HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/12/15 - Regular Packet (ileri- MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Ginger Kenyon Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: December 15, 2020 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following a liquor license application for Home Meat Service, a change in limited liability members for The Dab Lab. 4.1.2 Two letters were received from Ken VanBuskirk regarding BOCC briefing on Romance hill and on Monday BOCC breifing. 4.1.3 The following Levy Certification was received for Mason County Fire Protection District #1 and Port of Grapeview. 4.1.4 A letter was received from Lisa Frazier Mason County Treasurer regarding RCW 36.48.010 Depositories designated by the treasurer. 4.1.5 Kathy Varney sent in a letter of resignation for the Timberland Regional Library Board. 4.1.6 Washington State Senate sent in a letter regarding Shelton Veterans Village Project. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask lfa�IS- Washin ton State Licensing and Regulation g PO Box 43098 i Olympia WA 98504-3098 Liquor and CdI111dbIS Board Phone-(360)664-1600 Fax-(360)753-2710 December 3, 2020. HOME MEAT SERVICE INC. 341 SE TAYLOR RD STE 100 SHELTON, WA 98584 Re: HOME MEAT SERVICE 341 SE.TAYLOR RD STE 100 SHELTON,.WA 98584 LICENSE #430755 - 2N UBI 601-383-475-001-0001 Your liquor license has been approved for the following: GROCERY STORE - BEERIWINE This license.is valid through December"31, 2021. Effective January 1, 2020, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) will no longer prorate license fees for the original issuance of a liquor" license. Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1557 requires WSLCB to set the"expiration. date of the license to the last day of the calendar month that is twelve months from the calendar month in which final approval of the license is granted. For example, if you were approved for.your license on March 15, 2020, you will pay the full amount of the license fee and your license will be good until March 31, 2021. Upon renewal, the expiration date of the license may subsequently be prorated as necessary in accordance with chapter 19.02 RCW (Business Licensing). For questions regarding the issuance.of your liquor license, please contact our customer service unit at (360) 664-1600. For questions regarding the renewal process, please contact Business Licensing at (360) 705-6741. You must post this letter in a public service area as your temporary operating permit. If you do not receive.your Business License with liquor endorsements in 15 days, contact Department of Revenue's Business Licensing Service/Specialty Licenses at (360) 705-6744. GS B/W Letter Decisions 9/3/14 Page 2 License No.-430755 License Conditions and/or Requirements • You must maintain a minimum three thousand dollar wholesale inventory of food products for human consumption, not including pop, beer, strong beer, or wine. • You may sell wine and/or beer, at retail, in original containers. • Changes in ownership require prior Board approval. If you wish to make such changes, please contact the Liquor and Cannabis Board at: 360-664-1600 for assistance. Your liquor license can now be renewed online through Department of Revenue's Business Licensing Service. Information on how to do this will be included on your renewal notice. When applicable, you are obligated to meet all other requirements of state, county, and city laws and ordinances (such as sanitation, zoning, fire, safety and building codes, etc.). 9yrone,Jordan-Oliver/smo Liquor Licensing Specialist 360-664-1699 cc: Southwest Enforcement Mason County Commissioners File Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Sh tty, Trask lerk�C .1i)I/1l(Oj2'1 ' payie°e- QJ Washin fOtl State Licensing and Regulation gPO Box 43098 Li uor and Cannabis Board Olympia WA 98504-3098`i Phone—(360) 664-1600 Fax—(360) 753-2710 October 28, 2020 AMAZING GARDENS LLC 2307 56TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98092-6597 Re: THE DAB LAB 160 W WESTFIELD CT UNIT F SHELTON, WA 98584 LICENSE #430394 - 713 U B 1603-351-059-001-0003 Your application for change in limited liability members has been approved. This approval is for: Individual/Entity Position Units Jeremy A Reidt Mgr/Mbr 70 Shiella D Caldejon Spouse Calvin D McHenry Mbr 22.5 SRD Ventures, Inc. Mbr 7.5 Stacy A Bonaparte President Total 100 *As of April 1, 2018 —The WSDA will regulate the processing of all Cannabis-Infused Edibles through an endorsement program. To get more information about the endorsement please call the WSDA at (360) 902-1876 or visit the WSDA's Cannabis Infused Edible website. .Aimee Beckerlels Marijuana Licensing Specialist 360-664-9826 cc: Business License Service PR NEE Enforcement Office 4 2W Mason County Commissioners Q File Mason County Commissioners PO BOX 43098,Olympia,WA 98504-3098—(360)664-1600 Option 1 Decisions Mail- GKen on co.mason.wa.us Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty�sk Y @ Cletky- RE: BOCC briefing on Romance hill McKenzie Smith Thu 12/3/2020 2:31 PM TaGinger Kenyon <G Kenyon @co.mason.wa.us>; Good afternoon Ginger, Could you add this as correspondence? Thank you so much! McKenzie Smith Clerk of the Board, Records Specialist Mason County Commissioners Office (360)427-9670 ext.589 1 msmith(@co.mason.wa.us http://www.co.mason.wa.us/ 'Please note:Mason County complies with the Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCW.As such,any e-mail sent to and/or from the County may be subject to public disclosure. From: Ken VanBuskirk<kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, December 2, 2020 6:09 PM To: Loretta Swanson <LorettaS@co.mason.wa.us> Cc: McKenzie Smith <msmith@co.mason.wa.us>; Sharon Trask<STrask@co.mason.wa.us>; Kevin Shutty <KShutty@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: BOCC briefing on Romance hill Loretta this is a public comment on the briefing this last Monday regarding the proposed Romance Hill connection with the freight corridor, involving a RR crossing and a round about at the connection with freight corridor. Mason County cannot afford this connection. The community is bitterly divided about this connection. The only connection that makes sense is Log yard road. If the Romance hill connection is built future development and developers should be the ones to pay for it. Please provide me with the consultant's draft report of the traffic analysis. also a draft report of Preliminary Environmental Screening. I would also like to talk to the consultant about the history of the storm water pond just to the South of Alternative 2.and potential affects of more impervious surface on Sweetwater creek. I would like to go over the GIS information I provided the County several years ago about this area. thank you. Ken VanBuskirk 360-801-0550 httDs:Howa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 12/3/2020 Cc:CMMRS Neather tn, Sh�ty�rask Mail- GKenyon@co.mason.wa.us Clerk FW: Monday BOCC briefing McKenzie Smith Thu 12/3/2020 4:25 PM To:Ginger Kenyon <G Kenyon @co.mason.wa.us>; Ginger, Would you be able to add this to correspondence as well? Thank you so much, McKenzie Smith Clerk of the Board, Records Specialist Mason County Commissioners Office (360)427-9670 ext.589 1 msmithta7.co.mason.wa.us http://www.co.mason.wa.us/ 'Please note:Mason County complies with the Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCW.As such,any e-mail sent to and/or from the County may be subject to public disclosure. From: Ken VanBuskirk<kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 1, 2020 7:44 PM To: McKenzie Smith <msmith@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: Fw: Monday BOCC briefing Just saw sent public comments to you. please find below. thanks ken -----Original Message----- From: Ken VanBuskirk To: Loretta Swanson Cc: Pat Loudin ; Kell Rowen ; Commissioner Neatherlin ; Commissioner Shutty ; Commissioner Trask; Lisa Grueter Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2020 7:00 PM Subject: Monday BOCC briefing Loretta I watched the beginning portion of the BOCC sewer briefing. at one point the consultant ran his cursor down Newkirk road and the old Belfair highway talking about gravity feed and another pump station. You explained you were in contact with development on Romance Hill and down the "Old B", 1 assume that is the Old Belfair Highway?The capital facilities plan is an integral part of the sub area plan. Can you tell me what these two developments specifically are? Shouldn't this be included in the scoping process and sub area plan update? Please let me know. Thank you for answers. Ken Vanb https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 12/4/2020 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask S4 - Levy Certification Submit this document to the county authority on or before November 30th of the year preceding the year in which the levy amounts are to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor In accordance with RCW 84.52.020, 1 Keli Summers,Secretary,for Mason County Fire Protection District #1, do hereby certify to The Mason County Legislative authority that the Commissioners of said district that the following Levy amount be collected in 2021 as provided in the district's budget, which was adopted following a public hearing held on November 25, 2020: EMS Levy:$65,000.00 y► Signature:,, / ! Date: 11/25/2020 C - DEC 0 3 2020 Mason County Comernissioners Levy Certification Submit this document to the county authority on or before November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the levy amounts are to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor In accordance with RCW 84.52.020, 1 Keli Summers,Secretary,for Mason County Fire Protection District #1, do hereby certify to The Mason County Legislative authority that the Commissioners of said district that the following Levy amount be collected in 2021 as provided in the district's budget,which was adopted following a public hearing held on November 25, 2020: Regular Levy:$325,000.00 Signature: `� / ' ' Date:11/2S/2020 Date: 11/25/2020 From: Board of Commissioners- Fire District#1 Fire District# 1 P.O. Box 354 Hoodsport, Wa. 98548 To: Mason County Auditor Attention: Financial Services P.O. Box 400 Shelton,WA. 98584 Please accept the following budget(s) presented for budget year 2021.The district approved their budget(s) at an advertised public meeting.The budget was approved by a quorum of our elected/appointed commissioners. Date of public meeting and budget approval:_ 11/25/2020 District resolution number: 2020-06 The following budgets for Fire District#1 funds were approved at the above stated public meeting and will be in effect for budget year 2020: FUND NUMBER 2020 REVENUE: 2020 Expenditures: BARS 389.00.00.0000 BARS 589.00.00.0000 FD#1 Expense 665-001-010 $131,000.00 $325,000.00 FD#1 Reserve 665-001-020 $391,522.00 $393,152.87 FD#1 EMS 665-001-040 $50,000.00 $65,000.00 FD#1 Bond 665-001-060 1$0.00 1$0.00 Approved and signed below by Fire District#1 Commissioners: Chairman Mark McDougall: Mark McDougall Commissioner James Goodpaster: ' James dpaster Commissioner Barbara Bodin: A ( J Barbara odin Ordinance / Resolution No 2020-08 RCW 84.55.120 Whereas,the Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District#1 has met and considered its budget for the year 2021; and, Whereas,the districts actual levy amount from the previous year was$130,345.22 Whereas,the population of this district is less than 10,000; and now,therefore, Be It Resolved by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax Levy is here by authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2021 tax year The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be$1,717.25 which is a percentage increase of.999984%from the previous year.This increase Is exclusive of additional revenues resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state assessed property,any annexation that have occurred and refunds made. Adopted this 25th day of Nov ber, 2020. G L Commissioner xcommissi4ne�r - - — ---- Commissioner Ordinance / Resolution No 2020-07 RCW 84.55.120 Whereas,the Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District#1 has met and considered its budget for the year 2021; and, Whereas,the districts actual levy amount from the previous year was$46,345.20 Whereas,the population of this district is less than 10,000;and now,therefore, Be It Resolved by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax Levy is here by authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2021 tax year The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be$3,656.80 which is a percentage increase of 1%from the previous year.This increase Is exclusive of additional revenues resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state assessed property, any annexation that have occurred and refunds made. Adopted this 25th day of November, 2020. Commissioner ems. -- Commissioner -- - ---- ----- --- -- ---- -- - - - =- - -- - - - - - - - — Commissioner MINUTES OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS BUDGET MEETING MASON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT#1 November 25, 2020 This special meeting was called to order at 5:04 P.M. by Commissioner Mark McDougall for the purpose of reviewing the 2020 expenditures and the anticipated revenues and requirements for the year 2021 in order to determine the 2021 tax levy to be requested of the Mason County Commissioners and to prepare the year 2021 Expense Fund and EMS Fund budgets for Mason County Fire District#1. Present: Commissioners: Mark McDougall James Goodpaster: Barbara Bodin Fire Chief: Ron Satterfield Secretary: Keli Summers The real and personal property taxes to be requested for the Fire District#1 for the year 2021 are as follows: Expense Fund—Fire Control $325,000.00 EMS Fund $65,000.00 Total Taxes Required $390,000.00 Reserve Fund for 2021: The estimated beginning Reserve Fund balance for the year 2021 is$393,152.87. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.M. Secre y Co missioner C mmissioner Cad "') �, &&�� Commissione FIRE DISTRICT#1 YEAR PAGE 2021 1 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON I, Keli Summers, Secretary of Mason County Fire Protection District#1, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of the budget for the year 2021 adopted by the Fire Commissioners of said district, and appearing in the minutes a meeting held on the 25th day of November 2020, requesting the Board of Commissioners of Mason County to levy taxes as follows: A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 1. REGULAR LEVY $ 325,000.00 2. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES $ 65,000.00 3. EXCESS LEVY $ 0.00 B. RESERVE FUND $ 0.00 C. REGISTERED WARRANT FUND $ 0.00 D. G.O. BOND FUND $ 0.00 E. OTHER REFUNDS 1. Expense Refund Levy $ 364.87 2. EMS Refund Levy $ 93.77 F. TOTAL OTHER TAXES $ 390,458.64 Given under my hand and the official seal of said district on this 25th day of November 2020. DistO Secretary WCFA#45 CCc CNIMRS_Nea er in, ShU ty;Trask� ,.Clerk Department of / ( Revenue 1%7 Levy Certification ` Washington State Submit this document to the county legislative authority on or before November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the levy amounts are.to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor. In accordance with RCW 84.52.020,1, t 1,6,A1U (Name) I6)A)E/2- ,for Pp 6,0' "4 r 06 w ,do hereby certify to (Title) (District Name) the 119-1Dp U County legislative authority that the 0Di11L1 t.55A0/0 5P_ (Name of County) (Commissioners,Council,Board,etc.) of said district requests that the following levy amounts be collected-in as provided in the district's (Year/of Collection) budget,which was adopted following a public hearing held on (Date of Public Hearing i Regalar Levy: 716-2- 79 (State the total dollar amount to be levied) I U�`ESces evy: ', 6_3Y, D (State the total dollar amount to be levied) Refund Levy: (State the total dollar amount to be levied) Total Levy. . ,� 811 j &.3&e / 9 (State the total dollar amount to be levied) Signature: 4147ti Date: i V i D D NOV 3 0 2020 MASON COUNTY ASSESSOR i i To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired,please call(360)705-6715. Teletype(TTS)users,please call(360)705-6718. For tax assistance,call(360)534-1400. REV 64 0100e(w)(2/21/12) i i I)cparancntof ���n!u� �� Leery ceftwention Washington Staie Submit this document to the county legislative authority on or before November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the levy amounts are to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor. In accordance with RCW 84.52.020,1, 6Z6A1>U GA''vG 8,e d , (Name) G�G� 1{�l i5 S 1/L�itJ E� ,for �U�Y 6 �l Lr� ,do hereby certify to (Title) (Distzat-ihe me), the {�1d�.SON County legislative authority P-014I!65iOld Z5P S (Name of County) (Commissioners,Council,Board,etc.) of said district requests that the following levy amounts be collected in a:1/ as provided in the district's (Year of Collection) budget,which was adopted following a publi2hearing ld on ////7���:V f (Date of Public Hearing) i Regular Levy: 2c 9 (State the total dollar amount toibe levied) Levy: (State the,total dollar bunt to be levied) Refund Levy: (State the total dollar amount to be levied) r Total Levy: 1zcl— (Slate the to'-1 dollar amount to be levied) Signature: Date: 1 1/1 712020 , NOV 3 0 2020 D i MASON COUNTY ASSESSOR To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired,please call(360)705-6715. j Teletype(TT-1)users,please call(360)705-6718. For tax assistance,call(360)534-1400. i REV 64 0100e W(2121/12) i Uepartmenl of �� Re ue Washington State RCW 84.55.126 WHERE,AS,the C4eyit 1.56 ibNG/?5 of Fz)1 T• 'has met and considered (Governing body of the taxing district) (Name of the taxing district) Gel its budget for the calendar year 16, ;and, WHEREAS,the districts actual levy amount from the previous year was $ 0(o 04), Q and, revious year's levy amount) WHEREAS,the population of this district is ❑more than o less than 10,000;and now,therefore, (Check one) BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the / tax year. (Year of collection) The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be$ A RLI), which is a percentage increase of/,jl_S Agcl %from the previous year.This increase is exclusive of (Percentage increase) additional revenue resulting from new construction,improvements to property,newly constructed wind turbines, solar,biomass,and geothermal facilities,and any increase in the value of state assessed property,any annexations that have occurred and refunds made. � RUHR rk . Adopted this /7 day of A16 Vg"P&2 G. t) NOU3 0 2020 MASON COUNTY ASSESSOR _ District 1 1 R— 4f- District 2 District 3 I If additional signatures are necessary,please attach additional page. This form or its equivalent must be submitted to your county assessor prior to their calculation of the property tax levies.A certified budget/levy request,separate from this form is to be filed with the County Legislative Authority no later than November 30".As required by RCW 84.52.020,that filing certifies the total amount to be levied by the regular property tax levy.The Department of Revenue provides the"Levy Certification"form(REV 64 0100) for this purpose.The form can be found at:ham://dor.wagov/docs/forms/PropTx/Fonns/LeyvCertf docdor.wagov/docs/f`orms/PropTx/Fonns/LeyvCertf doc I To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7706.Teletype(TTY)users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711.For tax assistance,call(360)534-1400. REV 64 0101e(%v)(12/9/14) I I 1 t)eparintenl of Revenue ®�-de�nala��/Rl��® ush®ira No.Washington State o2 6,Z-0 2 RCW 84.55.120 WHEREAS,the of �r a'j i7F(y/'�}Ja�JdG, has met and considered (Governing body of the taxing district) (Name of the taxing district) its budget for the calendar year;and, WHEREAS,the districts actual levy amount from the previous year was $ .5,3. JQ)0.-Od ;and, (Pr vious year's levy amount) j I W11EREAS,the population of this district is ❑more than o less than 10,000;and now,therefore, (Check one) " \ BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the abAl tax year. (Year of collection) The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be$ 61 which is a percentage increase of 1s ,,G L,&)7(C/o from the previous year.This increase is exclusive of (Percentage increase) additional revenue resulting from new construction,improvements to property,newly constructed wind turbines, solar,biomass,and geothermal facilities,and any increase in the value of state a sed rRy nn xatior.that have occurred and refunds made. v NOV 3 0 2020 Adopted this 17 Alday of 'lIG t-'�'G�,�G/� ��j��y, . DD MASON COUNTY ASSESSOR ►� District 1 ef-j4,- District 2 District 3 If additional signatures are necessary,please attach additional page. This form or its equivalent must be submitted to your county assessor prior to their calculation of the property tax levies.A certified budget/levy request,separate from this form is to be filed with the County Legislative Authority no later than November 301".As required by RCW 84.52.020,that filing certifies the total amount to be levied by the regular property tax levy.The Department of Revenue provides the"Levy Certification"form(REV 64 0100) for this purpose.The form can be found at:http://dbr.wa.gov/docs/f`onns/PrL:)pTx/Forms/LemyCertf.doe. To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7706.Teletype(TTY)users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711.For tax assistance,call(360)534-1400. REV&r 0 10 1 a(w)(12/9/14) i i i PORT OF GRAPEVIEW RESOLUTION NO.2020-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE PORT OF GRAPEVIEW authorizing the Commissioners to adopt the 2021 Budget. I WHEREAS,the Revised Code of Washington(RCW)Title 53,Chapter 35,specifies the requirements, I dates of compliance and procedures for adopting an annual budget,and, if WHEREAS,the Port of Grapeview has announced,advertised the availability of and has held a PUBLIC HEARING on the Preliminary Budget,therefore, RESOLVED,that the Port of Grapeview has conducted a Public Hearing on November 17th,2020,at 7:15 PM and hereby adopts the 2021 Final Budget. FURTHER RESOLVED,pursuant to RCW 53.35.040,the Final Budget will be filed with the clerk of the Board of Mason County Commissioners on November 19th,2020,a certified copy of such Final Budget. This data follows RCW 53.35.045. PASSED BY THE PORT OF GRAPEVIEW COMMISSIONERS THIS 11T"DAY OF NOVEMBER 2020. I1 i The Port of Grapeview,a Washington municipal corporation. '. John Anderson Jean Farmer Glenn Carlson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner i f District 1 District 3 District 2 RESOLUTION NO.2020-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF GRAPEVIEW, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY THE SECOND YEAR OF THE PORT OF GRAPEVIEW DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT'S MULTIYEAR LEVY PERIOD. WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. '2018-03, adopted on November 20, 2018, the Port of Grapeview, Mason County,Washington(the"Port')established an industrial development district designated as the Port of Grapeview Development District(the"PDD'J and identified certain marginal lands within the +� I Port;and WHEREAS, the Port has adopted and approved a Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements, which may be amended,modified and restated in the future(the"Comprehensive Scheme'); and j WHEREAS, the Port Intends to provide for the redevelopment of marginal lands in the PDD in the accordance with the powers granted to the Port under RCW ch. 53.25;and WHEREAS, ROW 53.36.160 permits multiyear levy periods of up to twenty years, commencing with the date of the initial levy; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2018-04, adopted on November 20,2018,the Port approved a first multiyear period pursuant to the provisions of RCW;and WHEREAS, the Port established 2019 as the base year by submitting the first year of the PDD multiyear levy period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF GRAPEVIEW, MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON,as follows: Section 1. The Port currently intends to (a) Include in the Ports 2021 budget those projects to be funded by the PDD (the"PDD Projects'l and plan for PDD revenues,(b)amend the Comprehensive Scheme. as may be necessary to encompass the PDD Projects, and (c)submit the PDD Levy Amount (as defined below)to County Treasurer of Mason County(the"County'l in 2020 for collection in 2021. As part of the Ports regular budgeting and submission process In 2020, the Port intends to submit the PDD Levy at a levy rate of$0.06. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon Its adoption. r ADOPTED AND APPROVED at an open public meeting of the Commission of the Port of Grapeview, Mason County,Washington held this 1701 day of November,2020, PORT OF GRAPEVIEW, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By John Anderson Commissioner, District 1 BY e i Glenn E. Carlson Commissioner, District 2 -1, By Jean Farmer I Commissioner,District 3 { 1� I CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Port Commission (the "Commission's of the Port of Grapeview, Mason County,Washington (the"Port'j, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached resolution numbered 2020-07(the"Resolution'), is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Port, as finally adopted at a regular meeting of the Commission held on the f 171h day of November, 2020 and duly recorded In my office. i 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held In all respects in accordance with law, i and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a quorum of i the Commission was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the f Commission voted In the proper manner for the adoption of said Resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption of said Resolution have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed,and that I am authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 17'h day of November,2020 Secretary,.Port Commission PORT OF GRAPEVIEW 2021 Final Capital Construction Budget for Grant 18-2420 &LTGO Bond 2019 FUND FORWARDED: General Cash Account Opening Balance $ 5,000.00 Capital Investment Account Opening Balance $ 25,476.00 IDD Revenue $ 60,534.00 Misc. Donations $ - 2021 Capital Construction Revenue $ 91,004.00 Transfer to investments $ 1,504.00 NFWS 2018-161 Annual Mitigation Report $ 4,500.00 Misc. Project Closeout Expenses-Grant 18-2420 $ 25,000.00 Total Requirement for Annual Corp of Engineeers Reporting $ 31,004.00 2021 Loan Payback: Kitsap Bank loan payment $ 60,000.00 Total 2021 Loan payments $ 60,000.00 Total Expenses $ 91,004.00 RNOV 3 0 2020 D MASON COUNTY ASSESSOR PORT OF GRAPEVIEW 2021 Budget FINAL BUDGET-OPERATIONS Year2020 Year 2021 300.00 Operating Investment Account Opening Balance $ 1,150.00 $ 2,646.22 300.00 General Cash Account Opening Balance $ 5,703.00 $ 2,309.78 362.40 Anticipated Kiosk Revenue $ - $ 9,750.00 311.10 General Property Taxes $ 27,000.00 $ 27,102.79 317.40 Reforest/Open Spaces $ 50.00 $ 50.00 337.00 Forest Excise Tax $ 450.00 $ 450.00 361.10 Interest Income $ 180.00 $ 60.00 2021 OPERATING REVENUE $ 34,533.00 $ 42,368.79 SALARIES&WAGES 5460010 Commissioner,Per-Diem,President $ 3,072.00 $ 3,072.00 5460010 Commissioner,Per-Diem,Secretary $ 3,072.00 $ 3,072.00 5460010 Commissioner,Per-Diem,Treasurer $ 3,072.00 $ . 3,072.00 5460010 Administrator $ 5,280.00 $ 5,670.00 5460010 Industrial Insurance(L&I) $ 80.00 $ 90.00 5460010 Employement Security tax $ - $ 80.00 5460010 Paid Family Medical Leave $ - $ 75.00 5460010 Social Security/FICA/941 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,800.00 TOTAL $ 16,976.00 $ 17,931.00 Intergovernmental Expenses 5460050 Property Taxes $ 17.90 $ 36.00 5460050 Election Cost Ballot Cost $ 1,700.00 $ 1,000.00 5460050 State Auditor audit $ 765.00 $ 765.00 TOTAL $ 2,482.90 $ 1,801.00 Professional Services 5460040 AAA Septic pumping $ 1,080.00 $ 1,480.00 546 OD40 PUD 3 $ 588.00 $ 1,500.00 5460040 PO Box annual fee $ 65.00 $ 65.00 5460040 Accounting Fees $ 700.00 $ 900.00 5460040 Attome Fees $ 1,008.00 $ 1,058.00 TOTAL $ 3,441.00 $ 5,003.00 Maintenance 5460000 1 Ramp cleaning&maintenance is - $ 450.00 5460000 1 Parldng Lot Maintenance $ - $ 450.00 5460000 Rest Room Maintenance $ - $ 1,750.00 5460000 Landsca ing Maintenance $ - $ 2,000.00 5460000 Pump House Maintenance $ - $ 1,000.00 5460000 Asset maintenance(signs,buoys,etc. $ - $ 770.00 TOTAL $ - $ 6,420.00 Digital Asset Expenses 5460040 Domain Name Registration $ 15.00 $ 15.00 5460040 Website Hosting $ 149.00 $ 149.00 5460040 Admin email account $ - $ 90.00 5460040 Software costs $ - $ 108.00 5460040 Computer Fees(programs,service or maintainence $ 3,340.00 $ 300.00 5460040 ZOOM $ - $ 196.00 TOTAL $ 3,504.00 $ 858.00 Office&Misc.Expenses 5460040 Insurance Enduris $ 3,750.00 $ 4,300.00 5460040 WPPA Dues $ 300.00 $ 300.00 5460040 Travel Reimbursments $ 1,308.00 $ 150.00 5460040 Mason County Journal $ 360.00 $ 360.00 5460000 Signs $ 100.00 $ 200.00 5460000 Scott McLendon $ 60.00 $ 50.00 5460000 Misc.Expenses $ 150.00 $ 525.79 5460040 Office Supplies,Postage,Paper etc $ 504.00 $ 250.00 TOTAL $ 6,532.00 $ 6,135.79 Kiosk Expenses 5460000 Kiosk Maintenance $ - $ 2,200.00 5460040 Kiosk Monthly Service $ - $ 1,260.00 5460000 Kiosk/Annual Pass supplies $ - $ 200.00 5460040 Merchant Service Fees $ - $ 560.00 TOTAL $ - $ 4,220.00 Total Expenses $ 32,935.90 $ 42,368.79 Operating Revenue $ 34,533.00 $ 42,368.79 Net $ 1,597.10 $ - Date: 11/19/2020 From: Port of Grapeview To: Mason County Auditor - Financial Services Attention: Junior Budgets PO Box 400 Shelton, WA 98584 Please accept the following budget(s) presented for budget year 2021. Per RCW, the district approved their budget(s) at an advertised public meeting. The budget was approved by a quorum of our elected/appointed commissioners. date of public meeting and budget approval: 11/17/2020 district resolution number: Res 2020-10 The following budget(s) for Port of Grapeview were approved at the above stated public meeting and will be in effect for budget year 2021: FUND NUMBER: 2021 REVENUE: 2021 EXPENDITURES: 670.020010.000.000 $ 42,368.79 $ 42,368.79 670.020030.000.000 91,004.00 91,004.00 Approved and signed below by Port of Grapeview: John Anderson Glenn Carlson Jean Farmer District is rict 2 District Please print names and district position next to signatures. Return to Mason County Financial Services at the above address when approved and signed. Please return form no later than November 30, 2020. If you have a separate document that was signed at the public budget meeting where your budget was formally adopted, you may use that as your signatures. Please attach that document in lieu of gathering new signatures for this form. However, the budget amounts still need to be filled in on this document .oc�uiaiu�i Jrlulry, Ia—S C3Te—dO Office Of the Treasurer o g 411 N. 5th, Bldg. W E P.O. Box 429 h Q Shelton, Washington 98584-0429 S`c`�s�FAuIR �° (360) 427-9670, ext. 475 • Fax (360) 427-7267 Belfair (360) 275-4467 • Elma (360) 482-5269 Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Treasurer Date:;!''r December 3,2020 Mason County Commissioner's Sharon Trask,Chair + Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty From: Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier,Mason County Treasurer Re: RCW#36.48.010,Depositaries designated by treasurer RCW 36.48.010 states in part: "Each county treasurer shall annually at the end of each fiscal year or at such other times as may be deemed necessary,designate one or more financial institutions in the state which are qualified public depositaries as set forth by the public deposit protection commission as depository or depositaries for all public funds held and required to be kept by the treasurer,and no county treasurer shall deposit any public money in financial institutions,except as herein provided. Public funds of the:county or a special district for,which the county treasurer,acts as its treasurer may only be deposited in bank accounts authorized by the treasurer or authorized in statute." The following is a list of depositaries currently used by the Office of the Mason County Treasurer to hold public funds. Depositaries listed below are approved depositaries as published by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission. COLUMBIA BANK KEY BANK KITSAP BANK OLYMPIA FEDERAL WELLS FARGO BANK The'Treasurer may authorize use of other public depositories as authorized.A list can be found on the Washington State Treasurer's Office web site at https://www tre wa pov/ dnc/ dpc-info/qualified- up blic- depositaries/. Deposit of public funds into depositaries qualified by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission,must be approved in writing by the county treasurer prior to depositing. h�I i i. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask December 4, 2020 From: Kathy Varney 3447 Arrowroot Street SE Lacey, WA 99513 To: Thurston-County Board of Commissioners and Ramiro Chavez Thurston County Courthouse Building One, Room 269 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502-1045 Dear Commissioners and Mr. Chavez: It has been my honor to serve as the Thurston County Representative for Timberland Regional Library since January of 2020. Volunteering has been my way of giving back to the community after many successful years in the private sector. It is with regret that I am writing this letter of resignation; much like four previous Thurston County Trustees have done before me in the recent past. I'd like to share some information that led me,to this decision, some of which I shared with Mr. Chavez during a phone call earlier today. My understanding of the Trustee duties was to review and approve the budget, create policy and approve the strategic vision. In order to do that a Trustee, especially a new trustee, must have accurate and transparent information. This has not been the case at TRL. I know some of the following examples may have already reached your ears, but I feel the need to expand on this information from my own perspective. Budget Here is a little background information(I am sure you know this,but you have many responsibilities): • Thurston County Taxpayers contribute approximately$13.5 million of the$24.5 million dollars budget. (roughly 55% of the overall revenue that fuels TRL operations). • Thurston County library operations costs are approx $5.7 million dollars,roughly 23.3%of the total TRL operations. • The TRL Service Center provides administrative services to the entire 27 library system. The cost of the service center operation is 47% of the overall library budget. This is extremelyhigh-for administrative services. The service center has 60.25 FTE. of the total 233 FTE noted in the 2021 preliminary budget. This is 25.8%of the FTE CIE_ DEC 08 2020 Mason County Commissioners which consumes approximately 31%Q ($5.45 Million,)of the total TRL salary and benefits of$17,737,226. • Salary and benefits for just the Service Center is budgeted;to be$5.45 million according to the preliminary 2021 budget. Some of these salaries increased in the 2021 budget by as much as 35.6%. o Deputy Director Public Services $12,657 an 11.4% increase o Director of Collection Services $ 16,681 an increase of 15.3%increase o Director of Operations $16,953, an increase of 15.5%increase o Administrative Coordinator$13,637, andncrease of 21.5%increase (I am. unsure of the start date for action,this occurred sometime in 2020) o Operations Coordinator$22,038,an increase of 35.6 %.(I am unsure of a start date for this action,this occurred sometime in 2020) Of course all employees should receive a fair salary for their work, but the size of these salary increases and the'lack.of:transparency is:the:big concern. These:raises followed above average pay increases from the previous year. The size of these raises were never communicated to me until the 2021 draft budget was received by the Trustees. The above noted increases went into effect in January 2020 a few days after the 2020 budget was approved by the Trustees,and days before I joined the board. The Trustees were to receive a salary and benefit update in April of 2020. I did not receive this information until the draft budget was released in,mid,October. This created a lack trust between the board and Administration. Most importantly, in a year of financial insecurity by:the taxpayers,these increases are especially hard to understand. Another example demonstrating the need for transparency is the lack of a cost benefit analysis for major purchases. It is critical for trustees to know the full impact of financial expenses. It is critical for taxpayers to know that;there was a process and full evaluation of cost by the Trustees before voting for approval. The board was recently given a new Leave Policy to review. It was identified that the administration would.get 5 additional days of leave beyond the already generous leave they enjoy. The leave for a level 52 and above would increase to 43 days per year. The increase was not highlighted but was spotted by the Mason County Trustee. Again, transparency was missing and trust was further diminished. Facilities TRL has 27 libraries, 9 of which are owned by TRL. The remaining 18 libraries are city owned and TRL provides service through annexation agreements. Most of these agreements state that the city will provide a facility to be used as a,library and the city will.provide maintenance for the building which includes janitorial services. This is the .case for all Thurston county locations. TRL policy clearly states that any building fund monies be used solely for.TILL owned building or architectural services to support a city owned library expansion or new structure. Bldg'fund:money can also be used:in city owned buildings for interior furnishings such as computer desks,books, furniture, etc. The pandemic left many cities in distress and administration asked for money to support the cities that could not provide adequate janitorial so libraries could reopen. The board did approve this exception after consultation with our attorney. Next,Administration asked that we repair some city owned structures. For me,the contention was that taxpayers would be investing:in the real estate of a city owned library. In other words we would be improving a building not owned by TRL. This should not be paid for by the tax payers because: 1. This improved a structure not owned by TRL 2. It violated our Building Fund policy and Facility agreements This is a continual struggle. As a Thurston County Trustee I can see the level of inequity for the taxpayers of my county,but fully support a rural library system and acknowledge that Thurston County is a more;privileged county for tax revenue than most of the other 4 counties. Eventually,this policy was rewritten opening the door for TRL funds to improve city owned structures. The situations listed above need to be reviewed by the state auditor for the following reasons: 1. Signed annexation agreements that are routinely not-followed"in some cities but fully followed by other cities creates inequity. 2. There is no plan for the Building Fund,monies. At.the very end of 2020,the Facilities committee recommended$1.2 M to be used from the nearly$5M in the fund.. 3. It is anticipated that the budget will.'.-have a$1M�surplus again this year. This points to the possibility of over budgeting, something the State Auditor would most likely identify. 4. Policy changes are being made that support situational changes, it is within the trustees power to do this,but again, due to the composition of the board; Thurston County will most likely continue to finance changes that do not benefit the taxpayers of our county. Most importantly,the auditor could help TRL develop reports that are transparent. It is with deep regret that I offer this letter of resignation. Kathy Varney cc: BOCC Mason County State Auditor 411 North 5th Street 302 Sid Snyder Ave SW Shelton, WA 98584 Olympia,WA 98501 BOCC Lewis County Cheryl Heywood,Exec Director 351 NW North Street Chehalis, WA 98532 TRL Board;of Trustees BOCC Pacific County 1216 W Robert Bush Drive PO Box 187 South Bend, WA 98586 Grays Harbor County 100 West Broadway, Suite 41 Montesano, WA 98563 State Auditor TRL Executive, Cheryl Heywood Cc CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Traskk 2�F RE qtAVEU Washington State Senate DEC 0 9 2020 Mason County TO: Bremerton Housing Authority; Mason County Housing Authority; Mason County Commissioners Commissioners; Kitsap County Commissioner;City of Shelton Commissioners;WDVA Director Alfie Alvarado&liaison Heidi Audette Dear Friends: December 8,2020 We.write with growing.concern over the continued delays in getting necessary operating vouchers approved for the Shelton Veterans Village project in Mason County.This project is critical to protecting and serving homeless veterans in our-region -the same people who have bravely protected and served our country.These barriers must be overcome so that the project can continue. As you know, much work has been done on this project over the last several years,including securing a Housing Trust Fund award in the 2018 capital budget,negotiating a long-term land lease from the city of Shelton in an ideal location,generous financial support from Mason County,site designs,and extensive stakeholder outreach and support. The project is ready to move forward. However, we are aware that recent decisions by the Bremerton Housing Authority to revoke a previously made offer of five housing vouchers may jeopardize the operating sustainability of the program.This decision also negatively affects other vouchers from the Department of Veterans Affairs that the Bremerton authority also administers.We recognize the interim Executive Director and Housing Director at the Bremerton Housing Authority have been working with Quixote Communities and we recommend such coordination continues.We understand Quixote Communities has requested 20 vouchers for this project and we urge you to make these vouchers available. The Quixote Communities program has already achieved great success in other locations.Sites in Olympia and Orting have managed to work with their local community partners to serve homeless individuals well.There should be no reason why our community cannot work together to do.the same—especially when the project is focusing on a population of our neighbors who need it most. We know without a doubt that access to stable housing is inextricable from.positive health and. economic outcomes.This program will be a key tool that,veterans in our region can use to build . healthy futures for themselves, and housing vouchers are a critical component of building a complete operational plan for this program. We strongly request that your teams work Legislative Building Olympia,WA 98504-0482 together to achieve a solution that provides veterans with this stable and secure housing opportunity. Right now,in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic that has destabilized so many,we have an invaluable chance to serve the people who first served us—people who need and deserve a community that will step up for them in this moment.After much effort,this project has come a long way; let's continue the collaborative partnership that has gotten us this far,and let's get it done. Sincerely, Senator Emily Randall Senator Tim Sheldon 25th Legislative District 35th Legislative District NEWS RELEASE December 15, 2020 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Free Christmas Tree Recycling Mason County announces free Christmas tree recycling available at the following locations starting December 26th to January loth: • Shelton Transfer Station located at 501 West Eells Hill Road in Shelton, business hours are Monday through Saturday from 8:00am to 4:45pm • Belfair Solid Waste Drop Off Facility located at 2001 NE Sand Hill Road in Belfair, business hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9 am to 4pm Customers of Mason County Garbage and Recycling curbside service can cut up their trees and stick them in their cart as part of their regular pickup. Please note that all trees dropped off for free recycling at County facilities must be free of tinsel, decorations, and flocking. Wreaths and garlands will not be accepted for free recycling since these items contain wires and can therefore not be recycled. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Chair Vice Chair Commissioner NEWS RELEASE December 15, 2020 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Mason County Heritage Grant Cycle The Mason County Commissioners and the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission are pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the 2021 annual Mason County Heritage Grant cycle. On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission administers the Mason County Heritage Grant Program to assist projects that promote the public's access to County history. The program is funded with a portion of document recording fees collected by the Mason County Auditor. The allocation of these fees for projects that "promote historical preservation or historical programs, which may include preservation of historic documents" is authorized under RCW 36.22.170. The revenues accrue to a dedicated fund and may not be used for any purpose other than those stipulated in the statute. Grants in amounts up to $ may be awarded to qualified organizations for professional development, public education, small capital projects, collections management, heritage investigations and historic preservation. This is a reimbursement grant. It is very important that organizations considering application for this grant read the grant guidelines and other details on the Mason County website: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/historic/grant_guidelines.pdf Grant applications are available on The Mason County website: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/historic/heritage-grant-application.pdf Proposals can be mailed to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 W Alder Street, Shelton, WA. Applications may also be hand delivered to 615 W Alder Street, Shelton, WA 98584. All applications need to be received no later than 12:00 PM January 15, 2021. Questions should be directed Michael MacSems at 427-9670 ext. 571. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty Randy Neatherlin Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5t' Street,Shelton,WA Special Meeting Agenda Monday, December 7, 2020 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson.called the special meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance—Cmmr. Shutty led the flag salute 3. Roll Call— Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3—Sharon Trask all via Zoom. 4.' 2021 Budget Hearing presented by Jennifer Beierle, Budget Manager(Exhibit A) RCW 36.40.060 requires the Board of County Commissioners to hold a Public Hearing on the 2021 Preliminary Budget to allow taxpayers to"appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget". Pursuant to RCW 36.40.071 and Resolution 111-85 this hearing is to be held on the first Monday in December. Copies of the 2021 Preliminary Budget were made available to the public on November 20, 2020. There were no dollar changes to any funds from what was presented on November 20, 2020. A balanced budget must be adopted by December 31. Jennifer shared her thanks for all of the departments and individuals who assisted in preparing this budget. There are two options for a recommended action. The first option is to move to adopt the 2021 budget in the total amount of$125,853,487. The General Fund is $53,464,511 and is broken down as follows: the beginning fund balance $14,000,000; revenue excluding the beginning fund balance is $39,464,511; salaries and benefits $28,699,727; operating expenditures $11,983,896; and the ending fund balance $12,780,888. The total other funds are $72,388,976 and is broken down as follows: salaries and benefits $12,579,770; operating expenditures $59,809,206. The second option is to close public comment and continue the hearing to December 15, 2020 at 9:15 a.m. to consider adoption of the 2021 budget. There were no comments from County departments or the public. Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the 2021 budget in the total amount of$125,853,487. The General Fund is $53,464,511 and the total other funds are $72,388,976. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye. The Commissioners share their appreciation and thanks to all that have helped with the budget. The County is in a good position because the departments were understanding and helped make the budget process easier. This was a difficult year with a lot of remote work and other changes. 5. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:16 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON , McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of December 7,2020 Monday,December 7,2020 9:30 A.M. Historic Preservation Commission Interview Commissioners Trask,Shutty, and Neatherlin were in attendance via Zoom. • The Commissioners interviewed one applicant for the Historic Preservation Commission. The Board asked that the December 8 agenda be amended to include the appointment of Jann Goodpastor. 9:40 A.M. Superior Court—Judge Goodell Commissioners Trask,Shutty, and Neatherlin were in attendance via Zoom. • Request to replace Ordinance 63-05,fee for filing a trial de novo of an arbitration award that increases the filing fee to$400. Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty expressed concern with raising the fee. Judge Goodell will research to see if the filing fee can be waived. • Superior Court is no longer having personal court appearances and suspended jury courts until January 2021. 9:45 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Trask,Shutty, and Neatherlin were in attendance via Zoom. • The Board agreed to continue meeting every other week in 2021 for the 11 quarter and the schedule will be reviewed. Additional meetings can be scheduled as needed. • 2021 Committee Assignments for Commissioners will be brought back on the January 4 briefing. • A letter soliciting applicants for the MTA Board to fill a vacancy will be circulated. This is an elected official position in Commissioner District No.2. • Jenn reviewed the November Financials Statements. • Reminder that a contract change for Building 10 Phase 1.5 in the amount of$63,000 is on the December 8 agenda. • The Dept.of Commerce CDBG CV 1 contract for Lewis/Mason Community Action Council is on the December 8 agenda. 10:15 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Trask, Shutty, and Neatherlin were in attendance via Zoom. • News release for the Historic Preservation Commission grant program will be on the December 15 agenda. • Food Establishment Permit Fees extended to February 28 and will be added to the December 8 agenda. • Eviction Rent Assistance Program Grant(ERAP)contract amendment approved for the December 15 agenda. • Approved to set a public hearing on January 5,2021 to consider rezone of a.57-acre parcel from rural Commercial 3 (RC3)to Rural Residential 2.5 (RR2.5)within the Taylor Towne Rural Activity Center. • Approval to set a public hearing on January 5,2021 to consider amendments to Title 14 and adopt the 2018 State building code amendments. The Commissioners pointed out they support adopting only what is required by law. • Amendment 18 to the Consolidated Contract that includes$20,000 to translate existing Covid-19 communications;$29,605 for Division of Emergency Preparedness&Response;$67,694 continued funding for the Maternal&Child Health Block Grant and$250 for Office of Immunization&Child Profile-Perinatal Hepatitis B. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes December 7,2020 • Dave talked about the Covid vaccination coordination and outreach. The vaccine should start being distributed in the next couple of weeks. • Cmmr. Shutty brought up that he would like a follow up on his request to review the burn permit process. • Cmmr.Trask asked for a Planning/Building update at the briefings. 10:40 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Trask, Shutty,and Neatherlin were in attendance via Zoom. • News release for free Christmas Tree drop off and recycling at the Shelton Transfer Station and Belfair drop-off facility will be on the December 15 agenda. • Request to transfer$50,000 in budget authority in Fund 413,Belfair Wastewater& Water Reclamation Fund. Will be on December 15 agenda. • Request to procure a 2018 sakai finishing roller as special market value purchase was approved. • Request to set a public hearing to consider a franchise agreement between the County and the City of Shelton approved to schedule. • Road Vacation process;applications submitted prior to the Code change are following the prior process. • Announcement that Kevin Guijosa has been promoted to Solid Waste Program Manager and the Commissioners approved filling the Solid Waste Attendant III position and an extra help position. • Cmmr.Neatherlin brought up the poor service provided by WAVE cable service and asked staff to review to see what can be done by the County. 11:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Trask, Shutty and Neatherlin met in closed session with Frank Pinter from 11:08 a.m.to 11:14 a.m.for a labor discussion. 11:15 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)—Litigation Commissioners Trask, Shutty and Neatherlin met in executive session from 11:15 a.m.to 12:01 p.m.for a litigation matter.Also in attendance was Tim Whitehead, Loretta Swanson,Mike Collins,Dawn Twiddy and Nichole Wilston. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner c4e)-/c MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Ginger Kenyon Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: December 15, 2020 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8076204-8076290 $ 756,516.97 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 73471-73875 $ 914,882.63 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7005593-7005628 $ 1,154,580.96 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 771,023.14 Macecom 11/10/2020 $ 139,401.54 Mental Health 11/10/2020 $ 66,231.53 Dispute Resolution Center $ 1,470.00 US Bank Refunding Escrow Agent 11/10/2020 $ 700.00 Professional Services 2020A Fees 11/10/2020 $ 9,384.79 Professional Services 2020B Fees 11/10/2020 $ 1,519.58 Mental Health—Transfer 3`d QTR 11/10/2020 $ 76,694.35 Therapeutic Court 11/10/2020 $ 76,694.35 CE- Non —departmental 3`d QTR 11/10/2020 to $ 5,668.00 Trial Court Improvement 3rd QTR 11/10/2020 $ 5,668.00 CE Non departmental 41h QTR 11/10/2020 to $ 5,668.00 Trial Court Improvement 41h QTR 11/10/2020 $ 5,668.00 CE- Non departmental 3rd QTR 11/10/2020 to $ 94,063.75 Community Health 3`d QTR 11/10/2020 $ 94,063.75 CE-Non departmental 4th QTR 11/10/2020 to $ 94,063.75 Community Health 4th QTR 11/10/2020 $ 94,063.75 Refund Interest Earned 10/30/2020 $ 36.22 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 30,475,419.81 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 17,113,312.48 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 18,044,198.23 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 7,318,326.51 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8076204-8076290 $ 756,516.97 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 73471-73875 $ 914,882.63 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7005593-7005628 $ 1,154,580.96 Treasurer Electronic Remittances $ 771,023.14 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) H- ECENED 11/1U/2U20 DIEC 03 2620 BAR'S# Payment approval of Macecom: Mason County Commissioners -�i �7I ® , 1(-� FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT # Macecom 001.000000.300.300 $ 139,401.54 M-69685 is - 11110/2020 Payment approval of Mental Health: FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT # MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 66,231.53 M-69683 $ - M- 11/10%0�U FUND Account# Remittance RECEIPT DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER 001.000000.100.000 $ 1,470.00 M-69679 is - Payment approval of REFUNDING ESCROW ONE TIME FEE 11�i0�2020 FISCAL BOND AGENT FUND FUND No. ACCT.#'S Remiittance EQEIPT # US BANK-Refunding Escrow Agent 250.000000.000.000 $ 700.00 M-69714 $ - Payment approval of Professional Service Fees: 11I10620:20 FUND Account# Remittance R CEIPT # PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2020A FEES 1250.000000.000.000 $ 9,384.79 M-69722 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2020B FEES 250.000000.000.000 $ 1,519.58 M-69722 1/10/2Q2U FUND Account# Remiittance RECEIPT Mental Health Transfer-3RD QTR 164.000000.100.000 $ 76,694.35 M-69703 Therapeutic Court 001.000000.256.100 1 $76,694.35 M-69704 REFUND INTEREST EARNED j&.a� FUND Account# Remiittance RECELPT #' CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.000 $ 16.37 Multiple Rec ROAD DIV-CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.010 $3.75 Multiple Rec Veterans Assistance 190.000000.000.000 $ 0.21 Multiple Rec COUNTY ROAD 105.000000.000.000 $15.54 Multiple Rec MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $0.35 Multiple Rec FUND Account# Remiittance RECEI;R�T # CE-Non departmental 3RD QTR 001.000000.310.000 $ 5,668.00 M-69687 TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT 3RD QTR 135.000000.000.000 $5,668.00 M-69688 FUND Account# Remiittance E-.0 EIP�T CE-Non departmental 4TH QTR 001.000000.310.000 $ 5,668.00 M-69689 TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT 4TH QTR 135.000000.000.000 $5,668.00 M-69690 FUND Account# . Remiittance RE E�IPT CE-Non departmental 3RD QTR 001.000000.310.000 $ 94,063.75 M-69691 COMMUNITY HEALTH 3RD QTR 150.000000.000.000 1 $94,063.75 M-69692 FUND Account# Remiittance RE EIiPT CE-Non departmental 4TH QTR 001.000000.310.060 $ 94,063.75 M-69695 COMMUNITY HEALTH 4TH QTR 150.000000.000.000 $94,063.75 M-69696 Respectfully submitted by:Julie Richert,Chief Deputy Treasurer 11/30/2020 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM o: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen, Community Dev't Adm. Action Agenda Z Josh Luck, Lead Building Inspector Public Hearing ❑ Other ❑ Department: Community Services Ext: 286 Date: December 15, 202o Agenda Item #a,2. (Commissioner Staff To Complete) Briefing Date: December 7, 2020 Briefing Presented By: Kell Rowen &Josh Luck [ ] Item Was Not Previously Briefed With The Board Please Provide Explanation Of Urgency ITEM: Set a public hearing on January 5, 2021 at 9:15 a.m.to consider code amendments to Title 14 and adopt the 2o18 State Building Code amendments. BACKGROUND: Mason County is proposing amendments to the Mason County Code Title 14, in compliance with State Building Code updates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board of County Commissioners shall set a public hearing on January 5, 2021 at 9:15 a.m.to consider adopting the 2018 State Building Code amendments. ATTACHMENT(S): Notice of Hearing 12/9/2020 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing from the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 9:15 A.M.These hearings will be held via Zoom, see below for details. SAID HEARING will be to consider adopting the 2018 State Building Codes and amendments to Title 14. If you have questions, please contact Kell Rowen (360) 427-9670, Ext. 286. For zoom information please see County's home page: https://www.co.mason.wa.us/or if special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427- 9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 15th day of December 2020 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board c: Journal - Publish tic: December 24&31, 2020 (Bill: Community Development—615 W.Alder, Shelton, WA 98584) 1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM o: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen, Planning Manager Action Agenda Z Public Hearing ❑ Other ❑ Department: Community Services Ext: 286 Date: December 15, 2020 Agenda Item #8,.7 (Commissioner Staff To Complete) Briefing Date: December 7, 2020 Briefing Presented By: Kell Rowen [ ] Item Was Not Previously Briefed With The Board Please Provide Explanation Of Urgency ITEM: Set a public hearing on January 5, 2021 at 9:15 a.m.to consider rezone of a 0.57 acre parcel from Rural Commercial 3 (RC3)to Rural Residential 2.5(RR2.5)within the Rural Activity Center of Taylor Towne. BACKGROUND: The property owner requests to rezone (downzone) a developed 0.57-acre parcel on Golden Pheasant Rd.,from Commercial to Residential.The parcel is the location of the Golden Pheasant Tavern,which has been closed for several years.The property owner plans to convert the Tavern back to a residential building.The Planning Advisory Commission voted 4-0 to approve the application request after review of staff report and hearing testimony at their scheduled meeting on November 16, 2020. Request is considered an amendment to the Development Regulations and not a change to the Comprehensive Plan. ti RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board of County Commissioners shall set a public hearing on January 5, 2021 at 9:15 a.m.to consider the rezone request. ATTACHMENT(S): Notice of Hearing 12/9/2020 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing from the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 9:15 A.M. These hearings will be held via Zoom, see below for details. SAID HEARING will be to consider a Rezone (downzone) of a 0.57 acre parcel (31906-50-00019)from Rural Commercial 3 (RC3)to Rural Residential 2.5 (RR2.5) in Taylor Towne. If you have questions, please contact Kell Rowen (360) 427-9670, Ext. 286. For zoom information please see County's home page: https://www.co.mason.wa.us/or if special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427- 9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 15th day of December 2020 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board c: Journal- Publish 2x: December 24&31, 2020 (Bill: Community Development—615 W.Alder,Shelton, WA 98584) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom / Todd Parker Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260 DATE: 12/15/20 Agenda Item #8,4 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 12/7120 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Todd Parker [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Eviction Rent Assistance Program Grant: Final Funding Distribution Background: This contract is with the Dept. of Commerce and is in the amount'of$500,876. Commerce has authorized the second 50% of the award amount to be spent. Amendment 1 accounted for Commerce's approval to spend additional funds. This final amendment expends the grant and is awarded based on performance. The final amendment is in the amount of$62,516. Budget Impacts: Retain a total of$59,643 in allowable administrative funds. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of Amendment 2 for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program with Crossroads Housing Attachment(s): Amendment 2 Crossroads Housing Contract Between Mason County and Crossroads Housing Professional Services Contract#CH:CaresAct.ERAP (MC Contract#20-084) Amendment# 2 The purpose of this amendment is to increase the total contract award for the Eviction Prevention Program IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows: 1. FUNDING SOURCE: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)Act (P.L. 116-136) 2. AMENDMENT TERM: November 1 — December 31, 2020 3. TOTAL ADDITIONAL AWARD: $62,516 a. At least 5% ($3,126) must be spent on services provided through a By and For Organization 4. INVOICE: Include with the Covid-19 invoice with the title "CH:CaresAct.ERAP" 5. EXHIBIT C — BUDGET a. The ERAP end date is December 31, 2020, but expenses can only be incurred through December 30, 2020. No expenses can occur on December 31. January rent payments for eligible households can be made in advance if the payment'is booked on the authorizing agency financial records no later than December 30, 2020. b. The last day to submit an invoice is January 14, 2021 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the day of 12020. CONTRACTOR - - MASON COUNTY any FFazier Sharon Trask, Chair Executive Director, Crossroads Housing Mason County Board of County Commissioners 1 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Victor Rhett, Finance Manager Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: December-44 , 2020 Agenda Item #$,'t5 BRIEFING DATE: December 7, 2020 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Victor Rhett [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Request to transfer an amount from Belfair Wastewater &Water Reclamation Fund operations to Salaries and Benefits, Fund 413 BACKGROUND: Public Works requests approval to transfer $50,000 in Belfair Wastewater &Water Reclamation Fund budget expenditure allocation increasing Salaries and Benefits funded through an offsetting decrease to Operations. In the past year, three new operators have been hired to staff Belfair Wastewater plant operations. Monitoring and training junior operators has required increased staffing levels for proper training and oversight resulting in a $35,000 increase in plant operator wage expenses. In addition, the retroactive impact of settling Corrective Bargaining Agreements has increased 2020 wages and benefits expenses by approximately $12,500. This budget transfer would ensure Fund 413 compliance with County budget resolutions No. 118-19, Resolution Adopting Mason County 2020 budget-2019112102 and #26-17, Resolution Amending Resolution No. 46-16 Regarding Management of the County Budget. Resolution No. 118-19 provides that"2020 budgetary salary and benefit expenditure line items shall not be utilized to meet obligations authorized by other portions of the budget; and salary and benefit expense line items shall not be increased by other portions of the budget... without approval of the Board of Commissioners". Resolution No. 26-17 requires Board of Commissioner approval of interdepartmental transfers exceeding $15,000 annually. There is no budgetary impact. The transfer would be executed within the Belfair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Fund existing budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners authorize Public Works to execute budget transfer of$50,000 increasing salaries and benefits and reducing operations in Fund 413, Belfair Wastewater &Water Reclamation Fund. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2020 Budget Transfer Request, Fund 413 wages 2020 BUDGET TRANSFER REQUEST t;PL,E-A'-SES"U'B-'M' 'It�SUDGETIMNSPEgiREQIUMS .TO 9000OM-A-N,AOtk�---'SUP,P09T!'.S VICES FUND NUMBER BARS LINE Amount Description From - 413.000000.000.000. 535.84.549998 < 51JODD.00 > Reallocate to Salaries 2 To + 413.000000.000.000 535.84.519999 50,000.00 Reallocate from,Operating rn From - To + C 0 From E To + Q. Reason for change: To reallocate operational expense authority to salaries expense. 0 Authorizing signature for 4A department requesting transfer: 92mW)SOn EXT: Title of authorizing signature: Date: 12-OZZ oAction taken by Budget Manager: 77Transfer Approved Transfer Denied Budget Manager signature: Date: V V MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, PE, PLS, County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: December4A , 2020 Agenda Item #g �.+ BRIEFING DATE: December 7, 2020 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Mike Collins [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Special Market Value Purchase —Asphalt Finishing Roller BACKGROUND: Mason County Department of Public Works would like to purchase a used double steel drum finishing roller for final compaction on our asphalt overlay projects. Public Works currently rents a finish roller each summer at a cost of $7,888 each year. County staff has worked out a deal with the supplier to purchase the same used finish roller that we have been renting each year. The supplier will reduce the selling price ($46,500) by applying this year's rental cost (-$7,880) and take a trade in of a surplus skid steer attachment (-$7,000) for a balance of ($35,019.14 with sales tax). This piece of equipment is expected to last for a minimum of 10 years. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners authorize Public Works to procure 2018 sakai asphalt finishing roller as special market value purchase. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Justification Form 3. Pape Machinery, Inc. Quote RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SPECIAL MARKET CONDITION PROCURMENT OF ASPHALT FINISHING ROLLER WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 (1) (b), allows for exceptions from standard bidding procedures based on special market conditions and sole source findings for qualifying purchases; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of a asphalt finishing roller in the 2021 budget; and WHEREAS, the County Purchasing Policy requires a resolution to waive bidding requirements over $25,000. WHEREAS, the identified equipment fits the specific needs of the County and is available at a very favorable price that may be sold before the County could complete a formal bidding process; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: Section 1. RCW 39.04.280 authorizes the Board to waive standard competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of equipment where "special market conditions" exist for procurement of the equipment. To the extent any bidding requirements apply to the purchase of the equipment, in light of findings of fact set forth herein, the Board finds that special market conditions under RCW 39.04.280(b) exist and that all bidding requirements (if any) are hereby waived for the purchase of the specified asphalt finishing roller. Section 2. Special market conditions include: a) A 2018 SAKAI SW354-4SW78-30129 Asphalt Finishing Roller being offered at a very favorable price to Mason County. b) The asphalt finishing roller may be sold by the providers before the County could complete a formal bid process. c) The equipment is needed for a specific required purpose and is suitable to the unique needs of the Public Works Department. No other equipment has been found at the pricing that meets the needs and budget at this time. ADOPTED this day of , 2020 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair im Whit Kevin Shutty, Commissioner MASON COUNTY ti Mo SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM o H ', Date: December 15,2020 xY I Department:Public Works Department Contact:Mike Collins,Ext.452 Recommended Vendor: Pape Machinery,Inc. a Address:3607 2011 Street East Phone:253.922.8718 Cost Estimate: $35,019.14(with trade-in and Yearly rental expense) Describe the item requested and its function:2018 Sakai Asphalt Finishing Roller 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ❑ Sole Source:No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ❑ Special Design:Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant:Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary:Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ® Special Market Value:The vendor is the holder of a 2018 Sakai Asphalt roller that is a good value and fits specific needs of the department. 3. Is this product available from other sources? ®Yes ❑ No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? A very favorable price and deducts this year's rental fee($7,888)and accepting a Skid-steer attachment as a trade-in (-$7,000). S. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ® Yes ❑ No If yes,please explain modifications and potential costs: Buying new would cost the county approximately" $55-60 thousand. Public Works has used the machine during this year's asphalt projects and know that this piece of equipment is reliable and in good shape:should last the county at least 10 or more years. 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and a fair value. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined.Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other,please explain:The County could not find any others available that would be at the same price considering they are taking off our rental for this year and accepting a trade-in. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County.I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or compromising action have taken place.Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands,types of equipment,materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. n ' Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: CC/ C - S Date: Y-24 20 .JOHN DEERE E. MACHINERY Quote Id: 23013229 Prepared For: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 7 } 3ti h h L _YI. d y; Prepared By: GERALD WARREN Pape Machinery, Inc. 3607 20th Street East Tacoma, WA 98424 Tel: 253-922-8718 Mobile Phone: 360-340-0396 Fax: 253-922-3562 Email: gwarren@papemachinery.com Offer Expires: 30 October 2020 Confidential uJOHN DEERE MACHINERY Quote Summary Prepared For: Prepared By: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS GERALD WARREN 100 PUBLIC WORKS DR Pape Machinery, Inc. SHELTON, WA 98584 3607 20th Street East Business: 360-427-9670 Tacoma, WA 98424 jeremys@co.mason.wa.us Phone: 253-922-8718 Mobile: 360-340-0396 gwarren@papemachinery.com Quote Id: 23013229 Expiration Date: 30 October 2020 Equipment Summary Selling Price Qty Extended 2018 SAKAI SW354-4SW78-30129 $46,500.00 X 1 = $46,500.00 Equipment Total $46,500.00 Trade In Summary Qty Each Extended 2020 JOHN DEERE VR84C- 1 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 1 TOVR84CAK0000263 PayOff $0.00 Total Trade Allowance $7,000.00 Trade In Total $7,000.00 Quote Summary Equipment Total $46,500.00 Trade In $ (7,000.00) Federal Excise Tax $ 0.00 Licensing Fee $0.00 CA Tire Recycling Fee $0.00 Doc Fee $0.00 Rental Services Fee $ 0.00 SubTotal $39,500.00 Sales Tax-(8.50%) $ 3,407.14 Total $42,907.14 Down Payment (0.00) Rental Applied (7,888.00) Balance Due $35,019.14 Salesperson:X Accepted By:X Confidential JOHN DEERE Selling Equipment 01 MACHINERY Quote Id: 23013229 Customer: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 2018 SAKAI SW354 - 4SW78-30129 Hours: 75 Stock Number: 78-30129 Code Description Qty VIBRATORY ASPHALT ROLLER PM101883 S/N 4SW78-30129 STC-203818 ROPS S/N C1 12568 SW354 SERIOES ROPS (MOUNTED) Confidential JOHN DEERE Trade In MACHINERY Quote Id: 23013229 Customer: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 2020 JOHN DEERE VR84C SN#ITOVR84CAK0000263 Machine Details Description Net Trade Value 2020 JOHN DEERE VR84C $7,000.00 SN#ITOVR84CAK0000263 Your Trade In Description VIBRATORY ROLLER=SUBJECT TO IMMIDIATE SALE;1 Confidential 2-1700 E(3/11) f 1 MACHINERY Init. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE.Sales Orders are based on 7.Assignment.The right to any monies due or to become due the terms and conditions stated herein. Unless otherwise provided on hereunder may be assigned by Seller,and Buyer, upon receiving the face hereof,offers are good for acceptance for a period of 30 days notice of such assignment,shall make payment as directed. from the date hereof.An order by the Buyer shall constitute an 8. Limitations of Warranties. If"NEW"warranty is indicated on the acceptance of the terms and conditions herein proposed. If, and only reverse side or if new equipment is purchased hereunder,all if, no offer of sale is issued by Seller, then the invoice shall be warranties are strictly given only by the manufacturer.Copies of deemed.,an acceptance of the Buyer's order,a written confirmation; manufacturer's warranty can be obtained from Seller. If"USED" and a final, complete, and exclusive written expression of the warranty is indicated on the reverse side.Seller hereby warrants to agreement between Seller and Buyer. Buyer is hereby notified that Buyer that the equipment or components thereof designated on the additional or different terms from those contained herein are reverse side,shall be free under normal use and service from objectionable. defects in material and workmanship for the period shown, 1. Taxes.Buyer shall pay all local, state,and federal taxes arising commencing on the date of delivery.Buyer's exclusive remedy for from or related to any sale or lease to which this document relates, breach of the limited warranty shall be the repair or replacement of except for taxes upon or measured by net income of Seller. the warranted equipment without charge to Buyer when returned at 2. Delivery. Stated or promised delivery dates are estimates only Buyer's expense to the Seller's facility where the equipment was based upon Seller's best judgment and Seller shall not be responsible purchased,with proof of purchase. Buyer must give notice of any for deliveries later than promised regardless of the cause. Delivery warranty claim not later than 7 days after the expiration of the periods are projected from the date of receipt of any order by Seller, warranty period and must return the equipment to Seller for repair or but if equipment to be furnished by Seller is to be manufactured replacement no later than 30 days after expiration of the warranty specifically to fill a particular order,delivery periods will be projected period.Any action against Seller for breach of the limited warranty from the date of Seller's receipt of complete manufacturing must be commenced within one year after the date of delivery of the information. If the furnishing of equipment on orders accepted by equipment.Seller's warranty does not extend to any defect,claim,or Seller is hindered or prevented by public authority or by the existence damage attributable to the failure to operate and/or maintain the of war or other contingencies, including,but not limited to,shortage of equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications,or materials, fires,labor difficulties,accidents,delays in manufacture or due to the failure to operate or maintain the equipment in accordance transportation, acts of God, embargoes, inability to ship,inability to with any recommendations of Seller. If"AS IS"is indicated on the insure against war risks or substantially increased prices or freight reverse side, no warranty of any kind is being given and the rates,or other causes beyond Seller's control, the obligation to fill or equipment is being sold with all faults.THE WARRANTIES IN THIS complete such orders shall be excused by Seller's option. PARAGRAPH AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES GIVEN BY SELLER AND SUPERSEDE 3. Transportation and Claims.Prices quoted are net F.O.B.point ANY PRIOR.CONTRARY, OR ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIONS, designated in writing by Seller. When no F.O.B.point is designated in WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN.SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS writing by Seller,prices for new equipment shall be deemed to be net AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,WHETHER F.O.B.point of manufacture and prices for all other equipment shall be EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED deemed to be F.O.B. Seller's place of business at which the order for WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A the equipment is accepted. When transportation is allowed, the price PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES charged will be adjusted to reflect the lowest transportation rates in OTHERWISE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE effect at the time of shipment even though such rates may differ from OF TRADE.SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, those quoted by Seller. Seller's responsibility for the equipment shall INJURY,OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY cease and all risk of loss shall become the Buyer's upon delivery of the RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE OR DEFECTIVE OPERATION equipment to the first carrier for shipment to the Buyer or his OF THE EQUIPMENT; NOR WILL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR consignee,even though such delivery shall be made prior to the arrival DIRECT, INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,OR of the equipment at the F.O.B.point designated, and any and all CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND SUSTAINED FROM claims for shortages, deliveries, damages or non-delivery must be ANY CAUSE.This exclusion applies regardless of whether such made by the Buyer or his consignee to the carrier. Seller shall in no damages are sought for breach of warranty, breach of contract, event be responsible for shortages in shipments unless notice of such negligence,or strict liability in tort or under any other legal theory. shortage is given in writing to Seller within 15 days after receipt of 9. Rental Purchase Option. If rental purchase option(RPO)is shipment. granted in any addendum,the purchase price shall be tendered to 4. Payment and Security.Buyer agrees to pay in full for the Seller coincidentally with the exercise of the purchase option equipment at time of delivery. Buyer agrees to pay the late charge on provided that Buyer is not then in default in performing all of the any past due balance at the rate of 18%per annum. The signator terms and conditions of lease with Seller. warrants that he/she has authority to execute this order on behalf of 10. Notice.This paragraph shall serve as notice that The Pape any party for whom he/she signs,and that such party has the power to Group, Inc. has assigned its rights to sell its rental equipment(as enter into this agreement and perform its terms.As security for all of may be described in this sales order)and its rights to sales proceeds Buyer's obligations to Seller, Buyer grants to Seller a security interest (including"trade-in assets"related thereto)to North Star Deferred in the equipment and authorizes Seller to file all documents necessary Exchange as part of an IRC Sec. 1031 exchange. to perfect Seller's security interest. The security interest granted hereunder is in addition to any other rights available to Seller, and 11.Attorneys Fees. In the event suit or action is instituted against Seller shall have all of the rights and remedies available to a secured Buyer on account of or in connection with or based upon the terms party under the Uniform Commercial Code, all of which are hereof,the Buyer agrees to pay, in addition to the costs and cumulative. Throughout the duration of Seller's security interest.Buyer disbursements provided by law,such sum as the court may adjudge shall keep the equipment fully insured against theft and loss or reasonable attorney's fees in both the trial and appellate courts,or in damage by fire and other casualty as Seller may from time to time connection with any bankruptcy proceeding. require in accordance with such terms as Seller may require. 12. Entire Agreement.The foregoing and any addendum shall 5. Buyer to Furnish.Performance by Seller is subject to the Buyer constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between the furnishing a satisfactory credit rating certificate,letter of credit, parties, and it is expressly understood and agreed that no promises, evidence of financing, or any other similar papers necessary for the provisions,terms,warranties,conditions,guarantees,or obligations satisfactory completion of such order. whatsoever,either expressed or implied,other than as herein set 6. Laws Governing.All orders will be governed by the laws of the forth or provided for shall be binding on either party.Each party may State of Oregon. transmit its signature by facsimile to the other party and such facsimile signatures shall have the same force and effect as an original signature. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Beierle Action Agenda Public Hearing X Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 DATE: December 15, 2020 Agenda Item # \0, 1 commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: November 23, 2020 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jennifer Beierle [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Hold a Public Hearing on December 15,:2020 at 9.:15 a.m. to consider approval of budget supplemental appropriations and amendments to the 2020 budget. Background: Requests for 2020 budget supplemental appropriations and amendments. Total Adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund: $430,000 Total Adjustments to authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund: $0 J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\Budget Hearings\2020\12.15.2020 Budget Hearing\Public Hearing Cover Sheet 12.15.20.docx RESOLUTION NO. �020—�01 2020 BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND AMENDMENT REQUESTS-NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS,by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2020,it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and amendments to the budget as required by RCW 36.40.100,and RCW 36.40.195;and WHEREAS,the revenue and expenditure adjustments to County funds, as listed in Attachment A&B to this Resolution,are required in order to incorporate into the budget the revenues and expenditures now identified,which were not known at the time of original budget adoption;and WHEREAS,the net total of adjustments to 2020 authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund is an increase of$430,000;and WHEREAS,the net total of adjustments to 2020 authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than the General Fund is an increase of$0;and THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commissioners: That the 15th day of December,2020 at the hour of 9:15 a.m.,in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,Washington,is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of Budget Amendment Requests to the 2020 Budget as provided in Attachment A&B to this Resolution. Contact person:Jennifer Beierle,Budget Manager,(360)427-9670 ext.532 A copy of this resolution and the proposed amendments to the 2020 budget is available by contacting Kelly Bergh at(360)427-9670 ext.644. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized,empowered,and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED this 24th of November,2020 ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON CA McKenzie Smi ,Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask,C air APPROVED AS TO FORM: A >A---� RandyAeatherli ommissioner Tim Whitehe , 69 W. CC: Auditor—Financial Services Kevin Shutty,cf missioner Publish 2x 12/3&12/10 bill to Commissioners, 411 North 5th Street,Shelton Pri,head Irom Mason County DMS Printed from [Mason County ISMS ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2020 BUDGET AMENDMENT#4 DETAIL 2020 2020 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE LINE NO. FUND NAME DEPARTMENT CHANGE CHANGE DESCRIPTION CARES ACT FUNDING ORIGINALLY DESIGNATED TO LAW ENFORCEMENTSALARIES'&BENEFITS RE- DESIGNATED BY BOCC FOR ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PROF SERVICES:$275k TO EDC FOR BUSINESSES&$155k TO PUD3 FOR WIFI 1 001 GENERAL FUND NON DEPARTMENTAL 430,000 HOTSPOTS GENERAL FUND TOTAL - 430,000 OTHER FUNDS TOTAL _ `GRANDT•OTAL: l Printed faiom Mason County DMOS Page IofI Printed from K4ason County DMS ATTACHMENT 3 TO RESOLUTION NO. 2020 BUDGET AMENDMENT#4 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES Line Proposed from Budgeted EFB A Account TVpJ I/D Revenue Expenditure EFB Change Total Description . 1 001.000000.300.000.558.70.541010.0000.00. 1 1 430,000 ECM OPPORTUNITY PROF SERVICE 1 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 430,000 986,298 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED General Fund Total: 430.000 430,000 Other Funds Total: _ a OQ&dBGfSL'f.�+M� y�•!/"' 5 ii Y4!" 2+�'�r''+'r ��• n�gF\t.�tV_5,�',:'a�+a`�.5: , sf+srr Printe d frokm Mason 'County DIMS Page I of I Drinfar{ frnm Afincnn f.ni iniv 17IMS