October 26, 2020
In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of
information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing.
This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all
inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners.
Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule.
�$pI3 CO��a:
,, Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management
ots Co
.'' �9 th Commissioner Administration
411 North 5 Street
Emergency Management
Shelton WA 98584
► Facilities, Parks&Trails
360.427.9670 ext. 419
Human Resources
Information Services
Labor Relations
Risk Management
October 26, 2020
• Specific Items for Review
o Amend Non-Represented Salary Scale to reflect a 2%general wage increase effective 1/1/21 to
maintain parity with members of the current Collective Bargaining Agreements—Dawn
o Amendments to the Personnel Policies—Dawn
o Review of CARES Act Expenditures - Frank
o Request to purchase a two Jefferson Audio Video Systems (JAV'S) for Building 10 - Ross
o Review of contract with EDC for 2,d round of COVID funding to businesses-Jenn
o Permit fee to City of Shelton for Building 10—Frank
o Weapons screening and campus security contract- Kelly
• Commissioner Discussion
o $5,000 annual contribution to Gorst Coalition —Cmmr. Neatherlin
J:\DLZ\Briefmg Items\2020\2020-10-26.docx
FROM: Dawn Twiddy
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT:422
BRIEFING DATE: 10/23/2020
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
ITEM: Approval to place on the November 3, 2020 Action Agenda for approval to amend
Resolution 2020-76 to revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment by
approving a 2%general wage increase effective January 1, 2021.
BUDGET IMPACTS: Supplemental — Funded by Current Expense and Special Ending Fund
BACKGROUND: The Board has determined that a 2% general wage increase for all Non-
Represented employees to maintain parity with recommended increases proposed for the
members of the current Collective Bargaining Agreements within the County.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to place on the November 3, 2020 Action
Agenda for approval to amend Resolution 2020-76 to revise the Non-Represented Salary
Scale Range Alignment by approving a 2%general wage increase effective January 1, 2021.
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment
Briefing Summary 10/19/2020
WHEREAS, RCW 36.16.070 states that`...the Board of County Commissioners shall fix
and determine each item of the budget separately and shall by resolution adopt the budget...",
WHEREAS, RCW 36.16.070 states that"...In all cases where the duties of any county
office are greater than can be performed by the person elected to fill it, the officer may employ
deputies and other necessary employees with the consent of the board of county
commissioners. The board shall fix their compensation...", and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that a 2% general wage increase for all Non-
Represented employees to maintain parity with recommended increases proposed for the
members of the current Collective Bargaining Agreements within the County; and
WHEREAS, consistent with Board Resolution No. 2020-76, the Board will continue to
allow step increases for Non-Represented employees, consistent with policy; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners does
hereby amend the Non-Represented Salary Table by 2% general wage increase effective
January 1, 2021.
DATED this day of November 2021.
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead, Prosecutor
Kevin Shutty; Commissioner
Attachment A
46 Community Services Director 1015
Public Works & Utilities Director 4005
Support Services Director 1156
Undersheriff 3000
44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities &Waste Mgmt 4010
County Engineer 4008
43 Chief Public Defender 1160
Chief Criminal Deputy 3002
Chief Jail 3003
41 Jail Lieutenant 3005
40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030
Administrator, Probation& Juvenile Services 1050
Community Development Administrator
39 Chief Finance Officer 2000
38 DEM/IT/Parks & Trails Manager 2059
Water &Wastewater Manager 4015
Chief Civil Deputy 3001
County Surveyor 4058
Facilities Manager 2058
35 District Court Administrator 1180
Superior Court Administrator 1190
Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052
34 Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 4021
33 Engineer III 4033
Personal Health Manager 2171
Environmental Health Manager 2169
32 Budget Manager 1155
Project Support Services Manager 4201
31 Public Works Finance Manager 2011
30 Engineering & Construction Assistant Manager 4029
Page I 1 of 2
Attachment A
29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080
Finance Manager 2010
Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 4022
Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139
Administrative Services Manager 1153
Human Resources/Risk Manager 1154.
Chief Deputy Assessor 1099
Administrative Manager 2149
Chief Deputy Clerk 1108
28 Engineer II 4032
27 Elections Superintendent 1080
26 Engineer 4031
25 Program Manager 1 2200
Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199
23 Public Works Office Administrator 2045
21 Financial Analyst
Risk & Safety Compliance Manager 1057
Personnel Analyst 1152
Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226
Personnel & Risk Analyst
20 Office Manager 2040
19 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193
Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator 1192
Clerk of the Board/Records Specialist 1056
Administrative Clerk 1055
17 Administrative Assistant 1040
13 Administrative Secretary 1046
Legal Secretary 2152
VictimM/itness.Advocate 2154
11 Senior Deputy Coroner 3071
10 Receptionist/Secretary 2041
Therapeutic Courts Caseworker. 1185
1 Central Shop Assistant 4099
Page 12 of 2
Estimated 2021 Salary Scale with 2%increase-MUNIS will calculate actual Salary Scale.
46 $ 118,229.83 $-9,852.49 $ 10,105.16 $ 10,364.26 $ 10,629.95 $ 10,902.56 $ 11,182.06 $ 134,184.67
45 $ 96,196.00_ $ 8,024.67. $ 8,424.63 $ 8,847.03 $ 8,890.46 $ 9,295.44, .$ 9,526.15 `'$.114,313.77
44 $ 931981.41. $ 7,831.78 $ 8,224.61 $ 8,636.38 $ 8,851.72 $ 9,072.98 $ 9,300.16 $ 111,661.87-
43 $ 91,681.27 $ 7,640.11 $ 8,022.32 $ 8,423.40 $ 8,635.22 $ 8,849.36 $ 9,071.80 $ 108,861.58
42 $ 89;536.82 $ 7,461.40 $ 7,834.17 $ 8,224.61 $ 8,431.69 $ 8,642.30 $ 8,857.64 :$ 1061291.67_
41 $ 87,322.12 $ 7,276.84 $ 7,640.11 $ 8,023.44 $ 8,223.44 $ 8,429.32 $ 8,639.93 $ 103,679.16
40 $ 85,263.35. $ 7,105.28 $ 7,461.40 $ 7,832.97 $ 8,029.42 $ 8,230.5.6 $ 8,436.42 $-101,237.04
39 $ 83,176.43 $ 6,931.37 $ 7,364.25 $ 7,642.49 $ 7,832.97 $ 8,029.42 $ 8,230.56 $ . 98,766.76
38 $ 81,189.65 $ 6,765.72 $ 7,104.10 $ 7,459.06 $ 7,647.23 $ 7,835.29 $ 8,032.93 :$ 96,895.14
37 $ -79,200.63 $ 6,600.05 $ 6,930.17 $ 7,278.05 $ 7,459.06 $ 7,646.04 $ 7,836.50 $ 1 94,037..96
36 $ 771-312,25 $ 6,442.69 $ 6,765.72 $ 7,104.10 $ 7,282.76 $ 7,465.03 $ 7,651.92 $ 91,823.01
35 $ 75,45226 $ 6,287.69 $ 6,602.40 $ 6,932.53 $ 7,105.28 $ 7,283.92 $ . 7,466.20 $ 89,594.35
34 $ 73,663.01 $ 6,138.58 $ 6,443.89 $ 6,766.90 $ 6,936.08 $ 7,109.99 $ 7,287.51 $- 87;450.15,
33 $,. 71,859:57. $ 5,988.30 $ 6,287.69 $ 6,602.40 $ 6,766.90 $ 6,936.08 $ 7,109.99 $ 85,319.90
32, $ 70,170.21 $ 5,847.52 $ 6,139.77 $ 6,445.05 $ 6,605.95 $ 6,771.60 $ 6,940.83 $ -83,290.02
31 $' 68,409.85 $ 5,700.82 $ 5,987.13 $ 6,286.50 $ 6,442.69 $ 6,604.74 $ 6,770.41 $ .81,244.96.
30 $ 66,818.89 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,846.31 $ 6,138.58 $ 6,292.38 $ 6,447.40 $ 6,609.48 $ 79,313.73.
29 $ 65,200.77 $ 5,433.40 $ 5,703.17 $ 5,988.30 $ 6,139.77 $ 6,292.38 $ 6,449.79 $ 771397A4
28 $ 63;638.45 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,846.31 $ 5,991.95 $ 6,143.32 $ 6,297.13 .$. 75,565.60
27 $. 620091.07, $ 5,174.26 $ 5,432.21 $ 5,701.98 $ 5,846.31 $ 5,991.85 $ 6,140.97 $- 73,691.65
26 $ ;.60,614.44 $ 5,051.20 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,705.51 $ 5,849.86 $ 5,996.60 $ 71,955.20,
25 $. 59,123.61 $ 4,926.97 $ 5,173.03 $ 5,431.07 $ 5,567.08 $ 5,704.35 $ 5,848.68 $ 70,184:1.6
24 $ 57,732.16 $ 4,811.01 $ 5,051.20 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,435.76 $ 5,570.65 $ 5,711.47 $ .68,537.64
23 $ '56,311.59 $ 4,692.63 $ 4,926.97 $ 5,173.03 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,435.76 $ 5,570.65 $ 66,847.78
22 $ . 54,977.67 $ 4,581.47 $ 4,811.01 $ 5,052.41 $ 5,177.79 $ 5,306.75 $ 5,439.29 $ 65,271.51
21 $ 53,628.58 $ 4,469.05 $ 4,692.63 $ 4,928.15 $ 5,051.20_ $ 5,176.62 $ 5,305.59 $- _63,667.09
20 $--52,336.53 $ 4,361.38 $ 4,580.29 $ 4,809.81 $ 4,929.31 $ 5,053.57 $ 5,178.99 $ .62,147.87
19 $ _51,07238 $ 4,256.03 $ 4,469.05 $ 4,692.63 $ 4,811.01 $ 4,930.50 $ 5,054.75 $ 60,657.03
18 $ 4%866.00 $ 4,155.50 $ 4,362.56 $ 4,581.47 $ 4,695.04 $ 4,813.38 $ 4,932.90 $ .59,194.84
17 $ 48,644.94 $ 4,053.75 $ 4,257.21 $ 4,470.25 $ 4,582.68 $ 4,696.22 $ 4,814.56 $ 57,774.76-
16 $ -.41,480.43 $ 3,956.70 $ 4,155.50 $ 4,362.56 $ 4,472.62 $ 4,583.86 $. 4,697.39 $ 56,368.63
15 $ 46,330.36 $ 3,860.86 $ 4,054.93 $ 4,256.03 $ 4,361.38 $ 4,469.05 $ 4,581.47 $ 54;977.67
14 $ 45,209.17 $ 3,767.43 $ 3,955.54 $ 4,153.13 $ 4,257.21 $ 4,363.74 $ 4,473.80 $ 53,685.62
13 $• 44,115.41 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,859.70 $ 4,053.75 $ 4,154.32 $ 4,258.42 $ 4,364.95 $ 52;379.37
12 $-243,050.77 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,767.43 $ 3,955.54 $ 4,054.93 $ 4,156.70 $_ 4,259.60 -$ 51,115.22
11 $. 42,014.29. $ 3,501.19 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,859.70 $ 3,95630 $ 4,056.11 $ 4,156.70 $ 49,880. 45
10 $ 41,620.16 $ 3,418.35 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,767.43 $ 3,860.86 $ 3,957.91 $ 4,057.29 $ .48,687.54
9 $-- 40,012.07- $ 3,334.34 $ 3,501.19 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,767.43 $ 3,862.07 $ 3,957.91 .$ .47,494.87:
8 $ .:39,060.78. $ 3,255.06 $ 3,415.96 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,677.47 $ '3,768.57 $ 3,863.25 $ 46,359.00
7 $. 38,095.04' $ 3,174.59 $ 3,334.34 $ 3,501.19 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,677.47 $ 3,770.98 $ 45,251.77
6 $ 37,201.03 $ 3,100.09 $ 3,256.27 $ 3,418.35 $ 3,503.54 $ 3,591.09 $ 3,681.04 .$.- 44j172.45
5 $ 36,192.09 $ 3,024.34 $ 3,174.59 $ 3,334.34 $ 3,418.35 $ 3,503.54 $ 3,591.09 $ 43,093..12
4 $ 35,440.43 $ 2,953.37 $ 3,100.09 $ 3,256.27 $ 3,337.97 $ 3,421.90 $ 3,505.94 $ 42,071.33
3 $ 34,573.84 $ 2,881.15 $ 3,025.52 $ 3,175.77 $ 3,256.27 $ 3,337.95 $ 3,421.90 $ 41,062.75
2 $ 33,736.38 $ 2,811.36 $ 2,952.17 $ 3,100.09 $ 3,176.93 $ 3,257.43 $ 3,337.95 -$ 40,055A0
1 $ 32,941.02 $ 2,745.09 $ 2,881.15 $ 3,024.34 $ 3,100.09 $ 3,176.93 $ 3,257.43 $ 39,089:17
FROM: Dawn Twiddy
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 422
BRIEFING DATE: 10/ /2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Approval to place on the November 3, 2020 Action Agenda an amendment to
Resolution 2020-28 Mason County Personnel Policy, to amend Chapter 4.3,
Compensatory Time removing the ability to bank time earned and to require payout of
any accrued within the year on the December 25th payroll and add additional language
in Chapter 7.10, Holidays to include Christmas Eve.
Mason County Board of County Commissioners continue to reduce the future liability of
employee benefits authorized annually. Removing the ability to bank Compensatory
time reduces the liability by paying the accrued leave in the year it is earned, rather
than banking it and paying it at a higher salary rate in the future.
Represented employees have negotiated Christmas Eve as a holiday, including this in
the Personnel Policy brings holiday parity for the Non Represented employees.
Approval to place on the November 3, 2020 Action Agenda an amendment to
Resolution 2020-28 Mason County Personnel Policy, to amend Chapter 4:3,
Compensatory Time removing the ability to bank time earned and to require payout of
any accrued within the year on the December 25th payroll and add additional language
in Chapter 7.10, Holidays to include Christmas Eve.
Resolution and Personnel Policy
Briefmg Summary 10/21/2020
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Board of Mason County Commissioners for the
coordination of county administrative programs, which is accomplished through the adoption of
the Personnel Policy; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to amend the current language in Chapters 4.3,
Compensatory Time and 7.10 Holidays; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,.the Board of Mason County Commissioners
hereby amends Resolution 2020-28, Mason County Personnel Policy amending Chapters 4.3,
Compensatory Time and 7.10 Holidays as outlined in Attachment A. This resolution shall
become effective immediately upon its passage.
ADOPTED THIS day of November 2020.
Sharon Trask, Chair
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Timothy Whitehead,
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
C: Elected Officials&Department Heads
Original Adoption--RESOLUTION No.148-99, December 21, 1999
Revised Chapter 6-3--RESOLUTION No. 63-00,July 5, 2000
Add Chapter 5.8-RESOLUTION No. 7-01,January 23, 2001
Revised Chapter 5.6-RESOLUTION No. 93-01,August 28, 2001
Revised Chapter 4.6 and 7.11-RESOLUTION No. 37-14,July 8, 2014
Revised Chapter 5-3-RESOLUTION No. 71-15, December 22, 2015
Revised Chapter 8.3- RESOLUTION No. 27-16, May 24,-2o16
Added Chapter 15.1-15.4- RESOLUTION No. 56-16, September'20, 2016
Revised Chapter 4.5 - RESOLUTION No.7o-16, October 18, 2o16
Added Chapter 16.1-16.7- RESOLUTION No. 102-16, December 20, 2o16
Revised Chapter 13- RESOLUTION No. 19-17,April 11, 2017
Revised Chapter 7&13- RESOLUTION No. 04-18, February 6, 2o18
Added Chapter 2.3- RESOLUTION No. 22-18,April 3, 2o18
Revised Chapter 14.5 &Added Chapter 14.6- RESOLUTION No. 68-19,July 23, 2019
Revised Chapter 4.2, 4.3, 5.5, 5•10, 7.9, and 13- RESOLUTION No. 89-19,'September 3, 2019
Revised Chapter 16.7- RESOLUTION No. 96-19, October 8, 2o19
Revised Chapter 7.9 and 8.5- RESOLUTION No. 2020-01,January 7, 2020
Revised Chapter 13- RESOLUTION No. 2020-24 March 3, 2020
Revised Chapter 4.5 - RESOLUTION No. 2020-28, March 17, 2020
Revised Chapter 4.3 and 7.10-
Mason County Personnel Policies Page ii
1. FM LA leave;
2. Participation in political activity'
3. Outside employment, subject to approval; or
4. Other activities that would be in violation of the Conflict of Interest Policy if
conducted during regular work hours.
5. A Partial-day of absence of four hours or more (half the employee's regular
workday for an employee working less than a full FTE).
[RESOLUTION 89-19=913L91
Non-exempt employees entitled to overtime pay may request compensatory time off instead
of cash payment.This is approved on a case-by-case basis by the supervisor.The County is not
required to grant compensatory time instead of overtime pay. If the compensatory time
option is exercised, the employee is credited with one and one-half times the hours worked
as overtime. Maximum accruals of compensatory time shall not exceed forty (40) hours for
regular employees unless a higher limit has been authorized in writing by the Board of County
Commissioners. After maximum accrual, overtime compensation shall be paid by the
appointing authority's department. No rollover comp time can be banked, and the allowed
forty(4o)hours of accrued comp time must be used by the end of each year. If the employee
does not use all their accumulated comp time,they will receive a payout for the unused comp
time on the December 25 payroll check.
Employees may use compensatory time within a reasonable time period after making a
request to their supervisor, unless doing so would unduly disrupt County operations.
Compensatory time should be used for short term absences from work during times
mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her supervisor.
Unused compensatory time is nontransferable. When an employee is transferring from one
department to another and has a balance of unused compensatory time,the employee is
encouraged to use their compensatory time before the effective date of transfer.When this
is not possible,the transferring employee shall receive payment in full for the accrued
compensatory time from the employee's former department. Payout for compensatory time
is not eligible for a payout payment plan.
Exempt regular employees shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for hours
worked more than forty(4o) hours per week. Employee's transferring from non-exempt to
exempt positions through either promotion or reclassification are encouraged to use their
compensatory, banked holiday, and premium time before the effective date of transfer.
Mason County Personnel Policies Page 10
Please go to paid Ieave.wa.gov for more information on applying for benefits.
Leave Protection:
Employees who return from leave under this law will be restored to a same or equivalent job
if they work for an employer with 50 or more-employees, have worked for this employer for
at least 12 months, and have worked 1,2.5o hours in the 12 months before taking leave(about
24 hours per week, on average).
You can keep your health insurance while on leave. If you contribute to the cost of your
health insurance, you must continue to pay your portion of the premium cost while on leave.
Your employer is prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against you for requesting or
taking paid leave.
[RESOLUTION 89-19-A/3/i%]
The following are recognized as paid holidays for all regular full-time and part-time
Holiday Day Observed
New Year's Day January 1
Martin Luther King's Birthday 3rd Monday in January
President's Day 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day 1st Monday in September
Veteran's Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day December 24
Christmas Day December 25
(z) Floating Holidays As scheduled with supervisor
Any holiday falling on Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday.Any holiday
falling on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday.
[PER RESOLUTION o6-02,1/22/02]
Floating holidays must be used by the end of the calendar year or they will be forfeited.
Mason County Personnel Policies Page 45
FROM: Ross McDowell
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology EXT: 806
BRIEFING DATE: 10-26-2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): X Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Purchase two (2) Jefferson Audio Video Systems (JAYS) systems for Building #10
(District Court and Superior Court)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
With the COVID-19 pandemic the Mason County court systems required to enforce face
masking and social distancing for court trials and other matters to be done in person. One of
the emergency solutions is to set up Building #10 for two court rooms.
Building #10 will require (JAVS) systems for the recording both audio and video of the court
cases. Both District and Superior Court would like to purchase two (2) JAVS systems for
those court rooms.
The two (2) JAVS systems purchases and installation are at a cost of$59,552.85 each. JAVS
system and installation is from a sole source purchase from Jefferson Audio Video Systems
(JAVS) from Louisville, Kentucky. The JAVS system is the existing standard County court
audio and video in all other court rooms. The JAVS system is the only authorized service
provider for this system.
The cost of the two (2) JAVS systems and installation will be $119,105.70. District Court will
be using the AOC Cares Act to purchase one (1) at $59,552.85 and Superior Court using Trail
Improvement funding to purchase one (1) at $59,552.85. According to the Mason County
Purchasing Policy, #106-16, it requires this purchase to go to a formal sealed bid unless
there is an exception. The exception of a sole source purchase can be used according to the
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community
Briefing Summary 10/20/2020
Adopt a resolution at the next available BOCC Meeting, authorizing the purchase of two (2)
JAVS systems under sole source purchase as per the Mason County Purchasing Policy #106-
Draft Mason County Board of County Commissioner Resolution for sole source purchase for
the JAVS systems.
Briefing Summary 10/20/2020
y DY
Date: November 7, 2016
Department: Information Technology Department Contact: Ross McDowell, Manager
Recommended Vendor:Jefferson Audio Video Systems
Address: 13020 Middletown Industrial Blvd., Louisville, KY 40223 Phone: (502)244-8788
Cost Estimate: $120,000
Describe the item requested and its function:The JAVS system is a audio&video system utilized by the
Mason County court systems for record retention of court cases.The system consist of microphones,
video cameras,display screens and a controller system.
1. Check the reasons for the sole source request:
❑ Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function
® Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation
® Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability
❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright
® Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has
established a standard.
❑ Used item:The vendor/distributor is a holder of a used (rebuilt) item that would represent good
value and is advantageous to the County(attached information on market price, availability, etc)
3. Is this product available from other sources? ❑ Yes ® No
4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors?
Jefferson Audio Video Systems Inc. (JAVS) have a specially designed audio 7 video system that is
currently used in our Mason County court rooms. The additional two(2)JAVS systems will provide
the same quality and corresponding equipment for the existing system.
5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used?
❑ Yes ® No
If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs:
6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?Only one
vendor manufactures, installs and services the JAVS system.The price of the JAVS system is
comparable to other systems.
7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere?
❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and
explain why these did not meet the requirement:
❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and
phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirement
® Other, please explain:The two(2)additional JAVS systems,to be purchased,will compliment the
existing JAVS systems we currently use for the Mason County court systems.Since JAVS system is only
manufactured by Jefferson Audio Visual Systems Inc. no other vendors are available.
My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the
product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of
interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or
compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands,types
of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase
when there are other known suppliers to exist.
Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval Date: 10-20-2020
WHEREAS, the Mason County Courts utilize a JAVS audio and video recording system
manufactured by Jefferson Audio Video System, Louisville, Kentucky; and
WHEREAS, this JAVS equipment is an essential piece of equipment to the County's District and
Superior Court systems for recording and operation, two additional JAVS systems are needed for
Building #10 for additional court rooms due to COVID-19 requirements for in-person court
WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 and Mason County Purchasing Policy #106-16 - specifies exemption
to competitive bidding requirements for purchases that are clearly and legitimately to a single
source of supply;
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as
1. Jefferson Audio Video System (JAVS), Louisville, Kentucky, is a sole source supplier
and manufacture of the JAVS audio video system used by Mason County Courts systems.
2. That the County is authorized to purchase the two (2) JAVS systems without
proceeding to secure competitive bids, estimated at$120,000.
ADOPTED this day of , 2020
Sharon Trask,Chair
Kevin Shutty,Commissioner
Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner
Tim Whitehead,Ch. DPA
WHEREAS, the Mason County Courts utilize a JAVS audio and video recording system
manufactured by Jefferson Audio Video System, Louisville, Kentucky; and
WHEREAS, this JAVS equipment is an essential piece of equipment to the County's District and
Superior Court systems for recording and operation, two additional JAVS systems are needed for
Building #10 for additional court rooms due to COVID-19 requirements for in-person court
WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 and Mason County Purchasing Policy #106-16 -specifies exemption
to competitive bidding requirements for purchases that are clearly and legitimately to a single
source of supply;
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as
1. Jefferson Audio Video System (JAYS), Louisville, Kentucky, is a sole source supplier
and manufacture of the JAVS audio video system used by Mason County Courts systems.
2. That the County is authorized to purchase the two (2) JAVS systems without
proceeding to secure competitive bids, estimated at$120,000.
ADOPTED this day of , 2020
Sharon Trask,Chair
Kevin Shutty,Commissioner
Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner
Tim Whitehead,Ch. DPA
FROM: Jennifer Beierle for Frank Pinter
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: October 26, 2020
ITEM: Agreement between Mason County and Economic Development Council of Mason
County (EDC) for the CARES Act Grant— COVID-19 Response 2"d Round of Funding Project
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: CARES Funding is available to help Mason County businesses
experiencing severe financial hardship due to the effects of the Coronavirus. The EDC and
Mason County have already completed one.agreement granting $300,000 in funding to Mason
County businesses struggling due to COVID. The original agreement granted up to $10,000 to
each business meeting the contract criteria. This 2"d round of grants is also for $300,000 and
includes the following changes from the original agreement:
• Provides up to $15,000 to qualifying businesses in Mason County with less than 20
employees; or up to $30,000 to qualifying businesses in mason County with 21 or more
• Provides the opportunity for non-profit organizations engaged in economic development
activities to submit an application, providing up to $20,000 to serve up to four non-
• Includes a "double dipping"disclaimer: businesses who have received equal to or
greater than $5,000 in COVID-19 support grants are not eligible for this grant
• Does not provide any additional assistance to the EDC to administer the contract
• The effective date of the Agreement is from signing through November 30, 2020
BUDGET IMPACTS:$300,000 CARES Act Funding Eligible
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board review and add to the
November 3rd, 2020 Action Agenda the Agreement between Mason County and Economic
Development Council of Mason County (EDC) for the CARES Act Grant— COVID-19 Response
2"d Round of Funding Project
ATTACHMENTS: Draft Agreement
J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2020\Briefing Summary 10.26.2020-EDC Contract for
COVID-19 grants,2nd round.doc
Mason County,Washington
Economic Development Council of Mason County
This Agreement is made between Mason County(herein called the COUNTY)and
Economic Development Council of Mason County(EDC)(herein called CONTRACTOR)for
the GDOG EcenemleGppeAuRkyCARES Act Grant—COVID-19 Response and Round of Formatted:Superscript
Funding project(herein called the Project).
As the Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce)is authorized by
the US Department of Treasury to provide funds to units of COUNTY selected to
undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Coronavirus Relief Fund
(CRF)Program in compliance with all applicable local,state,and federal laws,
regulations and policies;and
As the COUNTY has applied for and received a Coronavirus Relief Fund for COUNTYs
award,contract number 20-6541C-023(CFDA 21.019),to fund the Project;and
As it benefits the COUNTY to engage the CONTRACTOR to accomplish the Scope of
Work and the objectives of the local CDBG project;
The parties agree that:
A.COUNTY Responsibilities
The COUNTY is responsible for administration of the CRF contract,and ensuring CRF
funds are used in accordance with all program requirements [(24 CFR 570.501(b)]and
its Department of Commerce contract referenced above.The COUNTY will provide such
assistance and guidance to the CONTRACTOR as may be required to accomplish the
objectives and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
The COUNTY is responsible for completing the following tasks to accomplish the
objectives of the Project:
Principal Tasks
• Execute contract with COMMERCE
• Establish administrative and other record keeping systems
• Process and submit payment requests and CRF Reports
• Formulate and a CONTRACTOR monitoring plan and conduct on-site review
• Ensure grant activities are completed
Page 1 of 14
• Conduct a final public hearing
• Complete the grant close-out process with COMMERCE
B. CONTRACTOR Responsibilities
The CONTRACTOR will complete in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined
by the COUNTY the following tasks to accomplish the objectives of principally benefiting
low-and moderate-income persons or businesses.The CONTRACTOR will periodically
meet with the COUNTY to review the status of these tasks.
Principal Tasks
• Formulate and submit required reports and payment requests to COUNTY in an
accurate and timely manner.
• Provide COVID-19 Response assistance in the form of emergency grant awards of
up to 15 000$19,,M to qualifying businesses in Mason County with less than 20
employees or up to$30 000 to qualifying businesses in Mason County with 21 or more
emplovees to enable them to retain the level of employees as close to January 2020 as
possible and to cover the cost of business interruption caused by required closures
related to the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation, Formatted:Underline
• Provide the opportunity for non-profit organization engaged in economic
development activities to submit an application.Contractor may provide up to$20,000
to serve up to four non-profits.
• Utilize a 3-Tiered ranking system summarized in Attachment
The effective date of this Agreement will be the date the parties sign and complete
execution of this agreement and will be in effect through November 308etebeF31,2020
with all reimbursement requests completed by that date.
Each party to this Agreement shall have a representative.Each party may change its
representative upon providing written notice to the other party.The parties'
representatives are as follows:
A.CONTRACTOR: Economic Development Council of Mason County
Name of Representative: Jennifer Baria
Mailing Address: 310 E Cota Street
City,State and Zip Code: Shelton,WA 98584
Telephone Number:360 426 2276
Fax: na
E-mail Address: jennifer@choosemason.com
Page 2 of 14
B. COUNTY: Mason County
Name of Representative:Kelly Bergh
Title:Financial Analyst
Mailing Address: 411 N 5th Street
City,State and Zip Code: Shelton,WA 98584.
Telephone Number:360 427 9670 ext 644
Fax Number:360 427 8437
E-mail Address:kberehiPco.mason.wa.us
The COUNTY will pass through to the CONTRACTOR no more than$300,000 in CRF
funds for eligible incurred costs and expenses for the Project according to the following
Project Budget Element Budgeted
COVID-19 direct employee payroll'assistance and, $300,000
business interruption assistance of emergency grants
COVID-19 direct.employee payroll assistance for $25,999
the Mason County EDC to administer this contract as
Modified Total Direct Costs(MTDC)
Indirect Cost Rate: _%Federally Approved
Indirect Rate,or 10%de minimis rate,or fill out"N/A"
declining to charge indirect
Indirect Cost Rate if the CONTRACTOR chooses to charge Indirect under this grant,
the CONTRACTOR shall provide their indirect cost rate that has been negotiated
between their entity and the Federal Government.If no such rate exists,a de minimis
indirect cost rate of 10%of modified total direct costs(MTDC)will be used.
"Modified Total Direct Costs(MTDC)"shall mean all direct salaries and wages,
applicable fringe benefits,materials and supplies,services,travel,and up to the first
$25,-G=of each subaward(regardless of the period of performance of the subawards
under the award). MTDC excludes equipment,capital expenditures,and rental costs.
Any amendments to this Agreement's Budget must first be determined by the
COUNTY as consistent with its CRF contract with Commerce and then approved in
writing by the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR.
Reimbursement under this Agreement will be based on billings,supported by
appropriate documentation of costs actually incurred.It is expressly understood that
Page 3 of 14
claims for reimbursement will not be submitted in excess of actual,immediate cash
requirements necessary to carryout the purposes of the agreement. Funds available
under this Agreement will be utilized to supplement rather than supplant funds
otherwise available.
It is understood that this Agreement is funded in whole or in part with CRF funds
through the Washington State Department of Commerce CRF Program as administered
by Commerce and is subject to those regulations and restrictions normally associated
with federally-funded programs and any other requirements that the State may
The COUNTY will monitorthe performance of the CONTRACTOR by tracking project
progress,reviewing payment requests for applicable costs,managing the timely pass-
through of CRF funds,overseeing compliance with Department of.Commerce
requirements,and ensuring recordkeeping and audit requirements are met.
Substandard performance as determined by the COUNTY will constitute noncompliance
with this Agreement.
If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the CONTRACTOR
within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the COUNTY,contract
suspension or termination procedures will be initiated.
A. Withholding Payment:
In the event the CONTRACTOR has failed to perform any obligation under this
AGREEMENT within the times set forth in.the AGREEMENT,the COUNTY may,upon
written notice,withhold from amounts otherwise due and payable to CONTRACTOR,
without penalty,until such failure to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated.
Withholding under this clause shall not be deemed a breach entitling CONTRACTOR.to
termination or damages,provided that the COUNTY promptly gives notice in writing to
the CONTRACTOR of the nature of the default or failure to perform,and in no case more
than 10 days after it determines to withhold amounts otherwise due.A determination
of the Administrative Office set forth in a notice to the CONTRACTOR of the action
required and/or the amount required to cure any alleged failure to perform shall be
deemed conclusive under this clause,without prejudice to any other remedy under the
AGREEMENT,to take all or any of the following actions:(1)cure any failure or default,
(2)to pay any amount so required to be paid and to charge the same to the account of
the CONTRACTOR,.(3)to set off any amount so paid or incurred from amounts due or to
become due the CONTRACTOR.In the event the CONTRACTOR obtains relief upon a
claim under the Disputes clause,no penalty or damages shall accrue to CONTRACTOR by
reason of good faith.withholding by the COUNTY under this clause.
B. Labor Standards:
CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements,
including but not limited to those pertaining to payment of wages and working
Page 4 of 14
conditions,in accordance with RCW 39.12.040,the Prevailing Wage Act;the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990;the Davis-Bacon Act;and the Contract Work Hours and
Safety Standards Act providing for weekly payment of prevailing wages,minimum
overtime pay,and providing that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in
surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary,hazardous,or dangerous to
health and safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal Secretary of
Labor and/or the State of Washington.
C. Waiver of Noncompetition:
CONTRACTOR irrevocably waives any existing rights which it may have,by contract
or otherwise,to require another person or corporation to refrain from submitting a
proposal to or performing work or providing supplies to the COUNTY,and CONTRACTOR
further promises that it will not in the future,directly or indirectly,induce or solicit any
person or corporation to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to or from
performing work or providing supplies to the COUNTY.
D. Ownership of Items Produced:
All writings,programs,data,public records or other materials prepared by
CONTRACTOR and/or its consultants or sub-CONTRACTORs,in connection with
performance of this AGREEMENT,'shall be the sole and absolute property of COUNTY.
E. E-verify:
The E-Verify CONTRACTOR program for Mason County applies to contracts of
$100,000 or more and subcontracts for$25,000 or more if the primary contract is for
$100,000 or more.CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it will,for at least the
duration of the AGREEMENT,register and participate in the status verification system
for all newly hired employees.The term"employee"as used herein means any person
that is hired to perform work for Mason County.As used herein,"status verification
system:means the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of
1996 that is operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security,also
known as the E-Verify Program,or any other successor electronic verification system
replacing the E-Verify Program.CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain records of such
compliance and,upon.request of the COUNTY,to provide a copy of each such
verification to the COUNTY.CONTRACTOR further represents and warrants that any
person assigned to perform services hereunder meets the employment eligibility
requirements of all immigration laws of the State of Washington.CONTRACTOR
understands and agrees that any breach of these warranties may subject CONTRACTOR
to the following:(a)termination of the AGREEMENT and ineligibility for any Mason
County contract for up to three(3)years,with notice of such cancellation/termination
being made public.In the event of such termination/cancellation,CONTRACTOR would
also be liable for any additional costs incurred by the COUNTY due to contract
cancellation or loss of license or permit.CONTRACTOR will review and enroll in the E-
Verify program through this website:www.uscis.gov
Page 5 of 14
F. Disputes:
Differences between CONTRACTOR and COUNTY,arising under and by virtue of the
AGREEMENT Documents,shall be brought to the attention of COUNTY at the earliest
possible time in order that such matters may be settled or other appropriate action
promptly taken.Except for such objections as are made of record in the manner
hereinafter specified and within the time limits stated,the records,orders,rulings,
instructions,and decisions of the Administrative Officer shall be final and conclusive.
G. Arbitration:
Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto(which may be
brought either in court or pursuant to the arbitration provision),and consistent with the
provisions hereinabove,any claim,dispute or controversy between the PARTIES under,
arising out of,or related to the AGREEMENT or otherwise,including issues of specific
performance,shall be determined by arbitration in Shelton,Washington,under the
applicable American Arbitration Association(AAA)rules in effect on the date hereof,as
modified by the AGREEMENT.There shall be one arbitrator selected by the PARTIES
within ten(10)days of the arbitration demand,or if not,by the AAA or any other group
having similar credentials.Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this
AGREEMENT shall be determined by the arbitrator.The arbitrator shall apply
substantive law and may award injunctive relief,equitable relief(including specific
performance),or any other remedy available from a judge,including expenses,costs
and attorney fees to the prevailing party and pre-award interest,but shall not have the
power to award punitive damages.The decision of the arbitrator shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy between them regarding any dispute presented or pled before the
arbitrator.At the request of either party made ho later than forty-five(45)days after
the arbitration demand,the PARTIES agree to submit the dispute to nonbinding
mediation,which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date;provided,that either party
may decline to mediate and process with arbitration.
H. Venue and Choice of Law:
In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or
interpretation of any of the.terms of the AGREEMENT,the venue of such action of
litigation shall be in the courts of the State of Washington in and forthe County of
Mason.Unless otherwise specified herein,this AGREEM ENT shall be governed by the
laws of Mason County and the State of Washington.
A.General Compliance
The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with:
• The requirements of Title V and VI of the CARES Act.Regulations;and
• All other applicable Federal,State and Local laws,regulations,and policies,
governing the funds provided under this Agreement.
Page 6 of 14
B. Independent CONTRACTOR
Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to,or will be construed in any
manner,as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee between the
parties. The CONTRACTOR will at all times remain an"independent contractor"with
respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. The COUNTY will be
exempt from payment of all Unemployment Compensation,FICA,retirement,life
and/or medical insurance and Workers'Compensation Insurance,as the CONTRACTOR
is an independent contractor.
C. Hold Harmless
CONTRACTOR shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless the COUNTY,and its
officers,officials,boards,commissions,agents and employees(while acting in an official
capacity)from any action,claim,damage,loss,liability,cost or expense,including court
and appeal costs and reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses,arising from any action,
neglect,omission or inaction of the CONTRACTOR its agents or employees.
CONTRACTOR shall consult and cooperate with the COUNTY while conducting its
defense of the COUNTY.If any such claim or demand-is subject to RCW 4.24.115 and
caused by or results from the concurrent negligence of(a)the COUNTY,its elected or
appointed officials,or its agents or employees and(b)CONTRACTOR,or its agents or
employees,then in such event the defense and indemnity provisions provided for in the
preceding paragraph.shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of CONTRACTOR's
negligence. The COUNTY shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless CONTRACTOR,and
its officers,agents and employees(while acting in an official-capacity)from any action,
claim,damage,loss,liability,cost or expense,including court and appeal costs and
reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses,arising from any action,neglect,omission or
inaction of the COUNTY its agents or employees.The COUNTY shall consult and
cooperate with CONTRACTOR while conducting its defense of CONTRACTOR.If any such
claim or demand is subject to RCW 4.24.115 and caused by or results from the
concurrent negligence of(a)CONTRACTOR,its elected or appointed officials,or its
agents or employees and(b)the COUNTY,or its agents or employees,then in such event
the defense and indemnity provisions provided for in the preceding paragraph 9.1 shall
be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the COUNTY's negligence.
Procedures and Defense.The indemnified party shall give the other party timely
written notice of any claim or of the commencement of any action,suit or other
proceeding covered by the indemnity in this Section.If a claim or action arises,
indemnified party shall then tender the defense of the claim to other within six(6)
business days of receipt of such notice,which defense shall be at the indemnifying
parry's expense.The indemnified party may participate in the defense of a claim and,in
any event,the Indemnifying party may not agree to any settlement of claims financially
affecting the indemnified party without the indemnified parry's prior written approval,
which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Expenses.If separate representation to fully protect the interests of both parties is
necessary,such as a conflict of interest between the indemnified party and the counsel
selected by indemnifying party to represent the indemnified party,the indemnifying
Page 7 of 14
party shall pay the expenses incurred by the indemnified party in defending itself with
regard to any action,suit or proceeding indemnified.The indemnified parry's expenses
shall include all out of-pocket expenses that are necessary for the indemnified party
defense,such as consultants'fees,and shall also include the reasonable value of any
services rendered by the General Counsel/County Attorney or his/her assistants or any
employees of the indemnified party or its agents but shall not include outside attorneys'
fees for services that are unnecessarily duplicative of services provided the indemnified
party by the indemnifying parry.
The CONTRACTOR will provide Workers'Compensation Insurance Coverage for
all of its employees involved in the performance of this Agreement.
E. Insurance and Bonding
The CONTRACTOR will carry sufficient insurance coverage to protect contract
assets from loss due to theft,fraud and/or undue physical damage,and as a minimum
will purchase a blanket fidelity bond covering all employees.in an amount equal to cash
advances from the COUNTY.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the COUNTY With properly executed certificate of
insurance or a signed policy endorsement which shall clearly evidence all insurance
required in this section prior to commencement of services:The certificates will,at a
minimum,list limits of liability and coverage.The certificate will provide that the
underlying insurance contract will not be cancelled or allowed to expire except on thirty
(30)days prior written notice to the COUNTY.
F. Funding Source Recognition
The CONTRACTOR will insure recognition of the roles of Commerce,the WA
State CRF program,and the COUNTY in providing services through this Agreement.All
activities,facilities and items utilized pursuant to this Agreement will be prominently
labeled as to funding source. In addition,the CONTRACTOR will include a reference to
the support provided herein in,all publications made possible with funds made available
under this Agreement.
The COUNTY or CONTRACTOR may amend this Agreement at any time provided
that such amendments make specific reference to this Agreement,and are executed in
writing,signed by a duly authorized representative of each organization,and approved
by the COUNTY's governing body.Such amendments will not invalidate this Agreement,
nor relieve or release the COUNTY or CONTRACTOR from its obligations under this
H.Suspension or Termination
The COUNTY may suspend or terminate this Agreement if the CONTRACTOR
materially fails to comply with any terms of this Agreement,which include(but are not
limited to)the following:
Page 8 of 14
1. Failure to comply with any of the rules,regulations or provisions referred to
herein,or such statues,regulations,executive orders,and guidelines,policies or
directives as may become applicable at any time;
2. Failure,for any reason,of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill in a timely and proper
manner its obligations under this Agreement.
3. Ineffective of improper use of funds provided under this Agreement;or
4. Submission by the CONTRACTOR to the COUNTY of reports that are incorrect or
incomplete in any material respect.
In accordance with 2 CFR 200.339,this Agreement may also be terminated by
either the COUNTY or the CONTRACTOR,in whole or in part,by setting forth the reasons
for such termination,the effective date,and,in the case of partial termination,the
portion to be terminated. However,if in the case of a partial termination,the COUNTY
determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purpose for
which the award was made,the COUNTY may terminate the award in its entirety.
A. Financial Management
1. Accounting Standards
The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with 2 CFR 200 and agrees to adhere to the
accounting principles and procedures required therein,utilize adequate internal
controls,and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred.
2. Cost Principles
The CONTRACTOR will administer its program in conformance with 2 CFR 200.
These principles will be applied for all costs incurred whether charged on a direct or
indirect basis.
3. Duplication of Costs
The CONTRACTOR certifies that work to be performed under this Agreement does
not duplicate any work to be charged against any other contract,subcontract or other
B. Documentation,and Record Keeping
1. Records to Be Maintained
The CONTRACTOR will maintain all records required by the Federal regulations
specified in 24 CFR 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this
Agreement and those records described in the CDBG Management Handbook.Such
records will include but not be limited to:
a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken;
b. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities;
Page 9 of 14
C. Records required to document the acquisition,improvement,use or
disposition of real property acquired or improved with CRF assistance;
d. Records documenting compliance with the civil rights components of the
CRF program;
e. Financial records as required by 24 CFR 570.502,and 2 CFR 200.333;
f. Labor standards records required to document compliance with the Davis
Bacon Act,the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act,and all
other applicable Federal,State and Local laws and regulations applicable to CDBG-
funded construction projects;and
g. Other records necessary to document compliance with Subpart K of 24
CFR 570.
2. Access to Records and Retention
The grantee,the Washington State Department of Commerce,and other
authorized representatives of the state and federal governments shall have access to
any books,documents,papers and records of the CONTRACTOR that are directly
pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of making audit,examination,excerpts
and transcriptions.
All such records and all other records pertinent to this Agreement and work
undertaken under this Agreement will be retained by"the-CONTRACTOR fora period of
six years after final audit of the COUNTY's CRF project,unless a longer period is required
to resolve audit findings or litigation.In such cases,the COUNTY will request a longer
period of record retention.
3. Audits and Inspections
All CONTRACTOR records with respect to any matters covered by this Agreement
will,be made available to the COUNTY,Commerce,and duly authorized officials of the
state and federal government,at any time during normal business hours,as often as
deemed necessary,to audit,examine;"and make excerpts or transcripts of all relevant
Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be fully cleared by the CONTRACTOR
within 30 days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR.Failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply
with the above audit requirements will constitute a violation of this Agreement and may
result in the withholding of future payments.
The CONTRACTOR that expends$750,000 or more in a fiscal year in federal funds
from all sources hereby agrees to have an annual agency audit conducted in accordance
with current COUNTY policy concerning CONTRACTOR audits and 2 CRF 200.501.The
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)number is 21.019.
C. Reporting
1. Program Income
Page 10 of 14
The CONTRACTOR will report annually all program income(as defined at 24 CFR
570.500(a))generated by activities carried out with CRF funds made available under this
Agreement.The use of program income by the CONTRACTOR will comply with the
requirements set forth at 24 CFR 570.504.
2. Periodic Reports
The CONTRACTOR,at such times and in such forms as the COUNTY may require,will
furnish the COUNTY such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or
services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement,the costs and obligations incurred or
to be incurred in connection therewith,and any other matters covered by this
If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid,the remainder of this Agreement
will not be affected thereby and"all other parts of this Agreement will nevertheless be in
full force and effect.
The COUNTY's failure to act with respect to a breach by the CONTRACTOR does not
waive its right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. The failure of the
COUNTY to exercise or enforce any right or provision will not constitute a waiver of such"
right or provision.
This Agreement,constitutes the entire agreement between the COUNTY and the
CONTRACTOR for the use of funds received under this Agreement and it supersedes all
prior communications and proposals,whether electronic,oral,or written between the
COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR with respect to this Agreement.
Page 11 of 14
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR have executed this
Agreement as of the date and year last written below.
Mason County Economic Development Council of
Mason County
By: By:
Sharon Trask,Chair Jennifer Baria,Executive Director
Date: Date:
Approved As To Form:
Tim Whitehead,Chief DPA
Page 12 of 14
The Economic Development Council of Mason County(EDC)will be responsible for
completing the tasks and activities below as well as others as detailed throughout this
AGREEMENT,Washington Department of Commerce's(Commerce)guidance as required to
provide referral and direct services in compliance with the CRF program and Mason County's
(COUNTY)policies and procedures.It is the EDCs responsibility to review,understand,
implement and adhere to all requirements as this Scope-of-Work is a summary,not an
exhaustive list:
1_4-Conduct applicant eligibility screening for Mason County businesses to determine
program eligibility incompliance with CRF requirements.
Formatted:Indent:Left: 1.06", No bullets or numbering
2 Require businesses to complete an intake form that includes a"double dipping" Formatted:Numbered+Level:1+Numbering Style:1,2,
disclaimer as part of the eligibility screening'businesses who have received equal to or 3,...+Start at:.1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.81"+
greater than$5 000 in COVID-19 suaoort grants are not eligible for this grant. Indent at: 1.06"
3_2-Provide emergency grants of up to 15 000 9,M each to eligible businesses with Formatted:Numbered+Level:11 Numbering Style.1,2,
less than 20 employees,•provide emergency erants of uo to$30 000 to eligible 3,...+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.81"+
Indent at: 1.06:'
businesses with 21 or more emplovees.To enable these small businesses to retain the
level of employees as close to January 2020 levels in response to the COVID-19 crisis
and to cover the cost of business interruption caused by required closures related to
the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation.
_ Formatted:List Paragraph,Right: 0", No bullets or
4 Provide the opportunity fornon=profit oreaniiations engaged in economic development numbering,Tab stops:Not at 0.5"
activities to submitan application.Contractor may provide up to S20.000 to serve up to Formatted:Numbered+Level:1+Numbering Style:1,2,
Indent Start
at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.81"+
four non-profits.
3.Collect,track and report PROJECT data in a manner consistent with the requirements
detailed in this AGREEMENT;COMMERCE's guidance's as applicable. CONTRACTOR must ensure
that the services provided to eligible individuals under this PROJECT are not reported to any
other funding entitiesforthe purpose of meeting contractual obligations.
4.Voucher Requests and Reports:.
A.Formulate and submit a Washington State Voucher Distribution request(form A19)for
the entire amount of the Grant to the COUNTY.Submission to include one digital copy in WORD
e-mailed to Kelly Bergh.
B.Formulate and submit a CFR Monthly Beneficiary Reporting Form and a CRF Project.
Status Report to COUNTY.A digital copy is acceptable e-mailed to Kelly Bergh.COUNTY will be
responsible for submitting completed forms and reports to COMMERCE.See Exhibit E Sample
Forms and Instructions
Kelly Bergh
Mason County
411 N.5th Street
Page 13 of 14
Shelton,WA 98584
kberah CcD co.m ason.wa.us
5. Participate in PROJECT meetings,including a grant start-up meeting,as scheduled by
6.Participate and support on-site compliance reviews conducted by COUNTY per CRF
7.Assist COUNTY with all aspects of program administration and requirements including
grant close-out process as requested.
Page 14 of 14
FROM: Jennifer Beierle for Frank Pinter
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: October 26, 2020
ITEM: Permit Fee to City of Shelton for Building 10 & Related Change Orders
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Shelton Fire Department requires an additional holding
area for fire egress in addition to what has been approved according to the Building #10 plan.
This has caused three issues that require notification to and action by the Board:
• The City of Shelton has issued a stop work order until the building permit for the
additional work order is approved at a permit cost of$110,151.65
• Colvos Construction has issued Change Order #014, TI Permit Delay, in the amount of
• Colvos Construction has issued Change Order #004: ASI #03- ADA Refuge Area, City
Plumbing Updates, Holding Cell Updates, in the amount of$58,209.43
BUDGET IMPACTS: $230,586.41
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board review and add to the
November 316, 2020 Action Agenda, permission for the Chair to sign Change Order #004 in the
amount of$58,209.43, and Change Order #014 in the amount of$62,225.33
Invoice for City of Shelton Building Permit Fee
Change Order #014: TI Permit Delay
Change Order #004: ASI #03 —ADA Refuge Area, City Plumbing Updates, Holding Cell Updates
Letter from Colvos Construction, Dated 10/9/2020, Re: Notice of Claim for Time and Cost
J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2020\Briefing Summary 10.26.2020-Permit Fee to
City of Shelton for Bldg 10.doc
of SH'
City of Shelton
525 West Cota Street
• Shelton, WA 98584 INVOICE
O� Phone: 360-426-4491
Billed To: DATE: 10/19/2020
411 N. 5TH STREET TOTAL DUE: 110,151.65
BLDG PERMIT FEE 1.00 18,430.51 18,430.51
BLDG PLAN REVIEW FEE 1.00 3,331.14 3,331.14
FIRE PLAN REVIEW 1.00 475.00 475.00
TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES 1.00 87,890.00 87,890.00
STATE BUILDING CODE FEE 1.00 25.00 25.00
For questions,contact Accounts Receivable at(360)432-5108
City 6f Shelton I
525 West Cota Sfireet
Sfieltori;WA 98584 .
- v
A Y.-PIA.is invoice should accompany your check:Tf 'a k you,!
Page 1
colvos PCO #014
Colvos Construction Project: -20-031 Mason County Courthouse
711 Court C 414 West Franklin St
Tacoma,Washington 98402 Shelton,Washington 98584
Prime Contract Potential Change Order #014: TI Permit Delay
TO: Mason County FROM: Colvos Construction
411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
PCO NUMBER/REVISION: 014/0 CONTRACT 1-20-031 Mason County Courthouse Prime
REQUEST RECEIVED FROM: CREATED BY: Casey Angeline (Colvos Construction)
STATUS: Pending-In Review CREATED DATE: 10/20/2020
SCHEDULE IMPACT 21 bays--_^������-M___..__. .. PAID IN FULL: _ No"-'�'�•"`-_._._.._............. ,.....�..,___,._.-.........
._.... __.,.. � � � TOTAL AMOUNT: $62,225.33
CHANGE REASON:Design Development
The cost below is associated with all impacts that occurred due to the Tenant Improvement Permit Delay that started on October 1st,2020 and ended on
October 21,2020. .
Please note that the cost reflected is based on this PCO being signed on October 21st. If PCO#014 is not signed by end of day on October 21,2020,
there is potential for additional delay cost impacts.
The cost within this PCO reflects a delay of Staff for 15 working Days while the remaining line items and schedule increase are addressed as 21
calendar days.
Please also note that the subcontractors listed below have been impacted in the following ways.
1. Concrete Subcontractor: Due to delay in concrete pours,as we enter into winter months there will be additional admixtures,accelerators,and
blankets required for each concrete pour. This line item will be conditional based on a case by case basis and whether or not winter
admixtures/blankets.will be required. If any admixtures or blankets will not be used due to good weather conditions,a credit will be provided
2. Plumbing Subcontractor: Remobilization of Mini Excavator for plumbing line trenching.
# Cost Code' Description Type Amount
1 01-36-13-Project Superintendent 8 hours/Day for 15 Days Other $12,600.00
2 01-30-19=Project Manager 4 hours/Day for 15 Days Other $6,900.00
3 01-30-23-Project Engineer 8 hours/Day for 15 Days Other $B,400.00
4 01-30-26-Project Adminislraton 2 hours/Day for 15 Days Other $1,800.00
5 0130-31-Truck/Mileage .58/mile for 120 miles per day for PE and Superintendent Other $1,044.00
6 01-52-19-Sanl Cans $10.64 Daily Rental Rate Other $223 44
7 01-74-19-Dumpste.r $9.64 Daily Rental Rate Other $202.44
8 01-,52-13-Temporary Field Office ' $20.96 Daily Rental Rate IOther $440.16
9 01-54-Zl-Man&Material Hoist $105 Daily Rental Rate Other $2,205,00
Colvos Construction page 1 of 2 Printed On:10/21/2020 10:16 AM
colvos PCO #014
10 01-52-15-Storage $3 Daily Rental Rate Other $63.00
11 06-10-53-Rough Carpentry Carpenters-8 hours per day for 15 Days Other $9,600.00
12 03-3M3-Concrete Finishing Additional Admixtures,Freeze Protection,and Accelerators due to Winter Concrete Other $5,890.00
13 22-40-01-Plumbing Remobilization of Trenching Equipment for Plumbing Lines Other $200.00
Subtotal: $49,568.04
Bond:3.00%Applies to all line Item types. $1,487.04
Liability Insurance:1.26%Applies to all line Item types. $538.19
Contractor Fee:10.00%Applies to all line Item types. $5,169.33
B80 Tax:0.68%Applies to all line Item types. $329.80
Sales Tax:8.80%Applies to all line Item types. $5,032.93
Grand Total: $62,225.33
Bruce McKean(Helix Design Group) Mason County Colvos Construction
6021 12th St E.Suite 201 411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Tacoma,Washington 98424 Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
Colvos Construction page 2 of 2 Printed On:10/21/2020 10:16 AM
cokvos PCO #004
Colvos Construction Project: -20-031 Mason County Courthouse
711 Court C 414 West Franklin St
Tacoma,Washington 98402 Shelton,Washington 98584
Prime Contract Potential Change Order #004: ASI #03 - ADA Refuge Area,
City Plumbing Updates, Holding Cell Updates
TO: Mason County FROM: Colvos Construction
411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
PCO NUMBERIREVISION: 004/0 CONTRACT: 1-20-031 Mason County Courthouse Prime
REQUEST RECEIVED FROM: CREATED BY: Casey Angeline (Colvos Construction)
STATUS: Pending-In Review CREATED DATE: 10/7/2020
TOTAL AMOUNT: $58,209.43
POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER TITLE:ASI#03-ADA Refuge Area,City Plumbing Updates,Holding Cell Updates
CHANGE REASON:Design Development
See attached ASI#03 for following changes to occur in order to meet the requirements of the Remodel Permit Set.
Based on ASI#03-Permit Revisions,the following cost includes the items listed below.
1. At the new Area of Refuge near Exit Door 120 the following items were added:
1. Additional wood framing and 5/8"GWB with Level 4 Finish at the 1 HR rated walls. This includes fire taping above ceiling space and fire
caulking the top and bottom of walls/penetrations.
2. Door 120A and 120B(HM Doors and Frames with Hardware per Hardware Group 25)
3. (2)Fire Smoke Dampers(Sized per Plans)
4. (2)Rectangular Duct Adder Stub-In
5. Two-Way Comm.UL listed Analog System per RFI#24
2. (2)SA12 Security Toilet Tissue Holders
3. (2)SA01 Security Mirrors 12"xl6"
4. (2)SA70 18"Security Grab Bars
5. (2)SA70 36"Security Grab Bars
6. (2)SA70 42"Security Grab Bars
7. (1)RectorSeal 4"Extendable Clean Checks Backwater valves at sewer line connections. This is with the assumption that the existing backwater
valve can be replaced with the new one without having to tear into asphalt and patch back around the valve.Per RFI#29-the(2)shown
backwater valves were not required.
8. (1)Backfiow preventer to water service line-Zurn Model 375
9. The cost associated for the separate toilet and sink equaled the cost for a toilet/sink combo unit. Therefore no cost is associated with these
1. Benches in Holding Cells
2. New Building Waste Tie-In to City Sewer per RFI#29
3. Any work that is not described within the ASI#03 Narrative by Helix.
4. Asphalt Patching and Sawcutting for exterior work.
Colvos Construction page 1 of 2 Printed On:10/15/2020 12:04 PM
colvos PCO #004
Permit#C166-20 Mason Co Courts Remodel Bid Set Revision 1 090320.pdf SA70 Series Security Grab Bars.vdf
SA12 Securily Recessed Toilet Tissue Roll Holder.odf SA01 Security Framed Wall Mirror.pdf Det-WC-Single.pdf Det-Lay-Single.pdf
ASI#3-Mason Co Permit Revisions.pdf 275129 Two Way Emergency Communication Systems.pdf _Commercial Wall Systems-ASI#03.pdf
GPH-ASI#03 Plumbing.pdf 9-8 Mason Co Courthouse.pdf Sunset Air ASI#03 Quote.pdf West Valley ASI#03 UL Listed Analog System Quote
R1.pdf _CO#5 Add power and Fire Alarm to smoke Dampers.pdf
# Cost Code Description Type Amount
1 10-28-13-Toilet Accessories Holding Cell Toilet Accessories Other $957.00
2 09-22-16-Non-structural Metal Framing Additional GWB,Fire Taping,and Fire Caulk at T&B of Walls/Penetrations Other $2,648.00
3 23.11-11-HVAC System Smoke Dampers,Rec.Duct Additional Stub-Ins,Shop Labor,and Field Labor Other $1,600.00
4 26-20-13-Building Electrical Two-Way Communication System Other $21.846.00
5 22.40-01-Plumbing Backtiow Preventer and(1)Backwater Valve Other $3,850.00
6 01-30-23-Project Engineer 24 Hours of PE Time @$70/Hrfor Processing Other $1.680.00
7 01-30-13-Project Superintendent 3 Days of Supervision for Additional Work Required Other $2,520.00
8 06-1053-Rough Carpentry 16 Hours of Carpenter Time for TAC Install within Holding Cells and Framing new wall for Other $1,280.00
Area of Refuge
9 08-11-16-Metal Doors and Frames Door 120A&120B Other $3,982.00
10 08-11-83-Installation Doors and Frames Installation of Doors 120A&120B Other $900.00
11 26-20-13-Building Electrical Power provided for(2)Smoke Dampers Other $2,150.00
12 01-30-32-Fuel/Oil/Maint/Parts Fuel/Mileage for 3 Days Other $208.80
13 01-00-19-Project Manager 16 Hours of PM Time Other $1,840.00
14 01-30-26-Project Administration 4 Hours of Admin Time Other $240.00
15 06-11-13-Lumber Lumber for Additional Walls at Area of Refuge Other $320.00
16 01-52-19-Sani Cans $10.64 Daily Rental Rate Other $31.92
17 01-74-19-Dumpster $9.46 Daily Rental Rate Other $28.38
18 0152-13-Temporary Field Office $20.96 Daily Rental Rate Other $62.91
19 01-54-21-Man&Material Hoist $105 Daily Rental Rate Other $315.00
20 01-52-15-Storage $3 Daily Rental Rate Other $9.00
Subtotal: $46,369.01
Bond:3.00%Applies to all line item types. $1,391.07
Liability Insurance:1.25%Applies to all line item types. $597.00
Contractor Fee:10.00%Applies to all line item types. $4,635.71
B&O Tax:0.513%Applies to all line item types. $308.52
Sales Tax:8.80%Applies to all line Item types. $4,708.12
Grand Total: $68,209.43
Bruce McKean(Helix Design Group) Mason County Colvos Construction
6021 12th St E,Suite 201 411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Tacoma,Washington 98424 Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
Colvos Construction page 2 of 2 Printed On:10/15/2020 12:04 PM
Frank Pinter
Mason County Support Services
411 N 51h St
Shelton,WA 98584
RE:Notice of Claim for Time and Cost
Mr. Pinter
This letter is to inform you of a schedule and cost impact to the Mason County Seismic Upgrades and
Mason County Court Remodel Phase I Project. Colvos Construction has recently encountered delays to
our performance through no fault of our own,and the delays have impacted the critical path
construction schedule and cost of the project.Consistent with the contract documents,and contract
agreement,Colvos Construction is providing formal written notice of these delays and cost impacts
within this"NOTICE OF CLAIM"letter.
Pursuant to the contract documents and Article 15 of the Owner Contract A201 executed on September
3,2020,the project schedule and cost has been impacted due to the absence of the City of Shelton TI
permit,the construction schedule activities listed below are now delayed:
The construction schedule dated September 11,2020 shows activity#94'Sawcut interior slab for
underground plumbing'starting on September 29,2020 with a 2-day duration.This activity was unable
to proceed per schedule on October 1,2020 because the City of Shelton and Mason County issued
communication to stop all work relating to underground plumbing(due to the Phase I TI permit not
being issued).Therefore,starting on October 1,2020 the critical path construction schedule became
impacted,and remains impacted at the time of this letter.
At this time,Colvos Construction is incurring a day-for-day critical path delay to the project due to the
aforementioned condition. Because these delays are excusable,and compensable,Colvos will request
an adjustment to the contract for time and cost when the delay has been cured.To date the project
schedule has been delayed by 9 calendar days and the estimated cost impact is$3,563.75 per day(see
attached cost breakdown)which totals$32,073.75.Based upon an estimated issuance of the TI permit,
it is projected that the delay will continue until October 13,2020.IF the permit is received at that time
the estimated total cost of the delay will be$46,328.75.These costs do not include potential
subcontractor costs.
We will provide a change order request that will provide a cost breakdown of costs incurred to Colvos
Construction,subcontractors and suppliers and the impact of schedule days. In the meantime,Colvos is
progressing with contract work to the best of our ability
See attached the original baseline construction schedule,email correspondence and Colvos GC cost
Sin ere
Anders o n
Vice President
Colvos Construction
G,�rllCCvOs, Colvos ConsWction
Mason County Court Remodel Phase 1 Construction Schedule
ID ask Name Duratio Start Finish Qu4,2020 Etr 1,2021
e a
0 Mason County Court Remodel Phase 1 '117 dal a 8/27/20 ;Fri 2/12/21 iodel Phase 1 2/12 ;
1 Preccnstnrction&Permits j60 daysThu 812712E JShu 1111912E_on&Permits I 11/19
2 Permits _ '2 days u8127/20 Ffl 8/26/20 Permits 8/28 _ l._.__.__..._•__-____.___.-
3 BuildingTi _ ;1 day hu 8/27/20 u8/27/20 Building Tl
4 _ Abatement permit(L&1&ORCAA) it day Th
u_B/27/20_Thu 8/2_7/20 &ORCAAj 8/27 { r
5 Seismic Upgrade Permit ----_-_--_i1 day_-Thu 8/27/20 Thu 8/27/20 grade Permit
6 Electrical ;1 day Fri 8/28/20 Fri 8/28/20 Electrical
L-/--- -)—--
7 _Sprinkler '1 day Fri 812812E Fri 812812E Sprinkler
1 __ —.--.____
8 Mechanical �i day Fr18/28/20 ;Fri 812812E Mechanlwl -_------�_�--_—_--_-- --`--------
9 Plumbing----- ---_--11 day Fri 8/28/20 iFri 8/28/20
10 Early Work �1'0 daysiThu 8/27/20 trhu 9/10120 Early Wark 911E - j
11 _- NTP -!_--- 0 days Thu 8/27/20 Thu 8/27120 NTP Bl27
12 Execute Contracts ;10 days u 812712E IThu 911012E ate Contracts 9/10
13 Mobilization 12 days Tue 9/1/20 iWed 9/2/20 Mobillzati 9/2 -
14 MEP Flag&Make Safe �3 days Thu 9/3/20 rue 9/8/20 1ag&Make S 19%8 i
15 Submittals 117 day.-4hu 913/20 'Mon 9/28/20 --Subm--- ---- -----------_-�-_- -- -_---_
l 9/8
48 procurement __ __ _140 days'Frl912512E Thu ll/19/20 ,rota ement 1/19
81 Impacts&Delays 28 days?,hu 8/27/20 jThu 101812E acts&Delays 0/8
82 Start Date delay 12 days u 9/3/20 Fd 9/4/20 Start Dated I -
83 Abatement permit waiting period '0 days u 812712E 'Thu 8/27/20 ailing period
84 Abatement _ ;12 days Lie 9/8/20 _Wed 9/23/20 Aba eM - 9 3
85 ___T Permit _ -.--.___-_--._,0 days(Thu 10/8/20__Thu 101812E -------- -'----�-Tl P it 0/8 i
86 Construction -- -_�- `9 days Tue 9/8/20 Thu 1/28/21 Cons coon I :1/28
87 Demolition 34 daysTue 9/8120 _Fri 10/23/20 Demo 1�1 _ _ __• - ___ - --__ _,_,„___.,.
88 Building Interior Demolition j15 days ue 9/8/20 LMon 9/28/20 9lnterior Dem
89 Survey Control '1 day Thu 912412E Thu 9/24/20 Survey ontrol
90 Layout Plumbing Walls&Partitions 2 days Fri 912512E Mon 912812E tPlUr 9 Bs'&P co
91 _ Layout R7U&Venting loations '1 day Mon 912812E ;Man 912812E layout FITLY&lenting foatio
92 Demo Exterior Openings&Roof Penetrations I3 days{Tue 912912E u 101112E r Openings 8i of 06i etra0ons i 1011 1
93 Abate Roof for Roof curbs&Store Front 11 day Fri 10/23/20 iFri 1012312E ate Roof for o If cu &Store F t e loot 10 3 l j
Sealant _ ______ __-
___�__._____ _.- .. .. ...I.. .._
94 Sawcut Interior Slab For Underground 2days ue 912912E (Wed 9/30/20 SIabFor Und ground lumhmg /3 j
Plumbing _ _ _ I ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ --- _.
95 - Sawcut For Grade Beam t1 day 'Thu 10/1/20-'Thu 10/1/20 Saw otj For dratle Beam 10 1 I .I j
_--_— _--_��-______)__—__. Structure 0/20 {
96 Structure S3 days`ri 101212E Tue 1012012E I
97 Form Thickened edge Footings&Slab A1�4 days 1Tue 10/13/20 •Fri 10-I 11612E edge FoWin &SW Along E 8i Lin
1 6 j !
&F Line
98 Excavate&form new stairs i2 days Thu 10/15/20 iFri 10/16/20 revat &form ne i 1 6
99 Form Conuete Ramp ____ _;2 days _u 1011512E jFfl 1011612E Fo m Conaet 1 6 j
100 -51 Concrete footings �- _j1 day IMon 1011912E Mon 1011912E SI Concret as' 3 19� j
Page 1 Printed�9/11/20
�OIIL Vos Colvos Cc'swction
Mason County Court Remodel Phase 1 Construction Schedule
ID Task Name Duration5tart Flnlsh pv a,2020 M1.2o27
101 Place Concrete_ 11 day ue 10/20/20 [Tue 10/20/20 a Plac o c
102 51 Concrete Placement _IS day rue 10/20/20 hue 10/20/20 '�, �1 Concretef ce t 1%2 j
103 Excavate&Place concrete Grade Beam @ E R days Fri 10/2/20 +Man 10/5/20 lace concrete rade Bei m @ E Line ,
�'--- ' — 91 Grade Bea conc a laceme
104 Si Grade Beam concrete placement '1 day Man 10/5/20 'Man 10/5/20 P
105 Frame Wood Ramp j3 days jTue 10/6/20 jThu 1018/20 Fram Wood R.
106 Seismic Upgrades !42 dayslTue 9/29/20_ Wed 11/25/20 Seismic upgrades I 11/25
107 Exterior CMU Infills IS days Fd SO(2/20 Thu 10/8/20 erioriCMU lnfills -f _ _ j _ __ _-
toe Install Double Joist&sleepers mechanical units i3 days Tue 9/29/20 Thu 10/1/20 Joist&sleepe mecha�""ral units
109 Install ceiling Blocking&Perimeter Sheathing 3 days Fri 10/9/20 ue 10/13/20 eiling Blorkln Bt P.H.eter Shea
____ ____ 9
no Install Reminin Ceilin Sheathin 7 da u 10/15/20 !Fri 10/23/20 Install emrmn Ceiling Sh chi 9 10(f3
8 8 g ys i _L—_ __-_______.
51 Ce Iin ra hm m ill It, I
tit 51 Ceiling Diaphragm Nailing (l day ed 10/14/20 Wed 10/14/20 9 P 9 _j
112 Perimeter Block&Wall Framing '•22 days Wed 10/21/20 'Thu 11/19/20 rimeter Block BFYV F m g
-' -i-- SI Per et chors mi 1 16
113 SI Perimeter Anchors&Framing �1 day Mon 11/16/20 IMon 11/1fi/20 __ ___ _ L _ _.__�_
-- W 11 Sheath n 11724
114 Wall Sheathing .5 days�sred 11/18/20 ITue 11/24/20
!�----�_- -- --- _ ---_ - 1 is h Wall lain 1/25
115 51 Diaphragm Wall nailing ;1 day Wed 11/25/20 Wed 11/25/20 P 9 _9
^--_ Exteriofl roe ents 11/3
116 Exterior Improvements j15 days Man 10/26/20 Fn 11/13/20 i P ;
117 Demo For New Store Fronts Doors �j1 day Man 10/26/20 IMon 10/26/20 erno Fa New Stn ro I oors 10/26 _ ,
11e Storefront Curbs !4 da s ue 10/27/20 iFri 10 30 20 j S�or Curbs 10/3
119 Install Storefront Doors j3 days Mon 11/2/20 Wed 11/4/20 Iruta Sto aj ont D rsl l
120 Chain-Link Fencing ha n 'nk Fe cing
221 ____ backfill&asphalt patch_ _ 1 day_Wed 11/11/20 Wed 11/11/20 I _ II asph It P�Lch 11/11
122 _Electric Gate_ _ 12days hull/12/20 IFri 11/13/20 1 I Ele ri[Gate
1. Framing&Rough In ---- - ;.56 days;4ue 9/29/20 ;Thu 12/17/20 Fr mmy Be ugh In -I .__ 1 -_ i 72/17
124 Overhead Insulation&CMU vapor bearer ;4 days'7ue 9/29/20 Fri 10/2/20 d insulation& MU va r bearer
125 Underground Plumbing Trenching 15 days Thu10/1/20 ;Wed 10/7/20 Undergroun Id f7 d �bin Trenchin 11
126 Underground Plumbing Rough In j5 days u 10/1/20 IWed 10/7/20 Underground Plumhin Rough I 1
127 Underground Plumbing Inspection it day u10/8/20 Thu 10/8/20 -----9--- 9lnspection %8--_____-- -�-- - ------ _ -- - - - ---- --- ---; -_-- --�--
Under ro dlPlum rn
RB Backfill 2 days IFri 10/9/20 _Mon 10/12/20 �• BackfiR 10/12 12-9 ; I I
Set Curb{Bi.Ytoof at�h 10/27
8 2 days Mon 10/26/20 I ue 10/27/20 ! I I I I
130 HvacuOve head Roo h In j10 days Fri 10/23/20 Thu 11/5120 IHvac Overhead Rau 11/5
131 Plumbing In Wall Rough In _ _ 5 days Mon 11/9/20 jFrl 11/13/20 Plumbing In Wall R u Fj In
132 Plumbing Overhead&Venting j5 days Man 10/26/20 Fri 10/30/20 -,Plum ing OverheadBc Ventin r
133 Electrical Overhead Runs&Panels i10 days Mon 10/26/20 Fri 11/6/20 -Je,6rical Overhead Runs&Pane I 11/6 j
134 Law Volt Rough In 5 days Man 10/26/20 "110/'0/20 I l Low Volt Rough I fi - I-
135 Sprinkler Overhead Rough In 15 days Thu 10/29/20 Wed 11/4/20 ; SI rinkler Overhead Raug
136 _ Interior Framing/Blocking 115 dayslMon 10/26/20'Fri ll/13/20 nterior Fmming/BI cidng
137 Electrical Box Install Mon 11/9/20 ITue 11110/
12 days I20 FJectrical Box i s II_ 11/0
138 Electrical box walk h day Wed 11/11/20 jWed 11/I1/20
-------- ---------�e�riwl box walk I111------- -_-- ------j---
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C O II CvOs Colvos Construction
Mason County Court Remodel Phase 1 Construction Schedule
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Db4,2020 Dv 1.2021
139 Electrical In wall Rough in_ 5 days hu 11/12/20 IWed 11/18/20 u Electrical in wall Ro h in /161 I
p ---_ _
141 Set Rooftop HVAC Units 'S days Mon 11/16/20 ;Fri 11/20/20 I Flre Alarm Wall Rough In I 1/#'
141 Prerack o Haard Ids One Side I3 day Wed 10/28/21) jWed 10/28/20 Set Rooftop HVAC Units T 028
!4 days Fd 11/13/20 'Wed 11/18/20 _I__ Prerack®Hard IRU One Side 1/1 1
143 _Frame Hard lids Soffits __ 1 da ue 11/17/20 Tue 11/17/20 Frame Hard li%Soffits 1
144 Hard lid/Soffit Rough In ',4 days Wed 11/18/20 Mon 11/23/20 Hard lid/Soffit ugh In 1/23
-� —
145 MEP Wall/Hard lid Cover Inspections �1 day �ue 11/24/20 Tue 11/24/20 I MEP WalUHard lid Cove Inspectons 1/24
--------�—'—_ _----- Install Hollow M�tat Jambs '/24
146 Install Hollow Metal lambs 13 days Fri 11/20/20 •Tue 11/24/20 f
147 __Framing Inspection j0 days ue 11/24/20 Tue 12/24/20 i Framinlq Inspection 1/24
--------`-'r---- -"-- - �- Wall Insulation
148 Wall Insulation i3 days jWed 11/25/20 Tue 12/1/20 I _____
149 Hang GWB 8 days Won 11/30/20 LMd 12/9/20 Hang G 12/9
150 Tape&Finish GWB :To days Fri 12/4/20 u 12/17/20 I I Tape&Finish GW 12/17
151 Finishes i29 days`fhn 12/17/20 fThu 1/28/21
152 Prime&Finish Paint Walls ;S days Thu 12/17/20 jWed 12/23/20 Prime&Finish Paint Walls 12/2
153 Install ACT ;ID day Man 12/21/20 ITue 1/5/21 Install 1%5
154 _ Restroom Tile - ,�4days_fTue12122/20 IMon_IV28/20 -- - _-( _- - - -- R.et oo Tile 12 a-`- j-- -----�
155 paint Ooars @Frames 15 da s r hu 12/24/20 Thu 12/31/20 I t Paint Daop @ Frames
156 Ridged Vinyl Wall Panels 12 days Thu 12/24/20 !Mon 12/28/20 Ridged VnybWall Panels
_ _ -
157 Install Ughting&Trim 15 days u 12/31/20. rhu 1nn1 Install Lighting&Tri t ! -
158 Hvac Trim -----i3 days Mon 1/4/21 IWe~d 1/6/21 ---- - -( -I -- Hvac Trim /-_—
159 SprinklerTrim 12days Wed 1/6/21 IThu 1/7/21 I —r Spdnkled Trim 1 _
---- - Install Jays S !m&l.ow VaIL Trim 1 8
160 Install Jays System&Low Volt Trim 4 days ue 1/5/21 f Fri 1/8/21 yxtf
— Fire Alarm ACT Rou pin 1 B
161 Fire Alarm ACT Rough In 3 days Wed 1/6/21 Fri 1/8/21 I g -
__� _ .. - .
162 MEP ACT Cover Inspections Oda sysy Fd 1_/8/21 _iFri 1/8/21 I I. MEP p�GT Cover lrispece-if /8
163 Building ACT Cover Inspection �1 day IMon 1/11/21 jMon 1/11/21 - - Building AC7 Coverinspechon 1/1 _ -
�, .f —_ _�.-_ _ -_ _ _ -
164 Install CeiBng Tile 4 days Tue 3/12/21 Fri 1/15/23 r I ~install Ceiling Tile 15
. _ ..- L_--.- .._ �_ -.Install Casework CIS
To s 1 4 I
165 Install Casework&_Counter Tops !1 day u 1/14/21 1 rho 1/14/21 P
166 Labhy Millwork&Wall Coverings !8 days`IThu 1/14/21 Mon 2/25/21 lobby�Ilwork&Wall Covenng 1R5
167 Access controls&Security Install 8 days u 1/14/21 _IM_on 1/18/21 i Access controls&Securi Install 1/1
168 Solid Surface Cladding&Tops ,2 days Fri 1/IS/21 rMon 1118/21 , Solid i5urface Cladding&Tops 1/1
169 Install Flooring 4, days�1/35/21 IWed 1/20/21 - ( Install Floonng 1 D:
— —__ __ _ I_ — _
-__ —_
170 Plumping Fixtures 3 days Tue 1/19/21 rThu 1/21/21 - Plumping F'urtures 1 2P.
171 Install Doors&Hardware _ 3 da s Thu 1 21/21 Mon 1/25/21 Install Doors&Hardware 1R5 _
v n / -- — - — 1—-- - ---
172 _ Partition Install&Bath Hardware 12_days_Fri 1/22/21 Mon 1/25/21 I Parption Install&Bath Hardware 1/25
173 Install Signage&Fire Extinguishers '1 day (Tue 1/26/21 true 1/26/21 — Instill Signage&Fire Extinguishers 11 6 I
174 Class Film Install it.day Tue 1126/21 'rue 1/26/21 I Class Film InstallF1/26175 Final Clean 12 days Wed 1/27/21 u 1/28/21 Final Cle176 Closeout I36 daysFrl l/22/21 Ifrl2/12/21 Coseout a2/12
177 Commissioning/Startup/Pretesting I2 days Tue 1/26/21 jWed 1/27/21 Co miss amng/Startup/Pretesting_rti ss _._....._. __. .._..17B Flre Alarm Pre Test ,2 adys ITue 1/26/21 •Wed 1/27/21 I Fire Alarm Pre Te
Page 3 Printed Fri 9111/20
coLvos Coos Co "won
Mason County Court Remodel Phase 1 Construction Schedule
ID Task Name Duratio Start Finish -4,2020 Dtr 1,2021
179 TAB HVAC 2 days ue 1/25/21_jWed 1/27/21 _ _ AB HVA 27
180 Punchlist --;11 day Fri 1/29/21 ipri 2/12/21
-- —�—/21 —/21 I Punc list W Ik •1/29 I
181 Punchlist Walk �1 day jFri 1/29/21 Fri 1/29/21 _
1B2 Correll Punch items i10 days Mon 2/1/21 F.2/12/21 LI Carrell Punch) 2/12
183 Final lnspe_ctlo_ns Udays�Fri 1/22/21 'Lri 2/12/21 Final lnspectioni_. 2/12
184 Plumbing Final Inspection 11 day Fri 2/22/21 !Fri 1/22/21 Plumbing Fin Inspection
_ � '1 _ ... ._ ......_ _ Plum... aI_._HVAC Final •/28
185 HVAC Final 1 day jfhu 1/28/21 Thu 1/28/21 j ''
—' --" — ----- Electrical Final Inspection 1/29
186 Electrical Final Inspection !1 day Fri 1/29121 IF'
1/29/21 P
187 Fire Sprinkler and Alarm Final Inspection _i1 day hu 1/28/21 17bu 1/28/21 ! Fire Sp inkier and Alarm Final Inspealon %26
188 Building Inspection 1 day Mon 2/1/21 jMon 2/1/21 Budding Inspection 2/1 _
189 _ Certificate of Occupancy �1 day �Tue 2/2/21 _ITue 2/2/21 I Certificate of Occupancy
190 _ Final Completion 0 days IFri 2/12/21 jFrl2/12/21 I Final Completion 2/12
Page4 Printed Fri 9/11120
coRvos PCO #014
Colvos Construction Project: -20-031 Mason County Courthouse
711 Court C 414 West Franklin St
Tacoma,Washington 98402 Shelton,Washington 98584
Prime Contract Potential Change Order #014: TI Daily Permit Delay
TO: Mason County FROM: Colvos Construction
411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
PCO NUMBERIREVISION: 014/0 CONTRACT 1-20-031 Mason County Courthouse Prime
REQUEST RECEIVED FROM: CREATED BY: Scott Fletcher (Colvos Construction)
STATUS: Pending-In Review CREATED DATE: 10/7/2020
TOTAL AMOUNT: $3,563.75
CHANGE REASON:Design Development
CE#016-Permit Delay
Daily contractor direct cost associated with delays from October 1 st until Ti Permit is acquired and RFI#029 has been resolved. See attached direction
from Mason County and Helix approving TI work to cease until permit is issued.
Cost reflected below does not include sub-contractor equipment rentals or mobilizations required due to delay. Final costs will be provided once the
permit has been issued and sub-contractor additional costs impacts are provided.
Permit Delay Correspondence.Ddf
# Cost Code Description Type Amount
1 01.30-13-Project Superintendent 8 hours/Day Other $840.00
2 01-30-19-Project Manager 4 hours/Day Other $460.00
3 0130-23-Project Engineer 8 hours/Day Other $580.00
4 0130-26-Project Administration 2 hours/Day Other $120.00
5 01-3031-Truck/Mileage .58/mile for 120 miles per day for PE and Superintendent Other $69.60
6 01-52-19-Sant Cans $10.64 Daily Rental Rate Other $10.64
7 01-74-19-Dumpster $9.64 Daily Rental Rate Other $9.64
8 01-52-13-Temporary Field Office $20.96 Daily Rental Rate Other $20.96
9 01-54-21-Man&Material Hoist $105 Daily Rental Rate Other $105.00
10 0152-15-Storage $3 Daily Rental Rate Other $3.00
11 06-1053-Rough Carpentry Carpenters-8 hours per day Other $640.00
Subtotal: $2,838.84
Bond:3.00%Applies to all line item types. $85.17
Liability Insurance:1.25%Applies to all line item types. $35.55
Contractor Fee:10.00%Applies to all line item types. $295.06
Colvos Construction page 1 of 2 Printed On:10/9/2020 09:55 AM
coLvos PCO #014
B&0 Tax:0.58%Applies to all line item types. $18.89
Sales Tax:8.80%Applies to all line item types. $288.24
Grand Total: $3,663.76
Bruce McKean(Helix Design Group) Mason County Colvos Construction
6021 12th St E,Suite 201 411 North 5th St 711 Court C
Tacoma,Washington 98424 Shelton,Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402
Colvos Construction page 2 of 2 Printed On:10/9/2020 09:55 AM
Casey Angeline
From: Lee Davenport <Leed@HelixDesignGroup.net> on behalf of Lee Davenport
Sent: Thursday,October 1,2020 7.43 PM
'To: Frank Pinter,Scott Fletcher
Cc: Kelly Frazier;Sean Carlstrom; Luke Steinbrecher; Marc Pudists
(MarcP@momentumcivil.com); Leonard Maack,Casey Angeline; Bruce McKean;Anders
Subject: RE: Mason County Bldg. 10 - Phase 1 permit
Categories: 00 Owner
I agree.
As we prioritize the health and safety of our community,Helix Design Group's physical office has limited staffing as
necessary to support essential facility construction.We remain committed to fully serving our clients through remote access
that allows all staff to operate and complete project work from home.
During this time,email is the best way to contact me,but if you would prefer to reach me by phone please feel free to call my
cell at:(253)576-7496.
Heift Lee Davenport
design group Office(253)922-9037
Celebrating 25 Years
From: Frank Pinter<FPinter@co.mason.wa.us>
Sent:Thursday,October 01, 2020 2:18 PM
To:Scott Fletcher<sfletcher@ colvosconstruction.com>; Lee Davenport<Leed@HelixDesignGroup.net>
Cc: Kelly Frazier<KellyF@co.mason.wa.us>;Sean Carlstrom<sean.carlstrom@sheltonwa.gov>; Luke Steinbrecher
<LukeS@hultzbhu.com>; Marc Pudists(MarcP@momentumcivil.com)<MarcP@momentumcivil.com>; Leonard Maack
<Imaack@colvosconstruction.com>; Casey Angeline<cangeline@colvosconstruction.com>; Bruce McKean
Subject: RE: Mason County Bldg. 10-Phase 1 permit
I am in concurrence with this plan as long as Lee is onboard.
From:Scott Fletcher fmailto:sfletcher@colvosconstruction.com)
Sent:Wednesday,September 30,2020 6:04 PM
To: Lee Davenport<Leed@HelixDesignGroup.net>; Frank Pinter<FPinter@co.mason.wa.us>
Cc:Kelly Frazier<KellyF@co.mason.wa.us>;Sean Carlstrom<sean.carlstrom@sheltonwa.gov>; Luke Steinbrecher
<LukeS@hultzbhu.com>; Marc Pudists(MarcP momentumcivil.com)<MarcP@momentumcivil.com>; Leonard Maack
<Imaack@colvosconstruction.com>; Casey Angeline<cangeline@colvosconstruction.com>; Bruce McKean
<Brucem@HelixDesignGroup.net>;Anders<abiorn colvosconstruction.com>
Subject: Re: Mason County Bldg. 10-Phase 1 permit
Lee and Frank,
Due to the situation and to minimize the risk of shutting the job down, we are going to hold off our plumbers
until we receive a permit in hand. The schedule delay will start tomorrow and we will dive into the full
schedule implication tomorrow. Starting tomorrow we will only be working on seismic upgrade items since
that's all we have a permit for.
Please confirm this direction.
Scott Fletcher
Colvos Construction
From:Lee Davenport<Leed@HelixDesignGroup.net>
Sent:Wednesday,September 30,2020 5:16:24 PM
To: Frank Pinter<FPinter@co.mason.wa.us>; Scott Fletcher<sletcher@colvosconstruction.com>
Cc: Kelly Frazier<KellvF@co.mason.wa.us>;Sean Carlstrom<sean.carlstrom@sheltonwa.gov>; Luke Steinbrecher
<LukeS@hultzbhu.com>; Marc Pudists(MarcP@momentumcivil.com)<MarcP@momentumcivil.com>; Leonard Maack
<Imaack@colvosconstruction.com>; Casey Angeline<cangeline 2 co lvosconstruction.com>; Bruce McKean
Subject: Mason County Bldg. 10-Phase 1 permit
I talked to Ken Gill,the City Engineer,this afternoon about the project and sewer line connection. He is very frustrated
that things seemed to be moving ahead without a permit and that anybody had put anything into the lines in an attempt
to determine where existing connections were,and said that if any work is performed outside the Seismic Upgrade
permit, he would issue a stop work order.
I let him know that no work has been proceeding beyond some demolition such as sawcutting the slab for plumbing
lines in conjunction with the sawcutting that was being done for Seismic Upgrade footings,and trying to investigate field
conditions, and he indicated that there should be no more sawcutting or plumbing work performed until an approved
plan was in place for the water service and sewer connections.
He is taking a team out tomorrow morning to camera the lines and will provide that information. He said we would
need to survey the sewer lines (take off manhole covers to determine invert elevations,etc.)and complete the design of
where the connections can be made and submit for approval before any permit can be issued.
Thank you,
As we prioritize the health and safety of our community,Helix Design Group's physical office has limited staffing as
necessary to support essential facility construction.We remain committed to fully serving our clients through remote access
that allows all staff to operate and complete project work from home.
During this time,email is the best way to contact me,but if you would prefer to reach me by phone please feel free to call my
cell at:(253)576-7496.
lReUX Lee Davenport
d e s o g n group feed@helixdesigngroup.net
celehrating 25 Years
BRIEFING DATE: 10/26/2020
ITEM: Approval to place on the Action Agenda November 3, 2020 contract with Pacific
Security for Mason County Weapons Screening and campus security
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: : After reviewing all the applicants that applied through the RFP
process Pacific Security was selected by a panel of 3 Superior Court Administrator, Dist.
Court Administrator and Facilities Manager.
BUDGET IMPACT: $26.07 per hour armed guard and $21.89 for the unarmed guard.
Currently we have 2 armed 1 unarmed in a 9 hour day with staggered eight hour shifts to
alleviate, except on rare circumstances, overtime. This amount is already budgeted for in the
Courthouse Security budget.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION:Approval to place on the Action Agenda
November 3, 2020 contract with Pacific Security for Mason County Weapons Screening and
campus security
ATTACHMENTS: Pacific Security contract and Pacific Security RFP
Briefing Summary 10/21/2020
o d
Contract for Security Services
Client Siteanformation
Name: Mason County Courthouse Project: Mason County Courthouse 11/1/2020-10/31/2021
City: Shelton
Address: 411 N 5th Street
State&Zip: WA 98584
Contact: Frank Pinter Title: Budget Manager Phone: (360)427-9670
Email: fpinter@co.mason.wa.us Fax: Cell:
Bill.mg Information > '` i _
City: Shelton
Address: PO Box 340 i
State&Zip: DNA 98584�
Contact: Mason County Phone: PO#:
Invoice Email Address: Parent Account:
Client desires to have Pacific Security provide security services as described below for those premises indicated in this agreement.It is hereby
agreed that Pacific Security will provide services under the following terms of this contract and per any attached addendum.Further,Pacific Security
is a division of.Parker Corporate Services,Inc.(PCS),and any reference in Contract for Security Services of Pacific Security is a reference.to PCS.
Pacific Security agrees to provide the following security services to Client as specified below:
Armed Security Officer:$26.07 per hour,per officer
Unarmed Security Officer:$21.89 per hour per officer
Staffing level: two(2)armed and'one(1)un-armed .
security personnel providing coverage nine(9)hours a day in staggered eight(8)hour shifts without incurring overtime with additional armed.
and unarmed security personnel as needed on a varying schedule.
1. Any security services,in addition to those set forth above,will be provided upon Client's written request and incorporated into this Agreement.
2. Scheduling changes with less than 24 hour notice will be billed at time and a half rate.
3. Payments shall be made payable to Pacific Security,sent to.2009 Iron Street,Bellingham,"A 98225.
4. All payments for security services by the Client are due and payable upon receipt of ihvoice and past due 30 days thereafter.
5. Should either party wish to terminate this Agreement,they may do so by giving the other party at least 30.days advance written notice of the
date desired for termination of security services.
6. There is a 4 hour minimum charge for all hourly services.Employee breaks are included in scheduled time in accordance with WA.State:law.
7. Any services cancelled with less than 12 hour notice will be subject to a four hour minimum charge per security officer.
8. Requested overtime and federal holiday coverage will be billed at time and a half rate.
9. Client will be billed an additional 1 ''/z%service charge per month on the balance of all past due accounts.Client further agrees to pay attorney
fees and other collection costs if incurred.Pacific Security's corporate headquarters is located in Whatcom County,Washington.It is
understood that in the event of suit or action,all litigation will take place in Bellingham,Whatcom County,Washington.The Client understands
that they are waiving their right to litigate outside of Whatcom County,Washington;Client gives their permission to Pacific Security and/or its
agents to verify and or supplement.the information stated hereon.
10. There will bean annual 3%rate increase.
Records will be maintained regarding the contracted security services,indicating the dates and times. Remarks will be made for those things which
appear to require Client's attention or incidents of interest which may have occurred,but did not warrant notifying the Client or law enforcement.
Pacific Security retains records of service for a period of one year and such records are available to Client upon request.
Client Representative
The undersigned agrees to make payment of alb sums owed pursuant o`thia Agreement-and further agrees to all c�;Vo:gal ter.r.:.
Client Signature: Date:
Signature indicates Client has read and accepts terms of pages 1-3 of Contract
Client Name: Title/Position:
Pacific Security Rep: Bud Tweten Sales&Development Date: October 21,2020
Agreement page 1 of 3
Contract for Security Services
Pacific Security
A division of Parker Corporate Services,Inc.
Pacific Security is a division of Parker Corporate Services,Inc.(PCs).Any directors.or employees,..then this indemnity provision shall be valid-emit :
reference in Contract for Services of Pacific Security is a reference to Parker enforceable only to the extent of that particular party's negligence,or that-!.)F it:
Corporate Services,Inc. officers, agents, elected dficials, directors or employees. The obligations s '.-
forth in this section shall survive the expiration-or earlier terrninatiun•ef"pia
•1,Billing&Payment Agreement.
Client agrees to pay a service charge of 1.5%per month on the balance due of
all past due accounts, plus all collection and attorney fees, which-may be 9.Agreement Legality
incurred by PCs in the collection of any invoice(s), not paid pursuant to It is agreed by and between the.Client and PCs,that if any.terms or provisians
the forms of this Agreement Client agrees to 3%processing charge for credit. of this Agreement and attached addendum(s)shall be determined to be.inva id;
card payments or other payment methods that charge PCs a fee to process.. or illegal, all the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force anr!
2..Cancellation Due to Non-Payment effect
'Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, PCs may terminate this 10.Client Will Not Hire PCs Employees
Agreement at any time after written notice to Client's last known address Except as provided,in this Agreement,-Client.agrees that it will not directly h;re
effective on date of mailing, due to Client's failure to pay any Monies due or employ a PCS employee currently employed by-PCS within one (1) yepr:
hereunder,or if at any time during the term of this Agreement there shall be filed following the termination of this agreement
by or against Client in any court pursuant to any statute, a petition in
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization.or the appointment of a receiver to 11.Client Assumes Responsibility,If Client Gives Instruction.-
receive all or a portion of the Client's property. The security officers furnished by PCS will perform such services as-agf.4'C:
upon by PCS and Client. The security.-se:vk:esV shall .be perf.otTes-
3:Agreement Term and Rer cvdal accordance with PCs po!icy and prccecGres%and.rjs:e,:al inducecefiry sic as :
,Both parties agree lha—Uhis Agreement shall commence on start of service and tree Client alters any instructioris.or directions given by FMCS to•aYy.semi..;='
-be.in full force and effect for'a period of one year (the 'Initial Term:'). The officers and such direction cr supervision is inconsistent with-applicable.,po ic:.a
Agreement will automatically renew for one year periods(the"Renewal Term") and procedures or industry standards, or if the.Client assumes any. direct ,
unless terminated pursuant to Section 2 above. The Initial Term and Renewal supervision'or direction of the security officers, the Client shall be.solely liaNi.,
Term shall be collectively referred to herein as the"Term". for any and all losses, claims, expenses or damages arising from or relative:to
the negligent actions or omissions of such security officers.
4.Termination without Cause.
Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving thirty(30)days - 12.PCs Allowed Access to PCs Equipment
advance Britten notice to the other party. Any and all property, equipment,-supplies and.materials•furnished by_PCS--
hereunder and places at or on any of the.Agreement,shall remain the prope;!"
5.PCs is not an Insurer of PCS,.and PCS shall at ail times during and after the term of.this Agreement,
The nature.and level of security services provided were determined solely by have the sole and exclusive right to install,-maintain, rep:ace and remove.such
:he Client and Client acknowledges that additional security services were property,equipment,supplies and materials.
available to Client at an additional cost. PCS's liability exposure shall be limited
io an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00. PCs will add client as an 13.Client Emergency.Phone Nuinber List
Additionally Insured to its General Liability Policy and provide a coot' of that Client agrees to provide PCS withtthemaraes and phone numbers of persons-tn..
certificate when requested in writing by client. -be contacted in case-of an emergency. It is the responsibility of the Client tsf-
update the emergency information and to keep it current. Further, it is the
6.Client Alarm Systems Client's responsibility to inform PCS of any•.claarges Affecting the.protectedt.
In the event customer's premises are protected by an alarm system: A). If premises. Client agrees that PCS:shall not be responsible for any loss or
Client contacts PCS to respond to'an alarm, PCS cannot guarantee any --damage,which is caused,by Client's failure oe inability to notify PCS of changes
iminimum response time, but will respondnn a reasonable and efficient-manner' concerning the Client's premises or to update emergency information.
vrhen notified; B). In checking or,::,inspecting the Clients premises after
responding to an alarm PCs,its agents or employees will take whatever actions 14.Client Is Responsible For Insurance of Their Own Vehicles-
that would be taken by a reasonable-person,under similar circumstances,and it In the event.PCS employees are requested or required to use c!ient vehicles ill
will be judged by that standard; and C). PCS shall not be responsible for -the performance of their duties,such vehicles sha!I be fully-insured by the Client
payment of any charges assessed bylaw enforcement agencies for responding and Client assumes any and all liability for any injuijr to person or damage-to
to.false alarms. property resulting from the use of Client vehicles, unless other arrangerrierts have been made in writing and are agreed upon by Client in wrung.
7;Liability for Loss of Keys
PCS will endeavor to maintain key control,within industry standards. If Client's 15.This Agreement Supersedes Prior Agreements
keys are lost or stolen,the limit of liability payable to the Qier ttby PCS shall not. This Agreement supersedes any and all prior Agreements, oral or write:�,
exceed$500:O0. behveen the parties: No other Agreement or represen±ation tvs, oral or i?:Er,,
have been made by PCS. Arty alteration,'modification o;-critand.-nent c-.-
0,Client Indemnity Agreement Agreement must-be in-writing:con!aining -the signature of an authr:iz=y.
Each party agrees to defend and hold the other party and its respective officers, representative-of-each party..The-parties agree that there are'no-third pazj
agents, elected officials, directors and employees harmless from any and all beneficiaries to this Agreement. r,
damages, costs, expenses and fees,including reasonable attorney's fees, and
from any judgments and suits at law,or equity of whatsoever nature(hereinafter 16.Agreement to Correspondence 1 :.
.actions")brought against the other party directly or indirectly arising from,or in Client and PCs agree that all contacts,Correspondence,addendum, and other
connection with,or incident to(i)a breach of the provisions of this Agreement by written material transmitted by mail, fax, e-mail,,and/or any outer means-of
the party or(ii)the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of that party or its commonly accepted communications shall be legally binding upon both parties.
officers, agents, directors or employees in connection with this Agreement;
provided that nothing herein shall require either party to hold the other party . 17.Acceptance of Service Is an Acceptance of Agreement .
harmless from actions caused by or•resulting from the sole negligence of said In the event this Agreement is subr;itted to the C•.ient for the Client's it's sigrat.fc;
party,its officers,agents,elected officials,directors or employees,and provided and service is accepted and being provided,-this Agreement w!il,in its ent:rf',1.
further, that-if any such actions are caused by or result from the concurrent be binding and in friil force unless otherMse ei pressed in writing:
negligence of the parties.or their respective officers, agents,•elected officials,
Client Signature: _ _ 'Date_ _
Client: Mason County Courthouse
411 N 5th Street
Agreement page 2 of 3
Site Information
L ocafion
Name: Mason County Courthouse
Address: 411 N 5th Street Shelton,Washington 98584 United States Division: PS-T
„> Schedule of Service a
Start Date:.11/1/2020 End Data: c10/31/2021 Mobile Patrol Service
Day Hours'' Checks per Night: T i
Sunday Number of Days per Week:
Monday Emergency Response:
Tuesday Towing:
Wednesday —�
" l
r Sit instructions
. I
. A
To Be Filled Out By Client
Site Contact: Site Phone:'
Email Electronic Reports To: TIN:
Emergency Gall Out_List
Order Name Title or Position Phone(include area code) Note
1 s�
Alarm Code:
Lock Combinations:
0 Yes', If no,list instructions:
Restrooms Available On Site: T.
No Not applicable
<- � Addit(onallnstruct(ons
Agreement page 3 of 3
� AIfflols I r T lug Protectinggovernment
Subject: Mason County Weapons Screening and Campus Security
Mason County
Attn: Department of Support Services
Frank Pinter, Director
411 N 511 Street
Shelton,WA 98584
Dear.Mason County Court Team,
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this bid process.
The enclosed response is submitted in response to RFP for Weapons Screening and Campus Security.
Through submission of this proposal Pacific Security agrees to all of the terms and conditions of the RFP.
Pacific Security has been servicing the State of Washington for over 45 years,and we as a team believe
that together we can continue to provide Mason County with exceptional security service.
Our goals with this proposal are to show the value of continuing to allow Pacific Security the opportunity
to maximize your Security presence on site. By maximizing efficiency on site we believe that not only can
we be cost effective but increase the level of Security.
We have reviewed all requirements of this RFP,attachments and proposed contract. Pacific Security is in
compliance and agreement with all terms.We agree to be bound by statements and representations
made in this proposal as well as any agreement resulting from this proposal.
Our mission is to remain part of the Mason County family,and we feel that together we can provide a
safe and secure facility.
Thank you for your consideration.
Be safe,
Bud Tweten
Sales and Development
Pacific Security
FTI N#:91-2071184
800-743-2737 Office -
425-330-1341 Cell
Locations Contact
Bellingham Everett Wenatchee www.pacsecurity.com
2009 Iron Street 2929 Bond Street 23 South Mission Street,Suite A P:(800)743-2737
Bellingham,WA 98225 Everett,WA 98201 Wenatchee WA 98801 F:(360)671-9184
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Pacific Security Proposal for RFP Mason County Courthouse
1. Summary:
1.1.1 Provide a brief statement describing the company submitting the proposal.
Pacific Security has been servicing the State of Washington for over 45 years,and we as a team
believe that together we can continue to provide Mason County with exceptional security service.
Our goals with this proposal are to show the value of continuing to allow Pacific Security the
opportunity to maximize your Security presence on site. By maximizing efficiency on site,we believe
that not only can we be cost effective but increase the level of Security.
We have reviewed all requirements of this RFP,attachments and proposed contract. Pacific Security
complies and agrees with all terms.We agree to be bound by statements and representations made in
this proposal as well as any agreement resulting from this proposal.
Our mission is to remain part of the Mason County family,and we feel that together we can provide a
safe and secure facility.
1.1.2 Provide a summary of the company's history and general business
experience as it pertains to the RFP
Since 1972 our professional team has protected Pacific Northwest businesses,events,and
government agencies. In the aftermath of 9/11,we have aided Homeland Security efforts by guarding
ports,dams, utilities and airports. For round the clock peace of mind,go with the name that
Washington has trusted for over forty-five years. Pacific Security employs over three hundred and
fifty,fully trained armed and unarmed security officers.We provide service throughout most of
Washington State. We have extensive experience providing unarmed and armed security to a variety
of businesses. Currently,some of our customers include local hospitals, ports, public utilities,
courthouses,and shipping stations.The benefits we provide to our clients include managers and
trainers with military,security backgrounds,continuous site checks by Quality Control Supervisors,a
state of the art 24-hour dispatch center,and 24/7/365 management availability. Pacific Security also
maintains liability coverage and all applicable insurance that is required by State and County
regulations.Going beyond those mandated requirements, Pacific carries a General Liability policy with
limits of$1,000,000 each occurrence and$5,000,000 general aggregate. our officers are our greatest
asset and the cornerstone of Pacific Security's success.We know that no matter how much experience
and knowledge our management team has,our security officers are ultimately charged with
protecting your property.Therefore,we make every effort to instill in our officers a high standard of
quality and a level of knowledge unsurpassed in.the field. Pacific Security follows a careful,detailed
process for recruiting security officers that includes interviewing for aptitude and attitude.We
generally obtain the best applicants through referrals from our existing employees.
We thoroughly screen applicants by:
• Comprehensive employment applications
® Thorough work history review
®verification of past employment references
® Criminal history check via Department of Licensing and F.R.I.
*verification of security training and licensing
At Pacific Security,we hire the most qualified personnel and provide them with the training and
equipment to do their best work. our employees receive specialized instruction in conduct,
appearance,sensitivity,customer awareness,and interaction with local law enforcement.
Finally, Pacific Security has been in business for over forty-five years and our entire staff
is committed to the protection of your property and personnel,which our proven track record shows
VI.1.2 Experience
1.2.1 Include a description of the company's experience in providing weapon
screening and campus security services utilizing armed and unarmed
When it comes to the screening of people and their effects, Pacific Security is in a class
by itself. Pacific Security screens more than 1,000,000 people, bags, parcels and other
personal effects annually. One of our core competencies is to find the right combination
of people, technology and customer service to lower your risk, improve regulatory
compliance and to enhance efficiency and performance. We do this through
comprehensive and customized security solutions arrived at through proven and
consistent design methodologies that encompass products and client-focused services
integrated with state-of-the-art technologies and training.
Mason County Security Screening- Pacific Security currently provides 150 hours per week
of armed and unarmed security and screening services to the Mason County Courthouse.
In addition to staffing the entrance screening station to prevent the introduction of
weapons, narcotics or other prohibited items into the courthouse, Pacific Security officers
provide roving patrols of the courthouse campus. Our officers also provide personnel
escorts, provide emergency medical response, crowd control and protective services for
the anti-harassment dockets. In 2019, Pacific Security screened 103,360 people and
confiscated 3130 prohibited items, including 151 firearms, 1116 knives, 16 stun guns and
112 canisters of pepper spray.
Snohomish County Courts- Pacific Security currently provides 620 hours per week of
screening and security services to Snohomish County which includes five district courts,
the Juvenile Justice Center, County Jail and Main County Campus as well as 2417
security patrol of County campus. 12,494 prohibited items found by Pacific Security
Officers in 2019
Skagit County Courthouse- Pacific Security currently provides 160 hours per week of
screening and security services to the Skagit County Courthouse. Pacific Security began
providing this service begin in 2010.
Chelan County Courthouse- Pacific Security provides 130 hours per week of security
screening for the Superior, District and Juvenile courts. Since taking over as security
provider at Chelan County in 2006. In 2019 alone the Pacific Security Officers screened
103,697 people and their effects finding over 6,000 prohibited items.
Benton County Courthouse- Pacific Security 200 hours per week of Security screening at
two entry points which include access to the Superior Courts, District Courts and Jail
Douglas County Courthouse- Pacific Security provides 6-10 hours a week of armed
security services in the courtroom for Superior and District courts. Officers screen people
entering the courthouse with walk-through metal detectors and hand wands, all purses
and bags are hand screened. Pacific Security officers are also responsible for
fingerprinting individuals convicted of felony crimes in Superior Court.
East Wenatchee Municipal Court- Pacific Security provides armed guard and hand wand
screening, for East Wenatchee Municipal Courts.
Edmonds Municipal Court-.Pacific Security provides 40+ hours per week of less than
lethal security services including court protection, access control, weapons screening,
bag searches, physical pat-downs, hand wands and metal detectors. Pacific Security was
the first ever awarded fulltime contract security at the Edmonds Municipal Court
1.2.2 Provide a minimum of three (3) references for which the company has
provided similar services in the past 24 months that include: name and
type of entity; primary contact's name, title and phone number; a brief
description of the service provided and the duration of the contract.
Douglas County Courthouse '
203 S Rainer Street °
Waterville, WA 98868 t+
Jo Jackson
Jgackson(c_co.douglas.wa.us �E -�R CO
Snohomish County Courthouse
3000 Rockefeller Ave f _
Everett, WA 98201
Sgt. Sean Gillespie
�iER� ._.
Chelan County Courthouse
400 Douglas Street
Wenatchee,WA 98807
Elgin Shaw k
509-630-8484 '`• �
Elgin.Shaw@co.chelan.wa.us _
i EST.1833
Skagit County Sheriff
600 S Third Street 1,t CQ
Mt Vernon, WA 98273 ( G
Ron Coakley
360-336-9450 N } ^;• .�
ronc@co.skagit.wa.us "
VI.1.3 Performance Capabilities
1.3.1 Provide a description of how the company proposes to meet the specifications and scope-
of work as detailed in section V. specifications and Scope-of-Work Requirements.
Project Management and Quality Assurance
Pacific Security's overall approach to management is to measure every policy, plan,
procedure and technique against its mission of upholding the founding principles of
"commitment to service and performance in the delivery of customized security
solutions". Pacific Security invests more in every aspect of service delivery than its
competitors in order to maximize the value in the billing rates. The areas in which Pacific
Security delivers extra value are.
A. Capability of providing full-service, integrated and comprehensive security
B. Commitment to leveraging state-of-the-art technology to enhance efficiency,
performance and compliance.
C. 24/7/365 in-house command and communications center.
D. Best practices in human resources, yielding rich applicant pool, low turnover rate
and excellence in performance.
E. Customized Training
F. IS®-9000-based quality assurance program.
G. Highly qualified and accessible management support.
H. Accountability of ownership.
I. Best available legal and insurance support.
One critical policy of Pacific Security that is unique is that it staffs its recruitment
departments to whatever level is necessary in order to maintain a constant recruitment
effort, regardless of whether specific needs are identified. This always enables the
schedulers to staff their accounts to 100%. It is also the reason that one of Pacific
Security's core competencies is staffing surge operations and special events. This
constant recruitment also enables operations managers the luxury of utilizing progressive
discipline without concern for replacements.
However, although progressive discipline is utilized, another critical policy of Pacific
Security is that it uses best practices in human resources and treats all its employees as
internal clients. All employee concerns are heard and responded to. All suggestions are
considered. Success criteria are clearly communicated. And, importantly, our training
program is unmatched. These policies largely contribute to the lowest turnover rate in the
Accountability, in accordance with the Quality Assurance Plan, is a technique that is used
throughout the chain of command to ensure quality. Post orders will be at every site and
security officers and supervisors are tested on their familiarity with them.
MonitQr �
Go erect
Stipp-aphase to determine the unique requirements of the contract.rt
Pacific Security's management will meet with County management during the initial Plan
Subsequent Planphases
comprised of regular meetings with County management to determine lessons learned and
promote the contin us improvement cycl- Post Order e • ♦ . •,_ d
analyzedamendments will be submitted for approvai, policies updated, and recruitment needs
as necessary.
The Support phase includes processes from Human Resources, Training and Operations
� • •
• •
Recruitment' j BasioSecurify : Sefieduftng
•aadgrdurcd 6itefCJlent-Specie �eadtness_&
•6rugTnsiiog' TI`difitn
•uniforms � Niaintendgce
Employee CTrt•tfe-j86 Pos��rrlets
Relations' Training
s z
The Execute phase occurs daily. The Post Orders, school policies and procedures drive
this phase of the Management and Quality Assurance Plan. The on-site security officers
are guided by these documents, checklists and SOPS to deliver a consistently high level
of service. The processes include:
® Post Assignments and Orders issued
® Access control conducted per Post Orders
® Llaise with building and association management
® Conduct regular patrols and post checks
Monitor& Correct
The Monitor and Correct phase provide Mason County Court, Pacific Security managemerDt
and employees with the necessary feedback critical to the success of the Management and
Quality Assurance Plans.
J `Sr
�rN k'
ZI r
Employees receive positive feedback on good performance through Pacific Security's
merit bonus program and recognition in the company newsletter. Employees are
counseled and receive retraining to correct deficiencies.
Management will compile information from daily activity, inspection and incident reports.
Equipment maintenance is scheduled as necessary. Security incidents are logged and
reported. Case studies on attempts to circumvent security are incorporated into training
programs. Security trends and threats will be analyzed and communicated to the Court
1.3.2 Describe the company's escalation process for addressing personnel problems including
insubordination, absenteeism, poor performance and tardiness.
Pacific Security Management and Supervisor team is available 24/7 which includes Field
Supervisors, Personnel Managers, Operations Manager, Senior Operations Manager,
Vice President and President. Direct email and phone numbers are provided to Mason
County in order of escalation. In addition, our 24/7 dispatch center is available to Mason
County to escalate any service issues or questionsdirectly in our escalation policy.
1.3.3 Describe how the company will deal with unexpected personnel absences caused by
illness or failure to appear at work, other as to ensure full staffing each day.
Pacific Security utilizes both monitoring staff and technology to ensure that our officers
are onsite and on time. we utilize a OPS based clock in system as well as our inhouse
dispatch center to verify officers are onsite. If an officer is not onsite and on time our
dispatch center and scheduling team works to dispatch trained replacement staff to the
site. Supervisors and Operations Managers are notified and dispatched to the site to
cover limiting the amount of time the site is not sufficiently covered. Sufficient trained
replacements staff and supervisors will be trained to fill in at a moments notice.
1.3.4 Describe how the company will provide coverage nine (9) hours per day utilizing
staggered shifts to avoid overtime as well as your plan for covering breaks and lunch schedules.
Officers will have staggered shifts start times and end times. Breaktimes that,coincide
with historically slower traffic times to ensure that stations are always manned. The site
Lead Officer is responsible for ensuring the breaks and lunches are taken at appropriate
times and assuring full coverage of posts.
1.3.5 Provide a copy of the company's training plan/schedule for armed and unarmed
Through Pacific Security's focus on leadership, planning and recruiting, Pacific Security
has set the bar for high standards of regulatory compliant security service. Our emphasis
on and investment in training and development sets it apart from the competition and
allows it to maintain its position as the leader in the security industry. Pacific Security
will meet and exceed all the requirements of this RFP.
Basic Security Officer Course (BSOC)
The purpose of the eight (8) hour BSOC course is to provide security officer candidates with
sufficient knowledge and skills to be ready for on-the-job training when they arrive at Mason County
Court. The training includes.
• welcome to Pacific Security
o History
o Mission Statement and what It Means
o Company Culture
• Chain of Command
o Branch Organization
o Human Resources
o Problem Solving Procedure
• Professionalism
o Appearance-uniform Standards
o Hygiene
o Professionalism and Ethics
• Employee Handbook
o Conditions of Employment
o Code of Ethics/Integrity
o work Rules
• Site Book/Post Orders
o Purpose
o Content Overview
o Roles and Responsibilities
o Communications
o Forms
® Legal Rights and Responsibilities
® Use of a Personal Computer
First Aid1CPR/AED
® Legal Authority
o Use of Force
o Fire Response
o Search and Seizure
o Preservation of Evidence
o Accident and Fire Prevention
o Bomb Threat Response
Screener Course Outline
The following subjects are covered in the course:
Evolution of Screening Walk Through Fetal Detector
The Current Threat Handheld Metal Detector
Passenger and Client Relations Pat Down Procedures
Identifying Weapons/Explosives/Prohlbited Items Physical Property Searches
Improvised Explosive Devices Screener Station Practice
X-Ray System Special Screening Situations
Computer Based Imaging Persons with Disabilities
Checkpoint Overview Screener Safety Awareness
Recurrent Training
All Pacific Security personnel are required to successfully complete an eight-hour annual
recertification program that covers all the topics in its initial certification course.
Armed officers are required to complete an additional 8 hours of training and State Required
qualifications via CJCTC.
Pacific Security operates on the principle that"what gets measured gets improved Pacific Security
routinely conducts random proficiency tests of all Officers.
Field Training
Once an officer has completed the basic course, they will be assigned to field training. Pacific's
management team will create, in coordination with Court staff, a training checklist for each job
function and post at each location. Once the training checklists have been finalized, Pacific
Security's Project Manager, Lead SO's and field supervisors will be given specific training on all
posts. in order to effectively train security officers on their duties and responsibilities. The field
training will consist of:
Building Access Control ® Media Relations
® Reporting ® Medical Emergencies
® Emergency Contacts C Parking and Enforcement
e Fire Alarm Response Patrol Procedures
® Mission and Role ® Post Responsibilities
® Key Control ® Telephone and Radio Procedures
® Maintenance Emergencies 0 Facility Rules and Standards
Intermediate and Advanced Training
Pacific Security provides security officers and supervisors with a wide variety of intermediate and
advanced skills courses designed to enhance their performance on the job and to prepare them for
more challenging work assignments. Among the courses that are available are:
• Management of Aggressive Behavior(MOAB)
• Defensive Tactics
• Crisis Intervention
• Active Shooter Awareness and Response
• Persons with Disabilities
• Advanced Report Writing
• Descriptive Techniques for Persons and Vehicles
• Introduction to Criminal Law
• Leadership, Professionalism and Ethics
• Unusual Occurrences (Fire, Floods, Earthquakes, etc.)
• Property Crimes
• Advanced Patrol Techniques
• Incident Command System for Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents
• Advanced Radio Communications
• Tactical and Crisis Communications
Replacement and Extra Personnel
All replacement personnel assigned to this contract will undergo the same training program as
regularly assigned personnel. No security officer will ever be assigned to the Mason County Court
contract who does not sheet all required training and certifications. Pacific Security currently
employs over 400 security Officers in Washington State area. Sufficient staff will be trained and
authorized to work and ready to respond to any situation at a moment's notice. Response time to
a request for extra coverage will be within 2 hours of the request.
VI.1.4 Business and Cost Information
1.4.1 State the number personnel by category including unarmed, armed and supervisory.
Pacific Security employs over 400 security officers in the State of Washington.
Dedicated to the Mason County Courthouse will be 2 fulltime Armed security officers as well as 1
fulltime unarmed officer.Additionally, Pacific security will have a local back up roster of at least 3
officers. All assigned and back up officers will be cross trained to be able to fill in any of the
assignments as well as fill in for additional requests for coverage. Locally we will also fully train
our supervisor team (additional 4 officers)to be able to fill in at a moments notice. All office
Management including the Personnel Director,Area Operations Manager, Senior Operations
Manager and Vice President will also be trained to cover posts as needed.
1.4.2 List the number of years in the company has provided weapon screening and campus
security services under current name.
Pacific Security has been providing armed and unarmed security and weapons screening for over
46 years
1.4.3 Provide an all-inclusive hourly rate for each level of armed and unarmed personnel.
Armed Security Officer: $26.07, per hour, pre officer
Unarmed Courthouse Security Officer: $21.69 per hour, per officer
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October 26,2020
Briefing Items
• Hearing Examiner Recommendations for Road Vacation 405 - Request from Union City
Partners, LLC, representing David Pitt to vacate a portion of Sharpe Street.
• Call for Bids: Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and
Stockpiling of Chipseal Aggregate and Asphaltic Materials for 2021 calendar year.
• Private Line Occupancy Permit Application of Lettuce Loaf, LLC, to install
waterline,power and septic transport line at 9541 North Shore Road.
• Special Market Purchase of two Bucket Trucks
Discussion Items
Commissioner Follow-Up Items
Upcoming Calendar/Action Items
• Zoom Public Hearing for 2021 Annual Construction Program—Nov. 3, 2020 @ 9:15am
• Zoom Public Hearing for 2021-2026 Six-Year Construction Program(TIP)—Nov. 3, 2020
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson
_Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins
_Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson
Other (list below):
FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: October 26 , 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human
Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Road Vacation No. 405— Hearings Examiner Recommendation
The Mason County Hearing Examiner held a hearing on August 26, 2020 to
consider the petition from Union City Partners, LLC, represented by Mr. David Pitt,
to vacate a portion of Sharpe Street that lays adjacent and West of Block 92
Lots 1 — 30 in the Plat of Union Hood Canal Land & Improvement Company's
Addition to Union City. This right of way is 30 feet in width and approximately 290
feet long, abutting APN 32232-50-92001, 32232-50-92902 and 32232-50-92901.
The Examiner issued his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Recommendations on September 10, 2020,,recommending approval of the
proposed vacation with one condition:
That the county shall approve the proposed street vacation, subject to any existing
utility easements for ingress and egress for any other purpose, if any and in
accordance with RCW 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County
for any utilities present in the vacated right of way.
Public Works requests that the Board consider and act on the recommendation at
the November 3, 2020 meeting.
Recommend that the Board consider the Hearings Examiner recommendation to
approve Road Vacation No. 405, vacating a portion of Sharpe Street located West
and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal Land & Improvement
Company's Plan of Union City.
1. Hearing Examiner Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations
2. Order of Vacation
Briefmg Summary
Phil Olbrechts,Hearing Examiner
RE: Road Vacation No.405
5 Petition for a Road Vacation OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION
S The petitioner,David Pitt,has petitioned for vacation of an approximately 30x290-foot
portion of Sharpe Street, abutting APN 32232-50-92001 in Union City. The proposed '
9 vacation area is not necessary for County use.David Pitt,the petitioner for the right of
10 way,is the owner of all lots adjacent to the requested vacation area.Access to Mr.Pitt's I
lots is via Orre Nobles Road.No other parcels require this portion of Sharpe Street for
11 access and vacation of it will not landlock any other parcel. For these reasons it is
recommended that the Commissioners approve the vacation request.
Phil Franklin, Right of Way Agent for Mason County, stated this is a straightforward
15 vacation. Mr.Pitt did a good job providing evidence. The County staff understood the
issue, and none felt the proposed vacation area would have any public need. The right
16 of way hasn't been opened or used. The other roads nearby provide access to all
adjacent properties.
18 David Pitt stated One Nobles Road nearby is a developed loop road. The portion i
proposed for vacation is landlocked by another vacated portion. No continuous road
19 could be created by the area proposed for vacation. The adjacent block is one big open
area owned by a single owner who's accessing the property by another adjacent road.
20 �
Exhibit 1: Engineer's Report with attachments A-1 through D4.
Road Vacation P. 1 Recommendation
1 I
2 i
4 1. Hearing. A virtual hearing on the petition for vacation was held on August
5 26,2020 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. I
6 Substantive:
7 2. Site/Proposal Description. The petitioner, David Pitt, has petitioned for
8 vacation of an approximately 30x290-foot portion of Sharpe Street, abutting APN
32232-50-92001, 32232-50-92902 and 32232-50-92901 in Union City.
3. Utility of Vacation Area. The proposed vacation area is not necessary for i
10 County use. The portions of the original Sharpe Street right of way adjacent to the
portion in question have already been vacated.Mr.Pitt is the owner of the entire Block
11 92 area adjacent to the proposed vacation. Access to Mr. Pitt's property is via Orre
12 Nobles Road. No other parcels require this portion of Sharpe Street for access and
vacation of it will not landlock any other parcel.
4. Right of Way as Easement. Mr. Franklin's report, Ex. 1, identifies the
14 vacation area as a Class A easement as opposed to County property owned in fee.
15 5. Administrative Fees. The petitioner has paid the$500 administrative fee as
16 shown in the receipt entered as Ex.A-10.
18 Procedural: '
19 '
1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. MCC 12.20.030 provides the Examiner j
20 with the authority to review road vacation applications and make a recommendation to '
21 the Mason County Board of County Commissioners.
22 Substantive:
23 2. Review Criteria and Application. Chapter 12.20 MCC sets forth the requirements
24 for vacation of roads. Furthermore, MCC 12.20.010 provides that County roads may
be vacated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.87 RCW. Applicable
25 review standards for vacation under Chapter 12.20 MCC, as well as those in Chapter
36.87 RCW, are quoted in italics below and applied via corresponding conclusions of
Road Vacation p. 2 Recommendation
I MCC 12.20.010: County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of
2 RCW 36.87, and Mason County may require as a condition precedent to the vacation
the receipt of just compensation from the person or persons benefiting from the
3 vacation.
4 RCW 36.87.020: Owners of the majority of the frontage on any county road or portion
5 thereof may petition the county legislative authority to vacate and abandon the same {
or any portion thereof. The petition must show the land owned by each petitioner and
6 setforth that such county road is useless as part of the county road system and that the
public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The legislative authority
7 may:
8 (1) require the petitioners to make an appropriate cash deposit or furnish an
appropriate bond against which all costs and expenses incurred in the examination,
9 report, and proceedings pertaining to the petition shall be charged; or
10 (2) by ordinance or resolution require the petitioners to pay a fee adequate to cover
such costs and expenses.
RCW 36.87.060: If the county road is found useful as apart of the county road system
12 it shall not be vacated, but if it is not useful and the public will be benefited by the
13 vacation, the county legislative authority may vacate the road or any portion thereof.
14 3. Vacation Area Meets Vacation Criteria. The proposed vacation conforms
to the requirements of the statutes quoted above. As determined by the findings of fact,
15 the petitioner owns the property abutting the proposed vacation area.The petitioner has
paid $500 in application fees as required by County regulations. As determined in
16 Finding of Fact No.3,the vacation area is not useful as a part of the county road system.
The public will benefit from the vacation as it will increase the size of the adjoining
17 property and thus increase its assessed value.
MCC 12.20.040: For the purpose of vacating county roads, all roads shall be
19 classified as,follows:
20 (1) Class A. All roads for which the right-of-way is an easement.
21 (2) Class B. All roads for which the right-of-way is owned in fee simple and for which
the county paid full.fair market value of the fee simple estate.
4. Vacation Area Qualifies as Class A Road. As determined in the findings
23 of fact,the right of way subject to the requested vacation is an easement and therefore
24 qualifies as a Class A road.
25 MCC 12.20.050: Any person or persons desiring to have any portion of any county
road vacated shall be required by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners
as a condition precedent to the vacation to compensate the county prior to the vacation.
The compensation shall include, but not be limited to, the appraised,fair market value
Road Vacation p. 3 Recommendation
of the county's fee simple interest in the vacated road as of the effective date of the
I vacation, and the costs of any and all appraisals deemed necessary by[...]the Hearing
2 Examiner or the Board of County Commissioners, together with any and all
administrative costs incurred by the county in vacating the road. Said administrative
3 costs shall include the costs of the Hearing Examiner in holding the public hearing and
reporting recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. Such
4 compensation must be paid to Mason County within six months of the date the vacation
was approved by the Mason County commissioners or the vacation shall be null and
5 void.
6 5. Required Administrative Fees Paid. The County does not have a fee interest ,
7 in the vacation area so no compensation is required for the value of the vacation area {
under the ordinance quoted above. The petitioner has already paid a $500 deposit for
8 the petition as shown in Ex. A-10.
9 MCC 12.20.060: (a) The county shall require, as a condition precedent to the vacation
10 of roads oeportion thereofwithin the classicationssetforth in Section 12.20.040, that
persons benefiting from the vacation thereof compensate Mason County as set forth in i
11 the following schedule:
12 (1) Class A roads. No compensation other than for the administrative costs of the
13 vacation action;
(2) Class B roads. One hundred percent of the appraised,fair market value.
6. No Compensation Required. No compensation for the fair market value of
15 the road is required because the road qualifies as a Class A road.
16 MCC 12.20.080: Each petition for vacation of a road shall be accompanied by a bond
or cash deposit of a minimum of five hundred dollars, which shall be used to defray j
17 examination, report, publication, investigation and other costs connected with the
18 application. When deemed necessary by the county engineer, an additional deposit I
amount may be required to cover appraisal or other costs. Board of County
19 Commissioners[sic]For anypetition, whether granted or denied,for which the deposit
exceeds the total costs, the excess deposit shall be refunded to the petitioner. For any
20 petition, whether granted or denied,for which the costs exceeds the deposit, the excess
21 shall be billed to the petitioner and be due and payable immediately.
22 7. Required Deposit Paid. The petitioner has paid a $500 cash deposit as
shown in Ex. A-10.
25 It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed vacation,
subject to existing easements for ingress and egress for any other purpose, if any, and
in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County
for any utilities present in the proposed vacated right of way..
Road Vacation p. 4 Recommendation
1 DATED this 10''day of September,2020
2 C
1 i A.01brocltts
5 . . ... . .. .
6 Mason County Hearing Examiner
11 {
Road Vacation p. 5 Recommendation
10.0'W.PublieWorks Drive
Sheltbii,WA. .98584
RCW 36.87
WHEREAS,. it is the,intentiori of the:Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate
the following described lights of way-
A portion of Sharpe Street located West and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal
Land&.1itipyovement.CompanyS Plan of Union.City that is approximately 30'x,290'ift size:APN
32232-50-92001,32132-5042902&32232-50-9290 I in Qilibii City recorded in Tyiu6n County,
AND,WHEREAS,the date.of the virtual hearing was set for Augpst.26.2020 at 1:00 p.m.
and Notice ofHearing;Inteato Vacate, was published and posted according to law;-and
WHEREAS, the virtual hearing was held. on August.26, 20.20 and the:"Mason County
1-fearin E 'considered the Cb t Engineer's i any evidence' for. or
g Examiner 00. .,un y nginee-, report, together with
objection against said vacation; and
WHEREAS, the Hearing. Examiner has rendered to the. Board of Mason County
Cbnuhisgibners, his*Findings, conclusions And Recommendations and1he members of the Board,
have given them due-consideration.
NOW,THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby
IT :IS' TURTHER ORDERED, that said vacation is .subject: to, any existing private
easements for ingress :egress or any""other purpose-and to retaining an ease.ment.;in favor of Masoh.
County for any utilities present in.the vacated,road right-of-vvay in accordance with,RCW 36.87 140.
DATE D.this day of ,206
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neathelin Vice Chair
Tim Whitehea ; T.DPA
Kevin.Shun}r, Commissioner
Cc: File;Assessor;Auditor.;Pefitianei;
Public'Works Dept;"GIS
Vacation File"No.405
FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: October19, 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing,, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human
Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: 2021 Call for Bids for Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and
Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chipseal Aggregate and
Asphaltic Materials
Mason County Public Works annually calls for bids for Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion,
Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chipseal Aggregate and
Asphaltic Materials for summer road maintenance projects.
The purpose of the call for bids is to solicit bids for the procurement of road maintenance
materials and services needed for 2021 maintenance programs. The annual purchased
of these materials and services are expected to exceed $50,000; therefore, formal
competitive bidding is required for each.
Each Call for Bids will be published in the Shelton Journal and on the Builders Exchange
Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to advertise, set bid opening dates/times,
award contracts and allow the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for call for bids for
routine Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion, Culvert Pipe and Lining, Manufacturing and
Stockpiling of Chipseal Aggregate and Asphaltic Materials for 2021. The contract awards
will be announced during a regular meeting of the Board.
Briefing Summary
FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: October 26, 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW(please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Private Line Occupancy Permit
Gail Otto Manager of Lettuce Loaf, LLC have applied for a Private Line Occupancy Permit to
install a new underground waterline to replace their existing waterline installed in the
1950's. This permit will include running power and a septic transport line for moving the
drain field to the upland portion of the property.
The property is located at 9541 North Shore Rd. (parcel numbers 32224-51-01010 and
32224-51-01011). The permit will cover the replacing existing waterline adding power and
a septic transport line that will run under North Shore Road (see attached map).
No budget impacts. An application fee of $200 has been paid to process the proposed Private
Line Occupancy Permit.
Recommend the Board approve the Private Line Occupancy Permit of Lettuce Loaf, LLC,
granting permission to run the utility lines under and across North Shore Road for parcel
number 32224-51-01010 and parcel number 32224-51-01011, address 9541 North Shore
1. PLO
2. Vicinity Map
Application of LETTUCE LOAF, LLC, with principal residence located at 9541 NE North
Shore Road Belfair,WA 98528, by and through GAIL R. OTTO,MGR,for a private line utility
occupancy permit to construct,operate and maintain a private waterline under county roads and
highways in Mason County, Washington, as set forth in attached Exhibit "A", having come
before the County Commissioners of Mason County,Washington during a regularly scheduled
public meeting, on the_day of , 2020, and that it is in the public interest to
allow the private line utility occupancy permit herein granted;
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that a non-exclusive private line utility occupancy
permit be, and the same is hereby given and granted to operator, and its successors and assigns,
hereinafter referred to as the "Permittee", for a period commencing from and after the date of
the entry of this order for the purposes, at the location(s), and upon the express terms and
conditions as described herein, and terminating as provided herein.
For the purposes of this private line utility occupancy permit, terms, phrases, words, and their
derivations not defined herein that are defined in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the
Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Mason County Right-of-Way published by the
County Engineer(the"Manual"), shall have the same meaning or be interpreted as provided in
Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual. Words not defined here, in Title 12 of the
Mason County Code or the Manual shall have their ordinary meaning. A reference to Title 12
of the Mason County Code or the Manual refers to the same as may be amended, revised,
updated,re-enacted or re-codified from time to time.
The County of Mason(hereafter the"County")hereby grants to the Permittee a non-exclusive
private line utility occupancy permit(hereinafter"Permit")which, once it becomes effective
shall authorize the Permittee to enter upon the road rights-of-way located within the Permit
Area for the purpose of maintaining,repairing,replacing, which grant shall be limited to the
following described purpose(s): Install three (3) conduit lines to provide water for a two-party
well electrical power and backup septic transport between parcels 32224-51-01010 and
32224-51-01011 .
Such grant is subject to and must be exercised in strict accordance with and subject to this
Permit, Title 12 of the Mason County Code, the Manual and all applicable laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances. Permittee's exercise of any rights granted pursuant to the Permit
is subject to the exercise of the County's police powers, and other regulatory powers as it may
have or obtain in the future. No rights shall pass to the Permittee by implication. This Permit
does not include permission to enter into or upon the road rights-of-way for any purposes others
than the purposes expressly described herein. Permittee has a duty to notify the County of any
change in use or condition of the utility facilities that may affect the status of the utility facilities
as (a)private line(s) or the impact of the utility facilities upon the road rights-of-way.
Permittee shall not commence or perform work to install, construct, maintain repair, replace
adjust, connect, disconnect, rebuild, or relocate its utility facilities within the road rights-of-
way (hereafter collectively or individually the "Work"), without first applying for, paying all
associated fees, and obtaining a utility permit as required pursuant to Title 12 of the Mason
County Code. In any utility permit so issued, the County may impose, as a condition of the
granting the utility permit, such conditions and regulations as may be necessary for the
protection, preservation and management of the road rights-of-way, including, by way of
example and not limitation, for the purpose of protecting any structures in the road
rights-of-way,maintaining proper distance from other utilities, ensuring the proper restoration
of such road rights-of-way and structures, and for the protection of the County and the public
and the continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Permittee shall first file with the County Engineer its application for a utility permit to do such
Work together with plans and specifications showing at a minimum:
A. The position, depth and location of all such utility facilities sought to be constructed,
laid, installed or erected at that time, showing their relative position to existing county roads,
rights-of-way or other county property upon plans drawn to scale, hereinafter collectively
referred to as the"map of definite location;
B. The class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation,
construction, installation, backfill, erection of temporary structures, erection of permanent
structures,traffic control, traffic turnouts and road obstructions;
C. The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed;
D. Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic;
E. Structural integrity of the roadway,bridge, or other structure;
F. Specifications for the.restoration of the county road, right-of-way or other county
property in the event that the road right of way will be disturbed by the Work; and
G. Provision for ease of future road maintenance and appearance of the roadway.
Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities, particularly
those located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the road right-of-
The location,alignment and depth of the utility facilities shall conform with said map of definite
location, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the
County Engineer pursuant to application by Permittee.
All such Work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the County
Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work on account of granting the said utility permits.
In any Work which disturbs or causes damage to the road rights-of-way subject to this Permit,
public or private property,the Permittee shall at its own expense and with all convenient speed,
complete the work to repair and restore the county road right-of-way, or the public or private
property so disturbed or damaged, and leave the same in as good or better condition as before
the Work was commenced, to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. The
Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses.incurred in the examination, inspection and
approval of such restoration or repair.
The County Commissioners and/or County Engineer may at any time do, order or have done
any and all work that they consider necessary to restore to a safe condition such County road
right-of-way or other County property left by the Permittee or its agents in a condition
dangerous to life or property, and the Permittee,upon demand, shall pay to the County all costs
of such work.
Permittee expressly agrees and understands that,with regard to Work within the road rights-of-
A. All of Permittee's utility facilities and Work within the road rights-of-way or other
County property shall be performed in compliance with the provisions of Title 12 MCC, the
Manual, the administrative regulations adopted by the County Engineer, other
County-established requirements for placement of utility facilities in road rights-of-way,
including the specific location of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way, and all applicable
laws,rules,regulations and ordinances;
B. In preparing plans and specifications for the Work the Permittee shall use the
Manual. Prior to commencement of any Work, Permittee shall submit such plans and
specifications to the County Engineer for review and approval together with the adequate
exhibit depicting the existing or proposed location of the utility facility in relation to the road,
including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned road revisions, if
applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover.(including
the proposed method of protection) or other locational standards that are anticipated;
C. All Work subject to this Permit shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere,
other than in ways approved by the County, with the construction, operation and maintenance
of other utilities,public or private,drains,drainage ditches and structures,irrigation ditches and
structures,located therein,nor with the grading or improvements of such County roads,rights-
of-way or other County property;
D. The owners and operators of all utility facilities (public or private) installed in the
Permit Area or other county property prior in time to the utility facilities of the Permittee, shall
have preference as to the alignment and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the
Permittee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing
the grade of any such county road or right-of-way;
E. Permittee shall perform the Work and operate its utility facilities in a manner that
minimizes interference with the use of the road rights-of-way by others, including others that
may be installing utility facilities; and
F. The County may require that Permittee's utility facilities be installed at a particular
time, at a specific place, or in a particular manner as a condition of access to a particular road
or road right-of-way;may deny access if a Permittee is not willing to comply with the County's
requirements; and may remove, or require removal of, any utility facility that is not installed in
compliance with the requirements established by the County, or which is installed without prior
County approval of the time, place, or manner of installation and charge the Permittee for all
the costs associated with removal; and may require.Permittee to cooperate with others to
minimize adverse impacts on the road and road rights-of-way through joint trenching and other
G. The County may inspect the utility facilities at any time reasonable under the
circumstances to ensure compliance with this Permit and applicable law, including to ensure
that the private line utility facilities are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. If an
unsafe condition is found to exist, the County, in addition to taking any other action permitted
under applicable law, may order the Permittee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and
alterations specified therein forthwith to correct the unsafe condition on a time-table established
by the County which is reasonable in light of the unsafe condition. The County has the right to
correct, inspect, administer, and repair the unsafe condition if the Licensee fails to do so, and
to charge the Permittee therefor. The right of the County to conduct such inspections and order
or make repairs shall not be construed to create an obligation therefore, and such obligation to
construct and maintain its utility facilities in a safe condition shall at all times remain the sole
obligation of the Permittee.
H. When required by the County, Permittee shall make information available to the
public regarding any Work involving the ongoing installation, construction, adjustment,
relocation, repair or maintenance of its utility facilities sufficient to show (1)the nature of the
work being performed; (2)where it is being performed; (3)its estimated completion date; and
(4)progress to completion.
underground work, Pen- ittee will contact the appropriate personnel to have such facilities
located and make arrangements as to protective measures that must be adhered to prior to the
commencement of any work within the road and road rights-of-way. In addition to the liability
terms elsewhere in this Agreement, Permittee shall indemnify and hold the County and its
elected and appointed officers, employees and agents harmless against and from all cost,
liability, and expense whatsoever(including,without limitation, attorney's fees and court costs
and expenses) arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or omission of Permittee,
its contractor, agents and/or employees,that cause or in any way or degree contribute to(1) any
damage to or destruction of any such facilities by Permittee, and/or its contractor, agents and/or
employees, on the County's property, (2) any injury to or death of any person employed by or
on behalf of any entity, and/or its contractor, agents and/or employees, on the road rights-of-
way, and/or (3) any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue, or loss of
service,by a customer or user of services or products of such company(ies).
J. Permittee shall continuously be a member of the State of Washington one number
locator service under RCW 19.122, or an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all such
applicable rules and regulations.
K. Except in the event of emergency as described below, Permittee and its agents may
not enter upon the permit area to perform work for which a utility permit is required,unless and
except upon two-business days' notice to the County Engineer.
L. In the event of an emergency involving the threat of imminent harm to persons or
property, and for purposes of taking immediate corrective action, Permittee and its agents may
enter the Permit Area without advance notice to the County as long as such entry is for the sole
purpose of addressing the emergency; provided however, that if any entry for such purposes
would require issuance of a utility permit,Permittee shall give the County verbal or telephonic
notice of the places where and the manner. in which entry is required prior to such entry,
promptly followed by written notice. In all cases, notice to the County shall be given as far in
advance as practical prior to entry or as soon as practicable after entry upon the road right-of-
M. Permittee shall promptly reimburse the County for its reasonable and direct costs
incurred in responding to an emergency that is caused,created by or attributable to the presence,
construction,maintenance,repair,or operation of Permittee's utility facilities in the road rights-
N. If, during any Work, Permittee or its agents discover scientific or historic artifacts,
Permittee or its agents shall immediately notify the County of said discovery and shall protect
such artifacts in a manner as specified by the County. Any such artifact shall be the property
of the County if the County wishes to own it.
All Work done under this Permit shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner. In the
performance of any Work, including without limitation, the opening of trenches and the
tunneling under county roads, right-of way or other county property, the Permittee shall leave
such trenches, ditches and tunnels in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with public
travel and shall take all due and necessary precautions to guard the same, so that damage or
injury shall not occur or arise by reason of such Work; and where any of such trenches, ditches
and tunnels are left open at night,the Permittee shall place warning lights,barricades and other
appropriate protective devices at such a position as to give adequate warning of such Work.
The Permittee shall be liable for any injury to person or persons or damage to property sustained
arising out of its carelessness or neglect, or through any failure or neglect to properly guard or
give warning of any trenches, ditches or tunnels dug or maintained by the Permittee.
The County,in granting this Permit,does not waive any rights which it now has or may hereafter
acquire with respect to county roads, rights-of-way or other county property and this Permit
shall not be construed to deprive the county of any powers, rights or privileges which it now
has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the county roads,right-of-way
and other county property covered by this Permit. The County retains the right to administer
and regulate activities of the Permittee up to the fullest extent of the law. The failure to reserve
a particular right to regulate, or reference a particular regulation, shall not be interpreted by
negative implication or otherwise to prevent the application of a regulation to the Permittee.
Permittee shall,in the course of any Work, comply with the following requirements:
A. The Permittee shall,by a time specified by the County,protect,support,temporarily
disconnect, relocate, or remove any of its utility facilities when required by the County by
reason of traffic conditions; public safety; road right-of-way construction; road right-of-way
repair (including resurfacing or widening); change of road right-of-way grade; construction,
installation, or repair of County-owned sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines,
tracks, communications system, other public work, public facility, or improvement of any
government-owned utility; road right-of-way vacation; or for any other purpose where the
County work involved would be aided by the removal or relocation of the utility facilities.
Collectively, such matters are referred to below as the "public work."
Permittee acknowledges and understands that any delay by Permittee in performing the above
described work may delay, hinder,,or interfere with the work performed by the County and its
contractors and subcontractors done in furtherance of such Public Work and result in damage
to the County, including but not limited to, delay claims. Permittee shall cooperate with the
County and its contractors and subcontractors to coordinate such Permittee work to
accommodate the Public Work project and project schedules to avoid delay, hindrance of, or
interference with the Public Work. The County shall make available to the Permittee a copy of
the Six Year Transportation Program and the County's annual construction program after
adoption each year. It is anticipated these programs will aid the Permittee in planning
construction programs.
B. Permittee has.a duty to protect its utility facilities from work performed by the
County within the road rights-of-way. The rights granted to the Permittee herein do not
preclude the County, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and agents from blasting,
grading, excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to Permittee's utility
facilities; providing that, the Permittee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours
notice of said blasting or other work in order that the Permittee may protect its utility facilities.
C. In the event of an emergency, or where the utility facility creates or is contributing
to an imminent danger to health, safety, or property, the County may protect, support,
temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate any or all parts of the utility facility without prior
notice, and charge the Permittee for costs incurred.
D. If any Person that is authorized to place facilities in the road right of way requests
the Permittee to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate the Permittee's
utility facilities to accommodate the construction, operation, or repair of the facilities of such
other person,the Permittee shall, after 30 days' advance written notice,take action to effect the
necessary changes requested; provided that, if such project is related to or competes with
Permittee's service, or if the effect of such changes would be to permanently deprive Permittee
of the beneficial enjoyment of this Permit for its intended purposes through interference with
the operation of Permittee's utility facilities or otherwise, Permittee shall not be required to
relocate its utility facilities. Unless the matter is governed by a valid contract or a state or
federal law or regulation, or unless the Permittee's utility facilities were not properly installed,
the reasonable cost of the same shall be borne by the Person requesting the protection, support,
temporary disconnection,removal, or relocation at no charge to the County, even if the County
makes the request for such action.
E. The Permittee shall, on the request of any person holding a valid permit issued by a
governmental authority, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings
or other objects. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall
be paid by the person requesting the same.
The County of Mason will accept liability for direct and actual damages to said Permittee that
are the result of the negligence of Mason County, its trustees, officers, employees, contractors,
subcontractors or agents while performing County improvement or Public Works projects
enumerated in Section VIII, paragraph B. Direct and actual damages are specifically limited
to physical damage to properly installed and located infrastructure of the Permittee and the cost
to repair such physical damage. Mason County retains the right to assert all applicable defenses
in the event of a dispute including contributory_negligence on the part_of the Permittee. Mason
County shall in no way be liable for incidental damages claimed to arise from such actions.
All Work to be performed by the Permittee under this section shall pass the inspection of the
County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs.of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work.
Before any Work is performed under this permit which may affect any existing monuments or
markers of any nature relating to subdivisions,plats,roads and all other surveys, the Permittee
shall reference all such monuments and markers. The reference points shall be so located that
they will not be disturbed during the Permittee's Work and operations under this Permit. The
method of referencing these monuments or other points to be referenced shall be approved by
the County Engineer. The replacement of all such monuments or markers disturbed during
construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit in accordance with RCW 58.24
and WAC 332-120, and as directed by the County Engineer. The cost of monuments or other
markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expense of replacement by approved monuments
shall be borne by the Permittee.
A complete set of reference notes for monument and other ties shall be filed with the office of
the Mason County Engineer.
If at any time the County shall vacate any County road or right-of-way or other County Property
which is subject to rights granted by this Permit and said vacation shall be for the purpose of
acquiring the fee or other property interest in said road or right-of-way for the use of the County,
in either its proprietary or governmental capacity, then the Board of Mason County
Commissioners may, at its option,and by giving thirty(30)days written notice to the Permittee,
terminate this Permit with reference to such county road right-of-way or other County property
so vacated, and the County of Mason shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Permittee
by reason of such termination. It has been the practice of Mason County to reserve easements
for utilities at the time of road vacation, and will continue to be the practice until such time the
Board of Mason County Commissioners direct a change of practice.
A. Insurance It is intended that the following insurance requirements shall apply to the
person performing the Work in the road right-of-way. Permittee and Permittee's contractors
shall not perform or cause to be performed any Work, unless and until Permittee(to the extent
Permittee performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) or its contractors (to the extent
Permittee's contractor performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) provide certificates
of insurance evidencing that Permittee or Permittee's contractors are in compliance with the
following requirements, including,maintaining insurance in at least in the following amounts:
1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY insurance to cover liability,
bodily injury, and property damage. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be
written on an occurrence basis, with an aggregate limit location endorsement for the Permit
Area, and shall provide coverage for any and all costs,including defense costs, and losses and
damages resulting from personal injury, bodily injury and death, property damage, products
liability and completed operations arising out of the Work. Coverage must be written with the
following limits of liability:
Bodily and Personal In M&Property Damage
$ 1,000,000 per Occurrence
$ 2,000,000 aggregate
2 WORKERS'COMPENSATION insurance shall be maintained by Permittee's
contractor to comply with statutory limits for all employees, and in the case any work is sublet,
the contractor shall require its subcontractors similarly to provide workers' compensation
insurance for all the employees.
3. COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY insurance shall include owned,
hired, and non-owned vehicles on an occurrence basis with coverage of at least $500,000 per
The required insurance shall be maintained from the time that Work in the road right-of-way
commences until the Work is complete and the utility permit issued for said Work has been
released by the County Engineer, or his or her designee.
If the Permittee or its contractors and subcontractors do not have the required insurance, the
County may require such entities to stop operations until the insurance is obtained and
Permittee shall, or shall cause its contractors to, file with the application for a utility permit,
certificates of insurance reflecting evidence of the required insurance in a form and content
approved by the County's Risk Manager. All coverage shall be listed on one certificate with
the same expiration dates.
The certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under these policies will not
be canceled until at least 30 days'prior written notice has been given to the County.
In the event that the insurance certificate provided indicates that the insurance shall terminate
or lapse during the period of the Work, then, in that event, the Permittee shall furnish, at least
days prior to the expiration of the date of such insurance, a renewed certificate of insurance as
proof that equal and like coverage has been or will be obtained prior to any such lapse or
termination during the balance of the period of the Permit.
The County reserves the right, during the term of the Permit, to require any other insurance
coverage or adjust the policy limits as it deems reasonably necessary utilizing sound risk
management practices and principals based upon the loss exposures.
Each insurance policy required pursuant to this Permit shall be primary and non-contributing
as respects any coverage maintained by the County and shall include an endorsement reflecting
the same. Any other coverage maintained by County shall be excess of this coverage herein
defined as primary and shall not contribute with it. The certificate of insurance must reflect
that the above wording is included in all such policies.
Each insurance policy obtained pursuant to this Permit shall be issued by financially sound
insurers who may lawfully do business in the State of Washington with a financial rating at all
times during coverage of no less than rating of"A" and a class of"X" or better in the latest
edition of`Best's Key Rating Guide"published by A.M.Best Company,or such other financial
rating or rating guide approved in writing by the County's risk manager. In the event that at
any time during coverage, the insurer does not meet the foregoing standards, Permittee shall
give or shall cause its contractors to give prompt notice to the County and shall seek coverage
from an insurer that meets the foregoing standards. The County reserves the right to change
the rating or the rating guide depending upon the changed risks or availability of other suitable
and reliable rating guides.
Comprehensive general liability insurance policies and coverage obtained pursuant to this
Permit shall include an endorsement (standard ISO form CG 24-17) deleting all exclusions
for work or incidents occurring within any distance from a railroad track or railroad property,
or on, over, or under a railroad track.
Insurance policies required pursuant to this Permit shall have no non-standard exclusions unless
approved of by the County Risk Manager or designee.
Commercial general liability insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Permit shall name the
County as an additional insured without,limitation,pursuant to an endorsement approved of by
the County's Risk Manager or designee.
Permittee or Permittee's Contractors' insurers, through policy endorsement, shall waive their
rights of subrogation against the County for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance
must reflect this waiver of subrogation rights endorsement.
B. Contractor Bond. All contractors performing Work on behalf of Permittee shall
be licensed and bonded.
C. Limitation of Liability. to the fullest extent permitted by law, permittee shall, and
shall cause its contractor(s) only as to subsection (9)below, to release, indemnify, defend and
hold harmless the county and the county's legal representatives,officers(elected or appointed),
employees and agents (collectively, "indemnitees") for, from and against any and all claims,
liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands,
judgments and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs, attorneys' fees, and costs
of investigation,removal and remediation and governmental oversight costs),environmental or
otherwise(collectively"liabilities") of any nature,kind,or description, of any person or entity,
directly or indirectly, arising out of,resulting from, or related to (in whole or in part):
1. this permit;
2. any rights or interests granted pursuant to this permit;
3. permittee's occupation and use of the road right of way;
4. permittee's operation of its utility facilities;
5. the presence of utility facilities within the right of way;
6. the environmental condition and status of the road right-of-way caused by,
aggravated by, or contributed to, in whole or in part,by permittee or its agents; or
7. the acts, errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the,installation,
construction, adjustment,relocation, replacement,removal, or maintenance of such third-party
utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of
the operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; or
8. any act or omission of permittee or permittee's agents; or
9. any act or omission of contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors
when arising out of the work.
Even if such liabilities arise from or are attributed to,in whole or in part, any negligence of any
indemnitee. The only liabilities with respect to which permittee's obligation to indemnify the
indemnitees does not apply are liabilities to the extent proximately caused by the sole
negligence or intentional misconduct of an indemnitee or for liabilities that by law the
indemnitees cannot be indemnified for.
Upon written notice from the county, permittee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or
other proceeding brought against any indemnitee by any entity,relating to any matter covered
by this permit for which permittee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold
harmless any indemnitee. Permittee shall pay all costs incident to such defense, including,but
not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation and appeal expenses, settlement
payments and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. Permittee will fully satisfy said
judgment within ninety(90) days after said suit or action shall have finally been determined if
determined adversely to mason county. upon the permittee's failure to satisfy said judgment
within the ninety(90) day period, this permit shall at once cease and terminate and the county
of mason shall have a lien upon permittee's utility facilities and all other facilities used in the
construction, operation and maintenance of the permittee's utility system which may be
enforced against the property for the full amount of any such judgment so taken against any of
the indemnitees
Acceptance by the County of any Work performed by the Permittee at the time of completion
shall not be grounds for avoidance of this covenant.
This Permit shall not be deemed to be an exclusive Permit. It shall in no manner prohibit the
County of Mason from granting rights to other utilities under, along, across, over and upon any
of the County roads, rights-of-way or other County property subject to this Permit and shall in
no way prevent or prohibit the County of Mason from constructing, altering, maintaining or
using any of said roads rights-of-way, drainage structures or facilities, irrigation structures or
facilities, or any other county property or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them
with full power to make all necessary changes,relocations,repairs,maintenance, etc.,the same
as the County may deem fit.
All the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding
upon the successors and assigns of the Permittee and all privileges, as well as all obligations
and liability of the Permittee, shall inure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were
specifically mentioned wherever the Permittee is mentioned. Any reference in this Permit to a
specifically named parry shall be deemed to apply to any successor, heir, administrator,
executor or assign of such party who has acquired its interest in compliance with the terms of
this Permit or under law.
Permittee may assign or transfer this Permit by contacting the County of Mason to obtain an
Assignment Agreement. The Agreement must be signed and delivered back to the County of
Mason. Assignees shall thereafter be responsible for all obligations of Permittee with respect
to the Permit and guaranteeing performance under the terms and conditions of the Permit and
that transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the Permit and will assume all the
obligations of its predecessor. Such an assignment shall relieve the Permittee of any further
obligations under the Permit, including any obligations not fulfilled by Permittee's assignee;
provided that, the assignment shall not in any respect relieve the Permittee, or any of its
successors in interest, of responsibility for acts or omissions, known or unknown, or the
consequences thereof, which acts or omissions occur prior to the time of the assignment. No
Permit may be assigned or transferred without filing or establishing with the county the
insurance certificates, security fund and performance bond as may be required pursuant to this
Whenever any of the County road rights-of-way or other county property as designated in this
Permit,by reason of the subsequent incorporation of any town or city,or extension of the limits
of any town or city, shall fall within the city or town limits; then, except to the extent allowed
by law, this Permit shall terminate in respect to the said roads, rights-of-way or other county
property so included with city or town limits; but this Permit shall continue in force and effect
to all county road rights-of-way or other county property not so included in city or town limits.
A. Term. This Permit shall commence upon acceptance by the Permittee as provided
at Section XVIII herein and continue in PERPETUITY until terminated or otherwise
superseded by a subsequent franchise, private line utility occupancy permit, master road use
permit or other agreement of the Parties. In the event that it is determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction that, as a matter or law, the term provided for herein is unlawful, this
Permit shall be deemed to have a term for the maximum period allowed by law, and if no such
maximum period is readily and easily capable of being identified, for a term of no longer than
fifty(50) years.
B. Termination by County. Permittee has elected to obtain a Permit in lieu of a
franchise agreement. Permittee understands and agrees that,unlike a franchise,this Permit may
be terminated by the County with or without cause. This means that the County is not required
to have or provide a reason for the termination and that the County may terminate this Permit
in its sole discretion without penalty to the County and regardless of whether or not Permittee
is or is not in default; provided that, the County may not terminate this Permit for a reason that
is unlawful. The Parties agree that the only condition of termination by the County of this
Permit is that the County must give not less than ninety(90)days written notice to the Permittee
of termination. The County Engineer is authorized to exercise the right of the County to
terminate this Permit.
C. Termination upon Transfer/Assignment/Conveyance. This Permit shall automatically
terminate upon: (1) assignment of the Permit without the prior written consent of the County
in substantially the form of an Assignment Agreement(obtained by request), (2)transfer of
the utility facilities located with the Permit Area without prior written notice to the County
and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit, (3) conveyance of the real property or
any part thereof benefited by the installation and operation of the utility facilities without
prior written notice to the County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit, or
(4)use of the utility facilities for the benefit of persons other than the owner/operator in a
manner that no longer constitutes a de-minimis use of the road right-of-way.
D. Termination upon Removal of Utility Facilities. This Permit and all of the rights,
duties and obligations contained herein, shall terminate upon removal of all Permittee utility
facilities from the road right-of-way or abandonment and de-commissioning in place to the
reasonable satisfaction of and in the manner approved by the County Engineer and restoration
of the road right-of way to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.
E. Effect of Termination. On or before the effective date of termination or as otherwise
mutually agreed to by the Parties, Permittee shall remove its utility facilities from the road
rights-of-way and restore the road rights-of-way to the reasonable satisfaction of the.County
Engineer. In lieu of removal, the County Engineer may authorize abandonment in place and
de-commissioning of the utility facilities in the manner approved by and to the reasonable
satisfaction of the County Engineer. In the event that the Permittee fails to timely and
completely perform such work, the County may perform or complete such work at the cost of
the Permittee and Permittee shall be obligated to reimburse the County for such work within 30
days of invoice by the County.
F. Remedies. In addition to the right of the County to terminate this Permit,the County
has the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies, singly or in combination, in the
event of Default. "Default" shall mean any failure of Permittee or its agents to keep, observe
or perform any of Permittee's or its agent's duties or obligations under this Permit:
1. Damages. Permittee shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by
2. Specific Performance. County shall be entitled to specific performance of
each and every obligation of Permittee under this Permit without any requirement to prove or
establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Permittee hereby waives the
requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate
remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder.
3. Injunction. County shall be entitled to restrain, by injunction, the actual or
threatened commission or attempt of an Event of Default and to obtain a judgment or order
specifically prohibiting a violation or breach of this Permit agreement without, in either case,
being required to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law.
Permittee hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County
would not have an adequate remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default
4. Alternative Remedies. Neither the existence of other remedies identified in
this Permit nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed to bar or otherwise limit the right of the
County to commence an action for equitable or other relief and/or proceed against Permittee
and any guarantor for all direct monetary damages, costs and expenses arising from the Default
and to recover all such damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
Remedies are cumulative; the exercise of one shall not foreclose the exercise of others.
The County reserves for itself the right at any time upon ninety(90) days written notice to the
Permittee, to so change, amend, modify or amplify any of the provisions or conditions herein
enumerated to conform to any state statute or county regulation,relating to the public welfare,
health, safety or highway regulation, as may hereafter be enacted, adopted or promulgated.
Permittee shall execute and return to County a signed acceptance of the Permit granted
hereunder. The acceptance shall be in the form of the acceptance attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", and in accepting the Permit, Permittee warrants that it has carefully read the terms and
conditions of this Permit and accepts all of the terms and conditions of this Permit and agrees
to abide by the same and acknowledges that it has relied upon its own investigation of all
relevant facts, that it has had the assistance of counsel or an opportunity to have assistance of
counsel, that it was not induced to accept a Permit, that this Permit represents the entire
agreement between the Permittee and the County. In the event the Permittee fails to submit the
acceptance as provided for herein within the time limits set forth in this section,the grant herein
is and shall become null and void.
The Parties agree that a"Memorandum of Permit" in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit"A",shall be filed for record with the Office of the Mason County Auditor upon written
acceptance by the Permittee. The cost and expense of such filing shall be borne by the Permittee
if not already included in the fee for issuance of this Permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
this Permit is not intended nor shall it be construed to create an interest in land or constitute the
grant or conveyance of a real property interest by the County to the Permittee. The requirements
of this Section XIX are intended solely to provide notice of the existence of this Permit and the
terms and conditions there under, including inter-alia, the limitations upon assignment of the
Permit. Permittee shall at the time of its acceptance of this Permit identify the assessor's tax
number of the parcel or parcels benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such
parcel to be included in the Memorandum of Permit.
A. Controlling Law/Venue. Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation
of any of the provisions of this Permit shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
Venue of any action or arbitration brought under this Permit shall be in Mason County,
Washington or the Western District of Washington if an action is brought in federal court,
provided;however,that venue of such action is legally proper.
B. Liens. Permittee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of
any Work done, suffered or permitted to be done by Permittee on any Permit area.
C. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any provision of this Permit shall in any way
impair the right of such party to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach, or either
party's right to enforce all other provisions of this Permit.
D.Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret
the terms of this Permit, the substantially prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to
reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to
which such Party or Parties may be entitled.
E. Amendment. This Permit may be amended only by a written contract signed by
authorized representatives of Permittee and County of Mason.
F. Severability. If any provision of this Permit is held to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision will be fully severable and this
Permit will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is
not a part hereof, and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In
lieu of any illegal,invalid or unenforceable provision herein,there will be added automatically
as a part of this Permit, a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or
unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal,valid and enforceable.
G. Joint and Several Liability. Permittee acknowledges that, in any case in which
Permittee and Permittee's contractors are responsible under the terms of this Permit, such
responsibility is joint and several as between Permittee and any such Permittee's contractors;
provided that, the Permittee is not prohibited from allocating such liability as a matter of
H. Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted to be given under this
Permit shall be sufficient if it is in writing and is sent either by: (a)registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested; or(b) a nationally recognized overnight mail delivery service, to the
Party and at the address specified below, except as such Party and address may be changed by
providing no less than thirty(30) days' advance written notice of such change in address.
Permittee: Lettuce Loaf, LLC
3205 63rd Ave NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Attn: Gail R. Otto, Manager
Grantor: Mason County Public Works
100 W Public Works Drive
Shelton,WA 98584
I. Approvals. Nothing in this Permit shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation
upon the County to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Permittee's plans and
specifications or to ascertain whether Permittee's proposed or actual construction, installation,
testing, maintenance, repairs, replacement, relocation, adjustment or removal is adequate or
sufficient or in conformance with the plans and specifications reviewed by the County. No
approval given, inspection made, review or supervision performed by the County pursuant to
this Permit shall constitute or be construed as a representation or warranty express or implied
by County that such item approved, inspected, or supervised, complies with laws, rules
regulations or ordinances or this Permit or meets any particular standard, code or requirement,
or is in conformance with the plans and specifications, and no liability shall attach with respect
thereto. County and inspections as provided herein, are for the sole purpose of protecting the
County's rights as the owner and manager of the road rights-of-way and shall not constitute any
representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the adequacy of the design, construction,
repair, or maintenance of the utility facilities, suitability of the permit area for construction,
maintenance, or repair of the utility facilities, or any obligation on the part of the County to
insure that work or materials are in compliance with any requirements imposed by a
governmental entity. County is under no obligation or duty to supervise the design,
construction,installation,relocation,adjustment,realignment,maintenance,repair,or operation
of the utility facilities.
J. Force Majeure. Neither Party hereto shall be liable to the other Party for any failure
to perform an obligation set forth herein to the extent such failure is caused by war, act of
terrorism or an act of God, provided that such Party has made and is making all reasonable
efforts to perform such obligation and minimize any and all resulting loss or damage.
K. Construction. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to
the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or Parties may
require. The provisions of this Permit shall be construed as a whole according to their common
meaning, except where specifically defined herein, not strictly for or against any party and
consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes
of this Permit.
L. Incorporation by Reference. All exhibits annexed hereto at the time of execution of
this Permit or in the future as contemplated herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as
though fully set forth herein.
M. Calculation of Time. All periods of time referred to herein shall include Saturdays,
Sundays, and legal holidays in the State of Washington, except that if the last day of any period
falls on any Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington, the period shall be
extended to include the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State
of Washington.
N. Entire Agreement. This Permit is the full and complete agreement of County and
Permittee with respect to all matters covered herein and all matters related to the use of the
Area by Permittee and Permittee's Contractors, and this Permit supersedes any and all other
agreements of the Parties hereto with respect to all such matters, including, without limitation,
all agreements evidencing the Permit.
O. No Recourse. Without limiting such immunities as the County or other persons may
have under applicable law, Permittee shall have no monetary recourse whatsoever against the
County or its officials, boards, commissions, agents, or employees for any loss or damage
arising out of the County's exercising its authority pursuant to this Permit or other applicable
P. Responsibility for Costs. Except as expressly provided otherwise, any act that
Permittee is required to perform under this Permit shall be performed at its cost. If Permittee
fails to perform work that it is required to perform within the time provided for performance,
the County may perform the work and bill the Permittee. The Permittee shall pay the amounts
billed within 30 days.
Q. Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Work by contractors and subcontractors
are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the Work was performed
by the Permittee. The Permittee shall be responsible for all Work performed by its contractors
and subcontractors, and others performing Work on its behalf, under its control, or under
authority of its utility permit, as if the work were performed by it and shall ensure that all such
work is performed in compliance with this Permit, Title 12 MCC, the Manual and other
applicable law, and shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages and correcting all
damage caused by them. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that contractors,
subcontractors, or other Persons performing work on the Permittee's behalf are familiar with
the requirements of the Permit,Title 12 MCC,the Manual, and other applicable laws governing
the work performed by them and further, for ensuring that such contractors and subcontractors
maintain insurance as required herein.
R. Survival of Terms. Upon the termination of the Permit,the Permittee shall no longer
have the right to occupy the Permit area. However, the Permittee's obligations under this
Permit to the County shall survive the termination of these rights according to its terms for so
long as the Permittee's utility facilities shall remain in whole or in part in the road rights-of-
way, except to the extent the County Engineer has approved abandonment in place. By way of
illustration and not limitation, Permittee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
the County, provide insurance and a performance/payment bond pursuant to Section XI and
Permittee's obligation to relocate its utility facilities pursuant to Section VIII, shall continue in
effect as to the Permittee, notwithstanding any termination of the Permit, except to the extent
that a County-approved transfer, sale, or assignment of the utility system is completed, and
another entity has assumed full and complete responsibility for the utility facilities or for the
relevant acts or omissions.
DATED at Shelton,Washington this day of 22020.
Approved as to form:
Vice Chair
;Chiefl. A.
County of Mason
100 West Public Works Drive
Shelton WA 98584
Attn: County Engineer
Title: Lettuce Loaf,LLC Private Line Occupancy Permit
Grantor: COUNTY OF MASON, a legal subdivision of the state of Washington
Grantee: Lettuce Loaf, LLC
Description of Franchise Area: SEE EXHIBIT A-3
Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit effective ,2019.
F*�cCast 0-th am/eut-the W A.V\ar40-V ofparcel(s) 222 —5(—dtc�ics
a,nA, 3222i._5(.-6L6 t( and Uwe-am/afe the(Operator and)or(representative
authorized to)accept.Permit on behalf of l-EkALkce'L.&gf,LLC I/we certify that this
Permit and all terms and conditions thereof are accepted by L-LIC without
qualification or reservation and guarantee performance hereunder. 1/WC certify that,to the
best of my/,aw luiowledge,the assessor's tax identification number of the parcel or parcels
benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such parcel are as described in the
attached under Permit Exhibit`B".
DATED this N1 clay of ,L-A,VA ,2019.
Lpatt;a,C q, f -,-,q- LAG
Title: WlrarnUa ��
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ��� ' is the
person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument,on oath
stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the
M A nZAA zY of the L.e`giAee Lgaf� L i—C— to be the free and voluntary
act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Notary Publi j�
lalofial]�fl31 it- � Print Name T�t
M `l
State of Wa�sliri~ng4®ffi y commission expires
JULY 10,2021
A- 1
THIS MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT is dated as of the_day of ,2020
between the County of Mason, a legal subdivision of the state of Washington("County") and
John M. Drake(Permittee").
1. Property. County has, pursuant to Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit
granted to Permittee, the right, revocable at the will of the County, to use and occupy certain
road rights-of-way for the construction, installation, adjustment,maintenance,removal,repair,
relocation and operation of Permitfee's utility facilities for the benefit of the herein described
Property, upon the terms and conditions of that certain permit agreement between the parties
accepted the day of , 2020 (the"Permit"), which terms and conditions are
incorporated herein by this reference. The property to be benefited by this permit is situated in
the Mason County, Washington, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto (herein called
the"Property"). The road right-of-way permit area("Permit Area")is also described in attached
Exhibit A.
2. Term. The term of the Permit is in perpetuity unless terminated.
3. Termination. County in its sole discretion may terminate all or part of the Permit
with or without cause upon no less than ninety (90) days written notice to the Permittee.
Further, this Permit will automatically terminate upon assignment without the prior written
consent of the County, or upon transfer of the Property without the prior written consent of the
County to an assignment of the Permit or upon transfer of all or part of the utility facilities
located in the Permit Area without the prior written consent of the County to an assignment of
the Permit.
4. Purpose of Memorandum of Permit. This memorandum of permit is prepared
for the purpose of recordation and notice and in no way modifies the Permit and is in no way
intended to or should be construed to create or convey an interest in land or the road right-of-
DATED this day of ,2020
3 ngin�er-
T rove as-te_f,orm:
-. Chief D.P.A'.
Pennit:.Area Map
3222:451010.1.0 !
�G 9541 N E:NORTH:
3 2_22�}5 I:O:.10.
3 Z22 451.01010
32224.51o;ioo€ EXHIBIT A.; 0541 NE NORTHSHORE ROAD
QR1tiI ,Mt. M
Permit Area.Map
32224�2:O10D9 '
951 NE NORTH: ..
3222�510.10.1.�: .
3.2z:24!! Ql00s,;EX 4IB[T A 95
0 25. 50:.
FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: October 26 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
X Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Special Market Value Purchase of two bucket trucks
Public Works is looking to acquire two (2) bucket trucks for the road crew to use for
cutting back overhead vegetation to reduce taller vehicles from striking overhanging
limbs, improve sight distance around curves/intersections and work along critical
hillside roadway structures. This cannot be done with current equipment on hand.
Public Works has been researching the costs and have found a 2018 and 2019 F550
Bucket Truck at discounted prices.
Budget Impacts:
These bucket truck typically cost $120,000/each plus tax. Public Works is able to
currently procure two bucket trucks, a 2018 for $102,493.68 plus taxes and a 2019
$107,518.00 plus taxes, saving the County approximately $18,000 on each.
The purchases would be covered in the current 2020 Road Fund budget.
Recommend the Board of County Commissioners authorize Public Works to procure
two F550 bucket trucks as special market value purchases.
1. Resolution
2. Justification Form
3. Nelson Truck Equipment Company, Inc. Quote
WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280 (1) (b), allows for exceptions from standard bidding procedures
based on special market conditions and sole source findings for qualifying purchases; and
WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of two (2) bucket trucks
in the 2020 budget; and
WHEREAS,the County Purchasing Policy requires a resolution to waive bidding requirements over
WHEREAS,the identified equipment fits the specific needs of the County and is available at a
very favorable price that may be sold before the County could complete a formal bidding process;
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows:
Section 1. RCW 39.04.280 authorizes the Board to waive standard competitive bidding requirements
for the purchase of equipment where "special market conditions" exist for procurement of the equipment.
To the extent any bidding requirements apply to the purchase of the equipment, in light of findings of
fact set forth herein, the Board finds that special market conditions under RCW 39.04.280(b) exist and
that all bidding requirements (if any) are hereby waived for the purchase of the specified bucket trucks.
Section 2. Special market conditions include:
a) A 2018 and 2019 Ford F550 84CA 6.7L Diesel Bucket Truck are being offered at a very
favorable price to Mason County.
b) The Bucket Trucks may be sold by the providers before the County could complete a formal
bid process.
c) The equipment is needed for a specific required purpose and is suitable to the unique needs
of the Public Works Department. No other equipment has been found at the pricing that
meets the needs and budget at this-time.
Section 3.
a) The purchase of(1) 2018 Ford F550 84CA 6.71- Diesel Bucket Truck in the amount of
$102,493.68, plus taxes from Nelson Truck Equipment Company, Inc. is hereby approved.
b) The purchase of(1) 2019 Ford F550 84CA 6.71- Diesel Bucket Truck in the amount of
$107,518.00, plus taxes title/document fees from Versalift NW is hereby approved.
ADOPTED this day of 2020
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair
Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
r OY
Date: October 19,2020
Department:Public Works Department Contact:Mike Collins.Ext.452
Recommended Vendor: Nelson Truck Equipment Company,Inc.
Address:6309 NE Columbia Drive Phone:503.572.7103
Cost Estimate: $102,493.68
Describe the item requested and its function:2018 Ford F550 Bucket Truck
Recommended Vendor: VERSALIFT
Address:3770 Brooklake Road NE Phone:971.940.8924
Cost Estimate:$107,518
Describe the item requested and its function:2019 Ford F550 Bucket Truck
1. Check the reasons for the sole source request:
❑ Sole Source:No other items are known to exist which performs the same function
❑ Special Design:Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation
❑ Consultant:Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability
❑ Proprietary:Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright
❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has
established a standard.
® Special Market Value:The vendors are the holder of a 2018 and 2019 Ford F550 bucket truck that
represents a good value and fits specific needs of the department.
3. Is this product available from other sources? ®Yes ❑ No
4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors?
A very favorable price for the trucks that saves the county approx.$36 000 compared to newer models.
5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used?
® Yes ❑ No
If yes,please explain modifications and potential costs: Buying new would cost the county approximately
$120 000/each It would be in the county's best financial interest to take advantage of these immediate
purchasing opportunities and acquire the 2018 and 2019 bucket truck.
6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or;fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price
is reasonable and a fair value.
7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere?
❑ Other brands manufactures were examined.Provide a list of phone numbers and names and
explain why these did not meet the requirement:
❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements.Provide a list of companies and
phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements:
® Other,please explain:The County looked for other new bucket trucks that were available. The County
could not find any others available at the same pricing.
My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service
required and appears to be in the best interest of the County.I know of no conflict of interest on my part or
personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities,favors or compromising action have
taken place.Neither has my personal familiarity w th particular brands,types of equipment,materials or
firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known
suppliers to exist.
Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: "" ` Date: �� ��
Nelson Truck Equipment Co Inc REVISED NO. 9/24/2020
6309 NE Columbia Drive
503 572 7103
Quote To Date
Mason Co Public Works 912412020
100 W Public Works Drive Contact Person John Seelke
Shelton,WA 98584 Salesman John See/ke
Attention:Jeremy Seymour
CHASSIS INFO: 12018 FORD F550 84CA 6.7L DIESEL 4X2 PTO Provision
Estimated Shipping Date F.O.B. Terms
3% 15 DAYS/NET 30 DAYS
Available Immediately Portland, Oregon location DUE ON PICKUP
ID# Qty Item ID IDescription Unit Price I Ext Price
350 LB Bucket Capacity, -2 To 81 Degrees Articulating
Boom Travel, -25 To 78 degrees Main Boom Travel
16 1 D4783 HITCH, PIN
19 1 D60224 PTO & PUMP, CLASS 5
26 1 501-2147 ASSEMBLY; 10" BELTING STEP
31 1 501-0032-KHS KNAPHEIDE- BASE 132" BODY
Knapheide Utility Body Model 6131 D54
131.25" Overall Length
54" Floor Width
40"Side Compartment Height
20"Side Compartment Depth
24" Floor Height
Street Side Compartments
1 V=34 1/4"W x 40" H
2V=21"W x 40" H
H=52 3/4" L X 181/2" H
3V=23 1/4" L X 40" H
Curb Side Compartments
1 V=34 1/4"W x 40" H
2V=21"W x 40" H
H=52 3/4" L X 18 1/2" H
3V=23 1/4" L X 40" H
Standard Shelving
(2)Adjustable Shelves 1 st and 2nd Verticle
(1) Bolt-In Divider Shelf Curbside Horizontal
(1)Adjustable Divider Shelf Rear Verticle
(28)Shelf Dividers
Tailboard channels at rear of bed
Interior and Exterior Knap White
Aerial Lift Understructure
33 1 2018 FORD F550 84CA 6.71-DIESEL
Current Mileadge-12,074
Warranties-1 year on DURALIFT PRODUCT
GRAND TOTAL $102,000.00
Note: WA State Tax not included
D60412 24"x24"x42" FIBERGLASS BASKET W/STEP $522.00
The prices and terms on this quotation are subject to verbal or other agreements unless approved in writing by the Home Office of the Seller. All quotations
and agreements are contingent upon strikes,fires,availability of materials,and other causes beyond our control.Typographical and stenographic errors are
subject to correction. The Purchaser assumes liability for patent and copyright infringement when goods are made to the Purchasers specifications. When
the quotation specifies material to be furnished by the Purchaser,the material must be of suitable quality to facilitate efficient production.
Any conditions not specifically stated herein shall be goverened by established trade customs. Terms inconsistant with those stated herein which may
appear on the Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller.
If chassis info is not complete additional charges&options will be required.
Freight: All Freight charges are estimates given at the time of the quotation. Dur-A-Lift does not assume liabiity for the cost of freight at the time of shipment.
We are pleased to submit the above quotation for your consideration. Should you place an order,be assured it will receive our prompt attention. This
quotation is subject to the conditions below. Payment terms quoted are subject to change based on the Dealers account status at the time of the order.
3770 Brooklake Road NE
Salem, OR. 97303 <<VERSAL1F1> S-21483ME-1
971.940.8924 a
Customer: Mason County Public Works Date: 08-20-2020
Attn: Jeremy Seymour
Fleet Supervisor
360-427-9670 ext.387
We are pleased to quote the VERSALIFT SST-40-EIH, an insulated, end mounted 40 ft. telescopic articulating
aerial platform lift,45 ft.working height including the following standard and optional features:
• Standard platform capacity of 350 lbs. (158.7 kg).
■ VERSALIFT TruGuardTm dielectric isolating system with right hand single stick control. All control handles are
isolated and tested per ANSI 92.2. The high resistive dielectric system is protected from direct environmental
and job related contamination. TruGuardTm technology incorporates the use of full hydraulic controls with
durable metal handles and linkages.
■ 1800 hydraulic platform rotator.
■ Full pressure turret mounted lower controls including override.
■ Engine start/stop system with controls at platform and lower controls.
■ Continuous unrestricted rotation including three pass collector ring.
■ Three gpm(11.4 Ipm)open center hydraulic system.
■ Chassis insulating system (lower boom insert) including fiberglass compensation link providing 12 inches(0.30
m) insulation-gap.
■ Fiberglass inner boom and patented ELECTROGARD providing 42 in. (1.07 m) insulation gap fully retracted
meeting ANSI A92.2 requirements for Category C, 46 KV and below.
■ Hydraulic tool power at bucket. Quick disconnect couplers not included.
■ ELECTROGARD and inner boom finished with white urethane paint over white gel coat.
■ Integral hydraulic oil reservoir with dual.sight gauges and 15 gal. (56.8 1) capacity.
■ End mounted closed 24 in. x 30 in. x 42 in. (0.61 m x 0.76 m x 1.07 m)fiberglass platform with one step, liner
and cover.
■ Master/slave hydraulic leveling with upper control to tilt for clean-out and rescue. Leveling control at lower
■ Non-Tube bearings used at all pivot points.
■ Multi-link hose carrier system through booms. .
■ Boom cradle and ratchet type tie down strap.
■ Two speed throttle control.
• 12-volt DC backup pump providing power to all boom functions.
■ Mounting hardware for chassis/cab installation.
■ Full body harness and lanyard.
■ Painted standard white urethane.
■ Two operator's manuals and two service manuals.
■ ANSI A92.2 data plate.
SST-40-EIH Date: 03-17-2020
VERSALIFT.COM Page 1 of 3 Quote#: S-21483
■ Cab and chassis to the following specifications:
■ 2019 Ford F-550 4x4 cab and chassis with a CA of 84"
■ GVWR: 19,500 lbs. payload plus upgrade package.
■ 6.71-4V OHV Power Stroke V8 turbo diesel engine
■ TorgShift 6-speed automatic transmission
■ Snow plow prep package including dual alternators(Total 332-Amps)
■ 4.88 limited slip axle.
■ Air conditioning.
■ Engine block heater
■ 225/70Rx19.5G BSW traction tires.
■ Radio: AM/FM stereo includes 4 speakers.
■ HD vinyl 40/20/40 slit bench seat
■ Trailer brake controller
■ Operator Commanded Regeneration (OCR)
■ Rear view camera and prep kit
• Painted Oxford White.
■ 132" long x 40" high x 94"wide steel service body including the following:
■ 24"tread plate tail shelf.
■ Cable access step at rear and side access.
■ Two (2) chrome grab handles at side access and two(2) pool type grab handles for rear tail shelf.
■ Stainless steel automotive rotary door latches with chain stops on all doors.
■ LED lighting package installed in tail shelf with additional cutouts for strobe lights
■ Master door lock hook and loop system on each door with two (2) spring loaded door handles. Excludes 1st
vertical curbside.
■ Wheel chock storage on curbside.
■ Street side Compartmentation:
■ 1st Vertical: Two (2) adjustable shelves with dividers.
■ 2"d Vertical: One (1) adjustable shelf with dividers.
■ Horizontal: Open.
■ Rear Vertical:Two (2) adjustable shelves with dividers.
• Hot stick shelf with rear access door.
■ Curbside Compartments:
■ 1st Vertical:Two (2) adjustable shelves with dividers
■ 2"d Vertical: Grip strut access steps to bed area with removable composite side gate.
■ Horizontal: Open.
■ Rear Vertical: Five (5)fixed material hooks (1-3-1)
■ Installation to include the following:
■ Install VERSALIFT SST-40-EIH, mounting hardware, PTO and pump.
■ Install rear torsion bar and ballast
■ Install and paint service body and accessories.
■ Install combination pintle hitch with 2" ball, D rings and 7 prong trailer connector
■ Install two(2) amber strobe lights in tail shelf and two (2)strobes lights in front grill
• Install mud flaps, back up alarm and park brake.interlock system.
■ Furnish fire extinguisher, 3-piece triangle reflector kit and wheel chocks.
■ Test ride completed unit for 1 hour.
■ Test and certify per ANSI A92.2
SST-40-EIH Date: 03-17-2020
VERSALIFT.COM Page 2 of 3 Quote#: S-21483
Total net price for VERSALIFT SST-40-EIH, body and installation: $ 63,426.00
Total net price for cab and chassis: $ 44,092.00
Complete total net price: $ 107,518.00
Terms: Payment due upon delivery. MSO will be released after payment is made in full.
Shipment: Above price includes delivery to Mason County Public Works
Validity: This unit is complete and ready for immediate delivery. Ready to go units are sold on a first come
basis.Above final price does not include and taxes title or document fees.
Thank you for this opportunity,
Mike Eastman
Regional Sales Manager
Cell: 971.940.8924
Email: mikeeastman(aD_versalift.com
SST-40-EIH Date: 03-17-2020
VERSALIFT.COM Page 3 of 3 Quote#: S-21483
FROM: Sheryl Hilt
DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office EXT: 636
BRIEFING DATE: October 26, 2020 11:15
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Update on End of Year MCSO budget projections.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
The Sheriff's Office has completed an End of Year projection that anticipates
overspending the allotted budget if projections hold.
These projections include previously approved equipment purchases, expenses for
COVID mitigation and salaries, and additional unanticipated revenue losses and
If projections hold the MCSO will need an additional $167,615 in budget authority.
Budget Supplemental spreadsheet
Briefing Summary 10/21/2020
Working Washington 2.0 Grading Matrix
Application Completion Verification:An application is considered incomplete if the following fields have
not been filled out: UBI, company name, company description,company location, economic impact, use
of funds or job retention.Applications are judged on the information provided.
Incomplete applications are disqualified.Applications that have already received grant funding for
COVID-19 support have been disqualified.Applications for businesses outside of Mason County have
been disqualified.All applications being reviewed have been verified using Washington State Dept. of
Revenue (https://secure.dor.wa.gov/gteunauth/J#39).
Timeline: Review and grading of the applications will be finished and returned to the EDC of Mason
County by 5pm on October 21, 2020.
Note:As it stands today,there are no businesses that are shutdown by order.
Name: Enter Business Name. Award: ❑ Yes ❑ No
UBI Number: Enter UBI Number. Expenses Total: Enter amount
Expenses Total: Enter expenses total. Panelist: Enter reviewer's name.
Business Assign 1 point-If the business is operational Range:I-3
impact Assign 2 points- If the business appears to be only partially opened due to
business restrictions for COVID and/or has some revenue
Assign 3 points- If the business is closed and does not generate revenue
Business Assign 0 points- If the business did not close Range:0-2
Closure Assign 1 points- If the business closed for less than 30 days
Assign 2 points- If the business closed for more that 31 days
Revenue Assign 1 point- If the business revenue loss was less than 33% Range: 1-3
impact Assign 2 points-If the business revenue loss was less between 34-66%
Assign 3 points- If the business revenue loss was greater than 64%
Permanent Assign 1 ijoint- If business likelihood of permanently closing is low Range: 1-3
closure Assign 2 point- If business likelihood of permanently closing is medium
Assign 3 point- If business likelihood of permanently closing is high
Job retention This is slightly subjective as they were asked to describe the negative impact Range:0-5
and include employee numbers while also explaining how the funding will be
used. (Add up
This business has more than 3 jobs. Is this grant going to help retain all qualifying
.obs? If yes, assign 3 points. points)
This business has less than 3 jobs. Is this grant going to help retain all
.obs? If yes, assign 2 points.
If able to retain at least 50%-assign 1 point(Example, only 3 of 6 jobs
If less than 50%-0 points
Business Assi n 0 point- If non-Hispanic Range:0-1
diversification Assign 1 point- If Hispanic
Assign 0 point- If white/Caucasian Range:0-1
Assign 1 point- If race other than white/Caucasian or multi-racial
Assign 0 point- If the business is not female head of household Range:0-1
Assign 1 point- If the business is female head of household
Assign 0 point- If the business is not Office of Minority or Women's Business Range:0-1
Enterprise certified
Assign 1 point- If the business is Office of Minority or Women's Business
Enterprise certified
otal: 20
Assign 5points- If the applicant has provided concrete numbers for several
expected expenditures.These examples amount or exceed the amount
Extra mile Assign 1 point—If employer has demonstrated creative ways to keep the Range:0-5
Bonus Points business running. Examples are: new ways to provide business services,
well-thought out safety precautions. (Add up
Assign 1 point—If the company is a minority,women,tribal,or veteran- qualifying
owned business. points)
Assign 1 point—If the applicant has built an excellent case for this award.
Assign 2 points—If this business indicated that they support PPE
production by adjusting operations and manufacturing a new product.
FROM: Jennifer Beierle
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: October 26, 2020
ITEM: Overview of the 2021 Proposed Budget 2"d Draft
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board review the first draft of the
2021 Mason County Budget for the general fund by department and all other funds at the fund
ATTACHMENTS: 2021 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation — revenue &
expenditures summary by departments within the general fund and revenues &expenditures
summary by fund
J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2020\Briefing Summary 10.5.2020-2021 Proposed
Budget Presentation.doc
2021 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation
October 26,2020
Fund Dept Prgm
000 Total Beginning Fund Balance 11,636,958 11,636,958 12,100,445 12,767,631 12,767,631 1,232,369 14;000,000 14,6 0,000 -
010 Total WSU 19,000 20,500 11,937 12,000 12,000 11,500 23,500 `23,500'.. .
020 Total Assessor 7,000 7,000 17,085 7,000 7,000 - 7,000 'r ,7;000. -
030 Total Auditor 1,029,190 1,198,700 803,665 1,065,017 1,130,017 1,130,017 " , : :1,130,017: .
050Total Emergency Management 64,648 64,648 4,968 56,082 56,082 - 56,082 ', 56,082' -
055 Total Facilities&Grounds - - 200 - -
057 Total Human Resources/Risk Management - - - -
070 Total Clerk 328,058 328,058 114,877 366,348 366,348 366,348 366,3418
080 Total Commissioners - - - - - - -
090 Total Support Services 700 700 66 700 700 700 700,
100 Total District Court 978,652 978,652 457,301 1,010,757 1,010,757 1,010,757 1,010;757
125 Total Community Development 1,790,810 1,790,810 1,123,037 2,177,600 2,177,600 - 2;177,600 2,177,6010 -
126Total Historical Preservation - - - - 16,000 16,000 161000... 16,000
146 Total Parks&Trails 44,000 44,000 7,140 44,000 44,000 - 44,000 44,000,: -
170 Total Juvenile Court Services 1,161,972 1,161,972 564,093 1,162,614 1,161,580 (142) 1,161,438 1,161,438
180Total Prosecutor 192,951 192,951 79,804 248,575 248,575 - 248,575 248,575
185 Total Child Support Enforcement 209,515 209,515 90,593 159,126 159,126 159,126 159,126'
190 Total Coroner 35,000 35,000 11,200 35,000 35,000 35,000' 35,000. -
205 Total Sheriff 1,017,443 1,126,875 560,157 878,835 878,835 122,000 1,000,835 ` ' 1,000,835 20,000
240 Total Office of Public Defense 204,767 204,767 75,817 204,767 204,767 - 204,767 294,767 -
250 Total Superior Court 68,927 68,927 17,453 68,350 68,350 68,350 68;350 -
255 Total Family Court 2,500 2,500 1,064 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
256 Total Therapeutic Court 610,884 610,884 171,665 636,507 636,507 - 636,507 636,507:,`
260Total Treasurer 26,348,450 26,348,450 13,277,374 25,676,764 25,676,764 550,000 26;226,764 26,226,764
300 Total Non Departmental 3,829,804 3,956,682 1,633,516 3,853,486 3,853,486 150,000 4,003,486 4,003;486-: 0.
305 Total Motor Pool - - - 447,202 447,202 - 447,202 447,202', -
310Total Non Departmental - - - - -
001 Total I IGeneral Fund 49,581,229 49,988,549 31,123,459 50,880,861 50,944,827 2,081,727 53,026,554 53020,554. 1. 0"' 314 000
Total General Fund Revenue Excluding BFB: 37,944,271 38,352,591 19,023,014 38,113,230 38,177,196 849,358 39,026,554 39,026,554 0 (314,000)
Additions from or since 10/5/2020 Briefing:
Addition to Beginning Fund Balance 1,232,369
Total Change to Department Revenue since 10/5/2020 briefing: tH31]4,000)
Total Additions to General Fund 2021 Mnt Level 3 Revenue Budget since 10/5/2020 briefing: 918.369
2021 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation
October 26,2020
=PLR. Approved by
Fund Dept Prgm
010Total WSU 289,539 293,274 129,543 299,303 298,662 11,637 310,299 310,299 (0)
020Total Assessor 1,431,829 1,433,285 724,124 1,413,071 1,415,216 3,329 1,418,545 1,414,785 3,760' (74,437}
030 Total Auditor 1,562,467 1,738,549 867,167 1,728,895 1,728,895 (1,633) 1,727,262 11701,259� 26,003, 74,659
050Total Emergency Management 231,362 232,009 151,018 231,371 231,058 113 231,171 231,172 (1)
055 Total Facilities&Grounds 1,261,412 1,309,792 550,108 1,331,249 1,331,249 11,169 1,342,418 11342,418 0
057 Total Human Resources/Risk Management 587,483 592,660 314,700 603,070 602,072 (83) 601,989 661,987 2
058Total LEOFF 100,044 100,044 44,659 100,044 100,044 - 100,044 100,044
070 Total Clerk 1,031,143 1,037,808 559,283 1,123,479 1,123,479 (16,47S) 1,107,004 1,107,003: 1
090 Total Commissioners 349,669 349,669 186,718 355,517 355,517 93 355,610 355,610 (0)
090Total Support Services 706,210 716,397 383,475 733,735 733,735 532 734,267 734,265 . 2
100 Total District Court 1,289,657 1,291,480 647,773 1,575,386 1,575,597 19,629 1,595,226 1,385;8.28,; 209,398,' 45,700
125Total Community Development 2,254,222 2,459,927 1,180,105 2,452,605 2,452,605 185,368 2,637,973 2,637,973 (0) 283,956
126 Total Historical Preservation - 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
146 Total Parks&Trails 546,795 547,442 236,000 546,239 520,388 12,231 532,619 532,619 0
170Total Juvenile Court Services 1,934,750 1,943,451 995,209 2,020,573 2,021,773 2,085 2,023,858 2,023,861, (3)
180 Total Prosecutor 1,664,147 1,668,998 781,639 1,858,425 1,858,425 12,417 1,870,842 1,870,843. (1) 14,901
185 Total Child Support Enforcement 209,515 210,658 99,747 159,126 159,126 96 159,222 159,222 0 34,234
190 Total Coroner 321,934 321,934 155,079 1 333,735 319,907 24,332 344,239 344,239, 0
205 Total Sheriff 13,273,319 13,393,473 7,064,129 17,806,688 17,099,585 (1,295,545) 15,804,040 14,637,719 1,166,321 365,292
208 Total Courthouse Security 170,740 170,740 84,921 170,740 170,740 - 170,740 -170,740 -
240 Total Office of Public Defense 1,123,875 1,127,136 571,007 1,145,461 1,143,466 2,480 1,145,946 1;144,946: 1,000 34,044
250Total Superior Court 980,806 986,175 512,478 1,010,218 1,010,218 402 1,010,620 .1,010,620 0 4,185
255 Total Family Court 2,500 2,500 1,070 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500
256 Total Therapeutic Court 614,669 617,849 258,252 636,507 636,507 195 636,702 636,702 0 8,033
258Total Murder Expenditures 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,001)
260 Total Treasurer 821,533 823,053 446,701 870,225 870,225 539 870,764 870,765 (1) 6,595
300Total Non Departmental 4,202,036 4,328,914 1,259,692 4,983,650 4,984,779 - 4,984,779 4,884,779 100,000 61,129
305 Total Motor Pool - 37,438 7,258 54,564 54,564 24 54,588 54,58$ 0
310 Total Transfers Out 913,913 913,913 714,322 467,594 467,594 - 467,594 467,594'• 0'
320Total jEnding Fund Balance 11,656,660 11,291,981 12,197,286 11,656,660 7,626,901 3,092,792 10,719,693 12,226,175 (1,506,482)
001Total I General Fund 49,581,229 49,988,549 31,123,459 55,720,630 50,944,827 2,061,727 53,026,554 53,026,554 0 874,291
Total General Fund Expenditures Excluding EFB: 37,924,569 38,696,568 18,926,173 44,o63,970 43,317,926 (1,011,065) 42,306,861 40,800,379 1,506,482 874,291
Total Revenues Less Expenditures on 10/26/2020: (3,280,307) (1,773,825)
Total Revenues Less Expenditures on 10/5/2020: (585,539)
Difference between 10/26/2020 and 10/5/2020: (1,188,286)
PLR's added to maintenance level since 30/5/2020 (874,291)
PLR's added to revenue since 10/5/2020: (314,000)
Total PLR's added since 10/5/2020: (1,188,291)
Addition to EFB: 44,078
Total Additions to General Fund 2021 Mnt Level 3 Expenditure Budget since 30/5/2020: 918,369
2021 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation
October 26,2020
Fund Dept Prgm
001 Total General Fund 49,581,229 49,988,549 31,123,459 50,880,861 50,944,827 2,081,727 53,026,554 53,026,554 0+: (3I4,000}
103 Total Sales Use Tax 1,203,392 1 1,203,392 386,002 1,617,997 1,617,997 1,617,997 1,617,997 (0)
104 Total Auditor's 0&M 407,322 407,322 36,051 439,925 439,925 - 439;925 439,925-• 0
105 Total County Road 28,850,774 28,889,699 7,012,897 27,603,241 26,785,538 2,340,309 29,125,847. 29,125,847 0.
106 Total Paths&Trails 285,892 285,892 5,846 294,222 294,222 - 294,222 2941222- 0.
109 Total Election Equipment 181,832 181,832 67,240 271,987 271,987 271,987 271,987 (0)
110 Total Crime Victims 178,365 178,365 40,526 191,910 191,910 191,910 - 191,910 (0),
114 Total Victim Witness Activity 77,086 77,086 26,003 74,907 74,907 74,907 - 74,907 (0)
-116 Total Historical Preservation 34,560 34,560 10,060 58,905 58,905 58,905 58,905 ' 0:
117Total 1 Community Support Services 2,254,700 2,740,105 1,075,281 2,371,173 2,371,173 2,371,173 `2;371,173 (0)
11BTotal jAbatement 287,545 287,545 1,717 286,484 286,484 286,484 ; 286,484 0
120Total Reet Property Tax 64,283 64,283 10,298 64,672 64,672 .64,672 64,672 (0)
134 Total National Forest Safety 88,092 88,092 21,466 43,092 43,092 (1,635) 41,457 41,457 0
135 Total ITrial Court Improvement 135,155 135,155 11,336 134,658 134,658 134,658 134,658.' _0
141 Total Sheriff Boating 208,947 141,468 155,207 155,207 (5,029). 150,178 150,178-,,"
142Total I Narcotics Investigation 96,797 88,180 89,469 89,469 8,031 97,500 97,500'
150Total Community Services Health 2,302,229 2,322,229 1,370,598 3,016,885 3,016,885 3,016,885 3,016,885 .(0)
160 Total Law Library 96,373 96,373 9,548 96,373 96,373 96,373 96,373 (0)
163Total LodgingTax 855,243 855,243 143,723 980,000 980,000 980,000 980,000 0
164 Total Mental Health Tax 2,518,040 2,518,040 679,567 2,383,683 2,383,683 75,000 2,458,683. 2;458,683 (0),
180Total Treasurer's O&M 270,136 270,136 160,596 292,511 293,323 - 293,323 2.93,323 (0)
190Total Veterans Assistance 187,060 187,060 79,368 191,422 191,422 191,422 191,422. - (0)
19ZTotal Skokomish Flood Zone 201,210 261,210 67,892 114,662 114,662 114,662 114;662 '` 0
194 Total Mason Lake Management 129,000 129,000 21,245 145,500 145,500 145,500, 145,500`; 0
195 Total Spencer Lake Management 14,500 14,500 9,605 19,650 19,650 19,650 19,650
199 Total Island Lake Management 29,000 29,000 5,662 40,650 40,650 40,650 40,650
205 Total Public Works Facility Bond 1,001,400 1,001,400 1,001,400 1,001,400 1,001,025 1,001,025 .1,001,025
215Total MCLTGO'2013Bond 141,135 1 141,135 118,021 138,667 138,667 138,6617 1381667 : .,0.
250 Total MC LTGO 2008 Bond 276,268 276,268 277,110 278,888 278,889 278,888 278,888 1,
350 Total REET 1 3,283,051 3,283,051 620,597 2,342,700 2,342,700 2,342,700 2,342,700 : (0)
351Total REET2 3,993,988 3,993,988 625,846 3,710,000 3,710,000 3,710,000 3,710,000. 101
402 Total Mason County Landfill 4,820,342 4,820,342 2,346,166 5,220,185 5,220,185 5,220,185 5,220,185 (0)
403 Total I NBCI Sewer Utility 2,718,409 2,718,409 1,169,648 2,671,727 2,671,727 .2,671,727 2,671,727', .. (0);
404 Total NBC]Sewer Reserve 654 654 654 654 (654)
405 Total W W System Development 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 - 3,986, .3,986
411 Total Rustlewood Sewer&Water 464,939 464,939 128,759 479,767 479,767 11,864 491,631 491,631, 0
412Total Beards Cove Water 801,957 801,957 114,824 797,782 797,782 797,782 -797,782, 0•
413 Total Belfalr W W&W Reclamation 2,542,876 4,542,876 1,350,228 4,806,527 4,806,527 4,806,527 4,806,527 0'
428Total Landfill Reserve 439,180 439,180 2,807 439,180 439,180 439,180 4391180... (0)
429 Total Beards Cove Reserve 48,180 48,180 6,474 48,180 48,180 171,763 219,943 219,943 =.(0)
480Total Storm Drain System Development 167,241 1 167,241 - 180,717 180,717 - 180,717. 1180,717; .' (0)
500Total Information Technology 1,030,503 1,030,717 751,305 1,044,178 1,044,179 - 1,044,179 ' :1,044;179 . (0)
501 Total Equipment Rental&Revolving 7,347,298 7,347,298 1,019,980 6,419,134 6,419,134 69,800 6,487,934 6,487,933
502Total Unemployment Fund 242,334 242,484 73,073 231,293 231,293 (1,288) 230,005 . "230,005:, (0),
Total Excluding General Fund 70,315,730 73,556,168 21,088,413 70,794,150 69,976,885 2,667,161 72,644,046 72,644,047 (1) 314,000
Grand Total I I All Funds 1 119,896,959 1 123,544,717 1 52,211,871 121,675,011 120,921,712 4,748,888 125,670,600 125,670,601 (1
2021 Mason County Proposed Budget Presentation
October 26,2020
Fund Dept Prgm
0131 Total General Fund 49,581,229 49,988,549 31,123,459 55,720,630 50,944,827 2,081,727 53,026,554 53,026,554 • ' : 0 874,291
103 Total Sales Use Tax 1,203,392 1,203,392 468,531 1,617,997 1,617,997 - 1,617,997 1,617;997 (0)
104 Total Auditor's O&M 407,322 407,322 62,645 439,925 439,925 - 439,925 439925:•` 0
105 Total County Road 28,850,774 28,889,699 6,724,111 26,847,710 26,785,538 2,340,309 29,125,847 29,125,847. 0 1,670,000
106 Total Paths&Trails 285,892 285,892 779 294,222 294,222 - 294,222 294,222 -0
109Total Election Equipment 181,932 181,832 953 271,987 271,987 271,987 271,987., 0.
110 Total Crime Victims 178,365 178,365 43,399 191,910 191,910 191,910 191,910 (0)
114Total Victim Witness Activity 77,086 77,086 27,600 74,907 74,907 74,907 74,907• 0.
116 Total Historical Preservation 34,560 34,560 2,429 58,905 58,905 58,905 58,905
117Total Community Support Services 2,254,700 2,740,105 158,695 2,371,173 2,371,173 2,371,173 2,371,173 . (0).
318Total Abatement 287,545 287,545 663 286,484 286,484 286,484 286;484", 0."
120Total Reet Property Tax 64,283 64,283 16,400 64,672 64,672 1 64,673 - 64,673 (0)
134Total National Forest Safety 88,092 88,092 2,515 43,092 43,092 (1,635) 41,457 41;457 0
135Total Trial Court Improvement 135,155 135,155 2,560 1 134,658 134,658 134,658 134,658, 0 -
141 Total Sheriff Boating - 208,947 15,824 155,207 155,207 (5,029) 150,178 150;178 0
142Total Narcotics Investigation - 96,797 4,391 89,469 89,469 8,031 97,500 97,500 -0
150 Total Community Services Health 2,302,229 2,322,229 1,144,776 3,016,885 3,016,885 - 3,016,885 :" 3;016,884 1 (1)
160Total I Law Library 96,373 96,373 16,067 96,373 96,373 - 96,373 96;373 . (0).
163Total Lodging Tax 855,243 855,243 161,678 980,000 980,000 - 980,000 980;000 (0)
164 Total Mental Health Tax 2,518,040 2,518,040 415,686 2,383,683 2,383,683 92,570 2,476,253 2,458,683 17,570 27,417
180 Total Treasurer's O&M 270,136 270,136 64,984 292,511 293,323 293,323 •293,323-.. A
190Total Veterans Assistance 187,060 187,060 54,494 191,422 191,422 191,422 ,191,423` (1)
192Total Skokomish Flood Zone 201,210 261,210 20,808 114,662 114,662 114,662 114,66,2 (0)
194 Total Mason Lake Management 129,000 129,000 3,595 145,500 145,500 145,500, "145,500. 0
195 Total Spencer Lake Management 14,500 14,500 1,940 19,650 19,650 19,650 19,650 0
199 Total Island Lake Management 29,000 29,000 846 40,650 40,650 40,650 40;650` 0
205 Total Public Works Facility Bond 1,001,400 1,001,400 854,125 1,0D1,400 1,001,025 1,001,025 -1,001,025
215 Total MC LTGO 2013 Bond 141,135 141,135 33,167 138,667 138,667 138,667 13$1-667 0
250 Total MC LTGO 2008 Bond 276,268 276,268 35,434 278,988 278,888 278,888. 278,889 1`
350 Total REET 1 3,283,051 3,283,051 939,930 2,342,700 2,342,700 2,342,700- 1,9421700
351 Total REEF 2 3,993,988 3,993,988 440,888 3,710,000 3,710,000 - 3,710,000 3,710,000 (0)
402Total Mason County Landfill 4,820,342 4,820,342 2,034,335 5,220,185 5,220,185 2,343,615 7,563,800 5,220,185 2,343,615 191,499
403 Total NBCI Sewer Utility 2,718,409 2,718,409 762,491 2,671,727 2,671,727 - 2,671,727 2,671,727 6 4,000
404 Total NBCI Sewer Reserve 654 654 0 654 654 (654)
405 Total WW System Development 3,986 3,986 - 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986
411 Total Rustlewood Sewer&Water 464,939 464,939 212,795 479,767 479,767 11,864 491,631 - 491;628 3 38,704
412 Total Beards Cove Water 801,957 801,957 73,545 797,782 797,782 - 797,782 797,782 .0- 15,D00
413 Total Belfa!r WW&W Reclamation 2,542,876 4,542,876 934,109 4,806,527 4,806,527 4,806,527 4,806,526 1
428Total Landfill Reserve 439,180 439,180 16,906 439,180 439,180 439,180 439,180 : 0. 275,500
429 Total Beards Cove Reserve 48,180 48,180 1,877 48,180 48,180 171,763 219,943,., 219,943': 0
480Total Storm Drain System Development 167,241 167,241 823 180,717 180,717 - 180,717 180,717 :0: -
500Total Information Technology 1,030,503 1,030,717 375,032 1,044,178 1,044,179 1,044,179 1,044;179 . 0
501 Total Equipment Rental&Revolving 7,347,298 7,347,298 1,868,370 6,419,134 6,419,134 68,799 6,487,933, 6,487,933.; 0 1,220,000
502Total UnemploymentFund 242,334 242,484 36,424 231,293 231,293 (1,288) 230,005 230,005_, (0)
Total Excluding General Fund 70,315,730 73,556,168 1 18,283,964 70,039,619 69,976,885 5,028,346 75,005,231 72,644,038 2,361,193 2,865,663
Grand Total JAII Funds 119,896,959 123,544,717 49,407,423 125,759,249 120,921,712 7,110,073 128,031,785 125,670,592 2,361,193 3,739,954