HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/05/24 - KMB Agenda906 Columbia Street SW, Suite 400 Olympia, Washington 98501 360.352.8883 KMB-architects.com Project Meeting - Agenda architects Meeting Date: May 24, 2021 Project: Mason County Criminal Justice Study KMB Job No.: J1936 Purpose of Meeting: Jail Needs Study – Site Review and Test Fit Location: ZOOM Meeting May 2021 June 2021 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 Att Dist Name Company/Position Email Phone Cell   Bill Valdez KMB architects billvaldez@kmb-architects.com 360.352.8883 719.205.2375   Bryan Beley KMB architects bryanbeley@kmb-architects.com 360.352.8883   Sheri O’ Brien KMB architects sheriobrien@kmb-architects.com 360.352.8883   Karen Chinn Chinn Planning karenlchinn@gmail.com 803.261.5682 803.261.5682   Kevin Hanson MCSD, Chief Deputy of Corr. khanson@co.mason.wa.us 360.427.9670   Shane Schoenberg MCSD, Lieutenant sschoeneberg@co.mason.wa.us 360.427.9670   Casey Salisbury MCSD, Sheriff caseys@co.mason.wa.us 360.427.9670   Travis Adams MCSD, Undersheriff tadams@co.mason.wa.us 360.427.9670   Frank Pinter Support Services fpinter@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 530   Peter Jones Public Defense pjones@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 280   Patsy Robinson Dist. Court patsyr@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 278   George Steele Dist. Court gsteele@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 339   Dan Goodell Sup. Court Judge dgoodell@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 206   Robyn Lockwood Sup. Court Admin rl@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 206   Jim Madsen Juvenile Court jamesma@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 332   Dara Ward Admin Prosecutor daraw@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 417   Tim Whitehead Chief DPA timw@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 298   Mike Dorcy Prosecutor michaed@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 401   Kevin Shutty MC Commissioner kshutty@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 419   Randy Neatherlin MC Commissioner randyn@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 419   Sharon Trask MC Commissioner strask@co.mason.wa.us “, ext. 419   Jeff Niten City of Shelton City Manager jeff.niten@sheltonwa.gov 360.432.5105   Carole Beason City of Shelton Chief of Police carole.beason@sheltonwa.gov 360.432.5146   Chief Doug Smith Skokomish Tribe Police 360.426.4740   Chief Alex Ehler Squaxin Island Tribe Police 360.426.5222 Mason County Criminal Justice Study Jail Needs Study – Site Review and Test Fit May 24, 2021 Page 2 Opening Items a. Introductions b. Project Schedule Tues. April 20 Kick off meeting to review scope completed and next steps and schedule with key stakeholders. Tues. May 11 Programming verification meeting. Mon. May 24 Initial site review and test fit. Tues. June 1 Concept design options. Mon. June 21 Preliminary cost models & preferred option. Mon. July 19 Final cost models and draft report. Thurs. July 29 Final report. Discussion Items 1. Review Building Components 2. Review Sites A. Area B. Setbacks & Development C. Requirements D. Access E. Utility F. Grading 3. Site Evaluations & Test Fits 4. Debrief & Wrap Up A. Next Steps B. Next Meeting Date: June 1 – Concept Design Options. Time: 2:00 PM Location: ZOOM Meeting