HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/03/30 - Regular Board of Mason County Commissioners
Draft Meeting Agenda
;6 Commission Chambers
411 N V St, Shelton, WA 98584
n March 30, 2021
9:00 a.m.
March 30.2
Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/
Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.15, in person attendance to Commission meetings is
temporarily restricted. During this time,we will accept public comment and testimony using Zoom.
Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature
to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony.
You can also e-mail msmith@co.mason.wa.us; mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton,
WA 98584; or call (360)427-9670 ext. 230.
If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to
the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting.
These options are available only while COVID-19 Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) meeting restrictions are
in place.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Please see above options to provide public comment. These options are only available while COVID-19 OPMA
meetings restrictions are in place.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda alter'Item 10.Public Hearings"maybe be acted upon before 9:15 a.m.
7. Approval of Minutes—
8. Approval of Action Agenda
Items listed under'Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an
item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item.
8.1 Approval of Warrants&Treasure Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8078223-80785§2 $ 2,082,365.76
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 76195-76585 $ 766,483.85
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant# 7005816-7005842 $ 540,127.57
Treasure Electronic Remittances $
8.2 Approval to extend Mendoza's Texas Style Food MCRA vendor contract for an additional two
years for the 2021 and 2022 season ending March of 2023.
8.3 Approval of Amendment# 1 of 2021 Memorandum of Agreement Appendix A between
Washington State University Extension and Mason County.
8.4 Approval of the Resolution to Cancel Outstanding Warrants.
8.5 Approval of the Resolution declaring the following Mason County Code Chapters obsolete and
removing them from the Mason County Code: Chapter 3.04 Admissions Tax; Chapter 3.152
Chaplains Fund; Chapter 3.178 Volunteer Fund; Chapter 5.04 Merchant Patrolmen; Chapter 5.08
Junk Dealers, Secondhand Dealers, and Pawnbrokers; Chapter 5.12 Carnivals and Circuses; and
Chapter 9.40 Alarm Systems.
8.6 Approval to appoint Katherine Diane McLean to the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on
Aging for a term ending December 2022.
8.7 Approval for the Chair to sign and authorize the 16 vehicle order requests through Enterprise
and approval for Frank Pinter, Support Services Director, to sign the Enterprise authorization to
continue to sign for the County's Enterprise documents.
8.9 Approval to reappoint Keith Fuller and James Medcalf to the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee
for a three-year term.
8.10 Approval to execute the Annual Certification for Calendar Year 2020; Certification of
Expenditures for Traffic Law Enforcement—2020; and Certification for Expenditures for Fish
Passage Barrier Removal—2020 to be included in the annual submittal to the County Road
Administration Board by the Department of Public Works.
8.11 Approval of the Private Line Occupancy Permit granting permission to run the utility lines under
and across NE Haven Lane and NE Rhododendron Boulevard for address 41 NE Haven Lane
parcel # 22330-50-00077.
8.12 Approval to execute the"Notification of Final Cost"of County Road Construction projects
completed in 2020 performed by County forces.
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8.15 Approval to enter into contract with the Department of Commerce for the Treasury Rent
Assistance Program Grant#21-4616C-1 17 in the amount of$3,459,027.
8.16 Approval to appoint Cheryl Williams as an alternate member to the Mason County Board of
Equalization to fill a vacant position with a term ending May 31, 2022.
8.17 Approval to appoint Jamie Queen to the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging for a
term ending December 2022.
8.18 Approval to sign the letter of support to Representative Marilyn Strickland for Shelton Youth
Connection s Community Project funding request to build the Shelton Young Adult Transitional
Housing project.
8.19 Approval to sign the letter of support to Representative Derek Kilmer for Mason County Public
Utility District No. 1'7 2022 budget appropriations request to fund the power utility relocation
portion of the Duckabush Estuary Restoration project.
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA
meeting restrictions are in place.
10.1 Public Hearing continued from March 16, 2021 to award the Solid Waste and Recycle
Materials Hauling services to Mason County Garbage Company, Inc. Staff: Richard Dickinson
11. Board's Calendar and Reports
12. Adjournment