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2021/05/11 - Regular Packet
Board of Mason County Commissioners nCDraft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5` St, Shelton, WA 98584 May 11, 2021 9:00 a.m. sm Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.15, in person attendance to Commission meetings is temporarily restricted. During this time, we will accept public comment and testimony using Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. You can also e-mail msmith@co.mason.wa.us; mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360)427-9670 ext. 230. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. These options are available only while COVID-19 Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) meeting restrictions are in place. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 Proclamation — National Correctional Officers and Employees Week 4.3 Proclamation — Peace Officers' Memorial Day and National Police Week 4.4 Proclamation — National Public Works Week 4.5 News Release—Allyn County Owned/Maintained Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment. These options are only available while COVID-19 OPMA meetings restrictions are in place. (3 minutes per person,15-minute time limit.) 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after'Item 10. Public Hearings"maybe be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes— March 29, 2021, April 5, 2021, and May 3, 2021 Briefing Minutes and April 27, 2021 Regular Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under'Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval to set a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider a petition for annexation of additional property into Mason County Fire Protection District No. 16. 8.2 Approval to subcontract with Mason County Public Utilities District No. 3 to provide utility arrears through the Treasury Rent Assistance Program Grant. 8.3 Approval to set a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider a rezone of a 10.75-acre parcel # 32030-14-90030 from Neighborhood Residential to Mixed Use within the Shelton Urban Growth Area. 8.4 Approval of Warrants&Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8079426-8079582 $ 622,225.33 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 76980-77373 $ 761,892.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7005879-7005903 $ 537,913.87 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 2,633,645.51 8.5 Approval of the addendum with Alcohol Monitoring Services, Inc. extending the contract to May 3, 2024 for electronic inmate monitoring services. 8.6 Approval of a resolution selecting the Shelton-Mason CountyJournal as the official County newspaper for publishing certain legal publications. 8.7 Approval to reappoint Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members for a term ending May 31, 2023. Generators: Shaun Tucker and Nate Welch. Spenders: Pam Volz, Heidi McCutcheon, and Duane Wilson, 8.8 Approval to nominate Jennifer Baria to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for an additional three-year term ending June 30, 2024. 8.9 Approval of the interlocal agreement between Mason and Thurston Counties for the Developmental Disabilities Program — Millage Levy. 8.10 Approval of the two contracts with Prothman —one for Executive Search Services and one for Consulting Services. 8.11 Approval to authorize Public Works to procure, award, and execute a contract to upgrade the Public Works Facility security system and enter into a monitoring and maintenance agreement. 8.12 Approval to authorize Public Works to procure and execute an agreement for On-Call Developmental Review services with a maximum payout not to exceed $20,000. 8.13 Approval to authorize Public Works to purchase the specialized bottomless aluminum box culvert structure for the Homer-Adams culvert replacement project, County Road Project(CRP) 2001 at milepost 0.10 to 0.20, as a sole-source purchase in the estimated amount of$170,000 plus tax from Contech Engineered Solutions. 8.14 Approval to replace Resolution # 2021-009 and execute the revised resolution for CRP 2029 Agate Road and CRP 2030 Old Belfair Highway Hot-Mix-Asphalt overlay projects. 8.15 Approval to pay Susan Blankenship, Assistant Election Administrator, additional pay for working in a higher class at Non-Represented Salary Range 27, Step 0, effective May 11, 2021 through the replacement process plus two weeks of training a new Election Superintendent. 8.16 Approval of the agreement with S. C. Johnson &Son, Inc., the City of Shelton, and Mason County for a Plastic Film Recycling Pilot Program. 8.17 Approval of a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation, and Recovery Policy and to add it to the Mason County Code. 8.18 Approval to create, post, and fill one additional Financial Analyst position in the Auditor's Office, as an Interim, for Succession Planning beginning July 1, 2021 to transition into the Senior Financial Analyst position that will be vacant approximately in May, 2022. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider the proposed ordinance with code changes creating a Mason County Clean Water District and financing mechanism. Staff: Alex Paysse 10.2 Public Hearing to amend the 2021 Annual Construction Program. Staff: Mike Collins 10.3 Public Hearing to amend the 2021-2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Staff: Mike Collins 11. Board's Calendar and Reports 12. Adjournment ue ,K MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Ginger Kenyon Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: May 11, 2021 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Economic Development Council of Mason County sent in the 2021 First Quarter Report. 4.1.2 Received notification on a reimbursement to County Road Administration Board. 4.1.3 A letter was received from Andrew Herold regarding property on Hartstine Island. 4.1.4 Received a Planning Advisory Commission District 3 application from Bob Wilkerson. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask 2021 Q1 Report: Economic Development Council of Mason Clerk The Mason EDC is the lead designated economic development agency for Mason County. we represent the County and local businesses on a number of statewide, national and international issues. At the heart of the work the EDC does are four main principles: • RECRUIT investment and employment opportunities to the region, • RETAIN existing local businesses by providing technical assistance and advocacy, and • EXPAND operational capacity for local employers by providing them with new market opportunities. • COORDINATE economic development efforts in Mason County, the region, and the state. 2020 Scope of Services M CONTRACTOR to provide a budget by expense category totaling$90,000 for the 2021, one-year contract to the BOCC within fifteen days (15) of contract execution. Completed. Q CONTRACTOR to provide update to Board of County Commissioner... Deliverable: At a minimum of once per quarter the Executive Director or designee will provide a brief update on EDC work during public testimony at commission meetings. Q1: Monthly with changes during COVID19 briefing changes etc. Q1: We kept the same outreach efforts for the Vt quarter of 2021 which has been county wide during these recovery efforts. We continue to utilize our local newspaper, radio station, Mason County EOC Team, Firefighters Association, social media, email distributions lists. We are calling, emailing, and driving to businesses to make sure we reach as many as we can during this time. We have also partnered with our public utility districts#3 and No.1 to reach all their commercial rate payers to provide funding opportunities and business support resources. RECRUITMENT& MARKETING 0 CONTRACTOR to market Mason County as excellent locations to expand or relocate ... Deliverable: number of businesses contacted. Q1: New leads: 8 Potentials Pipeline: 5 Sites: Industrial Land -Work beginning on examination of current industrial land and potential development areas. Property portfolio development and distribution at Economix that directly engaged site selectors in industrial development. Commercial sites- identification of potential projects areas, review of current infrastructure, assessment of needed infrastructure to make marketable. Runway Business Park-Site plan development moving forward. 0 CONTRACTOR to provide site location assistance ... Deliverable: Quarterly list of project names. Q1: Project Hotel—ongoing Project Skeeters Family Bowling Center—Assistance with USDA funding Project High Bar—Manufacturer Project Big- Developer Project Squirrel - Manufacturer Project Compass—Manufacturer Project Dwell - Developer BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION ACTIVITIES Deliverable: quarterly dashboard of communication analytics. Q1: DASHBOARD OF ANALYTICS: 2020 Q4 WEBSITE •I= •• • :• 1,564 3,415 56.27% 71,412 SOCIAL MEDIA Followers: 1865 Followers: 139 New Followers:84 New Followers:23 Page Views:293 New Posts:6 Likes:1683 Post Reach:5597 CONTRACTOR to provide business retention and expansion services ... Work has begun to transition the 'Business Spotlights' into a formal BRE program.This program will incorporate a wide range of tools and services designed to help local businesses become more competitive and to grow where they are rather than relocate. Deliverable: number of businesses visited. Q1: Because of covid concerns remaining very high we have had reduced in person visits this year, as a result we have had approximately 50 visits. We estimate we have reached roughly 2,000 of our counties 4,400 businesses. We are working with local, regional, and state governments on programs to support our local businesses. We are collaborating with the Department of Commerce on a 4th Round of Working Washington Grant program for our county and our outreach has been extensive. We are also in discussions with the county on how to best include home-based businesses in future funding opportunities and what that criteria would look like. Deliverable: number of follow-ups with existing businesses. Q1: EDC staff continues to work with the Mason County Area Command team for recovery efforts in Mason County. iFiberone News Radio and Shelton-Mason County Journal continue to share out our updates via interviews and articles. We have also partnered with PUD#3 and PUD No.1 to send grant and business support resource information to ALL commercial rate payers in Mason County totaling over 600 commercial accounts. Our distribution lists are massive, and we use those constantly and receive great feedback. With follow ups,via email, phone calls, referrals we estimate 300 at minimum. Q CONTRACTOR to participate ... in the coordination of the job skills training program and the customized training program within its region. Q1: CDBG Business Builder Course—Courses began in September 2020 with the addition of an Online Marketing course as well as a Social Media Presence Course to assist with the demand of ecommerce growth from Covid-19. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE Q CONTRACTOR to provide or facilitate the provision of export assistance. C✓I CONTRACTOR to provide business assistance ... Deliverable: number of businesses that direct assistance was provided. Because of covid concerns remaining very high we have had reduced in person visits this year. We have had approximately 50 visits. The 'Business Spotlights' have safely and slowly begun again as we move forward into phases as part of the Roadmap to Recovery from the Governor's office.The BRE program had been modified to digital and virtual services during the pandemic to be safe for our staff. Moving forward in reopening we will incorporate a wide range of tools and services designed to help local businesses become more competitive and to grow where they are rather than relocate. Deliverable: and number of follow-up interactions. Q1: We estimate that we have had 300 direct follow up interactions with businesses originally contacted in need of application support for grants, PPP and EIDL programs, referrals, and reviews. We have a network of professionals specific in their fields that we refer folks to as well. As you can imagine, we are continuing our focus on business retention and funding/grant opportunity outreach READINESS&CAPACITY BUILDING 0 CONTRACTOR to solicit, compile and rank the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) list annually. Submit to COUNTY for review and approval on or before 4/25/2021. 0 CONTRACTOR to provide an annual economic report. Deliverable: report of economic indicators and comparisons in Mason County. 0 CONTRACTOR to participate in economic development system-wide discussions regarding gaps in business start-up assistance in Mason County. 0 CONTRACTOR to participate in development of a countywide economic development plan in conjunction with other governmental jurisdictions and institutions. o Opportunity Zones 0 CONTRACTOR to provide an annual snapshot of local economic conditions ... Deliverable: Economic Vitality index will be complied and provided in April 2021. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask Clerk .1 µ,AD ACYtN1$T,�,,i/Oh °°4 Washington State County Road Administration Board 2404 Chandler Court SW, Suite 240 Olympia, WA 98502 www.crab.wa.gov 360-753-5989 April 23, 2021 Randy Neatherlin, Chair Mason County Commissioner 411 North Fifth Street Shelton, WA 98584-3400 Dear Commissioner Neatherlin, I have received your letter dated April 5, 2021 notifying CRAB of the County's withdrawal of the subject project. While withdrawal of a valuable project is never desired, the situation explained in your letter demonstrates that Mason County has considered multiple solutions and found that the project cannot be completed as originally scoped within the time constraints of the grant, also considering significant increase in cost. Reimbursement of the $52,045.61 in expended RATA funds is due to the County Road Administration Board within 60 days of the date of this acknowledgement letter. Please call 360-350-6081 or email steve.johnson(a crab.wa.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely, John Koster,Director County Road Administration Board rig cc:Mike Collins PE,PLS,Mason County Engineer project file A P P 2 C) 2G?E Mason County Commissioners Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin. Shutty, Trask Clerk Apnl 21,2021 Dear Mrs. Trask, I apologize in advance for the length of this letter. Mason County Commissioners The recommendation that I reach out to you came from the City of Shelton Police Department. It is our hope you will be able to help my community on Harstine Island, which has been dealing with a homeless encampment scattered across several private parcels of land. The parcels in question are: 22001-33-02011, 22001-33-02000, and 22001-33-92001, though these may not be the only ones, simply the ones we know of.An online search of the real property records shows these properties are zoned as undeveloped land, and none of them hold permits for homeless encampments. It is uncertain whether or not there is septic or water installed. My husband and I are recent transplants to Harstine Island from Hoodsport, Washington,having moved last September, and in that time have witnessed many things which we consider dangers to the local community. Here are just some of the issues with which we have been dealing: There have been multiple instances of theft and verbal fights on these properties, as well as constant trespassing events on our private road, E Lesaca Dr.,perpetrated by those living on said parcels. Both myself and a neighbor have spoken to the trespassers to let them know the property is private and therefore off limits to them, but we have been ignored and verbally assaulted. I have one such instance on film. Due to this, I have been in contact with the Mason County Sheriff's Department, which has provided minimal assistance. They have been aware of this encampment for some time, but seem unable to deal with the problem. They've told me in order to pursue legal action, I need to know the identity of the trespassers(which, given the transient nature of the individuals squatting there, as well as their combative personalities, is unlikely to happen), or to have them on camera trespassing. However, as you cannot clearly see their faces on film (they are aware of the cameras and go out of their way to avoid detection), most of the deputies have been reticent to come and speak to them. It has been suggested that we apply for an anti-harassment order against them, but that too requires a name, which we do not have, and have no way of obtaining. The county records only list the landowners. These parcels, in particular the one located at 10 E Appaloosa Dr., is also home to a large population of feral cats and unleashed dogs, which have strayed onto our property and consequently scent marked our vehicles as well as our house and personal property. In one instance, a cat sprayed our dryer vent resulting in our entire house smelling of cat urine. I April 21, 2021 attempted to call animal control, but was informed a month after leaving a message that animal control is no longer an active department of our local government. There has been at least one instance of unaccompanied children from the encampment walking down the center of the main road(E Island Road N), which is very busy and along which people tend to speed. The parcels play host to a large collection of what appear to be broken down, tarp covered RVs and unregistered vehicles, as well as piles of trash, which results in litter up and down both the main road and our private road, and an increased rodent population. Their presence in the neighborhood has also brought with it a steady stream of suspect vehicles and people, and frequent smoke from what appears to be burning garbage. And (this is a minor point, I concede, but it adds to the overall atmosphere of tension here) very loud music which plays early in the morning (3-4 AM) and late at night, as well as the use of power equipment(ie. chainsaws)during these same hours. In response to these issues, I have contacted the Mason County Sheriff's Department,the City of Shelton Police Department, the Building Department,the Planning Department, and the Mason County Department of Health. Most people I speak to are sympathetic, though claim their hands are tied. They offer up a referral to reach out to someone else, which has led to you. The Department of Health said they would send someone out to take a look and, if there was any validity to the complaint, investigate. I do not know if this has been done. Mason County Sheriff's department has encouraged us to invest in security cameras,which we have (a system costing just under$1,000), a trail camera when the security cameras proved ineffective, as well as encouraging us to build a fence along the stretch of property on which the homeless have been trespassing. So far the lowest bid I've gotten just to have the land surveyed is $1,200, and I am anticipating a fight with the squatters when we do try to put up a fence. These are all costs we have incurred simply by trying to maintain the status quo of our home. I understand that Washington State is undergoing an influx of homeless people and that this encampment may not seem like a priority compared to the much larger ones in our county, but it is not the size which matters, it is the impact. The impact on this community has been substantial.Not only is there the added anxiety of break-ins and thefts whenever we leave our April 21, 2021 homes, there's the fear of being accosted when we go to retrieve our mail, not to mention the issue of lowered property values. Our property taxes alone this year are verging on $5,000, and to pay that amount while living with constant nuisance, fear, and no recourse, adds insult to injury. It is exceptionally frustrating to feel that, as a property owner in Mason County, I have fewer rights than someone squatting on private property nearby. I would very much like to speak to you about what could be done to remove this danger to my neighborhood and to make this piece of Mason County something to be proud of. We are at our wits'end and have nowhere else to turn. Please call me on my cell, number listed below, and/or email me. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Andrew Herold Cell: (607) 968-4173 andrewmherold@gmail.com RySpP CoU`�T 1854 PROCLAMATION NATIONAL CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WEEK WHEREAS, the Mason County Sheriff's Office is committed to maintain custody, security, and control of the county's jail in a safe, efficient, and constitutional manner; and WHEREAS, Correctional Employees are unseen and often unappreciated, dedicated professionals who chose a career as community servants who manage a diverse group of individuals, some of whom are violent, mentally ill, and dangerous; and WHEREAS, Correctional Employees are an indispensable part of law enforcement. They keep our communities safe and put themselves in harm's way to advance a mission of protecting the public, staff and inmates, while at the same time helping offenders to change their behavior to become better human beings; and WHEREAS, in 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation calling upon the country to pay tribute to corrections professionals. This proclamation created a week of commemoration of the work done by correctional officers. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Mason County Board of County Commissioners proclaims the week of May 3 —9 2021 as National Correctional Officers and Employees Week in Mason County. Adopted with the highest degree of respect this 111" day of May, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner co IX 54 PR0CLAN1.-*JION PEACE OFFICERS' MEMORIAL DAY AND NATIONAL POLICE WEEK WHEREAS, Congress and the President of the United States have declared May 15, 2021 as "Peace Officers' Memorial Day" and the week in which it falls as "National Police Week"; and WHEREAS,There are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in the communities across the United States, including the dedicated members of the Mason County Sheriff's Office, Shelton Police Department, Skokomish Indian Tribe, Squaxin Island Indian Tribe, Washington State Patrol, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Corrections and other state and federal agencies; and WHEREAS, the members of our law enforcement agencies play an essential role in safeguarding our community; and WHEREAS, it is important for all residents to know and understand the duties, responsibilities, hazards, and sacrifices of their law enforcement agencies, and that members of our law enforcement agencies recognize their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, by protecting against violence and disorder, and by protecting the innocent and most vulnerable among us; and WHEREAS, the service and sacrifice of officers killed in the line of duty should be honored, remembered and recognized during this dedicated week and throughout the year; NOW, THEREFORE the Mason County Board of Commissioners call upon residents of Mason County to observe the week of May 9-15, 2021 as "National Police Week" recognizing all law enforcement officers, past and present, who, by their faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities, have rendered a dedicated service to their communities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mason County Board of Commissioners call upon residents to observe May 15, 2021 as "Peace Officers' Memorial Day" to honor law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community or have been disabled in the performance of their duties, and recognize and pay respect to the survivors of all fallen law enforcement officers. Dated this 11th day of May, 2021. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner COD�rA r � 1854 National Public Works Week Proclamation May 16-23,2021 "Stronger Together" WHEREAS, Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities, and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life, and well-being of the people of Mason County;and, WHEREAS, these infrastructure, facilities, and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals, who are engineers, managers, and employees at all levels of government and the private sector,who are responsible for rebuilding,improving,and protecting our nation's transportation,water supply,water treatment and solid waste systems, public buildings,and other structures and facilities essential for our citizens;and, WHEREAS,it is in the public interest for citizens,civic leaders,and children in Mason County to gain knowledge of and to maintain a progressive interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities;and, WHEREAS,the year 2021 marks the 61't annual National Public Works Week sponsored by the American Public Works Association/Canadian Public Works Association;and be it, NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED,that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby designate the week of May 16-22, 2021 as National Public Works Week; I urge all citizens to join with representatives of the American Public Works Association/Canadian Public Works Association and government agencies in activities, events, and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals, engineers, managers, and employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health,safety,and quality of life. DONE IN OPEN SESSION on this 11`h day of May, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin,Chair Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Sharon Trask,Commissioner NEWS RELEASE May 11,2021 MASON COUNTY COMIVIISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5TH STREET SHELTON,WA 98584 TO: KMAS,IG XY,SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,THE OLYMPIAN,SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,CITY OF SHELTON,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL,THE SUN,MASON TRANSIT RE: Allyn Countv Owned/Maintained Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing The Mason County Public Works U&W Management Division will be conducting sanitary sewer smoke testing beginning in early June. Crews will open and enter into the manholes located in streets and public utility easements to pump smoke into the sanitary sewer system to locate breaks,defects and reveal sources of where storm and other surface water enters the system.The information gained from this testing will be used to improve your sewer services and may eventually reduce utility costs to customers. A special non-toxic smoke,manufacture for this purpose,will be used for the testing.The smoke has a distinctive,but not unpleasant,odor.Visibility and odor last only a few minutes,where there is adequate ventilation and doesn't leave residuals, stains or effect plants or animal life. Because the plumbing appliances in your house or building are connected to the sanitary sewer system,some smoke may enter your home or place of business if the: • Vents connected to your building's sewer pipes are inadequate, defective,or improperly installed • Traps under sinks,tubs,basins,showers and other drains are dry,defective,improperly installed,or musing. •Pipes, connections and seals of the wastewater drain system in and under your buildings are damaged,defective, have plugs missing or are improperly installed All residents are advised that if traces of this smoke or its odor enter your home or building,it is an indication that gases and odors from the sewer may also enter.These can be both unpleasant and dangerous,as well as a health risk to the occupants. Should smoke enter your home or building,please notify U&W Management so that crews can investigate; location,identification,and correction of the source of smoke that enters your home or building is urgently advised.Your cooperation during this testing is appreciated. Please call the Public Works U&W Management Division to notify or ask questions about this testing,at 360-427-9670 ext.457. Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Vice Chair Commissioner Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes March 29,2021 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of March 29,2021 Monday,March 29,2021 —Started at 9:01 a.m. 9:00 A.M. Interviews for Board of Equalization Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • The Commissioners interviewed Barbara Van Cleave-Smith and Cheryl Williams and agreed to appoint Cheryl Williams. Approval to move to tomorrow's agenda. 9:20 A.M. WSU Extension—Dan Teuteberg Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Dan shared that WSU is open to the public and appointments are not necessary. 9:30 A.M. Community Services—Kell Rowen&Alex Paysse Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Kell gave an update on the Permit Assistance Center for Building and Planning on functions and operations. Applicants for a Plans Examiner will be looked at with HR. Permits,both incoming and outgoing,have increased. Staff has been meeting consistently to discuss processing,training,efficiency,and to keep communication open. Cmmr. Shutty asked what options exist to expand the Fire Marshal to more than one day a week. Kell responded there is not a need for a full time Fire Marshal. • Alex shared the contract for Public Water System Survey has not been completed yet and brought forward the draft ordinance combining all existing shellfish protection districts for review. Commissioners asked for the ordinance to be briefed again at the next meeting. • Todd presented the Treasury Rent Assistance Program contract. 65%of funds must be spent by September 30,2021. A subcontracting strategy is still being worked on. Commissioners approved to move this item forward to tomorrow's agenda. • Casey discussed moving to a weekly billing cycle for Eviction Rent Assistance Program(E-RAP)to reduce cash on hand. This would require a structure change and more vouchers. Commissioners asked to bring this item to the next briefing for further discussion. • Todd discussed the 5%requirement to allocate money to organizations"by and for" the community and the racial equity performance measurement. 10:00 A.M. Break 10:05 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Request for a Private Line Occupancy Permit from Robert and Shannon Durbin approved to moved forward. • Loretta shared they are getting prepped for their Summer Preservation Program. • Staff has moved to working four 10-hour days. • Loretta shared Public Works has been open to the public and that their website needs to be updated business-wise. • Mike shared he plans to ask to adjust the 6-Year Plan and the Annual Program at the next briefing. • Cmmr. Shutty asked for progress on the capital facilities element,Loretta is working with Kell on a plan. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes March 29,2021 • Cmmr.Neatherlin commented on road work that needs done on Highways 106 and 300 as well as the light on Highway 106 that is not triggering properly. He also asked for a follow up with Richard regarding a release for the property owners below the spill on Allyn. Loretta mentioned Highway 300 is on the State's preservation program and that she has a follow up call with Risk regarding the spill. 10:30 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Frank presented the Correspondence Policy. The deadline will be the same as agenda items,by noon the Wednesday before. All testimony and comments need to go to the Clerk of the Board. For Public Testimony,comments must be received before testimony is over to be read into record. Documents submitted for record must be sent to the Clerk. The policy will be modified and brought back to the next briefing. • Associate Development Organization Designation only had one applicant—Mason County Economic Development Council(EDC). Approved to move forward with designating the EDC. • Frank presented an update on public access to County Services. • RFP for Veteran Services received four inquiries for more information,but none completed an application. Commissioners asked Jennifer to re-advertise and suggested that Todd may have partners to reach out to. • Kelly discussed bringing custodial services back to in-house under Facilities due to cleanliness complaints. This would be a budget increase of$159k. Commissioners asked how compliant Coastal Custodial is with the contract and suggested doing an RFP for cleaning services. Kelly will meet with Custodial Services. • Frank continued the discussion on job descriptions for Support Services Director and Budget and Finance Manager. The Budget and Finance Manager position will direct all county-wide finance managers and accounting personnel excluding the Auditor's office. Commissioners asked to emphasize that the position would manage county- wide accounting policies,not county-wide management of staff. Risk Management will remain under HR. HR will be moved to its own independent administration and report directly to the Board. The Support Services Director will handle contract negotiations with assistance from the Budget and Finance Manager and HR. IT reporting directly to Support Services and potentially having a management position was also discussed. Once a job description and scope of work is defined,a salary range would be assigned. For the Support Services Director,a specific job title will be determined once the description is finalized. Key notes for the Support Services Director position are that it removes HR from underneath it,leaves labor relations as chief negotiator,adds items relating to professional services and responsibilities around community and civic groups,and coordinates and associates with those. Cmmr.Neatherlin would like the verbiage"when appointed or assigned by Commission"regarding community assignments and civic groups. The ideal candidate would be a strategic thinker/planner. Six months of management analysis/planning techniques and five years of supervisory responsibility preferably in the public sector in a senior administrative executive position was added to the list of qualifications. The job title will be County Manager. • KMB would like to schedule a meeting with the Board to review the status and plan moving forward for completion of jail services. Frank will look into setting a date for Tuesday,April 20,2021 or Tuesday,April 27,2021. The scope of the jail review will be impacted by the State v.Blake decision,House Bill 5248,sentencing guideline changes,and the status of what"juvenile"means. Cmmr.Shutty requests a broad conversation about juveniles in detention in the County in general. Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes March 29,2021 • Dawn shared a letter from Terri Drexler regarding support for funding for the Federal Community Project funding that will create Transitional Housing for young adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Approval to move to tomorrow's agenda. • Cmmr. Shutty shared a letter regarding relocation of utilities for PUD 1 to have their power relocated as a part of the Duckabush Estuary Restoration project. Approval to move to tomorrow's agenda. • Commissioners discussed the restructure for Superior Court and the withdrawal of the detention officer positions request. Cmmr.Trask is not comfortable with the request for two new positions or phases and would like additional time to discuss these positions at the next briefing. Approval to pull from tomorrow's agenda. • Cmmr.Trask discussed scanning packets in color for better visibility. 11:15 A.M. Interview for Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • The Commissioners interviewed Jamie Queen and agreed to appoint her to the LMTAAA Board and add the appointment to tomorrow's agenda. 11:25 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion—no need Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. Adjourned at 12:12 Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of April 5,2021 Monday,April 5,2021 —Started at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Requests to reorganize the administrative structure of Superior Court and hire two additional Detention Officers moved to the next briefing. • Setting a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 25,2021 at 9:15 a.m.for the 2021 Community Development Block Public Services Grant approved to move forward. • Frank continued the review for the County Manager,Budget Finance Manager,and Human Resources positions. Cmmr.Neatherlin feels County Director would be a more apt job title due to the ability to hire and fire employees. Cmmr.Trask would like to prioritize job positions,include"advisor to Commission"in the job description,and shared her concerns about financial obligations and costs. Cmmr. Shutty commented on the current inequity between Support Services Director, Community Development Director,and Public Works Director because of the additional level of authority of Support Services Director. Frank mentioned the potential for compression between the Union positions and Non-Represented positions in the Sheriff s Office. For the HR position,the following is preferred: Bachelor's Degree with a Master's Degree preference and 5-year minimum experience as a negotiator or HR Administrator. Frank also shared that there are three executive search services that came forward with proposals. Approval to add County Manager and Budget Finance Manager to the agenda and brief the HR position at the April 12,2021 briefing. • 2021 Order of Sale list of surplus properties for the Tax Title Auction at the end of May or beginning of June approved to move forward. • Briefing meetings will continue to be held every Monday while Commission meetings will continue to be held every other Tuesday. • Commission Correspondence Policy approved to move forward. • A letter supporting resources to address homelessness in our communities was received but will not move forward due to time constraints. • Cmmr.Trask announced that April is County Government month. 9:30 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Todd Parker presented a Consolidated Homeless Grant Contract for the Housing and Essential Needs Program with the Community Action Council de-obligating funds that will not be used and reallocating them across the state. Approved to move forward. • Setting a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 11,2021 at 9:15 a.m.to consider approval of an ordinance combining existing shellfish protection districts into a single district model was approved to move forward. A change was made to assess additional fees on trouble parcels in section 6.88.090. • Consolidated Contract#CLH18253 Amendment 20 extending the COVID-19 Coordinated Response,Division of Emergency Preparedness&Response,the Office of Drinking Water Group A Program through July 1,2021. Dave recommends against Task 4,which reads"setting up incident management teams from the state to access additional funding",since it is voluntary and would require subcontracts that are due by April 20,2021. Approved to move forward. 1 Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes April 5,2021 • Dave shared that Mason Matters met last week and that he was elected as temporary Chair and Lydia Buchheit was elected as Secretary/Treasurer. The 501c3 was renewed. Meetings will be every other month. • Kell Rowen gave an update on the Permit Assistance Center. The doors are open and appointments are required. Two parties of three people are allowed in the lobby at a time and both a Building person and a Planning person will be available throughout the day for questions. Permit packets have been updated online and IT is helping with a solution to streamline scheduling appointments. 9:45 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Setting a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 11,2021 at 9:15 a.m.to amend the 2021 Annual Construction Program and 2021-2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)approved to move forward. Mike shared a large hole was found in the Homer-Adams culvert out by Deckerville that is in dire need of replacement. Items 3,4,and 5 are gravel road conversions. RCO has accelerated funding for replacing culverts on both items 10 Uncle Johns Upper Culvert and 12 Dayton Creek Culvert. Item 15,Shelton-Matlock culvert replacement,currently has a 42"diameter and Fish&Wildlife is requiring a 40'wide structure. • Advertisement for a Request for Proposals for the removal and disposal of biosolids was approved to move forward. • Hiring 8 temporary seasonal flaggers was approved to move forward. • Hiring a.8 FTE intern assistant for survey crew was approved to move forward. • Hiring an Engineer was approved to move forward. • Mike discussed that there is interest in tax parcel#42212-51-84008 on Old Mill Road. The parcel was purchased in 1996 to construct a turnaround for the public and for snow plows. The Commission supports Public Works'opinion to not sell. 10:15 A.M. Economic Development Council—Jennifer Baria Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Jennifer gave an update on development,recruitment,and the review of community project funding for Congressional District 6 Representative Derek Kilmer and Congressional District 10 Representative Marilyn Strickland. Each district can recommend 10 projects. Incoming funding is from Commerce and excludes home- based businesses and the County is asked to potentially look into small micro-grants for those businesses. Working Washington 4 grant has had about 9,000 applications. Five projects are being moved forward including a manufacturer at the industrial park,a retail mixed-use business potentially within City limits,and two housing projects. Lastly,the CEDs project list opened up and applications and updates are due by April 19,2021 and will be done by the May 13,2021 board meeting. 10:35 A.M. Therapeutic Courts—Judge Cobb/Rene Cullop Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. • Family Recovery Court(FRC)was granted a Subaward grant from the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts to hire a caseworker for 3 years to evaluate the Mason County FRC Model to replicate in other rural courts. Approved to move forward. 10:45 A.M. Sheriffs Office—Sheryl Hilt Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask attended via Zoom. 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes April 5,2021 • A Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency grant to purchase a fully equipped 29' Lifeproof Response vessel was approved to move forward. This vessel would replace the 25' Safeboat Response vessel in Hood Canal. The Safeboat Response vessel will be relocated to Puget Sound. $30k a year is received from licenses. Commission Discussion • Proclamation for National Safety Telecommunications week approved to move forward. Adjourned at 10:52 a.m. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner 3 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of May 3,2021 Monday,May 3,2021 9:00 A.M Superior Court—Judge Goodell Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Judge Goodell presented recommendation from the Courthouse Security Committee for security officers. Recommendations include the main Courthouse be staffed with three officers,two armed and one unarmed and Building 10(District Court)be staffed with two officers,one armed and one unarmed. • Discussion included security cameras and radios for the security staff. The Commissioners asked for a cost of the expanded services 9:15 A.M. Sheriffs Office—Chief Hansen Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Chief Hanson presented a request to extend an existing agreement with Alcohol Monitoring services,Inc.(AMS)for three years to 3/5/2024. Request was approved to move forward. • Chief Dracobly presented a request for body and in-car video recording system for the Sheriff's Office and an additional FTE to support the program. The preferred quote is from GETAC and the capital cost is$704,000;upfitting cost is$40,000 and additional FTE is$91,000. It's estimated the additional employee would need to be hired in the 41 quarter of 2021. Cmmr Shutty talked about the potential change of the communications system with MACECOM and he asked what MACECOM should be mindful of for the video recording system. Cmmr.Trask expressed support of purchasing the body and in-car video recording system. There was discussion of how to pay for the system,possibly leasing and the Board will bring this back for final consideration. 9:45 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • A proposal from Prothman recruitment services was presented for the recruitment of a new Support Services Director. There was discussion of the Director position and the chances of finding a qualified person if this is changed to a County Manager/Administrator position. Sonja Prothman doesn't believe the current salary range will attract qualified Manager/Administrator applicants. She pointed out that a Manager/Administrator is there to support the Commissioners' vision. Discussion of hiring a consultant to help the Commissioners determine county priorities and what type of position will work best for the county. Recruitment takes at least three months and then six to eight weeks before the selected candidate could start.It is likely the county will need an interim-director.Frank will work with Sonja on a consultant proposal and brief next Monday. • Annexation petition for FPD 16 will be brought forward. The Commissioners considered this petition in February and the election failed so this is a repeat. • Resolution selecting County official newspaper pursuant to RCW 36.72.075 will be placed on the May 11 agenda. • Reappointment of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members will be on the May 11 agenda. • Public Records software for all county offices was approved to move forward with Gov QA. • Oath of Inventory for equipment with purchase price of$5,000+will be placed on the agenda. • Frank presented a reclass request in Auditor's office for the Financial Analyst position to a Senior Financial Analyst position. Cmmr. Shutty asked that this be held off until clarity with other reclass/reorg requests and consider all of them as a package. Consider requests in Support Services and Assessor's office. There may also be requests from the Prosecutor and Frank will email the elected officials and directors to gather all the staffing requests. Frank anticipates bringing this back to the May 17 briefing. • Auditor McGuire requested an Interim Financial Analyst for succession planning was approved for the May 11 agenda. • Special pay request in Auditor's office for Susan Blankenship,Assistant Election Administrator for the replacement process and training of a new Election Superintendent was approved. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes May 3,2021 • County Re-opening Plan Pandemic Exposure Control,Mitigation and Recovery Policy/Plan approved for the May 11 agenda. • Jennifer presented the 2021 Budget amendments and she will place the resolution on the May 11 agenda for a June 8 public hearing. • Cmmr.Shutty will be bringing forward proclamations for National Correction Officer week. 10:55 A.M. The Board took a 5-minute break. 11:05 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Anneliese Cole presented information for the Thurston&Mason Developmental Disabilities Program. The interlocal agreement for the millage levy will be placed on the May 11 agenda. • Treasury Rent Assistance Program(T-RAP)contract with Department of Commerce will be placed on the May 11 agenda. • Alex stated updates are needed to MCC Chapter 6.76 Onsite Sewage Regulations. Alex noted that State Code will be changing. Cmmr.Neatherlin requested the proposal include what is required in State Code. Alex will bring forward a proposal. 11:00 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Proclamation for National Public Works Week will be on May 11 agenda. • Budget adjustments to Fund 105,Fund 501 and Fund 403. Staff is working with Jenn to include in the 2021 budget hearing. 11:3 0 A.M. SC Johnson—Tom Gurr Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Cmmr.Shutty introduced Tom Gurr and Heather Berlinski from SC Johnson who presented information on a pilot program to recycle plastic film. This program includes Mason County Garbage and City of Shelton for collecting plastic film on the recycling routes in the City.The County's portion of the pilot program is to store the material at our transfer station and ship it to the recycling center in Delta,BC. Target start date is summer 2021. There will be a partnership agreement with the County.SC Johnson will contribute funding to the program. This is a pilot program and the goal is that the City will add plastic film as a required recycle item. There is no commitment requirement once the pilot program is finished. The County's cost will be covered by SC Johnson. The agreement will be brought forward for review. The meeting adjourned at 11:58 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner ' Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584 r April 27, 2021 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance — Ross McDowell led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call — Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 — Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 — Sharon Trask. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: Marijuana and Liquor License due to expire, Change of Corporate Officers for Green State Indoor Inc., and Special Occasion Liquor License for Summit Pacific Medical Foundation to be held at Salish Cliffs Golf Club. 4.1.2 Mission Real Estate Group, LLC sent in a letter regarding the sewage spill at 18285 E State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. 4.2 Ross McDowell presented a News Release for Temporary Weekend Closure of MCRA Park for Field Weed Treatment. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input No citizen input. 6. Adoption of Agenda Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the March 22, 2021 Briefing Minutes and April 13, 2021 Regular Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S- aye; T-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda 8.1 Approval of Warrants&Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8078968-8079425 $ 1,391,563.67 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 76586-76979 $ 751,751.72 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7005843-7005878 $ 1,048,607.80 Treasure Electronic Remittances $ 8.2 Approval of an Order of Sale allowing the Mason County Treasurer to schedule an online auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain Tax Title properties. 8.3 Approval for the Chair to sign the Letter of Intent to Comply with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)Title VI Plan, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Standard Title VI/Non-Discrimination Assurances and all related Title VI documents covering the reporting period from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. 8.4 Approval for the County Engineer to submit the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant to WSDOT by April 30, 2021 for safety improvements throughout Mason County as well as approval to authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the grant. 8.5 Approval to delegate signature authority to Richard Dickinson and Justin Phelps to submit reports or documents for permitted County wastewater facilities. Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through B.S. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) No other business. 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. No Public Hearings set for this time. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports—The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Sharon Trask, Commissioner 2 1 April 27 , 2021 Commission Minutes MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # �. Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 5/3/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD ITEM: Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider a petition for annexation of additional property into Mason County Fire Protection District No. 16. Background: This is a repeat of the process previously followed in January/February 2021 to consider a petition for annexation of additional property in MCFPD 16. The election failed and another petition has been submitted. A Certificate of Sufficiency was submitted by Mason County Auditor Paddy McGuire to the County Commissioners on May 3, 2021. In accordance with RCW 52.04.011, the number of valid signatures in support of the petition meet the required 15% of registered voters to request a ballot measure after review and approval by the County Commissioners. Pursuant to RCW 52.02.050, a public hearing by the county legislative authority shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the official paper of the county and shall be posted for not less than fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing in three public places within the boundaries of the proposed district. Budget Impacts: Cost of legal notice, approximately $300. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. to consider a petition from Fire Protection District No. 16 for annexation of additional property into Fire Protection District No. 16. Attachment(s): Petition and Certificate of Sufficiency Mason County Auditor Phone: (360) 427-9670 ext. 468 411 NFifth Street Fax: (360) 427-1753 PO Box 400 Email: pmqgujre@co.maYon.wa.us Shelton, WA 98584 Website: www.co.mason.wa.us/auditor May 3,2021 The Honorable Randy Neatherlin Chair Board of County Commissioners 411N5"St Shelton,WA 98584 Dear Mr. Chairman: Enclosed is a Certificate of Sufficiency from Fire District 16 for a petition the District Board has submitted to annex an area west of Lake Cushman. In accordance with RCW 52.04.011,a petition was circulated among the registered voters that reside in the area. My office has determined that there are two such voters. The petition submitted contained the signature of 50 percent of those voters and that signature was found to match the voter's registration record. Therefore, I am submitting the petition to the Board for its consideration. Should the Board approve this annexation,the matter would be referred back to Fire District 16 for its Board to ask me to place the issue on a future ballot. The deadline for resolutions for the August 3,2021,Primary Election is May 14,2021. The deadline for resolutions for the November 2,2021,General Election is August 3, 2021. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.I am, Sincerely yours, Paddy McGuire Auditor Enclosure Cc:Matthew Welander, Chief, West Mason Fire f CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF MASON ) This is to certify that my office has examined the signature on the petition submitted in support of annexing additional property into Fire Protection District No. 16. One signature was submitted and verified. There was one valid signature and no invalid signatures. In accordance with RCW 52.04.011,the number of valid signatures in support of the petition surpassed the required 15%of registered voters to request a ballot measure after review and approval by the County Commissioners. I hereby witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of May, 2021. Paddy McGuire Mason County Auditor M��nREcEwED kcaot}s West Mason ]Fire APR 3 0 2021 4650 W Dayton Airport Road/PO Box 2436 Shelton, WA 98584 B3' ���, 360-426-7343/Fax 360-426-2299 Westmasonfire.com or Email Admin@mcfdl6.com Mason County Fire Protection District No. 16 RESOLUTION NO.21-005 Whereas a petition for annexation into the district has been presented to the West Mason Fire board of Commissioner,and Whereas, it is deemed to have enough signatures to satisfy the criteria as stated in RCW 52.04.11(1). Therefor the boa is resolved to send the petition forward for certification by the Mason County Auditor. Chairperson Comelssio r j Commissioner The above Resolution was adopted at the special commissioners' meeting held at on A�r`r1 3�, ► j J: Secretary Fire Chief: Commissioners: Matthew Welander William (Bill) Reed Carly Bean Shelly George Annexation Election Petition To: The Honorable Bord of Fire Protection District 16 (West Mason Fire) Commissioners. We, the undersigned registered landowners, believe it would be conducive to the public safety, welfare, and convenience to annex into Fire Protection District No. 16, and we believe that it would be a benefit to the property therein for the protection of life, property, and infrastructure and the elimination of fire hazards. We do Hereby request that you accept this petition to place annexation into the fire district on the next available election ballot, as described in RCW 52.04.011. Name: �� Address: Precinct: MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom / Todd Parker Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services - Health EXT: 260 DATE: 5/11/21 Agenda Item # 'Z Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 3/29/21, 4/12/21, 5/3/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Todd Parker [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Treasury Rent Assistance Program (T-RAP) Grant — Subcontract with PUD3 Background: The Treasury Rent Assistance Program Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent, and past due utilities while targeting limited resources to those with the greatest needs and distributing funds equitably. The funds are from the U.S. Department of the Treasury in the amount of$3,459,027. Grant funds are administered by the Local Government Coronavirus Relief Fund thru the Washington State Department of Commerce. Budget Impacts: Within grant budget RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to subcontract with Mason County Public Utilities District No. 3 to provide utility arrears through the Treasury Rent Assistance Program Grant. Attachment(s): PUD3 subcontract MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONTRACT # PUD3.2021.T-RAP THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." Contracted Entity Mason County PUD No. 3 Address 2621 E Johns Prairie Road City, State, Zip Code Shelton, WA 98584 Phone 360-426-8255 Primary Contact Name, Title Diane Hennessy, Customer Service Manager Primary Contact Phone & E-mail 360-426-8255 ext. 5219 1 diane.hennessy(aamasonR d3.org Contractor Fiscal Contact Sherry Speaks, Finance Manager Contractor Fiscal Phone & Email 360-426-8255 ext. 5304 1 sherrys(Qmasonpud3.org Washington State UBI# 69-0910544 Federal EIN 91-1259796 Total Award/Contract Value $300,000 Contract Term Duration March 13, 2020 - December 31, 2021 County Contract Contact Lydia Buchheit, Community Health Manager County Contract Email & Phone L diab co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext 404 County Fiscal Contact Casey Bingham, Fiscal Manager County Fiscal Email & Phone Caseyb(a)-co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 ext. 562 PURPOSE The Treasury Rent Assistance Program Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent, and past due utilities while targeting limited resources to those with the greatest needs and distributing funds equitably. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, as defined above, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this contract and EXHIBITS and have executed this contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this contract including Special Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Exhibits, and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Housing RFP Application, instructions, and disclosures. MASON COUNTY PUD NO. 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WA MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Annette Creekpaum, Manager Randy Neatherlin, Chair Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Date Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 1 ' Special Conditions Funding Source: Department of Commerce Treasury Rent Assistance Program (T-RAP) Acknowledgement of Federal Funds: Recipient understands and agrees that the funds disbursed under this award may only be used for the purposes set forth in Section 501 of Division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-260 (Dec. 27, 2020) (referred to herein as "Section 501"). The Grantee agrees that any publications (written, visual, or sound) but excluding press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses, issued by the Grantee describing programs or projects funded in whole or in part with federal funds under this Grant, shall contain the following statements: "This project was supported by a grant awarded by US Department of the Treasury. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the US Department of the Treasury. Grant funds are administered by the Local Government Coronavirus Relief Fund thru the Washington State Department of Commerce." General Terms and Conditions Scope of Services: CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COUNTY all services and any materials as set forth as identified in EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES, Department of Commerce Grant Guidelines, Question and Answer Documents and all forms and instructions on the Commerce website related to this program. No material, labor or facilities will be furnished by COUNTY, unless otherwise provided for in the CONTRACT. Term: Services provided by CONTRACTOR prior to or after the term of this CONTRACT shall be performed at the expense of CONTRACTOR and are not compensable under this CONTRACT unless both parties hereto agree to such provision in writing. The term of this CONTRACT may be extended by mutual consent of the parties; provided, however, that the CONTRACT is in writing and signed by both parties. COMMERCE and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a Subgrantee's performance of the subgrant. All subgrants shall bind the Subgrantee to follow all applicable terms of the Grant. Amendments and Extension: This contract may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. The duration of this CONTRACT may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties, for a period of up to one year, and for a total of no longer than three years. Independent Contractor: CONTRACTOR's services shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to create a relationship of employer-employee. All payments made hereunder, and all services performed shall be made and performed pursuant to this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the entire compensation for this CONTRACT is specified in Exhibit C-Budget, and the CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any benefits including, but not limited to: ' Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 2 , vacation pay, holiday pay, sick leave pay, medical, dental, or other insurance benefits, or any other rights or privileges afforded to employees of COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR represents that he/she/it maintains a separate place of business, serves clients other than COUNTY, will report all income and expense accrued under this CONTRACT to the Internal Revenue Service, and has a tax account with the State of Washington Department of Revenue for payment of all sales and use and Business and Occupation taxes collected by the State of Washington. CONTRACTOR will be responsible for and will pay all taxes related to the receipt of payments from the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR will defend, indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers, agents or employees from any loss or expense, including, but not limited to, settlements, judgments, setoffs, attorneys' fees or costs incurred by reason of claims or demands because of breach of the provisions of this paragraph. Billing Procedures and Payment: The funding awarded may only be used for eligible activities and expenses. COUNTY will pay CONTRACTOR upon acceptance of services provided and receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted to the COUNTY representative as outlined in Exhibit C: Budget. The CONTRACTOR shall only be paid as a reimbursement of allowable costs incurred during each invoice period, according to the terms provided in EXHIBIT A, if CONTRACTOR performs the services and submits all reporting to a satisfactory level. The COUNTY may, in its sole discretion withhold payments claimed by the Grantee for services rendered if the CONTRACTOR fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this Grant. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this Grant shall be made by the COUNTY. The invoices shall describe and document, to the COUNTY'S satisfaction, a description of the work performed, the progress of the project and fees. The invoice shall include the contract number. Provide a detailed breakdown of expenses invoiced by allowable intervention type and budget category. CONTRACTOR must keep all back up documentation and receipts on file. The COUNTY may request a review of the documentation prior to payment or as part of a contract monitoring process. Funding will be disbursed upon submitting the program reports and expenditure invoice according to the vendor payment schedule of the County Assessor's Office. Payment shall be considered timely if made by the COUNTY within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices and any accompanying reports. Duplicate Payment: The COUNTY shall not pay CONTRACTOR, if the CONTRACTOR has charged or will charge any other party under any other Grant, subgrant/subcontract, or agreement, for the same services or expenses. If it is determined that CONTRACTOR has received duplicate payment, the CONTRACTOR must pay back the COUNTY for these expenses. Payment Information: CONTRACTOR agrees to complete or make sure a current Vendor Payment Form is on file providing the COUNTY with all information necessary to correctly issue such payments. COUNTY will reimburse CONTRACTOR for actual expenditures incurred each report period, according to the terms provided in EXHIBIT A, Scope of Service, provided that the CONTRACTOR performs the services and submits all reporting to a satisfactory level. No payments in advance or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this contract shall be made by the COUNTY. Payment is on the assumption that State and local funds are available to the COUNTY for disbursement to the CONTRACTOR and have been expended and program requirements met, or earlier in the event of non-compliance. If State or local funds are not available to the COUNTY, the COUNTY reserves the right to amend the payment terms and the amount of the maximum contract ' Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 3 total. The term of this CONTRACT begins on the Effective Date, and the CONTRACTOR agrees not to incur any expenses on the program using COUNTY funding prior to the effective date. Budget: CONTRACTOR further agrees that funds provided under this CONTRACT will be expended as specifically itemized line by line in the Budget provided in Exhibit C, and that CONTRACTOR will follow the Budget Amendment Process for quarterly expense transfers within a budget category (i.e. operations, administration). Budget transfers will not be made unless approved by the COUNTY. Recordkeeping: CONTRACTOR agrees to keep records in an easily read form sufficient to account for all receipts and expenditures of contract funds. These records, as well as supporting documentation, will be archived by the CONTRACTOR'S office for at least six (6) years after the end of the contract. CONTRACTOR agrees to make such books, records, and supporting documentation available to the COUNTY for inspection when requested. Accounting and Payment for CONTRACTOR Services: Payment to the CONTRACTOR for services rendered under this CONTRACT shall be as set forth in "Exhibit C BUDGET". Where Exhibit "C" requires payments by the COUNTY, payment shall be based upon written claims supported, unless otherwise provided in Exhibit "C," by documentation of units of work performed and amounts earned, including, where appropriate, the actual number of days worked each month, total number of hours for the month, and the total dollar payment requested, to comply with municipal auditing requirements. Unless specifically stated in Exhibit "C" or approved in writing in advance by the official executing this CONTRACT for COUNTY or his or her designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Officer"), COUNTY will not reimburse the CONTRACTOR for any costs or expenses incurred by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of this CONTRACT. Payment shall be considered timely if made by the COUNTY within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices and any accompanying reports. Reporting and Other Contract Requirements: CONTRACTOR agrees to submit program and expense reports, as well as perform all other requirements outlined in Exhibit A— SCOPE OF SERVICE, on or before the dates indicated therein. The COUNTY reserves the right to aggregate, disaggregate, analyze, reproduce, and/or disseminate the data provided in program reports, financial activity reports, or any other reports submitted to the COUNTY with respect to the program. Federal and State Benchmarks, Data Collection, and Evaluation: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Commerce may require additional reporting of programs and continuums of care directly or indirectly related to the funding awarded such as, but not limited to, Coordinated Entry, Data Quality, Data Timeliness, Housing Inventory Report, Annual Performance Report, Point in Time Count and System Performance Measures. CONTRACTOR agrees to participate in these evaluation efforts, meet individual benchmarks that contribute to the system and will fulfill the data collection and reporting requirements specified at the time of the request. It will be the obligation of the COUNTY representatives, CONTRACTOR and other contractors to provide protections and assurances regarding the confidentiality of data, samples of work (in any media format) and/or interview comments provided by participants. CONTRACTOR also agrees to provide the COUNTY with the results of any independent or self-directed evaluation or research undertaken in respect to the funded program. Taxes: CONTRACTOR understands and acknowledges that COUNTY will not withhold Federal or State income taxes. Where required by State or Federal law, the CONTRACTOR authorizes COUNTY to Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 4 withhold for any taxes other than income taxes (i.e., Medicare). All compensation received by the CONTRACTOR will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service at the end of the calendar year in accordance with the applicable IRS regulations. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to make the necessary estimated tax payments throughout the year, if any, and the CONTRACTOR is solely liable for any tax obligation arising from the CONTRACTOR's performance of this CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify COUNTY against any demand to pay taxes arising from the CONTRACTOR's failure to pay taxes on compensation earned pursuant to this CONTRACT. COUNTY will pay sales and use taxes imposed on goods or services acquired hereunder as required by law. The CONTRACTOR must pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to, Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the CONTRACTOR's gross or net income, or personal property to which COUNTY does not hold title. COUNTY is exempt from Federal Excise Tax. No Guarantee of Employment: The performance of all or part of this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR shall not operate to vest any employment rights whatsoever and shall not be deemed to guarantee any employment of CONTRACTOR or any employee of CONTRACTOR or any sub-contractor or any employee of any sub-contractor by COUNTY now or in the future. Intellectual Property: CONTRACTOR shall retain all copyrights and other intellectual property rights to written work produced because of this award, including but not limited to, work product listed in SCOPE OF SERVICES. CONTRACTOR grants to COUNTY a nonexclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, and royalty- free license to access, reproduce, publish, copy, or otherwise use such written work. Program materials may be reproduced (but not morphed, amended, revised, or redesigned) by any other party, on a worldwide, non-exclusive basis and without fee in connection with their own educational or program purposes, but may not be used in connection with sales or distribution for profit. The owner must approve any use of project materials not specifically permitted under this provision, in advance and in writing. As appropriate, all materials shall contain an attribution of ownership. Third-Party Rights: CONTRACTOR warrants that written work product(s) produced under the terms of this CONTRACT will not infringe, misappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or incorporate or be derived from the intellectual property of any third party, without the COUNTY'S prior written consent. Audit Provisions and Non-Compliance: Throughout the course of the CONTRACT term, the COUNTY will monitor compliance with contract requirements and performance, invoices, reports and Scope of Services (Exhibit A). If the COUNTY, a) encounters non-compliance with the terms outlined in the CONTRACT on the part of the CONTRACTOR, or (b) is not satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the quality of CONTRACTOR'S work, the COUNTY will follow to make a reasonable attempt to assist CONTRACTOR with technical assistance to resolve issues that impede quality and compliance. If compliance and/or quality issues are not resolved through standard technical assistance, or reasonable efforts to provide such assistance, CONTRACTOR will be engaged in corrective action through a Corrective Actions and/or Performance Improvement Plan, as outlined in Contract Guidance Manual. Failure to meet the corrective actions can result in early contract termination, as outlined in Contract Guidance Manual. Contract Close out: Final payment is contingent upon the CONTRACTOR'S ability to provide the COUNTY with all invoices and work product including plans, narrative reports, and data reports, to release the final payment for services within sixty (60) calendar days of contract completion or termination. The COUNTY shall have no further obligation to pay CONTRACTOR if any invoices or reports are past due for the sixty (60) day period following the contract term end date. ' Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 5 ' Early Termination: The COUNTY may terminate the contract prior to the end of the term if satisfactory compliance is not reached after reasonable efforts have been made to restore compliance, as outlined in Contract Guidance Manual. In the case of such termination, CONTRATOR is required to immediately repay the full amount of any funds which CONTRACTOR did not spend as of the date of the notice of termination. CONTRACTOR must submit a final invoice and all reports to a satisfactory level within sixty (60) days of termination to receive payment for any services up until the day of termination. The COUNTY shall have no further obligation to pay CONTRACTOR if any invoices or reports are past due for the sixty (60) day period following termination. Termination for Default: If CONTRACTOR defaults by failing to perform any of the obligations of the CONTRACT or becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, COUNTY may, by depositing written notice to CONTRACTOR in the U.S. mail, terminate the CONTRACT, and at COUNTY's option, obtain performance of the work elsewhere. If the CONTRACT is terminated for default, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payments under the CONTRACT until all work called for has been fully performed. Any extra cost or damage to COUNTY resulting from such default(s) shall be deducted from any money due or coming due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall bear any extra expenses incurred by COUNTY in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage sustained, or which may be sustained by COUNTY by reason of such default. If a notice of termination for default has been issued and it is later determined for any reason that CONTRACTOR was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to the Termination for Public Convenience paragraph hereof. Termination for Public Convenience: COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part whenever COUNTY determines, in its sole discretion, that such termination is in the interests of COUNTY. Whenever the CONTRACT is terminated in accordance with this paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment for actual work performed in compliance with Exhibit A-SCOPE OF SERVICES. An equitable adjustment in the CONTRACT price for partially completed items of work will be made, but such adjustment shall not include provision for loss of anticipated profit on deleted or uncompleted work. Termination of this CONTRACT by COUNTY at any time during the term, whether for default or convenience, shall not constitute breach of CONTRACT by COUNTY. Termination for Reduced Funding: COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part should COUNTY determine, in its sole discretion, that such termination is necessary due to a decrease in available project funding including State and/or Federal grants. Whenever the CONTRACT is terminated in accordance with this paragraph, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment for actual work performed in compliance with Exhibit A Scope-of-Services and Exhibit B Compensation. Withholding Payment: In the event the CONTRACTOR has failed to perform any obligation under this CONTRACT within the times set forth in this CONTRACT, then COUNTY may, upon written notice, withhold from amounts otherwise due and payable to CONTRACTOR, without penalty, until such failure to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated. Withholding under this clause shall not be deemed a breach entitling CONTRACTOR to termination or damages, provided that COUNTY promptly gives notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR of the nature of the default or failure to perform, and in no case more than ten (10) days after it determines to withhold amounts otherwise due. A determination of the Administrative Officer set forth in a notice to the CONTRACTOR of the action required and/or the amount required to cure any alleged failure to perform shall be deemed conclusive, except to the extent that the CONTRACTOR acts within the times and in strict accord with the provisions of the Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 6 , Disputes clause of this CONTRACT. COUNTY may act in accordance with any determination of the Administrative Officer which has become conclusive under this clause, without prejudice to any other remedy under the CONTRACT, to take all or any of the following actions: (1) cure any failure or default, (2) to pay any amount so required to be paid and to charge the same to the account of the CONTRACTOR, (3) to set off any amount so paid or incurred from amounts due or to become due the CONTRACTOR. In the event the CONTRACTOR obtains relief upon a claim under the Disputes clause, no penalty or damages shall accrue to CONTRACTOR by reason of good faith withholding by COUNTY under this clause. Disputes: 1. Differences between the CONTRACTOR and COUNTY, arising under and by virtue of the AGREEMENT shall be brought to the attention of COUNTY at the earliest possible time in order that such matters may be settled, or other appropriate action promptly taken. For objections that are not made in the manner specified and within the time limits stated, the records, orders, rulings, instructions, and decisions of the Administrative Officer shall be final and conclusive. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to additional compensation which otherwise may be payable, or to extension of time for (1) any act or failure to act by the Administrative Officer of COUNTY, or (2) the happening of any event or occurrence, unless the CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a written Notice of Potential Claim within ten (10) days of the commencement of the act, failure, or event giving rise to the claim, and before final payment by COUNTY. The written Notice of Potential Claim shall set forth the reasons for which the CONTRACTOR believes additional compensation or extension of time is due, the nature of the cost involved, and insofar as possible, the amount of the potential claim. CONTRACTOR shall keep full and complete daily records of the work performed, labor and material used, and all costs and additional time claimed to be additional. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim any such additional compensation, or extension of time, unless within thirty (30) days of the accomplishment of the portion of the work from which the claim arose, and before final payment by COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a detailed written statement of each element of cost or other compensation requested and of all elements of additional time required, and copies of any supporting documents evidencing the amount or the extension of time claimed to be due. Arbitration: Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto (which may be brought either in court or pursuant to this arbitration provision), and consistent with the provisions hereinabove, any claim, dispute or controversy between the parties under, arising out of, or related to this CONTRACT or otherwise, including issues of specific performance, shall be determined by arbitration in Shelton, Washington, under the applicable American Arbitration Association (AAA) rules in effect on the date hereof, as modified by this CONTRACT. There shall be one arbitrator selected by the parties within ten (10) days of the arbitration demand, or if not, by the AAA or any other group having similar credentials. Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this CONTRACT shall be determined by the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall apply substantive law and may award injunctive relief, equitable relief(including specific performance), or any other remedy available from a judge, including expenses, costs and attorney fees to the prevailing party and pre-award interest, but shall not have the power to award punitive damages. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and an order confirming the award or judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between them regarding any dispute presented or pled before the arbitrator. At the request of either party made not later than forty-five (45) days after the arbitration demand, the parties agree to submit the dispute to nonbinding mediation, which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date; provided, that either party may decline to mediate and proceed with arbitration. Any arbitration proceeding commenced to enforce or interpret this CONTRACT shall be brought within six (6) years after the initial occurrence giving rise to the claim, dispute or issue for which arbitration is commenced, regardless of the date of discovery or whether the claim, dispute or issue was continuing Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 7 , in nature. Claims, disputes or issues arising more than six (6) years prior to a written request or demand for arbitration issued under this Agreement are not subject to arbitration. Labor Standards: CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, including but not limited to those pertaining to payment of wages and working conditions, in accordance with RCW 39.12.040, the Prevailing Wage Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Davis-Bacon Act; and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act providing for weekly payment of prevailing wages, minimum overtime pay, and providing that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to health and safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal Secretary of Labor and/or the State of Washington. Equipment Purchase, Maintenance, and Ownership: The CONTRACTOR agrees that any depreciable equipment purchased, in whole or part, with contract funds at a cost of$1,000 per item or more, is upon its purchase the property of the COUNTY and will be used only for the program funded. The CONTRACTOR agrees to establish and maintain transaction documents (purchase requisitions, packing slips, invoices, receipts) and maintenance records of equipment purchased with Contract funds. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of the COUNTY that results from the negligence of the contractor or that results from the failure on the part of the contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. In the case of Early Termination, the CONTRACTOR agrees that all such equipment will be returned to the COUNTY unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY. Assignment and Subcontracting: The performance of all activities contemplated by this CONTRACT shall be accomplished by CONTRACTOR. No portion of this CONTRACT may be assigned or subcontracted to any other individual, firm or entity without the express and prior written approval of COUNTY. If subcontracting is approved, the CONTRACTOR is responsible to COUNTY should the subcontractor fail to comply with any applicable term or condition of this contract. CONTRACTOR shall audit and monitor the activities of the subcontractor during the contract term to assure fiscal conditions and performance metrics are met. COUNTY will be included on any audit or monitoring activities and reports. Conflict of Interest: If at any time prior to commencement of, or during the term of this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR or any of its employees involved in the performance of this CONTRACT shall have or develop an interest in the subject matter of this CONTRACT that is potentially in conflict with the COUNTY's interest, then CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify COUNTY of the same. The notification of COUNTY shall be made with sufficient specificity to enable COUNTY to make an informed judgment as to whether or not COUNTY's interest may be compromised in any manner by the existence of the conflict, actual or potential. Thereafter, COUNTY may require CONTRACTOR to take reasonable steps to remove the conflict of interest. COUNTY may also terminate this CONTRACT according to the provisions herein for termination. Non-Discrimination in Employment: COUNTY's policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms, conditions and privileges of employment for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. Furthermore, in those cases in which CONTRACTOR is governed by such laws, CONTRACTOR shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and treated during employment, without Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 8 ' regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. Such action shall include, but not be limited to: advertising, hiring, promotions, layoffs or terminations, rate of pay or other forms of compensation benefits, selection for training including apprenticeship, and participation in recreational and educational activities. In all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf, CONTRACTOR shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The foregoing provisions shall also be binding upon any sub-contractor, provided that the foregoing provision shall not apply to contracts or sub-contractors for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, or to sole proprietorships with no employees. Non-Discrimination in Client Services: CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status; or deny an individual or business any service or benefits under this CONTRACT; or subject an individual or business to segregation or separate treatment in any manner related to his/her/its receipt any service or services or other benefits provided under this CONTRACT; or deny an individual or business an opportunity to participate in any program provided by this CONTRACT. Waiver of Noncompetition: CONTRACTOR irrevocably waives any existing rights which it may have, by contract or otherwise, to require another person or corporation to refrain from submitting a proposal to or performing work or providing supplies to COUNTY, and CONTRACTOR further promises that it will not in the future, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit any person or corporation to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to or from performing work or providing supplies to COUNTY. Patent/Copyright Infringement: CONTRACTOR will defend and indemnify COUNTY from any claimed action, cause or demand brought against COUNTY; to the extent such action is based on the claim that information supplied by the CONTRACTOR infringes any patent or copyright. CONTRACTOR will pay those costs and damages attributable to any such claims that are finally awarded against COUNTY in any action. Such defense and payments are conditioned upon the following: A. CONTRACTOR shall be notified promptly in writing by COUNTY of any notice of such claim. B. CONTRACTOR shall have the right, hereunder, at its option and expense, to obtain for COUNTY the right to continue using the information, in the event such claim of infringement, is made, provided no reduction in performance or loss results to COUNTY. Confidentiality: CONTRACTOR, its employees, sub-contractors, and their employees shall maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by COUNTY or acquired by CONTRACTOR in performance of this CONTRACT, except upon the prior written consent of COUNTY or an order entered by a court after having acquired jurisdiction over COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall immediately give to COUNTY notice of any judicial proceeding seeking disclosure of such information. If after, termination of the agreement and the return or destruction of County's confidential information, Contractor is required by the Act or for public records purposes to produce documents so returned or destroyed, County will make said document to Contractor in a timely manner. Right to Review: This CONTRACT is subject to review by any Federal, State or COUNTY auditor. COUNTY or its designee shall have the right to review and monitor the financial and service components of this program by whatever means are deemed expedient by the Administrative Officer or by COUNTY's Auditor's Office. Such review may occur with or without notice and may include, but is not limited to, Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 9 ' on-site inspection by COUNTY agents or employees, inspection of all records or other materials which COUNTY deems pertinent to the CONTRACT and its performance, and any and all communications with or evaluations by service recipients under this CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall preserve and maintain all financial records and records relating to the performance of work under this CONTRACT for six (6) years after CONTRACT termination, and shall make them available for such review, within Mason County, State of Washington, upon request. CONTRACTOR also agrees to notify the Administrative Officer in advance of any inspections, audits, or program review by any individual, agency, or governmental unit whose purpose is to review the services provided within the terms of this CONTRACT. If no advance notice is given to CONTRACTOR, then CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the Administrative Officer as soon as it is practical. Insurance Requirements: At a minimum, CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements detailed in "Exhibit B-Insurance Requirements." Insurance as a Condition of Payment: Payments due to CONTRACTOR under this CONTRACT are expressly conditioned upon the CONTRACTOR's strict compliance with all insurance requirements under this CONTRACT. Payment to CONTRACTOR shall be suspended in the event of non-compliance. Upon receipt of evidence of full compliance, payments not otherwise subject to withholding or set-off will be released to CONTRACTOR. Industrial Insurance Waiver: With respect to the performance of this CONTRACT and as to claims against COUNTY, its officers, agents and employees, CONTRACTOR expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, for injuries to its employees and agrees that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless provided in this CONTRACT extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of CONTRACTOR. This waiver is mutually negotiated by the parties to this CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR Commitments, Warranties and Representations: Any written commitment received from CONTRACTOR concerning this CONTRACT shall be binding upon CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise specifically provided herein with reference to this paragraph. Failure of CONTRACTOR to fulfill such a commitment shall render CONTRACTOR liable for damages to COUNTY. A commitment includes, but is not limited to, any representation made prior to execution of this CONTRACT, whether or not incorporated elsewhere herein by reference, as to performance of services or equipment, prices or options for future acquisition to remain in effect for a fixed period, or warranties. Defense and Indemnity Contract: Indemnification by CONTRACTOR. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold COUNTY and its departments, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney's fees and alternative dispute resolution costs, for any personal injury, for any bodily injury, sickness, disease or death and for any damage to or destruction of any property (including the loss of use resulting there from) which 1) are caused in whole or in part by any act or omission, negligent or otherwise, of the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents or volunteers or CONTRACTOR's subcontractors and their employees, agents or volunteers; or 2) are directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with performance of this CONTRACT; or 3) are based upon CONTRACTOR's or its subcontractors' use of, presence upon or proximity to the property of COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of CONTRACTOR shall not apply in the limited circumstance where the claim, damage, loss or expense is caused by the negligence or willfull action of COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of the CONTRACTOR shall not be limited in any way by the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, or by application of any other workmen's compensation act, disability benefit act or Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 10 other employee benefit act, and the CONTRACTOR hereby expressly waives any immunity afforded by such acts. The foregoing indemnification obligations of the CONTRACTOR are a material inducement to COUNTY to enter into this CONTRACT, are reflected in CONTRACTOR's compensation, and have been mutually negotiated by the parties. Participation by County— No Waiver. COUNTY reserves the right, but not the obligation, to participate in the defense of any claim, damages, losses or expenses and such participation shall not constitute a waiver of CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under this CONTRACT. Survival of CONTRACTOR's Indemnity Obligations. CONTRACTOR agrees all CONTRACTOR'S indemnity obligations shall survive the completion, expiration or termination of this CONTRACT. Indemnity by Subcontractors. In the event the CONTRACTOR enters into subcontracts to the extent allowed under this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR's subcontractors shall indemnify COUNTY on a basis equal to or exceeding CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations to COUNTY. Compliance with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations: This CONTRACT shall be subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of the United States of America, the State of Washington, political subdivisions of the State of Washington and Mason County. CONTRACTOR also agrees to comply with applicable Federal, State, County or municipal standards for licensing, certification and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals. Conflict of Interest: Notwithstanding, any determination by the Executive Ethics Board or other tribunal, the COUNTY may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to CONTRACTOR terminate this contract if it is found after due notice and examination by the COUNTY that there is a violation of the Ethics in Public Service Act, Chapter 42.52 RCW or any similar statute involving CONTRACTOR, or any activities performed pursuant to the contract. Unilateral Contract Changes: The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the COUNTY may correct typographical errors, numbering errors or other minor grammar or punctuation error without the need to amend the agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall be notified when any correction take place and will be provided with a corrected copy of the contract. Contract Monitoring and Program Review: CONTRACTOR will permit Mason County staff to visit CONTRACTOR'S premises and review CONTRACTOR'S activities with respect to the program, and will permit the COUNTY at its own expense, to conduct an independent financial and/or programmatic audit of the expenditures related to this contract. Contract Administration: COUNTY hereby appoints, and CONTRACTOR hereby accepts, the Mason County's Community Services Director and his or her designee, as COUNTY's representative, hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Officer, for the purposes of administering the provisions of this CONTRACT, including COUNTY's right to receive and act on all reports and documents, and any auditing performed by the COUNTY related to this CONTRACT. The Administrative Officer for purposes of this CONTRACT is: Lydia Buchheit, Community and Family Health & Human Services Manager Mason County Community Services 415 N. 6th Street Phone: 360-427-9670 Ext. 404 Fax: 360-427-7787 Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 11 E-mail: Lydia6 co.mason.wa.us Financial Contact: Casey Bingham, Finance Manager Mason County Public Health and Human Services 415 N. 6th Street Phone: 360-427-9670 Ext. 562 Fax: 360-427-7787 E-mail: caseyb(o)co.mason.wa.us Notice: Except as set forth elsewhere in the CONTRACT, for all purposes under this CONTRACT except service of process, notice shall be given by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY's Administrative Officer under this CONTRACT. Notices and other communication may be conducted via e-mail, U.S. mail, fax, hand-delivery or other generally accepted manner including delivery services. Modifications: Either party may request changes in the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed modifications, to be valid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties. Venue and Choice of Law: In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of the terms of this CONTRACT, the venue of such action of litigation shall be in the courts of the State of Washington and Mason County. Unless otherwise specified herein, this CONTRACT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and the State of Washington. Severability: If any term or condition of this CONTRACT or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT are declared severable. Waiver: Waiver of any breach or condition of this CONTRACT shall not be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach. No term or condition of this CONTRACT shall be held to be waived, modified or deleted except by an instrument, in writing, signed by the parties hereto. The failure of COUNTY to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants of this CONTRACT, or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenants or contracts, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Order of Precedence: A. Applicable federal, state and county statutes, WAC's, RCW's, regulations, policies, procedures, federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars and federal and state executive orders. B. Contract Face Sheet C. Special Conditions D. General Terms & Conditions E. Exhibit B Insurance Requirements F. Exhibit A, Scope of Service G. Exhibit C, Budget H. Grant Guidelines Professional Services Contract(rev 04/2019) Page 12 Entire Contract: This written CONTRACT, comprised of the writings signed or otherwise identified and attached hereto, represents the entire CONTRACT between the parties and supersedes any prior oral statements, discussions, or understandings between the parties. (blank space intentional) Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 13 EXHIBIT A Scope of Service The Treasury Rent Assistance Program (T-RAP) Grant is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due and future rent, and past due utilities while targeting limited resources to those with the greatest needs while working to distribute funds equitably. The COUNTY and Department of Commerce will monitor spending regularly to help ensure grantees are on track to spend out their award by December 30, 2021. CONTRACTOR agrees to adhere to the Department of Commerce T-RAP Grant Guidelines, question and answer documents and be responsible for the use of all current documents and forms. Eligibility and Prioritization The purpose of eligibility screening criteria is to target those most likely to become homeless but for this assistance. Households must meet all three of the initial screening criteria: ✓ Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). ✓ Experiencing a financial hardship directly or indirectly due to the COVID-19 outbreak that threatens the household's ability to pay the costs of the rental property when due. ✓ At risk of experiencing homelessness or currently experiencing housing instability. In addition to following the eligibility criteria, the following households must be prioritized: ✓ Income at or below 50% Area Median Income (AMI). ✓ Households with one or more individuals who are unemployed and have been unemployed for 90 days before application date. Performance Measurement CONTRACTOR must ensure equitable access to T-RAP. Equitable access means that the race and ethnicity of people entering T-RAP are equal to the community demographics. Equitable access is measured by comparing the percent of people in poverty by race and ethnicity to the percent of people entering T-RAP by race and ethnicity. The percentage of head of households provided rent assistance must at least be equal the proportion to the population living in poverty in the county for each of the following groups: ✓ People of Color (includes Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Other/Multi-Racial) ✓ Black or African American ✓ American Indian and Alaska Native ✓ Hispanic/Latinx Data from all T-RAP subgrantees in the county will be combined for the purpose of performance measurement and performance monitoring. Additional performance target includes: ✓ Ten percent of households served must be youth or young adults age 18-24, this includes emancipated 16 and 17 year olds. Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 14 Partner with Dispute Resolution Centers CONTRACTOR agrees to coordinate with their local Dispute Resolution Centers (DRC) if one exists within their service region. DRCs can be an important pathway to prevent evictions and providing rent and/or utility assistance can be critical to settling disputes. (blank space intentional) Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 15 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. MINIMUM Insurance Requirements: 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01, with an edition date prior to 2004, or the exact equivalent. Coverage for an additional insured shall not be limited to its vicarious liability. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Limits shall be no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, including without limitation, blanket contractual liability. 2. Workers' Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits for CONTRACTOR's, with two (2) or more employees and/or volunteers, no less than $1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses. 3. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned, non-owned and hired autos, or the exact equivalent. Limits shall be no less than $1,000,000 per accident, combined single limit. If CONTRACTOR owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, CONTRACTOR shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. B. Certificate of Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance naming COUNTY as the Certificate Holder must be provided to COUNTY within five (5) days of CONTRACT execution. C. Basic Stipulations: 1. CONTRACTOR agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds COUNTY, its officials, employees and agents, using ISO endorsement CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004. CONTRACTOR also agrees to require all contractors, subcontractors, and anyone else involved in this CONTRACT on behalf of the CONTRACTOR (hereinafter"indemnifying parties") to comply with these provisions. 2. CONTRACTOR agrees to waive rights of recovery against COUNTY regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by CONTRACTOR or required of others by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this CONTRACT shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation condition as to COUNTY or must specifically allow the named insured to waive subrogation prior to a loss. 4. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of coverage that may affect COUNTY's protection without COUNTY's prior written consent. 5. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein, satisfactory to COUNTY, consisting of: a) certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all the coverages required. COUNTY accepts Contractor's current risk pool coverage through Public Utility Risk Management Services (PERMS). CONTRACTOR agrees, upon request by COUNTY to provide complete, certified copies of any policies required within 10 days of such request. COUNTY has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests. Any premium so paid by COUNTY shall be charged to and promptly paid by CONTRACTOR or deducted from sums due CONTRACTOR. Any actual or alleged failure on the part of COUNTY or any other additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this CONTRACT in no way waives any right or remedy of COUNTY or any additional insured, in this or in any other regard. 6. It is acknowledged by the parties of this CONTRACT that all insurance coverage required to be provided by CONTRACTOR or indemnifying party, is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to COUNTY. 1 Professional Services Contract(rev 04/2019) Page 16 7. CONTRACTOR agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party to self- insure its obligations to COUNTY. If CONTRACTOR's existing coverage includes a self-insured retention, the self- insured retention must be declared to the COUNTY. The COUNTY may review options with CONTRACTOR, which may include reduction or elimination of the self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 8. CONTRACTOR will renew the required coverage annually as long as COUNTY, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this CONTRACT. This obligation applies whether the CONTRACT is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until COUNTY executes a written statement to that effect. 9. The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements. Should any coverage carried by CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor of any tier maintain insurance with limits of liability that exceed the required limits or coverage that is broader than as outlined above, those higher limits and broader coverage shall be deemed to apply for the benefit of any person or organization included as an additional insured and those limits shall become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections of this CONTRACT. 10. None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement that has not been first submitted to COUNTY and approved of in writing. 11. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this CONTRACT to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit. 12. Unless otherwise approved by COUNTY, insurance provided pursuant to these requirements shall be by insurers authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum A.M. Best rating of A:VII. 13. All insurance coverage and limits provided by CONTRACTOR and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this CONTRACT limits the application of such insurance coverage. 14. CONTRACTOR agrees require insurers, to provide notice to COUNTY thirty (30) days prior to cancellation of such liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage, other than for non-payment of premium. CONTRACTOR shall assure that this provision also applies to any subcontractors,joint ventures or any other party engaged by or on behalf of contractor in relation to this agreement. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the issuer will provide thirty (30) days' notice to COUNTY of any cancellation of coverage. 15. COUNTY reserves the right at any time during the term of the CONTRACT to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the CONTRACTOR ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the CONTRACTOR, the COUNTY and CONTRACTOR may renegotiate CONTRACTOR's compensation. 16. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other requirements or as waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive. 17. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide immediate notice to COUNTY of any claim or loss against CONTRACTOR arising out of the work performed under this agreement. COUNTY assumes no obligation or liability by such notice but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve COUNTY. Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 17 ' EXHIBIT C BUDGET Submit invoices and reports electronically to Stacey Ells, staceye(a.co.mason.wa.us, and Todd Parker, tparker(a)co.mason.wa.us. The COUNTY and Department of Commerce will monitor spending regularly to help ensure grantees are on track to spend out their award by December 30, 2021. PUD3 Award Amount Rent and Utilities $300,000 Total $300,000 Report and Invoice Period: The report period will be Thursday through Wednesday with the exception that the first invoice may have a starting day other than Thursday. Invoices may be submitted weekly. Payment: The funding awarded may only be used for eligible activities and expenses. Payment is based on a reimbursement of allowable expenses. The Subcontractor must submit their own invoice request document and ledger. Each invoice must include: • the name of the agency, • date submitted, • dates of service (e.g. report period), • contract number, • funding source, • reimbursement request per funding source, • any additional voucher detail worksheets, if required by the grant, • a total reimbursement request for each funding source, and • a signature from the Executive Director, CEO, and/or Board Member. Approved invoices will be disbursed according to the vendor payment process of the County Auditor's Office. Refer to the Billing Procedures and Payment clause of this contract for additional information. In the event State, Federal or local funding changes, the COUNTY reserves the right to amend the payment terms and the amount awarded in this contract. Professional Services Contract (rev 04/2019) Page 18 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM o: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Marissa Watson Action Agenda Q Public Hearing ❑ Other ❑ Department: Community Services - Planning Ext: 367 Date: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # 8.2) (Commissioner Staff To Complete) Briefing Date: April 26, 2021 Briefing Presented By: Marissa Watson [ ] Item Was Not Previously Briefed With The Board Please Provide Explanation Of Urgency ITEM: Set a public hearing on June 8, 2021 at 93.5 a.m.to consider rezone of a 10.75- acre parcel from Neighborhood Residential (NR)to Mixed Use (MU)within the Shelton Urban Growth Area. BACKGROUND: This request by the property owner is to rezone a 10.75 acre parcel (32030-14-90030)from Neighborhood Residential(NR)to Mixed Use(MU). This parcel is in the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA).This does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map.The Planning Advisory Commission voted to approve the recommendation of the application request to the BOCC after review of staff report and hearing testimony at their scheduled meeting on April 19, 2021. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board of County Commissioners shall set a public hearing on June 8, 2021 at 915 a.m. to consider the rezone request. ATTACHMENT(S): Notice of Hearing 5/3/2021 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, at 9 A.M. SAID HEARING will be to consider adopting the following amendments: • Rezone of parcel number 32030-14-90030 (10.75 acres total) from Neighborhood Residential (NR) to Mixed Use (MU) for the future siting of a seasonal retail and greens (salal and similar decorative greens) processing building(s) and future SFR. If you have questions, please contact Marissa Watson (360) 427-9670, Ext. 367. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427- 9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 11th day of May 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board c: Journal - Publish 2x: May 20 and 27, 2021 (Bill: Community Development—615 W. Alder, Shelton, WA 98584) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Ginger Kenyon Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #8079426-8079582 $ 622,225.33 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #76980-77373 $ 761,892.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #7005879-7005903 $ 537,913.87 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 2,633,645.51 Macecom 4/5/2021 $ 128,058.81 Mental Health 4/9/2021 $ 20,255.74 Dispute Resolution Center 4/9/2021 $ 1,505.00 Current Expense to 4/23/2021 $ 5,663.00 Trial Court Improvement $ 5,663.00 Mental Health to 4/23/2021 $ 64,678.98 County Road $ 64,678.98 ER&R to 4/23/2021 $ 267,702.00 CE/Motor Pool $ 267,702.00 ER&R to 4/23/2021 $ 37,388.00 Community Services Health $ 37,388.00 ER&R to 4/23/2021 $ 2,330.00 Informational Technology $ 2,330.00 REET 2 to 4/27/2021 $ 400,000.00 Belfair Sewer Fund $ 400,000.00 Sales and Use Tax to 4/27/2021 $ 450,000.00 Belfair Sewer Fund $ 450,000.00 Refund Interest Earned 4/30/2021 $ 123.10 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 15,270,379.67 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 6,094,295.58 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 6,350,004.12 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 12,479,027.47 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8079426-8079582 $ 622,225.33 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 76980-77373 $ 761,892.05 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7005879-7005903 $ 537,913.87 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 2,633,645.51 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) 4/5/2021 BAR'S# Payment approval of Macecom: 7-Dill L A 10.J-31 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# Macecom 001.000000.300.300 $ 128,058.81 M-73564 4/9/2021 Payment approval of Mental Health: FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 20,255.74 M-73742 $ M- 4/9/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER 001.000000.100.000 $ 1,505.00 M-73744 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# Current Expense 001.000000.310.000 $ 5,663.00 M-74106 Trial Court Improvement 135.000000.000.000 $ 5,663.00 M-74107 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# Mental Health 164.000000.100.000 $ 64,6781.98 M-74119 County Road 105.000000.000.000 $ 64,678.98 M-74120 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# Current Expense-Non Departmental 001.000000.300.000 $ 16,982.50 M-72306 County Road 105.000000.000.000 $ 16,982.50 M-72306 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# E R&R 501.000000.000.000 Is 267,702.00 M-74128 CE/Motor Pool 105.000000.000.000 $ 267,702.00 M-74129 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# E R&R 501.000000.000.000 $ 37,388.00 M-74130 Community Services Health 150.000000.000.000 $ 37,388.00 M-74131 4/23/2021 FUND Account# Remittance I RECEIPT# E R&R 501.000000.000.000 $ 2,330.00 M-74134 Informational Technology 500.000000.000.000 $ 2,330.00 1 M-74135 27-Apr-21 FUND Account# Remiittance I RECEIPT# REET 2 351.000000.000.000 $ 400,000.00 M-74187 BELFAIR SEWER FUND 413.000000.000.000 $400,000.00 M-74188 �Ul 4/27/2021 !Mason County Commissioners Ot.. 'Q, I ! 1 Io,�7ig7 FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT# SALES AND USE TAX 103.000000.000.000 $ 450,000.00 M74193 BELFAIR SEWER FUND 413.000000.000.000 Is 450,000.00 M-74194 4/30/2021 REFUND INTEREST EARNED 1_)J i ' 0 FUND Account# Remiittance RECEIPT# query run thru 12/21/2020 CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.000 $ 60.81 Multiple Rec ROAD DIV-CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.010 $6.43 Multiple Rec Veterans Assistance 190.000000.000.000 $ 0.72 Multiple Rec COUNTY ROAD 105.000000.000.000 $53.96 Multiple Rec MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $1.18 Multiple Rec Respectfully submitted by:Julie Richert,Chief Deputy Treasurer 4/30/2021 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Chief Kevin Hanson Action Agenda X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Mason County Sheriff EXT: 369 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 05/11/2024 Agenda Item # �� Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 05/03/2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Chief Kevin Hanson/AS Supervisor Deputy Ferron Lining [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Addendum to Alcohol Monitoring Services, Inc. (AMS) contract. BACKGROUND: The contract for AMS for electronic inmate monitoring services expired on May 1st, 2021. This addendum extends the contract until 05/03/2024. The addendum also provides provisions for new technological services including mobile applications and electronic victim notification. If used, costs associated for new provisions are borne by the inmate user. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve addendum with AMS, so we can continue to provide electronic home monitoring services using equipment and support by Alcohol Monitoring Services, Inc. ATTACH M ENT(S): 2018 AMS contract, 2021 addendum, Alternative Sentencing fee schedule. Amendment 1 To Master Agency Agreement By and between Alcohol Monitoring Services, Inc. And Mason County Jail This Amendment 1 Is by and between Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. with its primary office at 1241 W. Mineral Ave, #200, Littleton, CO 80120 ("AMS") and Mason County Jail with a mailing address of 322 North 3rd St., Shelton, WA 98584 ("Agency""). AMS and Partner are parties to a Master Agency Agreement effective 4/1/18 ("Agreement") and Product and Service Schedule ("Schedule"). WHEREAS, the Agreement and the Schedule provide for Agency to purchase certain products and services from AMS and resell those products and services to government agencies. WHEREAS,Agency and AMS desire to modify the Agreement and the Schedule to Extend the Term add terms for Mobile Applications and GPS Beacon. NOW THERFORE, in consideration of the above premises and the mutual promises contained herein, it is hereby agreed that the Agreement and Schedules shall be amended as follows: A. The Term of the Agreement will be extended from 3/5/2021 —3/5/2024. B. Section 5 — ADDITIONAL SERVICES will be replaced with a new Section 5 — MOBILE APPLICATIONS and the current Section 5—ADDITIONAL SERVICES will become Section 6 with the remaining Sections renumbered accordingly. For avoidance of doubt, as appropriate, Sections 4 and 5 terms in the Master Agency Agreement will apply to any AMS mobile application such as TouchPoint. 5. MOBILE APPLICATIONS TOUCHPOINT: TouchPoint is an AMS' proprietary mobile application designed for use by Clients who are using AMS or other electronic monitoring devises under the Agency's supervision. AMS will provide the Agency with TouchPoint training. Clients will download TouchPoint to their cell phone and upon first use agree to the Mobile Application Terms and Conditions. The Agency will provide TouchPoint training to the Clients. TouchPoint Price/Billing Price: Pricing is in accordance with the GSA Schedule #GS-07F-0003Y and will be calculated with cumulative volume levels across all TP Client Users. TouchPoint Client Users wearing AMS Equipment: TP Client User Quantity Price per Client TP User 1 + No Charge TouchPoint Client Users not wearing AMS Equipment: Per TouchPoint Client User, per day when active: 1 —2500- $0.68 2500—50000-$0.65 5001+-$0.62 Billing: Invoices will be issued monthly, in arrears. Payment terms will be those as set forth in the Agreement. TouchPoint price is subject to change upon availability of additional features/function. AMS will contact Agency if the price changes and if the new price cannot be agreed on by Amendment on this Agreement, TouchPoint will become unavailable with 10 days prior notice. ALLY MOBILE APPLICATION will be at AMS US Book Pricing Overview: The Ally Mobile Application is an AMS proprietary mobile application designed for Victim notification used to alert a Victim when a Client wearing an AMS GPS Bracelet is in geographic proximity of the Victim's phone. AMS will provide the Agency with Ally Mobile Application training. Victims will download the Ally Mobile Application to their cell phone and upon first use agree to the Ally Mobile application terms and Conditions of Use. The Agency will provide Ally Mobile Application training to the Victim. The alert geographic boundary is set by the Agency in the Monitoring Software. The Client must be on a 1x1 rate plan if they are paired with a Victim.The term "Victim" means a person who is a participant in a victim notification program managed by Customer and who is authorized by Customer to download and activate the Ally Mobile Application on his/her personal mobile device so that the Victim can receive alerts related to the Client based on parameters set up by Customer in the Monitoring Software. Required Actions by Customer, Client and Victim: It is understood and agreed by the parties that the Ally Mobile Application is to be used as a part of a written victim notification program managed by Customer whereby the Client is enrolled in a GPS monitoring program requiring the wearing of a SCRAM GPS Ankle Monitor Bracelet. The Ally Mobile Application is not a substitute for the Victim remaining vigilant to protect his/her personal safety and cannot be relied upon as the sole means of maintaining the Victim's personal safety. Each Victim must comply is all respects with the detailed requirements listed in the Ally Mobile Application Terms and Conditions which are available via a link in the Ally Mobile Application. In addition, the timely receipt and/or accuracy of alerts from the Ally Mobile Applications are dependent upon: (i) the Victim's full compliance with the requirements of the Ally Mobile Application Terms and Conditions; (ii) full compliance of the Client with the requirements of his/her GPS location monitoring program, including but not limited to, the Client not tampering with or removing his/her device; (iii) the proper set up and maintenance in the Monitoring Software by Customer of all zones, schedules and victim information for the relevant Client; and (iv) the Client's SCRAM GPS Ankle Monitor Bracelet being "active" so that notifications can be sent to the Ally Mobile Application. Customer shall be solely responsible for the management and supervision of any Client, Victims or Customer personnel using the Monitoring Software. In addition, Customer is solely responsible for(i)the development of a Victim notification program, (ii)the maintenance of a separately contracted GPS monitoring program requiring the wearing by Clients of SCRAM GPS Ankle Monitor Bracelets, (iii) the selection and implementation of the Victim enrollment process, (iv) the set up and maintenance of the monitoring and notification options available in the Monitoring Software(including maintenance of all zones, schedules and victim information) and (v) the training of Victims in the set up and use of the Ally Mobile Application. AMS is not responsible or liable for Customer's failure to properly fulfill its foregoing responsibilities AMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE TO CUSTOMER, CLIENT OR VICTIM IF THE ALLY MOBILE APPLICATION DOES NOT PROVIDE TIMELY OR ACCURATE NOTIFICATIONS OR ALERTS DUE TO A FAILURE OF CUSTOMER, CLIENT OR VICTIM TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE FOREGOING. Price: $1 per day, per Victim per Ally user and is AMS US Book price. Billing: AMS will invoice the Agency monthly in arrears. Payment terms will be those as set forth in the Agreement.Ally price is subject to change upon availability of additional features/function. AMS will contact Agency if the price changes and if the new price cannot be agreed on by Amendment on this Agreement, Ally will become unavailable with 30 days prior notice. C. GPS Beacon Pricing will be added to the Schedule as follows with the note that the pricing is at US Book Price not GSA Schedule Price. GPS Beacon- Purchase price: $400 per unit, Daily Rental Price for Active Unites: $0.60 per unit, per day with a Shelf Fee of $1.20 per unit, per day. All other terms of the Agreement and the Schedules remains unchanged and in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment 1 to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date signed by AMS. MASON COUNTY JAIL ALCOHOL MONITORING SYSTEMS, INC. By: By: Name: Randy Neatherlin Name: Lou Sugo Vice President—Sales and Title: Chairman Title: Marketing Date: Signed by AMS and effective as of: Effective Date �S �.ER2 r; _ Mason County Alternative Sanction Fees Application Fee $20 application fee must be paid at time of drop off. Work Release $20 per day, must be paid 1 week in advance while on the program. Day Reporting $12 per day, must be paid 1 week in advance while on the program. EHM $12 a day or 10% of monthly gross income (whichever is greater). 1st and last week must be paid at time of hook up. Alcohol Monitor $12 a day. $12.50 for base station connected to home internet connection. 1st and last week must be paid at time of hook up. EHM with Alcohol Monitor $16.50 a day. 1st and last week must be paid at time of hookup. UA Fee $35 — Initial Fee (paid at time of hookup) *If you are positive or need multiple U/A's you will be charged $15.00 per U/A.* Violation Removal If you are removed for violations of the Fee program rules you will be charged $50.00. To get on these programs contact your attorney and all courts you are being held by. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: McKenzie Smith Action Agenda: X Public Hearing: Other Department: Support Services Ext: 589 Commission Meeting Date: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # 8.1.0 (Commissioner staff to complete) Briefing Date: May 3, 2021 Briefing Presented By: Diane Zoren [ ] Item was not previously briefed by the board Please provide explanation of urgency Item Approval of a resolution selecting the Shelton-Mason CountyJourna/as the official County newspaper for publishing certain legal publications. Background: RCW 36.72.075 requires the County legislative authority to select a legal newspaper as the official County newspaper for the term of one year. The Shelton-Mason CountyJourna/is the only newspaper published in the County that qualifies as a legal newspaper under RCW 65.16.020. Recommended Action: Approval of a resolution selecting the Shelton-Mason CountyJourna/as the official County newspaper for publishing certain legal publications. Attachment(s): Resolution RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION 2020-31 A RESOLUTION SELECTING THE OFFICIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, RCW 36.72.075 requires the County legislative authority to let a contract to a legal newspaper to serve as the official County newspaper for the term of one year and; WHEREAS, if there is at least one legal newspaper published in the County, the contract shall be let to a legal newspaper published in the County and; WHEREAS, the Shelton-Mason County Journal is published in Mason County and qualifies as a legal newspaper in accordance with RCW 65.16.020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners of hereby declares the Shelton-Mason County Journal as the official County newspaper for furnishing certain legal publications for the period of one year beginning on April 1, 2021. DATED this 11th day of May, 2021. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask, Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 3, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to reappoint Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members for a term ending May 31, 2023. Generators: Shaun Tucker, Nate Welch Spenders: Pam Volz, Heidi McCutcheon, Duane Wilson Background: Mason County Code Chpt. 2.96.030 - Composition—Appointment of members. The lodging tax advisory committee shall consist of at least five members appointed by the board of Mason County commissioners. The committee shall include: at least two representatives of businesses that are required to collect the lodging tax; at least two members who are persons involved in activities that are authorized to be funded by lodging tax revenue; and one Mason County commissioner who shall serve as the chair of the lodging tax advisory committee. Budget Impacts: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to reappoint Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members for a term ending May 31, 2023. Generators: Shaun Tucker; Nate Welch Spenders: Pam Volz, Heidi McCutcheon, Duane Wilson MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioners EXT: 419 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # 6.�3 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to nominate Jennifer Baria to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for an additional three-year term ending June 30, 2024. Background: The Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (WDC) includes Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston and Mason Counties. The WDC has 15 seats total and the County Commission recommends three business representatives from Mason County. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to nominate Jennifer Baria to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for an additional three-year term ending June 30, 2024. JA\BOARDS\Agenda Documents\Cover for Pacific Mountain Workforce Council-Jennifer Baria.doc MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: David Windom Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: MCCS EXT: DATE: 11 May 2021 Agenda Item # �3.(� Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 5/3/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: David Windom [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Developmental Disabilities Program — Millage Levy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Interlocal agreement between Mason and Thurston Counties to provide local county funding per RCW 71.20.110 BUDGET IMPACT: Funds are collected and passed through the state to the Thurston County Treasurer for disbursement PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) Briefing and action agenda RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve interlocal agreement ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal agreement INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN MASON COUNTY and THURSTON COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PROGRAM- MILLAGE LEVY This lnterlocal Agreement (AGREEMENT) is made and entered into pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 39.34 RCW lnterlocal Cooperation Act by and between Mason County (MASON) and Thurston County (THURSTON) collectively known as the parties tothis AGREEMENT. WHEREAS,MASON and THURSTON have created a Developmental Disabilities program toserve residents of both MASON and THURSTON; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for MASON and THURSTON to provide for funding and administration of the Developmental Disabilities program; WHEREAS, THURSTON has agreed to serve as the lead for this program. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: Purpose: The purpose of this AGREEMENT is to provide local county funding per RCW 71.20.110 forDevelopmental Disabilities program services in MASON and THURSTON. Term: This AGREEMENT will be in effect for five(5)years from date of last signature. Extension: The duration of this AGREEMENT may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties. Termination: This AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party by giving ninety (90) days' written noticeof termination to the other party. Funds Source: MASON and THURSTON shall each levy annually a tax in a sum equal to the amount which would be raised by a levy of two and one-half(2-1/2) cents per thousand dollars of assessed value against the taxable property in the county as provided in RCW 71.20.110 as now existing or as hereinafter amended. From MASON and THURSTON, 50% of the funds raised by said levy shall be paid into the THURSTON Human Services fund with the remaining 50%used to fund other programs as allowed. The percentage share of these funds may be adjusted annually through the MASON budget process and the THURSTON budget process. Custodian of Funds: MASON and THURSTON agree that the Thurston County Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds for the administration of the Developmental Disabilities program. Thurston County Treasurer shall have the authority to make payments from said fundsupon audit by the Thurston County Auditor,pursuant to REC 71.24.110(2) as now existing or as hereinafter amended. Administration: MASON and THURSTON have designated the following representatives to serve as the Administrators for this AGREEMENT. The parties agree to provide notification to the other party of change of designated Administrator. MASON: David Windom,MSHS,Director Mason County Community Services Department615 W Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: 360-427-9670 Ext. 260 E-mail: dwindom@co.mason.wa.us THURSTON: Schelli Slaughter,Director Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department412 Lilly Road NE Olympia, WA 98506-5132 Phone: Office 360-867-2502, Cell: 360-701-3970 E-mail: schelli.slaughter@co.thurston.wa.us Notices and Written Communication:Notices and other communication may be conducted via e-mail,U.S. mail, fax,hand-delivery, or other generally accepted manner including deliveryservices. Responsibilities of the Parties: the primary responsibilities of the parties are agreed to as follows: MASON: 1.Will provide funding for the program as detailed in this AGREEMENT. 2.Will review annual reports and provide feedback as appropriate. 3.Will notify THURSTON in advance should MASON desire to exercise the right to provide program input and direct program deliverables for services being provided in Mason County. THURSTON: 1. Shall have the authority to contract, subcontract and sign annual plans on behalf of both MASON and THURSTON for the Developmental Disabilities program as funded by these funds. MASON reserves the right to provide program input and direct program deliverables for servicesbeing provided in Mason County. 2. Will provide a report to MASON on or before January 31 st of each year that details for the previous calendar year;the overall program budget and number of individuals served; a list of contracted services providers awarded program funds under this AGREEMENT including, and detailed by contractor,total award, summary of services to be provided, number of participantsto be served, location(s) where services are to be provided and a note identifying whether the contractor will serve only MASON only, THURSTON only, or individuals from both counties. 3. Will provide MASON the opportunity to provide input prior to procuring contracted servicesproviders to carryout program activities. Indemnification: 1. Mutual Indemnity.To the extent of its comparative liability,each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other party, its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers , harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney's fees and alternative dispute resolution costs, for any personal injury, for any bodily injury, sickness, disease or death and for any damage to or destruction of any property (including the loss of use resulting therefrom) which are alleged or proven to be caused by an act or omission, negligent or otherwise, of its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents or volunteers. In the event of any concurrent act or omission of the parties, each party shall pay its proportionate share of any damages awarded. The parties agree to maintain a consolidated defense to claims made against them and to reserve all indemnity claims against each other until after liability to the claimant and damages, if any, are adjudicated. If any claim is resolvedby voluntary settlement and the parties cannot agree upon apportionment of damages and defense costs,they shall submit apportionment to binding arbitration. 2. Survival of Indemnity Obligations. The parties agree all indemnity obligations shall survivethe completion, expiration or termination of this AGREEMENT. Independent Capacity: Employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this AGREEMENTshall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. Non-Discrimination in Employment: MASON's policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color,creed, religion,national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,marital status,disability, or veteran status.shall comply with all laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the grounds of race, color, creed,religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,age,marital status, disability,or veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. THURSTON shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and treated during employment,without regard to their race, color, creed,religion, national origin, sex,age,marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. Such action shall include,but not be limited to advertising,hiring,promotions, layoffs or terminations,rate of pay or other forms of compensation benefits, selection for training including apprenticeship, and participation in recreational and educational activities. In all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf, THURSTON shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Non-Discrimination in Customer Services: THURSTON, as well as any contractors and or sub-contractors to this AGREEMENT shall not discriminate on the grounds of race,color, creed,religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status; or deny an individual or business any service or benefits under this AGREEMENT; or subject an individual or business to segregationor separate treatment in any manner related to his/her/its receipt any service or services or other benefits provided under this AGREEMENT; or deny an individual or business anopportunity to participate in any program provided by this AGREEMENT. Compliance with Applicable Laws,Rules and Regulations: This AGREEMENT shall be subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of the United States of America,the State of Washington,political subdivisions of the State of Washington and MasonCounty. THURSTON agrees to comply with applicable Federal, State, County or municipal standards for licensing, certification and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals. Amendments: Either party may request changes in the AGREEMENT. Any and all agreed amendments, to bevalid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing or signed by both of the parties. Disputes: Differences between MASON and THURSTON, arising under and by virtue of the AGREEMENT. Documents shall be brought to the attention of MASON at the earliest possible fmin order that such matters may be settled, or other appropriate action promptly taken. Decisions of MASON's Administrator shall be final and conclusive. Venue and Choice of Law: In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of the terms of this AGREEMENT, the venue of such action of litigation shall be in the courts ofthe State of Washington in and for Mason County.Unless otherwise specified herein,this AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and the State of Washington. Severability: If any term or condition of this AGREEMENT or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To thisend,the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT are declared severable. Waiver: Waiver of any breach or condition of this AGREEMENT shall not be deemed a waiver of anyprior or subsequent breach. No term or condition of this AGREEMENT shall be held to be waived, modified, or deleted except by an instrument, in writing, signed by the parties hereto. The failure of MASON to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants of this AGREEMENT, or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shallnot be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenants or contracts, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Order of Precedence: A. Applicable federal, state and county statutes,regulations,policies,procedures, federal Officeof Management and Budget (OMB) circulars and federal and state executive orders. B. AGREEMENT Entire Agreement: This written AGREEMENT, comprised of the writings signed or otherwise identified and attached hereto,represents the entire AGREEMENT between the parties and supersedes anyprior oral statements, discussions, or understandings between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MASON and THURSTON have executed this AGREEMENT as ofthe date and year last written below. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS, THURSTON COUNTY,WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON DATED: DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM, APPROVED AS TO FORM, Jon Tunheim,Prosecuting Attorney Tim Whitehead,Prosecuting Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # .\O Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 3 and 10, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Accept and Sign a Contract for Executive Search Services with Prothman and Contract for Consulting Services with Prothman The BOCC has decided to work with Prothman Executive Search Services for the recruitment of a replacement Support Services Director. The BOCC wishes to execute a contract for those services. Additionally, the BOCC wants to contract with Prothman for consulting services and wishes to execute a contract for those services. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Have the Chair execute two contracts with Prothman, one for Executive Search Services and another for Consulting Services Attachment: Search Contract Consulting Contract _4DWIC)THMAN April 26, 2021 Mr. Randy Neatherlin Chair, Board of County Commissioners Mason County 411 N 5th St Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Chair Neatherlin: We thank Mason County for its confidence in Prothman to assist in providing services for the recruitment of its new Support Services Director. The following represents a scope of work for these services and the associated professional fee and expenses. Scope of Work 1. Develop a Tailored Recruitment Strategy Project Review The first step will be to: ♦ Review the scope of work and project schedule ♦ Review compensation and decide if a salary survey is needed Information Gathering and Research We will travel to Mason County or meet via phone / Zoom and spend as much time as it takes to learn everything we can about your organization. Our goal is to thoroughly understand the values and culture of your organization, as well as the preferred qualifications you desire in your next Support Services Director. We will: ♦ Meet with the County Commissioners ♦ Meet with Retiring Support Services Director ♦ Meet with Leadership Team, as directed ♦ Meet with other stakeholders, as directed ♦ Review all documents related to the position Position Profile Development We will develop a profile of your ideal candidate. Profiles include the following: ♦ A description of the ideal candidate's qualifications • Years of related experience, education required and ideal personality traits ♦ Organization-specific information • Description of the organization, position, and key responsibilities • Priorities and challenges facing the organization ♦ Community-specific information ♦ Compensation package details ♦ Information on how to apply 206.368.0050 + 371 NE Gilman Blvd., Suite 310 Issaquah,WA 98027 • www.prothman.com 2. Identify, Target, and Recruit Viable Candidates Outreach and Advertising Strategy We recognize that often the best candidates are not actively looking for a new position--this is the person we want to reach and recruit. We have an aggressive recruitment strategy which involves the following: ♦ Print and Internet-based Ads placed nationally and locally in professional publications,journals, and related websites. ♦ Targeted Direct Mail Recruitment Brochures sent directly to hundreds of county/city management professionals who are not actively searching for a new position. ♦ Focused Candidate Outreach via thousands of personal emails from our database of county/city employees, as well as personal networking and outreach. ♦ Posting the Position Profile on Prothman's Facebook and Linkedln pages and on the Prothman website, which receives over five thousand visits per month from potential candidates. 3. Conduct Preliminary Screening Candidate Screening Once the application deadline has passed, we will conduct an extensive candidate review designed to gather detailed information on the leading candidates. The screening process has 3 key steps: 1) Application Review: We will screen the candidates for qualifications based on the resumes, applications, and supplemental question responses (to determine a candidate's writing skills, analytical abilities and communication style). After the initial screening, we take the yes's and maybe's and complete a second screening where we take a much deeper look into the training, work history and qualifications of each candidate. 2) Internet Publication Background Search: We conduct an internet publication search on all semifinalist candidates prior to their interviews. If we find anything out of the ordinary, we discuss this during the initial interview and bring this information to you. 3) Personal Interviews: We will conduct in-depth videoconference or in-person interviews with the top 6 to 12 candidates. During the interviews, we ask the technical questions to gauge their competency, and just as importantly, we design our interviews to measure the candidate's fit within your organization. Candidate Presentation We will prepare and send to you a detailed summary report and binders which include each candidate's application materials and the results of the personal interviews and publication search. We will travel to Mason County or meet via phone/Zoom and advise you of the candidates meeting the qualifications, our knowledge of them, and their strengths and weaknesses relative to fit within your organization. We will give you our recommendations and then work with you to identify the top 3 to 6 candidates to invite to the final interviews. We will discuss the planning and design of the final interview process during this meeting. ��/V/AN Page 2 of 5 4. Prepare Materials and Process for Final Interviews Final Interview Process The design of the final interviews is an integral component towards making sure that all stakeholders have the opportunity to learn as much as possible about each candidate. ♦ Elements of the design process include: • Deciding on the Structure of the Interviews We will tailor the interview process to fit your needs. It may involve using various interview panels, community tours and/or an evening reception. • Deciding on Candidate Travel Expenses We will help you identify which expenses your organization wishes to cover. • Identifying Interview Panel Participants & Panel Facilitators ♦ Background Checks Background checks include the following: • References We conduct 6-8 reference checks on each candidate. We ask each candidate to provide names of their supervisors, subordinates and peers for the last several years. • Education Verification, Criminal History, Driving Record and Sex Offender Check We contract with Sterling for all background checks. ♦ Candidate Travel Coordination After you have identified the expenses you wish to cover, we work with the candidates to organize the most cost-effective travel arrangements. ♦ Final Interview Binders The Final Interview Binders include the candidates' application materials and are the tool that keeps the final interview process organized. Each panel member will be provided a binder. ♦ Final Interviews with Candidates We will travel to Mason County and facilitate the interviews. The interview process usually begins with a morning briefing where schedule and process will be discussed with all those involved in the interviews. Each candidate will then go through a series of one-hour interview sessions, with an hour break for lunch. ♦ Panelists & Decision Makers Debrief: After the interviews are complete, we will facilitate a debrief with all panel participants where the panel facilitators will report their panel's view of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate interviewed. The decision makers will also have an opportunity to ask panelists questions. ♦ Candidate Evaluation Session: After the debrief, we will facilitate the evaluation process, help the decision makers come to consensus, discuss next steps, and organize any additional candidate referencing or research if needed. ♦ Facilitate Employment Agreement: Once the top candidate has been selected, we will offer any assistance needed in developing a letter of offer and negotiating terms of the employment agreement. /V/A/V Page 3 of 5 FEE, EXPENSES & GUARANTEE Professional Fee The fee for conducting a Support Services Director recruitment with a one-year guarantee is $18,500. The professional fee covers all Prothman consultant and staff time required to conduct the recruitment. This includes all correspondence and onsite meetings with the client, writing and placing the recruitment ads, development of the candidate profile, creating and sending invitation letters, reviewing resumes, coordinating and conducting semifinalist interviews, coordinating and attending finalist interviews, coordinating candidate travel, professional reference checks on the finalist candidates and all other search related tasks required to successfully complete the recruitment. Should Mason County desire to hire Prothman for any subsequent recruitments, the fee would be $17,500, plus expenses. Professional fees are billed in three equal installments throughout the recruitment, at the beginning, halfway, and upon completion of the final interviews. Expenses Expenses vary depending on the design and geographical scope of the recruitment. We do not mark up expenses and we work diligently to keep expenses at a minimum and keep records of all expenditures. Mason County will be responsible for reimbursing expenses Prothman incurs on your behalf. Expenses include: • Newspaper, trade journal, websites, and other advertising (approx. $1,700 - 1,900) • Direct mail announcements (approx. $1,600 - 1,800) • Interview Binders & printing of materials (approx. $200 - 500) • Delivery expenses for Interview Binders (approx. $75 - 150) • Consultant travel: Mileage at IRS rate, travel time at $65 per hour, lodging if required (approx. $150- 350 per trip) • Background checks performed by Sterling (approx. $170 per candidate) Other Expenses Candidate travel: We cannot approximate candidate travel expenses because they vary depending on the number of candidates, how far the candidates travel, length of stay, if spouses are included, etc. If you wish, we will coordinate and forward to your organization the candidates' travel receipts for direct reimbursement to the candidates. Warranty Repeat the Recruitment: If you follow the major elements of our process and a top candidate is not chosen, we will repeat the recruitment once with no additional professional fee, the only cost to you would be for the expenses. Guarantee Prothman will guarantee with a full recruitment that if the selected finalist is terminated or resigns within one year from the employment date, we will conduct one replacement search with no additional professional fee, the only cost to you would be for the expenses. Cancellation You have the right to cancel the search at any time. Your only obligation would be the fees and expenses incurred prior to cancellation. -"` KV 1 HMAN Page 4 of 5 Accepted by: MASON COUNTY PROTHMAN'`j l'� --�--- 04/26/2021 Date Sonja rothman Date Vice President Name Title -,r /2QT"]->IA/AN Page 5 of 5 RRO'THMAN May 6, 2021 With the upcoming retirement of the Support Service Director and considering continuous improvement, the Mason County Commissioners wish to have an assessment of the pros and cons of creating a County Administrator position. The following represents the scope of work for this assessment and associated professional fees and expenses: Scope of Work Project Planning ♦ Meet with the current Support Services Director via phone/Zoom to review the proposed outline and modify as needed ♦ Develop a project timeline Research & Individual Commissioner Interviews ♦ Obtain and review current documents: Support Services Director current job description, salary, and benefits package. Organizational Chart. Board of Commissioners Strategic Goals. ♦ Schedule and complete individual phone/Zoom interviews with each Commissioner to explore thoughts, perceptions, concerns, and goals for the County Administrator position. Assessment & Prepare for Facilitated Commissioners Session ♦ Compile and analyze the information obtained through interviews and document review. ♦ Prepare documents to support group Commissioner session. Facilitate Commissioners Session ♦ Meet collectively with Board of Commissioners to review and discuss individual interviews. ♦ Provide pros and cons for the County Administrator position and facilitate discussion. Professional Fee The fee for this project is $4,700, plus expenses. Expense items include: • Consultant mileage at IRS rate, travel time billed at $65 per hour • Any client-required licenses, fees, or taxes Professional fees are billed in two equal installments: the first at the beginning of the project, the second upon completion of the project. Expenses are billed at the completion of the project. Cancellation You have the right to cancel the assessment at any time. Your only obligation would be the fees and expenses incurred prior to cancellation. Accepted by: MASON COUNTY PROTHMAN Date Sonja Prothman Date Vice President 206.368.0050 ♦ 371 NE Gilman Blvd., Ste 310 Issaquah, WA 98027 ♦ www.prothman.com MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson Deputy Director DEPARTMENT: Public Works Hearing COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2021 EXT:Agenda da Item # VBRIEFING ING DATE: Aril 26, 2021 PRESENTED BY: Loretta Swanson EM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD ease provide explanation of ur en cy ITEM: Security System upgrade— Public Works Facility BACKGROUND: The manufacturer of the current security/access system used at the Public Works facility, GE Alliance, has recently immobilized and discontinued support, production and inventory of replacement parts for our system, making it impossible to purchase access smart cards or repair unforeseeable future software or keypad failures. Public Works is requesting the Board authorize the department to procure and contract with a company/contractor to upgrade the Public.Works facility security/access system. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to procure, award and execute a contract to upgrade the Public Works Facility security system and enter into a monitoring and maintenance agreement. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson Deputy Director Hearing DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # \Z BRIEFING DATE: Aril 26, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Loretta Swanson [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: On-Call Development Services BACKGROUND: Public Works is requesting to use the County MRSC Consultant Roster to select and enter into an agreement for on-call development review services to participated in County development review meetings as a liaison for the department. This service need comes with the recent resignation of the previous public works engineer that took part in these reviews. Public Works is currently working with HR on recruiting to fill this position, but with new development booming around the County we don't want to fall behind on these reviews; therefore, would like to hire a consultant until we can hire and train a new engineering employee. With the anticipation of this service being required for a few months; we would like the maximum amount for this service not to exceed $20,000. This will be paid out of the County Road fund. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to procure and execute an agreement for On-Call Development Review services. The maximum pay-out not to exceed $20,000. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins RE, PLS, County Engineer Hearin DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2021 A ends Item # .13 BRIEFING DATE: Aril 26, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Sole Source Purchase — Specialized Culvert Structure BACKGROUND: Homer Adams Road, County Road Project 2001, approved by Resolution #17-15, is a culvert replacement project over Decker Creek at milepost 0.10 to milepost 0.20 that involves the replacement of the existing deteriorated culvert with a larger specialized fish passable culvert. The new culvert, a 55-foot long x 30-foot wide bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footings and head and wing walls, is a special design that the county has only been able to find availability from, Contech Engineered Solutions. Public Works has received certification from Contech Engineered Solutions that they are the only manufacturer of deep corrugated structural plate that meet the AASHTO M 167 requirements. (see attached letter). The purchase of the culvert is estimated to be $170,000 (plus tax) and will come out of the 2021 Road Fund budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to purchase the specialized bottomless aluminum box culvert structure for the Homer Adams culvert replacement project, CRP 2001 at MP 0.10 — MP 0.20, as a sole source purchase in the estimated amount of $170,000 (plus tax) from Contech Engineered Solutions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Sole Source Justification Form 3. Contech Engineered Solutions - Sole Source letter RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SOLE SOURCE PROCURMENT OF SPECIALIZED 55'X 30' BOTTOMLESS ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT WITH CULVERT FOOTINGS AND HEAD AND WING WALLS FROM CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS WHEREAS, the County Public Works Department has a culvert replacement project on Homer Adam Road, County Road Project 2001, approved by the Resolution 17-15, at milepost 0.10 to milepost 0.20; and WHEREAS, this project involves the replacement of the existing 50' long x 8.5'wide deteriorating squashed pipe culvert with a new fish passable 55'long x 30'wide bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footing and head and wing walls; and WHEREAS, the County is preparing to construction the above improvements on Homer Adams Road with county forces the Summer of 2021, it is necessary to purchase the specialized culvert prior to the project starting; and, WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 specifies exemption to competitive bidding requirements for purchases that are clearly and legitimately to a single source of supply. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: 1. Contech Engineered Solutions is the sole manufacturer of deep corrugated structural plates that meet the requirements of AASHTO M 167. 2. That the County is authorized to purchase without proceeding to secure competitive bids, the 55x30' bottomless aluminum box culvert from Contech Engineered Solutions, estimated to cost $170,000 (plus tax). ADOPTED this day of , 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA god.sTA7- MC MASON COUNTY 4.0 o N 2 SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM ry N y Y °0 1%4 Date: April 26, 2021 Department: Public Works Department Contact: Mike Collins,452 Recommended Vendor: Contech Engineered Solutions Address:8020 211t Ave NW,Seattle,WA 98117 Phone:206.784.2746 Cost Estimate: $170,000 (plus tax) Describe the item requested and its function:Specialized 55'x30' bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footing and head and wing walls. 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ® Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or,technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor'is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ❑ Used item: 3. Is this product available from other sources? ®Yes ❑ No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? No other company designs this type of specialized culvert that is needed for CRP 2001, Homer Adams Road culvert replacement project at MP 0.10-MP 0.20. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and a fair value. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other, please explain: Contech Engineered Solution provided the County a sole source certification letter. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands, types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: �U L(�t Date: 4-1ZI /2e)Z� 0W1V_NTECH" ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS May 4, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Deep Corrugated Structural Plate Dear Sir or Madam: Contech Engineered Solutions LLC is currently, as of the date of this letter, the only manufacturer of Deep Corrugated Structural Plate with 15" x 5.5" corrugations that meets the requirements of AASHTO M 167. There is no patent on the product. Our Tradename for the product is BridgeCor@ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Z)mf waxaaa& Doug Maxwell Area Engineer- Structures CONTECH Engineered Solutions LLC 360 357-9735 Cell 360 951-1129 dmaxwell(D_conteches.com www.ContechES.com MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins RE, PLS, County Engineer Hearin DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11 2021 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: Aril 26 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Replace Resolution No. 2021-009 for the 2021 Hot-Mix-Asphalt (HMA) Overlay Projects (CRP 2029 and 2030) BACKGROUND: On February 16, 2021, Mason County Board of County Commissioners approved the 2021 HMA Overlay Projects for Agate Road (CRP 2029) and Old Belfair Highway (CRP 2030). These projects provide improvement to .68 miles of Agate Road and 1 mile of Old Belfair Highway. Public Works requests the Board replace the previously adopt resolution (Resolution No. 2021- 009) with the attached revised resolution that updates the Old Belfair Highway cost estimates to match what is currently on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and correct misprinted beginning/ending milepost for the project. The Agate Road (CRP 2029) will remain the same, with no changes. Changes to CRP 2030- Old Belfair Highway are shown below: Previously Approved by Resolution No. 2021-009 (M.P. 0.00 - M.P. 0.2) Estimated expenditures/grant funding $429,000 - Preliminary Cost 371 000 - Transportation Program (STP) Grant Funding $ 58,000 — County Road Fund Revised Resolution Updates (M.P. 0.20 - M.P. 1.20) Estimated expenditures/grant funding $404,000 - Preliminary Cost 350 000 - Transportation Program (STP) Grant Funding $ 54,000 — County Road Fund RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board replace Resolution Number 2021-0009 and execute the revised resolution for CRP 2029, Agate Road and CRP 2030, Old Belfair Highway HMA overlay projects. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Resolution 2. Vicinity maps BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. In the matter of initiating countyrRoad projects and assigning CRP numbers. RESOLUTION NO. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 2021-0009 These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36,80.030,36.80.070 and/or WAC 136-18-030). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineers estimates are hereby made in the amount and for the purposes shown: Cost Estimate(Thousand ) Annual M.P. ; Type of Const. Road Log County Project CRP No. Road Name to Work Local Grant Engr R/W Contract Forces Total Section,Township,Range Prog.Item No. M.P. I(See Code) No. ' 2029 1 23910 Agate Rd 3.10-3.78 ' D 62 394 30 0 426 0 456 S13,14,T20N,R3W 2030 2 98250 Old Belfair Highway 0.20-1.20 D 55 349 20 0 384 0 404 S20,29,T23N,Rl W 117 743 50 0 810 0 860 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (6) TYPE OF WORK CODE A.Grading&Draining F.Sidewalks K.Environmental Mitigation (9) The construction is to be accomplished by contract B. Base&Top Course G.Traffic Facilities L.Fish Passage in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et.seq. C. B.S.T./Seals H.Paths,Trails,Bikeways (10) The construction is to be accomplished by county D. HMA Overlay I. Bridges forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136.18 E. Curbs and Gutters J. Ferry Facilities ADOPTED this day of 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board APPROVE AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask,Commissioner cc: Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ. It: 5/20/21(Bill Rd Dept.) CRP 2029 Agate Road MP 3.10 3.10 3.20 E GARRETT CT 3.30 i E LONESOME CREEK RD w a c� a w 3.50 I I .60 3.70 ----- i - MP 3.78 0 , E CRESTVIEW DR - Shelton ai z � c w%a N ' i W 0 N / - Q 0 170 340 680 1,020 - w Feet - �s,o, - _ ©OpenStreetMap(andj -_ w Ii contributors,CC-BY-SA CRP 2030 Old Belfair Highway NE MAKELA VO 2� o J J_ 2 MP 1.20 ui 1.10 > m W ' z NE NEWKIRK RD\\ 1.00 ±- = NE TEHILLAH WAY m 0.9(W m 0 J 0 W z 0.80 0.70 ►dE TIMBERLINE DR I I I 0.60 NE MCKNIGHT RD 0.50 o 0.40 LU a LL i 0 i j o 0.30 i W 1 i z Li i 1 N 0.20 ' i 0 225 450 900 1,350 MP 0.20 Feet ©OpenStreetMap(and) contributors,CCIBY-SA MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 422 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 5/11/21 Agenda Item # 8.16 (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 5/3/21 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Paddi McGuire [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to pay Susan Blankenship, Assistant Election Administrator, additional pay for working in a higher class, at Non Represented Salary Range 27, Step 0, effective May 11, 2021 through the replacement process plus two weeks of training a new Election Superintendent. Background: A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification, when those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification, for the purpose of: A. Providing work coverage during an authorized vacation period; B. Providing work coverage during an authorized sick leave; C. Providing work coverage for an authorized leave of absence; or D. Providing work coverage for a currently vacant position. If the employee is scheduled to work in the higher job classification for a minimum of three (3) consecutive workdays, the employee shall be paid on the step of the salary range for the higher classification that provides at least a five percent (5%) increase. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to pay Susan Blankenship, Assistant Election Administrator, additional pay for working in a higher class, at Non Represented Salary Range 27, Step 0, effective May 11, 2021 through the replacement process plus two weeks of training a new Election Superintendent. Attachment: Temporarily Working in a Higher Class/Out of Class/Lead Pay— Request Form TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ `-- X=-' OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM ❑Out of Class Pay []Lead Pay ® Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name-Susan Blankenship Employee Job Titie,Assistant Election Administrator Department:Auditor Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: AFSCME 10.3:A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification,when those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification,for the purpose of:Providing work coverage for a currently vacant position. If the employee is scheduled to work in the higher job classification for a minimum of three(3)consecubve workdays,the employee shall be paid on the step of the salary range for the higherclassificatfon that provides at least a five percent(5%) increase. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: The Election Superintendent's departure for another position means that Susan is assuming the responsibilities of this job in the interim. Effective Date:05/03/2021 End Date:TBA *Attach a copy of the employee 4 ent position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: -f Date:04/26/2021 Department Head/Elected Official Signature:__'-. �' Date: Support Services Director Signature: Date: BOCC or Elected official Signature: Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Assistant Election Administrator Department: Auditor Affiliation: AFSCME Reports to: Auditor or Elections Superintendent Exempt: Non-Exempt:_x_ Supervises/Directs: None Risk Class: 5306-07 Job Class: 1081 Salary Range: According to current Collective Bargaining Agreement Union Approval Date: Elected Official Approval Date: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The individual assigned to this classification assists the election superintendent by delegation of authority to plan, organize and coordinate the Election processes within the Auditor's Office. This individual will ensure the efficient and effective utilization of personnel, funds, materials, facilities, and time. This individual will assist the superintendent with a variety of administrative duties in addition to monitoring election and voter registration tasks. This class specification reflects the general concept and intent of the classification and should not be construed as a detailed statement of all the work requirements that may be inherent in a position. This class is distinguished from the Election Technician Series by the nature, level of duties assigned, difficulty and complexity of the work performed, and the significant degree of independent judgment and responsibility. This is a senior level position, which performs all of the routine job functions and more complex job functions in the Election Technician Series. This individual assists with the responsible to ensure all election and voter registration activities are performed in accordance with the requirements of federal, state and local laws and regulations. Errors in judgment and performance would adversely impact election results, public relations, and legal liabilities. Individuals in this position must apply a thorough knowledge of election procedures, processes and laws. This position is also distinguished by the necessary skills to serve in the absence of the Superintendent or at the direction of the Election Superintendent. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all of the duties listed nor do the listed examples include all tasks which may be found in positions of this class.) In addition to the essential job functions of Election Technician Series, an Assistant Election Administrator assists in overseeing all aspects of the election process including, but not limited to: Organizes, directs, and issues work assignments to temporary and permanent staff. Oversees functions such as voter registration processing and all-mail ballot issuing and processing. Responsible for ensuring voter registrations are current and accurate. Enters voter registration applications, both on paper and online, data into the statewide voter database computer, audits data entry, researches and resolves discrepancies or errors, and issues voter identification cards. Maintains changes in the voter registration system including transfers, cancellations, or other changes affecting voter status. Accurately and timely translates new addressing information and inputs information into voter registration system street file. Processes changes of address information as prescribed by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Prepares and mails confirmation notices. Processes the returned confirmation notices in accordance with NVRA and state law. Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) Maintains a high level of knowledge regarding all election systems and data bases to include HART ballot tabulating system, Statewide Voter Registration Database, WEI Author, WEI Admin, and the Online Voter Registration System. Troubleshoots and resolve issues that arise during an election cycle. Assist in special, primary and general elections with creating the election calendar, election set-up, ballot layout, proofing, candidate filings, election result reporting and certifying the election. Assists in programing, organizing, reviewing, editing, and preparing ballot layouts for each election to be sent to the printer; calculates number of ballots needed for election based upon voter registration numbers. Prepares the matrix for pre-tests of the voting system and for the official logic and accuracy test with the Office of the Secretary of State. Responsible for the programming the Accessible Voting Units (AVU) for accessible voting, prepares the set-up for an audio ballot, tests for accuracy, blast the system, assist voters using the system, and tabulates AVU votes into the HART system. Assists with the election process by issuing replacements ballots, receiving incoming mail ballots, re-mailing undeliverable ballots, verifying voter's signatures, opening ballots, inspecting ballots, scanning ballots, resolving ballots, and tabulating votes. Responsible for providing the public and candidates with timely match-back reports, responds to public record requests, and assists the public ordering voter list and labels. Supports the Superintendent and community organization with voter outreach opportunities throughout Mason County. Responsible for maintaining ballot security and voter anonymity. Notifies and corresponds with candidates and voters to ensure transparency of the election process. In preparation for the Canvassing Board meeting, preps ballots and reports, and helps balance final numbers including ballots counted, forwarded and challenged. Determines which offices for all jurisdictions are open for election each year, verifies all positions are within appropriate districts in accordance with state law, and electronically tracks incumbents and offices open for election. Maintains records of all elected officials, resignations, and appointments. Receives and processes all candidate filings and collects the appropriate fees. Receives ballot resolutions from jurisdictions and promptly presents such resolutions to the superintendent. Refers to Prosecuting Attorney for ballot title preparation in the absence of the superintendent. Prepares all legal notices and submits to the media for publication. Maintains accurate accounting records of election expenses to be submitted to the superintendent to allocate election and voter registration costs. Assists superintendent in short and long-term department planning and development, prioritizing work, scheduling, redesigning procedures and forms, and makes policy recommendations. Attends conferences, meetings, and training as required in order to obtain and maintain a mandatory State Election Administrator Certification. Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: Assists in other areas of the office and performs other related work as required Regular, reliable and punctual attendance. WORKING CONDITIONS: The majority of work is performed in an office environment. May be required to transport items to off-site locations. May be required to lift 25 pounds. May be required to stand for long periods of time assisting customers at the counter. May be required to communicate on the telephone for extended periods of time during busy elections. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of: Maintain a high level of knowledge of federal, state and local election laws. Ability to: Must have ability to work under excessive pressure and public scrutiny. Provide accurate work. Prioritize and organize workload. Effectively communicate, both orally and in writing. Understand oral and written instructions. Compose business correspondence. Interpret and apply applicable Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Ability to multi-task and maintain focus. Operate standard office equipment; fax, multi-line phone, Xerox, and calculator. Meet attendance standards for successful job performance. Strong proof reading skills Ability to utilize a personal computer and related software packages to perform word processing, analysis, information retrieval and tracking. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any equivalent combination of education and experience that would provide the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Associates Degree or a combination of education and experience. Two years of clerical experience, including data entry and interaction with the public. Must be willing to work overtime to assist in the preparation and coordination of elections. A valid Washington State driver's license. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Per WAC 434-260-220 thru 260: Must obtain certification within two years of hire as an Election Administrator by attending a required Elections 101 orientation class by the Secretary of State and pass a written exam. Once certified, must maintain their certification with 18 hours of continuing education each year — which must be approved by the Secretary of State. REQUIRED TRAINING FOR THIS POSITION: Sexual Harassment & Discrimination —Annually Smart Risk Management—Once Slip, Trip and Fall —Annually Safe Lifting Practices —Annually FEMA IS 100 and 700-Once FEMA IS-907-Active Shooter-Annually Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) REGULAR MONITORED DRIVER: X Yes No DEFENSIVE DRIVING-ALL ANNUALLY: Basics R is for Reverse Intersections Reduce Winter Weather Accidents General Auto Risk Program for Drivers Additional job specific trainings may be issued at a later date. Union Representative Signature of Approval: Date: Elected Official Signature of Approval: Date: I have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) t t TEMPORARILY WORKING IN A HIGHER CLASS/ OUT OF CLASS/LEAD PAY - REQUEST FORM DOut of Class Pay ❑Lead Pay R Working in a Higher Class All out of class,lead,or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners, prior to the assignment of additional duties. Employee Name:Susan Blankenship _ _...-- Employee Job Title:Assistant Election Administrator Department:Auditor Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining Agreement if applicable: AFSCME 10.3:A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification,when those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification,for the purpose of:Providing work coverage for a currently vacant position, H the employee is scheduled to work in the higher job classification for a minimum of three(3)consecutive workdays,the employee shall be paid on the step of the salary range for the higherclassification that provides at least a five percent(5%) increase. What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long: The Election Superintendent's departure for another position means that Susan is assuming the responsibilities of this job in the interim. Effective Date:05/03/2021 End Date:TBA *Attach a copy of the employee' nt position description* Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: � Date:04/26/2021 Department Head Elected Official Si nature: r4==` Date: I Support Services Director Signature: Date:__,, BOCC or Elected Official Signature: i Date: cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll . Cpb POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Assistant Election Administrator Department: Auditor Affiliation: AFSCME Reports to: Auditor or Elections Superintendent Exempt: Non-Exempt:_x_ Supervises/Directs: None Risk Class: 5306-07 Job Class: 1081 Salary Range: According to current Collective Bargaining Agreement Union Approval Date: Elected Official Approval Date: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The individual assigned to this classification assists the election superintendent by delegation of authority to plan, organize and coordinate the Election processes within the Auditor's Office. This individual will ensure the efficient and effective utilization of personnel, funds, materials, facilities, and time. This individual will assist the superintendent with a variety of administrative duties in addition to monitoring election and voter registration tasks. This class specification reflects the general concept and intent of the classification and should not be construed as a detailed statement of all the work requirements that may be inherent in a position. This class is distinguished from the Election Technician Series by the nature, level of duties assigned, difficulty and complexity of the work performed, and the significant degree of independent judgment and responsibility. This is a senior level position, which performs all of the routine job functions and more complex job functions in the Election Technician Series. This individual assists with the responsible to ensure all election and voter registration activities are performed in accordance with the requirements of federal, state and local laws and regulations. Errors in judgment and performance would adversely impact election results, public relations, and legal liabilities. Individuals in this position must apply a thorough knowledge of election procedures, processes .and laws. This position is also distinguished by the necessary skills to serve in the absence of the Superintendent or at the direction of the Election Superintendent. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all of the duties listed nor do the listed examples include all tasks which may be found in positions of this class.) In addition to the essential job functions of Election Technician Series, an Assistant Election Administrator assists in overseeing all aspects of the election process including, but not limited to: Organizes, directs, and issues work assignments to temporary and permanent staff. Oversees functions such as voter registration processing and all-mail ballot issuing and processing. Responsible for ensuring voter registrations are current and accurate. Enters voter registration applications, both on paper and online, data into the statewide voter database computer, audits data entry, researches and resolves discrepancies or errors, and issues voter identification cards. Maintains changes in the voter registration system including transfers, cancellations, or other changes affecting voter status. Accurately and timely translates new addressing information and inputs information into voter registration system street file. Processes changes of address information as prescribed by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Prepares and mails confirmation notices. Processes the returned confirmation notices in accordance with NVRA and state law. Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) Maintains a high level of knowledge regarding all election systems and data bases to include HART ballot tabulating system, Statewide Voter Registration Database, WEI Author, WEI Admin, and the Online Voter Registration System. Troubleshoots and resolve issues that arise during an election cycle. Assist in special, primary and general elections with creating the election calendar, election set-up, ballot layout, proofing, candidate filings, election result reporting and certifying the election. Assists in programing, organizing, reviewing, editing, and preparing ballot layouts for each election to be sent to the printer; calculates number of ballots needed for election based upon voter registration numbers. Prepares the matrix for pre-tests of the voting system and for the official logic and accuracy test with the Office of the Secretary of State. Responsible for the programming the Accessible Voting Units (AVU) for accessible voting, prepares the set-up for an audio ballot, tests for accuracy, blast the system, assist voters using the system, and tabulates AVU votes into the HART system. Assists with the election process by issuing replacements ballots, receiving incoming mail ballots, re-mailing undeliverable ballots, verifying voter's signatures, opening ballots, inspecting ballots, scanning ballots, resolving ballots, and tabulating votes. Responsible for providing the public and candidates with timely match-back reports, responds to public record requests, and assists the public ordering voter list and labels. Supports the Superintendent and community organization with voter outreach opportunities throughout Mason County. Responsible for maintaining ballot security and voter anonymity. Notifies and corresponds with candidates and voters to ensure transparency of the election process. In preparation for the Canvassing Board meeting, preps ballots and reports, and helps balance final numbers including ballots counted, forwarded and challenged. Determines which offices for all jurisdictions are open for election each year, verifies all positions are within appropriate districts in accordance with state law, and electronically tracks incumbents and offices open for election. Maintains records of all elected officials, resignations, and appointments. Receives and processes all candidate filings and collects the appropriate fees. Receives ballot resolutions from jurisdictions and promptly presents such resolutions to the superintendent. Refers to Prosecuting Attorney for ballot title preparation in the absence of the superintendent. Prepares all legal notices and submits to the media for publication. Maintains accurate accounting records of election expenses to be submitted to the superintendent to allocate election and voter registration costs. Assists superintendent in short and long-term department planning and development, prioritizing work, scheduling, redesigning procedures and forms, and makes policy recommendations. Attends conferences, meetings, and training as required in order to obtain and maintain a mandatory State Election Administrator Certification. Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: Assists in other areas of the office and performs other related work as required Regular, reliable and punctual attendance. WORKING CONDITIONS: The majority of work is performed in an office environment. May be required to transport items to off-site locations. May be required to lift 25 pounds. May be required to stand for long periods of time assisting customers at the counter. May be required to communicate on the telephone for extended periods of time during busy elections. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of: Maintain a high level of knowledge of federal, state and local election laws. Ability to: Must have ability to work under excessive pressure and public scrutiny. Provide accurate work. Prioritize and organize workload. Effectively communicate, both orally and in writing. Understand oral and written instructions. Compose business correspondence. Interpret and apply applicable Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Ability to multi-task and maintain focus. Operate standard office equipment; fax, multi-line phone, Xerox, and calculator. Meet attendance standards for successful job performance. Strong proof reading skills Ability to utilize a personal computer and related software packages to perform word processing, analysis, information retrieval and tracking. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any equivalent combination of education and experience that would provide the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Associates Degree or a combination of education and experience. Two years of clerical experience, including data entry and interaction with the public. Must be willing to work overtime to assist in the preparation and coordination of elections. A valid Washington State driver's license. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Per WAC 434-260-220 thru 260: Must obtain certification within two years of hire as an Election Administrator by attending a required Elections 101 orientation class by the Secretary of State and pass a written exam. Once certified, must maintain their certification with 18 hours of continuing education each year — which must be approved by the Secretary of State. REQUIRED TRAINING FOR THIS POSITION: Sexual Harassment & Discrimination —Annually Smart Risk Management— Once Slip, Trip and Fall —Annually Safe Lifting Practices —Annually FEMA IS 100 and 700-Once FEMA IS-907-Active Shooter-Annually Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) i REGULAR MONITORED DRIVER: X Yes No DEFENSIVE DRIVING-ALL ANNUALLY: Basics R is for Reverse Intersections Reduce Winter Weather Accidents General Auto Risk Program for Drivers Additional job specific trainings may be issued at a later date. Union Representative Signature of Approval: Date: Elected Official Signature of Approval: Date: I have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est. 7.2003/Rev 1-2.21.2017/Rev 2-2.18.2020(format) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # g.\u Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 3, 3021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the agreement with S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., the City of Shelton and Mason County for a Plastic Film Recycling Pilot Program. Background: This program includes Mason County Garbage and City of Shelton for collecting plastic film on the recycling routes in the City. The County's portion of the pilot program is to store the material at our transfer station and ship it to the recycling center in Delta, BC. Target start date is summer 2021. SC Johnson will contribute funding to the program. This is a pilot program and the goal is that the City will add plastic film as a required recycle item. There is no commitment requirement once the pilot program is finished. Budget Impacts: The County's cost will be covered by SC Johnson up to $2,000 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the agreement with S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., the City of Shelton and Mason County for a Plastic Film Recycling Pilot Program. Attachment(s): Agreement "Scohnson A family company at work for a better world April XX, 2021 ADDRESSEE ADDRESS CITY, ST ZIP Re: Letter Agreement relating to Plastic Film Recycling Pilot Program Dear NAME: This letter agreement ("Agreement") sets out the principal terms of a curbside plastic film recycling program being considered by S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. ("Johnson"),the City of Shelton, Washington, ("Shelton") and Mason County, Washington ("Mason"). The curbside plastic film recycling program is referred to as the "Pilot Program" and Johnson, Shelton and Mason are referred to collectively as the "Parties" and each, individually, as a "Party". 1. Pilot Program: The Pilot Program will be initiated upon mutual agreement, in writing and signed by all Parties, to a statement of duties, deliverables, cost, and timing sufficient to clearly set forth the expectations of the Parties with respect to the Pilot Program ("Pilot Program Project Description") . The initial draft Pilot Program Project Description is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. Should the Pilot Program Project Description and this Agreement conflict in any way or should the Pilot Program Project Description contain additional terms not explicitly referred to in this Agreement as terms that may be in a Pilot Program Project Description, this Agreement will govern and any such additional terms will have no effect, unless the Pilot Program Project Description includes an explicit statement that the parties intend it to supersede this Agreement, specifically identifying this Agreement. Heather Berlinski of Johnson will act as the Johnson contact person for the purpose of coordinating activities under this Agreement. If Johnson designates some other person to act as its contact person, Shelton and Mason will be notified in writing. 2. Term and Termination: This Agreement will commence on the date this agreement is signed by both parties and terminate on the date of completion of Shelton's and Mason's data reporting obligations set forth in Exhibit A, subject to early termination of this Agreement by any of the Parties. Any party may, by providing the other Parties thirty days' written notice, terminate this Agreement at any time. If Johnson so terminates or halts work, Johnson will be obligated to pay those fees and expenses that Johnson is to pay under Section 3, to the extent that they have been actually earned, incurred, or irretrievably committed by the date of Johnson's notice to terminate or halt work. If Shelton or Mason so terminates this Agreement, Johnson shall have no obligation to pay or reimburse Shelton and Mason, as applicable, for expenses incurred after the date of the termination notice. 3. Fees Expenses, and Payments: For each Project, Johnson will pay for the services, expenses, equipment and materials ("Johnson Financial Commitments") specified in the Pilot Program Project Description. Unless otherwise provided in the Pilot Program Project Description undisputed invoices will be paid under the following payment terms, net sixty (60) days from receipt of the corresponding invoice. If this Agreement is terminated or work under a Pilot Program Project Description is halted for reasons other than for breach, Johnson shall pay for the portions of the Johnson Financial Commitments that is due up to the date of termination. Shelton and Mason will each pay any income, self-employment, or other taxes due on any of the Johnson Financial Commitments. No taxes will be withheld by Johnson. 4. Confidential Information: All information relating to the Pilot Program that is or has been disclosed to Shelton and/or Mason by Johnson or on Johnson's behalf, which is expressly labeled as "confidential" when disclosed to Shelton and/or Mason, will be "Confidential Information," subject to the limitations of this Agreement. A. Limitations on Disclosure and Use of Confidential Information. Neither Shelton nor Mason will use or reproduce Confidential Information for any purpose other than to carry out the Pilot Program, or disclose Johnson's Confidential Information to any third party, except as permitted by this Agreement or in response to a public records request under the Public Records Act, Chap. 42.56 RCW. B. Exclusions. Information will not be considered Confidential Information if it can be shown to have been: i. Rightfully in Shelton's or Mason's possession prior to the date of Johnson's disclosure to Shelton or Mason, ii. Available to the public prior to the date of Johnson's disclosure to Shelton or Mason or to have become available to the public after Johnson's disclosure without any unauthorized act or omission by Shelton or Mason, iii. Disclosed to Shelton or Mason prior to or subsequent to the disclosure by Johnson without restriction by a third party who had a right to disclose and was not under an obligation of confidence to Johnson, or iv. Independently developed by Shelton or Mason by a person having no access to the Confidential Information as evidenced by written records or other tangible evidence. C. No Disclosure. Shelton and Mason each agree not to use any reference to Johnson or its products or trademarks, including but not limited to its logos, in their advertising, web page, or other materials given or exposed to third parties without Johnson's express prior written permission granted by a Johnson officer. D. Term of Confidentiality and Non-Use Obligations. The obligations of confidentiality and non-use contained herein will continue for five years following the termination date of this Agreement. 5. Third Parties' Property; Shelton and Mason Warranties: Shelton and Mason each represent and warrant that its entering into this Agreement and performance for Johnson under this Agreement will not constitute a breach of any obligations that it has to any third party. Shelton and Mason each represent and warrant that it is authorized to fulfill its obligations as may be provided for in a Pilot Program Project Description without any additional consents or approvals. Neither Shelton nor Mason shall disclose to Johnson or use for Johnson's benefit any information that it knows or believes is third party proprietary or confidential information. 6. Intellectual Property: "Intellectual Property" means any invention, whether patentable or not, including but not limited to compositions, formulas, designs, products, and methods, together with any data, and any know-how, trade secret, and other intellectual property, and any Intellectual Property that Shelton and/or Mason conceives or makes during and as a part of their performance under this Agreement will be "Pilot Program Intellectual Property". Pilot Program Intellectual Property will be the exclusive property of Johnson, and Shelton and Mason each hereby assign, transfer, and release to Johnson all of its respective rights in and to all Pilot Program Intellectual Property free and clear of any lien, encumbrance or any other right or interest of any other person or entity. Shelton and Mason are each hereby granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual license to use any and all Pilot Program Intellectual Property. 7. Independent Contractor: Shelton and Mason are each an independent contractor and will not be a Johnson employee or agent for any purpose. Neither Shelton nor Mason will have any right nor will Shelton or Mason attempt to obligate Johnson to third parties in any way without Johnson's prior specific and express written approval. In communications with third parties, Shelton or Mason, as the case may be, will make it clear that it is working in the capacity of an independent contractor rather than as a Johnson employee or agent. 8. General Provisions: A. Sub-Contractors: Neither Shelton nor Mason will engage anyone other than its own employees to perform any services for Johnson under this Agreement. B. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by Shelton or Mason without the prior written consent of Johnson. C. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Washington, United States of America, without giving effect to any choice of law, conflict of law or other rules or provisions (whether of such jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. D. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing herein is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person or entity other than the Parties and their successors or assigns, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement. [Signature page immediately follows.] Please indicate Johnson and Shelton and Mason's acceptance of this Agreement by having the enclosed duplicate original signed by a person who, by signing, also personally warrants his or her authority to bind Johnson and Shelton and Mason. Then return one original to me. For convenience, we can exchange signatures electronically by fax or e-mailed .pdf files, thus putting the Agreement into effect. If we do so, any subsequent paper copies signed will serve only to confirm the Agreement established by the electronically-exchanged signatures. Sincerely, S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. By: Name: Title: Accepted: Shelton By: Date: 5 5 a n� Name: Title: Mason By: Date: Name: Title: EXHIBIT A [DRAFT PILOT PROGRAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION] SC Johnson, the City of Shelton, and Mason County have come together to collaborate on instituting the City of Shelton and Mason County Curbside Recycling Collection of Plastic Film Pilot Program to last for six months beginning in Summer 2021 SC Johnson, the City of Shelton, and Mason County reached an agreement on May 11, 2021 (Date of Signing) that as part of its curbside recycling program, the City of Shelton will collect bagged plastic film—including, but not limited to, dry plastic grocery bags, Ziploc® brand food storage bags, dry-cleaning bags, and other flexible plastic wrap—as a recycling item once a month. Below are the terms each party will be responsible for: • Collection o The City of Shelton agrees to include plastic film as an accepted item within its existing curbside recycling program on a trial, pilot program basis beginning in Summer 2021, for a six-month period, for 2 residential pick-up routes (approximately 900 residential households) o The City of Shelton will coordinate with their hauler, Waste Connections, to facilitate a monthly Wednesday pick-up for households on their 1-16R and 3- 16R routes. Plastic film pick-up for 1-16 R will occur on the first Wednesday of the month and pick-up for 3-16R will occur on the third Wednesday of the month. o SC Johnson agrees to provide funding for the labor and truck costs associated with pick-up not to exceed $6,640. • Storage Container and Transportation to Merlin Plastics o Mason County agrees to purchase or lease a designated "plastic film" storage container for usage at the transfer facility which will serve as a drop-off location for plastic film once it is collected from the curbside. o Mason County agrees to fund transportation and costs associated with drop off of the material from Mason County to the end market. o Mason County agrees to transport the pilot program material up to two times to the end market in a county provided vehicle. o SC Johnson agrees to reimburse Mason County the costs for purchasing or leasing the storage container and transporting material to the end market for a value not to exceed $2,000. • Residential Collection Bins o SC Johnson agrees to provide City of Shelton with up to 900 20-gallon containers, starting with an initial purchase of 270 containers, fit for automated pick-up, imprinted with a recycling label approved by the City of Shelton. The containers will be stored by the City of Shelton and provided to residents who opt-in to participate in the recycling program. • Marketing Materials o The City of Shelton agrees to display SC Johnson-provided "Recycling Announcement" materials on the City of Shelton's main and waste management websites, Facebook page, and other necessary marketing outlets as well as on printed materials including a postcard. These materials will be designed and created by SC Johnson, subject to the approval of the City of Shelton. o SC Johnson will draft a press release announcing the program and share with the City of Shelton and Mason County for approval. o Digital Materials ■ Announcement—The City of Shelton agrees to post "Recycling Announcement" on main or designated waste management website detailing the pilot program using promotional materials provided by SC Johnson. The City of Shelton also agrees to educate residents of the updates to the recycling program, and update list of accepted/non- accepted recyclables on designated waste management website. o Print Marketing ■ SC Johnson will design, create, and fund up to $1,300 for a postcard and/or other flyers announcing the pilot program. This will include the printing and mailing of 2 waves of postcards to 900 households in the City of Shelton. The first phase of post cards will be sent one month prior to the first pickup, and the second phase of post cards will follow up two weeks after. ■ SC Johnson will provide printer-ready versions of the postcards and/or other flyers to the City of Shelton, who will submit the order to their local vendor and provide SC Johnson with a complete price quote prior to order fulfillment. • Data Sharing o After the first 3 months of collection, the City of Shelton and Mason County agree to meet with SC Johnson and Waste Connections to assess the progress of the pilot and its future. o The City of Shelton agrees to collect and share the below sets of data with SC Johnson at the conclusion of the pilot program ■ The amount of plastic film that entered the recycling stream from the year prior to the pilot program if available ■ The amount of plastic film being sent to the landfill from the year prior to the pilot program if available ■ The full amount of recycling materials collected from the year prior to the pilot program if available ■ The amount of plastic film collected each month during the curbside recycling pilot program ■ The amount of plastic film that is collected for the entire duration of the pilot program ■ The dates the City of Shelton and Mason County sent loads of plastic film to end market purchaser, and the amount of plastic film sent to the end market purchaser. ■ Cost analysis of the addition of plastic film to the City of Shelton's recycling curbside collection: • Total amount the City of Shelton spent on recycling the year prior to the pilot program • Total cost the City of Shelton spent on landfilling the year prior to the pilot program • Total amount the City of Shelton spent on recycling during the pilot program • Dollar amount per pound of plastic film the City of Shelton collected from end market purchaser throughout the duration of the pilot program, at the time of drop-off. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11, 2020 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: June 29, 2020, July 6, 2020, April 26, 2021, May 3, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy and add it to Mason County Code. Background: Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy represents a commitment to workplace safety by the elected officials and department heads of Mason County. The Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards as set forth in RCW 49.17.060: Employer — General safety standard — Compliance, Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules, and Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Directive 1.70, General Coronavirus Prevention Under Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order. Mason County employees also have the responsibility to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury including attending safety trainings and wearing personal protective equipment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy and add it to Mason County Code Chapter 2. Attachment: Resolution, Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy, and associated forms RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MASON COUNTY COMMISSION EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION, AND RECOVERY PLAN FOR INCLUSION IN THE MASON COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners wish to establish guidelines and procedures for Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation, and Recovery; and WHEREAS, the Policy was reviewed in briefing and is now ready for adoption; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby adopts the Mason County Employee Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan (Attachment A) and Mason County Employee Pandemic Exposure Control Mitigation and Recovery Procedures (Attachment B) and requests it be added to the Mason County Code. DATED this 11th day of May, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner MASON COUNTY EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY POLICY +fit lX S.l Resolution No. Creation Date: Page I of 4 I. EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY POLICY 1. Policy# - 2. Effective Date: 04/26/2021 3. Review Frequency: As Necessary 4. Policy Owner: DEM / Human Resources II. PURPOSE 1. STATEMENT: Mason County is committed to the safety and health of our employees; accordingly, we strive to maintain a healthy worksite in accordance with state and federal law. Specifically, RCW 49.17.060 which states, "each employer shall furnish to each of their employees a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause serious injury or death to his or her employees and shall comply with the rules, regulations, and order promulgated under this chapter." 2. AUTHORITIES: The Washington State Governor's Office, State Department of Health (DOH), Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), and Local Public Health Authority gives specific guidance to employers and employees when a pandemic is declared. Employers who continue operations under the Federal, State and/or County Emergency Declaration are required to maintain pandemic prevention practices consistent with Federal, State and Local Health Authorities guidance. Exposure to a pandemic is recognized as a very serious workplace hazard. 3. SCOPE: Mason County Commissioners deems all government business as essential. We ask you,our employee,to join our efforts by fully participating in the exposure prevention and infection control measures outlined in this policy. The Mason County Employee Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan outlines the specific procedures to implement this policy. Essential business functions performed by employees at Mason County, Per L&I 1501-00 County -Staff 4907-01 Prison Industries Staff 5306-07 County- Office and Administrative Staff 6901-00 Volunteers 6901-01 Student Volunteer or Unpaid Students 6905-01 County- Law Enforcement Officers 6906-01 County-Volunteer Law Enforcement Officers 7203-00 Community Service Workers Mason County will strive to use telework and technology as a means to reduce the exposure of our workforce, offer staggered shifts where applicable, reduce the number of employees in a certain area if acceptable and control the types and number of staff members moving around the facilities in order to mitigate potential future exposure. Page 2 of 4 Mason County will not take any adverse action (such as firing, demoting, or retaliating) against any employee who chooses to exercise their safety and health rights, such as raising safety and health concerns to management, participating in union activities concerning safety and health matters,filing a safety and health complaint or participating in a DOSH investigation. All employees have thirty (30) days to file safety and health complaints with L&I, DOSH and/or with Federal OSHA. 4. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: All Mason County Employees, Department Heads and Elected Officials are responsible to manage, monitor and maintain adherence to this policy as the County moves forward in managing and mitigating pandemic recovery. III. POLICY 1. SAFETY OFFICERS Mason County designates each department's safety officer as the Pandemic Site Supervisor at each of its jobsites facilities. The name and contact information of the Safety Officer will be pelted at each jebsite's f'-,editie- point of entry is available on the county. The Safety Officer will educate their department's employees on the importance of using the self- regulation s+"�cat;ens and will report to an employee's supervisor if they appear to be ill in order to o..fAr-.n+hk nand .,.,,,. E.,pesuFe r'entFel, Mitigation and Rer-A eFy Plan mitigate exposure to other employees. 2. SELF-REGULATION crn�AS The Federal, State and/or Local Health authorities will define the common symptoms of the pandemic, such as; fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches or any other symptomatic conditions, which will be feFwaFded available online to elected officials, directors, managers, supervisors and employees. However, keeping in mind that other symptoms or no symptoms at all may occur by a small percentage of people. 3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Mason County will provide all employees with needed personal protective equipment (PPE) such as, but not limited to;facemasks, nitrile/vinyl gloves, eye protection, hand sanitizer, and cleaning solutions. Masks, in accordance with the Washington Department of Health guidelines or as required by the Washington Department of Labor& Industries' safety rules, must always be worn by every employee on the property or premises, unless they are working alone. The Pandemic G.,.,,,suFe r-,,ntFel Mitt .atieR and Reeeve. This policy includes required social distancing as a safety prevention measure. Required social distancing is a specific measurement of separation between employees must be maintained at all times. Only infrequent passing within the required social distancing is allowed by employees who are not wearing respiratory protection. Gatherings of any size must be managed by staggering work schedules and taking breaks/lunch in shifts. Any time two or more persons must meet, ensure a required social distancing of separation. Page 3 of 4 4. SANITATION & HYGIENE Mason County employees will follow the Federal, State, DOH, DOSH or Local Health Authority guidance for sanitation and personal hygiene found on the county_. 5. SAFETY TRAINING During a pandemic all employees are required to actively participate in a safety training meeting Important information and reminders from the CDC, Washington State Department of Health, DOSH, Local Health Department, and other governing agencies will be posted at each Mason County jobsite for employees to review regularly. 6. INCIDENT REPORTING Employees are required to seek medical attention and inform Human Resources if they or a member of their household has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illnesses. 7. ATTENDANCE Employees who do not believe it is safe to work may remove themselves from the office and immediately notify management. If an employee does not feel comfortable working, they will not be terminated or retaliated against for their decision to stay home and stay healthy. They will however be required to take appropriate leave. Paid Administrative Leave pay will not be authorized for any such leave, unless approved for all employees by the Board of County Commissioners. S. POST-EXPOSURE RECOVERY PLAN Generally, workers who have been exposed will be asked to self-quarantine; however, the Federal, State or Local Health authorities (CDC, DOH, DOSH or MCPH) may update guidance allowing Mason County employees to return to work to ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, specifics can be found on the county M. For questions or concerns regarding this Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy, please contact Mason County Human Resources or the department Safety Officer. Employee Acknowledgement I (Employee Name) hereby acknowledge that I have read Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan. I understand that it describes the conduct and behavior expected of me as an employee of Mason County further understand that if I violate the described policies and procedures, disciplinary action may be taken against me and/or I may be sent home for the day and/or I may be terminated for cause because ensuring the health and safety of others is Mason County's first priority. Employee Signature Date Page 4 of 4 MASON COUNTY EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY PLAN CO r 1854 1. SELF-REGULATION cTn�8 If an employee (or a member of their household) develops pandemic symptoms illnesses consistent with a pandemic, are encouraged to stay home. If an employee (or a member of their household) has a suspected or confirmed pandemic illness,s/he is required to follow the isolation and quarantine requirements as established by the Federal, State or Local Health Authority. In an abundance of caution, all employees will screen themselves at the self-regulation station, upon entering the workplace, for symptoms and instructions to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water upon arrival to each facility. It is the responsibility of each employee, who reports to work, to monitor if they (or a member of their household) have a symptom(s) of the pandemic. If they do, they need to stay home or if it develops during the workday, go home. At the self-regulation station each employee will measure their own temperatures using a 'no touch' or 'no contact' wall-mounted thermometer. Any worker with pandemic like symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, will immediately leave the premise and contact their supervisor via telephone to report they are going home based on their self-screened result. If an employee experiences the onset of symptoms during a shift, again, they will be immediately sent home. Screening employees for symptoms and checking an employee's temperature are considered medical examinations according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The ADA and EEOC both define a medical examination as, "a procedure or test that seeks information about an individual's physical or mental impairments or health." Medical examinations are not typically performed or allowable by employers; however, the ADA and EEOC make an exception to this legislation when the CDC and/or local health officials proclaim a pandemic or other local health emergency. In compliance with the ADA and HIPAA, Mason County will not document, maintain health records, share, or discuss your personal health information with anyone other than the Mason County Health Officer or designee. We are committed to respecting and maintaining the personal privacy of our employees. Page 1 of 6 Following the identification of symptoms or a suspected/confirmed pandemic related illness of either an employee (or a member of their household),the employee will not be allowed to return to work until they have been evaluated by their healthcare provider and are symptom-free. Employees who are sent home or required to stay home may use leave associated Federal, State or Local pandemic leave (if offered) until it is exhausted. Once exhausted employees are required to use their accrued leave (sick and vacation) prior to being authorized Leave Without Pay (LWOP), unless they choose to use Washington Paid Family Medical Leave. 2. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Mason County will provide all employees with needed personal protective equipment (PPE) such as, but not limited to;facemasks, nitrile/vinyl gloves, eye protection, hand sanitizer, and cleaning solutions. Masks, in accordance with the Washington Department of Health guidelines or as required by the Washington Department of Labor& Industries'safety rules, must always be worn by every employee on the property or premises, unless they are working alone. Therefore, employees are required to wear facemasks while entering any common workspace areas or in locations that others are in or are potentially within required social distancing. For example, a mask should be worn when using the restroom, walking in hallways, or when going to the copy machine. Gloves and eye protection, specific to the task being performed, will also be provided if necessary, please inform Human Resources. Nitrile/vinyl gloves may be used by employees who are performing tasks which do not typically require gloves. However, nitrile/vinyl gloves are one-time use only and should be discarded after each use. All other gloves will be cleaned and sanitized between uses. To prevent potential latex exposures, including anaphylaxis, to those with latex allergies, latex gloves are not permitted on any Mason County facility. Employees are required to adhere to all other PPE policies outlined in Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program as well as the Federal, State, DOH, DOSH and Local Health Authority for the pandemic. In addition to those policies, the Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy includes required social distancing as a safety prevention measure. Required social distancing is a specific measurement of separation between employees must be maintained at all times. Only infrequent passing within the required social distancing is allowed by employees who are not wearing respiratory protection. Gatherings of any size must be managed by staggering work schedules and taking breaks/lunch in shifts. Any time two or more persons must meet, ensure a required social distancing of separation. Materials or other work items must be transported between employees by mechanical means or by using staging points. If a staging point is used, employees may go to that central point (one at a time) to drop off or pick up items that typically transfer between employees. Employees may also have "mailboxes,"or"bins," at the periphery of their workspace where materials may be left for them by other employees. However, at all mechanical transfer, staging points and peripheral drop off bins, provisions must be made to clean objects handled when the items are transferred. Identify all 'choke points' and 'high-risk areas' in the office or in our facilities (areas where employees naturally congregate), they must be labeled as such. To control these areas and Page 2 of 6 minimize close interaction, we are implementing an occupancy restriction of one (1) person at a time. We also ask that you wipe down surfaces after use, avoid touching door handles and wash or sanitize your hands before exiting these designated areas. Occupied workstations will be separated by the required social distancing or will have physical barriers between them. Interactions when picking up or delivering equipment must be minimized. If possible, we ask that employees and delivery personnel maintain the required social distancing of separation at all times. Employees are encouraged to conduct business with other departments electronically, by telephone, zoom or other means, when possible. When not possible, scheduling a meeting is encouraged to ensure the parties can practice required social distancing through scheduled appointments. Any required in-person employee meetings will be limited to the Federal, State, DOH, DOSH or local Health Authority guidance. ten (10) employees with required social distancing maintained by employees at all time. If employee meetings cannot be performed within these standards, they will need to be conducted via telephone conference or through electronic video media. 3. SANITATION & HYGIENE Mason County employees will follow the Federal, State, DOH, DOSH or Local Health Authority guidance for sanitation and personal hygiene. will either provide a permanent or portable handwashing station to employees. Regardless of the type, soap and running water (hot and cold) shall be abundantly provided for frequent handwashing. Employees are encouraged to regularly wash their hands. Handwashing is absolutely required upon arrival and departure, before and after using the restroom, before and after eating, after coughing, after sneezing, after blowing your nose. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60%ethanol or 70%isopropanol may be used by employees between handwashing but are not a replacement for handwashing requirements. Employees are strongly discouraged from touching their face (eyes, nose, mouth, ears) with unwashed hands or while wearing contaminated gloves. Employees are strongly encouraged to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. There will be a strict surface cleaning and sanitizing schedule for public spaces. Employees are required to clean their areas by removing buildup, dirt, debris, and other material on surfaces. To accomplish this, water and soap (or another cleaning fluid) will be used with wipes, clothes, brushes or other physical means of removing these materials so that there is no visible build-ups, smears, or streaks on the surface. Once the surface is clean, All high touch surfaces need to be sanitized. Surfaces may be sanitized using an EPA approved disinfectant or other health authority authorized means. Page 3 of 6 Disinfectants will be available to workers throughout the office and facilities; all cleaning supplies will be replenished regularly. If you are running low on disinfectant or another cleaning supply, please notify the maintenance department by entering a help desk request at http://helpdesk.mason.loca1/tickets/ immediately. SDS and MSDS data sheets will be provided for all chemicals used including but not limited to hand soap, sanitizer, disinfectants, etc. 4. SAFETY TRAINING During a pandemic all employees are required to actively participate in a safety training meeting on the first day back to work and weekly updates thereafter to be conducted by Risk Management. A schedule of mandatory safety training meetings will be provided to all employees. Employees who work remotely are required to attend all safety training meetings through Zoom. Attendance will be communicated verbally-the trainer will sign in each attendee to prevent supply sharing and physical contact. Any required in person meetings will be limited to the guidance for business meeting and attendees are required to maintain social distancing practices. Important information and reminders from the CDC, Washington State Department of Health, DOSH, Local Health Department, and other governing agencies will be posted at each Mason County jobsite for employees to review regularly. S. INCIDENT REPORTING Employees are required to seek medical attention and inform Human Resources if they or a member of their household has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illnesses. 6. ATTENDANCE All employees will be given a Pandemic Contact Tracing Log,which they are required to complete daily. Contact tracing logs will remain at the facility. Employees are required to sign in/out and confirm they have sanitized their work area, were given the proper PPE, and washed their hands upon arrival. To the extent practical, only one visitor will be allowed on each facility at a time. Visitors include family members, clients, vendors, friends, delivery personnel, etc. All visitors are strongly encouraged to participate in symptom screening procedures and the use of the visitor logs located at each point of entry. Employees who do not believe it is safe to work may remove themselves from the office and immediately notify management. If an employee does not feel comfortable working, they will not be terminated or retaliated against for their decision to stay home and stay healthy. They will however be required to take appropriate leave. Paid Administrative Leave pay will not be authorized for any such leave, unless approved for all employees by the Board of County Commissioners. Page 4 of 6 Mason County does offer select administrative employees the option to work remotely (teleworking); however,this option maybe revoked at anytime at the discretion of management. All employees working remotely are expected to be logged in, actively performing job tasks and answering phone calls during their regular work schedule. Working remotely is a privilege and we trust employees will treat it as such. Mason County does not offer teleworking to all employees. In the event an employee opts not to work and working remotely is not an option, information will be provided to him/her regarding expanded family and medical leave requirements included in any leave associated Federal, State or Local pandemic leave (if offered). Employees will also be allowed to use any available form of accrued paid leave, including vacation time and Washington State Sick Pay. 7. POST-EXPOSURE RECOVERY PLAN Generally, workers who have been exposed will be asked to self-quarantine; however, the Federal, State or Local Health authorities (CDC, DOH, DOSH or MCPH) may update guidance allowing Mason County employees to return to work to ensure continuity of operations of essential functions. In order to safely return, however, the potentially exposed employee must meet the standards of the authorized return guidance to minimally include entry point health screening, wear a mask at all times, practice required social distancing and clean/disinfect workspaces regularly for a period determined by the guidance following the potential exposure. If an employee or visitor notifies Mason County that they (or a member of their household) has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illness,the work space and/or facility will be sanitized immediately by maintenance staff, upon notification via http://helpdesk.mason.local/tickets/. Sanitation efforts will be focused on areas where the ill employee or visitor physically stayed longer than fifteen (15) minutes through the duration of his/her workday or visit. In addition to these focal points, all accessible surfaces will be wiped, any visible soiling will be cleaned, and commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized. Employees will not be permitted to re-enter the office and/or facility until this process is complete. The Acting/Standing Health Authority (CDC, DOH, MCPH) will make notification of possible exposure to all employees and visitors who checked in/out on the day of exposure and two days after, utilizing the established contact tracing logs. The notice will be given via telephone, e-mail, and regular mail. The name and personal health information of the sick individual will remain confidential, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In the event of exposure/possible exposure, Mason County will notify the Acting/Standing Health Authority. employees will be instructed to proceed with testing and/or treatment based on the CDC Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure unless advised otherwise by the Washington State Department of Health. For questions or concerns regarding this Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy, please contact Mason County Human Resources or the department Safety Officer. Page 5 of 6 Employee Acknowledgement I (Employee Name) hereby acknowledge that I have read Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan. I understand that it describes the conduct and behavior expected of me as an employee of Mason County further understand that if I violate the described policies and procedures, disciplinary action may be taken against me and/or I may be sent home for the day and/or I may be terminated for cause because ensuring the health and safety of others is Mason County's first priority. Employee Signature Date Page 6 of 6 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Paddy McGuire, Auditor Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Auditor's Office EXT: 468 DATE: May 11, 2021 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 3, 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter/Paddy McGuire [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to create, post, and fill one additional Financial Analyst position in the Auditor's Office, as an Interim, for Succession Planning. Background: We would like to add an interim Financial Analyst in the Auditor's Office beginning July 1, 2021 to transition into the (Senior) Financial Analyst Position that will be vacant approximately in May 2022. Budget Impacts: Approximately $52,000 for 2021 budget: July- December, 2021 $36,220 Industrial Insurance 115 Social Security 2,771 PIERS 11 4,658 Medical 8,184 WA Paid Leave 53 Total $52,001 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to create, post, and fill one additional Financial Analyst position, as an Interim, for Succession Planning. Attachment(s): None MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Alex Paysse Public Hearing _X_ DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EXT: 279 Environmental Health DATE: May 11th, 2021 Agenda Item # 1(�.N Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 4/5/2021, 3/29/2021, 3/8/2021, 2/22/2021, 1/25/2021, 11/30/2020 2/24/2020 12/9/2019 8/5/2019 7/15/2019 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Alex Paysse ITEM: Mason County Clean Water District Background: Mason County is home to over 200 miles of marine shoreline and 25,000 acres of commercial shellfish harvest area. For decades Mason County has responded to the requirements of RCW 90.72 in forming multiple shellfish protection districts in response to non-point pollutions sources and downgrades to commercial shellfish harvest area. Today there are at least 7 shellfish protection districts within mason county. Management of these districts and coordinating citizen and partner involvement has become unsustainable for a program with no reliable funding sources. Proposal includes consolidation of all existing shellfish protection districts into a single district model. Conversion to a single district model reduces administration and reporting requirements, providing a clearer path for citizen and partner involvement for water quality activities. Various funding options to support a more proactive program have been explored for over 10 years. Currently the county water quality program operates on a reactive approach, bouncing from one grant project to another investigating and correcting non-point pollution sources in response to degraded water quality. The attached proposal includes an annual parcel fee of$5.06 under the authorities of RCW 90.72.070 which will fund two additional staff and support new services in the water quality program. Services would include routine water quality monitoring, improved tracking of known non-point pollution sources, and annual water quality reports to the community. Funds could also be used to satisfy water quality grant match requirements, expanding grant opportunities to areas of the county needing additional investigation. Staff and the commissioners have coordinated with water quality partners throughout the past several months on creation of this proposal. Proposal includes adoption of Mason County Code Title 6 - Chapter 6.88 and amendments to Title 3 - Chapter 3.172. Budget Impacts: No impacts to current 2021 budget. Estimated additional $204,000 annually, starting in 2022. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of proposed ordinance with code changes creating a Mason County Clean Water District and financing mechanism. Attachment(s): Proposed ordinance with code updates. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE COMBINING ALL EXISTING SHELLFISH PROTECTION DISTRICTS AND AMENDING MASON COUNTY CODE TITLES 3 AND 6 WHEREAS, Mason County is home to over 200 miles of marine shoreline and 25,000 acres of commercial shellfish harvest area; and WHEREAS, Mason County has experienced many historic commercial shellfish harvest downgrades from Washington State Department of Health due to bacterial pollution from non-point pollution sources; and WHEREAS, State law (Chapter 90.72 RCW) directs a county having shellfish tidelands within its boundaries to establish a Shellfish Protection District and to establish a Clean Water Program with elements intended to improve water quality by eliminating or reducing nonpoint pollution sources; and WHEREAS, Mason County has established historic Shellfish Protection Districts in response to previous downgrades per Chapter 90.72 RCW including (but not limited to) Oakland Bay Clean Water District, Annas Bay Shellfish Protection District, North Bay Shellfish Protection District, Totten Little Skookum Shellfish Protection District, McLane Cove Shellfish Protection District and Big Bend Shellfish Protection District increasing administrative requirements in management of said districts; and WHEREAS, this County's legislative authority recognizes commercial, recreational, tribal, and private shellfish harvest as a vital aspect to Mason County and requires protection from nonpoint pollution sources; and WHEREAS, this County's legislative authority further recognizes maintaining the highest levels of water quality is paramount to sustaining the livelihood of Mason County, this Puget Sound region, and to the greater environment; and WHEREAS, Mason County is encouraged by the legislature to: "establish shellfish protection district(s) and programs designed to prevent any further degradation and contamination and to allow for restoration and reopening of closed shellfish areas" by Chapter 90.72 RCW. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that a Shellfish Protection District be established encompassing the area within the boundaries shown on "Attachment A" and be called the "Mason County Clean Water District"; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that past shellfish protection districts and/or clean water districts within the boundaries of this new Mason County Clean Water District be abolished per Chapter 90.72.040(1) RCW and replaced by the Mason County Clean Water District ensuring no disruption to any existing response plans and pollution identification and correction projects; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a financing mechanism be established, specifically an annual parcel fee of five dollars and six cents ($5.06) for parcels or lands specified in the chapter below, with a five (5) year sunset requiring review and re-authorization of said fee and programs. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and adopts revisions to Mason County Code Title 6, adding Chapter 6.88 which is to read: Chapter 6.88 MASON COUNTY CLEAN WATER DISTRICT Sections: 6.88.010 Establishment 6.88.020 Purpose 6.88.030 Definitions 6.88.040 Clean Water Program Creation and Authority 6.88.050 District Boundaries 6.88.060 Assignment of a lead department 6.88.070 Advisory Committee 6.88.080 Program Evaluation 6.88.090 Annual Fee 6.88.100 Parcels Exempt from Fee 6.88.010 - Establishment Pursuant to Chapter 90.72 RCW there is hereby established a shellfish protection district, which shall be called the Mason County Clean Water District. 6.88.020 - Purpose The purpose of the Mason County Clean Water District is to accomplish the mandates of Chapter 90.72 RCW to protect and improve the water quality in shellfish growing areas. This will include, but not limited to, establishing programs and projects to reduce non-point pollution threatening surface water quality in Mason County Nothing within this chapter is intended to supersede, limit or reduce development rights on parcels within the district and any such development will continue to be regulated under Mason County development regulations, shoreline master program and other applicable building and land use codes. 6.88.030 - Definitions Reserved 6.88.040 - Clean Water Program Creation and Authority Mason County, pursuant to Chapter 90.72 RCW hereby creates a Clean Water Program to implement a comprehensive, countywide water quality plan. Watershed specific response plans may be created within the shellfish protection district boundaries as required in 90.72.045 RCW. 6.88.050 - District Boundaries The legal boundaries of the Mason County Clean Water District include all lands within Mason County with surface water drainage connection to a marine body of water as described by the Oakland Bay, Case Inlet, Hood Canal, Totten Little Skookum watersheds. 6.88.060 - Assignment of a lead department The Mason County board of commissioners hereby directs Mason County Community Services to serve as the county department responsible for administering the Clean Water District (in coordination with the Washington State Department of Health, the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Puget Sound Partnership, Mason Conservation District, Skokomish Tribe, Squaxin Tribe, and other appropriate entities). 6.88.070 - Advisory Committee The Mason County board of commissioners will, through written resolution, create a local advisory committee to assist in implementing the purposes and goals of this clean water district. 6.88.090 - Annual Fee A fee of five dollars and six cents ($5.06) per year per tax parcel within the Mason County Clean Water District as described in 6.88.050, except for tax parcels or lands described in 6.88.100 is hereby established. All tax parcels subject to fees shall be assessed annually beginning in 2022. Billing shall be included on the annual property tax statements and collected by the Mason County Treasurer consistent with Chapter 84.56 RCW. A re-occurring sunset of 5 years thereafter 2022 shall remain in effect unless said fees are re-authorized by Mason County Board of County Commissioners. Additional fees may be assessed upon tax parcels closed to commercial shellfish harvesting due to non-point pollution sources. Changes to annual fee will be subject to review and approval by the Mason County Board of Commissioners. 6.88.100 - Fee Exemption The following described parcels or lands shall not be subject to said annual fees described in 6.88.090: a. Tax parcels classified as forest land under Chapter 84.36 RCW and timber land under Chapter 84.34 RCW. b. Tax parcels within the boundaries of City of Shelton. c. Tax parcels connected to a Wastewater Treatment Facility or which fees are imposed under Chapter 36.94 RCW for substantially the same programs and services. d. Tax parcels determined by the county assessor to qualify for a senior citizen or disabled persons property tax exemption under RCW 84.36.381 on January 1 st of the tax year shall not be subject to said fee. e. All other exemptions outlined within Chapter 90.72.070 RCW. If a portion of a real property parcel does not satisfy any exemption criteria specified in this section, then the parcel shall be subject to said fee. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and adopts revisions to Mason County Code Title 3, Chapter 3.172 which is to read: Chapter 3.172 f1ALC1 AND BAY SHELLFISH FISH PROTECTION MASON COUNTY CLEAN WATER DISTRICT FUND 3.172.010 - Established. The Mason County board of county commissioners does hereby establish the Sakland Bay shellfish proten4inn Mason County Clean Water District fund (145-000-000) to receive resources and to pay the costs of the Oakland Bay Shellfish PreteGtian Mason County Clean Water District. 3.172.020 -Administration. The director of publiG #ealtI4 Mason County Community Services will administer this fund and pay proper expenses from this fund as approved by the Mason County board of county commissioners. DATED this day of 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy, Neatherlin, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney g�N CoDN Mason County Clean Water District Attachment A ,Rsa ,Qwx ... . R" ap •F � � 1 � : - v • Y y • O / Hood,Canal 1 � 6 Case-inlet r• � Oakland Bay, _ f' • y 0 Totten 'Little �Skookum 1. a )ISC A AN TATION O LIA 1 T J i the dah used to make rlhis map �.we been 1¢tN for ac.:wxy, v od <ccso dT rl has — mad< to Jut thcu data arc timdy ware an=unable.{fto 11.b Mason County makes ra guewntx o,wamny Ja a wary er to labeling, dimarsions, or plamm<nt or locati / f any map fntnes contained herein.The bouodsnen depiclN by Neu d- } f re attp S male, aM arc mt a intended emolb to sup.,ss or `•,[/[_,—"J/ ngm 'rig 1aWdaNa Thcu data er mteMN f infomurionel pwpoxx and hould not be eansidered authoritative for engineering, uvigelional, <gal end other sit ,ifc wxs. Mason County does net avumc any W / gal liabili�w rasp nvbilip arising Gom N uu of Jtis map in a manner at mended by Mason Cowry.In no event shall Mason County be liable d for dine el incidental,consequential,sp.60,or tort damages of any kind,including !/ at not limited to,loss of,nticip,t d pmllts or benef la arising lium rue of or mlian I' Mile �, n the inlbrmalion contained herein.The burden for delennining In—fo se lies entirely wish the uur rind the user is solely rcspnnsible for undenwndin • he accuracy limitation of the mtomulinn oomeinN in Ihia map .• rl MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins RE, PLS, County Engineer Hearin DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11 2021 Agenda Item # k0.' BRIEFING DATE: Aril 13 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Public Hearing to Amend 2021 Annual Construction Program BACKGROUND: Mason County adopted the 2021 Annual Construction program and 2021- 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on November 3, 2020. At this time, Public Works would like to amend the 2021 Annual Construction Program to reflect the following recommendations for each of the projects listed below: • ITEM #2 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacing Project MP 0.20 to 1.20 Currently $428,809 is budgeted for re-surfacing project a portion of the Old Belfair Highway. The project funding was updated on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Recommending to change the budget amount to reflect the following: $429 for PE; $0 Right of Way; $384 Contract for a total of $404,002 (County Road Fund $54,540: other funds STP funds $349,462). • ITEM#3 Boyer Road Resurfacing iect MP D,oo to a 5o Currently $168,900 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Boyer gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $50,000 County Forces construction for a total of $50,000 (County Road fund; other funds $0). • ITEM#4 Snider Road Resurfacing Proiect MP a oo to a 12 Currently $94,700 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Snider gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $40,000 County Forces construction for a total of$40,000 (County Road fund $40,000; other funds $0). • ITEM#5 Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing Project MP 0.00 to 0.55 Currently $222,700 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Sunny Slope gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $50,000 County Forces construction for a total of$50,000 (County Road fund $50,000; other funds $0). • ITEM#10 Uncle Johns Upper Culvert MP 0.64 Currently there is PE (engineering) and Right of Way funding for 2021 thru FBRB (RCO). RCO has recently authorized construction funding for reimbursement in 2021. Recommending constructing this project this summer by contract and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $35,000 for PE; $15,000 Right of Way; $444,475 Contract for a total of $494,475 (County Road Fund $74,171: other funds FBRB (RCO) funds $420,304). • ITEM#12 Dayton Creek Culvert Replacement MP a33 Currently there is PE (engineering) and right of way funding for 2021 through FBRB (RCO). RCO funding for construction was recently authorize. Recommending constructing this project this summer with county forces and updating the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $35,000 for PE; $15,000 right of way; $444,475 County Forces construction for a total of $494,475 (County Road Fund $74,171: other funds FBRB (RCO) funds $420,304). • ITEM#15 Shelton Matlock Culvert Replacement MP 8.00 to 8.10 Currently $432,000 if funded through the 2015 Rural Arterial Program with a local match of $68,000 for a total $500,000. (which are the maximum funds from RAP for a drainage structure). The existing pipe is 42"diameter concrete; WDFW requires a 30'wide structure. The estimated construction of this structure is $1,200,000 which would require additional $700,000 of local funds. The adjacent property owner refuses to sell the County additional right of way needed to construct this project. Although considered a fish barrier the barrel of the existing concrete pipe is straight and clear. If the existing pipe were to fail there would be a potential to lose the road section but no houses would flood. Recommending to return the RAP grant funding and revisit the culvert replacement in 10-years utilizing both RAP and other grant funding. In doing so we will have to pay back up to $53,000 to the CRAB board for monies previously reimbursed, and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: County Road fund $60,000 and RAP fund $0. • ITEM#21 Homer Adams Rd Culvert Replacement MP 0,10 to a20 This culvert replacement project has been on the county's list for replacement for some time. It was recently discovered it's in dire need of replacement because of deteriorated conditions. The abrasion of sand and gravel has caused major failure of the flowline (bottom) of the structure. A 12'wide and 20' long section of the flowline (mid length) is missing. Failure of the structure is imminent. The existing structure is a 14' x 8' metal pipe arch. WDFW requires a 30'wide structure for replacement. This creek crossing provides access to over a dozen residents with no other public access. Homer Adams Road is FFC 09 (not available for RAP funding) and is currently not high on the FBRB (RCO) priority list for funding; therefore, will have to be fully funded by county road funds. Recommending to replace the structure this summer and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $20,000 for PE; $25,000 for Right of way; $500,000 for County Forces construction for a total of $545,000 (County Road Fund $645,000: other funds $0). • ITEM#22 North Shore Great Bend Culvert Replacement MP 16.6 to 16.7 The Great Bend culvert is currently scheduled for construction this summer. The funding is through RAP, but at this time, CRAB has not approved the construction funds. Last fall the WDFW approved the installment of a temporary pipe to replace the existing failing corrugated metal structure. WDFW approved the Hydraulics permit based on the guaranty that the 5'temporary pipe would be replaced with a 20' wide structure within five years. Recommending the replacement of this structure be moved to 2022, based on above information and the temporary pipe working perfectly and the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $20,000 for PE; $40,000 for Right of way for a total of$60,000 (County Road Fund $60,000: RAP funds $0). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve to amend the 2021 Annual Construction Program. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Amended 2021 Annual Construction Program RESOLUTION NO.2021- REPLACING RESOLUTION 2020-94 Annual Construction Program WHEREAS,Chapter 136-16 WAC, sets forth the procedures for the adoption of the Annual Construction Program; and, WHEREAS,Resolution 2020-94 approved November 3,2020 adopted the 2021 Annual Construction Program; and WHEREAS,unanticipated funding, schedule changes and project priority and updates have resulted in a need to amend the Annual Construction Program in order to comply with the requirements of WAC 136-16 and maintain our Standard of Good Practice with the County Road Administration Board;and, WHEREAS,in compliance therewith,the Board of County Commissioners has held a public hearing on the Annual Construction Program this 11'day of May,2021. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners,in regular session hereby,replaces resolution 2020-94 with the attached amended Annual Construction Program for 2021 adopting as set forth in detail,which is hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution. ADOPTED this day of ,2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON RANDY NEATHERLIN,Chair ATTEST: MCKENZI ,SMITH,Clerk of the Board KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: SHARON TRASK,Commissioner T1M WHITEHEAD,Ch.D.P.A. Cc: Cmmr Public Works Community Development County Road Admin.Board WSDOTlrransAid ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FOR 2021 ADMENDED MARCH 25,2021 TOTALS'S COUNTY» MASON A TOTAL COSTRUCTION DONE-columns(13)+(14) $ 6,353,790 DATE RECOMMENDED PROG.SUBMITTED B COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIMIT $ 1,270,108 DATE OF FINAL ADOPTION C TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRUCTION-(column(14) $ 1,149,475 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. DATE OF AMENDMENT 5/11/2021 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) f O nq z Z a SOURCES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Cl 8 d 7 z ~ ROAD SEGMENT INFORMATION w a E OTHER FUNDS ! Z ¢ PROJECT NAME a Z CONSTRUCTION w a w COUNTY > ID PE&CE RIGHT OF WAY GRAND TOTAL z w p C z < ROAD AMOUNT ,PROGRAM (595.10) (595.20) CONTRACT COUNTY (ALL 595) a (Noes)I a w FUNDS SOURCE FORCES ROAAD NAME__4 a Agateg J g _838 -------- BelfaiH Highway Resurfacing Project 982D50 Old BelfOav Highway 0^20 I 1.20 07 01.00 D E 54,540 395,297 STP 30,000 0 426,838.. 01 456,838 349,462 STP 20,000 0 384,002 0 404,002 03 3 Boyer Road Resurfacing Project 3630 Boyer Road 0.00 0.50 09 0.50 RC E 50,000 0 0 0 _ 50,000 50,000 04 4 Snider Road Resurfacing Project 19210 Snider Road 0.00 0.18 09 0.18 RC E 40,000 0 0 0 _ 40,000 40,000 OS 5 _Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing g Project 61950 Sunny Slope Road ' 0.00 O55 09 0.55 RC E 50,000 0 0 0 _ 50,000 50,000 06 6 _ Programmatic Bride Repair _Various + I 0.00 1 E 65,000 0 10,000 5,000 25,000, ..25,000 65,000 07 7 _ County-Wide Small Capital Projects Various _ 0.00 Other_ E 100,000 0 50,000 5,0001 45,000 40,000 100,000 - 08 8 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants Various 0.00 Other E 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 09 9 _.__.Bear Creek Dewatto_Rd Clear Zone 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Roac. 5.20 6.70 08 1.50 G i. 1 333,500_ 226,500 HSIP _ 5,000 30,000 52S,000 0 560,000 10 _ 10 �.. Uncle Johns Upper Culvert 23500 Agate Loop 0.64 0.64 09 0.00 L,A E 74,171 420,304 FBRB(RCO) 35,000 15,000 444,475 0 494,475 11 11 1I_ Uncle Johns Lower Culvert 23500 Agate Loop 1.02 1.02 09_ 0.00 L,A 1 10,000 50,000 FBRB(RCO) 60,000 0 0 0 60,000 12 12 Dayton Creek Culvert 04450 Highland Road. 0.33 0.33 07 0.00 L,A E 74,171 420,304,FBRB(RCO) 35,000. 15,000 0 444,475 494,475 13 13 Harstine Island Polyester Overlay 30000 Harstine Island Road 0.12 0.40 07 0.28 D 1 405,000 2,595,000. STPR 740,000 0 2,260,000 0 3,000,000 t I 14 14 Clear Zonelmprovements _ Arcadia,High[and,Matlock,Kamilche 0.00 G 1 121,5001 1,093,S00 HSIP 99000 22,000 1,094,000 0 1,215,000 15 15 Shelton Matlock Rd Culvert Replacement 90100 Shelton Matlock Road 8.00 8.10 07 0.10 L,A 1 60,0001 0 RAP 60,000 0_ 0 0 60,000 16 16 Belfair Connector-Log Yard Road E New Log Yard Road E 0.00 A,B,D,G S 250,000 0 200,000 50,000 0 0 250000 17 17 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill 86500 _.Romance Hill 0.00 A,B,D,G S 100,0001 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 10- - 0, 0 18 18 li Skokomish Valley Rd Reconstruction 41640 Skokomish Valley Road 3.80 4.60 08 0.80 A,B,D,G, 1 0 10,000 FbD 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 19 19 _ North Shore Rd-Cady Creek Culy.Repl. 70390 North Shore Road 6.90 7.00 08 0.10 A,B,D,G, 1 5,000, S01000' RAP 55,000 0 0 0 S5,000 20 20 North Island Or Culvert Replacement _ 39630 North Island Drive 3.46 3.47 _ 07 0.01 L,A 1 6,000 34,000 RAP 40,000_ 0. 0. 0 40,000 21 21 Homer Adams Rd Culvert Replacement _ 00610 Homer Adams Road 0.10 0.20 09 0.10 L,A 1 545,000 0 20,000 25,000 0 500,000 545,000 22 22 North Shore Rd-Great Bend Culy.Repl. 70390 North Shore Road 16.60 16.70 08 0.10 L,A 1 60,000 0 RAP 20,000 40,000_ 0 60,000 23 23 Old Belfair Highway 98250 Old Belfair Highway 1.20 1.60 07 0.40 L,A 1 40,000. 10,000 RAP 10,000 40,000_ 0 0. 50,000 24 ! 24 Trails Road Alternate Route-Rasor Rd 62310 Rasor Road I _09 0.00 Other. S 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000 25 25 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability Johns Prairie/SR3,Clifton,OBH/SR300 I Other S 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 PAGE/PROGRAM TOTALS,CONSTRUCTION - - - -- 2,705,424 5,654,367 1,460,0001 447,0001 5,204,315 1,149,4/51 8,359,790 CRAB FORM N3,MC REVISED 5/4/2021 ADMENDED MARCH 25 )UNTY>> MASON A TOTAL COSTRUCTION DONE-cc SUBMITTED B COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIjL ADOPTION C TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRLUTION NO. MENDMENT 5/11/2021 (1) 1 (2) (3) (13) (14) (15) z FED EXPENDITURES Cr m a - - O g O CONSTRUCTION a Z c PROJECT NAME a 2 w COUNTY GRAND TOTAL Z F >_ O :ONTRACT (ALL 595) Z O FORCES Q a - -- _- - 6,838 0 456,838 01 1 1 E.Agate Road Resurfacing F 42_ _- _ 02 2 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacir 384,002 0 404,002 03 1 3 Boyer Road Resurfacing Pr _- 50,000 50,000 04 4 Snider Road Resurfacing Pi 40,000 40,000 OS 5 Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing 50,000 50,000 06 6 Programmatic Bridge R 25,000 25,000 65,000 07 7 County-Wide Small Capital 45,000 40,000 100,000 08 8 Neighborhood Roadway Safe 10,000 09 ' 9 ! Bear Creek Dewatto Rd Cle _ 525,000 01 560,000 10 10 - Uncle Johns Upper Cul 444,475 0i 494,475 01 11 11 Uncle Johns Lower Cul _ -- __ 0 60,000 12 12 Dayton Creek Culver __ 0 444,475; 494,475 13 13 Harstine Island Polyester 2,260,0000 01 3,000,000 i I 14 14 1 Clear Zone lmproveme' 1,094,0001 0' 1,215,000 i 15 15 Shelton Matlock Rd Culvert Re _ 0; 0, 60,000 16 16 Belfair Connector-LogYarc 0. _ 01 250,000 _ I 17 17 Belfair Connector-Romar 0 0+ 100,000 - -- 18 18 Skokomish Valley Rd Recons 0 - Oi 10,000 - i 19 19 i North Shore Rd-Cady Creek c 0' 01 55,000 i I 20 20 North Island Dr Culvert Re I 0 01 40,000 P - - -- -- - + 0; 500,000 21 21 I Homer Adams Rd Culvert Reg: - 545,000_ 22 22 North Shore Rd-Great Bend 1 60,000 23 23 I Old Belfair Highway 0 0 50,000 I 24 24 Trails Road Alternate Route- 0 0 150,000 25 ; 25 WSDOT/County Intersection 1 40,000 5,204,3151 1,149,4751 8,359,790 CRAB FORM#3,MC REVISED 5/4/2021 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins P.E, PLS, County Engineer Hearin DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 11 2021 Agenda Item # , BRIEFING DATE: Aril 13 2021 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Public Hearing to Amend 2021- 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) BACKGROUND: Mason County adopted the 2021 Annual Construction program and 2021- 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on November 3, 2020. At this time, Public Works would like to amend the 2021 Annual Construction Program to reflect the following recommendations for each of the projects listed below: • ITEM #2 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacing Project MP 0.20 to 1.20 Currently $428,809 is budgeted for re-surfacing project a portion of the Old Belfair Highway. The project funding was updated on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Recommending to change the budget amount to reflect the following: $429 for PE; $0 Right of Way; $384 Contract for a total of$404,002 (County Road Fund $54,540: other funds STP funds $349,462). • ITEM#3 Boyer Road Resurfacing Protect MP 0.00 to 0.50 Currently $168,900 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Boyer gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $50,000 County Forces construction for a total of$50,000 (County Road fund; other funds $0). • ITEM#4 Snider Road Resurfacing Project MP 0.00 to 0.12 Currently $94,700 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Snider gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $40,000 County Forces construction for a total of$40,000 (County Road fund $40,000; other funds $0). • ITEM#5 Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing Project MP 0.00 to a55 Currently $222,700 is budgeted for grading, re-graveling and chip sealing the Sunny Slope gravel road. After consultation with CRAB staff we only need to report the actual cost of chip sealing the road surface as county forces work. Recommending to reduce the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $0 PE; $0 Right of Way; $0 Contract; $50,000 County Forces construction for a total of $50,000 (County Road fund $50,000; other funds $0). • ITEM#10 uncle Johns upper culvert MP a 64 Currently there is PE (engineering) and right of way funding for 2021 thru FBRB (RCO). RCO has recently authorized construction funding for reimbursement in 2021. Recommending constructing this project this summer by contract and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $35,000 for PE; $15,000 right of way; $444,475 Contract for a total of $494,475 (County Road Fund $74,171: other funds FBRB (RCO) funds $420,304). • ITEM#12 Dayton Creek Culvert Replacement MP 0.33 Currently there is PE (engineering) and right of way funding for 2021 through FBRB (RCO). RCO funding for construction was recently authorize. Recommending constructing this project this summer with county forces and updating the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $35,000 for PE; $15,000 right of way; $444,475 County Forces construction for a total of $494,475 (County Road Fund $74,171: other funds FBRB (RCO) funds $420,304). • ITEM#15 Shelton Matlock Culvert Replacement MP 8.00 to 8.10 Currently $432,000 if funded through the 2015 Rural Arterial Program with a local match of $68,000 for a total $500,000. (which are the maximum funds from RAP for a drainage structure). The existing pipe is 42"diameter concrete; WDFW requires a 30'wide structure. The estimated construction of this structure is $1,200,000 which would require additional $700,000 of local funds. The adjacent property owner refuses to sell the County additional right of way needed to construct this project. Although considered a fish barrier the barrel of the existing concrete pipe is straight and clear. If the existing pipe were to fail there would be a potential to lose the road section but no houses would flood. Recommending to return the RAP grant funding and revisit the culvert replacement in 10-years utilizing both RAP and other grant funding. In doing so we will have to pay back up to $53,000 to the CRAB board for monies previously reimbursed, and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: County Road fund $60,000 and RAP fund $0. • ITEM#21 Homer Adams Rd Culvert Replacement MP 0.10 to 0.20 This culvert replacement project has been on the county's list for replacement for some time. It was recently discovered it's in dire need of replacement because of deteriorated conditions. The abrasion of sand and gravel has caused major failure of the flowline (bottom) of the structure. A 12'wide and 20' long section of the flowline (mid length) is missing. Failure of the structure is imminent. The existing structure is a 14' x 8' metal pipe arch. WDFW requires a 30'wide structure for replacement. This creek crossing provides access to over a dozen residents with no other public access. Homer Adams Road is FFC 09 (not available for RAP funding) and is currently not high on the FBRB (RCO) priority list for funding; therefore, will have to be fully funded by county road funds. Recommending to replace the structure this summer and update the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $20,000 for PE; $25,000 for Right of way; $500,000 for County Forces construction for a total of $545,000 (County Road Fund $645,000: other funds $0). • ITEM#22 North Shore Great Bend Culvert Replacement MP 16.6 to 16.7 The Great Bend culvert is currently scheduled for construction this summer. The funding is through RAP, but at this time, CRAB has not approved the construction funds. Last fall the WDFW approved the installment of a temporary pipe to replace the existing failing corrugated metal structure. WDFW approved the Hydraulics permit based on the guaranty that the 5'temporary pipe would be replaced with a 20'wide structure within five years. Recommending the replacement of this structure be moved to 2022, based on above information and the temporary pipe working perfectly and the budgeted amount to reflect the following: $20,000 for PE; $40,000 for Right of way for a total of$60,000 (County Road Fund $60,000: RAP funds $0). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve the amended 2021- 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Amended 2021- 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) RESOLUTION NO.2021- REPLACING RESOLUTION 2020-95 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program WHEREAS,in compliance with 136-15 WAC,Mason County has prepared the attachment Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for the period January 1,2021 through December 31, 2026;and, WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners hereby certifies that the priority array of potential projects on this County's road system, including bridges,was prepared by the County Engineer during the preparation of the said Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program;and, WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners reviewed the current bridge condition report as prepared by the County Engineer on March 22,2021;and, WHEREAS,unanticipated funding,schedule changes and project priority and updates have resulted in a need to amend the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program in order to comply with the requirements of WAC 136-15 and maintain our Standard of Good Practice with the County Road Administration Board;and, WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners find that the proposed Amended Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program is consistent with the County Comprehensive plan;and, WHEREAS,in compliance therewith,the Board of County Commissioners has held a public hearing on amending the 2021 through 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program this I II day of May,2021. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the Board of Mason County Commissioners,in regular session hereby,replaces 2020-95 with the attached Amended Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2021 through 2026 be adopted,which is hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution. ADOPTED this day of 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: RANDY NEATHERLIN,Chair MCKENZIE SMITH,Clerk of the Board KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: SHARON TRASK,Commissioner TIM WHITEHEAD,Ch.DPA cc: Commissioners Public Works Community Development County Road Admit.Board WSDOT Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification L Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded 70 C T A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. o, Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only C. Project Title J '6 a) Federal Funding R/W c U - D. Street/Road Name of Number o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required �i a Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road o a Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Envir Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/ddl Code I Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ YL 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRP PE 1/1/2021 STP 25.95 4.05 30 15 15 E.Agate Road Resurfacing Project RW 07 1 Rd.No.: 23910 0 68 CN 6/1/2021 STP 369.347 57.491 426.838 212.9 212.9 E N/A From: MP 3.10 To: MP 3.78 Total 2021 Project Cost $456,838 TOTALS 395.297 61.541 456.838 10 10 212.9 212.9 CRP PE 1/1/2021 STP 17.3 2.7 20 10 10 Old Belfair Highway Resurfacing Project RW 07 2 Rd.No.: 98250 1.00 CN 6/1/2021 STP 332.162 51.84 384.002 192 192 E N/A From: MP 0.20 To: MP 1.20 Total 2021 Project Cost $404,002 TOTALS 349.462 54.54 404.002 10 10 192 192 CRP PE Boyer Road Resurfacing Project RW 09 3 Rd.No.: 03630 0.50 CN 6/1/2021 50 50 50 E N/A From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.50 Gravel to Chip Seal Total 2021 Project Cost $50,000 TOTALS 50 50 50 CRP PE Snider Road Resurfacing Project RW 09 4 Rd.No.: 19210 0.18 CN 6/1/2021 40 40 40 E N/A From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.18 Gravel to HMA Total 2021 Project Cost $40,000 ITOTALS 40 40 40 CRP PE Sunny Slope Road Resurfacing Project RW 09 5 Rd.No.: 61950 0.55 CN 6/1/2021 50 50 50 E N/A From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.55 Gravel to Chip Seal Total 2021 Project Cost $50,000 TOTALS 50 50 50 07 PE 10 10 10 08 Programmatic Bridge Program RW 5 5 5 09 6 CN 50 50 50 17 18 19 Total 2021 Project Cost $65,000 1 TOTALS 65 65 101 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 1 of 6 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification L Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded a A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. rn Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only m.o E C. Project Title J N Federal Funding7;2d c U = D. Street/Road Name of Number .o L Phase Federal Federal State 4th Re n Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road ~ a ° Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Envir Type F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th m1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 07 PE 10 10 10 10 10 30 08 County-Wide Small Capital Projects RW 5 5 5 5 5 15 09 7 CN 85 85 85 85 85 255 17 18 19 Total 2021 Project Cost $100,000 TOTALS 100 100 100 100 100 300 07 PE 10 10 10 08 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants RW 09 8 CN 17 18 19 Total 2021 Project Cost $10,000 TOTALS 10 10 10 CRP 2006 PE 1/1/2015 HSIP 4.5 0.5 5 5 Bear Creek Dewatto Road Clear Zone RW 2/1/2021 HSIP 15 15 15 08 9 Rd.No.: 79800 1.50 CN 4/1/2021 HSIP 222 318 540 540 DCE 2/21 From: MP 5.2 To: MP 6.7 Clear Zone Project Total 2021 Project Cost $560,000 TOTALS HSIP 226.5 333.5 560 560 CRP 2022 PE 12/1/2020 RCO 29 6 35 35 Uncle Johns Upper Culvert RW 2/1/2021 10 5 15 15 09 10 Rd.No.: 23500 CN 7/1/2021 RCO 369.48 75 444.475 430 From: MP 0.64 To: MP 0.64 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $494,475 TOTALS 408.48 86 494.475 35 445 CRP 2023 PE 12/1/2020 RCO 298 52 350 350 50 Uncle Johns Lower Culvert RW 1/1/2021 20 09 11 Rd No.:23500 CN 7/1/2023 2580 From MP 1.02 To:MP 1.02 Remove existing culvert and replace as needed Total 2021 Project Cost $350,000 TOTALS 298 52 350 350 70 2580 CRP 2024 PE 7/1/2020 RCO 29 6 35 35 Dayton Creek Culvert RW 2/1/2021 10 5 15 15 10 07 12 Rd No.:04450 CN 8/1/2021 RCO 369.48 75 444.475 444.5 430 From MP 0.33 To:MP 0.33 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $494,475 TOTALS 408.48 86 494.4751 494.51 440 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 2 of 6 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification t Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded C T �, A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. 0, Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only o .co o E C. Project Title J w Federal Funding R/W 5 D. Street/Road Name of Number m o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required Li o_ Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road o_ o_ Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1 stF2nd 3rd thru Envir Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code I Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 15 161 17 18 19 20 21 PE 2/1/2021 STPR 730.01 9.99 740 370 370 Harstine Island Polyester Overlay RW 07 13 Rd.No.: 30000 0.10 CN 6/1/2021 1954.9 305.1 2260 753.3 753.3 753.33 From:0.12 To: 0.40 Deck Repair Total 2021 Project Cost $3,000,000 TOTALS 2684.91 315.09 3000 370 1123 753.3 753.33 Clear Zone Improvements PE 5/1/2020 HSIP 89.1 9.9 99 49.5 49.5 07 Rd.No.:91100-Arcadia Road RW 7/1/2021 HSIP 19.8 2.2 22 22 07 14 Rd.No: 04450-Highland Road 14.76 CN 1/31/2022 HSIP 984.6 109.4 1094 54.7 54.7 07 Rd.No.: 90100-Shelton Matlock Road 08 Rd.No.: 14880-Kamilche Point Road Total 2021 Project Cost $1,215,000 ITOTALS 1093.5 121.5 1215 49.5 71.5 54.7 54.7 CRP 1993 PE 1/1/2019 RATA 60 60 20 Shelton Matlock Road Culvert Replacement RW 9/1/2020 20 07 15 Rd.No.: 90100-Shelton Matlock Road CN 7/15/2021 RATA From: MP 8.00 To: MP 8.10 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $60,000 TOTALS 60 60 201 20 CRP PE 1/1/2020 200 200 200 200 Belfair Connector-Log Yard Road E RW 10/1/2020 50 50 50 100 16 Rd.No.: CN 3/1/2021 From: SR3 To: Belfair Freight Corridor Design for new construction Total 2021 Project Cost $250,000 ITOTALS 250 250 250 300 CRP 2019 PE 6/1/2019 50 50 50 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill RW 7/1/2020 50 50 50 09 17 Rd.No.: 86500 CN 3/1/2021 From: SR 3 To: Belfair Freight Corridor Design for new construction Total 2021 Project Cost $100,000 TOTALS 100 100 100 PE 1/1/2018 FbD 10 10 10 Skokomish Valley Road Reconstruction RW 1/2/2022 08 18 Rd.No.:41640 0.40 CN 3/1/2023 FLAP 1600 TBD From: MP 3.8 To: MP 4.6 Road reconstruction partner w/Mason Cons Dist$8M total project cost Total 2021 Project Cost $10,000 1 TOTALS 10 101 101 1 1 1600 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. m Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only .o C. Project Title J u d Federal Fundin R/W c U L = D. Street/Road Name of Number 6 •o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required � o Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road t° o o Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Envir Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th (mm/yy 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRP 1995 PE 6/1/2019 RATA 50 5 55 55 20 North Shore Road-Cady Creek Culvert Replacement RW 1/1/2021 20 08 19 Rd.No.: 70390-North Shore Rd 0.10 CN 7/1/2022 RATA 500 From: MP 6.9 To: MP 7.0 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $55,000 TOTALS 50 5 55 55 40 500 CRP 2011 PE 6/1/2019 RATA 34 6 40 40 North Island Drive Culvert Replacement RW 1/2/2021 20 07 20 Rd.No.: 39630-North Island Drive 0.01 CN 7/15/2022 RATA 720 From: MP 3.46 To: MP 3.47 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $40,000 TOTALS 34 6 40 40 20 720 CRP 2001 PE 10/1/2019 20 20 5 15 Homer Adams Road Culvert Replacement RW 3/1/2020 25 25 25 09 21 Rd.No.: 00610 0.10 CN 8/1/2020 500 500 500 From: MP 0.1 To: MP 0.2 Reconstruction Total 2021 Project Cost $545,000 TOTALS 545 545 5 40 500 CRP 2021 PE 3/1/2020 RATA 10 10 20 20 North Shore Road-Great Bend Culvert Replacement RW 1/2/2022 20 20 40 40 O8 22 Rd.No.: 70390 0.10 CN 7/1/2024 RATA From: MP 16.6 To: MP 16.7 Replace existing culvert with a new structure Total 2021 Project Cost $60,000 ITOTALS 30 30 60 401 20 CRP 2020 PE 3/1/2020 RATA 8.5 1.5 10 10 50 50 10 Old Belfair Hwy RW 5/1/2023 100 08 23 Rd.No.: 98250 0.40 CN 4/1/2024 RATA 1200 From: MP 1.2 To: MP 1.6 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2021 Project Cost $10,000 TOTALS 8.5 1.5 10 10 50 50 1310 Trails Road Alternate Route-Rasor Road PE Rd.No.62310 RW 9/3/2020 150 150 150 40 24 --- CN From: MP. To: MP. ROW acquisition Total 2020 Project Cost $150,000 TOTALS 150 1501 150 40 Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Page 4 of 6 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification L Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded c >. A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. rn Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only .o C. Project Title j w Federal FundingR/W c Uc D. Street/Road Name of Number .o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required ii o_ Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road o-o_ Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Envir Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability Study PE 40 40 Johns Prairie/SR3:Clifton Old Belfair Hwy/SR300 RW 10 07 25 Rd.No.: 0.10 CN 300 From: MP To: MP Feasability Study Total 2020 Project Cost $40,000 TOTALS 40 350 PE RAP 36.9 4.1 41 41 Shelton Valley Culvert RW 9 1 10 10 26 Rd.No.: 05930 0.12 CN 455.4 50.6 506 506 506 From: MP 1.94 To: 2.06 Replace existing culvert with new structure(winter creek) Total 2020 Project Cost $557,000 TOTALS 501.3 55.7 557 506 41 516 Allyn Access,Circulation Easement Acquisition PE 1/2/2021 100 350 Wheelwright,Wade,and Masterson ROW RW 6/1/2022 125 27 Rd.No.:TBD CN 6/1/2023 3000 From: MP To: MP ROW acquisition Total 2020 Project Cost TOTALS 100 475 3000 PE 1/1/2025 400 Trails Road Realignment RW 10/1/2025 50 07 28 Rd.No.:62310 0.40 CN 4/1/2026 From: MP 0.5 To: MP 1.6 Curve Realignment Total 2020 Project Cost TOTALS 450 PE 6/1/2023 210 Log Yard Road W Freight Upgrade RW 7/1/2024 50 29 CN 4/1/2025 1325 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2020 Project Cost TOTALS 1585 Phase Fundino BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FLAP- Federal Lands Access Program PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board Paoe 5 of 6 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Mason County From 2021 to 2026 Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Mason County Hearing Date: 11/3/2020 Adoption Date: City No. --- MPO/RTPO: Peninsula Amend Date: 5/11/2021 Resolution No.: Project Identification L Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded c T A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Onl o .o C. Project Title J d N Federal Fundin R/W c U D. Street/Road Name of Number .o t Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required Li n. Z E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road ~ a a- Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1 st 2nd 3rd thru Envir Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mason Benson Intersection Safety PE 6/1/2021 40 RW 10 30 Rd.No.63010 0.10 CN 300 From:MP 2.5 To:MP 2.6 Improve sight distance Total 2020 Project Cost ITOTALS 350 PE 6/1/2021 120 Frieght Corridor Trail RW 31 CN 3R Improvement-Resurfacing,Restoration and Rehabilitation Total 2020 Project Cost TOTALS 120 TOTALS 4.00 4749.67 1748.8 2628.4 9126.79 3115 3275 3649 13254 Future Considerations[Wishlist Completion of Trails road Alternate Route-Rasor Road in phases Log Yard Port of Bremerton Industrial Loop Connectivity Planning Cloquallum Road MP 4.6 to 5.2 curve realignments Gravel Road Conversions Cloquallum Road MP 6.6 to 7.2 widening Kelley Hall Road Shelton Matlock Road MP 15.36 to 16.5 realign pave shoulders Sunny Side Road Johns Prairie Road add paved shoulders RR tracks to old capital hill rd Eells Hill Road Guardrail upgrades-Brockdale,McReavy,and Johns Prairie Callifornia Road Terrace Blvd Road and Hwy 101 intersection-partner project with WSDOT Webb Road Brockdale and Island Lake Road intersection-partner project with City of Shelton Illumination intersections county wide Union Boat Launch Resurfacing Trail near Roessel Road New Roads Consideration McEwan Prairie to Brockdale 101 connection Johns Prairie and Hwy 3 connection Connection between Cloquallum and City Center exit Phase Funding BRAC-Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee FBRB-Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal PE-Preliminary Engineering STP-Surface Transportation Program (Now Local Bridge Program) BoardFLAP- Federal Lands Access Program RW-Right of Way HSIP-Highway Safety Improvement Program TP-Transportation Partnerships EM-Federal Emergency Management Act and State CN-Construction RATA-Rural Arterial Trust Account TAP-Transportation Alternatives Program Emergency Management funds Pnnp R of F