HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/2018 Mason County Civil Service Commission
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2018
The regular meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Mason County Building 1, Commission
Chambers, at 411 N. 51h Street, Shelton, WA by Chairperson Byrd.
Attendance: B. Dean Byrd, Chair; Brian Kelly, Vice-Chair (Excused Absence); and Matthew Davis,
Others: Chief Tami Beyer and Becky Rogers, Secretary/Chief Examiner
A. Approval of Minutes: October 18, 2018 regular meeting minutes.
Commissioner Davis/Byrd moved and seconded to approve the regular meeting minutes
for October 18,2018 as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Chief Examiner Update
a. Position Control—It was noted that there are six vacancies—3 corrections deputy positions; 2
deputy sheriff positions and 1 community service officer position.
b. Discussion about Minimum Score on Examinations for positions other than Deputy Sheriff and
Corrections Deputy. The Chief Examiner brought forward the discussion from the October
meeting and the Board's motion to review the Civil Service Rules for the70% rule. A copy of
CSR 6.3 Rating Examinations and CSR 6.4 Minimum Score on each Section was provided the
Board. The motion included that"Every applicant who passed the written test with a 70% will
have their score combined with the Oral Board score and moved to the Eligibility List to be
ranked." Chairperson Byrd stated that in the future they may want to consider changing the
Civil Service Rules to avoid any confusion.
c. Approval of the removal of the position of Food Service Coordinator as covered by Civil
Service Rules. Chief Beyer noted that when the County went to a contract to provide food
service for the jail, the Food Service Coordinator position descriptions were changed to
Community Service Officer position descriptions.
Commissioner Byrd/Davis moved and seconded to remove the position of Food Service
Coordinator as covered by the Civil Service Rules. Motion carried unanimously.
d. Approval of position description formatting and other changes:
1. Animal Control Officer
2. Civil Clerk
3. Clerk
4. Community Service Officer
5. Corrections Deputy
6. Deputy Sheriff
7. Evidence Technician
8. Finance Manager
9. Financial Assistant
10. Records Specialist
Mason County Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes
November 15,2018
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Human Resources has been updating position descriptions to include language regarding
physical requirements and job class, also formatting to standardize all position descriptions.
Becky Rogers, Chief Examiner, requested the Board's approval of the position descriptions,
excluding the Community Service Officer and Deputy Sheriff descriptions, which were
circulated to the Sheriff's Office.
The Community Service Officer and Deputy Sheriff position descriptions are asked to be held
until there is adequate language for the physical requirements.
Chair Byrd asked if the Sheriff's Office has had an opportunity to review the position
descriptions. Chief Beyer stated that they have reviewed them with the exceptions noted for
Community Service Officer and Deputy Sheriff position descriptions. She had a few questions
and they were satisfied by Human Resources.
Commissioner Byrd/Davis moved and seconded the position descriptions for Items I —10
above; excluding Items 4 and 6, be approved Motion carried unanimously.
All approved position descriptions will be linked to the position description title on the Mason
County Civil Service website.
e. December meeting—Becky Rogers asked if the Board would approve cancelling the December
third Thursday regular meeting and set a special meeting on the fourth Thursday of December,
or if there is no business, cancel the meeting, due to staffing schedules. Chair Byrd stated he
would prefer the meeting be earlier rather than later. The Board cancelled the December
regular meeting and set a special meeting on the second Tuesday, December 13th at 5 pm.
If there is no business, the meeting will be cancelled and notification provided to the members.
C. Sheriff's Office Update
a. Tami Beyer, Chief, updated the Board on staff. Nicole Kennedy, Records Specialist, is
back from maternity leave.
b. Barb Hubbard, Extra Help, will remain in the Sheriff's Office until December 31St. Chair
Byrd asked what the plan is after December 31 st. Chief Beyer responded they hope the
County 2019 budget will be passed and they can fund some positions.
D. Adjourn-- The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Mason County Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes
November 15,2018
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Dean Byrd Brian Kelly h r ew Davis
Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner
Becky Rogers
Secretary/Chief Examiner