HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashington State Administrative Office of the CourtsSUBAWARD AGREEMENT -GRT21689 BETWEEN ffit Ci)'\\ '(i}C,-\-II '11 -D'?>\ WASHINGTON STATE ADMINISTRA TIVE OFFICE OF TH E COURTS AND MASON COUNTY Sl,JPERIOR COURT TH IS SUBAWARO AGREEMENT (Agreement) Is made by and between, Washington State Admi nistrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and Mason County Superior Court, (Subawardoo), (collectivel y a s the Parties and individually each as a Party). The Parties hereby enter i nto this Agreemenl whereby Subawardee will perform certai n sen,ices for, and provide product delive ries to, AOC as specified here i n, In suppo rt of the Office of Justice Programs, Departme nt of Justice Cooperative Agreement - Award Number: 2020-AR -BX-K001, Statewid e Support for Effective Fam i ly T reatment Courts and Sen,ices, dated October 1, 2020, CFOA Number 16.383 (attach ed and in corporated herein as Attachment A) The Subawardee is subject to th e term s and conditions specif ied in Attachment A and agrees to the fo llow i n g terms and cond itions. 1. SCOPE OF WORK Pursuant to the terms and conditions of t his Ag reement, Subawardee ag rees to p rovide all necessary faci lit ies, person nel, equipm~nt and ma te ri al s to accomplish this Statement of Woll< (SOW). As p art of this con tra ct, Subawardee will; a, Hire a second case manager pos ition for the term of the contract: b. Work cl osely w ith the AOC court research associate to collect data and eva l uate the effectiveness of the Mason County model; c . Colla borate w i th the AOC training court analyst to devel op materi als and train i ngs to facilija te replication of th e Mason County FRC model i n other rural courts; d. Work with and support integration of the Fa m ily Con n ections program. including collecti ng data on referra ls; e. Purchase tech nolog y for an educati on an d employment computer bank to support participan ts in j ob searches, res ume writ i ng, e tc.; f . Purch ase and install a storage shed to contain donated furn iture and household item s fo r Fam i l y T realmen t Court families movi ng i nto stable housing; g. Provid e vocation al tra ining scholarsh ips to enable paren ts to pursue job training an d certifications : h. Contract tor in structors lo provide l ife skills class i nstructio n to incl u de family plann ing and in fant CPR. 2. TERM AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE This Agreement sha ll commence on u pon sign ature of both parties. and will continue GR T21689 Page 1 of6 through September 30, 2023, u n l ess otherwi se terminated (Te1m). T he actua l period of perfo1man ce for this Agreement w i ll be dete1m i ned by the SOW. Notwithstanding th e foregoing, th i s Agreement and all Its te1ms and condttio ns shall rema i n i n full force and e ffect unti l all deliverables a re compl eted or otherwise te rm i nated, and thi s Agreement i s terminated and/or compl eted. T he subawardee shall provide a final p rogrammatic n arrative report detail ing th e activ iti es and outcomes of the projects funded by the award on the Award E n d Da te, Such repo rt shall descri be subawardee's progre ss in achieving the purposes of the grant and a detail ed financi al accounti n g of all grant funds . 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CO NTROL Subaward ee is responsible fo r compl ian ce with the AOC Sub-Recipients Monitoring Policy (Attachment CJ. Subawardee will: (a) Carry out progra m activit ies as stipulated in th is Agreemen t; (b) Have adequate i nternal control s to protect federal fun ds: (c) Claim re imbursement only fo r costs th at are allowable, reasonable, allocable, and necessary u nder program guidel ines: (d ) Identify any conflicts of Interest th at ex ist: and (e) Mai ntai n re q u ired supporting documentation/records. Subawardee also agrees to fully cooperate w ith all monitoring and review activities requ ired under t he Sub-Reci pients Monitoring Policy, and any reasonabl e request for i nfo1ma tion or documentati on from AOC's prog ra m m anager. 4 . COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT The subawa rd amount is $243,084. AOC will distri bute fu nds per Attac hment B • M aso n FTC Budget (attached and Incorpo rated herein as Attachment B) for the perfo1ma n ce of work as set forth above. This amount i ncludes expenses necessary or i nciden tal to performing th e items under th e Statement of Wort<, i ncluding, b ut not limi ted to, travel, lodging and per diem re lated expenses. Contracto r will submit an invo ice afte r the completion and acceptance of each delivera ble noted above. BI L LING PROCEDURES Contractor will submit properly p repared item ized invoices v i a email to AOC F inancial Servi ces at MSOFi nancia lServi ces@courts.wa.gov. Invoices shall be subm itted no more frequently than once a mont h. Incorrect or incomplete invo ices shall be returned by AOC to Cont racto r for co rrection and reis su ance . T he invoi ces shall describe and document to AOC's reasonable sati sfaction a description of the work performed the progress of the project, and fees . A ll Invoices s hall provide and item ize, at a minimum, the following: A. C ontra ct Nu m ber GRT21689; B. Contractor name, address, pho ne number: C. Contractor Federa l tax Identificatio n Number; Paga 2 of6 D. Description of Servi ces provided: E. Date(s) Services were provided: F. Total Invoice Price. Payment will be considered timel y if made by the AOC w ithin thirty (30) calenda r days of rece ipt of a properl y prepared Invoi ce. No invoice shall be subm itted unti l after a deliverable has been accepted by the AOC Project Manage r. Payment shall b e sent lo the address designated by the Conlractor. The AOC may, In its sole discretion, terminate the con tract or withhold payments cla imed by the Contractor for services rendered if the Contractor fails to sa tisfactorily comply with any term o r condition of this con tract. No payments in advance or i n anticipation of serv ices or s upplies to be provid ed under this contract shall be made by th e AOC. 5. SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION The use or disclosu re by the Contractor of a ny Info rmation obtai ned as a resu lt of performa n ce u nder thi s contract concern ing the AOC or the Court for any purpose not directly connected wijh the administration of the AOC's, the Cou rt's or the Contra ctor's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this contract i s p rohibited except by written consent of the AOC or the Court .. 6. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Subawardee warran ts th at at the date of execution of this Agreement, no o rganiza tional confl ict of interest exists or is l ikely to arise i n the performance of its obliga tions under the Subcontract. Subawardee warrants that i t shall advi se AOC immediately if a conflict of i nterest ari ses in the future. 7. PROJECT M ANAGEMENT The Project Manager for each of the parties sha ll be the con tact person fo r all commu nications regard ing the performance of this Contract. AOC Project Manager Contractor Project Manager C indy Bricker Renee Cullop PO Box 41 170 419 N 4th Olympia, WA 98504-1 170 Shelton, WA 98584 cindy.bricker@co urts.wa.gov ReneeC@co.mason.wa.u s (360) 705-5306 (360) 427-9670 8. ASS IGNMENT. Subawardee agrees that none of the delive rab les to be furnished under this Ag reement shall be assigned or subcontracted (i nclud ing to i ndependent consu l ta nts) without the prior written permi ssio n of AOC. GRT21669 ?ag•3of6 9. TERMINATION A. Termination for Default The AOC may, by w ritten noti ce , termi nate this contract , i n whole o r i n part , for fa i lure of the Contra cto r lo p erform a ny of tile obl igations or provisi ons required by th e contra ct. In the even t o f default , the Contractor shall b e l i able for damages as authorized by law, i ncluding b ut not l im i ted lo, any cost diffe rence between the orig in a l contract and th e rep lacem ent o r oover contract and all adminis trative oosls directly related lo th e replace men t contract, e .g ., cost of the competitive bidding , mail i ng, a d vertising and staff ti me; Provided, th at if (i) tt is determin ed for any reason the Con tractor was not i n default, o r (ii) the Contracto r's failure to perform is without Cont ractor's and/or Subcontractor's control, fault, o r negligence, the termination sha ll be deemed to be a Terminatio n for Convenience . B. Term ination for Convenience Except as otherwise provided in this con tract, the AOC may termi na te this contract by providi ng w ritten notice of su ch termi nation to the Contractor. specifyi n g the effect ive date the reof, at least five (5) calenda r days prior to such d ate. If this contract is so termi nated, the AOC shall be l ia ble only for p ayment for services rendered p rior lo the effec ti ve dale of termi na tion . 10. DISPUTES. The Parties agree to a tte m pt to re solve any dispute arising under this Agreement f irst by eleva tin g the matter to appropria te levels of management withi n each organization. Subawardee ag rees th at pending any decis ion , appeal or Ju dgment on the settl em ent of any d isp ute a risi ng und er th is Agreement, Subaward ee sha ll p roceed d ilig ently w i th the performance of th i s Ag reement. 11. INDEMN IFICAT ION The C ontractor shall defend , p rotect, and hold ha rm less th e state of Washin gton, the AOC, or any employees th e reof , from and against all cla ims, suits o r actions ari si ng from the Contractor's a ct s which a re l ibel o us or slan derou s, w h ich resu lt i n i njury to persons or property, which v i olate a right of co nfidenti al i ty, o r whic h constitute an infrin gement of any cop yright, patent. tra demark or trade name thro ugh use or rep ro duction of materia l of a ny kind. 12 . FORCE MAJEURE Neither Contractor nor AOC shall be liable or respons ib le for dela ys or fai l ures i n performance resu lti ng fro m events beyond the reaso nable co ntrol of such party a nd w i thout fault or negligence of such p arty. Such events sh all i nclude but not be l i mited to strikes , lockouts, riots. acts of war, epidemics, pandemi cs , acts of govern ment, fire . power failures , nuctear acciden ts , earthquakes , unusually severe weather, acts o f terrorism, o r othe r disasters, whether o r not similar to the fo regoi ng . and acts o r omissio ns or failure lo cooperate of the other p arty or third parties (exce pt Sub contractors). GRT21689 13. REPRESENTATION ANO CERTIFICATIONS. Subawardee shall compl ete all requi red Rep re sentations and Certifications as th ey appl y to this Ag reement, if any. Subawardee further agrees tha t it will prov ide additiona l or annual Representations and Certifica tio ns as may be requested by AOC In connection with this Agreement, and a l so agrees to promptly notify AOC of any changes wh ich modify the in formation conta i ned in any such Representations and Certifications. 14. COMPLIANCE W ITH LAWS. Subawardee shall comply with all applicab le Fe dera l. State, and focal l aws, execu tive ordera, ro l es and regulations applicable to its performance u nder this Agreement. 15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. Subawardee is an i n depen dent contractor In relation to AOC w i th respect to all matters aris ing under th is Agreement. Nothi ng h e rein shall be constroed to establ is h a partn erahip , joint venture, association or employment re lationsh i p between the parties. Neither Party shall be deemed to be an agent of the othe r o r to have any a uthority to b ind o r crea te any obliga ti on , express or implied, on behaW of the other. 16. WHOLE AGREEMENT. Th i s Agreement and th e SOW attached hereto contain and embody the enti re agreement o f the Parties hereto and supersede all prio r agreements, negotiat ions and discussions between the Parties h ereto. Any re p resentatio n . induoement or agreement tha t is not contained i n this Agreement shall not be of any force or effe ct. Except as otherwise express ly provided in \~ii. A greeme nt, this Agreement may not be modified or changed In whole or in part In any manner other than by an i nstroment in writi n g duly signed by both Parties hereto. 17. NO PUBLICITY. No news releases . p ublic announcement, Customer(s) names, denial or confirmati on of any p art of t he subject matter of t h is Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made witho ut the prior written consent of AOC. The restrictions of this section shall conti n ue In effect upon complet ion or term ination of this Agreemen t for such period of lime as m a y be mutually agreed upon i n writi ng by the Parties. I n the absenoe of a written established period, no d i scl osu re is auth orized. 18. GOVERNING LAWNENUE. This Agreement will be governed by and construed and enforced i n accordance w i th the l aws of Washington without giving effect to the pri nci pl es of conflict of l aws thereunder. 19. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and each coun terpart s hall constaute one and the same Agreemen t. 20. WAIVER. No Party shall be deemed to have waived any right h ere un d er unless such waiver is i n writing, and the waiver o r failure of ei th er Party to exercise i n any respect any right p rovided for herei n shall not be a waiver of any further right hereunde r. 21. SEVERABILITY. If any porti on of this Agreement is hel d or determined to be i nva lid GRT21669 Page 5 of 6 • Ms Candy Brid :cr W~hinp11 Admi ni$1ra;h'¢ O ff'"' of the Coune P.O.13u., 411 n Olympill, WA 9$$1)H 172 Ol:111 Mil Orick«. Oq,nuwu~ .. , ~r J'l!tkc (00,1 > O 0 keofJ uSti0¢ l"n\gnuns Attachment A -GRT21 689 On Mu.If of A1tomcy Ocnm l William I'. 13:trr, it i11111)' pka~to in form )'\lu ibM lfi!Qfli,::,.-of J u$11Ce f'Wg t 11111$ (OJP), U,S, Ot pllr!mcnt of Jt&SI~ (001). hiu 11pp1ov;:I,\ t he upplic111ion b)• WMlutlgt.tn Admini~dve Offic e o! d11: Couns f-01 an 11w11rd un&t-th¢ OJP fu nding opp.)fl1111Jly .:nti tlod ''Cll!CJ(lry J S11h: and Coun1y F'11!l)1ly Oiu1; Couru Elql1111»u11." Tb: gpflta11ct,1 .,...udll!mo111:1 i11$1,7SO,OOO. These fuOO;S i11 e rur lbe pmjcc1 cr~iOod Sl~Wwidc-Suppon f.:.' ~n'o:t l.i11c f.1mily'rre'l1t 11(:nl C1X11ts -'Sero~it T iu~ 1111.•Wdocumm1, :.ncluding 1w.vd«111di1.Cmi. iiflXik.1£ed l'he t nti1~ducm1"1M! t8 to be rev,cffl cnr~l\all)· btf<11t iUIY doeulon to :m :q,1 the ,iwa,d, Ab(), the 'A-Cbp,ae <:tlU!k d "Lcgnl No1i;cs; S9ta&I dn:un:~sinnccs ai 10 puticul.u nwnrd conditio111r (Of:p,glJ'\•fft1r...iin~IOWLtj;alNo!icc,.A_tJJ'l.«i11<.hlnl) i$ 1obeCOl'ls..JceJ pnor to a1111«..,~ Th;oush th.11 ~Ltl!)II Noiice:s" '-'<:bpllge, OJ P 1etso111 -by fund in, uppc,nut'lll)' -«1ll'lin ,p,:ti11I crn!\.l'll5""10t!< lbu nuyor wttl aff'tt1 Ille lll)Jllleability -0( one Of m0tt 11w111d ~quiremcnl:9, Any !1-.ITTI lepl nQrioe pmainitl.8 to av.·W ~itt ~m, t h111 U pos1c4 lh1uugll th111 ,.~ ii im:orporccd b)' f'l!-ftrt·noo imo lhe11\1t,'#d, Pleiut 11oc-t h111 11w11rd rcq1mfflltnl8 1nc.lud,: no1 only .a-...·#d roudi tion,, bl/1 111,;o C<»npl4P..~ 11,ilh IIUla'l'll'ICCf. und omific11oon, lbM re-b~c 10 co«111c1 during the perind of j')trfomm~,: for the a\lt,'lfd.. 8".uw IM:'IC rcquircmcnu c-110:urn p;,~ final!C»I, lldinini$111'1n'<', llnd prug,nmm11ti¢ ll'lltkn. ai welt.-oitlet 1111portll11l mutkft (c,J,, '9CQfic n:~rkliomi-0,t~t o/fU.001), ii l.$ vml lhu~! kcy$1i,ffl/no-...· 1Ma,.·.ud rcq11in:11kf1l11. and R«M d1e., 11,,.,11,d tvndi001u1uld lb: a35unun;1:.S u11dccnific1monh 11:, well =a$ the •ppij(a1ioo M IIJIPN\'«I by OJP. (lnJormmion on •ll pmiw:u: lWW rcqulft ruo:lru lilllO muu be prl)'\•ido:d loony 1obn:tipien! oftbc a-v.·ud.) Should Wnl!il\floit /l.d1n i11U1rn1ivc Offlct ofth,: Coum ao:cpt die :awit1d 11nd then f11il 10.:QC'.llply w.ih on .,.,.,w ~1lrc1ni:nt, OOJ will pur.11u: approprl11e 1em,:WC':$ for non-oomplaoN, ,..hich rn11y it>c111d\! tfflltir,:11ion. a f tile ll'N\ltll llttd/o, u miuircrntm 10 ri'pliy ll'WMd l\inds. PlcMc 11Wc1 quf'lllions tt!!,lrdint 1ha 11w11rd as ro!low,: • Fur prugnun q11iC611om, o:o.:in111c1 Kathryn 8 it1ry, l'1ug1111n M11na11,cr .i (102) Sl-1•60 19'; and • Pot fi nonelal ()ut.ti!Jl'.lll, coa1i,e1 th: QistOrncr S1.<rvk e Cc-n~craf OJP'S Omee,vflbe ChicfFin1111Cl11! Ol'l~r 111 (800) ·rnl ·0786. or M ~k,,0<:t.>~ulidcij .gvv. We loot rorww 10 .. ,0,kins wuh )'Ou. Sin~-ertly, l{J"fVV'----, K11~ T . s,,mvim Principal Dcpmy A.uUllU'f Art0t1tcyOtnim.l End. • Mi.. Cind)' a,~ Wfl"Ufl#h,n. Admini~ra(1v(< Otlkc olit.c C11ur1¥ l'.0 . Box 41112. Olyml)U. WA 93SO,l .l l12 Otp-a r tmtnt of Juftict (OOJ) Offi<:e of J us.tice Programs Off1tt o/CMJ Night1 Co.V1.J:r.,l\ll,ti1.111JOl'I your r«co111wW. Th¢ Ollki: "'' (n,jt Rip;$ (OC'Rt OITKl' 11( JuUi0¢" r,n,wnJ (OJ P). 0 S l),:pQM!U-:111 (If JU6lioe-(OOJ) ht$ t,o;..., dirtkSJ!l«I d:.e rcs1i«s,ibility for Cili$11fbtj; dPt n:tipkn~ (I( rbl,;raJ llns,ei,J 1$SiKMli(O rrom the OJP, die Offkt o(COfflmulli(y Orimltd fl"QJlelltt S"'·ic,c,,(COPS), &nd d!OOfficcon Vlot.11 A;ainK Women (OVW) 11re c.ot et!!IJltd in <liicr!m•nation FfOhibi100 by i;i.w, Sever~! l'cdc,al civil "5hb1 In~, .111eb a, TI tic VI of the CMI R~hb Ace <1f I ?64 11114 Tille IX of Che: f.doea tic,n Allit111.!n~n~ o( 1912. fi:QUJn: n't4picni:soffcJtui finAnei,,J-i6(1n,;,; 10 j;i\~ ~$$Ur~nce,a; 11!r.1.t 1hcy win Mmpfy wllJI lhosc !nwa, l n.dclil»n IOCho-sC cMI rii;hts !11w.s, m,.y i;.-.t Jll 0£™11 $UD,JIC$ OOflllin IUXIC!imimil'IM:i(ln p!"O\'i,ioM INI 1'¢Qui~- COl~lii111c-t rib 1hc1n % ii oondition of rcoefvlug l'i:d11rd fina ncial mlSQttl.'. fOI' 11 l.'(lt11pl(:$c f(!~i,;w 1M lbc~ ci\-;I t illhb ll1w, nnol ~in:riniuw:km I\IQ\lir«nmrs, in OOflnootii>n •ith OJft and Othtr OOJ aW11t ch, 5CC bt!pd/O)J'l4<JY/fu11di.fl&'Explol'Ul.4pl(h'ffVie-i,)'(;Ml}ljj;lt«RcQ!lircmenu.b1m Unok, the del~don uh uthoricy, 111¢ OCR inYo:slig~ a!!cettdoi.<1( di"·rimin•illn 11anlnA rrtipicet, from tndh1d11ab. cntitic~or gn,11i--I• 11ddl iou. dlC' OCR COtldllClf limi1od oompll11ooc, ,c.,i<lwi and audiu b~ -Ofl tf'i\lh1tory ctrn.:r_., Tbl'ff N \-kw~ 1111d .iildU• pcM1;1 t ho OCR '° t\'.lkiMc •b:lher roci9li!l~ <irnn~id wi&Wt., Crom l:.t Otplllt!llcnl nrc IX'O'iding nrri:~ in 1 no,,. dikritt1in111ary MllflllC, tO lh,:ir M-rvice P(lp,11Mil1Q. or h,.\~ cmplnyi~ P"'-1:b,,'.c, INt mccc. ~opportu11l<y Jtilndiula. ll')W$IUa n<tipient nl W'ltll 11,..•,n.linandcr the Om.1U,v,('rimt, C't1nlNI Md $1,f'cStrv«:S An or th" Ju\\!ouk Jultiol:-11111! fM lnquc1u,1· l'n;•'ffltion :\cl nfld )'OUr'ilS:Mt)' ;, l)"tl of11 crintotlll jlltlti1:t $)'JlC11'1, th1:rc lHC IWO 1Kk!itio111d llhlia.tlonB Iha! tlll)' t.pp!)' in Q)(ln«tiu11 ... i th ltlC'11wlflii.: (l)C~l)'irlg wilh the ICf:ulfllion rebtiniw ~1111111 Emph.l)TII-OppOl'IWl!I)' P,o,,ffll, ((£Oh): NIii (2) s uhminln, fmdinpof dimlmmui0t1 to OCR. For nddl1iom,1 mronn111icmttsardin1: 1bt EEOP rC4Uif'Cmeftl, fl::t 28 CFR Pffl 4 2, ,,,ibp"'f E, -.cl f« llddldoo~I M11QJJll.w1ioo rqvirdlna lllQ\li~~ whtn m.:re is 1111 IKI..._ findine, f.tt lll Cf .R. H 4;?,204(c), 20S(t){S). Pke,'IC $Ub!'lltl intOOUiltiun llhour NIY lldv~ fmdina to Ilse OCR 111 Ilic, 11b-Mldr~. Wt ll the OC:Rllluvail&bSe '{I hcl p)'OU 11nd yo:.t O,V!lfviili011 IIU:tl Ifie d\·il riaJiu ~Uilffl'.lffl(.1 IMI 11rc~i1111:d wilhOJPtM oeltff DOJ gnmt fundll!C , lfyw wnuld lib tile OCR 11~11JJ;~t )W In Mfi.llitlg )'OUI ott:lllituion'$ eM I fis h!:$ or nc,ndi9cnrnir.:atiou mc;,onslbilhie, d a ~ic:m o f («lc#JI rlN1rial .eAAiw«c, 111,:.,f.<do noc besi1n1e II) k,c ui k1XR>·. S.-:rdy, Midw:I L. Atst11u D~r ct : Gmu ~g,;, f'in.mciiil Analys1 • Ocp11nn~1 ofl\Jiti(le (DOJ) Oilk>t<of J1J$1icc PtO\;tllttU Office of Juw.11lle Justice and Ol'Unquert C)' PrC\'Ution I. ll.OCl,tf,f."f NAME A.'.:t> A0Dltffl$ (111,:11,lh,, Zip c..i.1 11.·~11,l!lu.u,, Alb,;,.,.,.,!,iomu 11t1hc Cw11, f'Afl.;,•IP'? Ol)~N. '4'A {4s$04-!11? COOJ)era Ovc Agreement PAGf. I Of 11 S. PltOJl:CT fDIOO, fa(»4 auoor:.r N!kJOD 111WM t nl.rlll)II 'l(l O!'A'Jl\'m) IOfflllWlll TO w.'JO.'l'Oll ._AWAIU>DATE , AtllON r;,.~ .... ;;;-~.,:,s,01.,c,a_.c,.aPO'°"•""":;;;--------------j';1c,,..;;;;;,c.,o,"':;;"':r~••u•,c,11£:::::,:------, t !601l•l t 00 ::,.., OlA~Tllli llt,t,,'$ ~ 6111.\WiJ ) f'lt()JIJ(.'Tml.E 51,ic•ik S..w,n (~ tfl't1:1l•'t N1tUy rn..:.,,.,. C<ltnr. •r,Js«•lcu 12. Sf'f.ctA.l. OOMll'TIOl<S U . TOTAI.AW,\lt() ll!£ ,\11()\'eQft.mrrROlliCT 1.1 1\1'1'0\'fD SUl!Jf.CT TO sYCH eo,-...omor.s Ol lJ~IJTA l k)~ ASA.le l>l:T IURTII ON TIUlA l'TACKl!Of,\(;lli,:I). ll, !llA'TVJ'()ftV A\.THOltlN FOlt<lllA~f ,. S 1.710.000 n;. t'"'Jl'I' Is U/'9MN .. ,.,,., f'Y~)(011or • ,,irM)' v ... , C.,.,,. rn,pii •~•rd CC'<JU)' ~,,;i(tl) )4 l)S'-,; ll)f,1 1, ~m4: ""h I,. No II i,,,.\. llJ k:311,~ I~ .CATA!.000, l'IOMESTic-l'EOEkAI.A$$1$fANCl$(Cf1M Hou b<r) 11\.iu1 • o..,..,.., .. ,,. o,iw.1 Ab .... S&c-a .. ,.i 1>~ l ~,fffll~OF ,AYMllHt <iPII.$ i,:,1tw., f. $.th,-.11 l',i""f'"! 0•1'1'11 Affl....-11 Allffil<y 0,,....,.1 l'\WTfili ACCf.l'T AJ.1CE 18. TYPm NA!.11! 11.\l)fflLli OT AUTHOk.tl.llO (}IIAN rv; OFFICI AL ('inly~(f C""'fl hti"'""'••to l'~rsm Ollf<I~ 19. SICi!ol,\Tl'lll:01' Al!Til(lfU?H> IIJX'IPU:.,\'TOfl'ICIAL 1t A 1v.n AQllNCYIJ$6~Y !I. VAII.TOTO'J:25 FISCA~ t\/Nll SllU. OfV. YE,U CODI! ACT OfC kOO. SI.th. r(IMll AMOlll<r X ' ,. 01 .. • ()q,\l:rtml:nt of l \micc (DOJ) omcc or Justi.:11 Pto!fllltl$ Offlct I)( Junnlle Ju.tlkt' and Otlinquent)' Pnwco tion A WARD CON1'1NlJATION SH EET S!•£Cf,fl OOVDmON$ I Rerq11itt~of1l11: llwunl~ rcrncdi,cs fo r norioeompliMce OJ fur nmeriall)' f'Mse .st:Utmcn t.s Th(-condilKIIIII of lhiu•wd '41:, m111crinl rc~iltr11c1Ull uf t he aw~. Co1nplian,:c with any tl!llW'l!ni:,:, o r ctt1ificaslont Mtbmit1Ci,I by o, on ~hlll f af Che n:clpi\>nl 1h111 ttb~ to conclue1 during the period of P'ri'o~ abo d II ma1crinl r((J11in,mer.1. of !his ••-.ird. limited £,u,leJ)liOfl $. In cfflainipeclal rntum~anoe,s, •~ U.S. Department of J\inlce("DOr) 1iu~•~l1;11;1nlin1: th.t 1t will not cnron:c, or enforce ooly in put, Ot'I¢ or 1nore n:quircmcnts 0Ult.f'o1-•ist allf)lioblc io 1he aw'ffll.. Any ,uch cxccfl(i01!$ rtga1duq; cn fnrceme111, ineludi11g any wc,b CXQCf!ll<mi mllde during lb¢ perl/Jd of performance, a,e (01 will ~ d urin, the pcriodof pcrfomiancc) $ll:l ~ lbt'ough the Office of.h1S1.t0e ~ms ("OJf") we~ m!hh:d "l.Ct:111 ?1-'Cl~,: Speci ~I cin:umsunces a, w pul'IK'lllnt 1w11r<1 ooudilwnJ'' (ojp,g,Y\•/fundinj;/Eltpkit tltcg11l).'01~!<-A .. 'ltdRrqu.hnn}. a"" i noofJ'l()t'Jlh;d b)' t rf.:tC'nce il\l(> d u; iw11rd. By Atntt1i;: um.i ai:crpling thif 1w11trd oJQ bclutlf or 1hc roel j,ia'J1, I.ho aU1horitJed tcelpi¢nt olf"wi11I acotpl$ all iru,11;ri11I J'Cllllu:i:lt'lm!J or1hc 11w1ud. aod ,pedf-.lly ~pc$. &J ,fpcrwll.'IU)' eltCCIIICd \fy lhf: wthormcd r«.'llent ()ffid:il •II anul'llncc, or ~llfw.alions i ubmiacd by IX' 0111 bchiilf of1he r«:ipi11nt lliat rduc 1ocornlucl<l11ring ~ prrlodt,f 1icrform&ncr. Failun 10 cotllply .,.,;,none er rn~ awaul ttquircmcnt$ •· wtie1btr a l'Und iliou lid ouc l1t iidl below, • condition lllo.'.oJJJ)Onll.l:d byn:fo~ bduw. or .n 11u,11t»'IC¢ o, C\.11.ifie.tliQfl ~k(! 1(1 conduct duri:ng lhc twAl'd pi;ciuJ -m:iy ~h in OJP lllkll\!l :ipproprinic ac1.011 "'ilh f\.~ffl !O 1h¢ re<:ip..>n1 flml t he award, Among-Olb.T t hinss,. t he 01P tnay wilbbuld •wud l\,11ds . ~11l low c11111s;, or $W:flc;lld or !lmni n11tc lhe nwnrd, DOJ, including •JP, 11190 nuy 111kc othcr ltiµil Al:1)011 &~u~ptini.,:, A:,,y t~ly l'lik1¢, nc1i1i<11111.or frwdubl wuc111,1:nt w the-fcd .:r11l !O\'el'ta'l1l:ut ~»trd io this A',1,l'ltd (IX' t0111n:11!:mc111 o, Oill'8hOD ,.,ro m.icri11I flic1}m&y 1.-<.th.: dljrct 9fcnrntl'la,I ~utim (includill& 111\dtt 18 U.S.C. 100111,)dro, 1621 . ;imJ.'-or )4 u.s..c. ltll71-10l7)), llnd l lf.O !!Ill)' lead b) i1np0trilion or (l \'il ren111'1c:, I nd a&nini .r.r•th~ tt1nc'<lio:f lbr ralllt' cl:iims or Q1h¢1'Wl9C (includiflg under ; I U.S.C. 3129,J 730 and 33(11. )lj 12). Shook! My prOvl8iQO ur II ""'!u.itffll(;ll~ or lhit IIW.lft! be held l(l be ll'l\'lthd Uf UMnfoo:o:11blc by Its k'm!J.. 1h111 (IICIVl$iO(I sball fir:it be 11ppliod .,.,i 1ha llnll~ co°'1n1~1)1)n &Oas~ g.ive il tltl.l ,n .. ~iinm!" ¢(foci p:nnim'<I by lnw, Should it bt: held. ln1>1~.1mt 1be p rov1:don 1$ ,merly involid ot•Ul'ICflt'or«:abk,, $ud1 pro~i ~ic.>nth11U b¢ dt¢"1ucd :tcvet11ble f rom cllb 1 1,1•,a:d.. OJf' FOIIM 4(1ro'? (kl:."\', 4.fi3) • 0 1:)lllthnm! or J11$lkc (DOJ) O!'ticc ot J i.ubee l'togr~m" Orflce o t' Juw:nlJ e .Justice a nd Odinqurncy Pl'eVt111ion A WARD CONTINUATION SH£tT CooperatJ ve Agrcemeul A11.'AIID DA'Tll SP£CUL CONDITIONS 2. ,\pp!kabili1yMP.t11 200 Unifonn l\.c~htmlCnt, The tJAiro,m Admini:11m1iYc R«p,h•~•bffl~ Cost Prin.."l plq;, ..'Id Audit R<:qu imncntS ift Z C.f.R. h.-t 2-00, as 111.lopled and ~pk mentcd by 001 in 2 C.F.R. Pm 2300 (c,;,,~fu:r, !he •Put 'lOO Uflif~ R eq11itt1ncn1t") #(lpfy to lhi, FY 2020 ,'lli·atd frum OJP. The Put 2-00 Onifoml Re,quin:1ncn1$ wet¢ firslildopt,:d by DOJ Oil D,:cen\bn 26. 20 14. l fthlJ f'Y 20.'-0 :,w;,nl $t1pplemcnu funi:h previously a""~ri!l:d by OJP mtder the same 8w111d num ber (e.g., l\uldi awudocl durir\e « be~ l)cccmbct 2014). the Pan 2.00 Unlfo1 fl:I Ri:qui~mi:n.ts npply •i1h mpttt 10 all fu nd:$ under th:'11 a•'Ud nuinbcr (n:fJ!rdlc~ oflhc$"AW d •tc, 1md ~cnoi' w1t11!hl:r dcri-.'td from 1hc lrti!Jll aw.m:I or 11 ,uppkme-nuil ~'W) th111 afC obUi;atcJ o n or 11!1.:t d11; 1JCC\~d 111c ufthi,; F'\' Z020 t\l·W. fur more in fQfU'!Aii\ll'l f111,S l\'il.l11n::.1 oa 1l1t Pnn 200 Untltlnn Rt quiremenis 13 the)· iw.v 10 0JP award! !11\IJ,utaru'UW ("$\lbt,'linlS'}. ~ t he OJ P '11.'ct,si:c -1 h¢1pi:Huit,SO\'fi11ndinjll),ua(IOCnif11rmRcquircmtniA ,htf11. Re.:on! tt~loo lf!ld 11e 0l'~Jo: Re,,.-Ot'rll p,:rtuu:nl 1ulh11 award 1b.lt the rccJ1"rnc (-,d any .,ubtl:ciplem ("$Ubiµ1mtt t ") lll any d or)tnwn 11.1klin -typi~lly l-01 1 ptriud 11( 3 )'ti'.llli r~ thcdr.c Of subnffl.W 11 o f the fbuil o.11r,.;nditt1te i,:pon (SF' 42.S). unk11:s 11diffC-rCl'lt 11:t,ation llfflqd lllll)lio -fmd h)11,ilk h the r«ip icnl (tnd any llllbrocipi«.1 (~311~nlot·) II! any ri\<l')rnU$1 provilk: tOOtat. intludc pct fQmiao,;c measurn'lit nl in runmiiori, i ttaddltl06 10th,: fir.mcial lbOOrds.. 5Uf)J)(ln~ ®a:mu:n-.s, J111lis1 ic,,J r«ordt. alXI llthe: petti11cr..1 r«o-rds lodh:a!ild 111 2 C.F .R. lOO.J.33. hi lbt ew n.t 11-..u an •w~d-1'$1cd qutilticm 11riffll (r<,nt dQCumctui o , 01b:r ma1cri11I; Jlf'q)lll'td o , <lllltri bu1,:d hy OJP that may 11pp.~1 tooonflk1 witl1ri,<1r diffe r lt150e'llt w11y fll.lln , lhe pr<1visiOt1S of the Plln 200 Vnifortn Jt«1111mrien1,;, thc ft dpir:nt u IQ OOlltlii!l O J P promptly for d ori fi.:lllkl ll . J. Comphia'IOC willl OOJ Omit,; FinMeit lOuJdi: Rd'cfl:nces co 1bc OOJ Or,'Jnb f it1U1Cial (hii~ &re 10 the IX>JOnm1i l~inancinl <ftllde /lllp(l,ttd un the OJP 11,'«1Sil¢ (_,:unc:n1t)'. ~ "OOJ Onmlt1FiMn,:1$101.l>de 0VlUl11b lc nt h11f"://ogp,1tovl'tin;u,c,ialguidc/DOJ/iru,lc~,l'i11t1). in.;t 11di:n1 n11y a pdntcd 'iffP()n i h111 M/ly be pu,;:i,d duti11g the 1,...-lod ot p.-rfun n,m:e. The rttlf!icni •t~ 10 comply w ilh the D()J Omni$ FlnMeial 0 111d c. On So:p1cmbcr I, 2(1 17. v&ri!J"» Jillll!Jffiry provwlOM prh lOUt.i)' i:oditioe! cb•:-.'hcft, il'I lbt U ,S., Code were cdiiot ial ty rocla8,if't«S (lh111 iJ. m171'Cd and ~nlbfti:d_>to n n,:w T i1t,e :lO, c111i1.fed ~crime Control 1m1l t...,,,· €n l'oc~w:nt.' The rc,."llrdl$iflC'ill.)(ln coeot111)ClS3ild o numb« <if ,,11rn1o«>• pl'O'o'uion, pettinent 10 OJP h·uds (thot is. OJP g nn13 llfld e<x,p,:ralh-e ogttcU.'lel'lli},. lneh1<ht1S mllflY-provi l iOM (lf"tvio1dfy «xhlKd ,n Tille •2 o f1 he U.S Code. l!ffo:livc 11S ofS(:pl.a'.!1ber I. 2017, 1my rdcl ('!')O¢ in lbia ... W d lll:Utne'JTI to II SIIIUIIQf')' p1 1WUio11 th1t hoJ hCCfl 1«1:Wi f~d 10 the ncw TI1'c '.l4 of the U.S. Coxle i J eo be read 11, n rofffl11ec tu :hat :1!01111oryprovi~iQ11 a, ro<:IMs:ilit'd to Tulc 34 '11118 ru!t o rcuaJlNdion 5P¢Cil\c:a.lly uitlt«le:3 reli:tcm:t'$ ~, (lilt in nW'l)r(l eo«liliOllll, rt!Cn:necs .-s Ol,Jf ii, mat.o:ri:tl incocpon11cd by rcferet10ec1l110Qgh owiit d conditions. and cefcr,:nces Mt uut in <Jlhcr nwnrd rcqttlrc111t 111.i. Dl.,,..,nmcntQ( JIQl,k,e(DOJ) Office or Junke Proa,11mi Office or J u venllt Justice an d Odin qucnc:y Pr t ,·enl ioo A W A R O CON11N UATION SHEET Cooperath'e Ag r eem en t SPf.Cl,IL CONDITIONS ). Required ttafolt1_g fl'lr Pnin1 ofContai:U!ld all Finnnci11l Poims otC-On!:4,.'.l M(;~ • or u 8olb th,:, l'uins ofC911mc1 (f'OC) lltld 1111 FiMn.:.I P-0irn, ufCon!IICI (Fl'tOCs} IW t llill l!W.vd ll¥USI h.lvv >UO:t,..,llfully cmnpleicd an ~01r lt m1nci11l mi1n11&ffl1Ct1t and gnint fdminiprxioc tr11ining" by 12() dill)-& 11ncr 1b: d1te oflhc 1ctipknl's ai:ceprnncc ofth<' 11w11rd. Succe.ssfbl oo,npkliun or such II O'll\tliua <m or ~Cf" JU11111iy I, 2018, will n!i$f)• Ibis condh.)()n, tn lhe ewnt shat either ,he POC 0r an FPOC for ibis a..-.111d cha~, durin.11 lhe p¢h(ld o r perfonnnncc, the n11w f'OC or F°POC ll'l\lll htiv11 ,Uo.'.c~$1\illy OOll'f'k li:d4l! '°OJP fi nnnciat m&,tal';i:n,ml nnd g rXJI lld1rtinu1.n1tltln !raining" by 1'20 ~1u dlya 11ftc, •• {I) lbe dlllc of OJ P's $ppfOlllll of the ''C'lwtJe Oran1ce Conlllel" GAN (in itl¢ ($~ of a n,:w l'OC), o.-(l}thc dntc.thc f>OCt:1:111111 infurnu1 ion on tile new fPOC in OMS (in 1he ¢1$-0( 11 m:w FPOC'). Sueoe&ful compledOl'I of~ a trniningon or&~« Jam,111-y I. 201&, will $.ltiJfy t his oomli1ion. A lisi ofOJP trainmsr thm OJP ..-.in cl.'l!uidct "OJP fl:nancifll maR~i:mtn: 111111 jl'llnladRt!RllilrnbOn mmin,~ for p nrpu,cs ()( lltis Condilion ii a,•ail11b&e ac http$:/lwww.ojp.gov/tn1ini1tJ1YM~tlt111. All lrllining,1 IN.1 6fl1Mf)' (hi:r «mdilion tncludeu Sii:iirk.-i 1m 8 f M'U frnud prc<'tnlkm and dcll'Cll(t(I , Tbe ttci~1 .._..uJd llntitiiwc 1hm •JP ""II imrni'diatdy \\Tlhh.-.ld ("ll'l:Ctt") aw.tfd fu n~ ihhe r«j,ph:11.t f•il:r 10 (•u1nply w ilh 11\is ~ldori. Tb,:. n:cipienr, flu lure 10 (OillpJ)' 111!90 !N)' lclld 0/Jl iO lf'llpai(! add11ional nppropri&tc c-0ndi1ion11011 tbill:,'/twd A rteti pio:oc lhat is dl11,1~ unilcr the Pan 200 Unl lbmi Req11in:1nm1'. 11nd (l{b(f &pplicablc, law 10 use the • ~ rn.-.i1nis" ladilt« nast r~ie <1¢$cribcd m 2 C.F.R. li)(),4 14(1). and 111111 tli.:clll to we the "<le ,nlnl:tiii!I" indirttt «in r~, ~t tdYi~ OJ P i.11 wriUnguf.':luLli it$ diJjbilil)' t,tl(l 1ts ,:k,:tion, and lnllSl <i-0111ply .... ,1h:,ll iu~ia1,xl rcq11ir«n1111l.'I in 11>: Pun Wll UtilRlnn RequiiYmcnt5:. The "<111 minrnt.U" me m11y betP9hcd-0nl)' lu ml'<li (kdroml di~e1 CO!l!$ (MT[)(') 11s defl:ncd by the Pl:rn l'()I) Uttlfom, RcquittmetitS l flhe rccipicm eurrt11t lyhu other aai\~ IIY>'<lh.lS-O((edml fu nd$. nr i f the rcciple111. reeti~-i:s lofl)' other award -0flederal fl.Inds during tht pcrio,:.1 ofpc,fomumcc.i fo r this 1111o·1ml. the 1«:,pl1:1tl pn:i1nptJy en ull de1crnu11e whc~, fimd,r lfflm 11ny ofth09eotl1cr (td(•ffl l!Wnds N\-eb«,n, &re being, ur •~ In be \11od (in whok<u m ~) fo r Qll( or mon: oftltc iden1icnl COSI t lt ll!S f-01 "'hich fun11in~ PfO\'idcd undcr lhis a.,.,..ird, If 11-0, !he tttipJtnl mu..-1! pumpdynolify (he 001 11waltli11g agc,ncy (OJP ot0VW, a&fl)prupriv.e) in •tni"t <>hb11 putc:~iul duplicatiM, MJ.. i ( to rtqill'Jt.:db)' the: 00; 11w11r<1in,g•.t1c)', 1n mt serk n b11d11;ct-modlflea1wn °' ch.::!n.ge,of•proje(:c•oopc gr,tnl1'dju,:1mm1 no1icc (OA}.') lu ,:b:minrt.e any i=uppropnaie d1.1pliar1iun of fundi n1, • Oepnnmct11 or Juinkc (DOI) Office oi J l.lSuce l'Ngruns Office or Juven il e J ustice and Deli11qutncy Prevention AWARD CONTIN UATION SH Ef.T Cooperath·e Agreemet11 SNiCIAL CONDIT!O,VS 8, Requln,~crt, ttlmcd 10S}'8W1n fu r A.,..'llrd Mnnagenwfll and Unh-.:n.il ldi;t)tlficf bquffl:me nl$ PAOii $ or ,, The rtcipiicoc 1nu1t (:(llllflly with np~ieable n:quirmicmi.. rq:ardin3, the Systffll for A•wd Mai1ilj;1:1nmt (SAM), ¢11rrendy lllC<ie.uitll c III l 11tpf:/1"-ww.si,im,gov/. Thi8 lndutk, 11pplic11blc te{j\ltf'Q'l'l11t'll8 11:prding rcgim~iOtl with SAM. ~ well u rnamlllinini ti~ cum:-ncy ol' inlbimuuion in SAM T ile r«~knt ll,om-.is1 corn1~ly .,.,,lh:tf'Pl lt.iblc r(11ricdo11s on 811b::iw111d, (''sut>1r,m,·) II,) f,rst-tkr :iu~ipicnl.i (ru.Mi« ''$ubjfktletj"). indudina resoicu;:.,u On >Ub&wlll\U IO m1i1i,:s tllAI 00 nut 11eq11in-11nd fl (C)~ICIC lli>thi: r,:cip,fel1) the unique c111i1y idcn.tifo:r R quircd fo r SAM tepsln'IIJC!n. The'det11i hc olth¢ ~i,:l)(is obliprinni; rcl~icd '° SAM 4-nd to uniqm: cnlily lde11li!i11t:111rc ~1cd on 1be-OJP w~b i.:ite '1 b11,p~://Ojp.{!.o\',rfUl'ldina l£.\:pk,ro'S,\M.htm (Awn1d conditiow SyJt,:m for A\\"lnl ~'-(;(-1no:m (SAM) nnd Un1vcrii,,I ldi:euifi~r R.eq11lren-.-a11). mcl 11re i11,;orpor•1ed by ro:foreno: hm, Thii coodltl0n ck,\\, aol apJtly 10 an ,ww 10 VI ir.dividu:d .,,ho ~-ct\'td ltle t. .... 'i'lnJ llJ a, n..-iurnl ~n (I.~ , 11~1:,ted !O 1,11y buunC',u or no,1-p,tofi1 or.511nix111ion 1hn1 ~ <>r ,11t m11y U"'11 ~r up,:r111,:. it! hi$ ()( hcr niul'IC>, ()JI' l'OltJ<! 4000'? (IIEV. A.&) • Ocp,rtmclt( l)f Jualoo (OOJ) Offn or Ju111ice Progninu OffiC4: or Ju,·e:nile Justfoe and Ocli nq uen t)' f>r~ventlon A WA RD CONTI N UATION SHE ET Cooptr MCive A grtenH:.nl SPOC/,11., e,Y),VDff/ONS 9 . Empk.,yme-n1 cllgit,ili1y veri ficnrion ror hhmg undl.'l' the nwn«I I T he tfflpknt (,aid nny &ubtrti.pk nt 11 any lit'11 Ui 11Jl·· PAGE I, Of I? A. Em11tt tlw, llt pwt ()fl:Y hirina Pf'OOC$S !Of llny po,:ilion ..... -nltin !he Uniwd Sllllet dial it Ot' -..;11 be fu nded (in v.·hot..- Offo p(lrl) with IIW'IITd Mids. lhettcipient (OTUI)' subr«1pit nt )propc1ly,,c,nf~ lhe empk,ymen1 cli$1Mil)'<1flhe I.Tdi \'idual ll.'ho ii bi:ing hired, COC'diiu,m1 with 1be prov~iOftll ofg U.S.C'_ 13~o)(l) #!d (2 }. &, Notify ,111 pt'NllnlC ll«Qcla1Qd •ilh !ht r«i~I (or11nys1.1br,:<:iptm1) wf,,o ll'C or will be i:nvOO•INI in IICli\•itk:s ur.dn 11w 11wnrd o! both•• {!l)ihe a:s~ocu:«I pt.n·iD<ln• in ij U.S.C. B 24;t(ll)(.I) Mid (2) ©WI, ~tnl:rol ly ,l)C{lkiri.JI, m•ki: ,t unl.,.ful. in the U1111W SUll.<S. to hiiT (or Jffl\111 (1)1' anp]oyment}cen11ifl l litcl8, C. Provick-training (IO lhot e.,i,:nt n«c$$11r)') co tlt..."X'IC pt~un,,1 rcq11i:TJ b)' ctus coodillun 1obc-notified 0111u: aw111d ffijuitrmtn! fo.-c1nplO)'fl'ICil1 cligibility vcri fkniion 111Tdof 1bcas.i0d111.ed provi~ions of& U.S.C. 132 411(0)(1) nndt2) D. M lfflr1 of1hc rccor<lketpuig f~'f"thc awar<I {in,,:rodi.ru: 1lU!ll111tnt tu the Plln ?-00 lJ'tlUUnn Rcquimncmi), rnnlmain ro.-ora, ofaU enipl<>ymcnt clia ibtlny 'ffUicl'tiui:i:1 1:.:rtinent to coinplial'leewi!h tlt.i:1 awnrd condldoi. In ~curd1mcc wit h Form 1·9 ttCtllll !'elClldOl'I rt<tuifl:merii., ., wdl llS rtoordt of all p:Mincnt nodfteatlOl'tl and lraininp , 2. M11m1orina To ~e:\.IC'tll \lull i nch t:i>J!i IU'C llQI rclm~ un~ 11nyolh« fcd t al 1lrov,im. 11wa!d fu~ 1n ay be obliia!od (11r the ffflstxQblt', ncce$JMy, 111Xl fll k'le,bl11 ,:o,,ts (iraey)-Of nc1ions designed ffl 1in~urc comptinncc wrth t hbiooml:i!Wln . J'.or Jll.lll)OSU oftbi8 oondition., ptr$0111S "'whoa1c or wdl be, in ,\)lvcd 1n 11cm•i1\C:$ ur:dtt t hi:111ward' $pec1fic111ty ltlt'luJd (without limi~11ionJ ~ny a:,d all rttipk nt (or 1my ,mbn:cipt,Ct11) 0Mci11l11 or other ~1:1« who .c or wllJ b,i .,.,,QJved in 1he biringproc,:!l$ with n:spcc11oa p<>~bOn tha! Ill IX' Wlll be f\lndcd (11'1 whole or U'I part) wi!h 11w11nJ fundl. B. Employmcnt"tllglbUity cunfimm .rioo with B-VcrlJI/ F<ir p~e, ofBatitfying tlu: n:q_uiremc,11 <ifllllt(l)l)(litim rq,niing ,'ffl~ioo oh ntplO)w 11nt t lig il,qlity, the tt1:1pi11nt (or UI)' wbreo.'tpic:nl) 11aychuose to pa.nici1xitc In , 1u\d 11$,,:, f.-Vcnry(wv,'W.,M-crify,i,;,v), ~•iJ.:tl«i appro()OmPMl(ln ilU(h«i:t.cd 10..:1 o n bcb,,lf-0tlbe 1,:d p iern (u,r :cubn:.:ipi,m~) u~ t::•Veri(y (11nd rou~•s the pror,cr E•Vcrify ptllCcdutet. 1ni:ludirq; in dlC'c,'Cl'II of a "T'cmlith1: N\ll'l«lntims~(im• o, 11 "Final ~\"111~fm11aoon") !U o:-.l'lnnCt.1'11IIOy1r1m1 cligibi lit)' fo r each hinnj: f'tic ii rx•tit kwi in 1h11 l Jiu1~-i1 Smt.:.l 1hm iJ ,;,, v.•111 b,: rw,dl'd (in whole<11 in put) w itb .... ..ru r,..ndt>, C, "Uni'ltd S11m:i:" ~pe~,lblly i11Cl\1deH b<1 OJ:llni.1.0fColumlm, P1x1to R.ioo. <.hlun, t h11 V1,gm ld11nd$Oflb: IJt11t«f Sutes. 11nd \be Commuav.·ultbo£thc Nonhcm Ma,laua ht:m.ls. • ~t,!: of 1'1stiet1 {DOJ) 0!:l)ec of Jul'licc Proiµoui.:s OMct: oC JU \'C nile Justice and Dtlinquenc:y Pn:,·cntl-00 A WAIU> CONTINUATION SHEl!T Cooperaun~. Agreement SPECIAL <.'O.VDnJONS ,AGE t 01' ll :tny pe"n;(ln or oebi:r ,:n.ti1y, to ,..i(ll111~ any (f!der\lJ l ~w, if'lcluding 1111,y ,ppl"imle civd righ13 or nOl'Kll!ia1min111ion lf,w F-No1blni; in this «.Mrllvn, vidud ing in IW)tgtJpb 4 .8 .. IINII ~ u fldeutoud IC.I rel ic-,~ a11y rtctp1cm, any su~elPlffl! 11111ny 1ier, or1111y p<'Nl11u1r o<hcr etlbty. of lffl)' obl ipioa otM'll,-uc im~ by law, i:iel11d"inJ$ U.S.C. ll2<1nt.1Xl> aoo (2). QuCJlion,tbout E•Verify ihw.ld bedlri:r!l!II to OHS. for n u:,ni bfonn111ion llbw! E•Vcrify \'is-i1 !he f.•Vc rify Y.'tb.iik (hllp&:t/y,..-. .. ,.~\'fflfy.go\•/) Otmu,il F..Verify II P,-V(t1r,@dh,.gov. £.VctHf ffl•~ycr 111,(111$ ctu l:uwil E· Vtt1ry M E• Veri !yF.mplo:,,trAp@dh.$,11,0\', ~ rttip,mt (and 11ny •subftcipiffll" 111111)• 1itt) 11)Ull h1wc wriltl.'fl pox'CJu«i in pb,ec t.o rcs1>0tld .. the C'o'ffll of fin ~11111 Ott u'Otl'litlm! "bll.'-.:b" (OMO M· 17 • 12) i ril (or 9 8ubroeipu:nt) .., ( I) creates, Nlltt'!l,, lllCS, j'l(()ot\Ul:11. ~tore~ mal:nUiin.1, diucminattt. dl'ldfJl'cs. ordi(,lp(ll!lll11<1f"pcrson11l}y idelwlflab)t. infonn1nion (I'll)"(? Cflt. 200 .~)\l/ltllh1 t!tt: SC-Ope ofan OJP grant-funded pro,aram o r -K1ivity, or (2) 1m:101 t1pc1111cs 11 #P-ederal i11formatiQ1,3y!ll(:rn" COMO Circulu A.-1)0). Thi: 1«ipiffl1'i1 ~lleh proc,:durc,s m11111 rncloo.1¢ ii l\'!jlltf'Cfflcn1 ~ r¢J)Orl.:t11•I «imrn mcm lm:a(•h ,:,f PU IO .. on• Pmgnim M ~gu nu t.,u,r thnn it l!°"rs an1:, .n 11cC\1mn,:e oftlnacll.lll bR:IIC'h, or ;he d1:10:c1icm oht1 immitlel'II breach. Th= ~¢ipjml. 3M any$ub«cipm!t ("subgran1ce") >1111n,.• 1J«. mw;t r11mpl)' with an applK'llble rcqu1rel\'lftltt rw 11ulhoriu1ion of aoy s ubl:11,•.vd. This co.,d,tioc:i applit-:c to -a1tttne:t11, 111111 -fot pmptl~ -0r r~ S™''" 11dmini:smul\-e ~in:mca1~ -OJI> 0011Si1kn 11 ".,ul:,.1wwd .. (N'ld ~furr dOC'UH)I COl'lsidn-:, pmo.1rerrumt "curi1nr,c1•). 11u: dclllil, of 1hc roqumrncnt fo, J1111bo, lu,lion uf 1my ,sulM11i'.lnhn: p()lltOO m 1f,..c OJI' wet, so,:: Id httpK/io;11.g<ivlflmriiJle(ExpklreJS111xlW11tdA1.J1horil.lldo1Unm (Aw11rcl 00ndi1ion: All :.iub;i.•·.m!s ("aiberant!I') rnu1 r.,:o~ sr.c:cific fod1;,aJ 11ulhorin 1ion ), find fir¢. focurpomt.ed by ~(d'tnee b(t~ 11. SJ,«lf,: pu,l•IIWllrd 1109roval ~Q!.lin-d t.o 11,;e a flOACOtt'lp(lll h'>~llppro...:b in Ill\)' p1ot11wmi:m C00112CI tba~ .. -w.kl ~cctd $1SO,OOO The r«ipien1, ~ •ny,ubn:cipicm ("Wlb;n1n1c,:j 111 uiy ll«, m11:,1 ,;umply with 111f appl~ble r«e11in:mm1i 1oob111111 SlpCClflC ,,i,dvnnoc ,Pt)fU'o-.1 II,) 111>1.' U MIICl)lnfl(:'utiWllpProach in lffl)' /l~lll"CIIM;n( ,:,cmlm<'.I d1111 \li(l11kJ<'.,et-.:d di.: S1rnpbliod A,:quili1ion Th~hukl (t,urrrntly, SlS(l,000). 1ll1•0:o»d1l11111 ~pl~ h.)f!jl.n;CU'Ullll lhlll •• (\)I' Pl•r~ u r ftdcr.il gran1od!"lltl'liS!r11ln't' rcq11in:n'ICl'll8-OJP roni;k!(~ 11 l)l'lXU((;!licr.. ~,;,:,ntr!K:t' (1111d 1hcret-01tcduo:i not c.msi'ler •-""). Tb,., (ktJil, of the rcq\l"Jrctntnt for IKivuncc ropprovl l to lllll:·11 1X1nO(IH1'Cllli~c &11pOOo:h ill II pl'IX\l~;;nt eotilr:it·! under 11n OJJ• 11w&1d lltl:' pctt.icd Ofl lbcOJP wi:biiit.c UI hupn1Q.lp-.eovJ!l.w1Cli~lf.:1.plQR/No1100cnpi:b1h~flrn,;1m;~l.h,t1n (Award conil.id\ln: Spt-.:11'ic pos1.nward f!lll)(0\'11 rtqui;r,:d 10 ~ anom:om11clili•'t'appm11Ch In a p10t,11r(t1n,:B1 oontnu:1 (if oomt.iet .,..vuld C'.\oa:d SiJ-0.1)00)). and urc incOl'l)(lr.atod I>)· l\ofnnxc bm:. • o,1111nmen1 i>r J11sdeu (OOJ) Ollloc-0f J1.t1!1ee PfVIP'11ms Ofl'i ce or J uvenile Jutlicc •nd Oe-Hnqu ency Prtv11ntion A \.VA R0 C O i\llNU ATION S11 ££T Coope.ratJ ve Aj;rt'emenl A .. 'A'RODATI! SPtCUl CONDITIONS 13. Unr~1\flbk ~mimon• -0n compctitkm under lhc aW11n}: ti$S«aalim with ftdC'l"lli .liO'o~nmt<11l f'A(lll 1:1 OF 17 SCOP!'.:. This co,n,1it ion applitl y,•ilb l'C'llpocl io any l)!lXU11:mi.'flt of pmpcny ot at l \'k t.$ tba! i4 funded ( In whulec o r in pan) by dlluwaN., whether by the 1capknt or by any wbr«!!picl)t 111 any tier, nnd ttgfllllkS3 uf the dollrlr llll)0111M ut !he pun:h11ie or \lCQui111ion, the mct1hod ol pOl.'.!.m:mtTII, <>r the n11n1~ of ¥1)' leg.ii in,;irnmer11 wod. 1ht-11roV1:1ioni of 11!it1«1nW1ion n~m be llmoflj;.t haK' ind.\lded tn 11nys1111'1wmd (111 any 1ict), I. No discrimini.ition. il1 p,ocun:n~ni: ~•IU((IOl'IS, ilgllir.'11 a~intcs or1he CodtraJ gO\-emmcm Con~i5Cel'll Wftb l M (0 01) P'.in 10() UnUbrTH Reqnitt~-1nelud hi&u.,,:1 oul 111 2 CF fl l'OO.WO(~quiti ~ ~w11tds «i be "mnor,icf di aixl lldminUterf cd) io • 11ill111XJ llO M to enSUR INl1 f'«J::ral lbnding U expcnclod 1md 11190(:ia1¢<1 ~s 11rc i:np1¢mc:nl«I to foll M'.o:ot.t.r..:e wr1h V.S.aca1111ury ar.d publio: pohey 1«)u1ttmnsts") and 200.3 19(11) (~net ally re,qult'111; "(aj)I procure-mc:1111ttt1Wm<m~ (tv) be oon~ le• rnann« providin, 1\,11111'1<1 ~ C{)l~ition" find fffli&li Dg l\ffiCli~l!t"ft.lndiV\" of o:ornpclih,on,"3.wb :is "[p)l.io:in:g 11nn:~fo requirement$ oo firi!W'I in-0tde1 fo1 them 10 (lll(lliry to do bwiim:>'$' 1111d 111k~ "!tiny vbiimy lleliOfl in lhl' Pf'X'Urcmcnt pmcen") -no ro:r(lic:n1 (Ot subrecipiem., "1 any 1ic:r) 1my (in my prucu~ni,:ni 1n:ins.11:wn; disniminui.: 111P:11nst .r111y p.'rlllOn oc,mmy \llt (b:.bu:is of,mch pcno11 OJ mtity'$ ,tatuii M 1111 ''#f.X:1ateol'1ho: !oder.al go'IU'1¥'11Cnt" (ur m t~b&!litof ~....:b p1;1a011 <ir cnitty'll stil!Utlll( I Pll!ffll, offiU1tc, or ,u~idiuy of w;,:1,-, assoaue}. ncept 1t1 C:l(~"I)' ffl wt b 2 C.F.R . lQO.J 19(11) Or 1U ilpmlk ally au!hot ll:od by USOOJ . l. Mo111Wrir4: T he tt>:ipicnt'i mOt1l10ti11g n.'l'pU1Uibilnic$ incM h: lll01iitofi11J c,f 5!.lbr«i{,iem wmpll.a1u:e with thil( oon;li1,on l. Allowable CO!ib To 1lw elUoC'ftl dla1 J\Xtl O(I~ 11,1: nut rei1nbuna:d u nder Any Olbtr ft<kn,I progrnm, aw.ltd l\ifldl> 11-at t,~, Obtipl!ed fo1 !bc rcASonablc. ne«ssary. llnd411oe.iblc oo,1$ (ifany)or -.ti!Jffl do i.gncd ta en~complianOC' with lhiu:ond11k,n, 4 . Rulc:1 of COt\<ill UCli<in A The 1crm "111so.,,:11i of tbc f«le~ tO'lunnu:nl • i =r'<" 1my pcnon Of i:ndly rng.ilgi:il 01 cmp)oyc:d (1n Ille pan 01 ,1 ~sent) by M Ol'I behalf of lb:. fc&nrl govcrnmet11 •· /IS an cropfoy«. ronlnlCll)f' o, s111Xuatr~r (al :my tiff), rni,1 re.."";plent 01 ,.subrccipicnttM aoytil:r). ug.cnt. qr Olhc,v,•isc •· 00 111tdct1.11kinglllt)' work.. projo:c1.ot IK1ivily fo r o t on bch11lfo-f(ur in provid ing aOO<b ot&e, .. ii:ti to or «1 be hill/ oO ~c fC'O¢tll1 govi:rnmrns. 11nd ino:h1dc, any 11p1lllea111 rw iu:b ffl'l pi,oyn'lffl1 or ~-S<'mel'.!!. 11nd •Y pcq!Ofl or enll1y (l(H11Q11t\1.'II by l cg11I in,-,~runico1 10 u,tdfft:di.e uiy ~ wori:. pfllj(t l. 0 1 .tai~ily (or 10 p,oVl<lc .such guo>.u ,:,: 2r''i C<'ll) in l\m.ire. B. Nolhing in lhi8 oondtll(lu !lhall be 11~ood 10 ~\1)(1.tJe Of require imy teci(l'CM, flll)' subr<dpfont at any t ier, 1,..- tlllY IX:ISOl'I Or uthercn!ity, 60 viobce lltly fi:dl:t •I bsw. im:ludi ri;g Mly ll(ll>licnlllc eh·il fit;ht:1 or nom!imimillOtloi, l~w. • Deparuncni or JuJtice (DOJ) Onioe-or J1J$1icc Prot,i::mu Offiet of Juw .111te Ju1tice 11nd Odinqutncy Prevention AWARD COi'!TINUATION SHEET Cooperat i\Jt Agn-ement S/'l::CUI, CO.'IDn'IO,\'S 14. Rcqvl1an<:1u,11 p,:r1;,i.aing so prolu bit«l oonduci rclmcJ \Cl (t$ffi,:kifls ia pc~ (incl\ldifl& re-plltting~l~!i11.'t)b and OJP 11uhori1y 10 k:fmim:c award) The r«lpleut. .d 11ny s11br«fp h:nl ("!iUbgnmttt")lll aiy de,. 111W! ,:umpfy w11h 111 1.pplic.abk rcq11ittmCJ11S (inctu!lli-,s n:quil'fflcn1s 10 repon lll lqr.ioni) i:,mait1b:;g lo prnhibi'.cd 0011~ rc.la!~-d to the 1r.iffickln¥ o r p,:uui:.,, '>11Mhcr on the p.trt-O( rcd:picn13, wbroeipm,i. (",ubgrantccl-''). Os 11'1dhidual11 dcfi~ (for Pl•fJI~!' vr this conditioo) ae ",:mploytt.c" o r die rcaplent-Or of :my ,ubr«lpltnt. Tile <k:Wlt-Of Im ~~ipiem•, obhj;ijlKJn, f\'btcd 10 prol»lihcd 0011&.ct rda:t<d 10 srnfl\c~I~ In pcuon.-c arc p()MC(I on tit,: OJ P -..~ $11¢ :.,\ hUpd /ojp.su·v/flmdiniJhpl~rohi'bi tuteond1,1:1. "f'roffld :~.l\1m (,\ "'.ltd «,iu,tlhOfl: l'roh1bu.:J \\u~t by n:cipict11s. .nJ &11bJl:dpienh1rc-Ulc,d1.0 111otf1¢kil'.l5 in pe-:n:a111(inehxHnc rcpo1tir\s rNju.irtmtfll.S and •J P 1un both )' h)ffl'ffliu!e 1wvd)). and au: ilxorpnrl-icd by rdercncc~. 15. Ot1ern,l!Mli0111 of suilllbilily 10 /li.1.(utcl .,.;,n p111idpuir.g mt non SCOl'l:. Th i, condi :i.xi 11pplles k> thi& award i f i1 i,; ir.dica1cd •• 17' t it,: 11pplkation fo r the 11..-.~ (l)i appro-.·cd by OOJ)(or in the npptic111,on for any subnw111d, 11111ny l,:r), t ht DOJ lundins •MOlm~ntnt {$olicitn.!iOt1).-01 nn 11810Clil\Cd f.:dm1 I "111!1r.e -1h111 • 1•urpo:sc ufJOme 0( all of the a¢11"11111J Ill be canied OW llft<l,;1 ,iw 11wurd <•~he.-, by 1hi: rc,;:i pic.-111, Ot 11 -.broc:ipi,cnt 111 any ,_.) l.i; l,O b(;n.:fit• 111,11 ofindivid1111, \Wider 13 )'lllr,; of ase, Th1: rceipknl. and 11ny .iul»'«ipicnt u 11ny tier, mnu m:ik.c&;w;rmlmtiOl'e< of 1111itabil rly bcf0tc cnl:lin illdi'iidua!,; mii) ini.cn.::1 wiih porlkipllli ng m tflor$. Tlus roqwrm1.:nt ~lies ~ or11n individual'l emplO)'lllCOI statul. 'l'hcdt111ib uflhill n:q;1iten1ffl1111e ll<)c!li!d Ut1 the OJP web $.11,; Al hnpe;:f,'(ljp~O\'/'fund ingl€xp1owlntffl)(:(•Minon,htrn (A...,..td conditiotl; l kll.'tminationor M.Tilllbih1)' rcq_Wr«I. in adv11n«-. foreernufl lf'ldMdwb wbo mJ)' imer.ic1 v.,1111 ~1licipu1mgmi1X1u), 1md tR; W1001pur.tU:dby tt(ercni:e here, 16. Cnmpl i.1,xe "'*b 11ppltc:t blc rnltll ~inf "Jlpfl)"llll. planning, ¥Id tCJl(lnin; Of(\'Jll'ljffl:cu:,:,. mce!in8$. ltalnm~, lln(j 01hct t'\'¢tllS l\c recl11'Ca!, am!Mly Slibrccipiem ('3ubgl'UI!«~) Ill any lier, 1n11111«1~lywhb all 11pplic11bf,e lawt, Ng\llllbons. poliei1:ktod uffl;;1al DOJ g uict.nce (includil'lg ~ilk cao Jimi1:s, prior.ipp,oval 3nd r,pur1in1 ttquirment:. ..... ~ 11ppl~le) govcntmg t ht: wic,of (oclcill fond, (ot f.l(p,:n!I:.:!' rclt~od ioconfM:nces(at that 1em1 ~ defined by OOJ J. 11:duding the Pf'Q"i~ioo of /'ix)(! a11d>'Or bo:,'l:rngei :11 i1.1ch eO(ll'cu:11«":>. fsnd ,:~111 af au,..,~ in .su,;h ~'Ollfer..'IX.:,:;. fn(ommlinn on 1h¢ pcnlta:11 OOJ dcfmition o f «1n (cffflttsa"" lh1: rub ap~iCAblc co 11\is award llppe:,rs in the DOJ 0fa'IIS fi.nandal Guide (cum nlly, ats°'1ion 3. 10 o£"Po.st.iwnrd llcqul.rl:men1(' in tltc "OOJ O t ff'IIS t'tt'ltmeial Guide").. The 1c,;11pi,ml m-.tSI coti,;1;1 and 11:'l;linUlin da1.a 1hm m~•••C Iii,,, FfumWt..41:' and tffccri,'ffit#or "'Vtk undn lhi, 11wnnl. Tht duh) 1nu,t b,: pnwitkd I(> OJP 111 du,: IN:ll!!~'I (indudi~ within 1hc 1i11)tftll111Cl<)ilpl-rificd by OJP i n !he 11tl)J:rilm ~~t111ion or -Other 11ppJlc11ble wrillffl guid11m:c. Ofi111 comx:1I011 51.1ppurtil rompli.lncc "',1h 1110. (j(J\'ffllni.:rn i>trf-0,mam;t' 1111d Results Acr (Ol'RA) fl11ddw QPR,\ Modemi:ulion Ae1 of 29 10 . and Ulhc.-t 11pplicabl1: 1$Wll , I 8.. OJP T raini1:1g Ou:idinJ PrindplC$ Any ln'lu:iing o r 1t11in.ing rrm!Cfl.ih tbtl th<' 1tdpii:nl .~ o r i.ny W'bt«l(licnt nutignm1i:e") 111 Qtl)' tier-dc••d up, or de1i~t1$ wilh OJP 4,w&!d fund! ,nu~ --i1t1:.-o. ti> tlw OJP 'rr.imi1t1 Guiding Principlai r-01 Onmll:o:s llM Sut,cru~. 11~11ihble 111 lmp,;:1:ojp ,11,0VtfunrJlrw'hn pkmenlff r&inlf\jPrinelplC8f'-Or(.i1U111:r,hSubgnmccdmn, • Ocpcntmcn1 of Jt,l;f!Kt (UOJ) 011kt of Ju,titte ~sr.ams Ofliee. or Juvl.'nile Jus 1lee ancl Dtlh'lquency Pre,·e.ntlon AWARD CONTIN OA1'10N SHEET Si'EC/,1/. CONDrtJONS 19 . Elf.:c1 ofl'llU111 c lo)adclrt-.u ;sixiit iwucs ,AOP. !(I Or 11 The tttipitmt u ndcr.slllndond liJOC1 lhM lhe DOJ 11wnrdina ngcney (OJP w OVW, 11$ 11ppropriat<:) 1t1ry withhold IIWllfd funds, Cd' I'll&}' llltplln' uthtr rel Med RQW.h tmt11b, ir (IIJ de-!ermi!led b)' 11,c oo, .... ring .g,mcy) d~ tetlpK'tll does nut s:i!U!ltaorify ond pr01nptJy 11ddrc"7:I OO".$undi1t1 ls,,ue.$ ftum •11diu rtqumdhy1tie Part 200 Un iform Rc,qnin:mMIS (Or by Im' ti:= ohllis award). or other out$!:mding is~ 1h31 ariui inconm,•clilin 'lli1luudlu, 1flv,..,tig111ion£, o r tC\';twt of OOJ ""''&-n:h. 20. P111.e1ai11I imp..1si1IOl'l of aJdibOn.:d rcq11itcmMl8 The n,cll)kl)I a~ to OO!Ufll)' with nny 3(khdoo,J r«JUi~n'.11:r.ti 1h1u nu,y bt u,1pot11xl b)• 1h,: OOJ IIW'l'ltdil'l.j fli~n,;r (OJP or OVW, • •Ppropiil<tc) dllring t he period of p«{onnill')('C f,.,.. thi.i •w.i.-d, i flhe recipient lt<INign•lud :,,,Mhi.Jh , ritt-• for puipost,ofllx OOJ higb,ritk llllllllt: llll. ll, C<l1npli1mi:t wi.1h D()J rctUUTI011$ptttli11it1g to civil righitM:'ld 11oitld t9Crimv1•1ion • 28 C.Jl.R. J'111n 4 2 111,: AA"llpknt, and 11ny ~r«ipk~ C-liubgr.1r.t«"') ,1 any t ier, 1n ·u,H(lmply ,o,illu.11 npplkablc ~q1dr¢m1:1tt; of?II CJ~.R. Pan ll Z.t1M:O:if,c-,1lly i ndudir.g any Afll)h,:abk1,:.,im11,:nt1 in Sl.ihr.,111 F.()(23-C.'f ,R. P&rl 42 1hn1 rela.le !o)Vl equal ,:mplU)'lllO:nt oppon 1,1r1iiy PfOSratl'l. 22. Cumplianoe willl OOJ l\."gulatilllX' ~t111i.nin., 1ocivl1 rlgt11, :md nun.diJo:riminuion. 28 C,F,R. Pm S~ The rccipll:llL and lln)' .1ubttcipic111 ("~'ibfj.ti1111tt")llt 11'1)' lier,-! COfl'lpfy "'llh ilU ~pHr.&bl ~ t~uir<mcn13 of 28 C'.f .R. P..n $4, ••hich ttffl(:3 to n(.1MiJIOrim.ina1K,n oa 11~ l»SIJ or .St.,,; h:i ectt.tin "cduc.uioo proert1nu." 2) Cumpbaioe 'W,'llh l )OJ ,q,llal}(tt\$ P\'Mllining locn•il rialttS 1111\i l'l(mdi,,;1i1nirrution . 28 C.F.R.. P..ut J 3 The ttcipien1.,11nd 11ony811~1:ipil•nt ("M:lgtr.m.:c~}111 211:y t a , tl'IUSI ,;omply wit h all ff1 plic.lblc req111tc11:·1~11t()f 23 CJ,•.~ !~n }II (M IJII!)' Ix nppl ~.iblc from timt I(> 1im11). Spi:dlkaUy ~h1dffl111n)' 19pb,•.1bl,: l'NilllWll'IC'nl.1 ~int1 ._nu,:n 001-to progrun bffl('l\clk'iCJ imd pro~bvt prognun ~nctici~rles. C11tfffitly, IUlloa& 1.Xhcr 1h111p, 28 C.f.R. Pl.rt 38 iMlm!tt N ici ih111 prUtiibil i,p«if)O fomaof !Aferl111inlltioU (Jll (hc,o biildt ofrcli!;iun, 11 rt-ligiow belief. a rcf"'al t<I !told II n:lisiw,1 belief, ()t reliasal to 11t\1td or p,rtieipm.c in II tcl iglOWI pmc:ticc , Pan 38.. (\\lt lftll)y. 11IJ10 »:Li 001 ml.:$ 11;nd rt,qlllmntfllS lh:it pcrt1in Ml nx:i~ 111,d 11ubn-dpwll1 ("!111bgrnm.cc")o1p ni211ooui11hatcng.is1: in 0t cunduci uplio:111:, ttl-1.1;io11s ao:livit i1!$, Hwcll 11$ A1lctMd rtqulrl:mm111 WI fWl&it> I() ti:dptfflt.1 Miil R-.1h~il'tef\11 th~111ri! fiilh'°1'1td ur rcligiOU:C OfW11\01ri()c)S, lb: IJC'.\I or2S c .i: R fll)n ,~ IS ;h11llabl,: ,·ia !ltc-El~ranicCock:-0fF',:,k111I R11~11h!ion.s (c:urnmly .c«~iwu, llllpjl'1,\,.,ww.l~fr.go'lkgi .hinff.CFR?flaac.:b,vw~). b)' brow1'mg 10 Til~ 18.Judic:iril Adnu n\$!r11bo11. Chaplet I, Pa.n Jt. umk t c.cfJt ··cuncnt• IWa • Ocp1u111•a.>o1 orJ11~i,:c (OOJ) Ofr.c-coi' J~lk,: l'rognmu Office of Ju,·t11ilc J ustice iam,1 Ddinquen t)' l'rtventlon A WARD C01'TI NUATI ON SHtE1' Cooiwrati\•e Agret-ment $/•&c.·1,IL CO.VDIT/OA'S l'A¢E II OF J? In ztt,en1l, 11s• matt«o( f«lcnJ law. fi:&rnl fllt'l<IJ 311,anfod by OJP I\U}' noc b;:. u$C'd by 11!1: n:>e1p11:n1, os 411)' wbrtt-ipi ~nt ("wb1r1il1te") at :my tier, cithe, dinic!ly ar indirccily. 1,::, s uppnn or oppoeec !hi: ,:n:u:1m¢m. rq:11:;,l, lt'KNlilkl'ltlotLor IK!op1ion ofon>· law. n:g,.il111i,on,oa-policy, 11111ny lc-vcl ofgov,:rmneni. Sec IS U.S.C. 190, ('lbc,,: 1n:1y boc.(ocpiiont 11·.,. 11pptic11blc fcd n dl ~u.tutc specific.II)' aulhtttir.~ ~n 01:11,·itkos IN! ochcrwl~,i,'Ould be bnt!Wby llw.) AnOOier f,:Ul'rnl bw .f:t!ll:rall)' pmhibr.t r.;1,!,;n1I fur:ds 1111,,mled by 0 Jr (1cm hcint 11Wtl by I.he t~l(lio:11t. -Of any s11bR-clpe,.:a1 ai any iicf, IOPI)' any pcl"!IOI\ '° tnflutm:e (or llllffllpl l() tnflu.:r.i:,:) a r.:dm:al ~-11 Member of Cun,ress, orCongm:f (OUl.'H)ffic lal o, wiplO)~ Oflli,y uflhem) with t-el!l«I .0 lhe' 1,11,riingofa icdtrul g ranl 0, C«iptrJli\'e lifCICOlCltl. sub,gnmt. con111.1c1. s ulxori!rkl:, l)t" loafl, Ot' ...,~•h n:,pect 10 ::icriona Jui:h-u rene,,,•i,1&. c.w:r.ding. ormod:ifyln;g 1ny$\IC!h IIWflrd, S;:;: 31 U.S.C. 1352. CUflllin c:(Ctptillnl! l\l !his h1w;ipply, ind11~1ru: (m t:m:p(iOO th!ll &ppfil!S to tndiNI ll'ibt$ 11nd u il,m Ofll,l11i1;;lli0!:!ll. Should 1my q11e.nlon IIWC' ti t<l wh1,.'\he, • p1rtkuhr \!St of /oderu 1 fundi by U n.-ci,-:n1 (or !'llbn.<ri(liffll) ',1,0.1ld (II 1n""1 f•II ... ,111.fo lht -re 0(1heStl prohib itinm;, lbc ieeipitnl i, to 001lW:I OJP for ;uid1111ce, 111'1d ffll)' 001 pn>l'.C.:d •·ithom 1hc e.xpre.u prior writ1tn appro\'111 of OJI'. 25. Cornpfianett with 1tt1ten1I 1IPJl10pnatiom-l nw m1rbiON ori lbe use affed¢t.ll l\mdi(FY 2020) The ,ocJP"=m. und UI)' lnbe't'ci,-n1 f"!lubgnm!tt") 111 uny lk:f. mw1 c1Jmpty wi1h 1111 111p1,lim1t: rc:s1rieti0t1t1-0n t ht u!l'e offcdcml l\111ifS.s111 0111 i n f~r•I :1ppn,pri1111onashmrh.:" rcrtine-nt =1lc1w na th111 m11y bc-JIC't we lt1-s,pl K'llbki4l'(l!V~lom ilC!llan: mdicmc(l ,n hltpJ 'I/O)p.g.ov/fundi~:Xplore1f'Y20Apprllpl'WionsR.c:miclklfl11.h1m. nndvi: ttlrof'fl(lf~!,id by t1'ftrtncc hcrtt. Shuukl II Q>Milbon 11ti....: ni1 io ...,t,cth,:r II p(ll'be'O!nr 11~ of l"cdtt:11 fundi by II re-:,p,~nt {-01 • .rnbr.:cipicm> •'-011ld or mig.tu foll •1tlun lhc1t00r,t of :ln :i~ropn:idoru•l:lWn:tt ricticm, WC r«1plcnt .ii W cmtUCl OJP (Ot ¥uii.lnncc. nnd muy oot p,<m.-,:d ...,,tl1001 lht e"(pt c,ss pri<H-...,ntll:n ~pr(w11I of OJ r . 16. R.qX1r111:15 po:en1ill fr~, 'o1t,'3S!oi. nnd ;a.1111,:,:, 11.l'KI #lnl•r 111Utx11th1 Th,: O!Cipicm. 1md31ly Wbrucipimts ("subar-mte"14t ""Y lier. nMl(I pron,p1ly n-rcr to 1hc DOJ Om~., Vfthc lnsp.--o:")t Ocneroll {010) •'IY ,:r«liblc nidctloc:-t hm a prim:ip.,1. cmplO)~, il11-¢11L .subrccipicm, COfll!'tl~hJf. lltdxon!ntell)t", 01-011\,:r pt~ bu. ii:.conn,:cuou w,111 fon.U under llld 1111111111•· { I) ,ubnuttcJ a da1t11 l11a1 vwl:111.'$ 1111: fol~ Ctunlll Ac1;-0r l2) 0011,m111ed II c:riminnl or dvd ,iobtiua ofb-.-, pe1111in:mg tu fnmd. Cl)(lfli(I 01'lmrn:,1. bribery, itnr1w1y. vr wnil111 mifoon~. 1\'1Ct1'111lll lh'lud. WMIC, ~use, <11 nwcunduct i nvolvit1i1 o.. rul:;.ting, 10 fund!: under 11113 11w11rd U)(l111d lie tCp.>JIC\1 tu :b,: O IG by-{1)-0nUn..r )Ub1tti$:$illrl .o,:(:681bk: via the OJG wcb&);i~lll b11p,://oig.junioe.t(Jvfhotl itler,1cttnU1Ct~h un (SCt...d KSUbmit Rtp..)11 OnHM"): n)m11il dittChlihO: U.S. Ocp11rtmeot of J'"tkc.. 0 11-.Cc o(dt~ 10,,f)C>Clvr Ol:n.:tnl. IM~ig;,ni()n3 01,•itoion,. ATJ'N: Or1t11lft· Rcp«ti1111,. 9S0 Penl'dylVaai11 Ave., NW, Wa,lungwn. OC205J0; 11nd r0r (3) by fll~imile clir««d 10 tlu:-DOJ 0 10 ln11~li1;11oons OiVUion (A1t n: Gffl,~ Rcportini> 111(2-02) 616·988 1 ((111':). • Ocpa111Mnt urJu,-tk c (DOI) OIT10e of J~ucc l't0$1"1)1JU OOi cc. or Juvenile Jut,ll ce snd OcJfoqucncy Prevention A WARD CONTI NUKflON SH[E'r Coo1>t r a1 ive At;:rctment ,\WAIWOATI. SPECIAL CONDIT1ONS 21. Rt!11rictiom and c.:nilkatlOtU n:g.:,1di:ng M n -di:.;cl~«ua:rcclt'lmb :md rc bkd nuucu No rccipicn1 or&ubr<:eipknt ("$11bglllnt>!c") under ihl1>•"''1l1d. 01 tnll1)' that recci-.•r.s n (lf'OCumnc:tu c0o1n1et « t111ll<:<,ll\rll11I 11,ilh fnY fui:,ru-undc, lblt .,...,,1 ru:.oy ttquirc lrl)' cmplO)<cc ,N ,;Qr11111(.1(lr to .,isn 1111 intcrm,1 ronlitkmloh•)' 11gnuncn1 or $1.IJta'fl(ml llllll pmhibitj or 01!-.cn,,isc rcimiclS, Of puipor!.!l lo pmhibit or f'Cfilt ici. die repmin; {in a~ .,.,!b law) of'lll,;i~c. frai.id, or .tluk •W 1111 1t1YC$liplivcar l11wcnfon:cfntlll tq,l'C'M:flb tivc of II feder al di:(l!ln mc::tu OJ lllffiCY aulhoriitd «i reo:iYc $UCb ln!Offl'lldOl'I, The f0ttgot11j; h D.'.11 inkr.dcd, nnd $1!1111 QOI be Ul'ldcrslOOd by the lll!,CltCYfflDkitt, l.hit ..... '\lrd. !O(l)n!rav,mc rcquittrucn'IS llpPllcobk 10 St.vid11rd Fon u .l l l {which n:1111" IOdasti(Jl:d infunnation), Pc,nn ~l4 (whktl teb:IN 10 scoslli\~eampwtmentod informatlon).<11 any ot!u:r rtinn iJ$11od hr a foder•I .,\ql0Ml(l11t 01 11.1,en11y goveminJ; the nOftdj~'k,>I.IK or tl:,Mi r~ informll!l(ln, I. ,~ lln~plinj chii; Jfll.•M\1, lbc J'C(lpi~11t- •. rc,prc,;c,r.u tluu n l\rtlhcr r(IQ'II~ n«Nlll miui rcd in1 .. 'fllllleontlJ,:ndali1y ugi,;111m:nu or s111tc1na'ltll from employ~ or ooml'l!CIOfll tltal «.Jm.-nlly prohibit Of' !)lhcrwisc wm.:rMly f\:SlriCI (Or p-.npon wi prl)hibn or "strici) Ctnpl,:,ytn ur tonlrlK'lor, rrwn reponint wast,:,. ft::1ud, ur ubl.ai,e; u dcsnib<-J lb.'1vc: nod b. i:C'l1iflri tltlll,. i fo ~lll'l\$0f ill noclncd \hill ii i, I.'¢ N$ been tcq111rin1 i1sernpk,yOQ, ()I' t(lnlr.:t<IN IICI UC:(111( -,rcemcnu 01 sllJ\l:me:nli lhu ~ibii or 01!~c rCStrlcl (o, purpurt 1u prohib it or T'C$1ric11 tepMi~ or ""'~$'le, fr~. or lb11JC IU dc$ctibcd (Ibo\'!';, 11 wdl illllllleda:cly 1110() #SY fun bcf obltJ.ilocu Of/tYlo'llfd fun:!,.. .,m 1m,)\'idt pronipc wriltffl n0tifi11~!io11 ta lhe fc:dcnil t&'ffle)' 1nali1ig thiS 11w11rd, and will re,.un~(or p.,'"l'!Yllt r<$11mplKm ol)such obtigJ11k'.lns only It CJ.ptc.S3ly wt!IQtir.ed 10 do w b)• 1h01 11~. 1, l(1be mipk:til 00('-, /Jr is t!Whori:r~d 11111kt thlse .... 'Vll lO makt sub:t•·Ml!."I ("m\t11nims"), l)l'Oall'CfflC'1lleoi11r.tt!~Ot ..,,.,_ $. ii ll:(lreJCUI$ !f¥1l- ( I) 11 bai deu:nnilled th.ll nQ 0tllcr <111hy lha1 tl1C ~q,itnt', ;spplk:ation pro~ m.iy or wlll rooeive flwlild fur.ds (~er tltt'°'-'&h II iUb11w11rd r,q,~nt~). procurement OOflU'llCl. o)f s ubtun!~,, under ti proouremcnu:on1n1c1) eltht1 ttquire,i c,r hn~ ttq11ir«I lt11en1&I tonf,d,:ntilll.Jty o~c:me,m or ,;u11cmecns l'totn e,nplO)~:l o r 0011triu:t.of'll IM, c11rr¢1'11ly p:o'hibil ot 01hcrwisc 0,,m:n1\y t(Sllkt (-01 pwpc,11 to pn:bibil ot reJlrict}ffllplo~ce) Ot' COt'll1fK!l(!ri ft'-"i':11 ~p,Jning y,'~I,;, fta11d, or tbuK 111 deilcrib,:d 11bovc: 11nd (2) 1, bas mil,k t1pproprit1!C i nquiry, C)f C)lhero\•lsc hilj(tQ~l Ui~ f-a.:tu•I blu:is. «i $.'\l(l(lOl'l •h is 1':pt't'Stntatloo: Ul!d b. ilt1:1ldff'-, lh&1, ir ii ~ Ot't9 IIOlll'tod •bat any 11ul»wipt<DI, (OntrKIOt, or s.ubt:onll'liCh)l'Q)lily lbii1 t iltl:iVI:$ fllnffl '#Ide, llus aw111rd i:Hir ha, bom t f<111i:rin1 iui employees or eot11n,c,o;~ ~ 1:x11eu1,: 11gu,omc111$ or ,:1111cme...1ii 1hB1 proMbil u: o!lu:rwi~tts.,:rie1 (Ot' purpon 1oprobSbi1 Or renrict), rq,uttmg t>f Y1o·u-:e:, fr.wcl, c, n~e N dc:knbl.'d &bow. il will rm1n«1i111tl}' .stop lilly IU11htr oblip~iims o r ini,·.ttd fl.l'ldi CO o,b)' lllM e111Jly. will 1,r(lnde pnirnpt written nniiftc:Uion 10 th~ fe&n1I tig.cr..:y mak ini 1hi$ aw•r<I, Md will r(lklme {-01 p,:mut ttlj11mptiot~ol)s11ch QtlhJa11ontooly ,f exprt)llly l'lltbud;i:od t.:i lit> liU by IN.t ~119 • Dtp0r1men1 of JU$uct (DOJ) Office or Ju;iuce Proa:r•$ Office of Juv1:nU e J u sfo:e and Oe.ll n<1ucncy Pnvcnlion A WA.RJ) CONTINUATION SHEET Cooper11l i\'C A&reemeu 1 1'11.'AltDDA'l'f. S/'£CIAL CQND(T'JONS U. Complinncc with -I I U.S.C.~71 2 (1;11('.luding prohibltiom on ttpriul: Min lo i:ntpl0)'¢C$) MCif. n Of' 11 The rttq,11:nt (md any1111brtdpicn1 at any de,) 111U:1l cornply wnh, 11nd iJ imbjcct 10,. all &pplknbk provlsiont uf 4 1 Ll.S.C. 41 12-. in,;bdil.'l,!I nll l¢lptleabk p:ovi ~ions l~l p1-0lulii 1, ur..derspoc,tiod d~mmlllll«$.<liknmin1100n 111t.M1Ht 11n ffl'lploytt-u rq:ri.s•I fur th,;, o:1upl")'t:¢'S dlfdcl,1.1tt ofinfonnadoo tt~«i IO Sf'Olill ml81~tntof II f«Jcm i;nmL II gros, •us.1e-0ftMend funds, nn tbwe QfllU'!horiiy rtlllUtlj; t<I a (tdeml .,.,,, a SUb,tan!W •nd 8J')ocllic dllnga'l() J)llbbe befilth Uf ,:/1.[cty, <,r II v'lolatkm ofl11w, NI¢, Ot' tti;u.lation rela1e<! to• fto.S.-ml gr.mt. ~ t ctipt,,:nl :dlill ll'IISl i11r.:m:11 rt,o:mpkiycc.s, Ill .... ntmg (-' IA dtc pfl:dtJn!lnlnl t.l{I\,; latlsu:iii.-urth,; ,.._orfr.fom:;. ur employee rigb1, ;m,d remcdi(:J uadttr •I U.$.C, 471 l.. Shoukl • qu.-,ti«-&rife a, WI llw 11J1plie&bili1y -Of lhc. provi11ium of41 U.S.C. • 712 10 1lus :,wind. the rtt'{lif;'I" I~ h) (Xffl!ac:1 41e OOJ a,,:mlinia&fflCY (OJ P utOVW. AS approprfatc) f.ot e\Jid1111(;$, l'\.lnus:)t IQ Exccullvt Onkr U$1 '.)., ~f'tdi:n!I 1-dcrship Ofl R\~ng Te\l MeMlll:lllJ; While Dm•ina: 74 f OO. Reg. 512lj (Ocl.Om.'1 I. 2009). OOJ 1:mour-s~ rcx:ip.:c1sancl ,ubrccipicm$n,1bi;r11111J:~") 1011~pt 1U'l(J rnfun:c poli~i,:,s l'llllflinicmpf,,;,)'ee:, t ,um u::u 1~nti.r1t "'flil,: driving any ,'Chlelc durini;, 1hc N.lllllC ofpn-foi:n,ins worir. 1\mlkdby thii 11ward, AAd lO Cit:lbli11h worl:p~ce .s;,f1:1y politic:$ nnd tol'ldutl ~uc.-tion, ""''lt'fflC'$il, 1md olber Olllretetl lo d«-tt!ISC tltihl!.i cwstd t>)· dl81r&et~-d dri~cr4, 30. Rtquirem~nt 10<1ltcklst "'Mhc:t recipient is d.-si.gnn!cd "hi1t1 ri-~1,;• by 11 !cdenll 1~1-11iak.ingqfflC}' ~le u!OOJ l!'tbt m:1pie11t is<k:slgnatl-d "hi=,&h risk" bya fodi:t:d grnn~~akittt: l\i;('.11~)' owsidc: otl>OJ. \'llrrm1t)• -Of m uny tmu: during lhe COI.Sl'1¢ of 1bc pc,ri<,d of petfQnna,~c ..ww!t1 thu 11w11rd. the ~ipl(;n\ thl.l$! di.dOIIC 111:'II l\o;t .-,ii ccn11i11 ttfatcd in!ilrm.ltion 10 •JP by miait ia.1 OJP.COl'l1¢iflncrlkp,:,niog@ojl).4ISdOj.gov. flor p;irposes of th.u d isi:l,;,;su~. ltlgh ri3k foclvd;s Ml)' ~a1u,;11nilcr "''hkh a rtdcnd 11..wrdmi: 11i;t11,:yprovi&,; ~i;iomJ Ovtllight due IO lbf. ri:dpicnt's ~' pttfonr41\CC, Or -Ollxf propmO'HlhCOI /iru,n,:l,l) ronccMI "'i llith\• lfl:qtii:nt. 1'tw r~!pwn!'s di:ld~ufC 11\11,1,i mdudc t ile follow in,: ,. The fod t 11;I UWllt dins n2cncythlll cu.-rcnl}y dc$ilUlnlC$ lh(.! u.lcipicflt hi.sh mk, l . The ,k:c the reelptCl'II .,..m defiam«d hip ri11k, J , 11K" hlgb-mk poin1 or coo1rtei a11Ju11 r~ml 1tw.M\ilna agm.:y (name, phone nu,iibrr. and ein.'lil llddl'C$5}.and 4. Thr fl'J.'IOI• for 1hc hlfh•ruk $!:11U,1, IIJ..tltf ooc t>y t h.-l'NcNI .111.'afdwi:. \llfflC)'. ) I, The recip1e1,i llilJ«$ to ,ubmil 11 (*')Iii tepurt4 lhe tnd e1f1hi411w111d &on1m,eMing all ttlc\111)1 pc,>joa .,_~iv,1,r:,i dWIII!; 1hc Vnl i~ pnilldof $upp0tt under t hh111Wattl Th;s.,1;:p,.,rt wi ll infludi: llcu.ileJ ,11r-0rnuniun CIN)11t 11!,; prt>jl•r1(,l fUNINI, iixtudin,, NI not l.inull:J :n, infonnMlon 11bou1 baw the 11.md!< "''Cro llC!ulllly w;od f-Ot tlt:b pul'pCl<'lc ar<0, dWla 10 imi:pon st&tffllcn111 of pt~!ili. and d11111 concerning u1d1,•id.u.s.J re"$Ulu nnd -011\o!on1i.'s or fun:tod l)C'Oje¢tt t1:ftl:r1ing pt'Qjcc1 sucoeiueJ a1td imp11ru. The finial rtport h due no l111et ilwn 90 dl:iys fo l lowin, l~dos,: chhi5 aw,ird ptried ur lhe "-\Pirn11on of 1111)'~,,lkniiun period;, Thlt n-pon will be s nbrni:nod t-O lb:,Olf..::c of Jo4li(;C Pro.gram,;, cm-fi111; l.hrough 1hc lflteflltt at httpc//tt:k'lli.Ojp.usdoj.govl . 32. The n;(;1p1t'!lt sh~II $C1b(l'i 11 Kno11nrnud proare,u tt1iwu. PrugttJII rep<>nil!llall be submi1tcd within}() di,yi 111icr 1ho: t:nd of the rq,o11it1$ 1io:riudi, which MIC Junr JO 11nd Dei:c~;; I, fur !ht life o!thc 1-\\'#d. Th,:!IC' report$ .,.,ill be tu1mu11cd l(l l~OfTicc otJ.i,ploc Prognmi,. 01).lino: t llN)uij:h lhe l mcmct Ill ht11)$'.fli:r•nh1.ojp.usdoj.g(WI • Dtpurn1tn,1 of huticii (OOJ) O llkc of Jll$llcc l'rop,mu Omoc of Ju,•enilt Juitke and OclinqueoC)' f'rcvudon AWA IU> CONTINU,\T ION SHEET Coope:r1111ive Ai:r~eme.111 AWA.ti) IMTI! SJ•e·cu ,. CO ... 'l)ITIONS 33, Rtdpim1 mu.:gmy 111\d pt1form.:,r.:o: m1111cn;: RoquU1:1nrn1 IO rq,on mfonl\:.Jt1onun crm1in av1I, cril1'1111al. anJ admtniAttd,-.:.pro,:,:cding$ 10 W I ar.d FA PUS Tht r«'fkllt mu.i comply •ilh any 1md all npplic11bk n:quimm:111:1 reg.Win& rcpc,rting o,f infnnn11i0fl-011 fflil, aimi,w.l, 11niJ ai!mini$!ra.ti\'le prooocding;, cuooc.:ted ,..,.jl}i (Of councet.:d tothii pcrformnncc oO d tht, thU OJP 2wacd 01 any Olb.'t' gn11a, e«,pcr•,ni~e a~cnu:nt, orprocmCt'lu.mtC\Jlllrnl1 from ihc fod ctdJ @U\'Cffllm:nt. (Jnc1¢r«nafll C9'1/ijlflil.3ncv'i. rccipilmtS ofOJP •ward, arc rcqwttd 1(1 rc:pot1 mf1n1naum abuUl ,uch proCX\:d111g:i, IM.lugh 11\0: foJt••I Syintm f,x-Av.\N'd Mrur.11«rumt (l;m,.,..'JI a. "SAM~~. 1othe do:ff.Snakd feder al 1t11c,1ity and perfonn11ncc -'>'S!C1n (currently. 'fAPIIS"). 'l'b¢ dtta.ilior r«ipicn\<lbllpd~ n:g111dins lhe 1'CQ'1i1¢d £Cputll11i;,(flnd u pdating) orinl'br1Miun uD«M:iin cinl. c.:rimilllll. tad l!Clrffl ni:llnlli YC l)rol.C¢d.iftJ:J ,o Oit mdtml d c,ign11¢d ltll¢$tity and ~onna.noe 11)'8\Cfll (c.:um:ntly. "fAPUS") withi1t $AM t1ll llO!S~d on 1hr 0JP .,..~bti~al bUpd/ojp.gov/!undi DJ,'f'APllS.h!in{Award condiDOn. Rff*ltnl l itl!!11l1ly and Perf-0n~M111tcn, ind1d iflt R.«,a;ple11t R\'pOrti~ 1o F,,PIIS). al'ld aw h:.c.:orporaitd I,)' rerc.:rc~Mri:. J4, f'f ;\ T ,\ 11:p,:,11ing: S~awar<lt \ll!d 1.!XUCUlt\'C OOU'lpMSlll-011 TI1(l l «llpknl lll(UI comply .. ,111111pplfolbl,: r~uirtmen1, IOt-::p,jrt jinHitf .sulu,'11,'.1rQ${'"111;'11,j11ml.'I") o f S25,00()or ntOtt nnd, in C\lrlflindra1m,m111cc., 10 ttp,:,11 lbe-nMUI.', ar.,d !ou l ~'()n'lj)Ct'1ii11J<1111.>ft h,: (fr,: mo,;1 bi!llllt (\lll'll!~u~\j e\C<:Uli..-ci of the r~i1-• und fif)Micr •ibrt>....,jplci,t, (firt1Mkr ",ubgm~~) or flwoul /ul)(IJ. The dct.:ii b arrttijli1:nl a hli1111ions. "'1111:h derive fmm rM federal r'undiog Arcounwbil isy11m;IT11t1~p01ency A<:taf 2006 (FF,\'tA). iltte ptWttd -011 '-OJP web i.irt III t11q,s.lfojp.go.,.,,ltlnding/£i,:plare'FFATA ,hlfl1 (A.,..-;ml eut1tlilinn.: R,:pon.lf\¥ Subt,.·#ds and £i~h'¢ COC'11ptimuiun), and 11t1: inool'f)()fmed by n•r~°"nc.:c here. This condi1iOl'I, iidudi.ng i1s rc poni:n1 rcq11irctru:n1. d111:1 nu1 :apply to•• {I) an 11w•rd o-! kitl til1oll SlS,-000. or (2} an t'Nl'lzd 1nadc 1u11n indivxhml whore,·tivcd thc 11wnrd 1u II n,m,rJ.1 ,w11un {i.1i., unrcbed IQ 11t1y busfflt w nun·profii orp11iudOl'I diat he ur i:.he m.1)',ownor Of)l.'flltl! ai bis ur her name). )S. With rCip,:;;1 "' l.hiJ IS'l\vd, tb.1¢1'<11 r1mdtl IM.)' n,x be 1111N h,) ~)' ~ OOl!ljW.!IJlltiuU (llilW'} pli,ei bvit11)il.1>1) I,) :m)' cmplO)'l::c or the ,,.••rd recipimt 11111 rnt.c 1h1u c,i.~OOJ. 1 10% or the m;,.'(im1m\ .,..n1111I ll&lt11y puyublt 10 11 member 01' 11,t fit:ll!T,d goYffllmtrn'$ Sen,01 E11rtuti..-c SeNkc.: ($£$)111 an 11.@Cll(:y with II Cc-r.iflC'd SF.S l'er(orrnill);I.' Apprais:,I S)~lc.:n, {Of lhat year. (An awnrd ~cipicnt may eompcrna.~ ia.n cmpll))'tt 111 n lui;;lle, rtW. pro,,idcd t he 11n1Qu111 '""-'~118 Vfthi, UOlll9fflSlllion U111llflt.iun ii p&id ""'iii) n~r.:delfll rwx1s.) Thu lim.iml)Ofl Ol'l«m~p(!ni;u1iun me,c al low11btc ..-i!'ltlc, dtiJ (r;,a1d 1r111y be wnh'Cd-01111n !n(lividu&I bui, al Che d~tion o f the OJP affieinl i11dlC3;(ld in lbrt pro~m lll'.Muncen'lel)I 118det "''hkh thill rwud it; m34¢. 36, R<:eipitnt llgt'C' t(I wtin:1i1 II 'll,•fhta'I il.r.ttegy di:111:ribina 1hc j111i$d;edot1'11 11lao lo1 $11$1~ining the j1A-cnlk lnb.d. ut f'irnily d(ug coun pNgram 111\cr Federal tll'WIC'ial uslQ,time,: huffldod, ~ s usu.but bdity pl11t1 mmt be ,ubmi11¢d by lb: 1'1ld oflhc (um )'l::Af ohht 11w11rd iwriod in order io bt In cot'liplilim;c; wi th lhiJ r,:quirem,:nt. 37. T he r«11ienti;:fl:l:s 10 r,:port iba o n the unmet'$ OJJDP-appro,•i.ld p,:tfarm:ince l~81•1t3 IIJ put o!~sc:mi4M1ml <Ukg<inc'ill prng,'1::Soi rcpor1 Tin114'11l will be s11b1ni~t~1 oo Ii~ m OJJOI'~ P1:1form~nce ~kn~ "'eb-S1te (ln!p,!1:I/OJ.ldp.J.'-OW(;r&nWl'lt'pm.fil).1,:a:,h:nd) by J uly 31 me! fanu:tty l I Cl!."b }'CM !';)t 11!1: dl.l!lltil)I) a! the ..... l:ll'd. Once dm:1 tntry is eomplete, the 1Pllll~ ... ;u bl.: abk-10 cru~eand downlQl.d , ~l'«llln.'n11111lC' Ml.'uun:1 l)&U A:cpon," TIUS docu~ is 10 b(t indudcd iu A11 atueht'ncn1101he ~ut.:,:'$ m,n1ti l'( calcitQn:1.11 ir,:st$11111I:(:' prvgr,::lll t qion :111bmim:d in OMS for~h ttponl~ period. 33 T ile. r,:,:ipient, tnel a11y s ubf,:elpient c,ubg.ruWJOe'") 111 1111y 11et, \ltlde~11111W and 11~~ 1h11 nQ •"·•rd limdll ur m11!chmg fi.l,ds (1fapplk 11bk) may be \tScJ l<'l p«,,·idt.1ttt,,·kei fnt violent Q!'lffllcn1 M ddkd in J.4 USC" 1061,,n) Md(bt Dqu.rmicl\l oJ Jt1lticc {OOJ} Offltl!-or Jul>"liee Progniim Offitt of Ju"enil cJustlce &nd Jklinque11cy l'rt\'entl oo AWARD CONTINUATION S ~EET Cooperarh·e ,~reem enr SPECIAL co.vmno.vs t A(iE IS or u !II. W1th1n •S caknd;.rdily., 11flcr lbe«id ofimy ronftrc:nct, mertu:ig. rctreJt. kll'lulilr. li)'m1:,ono11\, l11illu ng11niv11y. (Q i.imi hrt C'"tal fu~ 11Mer this 11w11rd, 11,-1 lhc tut:dco.it ofwhlffl"-'~~d• $20,.000 t fl award funds, the r\'ld picn! 1m111 llf"O\idc lb¢ Pf(l$Jtm rnnnnacr Wilh t h,: fullO'>'ini lnlorznationUICI itent.ted cut<hc I ) n1m~of C'\~t: J) IOOl!ioo of cvcm: 6) OOWJ of cvtnl spm:c, including tOUuu forbrcnk -OUI sies:si<Jn:1: 1) OOstS Of iludiu l'U!lill &CMttll'; 8)-0lm cquipmct11 i:Oilli(t.g., ComPUff, f".,, lckpbont fee$). 9) C0$1S of prin,111~ and d in ri!Mi0tt 12)c~of ¢\"Ctilpkrincr: 13) OO$t$ of~ f.ah~111on:: nnd The 1tcipien1 mu~ 11lll0 i;emuc am rq,un an)• of lhc lbl klwi12g a!kndcc (incl11dl11g puticip,m.ts, p~1cn. s pWen1) CQ1iU I.Mil lltcc ptid Of rcimtmrscd ""'hb <OUp:rn!f\•e lJ'.f'((met'll funds. I) 1~ imd im:idee111I .:xpcnu,s (M& If. poJrtion o f p,:r dkm), 2J toc!Plll:: 3) trnnllJK)n&uon to/frllfll event looit ion(c .. g., .:mnmon c.11frict, i'1h'$ldy 0-.ni:d Vehick (PO\')): llnd. 4) locol trw~folfl {c.s .• tti~I elf. POV) Ill tVl.:IU lo,;nnori 'Nol\l lhlt i f 11ny i~m i£ r,11ld fo , wk h re~trnlion tc"5, Otany othel" nun ,award fu ndin~ then t hat p11r1ian or t he Ollp,:11$C" doc~ llOI ncod IO b(: ri'pi>fted. F'unhcnnstNCtiilru n:garc.hrie the &ub!iiu$1Un of 111M Mu. al'KI hO'I\• 11> detrn:nine c01;1$. ~ a~il&bk in the, OJP flM!X i:sJ Om Confcrcncc. C~t Chapc<:t, • (.),:p(lntr1t11l of Jwl.R (DOJ) o mc,: or111$.tice Pro1UM1S Offic-t' or Ju,·enlle Ju.$liCt amJ Dellnque.nc)' Preven tion AWARO CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperadve Atr-etmtnl llll.'I\IU>l)J\TE SPt'CIAL CONDJnONS t AOE 14 or U 40. 1bc Pt~t Oh~OI: 11nd k;;y F'Wbram pe-:r.H1nr.ddcsi$n111W ,n W11wl ..:mtl)n $hall be rqih11.W unly fut tumpdling rell'.:lllllll. Suoo=:11100 lO k~ peuoenel tnVSI be 11ppn.wod, i111dt111:b &Pf"Ov•I ill (l(lnlingent upon a ibmia;ion of 9Pllfllprl•1e lalbm1111w u. iududiAg, but Ml l imited I~ 0. mume, OJPwill noc, lll~SOl'Ably -•ilhhuld IIPFW''ll. Cb1mgn in other ptOl'fl)ln pctSOOflel ttQ';llfC only 110tifl!Cllliun to OJr and ,ubmi-lrion orn:,;um«., un bs oitierwi~ ~i~~d in t h1,1 .-..•..-d d«llfflCM, 41. COO!),."fllli ng ..-i1h OJP M(ln ru,rm11 The n:dpien1 n~ to ~le wltb OJ I' muailOml@ oftl!.1$ award pumn:t! to OJ P'$ gvidcljncs, pro1oool$. Uld pro,:ed~~ an.I t.o «mpcm!e w i1hOJ P (ill)¢.lodfog t he t;11tn1 tn111ul@i.:1 ro, 1bi, 1W11rd 11nd the Office o r Chief .....-rn•nci1d 0/lke, (OCF'O)) ril(tuo:i>1i n:1~«110,u.:h mot1itoring.. indOOin, request$ 11:b:od t0J~k rti~"?Cw $ aml'ur J itc vints. Thi: Neipicn.t agr«, iopro'11<1e co OJ P all doew-m:itJ.;MilX'I n~,y fo r OJ P to oo~le~ its rnnni1Qrini: iasks, ii,¢,J11Jt11t lkwnl~tuu lon fffll(>d 19 11ny:111ix1'1l11nb lllollk \lndcr !bi, IIW'lllll. Further, 111' iwll)fm. f!¥ftt'.i lO •bilk by rl'«'looablo &11dfinci f;l:1 l)yOJP for llfO\'id.irlt; 1he rtquci«OO i.!(.)o;unw11l'I. Failu~w coopcrnto: with •JP'$ m,oniwrin, 111¢11\.'luat 1nay 1'¢31.1fl lti ac.th:,na lh:lt affect the itcipicnl's l)()J 11wards, inclOOlne. but IIOt lltriiW<J 10: w1tlthOldmg,iUKlfo1 olher rcslricl:iOM on 1hc rccipte,)l\t flOOC81 IO l\wftrd fu1!61; rtkm1J 101l111 DOJ 0 10 fo1 Mldit ~•icw; dC$ign111ion or t he (ttipiem: as II OOJ High Ri$\ &J111\t«; or troninotion ofatitf\!.'~). •2. hm.ifit').(i«i of e<mi.ulunl n uc 1\pprov11I ;>l'tll ~ irwat\1 d;>eii m)I il'iclii:llti: 11pprov~I or11ny oon 11Ul~m r&to in cl«'.t$:C0($65(l p,:t o.»y. A o.ku.,IC4 J 11;1.11ieMion !IIWI bt $Ubnun,:d !OIIDCI nppru\'.c,,.1 by th,: OJP p rojtvn o ffice pnot IOOblilJlll,On o)J t\\p(mdth.tt\! of'"1e.h rur.:h. 0...: to~ s11~1nntial Pe<leral invo,lw;nxm C-01~pi,,1od kl oo,~lei,on oft h~ ;ncjcel. 111~,o!Tv."I: ofJ u vcnil,: J~tkc- ana l)::liliquc111;y P1-e\-entwu (O>JDP) 1t:u1elel:«d iomtei mto a coup.:nm,•t q~11'1c:'11 rn1~thAll ll llfl,1ii, 1111 • &d~iun i, twtd onOJP andOJ IDP's ontoioa r~poe'ISibib1y IO llJ6"st $:,cl 00Vcdl11atc pt"')«t'I 1h11 tt<l11t.: 10 !he rllfldod actiY11M:$. O!P 3M OJJDP will p rovide inpui and rc-dir«lion t0 !he projcei, $$ 11coclod. iri ~Vnlfulbtiun with the t1:C"i1)k:CI, ondw,u &Clh-e.ly l'IUl'.UIOT \h,: pl'l)jl'C'I by m,:lhud11 inducling, ~ nl,l( hmntKI IO, \lf\COlr\t; C/Jal11¢1 w11h t h\' n:.:iptmt. In met!i nt 1woan;n1t11111~ Kj,po1U1ibd1tic,. OIP, OJJDP,u,d 1M ro:cipient -•ill b.i g.uidtd by fhe fo l ~Wifl& princi~: n:sp.,nA"bility for the d11y-1.wl1y opc,n1,on$ or iltis l){Ojca t<:SU whll •~ Nd~1 ,n unp)emcnu.~ioa o! ~ n:cil)te01'$ 11ppro,,'Cd 111"P(IS8L t!u; n:cipiml's appN•·td budget :ind tltc-o:mu 1mdconi.li1ions $0i,'.:itled ,n 1t1lu"·~ril Rt!Sponsibiti!y r'" gencrill o,.'«$i2h1 i nd n:direcdon of1hc pt0Joet, lftieCemty. l'dlt,.ilbOJJDP. Ln 11ddilio11 to i:!$ proen.m1N1dc «:porun, tt~ircm.:m,_ th,: f\'dpimt 111!1~ !O providt 1111«:Ua,y in form111ic,n 11$ t1.~1ell by OJI> 11nd OJJDP. h1ron:n111ion re,11,11,.~1"11/ly u idl'CIC. ~ 111\l "°' l11mwd lo>. "'Pl,...lli\' AtbinuHOn:< r,.iMc<,d IO. p:rillrlnMK.li!. i11cl11ding tn,:,li$uh•nwnt ur p roj,:ct o ut()lllj,'ooux1m.:i1; ,~ling perf,:iruun~ 11p.:cili,:11tl(l11i: (le, c!Of)ll'ICl'lllll \"kl:Wl,:,n p.,ill!S; ii~ in proj,..~t ,001l¢ 01 )X:l'SIIIW'ICI; b 11Jt,,;\ 11\0d,fw;ilf<lnj,; "1111.'o, roo1d1Ntiuri uf h•l:ato:d pmj,:,:1,:. 4•L The r«ipfon1 rn11y 11,Q1 ~h11u11, c~ or <IOl .. ·du-.n f1md$ 1111\11 \he Offiecor~Ch.effinanci11l O ITKl:r (OCfO) hM app:,:,YOO Ille-bu~ and bu""" n11tr.ih-o 4nd a Oran, Mlj11:11mm1 N~icc (GAN) hns bCCfl i~uc,4 10 rcm,ov(: 1hii s pocul c«ldition- -1$. T Iit re.:i,1(:111 sh11t l 111lfl8:lml lO OJJOP l'Uptr.l ohll official 1r ... t1td •rtl111cd ptt$$ I'('_~ 11 kflr.t Ii~-: (S)•xitkll'lj d>IY$ ptic.v to publk ri:lc.Mo:, ,\dvim.:c nQ1i lic11ti01t j'ICftmu 1in~ l'ot ¢001dl1"i;;11iunor rckJ ~-vfi11f,;mnn1ion by OJJOP wlt,:tc tppl(lpriat,,:. aud to fl:lipllttd to ptt'.H 01 public i.nquiri~. • Oepunmm1 of J1181ieu (DOJ) Offiee or J\.Ul:K~ Proti:Ntns Office or Ju Yen li e Jtulkc a nd Odinquency P-,.evcntion A WAR.0 CONTINUATION SHEET Cooptr alive Ai:~emeo l 5rECIAl CQN/)lllONS «,, Tht ni.:aiple111 sh,dl $1;/hn,il IO•J J OP ;t ,:opy or11u lmeiiznWKI fiml f'tP(lm: alld 11111p,;,.~cd publ:iea.tlon5 (ilx1udin1 ttlos,e prepan:d rorcon(m:ncc~ juurNls • .ind Olhe1 prn:1r:n111ti11n$) ~111111, !rum 1hi, :iv.'JrJ, for ri:,·iev.· inJ eotll1t1en1 priur w pub,1i~ng.. Any p11blie111\,on produced 'll'i!h 11•111 futKb muJt «main lbc 1~11,)wir.g $IIIICfll¢nl: 'Tllii ptuj«:t was Supported b)• Ora.:)I tr () 111.:J:dcd by t he Ofrkc of foveni)e J1u111cc ltlld DetinQUC'.l'IC)' PN"'«!lion, Office of J u~k e l\'Og,r.lm,'I, U.S. J)rq:caruntnt of ha$tict. The ,JJ1i!Ulln11,, fi ndinp. Md coadudonior rccocn1rimd11!i cmH:\-prcg;5ed iii thi,: v.1blKl.ltlontprvv,11n'txhibhl0ti ,~ lh0.'C o{ lb= $4/lhOt(•} imd do M l nceeMnl)' ri:llcd the.iii¢ of th,; Dq.""'1'1\ent or Jm~. ,\11 rqx,m and prudl1c1$ m:iyb(t req uin!d to diliflb)' 1hc OJJOP logo M 1hc CO\~ (~other loc:ulot1) ""ith lhe Dl:fCUl'lt11t o fOJIDP OJJOP ddincii public111)011U¥«ny p!annt<I, •,,1rim:n,, vilSI .. I ur 1K111nd nl'<ll(ritb im~an1h·ely lxiu:d on 1ht p1-0ji:i:1. rorm11Uy im:pored by lhe-aw.-ird n.clpi"11t r.:i.-dis~i!Uli~ ll>t h,: pubhc. 41, Tho: recipicm aer~ 1irUC11ptly tu provic1¢. up()n t «111es1., tinnncUII or p,o;,i,1mu11tic,,~l11~ ~w:11om1:11ion rd&toi:l io ibis 11w11,d, i:ncJuding docml'ICJ'IU.lion o( o:pendi11,11~stod lldlisivi:mce'IS. 48. The rc.:.,knl un&n;und11 lit.It it will be ,iuhjcct IO lU,tdibOIWI li1111nci11I und ptOiJi1111cn111ico11 ,si1c 1ncini1(1tn'1t:, "'til:b moy !»OJI shon 11011Ct. ond a,i:t tt3 II». it will i:OUpmttc ,-.j1h #lY AA~ momitoring. '19. High mk. W,lhbuldmg . (".c,11~lcll(lo o,·~oJP !immi:ull m11n11p:n:,fflt and gr.ac.111dm,no1J"llbun 11a1nin,i:" rcq1111"\:J TIie tti!ipicn1 01~y 001 obl i,s111c, ,:xl)Cftd. «dr,1,wdn'l'lln f11n,J:, mi.kt lhi Ja"-;inl unul--(1) OJP ~i~ du ; die tot;ipl'.M'l! Poin.t of('~ (POCt,nd 1111 ~•innn,:ial P•ml:$ c,fC11~1 (FPOQ,) (IX llti&a'll'Md ha\'C ~11\!Ci:»il.ill)' tomplctcd..,. •oJr !'in11no:i11I mamgcrm;nl Cid grnnt adminis1111lon 1t1tining" on or •!kt J&nu11ry t, 2018, nnd (2) OJp i m u:J ll (}ml!( AdJ\illtlll:nt No:ict (OAN) 1(1 lt'IOtlif)'-Or rl!ffiO\'t Ibis $peei3' eo11W!ion. Or.o:e both th;; POCllnd all FPOC$ba11c suctoidUllycompleicd lllc lrtlbung ttquircdby 1h f3 ()(lnditw n. t he rM picm INy ¢,mllll/l I.ht dcsignmcO JNIIII t llllnll!!.n for ~ '.l'll'.lr411> 1tquo1 iniu.uion Qf • GAN 11:1 mnovc 1hi1 cMC!iuoe,,, A list o>ftlt,; 011• trai11it11' dun OJP wdl comidc:r ll!l •oJ~ fulll!lCil>I rhllll~tmi:11: Uld V,lnl &dmi11U1rutiun 1t.al11 ~, .. lt1 p!.!rp,l<'IC$ ofthi$«c'ld11i()ll ill 11v11ilab,lc Ill hnp,J:I/Ojp.j;ov/'lrnitlina,'(m'f,hUn .. All 1,aining,1 thlll $1111Sfy lbiJC\'lndd ion lncl\.Kle, a ,~sion M IVfllll ih\11<1 pni~mim M'ld ..a.~1Jo11 .. • . , Department or Juslke (0(),J) Ofticc of J usLioe Programs Office of Juvenile Jusllt.: and Delinquent:)• Prewmtion Memorandum T o: Official Omn i File From: Lou Ann Holland, OJJOP NEPA Coord:ill3tOr Subjetl: C.atcg01•ic.al Exclusion for W1111hin3too Administrati ve Office o f the Couru This iwu.rd is msdc as pa11 oflbc fY 2020 fMlily Drug Court Program. Awards under this 1>r0ifam wiJI ~up pon state, loca), and tribal govcm.1ne!'ll! to cnhanoe drug C<>Urt pn:igrnms for fa mili e$ ,nd j uveniles in the j ustice ii)'$1C.m whb substance abuse problems. None-of the followmg activities will be cond u.<.:lcd ei ther under tJtis ,.ward or u related third p3.rty action: I ) New 001u-tr1.tCtion; 2) Any rtnovation or remodeling of a property 1Qc11ted io ;1n environmcntslly ()r hisioricaUy sensitive area, including propcr1y (;t) listed on or cligibtc for lis,ing o n the Na1ional Re~i s.ter ofHistoric Plllel~, ()r {h) loc-~itod within a IOO•yl:tlr flood plain, a wcdand, or habi iat for an cndllllgcn::d ;species~ 3) A rc1xl\'aiion which will chaogc the basic ptior use of a facility or s ignifi canrly chunge iis si:zc~ 4} Reseatch and technology whost iinticipatod and furu~ application could be expcc1cd 10 ha"c an effect oo 1he environment; or S) lmplemcotatioo of a proarnm invo lving the use o f chemicill.$o oihcr than c-hcmicsls thit are (a) purchased 3S 31) inddc-ntal com1>0nen1 of a funded activity :111d (b) tradilionally used, for example, in office-. household, r«rcational. or edtl(;:U iou erwironments. Add itio1ltl lty. the proposed action is neither;;. p}lasc nor a scgml.'m of:1 pr()j,.:cl which when review~ m 11.s entirety would not meet the. cri1eri:i for a categorical c.xclw1iM . C0n$l;..'qU¢nlly, lhc subj cC<I fc:de:1:il acoon meCL'-OJ P's criteria for a categ,o,icat c:tclu.-sion as comai1~d in p.'m1graph 4(b) o f Appendix O to Part 61 of Title 28 o f the Code o f Feder,I Regulations. • Department o f Justice {OOJ) GRAN T MANAGER 'S ~f£M ORANDUM, PT. I: Office or tia.11~ l'ro&r.im" PROJECT SUMJl,L.\RY Oflicc. of Ju\'enile Justice J)nd Ddinq1,11mey Prc\'c.tnion Co(lperativc Agreemc-nl ~ PROJecr NlfMB~R 20-20,1,,R.ftX•KOOI rAOE I 0,, I l hi •prt,JO:l tf~ underf'Yl~O»f>P. f•rnily Dn1&C:m,1 Pl\lt,~• • Stace >lt\d County f!xpanflon) 3' l"SC 1~11.et lie<!,: l'ub, L, t,.\,. J 16.93, 13) St,L 2Jl1, 2GUII I, s-rAff OONr Acr (Name & ~h:·pln;,m:i ffllmbtt) ?. l'Jt.•JECf l>IRf Ci'OR (N•"'-11dllreu;k •c~ numbc,J Ktdn),11 6:.ny Cindy Bncl:a-fro?> J 14-6019 ('ll'DitcMM P.O. Boi 4 11 ?0 O!ynip6;,. WA91.SCM (J.00} 70J-.S30ti Ji.. Tl'I ~OF lHI? l•KOORAM :lb. f'OMS COOP. (SF.fi ISSTRUCTIONS Cnitf{'l)'J. Su11t ond Cou,ny fffl1ily 0 1\l(C(lum Exp11nsio11 ON IUWl!RSl!J ,. 'l'n w or PROJ£Cr S1111~idie ~ fod!ff'ccd.,c l'amily't'Mu-.1 (;(111,u imd Serr,,:~ ). ~AM6 &-AD0fl£SS Of' (j R.A.'01!1! 0. NAMe I< AORESS Of lil!OORA~1T:.I!- Wa,;hifl):h.m Adminis1n1!,;c C.>lril,,r of 1hc Coun ~ P.O. Bo,c.tlln 01)~. WA ')Uo.l-1 l7l 7. Pltomt,A)-1 P£1UOU 8, OlJIXlll.Tf'l;;Kl(J() l'lt.OM. l (l'l.11~020 TO 09fJO>Mll f lthM: 10.'<lJnlllll TO, 00•)0121)2~ <j .U.100NTOf AWARD 10. l>ATF.Of AWARD s 1.1~.000 II SF.CON"D YP,,\R'S BUOC.ET 12. SECOND YliAk'S UU006T AMOL'ST 13. T HlRJ> Y6A.R'S BU'OC.eT i>l:1t.lOO 1-1 llllRO VRMt 'S 61:DOET' AMOIJ'fff IS. SUMMARY Of.SC Rll'TIO!< Of i'R(IJOCT {S« IIIMNi:IXM'IOII N'\'(Ot') 'Ille OJIOP l~amily D~ C o1111 Pro~nm 1o0e1:, 10 ti..zild the. al(lllo:ll}' of ~lfl, w.l!e 411,j ko;:.al (Ol,II I .. Wlils of locul l!,')'>'t<'lll'l'lc:nl,. ,and fcdcnlly t~o,d 1,ilul. p-.,,-11i. !JO_....,. exililfini; &mily dl'llj <curt¥ <II' Utlllb!l,h MW ibmiay ~ ,x,11~. Cr~)! S'-1md COUl!l)' l'om!I)' Orui; Couni; l!xptuUl(l!1 wiU ,uppott l,Wld Md (;(lu11!ie1 to aabl~ mio, npund bmlly dl'UJ: COtllt tR'wnelll t 11J •«OY«y prulicni lll lb:: blfJ\'t $IIIIC'Ond OMltll)' 1,:; ... eh 10 1t10tt ctlbcch;dy :.K~ fmlil!(:., '1[,:,;tcJ by op{old. 1>!i1~ti_ ~nd od:w:t i ubol:)nl)f. 1,1,< di-dm._ T he SIMi' ;:,I Woshin~1 will {I) "-'=Pffld Crl\U4yJli:lll toll11l-ora1ioa 111 ~ ":,lo,: 111td l,xil lt'\~1$ 1oO ,:111,llf(• lb: He.illh (;u,: AUlhuricy SIIIIC $UbSl~U UY.' ~lfflem lgcfKl)' Ill iniprm~ llo:O:i;6 lltl\l «ionlimixm -01' ~Ii«,: 11,tt disof'O:r l~lfll(;!)I (Of l)Uf'Cll1J pnnldpu.h~ io !amily lmll#l~l!I \!(111rlt (FTC',;jt (l) dcl--,.:lop • ll!UC le- ilta1 &Oli\'.fl!IIII« ,trucNrt 10 _,,,.. and 1111?;-nit loo,I fTC up,:m1ion,; on\! flfl,Widt' 1r.iini111 Oil nmlo11i11ly tt\'.OtlllP!C'd prnc(~S to b,: i,q,k,r..:me,d ""'i:h (.!!kti:y k'.mU all i,'"n:,·11; 11ml 0> in..:itltle die e.,,~ uf tlll$Ullf fTC•, whla , ~tJ~ on. 0011,~ in rnrJI oommu111tlQ,. ~ expund &.:o:~ ~ die •~•:incnl irA ,;cl'\•loii, h) iimpnm: O l f f'ORM -1000i'2 (ll.t!V. '--MJ Attachment B • GRT21689 MASO N COUNTY FAMI LY REUN IFICATION COU RT FTC GRANT sue AWARO BUDGET YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR3 Jan 2021• Oct 2021• O ct 2022· Salari es & Benefits Sept 2021 Sept 2022 Sept 2023 FT Casewotlter Sala,y 30,162.00 40.216.00 40,216.00 Benefits 18.106.00 24,142.00 24,142.00 Total 48.268 .00 64,358.00 64,358.00 Stipplies Caseworker Office Set Up Computer/Monitor/Softw are 3,200.00 Printer soo.oo Cell phone/service 1,800.00 Desk/Chair/Chatr Pad 1,000.00 Educational/Employment Computer San k. 3 Computer/Monito r/Softwa re 9 ,600.00 Printer 500.00 3 bank. c.o1nputer wo rkstat ion 1,500.00 Total 18,100 .00 Professional Services Professioni!ls for life Skills Classes 2 classes/mon th@ $500/da.ss 12,000.00 12.000.00 12,000.00 Vocatio nal Training Scholars hips 3,000.00 3 ,000.00 3,000,00 (certlfkotions for participants i.e. food handlers, flogger, CNA, CERT, EMT, etc. I Total 15,000.00 1.s,000.00 15,000.00 Equipment Storage Shed 3,000.00 Total 3,000.00 FFYTOTAL $84,368.00 $79,358.00 $79,358.00 Attachment C • GR T 21689 Sub-recipients Monitoring Policy for AOC The purpose of Sub-recipients Monitoring Policy for AOC Is to: • Ensure compl ia nce w ith 2 C.F.R. § 200.303 and 200.331 (attached), as well as any AOC req uiremen ts . • Ensure sub -reci p ients use g rant funds in accordance w i th all federal and program guidelines. • Ensu re the sub-recip ients achieve performance objectives on schedule and wtth i n budget. • Ensure sub -recipients' timely submi ssion of all documents necessary to meet all reporti ng requirements of the awarding agency (financia l and performa n ce reports). • Take the app ropriate actions to ensure the sub-recipient 's success. should problems arise. Pre -Award If applicable, there will be an announcement of the speci fi c fund i ng opportun i ties . elig i bil tty requirements and the allotted ti meframe lo apply, Applications will be reviewed and assessed for each sub-reci pient's eligibility for federa l fu nding. This will i nclude: • Applicant's eligi bility or the qu~my of ils application; f i nancial stabiltty and quality of mana g ement system; history of performance; a nd audit findi ngs (if ava il able). • Ensuring the p roposed sub-recipi en t or contractor is not suspend ed or debarred by the federa l government • Ensu ri ng the sub-recipient or contractor agrees to the required data elements as listed in 2 C .F.R. § 200.331 (see Appendix A) • Ensuring the sub-recipient or contractor agrees to applicable federal special conditi ons of lhe grant award Post-Award Once sel ected , lhe sub -recipient o r contractor will enter i nto a contract w ltll AOC. T his con tract will include e lements la id out in 2 C.F .R . §200.331. The con tract will requi re that the sub-recipient will: • Carry oul program activities as sti pul ated in tile subawa rd ; • Have adequa te internal contro ls to protect federa l funds; • Cl aim re imbursement o nly for costs that are a llowab le, reasonable, allocable, and necessary under program guidelines; • Identify any conflicts of interest lhal exist; and • Maintain requ ired supporting docu mentation/records. AOC's program manager will perform a risk assessment of each sub-recipient for noncompl i ance with federal statutes, regul ations , and the terms and conditions of th e subaward lo determi ne lhe appropriate level ol monito ring needed. This assessment will i nclude: General Assessment LenaJ As.sessment Fina ncfal Assessment . Award amou nt . Past suspension or . Definquent report s . Matdling funds debaJment (must be . Recent audit opinion . New sub-recipient considered) • Received financial . Budget mocfffication • Federal debt owed reviews from other ,eouests ::itiencies Th e sub-recipi e nt w ill be m on tto red based on the risk lev e l determined from a n assessmen t based on th e checkl ist in Append ix B. Monitorinn Plan for Sub-rec!niRnlS ALL Q uartetly oontaci wfth sub-recioient on progress and barriet$ LOW Desk R evfew yearlv MED Site Visit once D@r vear t unless site visits a re unsafe d ue to external fac1ors1 HIGH Sil V,sit twice per year runless site vfsits are unsafe due t~mal factors, In p reparati o n for si te vi sits, AOC 's program manage r will: • Review Su b-reci p ient's application tor funding; • Review w rttte n agreement w tth the s ub-reci pient; • Revie w F i nan cial and p rogre ss rep orts ; • Review payme nts made to the sub -recipi e nt • Copies of recent audit repo rts (if ap pli ca b l e) On site m o nttoring (site vistts) w ill i nclude (d applicable): 1. Organiza tional structure 2. Fiscal Review (C h art of Accoun t s, Audits. e tc) 3. Fiscal and Pregrammatlc Policy a nd Procedu re 4. Programmati c Review of funded act ivitie s i ncludi ng obseivat ion d app licabl e 5. Review of supporting d ocumenta tio n/records Following any site vis its , a n exit In terview will be hekt as we ll as a fo llow-up memo used to create a perman ent record of those findings. This will include sub--recipi ent's succe ss , if perform ing well , de ficie ncie s and recomme ndations , if the sub ~recipient is experienci ng probl e m s or fa iling t o comply with fed eral requ i remen ts or prog ram g uideli nes, an d deadlines i nforming sub-recipients w h en a written re sp onse describi ng th eir proposed resol utions to a ny findi ngs i s due. This will be provided to th e sub - reci pient wit hi n 2 wee ks of t he sit e vi stt . A OC 's p rog ram m a nager w ill place a copy i n the sub-re cipient's f i le. I f a sub -recipi e nt doe s not comp ly with federal sta tutes , regulat ions or the terms a n d co nditions of th e sub award, AOC's program ma nager may imp ose a dditi o na l co nditions such as: • W~hho lding auth ority to p roceed to the next phase u ntil receipt of evide nce o f accepta ble perform a nce w ith in a given period of p erformance ; • Requ iri ng add itiona l, more detailed finan cia l reports; • Req ui rin g additional proj ect m o ni tori ng; • Requ i ring the non -Federa l entity to obta in tech ni ca l or m a nagemen t assi stance; or • Establ ishing additional p ri or approvals . • The Federal awarding a gency o r AOC mus t n otify the applicant o r non-Federal enttty as to : o The na ture of th e additio nal req u ire ments; o The reaso n why t h e a dditional requi remen ts are b eing i m p osed; o The n a ture of the a ct ion needed to remove the a dditiona l requirement, if appl icabl e; o The time allowed for completing the actions if applica ble, a nd o T he metho d fo r requesti ng reconsideratio n of th e a dditiona l require men ts Im posed. • Any speci f ic conditi ons m ust be promp tly removed once the conditions tha t prompted them have been co rrected. If no ncomp liance canno t be remedied by imposi ng add iti ona l conditions o ne o r more of the following actions may be taken: • Temporari l y ~ho ld fu nds p ending correct ion of th e deficiency; • Disallow all o r part of th e activity n o t i n complian ce; • W h olly or p artly suspend o r terminate the su b awa rd; • Initiate suspension o r debarment; • Withhold future subawa rds; or • Other legal remedies that may be avai lab le Post Award Closeout Process AOC will close ou t the subaward when a ll applicable a dm inistrative actions an d all grant related work have been comple ted. The sub -recipi ent will be requi red t o su bm it all f i nancia l. performance. and o th er reports to th e AOC within a specifie d time a fte r the end date of the s ubaward 's p e riod of perfoiman ce . AOC will make p ro mpt p aymen ts to su b-recipients for allowab le an d auth ori zed rei mbursabl e cos ts charged to the fede ral award . Appendix A : § 200.303 and § 200.331 § 200.303 Interna l controls. The n on-Federal entity must: (a) Es ta blish an d main ta i n effective internal control over lhe Federa l award th at p rovides reasona b le assurance tha t the n on -Fed eral e ntity i s managing the Federal award in compl ia nce w i th Fede ral sta tutes, regu lall ons. and the teims and condttions of the Federal awa rd. Th ese internal cont rols should be in complian ce with guida nce in "Stan dards for Internal Control in th e Fed eral Government" i ssued by th e Comptroller Genera l of th e U nited States or the "Interna l C ontrol Integrated F ramework", issued by the Committee of Sponsoring O rganiza tions of the Treadway Commissi on (COSO). (b) Comply w it h Federa l statutes. regul a tions, and the terms and co nditions of the Fede ra l awards. (c) Eval ua te and monitor the n on-Fede ral e ntity's comp l iance w i th statutes, regulations and the terms and cond i tions o f Federa l awa rds. (d ) Take p rompt action whe n i nstances of n o nco m plia nce are identified i ncl uding noncompl iance identified i n a udit find i ngs . (e) Take reason able measures to safeg uard p rotected pe rsonally id entifiable inf orma tion and other information the Federa l awarding agency or pass-through entity designates as sensitive o r the non-Federal entity cons iders sens itive cons istent wtth appl i cable Federal, state, local, a nd tri bal laws regarding p rivacy and obligations of conrldenti altty. (78 FR 78608, Dec. 26, 2013, as amend ed at 79 FR 758 83, Dec. 19. 2014) § 20 0.331 Requirements for pass-through entities. All pass-th ro ugh entities m ust: (a) Ensure that every subaward i s clearly identified to the sub-recip ient as a sub award and includes the fol lowing informati on at th e ti me of the subaw ard a nd if any of th ese data elements chan ge, i nclude th e ch a nges i n subsequent subawa rd modifica tion. When some of th is informa tion is not available, the pass-through entity m ust provide the best i nformation ava ilable to d escribe the Federa l award and subaward . R equ i red i nformation i ncl udes: (1) Federa l Award Identificat io n. (i) Sub-recipient name (which must match the n ame associ a ted w tth i ts u n iq ue enti ty identifier); (i i) Sub-reci p ient's u niq u e entity identifie r; (i ii) Federa l Award Identifica tion Number (FAI N): (iv) Federal Award Date (see § 200.3 9 Federal award date) o f award to th e reci p ient by th e Federal agency; (v) Subaward P e ri od of Perfo rmance Start and E n d Date; (vi) Amount of Federal Fu nds Obligated by thi s acti o n by the pass -throu gh enttty to the su b -recipie nt; (vii) T otal Amou nt o f Fed era l Fun ds Obligated to th e sub-reci pient by the pass-th ro ugh entity i nclud ing th e curren t obl igati o n; (viii) Total Amount o f t h e Federal Award comm itted to the sub-rec ip i ent by the pass- throug h enttty; (ix) Federal award project descri ption , as required to be responsive lo the Federa l Fun ding A cco untabilily and T ranspa rency Act (FFATA); (x) Na me of F ed eral award ing agency, p ass -th rough entity, and contact i nformati on fo r awarding official of the P ass-through enti ty ; (xi) CFDA Number and Name; th e pass-through entity must identify the dolla r amoun t m a de avail abl e u nder each Federal awa rd a nd the CFDA number at time o f di sbursement; (xi i) Identifi cation of whether th e awa rd is R &D; a nd (xi ii) In d irect cost rate for the Federal award (i ncl u d ing i f th e d e m i ni m is rate is charged per § 200.414 Indi rect (F&A) cos ts). (2) All requ irements imposed by the pass-through entity on the sub-recipient so that the Federal award is used in accordance with Fede ral statutes, regu latio ns an d the terms and cond itions of th e Federal award ; (3) Any additio nal requirements that the pass-through en tity imposes on the sub • recipient in order for the pass-through entity to meet its own responsibili ty to the Federa l awa rding agency inclu di ng ide ntification of any requ ired financial and performance reports; (4) An approved federa lly recognized in direct cost rate negotiated between the sub- recipient and the Federal Government or, if no such rate exists, ei th er a rate negotiat ed between the pass -through entity and th e sub-recipient (in compl iance with th is pa rt), or a de minimis indirect cost rate as defined in§ 200 .41 4 In direct (F&A) cos ts, parag raph (f); (5) A requirement that the sub-recipient permit the pass-thro ug h entity and auditors to have access to the sub-recipient's records and fina ncial statements as necessary for the pass-through entity to meet the requirements of this part; and (6) Appropriate terms and condit ions concern ing closeout of the s ubaward . (b) Evaluate each sub-recipient's risk of noncompl iance with Federal statutes , regula ti ons, and the te rms and cond itions of the subaward tor purposes of determi ning the appropriate sub-rec ipient monitori ng described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section . which may Include cons idera tion of such factors as: (1) The sub -recipien t's prior experience wi th the same or similar subawa rds ; (2) The results of previous aud its including whether or not the sub-recipient receives a Sing le Audit in accordance with Subpart F -Audit Requirements of this part , and th e exten t to which the same or similar subawa rd has been audited as a major prog ra m: (3) Whether the sub-recipient has new personnel or new or substantially changed systems : and (4) T he exten t and res ults of Federa l awa rding agency mon itoring (e.g .. if the sub- recipient also rece ives Federal awards di rectly from a Federa l awardi ng agency). (c) C onsid er imposing specifi c subaward cond itions upon a sub -recip ient if appropriate as described in § 200 .207 Specif ic co nditions . (d) Mo nitor t he activities of th e sub-recipient as necessary to ens ure that the subaward is used for au th orized pu rposes , in complia nce with Federa l sta tutes1 regu latio ns, and t he terms and cond itions of the subaward; and th at subaward pe rformance goa ls are ach ieved. Pass -through ent ity monit oring of the sub-recipien t must include : (1) Reviewing financial and performance reports required by the pass-through entity . (2) Following-up and ensu ring tha t the sub-recipient takes timely and approp riate action on all deficiencies pe rtaining to the Federal award prov ided to the su b-recipient from the pass-through entity detected th roug h audits , on -site reviews , and other means . (3) Issu ing a managemen t decision for audit find ings perta ining to th e Federa l awa rd provided to the sub-recip ient from the pass-th rough entity as required by§ 200.52 1 Management de cision . (e) Depending upon the pa ss-th rough entity's assessment of ri sk posed by t he sub - recipient (as described in pa ragra ph (b) of th is section), the following mon itoring tools may be usefu l for the pass-through en tit y to ensure prope r accounta bil ity and compliance with program req uiremen ts and achievement of performance goa ls: (1) Provid ing sub -recipien ts with training and techn ical assistance on program-re lated matters: and (2) Performing on-site reviews of the sub-recipient's program ope rations: (3) Arrang ing for agreed -upon-procedures engagements as described in § 200.425 Audit services. (f) Verify that every sub-recip ien t is aud ited as required by S ubpart F -A udit Requirements of this part when it is expected t hat the sub-recipien t's Federa l awards expended during th e respective fi scal yea r eq ualed or exceeded the threshold set forth In§ 200.501 Aud it req uirements. (g) Consider wheth er the results of the sub~recipient's aud its, on ~site reviews, or other mon itori ng indica te cond itions tha t necessitate adj ustments to the pass-through entity's own records . (h) Consider laking enfo rcement action aga inst noncompliant s ul>-recipien t s as described in § 200.338 Remed ies f or noncompliance of this part and in program regulations . (78 FR 78608, Dec . 26 , 2013 . as amended at 79 FR 75885, Dec . 19, 2014; 80 FR 54409, Se pt 10, 2015 ) Grants Vendor Risk Assessment Vendor Name :. ______________ _ Date :. ____ _ Item Notes Pts• Genera l Assessment 0-NIA 1-No p rob le m 2 -Som e Conce rn 3 -Concern Legal Assessme nt 0-N/A 1-No problem 2-S ome Concern 3 -Concern Financia l Assessme nt 0-NIA 1-No p roblem 2-Some Concern 3-Concern Award amount 0: S1-$15K; 1: $15K-$50K· 2 : $50K-$100K· 3: $1 00K+ Matching fun ds 0: S1 -$15K; 1: $15K-$50K; 2 : $50K-$100K; 3 : $100K+ New sub-recipient O•N/A 1 • N o _p roblem 2 -Sorne Concern 3-Concem Bud get modification 0 -N/A 1-No problem 2-Some Concern 3.Con cem req ues l s Past suspen sion or O:No 3:Yes (points subjective to situation) debarmen t Federa l d ebt o wed O:No 1-3 :Yes uoints subjective to situation Delina uent r~orts O:No 1 -3 :Yes voints subJective to situation Recent audit <mi ni on 0-N/A 1-No _QrOblem 2 -Some Concern 3 -C o ncern Received financial reviews 0-N/A 1-No problem 2-Some Concern 3-Concern from o th er a_g_e ncies • 0-NIA 1-No Drob/em 2-Some Concern 3-Conctm Monitoring Plan for Sub-recl.nlents ALL Montniv COtllact with sulNeci1Jl6r1l Of) ress and OOrriers LOW0-12 DeskRoview MED 1:J-23 Site Visit one& ()9r r ,unless siC9 Ylsits are unsafe doe to external factors} HIGH24+ Sit Visit lwice DBf ar wnloss slttJ visits are unsafe due lo external factors, Add iti ona l Comments/Concerns: