HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2014 Mason County Civil Service Cononuismkoo
April l7,20l4
Call Meeting to Order—Chair Brian Kelly called the meeting to order u15:03 pm.
Roll Call—Present: Chair Brian Kelly, Commissioner Louann Davis, Commissioner Skeeters-
Lindsey, Chief Examiner Dawn Twiddy, Chief Jan Shepherd,Undersberiff Barrett,and Chief
Minutes: Commissioner[)uvia/Sbe/tera-l.indumy moved and seconded approval of the March 20,
20i4 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried with all infavor.
A. Sheriff Update
Dudcruhmdff Barrett discussed the staffing levels a1the jail stating that they have 4
vacancies, 3 new employees that are in training, and | out on Federal Medical
Leave. He said the average daily population is around 130 inmates. He discussed
the strain that is occurring with the vacancies versus the high number of inmates.
Commissioner Davis asked if there was uneed for extra help in the jail.
Undersheriff Barrett said that he has been discussing the possibility of using some
of the deputies as overtime,rmaon'e officers, city reserve officers and uorurnimmionod
officers. They have also contacted neighboring jails posting the need for extra help.
Commissioner Davis stated that all extra help people would need to fill out an
application and submit it to Chief Examiner Twiddy. Chief Examiner Twiddy will
then evaluate their qualifications and create an extra help eligibility list.
OuderuheriffBarrett stated that the background process has ruled out many ofthe
applicants that have been on the cooectionaotfiuoclist. The time involved inthe
process is draining on the current staff when there are so many turnovers and people
on the eligibility lists that get half way through the process and then need to be
removed for one reason or another. Ile also stated that the Sheriff e Office ix
considering outsourcing dxehucbgrouodproceoutouuotbecio`*enforccmcotugcucy.
There was discussion about advertising for corrections officers. There was also
discussion about the ability to keep officers here in Mason County rather than being
ubainiug ground for employees to move onk`other counties who pay more orare
closer to their home.
Chief Shepherd discussed the IT position and stated that it remains unfilled. She
said that the Sheriff m Office im working with Frank Pinter, Budget Manager, on
possibly contracting with the current county lI staff<oprovide u dedicated person
to the Sheriff Office to handle most ofthe Sheriff's technical work.
Undersheriff Barrett commented that the contracted IT services would be paid for
out of the professional services line in the Sheriff's budget, allowing for the position
to be retained in the Sheriff's Office. There was discussion about possibly changing
this vacant Sheriff IT position to another administrative assistant position.
B. Chief Examiner Update
Chief Examiner Twiddy reviewed the updated Community Service Officer
Eligibility list and noted that after all the testing was completed, only two candidates
passed with a 70%or higher score. Chief Examiner Twiddy stated that she had
discussed the issue with Chief Shepherd who reported there has since been a change
in the Sheriff's Department. One of the current,part time Community Service
Officers has moved into the full time position leaving only a part time Community
Service Officer vacancy.
Undersheriff Barrett said they would like to use boating money expected from a
grant to fund the part time Community Service Officer position, but wants to wait
until the approved grant documents are in hand before moving forward with a new
position description and announcement.The new posting will clearly state that it is a
part time position.
Chief Examiner Twiddy stated there were 42 applications received for the Clerk
position and the written test was held this morning,April 17th. The Oral Board is
scheduled to take place next Wednesday,April 23Td. Chief Shepherd requested to sit
in on the Oral Board interviews.
Chief Examiner Twiddy requested approval of the Police Operations&Corrections
Lieutenant,Clerk, and the Corrections Corporal job descriptions.There was a
discussion regarding the minimum experience and education qualifications for the
Lieutenant positions at the March meeting and since have been reworded as
requested by the Commissioners. An amended job description was sent out and all
have reviewed the changes prior to tonight's meeting.
Commissioner Davis/Skeeters-Lindsey moved and seconded to approve the Police
Operations and Corrections Division Lieutenant, Clerk and Corrections Corporal
classification specifications as presented. Motion carried with all in favor.
Adjourn-Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Approved May 15, 2014
firian-<61y i4eeeters-Lindsey Louann Davis
Chair Commissioner Commissioner
Dawn Twiddy, Chief Examiner