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SEP2021-00005 - SEP Letters / Memos - 3/17/2021
2/8/2021 Mail - Gmm@co.mason.wa.us Watermark East & West Dock Replacement Genie McFarland Mon 2/8/2021 10:07 AM To: Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com>; Scott Ruedy <SRuedy@co.mason.wa.us>; g 1 attachments (769 KB) BUILDING APPLICATION.pdf; }� v M et here' acee/ the cc+.se naImn for they Waterwuwly Dock/ R ep P rojecC SEP2021-00005 (i-tMP v'e,viaw fe,e'& w' thhe/SEPtl ca1/20, SHx2021- 00004. The, total re,view fee'&'$1830.00. Th.ei inkadin p er wvtt w dU n.eed , 2 separate, cppLa 2 sets/ o f co-vi%trIS 7tvw11 w / 7 i w ai# wig eAsee r stawnp Er calC;i,+.latLo-wa: I wil,L attached/ the bwadiAit p erwi it appltcattrw. ccpe s-wor1v cct w be' ems- wnde,GL to- rn.e, once/ recevvecL ct vi,cL woe, ntikwthers-1uwe, been/ created/ we, ca,w g-Ov you/ the inA/acttnt Pctyww'rttfor the/ SEPf1, UMP avid SI-Ex comfy b-e/ clone/ by check or credit card/ (cantk are, dnrgscb cv 2.5 % fee' by the, pre. Checks/ ca44, he/ made p ctyalrlei ta- M cuso-w Co -witty Meer, our inaSvut PervnLt Center 615 VVe4tAlcLe,rSt Shelton W cv 98584 plea5v/letwie,kvww if yowha/veyawy quz4tfowa: Mason County Permit Assistance Center and Building and Planning Departments are currently closed to the public. Staff are continuing to work for you either from home, in the field or in the office. To find out how we are operating TODAY, please visit: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/building/inalex.php. e/ �e/ cf arlai eiva rya- SpeSCIAWC d4714, e vniawnxway„ wk 1.360.4 7.9670 O e'tt 284 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/OWA/#path=/mail/sentitems 1/1 • I 1 1 /8!2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (ParceIs32233-50 00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Grace Miller Fri 1/8/2021 10:56 AM To: Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com>; Meg, aretut, peceitti aniena- iva Apo- 4114-ci 40/P-41-4__ caid04144441/ 'tO-hVH• did receive your email with Revision Attachme "ts on Jan 6th. The Permit Techs are really backed up with permits so the original from the end of November has. of been logged in yet. I will get this revision incorporated with the original today. They will contact you with t eifees. I just want to make sure that you want me to REPLACE the site plan with drawings for the West dock only, the JARPA and the HMP, correct? You will want to apply for the Building Permit Applications to the Permit Center as soon as possible if you plan to build this summer. They take applications by appointment only. In addition, I am wondering where the SEPA Checklist is? It would be better for me to have that now before I give this to the Permit Techs incomplete. This is in Scott Ruedy's Planning area so it will be assigned to him. He is currently s out sick but his ext is #287. Sincerely, C� race/ From: Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 4:40:04 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. am checking in to make sure you got my Email, (sent right between the holidays) about some revisions and who should be checking in with about this project. I have not heard if it's been assigned to anyone. Best wishes for the new year, Meg On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> wrote: Hello, Grace. I have not heard from anyone regarding this project and I have some revisions to turn in so I am giving them to you to pass on. Please find a revised plan set for the West Dock only, with a revised JARPA and HMP as well. The East dock has not changed. https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/3 1 /8/2021 Thank you, Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Meg On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Thank you, Meg. I will give this to the Permit Techs and they will contact you with how to pay for applications. I do not need mailing labels for Exemptions. M °wen/ C aunty p ks4%-tcunce/ C &niteAr ci/n,th B mart alai/ picumn Depav'tmeyvi ty are/ ct nexutly doec& ta- the p u,b-ti stot ,{f a,v.e/ co-n,t'wutii vit to- wa-r1v for you/ either fronv harn,ey, the/ fceLc& or iiAit/ the/ To- fcnd' out ho-w we/ cure/ oPe,rattevt9- TODAY, p vhttp://www. co-: vnimenx w miskansuntery= tiAAdE4w php Sincerely, v'a-cep From: Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:11:14 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. I am attaching files for a dock replacement project, which include: • JARPA Application • JARPA signature page • Mason County Shoreline Permit application • Plan sets for east and west docks • HMP I did not complete the mailing labels, as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal! Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 https://owa.co.mason.wa.usIowa/#path=/mail 2/3 1 /8/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us c Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 3/3 �;q!y:: 1/7/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Re: Watermark West & East Docic Replacements (ParceIs32233 50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Wed 1/6/2021 4:40 PM To:Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us>; Hello, Grace. am checking in to make sure you got my Email, (sent right between the holidays) about some revisions and who I should be checking in with about this project. I have not heard if it's been assigned to anyone. Best wishes for the new year, Meg On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> wrote: Hello, Grace. have not heard from anyone regarding this project and I have some revisions to turn in so I am giving them to you to pass on. Please find a revised plan set for the West Dock only, with a revised JARPA and HMP as well. The East dock has not changed. Thank you, Meg On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Thank you, Meg. I will give this to the Permit Techs and they will contact you with how to pay for applications. I do not need mailing labels for Exemptions. M cw-w C aunty pev•iii,it A sis-iistcx,cey c eyvi,torr avuL B Hilci," aun.d/ DP.pa,v`twz.en,ts- ct,inentLy closed/ to- the/ pStaf f arey c;o-vttUnAk&nt to- wv-rl/ for yaw ear fronv ho-►ne, iiw the/ fie f or bvu the affEc,ey. To- fvtth out how w& cure/ crpe r-a iixtt TODAY , p Lea&e' vie -it: http :7/w w w. co kna40m w w wa-/ cotnawaryixt,cie/xzphp Sincerely, Qvvtce' From: Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:11:14 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/2 1/7/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Hello, Grace. I am attaching files for a dock replacement project, which include: o JARPA Application ® JARPA signature page © Mason County Shoreline Permit application o Plan sets for east and west docks ® HMP did not complete the mailing labels as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal, Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/2 1 /4/202 1 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us He: Watermark West & East Docl< Replacements (ParceIs32233-50-0001O (west) and 32233-50 00902 (east)) Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Mon 12/28/2020 11:41 AM To:Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us>; 3 attachments (5 MB) Watermark_JARPA_12.11.20(Final).clocx; WATERMARK ESTATES - A-PLANSET WEST DOCK REVISED 11-21-2020 (1).pdf; Watermark_HMP_12.11.2020 (1).pdf; Hello, Grace. I have not heard from anyone regarding this project and I have some revisions to turn in so I am giving them to you to pass on. Please find a revised plan set for the West Dock only, with a revised JARPA and HMP as well. The East dock has not changed. Thank you, Veg On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Thank you, Meg. I will give this to the Permit Techs and they will contact you with how to pay for applications. do not need mailing labels for Exemptions. M awn, C rn,way peti-vwit A s-si-gimvtcey Centex curtth 3 tA,ilcii/n* awt,cL ?kw/nit-Alt Depaet-vnext;ts- awe/ csrevLtly cloncL ta- the p •thLtc'. Stair are/ co-vi t"Uvutic.i lt to- wo-rk/ fo-Y yaw olithey- front/ hoiney, f,w they fcelth o-r (,w the o ffLce% To- fcnc& oat how we/ cure/ op eat TODAY, p Lec& vit.http: //www. ca: vru�aw. ww. cam/ y_ titid,eyw php. Sincerely, veacPi From: Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:11:14 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. am attaching files for a dock replacement project, which include: https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/2 1/4/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us ® JARPA Application ® JARPA signature page ® Mason County Shoreline Permit application ® Plan sets for east and west docks ® HMP did not complete the mailing labels, as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal' Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos. msa@gmail. com Web: mar;nesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 • https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/2 11/24/2020 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Re: Watermark West & East Docic Replacements (ParceIs32233-50-000iO (west) and 32233-5OOO9O2 (east)) Grace Miller Tue 11/24/2020 11:27 AM -ib:Meg Amos <meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com>; Thank you, Meg. I will give this to the Permit Techs and they will contact you with how to pay for applications. I do not need mailing labels for Exemptions. M a/s o-n.cat,wuty porn/La- A sata,vi.ce/ C enter cc/vi,d, a tAi,i.ciivt.� wvi.d/ �l cuti�,t,vt� ('� e� a,��'twl e�v�,ts- a.v�Pi c�,w�i�ev�ti y c�.o-�ecL to- the p �c l � Stc{,(�/� cwie/ cavi twumiA/i.c� to- work/ fo-r y ow e i,CheX fro-i'n' ho-in&, int/ the fteLd/ or text/ thei office, To- f4th o-c t t hcnv wey any op eat -brit ToDAY, p Lea4e' vie -it: http : //w w w. co: vvia�o-w. wwa-/ y wviceys/ititide/x/. p hp Sincerely, From: Meg Amos <meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:11:14 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. I am attaching files for a dock replacement project, which include: O JARPA Application o JARPA signature page © Mason County Shoreline Permit application © Plan sets for east and west docks o HVP I did not complete the mailing labels as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal! Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/1 • • • l 1 • • • 11/24/2020 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Watermark West & East Docic Replacements (ParceIs32233-50-0001O (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Fri 1 '1 /20/2020 1:11 PM To:Grace Miller <Gbm@co.rnason.wa.us>; J 6 attachments (7 MB) Watermark_JARPA_10.30.20(Final).pdf; JARPA_Signature_11.19.20.pdf; Watermark_Shoreline_PermitApplication(Signed)_11.19.20.pdf; WATERMARK ESTATES - East Pier - A-PLANSET 9-23-2020.pdf; WATERMARK ESTATES - West Pier - A-PLANSET 9-23-2020.pdf; Waterma rk_H M P_11.13.2020 (1). pdf; Hello, Grace. am attaching files for a clock replacement project, which include: o JARPA Application JARPA signature page Mason County Shoreline Permit application n Plan sets for east and west docks HMP I did not complete the mailing labels as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal! Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessrnents.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/1 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (ParceIs32233-50-0001O (west) and 32233-50 00902 (east)) Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Fri 1/8/2021 3:27 PM To:Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us>; g 3 attachments (8 MB) Ecology WRIA Map.pdf; Watermark_JARPA_Signature_11.13.20.pdf; Watermark_JARPA_1.8.21(Final).pdf; aaj Here's a JARPA with the corrected page 13, 9d and revised SEPA section 10, and the signature page. On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 2:06 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: It is not within the Kennedy Golsdsborough Watershed, pg13, 9d. JARPA is not signed. M c½0n' co -minty porn/La- A Ance/ cear cunth 13 t,(41,141/ne cun,th ptouvume,n,ty Del) artvneyvits- curey cot reyntly dosed/ to- the pOrlin Staff an co-vi t'nktiay to- work/fort yaw either frotn' ho-,ne, (in/ the ftelc& or i w the o f fi;cey. To- fcnc& out hcnv wee any operrattvi,t TODAY, p Leae' vhtip://www. co: ww(a. wcQ wd cownityinbieiximphi2 Sincerely, From: Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 2:00:45 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) And, I realized the updated JARPA I sent was a word Doc. Here's the PDF. On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1.58 PM Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> wrote: OK, I'll get a SEPA Checklist to you next week. Meg On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1:54 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Meg, https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 1/7 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Two dock replacements do not qualify as "minor repair" and are not exempt from SEPA. Sincerely, G race/ From: Meg Amos <megamos.msaf@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 12:36 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) I was thinking it fit under a categorical SEPA exemption under WAC 197-11-800(3)? On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 12:34 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: I will have to get back with you after I talk to permit techs about fees. What about the SEPA Checklist for this project? M Cautinty permit- A kgat/nice/ CeAntor cunth B malt cuvui/ pLcAmAlLn.cy 7epcUftne,nrk cu,rreAvLtLy dosed to- theme p utlyben Staff cureY cant wl.u.imAy to- iti)rnrki for ye Wiley ho-nw, [Aft/ they fCsld/ rn- i w the/ off i ce/. To-- f£nth out ho-w w an odexc;,Li vtcy TODAY p Lea&e/ vie -it.' http : /7www. co-: a wc+/. ws/ y= AlAitriesxzphp Sincerely, From: Meg Amos <megamos.msaPgmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 11:55:04 AM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, replace the west dock drawings only. There were design changes on that dock. The east dock only had a change of materials used for floatation and that is called out in the JARPA and HMP. Does this project qualify for a categorical SEPA exemption under WAC 197-11-800(3)? https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/7 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Thanks for the building permit tip. We usually wait to have all other permits in hand (or confident that they will be issued) as the building fees are expensive. Would the fee have to be paid before an appointment is scheduled, or at the appointment? These days, it's hard to know how long a permit will take in regards to all of the agencies/Tribes and regulations. Thank you, Meg On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 10:56 AM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Meg, did receive your email with Revision Attachments on Jan 6th. The Permit Techs are really backed up with permits so the original from the end of November has not been logged in yet. I will get this revision incorporated with the original today. They will contact you with the fees. I just want to make sure that you want me to REPLACE the site plan with drawings for the West dock only, the JARPA and the H M P, correct? You will want to apply for the Building Permit Applications to the Permit Center as soon as possible if you plan to build this summer. They take applications by appointment only. In addition, I am wondering where the SEPA Checklist is? It would be better for me to have that now before I give this to the Permit Techs incomplete. This is in Scott Ruedy's Planning area so it will be assigned to him. He is currently s out sick but his ext is #287. Sincerely, Gvctce' From: Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 4:40:04 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 3/7 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us am checking in to make sure you got my Email, (sent right between the holidays) about some revisions and who I should be checking in with about this project. I have not heard if it's been assigned to anyone. Best wishes for the new year, Meg On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> wrote: Hello, Grace. have not heard from anyone regarding this project and I have some revisions to turn in so I am giving them to you to pass on. Please find a revised plan set for the West Dock only, with a revised JARPA and HMP as well. The East dock has not changed. Thank you, Meg On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Thank you, Meg. I will give this to the Permit Techs and they will contact you with how to pay for applications. do not need mailing labels for Exemptions. M as Co -minty Pe,rmit A niistavu:e/ c eAvi,ter am& a WICILv1* a,r1,ci/ p lcin/- 17 cwtwevt tk cure/ c wvore/vLay dossed/ to- they p thUo Staff cw& co-vi t'uvut.tiiwixt to - work/ fbr yeither fro-vw hmne4 CAA/ the/ feZth o-r tin/ th.e2 o ff�,ce/. 7"a- fug eta - haw wapex-atwt TO D AY, pled visit- http : 7/w w w. co- vnaww. way uily= Sincerely, ace/ From: Meg Amos<meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:11:14 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Hello, Grace. am attaching files for a dock replacement project, which include: • JARPA Application https://owa.co.mason.wa.usIowa/#path=/mail 4/7 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us • JARPA signature page • Mason County Shoreline Permit application • Plan sets for east and west docks • HMP did not complete the mailing labels, as I think this qualifies for a shoreline exemption and I don't believe those are noticed? Please let me know if I'm mistaken and I will make the labels. I did not want to spend time on something that is not needed. Thank you for your help with this submittal! Meg Meg Amos Permit Specialist/ Wetland Biologist Marine Surveys & Assessments Meg@marinesurveysandassessments.com 360.385.4073 360.531.4054 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments.com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 -- ;La; • Marine Surveys a Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marrnesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 5/7 1/14/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Marine Surveys o Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments.com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 Marine Surveys Et Assessments Email: megamos.msa@gmail.com Web: marinesurveysandassessments. com Direct Office: 360 765-3027 Main Office: 360 385-4073 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 6/7 1/19/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us Re: Watermark West & East Docl< Replacements (ParceIs32233 50 00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Thu 1/14/2021 7:14 PM To:Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us>; g 1 attachments (3 MB) Watermark_SEPAChecklist_Combined_1.14.2021.pdf; Hello, Grace. SEPA Checklist attached here' Meg On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 2:03 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: And you will be sending the checklist soon? From: Meg Amos <megamos.msajWgmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 3:27:20 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) Here's a JARPA with the corrected page 13, 9d and revised SEPA section 10, and the signature page. On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 2:06 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: It is not within the Kennedy Golsdsborough Watershed, pg13, 9d. JARPA is not signed. M cusd-w County Pervn,+,t- A isis-tancey c eAn,tor amdb a uuil.d a44,th plcww D epcw`twi,enty arey c,uurrevLtLy doec& to- the/ p staff cwe2 co-n,tiawvtcy to- work/ for yaw either r- frotn' home, i vy, the feLc& or iAvv they of{;cey. To- fvtth out lc.o-w we/ cure/ oporating/ TODAY , p Leae' v t&Ct; http : /7w w w. cn naom w w &t'/co-wunwvutty - iiivIcleyx/.742 Sincerely, https://owa.co.mason.wa.usIowa/#path=/mail 1/7 1/19/2021 Mail - Gbm@co.mason.wa.us From: Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 2:00:45 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) And, I realized the updated JARPA I sent was a word Doc. Here's the PDF. On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1.58 PM Meg Amos <megamos.msa@gmail.com> wrote: OK, I'll get a SEPA Checklist to you next week. Me J On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1:54 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Meg, Two dock replacements do not qualify as "minor repair" and are not exempt from SEPA. Sincerely, From: Meg Amos <megamos.msaf@gmaiLcom> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 12:36 PM To: Grace Miller Subject: Re: Watermark West & East Dock Replacements (Parcels32233-50-00010 (west) and 32233-50-00902 (east)) was thinking it fit under a categorical SEPA exemption under WAC 197-11-800(3)? On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 12:34 PM Grace Miller <Gbm@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: I will have to get back with you after I talk to permit techs about fees. What about the SEPA Checklist for this project? M Co-tAinty vnit A Wfstcunce C e/nteAr cun,th B mart cunth pkuvutu 7 e p cri-wLem,Caire/ our rovt icy thm e dL to- the/ p c.arl.i c/. Staff awe/ co-ntunwim,cy tor wark/ for yo-w either froin' hotne/, (Aw they fieZdi ar iAvv they o{fia. To-- fnd/ out hcnv wey cia apexc+,t'ct TODf1Y, pia vhap : //www. co: vna way ws-/ y `se-wiceykJthLjfCnctexz phi https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/7