HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/04/26 - Briefing Packet Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.15, in-person attendance to Commission meetings is temporarily restricted. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept public comment via email dlz(cbco.mason.wa.us; or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via your telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of April 26, 2021 Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. COVID-19 Coordinators Briefing* Public Works Meeting Room A 100 Public Works Way Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Coronavirus Relief Funding *This is being noticed as a Special Commission Meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020 - Special Meetings Monday, April 26, 2021 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Litigation 9:30 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Litigation 10:00 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter 10:30 A.M. BREAK 10:45 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 11:00 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management Commissioner Discussion — as needed Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 04/22/21 at 1:20 PM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management �PeO's COV.y>� th Commissioner Administration 411 North 5 Street WA 98584 Emergency Management Shelton Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Y Labor Relations 1xu Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES April 26, 2021 • Specific Items for Review o March 2021 Financial Report—Jenn o Bank of America Building- Frank o County Re-opening Plan Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan — Frank o Continued review Support Services Director Recruitment Status— Frank o WDC Board Member Terms and Reappointment— Frank o MCRA Weekend Closure May 1-2, 2021 for Weed Control Measures— Ross • Commissioner Discussion o NACO Membership C:\Users\MSmith\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\B25G21 ET\2021-04-26.docx MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: March 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Review of Cash Balances, and Revenues and Expenditures for all County Funds through March 2021. BUDGET IMPACTS: Budget to Actual Comparison of 2020 & 2021 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: March 2021 J:\Budget Office\Briefmg,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2021\Briefmg Summary 4.26.2021 -March 2021 Financial Report.doc #LV5-f MASON COUNTY MONTHLY AURCHFINANCIAL REPORT 2021 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 1 *18- MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MARCH 2021 2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Revenue Comparison Revenue Revenue De artmentame N 2020 Budget collected Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget collected Uncollected %2021 Actual dif 2020 P 9 Through End Revenue 9 Through End Revenue vs 2021 of Month of Month WSU Extension 19,000 - (19,000) 0% 23,500 11,925 (11,575) 51% 11,925 Assessor 7,000 35 (6,965) 1% 7,000 12,688 5,688 181% 12,653 Auditor 1,029,190 355,773 (673,417) 35% 1,130,017 286,065 (843,952) 25% (69,708) Emergency Management 64,648 3,863 (60,785) 6% 118,762 1,020 (117,742) 1% (2,843) Facilities&Grounds - 200 200 0% - 226 226 0% 26 Human Resources - - - 0% - - - 0% - Clerk 328,058 30,718 (297,340) 9% 366,348 56,899 (309,449) 16% 26,181 Commissioners - - - 0% - - - 0% -- Support Services 700 66 (634) 9% 700 - (700) 0% (66) District Court 978,652 250,483 (728,169) 26% 1,010,757 326,882 (683,875) 32% 76,399 Community Development 1,790,810 573,028 (1,217,782) 32% 2,177,600 728,376 (1,449,224) 33% 155,349 Historical Preservation - - - 0% 76,000 54,733 (21,267) 72% 54,733 Parks&Trails 44,000 12,150 (31,850) 28% 44,000 3,159 (40,841) 7% (8,991) Juvenile Court Services 1,161,972 258,172 (903,800) 22% 1,161,438 325,296 (836,142) 28% 67,124 Prosecutor 192,951 30,262 (162,689) 16% 248,575 47,186 (201,389) 19% 16,924 Child Support Enforcement 209,515 29,280 (180,235) 14% 159,126 33,206 (125,920) 21% 3,926 Coroner 35,000 11,200 (23,800) 32% 35,000 21,280 (13,720) 61% 10,080 Sheriff 1,017,443 312,377 (705,066) 31% 1,000,835 203,121 (797,714) 20% (109,257) Indigent Defense 204,767 66,912 (137,855) 33% 240,767 74,508 (166,259) 31% 7,596 Superior Court 68,927 5,639 (63,288) 8% 68,350 53,478 (14,872) 78% 47,839 Family Court 2,500 400 (2,100) 16% 2,500 384 (2,116) 15% (16) Therapeutic Court 610,884 53,918 (556,966) 9% 636,507 58,173 (578,334) 9% 4,255 Murder Expenditures - - - 0% - - - 0% - Treasurer 26,348,450 4,349,383 (21,999,067) 17% 26,206,041 5,018,613 (21,187,428) 19% 669,230 Non Departmental 3,829,804 397,115 (3,432,689) 10% 4,303,486 886,263 (3,417,223) 21% 489,147 Motor Pool I - - - 0% 447,202 32,545 (414,657) 7% 32,545 Totals $371944,271 $ 6,740,976 $ (31,203,295) 18% $ 39,464,511 $ 8,236,027 $ (31,228,484) 21% 1,495,050 Unaudited *Benchmark for Month is 25% J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 2 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY MARCil 2021 14 FINANCIAL REPORT Treasurer Department Receipts Treasurer#t001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021 YTD This Month %2021 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 10,383,385 973,062 973,062 9% 11,546,496 1,274,841 1,274,841 11% SALES TAX TITLE PROPERTY - - 0 0% - - 0 0% LOCAL RETAIL SALES&USE TAX 6,000,000 1,495,169 1,495,169 25% 6,250,000 1,832,065 1,832,065 29% LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY-CITY 37,000 12,560 12,560 34% 37,000 12,787 12,787 35% CRIMINALJUSTICE 600,000 190,101 190,101 32% 750,000 219,885 219,885 29% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 35,000 6,996 6,996 20% 26,000 7,709 7,709 30% FOREST EXCISE TAX 225,000 - 0 0% 100,000 - 0 0% FRANCHISE FEES 520,000 122,919 122,919 24% 500,000 122,181 122,181 24% PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAX/B OF L 289,000 - 0 0% 315,000 - 0 0% PUD PRIVILEGE TAX 725,000 - 0 0% 735,000 - 0 0% DNR OTHER TRUST 2 100 12 12 12% 100 23 23 23% CITY-COUNTY ASSISTANCE 1,415,000 388,157 388,157 27% 1,415,000 496,212 496,212 35% DNR PILT NAP/NRCA 4,000 - 0 0% 4,000 - 0 0% CRIMINALJUSTICE-COUNTIES 680,000 185,157 185,157 27% 700,000 191,613 191,613 27% ADULT COURT COST-JUVENILE OFFE 5,000 1,235 1,235 25% 5,000 1,205 1,205 24% CRIMINALJST-MARIJUANA ENFORCE 85,000 21,238 21,238 25% 85,000 21,410 21,410 25% DUI-OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE A 15,400 3,606 3,606 23% 14,500 4,275 4,275 29% LIQUOR/BEER EXCISE TAX 116,920 - 0 0% 125,000 38,895 38,895 31% LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD PROFITS 205,000 80,179 80,179 39% 200,000 50,071 50,071 25% IN LIEU OF-CITY OF TACOMA 190,000 31,951 31,951 17% 190,000 50,610 50,610 27% TREASURER'S FEES - 8 8 0% - 15 15 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-MASON LK DIST 475 - 0 0% 360 - 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-SPENCER LK FND - 0 0% 100 - 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-ISLAND LK FND 120 0 0% 100 - 0 0% CHARGES FOR SRVCS-MACECOM 1,300 - 0 0% 1,325 - 0 0% RETURNED REMITTANCE(NSF)FEES 2,400 320 320 13% 2,500 200 200 8% REET COLLECTION FEES 100,000 19,287 19,287 19% 100,000 33,111 33,111 33% REET COLLECTIONS COSTS 9,000 2,020 2,020 22% 9,000 2,165 2,165 24% 3 Treasurer Department Receipts Treasurer#001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021 YTD This Month %2021 TREAS.FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSM 15,000 2,152 2,152 14% 15,000 2,605 2,605 17% TREAS OTHER WORD PROCESSING 575 75 75 13% 425 72 72 17% PUBLIC DISCLOSURE CHGS SRVCS 5 - 0 0% 5 - 0 0% DATA PROCESSING SERVICES - 100 100 0% - 100 100 0% GAMBLING TAX PENALTY - 100 100 0% - 100 100 0% REAL&PERSONAL PENALTY 350,000 67,979 67,979 19% 350,000 81,619 81,619 23% PERSONAL PROP FILING PEN 5,000 3,159 3,159 63% 20,000 3,525 3,525 18% PENALTY ON REAL&PERSONAL PRO - 21,474 21,474 0% - 1,002 1,002 0% FAILURE TO LIST PERSONAL PROP - - 0 0% - 19 19 0% INTEREST&OTHER EARNINGS 800,000 211,785 211,785 26% 500,000 33,011 33,011 7% INVESTMENT SERVICE FEES(TREAS. 25,000 5,342 5,342 21% 20,000 1,446 1,446 7% INT.ON CONT.NOTES-ACCTS.HELD,S 8,500 4,110 4,110 48% 8,500 2,623 2,623 31% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX INTEREST - 2 2 0% - 1 1 0% EXCISE INTEREST 50 27 27 55% 50 - 0 0% INV PURCHASED INT - - 0 0% - (211) (211) 0% INTEREST ON DELINQUENT PR TAX 650,000 145,899 145,899 22% 600,000 120,210 120,210 20% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TRUST 1,000 2,985 2,985 298% 10,000 4,263 4,263 43% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TMBR TRUST 1 500,000 75,207 75,207 15% 250,000 117,377 117,377 47% UNCLAIMED MONEY/PROCEEDS-SALES 60,000 60,945 60,945 102% 225,000 177,935 177,935 79% TREASURER TAX FORECLOSURE TRUST 64,000 - 0 0% - - 0 0% CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER 20 384 384 1920% 10 172 172 1718% TAX DISTRIBUTION ROUNDING - - 0 0% 10 (17) (17) -165% MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 100 - 0 0% 100 26 26 26% ROAD DIVERSION 2,160,000 204,451 204,451 9% 1,080,000 118,751 118,751 11% SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY j - (1,514) (1,514) 0% - - 0 0% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 5,000 (371) (371) -7% 2,000 (1,570) (1,570) -79% TIMBER EXCISE TAX 53,000 - 0 0% 10,000 - 0 0% DNR OTHER TRUST 2 50 (952) (952) -1904% 900 (915) (915) -102% OTHER INT-DNR INTEREST 50 10 10 20% 50 2 2 4% RENTS&LEASES/DNR OTHR TRST 1 2,500 12,058 12,058 482% 10 456 456 4559% SPACE AND FACILITIES LEASES 4,500 - 0 0% 2,500 (3,262) (3,262) -130% Grand Total $26,348,450 $4,349,383 $4,349,383 17% $26,206,041 $5,018,613 $5,018,613 19% Unaudited*Benchmark for Month is 25% 4 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL MARCH 2021 REPORT 2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Expenditure Comparison Expenditures Expenditures Unexended 2020 Budget through End of Unexended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Budget %2021 Actual 0 Department Name �$zz1 Month Budget Authority Month Authority WSU Extension 291,774 $ 47,401 $ 244,373 16% 313,520 46,146 $ 267,374 15% (1,255) Assessor 1,433,285 369,339 1,063,946 26% 1,420,286 364,354 1,055,932 26% (4,984) Auditor 1,569,039 430,206 1,138,833 27% 1,705,618 354,495 1,351,123 21% (75,711) Emergency Management 232,009 74,534 157,475 32% 309,069 79,880 229,189 26% 5,346 Facilities&Grounds 1,302,987 257,844 1,045,143 20% 1,372,654 307,865 1,064,789 22% 50,021 HR/Risk Mngt 592,660 130,779 461,881 22% 608,086 126,621 481,465 21% (4,158) LECH 100,044 18,508 81,536 18% 100,044 20,115 79,929 20% 1,607 Clerk 1,037,808 257,939 779,869 25% 1,108,730 289,165 819,56S 26% 31,226 Commissioners 348,669 84,697 263,972 24% 355,610 85,815 269,795 24% 1,117 Support Services 716,397 172,195 544,202 24% 745,933 177,89S 568,038 24% 5,700 District Court 1,291,480 289,513 1,001,967 22% 1,351,019 320,516 1,030,503 24% 31,002 Community Development 2,258,978 483,517 1,775,461 21% 2,700,009 659,985 2,040,024 24% 176,468 Historical Preservation - - - 0% 16,000 1,672 14,328 10% 1,672 Parks&Trails 547,442 95,184 452,258 17% 563,621 127,257 436,364 23% 32,073 Juvenile Court Services 1,943,4S1 444,603 1,498,848 23% 2,028,280 470,153 1,558,127 23% 25,550 Prosecutor 1,668,998 353,274 1,315,724 21% 1,876,838 378,275 1,498,563 20% 25,001 Child Support Enforcement 210,658 47,178 163,480 22% 160,462 26,344 134,118 16% (20,834) Coroner 321,934 58,501 263,433 18% 345,276 89,074 256,202 26% 30,573 Sheriff 10,686,824 2,584,083 8,102,741 24% 13,475,735 2,986,735 10,489,000 22% 402,652 Traffic Policing 2,597,217 555,028 2,042,189 21% 1,080,000 490,463 589,537 45% (64,565) Courthouse Security 170,740 41,387 129,353 24% 170,740 41,344 129,396 24% (43) Indigent Defense 1,127,136 265,912 861,224 24% 1,261,101 277,098 984,003 22% 11,186 Superior Court 986,175 219,781 766,394 22% 1,017,332 239,704 777,628 24% 19,923 Family Court 2,500 1,070 1,430 43% 2,500 - 2,500 0% (1,070) Therapeutic Court 617,849 130,079 487,770 21% 640,495 132,283 508,212 21% 2,204 Murder Expenditures 50,000 - 50,000 0% 50,000 4,460 45,540 9% 4,460 Treasurer 823,053 238,267 584,786 29% 872,579 256,536 616,043 29% 18,269 Non Departmental 4,202,036 745,209 3,456,827 18% 4,884,779 1,059,276 3,825,503 22% 314,067 Motor Pool - - - 0% 55,968 7,212 48,756 13% 7,212 Transfers Out to Other Funds 913,913 614,590 299,323 1 67% 91,339 74,330 17,009 81% (540,260) Totals $ 38,045,056 $ 9,010,618 $ 29,034,438 24% $ 40,683,623 $ 9,495,069 $ 31,188,554 23% 484,451 Unaudited *Benchmark for Month is 25% J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 5 MARCH 2021 Six Year Specific Revenue Streams Comparison 3/31/2016 3131/2017 3/31/2018 3/31/2019 3/31/2020 3/31/2021 Community Development Revenues 434,386 379,055 404,828 386,448 573,028 728,376 Detention &Correction Services 44,826 14,683 8,060 37,406 30,127 33,976 Current Expense Property Taxes 1,062,173 939,058 879,419 996,246 973,062 1,274,841 Road Diversion Property Tax 125,440 145,178 198,815 214,661 204,451 118,751 County Road Property Tax 698,304 796,713 796,186 900,473 894,730 1,097,222 Current Expense Sales Tax 990,476 1,115,448 1,211,124 1,355,119 1,495,169 1,832,065 Criminal Justice Taxes/Entitlements 303,256 323,212 322,399 365,432 401,337 438,388 Rural Sales & Use Tax Fund 132,507 147,815 159,853 188,826 200,722 232,435 300,000 - --"- 200,000 100,000 -- -- Corn Srvcs-Homelessess Preven Filings 84,723 103,354 96,574 138,931 176,866 227,201 300,000 200,000 100,000 - - Lodging (Hotel/Motel)Tax 83,997 78,398 86,324 101,307 94,767 118,976 200,000 100.000 REET 1 Excise Tax Only 128,763 215,538 216,339 212,264 232,616 373,357 REET 2 Excise Tax Only 128,763 215,538 216,339 212,264 232,616 373,357 400,000 - -- 300,000 ` 200,000 100.000 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 6 CO LNT MASON COUNTY MONTHLY Y FINANCIAL REPORT AURCH 2021 rxsr REVENUE MONTH 12020 REVENUE 1 2021 REVENUE DIFFERENCE JANUARY $ 455,733.71 $ 571,994.75 $ 116,261.04 FEBRUARY $ 590,257.14 $ 705,713.58 $ 115,456.44 MARCH $ 449,177.66 $ 554,356.28 $ 105,178.62 APRIL $ 427,572.82 $ (427,572.82) MAY $ 487,803.83 $ (487,803.83) J U N E $ 460,999.44 $ (460,999.44) JULY $ 628,587.98 $ (628,587.98) AUGUST $ 702,582.07 $ (702,582.07) SEPTEMBER $ 671,554.81 $ (671,554.81) OCTOBER $ 653,529.82 $ (653,529.82) NOVEMBER $ 703,295.80 $ (703,295.80) DECEMBER $ 652,599.03 $ (652,599.03) TOTAL COLLECTED REVENUE $ 6,883,694.11 $ 1,832,064.61 PROJECTED END OF YEAR REVENUE REVENUE BUDGETED $ 6,000,000.00 $ 6,250,000.00 $ 7,018,940.66 YET TO BE COLLECTED $ (4,417,935.39) ANTICIPATED INCREASE $ 768,940.66 12 MONTH ROL E PRIOR MONTH 12 MO. ROLLING AVG CHANGE 10.4% J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 7 0x COU��� MARCH 2021 lNSf Six Year Financial Recap Current Expense Recap 3/31/2016 3/31/2017 3/31/2018 3/31/2019 3/31/2020 3/31/2021 Account Receivable from Belfair Sewer 1,200,000 General Fund Operating Reserves 6,520,791 6,817,603 10,044,540 Contingency Reserve 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Technology Replacement Reserves 200,000 200,000 200,000 Equipment&Vehicle Replacement Reserves 525,000 525,000 525,000 Accrued Leave Reserve 520,000 530,805 347,742 Current Expense Unreserved Cash (2,212,775) 866,597 2,816,697 This Month Current Expense Cash 4,735,461 2,621,706 2,404,769 6,553,016 9,940,005 14,933,979 Adopted Budget on December 31st 40,787,973 38,545,163 36,930,990 41,404,349 49,581,229 53,464,511 Supplemental Appropriations - 2,866 30,000 - - - Total Budget including Supplementals 40,787,973 38,548,029 36,960,990 41,404,349 49,581,229 53,464,511 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 8,019,728 7,309,944 3,061,750 5,786,719 11,636,958 14,000,000 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 3,219,132 4,482,808 3,261,456 5,786,719 11,536,173 12,780,888 Revenue Budgets 33,632,301 32,398,445 33,899,240 35,617,630 37,944,271 39,464,511 Revenues thru This Month of each year 5,707,972 6,984,037 6,203,966 6,710,933 6,740,976 8,236,027 Budgeted Revenues Received 17% 22% 18% 19% 18% 21% Expenditure Budgets 38,534,111 35,342,157 33,669,534 34,721,442 38,045,056 40,683,623 Expenditures thru This Month of each year 7,799,569 7,972,528 7,979,085 8,152,898 9,010,618 9,495,069 Budgeted Expenditures Expended 20% 23%1 24046 23%1 240/6 1 23% 8 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx Special Fund Cash Balances 3/31/2016 3/31/2017 3/31/2018 3/31/2019 3/31/2020 3/31/2021 Rural County Sales&Use Tax Fund(.09) 645,162 176,254 190,541 737,955 493,829 1,217,342 Auditor's O&M 238,405 192,671 222,577 236,139 257,706 308,203 County Roads Fund 7,047,061 9,661,809 8,300,797 8,951,650 10,214,136 9,944,668 Paths&Trails 223,132 235,365 248,758 260,513 274,196 282,040 Election Equipment Holding 237,765 262,255 298,087 168,902 188,150 239,041 Crime Victims 234,501 218,100 230,045 189,234 207,292 211,977 Victim Witness Activities 80,688 77,883 26,740 24,415 23,839 21,736 Historical Preservation Fund 47,936 36,389 36,815 36,885 32,668 Community Support Services Fund 497,417 412,585 442,216 749,389 889,784 1,228,808 Abatement/Repair/Demolition Fund 264,439 266,840 270,111 274,790 279,343 278,480 Reserve for Technology Fund 16,526 102,067 132,988 80,908 REET&Property Tax Admin Asst 57,855 66,452 60,548 65,971 67,961 72,275 National Forest Safety 92,608 63,080 31,418 36,423 25,186 6,308 Trial Court Improvement Fund 51,768 74,682 88,889 103,843 117,229 77,040 Sheriff Special Funds 264,367 266,528 260,964 266,627 279,268 31,212 Sheriff's Boating Program 116,697 Narcotics Investigation 93,171 Public Health Fund 412,964 449,506 176,900 227,243 587,331 1,231,186 Law Library 83,100 83,188 78,799 74,126 69,983 55,792 Lodging(Motel/Hotel)Tax Fund 347,826 340,933 409,781 593,280 743,473 802,954 Mental Health Tax Fund 1,355,890 1,509,667 1,370,738 1,422,346 1,421,790 1,604,123 Treasurer's M&O Fund 108,360 131,597 147,945 162,178 195,426 83,788 Veterans Assistance 113,658 197,791 174,518 63,819 40,389 91,224 Skokomish Flood Zone 107,455 197,559 133,572 32,447 73,049 21,484 Mason Lake Management District 93,070 100,911 111,613 141,194 115,956 77,263 Spencer Lake Management District 2,833 9,356 Island Lake Management District 10,060 18,391 18,355 20,869 30,881 31,268 Capital Improvement/Reet 1 Fund 726,683 1,705,164 1,298,735 1,625,618 1,988,458 1,399,622 Capital Improvement/Reet 2 Fund 1,840,664 1,561,405 2,345,462 1,998,523 2,634,954 3,519,046 Mason County Landfill 807,839 874,068 885,850 449,396 813,149 1,163,830 N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility 384,065 877,188 728,698 730,420 1,197,259 1,575,363 N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility Reserve 715 718 724 546 Wastewater System Development 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 84,797 366,597 284,673 433,483 122,899 73,947 Beards Cove Water 252,001 298,448 376,897 411,582 493,887 555,998 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 604,997 157,138 392,697 332,478 893,716 304,776 Reserve Landfill 508,416 510,826 499,682 476,982 460,201 444,540 Reserve Beards Cove Ulid 318,408 330,793 345,561 192,426 204,119 210,314 Storm Drain System Development 204,559 112,796 859 187,439 181,567 179,534 Information Technology 113,610 289,264 252,473 138,382 467,553 471,038 Equipment Rental&Revolving Fund 4,476,160 3,507,246 4,317,834 4,671,102 3,678,688 3,071,731 Unemployment Fund 136,314 135,952 195,400 151,033 138,729 141,240 TOTALS $23,095,2261 $25,874,091 $25,393,248 $26,724,541 $29,910,862 $31,252,403 9 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx MONTHLY 0�N apQN FINANCIAL MARCH y REPORT 2021 2021 Current Expense and Health Fund Motor Pool Budget to Actual Expenditures FUND OR DEPARTMENT ORIGINAL REVISED YTD MP AVAILABLE % USED APPROP BUDGET EXPENDED BUDGET ASSESSOR 34,908 34,908 8,986 25,922 25.74% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0 0 81 -81 0% FACILITIES& GROUNDS 10,377 10,377 6,072 4,305 58.51% COMMUNITY SERVICES 46,151 46,151 11,295 34,856 24.47% PARKS&TRAILS 3,555 3,555 1,423 2,132 40.03% JUVENILE COURT SERVICES 8,480 8,480 1,587 6,893 18.71% PROSECUTOR 6,646 6,646 1,518 5,128 22.84% CORONER 25,717 25,717 5,901 19,816 22.95% SHERIFF ADMIN 1,078,726 1,078,726 306,146 772,580 28.38% MOTOR POOL 55,968 55,968 7,212 48,756 12.89% Total 001 GENERAL FUND 1,270,528 1,270,528 350,221 920,307 27.56% COMMUNITY SERVICES HEALTH 59,360 59,3601 13,316 46,044 22.43% TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 59,360 59,360 13,316 46,044 22.43% Total GENERAL FUND&SPECIAL FUNDS 1,329,888 1,329,8881 363,537 966,3511 27.34% Unaudited *Benchmark for month is 25% TOTAL MOTOR POOL EXPENDITURES BY ORIGINAL REVISED YTD MP AVAILABLE OF TOTAL OBJECT CODE APPROP BUDGET EXPENDED BUDGET MOTOR POOL SALARIES & BENEFITS 38,672 38,672 6,868 31,804 17.76% MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 10,300 10,300 34,343 -24,043 333.43% MOTOR POOL FUEL 216,250 216,250 53,187 163,063 24.60% MOTOR POOL LEASE 100 100 109,683 -109,583 109683.47% MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 6,234 6,234 6,193 41 99.34% MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 79,836 79,836 18,165 61,671 22.75% MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 45,719 45,719 2,278 43,441 4.98% MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 559,1581 559,158 4,561 554,597 0.82% MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 373,6191 373,619 128,258 245,361 34.33% Total GENERAL FUND& HEALTH FUND 1,329,8881 1,329,888 363,537 966,351 27.34% Unaudited *Benchmark for month is 25% 10 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MARCH 2021 2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Revenue Comparison Revenue Revenue Fund Fund Name 2020 Budget Collected Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget Collected Uncollected %2021 Actual dif 2020 No. Through End Through End vs 2021 of Month Revenue of Month Revenue 103 Sales&Use Tax 703,500 203,713 (499,787) 29% 728,500 232,768 (495,732) 32% 29,055 104 Auditor's O&M 118,500 17,225 (101,276) 15% 127,500 21,305 (106,195) 17% 4,080 105 lCounty Road 15,862,898 1,794,866 (14,068,032) 11% 17,402,782 2,851,968 (14,550,814) 16% 1,057,102 106 Paths&Trails 12,695 3,462 (9,233) 27% 12,695 2,410 (10,285) 19% (1,052) 109 Election Equipment Holdings 38,500 25,940 (12,560) 67% 65,850 11,806 (54,044) 18% (14,134) 110 Crime Victims 41,910 15,463 (26,448) 37% 41,910 27,248 (14,662) 65% 11,786 114 Victim Witness Activities 55,683 13,033 (42,650) 23% 55,683 1,243 (54,440) 2% (11,790) 116 Historical Preservation 16,000 4,759 (11,241) 30% - 0% (4,759) 117 ICommunity Support Services 1,516,600 511,251 (1,005,349) 34% 1,675,600 807,494 (868,106) 48% 296,243 118 Abatement 8,100 1,138 (6,962) 14% 7,920 94 (7,826) 1% (1,045) 120 REET&Property Tax Admin 20,800 5,104 (15,696) 25% 20,250 5,710 (14,540) 28% 606 134 National Forest Safety 23,092 (23,092) 0% 21,457 - (21,457) 0% - 135 Trial Court Improvements 22,800 5,668 (17,132) 25% 22,672 5,663 (17,009) 25% (5) 140 Sheriff Special Funds 102,200 34,655 (67,545) 34% 31,212 31,212 0% (3,442) 141 Sheriff's Boating Program - - 0% 38,979 - (38,979) 0% - 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund - - 0% 7,500 5,297 (2,203) 71% 5,297 150 Community Services Health 2,218,822 696,684 (1,522,138) 31% 2,340,630 1,926,577 (414,053) 82% 1,229,893 160 Law Library 25,373 4,778 (20,595) 19% 24,900 5,626 (19,274) 23% 848 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 392,000 94,767 (297,233) 24% 392,000 119,018 (272,982) 30% 24,251 164 Mental Health 1,224,328 337,881 (886,447) 28% 1,231,968 284,367 (947,601) 23% (53,514) 180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 195,025 132,273 (62,752) 68% 199,210 13,288 (185,922) 7% (118,985) 190 Veterans Assistance 145,060 13,988 (131,072) 10% 140,060 17,401 (122,659) 12% 3,413 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 20,500 67,591 47,091 330% 20,500 5 (20,495) 0% (67,586) 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 36,000 3,944 (32,056) 11% 36,500 4,053 (32,447) 11% 108 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 2,833 (11,667) 20% 14,500 2,562 (11,938) 18% (270) 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 10,000 1,231 (8,769)1 12% 10,000 1,046 (8,954) 10% (185) 350 FEET 1 Capital Improvements 1,220,000 241,126 (978,874) 20% 1,220,000 373,859 (846,141) 31% 132,733 351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 1,535,000 244,497 (1,290,503) 16% 1,210,000 492,059 (717,941) 41% 247,562 402 Mason County Landfill 4,209,280 1,033,934 (3,175,347) 25% 4,694,521 832,006 (3,862,515) 18% (201,928) 403 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 1,835,584 577,302 (1,258,282) 31% 2,072,857 607,672 (1,465,185) 29% 30,370 404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 1 - (1) 0% - - 0% - 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 320,200 62,299 (257,901) 19% 376,725 62,494 (314,231) 17% 195 412 Beards Cave Water 227,560 56,400 (171,161) 25% 232,793 52,580 (180,213) 23% (3,819) 413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 2,294,500 993,040 (1,301,460) 43% 4,307,203 335,813 (3,971,390) 8% (657,228) 428 Reserve Landfill 6,000 1,865 (4,135) 31% 6,000 150 (5,850) 2% (1,715) 429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 11,500 3,422 (8,078) 30% 11,500 2,743 (8,757) 24% (679) 480 Storm Drain System Development 500 - (500) 0% S00 - (500) 0% - 500 Information Technology Dept 751,746 447,805 (303,941) 60% 962,574 480,122 (482,452) 50% 32,317 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 3,520,491 940,034 (2,580,457) 27% 1 ,620,291 52,834 (3,567,457) 1% (887,200) 502 Unemployment Fund 73,150 - (73,150) 0% 73,805 - (73,805) 0% - Totals $38,830,398 $ 8,593,969 $ (30,236,429) 22% $43,428,335 $ 9,670,492 $ (33,757,843) 22% 1,076,523 JAFinancials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 11 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MARCH 2021 2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Expenditure Comparison Fund Expenditures Expenditures Actual dif 2020 No. Fund Name 2020 Budget through End of Unexpended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Unexpended %2021 vs 2021 Month Budget Authority Month Budget Authority 103 Sales&Use Tax 639,379 450,000 189,379 70% 663,051 2,080 660,971 0% (447,920) 104 Auditor's 0&M 134,979 42,034 92,945 31% 88,667 41,643 47,024 47% (390) 105 County Road 20,704,939 2,896,990 17,807,949 14% 20,791,930 3,939,369 16,852,561 19% 1,042,378 106 Paths&Trails 1,903 - 1,903 0% 2,238 476 1,762 21% 476 109 Election Equipment Holdings 30,615 - 30,615 0% 52,040 457 51,583 1% 457 110 Crime Victims 93,234 17,383 75,851 19% 98,649 21,132 77,517 21% 3,749 114 Victim Witness Activities 60,234 12,970 47,264 22% 63,345 3,646 59,699 6% (9,324) 116 Historical Preservation 15,753 1,568 14,185 10% 60,000 48,147 11,853 80% 46,579 117 Community Support Services 1,773,626 316,391 1,457,235 18% 1,787,561 624,289 1,163,272 35% 307,898 118 Abatement 54,518 54,518 0% 54,336 288 54,049 1% 288 120 REET&Property Tax Admin 64,283 9,388 54,895 15% 64,672 10,738 53,934 17% 1,350 134 National Forest Safety 88,092 - 88,092 0% 41,457 9,722 31,735 23% 9,722 135 Trial Court Improvements 50,650 - 50,650 0% 51,380 138 51,243 0% 138 140 Sheriff Special Funds 267,682 2,733 264,949 1% - - I - 0% (2,733) 141 Sheriff's Boating Program - - - 0% 38,890 2,946 35,944 8% 2,946 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund - - - 0% 8,204 3,074 5,130 37% 3,074 150 Community Services Health 2,286,857 463,779 1,823,078 20% 2,756,733 718,497 2,038,236 26% 254,717 160 Law Library 36,365 6,125 30,240 17% 36,272 7,956 28,316 22% 1,831 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 637,791 87,632 550,159 14% 762,548 85,725 676,823 11% (1,907) 164 Mental Health 1,439,941 86,642 1,353,299 6% 1,500,623 76,543 1,424,080 1 5% (10,098) 180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 269,649 32,126 237,523 12% 293,195 24,324 268,871 8% (7,802) 190 Veterans Assistance 187,060 37,619 149,441 20% 191,422 26,203 165,219 14% (11,416) 192 lSkokomish Flood Zone 48,543 16,478 32,065 34% 53,319 2,653 50,666 5% (13,825) 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 129,000 - 129,000 0% 145,500 435 145,065 0% 435 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 - 14,500 0% 19,650 - 19,650 0% - 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 29,000 647 28,353 2% 40,650 46 40,605 0% (602) 350 REET 1 Capital Improvements 2,304,898 448,712 1,856,186 19% 1,727,776 1,275,281 452,495 74% 826,569 351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 2,687,427 434,252 2,253,175 16% 2,090,995 1 120,299 1,970,696 6% (313,954) 402 Mason County Landfill 4,333,969 870,629 3,463,340 20% 4,876,235 1,073,746 3,802,489 22% 203,118 403 1 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 2,124,568 442,752 1,681,816 21% 2,092,382 456,509 1,635,873 22% 13,757 404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 654 - 654 0% - - - 0% - 405 Wastewater System Development - - - 0% 3,986 - 3,986 0% 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 459,233 109,917 349,316 24% 482,065 65,073 416,992 13% (44,845) 412 Beards Cove Water 216,877 35,441 181,436 16% 218,444 41,738 176,706 19% 6,297 413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 2,166,524 449,669 1,716,855 21% 4,447,667 440,675 1 4,006,992 10% (8,994) 428 Reserve Landfill 26,168 3,379 22,789 13% 301,780 445 301,335 0% (2,934) 429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 3,754 - 3,754 0% 4,286 1,072 3,215 25% 1,072 480 Storm Drain System Development 1,850 - 1,850 0% 1,029 237 792 23% 237 500 Information Technology Dept 999,366 159,934 1 839,432 16% 961,722 215,685 746,037 22% 55,751 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 4,128,801 481,453 3,647,348 12% 4,567,323 1,164,590 3,402,733 25% 683,137 502 Unemployment Fund 242,484 17,181 225,303 7% 230,005 39,149 190,856 17% 21,968 Totals $ 48,755,166 $ 7,933,825 $ 40,821,341 16% $ 51,672,027 $ 10,545,023 $ 41,127,004 1 20% 2,611,198 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 March Financial Report.xlsx 12 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Ross McDowell DEPARTMENT: Parks &Trails EXT: 806 BRIEFING DATE: 04-26-2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: New Release — MCRA weekend closure (May 1 — 2, 2021) for weed control measures EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): The Parks maintenance staff will be performing their yearly weed control measures at MCRA Park for the 7 outfields and interior park grounds. This will involve spraying of a weed control chemical on the fields. One of our park maintenance staff members has his Pesticide Applicator License and will performing the process on the fields. For citizen's safety, the park needs to be closed for the weekend while the park maintenance staff implement the process. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) See News Release attached RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the News Release for the next BOCC Meeting, Tuesday, April 27, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: News Release "Temporary Weekend Closure of MCRA Park for Field Weed treatment" Briefing Summary 4/22/2021 NEWS RELEASE April 27,2021 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE 411 N 5T" ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON, WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Temporary Weekend Closure of MCRA Park for Field Weed Treatment Mason County will be temporarily closing the MCRA Park, located at 2100 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton the weekend of Saturday, May 1 through Sunday, May 2, 2021, in order to provide a weed treatment system on the 7-ball diamond's outfields and interior park grounds. Due to there being chemical work being performed in MCRA Park, we are asking that your refrain from using the park during this project. Citizen's safety is the top priority for the County and we would appreciate compliance with the temporary park closure and ask all residents to avoid entering the park. No events have been scheduled on these days to assist with citizen's safety. For further information please contact the Mason County Parks and Trails Office at (360) 427- 9670 extension 535. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Commissioner Chair Commissioner MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Marissa Watson DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 367 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: None If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Place on the May 11, 2021 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for June 8, 2021 to consider rezone of a 10.75-acre parcel from Neighborhood Residential (NR) to Mixed Use (MU) within the Shelton Urban Growth Area. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This request by the property owner (Rene Salazar) is to rezone a 10.75 acre parcel (32030-14-90030) from Neighborhood Residential (NR) to Mixed Use (MU). This parcel is in the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA). This does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map. The Planning Advisory Commission voted to approve (4-0) the recommendation of the application request to the BOCC after review of staff report and hearing testimony at their scheduled meeting on April 19, 2021. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) Public Hearing notice required for Planning Commission and Board. Residents within 300 feet of the proposed rezone were also notified by mail. Posted on-site and posted to Planning Advisory Commission website and posted on the home page in the Commissioner agendas. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the May 11, 2021 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for June 8, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: Vicinity Map and Map of rezone request Briefing Summary 4/21/2021 Mason County WA GIS Web Map MCEWEN PRAIRIE K'inrer G � E' l� � t 0 h CIO ,` n. t., 0 T -BMffcra J VALLEY ` C 4/14/2021,11:15:21 AM 1:49,136 0 0.5 1 2 mi .. '. . - 0 0.75 1.5 3km Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO,USGS,FAO,NPS,NRCAN,GeoBase,IGN,Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey,Esn Japan,METI,Esri China(Hong Kong),(c) OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Richard Diaz i Esri,HERE,Garmin,FAO,NOAA,USGS,EPA i Mason County WA GIS Web Map CURRENT ZONING: NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: MIXED USE AL 3/18/2021, 10:10:40 AM 1:3,073 0 140 280 560 ft County Boundary Industrial 0 40 80 160 m ElTax Parcels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) Mixed Use Shelton Zoning Neighborhood Residential Airport Industrial "fit +� Public Institutional ©OpenStreetMap(and)contributors,CC-BY-SA ® Commercial Industrial Development Areas General Commercial Rural Multi Family Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Richard Diaz I Map data©OpenStreetMap contributors,CC-BY-SA MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING APRIL 26,2021 Briefing Items • News Release: Allyn County Owned/Maintained Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing. • Mason County Public Works Facility Security System upgrades. • Request authorization to procure Development Services for county development reviews. • Sole Source purchase of specialized 55'x 30' bottomless aluminum box culvert from Contech Engineered Solution for culvert replacement project on Homer Adams Road (CRP 2001 at MP 0.10 -MP 0.20). • Replacing Resolution 2021-009 for the 2021 HMA Overlay Projects Discussion Items • KPFF Consulting Engineers selected to perform engineering design and plans, specs and estimates for Harstine Island Bridge Deck Repair. • Free Dump Day Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson Other(list below): NEWS RELEASE May 11,2021 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5TH STREET SHELTON,WA 98584 TO: KMAS,KRXY,SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,THE OLYMPIAN,SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,CITY OF SHELTON,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL,THE SUN,MASON TRANSIT RE: Allyn County Owned/Maintained Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing The Mason County Public Works U&W Management Division will be conducting sanitary sewer smoke testing beginning in early June.Crews will open and enter into the manholes located in streets and public utility easements to pump smoke into the sanitary sewer system to locate breaks,defects and reveal sources of where storm and other surface water enters the system.The information gained from this testing will be used to improve your sewer services and may eventually reduce utility costs to customers. A special non-toxic smoke, manufacture for this purpose,will be used for the testing. The smoke has a distinctive,but not unpleasant,odor.Visibility and odor last only a few minutes,where there is adequate ventilation and doesn't leave residuals, stains or effect plants or animal life. Because the plumbing appliances in your house or building are connected to the sanitary sewer system,some smoke may enter your home or place of business if the: • Vents connected to your building's sewer pipes are inadequate,defective,or improperly installed • Traps under sinks,tubs, basins,showers and other drains are dry,defective, improperly installed, or missing. •Pipes, connections and seals of the wastewater drain system in and under your buildings are damaged, defective, have plugs missing or are improperly installed All residents are advised that if traces of this smoke or its odor enter your home or building, it is an indication that gases and odors from the sewer may also enter.These can be both unpleasant and dangerous,as well as a health risk to the occupants. Should smoke enter your home or building,please notify U&W Management so that crews can investigate; location, identification,and correction of the source of smoke that enters your home or building is urgently advised.Your cooperation during this testing is appreciated. Please call the Public Works U&W Management Division to notify or ask questions about this testing,at 360-427-9670 ext.457. Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Vice Chair Commissioner MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 652 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Security System upgrade— Public Works Facility EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The manufacturer of the current security/access system used at the Public Works facility, GE Alliance, has recently immobilized and discontinued support, production and inventory of replacement parts for our system, making it impossible to purchase access smart cards or repair unforeseeable future software or keypad failures. Public Works is requesting the Board authorize the department to procure and contract with a company/contractor to upgrade the Public Works facility security/access system. BUDGET: Public Works is estimating the project to cost around $20,000-$35,000 (plus tax) and will be funded through the County Road Fund under capital building improvements. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to procure, award and execute a contract to upgrade the Public Works Facility security system and enter into a monitor agreement. MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson Deputy Director DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal i:i Other — please explain ITEM: On-Call Development Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Public Works is requesting to use the County MRSC Consultant Roster to select and enter into an agreement for on-call development review services to participated in County development review meetings as a liaison for the department. This service need comes with the recent resignation of the previous public works engineer that took part in these reviews. Public Works is currently working with HR on recruiting to fill this position, but with new development booming around the County we don't want to fall behind on these reviews; therefore, would like to hire a consultant until we can hire and train a new engineering employee. BUDGET IMPACTS: With the anticipation of this service being required for a few months; we would like the maximum amount for this service not to exceed $20,000. This will be paid out of the County Road fund. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to procure and execute an agreement for On-Call Development Review services. The maximum pay-out not to exceed $20,000. MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal I l Other— please explain ITEM: Sole Source Purchase — Specialized Culvert Structure EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Homer Adams Road, County Road Project 2001, approved by Resolution #17-15, is a culvert replacement project over Decker Creek at milepost 0.10 to milepost 0.20 that involves the replacement of the existing deteriorated culvert with a larger specialized fish passable culvert. The new culvert, a 55-foot long x 30-foot wide bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footings and head and wing walls, is a special design that the county has only been able to find availability from, Contech Engineered Solutions. Public Works has received certification from Contech Engineered Solutions that they are the only manufacturer of deep corrugated structural plate that meet the AASHTO M 167 requirements. (see attached letter). Budget Impacts: The purchase of the culvert is estimated to be $170,000 (plus tax) and will come out of the 2021 Road Fund budget. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to purchase the specialized bottomless aluminum box culvert structure for the Homer Adams culvert replacement project, CRP 2001 at MP 0.10 — MP 0.20, as a sole source purchase in the estimated amount of $170,000 (plus tax) from Contech Engineered Solutions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Sole Source Justification Form 3. Contech Engineered Solutions - Sole Source letter RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SOLE SOURCE PROCURMENT OF SPECIALIZED 55'X 30' BOTTOMLESS ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT WITH CULVERT FOOTINGS AND HEAD AND WING WALLS FROM CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS WHEREAS, the County Public Works Department has a culvert replacement project on Homer Adam Road, County Road Project 2001, approved by the Resolution 17-15, at milepost 0.10 to milepost 0.20; and WHEREAS, this project involves the replacement of the existing 50' long x 8.5'wide deteriorating squashed pipe culvert with a new fish passable 55' long x 30'wide bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footing and head and wing walls; and WHEREAS, the County is preparing to construction the above improvements on Homer Adams Road with county forces the Summer of 2021, it is necessary to purchase the specialized culvert prior to the project starting; and, WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 specifies exemption to competitive bidding requirements for purchases that are clearly and legitimately to a single source of supply. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: 1. Contech Engineered Solutions is the sole manufacturer of deep corrugated structural plates that meet the requirements of AASHTO M 167. 2. That the County is authorized to purchase without proceeding to secure competitive bids, the 55x30' bottomless aluminum box culvert from Contech Engineered Solutions, estimated to cost $170,000 (plus tax). ADOPTED this day of , 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA SON.STATE°� C MASON COUNTY M 0 o N 2 SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM r2 N V Y O 1864 Date: April 26, 2021 Department: Public Works Department Contact: Mike Collins,452 Recommended Vendor: Contech Engineered Solutions Address: 8020 21"Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: 206.784.2746 Cost Estimate: $170,000 (plus tax) Describe the item requested and its function: Specialized 55'x30' bottomless aluminum box culvert with culvert footing and head and wing walls. 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ® Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ® Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title, trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ❑ Used item: 3. Is this product available from other sources? ® Yes ❑ No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? No other company designs this type of specialized culvert that is needed for CRP 2001, Homer Adams Road culvert replacement protect at MP 0.10-MP 0.20. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and a fair value. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other, please explain: Contech Engineered Solution provided the County a sole source certification letter. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities, favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands,types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. ��—A6 Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: Date: ��2/ 120 2/ C%� NTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS April 21, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Deep Corrugated Structural Plate Dear Sir or Madam: Contech Engineered Solutions LLC is currently, as of the date of this letter, the only manufacturer of Deep Corrugated Structural Plate with 15" x 5.5" corrugations that meets the requirements of AASHTO M 167. There is no patent on the product. Our Tradename for the product is BridgeCor@ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Darq Waxes Doug Maxwell Area Engineer- Structures CONTECH Engineered Solutions LLC 360 357-9735 Cell 360 951-1129 dmaxwel I(ab-conteches.com www.ContechES.com MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: April 26, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Replace Resolution No. 2021-009 for the 2021 Hot-Mix-Asphalt (HMA) Overlay Projects (CRP 2029 and 2030) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On February 16, 2021, Mason County Board of County Commissioners approved the 2021 HMA Overlay Projects for Agate Road (CRP 2029) and Old Belfair Highway (CRP 2030). These projects provide improvement to .68 miles of Agate Road and 1 mile of Old Belfair Highway. At this time, Public Works would like to request the Board replace the previously adopt resolution (Resolution No. 2021-009) with the attached revised resolution that updates the Old Belfair Highway cost estimates to match what is currently on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and correct misprinted beginning/ending milepost for the project. The Agate Road (CRP 2029) will remain the same, with no changes. Changes to CRP 2030- Old Belfair Highway are shown below: Previously Approved by Resolution No. 2021-009 (M.P. 0.00 - M.P. 0.2) Estimated expenditures/grant funding $429,000 - Preliminary Cost 371 000 - Transportation Program (STP) Grant Funding $ 58,000 — County Road Fund Revised Resolution Updates (M.P. 0.20 - M.P. 1.20) Estimated expenditures/grant funding $404,000 - Preliminary Cost 350 000 - Transportation Program (STP) Grant Funding $ 54,000 — County Road Fund RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board rescend Resolution Number 2021-0009 and execute the revised resolution for CRP 2029, Agate Road and CRP 2030, Old Belfair Highway HMA overlay projects. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2021-0009 2. Revised Resolution 3. Vicinity maps RESOLUTION NO: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON, In the matter of initiating countyrRoad projects and assigning CRP numbers. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36.80.030,36.80.070 and/or WAC 136-18-030). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineers estimates are hereby made in the amount and for the purposes shown: Cost Estimate(Thousand ) Ann ual nst Road Log M.P. 1 Type of County Project CRP No. Prog.Item No. Road Name to = Work Local Grant Engr R/W Contract Forces Total Section,Township,Range No. M.P. 1(See Code) 2029 I 23910 Agate Rd 3.10-3.78 , D 62 394 30 0 426 0 456 S13,14,T20N,R3W 2030 2 98250 Old Belfair Highway 0.0-0.2 D 58 371 30 0 399 0 429 S20,29,T23N,Rl W 120 765 60 0 825 1 0 885 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (6) TYPE OF WORK CODE A.Grading&Draining F.Sidewalks K.Environmental Mitigation (9) The construction is to be accomplished by contract B. Base&Top Course G.Traffic Facilities L.Fish Passage in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et seq. C. B.S.T./Seals H.Paths,Trails,Bikeways (10) The construction is to be accomplished by county D. HMA Overlay I. Bridges forces in accordance with RCW 36.77,065 and WAC 136.18 E. Curbs and Gutters J. Ferry Facilities ADOPTED this—U" day of 2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON OUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: CKQ�(tlVI1Q �- Rapdy Neat li it McKenzie SmkV,Clerk the Board APPROV TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vi e Chair s Tim itehead, Deputy Pro uting Attorney Sharon Trask,C mmissioner cc: Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ. it: 2/25/21(Bill Rd Dept.) Printed from Mason County CAM Printed from Mason County DMS BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. In the matter of initiating countyrRoad projects and assigning CRP numbers. RESOLUTION NO. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 2021-0009 These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36.80.030,36.80.070 and/or WAC 136-18-030). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineers estimates are hereby made in the amount and for the purposes shown: Cost Estimate(Thousand ) Annual i Const. Road Log M.P. 1 Type of County Project CRP No. Proe. Item No. Road Name to Work Local Grant Engr R/W Contract Forces Total Section,Township,Range M.P. (See Code) 2029 1 23910 Agate Rd 3.10-3.78 D 62 394 30 0 426 0 456 513,14,T20N,R3W 2030 2 98250 Old Belfair Highway 0.20-1.20 D 55 349 20 0 384 0 404 S20,29,T23N,Rl W 117 743 50 0 810 1 0 860 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (6) TYPE OF WORK CODE A.Grading&Draining F.Sidewalks K.Environmental Mitigation (9) The construction is to be accomplished by contract B. Base&Top Course G.Traffic Facilities L.Fish Passage in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et.seq. C. B.S.T./Seals H.Paths,Trails,Bikeways (10) The construction is to be accomplished by county D. HMA Overlay I. Bridges forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136.18 E. Curbs and Gutters J. Ferry Facilities ADOPTED this day of .2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board APPROVE AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask,Commissioner cc: Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ. It: 5/20/21(Bill Rd Dept.) CRP 2029 Agate Road MP 3.10 3.10 3.20 E GARRETT CT i 3.30 ce o E LONESOME CREEK RD w a C7 —� w f".60 3.50 1 _ I _ 3.70 MP 3.78 CR sheiton Q E CRESTVIEW DR ai r - Z W WA .J N W N , a 0 170 340 680 1,020 Feet us,m w ,;- - C OpenStreetMap(and) w contributors,CC-BY-SA CRP 2030 Old Belfair Highway NE MAKELA V0 YO MP 1.20 ui > W W z NE NEWKIRK RD 1.00 = NE TEHILLAH WAY U. 0.91w m 0 J 0 W z 0.80 0.70 PIE TIMBERLINE DR 0.60. NE MCKNIGHT RD 0.50 o 0.40_ . m . . LL z i j o 0.30__ i W z Z I 7 / 1 � f N 0.20 i 0 225 450 900 1,350 Feet MP 0.20 ©OpenStreetMap(and) contributors, CCIBY-SA