Probation Counselor Detention Officer Una roved Admi Probation Counselor . Detention Officer Secretary/Judicial Asst . Probation Counselor . Detention Officer Office Technician Detention Officer Detention Officer Detention Officer Extra Help Detention Officers 8-10